Burns - Fluid Volume, Risk For Deficient

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NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Fluid Volume, risk for deficient Risk factors may include Loss of fluid through abnormal

routes, e.g., burn wounds Increased need: hypermetabolic state, insufficient intake Hemorrhagic losses Possibly evidenced by [Not applicable; presence of signs and symptoms establishes an actual diagnosis.] DESIRED OUTCOMES/EVALUATION CRITERIAPATIENT WILL: Hydration (NOC) Demonstrate improved fluid balance as evidenced by individually adequate urinary output with normal specific gravity, stable vital signs, moist mucous membranes.

Shock Prevention (NIC)


Monitor vital signs, central venous pressure (CVP). Note capillary refill and strength of peripheral pulses. Serves as a guide to fluid replacement needs and assesses cardiovascular response. Note: Invasive monitoring is indicated for patients with major burns, smoke inhalation, or preexisting cardiac disease, although there is an associated increased risk of infection, necessitating careful monitoring and care of insertion site. Generally, fluid replacement should be titrated to ensure average urinary output of 3050 mL/hr (in the adult). Urine can appear red to black (with massive muscle destruction) because of presence of blood and release of myoglobin. If gross myoglobinuria is present, minimum urinary output should be 75100 mL/hr to reduce risk of tubular damage and renal failure. Increased capillary permeability, protein shifts, inflammatory process, and evaporative losses greatly affect circulating volume and urinary output, especially during initial 2472 hr after burn injury. Massive/rapid replacement with different types of fluids and fluctuations in rate of administration require close tabulation to prevent constituent imbalances or fluid overload. Fluid replacement formulas partly depend on admission weight and subsequent changes. A 15%20% weight gain can be anticipated in the first 72 hr during fluid replacement, with return to preburn weight approximately 10 days after burn.

Monitor urinary output and specific gravity. Observe urine color and Hematest as indicated.

Estimate wound drainage and insensible losses.

Maintain cumulative record of amount and types of fluid intake.

Weigh daily.



Shock Prevention (NIC)

Measure circumference of burned extremities as indicated. Investigate changes in mentation. May be helpful in estimating extent of edema/fluid shifts affecting circulating volume and urinary output. Deterioration in the level of consciousness may indicate inadequate circulating volume/reduced cerebral perfusion. Stress (Curlings) ulcer occurs in up to half of all severely burned patients and can occur as early as the first week. Patients with burns more than 20% TBSA are at risk for mucosal bleeding in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract during the acute phase because of decreased splanchnic blood flow and reflex paralytic ileus.

Observe for gastric distension, hematemesis, tarry stools. Hematest nasogastric (NG) drainage and stools periodically.

Insert/maintain indwelling urinary catheter. Allows for close observation of renal function and prevents urinary retention. Retention of urine with its byproducts of tissue-cell destruction can lead to renal dysfunction and infection. Accommodates rapid infusion of fluids. Fluid resuscitation replaces lost fluids/electrolytes and helps prevent complications, e.g., shock, acute tubular necrosis (ATN). Replacement formulas vary (e.g., Brooke, Evans, Parkland) but are based on extent of injury, amount of urinary output, and weight. Note: Once initial fluid resuscitation has been accomplished, a steady rate of fluid administration is preferred to boluses, which may increase interstitial fluid shifts and cardiopulmonary congestion. Identifies blood loss/RBC destruction and fluid and electrolyte replacement needs. Urine sodium less than 10 mEq/L suggests inadequate fluid resuscitation. Note: During first 24 hr after burn, hemoconcentration is common because of fluid shifts into the interstitial space.

Insert/maintain large-bore IV catheter(s). Administer calculated IV replacement of fluids, electrolytes, plasma, albumin.

Monitor laboratory studies (e.g., Hb/Hct, electrolytes, random urine sodium).

Administer medications as indicated: Diuretics, e.g., mannitol (Osmitrol);

May be indicated to enhance urinary output and clear tubules of debris/prevent necrosis if acute renal failure (ARF) is present. Although hyperkalemia often occurs during first 2448 hr (tissue destruction), subsequent replacement may be necessary because of large urinary losses. Antacids may reduce gastric acidity; histamine inhibitors decrease production of hydrochloric acid to reduce risk of gastric irritation/bleeding.


Antacids, e.g., calcium carbonate (Titralac), magaldrate (Riopan); histamine inhibitors, e.g., cimetidine (Tagamet)/ranitidine (Zantac).



Shock Prevention (NIC)

Add electrolytes to water used for wound debridement, as indicated. Washing solution that approximates tissue fluids may minimize osmotic fluid shifts.

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