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Lesson 86 Phonetics Suit: A set of outer clothes made of the same fabric and designed to be worn together, typically

consisting of a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt. Sample: A small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like. A specimen taken for scientific testing or analysis. Isolate: To place in quarantine. Garment: An item of clothing. Undergo: Experience or be subjected to (something, typically something unpleasant, painful, or arduous). CT scan: is a medical imaging procedure that utilizes computer-processed Xrays to produce tomographic images or 'slices' of specific areas of the body. These cross-sectional images are used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in various medical disciplines. Filter: A porous device for removing impurities or solid particles from a liquid or gas passed through it. Tolerate: Accept or endure (someone or something unpleasant or disliked) with forbearance. Fungi: Any of a group of unicellular, multicellular, or syncytial spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including molds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools HEPA: A high efficiency particulate air, or HEPA , filter is a type of high-efficiency air filter. Vocabulary 1. Whats a CT scan used for? It is used for obtaining images of specific areas of the body. These images show special details that would help with diagnostic. 2. Where can you get free samples of dairy products? I suppose you can get these samples from a dairy products factory. 3. What do you do when you cant tolerate someone? I try to talk with the person but if that doesnt work I just try to be calmed without saying anything and when I see the opportunity for leaving I just leave.

4. Whats the synonym of the word garment? These are some synonyms: costume, outfit, dress, suit. 5. When isnt it convenient to wear a suit? When you know youre going to get dirty yourself. 6. Whats the function of an air filter? The function of an air filter is cleaning the air from particles and microorganisms for protect the people who breath that air. 7. What does the acronym HEPA mean? It means High-Efficiency Particulate Air. 8. Why insane people should be isolated from the general public? Because these people could spread the disease to healthy people. 9. Whats the singular of the word fungi? The singular of the word fungi is fungus. 10. After finishing university studies, what must you undergo in order to graduate? I have to approve all the subjects, present and support my thesis and pass the internships. Overall, I have to pay to get my diploma. LESSON 94 PHONETIC 1. Empirical 2. Antifungal 3. Neutropenic 4. Refractory 5. Broad-Spectrum 6. Clinical Trials 7. Itraconazole 8. Amphotericin B 9. Breakthrough 10. Withdrawal B. VOCABULARY 1. What is the empirical antifungal therapy used for? 2. What is the other word to talk about neutropenic? 3. When can we say that a material is refractory to heat? 4. When can we say that a disease has a broad-spectrum treatment? 5. Do you know in your country clinical trials for AIDS or cancer? 6. Is the intraconazole a broad spectrum antifungal agent? 7. Is the amphotericin B an antibiotic to treat systemic fungal infections? 8. What is a synonym of breakthrough?

9. When does a doctor decide to withdraw a treatment? LESSON 93 Phonetics Aspergillosis.:Its the name given to a wide variety of diseases caused by infection by fungi of the genus Aspergillus. Outcome: result, end, consequence, conclusion Sinus:is a cavity within a bone or other tissue. Most are commonly found in the bones of the face and connecting with the nasal cavities Lung: Is the essential respiration organ in many air-breathing animals. Their principal function is to transport oxygen from the atmosphere in tot he bloodstream, and to release carbondioxide from the bloodstream into the atmosphere. Endpoint: is a mark of termination or completion. Proven: A past tense and a past participle of prove. Prove: To establish the truth or validity of by presentation of argument or evidence. Allogeneic: Is the transplantation of cells, tissues, ororgans, to a recipient from a genetically non-identical donor of the same species Disseminated: To become diffused; spread. Pleural effusion: is excess fluid that accumulates between the two pleural layers, the fluid-filled space that surrounds thelungs. Excessiveamounts of such fluid can impairbreathingbylimitingtheexpansion of thelungsduringventilation. Graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) an allogeneic tissue transplant. is a common complication following

Micafungin: is an antifungaldrug.It inhibits the production of beta-1,3-glucan, an essential component of fungal cell walls. Vocabulary 1. What is the aspergillosis caused by? Aspergillosis is an infection caused by species of the genus Aspergillus. 2. What is a synonym of outcomes? Some synonyms are: result, consequence, end, effect, etc.

3. How is the inflammation of the sinuses named? Its named sinusitis or rhinosinusitis. 4. If you smoke, can you get a lung cancer? Yes, you can. Definitely, its been demonstrated that smoking is a risk factor for developing of lung cancer. 5. What is the endpoint of an advanced cancer? If the patient doesnt receive the proper medical attention, the endpoint of cancer will be death. 6. Have you known about a proven treatment for the AIDS? Yes, we have. The first is the antiretroviral therapy which suppresses the HIV virus and stops the progression of HIV disease. By the other hands, scientific are working on a vaccine. 7. What is a definition for allogeneic? In transplantation biology, denoting individuals (or tissues) that are of the same species but antigenically distinct. 8. When does a doctor say the disease has been disseminated? Doctor says this when the disease has extended beyond its origin and involved the bloodstream to "seed" other areas of the body. 9. What is the common expression to say that a person has pleural effusion? We dont know that expression, but another name for this condition is interposing liquid syndrome. 10. What is the principal cause for the graft-vs-host disease? The principal cause is incompatibility in the HLA genes. If these genes are very different the possibilities of success are reduced because of hosts immune system will recognize as foreign tissue and will attack it. 11. What is micafungin used for? Its used for treat pulmonary aspergillosis.

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