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like South Africa or Nigeria, etc.).

Policies of intervention from foreign strengths showed visible trends with some slight differences in the stages of Congolese economic and political development since the year 1960. Western power policies preyed upon the subsequent neocolonial and decolonization hold of Congo started situations that most nationalistic which are truly independent governments would be restrained and eventually fail which was observed by the United States CIA. There was so much pressure from the elite class of leaders which was educated poorly and diplomatic and military intervention which surrounded the independence of Congo. There were many questions raised about the success of any new government. There continues to be continued controversy and violence in the country because a sovereign, functioning government has yet to be developed in Congo. The people are the ones who continue to be affected and are still the victims of the corrupted destitution and government. There are many arguments in which the decolonization policies of Belgian as well as the intervention of the Western going on abroad the first few days of Patrice Lumumbas ascent to power handicapped his abilities to bring together the ethnic and myriad groups within Congo, which lead to a federalism push and actually the secession of the Kasai and Katanga regions. The secession was backed financially as well as by the military from the American and Belgian governments and also the interests of the private mining. This eventually threw out the unification efforts of Lumumba, and ultimately his terrifying death, which in turn created the rise of the Western-friendly Joseph Mobutu. These actions set in motion the reign which lasted three decades of exploitation of the Congolese and the stealing of the abundant natural resources within Congo. When Lumumba was in control his regime tried to keep Western decolonization policies which exude with greed out, but they failed and they form the neocolonial dictatorship of Mobutu which continues to hinder Congoleses independence today. Unles s a stronger leader emerges that can rally the populations supports and reduce the influence of the West than this trend will continue. The mining interests must be diminished in order to execute the political instability. To better understand the Congolese societys crisis, there definitely needs to be an understanding of the issues which are key to Belgians colonization policy, as well as the process of decolonization. Access to resources, violence, political rivalry, instability, and nationalism are part of these issues, as well as the Cold War politics and the interests of the Western neocolonial. These issues continue to rear their ugly heads during the entire rocky history of Congo which eventually affects the prosperity and peace of the land.

** Dont send this as it is remnants of an article** ((Consequently, this trend has devastated any sense of unity between all the ethnic groups within Congo and has decimated the population as an ongoing, brutal civil war takes its disastrous toll. Much of the current scholarship dealing either directly, or tangentially with the decolonization process of Congoand Africa in generalhas amply elucidated the exploitive and brutal colonization of this area, many of the reasons for a hastened transfer of power to indigenous Congolese, and the immediate crisis following the independence ceremony of June 30, 1960. Current scholarship also analyzes in great detail the continued status of conflict and mass destitution gripping Congo to this day.))

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