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Subject/Time: Survey of Literature, 2/3 and 8/9 periods

Name: Carla Wellborn Overview

Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards. RL 9-10.4

Date: 3/12/2013

Key Lesson Elements What is the Teacher Doing? What are the Students Doing?
Do Now (3-5 minutes): All eyes on me in 5,4,3,2,1. (Teacher scans for 100%) Ok! We are going to dig back into The Odyssey. When I tell you to, turn and talk to your group about everything you remember from reading The Odyssey and watching the videos yesterday. Go! (Teacher scans the room, listening to conversations. Teacher is looking for 100% and listening for student comprehension of the story.) Ok, all eyes on me in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. (100%) Teacher cold calls students to share out. Ms. Leftridge, what do you remember about what weve learned so far? Ms. Lott, what do you remember? We Do Input (1-2 Key teaching points): Ok, we are going to continue reading The Odyssey using Reciprocal Teaching. Person in seat number 3, reach into the basket and pull out the cards. Give one to everyone in your group. Open your binders to page 841 in the literature section and begin reading using the Reciprocal Teaching protocol. You Do Independent Practice: Teacher monitors as students read The Odyssey. Teacher circulates and listens for succinct summaries, good questions with follow up discussions, and solid predictions. Specifically listening for evidence from the text that would indicate close reading. Students will read until there is 12-15 minutes left in the period. Tracking Teacher Turning and talking to partner about what they remember from The Odyssey Sharing out when prompted. All eyes on board.

Tracking classmates Sharing out when prompted Pulling out binders and turning to literature section when prompted. Reaching into the center of table for RT cards when prompted.

Objective(s) SWBAT: By the end of the lesson SWBAT analyze a short story using the reciprocal teaching cards, through group practice, with 100% participation. SWBAT answer higher order thinking questions, using textual evidence to support their answers, through group GA discussion, with 100% participation. Vocabulary words/Key: Reciprocal teaching The Odyssey Hamartia

Students are reading along and participating in group discussions with reading cards. Students are answering questions at the end of the allotted reading. Participating in discussion with groups using discussion prompts on the board.

We Do/Exit Ticket Guided Practice: Ok class, lets have a general assembly. Discuss the following question in your group: Analyze the character of Odysseus. Is he a good leader? Use evidence from the story to support your answer. After students discuss, teacher cold calls on a student to respond. Other students show their opinion using the

Participating in GA protocol. Discussing in small groups Responding to classmates with appropriate gestures (100%) Sharing out when prompted


Modifications/ Accommodations Mr. McMillian will respond to positively framed coaching, per his IEP when being redirected. Mr. Curtis will be seated near Mr. Burnside for behavior management coaching.

General Assembly protocol. Teacher calls on other students to respond based upon their gestures. Ok. Discuss in your groups: Would you go to the Cyclops Island if you had the opportunity? Why or Why not? Ok. Discuss this in your groups: Remind your group what a characters hamartia is. What do you think Odysseuss hamartia is? Explain. (General Assembly Discussion) Discuss: What would you say is your own hamartia? Are you similar to or different from Odysseus? Discuss: If you could create one rule for Odysseus and his men to obey, (if they make it off the island) what would it be? Ok. Discuss in your groups: How is Odysseus similar to or different from the other Greek males (men or gods) we have encountered (Zeus, Poseidon, Hermes, Hades, Perseus, Paris, Achilles, Apollo, Ares) Discuss: How did Odysseus anger Poseidon? Is his anger justified or is he being overly sensitive?

Materials & Technology Binders Promethean Board Clickers Flipchart Pen The Odyssey Viewing Guides

Closing/Preview for next lesson: Tomorrow we will read more and find out if they will escape the Cyclops cave!

Homework: Read for 30 minutes. Complete any late work before 4:30pm Tuesday.

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