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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology Suggested answers to Exercise and Reading to learn

Chapter 13 p.1/5

Ch 13
1 4 7 10 13 16 D C A A A a

Reproduction in humans
2 5 8 11 14 A B C B D 3 6 9 12 15 B D A D D

Multiple-choice questions (p. 13-38)

Short questions (p. 13-40)

Part Contains smooth muscle to move sperm Adds a liquid secretion to sperm before they are released b A scrotum It keeps testes cooler / at 35C so sperm can be made / sperm live longer. C erectile tissue It can be filled with blood. B penis It becomes erect / stiff / rigid so it can reach high in vagina / the top of vagina / the entrance of uterus. Effective communication 17 a i ii b 1m 1m 1m Number 4 3 1m x 2

Acrosome releases enzymes / proteases which digest the protective layer of the ovum. The protective layer thickens / hardens / changes in structure. 2m 2m

Sperms are produced by meiotic cell division which involves independent assortment of chromosomes. Homologous / pairs of chromosomes separate independent of each other. 2m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m i ii i ii i ii umbilical cord carbon dioxide uterine abdominal mammary glands antibodies


a b c

Oxford University Press 2009

New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology Suggested answers to Exercise and Reading to learn

Chapter 13 p.2/5

Structured questions (p. 13-41)

19 a b c d 25.7 / 25.5026.00 m These enzymes can break down protective layer and allow the entry of sperm nucleus / DNA into the ovum. Mitochondria provide ATP / release energy / carry out respiration for the movement of sperm. This increases the chance of reaching the ovum / egg / fertilization 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m

because sperms have to travel long distance / not all sperm viable / many sperm do not survive. 1m 20

HKCEE Biology 1995 I Q1c

(c) (i) (1) diameter = 53 (50 to 55) 0.03 mm ---------------------------------------------------------1 = 0.159 mm (0.150 mm to 0.165 mm) (no unit, no mark) -------------------------------------------------------------------1 (2) (ii) (1) (2) (iii) (1) (2) because cell A contains food store -------------------------------------------------------------1 * ovary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 * testis---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 fertilization---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 It forms a zygote---------------------------------------------------------) which will develop into a new individual --------------------------) OR It combines the genes from both parents -------------------------) to result in genetic variation in the offspring ---------------------)- -any TWO point 1+1 OR It restores the diploid chromosome number ---------------------) which has been reduced to half by meiosis during gamete formation / so as to maintain the chromosome number of the species constant -------------------------------------) (iv) The penis becomes erect --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 and it is inserted into the vagina -----------------------------------------------------------------------1 Semen is then ejaculated --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Total : 11 marks





The performance on this question was good, although some candidates did not show their calculation.


A considerable number of candidates wrongly wrote that cell A is large so as to provide a large area for meeting cell B. Some candidates did not seem to

Oxford University Press 2009

New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology Suggested answers to Exercise and Reading to learn

Chapter 13 p.3/5

understand the word account and attempted to calculate the size of cell A. (ii) Some candidates did not read the question carefully. They gave the names of the cells instead of the organs that produce them. (iv) A number of candidates misinterpreted the question. They elaborated on how semen is produced and failed to describe the process of semen transfer.


HKCEE Biology 2006 I Q7

7. (a) 4th to 8th March / (4th 7th March There is a great drop in the thickness of the uterine lining in this period

Marks 1 1

1 (b) 15th to 20th March (any range within these days and cover day 17 + 18) 1 Around day 17, ovulation occurs The chance of fertilization is high as sperms and the egg can survive for a couple of 1 days in the female reproductive tract 1 Also, the uterine lining is thickened and ready for the implantation of the embryo If sexual intercourse occurs in this period, there is a high chance of pregnancy Effective Communication (C) 1 1 1


This method only allows her to detect ovulation when thereis a rise in the body temperature But it fails to predict the fertile period before ovulation

Menstrual cycles may be irregular and hence cannot predict the exact date of ovulation. 23 2. HKCEE Biology 2002 I Q2a (a) (i)

Total: 8 marks

It forms a physical barrier.....................................................................................1 to prevent sperms from meeting the ovum...........................................................1

(ii) AIDS / hepatitis B, C or E / gonorrhea / syphilis (accept other correct answers) 1 (iii) Menstruation will still occur.................................................................................1 because the operation does not affect the production of the female sex hormone by the ovary.......................................................................................................1 and the transport of the hormone by blood...........................................................1
Oxford University Press 2009

New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology Suggested answers to Exercise and Reading to learn

Chapter 13 p.4/5

Under the influence of the female sex hormone, the uterine lining will get thicker 1 and shed off later Effective communication (C)..............................................................................1 (iv) Title (T) .............................................................................................................1/2 Drawing including cell outline (D) ...................................................................1/2 Two chromosomes shown i.e. haploid, chromosomes as single thread...........1+1

The ovum

Essay (p. 13-43)

24 a Any four from: Midpiece of sperm contains mitochondria which supply ATP to the tail for motility. Acrosome contains digestive enzymes released when membrane rupture which digest the protective layer of the ovum. Haploid nucleus of sperm can enter the ovum and fuse with nucleus. b Breakdown of membranes decreases the diffusion distance. Presence of villi provides large surface area for exchange. Slow movement of blood at exchange surfaces allows more time for exchange of materials. Transport proteins present for active transport of ions Blood circulating in placenta maintains the concentration gradient. (3m for features, 3m for reasons) 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m x 4

Oxford University Press 2009

New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology Suggested answers to Exercise and Reading to learn

Chapter 13 p.5/5

Reading to learn (p. 13-44)

1 2 Condoms and vasectomy Both vasectomy and IVD prevent the transfer of sperm to the female body. However, contraception achieved by IVD is reversible while vasectomy is permanent. 1m 3 Testes Testes are the organs which produce male sex hormone. 1m 1m 1m x 2 1m

Oxford University Press 2009

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