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Seventh Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, June 2009 (2003 Scheme) 03-702 : GAS DYNAMICS (M)

Time : 3 Hours Instructions :1) Answer all questions in Part A.

Max. Marks : 100

2) Answer one question from each module in Part B. 3) Compressible flow tables are permitted. PART A 1. Explain impulse function. 2. Write the concept of pressure coefficient. 3. Differentiate between system and control volume approaches. 4. What is temperature recovery factor ? 5. How does expansion waves occur in supersonic flows ? 6. Explain shock strength. 7. What is meant by dimensionless Mach number ? 8. Differentiate between adiabatic flow and isentropic flow. 9. Explain Rayleigh flow. 10. What do you understand by choking in Rayleigh flow ? (104=40 Marks)




PART B MODULE I 11. a) Derive the energy equation for a control volume. 10

b) Air is supplied to a convergent divergent nozzle at a pressure of 5 bar and 700C. The air expands to a pressure of 2 bar. What is the mass flow rate per cm2, throat area and exit velocity if the initial velocity is 50 m/s. Find also the values of Mach numbers at the inlet, throat and exit of the nozzle. 10 OR 12. a) Establish the following relationship for one dimensional isentropic flow of a perfect gas.
2 dV dT = (1 k ) M . T V


b) A wind tunnel is to give a Mach number of 3 in the test section. The stagnation pressure and temperature are 110 kN/m2 and 350 K. Throat area = 900 cm2. Determine : i) Pressure, temperature, velocity and density at throat and test section. ii) Area of test section and mass flow rote. MODULE II 13. a) Derive the following relation in Rayleigh flow
1+ k M = * 2 T 1 + kM T
2 2


b) Air enters a constant area duct with a velocity of 30 m/s, pressure of 400 kN/m2 and temperature of 400 K. The stagnation temperature of air in the combustion chamber is increased to 3 times its initial value. Determine : i) The Mach number, pressure and temperature at exit, ii) % change in stagnation pressures. iii) Change in entropy iv) Heat supplied per kg of air. 14 OR

*2979* 14. a) Derive an expression for



4 f L max for Fanno flow in terms of initial Mach D number and ratio of specific heats.

15 5

b) Prove that the Mach number at the maximum entropy point on a Fanno curve is unity. MODULE III

15. a) Derive an expression for entropy changes across a normal shock in terms of upstream Mach number, downstream Mach number and ratio of specific heats. 14 b) Air enters a supersonic wind tunnel of nozzle throat area 350 cm2 and test section area 600 cm2. Determine the test section, Mach number and diffuser if a normal shock is located at the test section. OR

16. a) Describe the instrument used for measurement of stagnation pressure and static pressure. 10 b) Explain the working of an interferometer. __________________ 10

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