Performance Task Assessment - Living Things

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Lauren Mroz Performance Task Assessment

Unit: Living Things Grade: 3rd

Purpose: The purpose of this formative and summative assessment is to provide the teacher and students with information on how well every student has mastered the important concepts in this unit on Living Things. Now that the students are knowledgeable about the structures in plants and animals and can apply what they know about animal structures they will be required to create a final project that will demonstrate complete mastery of the important concepts. To show mastery students will design and create an animal and a plant in the environment it would live in. After completing the assessment, students will present their project to the class and in groups of two. In groups students will complete a peer review. Students will also be required to grade themselves on how well they think they did and provide feedback about the project as a whole. When the performance task assessment is graded, the teacher will review the results with each student individually. The teacher will use the results of this assessment to provide a grade for student report cards.

Standards/Benchmarks: L.OL.03.31 L.OL.03.32 Describe the function of the following plant parts: flower, stem, root, and leaf. Identify and compare structures in animals used for controlling body temperature, support, movement, food-getting, and protection (for example: fur, wings, teeth, scales).

Learning Targets
I can invent an animal with all the important structures needed for survival. I can invent a plant with all the important parts for survival. I can create the animal and plant I invented. I can present my inventions to others. 1 1 1 1

Reasoning Item

Directions: Over the past couple of weeks we have spent our time learning about the structures animals have that help them survive and plant parts. You have now finished learning everything you need to know about plant parts and animal structures. To show me and yourself that you have truly mastered and understand these concepts we will do a two week project about Living Things. This is your final assessment about Living Things and it will be graded on the last two days. You will be very prepared to receive a good grade by the end of this project. It is composed of two main parts that you will spend about six days preparing and working on. Using everything you know about plant parts and animal structures you will be inventing and creating your own plant and animal. Each of you will receive a project folder that includes all the worksheets and planning guides you will need during this project. A list of directions for each day is on the inside cover if you need them as reference. There is also a project checklist inside your folder which you will refer to each day. After you finish each step, you will turn it in, and place a sticker in the box showing that you have completed it. To begin the assessment we will go on a nature walk or the zoo (depending on the school funds) to observe real life plants and animals. Afterwards you will work on a What I observed worksheet then begin brainstorming the plant and animal you want to invent. On days four, five, and six of the project you will actually create your plant and animal with materials provided. To bring this project to a close you will share your creations with a partner then do a peer review of your partners work. On the last day you will present your animal and plant to the class, your parents, and myself. Please take your time completing this assessment and always ask for clarifications if you have a question. This assessment is going to be a lot of fun but remember that it is graded and you have specific rules to follow for each step along the way. Rubrics and directions will be explained prior to completing a task and will be available for you to read over at any time in your project folder. Dont forget to reference your project checklist and place a sticker in the boxes along the way. This will help keep you on track as you complete this assessment. When specified put your name and date on the assignment. Remember to completely read the directions, the rubric, and the checklist so you know what to do. If you have extra time, follow the directions provided for what to do or read it over on your daily directions folder page. Enough talking lets start inventing and creating our projects!!!

Day 1: Time Frame: 2 hours + explanation Materials:

Nature Walk

Project folder for each student What did you observe worksheet Project checklist Parent Supply Notification and Parent Presentation Day Notification Daily Outline: Prior to beginning the performance task assessment, a project folder should be assembled for each student. The folder should include the following items: project checklist, daily directions, all rubrics, what did you observe worksheet, Planning my Animal , Planning my Plant, Materials Needed, Peer Review, and Presentation Checklist. To begin, students will take out their project checklist and the teacher will explain how to properly use this list. This list is for the benefit of the student so they know what they need to do and where they will be going. Students will also be given a parent supply and parent presentation day letter that announces that they may need to provide extra supplies and the date and time of the in-class presentations of their inventions. Parents will be allowed to come into class and watch the presentations of their childs and the other students inventions. The first day will be a nature walk around the school grounds (or a nearby park depending on the location of the school or a trip to the zoo). The purpose of the nature walk is to get students engaged in the idea of plants and animals. By observing, with their senses, students will become inspired to the idea of creating their own plant and animal. After going to the park or walking around the school grounds, students will get into small groups outside and work on a worksheet about what they observed. This worksheet will help them remember things that inspired them on the walk as well as give them some ideas as to what they might want to include in their plant and animal. Directions: (Read aloud to students as well as provided in their project folder) Today is the first day of our performance task assessment on Living Things. After we complete this project, which will take about a week and a half, we will be done with our unit on Living Things. To begin, lets read over the project checklist that is in each of your folders. This list provides you with everything you will be completing; in the order they will be done. As you complete a step, come to me and show me your work, then place a sticker in the box. Remember; do not put a sticker in the box unless you have had your work approved by me. Now that we know what we will be doing, lets begin! Our first step is to go outside and go on a nature walk. While we are outside pay attention to the plants and animals you see. Note their color, shape, size, and other features that make them unique. After our nature walk you will be writing (and maybe drawing) these things out. This will help remind you of what you saw so you can have some guidance when you start inventing your own plant and animal. After the worksheet in your folder called What I observed is checked by me you can put a sticker in the first box.

What I Observed
Directions: Write down or describe 3 plants and 3 animals you saw on the field trip.

Three Animals I Saw:

1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ Directions:

Three Plants I Saw:

1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________

Write the species name AND describe your favorite animal and plant from the field trip.

My favorite animal was _______________________________________________ Color: _______________________________________________ Shape: ______________________________________________ Size:__________________________________________________ # of Legs:_________________________________________________

Other descriptions: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My favorite plant was _______________________________________________ # of Flowers: ________________________________________ Color of Flowers: __________________________________________ Size: _______________________________________________ Leaves: ______________________________________________

Other descriptions: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Direction: Draw a picture of your favorite animal and your favorite plant in the boxes below. Animal Plant

Day 2:


Plants and animals are fun! Nice work!!!

Time Frame: 75 minutes (+extra discussion time if necessary) Materials: Project folder Colored Pencils Daily Outline: The day will begin by opening with a review and open discussion about the Nature Walk students went on. This will lead into open discussion to make sure the students can name all the important structures and parts necessary for survival in plants and animals. Any further explanations or re-teachings needed about this topic will occur during this time. Students will be able to use this opportunity to ask any questions they may have about plants and animal structures and receive clarifications. Afterwards, the teacher will re-explain the rubric for what is necessary to include in their invented plant and animal. At this time the teacher will have students work on the two Brainstorming worksheets. Students will spend about forty five minutes inventing a plant and animal with all necessary parts/structures. When finished, students will have the inventions approved and a sticker can be placed in the next box. Students should also be reminded to bring back the signed parent supply and parent presentation day announcements. Directions: (read aloud to students as well as provided in project folders) Boys and girls, who remembers what we did yesterday to begin our Living Things Performance Task Assessment? Thats right, a nature walk! Take out your What I observed worksheet and raise your hand and share with class things you observed. Now think about the plants and animals you saw and relate that to what you have learned about plants and animals. Lets make a list on the board of the important structures and an example that animals need to survive. They are: Control body temperature (fur), Movement(wings), Foodgetting(teeth), and Protection(claws). What are the important parts in plants? They are: Root, Stem, Leaf, Flower. Does anyone have any questions or need clarifications about what we have been learning? Lets read over and discuss the rubric that will be used to grade your invented plant and animal. Afterwards, you will work on your two Brainstorming worksheets for forty five minutes. You will then have your inventions approved and if you dont need to make any corrections, place a sticker in the correct box on your project checklist. Remember, if you have any questions feel free to ask a neighbor or ask me. If you forget what to do, read the directions for Day 2 on the inside cover of your project folder. If you have anytime left over, work on homework in your homework folder or go to the reading corner and work on reading your weekly book.

Brainstorming a New Animal

Animal Species Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ My animals name: _____________________________________ Where my animal lives: _______________________________________

What my animal will use to move and how: _____________________________________________________________________________________ What my animal will use to protect itself from predators and how: _____________________________________________________________________________________ What my animal will use to control its body temperature and how: _____________________________________________________________________________________ What my animal will use to get food and how: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Directions: Draw and color what the animal will look like based on the above questions and answers. Remember to include the Movement, protection, body temperature control, and food-getting in your drawing! Have fun!

Wow! Looks Great!

Brainstorming a New Plant

Plant Species Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Color of Leaves: _____________________________________ Number of Leaves: _______________________________________

Location of Leaves on plant:

Color of Flowers: _____________________________________

Number of Flowers: _______________________________________

Location of Flowers on the plant: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Color of Stem: _____________________________________ Length of stem (small, medium, tall): _______________________________________

Directions: Draw and color what the plant will look like based on the above questions and answers. Remember to include the Root, Stem, Leaves, and Flower in your drawing! Have fun!

That was fun!

Day 3: Time Frame: 40 minutes Materials: Project Folder Colored Pencils Daily Outline:

Labeling our Inventions

To begin, the teacher will open with an open discussion that will re-cap the previous two days work on the Living Things performance task assessment. Students will also have an opportunity to ask any questions or make any comments they may have about the project so far. Afterwards, (weather permitted) the class will go outside to the picnic tables and work on their Labeling my Invention worksheets. When students are finished they will have their labeled pictures approved and then have the opportunity to make corrections. When all corrections and improvements are made they will place a sticker in the appropriate box and use the remaining time to find a quiet place to read until all students are finished. When everyone is finished the class will go to recess. After recess, students will volunteer suggestions for the teacher of any materials they think they will need to create their inventions. Students should also be reminded to bring back the signed parent supply and parent presentation day announcements. Directions: (read aloud to students as well as provided in project folders) Who can tell their classmates what we have done the last two days in regards to our Living Things project? Correct, we went on a nature walk and brainstormed a plant and animal. Today, we are going to work on labeling our plant and animal then discuss the materials you might need to create your inventions. If you want to use anything special from home, ask your guardian first then remember to bring it with you to school tomorrow. First, take out your Brainstorm pages and Labeling my Invention page. Now, lets review the rubric again to make sure we all remember what parts and structures our plants and animals need to include. Does anyone have any questions? If you do feel free to quietly ask me or a friend for help. You will be working on the two Labeling my Invention pages for about thirty to forty minutes. Dont forget to label all the parts and structures! Check the rubric for the plant and animal to make sure you have everything labeled. When you think you are done, bring your worksheets to me for approval then put a sticker in the correct box. You may work on your homework in your homework folder when you are done. Have fun labeling your inventions! They are all very creative.

Labeling my Animal
Directions: Using your Brainstorming page re-draw and color the animal you invented. Afterwards,

LABEL all the structures necessary. A list of the structures you need to include is below:
1. Method of Movement 2. Way to control Body Temperature 3. Way to get food 4. Way to protect itself from predators

List the materials you might need to create this animal tomorrow. ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Nice work! Keep it up

Labeling my Plant
Directions: Using your Brainstorming page re-draw and color the plant you invented. Afterwards,

LABEL all the parts necessary. A list of the parts you need to include is below:
1. Root 2. Stem 3. Leaves 4. Flowers

List the materials you might need to create this plant tomorrow. ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________ You did great! Now take a deep breath and
enjoy your inventions!

Day 4: Time Frame: 75 minutes Materials:

Creating my Animal

Animal Labeling my Invention page Glue, colored pencils, markers, scissors, colored paper, googly eyes, sequences, empty tissue box and toilet rolls, tissue paper etc. Special materials brought from their homes Daily Outline: Before beginning, the rubric that will be used to grade the creations will be reviewed as class. There will be an opportunity for open class discussion, questions, and clarifications about the project. Students will create their animal invention out of the materials provided and extra materials brought from home. About an hour to an hour and a half will be spent working on these creations. Students should also be reminded to bring back the signed parent supply and parent presentation day announcements. Directions: (read aloud to students as well as provided in project folders) Today we are going to being creating the animals we have invented. Before we begin, I want to make sure everyone understands how the animal creations will be graded and what you need to include. Look at your own copy of the animal creation rubric while I read it over and discuss it with you. Now that we know what our creations should look like, does anyone have any questions about this project? Take out your Labeling my Invention page for the animal as a reminder of what you invented and all the parts you need to include. I will be walking around to help you if you need it. Remember, this is meant to be a fun and interactive assessment so discuss the structures on your animal with a friend while you are creating. When you finish working on your animal put it on your name tag on the table in the next room to dry. If you finish early, grab a copy of this months issue of Cobblestone and begin reading and working through it for enjoyment. I cant wait to see how your animals turn out, so have fun and begin using your creativity now!

Animal Creation Rubric

5 (Amazing) I invented my animal. It does not exist in real life. My animal includes a way of movement that is logical. My animal has a way to protect itself from predators that is logical. My animal shows a way to control body temperature that could work in nature. A way my animal would get food is shown in my creation. My animal is neatly created to the best of my ability. My animal is made from at least 3 different materials. 3 (I have the right idea) 1 (I dont know) My animal closely resembles an My animal is a copy of an animal animal that already exists. that already exists. My animal has a way of My animal does not have a way movement but it does not make of movement. sense. My animal has a way to protect My animal does not have a way itself from predators but it does to protect itself from predators. not make sense. My animal shows a way to control body temperature but it My animal does not have a way would not work in nature or to control body temperature. doesnt match the animal species. A way my animal would get food My animal does not include a does not make sense. way to get food. My animal is not neatly created My animal is messy and little to the best of my ability. I could time or effort was put into have put more time and effort in creating it. it. My animal is made from 2 or less My animal is made from 1 or no different materials materials.

Day 5: Time Frame: 75 minutes Materials:

Creating my Plant

Plant Labeling my Invention page Glue, scissors, colored pencils, colored paper, tissue paper, pipe cleaners, string, sequences etc. Special materials brought from their homes. Daily Outline: Before beginning, the rubric that will be used to grade the creations will be reviewed as class. There will be an opportunity for open class discussion, questions, and clarifications about the project. Students will create their animal invention out of the materials provided and extra materials brought from home. About an hour to an hour and a half will be spent working on these creations. Students should also be reminded to bring back the signed parent supply and parent presentation day announcements. Directions: (read aloud to students as well as provided in project folders) Today we are going to finishing up creating our animals but mostly working on creating our plants. Before we begin, does anyone have any questions about yesterday or creating their plant? Just like yesterday, I want to make sure everyone understands how the plant creations will be graded and what you need to include. Look at your own copy of the plant creation rubric while I read it over and discuss it with you. Now that we know what our creations should look like, does anyone have any questions about what we are doing today? Take out your Labeling my Invention page for the plant as a reminder of what you invented and all the parts you need to include. I will be walking around to help you if you need it. Remember, this is meant to be a fun and interactive assessment so discuss the parts on your plants and anything special it has with a friend. When you finish working on your plant put it next to your animal on the table in the next room to dry. If you finish early, grab a copy of this months issue of Cobblestone or National Geographic Kids and begin reading and working through it for enjoyment. I cant wait to see how your plants turn out, so have fun and begin using your creativity now!

Plant Creation Rubric

5 (Amazing) I invented my plant. It does not exist in real life. My plant has roots that would function logically in nature. My plant has a stem that would support the plant. My plant has leaves that would help the plant absorb sunlight and survive. My plant has flowers that would allow it to survive. My plant is neatly created to the best of my ability. My plant is made from at least 3 different materials. 3 (I have the right idea) My plant closely resembles a plant that already exists. My plant has roots but they would not help the plant survive. My plant has a stem but it would not function as support. My plant has leaves but they would not help the plant survive. My plant has flowers but they would not help the plant survive. My plant is not neatly created to the best of my ability. I could have put more time and effort in it. My plant is made from 2 or less different materials 1(I dont know) My plant is not invented. It already exists in nature. My plant does not have roots. My plant does not have a stem. My plant does not have leaves.

My plant does not have flowers.

My plant is messy and little time or effort was put into creating it. My plant is made from 1 or no materials.

Day 6: Time Frame: 1 hour Materials:

Finishing the Creations & Preparation

Project Folder Anything students need from the last 5 days that they have missed Daily Outline: This day will be used as a catch up day and preparation for the presentations. Any students who were absent during a project day will have a chance to make up the work they are behind on. Other students who are not yet finished creating their animal or plant will be able to use this time to do so. All other students who are finished will be sitting in groups of 2-4 and they will be working on their own presentation outline page. This will help remind them of what to explain about their creations when they present them. Students should also be reminded that tomorrow is peer review and small group presentations and to bring back the signed parent presentation day announcements. Directions: (read aloud to students as well as provided in project folders) Today is a catch-up day for any students who need it. You will have the opportunity to finish working on anything you have not finished yet in regards to this project (about 35 minutes). Now would be a great time to look over your project checklist, making sure there is a star in all the boxes except the last 2. For all students who are finished you will gather in groups of 2-4. You will be working on a presentation outline to help you remember what to talk about during small group and class presentations. This time would also be great for asking me any questions you have about your project. Dont forget that tomorrow is already peer review day and small group presentations. So make sure you are ready to present your plant and animal inventions tomorrow. It might be a good idea to go over your presentation outline tonight with a parent or guardian. We will be spending about an hour doing this. You are all doing a great job so far on your projects. Have fun finishing things up and preparing for your presentations! I am excited to hear about them all.

My Name: ________________________________

My Presentation Outline
This is the animal I invented. Its species name is ________________________________________________________ I named it _________________________________________________________________________________________________ My animal looks like this because ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I made it __________________ (color) and used these materials because ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is my animals ________________________________________________________________________________________ It uses this for movement by _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is my animals ________________________________________________________________________________________ It uses this for protection by _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is my animals ________________________________________________________________________________________ It uses this to get food by ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is my animals ________________________________________________________________________________________ It uses this to control its body temperature by ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Something unique about my animal is ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nicely Done

My Name: ________________________________

My Presentation Outline
This is the plant I invented. Its species name is ________________________________________________________ My plant looks like this because ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I made it __________________ (color) and used these materials because ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is my plants roots. It uses these for __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is my plants stem. It uses this for ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is my plants leaves. It uses these for _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is my plants flowers. It uses this for__________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Something unique about my plant is ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Great Work!!

Day 7: Time Frame: 1 hour (+ explanation) Materials: Project Folders Animal Inventions Plant Inventions Daily Outline:

Peer Review & Self-Evaluation

The rubric for peer review as well as the peer review & self-review worksheet will be explained. Students will get together in groups of 2 to share their plant and animal inventions. Each student will have 15 minutes to share their inventions. Afterwards, there will be 15 minutes for students to fill out the peer review worksheets. After, they will complete a self-evaluation worksheet about their own work and why they think they deserve the grade they awarded themselves. Students should also be reminded that tomorrow in-class presentations begin and that their parents may attend if they have brought back the signed parent presentation day announcement. Directions: (Read aloud to students as well as provided in project folders) Can you believe it; today is already peer review and small group presentations! I want to congratulate everyone on doing their best and making it this far in the project. Each persons inventions are unique and creative, I cant wait to see them all. Does anyone have any questions or comments about this project? Once again, I will explain the rubric for the day. We will also go over how to properly do a peer review and how to answer the questions on the worksheet. Make sure you use your Presentation outline you worked on yesterday to help you remember what to tell your partner. Each person will have 15 minutes to share their two inventions then you will spend 15 minutes filling out the peer reviews. When you finish, work on the self evaluation page. This will allow you to review your work and determine how well you think you did on this project. Have fun and really get into sharing your projects. Remember that this is practice for tomorrow when we will share our creations in front of the class and your parents. Each creation looks great and deserves to be shared.

My Name: ________________________________

Peer Review
Name of the person I am reviewing: ___________________________________________________________ My favorite part about their invention(s) is: ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Directions: Read the revised version of the rubric for the animal and plant creations. Place a smiley face on the line in each box they did correctly. Count the total number of smiley faces and write that as the total out of 22. Then write a sentence telling them one thing they could do to improve their inventions/creations.

The animal creation was unique. This animal does not exist in nature. ___________ The animal included a way of movement. ___________ The animal included a way of protection. ___________ The animal showed a way to get food. ___________ The animal had a way it would control its body temperature. ___________ The animal creation looks like time and effort was put into creating it. ___________ The presenter said what their animal species name is. ___________ The presenter explained why the animal looks the way it does. ___________ The presenter explained something unique about their animal. ___________ The presenter pointed out ALL of the four structures on their animal. ___________ The presenter explained the function of ALL four structures on their animal. ___________

The plant creation was unique. This animal does not exist in nature. ___________ The plant had roots. ___________ The plant had a stem. ___________ The plant had leaves. ___________ The plant had flowers. ___________ The plant looks like time and effort was put into creating it. ___________ The presenter said what their plant species name is. ___________ The presenter explained the parts of the plant and their functions. ___________ The presenter explained something unique about their plant. ___________ The presenter pointed out ALL of the four parts on their plant. ___________ The presenter explained the function of ALL four parts on their plant. ___________

Total: ___________/ 22
One thing you could do to improve your creation is _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

My Name: ________________________________

Self Evaluation
Did you feel like you were prepared to do this assessment? Explain. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Could you have completed this project without knowing anything about plants and animals? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What was the most challenging part of the project for you? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What was your favorite part of the project and why? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Look back at all the rubrics you have. What grade do you think you deserve on this project? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you deserve that grade? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You are done!!! Yay!!

Days 8 and 9:


Time Frame: Approx. 1 hour and 30 minutes each day Materials: Project Folder Presentation Rubric Animal Invention Plant Invention Daily Outline: Each student will have about 5-8 minutes to explain their inventions. The teacher will be grading their inventions based on the rubric provided to the students. This will take about 2 days to complete. Directions: (read aloud to students as well as provided in project folders) These are our last two days working with Living Things then this unit will come to end. Today and tomorrow you will present your plant and animal inventions to your classmates, parents, and myself. You will have about 5-8 minutes to describe your two inventions including the parts and structures they have and why they have them. Before beginning I want to make sure everyone understands this. So let us go over the presentation rubric so that you can see what I will grade you on today. Presentations will begin on a volunteer basis then names will be picked. Pay attention when your classmates present, feel free to ask them questions about their inventions when they are finished and have fun sharing your creations to your class. I am looking forward to seeing the great work each of you did.

Presentation Day Rubric

Student Name: Date:

Score 4

Animal Content
The animal is unique and does not exist in nature. Has 4 unique structures that relate to those necessary for survival. The four structures included for survival (movement, protection, food getting, and controlling body temperature) are in the creation. The animal is unique and does not exist in nature. Has 3 of the 4 structures (movement, protection, food getting, and controlling body temperature) that relate to those necessary for survival. One of the structures does not relate to those necessary for survival.

Plant Content
The plant is unique and does not exist in nature. Has 4 parts that relate to those necessary for survival. The four parts included are: root, stem, leaves, and flowers.

Explains why the animal/plant looks the way it does. The species name and name of animal/plant is told. All 4 animal/plant structures & parts are pointed out. The function of the animal & plant structures & parts are explained correctly. A unique/interesting thing about their animal/plant is told. Explains why the plant or animal looks the way it does but not both. The species name or name of plant/animal is told but not for both. 3 of the 4 animal/plant structures are pointed out. The function of the animal & plant structures & parts are explained but some are not correct. A unique/interesting thing about their animal or plant is told but not for both. States rather than explains why the animal/plant looks the way it does. States that the animal or plant looks different but not for both. 2 of 4 animal/plant structures are pointed out. Not all of the structures & parts are explained Explanations for 2 of the 4 parts are incorrect.

Animal & plant are neatly done. Animal & plant are intact and not falling apart. Time and effort looks invested. 3 or more materials are used in creation.

The plant is unique and does not exist in nature. Has 3 of the 4 parts (root, stem, leaves, flowers) that relate to those necessary for survival. One of the parts does not relate to those necessary for survival.

1 part of the animal or plant is falling apart Only 2 materials are used in the creations.

The animal closely resembles an animal in nature. Has 2 of the 4 structures (movement, protection, food getting, and controlling body temperature) that relate to those necessary for survival. 2 of the structures do not relate to those necessary for survival.

The plant closely resembles an animal in nature. Has 2 of the 4 parts (root, stem, leaves, flowers) that relate to those necessary for survival. 2 of the parts do not relate to those necessary for survival.

2 parts of the animal or plant is falling apart. Only 1 material is used in the creations. More time could have been spent on putting 1 or both together.

The animal is not unique. It exists in nature. 3 or more of the structures (movement, protection, food getting, and controlling body temperature) related to survival are not included. 3 or more structures do not relate to those necessary for survival.

The plant is not unique. It exists in nature. 3 or more of the parts (root, stem, leaves, flowers) that relate to those necessary for survival are not included. 3 or more of the parts do not relate to those necessary for survival.

Does not explain why the animal/plant looks the way it does. 1 or no animal/plant structures & parts are pointed out. None of the structures & parts are explained Explanations for 3 or more of the structures & parts are incorrect. A unique thing about their animal/plant is not told.

3 or more parts of the animal or plant is falling apart. More time could have been spent on putting both of the creations together. It is obvious that not enough effort was put into creating the plant and animal.

Your Daily Directions

Day One:
Today is the first day of our performance task assessment on Living Things. After we complete this project, which will take about a week and a half, we will be done with our unit on Living Things. To begin, lets read over the project checklist that is in each of your folders. This list provides you with everything you will be completing; in the order they will be done. As you complete a step, come to me and show me your work, then place a sticker in the box. Remember; do not put a sticker in the box unless you have had your work approved by me. Now that we know what we will be doing, lets begin! Our first step is to go outside and go on a nature walk. While we are outside pay attention to the plants and animals you see. Note their color, shape, size, and other features that make them unique. After our nature walk you will be writing (and maybe drawing) these things out. This will help remind you of what you saw so you can have some guidance when you start inventing your own plant and animal. After the worksheet in your folder called What I observed is checked by me you can put a sticker in the first box. Lets go have some fun!

Day Two:
Lets read over and discuss the rubric that will be used to grade your invented plant and animal. Afterwards, you will work on your two Brainstorming worksheets for forty five minutes. You will then have your inventions approved and if you dont need to make any corrections, place a sticker in the correct box on your project checklist. Remember, if you have any questions feel free to ask a neighbor or ask me. If you forget what to do, read the directions for Day 2 on the inside cover of your project folder. If you have anytime left over, work on homework in your homework folder or go to the reading corner and work on reading your weekly book. Let the fun begin!

Day Three:
Today, we are going to work on labeling our plant and animal then discuss the materials you might need to create your inventions. If you want to use anything special from home, ask your guardian first then remember to bring it with you to school tomorrow. First, take out your Brainstorm pages and Labeling my Invention page. Now, lets review the rubric again to make sure we all remember what parts and structures our plants and animals need to include. Does anyone have any questions? If you do feel free to quietly ask me or a friend for help. You will be working on the two Labeling my Invention pages for about thirty to forty minutes. Dont forget to label all the parts and structures! Check the rubric for the plant and animal to make sure you have everything labeled. When you think you are done, bring your worksheets to me for approval then put a sticker in the correct box. You may work on your homework in your homework folder when you are done. Have fun labeling your inventions! They are all very creative.

Day Four:
Today we are going to being creating the animals we have invented. Before we begin, I want to make sure everyone understands how the animal creations will be graded and what you need to include. Look at your own copy of the animal creation rubric while I read it over and discuss it with you. Now that we know what our creations should look like, does anyone have any questions about this project? Take out your Labeling my Invention page for the animal as a reminder of what you invented and all the parts you need to include. I will be walking around to help you if you need it. Remember, this is meant to be a fun and interactive assessment so discuss the structures on your animal with a friend while you are creating. When you finish working on your animal put it on your name tag on the table in the next room to dry. If you finish early, grab a copy of this months issue of Cobblestone and begin reading and working through it for enjoyment. I cant wait to see how your animals turn out, so have fun and begin using your creativity now!

Day Five:
Today we are going to finishing up creating our animals but mostly working on creating our plants. Before we begin, does anyone have any questions about yesterday or creating their plant? Just like yesterday, I want to make sure everyone understands how the plant creations will be graded and what you need to include. Look at your own copy of the plant creation rubric while I read it over and discuss it with you. Now that we know what our creations should look like, does anyone have any questions about what we are doing today? Take out your Labeling my Invention page for the plant as a reminder of what you invented and all the parts you need to include. I will be walking around to help you if you need it. Remember, this is meant to be a fun and interactive assessment so discuss the parts on your plants and anything special it has with a friend. When you finish working on your plant put it next to your animal on the table in the next room to dry. If you finish early, grab a copy of this months issue of Cobblestone or National Geographic Kids and begin reading and working through it for enjoyment. I cant wait to see how your plants turn out, so have fun and begin using your creativity now!

Day Six:
Today is a catch-up day for any students who need it. You will have the opportunity to finish working on anything you have not finished yet in regards to this project (about 35 minutes). Now would be a great time to look over your project checklist, making sure there is a star in all the boxes except the last 2. For all students who are finished you will gather in groups of 2-4. Taking turns, each person will discuss the specific parts their animal possess and which important structures it relates to. The same will be done with the plants; you will share what important parts your invented plant has and which structure it relates to. When the first person in the group is finished, the next person will share their ideas. When a group member is talking, remember the rules of being a good audience. This time would also be great for asking me any questions you have about your project. Dont forget that tomorrow is already peer review day and small group presentations. So make sure you are ready to present your plant and animal inventions tomorrow. You are all doing a great job so far on your projects. Have fun finishing things up and discussing your inventions in groups!!

Day Seven:
Can you believe it; today is already peer review and small group presentations! I want to congratulate everyone on doing their best and making it this far in the project. Each persons inventions are unique and creative, I cant wait to see them all. Does anyone have any questions or comments about this project? Once again, I will explain the rubric for the day. We will also go over how to properly do a peer review and how to answer the questions on the worksheet. Make sure you use your Presentation outline you worked on yesterday to help you remember what to tell your partner. Each person will have 15 minutes to share their two inventions then you will spend 15 minutes filling out the peer reviews. When you finish, work on the self evaluation page. This will allow you to review your work and determine how well you think you did on this project. Have fun and really get into sharing your projects. Remember that this is practice for tomorrow when we will share our creations in front of the class and your parents. Each creation looks great and deserves to be shared.

Days Eight and Nine:

These are our last two days working with Living Things then this unit will come to end. Today and tomorrow you will present your plant and animal inventions to your classmates, parents, and myself. You will have about 5-8 minutes to describe your two inventions including the parts and structures they have and why they have them. Before beginning I want to make sure everyone understands this. So let us go over the presentation rubric so that you can see what I will grade you on today. Presentations will begin on a volunteer basis then names will be picked. Pay attention when your classmates present, feel free to ask them questions about their inventions when they are finished and have fun sharing your creations to your class. I am looking forward to seeing the great work each of you did.

Project Checklist
I did it sticker column Task Description
I finished my What I Observed worksheet about the plants and animals on the nature walk. I finished my Brainstorming worksheet about a plant and animal I want to invent. I labeled the parts and structures for my plant and animal on my Label my Invention worksheet. I created the animal I invented to the best of my ability.

I created the plant I invented to the best of my ability.

I did a peer review of one of my classmates plant and animal inventions.

I presented my plant and animal to my classmates, teacher, and parents.

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