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Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa(
tava kathāmta tapta-jīvanam Bi n du
Issue No. 60 Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications
23 August 2003 Śrī Annadā Ekādaśī, 11 Hīkeśa, 517 Gaurābda Circulation 1,372



His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


An explanation based on Rāmāyaa

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam and Lalita Mādhava

GURU’S ORDER IS KRISHNA’S ORDER authorities mentioned in the śāstra. One of them
is Yamaraja. This is stated in the Śrīmad
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Bhāgavatam. Yamaraja is one of the GBC of
Swami Prabhupada Krishna. As we have got twelve GBC’s, similarly
I am so pleased to learn that you Krishna has got GBC’s.
are constantly trying to follow my svayambhūr nārada śambhu kumāra kapilo manu
instructions. Of course, I have no prahlādo janako bhīmo balir vaiyāsakir vayam
particular instructions save and
[Bhāg. 6.3.20]
except the instruction I have also
heard from my spiritual master. Twelve men are authorized to preach Krishna
consciousness. So we have to follow them —
So all instructions in the disciplic
mahājano yena gata sa panthā. Therefore we
succession directly come from the Supreme Per- have created these GBC. So they should be very
son. Therefore to follow the instructions of a responsible men. Otherwise, they will be pun-
spiritual master is to follow the instructions of ished. They will be punished to become śūdras.
the Supreme Person. And as soon as we are Although Yamaraja is a GBC, he made a little
accustomed to this habit, then all our misgiv- mistake so he was punished to become a śūdra.
ings of material existence are over.  So those who are GBC’s, they should be very,
— Letter to Dayananda Das, 10 May 1968. very careful to administer the business of
ISKCON. Otherwise they will be punished. As
CURSE OF THE DOG the post is very great, similarly the punishment
Taking the position of being a leader is a serious is also very great. [Class on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
thing, Hari-bhakti-vilāsa (1.77) states: 1.13.15 — Geneva, June 4, 1974]

rājñi cāmātyajā doā patnī-pāpa sva-bhartari Similarly, in a room conversation in Los

tathā śiyārjita pāpa guru prāpnoti niścitam Angeles, Srila Prabhupada said:
... if we do not understand the responsibility...
The sins of a counselor fall on his king, and the sins
Just like in an establishment one man is
of a wife fall on her husband. In the same way a
promoted. His first charge is doorkeeper, then
guru takes the sins of his disciple. That is certain.
gradually he is given promotion; he may come
Srila Prabhupada has described the thank- to the post of the manager. Just like in bank, it so
less and dangerous service of managing in a happens. They must go through all the different
spiritual institution: stages of service. So when he becomes manager
So Vidura was Yamaraja. Not only he was if he does not understand the responsibility, then
Yamaraja, but he is one of the twelve great again he falls to the lowest position. Again he
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has to strive for the top. So if we forget our the king, and the abodes of the brahmā
responsibility and become like cats and dogs, Lowborn creatures like myself are unfit to
then we are going to come back again to take the enter these places. (Texts 60.20-21)
forms of cats and dogs. [Room Conversation — “The king is the embodiment of dharma. He
Los Angeles, June 14, 1972]
always speaks the truth, is expert at fighting,
Although the following story is found in and is devoted to the welfare of everyone. Sri
most editions of Vālmīki Rāmāya
a, Uttara Rama knows the proper dispensation of jus-
Khanda, it is considered by many scholars to tice. He is omniscient and is the foremost of
be interpolated. Nevertheless, we present it those who delight others. He is the moon god,
here because it nicely illustrates the points death personified, as well as the gods of
Srila Prabhupada has made above: wealth, fire, water and the sun. Sri Rama is
Indra, the king of the gods, and He is the pro-
tector of His subjects. O Laksman, tell him
One early morning, lotus-eyed Rama arrived that without His permission I do not want to
at the royal council chamber along with enter into the royal palace.”
Vasishtha and Kasyapa to attend the duties When Lakshman reported the matter, Rama
of state administration. That royal assembly immediately commanded, “Whoever it may
consisted of ministers, persons expert in com- be, usher them in without delay!”
mon practices, teachers of law, diplomats, The dog then humbly came before Rama and
kings, and other respectable persons. The ex- said, “O Lord, the king is the representative of
alted assembly of Sri Rama looked like the the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus he
assembly of Indra, Yamaraja or Varuna. Rama is the savior of all creatures. While others sleep
ordered His brother, “O long-armed peacefully, the king remains alert, always work-
Lakshman, go to the palace gate and see if ing for the welfare of his subjects. However,
anyone has come with any petitions.” since everything depends upon him, when the
Lakshman soon returned and said, “O Lord, king is negligent his subjects very soon perish.
it appears that there is no one in the Kosala The king is the upholder of religious principles,
Kingdom who is in need of anything.” and thus curbs the forces of evil. Those who
Rama, however, insisted, “Go again and look follow religious principles experience happiness
more carefully. I do not wish to be accused of in this life and the next. Thus the king receives
the slightest neglect. Nor do I want the least bit great merit for sustaining dharma. O Rama,
of adharma to go undetected in My kingdom.” You are the model of a religious king. With my
Going out again, Lakshman then noticed a dog head placed at Your lotus feet I seek Your mercy.
sitting near the palace gate, its head bleeding. Do not become angry at what I have to say.”
While looking at Lakshman, the dog whined Rama reassured the dog, saying, “Go on!
mournfully. Thus Lakshman asked, “What is Speak without fear!”
wrong? Why have you come here? Please do Thus encouraged, the dog continued, “A
not fear, for you may tell me everything.” mendicant brāhma
a named Sarvartha-siddha
The dog replied, “I wish to speak directly to has injured my head, although there was no
Lord Rama, whose lotus feet award one fear- fault on my part.”
lessness and who is the shelter of the distressed.” Immediately, Rama had His men summon
Lakshman then said, “If you have something Sarvartha-siddha. Soon thereafter, when
to say, then you are welcome to come speak the brāhma
a came before Him, Rama
to the King Himself.” inquired, “Why did you strike this dog?
What was his fault?
asya vaca śrutvā sārameyo ’bhyabhāata
devāgāre npāgāre dvija-veśmasu vai tathā krodha prā
a-hara śatru krodho mitra-mukho ripu
vahni śata-kratuś caiva sūryo vāyuś ca ti hiti krodho hy asir mahātīk
a sarva krodho ‘pakarati
nātra yogyāstu saumitre yonīnām adhamā vayam “Anger is a deadly enemy, a sweet spoken
Hearing Lakshman, the dog replied, enemy in the garb of a friend. It is like a sharp
“Agni the fire god, Indra the king of heaven, sword and it destroys everything. (Text 61.21)
Surya the sun god, and Vayu the wind god, tapate jagate caiva yaś ca dāna prayacchati
are all present in the temples, the palace of krodhena sarva harati tasmāt krodha visarjayet
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“Anger nullifies whatever sacrifices and The dog then interrupted, saying, “O king,
austerities one has performed as well as You have asked, ‘What can I do for you?’ If
whatever charity one has given. (Text 61.22) You truly wish to please me then kindly ap-
ā pradu ānā hayānām iva dhāvatām point this brāhma
a as the head of the
kurvitā dhtyā sāradhya sahtyendriya-gocaram Kalanjara Monastery.”
“Therefore one should give up anger, and Rama fulfilled the dog’s request, and thus
as a driver controls a chariot one should con- the delighted brāhma
a, Sarvartha-siddha,
trol the senses, which are running towards became honored as a spiritual leader and was
their objects like wicked horses. (Text 61.23) placed atop a magnificently decorated el-
manasā karma
ā vācā cakuā ca samācaret ephant. Seeing this, however, the ministers
śeyo lokasya carato na dve i na ca lipyate became greatly upset and protested, “O king,
“By ones thoughts, words, and deeds one this cannot be considered a punishment!
should do good to those nearby. One should Rather than punishing the brāhma
a You have
not hurt others. Sin will not come to one who awarded him an exalted position!”
behaves like this. (Text 61.24) Rama replied, “You do not understand the
intricacies of karma. The dog, however, does.”
na tat kuryād asis tīk
a sarpo vā vyāhata padā
Then, prompted by Rama, the dog ex-
arir vā nitya-sa kruddho yathātmā dur-anu ita
plained, “In my last life I was the head of
“The harm that can be accomplished by an the Kalanjara Monastery. I duly worshipped
uncontrolled mind is greater than that which the deities and the brāhmanas and I always
can be done by a sharp sword, a poisonous took prasādam. I performed my sacred du-
snake that has been stepped on, or an enemy ties carefully, and properly maintained the
who has been provoked. (Text 61.25) servants and maidservants. I was modest
vinīta vinayasy āpi praktirna vidhīyate and well-behaved and was always engaged
prakti gūhamānasya niścayena ktir dhruvā in doing good to all living beings. Still, in
“In spite of making an external show of spite of taking so much care, due to some
proper social behavior one’s nature will be unknown fault I had to take this lowest
revealed by one’s actions.” (Text 61.26) birth as a wretched dog. If in spite of hav-
The brāhma
a then replied, “I was wander- ing taken so much care I had to take a birth
ing about for a long time, begging for alms, like this, then what to speak of this
when I came upon this dog squatting in the brāhma
a! He is hot-tempered, ruthless, and
middle of the road, blocking my path. I told harsh. He cannot control his anger and he
him, ‘Make way!’ but he got up so slowly that is engaged in harming others. He is cer-
I struck him over the head with my staff. I tainly unfit to be an ācārya. For his audac-
was famished and my anger was easily ity in accepting such a position he will de-
aroused. O king, I admit my guilt. You should grade seven generations of his family.
punish me as You see fit, just to save me from “Therefore, if you wish to condemn some-
falling down into a hellish condition of life.” one to hell, put them in charge of the
Rama turned to His ministers and inquired, brāhmanas, cows, and deity worship. Anyone
“What punishment should be inflicted on who steals from the brāhmanas, the demigods,
him? Justice must be done, for nothing instills women or children is doomed, as is one who
more confidence in people’s minds than the takes back a gift that was freely given. Indeed,
administration of fair punishment to all even the very thought of stealing from the
wrong-doers.” demigods and brāhmanas will send a man to
Bhrigu, Angiras, Vasishtha, Kasyapa, and the lowest of hells.”
other knowers of religious principles replied, “A Saying this, the dog suddenly departed
a is never to be punished. This is the while Rama and the others sat wonder-struck
unanimous opinion of those conversant with with wide-open eyes. Although previously
rāja-dharma. Still, O Rama, You are the ultimate born in a very high family, that living being
judge, for You are the Lord of the entire had somehow been forced to accept the body
universe. You are Lord Vishnu Himself. Thus, of a dog. After leaving the royal court at
whatever is spoken by You is eternal religion.” Ayodhya, the dog gave up his life by
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abstaining from food and water with the hope King Priyavrata had to be persuaded by Lord
of attaining a better birth. Brahma to accept the post of emperor of the en-
tire universe. Similarly, his father, Swayambhuva
Manu, felt relieved to entrust the universal gov-
Now, one could argue that since the Lord ernment to Priyavrata. Thus it is evident that
the kings and executive heads of government in
personally gave the exalted position to the
the Vedic age never accepted their positions for
brāhmana Sarvartha-siddha, how could sense enjoyment. Such exalted kings, who were
there be any danger in his accepting it? Cer- known as rājaris, ruled only to maintain and
tainly there is no inherent fault in accept- protect the kingdom for the welfare of the citi-
ing the post of a leader. From the example zens. The history of Priyavrata and
of Maharaja Priyavrata in the fifth canto Swayambhuva Manu describes how exemplary,
of Śrīmad Bhāgavatam we can understand responsible monarchs performed the duties of
that if one accepts a position for the plea- government with disinterest, keeping themselves
always aloof from the contamination of mate-
sure of Guru and Krishna he is protected
rial attachment. [Purport to Bhāg. 5.1.22]
from material entanglement. Srila
Prabhupada has described: However, unlike Maharaja Priyavrata,
Sarvartha-siddha accepted the position of
When Priyavrata’s father, Swayambhuva
Manu, requested him to accept the responsibil- head of the Kalanjara Monastery not for the
ity of ruling over the world, he did not wel- service of the Lord but for his own self-ag-
come the suggestion. This is the symptom of a grandizement. The dog understood this, and
great, liberated devotee. Even though engaged thus knew that he would be suitably punished
in worldly affairs, he does not take pleasure in in due course of time. 
them, but remains always absorbed in the Bibliography
Lord’s service. While thus serving the Lord, he —Krishna Dwaipayan Vyasadev. Śrīmad Bhāgavatam. English translation
and commentary by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Bhaktivedanta
deals externally with worldly affairs without
Book Trust. Singapore. 1982.
being affected. ... By serving the lotus feet of his
—Sanatan Goswami. Śrī Śrī Hari-bhakti-vilāsa. Sanskrit with Bengali trans-
spiritual master, prince Priyavrata very soon lation by Kanailal Adhikari. Sri Chaitanya Gaudiya Math. Mayapur. 2000.
attained the perfectional stage of Krishna con- —Valmiki Muni. Rāmāya
a. Sanskrit with English translation. Gita Press.
sciousness. This is the only way to advance in Gorakhpur, India. 1995.
spiritual life. [Purport to Bhāg. 5.1.6.] —Valmiki Muni. Rāmāya
a. English translation by Hari Prasad Shastri. Shanti
Sadan. London. 1985.
SRI KRISHNA KATHAMRITA BINDU nanda kim akarod brahman śreya eva mahodayam
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Gopal Jiu Publications
[Having heard of the great fortune of mother
c/o ISKCON Sri Krishna Balaram Mandir
National Highway No. 5, IRC Village Yasoda, Parikshit Maharaja inquired from
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, 751015 Sukadev Goswami:] O learned brāhma
a, mother
Phone: (0674) 2557026 Yasoda’s breast milk was sucked by the Supreme
Email: Personality of Godhead. What past auspicious
For more information about Gopal Jiu Publica- activities did she and Nanda Maharaja perform
tions check out our website: to achieve such perfection in ecstatic love?
— Bhāg. 10.8.46. BBT translation.
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Gopal Jiu Publications is a branch of the International [Describing Krishna’s preparation to fight
Society for Krishna Consciousness, Founder-Acharya His with Jarashandha and the other kings at the
Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
time He kidnapped Rukmini:] All glories to
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His
Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Lord Krishna who, grasping the conchshell
©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. All other mate- with both hands, placing it to His lotus
rials, unless specified, © ISKCON Bhubaneswar/Gopal mouth, and blowing it, remembers how He
Jiu Publications. All rights reserved. Blanket permission is
given to redistribute Bindu in electronic or print form pro- once drank the breast-milk of mother Yasoda
vided no changes are made to the contents. and becomes stunned and motionless! 
— Srila Rupa Goswami’s Lalita Mādhava act 5 text 69. Translated by
Sri Kusakratha Das.

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