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Mastering the change of life

with the help of chronobiology
Mastering the change of life
with the help of chronobiology

Table of Contents
Controlled by messenger substances ..............................6
Starting point glands ...................................................7
Following the rhythm of the inner clock .........................8
Orchestra of hormones ................................................ 10
Best form a short-time blessing ................................ 11
Counteracting hormone defciency, anti-aging ............. 12
Hormones drop, risks rise ........................................... 12
First upwards, now downwards ............................ 13
Beware of the disposition to divorce! ........................... 14
Basic substance for 18 complete hormones ................. 15
A natural transition period .......................................... 16
Defnition of menopause .............................................. 17
Women: pre, peri or post? ............................................ 18
Turning point between age 44 and 52 ......................... 19
Almost half a life ......................................................... 19
How the body experiences menopause ........................ 21
Peak season for antidepressants ................................. 22
Men before andropause ............................................... 24
Men: inching towards a halt ........................................ 25
The male body needs more ......................................... 26
The hormone science of aging ..................................... 27
Theories of aging......................................................... 28
Substitution of all decreasing messenger substances ... 30
Hormone status test .................................................... 31
Hormones and their function ....................................... 32
Daily rhythm of the hormones ..................................... 34
Regulation and compensation ..................................... 35
Protection against free radicals .................................... 36
Phyto substances: supplementation and alternative .... 36
Plant-based substances fll the gap .............................. 37
Phyto substances for the female organs ...................... 38
Phyto substances for the male organism ..................... 42
A new understanding of medicine ............................... 46
Phyto substances supplement the orchestra of hormones . 47
Plant-based ensembles of substances
with well-described effciency ...................................... 48
Mastering the change of life with the help of chronobiology
6 7
Starting point glands
Most messenger substances are produced in glands,
primarily in the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus
in the brain, in the thyroid gland and parathyroid gland,
in the pancreas, the adrenal glands, the ovaries and the
testicles. Other hormones are produced directly in the
tissue at the place of their action. A complicated feedback
system consisting of external and internal timers sub-
jects the intensity of these information transmitters to a
distinct 24-hour rhythm. This inner clock is an important
control factor for the release of hormones. The more
intelligently we bear in mind this chronobiological factor
the greater the beneft for our bodies.
Controlled by
messenger substances
Messenger substances control us day and
night. Contrary to what has been assumed
for a long time it is not electrical impulses
but chemical molecules that transmit the
most important pieces of information in the
human body. The name of these molecules:
hormones. Medical science already knows
as many as 156 such active endogenous
regulators and coordinators of the bodys
metabolism. If necessary, they are activa-
ted in certain cells. They are transported
to their place of action in the blood, in the
lymphs and in intercellular fuid. They
control the activity of the organs without
directly participating in the metabolic
processes. In order to prevent the organism
from being inundated with them they are
deactivated after a relatively short time.
8 9
Following the rhythm
of the inner clock
A few interesting examples: between seven and nine
oclock in the morning the messenger substances not
only the sexual ones are at their peak. Between 3 and
4 p.m. a high phase of our long-term memory makes us
most capable of learning. By around 11 p.m. the level of
the sleeping hormone melatonin has increased tenfold
and switches the organs to regeneration this is an
extremely important impulse which is lost in many elder
people. During healthy sleep, the bodys temperature is
reduced upon the command of the messenger substan-
ces. When we wake up the blood pressure rises.
A few decades ago, chronobiologists, the representatives
of this new science, were still derided. Today, relevant
formulas for providing the body with essential substan-
ces are available thanks to their fndings. These formulas
take into consideration the relationship between the
metabolic processes and the time of the day.
6 h
The organism
starts up
79 h
Hormones at
their peak
1516 h
New upswing, phase of
learning, long-term memory
23 h
Time for bed, BUT:
Creativity at its absolute peak
1012 h
Fully ft and wide
awake, brain functions
most effciently
1314 h
Noon low,
time for a nap
1821 h
Regeneration and relaxation,
good sense of smell and taste
2 h
All systems stop
except liver and skin
6 h
The organism
starts up
21 h
Stomach rests
stop eating
Best form a short-time blessing
Unfortunately our hormones are not at our disposal in the desired intensity for our entire
lives. As from the age of 30 already upon fulfllment of the procreation mandate within
the meaning of evolution the production of important messenger substances is curbed
more or less drastically.
Orchestra of hormones
Every emotion, every bout of energy, every growth com-
mand, every outbreak of anger, every repair order, every
feeling of lust, every blush and, most of all, any sexual
stirring, is the echo of the dosage of hormones.
But also the renewal of our bones, the blood pressure,
the bodys water balance, the blood sugar level or the
intensity of sleep during the night result from the release
of certain hormones.
In this concert of 156 or more messenger substances,
some players are of paramount importance. Individually
or as a group these are: the sexual hormones estrogen,
progesterone und testosterone, the growth hormone, a
basic hormone called DHEA, the brain-performance-en-
hancing substance pregnenolone, and melatonin.
J0 20
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 J00




12 13
Other attractive elements of this image are the typically
female body forms resulting from the fat reserves the
body has produced in order to make provision for a
subsequent pregnancy. All too soon this shiny image
begins to fade. First, the woman experiences a signifcant
decline of the maternity or feel-good hormone progeste-
rone that is produced in the ovaries. Then the production
of the estrogens plummets. Few people are familiar with
the fact that the lack of these substances also produces a
huge gap outside the female sexual organs.
First upwards, now
The most important hormones that participate in building
the human body are referred as anabolic according to
the Greek syllable for upwards. Apart from the sexual
hormones, these are the growth hormone and DHEA.
The levels of all these build-up hormones in the blood
Counteracting hormone
defciency, anti-aging
The aging process starts at birth and is
irrevocable. Science-based professional
anti-aging medicine is concerned with the
decline in the hormone levels that mostly
comes gradually but often has grave
Millions of people are hardly aware
of the interdependence between such
defciency and low immunity, heart risks,
arthritis or bone loss.
Because only one hormonal crash is so
obvious that everybody knows about it:
the crash experienced by a woman in her
Hormones drop,
risks rise
The messenger substances from the
group of the estrogens, and progesterone,
are regarded as the female hormones.
This categorization is somewhat mislea-
ding. Because these hormones regulate
the bone metabolism, vascular health,
and mood also in the male body. Howe-
ver, their main role is that of the work
bees of the female sexual system. All
physical and mental aspects imaginable
are directly or indirectly geared towards
conception. Smooth skin, strong hair,
sensual smell, easy-going manner, encou-
raging looks all the weapons in a wo-
mans arsenal of seduction can probably
be traced back to these hormones.
14 15
Basic substance for 18
complete hormones
The endogenous substance with the desi-
gnation dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
is produced in the adrenal cortex. It was
only at the end of the 20th century that this
substance was recognized as the youth
hormone. 18 different messenger substan-
ces, including the so-called female messenger
substances (estrogens) and male messenger
substances (androgens), develop from DHEA in
the female and male body, respectively.
Our organism reduces the production of DHEA to just
one tenth until the age of 75.
The levels of all messenger substances related with that hormone take a
plunge. The effects are profound. Still, there is only one instance of a hormo-
nal defcit that the general public is really aware of: the female menopause.
and in the tissue drop signifcantly over
the years. With each individual declining
messenger substance irrespective of
whether the decline is slow or quick
the body loses an extremely important
health factor. The effects are dramatic:
loss of vitality and increased proneness
to illness.
Beware of the
disposition to divorce!
A lack of the growth hormone affects not only the
renewal of bones, fatty tissue or muscles. HGH (for
human growth hormone, the scientifc name of this
messenger substance) is also an important stabilizing
factor for our psyche. A defciency in this hormone can be
one of the reasons for the high disposition to divorce that
can be observed during female and male menopause.
16 17
A natural transition period
The term for the collapse of the female reproduction
system is formed from the Greek words meno (month)
and pausis (stop).
Usually the regular periods will not stop from one day
to the next. Most women experience a transition.
One or several months without menstruation taking
turns with months with a menses. The periods vary in
length and intensity. Under such changing conditions,
when can a woman be sure that the time of her periods
is over? Practically when a year has passed since her
last spontaneous menstruation. This is exactly what
menopause means. It is a point in time that can only be
determined retroactively.
Defnition of menopause
From puberty until the occurrence of menopause the
following happens in a womans body: the pituitary
gland releases stimulants (FSH, LH) for the reproductive
glands into the blood. The ovaries respond by producing
sexual hormones. The increase of their level in the blood
is a signal to the brain that its action has been succes-
sful. This feedback stabilizes the hormonal situation.
In the course of the years the female body ceases to
produce enough sexual hormones for this success report.
The control center of the brain does not receive a stop si-
gnal as a consequence, stimulation of the reproductive
glands is not terminated but even increased. The pituita-
ry gland releases even more stimulants. The complicated
system of impulse and response is materially disturbed.
This hormone defciency has dramatic consequences. The
abrupt derailment, usually due to age, reinforces almost
all other aging processes. Skin, vessels, bones, muscles,
brain are especially affected.
18 19
Turning point between
age 44 and 52
The average age for the occurrence of menopause in the
Western world is 51 years. The normal range extends
mostly from age 44 to 52.
The most distinctive feature of this turning point is the
change in the function of the ovaries. The woman beco-
mes infertile.
Almost half a life
In this day and age, a woman usually lives long enough
to be postmenopausal for almost half of her life. There-
fore, the start into her third fate is of extremely great
social and psychological importance. The organism
responds in very different ways to the rapidly changing
hormone levels. The number of possible effects is subs-
Women: pre, peri or post?
Some women do not recognize the transition to meno-
pause as long as they have an irregular cycle. Three
phases blend into each other:
premenopause, i.e. the phase before,
perimenopause (from the Greek term for around) is
defned by a stage of irregular menstruation that may
stretch over several years and ends upon the occurrence
of menopause, and
postmenopause, which starts after the last period.
Women are recommended to regard themselves as being
in perimenopause until the established diagnosis of
postmenopause. Perimenopause may be characterized
by as few as two consecutively missed periods or by up
to 260 days without menstruation.
18 19
20 21
tantial. They differ hugely from woman to
woman. And even identical effects occur
with greatly varying intensity.
The specifc effects of low estrogen levels
remain even after the so-called change
of life is over.
These include dryness of the skin and the
degeneration of some structures referred
to as urogenital atrophy. Tissues in the
genital area shrink and loose elasticity
and moistness. Itching, skin hemorrhage,
urinary disorders (caused by the instabi-
lity of the vasomotor nerves), as well as
an increased inclination to infammation
and infection are not uncommon.
How the body
experiences menopause
Early consequences are known to include
hot fashes, outbreak of sweat, sleep
disorders, changes in blood pressure,
unrest, agitation and depressive moods.
In the following months and years it
is inevitable that the degeneration of
organs will cause symptoms to become
imminent: bladder weakness, shrinking
of the sexual organs and the skin will
be followed by arthrosis, osteoporosis,
22 23
Peak season for
Quite a few women experience the abundance of conse-
quences as confusing and frightening. Aggravated forms
of feeling blue can be diagnosed as depression and
fear of the future. 75 % of all antidepressants are
prescribed to perimenopausal women all over
the world.
As natural and chronobiological alterna-
tives, adapted to the circadian rhythm,
for achieving a brightening effect on the
mood in time, two intelligently designed
preparations containing the precursor
substances of the happiness hormone
serotonin should be mentioned here:
Tryptochron and 5 HTP (both obtaina-
ble without a prescription, manufacturer
24 25
inching towards a halt
Using the Greek word fragment for man,
the years of the transition are designated
as andropause (i. e. menstop) The term
andropause is not recognized and used by
all members of the medical profession.
The dramatic decline in testosterone
and other hormones is often greatly
accelerated by the persons life style for
example by overweight.
Affected men should not try to escape
their personal responsibility on the basis
of a generalizing designation. Scientists
prefer the term PADAM, formed from the
words Partial Androgen Defcit in the
Aging Male.
Men before
There is no longer any doubt: As aging
progresses similarly in men and women
alike, men also become subject to a kind
of hormonal desynchronization over time.
While women are faced with a rela-
tively quick loss, messenger substances
decrease rather gradually in men.
The male sexual hormones take their
leave more slowly. But also these
hormonal changes are defned as a
material cause of a dramatic acceleration
of aging.
26 27
The hormone science of aging The male body needs more
Testosterone is among the most important control subs-
tances in the human organism. In order for all functions
to work at their best, the male body requires much more
testosterone than the female.
This androgenic hormone stabilizes the muscles,
strengthens the bones, regulates the fat metabolism
and activates regeneration after an injury or illness.
It lends wings to the psyche and gives a person adven-
turousness, courage and a zest for action.
In this respect, the aging process brings a special com-
plication along. Testosterone moves in the blood both
freely and in a form bound to proteins. Only the free
form is biologically active. But over the years the binding
protein increases and blocks more and more of these
hormone molecules and it is precisely those molecules
that matter.
The wish to delay aging is thousands of
years old. Peoples ever-increasing life
expectancy as well as new knowledge and
theories concerning the aging process,
however, have massively fostered this
In this respect, one of the most interesting
questions is: which changes in the organs
are caused by the low hormone levels that
characterize the second half of life?
By merely looking at the statistics of
some physical and mental signs of aging
a convincing answer cannot be found:
Blood circulation is reduced by 20 percent
in the brain and by 50 percent in the
kidneys. The blood transports only up to
a maximum of 60 percent of the former
oxygen quantity. The mineral content of
the bones in the female body drops to 70
percent. When resting, our basal metabo-
lism consumes 16 percent fewer calories
overweight is imminent.
28 29
substances are at work day and night to
control important life processes, such as
heat regulation, water balance, respira-
tion, hunger, sleep or sexual functions. In
the second half of life, the organism fnds
it increasingly diffcult to perform some of
these actions.
We know one common risk factor for the
illnesses which are going to determine
the fate of people in the 21
This applies in particular to arteriosclero-
sis, osteoporosis, Alzheimers disease and
cancer. As a logical consequence, preven-
tive medicine must concern itself with the
hormone science of aging.
Theories of aging
It is not entirely clear why an organism ages at all.
Several theories compete for recognition:
Certain genes control the aging process
Aging is due to oxidative stress having got out of
control (reactive oxygen radicals)
Aging is a consequence of loss of function due to
protein molecules stiffened by blood sugar
Aging is due to chronic infammation processes below
pain level (silent infammation).
The most controversial theory is the neuroendocrine
theory: we age because our hormone levels drop.
But one thing cannot be denied: all illness symptoms
that are typical of old age can be offset or slowed down
by adequate hormone substitution. For messenger
30 31
are present and that the specifc hormone defciency has
been proven in a chemical laboratory. Then however
providing individual hormone substitution to elder adults
does make sense.
Hormone status test
Defning a mans or a womans hormone status by per-
forming a simple blood test can reveal information on
the biological age and provide know-how for targeted
anti-aging measures. In this respect, the information to
be provided by the specialist doctor must meet particu-
larly high standards. It is absolutely necessary to check
effcacy at regular intervals.
This is the responsible way to administer anti-aging
medicine: as much as necessary, as little as possible. If
applied properly, hormones are not dangerous. The ove-
rall picture must be right it makes little sense to com-
pensate a defciency in only one messenger substance.
Substitution of all decreasing
messenger substances
One of the most important approaches of this science is
extended hormonal substitution, the replacement of all
messenger substances that decrease in the second half
of life.
The longest and widest experience has been gained
with hormone replacement therapy for women during
and after menopause. Some results of HRT studies have
shattered the belief in a fountain of youth. It is not
suffcient to just compensate a defciency state or two.
In the meantime, individualization and dosage reduc-
tion have become the principles of responsible, broader
hormone substitution. Female postmenopause and male
andropause are no longer generally classifed as an
illness caused by a hormone defciency. Such categori-
zation requires that corresponding clinical symptoms
32 33
Hormone Function Symptom of defciency Administration of hormones
Estrogen Highly effective female
sexual hormone. Seduc-
tion and beauty sub-
stance. Able to bind water
in the skin. Heart protec-
tion. Bone metabolism.
Hot fashes. Depression.
Bone loss.
Dry skin.
Better skin (formation of collagen).
Increasing libido. Brightening the
mood. Reduction of heart and oste-
oporosis risks. For best results, very low
doses of natural (instead of synthetic)
hormones should be administered over
the skin as a patch, cream or gel.
(e.g. Gynokadin Dosiergel [prescrip-
tion required, manufacturer Dr. Kade]).
Progesterone Maternity hormone.
Brings respiration, bone
health, connective tissues,
muscles to perfection.
Reduces fears.
Risk for uterus and breast.
Sleep problems.
Disturbed water balance
Prevention of mood swings. Protec-
tion against excrescences. For best
results, natural (instead of synthetic)
hormones should be administered
(e.g. Utrogest [prescription required,
manufacturer Dr. Kade]).
Testosterone Most effective male
sexual hormone. Libido.
Muscle and bone buildup.
Fat metabolism.
Loss of performance.
Sleep problems.
Fragility of bone.
Lowering cholesterol. Boost to libido.
Memory capacity (e.g. Testogel
[prescription required, manufacturer
Hormone Function Symptom of defciency Administration of hormones
Growth hormone Regeneration.
Cell growth.
Muscle buildup.
Degradation of fat.
Strengthening immunity. Stronger
connective tissue (e.g. incase of severe di-
sorders inject Norditropin[prescription
required, manufacturer Novo Nordisk];
otherwise use a spray, Oral HGH[obtai-
nable without a prescription, manufac-
turer VitaBasix] to early stimulate the
bodys ownproductionof the hormone).
DHEA Of immense importance
for a second youth.
Precursor for sexual
Bone density.
Degradation of fat.
Immune defense. Mood.
Profound metabolic
Risks for the
cardiovascular system.
Low immunity.
Improves the patients general
wellbeing, libido.
Lowering cholesterol (e.g. DHEA,
[prescription required, manufacturer
Pregnenolone Prcurseur important.
Protection contre la
Long-term memory.
Symptoms of old age (e.g. Pregnenolon
[prescription required, manufacturer
Melatonin Hormone-mre de la
chronobiologie. Rgule
la rgnration de tous
les organes soumis
lactivit hormonale
Overall disorder of the
inner clock.
Sleep problems.
Low immunity.
Strengthening the immune system.
Antioxidative effect.
Brightening the mood
(e.g. with chronobiological effect
Melachron [prescription required,
manufacturer VitaBasix]).
Hormones and their function
These are the hormones used in modern preventive medicine. Their concentration in
the body depends not only on the persons age but also on the time of day.
34 35
Daily rhythm of the hormones
6 7 8 9 J0 JJ J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9 20 2J 22 23 0 J 2 3 4 5 6


(OUR Source: Dr. !an-Dlrk lauLeck ' ConcenLraLlon en oncLlon du our du cycle eL de la grossesse




Regulation and compensation
All this results in the recommendation to administer hor-
mones early in order to maintain health and to prevent
certain consequences of aging.
In case of substitution, which is a very promising variant
of classic hormone replacement therapy, the hormone
administered to the body only compensates a defciency
that really has been proved. Today it is possible to deter-
mine minute quantities of hormones in the blood, saliva,
urine and other sources.
Your trusted doctor with specialist training will care-
fully evaluate your individual hormone status and take
into consideration any symptoms and risks.
36 37
Protection against free radicals
Only a short while ago, a fateful interaction between
hormone defciency and a reduced defense against free
radicals was discovered. This oxidative stress in the
organism seems to be a dangerous accelerator of aging.
Probably hot fashes and other symptoms are the signs
of increased aggressive oxidation in the tissue.
Phyto substances:
supplementation and alternative
More and more informed people counteract in a natural
way the impairments caused by the drop in hormones,
as well as the changes in the bodys appearance. This
can be done successfully by means of certain plant-based
substances, called phyto substances. Astonishingly,
consuming such substances causes mild effects in the
body, similar to those of hormones. Phyto substances
either supplement hormone substitution, for example by
having an infuence on the bodys own production, or
they alleviate the symptoms of the change of life without
the administration of hormones. This applies to women
and men alike.
Plant-based substances
fll the gap
Substances contained in a number of medicinal plants will
produce a particularly positive effect if they are combined
with other nutrients and building constituents. Science
focuses primarily on phytoestrogens (from the Greek word
for plant). The advantage of these plant-based substan-
ces is that they consist of naturally formed, and thus
complete, ensembles of active ingredients. In addition to
being highly effcient, they are thus also particularly well
tolerated. Furthermore, some of them even enhance the
protection against hormone-dependant illnesses.
38 39
Phyto substances
for the female organs
Ensembles of substances containing the following predo-
minantly plant-based substances are particularly suitable
for treating symptoms of menopause in women in a natu-
ral way and for generally regulating the hormone levels:
The primary effect is based on the many isofavones it
contains, in particular, genistein, daidzein and glycitein.
Soy also contains saponines, substances which prima-
rily strengthen the immune system. Together with the
phytosterols, another important group of secondary plant
substances, the saponines also bind cholesterol and thus
ultimately lower cholesterol levels.
Dried leaves of Orthosiphon aristatus, also called cats
whiskers, contain a complex mixture of essential oils,
plant acids, isofavones, saponines and potassium salts.
The substance has a diuretic, spasmolytic and microbici-
dal effect.
Wild Yam
This substance, which lowers the blood sugar and trigly-
ceride levels, contains saponines such as diosgenin and
Dong Quai
This medicinal plant, which is also called Chinese ange-
lica, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for
thousands of years, not only to alleviate painful mens-
truation but also against hypertension and disturbed
Structurally, this group of substances consisting of anti-
oxidants, polyphenols and isofavones is very similar to
the sexual hormones. The fact that they dock to certain
receptors of our cells enables lignans not only to balance
40 41
the decrease in production within the
body but also to reduce a hormonal pro-
duction that is too high. In this way they
have effect on the development of hormo-
ne-dependant tumors (breast, intestine).
Red clover
In addition to isofavones, this plant also
contains formononetin and biochanin
A. These two substances are precursors
of genistein and daidzein, but they also
appear to have potential of their own and
thus contribute to the effects of red clover.
The mildly estrogenic effect exerted by all
the isofavones alleviates the symptoms
of menopause and also seems to confer
protection against osteoporosis.
The well-known extract from the vale-
riana plant is one of the oldest natural
remedies and has been used to treat
nervousness and sleeping disorders since
ancient times. Taken regularly, valerian
has an anxiety-reducing and calming
Black cohosh
In addition to isofavones and many
further active substances this medicinal
plant also contains triterpene glycosides,
which are successfully applied in case of
menopausal complaints.
This is one of the most important mi-
nerals and is used to alleviate muscle
cramps, among other things. Further-
more, magnesium is essential for healthy
bone structure.
42 43
Phyto substances for
the male organism
Ensembles of substances containing the following predo-
minantly plant-based substances are particularly suitable
for treating symptoms of andropause in a natural way
and for generally regulating the hormone levels in the
male body:
Taurine and L-arginine
Whereas taurine is an aminosulfonic acid, L-arginine is an
amino acid. Both of these substances are known to have
a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. L-arginine
is converted to nitrogen monoxide, a substance with a
vasodilating effect. Taurine participates in the formation of
bile acids and thus boosts the bodys energy balance.
Saw palmetto
Extract of saw palmetto contains valuable oils, polysac-
charides, phytosterines, favonoids and carotinoids. The
plant has been used by practitioners of herbal medicine
for centuries. It causes regression of non-cancerous en-
largement of the prostate especially if it is administered
at the early stages of this disease. It substantially lessens
diffculties during urination and improves urinary fow.
Structurally, this group of substances consisting of an-
tioxidants, polyphenols and isofavones is very similar to
the sexual hormones. The fact that they dock to certain
receptors of our cells enables lignans not only to balance
the decrease in production within the body but also to
reduce a hormonal production that is too high. In this
way they have effect on the development of hormone-de-
pendant tumors (prostate, intestine).
The main active ingredient of tribulus is protodioscine, a
substance stimulating the pituitary gland. The pituitary
reacts by releasing an increased amount of LH (luteini-
sing hormone), which in turn speeds up the bodys own
44 45
production of testosterone in the testes. The result is an
increase in free bioactive testosterone of up to 50 %.
Ginkgo Biloba
This special extract promotes blood circulation in the
entire body, widens the blood vessels and generally
reduces the risk of clotting. It thus alleviates symptoms
caused by insuffcient blood circulation, such as memory
problems, declining muscular strength and metabolic
This trace element is a constituent of many enzymes or
of their co-factors and thus plays an important role in
our entire metabolism, also in the metabolism of growth
and sexual hormones.
a plant-based testosterone booster with
chronobiological release designed espe-
cially for men over 50
fosters muscular strength,
endurance and libido
prevents prostate enlargement
increases general performance capacity as
well as physical and mental ftness
releases chronobiologically-optimized
isofavones having an oestrogenic effect
as well as other plant substances
restores hormonal balance (especially in
women over 45)
promotes lipid and sugar metabolism and
bone structure and traps free radicals
46 47
A new understanding of
Chronobiology has had an outstanding in-
fuence on the development of modern food
supplements. In different compositions for
administration in the morning and evening,
the mostly plant-based constituents of these
products have been specifcally adapted to
the organs needs at the particular time of
day during this diffcult phase.
Governed by the laws of chronobiology,
they support the bodys own hormonal
processes in an innovative and natural way,
fnely tuned to the needs at the particular time of the
day. This ensures that all phyto substances are taken
correctly, for example with Menochron (female) and
Androchron (male), both obtainable without a prescrip-
tion, manufacturer VitaBasix.
Phyto substances
supplement the
orchestra of hormones
Hormones in a normal, low concentration
are provided by Nature throughout our
entire lives. In case of a lack of hormones,
the ideal solution is to offset defciencies
of all messenger substances.
It is the performance of the entire
orchestra that counts, not that of an
individual instrument.
48 49
New fndings of chronobiology help medicine do the right
thing and at the right time, too. Because the vital subs-
tances that are needed in the organs should reach their
targets in time and at the optimum time of day.
Talk to your doctor about what is right for you
at the right time.
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Disclaimer: This publication serves for information and instruction purposes only.
Any kind of medical care or treatment should if professional help is needed be sought immediately.
The author, the publishers, the distributors, and anyone named in this publication assume no liability
or responsibility for losses or damage of any kind whatsoever which have been caused or are claimed
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Published by Anti Aging News Inc.
Copyright 2009, Anti Aging News Inc.
Plant-based ensembles of
substances with well-described
develop hormone-like effects in the human body. Their
importance grows during female menopause and male
andropause. So-called phytohormones adjust themselves
excellently to the bodys own hormone concentrations:
fne-tuning results in an increase or even a decrease of
their effciency, depending on what is needed.
These mild natural substances are absolutely unproble-
matic means of infuencing slight to medium meno-
pausal complaints of women and beginning testoste-
rone defciency and lack of drive in men.

Info hotline
Androchron and Menochron:
Phone: 00800-80108040
(toll free)
Mastering the turning points
with the help of plant substances
When they are consumed, individual natural substances found in
the world of plants develop desired effects of a hormonal cha-
racter in the human body. They produce vital impulses similar to
our own messenger substances. Thus they are a mild option for
compensating the defcits caused by hormone defciency that are
biologically preprogrammed to occur especially in the middle years
of womens and mens lives.
Intelligently designed food supplements based on modern chrono-
biology supply the individual target organs at the best suited time.
This is how naturally created hormonal effects are ensured to take
place at the correct time of day a blessing in the challenging pha-
ses of menopause and andropause.
Info hotline Menochron and Androchron:
00800-80108040 (toll free)
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