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“Communication Skills”

(Date of Submission: 14th January, 2009)

Submitted to:
Miss Fareena Iqbal

Submitted By:
Ahmad Ali Ansari



The whole book is based upon an incredible war which occurred

between Trojans and Greeks which led to a furious duel between Achilles,
renowned for his chivalry and Hector, known as a symbol of victory in Troy.
Attaining power has been the main goal of human beings in every epoch.
Struggle for power led to many horrible battles as it happened in Troy, when
Agamemnon attacked on Troy for power.
Love is the element of heart and has firm grip on human’s heart. Love
can’t be restricted by any force. One can fall in love without any distinction of
race, nation or language. “Troy” is depicting this aspect when Helen, Queen of
Sparta, fled with prince of Troy, Paris, without taking care of their lives.
Everyone is paralyzed within the system and is compelled to follow
it. He is bound to follow the customs and traditions of his society. Natural
selection is an automatic process. It is such a process in which every
aspect of life follows the culture not the aspects to be followed by it. And
those who deny the culture are expelled from society and left behind in the
race of life.

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Page No.

Introduction to Nick MacCarty………………………………………… 5

Introduction to Book……………………………………………………. 6

Summary………………………………………………………………….. 7-9

Core Themes……………….……………………………………………...10-13

Critical Analysis…………………………………………………………. 14

Conclusion……………………………………………………………….. 15

Bibliography……………………………………………………………… 16

Introduction to Nick MacCarty

Nick MacCarty is one of

the famous writers in English
Literature. His works have left
deep imprints upon the sands
of time. He has been
professional writer since the
age of 22. He had written
mostly for television for which
he was recognized. His written
includes “The Regiment” for
BBC TV, “Spearhead” for STV,
“The Six Wives of Henry VII”
In addition with working
for TV, he also worked for
Radio and adopted many
classics for Radio. He did his
best in Radio for such an
extent that he won The Sony
Best Radio Adoption Award for “The Tale of Two Cities”. His other honours
include The Golden Rose New York Best Production Award for “The
Canterville Ghost” and The Pye Award for Best Children’s Television
His Book includes Troy and Alexander The Great’s favorite book, a
retelling of the illiad. Married with two children, Nick MacCarty partly lived
in France and partly in Kew England.


TROY is written by Nick McCarty. It

was published in December 2004 in Dubai
where it got an average response. Later it
was published in States and UK and here it
got a good response. The appearance of the
book is remarkably eye catching and jazzy.
The writer has frequently used artistic
depictions to accolade the content.

The theme of the book is based upon

a very famous book ILIAD which was written
in Latin by a great poet of history, Homer.

Writer has progressively discussed all

the incidents of Trojan War and besides this
he also describes brief history of Greek
Mythology. He unveiled all the minor details
of the war. He has also discussed the causes and after affects of the war.
The whole content of the book reflects the firm command of writer on
language as well as on the subject matter of the book.

It is 1250 B.C. during the late Bronze Age. Agamemnon of
Mycenae and his army are in Thessaly, Greece, looking to expand his
military might and empire. His army prepares to engage in combat
against a host of soldiers under the Thessalonian king, Triopas. Rather
than suffer great losses, Triopas agrees to Agamemnon's proposal to
settle the matter in the traditional way, through a decisive match between
the heroes of the opposing armies. Achilles is summoned by
Agamemnon. He easily killed the greatest and most accomplished
warrior of Thessaly.
In Sparta, Prince Hector and his young brother Paris negotiate an
end to the war between the outlying
kingdom of Troy and Sparta. On the
last day of a weeklong peace festival,
Paris manages to smuggle his love
Helen back to Troy with him.
Menelaus, Helen's husband, vows
revenge on Paris. Meanwhile,
Agamemnon the brother of
Menelaus, who had for year’s
harbored plans for conquering Troy,
decides to use his brother's situation
as an excuse to invade. He is
advised by his general Nestor, to call
upon Achilles to fight for the Greeks.
This is in order to ensure they can
rally enough troops to the cause.
Agamemnon knows that with Troy
under his control, he would have complete control over the Aegean. So
they set off with 1,000 ships holding 50,000 Greeks to Troy.

The Greeks land at Troy and take control of the beach on the first
day of the war. Achilles and the Myrmidons are able to kill many Trojans
but also desecrate the Trojan’s temple “Apollo”, slaying the unarmed
priests that reside there. Briseis, a member of the Trojan royal family who
has chosen to dedicate her life to service to the gods, is captured and
taken as a prize by Achilles. However, he treats her with kindness, which
makes her initially cautious. In the course of the battle within the temple,
Achilles and Hector meet but do not fight. Hector is outnumbered but
allowed to leave.

Achilles and his Myrmidons do not take part in the next day's open war,
but watch the events from a distance, Achilles
pacing back and forth in anger at Agamemnon's
mistakes. With the Trojan army beneath the walls of
Troy and the Greek army surrounding it, Paris,
feeling guilt for having brought the threat of war upon
Troy, challenges Menelaus to a duel to settle things.
Menelaus agrees, knowing he is the better warrior.
Agamemnon then decides he will attack afterwards
anyway, regardless of the outcome. Paris, severely
outmatched, is easily defeated. Terrified of dying, he
crawls back to Hector's feet. Menelaus approaches and moves to finish Paris,
but Hector steps in to protect his brother and kills Menelaus. A shocked and
distraught, Agamemnon orders his army to charge on Trojans. The Greek
army starts to lose, and at the pleas of Odysseus, Agamemnon withdraws the
The Trojans attack the Greek camp at dawn. As the Greeks appear
to be on the verge of defeat, Achilles appears and the Myrmidons join the
battle. He brings courage to the Greeks, and eventually fights man-to-
man against Hector, until his throat is cut. This energizes the Trojans and
dismays the Greeks, until Hector pulls Achilles' helmet off and finds it is
Patroclus, Achilles' cousin. A distraught Achilles leads the funeral
ceremony, complete with funeral pyre, while a satisfied Agamemnon tells
Odysseus "That boy just saved this war."
The next day, Achilles approaches the gates of Troy and demands
Hector come out and face him. Hector requests a pact that the loser be
given proper funeral rights by the winner. They both fight bravely and
arduously. Hector, though he is a great warrior in his own right, is
outclassed by the enraged Achilles, who duly kills him. Achilles then ties
Hector's body to the back of his chariot and drags it along the dirt. That
night, King Priam, aided by the dark, goes to the Greek army's camp to
get Hector's body back. After an emotional and mortifying talk given to
him by Priam, Achilles breaks down into tears near Hector's slain body.
He lets Priam take Hector's body back, promising him that no Greek will
attack them on the way back. Achilles lets Priam take Briseis back as
well, and gives her the shell necklace Thetis made for him.
During the 12 days that Troy mourns Hector's death, the Greeks
plan to enter the city using a hollowed-out wooden horse, devised by
Odysseus. The Greeks leave the horse at the location of their camp, then
withdraw to the beach hiding in their ships behind a nearby island. Paris
warns Priam about the horse and says they should burn it to the ground,
but Priam neglects his warning, blinded by the priests' talk of the horse
being a "peace offering by the Greeks" in order to appease the Sun-God
Apollo for the desecration of his temple by Achilles earlier. Assuming
victory, the Trojans take the horse into the city and celebrate. The Greeks
attack while the Trojans celebrate, killing King Priam in the process.
Achilles frantically searches for Briseis, who is at the shrine of
Apollo being threatened by Agamemnon. She kills him with a concealed
knife, and is saved by Achilles from being stabbed to death by
Agamemnon's guards when he arrives. Paris manages to find Achilles
and shoots an arrow that goes straight through Achilles’ heel. Crippled,
he turns to face him but is hit in the chest by several more arrows,
despite pleads from Briseis. Though he removes them, he is fatally
wounded and unable to fight. As she cries, Achilles tells Briseis, "You
gave me peace in a lifetime of war," and urges her to leave the city with
Paris, though she initially refuses to. Tearfully, Briseis lets Paris pull her
up and lead her up the steps as they run towards the secret passageway
and leave Achilles there. After watching them leave, he collapses with the
one arrow remaining in his heel.
After a last disorganized and futile attempt by surviving Trojan
soldiers to repel the invaders, the battle ends and the Greeks storm the
inner palace only to find that Achilles has died just a few moments earlier.
They perform the funeral rituals for him the next morning. Odysseus
delivers the final words, "If they ever tell my story, let them say that I
walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, but these
names will never die. Let them say that I lived in the time of Hector, tamer
of horses. Let them say I lived in the time of Achilles...."

Core Themes
“War, Chivalry, Love, Compulsion in System”

The whole book is based on war which occurred between Trojans

and Greeks.

What is War & why was it occurred in Troy?

War is a series of catastrophes that results in a

Gorges Clemenceau (1841 - 1929)

The major causes of war are fame, wealth, woman and power. If we
see the history, the most of wars were based on these factors. As
Ulysses S. Grant (1822 - 1885) says:

The art of war is simple enough. Find out

where your enemy is. Get at him as soon
as you can. Strike him as hard as you can,
and keep moving on.

The war of Troy was
based on the above
mentioned factors. As the
war of Troy began because
of Helen, Queen of Sparta,
who fled with prince of Troy
Paris. Agamemnon’s brother
Menelaus requested him for
help in the war to get back
his queen. Agamemnon
agreed who wants power in
Greece and see Troy as a
stone in his way. As he said:

“Peace is for the women and the weak. Empires are

forced by war”

In the meanwhile Achilles, a symbol of bravery and victory, also

agreed to take part in War for fame and glory. So these were the factors of
war on which the battle occurred between Troy and Sparta.

War is a systematic mass killing. No one can get benefit in war.
Everyone has to be subjected of stings and arrows of battle. The result of
war is nothing but some charred bones are there in the battle fields.

Chivalry and fame of Soldiers:

Whenever war occurs, then the tales of gallant soldiers is written in

golden words in history. In the same way, when the war occurred in Troy,
the whole world saw the bravery of soldiers who laid down their lives for
the sake of their nations. Among them Achilles and Hector were in the top
of the list.
His life was gentle and the elements so mixed in him,
That nature might stand up, and say to the entire
world, “This was a man.”


Achilles is the only mortal to experience consuming rage (menis).

His anger is at some times wavering, at other times absolute. The
humanization of Achilles by the events of the war is an important theme of
the narrative.

Achilles was believed to be an embodiment of victory in Greece.

Agamemnon, king of emerging Greece, hated him and considered him to
be a threat for his government but he also wanted him in wars because of
his gallantry and ability to win battles.

Cowards die many times before their deaths,

The valiants never taste of death but once.

Achilles only fought for fame and glory and not for any emperor. As it
is indicated in the book, when Agamemnon called him for a duel. It was an
old custom that as an option, the fate of war can be decided by the duel of
best warrior of the two conflicting armies. When Achilles won the duel and
king of Thessaly wanted to give him Royal Scepter to give him his king,
Achilles said:

“He is not my king.”

His saying depicts that he only fought for himself or for the Greece.
When his cousin Patroclus was killed by Hector by mistake, he went to fort of
Troy alone to get his revenge. This act on his part reflects his gallantry.

Fame is vapour, popularity an accident,
Riches take wings, one thing endures character

Hector, the prince of Troy, was an incarnation of chivalry. He was

believed to be a symbol of victory for Troy. The most of the wars won by
Trojans were just because of gallantry and wisdom of Hector.

Unlike Achilles he fought for

his own nation. He had a deep
vision in matter of wars and knew
the tricks to be applied in war. He
didn’t believe that their Gods were
going to help them in battles but
they had to fight themselves for their

When Achilles came to the castle of Troy and challenged him to fight
him, Hector went to fight him without any fear of death as Achilles was
famous as death’s angel. This depicts his bravery.

Love, The element of heart:

Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and

embroidered by imagination.
Love is the element of
heart. It has firm grip on
human’s heart. It is in the roots
of human beings. It has no limits
and no boundaries. Love can’t
be restricted by any force. One
can fall in love without any
distinction of race, nation or
language. It is such a passion
that brings colour in human’s
Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly
desired. “Robert Frost”

Paris and Helen:

When Paris and Hector came in Sparta for a peace agreement,

Paris fell in love with Queen Helen, regardless of the fact that a war can be
occurred for this unpardonable act. Queen also fell in love with him as she
doesn’t like Menelaus and she was compelled to marry him when she was
only sixteen. When Paris met with Helen one day before his return to Troy,
they decided to flee from Sparta. This was love which made them blind and
they became the reason of war.

Achilles and Briseis:

When war was going on, Princess of Troy

Briseis was captured by Greeks at temple. They
present her to Achilles to please him. No one
knew that she was a princess. When Achilles
saw her, he realized that she belongs to royal
family because of her attitude. Inspite of the
reality that she belongs to his rivals he fell in
love with her. Princess also began to love him. He gave protection and
refuge to her during battle. And the reason of death of Achilles was also his

Compulsion in System:

Everyone is paralyzed within the system and is compelled to follow

it. He is bound to follow the customs and traditions of his society. Natural
selection is an automatic process. It is such a process in which every
aspect of life follows the culture not the aspects to be followed by it. And
those who deny the culture are expelled from society and left behind in the
race of life.

Sometimes a person has to do such involuntary actions in his life for

the sake of his culture. As in Troy, Achilles and Hector fought with each
other involuntarily. When Hector killed Patroclus, Achilles became furious
and next day he challenged Hector. It was Hector’s choice to fight with him
or not and he could also killed Achilles via his army but his culture
compelled him to fight alone for the sake of his nation’s glory and his

Culture is recognition of a country. Everyone has to follow it. It has

its own merits and demerits. It is culture which makes a nation prosperous
but sometimes because of it nations fell in to the ebb of forfeitness.

Critical Analysis
Before concluding we must take into account possible issues with
the Trojan War topic. It is by far one of the most controversial events of our
planet’s history made evident in the varying of information of each source.
There exists an overload of opinion as everyone has a different perception,
the facts are in the artifacts but the perspectives are created by the

War due to the amount of veracity the recently investigated artifacts
create. In conclusion taking into account all of the analysed sources and
their credibility, the existence of a Trojan War seems very convincing.
Perhaps in the early stages controversy would be understood but the
evidence derived from the Hittite letters and Korfmann show that it is
certain there was military tension in 1200 BC Turkey and this is what we
know as the Trojan War. There is no question that a Trojan War took place,
the real question that should be asked to those in disbelief is ‘why wouldn’t
there have been?’

By Karlos


Love, urge for gaining fame and power were the basic reasons of war which
occurred between Trojans and Greeks. Achilles plunged into war to earn distinction.
Agamemnon showed aggression towards Trojans to achieve power. Hector fought
for the sake of his nation and his glory and Menelaus to get back his queen. But the
history in general and Trojan War in particular has proved that excessive use of
power and weapons is not the criterion of winning in the battle fields.

“Force is not a remedy”

(John Bright)

Significance of man power can’t be denied but brain power has its own

“The best way of using force is to show it in order

not to have to use it.”
(Kofi Annan)

And strategies are only effective if they are commanded by such sort of leader
who is entirely fearless like Achilles or Hector. If we see around we will find many
Achilles’, ambitious for seeking fame, Hectors’, who fights for others, Agamemnons’,
who wants power and many more. But the matter of thinking is how we can polish
them so that their abilities may result into the prosperous of humanity instead of
destruction of nations.

“Despite those titles, power and pelf,

The wretch concentrated all in self,

Living shall forfeit fair renown,
And doubly dying shall go down,
To the vile dust from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonour’d and unsung.”



McCarty, Nick, Troy the myth and reality behind the epic legend, Lisa Moore, Carlton Publishing Group 2004

Homer, The Iliad, Peter Jones, Penguin Classics 2004


Korfmann, Manfred, Was There a Trojan War? , 2004 by the Archaeological Institute of America, Volume 57
Number 3, May/June 2004

Internet Sources, Is The Mask a Hoax? ,, Warrior 2: Excavations at Troy,, Agamemnon, Greek myth Index,, Troy: 4000 year old Ancient City,, Project Troia,, Troy,

23, Homer’s Iliad, and the city of Troy,, Is Troy True? The evidence behind movie myth,, EO Newsroom: Ancient Troy,, History of the Trojan War,, Heinrich Schliemann- ,, History- Epic History,


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