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BooK I.

] Prophet: (B4, Jel:) or shall be cloven on the dal rent to the right and left in Ahit rmning. (M. of resurrection: but the former^is confirmed bjY [8ee also Jid1.]).. j1 j;i thT/e another reading, ,JI ' T d.i: (Bd:) or ,road went [or branched off] into the desert. accord. to Er-R lghib, the meaning is, t the cas (TA. [See also 7.]) Aath become manifest. (TA.) One says, ;:i 10. jtlqJtjl :.wl He turned thie sack upon rJl [The thintt became cloven, &c., is one of hist two sides (eLs ,~1 L,c), in order to alves]. (f.) [And j :Jl It became clove &c., from it: and it branchedoff. from it; as a pass through a door. (TA.) _- [ 1, as stated river from another river, and the like. And by Freytag, is expl. by Jac. Schultens, but on * JIAsIt clave asunder fromn orer it, so as to what authority is not said, as signifying "Prodiit, disclose it: *e also 8.] [Hence,] jI. J;ti;I manfe.ttus evasit."] VUl . t Such a one irasas though his inter;or R. Q. 1. ;" (JK, S, ,) inf. n. ': . , (S,) re f~illed nwith anger so that le split. (TA.). said of a stallion [camel], 1Ie, brayed [in his And l"I % JI t The affiair, or state of affairs, ai=, or i faucial bag]. (JK, S, K.) [It is said became discomposed, derantiged, or disordered: that] the primary meaning of ~;. is Loudss (;, I(, TA:) and .tl lG , l .. ,t, and of voice; or the bein loud in voice. (JK.).. t C., (Lth, M, TA,) t th' affair, or state of And said of a sparrow, It uttered a cry: (K, qffairs, became discomposed, deranged, or di.- TA:) or one says of a sparrow, ?' LJ. i [app. meaning It maes a loud twittering in' its organized, by separation: (Lth, TA:) and ,; j*'l t tihe aqffair, or state of affairs, becanme Cry]. (S.) discomposed, deranged, or disorganized, being ;A sing. of j,i,; ($, Mgh, Mhb, 1;) originincongruos, or inconsistent. (M, TA.) And ally an inf n.; (S, Mqb;) An openingformingan .s1 I. ~ . ; t [The compact of allrjiance, inxtcrXtice in a thing: (Msb:) or a fimure, cleft, or obedience, became brohen]. (M.) - L- . said ch ,k, eplit, slit, rent, crack, or the like, syn. of lighltning: see 1, in the latter half of tlc paraS,,, in wood or a stick, or in a wall, or in a graph. glass vessel [&c.]: (T, TA:) [or] a place that is


(TA.) And !,Z. !j jjl and :JI f j, (0, 1, [in the Cs and in my MS.
copy of the ]g ;, but the former reading appears to be the right, ~' being an inf. n. as in a similar saying in the former half of the first paragraph of this art., and Lj: being a subst. uied as an inf. n. or for gl,l) rmeaning [The property is betweea us] two halva, equal [in dioision]. (.)_ [Hence,] A certainkind of thejinn, orgenii; (Ibn'Abbid, O, I;) a species of diabolical beings

having the form of the half of a human being.

(Izzw in his Descr. of the Jinn.) - The lateral Ialf, or half and aide; as when one says that a person paralyzed has a .j inclining; and as

when one speahk of the ~j of a JA [meaning

eitlwr of the two dorsers, or panniers, or oblong chests, shicA are borne, one on eitler side, by a camtd, and hich, it a mall tent over them,

compose wa J

: see this last word, and i,].

(Mgh.) - The side of the body; as when one says of a person that his left ~ wau grazed, or abraded. (Mgh.) [Hence,] one says of a horse,
,g-i ur J d.a [lHe inclines, or leanu, upon one of hittwo . (0.) [And ;j ; . and , Jnt, or walled, inclining upon one de.] _ The side, or lateralpart, (Lth, Mob,

[i. c. cloven or cleft, split, &c.: (sec 1, first 8. JIi! signifies The taking the .j of a j_ thing, (9, ],) i. e. the half thlereof. (S.) One sentence: and see also ,.L :) and often signifying says, UUI SLl He took tbe j [or hualf] f an incision, a gasl, or a furrowr, or trench]: (M, tAhe thing. (T4.)- And t The taling [or de- .1 :) as though an inf. n. used as a subst. in this rivin!l] a word from a word, (.;, 1.,) with the sense: pl. as above, 3J: (M:) it differs from (S, Mglh,) by having a general significaconditiot of reciprocal rdlation in meaning and ,li.U, [radical]complition, andl ef reciprocal difb.rence tion: (Mgh:) accord. to Yailoob, one says, informn: [and it is of thre kinds:] .AIl j (S, Mgh) Q g and t. (S) [i. e. In 't1 )iJ i' the Aand, or arm, of sucl a one are cracks, or tihe is that derivation in which there is a recip;rocal relation between tiw two words in the letters and liAc, and in his foot, or lej]: but [it is asserted in the order [thercof]; as in ,.firom .n Jl: that in this case] one should not say vlit: (S, j3I UtlI is that in whitch there is a reciprocal Mgh: [see, however, this word:]) and hence, .. 7TAe trench, or oblong excavation, in the relation between the tno wrords as to the letter . JI.i and tle neaning, exclusirely of the order; as in ;niddle of the grame: and accord. to As, s~i. [i. e. fssunres, &c.,] in mountains, 4 from 1: jU=* 3%i;:8l is that in signifies . which there is a reciprocal relation betveen tlw and in tle earth, or ground. (Mgh.) - The two wordl in the place [or places] of utterance; ri/na muldw of a woman; i. e. the gap [or chink] as in * from =t. (KT.) [You say, l betrween the two edges, or .borders, of tle labia I;. or hSL, or i, and tIi, lIe derived a majora of er tulva: as also j... (M, L.)_ word, and a name, -.1 'p. from another; and AndI The daybreak. (S, gI, TA.) See also the next paragraph, first and fifth sentences. t 'L sometimes signifies tile same, as is shlown And see the last two sentences of the same paraby a citation voce..j.] _ [And, as jn. with graph. L"-!, (see 8 in art. tj",)] The construceting, or v The half (S, Mgh, M 9b, 1) of a thing (S, founding, (ea,) of a thing of, or from, what is originated witlwut premeditation. (M.) - And M,b, ) of any kind; as also VJ: (V,:) or the S The taking to the right and Ifti, (9, V, TA,) half of a thing when it is cloven, or split, or not pursuing the right, or direct, course, (9, TA,) divided lengthwise; (M;) as also ? i:. (, in speech, and in contention, or disputation, or ,. M,1,0) One says, ;1t1 , .'." and &t litigation: (S, ], TA:) or.o.0 jti;,l signifies. S;tl I took the alf of tf e sheep oj goat: (S, the taking to the right and left in peech: (so in TA:) the vulgar pronounce the &, with fet-*h. a copy of the M: [but I think that the right (TA.) And XjIU JIa Take thou this reading is .fil j.~ ?l, agreeably with [i. e. half] of the suep or goat. (TA.) Henoe what here follows:]) you say,, blu -l, and the trad., ;j,.3 . ., Iia. i. e. [Give ye .Z.S,.J ;i. (T..) See also 6. And [in l;ke almsthougl it be but] tlwe half of a date; meaning manner] one says of a horse, .. .l t He deem npt anything little that is given as alms. 1. Bk. I.

I, TA,) of a thing; the two sides of a tlling abeing called ;t1;: (Lth, TA :) or, as some say, (TA,) the side of a mountain. (S, TA.) [Hence,] one says, ,e & '1 e I ~ '>. t [Such a one is of the collateral clas of thl ki,sfolk, or tribe, not of the main stock thereof]. (Mgh in art. .) I. q. t L ; (, Mob, ];) [which primarily signifies The cloven-off !alf of a thing; i. c.,] when a thing is cloven in halves, each of the halves is called the J;. - of the other. (9, I.) [And hence, t The counterpart of a person or thing: and this appears to be meant by J, and accord. to SM in the ]C, where it is said that ' is syn. with t ;eU; for they add immediately after:] ono says j L J j3 0- i t [lie is my brotler, and the counterpart of i,nycelf]; (S, TA;) as though ho were cloven from me, because of the resemblance of each of us to the other. (TA.) One says also, JiL it :e:, meaning t This is the lile of him, or it. (TA.) And [hence] it is said in a trad., i'Cl Jlal SL j, [in which SU: is the pl. of t JL as fem., or of iJ-- in the same sense,] meaning t Women are tAe likes oj men in natural dispositions; as thoughi they were cloven from them; 'or because Eve was creoted from Adam. (TA.) . And A man's brother; (M;) and so t i; (S, M, O, J., TA;) meaning a brotler by tihe fatler and mother; (TA;) from J as meaning 'either half of a thing that is cloven in halves;" ((, TA;) or as though the relationship of one iwere cloven from that of the other: (IDrd, O, Ii :) pl. of the latter sli,I. (M, M.h.) - Andl a niame for A thing at n,lich one loiJs: (Lth, O, ] [but this is app. taken from the following [:) 19'J

1578 saying of Lth, in which I think


[Boo i.

ki'e; [accord. to Golius, A frse; as from JI is a mis- plank, ($, M, 15, TA,) or of wood, (TA,) or of a piece of wood, (S, Mgh,) or other thing: (M, the lCL; but not so expl. in my copy of that transcription for ;JI, meaning "the crack," &c.:] TA:) a piece split, or diided, lengthise, of a work._] An intervening space or tract beand ,1 is a name staff, or stick, and of a garment, or piece of cloth, twn tro elongated, or extended, tracts of sand, J11 it the inf. n. of -;, 1 :) and a piece split (15, TA) (S, M,* O, K,0 [in the last of which for that at which one looks [i. e. for the visible &c.: (IDrd, O, 11 J is sach as the haf: (TA:) pl. anything; from pl. the and the verb], by act signified effect of the ABn to thus expl. ' ,,Jt,]) put for erroneously is 9 J [which is well known as the pl. of I.1]. .;:,. (O, TA.) One says of him who is angry, by an Arab of the desert, (TA,) producing herba * ;. ja .1 r 01 (JK.) Also i.q. t '(, M, 0, Msb, ]) i.e. age: (?,M,O,15:) or a rugged tract betwCen DiSiculy, hardship, distress, a.fliction, trouble, t [He became excited by sharpness of temper, or two elongated, or extended, tracts of sand, pro. incovenisce, fatigu, or wearines; (M, TA ;) angriness, and he was as though a bit flew from ducing good herbage; (M, TA;) so in the T, as and languor, or lack of power, that overtakes the him upon the ground, and a bit into the sky]. expl. to its author by an Arab of the desert: mind and the body; (Er-Righib, TA;) and so (S,* M, TA: in the S, wij1 i &c. is omitted.) (TA:) pl, ;,, (T, g,O, 1, TA,) expl. by themselves: (TA:) or a sands as meaning some -See also sentences. first three (IJ, 9, M, O, K;) thus it is sometimes See also ?,; '3 great piece of sand: or a piece of sand betwcn pronounced with fet-h.; mentioned by A'Obeyd; eS, AiA, in four places. - And see Lj., again, last tno pieces thereof. (Ham p. 282.) - [In the A (1 ;) and by AZ; (M;) or this is an inf. n., and sentence but one. a~~~~~~~~~~~et and TA voce Li, it is used as meaning A dice cut YI and f ib p. is the subst.; (0, 1 ;) and V and in a 3J The quality, in a horse, (M, ],) off of a melon &c.] _ A rain, (M,) or a /iolent (1,) or such as also signify the same as , a man in cons~ence of travel; (TA;) man, (M,) denoted by the epithet J;l [q. v.]. rain, consisting of large drops, (I, TA,) wide in oraia extent: so called because the clouds cleave asunder ana the ps. of theme two are ;, (1, TA,) men- (M, k.) from it: (M, IS, TA:) pi. as above. (TA.) tioned by Fr, (TA,) and L', (1, TA,) men,.iA [a pl. of which the sing. is not mentioned] The p!., ,,tU, is expl. by Az as signifying tioned on the authority of some one or more of Enemies. (TA.) Clouds that harve clovern asnder rith cpio~w is [the tribe of] ](eys: (TA:) the pl. of t i; (0,]5,)and 'e.1;, rains. (O,TA.)-_*.iU ', S, places, (j':J, in woeral jUi. A cracking t:;. (TA.) Hence, in the ]ur and ,).t (0,) A fl,a of Aloo-Sa-ced, expl. by both as disease occacertain or a 1,) or cracks, (Mgh,) ,JO [Which sioning cracks, (M,) in the pasterns of horpes or lightning that ihas ~rl V Y~ _to 41 %MQ l [xni. 7], (0, ]O) in the izon, ye sdu not reach sav with dfficulty, or diu- the like, (S, M, Mgh, ]1,) and in their hoofs, (M, (0,) or fron the horizon: (]5: [but see . Mgh,) and sometimes rising to their shanks: so ji tres, &c., of the sms]; where sozo read t signifies aJl~ of lightning that 1 :]) or '4 says Yayoob: (S:) and, accord. to Lth, (Mgh1,) has spread in the breadth of the clouds, and Jlled (%' TA.). and Az, (TA,) a cracking in scveral places the shy: pl. as above. (nam p. 5.57.).A headit primarily signifies The half of a garment nseed together, (Ji3) of the skin, from cold or some other cause, ache, (JK, T, TA,) or a pain, (S, O, ],) or a pie [cotuting of two oblong ~ TA:) certaib disease, (M,) in the half of the head, (JK, side by side]: then it was applied to [such] a in the hands or arms, and the face: (Mgh1, any crack, or slit, in the shin, T, , M, 0, .K,) [i. e. hemnicrania,] and of the also signifies or it garmenlt as it is [when conplete: in both of thcse senses it is used in the present day]: (Er-Rrghib, from dimase: (M, TA:) A9 says that it is in the fce: (JK, T, ?, O, ]:) or, accord. to IAth, a hand or arm, and the foot or leg, of a human sort of headache in t!e fore part of the head and TAj.) or a pice (1.1) of a ga,ment : (Mgh:) being, and in the fore leg and hind leg of an t., or the & of .1. [thus, and thus only, in the ~, animal: (Mgh, TA:) but this is inconsistent towards the sides thereof. (TA.) ~Q t.a.LiI no K,) having (9, 0, and pl., as sing. Iused alike meaning of garments and of cloths, for it is of with what is said by Ya.koob [as stated voce O, ; ; (M, is or its sing. (M.b,) sing., proper -~: Ci,, first sentence]. (Mgh.) See also o.,1: and I both,] is an oblong piece; syn. 1i ela'Msb;) [The red, or blood-colourwe, anemone;] a (My 15 :) tit is often applied to an oblongpiece of .,. certainidang; (M;) a certain red jlw,er; (Lth, is composed:] cloth of those pieees of which a tent (Mhb;) or, as " [so 0;) tet lknown; (F,15;) thei.; and 0j'.. (M, Mgh, TA.) One says, td: see {, in five places. - 4,, pl.anil Abooof AA the authority on AHn says, may be si[Such one sell pieces, in a copy of the M, but the right reading e1;X a s&1 *A of ]; [n. i un. it is the others, Nasr and &c., of linen]. (Mgh.) _- Also 3.1 i1J,, which occurs in the next sentence of or oblong pie, is *; : (O, TA:) it is the M,] i. q. ; 5 [expl. in the 9, in art. .. , and the sing. of ki A piece of a ;j..1 [q. v.]. (B, TA in art. ,.) - And A piece, or plortion, [or tract,] of Hell; as meaning Lightning that cleaves the clouds, and called l,J;JI i.fU because of its redlnetss, as extends high, into the midst of the sky, without being likened to the a1A of lightning: (M, ] :) likewie pronounced t " . (Ham p. 816.) going to the right and left: but see UiC_]. (M.) or from Cl,al as meaning" blood," as resenbling (9, M,1],) And A far journey; as also t ', Also A adlf that has become firm, or strong: blood in colour; (Msb, TA;) so that it signifies sometimes thus pronounced with kesr: ( :) afar, (O, ] :) and applied likewise to t a man [that "pieces of blood :" (TA:) or in relation to Enlongjoerney: afar-extending space: (TA :) or a has become so; by way of comparison]: (O :) or Noomin Ibn-EI-Mundhir, bcenuse he prohlibited road diefficult to him roho travel it: (Mgh:) or [i. e. in his second, to the public a piece of land in which it abounded: [simply] a journeJ: and i. q. IW [so in my copy a bull such as is termed or third, year]. (JK.) (9, K, TA:) or becausc hc alighted upon 4.;1 of the M9b, app. a mistranscription for 4., i. e. And (Mb.) a mountain-road,&c.]:pl, . iL,i A certain bird; also called t ; (M, of sand that had produced red itS, and Ihe deemed A part, region, quarter, or tract, (Ibn-'Arafcl, 1 :) and t Q is the dim. thereof: (K :) AHat theni beautiial, and commanded that they should be prohibited to the public; so the i. were called Er-lRghib, K, TA,) towards which one dranw says, the v ai,i is a very little thing, grayish near, (lbn-'Arafelh, TA,) or towards which the the tUl of En-No~mnAn, by the name of the ( j), of the colour of ashes; ten a,d,Jflcen (if ,,] trareeUer directs himself, (]g, TA,) [like . Sce also a what are thtu called congregate; and I think it place of their growth. (TA.) or in the rvachinlg (f which one is overtaken by .j&, and with :. see i.,, in four places. which is a U.s of the difliculty, or distress; (Er-Riighib, TA;) And to be the , is the itsfoj,rm,n and t i signifies the samc. (K.)_And Distance; [q. v.]; it is somew,hdt dusky; ~12, meaning One who glories, or boa~, Jbrm of these, but it is smaller than they: it is and paises himself for that which is not vainly, and so V . ( .) - See also &, last sentence called V "a4L in IDrd, becanse of its smallness: in him, is not of the [classical] language of the but one. JI as signifying Arabs. (L, TA.) the class of J. I, mentions t spli/;nter (9, ) that splits of, ($,) or a a certain splecies of birds [app. as a col]. gen. n., piece (M, Mgl, TA) split off, (M, TA,) of a of which the n. un. is with ]. (O, TA.) A horse with rrwhich hi rider e1 Li: 1




*'.]' (] : the lut and tL [or and n;, pl. ', (1,) Iand ;i, ij,l, ($, M, 0, ]g,) fem. periencs difficulty in striving to master him. .s.) in an. 1 the in legs: hind the mentioned also applied to a horse, WVide between (J .) signifies fem. the and (IAar, Th, T, O,' 1,' TA:) (p, TA,) in A certain mode of bq, ;, see Li. wide in the t1i1 [or groin, or similar part]; iher [or ide]. which the roman lies upon (TA;) and is applied to a mare: (IDrd, O, TA:) see Lt4 -- Also i.q. il;O;j (g;) ~..s: (TA.) and wide in the vulva; (IAr, O, K1;) applied in e. A thing, or an iron instrument, with which il". [The bursa faucium, or faucial bag, this sense to a woman. (IAyr, 0, TA.) And [i. the head is scratched; or a thing lie a large ,viicl iC placed behind the palate of the he-camed, Lp4o 1.itl applied to a horse, Wide in the nedle, with which thefemale hair-drasradjuts, j, and whicAh, lren excited, he inflates, and blows mnorils. (Lth,O, TA.) - Also, (0,K Tall, or puts in order, the locks of a woman's hair;] or 1,) out from the side of his mouth;] a thing re- or long; (T, $, M, O, ;) applied to a horse; (T, a piece of mood, or stick, [like a iskeer,] which a senbling the lungs, or lights, which the he-cameld $, M,1;) thus expl. by As; (T, TA;) and so woman inserts in Ier hair; or a horn prepared 1rotrnudae from his mouth when he is excited by too applied to a man: (M, TA :) and the fem., as for that purpose (TA) [orfor adjuting th locks lust; (~, O, 15;) a skin in the fauces of the above, applied to a mare. (.) - And, applied of a wmoman's hair: see ;l;.] Arabian camel, which he inflates with wind, and to a horse, That goes to the right and left in his in vwhich he broays; whereupon it appears from running, (JK, 0, 1g, TA, [in the CK, ;. is d: see tA. the side of his mouth; so says En-Nadr; and he in manner like adds that it does not pertain to any but the erroneously put for Xt.i., and in Arabian camel, [as is said in the M, and] as Hr my MS. copy of the Il, with the additional misas i),]) . o* for says; but this requires consideration; (TA;) [also trnscription of *.; The paLn-trea and t ;:, C 1. JLI expl. as] the ;j [q. v.] of the he-camel, (M, and though (O, TA) leaning upon one of hi a:ide lar p. 10,) which he protrudesfrom his mouth (JK, O, TA:) so ssys Lth; and he cites as ere, or became, oody ith ther fruit. (TA.) Ci;, [inf. n. i, LiUJ [980ee also 4.] when he brays: ( ubi supra:) pl. oSUZ. an ex., J 6, 1. , . A's (TA.)- To this is likened the tongue of the accord. to AZ, is syn. with &bl .ia4 [i. e. God C.OW !4,t* izlt chaste, or eloquent, and able speaker; himself remored such a onefarfrom good, or prosperity, being likened to the braying stallion-camel: (0:) [as though meaning And I moved my posterior &c.; or may God remove &c.]: (TA:) [or, as and hence they say of an orator, or a preacher, in walking, like as goe thl horse that inclinew to may be inferred from what follows, the former of tl;at lie is ;ii j3: (,R:) one says likewise of an the right and left in his running: but this may be these verbs is used by some as an imitative seorator, or a preacher, that is loud in voice and rendered and I stepped wide, like as does the tall, quent to the latter of them:] and accord. to Sb, lurse]. (O, TA.) (TA,) ', e ( , TA,) inf. n. [ti and] tI-, skilful in speech, ;'i ' I Z. A [lit. le is wide, or long-bodied, or ample, in respect tf tius 'a~ ]: (TA:) and J1 [properly A place of cleaving, plitting, (TA,) is syn. with C [i. e. He, or it, was, or [meaning Itisutterance &c.: and hence a fisure, cleft, s one says, --': pl. became, bad or evil,foul or ugly, &c.]: (, TA:) k;: &., like l. .p wvas sonormts andfluent]. (A and TA in art. &.& [but in this case also it seems that the former of 3-* [The slit of the -'lo . _see j.aI.) ()rators, or preachers, are also termed these verbs may be used by. some as an initative yce]. (TA in art. v..) and one says, ;i~ j,]: LeU: [for ;i' sequent to the latter of them: for] one says, "1I [said in the ? and 15to be an inf. n. of 1- ;,j J l_. [May mrmoal far from good, or .4i aL'.., meaning t SucA a one is the noble, ), in which (,0,0, and the chaste in speech, or eloquent, of his SJ trans. by means of i.L]: see A , in the last prospeity, &c., betide him], or syn. .iJ, to sequent imitative an is t.mS )eplte. (M.) And in a trad. of 'Omar, (M, 0, quarter of the paragraph, in two places. 1_.. manner] like [in and ;) 1i (S, therewith; TA,) accordl. to A'Obeyd and others, or of 'Alee ~, accord. to lir, (TA,) Ljt are assigned to the J2 ji~; (0, ;) and, of a man, : of manner like in and inf. n. of the latter as above i. saying, 0 4 LJI :, Devil, in his . [He [lit. Verily ',any of the orations, 1. US, (1q, 15,) aor. ', (15,) inf. n. 'j: and the former; ( ;) and .I Jlj a.tpl t Q,tUa~ll 4.i camel, of a 15) (e, tush] ,P, [or the of said g, (l9:) &c.]: evil, or bad wra; ,what said, or did, or harangces, ar from the j:U: of the DerilJ; (TA;) appeared; it or : ;) foul (, evil, or forth; bad gr~ i It [Il (9,) ejh Lc V and because of the lyiag introduced into them. (M, e ] .. also [Sce I:,.) in art. (l . also as O,' TA. ) . 1i;1 o, .:.)and t-~ ugly, d&e.]: ( 0, ,l , with the . softened [or changed into S], removed from good, or remained,far or sat, [He an appellation applied to a occurs in a verse of Dhu-r-Rummeh [for the l:Gi.l1 i ; prosperity, &c.]: in like manner: (15:) but Sb .; [i. e. oration, or harangue, or ser- part. n. certain : is not an imitative sequent, U: le divided intimates that 1 UtJ]. (TA.) _- ,; mon,] of 'Alee, becaluse of his saying to Ibn- his head; syn. .i: [meaning, his hair:] or he i~ by his stating that the Arabs say e.3 'Abbais, (0, I5,) on his having cut short his [or the AuL-L wih hair] e. his [i. [.) it ( separated lpeecll, (0,) in reply to a remark of the latter [Bad, or evil, &c., and blamed, &c.; or, more speech his person upon his not amving continued l ,a. U;, in n. '~,, he probably, . comb]: (]V:) or $j 6 , meaningfoul and yly]: UdZ 1k-,i [That separated his hair with the comb. (AZ, S.) (L, TA:) and [it is said that] t i uninterruptedly, signifies that uttered a braying, then became _- And 62:, (S, ],) inf. n. ',J, (S,) He hit was a ;; Recovering (.'~ [for wlhichi Freytag appears to still. (o, 1.) his tiU, i. e. the place of the parting of the hair have read il])fi,om disease; (0, 1, TA;) and a staff, or stick. (S.) 3L, Dfficut, hard, distressing, grieous, af- of his head, (S, 1,) with [as though - s hence one says, *. flicting, troubling, molsdting,fatiguing, or rreay,l 6 [or lt Camel of the age hen the e meaning Such a one is unsightly, being just ing. (KL.) One says jl? j,. [An affair, or tush gro~sforth: and so Z : (As,TA:) [or recoeringfrom disease]: (TA:) and accord. to j. aj, q. v. in art. 4jZb.] event, that is diffcult, &c.]; fromj'l !; is [not an imitative sequent, but] t AZ, ' (Msb.) And ai; aiJ (;, M'b) A longjourny (L, TA:) in the phrase abovewith .: , (Fr, O, TA,) like syn. ;t (S, ] and * [that is di~cult, &c.]. (Meb.) in the 'In&yeh to mean ,&. and j'., (0, TA,) The place of the partg mentioned', - is said broen: or far removed: (TA:) or it means OlU The *padixof a palm-tree, that has becom of the hafr of the head. (Fr, S, O, 1:.) a span in ength; so called because it cleaves the reiled. (O.) [As indieated above,] &.., (Lb, O,) also fL ;) as also A comb; (IAr, aor. :, (LB, 0, 15,) inf. n. (M.) envelope: pl. lj. 109


signifies le broke it. (Lb, 0, 15.) One says,

[Boox I.




iAaJ:,,, i. e. I wio as-


see 1, in two places.

nrsedly break [or crush] thee [as in the breaking1 of the walnut] with tones: (0, TA:*) or I wilj 1. jLS, aor. , (~, M, L, ],) inf. n. ',:(S, assuredly extract all that thou hast [as in the M, L,) He scarcely ever, or never, dept, and Irad extracting of the contents of the walnut by a malignant eye, affecting, or hurting, others, nmean of stones]: for -j;-.JI ;;Z, inf. n. as therewith: (f, M, L, JC :*) or he had a stronJ,or above, means Hl extracted what ras in the ponerful, eye, quickly ajecting or hurting [others therer~ith]. (M, L,].)_--And ", (S, M, L, roalnut. (TA.) 15,) aor.'; ( and a;) i, aor. (L, 1 ;) lie 3: see 1, first sentence: and see also 4, in three went away, (M, M, L, g,) and rent far o, (S, places. L,) being driven away. (S, L, 15) &. ,il: lie reviled him; or contended with 3. ..Uti, ($, L,) inf n. ;.JU., (1,) lIe rehim in reviling; (15, TA;) and contended roith garded him, or treated him, with enmity, or hobhitn in annoyance. (0, TA.)

l A light-spirited woman: (Th, M, L:) foul, or obscene, in her peechA; clamorous, and foul-tongued. (T, L.) Also The ma e.hame-

leon; (M, L, 1.;) and so V

aond V iand

t jU: or all these words signify a slende and compact nmale chameleon, with a snall head, that cleaves to the trunk of the hind of tree called

#lU:(M,L:) pl.

i~ (M, L, K) and kL,:

(M:) the former pl. like lIj., pl. of OI1 ; (L;) and also tiqod as a sing., meaning a male chameleon; (Th, M;) thus used by a poetes: (M:) also t ;; (S, M, L, K) and . (M, L)

and t j.


and Vjii; (1.) the young


(M L 10,

4. j.l

: 1; (;, A, Mgh, O, 1;) A, Mgh, 0,) inf. n.

as also

t iZ,(;,0

4. i;.I, (inf. n. 1U5I,

L,) He drov

; (S ;) i.q. araay. (S, M, L, ].)

,rjI [meaning The palm-trees showed rednss, or * J; L1Jl,'* uiJU,: see s1 ,;, in three places. yellowness, in theirfruit]: (Q, A, 0, 1 :) or their J BCee datea became alteredfrom greennems to yellooneas: s;: Oi., in four places:- and CseeAnd thfey ipsturel therfei until th hecat became vehemnent and they sam the male chameleons (Mgh:) the former is said by AV to be of the also Ji. thirsty, desiring to go to water, and repairing to dial. of El-HIij6j: and V the latter verb is also the sun: some say, that kSiU here signifies JLZ: see I't, in three places. 1 said of the [kind of treeo called] 1jJ , meaning it mot!m, (v,l.), but this is a mistake. (M, L.) becrame coloured in nits fruit. (TA.) And l J.Z: see i ;;. j b There O1u 1 also signifies The animas called . and JI, (O,) or .1ll, (g,) inf. n. UtliZ; (TA;) is not in him any motion. (IAar, S, L.)-And, J1 an n d and 1.. and Id;: and O and i (0, , ) inf. n. as above; (TA;) The (L , in the Ca J.i .. ~ .b,) as also . the sing. is * ti: (M, L:) or any small aninals $j ': ., (f,) Tere iu not in it (namely, dates, or the unrilpe date., becnme coloured, (0, .J' tAat ereep or walk upon the earth, and tvomou .[,) red, or yello: (0, TA:) or, as some say, a commodity, or household furniture, L) any or twxous reptils and the like: (M, L, ] :) sing. became rweet. (TA.) The Prophet forbade the fault, or defect: and tilere is not in it (namely, selling of dates before their becoming in this language, or speech, L) any defect, imperfection, ; t ;;(M, L) and ? ,i, (M,) or ;J;, (L,) and ; (M,? or_ V.i;; (L;) but it does not state. (,' A,' O, TA.)i i- . 1 Hse removed or unsoundness. (L, 1.)__ And ; J b i.U Ie i~mes not anything. (L, 1p.) And appear how t ; .J can be a sing. of ,tW. him far away. (0, ].*) _ . ;; t 51 [app. 1 .W JUJ, s L C There is not anything unless to be the augmentative letter be regarded as Howfoul, or ugly, or the like, is hel as seems to feared, nor anything to be disliked, in the wray to elided. (M, L.) _Also The wolf; (M, L, ] ;) be shown by what here follows]: IDrd cites, the attainment thereof. (Meyd, TA.) and so t l.,i: (Th, M, L, 1) and $ (M,

former pl. like Ol_'~, pl. of M. him says, describing asses, a -- a i4

of a rhatneleon: (Lh, g, M, L, lk:) pl. ejU" (S, M, L, ) and &ISa:(M, L, 19 :) the A

(S.) A poet




see m: 1;, .uz: see L&:

in six places.

[How foul is he, as offpring, and how uglyl

like the littl whelp of the dog; nay, rather, more foul!]. (0.)

l,i;-, in two places. in the latter half.

L,) or $ i;, (s,) or ;. (TA.) _- Also The hawk; syn. ',; (M, L ;) and so * i (Th, M, L) and * J! ,, (M, L,) or VJi. (TA.)And 1 ;j [the pl.] also signifies The young

see IUUA,

[an inf. n. of
to AZ, i. q.

&S, q. v._ - And,] accord.

&c.; or the (TA.)

;.;U and ;J: nsee 1 Jlj., latter, in two pfaces.

ones of the kin, of birds callcd 5 . and ,,J near the end; the (M, L, 1) and te lihke. (M, L.)
0 . .. -,;;: ' see. O! , in two places.

[i. e. Niggardline,

being niggardly, &c.: see 1 in art. e].

LS.Z,: see what next follows. li.;bi A drivingfar awray. (M, L.) -U

&i:A A1 An eagle vehemtly hugry, (S, 0LZ,: see what next follgws. M, L,/ I,) and eager in seeking food; (M, L;) Vjit. (]C.) A poet likens a horse 34 a and V : An unripe date altering in as also t thereto. (M, L.) re , (]V,) or altered to redness. (As, TA.) And the former signifies The [ruddy] oour mml k, as a sing. n.: see I1J1; (of which it is termed (o, ].) also a pl.), in two places, near the end. i 1L.~ A red [dress, or garment, such as Ijl' One , who scarcely ever, or never, seeps; is termaed] At: ]: ) the latter word being a (, M,L, ];) as also * 2;t (, M,1;) and rel. n. from meaning "an unripe date oho has a malgnant eye, ( M,) afti, or altering to rednero." (TA.) hurting, others therewit; as also ? L (V , M, ], in the TA L,,) and V J-: (M-) or who fS: see 1, in three places. has a strong, or powerful, eye, quickly affecting Jf Re,ds; (TA;) or [of a ruddy colour;] or hurting[othe thereith]; (M, L, ;) as also


1. ;;, aor. ;, inf. n. ;U (M, L, Mqb, ]~ [in the Ct and TA i, which is evidently wrong,])
and ;:, (Lth, ,,) or the latter is a simple


subst.; (M;) andS.Oe; and tU!; (M, ;) He was, or became, of the colour t~rmd . (M, L, Msb, ].)
9: seeL

i s1;

aee iS~.
[The red, or bbood-cour~anmo;] i q. : (t, M, A, M4b, :) it is not a

i. q.p:

(I , ,TA :) o (0 oay& A

t. (TA.)_

1, and v J. : (M:) and




[Hence,] Ai' $y_hj [Froth, app. of milk,] that Ao scarely eer, or neer, ~eq; ,komhdrois not of a pure hite hue, (O, , TA,) but nss do not oercome. (T, L.)_Also Driven sweet-eo~entqd flower: (Mb :) n. un. with ; (1, coloured. (TA.) away, andremote; and so t i. (L.),And M, Mb, 19 ;) pl. [of the n. un.] (4;:( :)

Boox I.]
also t ; and ili, (so in some copies of the j,) the latter so written by IDrd and Sgh, and thought by IDrd to be a place or a plant, (TA,) or t X I;y, (so in some copies of the ] and in the | U5: see; 'L., in two places:


and see also ~,) Hle divided it into parts, or portions: (Mgh:) or he cut it up, and wparated its mem1' l Aid i., in art. ji. bers (A, L, J ) into jt prtions among the sharers; (L, ~ ;') namely, a slaughtered animal, jtl: seee ':, in two places. (],) or particularly a slaughtered sheep or goat, TA,) and t .;$U and Vts;LU: (](:) or,*: is and a pig: (L, A, TA :) or he divided it (namely, LSJUl: see i;, in three places. the name of a certain other plant, not the jtiU, a pig,) into parts or portions, and member, for but red like it: (M,* ],*TA:) or it signifies ,lI1, applied to a man, [Of a ruddy complexion eating and selling. (Mgh.) Henoe the trad. '*. cinnabar: (A:) or 3ip. has this signification, (T, combined with fairness: or] of a clear ruwly i?&t! Co ,iJI (L, A) He who sel as u,)well as that first assigned to it above: complexion, with the outer skin inclining to white: wvine, let him cut up smine and divide their ( :) and accord. to AyIn, (M, TA,) 1t q;.$ is (8':) or haring a red, or ruddy, tinge, over a white, members, as is done to a sheep or goat when its the name of a certain plant (8, M, TA) that or fair, complcxion: (M, M9 b, I~ :) and applied flesh is sold: meaning, he who holds the selling grows in sands, having a pungent odour, which to a horse, [of a sorrel colour ;] of a clear red of wine to be. lawful, let him hold the selling of is tasted in theflavour of mi/: and he adds that, colour, (8, IF, Msb,) or of a red colour inclining swine to be so; for they are equally forbidden. accord. to some, it is the same as the jL.; but to [the dull red hue called] i, (M, 1,) w,ith a (L, TA.) 5 when the mane that this opinion is not well founded: (M, TA:) red mane and tail: (8, M, V:) A piece, or part, of a thing; (8, M, it is also said that it is a certain plant having and tail are black, the epithet ,...b [meaning Mgh, Mb ;) as also ., : (M, Mgh:) or a a flower of a dingy red colour, the seed, or grain, bay, or dark bay, or brown,] is applied to the ofnhaich is cuUcd ,: (TA:)andthaty S ;j. horse: (8:) the ji,l is said to be the best of little, of much; (M, TA;)as also the latter: horses: (IAar, M: [but it is said in Har p. 399 (IDrd, M, ] :) and the latter, a little, or paltry, (M, TA) and t .;It, (M,) or ,;1 , (TA,) are to be regarded by the Arabs as of evil omen:]) thing: (TA:) and the former, a piece of land: names of a certain plant, Aaving a fioer~ of a and applied to a camel, intensely red: (8:) or of or a share; syn.:, (A, j,) or L, (M,) colour somewhat of that termed , with slender, a colour resembling that of a horM thus termed: and , (A, Mgh, ],) and W , (A, g,) or delicate, dust-coloured leave, which growr in (M :) fem. li'( : and pl.iZ~. (Msb.) - Also, which signifies the same as ; (Sh, on the the manner of . [a kind of trefoil], is ap- applied to blood, That has become thick, (j;l i? proved in pasturage, and grows only in fruitful (Sh, M, Ui, M, Msb, TA,) and not been overlrwead writh authority of Khlid,;) as also 1 .i; years. (M, TA.) Mgh, ];) like and ,.: (M:) as, for dust. (M.b, TA.)-And the fem., ilpij , is used instance, in property; (IDrd ;) and of a slave: $I dLJ se.: sewIi Ola1bm 4, in art. as (a subst.] signifying Fire. (IlIm p. 718.) (TA:) or a certain dare not dicded: (EshShafi'ee, TA:) or if divided it may also be thus called: (Az, TA:) pl. [ofpauc.] ;.oLll (M, Msb) t;: The co rs described in the explanatiomn ,1- and (S, O, 01', Myb, ],) the former and [of mult.] j . (M, TA.) of tJe eqithetji,l, bblov. (8, M, Msb, &c.) accord. to IA%r, (Th, TA,) the latter accord. to Fr, (TA,) but disallowed by IIt, and asserted by ,gii : see o , throughout. _ Also A or see mjl;L: J$. him to be a mispronunciation of the vulgar, sharer, or partner. (., A, I.) You say, ' (Mb,) and JC9' , (Mhb,I ,) and l(i:, (accord. He is my sharer, or partner, (., A,) in jl: and its vars.: see in art. 3jj. to the CId,) and, (8, 0,/ ,) as they sometimes a piece of land. ($.) _ And Afet, or mft, said, ($, 0,) o (8, o, ]',) and and u and exelent horse: (]:) but an epithet not ;j:A: see the next paragraph, in four places. .~j~,, (]g,) [the first and second now applied to known to Lth. (TA.) The green ood-pecker, picus viridis: and to the );, (AHeyth, Fr, A'Obeyd, 8, V) and ';,i ,;" A broad J, [or iron head] (IDrd, common roller, coraciasgarrula:] a certain bird, (AHeyth, As, Abu-I-Jarrah, 8, K) A want; or a needful, or requisite, thing, affair, or budnes: (8, O, Myb, 1,) well known, (8,) among the M.b, K) of an arrow: (IDrd:) or an arrow (Fr, $, O, M.b, having msch a J0 , (Lth, IF, ],) with which (8, ] :) or the former signifies wanU: (Iam p. Arabs, (Fr, TA,) called ~J, 710:) A'Obeyd says that the former word is the TA,) [a name likewise now applied to the green wild animnals are shot; (Lth;) but Azsays that more correct, because j; signifies thing, or wood-pecker,] and regarded by the Arabs as of this explanation is at variance with what has been adfairs, that cleave to the heart, dituieting it; evil omen; (8;) lts than the pigeon, the colour heard from the Arabs: (TA:) or it signifies, (M,) and is pl. of t ';; and that t,i, with fet-, of which is green, and the beak black, and having or signifies also, (J,) a long J..m; (M, g ;) not has the signification of an epithet [meaning blackness in the extremities and exterior of its a broad one: (M:) or an arrow having ^eh a clearing to the heart and disquieting it]: (8:) or, wings: (MYb:) accord. to IAyr, the ,j is J..a; (M;) with which wild animnal are shot: (]g :) or a long and broad JLas: ( :) or it is of accord. to some, this latter signifies grief, mourn- with the rabe the , 1 [q. v,]: (TA:) accord. haW thesize of a J., and is worthless; children ing, sorrow, or sadna; disquietde of mind: or to the 1], or j!li, and j3!J, accord. to Lth, play with it, and it is th wrorst kind of arorw disuietude of mind that causes one to be sleepless: (TA,) a certain bird speckled, or spotted, with [-head], and i umsed for shooting at objects ojf the the former is also expl. as signifying a man's case, green and red and white (g, TA) and black, cha~ and any otherthing: (TA:) pl. . (..) and his ecret: and V both are also said to signify (TA,) and found, accord. to the copies of the 1g, tidings: and a man's state, or condition. (TA.) in the land of the 1aram, but correctly, as in the A butcher. (A, J.) One says, kSg) j*l I acuainrtdhi wit words of Lth,..Jt. !1,~, thus, with :, [perhaps my want; like as one says " 4."; ,l rightly.4.JI jI1, in the landthat is hot, or very Si;~ : (v:) or I aeq~ainted him with my hot,] in the placesin which palm-treesgrow; of the tidings. (TA.) And 'g I ac size of the *.[or Ahopo~]: accord. to Lb, 3j; 1. (., Myb, M6b, 1,) originally :, (S, TA,) qudinted him with my case, and with what I kept is of the measure J0'i: i1ijW.P is mentioned by J aor. , (, Msb,) dual thereof ,LA' 0 ., (~,) in. n. secret from others; (TA;) and so Ii l and 8gh [as well as in the ]] in the present art.; ijU and ijl, (,' ,) the latter accord. to a LSJ; : (.am p. 716 :) or I reealed to hit my but should, properly, be mentioned under the head reading of the ]Fur xxiii. 108, (S,) and lt; and secret, and acquainted him with al my affairs. of j3&l, as it is in the L. (TA.) j_ and ': ( and i:, (K,) or the last a8,) (Mgh.) And * * , and , He comof these is the inf. n., and ;jU: and YZ, [and the plaind to him of Ais state, or codition (M, rest, none of which is expressly specified as an TA.) a >L, (L, T,). i n. j.." (eL, Mgb, inf. n. in the .,] aie simple substs., (Msb,) He A





[Boot I. and in n. as above, (TA,) HIe put on [or around him,] or attired himself with, the arms, or weapons, completely, not leaving any of them; (TA;) [as though] he entered amid them. (.K, TA.)_ and a d,) ; (0, O, Mob, in the -J(t, and the like, aor. as above, (TA,) and so the inf. n., (Msb, TA,) I pierced, or transpierced, him, or it, ( , Msb, or ;.j 0, O, and in like manner in the TA, but in my copies of the. S 3~. [meaning I made a hole in him, or it], S, Sk, and thus in one place in the TA, and nith wi,) the spear, O, and in like manner in the (S, O, Myb, K,) and with the arrowv, &c.: (TA:) ..~ f, but I Drd says that, accord. to some, 1: is only by the conjoining two things with an arrow or a . .a. 15 spear: (0, TA:) [thus,] Itij means And le clave and transpierced his leg, or foot, together with his stirrutp. (Mg.) -

was, or became, unproPru, unfortunate, un- [relating to the oul] and a 5. [relating to tle happy, or mierable; (S, Myb, TA;) is; being body] and A;l [relating to ezternal circum(Msh;) and I;tU &c. contr. of stance]. (Er-Righib, TA.) - Also t Fatigue; contr. of ,a; syn. .- ; but the latter has a more general sigb;-.: ($, TA:) or he was, or became, in a state , but every of straitms, distres, adversity, or difficulty. nification; every ;plU, being (TA.) U:. ; not is 3 (As, g, TA.) [See also j1li: below.] - Also e -. t e suffered, or experienced, fatigue, (TA, and _t.1 [More, and most, unprosperous, &c. _ Ksh and Bd and Jel in xx. 1,) I.ij ,. [in such And] Jfore [and most]fatigued. (TA.) a thing]. (TA.) i 1;U: see 3: - and 4. 15 aA A comb: a dial. var. of U.. (AZ, .C.) 3. ;uUt, (g, TA,) inf. n. *lDL, (1, TA) and ,r, (TA,) lie laboured, strove, or struggled, nith hi:n, to pretail, or overcome, ($, g, TA,) in ,, inf. n. 5 i., said of the .,j [or tush] 1. war, or battle, and the like; (18, TA;) so in the . T; (TA;) he struggled, or contended, with, or of a camel, It grew forth: a dial. var. of art.: present the to belonging [but v,. art. in (]p inconvenience, or against, the dificuly, or trouble, that he eperienced from him; (S," TA;) syn. mentioned in the TA, as not in the l, on the 4i;; (]g, TA;) or "'.;and A.l. (., TA.) authority of ISd].) - [Freytag states, as on the is used for Od _ And Vt;:J sU,, aor. of the latter verb ', authority of Abu-l-'Ala, that Reiske has that and &c.: endeavoured to surpass him in mutual labour. He dclave, or split, eIs the mouth opened He signifying as ing, or striving, or struffling, to prevail, or explained it rictu").] amplo (" grinning a rwide with e, dc, (;.LJ,l ) J6, [in the CJ, otercom but the former seems to be the right reading, and may be best rendered in the mutual striving against di~iculty,l) and he surpased kim .Sl, [th~rein]. (. [In the $, ;i '~9 aor. i:1; and only the latter verb as thus used signifies also t The is there explained.]) -J treating[one]with hardnes, harshnm, or ilnature. (TA.) - And SThe vying, one with another, in patience, or endurance: a rajiz says,

[Hence,] il



I tratw'od, or crssed,

[When the two patient ones vie in endurance, he does not lag behind, almost, by re~on of the weakness of powers,failing to hasten in pace]: he means a camel vying with the attendant thereof in endurance of going. (TA.) 4. W tUl God caused him to be unprosperous, unfortunate, unhappy, or miserable; (1 , Mqb, TA:) or God caused rontr. of .l: hin to be in a stats of straitness, distr, advrAnd .) sity, or dj~ y: and so U. oUU lie combed. (AZ, V. [See UL.]) a/ n inf. n. of ; ,, as also ,: or a simple subst. (Mqb.) ($,* ~ :)

Unprosperous, unfortunate, unhappy, or miserable: ($, Myb, TA:) [or in a state of straiteass, distress, adversity, or dfficulty: (see its '-iA,' .;b' verb :)] pl. ,tj. (TA.) t,a. supin been, not have I in the l]ur [xix. 4, And means unprosperou~], Lord, my llicating Thee, I have been one whose prayer has been answered. (TA.)

,; (,' g ;) or a simple 1 , &c.; Unprosperousn signifying ;) subst.; (Mb [see its verb;] contr. of tj : (., Er-RUghib, T' o relationship was, or . : [used as a subst.] signifies Doubt; (Mb; TA:) it is of two kinds; 3.j&.i [relating to the one says, _.Ja , O-.n , , --_or, 3 [See TA. (0, united. closely [see 1 i]) or the contr. of> -; (8, O, Msb, ;, world to come] and ~l.j [relati/g to the pr t became, , (1s Q;.])TA,) aor. by which explanation is meant a roavmri ow ;) _ Jl voce norld]: and the latter is of three kinds; 4- jl1U an inf. n. of

or cut through, the countries, or districts, to him. Tithe garment (0, TA.) - And ,' I4 vi him, and upon tojetiwr drawn] jl A long prominence, or projecting portion, was put [or or was pin: wooden or a thorn a with of a mountain, (K, fastened IU or ldge, (1# or made to hang down, upon him. (TA.) down, let TA,) that cannot be a~nd : (TA :) by ru!e it IjAS Thtey placed their tents in one should be with . [i. e. ,, as being derived from .,^3M~. rowv, or seris, (O, M.b, K,) in one regular order, U:]: ( gh, TA:) pl. J1;' (K [correctly 41 ]) (T, TA,) near together. (Myb.) - Hence, I_J. (TA. [Mentioned in the 1 in art. and iL ,,1 1 Thtey made the relationships to be clwdy :, but belonging to the present art.]) connected. (Msb.) And s He was made, or asserted, to be connected with the lineage of a: said of any(IAar, O.) - And ; anothel. adjoined, it or anml.joined, 1. , is intrans. by itself, and trans. by means thing means I drew infid it I [And (Msb.) of the particle 1 : - one says y,)l 4j, aor. [to another thing]. ... another thing.] - J [contr. to analogy in the case of an intrans. in, or thrust it into, t [or, more probably, A tX,] a 1 l.; 4 f verb of this class], inf. n. ,P, The thing, or case, of El-FarezdaJ~,] in which it verse a in phrase or affair, nw, or became, dubious, or con~fued: 1'., (MA, g,) first pers. forms an apodosis,] means 1 ci [i. e., npp., Its (Mb)_and ,, friend (the sword, or tte spear, both of which 'g , (S, Ms:b,) aor. as above, (JM, Pi, ,. n,oldd not be conjoined &c.,) and so the inf n., (MA, &c.,) He doubted, are meanings of J.Il,) (TA.) - L. hand]. my with gra~d) (or wavered or dvaciUated in opinion, or was ncetain, re~pecting it; (MA, Myb, and so accord. to ,.i;itI He (the sewer) made the stitch-hols far [q. v. infrk] in the ? and apart [in sewing the garment, or piee of cloth]. explanations of (Msb;) and (O, TA.) [Thus the verb has two contr. meanMyb and t &c.;) syn. 4;t; (Ibnwith kesr, and 'i, 1 ings.] V :; signifies the same. (~, ~.) _- J J as TA, to the ]P accord. the in so and 'Abbld, O, .,jl means ;Sj [i. e. The case, or affair, w in my MS. copy and CK in the TK, the in also d~ dtl, hard, distrsing, &c., to me]: (O, TA:) and 4Jl,) I inclined to him, or or, as some say, [was such that] I doubted of the K or rlied upon, him, or it, so as to, it; or trusted ing it. (TA.) _ A' said of a (-d -) ~e to be, or become, easy, or quiet, in mind; or camel, (IAvr, 8,1,) aor. and inf. n. as above, leaned, rested, or relied, upon him, or it; syn. (S,) He limped, or halted; or had a slight lameO, g.) ness, (IAar, 8, TA,) of his hind leg: (IApr, ~j -;. (Ibn-'Abbad, and TA:) or his arm stuck to his side, (], TA,) .(0',) 0 ],*) inf'n'. ; ,(S,O, 2. h had a sight lamna~ in conseq~~nce tlereof: He made nme to doubt, to wav~r or vacilate in (TA:) and V A,l, likewise said of a camel, he opinion, or to be uncertain, rpecting it; ($, V, had a slight lamn~; (Ibn-'Abb6d, O, TA;) TA;) he threm me, or made me to fall, into also signifies doubt, &c., rpecting it. (O.) . (Ibn-'Abbld, O.) like to another thing a [of The claing or sticking of Abooverse a in So TA.) O, thing]. (;, see the first paragraph. Dabbal EI-Jumabee cited voce 44. (S.) And


BooK I.]
two things, hethder Uacsation in opinion bt they be qual [in probabilit] or such that one of thae outweigh [taerin the other; or, as the expositors explain its meaning in the ]ur x. 94, uncertainty: (Mqb:) or a avesring or vacil/ation in opinion, bAw two inconsistet things, without maing either of them to outeig the other in the estimation oj him who con~ceit the i4~: or, as some say, a pausing, or hesitation, betwe~e two extrema that are equal [in probability], without the minds inclining to either of them: when one of them is made to outweigh,


L, with two 4ammehs, [a pL of which the kiLd Sharp arm, or eapown: (IAqr, O, :) sing., in the sense here indicated, is not men- or the sharpess of arms or weapon: (k :) or tioned,] i. q. l,; [Persons who make a dlaim in the latter should be the meaning accord. to anarepect of rdelatiothip; or who cldaim to be som of logy. (O.) perso not their fathers; or who are claimed as )]._ jL [act. part. n. of om by pronm not their fathern; or adopted
ou: pl. of L



]. (IAr,TA.) - [Also said to



[A man completely armd]:

this is ju~dgn t of a man, and their being ~a: sometimes because of there being two indications, equal in his judgment, of the two inconsistent things; or of there being no indication thereof: and sometimes it relates to the question whether a thing be, or be not; and sometimes, to the question of what kind it is; and smetimes, to some of its qualities; and sometimes, to the accident that is the cause of its being: it is a species of J;.; but is more special than this; for ,. is sometimes the utter nonexistence of knowledge of the two inconsistent things; so that every .L is J,. but every J is not L: (TA:) accord. to some, the primary meaning is a state of commotion, or disturbance, of the heart and mind: iII , (].) - [Hence, &W (MOb:) pl. J,. The day of wiah one doubts whether it be the last of one month or the first of the next month: and generally, whether it be the last of Shaabdn or the first of Ramaddn; and to fast on this day is forbidden.]m Also A small crack in a bone. (4(.)_ And A seam, or line of sewing, of a garent. (L in art. Cs.) - [And accord. to Freytag, A coat of mail compo~ of nanrow ings: but he names no authority for this.]~ And [Arsenic;] a certain medicament, that destroys rats; brought from Khurdsdn, from the mines of iler; (4, TA;) of two kinds, (TA,) whit# and yelow; (K], TA;) now known by the name ofjWl.. [ratsbane]. (TA.)

complete set of armnu, or weapons: [pl. Ji, Tena arranged in a ro: (0o, :) one agreeably with analogy:] you say ) " : ",jslA [a people, or party, completely clad in j tt..&They pitched their tent says, Ih4S:. of iron arms or weapons]. (S, O. [In one sets tL4L, [q. v.], to Th, it is one row: but accord. in without the other's being rejected, it is .) [Accord. to of my copies of the ., (KT:) accord. to Er-Raghib, it is the alternation, fronk tJI. (TA.) or confudnsb , of two inonsistt things, in the : but the TA, one says JV s X tJIS

be pL of R4;, q. v.]

the former expl. as meaning a man wearimng a


1 seems evidently to be a mistranscription for whether d be fat or not (g, ]g, TA) in her andblJ 5J1z in JI jl. hump, g, TA,) by reason of the abundance of j~. See also herfur, wherefore her hump is felt: (S, TA:) pL _ ,4bi Near relationarts. jzp and J.] - (.) ship. (O, TA. a.tL


I A she-camel of which one doubt

[8ee.)l .])

- See also

Sides; syn.

(Ibn-Abbd, 0, what next follows.

(q. v.), next after A tumour in thefaucet; (0, .;) mostly

TA.) [Perhaps pL of 1Lk

which it is mentioned in the O; like as

in children: (0:) pl. J l.: or, accord. to Abu-lAlJarrA, the sing. of .I1 is 31j, meaning the 1,, A region, quarter, or tract, syn. ~U, tumour. (TA.) of the earth. (Ibn-'Abbid, 0, .) "'; The thong with vwhich the coat of mail is

(originally &,L.:) is pL ofL..]

A party, ect, or distinut body or clas,

[in certain parts thereof] conjoined (er AiL):

(AA,, 0, I5g,) of men: (AA, 9, O :) pL ,St; 'Antarah says, (AA,;) tandapp. also, for,]accord. to iAr, Aj,# Ml signifies distint bodies of soldiers. (TA.)A way, course, mode, or manner, of acting or conduct or the like: (IDrd, O, ]:) thus in the




A covering (C)

that is yut upon the

backs of the two curved extremities of the bow: (g :) so says ISd. (TA.)
;. [an inf. n. of un.] A singyl piercing through two men on a olrse. (}Iam p. 271.)

i.q. aij: (0,g:) so in the saying, s1 t' ,j [Vily he is is one whoe region to which he directs himsef isfar distant]. (O.) , or weapons, (S, K, TA,) that arc 21 Aru, worn. (TA.).-And A broad piece of wood, (g,) or smal broad piece of wood, ($, 0,) that is put into the hole (i''i) [in which is inserted the end of the handle] of the axe, or adz, and the ae, in order to narrow it. (IDrd, S, O, 4(.) ; means A man discordant in 'Jt1 AL W.. ral dispositions. (TA.) A camel having a light lamness; that 'lips;or halts. (TA.)


not find in any lexicon: it is said that] L_ (so in copies of ,iSE (IDrd, O, O) and A', signifies a coat of mail narrow in the rings: and if the latter of these two, extr. the poet means, AJl of many an ample coat oJ' the I~,) or "; [with respect to analogy]. (TA.) wAnd Natural mail [narrow in the rings] have I rent open the disposition; syn. jU.. (TIY, as from the 1I. middle parts with thie sord, from oter a man [The only reading that I find in copies of the 1K who was tihe defender of those who, or that whtich, is with C in the place of , i. e. ;L; and t!us, it w*as his duty to defend, who was poiated to as but without any vowel-sign, in the TA: but I being the cavalierof the army. (EM p. 243.) think that the right reading is evidently that in An affair, or a ,A J'A [ror Ael I;] the T15.]) Also The [kind of ba.set called] case, in which there is doubt. (TA.) ~jp. aL,in which are [mput] friuits. (Ibn-'Abb&l, 0, [i. e. A pulpit made Jirm or wj~ , i. q. >.: And [the pl.] .5lE signifies The piecCC .K, -)= L 4.]) strong &c.]. (TA. [See also of rwood with which, they being joined together, are fiJrmed the tent-lihe tolp of the vehicles called (AA, 0, TA.) .E). [pl. of nor. (S, L) nnd,, (L,) in n. ;,; 1. L;, applied to a woman, meaning Just in Il, (M, L,) but this latter, (S, L, (;) and * p,roportion, or lcautiful, and slenier; or light, or which is erroncously said in the copies of the K active, in her work; and clever; is vulgar. (TA.) to be syn. with 'ti, instead of ;, is, accord. to ,%;, (so in the O, occurring there in three ISd, notof high autllority; (TA;) liegathe im: (, , (thus in the ], [but if this L, :) or hegave him a thing as afree gift. (L.) instances,) or were the righlt reading, the rule of the author lie H,ffl gave him of dates on their being 4. would require him to add "with damm," there- cut, and of wheat on its being reaped. (L.) He fore I suppose it to have been mistranscribed in gave him of a heap (rf ,eaped corn on the occasion an early copy of the .K,]) applied to a.Atm! [i. e. of measuring, and of the bundles (.) [of corn] bit, or bridle], Dfficult. (0, K.) [See also on the occasion of reaping: of the dial. of ElYemen. (L.) lie gave himn food to eat, or milk .] m C and in art. to drink, after it had been deposited in the house or tent. (L.)_ See also 1. .I%: Bec l.

saying, &XQ U& A&; [Leavo thou himn intent (0, TA:) [but in the EM it is il:., thus with on pursuing khis may, &c.]: (IDrd, 0:) pl. b,., and with fet-h to the .; a word which I do




[Boox I.

He sought, or danded, what is and speaking of it larly; and [in the copies of r Her (a camel's) ~dder became full (, V, TA) the ], "or," but this is evidently a mistake,] it is of mill: (8, TA:) or she (a camel) obtained a [q. v.]. (L.)_And o . [. only on account of favour receied; (,;) and good share of bguminow herbage, or [other] He came ek/ing, or demanding, of me ; pasturage, and in consequence abounded it :) meaning what is gimr of a heap of reaped corn !', is [the same, being] contr. of l,L:Y ( milk after having had little milk: (T, TA:) and on the ocaon of meamring, and of the bdle ,2 [sometimes] differs from .. ; (M,b in art. he (a beast) becanmefat, (Q, TA,) and Aher udd r_;) for . is only on account of favour re(.J.J) [of corn] on the oc~so of reaping: of X He the dial. of El-Yemen. (L.) ceived; whereas x~ is sometimes because of became full of milk. (TA.) _ And '; was, or became, liberal, or boufid, (A, ],) favour received, (Th, Az, TA in art. ,)._, and A gt: (., L, V:) or a fro gift: pl. Msb ubi suprA,)and sometimes from other causes; after having been niggardly: (A:) or he gave ldtf. (L.) A recompense. (L.) [8ee, 2 in (Th ubi suprA;) [and thus] the latter is of more lar.y f after hazing becn niggardly. (].)said of a tree (;.), (Fr, 8, A, V,) aor., two places.] What is given of dates whaen they common application than the former; (. in art. ;5 inf n.j, (8,) t It produced, or patforth, what are cut, and of wrheat rvheAm it is rcaped (L.) .,_.;) therefore you do not say i li," What is g~en of a heap of reaped corn on the are termed , (Fr, (F , V,) i. e. what grow , t,a4, but you say .:t., . .: (Mob occason of the measuring, and of the budl~ around it, from its Jo1 [i. e. root, or base, or ( 4i_) [of corn] on the occasion of the reaping: ubi supra:) or .Z is more common than l, (Fr, TA,) and with respect to its kinds and means, and more stem]; (.;) as also V of the dial. of El-Yemen. (L.) Travei~ ?t ;jst:. (4;gh, TA:) or its, i. e. sappy particular with respect to the objects to which it V~sion with whia one is frnished, consisting of twigs or hoots, from it tem, or smaU ka*r. milA, or [the preparation of dried curd called] relates; and the latter is more common with respect to the objects to which it relates, and beneath te larpe, became abundant. (A.)-._And Jl1, or clarifed butter, or dats, and ith which more particular with respect to the means; for the aor. ', (sJ,) in n. ;, ; (TA;) and ., one go~ fort f~ th abodes of a pe~ple. (L.) former is, withl the heart, the being hmnble, or aor. '; and t,*tI; (4;) said ofpalm-trees (~j), And Meat and drink dpoited in a houe or Illy, and submissirn; and with the tongue, the t They had many j,g i. e. offJts, or such.kers. tent. (L.) act of praising, e~oging, or commending; and (Aln, ],0 TA.) - And Ai and VS l and acknowledgg beneficence; and with the members, t p:! are all verbs from ;J. (].) [It is said the act of obeying, and mubmitting one's self and in the V that these verbs are from J.S in all of 1. J :$, and '.# , (., Mgh, V,) but the the object to which it relates is the bencfactor, certain significations there mentioned; app. meanformer is the more chute, (a,) and the latter is exclusively of his essential qualities; therefore ing, all that are there mcntioned after the next di i %5'; [ire thanhed for d $, (A,) aor. ', (TA,) inf. n. . and one does not say ;tlea. preceding verb: and hence they seem to have God for his tience, or praised Him,.,yc.]; but the significations here following: _- said of palm~tJ (., A,' Mqb, ]) and (,,) ;, which He is & on that account, like as He is for his tres (J), t T/ey put forth bava around last, in the Vur lxxvi. 9, may be either an inf. n. beneficence; and; is also for beneficence: thus their branchet:-_ and, said of trees in general or pl. of;. [used aU a simple subet.], (,) He relates to every object to which, as an object, (^Z), t They pt forth brancAn: -and t Tey thanked Aim; or praisd,emdo~ or commended, Aim,for abenfit or b~ : (:) he w grate- ; relates; but the reverse is not the case: and producedbark: - and, said of a grape-vine, t It ._ in the TA it seems f.d, or thaankf, to him; or he ackno d his everything whereby is .~.., thereby is ,A; but grewfrom a shoot planted: be~ cene~, and poke of it larg : (,8 ]g: [but the reverse is not the case; for the latter is by to be implied that, said of a vine, they signify t it in the g, the verb in the former sense has , meansm of the members, or limbs, and the fonrmer putforth long dshoots, or upper shoots.] only for its inf. n., and it is implied that in the is by means of the tongue: ; is of three kinds; 3. JS I showed him that I mas thankfl, latter sense it has for its inf. n. only 'Ul,, as with the heart, or mind, which is the forming an or gratefsl, (A, O, ],) to him. (A.) _ And will be seen below:]) and , S., and ui , [adequate] idea of the benefit; and with the 4vqj_J I aSi: I commenced with him discos. (Lb, MNb, ],) which latter is less common than tongue, which is the praising, eu~izin, or (0, g.) commending, the benefactor; and with the memthe former, and even disallowed by Ay in prose, bers, or limbs, which is the requiting the benefit L *jJ1 AI tThe people's camels had their though allowed by him in verse, (Mqb,) and according to its desert: it rests upon five founda- uddersf of milk ( ! 14): (1(:) or the ; A nd 1 3 ;, ,: and dzku a,,L ,, tions; humility of him who renders it towards people's camels became fat: (TA:) or t/e peopi (Lb, 1V,) and ;z" 'I ;, (A,) inf. n. ;a and him to whom it is rendered; his love ofhim; his milked a camel or sheep or goat having her udder acknowledgment of his benefit; the eulogizing fuil of milk, i.e., such a is termed ;;: (:) XkL; (M,b) [and ], He thanked, or praised, him for it; and his not making usc of the benefit Godfor his beemience: (A:) he wst grat,f, or in a manner which he [who has conferred it] dis- or the p~op milked camels or heAp or goats thankful, to God; or acknoledged his befience, having their udders full of milkt, one such after and spoke of it largely: (i:) he acknow~ed likes: it is also explained as devotion of the heart another: (O,TA: [but for s;L ; 1X1 j" in to lm of the benfactor, and of the members to thel beecence of God, and acted in the manner the O, and ; ; in the TA, I read .~.-I obey him, and the employent of the tongue in incumbent on him in rendering Him obedience mentioning him and euo~iz him: [and there ;S 1,, agreeably with what here next prea"d abstainingfrm disbed ; so that j4 is are several other explanations of it which it is cedes:]) or the people, having alighted in a place in word and in deed: (MNb:) and Z V unnecemssary to add:] some say that it is formed were their came fmund herbs, or egumiou signifies the same as 3i: (., A, M#b, ] :) you by tranmposition from ;.t, the "act of uncover- plants, had abundance of milk from them. (T, say, ' I tG , .; [I thanled him, tc., for ing, or expoing to wiew:" others, that it is from TA.?) -- jI said of an udder: see 8. - ;CI ... ' 0i rhat he did]: (A:) and ;8 :,t, [He was q % "a full fountain, or eye;" accord to ve;l t The land produced fh herbage aftr grateful to Him, 4c., i. e. to God,/or his~a which etymology it would signify the being fug otlhr herbage that had become dried up and dusty. (TA.) . See also 1, near the end of the lion]: (~:) and X r,' J2l.1 [I praie to of the prais of the benefactor. (B, TA.) thee, or mention to thee with thans, the fawours on the part of God signifies X The requiting and paragraph, in three places. of God]: (L in art. ,.:) [but there are many commending [a person]: (1 :) or t the forgi 5. .Z: see 1, in three places.. .Also [He explanations of S beside those given above: its a man: or the regarding him with content, affected, or made a show of, thankfulness, or meanings will be more fully shown by what here at/factio%, good wi, or favour: and hence, gratitude: (see ja .:) or] he seemed, or ap. follows:] .L is the thanksing a ben,e,tor; or necemarily, $ the recompensing, or rwarding, peared, thanful, or gratefuL (KL.) signifies praiing, muog~ , or commending, him, (.f, A,) him: the saying %W ii JMay :X It (an udder) bewmeful (P, ], TA) for a beeflt or beneJiUsb: (. :) or the bein grat~ God recomense, or reward, his work, or labour. 8. j TA;) as also , . (V.) --Q.;l fud, or thanAkif; or acnw~ig bens~c c; (TA.) '~ s aor. ', (.;' ],) inf n. ; (S,) of milk; (., 10. :termed ,

.Boo I.] rain fol vehmetly: (s:) or the sky rained much. (M)&jJ ; : tTh brought rain: (i :) or blw violntly: or, as is said on the authority of A'Obeyd, were costrary; but ISd says that this is a mistake. (TA.) _ Also .;S:I t It (heat, and cold,) became ne . (V.)- t He (a man) strove, rted hsel, or did hia utmost, in his running. (, TA.) Also t It became what is tcme je [q. v.]. (TA.).-See also 1, near the end of the paragraph, in two places. - [Hence, app.,] t It (a fcetus) putforth downy hair. (A.)


tTe t

PU-VImeat] pow

pi. t Foralo~: (V, TA:) u though pL of 31S11which ' [rwhich may be n. un. of..f]. (TA.)

fat piece of/ Ji -meat: ( :) or [apiece of fia, .,i

with grease, or gravy: (A: [but in

my copy, >3 is erroneouly put for ;i:]) ~4, . (A.)


a.C: ee iJ, in two place.

AJ t4!

[~ipi a name applied in the present day to chorm~, intybu and endivia; wild and gar. CL'A~, : see the next four preceding sentenese . den-succory den-succory, and edie; u abo 0,0 , correctly

; The vuav, or puddm, of a woman: (,

M, Mb, ]5 :) or the~ tbeof: (M, ], MP :) also t , in either of these senses: (V:)

pL;IL: (M,b, TA:)

4.J, in the

], as the

second explanation, is a mistake for . (MF.) It is said in a trad., '*!oIj ' . , meaning Heforbade the giing hire for prostiot n; the word l? being understood as prefixed to A,. (TA.)-Also i. q. cl' [i. e. The act of compreing, or of co~ actiy mrage wit, a roman]. (T?, 5.) a; n inf . of : ($, A,. M0b, ]:) and ii may [be used as a simple subst., and, as such,] have for its pl. (. [See 1.])
a ee

.t ?*

[F of the udder of a camel; and so is expl. inthe T 5;] a subst. fromj;


j*;1I [q. v.]. (I.) One says, ;j1& Od.j s t. , so in the L and other lexicons, (TA,) or V[J', (so in my copies of the ?,) or t 44JI, (so in the O and ],) t [This is the ti of the~ of the udr,] when the camels abound with milk, or have their udders full, ( 1.1 i q. v.,) from the [herbage called] (l, O, 0. L, ].) i',: see the next preceding paragraph.


one who i eamrt, or does his utmost, in thanking h I Lord, or in being thanfiul or gratefl to Him, i 'ity: ee the next pargraph. by obedice to Him, performing Ais aponted v.X' reigiou servics: (TA:) or one who doew his t.X' (I,V) and l s, (V,) in the CV, erroneouly, erroneously, 1 and with damm to the j,] utmos in hoing his thankf e, or gratitude, itA AhiAeart and his tongue and his member, or or the correct form is n , s with damm to the .. limb, wt firm bsief, and mit acknowldgn .0, a Ibn-Hisham El-Lakhmee and El-F"rbee 4), [ofbeneft raciesd]: or who have expresly affirmed; (TA;) or it is corectly Ahis inabilit to hvc be [~lently] tAankfid or gratudil: or Awho with o,o (],) unpointed, and so it is mentioned render tha"Jk, or is thankfW or grateJ, for by by Akn; (TA;) [but see a I .;] or correctly probation: or, for ohat is denied im: (IT:) t l1S, (5,) as Sh holds to be the case, pL ;-. (TA.) : A beast that is sujfied by (TA,) (TAJ [and thus it is written in several medical little fodder or herbage, (., A,) and that fattens booh, book, from the Pers. 31;&b; accord. to Golius, upon it: (A:) or that fatten upon liiti foddser Ccuta herba, and applied in the present day to orherbage: (I:) as ihough thankful for that coni, C~., i. e. hemlock, or a pe thereof; and small benefit. (TA.) _jll, applied to God, this thib is probably what is meant by Goliu, u the : [He who approes, or ard~ , or orygms, 0~ onium maculatum, or common Ahmlock, is adled much, or largdely:] H who gi~e large reward by some ic~ta;] a ~ertain plant, (, ,) Qf the for ~al, orfera, works: He in twAoe estmation kind called .~., (so in a marginal note in a small, or few, works performed by his rant COPY copy of the ;,) te tem of which is like that of increase, and who mdtiplie his remards to them. the C.W%j p Wthe[or fend], and tAe laves of wohi (TA.) are lke tho of te t [ e of cucumb cald]

t'w A hired man, or hireig; one take , LC.P 1tS [i. e. One MAo thanks much; or rhois as as a ant: an arambicied word, from [th ery thankfld or gratefWl: see 1]: (1 TA:) and PerL].;L(i. (O,10) Pem,].:&..

,>an intensive epithet, (TA,) signifying

The shoots that gtro arounsd a tre,from . e [i.e. root, or base, or stm]: (?:) or sappy t~s or ~hoots, that grow from the stem of a tree: or smal leaves beneath the larg: (A:) or f~ and tender tgs or soots, that grorw among
iJ sch as ha become tAick and tough: and what

grow at, or upon, the JyI [i. e. roots, or base, or ~ ,] of lar troe: or sma leaes that
grow at, or upon, tAhe root, or base, or ~em, of a tree: (IAr, TA:) and offset, or uckers, or

or, as ome say, like thoofth C [q. v.], and nsmaler; having a white er, and a rlender dmy m, itout anyfruit ; and its d is like [that of] of] the 3i13" ... [or ammil, or [of] the ;J [or anim], anite], it tasrt or odour, and milai (TA.) [Mom, j; [More, and most, 1,0. than fi, or gratfi, se: o an ex. voce, j.]. Jke.:

I A she-camel, (AV, f, A, ],) and ewe or ~r , of palm-treem: (J:)and the leav that j;g :' 42. (O, , TA, in the CV ;'~,) 3 she-goat, (A,) having her u~ fail (A, , A, are around tahe branches of the palm-tree: (YaW tHerbage that causs milk to be cop~. (0, ) of milk, (M,) whatewer be thefodder, or Aerb- koob, ]:) and plans, and hair, and feathers, ]p, ]g, TA. [In the C15, 1tI1 1 is erroneously age, she hAs eaten; (A;)au also * 1&: (g:) and abundant orich-feather (l.!, ], TA, in or the former, that ha obtained a good share of the C]5 AiA), such as are small, groing among put for I;p. 5-]) l~minu herbage, or of [other] paure, ansd sch as arelarge: or thefirst, of hAerbage, growing ; m se: ee ;, in two places. in co~ ce abo~ds ith milk afer having after othAr herbage that has become dried up and for had little m/k: (T, TA;) and the latter, that duty: ( :) and downy hair, or dows: and any ijg i*g*. 5, t Aio/nt r wind: (0, 1:) or, as abounds with milk though havig had but a maU of,fineA hair: (A;) or hair groing among the home ay, a contrary wind; (O, TA;) but ISd, share qf pasture: (TA:) or that abouds with plait: pl.;: and meaA hair: (TA:) and hair say that this is a mistake. (TA.) miak in mmer and ceases in ter: (IAgr, at the roots of a hne's mane, (], TA,) lk say& TA:) pl. of the former , (, ,) applied to down, and inthe foreloc~k: (TA:) and the hair camels and to sheep or goats, (?,) and L.L (0) thatisnet LP" ~ to the face and th back of the neck: and ;Q,: ($,V:) and *SIt is applied to (A,~:) and branchs: (Ayn, ]: [in the Cs, IL L b.o, (T, , Mb, TA,) aor. , in. . ; 1 s1erroneously put for ameb, and sheep or goats, as meaning abom~ :]) and (T, (T, Mtb, TA) and L1IC; (T, $, , Mqb, TA;) or with milk, or having ther efl ( 4 ) the bark (t..i) of tres: pl. : (]:.) and the ;d, aor,. aor, , p (O, 1 T,) inf n. L;t; (O ;) pL also signifies the long soo~ of a grevine: Re Re mam, or became, rao~ , from te[hrbagecalled] mrctabW , ( TA-) TA ) 2 peroew, ubborn, or obstinate, dipotio: is abo a ing. epithet, having a similar sgnifi~- or its Aiher, or higheta, shoot~: (A., TA :) and powm, the sing., a grap-~ gwing from a ~aed (?, (1, O, 1 :) or hard in dipoitio or ihatr, tion: u well u a pL] One saysV i An ~se. (Agn,; , TA.).AAlSo t YoW m: i: in behAaiour or dealing: (TA:) or eil in disder abndiing milk: (A or having (A:) or you~g (TA, from a trad.) position, position, or iltaed,and very perwr or co~ 1 ' mscA mi. (?.) And V ~. tA .fia And The young ono of camels: (]g, TA:) as or rePgant and averse; qyn. b'AJ. (MNb, or eye. (B, TA.) And ke t being likened t thej,C of pal~-~trees. (TA.) TA..) TA.*) Bk. I. 200



[Boox I.

3. Lb-: He treated Aim, or behavd torards the ~riting, A(: < At, , TA,) or he marked or became, dubious, or conf~ed; syn. Wi (t, him, writh hardnes, harhness, or illnature. (0, the writing, ( i, Mob,) with the signs of the O, Msb, 1I,) and i;.t, (O, TA,) or g.) desinential ya (,* ;,* Msb, TA*) [and (Mgh :) [and t . is mentioned in thisense 6. IjS.3b They treated, or behaved towrards, the other syUllabical sigu and the diacritical by Golius as on the authority of J (whom I do

one another rith hardness, harshness,or ilbnature; or disagreed, one with another; in buying or selling: (IDrd, O, TA:) or they treated, or behatved torwards, one another with contrariety, or opWMition. (,* TA.) [Hence,] ;,ll bJI QLt.1 t The night and the day are opposed to each other: (TA:) or alternate. (Az, A, O, TA.)

POi],: or i q. .~l:

(. :) but Alst says that not find to have mentioned it either in this art. or ol;lS1 j a bas the former meaning; andZ ~' l elsewhere), and by Freytag as on the authority of signifies he dotted, or pointed, it [with the dia- Abu-l-'Ala: acceeord. to Sh, J,lI in this sense is criticalpoints]:(TA:) and .1tl tIJ ,1 signi- from iL signifying "redness mixed with whitefies the same as u i; (C,Msb, I5,TA;) as though ness:" (see .:) but] accord. to Er-R4ghib,

l in a thing, or case, or an afrair, is meta[meaning] he remowd from it dubousess and con~ on; (C, i,* TA;) so that the i in this case phorical, [and] like ;,'t. from Z,lt. (TA.) is to denote privation: (TA:) this [J says (TA)] One says, J*.pi i I.I J vil t [The thing, I have transcribed from a book, without having or became, dubiou, or or case, or affair, ,ra, ,i: see L.I ,.Li. iL; tA strait heard it. (s.) - And 6i : ,.C, (O, TA,) means the place of alighting or abode. (TA.) jl.JI A aor. L; thus correctly, as pointed by I14tt; accord. confuised, to the man]; and t j same. (Zj, 0.) AndtiL.*1t g4 ,1szI t [The day, or two days, before the nero moon; i. q. to the ]I tV ; (TA;) t She (a woman) tidings were dubious, or confused, to me], and ot. l. (AA, O, ) plaited two locks of her hair, of the fore part of ..; both meaning the same. (TA.) And her head, on the right and lft, (O, ]j, TA,) and ;

see the next following paragraph. ac c,>, (Fr, ?, Msb, g,) or (s,) and d,

~,, (I(,) the first agreeable with analogy, (A,) A man (9) refractory, ~ntractable,pervese,
stubborn, or obstinate, in disposition: (, 4 :) or

hard in disposition, or illatured: (TA :) or eil in disposition, or illnatured, and very peraers or cross or re nant and avers; syn. ,: (Msb:) J,
and ' ,i and V are likewise epithets

and gJ; (J1, TA;) and sweet (Ks, $, A, O, F) and ripe, (Ks, ?, O, Mgb,) i. e. e and o1{: -t [signifies the same], i. e. c.i' [and in or nearly ripe; (A, TA;) and t Jb3 signifies applied [in the same ense, but the latter having like manner 3; is said of a man]. (TA.). the same. (O.)-And - ;.I l.: l The ejye an intensivo signification,] to a man: (IAsr, See also J below, in two places. - And had in it rowhat is termed [q. v.: see also TA:) pl. .:; (;, 4;) a pl. of the first or 1ij ji ",, with kesr [to the ,.],i q. -" J$t]. (K)-),0 . l : see 1. third; (s;) or of the second, like as s~ is [i. e. I inclined to such a thing; or trusted to, or pl. of_~. (g.) Also the first, SNiggardly; relied upon, it, so as to be, or become, easy, or 5. j,t.3 It (a thing, TA) was, or became, tenacious; avaricious. (4..) quiet, in mind]. (O.) fonrmed,fad,ioned,fdured, sIalpd, sculptured, or l.t.: see the next preceding paragraph.
2. as u,,an intrans. verb: see 4: and see pictured; syn. .

and i1 '1 .; then bound with them her other ',4) [or pe- one says also, [meaning There is doubt, or uncertainty, and dent locks or plaits]. (TA.)_And ,J [thus there are doubts, or uncertainties, repecting it: in the TA, so that it may be either ij or t JS,] thus using the inf. n. as a simple subst., and theret He (the lion) comrauwd the lionaes: on the fore pluralizing it]. (Mz, 3rd j; &c.) - It is authority of Il1. (TA.)~ -, aor. :) (1g, also said of a disease; [lappr. as meaning t It beTA,) inf n. (TA,) Sie (a woman) used (J, came nearly cured; because still in a somewhat amorous gesture or behaviour; or such gesture, or doubtful state;] like as you say j5l.;; and so behaviour, ith coquettish boldness, and feigned cOines or Oppoiio; displayed what is termed ? j&.U. (TA.) j & JSl 2T7e palm-tree becamne in that state in which their dates were


also 5. - _J, .s29.o. (gur xxxix. 30) Disagreeing, on fashioned,fa ~ with anotlwr; (A,* ,* TA;) and behaving with it; syn. ,;).; (1, TA ;) namely, a thing. (TA.) kardncs, harshness, or illnature: (A:) or dis. See also 1, in three place. puting, or contending, toyether. (TA.) [See the verb, 6.] 3. li.L' signifies The bng confonnablc, 1. j&, as an intrans. verb: see 4, in three (IDrd,, .I:) Er-R&ghib [strangely] says that placea. _ And see & - QS1i,;- .l ij , (S,) iibl.1l is from 3JJIl signifying " the binding," or tlJl djdS, (Myb, ],) aor. ', inf. n. J,I, or "shackling," a beast [with the 0Jlt]. (TA.)

(g, TA.) - And He form, or aspect. (T] in became goodly in shape, inf. n. s.j, He formed, art. jh.) -.. J:, (S, l,) and Vji, and , shaped, sculptured, orpictured,

t J,:, (K,) The grapes became in that state in rwhich sme of them were rife: (S, IC:) or became

black, and begtinning to be ripe: (J :) thus in the M. (TA.) -Seealso4,near the end._-And see 1, also near the end. suitable, agreeable, similar, homogeneow, or congenial; syn. WMl1.; (S, ];) as also *.t UJ: 6: see 3, in two places. 8: see4. [10. _LCtl is often used by the learned in the

(MIb,) lie bound [the horse or] the beast, with You say, j : [HTe, or it, is conformabe, present day as meaning lie deemed it (i.e. a word the JJl.; (Msb;) [i.e.] he bound the legs of &c., with him, or it; or r~smbles him, or it]. or phrase or sentence) dubious, or confaused.] [the horse or] the bed wit thw e roe called Jl%w; (Msb.) And ~L t ll i...e. I . X, i. q. a. las meaning A likeness, resas also t ;2lt, (19,) inf. n. .I's. (TA.) And [This affair will not be suitable to thee]. (TA.) blance, or semblance; a well-known signification l ky resembled each other. (MA.) jWmIl , . [app. I bound the legs of the bird in And *t'.L

I like manner]. (S.) And jtgal , bound the canmers J1t betn the fore girth and the hind girth; (s;) [i. e.] I put [or e ded], betrcoen the hind girth and the fore girth qf the camel, a cord, or string, called Jtl, and then bound it, in order that the hind girth might not become [too] near to the sheath of the penis. (TA in art. ) -.. And [hence, i. e.] from the J.' of the beast, (TA,) Ali. ji,, (Agit, Mb, 1K, M, TA,) inf. n. as above, (Myb, TA,) i He restricted [the meaning or pronunciationof]

13 4. J t1 [primarily] signifies S Ij [meaning It, or he, was, or became, such as had a likeness or resemblance, or a like, or match, &c.]. (TA.) - [And hence, app.,] said of a thing, or case, or an affair; (S, Mgh, O, Mob, . ;) as also t j , (0, ( , TA, [in the Cg, erroneously, ,j;, evidently not meant by the author of the 1[, as it is his rule, after mentioning a verb of this form, to add .ib or the like,]) inf. n. ;X ; (TA;)

and V :,

(s,) inf n. jge; (TA;) t It ras,

of the latter word, but one which I do not find unequivocally assigned to it in its proper art. in any ofthe lexicons]. (AA, ,TA. [In the CK, and in my MS. copy of the ]~, in the place of JI as the first explanation of jL.Il in the 1 accord. to the TA, we find ";;q; but that the explanation which I have given is correct, is shown by what 9 u, here follows.]) One says, . c meaning s, [i. e. In suchA a one is a likeness, or resemblance, of his father]: (AA, TA:) and . . J and * (AA, O, , TA)

BOOK I.] and V 3L

1587 blacknes and an ugly yellowmn : (TA:) in the eye, a redness in the white: (Mgh:) or, in the eye, i. q. *L.# [q. v.]: (1 :) or, accord. to AO, (TA,) the like of a rednos in the white of the eye; (', O, TA;) and such was in the eyes of the Prophet; (0 ;) but if in the black of the eye, it is S: (S, O, TA :) and the like is in the termed eyes of the [hawks, or falcons, termed] ,jg and 31;': accord. to some, it is yellownss miingy with the white of the eye, around the black, a in the eye of the hawk (,fsJl); but ho [i. e. AO] says, I have not heard it used except in relation to redness, not in relation to yellownes. (TA.) .;)*C LU;; X means In him, or it, is a little (or a mall admiture] of blood. (TA.) A woman uing, or displaying, what is and and i [meaning i. e. termed J, amorous gesture or behaviour, &c.], (V, TA,) in a comeyc, or puasing, manner. (TA.) ;;

- Also , (0, 1,TA,) [likewise] meaning ~.II ;is erroneously put for 1.]) O, Mb,K;)andso A like; syn. 5; (, Mgh, (T :) and :, (AA, 0, , TA,) and i1ti: (O, ]:)or, as some say, the like of *aJbLbt also is yn. with J~ [in the sense of f
TA;) [for] one says, 1 I I % .i another in nature or consitution: (M.b: [and


r,]; (Q,

accord. to Er-R&ghib, it seems that the attribute [i. e. Thui is accordant to properly denoted by it is congruity between two AIl as meaning ., the liam of his father]. (TA.) - And I. q. persons in respect of the way or manner of acting or conduct: but in the passage in which this is s u.a & tM tL , meaning .: you say, expressed in the TA, I find erasures and alteraAl. [i. e. This is according to the modd, or tions which render it doubtful :]) pl. Ji:, (e, pattern, or the mode, or manner, of this]. (TA.) Mgh, O, Mqb, *') and 3,h [as above]. (S, O, of a And The shape,form, orfigure, (;j,) Ji 1 This is the Msb, K..) One says, Ii and such thing; mch as is perceaied by the n~; J; i` Such And this. (Mb.) like of as it imagined: ( :) the form (i.), of a body, being included by a ont is the like of uch a one in hisseveral states caued by the cntire contnte' one boundary, as in tew case of a sphere; or by or conditions [&c.]. (TA.) In the saying in the > 0lj, (O, TA,) several boundaris, as in those bodies that have u;i [xxxviii. 58], 4.k rweral angles or sides, such as hame four and such meaning And other punishment of the like thereof, as har six [&c.]: so says Ibn-El-Kemil: (TA :) (Zj, TA,) Mujihid read * &I. i X. (O, TA.) i signiying, (0, V,) accord. pl. [of pauc., in this and in other senseas,] j ; _ Also sing. of Jt (S.) - [It often means to IAgr, (O,) Certain ornaments (0, I) conand [of mult.] J,. A kind, sort, or variety, of animals, plants, food, sisting of pearls or of silver, (],)resembling one &cc.] - [And The likeness, or the way or manner, another, wo as r-drops by women: (O, K:) oftlae actions of a person:] it is said in a trad. or, as some say, the sing. signifies a certain thiing respecting the description of the Prophet, %'1 which girls, or young women, used to append to their hair, of pearls or of silver. (0.) - And A 4:' C& Jt, meaning [I asked my father specis of plant, (IAp, 0, l,) divr lfed in ;specting the likene~ of hi actions, or] repectin colour, (i,) yeUow and red. (IAp, O, V.) what was like his actions; accord. to IAmb: or, [And The various snJUabical sugns, or vowel-poinUt accord to As, respecting his particular way, c.,t by which th pronunciation of words is idicourse, mode, or manner, of acting, or conduct: cated and restricted: originally an inf. n., and [likewise, and more com- therefore thus used in a pl. sense.] See also (O:) and t i. next paragraph. the mode, all, course, monly,] signifies a particular or manner,of acting, or condcti; (?, O, K, TA ;) ;4'i: see the next preceding paragraph, latter as in the saying, .;ibL. r j. J J, (, , part, in two places. _ Also, as an attribute of a TA,) in the Bur [xvii. 86], (0, TA,) i. e. Every woman, Amorou g~sure or behaviour; or suck one does according to his particular roay, &e., gesture, or behaviour, combined it coquttiuh (Ibn-'Arafeh, i, 0, B, Jcel, TA,) that is ritable bodness, and feied coynss or opposition; syn, to his state in respect of right direction and of error, or to the essential nature of his soul, and J, (S0,Mqb, g,) and ;A, and .; (1; to his circumstawncs that are conequent to the [in the CB, ,J,, which is a mistranscription ;]) constitution, or temperament, of his body: (Bd:) or her h, and comely or pzasing 3, whereby and accordingto his nature,or natural disposition, a omnan renders hersf comely or pleasing; (Ibn-'Arafeh, Er-ltighib, 0, TA,) by which he is (TA;) and V signifies the same. (g.) One restrkted [as with a Jt.]: (Er-Righib, TA:) says : 3! [A woman having amoou and his direction tomards which he womdd go: gesature or behariour; &c.]. ($, 0, M9 b.) (Akh, , , 1,, TA:) and his side [that he takes]: (.latdleh, 0, ,* TA:) and his aim, iCd, in a sheep or goat, The quality of being intsntion, or purpose: (]~atAdeh, 0, 1, TA:) white in the a . (B,0. [See X1 .]) [In or this sense, accord. to the TIV, an inf. n., of which [likewise] signifies aim, intentio and ~J purpose; syn. ,I.. (TA.) - Also A thing that the verb is V J$ , said of a ram &c.]. - And is uitabb to one; orfit, or poper, for one: you in an eye, The quality of having what is termed

[q. v.]. (S, O.) ~ Also A i,t' fem. of 3 01 (m,O, , want; syn. ;_..; and so t Ia,
[both of these words twice mentioned in this sense in the s,]) and *t bIS,; this last and the second on the authority of IAr; (O;) accord. to Era man Raghib, such as binds, or shackl, (, ,) [as though with a jti.]. (TA.) One says,

; [Ec] i. e. VtXid'U W

.[ We have a want

to be snmlied to us on thy part; meaning me want a thing of the].. (P, 0.) - Also i. q. i;~l. (So in theO and TA. [But whether by this explanation be meant the inf. n., or the fem. pass. part. n., of .1.%, i not indicated. Words of tho measure ;r..i having the meaning of an inf n., like itW%, are rare.]) XJO, of which the pl. is ., (0, O, Mb, V,) the latter also pronounced JS, (TA,) i. q. jib [A cord, or rope, with which a came's fore shank and arm are bomd together]: (?, 0:) [or, accord. to the TA, by JUc is here meant what next follows:] a rope with which the legs of a


beat (,l;)

are bound: (:)

a bond that is

L ,j -; I, 1 ([This i of what 4L,f [q. v.]. ($, O.) [Accord. to the T]., in it loed by me and of what is umitabb to me]: this sense also an inf. n., of which the verb is jg, said of a thing, as meaning It had a redS t k [WWhat is (J, TA:) and suitable to him is not of what is suitabb to me]. ess in its,whitan]ss.


(TA.) [And hence, app.,]one says, Si; L,, ,: see Ji, , first signification. - One says meaning What is my cas and [what is] Ais, or AJ [In him, or it, is an its, case? because of his, or its, remoteness from also, f5 adnmi.ture of a tawny, or bronnuih, coour], and me. (T and TA vooe l.) - And sing. of J1,1 [an admixture of blahnes]: 1l.. ;> Z (L, K, TA) signifying Diwordant affairs and object of want, concerning tins on accout of (TA:) [or] it, signifies rdness mixed with rwhich one impost upon Aimslf di~ulty and for white~ : (Sh, Mgb, TA:) in camels, (g, TA,) which one is aniou: (Lth, TA:) and dubiou, and in sheep or goats, (TA,) blacknrm mixed or con~fsed, affairs: (TA:) or discordant, and w7ith rednes, (g, TA,) or with dust-colour: in du~bioa, or confusd, affairs. (K. [In the C1, the hyena, accord. to IApr, a colour in 7which are

attached upon the fore and hind foot [or feet] of a horse [or the like] and of a came.l: (KL:) [hobbla for a horse or the like, having a rope of the fore feet to extending from the shack thoe of the hind feet: o accord. to present usage; and so accord. to the TKI, in Turkish of the besat L.,ls : Fei says only,] the J0 (atb) is well known; and the pi. is as above. (Myb.) In relation to the [camel's saddle called] J;j, (], TA,) accord. to A,, (;, O, TA,) A sring, or cord, that is put [or ~tended and tied] c [or fore girth] and the betw~en the [or hind girth], (S, 0, K, TA,) in order that the latter may not become [too] near to the sheath of the peni; also called the )j1, on the authority of AA: (?, O, TA:) and [in relation to the saddle called ",,3,] a bond [in Eike manner extendd and tied,for the same purpose,] between the ,m [or hind girth] and tihe t;, [by which is meant the fore girth, answering to the tj, of the XIj]: and a bond [probably meaning the rope men200'


158l -*

B [Boor L

3.ilb, tioned in the explanation given from the ] in the (so in the 0, as on the authority of (TA:) [app. with tenween, having a] n. un. with preceding sentence] between the fore leg and the IA9r,) ort ,j , (so in the ](,) thus says Ez- i: (S, g :) Alin says that the gtroth of tih hind leg. (1C, TA.) - Also, in a horse, I The Zelijee, but Fr says the former, [like IAsr,] J.C is like [that of] the trees calUld OjZ (of

quality of having thre les ditinguihed by [the (TA,) i. q. ;t;t [as meaning The footmen of an which likewise bows are made]. (TA.) whitenest of tah lor~ partu which is termed] army or the like]: (Fr, IAar, Ez-Zejjljee, O, ]C,

aJ., and one bg fre theref,om; (, O, J:, TA;) [this whiteness] being likened to the J3t termed J.: (0, 0:) or having three ls free fro, Je'tt, and one hind lekg ditinguised thereby: (;0,O, 4,*TA :) accord. to A'Obeyd,

bably as meaning The side, region, quarter, or A single tree of the specie called JCi [q. v.]. direction, toward#s which one goes; like iibt, (S, g.) it is only in the hind leg; not in the fore leg: (?, as expl. by Akh and others, in a saying men';, from jci in the first of the sens O:) or, accord. to AO, (TA,) having the wAite- tioned voce j.]. (IAy r, O, g.) Also i. q. assigned to it above, signifies Entering amnng es of the J J in one hind leg and fore Ig, , ~. [i. e. A tr the rpecie calld , [meaning con,fused with] its likes. (TA.) on the oppoite sides, (Mgh,* TA,) wevlu~r the And [hence, app., or] accord. to Sh, from L q.v.]. (IAr,O, .) whitenes~ be little or much: (TA:) [when this is meaning " redness mixed with whiteness," it the case, the horse is aaid to be & '% 1- : signifies t Dubious, or confused. (TA.) [Used j : j, see above. see 3 (last sentence) in art. Ls:] the Prophet as a subst.,] it has for its pl. ,, [and J G

a,tW: see first signification. - Also [meaning the right ,ving of an i. q. u. [meaning t Dubious , or conf~s ]. army]: or ; : [meaning the Left wing thereof]. (g.) = See also Ei5S, in two places. Also (Ez-Zejjijee, ], TA.) - And i. q. ig- [proTA:) or



disliked what is thus termed in hores. (O.)


l tiMore, and most, like; syn. A1: so in also: for] one says,

WAite in the "iL t [He hits, by his opinion, or jud~nt, the right .j.j,; ( ;) applied to a ewe, as meaning white in And 'C, (S, 1,) aor. as above, (;,) and so the pos~]. (TA.) Ibn-'Abbid says that [the pl.] (Th, ;) He paid, the "ibL, (1, TA,) the rest of her being black. inf. n.; ( ;) and * ,t1; J;I5 signifie [also] The hind legs; becauee requited, ompensated, or recompensed, him; ($, (TA.) - Also The mountain-speces of o) [or they are shackled [with the Jlt]. (0.)_ Also 1;*) or gave him what is termed .C [q. v.]: lote.tree]; ( O, 0, ;) described to AHn, by The part betwee the ear and the temple. (IAFr, (1 :) he gave him his hire, or pay. (S, from a some one or more of the Arabs of the desert, as a C, TA.).._And JI.' (which is the pL of trad.) - And, as some say, ($,) 4., inf. n. of tree like the ,o [or jujube] in its 3 tL, TA) t Roads branching off from a main sort . and . , He bit hAim. ($, .)-. , theorn and the crookedness of it branches, but road (V.) You say Jk'I. > tAroad aor. ', (g,) inf. n. . , (TI,) He wa, or besmaller in leaf, and having more branches; very
ha~g many roads braig of from it. (O.) _ And ,jhi t: G mema The two des of the road: you say Q$1m 11J k :b [A road of ~ the d are apparnt,or cony u ].

the saying, A .if 1 [Thi is more, or ! Foam mixed with blood, appearing most, like to sch a thing]. (8, *)_ -. Also Of upon the bit-mouth, or mouth-pe of the bit. a colour in which whitenes and rednes are (Z, O, K, TA.) intrnmi.ed; (?, Msb, 1g ;) applied to blood; and, aocord. to IDrd, a name for blood, because-of the JbI: see ie , first signification. -_ Also A redness and whiteness intermixed therein; (S;) *ehit&ness beteen the jI,j [which see, for it has [and] applied to a man; (Msb;) or to anything: various meanings,] and the ear. (~r, Q, O. (TA:) or in which is whiteness inclining to red[See also i'L. .]) nu and dukinea: (I :) or it signifies, with the Arabs, [of] two colours intermixed. (TA.) >bj5: seo LL ,. - One says, F'I 1 [Hence,] it is applied to water, (II, TA,) as l,.-;j ~.S , meaning Make thou the affair, or meaning ! Mixed with blood: (TA: [see an ex. cae, [uniform, or] one uniform thing. (Fr, TA in a verse cited voce L :]) pl. J. (18.) And the fem., fL, is applied as an epithet to in art. .) an eye, (S, 1,) meaning llavig in it wrlut is li;-l,: see J, former half, in two plaes. termed ii, which is the like of a rednesa in the white thereof; like ;i; in the black: (S :) pl. as _ '&b l, also, signifies The ,fanh; syn. above. (V.) A man is said to be oJl .1 . l, _1ij. 1, i. e. 1" 1: ($, 0:) [or,] in a horse, meaning Having a redness, (Mgh,) o; the libe of thesh that is bet~ the side (~;) of the a rednes, (0,) in the white of the eye: (Mgl1, ;"U. and the , (], TA,) which latter means O :) the Prophet is said to have been "il x;: J [the stiJffjoint, i. e.] the joint of the and t and it has been expl. as meaning lo;g in the slit are the two of the eye: (I:) but ISd says that this is extraL-: or as some say, the Qt e&trior part of the t; [or two fl,ank] ordinary; and MF, that the leading authorities from the place to which the last of the ribs on the trads. consentaneously assert it to be a reaches to the ede of [the hip-bone called] the pure mistake, and inapplicable to the Prophet, _ on each Side of the belly. (TA.) One even if lexicologically correct. (TA.) - Applied a camel, (.K, TA,) and to a sheep or goat, sap, 31 Lbt .,td., meaning [ie hit] the to (TA,) of which the blac/knm ij mired nith red6--~- [or Jlank] of the 4 . [or animal shot at]. nes, (V, TA,) or with dust-colour; as though (TA.) [Hence,] one says, 3.A6 t 4A,J its colour were dubious to thee: (TA:) pl. as : [He hit the point that he aimed at, of th thing above, applied to rams &c., (]K, TA,) in this sense. (TA.) - Applied to a sheep or goat, that w right]: and jl ; r L , ,

jl l a, meaning t [lIe solres] the things, or affairs, that are dubious, or confused. (TA.)- Jc. [app.

jt ], applied to a horse, means Having a

whviteness i his flanks. (AA, TA in art. ,e%.)

Jl* Enduloed with a goodiy aspect, or appearance, andform. (TA.)

A horse bound, or dshackled, with the
JIt. [q. v.]. (O, TA.) - And t A horse distbiguished by the whiteness in the lower parts of certain of the lg which is denoted by th tem

jtg [q. v.]: (S, Mgh,* O, TA:) such was dis. liked by the Prophet. ($.) [See also ,;.] - And t A writing restricted [in its meaning or
pronunriation] with the sign of the dein syntax [and the other sylUabical signs and tim

diacriticalpoints]. (AHat, TA.)

1. ~, aor. L, inf. n. ;, He bitted him; [namely, a horse or the like;] he put the bit (g) into his mouth. (TA.) - [Hence],f

&'41, (S, ;,)

aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,)

t le bribel the k.t [i. e. prefect, or the like];

as thoughl he stopped his mouth with the a, (S, ], TA,) i. e. the [bit, or] iron thing of the l.~J. (TA.) And ;5tUI7 *U ', i.e. t [He

sto,ped (lit. bitted) his outh] with the bribe. (TA in art. j31.)- And" *t I. t Such a one did a thing, or performed an affair, [or flank]: (?, 0:) fem. and I settled, or established, it. (Lth, TA.)_


hard, and having a smal drupe, (AiA_, [dim. of 4: see the preceding paragraph. JAj,, n. un. of which means the "drapes of wj, the j,"]) whic is y acid: th places of i , &(6g,tc&c.) and t ; (J;)ofthe latter, grorth are lofty mountains; and bows are made ISd says, "I think it to be a dial. var., but I am of it [as is shown by an ex. in the Q and 0]: not certain of it i" (TA;) A repaymet~, req~,al.

came, A~hunry. (V.)

Boox I.]
(El-Umawee, o0mpeatfion, or recompense; a dial. var. thereof: A'Obeyd, $, ;) and ':,is (TA:) when the gift is initial, it is termed ,.: ($:) or a Mubtiht; or thinggiien, receid, put, or done, by may of replacement or czchlange: (1, TA:) and (g) a.gif; (AV, 4, TA;) as also (AV, TA;) or the latter signifies a gift ,; signifies a without compensation: (TA:) or, bensfaction, bounty, or gratuity; syn. ,..s (Lth, TA.) .4 A lion: (] :) expl. in this sense as occurring in a verse of Aboo-Sakhr El-Hudbalee: or, accord. to Skr, as there used, quickly, or soon, angry; or violently angrJ. (TA.) js: or, as some say, one possessing strength, or vehemence, of tongue; and perspicuity, or eloquencs, of ~peech or language; or per.sicuity of speech with quikness, or sharpness, of intellect; and much hardines, or courage, or courage and energy, or determination. (yHam p. 140.)-

1580 his disease, or sickness; (MA; [accord. to the TV, followed in this case, as in many others, by Freytag, it means it (i. e. disease, or sickness,) aflicted him; which I think to be indubitably a and V LS.l signify the mistake;]) and Vt. . L tL&h he comliained of his dimase, same [as or sickness]: (TA:) [or] these two verbs (i-:3 l,1) signify [or signify also] he ms, or and became, diseased, or sick. (TA in additions at the end of this art.) One says also, t* t.l .1;i; *. I;.s and Vt.. ,J, both meaning the same [i. e., originally, He complained of a pain, or disease, in some one of his members; but generally meaning he had a complaint of, or a pain or a disease in, some one of his members; and lc& IS. not unfiequently occurs used in the

Also t Likeness, or resemblance. (v!.) -


t A compact, or covenant; syn. o: (1], TA:) in some copies of the ], .iI! is erroneously put for ;1!. (TA.)

,J and ji 1. F,, (1i,) first pers. ,;, , (S, Mob,) of which X is a dial. var., (g in art. .AJ,)

aor. ', (S, Mqb,) [and of the latter, ,] inf. n. see4S;S. same sense]: ( :) [thus one often says of a brute; Also The ;a, (8, Ms.b,) or gS., (i,) or this is a simple for ex.,] A says, in explaining i'l as meaning in three places. , S: see , 9 subet., (.8, Mb,) also pronounced LsSf, (I,) loop.shaped handles of the cooking-pot. (S, I.) "a certain disease that attacks the camel," ( 1,) (;./t, 8, witlh kesr, (]g,) in which the and [hce has a pain in conseuence , .1 t J [L.d expl. by Golius as meaning "Malitia kS is [said to be] substituted for . because most thereof in his heart; in which 41, though indolis, contumacia," as on the authority of the inf. ns. of the measure i1tD of verbs ending with determinate, may be considered as an explicative, which I find an infirm radical letter are of verbs of which that KL, is app. a mistake for L._,;, the phrase j, q. v.]. (; in art. expl. in the KL as signifying the " being evil in letter is kS, (TA,) or this also is a simple subst., like : in nature, or natural disposition," but not OLK:. ;&, meaning . .. ) _ One says also, Ij. (Mob,) and ;t~, (S, R,) or this too is a simple Freytag explains it as meaning also Likeness; a ie is accused, or swpected, of uch a thing; syn. subst., (Mob,) and ;C, (Ig,) and AC,(8, 15,) also mentioned by him; signification of ted, is a trans. verb; (S, M.b, J;) and tgiJL;I sig- ,y/~.: (VI: [there mentioned as though it were but for this he names no authority, and I know of UZ3: (R:) from .t~1, and held to be so by the author of the nifies the same; (S, g ;) as also *t none.] 1 I1 and ' S.lI [i. e. TIl; but it is from J1; as though meaning he one says, A Jl is complained of by reason of such a tkinj:]) L.a, in the .t-J, [The bit-mouth, or mouth[i. e. ,jo ;], (. piece of a pit; i. e.] the transerse tiece of iron ;d! (:,], and 5Z mentioned by Ya4oob, in the "Alfa4h." (TA.) TA,) meaning [lIe complained of his case to X ... [thus in my original, app. 1 or in tte mouth of the horse, in lhich is the' ,,U God; or] he told to God the nwcaknes of his _J> by Az as meaning The nails 0~A,] is mentioned [q. v.]; (;, ;) as also *. .: (8:) [see also condition: (TA:) and U' fi and t 4 5! of such a one becamne split in several, or many, ;4J, and :] jj or .t. is pl. of i , as [I complained to such a one of his conduct to places. (TA.) also .5>i and ,, (], TA,) this last with two me]; (S;) [or] *jj I.t means he told such a one %'= t; and 2. d~JII 't, inf. n. "iC3; andt lammehs, [but written in the Clg.,] or [rather of his evil conduct to him: (TA:) and l i,a to Th, only this last; (k ;) or, accord. t t..;, a a one to suck of such J&j oj tte conplained , is a coll. gen. n., and].E, is said by some romen took for themselres, or made, (TA;) The , I complained . (TA.)- Hence, one: (MA:) [and .iS 1ell to be p1. of*S, not of see 4: and [in like man- a ;js [q. v.] for the churning of milk; (I, of such a thing:] to him [as used in phrases mentioned below,] (TA,) TA;) because it was little in quantity; the ;f. * Resistance, or incompliance: (?, TA:) disdain, ner] Li& i tI* ' l e complained to hkim of being small, so that only a small quantity can be scorn, or disdainful and proud incompliance or such a thing: (MA:) and '. :1. [I conchurned in it: (TA:) or, as in the T, gU. and refusal: and elf-defence from wrong treatment: Er- Vt, plained of him, or it; like c;]: (Mgb:) he took for himseIf, or made, a;j: (.g:) and self-magnification, pride, or haughtiRaghib says, .l...JI is Tie showing, or revealing, (TA:) [or] so t..;l: (s:) and so t , 1. mm; syn.; ; .1J in the copies of the C being of grief, or sorrow; whence the saying in the (I14tt, TA.) _- btl expl. inf. n. i, a mistake for A..t1J : (TA :) firmnes, strenyth, or lur [xii. 86], Xit 3. ! [I S. s and A i, in the V as meaning 4/ ehemence, of spirit; (TA, and Ham p. 140;) griefand my lamentation to God]; only show my and evilness of nature or disposition: (yIam a foul mistranscription: correctly, 4;S J:, j1 t ';j [And ibid:) strength of heart: (IA*r, TA :) hardiness; and in the same [lviii. 1], Ir1 meaning "He comforted his complainer, and courage, or courage and mnergy; or determina- shoketh her grief, or sorrow, to God]; the pri- consoled him for that which had befallen him ;" tion; syn. ial: vigoroums, strenuounme~, or mary signification of .JI being the opening of as in the Tekmileh. (TA.) and energy: (TA:) also [simply] nature, or natural the small skin for mater or milk called 'i, 3. OLt, inf. n. tl5l, He complained of shoeing what is in it; so that it is as though di~pation; syn. ~. (J, T~: in the C] &'wL or he told of his deceit, guile, or originally metaphorical [though what is termed him, i. q. *,: is [erroneosly] put in the place of fLl.) One circumvention, and his ~ice, orfaults. (TA.) .. ii; . (expl. in art. So.)]; like the pluases says, * j Ij 1 Such a one i reistant, or Ltl>e 5O W i 4. Olf.lI [He made him, or caused him, to s Sand ;sel inconmpiant: (0, TA :) or disdainjl, or scornful; resistant, unyielding, or incompliant: one wio meaning " I showed him what was in my heart." complain;] he did to him that which made him, dqfends himelf from wrong treatment: proud: (TA.)- .t is also said of a cameles meaning or caused him, to have need to complain of hIim. hardy; courageos: one possessing prudence or He stretchedout his neck, and madc much moaning, (g, Msb.) He increased his annoyance and comdiscretion, or firmness or soundness ofjudgment. or prolonged utterance of a complaining voice, plaining. (Az, ], TA.) - And He removed, or (TA.) And 41 ji .ij, meaning [in being fatigued by journeying. (TA.)-- And did away with, his complaint; or made his comand plaint to cease; (S, Mglh,Mb, g ;) he caused like manner] Such a one is firm, strong, or *;,, (MA, g, TA,) inf. n. _U, and l vehement, of spirit; (?, TA, and Yam p. 140;) kS.U, (MA, TA,) is said in relation to a disease, him to be pleased or contented [and so rdelied ;, . o ; disdaiflJi, or eonfid; resistant, unyilding, or or sicki,es; (MA, 15, TA;) meaning He (a him from his complaint]; syn. %*Q. 3 3 7 ieompliant; (?, ;,TA;) so says I8k: (TA:) diseased, or sick, person) complained of it, namely, (1, and lIar p. ;) i. e. #UA; (]ar ibid.;) and

150 he desisted from that of rwhich he complained: (C,* Mb :) thus it has two contr. significations. (1, L.) Hence the saying, (Mgh, Myb, TA,) in j$ t v lJ ;3 1 . a trad., (TA,) .I [We complained, to the Aii,U 1 Apostle of God, of the hIat of the burning ground, in our fasting,] and he did not remove, or cause to cease, our complaint. (Mgh,O Mb, X. tCio of ,l, TA.) And [hence] one says, meaning He tookfor such a one,from such a one, what pleased or contented him [and so releved Aim from complaining of him]. (ISd, ]C, TA: omitted in the CK.) - Also I1e told him his omnplaint, and the desire, or longing of the soul, e.*. that he endured. (TA.)._And i. q. 1t, [which may mean lie found him to be complaining, or, as seems to be indicated by what immediately precedes it in the 1], he found him to be 'omnplaining of a disease of the sligtest sort]: (1 :) or, as in the T, ,lI [app. meaning ,l:l '..] signifies he found the object of his love, or his friend, to be complaining; expl. by j;l (TA.)_ 8ee also 2. .4 'e.. e~zpraed complaint or lam,nenta6. Utl 3le tion, pain, grief, or orrow; syn. n,3 ; (Msb 3.;) he made complaint or and g in art. lamentation. (MA, KL.) See 1, in four places. uJ,= tJ.b . I%', , -[Hence] one says, mieanning t [My shcep or goats] forsook such a land, [.a though tley complained of it,] and did not go near it. (TA. [But I have substituted j.. for what is there written .sbL , an evident tistranscription.]) ~ See also 2, in two places. 6. t'b1:3 They complaiked, one to another. which milk is kept close: (TA:) or a mall skin for water or milk: or a smaUll reptacle in which weater is put: (Er-R6ghib, TA:) the dim. 09----and :'. is t a3 : (TA:) and the pl. is itu

[Boox 1. applied in the K, as well as in the 0, in art. J.i, in which both explain it as meaning Difficult; and also to a skin; for immediately after aserting that J has committed a mistake, F adds,] and is a town in Armenia, whence s.3, like ,, (Q, TA) and Q [like as ,O* is a pl. of ;j.4, and skins, [are brought] bits, or bridles, (.j,) (P of ) is (.,) [and SM adds that they are termed IaS: , like as being originally originally W1]. (TA.) but what I find J to have stated is as follows :] .JI, [thus in one of my copies of the S,] or also 5.q; (1;)or L J aninf. n. ofL, a a simple subst. [signifying Complaint]: (S,Msb :) c 1?,[thus in the other of those copies,] in re. See also . pL k$lf. (TA.). lation to weapons, is an arabicized word, and is in Turkish ii or ~J. (S. [But in the JM, this it may last word is written, as from the S, ;j,: ,r }' see R5: therefore be correctly >Ij, or C.:, which, though used in Turkish, is a Pers. word, meaning ~:i. q. ,f61 [i. e. Complaining; (Mob;) smooth.]) signifies L$JI [or a complainer; i.e.] JJ'l 1jJ: see u:, in two places. m In the phrase (JM.) - And , (S,) or jA .JJI. j) , (S,) which means A man $ t.l Pained; syn. e.*-; (], TA;) in this sense an ~ whose weapon is sharp, or whose weapons are of J,.L: (TA:) in the .sense instance of , J is formed sharp, (S, IK,*) Akh says that -L [thus accord. to or causing pain; syn. q.: [q. v. in art. A,]: by transposition from ", both of my copies of the S: and this appears to o .iL. and accord. to AZ, one says also (S :) be correct; for it is there immediately added,] [Cs )_And -. ;thJI LII. (TA in art. El-Tirimm6i says, app. formed in like manner from 'dl!?l,and] * ' signifies The lion. (QK.) [which is inconsiderately cited in the TA imme1.. A niche in a mall; i.e. a hole, or hollow, diately after the former of these two explanations: I say "inconsiderately" because the (t;-,) in a wall, ntot extending through; (Fr, meaning evidently is, not that thus indicated in S, M, .K, &c.;) in which a lamp, placed therein, the TA, but, AMy branding, or st;, by gives more light than it does elsewhere: thus expl; e...u,) is such as by the generality of the expositors [of the ]ur-kn]; satire, (for one says I and this is said by Ibn-'Ateeyeh to be the most caues pain, and my tongue is vehement: or U correct explanation: (TA:) said by Aboo-Moos~ to may here have the last but one of the meanings mearn the iron, or leaden, tldng in which is the wick 6T_ is from i-Jl. expl. in this paragraph]: [of the lamp]: thought by Az to mean the tub ( ) _-. Also Affected with a complaint, meaning wh,ich is tle place of the wich in the glass lamap, disease, malady, or sickness, [app. in an absolute as being likened to the 4A which is thus called: sense, (see ;L,) and also] of tlh least, or lightest, (TA:) some expl. it as having this meaning in or slightest, sort; and so t ,.,. (M, 1].) - And the lgar xxiv. 35, and say that the C there n. pass. part. is a ,) which M. b, (;, i. q. tA_, mentioned is the lighted wick: (Bd :) accord. to of Lt,; [and therefore signifies Complained of; Mujahid, the pillar, or the like, (, dl,) upon and also complained to; but mostly seems to be the top, or head, of wrhich tihe [meaning used in the former of these senses;] as also lamp] is put: or the iron things by wieam of >. (s, M,sb.) , [or lamp] is uspmaded: IJ says which the jt.j j, and hence it is [often] originally its Sis that ;) or a simple adt an inf. n. of 6; (], Zj says that it is an Abys; : and written (Msb.) subst., like dS sinian word, and used in the language of the an inf. n. of C. (S,l~.)_Andalso(TA) Arabs: (TA:) [the pl. is J.J., like pl. of a subst. signifying A thing complained of (.,.! to~ J Kalb says that, in the verse of the lgur -J);like ,' a subst. signifying "a thing [xxiv. 35], by the ;td. is meant the breast of (M,b, TA:) pl. cast at orshotat" (,.r,): , his tongue; and Mohammad; and by the t -. Also A remainder, or remain(TA.), Qt. ing portion, (Q and TA in art. UQ,) of a by the 3.1t.j, his mouth. (TA.) thing: mentioned by,gh. (TA.) last sentenoe. see ,, j.>. and >;:

8: see 1, in nine places: two places. . and ee also 2, in

inf. n. of tL. (?, Msb.) - It is also used in the sense of .j. [meaning Grief, mourning, J, and Also, and or sorrow]. (TA.), (],) this last *ii * t6, and t L.', and t mentioned by Az, (TA,) [but it is omitted in some copies of the ],] A complaint, meaning a Also, the disase, malady, or sichness. (]i.) first, A small, or young, lamb: or a small, or young, camel: (B accord. to different copies: in some, JI1 having for its explanation J..J .. I-I, and thus in the TA: in others, J.JIt Jld. :) mentioned by I8d. (TA.) , inf. n. of lt; (V, ;) or a simple an subst., like .$q.b. (MNb.) - See also ;. [A vice, fault, &c.]. (TA.) [See Also i. q. * a verse cited voce tU6. ]




The hin of a sucking kid, (T,' S, M,*)

; dim. of B3 ,, q. v. (TA.)

for milk: that of the tJ4. and of such as is with (thus in copies of the ,) or above that [in age] is termed .Lj; (?;) or that (Mgh, TA,) or (S, O,) or ,,a, 1. damm to the L, (TA,) is mentioned in art. s, and that of such as is [q. v.], and J has committed a mistake (0, TA) ,41t, (Myb, ],) originally : of the ,- is termed i; (Mgh, Mb, (T, TA :) or a receptacle of skin in mentioning it here, as ggh has observed: TA,) aor. .:,;, (8, 0, &c.,) inf. n. 3i (S, 0 O,* weaned, $.: or leather,for water and for milk, ($, TA,) or, (TA:) [accord. to F, it seems to be a rel. n. as some say, in wAhic water is cooled and in applied to a bit, or bridle; for it is said to be so Mgh, Msb, 1) and J, (M.b, Ig,) or the latter

Boox I.]


1 , and is not allowable; (lRam p. 80 ;) this is the chaste coat of mail; on the authority of IShi. (O, TA.) journeying: (T, I:) and thus also *t says, one Warrinq: in and fasting, , likewise in (., O, Msb, TA,) inf. n. .1., V, 1 ; (Th, _-_. form of the verb; (Th, TA;) and t (0,) I se,ed the garment, or piece of cloth, (S, O, ,m- [Wh/re is the place that they proI ;) and ', (Th, O, I,) but this last is bad, TA,) slightly; (8, 0, TA; [omitted, pro- pose to themselves as the olject of their aim in (Th, O, TA,) and is disallowed by Fr; (TA;) Msb, bably by inadvertence, in my copy of the Msb ;]) journeyjing, &c. ?]. (TA.) - And A remote His right hand or armnn, or his hand or armn, or that one edu; (i-;) as also aJir (S, O,I) the hand or arm, rwas, or became, unsound, or [previously to the second sewing termed Ji} ;] And see . Sc. also (O, I.) ; axe. vitiated: (S, O, TA :) or dq7rived of the pomerof strangely omitted in the I: ' is [app. a motion by an unsound, or a vitiated, state of its subst, not an inf. n., signiring The act, or art,.of 3.~g [meaning veins or nerve]: (Msb:) or so sewing;] the contr. of &."b.(TA.) Ji: An unsoundnes in tho hand or arm, or a dried up; or stiff: or it noent [or wasted] away. ritiated state thereof. (S, O.) [S&e also 1, first (1~,TA.) One says, in prayingr for a person, 4. & 'J1, (.,) or ;~, (Fr, K.f,) lIe (i. e. sentence, where it is mentioned as an inf. n.]Ji.a J.J-5 9[Jly tly handm, or arm, not become God, S) mads his right hand or arm., (s,) or his And A stain, (S, 0,) or a blacktwe, (f,) or a unsound, &c.]: (S, Msb,* :") and 4.U '~ and hand, or arm, (K,) to become unsound, or vitiated: dtust-colour, (TA,) in a yarment, or piece of cloth, J. ~j, which mean the same; the last word ( :) or to become dried up, or stiff: or to go [or that does not become renoved by washingJ. (S, O, 1 j:1 He (i. e. God) [lies waste] away: (1 :) or like.tLi. (g.) And 4;. J, and , , (S, i J.:JI 0a= 1 g, TA.) One says, deprived of thc to become or arm hand the made five ten Aingers became unsound, &c., and his &c., this stain, what is t [ , (TA,) o,) or power of mnotion by an unsound, or a vitiated, , but this is more fingers,] and some say [meaning veins or wner]. iu thly garment?]-Also The act of driving state of its j,j rare; i. e., the suppression of the fem. ;: is more aroay: (S, O, I :) a subst.: (S, O :) or an inf. n., usual in a case of this kind. (Lb, TA.) To one (Msb.) And o; hV J:I is said by way of (Ksh in xii. 3,) [see 1, lattcr half,] i. q. ;;, like who has shot or thrown, or who has pierced or imprecation [as meaning May God render his hand or arm unsound, &c.]. (O. See also 1, [tlhec inf. n.] J,, (IS,) as also t L,. (TA.) ' [Mayest ~ c.j a thrust, well, one says, thou not cxperience unsoundn,au, &c., nor blind- first sentence. ~ [It is said tlhat] JI1, signifies e: J . seo and i e]; and .i) ,~ 'j [May tly, ten fingers not The driving away a camel, and a troop or com'J: sea 1, second sentence. J0 see 1, latter i4Lt. (. , O.) pany with the sword: [like beconme unsound, &c.], meaning half:]-and The making soar. (KL.) *. it.g.&They came driving aroay the is a ,tJ!i and O'91 : He who says TA. (], away. driven He became 7. j,tl 1 The .3 + **1 camels. (S, O.) -And foreigner. (Mgh.) The lawyers [improperly] use J,.J in relation to the 5-i. (Msb.) One says [In some of the copies of the If, e J.:il, mean- peope went drive away (j ;;). j; [Toun hast beco,eC unsonl , ing IHe became driv away by, or with, him, or (TA.) - And J'. signifies A conmpny of,men t also, ,4 h camels became driven in a scattered, or dispersed, state. (., 0.) :"l T5e1 &c., in thy Ihand or thiine arm, 0 man]. (S, 0.) it.]) And ent .$.. 13.1:J [They w 9, because it occu- away. (8.) And 'J. And JL ', meaning )Ji.b, of she-camels, and of women, (0, ], in pies the place of an imperative. (Lth, TA.) In driven away]; referring to a company of people. the latter of which, in the place of ;'t lI, is found amely,Abu-l-lKhu.rce (TA.)- [Hence,] ,_,I the saying of thleijiz, (S,) n j0.1 l The . ,, . tJ1j [i.e. and of sheep or.goats], TA,) is like EI-Yarbuoo'ce, (O, TA,) wolf made an incursion among the sheep or goats; , Ju, [meaning Aged]. (O, ].) . See also as also ~,Jl: mentioned by Az in art. t:.. (TA.) ssi * places. in two torrent began to be im_And j;,; J:.l t [Colt of Ablt-l-]Ilab.hib, wna;lest thou not become pled, before its becomng ,ehement: (Sh, O, I :) j0h., (S, 0, g,) accord. to AO, (?,) or u~ound, &c., in the fore leg], (., TA, [in the 0, and so ).;. (Sh, O.)-AndQ ,il %.gtThe A'Obeyd, (O, TA,) An innermost covering for tl1,]) the last word is rain descended. (]..) .JJ.JI h", for ti. the body, worn beneath the coat of mail, (S., 0, thius [for *0. '] on account of the rhyme: (, I made the water to i,) whether it be a ~P or some other ting: (S., ol R. Q. 1. s1 O, TA:) [for] the next hemistich is fall in drops; ( ;) in conseutive drops. (TA.) O :) and, (S, O, I,) sometimes, ($, 0,) a dusrt


[God bless tltee as one pose~ing fleetness, or swoJhs~]; (O, TA;) jt k.l in this instance meaning a * L5. (. in art. Jl.) - ,; (I ;)

(M;b;) (S, 0,) and jl,; and jo'-l i, aor.-', (S, Msb,) inf. n. i (S, o, MUb, ~')

and J,, (I,' and Ksh in xii. 3,) like as 0i is inf. n. of f, (Ksh ibid.,) or J. is a simple subst.; (., 0 ;) lie droe him aroay; (g ;) and R. Q. 9. j"': It (water) feU in consecutive I drove away (S, O, Msb) the camnel, (S, 0,) It (a wound) (TA.) And L, --drop. , .J . and the man. (M.b.) And t.h drops. (TA.) consecutive blood in with drilpped thm on, and Such a one passed along ur~gi sentence. 1, last Q. also R. See driving tlm, with the sworL (8.) [See alo 4.

mail, ($, O, ]1,) worn benath the wpper , (K, TA, [in the CI, erroneously, coat of one, (;, 0,) or worn beneath the lare one: or iu n.eUL a general sense: (J :) [i. e.] a coat of mail itself (S, 0, 0J,I, TA,) in. n. and jI',1) and j,l.:,, [both incorrectly written by Freytag,] iscalled Je.; (ISh,TA;) andalso ti: (TA:) (l,TA,) He (a boy, S, O, TA) scattered his ;) in the 1~, erroneously, ii. dly: (, TA:) the pl. 3'X; ($, O, TA urine; emitted it disjpera~ (TA.)-Also ($, 0, g) A [cloth such at i, subst. [signifying the act ofdoing so] is t' of woel or of ($,O,) or ., termed] ., [in the JI . j', with fet-h. (Ig.) And.,iJl [goats'] hair, (1,) that is put upon the rump, or The 7 CIf, erroneously, .,JR?,] and ' t ju, crouj), of the camd, (S, 0, J,) behind the [saddle sordpouredforth the blood. (J(, TA.) also .;m.] And
And 2.a A

calted] J,..

(g.) [See

Hence,].;.,LtI J

C5.WI I The dawn drives

Jb: see the next paragraph.

.fos: The part, of a valley, in which the rwater (i :) or the middle of a valley, (., O, ],) mhere flowos the main body of water: (., 0 :) so says A'Obeyd, on the authority of AO; but the word wj commonly known [in this sense] is 0 , with [or And The t the unpointed p,. (0.) ~spinal cord]; (, TA;) [also called the J, ;] i. e. the white dja [or nerve] that i in the vertebrae of the bach: mentioned by Kr. (TA.) _ And Long streahks, or strips, offleA, etending with the back: (I, TA:) n. un. with 5: also mentioned by Kr: but the more approved word 0

(TA.) - And 'all away the dark^s [app. as meaning The thing, or i.. q. ti. tThe eye mnt forth [or shed] its tears: place, that one proposes to himslf as the object of (Lb, I :) like ^'';: (Lb, TA:) asserted by Yahis aim]: (., O, If:) the place that a comnpany of toob to be formed by substitution [of J for J]. men have proposedto themseles as the object of their ((, TA,) and to/t . n. (TA.) - And so in the M: (TA:) or the jony: aim or the (TA,) He put on himsef inf n. J., aer. [in the sense thus expl. in the M and TA] in


[Boox I.

i is with [theunpointed] ,o. iTA.)inAnd Clouds mentioned by the sheykh Z7deh in his Commen- IAgr and several others, one says, .,l i .11 tary on El-Bey,ldwee. (TA.) n which i no water; syn..,-- (AA, 0.) .1 il ,i;, meaning I inited, or urged, the dog L,' A he-ass much bsied by the care of his [against the object, or objects, of the chase]; like e:1, lut sentence.

see and ee also JFL. in consecutive drops; also * W1 . (, TA.) - A3ji [or skin for wine &c.] loin~ [or baking]. (TA.) however, [by common consent,] .MI 4 ' And Routed fles-meat (*. ;) of which the ~,~~A well-known plant; ($;) [eolza: see ,iaJ, meaning I called the dog to the chase. gr-,s, or gray, dr; ,. ":] mentioned by the author of the L, and like and (M6h.) (TA in art .) . :; (1, O) and other leading lexicologists, following J. (TA.) 8: see the next paragraph, in two places. * jLI (f, o*) Water having a dr4;pi;g. (), O.)m See also the next paragraph. i0. a:;,1, ($, ,) and V ::, ($,8V, Sparhs of aer: so in the saying ; J1L A man light, activ, or agile; (;) [accord. to my copies of the former, ~lt, but a verse immediately following as an ex. shows the , [Hii sparks of anger .fy about]: (1 :) and [and] so ? i (O,)and VJ S: (O, TA:) or right reading,]) He called lhim in order to avm the first, a boy, or young man, harp-headed; so .. (TA.) him, or rescue him, (S, V,) or to make him come li;ght, or actie,in pirit; brisk, lively, or sprightly, forth, (8,) from straitness, or perdition, (V,) or in Ais work; and so .. , and JZ (IAVr, } see what follows. from a place: ($:) phis is the primary significaTA:) or a man cbwr, ingenious, acute, or harp; tion. (TA.) -And [hence] the former, (g, ]C, light, active, or ajile: (O :) or light, active, or TA,) and thdie latter also, (S, TA, i. c. ;l, .i The lj; [now applied to darncl-grass aib, in acomplishing that mhich is wanted; [tlhus in this instance in the copies of the $,]) qsickh; a good companion; che~ l in mind; as (but see this latter word oIjj)] that is [often I lIe saved him, or rescued him. (S, 4, TA.) _ found] in wheat; also called V.iAt (Msb, g) and And ,.vi! Hle (a man, TA) was, or became, also t J , and V * [in the CV (erroneously) ?~;,; (18;) of Pers., or foreign, origin; ('I* angryj. (., TA.) and VJpU, andV JIE, andV J ,L, (V, S ~ 1;)) and it is said that one of its two exTA,) of which last tho pl. is .L , it having no i: see the next paragraph. trenities is sharp and the other thick: (Mb :) broken pl. because of the rareness of J as the of the dial. of the Sawid: accord. to IAgr, i.q. 4 A limb, or member; (Myb, g ;) as. alo meaure of an epithet: (Sb, TA:) and having An says that it is a litteb f~sh; li*gt, active, or agi, in that which o l.j [sic.] and ~: ;l: (TA:) or a limb, or memnber, of fl he commnm, (V, TA,) of worh 'c.; (TA;) as small, oblono, red, erect grain, resamblingin form meat: whence, in a trad., ' . ! [or grub] of wheat; and it does not abo t , : (V, TA:) or this latter [simply] the ,y p intozicate, but renders the wheat vry bitter: and [Bring thou to me itu right limb]: ( :) pl.. lean, or having littl [lh. (., 0.) in one place he says, the plant of the . spread. ($, Msb, TA) and J.I, [originally .;,] like Thefalling of water in drops, (., TA,) upon the ground, and its laes are like thoae of necutively. (TA.) [If an inf n. in this sense, the J .b [or sali/ Aejtl,tia] that is termed J;l pl. of 31. (TA.) ...' And The body of anything [i. e. of any animal]; as also V':); (1 ;) its verb is moeat probably j .] very green, andjuicy, or tader; people eat which latter is expl. by ISd as signifying the sin its leawes when they are fresh, and thety are and body of anything; and is applied in a trad. j see R. Q. 1: and see also 1 pleasant [to the taste], nitwouW bitterness; but its to the inner side of a haunchl as meaning having k1 applied to a plant, or herbage, FreMs. grain is more intensely, or naueoudly, bitter no fesh upon it: (TA:) [or,] accord. to IDrd, (.U.l) than alos. (TA.) [Forsil, in his Flora Ot-a~l k signifies the body of the mnan after its juicy, or sappy. (TA.) Aegypt. Arab. p. 199, after describing the il3j, wasting, or decaying: (Mgb, TA:) [or] -IMs 4 JZ A man wahoe hand, or arm, has become says, "A ,e etiam agri vitium; a priore tamen unsound, or vitiated: (., TA:) or deprived of the diversa species: decoctoplantse obtunduntur ensus jl.~l means the members, or limbs., of the man oIvr of motion by an unsound, or a vitiated, hominis qui operationem chirurgicam subire after wasting, or decaying, and becoming disundered: (S, TA:) and (hence, Mob) one says, state of its j3j [meaning veins or nervs]: debet; Avicenna sic referente." See also f;'.] ~.sJ ~s ii t~.j~k;,, ,1 meaning t The wso (Mqb:) or dried up, or stff: or whos hand, or I [Golius says, on the authority of a gloss in a arm, has gone [or wasted] away: (, TA:) fem. copy of the KL, that it signifies also A short, or of such a one are remnains among the sons of msch ,.1 , t He is ; .. (., Msb.) - And ,~ . (Mgh, TA) A little, avaricious, man; "vir curtus, avarus :" aone: (8, Mb :) and&.l a a meaning, if correct, app. tropical.] hand, or an arm, that will not comply with that of the remains of the people: [for] ; signifies which its po_sor dsires of it, by reaon of dit a remain, or remaining portion: and _t, lapp. eae therein. (TA.) - And ~'L; An eye of a , said to be like , but this is, I doubt not, nRhich the sight has gone. (0, Msb, ].) 1. IS,, aor. L, He went, or journeyed. (g.) 5mAnd He raid,uplfted, or took up, a thing; a mistranscription for , i. e. originally of the J. A [spear of the kind caled] ;L [q. v.]. syn- e)- (IAqr, Az,) measure J,A, is another pl. of L, and] signifies (TA.).-.And A he-ass that drives away [his t remains of any thing. (TA.) [See also Z,] she-asses] much. (V. [In the CI, in this sense, 4 LsU, (8, Msb; , &c.,) in. n. .j, (Msb,) Also Any skinned animal of which somewAhat erroneously written j... See 'L.]) See He called a dog, (AZ, 8, M.b,) &c.: (Msb:) and has been eaten and a portion remains: (]:)or also ,, in two places. - One says also a! he caled a she-camel, (ISk, 8, ],) and a ewe or a portion remaining, whether much or little, of a she-goat, by her name, (ISk, S,) to milk her. sheep or goat of vwhich part has been eaten: (L C; J.. [thus app., but written in my original (Ik, S, g.) And ; Ut, lIllHe showed the without any syll. signs,] meaning Verily he is a voce t.l:) pl l. (V.) - And. J t writer oundly, or thoroughly, learned; or skilld, ;; t or o~-bag (in the CV erroneously tThe traps, or thongs, of the bit or bri: iUtelignt, and e~pi ced; and t{ffcing. (TA.) ~jI1)] to his beast in order that it should (A, :) or such as have become old, and of which mAlso A garment with which th. neck is covered: come to him. (].) [See also 10.] Accord. to the iron appertenance has become slender, (V, 1

: ee M, in two place. JIL Water, and blood, f~al

sh-a^ e

(IApr, O, L, I.

[See also ,.])

"a- l in measure and in signification: (Mgh,* Mob, TA :) but this is disallowed by ISk, (., M,b, TA,) and by Th; (S, Mgh, TA;) and in like manner, 4.jt s.:1 in the same sense; though they are allowed by others: one says,


BooK I.] TA,) or, as in the M, [of which] the iron appertenances [hame become dander], without straps, or thong.: app. likened to limbs, or members, of flesh-meat. (TA.) il;4: see the next preceding paragraph. ;>11 A piece, or potion, of flesh-meat &c. ( ,'TA.) - And tA remnant, or remaining portion; (]~, TA;) only of property: (:, ,* ($, TA.) One says, aaL J...3 TA:) pl. li:.


3-v4 t[T

cJ t [ThLe catte of uch a one

went away, but a remnant remained to him]. .] ' (AZ, .) [See atlo U Lcean, or light of eh: ( epithet applied to a man. (TA.)

TA:) an T,

$QC, in the dial. of El-Iijzs, The thins, or instraments, rith which sarificationis perforsed upon the cheekl: app. pl. of



proudy, or haugAtily. (Q, TA. [And .:l has a some of the Aabs] make the 3 [in U;h`k] to similar meaning.])... [This verb is also probably have a smack of the dammeh; but if you took used in other senses, said of a mountain, &c.: see account of the a of the . & [in thi case,] the meaure of the verse would be broken, [the below.] - 8ee also 4, near the end. , foot] I..l U.j becoming, in the scanning, and #4,;S: see above, in two places. ['1, 2. _ which may be only in the cJ.b; this vere is of the,;;: (8b, :) another hereas 3. L.L, 0,) inf. n. iA, (9, TA,) They nnt l4l is that of the LS in %;v, [in which each other; (,* ;) as also GW, (p,) inf. n. ase of . that letter is quiescent, but made to have a smack : Look thou to me of kesreh,] as is the same letter in every similar jW. (.8.) - [Hence,] ' hat iJs ,ith him, or in his mind, (; ", L;,9, eae, in a dim. noun, when followed by a doubled TA,) and draw near to him, (V, TA,) and ~wAletter. (Zj, T in art. ~.) Also Hepromo ge of what its with him, or in the conuonant with a iA,. [or vowl after the hnowl/ ound~ his mind, (s;~ tL,) by means of information and bet~mn damm and ker, apparent oy i uter dicloure; as though each smelt what was with anc, ot in iting; as in J,. and ,; in tho the other in order to act according thereto. (TA.) utr xi. 4& (I'Ak pp. 130 and 131.) [See ao And hence the saying,,alU, ,LLt. t [We .'.;. a , voce;l.] - [Golius expl~anls endeavoured, or looked, to acertaim their codi, fecit ut conrteret a u signifying als "Red tion; then we ngaged them in near, though not ab ~a re ;" as on the authority of the KL; in cloe, conflict]. (TA.) You say also, , mycopy of which, however, I do not find this meanj..l meaning [simply] tI drew near to the ing.] .1t, (8, i,)inf n..i , [as an intran.
man. (g.) CL [used tropically] signifies t The

And t The ap- by, or along, raiing i hamd; (9, ], TA;) and proaching the enemy o that the two partie ee magn.fled, or wated,i~uf; behawd prouly, slieJ A certainnorthernconstellation,[namely, each other. ('.) or di~in.da0y; or lated hisno, o pd Lyra,] consisting of ten stars, tlhe bright star (TA. [See also 1, near the end.])... And He 4. 61. d*.1 He made him to smdl it, or perceiwv turned away from a thing. (i,) One say [(] of which is called 'i ; J i: the Arabs it by the nose. (V.) You say, ;,g11 ' ; [I I&A ;l 3 ; )) ;i, i. e. [While they ere in which has contracted liken it to a vulture (.) its wings to itslf, as though it had alighted upon made him to sml the perfime]. (9, Mb.) d wayi; (9, a certain direction, lo,] thy t a thing: the rvular call [the thre chief stars in] And [hence] one says to the prefbct, or governor, TA, as from AA ;) or *tl. (Thus in one ofmy .Jl Lr4:~. copies ofthe Q[but I think it to be a mistraorip. it )l.l: and before the bright star is a dim or prince, or commander, l [i. e. the talons]. t [Suffer me to approach thyhandtAat Imay kis tion].) And >li .t l /j16' star which the Arabs call T, peopb, or party, jis , (TA,) deviated in their direction to the right and If: it]; (9,* TA;) a phrase like .N (1zw. [Not in any of my Lexicons.]) but better than the latter phrase: so ays Kh. (-.) a phro heard in this mene by AA. ( S:l, :He, and .Z,, and j;l - And tI 8: ee 1, in three placer. the, i. e. the operator, took, (], TA,) or cut off, nor. .I; aor. o, .It; and '-,-, 1. (TA,) a maporti~ of th prepe, nd of the 6: see 8, firt sntennee. (9, Mgh, Mbh, ;) the latter mentioned by AO; j. [q. v.]: (V, TA:) or the latter signifies she 8: see 1, in two places. (9, TA ;) third pers. of each .. ; (Mgh ;) inf. n. cut off a portio, of the [q. v.], not ,tipating dir to mell. (KL) - And ( ,) which are of it. (TA.) - And Jlt,.S, (9, 1,) in n. 10. ;A:.1 He (8s Meb, g) and. . (, a Uell, or an odour, from a thing. He pereiwd ; #, ($,) t He made the conotnant to have a both verbs, (TA,) and ~.*, mentioned by Z W _ I j; amnack of the dammeh or the kereh, (lit., made it (KL) (], TA) alone; (TA;) I ne/lt, i. e. percired to smeall, , or to tate, V, the dammeh or the 'i.a, said of a man, means d.L- l [i. e. $ T7b by the nose, (14,) a thing, (?, Mqb, ]~,0) or an kesreh,) in such a manner (s, l) that th jcu entered hi#noe, and he syfied it up, and l signifies the same; odour; (Mgh;) andl % .- zlT,(p,) or that the dammeh or k~hreh, (,) made it to pam into hit fauces]; the verb being '-i in the C1 is a mistrans- was not heard, (9, J,) vhat is termed .A1! metaphorically thus used, like as jt.l (9, Msb, g, TA; [ is ' also, (]I,) J,.JI bei/ng l than w/hat is termed cription for '" L!;]) and * . , :JI metaphorically used for.tll. (Mgh.) loohing into a thing. (KL.)
thus in the copies of the ], ",:, and (TA: [both, however, correctly t ' : mentioned in the C.: the former like o: signifies :]) or s0.l 1 I [.I smelt the thing leisurely, or gently]:

verb,] said of a man, (?,) alo signifies He pad


the motion of but the formr being apparent ony byIn (so in one of my ,. the u~per lip, ($,) or of in n. of the intran. verb ,: [q. v.]. the lip, are copies of the ?,) no account beingt taken of it, (Myb, TA.) - [Used as a simple subet.,] Highfor (9,1,) i. e., of the dammeh or hekreh, (L,) it not nes of the nose: (Mb :) or highness of the bone

being rec~oned a a aj

and t l', both signify A:'3 TA:) or ;jt he put the thing near to hAi nowe in order that he might drar in its odour. (AHn, TA.) - See an ex. in a prov. mentioned vocejL.;.. - [Hence,] ras tried, or proved by trial or experite ment or r~ericnce; syn. 41. (IAvr, ].) (Mqb,) inf. n..,, se. a, pers. ,,aor.,, ($,' Meb, ,,*) 1Ie (a man) amhigh, or elevated, in the no. (9,* M!b, .*)- [And hence,] (TA,) (,) [ec. pers. :'-,1 inf. n.., ,, I He (a man, TA) ma~nipfed himdf; or behamed Bk. I.


the consonant in this came being quieacent or like emnnew, or straightness, of its upper part, (?, ], that which it quiescent, (?,) and the prosodical when there is in it a gibbousnes it is termed mmeare not bein/ broken thereby: ( :) for ex., lt, S,) and pqrigltneuof the end, or lomt part: (.K:) or, as some say, this la quality [alone]: in the following verse, (TA:) or length of the end, or ler part, of the
L. :3 m..
i-S 0 0

because of itsfeness, of the no, (S, B,) and beauty thereof, (V,) with


uM,~d Als; #-`'



nos, so that it etends over the middle of the

mustache, (. .'jl1 j,) with beaut fdl evm~ess,

or straightness,of th bone, and hsigh


3: [meaning ji" Jl and ; tjl, (as is said in one ofmy greater than the highlues that is termed a the noe, and lender off copies of the 9,) i. e. When I Ilep, he who lets or length and not traderme waheAa by night, downard artending of it aj; [i. e. end or tip, beasts on hire nor do ; hear tAe bell of the camelh on which or part where the blood that o~rrw from the peole rid], the Arabs [or, as is said in the TA, nostrils drops or drips]: (J :) or [,nimply] enygth 201

* in the noe. (Ham p. 789.) _- And, in a man, The quality of having what is termed A of the nose. (.) - [And hence, 1 S&lf-magnification, or pride, or haughtiness: see 1, ncar the end.] And S Generosity. (UIam p. 728.)_ Also High.-




4. &i04 , 1 I God made him (i. e. the enemy, mentions two other meanings: - " Ventus ex A, Mob) to rejoice at his aqfliction. (A,* MNb, alto veniens, qui pentrantioris est odoratus:1, TA.) For l.l1 fr [-i(Therefore [and] fem. .t Jugum extensum in monte :" make not thou the enemias to rejoice at my aolicfrom the Deewin of the HIudhalees.] tion], in the Kur [vii. 149], MujAhid is related n, (1],) or tallnesw of the head, (.,) of a .[Turning awva.y, or averse]. One 'says, to have read V Q*:-;UWU: but the correctness of mountain. (8, 1~.) - And 1 Nearnes: and -8:; ) IAs Xe [I offered this is doubted. (TA.) :tremotens: thus having two contr. meanings. (, TA.) It has both of such mcanings in the to him such a thing, and lo, he was averse, not 5. .;Wj sig. A people's returning disapphrase ', *j I S [His houe, or abode, is near: desiring it]. (S.) pointed of attaining their desire, without spoil and, remote]: (~, TA:) and in the phrase ( .) [a An instrument ofsmling; liltke as t [I saw him, or it, from within signifies " an instrument of hearing." _ Hence, a hrt distance: and,from afar]. (TA.) 8. ; ! [A camel's] beginning to befat. (g. its pl.].*L signifies Noses. (KL.) - [This pl. [See the part. n., below.]) , A thing [odorous, fragrant, or] fit to be is expl. by Jac. Schultens, as meaning Pertfumt melt. (KL.) (odora~nta): so says Freytag.] t; Dioappointment; fruxtration of one's , Hegh, or elevated: ($, 1 :) applied in ;-.* A thing that is mdt; such as any .ndearour or Ilpa: (IB, TA:) a subst. from :c;z ns signifying '. (TA.) Also, thi sense to a [camel's saddle such as is called] s~et-sneUingq plant: like as J#I signifies "a tlls written in copies of the ], [and in the 8,] % . (.8.) thing that is eaten:" (Msb:) [and] mmusk: (S with kesr, (TA,) [but in the C( z.i,,] and ;L:! A ot of meln resmbling a small t U.i_;, (Kr,) Personls suffering di.sappointnent; colo"yth, [or rather a small melon r~ ling a or feiling qf attaininj their desire; (1K, TA;) coloc~ntk,] strealkedwith redm and greenne and P,itbout spoil: (TA:) [pls.] without any sing.; (K :) or the latter has no sing. known to ISd: yellownem : called in Pore. d.g [i.e. "per1. , aor. (S, A, M,b, fr,) inf. n. sil (TA:) [but] Vt ;_" has this meaning as a sing. fume"]; (i;) originally wq [or ~,;) ., J (8,10 and t;S, (1g,) or the former is a simple part. n., and ..4 [lapp. ,.:}I is its pl. (IB, At]: (TA:) its odour is cool, pleasant, lenitive, subst., (Mgb, [in which no inf. n. is mentioned,]) and narcotic; and the eating of it is laxative to I~, (IA.r, TA,) or lie (an enemy) rejoiced: (TA:) or he (a man, TA.) One says, V~. the borels: (1> ) [The eucumis dudaim of Linn.; TA) r#joiced at the affliction of tlw enemy: (.1, 6QZ, (8,) They returned suw#cring disappointcalled by Forsdl cucumis schemnmam: the latter of attaiingtheir dcsire; (lAar, . He rejoiced at his [an ment; orfailing! thus describes it (Flora Aegypt. Arab. p. 169): TA :) you say, ~ enemy's] affliction. (, A, Msb.) 8,TA;) ivithout poil; and so tV and "Caules 5-ulcati, setis rigidis, scandentes, cirrlhosi: folia cordato-oblonga, acuta, subsinuata, t :. ('rTA.) S: see 4 > is so.ithlynerrit: [i. e.] dentato-repanda, hispida: calycea villosi, molles: o.,,Wt, dl signifies Te uttering a prayer fr~ lavi, conferti in alis: fructus globo[ Reproach (" convicium ") so Golius, ovatus, glaberrimus, magnitudine citri, flavus, for th anower; (S;) when he has, in obedience as from the KL; but I do not tind it in my copy 'Jl maculis inwqualibus, fulvo-ferrugineis, versus to an injunction of the Prophet, said of that work.] poloe in lineas confluentibus; pulpa aquosa, [Praise be to God]: (Har p. 20:) you say, seminibus tota plena: fructus juvenis villosus; 4. Z~_l ;, (ISd, A, TA,) and ic ~s , : see i,lt, in two places. maturus glaber: odor, fortis nec ingratus; eamque meaning [as expl. in art. ... : or] lie prayed ob caussam cultus; non edulis :" in the present for thie erer that he mighkt not be in a state in %~.. One rejoicing at the qfflirtion of an day, tihe same appellation is applied in Egypt to which his enmy might rejoice at his affliction: ewemy;: [fem. with;: pl. masc. it: aed fem. severad species of medon, of pleasant odour and (18d, TA:) : is better and more common ,; or the latter may be anomalously masuc., taste; but this application I believe to be of very than C;_: (A'Obeyd, TA in art. : and in like .l; &c.; and as such it is evidently used late origin: see also {W: and see De 8acy's the present art.:) but the latter is said by Th to in the L, in one place; but in another place, "Re. de 1' ,Iypte par Abd-allatif," pp. 126-7.] be the original word: or the meaning is, he said where it cites an explanation by AO, as fem.: to the sneezer, May God put aray, or avert, both are mentioned in the M and L and TA, and L:! Smet odour. that one . (g.) from thee that on account of hlich one would L;! Ripe dates remaining upon the raceme. rejoiwc at thy afuiction: or it is from _l..tll as the latter in the and A also.] One saye, .,i

high in the head of its bon& (g.) -


(AZ, g.)
[(,* Smelling, or pereiving by the now.] L.Lal 1: 7 [O on of her who m the

t^,] is an expression of reproach. (.) A-s .,l, applied to a man, (Msb,) HIaving that quality of the nose which is termredm ; (Myb,

];) or so

a, (Msb, TA:) and pl. ... (TA.) - And [hence, S &lf-magnJing, or proud, or haughty: or] a chief characterized by disdainfulness, scornfl/ms, or disdainful and proud incompliance, (], TA,) and high-minded. (TA.)_ - Also A mountain tall, (., TA,) or high, (TA,) in the head. (., TA.) [And High, as applied to a place of ascent in a mountain: see an ex. of the pl. in a verse cited voce . -_ And A shoulder

.5 A's b.)l .; 1, thus applied: (.:) fem.


signifying " the legs" of a quadruped, as thougll meaning ie prayedfor the sneeer that he miyjht be firm, or steadfast, in his obedience to God. (L and TA from the Fa4 &c.) And A %:_ and e;, inf. n. as above, He prayed for what waU good for him; prayed for a blesing upon him; as also c.;, but the former is the better and the more common. (L and TA from the T and Fik dc.) _ Also i q. .- : (P1:) you say, ;SJ 4, meaning dj [(Such a one disappointed him; or cauwd him to be disappointed of attaining what he desired or sought: or denied him, refued him, prohibitd him from attaining, or debarred him from, that rwhich he desired or sought]. (TA.) - And i q. ~ [The act of collcting, &c.]. (1. [But SM says that he had searched to the utmost for this meaning without finding it in any other lexicon.])

I;~ 1

i y~ [0 God, conlZy not nith the

desire of one who is to me a rejoicer at my affliction]; meaning, do not withi mc that which one who rejoices at my affliction likes, or approves; for in that case, Thou wouldst be as though Thou obeyedst hinm. (ISk, L, TA.) And *J. at,

( 4

.1Such a onepassed a night such as

would mahe to rejoice those, or those females, that would re.joice at tle affliction of an enemy; (?, A, L, TA;) i. e., a distreming night. (A.) [And a verse cited in the next paragraph presents, as some read it, a similar ex. of See S;.e.1e1.]

also ;ti.
q. v. ~ Also], as a subst., sing. of ,;j1 ,(., TA) which signifies The legs of a beast. (8, A, I, TA.) One says, di iJj a.l. W, i.e. [MJfay God not lave to hin] a lg

1.t [fern. of,

Boox I.] of a beast. (AA, ., A, TA.) And En-Nubighah [Edh-Dhuby&nee] says,

-~ -Jc'


:] pl. The lip became contracted, or became contracted [in like -;: (L, 1:) and Vtl a man nwho magnifies, upaards]: (M in art. ua :) and '.,; manner] signifies it (a thing) contracted, or beor exalts, himslf much; or elevates his noe much, * 11 *1 . came contracted; syn. ,;. (TA.) - Also, &~~~~~ from pride. (L)_ And J. [Noses (inf. n. as above, Aq, 8,) He launched forth a eklevated, from pride]; like .j. (S.)_And ship, or boat; let it go; let it take itU course; (A4, [And that has been fiyigtened at the voice of a IAgr, S, A, i ;) and in like manner, a hawk; [A proud, or high, lineage]. (TA.) (A;) and Auntsman nwith his dogs,] anl passed the nitjht in ~t ., _ he discharged, or shot, an arrow: (A4, consequence thereof standing, (lit. obewing the IAar, .S, A, Mb :) and hence, (A4, .,) i he sent, legs,) by reason of fear and [also] of Cold; the snt forth, or sent away, (As, , M, A, 1],) a poet describing a [wild] btull: (AO, L, TA:) but thing. (M, A.) [See alsoe.] And J'l, .L , A: aor. , inf. n. see the next parasome read I1.(instead of i;); and accord. to inf. n. as above; (TA;) and V t.j,l; ( ,;) t le this reading, the meaning is, and passed the night graph, in five places. hastened the camels; made them to hastrn; syn. having, of fear and of cold, nwhat tuas agreeable 2. (S I, , M,b, g,) inf. n. 'JS, (S, g,) '~ pI, [which seems to be either syn. with, or a with the desire of such as ,vould rejoice at his lie raised, (8, Msb,l,) or tucked up, or contracted, mistranscription for, , (see .. ,)] and affliction; the plhrnse being like the saying Ji (A,) his garment, (M;b, P,) or his waist-wmrapper, V. (o,p,TA.)-And J";JI ;, SI I1, i "el meaning as expl. in the next (S,) [or his sleeve,] or his skirts. (A.) One says, cut off the iruit of the palm-trs; syn. -.. y; preceding paragraphi: (ISk, L, TA:) or he almsd 3L Os _ [He raised, or tucked up, his gar(Ibn-'Abbd, O,) [for] the night havring [t!ffear and of cold] what would ment, or waist-wrapper, or skirts,from his hank]. (A, TA;) or so * A, .lJ osignifies J ll.!. (-.) rejoice the ,~;1e that heard theref: (AO, L, (S.) [And in like manner, ?V, signifies He TA:) [andl in like manner, Z says,] m t raised, or tucked up, his gqarment, &c.: for] one 4. ! l j,l.t: see 2, last sentence but one.[without 1, amild with b in the accus. says also, e4ji '& J*3 [le tucked up his 3jl j;.JI lI loe he-camd impregnated case, lit. he paed the night obe!yng those, or those skeeve from hs fore arnm]. (TA.) It is said in the she-camel covered by im. (O, g.)_;-1 females, tiat rejoiced at hi. ti.flirtion,] means, as a prov., ei ' 'tI. i. e. [lit.] Ie con,1Jl, He destroyed him with tAe nord; syn. tose that rejoiced at his aj}liction liked, or ap- tracted, or drew up, his [or a] skirt [and clad proredl. (A.) himsef with night as with a tunic]: (TA:) or ;.;' (o, g.) 0 a.# s 1 j ~ J , meaning lse thou pru- 5. .:t3: see 2, third sentence. -[Hence,] -. A king praledfor (g, TA) with the rayers thuat are oj.iredfor hings. (TA.) See dene, or precaution, or good judgment, and . ~j.J:, (., 1g,) or J.S 1 (A,) and .til journey all the night. (S and I in art. .. ) also ;.*?, last sentene. . (,) t are epared him lf (, A, ]g) jor [Hence,] + He stroe, or laboured, exerted him- the affair, ($, ],) or for the ortk. (A.) [FreyAny one praying, or 1ho prays, for Wsf or his power or ability, employed himself tag mentions jr41 jZl in a similar sense, " Parvirou or laboriously or with energy, or took tus fuit ad rem peragendam," as on the authority wlut i .good; as also ;. (i.) ea~raordinarypaim, (AA, Msb, TA,) and wsas of J; but I do not find it in the J.] - See also 2 ' .i Camels beginning to befat. (TA.) quick, (AA, TA,) S'l ) [in the affair]; as as syn. with 1 and 7. _ [Also, app., as quasialso ., inf. n. : (TA :) and iWlfl 3 [in pa. of 2, It (a garment, &c., wu, or became, '~:: see its p1. voce st~, last sentence. raised, or tucked up, or contracted; and so signireligious servic]: (Mqb:) and [in his fies t)..l.] - 8ee 2 again, in the latter part of the paragraph. pac, or jourying]; like ., and , !. (L 1. ~~ (L,)* and TA in art. jq..) Also, (1i,) in- n. as above; 7. j.g1: see 5, in two places. _ See also 9 1., , L,e aor.:, inf. n. (TA ;) and t., (!,) aor. ', inf. n._,.; (TA;) as syn. with 1 and 5. - Also He (a horse) It (a mountain) was hligh, or lofty. (8, L, g.) and and t'+.j ; (1;) t He pased along hastened, or went quickly. (., O. [Accord. to - Hence, (lIar p. 442,) ;Al, , (8 A L striving, or esrting himseaf, or vigorously: or Freytag, the verb in this sense in the ? is jel,1; ihe passed along with a proud and self-conceied but this is a mistake.])-And i. q. 5 and /,) and *Ail.; , aor. and inf. n. as above, (L,) r, inf. n. as above, has . [app. as meaning t It, or he, acted with a l le (a mr:i) magn.i/ied, or exalted, himsdlf; was gait; (g;) [and] , proud; (8,A, L, l ;) behaved proudly, or dis. the latter meaning. (..) And-l.S., tile penetrativeforct or enrgy (see & and tl ] dainfully; elevated his nose, from pride. (L) was, or became, light, or active, (., Msb, ]p,) and so t/,2l. (TA.) - And It (the water of a and quick, (Myb,) in, or for, the affair: (., wall) wcent away. (A, TA.) [See also .j.] Mqb, V:) andpFj A, and :,lt (A, 8: see the next preceding paragraph. ai (L, I) and ? (L) A distant, TA,) and sJC ' ~4, (TA,) :fe nas, or far-reachinq, or fir-aimning, intention, rpose, tj-, applied to a man, t Light, agile, or active; or design; [in an action or a journey &c.;] (L, became, light, or active, and he rose, or hastened, acute, or sharp, or quick, in intelbet; cletvr, to do the thing, or affair. (A, TA.) And , 1 ;) D8.also tj and 5 (L.) knowing, or intelligent; syn. jj; and p.; (El>;.jl and l;i ; [T1e war, or battle, MuMrrij, 0, ];) and ;i; (0, ] ;) thus accoord. a ] (A.) ~, ;h A. dAsert, or waterluss deart, far- became vehement; like JC to the copies of the g [probably from the 0]; He contracted a thing; syn. extnding; ( ;) asalso j. (TA.)-See also -Also but in the Tekmileh &c., MU, [which I regard as (TA;) [and so, perhaps, -t ; for].Jl signithe right reading, meaning one who acts with a fies ,!JI " , like g.1l: (]:) [or the penetrative energy, or wrho it sharp, vigorous, or ~t: se wlhat follows, in two places. author of the TA may have misunderstood this ffectiwe,] (TA,) in everything. (0, TA.) See &l j... A high, or Ity, mountain; (, explanation in the ], and the meaning tnay be it also Albo tLibral, bon04 mtm(a thing) contracted, or became contracted; for ticent, or generous; (0,1 ;) and courageous. A, L a) as no V t1 * [but in an intensive sense, is trans. and also (like p,i) intrans.: that (TA.) i.e. a ery high or lofty mountain]: (L:) pl. , has this latter meaning, whether it have also, .ign (f , A) and ., (A.) - Hence, or have not, the former, is shown by the statement ._: seejr:. g.t signifies also Proud; (L, TA;) elevating that] one says, "I eJ" meaning tJi [i. e. 5 The gait, or manter of walking, of a 201 the noe, from pride, or disdain: [like .


[BooK L - ;-: seo its fem. voce,.~l, in two places. J>j A youth, strong and hardy; and in the like sense applied to a camel: (Lth, TA:) or

vitiow, or depravd, man; (O, g ;) or, accord. to IAlr, of a man who goes to andfro, and rowund .] about. (TA.) [See also _ ~ Sevre V. (e , 0, ].) It is msid in a

tall; as also 1t J? : (IRnam pp. 728 and 789:) He striped off the unr.)c or a bulky canicl: (IApr, TA :) or, of camels &dc., .1 Q. 1. iLLil pro., s.t;Jl,,(TA,) or #4-, dates of the palm-tree. (L.) And 3JkI j (.;0,O, K,) the ar,ft; (S, O ;) or youthful, mi'ft, (so in a copy of the A,) [Fear compelled him to and goodly in make: (]g:) and with t, a shebetahe himnsefy to that which was a evrer evil:] Strip thou tae t "t, [or fr.ui-stallk] if the camnel goodly, beautiful in make. (A'Obeyd, 1, i. e. he feared an evil, and fear reduced him to a raceme of the palm-tree wiith the , cuttin, o,01.) greater evil. (A.) o.f [the dates]. (L,* I. [In the formnner, in the OJs. Z_: see the preceding paragraph. ; i. q.. * , in the dial. of Egypt, (O, g, place of t~, the last word in the explanation in the g, is put I~, app. by a mistakc of the TA,) also [and more commonly] called tj.* [applied to the Anethum graveolens, or common copyist.]) J)A', a dial. var. of Jj,_ [q. v.]. (Lth, gardm-dill, and to its eed; and also to the anco,15.) (S (?, Mgh, Msb, V) and t w thum faeniculum, or fennel: see also 'j..,]. Mqb, 1) A [fisit-] stalh of the raceme of a (TA.) (S, L,) or thing, pal-.tree; (Mgh;) the jldi, , without teshdeed to (Msb,) upon which are the dates; (L, Msb;) ;[in the CK , deaor. , (T],) inf. n. , U s 1. ~ th.c.,] t A man, (S,) penetrating,or acting with [i. e. any one of tie stallkx that branch off from (IAar, 1K,) Aly soul shrank .fron it in didike or a )pcnctrative enr.y, or sharpl), vigorous, and the main stem of the raceine, and on nwhich hang hatred. (IAar, K, TKg.) [See also 5, and Q. qfltctice, in the )erformin.q of affairs, and expert, the dates; each of tlese stall.s conp?rixing a inum- Q. 4.] or exrlperienmed; (,* , TA;) mostly with respect ber of dates, one below anotherj:] pl. of botl H: is face became changed, or 5. , j.: to travel; (TA;) as though it were a rel. n. from (Mb :) the j.i, or 'b, [q. v.,] altered, (T, 8, 1,) by anger, (g,) and contracted. . (, 1) and 0.. [in comprises the i1.t*: (Mab voce S.:) or an (T, S, 1.) See also wlhat next follows. _.; (si;) as also [in the Cg 41PJ iJtt upon which are unripe dates, or grapes: nnd A the C1 C (S,) He Q. Q. 4. jL.l, (8, 1,) inf n. jl t, ., (](,) the last an intensive (. :) originally relating to a raceme of dates; but (a man, S) shranik, or became contracted; (S, K, anld .~ and ? sometimes, to grapes: (L:) anid the former word TA;) as also t:3: (TA:) he quaked, or shud((:) or cleverr in the Qj,: form, (TA,) and t [or each] signifies a small bunch of gralveS, psrforming of affairs, and quich: (Fr, TA:) or growing apart, but attacheil to the lower ,portion deredt: (IAnr, K :) or hs was frightened (AZ, ., 1;) at a thin-g.. (AZ, S.) It is said in the ]ur one n'ho stri es, labours, or exerts hi?Mslf, and is of(the stal of a largerbunch. (T, TA.) Also, ) JIfiI ej_L j 3;41 clever and skilfdi: (Aboo-Bekr, TA:) or quick 1j>., The head of a mountain: (S, g :) or a xxxix. 46, in eril, and in whdat is vain, or false; who strives, And when God is mentioned s5 .iLL Xs> round, tall, slender hcad, or peak, of a nmountain: labours, or ererts him,elf, therein; from J'O alone, the hearts of those who will not believe in menning " lie strove, laboured, or exerted himself, (L:) accord. to As, [the pl.] btLa1 signifies the the world to come become contracted, and shrink and was quick :" (AA, Aboo-Bekr, TA:) or one heads of mtountains: (TA:) or it signifies the with avernion: (BQ.1, Jel:) or quahe, or shudder. who goes his own way, or pursues a headmqg, or upper, or ulpermost, part [or parts] of a mounyou say, .Lj~ iU iS .J %.U rah, course, and will not refrain. (Aboo-Bekr, tain; and in like manner, of trees. ( p. 78G.) (7j, TA.) And [1 said to him suck a thing, and he shrank from , and And t The uplcer, or uppermost, parts of clowls: it; or quakled, or shuaddIered,at it; or vas fi.ightA 1iJ, (S, 1,) and TA.)_ (1s:) or [the pl.] &tL* is metapllhorically apQ, TA,) [all in the C]~ with, (], , and plied to the upper, or uppermost, parts of clouds. ened at it]. (A.) And ~.JI j~L.l, (g,) without (S, 1,) t A out teshdeed to the...,] and *g, (IjIam ubi supra.) - And A blaze upon the face a prep., accordl. to Kr, (TA,) He disliked, or she-canel that is quick (S, J) in pace. (TA.) of a horse, when it is narrow, (., i, TA,) and huated, the thing. (1..) [See also 1, and 5.]


long, (TA,) and extending so as to cover tlhe [part b not reaching to the of the nose called] 4 , but lip: (., g, TA:) or a blaze, upon theJaice of a horse, extending downwards on the nose. (Lth, TA.) [See a.JL ;!, in art. Je.] Accord. to J, The horse itself [that has such a blaze] is also thus called; but this is a mistake: (g :) it seems that le meant to have said kl. js; but this, in t One who strivesr, labours, or exerts him- a verse which he cites, is the name of a horse of Malik Ibn-'Owf En-Nadree, as is said in the ]. self; who employs himelf vigoroudly, laboriously, or with energy; (1J, TA;) in the performance of (MF.) - [The pl.] .t-l Jl is also a name applied by the Arabs to t h7e stars of Centaurus ajliirs. (TA.) See also LS , in two places. v 0t, and (.,,i . ~) and Lepus ('.JI) colctively. (Kzw.) r..*., and rp:, A ewe, or egoat, having see the next preceding paragraph, first an her udder drawn up to Iher belly: (S,:) A. , and sentence. - Also A slender, and soft or tender, epithet having no verb. (TA.) - *branch, that has grown forth, within a year, upon , the upper part of a thick branch. (L.) -- ) .A contracted lip (TA. , and an,) ' , & (i,) or 1 ip , (so in a (A, copy of thc A,) A gum cleaving to the roots of '~ (t;J1 A sect of the heretics, or schismatics, theiteeth. (A, 1.) (rjltJ;,) the companions [or followers] of 'Abd[ ,e 0andeealso t. e: ace also pl.I., iS. :and j...: soe Allah lbn-Shimrdkh. (S, g.) j~, oceurring in a trad. respecting 'Ooj Ibn. 'Unui, [or Ibn-'Ook,] as meaning somethling with which a mass of rock was hollowed out according to the size of his hcead, (TA,) Diamnond: (Ig:) thoughlt by EI-Klaitt.thbce to have this meaning; but he says, "I lhave not heard respecting it anything ulpon whichl I place reliance." (lAth, TA.)


;<> [a subst.] from Q. Q. 4, [A shrinking, or contraction: a quahing, or shuddering: or frig#ht: and disilte, or thatred.] (S, 15, TA.)
j J You say, ;j. shrinking, &c.] (TA.)

_; [A man in whonm is a

'.j.;* Sluhriing writh aversion; syn. p: ( ) disliliug, or hating, (1,) a thing: (TA:) frihy,tened, or afraid. (K.)


1. ._A~, aor. t and , (S, Msb, 1,) inf. n. -j.A; (TA;) and ,/ , aor: (}1) and . also, like ,j, aor. 0b, accord. to the lexicologists, _ to as ISd says, but he holds the aor. of _l1; (S, ;) It (a be ' [only]; (TA;) and V . day) was, or became, sunny, or sunshiny; it had sun, or suishine: (S, M9 b, 1 :) or it had sun, or sunsdine, all the daytime: or it was, or became, clear, or unobscured: (TA:) or it sam was, or became, ehernent. (IF,M sb.)_, (S,Myb, aor. t (Msb, TA) and , (Msb,) inf. n.-- ; a,)

Boox I.]

to be ridden, by reason of the rehmce of hisforce of resist. [Also 0 The sun, or sunshine.] You say, aW -_:JI ) [He anee, [for ^c 3,J in the TA, I read ;4.J U! [lHe sat in the sun, or sunshine]. (TA.)-Also, (TA.)._Also, (K, TA,) or &,, (M9b,) A di,] and his shares.of temper, so that he certain ancient idol (Msh, ]g.) Accord. to Ibnwould not remainstill: (TA:) or became rebIlious El-Kelbee, it is this that is meant by the proper against his rider. (M9 b.) - [Hence,] J name naine mentioned above; and if so, it is perfectly ;W>JI t The roman abstained from looking at deel.: (Msb:) and sonic ay that it is this also me, and from exriting their desire. (TA.)_ that is meant in the words of the poet cited above, And 1 4 J Sc..h a one showed eamity and that he makes the word imperfectly dccl. J-UL,.L' A sunny, or sunshiny, day; a day hatring because hlie to me: (1 :*) or showed his enmity to me, (T, S, because uses it as a proper name of the c image sun, sun, or sunshine: or hlaving sun, or sunshine, all A,) and alost made it to take effect, (A,) or as (;o5.l). (TA.) = also signifies A hind of the daytime: or clear; unobseured: and in like thoug he pursd necMace to act: (T, TA:) or necklae or eolar: (S, :)or a pelant, or fus- itiatiner, mainatiner, 1 _ and ? _, a clear, cloudles, J signifies, [unless u be a mistake for Itendedornament, ptnded ornament, (,3.,) of the necklace or coUar day: day: and L~Cd .~C also sibgnities intenely iot: the neck: or dithe collar of a dog: (TA:) or (TA:) , anvid for JjW"] he showed his enmity upon a , applied to a day, signifies of womnen s ornanent: of the mase. gender: (TA:) and V [tonwrdt sueh a one], and could not conceal it. a kinl the (Lh, (Lh, TA:) jil. ,._:,. (TA.).- And A kind of the samne as J,..; (A ;) and so t ..;. (Th , (M in TA.) [See also L3.] _-And .JI TA.).=A contb, comnb, (}g,) wcith TA.) wtich women in the first age callefl] A neck havinq [ornaments of the kinul z~~~~~~~~~~ ;~; t ll';in overcomes,and runs awvay with, itwtl edtl to comi; titena.wlres (TA;) as also V ,--"Z [pl. of it drinker. (TA.) t ,. callefl] _ q. v.]: a possessive ePithet. , (1 (IDrd, TA.); epithet. (TA.) m See also W-5-z, ,in two places. . : sec -* 2. P, (TIC,) inf. n. .3, Ie eorv-*ZI LM.0ZI see J. AN shipled the suln. (15, T..) - And lie srad a v_"I 1fiore, and mnot, incompliant or resisting. inV. ing. (IyIam p. 324.) thing in the sun, or sunshine, (AC, Tk1,) in order U &-*P% ....... _o: see that it might dry. (TA.) m, last sentence but one. see see see a . Of, 3. l:, inf. n. [Of, or relating to, tie sun; olar]. and QZ He op*A -1 bp,~ .j *A lade Mr~ [or spread to d ry (see 2)] in the ped him, and treated him with enmity or ho-.a. ae ; l.l IJTie solar year. (Mgh.) -It sun, is sun, or sunshine. (s.) tility. (Tlh, TA.) [See also 1.] al;o also a term applied by some of the Arabs to The first [annual] increase [of slhep and goats]. 4: see1, first signification. -[Also A "rs")Ter lle,per of the sun. (0, TA.) cendeda mountain towarsls te sun. (Freytag, 'Aboo-Naqr, (Aboo-Nayr, TA voce SJ-, q. v.) from the Deewai'n of the ludhalees.)] Se_see ,u The T ihe distosition, in a horse, of refuing 5. .4 lIe (a man) sat in the Ic U.. sun, or sun- totbe ridden, _ [Sittingin or] settinq himself upto or mnounted. (S.) [And hlence,] shine: (TA:) he set kimself up[or erpoedlin- 1 "1"i'W [or exposing himsef stading to] the suin. (g.) t The d ipotion, in a woman, of abstainingfrom h sef stanuding] to the sun. (S, TA.) _ A IZ man wiho defends rhat is behind htis buckh: lookiny at men, and fromexciting their desire: bokin.q IS]i, j,lo lie sais niygaidly, tenacious, or ataricious, Loubst.fromt"O"'. 1(ISh, TA:) a man strwg (IShI,]i, TA) in that a subst. from '-:. . (TA.) to him. (TA.) [See also the part. Pvltich n., below.] which which sustains or supports him; syn. L.: j, 5S ho .~**Z A horse that reCfts to be ridden or a (ISh,TA:) v_ a4,l:(ISh,TA:) t [The l sun ;] the body of the#solar lighit, .gh says ;I ~..xZ; b,tt n nounted; (S,K;) as also 1.t mounted; (.:) : or that te thiat runs its rourse in the firmainent: (Lth,* t, former the is the right reading: (TA:) and nicaltexf.right asesxfright and breaks loose and runs away, re- lar,U!lp TA:) it is fern.: ( S, Mshb, K:) and has neither rimipig lardly, tenacious, or avaricious, to the utAmost rtsing to be rididen, by ream of the vehemence . dgree. (Q.) dtal nor pl.: (Mob:) or it has a pl., [thoughithis n kyree. f fhis force of resistance and hissharpness of is not used in tL pl. sense,] namely, : (3, ,mper, tE emper, so that he will not remain stil: (TA: ]KJ as thoughthey called every part of it a .. 1-0-Z t[ ;eel:]) see 1:])or that wiUhardly remain still: (A:) like as they said j)1 for j,. (.) W hen it ro0 that rebes against his rider: (M sb:) or that 1. !L,, aoraor. inf. :, n. t-;P,.Ie (a man, S, is ma(le determinate withiout the article Jl,[as] rd~ or '~iesto be ridden or mounted, and will hardly # IA) TA) wvas, or betane, gri-zzled in the hair of his in the name , . P meaning The Servant of r'imain enain still: (Mgh:) also applied to a she-camel: head; ead; he had whitenest in the hair of his head, the Sun, (M sh, K1,) i. e., of this luminous object, rA ( TA :) . IiXed ,with (,, applied to a horse is not nI nixecd with its blackne~s: ( Mgh,* $, 10:) as also (M tb,) thi e of heaven, because they used allowable: lowable:(M sb:)pl. L r_r (A, Mgh, Mjb, O) t L.1,i QZ, (;, but wanting in one copy,) andl to worship it, (R,) it is imperfectly dcl., (Aboo- arid L~ id A. .. (1.) -[Hence,] tA woman who t ilL, and? and Lat't, and 'Alec, M sb, K,) because it is determinate and of aJ t/,',: (A :) [or he bstains afrom the fem. gender, (Aboo-'Alee, V,) or because it is ti 58tainsfrom looking at men, and from exceiting ad radhij.Zv hair of tmo different colou,rs, black aund eir desire; eir as also 1. 3,: pl. of the former, nc or he had whAiteens of the hair, or hoaria proper name and of the fem. gender and altered "4'te ktite: In ,;and of the latter, from _:11: t (M sb:) and] is, and a poet says, mixed with the blacknesof youthA: or he ," b A, kJ whiten~, TA.)_Hence a w id itenes, also, or hoarines, in his becard: but (M sb,) : A man refractory, a ut,tractable, t 14)~vt1 .,, .?" . said . - 1 perverse, stubborn, or obstinate, in ~ -z , said of a woman, he had rwhitenen, or di ~position: ( Mqb, S, TA:) and a man hard,' 7aru~l xiinsitine. oarines, in the head: see i ;. ,below.]i [Nay t'erily, b the sun, w wnll assuredl dye / r or ilinatured, in his fnity, rehnaent in ih, g aor. them with blood], making ~ imperfectly decl. a:,aor. ,, (, 1g,) inf. n. i, (,) He mimice him: (TA:) a t because he means the art. ji to be understood: c0 atraroun to him who' ot o4s tliing;hling; ( K;) S, he mixed together any two ,4*. [with .,] ( is not lAr, TA:) but some say that in the former "biowable. ( .) _ thlings: ings: (., Mgh:) and V I4 signifies the same. instance, (Mqb, TA,) and in the latter, (TA,) the hap Hcnce too,] j..0.t TWine: (AHn 1 lz, be:) ( ].) You [E lZ, say, . ; .c'; , m' ; le word in question it overcomes, and runs away with, its m iXcd has a different signification, cai use Led together the water and the milk. (TA.) which will be shown below: (Mqb, TA:) and Sb dri inker, like the horse to which this epithet is A nd i.i: nd ;.. JV J, says that none of the A rabs t M x thou thy work made ~ determi- aPl plied.(. n.) 'tit ith nate without the art. Jl, except in the proper alms. (AZ.) A nd Aboo-'Amr Ibn-El-.'AllI L.. q. , v. 5.m.i dim. of ' ' us ed ed to say to his companions, l [i.e. , either [t. I The

(6, Meb, L,) He (a horse) refused to name M nme mentioned above, in which all of them made be rn or montev : (M,15:)or took fright and it so. (TA.) The dim. is * . (, TA.) broke loos and ran away, reJuing

1507 renet . n,-1 One of the heads of the the Christianm, who 'dtlk of his head, and keeps to the dshares the mniddle church church: (Lth, A, Mgh, 1 :) [in dithe present day, a V deacon deacon: see "xS.:] not pure Arabic, (IDrd,) or not sound Arabic: (M:) [probably, as Golius says, from the Chaldee W,td:] pl. ,. (M19hp (Mgh, AC: [in the TA, 31t:; and in a cop)y of' tite tile A, but the righlit reading is that in tile btL; M1911.1) Mgh.])




108 'A ~,!or t If*:,] meaning t Betake yourslves at one time to reading, or reciting, somewhat of the Kur-dn, and another time to some tradition, and anotlrr time to something strange [that is to be elucidated], and another time to poetry, and another time to lericology; i. e., mix ye these [subjets of study]: (TA:) or, accord. to (liar p. 177; where it is one relation, t J. expl. in a similar manner). 2: see above, last sentence. 4: see 1, in four places. 9: 11: see 1, first sentence.

rwhite lip. (TA.)
: see J.


L.; j

[Flaeh-atmar- desire otherwise than by doing thus: (TA:) [or]

bled withfat]. (Az, TA in art.


playful, tportful, or gamesomc, and woRt to lauyh; (8, I, TA;) and in this sense applied also to a man: or, applied to a woman, that chers by her discourse. (TA.) ;: * see ;.


of the hair of the head mixed Whiteness ', with its blackness: ($, Mgh, .K:) or difference in the hair by being of two colours, black and white: (M, TA:) or mixture of whiteness of the hair, or hoariness, with tihe blackness of youth: (Mgh :) (0, l,) He, or it, ,t3, 2A- , (1,) inf n. 2. or in a man, wnhitenesn, or hoariness, of the beard: jest, or joka game, slxnt, play, to him (Lth, Mgh, TA :) but in a woman, whitenm, or made lIe di)ped the garment, 1 nm hoariness, nf the ewad. (Lth, TA.) [See 1.]- . (0,. 1.) that hairs which is its pl., Wlhite or piece of cloth, in liquifwed p [i. e. wax]. Also ;a , are in the head. (TA.) (0,~.)

~ , A manufacturer of p [meaning wax. ;*.i, IHe plyed, sported, gamed, jested, or or he was mirtfal, and candles]: (TA:) or a melter of p [meaning joked: (S, O,:) :, aor. as abovre, inf. n. t: laughed: and; wax]. (KL.) See also a.,. (TA.) discourse. her by cheered She s, and (MA.) iA candlestick: pl. tt. 2i, -$iaa. A4C1 2 It is said in a trad., ,will (S,* 0) IIe who folloms the practice of play, or A garment, or cloth, dipped in liquifed : sport, or unprofitable play or sport, with men, (g, 0,) and derion and laughter and enjoyment [i. e. wax]. (TA.) with them, God will requite him for that, (0,) or & Z* Musk mixed with ambergri. God will cause him to be in a state in which the And 0.) (9, him. vith doue like shlaUll be (0,1 .) , It was, or became, cattered, , inf. n. or dispersed. (Ibn-'Abb&d, 0, .)


, aor.'

inf. n. t:

and ty


K, TA, [in the CK ; ,]) Q. 1;. j,(0, (TA,) It became scattered or disinf. n. , signifies The persed. (O, , TA.) ~ And reading, or reciting, of the Jews, (f., 0, ], TA,) J.. (TA: [but I u.: when tley assemble know not what this means:]) one says of them j l]. *l (TA.) [i. e. The lanp, or lighted Nwick, , 'J.a (8>) mizes i4. eJl p Je: Mixed; as also tJj;: togethir; ($,TA;) applied to any two thins; dji.ffued it light. (S, Ji.) Q. 4. ~ 1 lie hastened, made haste, or went i (S;) or any two colours. (TA.)- _ and pa, both chaste accord. to ISd: quickly; syn. ,. l: this is the primary significain the ]~, ,,2 which is a mistake; (TA;) A (TA:) accord. to Fr, (S,0, Msb,TA,) the former tion. (Ilam p. 282.) One says of a she-camel tamil (TA) in which are blackness and whiteness is post-classical; (S, 0, Msb, V, TA;) but ISd meaning She hastened, &c. (S.) - And 4i.l ~ ~) A horse i, says that this is a mistake: (TA:) accord. to ISk : c:1, (g, TA.) And IThe canole rwnt, or went away, -,. Jt'l one should say the latter, and not the former: whose tail are two colours. (TA.) And ~ ;t themlves, by reason or accord. to hlim, the word is with fet-h and scattered or dispersed (Kh, ., i;I A bird having a ewhiten~ (Lth, I: ) (TA:) .g spriglhtliness: or of briskness, liveliness, to the ^, and some of the Arabs make the , ]I.)(Lth, tail the in scattered (Lth) became or blackness and ; O, I :) or spread themseles, quiescent: accord. to Th, it is with fet-h. to the.e l: (Aboo-Turlb, . 4 A plant of whrich part is dried up as also ,-layou may make it quiescent : or dipersed; will, you if and t par and or dispersed, going or dried up and yellow, (Lth, S, ],) accord. to IF, the J is sometimes with fet-h; s o TA:) or became scattered like manner, (Kh, in And (TA.) fre quickly. [away] Jl, [in a copy of the that he gives one to understand that it is more gren (Lth,1.)-4 :, (Kh, $, 0, ,) WI J1 which is probably. a mistranscripC quently made quiescent: (Meb:) A kind of tkinm , O,) Mgh, t il, a mdden attack mixtur making the of horsemen because The : :) I ) meaning tion,] SThe davwn: (S, with whrich one lights himnucf: (8, 0, Myb, m d, themtdves; di~ darknes or the of scattered, remains enemy the tle of its whiteness with or i. q.j [which, or rather ., in Pers., signi - upon ,a"l. (Aboo-, is its'colour o because or which of Mgh:) (Aboo-Turib,I],*TA;)andso both r (., of night: fies both wax and the wax-candle; (TA.) whiteness. and darkness The mixture of .1 ja.l &iJI v _ rather theformer and a-candles,aremeantby: _ TurAib, TA.) And t Milk which is such that one knon rand .:]: (ISk, TA:) or the ' of honcy [i. e. people, or company ofmen, hastened, and scattered !i L.e not whether it be sour or what has been coUecte or dispersed themslves, in seeking; (Aboo-Turab, bee' wax]: (Lth, g:) the n. un., (CK,) or wha Lt in a skin, and hadfresh milk poured upon it, blyidenotes (Aboo-Turab, TA.)~ colpie in (so s S, O, 5;) as also 1.,. a piece, or portion, thereof, . TA, (8, ;, with reason of its pleasantnes. (JA,TA.) - 4. is TA,) the of the J and in ) And iq. O.l [q.v.]. (O,..) S Children of thom half are males and halfa rc and U4Z, (TA,) [i. e.] aZ has a mor I and with;: see the following paragraph. J females. (L, 15.)


particular signification.

(S, 0.)


: 3 Ja..t..Aswitiffshe-camel; (Az,8;)orsoL p. ,a; ( [as there mentioned ayl :or and J(s ;a and* X ,(O,.) d meaning A dealer in wax or wax-candles, lih e (O :) and * L& L;;, A man (O) having the hair of his het ?iu t in the present day,]) a rel. n. from p or (1) a she-camel brisk, lively, or s.rightly, (0, V,) grizzled; having whiteness in the hair of A ,nd .ift, (IK,) and light, active, or agile. (TA.) (TA. [The latter said in the 1J to be tl ae head, mixed with its blackness: ($, VI:) [or who Se p. U t4." in the first of these senses is [said to be] correct form.]) hair is of two differnt colsurs, black and whin I A water-skin of from the phrase sor having whiteness of the hair, or hoarine orjokins jting and 111.)-Aleo laughter (Ij.arp. and out. ).' Mirth Y; which the rater fions 'nixed with the blacknes of youth: or harvi ing a pene. laving or penetrating and as also V c;k. (TA. [Not mentioned there as A man quick nhiteness, or hoarinss, in his beard: see ; woman. active very a ;, with and tratite energy: above:] or whose hair of his head is white in om.*, 1n inf. ns.]) (TA.) A man light, active, or agile; ecellent, a: place, the rest being black: (Mgh:) fem. iU&.: mind, manners, &c., or clever, ints, j, _ applied to a woman, (S, $,) Thatjes or elegant, in (Lth, ., Mgh:) one should not apply to a wom an A man in mind: or tali (.) acute or genmous, s; orjokes, much; (,, TA;) pleasant in discours ] : ) pl. !O .: (S, the epithet t'k : (Lth, M&h acti~, light, and nerg~etic, or strmnuous, vigorow, one' li, A she-canl hari O that kiss one, and will not comply with and Lj.. (J1.) -L : see _ S See also >".





., (~, TA,) or -- i- ,(O, O, 7. J, 1 i. q. or agile. (I:Iam p. 384.)- Also applied to milk, isis a mistranscription of the passage in the ---. * TA,) which signify lie passed along [both of TA,) which sourits by overcoming i.e. 0Ji C.-I*Z, TA,) here followed; (Q, which I have Sour, meaning * %: giriving, and the latter signiexerting himself; or st;.iving, ns. (TA.) ' J:.. ')lt, D, .; or of a similar passage in flee fies also he acted with a penetrative fore or alone.]) etier,mj; which 15.L which energyj; and he hastened, or went quichkly;] 0 is put instead of are separated, when they two persons says bf One ) [in [in hi needful affair]. (0, TA.) -.g . .s tt [Their wind has become north, 1. j ! ', aor. '; and.,_, aor. ; (8, 't 8. And And i. q. t.,! [lIo hastened; went quickly; or * , q. v. [See also Mqb, 1];) but the latter verb was unknown to AC, or northerly]. (TA voce 0 nus .: mus quirk, swift, or]: (1i:) or so (, TA,) and is said by I to be rare; (TA;) J;:.])--_D _1 . ,, (K,) aor. a, in n. (thus or of IDrd:) authority as on the in the 0, (thus inf. n. J.;,, (Mb, 1,) which is of the former, J:1, the wine to the Jl. so ?j1, Ie J., (TA,) 'expoed to my (thus accord. JL:'l: inf. n. t [i. e. north, or northerly, w7vind], so that it became (1(;) [i. (M,b,) and J,:, (Mqb, ]g,) and .:'; copy of the Msb :) and likewise (0 O , 10) tJ , [i. e. The evnt, or case, included them cold, or cool. (K.) - And ,.,(, and in like i. q. .~a 0, V,) (S, O, ,) inf. n. * _:: ( :) and so V i, in common, in general, or universally, within the manner manner in the Ham p. bo5,) or 1i1.:,[expressly QCJ ,C A inf. n. (TA.) And i. q. -- l (O, (K,) n. ,. compass of its effect or effects, its operation or said to be] like 1i (K, ., [but this I think to be operationu, itu i:/uence, or the li/e]: (C, Msb, a mistake, the weight of authority, and the form TA) and 1, (TA,) [both meaning It became , (aord. of the part. n., which is jjia., being against it,]) contracted,] as used by a poet in relation to a r ". and J or orr They rcere snitten, or blown upon, by the wvind she-camel's udder. (O, TA.) i, (in the Thmj to different copies of the ]~,) like .1 j ', , (]i,) 8. caW tilc Jlt. 96, (S, .) 6, "'I CId, or like t) [app. means he, or it, caused calld or innralped, LJ*;: Hel wrapped, 8. Aaor. ', inf. n. J., (TA,) He picked the '?Pe ipc himmlf O:) or (, 0;: himself with his garment; syn. , that] good or evil, or good and evil, betided them dates that ner uron the palm-tree; as also [in common, in general, or universally]: and dates 1 at1JtD J..;l signifies he wrapped the garment tt 3.L*I, and 4 .t.,: (C :) or this last (which around [i. e. he, or it, in around the whole of his body so that his arm, or "~ 4 !. [means] o. , l,,s t is mentioned on the authority of Seer), accord. to hand, did not conme forth from it: (IJ:) or, as included thenm in common, in general, or unitwr- some some,y signifies he took of the Jtl4 of the palm- some say, hw wralwped himtself with the garment, saly, with, or by, evil]: (]g:) but one should not tree; i. e., of the few dates remaining upon it. and tlhew [a part of] it upon his leftjide. (TA.) tree (TA.) [Whether what precedes, (TA.) say, 1.,1. [See or what next follows, should be regarded as l, which is forbidden [See also 5.] ;'tl_ JtIj 2. J ; [properly inf. n. of j..]: see , of by the Prophet, is,accord: to Ay, The wrrappin!g giving the primary signification of 4~, is unwhich it is an anomalous inf. n. (TA.) - And ommif wliich onesef with tit ge r.'amu so as to cover with it his and . J 5, aaor. , inf n. certain.] for its proper verb see 7. l Also The taking by body, not raisinga .:idc thereofin such a manner eloped] him with the a4, (Ii, the le covered [or the Jt: [or Ieft hand]. (TA.) - And J, that that there is in it an opening from which he may O TA,) or, with the iiL: such is thoughlt by ='i'1 He bound pices of [the garments called] put forth his hand, or arm: ( :) this is also 18d to be meant by the explanation given by Lh, of 'U.JI: and sometimes one reclines in the 4-9-11 termed ;-1 [pl. of L..] beneath the racemes of the torined .4& . ((TA.) which is, "1l,1l pilm-tree, palm-tree, because of it ihtaking off its fruit. state thus described: (TA:) but A'Obeyd says, accord. to the explanation of the lawyers, it is the [i. e. Tlhis isa al. nfficient (TA.) -, means . . oneself with one garment, wnot nyapping in its dinmensions, or su liCently large, for thee]. having nrapping 4. : see 1, first sentenec. _. , 4. !OZ,. upoki andt it on one side raising then him anotitelr, upon 4; ,.t1 [I bought "'' j'i, ' (AZ, , 0,) inf. n. Jt2 ; (8;) or (TA.) You say, puttin.g and [so says S1gh; houlder: upon his 1 putting it .>, a al. sm!ff.ient in its dimesions, &c., for me]. to-W IJ_* J*.Z; (1;) The stalUon-canel got he adds,] he who explains it thus has regard to Ia.-W t,. , nor. ;, (S, O,K,) (ISk, S, O.) - lt.t toith with youngfrom half to two thirds of the number the dislike of one's uncovering himself and ex8, 0,) said of a she-camel, (,., O, 1],) inf. n. J (f, of his J* [or she-camels that had pasted sren posing to view the pudenda; and he who explains She admitted iml)regnating seed, (1K,) or she or eight months since the period of their bringing it as do the lexicologists dislikes one's covering ).F &, [.from the stallion of coneived, ;' his whole body for fear of his becoming in a state forthl forth]: (AZ, , O, K :) when he has got them all Iiis a's ' sch a one]. (m, 0.)- '..L:I _ in which his respiration would become obstructed witli with young, one says, 4, ; (AZ, S, O, TA;) and Your camels eonealed among theln.a he-camel beso that he would perish: (0:) or it is one's of the J.Z one says, C_3, inf. n. ,. (TA.) the whole body with the ,L -t or with the longing to us, by his entering amid their dens mul- of covedng his covering 0, J.*ZI titude: (IS, TA:) so in the M and the Mo.eet. '1J_ ~ J*lI Such a one picked the ripe jljl jlj; (S, Msb;) to whlich some add, not raisinj [or palm-tree of aught dates that were upon his .i (TA.) _- ;% ).*Z, aor. ' (9, 1) and , (1g,) datm aught of thi sides thereof. (Mb.) [See also art. which inf n. )..,, (;,) Ile slpended upon the ewe, or she- which he gathered the fruit for himself and his .. ] One says also, ,?;l, ,U j. [HC 1, ltoumhobi], except a few. (., 0.) - See also and bound it aousehold], goat, the kind of bag called JLt, 'O' n-raps wnraps his garment over the srcord; or] he covers last sentence. -1 lI.Z. He gave him a upon her udder: (S, K, TA:) and some say, last the sword with his garment. (9, O.) - [Hence, [q. v.]. (K., TA.)- i_lJI j.:1: see 1. _ J.*Z upon the she- [q. h3ut J..1, he suspended a Jt t.ZI It compreended, or compried, ,J).l.Z1 fL 1, ., (Lh, TA,) or, of lie became possessor of a camel. (T, TA.) Also, and t L,lI, He put to lle J. ;_jl nwh such a thing.] One says,.Jjl u 194I They entered upon [a time ('.(.') the ew, or sie-gtoat, (]g, TA,) or he mnade for a J wind t The nwomb comprises [or encloses] the young. , (K, in which blew] thie [north, or northerlyj,] 1wind (TA.) [And in like manner one says of a woman, her, (TA,) a JL:. (1K, TA.) -. &W 1 ] :) like as they say,; TA,) inf. n. .,, (TA,) IIe took [in it, i. e. in termed JL1Jl: (., O, t She became with child by '.~. z .. .;J' 2hiJ ' (TA.) .J?q.. of the thie case in,*z'&'.. travedling it, (see the pass. part. n.,)] the direction him. ,t. :.01 t The I. L. & him. And lij oft/e left hand; syn. Jl.JI ! P J: (V., TA:) see 1, latter half. - See also 7. book, or writing, compr~s uch and swuch things. '09 J:, , J. , (see 5 in And hence the phrase in grammar, Jl;t. 5. a4.:J- j. , [and ' il ,a aor. , so expl. by IAar. (TA.)-j Mqb t t (s, O, 0 TA) and J0 , (0,) or #J, art. inf. n. ; '1 ;) the A substitute for an antecedent to indicate an and ejerli, art. w.oj,)] inf. n. J* (TA,) The wrind shifted to a northerly direction former reg.; the latter, which is mentioned by implication implication therein.] - One says also, j..;1 Lb., irreg., an instance like that in the saying [in At ('41); (S, TA;) so expl. by LI: (TA:) or the Lb, , meaning t The event [such as a misAl I 0 ; as also the lur lxxiii. 8], , wind blew northerly; syn. ,J, H l ; (TA;) He fortune or an evil of any kind beset him, or beset t,: . (0. [In the TA, I find .Jl Z.:1 covered himself with tlw 'lz [q. v.]. (g.) [See him on every side, or] encompased him; (1, TA;) like as the t.' 1 encompasseo the body. but this, I doubt not, also 8.] ".4. J: JlL.1 ,e:

l00w (TA.)One says of wine, JJI 1u Ji ' _r.LUj i t [It compasses the intellect, and so takes posesion of it, and makes arayn itl it]: (Ham p. W:) or e "ll J;c i& a -p t [It compaces the intellect of the man, anul conceal it]; and thus one says of the present world or its enjoyments (iJsl). (TA.) [J,lZI

[Boox I.
wnhile not abundant and larye. (TA.)i See also J. = And 9 , , ~jAn sipLifies Fear, or f ri,ght, like insanity: and so Vt I. [used alone, and thus written]. (TA.)

t .t: see the next preceding paragraph, near the end.

): . see .. , in two places. Also i. q. l..I -- often means t lie took, or got, pos. session ef a thing; got it, or held it, within hi., x j [as meanllilt Quarter, or shelter or progra.p, or in his pose.:sion.]- [Icrnce,] one tection]: %. 1 in the copies of the ]g being a

mistake for A.U1 : one says,, L ) '~ i.e. ";~ ~ [WVe are in your' quarter, &c.]. (TA.) = And A snall quantity (S, .K) of dates upon a palm-tree (S) or of ripe dates: (1 C:) and a4Z: : sec Js , in two places. of rain: (S, K:) anid a small nnmber (S, K) of 311 R. Q. 1. j-i: see 1, last sentence: _ and Imen and of camels (S) or of men &c.: pl. jL;,l: ,y.: seeo,Ji., J_.Z: sec also 7. a a10So and in like manner j, jt [app. in all of these 1.: : sec J.*, near the end of the paragraph. ,J. A 1state of union or com) and a applications]; (K;) [or] as me;aning a light = ~ Also, (TA,) and a.; (S, O, , TA;) the state .f disnnion or discompxsedneo : thus lhaving quantity of firuit of tile palm-tree; (TA;) and the 1hriner f1rmer nplplicd to a he-camel; (TA;) and the two contr. sigrifications: (MF, TA :)or a united, pl. of the latter is j1~: (1; :) one says, b latter to a slh-camcl, ns also * j3, and ? ~.l , or )comlmed, state *f the aflfhii), (.8, Myb, TA,) K, (V, 0, Msb, TA,) whichl arc liicwise applied ,i '1 '1' s and ' 'Ci and tJ&lC anlld qf the number, (TA,) of a peolple, or comTlhere i not ,lpon the palm-tree sace a nsmall to a lie-canmel, (TA,) and VJ,.Z; (.K;) Liglt, Ia ny of m en: (S, Mhsh, TA :) and a disunitevd, or g tf its fruit: (S, TA :) or active, or agile; (S, 0, Msb, ] ;) or mwft. (Msb, di.romlousd, state of the ajffiirs [&c.] thereof. quantity remat;nin, V -i-; a I1 , andt J'jJ: Tthere ],TA.) (S, Mhgh, Myb.) In imprecating evil upon eneK, TA.) Hence the phrase * i .l ' U1 [I miiis, (0, TA,) [or ulon an enemy,] one says, remained not upon the palm-tree save somelvhat ha.0ened ha.stenedt my light one, or my mn,fi one]: or, in a slarc .state[of its fi.uit]: (TA:) and Lo$lacc6rd. accord. to AA, he means his hand, or arm, called ,""""""""-1 a (O, TA,) or > , *Z A small quantity of rain felU upon the Jl.; (Mt:h,) or ' ,l 3, (s,) i.. . [lay God 4 [i.e.Ilotwredn,,yb-ft [i; e. I lo,wred ny left hand or ann;] 2 ulimsolre, break up, dirnomnx, derange, n dism, us: and jel; U ,1 jl.,Z and Jlz meaning the same. (S, O.) ; lj I sa1 w a jd_ !Iani:e, disorder, or unsettle,] their, (Msh,) or smal nub,ner of men and of cameL,. (g.) his, (S,) united, or comnnuel, state of affairs; JL.Z, JL., (S, O, Msb, ]K, &c.,) the most common Sec also Jtl,, in two places: And seo e , (s, Mh1;) antd ';1 - i. e. [Aa: their united, form of the word, (M.b,) and t Jit., 1 last sentence. [a form cir COmnpsedX, state of saffri,'s &c.] become diswhichi I think oldjectionable as likely to cause wliicli sodrel, bhroken up/, diwompol)nmel, rc.: ((), TA:) Wrapping, t or inwrapping, himself cosifusion, confusion, though it is probably the original form,] g#, nnatd [in tihe contr. case] o,ne says, di4' (* ' ) mwith, a -i-2, [q. v.]. (TA.).m And (11) (1,) and VJl.Z, (S, O, Msb, K,) and ?tJt, (,, O, Myb, TA,) or 4.i., (Mglh,) i. e. [Mahy Tlhin, syn. LP: thlus expl. by Shi, as applied in M (, 0, IK, [in one place in the O crroneously ('od niite, or compose,] their, (S, M.b,) or his, this sense by 9 1. tl 9 Ibn-Mukbil to a she-camel's tail, writteit written J.,,]) and tj.'U, (.,O, Mob, ],) (Mgh,) disunited, or discomposed, state of afhairs which lie terms id.l (TA.) wliicli whichi last is formed by transposition, (S, 0, Msb,) (&e.]. (~, Mgh, MMb.) And Vt 1j signifies the and * j.L, without ., (MF, TA,) and J.j.i, same: EI-3Ba'ceth says, ;!,; A [garment of the hind callel] tS, and O , I,) (0, and , ( and f JeJ wvith which one wraps, or in;wraps, himsetf and t J (z;,) (11) and Vj.J , (S, 0, MIl,, g,) and t ,j (., * (d. j4~), (S, Mgh, g,) snaller than the * .I . . . l . aaa a a .* .1 Msh,, .K,) the last said by 8Id not to have been iai ; as also , (K) and * ; (8, i;) heard except in the poetry of EI-Ba'eeth, (TA,) all [.omletines, or often, God raises the young man the last two expl. by Lth as a 'l-, haring a al and t J.Z, (MF, TA,) [every one of these] used after a stnmble: and sometimes, or often, God .sarse villous sub.tance, writh which one wvraps as a suibst. and as an eplithet, (],) [so that one unites, or romlx~es, what is dissolved, or broken ' himself, smaller than the ikj: (TA:) or tihe says jl.ll C &c. as well as J; q &c. up), Of the state of affairs previously united, or first significs a smtall ;L 7t'hich one nears in ,rmposel]: (., 0:) AZ cites this ex. in his and Jl &c. alonc; The north nind: or a "Nawatdir:" (s:) but Aboo-'Omar El-Jarmee the manner ,'ethe ljl [or wraixt-wral)l)r] : (Msb:) ntj; no,thel,l wripul:] the windithat is tlhe opposite to says that ihe had not heard the word thus except or with the Arabs it is a Jj; [or waixt-trrai,pe,r] the : Ms.b :) the nwind that blonms from the in this verse: (S, O:) Ibn-Buzurj, however, of vool or of [,fats'] hair, whic., one nraps dircttion tlip.rt.tion of ite J [or ]]: (8:) or the cites another verse as presenting an ex. of the round him,: and t :', tnch as is mnade of tno wind that bl,lnr.sfrom the direction of the Jjsame. (TA.) - ,I. ) 1J and l lj;, said pieces sened twjjether, nith vwhicih a man wraps [wiiich [which is on what is called the north, but what is of a lhe-camel that ilas become concealed among a himself waen he sleep by night: (Az, TA:) and rather to be called the northi-west, side of the herd of [shle-] camels, means lie entered amid this last, accord. to Meyd, signifies a ,.' com- K"beh] Ka.beh]: .1(M, .K :) or the wind that blows from their len.e mNltitude: (Q, TA:) so in the M prising the steel with wh7icih one stries Jfire, the direction of the right hand of a person facing with the and the Mo!eec. (TA.) Also, (AHn, O, g(,) the apparatus of this latter: (IIar p. 628:) the the .Kiblel [by which is meant the angle of the Blac Black Stone; i. c., correctly speaking, from the and so j* , and J:, , (g,) A raceme of a pl. of the first is jtL (Myb, TA) and ,m,j,.]: north]: (Thi, M, K :) or, correctly, the wind that alma-tree: (Agn, O, :) Et-TirimniAl likens (Msb.) [See also JL...] .. [Hence the saying,] blonu blonb from between the place of sunrie and the thereto a camel's tail: (TA:) or such as hos X ;iJl 4JSeII . ? [The night contracted upon consteRation constelation of tihe ear ( little fruit: (14:) or of which sonme of the fruit z i): or from has been pluched: but AO used to say that it is him its covering of darkness]. (TA.) - And between the place of unrise and the place of the produce [or spadix] of the male palm-tree, .a : Tthe present rorld, or its e,joymcnts; opeting tetting of the consteUllation of the Eagle (jal she-camel and wvent anay with her. (AZ, O.) And .,:l, t lie sltruded, cotered, or proteted, hini, with himnelf, or his ow'n persown. (TA.) ... Se also 7


W,a.iU iJ Uj. J.1

t lIe mounted a

,64 .,3 syn. YW1A: (IAar, V, TA:) so called becaume j compassing the intellect of a man (, J. J1,__ &U,.), and concealing it. (TA.) - And t Wine: (AA, K, TA:) so called for the same reason. (TA.) - And The un. (Z, TA; and T in art.,*1). art..,l). 0.6 A.. mode, or manner, of Jt;:l [or wrapal*Z ping oneself wtith a garment as expl. above: sce Ping 8]. (K, TA.) LL,t.I .Jl is That [mode of wrapping one-elf] which is without a Jhirt and irrapping without wintthont dravwers beneath; in the case of which, prayer is disliked. (TA. [Sec 8, and see also art.. o])


J L,

BooxK I.] ,51.II) (IA~r,~:)[i. e. the iwin 1tlat blows from som point of tha. north-east quiarter, or nearl,y so: but it was probabily thius named as being the wind that blows frontt thte direction of the jLQ, (or 191 siele) of a person faicinig the risig sun; and therafibre the north wind or a northerl winid:] it seldomn, or niever, l,lom.s in the nighit: (1~:) whien it blows for sevent datys uapon the peop)le of Eggypt, tlhey prepare the graveclothes, for its nature is deadly: it is cold anid dry: (TA :) [see also A2i :] thle 1)1. of jl~ is .,%1*J; (SI, 0, 1) anld which is anomalouis, a pal,n-tree, made with pieces of [the garments calledi] Z..i[pl. of Lb,int ordler that thte fr-uit ina iut lbe sliahen tpiff. (,5, 0.) [In thlis sense it may perhaips bc fromn the same word as pi. Of iA dA mark mtadle ovith a loot iron ( )upojn the vidert of a ewe or_goat. (. ~Also A ntieirie; or a natural disposiflon or truiper or 1l1e (0, M.Rb, ]~ :) accord, to ErR ghl,so called becatuse [it isuas thioughi it were a thing] iiiwruppling, tte manii [and restrictinig Ihis fr-eedomi of actioti], like as the [garments calle(l] J1,* [pl. of al*Z] inwrap th c bodly: (TA:) the

1001 10

tL.U : see )L;l.


J!t1.,.. i. q.s[i. e. An event, or a cawe, that includ(es persons5 or thiings in common, in general, or up4irersutlly, i?rithipt the compasts 9' its effect or ~/rt,its opera lion or operations, its influence, or the like; or theat is commona, general, or sonirersal, ini itsl eff.ct &c.]. ( ,0 ALib, TA.)J ~ Ci_A blackl colour overspread iwith anwthwr co,lour. (0, TA.)


am thoughfi PI. of iiiz: (8, 0:) JLA't also ~~~:see seems to be rarely utsed as a singg. in thlis selisc,] oeccurs, coupledl withi in a verse of Etmay be a pL., like (TA; and Hjam p. 489, see &. Also A A/ort sivord, , Tirinmm(ah and [as a reg. pl. of 4,;e1 q. v.) 'Abdl-Yaghiootli EI-W~urithce says, 0 5)or a shortsandt slendter swo)rd, like the whlich is a pl. of 1Sd thjinks4 thait tlmes ;Z.,(TA,) oicer which&a mtan covers hiimse(wf *~~~~C. formned fromn J..i the PI. j.;and then fr-om htis garau. t,0, 1. thjis last, the 1,1. JUZI (TA.) - [1Ience,] one A- The jilaice [or vluarter.] ir.hencre bloprs the [Know not ye lpieo that. the fiti;l;~ of cenure is [niorth, or northerly, wrind cailledl] JL". (I.Iumt m brother is not of mny ceived from suck a sine an odour, appl. mieaniing a litlteI, andl my! cnring p. 028.) natitre, or 9' miy natural dlisp)ositions?] : (0, foul odouir]. (TA.) TA:) here it may be a pl., of the class of j& see al..Z, in two place. jL:- (,5, 0, MAhsK, &c.,) applied to one of aniitl~ b or it may be [(Jt.;,] an instance of the hanst&9 or arins, (,S Ms,)'hcl/ onptr. o~f JL*.* A [garmewnt of the kindy called]Li.L transposition, for (TEA.)inSce also J.!.~i (IS, TA;) ielt irk wich&one iviraps, or tinwamitj, (8, 0, MMIh, K;) as also tJI, (1~, TA, kiiise?f (.L JzI. (T. See also 4:1.] [in tIie CIX, jl. a aid Jt*i I a me erromacomslyi it*.Z and itz see jtL.. * j, put for jt*Jit and J~J )tile laktter- thought liv ae jLl - Also Wine:(,1) or sel A mnn smitten, or blown, upon, b#i else lsd to In. uid'f oilvy by potclicenlse, fi,r w.ine that is cool (K~, TA) to tlwe ta.'te; butt this is; [niorth, or,] ,eindi called J"~: (S5, 0 :) (TA,) and il (AA, 8, 0, K~,) this last niot not of valtid authtor.ity ; (TA;) as also 'tX a.nd in like maniner, a meadowv, mavd a pool of' kniownt to Km nior to AM : (TA :) of the fein. [winie is said to hec] thuis called because it envelops water left by a torrent; (0 ;) or, applied to this

pl. is 15A1

(0, K, TA,) andl JL., also, [whiicht

4 .iis

( ,Ml 0~, pl. [of pailc.] I (, (j.)men withi its odour :'or becauise it hias a 1~)bcueit is fi. (.0) anld [of st rong puiff (3~) [whien opened,] like thant snubl.] 'et;!, 0, MAls, 1~)whieb is amioma- of the [wind called] jtl. [in the CK JLA..] 1010Kl, (O 0) anid 0-Z and -L like the sinig. (Is, TA.) (K~.) -And The direet.ionp [or se/c] oif theg hanid UP cailled: yout say, ' USLe4 L. C.06 i. e. [liec see looked, or turnedI his fa!e,] in thec direction of the JJL.*, [thius in my original, without any syll. C~ andt in the dfirection i,f thed Jt.,: and the signs, probably SI,like !5~ &c.,] Thelrisg 1,1. in lthis sense also is JwZI. and 5.i:(r) placre (ij;) of a hunater or spotmawn: PI. 4 ~ lewent (TA.) you say, yL.,jJI~

genlder :

0, MIbII,

to the right sides, iLy' the cakniels and the lift sides ther.eof. (TA in tart. - [1Ience,] 1 1ll

last, smittfen b,j the wind thuis called so asr to beconme cooil: (,5:) and( hentce, withl 5, winle 1cool to the taste; (~,p 0, TA ;) or winec exr,sosed to tloe JL~andl so rendered cool and pleautnnt : (TA see also J3*Z:) and flire uempon whsich the wrind called Ihw J1..Z~has blown:(i 0:) anid a niighit cold, ntith [wvinil that is called] jt~. (TA.) -[Heceic,] I One whose iaatursaldipoiton liked, approved, or jinuid( pleasant : (15>:) fronm [thie sanie epithet applied to] water upon whbichi the jL; hias blownt, and whichl it hias cooled: or,

luck, un;lutckiness, or eril fortun?e. (1~, TA.) ' ' ot;.~t means 1 Birds of ill luckt: (A, TA:) And A cold day. (KL.) everyj bird, from, wchich one avegurst evil. (0, ' 0 0 1~ see J..., in two places: m and see TA.) Onec says, 3 I L eain

~jL.. Of, or relating to, ithe quarter of the J~[or ,wrth, or northerly, wvind]. (KL.)_...

as ISd thiniks, from

J 0t o


[q. v.]: (TA:) or.

t Whtat was disliked, or hated, h&appe-ned to him: as though the bird [to whichi this is likened] came to hiim from the JQZ [or direction of the left hand]. (TA.) And whien the place that a person occupies is rendered evil, one says, L 1J-Jt [Suich a one is wvith me, or in my estimnation, in an evil plight]. (TA.) - See also - Also E7very hand.ful of corn, or seedproduce, whtich theo reaper grasps [app. because grasped with hiis left hand]. (15.) - And A sort of bag that is put upo the udder of thte ewe or goat (g, 0, ]g() when it (i. e. the udder, TA) is heavy [with milk] : (J~, TA:) or it is peuiar to -the sthe-goat : (15:) PI. J .". (15 voe 0 ;. And A similar thting that is put to the raccin of Bk. I.

JL..o. _j4 ; and itB pl. seeJ..Z, amt~ in thiree places--- jJL;1 also sig'nifies The shoots that diva ricate at tihe heads of branches, like the fruitstalks of thte racemne of the palm-tree. (S, 0.) - 01 4 *~~~~' j~-, . t -, ' w-r" W"[Hence,] jj; lj. ' 7They went away in distinct parties: (15>.) or thmey dispersed themtselves. (5, is ex pl. by IAQr as meaning t Her familiarity passes away wvith thte j t,.i, and her proinises piz 0.) - Anid 5 L~ ` & A garmnent, or piceC of away with 1/sw s,q. j [whiich is the opposite of the clotha, rent, or slit, in several places; (0, TA;) J1*]:or, as some relate it, like (g, 0.) SiI j in. eans
-i~&--6 !A8 J, P a

a inan wciot o naturatl disposititmus coinwiied;na being- likented to wine that iis arc commniided: and also whose muaturpal disoitmii ins are discommendled; as thiouigh from JLo2Jl, because thecy do niot coanneied it whien it disperKse ,.9 i ' the clouds: (kiar p. 285i:) [for] 3YI [somietimes] meains di.,riccon&epded, evil, niatural disposmitions*. (IAglr, ISk, TA.) The saying of Aboo-Wejzelh,

0 'O4tl; [i.e. The remains of L$#_AIt: but I doubt whether this word be correctly transcribed]. [meaning in like manner, as is said, in the TA, on (TA.) the authority of IApr, in art. ~oq:or,] accordi. J a ;' to ISk, mneaning her familiarity is commended,

160oo2 with rain, is desired for o, because the abundance of herbage; and her promises are _ai]j Yj,, a phrase not commended. (TA.)used by Zuheyr, is expl. as meaning t [A tract, or place, towards which one journeys,] that separates friends; because the [wind called] J;it disperses the clouds: (TA:) or it means quickly [or soon] becoming elxpsaedl to vieow; (ISk, O, TA;) from the fact that when the wind called the JL.. blows the clouds, they (delay not to become cleared away, and to depart: (0:) or, (TA. [Seo also 4 e;]) 4: see 1: -and sec also what next follows. jj

[Boox I.

L" [or old and room-out rvater-skin or tte like]. they applied the term O.: to every portion of the
and then pluralized it thus; but he says that he had not heard .;$ as a pL of C; except in this case: (TA:) the water in a jZ is cooler [than that in a skin not so old]. .(Mgh.) It is said in a prov., i J [A conf~ed and clattering noise will not be made to me with the old and worn-out water-skins to frighten me]: (S in the present art.: [in the $ and AC in art. 7, with Ct in the place of 's; and in the g in that art., with di in the place of J :3) i2 .itl;J is applied to him who will not be abased by imisfortunes, nor frightened by that which has no reality: (Sgh ancd I in art. t :) or it means, he will not be deceived nor frightened: O i, being pl. of 0j, a dried np skin, which is shaken to a camel to fiighlten Ihirm. (L and TA in art. e.) AAn old man is likened to thle skin thus termed. (Halr p. 67,5.) And * a;" signifies also IAn 'fn-out eol rwoman; as being likened to the skini tllus termned. (IAtr, TA.) And one says, .JI 5i . , ellilen g tScurh a man raised h;Ii/S.fboeri si uRpon the lpalm of his hand. (lKh, -,,, i.e. A butt, [npp. np TA.) - Also i. q. at Nlich on,e Cshoots or casts: prolbably becaue an old water-skin was sometimes used as a butt]: pi. as above. (Ishl.) - [And, as Freytag states, on the authority of Meyd, t Dry herbage.] Also ll(,eahk . (TA.) L,: see ;: , in two l)laces.

5. -i,l : -(W, and t (S, 1K,) and 1' , (1,) Th7 vaterskin bet 1 and t- came old, and worn out: (S, K:) or tsu, said of skin, or a skin, does not signify thus, but signifies, (AA, S,) or signifies also, (K,) and so CZ, (S, AC, TA,) said of the skin of a man, in exshlrivell.l, treme old age, (S,) it contracted,.srank, 1l t. ,&.t or wvrinkled; or became contracted or lshrun . accord. to IAar, it means J.JI [in which the direction of the left hatnd is taken]. &c.; (f, g, TA;) and dried upl: (S, TA:) and (TA.) - In the saying, t -;wj.lis likewise said of the skin of a man, meaning, it became old, and norn out, lile tle old, ,t as;. i * (IHnar p. 675.) It is said in and worn-out, . the meaning is, ,1.s [i. e. One in a state offrigkt a trad., * tl. '. S ,. 9 l~iJI [expl. in art. became pregnant with him in a certain nikht]. i;]. (TA.) See also a tropical ,usage of V :. in a trad. cited in the first paragraph of art. ~1. (TA, referring to the phrase '... >.) lJ; is also said of the skin of a manl as One says, 4 O: s meaning It became alteredl [fJ;r t/h! worse] in see . .-.. like as one says Jn [i. e. le came odour, in extreme old age. (TA.) hanring his tnword hung upeon him]. (TA.)_ 6. t,.3: see 5, in three places. - Also It was * [Sucl a one or became, mixed. (1..) And ;l& came conceiving a calamity]. (TA.) 7. [>1 It became pour,ed out, or forth; it flowed. (Freytag, from the Dcewin of the HuI t Tle I s .,.. .s. dhalees.) - Hence,] . 1. ;Q1 , (S, Mgh, .K,)aor. t, inf. n. e:, wolf 7made an incursion among the dweel) or goats; -t. (Mghl, TA,) lie scattered the water; (S, Is;) or as also ~jt: mentioned by Az in art. poured it scatteringly; (Mgh ;) or poured it and (TA.) cattered it; or, as some say, poured it in a 10. . 1: see 5, in three pl:ces. -Also, [i. e. manner like that whichi is termed C (Kh, 8, K,) said of a man, (Kbh, 8, TA,) and of a sprinkling]; (TA;) { 1 i,c [u,pon the wine, camel, (TA,) i lHe becktme Clean, or ecaciated, or beverage]: (l, ]P:) : signifies "he poured (Kh1,8, K, TA,) like the ,'rter-skin that h,s 'idl The eye beNon cold, antld orn out: so says A l)oo-Kheyrehl: eh, it gently." (TA.) And lup, pouredforth its tears; (TA;) or sent forth [or (TA:) or, said of an animal, he becau~w dried atul lean, or emaciated. (Ilar p. 530.) - And (Lh, TA in art. J,,) shed] its tears; like ', which is asserted by Yan7koob to be formed by " '.1 i. q...t1, (tK,) i. c. Ic betook I j.! l him,df to milk, or the milk, and desired it eagerly, substitution [of J for O]. (TA in tlhat art.) or louJcd for it. (TA.) t ., (S, Mgh, Msb, And, from the former, jWI !i,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (Msb,) : lie scatR. Q. L ':* [an inf. n., of which the verb, tered, (f, Mgh, Msb, TA,) or poured, (A, TA,) if it be used, is :,] The motion of paper, and the hwrsemen makitang a raid, or suddet attack, of a new garment: [or rather the making a kind and engaging in conflict, or tlte horsemen urging of craoclinu sound by the motion thereof:] men,L*Jl '.JI, (Mglh, their horses, ijWI meaning i tioned by Az in art. ~M: (TA:) and Ui sigM9b,) fromn every direction, .ck [ulpon them]; nifies the same: both thus expl. by IAgr. (TA (?, V ;) as also Vtv:1,; (S, Msb, 1. ;) the latter in art. mentioned in the Mj, (Msb,) by IF, but disapC,. A skin, (Mgb,) or a water-shin, (S, proved by the people of chaste speeclh. (TA.)Mgh,) or a snall water skin, (],) or, as some And ~ . * (AA, ,* TA) lie cast forth his say, any vessel made of skin, (TA,) applied excrement, or dung, in a thin [and scattered] by a poet to a 3; [or leathern bucket], (Alam state: and one says of the S.L~s. [or bustard] p. CO2,) that is old, and worn out; (S, Mgh, t 0. >, t [It casts forth its dung in a thin and Msb, g, TA ;) and so ',; (S, ;) but app. e;. scattered state]. (AA,TA.)_-And c[s one that is small: (S: [in which this addition lie put (lit. poured) on him his coat of mail. to the explanation seems to relate peculiarly to p. JIt C ' , [nor. accord. the latter word: see an ex. of this latter word in (TA.) -~ Ll ' to general rule, ,] Thc camel became dried up some verses cited in the first paragraph of art. ,t.,:]) or both signify an old water-skin; as [like a ,;, q. v.,] fromn thirst. (TA.) Aqd also 1 a : (MA:) and V `, also, signifies The rag became dried ul). (TA.) iD.~ . JI an old, wnorn-out, water-skin: (TA:) pl. (of the 2. '-;" and ltA J [inf. ns. of C1] The drip- first, Mgh, Myb) 3k~,: (S, MFh, Ms b, :) and ping, or dropping by degrees, of water from the Lh. mentions the phrase s;c l 4 , as though

see ;.Z, first sentence.

, W anl dial. var. of ;:j [inf.n. of ;] (8 K,) signifying latr,tl; [or the hating of another;] (S;) mentionetl by AO. (S in art. i;;.) 3U; WWater in a scattered state, or being scatterml. (, K.)_ And (I) Cold water: (AV, Skr, I8l, KI:) this explanation is preferred by Aboo-Nasr. (TA.)-And Clouds (wA;.;)pouring (Ot. i. c. e. ) water. (Skr, TA.) A camel in a state between that of the Cols; lean, or emaciated, and that of the .fit; (S;) so called because some of his fatness has gone: (Aboo-Kheyreh, TA:) one says Jji.4; then jz., when he has become a little fat; then O &; then tL; and then, b_, when fat in the utmost dcgt,r: (Lh, TA:) so sayvs AlxK-Ma'ndd El-Ililibee. (TA inart. .) [But itissaid that] it signifies also Lean, or emaciated; (]C;) applied to a beast: (TA:) and fat: thus having two contr. meanings. (.K.) -Also HIungry: (S, I:) applied in this sense by Et-Tirimm&! to a wolf, because this animal is not described as fit or lean. (S.) , ; Pouredforth: applied in this sense by the Hudhalee poet 'Abd-Menaf to thick blood (i1c). (TA.)- And Pure milk upon vwhich cold water has been. poured: (IAar, TA:) or any milk, whether fresh or collected in a skin at different times, upon which water is poured. (K, TA.) e And The dropping (S, .K, TA) by degrees, (TA,) of water ($, 8, TA) from a skin, (TA,) and of tears. (S, TA. [See also 2, and see "i..])

Boox I.] iai.

- U


lYater that drops (., 1) from a skin, or signifying motion and agitation, as 0i'i and

from a tree. (8.)

x. [q. v.] of a 51: The [channel caled] emaU valey: or a small &b. f a rnall/: (TA: [the want of a vowel-sign in my original renders it doubtful which of th se meanings is the right one:]) or 01~, its pl., si,gnifies the channtel.s ' tater, of mountains, thalt l,ntr forth into tvilleyx lace. (AA, TA.) from a rygjedl LZ_-': A nature; or a natutral,a natire, or an innate, di,position or temrlner or the lihe; syn.

nd ,l , (S,) and a,.: i,) .;a,(;, Mgh, (TA :) and a custom, habit, or wvont: (Mghl, i :) i hitn - l (ne says , , [plt.
tre habits [or naturvl -dispoition fto 4his ftiher. (TA.) llenee,
0 l g

s inherited]

%"*5 3

p 0



[A naturaldlisosition, or a habit, -nhicrhI hnow, as inierited from Akhzo m]: (S,, Meyd, Mgh:) or, accord. to one relation, ;:i', wlhich is app. (Meyd:) formed by transposition from 1't;: a provy: (Meyd, Mghi :) [of its origin there are different exlmainations: see Freytag's Arah. Ireov. i. (i58, nnd .Iar pp. 591 antl 5!X;:] ..jl is the proler name of a mna: (Meyd, Mgh, &c.:) or accord. to Lt.l, it is an epithet applied to a penis; one says Stb.s <>5. "a glanls of a penis having a and means short frwnuin," and .j.l.; 3 the dr,l)l,pig of wate,r [i. e., in this case, of the seminal fluid]: (Meyd :) tile prov. is applied in relationl to nearness of resemblance. (Meyd, MghI.) _ AIo A bit rf./lfte-weat, as mnucl as is 'ai : or a pyiece offlehcheNed at mnre; svn. " on the authlority meat; (li, TA ;) and so 't: [the pl.] o ,1a signifies of AA. (TA.) -And :. (IA0r, L in art. .~.) Bones; like , ">-.: see CA, first sentence. [in the present 1:' A tMing like the J: day, a round stll,v biasket is thus called: pl. Cj".] (TA.)

1. ;, (Thi, , Mgh, Msh, ]5, &c.,) and et:., (]g,) but this is said by AHeyth to be a bad dial. var. of the former, (TA,) aor. :, (Msb, ],) inf. n. (Aboo, (AO, P, MNb, 1) and ,, and 'j 'Amr Eshi-Sheybtnee, ,]) and t (], TA, in e. which is afterwards added the CIK &4U [i. et:.;, I ' a and ': and ' tall mentioned above as in the TA, not as in the 1, and mentioned in the inf. ns., when used as simple substs. signify but not there said to be an inf. n.,]) and Lz Hatred; and thus Vt3t, likewise mentioned h (TA from Eq-4afhusec) and :. (TA [as from J, above as an inf n., signifies accord. to the S; accord. to Freytag, as on the but perha~s from Az, for I do not find it in the and so t authority of Meyd; and app. also ;a,4, q. v.; or L and t;o (., C1, and TA as from all signify] vdhement hatred; in which sense the and }'. ]usee, not as from the 1K,) andl it. first is expl. by AO: (TA:) or t t~, signifies (I1, TA, the last in thile CK so, [i. e. ];;],) hlatred mied with enmity and evilness of di.poi.and i_L; (TA from EX-Safgifusee) and C'tI, tion (yIam p. 108.) (.8, ],) which is anomalous as being of a measure regularly employed [only] for the inf. n. of a verb Vp: see eS9;, in three places. 1

Also, and in two places. 4;Z: see ', hateRendred to a man, applied , epithets Vt i;M lii., (.S, TA,) for though it has been said that (Lth, in disposition. evil [hlatred (which it signifies) is attended by anger ful, or an oldjct ofhatred, and] anger is accompanied by agitation of the O, TA.) [See also the latter word voce ;"1; heart, there is no necessary connection between and see and ,-.] a, lhatred and anger, and it is anomalous also as being of a measure not proper to [the inf. n. of] a L/. The remoring oneelf far, or keeping Ms ,) which alfif/ trans. verb, (TA,) and U; (S, Mel, ;fom ,iwlean thingJ; (8, g, TA;) and tile ,lnrifJcation is also anomalous, and [said to be] the only continual doing so, or the continual ,; and accord. to thle K, , though ,:foner,tf; as also t instanlce of its kind (S, TA) except some few others have been mentioned, as * s. , ;tyb, but this is not found elsewherc. (TA.)but this is not well known, [and iOle , of whicil Hence, ($,) ,"f, )jl, thile appellation of a tribe of [plerIhaps a EI-Ymenc; ;,j;l: (,., ;') sometimes callhtle the same may be said,] and l called because was so tribe [or] this o, K :) (ISk, simple subst.], and 0'9 . whicIh is said to occur by of JcU amoing them; (18, TA ;) i. e. because of in a verse [perhaps contracted from Oj mutual hatred that occurredl among thelaci: (TA :) poetic license], (TA,) and AO mentionls jtaZ, without,, as lbeing like ) #;2 (S ;) these ilif. ns. [whence it seems that L.i signifies also Iatred:] being fourteen, whlich is said by 14 to be the or because of their removing far from their ber of inf. ns. to anly one verb, only [original] district: or, accord. to El-Khafaijee, greatest num seven other verlb, he says, having this mimbcr, hbecause of their high lineage, and good deeds; jj, meaning A man of , and ,4 ; fromi the lilnrse ;4 ,i, ,, i, >j j, amelv,;, jj virtue; and AO says 'f nmantly liumnee and pumre to be but E.-Safi.kusee makes the inf. ns. of [And accord. to Roiske, as (TA.) the like. fifteen, [though the fifteenth form (which is periu V stated by Freytag, (who has written it t haps et.) I do not find mentioned,] and this all its senses,) it is expl. by Meyd as meaning is the greatest number known; (TA;) lie hated is cAtetowd sor(lid, of nwords and of artions.] tt hidm: (IK0oot, IF, S, 1Sd, IJitt., Mgh, Ms , I~, Ihr Also Onle who removes hiinmedfjfr, or keeps ~ &c.:) or, as some say, he hatet hiin vehemlently. alioJ; fron.unclean thiny; (1, TA;) and so (TA.) &-' , [app. ~ , for ;it,] with the *t . (TA.) Thus both of these words are hcinzel changed into J, occurs in a trad. (TA.) epithlets, as well as sulwts. (TA.) And &Z signifies ie (a man, S) was hated, (.8, and so accord. to some copies of the IJ,) or 7ras rendered hateful, or an olijet of hatred, (so accord. to other copies of the I,) erven if beautiful lU;, of whicll tlhe fernm. is 1at and q;U, [do or Ot:,]j is an (g,) so says that one may say cither O , i)==) ` a. . or comely. (f, epithet applied to a man; (I ;) [signifying cithler , like [in A'Obeyd, or, accord. to Th, hated; the former meanZIating or (like :"'.) form], and this is the more correct, aor. of each , ing seeming to be indicated by what immediately (TA,) He gave him his right, or due. (A'Obeyd, precedes it in the C; but the latter appears from it: what here follows to be the riglit meaning, and liHe acknow gledye Th, ], TA.) And ($, Mo.b, (:) or le gave him (O5) his right, or perhaps it may be that which is meant in thie ] ;] due, (TA,) [or the meaning in the V, may be he as also *a.jl; or 1 ikt [q. v. voce oLU]: gave it,] and declared hiimsef clear, or quit, of so accord. to different copies of the 1P. (TA.)_ him or it; as also It,: (] :) [but accord. to SM, In the 1]ur v. 3 and 11, it is accord. to some an this is wrong, for he says that] the author of the inf. n., and some read there Jt;,: [sce 1, first like t2, aor. , sentence:] accord. to others, it is an epithlet, sigg should have said, or 4* ;sJ, he gave him, and declared himself clear, or quit, nifying . or .jr [i. e. Illted or odious]. of him or it. (TA.) And',itl '2. He produced (TA.) -... ;I Ot1, in a trad. of Kabg, is said : to be a metaphorical expression for ;l;Jl t i ' the thing: (;,TA:) or, as A'Obeyd says, .u produced and or due, his right, d acknmo~l or, as he : [Tle cold of winter]; beeause it is hated: itfrom his possession. (TA.) some say, by the . thereof is meant ease and repose: and the meaning intended is either They hated one another. (, 0, ]J) mutual hatredor eas and repose. (TA.) 6. ljb.


3;t;: see J.4. ir, and


& IZ Hating, or a hater, (Fr, ., Mgh, Meb, TA,) and an enemy: (Fr, TA:) fem. with ;. j, , 8as also ilJ.I JW (Mgh, Mob.) -_ (, O, [but in my two copies of the which perhaps expresses the general pronunciatt l *')and ,i.j(tl 1,]) tion, and in the TA JW [i. e., lit., May tere be no fathier means ja.J 202*

1604 to thy haterJ; and is said by ISk to be a metony. mical expression for fi i l ,j [q. v., lit. an im. precation, but generally meant as an expression ol C praise]. (S, 0, TA.)

[Boox I.

blackness in hail; ,i; signifying the "lustre" & .4 of the teeth; and,*i, their " whiteness that is as Q. Q. Q 1, . a $J , (S and L in art. though there were over it a blackness:" (ISh, as K. in the present art.,) inf n. 3 ', TA:) Abu-l-'Abbas says, It is variously expl., as as Q. Q., and . L,) Loe clarm to his heart. (8, L, I.) a serratedstate of the teeth: and tlwir clearness (S, L,) JO'l i.1' means [Camebl, or the like,] noi and cleanness: and their leing separate, or apart, 1The lion; as also V,: .ult. (:.) c-. l* avaricioushyretained; as though hated, and there. one from another: and the snweetnes of their fore liberally given away: (IAar, JI, TA:) &lt.~ odour: (TA:) El-Jarmee says, I heard As say :t-1: 77kick, Thick, ~rou, big, bulhy, coarse, or being app. an act. part. n. [in the pl.] used in the that this word signifies coolness qf the mouth and sense of a ss. part. n., like thle instances in teeth; and I said, Our companions say that it rough; syn. (a.)- See e4.also o .:1. is i;tJI; and !;i J.. . (MF,TA.) t/heir sharpims 1when lthey come forth ; by which is meant their ner', or ireent, anlJfr'shstate; for ", applied to a man, (A'Oheyd, S, 0,) like when they have undergone the lapse of years, J~ J~ it: see the former word in art.j&.. 0..1 [in form, and perhaps in meaning], they become abraded, or worn: but he said, It is (A'Obeyd, TA,) FOld, or ugly, ion a.lpect; as also nothing but their coolness: and the saying of t :;: (s, o:) orfotul, or uly:/, (, TA,) in Dhu-r-Rummcll, e 1. 1.. , aor. -, inf. n. face, (TA,) eren if made an o4jert of love [by and Vt , (;, ood qualities]: (.K, TA :) [originally an inf. n., A, Mgh, g,) and t (, ,) nd and tlherefobre] sed alike as sing. (S, 0, O) and [which should be rendered And in the gums, and (TA;) said of the skin (S, Mgh, O) in consedual (S, 0() and pl. (S, 0, .K) and masc. and in her canine teeth, iY cooloew.s], corroborates the quence quence of the touch [or proximity] of fire [lc.], ferm.: (K :) so says Ltlh: (TA:) or one who hatex assertion of As; for tlhere is no sharpness in the (Mg1Q (Mgl1,) and of the face, and of a member or limb, imen; (K;) and so ' ., accord. to 'Alee Ibn- gum: (S, I, TA:) it is also related of As that lie (A,) of a finger, &c., (TA,) It contracted,shrank, Ilnmlzel l l-lslalhiinee: (A :) or t this Inast sig- said, I asked Ru-lbeh respecting the meaning of d&,#.ittHed, *JhritUted, or vrinkled; or became contractedor tlifies one whom men late: or it may be well ,..;, and he took a gnrin of pomegranate, and All shrunk &c. (S, A, Mgh, 1, TA.) [t is often rendered one who d&es much for whichl be i. to be pointed to its lustre: (Mz, TA :) [and V;': sig- .shrunk 1. used as meaning Spa.mnodic contraction of a hated; for it is one of the measures of the act. aifies the same:] a poet says, part. n. [used in an intensive sense]. (A'Obeyd, muscle &c.] And one says, $ V .Uhs ; I


, J

' 3l * 4 .4

;dJJs -. V

[I[er emen set of front teetll are s.lender and white, 2. , inf. n. , lie [or it] contracted, '.;:, napplied to a man, (S,) IHated, ($, and xide teeth in which are cooln~ and ltwite a( Shr'un, shrirdlled, or wrinlcedl, it; namely, the so in sonmc collies of' the ], [see also "il;;,]) or tlenm]. (0, TA.)_ [In the present day, it signi- ski,l [&c.]. (S, g.) Sc' 1, last sentence. One ren',,rtld hateftil, or an ol}ject of hatred, (so fics The mutstache.] Bays also, 1I J;l J [Tl tailor pkerd accordl. to other copies of the .K,) even if beau,. and * ,,,, (A, K,) the former regular, thetunic]. (A. [In tlhe Mgh, thle wrinkling tIful, or comely; (S, 1;;) and . and A;. the latter on the a;uthority of usage, (TA,) A cool, arouind the anus is said to be like the ; of the signify the same. (It in art. ,;.) or cold, day. (A, IK.) 4.4, iI.;*:, occurring in a trad. of 'Aishllel, [A kind 4: seel. 4a; Coob0.i, or coldnes, of a day. (O, g.) off?,dl that id supiel, or sipped;] i. q. IL. and - See also _, near thdie end. 5: see 1, in three places; and see ... 'Le.J': [see these two words:] said by IAth to lbe The 7: see I. irregularly formed from Lx; , ly changing the _tu: sec_l. C , into 5 [so tlhat the word becomes and 4 .inf. n. ofl. (SS&c.)=Also . camel: (Lth, : see : _ and what here follows. I tllhen, by rule, ae;:.L, wllich is mentioned in the [Drd, Ig:) or a heary camnel. (L in art. .) TA, in art. ,, as occurring thus in a trad.,] and 1 Having the quality termed is a hralec of the tribe of Humeaning i,.. 5k then lVy restoring the . [in the place of tle second asecpL above; (A, 0, ;) as ablo t ,_ 1 , (,) lheyl, meaning A man u!jsn a camcel: (Lth, IDrd, S], tlhe meaning being hated. (TA.) which is irregular, (TA,) and V , (.K,) ( O:) or a man, or an old mnan, Ulton a heary It is also said, in the [which is likewise irregular;] but the first of' antel. (L in art. .) ..& these three is the most common: (TA:) applied IL, that it signifies An old mna,, in tho dial. of 1. 4.:, nor. , (g,) inf. n. _, (TA,) He to a man, (0,) and to the j. [or front teeth], iludheyl. (TA.) hald the quality termed meaning as erpl. (A,) [and to the mouth, as in a verse cited voce lel,nw. (4.) - And It (a day) was, or becane, ', B applied to the skin &c., Contracted, ijj :] fern. [:ti, (S, O, K,) applied to a woman, cool, or cold. (A, K[.) 1 htrunk, sdritrlled, or writtkled. (TA.) And, (0, 0,) and also written atL, (II,) the , being a b Lu,tre, and fineness, or delicacy, or thin- changed into,o because of the following , and a pplied to i man, Contracted, &c., in the shin, nem, and coolnebs, and sweetness, in the teeth: in like manner [the pl. 4 is also written] and in the arm, or hand; as also t 1l. (M, a (A,i:) or lustre, andfinenc, or delicacy, or S,~,. (TA.) ;(. also signifies A pome- 2'A.) And a.. means .1$l aa;_- [i. e. An thinne.,x, in the fore teeth: (TA:) or these two granate (aL,J) such as is termed' 'I2, havintg a ,rm contracted, or narrow, in the hand; or a qnalities, together with coolness and nteetneas, in no grains, but and only juice contracted, within the &c., in riid, h the (A, palm, ], or in thepal the mouth, accord. to As, or in the teeth: (TA:) TA,) in the form of grains tithout stones. (TA.) nd fingers]. (TA.) L-iJl means Co. a or coolnes and sceetneas in thl teeth: or sharipnesx of the teeth: (S:) or sharpyness of the canine , called L.;I [app., in this , A young boy mhose teeth are sharp and tiracted in the j3 teeth, like , so that they appear lile a sare: serrated istance, the sciatic nerve]: if (TA:) it is an epithet by reason of his youthfulness. (IAar, (1i :) or rehite slwcls in the teeth: (A,IK :) or the 0 f commendation applied to a horse; because, O: state of the teeth wihen they appear nsowwhat O.) mhien he is contracted therein, his hind legs are tinged nith blackness, like the appearance of l;j_t Sweet mouths (0, g.) not relaxed: ($, I :) or it is an epithet of com-

;t'._: see the next preceding lparagral)h, in three Illaces.

and 1 j: [In h]is limbs, or member, is ac traction]. (A.)



Boox I.]
mendation applied to a horse of good breed; buit not so when applied to a hackney: it is alea applied to some other animals, that do not wallk with freedom; to a gasel5e, and to a wolf: (T TA:) and sometimes to the raven, or crow (T, S,) which hope as though it were shackledi. (T, TA.) a...i ., ,.5eg. .,....0 61: we P _ rl .and ?


Jcell Es-Suyoolee, (TA,) and 3 , (AHn, L, or rentryic, syn. 'JI, (S, O, ]:, TA, [in the and so in some copies of the 1,) without hemz, C/, erroneously, :'1,]) and t?S , and (AIjn, L,) the proper form, for so the Arabs i called it, (IAyr, TA in art. ,_,) orl; , (as in 1.P1, (O, ],) in pace, or going; (O,/' ;) as also some copies of the K, and in the TA,) with heminz, t C;;I (K) [and e:,l]: 1t thus is said of (TA,) and ;j5,4, or Ij;, (as in different copies a man, meaning He strove, laboured, or eerted of the 1],) and.;, (ADJ5 , I,) A kind of .. el, Aimself, and was quick: (TA:) and in like man(L,) or grain; (Mgh;) the same as ul4.JI ;al n,mr ; is said of a she-camel, (As, A'Obeyd, are expresions sometimes used; '1 bein I7 [the black aromatic seed of a species of niiella; S, 0,) and of camels, (0,) as also t - : (8,* a sort ofall-pice]; (v;) or said tobe so: (Mgh:) 0, cxpil. in tkhe former by .,. only,) and syn. with as shown above, and in this cas e or it is of Persian origin: (1:) so it is accord. * :. 1; l (O ;) in pace, or going: (;, O:) or a corroborative; and] t [when thus used to Ed-Deeniiwarce [AHnI]: (TA:) but son, say t;,:.a l said of a she-camel means she was quick, meaning Intenelyc ontracted or swrunh &c that ol>,Jt ;e 1 JI is the same as llJ)l .Jl. or snPft. (K.) (Lth, TA.) Also Having one of his testicle (TA in art. ,.) 4: sec the next preceding sentence, in three smaller than thl other; like '1, which is more places. 1 approved. (TA.) 5..,;itl 3: lie Ihonwed, or declared, the cas e r' ee in two placs . 1. :, aor. 2, inf n. as; (S, O, Msb, g) of the people, or party, to be bad, ril, abomnini i [A puckered tunic: se 2]. (A, .gh) M - ', , and ~ and ti, but this last, occurring in a able, foul, or uns ly, by reason of their dis, mentioned in a tr(ld., in which they ar verse, may be used by poetic license for Ai , agreement, and the unwsound, or musettled, state of forbidden, are said to be Such [dranwr, or tro~ (TA,) It (a thing, S) was, or became, bad, evil, their opinion. (TA.) _ And : lie (a man) ars,] at are so ample that they f.ill down upoz abominabl, foul, or usmemnly; (?,' 0,* M4b, V ;) Inrpl~ed to do a bad, an sail, an abominable, a the boot so as to cotrr ha!f of the fi,ot; as though syn. C.. (Myb. [In the S and O and 15, it is foul, or an unseemly, thing or affair. (TA.) meaning that, being ample and long, they eeae See also 2, last sentence, in two places. - Hence, said that aLs signifies the same uas /i;i ; but (IApr, TA,) He pri)ared himself for ight: not to rise, and becomc puckered ( .... ). the latter seems to import more than the forner.]) (TA.) (lApr, X, TA:) or, said of a party of men, they -_ij 5; lie rej^ardedsuch a one as bad, evil, prepared thelmsel for Jiht: (0:) and accord. abominable,foul, or tuneel.y, (='i, 1 , S O, ,1,to AA, .U Hi iec prepared hisdffuor vcril, . &: A, inf n. I;, lie blamed Aim; TA, in the CI~ ,lJI,) and reviled, or viliJild, of michief (O, TA.) _ And It (a garment, or , 0, O , TA, and so accord. to one of piece of cloth,) became rent, or lit. (0, ].) _ found fauldt with kimn: attributed or imputed to him, ( kin, or accued him , a vice, ( :) my copies of the 1,) or loathed him, (;,) thus ioWI ;:3 Hle spread, or dispersed, the horemcne or the ume, (i,) or W S, (0,) o?;,. (TA,) in some of the lexicons, [and accord. to on;e of my makiny a raid,or sudden attack, upon an enemy. h rendMred Aim iefa it ;:3 lie ex~; Ai vies, copies ofthe S,] but [SM says that] ',.: is shown (AA, 8, 0, , TA.) _ And hipod fals, or evil qulitie or actions; di~cd kimn; to be the right reading by the sayingof lAr that mounted the horse. (S, , .) - And or p Aim to same. (0, t, TA.) kJl Hlle put on the rwapon, or wuepos. (S, ;, in n. :, means ~. (TA.) [See also g.) ;.1 The gait, or manner of alking, of a 10.].... Also, (O, V,) inf. n. :, (TA,) He 0, rigAteous nan. (O, J.) [See also . ] di~raced such a one; put him to d/ame; or 10. ! He reckoned it bad, evil, abonine.posed his vices, faults, or cil qualities or ac- able,foul, or un~emly. (O, TA.) And accord. ; A vice, or fault: (?, 0:) or the forest (tions (0, K, TA.)_ And 4Jl e 's Ub;, vice or fidte: (I :) and a disrace, or thame, or rfrayed the torn-off piece of cloth so that it be- to Lth, (0, TA,) one says, v * : meaning ; l, (O, 15, TA,) i. e [lie sta a thing that oreasions one's being reviled: (S, O, (O,A: [in the thing] which he regarded as bad, evil, &c. (TA.) :) or a dimpracrefl rice or fault: seldom used came shag (gy,( as. '): C14, in the place of the last word of the explana- - And accord. to him, one says also, _.,__ unlem conjointly with ;l: (TA:) accord. to Sh, J:]) and in (O,) a thiny,, or a,n aftair, notorious for badness tion, which is for bz.3, is put , (O, TA,) meaning llis i~nnce like manner one says of a thing similar to a has rendered such a one light, incontant, orfoulnes: (O, K:) pl. t~,. (TA.) or uni ... (10. steady. (TA.) t..i; one of the names of The cat. (O, ]K.*) 2. -- Jl signifies Atl;_ &: see . ;_" [app. meaning A certain n'hite bird,found in rater: of The uttering, or saying, much, or often, vwhat is the dial. of Syria. (TA.) l,a. the subet. from :; ( O, , ;) [i. e.] bad, evil, abominable,fol, or unseemly: and the or - and $ (0, 1.,) [the latter having an doing what is bad &c. much or often]: (g:) or Badnes, evilne, aboninableu, foulne, ; (ilar p. 196;) as also intensive meaninlg,] applied to a man, (O,) the uttering, or sayi~, tv/at is bad, evil, abomi- uneemliness; syn. Abounding in eril or misc.ief, and in vies, or nable, foul, or unseemly, (KL, PS,) against any t : (0, ]. :) thus in the saying, !jY one: (P :) and the representing, or regarding,as faults; bad in di.position. (0, ~.) ~ , [In such a one is unseinmes, or ulibad, &c.: (KL, P :*) and the committing [an see what next precedes. action that is bad, &c., or] a fault, or vitious nes]; as also XJ and i; [or rather ;3]: (TA:) action. (KL.) You say, -t :, inf n. and one says also, .a". ~ and oj ando i A liberal, bountJfid, or generous, *:J, (S, 0,) I uttered, or said, wrlat wvas bad, [app. meaning In his fac is unseemlines, or woman: as also w (IAXr, T in art. , evil, abominable, foul, or uns.emly, against kim: utgliness]. (lAr, TA voce a .) _- Also DinTA.) (Pr:) from U--:JI. (O.) And .")1, ion; or madnes, or ., bolical, or demoniacal po inf n. as above, lIe showed, or declared, to him intanity. (IAr, TA.) that the affair was bad, evil, &c.: (TA: [see also see the next preceding paragraph, in j~,, (Mgh, ],) so called by the Persians, 5:]) or charact~rized the affair to him as bad, two places. (TA,) [and generally by the Arabs in the present evil, &c. (Msb.) ~ And TAe striving, labouring, day,] and je;,t as in the "Towsheeh" of El- or euerting oneelf, and being quick, and vigorous, MS Dad, evil, abominable, foul~,or unseemly; 1







[Boox I.

(IAar, ISd, 0,' 1g, M,)in the direction of his [om ] head, (M,) o p. 108.) _- And 4i J, ,1 [i. e. lie as to make the prominence behind huis [the i. q. b TA,) (S,0, j,) tho laut like 41in the phrase Xi TA,) and ~, (ISd, hnwu it; knew, had knowledge, or wvas cognizant, camel's] ears cleave to the upright piec~ of wood acord. to one of the two 1 j.5, meaning ,0? , of it; or hkeu it instinctively; &c.]. (IAtr, ISd, risingfrom the fore part of t1e addle: (M, g :) (., 0, Myb, ;) asalso ;( (0, ) and t
interl)retations of this phrase: (O, TA:) pl.of the first .:. (Mob, TA.*) It is applied to a day, in this sense: or as meaning disliked, or hated: ( 0, 1 O, , ,TA,)in the (TA:) and so is t ;; (0, ], TA.) the latter. or in former sense, (TA,)

or he raised the camers head (M, Myb, 10) by And J,, (1f, TA, [in the former 0, 1, TA.) his -. Aj, (M, M9b,) while riding him, puuing of which it is erroneously implied that the verb is as the rider of the horse does with followed by dJ,]) His upper lip turned uprwards; (Msb, 1.,) like and t -l'- signifies the same: horse: (Msb:) his (g, TA ;) inf n. ; ; (TA ;) or this isa subst., or t 1.; is intrans.; you say, I :) (S, M, Mob, signifying a turning uprards of tIe up)per lip: and &' t t, the reverse of the usual sJI :;;, .t. [An aspect so says AZ. (0.) ,[ and And you say rule; (IJ, M ;) or the latter is intrans. also; (S, -. **j. i,. meaning that is bad, evil, &c.] and lIe e, adorned her (i. e. Mob, g1;) signifying he (the camel) raised his 2. '4, inf n. ', [i.e. An unmeemly, or ugly, woman]. (TA.) a woman, S, or a girl, or young woman, 0, 1) head. (~, M, M.b, Ig.*)occurIIence, '1.:, 1 [An el,or abominable, name]: with tlw [ornament called] *;l; ; (0, ,iK;) like ring in a trad., referring to a female hare, inf. n. And t as above, means, as implyinge restraint, I cast, or and ,.LYl ... j [A peoyle, or party, having as one says, tYu; (S, TA;) as also V,.L S[Ile shlot, at ker, or I strnck her, so as to rendler her cril, or abohninable, names]. (A, TA.) And (7Zj,O,If.)- [llence,] Al,,j &S4. j: or " and cnbelliswdl his language]. (TA.) = i,,n,,b,le of,notion. (O.) - And .. l $jla; ; [An evil, or ahominable, or a foul, adorned ~ inf. n. as above, lie looked at him, or Il, (M, Ki,) inf. n. as above, (M,) 'IIe bound Abominable, 91 i ., story]. (TA.) And VAt1 31 U. e.rcesire.jealnoy:(0, I, TA:) in [some of] the it, from the outer corner of tti eye. (Ya]oob, tlte he-camel, or th1 she-camel, with tlhe 1 1.] TA.) [See also copies of the If, erroneously, jqb. (TA.) [q. v.]. (M, ,t-K.) - And 4,~, ,.i ti, 'M)" 4: see the next preceding paragraph. (K1,): lie bound (Mf, 1) the head , or ;,~1 ~ Incongruous, unsound, weak, or faulty, " or the head of the horse, (9,) beast, (M,) of tithe 5. *4Z 3 She adorned herseltf with tlhe [orna[aIZ therefore unseemly,] in make; (IDrd, O,I, part of a tree, (M,) or to the head of the t)pper to O, 1 ;) like as one says, (S, 0,; TA;) as also jLA.JI -;1; applied to a man: ment callcd] a tree, or to a tree, (accord. to difficrent copies of --~. (S.) the 1I,) or to a peg, (M,) or to an elevated peg, 1 : and some say that it the firmer is from ' signifies tall. (TA.) b." (incorrectly pronounced with damm, (K,) so that his neck beramw extended and erect. IDrd, 0, I, i. e. ;, 0, TA) The upper JP (M, TA.) - And ii1 jJ, (IDrd, O,I,) ., in four [i. e. ear-ring or ear-dro)]: (S, O, g:) or a aor. , (lDrd, 0,) inf. i. as above, (TA,) t He M,; and its fern. Ah : see :. places: and se also t bound the imouth of tiw ,ater-ski/n with the bond ) in [or suspejled from] the J) pendant (j and 1 the uplper part, or perhaps, the called ,t4?, jupp. [app. meaning and then bound the extre,nity of its see : .,e , in art. U. ltelix, helilc, in the CK erroneously written j",] of the Ma.3 to its fore legs: (IDrd, O, 1g, TA: [in the ear; (Lth, 0, K;) and likewise such as is attacled C]7, bJ1l is erroneously put for .liM., or, as ear; ,in two to necklaces: (Lth,O0:) or such as is suspend~el in some copies of the 1, tj :]) or he suspended and its fem., with : see from the ulpper part of the ear; what is suspended ilaces. :! t d ~4.i? , inf. n. as it: and [in like manner] from from the lower part [or lobe] thereof being termed above, he su)pended the weater-skin to a peg: *oi [Well, or commonly, knon; ,; (I . i q. ; (IDrd, 0, ;) or this latter is termed &;j: a#$ (TA:) or the latter signifies he put a the notorio; &c.]. (O, L,g.) (IAV, : (TA:) (IAar, TA:) or, as some say, i. q. water-shin: (M :) or he bound the vater-skin pl. (IDrd, S, 0, 1) and [of pl. [of mult.] J. 1 ., ( , I, TA,) i. e. a cord with which ithl a panc.] pauc.] tL (TA.) its mouth is bound. (S.) - [Hence ' , as used . ;,). oil , (S,) aor.., (0 , Msb,) works, post-classical day, and in present in the Hating, in a and meting H ating, (0, O, ,) . t le hanged himn by the neck, till he meaning ($, O, ,) I lookhed in a state of op- morose inf. n. *, mros~ manner. (1.) IB cites, as an ex., died: (see the pass. tpart. n., below:) whence position, or raistance, (w,,slb I i,') at the thing; j; VI;L, meaning A gallows; pl. L L.] (L, ,9: O:') or ,,11 signifies the looking like at a thing, (0,) or the looking at a thing like him [And thou will not cure the hating heart]. (TA.) '~a l ~S, (M,i, $,) nor. -', inf. ; (M;) n. who is opposing it, or resisting it, (4 .,eC I1e ; (TA;) inf n. . (M, K,) t a" 1i~, aI [A lip, meaning an upper lip] turning and V&, 1, TA,) and the raiting of the eyes in looking at t] Mj , ( (M, upards: (0 :) or hl 3tl [A sheep or goat] put a piece of nwod, which is caled a thing, (TA,) like him who wonders at it, or upmrdi: 15,) pared for the purpose, (MI,) into the hivw, Aavin.q upwards. (TA.) lip turning the upper having like him rlho didlikes it, or hates it; (0, g, TA;) and and with it raised a portion of the honey-comb in .Jta Turning away, or averse. (O, g.) One the width of thew hitre, (M, 1K,') having fized the and so .1 J, as AZ says. (TA.) [See also 2.] _ i j.,, ($, O, 15,) and a also, or, correctly, says, ' .r. tJi ..l l What ails me that I ;r beneath it; and someftines tno portions of from me? (0.) the honey-comb, and three: (MI: [accord. to which or averse, me away, accord. to ISd, this verb is trans. in the sense se thee turnin ]) here next following without any particle, (TA,) " t ' ' J! he is raisiw one says also, .Verily C&I:i .-b1 And iAl, _ :11 ;4 [but two exs. are cited in the O from trads. in his their bees are rearing when t1w only this is done his nose [in aversion]from us. (0, 1_.) which it is trans. by means of J,] aor. ', (S, 1,) young ones. (M, 1.) - Accord. to Aboo-Sa'eed, .0,0 t A she-camel havinag a .* [or nose3.U t ,) and 1 . U, (e, 0,) IIe hated him, ( inf n. l and - ;' signify the same: (TA: s.,JI v, net himn in a morose manner: (8, O, 15: [in the rein] attached to her. (AA, O, ]f) the meaning is not expl.; but it is im[in which mediately app. to indicate the meaning added, 1, the latter meaning is expressed by #; , for liere here intended ;]) EI-Mutanakhkhil El-Hudhalee i ~L: in the ~ and 0, the former meaning is and arrows, expressed as above, on the authority of ISk; and 1. JI 1 ~, aor. (S, MM, Msb, If} and , says, describing a bow 1 it is;also said that UJI$ is syn. with ,,.-1 and (M, 1,) in n. ,, (S, M, Mob,) He curbed * ;},H9l [or nos~-r], (, It.!:] in the former of these two senses it is the camd by mean of his .j V,) tor haler, or leading- i. e. I put its string into [the notchd of] arro~s .I] I,) or p~d the . with o: (?, O0:) or .. I1 [i. e. like ', is a subit. signifying vehemnc~ of enmity. (YSam rope,] of th camel, (i,) while riding him, (f, [broad and long in the heads, made sharp or




poordue itself that is to be contributed to the , v..,.l * t when one of them adjoins ( (M, K,)aor. s; but pointed]. (0,* TA.) -- j, slwep Abooratesfor certain numbers of camels: thus] [thus in this instance in the TA, perhaps a mis- G (1 ;) and , (M, ]g,) aor.,; (1 ;) He loved a .,t fiv for _ the ~ says, 'Amr Esh-Sheyba.nce for l,1,]) his sheep or goats to t ched to it; (M, I, TA;) transcription thing, and became atta or shep two ten, for goal; or a sheep is camels those of another, and the collector of the poorinf. n. , is said of a man: (TA:) and , I goats; for fifteen, three scheq or goats; and for rate finds them in his [tlhe latter's] possession, he said of a man's heart, (O, TA,) meaning as above: { tnenty, four sheep or goats; the term t.Z being from them one sheep or goat. (TA.) takes ; signifies the heart's yearning to(O :) oro the two atid to tno sheep or goat, alld alikcto the slicep applied alike ipplied , [as slicel) 4. j.l : se 1, in five places. .wards, or longin for, or desiing, a thing. sheel)or goats, and to the thiree sheep or goats, also signifies The being long: inf. n. of Ej from 5ti1 -1 expl. in the first iiid (Mgb.) - , or goats; what cxceeds this and to the four sheep 4' 1 1 (M:) or the being longin the head, (JK, S,TA,) paragraph,] hand last also signifies The having the being termed a .i.: (TA:) or, in the case as though it nwre stretded upwards: (TA:) one attached to the nechby neans of a Ji [q. v.]. JI) is ofthe ploor-rate, the lo,cest -- (-}i ; I inf. n. X5, meaning ]He (AA,TA.)_-Sce also 3, in the latter half. -~ says of a horse, a slwepor goat for five camels; and the higlhest .! J1: , signi- Accord. to IAr, (0, TA,) ~j! also signifies J:,l was mlongin the head. (JK.) -_' ~~ .. & .. d~ ~~~ and * 4 Qforf ;s w G~JI) j(L,Js'&I is a X I tl,;.I [app. meaning The woman's He tooh (0, I, TA) the d , i. e., (0, TA,) the fiesA..kll ( (or whetstones) by [fine termed] .,jl: (0, 1, TA:) or it was, or tiventy: tiventy: (0, 1K:) the pl. of - i is beeoming dleek, liake O MfRbl give to on hips incumbent, s or What Also obligatory, (M.) became, jt,;. and TA) Msb, reason offitt: see jLl ,1 t, in art. 010: O, abore ~, s, (A L6): [aseJ meanings contr. .,!; thus having two abore the bloolvit (.i ;A . the and the epithet applied to her is t ai;, pl. signed to it]: (1v :) or it signifies also, accord. to Msh,IS:) , M, Msb,) pl. of ;. ($, Mb, K:) the term jul, (JK, Ibn-'Abbid, O, TA.) IA$r, it was, or becanme, obligatory on hin to gire (M,) 1 to the fines,for mounds, applied being (M,) O"-', ivhat until ilutt case untit is tne the cue this is a &; ,; and tllis is te~d termed a wvhat is tluattare scint with the complete bloodwit (P, M,' 2. i' Jl , inf. n. .': see 1, in the latter his his camels amount to five and twenty, when what 07 by hinn upon nwhom rests tlhe obligation O, M sb) also signifies The is half of the paragraph. - J4 is due of them is [a she-camred such as is termed] to send such; (8, 0, Mhsb ;) as though they were [See the vbt cutting [a tiling] in pieces. (O, ]. (0.) A man of the Arabs said, a;l. ult. 1 attaclied 1, attacihed to the main, or greatest, fine: ( M,* pass. p)art. n.])- And The adorning [a person or Ivwho 0:) and an adldition, in the bloodwit, (M, Mb,) Of us is he mean may t:1 1 which which thing]. (K. [See 5.]) - See also the next paragims gives the L ,i.e. cords, pl.of jt, : or it may of five, (M,) or ,f six, (M, M,,) or of eve,, graph, near the end. (M9bJ (M 9b,) to titehuuldred camnels [which constitute mean, mean, wvho gives the 1 , i. e. , . (O.)_ the complete bloodwilit], (M, Mel,,) in order that I, mixed ^;U He :, inf. n. i;l and 3. XHe eamlted htimself abowe him; do- it may be described as ample: ( :) [for,] as ;U Ibl his cattle with his [i.e. another's] cattlek: (, ;ninetred d him. (O, J.) m;ineered over him; or ol~ IAV IA r and A anid EI-Athiram say, the man of TA:) this is when [contributions to the poor-rate mnk gave [tihe bloodwit], rank or quality, when hlie 5. 5. ,.3 He adorned himsnelf; or was, or be- used are incum[pl. of such as are termed] jC; 3 add to it five [or more] camels, to show to canw, bent on a man, or two men, or three, when their came, adorned: (JK, 0:) and he clad himself thereby his execlleneo and his generosity: (TA:) ivith eattle are separate, and one says to another, wvith garments. (JI.) a a redundancy [in the case of tlw bhloodnit]; (0, 'i. e. AMix thou nuy cattle and thy cattle; I ;) one 6: see8. one of the explanations of the term given by fbr if tlhey are separate, a J; will be obligatory, AX: (0:) or in ti case of bloodicits (;.A i), the Wiiat What is between one aLi 1 and the next Af: or incumbent, on each of us; and if they are Lly.j, is tnwenty camels whereof ;1) ' lon~St _ (J.}.o95 &i1 ', (A'Obeyd, S, M, Mgh, M.b, 1], TA,) l~ mixed, the case will be lighlt to us: so the 4t3X every ; ;and the highest J tL. every one Ma [meaning [meaning a number tihat is between two other 1 16,1 signifies the slharing in the "J' or in the QP . numbers j.;:J1) camels whereof every one numbers whereof each imposes the obligation of (~ is t,venty JJt) 1'I L$19 (L,TA.) [See also what follows in this paragraplh: giving isa3.'.(0,K:)andoomesaytliat.:jQlt giving a due termed aw;,] of camels, and of is : (O, (:) and some say lhat.;jLJI 'l is a . sheep ' [for and see ,;4.] One says also t la, sheep or goats, (M, TA,) in relation to the poor- means thie sorts of bloo(dwits; the bloodvit Jbor Il~ , ~1] Ye shall not put tog,thetr wltat are rate: (., Mgh, I, TA:) so called because nothing purely-unintentional homicide being a hundred A came15, camels, which those who are reisploible for it emparate [of cattle]; ,v=l being syn. with is is taken therefrom; so that it is adjoined (_ undertake undlertake to gice in f.fths, consisting of twenty (TA.) - 0tZ. signifies also The taking i. Ai&tl:. 1.b) to that [number] whichl is next to it mlwreof i. e. wheref a:,j and twenty : and hence the trad., [of [of the numbers below it]: (JM:) accord. to w,hreof eery one is an , somnevwhat fromn the ;L; ;., and twrenty is an one every wchereof ichereof some, it is syn. with pj; (Mgh, Msb;) but J.i ',: (K, TA:) this means There shall not be BIRMC, take from the ; [any contribution to the poor- some say that it relates peculiarly to camels; (M, ivlimof and tnenty al whereof etvery one is an to bulls and cows: (Mgh, whereof ,*., Mghl, M9 b ;) and h.~3 rate] unle.s it is complete [in number]: (A'Obeyd, Mgli, whereof twenty and a ;a., is whereof everry one Msb:) used in relation to sheep or goats, it is CVT S,TA:) the ;a being, of camels, such as exceed Meb:) .J. ; t~ese alo being termyned ever, one is a what five, up to ten; and what exceed ten, up to wvhat is between forty and a hundred and twenty; jUl. t_l. (TA.) - It signifies also A fine, or and in like manner as to other numbers [that mula, fifteen: (A'Obeyd, TA:) Aboo-Sa'eed Ed-l)areer and mulCt, for a wound or the lie; (O, Msb, 1g;) impose the obligation of giving a La.;ij]: (.i, as, says, up to nine; and up to fourteen: but this is impose for instaaoe, for a butrn, (0, TA,) or such as TA :) Ahmad Ibn-H.ambal is related to have said a pronounced in the L to be wrong: (TA:) [Mtr TA.) wound on thi head that lays bare the bone, also says,] it means tlwere tisall not be taken aught that the , abso- (Mqb, , is what is above the i (Msb, TA,) and othier wounds, (Msb,) andfor a of what exceed fire, up to nine, for example: or, lutely; as,for instance, what is aboveforty sheep tooth [knocked out], and for an eye blinded, and accord. to Aboo-Sa'ced El-1?areer, it is like the or or goats: (TA: [I here render the word .s> for an arm or a hand vitiated, or rendered unmixing; but this requilres consideration: (Mgh:) 15 because sound "above," though it also means " below,'" sound and motionicss, or stiff; and for anything Aver Aboo-Sa'eed says that 0t~.'j means a man stall nothing is due from sheep or goats fewer than sitort short of what requires the complete bloodwit: not adjoin (t "0. 'j [thus written here and thus forty:]) as A'Obeyd says, it is, of camels, such as (TA:) or, as some say, afinefor that which does, expl. in the TA]) his dseep or goats, and his exceed five, tup to ten; and what exceed ten, up to not render obnoxwious to retaliation; as a scratch, .fi.fteen: (O,* TA: [see also 3 :]) Ks states, on or lacerationof the skin, and the lihe: (M:) pl. camels, to the slwep) or goats [and the camels] of fifteen: 0 09 (M, M b.) the Arabs, of the more or one of some authority Also A burden borne on is obligawhat j:l. to annul another person, in order jul 9 that it is up to twenty-five; and says that it is one tory, or incumbent, on him, of the poor-rate: that .quiponderant to another side of a beast, equiponderant what does rot impose the obligation of the a.j; this is [for instance] in the case in whlichl each of mhat borne side; syn. Jop: (g, TA: [in on the meaning what is between five and twenty-five: borne othother them has forty sheep or goats; so that it is in- meaning MS. copy of the 1, J.LI is my and the CV, (Fr, oumbent on them to give two sheep or goats; (Fr, TA:) [but it is also expl. as 'applied to the






td is accord. to A'Obeyd, (TA,) Vt t,z (0, TA,) inf. n. , (0,) emid of cold, It atrd t4e colour of thetrees: and ,4'l tf,, i like;LiA iA A man evil in disposition: (M, L:) or a the ,rej wisesaid of cold [as meaning It altered the colo l.conreited I.eey-conreited young man. (JK, Ibn-'Abbad, 0, And of the mea or peopk]. (O, TA.) _- And ! .) And akl-zz '4, like i-t [in some copies of the Of 'O' jiit A_491 L;JI The year of drought destroyed the K ;i;:, like iv.,] A woman talking, or con- cattk cattk (JI~) of the people or party: (so accord. versing, versing, or who taks, or converss, in an amorous to to the C/~ and my MS. copy of the :) or the and enticing mantnr. (JK, Ibn-'Abbid, 0, K.) and verb in this sense is t %::l. (So accord. to the jUi;: a name for A calamity or mifortune text jU,Z text of the 1 as given in the TA.) - [Freytag erroneously assigns to this verb, as from the ], (;eCi): (I1)n-'Abbid, (In-'Abbid, 0, ]K:*) or, A~~~~~~~ as some say, a another another meaning, belonging to 4.] a name of Thc.chief. of the Jinn, or Genii: (Ibn'AbUd, 0:) or also a certain [ns though meaning Ite prepared for it, or them, 'Abbad, 2: chief of the Jinn. 2: see the preceding paragraph, in three places. a how such thait the part wherhy it was held (1.) (11.) 4. l, said of a stallion, He had offpring filled theland, :l i,og .tlspringinfg in themaliing 1fl4)R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by reason ,iZI '-si Long; applied to a neck. (M.) And, as of the colourtermed of ' born to him: so accord. of its elasticity andl strength but the word which to the j,.:. K: but to Long accord. in the to IM and the other head; Jhave written , and whichl is tius in one place also applied to a horse Itorse and to a camel; andsol oi [the fem. of lexicoloffists, it is said of a man, meaning the the lexieologists, in the TA, and in another place in the same, o.fq7ring q#17)ring of his horses were of the colour M)q#17)rinq former] V -C applied where the verse is repeatedl, termed the female. (M.) I', is illegibile in For theand fem., see also 2to 1tj., '.h: IApr says that there are not, among [The fem.] L,Z For the copy of the 0,nnd maybe a mistranseription]: horses, --such as arc termed , iU;.! sucli iU;:. signifies [also] A female bird that feedslser sucli [pl. of ,.4l]: A'Obeyd, accordl. to others, however, the last word, J*1, youg youtV ones with her bi, ejecting th food into tlteir however, [as will be seen below,] lhece means the bon-striuq. (0, TA.) explains 4 moutlhs. (0, K.) inoutlts. as meaning a colour of horses. u (TA.) - See also 1, last sentence but one. als ilso .i. ,, apiplied to a heart, Loming intense?ly, or : see 1, in the latter half of the paraai* ery pasionately or fonrl/:!; syn. ,L4. (M, 8 and 9: see 1, first sentence. graph. graph. TA.) Accord. to Lth, t J ?j .;j signifiesI vCZ.1 Flesl-meat 11: (Ks, n: see 1, first sentence. S) cut in pices: (Ks, _Also, said of sedU - J. j41* Ji t [app. meaning A heart p roduce, S It dried ul;, or became yellow, (J , A,) )roduce, S, A(:) IC:) applied to flesh-meat, (M,) it is from the aspiring to evnjthing]: (0, L, TA:) in the K, put with sonmewhat green rtmainig ts 0 [pl. of of the [or bloodwit]. (Ks, i i~ U S, a ticei: tices: ( :) or was nar toy~e g, in M.) and became K.) - And Doigh cut into pieces, and prepared , Lhite, and dried up, but ith a little greenne~ L4ite, but the right reading is A j;. S, M, :) ar rith oil o' lives: (El-Umawee, j rith 1 t or emaining 'emaining in its interstices. (TA.) - Accord. to ough cut intoThimps, or pieces, on .,j., andl the signification as above,primarily ioii.qh tn the tabl, t L, he one says 'efci also ;t it is *pread out; also called otj;h aind '.fl [app. meaning relating to the eye. (TA.) Applied to a man, j b Aef~ Tlis lip bwcame Trit ,;apl i of an ahy hu]. ta. r, (TA.) TA.) Cautiots; orfearful. (TA.) .(IA _ ', applied to (1AtLr, * 0 ., a woman: see 1, last sentence. . S-vtd S.vtp A mountain over,pread wit mow. (0, ) -. And ].) a boy, or young man, light, or Z.) see jL.see . 3l. A row, or cord, with nhich the head of a actire, ctire, ctirey in body, and dsarp-eademd. (IA#r, TA a (as g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~raph he-.anel and of a she-camel is pltdld: [see 1, first [as pass. part. n. of J; means Curbed o oce ce, V . nas ay of his nose-rein,&c. - And] [See also ,.]) t langed: y sentence:] pl. [of pauc.]aLi2 and [of mult.] oe says, to3 t n Hewas ptt to death t t. (M, TA.) - A cord, (A'Obeyd, [by .: .1: see what next follows. 8, K,) or me cing] haned. (TA.).-See also jti,: C.6j tho7q, (A'Oheyd, and K,) woith which the month.Aof a cing] A [gray] Z colour in which hite pre. water-shin is bound, (A'Obeyd, S, Mgh, I,) and 4. inates over blackness, (S, M9b,) or in which dominateii minates idm that of a leatlern water-bag, and which b unttied hiteness ivhitene.m bitmen is interrupted by blacknemu; as also in orderthat the water may pourforth: (A'Obeyd, .. g; (A, 1~;) which latte' is [properly] an TA:) or the suspensory cord of a wnter-kin: y.;.u. and ase he if. b. . n., of , in ' : in i art. th. (S,Mb:) or n nwhiten~ mi.ed and,.,~.-: and any cord by which a thiny is suspended. ith blackne rvitA s: itA (.H ar p. 150 :) not pure whitenes, 'a/..: w (M.)-S Seo also .. , in the last quarter of the see 12, in art. h aeis i some have imagined it to be. (TA.) And in aimrgraph. As an epithet, Tall: (ISh, S, g:) o rses, A colour in which the main horses, wries, hw ini ter used alike as mane. and fem. (ISh, .K) and dual 'pted rupted tpted by a hoarine, or by some~ white hairs, (1Sh) and pl., (ISh, g,) not dualized nor pluraliether the horse be [in his general so ivhetl#or iv,liether sb, colour] b ],) ized: (ISh:) applied to m aor.: (M -, , a an, (S, TA,) and to L ,: (S, M b,) '011or,,I. inf. n Mqb, D. ~~~~~~~r.&) . or ,izi or (A'Obeyd, TA.) a woman, and toh a e-camel, and to a she-camel: . (, lMgh, 8b) Ma b, It (a thinS g,g ) s, applied to a she-camel as meaning tall, and longrbecame, Mgh, of the colour termed o , (M ejt"' A kind of tfmb, , )e re. of plant (; ), rcsembling the a [gray] ' ecked; as also V[l : and to a colur in wtoh e. whiteness, he-camel i. as ,., [or panic grass]; (s;) predo-p "i like 0t, iated (TA. or f blacknes maning tall and nder: (ISh, TA:) also, and m,inated ,(S , Mgh, MM b,) or in r`lut see this last word.]) hich thi nte wa * -, appulied toh a orse as meaning tall (T, w, ointeupted by blacknes; hich q,o TA;) T as .,tE also (AIjAt, S, I.) tand lt (A.H t;l ar TA.) See also jol,. aor.lland at, c,o M.t;l (9 iAlk mixed with much water: (, Kr, ) WA ,;) the last, (1I in S n . , :) or a said C;) said in the formerAi xture i ture of which one third is milk and the One nthose origin is .spected; syn. .Sj : rest nee of ter: (K, TA:) Az der: nse a h horse; eard a poet says, se several as also of V the 'e Arabs n. in,t, inf. . ,4,Si apply ;) and thi s last verb, said of the head, we the former ply its aay term to milk mixed with water: wid h itea s peo minated orer its bacnes; called on called account (TA;) of the alteration of its colour. Ftite~ ( s also :( W , TA.) + H , aor. det[ ' . . as also bT( A.) f n. (T TA) sa d 6, of heat and of cold, It r ')J:~ *in, ~'1 . 1 .,t, in its primary acceptation, A a'i [i. e. ted his colour; as allsoo &' : (:) [ 1 am he who enters the door that the i~gnobe seeks alh or, einrt her brand or.fane (app. the former, agreeably

rrroneously put for JJ,Wl:]) .ll signifies . lijlt (JK, Ibn-'Abbi,d, O, TA.')_And A roenl, or cord. (1bn-'Abb;S(, O, K.) -And A bofnmtring; (O, TA;) as also V LI; (0, ],* TA;) so called because it is bound to the head of the how: (0, TA:) or, accord. to Sh, a good hbo~inring, i. c. strong and long. (TA.) [See what follows.]) mj':J also signifies j.JI [The matting a thing]: ( :) thus aecord. to some in the saying of Ru-beh, describing. a sportsman [and his bow],

not, and to which one whose origin is not not invited]. (@.) - Seo also 1, latter half.

[Boos !.


BooK I.]
with what follows,)] offire: (TA:) or a AM offire gleaming or radiating: ($, V:) accord. to ISk, a firebrand; i. e. a stick in which is fire: or, accord. to AHeyth, originally, a piece of wood, or stick, in rhich is fire gleaming or radiating: (1, ],) and some allow , (Az, TA:) pl. , and Cb, (g,) a) ,,(Akh, 9, (TA,) and O 1, (],) which which is strange, (TA,) and last is [a pl. of pauc., but] thought by IM to be a I',instead quai-pL n. (TA.) The reading c in the lur [xxvii. 7], is an of ; ,-if, instance of a word prefixed to another identical [A shooting, or therewith. (Fr. L.) -Hence, falling, star;] a star, or the like of a star, that darts dow [or is hurled] by night; and particularly aJter a deril; as occurring in the gur [xv. 18 and] xxxvii. 10; and in a trad.; rcspecting the attempt of a devil to hear, by stealth, words k11 uttered in heaven. (TA.) - [Hence also,] signifies The shining, or brightly-shining, stars: (s:) or the scen dars [or planets; meaning, not the Pleiades (which are called ,1l), but the Mloon, Mercury, Venus, tihe Sun, Afars, Jupiter, and &aturn:the first three of which are (TA.) aid by Freytag to be called '1 ' For another meaning assigned in the K to -. t' also sigsee, ee ;$I, voce ; nifies S One who is penetrating,sharp, or energetic, in an affair; (]K, TA;) as being likened to the el [shooting] star. (TA.) One says, l4'i15 : Verily suh a man is one who is penetrar. ting, sharp, or en tic, in wrar. (S, A.) And ';4,JI Ot* .J; t [These a,e the bravas, or the name of heroes, of the army). (A.) -Also A certaindevil: occurrinlg in a trad.: hence the Prophet changed the namni of a certain man [originally] thus named. (TA.) :,: see ,~. which are hairs differing from the whiteness [tf the blaze]. (S.) And 4As)I is [a pL formed from ,1j as though this were a subst.] applied to the Bcnu-l-Mundhir, (K,) or one of the troops of En-Noamin Ibn-EI-Mundlhir, consisting of the sons of his paternal incle and his maternal uncles, and their brethren; (TA;) so called because of their comeliness, (K,) or because of the whiteness to ambergris, of their faces. (TA.) -Applied (g, TA,) t Of an excellent colour, i. e., (TA,) (1g, TA.) And applied to incliniuj to whiten^m. an iron head or blade of an arrow or of a spear W has been filed so that its blackness has &c., That gone: (8, A, TA:) or that has been filed liyhtl.i/, so that all its blackness has not gone. (AIHn, t AAgreat troop haring TA.) [Hence,] . ~ : numerous realson; (.I;) so caled because of the iron; (S ;) or because of the whiteness of the weapons and iron, intermixed with blackness: or a troop of which the iroh [(f the weapons antil armour] is white and bright: (TA:) or, as also t'1 .& "-, a troopl ulpon which is [seen] tthe whiteness of the iron [wea)poJ .Jr.]. (T, TA.



yet] also signifies t A hard, or d.iffcult, affair or case, (l, TA,) such as is disldiked, or I, t A hard, or d/fhated. (TA.) And J cult, a.#uir or, that is beyond onw's lixner

[of accomnplixshment or euluranee]: termed


because the camel thus termed is one that hbas attained its utmost strength. (O, TA. [Sec also art. 0.]) -_ Anld ,. signifies The lion. (0, K.) [And in thle Deewan of Jereer, it is appliel to The swine. (]



(S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, K,) aor.; (I ;)

see _lX.
first sententce.

se .- 1v, se:


The helyc-hog; syn. .M.. (g, 1.)

; Of the colour termed a.; (S, M 9b, hl, (],) occurring o in the poetry ;) as also of Hudheyl: (TA:) fom. of the former AC~: : (0:) the former ($, Msb, { :*) and pl. epithet is applied to a horse, (S,) [contr. to an amertion of IAVr, (see 4,)] and to a he-mule, (Msb,) and t~ to a she-mule. (Mgh, Msb.) [Golius, on the authority of Meyd, explains ;.44, applied to a horse, as meaning Sub.s;l niger, spadicees: and .r l .v1 as meaning lucid leviterre ririlis: the correct meaning of the former secms to be of a blackidh, or browniah, gray: and that of the latter, of a dark dsut. eoloured gray: scea;; and yail.] LJI was the name of a mare belonging to El-Kattkl ElBejelee. (O, g; in the Cgl El-lBejlee.) Applied to a she-goat, it". signifies Of a white colour intermixed writh black: thus applied, it is like ;1. applied to a ewe. (1g.) Apl,lied to a ;/ [or blaze on a horse's forehead], it means In Bk. 1.

and 4%, aor. !; (K;) alsopronolunced and written :, (Akh, S, K,) and j.:, and n.z, accord. to a rule applyiing to all verbs of the measure Ja of whichi the medial radical letter is a faucial; (MF;) (S, A, Mbgh, L, Msb, 1) and .4; inf. n. !; (TA; [there written without any syll. sign, and not found by me in any other Lex. ;]) llce told, or gave informantion of, what he had N'itne.sed, or seen or beheld ,with his eye: (Mgl, L, Mb :) this And [See also "l LA, voce is the primary signification: (L:) he declared A stron~g army [app. becanse of its numerous what he knew: he gave testimony, attestation, or ,1 t A lad in which evidence; he bore witness: (L:) he gave dcisive weapons]. (TA.) ..[.s,,t is no verdure, by reason of the paucity of raitn. information. (S, A, L, ]V.) [See also ;>l, beT A year of low.] You say, tj (TA.) And [hence,] t"' ,, in. n. as above, (S, drought, or sterility, white in cone~unce thereof, A, Mgh, L, M.b, Jr,) le told, or gav in!forma(TA,) in which is no verdure, or in nwhich is no tion of, such a thinj, as having witnessed it, or rain: (g, TA:) next in degree is the ,AU ; then, sen or beheld it with his eye; (Mgh, M$b;) or the which w*., is more severe than the ' ; declared such a thing as knowing it; (L;) or (TA;) and then, the l..,: (TA in art. _:) gare his testimony, attestation, or revidnce, reor a year that is white by reason of the abundame specting it; or bore witnes of it, or to it; (,5, A, .'l;1 . [in the preence of the judge]; of mow and the want of herbage: (IB, TA:) or L, 1.;) , ;9YU [or, or in faour of, sch a one], (S, a year of drought, or sterility; because the seed[against, or in op. produce dries up therein, and becomes yellow: Mgh, L, K,) and .J i signifies the same. (liar p. 150.) positinn to, such a o,w]. (Mgh.) And 5s ., and ,, lie gaine ,cisire information [respecting And OejAl t 2wo white years (CjLt1 ;,L) Il. such a thinJ (as in the l]ur xlvi. 9, and in many between vhich is no ,erdure (., TA) of herbage. other instanices); Ihe test.ied respecting it]. (4S, day: (A, 1:) or I A coldi (TA.) And l. L. [See also nnother mcaning of this pylrase in a day of cold wind; thought to be so called on 'a -- ' .e-of -, ..u N ,, tollows.]) [IHence,] M 1,'X ') A1 what account of the snow and hoar frost and hail therein: (L, TA:) or a day of /war-frost: (Az, in the Kur [iii. 16], means God hath qicen TA:) a day of cold roibud and hoarfrost; and evidence tluhat there is no deity but He: (Abu-l. t'. 'Abbls, IAmb, Jel :) or God kno~h &c.; (Ah[in like manner] the night ( 1) is termed 5 mad Ibn-Yahyk, I ;) and so "2:, throughout (s.) In the following verse, cited by Sb, the 1ur-in: (Ahmad Ibn-Ya4y :) or God saith le.: or God hath mritten le (].) And .4m

, ;I knom, (Msb, ~,) [or achnow. ledge,] and I declare, [or testdify, that ther is no [May my de-camdel be a ranwom for the sons of deity but God:] (4 :) [Fei ays,] the verb is Dhuld lbn-Sheybdn wecn there is a day of di.i- trans. in this phrase by itself [i. e. without the cadties, or distrese, . . .] the meaning may be intervention of a prep.] because it is used in the ,.,,l [or whitish] by rea~on of the whitenuss of the senseof,il. (Mb.) [And hence, ;j1l ii1 weapmn, or by re~on of th dust. (TA.) And means The sentenma declaring that thre isu no 1deity but God and that MoAammad is God's h4, (Mgh,* Mb,) aor.:, inf. n. (i,) [but the former, I think, is evidently the apostle.] --. means He sworo by Ood . (Mgh, j;:l, (Mgh,) tJl;) [i. e. right,] t The white nights; (j' ` ]l "It I sm,r by such a thing. the thirteenth and fourteenth and fifteenth Rights Msb :) and l.k

' 1;

iir t ;O 4

'i 5

of the lunar month; so called because lighted by the moon throughout; (see art. , ;)] ( 0;) three nights of the month; (g, TA;) because of ,, [or the altedatio0 of their colour. (TA.) - -

(6 .-) Iosr IAS b God ;sIS ;; that such a thing happened, or took place, eombines the meaning of witnesing with that of swearing and that of informing at the time of 2ao



[Boox I. termed ill., .Jl (i. e. the pronouncing fet-b like "e" in the English word "bed,") which may be justly regarded as the best to be followed because intermediate and because sanctioned by the usage of the classical times, except in cases that are pointed out by the grammarians as presentingobstacles to the pronunciation thus termed.] -. %e is syn^ ith Wszl[in several senses, as shown below]: and its pl. is ---. ($, (.) See l:, in six places. - Also Possusing much knowledge with respect to external things: is used in the like sense with respect to internal things; and ^I, in the like sense albsolutely. (L.) [Hence, perhaps,] I.;, in the g,&.S ]iur ii. 21, [as though meaning And call ye to your aid those of you who possess much knowledge: or] the meaning here is, your edpers: (Bd :) or your gods whom ye wortsdip. (Jel.) ty.JI as a name of God mcans T7e Faithfid, or Trusty, in his testimony, (Zj, L,) or in testimony: (]:) and (Zj, 0.) as some say, (Zj,) He from vho~s knowletlg nothing is hiMden; the Omnic,ant. (Zj, L, 15.) -Also, derived from l;it, or from ,Ml.l, or from ,.I, [all inf. s.,] accord. to different opinions; (TA;) and of the measure .A; in the sense of the measureu J (Mqb, TA;) or in the sense of the measure ; (TA ;) A martyr who i slain in th casum of God's religion; ($, IC;) [i. e.] one who is sain by unbelievrson afJield of battle; (Msb;) on who is sdain fujhtinm d in thi cause of God's religion: (IAth :) so called because the angels of mercy are present with him; (i;) because the angeb are present at the washing of his corpse, or at the removal of his soul to Paradise: (Myb:) or because God and his angels are witnesses for him of hisVtitle to a place in Paradise: (IAmb, Mgb,] :) or because lie is one of those who shall beo required to bear witness on the day of res~rrtion, (.K, TA,) with the Prophet, (TA,) against the people of past times, (I, TA,) whio charged their prophets with failsehoeod: (TA:) or because of his falling upon the ;.tL, or ground: (1:) or because he is still living, and present with his Lord: (ISi, Mgh, K :) or becaus hlie witnesses, or beholds, God's world of spirits and his world of corporeal beings: (Q,* TA:) [and several other reasons are assigned for this appellation :] the primary application is that expl. above: but it is also applied by the Prophet to one nwho di of colic: one who is drowned: one who is burned to death: Ote who is hiled by a building falling to ruin upon him: one wio die of pleurisy: (lAth, L:) one who dies of plague, or paestilence: a womnan n who dies in a state of preynantny: (L:) and to some others: (lAth:) the pl. is ;1-i.

uttering these words; as thoughl tlhe speaker said, TA.) And ;,1 She (a girl) menstruated: I swear by! God that I nwitnesed such a thinig, and attained to Iuberty. (IK.) and nov I inform of it. (M1b.) Accord. to 5. .JlI in prayer is well known; ($, K;) some, whien one says only .y~i, not adding 21, Tihe reciting of tre Jfrm of words.c rn,,m,neing it is an oath. (TA.) - 1b ; li a lphrasc a,, of which one meaning lhas been expll. above, n ith 1 ,C..l1l: [see art. . :] rn,oil the occurthcrcin of thie words,O Q ;.- ) 0:1 means also lie became a witness (O.Ms) of, or to, rcncel ,.' ''"'"'np,f.'!",:"~"f;',~ii '' S ;t , e ,J~./ ,. I,. el . .s. (3Igl3,* such a thing; (, K;) e hae TA. [See d hnon'ledge o.f such a thinig, and nitnessed it, or saw it or ,bcheld it also IIar p. 611.])_And '.l also signifies ile ,fith his eye: (Mb :) and o.T, (Mgh, L,) inf. n. souglht, or desircd to obttain, martyrdom. (L.) ;.~L~, (L,) [likewise] signifies hbe n t it; ites.d 10. ..a'1--" IIe ashked him, or required him, or tsav, or beheld, it, or hin, writh his eyfc; (Mgl, to tell ehat he had witnessed, or seen or beheld L;) and (Mgh, L, Msb) so * oj.x , (A, Mgh, L, with his eye; to declare tvhat le knenw; to give Myib, k[,) inf. n. loil.t.. (S, A, L, Myb. ) [l1cnce,] taestimony, or evidence; to bear nitness; or to one says, . i t [A conely, or give decisive information. (S, Mgh, L, Mob, .) pleasing, state, or condition, of him awas wit- You say, *%i IA Ws o._.;; I asked, or ne.ed]. (A.)- Antd ;4, (nor. :, K,) inf. n. required, [or cited, or summoned,] such a one to $, lie waxs, or became, present at it, or in it; give his testimnony, or evidence, or to bear witness, (~, A, Mglh, L, M.b, 1;) namely, a lplace, against ,u,ch a one. (L.) And ,jl ..1 (Mgh,) or an assembly. (Myh.) lienee thie /'~1 .jl" u.i; and */.lt I asked, .or resaying, (Msb,) " t'tI , ?. C , in the quired, [&c., and made,] the man to bear witnevs lur [ii. 181], Therefore nwhosoever of ym shall to, or to be nitnesa of or to, the eonfsi.inn, or be prement in tihe month, and stationary, not achnorle,1 gmnent, of the debtor. (L.) - [Hence,] 4ourneying, hle shall fast therein (Mgh, Mylvb) as or long as he shall remain present and stationary: 1J.b 2 1 is If ;.a4 t [lce adctiedl, urged, or cited, a verse as an evidential example (Myb :)jytJI being here in the accus. case as an adv. n. of time. (Mght, Mob.) [And hence,] of the meaning of a word]. (A phrase of frequent (~, 7JI . . ;I He attainedto [the being present at] occurrence in the larger lexicons.) the ~ [here meaning, as in many other in- 1) and .%f, (]K) lle ras xlain a martyr in the stances, thie pnayer of Friday]: (Mgh:) and cause of God's religion. (S, 1. [See .. ,J])

,3.a:l '4 he attainetd to [the beiig present at] the

[or festivoal, or the prayer thereof]. (Myb.) [Hence also,] it is said in a trad.,. ',I .,kIj .J [Swrearing, and unprofitable speech, attend your selling]. (TA in art. se 1 in ac: that art.)

2: see 4. 3: sce 1, latter half, in two places. 4. CL ub 4J;, I made him to be a witness (Os) of, or to, unch a thing: (?, Mgh, L:) [and in like manner,] I,.Jl &; l I nade him to have know~ e of the thing, and to wuitna it, or see it or be/wid it with his eye. (M9 b.) See also 10. )tlVl in relation to criminal matters means [The causing one to take notice of a thing that threatens to occasion some in.jury, with a vei to,the prevention of such injury; as, for instance,] the 3aying to the onmner of a house, "Tf7his thy wall is leaning, therefore demolish it," or "feared, therefore repair it." (Mgh.)J:1l also signifies Ie caused him to be present. (1..) You say, li. e caused me to b present [at, or on the occasion of, his being 8 put in posseion]. (S.) _ o.: see 10.~ ,.1M [as intrans.] t lumorem tenuem e pne emidt vir propter lunuvs amatorium vel osculum; (8, ;) as also v %:, (]i,) inf. n. 'e.: (TA:) [from Z signifying "honey;" for] ii. is a term for Sj~. (S.) t lie rendered hisj:. [or 'aist-wraqpper] of a reddish hue and of a dark dust.colour (j./) [by the act above-mentioned]. (L.) t ile (a boy) attained to puberty. (Th,

i;: see :,M, first sentence. =Also, and V .%Z, ($, Mqb, ],) the formef of the dial. of Temeem, and the latter of the people of El-'Aliyeh, (Myb, TA,) Honey: (.:) or honey in its wrax [i. c. its comb]; (S, Msb;) honey not exre~ed from its wax [or comnb]: (TA:) pl. ;J: ($, M9 b, g1:) i: is a more particular term, ($, 1p,) the n. un., [signifying a p,ortion thereof; and a honey-comb, or a portion of a honey-comb;] as

also';.. (TA.)
.~: see the next preceding paragraph. in two places.

;_,see: so l,

.e is also written and pronounced .e:, with kesr to the '.: (15, TA:) and in like manner is every word of the measure j.a having a faucial letter for its medial radical, whether an epithet, like this, or a subst., like JbA. and jen: ElHemdanee says, in the " Iarab cl-gur-kn," that the people of El-Iij6z, and Bcnoo-Asad, say e and J and j!, with fet-b to the first letter; and 1]eys and Rabee'ah and Temcem say and 2 and ';, with kesr to the first letter: Suh says, in the R, that Temeem pronounce every Jej of which the medial radical letter is hemzeh or any other faucial with kesr to the first letter: and En-Nawawee states, on the authority of Lth, that some of the Arabs do the same when the medial radical letter is not a fau. cial; as in je.b and . a jnd. and the and like thereof (TA.) [This last pronunciation obtains extensively in the present day: and so, in similar cases, does the intermediate pronunciation

(A, M.lh, K, &c.)

;St [see 1:] Information of what one lua wvitnessed, or seen or beheld with his eye: (IF, Mgh, L, Msb:) this is the primary signification: (L:) said to be a subst. from ;.tll: (Msb:) declaration of whtat one knows: testimony, attestataion, evidence, or witness: (L:) decisive information. (S, A, L, g.)- An oath: pl. l: so in the .Kur xxiv. 6 [and 8]. (TA.) - Martyrdom in the cause of God's religion.

1611 Boox I.] as expl. _ Also i. q. ';. -t.]J) [s8ee (8, below: see the latter word. _. And it is used in ], in thus,] tl5tJI. 5illj the sense of .t: is ofwat AKnoer iM &c., means the 1~ur vi. 73 (Jel.) n. is what of umssee and it is thus Arabs, the Mukha~rams, the Islmnees, and the bbe abridged, and is not thus called; but alled by a poet. (L) - And .t!JI is namne Jnd and a i Muwelleds: [see ,.' and ,~u and jJy:] with respect to all the soiences above of Friday; (Fr, ];) u also t;,,j : or the mentioned, they are taken from the poetry of the hltter is the day of rsuction: (V:) or th first, second, and third, classes; from that of the dbay of 'Arafch: (Fr, : [see l*1 :]) because of he presence and congregation of people on each frst and second by universal consent, and from t] gierS A roasted lamb: or [the kind of food that of the third electively: (MF ubi supri:) but oof those days. (TA.) - , also signifies n class fourth the of they are taken from the poetry [q. v.]: pl. ;1.b. (Har. p. 600.) calued] 4 Iatter rem bling mucus, that omes forth oith and thefwatu: (8, C:) pL ,~:which latter, arecord. with respect only to the sciences of .kjI t4 Always pr~ent. (Freytag from the DeeAsI;l and rj41. (Idem, and Kull p. 348.) t o ISd, means the y,l! [pl. of ,mp q. v.,] upon win of the Hudhalees.)] [The age of the earliest existing classical poems t,he head of a young camd at the time of its birth. (C,* Mgh, L) (though some older fragments and couplets and TA.) And gI'U ;,: means The mars lt by ~,1 (8, Mgh, L, ]) and tV have been preserved) is only about ( One who tdls, or git/s information of, what he single verses he blood, or by th membm~ that enclosd th the birth of Mohammad: that of t before century a as itnessed, or ee or beheld with his .eye :X in the place where he about a century after his death. (See Jf'etu, of the de.camel, A quack, or (Mgll, L:) one who declara what he knoms: (L:) the latest, (re,I.)-Also ,as broughtforth. work.)] - Also Knowing, I this to Preface the knors: he what declares and (.) knows, one who an epeditious, thing or affair. or seeing or beholding X (I8d, TA:) a itss, u meaning one who gives (Mqb,) and witnessing, his eje; a witness, as meaning an ey. ., ThL earth, or grond. (]p) 8ee, ;IlI tstimony, or evidence; who bears it : (n,* with pL of the 1ast sentence. ,S: (L, Msb;) u also t w/itnes; L, :'*) [one who gies decisir information: (see 1, of the first sentence:)] pl. of the former t C, (Akh, former [or, as is said in the L in art. , A place mbre people are present or 8,1 ,) or [rather] this is a quasi-l. n., (Sb, TA,) former or of the latter,] ;tr, and jS; [but see a place of as blig; an asemby; ssembled; (8,) what is said of these pls. in the first sentence of like as _ is of .. , and ~ of and i ~;" (1) an latter d;;&. (Myb.) (, L, ~ ;) as aso,t ;'; [but this paragraph;] and of the but some disallow this; (TA;) and t ; J ; [Hence,] (A.) verse a in p. .i. sense (L:) this , }.: ee what is said of this in the latter half of the [See an ex. of * ,JI in th ation, w paragraph] and ;ltt are also pl. of .t1, (Mgb, cited voce $,i.]_[Hence, in the present day, i The places of reios persfored, are 4c. g and pilg writes the of and ceremonies to A notary, who hars is l;'~. applied (., K:) the pl. of' . of;;: or or,) attets cass to be sbmitted for judgment in tihe at Mekkeh. (L.) - [A f~eral a*mbly or ,; 1c , in the court of a CAddes.] - Present; a witnes as proceom - A place where a martyr has died (8, Mgh.) [Hencej,] t &. (S, L, Msb, 1 ;) or is buried.- And The a~ect, or out~eard lgur 1. 20: see art. jt. -- [Hence also] '4WI meaning on personally present; t a name of the Prophet; (4;) meaning The as also ,' : (Msb:) pl. of the former *' (9, appearance, of a person; like I$1, : se an ] witness against those to whom lie has been sent. L, O) [and . i, as above,] and t ; , (],) or instance voce n. inf. an originally (Jel in xxxiii. 44.) - And ,1: An angel: (, this last is used as a pl. but is 4; Slain a martyr in the case of God's 1, 'WUi I; G L, 1:) or a guardian angel. (Mujiahid:) pL (S, L.) One says, .l) a (Jc [See ao ;:1: or this means the proplnet. (TA.)- meaning The prsmt knows what the absent know regi And The tongue: (?, L, KI:) from the saying, not. (Myb.) And '; ; People, or pern, ... , (8, A, ],) without 5, (.,) and .s,. sM uch a one has an elegant present. (, A.) And P;>.. .1L Ci!j 41h. *.~, (A,) A woman whose husband i pr~sent 3 tC; di~tion (L.) vne say also, , 'M 'i 'i [I spoke to him before witnesss, or person (S, , Such a one has neither goodline of aspect nor pre t]. (A.) - [Hence, app., being opposed wvith her: (, A, : ) oppo~ to I4* ;3p; [As a conventional to ,tl,] A rmning in which a horse exerts his A;) this last with ;. (8.) tongu. (Aboo-Bekr, L.) term used in lexicology &c.,] An evdetial force untparingly; (A, L;) as in the saying, and ;. see . a xanmple, generally poetical, of the form or meaning ;.jtA Ati The orse has a run which he ,MU of a word or phrase: pl. ,~4i,: the sciences that ling at which [A place of ass =; ;4.. rcserr [for the time of ned], and a run which and J; and IAiJI of those i being , require he perform unparingly; like the saying, Z numerou person are prent]. (A.) And Am peru are and &.u, and a; ' anSd and and land (A: [see 1 i art. JJ:]) or, M1 >j.l [A day on which numerow j,% which the on day a particularly] and prest: ,b,j l and J.1Ii. (MF on the Li of the means a rumnning thatestmifia the eellce of a inhabitants of heav and earth w be prent. horse, (IAr, ],) and his quality of outripping ,. c.1 .l:I ," and ].) [One says, ,1 i A prap er at the ;;;, ' others. (IA~, TA.) - A star [app. wn visi- (TA.) And are r~t, and This is an oeidential a'mple of nuc a thirg.] bb]; (Aboo-Eiyoob, ];) as being present and performance of which the ae With respect to the, classical language, absolutely, apparent in the night. (TA.) . [Hence, accord. tle recompmes of which, for the performer, is OIS aare taken, by universal consent, from the (L) See also :*1, in or rester. !fi 1,;" Th prayer of unset; (A, written, to some,] ]ur-an, and from the language [both verse and of the paragraph. quarter last the in is per- two places, prose (Kull p. 348)] of those Arabs who lived L, Msb, ] ;) because it is the prayer that and . Past and ~ visible; (Sh, L;) - )9;j -* ._ before the period of the corruption [in any con- fored when the star becomes .) art in L (Kh, verb. a of tenses the f-ure; ;i , because the stars are seen I siderable degree] of the Arabic tongue: [see also called or, accord. to some, the thereof: time the at also, accord. to the general decision of the ji:] [and so, accord. to (L;) daybreak; of prayer learned, from the Traditions of Mo?ammad; l; [which last source is excluded by some because some, l t!.; (sce art.y;)]as also '; , (1 accord. to the TA,) with fet-b to traditions may be corrupted in language by their (TA;) and it is said to be so called because he ;, . the , and kesr to the Xj, (TA,) nd transmitters, and interpolated, and even forged;] who is travelling must perform it without (Mgh, Myb, and electively from the language of those Arab abridging it, like him who is present at his home: ( accord. to the TA,) or Arabic the of corruption who lived after the first Aboo-Sa'eed E4-p~aeer says that the former and so in the C], except that it is there written tongue, but before the corruption had become ex- prayer is so called for this reason [as is also said as though imperfectly deeL,) with fet-1 to the X, teniive. (Mz, 1st p;; and MF ubi supri [See, in the A and Msb]: AM asserts that the first (Mqb,) and elIAS, (CO,) arabicised from [the again, JJ..]) The classes of the poets from reason assigned above is the right one, because whose poetry xIlpS are taken are the Pagan the prlyer of daybreak, in like manner, may not Pers.] at; 16, which meas "king of grains," 203'


1612 (Ibn-EI-Kutbee, TA,) The seed of the % [or hemp]: (Mgh, Myb, g :) it is useful as a remedy for the quartan fever, (]C,) prepared as a beverage, (TA,) and for the [kinds of leprosy called] and h.;, (g,) applied as a liniment, (TA,) and

J%lX -


[Boot I.

Mqb, s.) And ! [7h7e child became a [But authors differ respecting some ofthese names, month old; or] a month pased (lit. camne) oter as will be seen in other articles.]) ; t *i, ,. --the child: similar to j_l, (A,) or to .Jl. said, in the Iur [ii. 193], to be the period of the A. (Mob.) (Msb.) And j 1J1 ;.,,t1 The hunse became pilgrimage, for by .JI, which immediately CJ altered, or changed, and menth pased~ over it. Precedes, is meant I j, (Mgh, Msb,) or it kills what are called ,A'1 bIl, (]g,) which are (TA in art. J .) - Also We remained, stayed, precedes, c' X 4j, (Msb,) dnvlt, applies to Slworodml and Dhudwelt, or abode, a month in a place. (ISk, S.) worms in the belly, [tape-wormns,] (TA,) when And We entered upon the month, i. e., the I-.Ka.adh a.d ten days of Dhu-l-l.liWeh, (Mgh, eaten, and also when applied to the belly exlunar lunar month. (Th, S.) _ And z ,l 1She (a Mph,) accord. to Aboo-I.{aneefelh(Mgh) and ternally. (g.) woman) entered utpon the month of her bringing most of the learned, part of Dhu-l-yijeh being forth. (Mob, g.) called a month tropically, as is often done by the ~~~~~~~ relating to time; for ex. 8. 8. j;:1 It was, or became, aplparent, con- Arabs in similar eases, 1 #~ npcuous, manifest, notorious, notable, commonly when they say, i Ln , (, A, g,) aor., (XS, ,) inf. n. ' . sl, La, the period of and ; (1 ;) and * ~,, (j , A, O, ]g,) inf n. known, or public: (S :) or [it generally means] it separation having been a day and a part of a day: as, or became, aiparent, &c., as bad, evil, (Mbl:) or [and] nine daysof Dhul-Zi7eh e,3; (s ;) and t #P.j ; (8, g ;) lie made it mu, withthe abominable,foul, abominable,fodul, or uw7nly; it mat, or became, nkjght preceding the day of the zacrif%, accord. to apparent,consicwu, manifes, notoriou, notable, exposed as such, or rendered notorious in a bad Esh-Shdfi'ee: (Mgh :) or [and] all Dhu-lIfi.t cornnmnly knonwn, orpublic: (S, O, MF :) or [it ex~ 1 , sense generally means] he made it apparent, &c., as sense or infamous. (A, ]C.) It (a story, or dis- accord. to Mdlik: (Mghl, Mp :) [in these two excourse,) became divulged, or public. (Msb.) planations the two montihs next preceding being Ired, evil, abominable, foul, or unsemly; he ex- course') I,i 1 ~ W_ul: see 1. As a trans. vcrb: see 1 in meant to be included:] or Shomwdl and Dhu-.p,los it as such; or rendered it notorious in a 1.1i tliree Ki.andet and Dhu-l-Iijjche aund Joharram, aecord. three places. lbad ee, or infamous. (A, ]C.) You say, ;.5' 46, to Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sl"bee. (Msb.)_-Also tA 0e, ~.o1J, inf. n. as above, I dirulged the story, or j*Z j* The new noon, when it alppears: (IF, A, learned man: (0, 1C:) [because of his celebrity:] d;i;urse. (Myh.) And t'. IJ. l ,'i.q " I Mgh, Mgh, 0, Msb, . :) so callcd bencause of its con- pl.I . (0, TA.) _- [And accord. to the g, it P spicuousness. .,lJI [Such a one has an excellent quality rwhirh opicuousness. (Mghl, Msb.) This is the original signifies also The like of a nail-paring: but this the peple7 have made commonldy known]. (S.) signification. (Mgh.) [See the last sentence of is app. a mistake, perlhaps originating from a And.tA1 ' t rendered I him conspicuous this paragraph.] You say, :J 1.;, meanin,g 5 mutilated transcript of what here follows:] a poet [or notorious or cedbrated or renoned] among I saw the new moon of the month. (Mgh.) says, describing camels, 1 the peopl. (M!b.) And l.t ,.j ;, and Hence it is said in a trad., '~ I~j,~, mcaning 0 .W 0.0 'C)I.AO; t'69 04 Fat ye tile firt &ty of the lunar mont/i. (Lh;, 4 ;Z [I renderd &yd conspieuous, notoriowu, Fast S1 >,J.JI ' A~~l.,~t celebrated, or renowned, for such a thing]; TA.) And hence thc trad., : % - a ; a . .::~ ~ i1 (Mgh,* Mb ;) [but] the latter has an intensive meaning The utility of watching for the nec signrifieation: 'P , with 1, in the sense of moon is on the nine and twentieth night. (L, [Tley rent forth from N3jid in a state of onfiTA.) [Or the meaning is, that the lunar month deuwe, the new nmoon being like the nail-paring]. &3: , has not been transmitted: (Mb :) or is TA.) not of emtablished authlority. (Mgh.)One says also, is a period of nine and twenty nigihts.] - Also (0.) ' jp'!, , , and [generally, but not always, The moon: or the mnoon mwhen conspicuous, aund . a subst. from j;Q,l, (Mgh,) signifying neartobeitagftill. in a bad sense, meaning] Hle was rendered, or near to beitngfUll. (].) - And [A lutnar month;] The aolppearatnce, eonsiiruou~nes, ,nanifectne., a certain ncdl-hArwn number of days: so called bierame, s,toriou, or itfamous, for such a thing: a noto,r oU.Qiezxx, notallenees, or ptdublicity, of a thing: because (A:) the latter verb being intrans. as well as because made manifest by the moon: (ISd, K :) (8, O, Msih:) or [generally] its appearance,&c., an arabicized word; or, as some say, Arabic; trans. (TA.) And [hence one says,] t'P (Mob;) (Msb;) and so called becaise ofits being mani- as had, evil, abominable, foul, or unAwm!y; its t;k mneaning II held such a one in light, or notoi.iouwwx* notoriousnews in a bad sense, or infarnoumnae. fest: (M1b, TA:) pl. [of pauc.] vl (Mob, ]K) little, estiinatihn, or in contempt, and eps&ed his feat: (A, .K.) - Any eril thingthat exposes its author and and [of mult.] M-0 ;j,. (S, Msb, JI.) The following to dijrace; any disvjracqf ~ ,.finlts, or evil qualities or actions. (A.) id, or xlamne.ful, thing; a vire, or faitt, or the ilhe. (IA$r, 0, TA.) are the modern names of the months: 1..,iI And , (i, A, Mqb, kg,) aor. , (~, Msb, are excellent or .ulrb kitnd; and g,) inf. n. is often added]: A dres if the -most (a, Msb,) Hle drew his s,or,d (,I [to whichl the epithet .sJIL Myb, TA)from its ~cabbard: (TA:) or he drew 2. o [to which the epithet 'O' s lJI is often added]: one of thie rilest or mneawest kind: both of which are forbidden. (Mghi.) _- [It is also used in the I.i his sword and raisedit over the people; (A, 1 ;) 3. 3. j;bl M: 4. v 1 [or L. ]: 5 sense of ;j:.L..] One says, ;,# aq t []Ie as also ' ,. (g.) ji)t ji,t A~.: . ;O: 1: i [or A,]: rendered himn notorious, eitlwr in a bad or in a 2: sce above, in three places. [In modern to which is often added the epithet goold sene]. (A.) And o Lo, (., in art. J,) 7. ,.-. [to Arabic, *_ often signifies lie paraded an ofi. e. t [lie becamne notorious, &c.]; said of w~, and that of ;diI]: 8. ijL.a [to whichl we J1.Ye fender as a Imblic eample; and it occurs in this ,~191, a man. (TI in that art.) sense in the g and TA in art. u-]Lt, &c.: the often find the epithet &',eJt added, and someoffender, in this case, is generally mounted upon times that of ' 'a I]: 9. X [to whichi the L5. 0 1 A O3y [or hackney] betneen the an ass or a camel, and often with his face towards epithet .Jl.J1l is appropriated]: 10. Jl3, [to a.*j [or mare of m,on breed] and the lhor of the animal's tail.] --which the epithet j,4Z1! is frequently added]: generous breed: one says, , JI J. and 'O' 3. . , (]g,) inf. n. ; (S, 1g) and , 1 11. aWlIj1: and 12. laq.l j : [see the second 1,VJI [lelcdid not ride hackneys of the sort (g,) Ife hired him, or took him as a hired man of of the two tables in p. 1254:] and the following above mentioned]: (A:) or .. signifies Cw~.0 or hir.eling, for [or by] the month: (LI, V :) or are aem are the names by which they wrce called by the he made an enga,oement, or a contract, with him tribe tribe of 'Ad, agreeably with the foregoing nu- [or hackneys]; and its pl. is jt,: (Mgh:) or a for work or the like, by the month, or month by a, sort of .J* [or haclney.:]; (Lthi, O, I~;) a j- .. pt meration: meration: 1. j.4: 2. j.: 3. ild_.: 4. OI,; month: (TA:) ;,Al.I from,;JllJ is like i;l horse of which the dam is Arabian but not thc 5 1 [q. sire. (Lth, O.) [q.v.]: 5. &i oO: 65. ,*_ ._,1: 8 5 from LWI. (.S, TA.) 9. . 0,* O O . . D.,U: 10. Jc: 11. 11WO ;;: and 12. , [or 4: see 1. _Ut1, (1, Myb, fC,)'inf. n. ;l, see:M j,*v. - .;e,.' A woman, and a she(Ibn-El-Kelbee, (M?b,) A month pased (lit. came) ovr . (u, 't?]. (Ibn-EI-Kelbee, in TA, voce . am, ass, broad(0, ]O)and bulky. (O.)

.r aI la







BooK I.]


1613 !4 A tinge, or mixture, of iij [i. e. bluenes, or graynem, or a greenish hue,] in the black of the

ai A single cry. ($, TA.) [See 1, last sent[ More, and most, appawrent, conspicuous, manifest, notorious, &c.; better, and best, known. tence but one.] _ Hence, j.'EI The drum and tiue banner. 403* 'a,. Height, elevation, or loftiness. (TA.) (Gol., from Meyd.)] jLS High, or lofty; applied to a mountain, tl: [in the CI. ,e t bl] The nhiteness of the ($, 0, Mb, K,) and to a building, &c.: (0, :) or, applied to a mountain, high and inaccessible: arciaus. (1(, TA.) (JK1,TA:) pl. jat: (JK,Msb,TA:) you say A child a month old. (0, TA.) ;L; J. and ;jUtIM and ;IlS. (Myb.)_ Jr-i Applied to a vein [or an artery], t Pulsing upsee the following paragral)h. s: wards: (O, K, TA:) a term of the physicians. I A man wlnose anger is (0, TA.) al;j Of known place or station; (K;) well ,;s Whem,ent: (JK; A, 0, L, TA:) wrongly expl. known; tell spoken of; celebrated; Iwll in repute; reputable; notable; eminent; (0, TA ;)applied to a man; (0, TA;) as also t,,

eye: (S, 0:) or, u also t j,l, [this latter mentioned above as inf. n. of ji, a tint] Ism than , [in the CK1 ijJil is erroneously put for pjjil, which is here used in the sense of aU1jil,]
afi than this, in the black tf the and nwore beaut eye: (.I, TA:) thus in the M: (TA:) or a tinge of redne in the black of the eye, not in lines, like !~., but [consisting in] a paucity of blacknewss of thi black of the eye, so that it is as though it inclined to redness: ( :) or a hue of the black of the eye between rednest and blackness: or a lack of purity of the blackness thereof: or a redness in the black (f the eye; !i.ti being thile like of a redness in the white tliereof; thus expl. by A'Obeyd; and in like manner by Es-Senimmk. (TA.)

.K, in the . by tlhe words M.; j: (TA:) and so JLG S. (A, TA.) And : A stallionii [camel] (0, 1., TA,) and [in an intensive sense] v~v~. Exrited bly bIt, assaulting [the de-camel], and (TA.) [And Anything apparent, eonpicuous, causing a uound to be heard from his inside; as >L. (TA.) manifest, notorious, notable, conmnuly known, or also AirJ fern. of JV1 [q.v.]. (., 0, ].) Also public: lit. rendered apparent &c. Applied to a an i,if n. (S,* 0, 1g. [See 1.)_ [And A want; syn. t..: (S, 0, K:) said by I: to be word or phrase or meaning, Commonly known or [a originally [1J. (O.) obtaining or receicedl; nwell Lnorn'; or keld in also nn epithet.] OneC says j repute. clences"J,l _ Arcording to corn mon, meaning t A loted latghing, likened to the 3t,t3 ak40 Aj;, [app. meaning a silver coin] of or wnell-known, usage; or according to common of tilhe ass]. (., 0.) repute.]

the ,neasureof tl, breadth of the hand. (Mgh.)

1. 3j,, aor.:, (S, M.s,) inf. n. j.., (Msb,) [said of a mountainl, and of a building, &c., (see Ol&,)] It rose high; or became hih., or levated, or lofty. (S. Mb.) -. , aor.: nn(d;, inf. n. 1],said of an nass, [lie uttered tie j, [and ending of his braying, or the final .wounm there!f;] (.8 ;) [for] ~j signrifies the ending, orfinaipart, of the crying, or braying,of the ass; (.S, 0;) and to this the cries of thdie punished in llell are likened in the Xlur xi. ]08; (0;) and tni j significs the "beginning, or commencing part, thereof:" (s:) or j signifies the dranfing bacur !f tle breath; and Aj the "emitting thereof:" (Ltl, 8: [but the reverse is said by Lth and in the S in art. ji:]) aud Otr. signifies tile same as ;?;: (.8:) or Ib)th of thlese wonls signify [ansolutely] the crying, or braying, of the ass: (0, :) Zj says that v as denoting one of the cries of the afflicted [in liell] means a rery high-sounding moaning: andl that, accord. to some, i; [as used in the lur ubi supri] is similar to the beginning of tile cry of the ssam, termed 0, ; and that je is in the chewt. (TA.) [Said of a man,] ~j, and aor. ' and,; and J,, aor. -; inf. n. : j1; (0, JI) and b, (0) and JYli; signify ThL [sound of ] weeping became reiterated in his chast: (0, ] :) or, as in the L, he reiterated thL [sound of] weepng in his chtest. (TA.) [Or] ;., aor. ' and , inf. n. ei,, signifies [or signifies also] lIe reiterated hiA breath, making his voice audible, naturally. (Mgb.) One says also, a Suchr a one uttered a ingle cry and died. (, TA.)-Andtlul * e; :ThI eye of the looker smote him with evil ~; infJuence: (0, ], TA :) or, was pleased with him, and therefore continued looking at Aim. (A, TA.)

applied to a man, ($, 0,) laring that

aor. -, (g,) inf. n. . (,.,,, o, TA,) lIe (a man, o,0) had tlat quality of tih eye
vwhich is termnetl " [cxpl. below]; (S, 0, g ;) as also 1 j~tl, inf. n. ,"t (Q.) [And in like manner each of these veIrbs is probably used as said of the eye.]
2. j~. is a vulgar dial. var. of of J0,-, q. v.]. (TA.) k [inf. n.

1. j,.,

quality qf the rcj which is termei 'd eb : (S, O, I :) accord. to AZ, njn. with Xj l: (TA: [but see this latter epithiet:]) fem. tI4f; (] ;) which is aplplied as an epithet to an eye. (S, 0.) - Also A mountain, and a wolf, dust-coloured irnlining to n.hitenesu. (En-Nadir, TA.) - And J:.1l is thie name of A certain idol. (Ibn-EI-Kelbec, 0,

3. Z,u, (g,) in n. 'la , (S, 0, TA,) Hre acted with him in an evil manner; or contended,
TA;) and .1.;. [which has the latter of these significations]: and opposed him, being opposed by him; syn. jtc: (TA:) he reviled him; or reviled him, being reviled byj him: ( :) he ea: (,* changed bad names with him; syn. TA: [in the 0, a,ili is put for LJ. I :]) he bandied words with him. (S, O, TA.)

1. ', nor. , (, ,) inf n. ;1,4? (., TA) a and , (TA,) me (a man) w, or became, or disputed, with him; syn. l:,; (s 0,.o, hardy, strong, sturdy, enduring, or patient; ( ;)
clever, [or] acute of mind or intellect; ($, ];) ingenious, sharp, or penetrating. (K.) - And lie (a horse) was, or became, snifi; brisk, lively, sprightly, or agile; anti strong. (I., TA.)[And app. It nws, or became, rolujh, harsh, or coarse: for] i~. signifies c g. (I-amn p. :, (,, ,) aor. and ', inf. n. 600.) and; , (Q,)Hefrightened him, or made himn 5. .3J, said of the freshness, or brightness, afraid; (S, ;) namely, a man. (g.) - And ,) It went and beauty, of the face, ( ht L.; .,E, aor.:, (s,) inf. n. ,, (TA,) He away, or departed, (O, g, TA,) by reason of ,ji,l chid the horse; (];) or incited huin to quickness. emaciation. (TA.) (JK, K],and Ham p. 699.) 9: see l. ., applied to a man, Hardy, strong, sturdy,

,.A mixture of two colours. (ISk, TA.)

enduring, or patient; ( ;) acute of mind or in-

and telect; ($, I ;) clerer, ingenious, sharp, or peneHence, (ISk, TA,) one says, C) 0;J./ , (JK,) t In trating; and t .;L signifies the same: pl. of the ~,J (ISk, 0, I,') or J (OC)[and app. _ also: see., mcha one is lying. (lSk,JK,0,1.)_Seealso former;.t A chief whom see whut here follows]. and a~.. judgment, or judicial decision, or exercise of auJrZ [properly in n. of j ]: sce . thority, is e.ffectual in affairs; (J,' TA;) courageous; or sharp, or vimorous and effective, in ae, A middle-aged, inteligent woman: an affairs which others are unable to accomplish: epithet peculiarly applied to a woman: (S, 0, :) or, accord. to Fr, forbearing, or clement; who ... .,., .,., .1,. one says Ulmh akiZ il, but not * J, J performs mell that which is imposed upon him; (TA.) whom one finds not otherwnis than forbearing, or J ; though IDrd mentions jS J:. clement, and pleased, or content, with thlat which .-. And An old woman. (].)

a*(1Sk, O,


1014 is impoed upon km: and in like manner applied (1]) [and to other than a man: (TA:) pl.. app. ~]: ~e , with which , is qn. (TA in art.,~.) _- And, applied to a horse, : S!fil; or agil; and strong. (1, briak, ively, hty, TA.)--Also A tone rohich it placed at the


to the smiting action of the [evil] eye [perhaps 4"J1 r>1 [ lataent deire kc.] mentioned meaning He tied with him in smiting rowith the in a trad. is said to be any act of diobdie~ eil eye: see also 4]. (TA.) which one concei in his mind, and on whic he resolve: or ones seeing a beautifid young 4. ot~ He gaw hin what he desired or woman, and lofing his ey, the looking w it eagerly dosred. (I.) - And He smote Aim his heart, and imaging her to his mind, and so in this sense [said to be] with an [evi] eye: (.:) lit. l, The tempting himslf. (JM.) [;JI entranceof a trap ( Z or e in different formed by transposition from &L.ZI. (TA.)i longing for day, is app. used as a gencral term copies of the O) for a lion, and which falls upon JI WIl t means that she is desired, or eagerly for malacia: see -wt~] : (] ,TA:) the it whmn he enters: as also desired, [i.e. How great an object of daesire is leading latter is the word [better] known to the she to me 1] as though it were from j, though J ';3 (s, Myb, 1, TA) and * u,l and lexicologists. (TA.)

this was not said: and ,J t,:,t ta means that ~s, (1., TA,) applied to a man, Desirous, or ;.4, i. q. r*._ [app. meaning The kind of thou art desiring, or eagerly desiring, [i. e. Honw longg; (S,0 M9b,' 1,* TA;) or very desinou goblin, or dmon, ths called]. (Aq, g,1.) dsirou, or mearly diesiros, am I of her!] so or g; greedy; or voraciou: (TA:) fem.
says Sb. (TA.)

,M The -J., [q. v., i.e. ~hedgehog; or a 5. u; lie demanded wit repeated desire. certain "peces of hedgog; &c.]: (1r:) [see also the last sentence of this paragraph :] and, (1,) or (], TA.) So in the saying, (TA,) U L> accord. to AZ, (TA,) the male hedgehog: (., P, 1 "' ($, TA) [He demanded with repeated TA:) or ch as ha large pric'd or ~pnes, of desire, of such a one, mch a thing]. - See also mal hed~phog, (V, TA,) and the lihe. (TA.) what next follows.
occurring in a verse of El-Apha, .~ il,~ is said by AO to mean t In a state of fright, or

(of the first, Msb)


: (Msb, ], TA:) pl. [of

the first] LjCt;l, (], TA,) like LL; [pl. Qf

I1ff]. (TA.) [See an ex. of the pl. in a verse One says, kAt11 o19J j1i cited voco jq.] [A man dcsirous &c. of the thing]. (S.) _ Zl : see the next preceding paragraph.



(s, &c.) He desired it, or longed for

fear. (TA.) -

4, An old woman: (J :) or,

accord. to IAr, a hA~og. (TA.)

ur i.q. *; (s, Msb) [i.e. Desird, for it: (s:) or he desired it ~eagerly, or in- lofngd for, or eagerly desired:] or pbasant,

it: (Msb :) he loved it; and desired it, or whed

temudy: (M in art. ,..j: [see an ex. in a poetical deicious, or nveet: (Msb, TA:) applied to food,

. .: seeZ^Z. - Also Frighten, or made citation voce , :]) j and t1 afraid. (, TA.) -And, applied to a horse, aor.:; (Mb,h,;) as also l Chidde; or incited to quicknm. (TA.)

, (;, Myb, K,) (S.) and to water. (TA.) - [Hence,] ,4Ji , [And 17e J, [or Persian lute]. (KL.) aor.-; a;, (AZ, tT which copy of the KL, t The roater-mlon (anguia). ]
See also i w. :, A man fhaving much, or equent, deire or longitn or eager desire. (TA.) [See also l..] ,: [act. part. n. of 1; Desiring, or g; A man sharp of r &c].(Sb, TA.) ,-sight: (S, ]:) formed by transposition from


;) inf. n. ,,

(S, TA) and '6,

Golius adds, as on the authority of a glom in a

last is an inf n. [ofa rare class] like ZI.;; (TA;)

i. q. i+,
uIJI .J.

(ADt, V,) and i

(ADt, TA.)

, i. e. signifies the same: (S, Msb, 1 :) and so does t 1Z. (].) [See what next follows.]
~j% [mentioned above as an inf. n.] is a word

of well-known meaning; ( ;) Desire, or longing, 1. and w: ee ~ t_ , aor. ; and good, U aor. '; inf. n. &.%; It [food &.] wam
sweet, pleasant, or the like. (MA. [But this, the only meaning there amigned to these two verbs, I do not find elsewhere.]) [I made him, or caused him, to der, 2. to long, or to desire eamgerby]. (Myb.) - [And U, ' appetence. For ex., in art. j~. in the is said of the Or., or berry of the sumach, meaning It excites appetence.] _ And oZ! u lie, or it, caused the thing to be detired, longed for, or desired eagerly: made it to be good, weet, pleasant, or the like. (MA.) One says, .*1X.1 ,, :i 1 i. e. [This is a thing that cause the food to be desired, &c.; that makes it sweet, &c.; or] that inites to desire, or eager desire, of the food. (8, TA.) - [And accord. to in the KL, an cxplanation of the inf. n., i>, or yearning, of the soulfor a thig; (Er-Raghib, MNb, TA;) [meaning for a thing gratifying to e : or cager, or inte, dedire; particularly for mch a thing; for] it ha a more intenive s/inification than ;;1; ; and the intelligent agree in opinion that it is not commendable: (M in art. ,,*:) [being either lawfid or unlawfid, it may be rendered as above: or appetite: or appetence: or lust: or carnal hust:] in the present state of

It ezcited duire, longing, cager desire, or ~itence, it is of two orts, Ul> ait. [i. e.falbe]; the former being that without th ;I.

, 1 [More, and most, desirable, or pleasant or dliciowu or ne]. One says, i.s lji ;. [It is more desirable, or plasant t., to me, or in my etimation, than such a thing]. (Myb voce .il.) See also another ex. in a verse [i. e. true], and cited voce ul, in art. pl. see;ae - . [Used a a subst., its pl.

which the body becomes in an unsound state, as

1; seems to signify also He said to him, I roill give to thee rwhat thou desi~t, longst for, or
eagerly de st; agreeably with a rendering of the verb alone, as on the authority of that work, by Golius.]

3. ;t ,(V, (,TA,) inf. n. LLt, (TA,) He was, or became, lke him; he resembled him. (14, TA.)m Also He jested, orjoked, wit him: [except as to the final vowel], .) (TA.) [g)iJt means The two appetites, that the dual of , (IAqr, TA:) [and] so ;t.. (1 in art. - And accord. to IAvr, it is also.used in relation of the stomach and that of the generative organ.] (TA,) [erroneously written in the CV. ;" j,]

of hunger; and the latter being that mitttout rwhich the body doe not become in an unsound state: and sometimes it is applied to the object of desire &c., or thing desired &c.: (Er-Righib, 1. jd;, formed by transposition from .:, TA:) and agreeably with this last explanation the .*i', [but the latter form of the aor. ly.' and first of the following pls. is used in the kur iii. is disallowed by MF,] Ie preceded me, or 12: (Ksh, Bd, Jel:) sometimes also it is applied aor. He grieved me. (V.) outent me. (g.) ~And to the faculty to which a thing is made an object (18.) Thus it bears two And He pleoasd me. of desire &c.: (Er-R6ghib, TA:) [also, to the gratification of renereal lust; thus in the 1 in contr. significations. (TA.) And 4jj, aor. e3glX I pleaed him. (Lth, O.)_And4 &jL I see .i .:and;A :] the pL is i1* art. j;; wras pleased with, and rejoiced in, him, or it. (Myb,TA) and 2e.; and ; the lastmenalso art. ,;.] tioned by A Cei, and a rare instance of a pL of the (Lth, O, J.) [See measure ji from a sing. of the measure Liai ;, n. un. l;: see art. ,,. having an infirm letter for its last radical, like [and like p1. of ]. tAS., (], TA, and Lin art. t,) in formlike spl. of

[or desire &c.] for food on the occason is ~ln;fi.] it

Bool I.1
[q. v.], (L in and and te:, lilke et art. C,) [applied to a man,] Far-ighlted; (K1;) either in the proper sense, or metonymically apli plied to a man characteriedby Ideliberation, and reflection, and looking to the results nf aflfiirs. (TA.) Each is also applied as an eplithc:t to a [The radical letters of . t horse. (L in art.


heard instead of A.e.: ISd, in thle M, mentions it ]) observing that the Lj is ; Antd .2 (TA) and t .:.i, (S, TA,) [each an in arts. _ . and ., said to take the place of .: J, as well as Z and inf. n. used as a subst. properly so termed,] or [q. v.]. (TA.) others, mentions it in art. . iet:, (so in one copy of the S,) signify A mixture; an admixture; or a thing mixed nitht .A and qIt: see . another tin,g. (.,, TA.) Thlus l. signifies in the Iur xxxvii. G;: (TA:) or, accord. to one .lt sing. of ;15 meaning The rhAiteness thing a meaning with the darhness of night. (Har p. (t, lt is [1mixlg] tllerc word thc reading, this epitlhet are either Li or le; therefore it is may be 1t ' . i;SA mentioned again in art. tA; and another form wvith which another thinj is mixed. (Bd..)44,l1 58.)TlThc saying is not Tlhere ;" mcanlg is mentioned in art. also significs [particularly] llhat is mixed [with from tl; "lie mixed it thereof, without ., (1,) lpomseof right or one in it anything [(f owne'sxlilp, something els,], of nater or of milk: (I:) nixed tlwremith, thonughl small, or ho;reer xion,] drink to him gave lie otL .jJ! . says, ; it htoney wvith water, or milk, mixed [ttlwrecwith]: small; like as one says, ai ,, i;

faulty, or defletite. (TA. [Sce also

L a :n, aor.

A, Mqb,) inf. n. a:(d,

($, A, Msb, 1) and .1Z, (Fi,) Ie mured it; (f, A, Msb,[;) such as milk with water; (M.b;) or honey with water. (A.) [And It mingled t 'j ig Jo Toith it: for] one says also, as; mith which wine nere [As thougl her salivta used sometimes is honey mingledl]. (A.)-[It bad a in frequently more in a good sense, but vitiated, adultrated le means often and sense; or sophisticated, it.] It is said in a trad., Smwnaring, aO.i, ( . ~,t L-It o.M elling; .your attend spereA, snplrot,able and (TA.) And it is nialt]. tierore mix ye it with


sahl in a prov., 4ioe

confoundt, or


t He mixes, or

uaIes a confusion or disorder, in

speech and in actions: (f, TA:) or he ays rigl t one time and wrong anotlwer tiane: (Ays,TA:) or he defeos without energy: (TA:) or he is some lmnes incuited to motion, or action, and defends the Pers. nrgy, and fonetime hle is ut himnose.lsf, b wiout m .r'y: se m not become excited to noution, w;tioness, and does
or action; anvd it is not from [tlhe wor(ls

1 elL He gave him to .J, ,I , (TA:) or drink mill [mixed] with lwney. (IDrd, TA.) And AMied honey; as in the saying, .~. Ia 1 have not mixed lwny nor milk % .' such as is termted ,15 [q. v.]: (IAXr, TA:) or [simply] hoIwney &c.; (A, Msb, TA;) so called 1ecause they mix it with beverages; (Msb ;) as in the :1 e L Ie gave himn to drink j a.JI saying, honey with clarified butter, or with milk. (A.) . , . .j O ; And Broth; as in the saying, ,sij the in but ]: (8, milk. nor broth not lie has signifies also A piece of latter, J tb.) And J, ) 1t_ signifies dotgh. (1K.)- And [the pl.] t A mnedly, or mimed multitude, of sundry sort: , which signifies a les particular term than J a medley, or mixed multitude, of the low, or lower, or lowest, sort: (TA, from a trad.:) accord. to El-Jawaleckee, it is an arabicized word, from

being an instance of the measure i.L in tho sense of the measure aiJ, as in

aH 1 j U#:

.;t is also tius the lawyers use it. (Mb.). sing. of 'Il. meaning Uncleannesse, fil/tl, or pollations; or unclean,Jilthy, or fotl, thlins. (g , Msb, Ig*)


(S, Msb) and .;A, thoe latter from

[" it was mixed "], Mrixe (., Msb.) A 1pot says, (namely, Suleyk Ibn-Es-Sulakeh EsSagdee, TA,)

i. c. [And tha twater of cooking-pots, in thl tooden boals,] mixed with seeds for seasoning and

with sauces. (S.) -- oj

i'a.jt i

JI means

(TA in art. ,j)

in the next preceding paragraph.

44. and

or appllbied to] milk: so says Axx-Sateed [i. c. r means . ,o %,d ulso tlhtt As]: and lhe says hc efeeifoed hia ft iie thme, at;nd was sluggiyh, or tine: r the and that . TA:9 , ao indolent, ant mcails ho defended hini ithout inf. n. cnerg~y: mitd tlus this latter is cxpl. in the K, as nlso that the Arabs say, is likewise t .,.:u meaning 1 d i b not eera an ;wo found such a one to-diy detfrolmding his e,oml anions . in some merusnre. (TA.) [See also art. ".i. also signifies lIe acted traecherousaly, erfidiusnl, or unfaithifully: (Fr, TA:) he lied: lhe deeivned in aelling or bueying: aid he acted dinfhonestly, insicerely, or with dissintulation. (IAnr, TA.) - [See also Har p. 448; whero it is implied titat it signifies also lIe slokec truth, or was wveraciots.]

ajj Deceit, delusion, guile, or eircumention: (V-: [see also ~4::]) [or, app., somewhat thereof:] one says, decei, &c.]. (TA.) , [In sch a one i;


which e [Tl fet-Ankh titat is mingled wit Aesr~a; is] tIl fethl.a tahat preceds the I of aIlit; as in tohl [when they are pronounced and ~.t "'dbidun " and " 'drifun"]; for aIJlI consists in inclining [the sound of] fet-bah towards [that of] kesrch; whereby [the sound of] the I that follows it is inclined, and is not a pure I; for like as [the sound of] the fet-hah is mingled [with that of kesreh], so is [the sound of] the I [luinigled with

that of

]. (L, TA.)


ine A virgin in thle night of her devirgination: (Ibn-Abi-l-Hadeed, MF:) [either from , signifying "he r ti having for its aor. , mixed," or from 4l: having for its aor. signifying "he became white-headed, or hoary ;" as shiown by what follows:] one says, ,

/A' 4, (S and A in art. , 2 ;i,, (f.,) Sh/e passd present art.,) and ;ZJI the night of a viryin then der,irginated, (.8, A, 'a-.] malc of lalm-leares. (A.) J ,) and of the viryin thelwn devtirginated: (Q,

with.damm [to the.*], and fet-l) to the [not with both of these vowels to the j as [, supposed by Freytag,] The cam (ji.) of ajl(asl or bottle; (g ;) because it is mixed with redness and yellowness and greennesd; mentioned by A.iHt on the authority of As: (TA:) pl. .: and 1 in the (AJHit, .:) or the pl. signifies [receptacles of the and Si. [pl. of _] sorts called] bli, [pl. of L

TA:) said of a virgin-bride when slhec is devirginated by the brideg~room in thc night in which 2. .Z. JI . 4.JI -- Tiw clouds covered tue slie has been first brought to him: (A, ]~, TA:) 2: see the preceding paragraph. ,) as though it roere turbated ,with a dustsun, in the contr. case, whlen she is not devirginated, coloured taze inclining to yellow; as is tihe case 7: see what next follows. one says, S. 3ie4 *z,i:(?, TA:) and one says in a year of drought; i. e. (T, L) t/his cloudb con8: ,plt It was, or becane, mixed; (0, K;) l ,: (TA in art.j~.:) taibning no cater surroundingit, (T, L, ]s,) ha'ving *' aland )alo,c (g.) as also ' t. , the hue above esecribed. (T, L.)--. . J Z, in the A, mentions the first phirase in art. .;5 inf. n. of 1 [q.v.]. (., A, &c.). [Hlence,] and makes it to be tropical, as though the bride [thus in the L and.K, not ~.?, nor ;-6:,] ), occurring in a tradl., means were in that night afflicted by an evett so severe The sun inclinedl to setting, (T, L, '.) ~. ,; .K,) anti beerame There is, or sitall be, no dishonety, ininnerity, orr ns to catuse the locks of liher Ihair to become white: covered w'ith such clouds [as those abore dcetribedl]: dissimulation, nor mixing, in the selling, orr in the L it is said tlhat the kS in .t is substituted (T, L:) becaunw turbaned with clouds. (AHnI, L.) to] phrase ., because of [thc allusion of the buying: so says 1Ayr: or I am irre)sponsiblewitli i for __ , , (inf. n. ^,I3, L,) t lie turbaned him; repect to this commodity: or, as he is related to the mixing of the sperma genitale of the man with .K :) app. attired hiMm with a turban: (AZ, T, L, beer not has have said, thou art irresonsible for its bein9 that of the womani; but that .t 1 a

1016 from ~.,J ;.&:. (T, L.) And turbaned his head. (Msh.) lj ; ~

[Boot I.

t i re his pudenda: (O0:) or as though he made bare A is meaning lis pudenda became eposed; (see 2;) pudenda. (S.) And , (Lh, S,) and ,j :, but some disapprove it, and say that it is not 6. 3_.3 and V1;: t lie turbaned himsel r. (Lh, TA,) le made himn to be confoundedw, or genuine Arabic; as is stated in the TA.] BHe ay or became, confounded, or peTpilee, and attired himselnf with a turban. (AZ, T, S, L, K ; perplexd, and unable to see his riygt course, 1 nas, reason of shame; or ashamed, and conJ;wuuled, (or unable to see his right course, by reason of samc; [See above.] peicrexed, and unable to see hi ri-iht course, iin or ashamed, and confounded, or prplxed, and 8: see what next precedes. consequenc of a deed that he Ahad done. (Lh, S .) unable to see hit right course, in consequnce of a 5J1 ~ Seo also 1, O. t Such a owne is goodly in h'is - j c- 1l He turned over [or se7arated an d ded that he had done. (Lh, S.) loosened] the cotton by means of thel 4 [q. v. last sentence. manner of turbaning. (K.) (TA.) - See also 4, in two places. 6. IjW and t 1= (A, Mgh, Mqb) Tey 3j1:t,1 'j. t The best nf the rreation, or i cownrtnted One aniother, or consulted together; they mankind, or people; syn. *11Jl . (K.) 3. *1t:, (inf. n. ol and jl_-, TA,) an .d debated together in order that they might see one *oi' ;1 b hoth signify the sanme, (S, Msb,) In e anotrer's opinion: . (Ih:) 3JW signifies the _ t A turban; (IAgr, S, Mgh, L, Mob, g. ;) consulted him, or consulted with him; he debate d eitracting, or draing forth, opinion; as alo as alsnlo * l; : (.K:) Pl. of the fomer inir w ith him in order that he miglht see his opiniton t sL ,; and av and t from at, t " ho . (Mob;) ;.'1 ) resrpecting the thiig or afir * extracted honey;" (Bd in ii. (8, Mgh, L, Msb, 1 ;) and of the latter ,l. 233;) and t S ().)t A king: (K:) a crowned king. (TA. ) (S, Mgh,0 Msb :) or t the latter, (A, 1,) or bothI, signifies the same as cno. (Bd in xlii. 36, and - t A lord, or chief, (K,) to nwowm obedience (TA,) he sought, desired, or asked, of him counse 4 Mgh.)e s We h r occurs in a trad. as meanor advice. (A, IC.) See also 6. pmid. (TA.) ingaed t jha! [app. The popl. rededhin ;l 'd : see the next preceding paragraph. 4: see 1, first sentenec. 'L ; (K,) conpincozuas, or notorioau, by their looking at or -J-I Ls, (SI, Sgh, L,) lil/p thtoa' me tthim]. (TA. [There mentioned in the present art.; as though the 5 were a substitute lbr .]) collect honey, or the IawneJ. (Sh, Sgh, L, kZ.) Ji8. jl;l: see 1, first sentence. -And see 10. 1. jS, (.5, A,Msb, ,) naor. j , (M ,) in niIJttIl: see L-...WI jtl, and t 1., (4, , See also 1, last sentence, in two place. ; (M.s, 1,) and j': and "le and ,Ll; an, d and Lj.l, or lt '1, (accord. to different copie * a...i^ v1;: i. q. St;1 [IIe (a horse) raisedAis tail of the 4, the former accord. to the text of the # LjtI,; (K ;) and tt;1, and tjJl, ( 1,) am a, I j* -:1l; (A, I;) lie gathered honey; (S, Msb; in the TA,) and 1 tc, (IC, TA,) lIe stirre. in running]. (.Sgth, TA.) 1JJ2I : see 6. extracted it.from tt smtall hollow [in the rock iin up the fire, or made it to burn ulp; syn. i 10. 1U:L.1: see 1, first sentence. - See alsp 3, which it had bee1 deposited by the nwild beeo]; (A ,(4.)~ = ~je, in two places. - iiCit1 ; ! (S, Meb, N.,) inf. n. l:l, (Msh sl He (a stallion. I ;) gathered it from its hivs and from otheir lIe ma(lde a sign to him, with the ihand, (S, Msb camel) s5ielt the she-camel and eramined her, to places. (TA.) -Ij, inf. n. *, lie exhibited* 4,) or with the head, (Msb,) or with tlhe eye, knowd ose had conceved ordr not; (K/;) as also xaio,oed, or ditplayed, a thing. (IAth, TA.). or with the eyebrow, (s,) or with a thing serving thl;:. (A'Obeyd, TA.) - It (a man's ease to convey intelligence of what he woulld say; a, or afltir) beame maniJfest. (AZ, A01~J1 jtZ, (s, A, Mgh, M.BI, j.)He put (S '&~~~~~.K,) inf. n. ) hnen one asks anotler'spermision to do a thing, on,, or clad rinmsf writh, goodly appare. (10 Mgh, MbI, A) and J$3, (], TA,) orjl,,; (CId; See also 1, last sentence, in two places. and t tja2, (A, f,) inf. n. y ; .. (TA;) and andl the latter make a sigp nwith his hand or nwitA his head, meaning that he should do it or not dc ) * L&jUl, (Th, 1k,) hut this last is rare; (Th, TA ;) ;1: sees, in two places. as also jl VS , (ISk, S, M1h,, K,) lfie exhibited, or displayed, the beat, .for sale, it; (M ,b;,) (S, A, Mgh, M.b,) going to and .fro with it, (S, inf. n. I3. (Mob.)- [And lie, or it, )inntel : hioncy gathered, or extracted, from it Mgh,) or making it to run, and the lilke: (M,b:) to it or at it, pointed it out, or indicated it. place: (g, TA:) originally an inf xi. (TA.) he tried the beast, to knon, its pace, or mannwr oj lleence, in grammar, ;jU! !t A noun of indica- See alo (T , with ] which it is syn. in several going: (A, Mgh:) he made the beast to run, that senses accord. to the 0 and some copies of the 1. tion; as 1; &c. And] ^ h atJI ii,i:1t he mi.qht hnon, its power: (TA :) he broke, or [lie indicated t:,see Z, with which it is syn. in several the vowel by a somewlhat obcure . trained, the beast: or he rode it on the ocrasion sound;] meaning he prbnounced the vowel in the senses accord. to the L aid some copies of the g. of ezhihitin!, or displaying, it to its purchaser: or tried it, to sme its powers: or hwe (I'Ak p. 351.) And jU e.a nined it, monner termed jl. mI sesene, e s in tiree places. aJ though he turned it over; and in like manner, Jjl u! < I~Jl [lie indicated tle case- 1. . 4. _ ) -:: see ij, in three places: and see Z.;l thefemale slave. (K, TA.) [Hcnce] l' , : ending by the pronuncition termed A3I in lle diisplayed his agility, to shorw his ponwer. r hAlso i. q. [i. e. Coifion, or pausing; as when you say SI with a slurring of perpleity, ani inability to .e one's right courase, (TA, from a trad.)-And A. I ornamented, or the final vowel-sound to one who says to you by reasn of shcame: 8c.]. (.] .) rlcra otedl, it. (TA.).jU lie (a man) became c. * Ij ]. (S voce .-SI.). yomdl.q in countenance. (Fr, TA.) - lie (a :lJ He made it i, (; , IAth, 0, L, Rs,) with damm, (lAth, horsc) became fat and goodly: (S:) and so Rnohn. (.Har p. 357.) oras jtl He made L,) and * as, (TA, and so in some copies of the ,:1., said of a she-camel: (TA:) [and t ;,'. known, or not.ied, to him the manner of accomV .) (, 0, L, K,) in which the l is sanid of a woman: (Freytag, from the Deewin of plishing the affair that was conducive to good, ,) nd t the Iludhalecs :)] or ;.jA said of a she-camel, and guided him to thlt wshich tas right. (clar changed from j, (TA, and *; so (oin_theL she became fat; (] ;) and in like manner t.l ibid.)-"Lj *ajSs and in some copies of the or (so eg,) in [in the CJ$ tJI]LIe and fjl, said of a he-camel: (S:) and t .11t:l counselled him, or advised him, to do such a thiny; other copies of the lg and in the 0,) and tVhIJ, ktl the camels became somewhat fait: (S:) and (S, Msb;) showed him that he held it ight for (S, 0, K,) and V ." (0, .,) Form, or appeart ;:jU...t they became fat and gooily: (K :) him to do such a thing: (Msb:) or he comnuznded, ane; fglure, person, mien,feature, or lineament; or this last signifies I they became fat; because ordered, or enjoined, him to do such a thing. external state or condition; tate with restp to their owner points to such with his fingers; as (g.) apTarel and the like, or garb. (8, 1Ath, 0, L, though they desired to be pointed to. (A.) O,t L, . - and whJhI 5. j._ le had a deed done to him c!f K.) One says, t 2. ~l.JI j.,, inf. n. Y.,i : see 1.. _ Such a one is goodly in form or appearance, &,c. j" one lshould be ashamed. (Ya (oob, Th, A, K.) lie did to him a deetd of which one shi,ould be [It occurs in a saying of Yaacooh, respecting 'l 1 an (TA.) And j1 J;, i ( e i IshI,u,nwd: (Ya;gooh, Th, A, 1 :) or he made bare indecent action of an Arab of the desert, app. as a man goodly in respectom of form and of ,ppeari

Book I.] (Zj, :) accord. to Zj, you may say ' 2ij; [Three Saturdays, using j. as a pl. of pauc.]: so in the Tekmileh. (TA.) . je, One's consulter, or counselertith whom he consults: and one's j' [q. v.]: (.1:) one qualiJdfor consmtation: (, TA:) pl. ;it. (..) One says, .jj j 3 Such a one is [good,] qualiled for consultatinn. (S,TA.)A man goodl.y in respect of ;'tl [i. c. ap,earance, or alparel, &c.]: (Fr, S, A:) or beautiful, or good: in this or in the former sense, the fem., intrinsir,state or quality; syn. .. (.,' T, TA. ) with is applied to a woman. (TA.) One says, One says, telr, ' i i. e. I& [Such a J Je d' Verily he is goodly in frm, and in one has not a pleasin aspect]. (TA.) And appearanceorapparel &c. (Fr, S, A.) - A man . . j.-. goodly in his inter.nal, or intrinsic, states or r-l . ' O, J Such aone isgoodin qualties, when tried; as also ;l: one says repect of form, and of internal state or qualities, .., . . . when tried. (TA.) And 1jli i ; J. 0' and . * man gooly inhis Suckh is god a onee n ri hm A internal, or intrinsic, states or qualities, and TA.) For- fr worod oe , s s, . e, qalaly so in hi*outn'ard appearance. (TA.) TA.) For the first word (;oZ), see also [Fat: F)*. (TA:) or fat andgoodly: (S,K,,TA:) pl. . And-c. ac e*" zl, applied to horses, (, .K,)and to camels. (S.).j_... .... i A beautyf;l ode; (g;) an K;) a sort of excellent ode. (TA.) j , A certain marine plant; (1 trees, of the taes of the shores of the sea: (Sgh, TA:) [it is, as supposed by Freytag, the plant 1 [Mlore, and most, distinguishetl by ijj or called by ForskAl (Flora Aegypt. Arab, p. 37,) {ij,, i. e.,form, or appearance; &c.]. ,J,, l smra marina;of the class tetrandria,order monoj; [Thke comeliest bride that was to be seen] is gjynia; foliis lanceolatis,integris; Jforibus fulvis: a phrase occur,'ing in a trdtl. relating to Ez-Zebbl, &c.: said by him to be called in Arabic "schura" [a queen of El-lieerch, celebrated for her beauty]. os5; and by the people of Masla.t, "germ" (A, TA.) Aij:] a ort of trees growing in inlets of the sea, in the midtt of the rater of the sea, resembling ;l A Jfk& [or habitation of bees, generally the ,1) in the thickness of its stem and the rohite- a hollon in a rock,] (S, K,) fromn vich one ne~ of its bark, and also called..;. (0.) gathers, or extra.rt, honey; (S;) a bee-hit'; as also tIjf.. (KL.) Sec the next pargrapll. LJ: see ;j., in four places; and 6. [And see also ;l -.] ane, cc. (Fr. 8. [See also below.)) Goodlines, or beauty: (lAth, L, .:) so w;j is expl. by IAgr: (O :) end t ;*j, with fet-b, isexpl. assignifying pleasing beauty: (TA :) app. from; ., the "act of exhibiting, or showing," a thing. (lAth, -j ,' TA.)_ Clothigj,or apparel:(8, 0, L,g :) t with fet-h, is said to have this signification by Th: and' t il, is also expl. as signifying goodly, or beautiful, apparel. (TA.)- Orna,nent, ornature, or finery. (V-.) - Fatnss. (I.) And }, with dammn, and tjl., Aspect, or plasing asJect; syn.; .: (and Internal, or

1617 [i. e. either a small channel of water for irrigation or a portion of ground] in land sown or for sowing: (S, K :) or a i; [app. hero meaning a portion of ground] cut o., or separated, from the adjacent parts, (-i;-,) for sowing and for planting: it may be of this art., or from $jl: (ISd, TA:) or what is surrounded by dams [or by ridges of earth] nhich confine, or retain, the water [for irrigation]; as also ;. and J~&: (n, TA:) pl. ':; and i. (1.)

;jy": sec the next paragraph, in four places.

and V a signify the f;3: and ' same: (S :) the first and second are substs. from *:;l, and the third is a subst. from Iltj: (Mab:) or the first (Lth) and second [which is written in the C~K ij] (Lth, K) and third (.1) are from ;l' (Lth) or 4Ic ;j:l: (If:) [they signify Consultation; or mutual debate in order that one may see another's opinion; or counsel, or advice: or a commanul, an order, or an injunction: or] the exctracting, or drawing forthl, otpinion: (B.i, as mentioned above: see 6:) * Bj;.i [in the CK ijL] is of the measuro Ri.2a,[originally j.L, in the C]C ia/io,] not 3J-JA., (K, TA,) because it is an inf. n., [or rather a qgtasi-inf. n.,] and such a noun has not this llst measure: (TA:) it is like i; (Mb ;) and is a contraction of ;'~: (Fr, TA:) and it is said also to be from ll,J jt.,; or, accord. to some, from J:Il L; good counsel or advice being likened to honey. (Msb.) One says, j ,l ~ ;,j , ,J5. and ,tjpL.0, [Keep, thoul to consultation, or take counsel, in thine a#,i,qrs]. (A.) And 1 ~ ~l .s j and ;ll [Such a one is good, or excellent, in con. sntlation, or counel]. (TA.) And t 5i' ,.t, like , . .5.*,l, [Their affair, or case, is a thing to be determined by consultation among themselves,] i.c., none of them is to appropriate a thing to himself exclusively of others. .a'JI j (Msb.) It is said of 'Omar, V $ (A, Mgh) Ile left the offic of Khaleefeh as a thing to be determninc by consultation: for ho assigned it to one of six; not particularizing for it any one of them; namely, 'OthmAn and 'Aleo and Talhanh and Ez-Zubeyr and 'Abd-Er-Rahmi.t Ibn-'Owf and Sagd Ibn-Abee-Waklfli. (Mglh.) And one says also, t.1 ,. [The people are to determine by consultation respecting it]. (A.)

Oll,5 [whether with or without tenween is not ;L. 5 jIG White honey (TA) gathered, (S, [i. e. Saf!lower, or bastard TA,) or which one has been assisted to gather. shown] i. q. saffron]. (Q.) (I~, TA.) AA cites the following verse, (S,) of j;1,: see ;j. - Also, (ISk, 8, Myb, 1,) El.Jluti,nee, (accord. to a copy of the $,) or of 'Adee Ibn-Zeyd, (O, TA.)


,;,, and ,;I,, (Msb, g,) The furniture

and utensils of a houe or tent; (ISk, $, Msb, i;) ekh as are deemed goodly: (.Iam p. 305, in cxplanation of the first:) and of a camel's saddle. (, M,b.) - And the first, (S, Msb, I,) and ' second, (Mqb, 1],) and t third, (v,) The pu., MSb,) of a woman dendum, or pundenda, ( C and of a man: ( :) or a man's penis, [see also ;lj,] and his testicles, and his posteriors or anus
(;l!). (1g.) ; : 2 a 5,;I is a form of imprecation, (TA,) meaning M'a God make bare his pudenda. (S, A, TA.) j A ft, or gentle, wind: (gh, 1 :) of the dial. of El-Yemen. (.gh, TA.)


;L :p> Z ~ ;e aiA ~ 3L
a '


[And a singing, or a musical performance, (or, instead of And, the mcaning may be MIany,) to which the old man would lend ear, and a discourse like gathered white honey]: but As disapproves of this, and says that the right reading is ,5C V;t; [white honey of a habitationof bees. fion rhich it lus been extracted], the former of these words being prefixed to the latter, governing it in ;'tJ I The forefinger, or pointing finger. the gen. case, and the latter being with fet-1 to (A, g.) the.,. (S, TA.)


;i .i; A garment, or piece of cloth, dyed wnith ijI,, mcaning ~as [i. e. saflon'er]. (}, a; , (S,) or t;e, (.,) or both, (TA,) The TA.) * } s eej pj; eachl in two places. wooden implement nwith 1rhich honey is gathered: 1.: see ~.. - Also The string of the (S, I,' TA :) pl. of the former ,li.. (8.) .J,L. [q. v.]: (1~, TA:) because the cotton id ;t:: see . . - Also a name given by the = Also A rivulet, or stream- turned over [or separated and loosened] (jf. }jL;*: see ;j.. Arabs to Saturday, (t in this art., and kC in art. _J,) in the Time of Ignorance: (TA in art. , :) let,for irrigation;syn. Z.iGL: (TA voce .s; :) i.e. , Uj) by means of it. (TA.) Also A and [of mult.] e and &: or a channel of iater: (TA voce ~.j :) or a ;~.; place in which beasts are exhibited, or di.ldoyfetl, pl. [of pauc.] . Bk. I. 2O4
'4; A thing ornamented, or decorated. (1.)



-8 with hema, by poetic license, to a Ct.

[Boox I. [o [properly meaning a camel upon which water is drawn from a well]; originally from 1t4;, (O,) or U., (TA,) meaning " Light," or "agile," applied to a she-camel: so says AA. (O, TA.) J,la,~., (0, and so in the TA as from the K,j or L.1l, (so in the CK and in my MS. copy of the I(,) Between then is disaqreement, di.ension, disclrd, or d,iffc,eacce: (0, K:) the vulgar say t j.;A3. (O, TA.)

($, A, Mgh, Msh, .K,) for sale, and in wvich as is ternmed 'I meaning bold, or daring, to tlyj run. (Mghi, Msb.) Hicnee the saying, engage in figaht, and strong. (TA.) ;-= ,&1>;8< tj YI6 .li $i! t [Avroid thou [inf. n. of.,l.] in rclation to the .l)4. [or toothorations,for theI are means of dixl)lay in w hich stick] is a dial. var. of ,e.: (1Aar, .K, TA:) one one oftenstumbles]. (S, A, ]C.) _ And The pace, says, Il oi , , likc &;1, [q. v.]. (Fr, or manner of going, of a horse: one says s., TA.) ) ;>. [A hor,e good in respect of pace, or 3. .jLd [lHe looked at him in thelmanner of See also J, latter mnanner of going]. (A.) him who is termed .4,1; like . jtj: o sec says of calnels, (1K,) part, in three places. -One or of a beast, (&l;, TA,) l ;i l1 andl

* ;t;l Tlhey, or it, became fat and yoodly (K,

TA) in app~earance. (TA.) l [It occurs in the O and ], in art. j_.., as signifying T4le penis of a horse: perhaps a mistranscription for jlj', q. v.: I find it expl. in this sense in Johnson's 1)ers., Arab., and Engl. Diet.; but he may have taken it from the ].] _ [It is said to signify] also A portion that a beast has left remaining of its fodder: (O,n, TA:) but Ki says, "I asked ADI,, Is it;lJ ora;l. ? and he said ;.li, and asserted it to be Pers. :" (0, TA:) it is an arabi(0, 1: or, cized wordl, (I,) originally j(..I:

6: sec the first l)aragrap)h.

in the Cl, j1i,": [correctly ;c," (TA.) :) one says, 11,!j i1.J1 ej41.

".j.1, al)pplied to a man, (S, A,) lfho looks in the manner exl)l. above, in the first sentence of this art.: (S, A, . :) or in whose look is knownn anjer; or raiwour, malerolenew, malice, or spite; and pride: (TA :) or raising his head by reason of pride: (AA, TA :) fern. tL : (A, TA:) and pl. ,, . (S, A, .K.) [Hence the saying,] ; I vplA 0v $ [Sfuch a one nts tried with terri/ifi,;g, or set"ee, ralitnitie(. or afflictions]. (A, TA.) -Also lold, or datring, to engage in fight, and strongi. (TA. [See also or


(so accord. to my copy of thle KL,) or

(so accorl. to Golins from the


s,all tur,an (j;

to). (KL [Comp. jl*])

.5jL" Water not to he men, (1~,) or hardlfy to be .sen, (TA,) by reataun tf its renftenes. [.froem the Nsface!,f' th/e ground] or it., lMpauity: (K :) a dli;l. var. e o L .e [q. v.]. (TA.)

: and see

1. ut, a,or.

(S, S..A, Mgl, M.b, .K) and

~9.ol: t Water hardly to be seen, bl reason of 3;1. A place in which bees deposit thecir its paucity, and the depth to whrich it has sunk; honey; as nlso *It*; (K;) or, as written by (A,*1;) as though it looked at him whlo came gh, the latter word is [t ;,] with fet-lJ. (TA.) ~.$ to it in the manner of him who ia termed o,,b.l [See also ;l.]


in all its senses, (0,1,) inf. n. (

,) (o,

j1S A gatherer of honey. (, TA.) - See

also ;jl. : Fat; (AA, .;) as also t V/, withl ~lammn, npplied to a she-camel: (I :) or the latter signifies of generou race; or excellent. (TA.) [See also e.] - And A stallion-camel (ElUmawee, T, 8) that lnors the female which has #lot conceived, and distinguishes herfrom others. (El-Umawee, T, 6,.K.)


at). (A, TA.)



L- ,


aor. ,;,

(TA,) inf. n.~/~;

(, A, I, TA;) and u,t, nor. .. (Lthl, K, TA,) or ,Ay; ( p. (8;) le lcoohedlJ'om the outer angle of his eye, by reason of pride, or of anyer, or r,age: (B, A, 1 :) or, as in the M, he looked with otw ojf his eyes, inclining his face towards the sidfle of that eye; doing so naturally, or by reason of Iraide and self-onceit and anger: 5--(1].) or he raised his helad in pride: (TA:) or he 7Ndde is a mistake for ~,. the eye smaUll, contracting thw lids, to lohk: and J.6. .. il k W The people, or company of t lwJ has the first of the meanings above men, became mixed, or confounded, together; syn. mentionedl; (A, ]g;) or the last: (A:) or one .jV. (6gh, KI.*) says, -,, ,_., meaning he looked with the look of the haughty, or proud: (TA:) or h.W. in the pmhrasew JIl i. q. ,~ [pl. gj ,,#j1: he looked at him from the outer angjle of ,.1, q. v.]. (o, P) of his eye, inclining his face towards the side of the eme mith which he looked: (AA, S, TA: [see tl:. and 1 , (Lth, O, I,) or the former is also 3:]) or r,jL: signifies he looked tonards a mistake, (TA,) the lattrr said by Az to be that the shyl with one of his ejes: or it means he which he heard from the Arabs, (O, TA,) applied shmon,edl, or maniJf.ted, pride and self-conceit, aund to a she-camel, Light, or agile: (Lth, O,K :) or, haughtines; agreeably with the general analogy so applied, smfi: (A'Obeyd, O :) and applied to of verbs of this measure: and ,, is in the a woman as an epithet of discommendation. (O.) natural disposition. (TA.) - Also lie was such A poet, cited by AA, applies the epithet t 1 ,

X in n. u A-3,lHe rendered the affair, or state, or case, confuwed, disordered, or prpleed~, to him: (El-F6rabee, 8,* Msb: the inf. n., and that only, mentioned in tbe 8 in art. .p::) or, accord. to certain of those skilled in the abstrusities and niceties of science, (M,b.) And &;", ..otZ, (A,) or :L, (TA,) for is a post-classical word, and the clasto word app., .~L, alone, accord. to tihe JK,] lJ le ansted is uSM: accord. to IAmb, the leading lexicolo- his teeth with tlhe J01: (AA, K, TA:) or he gists hold that one should only say A,;^ ; and did so lnj it acro,s his teetilt: (A, TA:) Az and others say the same: IMqb:) [F also or from bel/,, uplt'ards: ( K, TA:) or ly thrus'says,] u & is a mistako for . (C.) See ing it into themn, or between them: (TA:) and in like manner you say, li t ., (TA,) inf. n. also ,A,Z. S 3t!; (Fr, K, TA;) and #U. , t , (TA,) 6. s i Ul ,J3 LA Thet affair, or state, or inf. n. . (K1,TA.) - Also lie chewed a case, became confutsed, or pe7,le.rcd, to himn: (El- .1 , [app. to sepalrate the fibres at the en(d and so FAr6bee, S, Myb: mentioned in the S in art. make it like a brush, to prepare it for cleaaning his teeth with it]. (K,' TA.) :)or this is post-classical: (Msb:) or ,

a. y7

Mghl, Mig, K,) [e set up)a thing with his hand: (Maish, K :) or he int it into a state of commotion: (Msh:) or it signifies also hes moved it violently ;J]m its place. (Ilrd, K.) - lie r?bbel a thing with his hand. (IAnr, .)-- ]le twashe (A'OI,eyd, f, Mgh, Msb, K) a thing, (MNb,) or anything: (A'Obeyd:) he cleans,d (AO, 8, ]~) a thing: (AO :) as, for instance, his mouth, with the 1l., [or tooti-stick]: (8 :) he rtbbed and cleansed the teeth and tie side of the moutlt. (IAgr.) You say i l li,. leansl antd washed his teeth, (Mgl,)JA [weith the tooth-sti(k].

see 1, near the end of the paragraph. ,)IJI .j The ao ashings (i.~) oqf the toothstick: or what renains.fro(rm the tooth-stick when one cleans his teetth with it : each of these meanings is assigned to it in explanations of a trod.:
2;I'! ,;,; ,
[ye inde,

pendent of other men, if it be only by means of possessing the washings, &c., of the tooth-stick: i.e., as long ye possess anything]. (TA.)

1. bl,,aor.

q., in n.

Il e ran a heat,

Boox I.]


- 3M



in art. g.: accord. to O, Mqb,) and looked down, (Lth, O,) to see the J-,; see 1 or single run, or a rn at once, to a goal, or limit. plain country and its freedom from those whom IDrd, it is not of established authority.. (O.) (TA.) they feared, in order thiat they might repair to mnade .IAr) the water and the pasturage. (Msb.) - Hence, man, (a metonymically, lIe ;e3(, 2. 1b , inf. n. ;.:~: see ie . _ It is also, otlwr and pestilence; or pllague, lI J!3j IIe (a man) raised, or stretched and a longjourney; his journey vwas, or became, long. applied to I The (TA.) diseases. destructive raised, his eyes, or sight, torards suach a thiy: (IAr, li.) _ UI b~,: sec 6.- _ :;c: JI. and hence the verb became used to denote hope, He voyaged with hi shi)p. (TA.) a Also h_; or expectation, and desire, or seeking. (Msb.) lie made a cooking-pot to boil. (El-Kilibee.) j;.3 lie stretched himself up, And C...JI - He cooked thoroughly flesh-menat; (IbnJ1i. and il,, (S, K, &c., [but inmone copy of as also - : (Iln-'Abl)id, the 8, I find only the former, whicl is the more and looked, and overlookhed, or looked down, from 'Abbid, .gh, ];) Sgh :) or l,otll signify he smoked it, or made it common,]) occurring in thile Kur [Iv. .5], where the /houn,top. (K.) One says, .>. C. smoky, anm did not thoroughly cokh it. (TA.) Ibn-KRctheer read iil, (TA,) Flame (S, Bd!, t J' TRhe women looh, [or look lon'n,] stretchtIt (i,hor-fiost, or rimce,) urwted (d t-I, q. v.) Jel, J) without smoke: (S, Jcl, I :) or smoke of ing themselces up, from the house-tops. (S, 0.) a plant, or helbnge: (IK:) and in like manner one fire: and heat of fire: (ISh, ., :) and heat of the J j 1Jt snys of me(licillc whicih is sprinkleld upon a wound.' sun: (I, TA :) or a piece f fire in which is no [See also 8.] And one says also, ,) or #,. i1, (CI,) (TA.) Sec also 4 in art. 4:, in two places. ( smoke:. or flame of fire: or only of .fire and (S,) or .1. 1 , (0, or good, or the news or thing, hence,] [the [And for looked (L.)lie tlerewith. l o;3, [in thce C]g, t 9,1but as this, something mired 5. ;.r 1 simply, or TA:) tidings], (S, 0, l,) &c. (TA.) - And 4;.:3 in the nmanner in whiclh it is there mentioned, is a : Vehemence of thirst: (B, A t ).. ! ist.ll The thing rose, or became high or elevated; needless repetition, being ibnplied, if correct, it is thirst. (A, TA.) You say, 1 1 Clamour. And TA.) (A, camel. thirsting to continued lie as also vt.1,. (TA.) doubtless a mistranscription,] TA.) (11, or tired, was he until drive, or urge on, the horse, 8. Jl.;l lie (a man, ., O) stretched himself fatigued. (1K, TA.) up), and lboted: (8., O, J :) and in like manncr onc says of horscs. (TA.) [See also 5.] - And A haint; a single run, or a run at once, to JU=l lie looked at the lightning, or at the i.I O , V,) aor. "'j,(O,)inf.n. 1. A:?, (?, a goal, or limit; (Mgh, Mob, K ;) syn. hp!: to see whither it Vwas tending, and thereof, namely, a cloud (., Mbl:) pl. ,;1 . (M, Mgh, Msb, $.) You (0, 1,) I polished it; (S, O, ;) :. (q, O, .) thing, (?, O,) or an ornament of gold or silver. whtere it wouldt rain; syn. say, d: CI, He ran a heat. (.8.) And %JtU became rough, or It O, 1,) Also, said of a wound, .. (,: lie performed seven eircuits (Mgh.) - [Hence,] atJ, 11I :'e, (S, &1.191 _ thus without .l, * so and ];) O, thick; (AZ, sound the l]Iov,e [of God, i. e. the Knibeh]: (, also written '~,, (thus in one of my copies of hemz. (TA.) TA:) from thc [Black] Stonc to the [Black] Stone the S, in the other written ;..ii, and thus only,) 10: see what next precedes. (again] is one J"&: ($, Mqb, TA:) but some of aor. JL:, (S, O, ,) inf. n. as above, (S,) Th,e The -- , (0, I.,) i. e. a wooden impleJ* tic lawyers disapprove of this applicution of the girl, or younwj woman, was adorned. (S, 0, K.) (11 (IF, F. :, TA.)- [It is also, app., an - And [hence likewise,] M.s also signifies The ment, (0,) [meaning a harrow,] by means of term . nmearing of a camel witlh tar. (K.) One says, which t pclouttghed land is made oen. (0.) inf. n. used as an epithet: for one says, , the of part .iiea Jh: Smear thy camel with tar. (O.) _ t.WJI ;.: see ,", in the latter ,L.4: see UL,, in art. JL:. (TA.) erigrailI)li.] It is sometimes used in relation to the [The inf. n.] ',; [but in as syn. with J:wind: so says Lth: and hlie cites the following as what sense is not said] is vulgar. (TA.) - So JQZ, Medicame~ for the ye and the like: an intance in which the wind is meant: ] :) from 1 in the first of the senses assigned (O, of act Tlhe as meaning too is [the inf. n.] ,J 0l seeing [and of looking]. [JU, is much to it above: originally doJ . (O.) (TA.) C,U ,*s S used in the present day as meaning He saw, and man. (TA.) A Jhaa7-shtedg [app. meaning And a wind, or many a wind, he looked at, a thing.] exhauxting, or drying np, tie waters, the blasts employed to a_ A scout, or couts, (I,) H adorned the , He inf. n. j jy 1.,JI 2. thiereof bringing dust]. (TA.) - And it is also , V.;) as also for a party; (IAr, O, .,. He look out [used as meaning A bout] of shooting arrows. girl, or young woman. (TA.) a= ,JJ . .) (, O, ' 31~.; Also The space of mnade the medicament to be w/at is termed J,t (T and M in art. y.)such as a Jl~, [q. v.]. (Ibn-'Abbid, O, I.) [The kS in this verb runs; herrse h a whic ground orer / : see what next preedes. 't some to be] the is substituted for .] by [said is whicll like; the and primary sigmitltation; [but the primary significaJ~i Polished: applied to a tj3 [&c.]. (., 4. i;. JU,I i. q. ""1 [meaning lie was, or tion is said by others to be the first given above; 0, Ii.) 'Antarah says, (see p. 574 ;)] and so V Lad43. (TA.) _ became, on the brink, or verge, or at the point, of Also t A wcope; an oblject to be reached,or accom- it], (S., O, 1p,) namely, a thing; like Lsi1l; (, transposition. ,iitshed; syn. 1.sI: whence the saying, ;j1JI 0 ;) from which it is formed by (S.) _ And ,ae, iIefeared. (Ibn-'Abbad, O, is remote: (Har p. 574:) a ecopn/ Se*l t;71w .its lie feared him, or it. [And verily I have drunk wvine, after that the You say, prov., reliLtingr to the long extent of hope. (TA.) $.) vehement twonm-day-heats of summ er had remitted, _ And t A plate etnieen ttwo elevated tracts of (K.) 1 See also 5, last sentence. purchased with the polilhed, charactereddeenar]: as pass, men anil water grmond, thrnmtlgh which 5. jj3 Hefadorhimself: (K:) or,j (S, 0, and EM p. 237:) he meanis the deenir the as fir as extending road, a though it n-ere sithe (a woman, IDrd, O, or a girl, or young polished by the minter thereof: (TA:) or, as (ISh, ending, thlen heard, be can caller a of voice woman, 8) adorned her.slf. (IDrd, ., O.) One 0, K,) o'f such depth that it c'ill conceal the says of a woman divorced by a sentence that some say, ho means the bright, charactered, or Also A camel f.igured, bowl. (O, TA.') camenl and his riler, found onl!/ in lplain, or sft, 3 1 She i. e. .4jy . . returning, her of admits it polishes becausc .;) (0, tar; meared with : (18h, 0 :) g,.otnl, and producing good herbage adorns herself for her husband, by making her him. (TA.) - And (1.) accord. to AA (O, TA) t1.. (ISh, I1. *%; (IShl, O, 1 ;) originlally .fitce clear, and polishing her cheels; from 1 in A'Obeyd, (TA,) as used by Lebced, (O, L.)- the first of the senses assigned to it above. and Sec (TA. 0.) Z writes it with ,. TA,) A camcl in a state of excitement by lnsxt: mountain-goats (0, ] :*) but as some relate the verse in which it 1i Tel ;j bl,,: (IDrd, S, (Mgh.) a ji [lo ' jut.e !o . oi , 0, L, i. (Lth, occurs, the word is with u., and means "smelt" mountain, the asce.'ded uupon the tops of Z, O, L, K :) or some other beost. (L.) = 204


1020 bY the (othter] camels becuse smeared withi tar. TAJ TA,) desire, or a yearningq or longing of the sou. (s~,) as some say, (0, TA,) it (0, L S~',~ (A , 0 ,) inlf. nl. bZjZ TA) T tlturn means [A camel] decorated wvith wools of various (0, L,TA.) t/.ntc'n entered i'nto [or pierced me, or] my bod or colors, and withi other. things. (0, J~. [In tIme 8. 8. 31=, (MA, 0, M 9b, g,) and si1ui, person. (A9 , ~, 0, ].*) And e.a..I both CJ5~ 'COJ is erroneously putt for bothl signifying thle same, (MA, 0, g,) as also (a thorn) emtered into [or hit igr .Q . '3,:3, i. C. v. l1Ie n as,or becuine, desirous of (TA.) And 13J ' U",,h _ i (V,,) aor. ua above, it; or a/Jeted nith desire for it; (MA 4hj 1 ; like L lime. [in nmeasure], A woman it; ;) [or 1w (TA,) The tiorin hurt me, or vrounded me; yearned syp. 911ho expose herself to view in order that mnen yearned or longed for. it in his soul; for] ,jZt is TA.) (~, TA.) And J)j.J may mee her. (Aboo-'Aec, TA.) ab~ or. syn. with j3Z, (q. v.) as expl. below. (. The The thorns hurt, or nwoudd (~ Jj,l j3*, Desire, or yearning or longing of theo soul, my akin. (Myb.) [Hence,] t iL ' L: 0, M b, V, :... (,0, for a thing; (~, Mob;) No harm, or hurt, shall ensue to I 9 thee fro me, as as also ?'~:(: [or] the motion of love: (TA.) Z,aor. ~~1 (Ipiece hima with inf. n. b; (Myb, TA;) an an a a t/wrn;) I made atlwm to enter into his body (IA9Lr, 0, IC:) pi.jtL. (Is.) One says,~, 3 1, is) im. n. GwcA ; (TA;) It (a thing, ? and js> A'I [Desire, &c., distressd me] : and CALi M 9b in relatiosn to thte former verb, or thte love of abIZI:: (TA:) the former albt. verb from Ks; (T, 1 1 a female, ]g, and the mention of her, and hier L'J'lgt [meaning in like 6.1 manner Desires, 0;) ua though lie made it to be doubly trans. 2 beauty, TA, or time latter verb is said of a man, &c., distree mne]. (TA.) 3 1J%:oW means [meaning that b is to be understood]. (Az, Mfb,) excitd my desire, or 11w yearning or t 0, Thewf eelsc of j#JtI [or desire, &c.]. (V~ain p. longing of my souL (?, M!b,6 TA.) And ~ TA.) [Hence,] 5M.) (il and JI ' 1 'iC 639.) - Also inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (Mlb, TA.) U one says, UJJ '3. i meaingy Render thwu as is meant by its being added] 1 ~ He L;A: d esiro s, re de thou d esiro u )s, .uch a one ( d , i s;:ee whiat next follows. did not hurt tisbn iwith a thorn; (V, TA;) ma for the ultimate abode or ultimate state of existence expl. jtA '$Ihurt him with in r1 1 t The thinig rith which a ithing is extended expl. by IF: (TA:) and 1 in the world to come (~I..~) j;). (I Ay, If., TA. in thorns: (TA:) or v~t &Zj n 0 4 inodrto itsekqtidt thing; (0, Ii;) like [Se,. also 2.]) - And ~~j Ji JZ (., hurt himb,or wounkded htim, Wivii thorns, or' the h ,bW; Lt;3; (~ in art. jel, 0, TA;) originally. !4.e lhlwrn.t. (Malb.) - Accord, to IA ,, (TA,) nor. sJ:1 , inf. n. 1 ~ ,(TA,) 1 lie tied, an,d and 9 signifies the same. i?,ji mandefast, the tent-rope to tise tent-pe;(,TA; (TA.) Z,originally .ziL, (]g, TA, [in the CIP, erroneously, (TA.) as also iJL having for its in n.J~ (TA in art. nor. 4~ (TA,) signifies .5I El xciting one's -E j~ lke ;) ~ ~ iraf. . j. : mentioned also desire, or the yearninig or [appl. menning lIe pierced (lit. or bledd liiiitw!f by Z. (TA.) - And a"iij.,(, longing of t/se sould of a person. (S, TA.)nf .a lonying Also liiiit.wcf wsith the thwrn: unless a&4A be improperlyttsed properly used in this instance, by poetic license, above, (TA,) 1 lie metup the ivater-s.kin, leaninig [a possesive epithet, meaning jli, jj. And as a coll. gen. n., as sccmns to be implied in the ? it oagaint the mvall: (]K, TA:) mentioned. by Ibn- lience,] hience,] An excssve, or attached, or admniring, "w; axnd () by ati explanamtion of a verse cited voce Buazurj. (TA.) loe; y. O'll A n s A4~: (Ilar, p. 142:) ,.,q. v., in whiiclh case the mcaniing is, he or ? the latter signifies one whoe. desire, or yearni2: see above, in two places. A poet says, (0,) eniterced ullumg 1/se 1hons]. (]K, TA.)ing [It is ing or longing of t/lw soul, a inan of the tribe of Kelb, (Ijam. pp. 145 et seq.,) 4 is excited: (?, TA:) the also said thiat] 1 .LU~, aor. %I..1II, inf. n. the former is sing. of ,Z, (TA,) which is syn. 00--.. with 0 signifies 1ie (a man) extracted with the thor j L! [p]. of 4t~] (IAqr, 0, X(, TA) as ' m M , A h 5'LJ, = front frots hi foot. (MA.) - .i., aor. A4,in well well as pl. of (15.) i.4Z, lIe (a inasn) i".as, or became, piece by a 1 i. q. ' [Antd*my asme-camnel uittered a yearning cry, bpy L;SZ -. i.c. Desirous, or year1ning reason tif lively emotion, a cad desire; whiereupon or or longing in the sosl]l: J (0, Msb, K:) or i. q (.5, 0,) nor. .6JG, (I., natd the like in thc ? and 1 said, 1,or qvhomt, by ise ycarni,lg cry, dost thou j,:..[q. [q. v.voce -Jz in two places]: (JK:) 0,) itf. n. a!.C antd h~ 0, ]K,) Rie, (]L) 4 render rne desirous?]:L3 ~ being for *E nr I, (8,, 0,) fell, or l,Iqhtcd, amnong thorn.: originally j3cZ, of the measure j~ (0, origrinally TA.) 0, (0, avind 11am p. 146, q. v.) Lth says that 0, ]g: [witenc(e, acecord, to the ? and 0, the jdN ~I1 in relationA to reading or recitation [of jt.S,Z jtS, [Very desirous,; or, or yeapl?$ninq vense. recse. above. referred to, voce 1JZ.:]) and ~ thme lu.nm and [sacred] narratives, is as whjen )r )r lonqing, i's 11wesoul, much]. (JK anid Msb i4jt or. 414C14 I fell, or liqhtted, among the one sBays, C,W I~ J [lit. Do tlwu render tus voce voce !hornts: (]g:) accord, to IB, aor. igitially is dexiirous., 0 such a one.], meaining do thiou me~nor je,ZI j_Z Tall; (1Drd, 0, Ki;) applied to a mazi; tion [to us] Paradise and whiat is therein, by ( )ut niot of established authiority: (IDrd, 0:) pi. t5 . narratives, or reading or recitation; may-be we )ut j, iinf. n. and ? CLAS ; (Mob;) or shiall beowme desirous of it, and thecrefore work for c e p. TA,) in some of the it. (0, TA.) see ~ . j., m c s. . Drpies r jo,l*:O.L* of tlmc ]K LMU,i.1two PS. ('TA; [in the Cg, ac,, 4. J.JW signifies d3L #~,j [app. meaning, A itater-shin-set up, leaned against a wcall. ) uf nd? %CI.kA; (IK; The tre %a. 'Ibn-Buzurj, hon,or po.whily; abounded with thorns, or i . e found Aim to be apt excessive, or 1Ibn-Buzurj, 0, K, TA.) 9,63 attached, or admiring, love]. (IA~r,* TA.)ju.: ju :see '3cw' ad Of til, (so in the S,) or aPrickley: (Msb, g, TA:) [and] I -.. --06 palmn-tree L hias the like signtifliation. (?, 0.) One says also, jy.gIL 'J'.l L*[hIow great is mny bee-ause 1 ~4,bec-ause is origrinally of the hlence,] desire, or the yearning or longing of msy soul, for neasure 1~a.J jJ t The two jaws of the JaLL, (0,) is used by poetic license for thee!]. (TA.) arnel put forth his canine teeth; (~, 0 ;) as also 0,) as' Sb says; (S;) for the poet, 1 .L(,0,) r l4ip, (~, 0,) inf. n. liq ZE: (s:) or the phrase 8. 3;3lie a", or became, excited by desire, I] equiring to make the last letter but one movent,pwitli vvitl ttme latter verb means The camel's canin or yearning orlogn of the soul; quasi-paxs. of nakes it so by the original vowel. (0.) cfeth becamse long. (1g.) - And 'S2 iL1. J, Z(~, TA) and J1.1. (TA.) See also 8.t .7'I breast of the girl wvas ready to twell, or And (TA) lIe showe, or made a shom of, (0, Ceume protuberant.or prominent; as also V ]~, ? TA,) and affected, (0,) or affecting, (1~, 1. i4"-jt ; (A 9, S, 0, g,*) aor. fi rif. n. lq.;(; and, accord, to Z., like

(0, TA.) - And,









BooK I.]
relating to a pl. number.])_ 11, jt. ;J 1ij t They came with multitude [app. meaning of armed men]. (TA.)- .;.. itl t The sting of the scorpion. (m , O, .) ;.j olJI; 1t17he wearer'j implement vith which he maleh the warp and the woof eve: (S, O, TA:) i. e., (TA,) h..1 signifies a 11J, (0, K, in the Clg ql,) Q-L as having this meaning: - and also as meaning I TIe spur of the cock. (0, TA.) -And if:J, (Lth, O,) or O11 'c , (}, TA,) t A piece qf clay, (Lth, 0, ]g, TA,) in a moist state, (1, TA,) made into a round form, and having its upper part pressed so tlat it 9. 1jJ;E 9s:.b : ee 1, former half.-becomes expanded, then (Lth, O, TA) prickles of lj1i, (., ~,) inf. n. Aq, (TA,) He put the palm-tree are stuck into it, (Lth, O, lg, TA,) thor,t upon the wal. (S, J.)- See also 1, and it dries; (], TA;) usedfor clear'ing [or latter half, in four places.__ * 4l ~ Th e combiny] flax therewith: (Lth, O, ], TA:) meneed-produce, or corn, became white, before its tioned by Az: and also called Q1jl 1 , . lpreading: (1 :) or camsforth [pointed,] writlout (TA.)_, also signifies tA nweapon, or forking, or shooting fort/& into separate stalkl, ,veap)ons; syn. _; (K, TA, and Ham p. 526;) ($j..,) and became white, before its .lrreading; as in the phrase [Such a one is a as also t l1: (TA:) [or beyan to comeforth: l~&usex.or o(f a wveapon or weapons; thoughl this sce -,...]_-_ Jt; ,ogzt [Tlhe canine toot, admits of another rendering, as will be shown by of the camel gret forth]. (TA.) what follows]: (TA :) or sluzrpness thereof: (.1, ijl, (IDrd, 0,) and iJll .. , (IDrd, O, , TA:) or t the point, or edge, in a weapon. (8, And t Vehew;ence of might or strength, or .Ikefeathersqf tle young bird, (IDrd, 0,) and O.) the eustacr/c of the youny mana, became roug/h to of ralour or prowess, (S, O, Msb, ]V, TA,) in the feel (1Drd, O, K1,TA.) And .i*1 t,i respect of fighlting: (.K, TA:) and t vehlemence of tTIhe youn.q bird put fortih the headis of its encounter: and t sharlness: (TA:) and t the featlher: (S, 1K, TA :) in [some of the copies of] infliction of iravock, or vehement daughter or 'i, [app. meaning efectiveness the 8 and A, .ill thus with cxpl. e, by wounding, syn. ~ therein,] among the enemy: (., TA:) and iJ.*. (TA.) And L;JL .1 I tTIte 1j tstrength in weapons [app. meaning in the use head putforth its hair after the sharing. (S, 1, thereof]: (Mob:) and [simply] t strength, or TA.) might. (Iam p. 526.) One says, , . :i j 4, as a trans. verb: see 1, former half, in four )JI t [They havce velhmene of might or places:_as intrans.: see 1, latter half, in three strength, or of valour or prowess, in mar]: and places: and see also 2. ;.I.! jI _. A t [He has eectiveness in .; .a1i3 The havingy thorns; expl. by ;i. the in.fliction of havock among the enemy]. (TA.) O.S. (KL.) And it is said in a trad., ias, - 1l . Sl:; and its fem., with i: see !OC., in four t [Come to a war in the cause of religion wherein is no vdwmence of migfht or strength, &c.]; meanplaces. ing the pilgrimage. (TA.)-Also 1 A certain ~,J, ($, Msb, ., &c.,) of a tree, (Mgb,) or of disease, (IDrd, O, 1, TA,) well hnonna (Kg;) a plant, (TA,) Thorns, prickles, or spines; (PS, namely, plague, or pestilence; syn. Ou1. TJ ;) the hind of thinj that isslender [orpointed] (IDrd, O.) And t A redness that arises (A,* 0, and hard in the head; (TA ;) well known: (Msb, O) upon the body (I) or upon the face, and part ] :) n. un. with ;. (S, O, Msh, ]~, TA.) [Hence of the body, and is [said to be] allayed by means the saying,] U& & JilsA ': see 1, near of charms, or spells: (O :) because the sting of the j. the beginning. [The of the palm-tree are scorpion, which is thus called, when it strikes a man, mostly produces redness. (A, TA.)- [In commonly called 'J*i I 1.] : [ThL sarp one instance, in the CRI, a. is erroneously prick that compose the awn, or beard, of the put for l., as an epithet applied to a tree.] ear of corn]. (AkIn, TA in art.~.) - [For other significations of L6:, see this word below.] lly, applied to a [garment such as is called] 33, in three b;;, (., O,) or to a [garment ,b~,; and its fernm., with ;: see a or dress such as is pl called] ai.., (A, 0, I,) t Rough to the feel, beSB.5 n. un. of A.Y [q. v.]. (S &c.) [Hence cause newo: (AO, 8, 0, .(, TA:) but 4# said, " I various meanings here following; all of which know not what it is." (O, L, TA.) seem to be tropical.] --- %Uiii_io [app. ,Jt ubLi and C>JI Jj: sce e , Tll point of the sear hit, hurt, or wounded, in three places. theA]. (TA. [There expl. only by the words 4: eiYl;s, i. e. i. 'I .i;L as though ti: (TA:) or C;, tVJjt signifies her brast became pointed in its extremity, (IDrd, O, K, TA,) and its protrusion appeare. (IDrd, O, TA.)_ ~.I1 JL, aor. .0, inf. n. , : The man eehibited his Ab, [i. e. vehemence of might or strength, or of valour or prowess, &c.], and hi sharpnss. (., O, Mgb, ], TA.) [And The man was completely armed; (as though meaning he brittled writh arms;) for] the inf. n. , smignifies a man's being completely armed. (KL.)_ And A*. i He mas, or became, affected n,ithl the diaease trmead 4a. [q. v.]. (g, TA.)


J.G~, like 4.

]5, A certain species of camels; and thus in the Moleet and the Mobkam: but the correct word is that which here follows. (TA.)

[in measure], amcord. to the

a j JJ, (8, O, TA,) thus [says gh] I have seen the latter word in a verse in the Deewir of Dhu-r-Rummeh in the handwriting of 8kr, with a distinct sheddeh to the [latter] U,, but in the handwriting of El-Bujeyrimee without a sheddeh; (O, TA;) t Camels whose canine teeta ha grown forth: (?,* 0, TA:) some my that it is ., with ,, and is for 'i& [q. v.], the 3 being changed into .0. (0, TA.)
ai;l vV (S, O) and V J5 and .lS t (0) Tres having tAho ; (., O ;) and *t :iC i. a tree haingthorns: (TA:) [or thorny having many thorns; for] * .1 , 3, signifies a thorny tree, or a tree having many thorns, (, 0, ,) , accord. to ISk; (., 0;) as alsot V. ij; [in the CI~ (erroneously) .w] and i1: (lx, TA)
and t ( 0, 0. O,]TA.) And; . W1j A throny land, or a land in which are many thorns (1, TA:) and [in like manner] . at .:. (o 0, O, ) a thorny land, or a land abounding with thorns; (0;) a land in which are the [thorny trees called] e.1_ and )li and ,dmt.


, s .), ,l tC .l V ,V, (Fr,



(S, 0, Myb, 0) and

(, TA,) with ref4 to the .01, (TA,) [in the CId, erroneously, jt,] andI. JI, (g,) which is of the dial. of El-Yemen, (TA,) and .JI t , (Fr, $, 0, Mqb, /,) this lut formed by transposition from the first,

M, b, TA,) or, as Fr says, ..Jsl ,L,s and L..JI ASL are like j J,. and ;j, (TA,) A man rwho exhibit his [i. e. hen~ of (0,
night or strength, or of valour or promess, &c.], and his sharpnes: (., O, Mb :) or a mamn whoe weapon is sharp, or whose meapons are sharp: (], TA:) or .. JI V US.L, as some explain it, a man whose spear-head and arrowhead and the like are sharp: (TA:) [or all may be rendered bristling mith armn :] and accord. to AZ, one says :J1 i ? !JI;) and ;I. (TA.) 3;t Affeted with the disease, (,* TA,) or redness, (0o, ,.) termed 11.; (0, g, TA;) applied to a man. (0.)



see its fem. voce LX, in two places. e:sits fern. voce Sls.

tjj &ed-produce of which the firs portonhas comeforth. (A, TA. [See also 3.])


L jl:, [aor. j,:,]

(S, 0, M,b,

;" 'i5:


(, 0, M,b, I ;) said, in this sense, of a shecamel's tail; (8, 0, ] ;) [and in like manner of a star; (see lIam p. 239;)] and t Jll signific: Lhe

(TI,) It rose; or became raised,or eletated;

j1,)'n n.

thtough they] reachted their backs:(1, TA:) or same, (O, ],) said of astone, (15,) and so .ti said of a jar (Q .); (0 0;) and likewise V ut becamne such as to have [only] a jj! [or small jtZ Tlhe balance htad quantity remnaininy] of mtills: like as one says, (TA.)-[Hence,] [or leathern The one of its two #cales higher than the other, (,5, 0, (0, TA,) ij.h in it : (0, remaining Msh, TA,) by reason of its lightness. (M 9b.) water-bag] hiad little irater ~,TA:) one should niot say %:JU (TA.)LI,nr c) Whtence the saying, ei. 1 signifies Its oth app.,]J [Hence, overmeaninig : Sutch a one was, inf. n. ~ occasion on the state a relaxed come in contendfing with anot her.. jfi, superiority being int i-a (0,15K.) And J;Z said of a hiorse means, like in glory or thec like. (TA.)- Anjd atol 1 J ire put forlth hisv reretrun n'ithout beinig aind jo2 JlU, Theo legsj of the water-shin, and of vigorous.l,y lt4,cffil. (TA in art. the skin for wim'n~5r., became raised, or elevated, said of' a j,i[or large bucket], Its ,,'ater becamekt ona lte occasion of its beingl filled, or inflaed. little ins qtuantitq. (0, g.) Said of a she-eamnel's e ml milk, It brecame de/fiicint : (15,TA :) asid it beth[eaig (TA.) - And t becamne dran,n tsji, or toithiditipn,,] is said of a camtie,,ihrn. (TA.) Anid said of water, It s...a. (TA .) - One says mulso, (ZIine]. becamne little int quantptity. (15:.) - In the fifllowvor became,jlur'ried, agitated, ing saying, (8, TA,) of Abn-n-NecJm, (TA,) hlmeuning. t lie. wras, and angry, awd then becamne or excited, z.4tl t Their migiht And calken. (15:) [i. C. Until, irhewn d pate.d: (0,15::) or their abodes becamne tIme poet meanis, .,..S anid..e.. (.ajs) day after- the the tenthi on to imater. the c lininitg thie n, as though lightened of thema, (z. clear okf abstinence ceasecd fi.ons next precedlig period opf awvay: 1K: TA,) andi the,, meent ~ .,~ or them. .. referringr to a camel or to camels]. hec,' or their cx.rpre.vion ofolpintion was, or be(TA :.) lle left somewh&at 1 ~~T A. 15:) or they came, discrt;dant: (- ~ zio . [or ~ qf Ivater in the b;.%! (9~Z remaining died: and they becamke scatterel, or dIispersed; a., TA .) (15:,* ag]. erci-b wat them k,lea though, there remained njot of thema save a rem3. ~Jj3t: see 1, latter hialf. - Also, and J,3jI (TA:) or the, 1 becapno irresolute, byl reason ofj 'a t~ JjL U, [i mif. n. i;d ,] lie i ,,and fear, and l ied: (M si):) or they w refi ht n d cOntendled wviith him, its thrusiting [witlz time spear]. and fled. (M in art. jtj.) [See also aAaW: and (TA.) Sec also 8.And J 1 .IJ, balted, the evith, or comi / ught [catknei]l] nd ZU 'J'lz stalliont see a verse cited voce d.I.]ind.? (WA).) p. (ilanil [canmel]. stallion (,Mh;)andV & 1;(0, Met);) or 4: see 1, latter lmalf, in five places. [whiichi the for whiichi one shiotld not say 6. t#JISW They~o reached, or smiote, one another, vulgur say in the preent daty, makinag it tmans. by '' e0, 0' j e E (L~ ai ~ J~L J,) in fig hit, vieth thec si !pears: and V,* ~ haJ iia sgnification [to J;WU, and' ,JLI, (15:,) inf. n. JA1 ; (TA;) and V J3Z as shown above by an explanation of its verb, 3]. aor. of the first as ablove, inlf. mm.&~ S (AZ, 8, 0.) (K;) raised, 0, Mob;) I raised, (~, 0, Msb,) or hie 7: see 1, first sentence. (15:,) it, (0, Mob,) umamely, a thiingr, (0,) or the yz,(8, 0,) or the stone. (K~.) And Ito op8: see 1, first sentenice. - dijL (8, ),Mnih, 15,) aor. as above, (~, 0, 15,) iif. n. posed hi~nsw(f to himu, andl reviled himi. (0, 1: 9y4 .; (0, 15;) and TA.) (0, M elb,15:) anid

I. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1022 and of the leathiern water-bag: (TA:) [in the 3LJ,t is erroneously put for iWI CI5: JjegMIi:] pl. prov.,


(,0, 1.)It

is said in a

(Mcydl, TA,) i. e. Hler small quantity of water [thait is,hunig Iponfliher does not harmi an aged she-a ,nl]:or~U[my agedi shte-camiel] : applied to the caec of carrying, that wliieh will niot harm thece if it be withi tlhce, and will he useful to tlhee if thiou bc in want of it: (M%eyd:) or applied to hint who is enjoinecd to takc thc p)rudlett courso and to supply hiimself witlh travelling-provision tlhough hie bc going to suchi provision. (TA.)~ And Light, a(ided, or agile; syn. "i..A,6.. so in the M. (TA.) [See also the next paraJ91One lthat raises atig.


[See also

A man lighit, actiec, or agile,

ina wrork, and in service,

(5, 0, 1K,) and

in respelct of irhiat is, wvan.ted; and quirk:. (K:) thius in a verse of El-Aolsha: (0, TA:) [but accord. to the readlingr of AO of thbat verse, it is ?,,,whichi las a similar, but intensive, meaning. (Dc Sacy's Clhrest. Ar., 2nid ed., ii. 484-5.) See also whiat ntext follows.] Jj~,like ,.[in mneasure], One weho aidit, or assst, urkorwel;syn. yoj (0, TA.) [See
also whiat niext precede.,.]

JJ-z: see J,~.

~4DThe partf that it ra~sof the tail of the P. : (_Ijamn scorpion; (.5, 0, k;;) and so
64,9 :) or., accord, to Sbi, its stii"1 , withs whichi it xtrikes. (TA.) - [lhence,] JJ* Z t Two bright .ctairs, near toqether, [A and v,] (8.,0,) int the end oif the tail ~,f Scorpioe, (K5ZW,)?,eAicht are one qPf the 0, K5zw,) natmely, the iljiti.sioitis (f the 3lfoon, (,~, NVineteentth M1ansion; (Kzw; also called4. ~, .) [See,.J JJ in art. j.],..j.aaI. anme for 2the scorlpion; poe Anid a' 9 i

(TA;) She (a cmecl) raised her tail, (,5, 0, Mob, TA,) having becomne pregniant. (Msb. [See 1IS, b~elonging to [thec tril,c of] 'Adw.vleh, and shec used (TA:) [in Eggypt thtis name is to give advie to lacir masters, anId it resulted in It (a X~~~s4) ,~U and see also 2.]) And t4.jj ZJ And 6'i JLU applied to a fish ef~the! genussiurs found in the evil to thecm; whience the saying, Cit seo)i.)ion) raised its* tail. (TA.) 'ile : it is well dlescribed by Sonuimiimi, int p. 407 lie raised his arm or hand; like L~ J1,. (Msb.) [Thsou arpt hn:ehthe giver of advice]. (,5, 0, of the 4to Engl. cd. of htis Travels in Upper aLnd kZ.) -Also the name of Thse azurie of Zeyd-el[gener-ally JtA lie. raised his And Lower Egypt.] =Also A certain hindt of Cxiii. as meanting time upper half of the ar)i,from [liere meaning shanl], madle in Gashmnerce atnd the elbpon to the shouldekr-bladec]. (TA.) A ,1 ertain plant, (AI.In, 0, l~,) menbrought/or sale to othter couintr.ies. Idi hore, andu ; and iiot described, by Ati; of the kind fur buit of camels' tionedl, be made to said [erroneously] said of a shec-camel, (~,0,15K,) Shec 2..~ so called because raised to the shioulders, if it be ~ growing int plain, or ,cfft, land, termed A i an Arabic word [whtich is not the case, for it is 1 0, became suchi as is termed aii, (AHI, 0,) used as a ?inedlicapient, (AI'n, 0, 15:,) is erroneously from the Pers. ~t,wincour word "1shiawl"]: and well kiowvn: (AHi., 0:) [$hsays,] I have one of my copies; of the f8,

. (1K, TA.) =Also A (0, TA ;) [anid] so V 10: see 1, imear the enid of the paragraphi. foolish, or stupid, wonuan. (IA.~t, 0,1I:.) X" imame of' A ceti foivh fmale. sl/are, jA rertain fish&of the sea, or of great rivers was; thte


put for ZA



or her


of' mi/he pl.

and jjjt.


seeni it:

it is dust-colopured,.v,ad

upon the

dried up; (yyliw5:

TA; [but perhiaps the

righit readingy iso..h. meaning became scantyi; for SM acids,]) and beca,ne little in quantity. (TA.) And J1 %z~ Thte camels became in sruch a state that thirci bellies [wvere drawn up as

qlroundit, hasx no thorns, and the cattle eagerly1 Wj,Z.= and j3L~: desvire it: (0 :) it is called (0,15K) soeie,(1K, voce L1J, see Also Somewhat remaiining of water in the skin b1y some of ithe people of E-rk,(0,) and in the hucket, (15:,) and of milik in the udder. like 1LC1 [in measure]. (0, 15:.) (TA:) and a small quantity of water (8.,0, K, The tail of the scorpion. (TA. [So called TA) in the bottom of the water-skin (,S, 0, TA)


JiA - #-.


(, , 1,) an anomalous pl., (K,) [or Smnite not thou me with an [evil] cye: (Q :)or, because oftecnraised.]) - Also, (S, 0, Msbh, 1,) | tJ. by some as aplidc to accord, to Ahu-l-Mek;him this menans say IOt, and sometimes it is called 3l4JI, (Msb,) The rathier a quasi-pl. n.,] expl. llo elquent art thou ! (Az, TA,) or say 5 not, deJicient, which beconw hus mnilk whtose shlc-camels fast; the of month of the festival ofthe breahi,g doiny stl anid 8,) Sk, ! (I tI/u art bcauit;}id llow at the wcancd are young the mont/h next after l ;; (TA ;) is the case wihen thicir ;*) (Myb, 1K eye. [evil] an nrith or eye, [evil] tle P'ith i,e; s.ite Cnino[or J. of rising [auiroral] thc of the.first of the months of the 1)ilgrimage; (S, 0;) period practised l[: signifies t.t * TA.) g, Az, Sk, (I Arabia, Central in commeinced, whicih a period [the tenth month of the lunar year:] as some pus, cvil eye. (J. .) called because [when first tiabout the beginning of' the cra of the Flight, on artice to smite ,eople with the ~t assert, (IDrd, 0,) 0so ". ,01 .l CjJ. says, one And to niiot cease they and S.], 0. of Agliist, thus named] it coincided with thc season when the 4th / the cat/t', or ainong i. e.lie raises his look towarts the she-camels [being seven or eight months gone bc thus termed until the stallion is scent 1S; ssfL oJthe peoplh to snite themn ith tte [eii] is ] pl. [or pl. of with young] raised their tails: (IDdtl,0, Mh, themli ; (TA;) thie 1p. .] Alo, Ie ey. (TA.) [e also 1 in art. XI. .l.(A)[c [ expl. mei lag ofL ngi) a pl. is nwme ad (;) of;OWt a pl. winter:] in s in couple 2t ~~;) generally (.K camels TA:) [for the , o, trr. or frightened bc has ilk wlsc a she-camel or] al,)ve, withthen becoming milk their or because of l:, And lie envied such a one. (K.) - And i withdra,n. (Tto drawn; such being the case with the camels i the time of vehement heat and of the comingto an Anything that is raisev,d, or drawn ieq~, or wtith- .,jl bcneraw olrs lider (AA, Ii.) a thing. such drawn or rad, i tt (h end of the juicy fresh herbage: [see a table of the Antig months voce C j:] the Arabs used to regard the (TA,) ll (God) ,) inf n. ~ , (T')l(Gd (, Abys- 2. M''J'~("'K'in'' anAbysto an saidtoube making of marriage-contracts in this monthi as of t"~. - luitutzt; syn. '~': said , his ae: (, ugl, or unely, rendereedfd aL [then] woman the that say to and evil omen; face. the of the conformation e. i. it, and TA:) (1-'Abid, word. sinian like her, married who him resist would married [or r.eaping-hooh: in the (TA, from a verse of El-Hotei-ah.) And ; jy:. A smnall J asthe she-camel resists the stallion and raises her ugly, the foul, unseemly, 2' Irendered ;K.) the or wjly, tail; but the Prophet abolished their thus augur- CK,erroneouisly, .]. untemly or foul rentlred TA.) (SK, 0 a J9 1 e( month: this in 'Aisheh married he ing, and (>jZ. d}~ ;1 Godren , . ,reft. . nn. of 4. See an ex. in a verse dered, or may God render, wide your throats, or part. act. par iQl (S, Mel), 10 ji a act (TA .) the ise s-nd pl. the A U * '- : seec-1, latter half. ; cited also in the present art. in fauces. (TA.) and Jl;,, this last formed by rejecting the aug- cited voce od. a _ and 0. the S (TA.) second]. [in the letter mentative 1arm, or hand. (JK.) 1 aj. is said by Yz to signify A certain thing . see : i 4. ~&1:: see 1. with which one plays. (0, TA.) A . [not (as is implied in the 1) 'ail] ai1 3 5. di o lie becanwealtered in countenance to J1. A stone that is raised. (Lh, K.) 1.; [n.un. of ],) a ertain bird, (A.HAt, O, him, so as to be not known by him, (syn. ;, ~, of a dusky colour, vwhich, wlhen it 3.> q. v.], ],) and assumed various alqearances. (.) and down alijhts upon a stone or a tree, moves utip Li 0oSee also 1, in two places, near the end._ its tail like as does the camel; so called because bull, wild a meaning here ol [app. -: He hunted a ; (K;) and a.r.;, aor. 1.& it raises its tail; and in its belly and its hinder as seems to be indicated by the context in the S]. , ($, K) and aor. oI; (, Mesb ;) inf. n. TA.) part is somewhat of rednes^ (AIIat, O, (.8,kg.) (TA;) and subst.; simple is a latter or the K,) - [Hence, as being likened to the See also ii~. 'U: see the next paragraph. ;:, (K,) inf.n. : ; (TA;) Hisface was, scorpion, whence also the phrase e4#u ,na. e,] h'. and the faces were, ($, Msb,) foul, unseamly, ,, (S, Mb, :l, (~, Mab, g,&c.,) originally JJLj, ld1 t A womnan wont to calumniate. (JZ) (.,) or ugly. (S, Msb, K.) And ol, (Mqb,) and TA,) A sheep, or goat; [each and either, but move (Mgh, Msb,) He, (a commonly the former; see an instance voce , A shc-camel raising her tail, (S, O, Mqb, ',~ , (Mgh,) inf.. n.*, Mgh,) was, or (a woman, she, and Msb,) man, JS ;] i. e. one of what are termed . ; (S, ~,) haring conceired, (Msb,) or by reason of in Msb,) (Mgh, ugly, or unseemtly, foul, became, ;) applied to the male and to thefemalc; Mgb,* .K whattvr: milk no having and conteired, having also (S, Mob, ]I ;) so that one says of the male, a: 1., ] :) or a she-camel that has conceired, and face, (Mgh,) or in make. (Mb.)(S, O, [app. as an inf. n., of which the (Msb,) which is said by Kh to be like the phrase raises her tail to the stallion as a sign of her syn. with i_ having conceived, raisingher head therewnith, and verb is , signifying He was, or became, beauti- ;5;j > ,- l, J; (Sb, TA;) and of tbe female, elevating hwr tnose: (Az, TA:) the word is without fil: thus having two contr. meanings]. (TA.)L' and 5:1 ;L: (Msb:) or it L .1; and ; because it is an epithet of peculiar application Also, (IK,) as an inf. n., (TK,) The neck's being and of goatst, and of [to a female]: (Msb :) or it is without; ano- long, (K, TA,) and high, and the hiead's over- may be [one] of sh,eep the bovine kindl [app. of and antelopes, or gazelles (ISd, malouslty; for the male also raises his tail: topping; whience * 0_! applied to a horse: (TA:) of the wild bovine kind i. e. of bovine antelopes], an TA:) the pl. is J.L (Az, S, O,Msb, ~) sad and the neck's being short: thus [again] having and of ostriches, and of wildt asse.cs; (1~;) it is and jly.. (g.) Also, witlh , applied to two contr. meanings: (K :) one says, [app. of a applied to a wvild bull by Tarafch, in his saying, and neck was long [&c.]: and m/is : horse,] i. a mare, as meaning Raising the tail. (TA.) ~ ~ ~ t--- ;~~b, And 'i3,, which is anomalously with because his neck was short: (TK :) or 0" said of the neck it is an epithet denoting an attribute not shared [of a horse] signifies the being extended: and said (S) i. c. Like the two ears of a nil/d bull, in with the female by the male, (ISd, TA,) A she- of the j.i [or side of the mouth], the being wide, I.oowmal, solitamy; the poet likening thereto the camel that lhas aLsed seven months, (8, 0, 1,) (JK. [It probably signifies any of the attributes ears of a shlc-camel in respect of sharpness anti or eight, (S, 0,) since the leriod of her bringing denoted by the epithet ;, q. v.]) - Also, [and erectness; (EM p. 76 ;) and likewise by Lcbeed, forth, (S, 0, k,) or of her becoming pregnant, app. in this sense likewise an inf. n. of which the and by El-Faxrezdak: (IB, TA:) and it is also applied to [a wild cow; (thlough said in the K in (1,) and whose nilk has dried p (c, ~,- verb is ,] The being quicit to smite with the art. 5j.. to signify the wildl bull, specially the *, and so in a copy of the S,) or wkoe [evil eyje. (S.)_ And one says, U", #U, (K,) male;) and hlence, as being likened thereto,] ia 0, and inf. n. * , (TA,) lIe smote such a one with the mnilk has beconw scanty, (14. ji., wvoman; (.R,TA;) tlis by EI-A.aslia; and thus so in another copy of the S,) and her udder [evil] eye; (1K, TA;) as also t tl: (TA in art. also by Antaral, in his saying, drawn up, (S, 0,) there remaining in her udder _%:) and in like manner, di~ [his cattle, or ,* .- ... ;.. ... ,LtaI; 4 i3;3L no more than a J,.A, a thirdof the quantity of the .sniting ithe signifies *. or TA:) (Ll., property]: "' ~Sc' contt~ thereof trhen lher forth was I,,;^'~~~~~~ i * ~ , , :~ o' 'j recent: (TA:) she-camcls in this case are termed vehenetly thereith. (TA.) And sl 1

1024 (TA) 0 ;ti [i. e. wild con] of the chae (t1 bein{1 redundant) for him to fwhom she is law,ful: sh,1 e has becom forbidden to me, and mould that slu ere not forbidden: (EM p. 246:) pl. t fiU, (e, Myb, I,) originally #,1, (81,) used when they arn e many in number, (.,) [but this is properly terme& c a coll. gen. n.,] and .1, (S, Mgh, Msb, 1g,) with s, which is used of a number irom three to ten [inclusive], for more than which it is with ;. [meaning ;, i. e. $l,, agreeably with a genera] rule], ($,) and [the original of :E ,] (1,) [14, t and 5, (V ,, TA, [in the C]~, erroneously,
St..~,]) which is pi. of fi, (., TA,) or rather a quasi-pi. n., originally itp, the a being changed into I. like as it is in jS for ., (TA,) and ,;tl, (!,) and * a,, (o in copies of the ]1, [in the TA said to be like ., which is a mistake, (perhaps for ',) for it is there said to be a guai-pl. n., which could not be said if it were e,,,]) and t' (C, [but this, which is another quasi-pl. n., is not in my MS. copy of the .K nor in the TA,]) and ?*eA, (],) originally #:`, but this, also, is a quasi-pl. n., (TA,) and 9'4 k also is syn. with Ci,: (IAir, ] in art. .q. :) it has not a pl. formed with I and zo, [i. e. it has not for a pl. u;1J,] whether it be used as a gen. n. or as a proper name: (TA:) the dim. is V 3 .. (., Mfb.) The sing. is also used in the sense of the pl., in the saying l;lj iI . Xj4 [Sac/h a one is o r Qf a laire numnber of dheep or goats, and of canels], because the article JI denotes the genus. (?.) And it is said in a trad. , z . t (j.lhU [And he ordered that sheep or goats sould be given to her]: #,t being prefixed to. ~,, governing it in the gen. case, for the sake of distinction; because the Arabs [sometimes] call an animal of the wild bovine kind ;L. (IAth, TA.) - t.A i also the name of t Certain snall stars ( in art. Lf.*t) betwen [or ae..l1, thus in the work of gsw, in his descr. of Cepheus, and there said to be the star in the breast of C~phes,] and q.~JI [i. e. the pol-star]; (TA in that art.;) (the same that are described by l~zw as certain mall stars, called by the Arabs ;lclI, between th legs of Cepheu and the star jj.]

[BooK I.

oll, applied to a man, (Msb,) Foul, unseemly, 1i;).and or tgly, (JK, MRIsh, 1,) in fice, (JK, K,) or in them with ,1 [i. e. roastdl, or broiled, or fried, cflesh-mieat]. (S, Msb, .K.) And (both verbs with aspect, (Msb,) and, as also V of which the pl. their complements) lie gave them JleXh-meat that is in nthke: fern. zla,: (JK, (JK:) they might roast, or broil, or fry, thereof. (AZ, Mglh, M.b :) and pl. *j.. (Msb.) Any created K.) - Anitl L._ ?1 t lc left a portion remaining thing incongruous in its several parts; as also ofj lis supper: (S, ., TA:) or he leJt some roasted, t .) . (TA.) And the fernm., A woman fronwn- or broiled, orfjitd, fJlesh-meat of his supper. (A, ing, or morose, inface; (K,*'TA ;) foul, unxeemly, TA.) - And i 5,9.1 The wheat became Jit or ug!/ly, in make: (TA.:) and also beautfud, to be rubbe(d 7ith the hawds anul to be roasted. oody, or comely; (1, TA;) that excites admniraAnd A.)_ *.II1 Lsl t The palmtion and alprotal by her beaut!l: (TA:) thus (ISui, batnches became yellow on the occasion of their having two contr. meanings. (.1, TA.) Also, drying up; (1K, TA;) as though a roasting the fim., Unhucy, or inatusiicious. (](.) - And afibeted them. (TA.) Also lie got, or acthe masc. applied to a man, (Lth, S, TA,) and quired, the worse, or vile,r, sort of cattle. (1.) the fem. applied to a woman, (Lth, TA,) That smites quickly mith the [evil] eye: (Lth, S, TA:) olj,l said of a shiooter or caster, lie hit (.," or that smites people effectually with his, and her, Msb,* K) his L5Y, (g,) i.e. [one or more of his] extremitie.s, (TA,) nwt a [vital] place witere . [evil] eye. (TA.) And JI 1 l alEaing an wound would occasion dleath; (S, Msb, .;) and evil eye. (Fr, TA in art. jj..) - The fem. is also so t as in the Tekmileh: in the ]g, erroapplied to a mare, (JK, T, $, 1],) as an epithet of neously, olj.,. (TA.) - [Ienee, lie missed it, commendation, but not the masc. to a horse, i.e. tihe object of his aim. See .5 .: and see meaning, it is said, I'ide in the ;lUj.? [or tvo also lIam p. 91.] - [HIence, also, app.,] Hr sides of the mouth]: (S :) or lony in the head, and ~ 1 wide in the nostrils: (JK:) or tall, and such as says that 5I,l is allowable in the sense of L klft out, omitted, &c., anything]; ezxcites admirationand appnoval byl her beauty or t [iHe droppedl, excellence: (J,'* - In the TA:) or exceedinyly awide in tlhe like S.~.,I1 [q. v.]. (TA in art. .S saying #le1 l,l I.. (S, ]g, [in some copies of 0%U: [or two sides of the mouth] and the nosj.I *La, and .ZJl &l: see ;. 1 trils: (, TA:) or, as some say, wide in the the .k t1LJ,]) and so in o; *. , (.,mouth: (TA:) I,,*TA,) and thie small latter in verb the mouth: is an imitative thus sequent : an inf. n., of ;I. (Mgh, Myb, TA. [See 1, having two contr. meanings: (V, TA :) or sharp. to the former [added only for the purpose of in several places.]) Also a subst. meaning sighted: (T, TA:) or sharp in rpirit: (TA:) see corroboration]. (8, K, TA.) lrnluckinsu, or inaupiciousnes, of a woman. also 1. -Also, the masc., Proud, and self-con(TA.) 7. ;:AI k.g.I The fleh-meat became roasted, ceited. (1.)-And iL iL , L [An oration from the putpit] in which a blesaing is not invoked broiled, or fried; (MA;) quasi-pas. of .Sj, %Z and a,-/ and ' ee: see 5t. ,.mUI; (./M, Msb, g ;) as also t LSjl; (M, on the Prophet. (TA.) I ;) [or] the latter in this sense is not allowable. , Reote~: (V, TA:) and so lal: one ,AL.A t; A land in which arae d:; (A'Obeyd, (S, Msb.) says, in dispraise, L.$ j b . [i. e. Ia, lit. ], ;) like as one says atl; wl : (A'Obeyd, 8: see 1._-.[Hence,] , . ,, referring to a Ramotmes to him I meaning may God alienate him or stra,ng him, from good, or prosperity! :) or in which are many thereof. (..) she-camel, t I journeyed upon her until tie heat of the middays of summer emaciated her and she or, curse him]. (TA.) o* RendRered foul, unsemly, or ugly, in became as though she wt burnt. (.am p. 783.) .oriinll $,?, originally :a,,: ae L. face, by God: (TA:) or foul, &c., in shape. -See also 7. (1].) See also Z11, second sentence. - And ,!: see what next follows: and see more in ": dim. of ,, q. v. (8, Msb.) 1Bad in intellect. (TA.) art. dir,


MA, MSb, K,) lle roasted, broiled, orfi, the (JK,, S, K,) and j. t ;t, (JK, 1,) and Lt fJlesh-meat; (MA, KL,* P.;) and t 'lj',l signir, lI, (JK, TA, and 8 and 1Z in art. .:,) the tfies the same; as also t l;,l; (Msb, TA;) or last formed by transposition from the first, ($ in this last, (TA,) or _$ l [alone], (., MA,) sig. art. ,,) A hmn sharp of sight. (JK, $, fg.) nifies he prelpared, or prvepared for himelf, (., MA, TA,) 51*, (., TA,') or roasted, broiled, or I- .: friied, .flesh-meat. (MA.) _- And s'hJI .S', see the next paragraph. (IAar, .K,) aor. as above, (TA,) He heated th water. (I Ar, ]g.) - [And accord. to Freytag, 5, signifies also le cut off from (C>) roted tL and t V A man poss ing :1. [mean- flesh-meat: but for this he has named no autho.; ing sheep or goEat or both]: (1 :) the former is rity.] See also 4. the rel. n. of :1 ; and the latter, that of L;: but 2: see 4. - Also t:I J4el He gave hAm used as a proper name of a man, it is 'V& 1 ., and, fle-meat [app. in an unrestricted sense]. (TA.) if you will, 5?;I?. (S, TA.*) 3. , for sete: me 3 in art... : see the next paragraph: and see Sl.. 4. *. l q5_,l:

:t Envrying: , pl. .: (As, Lh, TA:)'or the latter signifies persons practisingartifwe to smite men with the [etvil] eye. (JK.) Andjy l It; ,

1._UI, i

>, (aor. -, TA,) inf. n. o , (,

see 1. --. *^^, $ inf. n.

l,l; (., Myb, Q:;(I ;) He fed


BOOK I.] ; TA,) of camels, and of shep or goats; and the small, or young, thertof. (TA.) [See also .'l,.] (IA!r, ;) the latter is like :, [kisJ in the - And t A remainder, or remaining portion. CV as syn. with 11jl being a mistranscription,] -A.]_Also i .q. and is said by IAth to be a quasi-rl. n., or [what (TA.) [See, again, a t [The aking, or causing, or suffering, to relexicographers term] a pl., of it, [n. un. of main; or, perhaps, to continue in life, and if it f]. (TA.) mean thus, it may be from the same word in a is originally .?. (ISd, TA.) One says, sense expl. above, for the animal that one hits in a part that is not vital is suffered to continue in x; J s (S, ,) using the latter noun as (, 1 J life]. (TA.) an imitative sequent to the former [for the purpose of corroboration: see art. .c]. (TA.) ;fi~: see what next follows.


i. q. S

[q. v. in art.

:]; as also t s

goats or both].

A posor of .1, [meaning dsmp or ($, I. [In the CV. without teshdeed. Mentioned also in art. .s, q. v.]) _ at:) I MA.. (with teshdecd to the r, TA, [but in the C] without teshdeed,]) t A palm-branchthat has becomn yellow in drying up. (i. [See 4.]) i . , (, 1, [in some copies of the but]) like Als., (9,) A mnJft she-camel. 1;.S~ a pl. pl. of:p , LS-O;, like Sj-,, q. v. (g, TA, [in the Cg, 'l t.., (E, lI.)


$SL is pl. of i): [or rather the former is a colL gen. n. of which the latter is the n. un. :] the latter signifies The skin of the head: (S, TA:) so [accord. to some] in the gur lxx. 10: (TA:) or the exterior of the skin of the head, in whichl gros the hair: (Aboo-;afwin, TA in art. jt :) and some say, the exter~or of all, or of any part, of tAe shin: (TA in the present art.:) and the former signifies the arms or handr and the legs orfeet, or thefore and hind legs, (9, I~,) and (I) the extremities (Mb, ) collctively, (g,) and the head of a human being, (J,) or the 3aJ of the hd [i e. the bone abooe the brain, or a msparateportion of the skull, or a distinct bone of the dull], (I,) but of a horse the gs, not the head, because one says t.Jl ~J [i. e. thick in the legs], for this cannot relate to the head of the horse, (e,) and any part that is not a [vital] place [i. e.] where a ~ound caum death (9, Myb, I4) such [for instance] as the legs. (Mob.) LS;iJI t. means A woman having cracked, or chapped, feet. (S and k( in art. ,4.) - It is also a subst. [apl). meaning a quasi-inf. n.] from 1%,_[q. v.] as said of a shooter or caster: (TA:) [and hence] the saying (9, TA) of the Hudhalee, ([, [accord. to the TA, Khalid Ibn-Zuheyr,])

. Roasted, broiled, orfrieda,h-mn at; (S,' MA, Msb, 1,' KL ;) as also t i; (Ks, 9gh, ;) but the former is more usual and more chaste: (TA:) a subst. from, 1:tlULS: and t s~i. [as its n. un.] signifies a piece thereOf (9.) S

&S6., like ,.., erroncously, as is proved by a verse cited as an ex. in the TA, pass. part. n. of 4,]) applied to a portion of a living serpent, (TA,) That has been mised by the stone [cast at it]. (Q, TA.) iS. (K( in art. Js) in that art.) A fryin-p~ n. (TV

(g) and S?an (Msb) [Roasted, I ., a L5.: sce eSp. broiled, or fried], the latter originally (Msb.) [In the K the former is said to be like L [`A place of roain, broiling, orryng, U:J; but it has the signification of the latter, i. e., flesh-meat]. (S in art. tJ.) of a pass. part. n.] - See also ki. _ Ks says,


($,) in the phrase ., and so in t , (9, I,) some say (O) the latter word is an 4. 1;1 an imitative sequent to l"aI in the imitative sequent to the former [i. e. a corroboraphrase ol.l ,Il t: see 4 in art. Uj5. tive: see art. o]. (, K.) iittZ: see: ;-; }see the next paragraph. aA, syn. with ft: see art. $S.

L: and



wJ 'e , I
isa: uca:

in art. ;. ee art. Sq'. see SS*.

an imitative sequent to an imitative sequent to



. oLJ


meansm t [And, or for] verily of ~eech is that aentence (4L, a word understood,) which does not hit a place where a wound will not occasion death, [i. c. which does not miss its object, when it ecapingfrom the upper surface of the tongu is quick,] but which kills. ($, TA.) And tS. is usod [app. in like manner, as a quasi-inf. n.,] in tile cue of anthing that has missed an object of aim, though there be to it [really] no place where a wound would occasion death nor anything that is [properly] termed '., [as meaning a place where a wound will not occasion death]. ITA.) And [hence] it signifies t A mistabe; syn.

.L (TA.) - Also ! A thing, (9,) or an affair, (i,) that is paltry, man, despicable, or of no accout or. eUight or worth: (S, I, TA;) in this sense, from the same word as signifying the "extremities" [ofan animal]. (IAth,TA.) Hence,
in a trad. of Mlujhid, 5 3LI .;5 i i. JS .ai 41: [Everything that befaUl the faster is a matter of no account, except absence of mind]; i. e. nothing that befalls the faster annuls his fast except &?hi, for this does annul it. (TA.)And tThe worse, or iler, sort of cattle, (S, }i, Bk. I.

What is cut off from, or of,f~h-meat: (1, TA:) or what the slaughter cuts off from, or of, the remities of a ~ or goat. (TA.) - A small thing [or portion] of that which is large; as a piece, or detached portion, of a dseep, or goat: one says, yJ ilZ 3l2 La [7hTem remai~ned not of the saeep, or goat, ame a piece]. (9.)-_-Also, (9, ],) and t klj' and t z, 3 , (i,) A ,.A [or round cake, or small round cake,] of bread. ($, ].) - And, all the three, A remainingportion of pcop, or of cattl, that hame pe~ d; uaho t ; (i ;) or this last, a. remauining portion of pcaple that have perished: (,:) pl (of the last, O) Qi,. (?,].) [See also kj..] - And I The bad, or vil, ort, (1, TA,) or worse, or /iler,sort, (TA,) of camels, and of sheep, or goats: (,[, TA:) in this sense written by ISd with kesr and with fet-l. (TA.) [See, again, UZ] -[And accord. to Freytag, ",ll klt, (i. e. a,l Zl:)is expl. by Meyd as meaning Cooked milkh cast upon a hot stoe, so that only a mal portion remains.]


,:C: see art. LSZ.

1. ,:, (Msb,) [originally ',] like i,L, [which is originally jih,] (MF,) first. pera.

'9, ( ],) aor. a, at, (Mqb,) [and by poetic license , without .,] first pers. sa. , (9. g,) inf. n. :' (Myb, g) and i'>, (S:, ,) or this is a simple subst., (Mab,) and its. and Ai;jl., ([,) [or these two also are simple substs.,] He, and I, willed, i~d, or deired, it; syn.;,]1 (Myb) and sa;i: (S, 1 :) most of the seholastic theologians make no difference between i'*:I and ;hjli, though they are [said to be] originally different; for the former, in the proper language, signifies the causing to be or exist, syn.. ) and the latter, the diling, vishing, or desiring; syn. ,.1l. (TA.) A Jew objected, to the Prophet, his people's saying 4j ai t I; [Wlhat God hath wilked and I hae ~illd], as l: se the next preceding paragraph. implying the association of another being with A sUer of roasted, broiled, o; fried, feh God: therefore the Prophet ordered them to say meat. (KL.) a -I LaG CL [WhAt God hath willed, the I hae willedl. (TA.) [t3iij sit as signifying J*Z [mentioned in this art. Us though originIVhat hath God illed! is nsed to express adally ~jt4.] / . q. X .. ;l. [The red, renon, miration. And as signifying What God villed inslssnated juice called draon's blood: see art. it is a phrase often used to denote a vague, .. ]. (S. g.) a- And Far~se g. (., J .) generally a great or considerable, but sometimes 205


IBoox 1.

a small, number or quantity or time: See Dc the formation of which there is much difference used by post-classical poets in their verses. (MF, Sacy's Relation de l'Pgypte par Abdallatif, pp. of opinion [as will be shown hereafter], (Mob, TA.) _ When a man says to thee, "What dost TA,) and ;jl(l, (8, X,) a pl. pl. [i. e. pl. of thou desire ?" thou answerest, t1. ' [Nothing]: 24 and 394 &c.] See also 1 in art. lj. tfAl], (MF, TA,) and ;.lj,l, [a contraction of and when he says, " Why didst thou that ?" thou 28.'e .9 I jA;.. ;z [in some copies of the 1I J [For nothing]: and when he that next preceding,] (1.,) and ks.S, (g, K(,) answerest, (erroneously) I incited him, or made him, with fet-l to the j, (MF, TA,) and it is also 1] says, "What is thine affair?" thou answerest, to do the thing, or affair. (As, SE, L, K, TA.)~ mentioned as withi kesr, (TA,) [and is written in :~ [LNothing]: it is with tenween in every And a 2d 't, (18, TA,) and i., (TA,) both of my copies of the S 's,, thoughl if with one of these cases. (AY, AI.It.t, TA.) [When one (od rendered, or may God render, .foul, unsays 5% 'Y, he means thereby There is nothing.] but Ws)l~ semly, or ugly, hisface, (1., TA,) and his make. kesr it shiould be either 1 or kti, only is meant by J, as is shown by what here -- 'l~. (TA.) ,1- means [It is nought, of no account follows,] originally ,O.Zl, withl three ss, not or weight; it is not worthlly of notice, or not rorth g 4. .l oI,l lHe, or it, compelled him, con- A. J11. as J says, [or rather as the word is written anything;] it is not a good thing; or it is not a strainedhim, or necessitated him, to have recourse, in copies of the S, for J may Ihave held it to be thing to be regarded. (W p. 27.)--[r,l'1, o. or betake hime.lf, to it; syn. soJl; (S, ;) a ., is a phrnse of frequent occurrcnec, meank.ull or it l, as hlie says that the . was changed dial. var. of tl 1, (a ;) of the dial. of Temeem. ing /He has no concern with the n.ffair; see two into ks, thus occasioning the combination of three exs. in the first 1)arat,rnl)h of art. . (TA.) Temeem say, .0,, 'i .X '.0 i . Zd,, s, so that he held its se'ondary form to be

meaning ' [q. v., i. e. It is an evil thing tJ., as will presently be shown,] because the thnt com)nlxs thee to have recourse to the marrow first 5 is radical, not augmentative, (IB, i,) the of a hock]. (S.) medial k of the three being suippressed, and the 5. ?r; llis anger became al,peased: (V:) final one changed into I [thoughi written ks], and the initial one changed into , (S,) and another said of a man. (TA.) form of pl. is %t.'l, (S, Mob, I.(,) with the k zt [A thing; anyt1hing; something; some- preserved, not changed into [as it is in kS.,1], n!hat;] a word of well-known meaning: (.1:) (TA,) [likewise] a pI. of i%A,; (M.b,) and 1Q1Al [sometimes, in poetry, written and pronounced also is mentioned, (K,) as formed [from 1:] by : see an ex. in a verse cited voce 4a0I: see also the change of . into kS and adding I, (TA,) and the last sentence but ono of this paragraph :] t.JI ;:l, whichi is strange, (Lh, K,) as there is no properly signifies what may be knomn, and that in 4"l:, (Lh,) or in :Uw.: (1. :) with respect to wrhereof a thing may be predicated: (Mgh, KT:) the first of these forms, [the quasi-pl. nii.] :, the accord. to Sb, it denotes existence, and is a name most probable opinion is that of KlI: (M9b, for anything that has been made to haw being, TA:) accord. to him, (S, Mob, ],) it is originally whetuer an accident, or attribute, or a substance, and such that it may be known, and that a thing of the measure 6.i, (S, ],') in lieu of 3 p may be predicated thereof: (KT :) MF says that (],) and therefore imperfectly deel., (S,) [i. e.] it it is app. an inf. n. used in the sense of a pass. is originally 14Z, (Msb,) and the two hemzehs part. n., meaning what is nilUed, and meant, or combined in the latter portion being found intended, [in which sense Vt"' (pl. ,l"e) is difficult of pronunciation, the former of them is often used,] mithout restriction to its actuality or traniisposed to die beginning of the word, so that possibility of being, so that it applies to that rwhich it becomes of the mcasure .;i, (S, M.b,) as is neceJsarily is, and that which may be, and that shown by its having for its pls. USjI. and l,I which cannot be; accord. to the opinion adopted and ~.1l llt: (S :) accord. to Akh, it is [origin. by the author of the Ksh: [or, as an inf. n. in the ally] of the measure [~kl; (S, K ;) but if it were sense of a pass. part. n., it may be expl., agreeably with what is said to be the proper meaning of the thus a broken pl., [not a quasi-pl. n.,] its dim. verb, as signifying what is caused to be or exist; would not be tt:,, as it is, but .,e,: (S:) accordingly,] Er-R4ghib says that it (lenotes rhat- accord. to Ks, it is of the measure jlail, and over is caused to be or exist, whether sensibly, as made imperfectly decl. because of frequency of material substances, or idoally, as sayings; and usage, being likened to isW ; but were it so, ;4 1 134 and others expresly assert that it signifies and llt~l would be imperfectly decl.: (S, KC:) peculiarly what is caused to be or exist; but Sb ., is originally :,and thcres4ays that it is the most general of general terms; accord. to Fr, and some of the scholastic theologians apply it to fore has a pl. of the measure --- il, afterwards ir'hat is non-existent; such, however, are over- contracted to d.W; but were it so, it would not come in their argument by its not being found to have for its pl. kj;1. (S. [Much more respecting have been thus used by the Arabs, and by such this pl. is added in the TA, but it is comlparatively passages as 4 .9j! .1J . O jS [Everyllthig unprofitable.]) The dim. of , is f :,, and is subject to pers excpt Hini,u lf (.Kur xxviii. t ; (S, K, TA, but only the former in some last verse)] andl ;.Z, :t' .:o O !. copies of the K, the word being written in othier [And there is not anything but it glorifies Hlim copies :c, 0;)not VLq,, or m ; (tie former n'ith pra ing (.1ur xvii. 46)], for what is non- accord. to my two copies of the S an(l accord. to existent cannot be described as perishinlg nor the copies of the .g followedl in tihec TA, in whiicil imagined to glorify God: (TA:) the pl. is -t-l, it is said to bIe withi teshdecd to the k, and thc (8, Mbh, V, &c,) imperfectly decl., (, TA,) latter accord. to the CV. and my MS. copy of the or rather this is a quasi-pl. n., (Sb,TA,) respecting ] ;) or this is a dial. var. of weak authority, (K,)

JPI e. .f si occurs in the TA roce AiL., meaning In it is somewrh at, or some degrew, of lenth; i. c. it is somewhat long; and is used in the presenit day in this sense.] - In the phrase I:~ *,$t .a. the last word is for [i. e. le is better than thou in something; meaning he is sonen,hat better than thou]. (IJ, L.)._. I5 z ,iOdl t. is a phirase of the Arabs [app. lit. signifying l[ow unmnidftl of thee is he as to anything!] mentioned by Sb as meaning U.JI


;c [Ditsmnist doubt fSom thee (resxcting Aim as to anything)]: IJ says that le. is here put in the accus. case as an iinf n., as though the saying were AL;. ~ 1% because the vesb- of wonder does not require to be corroborated by the in n. [proper to it]: (L, TA:) [or it is a specificative:] IF says that it is a phrase of dubious meaning; and that the most probable explanation of it is this; that La is here lit. interrog,ative, but in meaning denotative of wonder; and that %4 is governed in the accus. case by some otier word, or phrase, as though the saying were dismisn a thing by which he is not occupiedl in mind, and dismis doubt as to his being occupied in mind by it. (TA in art. t.)_ - [4. means Thing by thing, part by part, bit by bit, piecemeal, inch by inch, dnrop by drop, little anl little in nccession, by little and little, by degree, or grad1,

ually.]-_ Sj [meaning What thing?] is, k by dithe alleviation of the S [in 51] and the suppression of the . [in &, ], made into one word, istl.: so says El-Fairibee: (MIb:) or, [as is commonly the case in the present day,] by reason of frequency of usage, it is contracted into ,.. (TA in art..,-.., as on the authiority of Ks.) in the Kur lx. 11 may mean Any one (BDd, Jel) or more. (Jel.) - [It is also applied to t The penis of a man; as in thdie explanation of a phrase mentioned voece h,.; like as its syn. . is to the same and (more commnionly) to thie "vulva" of a woman.] In algel)ra, it signifies [A square root;] a number that is multiplied into itself; wliich in arithimetic [and in algebraCin also] is called j.. [i. e. ;]; and iu geometry, [i. c. or '];(" Dict. of the Teclin. Terms used in the Sciences of the MIisalmans," p. 202;) an un/norn number that is nultil)lied into itsf.



:,,%, and (S, A,) thus in a verse of (Idem, p. 730.) It is also said, on the authority duct mlwhn oariness, or the entering upon the period of woariness, hath whitened te lhead?]. El-Kumeyt, as related by Ibn-Selemeh, with of Lth, to signify Water: and he cites as an ex., (S,. IB, TA.) [See also 2.] kesr to the ., and ., (S,) or the former word is * , Jj written tit, and sometimes X and thc 2. e',1u ,4, (Ks, S, A,) and ij.ii latter is as above, (15,) and sometimes JtjS, [l7ou seest, or wilt see, his company of riders at &"1;, and lj, (Ks, S, Mgb, 1,) which last is (TA,) t The two montul of winter; (A, TA;) the water in the midst of a desert]: but AM says, a strange phrase, as it exhibits together two means [as though moaning the second of tihe Six Seaons, I know not o.:jl in the sense of "water," nor by which a verb is rendered trans., [namely, the commencing two months after the autumnal know I what it is. (TA.) "S l; is an ex, doubling of the medial radical letter of the verb equinox; (see the former of the two tables in p. pression of regret, (El-Ahmar, Ks, TA,) or of and the introduction of the prep. ,,] (TA,) Grief 1254 ;)] i q. .t3 it , (S, A, 1, TA,) which are wonder, (g, TA,) [or of both,] meaning [OA! or] renderedhim white-headed,or 1hoary-headed; (Ks, the two coldest ,month; (S, TA;) so called T, O my wonder ! (Ks, Lb, TA.) One says, I. t1 S, A, Msb, 1 ;) as also * "jtl, (A,) and ? l because of the earth's being then wlhite with snow .. , (El-Abmar, Ks,, L, L , ) and J t. _1; and AwW. (Ks, S, Mob, .K.0) and hoar frost; (S, TA;) falling at the period of i. e. with and without o, (Ks, TA,) and C s,u I the [auroral] rising of tiw Scorpion and the 4. .,l, said of a man, iie had children that (LI, K,) or J LI I. t, and b. , l had become white-headed, or hoary. ($, TA.) - Vulture, (qiaJI and jJI, [by which latter is (El-A4mar, Ks, TA,) neither of these two with See also the next preceding paragraph, in two meant ei4lj ,; I, i. e. the star a of Lyra,]) ., (Ks,TA,) [meaning Oh! or O my wonder places. mid by hin who hows not to be the two Kdnoons What has happened to me ?] in all of these, (Ks, corresponding The hair (1, TA) itself: sometimes it is [i. e. J, 31X l and jlt3Sa, TA,) Lt being in the place of a noun in the nom. thus called: (TA:) [but app. only when white, to December and January O.S.]: (TA:) [it case. (Ks, Lh., TA.) - Some also say, %s &' or hoary; in which sense it is often used; as in appears that they nearly agree with the two and 1 and .a j X', and some add t;, saying, the TA in arts. "& and ~ &c. :] or (I, TA, Kanoons; for El-lazweenee and others say that s5 it and ; u' Q and & j QI, meaning in the C]5 "and") whiteness of the hair, or .iWI (i. c. the heart of the Scorpion, which is HIow good, or beautiful, is this! (Ks, TA.) hoariness; (A,1g,TA;) as also V.~.: (1, the 18th of the Mansions of the Moon,) and ,3j, ,iJ1 rise together, and their auroral rising Zi ,[Will, wish, or desire, a subst. from ;lt, TA:) both signify the same [and are thus used as (Lb, $,) [and] so is t Z;*. [which is mentioned simple substs. and are also inf. ns.]: ( :) or the in Ceptral Arabia, about the commencement of former has the latter of the two significations the era of the Flight, accord. to my calculation, in the 15 as an inf. n.]. (Msb.) One says, . given above; (A4, S, Mgh, Mb ;) and is little t, ,ji). in art. j,;,) was on the 25th of a1:, (E;, j,) i. e. t " [Eyrthing and much [whitenes of tle hair]: one says, (see November 0.S.: see also , and t: i by the will of God]. (..) 11 aLs [Whiteness of the hair, or hoarine, it is also said that] X [used alone] is a name came upon him]: (TA:) but signifies a and , and aSJ. or :5or: see : of [the month] JJ'l ;1 jlS, because of the whiteman's entering upon the period of whtiness of ness of the earth by reason of the hoar-frost and in the middle of the paragraph. the hair, or hoariness:(As, 6, Msb :) see an ex. snow. (Mgh.) : ek and Xs;: see art. l. of this latter in the first paragraph. In the phrase .,tz and ile: [the former erroneously written 4il dim. of /' : seo ;i., in the latter part in the lur [xix. 3], lt ,l, ljl ja~L, (S,) meaning And whiteness of the hair of the head hath by Golius 14']: see 4., in art. ~,. of the former half of the paragraph. spread therein like as the radiance of fire spreads aw: seBe :, in two places: and see also in firemood, (Jel,) [or the head has become .,.e:: see . glistening mwith hiteness of tht hair,or hoarines,] :; , near the beginning of the paragraplh. l:i [Being, or becoming, whitehaired, or : is in the accus. case as a specificative: or, ; .1 is a phrase like Incongruous, unound, (K, TA,) foul, or accord. to Akh, as an inf. n., as thougll it were hoary]: see 1'll.. ugly, (TA,) in make, orformation. (1, TA. [See said lt ,W5!1 .$ (S, TA.*) ,;s J;, or like k L : a: it means Intse IlIam p. 192.]) - And accord. to Aboo-Sa'eed, vwhiteness of the hair. (TA.) , of a whip, a genuine Arabic word of wellA child born preposterously, the legs coming forth known meaning; (S;) The thong (15, TA) at 4.IV Whitehaired, white-headed, or hoary: before the armt. (TA.) the upper ztremity (TA) of a whip: (15, TA:) (S,A, Mgh, Mhb,]5:) [it is said to be] anomalous there are two of such thongs, called Ae:-. (TA.) in form; (S, Mgh, Msb;) for an epithet of this - Also A word imitative of the sounds made by measure is only formed [by rule] from a verb of 1. t, aor. ,, inf. n. ~ and ;: (M 9b, the lips of camels (, ) in drinhing. (S.) - And the measure J., aor. j.; ($, TA;) and it is a condition of the formation of such an epithet [q. v.]. (S, ]g, &c.) TA) and ,v's, (TA,) He became wvhite- pl. of ,4 that it must denote a defect or the like, or a haired, or hoary. (MYb, TA.) And ,1t a pl. of which the sing. is doubted: see colour: but N.1 signifies white-headed, or hoar!&j, (S,) and l-,, (Myb, TA,) inf. n. l. headed; [so that it does denote a colour;] and Eland a":, (S,) hIis head, and her itad, became a" an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (S, Msb.) - And Khafajee says that it is reckoned among epithets white, or hoary. (8, Msb, TA.) - [Hence,] accord. to El-1hafGjee, A wrhite, or /hoary,beard: denoting defects, or blemishes, like and .ibS3l ,j~3 ~t:l I [The heads,.or summits, of but MF says that this is a conventional post- .l: (MF, TA:) it is said in the 1 that it has the hills became white, or hoary]. (A.) - And classical meaning. (TA.)1 [Also, in the present W,sljl .s It whitened the head: so exp!. by day, applied to A species of artemis/a; (ForskAl's no oS.m, i. e., (TA,) the epithet lt.: is not applied ISk as used in the following saying, (6,) ascribed Flor. Aegypt. Arab., p. lxxiii., no. 439;) the to a woman; (Msb, TA ;) Ul., being used in its by J to 'Adee, but it is of 'Abeed Ibn-El-Abra4 : artemisia arborescens of Linn.: (Dclile's Flor. stead; (TA;) thouglh one says 1 ; : (M.hb, (IB, TA:) Aegypt. Illustr., no. 799:) - and Lichen; TA:) [but see .Har p. 418, where lC.Ctis men(Forslal ubi supra ;) the liclhn prunastriof Linn. tioned, applied to a woman, as meaning aged, and 0 (Delile, ib., no. 976t.) And .al,J a.' Lichen rowhite, or hoarty, in the head: and see lIe in art. ~ g IJ 3J t i,1 b= y 0 t 1 W~4 *1* scyphifer. (Forskil, p. lxxviii., no. 559.)] ", :] the pl. is ; (S, A, Mgh, Mqb, ;)



[l7ou inclinest to silly and youtlful conduct: but whnae comet/h to thee t/)e inclining to such con.

.: p pee ; near the end of the paragraph: and see also the paragraph here following.

with which is syn. ,; (TA, as from the K; [but not found by me in the copies of the .1 to 205'


[BooK I.

which I hae had aceet;]) and t .e: (i,

TA:) this lut is aid by IM to be allowable in poetry, ._a ! Ui [here meaning as though it were a word compo~ed of sound letters]; and this is the asertion of the lexicologists [in general]: 18d thinks it to be pl. of t JS [q. v.], like as

away his face, ($, A, TA,) from a [person or] thing, or from the heat of fire, or a hot odour, and from something hurtful: (TA:) or he ecerted himscf in aversionor turning away. (IAwr, TA.) I spoke to him, and . A !i One says, d he turned away hisface. (A.)_ t- : also signi-

Also A horse strong in she-camel. (S, O.) ,&l .. 6; (O, ,TA; in the spirit; syn. i '1ts': Cif, W-h11 [i. e. in breath] ;) and so V (O.) Skr. thus expl. by 0i ._: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places. Mutual caution or fear. (And The act of striving, labourumg, toiling, or e~erting m elf, in anything. (1.) [But in both of there senses it seems to be an inf. n. of 3, q. v.] - Also (O) Drought, dearth, scarcity. (0, 1.) *lQ 1 sce e: , in two places: and see also

[which app. means fies He advanced, or came forward; syn. Jit. is of jj; orpl. of * :, v,ry white or hoary in the had], accord. to the (Fr, 0, TA.) [Thus it has two contr. meanings. He defended '.]-And dial. of tho people of El-H.ijs, who say a.4;. See also the part. n., t mu bdehind his back. (IAth, TA.) [See, (TA.) _ [Hence,] one Ij. b and t1, said of a horse, again, the part. n.] -- a,;i I maw the m~tais says, to J JI ,I white withow and hoarfrodst. (A, TA.) And He let his tail hang do&n loosely. (Lth, S.) F, in the 1f, following Az and Sgb, says that this is [used alone] signifies t Mowntaism upon 4.A a mistranscription of the verb, for .LutI; but his hich mow falls, and which are white, or hoary, therewith . (, L:) or mountais white with snow assertion requires proof. (MF.) [See the latter W The land j.g] 1 ~l _ or with dut: and, some amy, white clouds: sing. verb, in art. O, V.) (Agn, . plant caUed 4.1. (L, TA.) And, applied to truffles (;t. ), produced the t f'hite and large: (TA:) or simply white. (Id. OS ~~~~OS .. Cautious, or fearing; (A, l;) as also t A day in aichd are - -l voce , ,W.) s: (A., O:) or this (A, TA,) and V cold anl clouds and .i, [correctly 1)., meaning t '., at the same time which and in clouds, or fearing, last, cautios, thin c&ntdc, or cold and humid hinelf: or exerting toiling, striving, labouring, i (i.). ' ablso * ist ". is no water]; or dir.aeet; signify prudent; or all TA:) (Az, (TA,) and is4 &, ;1, (],) or d;Iil, ; jwujment good or precaution, uing, or having, so (TA voce .,) t The last night of the [hmar] (Id. p. 43.) (yam p. 281;) and so V ~. month: (]g, TA:) its first night is called &i, In the dial. of Hudheyl, (., O,) Striving, halbour; ocej..) d ing, toiling, or e~xrting hinkilf, (S, A, 0, 1,) in vjam. and (A, 1f,) and affirs; (, O, I-;) and so t, and ,Xt1 i ,4: see in art. .,.

in two pl1. It is also expl. as meaning Striving, labouring, toiling, or eerting himself, and lmerering in his work: (A:) and striving &c., and hastening, or going quickly. (TA.) - Also Advancing, or eomingformard, to one. (Fr, O, g.) -. And Defmding what is behind one's back. (Fr, O, ].)




is expl. as meaning Striped; applied to a garment: but Az says that there is no uch , with wte word, so applied: the correct word is [the unpointed] ,. (TA.)


* , se:

in two places.

9 s: (At, O, :) pl. of the first [and app. (8, O.) 1 Also [The of the second also]



: tasee the following paragraph.

artemisia Judaica; and absintiunm Ponticun; species of wormwood;] a certain plant, (AIjn,

i o0, o hI., sira brave, or bold: thus having two contr. signi- for fumigation,] the leavr of which are [of til (TA:) you say, h.fications. - Another meaning asigned to it by u (o0, )ley are h.l j ) and, (An,0, L;) it has a swet kind called] ; -- on the odour, but its taste is bitter; is pasture for horses in a state of haste in re~ect of their affair: as and him, in common with authority of the I, i. e. "Diligens fuit," is a mis- and camels; and the placa of its grooth are the (8, O, If:) or in a state of conf~ion in their O, L:) pl. affair: (L, If:) u having the latter meaning, take.] plains and the meadows: (AIn, with c and L) _ Accord. to the ], [pro- Ibn-Mglik says that it is .1t4., * (i,) . * . (0,)nin n. g He cautionod 1;1.*&. (Fr, O, 9. em.s~, bably on the authority of Lth,] it signifies also A medd, of the measure ;~'i, not o.Am; but this him; or made him tofear, or be in fear. (0, .*) [garnt of the kind callad] j, of El-Yemen: requires consideration: Ibn-Umm-Milik and And lie removed him, or it,far away. (O.) but Az says that there is no kind of garment so .:L, - '. others, following Aljei, may that 1 And r,, (O, TA,) in. n. as above, (i1,) IIe called: the correct word is C", with [the unmeans the people, or party, are in a , looked at his adve ry, or antagonist, and pointed] s, [and with fet-b]. (TA.) state of striving, abor, toi, or exertom, and straitened him, or treated him with hardnm or reolution, in r~pect of their [and probably with tenween also]: see determination, or 615 harshnesa: (O, ],0 TA:) from IAr. (TA.) also signifies A land :. -_Also ery jealou; (S, 0, ];) because affair. (TA.) ~ " 3: see the next paragraph, in two places. that ~pro ej the lant cad ; (.8, o, ;) such is cautious for his wives, or women under Also I fought. (T, ,.) : (0, 1:) or it Iignifies many covert, or household or family; (;, O;) and so andso caled: thus in the T, on the kind so of the plants lC,, (?, A, I,) inf n. Lit, (IAr, TA,) t 4. , ,)j and ( . (.) - Also, (0, authority of Ay and A'Obeyd, and so says Aun, f,) (As, O, ,) Tall: (O, 1]:) or goodly in tallness. as is stated [in the O and] in the R; (TA;) , [of cautiou, or in fear, ([, A, He wasm it], (A, TA,) i. e. a thing, or an afrair, (TA,j and (L) - And the former, Tltat makes, or uttem, a Aln saying further that it is like ",Id mean0 [for the thiu that hewanted]; ( ;) low sound in running; [so I render Ij;~ ''' [or elderly men], and ing a company of in the I and TA; in the O and in my MS. copy [or asses], &e.; meaning a herd of 31'. obut the former I think the (O ;) [so that it is a quasi-pL n.;] but this is of the If, ~; and V 11: ( :) or he was cautious and infear, right reading; app. by reason of quickness, or disallowed by EI-Mufa44al Ibn-belemeh. (TA.) endivouring to repel death. (L) - But in the smiftnss; for it is added,] quickness, or swiftness, dial. of Hudheyl, ( He trove, laboured,toiled, is meant thereby: (0, TA :*) mentioned by Az, or ~eerted hinws,srt U6 [in an affair]; and so on the authority of Khtlid Ibn-Jembeh. (TA.) (Eb, 1. (8, A, MbI,) aor. '1 :.. (f, A.) - And He continued journy- [In this sense it seems to be with tenween: for] with w, fet-b to the , (8., ,) ant I :' l e turned 3;btA [is its fernm. and] means A quick, or sn,e, $,) in. n. _ing, or going on. (0.)

kown, (AIln, O, 1f,) of eral state of haste: (., 0,1g:) or a state of confuon: 8, A, 0, I,) elleU see o 4. -. [Also, acord. to Freytag, 1. ~pecie, (Ain, O,) of some [speci] whereof (1i:) the latter meaning mentioned in the L: on the authority of the "Kitib el-A4did," He brooms are made, (L,) [and which is also ued

t (.8,O, 0,1g) and V


) A



BooK I.]



(y) aadL


(p) and

(Zbd, TA) and L,i [the mct com(?, A,Mgh, Mpb, 1) and (1, with (Pul l Qi mon form, re~peting which pe what follows,] kear, to agree with the LS, TA) and ~i ' (t, the ;0j


L*: (Kr, ISd, A, Mgh, Mpb, 1) and [of mult.] that of the


which is the barardsar.on

(C, A,M b,) and

infn. m
';, (,A,

.,; (i;) and

, A, M,b, O) and

(f, Mgh, Mig I) and '~

); it grow in th meado, and [or places Are , rater mN to, or in, or into, madow, &w.]. (AZ, TA.)

(_ ;) He (A [there said to be like 1;,]) and * '4, (I, became a . [i. e. a. old, or e , man; and so in one of my copies of the ?,) or this last &..]: (f,A,Mb,]V:) in .a.:, the Lj is is a quasi-pL n., (Mgh, Meb,) and [so are] a'8' '1 and VLi and t '4 (TA) and originally movent [with fet-b], and afterwards

;() and

*i42 fem. of p, q.v. (8, A,M b, .)

made quiescent, for there is not in the language

(eg, and so in one of my copies of the q. v. a word of the meure u J [except #j~.,, as 8,) andi ' , (8, g,) the last like j.i. is mid in the I inart. ~.]: as to the similar and s1L. and i;UT and lij$z and ,itj.~ words whose medial radical letter is , as
and , and &.~ ) and
0J 0.

li ;



dirs. of

S see W:


&i&c.; and the pl.

oriinally L' 3 [for ~J ,] and the like, and are contracted; for (Ig,) and were it not so, they would be b,ii. and the some other instances,] andt iWt., another pl. is ? &L, (S, A, ],) or this last is like. (, L.) pl. of '4',(Mgh, MCb,) and is disallowed by . 2 0: me the preceding paragraph. , IDrd and Jz (TA) [though very commonly used L ;;6, aor. ., (, ], inf n. , (TA,) He caled hi, by in the present day, especially as applied to doctors (.,)He plaered it th ape/lation,of , to pay him honow, or of religion and law]; and the pi. of L.;i is i.e. gyp~ , or tAe repect. (8,, ,TA.) - And t.. pl. of ,,,: . p lHe at- ~ft~, alike (Z, TA:) the structure) with ,SZ, triued or impted to hin, or charged him with, dim. of See albo S. _U is t: . (Q, ]A, g) and t' ,

which are said to be the only other instances of fe, in seven places. this form, (TA,) [but to these should be added b, of the measure uljr . and AS92 and AL1 and perhaps ~jIa, these are

(M,Y,b, ],) inf. n., (a wall) witlh a.Z, (., ],)

ih: (I:) he built it (a meaning gy3~n. (M?b.)

a vice, or fatdlt; blamed, or reproached, Aim;


1r;e t 2e Thty d t


from ;, in the first of ($, ,) with ber to the %A: (W) i in,not and exalted the rlig: (V, TA ;) ca"t a bad, an ei, a foul, or an ethe enses expL above: (garp. 5:) [or rather [- l, c/eiy bad or eil or Jid, ispitaton tpon him. allowable, (g, A,) or is rare. (1_.) from this verb as syn. with a and ;1:;.](TA.) And I[and sow acord. to an The tmo 8eby/h, is a title peculiarly applied to

aston the authority also signifies t A roman's husband, (],) of AZ, in the TA, but this may be a mistranscripthough young: and in like manner, a man's wife, tion for ; H#I, He eposed hi vies, whether old or young, is called his jj. (Az, faults, or evil action; disgraced him; or pt TA in art. .. )_ [And : An an~tor. AcAim to same. (V, TA.)
explanation of ~, . .

the,irt two Jhaleefes, Aboo-lber and 'Omar.]

ece albo 4..-As in n. of .l

in the phrase

J)t. ~i,

aor. as above, (T],) ';


cord. to a copy of the A that seems to have been

t The calling camels, (Ibn-'AbbAd, O, ], TA,) as also Vt6,, (Ibn-'Abbad, O,) raitag the voice in doing o. (TA.) - Albo, (I,) as inf. n. of the same verb, (TIg,) t The rubbing perfume with

; in some copies of tp the skin; S] ;) as also * 5. .: see 1..- [It signifiesalso] IHefeig~ed, used by the author of the TA, one says, ,. the ~, * P.:3: (TA:) [the former of these two or mae a so f,o ld age. (KL.) A.;j1 ld.U. and ? ; 0"*, ; which is tropical, seems to be the right; and the meaning seems to meaning -l-T l;: but the right reading is evi- be, the rubbing the shin with perfume; for,] dently t - a, and., l; and a the meaning, accord. to AA, one says oi i.* t? v,, (I,) but the latter is a strange word, mentioned I lie inhraited,from his ancestors, generosity.] meaning Rub tAy ski,n itA this pm . (O.) by some of the expositors of the Fa, as expressing more than the former word, (MF,) [An old, or p, means r Ibers: because he was created _j-l, (maid of a man, TA,) aor. a above, (],) ed~rly, man; an elder, as meaning a man whose of fire, or because his ultimate place will be the inf. n. ., (TA,) also signifies He perished, or

~.; (~,A, Mgh,L, M,b,,&c ) and,* S ,


age giem him a claim to revernce.or respect; a fire of Hell (gar p. 130.)._ And 1l t T7'e wsior;] one advanced in age, (Mgh,) uch as isJ mountainoat that is advanced in age, or filibeyond Aim wAo is termed ,., (14gh, M!b,) grown (TA.)- And t 7The ilk-sin. (TA.) whmi u Ais h who c.., [i. e. youthf,la~ , o '1 i i. q. Mel, (1I,) i.e. t The or prime of manhood,] is ede: (Mgh:) one in ~__ hom age has become apparnt, (L, R,) and ven [orfive] planets; (TI;) or the gjt1;; [also Aoari.em: (L :) or a man from the age of Jifty, applied by some to the five planets, Mercury, or fift~e, to the end of his life, or to the age of Venu, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn]; accord. to ighty: (L, :) also expl. as meaning a man IAr, .lgql &tIi , (TA in this art.,) or tC advanced in age but havng stregth, or rigor, to fight: and an old and mmh, or p decrepit, ._.Jdl as is related by Th, (TA in art. ,) man, who i of no serie: (Mgh:) [in the present means the stars that do not make thetir [temday, iis used in the scrnes above mentioned; porary] abode in tAhe Masian of the Moon, rhAich ISd says, I think and i also especially applied, as an appellation of [latter] are calld .J;l..: honour, to a doctor of religion and law; a Aiad, that he means, by the A., the fixed stars: Th or ~cJ of a relou co.fraternity; a chief of a says that they are called only .t .. t; i. e tribe or tke Me, and of a fillage; and to a reputed saint:] fern. . , (, A, M,b, ]g,) an the J.l thereof, around which the [other] stars old, or aged, woman; syn. .: (A:) [and revolve, and pursue their courses. (TA. [See lst sentence.])-p signifies also applied in the present day particularly to a learned also , woman; an instrctre~; and the libe:] the pl. [of A certain tree; (AZ, [, TA;) abso caibd 3;, pauc.] of ;. is ',: (?, A, Mgh, Myb, 1) and i:, th.hfruit of vAhich is a . . v.] li

died. (]4.)

2. , (A, L, Myb, TA,) inf. n. ,~I3, (L, M9 b, TA,) He raised it Aih; (A, Mb, TA;) namely, a palace, (A,) or a building; (Mqb, TA;) as also V WtM, (A, L, TA,) and V 'l : (A: [this last is app. included with the two other verbs, in the A, as having this meaning, which is confirmed, as pertaining to it, by an explanation of its pas. part. n., ,.%;, q. v.:]) or .z, [implies a repetition of the act of building: (see ;e: ) or] signifies Ae built it.~fmly, or rmongiy, and raisedit AigA. (L.) - See also 1. 4. .,l :- see _ Hence, (L,) i;'wL signifies S The rairing tAe voice in saying a thing (Lth, S, L, ]) [of any kind, or] such u one's companion dislikes; like .i;. (Lth, L.) See also L You say, ;3; j and I He raisd his voice. (A.) And , 2t:1 f He proclaimed it, or cried it, raisingAi ~oice; namely, a stray, or any other thing: (A, L:) the made it hno ; (AA, 9, A,


1630 ] ;*) namely, a stray. ($, ](.) And o,-j .l., I He raised his good fame, by praising him; raised a good report of him: ($, A, L:) and he raised his ill fame, by dispraisinghim; raised an evil reportof him: and A.ll and t ojL he raised his notoriety or fame. (L.) And vL ,wl ilie publisited againt him something disliked, disapproved, or odious: one says, 1. ^cl .l! anld [lie published against him something had, evil, abominable, or foul]. (A.) - And also signifies t The act of datroying: (g, as~,l TA:) from the same word as syn. with ,3. (TA.) 0: see 1, in two places. .. , a Pers. word, [or rather of Pers. origin, from 1j,] Posmed; or mad, or insane: or intoxicated. (TA.) Anything with which a wall is plastered, (., A, K,) consisting of gypsum and the like; (A, ] ;) J says, of gypum or but this last word is a mistake, [probably originated by an carly transcriber of the .,] for bJo, i. e. mud, or clay: ( :) or [peculiarly] gypsum. (Mob.)_ Az says that some of the Arabs sometimes call thus A C>_. [i. e. fortress, fort, or fortiJied ;ulacc]. (TA.)

[Boox I. which holes have been made,"] and I S' .jA W% Dates of which the dones do not becomn [" slaughtered rams "]: and hence you may say hard; as also t ; (S, A, ;) which is only t the case when the palm-tree has not been fecunand )k y aj;ibecause ,. 5.i denotes building, the act of building is repeated, and a building dated by the flowers, or pollen, of the male tree: (S:) and sometimes, having no stones: (Fr, TA:) becomes high by degrees. (L.) or bad dates: (A:) or the worst of dataes; (IF, .%L: see the next preceding paragraph, in Msb, ] ;) as also * the latter word: (Mqb:) or the wvorst of dates whenfull.gron but unripe: four places. (Lth, TA:) called in the dial. of Belharith IbnKaib, ,s; and by the people of El-Medeeneh, 6. tW3 : see 8 in art.j . J~: (El-Umawee, TA:) and said by some to be a Persian word, arabicized: (TA:) n. un. with J.e: n. un. with;: pl. of the latter z.!1tZ: and ;; (A, Msb, Ig.;) i. e., La' and s1L'e.i. (A, and ;S.i: see . dim. ; Msb.) . see art. t. L:at. : n. un. with e: see

', in two places.


JA Plasteredwrith g*!; and so, as some say, ~i ,: (T:) or built with gypsum: (Mb :) or mnade withs j, (., A, ][,) i. e. ggpsum; and so, some say, V; : (A:) or the latter signifies raied high, or made lofty; (A'Obeyd, ., A, Kg ;) and so the former, applied to a palace, (A,) or building: (TA:) the former has this meaning in the .Kur xxii. 44: (Jel:) J says in the 8, Ks says, 3. * is applied to a sing., from the saying in the K(ur, [ubi supra,] .; and t to a pl., from the saying in the same, [iv. 80,] ;.j. ., ~ ~: but this is a mistake: what Ks says is that , with ; and teshdeed, is a pl. [i. c. a lexicological, not a grammatical, pl.] of ,:: (IB,V:O) or the saying of Ks [if as quoted in the .] may be expl. accord. to the opinion of those who hold that ,i! and %% both signify plastered with ,tZ, on the supposition that the as applied to a pl., but Arabs did not use [e; only to a sing.: (Az, L:) [for] Fr says that the pass. part. n. of the unaugmented verb only is used when applied to a sing. and not denoting repetition, or muchness; but either this or the pass. part. n. of the verb of the measure may be used when applied to a sing. and denoting repetition, or muchlness, and when applied to a pl.: thus you say t A.Z. [" a slaughtered ramin"]; but not
5a, .

5jk; but

you may say

[as meaning "a garment in which holes have been repeatedly madc," or "in whlich many holes have been made," or "much pierced with , . S meaning "a garholes," a well as ment in which a hole has been made," or "in

', (Msb, ,) 1. I1, (S, Msb, ,) aor. A hind of black wood, of which ? and t tS inf. n. L and iL4Q () and L 1 ,(Lth, g,) bomnls (tL) are made: (S, g :) or the latter is It (a thing, Mob, TA, or, as some say, particua certain blach wood of which combs and bowls larly, olive-oil, and rob, TA) burned, or became (, i.) are made: (Mgh:) or ebony: or ,PZC burnt; (Msb, , TA;) as also t 1Z, (1,) said [a certain wood of vwhich bows or arron~ are of flesh-meat: (TA:) or both, said of flesh-meat, made]: (AA, g:) or walnut-wood: (L, Ed- signify its upper part became burnt by the cotact Deenawarce [AHn], Mgh, 1 :) A. says of the ofJire: (Lth, TA:) the latter is also said of wool; L , by the name of which the Arabs call and the former likewise, of wool, and of hair: bowls (jV. and tLaj) and the heaves of pul (TA:) the former also signifies it waJ near to leys, that it is walnut-wood, but it becomes black- becoming burnt: (TA:) and, said of clarified ened by grease, and therefore is thus called, and butter, and of olive-oil, ($, ],) it became cooked it is notj,: so says A.Hn: and he adds, the case so much titat it burned; ($;) because, in that is as he has described it; for the j&Z does not case, it perishes; (O ;) [whlich implies that a sigbecome thick so as that bowls may be carved nification hereafter to be mentioned is held to be from it:.($gh, TA:) of this latter, only combs and the primary one;] or became thick; or became the like are made; and it is black: it is also said, cooked so much that it almost per,ised. (K.) in the T, that bonls made from the walnut-twe You say also, jiO;I ': The cookin-pot are called S (TA.) in it: (S:) burned, and lad something stickinh or had something burnt stickingin the bottom of : see the preceding paragraph. it. (0, .g.) - gO, (S, .,) aor. as above, (S,) also signifies He (a man) pershed, or died. (0, LA .) [The art. in the S commences with this sig'l _WD, The palm-tree produced dates nification, which, as remarked above, seems to be 4. regarded by some as the primary one.] -. Also such asaaretermed '9. (O, g.) lHe burned with anger. (TA in art. 1:.)andt 'Ve; A sort of dates which do not And It was, or became, null, void, of no account, organize and compact tones; (Fr, 0, 9;) or, if or of no force. (Myb, TA.) - His (a man's) they do so, they do not become hard; and vhen blood, (S,) or it, (his blood,) (Mgh, Myb, ,) they dry, they become such as are termed * ~, went (S, Mgh, Msb, I)for nothing, unretaliated, and uncompensated by a mulet; it was, or became, not sweet: (0, 1 :) dial. vars. of .Ae and :LO:. of no account. (S, Mgh,' Msb.) - And It (any. ( :) accord. to AIn, (TA,) of Persian origin. thing) went away; passedany. (TA.)_ (O, TA.) j !t JI The slaughtered camel became dipnwued; 2e.': see the next preceding paragraph. syn. .:. ;. (S, K, TA;) there remained not of it any portion that was not divided and given: L l T'he J~ of the (A., S:) and ~,j& J sla?ughtered camel w7ent avay divided and distri2: see the next paragraph. buted, nothing thereof remaininfg. (A, TA.)4. aIliJI .o~lt The palm-tree was not fecun. itl also signifies I ie hlastened (S, ], TA) in an dated by the floers, or pollen, of the male tree: affair. (K, TA.) ~ [;t, seems to be a dial. var. (A, g:) or its dates dried up: and it bore dates of &h,,as siganifying Hle mixed it. - And such as are termed *.c: (Msb:) or it became hence,] [,.I bl, I He mixed the bloods; as bad, and its dates became such as are termed thougth he shled, or poured forth, the blood of the (Kr, TA.) ;,,; (TA;) as also t ;S. slayer upon that of the slain. (S, g, TA.) A 3 5. jIl u J The dates became such as are poet, (S,) namely, EI-Mutalemmis, (TA,) uses L1 i [If our bloods were the expression 6ICjl terned ,, . (S-)


BooK I.] ~ied; ($, TA;) accord. to one relation; but ferent authorities, as shown below, A devil; and accord. to another, the verb is with ,. (TA.) with the article Jl, the devil, Satan;] is, accord. to some, from fl, (Mob, ], TA,) as signifying "it was, or became, null, void, of no account;" S: see the next paragraph, in five places. and the like: (Msb, TA:) or "he perished:" 4. ;1:t1, (Msb, 1g,) inf. n. Zi1i, (Msb,) He (1I, TA:) or " he went away :" or "it burned," burned it, or made it to burn; (Msb, 15 ;) namely, or " became burnt :" two reasons given for this a thing, (Msb,) as, for instance, olive-oil; (TA;) derivation are, that among the names of the devil and JI.Q : and another is this; that (TA.) t The are ,j1ll inC n.. t 1;, (I,) i-n as alsou latter also signifies He burned its wool, namely, several read, in the ]gur xxvi. 210, OttIJ ll that of a sheep, in order to cleanse it; and so [instead of 'ex Iqll: but some say that it is from LO., signifying "he became distant," or "re~i4: (?, TA:) and each of these, he (a cook) set it onfire, namely the foot of a bull or cow, or mote:" Sb gives both of these derivations: of a sheep or goat, and the head, so that what respecting the former of which, it should be obau upon it, of hair, or wool, became burnt. served that if from kLl as signifying " it burned," (TA.) You say also, jill sl lie made the or " became burnt," it is proper; but if from the cooking-pot to burn, and to have something same in any of the other senses mentioned above, t 1la He made it is tropical: and if belonging to this art., it is , sticking in it. ($.) And Jll (El- imperfectly decl., being of the measure OH: the cooking-pot to boil; as also L~. Kilabee.) And _Jl * 1.; He cooked thoroughly (S in art. >Ja,,in which see it:) [but in the 1]ur-in it is always perfectly decl.: and SM says : (Ibn-'Abbad :) or the lh-meat; as also .bib that] it is perfectly dccl., unless used as a proper he smohed it, or made it smoky, and did not name; in the latter case being imperfectly decl. thoroughly cook it; ( ;) and so the latter. (TA (TA.) and 1; & O in art. hw.) And b: The mell of a piece of cotton burning, or C: I SIjjJI.; The year of drought burned the . See also b1 burnt. (S, g.) herbage; and the medicine, the wound. (A, TA:) [See also P,q.] - Also, (1.,) inf. n. as and jtb, [the latter being iLt; and kJt, like tIS above, ($,) .le dedt~oyed him, or it. ($, J.) forn;ed by transposition from the former, J1. and , ($, g,) tl being for ot o, btl, (S, Mgh, Msb, 15,) and and kSgl,] Flesh-meat [&c.] .ie (the Sultan, Mgh, Msb) maude his blood to go burning, or being burnt. (TA.) for nothing, unretaliated, and uncompenated by a medet; made it to be of no account: (Mgli, ~jaFl,eh-meat roasted, (V,) or made good, Msh, K,* TA :) or the latter, (TA,) or both, (K,) and roasted, (TA,) for a company of men: ( :) he laboured to destroy himn, or to kill him: (K, a subst., like ekj 3 . (IS, TA.) [In the CIg, for TA:) or bothl, he exposed him to daughter: (S, se;l .A, we find X;Lb 15:) or, accord. to IAmb, you say, "* t llt, meaning he exposed him to destruction. (TA.) S : A she-camel that quickly becomes fat: L1; ile shled the blood You say also, J' 1 j; 1l (As, S, A, g :) applied also to a he-camel: (TA:) of the camel that wtas to be slaughtered. (As, K..) g;;) in some of the copies of the (S, ]t. pl. __..A1 .L1,Vt I lIe distributed the fJles, (K, and you say also * bl:Z j [app. a a1~.: TA,) i. e. the flesh of a slaughtered camel: (TA:) S, d the last remaining mistake for j1o., which is fem., like )j, as well J1.L1 he dispe~ or jjil portion of the dasaughtered camel, after all besid as masc.]: AA says that JLt.4, [or m.1.,] had been distributed. (., TA.). Also t lie cut up, or cut in pieces, the fle sh of the slaughtered camel applied to camels, signifies assignedfor slaughter; from L;,said of a person's bibod. (TA.) before the distribution. (ISh.) 6: see 1, first sentence. 10. I1*..l t He became inflamed by anger; against him: (g, TA :) or he became as et though he were inflamed in his anger; accord. to as applied to a she-camel: (S, AV, from i TA :) [or] he burned, and became inflamed, by vehement anger. (TA.) - t He (a man, TA) became brisk, or sharp; (,o TA;) he burned; (TA;) .~l Xpa by reason of the thing, or affair. (K, TA.) _ t It (a pigeon) flew briskly. (K, lie sought to be slain in war or TA.)_ lie became at the point of fight. (TA.) _ destruction. (TA.) - S lIe (a camel) became fat: (S, TA:) [as though he desired, or demanded, that he should be slaughtered, and that his flesh should be distributed :] or faitness spread in him. (TA.)

1631 exclusively of others. (TA.) - [Hence, app.,] aor. as above, said of a thing, signifies also ao, tIt became scattered, or dispersed; like p. CO,4l t&, (TA in art. .) You say, ,WlJI s , and P ja (Mb,) or ,-I USl the drop or (Mob,) t The milk, (TA,) t , of milk, (TA,) becamenu dirperscd in the water, t , (M.b, TA,) and mixed: (Mqb:) and M V likewise signifies it became dispersed in it. (TA.)



L:,inf. n.

; and tl and eip

of the t and &, and 5 ., .llhitmenst and y. hair, or hoariness, appeared, and became scatJI % 1t :, inf n. as abo c, tered: and t Vhiteness of the hair, or hoariness, spread upon agreeably with -t;J, [or & him; as also *; what has been said above]. (TA.) And E: tT/i crack spread, and became dispersed, in the glass, or glass vedel. (Th, TA.) And ,Jl t .;^.W t The camels became scattered, or dispersed; or they scattered, or dispersed, tlemselves. (TA.) - As trans. by means of j: see 4, in two places. 1 [It is also trans. . at... i UJ ,JI M=. is like the saying ,~; by itself.] .t.7.Jl .,.JI1 [Safety, or peace, &rc., be, or light and abide, on you]; (S, 0, 1 ;) but is only said by a man to his companions when he desires to quit them: (S, 0:) or it means [may safety, &c.,] follow you: (0,1:) or, not it you: (.1:) .jl ,JI may whence, (TA,) one says also prosperity not quit thee; and in like manner Lebeed says of praise (X_): (0, TA :) [and J says that] otI, inf. n. il:, signifies he, or it, follwed him: (8 :) or.a JLS.Ict:,L (Yoo, 0, K,) aor. . !, inf. n. ';, (Yoo, 0,) means [may wfety, &c.,] fill you: (Yoo, O, 1 :) [app. from ,J, what next follows.] _ One says also Lt1I l, inf. n. (g1, TA,) aor. : th/e essel (K, TA.) 2. ei see 1. = &*p,(TA,) I filled said of a pastor, lIe

by m,eamns, blcw in the reed-pipe [callcd Et, which the camels are called togeter]. (Lth, 1i, :;l Z He (a pastor) called to the TA.) - , camels, whereupon they followed one another; L~.t~ tA fat camel. (1g.) [See 10.]i.q. ILaughing eccadingly; (15;) laughiny rche- (Msb;) in [some of] the copies of the K15, 1:1, qt t correctly but tl,i,] C. mently, like one exerting himself in his laughing. t, .1, [in the (ISh.) (TA,) which means he called to the camlcs, (Z in another part of the art., and TA,) wrhen some tf' them remained, or lagged, behind: (TA:) and [in like manner] tL I t2,, (5, 1,) inf. n. ia,sl ",(S,0, Msb, K,) inf. n. s.. 1. :, aor.

(O, Mob, 1) and ~a&a,4 (, 0,, ) and :

(1) and

e (a pastor, S) shouted and called (S,) h, he


[i. e.



and t!; and iLlO, (0, 1g, the last, in the CK, ILs,) said of information, an announcement, a piece of news, or a narrative, or story, (TA,) or of a thing, (0, Mob,) It became spread,published, divulged, rerealed, made known, or di/closed; (S, 0, 1, TA;) or it became apparent, w s [ among the or manifest; (Msb, TA;) /wl people]; so as to reach every one, becoming Us.4, accord. to dif- equally khqwn by the people, not knonm by some

to his came&, (S, 1,) wlun some of them rema ined, he (a pastor) or lagged, behind: ( :) or '.l called out among his camels, whereupon they went along, following one anothwr: (Mgh:) and.p ;ill he urged on the sheep, or goats, (K,* TA,) because of their lagging behind, (TA,) in order that they mightfollow the others. (1g, TA.) [The last two phrases are app. from the second of the cxplanations here following.] - S4. , inf. n. ~j,


[Boox I.

L also signifies He sent, or sent on, him, or it. (TA.) affair]. (TA.) And jLI L LI* Ls;, GWlightness, levity, or unsteadiness; or'flrrid, or - Anl lle made him, or it, tofollow. (TA.) My leg does not conform with [my wish] nor aid disqu/id, him. (TA.) _- See also 3, first een(And lie made it to befoUllo~d hy another thing.] me to walk, nor does my shank. (TA.) And tence. . 6l; '~ [or rather iu "L ;' One says, Jl, 'b conformed [or ; .U His s 6. hli ;.aW: ee 1.-- yIyW is from [i. e. with his wih,] and complied] with him, a.] t I ;ad. [th; t'ating of] Bamaddn to be ",, (, o0,) and signifies Thy became jollowed by [the fasting of] six [days] of Show- encouraged him, to do that; as also t -"Z (L, q. v.]. [i. e. separate partie, &c., pl. of 2:, -;.a. well-known phrase, of TA.) - Also (0, 1) le befriended him, or mwa wdl; expl. by kl They wnt, or wment along, to er. (TA.)_ And ~ (8, 0, ,) from frequent occurrence, but one which I have not friend(y to him; syn. ;)l., - [See also the part. n., voce .] (KL.) found in any of the lexicons, except in explana- Jjl. (..)-_ .. d'A:: see 2, in the tions; the approved phrase used in its stead being latter part of the paragraph. _- . : see 2, 8. yJh' ,;:.: l, said of a she-camel: see 4. I4t *AA-I,lit. meaning" I made them to follow near the beginning. [Hence, app.,] one says - [See also the part. n., voce .] it;',tliis being virtually the same as" I made itto be 4 l The guida also, 54-'l lij% t . AJ 5 followed by them"]: (Mlb:) [and in like manner, S, originally 't: see the latter word. called to them [and they saw the right direction]. e5,,(Xk,) or the elliptical phrase] i1 (TA.) _I - occurs in a trad., as some relate Also The urine of the she-camel, that bcome ,1;,, (O, TA,) means IIe fisted after Ramamhen the stallion leaps her. (A4, O, , ; scattered ddn, or the month of Ranmaddn, Ji: days; (0, it, and is expl. as there meaning ].) And, (As, O, [accord. to the 1C "or,"] The ~l.qJI: but AA says that it is a mistranscription urine of th hA-cameld rohn he is excited by lJust. '; e ., TA ;)i. c. ~ -.. (TA.) _a (,* ;, O, M.b, .k') I nent forth with him for ) with h. .JI, and ,.; or that it may be from (As, O, -. (Lth, O, Msh, IK)on the occasion of his departure, "a wife." (IAth, TA.) 1 signifying , A space [of time]. ($, O, ~.) One says, (O, Mbh,) namcly, a guest, (Ms.b,) in order to bid 0 -, S.. him farewell, and to conlduct him to his place of 4. JI 1W, (.8, 0,) or s 1.J1, (Msb, I,) or - ji 1 ;JJ Atll ($, O) i.e. Such a onM ali'hting, [app. meaning, to his first place of remained, or stayed, a month or the space tAhr.Jt,as in the L; (TA;) and 4 tC:W; (0,' aliqhting,] (Lth, 0, g,) or to show honour, or rather of: or nearly th space thereof. (TA.) - One .8 as -, onrtesay, to him; and I bade him farewell: ) a; also ~ * tt, first pors. ; (Mb, says also, ,.. aez 1 1.b &PI I wil come to thee signifies he followed the (M3b :) or hid l He H;) spread, publiahed, divuled, revaled, to-morrow or afjer it: ($, O, ] :) or to-morrow nuest [app. on the occasion of his departure, in made known, or discloed, (., O, :,) and (.) or the tday afj%r it. (L, TA.) _ And "i. &S 1& o,rtler to bid hint farewell, &e.]: (Mgh:) or made apparent or manifest, (Msb, J,) the in- This is he that w born next after thi; like , neo, narrative, or .. , ^; i he went forth with him on the formation, announce (S, O,) or ti thing/, (Msb, ]C,) or the do : (S, O, k], all in art. ez :) or this is the story, occasion of his departure, desiring to cheer him Ht made lie of this;. (A'Obeyd, O and g in the present by his company to wome place: and t 1U signi- secret. (L, TA.) And ,'lSJ art.)_ : signifies also A folUower: and a sometimes signifies the mention, or fame, of the thing to fly [abroad, fried, or a amnrade, or an asritant. (KL.) lies the same. (TA.) _ [-. . " And A lion's wAhelp: (Lth, IDrd, $, O, ]:) or ji :I lle follo~ed him, not coming up with him, but or to sprd]. (TA.) _--E 1 among distributed, the property t I dispersed, or aln,ys going behind him]. See':1a, , voee' -. rwhen h has attained to taking prey; so in the ,,il tae L: and some say the lion [himself]. (TA.)_ 5 [And lie followaed, or imitated, him; con- the pople, or party; and /.J J;,rmed, atred, or complied, with him; like [contenu of] the cookina-pot among the tribe. See also *t1. UiJ & He 1 (A'Obeyd, TA.) [See also its pass. part. n.] _ iagL]. See 3, in three places. ,L ~ Ono who follorws after womn, and 1, ; .s WU t She (a camel) ejected her urine, encouraged such a one, and emboldened him, (0, 1i, TA,) and strenthened him. (TA.) One says, ($, ~,) scattering it, (i,) and stopped it; ($, miza, associates, or conerse, with them. (,J.J ;a -a... o$ : Such a one strengthens ]; expl. in the ] in two places;) but this is only TA.) when the stallion has leaped her, and is only said him to do that. (TA.) And i ." C, t le ;.6 A wife: beeause sic follows, or conforms in relation to camels; and Va t 1 1 sigwith, [the wishes of] her husband. (Sh, 0, j, strengthened tlhis with this. (TA.) ,_A1 C6 nifies the same: and in like manner Sl is said TA.) - See ablso . i lie threm, or put,firemood upon tle fire to make of a he-camel. (TA.) --. '.1 ,i .t,, ($, it blaze or flaes, burn up, or burn brightly or O,) or ..-. J., (i,) or both, (TA,) as also a'tZ A certain tree, (0, g,) below the statur T, _ And /Jt! um fiercely. (ISk, JC, TA.) of a man, having knotted, or jointed, rods, and t lle burned him, or it, with fire. (W, 8, TA.) atI > L~,(,) AMay God make safety, tnmall, dark-red blosm~, smaller than the jasor peace, &c., [to lUght and abide upon you, or] Of anything that has been burned, one says, i'. to accompany and follow you. (S, O, g. [See mine: (0:) the bee feed upon it; (O, ] ;) and (TA.) men eat its tender extremitieu, being rend~d l.l: see 2._ also 1, latter half.]) - J. ;) and healthy, or sound, thereby; (s 3. iaLi primarily signifies The folloowin [:.,c;I is also expl. in the TA as meaning ,.q.j.: is nt in it has a lot quality in the mouth; and another, or conforming with him, in, or as to, an but I smspect a mistranscription or an omission in by adodour: (O:) clothes become seet-sceted nafir. andn an nnininn . a. altn Lt.. rnn inf n nf this case.] hering to it, (O, ],- TA,) i. e. to its blo, ajU, like the former;] and so too signifies 5: see 1, in two places._t;3 said of a man, agreeably with what is said in the "Book of v?3j [if not a mistranscription for V S, (S, O,) lIe asserted himelf to hold the tenets f Plants," not to the tree, to which the pronoun [q. v.]: (6, O, ], KL, TA:) or he refers in the O and ]; (TA;) and its ho~y is which I rather think it to be, agreeably with what the 1a ciar, (O, 4,) very clfar, andis wll knons: it follows]: and the agreeing, or complying, h ecam ' : a verb similar to j and is a pasture; and ,romrs in the plain, and near him, or obeying him. (TA.) You say, . -d to to sed-mroduc~ . (0.) (A.)rd.t (Mb): inf. n. r. 8,)r, (Lth, O, Meb, in the KL as meaning lie left a portion of a a,, A separate, or distinct, party, or sect, [and H1e], He follonxd him, or conformed with thing undistributed: but this explanation is not (0, ]g, TA,) of men: this is the.primary signifihim, [cc.,] in, or as to, an affair: (Lth, O, in my copy of that rork.] I !) 5:3 ie cation: so called from their agreeing together, AIgb :) or he did so, and strentthened him; and strove, or laboured, or he distressed himself or he and following one another: or, accord. to some, likewise 5 l in, or as to, an opinion; as courted death, (iJ,,) in his love of the thing. the U is originally j, and it is from is l,,

abeo &

referring to an opinion [and an (TA.)

43 Anger ezited him to which means "he collected his people or party :"

BooK I.]
V) of a man: (f, O, ] :) any people that hae mbin d in, orfor, an affair: (M9 b, TA:) accord. to As, persons whofolo, or conform with, one another, [t~hoyh] not all of them agri togeAtr: (TA:) and any assistant and partiuan of a man: (0, TA:) [for] the word is applied to one and to two and to a pL number and to the male and to thefnale, (IS, TA,) without variation: (TA :) the pl. is and l,1, (;,* 0, Myb, ],) the latter a pi. pl.; (Mb ;) and the former is applied to any peope, or party, whos~ 4ffair, or cae, is one, whofollow one another's opirion. (g.) The saying, in the l]ur [xxxiv.

p - ;#

1633 to his it accompanies and follows her. (TA.)

_.l _*

:) so called because (TA:) the followers and assistants (, O, Mb, sharers, or partners, in it, i. e. a house (,() or other things: (IDrd, O, L, K1
land;] i.e. every one of them is a ; follor [orfe/mow]. (O, .) And A

1;'. One who will not kep, or conceal, a

last verse], J, 1t jJ means As was done with the likes of them, of the same persuasion as they, of th peoplu that ha go~ bmfore: ($,* TA :) and similar to this is the saying in the Pur liv. 51. (TA.) - Afterwards, i1JI became a name of A particularparty [or sectj; (Meb, X1;) being predominantly applied to all who took as their friends, or lords, 'Alee and the people of hi house: (I:) tAhoe who foro~ed 'Alee, saying that he was the [riglhtfJ Imdm aIcer the Apostl of God, and believing that the o_ice of Iminm hould not departfrom him and hi descendants: (KT:) they are an innumerable people, who are innorators; the ectravagant zealots among them are the Imdmeeyeh, who revoi the Two S ekjJau [Aboo-Ber and 'Omar]; and the most extravagant of them call the Two heykks dibelieers: e of the rie to the pitch of [that misbeief which is termed] aJ3iU [q. v.]. (TA.) [It is also applied to A ingler person of thij party, or sert; agreeably with what ha been said above; and such a person is likewise

scret; or one who is unable to conceal his inl; "., (0,]V,) or *1; (0;) and t*A.L, formation, nema, or tidings; [a babbler of secrets (0, TA,) in the copies of the g, erroneously, e.;] ; syn. . . (S,o,.) ~ k- ; i (TA;) Tlley two are sharirs, or partners, in a house, (0, ,) or land. (O.) _ And 1 CourageoW: (, O, 1, TA :) as though :.* he were encouraged and emboldened and strengthw;d astei The hou e is undivided [i. e. ened by another, or encouraged and emboldened shared) among the; syn. t . (O, Y, [See by the strength of his heart: (O, I :) or nwhos also -. ]) heart is encouraged and emboldened by every i Information, an announcement, a piece formidable affair in rwhich he has embarked. (A, I Very quick or speedy or hasty. of news, a narrative, or a story, spreading; or TA.) -And ]..) _i , in trad. rebecoming prad, published, divuged, revealed, (Ibn-'Abbad, Z, O, made known, disclosed, apparent, or manfest; lating to sheep or goats to be slaughtered as -Wl UI [among the peol]; so as to reach victims on the day of sacrifice, in which trad. such are forbidden, (0, M;b, 1],) means the sheep every one, becoming cually knorwn by the peop, or goat (Mgh) that rpwires one to urge it on not knmron by som exclusivly of othcrs: (TA:) after the [other] sheep or goats, (Mgh, O, Mob, and VAtlt [is app. a pl. thereof, like as tL is of g,) becaue of its weaknme (Mgh, K) and, signifying, or so ;;"i. ] news, or nat, (Mgh,) or beaaus of its lack of srength to tidings, &c., spreading, or becoming spread. foUow them: (0 :) or, as some relate it, the word (IAr, O, g.)_- [t A thing scattered, or dis- is t 'awe1, (Mgh, O, Myb, .,) meaning that per~d,or in a state of dispersion: fem. with;: ceams not to follow the [other] ,s or goats, pL of the latter 1;S; which may also be pl. of (.)' ' 'L hi9 '-, O, o, i. e. V, the former applied to a rational being, likc 0, g,) or that cea~ not to lag beAind the [other] .;, pl. of ,g.] One says, u 'i ~1 4. sheep or goats, (Mnb,) not coming up with the7n, t The horsmm came scattered, or dispersed, or (Mgh, T, ) but always going behind them, (TA,) in a state of dis in; as also ,s4, formed because of its eanne~; (Mgh, Msb, Ig ;) from

irwit . [expl. above (see 2)]; (Mgh;) or as mentioned as belonging to art. S.]) .-Also A though urging on the [other] shleep or guats. lot, lshare, or portion, ( S, O, 0.., Msb, 1K, and (Mtb.) w.s, TA,) tndi~ided; and so V (?, 0, f, : see what next precedes. TA,) like as one says %. ;t t and .; (%. l. Overtaking, or coming up with another O;) and t iLt; (9, K;) [i.e. shared in conmmon; called t ,; : see 5.] or others; or one that orertahes, &c.: (S, K, as though] sprad; (TA;) so called because TA:) as in the saying of Lebeed, La.: see thb next preceding sentence. mied, not being parated: ( [and it seems, from the usage of a phrase in art. s. of * o~,LD6b Jt -"'[l;r;S and 4a'A The sray of doctrine and the , (tveJl ) .QQ41,) that t p as sing. practice, or the slstem of tenets, of tA ect called [Like as he that overtakes collects together the of Os, sgnifies an ~divid po7rtiom.]_ -Also last of thow cattle that go behind the others]. Anything that is a suppement to a thing: or an (TA.) addition, or angment, thereto. (TA.) iti: see the next paragraph. t ; and its fem., with;: sec and :. see the dual of each, voce C?. The reed-pipe of the pastor; (IA*r, O, o -:dL. ;) the instrument with which the pastor blows; Filed; (0, ];) applied to a vesseL (J.) so named beeause he calls together the camels - [Hence,] t Very rancorous, malevolent, mawith it: (A, TA :) or the sound of the pastor's liciouJ, or spiteful; filed with baseness, meanness, 2. stjJl te [from %A:]: seel in art. Jy. recd-pip. (p,O,i.), And Callers, or sum- or wordidnsa (1, TA. [In the C.(, erroneously moners; syn. I;ti, (0, ,) pl. of I;: (. :) in said to .be, in this sense, , like ; instead J The prickle. (sJJ ) that are at the back of the Teknileh, s..b [a call, or caUing, &c.]. (TA.) of t a, like J .]) Hence also, '. the c [or leoalcs portion, next above the I Also, (?, 0, (,) and t t ;, (0, I,) but the loest and thichest part, of tlw branch] (f tire t tie u [like a lizard of the kind called former is the more chaste, (O, [and the same is that is] very rancorous, &c. (TA.) IApr says, palm-tree: (0,K i:) so says AHlt: (0:) but implied in the g,]) Slender firewood, with I heard Abu-l-Mckirim revile a man, saying, Lth savs that the word is [e.-, q. v.,] with the which a fire is made to blaze or ftaIme, burn up, * a 1, [perhaps correctly , but see unlpointed ,. (TA.) or br brightly orfiercely: (S, O, 1], TA:) and t . signifies [the same, i. e.] slenderfiretood tia word, which is used as a syn. sequent to 3it, originally J'?: (Ajn, O, OC) that is quickly kindled by a meak .e.4,] meaning lIe is like a tlut is very see art. IJ. a; and' ti:. fire, mo that it prenails over the tAhick, or larc, ranmorous, &c., and unprofiable; (0, TA;) firewood. (An, O.) ., here, being with fet-h to the-*; (0;) from )~

by transposition. (TA. [But the latter is also



1.;ov] .t!%,,1l ,k. , (s,) inf. n. ~, A sharer, or partner: (TA:) pL AtW. iLeZ A iA [or kind of banlete, of palm- (TA,) is like "i. (S.) [See 1 (last sentence (O, , TA.) One says, i .lre _ [They are eaves,] id rhich a rvoman puts her cotton andi but one) in art. j,4,.] Bk. I.

e.:: see next preceding sentence.


I filled it." (0, TA.)


a .

1634 d. A mountain: (IAar,S:) or the highest part of a mountain: (Skr, 0, :) or a part that is even, (Lth, 0, V,) and small in breadth, in the face of a mountain, resembling a wall, (i} (Lth, 0,) that cannot be ascended: , 0, .:*) or the most dicult place in a mountain. (S, O, yi.) A poet says, cited as using it in the last sense,

~ A.

[BooK I. *.~_:, and t . (1, TA.)_ Also, (K,) nor. as above, (TA,) inf. n.: and,s, He made a valid charge, or assault, or attack, in mar, or battle. (Kg.) Also, (Ki,) aor. as above, (TA,) He (a man) had a black h" [app. meaning spot, or mole, i. e. aL,] apparent in his kin. (g.) And , inf. n. , [perlaps a mistranscription for .,] He ivas marked with a i1: [or mole]: or, as some say, [the pass. part. n.] .~.o [signifying " marked with a aLZ "] has no verb: and AZ says that V , signifying the havin. upon him a 1.,, has no known verb: (TA:) or , is an inf. n. signifying the having uyon him .,* [i. e. moles]. (IHam p. 3 6 1.)m U;...,, (.,) aor. as above, (TA,) lIe soiled the legs, or feet, of such a onue with duat, or earth: (K,TA:) in [some of] the copies of the K, .4_ t/ ~t .]'e; but correctly, [as in the C] and in my MS copy of the ,] ,; and accord. to the M, from ,a.tJI, [meaning that the verb is derived from this word,] i. e. 1.;AJ1. (TA.) 2: see 1, in the latter half. - L

the thing. (TA.) [Hence,] i.U, (g,) first pers. /.Z, , (S,) aor. as above, (.1,) inf. n. ,, (TA,) lie sdeathed his sword; (S, ;) and [in like manner] &W.-1 [He put his arrows into the quiver]: (TA:) and the former signifies also lHe drew his sword: thus having two contr. meanings: (S, I :) A'Obeyd doubted of the latter meaning; and Sh knew it not; but the verb is said to have this meaning in a verse of ElFarezdal. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of Aboo[An eage dneUing betwveen the most difficult Bekr that a complaint was made to him against place in a mountain and the highest part thereof]. Khalid Ibn-El-Weleed, and he said, i;t .AI (, 0.l. See also a verse of Aboo-Dhu-eyb cited X 4;.JI ~Di;o s11 I i. e. I will not sheath a voce t&., in art. ..j .._ A long, or tall, nvord [owhich God has drawvn against the benountain; (Ql j.;) (s;) thus accord. to lievers in a plurality of god]. (TA.) [Hence some in the verse of Aboo-Dhu-eyb. (TA.) also,] one says, ?* t I.I l (. , TA) i. e. [Ife And accord. to some, it signifies in that verse sheathed] thecJ; (TA;) meaning the attained (TA) A narrow cleft in a mountain: or in the his desire of the virgin. (C, TA.)- And_*U head tie,ff: or a clk between two rocks. (J, HI e struck the mars with his TA.) A sile; syn. ij. (Skr, 0, g.) One tn t,oI shank to make her run: (.K:) or hw inmpressed says, h;jJ, i l j It becae filled (lit. inserted) his leg [or shank] in tlw bel/l. of the fiom side to side. (TA.) _ The head [or glans] mare, striking hwr [witht it]. (Aboo-M(lik; TA.) a.1 . , of the penis. (IAIr,0, ].).-*The hair of a s:1 s, J . I directed m look tohorse's tail: n. un. with 5. (IA#r, 0, ]K.) A slwries of jish. (IApr, 0, I.) - The aVattic tards the indications, or symptoms, of thw thing, waiting, or wvatching,for it. (S.) - And [hence, bird [or rather birds] called j) [pl. of Lby, (p, . v.]: (4:) n. un. with 5. (TA. [In the ], or the reverse may be the case,] j.,1 , M.b, Jg,*) aor. and inf. n. as above, (Msb, TA,) a4Z is mentioned in another place as meaning a I looked at, (., ,*) or watched, or observed, certain aquaticbird: and in the 0 as meaning a (Msb,) the lightning, (Myb, ],) or tie cloud species of aquatic birlds.]) And accord. to Ibnthereof, to se where it would rain, (S,) or to se 'Abbhd, i. q.. [A A riting, or book, &c.]. wlwre it would pour, or bring rail, (M.l),) or to (O.) See also art. 3j. .ve whither it tended and vwhere it would rain: (]g :) this is done only when it flickers and disappears without delay: and [it is said, but, in my se art. jJ. opinion, fancifully, and with little reason, that] the drawing and sheathing of a sword are likened to lightning flickering and disappearing. (TA.) [Hence the phrase, j'j c. t I looked 1. Je is a bad [or vulgar] dial. var. of 3j.: hoping for the benefitj of such a one: mentioned one says, 4 %t!, [and now, more commonly, by Freytag on the authority of Mcyd: and the



;or . lie I, sized his head, or his garment, fighting him. (g.)
4: see 1, in the latter half. 6: see 1, in the latter half. _.._,.; ~ The kindling of fire entered it; namely, a wood; as nsed in a verse of Sa'idelh: or, as some relate it, W;_i [q. v.]. (S, TA.) And ; l p.;JI,_e3 Twe fire cntered, and mixed with, the reeds, or cane*. (TA.) -_And ;; X hoar H came upon him, (.K, TA,) and became intermixed upon him: or, accord. to IAor, became abundant upom him, and slinead; (TA;) as also s.. (IAar, M and TA in art. .,d.)i *t. eJ He resendlled hid father in ae. i. c. nature, or naturaldisposition. (, 1, TA.)

"U, like ', meaning I raised it; and, as now used, I ijied it; and hence, I removed it, or took it away; and I carried it; and I loaded it, namely, luggage upon a beast &c.;] aor. ,,t;, inf. n. J,A and J;., the latter [in measure] like ,A~. (TA.) ilJt The occulpation of the or carrier of burdens. (TA.)

like is said in l,ar p. 819.] And

7. .sWI: see 1, in the lattcr half. - Also He looked at tce clouds from afar: and [in like (a man) became one lw wnw looked at. (S, 1.) manner,] jIl thefire. (TA.) It is said in a 8: see 1, in the latter half. prov.,

I;.,, 1-lie

a..s J3..#at.LU *, .%WI

.;l: see 4t,, in three places. = The country of._,l:I [i. e. Syria] Is been mentioned in art.

i. e. [Look not thou hoping for rain, .for] the JIe, i. e. porter, lambs have perished: addressed to him who .- U [as originally., :.].

A certain species ofph. (S, g.') ~Alo mourns for that which has past. (Meyd.) And one says, Ii s[Su pl. of,.j [q. v.]. (S, TA.) . and jie pls. of JtU. And pl., in one ( in art. JZ, in a one is nealthy, and I do not look at him in sense, of;. [q. v.]. (g.) wllich see the singular.) /lpe by reason of posr~ty]; meaning that he is from a. . [expl. above], A plorter, or independent of him. (Z, TA.) - [Hence also,] see 1, near the end. =Also Any land, or ground, in ivhich one has not yet dug, recarr,.ier o.f burdens. (TA.) ' C .A t Compute thou, or estimate, or maining in its [ori!inal] hard state, (Aboo- i J;la tjil t j A horse incongruous, un- consider, (1g, TA,) and look, or see, (TA,) what Sa'eed, K, TA,) so that the digging therein is sound, faulty, or weak, in make: (AO, O and [relation, or di.fbrence,] iw between them two. more di.icult [than etlsewhere] to tiw digger. TA in the present art.:) mentioned in the L in (1, TA. [In the CK, A is erroneously put for (Aboo-Sa'eed, TA.) art. J,,. (TA.) A; and Z.VX, in the explanation, for o;v.]) LOU A mole, syn. J ., (S, Mqb, TA,) upon A, also signifies It (a thing, TA) entered, the person; (Msb;) [i. e.] a nimpl)e inclining 1r' ~. into a thing; (1K, TA;) quasi-pass. of to blackness, upon the person; (Mgh;) or a I. .LjJI ~. ,us .li, (1,) [aor.-e,] inf. n. the same verb in the latter of the two senses expl. [natural] mark dffering from the colour of the , eS, (TA,) lie hid, or concealed, the thing in in the first sentence of this art.; (TA;) and so person upon which it is: (g,* TA:) its medial the thing: (1, TA:) and he inserted the thing in ?t.t:, (S, KI,TA,) and o.:1,I, and ._l,I, and radical letter is originally j: (S, TA:) and it is


Boox I.] also with ., i.e. aLL,: (IAth, TA:) pl. Vt.l, (S,I) ; and , t (S, ) and t;, (V) (., Mqb, ],) [or rather this is a coll. gen. n.,] and signify the same [or rather marked with a mole]: (Msb, 1.) (,* V:) or ,& signifies haring upon him Ali [the pl. properly so termed is] ;l. h,iLJI 2 h.Ib, 1 ytA w [So that ye may [or mols]: (Ham p. 361:) fem. AiLt: (TA:) be as though ye mere a mole amid the people], and pl..?.. (?, TA.) - And A beast, (Lth, AO, occurring in a trad., means [that ye may] be in the TA,) and anything, (Lth, TA,) having upon him, goodliest garb or guise, appearing like the 1.A, or it, a [mark such as is termed] iLt:, (Lth, AO, at which one looks exclusively of the rest of the TA,) or [marks much as are termed] Al. (AO, person. (lAth, TA.) And one says, f I'1 1l t Such as are black, of tI TA.) -And *l . ., meaning t T7wy became scattered [in camels: sing., mase. and fem., as above: (TA:) the countries] like the ."L [or mola] upon the occurring in this sense in a verse of Aboo-DhuA black mark upon the person. (TA.) -Also eyb, as related by AA: but as hebard by As, in ~ron, [an explanation which seems to apply, like this verse, ityl*', and thought by him to be a pl. the former in the 1], to a mole, though given as 0 0 . (in of eMl. (S.) See also .lff differing therefrom,] and upon the ground: pl. [originally .] (V.)_ It is also [A art..A:), last sentence. [or coll. gen. n.] tl:,. mark, or pot,] upon a mare, upon a place that is .:.s: see the next preceding paragraph. [which disapproved, and sometimes upon herjl; , in art.4.. And seew;. means what are termedfeather, pl. of til, q. v.]. sce,e : : - and see also the paragraph [uplon theface] (ISh, TA.) - And A spot (I) of the moon. (l.) - And t A black si-camel: here next following.

16~ thereof: (TA:) the latter signifies Disgraces or dishonours, i. e. things, or q~tis,that caus to be disraced or dishonoured; things that render ugly or unemly, that disfigure, or that blemish; (S, TA;) .iL; . , (S , TA.,) and syn. on the authority of Fr.: (TA:) [V t.S., also, signifies the same; and its pl. is ,1, ;] one says

i,. Z M. [Thi is one of the thing tlat disgrace or dilonour, &c.]. (TA.)- [It is also used as epithet, like as is its contr. Ci :] : aetj., i. e. isface is ugly, or unone says, j3; mentioned by Az. (TA.) seemly; for 51 A,LI

(IAgr, 8, 1g, TA:) accord. to Nilaweyb, U', with .; but ISd says, I lkow not the reason of this,


The ,.~.; (S, TA ;) i. e. (TA) theplace IeLE of, (g, TA,) or [membrane that enclose, orforms letter], and fern. [as meaning a 3,., or word]: unless it be extr., like.#i.Jl and.;IWl. (TA.) the] coring of, (Msb,) the foetus (M9 b, IS, TA) pl. OA{ L and .t.A4 [a mistranscrip)tion for t.e:]. Also, thus with kesr, A man haring One says, ljLJ 'Lj L, ii b, meaning, I lie has of a human beiuJ: (Msb: [see ;,,:]) originally (TA.) not a black she-camel nor a white oe. (Q, V, *.*.: [i. e.patches in hi garment, pl of aiJ]. (;, K) and [coll. many (8, Mqb:) pl.TA.) , [app. meaning (Kh, TA.) - And A long (IB, .) [See also L.] gen. n.] e (TA.) or boat]. ship Nature; natural, natirve, or innate di see bl. * :*: position, tetnler, or other quality or proplerty; LjW [An action that dijramc or dis;1 (i, Msb, 1] ;) as also i.*, (I,) whichl is an extr. onourn, &c.]. (TA.) A

. One of the lett of te allhabe, (, ,) [i. e. the name of that letter; (see art. l,,)] of [expl. in art. .,], with the lIctter termed C somewhat of.'i."Jland .ie1l [app. meaningthat kind of utterance which is undertoned, and mujied, exactly like our "sh"], its place of , i. e. the place of the utterance being the TA,) near the place of (V, the moath, of opening or utterance of t: masc. [as meaning a .j,,

cJ (Mqb.)- Also Dust, dial. var.: (TA:) pl!... (i, Mob, ], &c.,) in n. 1. ~l, aor. ., or earth, dlviy fi'mn tlhe ground; (As, S, V;) and (8, as on the authority of As; but only ;e, (8,* lMb, TA,) lfIe, or it, disgraced him, so t,. or di/lwnoured him; renderd him ugly or unin one of my two copies of the S.) seemly, disfijured him, or blemisded him; (MA, or plain, land; (AA, g, TA;) of P ;) i. q. ~t1; (Myb, TA;) contr. of Z1j; (S, * ;e &Stft, whiich the earth is soft, or uncompaet. (TA.) signifies the same, in n. '.j, ;) [and V ', See also the paragraph here following, in two (the verb alone rendered by Freytag, on the places. authority of Meyd, " dehonestavit,") like as the .;Z Dut, or earth, (K, TA,) in a general contr. j signifies the same as aIj.] - The saysense; (TA;) as also ':,: (i :) see also .: ing of Lebeed, [or,] acoord. to Kb, a hollow dug in the ground: or, as some say, land of which the earth is soft, or uncomipact. (, TA.) - And A [covert such o a wh tis so w,: called because of the wild as is termed] animal's entering (X;_.lA 3' ? i.e. J,..) into [17cy defac wrhat is unmarred of the deserts, every evening, it the crooked things (i.e. the it. (Ag, f, TA.) _ Also The rat, or mous; syn. bows) of the wood of the tree called o.l, .at a *L ju: (IA;r, V, TA:) but written by Aboo-'Amr veild door, (referring to a company of men, and Ez-Z6bid t 1A,, and said by him to be the therefore the verb is sing.,)] means that they vie, [generally meaning a larefjld-rat]: (TA:) pl. one with another, in glorying, or boating, and make marks, or lines, with their bows, upon the

t. [a subst. from

'1]: see

Disgraced, or dishonoured; rendered ugly or unseemly, dijfiujred, or blemithed; pass. part. n. of 1. (Msb.) & an anomalous pl. of #e, q. v. (TA.)



'ao .,

(1~,) inf. n. ':,

(TA,) i. q.

Z,(Ibn-Buzuj, C,TA, [in the CV, erroneously

4lt,]) i.e. Hie smote him with the [evil] eye. (TA.) [See also 1 in art. se.]
'S and :*,: see 1: (of which they are quasipl. ns.) in art. #*t.

see 1: (of which it is a pl.) in art. .p.




nluy with the [evJl eyte. ;,t That smites v (Ibn-Buzurj, ], TA. [In the C], *. is erroneously put for ~ .])



'.: see 6 (of which it is a quasi-pl. n.) in security: oocurring in a trad.: and it is said that art. 6-1. (T, TA) or 2L I~ ; -L;,. S: see L ~ is an Abysinian word: but, as some relate ~l [Afore, and most, wont to smnite with the n e. [q. v., voce .; of which it (V) He made, (Th, TA,) or twrot, (V,) a beauthe trad., it is tif di.. (Th, I[, TA.) evil eye]. One says, .JI d. . p [H e is of is said to be pl.]. (TA.) the msot ewont, of men, to smite with the evil er: is the contr. of ;3j: (., Mb ;) and this mneaning being indicated by the context]. ; .. _l A man (., Mgb) havuig a k14 [or mok] V;5 is an anomalous pl. (Ibn-Buzurj, I,TA.) upon his person; (AZ, S, Mgh, Mfb, ] ;*) and vt *;1 [in the cg1

ground, as though they disfigured it (1t4C) with ) A peopl, or party, in a state of those marks, or lines. (S.)



The fourteenth letter of the alphabet; called LtD and j, t? and 1,4L, (TA,) the latter of It is one of the letters termed La , [or non- which is vulgarly pronounced iLao, without ., vocal, i. e. pronounced with the breath only, (MF, TA,) aro pls. of il5j; but the former of without the voice]; and of the letters termed them is a coll. gen. n., of which jtlj. is the 4I', as also j and ,, because proceeding from n. un.: (TA:) Ya.koob has erroneously asserted the tip of the tongue; (TA;) and is one of dithethat one should not say 5L . (M, TA.)letters termed ' , which are obstacles to V .tI is also sometimes applied to t The small 'I: (M in art. ;._ :) it is not conjoined with 1 pieces of gold that are taken forth from the dust, , nor with J, [nor, as some say, with t, (see or earth, of the mine. (IDrst, TA.) In the fol4,tfl)] in any Arabic word. (TA. [See also1 lowing verse, cited by IAgr, art. y..]) It is a radical, and a substitute; not * c;, t 0 iI -, * _' '-r',-U ' t. Y- "' : an augmentative. (M in art. .. ) It is somec. ie .C J\ --times substituted for .; and, as MF olbserves, S' what Ibn-Umm-]asim says appears to mean that this substitution is allowable unrestrictedly; but the poet means, [0 my lord,] cause me to find Ibn-Milik, in the Tee-heel, makes it subject to gold like ,.r [or nits], wiole, or sound, not conditions, saying that it is allowable accord. to a broken into minute parts; [for I see not the certain dial. when the ,. is followed by t or it,. to xtand in any stead; te being for t; ;] by or 3 or X, even when separated therefrom by a the jQi meaning the minutest pieces of gold tlat letter or by two letters: MF says that the dial. the wind blows away. (M, L, TA.) - And [the above mentioned is that of Benu-l-'Ambar, pl.] IL.. signifies [also] t Hoar-frost formed accord. to Sb and others; who give as exs. into grains like small pearls. (A'Obeyd, L, TA.) for ', and' for' , and o for [And drops of fine rain are said to be likened to d, and , for ~4. (TA.)- [As a nu- ;0(. : see 3am p. 796. See also i (in art. _~), last sentence.] meral, _e denotes lVinety.]
1 1 d

9 ' A strong man. (0, 1.) alt.o r1

a!bLo .t1o The odour, (g, TA,) i. e. altered odour, (TA,) of a piece of mood when it ha bec~ne moid. moist. (1P, TA.) [And probably The altered colour and odour of rain-water trickling from trees: see what follows.] A!G, l.kiLt, applied to rain trickling from trees, [app. a a possessive epithet, meaning AI.; in colour and odour. (TA in ast. ,

ji,] Altered


,St, (M

, .,) aor.

aor. o- , (1, [in one of my copies of the S uo which is wrong, or, accord. to the TA, both are correct, and in the ] the prot. is aid to be like t.,Z which implies that the aor. is like ,.,]) in n. .. o (S, M, ]) and Lo (Ks,

*', (M,) like

1. so His head abounded ivith i' [or nits]; (, M, g ;) as lso ,.iL.l. (;, g.) _~I'J' ~. ,", (M, V,) aor. , (V,) in n. , (M,) lie was, or became, satijfed, and filled, with drink: (M, X(:) or ;: [alone] he drank much water. (?.) 4: seethe preceding paragraph. dA grana, 7y, or granariaes, (j,) toil,) of of wreat (,A1L). (g.) - And A place ,"re date are dried: so in the dial of the people of El-Felj. (TA in art.. ) .,,;: see the next pa, agraph, in three places.


without,, (MF, TA,) A nit; i.e. an eg of a lou; (Q,g;) and an egg ofa Jlea; (ig;) but accord. to some, not r pplied to the latter unless tropically: (MP, TA:) accord. to IDrst, a young /o~: (TA:) or the egsoqf the Jlea and of the

(1,1,) vulgarly pronounced- X

ue; as al abo t,

: (M :) [or,] the

M, ], TA) and . 9 , (Ks, , TA,) said of a young bird and the like, (S, IS,) of a bird and of a young bird (M) and of a rat or mouse (S, M) and of a jerboa (f) and ofa cat and of a dog (M) and of a pig and of an elephant, (?, M,) It uttered a cry, or sound; (S, M, ;) as also (M, ] :) and accord. to Fr, one says j1, A man who drinks muchk ater: (S:) t Isti: also of the scorpion, i, and (S.) It it+2" or wtho satisfi andfill himself with drink. (O.) is said in a prov., 0u3J .,.jI ,& or si4;, (AV, ., Meyd,) this latter verb being formed by JA. transposition, (Meyd,) i. e. The scorpion stings 1. ;.', aor. :, (AZ, g, O, 1g,) inf. n. .L, w.hib uttering a cr; (S, Meyd;) the j being a (AZ, S, O,) He (a man, AZ, S, 0) sw;eated so denotative of state: (As, :) applied to him who that there arose from him a fetid odour, (AZ, S, does wrong in the guise of him who complains of O, g,) fro~m j app. as meaning stench of tie wrongdoing. (Meyd.) And one says also, ,j. arm-pit], or othmenis. (AZ, S, O.) - And, Et; Q, : (S, ,) and L;e 1;, La;6 said of blood, It conealed. (0, ].) - And ;,, (IAr, 8, TA,) L; being formed by tranposition is It (a thing, TA) stuck, or clave, to him. from SIt,, (i,) He brought what wa vocal and (l~, TA.) Hence, accord. to the 'Eyn, 1lI, 1 ;) Uch as dlav and beasts, used in this sense in a verse of El-Aash,: (TA :) what au mute; (S, or this belongs to art, rJio, (S and O in that and clothes and dilter; (A., TA;) or p or art.,) agreeably with the opinion of ISd. (TA in goats, and camels, and old and silver; (IApr, TA;) meaning he brought much property: and that art.) this is likewise a prov. (g.) &M,;I; Be has continued 4. :t I, made it (i. e. a young bird &c.) to vying wth me, or contending with me for supe. utter a cry, or sound. (M, V. [See 1.]) riority, or striving to rpass m, in strength, or 6: see the first paragraph above. poer, or~frce, (, 1 j? ,) all thi day. (0, g,. TA.) [And so w. i, mentioned in the TA in , of the meure Jm,(TA, ornlly an art. iJ; i but app. belonging to art. alo.] inf. n., written in a copy of the M t., but the


[BooK I.

S which may be rendered I fiowed with sweat] is former is evidently the right,]) The bitch: so admiring love, (lAar, S, TA,) and desir: ( :) [t or with desire: (M, A, 1C:) or 7rith tenderness of phrase of the Arabs, meaning j.s . 3 [my called because of her cry. (TA.) desire, ( S , M, A, X(,) and ardour thereof: ( :) Peat.flowed]: thus the act is literally ascribed to and what is essentially the agent or wrth tenderness of lovre. (M, K.) One says, he speaker, 1 it is not allowable to say bt specificative: a .i6th ecomes 4L ;f'e [I was, or became, affected ;.~ Ii&; for, as it is not allowable to put the ., for him]. (M, A,' TA.') 1. ,o, ($, M, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. 1, inf n. eess~iw loe, , 29 and, e IHe wvas, or became, af- a gent before the verb, so it is not allowable to put e..., (M, Myb,) lle poured out, or forth ($, M, And he specificative, when it is virtually the agent, MNb, 1g) water (S, M, Msb) and the like. (M.) fected with desire, or vehement desire, [&c.,] of, One says also, afore the verb. (IJ, M.) [I orfor, her. (MA.) - Lh mentions, among what tl ; ,sl Li '. 1 j, C. One says, I [The mug lad its contents poured out is said by the women of the Arabs of the desert PI 1penred out for such a one wnater into tie drinking- on the occasion of fascinating by means of charms, r forth]. (TA in art. i.) - See also 1, in cup tluat he might drink it]. (TA. [See also 8.]) a .WI i l [generally ,.L; l [as though ttirce places. - j i jU e. c. ilienee [t lie paid donn a price, or sum of /I ,no~tl t t The people collected meaning May he be dsleeples by reason of love, nplies descent, but] means va. money:] it is said in a trad., O't j water. (Msb.) the at ogetker, or assembled, and I will be .eepless for him: but I inclinp to (0 meaning It If thy ) jL1, t L1 Is~lj And ,.a! is often said of a place, or the ground, think that the explanation has been corrupted by & ir c., meaning It sloped downwards. - gar ftmily like that I xlsould Imp dlonn to them thy j3;, or W, meaning may JI 31 ~ from copyist a And TA.)] at once, or at one time. (L, .ll 0J, meanhe be tender-hearted to me, and I will be tnder- p. 125) uses the phrase >t [t lle lowered, or let donm, ).ai Ut, 1jZ.' ig (as there expl.) t Thou inclinest to diverion, hearted to him]. (M, L, TA.) .hke rope into the wed] on the occasion of drawing 0:r sport.] 4. 1,l Thmy (a company of men, TA) took , water. (M in art. J3.) - And &1 %_, -i 8. stwl 1i.1 is expl. by Sb as signifying He way down a declivity, or declivous place. t lie did not bend down his head: occurring in a their ookfor himelflthe wateri agreeably with general (M, , TA.) trad. relating to prayer. (T, TA.) - And ,o a nalogy: (M:) [but it is more properly rendered what also see And places. four in 7, see 5: were one a ofsucJ e poured out for himself the water:] one says, Tlhe leJs s ~,aiJ J Xu follows. here [I poured *-~ 't; -~7L~ a~j~l pt ~ [put into tle shackles, or] shackled. (Z, L, TA.) himsdlf I might tihat clad skin or on, the put jfnm e water t. 0 myself AndAj ; I drank what remained of the ntt for 6. stI l' poured [I 4'_. I. 4l5 s; i and you drinh it]: and Ia3 1 writh, his coat of mail: (A, TA:) water (A, A,) in a vessel: (, A :) [or] [he ut for myself a cup]. (TA.) - See also 6..Wa3 andt V ..ol and t~ say, iC.LiEI d;! t [Ipwt it on him]. (A.) - And e And see 7. milk, the of or water, i [lie threw hincelf upon him]. (A.)- And drank what remainedof the same. the signifying all L;) tHe annihilated it, caued [He pours forth to me in a vesse]; (M, R. Q. 1. *q_ 4 ,Jl ,,a t to JUts away, or did awtay nith it; (M, C;') O0 alpaJI [hence,] And TA.)_ (L, Al ' ',. y, wecalth]. (A, TA.) -And samely, a thing. (M.) - And t lie disJr~edit, or a yJ iJ'. [lit. Such a one drank the remains of 1 portion, a them 13j S[God poured upon one a such t or scattered it: (.K:) he (a man) dispersed, or life after such a one], meaning ,inre, or reemencwe, or wsverity, of punishment; (A,* TA:) and ~ -.W cattered, it, namely, an army, or property or or] God pImnished tihem. (A,* TA. [See also outlived such a one: realth. (AA, 1C.) i [I outlived tlm all ecept j&L.; t :1[Gaod poured / i) , jI,.]) And L or Elt It was, or became, anniR. Q. 2. -4 , upon him a thuulerbolt, or a deetructive punish- one]. (TA.) Esh-Shemmakh says, (M,) awray, or tlome awuay with; pass to (TA,) caused Akhtal, Milated, voce ex. lent, &c.]. (A, TA.) See also another or went, away; said ofa passed, it K;) M, (S, , ,,, 4,, 4 0 . _ Andl , (] , TA,) in the plnm. form, t It (ieo .]) also tlling. (., M. [See ofllL tllti,g, (TA,) -t lie, o.r it, nit, - a 1llt,d ulitl of, a-- 5-s il 0 $L-k -" and the TA, 4 AZ, day, the amid niglht, M, A,.K, was annlilabtetl, caused to pass away, or done A, K,) M, (AZ, arway, went, or passed, -A)1 1---.-_P heat, --1.1---1 an,,! with. (.K, TA. [See also R. Q. 2.]) of a people wlomn I have out- except a small portion, (AZ, M, TA,) orfor the loss tile i [Verily Scealso 7, witlh whicl it is syn. in the first of the lived is more severe to me than abundant and lonr mosi part. (A. K.) - t It (what was in a watersenses assigned to the latter below. -[Hence, hair that has become altered in colour]: he means, skin, or milk-skin,) became little in quantity. t ie descended into ti/ the loss of those with whom I was in a state of ,, 1 Rpp.,] plsl (Fr, TA.) - t It (a company of men) became t ~, ' * . ;t valley. (M, ].) And case and plenty is more severe to me than my di.'lersed, dispersed, or scattered. (M, TA.)n lie (a man) Az says, he likens ?va.t, was, or became, very bold, or daring, and very 5..1,J, occurring in a trad., means t His faet hair's becoming white: (M:) of bever- adverse, descended [into the interior, or bottom, of tih what remained of his life to the remains gnane, .(M,* K', TA,) ltio adverse, or repnant, age that he was sipping up. (TA.) 65Gjl c.L [against [against us]. (TA.) - And, said of a day, It ralley]: (TA:) or ivas, became, intensey hot. (M, K,' TA.) in 7. ,a1 It (water, S, M, and the like, M) was, or means t his feet rested in tlw valkUe; from 11 ;" poured out or forth, or became youred out or ,,~ "~ is an inf. n. [and is] used [as an epithet] said of water. (Mgh.) - And 1&aJ.JI Msb, (M, o, also as ;) A A, M, (S, forth; 'e [The (A,) in , ; * or the sense of the measure J&tG, or of the (,* TA,) t,.3j,, ;) (Mb ; n. inf. TA,) (Mab, ,, aor. a1,) (TA:) [thus it is used as an measure jj,: pent darted down upon the person bitten by it] rarely a'form of is which 1],) (M, .,, t and epithet] to applied water, [meaning Pouritg out said of thie serpent when it has raised itscl unaugan of quasi-pass. a of that as occurring or forth, or poured out or forth,] like as are desiring to bite. (Ez-Zuhree, S, TA.*) Anm that of the generally being verb, triliteral mented and ,: (S,TA: [see also a I 't %'~-sI S[The hawk, orfalcon and JJA JA: and *;l j (MF, Ja6; form the of verb a of quasi-pass. of description 'Alee's in :1) hence, TA. and (A, , ~.e:]) tooped upon tle prcy, or quarry]. its doing sorepeatedly; Aboo-Bekr when he died, IAPtbe 'i. * denotes app. this [but TA;) 1 3ll Aboo-Bekr, . (A,. TA) T17, And jwfii " V a. and abundantly, like .l3,q. v. ;] and t tlt anong ast, against, or upon, the havock made or} e Ilj~. t[Thou t[7hou wolf [pushCd upon i;,JI (TA,) e jl says, One (1].) ' unbelievers, a punishment pouring forth, or sheep, or goats, of such a oe. (TA.) (S, TA,) Tlhe water poured forth]. (TA.) - And [hence, app.,] one (s, M,.' g,) aoi and JqJI! ~ t .;., : (I Ar, A, TA,) sec. pers. 1, decends, little by little, from the mountain. (8, EMYBP says, 1 hyb d, -, meaning t He smote him M S,' (IAqr, ;4.o, n. inf. TA,) (IApr, t, bu11 t . 3 [The seat fl oed], with tJh edge of the sword [as though with a TA.) And A, I, TA,) He (a man) was, or became, aj smiting pouring don, or poured down]; as also Vz ; t fected with ezceuive love, or with attachment, c and SJI [the blood]. (A.) And 1




--- '11

. ---

BooK I.]
;j.. (IAr, L, TA.).-One says also, sr..

1639 poured out or forth (M, K) togetier, or col- first sentence:) or, as an epithet in which the lectedly; (M;) also (M, K) sometimes (M) quality of a subst. predominates,] water pourel l, (M, .) -And out orfort; syn. #* ~;. ;;. termed V o. (M, g.) See also 1, near the be) some say (M) Blood: (.,M,J :) and (M,0 And A ; L [or piece of xsin in ginning. sweat; (]i ;) as in the saying, whicha the traveller puts his food; or the thing upon which one eats]; (M, K;) so called because the food is poured into it, or upon it: (M:) or a [Vehement midday-hlats thtat draw Morth tie h ,: (M, I:) and ;L, with , thing like tite sncat]: (TA:) [or viwhat is pouredforth of sweat also dU..o, with signifies the same. (M.) -See .$JL' and of blood; for] one says, j.Asl A comrnpany of men: which it is syn. -Also tweat of the forth, poured was [VWhat .,Ii and (M, Msb, V.:) [app. tropical; but it is said that] this is the primary meaning, and it is used in and o. the blood, ran, orfllon~d]. (A.) -And relation to camels, and sheep or goats, and the (M, 1f) some say (M) The Apresed juice of.~ A detached number [or dragon's blood]. (M, X.) And (M, ) like, tropically. (TA.)_ of horses, (., M, A, Msb, K~,) and of camels, (A, some say (M) A certain red dye. (M, I.)I[,) and of sheep or goats, (A, Msb, ]f,) and of And (If) The juice of the leavcs of mases: (, dirhems, or pieces of money: (A:) orfrom ten to M,4 K :*) A'Obeyd (so in a copy of the 8, or forty: (A, I:) or from twenty to thirty and Aboo-'Obeydeh accord. to the TA,) says, it is the forty of camels and of sheep or goats: or less juice of the leaes of sesame, or of some other than a hundred (M, A, K) of camels: (M, I :) plant, which was described to me in Egypt, the or of camels i q. a*, : (S:) and fom ten to colour of which juice is red tinged with blackRnt: forty of goats: (AZ, S:) or a fiock of sheep or and some say, it is the expressedjuice of the leave ' [i. e. a herd of goats, as being likened to a company of of the ;,.. [q. v.]. (S, TA.) -And men: (TA :) orfrom twoenty tofirty of sheep and Saiorwer]: (~ C:) or purijfid . (S.). And of goats; or peculiarly of goats: or about fifty: A kind of tree [or plant] resembling ., .. [or or from ixty to seventy: and of camels about rue], (M, ][g,) writh which the hair is dyed. (M.) five or six: (IAth, TA:) and a collection of -And &Sma, (M, g,) with which beards are dirhems, or pieces of money, and of wheat, or _And A certais thing dyed, as mith ;1.;. (M.) food, &c.: and a piece of a thing: (Msb'.) [or] a [or plant] resembling the a.; [or 4.;j, q. v.], small quantity or portion of wealth or property. (M, .)_And -tA part, or portion, of the (M, If, TA,) with which beards are dyed. (TA.) Also Hloar-frost. (AA, If.) AA cites, as dea t [A a. night: so in the saying, JI scriptive of the sky,


SLt., (TA,) or 1 ;l 55

M.I, (A,) meaning,

[He smnote him with a hundredblows, or he took a hudred,] and less than that, i. e. Ji.J C.7, (TA,) contr. of I.l.w; (A;) or and n;ore [than that], or above [that], i. e. like I.l;Lj, (A, TA,)

i. e.

j i ;. (TA.)J

And ;Q1

~ ,o,

vS * a, meaning t[rial, or a.fliction, was Also, poured upon him] from abooe. (A, TA.) applied to a man, Afficted with ecessive love, or mith attachment, or admiring love, (IAr,S , A,*

TA,) and desire: (8:) or with desire: (M, A,*

:) or with tendernes of desire, (,* M, A,4' I,) :]) or with and ardour thereof: ( :* [see , tmndurne of loe. (M, I.) lo masc. One says, ~ o '

(and Ii! (see r.)] lie is affected with excesive

of her; rc.: (A:) fem. A4: (M, 1 :) dual , pl. mas. .; dual. fern.

pl. fem. ,t1.: thus accord. to those who hold j~.' and ;-, .j to be similar to. a

.,4: (TA:) [hence it appears that

to be originally an inf. n., and some hold .. therefore use it as an epithet in its original form, without regard to gender or number: but] accord. is [originally] of the measure Ja!, to Sb, o "., like as you say betause you say 3 . ;..o (M.) See also 1, last sentence. ,a .LU.3 ,o:

Accord. to AO, it may also part, or portion, of tle night pas . (S.) or of . G: but Asr says that, be pl. of tV, M, L, TA, in the If The descent, (,~, accord. to others, it is not pl. of either of thllese TA,) of a river, or written , (L, TA:) it is erroneously two words; their pl. being .: or of a road, dowrn a of water, or channel rivulet, said in a trad., (S, L, TA,) respecting conflicts and declivity. (M, L, ]}, TA.) - And A declivity, I s -;J t factions, or seditions, (L, TA,) .jiL. declirous place, or ground sloing_ down; (M, A, a I: (,, L,TA:) here f, TA;) and (TA) so ,, of which the pl. v, ) ju6,i j;,,

see a ,..



L.* 191t


[And tlwre is not in it aught savr east wmind and its hoar-frost]. (TA.) - And Good, or excdlent,

honey. (f.)_- Also, (i,) or Jl6, . o,;, (TA,)

The extremity of a word: (if, TA:) or the [q. v.] thereof: or, as extremity next thie 0 absolutely. (TA.) - See also some say, its X

and noxious] ser- is .;; ., oand (tS, TA;) so too V P . [i. e.] ) damm; (TA;) and with with fet-h pents:" (L, TA:) and 1-, accord. to Ez-Zuhree, that donn which you descend, or hare 4L. [is an inf. n., mentioned as such in the ["the act of pouring out or forth"]; signifies &,1! is from o and its pl. is :Ji ,) descended, (S latter part of the first paragraph, and, when used bite, for the serpent, he says, when it desires to subst.,] signifies [Excesive lore, or a simple as down) (lit. pours down raises itself, and then darts (M, TA;) [and so pl. of ;g]; [like X attachment, or admiring love: (see its verb:) or] upon him that is bitten: (S, L, TA :) [as tllough .;. ] or, as some say, t .,: with fet-h, desire: (M, A, g:) or tenderness of desire, (., the meaning were, Ye will be, therein, like great is a name for twe wrater, 4c., that is poured out upon M, A, ]g,) and ardourtltereof: (S:) or tendernem and noxious seents, one portion of you smiting with of loe. (M,] ) ,.~, ; and V the necbs of another portion:] Ez-Zuhree says a man, like ,; and but AZ mentions his damm, is pl. of .: 4;. and t a-2 A portion, (S,M,Mqb,li,) .; and originally that 1.- is pl. of Vt , s, to a having heard the Arabs apply t or a small quantity, (Fr, A, and A'Obeyd in exand so says declivity, or declivous place; and says that its pl. like as o J,' is originally _,; planation of the former,) of water, (Fr, S, M, Msl,, IAmb: but IAnr is related to have said that is .: (TA:) and .. 1 s "I1 signifies Ig,)and of milk, (M, ]f,) or of wine, or beverage, Il forth or domn, of sand: (A'Obeyd,) remnaining (A'Obeyd, ., M, M9 b, ki) poured out or ivlat has and L-, a;"; ,slu means companies, pl. of pouring, one upon another, with slaugllter: and (M, f :') and the pl. of is ,..1. I (M, .) in a vessel. (A'Obeyd, S, M, M.b.) "em; some say that it is ~, in measure lil by j~l are meant "[great


and it is said to be from A, [for j.Ui uJl 1-,] [app. syn. with 1 ,4 as part. n. of the .,,~ meaning "lihe inclined to the things of aor. , the present world;" and tlhus to be like L.g.i, pl. intrans. verb ,ro, signifying Pouring out or latter but having an in art. o:] IAar used also forthor doiwn; or like the of jt1: [see V, in two say thnt it is originally %, witll ., [pl. of intensive meaning]: see ,e, See also o, in four places. I~ "he came, or came forth, from ,c upon him unexpectedly." (L, TA.) in three places. .o: see , a~ A quantity of wheat or food, &c., that is l.~ [Poured out or forth: (see also .,

. :;.

Aly remaining portion of water in the vessel &;c.

satisJies thirst, thonuh it i. tot water rttnuinig

[copiouly] ,qpon tlbe osuface of thl earth, is a prov., applied to him who makes use of that which is bestowed thoulgh it be not much. (Meydl, TA. ) In the following verse, cited by IAar, .~.~ s

.*...,~ ... ,

* bs, ,2dS, tS;



[Boox I.

t [During many a nigit have Iguidpd in the right! forth: ( :) and accord. to the K5,it appears that tion, &l., was applied to [Any individual of] a way young men infiused ntith the remains of V t.1I signifies the same; but this is not the case. certain sect of the unbeliev~rs, [the Sabians,] said dromwsiness that made them to bend theirnechsfrom (TA.) And ;,. said of the [i. e. a central to worship the stars secretly, and openly to proside to side], , may m b be put 'for .; or it incisor] of a boi, It gre~ forth. (s.) _ Also, feS thmelvesl to belong to the Christians: they may be pl. of the latter, [or rathler a coil. gen. n. said of a star, (M,,) and of the moon, (M,) It are called Z:liLI and j,,eLWl: and they asrt of whlich a. is the n. un.,] like as . }:..-is of ros; i, that they are of the religion of Jdbi the son of and so V~.I: (M,15:) or.. '", .I a. L.3 the ,,e:: the poet uses this word metaphorically, in tars come fort from ther p,ace. of riing Sheyth [or Seth] the son of Adam: their appellarelation to drowsiness, like as lie has used the . ,sAf. f word , 1 ,1 (AO,8:) or.a jl ....1 the stars appeared: tion may also be pronounced )~ LaWl, and thus word tIl,,. (M,L,TA.) One saysalso ,J;l!,.O Nifi' read it [in the .Kur]: (Msb:) or the a . ..(MLT. . Oe (TA:) and _;nt. tL.t the Pleiade., [antonoare a certain class of the people who ~1 'Y usdl ' and ;aC.e s'~l : [Idid not mastically callcd na1i] rose. (S.)_[Hence,] attain;, or obtain, of iffe, save a small remainder L.-, ,i .j.. , pose revealed scripture: ( :) or a people who (.S, M, .K,)or &j~l ' C~ L.~ eo religion resnblea that of the Chlristians, cept anld small remains]. (A, TA.) 11 and all (A, eains]. TA . (AO, S, Msb,*) aor. :, (M, Msb, 15,) inf. n. that their k ible is torardsthe place wvhence blos .,it,: Bseeo ,, : and see also .,. : (S,M, .K) and .. ; and 3 (M,K,) M, the [soutlt, or southerly, nind called] wj.: ,, (MV, 15,) applied to a camel, (.,) naor. , (TA,) inf. n. 6o~ ; (Cg; [but not in the (Lthl, T, TA:) [or] nhosve tibleh isfrom (f.! [or toam a (M) , TA nor in my MS. copy of the .] ;) tile this may mean some point of]) the place wrhence Thick, or big, . . from his . religionm .. T(icM,,or biT, and and strongf; stron; AS as also 'also _ . departed to another religion; blo'sX the [north, or northerly, rind callted] J , (M, ]g, TA, in the C .K .. ,) so applied; (S, M, M.b, K ;) like as the stars come forthl from at midday: (M, 15 :) or, accord. to some, their (M;) and * , (.K,) likewise so applied. tliheir place of rising. (AO, S.) And I', (S,) iblech i.s the kaabeh: (MF:) and they assert that (TA.) o,r , ,)l -)L,.&, aor * in. n. they are of tlc religion !f Noah, (Lth, T, M, ]g,) o r , r inf. n. S.>o, (T, TA,) Ile ,,oa.t_: see what next precedes. _- Also, was, or became, a Cl; [or Sabian]. (T, S, TA. lyinyly: (Lth, T, M:) in the R it is said that they are thlus called in relation to S;ibi the son of applied to a [journey such as is termcd] '., [See e. , below.])_ And '... a, (S, M,) Lamak [or Lamech], dithe ,rother of Noah: Bd Hard, or severe: (M, TA:) and, applied to a , , , ** a -~ - aor. in. . an I. says, it is sail that they are wvJrshitppers of the [journey such as is temed] .(, q*.. in. a , ie canef'rth. q a u]rne them; (S, M;) as also t t.l: (M:) and ayebls: and it is said that they are wtorsiplpers of Iupon (A,, ,1) and t i. e., in whsich is no ti stdars: and that their appellation is Arabic; del,s,, or intermisiaon, nor any .flaging. (As, accord. to IAr, 4l ".he came forth, or went TA.) _ And A.1 ;1 also signifies Wllhat re- forth, uln himin, or against him: and he inclincdl from L "hliedeparted from a religion ;" or from maains of the thing: or wvhat is poured out from against him nwith enmity: (TA:) or he canme, or .t " Ie inclined," because of their inclining from it; (15, TA;) i. c., from the thing; by which is came forth, upon him unexpectedly: whence, he truth to ilschooed. (MF, TA.) here said to be meant the water-skin or milk-skin. says, the word L. in the saying of the Prophet, (TA.) L .jt,I 1;:S; t~ [which see in art. .,'.,] *r ,_ se -a the said word being of the measure ,;, [origin1. , (S, Mgh, TA,) nor. , (Mgh, TA,) . : see .,~,.. ally ~,] and the . being suppressed: (L in art. inf. n. (S, TA;) and t n , (1S, TA,) ,' [app. a dial. var. of,,'1], an epithet :) and t?,1, signifies he came upon tihn inf. n. (TA;) lie gare himn to drink a applied to tho month .j: (TA in art. :)suddednly, not luaring hnouvlefde of their place. 41 , . ; ., . 0It. see.~,/.. (1.) . One says also, j j ,,.,c .:, (M,* ].,) mnorning-draught, or what is termed a 5i; (8,


Mggh, , TA;) [and] so 1 . .: (MA:) (TA ;) lie and the first [and second also] he handed to himn out or forth, from a river into another river or guided to them (M, K) the enemny: (] :) meninto the sea &c., or from a tank or a gutter &c., tioned by IAar, from AZ. (TA.) -_ And .. Ai a nmrning-drauht of milk or aof wine. (TA.) .a a .. .5. 4, And J ~., nor. and inf. n. ns above, He and from high ground into a valley (see a.Lb); t v I yj t ;. tla dJI. Food as presented to. [~ A place where nwater, or the like, ru nor., inf. n.


(M ;) as also ;

and a sink, or aink-hole: pl. OLW. (occurring in hlim, and he did not put (M, J') his hand (M) the ; and ]g in art. j;ij, &c.).] or hli finger (, 1 . 1K) into it, or upon it: (M,
' [. ., accord. to Reiske, signifiesAi s.i K: [se also -]) mentioned by IAr. (M.) so 1 says Freytag: but for this I find no au- And Xl ) y, nor. , IIe [app. a camel]


put his head into the food: as also &/. ac:;: e see Srst ,sentence. irst sentence. f' artL &.) And tB ti..oe ; Ier head into it]; like *..

(0 in

[or &, Slhe put (TA in that art.)

1. y, ($ M, V,) aor. ', (M, 1.,) inf. n. o..?, (, M, 1g, [in the last of which it is implied that 1 Lthiis verb in all its senses except the Inst has : also for an inf. n., and likewise as a asyn. 1 Looas syn. rorm, but this I do not find authorized by any 1 4 other lexicon,]) said of the tush (8, M, 15) of a camel (8, M) and of a cloven-hoofed animal and 0 of a solid-hoofed animal, (M,) and said of a 0 0 eloven hoof, (1g, [but this, I doubt not, is a 1 mistake, for in the place of 11it JI t , the

4: see thie preceding paragraph, in six places.

t [part. n. of Ly: and as such signifying] One who d(leparts from his religion to anotlher religion. (Msb.) The Arabs used to call the Propet 1 [for JI], because he departed Prpit&,,9.ibcue edpre from the religion of lureysh to El-Islfim; and , him who entered the religion of El-Islim, ~ ' ', changing the, to ; and dithe Muslims [collec[in the C]g (erroneously) tively], .te., as though pl. of i.t.l, without , aor.', inf. n. like and I1i pls. of ?'i and jlf. (TA.) L:] and ;, [He, or it, wras of the colour 1 rcad(ing in the 15, I find in the M 1 J It ,.A Y And [the pl.] ,6 1,JI in the ]5ur [v. 73, &c.,] is ermed ; meaning as expl. below: or] it 1.11 JIj l, and the like in the L,]) It grew said by Zj to mean 7Those who depart from one ( lhair) had whiteness naturally intermixed in it g forth; (M, 1 ;) or it point, or extremity, grew religion to another. (TA.) _- Then this appella- vith redness; as also t etl, (1, TA,) inf. n.

rsatered the catels in tht morning, between daybreak and sunrise. (TA.) - And both are said respecting a ;it [meaning t lie made a lwstile, or predlatory, incursion ripon him in the morning; as thoughl he made the ;.t to be to him a morning-draught: see .]. (Hiam p. 6G.)_. [And accord. to Reiske, ns stated by Freytag, C.~ signtifies lie drank in the early morning: but I think that Reiske may have assigned to it this mcaning from his having found the pass. form of the verb, not distinguished as such, used in a case in which it might be supposed to signify thus.]. - Sec also 2, in five places. as in inf. n. [of which the verb is ' accord. to a gencral rule] signifies The being satiated, or having tihe thirst quenclhd, by a morpning-draught, or wthat is termed a . (L.)And ~,



(TA.) -


, aor.', inf. n. h;, they say, .. (T, L.) - [Hence,] (Msb. [Thus in my copy of tilh Mb, [i. e. last but probably a mistranscription, for the former is [q. v.,] lie asw, or became, beautiful, comely, ,, He awoke from deep in the j. pretty, or elegant; (S, A, K, TA;) as some say, third, or last sixth,] of the nig/ht. (A, TA.) the verb well known in this sense, and is not in peculiarly in the face: (TA:) or he wras, or be. [And simply lie atwoke: for] one says to the that copy.]) It is said in a traUd., 1 ~ W I' came, bright (Msb, TA) in thile face. (Msb.) sleeper, .i, meaning ?Awake thou from sleep. [IWe hate not a child that drinks a morningdraughlt]; meaning we have not as much milk as (A, TA.) And one says also, j.; C Uol, g1. ,., (8,) or', (s,) inf n. a child may drink in thile early morning, in conse(TA,) He came to him, or to them, in the morn meaning IBecome rousel, 0 man, (A, K,* TA,) from thy heedleassre or inadvertence, (A, TA,) quence of the drought. (TA.) - And i. q. .:j.l ing, in thetie t rmed the Ct ; (S, K ;) as also and see thy right course, (1., TA,) and rvhat nwill [as meaning lie lighlted a lamp or wick, or him[t '~-.- , or] .,a, o,aor. : (15:) the teshdeed rectify thy state. (TA.) And 9J :' [Be- self or another with a lamp &c.]; (1K, TA ;) and in the former does not imply muchness, or fre. ~..1 (A, TA) [in the former sense], as in come morning, 0 nightl a prov.: (Mevd, A, so quency: (S:) and ,l;i1 . "andv .. TA:) said in a distrcssing night, that is long by the plrase L.L. r~ol [he lighted a lamp or The horsemen came to them at daybreak, at tle reason of evil. (Meyd. [See Freytag's Arab. wvick] ; (A;) and .ol alone has this meclling, time termed the (TA:) but Aboo-'Adnmin Prov., i. 727.])_ [Also lie, or it, became in says that there is a differenco between a .,1 (TA, from a trad.) [But it is and the morning in any Irrticular state or conzditioni: i. e. 4. in this sense, and in that next following, an in- used often in the latter sense:] one says, .11 ' t? ; which is this: you say, lS ";t , [We came in the mtorning to such a town, or complete, i. e. a non-attributive, verb.]And 'C-h~ L Candles are of the things with [hence, simply,] Le, or it, becamc; syn. ;L. country], and 6t'j i-~a. [ We came in tihe wnhich one lights [him.seff, or others]; syn. : morning to such a one], with teshdeed; and (S, 1.) One says, ~ 1Ire became knon, .. ,, s , , S (S:) [and in like manner t 3; for] one says, 5 I.S t * L.-,e or ,l [We came in ithe 1U morn- ing, orlearned. (S, TA.) Thus, I,, '.,1li & [Ire ligrts himsecf, or others, ing to its p ,eope, or inhtabitants, with good or nith in the Kur lxi. last verse, means And the!y becrame tj1 l C evil, withlout teshdeed; as though we made the victorious. (Bd.) And ~, in 7rith candles]: (A:) [and in like manner also good or the evil to be a morning-drallghlt, or C,.iI; for] one says, .;~LI 1 (S, putting the second of the nouns following the the Kur xviii. 40, [Anil he became in a .state,or verb in the accus. case because of . suppressed]: comlition, in which ie turned otver hi hands; MA, Mgh, Mbb, *) I1e lightled [himsef, or another,] with the lamp, or wrich; (MA;) syn. you say also, IA . .; and you may also say, i. e.] and he became repentant, or grieved for mlwat he had done. (A in art. ,j, and Bd.) yl; (S;) or !: (g:) [henec it appears I,;.S ' -, as well as .iS ',-;; lle came to And GILZe 5 : UI.l., in the I.ur that a4 1 I and 4 t c. l' and ,at ' him in the morning with such a thing. (L.)_ xlvi. 24, i. e. [And tltey became] in a condition may be aptly rendered he emn#oyjedijt as a mean. And ~ i ;.: ($,* A, My') or '1 such tluat, if thou wert present in their country, of light; and thus the second of theoi hree verbs, (TA) t [May God visit thee in the mrtnning wtith thou not see awuht save thilir dwellingis expl. in treatises on practical law :] one says good, or Iood fortune, or happines; or make 1pal. [lie emnployed oil as a thee to be in, or during, the morning attended places; or, as Hamzoh and Ks read, ?1 L.' ' also, ,sJA t witlh good, &c.; i. e. make thy morning good, or .,.;SI [thlere was not to be xcen anght save their means of liglht; or] he mnade the lamp. or wnick, to happy; or grant thee a good, or happy, morn- dnciling-plac]. (Bd.) [l.i. c~ i is of give lighlt by means tf oil: (Mghl, Msb:) and it ing]: a prayer for the person thus addressed, frequent occurrence, meaning .le became occu- is said in a trad. respecting the several sorts of (Myb.) - And I said to him 1. s pied, or engaged, in doing sucwh a thing; he betook, fat (...) of carrion, ,LI l; t v c: The set, or a)plied, himself to doing such a thing; set [expl. below, see ?.t]; (S;) and ,o~ he mid about, or commenced, doing such a thing; or people [enploy them as means qf light; or] make to them la.t .: (K :) or ;, o means Isaid began to do such a thi:g.] - [Also lie per- their lamnps, or 7icks, to give light by means of fornmed the prayer of daybreak.] It is said in a them. (TA.) to him 4. i:..t [expl. above]. (M:b.) 10: see the next preceding paragraph, in four trad., -- l ,.o1, meaning Perform ye the See also 1, first sentence. - [Ilence,] "_.o places. ;Wl .. jlt, inf. n. as above, I journeyed with the Irrayerof daybreak in the tinne of da!/brcah. (L.) peope, or party, by night until I brought them - See also 8. - Also lie acted gently. (TA in 11: see 1, last sentence but one. art. o3j!: see an ex. in a verse cited voco e b.) in the morning to tlhe water. (v5.) ;,O ($, A, Mob, .5, &c.) and t (Mlb, .sl Ile trimmed a lamp, or wnick; j,t lj' I Such a one declared, or told clearly, == L.A.a c to me the truth; syn. h-*..O. (A, TA. [See or prepared it properly for use. (TA.) - See, 1.) and V ta (Msb,* 1) and t ol and t-o.,])l _I~ again, 8. . as a subst., see below. l as a subst., see , in two .. (1 [or perhaps the last should be , places. q. v.]) Daybreak, or dawn; syn. .; (S, A, 4. col lle entered upon the time of morning 5. lle slept in tlh morning; or first Msb), K;) i. e. (so in the Myb, but in the 1K termed '. [which means both dawn and forepart of day, before sunrise. (S, M.b, 1.)- "or") the beginning, orfirst part, of day: (M.b, noon]: (S,* Msb: [in the former this meaning is :) ; J is an inf. n. [inf. n. of ] used And lie ate such food as is termed a ;. indicated, hut not exp)ressed:]) or he entered upon in the sense of ~., in the .Kur vi. 96, (Jcel,) and S the time of dayibreak, or dawn, the tine termed (1I, TA.) It is said in a trad., ' . [lIe wvho eats as a & seven dates is similar to;lCe; (TA ;) [and (L, j..) By the following words of Esh- - t.o j. ' is then, of place and time from Shemmikh, :] the pl. of P is of the sort called .]. (TA.) = See also 8, in two places. .l..l; (1K;) and thls some read in the Kur vi. 06.




A i

And '.. ; ~ -c:. -I ') '""





is meant, [And the saying of the crier is,] The people, or party, have nearly entered upon the time of dawn: proecute the night-journey: for the Arabs, when they have nearly arrived at a place which they desire to reach, say, L"'; ,1 ; and when travellers are near the time of dayBk. I.

tol. One says, J * ' and "A.. t" [Such a one (Bd.) See also affects to be beautfiul, comely, pretty, or elegant: 1 -. . and L. ..t , ($, ,) meaning [I the latter verb is here added as an explicative of came to him] in the morning (C ) [of the last] the former: see (A, TA.) of fiec days; (15;) i c, of a fiJh day; (T.K;) 8. ,..1l He drank a morning-draughkt, or [or rather, of a .fifth night, as the last word is what .i te~med a .sa ; (S, K, TA;) [and] so fem,;] like as one says, ..i . u.. (S.)_207

6. .,L


is and 1642 A1 is also used as meaning t The truth; and clear, or plain, thing or case. (Ham p. 449.) - And w.. (C,. TA.) , is one of the names of Mekkch. with a people near by; and by his means found their way to them, and exterminated 1them: (IAqr, TA:) or the prov. is i 4.I.l
1night 1they 1

jb More lying than the young un-

: see the next preceding paragraph. - Also The glistening of iron (g, TA) and of other things. (TA.)
see ,,..


: see the next paragraph, in three places. _-Also A watering of camels in the morning, or first part of day, before sunrise: which is not esteemed by the Arabs wholesome: the time approved by them for watering is when the sun is near the meridian. (TA.) The early part of the forenoon, after u..; asabo * '-. .(M;b:) or sunrie;syn. [which the period of one's entering upon the C: saying, so in the means both dawn andforenoon]: - . _ ziJ [I net him when he was entering umon the damn or forenoon]. (TA.) - And A dleep in the morm , or first part of day, before ;) or both signify ( , sunrise; as alsoT ; a s~pin the -_ [expl. above]; (A;) but the latter is by some disapproved: such sleep is forbidden in a trad., because it is in a time for the commemoration of the praises of God and then for seeking gaia. (TA.) One says, AZ; ",,

camel that has satisfied its thirst with [its mother's milk in the morning]; which [seems to be thirsty but] will not drink of iits mother's milk when one desires it to do so: 1 (IAqr, Sh, TA:) or, acord. to Fr, than theyoung unxveaned camel that is affected with indigestion, drinking much from C47WAntruj of tim the JLUTY&UUFA, stomach, jrurr& or [~-tnf~ heaviness (Y ur IF&Mfo milk, and therefore craves for milk again. (Meyd. [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov.: he seems to have followed a faulty text.]) -_ Also the fern., ' 0' J~ u.~. A she-camel that has been milked [app. in the morning]. (Meyd, in his Proverbs, under the . ,. the letter We; and TA.) ~ See also
i weaned 1 drinking

[Boot I. a manner,.m )therwise otherwise than adverbially, meaning the same as the Arabs, allowable p c 11, 1i,expl.above; (1:;) and t ':41" i,6 in !he the morning, prefix or first part of day, .before smim: rise: (IAa:r, TA:) or * 7 I [properly means] Li inahim time of drinking the [morning-draughtcaged] 43 1y tI . p.j~.. (TA.) And



A man wvho hasten to tahe the mornX as A iwj-drau.qht, or what is termed the o. (I..) ing-draught, *l.:
see see &._ AIso (M,b) Contr. of

[Such a one sle in the firt part of day, before unris]. (g.) - And
A-A1 and

i..t *

Food with which one contents, or diverts, himnlf [soas to allay the craving of his stomach],in the morni or first part of day, beore munris. Also (Suh, $, TA,) (g.) _ See also ,. -

, (Lth, g, TA,) [each said in one place and * in the V to be an inf n. of which the verb is ,] ilace~ss incning to redness: (1:) or in the hair: (Lth, TA )or a colour re~ int incining to that which is tmed .: (, TA:) (Lth,* g,*TA:) or or nearly the same as 4: a coour inclining to that termed aV: (, that is not clear, or pure; so TA:) or white~n the former is expl. by Suh. (TA. [See also

(S,) [and [ fC., (S, A, Mqb,) and so 9, (as in a phrase followring in this parat a." a."; graph), , (see this last word,)] i. e. graph), and * M~ Morning, or forenoon, counted fromn sunrise to noon: noon: (Mb and TA in art. _~ :) or, accord. to some,fmm some,from midnight to noon: (TA in art. ~. :) or, or, accord. to the Arabs, from the beginning of tho the latter half of the night to the time when the wn sun dec~ from the meridian; then commences the the .t1_, extending to the end of the former half of of the night; thus expl. by Th; so says El-Jawileekee. The Arabs say, when they leeee. (Myb.) regard regard a man, &c., as ominous of evil, tl;; Ab'-t[God's [ mods orning: not thty morning] -i 1 and if you will, you may say, ; s) lC o.

(Lb, TA.) And t.t. _c (s,) or i. Qg,) (g,) lit. imperative, but meaning a prayer, i. e. May thy lif, or your lif, be pleaant during the m^ing, and morning, (1lar p. 32, and TA in arts. ., ,.&3j ,,.j,)is a salutation of the people of the Time .RJ of Ignomnoe. (TA.) One says also, -( i, Ignorance.


mine or came to his in the dawn, or in the morning, 'A5 :) latter is f= fornoon, of such a day]: (A:) and i,., ,d,d j' every day]; and in oY [in te ~moring the . , .6 6, 0, k like like d *l.- (S.) And a 1I , like manner,. 5 .(Sb, A, TA,) for :t.. l_, [Icame ,i ., (b, .0 to him morning and erening,] meaning every morning morning and evening: (Sharl.i esh-Shludhoor, p. 31 31:) the two nouns are thus constructed 111 11 by some of the Arabs, after the manncr of j.P. - : but of some some some prefix the former noun to the other, putting the lattcr in the gen. case, except when the expression is used as a denotativo of state, or ad. verbially: verbially: (TA:) [or, accord. to IHsh,] L.* 111 I.L_ i._ is allowable as [an adverbial expression] meaning meaning ; 1t l; t. [lit. ina morning haring an an evening, or in a forenoon having an aflern~ ]; and a similar instance occurs in the Vur, ch. lxxix. last verse. (Sharh. esh-Shudhoor, ubi a.-6 'a a .96. supr-l.) supr.l.) l .o means : The day of t supr'.) hostile, hostile, or predatory,incursion. (S, A, ].) The Arabs, Arabs, when suddenly attacked in the morning by 1 Q.4 by a troop of horsemen, cry aloud, : t t [0 ! a hostile, or predatory, incurion!]; warning ing the whole tribe: (TA:) this is said by him who who calls for aid: (JM :) for they generally made a a hostile, or predatory, incursion in the morning: (TA, (TA, JM:) or, as some say, the two conflicting parties parties partics used, when nighlt came, to abstain; and when when day returned, they recommenced; so that the the case is as though he who said thus meant, The The time of the ctL [or morning] has coipe, therefore therefore prepare yourselves for fighting. (JM.)


The The

of a L- [or lighted wick] 33

t W.] lAnd . q.

or [or lamp]. (J.)[See also q. v. (K


and E l;1, (S,) or 1. "1, (1g,) which t7 t A morning draughtt; i. e. a draught, ' [i. e. t I] is only used adverbially, (Sb, S, C3-0 CY-110 drink, ]g,) ],) except in the dial. of Khath'am, (Sb, ;,) drink, or potation, that is drunk in the mornug, ~.,I]) meaning [I met him, or I came to him,] in a or or first part of day, before sunris, (g, A, Mgb, a mornivdrunk has who man A TA,) and aftervards, befire noon; (TA;) ,4~ morning, * morning, [or] betwmen daybreak and snrise: TA,) draught, or what is termed a C ' ; (TA;) or (V:) the following verse (S, TA) by Anas Ibn- contr. contr. of 3js.: (%, A :) and whatever isu eaten, or drunk, in the morning, or frst part of day, ha done so, and satisfied his thAirst thereby: Nuheyk, of Khath'am, (TA,) or, as some say, or rvAwho by Iyas Ibn-Mudrikeh El.ganafee, (so in a marg. before before sunrise; contr. of jgd;: (TA:) [and (Aboo-'Adnin, TA:) [in the ~ and 1] it is im- .by particularly] milk that is drunk at that time: , q v. :] fern. note in a copy of the $,) presents an exception to particularly] plied that it is syn. with fi (AHeyth, the adverbial usage: (AHeyth, L:) milk, or wvine, that it drunk at titat :~.~,; (8, TA.) Hence the prov., > .,.,l that timne: or what is drunk at that time hot: 11 L1?Q4i J.&dl (Aboo-'Adnhn, 1, TA) More (L:) (L:) milk that is milked at that time : (] :) and ** I *v_d i;FX v_d I_a_ .5 fl a , - * J J.1 lying than the captivew who had satis.fied his thirst ,01;1 ,.st;S ,.71 [i. e. beverage, or wine,l that p~ople Aae, wMith a morningdraught: (Aboo-'Adnan, TA:) (1, (1, in the morning: (, (g, TA,) and drink, (TA,) J_ the person thus alluded to was a man who was (S, TA:) ' (TA.) if C TA:) pl. Cil TA:) the poet means, I determined to stay TA:) among a people that gave him a morning-draught, until until the time of the tLm [i. e. either danwn or thou thou make a delicate allusion to a monigafter which he arose and quitted them, and was draught?] forewon] of some particular for it is on account forenoon]: draught?] is a prov., [the origin of which is expl. taken by another people, who said to him, in thing, or some praisesome good quality, i. e. in art. 0j, q. v.,] applied to him who speaks "Guide us to the place where thou wast;" to worthy weho become obscurely, that he is made a chief thing, obscurely, not plainly; and to him who alludes which he replied, "I have passed the night in a ambiguously this verse. explains Ibn-Es-Seerlfee chief: thus ambiguously to some great thing or affair; and to the bare desert :" but presently he sat down to liim Lhim who by blandishing expressions makes a (TA.) not used IS 1 , V ? ' one says, And make water, so they knew that he had passed the 1

q. v. (Ks,


BOox I.] thing incumbent on thee which is not really so. (TA.) - See also tc:, in three places.Acceord. to Lth, it signifies [absolutely] Wine. (T, TA.)And The quantity of milk of a camel that is drawn at damn, or in the first part of day; and so t ; . (TA.) Also A shecamel that is milked at damwn, or in the forenoon, (L4, Al{eyth, ]1,) or in the morning, or first part ofday, before sunrise; and so with 3. (1i.) true dawn inclines a little to redness. (TA.) [Hence, because of his colour,] a1 signifies The lion. (s.) In the phrase ~ ~1, the epithet is added as a corroborative. (Z, TA.)_ And the fern., . signifies A female conspicuous, or clear, orfair,in thte [or side of tli forehead]. (TA.)

164 (?, TA,) until the ns uas ri~n h/gh, (, g, TA,) by eason of her strength (l, TA) and her fatnm: (TA:) the quality thus described is approved: (A, S,TA:) and such a she-camel is also termed 't .Z: pl. of the former as above. (TA.) - And A wide spear-head; (1, TA;) [app. of such ao aretermed 3l, Ltt ;] as also *.. (TA.)

ol~. A whip: (S, K:) and at Lye L:. Drinking a morning-draught, or what certain whips: (AO, S, TA:) so called in relation 54' (8, A, Mgl,, Msb, ) and tD ; (as, (S, J [Se also ,i; fist to ~..1 3S, one of the Kings of El-Yemen, (AO, is termed .a s,J0)and t and Vt -s. (O1)Bea,tiful, sentence.]) comely, (,9, A, M,gh, ],) rwetty, or elegant; (S, $, , TA,) of Ilimyer. (TA.) A, g;) as pome say, peculiarly in the face; l.: asee ~.e, in two places... It is said to (TA;) or applied to the face: (A:) or bright signify also Darkness; contr. of which is (Mqb, TA) in the face: (Mb :) the first is expl. L o~., aor. , ($, M, A, 1,) inf. n. '. , (M, its primary signification: and accord. to Esh- g,) He confined him; held him in custody; h)y Lth as signifying fair of face: fcm. "~ detained, retained, restrained, or withheld, him, and avLi: ll the pl. of C and El;, and Shereeshee, rednas of the hair. (Har p. 284.) or it; (, M, A, g;) fi, it. (M, A, g.) of their fems. here mentioned, is 5%. (L. m~.ol": see tCl, in two places. [Accord. to a copy of the A, Vt . signifies the TA.) * The norning meal, thuat is eaten between same; but this may be a mistranscription. Hence,]l ; , I restrained, or withheld, aaA...e leanty, comelinem, prettine.s, or le- daybreak and sunric; syn. r: (A, ]:) a myse/f, or nmy soul; (S, Mgh;) 1J. [to ganre; (, A, 1g ;) as some say, peeuliarly in the subst. of the measure J0 i;, (], TA,) similar to endure such a thing]. (Mgh.) 'Antarah says, face: (TA :) or in the fliec: (Msb :) it .cj &c.: pl. L.P (A, TA.) One says, mentioning a battle in which he was engaged, is said fllit a..L is in thle fice; ;'uj, in the of ~ -'. askin; Jlt., in the nose; ', in the eye; ..,...>$a3 J>w3l J! wj ) [IIe broniht near to ~'a,, in the nmoumtlh; o., in the tongue; the guNests, or put before them, their early morn- * 5'" "'. i" '' ''! ' aiL.;, in the staturtre; ;ii, in the qlulities of the ing-meas]. (A, TA.) mind; un,l that the comnlletion ,f'b,,anty is in the t,L LA _ [i. e. And I restrained ", ($, Mob, and some copies of the ,) meaning hair. (L, TA.) [See 1, last sentence.] thereat a soul patient and ingenuous, that is firm formed from the unaugmented verb, (I, Msb,) wven the soul of the coward yearns: the last !, a.: see : and .Lo,in two places. and 1 ($, Msb, .K,) formed from the augword (for ) I have here rendered on the ; 5 ... J,,t,,,hely red ,l,eood: (1., TA:) from mented verb ~.ol, ($, Msb,) The place of enter supposition that the poet describes the soul of the 5o silgifying one " whose hair is overspread ing upon the time of morning caled Ct: and coward as one that is yearning for home]. (S.) the time of entering upon the same: (S, Msb, ](:) with redness."' (TA.) _-. '' [And hlence,] [ 1'ide W is also used intransitively: or the former signifies i. q. , alnd the time (Msb :) [or as a trans. verb of which the objective s;pr-hrewds. (K, TA. [In thle CK the latter word is willhoult tehdeee'd.]) lSd says, I know not the thereof, and the place titereof. (Marg. note in a complement, namely, ... L, is understood:] you person or tliing in relation whereto they are thus copy of the S.) See also :o. say, , nor. and inf. n. as above, (S, M, Mgb, called. (TA.) [See also ] . se the next preceding paragraph: and .K,) lie was, or became patient, or enduring; contr. of t.$: (M, ]C:) or he restrained, or Lt. o: see c sec also ~, in two places. withheld, himself, or his soul, from itlmatience: (S, Msb :) or he restrained,or withheld, himself, [O;erin.q to drink a morning-draught,or ~. : see the paragraph here following, in or his soul, from impatience, and his tongue from ;ha!t is termne'd a ~ .: act. lart. n. of 1, q. v.: four places. complaint, and his mrember from broil: or, see also Il.imn p. (6. And] One nwho waters his ( :% A lamp: or its lighted ivick: syn. accord. to Dhu-n-Noon, he mhunned acts of oppocamneLs in the snorning, between day-break and sition, and was calm in suffiring the pangs of menrise. (TA. [See .]) _ And t One who lj..: (.S, :) the latter is the proper meaning ajflictions, and made a sUhw of competence in a malhs a ,ostile, or prctledatory, incursion upon a (L) [thoughl not the more usual], and is the mean- state of protracted poverty in placas where the people in the uorning; as thoughl lie made it to ing intended in the .Knr xxiv. 35, (Bd, L, Jel,) ncwata of subsistence were found: or, as some say, be to them a "1.. (.am p. O) el_ (Bd :) and he endured trial, or afdli'tion, nwith good manners: .O j1 I' or a large, bright, or briUiant, C,: or he was contented in trial, or qfafiction, witlout I The ilain, Mnanif t, clear, truth. (J,* TA.) '. significs a lamp: (L:) [the pl. of this is how of conplaint: or he constrained hinmelf to




(Mb.) attempt things that he didiked: or, accord. to 'Amr Ibn-'Othmin, he maintainedconstancy with (]-:) or having redness intermixed in his blach _,ja:Jl G;a.. means 5AS 1 . k1 [i. c. God, and received his trials with an unstraitened hair: (Sh, TA:) or wl~se hair, or beard, has a mind: or, accord. to El-Khowwfq, he steadily red hue orersqreadingit: (Aboo-Nasr, Sh, TA:) t The stars, or asterism, that are signs of the n,ay to travellers]. (L, TA.) - Also A large [drinh- adhered to the statutes of the AKur-dn and the or having hair intensely red: (TA:) it is nearly ig-es:l of the hind caUed] ; (AHn,g;) Sunneh: or, as some say, he was content to the same as $e1: (Lth, :) and is an epithet etrish for gaining the approval of himn iwhom he (1(:) or [the pl. of the applied to a man and to a lion: (S :) and to hair and sot : lored: or, accord. to El-.gareerce, he made no as meaning having whiteness naturally intermixed former] signifies the [eels called] CloJ [pl. of di.#~rencs between a state of eas, comfort, and in it witht redne.; (.K, TA;) of whatever kind t j] with which one drinks the morning-draught afftuence, and a state of affliction; preserring it be: (TA:) fern. t4;: (]K:) and pl. .: caled . (S.) - And A she-camel that re- calmness of mind in both states: (B:) and you (TA:) and hence [accord. to some] t V _I mean- mains in the morning in the place where she has also say t:L I, (., M, Msb, K],) and t', (S, ing "the dawn ;" for, as Az says, the colour of the lain down, (S, 1,, TA,) not goingforth topasture, M, ], TA, [in the CKP, erroneously, .t,]) 1 207'

5.1 , Of a black colour inclnining to redness:

and] the pl. of


1644 clianging the h into we, but not;) l!, for e is not to be incorporated into b; (.;) and likewise tj,s; (M,15;) both syn. with.j.:,; (M;) or tj.i signifies h constrainedhimulf to be patient; (8, TA;) [or he took patience: and t1Jl, he acquiredpati~nce; and he was tried with patience: 0 -1 J -! ?~ mee ..] One says, z;.1 ' . Such a one was patient on the occasion of affliction. swore, or took an oath, being confined, or held in custody, (., M,) by the judge, or governor, (M,) in order that he might be made to do so. (., M.) '. H.e rswore, or took an oath: (TA And in art. :) and he compelled one to take an oath. (Mgh.) - See also 2. - Also He clave to him; namely, a man; syn. Afi. (M, .)

[Boox I. themselvs in doing the deeds of th people of tie fire [of Hell] I (1:) this last explanation is in the Tekmileh. (TA.) 9,,1 also signifies Re (the judge, A, TA, or the Sultn, El-A~mnr, TA) retaliated for him. (El-Almar, A, TA. [See 8.]) _'..! [intrans.] It (a thing) was, or became, hard; syn. i:1. (A. [See. .])

, (.K, TA,) . p , (S, [thus in my copies, He fell into what is termnd &Z*: see 8.- _e , or 4 ;,J ,' (M, any complement,]) without i. e. a calamity: and he became in rwhat is termd of, (.0) And L;,. [I as patient Of' or I endured with patience, or bore with, whtat Mqb, ;,) aor. ', inf. n. j,~ (M , M,b, 9) tv (TA.) _ lie sat upon the _t, ; i.e. a ;.. Al I m- ,e.(S, Mb, M;., ,) I became reponsible, or and t~ L .j [I endured I diie]. (A.) And e~, (15, TA,) i. e. the mountain. (TA.) - It with patiece the withholding of myjdf, or the surety, for him, or it. (S, M, M,b, ]L)-- And (milk) was, or became, vry sour, inclining to being debarred, from what I love, or like; or I ~;'> Give thou to me a suety. ($, 1s.)- [the Jlavour of .', i. e.] bitterness. (1.)was patient of the los, or want, of what I love, l/e, (so in the C:, [agreeably with lie ate the ;'~', (IAer, K,) i. e. the thin, round or lie]: (A:) and V j*.a3 [I conmtrained an explanation of the pass. part. n. j., q. v.,]) cake of bread so called. (TA.) _ And Be myself to endure with patience the nwithholding or't -oq , (so in the M, and in my MS. copy of stopped the head oa jflas, or bottkl, with a~., myself, or the being debarred, from it, or him; the 1[, [both probably correct,]) They collected (1g, TA,) i. e. a stopper. (TA.) or I constrained myelf to be patient of the loe, their wheat togetler wvithout measuring or weiJhor want, of it, or him]. (L, voce .i4.) And ing it; made it a -; [q. v.]. (M,].) 5: see 1, near the middle of the paragraph, in four places. ".JI .I J..; [The mot ezceent kind of lnesef to be patient]: patience i the contraintof o , ." J --aaying of 'Omar. (IAXr.) And - 'Y :.i ?AI LS t [ My body will not be patent of cold, or wiU not endure patiently cold]. (A.) And ~o signifies also The being bold or daring [in enduring, or attempting, a thing]. (TA.) - Also ile made him, or it,firm, or fast; or bound, or tied, him, or it, firmly, or fast. (TA.) [Hence,] ;;1 ,is p" , inf. n. as above, He confind him, namely, a man, and other than man, [mwith bonds or other~,] (15, TA,) alive, (TA,) and shot, or cast, at him until he died: (V, TA:) or he st him up for ldaughter: (M:) and you say J; (, M, Mqb, ;) and 9'; also, j, meaning he conf~ied him (i. e. a man) to die, until he died; and in like manner you say V O';~1 (.8;) which latter signifies also he sew him in retaliation. (T in art. 1>.) And He (i. e. any living thing) was confined alive, and then swt at, or cast at, until he rwas put to death: (. :) or hie (any living thing) was bound until he was put to death: (Mb :) or he (a man) was bound hand and foot, or held by anotler man, until he asu beheaded: (Mgh:) or he wvas dain [deliberately,] not on the field of battle, nor in war or fight, nor by mistake: (A'Obeyd:) and . he was confined, (A,) or held and confined, (B,) to be put to death. (A, B.) C'" .. [signifies TIh confining the living, and shooting, or casting, at him until he dis; as is shown in the TA: but it] occurs in a trad., in which it is forbidden, as meaning the act of gelding, or castrating. (A, TA.) - Also, (e, M9b,) aor. and inf. n. as above. (Mqb,) lHe confined him to make him smear, uttil hl owore, or took an oath; as also tp.i1s: (fi:) or he made him to wear a most .. , (A, nerm.getic oath; (Myb;) as also & Mgh,) which is a tropical phrase: (A:) and t o, , (TA in art. CJ.,) or V ,D (TA in the present art.,) he (the judge, or governor,) constrained him to svear, or takhe an He was confined, or held oath. (TA.) AndjoI in cutody, in order that he might be made to


;;, (M, Msb, g,) inf. n. e,


He urged him, or made him, to be patient, by a promise of reward: or he said to him, Be thou he made him to be patient: patient: and t (MUb:) or the former, he commanded him, or enjoined him, to be patient; as also * *11: (M, ]:) and the first, he required of him that he should be patient: ($gh, TA:) and t ,ol he

6.. Lt; [relating to a number of persons] sig nifies The being patient, or enduring, one with They wem another. (KL.) [You say, llt patient, or enduring, one with another.]_And ;J 5 LI>W o3 They leagued together, and ~ch a one. (Ibnaided one another, agat Buzurj, TA in art. jL.) 8. ;bo!, and its var. .t: see 1, former half

attributed to him(' j-)

also V;& 1. (TA.)-

paticncs; (M,

;) as

See also 1, second sen-

tence. iA 1o: see 1, last sentence. *;JI Je., inf. n. as above, He heaped up the thing. (0.) -[y also signifies He embalmed a dead body with .o, meaning accord. to Freytag myrrh; but for this I know not any authority: he mentions the verb as occurring in this sense in "Hamak. Waked." p. 94, last line. ~ Also He ballsd a ship: used in this sense in the present day. See ;j,l.] 3. kILO, (A, MA,) inf. n. oLl (A, 1) and (1;,) [se vied with him in patienmc, or j;Y, endurance; as shown in what follows: or] he acted patiently rvit him: (MA:) bJJl. in the l5ur iii. last verse means Vie ye in patience, or endurance: (Ksh, Bd, Jel :*) or in this instance, Ilojl ', the three in the saying l14;; %l verbs are progressive in meaning; the first meaning less than the second; and the second, less than the third: or the meaning is, [be ye patient] with yourselves, and [vie ye in patience] woith your hearts in enduring trial with respect to God, and [remain ye steadfast] vith your minds in desire for God: or [be ye patient] rith respect to God, and [vie ye in patience] wvith Qod, and [remain ye steadfast] rwith God. (B, TA.) [See also S in art. sJa.]

. .l He retaliated by in three places. dlaying him, or woundingJ him, or the like; (A, (TA.)- [And acord. to ];) and so ?.,. * Reiske, It was colected: (mentioned by Freytag:) app. as quasi-pass. of 1 in the last of the 1: see 2. senses assigned to it above.] ~ .

10. :;l

It (a vapour, TA) became dene.

(g, TA. [Sce.0~'.]) R. Q. 1, accord. to the S, : see art.,

swear, or take an oath. (A.) And

, -


uas a simple S [inf. n. of 1, q. v. -Used subst.;] Patience, or endurunce; contr. of . : (M,1]:) or restraintofoneelf, or of one'ssoul,.[nn impatience. (S. [Several other explanations of this word arc shown by explanations of the verb.]) --. 1v 7ih month offasting: (K :) fsting ' because it is self-restraint from being called food and beverage and sexual intercourse. (TA, J.0': see 1.] from a trad.)_ [:.o Jw, and , _...... l 77 oath for which tihe judge, or governor, [in the C15 j,Jl is erroneously put for.,.JI,] holds one in custody until he wears it: (M, 1:) or the oath that is obligatory (1, TA) upon the searer, (TA,) and which the srearer it compelled to take, (Mgh, 1,) he being confined by the Sultdn until he do so: (Mgb, 4. .p~l: see 1, latter half, in four places: TA :) such an oath is also termed * ;` and see 2, in two places.~ [,~!. L, How (Mgh:) [i.e.] the term is applied to an oath, (S, 1I, TA,) meaning one on account o -. l L e. l t. patient, or enduring, is he!] .I wvhicl a man it confined, in order to make him [in the l5ur ii. 170] means How bold are they [to smear it; (TA; [and this seems to be indicated encounter thefire of Hell] I (g :) or how bold are and 1 ;]) but the man by the context in the . they to do the deeds of the people of the fire [of &, and not the oath, the latter is thus Hell] I (TA:) or hIon much do they occupy being

BOOK I.] termed tropically. (TA.)~See also* o.



.: see L] other beasts, compacted together in a watering- portion of cloud nwhich one sees as though it were
(M, Msb, 1)
trougLh (sC.) m - ~ _ , (so in a copy of the , (so in the ] and TA,) A M,) or *it e certain bird; (M, ]p;) red in the belly, black in the head and rings and tail, the rest of it being red; (M;) thus in the L; (TA;) or red in the belly, black in the back and head and tail; (v;) thus in the Tekmilch: (TA:) [but] AHit says, in "the Book of Birds," e,to 1I, which is [the same as] ?,.r;, ,, is [a bird] red in the belly, black in the head and rwings and tail, the rest of it being red, of the colour of j~: and the pl. is ;le and ; o (0.) 6; n, i. e. detained; but this explanation is of weak authority: or, accord. to Ain, clouds remaining stationary a day and a night; as though detained: (M:) or clouds in rthich are blackness and whiteness: or, as some say, clouds so,v in motion, by reason of their heavines and the abundanceof their water: (Iam p. 786:) the pl. ofjeo: is the same as the sing., (M,) or it is ~. (S, M, .) -. And ~, A mountain: (0,1 :) or :.Jtl is the name of a particular accord. to Freytag, as mountain. (TA.)-[And from'the 1], in which I do not find this meaning, A kill consisting of tones.] Also Je (15,) i. e. (TA) the o of a J;&1 [or table, or thing upon which one eats], (M, A, TA,) A thin, rord cake of bread, which is pread beneath the food thlat one eats: (M, A, ] :) or (15, TA, but in the C]5 "and") upon which the food to be eaten at a mddingfeast i ladled (J1, TA) by the maker of the lbread: (TA:) also called V j~.


(~, M, M9b, 0)and t.

The sideofa thing: (, M, .:) or a ide rising above the rest of a thing: (Mb :) or its upper part, or top: (TA:) and the edge of a thing: ($, M, ]K:) and its thicknmss: formed by transposition fiom *: (S:) pl. ;1, (, M, M9 b, ],) (M9 b.) ;t~ signifies The and pl. pi. ;t4. dides of a vessel, ($,) and of a grave. (TA.) And you say, Ho filled the drinking-cup, ($, M, lti J!' A, g,) and the measure, (A, TA,) (g, M, A, I,) to its top, (s, M, g,) u also j1 *tl.; ($;) or to iu uppermost parts; (TA;) or ; le took it to its eds. (A.) And :u altogther. (8, M, A, M9 b,* 1.) And #'JI i. ' t He met with complete distress, or advertly. (As, S.) And in a trad., the tree called is said to be Lj in the hyhest v;1J % the former, part of Paradise. (A, TA.) -Also

e~. A quantity collected together, of wheat [&c.], without being measured or weighed, (S,' M, Mqb,l 1,) heaped up: ITA:) pl. ,. (S, M9b.) You say, ;..i o,tl ,t I bought the thing without its being measured or weighed. (e, Myb.) - And Reapedgraincollected togetler; or rheat collected together in the place wlhtre it is trodden out: (M, TA:) or when trodden out (.) (., M,}g,) and (M,l,) Land in ,which and thrashed. (Msb in art. ,ab.) (tM,, And ;IA.: see the next paragraph: ~ and see are pebbles, (., M, V,) not rugged. ($, M.) Wheat ifted (M, ) with a thing resembling a Hence, q. v. ($, M.)- See also, ,9. [or ,.t, which is a Pers. word, here app. 0gl. (S, M, ) and and Vq, (4) meaning a ind of net]. (M.) -And Rough, or in two places. ru,ged, tones, collected toyether: pl. Jl.:. (M, Stone: (, M,1 :) or mooth stones: (TA :) or v see e: : _and -.J in two . places: _ [See also ;L.] [.) 3 . signifies, (M,) or IJlq signifies also, (]5,) and see also . a piece of stone, or portion of stone: or of iron. i; j l: see ;r:. (M, 1.) A poet says, (S,) namely, EI-Ashk, J. Ice; syn. . : (A, gh, ]:) and [its (M,) or 'Amr Ibn-Mil~al E-Ti-ee, addressing with ;, a piece tlerewf: (A,P gh:) from n. un.] ;1~: see ;jse, in two places. 'Amr Ibn-Hind, who had a brother slain, (IB,) .1 meaning a!. (A.) 0 s s ;. (M, 0]) and ';? ; (1p) Thefruit ofa kind which w,, latter is of tree, in o ($, M, M 9b, b, ) and ly acid, havring a broad, red tone, allowable only in cases of necessity in poetry, (., broghtfrom India, said to be (M) the tamarind, (so in the .; but in the M and TA this verse is Msb, ],) or it is allowable in other cases, as also (M, $,) ued as a medicine. (M.) given differently, with * and t in the places ',., agreeably with analogy, (Ibn-E-Seed, of Io and 5,; and it is said in the M that ;jG A stopper [of a bottle]; syn. ;1~. (O. M;b,) [Aloes;] a certain bitter medicine; (., to one relation the last word is *a , accord. Mgh, Myb;) the exread juice of a certain [See 4, last sentence.])lAnd Thefruit of a bitter tree; (M, ] ;) the epres~d juice of a certain acid ttre. (L. [But in this sense it is [with J,] whieh, it is added, is like *;4t in meaning;) [i. e. Who will tell 'Amr, or S~bn, certain tree of vhich the leaves are like the probably a mistake for;;l, q. v.]) that man was not ereated stone?] but IB says dweatls of knires, long and thick, rith a dusty j: seewe , in four places. that the last word is correctly ;;1, with kesr to and dull hue in their greenner, of rough appearthe e,.; and the poet means, man is not stone, ance,from the midst of which there comes forth a in two places. _ Also A that he should patiently endure the like of this: '~vo: see ., stalk whereon is a yello Jflower, .3 [but what (TA:) [J says,] accord. to one relation, the last this means I know not] in odour; (Lth, TA;) mnrety. (S, M, Msb, g.) You say, o s He is a surety for him, or it. (TA.) -And word is .1;, with fet.-l, which is pl. of 't.', it grons like the green . ., [or lily], sart that The chief, head, director, conductor, or the , being affixed to denote its being a pl. pl., the leaves of the %m are longer and broaderand )i j,,: much thicker, and it contains mery much juice; manager, of the affairs of a people, or party: for t is pl. of t ', signifying strong, or hard, (Alln, M, 0, TA;) it is crused and thrownn into (M, :) he who is patientfor, and with, a people, stones: [and he adds,] El-Aqsh says, the prses, then bruiseld ith pieces of wood, and or party, in [the managing of] their afairs: trodden with the feet until its exzpread juice (A:) pl. il(4. (M.)- [And accord. to Golius, flows, when it is left until it thickens, then it is A solitary man, hating neither offspring nor put into Ieathern bags, and e~posed to the sun brother: but app. a mistake for which is (s:) but IB says that*;l and 2G are not pls. until it dries: (A.Hn,0:) the best Mrt is the thus expl. in the g. in this art.] Also, (S, M, of ~ o; for JW is not a pl. form, but Jl.i, with *;Ah. [i. e. of the Iiland of Hs.u!rd]: and it 1,) and Sj,, (M,) A white cloud; (M, g;) kesr, like l and JLt: (TA:) [and it is said is also known by the name of t ijL [a name now and so tp'. and ',s, of which the pl. is.; l: that] the verse from which this is cited is not by El-Apsha, and is correctly and completely as applied to the plant]: (TA:) the n. un. is .,.` (.:) or white clod;' (M, 1;) as also;,J.l,pl. follows: [and e. and ;S.]: and the pl. is . (M, of t.e and Vt)e: (Fr, Yas9oob, S:) or 7vwhite TA.)-[Accord. to Freytag, it signifies also clouds that scarcely ever, or nerer, give rain: . ,*.S i .,., * * AMyrrh: but for this I know not any authority.] (S:) or clouds, (M, ],) or whaite clouds, (As, S,) ,',. , .' that become disposed one abore another (As, S, ie: scee . being meant the ., (TS,,TA,)3 M, g) in the manner of steps: (Ag, S, M :) or a by 1 :) is above another cloud: (M, in two dense cloud that :~and see inl, p e: see .; bythe strl being meant the alled: (TS, ,TA,) places Also Urine, and dung of camelsb and or a stationary portion of cloud: (]5:) or a the stringed instrument thus called: (T, TA:)

1640 accord. to the reading given in the ., the verue means, As though the croaking of the frogs in it, a littl, before daybreak, were the sounds of falling stones: and this is correct. (TA.) See d1so<.n~ the five following epithets are said to denote different degrees of patience: .tG is the most general of them [in signification, meaning simply Patient, or enduring]:V;.L signifies acquiringpatience; and tried with patience: '- a constraining himelf to be patient: , haring great patience; [or wery patient;] whose patience is greater than that of others; [as also ~ ~'; or this signifies re~ patient, from ;] denoting quality, or manner: and ;ljL, haring an intense degree of patience; [or having ve1y great patience; denoting measure, and quantity: the pl. of Ve is j~.. (TA.) As an epithet applied to God, (Aboo-Is-.h?4 [i.e. Zj],) tj lJI signifies The Clement, or Forbearin, rho does not hasily avenge Himself upon the disobedicnt, but for~ive., or defers: (Aboo-Is-hik, I:) [it may be well rendered The Long-suffeing :] it is an intensive epithet. (TA.) One says also,;A -# ,31t J, : [He is a patient endurer of cold].

[BOOK I. (AZ, S,) He pointed at him, or to~ards him, with hisfinger, (oi,) disparagingly: (AZ, S; K :) or, as some say, ihe mant m evil thing 0 him when he (the latter) was inadvertent, not noin.. (TA.)_And 95/G ~gl ~ . He directed such a one to such a one by pointig, or indication: (S, Jg :) because, when one directs a man to a way, or road, or to a thing that is latent, or obscure, he points towards it with the finger. (TA.) One 'says, 'i. a;, L; Wlat directed thee to u? (TA.) And .. iit ' He directed others to tihe people, or party. (TA;) Of one who magnifies himself, or acts proudly, in his government, or administration, one says, Cl . t [app. meaning Te Devil ha/ ti3~ , .5 #,* 05 directed him]: and lJt tb.l A jl [The fPners of the Devil have reached himn]. (TA. [See the pass. part. n. below.]) - And one says, O **..6;, %l ".3 i.e. ,opre tFood sented, or offered, to himn, or was placed, or put, before him, and] he did not put hit finger into it. (TA.) [See also t, near the end.] - And

&jt.!: see the next preceding paragraph.

9. . .

lee sM ~

ee :, last sentence. se:

,j....: .se...

5-, [respectini the form of which see (9, M, ],) and t sj,., without teshdeed, (Lb, M, g,) and * S,.e, (i,) The intenene of the cold (,M, V) of winter: ($,M:) and [in an absolute sense] intentsn of cold: (TA:) and ? s[.. signifies also the midde of winter; (1 ;) and so ;.. (TA.) Jlq.0: see t, in two places. ,,t (,

M, A, V) and * J.l (,) or the former only is meant in the 1 as having the first of the signiP fications here following, (TA,) A stony tract, of which the stone are black and worn and crumbling, as though burned with fire; syn. ;d.; (T, $, M, A, &c.;) for which ^. is erroneously put in copies of the i: (TA:) from t e, q. v.; (, M;) or from ;Jjl: or, accord. to some, such as is leel, abounding with stones, and d.ifficult to roalh upon: (M :) or the former is [the tract raUed] ,,Ai *a ., and [that called];'I ,..6: (El.Fezaree:) or it has the first of the above-mentioned significations, and signifies also a [mountain, or hill, smch as is termedt] 4La: (ISk :) or smooth rock upon which nothing maAes an impresion: but the latter, accord. to Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybince, signifies a a'. without a pass.


&c.: see art.,o.


i.4"1, (0,

i,)inf n. . a above, (TA,) He

,dl. DBallast of a ship; the weigil that is put in the bottom of a ship. (TA.) [AIore, and most, patient or ceuluring]. t I~. . ,o [More yatient than an ar] is a j~.


,fl than the [round]. (A.) [The fem.] ,.. is applied to a sle-camel by goneyf El-I.Hanatim [as meaning Surpass~gly patient or enduriny]. (IAgr, TA in art. .. ')

(Meyd.) And one says, lj j;;: i.. ,.i/..I~ : [IIe is mure patient of beating

ov..l Sheep or goats, and camels, that return in the evening and morning to their owners, not (ISh.)- Also io.l (M, 1) and t (,. remaining away fromn themn: (M, [:*) [a pl.] (TA.)m..;I f inf. n. as above, meanM, IS) A calamity, or misfortune: and a evere having no sing.: (.K:) [ISd says,] I have not ing lie came forth upon the people, or party, is war: (M, 1 :) or the latter, a distressin case. heard any sing. of it. (M.) said to be originally w, itl .. (TA.) (s.) One says,tLsol J I_ij (M) and i ;., [pas. part. n.ofl, q. v. Confined, &c.-] [4. .. ol, followed by g., is said by Freytag, (8, M) Tliey fell into a calamity, &c.: (M:) or Confined [with bonds or otherrisc], (]K,) or as on thc authority of Meyd, to signify lie (a the latter, thj feUll into a distressinig cas: (S :) set up, (M,) to be put to death: (M, g :) and pastor) fed and managed well his cattle: but this or into a perplexing and distressing case, from ,: J,. a ,man confined, (1,) or set.u, is perhlaps taken from a mistranscription of the which they could not escape, like tih 4:, above (M,) to be put to dteath; (M, ];) i. q... saying, mentioned by Meyd, 4.' . s .1. mentioned, without a pams: (Aboo-'Amr Eshapplied to a beast 8heybinee:) but in some of the copies of the )>it.: (Th, M, ] :) and ;, q. v. infra.] A), confined [or bountl] to be lnt to death "Alfiu*lh" [of ISk],.~, .l, as though derived (~, Sif-magnipfcation, I or pride; (0, g, [and in that state killed by arrows or the like]; from ;lj., signifying "stones." (TA.) TA ;) such as is consummate; (TA;) and haughtii. q. JI # it. ....: such is forbidden to be e.s,* or insolence, or vain glory; (O, TA;) aid jL~: seoe. eaten. (S, A.) -_ applied to an oath: see t' ;4 signifies the same. (O, K, TA.) ~.Also Made into a '~,, like a ;~. of j] ,*$: see jLe, in three places. wlhat; so gatlered or collected together. (TA.) i.q. ,. [q. v.]: the C being substituted ;jL,o Rugged ground, riing above the adjacent see [s... is expl. by Reiske for the :. (MF on the letter.) [tGr. part or parts, and hard, (I, TA,) in which is no ;-(-':: as signifying Collecta caro (hy7coy as oap6s9): 0*e *.. 5i *,. . 9*5 lwrbage, and which produces none: or i. q. .l am l and and 1 and and 1 mentioned by Frcytag: if so, it is app. .. ~ : .L.. (TA.) See also '. see its verb.] (S,0, Mb, 1) and 1. and &, (0, Mb, 1])

inserted his finger into the hen in order that he nmighlt knon f sihe nwere [near] laying an egg or not: (0, K:) mentioned by Z. (TA.) .And 'o iUll He put his 'infer upon the wesl so that what nas in another s~l flowed upon it [into the former veel]t]: (A'Obeyd, ., O, ] :) or, u some say, he put tjetlher his two fingers, [or two of his fingers,] then discutryedl, or let Jflow, rhat was in the ve*sel, of wine, or lbeverage, into a thing nwith a narron, head [or mnouth]: or, accord. to Az, he discharged, or let flowe, wtht was in the vessel, of wine, or beverage, between thie extremnities of [either of] his two thumbs and fore finqcrs, in order that it might not become scattered, and pour forth (TA.) - And ., inf. n. as above, lie hit, or hurt, his finger.


~G and ;j (M ,) the latter of which is (M, also applied to a fem..le, without ;, (M,) and . ~e (M, ]) and tiy., (M,) are epithets from ? "he was patient, or endurimb:" (M, :)

secZe a:



~1, the . being thus trebly vowelled, and the r likewise (M.b, K) with every one of the vowellings of the ., (V,) and
1 , vt"l n o (Mqb, (Mb, 1~,) also, ,) of all which forms fo. the

.os and

1. ~ 0", aor. :, (Az,s, g,) inf.

BooK I.]

1647 L,).t. applied to herbage &c.,] in tie grapes; its mersing, of their childrcn, [i. e. baptizing them,] raisins are good; and it grows in the Sarch in water. (Az, ;,0 TA.) One says, ^03 t. t.Theowers. le;l=l ,, in n. [&. (as. shown in the next C (iJl;). (A ,O.). preceding sentence) and] 1_., t He introduced his child into the Chritiancommunion, it is said, by dipping, or immersing, him in the water of t He A 2;l : baptism. (TA.) And introduced his child into the Jewvih communion [probably by baptirnm combined with circumcision: but see 'i4 , an explanation of which seems to indicate that circumcision alone is meant in this They O .,JI case]. (TA.)_-And colour and alter information, or discourse. (O.) - And .n 5 eaS. t Thecy altered him in his informed him that he had become and estimation; state in which he was. (TA.) tile altered from and . And it is said that ' " i,A mean Thejy pointed me out to thee as one nwho wouldd accomplisd&chat thou deIsiredst of me; from the saying of the Arabs, Cresw Jqjll ;..a. and ,5i I pointed at the man with tny eye and with my hand: (0, K :*) but Az says that this is a mistake; that the Arabs when they mean thus with the unpointed E. (O.).One say ,a, says also, . ' , (Msb,) or

first is the [only] one commonly known and the one approved by persons of chaste speech, (Msb,) all mentioned by Kr, (Jg,) and by LI also on the authority of Yoo, (TA,) A j&icer: and a toe: (MA, KL, &c.:) of the fernm. gender, (Msb,) or fem. and masc., (%, O, Msb, K,*) but generally t.l fem.: (0, M 9b, :') pl. (of ~.1, MA)

of thc ..I;;;, [or Hermodactylus (the (ti.) Iris of Linn. ?) now applied to meado~safron, a .pecies of colchicum]; (0, ];) the potency of ,1 [itsef ]. (TA.) which is like that of tAhe _ One J.) ,l, MA) S.a'. (MA, and (of t t [Certain things] resmbling the -. [With the mention of them : ' says, is applied], with v , )whirhB [or , %,.;I~ the fingers are bent]; meaning that they are of tit bgth of the finger, (., TA,) red; (TA;) reckoned as the best, [or among the best,] for the bronght from the Sea of El-lfjdz; of proved beet are not many. (M, on a verse cited in the efficacy for tithe speedy consolidation of wounds. first paragraph of art. U;.) [See also two similar UG1l t Thie root (J..1) of a certain (V,.) . exs. in the first paragrapl of art. j_ and S.] the form is like the hand, (0, 1,) [7The pastor plant of which clUS i -And 1 s, variegated with yellowness and vhiteness, hard, has a finger pointing at /his cattle, or camels or and hating a little sacetness; and there is a sheep or goat]]; meaning, [has upon his cattle] species thereof yellon, with a dust-colour, but an impress of a good state or conditiom; (., V,* 7without rNhiteness: (0, TA:) so says Ibn-Jezleh: TA;) i. e. they are pointed at with the fingers (TA:) it is beneficial as a remedyfor madness, or because of their goodliness and fatness and good diabolical potsc.ion, and for poisons, (o, TA,) tending. (TA.) [See also a verse cited voce and tie sting, or bite, of venomous, or nozious, $,.] And similar to this saying is the prov., re)tiles, or tie like, and it acts as a dissolrent , meaning t [Upon of thlich ex(rccence.. (TA.) - As a measure, ~"'1 JW aIl > i).-. himn is,froin God, (acknowlMdged be his absolute o sigrifies [A digit; i. e. a Jinger'sbreadth;] supremacy,)] an imrlness of a good state or con- the width of six moderate-sized barley-corns; dition. (Mevd.) And one says also, ~ (Msb voce . ... ;) the fourth part of tishe a.'. ,j '"1, meaning t Verily he is good in (Mgh and Mfb ibid.) dl reslet of thi impren ulpon his cattle [indicative of their state or conlition]. (IA!r, TA.) - And ._.l: see &.., first sentence.

.A1L1, and al (TA,) Ie laboured in science, [or in a species of science or knowkebje, and in 'orh,] andl becamie notable thue7in [or titereby]. l1er udder &, inf. n. b~i (M,b.)-t4J..b5 :Such a one is unfaitlful, E_1l A.. c' ",,~: sce'. (0, 1i,*TA:) colour: in goodly and full, became treachierous,or perfidious. (0, ~,' TA.") - And - * i &,f-manijfying, or proud. (IA9r, , said of a camel. (O, TA.) - And 13 1 [lIe has afinger in this O, J, TA.) 1 s (TA,) n (0, K,) aor. ;, (0, TA,) iif n. 4!i afftir]. (TA.)- The Prophet said ,/ became said of a man) (0,) His L2. [or mnusle] (0, TA.) And lo,,,: (0, .K:)like . 1. 'iL. aor. 1 and' (S, O, Msb, , the former [The heart of tie believer is between tro of the , inf. n. tjo, Thle garment, or piece s of God: He turneth it alxmt as He not in the copy of the J used by SM) and,, 4,, .pingei . (S, O, Mqb, g) of cloth, was long and -'ample: a dial. var. of plearetl]. (O.) - And a man says, in respect of (Fr, O, M.b, g,) inf. n. , aor. ', lIe ll . And.tW . (TA.) a difficult affair, when he has been made to have and '. (As, O, O) and i.s , (AHn, TA,) [of recourse to a strong man, able to bear his burden, [app. a camel] put his head into theJfod: as also .. (q. v.), also said to be an ilf.n., which last, ^71 t [Verily he wiUl mahe -. *' -_lt -eg, [The e.j; e. (O) And is peflhaps a contraction, or, as is said in the Ksh canewls put their helads into tlw pature,or herbage]. an end if it ,rit/ one finger]: and %Ae d1 ii. 132, it means a mode, or manner, of (0, TA.) And i.Z "- ;.: [or , Sh put ' t [ Verily the smallest of his fingers ".cL, lIe dyed it, or coloured it; (K, TA;) namely, will suffice hin for its accomplishment; the .pi a garment, or piece of cloth; (S, O, Msb, TA;) her lhad into it]; like (TA.) thlus prefixed to the agent being redundant, as in and white, or hoary, hair, and the like. (TA.) 2. wq1) '.o Sthe (a woman) dyed her garls and many other instances]. (0.) 41 1 [It is said tlhat] the primary meaning of .. 1 (, A, TA,) '. I is one of the surnamanes of The in the language of the Arabs is The alteringj ments mu.h. (o.)5 .I91 _-.~.~1 TA,) i. q. -, (L, n. inf. TA,) (O, L, or ;;.1, - above.]) Z.o, Devil. (TA. [See UJ , meaning The [a thing]: and hence ,.JI I [i. c. Tlhe ripening date, or the full-gron,n [5.l signifies also t A prong, as resemlbling a garment, or piece of clotha,nas altered in colour ii' finger: so in the ? and 1Y in art. jpa., and in to blackness or redness or yellowness [&c.]. unripe date, began to rilen, or showed ripening, or became spechkled by rcason of ripening, or other instances.] -- ;.a1 ` U, (O, TS, K,) in (TA.) - [Hence,] ilUI o, nor. ., inf. n. ripened, at tithe part nert the base and stalk]: the "Minhij " of Ibn-Jezleh Cl./01 tt_Lol, [app. t He nwistened the mouthful with oil or (S, O, L, TA:) or became coloured. (A, TA.) . a mistranscription,] and in the L ;i,tl !1LI, The palmn-tree siowed grease [or any kind of & i. e. sauce &c.]; and And ; l t ,.: i.i (TA,) t[Common clinopodium, or wild basil,] hie dipped it, or immersed it; and in like manner ripening in its dates; (0, g, TA;) as also ; S' l, the sweet-smellingplant calleUd in Pers. ,t. inf. n. as above: (1 :) or, accord. to Az, -a any other thing. (TA.) [Thus] one says, (A.In, O, X,) which grows abundantly in dithe lie in relation to the palm-tree [itself] is not known. (TA) . (A, 0, g) and ,W1I southern parts of Arabia, and is not delpstured ;Ll ; arm, in the (TA.)-And 1ti1 Cj.C , (As, O, Il,) inf. n. 11 diplnd, or immersd, his hand, or by any animaL (AiHn, O.) - U;1,;I as above, t The ste-camel cast her young one TA.) And ajWl i t A species of grapes, (AI.n, O, ]i,) black, (AI{n, water. (AV, O, ]J, tl (As, O) or ,*W (TA) t The she- wrhn its hair had grown; as also t C.~ !: (O, 0,) long, like the acorn, likened to tlte dyed W;JI u, ,, with ,, which means the same, 1[:) but c -. fingers of virgins; (Al[n, O, r;*) the bunch camel dipped ler lips in the water. (At, O, TA.) used. (As, O, TA.) commonly is more thereofis about a cubit [in ~ngth], compact [so I - [Hence also,] the term &o is used by the e 3 4 I supposing it to be similar to Christians as meaning t The dipping, or im.- 4: see 2, in two places. render ulI.



1648 is a dial. var. of .I, (0, 1],*) meaning Goai t [And a sauce for taose that eat]; (S, 0, Mqb, rdred benefits, or boons, complete, fill, oirTA;) where it means, accord. to Fr, olive-oil; ample, to him. (0.) but accord. to Zj, the olive [itself ]; 6nd Az prefers the latter explanation: (TA:) some read - is 1 from 1,(L4, A (Bd.) and means t le became settled, or established, in religion: (TI :) and so ; e.x. expl [ in a horse, The haring the ethole of the by Z as meaning t He was, or became, in a gootd fo, fetlock whrite, witelout its rhitenesr conjoining state [in rwpect of religion]. (TA.) witr thet of what is ternmed JeA l [q. v.]. 8. 1 ~4J"."l It was, or became, dyed, oi (TA.) coloured, with such a thing. (TA. [There said : see , first sentence. to be tropical; but this I doubt.]) - And .. , in a sheep or goat, or in a ewe, 1V WhiteM1b,) and the like, and, as some say, J1iJ1 e , nes of the extremity of the tail; the qunlity de(Mhb,) or jsiJI s, (Mgh, [so in my copy, bul noted by the epithet its. (TA.) Also tA app. a mistranseription,]) He made ue of tokai date that has become partly ripe, i. e. ripe in a is termed [or sauce, &cO.], (0, ](, TA,) or rpart thereof (O, g.) megar, (TA,) to render his bread savoury; (0, I, TA;) & l including olive-oil, as well as vinegar, and similar seasonings. (TA.) One may not say, J % JI -. 1. (Mgh, Myb.) Lso!l also signifies t Be made, or prepared, what is termed [i. e. sauce, &c.]. (TA.)

[Boox I. . Lt : see


in five places.

i. q. t V [i. e. Dyed]; applied to a garment, or piece of cloth: and also used as a pl., applied to garments, or pieces of cloth. (L, TA.) [See also r L.* The craft, or art, of the dyer. (O.) t A dyer (0, L, O of garment. (O, ) And [henec,] t A liar: (. :) one rwho colors and alters information, or discours. (0, ].') The Prophet is related to have said, -u'al 11 , MA;.ah1 or a.Jl bl,6l J..4 &. [Which may mean The most lying of man, or of the most lying of men, are the dyen and the goldsmiths; or tthose wio colour, and tho~e who trasform, information, or discourse]: El-Khatabee says, the meaning is, that the persons who practise the two crafts to which these words relate make many promises as to returning the goods, and often break their promises; wherefore they are said to be of the most lying of men; not that every one of them is one who lies: but he adds that it has been said to mean the moulding and colouring of speech with falsehood. (0.)

8* (i o,0, V,) or JA , (El.Fa-rbee, Mgh,


~ see


first sentence.

It also Means

Ut il., (0, l.,) without i, (0,) A sh-camel (O, V,) or this is an (S, M9b,) which is the meaning of Xii.i; haring her uwldcr full, and goodly in colour. inf. n., differing from (AZ, Aq, L,) and (Mqb;) the religion of God, with an adaltation j t [meaning ")' ~ to whfich mankinul are crcated; because its effect (0, I.) _And t i4t.., (Mgh, O, M9 b, ,) as some say, (O,) or appears in him who has it like the dye in the gar- Camels putting thei;r heads into the pasture], with thls last is a pl. of the first, (O, Msb,) [or] the ment; (Bd, Jel;) or because it intermingles in ;. (O. [See 1, last sentence but one.]) pl. of is i4.., (a,) A dye; (AZ, As, S, ,the heart like the dye in the garment; (Bd ;) and t+ A horse rwhite in the forelock, (AO, ~, [or M~. Mgh, O, Meb, ;) usd for colouring elothes it is said to be from the Christians' Mgh, O, ],) all of it: (AO, Mghl: [see also [&c.]: (TA:) the pl. of t"t~ is l ;; and i. e. baptism] of their children in a sort of water that they have; (S; [and the like is said in the ,a.,l :]) or white in the extremities of his tail: ; is a pl. pl. [i. e. pl. of . (TA.) 0, and KBsh, &c. ;]) ao.- being in this instance in (S, 0:) or white in the extremities if the ear: [Hence, app.,] one says of a girl, or young the accus. case as an objective complement; (1 :) when the whiteness is in his tail, he is termed woman, when one first takes her as a concubine, (Myb;) bfor or, accord. to AO, it signifies also white the meaning is "follow ye the religion j1,: or when he first has her conducted to him as a of God ;" (O, Msb;) or "we will follow the in the whole of the tail, indudg its extremities. bride, (AZ, O,) or when one first marries her, religion of God:" (O :) or it means that wrhich (TA.) And t A bird white in the tail: (, Q, 1C, (v,) t.11 '; t [Verily she is one newly God has prescribedto Mohammad; i. c. circum- TA:) or, accord. to the book entitled "Ghareeb taken as a concubine, or a bride: app. alluding cision: (0, g:) or a~. is in this instance an el-Hamtm" by El-~asan Ibn-'Abd-Allah Elto the recent application of the dye of the binnk]. inf. n., (Ksh, Bd, Jel,) signifying a mode, or Iqbahinee EI-K4tib, white in the whole of the 4 manner of, ~ [i.e. of baptism], (Ksh,) relating head; but used in the former eense by the keepers (AZ, O, J.) And one says also, . Js to the baptism of the Christians, (Ksh, Bdl,) a of pigeons. (TA.) And [the fem.] ziu~ t A 'i 1, (AZ, 0,) or .4J ;: s l L.%, (L,) i. e. corroborative of the saying v.' [in verse 130], as sheepl or goat (itL, ?, 0, ]1) or a ewe (AZ, TA) [I did not, or he did not, take it, or acquire it,] such put in the accusative case, (Ksh, .Bd, Jel,) white in the extremity of its tail, (AZ, S, O, 1I, for its lproperprice, [app. meaning its cost-price, by reason of a verb understood, (Jel,) the mcnan- TA,) thle rest of it (i. e. of the animal) being or pimo-eat,] but for a high [or raised] price. black. (TA.) _Also t A species of weakt birds. ing being '; Z!'i; [God hat/h baptized u (AZ, O, I~.0)-~ also signifies, (S, Mgh, O, (TA.) -Also, (applied to a man, O,) One nwho with his baptism]; (Ksb, Bd., Jel ;) [so that voids his excrement (0, I, TA) in hix clothes (1K, M9 b, TA,) and so does it"., (Mgh, TA,) or /i 'Z. signifies the baptsns of God, and may TA) when he is beaten (0, K, TA) and nwhen le is the latter is pi. of the former, (~, O, TA,) IA here be rendered We have received the baptixrm seasoning, or condiment, for bread, to render it of God;] the Muslims being hereby commanded frightened: mcntioned by Z. (TA.) - And avnoury; (5, Mgh, O, Msb, TA;) particularly to say to the Christians, "Say ye, God hath bap- t..a, t A certain tree, or plant, (; ,'.,)like the t.j [which is applied to several species of panic (M.b) swh as is fluid, (Mghl in art. .>l, and tized us (t:.) with the faith, with a baptism grass], havring a white fruit, growing in sands: MR,,) as vine!ar, (Mgh, Mhb, TA,) and olive-oil, ( ) not like ours [i. e. not like our Christian (K:) [but titis seems to have been taken from (Mgh, TA,) and the like, (Msb, TA,) [i. e. any baptism], and purified us with a purifying not like thlree different exl)lanations, here following,:] sauce,] in which the bread is dilp.d: (Mb :) so called because the bread is dipped in it, (Mgh, ours ;" or the Muslims being hereby commanded accord. to Al)oo-Ziyftd, a certain tree, or plant, e TA,) and coloured thereby: (Mgh:) the pl. of to say [of themselves], "God hath baptized us that gron.s in the sands, re.icemnblint the .c 0. as 'L,* (('4Z) with the faith, as a baptism ( ), and [which is applied to a species of the .Atl], which .._ is '-~1: one says, ~j ak_._-'j1 'l we have not been baptized with your baptism i.s one of the abodes of theyazelles in the hot season, ,;l.ll X[The msauc, or fluid seaonings, wer' lurking-.places being excavated bfy them at its b'undant upon the table]. (TA.) ,. is used in roots: accord. to another, of the Armbs of the a rel. n. from . (MIb.) - [A seller desert, it is like theA,, but the a this sense, but not explained, in the 1g. (TA.) is larger in llence, in the lur [xxiii. 20], of dyes. (Golius, on the authority of Meyd.)] J-.L ~. the leaves, and of a brighter gren: accord. to

' Religion, a syn. se, (AA, 0, K,) ad t(C;) and the religious law, syn. aA.) ; (TA ) and anything vlt eby one advancesr himself in the favour of God: (AA, TA:) [thus,] in the .0ur [ii. 132], (0, TA,) k 4. means the religion of God, syn. 5.w, .1 (0, Msb, K,) or il


(AZ, As, %, Mgh, O, Myb, O) and ' '.

(0, O, M,b, O) and V




Boot I.] 7: see what next follows. Aboo-Nar, a certain trw, or plant, having a white fruit. (0.) And, (0,~,) u some say, a. ,Lt and Vte;1 (V, TA) and )s&.0 (0,) tA bwuch of erbage, of. whic, when it comes up, the pper portion are green on the side (so in my MS. copy of the O) or t C~: (so in net the sun, and white on the id net the shade. the CV, but neither of these is in the TA,) He, The greatt of or it, turned away or back, or became turned Also (i. . (0, V.) away or bach. (s.) torrt (Ibn-'Abhbd, O, I.) [In this sense, though used a a subst., it seems to be, as in other or ~.: see what next preQ. Q. 1. sense, imperfectly decl., being originally an cedes. epithet: if not originally an epithet, it might, aocord. to some authorities, be perfectly decl.] Urn; The hand of a player at a game of hazard for acting treacherouslyto a companion. indind [without ;] : A palm-tree (!W) showing t~ ~.) (IAy, ripening in its dates. (O, TA.)

1649 i


h ,L 4,Wb

"%J1 ko

4.o m.4. L*
'. 1l[or


- ---.

the first l ' may be from

.;1], and


the second I.. from 14J11 signifying A'dl; so that the meaning may be, Hi engaged in play, or sport, and c1 [or amorous dalliance, &c.], as long as he wau a youth, [until hoar/ine came upon his head;] or the meaning may be, he *JIIas long as he engaged therein, engaged in &c. (Iam p. 380.) And 5~., (8, M, Q,) [aor. or A, (M,) [or both, as follows,] signifies IDe what from will appear played, or sported, writh the Ci; . [i. e. youthe, or boys, or children]: (S:) or he acted in the (M, I:*) or both 4 and manner of the O.I: a inf. ns., signify the acting as a youth, or as, boy, or child; and the playing, or sorting, with youths, or boys, or children: (KL:) and * and V .La-,, said of an old man, signify he acted in a youthful, boyish, or childidh, manner. (TA.)
, and '.t, also signifies He -. I~, inf n. w inclined. (Meb.) You say, IQI .;1 Ie inclined and in : to her, namely, a woman; as also [Ate inclined and like manner, s1 j

~fi,1 inf. n. fty, (S,)

a word of well-known meaning, ($, M, .l~o A dyelwouse: so in the language of the [(L: a compound writh which clothes [}c.] [Soap;] ]g,) present day.] are washed: the bert of which is made of pure .lDyed much. (O.) In the phrase olive-oil and clearpotash and good Jew [meaning [i. e. boiled], and dried, and ak 1., [it is said that] the epithet is with teshdeed lime], mel cooked sort is not shapes: the particular into cut [which means to denote muchness, and also cooked like is but cut, nor well cooked [or boiled], to denote application to many objects, so that it produces and dry; and is hot it (TA:) starch: may be rendered either Garment much dyed, or a pleasurablesnration in the body; (V ;) but the simply dyed garments]. (S.) washing the head with it hastens hoariness: (TA: w., which is the more commonly [in which many other supposed properties of it , like used, [each without ;,] applied to a she-camel, are mentioned:]) IDrd says the word is not of tlle language of the Arabs: (TA:) [Fei, in the M.b, t Casting Alr young one twhen its hair has grown. (Az, TA.) because it fiuicifully derives it from ,;.Wi1 , removes filths and impurities:] MF says that it is see one of the words common to all languages, Arabic and Persian and Turkish and others [as Greek &c.]. (TA.) - [Hence,] .. JI O.Lm is a term


in art. to him]. (M. [Sco also, ] And 1i 1., (M,) or l 4 , ( (,) in n. I'j

..]) (M,

an ( _ ; , (,M g ;) and;1p and towards, longedfor, or desired, yearned lie ( ;) (M, Il,) him, (M,) or her. (11.) - [Hence, (M,) , (M, ~,) aor. app.,] '~ , ; The [female] palm-tre inclined, or leaned, to(TA voce jVP, q, v.) for t 'Vine.? , (.,) lIe tunaedu awroay a gift, (A, S, inf. n. wards the male palm-tree that was distant from ]~, TA,) or an act of kindness or beneficence, (M, K,) aor. [5&,, Of, or relating to, soap; saponaceous. it. (M.) - And ael,I ', (A4, , TA,) from his neighbours, and his ac- - And A maker, or seller, of soap: mentioned ;, (M,) inf. n. ~, 7The pasturing beast inquaintances, to others; and in like manner, :>h' in the KC and TA only as a surname.] dlined its head aund put it upot the pasturage. (As, TA;) or he withheld it; '; and (M, A.) [See also 2.] .=., (M, M, V,) nor.

from usw]: (AV,, ,>:)

and ,..1 :.


M9b,) aor. as above, (Mqb,) he (the cupbearer) turned away the cup of wine, (M, Mb,) & % i I [from him who was more, or most, entitled to it], (M,) or ZA [from him]. (Myb.) 'Amr Ibn-Kulthoom says,

[TAou hast turned away the cup of wine from us,

0 Umm-'Amr; when the proper cours of the cup of wine wa towards the right]. (S. [See EM p. 184.])-. And 1ie (a man) hid a thing in his hand, (M, TA,) suchl as a dirhem &c., without 'a, C'1 it being known. (TA.) - And 1, aor. and inf. n. as above, (8, ],) or (M,) He placed evenly, or suitably, in I,s hand, (S, M, ;,) th pair of play-bones, or dice, (., 15,) or the pair of gaming-arrows,(M,) and thcn cast them: (S, M, :) said of a player at a game of hasard. (S, .) To him who does so one says, .r 'j q4 [Sh.uf& thou, and do not pack]. (S.) from MjjL, He soaped a thing; or [2. i~, washed it with oap: so in the language of the present day.] Bk. I.

inf. n. ; ., (9,) aor. , (8, M, 1, 0e,-],) or o, (M, g,) and 3e (, , M, K) and lI [also and o., in the Cg (erroneously) s"J written f', (M, ,) [app., in its primary aeceptation, IIe was a youth, or boy, or child; agreeably with an explanation of a phrase in what follows, and with explanations of (. and :Ui which will be found below: - and hence,] ie nwa, or became, youtlfully ignorant, orfoolish, or silly: (M, :) [and, as seems to be indicated in the TA, he indulged in amorous daUlliance; a sense in which (q. v. infrl) the verb, more especially with for its inf, n., is very frequently used :] or he inclined to ignorant, orfoolish, or silly, andyouttful, conduct; and in like manner tV&l.3; from 1jJI [i. e. "desire"]: (i: C1JI, which is from the latter verb in a of n. inf. [see an ex. of the and :]) or verse cited voce 4,L, in art. , as inf. ns., signify the inclining tahe Iart to as, apy one; and have other significations expl. in what follows: and ' ,q.r3signifies the manifesting pa&sionate loe, and desire: (KL:) [but e.. and /l; are often used in different senses: thus Et-Tebreesee says that] in the following hemistich Qf a poem by Dureyd Ibn-Es-Simmeh,

, ) and (,M, , (S, M,) inf. n. (M, V,) in [some of] the copies of the V o.o, (TA,) said of the wind called L..i, (., M, },) It

ble). (g.) ..- And.9Il ~', (M, ],) like ~.;,

(1,) The people, or party, were blown uwpon by the wtind called l.:i. (M, K.) Ie inclined hid , lnf. n. L', ; 5j 2. .. elad towards the ground. (TA.) [See also 1, near the cnd.] 3.



sLto, (T, 9,- M, 1, TA,) int. n. (TA,) lie inclined his ,ipear, (M, g,)

or he lowered the head of his spear towards the ground, (Ti TA,) [or, as the context in the S seems to indicate, hae inverted his spear,] to pierce, or thrut, (T, M, K1,) with it. (M, TA.) tlo IHe put the snord into its .i . iJIa [which generally means its scabbard] (S, M, 1,) or into its ,lj [which generally means its case for enclosing it together with its scabbard,] (TA,) rersed,or inverted: (S, M, 1g, TA:) or, means ,k .L., and '4, accord, to the A, & not .1) its into knife. his and he pit his swvord, in the right manner: and one says to one who . i.e. lReerer thy hands a knife, Lt.I . lA 208


[BooK r

An/ife, putting the handle toivards me. (TA.)_ Pleiada] to [the place of] . :A4 [n-eaning ($, TA;) and so too, [sometimes,] : *s* jtld He made his buildint to incline, or the tail of Ursa Major]: (M, K :) [it is often and the pl. is 1|. (8, TA.)_ q.. lean;. (IC.) l;. tlo He (a camel) in- commended by poets as a gentle and pleasant
mrtetI his lips on the occasion of drinking. (I.) .-;11 i He, or it, overturned tha old nan; and made him to incline. (TA.) _ ,el C ,:, (M, g,) i. e..,J p JI, (TA,) He recited the vers. not rightly, or not regularly. (M, g, TA. [In tho Cg, LJI t; ld.]) And .*J&l .t liHe 7made thc speech, or launguage, to deenate fromn its proper course, or tenour. (M, ]g.) - _.eJI b. 't:L is a phrase mcntioned hy AZ as meaning lVe turned away firom the [plants called] ,-. (TA.) - And one siays, . , ..A .. ).JI j +1^se 1St.J1, meaning l [i. c. , but I think that ,i is a mistranscriptiou for C', and that the meaning is, Tle gi.rls, or yoUng w men, look fron within thc curtain]. (TA:) 4. ,~ She (a woman) had a chibl suach as is termed j [i. e. a bhoy, or a youns male child]; (~, M;) and a child, malk or female. (S.)".1 g S/e (a woman, M, ., or a girl, or young woman, ;) excited hi*ldesire, and inrited /,im, (M, 4,) or matde him to incline, (8,) to ignorant, or foolish, or silly, and youtiftl, conduct, (S, M, oe,)that he yearned towardeher; as also * /-3. (M, J.) And Q ire i. inv.ited her to the like thereof. (M.) And t t&talso signifies lie deceied, or beguild, her, aund captitated her heart; (M, ]; [soee also another rendering in an explanation of a verso cited voce ;l;]) as also ' t&4W. (g.) And . 1 Oj IIe ndeawvoured to cause the wife of such a one to incline [to him]. (TA.) I4 They entered upon [a time in which blew] the wind

.eJIi is a

gale, like the Zephyr with us:] the dual is term applied to The Jlatus, or.tatulence, (' I1,) that is incident to children. (TA in art. .a.) ;v1'~ and k~ : (I4, M, f:) and pl. 1' [Golius, in that art., explains it as meaning Larw, and Y.*i. (M, .) terriculamentum puerorutm; on the authority of L;. [also,written .o.] and ?1ra., the former Meyd.: and also as meaning Ep,.ilelxy; on the with kesr and the short alif, and the latter with authority of Ibn-fBeytir.] s. also signifies fet-h and the long alif, (S, Meb,) [both mentioned t The pupil of the CeJe: (M, Ij:) but Kr ascribes before as inf. ns.,] Youth, or boylhood; the state this meaning to the vulgar. (M.) - And ! The of the [q. v.]: ( :) or childhood. (Msb.) extremnity of each of the jrn-boncs: (K5, TA:) One says, * . 1. SL6S and ,StL [That nwas i. e. (TA) I1a. signifies Ile two extremities of in his .youth or boyhood: or in his childhlol]. the tno jan-bones (S, M, TA) of the camel and of (Mob.) [See also an ex. in a verse cited in the other animals: or, er some say, the t7wo edges first paragraph of art. &,.] -And the fornmer ;wurring ourrtard. /;'oin tIle mrtile of thle two [or each, as is shown in the first sentence of this ijao-bones: (MI, TA:) or, accord. to the A, the thin portions of ite tn'o cxtremities thereof: and art.,] has also a signification derived from ;.l [or " desire ;" i. c., eaceh signifies also An inclining it is [said to 1e] tropical. (TA.) And t A bone to ignorint, or foolish, or xilly, apnd youthful, below the lobe, or lobule, of each of the treo ears: (1K:) or, as some say, the Aead of the bone that conduct; and amorous dalliante]: (S :) and t ?j ix below the lobe, or lobule, of each of the two ears signifies [the same, as is also shown in the first by thl space of about put ttogether. sentence of this art., or, like :. and i4',] the (M.) - And I The edge (;.) of the sword: (M, ig.norance, or foolishnec, or silliness, of youth; K, TA:) or the ridye thereof, (M, TA, in the (Lth, M, I ;) and a;norous dalliance. (Lth, TA.) [See an ex. of the first in a verse cited in the first copies of the K *!,C .I is erroneously put for .t, ; TA,) rwhich in [i.e. along] its middle; paragraph of art. .01; and another in a verse (M, IK, TA;) and likewise of a speasr-lihead: cited voce ,c.e.] (M, TA:) or, accord. to the A, that part of a swordl below, or exch,ic.e of, ( ,) its'4 [q. v.]. ;i.: see the next preceding pargrnaph. (TA.)-And tThehead of the human tbot; see Ye. ,.: (M, A, TA; in the copies of the c .K ,! ,. is


caled lWI. (M, J4)

5: see 1, latter half: place and ace also 4, in thlree

6: ace 1, in three places:_and see also 4.

[10. ~:, as stated by Freytag, is expl. by Reiske as signifying Pueriliter e et proterwve the CC i;,) and !Z (M, 1p) and (g, (z, gesuit:~and by Jac. Schultens as signifying TA, but not in the CAi,) [or rather the last two P:o puero habuit. But the usage of this verb in are quasi-pl. ns.,] and ol [another pl. of pauc.] any sense is app. post-classical.] (10) and 1a~.I [also a pl. of pauc.], (M, K,) but 1. [is of the fem. gender, and] is a subet. and this last is said by J to have been unused, because 0* 0 an epitihet, [so that one says l; , , as well as the usage of '~' rendered it needless, (TA,) and G, alone and l11 .,1 (M, TA,) [and signi- 0', (S, M, Meb, ], but not in the CAl,) in fies The east wind: or an easterly wind:] the which the j is changed into L. because of the wind that blows from the place of suris: kesreh before it, (M,) and !I, (M, g,) as (Mb :) or the wind of which the mean place some say, preserving the g. notwithstanding the n'hence it blonv is the place mwhere the sun ries dammeh, (M,) and C1.o. (M, K, but not in the when the night and day are eual; the opposite C1g,) and 1f".": (M, g:) and [ISd says,] wind of which is the Jj: ( :) or the wind that is Va'1, and .Sfres the House [of God, i. e. the Kaoabek; app. accord. to 8b, the dim. of meaning that blows from the point oppoite to the that of l~ is V Aew, each irreg.; but in my corner, of the Kaabeh, that is bet~n the Black opinion, 'a. is the dim. of a.., and 1 is Stmte and the door]; as though yearning towards the Ilouse: (M, TA:) or, accord. to IAsr, (M,) that of le.l: (M:) [J says,] ..e.l occurs in the wind of which the place whence it blow poetry as being the dim. of of il. (..) extends from the plqse of rinsing of i [or the signifies A youn noman, girl, or fenalC child;

erroneously put for-*.J%l .t.; TA;) i.e. the A youth, boy, or male chikl; syn.. : a young male child; (Mggh, Myb ;) be- part [thereof] betnween its i;sl [q.v.] and the fore he is calUed._l: (Mgh:) or one that has toes. (A, TA.) And t,i,ol signifies also t The not yet been meaned, (M, I,) so called froom thae two si(de of tla [camcl'es suldle callet] i;.. time of his birth: (M:) and 't _ signifies the (M.) - It is also said that .elJ1I t;A. signifies $ Tite grains of hoar-fist tihat resemble pearlsb: same as ~.r; these two words being like .Ji and; 1 1 4: (TA:) the pl. of the former is o [a and aJl 5e,p :' the small drops of rain: blut pl. of pauc., in which the j is changed into IS accord. to the anthor of the " Khasfil," it is because of the kesreh before it, like as is said in O [p. of i.., with . and then ~. the M respecting another of the pls.,] (S, M, Meb, (TA.) I, but not in the CI,) and ;. (M, K, TA, in

( :) or


5 e.

femrn.of u,

q. v.

..a: see L. , former half. . ~: saee ',.e, first sentence. Also i.q.

; r'_L [i. e. One nwho indules in youthfid fol//, anul amnorouc dlalliance]. (TA.) .--ureyshl, (M,) or the Jews, (TA,) used to call the Commanions of the Prophet #4.. (M, TA. [See .t.~,in art. eo.]) And Nffi' read [in the ]ur ii. W0 and xxii. 17] 'e.oLI instead of I; (TA ;) and [in v. 73] .. I1 instead of C41t . (TA voce yt.) - , a pl. of "G, is expl. as meaning Those who incline to conflicts and factions, seditions, or the like, and love to be foremost therein. (TA. [See e, in art. o.]) l 7I e obliquae mind (s1tt , dim. of iJtI,) that blons in a direction betneen that of the east or easterly wind ( JI) andl that of the I 4a.


0oo0K 1.I north or northerly raind (J8;?Jl)* (B, :) it is ,ery cold, (B and TA roce il1,) and very boisterous, and unattended by rain or by any good. (TA ibid.)

1651 sgsj-1 [if not a mitranscription for


or or defect or fault or bbmish, (L, j, TA,) and from everythlin that would occasion doubt or C.o] signifies t He made the thing usicion or evil opiion (L,TA.) One says, [i. e. sound, valid, &c.]. (L, TA. [In the latter , q. v.) '1 (1 in art. . LS" ; '~ app. taken from the former.]) . I Jj Al [Thlat was in t And s,i; o. him e sce re rendered 1ic : ;,] H 2. 'm.., [inf. n. his state of healtl;, or soundness, and his ilbns, or healthy, sound, or fre from disase; (S, A, MA, sine s]. (AO, .) And t,mt l0*i t " r, (IKs, As, M,) or a.., (S, A,) or both, TA;) said of God; (~, TA;) and (A, TA) so ,*JI [Hlow little removed is hteakh, or sound(i,) applied to a woman, (l]s, Az, S, M, A, t 'I 1, .~. (A, ], TA.) One says, AU., Y t nes,from illnss, or icknes.']. (O.) g,) and the former also applied to a man, (Erbody thy render God G May p., and or children, e. [i. .. o Raghib, TA,) Having in two places: -and see 1im...: see a., young chillrn, or young unecaned childrcn], (m, healthy, sound, or free from disease. (A.) means in four plac.e -l-s. , Er-R&gliib,A,*) or having a child such as is And t He renderedit sound, valid, (MA,) [sub(MA, right, true, certain,] sure, real, stantial, Hence the latter is (M, .) termed u,e.. t TIe hard part of the road, that has not been or proper, whole or entire, (MA,) renderedsoft, or plain, (l(, TA,) nor smooth, or metaphorically applied by El-Hareerce to i Wine Myb,) just imperfection or dcfect or eay to 1alk or ride upon. (TA.) of which the scaled cover has been broken. (gar [or fre from every everything that would andfrom blemish, or fault p. 450.)_ [See also the verb, 4.] occasion doubt or upidcion or evil opinion: see L] 1t : see the next paragraph. : see to, in art. 143. I, t I , and I.t; You say, t, KL) and ttl; ;m.. (S, A, MA, M Ib, corrected the book, or writing, and the reckoning; 41ra A calamity, or misfortune. (i.) rectified what was wrong theroof. (L, TA.) And (S, A, Mgb, O) Healthy, ound, or feefro , soo. ;JIl m..~ [He ver/fied hit being fre from a disease; (S,A,MA,V, KL;)and s! thing; clear, quit, or guiltles, of it; or irreon- applied to a man: (Mgb:) and t sound, valid, (MA, KL,) [mibstantial, real, sure, certain,] (S, A, MA,Mqb,,) aor. ,(MXA, Myb, sible for it]. (Mgh in art. ;!.) 1. , true, right, (MA, KL, and Myb in explanation I) and ', (MA,) inf. n. m.. (,* A,. MA, of the former word,) correct, just or proper, He plaees.._Also two in 8, see 4,~o1: 4. MYb,' MP, TA) and C, (S, ],* MF, TA,) whole or entire, (MA, KL,) or [unmarred, or or sound, healthy, [or found himn to be e two forms of the inf. n. of which there are some every imperfection or freefro dimase]; namely, a man. (L, TA.) _ unimpaired,] free from V, TA,) and from (L, blnmish, or orfault othdier exs., as i; and ^,land a0 and J, (MF, And ,1 He had hisfamihy and his cattle in a defect doubt or snulicion occasion would also, (I,* TA,* TI,) [like heat/hy, or sound, state; (L, ];) whether he everyi~g tlat TA,) and t or eil opinion: (L,TA:) [and tsuitable to tle &C.,] Ilie ma, or becamru, healthy, or himself were in health or sick: (L:) or, said of ;.; - . , applied to case, or event: (see 1:)] fem. aL m ound; (MA ;) or restoredto halth, or soundnem, a people, or party, thly had their cattle in a (TA:) pl. things]: other to [and woman a 4. ,; [from hui disease]; (, A;) as also healthy, or sound, state, after they had been (MIb,) s(A, M9 b, g,) a pl. of _, affected by a plagu~e, or mnurrain, or distemper. t 1.: (6:) or his disea departed. (, TI.) (B, L) and applied to men [and other things], (A, ], And t It ras, or became, [or proed,] sound, and applied to women, TA,) and of Lm-., [He was rendered healthy, or valid, (MA,) [suhbstantial, real, sure, certain,] 5. 4 b, j,) a pl. of (TA,) and iAl, (A, MY true, right, (MA, Myb,) correct, just or proper, sound, by it]. (0 and TA voce 2., q. v.) whol or entire, (MA,) or [unarreamd, or uninOne says also, (Msb,) and applied to men, (A, ],) and a.oi, 10: see 1, first sentence. paired,] frew frotn evry ipceifection or cefcct ~, orfault or blemiLsh, (L, i], TA,) and from every. 3 ~",1 tU : [I hold to be true, righlt, or likewise applied to men, (A,) and thing that would occsion doubt or supiion or just, w*hat thou sayet]. (TA.) (1,) a pl. of iL'_, and applied to women. eil opinion: (L, TA:) and t it was, or became, means [lit Sound of shin; 'j snitabl to the case, or event. (Myb.) You say, It (a thing, or an affair,) (TA.) ._ R. Q. L ?[I;Jtsti,nony as sound, valid, wma, or became, ditinct, apparent, or manifest; or] not [having the akin] cut; as also t ;t. .3i,% Zh ($:) [but eacb hua a tropical significa.j.: (TA.) ;) like . . S [hIis saying (1i &c.]. (A, TA.) And (yam one ay, .r for] tion; a war, or proved, true]. (A, TA.) And see the next paragraph, in two places. C.a: p. 628) meaning S [Such a one is sound] in rspect L- bWil I [His ruijht, or due, or just claim, of origin, and of honour, or reputation. ( ,ar 0(p,* 0,1 (B, A, MA, 0, 1) and t mas, or became, establisheCd, subtantiated, made s.~ p. 135.) And ~..o ~ means A dirhem free gooad, or verJifed, in the etimation of the jude; (0, 1) [all app. in. ns., of and t l (A,TA.) And CL" &X like 4]. and q. v.; and used as simple substs. meaning] from defet4; as also in my copy of with syn. verjisd, as or find I established, [which becaine thing a I [Stuh ,Health,or wunde~ of body; (B, A, MA, O ;) TA.) (A, 4]. like him; from him to due as (B, A, 0 :) or deparure of the ],] with damm, is allowable, like jl.; as ) contr. of.L. or,: 'a And shll &I 2The contract becamne establihed diuea: ( :) am. is said to be in the body and syn. with J1;. (L, TA.) And it is said in a ., i. aa in religion; like as are [its oontrs.] uj*, and. : tad., r*jl .... 1_", .I >. by il enecution. (Mb,) And vie 11ry r:) in the body, it 7Ti wn of Adam, meaning libeel [or Cain], used by the lawyers, S he prayer [nan suitabl (Aboo-Is-h.i, TA in art. ~.j to the ordinance terof, so that it] annulled ti is a natural state or condition, eturewith the who slew his brother IlWbeel [qr Abel], wio obligation of performing it after the appointed actions [and fictions] of the body hame the make a right division mwith the peole of Hall, so time. (Mgb, and Dict. of Techn. Terms of the natural course: and it is metaphorically used in that half of it shall be for him, and MlIf for them. Mussalmans pp. 815-816. [Tis meaning i;3 relation to [other things, including] attributes, or (L, TA.) , ideal things: (Msb:) and signifies [a saound, expressed in the former by the phrase m.e and valid, substantial, real, ure, certain, true, right, (9, L, Meb, 1) and t , work, latter the in rUll; wh.ich is fully expl. whole or entire, state or proper, or just correct, with other conventional meanings of ie., all condition; as is indicated in the first paragraph ,t . . ($, L, ) A p;lae, ($, Mb,) or seduciblc t explanations givon aboven .]C .of this art.; or] freedom from every imPerfection ground, or land, (L, K,) that is plain, or een,





[Boox I.

(1, L, Msb, IC,) destitute of herbage: pl. of the1 asociated, kept company, or conorted, with him; t ,J, as is implied by an explanation of its first 1 ,;d: (L :) and the first signifies a traci (A, K;) [he accompaniedhim;] he as, or became, 'part. n. 4.m ; and V a--1. , for] hence, r ; of land (estitute of herbage, plain, or even, and1 his companion, associate, comrade, fcllon, friend, (A,) one sas also, containingsmallpebbles: (L:) or a smooth tract or fellom-traveller: (MA:) and V ... L signifies I the same. (TA. [See this latter verb below.])_ was u refractoryj, or incompliant: thn he became of land: (R, MF:) and L.l; and [Hence] one says, 2 i _o,.. and V .. t, (A, tratabl, subanisive, or obsequious]: (A, T :) * t' a land destitute of everything, con. and accord. to A'Obeyd, one says, V accor t A'ey ,o s tnining no trees, nor any depressed resting-plact11 TA,) [inf. n. ofthe former (in the TA inadvertently said to be of the latter) .. 0, (said in the j..jl, from "I, .. and " [app. t. ! .for water, said by AM to be seldom found excelpt in the rising ground of a valley, or in a TA to be with kesr,) or i4 . , and, as will be d], meaning t I becae tractable, bmissive, or shown by what follows, . also,] ay od obsequious, to the man. (TA.)_ And, said of imoulntain near to such riJingground, and not sO plain as what is termed .. guard, keep, protect, or !~. defetnd, (L.) - [Hence, p thee; may God water, It becam oersrad ith [the g n app., (se art. 5ra 'A,)] % a and !'4 be thy guardian, keepjer, &c.: (TA in explanation substance termd] -rZ . (, A.*) of the former:) and s 'Ij. (A,"'. and . lIe is aitamed, or bas/fui .. A~~, [the latter preferred by J, as he says in 1 .Yamp.44:3)or 4a.. (TA) : [JIayGodmahe ith repct to us; or shy of u,; (, TA;) i.e. the i,] ItWhat is vain, orfals; ($, 1, TA ;) like the guarding, &c., of thee to be good]. And (TA) lhe is ashamed to sit with us, or shy of sitting anith Lt; ;lA43: ($:) or [rather] rain,fale, untrue [in like manner,] UJJ t _1..~! signifies t He us. (Ibn-Buzurj, TA.) And. L, b thing, that hame nofoundation. (TA.) guarded, kept, or protected, such a one; as also o Cj. ? Such a one doe not guard himself .1.~ml: and he defended such a one; syn. against anything, and is not asha,ned to do it, 'p and V t One wrto pursue, or investigatej, minute things, and retains them in : (K~, TA:) one says, L.-4 ' .l l or shy of doing it, does not shun it, or avoid his mnenory (1r . ), and knows them. (1g.) ; ['.- t 0 Gf .. ud, guaruswith thy guarding it. (A.) in our journey, and make us to return with thy 6: see the next paragnraph, in two places. tc: sc-cee safeguard to our country, or land, &c.; occurring 8. l, (,A, ,) orginally Iol, in a trad.: (TA:) and 1 C,z--:ds '9Ij, (A, (S,) 2hey a.~ociated, kept company, or consorted, TA,) in the ]Cur [xxi. 44], (TA,) means I Nor oe wiithI awnother; (S, A, KC;) as also t lV 1 .L: see m1_:_ , in two places. shall they (i. e. the unbelievers, TA) be defended (A:) and in like manner o ... l and V Le.t. from us, (A, TA,) as expl. by Zj; (TA;) and said of two men. (TA.) .. : see C~r A man having hi family and his cattle preserved it safety: (A:) or, accord. to ntatdeh, .1 in a healthy, or sund, state; whether he himself nor hall they be attended by goodfrom us: or, 10. ,., 1 lie desired him, or demanded be in health or sick: (L:) or having his cattle in as some say, it is from the phrae3 .ii i him, as a companion, an asociate, a comrade, a healtlh/, or sound, state, after their having been meaning as expl. above. (TA.) See also 4, or a f.iend: (MA:) or he invited him to offected by a ilSague, or murrain, or disteumper: ls snec bto associate, keep comipanql, or conort, with him: last sentence but one.~, aor. ' (K.) and he clae to him: (A,]~:) [hecluheim,or pi. o~'.. (S, L.) It is said in a trad., . inf n. _.;., (TJ,) He shinned a slaughitered took him, as a cmnlanion, &c.: and] Ae had i I X (S, L) i. e. One whose animal. (IIL) t,... -.. ,. .;.. rx~' A r .. rc:~; ~ L WAW/ UV'"" U ,J P5, "I camels are affected by a murrain, or distemper, 3., (MA,) inf. n. . t, (KL,) i. q. . i I '.. t [I made a book a companion slaU by no m,ans bring them to water immediately e.,.; (TA;) He associated, kept company/,or to me; -tt or I made a book belonging to mne ny after one trlhoe cauels ar, in a healthy, or sound, consorted, witlh him. (MA, KL.) See 1, first and com/panion]. (A, L, TA.) And .;n,l ! state, so as to water the former beasts with the second sentences. And see the next paragrul)h, oj,h; t I rairied the book .c. nith mc. (M,b.) latter: a prohibition apparently given for fear last sentence but one. And one saysofanythming, -- -... as meaning tIt that the latter beasts should become diseased like the former, and it should be supposed that the 4.l i; . . [I made such a one to be a clarc, adlecrl,or held-fa;td, to it; namely, another disease had i1ssed by contagion, which ought not companion, or an associate, to him]. (A.) And thing; (IF, S, Msb, TA;) or coalesced, or united, to be imagined. (L. [See also ,.]) sJI , .. o1 t I made tle thing to be [as it were] withl it. (S, TA.) [See an ex. in a verse cited See S.eI.] also 4, second sentence: a companion to him; (S, 5,TA;) and so voce . A& u A cause of one's being rendered healthy, *:'- a.P; and see the last sentence but one of the same 1'.a as in the saying, ,. t i,1 ' l or sound in body. (L, 15.) So in the saying, paragraplh. t I made the book, or writing, .c., to be ia_.... .al [Fasting is a cause of one's being ;,.j [as it were] his companion. (S,*TA.) -And re,udered healthy]. (L, 1C) One says also, He did to him titat wvhich caused him to ia_c... AiI [Tavecl is a cause of one's becoming be a companion, or an associate, to him. (A, -le- an iinf. n. of O [q. v.]. (S, A, Mqb, healtIhy]. (S, A.) And m~ .. lj A landfre TA.) -And ! He left upon it, namely, a skin, ]5, &c.) _ [As a simple subst., Conlmpaniondhip. from plagues, or any common, or epidemic, its hair, (S, A,) or its wool; not subjecting it to Hene, ~. dJ, often occurring in biographie as diease; in irhich maladies are not common or the process termetd j . ($.) -See also 1, in meaning lie lad companionship with the Profrwluent. (TA.) three places. ,~ 1-~ intrans., lie (a man) phet; i. e. he was one of the Companions of the became onte havuing a companion, or an associate: Prophet. And ) -- ` . -, frequently True, sincere, or honest, in love, or (IS, TA: [in the latter said to be tropical; but, I occurring in trads., meaning I wventforth in the a.flction. (]g.) And it is also said to signify think, without reason :]) and he was, or became, comnpanionship of the Apostle, or in company with C'ounsellin;, or admonishing, or one awho counsels one having companions, or associates. (TA.) or adpmonidhes, faithfully, or sinrcrely: so in a And [hence,] t He (a man) had a son who had the Aposltl. Hence also] one says, li ; verse of Mclee/ El-Hudhalee; as though used by attained to manhood (S, A, TA) and so become o [I carriedthe book wvith me]. (Myb.) poetic license for .. ~..a (L.)~And : One like him; (TA;) i. e. he ma alone, and became k.i ';~ ' [The companionship of the ship] is one Ihaving a companion; (A;) or as though his a post-classical phrase, denoting, by way of comwho does, or says, vain, orfalb, things. (A, ].) son became his companion. (TA.) - And : He parison, that which has no permanence. (.Har p. (a camel, and a horse or similar beast, S, TA, or 258.) _- See also _~, of whichi it is a animal, and a man to a man, A, TA') became pl. n. 1. ~., nor. ', in n. L (S, A,, , tractable, submissive, or obsquiou, after being &c.) and d, (, A, 1A ) and , (1,) He refractory, or incompliant; (S, A, TA;) [and so an inf. n. of [q. v.]. (,, A, 15.)



- )


8ee also .~, of which it is a quasi-pl. n. Sacy's Chrest. Ar., sec. ed., ii. 59.] And ,..Lo fractory, orincompliant; (V;) as also V .. t, 1 [2Th companion of the right hand] and (A, V,) and * [tjlJ1 is commonly applied to The Companions ,; t `. (TA. [See also the t Going straigkt on, of the Prophet:] t .-[is the n. un., meaning 1JI..JI _.. [The companion of the l.ft hand]; next paragraph.]) -And or right on, wfithout delay. (l(.) a Companion of the Proplhet; and] is conven- appellations of each man's recording angels, who tionally applied to one who sam Mohammad, and write down his good and evil actions. (A trad. _ t~ W ; 1 ^~ thI1 it [tery]sub whose companionship with him was long, even if thus commencing in the J6mi' es-.agheer.) And missive, or compliant, to us in that vwhich we like. he hame not related anything from him; or, as jd1 . Gr t The angel who is the possessor of (g.) [See also a..r .] some say, en if his companionship with him mws the horn. (Idem.) [And , t The not long. (KT.) .. L~ [Associated ,with, or accompaniedl]. onner, or master, of a house or tent.] And . .. -[Hence,] one says [to a person departing], .~JI t [The inmates, or occupants, of Paradise]: 5~. ~see ;: the next preceding paragraph. i.l I Go thou, kept in safety, plw(/ur ii. 76, &c.:)and UlI t,~i t [The inmates, t.~ servedfron; harm; and [so] t1V..L.: (A, TA:) _.- A companion, an associate, a comrade, &c., of the fire of Hell]. (gur ii. 37, &c) And and [in like manner,] in bidding farewell, lth" a felow, or a Jiiend; (A, MA, KL, TA;) a - ~%...Lo t An inmate of a prison. (Bd and 1 %.L t. [Be thou kept in safehj or health, fellotravrller: (MA:) [an accomplice: tan Jel in xii. 39.) And la,.Jtl ,.JI t He preservedfrom harm]: and a poet says, accompanier,or attendant,as applied to a thing:] ,who keeps to praying in the first rank and to the and t a lord, or master; a possessor, an ormer, 0 prayer of Friday. (El-Munhwee on a trad. thus 0 an occupant, a haver, or a proprietor; of any.4-h 9-JI Ut;; c-.. ; thing: (A, TA:) it is not trans. like the verb, commencingintheJami' csa. gheer.) And ltl. t [And my companion is treservod, or difenleld, therefore you may not say, I' lhI 1 The foll,ol ers of the persuasion of Eslh- from the causes of evil]. (TA.) - Sce also ._j; J.k. (TA;) [i. e.] it is not used as an act. part. n., but Shfi'ee: and in like manner one says of the as a subst., like J4l; ( p. 32:) the pl., (S, followers of other persuasions. (Msb.) [And _1,: see ;u, in two places. S _.a5 tThe author of a book.] And Mgb,) or term applied to a pl. number, (A, I, jC; L 4.4 a posseso of science and of TA,) is *_. , (S, A, Msb, K,) a pl. like ,. saee j _..L t [One wrho of - (S,) -;, or [rather] a quasi-pl. n., (TA,) realth. (A, TA.) And 3 :u sce w. and i.o;, [the most common of all,] (A, has a claim for blood-renge: see an ex. in a verse cited voce .I;];. (]e ys Ibn-Riff'ah, TA 1 Mqb,) a pl. like ;.1 of U, (TA,) or pl. of j: gsee . in art. 1.j.) [And S1 I %. t One who _;:., like of ( n, d,)and (S, c.8o, posesses authority to command and to forbid. pl. of A;, p,) (S,) and OLt , (S, ~,) a pl. And _1- also signifies t The autlwr of an like OC of a w, (f,) and 1. ,_ aor. ', (r., ,) inf. n. , (, TA,) 8, (, A, g,) a affair or event or action; the doer of a thing; (;, namely, milk, Hie made it to becomte wvhat is the manager, or disposer, tlhereof: and one who pl. like 1_. of 51., (S,) and aj., (A, ],) termed ;a.: (S, TA:) or he cooked it, (I, which the i may be regardnled, agreeably with eeps, or adheres, to a thing. And TA,) and then gare it to a sick pleron to drink. analogy, as an affix to the pl. ., characteristic t A debtor.] And one says, .JI aL .Le t (TA.) _-JI ~. The 7 un,ained his of the fem. gender, (TA,) and t 1P 1, (S, A, CA,.. : [He tent forth, the sword and the spear brain: (] :) it is like *,'j; (A ;) or, as some Msb, ],) which is more common than 1..., being his cmpanion]. (A, TA.) say, melted him. (TA.) m*m, aor. :, inf. n. (TA,) but the only instance of Zi,J as the Il. and;, Her (an ass) uttered a sound ,.a and dims. of _aCL and ,j. measure of a word of the measure Jlr, (L, TA,) [or braying] more rvelment than the neighing of or originally an inf. n., (S,) or not so, but a a~.Gl: see the next preceding paragraph. horses. (TA.)^[Golius explains ~as meanquasi-pl. n., though written like the inf. n. [that ing It spreaI out ride, said of a place, on the is said to be its original], (from a marginal note _.ol i. q. ol, (.S, ,) Of a colour inclining authority of J: but the verb is 1.~l, q. v.; and in a copy of the S,) and t a,... (S, A,) a pl. to rednesw: applied to an ass [app. to a wild ass]. the authority is not J.] like ;; of ,iS, (S, TA,) or [rather] a quasi-pl. (S, TA.) n.: (TA:) the fem. is J,.4;, and its pl. is 3. [;l, is an inf. n., a verb not ~~., [properly MIade to have a companion. ,.1.*m and (Mgh, Msb,) the latter mentioned: hence,)] >. . .: t j. L mentioned by AAF on the authority of Ahu-l- - And hence,] t A man poss~ed by a jinnee or Iljh t [He shoted to him vlwhat wns in kix demon; a demoniac; or insane. (C,*TA.)_Iasan: (TA:) hence, in a trad. of 'Atslheh, mind, of the thing, or affair, openly]: a saying See also -. - And t A skin, or hide, (A, J-s _1jsO X J1 [Ye are the female com:A . (1b,* TA. [See also 4.]) g,) or a [skin such as is termed] %j,(S,) having like ;1. 4n panion., or the mistresses, of Joseph; meaning, 4. .l, (S, A, Mgh, 1g,) or !..-I ,.. 1 enticers to lewdness]; or, as some relate it, its hair remaining upon it, (S, A, K,) or its wool, or its fur; (K;) and . signifies (Myb, [but I think that this is a mistake for .i ;~.S : (Mgh:) the dim. of _.L is the same. (A.) Hence, a.3 (1,, TA) ,,m.a1 jli j.1,]) inf. n. ;, (Myb,) IIe t i.; (A) [and that of 'e-, is * ; ]. A water-skin that las somcevhat of its wool [or went forth to the J_.~ [or desert, &c.], (S, A, ~ i for s ; [O my companion, Lw,] hltair] remaining upon it, and that has not been Mgh,) or into thce ;o.~: (Msb, ]:) '. [in is the only allowable instance of such curtailing subjected to the prores termed . (TA.)this sense] has not been heard. (Mgh.) of a prefixed noun, related as heard from the And t A branch, or stick, that has not been HIence, in a trad., the saying of Umm-Selemeh to Arabs (, TA.) One says, . ts.. ; i strip~d of its bark, or peel. (TA.) 'Aishelh, I a3 9. ,tsi 3f j [npp [Such a one is a good companion, &c.]. (A,* meaning, accord. to explanations of it in the TA ',e [properly Ilaring a companion.TA.) [And ;. La Thl e commander of an in art. j1s, God hath made thy dlleUing ' anl And hence,] A man having a son that has atarmy. And ejI ; and I : to tained to manhood, and become like him. (1[,0 estate, or, as Z explains it, thy pson (j), &c.: see arts. . and bJ. &c. And _1l , TA.) - And t One who talks to himse(f; and so, be quietly settled, thelrefore do not thou remove it l 51 j. 3 '9; alone, in post-classical times applied to The sometimes, t . (1, TA.) _- And t Tract- forth to the deert]; i.e. 0I.. Wezeer, when an oficer of the penm: see De able, sriwive, or obwsious, after being re- the verb, accord. to IAth, being made trans by


the suppression of the prep.; [i. e. &~ being for W Lm..l~ ;] for it is [properly] intrans. (TA. [See also the next sentence but one, in which the verb is tropically made trans.])_i.aJ .j.l means t Be thou in a state of clearnes [or certainty] with respect to the case of thy enemy: (JM, TA:) occurring in a trad. of 'Alee. (TA.) - One says also, s')L v_ and ~.el t Ile revealedl, or made manfest, the affair, or case: and 1 Y I Real RI; not thy affair, or rase]: an(l d , ; l I)[~l to him what is in thy mind]. (A, TA.) -j-~ said of a place, It was, or became, wide, or spacious; (0, If, TA;) i.e. it became like the _.jin. (TA.)i Said of a man, He was, or became, blind of one eye. (li.)

161 clean soil with stones in it: (TA :) pL d; I ;) the only pi. (TA.) - See also ;$a.. (S,

11. ;1~sl It (a plant) dried up; or became yellow; or dried up and became yellow: ($:) or became (f a dingy red colour, and then dried up and became yellow: (TA:) and (TA) it (a plant, (, or an ear of corn, TA) becamne red: or itsfirst say 60!' , adding one fem. sign after another: jW A certain sort of milk: (]f :) so say parts becanme wite. (if, TA.) (S, Mb :) the pls. are k5_..- (S, Mfb, gC) and Kr, without particularizing it. (TA.) an imitative sequent tojL [q. v.]. (Kh, I.. (S, M, MRb) [in tie ., gto.. , which, .1. Of the colour termed-_: (s, g:) or without the art. JI, and except when it is' preYam p. 354.) fixed to another noun, and in a case of pausing, similar to . : (AR :) a man of a red colour is a manifest mistake, as is shown in every com- inclining to dust-colour: (TA:) or having a : see . plete treatise on inflection,] and LSt.. (S, Ms.b, colour such as is termed ;5,. upon hi head: ,i' i'_ JJi, in which the two nouns are K) and 5 1;G5' : (S, K:) the first of which (As :) and an ass in which is a red colour: ( :) imperfectly decl., (S, L,) being regarded as one, four pin. occurs in poetry, and is the original or of a dust-colour with rednes: (A:) or in (L,) and ;_ t_, (I in art. -. ,) and form of the second: for when you form the pl. of nwhich is ,vlitenes and redness; (TA;) and sQ', t j~ , with lamm, (O,) and , i~.., [which is originally 1 !.,] you introduce tj_a~ applied to a she-ass; or this signifies an I between the C and the j, and give kesr to the vont to hick with her hind leg: (l , TA :) fern. (MF in art.~),) and _ .. , (O,l,) and ;_ ;_ _., (if, [but this last is im- , as in all similar cases: then the first I which is T, .g: (S,?TA:) and pl. ~ . (TA.) See also plicitly disallowed in the 0, and expressly by after the j [in 1l~. ] is changed into ., because , ... _..-A..'1 and V ..o1 The lion. (Sgh, MF in art. ~./,]) and with damm also in all of the kesreh preceding it; and the second I, these words, [i. e. j__ &cc,] (i,) I met him which is the characteristic of the fernm. gender, is .. 1t: see what next precedes. opnly, or in open ie, nothing inervning to also changed into L, and incorporated into the conceal him. (, L, V. [See also s t; and see former: then they reject the first kS, and change the second into 1, [though still writing it iS,] and ;.1, One who fights with hit adverary in j-.]) And one says likewise, w .e say i.j,, with fet-h to the j, that the I may the desert (,1_Jl), and does not act deceitfldly S~ ~.i [He acquainted him with the afair, not be elided in the case of tenween, [which the with him. (s.) or cam, openly]. (TA.) word would have if thej were with kesr]; and this they do to distinguish between the lS that is S~'. (;, ], in the CIg, S~ [which is a changed from the I which is a characteristic of the mistake,]) and t _ - (i [in some copies of the 2. a signifies (primarily, Msb) The fem. gender and the iS that is changed from the !6_, which, u observed in the TA, is wrong,]) I which is not a characteristic of the fem. gender making a mistale ($, O, Msb, g, TA) in a A colour in which is [the hind of red termed] as the I of _j when they say.*,..: some of the ak..., (S, 0, -, TA,) by reason of the amSi,: (s$:) or a colour nearly the same as [the Arabs, however, do not reject the first LS [in biguity, or dubi/oune, of the letters: a postkind of red termed] ';;,.: (i:) or the latter, classical term: (TA:) or the readinga thing in a "$~;], but reject the second q, and say (TA, [and app. the former also,]) a dustcolour manner at variance wvith wnhat tile writer inwith a slight redness, (in the 9, in PA_. 5, JLt..aiI, with kesr to the , and A;. ."J, like tended, or at variance with the conventional the latter of these two words is a mistake for as you say usae thereof: (Mgh:) a secondary signification jl.. (S. [In the HIam, p. 54 ,p_o A.'A, TA,) inclining to a littkl whitaneu: (s , is mentioned as a pl. of i"; but I think it is the altering a word, or an expression, in such a manner that the meaning intended by the apTA:) or the former, rdn inclining to dust- doubtful.]) plication [thereof] becowmes altered: (Msb:) or colour: (TA:) or dust-coour with rednes: (A:) ;1. The sneat of hors: (0, .K:) or the it consists in the altering of a diacritical point and [rednum of the hind termed] [jA in the fever of horscs. (1f.) [_ See also L] [or points]; as in for oJILilJI, orvicver : head: (A, TA:) and both words, a colour in (KT, after J"# :) one says, Ii1 ~ /He which is hitens and redn : (TA:) and s_: see _l. altered tihe word, or z'pre.ion, [in such a manner whiteness oersreadingblackts; like t_ and 0* .jA certain uttering oJ the oice of the that the meaning intended by tuhe applicatios ;.: (TA in art. j :) and the latter, accord. to Igh, whiteness. TA.).Alsoo, both words, ass, (A, V,) of a ehemnt ind, (A,) more thereof became altered, or] so that it became vehement than thle neighing of horses: an inf. n. dubious [to the reader]. (Msb.) [See also j , The quality of a i'.. [q. v.].' (ISh.) -And the former, A clear space in a [ttony tract such (TA. [See 1.]) in the first paragraph of art. ~J.>.]

i5j , imperfectly decl., (S, I,) though not an epithet; (S;) or it is an epitlict in which the quality of a subst. predominates; (TA;) and is imperfectly decl. because it is of the fem. gender, (S,) and because the letter characteristic of the fern. gender [namely the long 1] is inseparable from it, (S, ,) A desert; a waste; syn. kA. : (S, Msb :) or a tract (f land like the back of a beast, bare, or destitite of hrbage,wnitlout trees and wvithout hills and witiholt tmountains; smooth [thr hog ut]: (ISh :) or a plain, or level tract of land, ivith s,noothn& and ruJgedInes, (A, ],) le [r7lgge,d] tihan what is termned ;: (iJ:) or a spacious tract of grloud in which is no Iherbage: (M, A, K :) or the mnat plain and even of land, witetier it have produced Ierba)lge or not, not L5,j1 t~ A hind of garments, o caeod in having any mountain or hill near it; as also relation to JI, a town of El-Ymen: or, as ;..: (ISh, TA in art. .q.:) you say ilso some say, of the colour termed i~.., like t v~1. aIaj.[a wide deser,t &c.]; (S;) but you do not (TA, fiom a trad.)

rBoox L Eox thrown, so that it boils, aJter waich some clarifad butter is poured upon it, and it is drunk; ansi sometimes some flour is sprinkled upon it, and then it is spped: or, accord. to Abu-l-Gheytb, it is called ',, from .J.I1; like P,from jil : (S:) or fresh milk into which heated stonei are thrown, or which is put in the cooking-pot and made to boil in it once, until it burns; and sometimes flour is put into it, and sometimes clarified butter: (TA:) or fresh milk which is made to boil, after wrhich soI,e clarMid butter is poured upon it, (I.,) and it is drunk: (TA:) or fresh milk which is heated until it burns: (A:) or pure milk of camels, or of sheep, or of goats, which, n!hen they Nant soup, and have not flour, it not being found in their land, tleyj cook, and then give to drink to a sick person, ot. (TA.)

is ca,led] i;., (S, 9,)

consisting of soft and

! #!~ Milk into fwhich heated stones are

4. J....i1It had h _ [i. e. wttn piec of

BooK I.]




paper or of skin] ($, O, g, TA) collected in it, epistle; syn. t,-t ; (S, O, Y ;) [syn. with '. (e, O,) or put in it (1p, TA) between two boards. in all of these senses; in the last of them in an anecdote related in Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. (TA.) 721-2, and in liar p. 119, q. v.;] and a [portion said of a word, or an expression, It sa.,-, 5. of a book, such as is termed] L.,!; and a became altered [so as to hare a meaning different [for] in the Wl [a title of several from that intended by the application thereof, register; (seee ,) or] so as to be dubious. (Mob.) One books, it is said that] the aL4. and t 4 ,.&.. [Such a word, or and z... and ,. and .~ are one: (MA:) says, Uib li such an e~prcssion, became altered so as to be pl. (., Mgh, O, Msb, 1) and .. o, a . dubious to.him]. (0, J.*) contraction of the former, (TA,) and J.., .. ~ [A Ort of bol ;] a sel like the i, (8,0, Mqb, l,) like O?i, pl. of';;'e-; (Lth, O;) (g, I8d, O, M 9b, g,* TA,) exzpanded, wide, (ISd, the first of these pls. anomalous, (Lth, Sb, O, (Sb, 0, TA) TA,) or a larc, expanded L'.i, (Mgh,) or, 1,) the sing. being likened to ; that ccoord. to Z, an oblong Iai, (Mob,) and ; J (8b, TA) and ,*), (O,) of which the atiisfi the hunger of five [men] (Ks, g, ISd, (Sb 0, TA) and %$i~ (Sb, TA) pls. are Mgh, O, TA) and the like of them: (ISd, TA:) may be its original, and j.B: (0 :) [or =' Ks says, ($, 0,) the largest sort of i.i is the preceding [properly so as well as regular, sing.:] see the next Mc.; next to which is the I j the ]gur in ,..-j , . called], (8, 0, V,) which satisfies the hunger of paragraph. boolk of the [In means [Ixxxvii. last verse], (, 0, 1,) ten [men]; (1, 0 ;) then, the '_ to revealed books the e.] i. Moses; which satisfies the hunger of five; (., 0 ;) then, Abraham and means o, also the 'I ., (9, 0, 1,) which satisfies two men, Abraham and Moses. (O.) [ai that is kept anyone, of actions the of record The (V, and then, the i',

1 fet-h., is correct and chaste; (0;) [A book, or

volume, consisting of] a collection of


( ,

Mgh, O, .K, TA,) nnritten upon, and put betwect two boards: (TA:) [generally applied in the present day to a copy of the Kur-dn :] and'also 1 signifying a [portion of a book, such as is ternmed] but the former is the primary [and more b .L~:. . common] signification: (Mgh:) pl. j_ (KL.) See also ! _'. Am....: see the next preceding paragraph.


~: sce 4

He H., was, or L j' , aor.;, inf. n. J in oice; grff, or harsh, rough, hoarse, became,
a. aor. oj.,as , said of a man: (S, O :) [and] above, (V,) and so the inf. n., (TA,) Hfif voice nas, or became, Ioarse, rough, harsh, or gruff: or sharp, together with hoarsene, roughness,

&c.: ora;.

signifies a ~rou

, (


and three; (S, O ;)

O, ],) which satisfies one man: (], 0 :) the pl. of ~ ' is Js~. . (, O, Mgh, Myb.) It is ------5 such said in a prov., &. a one cho~e for himsdf, as his share, [or eoAasted, aU of] what was ini hI~A,. (TA.) One who maksa mistakes in reading the a4.;. [or writing, or vritten piece of paper or of skin]; incorrectly termed by the vulgar JA.., with two dammehs; (O,] ;) [for the formation of a rel. n. from a pl. of this kind (i. e. from J..) is not allowable,] though the pL is not reetored to the sing. in forming the rel. n. in the case of proper names, such as t.wl;l &c., nor in the case of words that are used in a manner like that of proper names, such as bjsl &c.: (O :) or a learner, or one mAho acquires knowrledge, (Mgh,) inferior r, (Mgh, M9b,) from the [in rank] to the from Ae;, .t [pl. of Pi]: and (Meb:) a

reL n. from Ua~..; (Mgh, Mb ;) like a.o and

*q..: (Msb:) and

signifies the same as $,./..% former of these senses]. (TA.)

[in the

in heaven: (see !J:) one says, iIp :s , 0:) his voice is a hoars~. [&C.]: ( 0, 4In meaning t he record of his actions is black; a . phrase often used in the present day, in speaking and L . Hisfauces became hoars [&c.]: of a bad man.] Mohammad [the lsanafee Imrm] (IB, TA:) but accord. to IXth and others, it is not written upon; saying, speaks of .. not Arabic [in origin]. (TA.) See also J;.. the JUl %:L [And if ir5 Q .:~ [app. a mistake for J'~']:see tolen property be papers, or books, not having any writing upon them]. (Mgh. [See, again, ,1_, (1,)or *lit J3_~, (., 0,) Hoarse, signifies also A plank, board, or rough, harsh, or gnff, [&c.,] in voice; as also .])._e. ;[,[A voice [from which it is *~.~o. (.8O, O1.) And '; leaf, of a door; like "i.t trad.) a be from may it (TA, or &c.]. hoarse, is transposition, that by formed perhaps .. (MA.) tropical in this sense]: pl. 1 'see the next pmeding pagragmph. Also : The external skin, or scarf-skin, of the 65 face: (O, TA:) or as some say, the part thereof n.] gen. coll. that fronts one: pl. [or rather q. v. 8. a ~,,1 i. q...,l, or this may be used, in a verse in -. _; $~ i (TA,) said of (TA.) - One says 11. .~.., (Og,) inf. n.j'-J, which it occurs, for bi.e-. green: intensely [meaning t Layers offat]. a plant, or herbage, It becanme . X .~ also in altered and TA,) (V, and it became yeUlow, (A in art.Lj.) *Z,ta._ ii[I! colour; or, as J says, [in the $,] see liA-. g..: the herb, or leguminou, plant, became ye/ow: (TA:) thus it has two contr. meanings: or it (i.e. : 01 a plant, or herbage,) became inter~mized wvith Jt1 [A booksler;] a seler of h f (Aln, V.) [a bookbinder;] a maker [meaning binder] o7 in itu dark geam

Lb, TA,) in tle clest: or a rattling, (-.ya-, .0 in the voice, wvithout a right and a cracking . tenour therof: (Lbh, ], TA:) one says, 4.


A;. (TA.)
,A~: see what next follows. (Th, S, Mgh, O, Msb, g) and :t* .. .. (Th, O, ;j (Th, ;, O, Mob, K) and t ; the first of which is the original, (Fr, S, O, Msb,) ]t meaning as expl. above, and being from .. one of certain words that are pronounced by [some of] the Arabs with kesr to the.. instead of damm because the latter is deemed by them difficult of utterance, of which words are also

ye,neas~ And


Th land became altered The


Small places that are made for water1

to coUect and remain therein ( ; .. t. l.l; p'1J): pl. n..,. (Esh-SheybAnee, 0, .)

the worse] in its herbage, and its rain de[for LJuf parted: (I :) or, as some say, the land became altered in the colour of its seed-produce, for the .I-;I~ tle _ became thus altered. (TA.) And .. ta.. grain gr The eed-produce was smitten by cold: or J, The
rmping: reaping: and in like manner,

(Fr, S, and Jw and and JjJ the .. pronounce 0,) or, accord. to AZ, Temeem damm, with it pronounce U ~ A written piece of paper (MA, Mgb, with kesr, and Keys .. in J of b) or of skin; (Mob;) a rwriting, or thinS [as do most persons in the instance 'M 9 aristu; a book, or volumne; a letter, i.e. ax the present day,] and Th says that .. ,, with

[ta pears from what here follows, to be J-, or rather it is a coll. gen. n. syn. with t of which the latter is the n. un.:] : The surface oj the ground or earth; (0, 1, TA;) as being likened to the thing [i. e. paper or skin] thlat ie written upon. (TA.) - See also the next para. r graph. 11

began to dry up. (J.) *, 4Blackness inclining to yellownes: or a 4.. dust-colour inclining a little to blackne: or redness in w)hitenes: (1]:) or, as some say, yello~ness Yellowness in wrhiteness. (TA.) j, of the colour termed ".,: (:) i.e. -~ .,,,,! 0 black inclining to yellonwness: (S, :) &c.: (I:) or, accord. to AA, intensely black: (TA:) fem. or,

L [Boox I. ~ ,. (i.) - The latter, applied to a 't, [or and of a wide space of low, or depressed,iground t so ~. 1: (Msb, ]., TA, but not in the C ,:) smooth, or waterless, desert], (Sh, 1],) or to a pl. Co~., the only pl. form. (TA.) A wid [it is said that] j~. signifies the departing of th $; [or district, &ce.], (g,) signifies Dusty. (Sh L, part of a desert: so in the saying, X~ 0 _ . . 1 a clouds: ($, Mgh, g:) [but] Es-Sijisthnee says ., ].) - And ["t; JI is the name of A certaiin 5l [tWe journeyed in the wide part of thf that the vulgar think it to have this meaning, herb, or bgwmimnou plant, (, , TA,) not in desert]. (Myb.) And A eve, or plain, tract o whereas it only means the dispersing of the clouds f temuely ~. (TA.) 5 with the departing of the cold. (Mqb, TA.) And ground. (TA.) And An acclivity (..) of E ,Z~,1 The sky became cloudls. (Kq, .. lM.., applied to a plant, or herbage, [&c., valley, in rhich is ome levation above [other ItJI elevated ground, S,Mgh, as though M 9b, ], TA, but not in the CK.) - And supported [by th; part. n. of 11 [q. v.]. (TA.) latter]; and in like manner, of a mountain, and I ~ t g.~;, (s, , b,) aor. _.J, (MNb,) of a hill such as is termed 4.1; the O,_ of inf. n. . (., Msb, .K) and .. , (Msb,) [He the ground being the .ioz [i. e. banks, or accli recovered, or became free, from his intoxication; ff 1. ";A~, (;, 1;,) [aor. ,] inf. n. X _, (TA,) rities,] thereof: it is bare, and uch as flow.I or] his intoxication ceased; as also t*1. 1: ile gatve him something in a s ._, (S, I,) i. e [.w[rith rain]; and is not thus called unless bare oj P$ (Msb:) and ' (, TA,) inf. n. I.m; the bonwl o called: (S:) from Fr. (TA. [See 5.] ) everything, and c~n: and it means also an Bvem (TA ;) as also t;U...l; (, K, TA ;) is [likeAnd I4 r B...He gavew him a deendr. (TA. ) tract of ground like the area of the place in owhic) 1 wise] said of one intoxicated; (K, TA;) both n Also, (AA, ., ]~,) aor. as above, (,) H dates are put to dry. (TA.) - [Hence,] ono meaning he recovered from his state of i ;says, ; U1 q X . [The tear bility; (TA;) and in like manner both are said struck him. (AA, , ) You say, jt i. e. I struck him [strokh : the latter word being ran upon the middle of each of his cheek-balls] h of one affected with desire, or yearning or longing g (TA.) - Also A gift. (TA. [See 1, first soen in the soul; (I., TA;) [and also of one sleeping, pl. of t ~, the inf. n. of un.]. (?.) Amn tence.]) meaning he awoke: sec an ex. of the former of ;~ Q ':.lie st uc~h him tmnty stroke these two verbs in this last sense in the latter part of the wnhip. (TA.)-_ ,..J.$ '. S1t X a_~ ; pL ; :...: see L~ Also A beat of the second paragraph of art. .J1.]. (a camel) kicked the milker with her hind leg (;j,) . wvith which women fascinate men, and signifies also t The relinquishing of youttfsul folly, (TA.) 'in t X , (?, ]9,) inf. n. as above , retrainthem, or witidwiold themfrom other women. and amoroes dalliance, and of what is vain, or (TA,) ]Ie made peac, or he effected a rectifica. . (Lb, TA.) futile. (]g, TA.) Hence the saying of a poet, tion of affairs, an agreement, a harmony, or a ':.. A clear space of a [stony tract much ai reconciliation, between them. (., ].) d.Lj..aJtj ,L & is called] . (.) 6. *3 He asd, or begged: (, TA:) one t [The heart relinui.shed, or ha. relinquised, ~, (., and so accord. to some copies ol yf outhful foUly and amorousness by becoming rid says, i e1' X , 2 Such a one wforth begging of the pop (AZ, TA;) or, [as the ,) and f., (thus also accord. to some of Selmd, and its tain, or futile, occupation is a custom of many Arab and other Eastern copies of the ],)and with the short alif, [app. ceased, or has ceased]. (TA.)- And one says, d! ''I t The censuring female relinquished mendicants,] begging of them in a bowl, [see 1, first t and .... ,] (S, and so accord. to some sentence,] or aownme other thing. (TA.) ceanurng. (TA.) copies of the 1,) or ;~. and ;i~', (Mgh, Msb,) or thus also, (accord. to some copies of 4. t~ l see e: 1, in four places. A great -'t, [i. e. bowl, or drJiing, We becanm in a case of cloudlessness [of the shy cup]; (7,s ;) nearly as large as the ih [q. v.]: the V,) or thus, and also * _...and (]/, . in art. .t3:) or a ahalow ,.: (so accord. (accord. to other copies of the ,)or when or day]; (Msb, TA;) the sky became cloudles to to a copy of the :) or a bowl, or drinhing-cup, with; having a more special signification, [being us. (S.) - C , l [I recovered him, a n. of un., and, if so, accord. to a general or roused him, from his intoxication], and G (C~ ) that is neither large nor small: (TA:) rule, with tenween when without ;, as is said to [now applied to a plate, and a dis :] pl. [of pauc.] be the case in the TA, on the authority of Az, ..j [from his sl/ep]. (TA.) - And sometimes _C~; (Mgb,* TA) and [of mulLt.] tj.b. (TA) accord. to whom, as is also there stated, the word ft. t is used as meaning The act of rousing, and is pluralized by the elision of the ;,] (S,) A recaling to mindfulness, from a state of heedless[and app., agreeably with modern usage, ]. crtain condiment, or seaning, made offi/h, (S, ness, or inadvertence. (TA.) - And [hence,] A [kind of] cymbal; (P?;) a ,) of small fish, which has the propertie of small brazen basin, ( *a [dim. of [an inf.n. used as an epithet, and therefore 1,]) exciting appetence, and rectifying the state of tihe one of what are termed applicable to a fem. as well as a masc. noun, and .", (f,)this mean- stomach: (A :) or i. q. ,., (Mgh, Msb,) i. e. to a dual and a pl. as well as a sing.], applied to ing tno little brazen basin, (;,jA l ,; what is called in Pers. '#3' uW&L. [jelly of salted K,) which are struck together. (S. k.) _ And a day, Cloudless; (K, TA;) as also t .G; (8, I The interior of the solid hoof; (1(, TA;) also fih]: (Mgh:) AZ is related to have said that (Mgh, Mb :) and (O) in the ;;..~ is Pcrs., meaning what the Arabs call TA;) and t .: called aq.S [i. e. tqd or 4a; ]. (TA.)_ same sense applied to a sky; (Ks, S, Mgh, Myb, e: IAth says thatj~. and at;~. are both of And t The interior of the ear: or the ; 8; [i. e. them Pers. words. (TA.) ;) as also t ia-, or, accord. to Ks, this is concha] thereof. (TA.) And ' not allowable, but only a..~, (S, Mgh, Msb,) JI 1. [thus ~ A she-camel that has a habit of kick- though one says of the sky .. accord. to the TA and my MS. copy of the ]K, in (Msb.) ing: (AA, S, ] :) and a kicking mare or horse: the CgC 'tl.,] t The resting~ ace ( -) of ~..~ A state [of freedom from intoxication, the interior of each of the ears; (i ;) meaning and a she-ass that kick the h~as with lwr hind or] of sensibility, or mental prception. (TA voce leg whene~er he coma near to her: or, as some the place of hearing [or eatus atulitorius] of .,-. .,;. .e... t . , say, a she-ass in nhich are nwhitenens and redness the rasting-placeof the interiorof eachA of the two [app. meaning a wild she-ass]. (TA.) desirem to take it being in a ~tate between that of ears of the horse: pl. I..l. (TA.) - Also The sensibility and that of insensibility, or mental 2 midlle of a house; (S, ] ;) meaning the X.X 'L" . A venel like the [bowls calld] ai~. perception and inability thereof,] is a prov, [i. e. court] of the ntmiddle of a house [and of a (1g, TA) and i-. (TA.) applied to him who seeks a thing feigning miosque &c.]: (TA:) [and also a hail: for] it is ignorance while possessing knowledge. (TA.) thus called whether without, or with, a roof [See also another ex. voce (Kull, voce .) .] And The a.L. [or spacious racant part] of the middle of a desert; and of an ,1.L.;, said of a day, [aor. ,] inf. n. a ft s: . It is also said of one intoxielevated and plain, or hard and elevated, tract; a.e, It vas, or became, cloudless t (TA:) and cated [as meaning Recovering, or becoming fre, 1


BooK I.]


- oI]*


A calamity, or mifortune: (V:) or a [expl. vooe from Ais into-ication; or ceasing to be intowi- -Also ;.], meaning damorous and coneere calamity or m,iforhwn~ : and hence the tentious. (TA.) -[Hence,] SyIJ) cated: see 1]. (S, TA.) lj A _; resurrection is called ia.Ial. (A, TA.) An as that makes Ahi braying to reciprocate and its fem. I ,: see m.. . al ; measure, that the and the anxiety. is like :"; in meaning as well as in [signifying A cause offrsdo,] except 1. , (,A, A, Mgb, ,) aor. t, (A, MNb, former is from the intoxication of grief g,) in. n. ,, (, A, M9 b, ,' TA,) of latter is from distress of mind arnd which 'is a syvn., of the dial. of Rabee'ah, (TA.) but [said to be] a bad word, (TA,) He clamoured; $iL2 A tort of ssl, (9, 1g,) ~el hnoron, or raiseda loud, or vehement, cry, (9, ], TA,) or a (V,) umedfor drinking; (TA;) a ,.u, [q.v.], or confusion, or mittre, of crie or shouts or noies; a 1q- [q. v.]: (. :) Ay says, "I know not of (9, A, TA;) accord. to some, in altercation, or what it is:" ((, TA:) it is said to be of silver. contention: (TA:) or he raised much clamour, (TA.) El-Apslhl speaks of wine being poured and con~fuiU of cries or ahouts or noies. into it. (S, TA.) And one says ;a..-c..~. (M,b.) eJ!I [A face like thels ;t. (TA.) of silver.] 3. ,L,, (A, MA,) inf. n. ;, (A,) [He raied a clamour, or confu~sd noir, with him;] he spoke with him mith a loud vo or noi or clamour: he clamoured ith, or at, or against, him, ith anger. (MA.) 6: see the next paragraph.

[loudly] in th duct of his throt; (Vi;) that brays vehemently. ($ in art. ,,S, q. v.) . And

46j; %r, ,^ S [A ue of hich ths chords send forth lod sounds]. (A, TA.). And t;;

4 ` (?, A,*) and L^ 1 l , (g) S Wat4r of awhich the cas send forth a [loudl sound, (9, TA,) or are agitated, (V,) or
.S dash together. (TA.) See also what next follows. .,i..o Oe, (], TA,) with the t quiescent, (TA,) or Vii , (so in a copy of the A,) S A spring, orfountain, that is agitated [app. so as to make a confued ound in atuating. (A, ,

TA.)_And L',.

signifies also The [kind of

bead (3;i.), umedfor captivating, orfacinating,

called] &i: (TA:) or a bead (i;j) sed [as a charm] in [cass of ] lo and hatred. (g, TA.)
5/'k;; and its fem. Ly; and pl. 1; :

1. Oi .l aor. , (9, A, TA,) inf. n. , ; (, TA;) in a copy of the T, t Cl, inf. n. l; l; (TA;) It (a sound) desafned the ear by it veahmence. (~, A, TA.) - And e~, aor. as above, .ie struck him on the ear and rendered it 'i Such -JL '& ' def. (A.) - And a one accused me of a great crime, and calunniated me. (A, TA.)_. And ola , inf. n. as above, Ife shot, or cast, at him, and causad Aim extreme pain: or, as some say, kiUed him. (J K.)_ And vl i crow pi ith his beak into the gall on the bach of a camel:

e 8. L.L, t (?9*A, TA) and * .,.3W (A, ;, see ,vs. TA) They clamoured; or raised lud, or veho ment, cries, or clamours, [or confuisd noies,] and beat one another, or contended together in beating .. :.; and its p]. or infight. (I, TA.) A poet says, three places. 6

see ,: :.



; cI t

a, nd its fern., with ;: see

[Verily the frogs make a loud and confutd croaking in the pools of vater left by the torrents].

($.) And one says,

Re'w(A, 'l

*) i. e. [I heard] the confused cries, or woices, of the birds. (. See also .]) And (:. TA:) or rl ;9; , -. -M [hence,] Upljl ll ._i C [The waves of the crow piercs with hi beak into the gal on the '.,aor.:, (, L,],) inf. n. the valley, or torrent-bed, loring with water, L !J back of the cameL (JK.).ablso signifies dashed together, making a loud and confused (~, L) and 'l!=- (L,) The day was, or beThe striking with something hard, (L, 1,) as a sJound]. (A.) came, intendely hot. ($, L, .) And,,a.J ~, staff, (L,) upon something solid, (L, K,) and with .. a. inf. n. of 1: (Mqb, TA:) [used as a iron upon iron. (L) [Accord. to the TK, one inf. n. !; , T77 heat was, or became, intense; =a.1. ,p,..'. - - I, simple sabst., its pl. is ' , says, !Jl :] one says, h).. NmJl;., n:o. as also ,.!, meaning W sp: inf. n. ;1I.t (L) _ '. J!i st;i~I I heard the [confused] cries, or ~; ;'q, aor. ', (9, L,I9,) inf. n. ', (S,L,) but I think that the right reading is J.Jt; The sun voices, of smote him, the birds. (Msb. ($, L,) [See also 8.]) and burned him: (, and the meaning, lie struck with the iron upon L, :) or ams, or became, /ot ulpon him. (L.)

the mass of rock.] ~


(A,) and


(A, M,b, g) and ;4 ..

($, A, A M:b,

(A, L, g) and t i (S, MMb, !) and t ., (1) and V 4,L. (A, Msb) are epithets from ; V) and t, (L, V,) Te stone, (A,) and the (S,A, M9 b, K;) all except the last signifying man of rockt, (L, ,) caused a sound to be heard One who clamours, or raises confused cries or (A, L, 1) ot its being struck (A, L) with a stone. shouts or noises, vehemnently, or much; (TA;) (L.)_ And *.J c He listened to his nar- [the last having a similar, but not intensive, ration, or dscours. (A, TA.) signification, i. e. clamouring, &c.:] and the first, though masc., is applied by the poet Usemeh E14: see above, first sentence. Hudhalee to a female singer considered as a , j sound produd by tha striking of a person (.: [and meaning in this instance nud mass of rock with astone, (?, A,* , .) of voice]); for an epithet of the measure ijs

1;Jblland the like, (L,) inf. n.

And J.J!t T

/7e heat pained his brain. (A.) ~ and .ig,, (L,) It cried:


said of the [bird alled] j, ($, L, 1,)

aor. :, inf. n.

(S, L, Jr:) and so ; said of the [or owl]. (A, L.) l .o, (L, V,) aor.:, (L,) inf. n. ' , IHe listened to hiMn, (L, ],) and
inclined to hnim. (L.) 4. ,a..l Ie (a man, TA) entered upon [a

time of] heat.



Also, (S, L, ],) and

Lt. A cry that deafens by i hemc (, ).)... And hence, (?,) The resurrection: (AO, ,g'.) so in the .Xur lxxx. 33; accord. to AO: being either an act. part. n. from aor. ', or an inf. n.: (L;) or it there signifies the cry on the occasion of which the reurrection shall take place, which will deafen the ears so that they shall hear nothing but the ca to life: (Zj, L ) or it there means the second blast of the ha~rn. (Jel.) BRk. I.

,..., (A,) It (a chameleon) warmed itWsf with the heat of the sun; bashed in the sun. (, C , below.]


applied to a woman (;lt) is not known in the A, L, V.) - Soe also 1. language: (L, TA:) the [proper] fem. epithet is 8: see 4. [And see also 'i#, and t h'. (K) and t V (Msb) and

' ~.. (], TA, in tho CgC [erroneously] '~ a dial. var. of : meaning Blood and water in the :L [or merabrane , ~e) .. and ai: enclosing the (] :) the pl. of 5 't is


pl. ofj :] the hypocrites arc ... and Yelowness in theface. (L.) described in a trad. as Jt ; it ti..~: see what next follows. 200

4..,, like.'

; (Kr, !;)

[and the pl. of y_'

is fwetus in the nromb]:..

and i. q. >J: [sec ~:]

1658 1im..;u (6, L, B) and t (Th,L, the sun; [app. on a branch;] as also . 1 O) and V s., (L, L, [written by Freytag, (L [See also 4.]) a from the ., ;]) .. and ) J.L and (L) A day intensy hot. (L, L,.) And ~' i1 A nght itUienly hot. (L.) And i^Jt '. [inf. n. ofv.:,j i,. '- ,; (q.) t?;middayA intenely ot. (A.)

[Boox I.

A. L.


[~t1 '.sis

originally an inf. n. Hence] one says,

pj Ip U i;f I carme to him during the thus sometimes pronounced, (M.b;) Rocks; or intsnsenu of the heat (L :) and one says also, great masses of stone: (S:) or great masses of .j, t .L; ~ 41.:. I came to him in the hard stone: (A, I :) and ;'_ (S, A, M9 b, g, mi&day-intenuities of t;u heat; (TA;) for;. &c.) and ( M M;ob sb, , [are the ns. un., signiis 1p1. of' ~i.; sigi,ifying the midday-ten - fying] one thereof, (S, A, 1,) or these have a sity of heat; (g, TA;) as also V M.C . : (L, more special signification [as meaning a rock and TA:) and jl,t ) .t ) dYl [meaning the a mass of rock]: (Msb:) pl. ;g_ (S, A, Mob, (A, sgh, L) and [of !j. and same; or I came to him during tie intensities of 1g) and ;. *i'j.] .. j] . (Myb,]. [In the latter, _ tie heat]: (TA:) and ;;j s . lj ItL and v as wel as a and ;! are *.~tl [The heat smnote me ith its intensitiss, improperly termed pl. of ;j.]) By I;'' and the cold with its ve/ementcies]. (A.) in the 15ur xxxi. 15 is meant a a.. that is beneath the ground. (Zj, TA.) And by the J.GlIntense heat. (L.) - See also it j;-~ mentioned in a trad. as being of, or from, [Also 'y~n, as a j,d and as an owl.] One Paradise is meant the ;~a. [or rock] of Jerusasays e .a [in which the latter word is pL lem [in the centre of the building now called " the of the fern. .. L] Oms& hooting. (A.) And Dome of the Rock"]. (TA.) Litening, and inclninig, to one. (L.)i .1; ~,; n. un. ;~.: see~. 1.L ..oU [the second word here written in the TA and in my MS. copy of the 1] ,.i, but it is A place abounding in rocks, or great said in the TA in art. O&J, on the authority of ma,se of hard stone; as also ;.it . () the K, to be correctly with j3,] means ', (1] , TA,) i. e. Single, or solitary, and weakh: or i. q. ~,.. A certainplant.. (1.) [Golius explains this as meaning Great, applied to a rock, or mass 4ai [i. .e.try cunning, or very ineWignt or sagyacious, and crafty: but this meaning I think of stone; and so ;~ ; on the authority of J: improbable]. (TA. [See also art. .aJ.]) but neither of these do I find in the S.]

.L, (,S, A, Msb, g, &c.) and .. , (S, Msb, 1,) the latter on the authority of Yag]oob, (s,)

and ,, (M,) the latter only 'agreeable with analogy, (MF,) [but the former, which is the more common, explainable on the ground that v.j or the like is understood,] inf. n. ;,~ (S, M, A, O) and s., (M,) He turned awayfrom, aoided, dunned, and /L, him, or it; he wa aversc from him, or it; (S, M, A, Msb, 1 ;) he turned away his face from him [or it]: (JHam 1. p. 89:) and e; also, aor. ', inf n. ~,, he forsook him, and turned away hisface from him. (L.) One says, 1;jj.. .h J;1 [I see in the aversion]. (A.) And bl ' ., I [lit. 21r. is no evading that], meaning truly thoun didst that. (Lh, M.) , ,Jjt [T7ch road, or nwy, turned aside] is said when a difficult road up a mountain, (A, L,) or some other obstacle, (A,) presents itself before thee, and thou leavest it, and takest another way. (A, L.) - And *.
d;, (., M, K, &c.,) aor. t, (Msb,) inf. n. ; (sMb, K, .;) and V L, (S, M, ,) inf. n. ;C,1,; (TA;) and V;A; (M;) He averted

him; turned him, or ent hin, away, or bach; or caused him to return, or go back, or revert; from it: (S, M, Msb, 1 :) prrvented, or hindere, Aim from doing it: ($, A, Myb, 1 :) or did so by gentle means: and so .. (L in art. .. b.) 5. o,, aor.,, (T, ., M, A, 1,) agreeably with analogy, (MF,) and this is the more approved form, (T,) and , (T, 8, 1,) inf n. (S, A, ]) and ~,., (M,) He criedot, wociferated, or raised a clamour, (T, g, M, A, ]5,) I.S i. [at, or by reason of, such a thing]. (A.) - And , aor. ,, (Lth, M, Msb,) inf. n. , (M,) He laughed, UL. ,> [at such a thing]: (Lth, Mb :) or he laughed violently, or immoderately. (M.)

or .. e ..

.. .. - _Also .. 4 & (A,) The rays (

, (L, :,) ) of the


m5j5. se

,d;& The sound of iron [striking] upon iron. : (A, L, :) so called because of the heat 2. . * : see 1. And o , (T, TA,) thcreof. (L.) One says, .. ' .; .;l 4. (1.). inf. n. h_-; for which one says L5.~, inf. n. [The raysbe the becameirely nn hot], (A,) G A kind of earthen , A(S , g,) J,,;;, (T, M,* ],* TA,) changing one of the and '1 .,.d,z [which means the same]. out of hhuA one drinkb. (A.) ,s into ., (T, ]1, TA,) like as one says (L.) l.$ji.., ! A hard-faced man; one having ~; l, which is originally ;* -; (T, TA;) L&L: see it littl shame. (A.) and .. L..; (TA in art. ~ He e;) clapped with his hands; (T, M, 1];) because, in ;1... : sce the next paragraph, in two places. '~,; see'O. the action of clapping the hands together, the , i. e. "face," of one hand fronts that of the ;'j ; and its pl. l: see ' , in other; or, accord. to Aboo-Jafar Er-Rustamee, four places_;.; ir /_ A hard rock which L .l! 7~ w sun smote, or hurt, or ayl1 is from $~ meaning "a sound" [or becomes intenely hot when the un tshines fiercely burned, Aim, or hisface. (V.) "an eoho"]; but the former derivation is the upon it: (L :) or [simply] a hard rock; (8, 1 ;) 8. .iL.s , (S, 1,) and....., (g,) He stood more probable: (TA:) [see art. , ~:] also he as also '4: ( :) or a solid, firm, and erect, (S, [, TA,) and El-'Abbda adds, silent, as raised his voice, or called out, or cried out. (M, strong, rock; and so * ;a;: (TA:) or a mooth though he rnsr angry. (TA.) [See also the TA.) It is said in the lur [viii. 35], ~L4 Cj and hard rock, tuat cannot be movedfrom its part. n., below.] ~~~~ ~.,. . And t'heir lace, and upon wrhich iron has not effct: and "to. A [st6ny tract such as is termed] ;,. prayer at twhe iouse [of God] is nmtglibut a great rock, nwhich nothing can raise, and upon which neither a pickaxe nAor any other thing has in which the plain is intermixed moit the ruged. whistling, and clapping with the hlands: (M,* TA :) meaning, they do thus instead of praying as effect: (L:) or a rock upon which the pichawe (g) they have been commanded to do. (Jcl.) - See has no effect: (A:) pl. as above. (L.) ~, ;t part. n. of 8. (S.) Applied to a cha- also 4. iOq'~ Hardness (1., TA) and strength. meleon, Standing erect, towards the sun; [app. 3. *)L. L t, [He tr;ated him with aversion (TA.) on a branch ;] as also '.. (L in art..) Lnr.M.. and olq)osition]. (A.) ... ; andits ld.: seeot~. 4. ;' ,u.1: see 1. - lo said of a wound, .'. . A chameleon standing ect, towards 1. ;. o., (8, M, 1g, &c.,) aor. r (., M, A) (S, M, M:b, 1,) inf. n. ;l1; (TA;) as also

BooK I.]

tract, or the like; syn. of the former Jq., (L,) some add that when it has thickened, it is ;.~: (Myb:) or matter, or ps, mi:d with blood, and of the latter ae_U. (M, L.) C1% ., ,.! [lit. The two of the rod con d them] (Lth, Mgh, M9b,) in a wound. (Lth.) In the means they occupied the middle of the road. gur xiv. 19, it means Wlhat .ows from the skins a of the inmates of lieU: (M:) or whatflo fromn (A.) And Ql.t signifies also I Tlw two edges, their insides, and is mixed roith matter and blood: or extremities, or cusps, of t!w notch of an arrow, (Jel :) or hot water (' ) boiled until it thickens. between which is the place of the bow-string; syn. (M, 1.) _ And hence, as being likened thereto, js.i 1.Z. (0. [In the K, erroneously, 14 -, aI a 1. L1i . i. e. I,tl [app. meaning Wlhtat is J I.]) - Also ~ and .~ A mountain: 3 m;eted of silver]. (M.) (AA, S, M, L, Msb, K :) and so o, and .: .~. A species of fig, white without, blark (AA, S, M :) pl. ;,1 and j.. (M, L.) within, and very swet. (AIgIn, M, TA.) And t . [or ,] A cloud, or collection of clouds, 1,~ A road to wvater. ($, K.) ~And Llt rising high, and appearinglike a mountain: and The serpent: (s:) and (g, TA, in the Cg so L [or ,~ (q. v.)], which is the more approved "or") a certain small animal (aI , , ) of the word. (M, L.) hind of tluw [fidld-rats called] J 1 .j.;l : ( or r:) : see .. _ Also i. q. 3 [used as a n. of place, meaning Vicinity, or a near place or [a species of lizard;] what is caled ,ef1 tLi spot; as. in phrases here following]: (ISk, ;, M, [q. v.]; (AZ, 8, M, K ;) used in this sense by A, Msb, 1 :) and the place, or part, that is before, .Ceys: (AZ,S:) or, accord. to Yapk.oob, the in front, facing, or opposite. (ISk," T, S,* M, A,* [lizard called] tjj: or, as some say, a species of L, g..) One says, '.t .- ,j: ;jl'; [His house the [field rats callod] J1;&: (M:) pl. ,s.., is in tlw vicinity of, i. e. near to, the mosqlue; or (~, M, .K,) which is anomalous. (., M.)

t ;sk; (M, TA ;) It contained, or generated, side; a lateral, or an adjacent, part, quarter, a mixture of red and vwhite: (AZ, Mb:) and

matter, (S, M, M,b, g,) uch as is termed a..: (M, Msb :) or ran with uch matter. (A.)
5. j.3, for which one says 43 L*S", [changing the last into IS, as in the case of )_, q. v.,] from .ll, meaning " the place, or part, that is before, in front, facing, or opposite;" (Az, L;) ]ie addressed,or applied, or directed, himsef, or his regard, or attention, or mind, to him, or it; [as though he set himself over against the object to which the verb relates:] and he asked him, or petitioned him, for a thing that he wanted: syn. J ba3; (L and 8o in the present art., and ; and M and g in art. ~m ;) and ij;ul; (L;)and : (Min art. L5:) he inclined to kim, or it: (L:) he raised his head towards it: (M in art. ~So, in explanation of

La 3:) he raised his head and breast towards it, looking towards it, or rejarding it: (TA in art. kS~O, in explanation of s, 3:) the object is one at which you raise your eyes, looking at it: (9 in art. S.o in explanation of LS.d :) he applied, or gave, his whole attention to it, (meaning an affair,) having his mind unoccupied by other things; syn. 3 .j 3 (Msb.) his ous is oppsie to the mosque]. (Mob. [The iOne says also, ,.jIt oA U j.3 [Ire former meaning is there indicated; but no meaning I.$ Turning away, avoiding, shunning, and a 0 addresmed, or applied, himselfto reply against the is expressed.]) And . . 0&l i. e. ;' O_ leaving; or averse: fem. Z>L: pl. of both 1.o~; 3 A.,, author]. (TA in art. .j, &c.) And US' [I took itfrom a near place or spot]. (A.) And and of the fem. .>oIalso. (M.) o X IIe addresed himsdf, or applied ,ji/ i. kjj5;, (ISk, 8, A, 1,) in which ~o is ;., [pass. part. n. of ,J, q. v.]. One says, himself, to obtain favour, or bounty; and sought in the accus. case as an adv. n. of place, (S, K,) B. .0. B, *. .., ~ b;i.. * 'f [Such a one is turned it; syni. d3 o.a3 [and 43 Ci3 ]. (Mob in art. and ,j~., (ISk, A,) and a,b ki., (Lth, ISk,) W1a.? e,,.) And kJ a 4 d.` , [in the gur, lxxx., 6,] My house is opposite to, i. e. in the place, or part, awayfrom, or pre~ented from attainingu, wvhat is ty]. (A.) that is in front of, his lwuse: (ISk, S, A, 1 :) good, or propm~ origidnally a, (L,) and accord. to one reading and in the vicinit.y of, or near to, his house. (]5.) .S.a5, (Jel,) means To him tlu addrsse~ And 1 Uj 1J, and ?s, Th is in front of, thyself, or directest thdin attention, and inclinest; or qppolit to, this. (M.) - [Hence, app.,] 1. X ., ($, M, L, K,) aor.:, (L,) inf.n. n ~.1, syn. 4 ubaS;, (L,)and stAi ~J, (Zj,) and ;j3. i, ; .) ;j' There is no impediment ($, M,) said of a horse, (.I, TA,) and of a kid. 31 J4;%(L ; ) .. : (Bd:) to me in the may of it, nor any obstacle. (A.) (, TA,) [or a goat,] He a of the colour termed or addresset tAyseef, &c., and umblest thyself: And J;., , i. q. S..j [i. e. lIe, or it, is ;.,, [i. e. sorrd inclining to blackne~; or black(M in art. C~ : [in which, however, this ex- tending, or looking, in the direction of thee; or is nes intermi'ed, or tinged over, with redne; or planation is not given with express reference to before thee, or before thy face: see art. .d]. (Sb, a colour lile that of the rust of iron; probably the above-cited phrase in the gur:]) or it may from the same verb in the sense next following]; M.) And 1 U ea X& )~ [lam Cl dirctsignify thou eehest to bring thyself near to him, ing myself, or my attention, lo this affair]. (A.) (i,M,L,]9,TA;) as also j , (R,) aor. A; or to advance thyself in his favour; from .,. ll [t'jo _' b - jy, meaning We wi rturn (TA; [and it is implied in the . that the latter as signifying <wlJI. (T.) [See also art. Sq~.] verb is syn. with the former in all its senses;]) to that subject to which our attention is directed, 8. .;sl.t Sthe (a woman) covered herelf with is a phrase of frequent occurrence after a digres- but the former verb is that which is commonly known, and that alone which is required by a 1So [q. v.], i. e. &. (Naw4dir el-Agr-b, sion.] analogy as a verb denotinga colour, and the latter o, !.) 1,~ lA woman's ! [app. meaning veil, or is not known to have been heard; (Ml, TA;) R. Q. 1. !ab, The beating oftle sieve with coverijg]. (Naw/dir el-Aarab, O, .. )_ See also and in the L it is said that the verb in this sense one's hand. (TA.) what next follows. is & and t ,t, this latter [formed from


, a Pers. word [app. used by the Arabs] ~. i. q. jy 4 [app. meaning A kind of signifying A hundred. (TA.) garment for women or for young girls, which is e in four plac. -Also Thece thus called]; (0,1g; in the Cg J -;) as also ,^: se ,., in four places. Also Theface, t~ ;t.; so says Th. (O.) orfront, of the hand. (TA.)
,.. (M, A, L, Myb, g) and , () The side of a valley, (M, A, Mob, .K,) or of a Z [i. e. the kind of water-course so called, or a ravine], and of a mountain where it forms a ravine, (M, L,) and Xof a road: (A:) pl. [of pauc.] ;l~.


originally L1,] of the measure J.A1l.

(TA.) -

Also, (M, K,)

(. , M, Myb, R,)

and [of mult.] >.~_. (TA.) And ? . (L) and ,s~ (M, L) signify [in like manner] A

aor. as above, (S, Msb, TA,) and so the in n., (~, TA,) said of iron, It wa, or became,fruty, or rusted; (8, M, Msb, 1. ;) in whlichl sense it is ~..o an inf. n. of [q. v.] in one of its said also of the like of iron. (M.) And senses. (.S, A, 1.) - Also The ichor,i. e. thin 5J.a said of a man, IIe stood erect, and looked. water, [or watery humour,] of a wound, (S, A, (1..)_j1 L.o, aoer. ', (1.,) inf. n. ,., Mgh, g,) mixed [or tinged] with blood, (?, A, (T?,) lie polished the mirror, (g, TA,) i. c., Mgh,) before tlw matter becomes thick: ($, A:) or matter, or pus, like water, in mwhich is a mix- removed from it the rust, (TA,) in order to usc ture of red and wrhite: (M :) or matter, or pus, it as a collyrium; (g, TA;) as also tit,.~, . (TA.) [Whether the mirrors like water in thinnes and lihc blood in its having (1g,) inf. n.
,)f" '

1000 of the Arabs were made of bronze, or of what other metal they were made, is not said. See also 1 in art. ...] - And, aor. as above, said of an owl, lie uttered a cry or cries. (Sh, TA. [See also art. j.]) I: see the preceding paragraph. 6. d 1Qja, (],) as also 1 .,


oJ [Boox L;

a cock [i. e. he crowed, or croued loudly or vehmently]; (Lth, T, 8, A;) and of a crow [i. e. he croaked, or croakd loudly or vehemently]: (Lth, T, $ :) said of an ass, he brayed loudly: (L:) said of a bird, and t of a man, he raised his voice in singing (L, F) or otherwrise; cried out vehe mently and sharply; or uttered a vehment and sharp voice. (L) (TA,) i. q.

a lae, (! b,) and t any fiir. (Lth.)_H~ene, jM%J1 j~, aor. t, inf. n. aj~, t [The sJayig
isued, procedd, or emanated, r; from him.]

(Mob.) [And JI ;

j~.;;, with the same sor.

0 L*.S, (I(, TA,) which is the original, meanand tj . (.,L,1) and ta;. ing 4 hp [i. e. He addressed, or applied, or (L, g) A kind of bead (i., L , L, ) used L, directed, himsef, or his r*jard, or attention, or for the purpose of captivating, or fascinating: mind, to him, or it; &c.]. (TA.) (]C:) or with whiceh men are captivated, or fascinated: ( :) or with nhich women captivate, 8. Lsl: see 1, first sentence. orfascinate,men: (L. :) or with which men are conciliated. (L.) [q. V.]. (S, M.)_ Also [a 1~ inf. n. of 5 subht.] signifying The rust of iron, (S, M,* TA,) see the next preceding paragraph. and of copper and the like. (gar p. 481. [But there erroneously written ~.1.]) ~Also A man slender in body; (], TA;) light, or active, Cj~ Havins a loud cry or voice; as also therein: its is said to be substituted for ,. ~t l; both applied to a cock [meaning loudand see also S..]) (TA. [See ; croming]; (A;) [and to a crow as meaning oud. [part. n. of q. v.]. One ays, croaking]; and so the former applied to an ass applied My hand is disagreeabe [meaning loud-braying]; and so t t~' [from the rUst in in seU [from the rut of iron]. (S.) - And to a home [meaning loud-neighing]; (S, g ;) [and t e is o to whom digrace,or app. also applied to a camel as meaning loudwas the name of the sheshame, and basns, or meamn~, attach. (., .) braying, for] ~

dfr him.]and inf. n., t The actionproce~ He senst to it; namely, a place: And l;1 .L (TA:) he came to it. (Kull. p. 228.) .: see 4. - Also, (M, K,) aor. ', inf. n. ;, (M,) [i. e. breast]. He hit, struck, or hurt, his j~


.) You say,



I struck Aim

and hit his breast. (A.) And; Hie had a [or chct]. (.M, g.) [See complaint of thte j its part. n., below.]


Z.e: see 4. -


(i,) inf. n.

(TA,) He tied a cord from th girth of his camel to the part belind ror beyond] the

callou lump on his breast: (, TA:) or, accord. j,s.o,(M, L,) and to Lth, (L,) one says, o.

Sce also I~1.

(L, g) signify that raise his voce wetted with sneat. (s.) See 5. - ,.o, (TA,) inclining and t ... goat, or kid, (S,) A sor eolour ( ';) 5a, (S,)t IHe placed him, or to blacknh, (M, 1, TA,) the latter predomi- mwuch in sin9ging or othrwi~e; (L;) [app. thus or ua4 jl natin: (TA:) or blackm intermized, or tinged applied to a bird, and t to a man; (see 1 ;)] or that seated him, in the upper, or higrest, part in the omer, with redness [app. lie the rust of iron]. cri out vehem~ntly, or much; or has a loud, or sitting-room, or sitting-place. (TA.) And ' (Ham He wnx advanced, or promoted. (A.) j,1.o ;A.s, (S, g,) inf. n. as above, (s,): lle put to a" IA[ loud1.1., ($, M, 1g,) applied to a horse, (V, TA,) p. 558.) [Hence,] t his book, or writing, a J,xa, (S, g, TA,) i. e. a or to a kid, (TA,) Of a rl colour (i. e. of the Jimale singer]. (A,TA.) And V .j. SA(M, , color termed ;at) inclining to blackn, [A loud-voiced man urging camels by hissnging]. title, or a commencement. (TA.) And TA,) the latter predominating: (TA:) or, applied book, or writing, with : i a [A lou-ou-~ding 1,.1 t [lie commenced his (A, TA.) And t t to a horse, and to a goat, or kid, ($,) or applied See also 5, where it is such a thitg]. (A.) to a kid, (i,) of a black colo~r intermied, or expl. as intrans., in two places. tisged over, with redneMss [app. like the rust of 1~: see the next preceding paragraph, in 3. j;L~ signifies The returning, or going iron]: (~, :) fem. 14 . (Q,M, g,) and P ? three places. back, [app. with another, from water, &c.] (KL.) (M, L, TA.) And 1,; "44 [A bay, or dark a. . a j. [The verb is probably trans., agreeably with a-'-L: so ,.,. bay, or brown, horse,] tinged over with dini~es. general analogy, in all its senses; J,31. app. = Also Rusty, or rusted; applied to iron (S.) signifying primarily He returned, or went back, C4.: See t~in three places. A,b, and the like. (M.) - And [hence] 3L,~*' nith him from water &c. - Ibr D thinks that it also t He vied, or contended, with him signifies (9 (M, and so in copies of the 1,) or $., or priority.]~ Also t The esactfor precedence, accord. to the TA,) and the former also, (TA,) or the like [app. from another: or the ing a fine [A body of troops having thir arm or armour] suing, or proecuting, another, for a debt !c.]. overpread with the rust of iron. (M, K) - And I,The lion: (.:) so called because of (KL.) You say, JOQ Jl' . Io u,,, ;> ol (S,* L.; A land (,;bj) of which the stones are of a (TA.) his roaring. 1,* TA) t lIe desired, or ought, to obtain from red colour inclining to blackne, and ruged, not him; or he demanded of him; or he sued, or ve with the ground, these son having beneath se t. prosecuted, him for; such a nsum, or such an them [other] rough stones, or, sometimes, soil and tC: stones. (Sh, L.) amount, of propert. (,' TA.) - And j;.G

l.~, (s, M, g,) in a horse, (8, K,) and in a

camel of Dhu-r-Rummch: (, ) or ~. and tl. F and V.t (L) and V t

the meaning is, he tied a cord from the ,!. [or breast.irth] to the part behind [or byond] the callous lump on the breast of his camel, to heep in its place, Ahen it had become oose the Xj in cosequnce~ of the animars haiingbecome lank in the bellUy: the cord above mentioned is called iJ; [q. v.]. (Lth, L.) - And p&1i Ul .j0 [app. He put the breast-girth upon the camel]: (L, from e..oJ1, i. e. "the girth" [tlus called]. (MA.) j.s His (a horse's) breat became


strong,voice; (L,g;)andsol..j~.






rceased him from my

(V,) in a verse of (U Wejeehah Bint-Ows E4-l?abbeeyeh C.,

p. 617,) He cried, or raida ldcry; (, A ;) or raiedAis ice h~ y; (Lth, T;) said of

(;, 15, &c.) and &~,, 5.,


(.,A,, A,

&c.,) aor. t, (~,) inf. n.

(S, M, M., A,, g,) aor. ' (., M, Msb, reckoning nith him on such and sch terms a~gre 1. upon by both. (TA in art. 3j.) And (S, M, A, Myb, ) 1) and :, (,) in n. ; 'i"l JC t He (an agent) was rebaedfrom and &, (A, TA) and .. (M, V) and with ( J3) on the condition of his beingy rekoned because of the similarity [of the letters -. e and j], for which he beca,u reertain prop~rty paying (M,) He returned, went back; (., M, A, Myb, 1;) and ment, or turnd, away; (Mqb;) from pon~bb: a phrase ot the registrars of aeoounts. (,) water, (, M, A,) and a country, (.,-M,) of (TA in-the present art.)

BooK I.]


1661 of straitncss and distress: accord. to Th, it is a day by which war, or battle, is peculiarly distinguished. (M, L.) - t The first, first part, or commencement, of anything; ($, M, ](;) even t of the day, (M, M9b,) and t of the night, and t of the winter, and t of the summer, and + the like, IM,) and : of an affair. (A. [See an ex. voce .] ) : The title of a book or writing: and the first part, or commencement, thereof. (TA.) [t Thc firat foot of thtfirt hemistich of a verse.] And The first hemistich (altogether) of a verse. (O voce;i.) [And t The first wrs of Ba ;Wj] _ Li t The wide, or idening,

Iead, or clhitf, of the peopb, or party; as also tjal. (TA.) And hence, j.J~ t [The chief of the chiefi; a title applied to the prime minister of the hiny; and also to the chief jude; app., in the earlier times, to the former;] he ivho performs the onerous duties of the king, or of the J expl. in art. r.]) And C:it! state. (TA.) _And t A part, or portion, of a 5. .13 Ilie (a man, TA) erected his chet in and.l sitting. (M, .)._I I e (a horse) outreached ot t t His bosom became dilated or enlaryed thing. (,S1) the other horse with his chest; (M, ],*TA;) as [with joy]. (5 in art. C.) And ,JI IjS j~ a subet. signifying Return, (8, M, Mhb, also f.p, (?, M, MA, ],) inf. n. ,si.3: the and ,JI 4. tAmple, or dilated, in ! ,) the from (.) water, (S, M,) and a country, latter verb is afterwards expl. in the Cas meaning breast, or bosom; [meaning free-minded; free (s,) or a place, (Mqb,) and t any affair: (Ltll:) as '.i1j~,; but this is a mistake. (TA.) Tufeyl from distress of mind; without care: and free some say, from anything. (M.) Hence, J4lj says, describing a horse, from narrowness of mind; liberal, mun,ficent, ,.~Jl, (l, TA, in the C fl4,) i. e. Tae com* SS a; . , ' 0 or generous.] ( and TA in art. ,,...) [And passing of the Kaabeh on the occasion of the return J ~t~ t;. cHaving the bosom, or mind, strait, of the pilgrin from 'Arafat. (TA.) [Hence or contracted.] And j.D.I , j.j ; A man also,] j l The fourth day of the days of the As though he nere, after the had owtreached lwho is not to be turned, or bent, or inined. sarjce [peformed by the pUrim]: (M, :) with their chests, from a row of [other] horses, (M.) In thesaying ' ** so called becauue the people then return from *t ' j [a wolf that had expotd himself to rainduring 1L O;l [meaning Is he who has the diseos of Mekkeh to their abodes. (M.) [And hence the a portion of the night, and had become vetted:] the chst (Jl si) able to do without rpitting?], eayingll]t W;aJ;iQS.-i; I t Aim as but accord. to one relation, it iF meaning if it be correct, the prefixed noun [(.J] is sup- in th night preceding te foth day of the dysr their breasts nwere wetted [ C,a .] by reason of prsed. (Mgh.) [ ;l of the sacrific: (A:) or [as in the night pre.Jt ~, as said by Freysweat: the former reading,*however is the better. ceding the day] when the people ret from their star Y of C,ygnus.]._ (~.) - Also t lle sat, or became placed or tag, is the name of t pi~~imagu ; (?;) meaning, tpossesing nothing. sated, in the upper, or highest, part in the Also t The upper, or uppermost, part of tite (M.) - Also quasi-pl. n. ofjl), q. v. (M,.K.) sittinpgroom, or sitting-.ldace. (S, 1,*TA.) And front of anything. (M, 1.) [Hence,] ~,. 1 iLS l t Te higher, or upper, parts, and fronts, He becarme adiranced, or promoted. (A.) ,3. ;,j The ~M, [or breast] (M, V) of a man or fore parts, of the valley; (M, ;) as also II sA. '. t [IIe became advanced to the foremost [or beast]: (TA:) or the prominent part of the l~, which is pL of 5t ,, (V,) or t ; , upper portion thereof. (T, $, M, IC.) - Hence, place for the conducting of the affairs of the (as in a copy of the M,) or t j, (as in the L,) (8,) A certain garment [which covers the breant], people]. (.ar p. 194.) or of i'. (S, M,) wel known: ( :) a short sAirt: a slort (M, L, 5) And lJj 6. 1.WL3 [app. Thy returned together from t The uper, or highest, part [or end] of the ;: and the dim., * C,, is applied to a short water, &c.]. (A. [This meaning seems to be sitting-room, or itti~lace: (TA:) the elbated shirt wrhich is worn next the body. (TA.) [In there indicated by the context.]) - And one part tereof. (M 9b.) - [t Thefore part of anythe present day, k, says, Ijt tC ui 1j>L3 1 [app. meaning They thing. t The which is a corruption prow, or fore part, of a ship.] of the dim., is applied to A hind of waistcoat; a rekleased one another from being recwoned wsith, t The fore part of the foot, between tte toes and by mutual agremnent, on such terms as tltey would: hort vest without lee: and its pl. is ;:1-.] the [protuberant part called the] ;jlt. (M.) See also the see 3]. (A.) next paragraph. t The fore part of the sandal, before tit [owle j,~ Anything that fronts, or faces, one. (M, tl&rouugh which is put the thong called tite O., j;1&. A e,rtain garment, of which the head, or - -) And hence, (M,) The [i.e. breast, or i. e. the hole caled the] Z". (M.) : The part upper part, is like the '"; , [ooerieng the had,] chet, or bosom,] of a man, [often meaning his of the arrow that is above the middle, asfar as and the lo.rer part of which covers the breast mindi] (M, M 9b, 9,) and of other than man: the .1r: (so in a copy of the A: [an evident (M, 1) and the rshoulde~: (M:) a ,womann in (Mb :) of the masc. gender: (Lb, h , M, I:) pl. mistranscription for 'tj, i. e. head :]) or the part mourning for tite death of her Ahuband or rej~, (, M, Mb,) the only pl. form. (M.) of the arrow that is beyond the middle, as far as lation used to wear a jl~. of rool: (Az:) or [Seo also 5jo.] Aseto the saying of the poet, the slender part, (?, M, M b, 9 1K,) vwhich is next i. q. t i [q. v.] and and 1:*(IA9r:) (, M,) El-A iha, ($,) the head; (M;) so called because it is the fore or a certain garment ih which the head and part when it is shot: (S, Msb, ] :) and likewise breast are cowred, worn by a woman in mourning 5: 1 J. * ^;X S 9t * >7 0U of the spear [as in the verse cited above in this for her husband: (A:) or a small skirt worn * wrn nor paragraph]. (M.) t the ,Il ?, .~ [lit. t A next the body: (,:) or a [And thou b~et, or wilt become, red by reason day lMe tlhefore part of the spear] means t a day breast: (A4:) or i q. .1 [q. v.]. (Tin art.

1, (~, M, A, M,b, ],) and V , (M of the saying that I have published, like as the ],) and ;., ( ],) H He caued him to return fore part of the qsear becomes redfrom blood], sent him, or brght him, bach, (?, M, A, Myb , (S,* M,) he has made j.~ fem. because the j~ B of the i; is a part of the ;W; for they [some],)or away; (Mqb;) from (.) water, and E country [or place], (a,) and t any affiair. (Lth.:) times] make a noun fem. when it is prefixed to a You ay, 6j; We r4 jent, or brougAt, bac fem. noun: (S:) or if you will, you may say that our ridicam~ atisfwied with drink so that ii he has made j~ fem. because he meant [thereby] was not necsamry for us to main wit thtem fo the ;W;; and if you will, you may say that the .ss of a ;W is a ;ti. (M.) [Hence,] it the sake of the m*ater. (TA.) And `-.-.ej #j~I sIl i The spaces betrween the bones of the breast. IIe brought it and he took it amay. (Iar p. (M, TA.) [And also] t Anxieties. (T in art. 361.-. [Hence,] .. lj j 1 IIes began ane completed. (TA.) You say, ,j. - j; l1 '! ~tJ.) And ;1 jj..ol t WVat is in the minds. 1 VhAtn he beginu a thing, or an affair, he com- (Ksh and Bd and Jel in iii. 115, &c.) And i j S t His bosom, or mind, became strait, p it. (A.) And . i tSuch $ a one begins and dloes not complete. (A.) _ And or contracted. (Msb in art. ~.. [See the .Kur . 1; j;JIl i~.l t [Ile issued forth the saying; made xv. 97 and xxvi. 12.]) And l;. it to isue, proceed, or emnanate, Z from him]. tlie opened and dilated his bosom, meaning, (MNb. [See 1.]) [And j UI ... !ol t He, or was pleased, nith infidelity. (Jel in xvi. 108. [See also the similar phrases.4 J it, made the action to proceedfrom him.] a; t t ~iJ

part of th road. (M,b.)

I j.s t The


d,i,Uj , "" 6-*




[BooK I.

%l.) It is said in a prov., ii.

t [Hie knows the ways of betaking himself to place of an act. part. n., and in that of a pau things or affairs, and the ways of withdrawing part. n.: such as &; [" the per' !1 for .JI himsef from them; or of commencing them and forming of the ablution preparatory to prayer "], of completing them]. (A.) [See also another cx. ["the washing of one. 1JJI for j. and conj. 6.] - And hence [also], the c, in art. self"]; each of which wants somewhat that is in ] of verbs: (S, TA:) ; jLa. [pl. of its verb without substituting anything for that signifies t The root of a word, from which proceed which is wanting. (Expos. of the "Kitab elthe derivatits of verbs: (Lthli, TA:) [in this sense .Hodood," cited above.) This kind of noun the it is a conventional term of grammar and lexi- g'rammarians of El-Koofeh and Baghdad allow ; but the grammarians of Elcology, not belonging to the classical language; to govern as a tj Precedence, or priority. (TA.) it. See also , near the middle of the paragraph. but on account of the importance of understanding BaIsmrh hlold that the noun governed in the accus. its true application in lexicology, it is necessary case in each of the exs. adduced by the former as confirmatory of their opinion is so governed by a near the middle of the to give here a filil explanation of it: it is, agree- ~,eo, verb understood. (Expos. of the "Shudhoor," ably with its etymology, the source (lit. place) of paragralph. ; ) ubi supriL) It isalso applied to A proper name derivation, accord. to the grammarians of ElBasrah; and is what I term an infinitive noun: sigyniJin? an accident [or attribute]; as j4 dim. of ;j, q. v. (TA.) &,~, proper names, by original application, it is defined as] a twnoun signifying, by its original and .lt, Returning [from water, &c.]; going, or application, an accident as subsisting in, or pro.- for '.M and '...41[" vice" and "praise"]; jL; turnint, back, or away: (TA:) quasi-pl. n. ceeding from, an agcnt (as iJI [" the being and the like: and this kind does not govern as a (Expos. of the "KitAb I;odood en[" the act of beating"], and y..a. (M, !g.) - [Henoe the saying,] dJ 1; joyful"], ,J *j. ubi supra; and Expos. of the "ShuNahw," ,~ %j j ;L. i He has not anything: (M, i :) or >,1 [" the act of sitting"]), or affecting an dhoor," ubi suprk) It is also applied to [what is object of action, (as Oj_JI [" the being poshe iad~ mt a thing nor a people. (Lh., M.) ''.1, more properly termed ' SA ? road, or rway, by which sessed by a jinnee "]), coqformable to its verb, so And jls ,. i. e. An , J.?-, )Ieople return from ,vater: (S, M, A, 1 :) op- as to comprise all the lettcrs in that verb, either by some termed simply literaUy (as in the instances above) or virtualy ideal substantive, or abstract noun;] a noun posed to ;l; 6.A (M,A.) (as in tl'JI [" the act of fighting"], which wants applied to signlfy an accident [or attribute] conwants sidered abstractedly [such as j~ signifying ;;s?: see ~, near the middle of the para- the I that is before the z. in the verb, yet letter only, and not virtually, wherefore "return ;" and this kind is commonly termed in to the it as graph. it is sometimes pronounced as if with the said the lexicons simply an .,,l as distinguished from ,~1 A man (M) having a largo breast, or letter, as in ';~J )il, but the I is lchanged into a j,.~ ]. (Kull p. 327.) Some apply it also to rhest; (M, If, TA;) i. e. having the breast, or k on account of the kesr of the letter before it), [i.e. A ; rhest, or the ullper part thereof, prominent; as or substituting another letter for any of those what is [properly] termed e j-.a_ comnencintg wnith an afmentatice..], if (TA.) l_ ..1)1l Two vein (M, letters that it nwants (as in OUdI ["the act of nl-so J'.' not of die measure it/li: but such is really a that beat, or ipube, (M,) beneath the temples: promising"], which wants the j that is in its K1a) (Expos. of the "Shudhoor," ubi supr.) (M,1 :) or the two sidel of a man: or the two verb as to the letter and virtually, but has ; sub- j~. of the grammarians [and of the lexisome And xlt/oilder-joint: (TA:) the word has no singular. stituted for it [by way of compensation]): (from cographers likewise] apply it to A noun that -i'; a comparison of definitions &c. in the Expos. of (M.) [Ilence the saying,] t;ij ~ signifies tihe instnrumenat [or means] wvith [or by] the "Kitab ljodood en-Nahw " by the author of v;o[q. v.], is perwhltich tite action signified b a j. (M, Meyd, 1C, TA ;) and some say the work thus entitled, arts. jv , and ~ 1.w; (Meyd;) original; is the this (.N.y:l, TA,) and the Expos. of the "Shudhoor edh-Dhaliab" by formed: as Jt.'l [t food," as being "that by (Meyd, TA;) a prov.; (M, the author of the work thus entitled, section on means of wlieh the act of eating (j..'~) is leranll some, sj;jl; MIeyd, TA;) meaning 1He came beating [with the nouns that govern as verbs; I'A4; &c.:) formed"]. (Kull, ubi supr.L) See also j~, Iris hanld] his two sides, (TA,) or his twVo shtoulder but the grammarians of El-Koofelh hold that the last sentence but two. is derived joints: (Meyd, TA:) i. e. he came empty [-handed]; verb is the root, and that the ~ A man ;'.L [act. part. n. of 4, q.v._] (M, Meyd, I,' TA;) not having aceomplished from it: (I'A1 p. 148:) some jL..w, moreover, the ol:ject of his desire: (Meyd:) or he came are derived from real (as opposed to ideal) sub- who completes things or affairs. (A.) And exulting, or behaving insolently, (Meyd, and Hlar stantives, as u1I [" the becoming stone"] One of the names of the month j31 ksil-: not knoing whvAer mere his tll..o: so from , i$ ["stone"]. (Kull p. 327.) The (M, If:) [ISd says,] I think it to be of the dial. (03,) (p. j.a~ has the same government as its own verb: of [the tribe of] 'Ad. (M.) '. ,a naccord. to Yoo: and some say, ., is often, and may be at pleasure, used as an it (Har.) : Tlhose who are made to havre tthe j.l *ja.. ideal subst. or abstract noun: and it is often ,f the lspeople, or party. or priority, n.ecedcnce, The c;] and .d [a subst. like employed in the place of an act. or a pass. part. n.: TA.) (A, is [fore-girth, i.e. breast-yirth, or] girth that is (Kull, &c.:) [when thus used as an epithet, it upon the breast of tie camel: (S, A :*) [the hind employed alike as sing. and pl. and mase. and [ ^, as a grammatical term, Of, or regirth, or belly-girtll,] that which is next the Jk3, fem.:] accord. to Zj, every j -' used as an is called the _.-: (v:) or the girth of the epithet is for .3 [or ,~lj &c.] followed by the lating to, the j~ . See the particles iI and and therefore it has no dual nor pl. [nor ~. &c.] and of the [camel-vehicle j~, camer?s saddle (J.jl), [It has also otlier fem.] form. (TA voce ,,.) callel] L;;. (M.) A man (M) strong in the chest; (8, M, uss, which are expl. in the grammars. Used as in like manner a lion, (M, A,) and a ;) and 1 _. A place of returning or going back, a j, it is sometimes made fenm.; as it is also (M :) and the lion; (S, K;) and the wolf; wolf: (S, TA,) or of going, or turntlng, away [from when used in the sense of a noun that is properly tley are strong in the chest. because ;) (1 water, and from a country or place, and t from an fem.: see .*t, oJy, third sentence.] _- , affair or thing]. (TA. [See 1, first sentence.]) called by some j 1, is a term applied to (TA.) - See also j.L - A horse to whos . j t f*; The way of returnfrom, [t A quasi-inJltitivenoun; i. e.] a noun which is breast the sweat has reached. (M, L) - A _ [Hence, or of complcting, a thing or an affair: opposed not a ,~.a, but which is occasionally used in the horse, and a sheep or goat, wite in the uPtper is used inthe part (a) of the breat: (M, V :) or (with ;, A) place of a j~ ; like as a j~ l 3 . -j,?.., ] One says, to ,

.13i J.b

maternal [Evcry female having a j,~ is as a to bejealous on a man is incumbent i. e., it aunt]: for every woman like as he is jealous for his women under covert, or the females of his family whom he is under an obligation to respect and protect. (S. [See also Freytag's Arab. Prev. ii. 310.])-Also A certain mark made wviths a hot iron upon the breast of a camel. (S.)



BooK I.]


- -E~


also signifies t It a.fected him with t I made -_[s;;. x,Jl :.t n ewe having a black breast, (M, A, X,) the rest (S, TA.) - [And hence,] as towugh it made his head to split.] from headaclhe; separate though *!f lcr being white. (M.)_- A horse that out- the thing distinct [as or clear, evident, others], apparent, manifest, b; . t [The sounding of jo1 U.-uJI One says, 'eancle others (IAyr, M, A, 1) wvith his breast: a the mi,-stone affected me, nith headaclhe. lA in Al)oo-Dhu-cyb of saying the whence plain: (M, breast. the mention not does (TA:) IAyr conj. 4. (S.)_ And and TA in art. jlt.) And verse cited in art. ,t, l, inf. n. TA.) [Accord. to rule, this should be .L~,as aloud, or openly, truth twhe spoklte $ lie k, J is sllown by a verse cited above: see 5.] -- An t lIe (a man, S) uas, or became, affected withl or diserimidistingishing, TA,) K, Msb, (S, A, (M, ;j.. the called part the in arrow thick [seo the Yur O,; niiating, between it and fajt.ehood: and thus Kh ClA. [or headache]; ( , jJ:ll is a name applied to t The has cxpl. the vcrb as used in the verse of Aboo- vi. 19 ;]) and t , K.)-And [without telhdecd], pass. first of the arrows termed JOd, (M, g,) which Dhu-cyb above referred to. (TA.) And is allowable in poetry. (0, l.) part. n. t , have no notches, and to which is assigned no por- *S (TA,) tion [and no Jine, in the game called *. I]; j,.l,, (1, TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above, of which ~,1 is a var.: (O, ] :) 5. speaking by or cas, affair, the hnown made t lIe weight these being added only to give ad(litional see 7, in four places. - Also It became separated, to the collection of arrows from a dislike of Of it. (K1,TA.) - j.4 to., in the 1)ur or dispersed, or scattered. (1.) One says, 1l [xv. 94], means t Therefore cleave tlou, or divide suspicion [of foul play]. (Lh, M. [See S. The people, or party, became thou, their congregation, [app. by separating the or dispersed, or scattered. (S,, separated, and ~l.]) believers from the unbelievers, with that wherewith tlhou art charged, ( i being understood after TA.) And sc 1, .3 t They became eparated, A man (A &c.) having a complaint of ;~ . J,i , in the ,43,) i. e.,] with the declaration of the unity [of &c., from me. (TA.) the chest. (S, A, Mgh, Msb.) 'Obeyd-Allahl Ibnthou day they slulU that t distinguish On or :) means 1 42], O, Msob, [xxx. IKur God]: (IAr, 'Abd-Allah Ibn-'Otbeh, on its being said to him, a party in (AO, parties, falsehood: tnwo and into truth the separated between become therewith 1Iow long wilt thou utter this poetry ? replied, O, Mab, 1:) or t di~pense thou among them in Paradise and a party in 1Iell. (Zj, O, TA.) And their collective state [that wherewith thou art one says, .I. Il,.o t Tle clouel became [of the unity announcement the i. e.] charged, is there To him rrho has a complaint of the chefst, [scattered, or] dissunderd. (TA.) And ,..3 &c.]: (TA :) or t reveal tiou, or male ,nanifest, no avoiding coyghing. (TA. [See also 5i..]) (Fr, Zj, S, Msb, K, TA,) that w7ith which thou art I t Such a one, fleing, became con,Si' uJh - It is also often used as meaning t Grieved, charged, (Zj, Msb, TA,) and fear not any one, cealed in the earth or land [as though it becatne aj]licted, or vexed. (TA in art. %i.) (Zj, TA,) or the ordinance, i. e., (Fr, TA,) thy cloven with him]. (0, K, and Y5am pp. 136 and : see li , in art. l~. ..; religion; (Fr, 8, TA;) l. [with what follows it] 418.)==i m being held by Fr, who thus explains the phrase, .O;l[generally said of a hard thing, such 7. M,, ],) aor. , (Mb, Y;,) inf. n. to occupy the place of an inf. n., namely,,: (S, Mb, 1. as a glass vessel, and a wall, and the like of these, (S,' M9b, IX,) Ie clarve, split, slit, or r (TA:) or tutter thou openly, or aloud, (0, 1.K, t.~, (see 1, first sentence,)] It becanme clovn, split, cracked, it [i. e. a hard thing, such as a glass TA,) that with which thou art charged, meaning, slit, or crached; or, in an intrns. sense, it clrve, vesscl, and a wall, and the like of these; (see * accord. to Ibn-Mujihid, (TA,) the lIur-in: (O, !: (~, MNb, g:) split, slit, or craclked; syn. m..o below;) or so generally]; syn. i; (S, , I, TA:) in the R it is said to be from bo1 [or so as to become divided in halves: or so that it Msb, 1 ;) as also ) .o, [but app. in an inten- meaning "the daybreak ;" ignorance being did not separate: (see again 1, first sentence:)] sivo sense, or relating to a nuinmber of objects,] ] likened to the darkness of night, and the ]Jur-6n as also t.3 [but app. in an intensive sense, n . .,: (TA:) or so as to divide it in to light that clea'es that darkness: (TA:) or meaning it became cloven &c., or it clave &c., inf n. t order thou, or ordain, or docree, [that with which halves: or so tiat it did nmt weparate. (]C.)- . thou art charged, i. e.,] the truth: and t decide mucd, or in severalplaces]. (O,1g.) One says, [le slit it, tlou according to the ordinance [lrescribed to ,;n .Z ii , [Hence,] one says, ,itl [The egg cracked, or t %...3 that by but did not split cours places, thty direct in sevral I or if the TA:) cracked ], rather rending, (0, or e thee]: slitting, or rent it, as with the thou which of] preaching [the with [revelation] And V 3 ',~ i apart]. (AZ, S in art. ja.) garment called .lJ]. (TA.) - And 'l Th, on the .pJI T7he garment, or piece of cloth, becante slit says so TA:) X, (0, charged: art i lie trarersed,or crossled, the desmrt; [as thougi authority of an Arab of the desert; accord. to he clareit;] ($, Mel,, l, TA;) and in like manner, (Msb or rent, or much slit or ret; i. q. lie : signifies ~a _ TA,) (O, whom, l u. ' ,J the river. (TA.) And ) 5h. The And directed his course to such a one because of his in art. t [This road extendls througlh ucw generosity. (Th, 0, K, TA.) F i ,-'jJl rl~&j I,~ earth claoe with, or became cloven by, the plants, &L.e (s, (TA.) And ., i,lf. n.. TA,) aor. and in n. as above, (TA,) also signi- or herbage; as also t 4. and such a land]. (TA.) And -Jl its affair, tit with attained, or tlu fics t IIc hit, as above, : lIe journeyed during [or thlrogh] 1o t The dawn brole; likojqw/l, and JI1 .&. also signifies Tlh proper place [or object]. (1, TA.) - And night. (IJtt, TA.) ljWI, andJ-J;l. (TA.) (AZ, s, .C,) aor. as above, sJ', ,~ 01 ; act of sepalratingg, or diopersing, or sratterig; ~. [originally an inf. n.] A dcft, split, slit, tI inclined to the tlting. (S, O;) syn. kplA [with (AZ, S,) inf. n. b (Msb;) hnl so * ; crack, (Lth, S, O, K, TA,) [generally] in a or - t ]ie, or it, wlhic each is probably syn. in otllher, blit sielilar, (AZ, ;, ~.0) - And a; thing, (Lth, O, ], TA,) such as a glass hard One (1K.) it. or him, lic, turned him away from senses]. (S, O, M,b.) One says, ,Ila 1 and a wall, and the like of these: pl. vessel, ~. . 1 t Wlhat turned thee j..l l, . * says, or it, separated, or displersed, or scatterel, tlu (TA.) .Hassan says, satirizing El-Harith J~. awray from thlis affair? (S, O, TA:) and some , , inc. n. , thing. (TA.) And ..u l o, with the pointed t, which is better. lbn-'Owf EI-Murrec, say, , 'S . j. 0 . a ' j .' t I separated, or dispersed, or scattered, thl (O, TA.)~ See also the next paragraph. = And 0 people, or party. (M 9b.) And S J;l 2 .dCLL 4 jJ jtt see i,), last sentence. means [in like manner] ,'ij [ii.. : The placE two adds [Freytag = places. 2: see 1, in three y l.,rated tlem that as the olbject of tie .journJd namely, "Immisit," [Andul the filelity of tihe Afurree, nlwhre (meaning ,o ; w hence other explanations of t..: from their homes &c.]; and so t followed by an accus. and ~r; taken by inference whercver) thou meetest him, is like tlhe glas 1._"1 [as an inf n., like L a3&l. (TA.) And from the I;am p. 196, 1. 12 from the bottom: and vessel, of trhich the cracl is not repaired]. (0, .,tI separated, or divided, " Rupit, perdidit;" from Reiske's additions to TA.)- And A part, or portion, separated, of -.' t ;h4 d. the s,ee, or the goats, into two jlocks or herds. Golius :, but bothl of these require consideration.] a thing, (0, 15, TA,) of sheep or goats, and the








0, . ' like: (TA:) an inf. n. used as a subst. [properl, r termed] .. of camels; ($, O, g;) and so Ut~: iAl..~: see a saying mentioned above, voce ' thus termed]: (O, ], TA:) like jL; in th,e I ' o: (, 0, g :) or, accord. to AZ, a herd oa. sense of , &c. (O, TA.) - And Th,e of camels amounting to sixty. (0, TA.) And bc[act. jo [act. part. n. of ; Claving, plitg, plants of tloe earth; ( ;) because they cleave it : A separateflock, or herd, of sheep or goats; as &c.] (TA:) [i. c.] the plants from over which tih' also t : applied to a valley, (0, ]g,) ($, O, J]:) or, as some say, of &c.] -[Hence,] and a road, or way, (J 0, TA, in the ] O, earth cleavet: so in the phrasme.i. lj tbj91 I thesc also, amounting to sixty: and it is said to ull erroneously erroneously written ,J" [a torrent], TA, [or both in the lKur lxxxvi. 12: (Bd!:) or this phrase signify also a herd of gazelles: (TA:) and V may be correct,]) and a mountain, (18, TA, [in means And the earth which is cloven by the signifies also a herd of oxcn [probably meaning the 0, J. is put for . ,]) tEtendingfar plants (Th, B1., TA) and by the springs. (Bl. wild oxen]. (0, TA.) -One says also, *CIs along the earth. (0, , TA.) -And, applied _And i. q. : (TA:) you say, ,J. W :Ji L ; eis.. i. e. [On him lies a debt of] a to to the daybreak, t Shining, or bright; syn. j- . ~.l ~,, (1, TA,) and .lj $JI [or 5, small am;nount if property. (TA.) (1Drd, (IDrd, O,1k.) - Also t One wvho decides, or ,1J], (TA,) The people are one company comjudgm, l;. t [Divisions in opinioni &c.]. One judges, betceen, or among, a people, or party. bined in holtility against them: (I, TA:) and in (TA.) (TA.)_ A poet (.j3S ;w v,de) says, 3 says, L'' 1 kcltween LSJ ',; t like manner .l. 3;j anld .1..n : so says temj is divirion [in opinion and affection; or AZ. (TA.) -And A man lilght ofJfla ; and so rather between l/wm are divisions &c.]. (O, , ft e., (s, ,) sometimes: (S:) or of middlin 9 t " t91 G1 ' TA.) And L*sIA [Re- * stature, liglht offjlesl: (Ks, TA :) like the mou.npwir ye the division. that are among you;] i. e. [i. e. And when separationfrom her appeared, lain-goat thus termed. (TA.) - See also lihe as appear the clearing cracks in the murface become ye in a state of unity. (0, TA.) And lilte of the hard and smooth rock]: it may be that , The half of a thing that is cloven, or ' .2., split, or slit, in halves. (K,* TA. [See also theyJ, notwithstanding the di isions that are among t ~.~. is syn. with E_.- in some dial. [and that aa,a..]) You saly, ;S. sHel , lie them, are intelligent and generous]. (TA.) [It ~Iy,~ is pl. of its part. n.]: or this may be an clave, or qplit, or dsit, thle thing in halew. (TA.) is stated in the TA, among the additions to the instance of a possessive epithet, meaning having a ckaving. (TA.) .Andl t A company of men. (Ibn-'Abbad, 0, 1, in this art., that one says also, Ui bILc cleaving. . ojj . )_-. And t A woman nwho makes a dirision in .. : vWi e a app. as mcaning t Verily *v&~1 wyr~ .' .n vI# .t .cl M +[app. the statite of a people and does not repairit. (Ibn- they, notwithstandig what thou teet of their lfe .110 is te most effective of them in deciding 'AblAd, O, TA.) di.munion, are generous: but I think it most rightly rightly in a maost quick annswer]. (TA.) i and ' , (l1,) or the former only, probable that 1 is a mistranscription for A _ A smooth, or plain, road, in a rugged le J _ [Ileiske, as stated hy Freytag, applied to a mountain-goat, and a gazelle, tract of ground: pi. .. (IDrd, 0, ], TA.) mend an ass, [app. a wild ass,] (., 15,) and a camel, explains it as signifying also Camels going (1K,) Of a middling ize, neitler great nor small, 0 A [sort of arron-head,or arrow, such but betnwen the two . (.:) or youtlful and strong: 1 t Ileatlache:(S, O, Msb, K:) Er-Raghlib as is termed] . [q. v.]: pL 1.;. (IDrd, [see also :] or [in the CI "and"] the says that it is like a rqsplitting in the head by reason tformer word signifies a thing of any sort betwren 0, 0,1 .) Hence the quiver is called t,? l 41d. ofpain; and is a metaphorical term. (TA.) tno things; beteen tall and short, and youtIful [77te [The conealer, or guarder, of the 4..1]. (TA.) ttand atdvinced in age, andfat and lean, and great &tti ithelr half of a garment, or piece of and small. (].) t A guide going his way [app. - For the former word as ap- cloth, (O, K,) that is slit in halves: (O :) and a -- -. a.. OJ)i t plied to a man: see . with - Also, thus applied thing p[, accord. to the copies of the 1], but I writh energy]. (TA.)__ And a. tAn lPenetrating, sharp, or effective, in his affair. think that the right reading is , orator, or a pneacher, perspieuous, (0, 1, TA,) i. e. "of a 7ratoi., loquent, (g1, TA,) and bobl in speech. (TA.) (TA.)I [It is said that] d.n signifies also The thinFj,"] that is cloven, or split, or slit, in halves: .loquent, pl. t. (1.) See also " , first sentence. i.,! [i. e. rust] of iron. (v.) [But this seems to .3.~: .~': see 2, last sentence. be a mistake, which has arisen from what here It is also said to signify A [garnent of the kind follows.] It is said that [a certain person called] called] l), that is slit in halves. (TA.) And A El-Usluff[which generally means" the bishop"], new patch in an old and morn-out garment. (O, 1. ., 1 (A'Obeyd, 8, O, lI,0) nor.:, (,) being asked by 'Omar respecting the Kha- ]p) And A garment mucl rent. (TA.) And n n. t~, leefchs, designated [him who was afterwards] A black garment whicl a mailing woman nears inf. (TI.,) [may be rendered I raled, with a whlite garment beneath it, and lwhich se )r,nyont the fourta of them ['Ale] as J>_ , . or went alhng, clweck byjole with him; lit.] I had is rends at her bosom so tlhat the white one alplears: ny my [Or temple] over against his (another meaning [lit.] thereby A mouwtain-goat of iron; using it as a hyperbolical appellation to denote so says i5Asim Ibn-Thabit. (TA.) And A gar- nan's) man's) in walking, or going along. (A'Obeyd, his mighlt and courage and cndurance and hard. ment that is morn beneath the coat of mail. (0, ,;, ].) K.') [See also 3. Accord. to Golius, it S,O, 1.) And A shlirt [of a middling size] beteenn neans mneans also I overtooh him, and joined myslf to neYs: or the phrase, as some relate it, is ~.. 1.~ twno dsirts, neither large nor small. (TA.) conmler, tins by his side: but for this explanation he names [which may be rendered, "light or active in See also Is., second and third sentences, in io no authlority.]- And /~, aor. as above [and three places. _ Accord. to Ibn-'Abbad, (O,) lKdly" (a meaning assigned to 1~ and and wobably ?robably Lalso, like that of.], and inf. n. as the latter 6f4' which is said to be in this sense the applied to a mountain-goat, it signifies Youthfuil: [or temple]. (TA.) Lbove, lie struch his t., and (some say, 0) of middling size; syn. E~ original), and "sharp"]; or .~o. Lo. [i. e. _ And ., like c, in n. as above, He had " rutst of iron," app. alluding to his frequent and GJli ;! (O,, TA;) i. e. beteen tmo [in sie]; i acomplaint of his t~ [or temple]. (TA.)~ long-continued wearing of mnail and bearing of like . [q. v.]. (TA.)~Also t) Daybreak:a temtd] dx.~ p,.s.a~ Hlie turned him away, or back, weapons]; which last is thought by As to be (S, O, 1:) because it cleaves the night. (0.) J And Fresk milk which is put in a place, and Jfroni fraonm ithe affa ir. (15. [And so, accord. to Freymost probably correct. (O,' TA.) 0, becomes cool, and overspread by a thin shin: (O, t ag, as from the S, on the authority of As, a~ l: A4. The half of a thing that is cloven, ,ut he has app. taken this from a mistranscrption :)so called because you skim off (jE~, lit. bint mergy]. split, or slit, in halves; as also t o. (og. n a copy of the S.]) One says, CJl& *' i t. "cleave,") that thin skin from the clear nilk. i ri complaint rsee also t. .])- And A [herd such as is (0.) 41'93 9I ii" What turned thel arcay, or bach, from 1 7i


- t~

[Boox I.




Boox I.] this affair ? (A, 8, 0:) and .i4. also: ($ and O in art. t,o :) but the former is the better. (O in that art.) And A Q ot Os t! i e. [Such a one followed his camel, and] he did not turn him aside: this is said when he has taken fright, or become refractory, and run away. (As, O.) And Selemch is related to have said, O, .0 a, 0, *--s . --.. ~.G! U ~;,tid! [I bovght a cat, and he did not drice th/m away]; meaning the ratse, or mice. (O.)- One says also, t La OkiJ ' S'uchi a one does not kill an ant; (S, ;*) by reason of his weakness. (.) _- Andl -s..o, inf. n. as above, lie straightened his, or its, ., i. e. crookedne, and bending, or inclininj. (TA.)
m 5s-t. 3jL i ,; inf.n. tj~, lle inclined

16G5 r,z;u~ I [A curled lock of hair hanging down horse, or to a camel: (S, M, 0:) it signifies, in relation to a horse, The having the thighs nar upon the temple]. (S, O, TA.) toetlher, and the hoofi fir apart, with a twisting eo Crooedness, and bending, or inclining. of the pasterns. (S, 0, 1 :) or a crookedness in the fore legs: (M:) or an rclining in tlu hoof (TA. [Sce 1, near the end.]) towards the off side: (ISk, S, M, Mgh, O, g :) e: see t . or an inclining of the foot (As, S, M, Mgh, O, Msb, 1B) of the fore leg or of the hind lg (AS, S, j1.j A mark made with a hot iron upon tice M, O, Mbh) of the camel, towards tlse off side; M, [or temple, of a camel], (S, O, K, TA,) or, (Am, s, ', Mg1, O, M.b, ] ;) if towards the near as in the A, upon the ecen part rf the ~, side, the epithllet applied to hlim is ,.l, (An, S, lengthwise. (TA.) 0, ],) aind the verb is , inf. . n. ": (TA:) an epithet appli,d to a child (S, .K) In or an inclininp in the .a,, [or human foot]; Ai the stage extending to his comlletion of sevten says, I know not wllether from the right or from days: (Q:) or that is seven days old: (Mgh, O, the lcft: or an approaching of one of the knees towards the other; thus, peculiarly, in the horse: K :) because his temple becomes firm (.a.o .:) or a nearness togetlwr of [the two tendons called] only to this period, (so in the 0, [and the like is , and a wideness apart of the hoofi, said in the Mgh,]) or because his temples are not tIwecil0 writh a twisting of the pasterns; one of the natural bound (o; ~.*j ,j) save for seven days: (so in faults of horaes: (M:) (Mtr says,] as meaning the TA:) or it may be an instance of Je in the a twisting in tle neck, I have not found it. sense of J,a;. from SbJ hi.:, meaning (Mgh.) "he turned him away, or back, from the thing." 3. (0S (l , O, , K, TA,) inf. n. ah.l.~, (M, (O.)_And [henec, perhaps,] Weak. (S, O, 1C.) TA,) Hie found him; or lighted on h;im; syn. Q,t.l~o [71w two temporal arteries;] two o.,. j; (0, O, ,TA;) namely, another man; vreins beneath th/e Oti [or two tem,pls], (O, (S, 0 ;) and 'ei [which may also be rendered he iK,) which, as is said by As, are ahlays pulsing, met writh him; or encountered himn]; (0, k, in everjyone in the world: a word having no sing., TA;) and iil [which signifies the same]. (M, like as they say of i;#,1. (O.) TA, and and K in art. ji..) One says, j Ij.i.~ U I found, or met with, such a ~.~.t : see what next follows. one in such a place; syn. l. (TA in art. ,i jt A pillow, or cushion; (S, O, ;) bc- ji.) And jl' Wij .LI * [Thu cause placed beneath the t. [or teniple]; also foundest thine affair, or thy cae, suitable to thy pronounced i ;.. and sometimes they said wish; i.e., foundest it to be so: thus, in this and instance, and in many others, like its syns. ;. . &'k(s,O;) and [?TAt^ and] ,t and ,iJ, the verb lhas two objective complet signify the same. (TA in art. .) ments]. (' and K* and TA in art. ;j,.)e~,~?, and its fem.: see what follows. And a1tbl signifies also The being opposite, one to another; or the facing one another; or the .Aj;, A camel marked writh the mark termed matching one another; syn. lSIr... (TA.) U.0; as also L.: (]g,* TA:) or the former 4. hJ~l 1c, or it, turned him away, (S, M, is applied in this sense to a camel, and t O, ](,) or back; or caused him to return, go back, in like manner to camels. (ISb, O, TA.) or revert; (], TA;) from it; (M;) and 1 ~., (0, 1g,) inf. n. ~., (0,) signifies the same; (O, 5 ;) the latter verb being trans. as well L. L J~,, (s, o,) or i, (M.b, ,) aor.,, as intrans., but when trans. having only one (0, ]g,) He turned away from, avoided, drunned, inf. n., that mentioned above. (O.) One says, and left, (S, O, Mob, g,) me, (., O,) or him, or IS;3 I.S ,s ~ Such atund uch thinys it; (Msb, I[;) so the verb signifies in the Iur turned me awayfrom it. (S, 0.) vi. 158 [and a similar instance occurs in verse 46 of the same chap.]; (0;) and so A' *J;a3: 5. J.a3: seeo 1, first sentenee. _ Also I.q. (0,*] :) and (so in the Ji [but more properly l,ebP: (TA:) in the saying of Muleyh El"or"]) J, (A'Obeyd, M, o, O,,) aor.: (M, Hudhalee, 0)and / , (5,) inf. n. J~ and J3,~ (M, O, 1, TA, [t. in the C-V is a mistake,]) he turned away, (A'Obeyd, M, O, ],TA,) or became turned away, or back, (0, 5:, TA,) and declined, (51, TA,) afron it, (M, 0,) namely, a thing; (0;) [app. describing a she-camel, or a number of said of a man. Q() And -, said of a camels, meaning And when her, or their, burdets woman, She turned away hrface. (M,b.) - were, or became, adjusted, or firm or steady, and See also 4. ~ ,; is an inf. n. (S, M, O, M9 b) she, or they, went alternateldy to the right and J0It J s , in art. of which the verb is J ', (M, Mqb,) and from left, (see the phrase t which is derived the epithet VJ~,,1 s applied to a ~e;,) in the high places of acent, cold in the

to the thing. (TA.) And A ;5 decliwnd from his wnay, or road. (TA.)



aor. ',

( 0,) 1, lie (a O) was, or became, weah. (S, O, }.) 0,

] ..

o , ) inf. n. i1j, 0,

[See its part. n.

3. Ai3t,, i. q. 1;J [IIe treated hion nith ~entmcac", or blandiduscnt; soot Iwd, coared, wleeUdled, or cajoled, him; &c.]: or ) ct[ , II [he went along over against him]: (1 :) Ibn-'Abb6d says that ,.jll ., means 'd.: and he adds, L*JI J.,;ltl 1iJ: (0: [but a the right reading seems to be U. :]) accord. to the A, one says, .J o. .t; .1 [I walled, or trent alony, with hbim, niy temple towarids his tenmile]. (TA.) [See also 1, first sentence.] i~" [The temple; i. e.] the part bltween tle eye and lthe ear; (S, 0, ] ;) the part betrewen the outer an,gle of the eye and the root (.)1) of the ear; (A, Mh ;) the part of the heml that lop~ dowa to the place of attachment of tihe jaws; as expl. by AZ, it is [from] tle place ofjuncture between thwe 3a,J [app. a mistranscription for n _J i. e. jaw, agreeably with the explanation next preceding,] and [the main portion of ] the lhead, to the part beneath tie 0j. [which is the temtporal ridge]; (TA;) each of what are termned tlhe ;1: (AZ, A, TA:) ISd mentions also *t ~, as occurring in poetry, and expresses a doubt whether it be, or be not, peculiar to poetry: (TA:) and sometimes they said , with M,: ]:tr says that certain persons of the Benoo-Temeem, called Bel'ambar [a contraction of Benu-l-'Ambar], change , into e [or use these two letters indiscriminately] when followed by any of the letters JI and 3 and t and t, whether the latter be second or third or fourth; saying l.. and

J.l , and W: and iW , and Ji4 and j


&e.: (0, O:) the pl. is t~ l (?, O, Mb, TA, [in all except the Myb mentioned after the signification expl. in the next sentence, and properly a pl. of pauc.,]) and also t~1 [which. is probably used only as a pl. of pauc.]. (TA.)And I The hair that hangs dovwn upon tAhplace aboe/ne'ioned. (S, 0, Mlb, ]5.) One says & Bk. I.



3J~ - j~s
a.][Hence,] '1.,j

[BooR I. inf. n. j~ (S,*M,O,*M,b,],TA) and d., (M, P,) the former of which is the more chaste, (TA,) or the latter is an inf. n. and the former is a simple subst., (.,) and 1 *s (M) and (0, g, TA,) which is one of the [few] inf. ns. of the measure l_a/L, (0, TA,) [or a fem. pass. part. n. used as an in. n. like as is said ofits contr. 3&X2;,] He spoke, said, uttered, or told, truth, or truly, or veracioutly; contr. of ;..: (Myb: [and in like manner it is said in the S and M and O and g that J. is the contr. of , :]) ErRaghib says that L.L and d;i are primarily in what is said, whether relating to the past or to the future, and [in the latter case] whether it be a promise or other than a promise; and only in what is said in the way of information: but sometimes they are in other modes of speech, such as asking a q,;cstion, and commanding, and supplicating; as when one says, "Is Zeyd in the house ?" for this implies information of his being ignorant of the state of Zeyd; and whllen one says, "Make me to share with thee, or to be equal with thee," -for this implies his requiring to be made to share with the other, or to be made equal with him; and when one says, "Do not thou hurt me," for this implies that the other is hurting him: ., he says, is [by implication] the agreeing of what is said with what is conceived in the mind and with the thing told of, together; otherwise it is not complete 3.;., but may be described either as J.. or sometimes as j.~ and sometimes as i according to two difierent points of view; as when one says without believing it, "Mohammad is the Apostle of God," for this may be termed 3. because what is told is such, and it may be termed j.1. because it is at variance with what the speaker conceives in his mind. (TA.) One says, 4 1J ) [lie poke truth in the information, or narration]. (0, O, .) And di i. e. He told him, or in. formed him, twith truth, or veracity, (AHeyth,* M, M9b, ) Jjil ) [in the saying]; for it is trans. as well as intrans. (M,sb.) And . , JI.($, O, lI, in the Cl [erroneously] '.

entrances thereof, because of their height], Skr ex. of the pl. voce

says, ._J

means ;45.

(M, TA.)

6. 5ihj , said of two sides of a mountain, 2*ay met together, andfaced each other. (TA.) ,. inf. n. of J.A., [q. v.]. (M, M9 b.)
Also Anything high, or lofty, (Aq, S,M, O, ,) such as a wall and a mountain, (M,) or such as a wall and the liAe; (K;) like what is termed (Al, q, 0:) and the side of a mountain:


(M :) or J.,. and J.., both signify any building

or structure, that is high, or l!fty, and great; (A'Obeyd, TA;) accord. to Az, likened to the J,. of a mountain, which is the side that faces ~52d01; for it is said that] ,.I signifies the one, thereof: (TA:) and and VJ.n (S, part of the scapula which is the place of the M, O, () and V .~ and VJ.~, (O, g,) It i). (0, J.) - And %.~ also signifies accord. to different readings of a passage in the t Flesh, (0,) or a piece of lesh, (g, TA,) groogur, (S, M, O, I,) [xviii. 95,] in which the ing in a wound of the head, net the skull, redual occurs, (1, M,O,) signify the place of smbling the cartilages. (0, ].) And in the ending, or breaking off, (S, 0, I,) of a mountain, ' Tekmileh it is said that [the pl.] Lj1 signifies ( o,) or f a lofty mountain: (;, O :) or the side of a mountain: (1.K:) or the part between two Waves of the sea. (TA.)~ See also J,~ nmountains: (M:) or, as used in this instance, :see J, second sentence. (IS, TA,) in the verse of the ]ur, (TA,) S. ,

signifies also, (M, TA,) or i4. l i..", (0,) The ;Lj; [or concha, i. e. the eternal, deep, and wide, cavity, around the hole,] of the ear. (M, O, TA.) - [And hence, also,] Qt;iJI signifies The two emall hollons, or sockets, in each of which is Mt the head of one of the two thigh-bones, and in each of which is a ligament ('. [lapp. that called ligamentum teres, forming a tie]) to that head. (M, TA.) [And in like manner, The two sockets in thle scapula, in each of wrhich turns the head of one of the two upper anm-bones: (see Ujto.:) or these, it seems, are called by some



(M, V.,) as also 1 1, (M,) means two like 1., (0, 9,) or t J,.U, (so in a copy of the mountains (M, L, ) meeting together, (M, L, M,) A species of animal of prey: (M, 0,:) TA,) in the copies of the g, Q5Jd4~ [i.e. or, as some say, a bird. (M, O, K.) cleaving together], but the correct reading is ,~ o: see J~, in three places. as ug., in the L [and M], (TA,) beteen iYa-jooj and Ma-jooj: (M, L, K, TA:) and U.i.~ A camel of a certain sort, (M, ,*) of e~celent quality, (1,) [ISd says,] o called, (M, i.wt hl, t(M, J,) with damm to the s, (M,) }g,) I think, in relation to a tribe of Arabs of ic.e. with two (!ammeh!, especially, (],) or this as El-Yemen, (M,) or in relation to a snb-tribe well as Q6,01, (TA,) means the two side of tAthe of Kindeh, (Is,) called J,JI. (M, 1.) -. '! [app. here meaning ravine, or gap, beteen (X:.;) tweo mountains], or of the valley: (M, ], TA:) [See also ,rp.] - [Also a rel. n. from J. ; so says IDrd: (M, TA:) both signify the two Testaceous.] sides of the mountain when they [meet togethr, J~ A woman who turns away her face and] face each other, so called L~;l. , i. e. (Lb, M, Mqb) from her Ausband: (Lb, M :) or a becausc of their meeting together, and facing each woman who turns her face townards one and then other, haring between themn a [road such at is turns away: (S, O, k :) or a woman who desires termed] ., or a [expl. above], or a valley. not kisses: (M :) or haying a stinking routA, (TA.) - Also [The mother-of-pearl shell; or (Lb;, Ibn-'Abbad, M, O, ],) as an epithet applied oyster-shell; and any shell of a molluskh: and, by to a female, (Lb, M,) or to a male: (Ibn-'Abbad, an extension of its primary application, the oyster O, :) applied in this last sense to a man because itself; and any shell-Ufish, or te*taceous mollusk of he turns away his face whenever any one speaks the water, and likewise of the land:] the cover of to him. (TA.).- And A she-camel that oill not the pearl; (g ;) or this is called ;jl & .. , (S, come to the watern troough until it is left to her unoccupied: like ~o. (TA in art.,&... [See 0,) or j.JI ./; (Myb;) a kind of covr also what next follows.]) created in the sea, composed of [hat are termed] Jtl._~ [pl. of ab.G] Camels that come to Citi.U [i. e. a pair of l~alves], which are others at the drinking-trough, and wait at their opened from [i.e. so as to disclose] a hind of fh rumps until the drinkers have gone away, that in which is life, called the ;Sj1 [i. e. oyaer], and in the like thereof are found pearls; (Lth, they may go in. (S, O. [See also what next precedes.]) TA;) i. q. )~ [which means oyster-shel, and also oysters themselves, and both of these may be J,1~ : see ~J, in the first paragraph. lere meant, as both are correct meanings of emeaning One often attacked by disease *J]: (M :) n. un. with ;: (S, M, O, Msb, I~ :) is a word used by the vulgar. (TA.) [in the Myb it is also said that .J11 signifies .J~.a Veiled, or concealed; covered; or the ; , whichll is the J~ of the pilgrims; protected; syn. ' (TA.) but I think that this is a mistake, caused by nuiilerstanding ;jtI here in a wrong sense; for I find no other authority for assigning this meanil,g to ] pl. pi. J~1. (0, 1.) [See an

see J 3W:


second sentence.

Also, i. e.

q.,J 6j) told him oith truth, or veracity, the iformation, or narration; for it is sometimes doubly trans. (TA.) And Xm r [He hath told me truly the age, or as to the age, of his youthful camel; or ,2J& ' kJ" the age of his youthul camel has .sowken truly to me]: (S, O, g :) a prov., ($, 0,) cxpl. in art. A [q. v.]. (I.) And 2 ,~ : 0j- and ,;,, meaning Such a one, when asked, will not tell truly whence he comes. (M.) And His oath was,

or proved, true. (Msb in art.

I6Jah .i41

i.) Wi


is an oath of the Arabs,


meaning iJI .. [JMfay I not utter truly to God a saying, i. e. may I not "pealtruth to God, if I do not such a thing]. (AHeyth, O, g.) One says also, a. , and s1 , He rendered to him truly, or sincerely, good advice, and brotherly affection. (M.) And jlt;1 ., j ,J, (s, M, O,Mb,g,) 0, aor. , (M, TA,) (f, M, V,* TA) [They gave them battle earnestly,



1667 by the vulgar: (Msb :) [and accord. to J and Sgh,] one says, JL4 v. ;, and one should not say ,sin. (S, O.)

not wvith a false show of bravery; as is implied the believers: (M:) accord. to Er-Raghib, by in the 1, and M, and .; i. e.] they advanced dj 3ti. is meant and hathfound, or proved, to against tihm boldly in jight: (M, TA:) and in be true ( that which he hath brought by ta) like manner, Jt1Al L l, they advanced word, by that which he hath aimed at (!,-3 tQ.) boldly in fight: or, accord. to Er-Righib, the by deed. (TA.) - 3 is also said to signify former means they gave them battle so as to fdflj their duty: and hence, in the B]ur [xxxiii. 23], He said, "Ttis thtin is the truth;" like ~L. (TA in art. o..) - And this verb also denotes Xfi 1' Ct1; 1 G ;4cmen who ful,llcd hJ jl;jI: thus in the saying, the covenant that they had made with God. (TA.) [0~l,1 And iil ,J, inf. n. v, He was firm, or stedy, in encounter, or conflict. (M, TA.) And [My opinions rcepecting them mere, or proved to U; 03~ My opinion rwas, or proved, true, or be, try true or correct]. (Ksh, in xxxiv. 19.) correct, like as one says [in the contrary case], j.) : (Er-R_ighib, TA:) whence, in the ]ur gr~.irjl 3.., (0, 8],TA,) or t .s, (so in a copy of the M,) The ild animal ran without [xxxiv. 19], L ., .. ,i, meaning looking aside, when charged upon, or attackhed: s!) [i.e. And assuredly Ibls ras, or (M, O, ], TA:) mentioned by IDrd. (0, TA.) proved to be, correct in his opinion that he had _m J,J. He exacted from tem the poor-rate. formed against them]: but some read * , (TA. [See i.,.])- See also 5. meaning, as Fr says, v. [i. e. Iblees proved, or fou nd, to be true, his opinion &e.]. (TA.) And 3. 4j3, (M,) inf n. J3;L1 (S, M, OJ;) " 1= is s [told him truth; meaning,] and l._, (M,O, ],) the latter like ,J , diverted him, or hindered him, or Aheld hirm back) (TA, [in the C]~ erroneously written 31,s,]) I from an undertaking, causing him to imagine acted, or asoiated, with him as a friend, or as himelf unable to prosecute it. (TA in art. .., .) a tre, or sincre,fri~ (,' M, O,- g.) [See And dI!j~ [The dawn shon clearly]. ($ in also 6.] art. i.) [And one says of a word or the like, 4. ;W1 j~ He named for the woman a %! iL @,~ meaning It applia correctly to jtl3, [or dowry]: (8, M,' O, ] :) or h gave such a thing.] - Uj 1 ,~ j.U,: see 2, near the her her ji : (M, Mb :) or he appointd her, end.

6. W.Lr. signifies The acting, or associating, asfriends, or as true, or sinace,friend, one with another. (X. [See also 3.]) And I q. &: (TA :) [or rther mutualj; contr. of; f:] one says, t..jl s 3 and ,;;; (9, O, TA) Thiey vwer true, or sincere, each to the other, in infirmation,or narration,and in lore, or affc~tion; contr. of I1d. (O, TA.) .0 is an inf. n. of Js [q. v.]: (M, :)and is used as an epithet, applied to a man &c. (t, M, 0, 1, TA :) [and] V . [also, if not a mistranscription for &..,] is an inf. n. used as an epithet, applied to a man and to a woman: (so in a copy of the M and in the TA:) [it is said that] the former signifies Hard, (f, M, O, Myb,) applied to a spear, ($, M, 0,) and to other things: (M:) or even, or straight; (9, 0 ;) or it signifies thus also, applied to a spear, and to a sword: (M :) or hard and eren or straight, applied to a spear, (.K, TA,) and to a man, (K,) or to the latter an meaning hard: or, as IB says, on the authority of IDrat, it is not from hardness, but meaos combini.g tho~ qalities that are comes~ed; and it is applied to a spear as meaning long and pliant and hard, and the lit; and to a man, and to a woman likewise [without ;, but see what follows], as meaning true in hardune and trength and goodnes ; for, IDrat says, if it meant hard, one would say 0~ s. and O~s ~,. which one does not: (TA:) and, applied to anything, (0, ], TA,) it means complete, or perfect, (]K, 0, g, TA,) thus applied to a man, (TA,) nuch as is commended; (0 ;) fem. with ;, (O, K, TA,) applied to a woman: (0:) the pl. is O~, applied to a company of men, (~, O, g,) and

or agned her, a j~,

on taing her as his

wife: (TA:) and he married hr, or took her as of e46. (0,0 .) [This explanation implies his wife, on the ondition of his giving her a several meanings here following.] lIe attributed, jl.. (M,b.) And sometimes this verb is or ascribed, to him truth, veracity, or the eaking doubly trans.; whence, in a trad., l.' l I. truth. (Meb.) And He said to him, "Thou hast Ujg1 jW [It was said, " What is it that thou 5 spoken truth." (Mqb.) Ife accepted, or admitted, meanetfor her, or giet her, as her dowry?" and [or asd to, or belimed,] what he said: (M:) he said, "My waist-rapper"]. (Mgh.) you say, 4. - J,t.~ [H e accpted, k., He gaem him (i. e. the poor, what he said in his infornmtion, or narration]: 5. &X j,3 Mgh, Mqb) what is termed 3, (M, Mgh, ~ (10) and X,t, so applied, and ;U (g:) and you say , j,. [He aenOtedto the Meb,) meaning [an aim, or] what is gi~v for applied to women: (0, ]:) and Ru-beh says, truth of what wams said with his tongue]; as well the sake of God, (M,) or what is ~ with the describing asses, as 4 [with his heart, or mind]. (T in art. desre of obtaining a re~omps from God: ;i.) Ie hed him to be a peaker of truth. ._k... ... .. d1 ;[Lk. .;1t (M, Mgh:) and &* t~ signifies the same; * W-----'r -. J (MA.) [Hefound /him to be a speaker of truth. is [said by meaning [Round, a~ tAough pared, in th ear,] lie, or it, proved him to be a speaher of truth; (M, TA;) and in this sense j. verified him; or confirmed the truth of what Ae some to be] used in the ]ur lxxv. 31. (TA.) penetratingin the ey; (, TA;) which is [said 1 ; : (TA:) to be] tropical (TA.) ~ signifies also Firn, said: see an ex. in a verse cited voee em.] Ie Hence, in the ]ur [xii. 88], C: or this means t And do thou confer a favor or steady, in encounter, or conflict: (M:) or one fouad it (an opinion) to be true, or veritable. (Ksh and Bd and Jel, in xxxiv. 19.) lle ~eriied upon um by giving that which is [not like the says ;itl VJu, applying this epithet to a man, it; confirmed its truth; or proved it to be true, mean merchandise that we have brought, but of (0, O, g, TA,) meaning thus: (TA:) and U~ middling quality,] between good and bad. (M.) or veritable; i. e. an opinion [&c.]; syn. : t[jl [firm, or steady, in look]. (., 0, K, TA. One says, t1. .. , meaning I gae asch a (Ksh and B4, ibid.:) one says, JI l j. (Said in the TA to be tropicaL]) (Msb.) See an ex. voce J~. [7The trial,proof, or tet, terifed the information]. thing as a i3.. j.~ is an inf. n. ofJ [q. v.]: (M, &, &c.:) ($ in art. jb..) 8ee 1, near the end. In the The saying, in a trad., tg ;C'. __ or a simple subst., (K,) signifying [Iruth; sayin, in the gur (xxxix. 34], jA.i4 AWg .71 ', meaning [Yeriy God] hath conferred veracity; or] agreement of what is said rithwhat j., .t [which seems to be best; rendered But afaor'[upo you by giving you a third of your is concid the mind and ith the thig told Ahe who hath broughAt the truth and he who hath poseions to bequeath to whom ye will], if of, t~ogher; other~ise it is not complete .j., accepted it as the truth, (see p'Ljt ~J,)] 'Alee correct, is tropical. (Mgh.) - It is said by lbnas expl. above in the first paragrph of this art. the son of Aboo-T&lib is related to have said that Es-Seed, on the authority of AZ and IJ, and (Er-1.1~ib, TA) - It is also yn with .j, by jjhh; t 4. t.UlJ is meant Mohammad; and mentioned by IAmb, that ja3 signifies als [meaning .a"ld,se, f.imne~s, compactnes, or by a4 ;~ qbUt, Aboo-Bekr: or, as some say, He asked, or bjegged, for what is termed JJ. Woundss; stegt powert or fore; vigour, Gabriel and Mobammad [are meant by the former [or alms]: but Fr and Ay and others disallow the robustne, ahudine, or ha.rdi~ ; and coYrae, and the latter respectively]: or by the former, beggar's Seing called j : (Az, TA:) Ixt bravery, or firm~net of hart]: (], TA: [in the Mobammad; and by the latter, [every one of] says that the vcrb is improperly used in this sense latter of which it issaid to be tropical; but this is 1 210*

evidently not the case accord. to the 0, in which it is aid that it radically denotes *9S (i. e. strength, force, &c.,) in a saying &c.: in the 1I it is implied by the context that it is syn. with I.f: when used as the complement of a prefixed n. in instances mentioned in what here follows: but Qgh says, more correctly,]) a noun signifying anything to which goodness is attributed is pre-

[Boox I. and t
of a woman; (S, Mgh, 0, Myb, 1 ;) [i.e. a dowry; nuptial gifl; or gift that is giren to, or for, a bride:] the pl. of jI.a. is ,j ,, (M, Mgh, Myb,) a pl. of mult., (M,) or ,, (0,)

, f (M, ,) Thej. (S, M, Mgh, 0, 1I) cious: and eminently, or alvays, ace~pti, or confirming, the truth]: and it may mean one wiho vcr/fis his saying by deed, or act: (. :) it is

said in the "Mufradat" [of Er-Righib] that it has the first of the meanings expl. in this par~ graph: or rather means, one who snowr Si: or or both, (i,) and ij.,l, a pl. of pauc., (M,) or rather, one by whom lying cannot be practied this is accordant to analogy, bult has not been because of his habitual weracity: or rather, one heard; (Mgh;) the pl. of s.>~ is ,~,,; (S, who is true in his saying and his bdiWe, and vcho fixed to js., g6verning it in the gen. case; so Myb, g;) the pl. of t S~ is ;U, and .,, confirms his truth by his deed, or acting. (TA.) that one says (0) ,~ j. (Sb, M, O, Of) [A and , (0,' Msb, K,) which last is the man of good nature or disposition or clharacter worst; ,j,l Speahing, saying, uttering, or tell, (if;) and the pl. ofV ~J. is J~, (Myb,) truath, or truly, or vracioudy; true in respect of &c.], contr. of L J.j; (Sb, M;) and ots. or ;U5LI [by rule ;.d..;]. (O.)

. [a fiend of good nature &c.]; (O,I;)

s1 cech &c., or veracious. (Myb, TA.) _

jO.o is a phrase like., , meaning Emminent, and exalted, tveracity. (M, TA.')- And i; j~ Having the qualUty of speaking, saying, &i)s [A charge, or an assault, made with ear[an as of a good kind]; (Sb, M, ]I;) and ,j. uttering, or telling, truth, or truily, or veraciousldy, netn nes, not with a fale show o brawery,] is like [a garment, or piece of cloth, of good in a high, or an eminent, deree; very, or emni- the saying [in the contr. eae] il 'i (M, quality]. (Sb,M.) The saying in the Ifur [x. nently, true or veracious: (Msb :) pl. 9I .~ and TA:' said in the latter to be tropical.) See also (1.) Sce also j~ol. WX], (0,) qyJ jJS! UtIyf Jj means j~. j.~, in two places. _ One says also jsj,. And trily roe atigned to the Clildren of Israel I ,J1t, mcaninf Very sneet date. (IDrd, 0.) ~ Afriend: (O,1 :) oratrue,or ~nere, a good place of abode. (0,If.)_ See also And JLo. si Vehement, or intense, oold. frind: (S, M, Msh, TA:) applied likewise to a female, (8, M, O, Msb, I,) as also i,,., (8, (TA voce ~ &c.) : .M, Mb, ],) the former anomalous, the latter 3l hIe ,small star claving to the middl& ., s ee I.s.; each in two places. regular; (MF;) and to a pl. number, (8, M, 0, one, of [those called] iS*l -a ; 4 [-hich ,) as in the ]ur xxvi. 101 (M) [and in several compose ti tail of Ursa Major]; (Kr, M, TA;) other instances, of which see one in a verse cited LoB. [An almr; i. e.] a gft (e, M, Mgh, a .--as [i. e. the star called t.J1, q. v.; for] it is Paid O, Myb, 1g) to the poor (S, O, Msb) for the sahe voce 5;?]: its proper pl. is I~..l (S, M, 0, 1) that the first of .1 ;; ,oW, that is at the of God, (M, I,) or to obtain a recompenme from and sj~'J. and X , (M, K,) the last on the God; (M,* Mgh, 1 ;') a portion wltich a man extremity thereof, is named "5WI;and the second gives forth ~rom his property by way of pro- authority of Fr, (TA,) and s. , (M, O, I,) is ~Ll~d, and by the side of it is a small star .itiation, [to obtain the favour of God,] like whichl is a pl. pl., (K,) said by IDrd to be ano- named 1 1I and J.s,.aJl; and the third is j. j1: 1 1Ibj, except that the former is primarily applied malous, unless it be a pi. pi.: (O :) and the dim. (0:) or, accord. to AA, (0, TA,) the po-star is t o,.*; one says, .y, s, meaning ie is to such as asu pererogatory,and the latter to such (41,, ). (0, 1f, TA. [But this is strange; and as is obligatory: but it is said to be applied to the most slernal, or most distinguished, of my the more so as it is added in the I that it is expl. nueh as i obligatory [i. e. to the ;lj, 'q. v., friends, or of my true, or sitcere, friends. (S, in art. .g$; for the explanation in that art. (though meaning the poorrate,whicll is the portion, or 0o, I.) not free from obvious mistakes) identifies Z.ln

and likewise -! [a wvoman of good nature &c.]; (1 ;) and in like manner also 3.~ ..


see the next preceding paragraph.


amount, of property, ttaat is given therefrom, as the due of God, by its posssor, to the poor,

itj..o Lore, or affection: (I :) or truth, or with t'JI.]) - And, (],) accord. to Sh, (0, sincerity, of love or affection: (TA:) or friend- TA,) it signifies iwl [The trusted, trued in, according to a jfi.d rate,] when the person who ship, or frieullines~; (S, M;) or true, or sincre, or eonfiled in, &c.]. (0, g. does so aims at conformity with the truth in his [But it is added in fJiendship or friendliness: (S, M,Mgb:) or true deed: (Er-Riglhib,
TA:) [in this latter sense, firmness of heart in love or affewtion; n attriwlhich is indicated in the g and O &c., and more bute of a human being only. (Er-R4ghib, TA.) plainly in the M, it is very frequently used:] and thus it is used in the X(ur ix. 104, and in like ~ , dim. of , q. v. (S, 0,1I.) manner its pl. in ix. 60: (Er-Righib, TA:) the pl. is ,ljs. (g, M, O, Msb.) It is said in a gia.. One vwho speaks, says, utters, or tells, trad., k1J1 J7 the 0 that Sh cites a verse of Umeiyeh Ibn-Abis-Salt in which .)1 is applied as an epithet to the star called l.]).And, (i,) aecord. to some, as AA says, (0,) it signifies The king.


(0, 1.) ;4,1 > [in the C19 31i .

means lIe did it after the a.ffair, or tu, had become~ manifest to him. (IDrd, O, If, TA.)

. [Ter is no poor.- truth, or truly, or veraciusxly, much, or oJen: rate in the case of weorking eames], because they (Mgh, O, K :) [or alther htaving the quality of are the riding-camels of the people; for the poor- speaking, saying, uttering, or telling, truth, or rate is in the case of pasturing camels, exclusively truldy, or veracioudy, in a very high, or very tf the working. (l1 in art. q..) 8ee also eminent, degree; for] it has a more intensive signification than Js..~ [q. v.]: (TA:) or i.q. 3ji~ [which may have the latter of the two ee 31,, in two places. e: meanings expl. above, or may mean one who accepts, or admits, tlh truth of what is said, or ee e: the next paragraph. who v,~/ies, &c.: or j3i in a high, or an l~ and ' ,1, (a, M, Mgh, O, Myb, ]g,) eminent, degree; for it is added that] the fem. as the former of which is the most common of the used in the Igur v. 79) means superlative in dial. van. here mentioned, (Mqb,) [but] the latter ".'jJI and _ ; as a possessive epithet, i. e. is [said to bel more chaste than the former, 0 0.3 *I (Mgh,) and *t Oj,, (., M, O, Msb, I,) of the Lk. aj o:;: (M:) or it signifies jLP;jt aSli

j if



mentioned in this art. in the . and

Myb: see art.

ciou] .

j.~l [More, and mo, true or

One says ;li ~d, J [More macio than a katdh]; because the bird thus called crie Il Ii; [thus telling where it is to be found;] its name being imitative of its cry: (Meyd, and TA in art. 3J :) hence it is called by the Arabs

1j ,.a1: the saying is a prov. (Meyd.)

j.~ -

, (J1i, ., M, O,) with fet-], (.,) or

, (,)applied to a man, dial. of El-VIijaz, (Mqb,) and t V., (S, M, O, [i. e. always j a. in one or another or all of the 93.~ ,3 like Mlb;i ,) of the dial. of Temeem, (Mqb,) and senses assigned to this word above: it may be (jk, M,) [i. e.] applied to a courageous man, t iJ.. (M, O, Mb, O) and * iJ~ (M, O, 1) correctly rendered eninently, or always, vera- (s, 0, ,) means a4.JI V CL [Earst, no

Boox I.]
making afale showv of bravery, in tie charge, or anault]; (JK, a, M, O, ] ;) or couraeous [in the charge, or asault]: (JK:) ot., occurring in a verse of Aboo-Dhu-eyb, may be for ;Sj Gl;; or it may be an anomalous pl. of 3.. [used as an epithet], like and .tl [pls.



thing, or writh anything; or slappd him with his hand; being struck, &c., by him]: (.1am ibid.:) [but, like as jil; often signifies the same as d.;J, so accord. to Fei,] l1JI *L. means Z,, [i. e. The ass dashed againd him; &c.]. (Mob in art..,.) 6. I6 j;, 5 (., Mgl,) said of two men running, (Mgh,) and VCAL;I!, (., Mgh, ],) mid of two horsemeca, (Mgh,) and of two stallion [cmels], (TA,) Thley dadsed them~elvh toeter, each against the other: (.,' TA, Pa:) or they struk, or knockld, [ayainst] each other; ty collided; (K,* TA;) each of them struck with ~ the other: (Mgh:) or both verbs, said of two horsemen, they smote each other, each of the wit his rrig t and his sharpness or voroue or valiantness: (M9 b:) [or they puhed, thrust, or repelled, each other: (see 1:)] and I tLa3they pushed, rreld, crorwded, or thronged, togtdher; or dadshl, one against another; (M, }, TA; but in the M, only the inf. n. is mentioned;) like tn,o ships in the sea. (TA.) 8: se the next preceding paragraph.
.~, The ruggedportio of a [stony tmet such as is termed] ; ; as also t .. (ISh, TA.)

and Sgli and Fei, say that] it has only the former meanincg: (, 0, Msb :) it is also pronounced O~3 , by substitution [of .o for j.] and incorporation [of one ,. into the other]; (S,* O,* Meb, 9 ;*) and this p,ronunciation of the p11. both masc. and fern. occ:urs in tlhe Kur lvii. 17, (S, O, ~,) where lln-Kctllheer and Aboo-Bekr, differing of' _J and ^:]. (M.) Also, (., M, 0, K,) tirom others, read without teasdeed to the wo. (O.) applied to a horse, (M,) [i. e.] applied to a fleet and excellent horse, (9, O,) in like manner, (M,) J~ meaning j,;;J t J,1L [Eancst in running]; (, O, , ;) a though fulfilling his promise of ,J'. Stones [i. . pieces of ore] of silver: running: (9., 0: [said in thie TA to be tropical:]) mcntioned by IB on the authority of IDrst: and Khuflf Ibn-Nudbeh says, he says that jJlAl3! ;1__ [meaning drugs resembling pieces of stone, suchI as pieces of gum " ; '"b;. &c.,] are likelned thereto. (TA.) 1. ,,, Je ,, ,-,, * AJ,e~ [The tratle of t/he g .~jo ;] the sal of ;;tf. [i. e. dr,ty. anduperfum,e]. (,' TA.) meaning n'hen his hIofs are wetted with the sweat of his ulpwr tparts, he runs, being left to ,j;- (S., M, Mgh, M.b, .1) a word of wellhinuey; not beaten nor chidden, and a fuifiller of known meaning: (M:) A seller of medicine his promie to do lis utmost. (S, O.) And sometimes it is applied to an opinion, in like manner (M6g, M9b, TA) and of drugs (TA) and of perfumine: (K, TA:) a rel. n. from 0;.o, the [as meanilng True, or sincere]. (M.) _ '0 also signifies llardtews. (Tih, M.) -Also i. q. name of a town or place, (1,) or from j4 ~ [as meatning The edglof a sword]: (TA :) [in meaning as expl. above; (IB, TA;) or a Pers. signifies the a.oopy of the M writtexn which I think an word arabicized: (M:) and J~ same, (8, Mqb, 5, [in the CIS, erroneously, evident mistalke; for it is atled,] and it is said to have this mcaliling in a verse of )ureyd Ibn-Eq- U~.Ui.J,]) and so j. : (1 in this art., and 1 aimmeh [relating to a sword]. (M, TA.) O and ] in art. JM.:) the pl. of the first is


I A ingle dock, or coUiion: (KL:) a ingle impulion, push, or thrust: (TA:) and t a vehement befalling of an event. (KL.) It is said

.) _- Also A king: in a trad., i8l .J,1 " ;' (9, M4b, TA) i. e. t [Patienc is to be exercised] at the .first and so .)U... (M in art. O .) [dwock, or] assault, or attack, of the calamity: j_~- A man frona ,il,n the poor-rate(a-e ) (TA:) meaning that patience is the lust thing in of his cattle is exacted. (TA.) the case of every misfortune, (9, Mqb,) but it is j33a One wito arrept.x, atllit., a.,ents to, or 1. '~, (., M, ]V,) aor. 7, (M, ,) inf. n. [most] commended, (8,) or is most rewarded, beliers, anoither in his inf;,'nmation, or mtarltion. ;.., (S, M, Mgh, 5:,) He dasted himl,ef, i. e. (Mqb,) on the occasion of the sharpnes, or vehe(T, TA.) Also Thle exactPur, or collector, (S, hiws body, (., Mgh, TA,) against him, (., TA,) or mence, thereof. (8, M b.) And one says, o1 9 M, O, Mll,, 1K, TA,) f the OtAi, (., O, Mgb, against it, (., Mgh, TA,) i. e., a thing: (Mgh:) L . I'91 j [I made an ed of the TA,) i.e. (TA) of the i [or dues, mcnnillgr or he struck it, or knocked it, [or struck or two affairs at one dash, or at on stroke]. (TA.) poorD-rates], (M, TA,) qof the eattle, (Msb,) or of knocked against it,] namely, a hard thing with And A baldn~ in the side of the for~had; the sherp or goats, (?, M, O, TA,) and !f the the like thereof. (M, ].) Hence the saying, syn. aj. (.)_ see also ,.l11, in two enebt, (M, O, TA,) f,r the lerons to whom~n 3:JS 1 .,;: I J;35i I 4.4.o1 [i. e. When pertain the :harer [thereof]. (TA.) the dog hilk the game by dashing himself against it, it hall not be eaten]. (Mgh.) [See also 3.] Z,-_: see~. *-,~: seO., at. And #.~,. aor. as above, (Mqb,) and so the o :1 JI(AZ, * M, J) and ~ M8, : ; 01) j1_-: A thlin that,, or prores, the inf. n., (Mgh, Msb, 1,) Hetpuded, thrust, or repelled, him, or it. (Mgh, M b, ], TA.) One truth of a thing: (i, ] :) [and] a rrbalevidence 9 The m;s". [or two parts wherof each uis tered of tihe truth, or vracity, of a man. (HIar p. 10L.) says, 1 % :% ~ - [I repelld evil rith evil]. 0e', above the temple, on eitr side of the One says, . 3 .- U1 & 17 i is what confir?ns, (TA.)_ And A' 1 i. e. t [The fordead]: (.;.) or th. I) e (AZ, , M, or yroves, the truth of this. (S.) And 's :,' intoxicating inf~ene of the cup of wine] smote of the q ..( ( , :) ot of the 4; : (M :) I,~. i [A thing taering nothing to verfjt it]. him [or attacked him] in his head. (TA.) or, accord. to ., p,ted,.in a marginal note (IAr, TA in art. 3w.) And A s,|. , (M, TA,) inf. n. as above, (],) in a copy of the ., tbhe ' co' rect meaning is th two And OL".jt D3,_a. [see 1, near the beginning]. One says I An event befell them. (M, V, TA.) -And sides of the !fhaS (TA.5_ VJkI . t He silnced him by ~peech. (Msb.) .t :. [i. ,I;,.. . [nme,aling Trhere is no ear. or.' . .. qi;signifies also s,w two sdes of the valley: u though, by reaon of encBl attributable to h;i charye, or assault]; 3. ,., ] (9, , TA,) inf. n. L.)l,, (TA,) their confronting, Ihey struck each other. (TA.) like a one says [in the cont . case], 't; ,.j-l. He, or it, dashed against him, or it, bein dashed (M.) against by him, or it: (.,' PS:) or stnrck, or .;.1~,: see what next follows. "oj, One wh,o giue. rwhat is termed 3.~knocked, him, or it, being struck, or knocked, by (.8, ,) or V;l (M,) auerted by Az [meaning alms]: (0, O, Myb, i :) aceord, to Kh, him, or it: (]4, P :) or pusled, thrst, or re- ;1., it means thus, and also one who asks [als]; (0, ped, him, or it, being pushed, &c., by him, or to be with damm, (TA,) or the latter is vulgar, TA;) and IAmb says the like; but Az says that it; (]5,'TA;) syn. .Ij,: (TA, and YIam p. (.,) not lfowable, (I,) though agreeble with the skilful of the grammarians disallow this; and 313:) and i. q. ~L. [i. e. he struck him, or it; analogy, (.8, ],) being like it,~, and ;j and thms sy Fr and A4 and others: (TA :) [J, also, or Struwc him, or it, vehemently, with a broad jIj. and other terms for diseases, (TA,) A 1
ij.- :

see dithe next procedilig paraogrph.


(M, Mgb, Mqb,


1070 certain diseas in the heads of horses or similar beasts: (S, M, l :) or, accord. to ISh, a certain diseas that attaclh camels, in consequence of rehich their bellies become affected with acidity, and they relinquish the water, though thirsty, for some days, until they reovr or die. (TA.)



[Boox I.

tively, carefully, or solicitously]; because he di. liked binding her fore shank to her arm, as it would distress her; or leaving her, as she might go away at random and the wolf might devour her young nme: and in like manner one says of the pastor, 4 LSeI [HAe minds attentively, j19 &c., his camels]; when they thirst before the ,~ l IBald in the sides of theforehad. (s.) L ;~,. as an inf. n. of which the verb is 1..: completion of their usual period of being kept from drinking, he restricts them to journeying by -a~or A man vehement in rar, and courageous; see 2 in art. LSq., in two places. night so as to arrive at water on the morrow. or a warrior; or knoron, eaperienced warrior; as~ a subst. A certain liquid poison rwhich (TA.)_.And lie Joothed, coaxed, w~hdled, or syn. ,_... (M.) is applied upon a~row.heads, or spear-heads, or cajoled, him; or decived, deluded, be~gid, cirthe like, resembling the blood of the [spcnt calld] cumrvented, or outwitted, him; or strove, enaCisa L4: see what follows. .. t. (M, TA.) voured, or desired, to do so: syn. l (S, M, ],

seller of medicines, (Mgh,) or of perfumes: so called as being likened to the small creeping thing mentioned above: or from :;. in a sense expL above as syn. with 5j,. (TA.)

.,j, 5q- A camel affected ith [the disease termnd]A,.: and V . J [camel affected thereiath]. (TA.)

TA,) and oll, and "-C, (, 1g, TA,) all of

which have one meaning, (TA,) [though the last



(s, M, Mgh, Msb, g,)

(S, Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. Sa,, M, Mgh, Mqb, V:) or he thirsted vhme ntly. L,., inf. n. ,: see 2, in two places. O~L; A firm, strong, or compact, building. (M.) (M.). And A firm, strong, or compact, garS. Xt -d signifies The clapping ith the ment, or piec of cloth: (M:) or a [garment of the kind called] 9 t" that is stout, or strong, or hands; syn. jea-3; (f, ;) accord. tb Erthat is thick, or compact, in texure. (]) - And Righib, as being like the echo (S;a 1), inasmuch there is no profit in it; (TA;) or it is from A king; ($, M, JC;) because of the firmness of as Aa his rule, or his state, or condition; as also a1J, because they [who practised it in their

implies concealing enmity,] and ;. (M.) ,ivI,. bL i;C . . [He who soothes thee, or He thirsted: (Q, aor. US':,
coaxes thee, surely ensnareJ thee] is a saying mentioned in the A. (TA.) 4. .~ l It (a mountain) returned an echo. (S,* .. ).-And He (a man, TA) died; (K, TA;) as though [meaning] his echo ceased; the I having a privative effect. (TA.)

5. J.&GJI, accord. to Er-R~gib, signifies Th corresponding to a thing like as dos the ecAo . a and lf (M.)_And A fox; worship] used to turn away (gj.A I,yL) from returning fom the mountain. (TA.) [But El-lslan; (];) [see more in the second paragraph accord. to others,] li ~-3, is originally .3; (, M, g;) as also t is ( :)or,$ Jl s is one of the names thereof (TA.) - And The of art. .~ ;] andj.;,.[an in n. of which the verb (Az and L in art. ~ ;) and signifies ,I, {.,S is v 1~-] signifies the same; (1];) and so V,3,' M, ],) and .. (M.) [See 5 in art.....; hyena. (I4.) - See also U-. Also A of which AlHeyth cites as an ex. the saying of where the usages of this verb, except in the senses .speiesoffly, that makes a buzzing sound over the Hass6n mentioned and indicated here below, are fully herbage. (IKh, TA.)- And, as also ;~ , explained.] -It signifies also Thefeigning o Stopt~ [i. e. piecew of ore] of sver: to which are self unmindfuid, negligent, inattentive, inadvertent, likened what are termed La i'g j.;1 . (IDrst, [Their prayer is the clapping with the hands, and inconsiderate, or luecd~, not being really so. TA. [See and see also X ~ , below.]) whistling: like the saying in the ]ur viii. 35]: (TA.).- And The divrtinuj oneelf (TA.)=_ See also 2. (TA:) one says of a man, q~,- (M,) or .. i l.O~ Piecet of ilver, (M, TA,) hen struck q,., (TA,) meaning He clapped with his from the stone [or ore] thereof: (TA:) n. un. ?~ [sometimes written 1.~] An echo; i. e. hands; (M, TA;) [said to be] originally ;~,; 1 with L. (M, TA.) [See also ;, above, last L5 I signifies wohat the mountqin returns to (M;) and Z, tV 1 , inf. n. .s. [mentioned him svwho utters a sound, or voice, or cr*y, therein; signification. And see Xt.%o in art. h.o.] Anid Stone cooking-pots: (M, TA:) in this sense above], meaning the same. (T].)- See also ( ;) or the sound of the mountain and the lie that responms to one; (M;) or what reponds to [likewise)] a coll. gen. n.: n. un. with L. (IB and L one with thi lihe of his voice, or cry, in the in art. ~..o, in which it is mentioned in the . and 3. t (],) p., inf. n. IlH., (~,) He imitated mountains c. (S.) One says, ,t ,.. [His L and J.) [See, again, U,t lo., and also ;'.a~, in art. ~.]-_] And Small pebbles: (IAar, M, TA:) him, orit; syn. "j$: (S,*I :) and he, or it, eclw became dumb, or may his echo become dumb]; corr~ed and was equal, to him, or it. (TA.) (S, TA;) meaning heperished, or may heperish: or so t .$.l s,to. (L in art. ~.m.) In the ]5ur xxxviii. 1, some read >L, with kesr, (S and K and TA in art..eo :) and D.l. ,)' Mil~o [as a n. un.: see i,!s.l , above. as an imperative from Il-"i (Bd, TA) as S [May God make his echo to return no sound]; Also] lugged, hard ground, in which isfine (., K[, TA;) meaning may God destroy him: (S, stoie. (M,TA.) 8See also two other significa- meaninfg LjtJl; and hence L.a__11 [i. e. the K, and TA in art..,_ :) for when a man dies, the echo], because it imitates (.e.) the first sound: tions (mentioned here in the TA) in art. o~.. 5.~ hears not from him anything, that it should so that the meaning is, Imitate thou ( the respond to him. (S. [See also another explanathje) d.~ A certain crpin thing, (a, M,) gur-6n by thy works. (Bd.) - [And] i. q. tion of this saying in what follows.]) -And A or a small creeping thing, (V;, ., P,) that [i. e. He considered, or forecast, its issues, or wound, voice, or cryj, (M, TA,) in an absolute makes for itself a habitation in the ground, (., reuts; did, performed, or executed, it with sense. (TA.) - Also The part of the head, M, 1,) within the ground, (M,) and conceals it; thought, or consideration; or managed, conducted, (M,) or the part of the brain, (TA,) rhiich is the (9, M,] ;) i. e. cover it over; (M;) so says ordered, or regulated,it]; relating to an affair: place [or seat] of hearing. (M, TA.) And thereA'Obeyd; ($;) also called t: (:,I:) (M:) [or] lilI signifies the turning about, or fore one says, e,, ;i ,1 [May God redmr accord. to IKh, a certain small creeping thing revolving, the opinion, or idea, [that one formn] deaf the part of his brain which is the seat of (43,) that collects piece of stick, or ,wood,from respecting the management ( ) of a thing, hearing]. (TA.) - And The brain, (M, , TA,) the plants: acoord. to IApr, a certain creeping and the doing of it: (I~am p. 35:) [or,] accord. itself. (TA.) And The [entire] contents (lit. the thing (X1;) having many legs, so many that they to AV, the minding a thing attentivedy, carefuly, stuffng, f ,) of the head; (M,g, TA;) alo cannot be counted, which are short and long. or olicitoudy: a man who had asisted his she- called the att. (TA.) One says, ;1,~ iW , (TA.). See also , in two places. - Also camel in her bringing forth said, A ' l [May God crack his brain, or the cont~ of his [I passed all my night minding her attre- head]. ('M.)_.And A bird that cries in the i.q. qMgh, s (e, V, TA) as meaning A

J3 ;

BooK I.]


( M, ) and J331 , (M, V,) or And iAIl ,ta (fer. with ;, and pL of the latter r1): al4 [or head] of the slain wh Ais blood has not (Mb,) aor., (M, Mb, ,) iWl, been aenged by retaliation: (M :) or a bird that see -.-As pi. of s , (M,) l, , signifies ;,. ; (M, ;) [and app. ? l .; (ee the comasforth (M, )fromn his head, (4-5 ;, M,) [also] TaU palm-trees: (S, v1:) and sometimes, inf. that or palm-trees :) ( water: not as drink chk pass. part. n., voce J3.~;)] He bound the J!.o orfrom the head of the slain, (V,) rhen he, or it, and M:] of the copy in a [thus water: drink [q. v.] upon the she-camel; ( ;) [i. e.] h bound has become consumed, or decayed, (M,J,) aelso some say, such as are taU thereof, and of other the sh-camds udder with th jlo: (M, Msb, of assertion the to accord. called the &it;(M;) trees. (M.) y [He bound the the people of the Time of Ignorance; (M, V;) Ls*l I, TA:) and l1l mentioned by A'Obeyd; and some of them used (A.) [See a verse of Elp,ab [A cup of ivine] having much teats with twhe)e]. ;l1 to say that the bones of the dead became a 341k, water: contr. of ijU, this meaning "having Kumeyt cited voce Jq,: and see also what which flew: pl. 1 9t: (TA:) and [this may be little water." (M.) there follows it.]- [Hence,] L4; means also meant by the saying that it signifies] the male of t He left off milking her [i.e. the camel]. :TA' A man who thirstmnucr. (M.) (M:) the~ (8, M, ], TA) andall: pl. ri: (Msb.) -And jy3, [aor. of %,: ] said of a they used to say that when a man was slain and has become flaccid, It his blood was not avenged by retaliation, there The woman who faces, or decorates, leathern bucket (j;) that ~ .. is tied, and has a loop-haped handle afied came fbrth from his head a bird like the LA , (f1t, [which I thus render conjecturally, within it, having another such opposite to it. i. e. the 3lM, the male being called theS ~s ; finding nothing to indicate its meaning except j. TA.)_ And one says, i j,lt ( [Give ,i i grave, his upon cried and it what here follows,]) tha ;i,l [i. e. pillov,-or me agaimt cloaed, or ha cloed, I [.lie t L... ye me to drink, give ye me to drink, meaning, of cushion,] with ;j#1, meaning black lines, upon the road, or way, so that I find not any 1 aae]. the blood of the slayer]; and if the slayer was the leather [thatforms its covering]. (TA.) .I l #" ' ., .; [it and (A.) And Lit (TA:) crying: its from slain, it abstained is aid that] it signifies also the body [itself] of a t [This town has become closed against mes so that Auman being after his death; (M,1V;) or the I fnd not any way of escape f,om it]. (A.) remainm of the dead in Ais grave, i. e. his 4` [or 1 vI y,, [aor. , inf. n. ye,] He (a horse) (S, A, TA,) aor. ,, (9, TA,) inf. n. And . l., 1. corpse]. (Jm, TA.) - And, (g,) accord. to El[which is app. a species contracted his ears to his head: (IS1k, :) or !sm, said of the .,. 'Adebbes, (s,) [A cricket;] a certain Jfying locust], and of a writing-reed, and of a door, pointed and raised his ears; which a horse does thing, that creaks by might, and hops, (, V,) of so in a copy only when he exerts himself and hastens in his so;, (9, A, TA,) or of a dog-tooth, ( and JUies, thought by the [common] pople to be of the I in the place of .,o in other copies as in pace: (TA:) or he (an ass) traightemed and but it is onhy the g,, the , the ,, (A:) the A and TA,) It made a sound, or noise; (S, erected his ears to listen; as also t L.a.l: being smaUelr than the LS . (?. [See also A, TA ;) or a prolongedsound or noie; [meaning without 9,) (ISk, and *t l used intransitively, al,.1.]) - And A certainfish, black, long, (, it creaked; or made a creaking, or grating, the mention of the ears, (A,) siinifies the same as (TA.) -And a. a l TA,) and bulky: n.un. il.. sound;] and so anything that makes a similar C... a ol,, and .) (ISk, S, A:) and &is. ,I?l 3j: [A man] smallt or rndr, in person; (AA, M, prolonged sound: and [in like manner] t 'I ! (a h; h e4; t TA;) and so ls. with , as mentioned by said of a mast (AF), it creaked, or made a aor. and inf. n. as above; and 1, And creaking sound: (TA:) but when there is a horse, and an ass,) straightened and erected his and .]) _ As. (TA. [See also (TA.)._ ,. Knoring in respect of what is conduciv to the lightness, or slightness, and reiteration, of the ear to liten; (M, I;) as also V --means thus: sound, they use the reduplicative form, *tj.4, [The inf. n.] eo signifies also The act of congood of cattle: (V:) or JL2 5 (9,0 TA,) signifying he (the bird fining, withholding, hindering, or preventing. n. jr, (M:) or gentle in the manamnt of catte; like in U. 'I : He had an iron collar put )4 jl: so in the Jm: (TA:) or, as some par. called s a&-, 9, A, TA, and the hawk, or falcon, (TA.)-And or round his neck and hands neck, his upon M) thing, or flying bird, or other M,TA, S, ticularly say, of camels: (M, TA:) [i. e.] you say, A, M, (9, cry; quavering] [reiterated his uttered And ', aor. 4, He collected together. (A.) ,1meaning Verily he is knowing in *S' prolongation in the together a thing, or thing%, (IAqr,) or anything. imitated they though ;) as TA repect of camels, and of what is conducive to tao t He collct~d some[and the like], and reiteration (TA.) And W4 their good. ($.) _ Also Thirst: (?, Mi, ]V:) or cry of the thereof]. like the [and sr.I thing to be said in his bosom, or mind. (L and vehemnt thirst: (M:) [see the first paragraph, in the cry of the is a prov., expl. in art. TA, from a trad.) And jW)l *J. , inf. n. in which it is mentioned as an inf. n.:] it is said (S, TA.) *'JI that thirst does not become vehement but the ~. [q. v.]. (TA in that art.) - Also He (a He collected together the property, or the .Laye, brain dries, and therefore the skin of the forehead sparrow) [chirped, or] uttred a cry, or cries. camels or the lik, and put back what had become See of him who dies of thirst cracks. (TA.) and scattered of the extreme portions thereof. (T, and .; (TA.) --. , aor. , inf. n. . also the next paragraph. _And The act of timhe He cried, calUd out, or raised a cry or TA.) ~ Andv It (a plant, or herbage,) became ?j.e.; , jS,j., (M, ]i, TA,) i. e., [as is indicated in the clamour, (M, I,) Iwith vehemence, (g,) or with smitten by cold, or by intense cold (M, g.) M,] of him who raies his head and breast, the utmost vehemence: (M :) and [in like manner] said of a A 2: see 1, in three places. I looking towards, or regarding, a thing; and so a [making came He p4 Lm one says, .) M, she-camel, She preceded. (Aboo-Leyl, t 1o (TA.) clamour, or] in clamour. (TA.) - And j. 3. ,;, 1 si ;Lo He compelld him against His ear-hole sounded, (M, inf. n. (e, M, M9b, 1) ~) , GL and t Xj' and . oill to do the thing. , .) his [(rhich last is an inf. n. used as an g,) or tingled, or rang, (A,) by reason of thirst. and t S 4: see 1, latter part, in three placeas. ml epithet] (M) Thirsting: (?, M, Mab, :) orr (M, A, 1.) And .TSl 4e,.I Te ear tingled, or thiirg vehmently: (M:) fem. [of the first] n. ,; i, (TA,) t He prserang. (ISk,A.)-And ,, aor. as above, He ,iL, (9, TA,) in vered, or persisted, in it; or kept to it persc. 3i (Myb) and [of the second] iL, (Msb, ) thirsted [app. so as to Ihar a rin~ g in his ears]. Mqb, :) and (I, MM, rmingly. (9, TA.) You say, ; I;J.l1 t ile and [of the third] 1: ] also signifies The .pe-rsred~, n. of. inf [as (IAr.)_i, or persited, in doing it. (Myb.) And the pl. of 4XL is lj. (anm p. 329.) act of binding[a captive, &c.: see the pass. part. n., l& ye;1l t HIe persevered, or persited, in You say, T,, [aor. ',] (S, thA crime, sin, or act of disobedienc. (M, TA.) (M,gh.) ;]. U~), last sentence. c1.o: eme M, A,) inf n.a, (I, TA,) He tied up a purse, The verb is used in this sense when its object is see .e. by and its fem, l.: evil, or crime, or the like. (TA.) _ And t Ho mi (, M,' TA,) and money in a purse. (A.)



[Boo& I. determined, resoied, or decided, upon it. (M, 0 or an assemblage. (S, M, i.) So in the followin g t (,' M, 6I) and * S1.- (S, M, M9 b, 1) Mgh, 1.) You say, ,is ;.a1 t He deter- words of I mra-el-Jleys: and t),J L, (M) or ll-Jl, t (fgh, 1g,) the last mined, reolred, or decided, upon going on in1 !P. , 0 like .jIj,lt, mentioned on the authority of Ks, doing it, and not turning back. (TA.) .-.. 1 1 (TA,) A man ewho has not performed the pit lie hastened (M, ]g) somcnhat (M) in (S, M) i. e. Those of them that remained behind, grimage to lekkehe: (X, M, A, Msb, I :) so called running.: (M, 1.: [in the CK, for j... ! j.aI, in a herd, not dispersed: (EM p. 48: [see the is put _1 , 1j., l:]) accord. to A'Obeyd, the entire verse voce X :]) or ;o k) here means from yo, signifying the "act of confining, withholding, hindering, or preventing;" (TA;) or verb in this sense is .,; but Et-Toosee asserts in [the midst of] clamour: (S:) or in vehemence because the person so called refrains from expendof grirf or anxiety. (S, M.) Also i. q. ; that this is a mistranscription. (M.) ;J... ing of his property in pilgrimage: (Msb:) you (M, .K) [i. e.] A certain bead (ij".) by nhich The ears of corn became such as are termed j. say also, ;.3.o il0 a rooman n,ho has not per[q. v.]: (M, ] :) [or] accord. to ISh, one says, nwmencnfascinate men so a.s to withhold themfrom formed the l,ilgrimage to lehhkeh: ($, Mqb:) other women. (Lh, M, K, TA. [This is evidently 1.tpl.l, in n. J;'1, meaning Th7e seed-lroduce what is pl. ?;1,s and j,!J : (s :) [or, rather, the meant by a;~l, but is given in the M [i. c. corn] put fSnrth the ertremities of its anm, and KI as a signification distinct therefrom.]) former is a coll. gen. n., of which ;f. is the n. before its ear had beconme dereloled. (TA.) of un.; and the latter is a qiuasi-pl. n., like iX I , See also #1~. as well as n. un. of jplo:] Fr cites, from certain 8:see 1, former half, in two places. ;L..l , A purse (, M, K, in the C.K of the Arabs, t;I.1 t ,) as used collectively; and one maid of a solid hoof, It was, or became, narrow, of the number is termed V};1~: (S :) each of the or contracted, (8, TA,) in an unseemly manner, for money; (S, M, A, Msb, . ;) as also forms ending with the relative . receives the or immodertely. (TA.) with fet-)h, (TA,) or tm~.: (so in a copy of the dual and pl. and fern. inflections: and accord. to first, jo. (Msb.) Ilence the IAar, the forms preceding those receive also the R. Q. 1. .p, * inf. n. 3yay: see 1, fonner A:) pl. of ,the, * .. half, in two places: and the same paragraph, prov., . ,; 5w) meaning t Return dual and pl. inflections: (M,* TA:) and some say lat sentence but one. ipl. of* ijjLo: ; to thyself, [or kly open thte recesses of thy mind,] that 41y is (TA :) or t ;3 jLo a1and thou ilt hnow [thy vices, or faults, or] thy and ]L~, (M,) or o! j , (Lh, $, M, A, Myb,) y. A lathenm bucket (,;) that, in consequence good from thy edo (Meyd. [See also . ye, last as occurring in the poetry of En-Nibighah, of its hatin become flaccid, is tied, and has a explanation.]) (Ya91oob, S,) not used without ;, (Lh, M,) or all loop-shaped handle oaj.ed within it, having the sing. forms above mentioned, (.,) signify one another such opposite to it. (,0' TA.) See 0e: seeyo. who has not mnarrieil: (M, A, ]g.:) or rwho ha not also ~,~. had intercoure with women: as though he had E, Ears of corn (J,) a fter the cdm is determined (.1) upon relinquishing them: (S. M, , A, Mb, O) and (M, A, O) produced, (M, JI, [in the CK,. - . is put in the (Ya?.oob, 8, Msb :) applied in like Cold: (Th, M, A, Msb, X]:) or intense cold; (Zj, manner to a place of $-' ,]) before' they become apparent: woman, and to a plurality of persons: (M, :) M, A, ] ;) as also Vt~ : (.Ham p. 719 :) or (M :) or ears of corn while the farina has not the; in ;oj~. applied to a man and to a woman cold that smites the herbage and the seed-prodluce come forth into them: n. Un. with ;: (AI.n, M, is not to denote the fim. gender, of tlheJell: (.:) in the l(ur iii. 113, the first of but to give the K:) or, accord. to ISh, corn when the leaves utmost intensiveness to the signification. (IJ, these words bas the first of the meanings expl. become twisted, and the extremity of the ears above: (IAmb:) or the second meaning: (Zj:) ,1 gJ. , becomes dry, or tough, though the farina harve M.) -It is said in a trad., A. or signifies noise and comootion: or, accord. to (;, M,) meaning, accord. to A'Obeyd, T'here is not come forth into them. (TA.) [See 4, last no abstinence from intercourse with wvomen in I'Ab,fire. (IAmb.)-And sentence.] b, (M,A, n) Eil-Islam: (M, TA:) i. e., no one should say, I and 1 y e. (., M, A, 1) A wind intensely cold: will not marry: (TA:) thus he makes ;jy., a 1>wo : see .,e, in ttwo places. (8, M, A, ]C:) or ve7y intensely cold: (T in exnoun signifying an accident: but it is better known planation of the latter:) or veltemently loud: (M, ;1. The thing with which a she-came's udder as an epithet: (M :) and IAth says that the meanA, I~:) of 'ty, some say that it is originally is bound: (M, I:) the string which is tied over ing is, he who slays another in the._. [or sacred vj;, fromv meaning "cold;" the incipient the sh-came's udder and over the [piece of wood territory of Mekkeh] shalll be slain: his saying, letter being repeated, and put in the place of the called] ;.3, in order that her young one may "I am a ;j_.o; I have not performed the pilmedial : others, that it is from ,jI J;t' [" the not such her; (s;) and in order that it may not grimage, and I know not the sacredness of the make any impression upon her, they smear her .~._ ;" shall not be accepted of him: for in the creaking of the door"], and from ion . meaning teats with fresh [dung of the kind called] .a;: Time of Ignorance, the Ka*beh was a place of "vociferation, or clamour." (ISk.) - And .. (TA:) or a piece of rag which is bound upon the refuge. (TA.) is the name of A certain bird, like the sparrow sao-camels teats, in order that her youny one may 1 5 9.y .. i. i. q. o'2 [i. e. Dirhems, or (g, TA) in size, (TA,) of a yelosv colour: (]g, not suck her: (Mb :) pl. ;..ft. (M, A, ].) It pieces of money, tied TA:) so called because of its cry: or, as some up in a purse]: (g :) termed is a eustom of the Arabs to bind the ),.. upon say, the sparrow (mj) itself. (TA.) See also the udders of their mileb camels when they send in the present. day t?o. (TA.)them to pasture by themselves; and when they v3 Vociferation, or clamour: (., M, A, TA :) so in the ]lur li. 29: (TA:) or the most vehement return in the evening, they loose the ;. 1, and 5j . ZA sailor: (., M, ]g:) like iLG: ( :) vociferation or clamour or crying (Zj, M, ]*) of milk. (IAth.)_[Hcnce,] 1;1 j Ca - ;0 j ,I"A: (, M, 1:) it hlas no broken pL: a man and of a bird &ec. (Zj, M.) [In the ], t I put an obstruction, or obstacle, in the way of pl. sch a one. (A.)~Also Elevated places over i(M :) or t1Sp. should be [without tenween, imthis meaning is erroneously assigned to .o.]_ i perfectly decl., and] mentioned in art. L ; for And Vehemence of grief or anxiety ($, M, I9) and niwhich the trater does not come. (S.) it is pl. of *...o, which is pl. ofLt;, which J has of war (M, O) and of heat, (4,) or of the hot J.oj~: see ;jij. season, (M,) &c.: (., M :) and vehemence of the mentioned in art. .qy:A.aHt used to say that heat of summer. (;, A.) -And A contraction, ~;f~o: but without sufficient see the next paragraph, in three places. i.a is a sing., like .; or much contraction, and sternness, or moroseness, authority: and J has regarded .l as a sing. of the face, (Q, TA,) by reason of didike, or ei ($8, A, MA, Mb, 1) and * (S, M, in consequence of his finding it to have the same hatred. (TA.)~ Also A company, a collection, Msb, K) and t?,V and t?j!L (M, O) and construction as a sing, in verses of Arabs;
r tl. | *.~,



Boox I.]

whence he imagined the kS in it to be the relative a as,is shown by his mentioning the word in this place. (IB.)

a ..,
L5Y4: sce e


1673 1J; A want; a thing wanted; an objet of want; or a needf, or requisite, thing: (, M,

ee und sealso

.~ :) pl.-,.,. (TA.) One says, JL

.J j9

LSp,.j: see ;jyo.

U.: see e : and see also art. Lko.

L. .: see the next paragralhl.



,L U said of an oath, ($,) or (M, ,) and t,,f;, and Vsg, (


si, (Yaq4oob, S, M, g,) and t ,5,

't LS , (g, TA,) ort t' and t *S5, (as in a copy of the M,) It is a ldetermination, or resolution, from me; ($, M, K ;) a serious assertion; not a jest. (8, ]g.) Aboo-Semmnil El-Asadce, his she-camel having strayed, said, "I swear to Thee, [0 God,] that, if Thou restore her not to me, I will not serve Thee:" (S :) or, "O God, if Thou restore her not to me, I will not say a prayer to Thee:" (TA:) anid he found her, her nose-rein having caughlt to a thorntree (e -4); and hlie took her, and said, . LSJ' U. %.d ;s IMy Lord lkuew that it wtas a determination, or raolution, or serious acssertion, from n: ( :) or a conJirmed determination: (ISk:) it is derived from ,tl 1 J .sjj.ol "1 I persevered, or persisted, in the thing:" (S :) [or "I determined, or resolved, upon the thing:"] AHeyth says, lt j., i. e., Determine thou, or resolve thou; as though he addressed himself; from . ,k j .,. "he determined, or resolved, upon going on in doing it, and not turning back:" it is also said that t ... is changed intot L.o,

;,J1,, (M2b,) or .;JI 1j , (, S,) or both, [I have a vant to be upplied to me on the part of such a one]. (A'Obeyd, -. ) Also Thirst: (Mgh in art. , ) and t..o l, (M and L in (8, ] :) pl..,l, (19,) which is extr., (TA,) and art. .j-,) Thie ... ; [a cricket, which is called 1,l : (]p:) or the latter ispi. of it; in theens the jl'd in the prisent day]; (, M, Mgh, L;) first expl. above; as A'Obeyd says; and this is a certain thing that creaks (,p); (Msb;) a meant in the I5: (TA:) AA says that its pl. in mi,dl flying thing; (.K;) it is larger than the the latter sense is ; and he cites the following words of Dhu-r-Rummeh: _j_, and is called by .some of Ilw Arabs LkJSal : (S, Mgh :) A'Oheyd says that this last term A 1 signifies a certain flying thing that creaks (.e) by night, and hops, and flies, thought by the [And the ,ild asses turned back, tr aing quickly, not haing quenched their thirst]: but [common] people to be the ,j "', and found in fault has been found with AA for this; and it is the deserts. (MRb.) said that )..' is pl. of tn [which is not UIyo Such as grom in hard ground (j4 [in expl.,] and that the pl. of ;Jj isj . (8.) One the C.K, erroneously, ,.]) of the trees termed says, ~t. ;.t 1! j, meaning Te ass drank ,_all ', (K, TA,) and of other trees. (TA.) water until he quenched his thirst. (v.) .pJO: see ky, in three places. ~ and see j :lo: see il/., in two places. ,~l-. _ Also A certain insect (L.;), (M, I, 3;J;: see V .;, in three places. TA,) beneath the ground, that creah (y) in the days of the [season called] ;; (TA;) and

so and t (M, K, TA.) [Accord. to Forskhl, (Deser. Animal., p. xxii.,) .Mo", pronounced "sursur," is anlplied to an insect ;,be. Narrow in disposition and in mind or which he terms Baitta Aegyptiaca.] - And The judgment or opiiion. (Sgh, 1.) cock: (V, TA: [written I,y Golius and Freytag y.l A hardstone: (Tekmileh, TA:) and :]j . ) so called because of his cry. (TA.) l..o ;i..o a hard rock: (M, 1g :) or a smooth See also j o. o. rock. (L.) yo: see yj: and see alsoj,:~ ,1I: see L", in four places. JIj.,oj: see the next paragraph, in two like as they say 5.j an ; and e ,: and in places. 5sj..l: see Ose, in three places. like manner, ' is changed into ; the .. aijal, sing. of .ste ,ro, (8, M9b,) which , or/,~: see ;/,d. I in .. being elided: not that they are two signifies Camels between the ;i1. [or Bactrian j.5W,i JQhl Up [The two sphincters that dial. vas., o I Ljj1l&: L ; and and Fr. (in the C.K, erroneously, J'l])] and the wre as repressers of the urine and dung]. (g in says that ue" and t.ol are originally im- Arabian: ($, M, M.b, 1 :) or such as a ar called art. l.) peratives; and that, when they desired to change [if not a misthem [i. e. the imperatives] into nouns, they .CJi: (S, M,( :) and 1 Sw' A she-camel that does not yidd her milh changed the ks into I [written ks after fet-4]: and transcription] signifies the same. (TA.) [See in like manner, [changing verbs into nouns,] they
also jjey.]

1 And ,ij' .- , ($, M, ) and c~Y. (M,g.) . That has been left unmilked for some > (M,;) A specie. of fish, (p,) a say, 4 ~1 5 a ; &c. (TA.) t?;J certain smootJish, (M, ,) of the sea. ($, M.) days, in order that the milk may colbct in her AZ, one says, t .U 1. meaning Verily, udder, or until it ha collected in her udder; (M, O rO Large camels; (S, M, V ;) as also it is a truth, or reality, from me; and Aboo;) as also t o,; applied to a ewe, or she-goat: ?tye and tV;4.; (TA.) _ And A camel of Malik says the same oft ,. (TA.) or the former is from 'S', aor. , (1,) thes spei called 'j.~ [i. e. Bactrian]: (M, inf. n. , and therefore should be mentioned 9 : see the next preceding paragraph, in in art. Syj [q. v.]. (TA.) ::) [see also ,. ; :] or its offspring; as also three places. .j,.j: (M:) or an ec~dent stallion-camel. : see the next paragraph. See also y,. - Also A ship, or ;and t L A dirhem, (8, M, A, 1,) (IAr.) treal, shAip or boat :] and so and a deenar, (A,) that souwnds, (, M, 1~,) or boat: [or a long, or J1> Bound, as a captive. (Mgh.) - And (TAQ rings, (A,) when jtrck: ( M, , A, 1; in some S jjy.e. and ? ;;. A she-camel having her copies of the last of which, in the place of ill udder bound with tit jl,. (lAth, TA.) - And I tIv,J The Nabatheans of Syria. (S, g.) ;A, is putj l: TA :) accord. to some, used 1 X~w. applied to a solid hoof, Contracted: or only in negative phrases: (IAar, M:) thus used / m t o Jcj A man contracted in the narrow: (M, :) or narro and contracted: in the phrase, L, [expl. as] meaning part between the eyes, like him wrho is grieving, or ( :) and t lja,~ signifies the same; (M, ] ;) or Such a one has not a dirhem nor a deendr: mourning. (TA.) _ And jLo signifies Trees narrow in an unseemly manner, or immoderately. (IAr, A :*) and so used, as meaning a dirhem, (,.") tangled, or luztriant, or abundant and (TA.) - Also t A man having an iron collar by Khilid Ibn-Jembeh; who does not assign to dense, not without shade (V, TA) in their loner put upon his neck, or round his neck and hands it a dual nor a pl, (TA.) parts, by reason of tleir perplezednes. (TA.) together. (A.) Bk. I. 211

1C74 ;L~ [app. an irregular pl. of,~ , and therefori e also signifies He cut, or cut off; (K, TA;) i. q. without tenween,] The a. [or guts, bowels, oir .p,; like as one says ?j t,e and.yAJ. (TA.) intestines, into which the food passes from th4 e ~ And i. q. [He gained, acquired, or stomach]. (M, g.) One says, v . ., . earned; &c.]. (l.) J, meaning [lIe drank until he filled] hi, 2. ' The drinking of sour milk, (O, 1, ta4: mentioned by Ahin on the authority o f TA,) such as is called .*~. (TA.) - And The IAfr, with no more explanation than this. (M.) eating of gum, (O, 1, TA,) i. e., what is caled a . ... .5. .~. (TA.) s: ,co j,. - One says also ;Il. 4. ! He (a man, TA) gave. (0, ].) One X Ij.1 .aJ [meaning : A toman narrow in says, 3'L & .r.! .. He (a man) 9ave to him prote.flank,]. (A.) _ See also ;, in art. ,. perty. (T?5.)

[Boox I.
.- ": see 3,W in two places. -_ Also Red lhoney. (TA in art. .. i.) See also . a,,,,: see .g.,, in two places. Hence, I The water [by which is meant the seminal/fuid] that collects in the bach [of a man]; as being likened to the [sour] milk that is collected in a skin. (M, TA.)

1. ~.,,lHe made th sour milk termed (1,*TA:) [or] *.1l ,., (M, TA,) aor.


4"0: see y., in three places. _- Also A herb, (M, 1],) and tree, (M,) that becomes green, and puts forth leaves, when dry, or that has grown, or become somenwhat restored to a good state, after having been eaten [or depasturel], 8: see 1, first sentence.._ kl 'He ., which, as provided, or took, for himself sone milk, either .(,.e, so in the M, [in the 1 is remarked in the T15, is a mistake,]) after me fresh or sour, in a skin, for a journey. (M, [havefed their cattle therefrom]: pL [or rather TA.)

colL gen. n.]

11. ,vd1~ [said by MF to be written by ISd (M,) or ', (TA,) inf. n. . & , he made the minlk to become~ what is termed d,jo: and /he l 1 ,.l" !] It was, or became, smooth, (M, O, K, milled wome of the milk ulIon other milk, and left TA,) and clear; (TA;) said of a thling, (M, K, it to become tour: (M, TA:) or j "oJI4;. TA,) or of milk. (O.) he collcted the milk in the sklin, portion I I- Q. Q. 4.L p!: see what next precedes. after portion, and left it to become sour; as also
e and t ,. (?, M, &c.) Sour milk (M, Mgh, O) that has been collected in a skin: (M, and LI, U :2lJ [he colected, portin after 9:) or very sour milk: (S, Msb :) or milk that portioh, and left, the milk in the skin called .l has ben colDectd in a skin for some days so that and the clarified butter in the skin called . i]. it has become vtry sour: (AV, M:) n. un. V 4~o (M, TA.) - [Hence,] 11 , . ' , and Vb. : (M, TA:) ,.., occurring in some tI caued the milk to collect in the udder, not of the Expositions of the' Jimi' -SagSheer, is a draming itforth. (1t,TA.) -_ And ... t He mistranscription; or it may be a pl. of 5 a hpt in, or retained, and collected, [his] urine: accord. to the analogy of 'I' and and j; aj., (I, TA:) or mwhheld it long: and accord. to (Mgh.) One says, #s VW some, partieularly said of a stallion-eamel: (TA:) and [or] ) ", (, N,) M aor. ' and,, in n. , ,, '".jIl [He brought u some sour milU, or ery sour (M,) t he kept in, or retained, and collected, his milk, that had ben colleted in a sldkin, making urine: (;, M:) accord. to some, particularly said the face to contract in wrinkles]. (.) [SM here adds,] Az says that .&. ll is like .'JI, and is of a stallion-camel. (M.) - And ,1 .r, better known. (TA. [But this evidently relates [4 t, i being app. understood] t .7he boy reto the signification of " the act of cutting," or mailed some days without disclarging his ewre. "cutting off; " not to J~I as applied to milk.l) menat,or ordurc: (M,TA:) and, " J# ,, - Also, (1,) or the former word, (M,) Milk inf n. t the boy's belly became contipated that is provided in a skin for a journey, (M, ]K,) tv'., (jw), that he might becone fat: (M:) [or] whether fresh or sour. (M.) - And both words, ~' -. ..O1 [only], ($, Myb,) Gum: t the boy's e,re~mnt, or or- (M, 1], TA,) or V ,.. (Mb :) or red gum: (T, S, , L, TA: in the 1F, durc, (be, j,) became confied,

,V. (M.)

, ,,~;!:( :) or you say, s;J

.I j.;


t., (S, 1K,) accord. to Sa'ced Ibn-EI-Museiyib, (TA,) The [she-camel called] ;B ', ($, g,) whose mill was forbidlden [by the pagan Arabs] for the sake of the idols (I.l.JI), no man milking her [for himself]: (TA:) thus called, (., 1g, TA,) it is said, (TA,) because they used not to milk her save for the guest, so that her milk became collected [and rctained] ($, 1, TA) in her udder: (S, TA:) gt says, it is from ~..1 ~ j.'.UII qj.,i [expl. above]; or, as some say, from [.,J. as signifying] " the act of cutting," or " cutting off;" and this seems to be the more correct of the two explanations: accord. to IAqr, it signifies a she-camel having the ear dlit, like the ;~ , or cut off: and its pl., he says, is 13. (TA:.)
... Se&d-producc, or corn, which lhas been smon after that which ha been carried off to thelw place where it is troddn in the autumn. (0, K.)


Milk that has ben made wh/tat is termed j.o,; as also tVmja: (M, TA:) or sour milk: (A, ], TA:) pl. .. (K.) So in the saying ,.aiI-'1 y 11, i.e. [Give me] the thick [milk], from a number of milch came.b, that has been mixed together; not the sour. (A, TA.)


so that he

remainod a day without discharging it, when he ].[1 1 is erroneously put for L.! maj about to become fat. (S.) [In the copies of j,~,91: TA:) some say (M) it is the gum of the thoe , 4p is expl. as signifying J".ic (, M) and of the i;., peculiarly; the t. J-l, to which, written without the syll. pieces of which are red, as though teyJ were ingots signs, the TA assigns the last of the meanings [ofgold], and they are broken nith,stones: (M :) above; therefbre, I doubt not, the right reading is the n. un. is tVX.: (?, M: [Rayn s a n. un. in j;, agreeably with the explanation of this sense I do not find mentioned :]) and somei '1 in the M, given above: otherwise, the times it [i. e. '. or ,9, ] has .,Ja for pl.: meaning must be t He, or it, caused the boyWs (M:) sometimes, (S,) what is called t 5 .o is a belly to becm~ bound, or constipated, that he thing like the head of the cat [in size], within might become fat.] a oy, , (1, TA,) which is a thing [or substance] like .. [or honey aor.


a~., Clearn~s, and smoothnec: thlus in the phrase / Z1. in a verse of Imra-el-.eys; as some relate it: (MI, TA :) as others relate it, 3.,, (M,) or Z,~. (TA.)
.,,e A resel in which milk is collected, portion aftecr portion, and Ift to becomnc sour:


(S,1 :.) and so

r,,~j : see

and a.nd

: pl. .



that is kept fron being ',",(T9,) said of milk, (TA,) It be- of dates], (s, K,) and lite glue, (S,) which is milked, in order that she may bccowme fat. (L in came collected (1, TA) in the udder. (TA.) suckld and eaten. (S, 5.) art. &,, from the T.) .esl The land produced herbs, or trees, ~sh are v'.r A fewstents ( a termed ., [a coil. gen. n. of which [in the O, erroneously, the n. un. is &ij., q. v.]. (M, 5.0 [The meaning ;i.]) of the weak ort of the Arabs of the desert:

inf. n.

a,,~_ t A she-camel


is indicated in both by the context.]) - ~j

(IAfr, O,* 1g, TA :) and so-`.. (0.)



inf. n.

e pla~ktered wtk

1 BooK I.] placm.

j 1675

MS. copy ,pt l .a:, copy the prov. tti j;. a rwatering-trough or tank (, TA) &c.: (S, TA.) Hence He CV,) 'V,) meaning On thte appearing of the truth thou C and ometimes they said 3A. (TA.) findest rest; (Meyd, TA;) no doubt remaining in battle], to 3j1 Quick lime ( ), and the mixtures thy mind. (Meyd.) And &a a, 0 '% i4, S 't 4 F rwhich wivith V;) b, M Mgh, M, S, (T, thereof; 9 (S, Meyd, A, Msb,) another prov., meaning t The or -t a are putered wateringtroughs, or tanks, and

0a. , (so in the 1. the field [of etforth openly, or into ,. el them: (0, g:) and an 0 (so accord. to the TA as from the I,) in the CV,) . or aye

of the ],) or 0b

./,- (O, and so

(M,TA:) a Pers. word, (S,TA,) bath, &cc.: originally j(., (TA,) arabicized, (S, M, Msb,

,) s is every word in which occur both .e and Msb,) or ~ is an exception to this rule: , (@,
(TA in art. C :) sometimes it is called 3jl:.




) aor. , (,)

inf. n.

[both strangely or becmrnc, was, It substa,] be to said in the V

L;.; and

(8, O, Msb,)

pure, sheer, free from admixture, unmingled, Msaid unmiied,yenuine, or lclar; (S, 0, Msb, ;) of a thing (6, 0, Meb) of any kind of which the meaning is predicable, ((, 0,) [and particularly] :: said of one's race, or genealogy. (1.) places. see 2, in two

Anything pure, sdim, fret fiom ad. Anydiing b j Cro or clear; 2. ;4..o S/e (a camel) yielded pure, or clear, mixture, unmingled, unmixed, genuine, 0 [Hence, probably,j .4.)milk. (TA in artL (S, L,) (8, A, Ms.b, g, TA;) as also V C:, n. plainly, inf clearly, [jLe, 2. speaking see Tho s signifies 3. the [additional] which is by some restricted by 0 hin.] earieitly, d;rectly, or writhout amnliguity or and faced or (L, g,) and Ire confronted him, epithet white, (TA,) and * t,, You J.) A, (, . ofi contr. equivocation; and l.l., (S, 1,) and ' ;f>e, which is [said to be] more chlaste [though ,e One says, 1a-j-L and (I,) , (S,A, L,'Mob, , 9, .1 8 O (. Bay, ,p 'P 't ml.y, (j,) which last is a subst. [used as an much less usual] than ii.g (l, (L,) andt s Q, (A,) ie tieaac apsarent, manifest, or inf. n., i. c. a quasi-inf. n.], (S, ],) ]Ie reviled ' ) in which last the... is g ' ~ 1 (,) and l " ( plain, r he nranifested, exposed, or re,rnled, (S, him confronting him, or Jace to face, or to his of authority the on related is as or, augmentative, (A, TA,) and augmentative, 4, A, L, 1,) what wah in hi mingd, (S, L, K,) and (S, 1.) And 1l not do I says] [J but , with ];) ; (L,a ta ,t what he had; (A;) s also (TA,) I met himn face to AA, it is ?t~l, V and t ) i>, been retained in the memory have to think this m adi cface. (A, TA.) o;': (TA:) or he elaclared, or and f t the Arabs of classical times]. from [as transmitted clear, wihat wm in his mind, so as to epares tdi 4: sce 2. , Milk of which thefroth say You (S.) You intendetl mening accorling to the first [or mosi 1e h. froth became has gone, (., A, L,) or fre from froth, (T, L,) It c 5. piJI obvious] intrlpretation; or he madle it free fom 5a and t,wanings Frya-'"r.Pryi. (TA.) / vrioslywrtte,[e and esy,weiun ~uetible ef tropical and cear: (T, A, L:) or just draron. (TA in awayfrom the wine. clcared 0 (Mrb., art.^.) ineipretation. econla,r [or remoante] w Urinefreefromfroth. art.j^j.) And 5,' 7: se 2. (8, TA; n. trn; And s ; t., o,I(TA,) ilnf. , (L,) and ' l,o1, (L, (Ty (T, L.) And t Ct &c.]: pavilion, or palace, e. [i. i A C:. d and TA;) (8, ti f. in n; (TA,) and t ,) ]g,) without teshdeed, (],) Pure wine, (L, 4,) lig,) 6 A :) and (as some say, TA) any lofy (Zj, S, A, ,1 building: (g,A, ,TA:) or a single house or without admixture. (TA.) And ' l ,,il (1 , TA;) d.l, inf. n. ; 1; ht a (TA,) or and clear, larye, detached, manifest, Myb, or A, ($, A cup of wine withou admixture. made the thing aparent, r chamber, built apart, J. This verb is also intrans lofty: (Myb, TA:) pl. tJ of pllain. (r, TA.)t ;#Tdw Te3 (S, A.) V.) And (, A, Msb, ;c, . ($.) ... (Ii.) One says, )Jl otlrs. any ith unmmied Tomeetn came Temeen 3, (1, g,) 17 rvine becamuefrefrom r inf. n. , and Ci. , L,.,) ( 3,- (T, And ~. C-4110 froth; (?,A, Myb, V;) [it becanme clear] afte rJ ; The court, or open area, of a house; i. e. (A, M.b,) A man, (T,., L,) and an Arab, (A, mt a paciou racant mpart or portion thereof, in M9b,) of pure, or unmixed, race or ~enalogy; fermenting and frothing. (.) [ And ; Tio day became free from clods, and sn~ny :w " ahich is no building; its Lea, ($, TA,) or its pl. (T, ., A, L, M,b, ] :) and pl./'l-: imrse from fee becanme day the TA:) Msb, (A, (A:) or .elb 1.Gl [which means the same]: 3" , (T, f pure rac; (T,TA;) pl. a horse of (Mqb.)-And A tract of ground ;Ao. pL o . b . And tb.) (M clords. midt and V, TA,) in this case as distinguished from the The year of drought, or sterility, became one of that is hard and elvated (S, L) and even: or a - Pure, or o , former. (T, TA.) And unmixed severity; (, Meyd, L, Vi;) and in like tract that i even, and open to view, of ground, former. or other animals are unmiwd, un,mid, rac or gen~aloy. (A.) And";; 1 manner, .ii1tai.-: (L:) or the formnner mean and of a place where camels a house of and dried, are dates where or c onfined, ' t 5.0 and V r_1y [A word, an expreuion, or t the shy became cear of louds. ( in art. J_.5 andofgoodly eren, is that tract a or dwelling: or and Meyd.) And c., (?, Mb, TA,) in n. a appearance, thou h not open to view: Aboo- a ntence,] that is pure, genuinec, or clea.. (V.) 0 ', the latter with and V t .. r, Aslam aMerts it to mean a [d!tert tract such a is And V above, (dl, TA,) aid of an a&fir, (15, TA,) Ol as in a copy of the p, [and in the g and Msb,, called] I.e. (L.).[Hence, app.,] one says, kear, (TA) and and V _l kesr, and V 'a! said of the truth, (TA,) It became appare] I) xoe. the TA as V to accord. t(so , he t a . with damm, (Lb, TA,) t A Intre, sheer, a, TA; manifest, eposed, or rerealed; (S, Myb, my in so lie, (Lli, TA,) nanafest, and know'n andt (0, or , unmixed, .la.. a or ,) the from h. truti the of ~l,V, TA,) said (, and so V -)l 211 ' !

trth, or affair, became revaled, or manifest, (S, Meyd, Msb,) afker its being concealed: (Meyd, Msb:) or, as AA says,faixity became detected, or exposed, and the truth became apparent and known. (Meyd. [See also &J.]) And ; J1 ., another prov., (Mcyd, L,) meaning It (the affair, or case,) became alpparent, or maulifest, to thee, in Jillhdn; whiici last word is variously written, [see Frcytag's Arab. Prov. i. 730, and Iar p. 106,] a place in Et-T.if, soft and even, like the palm of the hand, containing no covert in whlichl one may conceal himself; the ; (Mcyd:) denoting the e. or ;L: in; . the revealed, or apparent, i. e. the man made See (L.) meant. or utmost of what he desired, also a trad. cited in art. je-, conj. 2.-t 6 said of an archer or the like means [Hie made Ais a,row, or missile, to go clar of the butt or mark; or] he slot, or cast, and missed (K, TA) tie butt [or nark]. (TA.)

i ., (so in my MS. copy of the g,) [accord. to S ;M,] SM,] with fet-h in the end of each [app. in the fo 0 [api). * frmer phrase], and with tenween in each Srnier going the Verily e. [i. (TA,) phrase], latter the n forth olely, or into the field of battle, is fe. .] quent. rtient. See also ;'m~, and ;





Thin S: see .oe, in six places. -Also in so,e nilk, milk, containing much water, so that . [here ti. and garts parts of it otne sees a tanmines 3, also See (L.)hue]. Lpp. meaning a blackish app. In in two places. 0 :t1.: sec the next paragraph, in two places. C:1P.'D

at.: eja.,



176 [Boox I. t'' - 'Y, to men. (TA.) And J j t A sayiin9 MA, L, Ms b:) or did so vehemntly: (1Mgh, L, fl^ an inf. n. of E [q. v.]. (A, &c.) [that is elxplicit, plain, or clear,] not requiril Msb:O) and he called, or cried,for aidl, or su an#yting to be conceived in the mind, nor azny cour, (A, Mgh, L, Msb,) saying, I, [Ala u, ; .,, an inf n. of 4 [q. v.]: (A, Mgh:) Ij [Alas, a cryir iletcriretation. (Msb.) And V l j., I [Pu;re a cryingfor aid!] and t of alarm!]; (L;) and t t:j.l signifies ti h see also 4. = See also 5L, in four places. ni,nixed, evil, or fmihiSCif]. (A, TA.) ArId same: (Agit, L:) and 11L&Mot is syn. wit th tll [lIe zwho cals or caUs out, or cris or rtl. t Pure, or sincere, in admnonitioa A, 1 3I&jL ; (S,TA;) meaning ty 4 w; as als so cries out, or does so rehoemently, or screamnu, &c., or counsel. (L, TA.) ) I .aL.; (TA;) or [rather] meaning Tiay much, or often. - And hence,] 27e peacock. 0. ' 1 inf. ns. of 'e [q. v.]. (, (1 called or calleUd out, &c., (1 -,) one to anothe, r. (IAqr, 8.) :~ Meb.) (TK.) &jS &J ' [It nwas like ti ie tL CaUing or calling out, or crying or crying vehement crying-out, or t/e screaming, ' ' --- , -- --' of W tA --'el.: sce s ,, in three plaees. _ [Hence pregnant wvoman] is a prov., said of a tlling thi it out, or doing so velemently; [or screaming;] as comes upon one suddenly, when hc is not awan e alsor 5. (A, Msb.) And Calling,or crying, the saying,] Iae!9 r' ,jU [app. lla stated to (T.) fopr aid, or succour; ,S,Msb, ;) and so y him the njfliir, or case,] clearly, or uithout ad4. 4. tol Is aided, or succoured, another; i in t&r; mixture. (L, TA.) (i, ;) and(S) lso, answer to a call, or cry; (S, A, Mgh, Mqb;) as and V , (AHeyth, S,A, $,) or the latter u?l,": see t also t tjoyLl: (AIat, L:) the I in the forme r [only] of these, (T, Mb,) and ( A, verb is said to have a privative effect, so tha gs ~ nan epithet applied to a horse, in relation Msob, ,) and t Ld. , (Lth, TA,) Aiding, or to a certain stallion named b ., ($ , TA,) or r;yosl significs I made his c7ying, or velhm7en t st icacouring; or an aider, or a succourer: (Lth, T, crying, &c., to ceas: (TA:) vnl: and V ha s S,A, Mob,K:) Az says that he had not heard 1 l, (TA,) that begat a generous breed. (S, the signification of the inf. n. of this verb, as at TA.) inf n. [or rather qnasi-inf. n.] of the measurd nfLo in this sense on the authority of any exoept (k;) and t /. . also may liayo thi As; but that all men agree that it has the second a.l.t. r A ,re.el for vinU: (g:) [in Pcrs. al; of the senses given above, and that V &has .glar- :] but IDrd doubts its correctness. (TA.) signification in the igur xxxvi. 43, as is said it 1 the last of those senses. (TA.) 3ii t , thc lsl [and by Bld]. (TA.) ^, nmenning [A male slave] whowe aider [is a fimal. tl~ 4A ceriain flyig thing, resemblitn the 5. t.J lle made an cffort to call or call out, slave], is a proa. applied in the amu af wa [./e'ies of locust called] .e"O , 7which is eaten. to cry or cry out, or to do so tement~ly; [or, te man who is aided by one meaner than he. (4.) scream;] (, A, ]g;) or whe made an efinot in* (Meyd.) And it is said in the Kur [xiv. 27], calling or caUing out, &c., (PS,) it calling or rt 6e bj; ' L L lam naot your eaUing out, &c., vemntly, and in cryingfot aidrrs, nor arc ye my aiders. (TA.) - &,lll is t, ~ (;, ],) like . [in measure], aidor succour. (KL.) One says, i an a ppellation of The cock; (C, TA;) bea.use heo (s,) [in one of my two copies of the $ *j. 1 (S,) meaning wtLkJt.4 JLI [i. e. The making cries much in the niglht: and it is said by some also, and in the other copy the latter only,] A an er#ort to call or caU out, &c., or in caUing or to be tropical. (TA.)_ And 5LC signifies also dly five f nom cloud: ($, ] :) occurring in the ailinV out, &c., in sneezing, is stupidity]. (S, A voice, or cry, i!forii a n man of an evt loctry of EJt-TirimmAb. (f.) on account of ehic hiasi rA.) aidl is invoked, or anw u)unciny to him a dcath. (IAth, TA.) tlj.a A she-camel that does not yield frothy 6. yLnjW They caled or called out, cried or milk; (T, I; [in the CI., L; ' 1' is put for ried out, or did o vehemently, one to another; ' C rThe voice, or cry of the callingfor aid, A;) [and so, aceord. to a copy of the A, or succour. (g.) lence the saying,o e U-J ) ;]) that yields lure milk, rwith little froth. 1 / lj.wl; and app. u 1tdsjd, as seems to be 4 (M, TA.) ..4*JI iL. [l heard the cry of the peopl, or indicated in the L and J ;] see 1. party, caUing for ail, or succour]. (TA.) pl 8: aee 1, in two places: and see also 6. See also 4. - And see' 1. Wiy., (L, ],) an inf. n. of t, (S,) sigii lIe called, or crie, to hims for an: .seeJ ,, in thrce places. nifies The calling or calling out, or crying or c 10. aid, or succour. (?, A, Mgl, L, Mb.) - And out, rchemently; [or scraming;](L, I~;) on an occasion of fright, or alarm, or of some Ie inci~t him, urqed him, or induced him, to aU or caU out, to cry or c out, ay [app. for aid, afjiction, or evil accident: (L:) one says, ' I r succour,] or to do so vlwmefitly. (L, TA.) i,f.n. i.3S,; and *t,kl; [Ile called or called [ jrenec,] ( A . .a;u Tlere came to the mnan out, &c.;] botlh meaning the same. (S.) And a voice, or cj, informinutg him of an eavent on 1.s, ~, aor., inf n. He, ,or it,im, or t, also an inf. n. of f became, cold: or intensely cold. (M, L. [Seeo ,, (A, Mgh, Msb,) a ccount of whiceh his aid wna invoked, or an'i i .]) One says, tha h oJt 9e hid [I and sinifices Theo raising thie voice, calling or n ouncing to hii a death. (IAth, TA.) 14 calling out, crying was, or becahie, or to c,ryiny lay, out: vety (S, cold; A, L, or I :) . mi_ mcans Tlhe tribe's being invoked for aid to very ipn9 or ldoing sou vehwrel tly: (L, 1 :) and the calling, rrforma lensely cold]. (A.) And ag th (Our day twhat is requisitefor the dead: and hence or crying, for aid, or succour; (A;) which last P 11 nas, or became, rery cold; or very intensely cold]. . ic U, nxot meaning is said to be tropical, but conventionally tl ko trad. of Ibn-'Omar, 141 (A.) And se , aor. as above, (S, ,) and so (,.8 , meaning, And he was call to aid in the inf. n., (S,) lhoe (a man) was qicekly ~ble regarded as proper; (MF ;) as also M(, (, tirnisking for the grave, and blurying, the corpe of cold. (S, .) - And jpe said of mila, It TA,) whiclh is likewiso an inf. n. of ,: (A, 1 f his wfie: or it may mean, mas informed that becamne in a state of decomposition, by roean of Mghl:) one says, t , nor. (A, MA, Mgh, L, h wi fe was at tho point of death. (Mgli.) o cold. (TA.) -And, said of a skin, (0, 1,) Myb) and ', (MA,) inf. n. tjlj (A, MA, Mgh, S ee also 1, in two places; and 6:-and see 4. inf. n. as above, (0, TA,) It emitted it butter in L, Msb) and a, (A, Mgh,) Ila raised his clots: (0, ]n:) of the doing of which it is cured 6." an in n. of 1 [q. v.]. llence, voice, called or called out, cried or cried out: (A, (' rA,) Tho caU to prayer. (1, TA.) with hot water. (0, TA.) - ks: ll Qis




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