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"Greg Hands M.P." <> To: <> Reply-To: <> News Bulletin from Greg Hands M.P.


7 June 2013 16:03

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In this edition:
Greg Hands M.P.s Diary Website of the Week: The Royal Hospital K&C Council seeks local views on a Crossrail 2 station coming to the Kings Road RideLondon Cycle Race coming to Chelsea and Fulham, Sunday 4th August Morning rush hour road congestion cut in Hammersmith & Fulham Come to Chelsea to find out more about human trafficking News from Greg Hands M.P.s surgery Hands in the papers: Union faces questions over legal fees for Labour candidate Greg Hands M.P. calls for local applicants to be Chairman or Chairwoman of English Heritage How to contact Greg Hands M.P.

Issue 372 Friday 7th June 2013

Since the last edition, Greg:

Attended the Founders Day parade and ceremony at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, home of the Chelsea Pensioners, with Armed Forces Minister, RT Hon Andrew Robathan MP. Met representatives of British Airways, Virgin Atlantic and EasyJet to talk with them about Air Passenger Duty. Greg urged them to display greater transparency in how iar taxes and fees are displayed on tickets. Hosted the Annual General Meeting of the Conservative Friends of Poland in the House of Commons. Greg is the Parliamentary President of the group. Attended the Royal Garden Party hosted by HM The Queen at Buckingham Palace. Held a regular meeting with H&F Council Leader Cllr Nick Botterill and Deputy Leader Cllr Greg Smith to talk about a range of local issues in Fulham. Welcomed a cross-party group of Czech MPs to the Commons. Greg is Britains only Czech-speaking MP. Welcomed the two Slovak MPs to the Commons, the Chairmen of the Foreign Affairs and the European Scrutiny Committee, for discussions on the EU. Attended Chelsea vs Everton in the Premier League, as a guest of Chelsea Football Club. Attended the Summer Press and Political reception at the German embassy, London. Attended the dinner of the Cornerstone Group of MPs, with guest speaker, Rt Hon George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Had a full schedule of activity as a Government Whip in and around the chamber of the House of Commons, including ministerial meetings and organising votes and standing committees, including the 2013 Finance Bill. Conducted a surgery for local Chelsea and Fulham residents at Fulham Methodist Church. Gregs surgeries are generally weekly, and held weekly, at either Fulham Methodist Church, Fulham Broadway, or Peter Jones, Sloane Square. To make an appointment, email or telephone 020 7219 5448.

Website of the Week:
The website of the Royal Hospital, home of the Chelsea Pensioners. Greg attended the annual Founders Day parade this week.

K&C Council seeks local views on a Crossrail 2 station coming to the Kings Road
The Council is asking Chelsea residents and businesses to make their views known on the idea of a Crossrail station on King's Road. This is to help the Council produce its response to a consultation by Transport for London (TfL) on its plans for a new railway line crossing London, called Crossrail 2. This would be a major new rail link connecting south-west and north-east London. TfL believes the line could help address overcrowding on several Tube and rail lines. TfL is consulting on two different route alignments, both of which would include a line running under Chelsea and a station on King's Road. It would link Chelsea to Clapham Junction, the West End and four of central London's busiest mainline stations. This is a long-term project in the early planning stages. If the line were to go ahead, construction would begin in the mid-2020s, and open in about 20 years' time. Councillor Timothy Coleridge, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea's Cabinet Member for Transport, said: "The idea of a line running under Chelsea has been around for many years. In fact, we consulted residents about it ten years ago and most thought it would be a good thing. But that was ten years ago and I want to know what local people think of the idea today. I would also urge everyone who is interested in the proposal to respond directly to TfL. "I hope as many residents and businesses as possible take the opportunity to let us, and TfL, know what they think." Greg Hands M.P. added: I am taking a keen interest in this proposal. I support Crossrail 2 coming to Chelsea, and at this early stage, it is right that we seek feedback from the local area both on the principle and on the location of the proposed station. I welcome the views of people across the constituency on this. Copies of the Council's survey document have been posted to residents. The TfL consultation will run until Friday 2nd August 2013. Residents and businesses can find out more about Crossrail 2 at

RideLondon Cycle Race coming to Chelsea and Fulham, Sunday 4th August
In just over two months, the streets of Hammersmith & Fulham will play host to one of the largest charity fund-raising cycle rides in the world. More than 20,000 amateur cyclists are set to ride their bikes through the borough on Sunday, August 4, 2013 as part of the RideLondonSurrey 100. The charity-raising amateur race will be followed by a professional race, called the RideLondon-Surrey Classic, with 150 of the worlds best riders, including the likes of Bradley Wiggins and Mark Cavendish Just like last years Olympic cycling events, Hammersmith & Fulham (H&F) Council is warning all residents to expect significant transport disruption throughout the day, with major roads and bridges closed to traffic. The amateur race will set-off from the Olympic Park from 6am before travelling through central London. The professional race will start from the same location from 12.30pm. The cyclists for both events will ride along the A4 and over the Hammersmith Flyover, before heading over Chiswick Bridge into Hounslow, Richmond upon Thames, and Kingston upon Thames. The cyclists will then head into Surrey and return via Putney Bridge and New Kings Road, before finishing on the Mall. Hot on the heels of the incredibly successful Olympic cycling events, these events are part of a world class Olympic legacy festival of cycling called RideLondon hosted by the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson over the weekend of August 3-4. The weekend has been arranged to capitalise on the enormous success and popularity of the Team GB Olympic cycling team and to encourage cycling in the capital. Recent figures show that 8 per-cent of borough residents riding the bike to work, with the number increasing all the time. It is predicted that the weekend festival could attract over 200,000 visitors from outside the capital, lead to a major boost in cycling numbers and generate tens of millions of pounds in economic benefit. Despite the huge benefits of the event, H&F Council is warning that the races will lead to significant transport disruption across the entire borough. The council is also urging the race organisers to do everything they can to inform residents and minimise gridlock. Cllr Victoria Brocklebank-Fowler, Cabinet Member for Transport and Technical Services, said: This will be another hugely exciting event, with H&F thrust into the centre of the sporting universe once again. However, the Council is advising residents only to use their car on Sunday, August 4 if it is absolutely vital. If you need to drive, leave plenty of extra time and be prepared for significantly longer journeys. The sheer number of cyclists taking part, together with the fact that Hammersmith Flyover is part of the route means that this event will have a wider impact than last years Olympic races. If you are planning to fly from Heathrow or to hold a wedding or family celebration, it is worth bearing in mind now that travelling in the borough will be greatly restricted on Sunday, August 4." The Mayor of London, Transport for London, London & Partners and the London & Surrey Cycling Partnership (LSCP) are working together to deliver RideLondon. LSCP is a partnership between London Marathon Limited (owners and operators of the London Marathon since 1981) and SweetSpot Group Limited (organisers of the Tour of Britain). For further information, contact the race organisers on 020 7902 0212 or email

Morning rush hour road congestion cut in Hammersmith & Fulham

Hammersmith & Fulham Council says its campaign to get traffic moving is working. According to Transport for London figures, morning rush hour traffic delays have reduced by 13.5% in H&F since 2007 compared to just 6.5% in other parts of inner London. Traffic flow on major routes like Hammersmith Bridge is coming down. It may not always seem like it, but through a mixture of traffic improvement measures, changes in behaviour and effective enforcement of the rules, traffic flow is improving, says Council Leader, Cllr Nicholas Botterill. Since we launched the Get H&F Moving campaign in 2011, prompting thousands of residents to contribute their suggestions for improving traffic flow, our work is beginning to pay dividends. The Get H&F Moving campaign has included: Improving junctions, such as the new slip road on Fulham Palace Road, which is already reducing congestion by letting an extra 200 vehicles an hour through the busy junction. Encouraging cycling by introducing the Barclays Cycle Hire Scheme to the borough we already have the second highest number of bike journeys in London. Supporting motorists by adding 200 extra parking bays, freezing pay and display parking charges, creating new 20p 'stop and shop' bays and setting up 50 new car club bays. Becoming one of the first local authorities in the country to introduce a permit scheme where utility companies have to pay to carry out road works. Using CCTV cameras to give tickets to people who are blocking yellow box junctions and bus lanes. A publicity campaign to stop traffic violations that block the roads.

Effective enforcement of box junctions and other traffic rules is working in reducing congestion and preventing traffic grinding to a halt, adds Cllr Botterill. People are getting to know that, if they break the rules of the road, they will get a ticket and thats now helping to keep the traffic moving. Ten years ago 36,000 tickets were given to people driving in bus lanes this is now down to 12,000 a year. At the Bagleys Lane yellow box junction 25% fewer tickets are now being handed out. Out of 30,000 vehicles passing through per day, only 1 in 500 is fined. That means just 0.02% of drivers are now caught blocking the road and 90% of those are people from outside the borough. Delays on the 391 bus, which uses the Bagleys Lane junction, have dropped by 51% As well as traffic fines for people blocking the roads, the council has been running a Dont Get Caught publicity campaign, reminding drivers of the rules on yellow boxes and how to avoid getting a penalty charge.

Come to Chelsea to find out more about human trafficking

Stop the Traffik, a charity which aims to bring about an end to human trafficking worldwide, is holding a community awareness roadshow on Saturday 22nd June from 11am to 12.30pm. The event is taking place at St Andrew's Church, Park Walk, Chelsea SW10 0AU and is designed so residents can find out more about human trafficking and how they can get involved in helping to stop this heinous crime. For more information and to book a place, contact Heather Graber at or on 020 7921 4258. This event is part of the European Communities Against Trafficking (ECAT) Project. ECAT is a two-year programme launched in February this year by the Royal Borough after it successfully bid for a European Commission grant of 317,693 and contributed 52,000 from its Community Safety Partnership funds towards the scheme. This initiative sees the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and the Metropolitan Police working with charitable organisations to tackle trafficking, assist victims and raise awareness of the issue. Victims of trafficking and prostitution are urged to call the police 24hour helpline, open seven days a week, on 0800 7832589.

News from Greg Hands M.P.s surgery

On Monday, Greg Hands held his surgery at Fulham Broadway Methodist Church. He met with constituents to discuss their various concerns from benefit changes to nuisance neighbours. One particularly poignant story Greg heard this week was from an elderly Fulham lady who had recently lost her husband. Despite contacting the reporting his passing directly to them she continued to receive post and welfare payments for him from the Council. Understandably, this was very distressing to her, and her family. Greg has raised this matter with the Office of Hammersmith & Fulham Councils Chief Executive with the aim of finally stopping the letters being sent and moving any payments over to the constituent. Residents can have confidence that even the most distressing topics can be discussed sensitively at one of Gregs surgeries and a strong attempt made to resolve a constituents problem or concerns. If constituents believe their Member of Parliament can assist with their problem Greg is keen to hear from them. Greg said: I hold my surgeries almost every week of the year and I aim to solve the problem, or at least get my constituents an answer. To make an appointment contact me on or call 0207 219 5448.

Hands in the papers:

Union faces questions over legal fees for Labour candidate

Sunday Herald Sunday 2nd June 2013 Labours biggest trades union affiliate, Unite, is facingmore questions about the controversial selection process in Falkirk, over whether it picked up the bill for its favoured candidates legal costs. Unite, which has been supporting Karie Murphy in the safe Labour seat, said it would not comment when asked if the union had paid elite legal firm Mishcon de Reya which represented Princess Diana in her divorce to represent her. Labours selection battle in Falkirk, triggered by the departure of sitting MP Eric Joyce, is fast becoming one of the ugliest internal contests in years. Other than Murphy, who works for party deputy chair Tom Watson and is an ally of Unite general secretary Len McCluskey, the contenders for the seat are local councillor Linda Gow and communications expert, Gregor Poynton. Labour had to suspend the process last month amid accusations Unite had signed up dozens of new members to the local constituency party in a bid to help Murphy. Labour is now probing allegations that some of the new members may have been pressured into joining, and it is also investigating claims that recruits were signed up without them filling in application forms. The investigation is expected to be completed this month. Party bosses also halted a Unite-funded local consultation on whether there should be an all-women shortlist after concerns were expressed about the surveys fairness. However, the spotlight has now shifted onto who has been paying Murphys legal bills over the last four months. When the Sunday Herald first began making enquiries about Murphys departure from a previous trade union, Unison, London-based Mischon de Reya answered all questions on her behalf. The legal firm has also responded to questions about Murphy and Falkirk. On whether Unite has been, or will be, paying Murphys legal costs, a union spokesman said: Unite offers the best legal support possible to all our members across the widest range of circumstances. We do not comment on individual cases. Asked if that also included media and libel lawyers, he said: I think the response covers it. Unites website lists the legal services available to members as personal injury, employment issues, free will writing, probate and estate administration and financial mis-selling. A Unite source said: In all my time as a Unite member, I have never heard of a member receiving support for a media lawyer. Mishcon de Reya is one of the most highly regarded legal firms in London and, according to, it recorded turnover of 83.5 million in 2012-13. Despite the row, there is uncertainty over whether Murphy is even in the race, after a party source was quoted last month as saying Murphy was now not going to run. This claim has never been confirmed. In a recent statement, Unite Scotland regional secretary Pat Rafferty said: The pressure Karie Murphy has come under from this professional political class sniping should not be allowed to dent her reputation as a highly articulate and passionate woman with a history of fighting for ordinary people. Greg Hands, a Tory MP and Government whip, said: Unite seems to have used a lot of resources in this contest, and their members will want to know whether they are picking up the huge bill for legal firm Mishcon de Reya. This also brings into focus the battle being fought by Unite to take over the Labour Party from the inside. Mishcon de Reya did not respond to the Sunday Herald.

Greg Hands MP calls for local applicants to be Chairman or Chairwoman of English Heritage
Click here for details.

5 ways to contact Greg Hands M.P.:

By Phone: By email: By post: In person: 020 7219 5448 Greg Hands M.P. House of Commons London SW1A 0AA Click here for details of how to book an appointment at Greg Hands M.P.s weekly surgery

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Greg Hands M.P. a strong voice for Chelsea & Fulham

Published & Promoted by Jonathan Fraser-Howells on behalf of Greg Hands M.P., both of 1a Chelsea Manor Street, London SW3 5RP

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