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ee al ey ae fae dat i Se et i ee THIRD SEY) Mat Worn have talked with hushed voices about “STRANGE PEOPLE"—men who are not men—women who are not women, has ever dared to talk out in the open about it. Is it any won- der that the shocking, lurid facts of this great social evil are unknown to the great mass of men and women? Is it any wonder that strange si to describe these creatures. A DOCTOR CASTS THE LIGHT OF TRUTH ON THE STRANGE, EXOTIC WORLD OF TWILIGHT MEN AND WOMEN! nv a Doctor ha d to tear away the veil of mystery In blunt, unde fe words he describes the wnbe lievable facts. "STRANGE LOVES,” A Study in Sexual Abnormalities, by Dr. La Forest Patter, noted authority, is a jent so weird, so startling, as to amaze the civilized world. Dr, La Forest Potter, the author, is a late member of the New York County Medical Society, Massachusetis Medical Society, Boston Gynecological Society, Associate Professor of Rhinology, Laryngology, and Otology, New York School of Clinical Medicine, and the author of many well known works. THE TRUTH REVEALED! Can you distinguish these men and women of the Shadow Wi ames are commonly used — WOT AL ae CT Split Pers i age know that their number is constantly increasing? The strange | power these mnd_women wield over normal. ps { almost unbelievable, Dr, Potter says, “NO MAN ON EARTH HAS A CHANCE AGAINST A WOMAN ONCE SHE HAS SUCCUMBED TO ANOTHER WOMAN." Actual clinical cases reveal the abnor- mal ties and the unnatural desires and erotic reactions of these twilight men and women ) There are records that actually prove that men : have been MADE INTO ABNORMALS. startling, provocative indictment against the false modesty. that has been responsible for the J 4 growth of these fantastic, strange amatory J7/ curiosities among sayage and civilized races, STRANGE LOVE nat the hidden, secret passions that dominate these we dialityof the effeminate man half man” all lates the best alities and stvageries practiced by the Greeks, Avsyrians and Romans--the semcuaiity that was ascribe oy Hercules and Jupiter-the growth through Kance—to Germanyto its tremendous spr IM SILENCE, FOREVER? Dr, Potter tell tks Bistory.frora through the MUST THESE SUBJECTS Be GLOTHED ~ Feaclesaly, openly, the mi the searchlight oF truth fsstye~ Peibadiem=—Saphisar=-Uranism-—th iliewe that sich abhormalties exist and have been practiced trough the ages ASTONISHING DISCLOSURES ABOUT THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS MEN FOR MATURE, SOPHISTICATED so [READERS OF THIS MAGAZINE! sis fo tu Inter of fare eaterie Iara athe co Se ey ‘mon Na Seen’ 10" orem, GRENPARK COMPANY 101 Hudson Street Dept. WS. ‘New York, N. WONDER STORIES FOR AUGUST, 1934 - FRENCH CLASSICS” Daring... Romantic... Thrilling ... Absorbing A SET OF SIX FAMOUS BOOKS — Former Price $12.50 NOW ONLY $§.98 WHILE THEY LAST Complete Set of Six Books 6 Priceless Volumes “Sappho” by Alphonse ‘Daudet “Mademoiselle de Maupin” by ‘Theophile Gautier “The Lady of the Came- Was" by Alexandre ‘Dumas “Tho Red Lily” by Anatole France “Madame Bovary” by Gustave Flaubert “Stories of Parisian Life” by Guy de Blaupassant. © VolumesStendard Library Size—1.447 Pause Roand fn Thick ca-fish Delinxe Cloth fs a 4 THE MOST FREQUENTLY QUOTED AUTHORS! > Te You Want To BE Wet, Reap — You MUST Have Tuese Crassics in YoOuR LIBRARY 1,447 Pages of Love, Intrigue and Romance oligfs, M7021 famous Prench, Manterpiceoyollected translated toto English, uniformly bound and vallable in this wpecil edition at an unbelievable in price Mech one Gf hese six books iy the outsta of its author ‘Colesuvely Shay réptesest all thats bert fad mont typical in French litorature--written aa only the French ean. write ‘in. times ow ‘past, various well-meaning but. unin- formed people have zone so far as to express the opinion that some, of the incidapta In these books were almant ahocking” and “risque” but sushi decidedly. wot the ease, True, the subject, matter is handled with ‘all the ‘verve ‘and fire for which the Parisian raconteyr is Famous, but it must "be remembered that the French ode t’not the same as ours. Every nation bas its own fndividual modes. muoners and morals, whieh aro bound {> be rellected in its literature. Knowledge of these dit- ferences is of undenlable cultural value—and to. censor them would” be fortunately regarded a» the height of prudery inthis advanced day and age. ‘Stories that Vibrate with Haman Passions a Nahe aman le ee SEAS. en ag alo acl as ‘the highest” to es and. vagnbonds—m ‘tnd harlots—saints aod sinners! SPECIAL OFFER: ONLY 280 SETS AVAILABLE AT THIS BARGAIN PRICE of $2.98 per set Gan only be shipped by express collect. Tf zea wish m met—-Act now! No C.0.D.-—Money refunded Uf ot satisfactory, “ TRUTH PUBLICATIONS, Suite 926, Palmoli -~_,Brelased find my remittance of $2.98 for which ship to ‘lnaaies a8 per your advertisement. ADDRESS .. Bldg, CHICAGO, ILL. Ws.ast by express collect, the set of six volumes ef French STATS ... er me E. fe P } OF PROPHETIC FICTION Vol. 6, No. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS August, 1934 WONDERS OF REALITY an editorial by Hugo Gernsback ......... wes 261 DIMENSIONAL FATE by A. L. Burkholder .....---22+-- . 262 A VISIT TO VENUS by Festus Pragnell ...- - 270 ‘THE RETURN OF TYME by A. Fedor and Henry Hasse . Perot wee 298 WHAT IS YOUR SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE . seeeees + 304 ‘THE SENSE TWISTER a short-short story by W. Varick Nevins, IT . 305 COMPLETELY EMPTY SPACE UNLIKELY news article .. ~ 309 ‘THE MEN FROM GAYLN by E. Mantell ......: oat Oe Ee ere 310 ENSLAVED BRAINS by Eondo Binder ..... are eee

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