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Speech by John McCallister MLA NI21 Deputy Leader, at the launch of NI21 6th June 2013 "Better Together: a new party for Northern Ireland" Introduction Thank you Tina. And thanks to all of you who are gathered here to mark the launch of NI21, the new political party for Northern Ireland. Some of us are here because the political parties we once belonged to have abandoned centre-ground values and reverted to tribalism ... Some are here because they know that a political system enshrining Orange versus Green rivalry does not speak to today's Northern Ireland. We are all here because we aspire for better. We aspire for a politics that unites Northern Ireland rather than divides ... That offers meaningful choice rather than merely confirming the status quo. We are here because we want to be part of a new way of doing politics in this society ... Of building a politics that, rather than perpetually dividing our community, seeks the common good of all. NI21 - Northern Ireland's party So why NI21? Eight years from now we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the state of Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland will have come of age. Growing up, of course, can bring painful experiences ... And Northern Ireland has known great pain. Division, fear, lost lives. But our path to maturity has also witnessed important moments which speak of what we can be. From the struggle against fascism ...

To the creation of the NHS ... From proud industrial landmarks and glowing examples of enterprise ... To our cultural and sporting achievements. And then there was the promise of a new beginning with the Agreement. Now standing on the cusp of Northern Ireland's centenary, we know we need to build on what has been achieved ... And offer a future not defined by past failures and old divisions. It is time, in other words, for a politics for a Northern Ireland that has come of age. It is time for NI21. Reform Basil will be talking more about the Northern Ireland to which we aspire. I want to briefly point to one way in which we aspire to change politics ... To act as a vehicle for reform which will push our political system towards greater accountability to citizens. The lack of an Opposition in the Assembly goes to the root of the widespread disillusionment with politics right across our community. It also condemns our politics to enduring tribal division ... Rather than fostering a mature political culture in which policy, instead of tribal identity, shapes voters' choices. The idea of Government-without-Opposition would not be accepted anywhere else on these islands ... In London or Dublin, in Cardiff or Edinburgh. A Northern Ireland come of age ... A Northern Ireland which aspires to better ... Deserves - needs - the accountable government, authentic choice and alternative to sectarian politics which an Opposition brings. For many in the political establishment, Opposition holds little attraction. After all, you don't get a ministerial car in Opposition.

NI21 is different. We are inspired by the need to change politics. And we know that this change will come, not through chasing office, but through building an Opposition. That is why, on behalf of NI21, before the end of this month ... I will launch the required public consultation on my Private Member's Bill to establish an Opposition. Here NI21 is already leading the way ... And we challenge the other parties to set aside partisan interest and work with us to change politics in Northern Ireland. Better Together Changing our politics is not an end in itself. It's not a political chess game. It is, rather, about changing our society ... About offering a real alternative to tribalism and sectarianism. If Northern Ireland is to move forward from the politics of tribal divisions ... We need a politics that says we are better together. This, after all, is what today's United Kingdom stands for ... Tolerance, inclusion, mutual respect, shared rights and responsibilities. When we in NI21 talk about our place in the United Kingdom ... This is what we mean. It is a statement of progressive values ... not reactionary sentiments. It is about building a shared community ... not promoting tribal division. There is a settled consensus across our community that Northern Ireland is best served through its place in the United Kingdom. The challenge is to build a Northern Ireland that more and more reflects the progressive values of today's United Kingdom. While others practise the politics of tribalism ...

While they sustain and encourage Orange versus Green ... NI21 robustly and unashamedly says we in Northern Ireland - all of us - are better together. Better because those values of today's United Kingdom ... Tolerance, inclusion, mutual respect, shared rights and responsibilities ... Make us a stronger, fairer society. Aspiring to better Today marks a great start - but only a start. We in NI21 know that much work lies in front of us. We will work to earn the trust and support of voters right across this community. If you are frustrated with the state of politics in Northern Ireland, we believe NI21 is for you ... If you share the conviction that tribal politics should not be allowed to shape the future of our children and grandchildren, NI21 is for you ... If you want Northern Ireland to be defined by what we have in common rather than what divides us, NI21 is for you. Together we can change politics in this society. Together was can build a future of which we can be proud ... A flourishing, open and prosperous Northern Ireland. This is the vision of NI21 ... Join with us in building this future. Ends

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