Hariye Gachhe! - Script

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by Sounak Kar

Based on "HARIYE GACHHE" a short story by Banaphool

FADE IN FROM BLACK. TITLE OF THE FILM. Some Rabindrasangeet STARTS PLAYING from a player. FADE OUT TO BLACK. FADE IN FROM BLACK. EXT. OUTSIDE ROOM -- DAY UNREVEALED PERSONS POV Looking into the room through a window. The image comes into focus to reveal s servant wearing torn T-shirt and with a towel hanging from his neck. He is dusting a flower vase with a brush. The flowers are of plastic. He is Napu. He puts it down and leaves. The person looks across the room. There are two doors revealing two separate rooms. Some papers and a spectacle box on a small table with an adjacent chair. Another small desk with a cassette player playing the Rabindrasangeet. A large table near the window with a plate of bread and a mobile phone and another adjacent chair. Music continues. INT. ROOM -- DAY CLOSE SHOTS of the player on the small desk. Fruit basket and medicines on the large desk. Feng sui hanging from the door frame with a wall clock and calendar in the background. EXT. OUTSIDE ROOM -- CONTD POV CONTD A man enters the room. He is the PROFESSOR. He picks up the newspaper and his spectacle box and comes to the large table. UNREVEALED PERSON Ei. Shono. Shono na. Ki korcho tumi? The unrevealed persons VOICE is that of a LITTLE GIRL. The professor keeps the paper on the table, puts on his glasses, keeps the empty box on the table, sits on the chair and takes up the paper again for reading. He does everything very hastily.

2. UNREVEALED PERSON (CONTD) Amar sathe khelbe? Khub khelte eche korche tomar sange. Chalo na kheli. The professor keeps on reading without paying any attention to the voice. UNREVEALED PERSON (CONTD) Chalo na ghure asi. The professor shuts the newspaper down. He is irritated. He walks to the small desk with the newspaper in hand. INT. ROOM -- CONTD CLOSE UP of the contents of the small desk. The prefessors hand enters THE FRAME switches off the cassette player and leaves THE FRAME. The music stops. EXT. OUTSIDE ROOM -- CONTD POV CONTD The professor comes back to the table, sits down and starts reading again. He is still irritated. UNREVEALED PERSON Gaan ta bandho korle keno? Bhalo lagche na shunte? Chalao na. Chalao na gaanta. The professor continues reading. He rapidly turns the pages. He picks up a bread form the plate and takes a bite. UNREVEALED PERSON (CONTD) Khaborer kagoje ki porcho eto. Chalo chalo ghure asi. The professor had finished reading. He starts folding back the nespaper. UNREVEALED PERSON (CONTD) Cholo na khelte. The mobile RINGS. He puts down the paper on table and picks up the mobile hastily. He checks the screen for the callers name. INT. ROOM -- CONTD CLOSE UP of the Professor. He receives the call.



CALLER (THROUGH MOBILE) Sir, ami Arkar baba bolchi... PROFESSOR Achha, kon Arka? CALLER Sir, apnar department er 3rd year er student. PROFESSOR Hyan. Ki hoyeche? CALLER Sir, bolchilam je amar cheler to typhoid hoyeche... Ekhono khub week ache... Bhabchilam jodi holir pore pathai... PROFESSOR (IRRITATED) Acha o to emni porasonay kore na. Oke ek kaaj karun na. Semester er porei pathan na. Faltu chhele! He disconnects the phone and mutters something indistinctly. EXT. OUTSIDE ROOM -- CONTD POV CONTD The professor puts the phone down. He is irritated. UNREVEALED PERSON Kake bokcho? Faltu chhele..?? She smiles sweetly. He takes another bite of the bread and gets up from the chair. UNREVEALED PERSON (CONTD) Kothay jacho? Amakeo niye chalo. INT. ROOM -- CONTD ANGLE ON the professor. He moves to the water basin and turns on the tap to wash his hand. Theres no water. So he washes with water from a jug. He turns around even more irritated. PROFESSOR Ei Napu? Napu..?? Jol porjonto nei kole. Ki korchis bose? Jol ta thik kor.

4. He wipes his hands with the hanging towel and moves towards the small table. EXT. OUTSIDE ROOM -- CONTD POV CONTD The professor goes and sits on the chair by the little table. UNREVEALED PERSON Tumi khub baje. Sobai ke bako. Ektu pore amakeo bokbe. He still ignoring the girls voice shuffles through some papers. UNREVEALED PERSON (CONTD) Amar sathe katha bslo na. Shunte pacho na? He gets up and comes towards the window. But he turns to the large table and takes up the medicine and a glass of water. UNREVEALED PERSON (CONTD) Tomake age dekhechi, jano? DISSOLVE TO: EXT. COUNTRYSIDE BUSHES -- DAY. FLASHBACK. Birds are CHIRPING. A sweet music is PLAYING. Several wild flowers are blooming. A football bounces into the bush. A BOY comes after it. He is the Professor in his childhood. He picks up the ball. But as he turns to return he notices the flowers and stands back to admire them. UNREVEALED PERSON (V.O.) Tumie sei chheleta na? BOY Dekh dekh ki shundor phool. ANOTHER BOY (OFFSCREEN) Ball ta de. Sir! UNIDENTIFIED VOICE CUT TO: EXT. OUTSIDE ROOM -- CONTD POV CONTINUES as her thought is broken. There was some other man in the room talking to the professor. He is the DRIVER. The professor is again sitting on chair by the small table.

5. DRIVER Sir. Gari ta kharap hoye gache. Start niche na. Mane? INT. ROOM -- CONTD CLOSE UP of the driver. DRIVER Garir battery down hoye gache, sir. PROFESSOR (SHOUTING) Ta jo echhe tai karo. Jekhane echhe sekhane jao. Gari chalanor dorkar nei. Bhago. The driver mutters some slang words and leaves. EXT. OUTSIDE ROOM -- CONTD POV CONTD The professor gets up from the chair hastily to come to the large table to get his phone. He has to arrange some other transport. UNREVEALED PERSON Uff! Tumi ektu boka ta thamao to. Amar sojjho hoche na. As he comes to the large table near the window, he finally stares at the person who had been talking to him from outside the window for a long time. UNREVEALED PERSON (CONTD) Takhon khub katha bolte. Ekhon kotha bolcho na keno? But the professors harsh glare make her voice tremble at the end. He stares straight at her for a bit long. Very irritated. PROFESSOR (SHOUTING) Ei Napu! Napu! Eii Napu! UNREVEALED PERSON Amake bhalo lagche na ar? Napu enters THE FRAME. He is anxious. PROFESSOR (POINTING AT HER) Ei jongli phool gulo dekhte pachis na. (MORE) PROFESSOR

6. PROFESSOR (POINTING AT HER) (CONT'D) Ekhoni egulo soriye de ekhan theke. Ami jeno kakhono ei phool gulo na dekhi ekhane. Napu scratches his head and comes towards her. He reaches for her with his hand through the grills of the window. She SHRIEKS. INT. ROOM -- CONTD CLOSE UP of Napus hand. It reaches out of the window and grabs the wild flowers just outside by their stems. He struggles to break the stem but finally does it. His hand moves out of FRAME. There just an open window now, the outside of which is now clean revealing other concrete houses. Melancholic music STARTS PLAYING. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CLOSE UP OF THE WILD FLOWERS BLOOMING IN A BUSH. FADE TO BLACK. CREDITS. END.

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