Purple Line Extension June Meeting

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Purple Line Extension

Station Advisory Group June 6, 2013

Tonights Agenda
Project Overview & Schedule Role of Advisory Group Construction Relations Construction Overview Questions & Answers

Project Overview & Schedule Role of Advisory Group Jody Litvak

Meet the Team

Dennis Mori Executive Officer, Project Management Jim Cohen Deputy Executive Officer, Project Management Scott McConnell Director, Construction Management David Mieger Deputy Executive Officer, Countywide Planning & Development Yvette Rapose Director, Construction Relations Jody Litvak Director, Community Relations

Approved Project

Approved Project - Schedule

Planned Schedule Section 1 Length 3.9 Miles Wilshire/La Brea Wilshire/Fairfax Wilshire/La Cienega Forecasted Schedule Section 2 2.6 Miles Wilshire/Rodeo Century City Section 3 2.9 Miles Westwood/UCLA Westwood/VA Hospital

New Stations

Pre-Construction Activities Construction Operations

Current - 2014 2014 - 2023 2023

2017 - 2018 2019 - 2026 2026

2025 - 2027 2027 - 2035 2035

Section 1 Next Steps

Now and ongoing: Pre-construction (selecting Design-Build contractor, utility relocations, exploratory shaft, real estate acquisitions, discussions with cities, etc.) January 2014: Full-Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) anticipated 2014: Construction begins

Station Advisory Group Section 1

Comprised of representatives from communities in the project area including residents, businesses, property owners, key institutions and associations Representatives suggested by elected officials and other key organizations Provide ongoing dialog with community representatives Provide ongoing feedback between Metro and the community May occasionally meet as sub-groups Meet quarterly for duration of project (8 - 10 years)

Construction Relations Yvette Rapose

Construction Relations - Role

Specialized Unit Matrixed to Construction
Public Outreach, Stakeholder Communication & Direct Construction Impact Mitigation Project Management Plan Mitigation Measures Reporting Plan

Construction Relations - Structure

Communications Project Director Construction Construction Relations Director Construction

Construction Relations Manager Construction Relations



New Media Officer


Construction Relations - Support

Direct Project & Contractor Support:
Interdepartmental Management Coordination Pre-Construction Coordination Business Preparation & Coordination Resident Preparation & Coordination

Construction Relations Tactics & Outreach

Construction Notices, Fact Sheets & Educational Videos
Did You Know?
Public Outreach Tactics:
Door-to-Door Distribution E-blasts Project Website Project Hotline 3rd Party Websites/Blogs/Other Media

Social Media Outreach:

Facebook Twitter YouTube

Construction Relations - Community

Construction Safety Awareness Training, Local Construction Activities, Schedule Stakeholder Communications:
Station Advisory Group (SAG) Elected Officials Staff Neighborhood Councils, HOAs & Residents Chambers of Commerce/BIDs/Business Associations Business Owners Educational & Cultural Institutions Faith-Based Organizations

Construction Relations Issues Resolution

Implement measures in support of the approved Environmental Impact Statement/Report (EIS/R) Contractor coordination Resolution of direct impacts Facilitate complaints between the public & the Contractor

Business Profiles - Goals

Metro Construction Relations will conduct business profile surveys along the Purple Line Extension Section 1
Visit every business along the alignment Conduct thorough interviews Coordinate construction activities Understand business operations

Pre-Construction Business Support Project Area Discount Program

The Project Area Discount program is an opportunity for businesses directly along the alignment, and within a mile radius, to advertisewithout coston the Purple Line Extension project page and the Metro website in exchange for providing customers an added value incentive Free to businesses Metro.net enjoys 1.5 million viewers monthly Full marketing program

Construction Overview Dennis Mori

Section I Wilshire/Western to Wilshire/La Cienega

Section I - Wilshire/La Brea Station

Entrance at NW corner on Metro-owned property Construction staging on NW & SW corners of Wilshire/La Brea TBM launched from this location Crossover tracks extend box to the east

Section I - Wilshire/Fairfax Station

Entrance at SE corner Wilshire/Orange Grove 2 construction staging sites:
South side of Wilshire between Orange Grove & Ogden NW corner of Wilshire/Fairfax (Johnies)

Discussions with LACMA about potential second entrance on north side of Wilshire Johnies will be preserved; potential future entrance

Section I - Wilshire/La Cienega Station

Entrance at NE Corner 2 construction staging sites:
NE corner Wilshire/La Cienega NW corner Wilshire/Gale

Crossover tracks extend box to the east TBM removal site at conclusion of tunneling

Standardized (Modular) Station Design Kit of Parts

Station Entrance Canopy and Plaza Canopy as a Metro iconic design element Standardized elements for passenger familiarity, circulation and security

Major Activities

Utility Design/Station Construction Third Party Coordination

Relocation and final design of utilities require close third party coordination between Metro, the utility companies, the City of Los Angeles, City of Beverly Hills and the contractors.

Advanced Utility Relocation

Relocated Utilities (Clear of Shoring Piles)

Wilshire/La Brea Station Shoring Piles (Typical)

To facilitate the construction of major critical path construction activities, three contracts are being initiated to relocate water, power and sewer lines in advance of awarding the Design/Build tunnels and stations contract. The contract for the Wilshire/La Brea advanced utility relocation work was awarded and will begin construction in July 2013. Invitation For Bids (IFB) for the remaining two Advance Utility Relocations Contracts for Wilshire/Fairfax and Wilshire/La Cienega are being solicited in June and July 2013.

Traffic Control Plans

Traffic Control Plans to be approved by Cities of Los Angeles & Beverly Hills

Work Zone

Final Traffic Control Plans are done by the Design-Builder

Typical Station Box Construction

Protective Concrete Traffic Barrier

Work Zone

Construction Fence

Installation of Soldier Piles

Soldier pile installation in Hollywood during Metro Red Line construction (1995)

Typical Station Box Construction


Deck Beam

Installation of Deck Beams

Typical Station Box Construction

Completed Deck Installation
Typical Sequence Plan for Deck Construction Hollywood/ Highland Station

Traffic Control Plans during deck installation to be approved by Cities of Los Angeles & Beverly Hills

Construction Relations & Third Party Coordination

Community meetings and internet project updates and construction notices will be provided by Metro Construction Relations Department. Early community outreach involving major stakeholders related to real estate activities began after the FTA issued a Record of Decision in August 2012. Early utility work involving the relocation of communication cables began in November 2012 at the Wilshire/La Brea station site. Plan reviews, permitting and other early construction activities to support the advance utility relocations in the City of Los Angeles and City of Beverly Hills are continuing. Continue third party coordination with City of Los Angeles and City of Beverly Hills to receive approvals to optimize work hours in an effort to reduce overall construction duration and impacts at station sites.

What Exemptions is Metro Seeking?

Peak Hour: Allows construction to continue in the public right of way during peak hours (rush hours) Extended Work Hours: Allows overnight work within specific noise limits Holiday Moratorium: Allows construction to continue between Thanksgiving and New Years Day


Minimize overall duration of construction impacts Begin Advance Utility Relocation in July 2013 Exemptions in Bid Documents Complete project in early 2023

Weekday Work Hour Restrictions

Non-Restricted Work Hours

Optimal Schedule Without Restrictions

Activities Requiring Exemptions

Activity Utilities, shoring and street decking Utility Relocations Building Demolition - Laydown Areas Pile Installation Street Decking Hauling / Materials Deliveries Below Street Decking Tunnel Construction Station Construction Hauling / Materials Deliveries Work shifts Days / Nights Days Days / Nights Days / Nights Days / Nights Peak Hour Exemption Night-time Noise Variance Holiday Moritorium Weekend Closures

Days / Nights Days / Nights Days / Nights

Remove street decking & street restoration Street Decking Removal Days / Nights Street Restoration Days / Nights Hauling / Materials Deliveries Days / Nights

Wilshire/Fairfax Station Site Exploratory Shaft

6th St

Page Museum

La Brea Tar Pits Wilshire Blvd

Exploratory Shaft Site

Wilshire/Fairfax Station Site Exploratory Shaft

Gain better understanding of unique ground conditions Measure behavior of ground support structure Refine methods for finding & recovering fossils Provide data and information to Design/Builder for tunnels and underground station design and construction

Fossil Recovery at LACMA Parking Garage

Wilshire/Fairfax Station Site Exploratory Shaft

Contractor began site construction activities in April 2013 Construction fencing installation will include Metro signage and graphics 18 W x 38 L X 70 D exploratory shaft will be constructed by 2014 9 month monitoring period to obtain data following construction of the exploratory shaft to begin in January 2014

Placement of geotechnical instrumentation before shaft construction

Fencing will include project banners

Stay in Touch
metro.net/purplelineext purplelineext@metro.net Infoline: 213.922.6934 Twitter.com/purplelineext Facebook.com/purplelineext


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