Chemistry Tutorial 2

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General Chemistry I SUMMER SESSION I 2013

Tutorial 2

By: Cleve Hines

To: Dr. Nicolas White

Date: June 7, 2013

NORTHERN CARIBBEAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES Department of Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences CHEM121: General Chemistry I SUMMER SESSION I 2013


DUE:, June 7, 2013 @ 1 pm in the box outside my office

1. Draw the molecular orbital for N2. Determine its bond orders and write its molecular configuration. (10)

2. Using valence bond theory, describe the bonding and determine the formal charges of each of the following molecules. a. ClNO b. C2H4 c. XeF2 (12) (4) 3. How many resonance structures does the bicarbonate ion, HCO3-, have?

4. For the following molecules, put in increasing order of polarity and explain your reason for making this choice: H2O, H2S, H2, HF (5)


1. Draw the molecular orbital for N2. Determine its bond orders and write its molecular configuration. 121*2222*2x2y222p2 (10)

2. Using valence bond theory, describe the bonding and determine the formal charges of each of the following molecules. a. ClNO (12)

FC For Nitrogen FC = VE-1/2(BE)-NB FC = 5 - 1/2 (6) 2 FC = 5 3 2 FC = 0

FC for Oxygen FC = 6 (4) -4 FC = 0 FC for Cl FC = 7 (2) - 6 FC = 0

The overlap of the sp2 hybrid orbitals on N with the 3p orbital on Cl and the 2p orbital on O give the two bonds and it is the overlap of the left over p orbital on N with the appropriate orbital on O that forms the (2p-2p) p bond between the two atoms.



Carbon: FC = 4 (8) 0 FC = 4 4 0 FC = 0 Hydrogen: FC = 1 (2) 0 FC = 0



Drawing the Lewis structure for XeF2 there are three lone pairs on the Xe atom. These, with the two bonded fluorine atoms, gives a total of five electron domains, meaning this molecule is based on the trigonal bipyramid structure with a hybridization of sp3d.

Xe: FC = 8 (8) 4 FC = 8 4 4 FC = 0

Fluorine: FC = 7 (2) - 6 FC = 0

5. How many resonance structures does the bicarbonate ion, HCO3-, have? Only 2

6. For the following molecules, put in increasing order of polarity and explain your reason for making this choice: H2O, H2S, H2, HF H2 is a non-polar molecule because its the two same hydrogen atoms that are involved in bonding and they also have the same electronegativity. H2O is a polar molecule but less polar than H2 because there are two same hydrogen and an oxygen so there is an unsymmetrical pull on the electrons due to the tetrahedral structure. H2S is also a polar molecule but its less polar than water, because sulfur is less electronegative than oxygen. There is an unsymmetrical pull on the electrons due to the tetrahedral structure just like water. HF the most polar molecule because fluorine is the most electronegative element and the bond with hydrogen would be very polar.

is very polar.

Hydrogen sulfide is a polar molecule as water but less polar. Water: is a polar molecule.

Hydrogen is a none Polar molecule.

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