Spring Con Reg. 09

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Democratic Process in UUtopia?

Maine Spring Con, Bridging, and YAC elections

May 29-31 at UU church of Saco and Biddeford
Youth Registration Form
(7th-12th grade)
Complete this form (3 pages) and return with payment of $25 payable to NNED (memo: Maine youth con) to
Joy Blanchette, UU district office, 10 Ferry St. #318, Concord, NH 03301 by May 4. You can fax forms to 603-

Youth Name_________________________________________Grade_____Gender_______________
Street city state zip

Phones (H)__________________(cell)________________email______________________________
(Print legibly)
Diet (circle one) omnivore vegetarian vegan
Allergies or medical conditions________________________________________________________
Other special needs_________________________________________________________________
Your adult sponsor/advisor (at this
Your congregation__________________________________________________________________
Emergency contact (name and relationship to you)_________________________________________
Emergency phone # of above (H)_________________(w)_________________cell_______________
How many cons have you attended?_________Who is driving you?___________________________
Minors driving themselves or other minors need to send the district office a permission form.

“I understand that this youth from my church is attending the stated event”

Signature of DRE, minister, or youth coordinator with emergency phone #

o Check here if you’ve already given the district information on insurance policy #s within the last school
year. (Sept 09-present)
If not, please complete

(company & policy number):_________________________________________________________________



 Change of clothing, gear for rainy weather, sleeping bag or bedding
 Secret Buddy stuff (Secret Buddy is someone whose name you pick from a basket. You put good vibes -
- nice notes, candy, small toys and gadgets, pretty shells, pictures -- into his/her bag. Your Secret Buddy
will put things in your bag.)
 Flashlight with working batteries
 Toiletries including: washcloth (there will be no showers available), toothbrush/paste, etc.
 Snack to share, games to share
 Musical instruments, poetry, etc for the coffee house
 Positive attitude
FOOD: Please eat dinner before you arrive on Friday evening. Meals: 3 meals Saturday, Breakfast and a light
lunch on Sunday. Bring snacks to share.

(one of two pages for youth)

Community Covenant

I understand each youth conference community strives to be inclusive, healthy and spirit-centered.
Realizing that what I do and how I act affects other youth, adult advisors, parents, religious educators,
ministers, the district and the UU movement I promise to observe the following guidelines.
o Usage of, holding or distribution of illegal substances such as alcohol, drugs, or tobacco or
weapons is not allowed
o Appropriate, non-violent, and respectful language and behavior is expected
o Respect for others, the physical premises and others’ personal property
o No sexual intercourse of any kind and no overt sexual behavior which suggests an exclusive
relationship and diminishes community.
o Abide by sleeping arrangements (one blanket/bag: one person)
I understand that failure to follow these guidelines could include my removal from the event at my
parents’ expense and could jeopardize the continuation of cons. I also agree not to leave the set
boundaries of the event without permission.

Youth Signature_________________________________________________Date__________________

Youth Registration Form (continued)

Parents/guardians please read and complete

Liability release and emergency care authorization

The health history for my child is correct and complete to my knowledge. If an injury or other medical
condition occurs or arises, I hereby give permission to the NNED staff or volunteers to provide routine health
care and seek emergency treatment including x-rays or routine tests. I agree to the release of any record
necessary for treatment, referral, billing or insurance purposes. I understand that I am financially responsible
for charges and hereby guarantee full payment to the attending physicians or health care unit. In the event of an
emergency where I cannot decide for my child, I give permission to the physician/hospital selected by the
District staff or volunteer to secure and administer treatment for my child, including hospitalization.
_________initial __________date
Insurance policy and #________________________________________________________________

The District staff or volunteers may wish to take photographs, video, and/or tape recording of youth events.
During activities, a photograph or video/audio recording may be taken of you or your child. Unless you request
otherwise, your initial below will be considered permission for NNED to photograph, film, audio/video tape,
record and/or televise the voice and /or image of your child for use in any publications or promotional materials,
in any medium now known or developed in the future without any restrictions. If you object to NNED using
you or your child’s image or voice in this manner, please notify the NNED program consultant.
_________initial __________date


I give permission for to participate in the NNED youth events. I understand
that NNED activities/events may involve certain risks of physical activity and possible injury and that NNED
will provide each participant with reasonable care, but that NNED cannot guarantee that my child will remain
free of injury. In addition, some NNED youth events including but not limited to: winter sports, water
activities, and other sporting activities have a higher degree of risk. I nonetheless wish to have my child
participate in NNED youth ministry events and ASSUME the RISK of participating. I agree to RELEASE
from LIABILITY, INDEMNIFY and HOLD HARMLESS the NNED, the Board of Directors and their officers,
employees and agents (hereinafter the RELEASEES) from any and all claim and/or cause of action arising out
of and related to any injury, loss, penalties, damage, settlement, costs or other expenses or liabilities that occur
as a result of my child’s participation in the NNED youth programs.

Parent or Guardian Signature Date

(Must be signed by the parent or guardian if the participant is under 18 years old)
Democratic Process in UUtopia?
Maine Spring Con, Bridging and YAC elections
May 29-31 at UU church of Saco and Biddeford
Complete this form and return with payment of $25 payabe to NNED (memo: Maine youth con) to Joy
Blanchette, UU district office, 10 Ferry St. #318, Concord, NH 03301 by May 4. You can fax forms to 603-226-
3011 Adult Registration Form
(one of two pages)

Street city, state zip
Phones (H)___________________ (W)___________________________ cell__________________________
Diet (circle one) omnivore vegetarian vegan
Emergency contact information (name and relationship_____________________________________________________
Phones (W)___________________________(H)____________________________cell___________________________
How many cons have you attended?________________

“I recognize that this adult will be sponsoring youth to the stated event”

(Signature of religious educator, minister,or youth coordinator)

I will be sponsoring the following youth (name and congregation* if different from yours)
1. ___________________________________________2.________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________4. _______________________________________
5. ___________________________________________6. ________________________________________
* Parents and DREs/staff must understand that you are sponsoring a youth from their church


 Change of clothing, gear for rainy weather, sleeping bag or bedding
 Secret Buddy stuff (Secret Buddy is someone whose name you pick from a basket. You put good vibes -
- nice notes, candy, small toys and gadgets, pretty shells, pictures -- into his/her bag. Your Secret Buddy
will put things in your bag.)
 Flashlight with working batteries
 Toiletries including: washcloth (there will be no showers available), toothbrush/paste, etc.
 Snacks to share, games to share
 Musical instruments, poetry, etc for the coffee house
 Positive attitude
FOOD: Please eat dinner before you arrive on Friday evening. Meals: 3 meals Saturday, Breakfast and a light
lunch on Sunday. Bring snacks to share.
Adults and older youth who are in leadership roles are in a position of stewardship and play a key role in fostering spiritual
development of both individuals and the community. It is, therefore, especially important that those in leadership positions be well
qualified to provide the special nurture, care, and support that will enable children and youth to develop a positive sense of self and a
spirit of independence and responsibility. The relationship between youth and their leaders must be one of mutual respect if positive
potential is to be realized. There are no more important areas of growth than those of self-worth and the development of a healthy
identity as a sexual being. Adults play a key role in assisting children and youth in these areas of growth. Wisdom dictates that
children, youth, and adults suffer damaging effects when leaders become sexually involved with young persons in their care; therefore
leaders will refrain from engaging in sexual, seductive, or erotic behavior with children and youth. Neither shall they sexually harass
or engage in behavior with youth that constitutes verbal, emotional or physical abuse.
By signing below, the signer indicates s/he has been informed of this code and agrees to abide by it before assuming their work with
children and/or youth involved in District activities. In cases of violation of this code, appropriate action will be taken.

(adults continued)

Community Covenant

I understand each youth conference community strives to be inclusive, healthy and spirit-centered.
Realizing that what I do and how I act affects other youth, adult advisors, parents, religious
educators, ministers, the district and the UU movement I promise to observe the following
o Usage of, holding or distribution of illegal substances such as alcohol, drugs, or tobacco
or weapons is not allowed
o Appropriate, non-violent, and respectful language and behavior is expected
o Respect for others, the physical premises and others’ personal property
o No sexual intercourse of any kind and no overt sexual behavior
o Abide by sleeping arrangements (one blanket/bag: one person)
I understand that failure to follow these guidelines could include my removal from the event at my
expense. Adult smoking is discouraged.

Adult Signature_________________________________________________Date______________

Expectations of Youth Advisors

Have a good understanding of Unitarian Universalism
Complete a volunteer application with personal character references and agree to a background check
Be 25 years or older
Understand, follow and educate others about district safety policies
If transporting youth, provide proof of driver’s license and liability insurance
Be a kind, available compassionate, and friendly adult aware of appropriate personal boundaries
Collaborate and communicate with congregational leadership, YAC (youth-adult committee), and district staff
Promote general health and well being of youth at youth events through awareness and by following the events’ code of
conduct or youth behavior expectations
Attend orientations for youth advisors at your congregations and consider attending youth advisor trainings at the district
Agree to monitor overnight environment by taking two hour “awake shifts”
Be a member or affiliate in good standing with a UU congregation for at least six months (exceptions can be discussed)
Schedule of activities

Friday night Saturday Sunday

7 p.m Registration 7:45-8 Breakfast set up by touch 8:00-8:15 Breakfast set up by
Sign up for buddy bags; make group touch group
8-9:00 breakfast and clean up
buddy bags; make name tags; 9:15 Gathering of community,
8:15-8:45 Breakfast
stow your stuff explanation of day 8:45- 9:30 Adults
9:30-10:30 Age Specific groups meeting
7:30-8 p.m. Meeting of Touch 10:30-11 Free time Youth pack up and load cars.
Group Coordinators, deans and 11:00-11:45 Touch Groups Everything must be cleaned up
11:45 Lunch set up by touch
other con leadership meet to group
by 9:30
review plans, select assignments 10-11
and spaces. Community can play Noon-12:30 Lunch and clean up Maybe Attend Saco-
games, play music. 1 -1:15 p.m Sign up for workshops Biddeford worship service
Everyone must attend a workshop. There Touch groups/
may be space limitations and you’ll need to
8 pm.-8:30 p.m attend another
Orientation (whole community) Noon-1 Lunch
Introductions of leadership 1:15-3 p.m. Workshops 1 -2 p.m. Bridging of
(deans, con coordinator, adult UU democractic process --Orion and seniors with David Bennett
coordinator, touch group Jeremiah
Juvenile Criminal Justice in Maine--
coordinator, worship Attorney Marsha Lawson
coordinators, chaplains) Maine’s legislator--how it works---Senator *** Bring items for buddy
Code of Conduct reviewed and Deb Simpson bags (small items that fit in a
site requirements reviewed paper lunch bag---toys, gum,
Overview of weekend 3--4:00 Touch groups candy, stickers, etc)
Secret Buddy activity explained 4:00-6:00 YAC election/meeting
***If you want to run for a
(Patty, Rick, ) YAC position (youth or adult)
8:30-9 p.m. 5:30--5:45 Break your form must be returned
Games/icebreakers 5:45-6 Dinner set up with touch before the con, by May 4. If
9:00-10 p.m. group you need a job description and
6-7 Dinner and clean up
Touch Groups meet (find out application email benette at
assignments and leaders; learn 7:30-8:30 Workshops bsherman@uua.org or call
about YAC elections; check-ins; Senior Books -- 603-228-8704 #11
weekend chores) Massage--Rick
10-11 p.m. Yoga--Patrick
Baking: Tom M.
Games/icebreakers Macrame: Nancy M.
Adult meeting Music: Alex and mom Con Coordinator: Benette
Age specific group leaders Sherman
(anyone want to volunteer?) 8:30-10 Deans: Leighlan, Rick
Coffee House Worship coordinator:
10-10:30 Leadership meeting and touch
11-midnight group leaders
Chaplains: Orion
Worship (includes periods of 10:30-11:30 Worship (seniors) Game masters: Nolan
silence, sharing, readings, music, Midnight Quiet room sleeptime Touch Group Coordinator:
stories, etc) Lindsay and Patty
Midnight 2:30 Everyone sleeps. Adults/deans will Secret Buddy Coordinator:
monitor all spaces. Once you choose, you
Lights out/quiet voices stay in that area.
One sleeping bag/blanket--one
youth! Exclusive or sexualized One sleeping bag/blanket--one youth!
behavior harms community! Exclusive or sexualized behavior harms
For your safety do not leave community! For your safety do not leave
the bldg!
the bldg

Hold a pre-conference meeting for youth, parents and the adults who will be attending the conference. Discuss the event,
conference code, local arrangements, leadership, and travel.

Adults with youth at conferences

• Congregations are responsible for each adult they are sending. A positive endorsement for each adult must be
provided by the minister or Director of Religious Education from his/her church. These endorsements will be
verified individually by Benette Sherman, Con-Coordinator.
• Every attempt should be made to recruit adults who have been “checked” i.e. applications with references on file
and background checks completed and cleared. If the recruited adult has not been “checked” then the local church
coordinator must submit the name to the district program consultant, Benette Sherman who will secure the
background checks. (keeping in mind the time constraints)
• Congregations are encouraged to pay the registration fee for the adults
• Ratio of adults to youth at the weekend is 1:8. Parents can drive youth to the con and not attend the con. (they do
not need to go through the background checks, etc) If this happens parents should not leave youth until the youth
are connected with their advisor. The adult con coordinator should also be informed of this.
• Adults may cover youth not from their congregations. Parents, RE leaders and advisors need to communicate
about this and inform the con coordinator. This arrangement should be reflected on the registration sheet.
• RE leaders or local coordinator should make adult advisors aware of special needs or considerations of youth for
whom advisors are responsible.

Transportation is the responsibility of the churches and parents, however the following district safety policies must be
• Drivers must have licenses and insurance coverage must be current. If the driver of youth is not 25 years or older
then parents must complete and submit a special permission form to the district stating they give permission for
their youth to travel with the driver.
• Vehicles must be safe and have working seatbelts for all occupants.
• Youth driving youth is not allowed. This practice presents a huge liability risk for the church, church leadership,
district and district leadership. The practice of youth driving themselves is also strongly discouraged. The only
way this can happen is for parents to complete a special permission form and send it to the district before the
event. It is the parents’ responsibility to contact the district program consultant for this form.
• Concerns about adult driving behavior will be reported to the church coordinator.

Problem resolution process

Issues are brought to the attention of the deans or adult coordinator by any participant. Action will be taken by the
conference leadership (deans, chaplains, adult coordinator). The adult coordinator has the ultimate responsibility.

• YAC members at the conference may be involved in discussion of action to be taken and may recommend actions
(consequences) up to and including expulsion from activity (ies) at the participant’s expense.
• Focus is on the specific incident, although history of past behaviors may be a factor.
• The need for and the implications of actions are discussed with the individual involved
• The conference coordinator has the authority to dismiss participants/arrange transportation from the event.

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