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Shabbat 01/04/5991 (9th June 2013) Study Isa 14:12-16 (Source:

Satanism in Music

MUSIC is a gift from YHWH and a way to Glorify our Creator- The angels in Heaven also use DANCE in their Worship

When a Christian dies and goes to heaven, the beauty and peace of God is beyond words, and all they want to do is worship the Creator and give thanks to him. But as we are born into a system which neither recognises God or seeks his presence, we have succumbed to very sensual music & idolise these stars, who many have admitted selling their souls to Lucifer to gain money/fame. As our younger generation sing songs with lyrics such as take off all my clothes or
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard And they're like, it's better than yours Damn right, it's better than your's I could teach you but I have to charge. When do we as parents actually listen, and limit the filth that our children are subject to?

If you are not shocked by this, then you will not be shocked at the DEMONS these stars have made covenants with, to help them in their careers. Take (Pepsi co. Spokeswoman) Beyonce (below), who says that she gets possessed by an alter ego (demon) called Sasha Fierce, as she flashes the pyramid symbol; calls forth her fans to stretch forth their hands to her (like in worship); performing Girl on Fire to show the fiery furnace that many will goto who follow these wondering stars (read Jude), instead of giving worship to the Creator (above), and learning songs which glorify Him. Now in the website ( a Christian was taken to a place which she said was reserved for all who did not seek God on this earth, or listen to their conscience to determine right from wrong. She saw pop star Michael Jackson there, as well as John Lennon from The Beatles. As you will see if you goto youtube channel KingYHWH; playlist: Satanism in Music, Paul McCartney while doing an interview is immersed by a blue light which comes up from the ground. The interviewer is shocked to see this, but McCartney just quirks It must be John! If you realise that on the front of the cover of Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, there are a collection of Satanists and Luciferians, like Alistair Crowley, Karl Marx, Helena Blavatsky, and Adolf Hitler (later taken out) and Aldous Huxley, writer of Brave New World. As most of these starts actually follow the afore mentioned in their philosophies, let us see when kind of things a man like Alistair Crowley was involved in:
Alistair Crowley (1875-1947) was perhaps the most controversial personality to figure in the new era of modern day witchcraft. Born in England, the son of Emily and Edward, he was brought up in an atmosphere of strict religious piety, as members of the Plymouth Brethren sect (itself having occultic overtones). The sordid details of his life are far too lurid to repeat here, but suffice it to say that the British press dubbed him the Wickedest Man in the World. He openly identified himself with the number 666, the biblical number for the antichrist. His philosophy of life was: Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Can you now understand the popular culture, which in generations past was to Fear God and Keep His Commandments, is now Do what you want! This rebellious attitude towards God stems from what we read about in Isaiah 14, when one of Gods chief cherubs revolted and stopped giving honor to the Creator. The bible states that he was Cast Out of Heaven as profane, and is now building his Satanic Empire here on Earth. Using willing slaves who will sell body, mind and soul to pervert or make profane anything which is Just, Right, or Holy, extends to the music industry and most modern western (and now eastern) cultures. We are now in a cesspit of immorality & iniquity that starts with our pop/movie stars- can't you see that there is a spiritual war raging around us every day?

Let us turn our attention now to artists who have been called to Glorify God, are very talented and good at what they do, yet are largely ignored by the mainstream media. The first artist I would like to look at, who has enjoyed 100,00s of thousands of hits on many face book and social networking pages is Aviad Cohen ( He has produced 4 albums, and has come from a Rap/Hip-Hip background to produce a new brand of sound, mixed with an Electronica, High Baseline definition music.
Some others of creative interest are: Destiny Lab, T-Bone, Ziggybeats, and for Classical, check out Freddy Hayler. The youtube featured at the top is (KingYHWH), which gives a wide range of Contemporary Praise & Worship + a mix of Holy Hip-Hop. Remember, the most enjoyable and fulfilling thing we can do as human beings is offer up praise to our Creator, and there is a growing number of Christian artists with beautiful voices, who are encouraging YOUR faith & influence your musical interests in a new and positive way (instead of listening to the
same old tunes everyday on the radio) . Let us try to bring up our children in a proper

way, all the glory to God! Here are testimonys of past stars who have admitted selling
their soul to Satan (known as the Baphomet) in exchange for fame and fortune:

The selling of someones soul at any level can be subtle at the least; demons start the process of tempting humans with fame, and enticing talented stars away from God (who gave them the talent), sometimes by lust or promise of money or political power. Read Matthew 4, and you will see that a spirit of Satan tempted Jesus Christ with the same things, but Jesus refused to worship him or give him any place in his life. His reward was eternal life- a test all of us must go through in this world, which is fallen and is in the grip of the evil one (1John 5). The crossroads of Highway 61 and Highway 49 is where Blues legend Robert Johnson reportedly began selling out to the devil to become a renowned musician. Later Bob Dylan would "revisit" this highway which was the downfall of so many, fueling the rise of witch craft and satanism in our modern culture. You could call it Desolation Row because it would give you the Tombstone Blues singing the Ballad of a Thin Man whose destiny was to live Like a Rolling Stone. Shape Shifting zombie Katy Perry- her eyes here turn into triangle shapes during a

performance, which tells us about her allegiance to Satan and demon possession. Daughter of a preacher, she would rather follow the ways of the world and the trappings & delusion of wealth than live her life in an honourable way, as a role model for Christians. Her Father called her a devil child, and asked that Christians would pray for her Salvation. Demons only mock human beings, and draw us away from God's love and His awesome presence. We can ask Jesus to rebuke demons by prayer; His blood is the only sacrifice we need to be right again with God.
Goodfightministries runs a web site looking at the many actors and musicians who have sold out: Nicole Scherzinger, Tupac, Lil Wayne, to name but a few. Mark Dice also gives a satire of the pop culture

obsessed society that is becoming more vain and conceited every day. We need to devote our time learning to worship God, which most children love to do, and only some cultures around the world still teach in schools- we need to be an example and not let us fall into satanic evangelism, as led by Mick Jagger, or Jay- Z, who states in one of his lyrics that he rapes children. Even the white-house has been supporting the reading of Harry Potter novels to their children! Will those Bamphomet worshipping bimbo's get the better of our young culture, or can we fight back by cleansing our mind by celebrating the gift of music for worshipping God?
Several teen suicides have been blamed on the music from bands such as Judas Priest and Ozzy Osbourne. The bands were sued by the families of the victims. A man was murdered in the "Mosh Pit" of a Korn concert. A metal Band called The Beasts Of Satan were committed of murder in three ritual murders. The guitarist of Pantera and Damageplan was gunned down during a live performance by a "fan" of his Metal Music before being killed by a police officer. If we continue in this path of throwing out death metal music, or the small section of music and artist we have already reviewed, there is only so much that a culture can absorb, while ignoring the call to repent and get into Gods presence. Take a look at a fraction of pop stars deaths, and ask yourself if it is a coincidence, or they really have sold out to satan: Johnny Ace (Dec 24th 1954) Accidental shooting, Houston, Tex; Buddy Holly & The Crickets (Feb 3rd, 1959) Plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa; Stuart Sutcliffe- The Beatles (Apr 10th 1962) Cerebral haemorrhage, Hamburg, Ger; Johnny Burnette- The Rock and Roll Trio (Aug 14th 1964) Drowned, Clear Lake, Cal; Bobby Fuller- The Bobby Fuller Four (Jul 18th 1966) Suspicious Suicide, LA, Cal; Mary Ann Ganser- The Shangri-Las (Mar 14th 1970) Barbiturate Overdose (disputed) Forest Hills, NY; Jimi Hendrix- The Jimi Hendrix Experience (Sep 18th 1970) Asphyxiation on vomit, Kensington, Lon; Arlester "Dyke" Christian- Dyke & the Blazers (Mar 13th 1971) Shot, Phoenix, Arz; Jim Morrison- The Doors, Rick & the Ravens (Jul 3rd 1971) Heat failure (disputed) Paris, Fra; Leslie HarveyStone the Crows (May 3rd 1972) Electrocuted by a live microphone on stage , Swansea, Wal; John Rostill- The Shadows (Nov 26th 1973) Electrocuted by guitar, Radlett, Eng; Bob Marley- The Wailers (May 11th 1981) Acral lentiginous melanoma (suspicious) Miami, Flo; Lenny Breau (12th Aug 1984) (Suspicious) Strangulation, LA, Cal; Cliff Burton- Metallica (Sep 27th 1986) Car accident, Ljungby, Swe; Kurt Cobain- Nirvana (Apr 5th 1994) Suicide (suspicious), Seattle, Wash; Eldon Hoke- Mentors, The Screamers (Apr 19th 1997)

Hit by a Train, Riverside, Cal; Jeff Buckley (May 29th 1997) Accidental drowning, Memphis, Ten; John Denver (Oct 12th 1997) Plane ran out of gas, Pacific Grove, Cal; Michael Jackson- The Jackson 5 (June 25th 2009) Cardiac arrest (through injection), LA, Cal.

Jesus said Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul (KJV)

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