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Paragraph Intro

Idea ContextWhat is the issue is Why it is an issue Authors contention Target audience

Evidence Encompasses the issues of Scott Stantiss cartoon revolves around the current rocky and unpredictable state of America. Her decline in socio-economics has caused copious amount of unemployment, a poverty increase and threats to national security resultant from the GFC where the banks lent too much money to people who could not afford it. Stantis utilises a critical tone, satirizing the Obama governments handling of Americas socio economics. The issues of the economy, national security and highly contentious mater of gun control are raised concurrently through the use of an amalgamation of literary devices to persuade his target audience of American citizens. Obama presented happy and oblivious creates a humorous condition for the reader, drawing them in Underneath oozes criticism for the lack of governing by the Obama campaign, mocking their actions in his first term of presidency. Not as it once was


Tone/changing tone Imagery of Obama Oblivious nature of Obama (facial expression, caricature- Ears, falling off, not listening to issues anymore? Monkey- represent change or resistance to change Irony Focus Imagery and symbolism Angle/Size Colour Labelling Sign posting issues, amalgamation of different literary devices to convey is point of view.

Imagery - Dinosaur: Economy - Plane: Economy - Different shades of blue Gun laws: National Security Wiki leaks: National Security This is done to evoke the same feelings present when the wiki leaks scandal came out to illicit an emotional response from the mnemonic device of the pun. The effective form of persuasion utilised by Knight in order to communicate more than what is written, coerces the reader into supporting the writers views.

4 Conclusion Colour*

Size* Labelling* Speech bubbles* Symbols* Focus* Angle* Tone* Facial Expression* Context- 25% at least What is the issue?* Why isit an issue?* Who is the target audience?* Wht is the tone?* How many arguments are there?* What devices are used ?*

Scott Stantiss cartoon revolves around the current rocky and unpredictable state of America. Her decline in socio-economics has caused copious amount of unemployment, a poverty increase and threats to national security resultant from the GFC where the banks lent too much money to people who could not afford it. Stantis utilises a critical tone, satirizing the Obama governments handling of Americas socio economics. The issues of the economy, national security and gun control are raised concurrently through the amalgamation of literary devices to persuade his target audience of American citizens to share his view. The initial tone of this piece openly mocks the actions of the Obama administration time in office to __The focus of Obama in this image highlights Stantiss use of irony to predispose the reader as humour captivates an audience and subtly emphasise the writers point. Obamas caption reading my case for re- election is clear, immediately grabs the readers attention as the imagery surrounding his address paints a campaign that would seem otherwise. This humorous enticement subtly coaxes the reader into agreeing with the writers view and further, establishes a sense of intimacy between writer and reader. Furthermore, the writers caricature of Obama paints him oblivious to Americas current state of affairs. The flippant attitude Stantis creates evokes a sense of anger directed towards the Obama administration. With large ears falling off, emphasises how the government is no longer listening to issues of importance and thus are the root cause of such issues. The amalgamation of Obamas oblivious attitude and imagery of ears falling off strongly coerces the reader into sharing the writers view point. As the cartoon is explored in depth, the tone changes from once satirical, to a hypocritical. The imagery of a crashing plan labelled economy and dinosaur labelled debt immediately references the current economic standing of the US. Firstly, the imagery of a plane crashing into a ground symbolises Americas collapsing economy. Unemployment rose to 8.4% in 2012; with less people working, income slows and as such the economy cannot be stimulated. Stantis utilisers the imagery of a plane crashing to compare the similar nature of Americas economy. This highly emotive imagery elicits a strong response from the reader as they must bear the brunt of a crashing economy. Furthermore, as a result of a crashing economy the writer uses the imagery of a dinosaur labelled debt as metaphor for Americas power and economy. Stantis draws a direct comparison between dinosaurs and Americas stability to emphasise the similarities between the two. America has the largest GDP in the world, yet the $16.17 trillion debt puts Americas power at risk. The use of such imagery with the angle of debt hanging over the government evokes an angry response in the reader and coerces them into believing the writers contention as no one would want to feel as though the power of their country will become extinct. The issue of Gun laws in America ilict Sign posting issues, amalgamation of different literary devices to convey is point of view. Gun laws: National Security Wiki leaks: National Security This is done to evoke the same feelings present when the wiki leaks scandal came out to illicit an emotional response from the mnemonic device of the imagery The effective form of persuasion utilised by Stantis in order to

communicate more than what is written, coerces the reader into supporting the writers views.

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