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New Beginnings:

Diversity and Inclusion,

Equal Employment Opportunity Rules,
Rights and Responsibilities 2013 and Beyond
Hosted by
California Department of Human Resources
California Civil Rights Offcers Council
Statewide Disability Advisory Council
Coalition of State Advocate Groups and Organizations
State of California
Equal Employment
Thursday, June 13, 2013


1une 13, 2013


This nation and state were founded on the principle of freedom and
equality. This administration is committed to fairness and non-
discrimination in state government practices and recognizes that equal
employment opportunity for all segments of society must take place.

To achieve this goal, best practices with respect to recruitment, hiring
advancement, retention, and other terms and conditions and privileges
of employment must be utilized. California`s rich values in diversity
and inclusion are a key element in building a qualified workforce.
The California labor force is comprised of skilled and talented
workers that reflects the state`s diversity and leads the nation in
innovation and service.

On behalf of the state of California please accept my commitment to

diversity and equal employment opportunity for all.


Yvonne Walker
Employees International Union 1000
Cruz Reynoso
Former California
Supreme Court Justice
Cynthia Bridges
Executive Director
State Board of Equalization
Julie Chapman
California Department of
Human Resources
Anna Caballero
State and Consumer Services Agency
Mona Pasquil
Appointments Secretary
Governors Office
Jill Hagib
Attorney Advisor
Office of the Attorney General
California Department of Justice
Alice Huffman
California National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People
E. Dotson Wilson
Chief Clerk
Office of the Assembly
Maeley Tom
State Personnel Board
Dana LaMon, J.D.
Professional Speaker and Author
Roger Hernndez
Assembly Member
48th Assembly District
Equal Employment Opportunity
Equal Employment Opportunity
8:00 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Lobby Registration
8:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Welcome Address
Anna Caballero, Secretary, State and Consumer Services Agency
Julie Chapman, Director, California Department of Human Resources
Yvonne Walker, President, Service Employees International Union 1000
9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Plenary Session: DiversityPost 209, Where Are We Now?
Panel will discuss diversity within California State Government in a Post-209 era.
Session will address the significant impact a representative workforce has on the
State of Californias delivery of services, competitiveness, and economy.
Cruz Reynoso, Former California Supreme Court Justice
Jill Hagib, Attorney Advisor, Office of the Attorney General,
California Department of Justice
Alice Huffman, President, California National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
Maeley Tom, Member, State Personnel Board
Moderator: E. Dotson Wilson, California State Assembly
10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. Break
10:15 a.m. 11:45 a.m. Directors Panel: Equal Employment Opportunity Best Practices
Roundtable discussion will highlight practices to promote Equal Employment
Opportunity (EEO) undertaken by various departments. Panelists will share
philosophies and insights that have most significantly influenced their
EEO work and address opportunities for further advancement.
Howard Schwartz, Chief Deputy Director,
California Department of Human Resources
Tony Sauer, Director,
Department of Rehabilitation
Selvi Stanislaus, Executive Officer,
Franchise Tax Board
Cynthia Bridges, Executive Director,
State Board of Equalization
Moderator: Maeley Tom,
State Personnel Board
Equal Employment Opportunity
10:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m. Upward Mobility
Training Room A
Presenters will define an effective upward mobility program, the roles and
responsibilities of the various individuals responsible for upward mobility, and
distinguish the difference between career development and upward mobility.
Marie Trahey, Civil Rights Representative, California Department of
Human Resources
Glenn Medrano, EEO Officer, Department of Motor Vehicles
Moderator: Dee Anne Holloway, State Board of Equalization
10:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m. State Personnel Board Compliance Review
Hearing Room
This workshop will provide an overview of the State Personnel Boards compliance
review of departments EEO Programs. Information on EEO Program areas reviewed
will be shared, including common themes found and areas where departments are
excelling or need improvement.
Jim Murray, Chief, Compliance Review Program, State Personnel Board
Alfonso Ramirez, League of United Latin American CitizensLorenzo Patio
Council of Sacramento
Moderator: Christine Martinez, California Department of Forestry and
Fire Protection
10:15 a.m. 11:45 a.m. Equal Employment Opportunity Basics What You Need To Know
Training Room B
This workshop will provide the fundamentals of employment discrimination.
Employee filing options will be discussed, including the theories of discrimination
and tips for managers and supervisors.
Jonathan Clarkson, Deputy Director, Office of Civil Rights, Department of Health
Care Services
Felix De La Torre, Chief Counsel, Service Employees International Union 1000
Moderator: Robert Sifuentes, Association of California State Employees with
10:15 a.m. 12:15 p.m. Reaching Organizational Excellence Through Diversity and Inclusion
Training Room C
This workshop will look at Diversity and Inclusion, its value, and why harnessing and
leveraging diversity is a vital strategic objective for organizational excellence.
Cheryl Artega, Chief, Office of Civil Rights, Department of Rehabilitation
Lindy E. Plaza, CDP, Chief Diversity/EEO Officer of Internal Operations,
California Public Employees Retirement System
Moderator: Carl McLaney, Black Advocates in State Service
12:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Lunch
Equal Employment Opportunity
1:15 p.m. 2:15 p.m. Disability Awareness and Inclusion
Presenter will discuss access and what it means to overcome barriers so that a strong
workforce becomes an inclusive workforce.
Dana LaMon, J.D., Professional Speaker and Author
Moderator: Jake Johnson, Association of California State Employees with Disabilities
2:15 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Break
2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Equal Employment Opportunity Legal Update
Training Room A
Part I Focus will be on legal updates, changes in equal employment opportunity law,
new case law decisions and identifying any up and coming trends.
Part II So You Want to be an EEO Officer? Information on Department of Fair
Employment and Housing enforcement of the Fair Employment and Housing Act
(FEHA) under SB 1038, including elimination of administrative adjudication of FEHA
claims, authority to file suit in court, SB 1038-mandated dispute resolution, and the role
of the new Fair Employment and Housing Council, which replaces the Commission,
will be shared.
Phyllis Cheng, Director, Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Jill Talley, Supervising Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice
Moderator: Paul Starkey, California Department of Human Resources
2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Outreach and Inclusion, Recruitment and Selection Best Practices
Panel will provide an overview of effective outreach, recruitment and selection
programs, focusing on methods to connect with diverse California communities.
Session will specifically address using identified media outlets, established civic and
educational organizations, partnership with community groups, and cost efficient
electronic communications to reach candidate pools representative of the States
diverse population.
Tony Sauer, Director, Department of Rehabilitation
Lindsey Sin, Deputy Secretary, California Department of Veterans Affairs
Michael Sumner, Consultant, MWM Consulting Group, LLC
Pam Harris, Director, Employment Development Department
Neptaly Taty Aguilera, President, CAF de CaliforniaChicano Latino State
Employees Association
Moderator: Tanya Beverly, Employment Development Department
Equal Employment Opportunity
2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Reasonable Accommodation A-Z
Hearing Room
Discussion on disability law updates of the employers responsibilities under state
law protecting persons with disabilities (FEHA), determining who qualifies for
benefits under FEHA, and appropriate interactive process in response to a request for
reasonable accommodation.
Top Ten Most Common Accommodation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Marguerite Seabourn, Assistant Chief Counsel, California Public Employees
Retirement System
Ed Flores, Training Officer, Department of Rehabilitation
Moderator: Tina LeBourveau, State Controllers Office
3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Equal Employment Opportunity Officers Role and Responsibilities
Training Room C
Workshop will identify an EEO Officers role and responsibilities, including legal
requirements and CalHR reporting requirements.
Martha Chavez, Program Chief, California Department of Human Resources
Christine Martinez, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Moderator: Juana Lopez-Rodriguez, California Department of Human Resources
4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Event Closing
Next Steps
Mona Pasquil, Appointments Secretary, Governors Office
Roger Hernndez, Chair of the Committee on Labor and Employment
Legislative Leadership Special Guest(s)
California Department of Human Resources, Office of Civil Rights
Civil Rights Coalition Co-Chairs
Moderator: Martha Chavez, Office of Civil Rights,
California Department of Human Resources
Special Recognition
Governors Offce
California Legislature
California Department of Human Resources
Special Acknowledgments
Franchise Tax Board
State Personnel Board
State Controllers Offce
State Board of Equalization
Department of Rehabilitation
Offce of the Attorney General
Department of Motor Vehicles
California Department of Justice
California Prison Industry Authority
Department of Health Care Services
State and Consumer Services Agency
Employment Development Department
California Department of Veterans Affairs
Department of Fair Employment and Housing
California Public Employees Retirement System
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Statewide Disability Advisory Council
California Civil Rights Offcers Council
Coalition of State Advocate Groups and Organizations
Black Advocates in State Service
Asian Pacifc State Employees Association
Service Employees International Union Local 1000
California Association of Equal Rights Professionals
Association of California State Employees with Disabilities
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
CAF de CaliforniaChicano Latino State Employees Association
League of United Latin American CitizensLorenzo Patio Council of Sacramento
MWM Consulting Group, LLC
Cruz Reynoso, Former CA Supreme Court Justice
Dana LaMon, J.D., Professional Speaker and Author
Publication 267p (5-13)

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