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Results-based management is a management approach whereby an organization ensures that all of its processes, products and services contribute to the achievement of desired results. It depends on clearly defined accountability for results, and requires systematic monitoring, self-assessment and reporting on progress. It is a planning approach with a range of tools that ensures planning of different tiers of results with defined set of indicators and outer context and environment. The Project Design Matrix evolves as a product of different analysis and ensures a built in monitoring, reporting, budgeting, and evaluation mechanism. It promotes a culture of accountability and a sense of ownership in the organizations leading towards more realistic set of plans that can be monitored as part of the overall management process. This approach facilitates managers/ authorities to take critical decisions at different phases of project life cycle without compromising on the achievement of results. The workshop aims at achieving the following learning objectives: Build understanding about the basic terminologies used for project planning and management Help participants internalize the basics of result based management/ project life cycle and link it with their routine tasks in a real case scenario Equip participants with the knowledge and skills of developing LFA and enable them to use it as a planning, monitoring and reporting tool Enhance understanding of participants about developing and measuring qualitative, quantitative and gender sensitive indicators Developing budgets and financial proposals for proposal writing/ project execution referring to LFA LFA

Help participants in developing work break down structures of projects, project implementation plan and quarterly plans based on

Enhance understanding of participants about developing performance measurement framework and individual monitoring plans using LFAs.

Introduction to Basic Terminologies and Concept of Result Based Management: Result Based Management (RBM) 2.2 Components of RBM Concept and definition of planning, monitoring and evaluation. Linking planning and monitoring to accountability and success


A fun filled hands on training workshop that you cannot afford to miss. The workshop makes use of multimedia to inculcate some basic management concepts, examples from

participants, mini case studies, role plays and facilitator led discussions. Result Based Management workshop teaches participants how to apply management tools at different phases of project. Through stimulating and interactive participation and analysis of their own data, participants learn a set of tools which they can apply on a continuing basis in their own organizational setting and arrangements.

Logical framework Approach and Tools: Using LFA as a planning and monitoring tool Introduction to LF Approach and its Tools Stakeholders Analysis, Situation Analysis Construction of problem and objective tree Logical Framework Matrix and conceptual clarity of the format Hierarchy of objectives and result chain Means of verification Assumptions and risks Developing gender sensitive indicators Reviewing and improving Existing documents of IPO

WORKSHOP TIMINGS: The trainer shall follow the time schedule from 0900 1700 hrs daily with assignment to work in groups for extended hours. VENUE: Karachi Pakistan Training Fee Rs. 18,000 per person includes training cost, resource person fee, training material, refreshment and lunch during work hours. Registering more than two persons would enable you get 10% off on training fee for each person.


Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)/ project Implementation Plan Introduction to Work break down Structure/ project Implementation Plan and its link with LFA Developing individual work plans following LFAs


Performance Measurement Framework (PMF): Introduction to Performance Measurement Framework (PMF to gauge the performance of project during execution of project) Develop PMF at each result level


Result based Monitoring & Evaluation: Scope and principles of monitoring and evaluation Using LFA as a monitoring tool Gender sensitive project planning ,monitoring and evaluation

REGISTRATION: For registration, please fill in the attached registration form and send it to Mr. Adeel Gul at HRLC on or or call him on 0322-9403507 or, 051-4900485-6


Developing Result Based Reporting System: Developing reporting format to monitor the results not activities Collecting, analyzing, storing and retrieving information to assess the extent of achievement of results at all levels; using LFA for reporting purpose

Human Resource Learning Centre (HRLC)

Accommodation can be facilitated for out stationed participants at a nearby hotel on a reasonable package.

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