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COURSE OUTLINE COURSE CODE: BBM 203 COURSE TITLE: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LECTURER: BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE Human Resource Management (HRM) is an intensive one semester course aimed at equipping the student with essential knowledge, skills and attitudes required for effective human resources management. This will enable the student understand the theory, principles and practices of HRM, roles and responsibilities of the human resources function in organizations. The course covers the following: human resource planning, placing advertisement for the vacancy, recruitment, interview and selection; employee orientation, induction and placement; training and development; promotion, counseling, redundancy, health and safety; rationalization and retirement. COURSE OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, students will be able to: 1. Understand the nature of human resource management in organizations 2. Appreciate the important role played by human resources function in organizations 3. Understand the recruitment and selection process of employees 4. Understand employee orientation, induction and placement 5. Understand employee training, development and promotion processes 6. Explain rationalization, redundancy and retirement in organizations 7. Identify and explain employee counseling, health and safety programmes COURSE CONTENT 1. Nature of human resources management Concept of human resources management Importance of human resources management Role and function of human resources management Similarities and Differences between HRM and Personnel Management 2. Human resources planning Human resources planning process 3. Placing advertisement for the vacancy, Recruitment, interview and selection Placing advertisement for the vacancy Recruitment , interview of employees Selection process 4. Employee orientation, induction and placement Employee orientation Page 1 of 4

Employee induction Employee placement 5. Training and development Training and development process 6. Health and safety Employee Health Employee safety practices CAT 1 7. Employee promotion Meaning of Employee promotion Procedures of a Promotion Types of promotion Methods. 8. Employee counseling Meaning Reasons for counseling Forms of counseling Counseling Process Techniques of counseling 9. Rationalization Meaning of Rationalization Rationalization in organizations 10. Redundancy Meaning Causes of Redundancy in organizations Types of redundancy Redundancy selection and notice periods Redundancy Procedure Options of avoiding redundancies 11. Retirement Employee retirement Effects of extension of retirement age in organizations Follow up of retirement CAT 2 METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Delivery will be through the following: 1. Lectures and discussions 2. Informal lectures and consultations 3. Individual or group assignment and presentations 4. Case studies EVALUATION 1. Continuous assessment tests (CATs) 2. Final examination Total 30% 70% 100%

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COURSE REFERENCES 1. Armstrong, Michael, (2006), A Handbook on Human Resource Management, 10th Edition ( MAIN TEXT) 2. Garry, Dessler, (2003), Human Resource Management, Third Edition, Pearson Education 3. H. John Bernadin, Human Resource Management: An Experiential Approach, Third Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi IMPORTANT REMINDERS 1. Class attendance and Participation: a) Attendance and punctuality is fundamental throughout the semester. The student should always remember to sign (not initial) the attendance register in person. No student should sign on behalf of an absent (or present) colleagues(s) b) Active participation in plenary and group discussions is encouraged. 2. Course work and assignments: a) Plagiarism: Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. If detected in any form in the students work, the following shall apply: (i) In less serious cases such as failure to acknowledge sources of quotation, the student will lose half the marks for affected section(s) (ii) In more serious cases, such as duplication of a piece of work, a zero mark policy shall apply for all the offending assignments. Seriousness referred here shall be at the sole discretion of the Lecturer (iii)Where students copy each others assignments, the total score shall be divided by the number of those involved to obtain the individual students score b) Cooperation: Not withstanding 2 above, cooperation in group work is highly encouraged so as to promote team spirit and synergy as well as enhance learning, provided originality is preserved. Failure to participate in group work/project will result in zero mark for the concerned student. c) Submission: All assignments must be submitted at the specified date and time d) Formatting: Unless otherwise specified, all take-home assignments should be typed using Times New Roman, font 12, justified and at 1.5 line spacing. Sources should be documented using the American Psychological Association (APA) style. e) Make-ups: It is the responsibility of all students to avail themselves for all sit-in CATs. Make-up CATs are discouraged and will only be administered in exceptional circumstances. Arrangements may be made for a student who provides an acceptable reason, with proper supporting evidence, for missing a scheduled CAT. No test will be provided as replacement for poor performance in a previous one.

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WK 1. TOPIC Nature of human resources management SUB-TOPICS Concept of human resources management Importance of human resources management Role and function of human resources management Similarities and Differences between HRM and Personnel Management Human resources planning process Placing advertisement for the vacancy Recruitment of employees Interview process Types of interview Selection process Employee orientation Employee induction Employee placement Training and development process Employee Health Employee safety practices CAT 1 Meaning of Employee promotion Procedures of a Promotion Types of promotion Methods. Meaning Reasons for counseling Forms of counseling Counselling Process Techniques of counselling Rationalization in organizations Meaning Causes of Redundancy in organizations Types of redundancy Redundancy selection and notice periods Redundancy Procedure Options of avoiding redundancies Employee retirement Effects of extension of retirement age in organizations Follow up of retirement CAT 2 All sub- topics Review of course and clarifications Revision and individual consultations Final Exam-All Sub-Topics

2. 3. -4

Human resources planning Placing advertisement for the vacancy, Recruitment and selection Employee orientation, induction and placement Training and development Employee health and safety

6 7

Employee promotion

Employee counseling,

10 11

Rationalization Redundancy


Employee retirement


All Topics


All Topics

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