Behind The Scenes

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Chira Emilia, Zigoli Elisa-Luise FLSC/ Franceza-Engleza/ an III

Mai 2013


Make up a story! Write a ghost story of 100-150 words. The story should include the words: scream, shout, wail, old mansion, specter, phantom, ghost. For a story to be clear to the reader, it should answer the following questions: 1. Who were the main characters? 2. What did the characters do? When? Where? Why? With whom? 3. What else happened? 4. How did the story end? Write here!

Good thinking, Batman The phrase, made famous by Batmans partner Robin, is sometimes used by people to congratulate someone who has a good idea. It could certainly be said to the producers of the film, Batman. Special effects Zoom! Along comes Superman, his cape flapping in the wind. He takes hold of the girl and gently deposits her on firm ground. Participle clauses 1. Present participle. a) Time b) Reason 2. Past Participle. a) Reason b) Relative clauses

See/hear somebody do/doing something 1. Hear/see + object + infinitive We hear or see the whole of the action from beginning to end. Crash! We see and hear the floor collapse 2. Hear/see + object + -ing We hear or see part of the action, a few minutes (only). We saw Superman flying.

How do the film makers do it? The answer is special effects: the series Read all of tricks and techniques used to keep 3. Perfect Participle. us glued to our seats. Read More


Good thinking, Batman

Good thinking, Batman The phrase, made famous by Batmans partner Robin, is sometimes used by people to congratulate someone who has had a good idea. It could certainly be said to the producers of the film, Batman. Batman did amazingly well from the beginning. Despite having opened against strong competition from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Star Trek V and Ghostbusters II, Batman shot into the record books as the first film ever to gross $100,000,000 in ten days. Its huge success did not come as a surprise: cinema owners had reported fans buying tickets for other The Batcar was a big problem too. Made out of two 1968 Chevrolet Impalas and bits of fighter aircraft, it was very difficult to control. It nearly ran a girl over, and Batman kept getting his ears caught when the roof closed! The Batman costume had its problems too. Some of the twenty-four Batman hoods were more comfortable than others, but none allowed actor Michael Keaton to see sideways. In addition, they all made him partially deaf. The body suits were like latex armour that simulated muscles. Feeling hot and bothered in all the rubber, Keaton would throw things about and kick furniture in frustration. This in itself was a challenge: the cape he was wearing weighed 11kg.

The face for Batmans arch enemy, The Joker, was films just to watch the ninety-second Batman promotion. made of synthetic pads moulded to actor Jack Nicholsons muscle structure. It moved But it wasnt all plain sailing: the studio bosses had been very worried about the beautifully, like a second skin. But it was so white cost of the film. The set alone had cost more than $3,000,000. It was the second that it looked shapeless on film! Makeup artists biggest set ever made for a film. had to add shadowing effects. So, was making the film a good idea? It certainly Even with a mega set, models were often used as a supplement, for example was. Not only did the film and its sequels prove to when filming the Batwing scenes. The most complicated scene to film was the be a huge commercial success, but Batman accessories became the thing for one where the Batwing crashed into the steps of Gotham Cathedral. Four young people, and Princes soundtrack Who can you trust? made number one.

Behind the scenes

cameras were used at the same time.

Special effects

Crash! We hear, and see, part of the building collapse. The heroine is left hanging by one hand onto a window ledge hundreds of metres above the busy road. It looks as if she might fall to her death at any minute. Zoom! Along comes Superman, his cape flapping in the wind. He takes hold of the girl and gently deposits her on firm ground. How do the film makers do it? The answer is special effects: the series of tricks and techniques used to keep us glued to our seats. High flyer For us to see Superman flying, the actor has been filmed lying on his stomach in front of a brilliant blue screen. A wind machine makes his hair and cape flap as if he were flying. The background scenes of the city are filmed separately from a low-flying aircraft. Later on, the two films are made into one by a machine called an optical printer so that superman appears to be flying over the city. Animatronics In films like The Ninja Turtles, the turtles were actors in costumes. But the actors did not control the turtles facial expressions. The expressions were created by a puppeteer who moved the mouth, eyes and other features by radio control. This is called animatronics.

Mini models Remember the battle scene from The Empire Strikes Back where we see towering snow walkers carrying the troops into battle? Building life size snow walkers was impossible, so model makers created miniature versions. The models were then moved by stop motion: the camera filmed one frame at a time and the animators moved the models between each frame.

Cutting cabbage Special effects are not only visual. A collapsing floor may be suggested by a recording of a real one, or by a pile of wood which is pushed down from a height. Our imagination also helps: if we hear a bang and a woman scream, we might assume that something terrible has happened to the heroine. If a suggestion is not enough and the real thing cannot be recorded, sound engineers will imitate the sound. When adults hear the villain sawing somebodys arm off in a horror film, sound engineers are really sawing a cabbage in half. It is thought that the two noises are similar!

Participle clauses
Used mainly in written English to add information 1. Present Participle (replaces active constructions) Examples: a) Time After expressions like while, when, before, after and since. when filming the Batwing scenes. when they filmed the Batwing scenes. b) Reason Feeling hot and bothered in all the rubber, Michael Keaton would throw things about. He would throw things about because he was feeling hot and bothered. 2. Past participle (replaces mainly passive constructions) Examples: a) Reason Made out bits of cars and aircraft, the Batcar difficult to control. Because it was made out of bits of cars and aircraft, the Batcar was difficult to control. b) Relative clauses It was one of the biggest sets ever made. It was one of the biggest sets which had ever been made. 3. Perfect Participle (replaces active constructions) Despite having opened against strong competition, Batman shot into the record books. Opened is the first action, shot is the second. Used for emphasis.


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Cand elevul da CTRL+click pe cuvintele subliniate si scrise cu albastru in italic se deschid ferestrele: Batman Batman is a 1989 American superhero film directed by Tim Burton. Based on the DC Comics character of the same name, the film stars Michael Keaton in the title role and Jack Nicholson as The Joker. The film marked the beginning of a Batman film series, with three sequels. Batman's secret identity is Bruce Wayne, an American billionaire playboy, industrialist, and philanthropist. Having witnessed the murder of his parents as a child, he swore revenge on criminals, an oath tempered with the greater ideal of justice. Wayne trains himself both physically and intellectually and dons a batthemed costume in order to fight crime. Batman operates in the fictional Gotham City, assisted by various supporting characters including his crime-fighting partner, Robin, his butler Alfred Pennyworth and the police commissioner Jim Gordon. Robin

Robin is Batmans junior counterpart. The team of Batman and Robin is commonly referred to as the Dynamic Duo or the Caped Crusaders. Robin changed a couple of times throughout the DC Comics Universe and he does not appear at all in Tim Burtons movie.

Batwing The Batplane, is the fictional aircraft for the comic book superhero Batman. With the launch of the Tim Burton directed Batman film of 1989, the Batplane became known as the Batwing, a name which was carried over into the comics. After being used to prevent a deadly Smilex gas attack, the original Batwing was shot down by the Joker towards the end of the film. The Batwing in the latter actually has an ejection pod which also doubles as a mini sub. Both models of the plane are roughly bat-shaped. Gotham Cathedral The Gotham Cathedral is situated in Gotham City which is a fictional American city best known as the home of Batman. The city, as well as the cathedral, is built in Gothic styled architecture.


The Batcar or the Batmobile is the fictional car constructed to reflect evolving car technologies. Kept in the Batcave accessed through a hidden entrance, the gadget-laden car is used by Batman in his crimefighting activities.

Fighter aircraft A fighter aircraft is a military aircraft designed primarily for air-to-air combat against other aircraft, as opposed to bombers and attack aircraft, whose main mission is to attack ground targets. The hallmarks of a fighter are its speed, maneuverability, and small size relative to other combat aircraft.

Arch enemy An arch enemy is the biggest enemy one can have. The Joker is portrayed as a highly intelligent, master criminal. Originally introduced as a psychopath with a warped, sadistic sense of humor. Superman

The origin story of Superman relates that he was born KalEl on the planet Krypton, before being rocketed to Earth as an infant by his scientist father Jor-El, moments before Krypton's destruction. Discovered and adopted by a Kansas farmer and his wife, the child is raised as Clark Kent and imbued with a strong moral compass. Very early he started to display superhuman abilities, which upon reaching maturity, he resolved to use for the benefit of humanity. Superman resides and operates in the fictional American city of Metropolis. As Clark Kent, he is a journalist for a Metropolis newspaper called the Daily Planet.

Snow Walkers Snow walkers are robots used in battles and they appear in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. The film is set three years after the original Star Wars. The Galactic Empire, under the leadership of the villainous Darth Vader, is in pursuit of Luke Skywalker and the rest of the Rebel Alliance. While Vader chases a small band of Luke's friends across the galaxy, Luke studies the Force under Jedi Master Yoda. But when Vader captures Luke's friends, Luke must decide whether to complete his training and become a full Jedi Knight or to confront Vader and save his comrades. The Ninja Turtles

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are a fictional team of four teenage anthropomorphic (humanlike) turtles, who were trained by their anthropomorphic rat sensei in the art of ninjutsu (a form of martial arts) and named after four Renaissance artists. From their home in the storm sewers of New York City, they battle petty criminals, evil overlords and alien invaders, all while remaining isolated from society-at-large.

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Have you been paying attention

1.Addams Family Values 2. Flinstones 3. Casper 4. Cinderella 5. Dracula What are these movies about? a. An adaptation of the novel with the same name about a bloodsucking vampire b. A ghost that wants to befriend and play with humans c. A family that lives in the Stone Age and their adventures. d. A nanny that wants to marry for money and kill her husband. e. The story of a poor girl that attends the princes ball with the help of magic and loses her shoe when trying to run away before the magic


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1. Who made the phrase: Good thinking, Batman famous? Choose the right answer! a. Batman b. Robin c. the producers of the movie

Have you been paying attention

Why did Batman shoot into the record books? Choose the right answer! a. it was well received by critics b. the special effects were impressive c. it was the first fil to gross $100,000,000 in ten days

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Which was the most complicated scene to film? Choose the right answer! a. Batwing crashing into the steps of Gotham Cathedral b. Batmobile crashing into the steps of Gotham Cathedral c. Batwing crashing into the steps of the Gotham City Hall

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Complete the empty spaces with the right words! The was a big problem too. Made out of two 1968 Chevrolet Impalas and bits of ., it was very difficult to control.

Have you been paying attention

Complete the empty spaces with the right words! Some of the twenty-four .. hoods were more comfortable than others, but none allowed actor Michael Keaton to see ...

Have you been paying attention

Are these statements True or False? 1. The film, which opened at the same time as many similar films, was a failure. T/F

2. Before the film opened, fans were going to the cinema just to see the Batman advertisements. 3. The Batman set was the biggest one which had ever been made. 4. Actor Michael Jeaton would throw things about because he felt hot in the rubber body suit. 5. Jokers face appeared shapeles on the film.


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Match the scenes with the special effects 1. We can see Superman Flying. a. A pupeteer was manipulating features by radio control. 2. We heard the floor collapse. b. Sound engineers sawed a cabbage in half. 3. We saw enormous snow walkers carrying an army. c. They used a wind machine and an optical printer. 4. The audience could see the Ninja Turtles smile. d. They were pressing onto a pile of wood. 5. We hear the villain sawing an arm off a poor victim e. Mini models were filmed in stop motion.

Have you been paying attention

Which of the concepts in the grammar box do these sentences illustrate? 1. On its opening day, Batman Forever made more money than any other film ever made. 1a) Present Participle of Time 2. Being totally white, the Jokers face didnt film well. 1b) Present Participle of Reason 3. Made of rubber, the Barman costumes were very hot and uncomfortable. 2a) Past Participle of Reason 4. Having worn the costumes in Batman Forever, actor Val Kilmer said lava would be preferable 2b) Relative Clauses 3) Perfect Participle

Daca elevul raspunde corect ii apare imaginea: va aparea o fereastra cu exercitiul deja rezolvat.

. Apoi trece mai departe. Daca elevul raspunde incorect:

. La 4 raspunsuri gresite ii

Cand elevul apasa pe butonul Write here! se deschide o fereastra cu 3 randuri: pe primul rand este scrisa cerinta, al doilea este gol pentru ca elevul sa poata scrie povestea iar al treilea contine butonul Review!. Fereastra permite numai limita maxima a cuvintelor (150 in acest caz). Write a ghost story of 100-150 words. The story should include the words: scream, shout, wail, old mansion, specter, phantom, ghost.

For a story to be clear to the reader, it should answer the following questions: 1. Who were the main characters? 2. What did the characters do? When? Where? Why? With whom? 3. What else happened? 4. How did the story end?

Review! Cand elevul a terminat apasa butonul Review!. Toate cuvintele scrise gresit, care nu au acordul facut (adjectivul cu substantivul, subiectul cu predicatul etc.) sau neconcordatele dintre timpurile verbale (had went in loc de had gone, cuted in loc de cut) vor aparea scrise inclinat si pe fond galben, iar cand elevul va da CTRL+click se va deschide o fereastra cu varianta corecta. Daca elevul face confuzie de sensuri atunci i se vor oferi 1-2 cuvinte potrivite in contextul dat cu explicatii din dictionar. Ex: The dog had its tale cut. Its = informal, short form of it is Its = possessive form for it Tale = story Tail = the extremity of an animals back Site-ul verifica gramatica lucrarilor scrise in limba engleza, daca acestea sunt plagiate si ofera sugestii de corectare.

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