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6 Pressure Relieving Devices

Codes and regulatory requirements and best practices

Overpressure Protection
A paramount safety consideration is the prevention of loss of containment due to vessel or pipeline overpressure situations.
Loss of containment can result in impact to human life and the environment, when flammable, explosive, hazardous, or toxic chemicals are released to the p atmosphere. Loss of containment can also result in economic impact due to production unit replacement/repair costs and production losses.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant

Over-Pressure Protection
Wherever pressure equipment and piping systems are used, continuous vigorous effort is required throughout the plant life cycle to safeguard such equipment and avoid overpressure-related ruptures.
Failures happen when the internal pressure of a vessel exceeds its maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP), often from a build-up of heat or materials.

Ruptures p of vessels, , boilers, , piping, p p g, seals, , and connections, can lead to fire and explosion, and the loss of liquids and vapors, all of which threaten personnel safety and the environment, and could result in significant asset losses.

What is the Hazard?

Despite safety precautions
Equipment failures Human error, and External events, can sometimes lead to

Increases in process pressures beyond safe levels, potentially t ti ll resulting lti in i OVERPRESSURE due to a RELIEF EVENT

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant

Potential Consequences of Pressure Vessel Overpressure

Accumulation (% over MAWP) 10% Significance ASME code allowable accumulation for process upset cases (non-fire) protected by a single relief device ASME code allowable accumulation for process upset cases protected by multiple relief devices ASME code allowable accumulation for external fire relief cases regardless of the number of relief devices ASME standard hydrostatic y test pressure p (may be 30% on new designs) Potential Consequence No expected consequence at this accumulation level. No expected consequence at this accumulation level. No expected consequence at this accumulation level. Possible leaks in associated instr mentation etc instrumentation, etc. Medi Medium m consequence. Catastrophic vessel rupture remote possibility. Significant leaks probable. Failure of damaged vessel areas (corrosion, cracks, blisters, etc. likely. High consequence. Catastrophic vessel rupture predicted. Highest consequence.





Minimum yield strength (dependent on materials of construction) Ultimate tensile strength (dependent on materials of construction)


Potential Lines of Defense

Inherently Safe Design
Low L pressure processes

Passive Control
Overdesign of process equipment

Active Control
Install Relief Systems

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant

Basic Equipment Protection Layer

Local motor control Pressure relief devices Manual shut-off valves

Typical Pressure Relief Valve Without a Stop Valve

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant

Pressure Envelope Integrity

Relationships between equipment, overpressure scenarios, and relief devices


Relief Devices

Overpressure Scenarios

Primary objective: Ensure that all equipment has the necessary overpressure protection

Pressure Relief Devices

By definition, pressure relief devices are actuated t t d by b inlet i l t static t ti pressure and d are designed to open during an emergency or abnormal condition to prevent a rise of internal fluid pressure above the maximum allowable working pressure of the system.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant

Pressure Relief Devices

Since pressure relief devices are the final line of defense to prevent possible over pressurization pressurization, it is imperative that they be properly designed, sized, set, installed, inspected, and maintained. These devices must be self-acting and meet the rigorous requirements of the ASME B&PV Code. Pressure relief requirements for new pressure vessels are defined in ASME Section VIII, Div. 1 Paragraphs UG-125 through UG-136

Overpressure Protection
Industry standards from the American Petroleum Institute (API) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) provide criteria for the design and protection of vessels and pipelines from rupture or damage caused by excess pressure. In conventional designs, pressure relief devices (PRD), such as pressure relief valves, rupture discs, etc. are used as the primary means of pressure protection. The design of each pressure relief device is based on the assessment of overpressure scenarios, such as typically experienced with the total loss of cooling or power supply, external fire, etc.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant

Safety Relief System

Two g general classes of devices - Self-Closing: design provides for closing of flow path when the system pressure returns within its acceptable range Example - Spring safety valve - Non-self-closing: Remains open. Typically, the process must be shutdown and the device replaced Example: Burst diaphragm
Copyrights by CCPS/American Institute of Chemical Engineers and copied with the permission of AIChE

Pressure Relief Valves

Pressure Relief Valve (PRV): generic term applied to relief valves, safety valves and safety relief valves, g to reclose automatically. y designed Relief Valve: spring loaded pressure relief device actuated by the static pressure upstream of the device, which opens in proportion to the pressure increase over the opening pressure. It is used primarily with liquids. Safety Valve: spring loaded pressure relief valve actuated by the static pressure upstream of the valve. It normally has a rapid or pop opening characteristic and is generally used for compressible fluids i.e. Steam and gases. Safety Relief Valve: spring loaded pressure relief valve that may be used as a safety or relief valve.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant

Safety and Relief Valves

Pressure Relief Devices

Pressure Relief Devices
Non-Reclosing Pressure Relief Devices Vacuum Relief Devices Pressure Relief Valves

Breaking Pin Device

Rupture Disc

Spring Loaded Non-Reclosing Pressure Relief Device

Spring Loaded Pressure Relief Valve

Pilot Operated Pressure Relief Valve

Conventional Composite Graphite

Scored Tension Reverse Action

Relief Valve Safety Valve Safety Relief Valve

Conventional Balanced

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant

API 520 Definitions

Pressure Relief Device: Actuated by inlet static pressure and designed to open during emergency or abnormal conditions to prevent a rise of internal fluid pressure in excess of a specified design value. The device also may be designed to prevent excessive internal vacuum. The device may be a pressure relief valve, a non-reclosing pressure relief device, or a vacuum relief valve.

API 520 Definitions

Pressure Relief Valve: A pressure relief device designed g to open p and relieve excess p pressure and to reclose and prevent the further flow of fluid after normal conditions have been restored.
a. A relief valve is a spring loaded pressure relief valve actuated by the static pressure upstream of the valve. The valve opens normally in proportion to the pressure increase over the opening pressure. A relief valve is used primarily i il with i h incompressible i ibl fluids. fl id b. A safety valve is a spring loaded pressure relief valve actuated by the static pressure upstream of the valve and characterized by rapid opening or pop action. A safety valve is normally used with compressible fluids.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant

API 520 Definitions

Pressure Relief Valve (contd) A safety relief valve is a spring loaded pressure relief valve that may be used as either a safety or relief valve depending on the application d A conventional pressure relief valve is a d. spring loaded pressure relief valve whose operational characteristics are directly affected by changes in the back pressure..

API 520 Definitions

Pressure Relief Valve (contd) e. Balanced B l d Pressure P Relief R li f Valve: V l A spring i l loaded d d pressure relief valve that incorporates a bellows or other means for minimizing the effect of back pressure on the operational characteristics of the valve f. Pilot Operated p Pressure Relief Valve: A p pressure relief valve in which the major relieving device or main valve is combined with and controlled by a self actuated auxiliary pressure relief valve (pilot).

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


API 520 Definitions

Non-reclosing Pressure Relief Device: A pressure relief device which remains open after operation. operation A manual resetting means may be provided. Rupture Disk Device: A non-reclosing pressure relief device actuated by static differential pressure between the inlet and outlet of the device and designed to function by the bursting of a rupture disk. disk A rupture disk device includes a rupture disk and a rupture disk holder.

API 520 Definitions

a. Rupture Disk: A pressure containing, pressure and temperature sensitive element of a rupture disk device. b. Rupture Disk Holder: The structure which encloses and clamps the rupture disk in position. (Some disks are designed to be installed between standard flanges without holders). c. Nonfragmenting N f i Rupture R Disk: Di k A rupture di disk k designed and manufactured to be installed upstream of other piping components, such as pressure relief valves, and will not impair the function of those components when the disk ruptures.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


API 520 Definitions

Pin-Actuated Device: A non-reclosing pressure relief device actuated by static pressure and designed to function by buckling or breaking a pin which holds a piston or a plug in place. Upon buckling or breaking of the pin, the piston or plug instantly moves to the full open position Maximum Operating Pressure: The maximum pressure expected during normal system operation.

API 520 Definitions

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP): The maximum gauge pressure permissible at the top of a completed vessel in its normal operating position at the designated coincident temperature specified for that pressure. The pressure is the least of the values for the internal or external pressure as determined by the vessel design rules for each element of the vessel using actual nominal thickness, exclusive of additional metal thickness allowed for corrosion and loadings other than pressure

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


API 520 Definitions

MAWP (contd) Th maximum The i allowable ll bl working ki pressure is i the h basis for the pressure setting of the pressure relief devices that protect the vessel. The MAWP is normally greater than the design pressure but must be equal to the design pressure when the design rules are used only to calculate the minimum thickness for each element and calculations are not made to determine the value of the MAWP.

Pressure Reducing and Isolation Devices

Devices such as pressure reducing valves and pneumatic or electric operated valves are not considered as sufficiently positive in action to prevent excess pressure from being developed and do not meet ASME B&PV code requirements for a pressure relief device

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


ASME Section VIII Div.1 UG125 General (Excerpts)

(a) All pressure vessels within the Scope of this Division irrespective of size or pressure, Division, pressure shall be provided with pressure relief devices in accordance with the requirements of UG125 through UG137. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the required pressure relief devices are properly installed prior to initial operation. These pressure relief devices need not be supplied by the vessel Manufacturer. Unless otherwise defined in this Division, the definitions relating to pressure relief devices in Section 2 of ASME PTC 25 shall apply.

ASME Section VIII Div.1 UG125 General (Excerpts)

(c) All pressure vessels other than unfired steam b il shall boilers h ll be b protected t t d by b a pressure relieving li i device that shall prevent the pressure from rising more than 10% or 3 psi, whichever is greater, above the maximum allowable working pressure except as permitted in (1) and (2) below. (See UG134 for pressure settings.) (1) When multiple pressure relief devices are provided and set in accordance with UG 134(a), they shall prevent the pressure from rising more than 16% or 4 psi, whichever is greater, above the maximum allowable working pressure.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


ASME Section VIII Div.1 UG125 General (Excerpts)

(2) Where an additional hazard can be created by exposure of a pressure vessel to fire or other unexpected sources of external heat, supplemental pressure relief devices shall be installed to protect against excessive pressure. Such supplemental pressure relief devices shall be capable of preventing the pressure from rising more than 21% above the maximum allowable working pressure.

UG127 Nonreclosing Pressure Relief Devices (Excerpts)

(a) Rupture Disk Devices (1) General. Every rupture disk shall have a marked burst pressure established by rules of UG137(d)(3) within a manufacturing design range at a specified disk temperature and shall be marked with a lot number. Th burst The b pressure tolerance l at the h specified ifi d disk di k temperature shall not exceed 2 psi for marked burst pressure up to and including 40 psi and 5% for marked burst pressure above 40 psi.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


UG127 Nonreclosing Pressure Relief Devices (Excerpts)

3) Application of Rupture Disks (a) A rupture disk device may be used as the sole pressure relieving device on a vessel. Note: When rupture disk devices are used, it is recommended that the design pressure of the vessel be sufficiently above the intended operating pressure to provide sufficient margin between operating pressure and d rupture disk d k bursting b pressure to prevent premature failure of the rupture disk due to fatigue or creep.

UG127 Nonreclosing Pressure Relief Devices (Excerpts)

(b) A rupture disk device may be installed between a pressure relief valve and the vessel provided: (1) the combination of the pressure relief valve and the rupture disk device is ample in capacity to meet the requirements of UG133(a) and (b); (2) the marked capacity of a pressure relief valve (nozzle type) ( yp ) when installed with a rupture p disk device between the inlet of the valve and the vessel shall be multiplied by a factor of 0.90 of the rated relieving capacity of the valve alone, or alternatively, the capacity of such a combination shall be established in accordance with (3) below;

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


UG127 Nonreclosing Pressure Relief Devices (Excerpts)

(3) the capacity of the combination of the rupture disk device and the pressure relief valve may be established in accordance with the appropriate paragraphs of UG132; (4) the space between a rupture disk device and a pressure relief valve shall be provided with a pressure gage a try cock gage, cock, free vent, vent or suitable telltale indicator. This arrangement permits detection of disk rupture or leakage.

UG133 Determination Of Pressure Relieving Requirements

(a) Except as permitted in (b) below, the aggregate capacity of the pressure relief devices connected to any vessel or system of vessels for the release of a liquid, air, steam, or other vapor shall be sufficient to carry off the maximum quantity that can be generated or supplied to the attached equipment without permitting a rise in pressure within the vessel of more than 16% above the maximum allowable working pressure when the pressure relief devices are blowing.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


UG133 Determination Of Pressure Relieving Requirements

(b) Pressure relief devices as permitted in UG 125(c)(2) as protection against excessive pressure 125(c)(2), caused by exposure to fire or other sources of external heat, shall have a relieving capacity sufficient to prevent the pressure from rising more than 21% above the maximum allowable working pressure of the vessel when all pressure relief devices are blowing. ( )V (c) Vessels l connected d together h by b a system of f adequate piping not containing valves which can isolate any vessel may be considered as one unit in figuring the required relieving capacity of pressure relief devices to be furnished.

Required PRD Set Pressure

Set pressure is defined as the pressure at which the pressure relief device will begin to open. open B&PV Code requirements for set pressure are given in Table 1 (next slide) These requirements are based on the Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) of the system. The MAWP is based on the ASME B&PV code for the h most severe pressure and d temperature combination expected in normal operation.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


PRV Discharge Piping to Flare Header System

Pressure relief valve discharge piping to a closed relief system should be self-draining self draining to the blowdown drum or other means for liquid/vapor separation and disposal. The main headers should be continuously sloped so that there are no pockets for liquid accumulation. PRV discharge piping and main headers may be subjected bj d to very wide id temperature ranges. This Thi should be considered in their design and layout.

Typical Pressure Relief Valve With a Stop Valve

NOTE: The stop valve must have a full port area greater than or equal to the inlet size of the pressure relief valve. The stop valve should be used only as permitted by applicable codes.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Typical SRV Installation - Open Discharge

Per the ASME B&PV Code the inlet piping Code, must be equal to or larger than the nominal size of the relief device inlet. The inlet piping must be d i d so that designed h the th total pressure loss does not exceed 3% of the SRV set pressure.

Isolation Block Valves Related to PRDs

Multiple Process Vessel Protection ASME paragraph UG-133(c)
Vessels connected together by piping not containing valves which can isolate any vessel may be considered as one unit when figuring the required relieving capacity
RGC Feed


Heater HP Separator

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Isolation Block Valves Related to PRDs

Isolation Block Valves Related to PRDs UG-135(d): ( ) There shall be no stop valves between the vessel and its PRDs except:
when they are so constructed or positively controlled that the closing of the maximum number of block valves possible ibl at t one ti time will ill not t reduce the relieving capacity provided by the unaffected PRDs below the required relieving capacity, or Appendix M is met


Isolation Block Valves Related to PRDs

Previous Appendix M

Stop valves could always be installed on the upstream and downstream of a relief valve to permit inspection, testing and maintenance if the following conditions are met 1 Administrative 1. Ad i i i Controls C l are provided id d to prevent unauthorized closure of the valve 2. Mechanical locking devices are installed on the valves 3. Valve failure controls are provided to prevent accidental closure 4. Procedures are in place to provide other pressure relief when the relief valve is out of service
An authorized person shall continuous monitor the pressure condition and be able to respond promptly by opening other valves or by closing the source of overpressure Person shall be dedicated with no other duties Person shall have documented procedures and training System should be isolated only for the time required Time required should be kept to an absolute minimum

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Recent ASME revisions to Appendix M

Paragraph M-5(g) Stop valves, including remote operated valves, may be provided in the relief path where there is normally a process flow if the following are met: M-5(g)(1) M 5( )(1) Th The fl flow resistance i of f the h stop valve l d does not reduce the relieving capacity required M-5(g)(2) Closure of the valve will be apparent to the operator such that corrective action can be taken and:
a) If the pressure due to closure of the valve does not exceed 116% of MAWP, then no controls are required b) If the pressure due to closure of the valve does not exceed y test p pressure multiplied p by y the ratio of the stress values at hydrostatic hydro and operating temperatures, and considering corrosion, then Administrative Controls and Mechanical Locking Elements are required c) If the pressure exceeds that in b), then the stop valves shall be eliminated or provide Administrative Controls, Mechanical Locking Elements, Valve Failure Controls and Valve Operation Controls or provide a relief device on each vesse

Isolation Block Valves Related to PRDs

Isolation Block Valves Related to PRDs

Administrative Controls for stop valves are procedures intended to ensure that personnel actions do not compromise the overpressure protection of the equipment. Administrative Controls for stop valves include:
(1) Documented Operation and Maintenance Procedures (2) Operator and Maintenance Personnel Training in the above procedures

Mechanical Locking Elements are physical barriers to valve operation and they must be deliberately removed to close the valve valve, e e.g. g chain locks locks, plastic or metal straps, straps car seals, etc. Valve Failure Controls are measures taken in the design and installation of a valve to assure that it does not fail closed

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Code Requirements for Staggered PRD Settings

For ASME Code applications, one pressure relief device must be set at or below the maximum allowable working pressure of the protected vessel. Additional devices may be set to open at higher pressures, but in no case except under fire conditions should the setting be more than 105% of the maximum allowable working pressure. When a pressure vessel is exposed to fire or another unexpected d source of f external l heat, h any supplemental l l pressure relieving devices may be set to open at a pressure not more than 110% of the maximum allowable working pressure of that vessel.

PRD Set Pressure - Vessels & Piping

121 116 110

Maximum allowable relieving gp pressure for fire contingencies g Maximum allowable relieving pressure for multiple pressure relief devices (except fire) Maximum allowable relieving pressure for single relief device (process contingencies) Maximum allowable set pressure for supplemental valves (fire contingencies) Maximum allowable set pressure for additional valves (process contingencies) Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) Maximum allowable set pressure for single valve Typical maximum operating pressure


100 85 - 90

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Set Pressure Tolerance/ Blowdown/Overpressure

Standards Relating to PRDs

ASME Pressure Relief Device Certification Symbols

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Emergency Relief System Design - 1

The design basis for the ERS system is based on the identification of the "Worst Credible Scenario" (WCS). Process upset conditions and fire cases are considered (Refer to API Scenario Checklist) Where thermally initiated polymerization is possible (in a fire) the reaction and subsequent two-phase venting should be considered.

Emergency Relief System Design - 2

For each scenario p proposed, p design g calculations should performed to estimate the orifice size of the relief device that would adequately protect the equipment. The scenario requiring the largest orifice size is identified as the "Worst Credible Scenario," and should be used as the design basis for the device, and documented in the safeguarding manual. Calculations for all cases should be documented in the files for each device.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


API RP 521 Scenario Check List

Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Overpressure Cause
Closed outlets on vessels Cooling water failure to condenser Top-tower reflux failure Side stream reflux failure Lean oil failure to absorber Accumulation of noncondensables Entrance of highly volatile material Overfilling storage or surge vessel

Item 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Overpressure Cause
Failure of automatic control Abnormal heat or vapor input Split exchanger tube Internal explosions Chemical Reaction Hydraulic expansion Exterior fire Power failure (steam, electric, other)

Typical PRV Sizing Scenarios

1. Inlet control valve failure 2. Blocked outlet 3. Loss of overhead coolant 4. Reboiler tube rupture 5. External fire Distillation system schematic

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Common Relief Cases

Comparison of ASME Section I to Section VIII

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Comparison of ASME Section I to Section VIII

Industry Recommended Practice

PRV Inspection and Testing Intervals
Interval (years)
Inspection/Test Liquid/Cryogenic Relief Devices Ext. visual Insp. 1 Int visual Int. is al Insp. Insp 2 Testing 2 Gas Relief Devices 2 5 5

Note: Actual intervals should be based on operating conditions and experience.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Non-Conformance of Pressure Relief Systems with Recommended Practices

15% Improper Installation 9% 12%
64% 0 10 Undersized Device No Relief Device Meets standards 20 30 40 50 60 70

Based on a 2002 study by Berwanger Inc. covering approximately 420 processing units, 42,000 pieces of equipment, and 25,000 relief devices in oil and gas, refining, petrochemical, and chemical facilities.

PRD Management System

PRD management system must be in place. Regular R l PRD audits di should h ld be b carried i d out to assess the current condition of their PRVs, in terms of proper installation, operation and maintenance. Existing PRV systems must be re-evaluated after every revamp project, as well as after any minor change that alters the operating conditions of the process or plant.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


PRD Documentation
Records of all inspections, testing and maintenance of f pressure relief li f devices d i should h ld be b maintained i i d for f the life of the system. They form the historical record of the conditions and services under which the valve operated. These are critical in demonstrating compliance with regulatory requirements and in adjusting the frequencies of inspections and testing to ensure the relief devices will provide overpressure protection.

Categories of PRD Service Severity (Fail Case Only)

Service Mild Description
Clean, filtered hydrocarbon products at moderate temperature. No aqueous phase present. Low in sulfur and chlorides. Failure is characterized by a long (25 years) MTBF. Failure is strongly characterized as a wear out type of failure, in which the failure finally comes due to an accumulation of damage over a long period of time. Examples include, product hydrocarbon streams, LPG, BFW, low pressure steam and clean gasses such as nitrogen and air. Hydrocarbons that may contain some particulate matter. A separate aqueous phase may be present, but is a minor component, however, clean, filtered and treated water may be included in this category. Some sulfur or chlorides may be present. Temperatures of up to 500oF. Failure occurs at an average (15 years) MTBF. Failure is weakly characterized as a wear out type of failure, in which the failure comes due to an accumulation of damage. Examples include, intermediate hydrocarbon streams, lube and seal oils, process water (not cooling water or BFW) and medium to high pressure steam. Hydrocarbons that are processed at temperatures above 500oF with significant tendency to fouling. Sulfur and chlorides may be high. Monomers processed at any temperature that can polymerize are in this group as well. Sometimes included are aqueous solutions of process water, including cooling water. Failure is characterized as a relatively short (7 years) MTBF. Failure is characterized as a random type of failure, in which the failure can occur due to a variety of mechanisms such as corrosion or plugging. Examples include, Heavy hydrocarbon streams such as crude, amine services, cooling water, corrosive liquids and vapors, and streams containing H2S.



N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Default Conventional PRV Fail to Open Weibull Curves (API 581)

Safeguarding Systems
The term safeguarding is used to describe the process of identifying and mitigating Process hazards to prevent uncontrolled loss of containment that could result in injury to personnel and release of toxic or harmful substances. Safeguarding Systems consist of pressure relieving devices (PRD (PRDs) s), instruments instruments, valves valves, insulation, insulation size restrictions on specific equipment, metallurgy, procedures, etc. Therefore, it includes all the protective devices and systems installed to protect against loss of containment.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Steps for implementing the Safeguarding process

Design Basis Memorandum (DBM) Process Design and Safeguarding Process Safeguarding Report Mechanical Design and Safeguarding Piping p g and d Instrument s u e Drawing w g( (P&ID) & ) Review ev ew Safeguarding Drawing Review Recheck initial Assumptions Final Design and Safeguarding Manual

Objectives of Safeguarding Documents

1 Identify and clarify the role of protective elements 1. which have been designed into a plant, as the final means of protection to avert situations that could result in loss of containment. 2. Provide a listing of these protective devices so that a testing program can be put in place to ensure their reliability reliability. 3. Identify limitations and constraints which must be recognized in operating, maintaining or modifying the plant.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Objectives of Safeguarding Documents

4. Record safety related considerations and premises that were incorporated in the design to ensure that they are not forgotten or overlooked in the future. 5. Provide assistance in any future plant modification to prevent inadvertently defeating protective features. 6. Provide a mechanism for training operation and maintenance i personnel l on protective i devices d i in i their h i unit

Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)

With the introduction of ISA standard ISA-S84.011996 Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for 1996, the Process Industries, many companies are beginning to assess the effects that this standard has on new and existing interlocks in their facilities. ISA-S84.01 refers to interlocks as safety instrumented systems [SISs] [SISs].

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


ANSI/ISA S84 Performance Requirements

Integrity g y Level Safety y Availability PFD ( (Probability y of Failure on Demand) 1 - S. Availability .001 - .0001 .01 - .001 .1 - .01 RRF (Risk Reduction Factor) 1 / PFD 1,000 - 10,000 100 - 1,000 10 - 100

3 2 1 0

99.9 - 99.99% 99 - 99.9% 90 - 99%

Process Control - Not Applicable

PRD Default Initiating Event (API 581)

Overpressure p Demand Case
Fire Blocked Discharge with Administrative Controls in Place Blocked Discharge without Administrative Controls Loss of Cooling Water Utility Thermal Relief with Administrative Controls in Place Thermal Relief without Administrative Controls Electrical Power Supply failure Control Valve Failure, Initiating event is same direction as CV normal fail position

Event Frequency F
1 per 250 years 1 per 100 Years 1 per 10 years 1 per 10 years 1 per 100 Years 1 per 10 years 1 per 12.5 years 1 per 10 years

IEFi (events/year) ( t/ )
0.004 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.08 0.1

R f Reference
9.7 9.11 9.11 97 9.7 Assumed same as Blocked Discharge Assumed same as Blocked Discharge 9.7 9.1

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Safety Systems Verification

Standards are now driven internationally, rather than by traditional efforts of national organizations in individual countries/markets. The IEC 61508 presents a generic safety life cycle (SLC) structure including phases from concept through decommissioning. Its key themes are to: analyze, design, verify, and document.
Hazard Analysis Risk Assessment Define Design Targets Document


Execute Design



Reliability Analysis of Safety Integrity and Availability



API 576 Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices - 3

The guide provides the reasons for inspection of f PRDs PRD and d refers f t to API RP 520 and d API RP 521 for hazards identification. It identifies two types of inspections :
1.Shop inspections/overhauls 2 Visual on 2.Visual on-stream stream inspections

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


API 576 Requirements Shop Inspection/Overhaul - 1

Periodically, PRDs will be removed, disassembled, and inspected (some if not all of the work can be performed in the field). Also, while the device is removed, inlet and outlet piping should be inspected, and records should be kept of their condition: Safety. Before inspection work and any repairs on PRD are executed, PRDs d safety f of f the h protected d equipment i should be maintained (especially if the equipment is in operation).

API 576 Requirements Shop Inspection/Overhaul - 2

Valve Identification. Each PRD should have means to show its company p y equipment q p number Operating Conditions. History since last inspection history Removal of Device from Systems in Operation . Precautionary measures Initial Inspection. Visual inspection of the valve should be performed immediately upon removal Inspection of Adjacent Inlet and Outlet Piping. Piping should be directly inspected when the protected equipment is out of service, otherwise, radiographic inspection should be used.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


API 576 Requirements Shop Inspection/Overhaul - 3

Transportation a spo tat o o of Va Valves ves to S Shop. op. Before e o e transportation t a spo tat o valve flange faces on valves and piping should be protected. Valves should be transported in the upright position, and appropriately rigged Determining As-Received Pop Pressure Check that the seals are intact on the pressure set screw cover and blowdown ring screw cover. The pop pressure should be obtained before the valve is dismantled, dismantled and recorded. recorded If the valve as received is extremely fouled and dirty, the user may waive the pop test to avoid damage to the valve. Visual Inspection. After the pop test the valve should be visually inspected to estimate its condition when removed from service, and the results recorded in appropriate forms

API 576 Requirements Shop Inspection/Overhaul - 4

Dismantling of Valve. If the valve has been inspected per API 510 and passed the as received pop test, then dismantling is not required Cleaning and Inspection of Parts. Parts should be properly marked, segregated, and cleaned thoroughly Reconditioning and Replacement Parts. Parts worn beyond tolerance should be replaced or reconditioned. Reassembly of Valve. The valve should be reassembled in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


API 576 Requirements Shop Inspection/Overhaul - 5

Setting of Valve Set Pressure. After the valve has been reconditioned and reassembled, its spring should be adjusted for the last time to ensure the valve will relieve at the required CDTO (cold differential test pressure). Checking Valve for Tightness. Once the valve is set to pop at its CDTP, it should be checked for leakage. Completion of Necessary Record. All necessary records should be completed before valve is placed back in service

API 576 Requirements Shop Inspection/Overhaul - 6

Inspection, Testing, Maintenance, and Setting of ASME Section I Boiler Safety Valves Inspection of these valves should be in accordance with applicable local regulations and power codes. Inspection of these devices should be in accordance with regulatory requirements and manufacturers recommendations

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


API 576 Requirements Visual On-stream Inspection - 1

A full visual on-stream inspection should ensure the following:
a. b. c. d. The correct relief device was installed. Appropriate company identification Established test interval has not been exceeded. No gags, blinds, closed valves, or piping obstructions would prevent the valves from functioning properly.

API 576 Requirements Visual On-stream Inspection - 2

e. Seals installed to p protect the spring p g settings and ring pin setting have not been broken. f. PRD does not leak
g. Bellows vents are open and clear and are routed to a safe location. h. Upstream and downstream block valves are sealed or chained and locked in the proper position. i. Vent stacks, discharge piping and small nipples are properly supported.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


API 576 Requirements Visual On-stream Inspection - 3

j. Valve body drains and vent stack drains are open. k Any lifting levers are operable and positioned k. properly l. Any associated heat tracing, insulation or purge is intact and operating properly m. Any gauge installed as part of a combination of a rupture p disc and a PRD is serviceable. n. Any rupture disc is properly oriented.

API 576 Requirements Inspection Frequency - 1

Inspection frequency varies with various operating conditions and environments to which PRDs are subjected. Inspections may be less frequent when operation is satisfactory and more frequent when corrosion, fouling, and leakage problems occur. Historical records reflecting periodic test results and service experiences for each relief device are valuable guides for establishing safe and economical inspection frequencies

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


API 576 Requirements Inspection Frequency - 2

A definite time interval between inspections or tests should be established for every PRD on operating equipment. Firm to ensure it will be made but flexible based on experience. In API 510, the subsection on pressure-relieving devices establishes a maximum interval between device inspections or tests of 10 year. It also indicates that the intervals between PRD testing or inspection should be determined by the performance of the device in the particular service concerned

API 576 - Frequency of shop Inspection/Overhaul

Normal Basis. The interval should not exceed th t necessary to that t maintain i t i the th device d i in i satisfactory operating condition Manufacturers Basis. Manufacturers manuals and recommendations Other Basis Basis. Requirements of applicable regulatory bodies

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


API 576 Frequency of Visual On-Stream Inspections

The interval should vary with circumstances circumstances, based on the results of previous on-stream inspections. The maximum interval for on-stream inspections is five years.
Some companies perform inspections for leakage and vibration damage (not full visual on-stream on stream inspection) each time a relief device operates. Also, after maintenance turnarounds are completed, some companies perform a full visual on-stream inspection before startup

Industry Recommended Practice

PRV Inspection and Testing Intervals
Interval (years)
Inspection/Test Liquid/Cryogenic Relief Devices Ext. visual Insp. 1 Int visual Int. is al Insp. Insp 2 Testing 2 Gas Relief Devices 2 5 5

Note: Actual intervals should be based on operating conditions and experience.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


Some Useful References

API RP 510, 572, 573 - Pressure Vessel Inspection. API RP 520, 521, 576 - Pressure Relief Devices. API Code 570 Piping Systems Inspection API RP 579 - Fitness for Service. API RP 580, 581 - Risk-Based Inspection. API RP 575, 653 Storage Tanks ANSI/ASME. Code for Pressure Piping, ANSI/ASME B31.1 and B31 B31.3. 3 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sections I through XI. NFPA. Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems, NFPA 69. National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. National Board Inspection Code

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant


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