6587.formulario de Aplicacion 2014 2015

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HUMPHREY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM- 2014-2015 FOR MID-CAREER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE UNITED STATES Program Information and Application Guidelines PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Humphrey Fellowship Program provides mid career professionals from designated countries around the world with an opportunity to enhance their professional capabilities through participation in specialized, 10 month, and non degree programs developed specifically for small clusters of Humphrey Fellows at selected U.S. universities. The Humphrey Program was initiated in 1978 to honor the memory and accomplishments of the late Senator and Vice President, Hubert H. Humphrey. Fellows are selected based on their potential for national leadership and commitment to public service, in either the public or private sector. The program provides a basis for establishing long lasting productive partnerships and relationships between citizens of the United States and their professional counterparts in other countries, fostering an exchange of knowledge and mutual understanding throughout the world. Funding for the Humphrey Program is provided by the U.S. Government through the United States Department of State and other co sponsors. The Institute of International Education (IIE) collaborates with the State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in administering the program. The types of university programs arranged for Humphrey Fellows depart from a traditional discipline oriented focus and have a problem solving and experience sharing emphasis. The programs are not degree related or aimed at providing scholarly preparation or basic training in a field. The objective is to provide Humphrey Fellows with an overall experience that broadens their perspectives, enhances their capability to assume greater career responsibilities, and provides opportunities to establish useful professional contacts. To accomplish these objectives, programs are designed to include various combinations of course work, independent projects, internships, consultations with U.S. faculty or experts, field trips, and special seminars. Under the guidance of a designated faculty advisor or coordinator, Fellows plan programs that best suit their individual career development needs.

DURATION OF GRANT: The program arranged for Humphrey Fellows extends from August or early September to the following June. Applicants who need additional English training may be required to arrive in the United States as early as April for intensive language study before beginning their regular university program. Candidates must be able to participate in the full period of the English and/or university programs. NONDEGREE STATUS: The program designed for Humphrey Fellows does not result in the awarding of a degree. While Fellows are able to enroll in courses relevant to their professional interests, the Humphrey Program is not appropriate for those who wish to concentrate on academic work required for a U.S. degree. Humphrey Fellows spend a considerable portion of their time engaged in off-campus activities such as internships, field trips, workshops, and special projects that give them practical experience in their professional fields. Fellows who successfully complete the program are awarded a Certificate of Participation. FINANCIAL PROVISIONS: The Humphrey Fellowship provides a monthly maintenance allowance, a book and supplies allowance, tuition and fees when applicable, round-trip international travel to the host institution (and to the Fellows English-language training program when applicable) and domestic travel to Washington, D.C. for a special seminar. Supplementary funds are provided for professional activities such as field trips or attendance at conferences. Humphrey Fellowships are not renewable. Humphrey Fellows should plan to bring with them some personal funds to cover incidental expenses not covered in the grant. Humphrey Fellowships do not include funds for dependents (family members). Humphrey Fellows are responsible for providing travel, insurance, and financial support for any dependents accompanying them in the United States. Please note that English and orientation centers cannot accommodate dependents. Therefore, dependents should not arrive in the United States until the Fellows are settled in their academic year programs and have secured housing

(at least 30 days after the Fellows arrival) at the host campus. PROGRAM FIELDS: The programs arranged for Humphrey Fellows are related to one of the following fields: agricultural and rural development; communications/journalism; economic development; finance and banking; educational administration, planning and policy; HIV/AIDS policy and prevention; human resource management; law and human rights; natural resources, environmental policy, and climate change; public health policy and management; public policy analysis and public administration; substance abuse education, treatment and prevention; teaching of English as a foreign language (curricular development / teacher training); technology policy and management; trafficking in persons, policy and prevention; urban and regional planning; higher education administration. The university programs do not address themselves to the scientific or technical aspects of these fields, but rather to broad policy-making and problem-solving issues. PLACEMENT IN UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS: Candidates who are selected for fellowships are placed in clusters by field of interest at U.S. universities specially designated to host a group of Humphrey Fellows. IIE, therefore, is not able to make placements at specific universities requested by candidates, or to award fellowships enabling candidates to attend a U.S. university on the basis that they have already been admitted. Candidates should not apply directly to U.S. institutions. APPLICATION GUIDELINES: 1. Each page of the enclosed application carries its own instructions and should be read carefully before proceeding. This form must be completed in English use a type writer or computer. Please answer every question as completely as possible (except for the Substance Abuse form, page 5A of the application, which should only be completed by candidates in the field of substance abuse). 2. Please take special notice of #13: in which the question reads "Give a 50-word summary of your proposed program plan." Please be sure to provide a succinct but substantive summary statement. 3. The completed application must be returned to the Fulbright Commission in Ecuador, Diego de Almagro N2541 y Av. Colon, Quito, Ecuador 4. You must attach complete and certified academic documents covering your entire period of study at universities or other postsecondary institutions, including advanced degrees. You dont need to submit translations of these documents with your application. Your academic documents must consist of: A certified official record (transcript) from each university or other postsecondary institution, listing the subjects you studied and the grades (marks) you received during each year of your enrollment. Include all postsecondary institutions you attended, even those from which you did not receive a degree or diploma. Certified, official evidence of each postsecondary or university degree, diploma, or certificate awarded to you. To be considered official, each academic document must bear the seal of the issuing institution as well as the signature of its officials. Copies of original documents will be accepted only if they are separately certified as being authentic duplicates of originals. 5. You are required to submit two letters of reference, one of which must be from your immediate supervisor in your current position. For the first stage of the process, the letters of reference can be written in Spanish. 6. Important information about TOEFL: A preliminary TOEFL test will be available for applicants. If you are applying to the program and have not taken the official TOEFL test, you should register by or before June 21st, 2013 at the Fulbright Commission in Ecuador to take the exam on Saturday June 29th 2012. For information and registration to the preliminary TOEFL test, write to programs@fulbright.org.ec.

Bio-Sheet A
1. NAME OF APPLICANT (Exactly as on your passport/ travel documents) :


(First name)

(Middle name)

(Last name)

4. GENDER: Female Male 5. PLACE OF BIRTH (city or town, country): Esmraldas, Esmeraldas,


Ecuador 6. DATE OF




Valle San Rafael,Voluntad de Dios

Telephone number (include country & city codes): Home: Work: Fax:






Email: solelisa@hotmail.com.ar , sguerrerolicesm@gmail.com 3. POSTAL ADDRESS OF APPLICANT (If same as above, write same)

Valle San Rafael,Voluntad de Dios


IF YES, PLEASE INDICATE YEAR 10. EDUCATION: List all post-secondary educational institutions attended, beginning with the most recent, including any in which you are currently enrolled. Copies of diplomas, academic transcripts, certificates, should be attached. (To add more information, please copy table onto an additional sheet.) Name of institution, university or professional school, and location 1. Instituto Major field(s) of study Dates attended (month and year) From To Actual name of diploma or degree (do not translate) Date received or expected

de Bachillerato "5 de Agosto"

QuimicoBiologicas 1996 2002

Bachiller en ciencias, especializacion Quimicobiologicas Applied LInguistics: Teaching of English

January 26th 2002

2. Pontificia

Universidad Catlica del Ecuador sede Esmeraldas

3. 4.

Applied Linguistics Teaching of English

June 2013



11. Name your most significant publications/honors/awards/projects/other accomplishments. Please limit your response to 250 words or less:

I got recognition when I was studying in the university, which was to get good scores during a semester. Even I did not receive the same recognition in next semesters I kept good scores during the career. Nowadays, I am working on my thesis degree, this one includes a proposal in order to improve the educational system of this school (Applied Linguistics School) such as methodology, virtual library and exchange opportunities for undergraduates and so on, which will help students to get a quality education and be trained successfully to give an excellent service in their communities.

12: FIELD OF STUDY: Applied Linguistics: Teaching of English 13. GIVE A 50-WORD SUMMARY OF YOUR PROPOSED PROGRAM PLAN (a more detailed plan to be described in question 21).

1.-Learn about methodology for teaching English in the seminars. 2.- Apply in real class methodologies by giving service in schools or English courses 3.-Write reports or a thesis research about how methodologies work out 4. Plan (as part of the research) to do workshops addressed to teachers in my country.
14. CURRENT OCCUPATION: Organization: Your job title: Dates of employment (month & year): Name and address of your place of employment:

Unidad Educativa Liceo Naval "Calm. Ramon CAstro Jijon" Teacher from April 1st 2009 Ciudadela Naval

15. Describe your current job responsibilities. Please limit your response to 250 words or less.:

I am working as a teacher for kids from third and fourth grade at the Elementary school, a military school. I teach Basic English and it is a blessing to teach to them because they learn fast. We learn songs and easy chants to get vocabulary and we practice phrase they can apply every day.

Bio-Sheet B
16. Previous positions held (begin with most recent): Name & address of place of employment 1. Unidad Job Title Dates of Employment From (in years) To

Educativa Liceo Naval "Calm. Ramn CAstro Jijn"

2. 3. 4. 5.

English Teacher



17. On a scale from 1-5, please indicate your computer proficiency level in the following areas: Word Processing: 4 Email: 5 Spreadsheets: 3 18. Please indicate countries outside your own, including the United States, in which you have lived, traveled, or studied. Please list dates (months/years) and reasons for each visit. If your travel history exceeds the space provided in the application, please attach an additional sheet with your travel information . Country visited 1. Colombia 2. Reason for visit (study, work, tourism, conference) Dates of visit From (mo/yr) To ((mo/yr)

Missionay Training Center ( few days) 4

Jan 2006

Jan 2006

3. 4. 5. 6. 19. Persons to be notified in case of emergency: In home country: Name: Sonia Address: Telephone: Relationship

Rodriguez Valle San Rafael , Voluntad de Dios (593)+994552037 /(2) 461-005 Mother

In the United States (friend or family member): Name: Mara de los Angeles Rodriguez Address: Telephone: Relationship:

New Jersy 19733936876 Aunt

I certify that all information given in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that I have completely read and understood the Information and Application Instructions and I agree to comply with all regulations described there. I agree to abide by the Policies governing the selection of Fulbright/Humphrey grantees, as established by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB) (complete policies available at http://eca.state.gov/fulbright/aboutfulbright/j-william-fulbright-foreign-scholarship-board-ffsb/ffsb-policies). I understand that final approval of my application is dependent upon my eligibility for a J Visa in the United States. I also agree to return to my home country upon the expiration of my authorized stay in the United States.

Signature: ___________________________________________________ (You must sign here in INK)

Date: _


Program Plan
20. Please describe your major area of interest and explain how this area addresses the specific development needs of your country. Please limit your response to 200-250 words.

I would like to learn about more teaching techniques and new methodology to teach effectively. I am worried about the two skills where we have some challenges in our community; I mean listening and speaking skills. Obviously, they are so important for communication but we need to help students to develop those skills for that reason (communication), it is just not about teaching and learning grammar. Challenges in those skills are so evident. It is right that living in a country where students are involved with people that speak their mother tongue, which means, when they are out classroom they listen and speak just Spanish that does not help them. The reality in the city of Esmeraldas is different from Guayaquil, Quito and Cuenca that are considered big cities. Most of the students do not have the opportunity to keep in touch with native speakers so they cannot to practice a lot what they learn in the classroom and apply it for real situations and I am sure there are solutions for those problems. Also, some teachers do not use updated methodology and according students needs and interests in order to help them to love English, I would like to know effective, interesting and innovative methodology for helping student to develop and improve listening and speaking skills.

21. Describe the type of Humphrey program you would like to design. Indicate the kinds of academic and professional experiences you would like to pursue. Please limit your response to 200-250 words.

I would like all referent to Teaching English as a foreign language. I would like to be trained by specialist in techniques, updated methodology, how to plan according students needs, interests, age and all related to teaching. Also practice in elementary schools or high schools that I will learn from the seminars.

22. Describe how the knowledge and skills you will gain will help you address your country's development needs. Please limit your response to 200-250 words.

By planning and developing workshops teachers will learn updated methodology and different ways of encouraging students to learn English and also how to plan correctly. They will be practice in real situations not just in the seminar and they will be trained frequently to know how applying what they have learnt have help their students. Creating English club for teacher will help them to speak English because that is another problem, some teachers teach English but they do not speak it.

Personal Statements A
Write a paragraph answering each of the following three questions. Please use only the space provided 23. Please describe how you have demonstrated a strong commitment to public service. (i.e. community, civic involvement or professional responsibilities, etc.) Please limit your response to 200-250 words.

I like to serve to others. I was missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for 18 month where I worked without receiving any compensation for it. I am still working with teenagers and children because I love to serve others and I know how important is to help people to develop and increase their potential. I work as a teacher for years and it is interesting how students trust in you even parents because as teachers we are considered as a guide for them inside and outside the classroom. I have worked with them (my students) even out classroom without earning for that service but it has been so gratifying because you can notice and understand how important they are for you and you worried about their progress.

24. Please state your professional goals for the next five years. How will the Humphrey Program help you reach these goals? Please limit your response to 200-250 words.

My goal for the next 5 years is to work in my country specifically in my city because it needs professional teachers not only that know how to speak English, also that know how to motivate students for learning English, how to help them to love English language. I would like to create a center for teachers for training them to know about how to teach English as a Foreign Language and in this way they could be in a habitually training. I am sure Humphrey program will help to strength my skills, update my knowledge about teaching , to learn new, motivating , interesting methodology and important things about education that I will apply in people from my country because I want them to progress in life.

Personal Statements B
25. Describe a problem or challenging situation that you resolved by using your initiative. What was the outcome? Please select this example carefully. It should illustrate something that you want the review panel to know about your problem-solving, leadership abilities, or commitment to public service. Your personal statement should be between 450-500 words.

In the school I have worked normally, we use annual plans as a guide to plan our classes weekly. We never received from the Editorial the annual lesson plan; so, my work was to write the annual lesson plans for three books for preschooler. As teacher we need to be creative and give service, I have helped my colleagues in replacements and also to decorating stages for presentations. As part of a church, with my helpers (sisters in faith that are serving too) we are addressing a group of leaders for teenagers, there some problems in the organization and first, we created an activity schedule with all the activities to develop during this years, we did it on December. After that, throughout meetings and conversations with my helpers that are my friends, we made a schedule to train all the teenagers leaders from different sector, where they give us written and speech reports about the organization in each sector is working, their needs and they share with us how we can help them. Also, according the requirements they are trained in order to improve their teaching way and thinking about people they are teaching and working with. In order to help teenagers to do good and edifying activities, it was organized the boy scouts program not as the common program , teenagers are taught about survival activities but also about values they need to apply in life. Nowadays, the organization is much better and people who are involved are motivating even the challenges they have in order to give a good service to them.

Substance Abuse Field of Study

NOTE: THIS PAGE SHOULD BE FILLED OUT ONLY BY THOSE APPLICANTS WHOSE PROPOSED FIELD OF STUDY IS SUBSTANCE ABUSE Please contact the Commission in your country before completing the following: (Your comments should be continued on a separate sheet if more space is needed.) 1. Briefly describe what you know about current substance abuse problems in your country.

2. Briefly describe recent substance abuse research project(s) in which you have been engaged, the extent of your role in these project(s), and list any publications in connection with research work that you have done.

3. Briefly describe an area of substance abuse research that you would like to pursue based on the needs in your country.

Personal Information

I. PERSONAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Indicate all funds in your local currency.) 1. Your annual salary Income per year from other sources: 2. Will your salary be continued during your stay in the U.S.? If yes what percentage? 0% Yes No

$ 5.400

II. DEPENDENTS: The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program does not provide allowances for dependents. If your dependents accompany you, you will be responsible for providing all travel, adequate medical insurance, and support for them. English/Orientation Centers cannot accommodate dependents. Dependents may not arrive until you are settled in your academic program and have found housing (at least 30 days after your arrival at academic placement). 1. Marital status Single

2. List the relationships and ages of any persons who will require financial assistance from you during your academic year in the U.S.: 1. Mother 2.

(48 years)

3. 4. Yes No

3. Will any dependents accompany you to the U.S.?

If yes, give name(s) as shown on passport(s), gender, relationship(s), date(s) of birth, city/country of birth and citizenship for each dependent. Please also state how you intend to provide for them during your year of study in the U.S.

III. ACADEMIC PROGRAM 1. If required, will you be able to arrive for English language training as early as April? 2. Will you be able to obtain a leave of absence from your current position for a period of 11 months, or up to 14 months if you require English training? 3. When will you take a standardized test that assessed your English language ability, such as TOEFL?






If you have not taken the test, contact the Fulbright Commission in Ecuador to register for the English test at programs@fulbright.org.ec. IMPORTANT 1. An official TOEFL score (no more than two years old) is required for all countries except the English speaking Caribbean. I hereby authorize the Institute of International Education to receive my TOEFL score report. Date: _____Thursday, May 16th _____________________________


Signature: __________________________________

English Language

Solange Guerrero 10

Country of residence: Native (Home) language:

Ecuador Spanish


12 12 2

7 30 20

Spanish Spanish/English English

4 1

B. ENGLISH LANGUAGE TESTS Indicate the date on which you took or will take the official Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): Indicate the TOEFL score earned: In addition, if you have recently taken or are planning to take one of the following English language proficiency tests, please indicate the test date and the score (with TOEFL conversion):

October 2013

Institutional TOEFL (ITP):



Please note: The institutional TOEFL or ITP is the only acceptable test for initial screening. You must still provide an official TOEFL score report should you be nominated for the program.


Applicant Checklist


Completed Application Official transcripts and diplomas 1st Letter of Reference from current employer 2nd Letter of Reference Substance Abuse Field of Study form if applicable Contact the Fulbright Commission to register for English exam until June 21, 2013 if you do not have an official and valid (within two years) TOELF or IELTS test score. Date of English exam


June 29, 2013


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