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Java Maritta Heisel Reminder New stu Assertions Generic Types Implementing ADTs

From ADTs to Java Source Code

SS 2011 Maritta Heisel Maritta.Heisel(AT)
University Duisburg-Essen Faculty of Engineering Department of Computer Science Workgroup Software Engineering

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Java Maritta Heisel Reminder New stu Assertions Generic Types Implementing ADTs

Every program in Java is a class. A class denes three components:

Constructor: special method for creating and initializing objects Methods: behavior (set of operations) Attributes: local state (set of values of a certain type)

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Java Maritta Heisel Reminder New stu Assertions Generic Types Implementing ADTs

Dierence between ADT constructor and constructor used in Java :

Not all elements can be generated by applying only the constructor. Only initial elements can be created (e.g. empty containers)

Recursive ADT-constructors will be implemented as (ordinary) methods.

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Methods & Attributes

Java Maritta Heisel Reminder New stu Assertions Generic Types Implementing ADTs

Methods: We use methods to implement ADT functions in Java We implement our ADT functions as public methods in Java Exception: hidden, as well as auxiliary functions are implemented as private methods Attributes: remain

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Java Maritta Heisel Reminder New stu Assertions Generic Types Implementing ADTs

Assertions are used to enforce pre-/postconditions. Dening an assertion in Java : assert boolean Expression; or assert boolean Expression: Expression; Example: assert this.empty() == false; or assert this.empty() == false: "The precondition is not satisfied"; Necessary to use additional command option to enable assertion output (default is disabled) Enabling the assertions through adding ea to the java command for the interpreter: java -ea lename

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Generic Types
Java Maritta Heisel Reminder New stu Assertions Generic Types Implementing ADTs

Generic Type in Java expressed through: <T> (T for generic type has become a convention.) Example: class MyStack<T>

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Example Point
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Example Point Example Nat Overview of DatAlg Example STACK General Approach

ADT Type Point

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Example Point
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ADT Type Point Java

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Example Point
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ADT Type Point Java class MyPoint

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Example Point - Constructor

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ADT create : Real Real Point

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Example Point - Constructor

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ADT create : Real Real Point Java MyPoint(double xCoordinate, double yCoordinate) { this.xCoordinate = xCoordinate; this.yCoordinate = yCoordinate; }//end MyPoint

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Example Point - Selector get x

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ADT get x : Point Real get x (create (x , y )) = x

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Example Point - Selector get x

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Example Point Example Nat Overview of DatAlg Example STACK General Approach

ADT get x : Point Real get x (create (x , y )) = x Java public double getxCoordinate() { return xCoordinate; }//end getxCoordinate

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Example Point - Predicate

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ADT is origin : Point Bool is origin(create (x , y )) = true x = 0 y = 0

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Example Point - Predicate

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ADT is origin : Point Bool is origin(create (x , y )) = true x = 0 y = 0 Java public boolean isOrigin() { if (xCoordinate == 0.0 && yCoordinate == 0.0) { return true; } return false; }//end isOrigin

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Example Point - Other Functions

Java Maritta Heisel

ADT distance : Point Point Real

Reminder New stu Assertions Generic Types Implementing ADTs

Example Point Example Nat Overview of DatAlg Example STACK General Approach

distance (create (x , y ), create (z , w )) =

((x z )2 + (y w )2 )

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Example Point - Other Functions

Java Maritta Heisel

ADT distance : Point Point Real

Reminder New stu Assertions Generic Types Implementing ADTs

Example Point Example Nat Overview of DatAlg Example STACK General Approach

distance (create (x , y ), create (z , w )) =

((x z )2 + (y w )2 )

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Java public double distance(MyPoint point) { double tempxCoordinate; double tempyCoordinate; tempxCoordinate = Math.pow(this.xCoordinate - point.getxCoordinate(),2); tempyCoordinate = Math.pow(this.yCoordinate - point.getyCoordinate(),2); return Math.sqrt(tempxCoordinate+tempyCoordinate); }//end distance

Other Functions II
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Output the result using the toString method: writing a new output method public String toString() { String string = new String(); string = "(" + Double.toString(xCoordinate) +", " + Double.toString(yCoordinate) + ")"; return string; }//end toString

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Other Functions II
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Output the result using the toString method: writing a new output method public String toString() { String string = new String(); string = "(" + Double.toString(xCoordinate) +", " + Double.toString(yCoordinate) + ")"; return string; }//end toString

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Example Nat - Exercise description

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Example Point Example Nat Overview of DatAlg Example STACK General Approach

Implement the following functions of the ADT Nat: Nat (constructor) succ (constructor); implement it as a procedure. You are allowed to use the expression + 1. pred (selector); implement it as a procedure. You are allowed to use the expression 1. add (other function); implement it as a function. You can only use methods of the class itself. mult (other function); implement it as a function. You can only use methods of the class itself.

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Example Nat - Implementation I

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// variables private int value; private final int ZERO = 0; // constructor functions MyNat() { this.value = ZERO; }//end NAT public void succ() {//successor value = value + 1; }//end succ

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Example Nat - Implementation II

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// selector function public void pred() {//predecessor assert value !=ZERO : "pred(): precondition not satisfied"; value = value - 1; }//end pred

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Problems with call-by-value and objects

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Remember, Java postulates it does only call-by-value. Unfortunately, this is not the whole truth. It works for basic types such as int. With objects, it is a little dierent: We need to work with copies of our original objects to avoid undesired side-eects.

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Simple copy method

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Example Point Example Nat Overview of DatAlg Example STACK General Approach

private MyNat copy(MyNat nat){ MyNat copyOfNat = new MyNat(); copyOfNat.value = nat.getValue(); return copyOfNat; } private int getValue(){ return this.value; }

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Example Nat - Implementation contd I

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Example Point Example Nat Overview of DatAlg Example STACK General Approach

public MyNat add(MyNat nat) { MyNat aux = copy(this); MyNat aux2 = copy(nat); MyNat sum = new MyNat(); //add(zero,i)=i if(aux.value == ZERO) { return aux2; } else{//add(succ(i), j) = succ(add(i, j)) aux.pred(); sum = aux.add(aux2); sum.succ(); return sum; } }//add

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Example Nat - Implementation contd II

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Example Point Example Nat Overview of DatAlg Example STACK General Approach

public MyNat mult(MyNat nat) {//multiplication MyNat aux = copy(this); MyNat aux2 = copy(nat); MyNat prod = new MyNat(); //mult(zero, i) = zero if (aux.value == ZERO) return aux; else{//mult(succ(i), j) = add(j, mult(i, j)) aux.pred(); prod = aux.mult(aux2); return prod.add(aux2); } }//end mult

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Implementing Container Types I

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We supply you with a class named DatAlg providing the following functionality: DatAlg() : constructor : This method constructs a new strucuture able to handle elements of generic type (denoted by T). The default size is set to 10. DatAlg(int length) : constructor : This method constructs a new structure of length size able to handle elements of generic type (denoted by T); size is a natural number greater or equal to 0.

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Implementing Container Types II

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public void insertElement(T element, int pos): The method inserts the element at position pos. The parameter element is a piece of data of generic type. The parameter pos is a natural number between 0 and size-1. The elements are shifted one position to the right, starting from the former element at position pos. The size of the structure is automatically increased by 1 if the number of elements after insertion exceeds the current size. public void addElement(T element, int pos) : adds element at position pos without shifting. pos is a natural number between 0 and size-1.

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Implementing Container Types III

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public void removeElement(int pos): This method deletes the element at the provided position pos. The parameter pos denotes the position of the element to be deleted. pos must be a natural number between 0 and size-1 public void toRemove(T element) : deletes the rst occurence of the provided element, if the element is not contained, no eect takes place

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Implementing Container Types IV

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public boolean isEmtpy(): returns true if the corresponding container is empty, returns false otherwise. public boolean contained(T element): returns true if the element is contained in the structure, returns false otherwise public T getElement(int pos): The method returns the element at the provided position pos. pos must be a natural number between 0 and size-1. public void toString() : prints the elements of the current container.

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Example STACK[T] - Constructor mt stack

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ADT mt stack : STACK [T ]

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Example STACK[T] - Constructor mt stack

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Example Point Example Nat Overview of DatAlg Example STACK General Approach

ADT mt stack : STACK [T ] Java private DatAlg<T> stack; MyStack() { stack = new DatAlg<T>(); }// end constructor

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Example STACK[T] - Constructor push

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ADT push : T STACK [T ] STACK [T ]

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Example STACK[T] - Constructor push

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ADT push : T STACK [T ] STACK [T ] Java public void push (T element) { stack.insertElement(element,0); assert top() == element : "push(): postcondition not satisfied"; }//end push

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Example STACK[T] - Selector pop

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Example Point Example Nat Overview of DatAlg Example STACK General Approach

ADT pop : STACK [T ] STACK [T ] pre(pop (s )) empty (s ) = false pop (push(x , s )) = s

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Example STACK[T] - Selector pop

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Example Point Example Nat Overview of DatAlg Example STACK General Approach

ADT pop : STACK [T ] STACK [T ] pre(pop (s )) empty (s ) = false pop (push(x , s )) = s Java public void pop() { assert !empty() : "pop(): precondition not satisfied"; stack.removeElement(0); }//end pop

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Example STACK[T] - Selector top

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ADT top : STACK [T ] T pre(top (s )) empty (s ) = false top (push(x , s )) = x

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Example STACK[T] - Selector top

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Example Point Example Nat Overview of DatAlg Example STACK General Approach

ADT top : STACK [T ] T pre(top (s )) empty (s ) = false top (push(x , s )) = x Java public T top() { assert this.empty() == false : "top(): precondition not satisfied"; return stack.getElement(0); }//end top

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Example STACK[T] - Predicate empty

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ADT empty : STACK [T ] Bool empty (mt stack ) = true empty (push(x , s )) = false

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Example STACK[T] - Predicate empty

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ADT empty : STACK [T ] Bool empty (mt stack ) = true empty (push(x , s )) = false Java public boolean empty() { return stack.isEmpty(); }//end top

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Displaying the outcome...

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Example Point Example Nat Overview of DatAlg Example STACK General Approach

...means providing an output method:

public void print() { System.out.println(Output of Stack: stack.toString()); }//end print

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Instantiating Generic Types

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Type: String Instantiation: MyStack<String> myStack = new MyStack<String>(); Calling the method push: myStack.push("Mouse");

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Example of a test class for MyStack I

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class TestMyStack { public static void main( String[] args ) { MyStack<String> myStack = new MyStack<String>(); System.out.println("Performing push: "); myStack.push("Mouse"); myStack.push("Tiger"); myStack.print();

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Example of a test class for MyStack II

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System.out.println("Performing pop and showing result: "); myStack.pop();myStack.print(); System.out.println("Performing another push: "); myStack.push("Elephant"); myStack.print();

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Example of a test class for MyStack III

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String top =; System.out.println("What is the top element?: " + top); }//end main } //end class

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Example output
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Violating the contract

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General Procedure for implementing ADTs in Java

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1. Create a class and name it after the type of the ADT. 2. Implement the non-recursive ADT-constructor as constructor method in Java with the same name as the class. 3. Implement the recursive ADT-constructor functions, selector functions, predicates, and other functions as methods. Where applicable add the preconditions and postconditions through assertions. 4. Implement an output function. 5. Create a second class (test class ) in the same directory as your ADT implementation. 6. Write the main method of the test class:
Instantiate the generic type, if needed. Provide input possibility , if applicable. Provide a method call to every method contained in the ADT implementation.

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