Projek 1bitg1113 Sem1 2012 2013 Bmfa

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BITP 1113 Programming Technique

Semester I 2010/2011

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

GROUP PROJECT: BITG 1113 ( Computer Programming) Array, Input/output File and Functions

Project Presentation: 26 DIS 2012

Submit : Hardcopy(Printed) and soft copy of 1. 2. 3. 4. INSTRUCTION Your group have to develop a system that has interactive menu options as example below 1. First Menu to enter the system prompt for password 2. Second Menu to process the file prompt for input files name 3. Third Menu Display the report on the screen and to the output file. Prompt for output files name Solve the problem that have been assigned to your group. Your Source Code Your input file Your output file The print-screen for each menu

Prepared By : Aniza Othman


BITP 1113 Programming Technique

Semester I 2010/2011

PROBLEMS Sistem #1: 1. Title : BITP 1113 Grading System Input File Name, Matric_id, Mid_Term(30%), Lab_Test(30%), Final(40%) Function1( ) : Get the total mark for each student Function2( ) : Get the grade for the total mark (Follow UTeM grading system) Function3( ): Get the highest and the lowest mark together with the matric_ids and names. Function4( ) : Get the frequency of student for each grade. 3. Output File Make a complete report of the results in output file(s). 2. User-defined Functions :

Sistem #2: 1. Title : Hotel Payment System Input File Room_No, Days of_Staying, Rateperday(RM) Function1( ) : Get the total payment for each room before discount Function2( ) : Get the nett payment after discount deduction which depends on Days_of_Staying. If 1-3 days, discount = 5%, If 4-7 days, discount = 7% and If >7 days, discount = 10% Function3( ): Get the first three highest and last three lowest nett payment together with the room number. Function4( ) : Get the frequency of room for each discount . 2. User-defined Functions :

3. Output File Make a complete report of the results in output file(s).

Prepared By : Aniza Othman


BITP 1113 Programming Technique

Semester I 2010/2011

Sistem #3: 1. Title : Company ABC Salary Payment System Input File Staff_id, Basic_salary(RM), Allowances(RM) Function1( ) : Get the total payment for each room before discount Function2( ) : Get the nett payment after discount deduction which depends on Days_of_Staying. If 1-3 days, discount = 5% of total payment, If 4-7 days, discount = 7% and If >7 days, discount = 10% Function3( ): Get the first three highest and last three lowest nett payment together with the room number. Function4( ) : Get the frequency of room for each discount . 2. User-defined Functions :

3. Output File Make a complete report of the results in output file(s). Sistem #4: 1. Title : Book Sales Information System Input File Book_id, Title, Price(RM), Quantity_sold Function1( ): Get the total profit for each Book_id Function2( ): Find the extra number of the free books that will be given by the publisher which depends on Quantity_sold. If 100-200 books sold, extra book = 2% of Quantity_Sold, If 200-400 books sold, extra book = 3% of Quantity_Sold and Quantity_Sold Function3( ): Get the highest and lowest price of the book together with its Title Function4( ) : Get the frequency of books that have price below RM150.00 If >400 books sold, extra book = 5% of 2. User-defined Functions :

3. Output File Make a complete report of the results in output file(s).

Prepared By : Aniza Othman 3/4

BITP 1113 Programming Technique

Semester I 2010/2011

Sistem #5: 1. Title : Shoes Inventory System Input File Shoes_id, Description, No_sold, Price(RM) Function1( ) : Get the net profit for each Shoes_id after discount. Discount will be based on the No_sold. If No_sold <5, discount is 5% of Price. If No_sold between 5-10, discount is 7% of Price. If more than 10, discount is 10%. Function2( ) : Get the total nett profit for overall sales Function3( ): Get the highest and lowest nett profit together with the Shoes_id and the Description. Function4( ) : Get the frequency of shoes_id for each discount range . 2. User-defined Functions :

3. Output File Make a complete report of the results in output file(s).

Prepared By : Aniza Othman


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