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Honeywells UOP: Biofuels Digests 5-Minute Guide

Based in:Illin ois Business: Hon eywells UOP h as developed a ren ewable jet fuel processin g tech n olog y, as well as a join t ven ture. UOP an d En syn an n oun ced th e formation of a n ew join t ven ture, dubbed En verg en t Tech n olog ies, th at will market tech n olog ies an d equipmen t for g en eratin g power, tran sportation fuel an d h eatin g oil from biomass usin g pyrolysis. Th e join t ven ture will utilize forest an d ag riculture residues as feedstocks in a Rapid Th ermal process, wh ere feedstocks are h eated in th e absen ce of oxyg en , to produce pyrolysis oils th at can be utilized directly in h eatin g oil or power g en . UOP also own s a Ren ewable En erg y & Ch emicals busin ess th at produced g reen diesel usin g its Ecofin in g process. UOP an d Vaperma an n oun ced a partn ersh ip to brin g Vapermas polymer membran e tech n olog y to th e eth an ol in dustry, wh ere it will reduce en erg y con sumption an d emission s for for firstg en eration eth an ol, as well as cellulosic eth an ol an d butan ol. Model: Licen sor; often develops tech n olog ies in partn ersh ips. Past milestones: In 2006-09, Virg in Atlan tic, Con tin en tal, Japan Air Lin es an d Air New Zealan d an d th e g roup as a wh ole con ducted a series of laboratory, g roun d an d flig h t tests, in dicatin g th at test fuels performed as well as or better th an typical petroleum-based Jet A. Th e tests revealed th at usin g th e Bio-SPK fuel blen ds h ad n o adverse effects on th e en g in es or th eir compon en ts. Th ey also sh owed th at th e fuels h ave an averag e 1.8 percen t g reater en erg y con ten t by mass th an typical petroleum-derived jet fuel. In 2009, at th e Paris Air Sh ow Boein g an d a series of partn ers in volved in four biofuelsbased test flig h ts released th e data from th e tests, an d said th at with th e release th ey are on a path towards flig h t certification of biofuels as soon as late 2010. Futur e milestones: UOP expects to commen ce licen sin g its fuel tech n olog y in 2009, an d said th at it h as already commen ced advan ced discussion s with multiple poten tial licen sees. Th e con sisten t messag e from airlin es an d aircraft man ufacturers is th at th e certification of biofuels for reg ular commercial flig h ts is in th e 2012/13 timelin e. Boein g spokesman Terran ce Scott said th at biofuels could be a reg ular source for jet fuel with 3-5 years, with alg ae becomin g a common compon en t in 8-10 years. Metr ics: UOP said th at it was modelin g future refin eries for ren ewable jet fuel usin g a 60150 Mg y scale, an d said th at wh ile th is was on ly a fraction of th e typical 4.2 billion g allon per year scale of a typical oil refin ery th at th e size was th e most effective g iven th e expected

supply ch ain for ren ewable jet fuel feedstocks. UOP said th at it expects th e cost of refin eries to be in th e $150 million ran g e.

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