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AP Calculus AB

Name_____________________________ _____________

Average Value
Part I: Out of 100 students sampled who took the AP Calculus AB test, 22 students scored a 5, 21 students scored a 4, 18 students scored a 3, 15 students scored a 2, and 24 students scored a 1.1 1. Give a lower and upper bound for the average score of all 100 students. (What would be an unreasonably low value for the average/what would be an unreasonably high value?) Then, find the actual average value.

2. Draw 5 rectangles side-by-side that represent the given information. Let the y-axis be the score; the x-axis the number of students. Label.

3. Find the area under the curve. (Pst! What is the unit of measurement? Double pst!! It should be weird.)

4. Where did the value from #3 show up before? How can we use area to arrive at the average score?

5. Write the precise definition of the average value of an integrable function found in your text.

6. In your own words, give a two-step procedure for finding the average value of a function: a. b. 7. Compare and contrast your method to finding the average of n numbers. (How did Leibniz define a definite integral, anyway?)

Data based on actual 2008 scores. About what percentage passed in 2008?

AP Calculus AB

Name_____________________________ _____________

Part II: Assume the temperature for the next 24 hours can be roughly predicted using the function ( ) ( ) , where to is the temperature, and is time in hours ( . ). Find the average temperature from

Part III: The following was Question 2 on the free response section on the 2008 AP Calculus exam. Read through all four parts. Circle the part that deals with todays objective. Then, solve all four parts. (Yes, you can totes do this!!) (hours) ( ) (people) 0 120 1 156 3 176 4 126 7 150 8 80 9 0

Concert tickets went on sale at noon ( ) and were sold out within 9 hours. The number of people waiting in line to purchase tickets at time is modeled by a twice-differentiable function for . Values of ( ) at various times are shown in the table above. a) Use the data in the table to estimate the rate at which the number of people waiting in line was changing at 5:30 PM ( ). Show the computations that lead to your answer. Indicate units of measure. [2 points]

b) Use a trapezoidal sum with three subintervals to estimate the average number of people waiting in line during the first 4 hours that tickets were on sale. [2 points]

c) For , what is the fewest number of times at which ( ) must equal 0? Give a reason for your answer. (Hint: roughly plot the points; connect them in a smooth, continuous motion since L is twice-differentiable.) [3 points]

d) The rate at which tickets were sold for model, how many tickets were sold by 3 PM ( rateintegrate!2) [2 points]

is modeled by ( ) tickets per hour. Based on the ), to the nearest whole number? (Hint: To accumulate a

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