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Tutorial Minggu 18 Menulis Format APA

Sumber Rujukan Menurut Helene, Lloyd & George (2009) telah menyatakan bahawa childrens conceptual learning can be assessed and evaluated more readily utilizing authentic, real world situations in which learners must decide not only how to solve the problem but also whether the result is reasonable.

Helene, J. S., Lloyd, I. R., George, J. Y. (2009). Teaching Learners Who Struggle with Mathematics : Systematic Intervention and Remediation (2nd ed) . Upper Saddle River, N. J: Merill / Prentice Hall.

Berdasarkan pandangan E. Paul Torrance (1965) dalam buku Leonard M. S. Young telah menerangkan bahawa Creativity is a process of becoming sensitive to problems, deficiencies, gaps in knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies... identifying the difficult; searching for solutions, making guesses or formulating hypotheses about the deficiencies; testing and retesting theses hypotheses... finally communicating the results.
Leonard, M. S. Y. (1993). The Joy of Creativity. Kuala Lumpur :Percetakan Cergas.

Tutorial Minggu 18 Menulis Format APA

.Because the students had to physically make changes to the spinner during an experiment invoving dependent events, they were able to quickly recognize the difference between dependent events and independent events. (Shari & Vanessa, 2007)
Shari, A. B., Vanessa, E. H. (2007, May). A Virtual Spin on the Teaching of Probability. Teaching Children Mathematics. 13(9). 482-486. Council of Teachers of Mathematics. National

The beliefs and attitudes about teaching mathematics that arise from such histories are often highly resistant to change and tend to conflict with Standards-based views of teaching mathematics, that is, views that see learning largely as a problem-solving enterprise (Ball 1996 dalam artikel Jerry 2003).

Jerry A. A. (2003, Oktober). The Chinese Abacus. Mathematics Teaching In The Middle School. 9(2). 110-115. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

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