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La estructura bsica del verbo "to be

Afirmativo Sujeto I You He She It We You They Verbo am are is is is are are are objeto / complemento a student. happy. John. in the car. a hot day.
(con y sin contraccin)

Soy alumno. Eres feliz. Es John. Est en el coche. Es un da caluroso. Somos los padres de David's parents. David. from Madrid. Sois de Madrid. ours. Son nuestros.

La estructura bsica del negativo del verbo "to be" (To be negative) Negativo Sujeto I You He She It We You They Verbo am not are not is not is not is not are not are not are not objeto / complemento a student. happy. John. in the car. a hot day. David's parents. from Madrid. ours.
(con y sin contraccin)

No soy alumno. No eres feliz. No es John. No est en el coche. No es un da caluroso. No somos los padres de David. No sois de Madrid. No son nuestros.

La estructura bsica del interrogativo del verbo "to be" Interrogativo Verbo Am Are Is Is Is Are Are Are Sujeto I you he she it we you they objeto / complemento a student? happy? John? in the car? a hot day? David's parents? from Madrid? ours?

Soy alumno? Eres feliz? Es John? Est en el coche? Es un da caluroso? Somos los padres de David? Sois de Madrid? Son nuestros?

El verbo have got

El presente simple Pica aqu para imprimir

FORMAS DEL PRESENTE CONTINUO Afirmativa I am working You are working He/She is working We are working They are working Negativa I am not working You are not working He/She is not working We are not working They are not working Interrogativa Am I working? Are you working? Is he/she working? Are we working? Are they working?

FORMA AFIRMATIVA I am (I'm) soy, estoy you are (you're) eres, ests he is (he's) l es, est we are (we're) somos, estamos you are (you're) sois, estis they are (they're) ellos son, estn

FORMA NEGATIVA I am not (I'm not) no soy, no estoy you are not (you're not) no eres, no ests he is not (he's not) l no es, no est we are not (we're not) no somos, no estamos you are not (you're not) no sois, no estis they are not (they're not) ellos no son, no estn

FORMA INTERROGATIVA am I? soy yo?, estoy yo? are you? eres t?, ests t? is he? es l?, est l? are we? somos?, estamos? are you? sois?, estis? are they? son, estn ellos?

La estructura bsica del afirmativo del verbo "to be" en pasado Sujeto I You He She It We You They Verbo was were was was was were were were objeto / complemento a student. happy. a musician. in the car. a hot day. lucky. from Madrid. ours.

Era alumno. Eras feliz. Fue msico. Estaba en el coche. Era un da caluroso. Tuvimos suerte Erais de Madrid. Eran nuestros.

La estructura bsica del negativo del verbo "to be" en pasado Sujeto I You Verbo was not were not objeto / complemento a student. No era alumno. happy. No eras feliz.

He She It We You They

was not was not was not were not were not were not

a musician. in the car. a hot day. lucky. from Madrid. ours.

No era msico. No estaba en el coche. No era un da caluroso. No tuvimos suerte. No erais de Madrid. No eran nuestros.

La estructura bsica del interrogativo del verbo "to be" en pasado Verbo Was Were Was Was Was Were Were Were Sujeto I you he she it we you they objeto / complemento a student? happy? a musician? in the car? a hot day? lucky? from Madrid? ours?

Era alumno? Eras feliz? Era msico? Estaba en el coche? Era un da caluroso? Tuvimos suerte? Eras de Madrid? Eran nuestros?

La estructura bsica de las respuestas cortas del verbo "to be" en pasado Af. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, I was. you were. he was. she was. it was. we were. you were. they were. Neg. No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, I was not. (wasn't) you were not. (weren't) he was not. (wasn't) she was not. (wasn't) it was not. (wasn't) we were not. (weren't) you were not. (weren't) they were not. (weren't)

Lets look at the following table:

Futuro con going to

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Form of Present Perfect

Positive Negative Question

I / you / we / they I have spoken. I have not spoken. Have I spoken?

he / she / it

I have spoken. I have not spoken. Has he spoken?

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