Install Openvpn On CentOS 5

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Install Openvpn on CentOS 5.5

Install Openvpn on CentOS 5.5

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Prepare for installation 1 Requirements for install 1 Install package 2 Configure openvpn 2 Configure install openvpn client and 7
Topic 1: Prepare for installation

Before we install openvpn we need to prepare our server: we install CentOS 5.5 with two network card

This network structure external client want to access to internal network work by use VPN connection through internet. Topic 2: Requirements for installation To install openvpn on CentOS 5.5 we need to install package dependency - Lzo and lzo-devl: for compress package - Openssl and openssl-devel: for create certificate - Pam-devel: for openvpn authentication - Openvpn: for openvpn server - Gcc: for complete software

Topic 3: install package

To install package the first we need to install #yum install -y wget install tool for download package #yum install -y yum-priorities let your yum to install more packages. #cd /tmp #wget for x86 (32bit) only #rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.1-1.el5.rf.*.rpm #yum check-update #yum install lzo #yum install lzo-devel #yum install openssl #yum install openssl-devel #yum install pam-devel #yum install gcc #yum install openvpn

Topic 4: Configure openvpn server

After we install openvpn server on CentOS 5.5 we need to copy #cp -R /usr/share/doc/openvpn-2.0.9/easy-rsa/ /etc/openvpn/ # cp /usr/share/doc/openvpn-2.0.9/sample-config-files/server.conf /etc/openvpn/ After we copy we need to create certificate for server and client #cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/ #. ../vars #chmod +rwx * #source ./var #vi ../vars

#vi vars

#./build-ca Input your location and org name. #source ./vars #./clean-all #./build-ca Always press enter directly. You can verify your infomation in this step.

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Install Openvpn on CentOS 5

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