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Pasado simple

Pasado simple (verbos regulares)

I worked. You worked. He worked. She worked. It worked. We worked. You worked. They worked.

Forma afirmativa:
Sujeto + infinitive del verbo sin to + ed. I watched TV yesterday.

* Con la mayora de los vebos, se aade ed al infinitive sin to.

work - worked * Con verbos acabados en e, se aade d. live - lived * Con verbos acabados en consonante + y, la y se sustituye por ied. study - studied * Con verbos acabados en consonante, vocal, consonante, la consonante se duplica y se aade ed. travel travelled

Pasado simple (verbos irregulares)

El pasado simple de algunos verbos ingleses no acaba en ed, sino que tiene una forma irregular, que es la misma para todas las personas. `have se convierte en `had I had You had He had She had It had We had You had They had Los verbos irregulars no siguen normas ortogrficas generales, por lo que hay que aprendrselos de memora.

Lista de verbos irregulares

Infinitivo - Pasado simple - Traduccin be - was, were - ser, estar become - became - convertirse en, volverse begin - began - empezar break - broke - romper(se)

build - built - construir buy - bought - comprar can - could - poder, saber catch - caught - coger come - came - venir cost - cost - costar do - did - hacer draw - drew - dibujar drink - drank - beber drive - drove - conducir eat - ate - comer feel - felt - sentir(se), notar fight - fought - luchar find - found - encontrar fly - flew - volar forget - forgot - olvidar get - got - conseguir get up - got up - levantarse give - gave - dar go - went - ir(se) have - had - haber, tener hold - held - agarrar, sujetar keep - kept - guarder, mantener(se) know - knew - saber, conocer learn - learnt - aprender leave - left - abandoner, irse (de) let - let - dejar

lose - lost - perder make - made - hacer meet - met - conocer, encontrarse (con) pay - paid - pagar read - read - leer ride - rode - montar a (caballo), andar en (bici) run - ran - correr say - said - decir see - saw - ver send - sent - mandar, enviar shine - shone - brillar sing - sang - cantar sit - sat - sentarse sleep - slept - dormir speak - spoke - hablar spend - spent - gastar, pasar(tiempo) steal - stole - robar swim - swam - nadar take - took - coger teach - taught - ensear think - thought - pensar wear - wore - vestir, llevar puesto write - wrote - escribir

Pasado simple (verbos regulares e irregulares) Negativo

I didnt work. You didnt work.

He didnt work. She didnt work. It didnt work. We didnt work. You didnt work. They didnt work.

Did I work? Did you work? Did he work? Did she work? Did it work? Did we work? Did you work? Did they work?

Respuestas Breves Afirmativa

Yes, I did. Yes, you did. Yes, he did. Yes, she did. Yes, it did. Yes, we did. Yes, you did. Yes, they did.


No, I didnt. No, you didnt. No, he didnt. No, she didnt. No, it didnt. No, we didnt. No, you didnt. No, they didnt. El las frases negativas e interrogativas, as como en las respuestas breves, el auxiliar es el mismo para todas las personas. Frases Negativas: I didnt. You didnt. He didnt. She didnt. It didnt. We didnt. You didnt. They didnt. Frases interrogativas: Did I? Did you? Did he? Did she? Did it? Did we? Did you?

Did they?

* En las frases negativas e interrogativas, siempre se debe utilizar el infinitivo del verbo sin to. She didnt phone her No se puede decir: She didnt phoned her. Did you study yesterday? No se puede decir: Did you studied yesterday? * En las preguntas que contienen partculas interrogativas (what, when, who, why, where), estas se colocan delante del auxiliar did. Where did you go? Who did he visit?

El pasado simple se utiliza para hablar de acciones que sucedieron en un momento concreto del pasado. En estas frases aparecen expresiones de tiempo tales como yesterday (ayer), last week (la semana pasada), last night (anoche), etc. I played football last Saturday. We went shopping yesterday.

* Ago se traduce por hace y se refiere a una accin del pasado, a algo que ya ha acabado. They travelled to London three days ago. * Ago no puede encabazar una expression de tiempo. ten years ago No se puede decir: ago ten years

early (rli) temprano late (lit) tarde

We agreed to start early Nosotros acordamos empezar temprano I was late because of the rain Llegue tarde por culpa de la lluvia

earlier (rlier) antes, ms temprano later (liter) luego, ms tarde then (den) luego, entonces before (bifr) antes after (fter) despus afterwards (fterurds) luego now (nu) ahora nowadays (nuedis) hoy en da these days (dis dis) en estos das currently (krrently) actualmente at present (at prsent) en este momento today (tchudi) hoy tomorrow (tchumrou) maana yesterday (isterdei) ayer still (stil) todava already (olrdi) ya yet (it)

You should have come earlier Debiste haber venido ms temprano I went to bed later than usual Me fu a la cama ms tarde de lo habitual Two years have passed since then Dos aos ha pasado desde entonces Wash your face before you go to school Lavate la cara antes de ir a la escuela You speak first, I will speak after T habla primero, Yo hablar despus He will come afterwards El vendr luego Smile now, cry later Sonrie ahora, llora despus Nowadays jobs are hard to come by Hoy en da es dificil conseguir trabajo Traveling is easy these days Es facil viajar en estos das He is currently working on that problem El actualmente est trabajando en ese problema I don't need money at present No necesito diner en este momento The bill must be paid today La factura debe ser pagada hoy You don't have to come tomorrow No tienes que venir maana I receibed your letter yesterday Reciv tu carta ayer I can still hear your voice Yo todava puedo or tu voz I'm already accustomed to the heat of summer Yo ya estoy acostumbrado al calor del verano The train hasn't arrived yet

ya, an not yet (nt it) an no no longer (nu lnguer) ya no just (dchst) justo, recin ever (ver) alguna vez soon (sn) pronto again (egun) de nuevo, otra vez thereafter (der fter) despus de eso lately (litli) ltimamente recently (rsentli) recientemente formerly (frmerli) anteriormente latterly (lterli) ltimamente in the past (in de pst) en el pasado in the future(in de ficher) en el futuro this week (ds uiik) esta semana next week (nkst wik) la semana prxima last week (lst wik) la semana pasada

El tren an no ha llegado Tom is not yet able to swim Tom an no sabe nadar You are no longer a mere child Tu ya no eres un nio I met him just now Me lo encontr justo ahora If you are ever in Per, come and see me Si aluna vez ests en Per, ven a verme I hope that you will get well soon Espero que pronto de pongas bien I want to see you again Quiero verte otra vez Thereafter we heard no more from him Despus de eso no supimos nada ms de el Lately we have been talking about the law Ultimamente hemos estado hablando sobre la ley John has put on a lot of weight recently John ha engordado mucho recientemente Formerly this building was a hospital. Anteriormente este edificio era un hospital Latterly, machines have begun to displace men Ultimamente las mquinas desplazan al hombre In the past the world was thought to be flat En el pasado se pensaba que el mundo era plano No one can tell what will happen in the future Nadie puede decir lo que pasar en el futuro You worked a lot this week Has trabajado mucho esta semana We will purchase a new car next week Compraremos un coche la semana prxima John and Mary broke up last week John y Mary rompieron la semana pasada

this year (dis er) este ao next year (nkst er) el ao que viene last year (lst er) el ao pasado meanwhile (mn-uil) entretanto someday (smdi) algn da shortly (shrtli) en poco tiempo five minutes ago hace cinco minutos two weeks ago hace dos semanas four days ago hace cuatro das long ago (lng agu) hace mucho tiempo

This year is an important year for me Este ao es importante para mi The factory will begin to produce next year La fbrica comienza a producir el ao que viene We went to Mexico last year Nosotros fuimos a Mexico el ao pasado Meanwhile, the destruction of lives goes on Entretanto, la destruccin de vidas continua You'll forget about me someday Me olvidaras algn da The web site will be launched shortly El sitio web se lanzara en poco tiempo The bus passed five minutes ago El bus pas hace cinco minutos Two weeks ago, I visited Cuba for the first time Hace dos semanas, visit Cuba por primera vez Four days ago I was in the mountains of Bolivia Hace cuatro das estaba en montaas de Bolivia I saw that film long ago V esa pelicula hace mucho tiempo

Pasado Perfecto (Past Perfect Tense)

El Pasado Perfecto en el idioma ingls es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para referirnos a una accin que tuvo lugar en un momento anterior a otra accin, aunque ambas hayan sucedido en el pasado estableciendo un orden entre ellas, por ejemplo: The film had finished when she arrived at the cinema. La pelcula haba terminado cuando ella lleg al cine. (Primera accin: la pelcula haba terminado Segunda accin: ella lleg al cine) Sarah had prepared dinner when her husband got home. Sarah haba preparado la cena cuando su esposo lleg a casa. (Primera accin: Sarah haba preparado la cena Segunda accin: su esposo lleg a casa) Para poder construir la forma afirmativa del Pasado Perfecto debemos utilizar

como auxiliar el verbo TO HAVE en Pasado Simple y acompaado por el verbo principal en su Pasado Participio (ya sean verbos regulares o verbos irregulares):

I had bought a new car. You had cleaned the house. He had brought the gifts.

Yo haba comprado un nuevo auto. T habas limpiado la casa. l haba trado los regalos.

She had lost the credit card. Ella haba perdido la tarjeta de crdito.
Para formar una interrogacin deberemos colocar el auxiliar al comienzo de la oracin, luego el sujeto y posteriormente el verbo principal tambin en Pasado Participio:

Had I bought a new car? Had you cleaned the house? Had he brought the gifts?

Haba comprado yo un nuevo auto? Habas limpiado t la casa? Haba trado l los regalos?

Had she lost the credit card? Haba perdido ella la tarjeta de crdito?
Por su parte, la forma negativa se construye poniendo la negacin NOTentre el auxiliar y el verbo principal, por ejemplo:

I had not bought a new dress. You had not cleaned the house. He had not brought the gifts.

Yo no haba comprado un nuevo vestido. T no habas limpiado la casa. l no haba trado los regalos.

She had not lost the credit card. Ella no haba perdido la tarjeta de crdito.
Tambin puede utilizarse la forma contrada de la negacin colocando

Pasado Continuo - (Past Continuous)

El Pasado Continuo, es un tiempo verbal que describe acciones que estaban siendo realizadas en un momento del pasado al que se hace referencia y que luego continuaron, por ejemplo: Yesterday he was studying English. Ayer l estaba estudiando ingls. (Comenz a estudiar antes de ese momento y continu estudiando posteriormente) John was playing tennis at 10 a.m. John estuvo jugando tenis a las 10 a.m. (Comenz a jugar tenis antes de las 10 a.m. y continu haciendolo despus) El Pasado Continuo se construye con el verbo auxiliar "to be" en su forma pasada y el verbo principal en infinitivo con la terminacin ING:

Observa que la forma negativa se construye colocando la partcula NOTdespus del verbo TO BE. Puede usarse tambin la forma contradaWASN'T o WEREN'T. Tambin se puede utilizar este tiempo verbal para relatar dos accionesque sucedieron en el pasado y que una de ellas ya se ha completado. Para ello utilizamos el Pasado Simple para mencionar lo que ya finaliz y elPasado Continuo para relatar lo que sigue ejecutndose. When I left, he was studying the lesson. Cuando yo part, el estaba estudiando la leccin. They were singing when I broke the window. Ellos estaban cantando cuando yo romp la ventana.

Redaccion When I go to my wifes town, I meet my friend Alicia. Shes 31 years old and she is from Robledillo de la Vera, a little beautiful town in North Cceres, but she lives in Don Benito because she works in a fruit factory there. Alicia is quite tall and thin, with long dark hair, black eyes and a big nose. She usually wears jeans and boots and she hardly ever wears a skirt or a dress. She is quite pretty but she cant find a boyfriend. She loves going out with her friends and talking to all people. She likes going shopping and trying on clothes but she can

never find things she likes: I always argue with her because she spends a lot of time and I hate it !! Alicia hates watching football on TV because she always gets angry with the players. I know her family and they can play the guitar very well, but she cant do it, nevertheless she can dance quite well. I like her because she is a bit crazy and she can understand me very well. She often helps me with my English too (she can speak English very well).

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