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Table of Contents
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Chapter 1....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Introduction of Galaxy cafe........................................................................................................................... 6 Mission Statement: ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Vision Statement:.......................................................................................................................................... 7 Value Statement ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Key Success Factors....................................................................................................................................... 7 Conceive the "Winning" Concept.................................................................................................................. 7 Scoring........................................................................................................................................................... 7 Consistency ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Market Appeal .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Menu Pricing ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Expandability ................................................................................................................................................. 8 How to start a Cafe? ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Work in a Cafe ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Know your target business............................................................................................................................ 9 Develop a business plan................................................................................................................................ 9 Make "the menu" and not "a menu" .......................................................................................................... 10 Getting the Appropriate Funding ................................................................................................................ 10 Procuring workers ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Chance method of reasoning ...................................................................................................................... 11 Recorded perspective ................................................................................................................................. 11 Demand for Fast food ................................................................................................................................. 12 Future potential, Profitability, Demand exist: ............................................................................................ 12 Expanding Market for Fast Food The Population Boom .......................................................................... 13 Insinuation or local business ....................................................................................................................... 13 Implementation Period ............................................................................................................................... 14 Benefit ......................................................................................................................................................... 14 1

Chapter 2..................................................................................................................................................... 15 Industry Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Scope of business ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Current Size ................................................................................................................................................. 16 Quality Factors ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Good Services.............................................................................................................................................. 16 Quality and Freshness ................................................................................................................................. 16 Neat and clean Environment ...................................................................................................................... 16 Proper Management ................................................................................................................................... 17 Good Classification...................................................................................................................................... 17 Packaging .................................................................................................................................................... 17 Competitors Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 17 Substitutes .................................................................................................................................................. 17 Competitive Advantage: ............................................................................................................................. 18 The five forces that shape Industry competition ........................................................................................ 18 Threat of New Entrants ............................................................................................................................... 19 Bargaining power of Buyers ........................................................................................................................ 19 Bargaining Power of Suppliers .................................................................................................................... 19 Rivalry among Competitors ........................................................................................................................ 19 Threat of Substitutes................................................................................................................................... 19 Target Market.............................................................................................................................................. 20 Demographic ............................................................................................................................................... 20 Psychographics ........................................................................................................................................... 20 Special features ........................................................................................................................................... 20 Segmentation the Market in Terms of Buying Situation ............................................................................ 21 Usage .......................................................................................................................................................... 21 Awareness ................................................................................................................................................... 21 Business Portfolio ....................................................................................................................................... 21 BCG Matrix ................................................................................................................................................ 25 Star .............................................................................................................................................................. 26 Cash Cow: ................................................................................................................................................... 26

Dog.............................................................................................................................................................. 26 Promotion and Advertisement .................................................................................................................... 27 Management Plan for Galaxy Caf ............................................................................................................. 27 Pricing Strategy:.......................................................................................................................................... 28 Package: ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 Estimation Plan ........................................................................................................................................... 28 Income Statement of Next Years ................................................................................................................ 38 Balance sheet of 10 Years ........................................................................................................................... 42 Cash flow Statement of 10 Years................................................................................................................ 49 4 Ps of Marketing ...................................................................................................................................... 52 Product ........................................................................................................................................................ 52 Place ............................................................................................................................................................ 52 Price ............................................................................................................................................................ 53 Promotion:........................................................................................................................................... 53 Sales Promotion: ......................................................................................................................................... 53 Raw Material Availability: ......................................................................................................................... 53 SWOT analysis ........................................................................................................................................... 54 Strengths: .................................................................................................................................................... 54 Weakness .................................................................................................................................................... 54 Opportunities............................................................................................................................................... 55 Threats ........................................................................................................................................................ 55 PEST ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................................... 57 Political Factors:- ........................................................................................................................................ 57 Economic Factors:- ..................................................................................................................................... 57 Social Factors:- ........................................................................................................................................... 58 Technological Factors:- .............................................................................................................................. 58 Project Organization: .................................................................................................................................. 58 External interfaces: ..................................................................................................................................... 58 Government................................................................................................................................................. 59 Competitors:................................................................................................................................................ 59 Customers ................................................................................................................................................... 59

Suppliers ..................................................................................................................................................... 59 Media .......................................................................................................................................................... 60 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................... 60 Marketing department: ................................................................................................................................ 60 Accounting department: .............................................................................................................................. 60 Human resource department: ...................................................................................................................... 61 Quality control department: ........................................................................................................................ 61 Chapter 3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 62 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 62 Recommendations: ...................................................................................................................................... 63


The following project has been created for a business model. This model is of a Cafe. The proposed name for this Cafe is Galaxy Cafe. The decided area for this cafe is M.M Alam Road. The reason to choose this area is its location as well as it is one of the famous places in Lahore. The focal point of this cafe is to provide quality food with reasonable prices in comfortable environment. The considered competitors for this caf are Al-Nakhal, World Fashion Cafe, and Masooms. The edge this cafe got from other cafes is that, the prices are very economical and affordable for the customers, with friendly ambiance. Simply, our focus is not on quantity but quality, which makes this cafe different from others. After complete market research and analysis, the total investment required for the proposed project would be six million rupees.

Chapter 1 Introduction of Galaxy cafe
Galaxy Cafe is a high class Cafe having its outlets at Mm Alam road. Our mission is to provide the customers best food in reasonable price within less time. The reason of our entrance in this field is the high profit margin. Our caf is competing with Al-Nakhal, Gun Smoke, World Fashion Cafe. Our target market is families in middle and upper class.

Total Investment for this project is Six million. In our marketing environment major participants are suppliers, customers and then competitors. We have tried our best for supply chain management to have good relations with our suppliers and well as with customers. In our macro environment a lot of factors like demographic, social, Cultural legal and political factors are involved .We cannot go for globalization for the time being but in future. We will definitely try if there is positive response from customers for our product. Then we will start our new branches in other areas of Lahore. As Far as the four Ps of marketing mix are concerned, our product specialization is fast food. Our product is purely tangible product. Management has tried its best to ensure the quality food to maintain the quick services and monitoring system and to satisfy the customers as well as employees. The management of the Cafe has tried its best to modify it according to the requirements of the customers. The experts of finance and marketing hired. Proper advertising and sales campaign is also included in our efforts of sales promotion.

Mission Statement:
To Provide Quality Food Products at one Place in Affordable prices and be Market Leader in Caf Industry.

Vision Statement:
Galaxy Caf Provides Wide Range and Collection of all fast food Items at One Point

Value Statement
Confidence Teamwork Trust

Key Success Factors

If you are opening an one-of-a-kind Cafe or attempting to develop your existing spot into a multi-unit chain, there are scoring standards that can assist shape your spot and enhance its risks of succeeding.

Conceive the "Winning" Concept

An overall demarcated idea stands a greatly improved risk of lifelong victory than some unclear idea. To begin, it is savvy to initially situated particular objectives and settle on the ways you will measure your Cafe victory.

This might be portrayed as the specialty of having the capacity to administer victory as time goes on while changing in accordance with meet the modifying requests and getting propensities of

the client. To open a Cafe successfully and get beneficial is one thing, yet to support that victory over a long time of time is "scoring."

To not basically open a Cafe, yet to verifiably advance a scoring thought presupposes enabling frameworks and methods to guarantee consistency of your operation.

Market Appeal
All restaurants want to be busy but winning concepts seem to have a broad appeal and well developed points of difference that enable them to dominate their market niche. To be the first place the customer thinks of going when choosing to dine out is the goal of the winning concept.

Menu Pricing
One of the most important factors in the strategic planning of a Cafe is in the development of the menu. It involves designing an appealing selection of menu items that are competitively priced in the marketplace. Menu pricing is a very tricky task because you need to price items so that you can operate profitably and, just as important, offer your targeted guests a good price/value relationship.

Consistency of quality and service, and operating systems and management procedures established in the first unit can result in more expandable opportunities where all systems are already developed and waiting to be implemented.

How to start a Cafe? Work in a Cafe
One of the most ideal routes to diminish the danger of owning a fizzled Cafe is to have some Cafe encounter before you begin. Numerous fruitful have said that the most ideal route to arrange for owning a Cafe is by working in one, cheerfully in an eatery comparative to one you'd such as to open. You'll study more than exactly how to serve sustenance with a grin; you can study Cafe advertising, menu growth, payroll, and other critical segments of the Cafe planet. Working in the Cafe business and studying the fundamentals is a significant first stage to turning into a manager.

Know your target business

Who do you see consuming at your Cafe? It is safe to say that you are focusing on the family swarm, youngsters or seniors? Knowing your target market before you begin arranging won't just help you cement your menu; it will assist figure out your area, dcor and the for the most part environment of your Cafe. A family-style Cafe, which coddles folks and their children, may not engage seniors. Furthermore, an upscale, calm Cafe offering a two-hour eating background wouldn't be engaging adolescents or families with little kids.

Develop a business plan

Like any other type of company, A Cafe will need a concise business plan. This plan should include but is not limited to: the overall concept and goal of the Cafe; specific financial information and projections; a description of the target market; the menu and pricing; equipment and employee details; advertising and marketing plan; and a potential exit strategy.

Make "the menu" and not "a menu"
The menu can represent the moment of truth a Cafe, and ought to be as per the generally speaking notion of the Cafe. Return to the business want to determine the menu is engaging to the target business sector, is moderate inside specified plan, and supplements the Cafe outline notion. For instance, if the Cafe is family-accommodating, you will require a children menu. In the event that it should be an upscale stronghold, a mess of thought will go into the sweet record.

Getting the Appropriate Funding

The business arrangement will help you distinguish what amount cash you will begin your Cafe. Assuming that you are unsure about what amount cash you will require upfront, conversing with other restaurant managers can help you venture your normal begin up expenses. There are various ways bistro raise capital to begin their business, incorporating exploiting government customizes that coddle upstart modest business managers; exchanging stakes or utilizing them as guarantee for an advance; or supporting a family or companion to turn into the loan boss.

Procuring workers
One of the grandest tests Cafe front side is an absence of qualified work. So as to get and hold qualified representatives, verify your pay scales identify plainly to the occupation's obligations and obligations. Moreover, figure out what other Cafe are paying their representatives with the goal that you might be focused in the employment market, without using excessively on payroll. However attempt connecting your payroll with the end result and see what amount cash might be crushed out for the representatives.


Chance method of reasoning
The Cafe business sector is a developing industry in Pakistan depending intensely on the modifying lifestyle designs, populace development of the target age bunch and the identified build in job of ladies. With today's riotous lifestyles, time-sparing items are progressively sought after the most clear being the quick sustenance. The rate of development in customer uses on quick nourishment has advanced for the most part different fragments of the sustenance far from home showcase for a significant part of the most recent one decade. Interest for accommodation has driven uses where individuals need brisk and favorable dinners; they would prefer not to invest a considerable measure of time arranging dinners, setting out to grab suppers, or sitting tight for dishes in Cafe. Thus, shoppers depend on quick nourishment. Knowing this, quick nourishment suppliers are thinking of better approaches to advertise their items that spare time for purchasers. Buyers need to join together dish time with time occupied with different exercises, for example shopping, function, or voyage, hence dispensing less time for sustenance, subsequently the developing need for quick sustenance.

Recorded perspective
The quick nourishment Cafe industry is prominent in Pakistan, the wellspring of a large portion of its advancement, and numerous major worldwide chains are based there. The vicinity of multinational quick evolved ways of life like enormous names of joint World style Caf Masoom's and so on have to some degree pandered to the heightened wages fragment in this way advancing a corner as upscale bistro. Multinational companies for example these normally adjust their menus to pander to nearby Pakistan tastes and best abroad outlets are possessed by local franchisees to guarantee that social, ethnic, and neighborhood qualities are dealt with.


Moreover, multinational quick natural pecking orders are not the main or even the essential wellspring of quick nourishment in for the most part urban areas of Pakistan. Numerous territorial and neighborhood chains have improved around the principle urban communities of Pakistan (Gloria Jeans) to rival universal chains and give menu things that speak to the special provincial tastes and propensities at nearly flat costs. In Pakistan, multinational chains are significantly more unmanageable; they more often than not are frequented in light of the fact that they are acknowledged chic and sort of breathtaking and since they for the most part are much less dirty than nearby eateries. However a significant part of the center earnings portion (which structures a major piece of quick sustenance goers) favors going by neighborhood outlets that offer minimal effort quick sustenance, thus more continuous visits..

Demand for Fast food

The fast rate at which the quick sustenance industry presses on to include outlets is to the extent that impression of buyer interest for accommodation as it is an impression of interest for quick nourishment itself. Extending the amount of outlets expands receptiveness, subsequently making it more helpful for buyers to buy quick nourishment. Particularly as of late, a great part of the extension has been in the type of "satellite" outlets. These have a tendency to be more modest in size, with practically zero seating limit, and are regularly in nontraditional areas, for example office structures, bargain bazaars, landing strips, and gas stations; areas picked particularly to boost accommodation and shopper approachability.

Future potential, Profitability, Demand exist:

The Pakistani economy is coming to be more and more administration situated, and in the course of recent decades, the foodservice commercial ventures that offer the most elevated amounts of


accommodation have been remunerated with solid bargains development. Despite climbing populace, earnings and in an ever widening margin riotous work plans, an almost unquenchable interest for accommodation will press on to drive quick nourishment deals. Quick Food Outlets will strive to find courses to make their items considerably more receptive. The quality of buyer time, and also the interest for dependable, high caliber nourishment items, will press on to shape the quick sustenance industry. Quick nourishment, once acknowledged a variety, has turned into an in an ever widening margin huge part of the adolescent era's eating regimen. The part of comfort in this dietary movement can't be over-underlined, and time to come development of whatever is left of the nourishment administration industry will be determined in imposing part by its capability to find better approaches to recover customers' chance.

Expanding Market for Fast Food The Population Boom

Pakistan, right now stacked up as 6th as far as sum populace, is described by a towering populace development rate of 1.9% (Pakistan Economic Survey 2005) and is situated to take the top three positions regarding sum populace with as of recently 153.4 Million individuals enlisted in 2005. With this, the for every capita earnings has expanded to Us$ 736 while the profitable age gather (15 to 64) years is said to take the major lump of populace (67% of sum populace) by 2020.

Insinuation or local business

Practically all around you look you'll see a well known mark symbolizing our quick nourishment country. You find them on the corners of avenues, off the side of interstates, hangars, shopping centers, schools, service stations, your nearby strip mall, and even in healing facilities. More

cash is used on French fries than on higher training, particular machines, or new autos! Taking a gander at how our social order has gotten quicker paced, it is no big surprise less time is used. Today, consuming out likely is part of our quick paced lifestyle, not simply an extraordinary treat as it was in years past. Quick nourishment is for the most part focused to youngsters. The elevated bloated sustenances taste great to these youngsters, which in turn make them accept that quick sustenance is brisk, straightforward, and fulfilling. Quick sustenance restaurants are currently making "quality" dinners for kids that are expanded in bit sizes. Today, quick nourishment has turned into a vogue, as clients are not just consuming, they are getting a charge out of nature's turf not grown-ups, youngsters are likewise enamored with heading off to the quick sustenance restaurants for partying about their noteworthy events like special days, comes about and even get together gatherings.

Implementation Period
Implementation period for the proposed project is 6 months.

The benefit of having this Caf is that the availability of fast food and other products at one point. People would not have to find their fast food and chocolate made products at different places this would surely save time and money. The other benefit would be variety of fast food products and offered to people which nobody have ever offered this kind of taste and the packing of the products for different events would be a value addition. This caf is best for those people who are fast food and chocolate products lover. People who want to give gifts to their love ones would have opportunity to buy their desired chocolate products at one place.


Chapter 2 Industry Analysis
We have chosen Cafe Sub-Continent in general Pakistan people in specific area famous for their love of food and the variety they carry in their cuisine is nearly unmatched throughout the globe. That is one of the biggest reasons why Cafe has Sprang open all over the globe and have been successfully conducted business from several years and are still growing. And have actually become favor to many locals cafe Industry have been expanding heavily in Pakistan .In recent years we have seen a growing number of caf being opened and had been a success even when they were catering to some specific kind of food. In recent years the food Industry has outperformed the national gross national profit 35-40%. 29% of the total reduction and 17% of total employment in the food Sector. Usage of Fast food during the day Breakfast 13% Morning Snacks 39% Lunch 43% After noon Snacks 32% Evening Snacks 15% Dinner 20%

Scope of business
To set up Cafe in area like Lahore has always been a good idea, where people are fond of eating and outing. They love to spend their leisure time with their families and friends in Caf. Our

main Focus is young students. Also in todays busy life. Every one seeks to give the best time to family in restaurants. Also in todays busy life, everyone seeks to give the best time to family so people look towards the well organized places where they can have nice environment. Other than all other aspects if a quality food is provided at affordable prices, then it can be successful business idea.

Current Size
The main area where we are going to start our business is on M.m Alam Road, Near Gun-smoke Caf. During starting few years we will focus on our quality and our services and keep on operating with a single branch. And once we get hold of our customers, then we will look forward to open some more branches in different other areas of the city.

Quality Factors Good Services

Our first quality factor on which we are going to compete is our services. We will provide our customers with the best of our services to gain the loyalty of our customers.

Quality and Freshness

Our Next quality factor will be the quality and freshness of food. People obviously look to prefer the food stuff which is available at affordable prices of good quality.

Neat and clean Environment

We will try to provide our customers with the environment which make them feel better than their homes.

Proper Management
There will be a proper management for functioning in the caf and will not be compromised and kind of mismanagement. There will be trained people hired, who will show professionalism in their job and having good past experiences. Other than staff interior of a Caf will be designed in such a way the families and others.

Good Classification
Our products falls in the category of consumer products as the final consumers will buy our product. Further Classified, Our products will be somewhat convenience and shopping. Convenience for those who work in offices near our Caf and will be a shopping product for families and other potential customers.

Our customers can enjoy the DINE IN and TAKE AWAY. In case that if our customers want to take away our products to eat on some other places we will provide them packaging in disposable boxes. Disposable plates, glass and spoon will also be provided.

Competitors Analysis Substitutes:

Al-Nakhal Cafe Gun Smoke Cafe World Fashion Cafe



Competitive Advantage:
Our basic goal is to provide all kinds of fast food products at one products at one place with a quality difference .The difference that would make us leader in the business as we say that Galaxy caf. We will be serving 7 days a week 24 Hours a day and we will provide at the moderate range of price so that we can share the students Own budget and we also share a cherished treat with the medium and upper class families of the Lahore so by the research that we have made we can say that our competitive advantage is:

Our special offering of all kind of fast food products at one place. The 7days and 24Hour Service Our endless range of fast food and chocolates products Our price ranges Our location where no such caf is available and our special services that we and our
valued customers will be proud of.

Support personnel

The five forces that shape Industry competition

There are Five Factors that Effect galaxy Caf which is Danger of new entrant Bargaining power of supplies competition among existing competitor bargain power of buyer

Threat of substitutes products or services

Threat of New Entrants

Threat of new entrant is low in those Industries where the number of competitors is high. Galaxy caf has a copy rights that no other company in the market is following and as we have the patents rights of this business. No new entrant will be able to copy it. We wont be having any direct competitors hence the threat of new entrant is low.

Bargaining power of Buyers

Bargaining power of the buyer is low because we are providing something no one else can. In market that we are competing, customer prefer quality over price .So if a customer demands for a highest quality and all desired products at one place they will option only us.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

Bargaining power of supplier is low. There are many Cafs in the market which are providing products so it wont have any significant impact on our business.

Rivalry among Competitors

There is an Intense Competition in the existing companies which are currently operating in the market due to the Nature of our Business. They all are our Indirect Competitors. As we do not have any direct Competitors so rivalry among direct competitors is low and competition among the indirect competitors is high.

Threat of Substitutes
As there are many indirect Competitors in the form of Caf the Threat of Substitutes is high.

Market Segmentation

Primary: Children from the age Bracket of 5-10 Years Secondary: Parents or elder Accompanying their Children would be our secondary market as
they are the ones who make the purchase decisions and have the buying authority.

Target Market Demographic

Our target market includes no age limits, it includes all type of people whether teenagers employees or other households and it also includes the people of any income level because it is the want of each and every person. But we will prefer the students and target them by making them feel not what they need but emphasizing on what they want.

We will include in our target market the city of Lahore. Its because the area that we are targeting covers the middle and upper class families can easily approach us and can fulfill their desires.

Social class: students, middle class upper middle and upper class families. Life Cycle: fast, struggle always fulfilling their needs and never thinking about their wants.

Special features
Our Special offering is all kind of fast food Products and Choclate ,Coffee cakes and other Products.


We will be Providing 7 days and 24 Hours services in our Outlet. And will offer different flavors of chocolate and fast food products Our price range will be affordable for our target market.We are offering complete range of fast food and chocolate items. We are using latest Technology in our business .Quality of the fast food .we will introduce more exciting Flavors and treat to our valued Customers. Providing WI-FI facility in our Parlor Premises.

Segmentation the Market in Terms of Buying Situation Desired Benefits: Quality foods and Services Usage: Potential user, First time user, Regular User. Awareness: People are very well aware of the taste of fast food which will help us in attracting
people as they will not hesitate to eat.

Business Portfolio
Collection of Businesses and Products that make up the company is called business Portfolio. Galaxy Caf Business Portfolio is: Soups Sandwiches Burgers Bar-B-Que Rice


Soups 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sandwiches 6. 7. 8. 9. Club Sandwich Chicken Hot Sandwich Chicken Cold Sandwich Chicken Cheese Sandwich 145.00 130.00 130.00 160.00 Sheesha Salads Hot & Cold Corner Confectionery Biscuits and Breads Shakes Menu Chicken Corn Soup Hot & Sour Soup Thai Soup Vegetable Soup special Soup Single Bowl 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 90.00 Full Bowl 200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 180.00

(All Sandwiches are served with French fries ) Burgers 10. 11. 12. Special Burger Chicken Cheese Burger Chicken Burger 150.00 160.00 130.00


13. Cheese Burger 100.00

(All Burgers are served with French fries) Our Specialties 14. 15. 16. Chicken Karahi Mutton Karahi Chicken Shashlik Half 215.00 330.00 150.00 Full 400.00 600.00 300.00

(Served with egg fried rice-buffet style) 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Bar-B-Q 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Chicken Piece Chicken Boti Malai Boti Seekh Kabab (Beef) Chicken Kabab Mutton Seekh Kabab Mutton Takka Chicken Wings (10 Pieces) (2 Seekhs) (4 pieces) (4 pieces) (4 pieces) (4 Seekhs) (10 pieces) 110.00 225.00 260.00 140.00 190.00 240.00 390.00 150.00 Chicken Ginger Special Chicken Handi Mutton Handi Mutton Achari Handi Dall Mash Handi Mixed Vegetable Handi (Boneless) (Boneless) (Boneless) 350.00 390.00 550.00 560.00 150.00 150.00


Rice 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Salads 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Tandoor 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Hot & Cold Corner 47. 48. Hot Coffee Tea/Green Tea 70.00 30.00 Roghni Nan Plain Nan Achari Paratha Tandoori Paratha Roti 20.00 15.00 35.00 30.00 8.00 Chicken Pineapple Salad Katchumer Salad Fresh Salad Russian Salad Cole Slaw Raita 140.00 50.00 50.00 110.00 75.00 50.00 Chicken Fried Rice Chicken Masala Rice Egg Fried Rice Plain Rice Vegetable Fried Rice 195.00 195.00 190.00 125.00 180.00


49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Mineral Water Soft Drinks Fresh Lime With Sprite Diet Coke/Sprite Zero Ice Cream 55.00 30.00 35.00 35.00 60.00

(All Prices are inclusive 16% Sales tax )

BCG Matrix
For Assessing our idea implementation and portfolio management we will use BCG portfolio planning model. By using this model we will prioritize the funding and attention to various aspects in our upcoming service. It will help us to classify the service and company business based on combinations of market growth and market share relative to the largest Competitor. Initially we expect our selves in stars area where we will have high growth rate and low market share. As we are offering a service which is new to area that the customers have yet to discover. According to marketing strategy for this kind of products or services is to get the markets to adopt them. Due to the low market share, the question Marks have high demands and low returns we need our services to increase its market share quickly and jump to stars or it will become a dog. So we have decided to invest in the services to gain market share. Once we will be in stars we will be the leaders in the business but still need a lot of support for promotion and placement .From here we are aiming to convert our initial business unit to be a cash cow.Now we are have a cash cow we want to achieve a high competitive advantage we are aiming to gain high profit margins and generate a lot of cash flow and from here we have strategy to prevent our product to be a dog.


In star market share and industry growth are high. We can conclude that our burgers will be the star product of the caf because burgers are available at reasonable price and people can have them as appetizers.

Cash Cow:
In cash Cow Market share is high and industry growth is low. In this case demands are equal to supply .The cuisine items which we are going to sell can be our cash cows because usually families prefer to eat outside on weekends. So cuisine items can have low growth rate but can have higher market share.


Pizzas which we are going to sell can fall in Dog category .This is so because there is a very well known and developed brand named competitor is already working in the area .But anyhow we will try to get our dog items into question mark category with our strategies.

Promotion and Advertisement

Proper Advertising for new offers though will be carried out throughout the city by the help of ads in newspaper. New Offerings, according to the market demands and on seasonal and daily basis will be initiated to attract new customers E.g. Mid night Deals, discount coupons and different deals in normal hours. Along with special targeted marketing will be done to attract children by providing toys. We advertise for our caf on the local television channels. We also advertise in the magazine like The news, Tribune, Dawn Etc. Further we placed bill board and neon sign on different places.

Management Plan for Galaxy Caf

The Main Purpose of Galaxy caf is "To furnish our neighborhood with the high caliber sustenance at sensible cost and additionally to acquire satisfactory benefit needed to develop the business and additionally to furnish the chance for our representatives to attain their sensible particular goals. In the initial few years the main objectives which is to be achieved is to build the good positive image of our Caf in the minds of our target customers. This is so because the area where we are going to start our business already have well known cafes which are our competitors also so, to beat the competitors and make new customers for the caf will be the main objective of the business in the starting years


As it is discussed earlier that we are going to provide our customer with the high quality of food at reasonable price, our success criteria is quite clear, that we want to gain the loyalty of our target customers by providing them with quality food stuff.

Pricing Strategy:
As our aim to gain maximum customers as possible we are using the Penetration Pricing Strategy because as we are setting up a new business and new trend for maternal services so we need to attract our targeted customers by giving them healthy service in nominal prices according to the range of our customers we have further divided our pricing strategy into packages according to their choices and their affordable ranges So our pricing strategies will be a mirror of what we want to be in our firm of their choice. Also our price will be so reasonable that will act as barrier for the new entrants. This will lower our risk level.

Attractive packages will be given on every special occasion and in accordance with the consumers need.

Estimation Plan
The rough estimation to start the business is round about 5.5 million and our total investment is of minimum 6 million. So if we take a brief review of estimation plan of different managerial plans, we come to know that we have estimated enough capital to start our business. The rough estimation is as follows:

Air Condition



Land and Building Cutlery Furniture and Decoration Machinery Total 20,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 10,00,000 55,50,000

Above table shows the rough idea of the all the expenses needed to start the business. It is estimated approximately 5.5 million, whereas the total investment is about 6 million. It means we have 0.5 million still left to deal with other expenses which might be overlooked right now.

Income Statement of 10 Years

Galaxy Caf Income Statement For the year ended 31,dec 2013

Particulars Sales (Notes-1) Less Cost Of Goods Sold(Notes-2) Gross Profit less Operating Expenses Selling Expense (N-3) Admin Exp.(N-4)


Rs. 6,000,000 4068737 1931263

-18000 -417500


Profit before Tax Less: Tax Paid Net Profit during the Year -827586 614177

Sales Burger Special Burger 5600@Rs150 Chicken Cheese Burger 1125@Rs160 Chicken Burger 1800@Rs100 Rs 840000 180000 180000 1200000


Club Sandwich (2069@Rs145) Chicken Sandwich(938@Rs160) Chicken Cheese Sandwich(1800@Rs100)

300000 180000 180000 600000

Our Specialties Chicken Karahi (1636kg@Rs550) Mutton Karahi (1125kg@Rs800) 900000 900000 1800000

Bar Bq Chicken Chicken Piece (2727@Rs110) 300000


Mallai Boti (1154@Rs260) Kabab (1599@Rs190) Mutton Tikka (769@Rs390) 300000 300000 300000 120000

Chicken Birayni (1833@Rs180) 330000

Tandoor Roghni Nan (4000 nan@Rs20) Plain Nan(5333nan@Rs15) Roti(10000 Roti@Rs8) 80000 80000 80000 240000

Salad Chicken pineapple salad(64plates@Rs140) Fresh salad (210@Rs50) Raita(210@Rs50) 9000 14500 10500 30000 Hot & Cold Corner Mineral water(1818@Rs55) Ice Cream(1667@Rs60) Cold Drink(2857@Rs35) 100000 100000 100000


300000 Soup Hot & sour (1111@Rs180) Special Soup (556@Rs180) 200000 100000 300000


3-Cost of goods Sold Burger Special Burger (5600@Rs60) Chicken Cheese Burger(1125@Rs64) Chicken Burger(1800@Rs52) 336000 72000 93600 501600

Sandwich Club Sandwich(2069@Rs58) Chicken Sandwich(938@Rs64) Chicken cheese Sandwich(1154@Rs52) 120000 60000 60000 240000

Our Specialties Chicken Karahi (1636kg@Rs275) Mutton Karahi (1125kg@Rs400) 449900 450000 8999000


Bar-BQ Chicken Piece(2727@Rs44) Malai boti(1154@Rs104) Kabab(1599@Rs76) Mutton Tikka(769@Rs156) 119988 120016 121524 119964 481492

Chicken Brayni (1833plates@Rs72) 131976

Tandoor Roghni Nan (4000@Rs10) Plain Nan(5333@Rs7) Roti(100000@Rs3) 4000 57331 300000 397331 Salad Chicken Pineapple salad(64@Rs84) Fresh Salad (210@Rs30) Raita(210@Rs30) 3584 6300 6300 16184 Hot and Cold Corner Mineral water(1818@Rs45) 81810


Cold drink(1667@Rs40) Ice Cream (2857@Rs20) 66680 51740 200230 Soups:

Hot & sour(1111@Rs72) Special(556@Rs72)

79992 40032 120024 2988737

Add Labour Charges Cook 2*30000*12 Other Staff 720000 125000

Add Other Expenses Utility bills Depreciation on machinery Misc Expenses 125000 100000 10000 4068737


Burger Special Burger Chicken Cheese Burger Chicken Burger Bun 15 15 15 Chicken Cheese 30 30 22 4 Egg 5 5 5 Fries 5 5 5 Salad 5 5 5 Total 60 64 52

Sandwich Club sandwich Chicken cheese Sandwich Chicken sandwich

Bread 15 15 15

Chicken cheese 28 28 22 6 -

C.Spread Fries 5 5 5 5 5 5

salad 5 5 5

Total 58 64 52

Our Specialties Chicken Karahi Mutton karahi

Chicken Mutton 150 275

Oil 50 50

others 75 75

Total 275 400

Bar B-Q Chicken piece Malai Boti Kabab Mutton Tikka

Chicken Mutton 38 54 50 100

Others 6 50 26 56 44 104 76 156


Chicken Biryani

Chicken Rice 20 40

Others 12

Total 72


Tandoor Roghni Nan Plain Nan Roti 10 7 4 Total

Salad Chicken pineapple Fresh Salad Raita 56 30 30

Hot and Cold Corner Mineral water Ice Cream Cold drink 45 40 20

Soup Hot & sour Special Soup 72 72

3-Selling Expenses Advertisement Rs 10000


packing 8000 18000

4-Admin Expenses Dep on Motor Vehicle Dep on Furniture Dep on Cultury Dep on Air Condition Dep on Building Intrest 80000 50000 37500 40000 200000 100000 417500


Income Statement of Next Years
2014 Sales less : COS G.P less O.E S.E A.E Net Profit Less:Tax Profit After Tax Cost of sales purchases Add:Labour Charges Cook Other Staff Add Other charges utility Exp. Dep on Machinery Misc. Exp 137500 100000 11000 4365611 151250 100000 12100 4802172 166375 100000 13310 5282389 792000 137500 871200 151250 958320 166375 3287611 36116372 3978009 -19800 517500 1697089 910345 786744 -21780 517500 1918548 1001379 917169 23958 517500 2628153 1101517 1526636 6600000 -4365611 2234389 2015 7260000 -4802172 2457828 2016 7986000 5282389 2703611


2017 Sales less : COS G.P less O.E S.E A.E Net Profit Less:Tax Profit After Tax Cost of sales purchases Add:Labour Charges Cook Other Staff Add Other charges utility Exp. Dep on Machinery Misc. Exp 183013 100000 14641 5810628 201314 100000 16105 6391691 221445 100000 17716 7030860 1054152 183013 1159567 201314 1275524 221445 4375810 4813391 5294730 26354 517500 2430118 1211669 1218449 28989 517500 2724880 1332836 1392044 31882 517500 3049118 1466119 1582999 8784600 5810628 2973972 2018 9663060 6391691 3271369 2019 10629366 7030860 3598506


2020 Sales less : COS G.P less O.E S.E A.E Net Profit Less:Tax Profit After Tax Cost of sales purchases Add:Labour Charges Cook Other Staff Add Other charges utility Exp. Dep on Machinery Misc. Exp 243590 100000 19487 7733946 Notes: 1) It is assumes that all sales and purchases are made on cash bases. 2) All assets are acquired on cash & we used Straight line method for charged deprecation.

2021 12861533 8507340 4354193

2022 14147686 9358074 4789612

11692303 7733946 3958357

35077 517500 3405780 1612731 1793049

38585 517500 3798108 1774005 2024103

42443 517500 4229669 1951405 2278264




1403076 243590

1543384 267949

1697722 294743

267949 100000 21436 8507340

294743 100000 23579 9358074

Assets Motor vehicle Furniture Cutlery Air condition Building Machinery 3) All exp are paid on time 4) Sales tax paid at 16% 5) It is assume that due to inflation in country. 6) Efficient provision of services or foods our sales increase by 10% every year. 7) Long term loan is taken from bank which is payable after 10year. 8) Investment free short Term loan taken from friend which is payable after one year . 9) Sale Value Rs 6 million is assumed which consist of Items: 1) Burger 2)Sandwich 3)our specialties 4)Bar B-Q 5)Chicken Brainy 6)Tandoor 7)Salad Rate 20% 10% 30% 20% 5% 4% 1.00% : Rate 10% 5% 5% 5% 10% 10%


8)Hot & Cold Corner 9) Soup 5% 5% 100%

Balance sheet of 10 Years

Galaxy Caf Balance Sheet As on 31,dec 2013

Liabilities Owner equity and Liabilities Loan from Bank Capital 5000000 Net profit 5142500 drawing (535000) 614177


Assets Fixed Assets





Less Dep. Cutlery Less Dep. 5079177

50000 750000 37500



Air Condition 800000 Less Dep. 40000 2000000 200000 1800000 760000

Current Liabilities Short term loan from Bank Interest on loan 200000 10000

Building Less Dep.

Motor Vehicle 800000 Less Dep. 80000 100000 100000 900000



Long Term liabilities Loan from Bank 10,00,000

Machinery Less: Dep


Current Assets Cash at Bank 446677



Fixed Assets Furniture Less Dep.

2014 1000000 100000 9000000

2015 1000000 1500000 850000 750000 112500 637500 800000 120000 680000 2000000 600000 1400000 800000 240000 560000

2016 1000000 200000 800000 7500000 150000 600000 800000 160000 640000 2000000 800000 1200000 800000 320000 480000

Cutlery Less Dep.

750000 675000 800000

Air-condition Less Dep.

800000 80000 720000

Building Less Dep.

2000000 400000 1600000

Motor vehicle Less Dep.

800000 160000 640000


Machinery Less Dep. 1000000 200000 800000 1000000 300000 700000 1000000 400000 600000

Current Assets Cash & Bank Total Assets 1530921 6865921 2555590 7383090 4389726 8709726

Liabilities Owner Equity Share Capital add Net profit less Drawing 5079177 786744 200000 5665921 5665921 917169 2000000 6383090 638090 1526636 2000000 7709726

Long Term Liabilities loan from bank 1000000 1000000 1000000

Current Liabilities short Term Loan Total owner Equity 200000 6865921 7383090 8709726 -


Fixed Assets Furniture Less Dep. 2017 2018 2019 1000000 350000 650000 750000 262500 487500 800000 280000 520000 2000000 1400000 600000 800000 560000 240000 1000000 700000

1000000 1000000 250000 750000 300000 700000

Cutlery Less Dep.

7500000 750000 187500 562500 225000 525000 800000 240000 560000

Air-condition Less Dep.

800000 200000 600000

Building Less Dep.

2000000 2000000 1000000 1200000 1000000 800000

Motor vehicle Less Dep.

800000 400000 400000

800000 480000 320000

Machinery Less Dep.

1000000 1000000 600000 600000

Fixed Assets Furniture Less Dep. 2020 1000000 400000 2021 1000000 450000 2022 1000000 500000 400000 400000 300000


600000 Cutlery Less Dep. 750000 300000 450000 Aircondition Less Dep. 800000 320000 480000 Building Less Dep. 2000000 1600000 800000 36000 440000 2000000 1800000 800000 400000 400000 2000000 2000000 550000 750000 337500 412500 500000 750000 375000 375000

400000 Motor vehicle Less Dep. 800000 640000



800000 720000

800000 8000000

160000 Machinery 1000000 Less Dep. 800000

80000 1000000

Nil 1000000







Current Assets Cash Bank Total Assets Liabilities Owner Equity Share Capital add profit less Drawing 200000 200000 200000 Net 1793049 2024103 2278264 11303218 12896267 14720370 13896267 15720370 17798634 & 11606267 13937870 16523634

12896267 14720370 16798634

Long Liabilities loan from bank






Current Liabilities short Term Loan Total owner Equity 13896267 1572032 17798634

Current Assets Cash & Bank Total Assets Liabilities Owner Equity Share Capital add Net profit less Drawing 7709726 8728175 1218449 1392044 200000 200000 9920219 1582999 200000 11303218 5915675 7615219 9728175 9728175 9505718 1233218

8728175 9920219 Long Term Liabilities loan from bank Current Liabilities 1000000 1000000


short Term Loan


Total owner Equity 9728175 10920219 12303218

Cash flow Statement of 10 Years

Galaxy Caf Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 31-dec

Cash flow from operating Activities Cash received from customer cash paid to supplier cash paid for exp.

2014 6600000 -3287611 -1097800

2015 7260000 -3616372 -1207580

2016 7986000 3978009 1328338

Cash generated from operation less interest paid less Tax paid Net out flow from operating activities

2214589 -10000 -910345 1294244

2436048 10000 1001379 1424669

2679653 -10000 1101517 1568136

Cash Flow from investing Activities Furniture purchase Air Condition purchase motor vehicle purchase Cutlery purchase _


Net out Flow investing activities

Cash Flow from financial activities Drawing Short term Net out flow from financing activities -200000 200000 Nil 200000 -200000 -400000 200000 200000

Cash flow from operating Activities Cash received from customer cash paid to supplier cash paid for exp.

2017 8784600 -4375810 -1461173

2018 9663060 4813391 1607289

2019 10629366 5294730 1768018

Cash generated from operation less interest paid less Tax paid Net out flow from operating activities

2947617 -10000 1211669 1725948

3242380 -10000 1332836 1899544

3566618 -10000 1466119 2090499

Cash Flow from investing Activities Furniture sales Air Condition purchase motor vehicle purchase Cutlery purchase 200000 50000


Net out Flow investing activities

Cash Flow from financial activities Drawing Short term Net out flow from financing activities 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000

Cash flow from operating Activities Cash received from customer cash paid to supplier cash paid for exp.

2020 11692303 5824203 1944820

2021 12861533 6406623 2139303

2022 14147686 7047286 2353230

Cash generated from operation less interest paid less Tax paid Net out flow from operating activities

3566618 -10000 146619 2090499

4315607 -10000 1774005 2531602

4747170 -10000 1951400 2785770

Cash Flow from investing Activities Furniture purchase Air Condition purchase motor vehicle purchase Cutlery purchase


Net out Flow investing activities

Cash Flow from financial activities Drawing Short term Net out flow from financing activities 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000

4 Ps of Marketing Product:
Our products will be of fine quality keeping in view the health of people specially those who are health conscious. We are offering many items which can be used as fast foods or cuisine items. Our item is for a few clients a comfort exceptional & for others it is a shopping great. Some individuals consume it since it gives them fulfillment rationally as they feel present day and propel sort of individuals. They feel that it will make an exceptional impact on others. They additionally need something that could be cooked and served quick. They do it on normal support. (Accommodation good)some individuals likewise consume it here and there just for a change of taste (Shopping products).

The main area where we are going to open our Cafe is on MM Alam ROAD. Although we will continue operating with a single branch during starting few years, after the success of a single branch, we will plan two open other branches in different other areas of the city. We have


arranged our retail outlets areas on such puts where we can target & serve our potential clients and can acquire benefit. We have chosen focusing on just the clients of the quick sustenance market of Lahore as they will be prepared to pay even premium for the item provided that it is consistent with their taste.

We are offering competitive prices but as we are new to enter to this market, we will charge comparatively low prices as compared to our competitors. We are promoting the culture of low cost strategy with prices relatively lower than our major competitors. The prices of our main competitor are discussed before.

In Lahore we advertize our products because we are at initial stages. So we have to let the people know about us. We use billboards, pamphlets for advertizing of our products.

Sales Promotion:
For bargains announcement we presented diverse systems for example Ramadan Package, Birthday Package, Midnight Package and numerous others. Additionally we have presented products like watches, keychain, cafe container, T-shirt to our clients.

Raw Material Availability:

Raw material is available in Lahore easily because in Lahore there are many suppliers of chicken as we mentioned below our supplier who supply us the chicken


SWOT analysis Strengths: Good Quality
The nature of our item meets the universal level of value benchmarks. We guarantee our clients that we are giving high caliber items at relatively flat costs. We need to be the pioneer the extent that cost adequacy is concerned.

Low Price:
The cost of our items is nearly lower than our competitors.

Our management team will be a great strength for us. As we are looking forward to hire a staff, who are professionals in their fields.

Weakness: Local Brand:

Being a local brand starting a new business we dont have a brand image with us that our competitors have with them. People may not due to this reason give preference to us and like to visit our competitors.

Our competitors have developed strong goodwill in the market while we are new entrants in the market and we have to build our goodwill in the market.

Low parking area:
One of the main of our weaknesses is that we have low parking area. Everyone wants to make sure that their vehicles should be safe from any harm, so for that reason, people look for better parking areas which do not have.

Opportunities: Expanding market:

Due to the increasing in the purchasing power of the consumer the market is still expanding. By providing good quality fast food we can capitalize on this expanding market and get the best out of it.

Expanding portfolio:
Burgh has the opportunity to increase/enhance its portfolio by venturing into other genre of meat and capture more of that customer base as well.

Threats: Health Consciousness:

Every day consumer is getting more and more health/diet conscious. Fast foods have may be the highest calorie food intakes due to their high use of cheese, mayonnaise, and other ingredients. So, health conscious people have already started shifting towards healthier foods thus decreasing the overall sales to the fast food industry from the total food industry.

Political Instability:
If there is political instability the easiest targets of common mans anger are these restaurants. So, we have to take extra security measures to avoid such instances.

Small Organizations:

There has been a heavy mushroom growth of small fried chicken chains through out the country that could pose a threat to us. Quality Control and Audits :

We will have a separate department for quality and control both internal and external. The manager on duty will personally visit and check the quality of food. Other than quality control manager, we will have expert in-house chefs, who will provide the quality food for our customers. External audits, mystery shoppers and customer satisfaction will be outsources to international quality assurance and research companies who will conduct their audit on daily running basis. Customer service outlay:

We provide our customers with the best service as we can. The important steps which we emphasize in serving the customers are: a) The server should greet diners within 3 minutes of their being seated. b) The server should neat and clean. c) The server should not be too chatty or familiar. d) The server should know the menu and be able to answer questions. e) The server should bring drinks within 3 minutes of being ordered. f) The appetizer (if any) should be served within 5 minutes of ordering. g) Entrees should be served within 20 minutes of ordering. h) Water or beverage glasses should be refilled regularly. i) The server should silently survey the table and assess our needs without constantly


Interrupting to ask, "Do you need anything else?" salutation and thank you for coming etcanything elseremarks ..Feedback.. j) The bill should be brought promptly when requested, and change should be Returned promptly. k) Plates should be removed at the proper time, and the table should be cleared of Bread and butter before dessert are served.

PEST ANALYSIS Political Factors:Political variables are the way and to what degree a legislature intercedes in the economy. Explicitly, political components incorporate territories for example assess approach, work law, natural law, exchange limitations, tariffs, and political steadiness. Political variables might likewise incorporate products and administrations which the legislature needs to give or be given (benefit merchandise) and those that the administration would not like to be given (fault merchandise or merit awful). In Pakistan, there is much political instability which can affect our business.

Economic Factors: Higher interest rates may deter investment because it costs more to borrow. This could be a problem at the moment when we are trying to find people to invest in the project. Inflation may provoke higher wage demands from employees and raise costs. Increasing costs of material, storage or service used in the elaboration of the final product or service may make it more expensive.


Economic factors affect the purchasing power of potential customers and company is affected in this way.

Social Factors:Social patterns are one of the crux variables influencing a business. Purchaser acquiring examples are dead set by patterns. In the same way that the interest for some prominent attire are dead set by style, interest for nourishment items is resolved by consuming examples. Consuming propensities are continually adapting as individuals are adapting their patterns and are coming to be all the more socially cognizant.

Technological Factors:Technology factors are the scientific advances, which influence the competitive position of the enterprise. Maintaining awareness of new technologies decreases the probability of becoming obsolete and promotes innovation. Advancements in technology can impact the transformation plan in many ways. So, we have to move with the technology to keep ourselves in the pace as there is lot of technology advancement.

Project Organization: External interfaces:

The external interfaces include all the entities, outside the business which have some type of dealing with the business. As we are going to plan a food restaurant, our main external business entities will be as follows:


The government can be included as a part of our external interface because we have to take fulfill certain requirements of government in order to run our restaurant successfully.

Competitors are another external interface. They are so because; in order to remain in the competition with them we have to keep an eye on each and every move by them so that we keep ourselves up-to-date with respect to our competitors.

Customers are the main and most important external interface on which we have to work much harder than any other. Because they are the customers, who can make our business successful or failure. So, in order to thrive in the environment of tough competition, we have to focus on our customers.

Suppliers are also the important external interface because, in order to run a business with consistency, one has to maintain the suppliers who can provide us with on-time supplies. Especially in case of a restaurant, where we are about to follow JIT technique, we have to make sure that our suppliers can be trusted upon.


Media can another external interface with which we have to operate. Although, we are not going to advertise on television channels yet we will take help from cable operators. We will be using some outdoor advertising in shape of brochures and banners.


As we are five partners in this venture, each will act as a manager of different departments. We will have the following departments: Marketing department. Accounting department. Human resource department. Quality control department.

We are five partners, four of them will handle each department mentioned above and the fifth one will control and supervise the overall operations of the entire Caf.

Marketing department:
Marketing department will take care of all the activities which are necessary to promote the restaurant. They will develop strategies by which more and more people will come to our restaurant.

Accounting department:
Functions of a bookkeeping division incorporate receipt of cash, paying bills, payroll, recording and following assets and stock, and financial reporting.


Human resource department:
The part of Human Resources Branch is to guarantee the essential administrations, courses of action and strategies are set up to empower representatives to perform at the very most, be protected and fulfilled with their work and be suitably advanced. Human Resources have various areas of focus including.

Employee Relations Employee Wellbeing Executive Services Planning and Performance Systems Development and Support

Quality control department:

Our quality certification branch and quality control office, guarantee to meet all the details of our clients. Our quality control branch is working freely under the supervision of decently qualified and encountered staff, which can stop the handling at any stage or at whatever time assuming that it is considered that the transforming is not consistent with the needed standard.


Chapter 3 Conclusion
In order to remain competitive in the market it is necessary to revise the strategies and policies after a certain time period. The competitive edge that this caf have is that the standard set for it are high by having the capable and competent staff. The income statement shows that the profits are generated and then some portion is invested again in the business after a year. In the next ten years the expected profit ratio is high. From the profits of first three years we will first recover our initial investment, and in the next four years the business is expected to grow gradually. The next years of the business are the years of development and flourisment. The cash flow statement states that our caf has a sufficient cash available in able to meet the initial expenses.


The restaurant should provide quality food to its customers in order to increase the customer loyalty. For this purpose they have to control their quality control department. The quality control system must establish some standards that every staff member has to follow. The human resource department must be well-organized so they can manage all the other areas efficiently and effectively. And this department should be capable in hiring right person for the correct job. The recruiting team must hire the staffs that are competent for the particular task. The caf should hire competent staff and the staff members should be educated by the trainings so that they can satisfy their customer and could perform their duties and responsibilities with full motivation and enthusiasm. The supplier of the caf must be competent and should deliver the commodities on time. The staff must establish their registers in which the daily entries of stock are written in an appropriate manner. This exercise will reduce the chances of frauds in the caf. The price of the meals should be kept in such level that it is affordable by the specified target market. The menu of caf must provide varieties so that it maintains the customer level and this habit of caf will provide temptation to its customers to visit the caf again and again. The caf should set some standard of hygienes and they should hire a team that keeps daily check and balance on the overall ambience of the caf. The house keeping staff should be given some kind of rewards so that their motivation level does not remain stagnant.


The administration must keep an eye on the strategies of its competitors. In this advance era in order to prosperous and compete with the economy it is necessary to study its competitors deeply. The rules and regulation of the caf must be followed strictly by everyone so that this manner will create a good ambience of our cafe.


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