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Renae and Paul Metaphysics Academy

By Renae Chan
Reiki Master, Numerologist, Tarot Consultant, SpeakerTrainer

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr: Career

Seven of Swords

One of your most admirable qualities, Aries, is your ability to be inspired by new ideas and take them to levels and heights never dreamed of by other signs. But this is also your bane: You become thrilled by anything new and different but just as quickly, when that new diversion becomes stale, you jump to the next flashy new thing, leaving a collection of unfinished projects in your wake. This is clearly not good for the workplace and it's why your sign can sometimes underwhelm when it's clear that you're capable of so much more. But this month, and for quite a while after words, you'll achieve a level of focus and dedication that will truly impress your bosses, peers, virtually everyone. This will kick start a very lucrative period in your life and, to be sure, the rest of 2013 looks rosy indeed in regards to your career.

Aries is a very direct sign and, as such, personal appearances mean a great deal to you. When you're looking for a mate, compatibility is quite a bit further down your list. Physical attractiveness is what really fires up this fire sign, and it's why Aries often prefers to be single: It's the novelty of a new person that really arouses this sign. But you may be surprised to find that, as the summer nights beckon themselves forth, you'll start to be interested more in the personalities of your potential conquests. During this time it is likely that someone will come along that will make you reconsider the idea of confirmed bachelordom.

In Love
Aries who are currently seeing somebody will also feel a deeper connection start to manifest itself within their relationships. This can be a very frightening thing to an Aries, who considers fidelity and loyalty to be pipe dreams. But we all have to grow up sometimes, even the so-called child of the Zodiac. But since you're already committed, at least somewhat, to a steady mate, it shouldn't be too difficult for you to take the next logical step and become even more devoted to this person.

After a couple months that didn't bring forth too much positive growth in the way of finances, you can finally rest easy knowing that June will provide a much more bountiful harvest. We've been recommending that you put off any big purchases throughout April and May. If you've waited patiently, you'll see that not only are you much more flush with cash, but you're also quite likely to get a better deal on the purchase you've been considering. So go ahead and take the plunge, Aries: Any display of patience from your sign is worthy of a nice reward.

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May: Career

Nine of Wands

As Jupiter moves into your third house this month, relations between you and your coworkers will begin to blossom a bit more. With Jupiter in Cancer, you can expect more understanding and kinship in a general sense, but in a more specific sense, you're well poised this month to build closer ties with managers, underlings, and colleagues. This will make problems and issues at work much easier to solve, with fewer misunderstandings and hurt feelings. And the best bit is that the growth fostered during this phase will continue on past June.

Taurus is represented by the Bull, and it is the perfect symbol for your sign's often stubborn mindset. This month you may be tempted by a stunning love interest who could potentially cause you to act and think irrationally. You're very much like an Aries in this sense: When you see a beautiful creature, you cast off common sense and become too enamored to act logically. Avoid falling in this trap in June, Taurus, because you'll be even more susceptible than usual to the Love Bug.

In Love
When Tauruses are in a relationship, they can sometimes become too protective for their own good. Before you know it, you become jealous and overbearing to the point of turning off your mate. This month may cause you to be even more protective than usual, and thus you must try to rein in these urges so that your partner doesn't feel smothered. Also be careful that you don't start harboring suspicions that your mate is interested in someone else; you're not thinking especially clearly this month, and it's quite likely that these suspicions are unfounded.

Be careful not to spend too freely in the beginning of the month, as there's a chance that you may need to lend some money out to a family member or business partner later in June. It also might be a charity-related issue that requires you to put out perhaps more money than you'd like. Don't rule out a spouse or child who may be hard-up and might need some financial assistance from you. Since we all know how hard it is for a Taurus to deny help to those he or she loves most, it would behoove you to keep a little money aside in case this situation arises.

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun: Career

Nine of Swords

This month you'll be blessed with something that every Gemini could use more of: Optimism. Problems and issues at work will be met with a positive attitude and you'll find it easy to overcome the difficulties that are thrown your way in June. And don't think this steady, admirable attitude will go unnoticed among your managers and coworkers; Your grace under pressure will put you in fine form when it comes time to consider promotions, bonuses, and raises later in the year. So make sure to make the most of that positive outlook while it remains.

As Jupiter moves into Cancer, you'll start to see a change in the way you look at love and relationships. Geminis, for all their good attributes, are notoriously averse to commitment and are more likely to be unfaithful to their lovers. As such, a Gemini prefers to be single and unattached so that they can't hurt anybody. But you'll start to see the bright side of fidelity and even entertain ideas of being with one person for the long haul. This is a good attitude to take, Gemini, and these urges will continue past June, so have at it if you want to.

In Love
As with single Geminis, you'll start to feel a closer kinship with your partner this month. Whereas before you might have been somewhat lackadaisical regarding your lover's complaints about your relationship, you'll instead start seeing things from their perspective. This could be very good for the two of you, as it may help you to be less flirtatious with other people, more appreciative of your partner's love, and overall more respectful of the feelings of others. This is a lesson that many a Gemini can stand to learn and you're lucky that you don't have to learn it the hard way.

This month you'll be tempted to spend more frivolously than usual. Much of this will be due to your positive outlook, which will cause you to be happier and more celebratory. Beware of racking up big bar tabs or making spur of the moment purchases on things related to entertainment. But if you've been spending wisely for most of 2013, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for you to treat yourself to a couple nice little diversions; just make sure that you don't go overboard with leisure-themed expenditures.

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul: Career

Page of Wands

Jupiter moves into your first house this month, you'll be well-poised to take on anything and everything that gets in your way. No retreating into your shell in June, Cancer. And, to be sure, you won't even feel the urge to. At the workplace you'll start to take on the personal of the proverbial 'social butterfly.' Expect new friendships to be born and older friendships to be fostered into a deeper kinship. You'll get along with everyone and your superiors will certainly take note. This is the beginning of a blessed time, Cancer.

June will also bring a nice boost to your self-confidence, something that any Cancer could use a little more of. Expect the opposite sex to take more notice of you, as you start to appear more attractive toward the end of the month. You'll also most likely feel urges to go out and be more social, and with the added nightlife will be an even more bountiful bevy of suitors. Make sure to use discretion, however, and try to avoid going home with someone unless you know them to be trustworthy.

In Love
If there's one fault that is often laid upon a Cancer, it's that you can be a bit too clingy and nagging to your partners. You can't be blamed too much for this: After all, Cancers have so much emotion and love to give that they often want to protect their sweetheart from everything else in the world. But this month you'll feel a peace and security within that will allow you to let your lover be at an arm's length. This will make your partner more appreciative of you, since you won't be there every five seconds to smother them. With any luck, you'll remember this time and reflect on how you can still hold on to the one you love without holding them down, so to speak.

Expect a nice, healthy boost in your income this month. This should be welcome news because, in truth, your financial situation has been sort of up and down all year. But this is the port from which the smooth sailing begins, and so you can finally rest easy knowing that the cosmos will smile down on your money matters during the remainder of the year. It would be a good idea, however, to invest some of the money you make this month. Fortune is also smiling kindly on your investments so don't be afraid to try to make even more profit from your windfalls.

5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug: Career

Ace of Wands

Starting this month and peaking in the next, you'll start to see your ability to communicate with coworkers increase dramatically. This would be a perfect time to start gunning for that raise or promotion that you feel you deserve. You'll come across as more clearheaded and sharp-witted, and your ability to get your thoughts across will be unrivaled. The best part is that those you work with won't be jealous of your focus instead they'll be more likely to help you achieve the aims you put forth so clearly.

If you're a single Leo entering the month of June, you can expect to stay single. It isn't that you're against monogamy so much as you're going through a very individual phase wherein you're trying to discover yourself and what you want out of life. There may be short, fun flings with a few potential mates but it's highly likely that you won't be especially keen on starting up a relationship. You've got a few things to learn about yourself before you can devote your energy to someone else's life.

In Love
For Leos already in some kind of committed kinship, you can expect a newfound level of comfort in which you aren't as stressed out or annoyed over some of your mate's foibles. Your mindset at this time will be akin to a live and let live philosophy: Where previously you might have gotten into an argument with your partner for some minor pet peeve, now you'll let it slide off your back as you contemplate the more important things in life and love: Fidelity, loyalty, trust, that sort of thing.

Feel free to treat yourself to something nice this month: Leos love the finer things in life, like good food, lavish entertainment, and quality products. But you've no doubt had to cut back on some of your favorite luxuries in the last few months, owing to uneven earnings. But this month kickstarts a rather lucrative period in your life wherein Jupiter is blessing your twelfth house and giving you newfound levels of confidence and comfort in your financial situation. Don't go overboard and buy anything too expensive, but a nice gift may be the perfect way to pat yourself on the back for forgoing some of your favorite diversions in the first half of 2013.

6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept: Career

XXI The World

This month you'll want to watch your tongue: Virgos are typically great at defusing tense situations, and they'll usually walk away before letting an argument get out of hand. But this month your fuse may be just a bit shorter you'll be more inclined to tell your coworkers how you really feel. Try to keep your stress levels to a minimum and excuse yourself from any situation where you start feeling a tongue-loosening coming on. As June withers away, the influences of Jupiter will bring a lot more joviality to the workplace and you'll be back to normal.

Don't be surprised if you find yourself a bit lackadaisical when it comes to finding love or seeking relationships this month. It's a safe bet that you'll feel too busy throughout June to focus on courtship and, in truth, you may be well-served getting the rest of your life in order rather than spending too much time dealing with new suitors. Fortunately, you won't feel lonely during this month; on the contrary, you'll rather enjoy the prospect of a little time by yourself. So have at it, Virgo.

In Love
Your partner might get on your nerves a bit this month, without particularly trying to. Expect to feel a bit frazzled and reticent to let others into your personal space. It is important, however, not to blow up at your partner but rather tell them that you just need a little time to yourself. Being honest about your feelings makes your partner know that they aren't the problem and instead it's something within you that is putting you on edge. Do your best to make it through June and you'll begin to feel a lot better all around.

Though June looks a little daunting to Virgo, you can rest easy knowing that your financial outlook is relatively rosy. Now would be a good time to invest in any projects you've been considering. If you've been contemplating paying off some debts, there is no better time than right now. Don't feel like you have to break the bank to be debt-free, however. A decent-sized payment now will suffice because the remainder of 2013 will be similarly bountiful to your checkbook. If there's no rush to pay off all your bills, consider waiting another month.

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct: Career

Page of Swords

As Jupiter leaves your ninth house and enters Cancer, you can expect your position in your career to blossom accordingly. It is very likely that around this time you will start to take on more of a leadership role at the workplace. With Jupiter in Cancer and your tenth house of professional reputations, leadership, and goals, there are many blessings in store for you. You can also expect a more relaxed demeanor at work, as things almost seem to come together for you without your assistance. This is the beginning of a much more enjoyable second half of 2013, Libra.

As Cancer begins to exert more influence on you, it is highly probable that you'll start to look at the single life as unappealing and stale. You'll begin to tire of the whole dating game and you may start craving intimacy and closeness. This is a period in which you are very likely to fall for someone you meet, and what better time than Summer? Luckily, the cosmos foretell that any potential mates you meet during this time have a good chance of becoming long-term partners. If a relationship is what you want, now's the prime time to make it happen.

In Love
A Libra isn't especially concerned with who wears the pants in a relationship. Libras prefer a laissez-faire approach to their mates in most cases, but this month may find you taking the dominant role in the relationship for a while. Your partner may fall on hard times or become ill or otherwise be somewhat incapacitated. You'll have some sort of responsibility thrust upon you and, thankfully, you'll be in the perfect position to deal with it. One piece of advice this month, though, is to avoid getting stressed out and yelling at your partner. Your patience will be a bit short in June and this is something you'll want to keep tabs on.

If you've been thinking about investing in mutual funds or the stock market, this would be the perfect time to do so. But even if you don't want to risk money in a volatile market, you can still find safer investments that will still be blessed by Jupiter this month. Perhaps you've found some antiques that you're reticent to spend the money on. If you feel you can afford it, go ahead

and splurge. Maybe you've been thinking about starting a college fund for your child. Whatever investments you've been planning, so long as they are sound, would benefit from being put into place right now.

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov: Career

III The Empress

As Jupiter moves into your ninth house, you'll start to think about your long-term goals at this job. The ninth house rules things like travel, relocating, and the globe. In other words, you may run the risk of being bored at work and you'll find the day-to-day pattern of your career very dull indeed. But this is just a passing phase, Scorpio, and your thoughts about your future have been plaguing you throughout all of 2013. Try to keep these feelings in check before you rashly ask for a transfer or quit your job out of the blue.

Scorpio is a sign that truly enjoys meeting and bedding new lovers. But this month you may even surprise yourself with what you deem an increase in your libido. But it isn't exactly your libido that is making you even more gung-ho about meeting sexual partners, Scorpio: It's really more of a mental thing. You're literally seeing a wider swath of people as more physically attractive than usual, due to the influence of Cancer and Jupiter. What's more, it's quite likely that you're attracted to members of different ethnicities or a certain type (redheads, etc.) that you weren't necessarily wild about before.

In Love
Don't be surprised if you start finding yourself more devoted to your mate this month. The stars foretell of a major growth in your fondness for your partner, and this is rather a good thing for a Scorpio: Your sign has a bit of problem with tact sometimes, and many Scorpios feel that it is more important to be direct and honest rather than beating around the bush. But it can be very easy to hurt someone's feelings by telling the truth, and this can make you come off as abrasive to others. Thus, this month will help to remind your lover that you truly do care about them, even if you sometimes accidentally say something hurtful every now and then.

You'll be more likely to spend money treating friends and loved ones to a good time this month. There isn't anything particularly wrong with this, considering that Scorpios love lavishing gifts upon their dearest mates. And your sign is one of the best at finding out if someone is just using you or taking advantage. So the odds are good that you won't break the bank too much when taking your friends for a night on the town, if this is indeed what you choose to do. Have a good time, Scorpio, and enjoy the camaraderie.

9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec: Career

V The Hierophant

There's a good chance that this month you will have to take on the role of a teacher or instructor at the workplace. You may be training a newly hired employee or possibly becoming a mentor for a troubled colleague. Also don't rule out the possibility of a promotion wherein you have more people under your direction. Either way, your sign is perfect for this sort of job: Sagittarius is a sign that can mix warmth, friendship, and professionalism in ways that other signs simply can't compare to. It's a sure bet that your supervisors will take note of your people skills this month.

Expect Saturn to take front and center in your love life this month. If you've been single for a while, it may be because you're not ready to trust someone with your heart just yet. But the influences of Saturn, which helps to teach us all valuable lessons, will help you to learn how to trust again. You'll be more willing to put forth the effort for a relationship and, in a nice touch of kismet, you're well-poised this month and the next to find someone who is worthy of your trust and loyalty.

In Love
Sagittarians who are in a relationship may be surprised to see things rapidly becoming more serious. If you're in a new relationship you may feel urges to make your pairing more official and concrete. This is a month in which you'll want to be closer to your mate and form a deeper, more lasting connection. Unfortunately, your lover's reciprocation of these feelings are somewhat up in the air. Not every partner will feel the same way that you're feeling, and in some of these cases it might be that it is too soon to take things to the next level. Use your best judgment in these cases and don't fly off the handle too quickly if you feel your love is being unrequited.

Money matters will be easily handled this month as your net worth continues to look brighter by the day. Cancer will be allowing you to feel some comfort and peace in regards to your financial situation, and this will in turn keep you from being stressed. Do be careful not to spend money foolishly this month, however. The upswell in positive emotion, coupled with a potential new love, might cause you to squander money while celebrating the good times. Avoid this if possible, but don't beat yourself up if you slip just a little. We all like to celebrate sometimes.

10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan: Career

Ten of Cups

With your increased optimism and brighter attitude over the past couple months, it's a safe bet that you've been enjoying work a lot more than you have lately. And, to be sure, the workplace is usually where a Capricorn is happiest. It must have felt strange earlier in the year when work was another source of stress rather than an escape from it. But, either way, things should very much be back to normal now, and you can bet that your positive outlook right now will reflect nicely on you when the time for promotions comes around.

Though you're not as averse to love and relationships as usual, you still might not be especially gung-ho about courtship right now. More likely, you're very busy getting your life back in order after a confusing first half of the year. You probably are expending more mental energy on cleaning house rather than letting your head get fuzzy with potential suitors. This is okay, Capricorn: We don't all have to be dating someone day in and day out. Go ahead and have a little time to yourself. You'll be that much more prepared next month to find that someone special.

In Love
Capricorns with somebody special in their life have much to celebrate this month: With Jupiter entering your seventh house, which rules things like friendship, partners, and marriage, you'll see your loved one as a port in a storm, or a teammate in the game of life. You'll be more open and share more of your thoughts and feelings with them. They'll in turn help you to voice your emotions about work, your family, and so forth. This is a really great time for the two of you to form a strong, lasting bond.

You may feel the urge to take care of any debts that you have incurred over the last couple years. Since your work life will be going more smoothly, you'll want to gain an overall monetary confidence and any loose ends in your checkbook will need to be seen to before you can rest easy. It's good that you want to settle your money issues but you shouldn't let it become an obsession. Take a breath and step back. Then see to your debt with a cool head.

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb: Career

Ace of Cups

Aquarius makes friends easy because people born under the sign are fun, spontaneous, and impossible to pin down. You never know what you're going to get with an Aquarius, but you're sure to have a good time. But this impulsivity can be a double-edged sword. Sometimes an Aquarius will impetuously blurt out something in a heat of anger, frustration, impatience, or even hatred. Only an Aries can compete with an Aquarius for a lack of tact in certain circumstances. This month you're at risk for impulsive speech and actions at the workplace. Try to avoid doing anything that might endanger your job, and if you feel yourself about to act irrationally, excuse yourself from the area.

Emotions will be slightly cooled this month, and someone who you may have been casually seeing might start to seem less appealing to you. Your desire for physical companionship won't seem as strong, and the idea of some quiet time and self-reflection will be much more interesting to your tastes. So go ahead, have some private time and leave the dating game to your friends for a month. You have a high chance of gaining some real clarity in regards to how you approach romance, and thus June might prove to be a great time for some positive selfgrowth.

In Love
Aquarians already in a committed relationship might feel a slightly sagging sex drive. It isn't that you are less physically attracted to your partner, but you're simply in a cool state where your feelings and drives are more cerebral. Long conversations with your partner may be more enticing to you, and of course this person might feel a bit of umbrage when they find you've replaced lovemaking with verbal discourse. If they're not in the mood to talk all night, try not to give them too much flack. Think of what you're withholding right now!

Before Jupiter enters your sixth house of work, chores, and productivity at the end of the month, you may feel a bit overwhelmed with money matters. The truth is that your financial situation is probably improving from a lackluster first half of the year, but you may still find it difficult and tedious to sort through your bills, paperwork, etc. The best option? Wait until next month to make any big financial decisions. Your mind isn't completely together regarding money matters right now, and you stand the chance to make errors and miscalculations when handling these issues. By July you'll have a much better mindset when dealing with your finances.

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar: Career

Four of Pentacles

Another bright, positive month awaits you, and throughout June you can expect to feel wellrested, focused, and energized. Your productivity will be quite impressive, and you'll generally be in a good mood. One thing to keep an eye on, though, is your patience with others at the workplace. Not everyone will be able to match your level of vigor, and Pisces are known to get

frustrated with people who are incompetent or slothful. If you can keep this in mind, you're wellpoised for a highly enjoyable month at work.

Don't expect to meet the love of your life this month: June looks to be an all quiet on the western front situation in terms of romantic attraction. This doesn't mean you won't meet some interesting people, but it is very unlikely that anybody you come across in June will serve as more than a passing fancy. It's a pity that the summer months should be so meager in romance, but so it is. At any rate, toward the end of 2013 you stand a much better chance of running into someone who might be a major figure in your love life.

In Love
Pisces in a relationship may annoy their partners with those two dreadful words, I'm bored. Every now and then it is important to spice up a relationship and this just may be one of those months. You'll start to get feelings of deja vu, in a sense, and you'll have a very ho-hum been there, done that attitude toward routines and traditions. It is important that you don't transfer this boredom into a fling with another person, though. Rather, you should tell your partner that you'd like to try some interesting new things, go to new restaurants, make new friends, take a trip somewhere, that sort of bit.

Though June is a little uneven in fortune for Pisces, you can at least depend on monetary stability to get you through the worst of it. You will probably come into a nice, tidy little sum of money from an unexpected source. This could be anything from a ten dollar scratch off ticket or a deceased relative's bequeathal. Either way, a little extra money is always a nice thing and if you've been spending responsibly this year, there's no reason why you shouldn't buy something nice for the house or, better yet, take a trip with your partner and escape the boredom of your life.

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