Chapter 12 Notes

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Day 27

12.1 Functions Involving Square Roots

12.2 Operations with Radical Expressions
12.1 “The Square Root Function”

1. y = x “Parent Function”



2. y =2 x “Child Function” (just one of many possible)



Q: How does this child compare with the parent?

3. y = x +1 Another “Child Function”



Q: How does this child compare with the parent?

4. y = x −3 Yet another “Child Function”



Q: How does this child compare with the parent?

General Equation for the Square Root Function




Q: What happens if a is negative?

12.2 Operations with Radical Expressions

Adding and Subtracting

1. 2 2 +5 −
6 2

2. 4 3 − 27

3. 3 7 −
5 7+
2 7

4. 8 5 +125


1. 2• 8

2. (
2 5− 3 )

( )
3. 1+ 5

( )(
4. a − b a + b )



c− d

3+ 2

Checking Solutions

1. Check whether 2 + 3 is a solution of x 2 −

4x +

−5 − 33
2. Is a solution of x 2 +
5x −

(Day 27) 12.1 Square Root Funsheet Finish for homework.

1-4 Fill in the table and sketch a graph of each function. State the domain and range for each.

1. y = x 2. y =− x
x 0 1 4 9 x 0 1 4 9
y y

domain: ...................... range: .................... domain: ...................... range: ....................

3. y =2 x 2. y =− x
x 0 1 4 9 x 0 1 4 9
y y

domain: ...................... range: .................... domain: ...................... range: ....................

5. The general shape of the graph of y = x looks like .............................................................................

6. When the coefficient in front of x is negative, the graph .....................................................................

7. When the coefficient in front of x is greater than 1, the graph .............................................................

8. When the coefficient in front of x is between 0 and 1, the graph .........................................................

Now graph each of the following. Label at least 2 points, and state the domain and range of each.

9. y = x +4 10. y = x −3 11. y =−3 x +5

D: R: D: R: D: R:

12. y =2 x −1 11. y = x −1 11. y = x +3

D: R: D: R: D: R:

15. How is the graph of y = x +k different from the graph of y = x ?

16. How is the graph of y = x −k different from the graph of y = x ?

17. How is the graph of y = x +h different from the graph of y = x ?

18. How is the graph of y = x −h different from the graph of y = x ?

19. Without a calculator, sketch the graph of y =− x +3 −4 . State the domain and range.

(Day 27) 12.2 Handout “Operations with Radical Expressions” Finish for homework.

Simplify the expression.

1. 32 + 2 2. 80 − 45 3. 147 −7 3

4. 3 11 +176 +11 5. 243 −75 +300 6. 5⋅ 8

( ) ( a −b) ( )( )
7. 6 7 3 +6 8. 9. 1+ 13 1− 13

2 6 3
10. 11. 12.
2 10 + 2 3 −1

13. Write a radical expression and its conjugate.

14. Find the area of a rectangle with length 17 +9 and height 68 .

15. A pole-vaulter’s approach velocity v (in feet per second) and height reached h (in feet) are related by
the following equation: ν=8 h . You are pole vaulting and reach a height of 20 feet, while your
opponent reaches a height of 16 feet. How much faster were you running than your opponent?

16. From the falling object model, h =16t 2 +

− s , the distance an object falls after it is dropped is
d=16t 2 . Solving this formula for t, yields t = . t gives the time in seconds it takes for an object to fall
a certain distance. To break clamshells, sea gulls drop them on rocks while flying. A gull drops a clam
shell from a height of 96 feet. Find the time it takes to reach the ground.

17. Challenge: The sum of three consecutive perfect squares is 110. What is the product of the square
roots of these numbers?

Day 28
12.3 Solving Radical Equations
Solve and check your solution(s).

1. x −7 =0 2. 2x −3+3=4

3. x +2 =x 4. x+13 =0

Caution: When squaring both sides of an equation, you may get ..................................................

Thus, you should always ................................

Definition: Geometric Mean of a and b

1. If the geometric mean of a and 6 is 12, find a.

2. You work for United Airlines and remove ice from airplanes. The relationship among the flow rate r (in
gallons per minute) of the antifreeze for de-icing, the nozzle diameter d (in inches), and the nozzle
pressure P (in lbs per square inch) is r = 30d 2 P . You want a flow rate of 250 gallons per minute. Find
the nozzle pressure for a nozzle that has diameter 1.25 inches.

Practice. Yay! Solve the equation.
1. 2x −3 =x + 6 19 w +
2. 3w − 20 =

3. 3
x2 −1 =2 4. 3 +3x +

5. 2x −
3 −x +
0 6. 12 −4 x +
6x + 9=1

(Day 28) 12.3 Handout “Fun with Radicals” Finish for homework.

1 3
1. x−
10 =0 2. 3x +9=12 3. −x − =
2 2

4. 3x −4=6 5. 4 −x =6 7 =6x +
6. − 7

1 7
7. x +1 = 8. 6 −7x −9=3 9. x 2 =6−x
9 3

10. x 2 =
100 −
15x 11. 2x =−
13x −
10 12. 1+x =1−2x

1 2 2
13. x =x +3 14. (
x −2) =2x −1 15. 4 x 2 =4x +

16. 30 = 2(32)h 17. 3 =2π 18. 5a =15

Day 29
12.4 Using Completing the Square to Solve Quadratic Equations

“Completing the square” means to create a ......................................................

example of a PST:

Complete the square for x2 – 8x.

In general: Complete the square for the expression x2 + bx.

What is “completing the square” used for?

Solve for x using completing the square. Don’t forget to balance your equation!
Notice in #1-2, a = ..........,

1. x2 + 6x + 8 = 0 2. x2 + 10x = 24

Notice in 4-8, a .................

3. x2 – x – 3 = 0 4. –x2 + 3x – 3 = 0

5. 2x2 – x = 2 6. 0 = –2x2 + 8x – 5

7. ½x2 + x = 7 8. –(1/3)x2 + 2x + 4 = 0

(Day 29) 12.4 Handout “Completing the Square” Finish for homework.

Write the trinomial as the square of a binomial. (factor)

1. x2 – 6x + 9 2. x2 – 18x +81 3. x2 + x + 1/4

Find the term that should be added to the expression to create a perfect square trinomial.
4. x2 – 16x 5. x2 + 18x 6. x2 – 13x

7. x2 – ¾ x 8. x2 + 11x 9. x2 +2x/9

Finding the term that creates a perfect square trinomial is called Completing the Square. This method
can be used to solve quadratic equations. Here is an example.

Solve x2 + 10x = 24

Solution: x2 + 10x = 24 Write the quadratic equation with the C term on the right-hand side.

x2 + 10x + 52 = 24 + 52 Add 5 2 to each side. Note that 5 is half the coefficient of x in

the equation.
(x + 5) = 49 Write the left side as a perfect square.

x + 5 = ±7 Find the square root of each side.

x = -5 ± 7 Subtract 5 from each side.

x=2 or x=12 Simplify.

Solve the equation by completing the square.

10. x2 + 6x = -5 11. x2 + 8x – 4 = 5 12. x2 – 6x + 5 = -4

13. x2 + 4x – 7 = 0 14. x2 + 6x – 1 = 0 15. x2 – 6x + 7 = 0

16. x2 + 8x + 13 = 0 17. 2x2 – 4x – 5 = 0 18. 3x2 – 6x – 1 = 0


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