June 9 2013

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Grand Rapids FRC Bulletin




June 11 (Tuesday) 7:30 PM Consistory meeting.
June 11 - (Tuesday) 10 AM Ladies: please join us for our 46th Annual
Ladies' Conference at the Living Hope FRC in Chatham D.V. The theme
for the day is "Bloom Where You Are Planted - Serving God and One
Another All Through Life". Our speakers will be Pastor Tim Bergsma (AM)
and Mrs. Mary Beeke (PM). Coffee is being served at 9:30 AM. We hope to
see you there. Anyone interested in making the one day trip please call
Laurina VanderSloot at 677-3907.

9:30 AM At no Time Absent

1. A Precious Truth
2. A Personal Encouragement
3. A Practical Observation

Scripture: Joshua 1:1-9 & Matthew 28:16f

Text: Matthew 28:20 L. D. 18

5:50 PM SONG SERVICE: Psalter 127:1, 2, 8 & Psalter 29: 1, 2

June 18 - (Tuesday) 7 PM There will be a baby shower for Scot Lewis, son
of Dr. David and Shona Murray. There is a box in the narthex if you would
like to go in on a gift. Please call Arleen if you would like to make a food
dish for the shower. Thank you!
June 19 (Wednesday) 7 PM There will be a mandatory meeting for
teachers, aides, and security volunteers for VBS. If you can't make it
please contact Aileen Rittner for the information.
June 28 (Friday) 7:00-8:30 PM We will be canvassing for VBS. We
hope to do a thorough canvassing of all the immediate side streets, so we
can use as many volunteers as possible. Thanks in advance for your help!

6:00 PM Phinehas: A Man Zealous for God

1. He Stood Against Sin
2. He Stood for God

Church Family

3. He Stood as a Type of Christ

Scripture: Numbers 25

Text: Psalm 106: 30 & 31

Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful
noise unto him with psalms.

Psalm 95:2

From the Consistory

Visitors, welcome!
We hope you are blessed through worshiping with us this Lords Day.

Today, Pastor Mark Kelderman will conduct our worship services.

Next Sunday, Dr. David Murray will preach for us, Lord willing.
With thankfulness to the Lord, we are able to report that synod 2013
gave permission to call Dr. David Murray officially as a minister of
the Word and sacraments in our congregation. More details will be

Please remember in your prayers, Rev. Anup Hiwale, his wife Promi, and
their children Hanokh and Maria (from India) as Anup will be preaching in
Bonners Ferry, Idaho, for a number of weeks this summer. You can
encourage them if you wish at hiwales@gmail.com.
Thank you all so much for rejoicing with us in the birth of our son, Scot
Lewis Murray. We are deeply grateful and humbled by the lovely cards and
messages, the delicious meals, and the thoughtful gifts. The Murray family
Please Remember in Our Prayers: Mrs. Elsie Arnoudse, Mr. Trent
Timmer, Mr. Howard VandenToorn, Mrs. Gertrude VanderGraaf, Mr. Rick
VanderVeen, Mrs. Mina Van't Hof.
Mrs. Ann Baas fell and is recuperating.
We are thankful to God for the encouraging results of the
procedure performed on Howard's liver. A scan will need to be done in 2
months. We appreciate the prayers offered and cards received. "The Lord is
faithful...." Psalm 145:13
Howard and Jessica VandenToorn
Shut-ins: Mr. Everett Beute, Mrs. Fran Hekman, Mrs. Dorothy Hitchcock,
Mr. Cornelius Jobse, Mrs. Barb Kwekel, Mr. & Mrs. Al and Shirley
VandenToorn and Mrs. Gertrude VanderGraaf.
Serviceman: Dan Arnoudse

Sermon Notes


June Mother In Charge Heather Engelsma




Jana Birn, Hannah Kleyn

Ruthanne Karel, Renee Langerak
Cora Beute, Emma Vander Boon
Margaret Kleyn, Jen Klaasen

Next Week:


Misty Huckstead, Josephine Haab

Julie Spaans, Betsy Timmer
Anne Faasse, Hannah Karel
Tammy Timmer, Abbie Prince




Next Week:

AM Gerrit Kleyn
AM Dave Pronk

PM Jason Beeke
PM Steve Kleyn





1 collection:
2 collection:
Box at Exits:


Next Week

General Fund
Benevolent Fund
Bonisa Mission

General Fund
Building Fund
Local Evangelism


Please send material for the bulletin to Julie La Rocque by noon on Thursday:
616.647.9198 or juleslarocque@yahoo.com
The Banner of Truth Radio Broadcast, sponsored by our church, can be heard
every Sunday on WFUR 102.9 FM at 10:45 AM
950 Ball Avenue NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
616.456.8473 www.frcgr.org

Song Service: Psalter 127:1, 2, 8 & Psalter 29: 1, 2

June 9, 2013
Morning Service

June 9, 2013
Evening Service

Votum & Salutation

Votum & Salutation

Psalter: 137: 1, 6

Psalter: 222: 1, 6 - 8


Scripture Reading: Numbers 25

Psalter: 337

Text: Psalm 106: 30 & 31

Scripture Reading: Joshua 1:1-9/Matt. 28:16f

Apostles Creed

Text: Matthew 28:20 and Lords Day 18

Psalter: 138: 1, 3, 4

Pastoral Prayer

Pastoral Prayer



Psalter: 126: 1, 4, 5

Psalter: 291: 4, 9, 11

Sermon: At no Time Absent

Sermon: Phinehas: A Man Zealous for God





Psalter: 345

Psalter: 152



Doxology: 405: 6, 7

Doxology: 291: 12


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