ISL Minggu 1 Tarikh:03-01-2013 Tempat: Bilik Asrama Masa: 7.00pm-9.00pm Tajuk: Baca Artikel 1 - Effective Teaching (Santrock, 2006)

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ISL Minggu 1 Tarikh:03-01-2013 Tempat: Bilik Asrama Masa: 7.00pm-9.

00pm Tajuk: Baca artikel 1 Effective teaching ( Santrock, 2006)


Professional Knowledge and Skills

Commitment and Motivation

Subject Matter Competence

Instructional Strategies

Assessment Skills

Goal Setting and Instructional Planning Skills

Working Effectively with students from Culturally Diverse Background

Professional Knowledge and Skills

Developmenting Appropriate Teaching Practices

Paying More Than Lip Service to Individual Variations

Classroom Management Skills

Communication Skills

Motivational Skills

Professional Knowledge and Skills

Effective teachers have: Good command of their subject matter and a solid core of teaching skills. Excellent instructional strategies supported by methods of goal setting, instructional planning and classroom management. Know how to motivate, communicate and work effectively with students who have different levels of skills and come from culturally diverse backgrounds. Understand how to use appropriate levels of technology in the classroom.

Subject Matter Competence

Having a thoughtful, flexible, conceptual understanding of subject matter. It includes knowledge about organizing ideas, connections among ideas, ways of thinking and arguing, patterns of change within a discipline, beliefs about a discipline and the ability to carry ideas from one discipline to another. Having a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Instructional Strategies

At a broad level, two major approaches characterize how teachers teach: constructivist and direct instruction. The constructivist approach is a learner centered approach that emphasizes the importance of individuals actively constructing their knowledge and understanding with guidance from the teacher. Children should be encouraged to explore their world, discover knowledge, reflect and think critically with careful monitoring and meaningful guidance from the teacher. By contrast, the direct instruction approach is a structured, teacher centered approach characterized by teacher direction and control, high teacher expectation for students progress. An important goal in the direct approach is maximizing student learning time.

Goal Setting and Instructional Planning Skills

Set high goals for teaching and organizing plans for reaching those goals. Develop specific criteria for success, spending considerable time in instructional planning, organizing their lessons to maximize students learning. Reflect and think about how they can make learning both challenging and interesting. Good planning requires consideration of the kinds of information, demonstrations, models, inquiry opportunities, discussion and practice students need over time to understand particular skills.

Developmenting Appropriate Teaching Practices

Have a good understanding of childrens development and know how to create instruction materials appropriate for their developmental levels. Call attention to developmental aspects of educating children and provide examples of teaching and learning that take into account a childs developmental level.

Classroom Management Skills

Keeping a class as a whole working together and oriented toward classroom tasks. Establish and maintain an environment in which learning can occur. Strategies for establishing rules and procedures, organizing groups, monitoring and tracing classroom activities and handling misbehavior.

Motivational Skills

Have good strategies for helping students become self-motivated and take responsibility for their learning. Give students opportunity to think creatively and deeply about projects. Establishing high expectations for students achievement.

Communication Skills

Skills in speaking, listening, overcoming barriers to verbal communication, tuning in to students nonverbal communication and constructively resolving conflicts. Talk with rather than talk to students, parents, administrators etc; keep criticism at a minimum; and have an assertive rather than aggressive, manipulative or passive communication style. Work to improve students communication as well.

Differentiated instruction involves recognizing individual variations in students knowledge, readiness, interests and other characteristics and taking these differences into account in planning curriculum and engaging in instruction. Differentiated instruction advocates discovering zone or ballparks in which students in a classroom cluster.

Working Effectively with students from Culturally Diverse Background

Knowledgeable about people from different cultural backgrounds and are sensitive to their needs. Encourage students to have positive personal contact with diverse students in thinking critically about cultural and ethnic issues, forestall or reduce bias, cultivate acceptance and serve as cultural mediators. Be a broker, or middle person, between the culture of the school and the culture of certain students, especially those who are unsuccessful academically.

Assessment Skills

Decide what type of tests you want to use to document your students performance after instruction. Determine whether your level is at a level that challenges students and to develop a grading system that communicates meaningful information about your students performance.

Making the class interesting

Having a good attitude

Caring about student

Confidence in own self-efficacy

Commitment and Motivation

Avoiding negative emotions

Bringing positive attitude and enthusiasm to the classroom

Having a good sense of humour

Having knowledge of the subject

Pemerhatian bilik darjah yang dijalankan semasa Pengalaman Berasaskan Sekolah (PBS) pada kali yang lepas dapat dikaitkan dengan artikel 1 Effective Teaching (Santrock, 2006). Semasa guru-guru di sekolah melaksanakan pengajaran di dalam kelas, mereka telah memenuhi syaratsyarat yang didapatkan dalam artikel tersebut. Ciri-ciri guru yang efektif dalam pengurusan bilik darjah mempunyai dua kriteria yang utama, iaitu: dari segi kualiti peribadi yang baik dan kompetensi pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Guru-guru telah banyak

mengaplikasikan pelbagai teori pengajaran seperti teori konstruktivisme, teori kognitif dan lain-lain. Contohnya, guru banyak menyediakan soalan dengan tahap yang bertingkat-tingkat supaya murid-murid dapat mempelajari secara lebih mendalam dan dapat meningkat daya pemikiran mereka dengan lebih berkesan. Selain itu, guru juga menjalankan aktiviti kumpulan dalam waktu P & P. Aktiviti kumpulan ini menggalakkan murid-murid untuk berinteraksi dengan satu sama lain. Mereka akan bekerjasama bagi memikir dan mencari jalan penyelesaian untuk menyelesaikan masalah atau soalan yang dikemukan oleh guru. Secara tidak langsung, murid-murid dapat mempelajari kemahirankemahiran komunikasi yang amat berguna dalam hidupan seharian kita. Aktiviti yang dijalankan adalah dalam pelbagai jenis supaya dapat menarik minat para murid. Aktiviti yang berfaedah dapat membantu muridmurid untuk mengingat isi pembelajaran dengan lebih baik. Guru telah

memastikan aktiviti yang disediakan untuk murid-murid adalah amat sesuai dan berkait rapat dangan apa yang dipelajari oleh mereka. Kerjasama dapat dipupuk antara murid semasa mereka melaksanakan aktiviti-aktiviti ini. Guru akan memastikan murid-murid dapat berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Dengan itu, guru sentiasa memberikan motivasi bagi menggalakkan semua murid supaya mereka lebih berkeyakinan untuk belajar dan dapat memajukan dirinya dengan baik. Guru sentiasa menunjukkan gaya mesra tetapi tidak lupa bagi bertindak tegas apabila mengajar murid-murid.

Di samping itu, ilmu pengetahuan guru amat lengkap bagi subjek yang mengajar. Guru telah memastikan masej atau ilmu yang disampaikan kepada murid adalah tepat dan betul. Guru perlu mempunyai teknik menyoal yang bagus supaya boleh merangsang pemikiran murid. Pekara ini juga memenuhi tuntutan teori konstruktivis. Direct instruction pula sesuai digunakan atas murid yang kurang berprestasi dalam pencapaian kelas supaya mereka lebih senang untuk memahami apa yang disampaikan oleh guru. Guru telah merancang rancangan mengajar minggu dangan rapi dan tersusun. Guru amat memahami dengan teliti apa yang perlu disampaikan kepada murid dan hasil pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai. Akhirnya, ganjaran dan dendaan akan diberikan kepada murid-murid secara adil dan saksama. Bagi murid yang menunjukkan kelakuan yang baik, ganjaran perlu diberikan manakala murid yang melanggar peraturan patut didenda dangan cara bersesuaian.

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