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J.: -- *

[Boox L

0,) or pmce of bending, (5,) of a river, and of a sy. t;;; (Mg, Mgh, O, Msb, ] ;) as also tV ', '(TA.) _ And ;;i (S ;) or ; (Mb ;) valley, (?, 0, 5,) and of sand: (., 0:) pl. ` l-: (S, O, ,) of which the pl. is 5J: (, 0 :) but or both; and *i, aor. i; and ; ( ;) or the J$ll1 of valleys are the angles, in the Az says that he had not heard J;e in this sense inf n. n. and ( ), ) and A., (5,) or dac of ~nding, thereof; and the sing. is jlt;. on any authority except that of Lth; and held the second of these is a simple subst., and the (TA.) - And The main of the jea: or the wate ich is cited as an ex. ex. of its pl., p.,ato sig- last is the inf. n. of the second imple subst., the l, which verb; and (Mb ;) therwof (5:.) - And A land in which (so in nify "the protecting oneself in a mountain :"said of the copies of the ]5, but in some of them to which,) (TA :) and P; signifies also a fortrss; [like sad of the womb Mb TA) (TA:) and . . signifie also afortress;likewas,or became, barren, (Mqb,) or incapable of on~ will not Jfind the right way, (5, TA,) because as ji is said to do ;] syn. * *.: (Mgh:) the receag o.lpring, (o , (s,) co in of a of its manyplaceof vinding. (TA.)_ [Hence,] pl. is il. (TA.) Hence one says, using it t. .o, ysl) *91s What are confusd and dubious of metaphorically, J Y Its the refte 3.,j tiwai. (g. [See ,., below.]) And o eii r and -. ~ and fi. are said of a woman offairm. (, 0, O, . - And [hence] one says, of his people: and the kings of lHimyer are _ -and aareso,arn Jila.., meaning She was, barren]. (IB, _41c jj. s.i , meaning Verily he is an author, termed termed in in a a trad. tmad. ,; %j. ,q)l3 t~, meaning meaning Tic Tle [as TA.) - [Hence,] ' or became, i' , said of a man, ! His or a doer, of evil. (TA.) - Also A certain fortreses [or refuger] of the land. (TA.) disposition a, or beca,me, bad, or eviL (TA.) APOSnd,, o]a, f A, idplant, (0, }5,) well knorwn, (},) not mentioned [It is perhaps primarily used in relation to (TA) by Aln (0, TA) in the Book of Plants; (TA;) camels; for] 1; means The place Ad , (, TA,) in. n. , (TA,) tHe ame; aK tAr]mundu . the rop/ea (a man, TA) was, or became, silent. (g, TA.) [the prickly heAdysarum; hedysarum al/agi of ",ireh the camel are bound with the rope called - -, b o ] T (B JU. 1._, (TA.j (IB, Msb, 4:, TA,) aor., Linn.; common in Egypt, and there called by thitis name; fully described by Forskil in his (M:b, 4, TA, [in the Cg lvc and 1E are Flora Aegypt. Arab., p. 186;] it has thorn; *i'a and ii-; and the pl.: see Jis, first erroneously put for ';t and ' J,]) inf. n. cams pasture upon it; and [hence] it is caUed quarter, in five places. - [It seems to be implied t.; (IB,' Msb, TA;) and (IB, i) q*1~.JiW i; it grows upon the dyhe and the in the $ and O that the former signifies also Plac ; (IB, Mb, TA ;) and (IB,t w (t a IB, , 1;) the former used by those who say '1 [or canals for irrigation];and has a wiolettc.., and the chaste form; the latter, by those coloured flo~wr. (TA.) [See also q;J3 , (Mgh, Msb,) or 1 , (S,) who say A. . and ._.i; the two being like and see 1_, in art. C.-..] A certainsort of dates, (Mgh, M.b,) [or frsh :j_ and &a.a.I; (IB, TA;) God made her *3.: see the next paragraph. A great [i. e. hilt, or hIap, or oblong or exteudd gibbous hill,] of intermingled sands: (, O :) or a that is accumulated (I, TA) and intermingled: or a Je. [or long and elevated tract] of sand, having winding portions, and Ja. [app. meaning rid"es], and compacted: (TA:) accord. to El-Almar, it is the hargest quantity of sand; largerthan the : ripe datec,] of El-Basrah: (Mb :) so called in womb to be barren, (Myb,) or incapabl of rerelation to Mayil Ibn-Ycsar. (, Mgh, Msb.) ceiving offpring. (S, 1g.) - [Hence,] one says,


lIt: is applied to canaels (

Bowund with the rope called JUI.
u.S., tn, a rn.v-ua.uu, -swV ffi zscuunl

) as meaning
(0, TA.) And

-_ .
(A .)

-. l

i.e. t [Thefale oath]

dnes between m. t He silenced them. (1.) (TA,)

comaion and

W*SR v.a Mu..,... tlruc WuVIllUvCriubl via LU

sion of her being covered: and hence the epithet Zj.b.. is applied by a poet, metonymically, to women, in a similar sense. (TA.)

2. .;%e, inf. ,n.''W

3. jito, (S, 1,) inf. n. aZta and;.t,


:) pl. jiU' (., 0) and Ji


and ,.. *. (TA.) - And A great, wide, vaUty: (5::) pl. 31; and jIit. (TA.). Also, (., O, ]:,) sometimes, (., O,) and t , (O, ]5,) The CwjLZ [or intestin into which the food pass from the stomach], (f, 0,) or [which here probably signifies the same], (:,) of a [lizard of the species called] e: (., O,] :) or the [portion of fat termerd] v;! of the .

[pass. part. n. of Ji in all its senses as puted "with him, or litigated with him: (S, 5, a trans. verb. - Hence it signifies Itedectual, TA:) and vied mth him, contended with him for. u meaning perceived by th intelect; and Ca- superiority, or strove to surpas him, in strength, cogitated: thus applied as an epithet to any power, or fore. (TA.) branch of knowledge that is not necessarily S*i, 4: see 1, last sentence but one. which means " desumed," such as the science of the fundamentals of religion, and the like.5. In the saying of a poet, (S,) namely, Hence also, Intelligible.- And Approved by tihe Rabee'ah Ibn-Ma~room Ed-l)abbee, (TA,) intelect; or reas~onable. - It is also said to be ., ;,i ~,% --. an inf. n.]: see 1, latter half. - And see ,& 'l^l# d t O' e ' :W latter half, in two places. the meaning is .~[i. e. the verse means Many a water, or and a water, of which the supplies are alteredfor the wore, and which is deserted, by the sides of which tlu beasts ofprey dig hollows in the ground, app. to obtain water that has become purified by filtration]: or, as some say, the meaning is 3 [i. e. go to and fro]. (8, TA.)


t lie contended writh him in an altercation, dis-

[J: Intellectual things, meaning things perceived by the intlUect: generally used in this brotuer to eat of the intgatina, &c.' of the dabb: sense in scientific treatises. - And henoe, Intelor, as some relate it, _.l as X K:] is a ligible things. And Things approved by the prov., said in urging a man to make another to intdkellect; or raswnable.] shar in the means of subsistence; or, accord. to some, denoting derision. (TA.) Also A [drini p, or bowl, of the hind called] --.



i,.. JJI.1 ai.;

[Give thy

(Ibn-'Abbad, O, 5.) 'Abb6d, O, I.)

And A



1. C= :.,js. Hisjoints (., K) of the arms 6. _la;Jl is syn. with (, TA,) The (.t,Ji, and legs (S) became dry. ( .)S, [See s, coming to water [by turns, or] time after time;
below.] Hence, (TA,) it is said in a trad. (S, and some say that the . of the former is a subTA) of Ibn-Mes'ood, relating to the resurreetion, stitute for the 3., of the latter. (TA.) 8. U;-SW signifies The digging a ell, and, wnhen one has nearly reaceud the water, digging a small wel,, (8, ], TA,) in the middle of the firmer, (TA,) of su.~ciet dimension for one's finding the jlavour of the water; wen, if it be

applied to a camel, Having nwhat is termed > , i. e. a twiin~ in the hind lg, &c.: (e, O, 5: [see the last portion of the first paragraph:]) fem. [r, applied to a she-camel. (.;, g.)- ([Alo More, and most, ;, or inteUlient, &C.]


;J,.' . ( ,*TA) i.e. The joints [of the backbones of the hypocrites and of the believers in a plurality ofgods] shamU become dry, and bond, so that their bac/ibones shall be [as] one vertebra, A plae to which one betakes himself for impacted together in their constituent parts, [and sweet, the rest of it is dug, (., g, TA,) and made rf~ge, protection, prwration,coert, or lodging; they shall not be able to pritrate themelves.] wide; otlerwise it is abandoned. (TA.) - Also


Boox I.]
[which I can only conjecture to mean "when he turns The tering into, or upon, an affair. (TA.) his adversary in a dispute from the right point:" of game a in [another] And Sew overcoming the difficulty in the phrase lies in the verb, which (TA.) uzzard; syn. 'j.l. I think to be more probably L.~ than $-: and t ;& A red [garment of (see U"j :) what follows it is evidently ] l;and $ ' . the Jort caled] 1P>- [q. v.]: or any red garment: (TA.) and the last signifies a variegated, or fiured, see the next preceding paragraph. .k.~.: cloth or garment; syn. :: (15 ) [see an ex. all or :] *. ' voce cited verse a in of this last 1U,lut sentence. s: ee o.*s or ; of I.~): ( :) or, accord.

2117 or that doe not fructify the tres, nor raiseclouds, nor bear rain. (TA.) And A l 0t l [mentioned in the Kur li. 41] means t l'h west, or saterly, wind, by meam of wehich [the tribe of] 'Ad ere destroyed. (TA.) - Applied to intellect (X~), it means t [Barren, or] unproftable to him who posese it: (Mqb:) or unfruitfl of As applied to speech, or langood. (TA.). i ,!Qk means t [Words, guage, see .s or expressions, or entences,] strange, or dfficult to understand. (TA.) - It is applied to a day as meaning t lithot air [or rowind], and therefore [sultry, or] intensly hot. (Msb.) - See also;lic. - And see ;.4. - The day of resurj, because [it is t A day] rection is termed .d having no day after it. ($, TA.) Accord. to some, it is thus termed in the 1ur xxii. 5 (BI

signify a certain sort

to L!), the last signifies one of the sorts of varie- ;1Q: see ,, in two places. . Also t A gated, or figured, clot/a [that sre for thie covetr- vehement war or battle, (, 15, TA,) and so ing] of th [women's camel-e)iiclacaUd] t> ; :;LC and , (15, TA,) all meaning one in and -: (0 (TA;) as also the second; and so a wohich no one pause nor wraits for anotiher, in TA in art. .!&J:) but some, Lb adds, say that which is much daulghter, and women become husit signifies sorts of'.J [evidently, I think, a mis- bandless. (TA.) - And $A man of evil disposition; (S, 15, TA;) as also tV;Q; (C15, but not transcription for ,4 i.e. clothing], white and red. in other copies of the 1 nor in the TA;) and a &c.) c jII means t [The present world] (TA.) woman likewise. (TA.) - And t An incurable does not render good to him who is of the people .ji [accord. to the andl 1 an inf. n., but disease; (S, 1 ;) as also t;LU, which is the therfy. (TA.) - And one says, . ,l! accord. to the Msb a simple subst.,] Dryness more chaste; (15;) or the latter is that whichl meaning I Dominion is a condition in which, that prevents the receiving of an impresion: this is accord. to analogy, but the former is that (A, 15, TA,) or in the seeking of which, (Mqb,) is the primary signification accord. to Er-ltighib. which has been heard: (S.:) or of which one riUl relationship pr fits not, (A, Msb, g, TA,) nor (TA.)-.[And] Barrennes of the womb: (Ms!b:) not lwpe to be cured. (A, TA.) - And A strong frienddhip: (Mb :) for a man will slay his son, or a LojA [generally and properly signifying a she-camel such as is termed Jj [i. e. in lwr ninth, (.8, Msb,) if he fear him, (.,) and his father, depr~ , or dint, but here app. meaning a stric- or eighth, year]. (J.) I And A pecies of fish. (Msb,) for dominion; (~, Mb ;) or because, in that takes place in tuhe rwromb, (g.) - And (0) it is said to be (TA) A serpent seeking it, the father will be slain, and the son, ture, (see .. ;,)] which in consequenc of which it is incapable of receiving inhabiting t/he a; (1K, TA;) respecting and the brother, and the paternal uncle; (Th, 51;) (i.e. the serpent so or because, in it, the ties of relationship are severed they say, (TA,) the jl offspring: (, TA:) so in the M. (TA.) called, TA) comes from the land, and whistles by slaughter and by undutiful conduct. (TA.) TIP signifies the same as upon the shore, whereupon the .,U. comes forth to the acord. L ~ ~ ~ ~ 0* L*a, (, 1;) suclA as [that as syn. with A41 and 4a: but this I do to it, and they twist together (~tQ.;Z); then .:. A joint of a horse; of] til pastern, next the hoof, and the knee, anl not find in the 15.] they separate, and each goes away to its abode. :) the pl. signithe hock: ( :) pl. .1a: (., (Q, TA.) a*": see_,*i. ~..Ail L;A [in the Co A.a one called] the [the between vertebr.r fies certain in paragra,ph, j11] The return of thu moon. (J, TA, T1.) [i. c. the root, or base, ;Ls: see the next preceding ;4 , [q. v.] and the , of the latter of three places. -Also, (1, TA,) and 5.-, 1I 14" and ?jl ; [See --of the tail], in tlue hindoer part of the backbone, , or disted, day: (1, TA,) of the horse. (TA.) One says of a which it is app. a dial. var.] (TA,) A hard, dist~ (1, TA.:) accord. to Er-RAghib, one in rwhich is horse, AtiJIl . b, meaning Ie is strong in . ' L: stCe_;ee. no joy. (TA.) respect of the vertebra above mentioned: and likeAlso is syn., (g,) is wise, in ti .joints of the pasterns. (TA.) .i, (15,) with which V.It :see the paragraph here following. (S, TA.) straw. in hnot, or joint, A applied to a womb, meaning [Barren; or] ina ., 4..... A man of old [or lreditary] nobility and capable of receiving offring, in conse(quence of a I.j.i.c: see-,&, first sentence. in the C15, I L:a generonty. (15, TA. [For .~?l and therein; [see . J;] as also ',K, 1] and in lt L,'-; the of , as in other copies l read (1 ;) the last of which is expl by Ks the TA.]) - Also, and t *, [as rel. ns. from as signifying, thus applied, bomund, or constricted; aor.] s ao.] U. 1, aor. , and [ :1. both inf. ns. accord. to the (o~.%;'; so in some copies of the S, and in the . and its syn. ., (L.) affair. or thing, the hated, or .;; so in other copies He disliked, ( and TA;) or obstructed; C and 1,] (so in copies of the .,) or is syn. with l [meanof the i;) that wil not bringforth offspring. (S, , _And ;, nor. ;^, , rwith damm and with kesr, (u,) applied TA.) It is also applied to a woman, (IAr, S, ing He, or it, hinderid, premated, impeded, or t to speeh, or language, ( i,,) SObcure, reon- Msb, 15,) as meaning Barren; that will not bring rwithheld, him], being formed from the latter by ; as also dite, or abstruse, (., 15, TA,) which men do not forth offspring: (IAr, Msb, TA:) so in a trad. transposition; (, TA;) i. q. ~ : so. and lIy; tened are rhat like know; and L lU;el; (TA;) [and this is app. meant by its cited voce b-' in art. t-: (TA:) pl. ."t?, in being said that] Lis'l is syn. with , so and (S, from sometimes_c, and barren], [lit. Msb,) (S, , ., or nch as is termed ,) a contrac- and is formed by transposition from which no verb is derived: accord. to the A, some copies of the 15 instead of (S, m?. strange, or diffeult to undoerstand; th mode, or tion of ,. (.) And it is also applied to a TA.) manner, of which is not knohran: expL to AA by man, meaning To whom no child is born; (., 8: see the preceding paragraph. a man of Hudheyl as meaning of the Time of Msb,V;) and so 'trU: (1]:) pl. 45i' and Igorance, not nom known: accord. to Th, old (1)_ - [Hence,] ;l. (M,b, 15) and .;c. 1l and [its n. un.] *U: see the next paraIJi and obolete. (TA.) [Hence,] f ;Jl; fecundate, not doe as Such applied to a wind, t graph; the latter in two places. or ?aC , app. meaning Such a on orfructify; (, TA;) that does not cause clouds [i.e. ?U Iii (, 1]) and V lt; (1) The entiron of a of epres]on, mentioned by to produce rain, nor tre to prod~wefruit; ($;) ha obs m~ (.,1 :) and the l,.G [i. e. court, or open lse: : destructiv is but rain, I! % bring CL. not dos iJA ~ that e. man i. IA*r a said of a 1 1

2118 area,] of a house: (f:) and the former, thie (8, :) lilke as one sayp zu meaning"I re. r moved him from that of which he complained," environ of a J. [otplacm of alighting, or oj : (, TA,) [or " I removed from him that of which descnding and stopping, &c.J: (ISd, IC,TA he complained,"] the hemzeh having a privative [AA1.j in the C shbould be L lIjJ:]) us als effect. (TA.) It is said in a prov., 1J_. i tiU: (K, TA:) the pl. (of jas TA) is rt5 fI LsL; 124 y) i ;, (8, TA,) or 9, accord. (QC,TA,) and the pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] ol to different relaters. (TA. [See 1 in art. iu., Ui i t lLi, like u u^ is of L.. (TA.: where ( oth these readings are expl., and where One ways, ;J4 C [Nlo one approacha the reading foj is given instead of mlaj i.]) the environ of his houe]. (8, TA.) And ;1&I 8: see 1, last sentence. JLao 4iJ j jj [Depart thou, and wili

[Booz I.

signifies thus; and he turned him back, or away, mfrom. (g.)


And also, i. e. 2., (,0,


aor. ', in n. ;, (TA,) He dferr~ed ith him, delayed with him, or put him off, in the matter of his dte, by promising time after time to render it to him. (., 0, K.) - And He asked Aim to repeat to him [by relatingit] twice, or three times, a narration,or story, that he had related to him:



' Le

, aor. ', inf n. ,

aMuredly not se thee in the enirons of my houe]. What W.i, corm forth from the belly of tihe - And ;.}bil ' He interpreted, or ezplaimd, (TA.) child (e, Mqb, 1) before h eats, (S,) or when ire the ~peech, or language. (IK.) It is related of is born, (Msb, 1,) black and oicous as though it ja., mentioned here in the g: see the next t cre glue; (Mb ;) and likewise from the mare's IAar that, being asked respecting a thing, he art. foal, and tAe young as, and the young camel, and said, a,i ;SL 4 1I ill interpret it, or exzplain the kid; (ISd, TA;) or what comes forth from it, to thee. (TA.)- [And app. He rejected the the lamb or kid, and the mare's foal, is called speech, or saying: for] LJJI.signifies also the 1. ra, S aor-ar. if U: sec 1 in art. er. l : (S, TA:) and Az states that it is said to rejecting a man's speech, or saying, and not , or. as above, inf. n. , said of an infant, be what comes forth from th belly of theftus, ac~epting it. (O.)_ And JI;I. & He re(S, 1,) He voided his i, ; (T;) [i. e.] lhe soided inclosed in the [membrane called] [q. e v.]; a peated to him the speech, or saying, (.4 ,a) his ordurefor rthefirst time, and, aftle that, while thing [or ISubtance] that comes forthfrom its anus occasioning annoyance, or molestation. (L, TA.) he wa a yo~ ling. (S.) It is said in a trad. of while it is in the belly of its mother, part of it [This might be rendered agreeably witi the next I'Ab, that when a child once suckled by a woman black and part of it yelloro: (TA:) pl. ;/il. preceding explanation: but] one says, ` L. voids his e, she and her children become, to (Az, , TA.) i4 Sj... ' J,A 1 If ceased not to reiterate him, within the prohibited degrees of marriage, is a prov. [meaning More eage. than a dogfor because it is known thereby that the milk has the feces of a young child]. (S.) - Also A to him ( '. vjI) the ~peech, or saying, until he entered his belly. (TA.) _ X . i cS . youngling, or young infant: whence the saying wvas angry. (El-Jurj.nce, TA.) And in like C4 . and ?.4;:sI mean I knon not whence of Z, ' X alI ol X :; , . ~i i. e. Such manner, .lI , inf n. a. , Ieo reiterated thou camest, or hUt come. (g,*TA.) a one has two younglings, or young infants, but to me (U'_ .SJ) the thing, affair, case, or action, 2. us lie (a bird) rose high in his flight. ($, gold is not in his possesion. (TA.) until he fatigued me: (L, TA:) or ,rlgt ' he .) _ And 3Jl JI. The buckt rose in the repeated to him ( 4i j) the thing, &c., until he ,W~( Gold: (KL:) or pure gold: (S, TA:) well turning round. (TA in art. js.) [See or gold that grows, [meaning native gold,] (S, C, fatigued him. (K.) And A He repeated, also 1, (last sentence,) in art. js.] - And TA,) not such as is producedfrom the stone, (S, or reiterated, evil, or wvrongdoing, to him; syn. a4r, (o, ab,) inf. n. ig,) He shiot his TA,) or, as in the M and A, not such as is educed, v4. -s. (Lb, g.) -_ [Hence, perhaps, be05. And 000 0 .1 (rrow,[up] into tAe air; ( I;) g, a dial. var. of by melting,from theim stones: the I and i0 are augcause the act is generally reiterated,] l,e.JI ; i [or rather of ch*]. (s.) The Hudhalee, mentative. (TA.) See an ex. in the latter senHe struck him [or fogged him] with the whip. (,) El-Mutalakhkhil, (TA,) or Aboo-Dhu-eyb, tence of the next preceding paragraph. (S, 0, I6..) - And a"..J11 Z, (IDrd, 0, 6,) (L in art. C,)n says, .cl [More,and most, intensely, or nauseoly, aor. ', inf. n. ,., (IDrd, 0,) He overcame him D bitter]. (AKn, TA voce/ ,4.)

asked him to repeat the narration,or story, until le repeated it [by relating it] twice. (AZ, ., O.)

, ya*



by,or with, tAe argument, or pa. (IDrd,O,kC.)


it,: '. ,J; Aid t

Circling oter a thing, aloft, like the eage. And idal signifies also ..1J [The breaking, (], TA: mentioned in the former in art. .iq.) crushing, bruising, &c., of a thing]. (O.) 4. ,U1, said of a she-amel [when she has

[Tiey dsot an arrow towards the shy, and no one knew of it: then they returned, and said, An excedet thing is milk]; (P, TA;) meaning, " we would rather have milk than the blood of him L. ,5, aor. ;, (., 0, 1g,) inf n. ;, (g,) It who killed our companion;" preferring that camels (a day) mat, or became, [tltry; i. e.] vehemently should be given them as a compensation: (L in hot, (S, 0, :,) with moiture, and without wind art. bj:) it is related [thus] with fet.4 to the He (a man) remained, stayed, doubled 3, so that its place is here; and also ('.) - And ; with pamm thereto, so that its place is art. 3j, or abode, and confined himself. (IA4r, TA.) _ in which it has been mentioned. (TA. [See a similar verse cited voce A., and the explanation thereof, there preceding that verse.]) - And i'1, inf. n. as above, He gave him to drink [or to swallow] rhat mould caue his O. [q. v.] to pan forth, (V, TA,) or honey in order that it might have that efect. (TA.) t..m.J , (0, O,) [aor., app., ,] inf. n. ,I, (TA,) The fever clave to him, and heated him, or made him vehemmtly hot, (S, O, TA,) to that it emaciatedkim, or oprme~ him. (TA.)- And He (a man) wras, or became, froered. (TA.) - And It boild, or estuated, or fermented, by

conceived (see
termed ij.

(~, g,) C)],or of such as is

[q. v.], (TA,) She a ud an

altered colour. (S,],


A andt, o,)

OJ',i 0, and

(TA,) [A sltry day; i.e.] a day hAnty Aot, ( 0, g,) with mo re, and whot w d: (]:) thus ii . ; ishexpl. by Th, among instances of imitative sequents; meaning, perhaps, that II is an imitative sequent, or that it signifies "vehemently hot:" (TA:) or a day vehemmently hot and dense [in the air]. (El-Jurj/nee, TA.) And aL iL [A sultry night; i. e.] a night veheently

reaon of the heat. (TA.)

(S0,) aor. ', (,

; , and " " 4. j1bl It mat, or became, bitter, ( or (TA,) in n. J, (O, TA,) He hinred, pre- hot, &c. (g.) And o,) A hot [or sutry] land: (,O, 0 :) mentioned nted, impeded, or withheld, him, from the intensely bitter. (S, And UAl '.) `He remored tt from his mouth becaue of its bitternss: object of his mant: (8, 0:) or 4. . t; by Fr. (., O.) And Vehe~ent [or I 1 1

BooK I.]
slry] eamt. (TA.) -- A applied to a man, short, with toAughne: (, 0 :) or short, compact (Q, O,) Tough, strong, (AZ, ~,O, TA,) and com- and strong, (], TA,) of middling makeAs: (TA:) or (J, TA:) or tough and strong. (TA.) pact. (AZ, TA.) _ i ; "j ;ij , (, O, - at: And A place rugged and hard: (S, O:) or 19,) and s 'il, (8,) or UO ) ( (, ,) [simply] hard: or soft, or plain. (].) He wore a wait-wrrapper so that he mad it;. Plump,fat, and short. (Ibn-Ibb,d,O.) two mnd to hang down and drew together the rest of it [round his wai]. (9, 0, V.) k. A horse that runs a ittle and then reuires to be struck (S, 0, ], TA) witA the whip. (TA.) i; (Lth, f, 0, O) and t :i (Lth, Q,]) and And A man contentious, disputatiou, or liti93%; and t (V and VA and , Sios; (O, ] ;) dijicult to be managed. (O.)

2119 with ;, (g, 0, L, ],) applied to a ahe-mel. (S, O, L)


The [rump~bo



0, O) and .ij; both of which signify the same thing. (IAtr, O. [But they are differently expl. by different authors.]) See also ;, in two pluar. The pi. is Z. (L.)_ And The
hob, or burrow, of the [lizard called] . (O, ].')~ And Power, or strwntA. (O, ].)

(9, O, I,) which last is also a pl;, (j,) said to be pl. of it, (O,) [sultrinl; i.e.] vehemence

'jC. The root of the tongue; (?,0,L, V;)

part thereof: (TA in art. ,s:) or the main part thereof: or the middle thereof. (L.)_-And


of heat (Lth, S, O, IC) in summer (Lth) [with bounds. (9, O.) moidure (see the first sentence of this art.) and] with stillnes of th wind: (]:) it maybe with

It. Camelt cofined, or hept withik s also Vui and a.!;; (L;) i.e. the thick

The root of the tail; (O, L;) as also V! the outh or Aoutherly wnd (. J) and th east t>Z and 1t and . ; quasi-pl. ns. of [q. v.]. (L.) The pl. is V2; [or rather this is or easterly id (1,l). (TA.) Hence the say 1g3', which is mentioned under this head by a coll. gen. n. of which *L is the n. un.]. (L:) ing of the rhyming-proser, 4 - 4'l l 1&L - Also The base of the heart, (O, L, Ji, TA,) J and IM and others. (TA.) See art. ,.c
thei t ,il1 [ WJ .1..Ji (When rises aurorally,

ts ultrine goeu, or rather hAm gpn, (see .J,.J and another ex. of JJtAJl there cited,) and the
praeing, or crowding, at, or to, thae mater becoms

beten tAe two lungs. (L, TA.)~ And A feather with which bread is markd with points, ike dots. (0, .)

1. ;', (0, ,) aor. , (],) in U.. . J. A pace to whicA one has rcors, or be[q. v. infrk], (T]C,) It (an affair) wa, or became, takes himejf,for rfuge, or protection. (O, .) littl]. (O.) - See also .. _ And ee i, pouible, or practicable, to me. (O,1.) in two places. *A Posible, or practicable. (. H,1 e had rcourse, betook ki,msf, or repaired, [Omitted : amI. ee _- Also A sand hated by the to himfor r,efge, or protection; (O, ] ;) a also in the 0 and in the TA, ezoept in as far as it is sn; (T, ,O, ;) and so t it: (]:) pl. of ,Jl t s1; (O,]V; omitted in the TA ;) and ;'i implied by what here follows.]) One says, the former .IJc. (TA.) - And The accm of a sI; e&', (O, TA,) and '., likewise; (TA;) so 1 ' [ ;, (O, TA,) and Az2Ji , feder, on the occason of th first tremour, or too q S.; (TA;) which last signifies (,1 C) (O,) meaning The utmot that i pos~ble, or praciring, thereof; as also 1 . (X) - And also (TA) he stuck to him, or it. (0, J, TA.) ticable, to th is thy doing ch a t/ing: (0, 1d, (]i,) or tWJI &, (f, 0,) A colour that See also 8. [And see 1O. ~.;;, (?, O, L, $,) TA:) and S'i! Ua t Jd The ut7mo that i ovrpread. sh-camel when thy Aave conceived, aor.:, (L,I ,) inf. n. $; (L;) said of a poile, or practicable, to thee is thiAt affair. Also Rmaing, staying, dwelling, or (S, O, 0,; L, ];) (TA.) ( O,,) libe the g of the oman. (g.) [lizard of the species termed] abidig, and keep~g ~o (0, ]g.) And Imm And The re~ptaclw, (?, ],) or [correctly] and in like manner aid of a camel; as also prioed, or cofmsd. (Yakoob, O, ].) - And, one of the rtacl, .Jl; (] ;) or in like manner [Z..s] said (0,) for clarifed butter, . applied to food, Unfailig, cosnt, or pe of a she-camel; and 't .Ce_. said of a boy; (O;) maMt; (O, ,TA;) and prepared. ( ,, s4,) maler than thea ; (] ;) said by (TA.) ISk to be like thAs ; , [i.e. it is a shin of a He became fat, (S, O, L, ,) and hard in his [A place in which water collts: swking kid, (see I; , and 4;,)] in which ~ .sh(L.) see 10]. (TA.) clarified butter is put: (Q,O:) or, accord. to 4: see the preceding paragraph. lAth, a round receptacb of sku, for clarifed butter and honey, but more particulrlyfor clari- 8. ;fS;.l He (a man, 0) kept, or clavs, to it, fied butter: (TA:) p1 " and Lt (,O, (0, g,) namely, a thing; (0;) like * ;.. 1. 'i, aor. (, O,Mlb) and t, (Mgh, MNb,) (TA.) At.) One says of a woman, ;jl in.n.; (9, O) ands; (O) [and'..;, ocurHe (a bird) drew coe, or ring in the l[am p. 200], He, or it, (a thing, ;dL [She became/at so tat she ie tlh 10. ,.C;L.. betooA himsef, to a thing, in fear of the birds Msb,) turned, or inclied; (f, 0, Mb;) turned hin of clarfied butter]. (ElJurjinee, TA.) back; retu~ned: (Mgh, Mqb:) and *.?ia [likeof pSy. (O, -) And ' ^l, or go: see !L. He (a [lizard of the specie termed] ) betook wise] signifies he, or it, tued or incliud; or be_. t hims~,or repaird,for refge, or protection, to came turned or inc~l . (O.)... ; L: see L,,last sntenoe. a stoe, or to trss, infar of the eagle or the His camel turned with him towards his family, [q. v.]; (, O ;) ;The JV [or meal of what has bee hawk. (T, M, O, TA.) - And, said of water, and overcame him; like ei .parched, or perhaps qf what ha been dried in It collected. (TA.) _ See also 1, in t*o places. ovaercame him, and tu~red back. (Mb.).the sun,] of the [or fruit of the eban aor. :, in . . ad ;,; and ;J: see ;q: ~m and see also what here ,-:11q t j,;1; follows. pa,m]. (o, ].) He turd back, or returned, againt the (9.) You say--- ;9 A .', t> j ;, (so accord. to the O and my MS. copy of Ar: see P;. the ],) or V., (so acord. to the L and the [He fed frm his adrary, or wheeld about j1t: ee 1, in two places. copy ot the ]~ followed in the TA,) [in the C]~ widel f him, the] turned back agains him with the tpear: (A, TA:) and fjzol [likewisc] .j,] The middle of a thing. (0, L. g.) - See JAC: aee 1, in three places: and abso . signifies Ahe thrned ba [against his adversary] also 3j;. aJer f~ig, or whee~g abot widely [from ,i, inadvertently said by J [and in the 0] ; PFat, (, O, L, V,) and hard in his h; him]. (IDrd, O.) [Hence, eLci. tIt (a to be of the measure ., hereas it is of the (L;) applied to a [liard of the species termed] saying) contradicted it, namely, another saying; measure Sjg, like ;., B, TA,) Fat and (9 0, L, 1,) and to a camel: (]:-)femrn. it was contradictory, or relna nt, to it. See an (,8, Bk I. 267

2120 ex. vooe /

[Boox .

1]_ [And He returnedto the thing. habit: so in the prov., J, i'&l ;jlc Lemet 4. [or socket of a sear-ead], of ir, into [a proper name of a woman] returned to her which the. Z.f [app. meaning the person aicd You say also ;t1 i.A Fortune tued towards him with good. custom, or habit. (O, L.) [See also, :.] And with elphantiais] puts his leg, or foot. (Ibnlgit.) _m [And ;t; is also trans. as signifying it is said in a trad., that when the words ;j! Abbid, O, 1.)_ See also j. He made his soul to turn, he., against another .M.d1. _ ,t;L [in the ]ur xxi. 1] were revealed, l: see l _ Also A j [or poited iron in fight see m am p. 200.] _See also LI those who were in error refrained a little fron foot of a spear or the like]; as also t ji [or ;f, aor., ($, O, Mgb, ],) inf n. ;k', (8, Myb,) what wM forbidden, and then ,bp s 13, It (water, 8, O, IK, and wine, S, 0, and beverage i. e., they returned to their original bad way qf of the kind called J.i, ](, and oil, ?, 0) became acting or of opinion, and to their eil deeds: (Q, j_*: see ijW.: - and js: - and l;. (drcjgy, or feceuent, (P, O, g,) thick, (?, 0,) or O, TA:) or, accord. to one relation of the trad., turbid (Mb.)i _4I . ;mJ; The lamp had t?J.. Jl, to theirfilthine, from 't relating d,wjs collected in it. (, 0.) to oil: (O, TA:) but the former is the more i;jtl (S, A, O, Msb, 1*) and t1Vj , (A, 1,) proper. (TA.) 2: ee the next paragraph in two places. or this is a pl., (O,) [or a coil. gen. n.,] and aoSee an ex. voce b .]

, ?]. (O.)

;j.tP ; (s, O, Myb, M ;) and V;c, ($, M9 b, 1g,) inf. n. *s 3 ; ($, O, C;) He rendered it (namely, a fluid, 0, or water, and beverage of the kind called J.e, [&c.,] 1) dreggy, orfecuet, (C,) or turbid: (0, Myb:) or V the latter verb signifies, (?, O,) or signifies also, (IC,) and so the tbrmer, (, g,) He put into it (namely water, ], and wine, ?, and ie", g, and oil, O) dregs, (, 0, ],) or earth, or diut (no [but this is perhaps a mistake of a copyist]); as also V ;, inf. n.

i%;The dregs,fece, lee, or sedinmnt, or what remains at the bottom, (g, Mgh, O, ],) of oil, (S, Mgh, O,) &c., (S, O,) and of the beverage called .Js, (Mgh,) or of anything; (E1;) what is thick, and ubsides, of oil and the like; (Mqb;) the last and thick part of water and of wine and of oil: (f, 0:) earth, or dust; syn. j3. (ItCtt [but see 4].) _- Rust of a sword (IAr, S, O, V,) &c. (IAr, 8.))_ See alsoe .

cord. to the 15 tjVj, but correctly t;, as written by Sgh, (TA,) A staff having a j [i. e. a pointed ironfoot] (S, A, O,1) at the lomer ectremity, (0,) upon lwhich a man leans, or stays h/imsif: (TA:) or i.q. ij;s [q. v.]: (Msb:) pl.


(Itt, TA.)

8See also 8.

6: see 8, in three places. 7: ee 1, fint sentence. 8. al: see 1, in two plaees- Also It (darkneos) became conjied; (?, Mpb;) as though one part thereof turned back upon another, from the slownem of its clearing away: (,O :) it (night) became intmw in it black tes, and oonfsd; (i;) as also *)fl: (O,];) or it became dens in its dark,iets, and co~e. (A.) -lj; l They (people) beca~e ont ed; ( ;) ua also t ljp 3: (;, O :) thy became on d,or mind togeter, in ,,,ar, oright; (I;) u also V jW : (TA:) they became enbroid togetAer in contention; (TA;) at also t1JbW. (1.) [Hence,] jl;;l jill [lit., The wrangling of feloat-wives; meaning,] t onfuion ofdicordant affairs. (TA.) _jC1 ':tq One part of the army retuned upon another, so that it eould not be numbered. (0, &).,4 jl jg1 The rain became hement: (I:) or copiow and oehement. (, TA.)_. ti6s" ,J I' (?, 0,) or j (i,) The winds, (8, 0,) or wind, (g,) broughlt dust, (6, 0, ,) ,and renmoed thfruit of the tree. (O.)_)S, t Yout s continued (0, ) until its ter, masnded. (O.) [Origin; and original state or cmndition, and naturaldisposition]; (0, O, ;) as altsoj. (f, o.) You saymlt , b if generous origin. (TX.) And ;kc

js ; (?, O, MNb) and ljt. (O, Msb.)_ The first of these words is also used metonymically for [S A post, an, afunction, or a mnagitracy]: hence the saying ,A; & j6 DrDj9y, orfecdlent, wine [&c.]. (S, O.) j.tJI! [t Such a one is of the fuctionari, or magistrates: because officers of rank made use 3'; A return to the f/ight, or chlarge, after of walking-sticks]. (TA.) fle~ei or wheeling away. (S, O, TA.)

,%~ One who returns to the fight Jfeing or whecling away. (ff, Mgh, O,' ].) It is said in a trad., O,mjol ') C .5tJ! ,.t (S, Mgh,4 O, TA) Ye are they who return to the fight; not they who Jfe. (Mgh,* TA.) And ;lic signifies the like. (TA.)

L '.., aor. , (A,' Mqb, ],) inf. n.', (, A,O, Msb, ],) He reered it; made the last part of it to be Jirst, and the firs to b la ; or turned it hind part before, andfore part behind. (?, A, O, Mob, ].) [Hence,] J j. , (A, 0, ]1,) aor. and inf n. as above, (0,) He iovered, reversed, converted, or transponed, the ;G;;; Much food or wheat. (ISh, O.) language or sentence, and tih like; [as, for instance, a word;] he changed its order by ivero or tran~potion: (A, O, ] :) sometimes a word, 1. !dl); v Aa, (K,) and eL; sl aor.:, when this is done, remains as at first; as in the instances of 4A and c and *.--: (TA:) (A, O,) inf. n.; and ~*'., (O,) le Laneed, or or he perverted its order (TA) [or its meaning:

i q. j.


HlIe is i,

0, TA,) or

"j; t

.2;, (TA,) Such a one

sold the 0-i [meaning the fudamentalproerty, i. e. the yroperty itelf,] of his land. (Q, O, TA.)

And .

J. l j ,


[Such a one returned

to his original.stateor condition, or naturaldis,osuiton: see .s]. (, O.)-- Also C~tom; more probably, I think, Vt

:) or this verb signifies he bent himself upon vera.] One says to him who speaks wrongly, ; [Ptrvertnot thoul. (A.) And t " Q the ijg. (0.). . .tj, (I] ,) t, inf n. with respect to language and the like is like ~I. j.A, (O,) He used the thing as a leader, or guide; (TA.) -[Hence, aid of a mirror and the like, (Iytt;) he guided himself with the thing. (0,- ]5) It rf~cted it; namely, an object before it; be-And He gras the thing with his fingers. cause the object seen in it is reversed.] _= From (Ily.)J p- He stuck th spear into the first of the signifieations mentioned above is the ground. (0, .) _ And ;. e struck him derived the expression [used by the Arbe in the oith the ;j. (O.) "Time of Ignoranee"]` *il Ql [The tying, with her head t~d backwardh, of the se. 2. * in. it, . . ;',hIe fzed the jt [or camel that is jft to die at the gram in whieh her pointed iron foot] upon it; (0, ];) namely, ma~ter is buried]; because they used to tie her the spear. (0, 15) with her head turned backwards towards the 5.jtu: gee 1. -L_4 He made ue of part next her breast and belly, or, as some say, towards her hinder part next the beck, and to his bow as an ;j . (A.) leave her in that state until she died. (, 0.) or3S : see the next paragraph. j., And [hence, app.,] .2;lI also signifies Th coM j;,;, (]5,) or 'tj , like J as written by fining a beast (41) withoutfodder. (TA.) You Sgh, (TA,) or ' j, (thus accord. to the 0,) [or say also, j i , aor. :, He t~ed the ,] A thin likec the head of the camel [app. meaning backward*].

stayed himelf, (A, O, TO,) upon his ;jh, and upon his staff; (A, O ;) as also j';:

(i,) (O,'


tHence the phrase [,a4

LruZ Vim

Book I.] (TA.) And ;,. l , (Ilgtt, O, L, M.b,) nor. :, (Mqb, [in the L, ', which is evidently a mistranwription,]) inf. n. ~.b (., IV.t O, L, V) and ., (Igt~, L,) He tied the camds nek to one of kit for ley while he was lying don: (Iltt, L, Mb :) or he tied the cames fore shanh to his (the camel's) arm with a rope, and then turnd back the rope beneath his belly and tied it to hi flank: (IDrd, O :) or he tied a cord in the fore part of the nose, or mouth, of the camel, (., O, 9,) [attaching it] to his fore legs, (g,) or to ] ;) each is quasi-pas. of *. [and signifies, therefore, It became reversed; the ast part of it became first, and the first last; or it became turned hind part before, and fore part behind: it (language) became invrted, reersed,con~rted, or transposed: or its order, or meaning, became


cleaving, to a place. (TA.) See also 8._- And one says, t&j3U . J. t 4^ meaning :4 ' i [i. e. The hores, or horsemn, (for the latter nmay be meant notwithstanding the fem. pronoun, agreeably with an ex. in De Sacy's Gram., sec. ed., ii. 265,) advanced, or approached, toward. perverted]. (TA.) You say, A ,Sl _o1 their leader; or kept, or clave, to him]. (TA.) Ij. ThJ/ went round it; (8, O, t. [The definition is of uniform, or general, applica- _ And a ;) namely, a thing. (., O.) El-;Ajjaj says, tion, and may become inverted, or converted: for instance, you may say, "a man is a rational animal," and "a rational animal is a man"]. the pautern of [teach of] his for legs, (S, 0,) to (A, TA. [See also i.II in Kull p. 255.]) You [Like the going round of the Nabatheans playinj rnider him submissive, or tractable: (B, :) or say also, lJI v,..Ca;l The state, or condition, the game called J.: in which .iS is probably he put a halter (.Afa) upon the head of the becatne reersed. (TA.) used by poetic license for 4J]. (8, O.) And camel, and then tied it in a knot upon his knee, to 8: see 7: . and see also 1, last sentence. in like manner one says, j JI -j,11-, prevent his being impetuo: (El-Jadee:) or, accord. to an Arab of the desert, he pulled the [,J, an inf n. used as an epithet in which the (0,) or e;i1 jJa, (1,) [The biids wnt round rin ( -) of the camel, and kept fast hold of quality of a subst. predominates; The reverse the slain person], inf. n. gj. (TA.) And his head, so that he went an easy and a quick efther in respect of order or ofstense, i. e. the con- .il ,4. ~ J' (8.,0, O) , i. e. [Tht gems] verse or the contrary, of a proposition &c. You pace: and J41l J.; is said to signify he puled ient round [among tie strung beads]. (0, ) I. ' This i the reverse, &c., of th head of the beast towards him, to make kim say, . J - And s. signifies also U2. [Hle went back this.] go backwards. (TA.)_ - ' s . i q. or backnwards, &c.; or became, or remained, be,IS. The cord which is tied in thefore part of hind; &c.]. (0, ]V.) /, aor. ' and , [the [;,;; [I reversed to him hi affair, or case; I made his affair, or case, to become the contrary tie nose, or mouth, of a camel, (S, 0, V,) [and former, only, mentioned in the Mgh, and only of what it was to him]. (Msb.) _-jX n - attached] to hisfore legs, (V,) or to the pastern of the latter in the CV,] inf. n. J,, ($, O, M.b, [each of] his fore gs, (~, 0,) to rnd~r him sub- V,) He, or it, made him, or it, still, or motionI prvemted himfrom emecuting his affair. (M 9b.) misive, or tractable: (, V :) the cord mentioned ket: (S, 0:) and he, or it, detained, withldekl, It is said in a trad. of Er-Rabee$ Ibn-Kheythem, in explanations of-ea,I h&s [q. v.]. (S, 0, V.) or debarred, him, or it; (~, Mgh, 0, M9b,J];) (TAJ)J Vta,l c 3 l ,,! :ei' in, u. Milk poured upon broth, (0, V,) in as also t A., (O, TA,) inf.n. jS ; (TA ;) or refrain, (TA,) or turn back, (A, TA,) your(Mar p. 293.) One says, ' lvae [as one reims in, &c., hores by means of the whatever state it [theformer] be. (0.) And (O, and so & it.

bits and bridles]. (TA.) -And ;, JI ;J H/eI) Fresh milk oith iJI l [or melted fat, &c.,] Ipuled the thing towards the gound, and presed poured upon it, after which it is drunk: (S, 0, it, or squeaed it, hard, then smote the ground with g :) orflour upon which it is poured, and which it. (TA.) _ One says also, -- , aor. , inf. n. is then drnk. (A'Obeyd, TA.) - Also A shoot ,- [app. meaning I poured milk upon broth; of a grape-vine that is rersed( ) under the for it is said to be] from A; in the first of the ground to [come forth at] anotlwr place. (S, 0, senses assigned to it below: (0:) or b.lldsignifies g.) _!:5 W~ A darh night. (0, V.)__ the pouring , meaning as first expl. below, L'..% J1. Many camels. (0, V.) Wpon -*t [or food]: (K:) and l *.1 ! j,~.9ff Language,or a sentence, inverted, signifies the sam6 as .;: (TA:) [or both of reversed, converted, or transposed: (A:) or perthese verbs are intrans.;] Li and v S:;l from wrted in omder, or in meaning. (Mqb.) .*S6 signify the same [app. without '~ l]. (JM.)

.4.. O, (Mqb,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) I withdd him from the object of his want: (Msb:) or I turned him away, or back, thernfrem. (TA.) And IS,l UU [ [What ha. withhold thee, or turned thee away or back, fromn nsch a thing?]. (?, 0.)- See also . _., (0, [,) inf. n. ;, (O,) also signifies j. [app. as trans., meaning He tended, or paturnd, cattle; &c.]. (O, V.) - And i. q. [H.e pt into a good, sound, right, or proper, state; &c.]. (0, V.) 2: see 1, last quarter... One says,


.," i AL1 i.e. [The thread of the necklace]

1. &-. J , aor. ' and :, [the former, only, keptfrom bcoming cattered [the things upd of what he meant; spoke ironically.] (A and mentioned in the Mgh, and only the latter in the therefrom]. (0, from a verse of EI-A~i.) _ Mghl in art. . [In the former, "3 is ... AndUtJ.W, in n. . a3, h truy bead* CV,] inf. n. J_a (1, O, Mob, ]) and coupled with .;, which signifies the same.]) (Msb, TA,) or the latter is of the trans. verb, (T, had gems dispod in regwular order (,.i, Lth, O , TA,) He kept, or clave, to it constantly, or pere- or.J', 1) among them. (Lth, O, .)_ And 3. !: , and hlf4 [are inf. ns. of u.q1]: veringly; (S, Mgh,' O, Msb, ]1, TA;) namely, for the former see 1, near the beginning. .ti . The hair was critped, curled, or a thing; (S, O, Mb ;) not turning hisface from a-. 0 . * . twidted, ,1C; ~.~ -1 .J1 and contracted. (0, V.) And '4 .} ., (.8 A,* O, ) means it: or, as some say, he continued intent upon it: [In the way to the accomplishment of that affair (TA:) and, accord. to Er-R6zee, 4-- t* ,.,I t;.a She (a woman) made her hair to cteae i.s] a striving to turn [therefrom]: (A, TA:) or would be agreeable with analogy, in the sense of together, one part to anoth~r, and di~spoed it in a mutual sizing of thefordock.: (A, 0, ], TA:) sel .sW, but has not been heard. (Har p. 682.) plaits; as also t .S; (Iam p. 267 ;) but, ac[i,e. and *. . may signify alike:] or _s1* is cord. to Lth, they seldom said #- in relation to Hence, in the Vur [vii. 134], . U an imitative sequent. (O,* 1,0 TI.) hair that is termed J;, i.e. "combed and .J, (,* 0, TA,) or s, accord. to diffe- plaited," though, if this were said, it would be 6. . I a~.3 [He moved along like the rent readers, (O, TA,) i. e. A people keeping, or correct. (0.) viper in his gait;] he went along like the viper, cleaving, constantly, or per.severingly, to the (Lth, O, V, TA,) as though his veins had become worship of idols belonging to them; (Ksh;) [3. .Jbt&, accord. to Reiske, as mentioned by dry, or stiff: said of a man: sometimes a or continuig intent upon the worshlip of idols Freytag, (app. followed by an accus.,) signifies .He clave continually to thAe sid qf any one.] drunken man goes along thus. (Lth, O, TA.) beloni to them. (Bd, Jel.) - And j.; 7. uIW, said of a thing, i.q. * ... l; (O, [or 9 ; U 5j_] signifies The heeping, or 5. i& He confined, restrained, twithheld, or A 267 *

3. L4s, inf n.

.A", [He said the contrary


[Boox I.

should not say 1

elarrd, ,himef,; (0, ] ;) as alsot ,Jic:one tlhe camel. (TA. [In this sense it is probably M, the only pl.; but accord. to Az, , als. "l. (i.) formed by transposition from, ; for the latter (TA.) Je , 'IS [Like the to equiponderant
7: see what next precedes. burdens of the' a] is a prov. applied to two men who are equals in eminence or nobility. (TA.) And one says, . ',.s 4. -:;l,l , and 3e--?', meaning The two [men ~rstling] fell together, neither of them having thrown down the other. (TA. [See also J,., last sentence.])
- Also A bundle (;S, $, TA) of clothes [&c., put in one piece of cloth and tied up]: (TA:) p1. hC. (J.) See also 1, first sentence. -And A JR; [q. v.] in which a woman puts what se lays upfor a time of need (].P.)). (s, 1. [See

is better known.])~J!'j ' Xo , in n.,c;, He turned him away, or back, from visiting him. 8: see 1, first sentence: and see also 5. (TA.) And 1 .4;,(S,) or &', (g,) in n. as ,.S:,t, (Mgh,O, M,b,g,*) or j.....t ,c:, A above, (8,) He was turned away, ot back, from (9, O,*' ,*) and J t V.J, signify the same, ving us, or him. (,.) i ? (O, ],) i. e. lie ecluded himedf, (S, O, TA,) or remained, (Mgh, TA,) in the mosque, or place of (]g, [thus in my MS. copy, in the CI( .<'9l worship, (?, Mgh, O, TA,) performing a par- Uj,]) in n. as above, (TA,) lie repaired, or tindar sort of religious service, with the obrvance betook himelf, [as though properly meaning he of certain conditiou, (Mgh,) [during a period of bound his goods upon his camel or camels, for the dlays and nights, or at least during one whole day, purpose of repairing,] to such a land. (1K.)fasting from sunset, and occupying And;i, (g,) aor. and inf.n. as above, (S, TA,) And He hinmself int prayer and religious meditation, without He ecpected, or waited. (S, .) any interruptionby affairs distracting the mind returned, or turned back, syn. ,S, (S, S, TA,) Jfiom devotion and not presing,] not going forth m. [against him], (], TA,) after fleeing. (S, thermfrom ~cept for human necessity: (TA:) TA.)__ And -, *>e 2ie H did not hold i I;l is thus termed because it is the withhold- bachk from reviling ,irn. (g, TA.) _-ing onesffrom the cu~tomar xrcisea offredom 'U1: see zwhat next follows. tf action in tle disposal, or management, of af-

also .b.])_ See also;CC._.Abo The $ [i.e. p~ley, or heave of tAhe pully,] of a e (J) 4~ A corner of the belly: (V:) pl.,g. (TA.) Some restrict it to negative phrases: they

say, >1

ag ; !;

fairs. (Msb.)



m41 (., g,) in n..e& (S,) Tle

Crisp, curly, or twisted, and contracted, camels becamefat, and laden with fat upon fat; (., g ;) as also VC-, (f,)in n. . (TA.) hair. (Ibn-Abbad, O,])
3. ; e , relating to two men, or two women, The being together in a state of nudity, seengly, [gb U to a thing, and 9tC. ) in rithout anything intervening betteen their two a place:] (~, 0 :') or cotinuing intent [upon a bodies: which is forbidden: thus expl. by Etthing]: and remaining, staying, dwelling, or Tabiwee. (TA.) jit Keeping, or cleaving, constantly, or per-

[There remained not in the belly of the beast a depresion nor a corner but it becamefuI]. (TA.) ;I.t. (S, , TA) and t,;. (V, TA) The thing, (g, TA,) i. e. rope, (TA,) or string, (;, TA,) vith which one binds goods: (S, g, TA :) and the former, if not a mere repetition in the ]., may signify also the thing [or muzzle, more commonly called..aS,] with which the mouth of a camel is bound: (TA:) the pl. of the former is .C;, (so in copies of the 1],) or,e;. (So in the TA.)

abiding, in a place: (0:) pl. ,L.

(O,], TA) and %.

and J.s`

4. 1S.l He assisted him to perform mwhat is I_ .ib(a [Such a one is keeping, or termed)al [i. e. the binding, or tying up, of his goods, or the binding them upon a camel]; (S, .;3k: see .. - Also A woman who w/ly cleaving, constantly, or perveringly, to an unK;) [and so 1a.; for] a man says to his com- bringsforth a male after afemale. (S.) lawful *';].(S, O.) panion, _.l& and s*l, meaning Asist thou ;,It One who binds the burdens upon the cam?, ,= Bent, crooked, contorted, or dijtorted. me to perform, kj; like as one says :. ; that are to bear them: (TA:) [thus applied in (TA.) [See also =.. .] [and ..I], meaning "Assist thou me to the present day: and also to one who uath charge of the baggage and ten: coil. geun. . milk." (Fr, TA.) J kZ. Mfade still, or motionless: and detained, with ;.] withhld, or debarred. (S, 0.) Hence td. in 8. It.;.l They equalized the Jl~1 [i. e. the ;?L A place of turni/g away or back; the ~ur [xlviii. 25], ($, O,) meaning Being de- burdens called.AClfI, pl. of;,], in order to their tained, or withhid; (Mgb, TA;) as expl. by taking them up and carrying them, (l], TA,) and (S, TA;) and (TA) so ,., (I, TA,) u in Mujihid and ktl. (TA.)_And Hair combed binding them upon the camel, or camels, that was, the saying .~ . [He has not a p/a of and plaited. (0, ].) [See also J voce or were, to bear them: Az says, I have heard turning away or baci]. (TA.) the Arabs say thus to their servants on the day /,, Compact, or hard, in ~sh; (s,;) of departure. (TA.)-And l'.l j S 1 The A man's place of J.s'I [or self-seclu- thing was, or became, heaped up, one part upon applied to a man. (S.) [See also what next follows.] sion in a mosque or the like: see 8]. (TA.) another: (JC:) or mixed. (TA.) ': m t A man hard in the l~sh, and ,; .:h A [thing such as is called] AJ [q. v.]. (TA. [See also the next paragraph, near the l.*Jl [app. a mistranscription for .11jl ' - And hence, as being likened thereto, large in the joints]; likened to the.A.: and, ac. tZL, (s, j) aor. -, (,) inf. n. ,C, end.]) (TA,) The interior of tihe side: (g, TA:) oc(TA,) He bound [or tied up] tie good", (S, ]S,) cord. to IA&r, a boy, or young man, plump and curring in a trad. (TA.) mth a string, (S,) or rope, (TA,) in a garment, pamp (TA.) (TA.) One says,

or piece of cloth, (g,* TA,) [so at to form a ,,C A burden that is borne on one side of a bunde, or the like,] by spreading the garment, or camel or other beast, made equponderantto another piece of cloth, and putting the goods in it, and b#rden; syn. .J:; (S, Mgh, ](;) i.e. one of binding it: the goods thus bound being then two such burdens: (S:) so called as long as conmalled V, . (TA.)_ And 1; . He, taininggoods: two such burdens are bound upon bound, upon the camnel, [or, app., upon each side the two sides of the [women's camel-vehicle f the camel,] the . (S.)_ And; ..JI : called] C.: or, accord. to A'Obeyd, a burden, , JI I bound, for the man, the J. (S.) See and a burden such as is described above, containalso 4. -_J';, inf. n. J, signifies also ing receptable of varioussorts offood, and goods: [lle muzzled the camel;] he bound the mouth of (TA:) pl. ;fi 1 (Az, M, ] ;) accord. to the

Ia.. [app. A man asking another to ai him in the binding of the burdens upon his camel. (yam p. 233 L 21.)

6. ,'.a, said of the belly (S, Msb, I) of a girl, or young woman, (1,) it had crases, or ~nles, originatingfrom fatness. (~, Mqb, ].) _ And It (a thing) ~as, or became, heaped up, one part upon anotihr, andfolded. (TA.) 1 1



signifies also Ie made him, or pronounced him, to have an ewxc (&L I$ a. ): whence,J!I 1S1" [The excusin of the lawyerr]. (Mob.) 5. 4o JIa He diverted Ahimelf, (S,) or occupied himelf so as to ditert himself, (K,) and (S, in the 1 " or") contented, or satisfed, himself, or hae was, or became diverted, &c., with it; (S, K ;) as also t3j.;: (1 :) as, for instance, with a portion of food, [so that theim craving of lhis stotnach became allayed,] before the [moring-meal called] 01.k; (M voce Wj., and g voce a4j., &c.;) and as a beast does with the cud: (TA:) he occupied himclf so as to divert himself, and fed [or sustained] himself, with it: (Har p. 23 :) and he whiled aray his time with it. (W p. 55.) And lIe direrted himself rith tlie wonmn. And .La3 signifies also lie occupied hi,nself vainly. (S and TA in art. .,..: see a verse cited voce ,,,.), And lie made an exczue. (KL. [See also 8.]) - And' *..ia $!,,II J;

* A cree, or ,vrinkle, in tit belly, origina-. want: Golius appears to have read ~j, and to ting from fatne: pl. ~ (,S, Mgh, M9 b, K) have been led by what next precedes it in the $ and (S, M9 b) sometimes they said (Msb) Ifl. to render it loco alteriusrei fuit lactavitvw res.] [which is a p1. of pauc.]. (S,, TA.)_ a. '4m3 signifies The giving to drink after t, 1 X means Thefolds of the coat of mail: so giving to drink. (S.) See 4. [And see also 1, in a verse cited voce .: one says 1; t#? first sentence.] _ And The plucking fruit one 9 [A coat of mail haring folds] when it is time after another. ($.) - And Lt ;, (8, O, wide, folding upon the wearer by reason of its 5,) inf. n. as above (1K) [and i;l, q. v.], IIe width. (TA.) diverted, or occupied, him [so as to render him conA'1. A girl, or young woman, having crea~, tented] mith it; (S, 0,g;) namely, a thing, ($, O,) or food, &c., (1, TA,) as, for instance, discourse, or wrinkdl, in her belly, originatingfromfatnem; and the like; (TA;) likh as the child is diverted, as also ;L. (K.) - And A shie-camel thick or occupied, wiah somnewhat offood, bly which he in the teats (V, TA) and in theflesh,of the udder; is rendered contented to be restrainedfrom milk. and in like manner a ewe or goat. (TA.) ($, O, TA.*) One says, _L -: ' Ii , ! ,.c , and sometimes pronounced l s [Such a one diverts, or occupies, himself, so as to [app. by poetic license], (S,) or Otl J and renderhimelf contented, with something diverting]. esC, (N,,) Numerous camebls: (S, :) or nume- ($, O.) [See also !;~. And see 5.] - Also The asgning a cause: and the asserting a caue. romu great camels. (TA.) (KL.) [One says, I,~ L lie accounted for it ILCe The neck: (V:) apr. a dial. var. of rJ4lo, by assigning as the cause such a thing: and he of the dial. of El-Yemen. (TA.) asserted it to be caused by such a thing.] '~Z.: see ;e.




aor. ' (., 0, M.b, K) and , (S, 0,


inf. n.

(Mtb, 0) and Jc, (V,) lie gave him

to drink the second time; (S, 0, M,b, 1 ;) and so t l, (V, TA,) in. n. Ji'. (TA.) [See alwo and 4.] - [Hence, t .Ie dyed it a econd timte; namely, a hide: see a verse cited voce . ]L:c - Hence (also], (TA,) 4 JLW L ,1,$t,iQ Th beater plied tie beaten with a 2e ontiaued beating; (S, 0, V, TA;) and so it




Jt ,..a J


8. J.W : see 1, latter half.- [Hence, ,1! satis.fied their thirst, (0,) or before they had satis- 5il t The wind obecamefaint, orfeeble.] In See fed their thirst: (S, V :) or, (S, O, 15,) [if the also 5, first sentence. - Also .lI excud himlatter is meant,] accord. to some of the etymolo- self; or adduced, or urged, an excusc, or a plea; gists, (S, O,) it is with .; (S, O, K; [see 4 in (MA, K,' TA ;) or he laid hold upon a plea, or art. JU;]) as though it were from the meaning an allegation. (El-Frabee, Mhb.) You say,>,l of " thirsting;" but the former is what has been i ; ( MA, 0) He adduced, or ured, a,, heard; (?, O ;) and it means I gave the camels to excu~, or a plea, or pretext, for it. (MA.) J; (TA,) He (a man, IAqr, Msh) was, or be- drink the second draught, or watered them the '4 t! [The pleas, or allecame, diseasd, sick, or il; (IAsr, Myb, ]5;) and second time, and then brought them, or sent them, And hence, .Iis gations, of the lahyers, which they adduce, or (Mb ) o ot'b, ;, (, 0, Mb, J4,) inf. n-.; back from the water, having their thirst satisled; upon whiich they lay hold]. (Msb.) cl Hle (Q ;) and so ,jl, in the pass. form: ,m and the and thus, too, means J -;; the contr. of hindered, prevented, impeded, or withheld, him; trans. verb iso.., [syn. with diel,] aor. in this ';~z. (TA.) See also 1, first sentence._ turned him back or away; retarded him; or 1 case !. (M9 b. See 4.) _ [sm l Ji is men- And .jii1 j.l The people, or party, were, or diverted him by occupyint Aim otherwise; from became, personsm whose camels had drunk the an affair. ($, 0.) tioned in the ?, with the addition t J3 j, And (S, O, in the . "or") but without any explanation; perhaps as mean- seccnd timne. (S, O,1.*) m 1 41 'sI! God caused He accused him of a crime, an offence, or an him to be discased, sick, or ill; (Msb, 1;) as injurious action, that he had not committedl. ing The thing was causd; frmn Jc "a cause," l ,a, (8, O, .) of which JjZ (q. v.) is the correlative: but the also t i, aor. :. (Msb.) One says, 1i context seems to indicate that it means the thing meaning May God not smite thee with a dismea, R. Q. 2. J~ He, or it, was, or became, m ued for the pu~pose of ditverting from Jsome a sickncs, or an illness. (., 0.) - And #.kLl unsteady, or shaky, and la, or uncompact. (..) I 1

3.1. * #j*4it(The T gfl of God is redubd; i t bestows it upons his servants one time qfter a~oter]. (TA.) - And '',(Mob, J,) or .. Lj ,J, the verb being also intrans., (0, O,) aor., (IApr, M9b, 0) and ', (IAar, 1],) inf. ns. as above, (T4,) He drank (IAgr,* ?, 0, M9b, 0) the secod draught: (IAr,* ?, 0, g:) or drank after drini~ng, ~terruptedly: (V:) and Jl.t1 " , aor. ; and ', The camels drank the second draught. (TA.) _m And U ;1 )a ThiA food of which some has been eaten. (Kr, .') J;, aor. - , (IAi., Mb, 1],) inf. n.

tyw(, and t,JL.3, (]g,TA,) as also .JW, without teshdeed, (TA, [see 5 in art. c,]) She dforthfrom her state of imlmrity cone~. t 3. i'I JI; I milked the she-camel in the pas~ upon childbirth, (4, TA,) and became lawful to morning and the evening and the mtniddle (f the her husband. (TA.) day: (Lh., O, TA:) in the IK, erroneously, z.J2t 6. ~iJ JLn jA means .le milks the aji $iWl [as meaning tAhe sh-camel was milked at [q. v.] of his she-camel. (TA. [See also 3.]) those times]: (TA:) and the subst. is ': (]: [but there is no reason why this should not And 1 LS. Jtal; eJ1 [perhaps correctly be regarded as a reg. in. n.:]) Lbh cites this 1 jil3, and app. meaning The child exhausts verse, (O,) of an Arab of the desert, (TA,) the J;G, or remains of milk, in the breast of his * LbI',jul:.aJ>. .1Jl mother]. (TA.) _ And Lil 'jl; t ,.s . .. . elicited from tihe se-camel what power Ahe had [remaining] ofgoing on. ($, O.) - And cAUS [The she-goat knows that I will not preserve her J ; signifies the same as tlvUo [app. meaning from the milking in the morning and the evening I waited for myself to accomplish a want, or an and the middle of the day nor from the coohiny- object of desire, so that I might avoid blame: pot of my guests]: (O :) or, accord. to Az, jdc for.yU as signifying ,J&Il and j is trans. as signifies the milking after milking, before thie uider well as intrans.; and seems to be originally simirequiWes it by the abundance of the milk. (TA.) lar to __U and &c.]. (TA.) - 8ee [See also 6.] also 5, last sentence.

4. Jl1 1j brougAht, or sent, back the camels from the water (S, O, V) after thnJ lhad

2124 band' wife: (Mgh, Mqb,* ] :) or, as some say, a stepmot/eur: but the former is the more correct meaning: (Mgh:) pl. , ;. (Myb.) Whence, ,.JI .; The sonU of one father by different motcrs: as though, when he added by marriage , : see art. _J. a second wife to the first, he took a second J and (S, 0, Mnghnee, O) are dial. vars.; draught. (,* Mgh, O, Mqb,' 1g.) Ji;1l ;j; f or the former is the original, the J being augnnen.V'll, the tative, (l, 0, Mughnee,) prefixed for the purpose means the contr. of this: and et'1 of corrohoration: the meaning is expectation of sons of the same fathler and mother. (Msb.) a thing hoped for or feared; (;, O ;) importing Accord. to IB, one says, Je . L.^ ai hope, or eager desire, and fear, or caution: (, [Tlhey two are brothers from two fellow-wives]; 0, X .) each is a particle, like l1and . and but they did not say, - ij: e i .: and and accord. accord. to to mand (f, 0:) and a: like 5 [q. v.] in ISh, one says, U .& and a j;lj. (TA.) meaning; but like ai in government; (Mughnee;) And it is said in a trad., ,.' it ~."Y1, (Mgh,) governing the subject in the accus. case, and the or. .; j; l, (TA,) meaning The praop/let are predicate in the nom.: one says, ili [lIayof different nothers, but of mo,e rcliion: (T, Mgh, ,e, or lperhal, thuu wilt do suchi a thing], and 3-os9 ---TA:) or of one faith, but of differ.ent religiotu Jail 5j [Mayl,T I shall do], and Wl vW; laws or ordinances. (NlI, TA.) = See also iJA. and sometimnes they said, Ul and ; (., Q5. aJ. An accident that befnall an object and O ;) and one soav alco ~ and t.JO, with the ca,es{ its state, or condition, to become altered. J quiscent, and * and t .al: (0:) [and (TA.) And hence, (TA,) A1 diseas, sichne.W, aiccord. to general usage, one says, *A or malady; (S, O, I., TA;) because, by its beJfay-be Z.d is standing:] and the tribe of falling, the state becomles altered from strength 'Oseyl made each to govern the subject in the to weakness; so says El-Munni wee in the "Towgen. case, (fi, 0, Mnghnce,) safying,;SI a; leef:" (TA :) or a diseaxe that diverts [frtom the (8, 0;) and allowed the pronopncing and or'linary ocurjatioLx; app. regarded as bein,g ,y: (Mugllnee:) sometimes its subject is sup- from wllat next fbllows]: pl. U (Mlsb) [and J.c]. - Also An accident, or event, that diverts pInesed, as in a.jil Iv 1 0, meaning $01i - 0a4-c the peron to whorm it occurs from his course, ($, -. oUt [May-lI I shaUl precede]: (Ham p. 517:) O, .K,) or fro", the oijcet of his nant: (M :) as the Koofees allow thle man,oob aor. [immediately] though it became a second occupation hindering after, on the authority of the reading of gafs, [in him from lhis former occupation. (S, 0.) And bbe sur xl. 38,] ,IJ 81 Ll ii [AIay-lbe I [hence,] an exrcse; an a/rplog,t!; a plea whereby ,way reach the places of axcent, or the regions, or one ecunses him.elf. (TA.) Hence, (g, TA,) tracts, of the heavens]. (Muglhnee.) Other dial. ".i iLI m,;, [expl. in art. (I, TA.) T,_]. vars.of arc mentioned in art. JaJ [q.v.]. (g.) [See also another ex. in art. Jl, conj. 3.] J;: soc >i.,in two places. ~ Also [in the And A cauxse: [and particularly an ericient C] erroneously with dtamm to dthe t in all the caue:] (M, g :) one says, I.J i. I" Tli. senses here following that are expl. in the ]] An is a cause of this: (M:) and A;2 A.4 This is emaciated tick: (, 0 :) or a big-bodied tick: or a small-bodied one: (~,TA:) pl. j. (TA.) ius cause: (I:) [n,nd *)jL.3 a' Cause and effect; a phrase of frequent occurrence in theo- And A man advaw.ed in age, (S, O, I,) stall in body, (g, O,) or dnder, or *pare; (,;) logical and other works:] and [sometimes aiL as being likened to the tick. (;, 0.) And any- signifies a pretext, or pretence :] it is said in a thing lnder (;. , for ~j in the g is a mis- trad. of .'isheh, - ,-, 'll , transcription, TA) in body, advanced in age. al,lwl Lla,. meaning And ',bdl-Er.1lahnmdn (M, Y,0 TA.) And A man whos kin is con- m beating ny/ lecj with the tprctente, or pretext, tracted by diseae. (IDrd, 0, V.) - Also One of his beating the side of the camnel with his leg. in whom is no good: Eslh-Sheufark says, .. J (TA.)The phrase JU.i means In ec,ry Qa [And I amn not one in whom i. no good: but case. ($, O, 1.) Zuleyr says, the context seems rather to require one of the other meanings mentioned above: and another reading (X.) is mentioned by De Sacy, in his [r* *E z&L e ixbla 2 o Chrest. Ar., 2nd ed., ii. 359]. (0, TA.) - Also A man who visits women much, or often, (], TA,) [Verily the niggard is blamed nw herever he be; but amnil diverts himslf rith them. (TA.) - And A the libaeal in all his circunsltanes is.leri,m]: (S, 0:) meaning his companion Ilerim Ibn-Sinain big-bodied, large he-goat. (I.) El-Murrec. (S in art.,,~.) ,Wand J&: sce Ji;i and t? j [both mentioned in the first aI A [singl/] seond draught. (Mgh.) - And paragraph as inf. ns.] The second draught: or a hence, (Mgh,) A woman's Jfillomw-wiJ; her hut- drinking after dribking, uninterruptedly: (g :) or J& and JW and ill& and kW: see J, below. _- J ~ (1g, TA, in the O written as one word,) A c,? by rwhicl one chide ~ or goats (Yagoob, 0, and ca,nels. (0.) a)

[Boox I. the former signifies a second drinking; one says ,aai Jl;a [a econd drinking after a first drinking]: (, O:) or a drinking after drinkiig: (Msb:) and the second rratering of camels; the first being termed the J : (As, TA:) these two terms are also similarly used in relation to suckling: and one of the unknown poets says, *

[The.n he tuwned, or turned awrray or back, after that, and blessed the Prophet a first time and a second time]. (TA.) - Also, the former, Food that has ben eaten. (Kr, TA.) [See also .] M: sce X; . ij0~: see 3; of which it is said in the ], to be the subst., thoughll app. the inf. n.

j1 ,So,eligltfood sith Jwhich, the sick person is dicerted or occuplied [so as to be rendered contented]: pl . *j'. (TA.) JU.' Di;seed, sick, or ill; (S, M9b;) with i applied to a woman: (Mgh:) former, ,e&ndtrd ditasedl &c. by God; used as the pass. part. n. of .l in the 3;
and so or, the [being phrase


4$ 3.

a J;] (s;) as also *W, (Msb, 6,) agreably with rule, but this is seldom used; (Mqb;) and tJ 3 ~l, from a'l L ; (Msb;) or this last should not be said, for, though the theologians say it, it is not of establishled authority. (!, TA.) - !~k also signifies A woman pesfumed repeatedly: (AA, O, K, TA:) and accord. to AA, * ,J_, as used in a verse of Imra-el-ley, signifies pei,jfned tine after time. (0.) [See also
J9. (s,Ig) and ';. (;, g) and , (g, TA,) with fet-h, (TA, [in the C!$ iall is pat for 'W1,]) A thing with which a pero, (, K,) or a child, (TA,) is divtrted, or occupied to as to be dicerted, and contented, or atif~,(g, IK,TA,) such as talk, and singing, and food, ,je., (.Iar p. 308,) [or such as a sall quantity of food bjy which the craving of hui stomach is al/lyed,l1 in order that he mnay be quiet. (TA.) It is said in a trad., accord. to different relations thlereof, that dates are the ~ i of the child or of the guest. (TA.) - Also, the first, accord. to the colpies of the .C, II'hat is dran from the adiler after.the Jirst 4J : but accord. to IApr, nhlat is dratn from the udder bcfore thel firt for milk that collects in the udder between two milhings], and before the secondul coUectsw: also termed and 5.'j: (TA:) [or] the that is betwveen tnwo milking: (?, 0:) [or] it signifies also the middle milking of tiet camel that is milledl in the first part and ithe middle and the last part of the day: (g :) or, as some say, the mnilk that sle excernm [into her mdr] after the milbing of the copious flow thereof. (TA.) And A remaining portion of milk (?, O, K, TA) in the udder: (TA:) and tof other thing: [for

BooK I.]

oI -]..4


Continual evil or mischief; and commoj_x; instance,] Sof the course [of a beast]: (] :) Sof former the andlfight, or conflict. (g.) One TA;) O, (., tumult; or horse; tion, a of running th t of (TA:) and portion whereof is termed &lsy: ;! and < J<jij, meaning 5j. M 4Z says, anything: (S, KI:) as of the flcd of a sheep or Verily he is in a state of fighting, or conflict, and goat: and of the strength of an old man. (TA.) commotion, or tumult. (Fr, O.) [See also J'.] : see the next paragraph, in three places epithets apand [its pis.] Jtc and ; plied to camels [as meaning Taking, or having taken, a second draught; and so the first applied to a single she-camel]. (TA.) It is said in a i. dew [He offered to me in ; .JI prowr., the manner of offering water to those (camels) taking, or having taken, a second draught]; (S, O, Kl, TA; in the CK, .Ji and ., ;) applied to one who offers food to him who does not need it; like the saying of the vulgar, qiS?W b.k; (TA;) i.e., without energy; for one does not offer drink to the Jit& with energy, as one does to the iiAt [or those taking, or having taken, the first draught]. (S, O, K, TA. [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 84.])

camels,] kj,

signifies Tlat haoe drunk one


(., 0,g)


(o, 0

) An upper

[It 01) (S,O, chamber; syn. U,;-: pl. j. is mentioned also in art. jj, q. v.]. s, [both mnistranscribed in the co afi and,
" and, Ci,]

, withoutteshdeed, [which belongs

[which are to art. .t,] and ?tZ and .;, t He is of mean CZ,] the in also mistranscribed TA.) the exalted, or elevated, of his people. (XC, mentioned in the Xur [lxxxiii. 18 X..s O 1 and 19] is [said to be] a pl. ef which the sing. is

t k., or is or a*", or a lpl. having no sing., (1], TA,) [or rather it is firom the Hcbr. '., signifying ' hih," or "highller,"] and is said to iai an inf. n. of 2 [q. v.]. (Ham p. 91.)_ &vnth Ilaven, to which ascend be A place in t Se of elevated also ji.a, in two places. See most the or believers: the souls of the . is the most elevated the Paradi*es; like as J,~: see J4.. of the places of the fires [of 1Iell]: or rather it is properly a name of the inuhabitants thereof; for see j .'. [And see also the paragrapl 0.l: this [sort of] pl. is peculiar to rational beings: here following.] (TA:) it is mentioned again in art. _L [in which aGiving to drink time after time. (K.) ., see other explanations]. (1:, TA.) And [hence,] That diverts with the saliva him ,S Ignorant: (0, V:) so in the saying, li vho sucks it in [wtewn kissing]; thus in a verse of cam ignorant of such Imra-el-Keys, accord. to one relation thereof; l i, ; @ [I wb,; and such a land]: (0:) and so, with o, applied (O, and Har p. W6 ;) as expl. by Az; and thus, to a woman: (0, I :) mentioned by Aboo-Sa'eed, with i, applied to a female: (HIar:) but accord. as being well known: but said by Az to be un- to, that aids with kindness after kindness known to him. (0.) 1]): anot .jl [in Har ,Il . *. 1 (I X mcans He is a person un- ther reading of the word in that verse, J,X1, 9;J.C X. C

time after another; and has no sing.: but it is said on other authority to signify that go away at Ji) one time after t random to pasture (us,3 another; and to have for its sing. ji : and some say that it signifies such as are excaresi in respect of whiteness. (TA.) - Also, the sing., Rain after rain: (AO, O, IC:) pl. as above. (TA.) - And the pl., (., M, O, TA,) [accord. to the context in the K the sing., which is clearly M, IC, TA, [in the CV( wrong,] Bubble (t [both, I think, O, W , 0, t...,] and .A.lJ, (., M, O, water; evidently meaning thus,]) upon and to rain; of falling the 1] ;) said to be from be used in a verse of Kaiab Ibn-Zulheyr for ;.l. je.. as meaning having bubbles: (TA:) sing. as above. (O.)- And Clouds dixposed one above another; (8, 0;) sing. as above: (s:) or [simply] clouds; so in the R; to wlliclh ISd adds costainiug rain: (TA:) or white clouds; (1, TA; a meaning assigled in the ]~ to the sing.;) but this is said by NifQaweyh in explanation of the phrase `ei. uie in a verse of Kagb Ibn-Zuheyr to whicll reference has been made above: (TA:) or [tllhe sing. signifies] a iwhite portion of clouib. (M, .K.)- The pl. is also said to signify Lofty mountains; and Sulh adds, from the upper parts of which water descends. (TA.)- Also, the sing., A camel having two hunps. (IAor, 0, ].) -And A camel such as is terned J;l [q.v.]. (O.)

hnomn. (TA.)
seo: : see



]) and 'i. ]

has been expl. above, voce `j , on the authority of AA. (O.)- Also Plucking fruit time after time. (1.) - And One who repels the collector (Kr, IF, O, O) The of the [tax called] eI with r. excuses. (IAr, M,

(J,* 1. &.I&, aor. ', (S, O, TA,) inf. n. TA) and ~,1, (TA,) He madle a mark, or an ], TA,) accord. to impression, uplon it, (S, O,I [q. v.]; (TA;) Az, like the mark termned <l and he marked him, or it, witl a lot iron; or scratched him, or it, so at to cause bleeding or not [inf n. of t*V,.] so: (., O, TA;) and 4gLa0 [i.e. the making thus likewise signifies the doing a mark &c.]: (S, TA :*) and, as also ic [inf. n. Cl; and in my MS. copy of the ][;) or incidirig [it], or notching [it]; syn. j.. (V accord. to the i.e. Jfake not thou a ' TA.) -- 3. -J mark upon tlhy ;j. [here meaning face, as in some other instances,] occurs in a trad., as said to a man upon whose nose was seen a mark [of dust, or an impression,] made by preming hard upon it in prostration. (O, TA.)_ A.JI .;., aor. (S, 0, K) and , (1K,) inf. n. 4.; (., O, (0,) inf. n. ,."; (0, K ;) lle g;) and t*l;, bound round the hilt of tie sword with the L,t. [q. v.] of a camel: ($, 0, ] :> and in like manner one says of things similar to a sword, (K, TA,) as a knife, and a spear. (TA.)-[And ~c. seems to signify sometimes It was tied with, or by, a sinew, or tendon: see a usage of -,] (TA,) [aor.: , ' its part. n. voce A.][ inf. n. 4i, (1, TA,) It (a sword) became broken [aor. :,] in its edge. (l,*TA.)And t.., of a camel, suid (TA,) , n. n. inf (6, O, TA,)

Xi;J [or ensform cartilae,or lower extremity of 0, .) _ Also, (TA,) or .JIl, (S, O, ],) One of 4j-], the cutting [a thing],; (so in the the bone that
the s um], which i the portion of a tongue: (., impends oer the beUy, rm~g O, lg:) or the head of the Jjl; of the hors: or the extremity of the ribthat ipends over the 41, which is the et~mity of the stomach: pL Jh&

.f; [respecting which of thlc days called j4al! ;] (O, 0, I, TA;) because it diverts see art.~j men by somewhat of an alleviation of the cold: (, 0, TA:) or, accord. to some, it is called
;: BWand see

(TA.) j'.'.. and V? [so in my original, perhaps t ,] [all of which are anomalous]. (TA.) 1 1: see and V male the 0., O,) (, last sentence. _ And The male of t/he


and also 1,

S.~^ A pool of water left by a torrent, alwhite, and Jloming in a regular,or continuous, course, .l ).JJl. one portion foUllowing another: (As, O, K, TA:) J~ I is erroneously put for ,4tw C" or, accord. to Suh, in the R, [simply] a pool of The membrum virile, ($, 0,) or i(TA.) -And water left by a torrent; so called because it the penis, (1],) or the O1ljq., (IKh, TA,) when k.;j3 j in a state of distention: (lKh, TA, and so in a waters the ground a second time (st;. rain]): pl. the by watered been having its copy of the ,R:) or such as, when in a state of dis. [after tention, does not become hard, or strong. (Ig.) JdL. (TA.) - And A dye (5.) that is imone or more of the copies of the 8, 'c >: a one time after anoth,er: (0, IK:) or, ~,'A A pecies of large trees, (0, ,) the bibed (,) El-Baghd6dec, a garto 'Abd-El-Lateef accord. (0.) lav of mwhh are like thoe of thei. ment, or piece of cloth, dyjed, and dyed again. (TA.) - Accord. to AA, [app. as applied to , second sentence. jlCl: see

.I [or lark]; as ao V JtL. (.)

In some

J ^:) [an inf. n. used as He was, or became, affected by a disease in th bleding: (Q in art. d subst. properly so termed:] pl. *it*U.( 0 two sides of his neck; (9, O ;) by ,what is term, * .J;, (TA,) which is a diseas attacking in thW Tufeyl El-Ghanawee has used ".W*' for inn F this sense. (IAbr, TA.) - And A rugged place, X1li~, (1P, TA,) dual of ;1; [q. v.], in conse ,, TA;) as also tV 4l: (1g, TA:) and quenc of which the neck swell, and becomes bent t (, O, (TA.)i And ;J., aor. :, inf. n. ,i; ani d * the latter, (0,) or each, (6, TA,) a place, (g, or a rugged.(0, TA) and hard (TA) place of thee .j, aor. ', inf. n. -. t; It was, or became r earth, (0, TA,) which, if rainedupon for a long lard, or firm; (0, ];) and hard, tough, o rtime, till not give growtA (0, ]g, TA) to any coarse: (IC:) cach, said of flesh, or flesh-meat ; green thing: (0, TA:) and ' the latter signif6es and of a plant, has the former meaning: (0: / also any rough and hard place of the earth. (0.) or the latter verb, said of flesh, or flesh-meat, ha that meaning; and the former verb, said of X -And A hard thing; as also V '; (* )

[Boox I. hen the camel shakes it about or lhecn it falls to the ground: (TA:) IA#r says that this word and a;!. and and 'l an.d_; all signify the same: (0:) the pl. is :,. (., 0, Mb, 0) and $%c. I (, Mb, [.) Also A tall palm-tree: (0, ].:) [see V *; (voce C~), a coll. gen. n. used as a pl.; or a pl., and, if so, app. a contraction of 7'l, by poetic license: .gh, however, adds,] but some say that it is 1. i. [i. e.] d4. . (0.) )c A thick knot of wood, (IAtr, 0, X, TA,) otherwise expl. as a grat branch of a tree, (TA,) whereof is made the ;'Li, (IAqr, 0, ]t, TA,) ) rchich is a rooden thing having in it holke adapted to the size of the legs of the persons confied [by it, i. e. a kind of stocks]: (TA:) pl. . (IAyr, O, TA.) A poet says,


plant, has the latter meaning: (S:) or the formesr verb, said of flesh, or flesh-meat, means it was or became, hard, or firm, and thick, or coarse, and the latter verb also, it was, or became, thick or coarwe, and hard, not soft, or tender. (Suh TA.) And ;.i] His hand wax, or became, thick, coarsa, or rough. (TA.) [See also 10.] .And ;1;, aor. :, inf. n. 4-; and , aor. ; and ... ,JAI; said of flesh-meat, It be. r came altered in odour [for the worw], aJ'er having ben hard, orfirnn. (1g.) 2: see 1, former half, in two places. 10. ,.a;_l, said of flesh, or flesh-meat, It t wnas, or became, thick, or coarse; not soft, or tender: (0:) or it was, or became, hard, orfirm, and thick, or coarse; and likewise said of skin. (L.) [And ;f and 4 are similarly explained.] - See also 1, last sentence. J,JI Hee ford the herbs, or leg~minous plants, to be hard, touh, or coars. (TA.) And (TA) 1,I ~q,.aul, said of eattle, Thy loathed the herbs, or lejuminou plant, and found them, or demd thm,, or coarse, (O, J[, TA,) being witered. (0, TA.) Q. Q. 1. o , said of a man, His &"- [or rather QIl 5 , the fonnrmer being pl., and the latter dual,, q. v.,] becamn apparent, by reason of old age: (O, :) or accord. to the T, his l bcame de~p d (TA.)_~C He cut hAis [q. v.], (0, g, TA,) i. e., his slave's otX: (, TA:) or he perforated his (i. e. his slave's),

each applied in this sense to flesh, or flesh-meat; the former being an inf. n. used as an epithet. (0.) se ue Z: :and La last sentence.

wic.: see ., in three places. -Also A place 14 where the j_.. [rhamnusnabeca, or rhamnw spina Chriti, a slecies of lote-tree,] grows: pl. 4, 1a. (AZ, 0, 1g.) [Accord. to Forskal, (Flora [Upon his leg was a rough kind of stockl of the Aegypt. Arab., p. cvi.,) %,.Jc (thus written by wood of the tree called baradlh]. (0, TA.) him, and also " celb," app; for *,.L,s) is an appel. A... *-*a lation applied by some in El-Yemen to the tree 'i~: rsee '1a, last sentence. which he calls Rhamnw nabeca reetw.] - And I1l [perfectly decl., because the . is a letter A man sch that one should not covet, or hope to of quasi-coordination, i. e., added to render the get, what he has, (0, 6,) whether of words or oj word quasi-coordinate to the clms of 4. 1t and other than words. (O.) - And one says, &A the like,] The a of the neck; [app. meaning tS $;,.J) Verily he is strotg to do evil, or miaschif the ulper, cerrical, teadinou portion of the tra(TA.) pe-ius muscle;] (9, O, 1,; [in all of which, men-

(J, TA,) and put into it a string, or thread.


Q. Q. s.

i " inf nI n.

, He (a man)

raied himtsf; or drem, or stretched, himself up; like as is doe on the occaio of altercation, (, 0, g,) and of reviling. (9, 0.)_-And hence, (V,) it is said also of a cock, and of a dog, ({,

0,) and other tlumn these,. (9, 0, TA,) as a eat,

meaning He preparedhim~ ffor evil, or mischief, (, TA,) and fighting: (TA:) [or ruffled his Jeathers,] or bristled up his hair: it is from the t1. of the neck, and quasi-coordinate to , with tS [for the final j]: (9, 0, TA:) and sometimes it is with . [in the place of the i.] (TA.).. And one says also, 1 #i~'1 He ,we, or raimd himelf, with the burden. (TA.)

,: A mark, an impression, or a scar, (9, O, ][, TA,) of beating, and of burning with a hot iron, &c..; (TA;) or suc as is mangbd and

%. A certain dieas4 of camels, expl. above: tion is made of the :L.a of the camel, to whicli see 1, latter half. it seems to be most commonly applied, and also * , ;; see we , last sentence. -Also, applied to that ofa man;]) it is one of a pair, and beto a he-goat, and to a [lizard of the species-called] twen one f.1J and the other is the place ofgroth of the mane; (9, 0;) Az explains it u specially ~, Advanced in age, and hard, tough, or coarse: (f, 0:) and applied to a mountain-goat, applied to the thlick _u~; and IAth, as the (0, ]g, TA,) in this sense; (TA;) or as meaning -. a in the neck, extonding to the >ISa [or part advanced in age; (0;) or large, or bulky, (^, TA,) betwncn the tn'o shouler-blads]: ISd says that it advanced in age; because of his strength; (TA;) is syn. with 4ji [q. v.]: (TA:) [it is also mid and [in the same sense applied to] a [i. e. tendon, or sinme,] as u also that] it signifies the that extends in the neck: (Mob:) or the yelorw I $A~: (IC:) and applied to a man, as meaning thick, coarse, rough, or rude. (TA.) And A .. in the side (1 ) of the neck; one of a hard, tough, or coarse, plant. (TA.) ~ And A pair: (A:) and the Qlj in a man are [said camel having the disans termed gc [q. v.]; as to be] the two ye~lo tendons or sinews (Osl-..ll also V4l. (TA.) i,?!5 "9l) in the *' [or part next tAe spine, on a A mi/lk el of skin, (6, 0, TA,) or of either aide,] of the neck: (Zj in his " Khalk elwood, like a large 5J (orbowl]: (TA:) or a Insin :") [but of all the meanings thus assigned to it, the first seems to be the most proper, or at large C3 of camels skin, or of wood, into whwirh least the most usual: see Q. Q. 1:] the Arabs one milks: (i:) or a bon'l into which tAe she- used to bind therewith, in the fresh, or moist, camel is milked: or a ii of wood, or of Ain state, the Ot/.A4 [or sheaths] of their swords, and and wood: or a tesl of skin, in the form of a also their spears when cracked, and it dried upon boml, th a wooden hoop: Az says, it is a piece them, and became strong: (IAth, TA :) the of shin take from the side of a cantets A'idde wile word is mase., (Lb, TA,) or [it is masc. and fem., it isfre; it is made round, and Jilled with soft but] the making it fem. is preferred [thougl this sand; then it edges are drawn together, and per- is contr. to analogy]: (Msh:) the dual is iOlIjtl forated with a woode skewer, and it is bound so (9, A, 0, MNb) and iltL; (9, 0, Mab, g ;) as to be oed, [thus] contracted, by a cord [pased [the former app. the more common, but the latter through the hAo mads with the skewer], and left the more proper;] for the . [in the sing.] is a letter until it becomea dry and tough; then its upper of quasi-coordination [and therefore properly with part is cut off, and it stands by reason of its dry- tenween]; but if you will, you may liken it to nes, reemmbling a round bowl, as thou7gh it we the fem. that is in [, [of which the dual is carwed out, orfashioned by the turner; the pastor more properly Ql1l!'_], or to the radical , [or and the rider supend it, and milk into it, and rather the . that is substituted for the last radical drink out of it; and it is convenient to the man of the desrt by it lightnes, and its not breaking letter] in fiC.. [of which the dual is more pro-

BooK I.] perly b]: (9, 0:) 0\t and the pl. is (, 0, V.) You say of a man when he has become advanced in age, Jq.jl ;;. A, [T .Ltd of the man has become contracted]. (f, O.)


the [akin called] ..

mith the

;LI [q. v.], (0,) He made the zrrow faultdily, or unsoundly. (L,

TA. [See alqo 5.]) - See also 1, latter half or rith any of the trese of the kind caled [q. v.]: accord. to Aljn, it is with t [i. e. ,,]. ; [originally an inf. n.] A mixture; as also (TA.) [But 11, with L, is expl. on the V g. (TA.) authority of ISk, as meaning, applied to a'i.L, The pl. ~ic. is expl. in the ] as signifying "Tanned with dry, or with unripe, dates."] What is mi'ed with wheatt tc., of thle also Lead: and in the g as signifying lead, or a t4', (9, 0, ], TA,) [or, perhaps, , like things that are taken forth and thrown away. kind thereof: (TA:) El-lButabee says, "I have (TA. [It is used in this sense in the present day; -&;,] as also 'tcl, (TA,) said of a J3j [or been told that ,jsdWI signifies lead; but I am as also -L .]) - See also lG. - Also a piece of stick, or wood, for producing fire], It not sure of it:" and Az says, " I know not any term applied to The [trees, or plant., called] O, , TA,) and iras one who has said it, and it is not true;" (O, TA;) failed to produc~fire, (, 0, 1 and Jd [or Jl (see U)] and C_ and [app. and this is the case: (O:) MF observes that its digicult to use: and the subst. is VtS pl. !;. (TA. [See also explanation as signifying lead requires it to be a meaning The quality of failing to producefire, ,.st and LAfp: sing. of a pl. form, or a pl. that has no sing., like &c.]. (L, TA.) 1 j Thejfghting vhexmently, 107, which is somewhat similarly explained.]) . - And A s,j, [or piece of stick, or wood, for 3ot,l Iand ,~t: (TA:) in a trad., mention is and cleaving to fiht: (, 0, 1:) and so made of swords of which the ornaments were ($, 0.) One says, .... JI *^., aor.:, inf. n. producing fre] that ham not producd fire. (A.) UtS!I and lS'1); (O, TA;) and the coupling '~~,The popb, or party, fougAt one another And s [or .. JI t;] signifies [also] of these two words together has led to the sup- [or did so vaemently and perlmeringly]: and The promiwcuou pices of tree that one uses fo. position that the former means lead; but there is ua.v.jhI u, [ One portion of the people, producing fire, of the [tree. called] t. , and of no evading the fact that it is the pl. of :.L mean- or party, fought another portion vehemently and such as are dried up. (s, 0, V.) - And 13MI ing the ,. of the cameL (TA.) rera~ingly]. (TA.) And . Jt3, m ,, j1 Such things as areeaten without being lected, The wof kept to orrying te Auep or goatu. (L. of traveling-.proviions. (0, ].) The bet person of the peopk, or ii; 410 [And so ,Ah.]) pa;ty. (8h, O,].) I. One rnho origin is referred to a person 2: see 1, first sentence. - [The inf. n.] rwlo is not hisfather [orforefather],(0, ], TA,) ~9 A mark made Nith a hot iron along the also signifies Con~ of mind: or, as some his lineage being confused; (TA;) as also gthA of the neck [of a camel, (, 0, ,) upon, say, the be~inning of pain. (TA. [See also 2 in ti i . (O, !.) _ Also Firm, or comtant, or over, the .1'. (TA.) arL-t. 1; and see w., ith t.]) in fight. (TA.) [,.t& Jq.j is expl. in the ) is'9 pl. of **l[q. v.]. 4: see S. by the words 4Jl .j ., and in like manner 1Q 1 is expl. in the X(; app. meaning A man j;: see ;1;, last sentence. 6. 'a He, or it, clung, clave, or Aheld fast, ceaving, or holding fat, applied to such as is (0, ], TA,) & to it [or him]. (T]5. [See also seeking, or demanding, blood-revenge, or a debt ;1~: see the next paragraph. 5 in art. ,.U]) ~ Also He made, or did, [a or the like; agreeably with what here immediately ..v~ A sword having its hilt bound (A, O) thing] fauklily, or unoundly. (0, l~.) [Accord. precedes, and with the explanation in the L,whlich with t/tc i ofacamd; ( ;) a also t4.,,s. to the TI, one says, .,.Jt ;3, meaning He is, , Jip tJW is *j*i cleaving, or made the arrowfaultily, or unsoundly: but this (A.) - And a~ A she-camel (9, O) marked holding fast, i. e. seeking, or demanding, in fight with the mark caUed .,,.s; ( O,];) , as also is perhaps a mistake: see 8.] -And i. q. j ,5: or in some other cae. See , of which il ( :) Fr says, ,.,MJ! 'z.t is like is the part. n.: and see also ] [app. meaning I laboured, and exercised art or %-1 One who makeu the hind of resel called management, in seeking to do to him mi~deed: !, with 4amm, (IK, but written in the O




41;s One who has a perforationmade in her Qtis. [dual of sjcl wvith the instrumenat caled

St~ [q. v.]. (O.)

,s~ A conspicuou road (?, O, 1, TA) that ia marked in its two aide; or marked with the traces qf traveller. (TA.) - And A sword broken in its edge. (O.) ee also *Lm.

,) i.q. UI [most probably, I think, in the sense in which this is used in the phrase) J He (a man) mized the [mess caled a [q. v.]. ai__ J sj 1J ` (q. v.), from ;l1 in the first of (As, O.) - And ^,.Zol He took a j3 [or the senses assigned to it above, syn. with"3]. piece of stick, or wood, for producing fire] from (0, .) trees, ~ithout hknoing hether or not it would ,,Ak Food having pouon mixed with it, by produc fire: (9,O, ,I:) orheacted ukhiffily inalecting a Ij: (A :) or he tooh, or made, for which vultures are kiUed: mentioned by Kr: and is a dial. var. thereof. (TA.) himfadfa ;j from any tree that he found in his 8: see 1, first sentence. You say, ';' i 'L1 way: and so .?.t-l,with t. (AiIn, TA.) And one says, jjtiI LJW meaning t Such a one : see ~":-and see also 1, latter half.

see art. J-.]. (0.)

1. I;S, aor. ., (1s,) inf. n. (9, O,) 0i, to which J is like in its meanings (V and TA in art. %tJU)for the most part, (TA in that art.,) He mixed it; (8,* 0,*0 , TA ;) as also V!ic, inf. n. ; and t ',1. (TA.) You say, j, aor. as above, I mixed the ga,Jt ~ aAat with the barley. (9, O.)_ Also, (V, TA,) aor. as above, (TA,) and so the in n., (O, TA,) He colbeted it together, (0,* ], TA,) from different ploew. (TA.)m UJ j He taned Bk. I.

does not seect his [or mjfe]: (S, A,* O, :*) in which sense also d is a dial. var.: (TA:) and in like manner one says *tJQ [alone], and t =,1. (So in a copy of the A. [But I doubt the correctness of the latter verb; and the more so as it is not quite clear whether it be meant to be expl. as having this meaning, or as meaning It (a ,ij) failed to produce fire, and therefore, perhaps, a mistranscription for t 1l.])_ And JI -t *. He tooh [or made] the arrow from any of the trees that were before him. (L.) And

Bread made of barby and whAmat: (, 0,] .) and so . ($,O.) .. And *~1~ Bread made of barly and [the grain cald] ',Z. (TA, from a trad.)_ And Wheat mnixed rwith barley; (AZ, TA;) as also t ,.i and t i41a: or, accord. to Abu-l-Jarri.h, barley and wheat mixed together for soming and the reaped together. (TA.) L$.U Clarifed butter, ($, 0, ], TA,) ar olivoe oil, (TA,) and [the preparation of curd called] JJ, mixred together: (, O, ], TA :) and any 268

2128 two things mized together: (S, O, V:) pl. [or to prevail,or overcome, (L,) and he overcame him rather coll. gen. n.] .. (O.) See also (S, O, L, Jg) in so doing; (0, ] ;) namely, anoJ. _ Also A man who colects from variouw ther man. (S, O.) It is said in a trad., qcJt; places. (o, g.) ~..t i 1.1 [I strove ivth a woman, and obtained what I desired of her]. (L.) Andj ;,L: see =. a j, .J4%, in another trad., is said to mean He did $;j.l .l [evidently, I think, a mistranscrip- not strive, or contend, with the confusion of inteltion, correctly t Z..,] A man whose );j [pl. of lect [uldally] attendant upon death, which would :.,jj] fail to produce fire. (L.) -_ See also the be an expiation for [some of] his sins: or he did not strive, or contend, with the severity of longbfollowing paragraph. continued sickne.s, nor suffer the perturbation se !4.: ,:_. and see the next pre- [usually] attending d~ath: or, as some relate it, ceding paragraph. _ Also, (O,' L, [thus in the the phrase is ? _,J, meaning he was not tended, latter, with kesr to the J, but in thc former with- or treated medically, in his sickness. (L.) In out any vowel-eign to that letter, perhaps from another trad. occurs the saying, 4..t . lea # -a a--- ., .J11 .,?;l, but more probably VR ,, from ,.Jt&l, meaning Verily I am the owner of a,]) An arrow in which is no good. camel for riding or carriage, which I ply, or (O, L.) work, ( ,) and emnploy to carry for hire. (L.) And it is related in another trad. that 'Alee sent two men in a certain direction, and said,

[Boox I. strove, or struggled, together for the mastry. (TA.) [See also 6.] - [Hence,] tl :.mb qX ($, A, O, O) '& ivave conflieted or dashed together. ($, 0, J.)And .~ J.,Jl

Anxiety confilicted in his bosom. (TA.) . And u 'a,j'l .l ! . e land produced, or had, tall plants, or herbage. ($, 0, g.) - See also 6. 10. .l is said of a man's make [as meaning It was, or became, sttong, or sturdy, and big, or buly]: (A:) [or] it rs, or became, thick, big, or (Kh,O.) And said ofa man, Hlis beardsgrew fortlh, (AZ, L, Msb,) and lhe became thick, big, or coarse, an(l strong, or sturdy, andbulky in his body: and it is also said of a boy, or young man, meaning 4 ^ [for !^3 zot;c1 ^te aro hisface ~rforth]. (L.) And said of the skin (S, O, 1f) of a man, (., 0,) It twas, or became, thick, coarse, or rough. (S, O, ].) - It is also said of a lock (,j*), [app. as meaning It rquired labour, exertion, or effort, to open it,]

1. ': see 3..,(TA inf. n.6;,. L4-. C'' l.J1i .O). 1, meaning Verily I. (0. [I suppose it to be like '!, (0, k(, TA,) She (a camel) was, or became, in a ye are two strong, bulky men, therefore labourye from [in drfence of your religion] in the affair to the from ..J1; &ce.]) state of commotion. (0, Jg,* TA.) ', performance of which I have called and incited aor.:, inf. n. , He (a man) was, or became, you. (L.) - [And lIe plied it; i. e. kept it at A strong, or sturdy, man: (Mqb :) or a strong, robust, or sturdy. (Meb.) work, or in action; namely, a thing. See an ex. strong, or s.turdy, and thick, big, or coarse, man: 2. J'-l Hefed th camels with thefodder voce ,4..] _ Also, (0, I,) inf. ns. as above, (L:) or anyl man having a beard; (AZ, L, M9b;) [but genera'y .'] (K,) lie treated himn (i. e. not applied to the beardless: (AZ, Mob:) and .,fthe [shrub caled] C;".. (TA.) a person either sick or wounded, or a beast, O) any [man or beast] tiat is hardy, strong, or a,~~1 0, . .. 3. *At, inf. nn.* (, A, 0, ]) and Iq.Aa, medically, curatively, or therapeutically: (0, K :) sturdy: (L:) and an ass, (., K, TA,) in an absolute sensc: (TA:) and, (Ii,) or as some say, (., O, g,) lie laboured, exerted himsdf, strove, he tended him, or took careof him, in his sicknes: (TA,) afat and strong wild as: (I, TA.) or a (L:) [he endeavoured to cure him (i.e. a sick strugyled, contended, or con.flicted, with it, (namely, person), or it (i.e. a diseased part of the body):] fat and thick, big, or coarse, mild ans: (0:) and a thiing, ., O,) to prevail, overcome, or gain the a man, (S, A, O, L, .K,) or a big, or bulky, man, ., 4.Jlc, inf. n. he w, treated kuin tnasteref or poss~on, or to eject an object; he and 1.1 (Mgh, M.h,) or a stront awl big, or bulky, man, weorked, or laboured, at it, or upon it, to do, medically to cure him of the disease. (MA.) [And (TA,) of thelc unbelievers of thec [i. e. PePgsam execute, per~fon, effect, or accomplish, it, or to He d,c,d it, namely, a wound or the like.] And or other foreigners], (S, A, Mgh, O, L, Msb, ], manaore, or treat, it; syn. dJjlj; (;, A, 0, ;) t, leJIl ,Jg, meaning The TA,) and of others; 'L;) so called because of one says, and "'t. (TA.) [And Ie exercised hisJ dUill beas, or birds, of prey we wrought upon, or the thickncss, bigness, or coarseness, of his make: upon it; worked, or wrought, it; worked it to- operated on, by carnms, so as to prevent their (O:) or a strong and big, or bulky, unbeD~er: gether; mitgled, mixed up, or compounded, it, (L:) or simply an unbeliecver; (L, Mqb;) thus injuring cattle and the like. (L in art. iU.) -ith some degree of labour; madhed it; kneaded accord. to some of the Arabs, in an absolute it; manilmlated it; bremd it; treated it with ~5. j 2 and c , The sand became sense: (Msb:) fem. with ;: (L:) pl. [of pauc.] some admixture; dresd it, or prepared it for . *f and [of malt.] ' ` (., 0, Mqb, IO and collected together. (TA.) i? t 1 Nse; namely, some substance, composition, food, t. signify the same, (0, 1(,) i.e. 'z,... Li and [quasi-pl. n.] * ?1.y , (S, O, g,) medicine, or the like.] a.' .. > is a and J.,jL [I haw not occupied myself in cheaing with pihrase occurring in a trad., meaning Fromn his like ,"."f: [q. v.], (TA,) and U. j ;.j(o, L, gain, or earning, and his wrk, or laboutr. (L.) anymthing that is cheved; or] I have not tasted Cl]) and * 'A '.. . (Sb, R, TA.) El-Ia~n j G. (0.)And one says, C..l .L, He worked, or anything; and so ,01, applied the epithet c..,contemptuously, to cer71 c.a The ca;nels obtained, or took, of the mrought, iron. (L in art. .~, &c.) And.ic tain men who neglected the supererogatory [shrub called] o . (TA.) prayers bf 'ore daybreak, performing only [after;3t ;;; [He manqfaetured bed, or the like, 3 le, 6. l,JWk Tkay laboured, e~erted thamselves, wards] the prescribed prayers. (Mgh.) _ "' and'pilows]. (g in art. ... ) And .,;l1 . strove, strugnled, contended, or conflicted, one with JL. ~J is like ~Jl ;1j [meaning Such a one is [He ' brewed, or prepared with pains, the another, to prevail, overcome, or gain the mastery beverage, or wine, by means of fire; or boilcd it or posseuion, or to effect an object; syn. I3jjl. (S a manager, tender, or superintendent, or a good pastor, of cattle, or camel .pc.]. (6, 0, .)well]. (g voce .) And W.~l .ta [lIe and g in art. J;j. [See also 8.]) One says, 4IJ And . signifies also A cake of bread: (Abu.lJ JI [ThlJ tno laboured, or strove, eacha wrought enchantment]. (] in art. J_..) And l; 'Omeythil, TA:) or a cake of bread that is thick :AJI ,J ' [We laboured, or strove, ater writh the other, to do evil, or michlief]. (S in (O, 1~, TA) in the edges (0) or in tihe edge. (15, the ecrets of heaven]. (g in art. ,.1.) _ Also art.cs. TA.) lie laboured, or stroave, wvith him, to prevail, or 8. I.LclI They wrrestled together, striving to o,rcome; syn. aijj. (L.) One says, . iJt throw one anotAer dowan; and fought one another. The rmaU ones, or young ones, of palmJ

'qil, (8, O,' L, g,.) [aor. of the latter :,] (A,O 0, g.) And JI The wild trees. (Agn, S, O, ].) - See also inf. n. *. , (S,) He laboured,or strove, with him, animals .ontended in smiting one anotlAr, and two places.

, in

BoOK I.]


sense;] a thing rwith which one trats a patient J and medicaly, or curatively. (TA.) applied to a man, Strong, or sturdy, (S, O, K,) in labouring, or striving, to prevail, (TA,) twho .7k i. q. gjl (0, O) and , meaning A thros down his antagonists much or often, thing that is eaten [or chewed]: (0:) so in the and phrase (bj~., [in the CId, erroneously, T4.. i is an excellent thing [This I who laboeur, or exerts himself, in performing, ac- that is chlwed]. (0, ]g.) See also 5. eomnplishing, or managing, affairs: (0, IC:) or l.w A camel pasturing, or that pastures, ulon signifies a man strong, or stur(dly, in fightA qNan0, ) (S, O ing, and in contending liklte the ram. (L.) - And the [shrub caled] '2-. and inaccumulated has become titat of sand tity al, applied to n shie-camel, Strong, or sturdy: from a trad.) i . (TA, pl. termixed: ( 0:) or, so appliedfl, having m,nuch flesh: (TA:)

, and (. 0o,


Q. Q. 3. ,ji!1 IHe (a camel) mwa, or became, thick, big, or coarse, and strong; (Abu-sSemeyda', 8, O, L, 1];) as also Ls.z!: (Abu-sSemeyda', ., L:) and so t j!1 maid of a man. (0, L,* g, [Sec also L])



ts.. and

(O, TA.)

l hIardne and trength. (J. [See 1.]) And A thing, (S,) or anything, (TA,) hard, (S, I~,) and strong: (K:) or, accord. to Kh, anything tihick, big, or coarse, and strong. (];am p. 81.) - And Standing fast, and refusing to ls , ,) or ;;;, Alo, o (A led, or to turn. (L.) (IAar, TA,) whieh is the pl., (TA,) The sinems of th:ke neck. (IApr, ., .)
OJ": see i,--.


; the latter in two


[quasi-pl. ns.] see .

places. '~L A she-camcl rompart andfirm in flsh: [mentioned in the 0 and i. in art. l:) or strong; (Az and TA in art. .I.;) O, (0, Vkp] One whosefather isfiec, or an Arab, and (1. in that art. :) or thick, big, .: as also ? or coarse: (Aboo-MMilik, TA in that art :) [but] wtose mother is a daver; syn. :oa4: (S, :) or the O is nignnmcntutive. (0.) - And A woman one ,ito claimns as his father a lp'son who is not who cares ,not for wiust she does nor for what is hisfather; or who is claimed as a son by a person said to her. (T, 1; and 8 in art. clc.) who is not his Jhather: and one born (f twe dlfferent races: (Lth, O :) or one bourn of a slave A collection o [thorny tres of the kind the daughter of afemale slave: (lbn-'Abbid, O :) called l.c. (0, K.) or, accord. to ISd, one who is not of pure race: (TA:) a lo/, a vile, or an ignoble, man; foolidh, (L, TA) A or stupid, or defcient in intellect; (Lth, 0,91;) i;mu (8, O, L,) and t certain sort (f )lanL; (., O, ;) growring in the afrivolous babbler. (Lth, O.) F charges J withl sand: n. an. with ;: (0:) AHn says, on the error in asserting the o to be augmentative; but authority of certain of the Arabs of the desert, all the authorities on inflection assmert the samc that it gros in the form of dnder stringJ, in- thing. (MF.) tensely green, of a greennessm like tkat of herbs, or [i. e. ,unedical, or cura. place of e'. A ?t legminous plants, inclining to yelUonnes, bare, 1 having no leaves: (0:) he says [also] that the tire, treatment]. (TA in art. L jl.) as will be shown by what fol[or )i.;, One wvo treats patients, twlther sick or L%J lows,] is, with the Ipolile of Nejd, a sort of trees wounded, or beasts, medicaly, or curatively. (TA.) [or shrubs] laving no leaves, consisting only of bare strings, of a dstl!! green colour: (L, TA:) a, ,/, ;I; Land of vwhich the herbage has the asses eat it, and their teeth become yellow in become strong, or tall, and tangled, or luxzuriant, consequence of their eating it; wherefore one says and abundant. (TA.) l Le of him who has yellow teeth, jt. j A man [strong, or sturdy, and ,; J J.'' 61t;.J ;)1 [[As though hiA smouth were tM,nouth of an as that had eaten 'alajdn; by the mnouth big, or buliy, or] thick, big, or coarse, in make. being meant the teeth, as is often the case]: (O, (, O0. [See the verb.]) L, TA:) and he says that it sometimes grows, not in the snd, but in oft, or plain, tracts; and acQuasi *>.la cord. to some, (O,) the ept;. is a sort of trees of ' .s &c. see in art.. a dark green colour, not having leaves, consiting only of twigs, one of such trs occunying the space of a mnon sitting; (0, L, TA ;*) g~ing in plain, or soft, land, and not eaten by the camcs unle of I. it, aor. :,(O, L, ]g,) inf. n. !U (O, L, necessity: Az says that the O1; is a sort of had tree reembling that called U$.J, which 'he ]') and a., (O,) said of a man, (O,) or of anyseen in the desert: and its pl. [or rather the pl. of thing, (L,) He, or it, was, or became, strong and hard. (O, L, ]~. [See also Q. Q. 3.]) - And is ;4 the n. un. (!4i;) of its syn. t .] lie stood fast, and refied to be led, or to turn. (L, TA.) (L. [See also Q. Q. 1.]) [q. v.]. - Also Dust .ti W1c n. un. of O Q. Q. 1.13. i4.a!: see Q. Q. 3: -and which the wind collects at lthe foot of a tree. man) wvas, or becanw, grave, staid, (a He Also (O,g.) steady, sedate, or calmn. (0, g.) seo ^ 4c. *;q.:D Q. Q. 1. jO.L lIe, or it, kept, or clave, to his, be moved by any one; .)- or its, place, and could wnot & an inf. n. of 3 [q. v.]. (S, A, O, !' (L. [See also 1.]) And [A medicin, or remedy; often used in this (L, g ;) as also '


see what next follows.

L1) and lc (S, 0, L,

(Ibn-Habeeb, M F)

as written in some copies of the and t "Book" [of Sb] and said by 8eer to be a dial. var., (TA,) Great, or old or full-growvn; syin. or grcat, or old or e$': (El-Umawee, S,:) in age, and strong: advanced (,) full-grown, (so in a copy of the :) or advanced in age, and strong; applied to a man and to a camel; as also ? %a: or thirk, big, or co.strsc; as also and ol ( S) an,d decrep/it: (L:) np. plied to a man: (TA:) and with ;, decOppit, applied to a she-eamel: (I :) also, without i, big, or bulty,; applied to a [lizard of the species termed] ,: and applied by EI-FaresdaJ to the [q. v.] of a woman, as meaning large and hard: (L:) and a thick-necked man: (AA, TA:) and applied [app. as meaning thick] as an epithet to a neck: (AO, , O :) and the neck itself, of a shc-emcl: also strong, and having hardnes; applied to a man; and likewise, with 5, to a woman: (L:) and applied to a lord, or chief, as meaning grave, staid, steady, sedate, or calm, (0, L, 1,) and offi.m judgnment: (L:) and, with ;, & mare that is stubborn, and not to be led unles dricen; (I ;) that actemb her legs, and pulls rehemently th person wmo leads, writh er neck, so that he can seldom lead her unles sle be urged on from behind. (ISh, O,* L.)

: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.

ce the next paragraph. se

t.o*. &:4.

Anything thick, big, or coarse; (t, O, (0, ]g:) and bulky, strong, : ;) as also and tall; applied to a camel and to a horsme: (TA:) and sometimes they applied the epithet sigto a camel: (S:) this and *$;g 5 $. also as does ]I,) (0, applied, so strong, nify *;,La applied to a homrse; (L;) or bulky and tall, applied to a camel and to a horse: or, accord. to En-Nadr, one says 1, J&i, meaning ja great and tall she-camel; but not j 268 .



[Boox I.

or the latter verb is with teshdeed to denote like U one gay;s Uli J; but not L,y# J~q: hL/I, applied to a he-camel, (6, O, 1,) and to (TA:) and k,ub occurs in old poetry s an muchness [of the action], or multiplicity [of the a he-camel, (0,) accord. to A%, (S,) Whot a epithet applied to a she-camel [app. in this in- object]; ($, M, TA;) you say, iJ "i [the [cord uch as is caled] [q. v.]: (, 0o, :) stance with what is termed the fern. alif, i. e. brandd his camel. that mark]. (S.) and, (g,) accord. to El-Amar, (, O,) tou without tebhdeed]: (I[am p. 82:) the pl. of [Hence,] one says, j.4s11 L;;i, (TA,) a brand: (6, 0, ,: [see LJ:]) like Wj.: l.SMa is Ji; ($, O) and ij;5J.: and Sb men- or L;, O,) tI wi aredly branrd the (TA:) pl. i. (S, O,.) - Henoe, (O,) tions [app. as a dial. var. of the sing.] U [with the branding of the camen, or with an meil .~1;, 1 Y t The shining, or bright'-hining, (L.) _ Also A e~s of tree, (O, ~,TA, and branding,'meaning,] with a branding that shall so in a copy of the 5,) of the kind calld LIA, remain upon thee. stars, ( 1,;I' , V, TA, [in the 0O Ui'l, , an (O, TA.) And?ljt;, ($, having thorn: (O, . :) [a coll. gen. n. :] n. un. evident mistranscription,]) that Aare no name: O,.,TA,) and inf. n. L and L; , (TA,) i, (O, kZ:) or the named, known tars; u though {I,.;i; (A Jn, O, .:') it is of th treet of the He mentioed him, ($, 0, 1., TA,) and aqpersed they were aLb,, i. e. marked with brands. (O.) amnd, not mch as istened i_., (O, TA,) and him, (TA,) [or brandd, or stigmatired, him,] [See also L.]. And Wi1signifies Tall she. yiedt an intens moke: (TA:) accord. to Lth, the ;1 i.a is a tal tree, having no tmhorn, of the with evil (60,O, , TA.) And 3J;I , camels: _ and sort ares. (IAr, O, I.) kind t0rmed ,!: but he is incorrect in so say- inf. n. U;, tiHe branded, or stigmatized, him ij., A ncklace, or collar, / or the liu; syno ing: it is a tree having hard branchets,for which i a mark [of reproach] whereby he should be the cattle, or camels and other beasts, hame no lesire, and not of th Aind termed Al' ; and indeed how can it be of the kind thus termed having no thorns? nor is it tall, the tallet being of the height of a man sitting; but, with itt hortnes, it is dem and compact in its branches. (As, TA.) face for adornmrot; (IDrd, 0, ., TA;) like

(O, TA.) _Also known. (TA.) - And ;. 'i t lie hithim jl'9: (s, o, :) pL . A black mark rrhich a eoman makes upon hr with an arrorw; (6, 0;) inf n. JL~. (S.)
9: see above, first sentence. _-JIi ,

iUj; (TA;) and so ' 'a;. (IDrd, O, ..).-

L, and ] in art. a.,) 4 ~i; . iL, said of a poet, means 41I and 1._, (.K in that art.,) and ' ,, (Lb, [How great is his intelligsnce, or skill, and knowL,) or ; .d J L, (AZ, and $ and 0 in lede! &c.]. (AA, O, IS.) art. ~,) and t . , (L,) as also and , 5. ,IJI Jsle hun upon himuelf th boro. (AZ, O and ] in art. ~,) I havm no way of avoidlgi it, or esapling it: (Lb, L, and 0 and (TA.) ~ in art. ,a, q. v.:) or ';. ., Ihae, I,
in the wa.v to it, no place in wrhich to make my amnel lie down, nor any in which to take a noon. tide-sleep, but only a direct course to it. (L in art. O,..) And ;.iQ i (Lb, L, and

;;i .

,J L, (Lh,

And A L [or blacknes tinged with red~ inf. n. 4 i., IHe pulkd off the cord caled Jb ] in from the neck of the camel. (A'Obeyd, , t/heface of a hawk; as also I. (TA.) - See also tLi._ :i" l The .j [app. meaning

two ringstreaks] upon the necks of the [collared do~calUed] , and the Ue therofof birds;
as also f QA .Il: (TA:) or this latter signifies

the black jJ ( :) and jl

[or ring] on the two sides of th

neck of the dove: (Az, O, TA:) or so Ltt:

8. ,a;"l and sa J11l He contended with him in an altercation; disputed, or ltigated, with him; and treated him with- enmity, or haotility ; or did evil to him, obliging him to do the like in return. (O, .)

and :iJ', (Lh, O in that art.,) 1 Aear no way of attaining to it. (Lb, L, and 0 and .C in art. ~.) ~; .n also signifies A country, (0 in art. ~, on the authority of lbn-'AbbWul,) or a land, (C in that art.,) containing neither water nor pasture. (0 and ~ in that art.) WJ,
A certain kind of wheat, having two grains in one hsk, (5, O, Msb, .K,)and somnetimes one grain, or three grains; (MNb;) it i found in the reyion of l-Yemen; (TA;) and is the wheat of'&: (5, 0, K:) or a sort of iareat, of good quality, but dqficut to clean, gowiting in the parts of El-Yemaen: (A;In, 0:) or [a kind of grain] like wheat, but dffieult to cleaee, (Mgh, Myb,) havtlq tno grainsu in one entdope, aind it is the corn of ,$an'a: (Mgl :) or a certain hlack grain, which people eat in timnws of dearth, or drought, (Mgh, Meb,) after grinding it: (Mgha:) or, (Moi,in the .C "and,") accord. to

0* amil .Kin art. .,)

alil signifies, accord. to Th, a ~b [or neckriny]: and some my, a ;._ [or brand]; but ISd says, "I know not how this is :" it is mentioned, however, by Sub, in the R. (TA.) -Also T7vo conries (A) which are upon 13. ;1 i;! clung to the neck of the the ncks of boys. (TA.).- And ;l1 J! camel, and mounted him: (S, O, K :) or it signi- I The anterior and posterior pudenda of the fies, (],) or signifies also, (0,) Ihe rode the camel womnan. (TA.) without a [cord such as is termed] .t [q. v.]: fl& A ewe having in the side of her neek a (Ibn-Abbid, O, X:) or he rode the camel bare, black [mark termedl] t the, th st of /er beiy tvithlout saddle: (g:) and b,, %I J.;1 he rode white. (TA.) the mare writ/out bridle. (TA.) - And 'j1;l& J The e side of the neck: (. :) the 1 & iaJti, said of a camel, (0, ], TA,) IIs got upon are the tnwo sides of thic neck (S, O, }) of anything the neck of the she-canecl, and mounted upon isr in a headlong, or heedles, manner: (TA:) or Ie [i. e. of any creature]. (O.) - And A brand(5, mounted tre she-camel to cover her. (0, K, TA.) O, ~) on t/h nech of a camel, (S, 0,) breadthwisw,



J~;Joj;kl, (O,TA,) and


(S,) on the xide (~i [in the CK


of his

I Agr, (O,) i. q. ~

[or le~ntil]. (O, M?b, g.)

Iri, (1r, TA,) lie pursured a headlong, or heedless, course, and plunJed, or rusled, into an affair without conicration. (O,C, TA.).And 4w,l He took himr and confined him. (Lth, O,0 .. ) - And le clame to him, (IAqr, S, O, 1.,) like as the [cord called] Jb clecas to the neck of the cameld. (IA.r, TA.) And lIe clung to him, tV*&l signifies the same: the pl. (of ,i., TA) and drew him to him; (Ibn-Abbuid, O ;) and so is .;h;[a pl. of pauc.] and !i. (., TA.)_ t 4j.;. (Ibn-lbbMd, O, .k.) See also Iu..._ Also A rope which is put upon Q. Q. 9. Z.4i .: see what next precedes. the neck of a cameL (S, O, .)- And The thread of the needle. (Lth, O, TA.) -And i A brand upon the side of the cheek of a

neck: (1., TA:) this is [said to be] its primary meaning: or, accord. to IDrd, a brand on tlh side of the cheek of a camel: (O :) or, acord. to the R, on the bae of thi neck: in the book of Ibn-Habeeb, said to be on the neck breadthwie; sometimnes a singlet line, stmetimes two line, and sometinest seceral li,es, on each side: (TA:) and

1. "i, aor. (, O, ,) and :, (O, ,) inf. n. Li, (0o,) e branded(,0, o.) his camel, (, 0o,) or a dishe-camel, (IJ,) with tl mnark alled1,*; (8., ;) as also * a", (g,) inf. n. i ; (TA;)

camde: (IDrd, 0: [see also /'i

of the branding upon the side of the fore part of nwere thread [procedingfrom the sun, app. mhn the neck of a camel: app. an inf. n. used u a its light enters through an aperture in a wall or subst. (TA.) - Sec also Uii. the like into a dark, or shady, place]. (Lth, O,

[hence] 1'9 1, (., TA,) or , 1 k,M, (Lth, :]) or the scar 0,) ! What is, mhen one looku at it, as tko,gl it

BooK I.]
, TA.* [In the 1; expL as meaning Qi. 211J . See also QI 14, in uart. Jl .]) 0 * - -i.

2131 (MA;) food with which thf beat i fed (Mgh, Myb*) in tae J-i [or manger]: (Mgh :) accord. to ISh, applied to herbs, or leguminowu plants, :) said by [meaning Ifed her wita straw, and gave her to both frah and dry: (TA vocew -' [generally 'meaning barley] drink cool water, so that she passed the winter ISd to be the J with her Jl~ing abundantly with tears]: of the beast: (TA in the present art.:) [see also .cyes

And .,Il . I1 t What is u ded to te tars: [u(though meaning the rays proceeding from th stars:] pl. l, l [which is also pl. of L;, q. v.]. (TA.) [But this is app. a conjectural explana(S.) _ And .i; sigtion, suggested by a verse of Umeiych Ibn-Abi-s- (S, O:) i. e. .- j. at, incorrectly cited by Lth, and after him by nifies also The drinking much. (AA, 0, ].) !yilsJ, or [Accord. to the TIg, one says, a..La, aor. , Az, in which what are termed inf. n. ./i, meaning He drank it much.] 1bi 3 %l b JP-l, (see iJ,) are described as being 2: see the next paragraph, in two places. y^Ml 9.m.b, i. e. "like the cord of flax," thus fed rweU . signifies He [Accord. to Golius, expl. by Az; whereas the right reading, as is no authobut for this he mentions oith fodder: stated in the O and TA, is yll 4..; by rity.] ,i;l being meant the game thus called, and also 4: see 1, in two places. 1JJsl Tllt The calledj.'.Jl; to which is added in the TA, that the J;i thercof are the stones used therein.] _ Also t Contention, altercatis, dirput, or litigation; and eil, or mischief; (g, TA;) and inimical, or hostile, treatment,; or eildoing that obliges one to returnevil: (TA ::) or the brandiny, or stigmatiaing,with evil. (~,* 0.) J A rpeciu of tree, (1C, TA,) in the Sardh (lJlJ),from which bows are made. (TA.)



pl. [of mult.] jy.

(;, O, M9b, 1~) and

(0, (Mgh, O, I) and [of pauc.] ft. K.) See also _ji. _ [Hence,] one ays, .

CjJt1 iU&t[T77ey are the prorvender of the meapons, and th/e fie that is food of the beasts, or birds, of prey]. (TA.)
Cij I aj-

J 1 , [A poet possingitigence, or shill, and knowdge; or great ihntei/nc&c.]: of such one says, 'i i a [q. v.]. (AA, O, ]g.) f *1 2The pericarpof
tae .,

which is like

the shale of the boan, (O, ],) and to which the ear of the horse is likened: (0, TA:) said by certain of the lexicogrphers, (0,) as expl. by J, (TA,) to mean the /eav ofotA ,r; but this is incorrect; for the . has no leaves, its branches being bare and slender twigs: (0, TA :*) n. un. with 5. (TA.) - And A branch, and a twig, of which t lea~ have,faUen. (I0) m See also

U; Thefood, or victuals, of soldiers; as also bZj_ i [which is a pl. of V AJa, or perhaps it is correctly t Uj, which is expl. by Golius as [trees called] CLb put forth their J; [q. v.]; meaning a stipend, peculiarly of a soldie.]. (KL.) (g, O, ]j ;) as also t i&; but this is extr., for L,jwl, from Aj, What a man aigns, on the a verb of this meaning is [regularly] of the mea- oreawion of the reaping of hiG barley, to a guarsure jwli only: (Ibn-'AbbAd, O, ] :) acord. to dian [thereof] from the birds, or to a friend. AA, as AHn states in mentioning tile Ia., (O, (El-Hejeree, TA.) (V,) signiTA,) t ULP, (0, g,) inf. n. jl, J;e,' (g, TA,) applied to a sheep or goat fies they scattered their blossoms, and organized [i. e. Fed rwith fodder, and compacted their fruit [i. e. their pods rwith (;1:), (TA,) i. q. I* :j .. .. j3 y [mean- or proender; foddbre~: (, TA:) accord. to thed se therin]; expl. by ~ AZ, applied to a ram; and having for its pl. (O, ] ;) like j'.l. (O.) ing -- J1]; efc: and expl. by Lb as meaning tied up, der; not ent and fed rowith fodder, or pr 5. L HHe soht Ai [i. e. fodder, or pro. veder,] repeatedly, or leisurely, in the places in forth to pasture rwhcr it pleases, nor d to which it was tlught, or knowns, uall~y to be. pasture. (TA.) [See abo j.] (Mgh.) .u&c The ceehing, and buying, and bringiun,

'.t; The place of th brand called ,a on the w&ec of the camd : (0, ]K, TA :) and so, accord. to the I, * tVj.; but this latter means the place of tAe nech of the camel to hich one clings [to mount him: se 18]. (TA.) =L A camel wAoe cord called plled off from hi neck. (TA.) . ha boeen

~j~ A camel br~ d witk th mark calld I.>&. (0, TA.) gu;: see

8. ' , said of a beast, (4l1, O,) It eats of [i. e. fodder, or proender for beasts]. i (O, TA) [fodder, or provender, or] green herb- (Mgh.) age. (TA in art. aj.) ... And J"'; [perhap ij3;1 A sheep or goat and other animal, and a mistranscription for bAul] t:e was a great sheep or goats and other animals, fed withfodeater. (TA.) der, or proandei: (Mgh, M.hb:) or, a also 10. mIJJ ':.tzdal T1e beast [meaning horse] * M4el, a sheep or goat (;i,), and a shecamtl, o~Aght, or demanded, ; [i. e. ftdld/r, or pro- fed wit fuodder, or prorender, and not nt forth to pasture; ($, 0, ], TA ;) in order that it may ~d.r,) by neighing. (0, 1.) become fat, (TA,) by means of the fodder colJ., A great eater; one wrho eats much; lected: (Az, TA:) the pl. of each is L,5, [perhaps a mis- accord. to Lh: or the pl. of the former is (AA, 0, ,;) as also * " transcription for t , but see 8]. (TA.) - and SjU.: (TA:) accord. to Lth, they sid Also A certain tree, or plant, ( of Elj,t;J i;, as though the former word were Yemn, tlhe kams of rhich are lihe [thole of] the pl.; and it is more properly to be regarded a a grape [-vie]: they arepressed [app. in the nosepl. (O.) [See also .. ]._ Alsbo The food a bag. of hos~ , the TA here inserting W.Jl .J, J, and it is there of the bemut: pl. j.I for which I read J (]i, TA) [and aecord. to copy of the J jiZ also; the C]~ and my MS. added -,~, app. as meaning and made into a .fat mas,] and dried, and .fih-meat is coohed but see what is said above, voce jW, respecting therewith instead of with vinegar; (s;) and they this latter]. [See also J;.] And see ;. [or dreing [i.e. the leaves] are ued as a .4h

1. J~41 ~J, (Q, Mgh, O, Msb,) aor.-,(O, Mqb, TA,) inf. n. j.; (f, Mgh, O, M9 b, l ;) and I Jal, (Mgb, M9b,) inf. n. J.jl.; (0;) He fod the bast (,* Mgh, CO, Mqb,* ) wit/ .; [i. e. foddr, or promder], (O, Mgh, O,M^b,) [i. e.. he Jbod ed the brit,] in the .A [or manger]: (Mgh:) or * the hlatter signifies e poired to it oe, putting . for it. (TA.) Pr cites the following verse:

for wous] (

) (

accord. to the TA.

: 0ee0|.

[But in the place of these words, thc Cg and L4l.e see Ziii. as relating to my MS. copy of the V have ,, I;)j], (S, O,) and 1;.j jf.s [for i a form of the pl. of hi;, there mentioned in the next sentence.]) ;6'., ($, O, ],) A camls saddlC , (?, 0,) and camels' saddle, [of a particularwrt,] to calUed ,. is for beasts, or horses and the like; (~, (, O ,,iU,) the son of O ;) a word of well-known meaning; (. ;) i. e. in relation to J Fodder, or provenr for beas; (KL ;) food of (O, TA,) in the 1, erroneously, Jl4j, (TA,) a cattle, or of animals, (TA,) or of quadrped; man of .u.d'ah, (.J, 0,) becaus he was tAh fjrst

2132 maker tlherof; (0, 8;) or, (1,) accord. to Lth, A.i, (8, Mgb, 0,) with kesr (., Mgh) to the a; (I;) [A (0,) the laret of J;l. in the [hinder part and ,; (Mgh;) or rAla,., like manger; thus called in the present day; i. e.] a the fore part which are calUed] ;i.1 [in the C] place of -i [i. e. foddr, or pro~der for i.i] and LJl;: in a verse of Igomeyd Ibnbeasts]: (, Mgh, O, ]:) [pl. ~Jtl.] _ [Hence,] Tbowr, ~ '; dl occurs as an abbreviated dim. .. .ll, (Ibn-Abbad, 0,) or :1jl, (g,) is the [of l t]: (0, c:) the pl. of i is li. name of Certain stars, dispo#d in a round form, (0.) [but] separate; (Ibn-Abb6d, O, ]t;) also called lWlJI: (Ibn-'Abbid, O:) [the latter appellation _~ lt: see what next prcedes. is app. wrongly identified in the TA in art. SA Thefruit of the [trees caled] , which with 't* l: what is here meant seems to be the rc~mble thefresi bean, ($,0, ],) and upon wAhich, group of start callcd by our atronomrs Prasepe; when they comne forth, tihe camb pasture : ($, 0 :) agreeably with the former appellation, and with or the pods, or receptacle of the fruit, there: the following statement:] in the .sl_, [i.e. (TA:) [i.e.] the fruit of the C when it sc- ~.ql , (thus the Arabs term the great work ceeds the ~;resnblingthe [kide-bean called] of Ptolemy, which we, imitating them, commonly '1y;: (IA,r, TA:) the n. un. is 5i1X: ($, O, call "Almagest,")] 3l1 (in Cancer) is mentioned 1]:) AJln says that this is like thI great Syrian by the name of J~.l11: (]szw, descr. of Cancer:) earob (ai. [n. un. of A q. v.]), except that [but it is also said that] the Arabs thus call the b1Itj it is bigger, and in it are grains like lupine, of a seven stars that compoe the constellation 5 [i. e. Crater]. (lzw, descr. of Crater.) [Actawny colour, upon which the cattle pasturingat theirplcasurefeed, but wnhicl en eat not save in cord. to Golius, *!L signifies also A bagfor case of neceuity: and the like thereof in size, of fodder, which, aitfodder , is hungon te neck of the fruit of the s.L., is also termed : what a beat.] is smaller than it, like the fruit of the and of !aki Fattened; applied to a l.: [i. e. sheep or the ._ and of the b;A, is [properly] termed goat]; (Lth, 0, 1 ;) with teshdeed because of its J..: the %f; are long, and ezpanded, or ea- owner's frequent and continual attention to it. tended: (O :) [it is also said that] % signifies (Lth, O.) the fruit of the .j;. ((Iam p. 190.) 37~ A a!erof .A[i. e.. fodder, or provnder 0,.:a: se t.

[Boox I. have a right to the use of the well]; but the owner refused his assent, and ordered him to depart; whereupon he uttered these words, meaning The heat has come, [see JI "j* in art. .,,q,] and I am not able to depart. (., O. [See more in Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 91.]) 'And one says, aJ .Jll ~, aor. , inf n. Ji;; and a3; meaning The thornu clung, caught, &c., to th garment. (Msb.) And (,9,i lC,asIl LIy nail clung, cauglAt, &kc., to the thing. (M3b.)

And ;S.JI S) ; (]g;) or til ;

Il jl, (S, 0,) or 1jl;1=, in n. Js', (Nb,)

[The gazele, or the animal of the chase, bcanu caught, or stuck fast, in the snare; or the wdd animal became caught, or hell fast, thereby, or]

became vithAlfd from getting looe [thereby]:

whence the saying, .l

I ;



,Xii. [TIhe antagonist bnmte held fast, or

roitlideld from getting loome, by his antagonist; and also the antagonist clung, or held fast, to Ais antagonist]. (Mgb.) [_ The primary significations are those mentioned above in the first sentence: and hence several other signification&here following._ -I s 1' and 4i. t jW It depended ulpn ach a thing, as a condition.

a ~L andt )j;a It pertained to laim, or it: it

concerned him, or it. And lHe had a hold Mupon it: he had a concern in it.] _ 1 , ($, 0,) or

AL, (81,) and J9ie ($, 0, p) and ;

(0,o,) or ~, (C,) inf. n. , (k ( (] [and mentioned also and iF ,

in the S and 0 but app. as a simple subst.) and

for beasts]: (0, g:) and V L4. [as a coil. gen. n.]
signifies [sellers therwof: or] pos~ssors of and sehers thereof. (M11gb.)

Jic [but see this below voce j]

d-: se .. -._ : 't is a metaphorical (],) [He became attached by love to her, or to : appellation applied to The midwife. (Ibn-Abbad, hi,m;] he loved (,O) r, (S,O,) or Ais;



An old man very aged. (Lth,

0, )

(i;) and so .4t.

.. j.';; ($, o;)

and t 4' ,

O, .)
-Also A place in Ahich [i.e. folrer] is produiced: like i..4. signifying "a place in which salt is generated." (Mgh.)

amsee J .

JP (applied to a man, ., O) Coarse, rough, rude, or churlish, and advanced in age: (Yatoob, ., O, ] :) and in this sense also applied to a woman: (TA:) or, thus applied, it signifies old, or aged. (Ibn-AbbAd, O, ], TA.) And An old man,~shy, and having much hair: (I, TA:
[in the ClC, & 5U~i.l is put for i..5Jl:]) or,

accord. to As, J.l signifies an old man having ,ntehJ~h and hair. (O.) And it is also expl. as signifying A man in wishom is neglice~. (TA.) - Also, applied to a horse, Generous, or high-bred, or a male, or a stalion, large, big, or , , , [in the C, erroneously, ,] [It bulky; syn. L . (Ibn-'Abbid, O, .*) (0, O, 1, [in the CB, erroneously, Ipb_,]) [It - And, applied to a goat, Having much hair. (the bucket, jl..l, Z, TA) ha bcome susp (TA.) - And Al.J all lib A ~camd in its places of ~supc sion, and tl e . (accord. having the hump much enve/p~d with fur [so I to the . and ]C a species of locust) has creaked]: render i'. (see art. J)], as though wmrapped originating from the fact that a man went to a well, and suspended his well-rope to the rope witA a Z&b. (Ibn-'Abbad, O, 1) thereof, and then went to the owner of the well, and claimed to be his neighbour [and therefore to ;: wee what next follows.


and ti Ji. ; [the former of these two phrases being used for the latter, agreeably with a saying iL. . (S, Mgh, O, MYb, TA,) aor.:, of IAmb cited in the TA in art. S.l, that ";. (Myb,) inf. n. 1j.. (S, O, Msb, KL, TA) and is for ' :.iJL ;] like t aJl4 [i.e. 4l:W 'iX (L, TA) [and app. j,L also, as will be and % ;luel QL) or ";l, (S,) or J;l; seen from what follows]; and t jW3, (S, MA, (S,' 0,' , TA,) from z i Mgh, O, Msb,) and V &la;(0, Msb, KL ;) It (TA;) and * ', hung to. it; it was, or became, spended to it: "l, (8,O, TA,) and t* j, (TA,) [but this (so the first and last accord. to the KL, and the last verb is more commonly trans. by itself, for second accord. to the MA and common usage: ex.,] El-Ashi says, [in the i and Mgh and 0, it is merely said that tie first and second signify the same:]) [and] it clung, caught, claw, adhered, held, or stuck fast, * .ll tA.l~s S ?. to it; (Mgb in explanation of all, and TA* in explanation of the first;) and so V ';~ . (S, O, [I became attached to her accidentally, and she TA.) It is said in a prov., (S, O, TA,) asserted became attached to a man otaer than me, and the in the V~ to have been mentioned before, which is man becamte attaclhedto anotherfemae, other than not found to be the case, (TA,) luer]. (8, O. [See also another ex., in a verse of

'Antarah, cited voce ,j.])

[See also JL;,


low.] -j _ JA [which may be rendered She captivated Aim wholly] occurs in a trad. u [virtually] meaning he lod hr, and

as A ntly dsirous of her. (TA.) -_

s}Jrl I

l His sol, or ~nd cluy tot thin persittly. (L TA.)_ta;i ;l Ij ;j [app. meaning Old age has t hoald i it hoking placs, or, agreeably with what is said in the

BooK I.]
next sentence, htu had it effects], in which L;.a. is pl. of JQ, is said to an old man. (TA.) And of everytlling that has had its effect [so I here render aiSP. ;Ij, but see art. pi.], one says, i;L t^iUJ. (TA, and ILam p. 172>... e i inf. n. 4., meaning T7w camels ate of the i.; of the trees, i. e., of the tree that remain in the winter and of vwhich the camels are fed until they attain to the . [meaning spring, or spr/in-


jji ji, meaning ;U jUi [for lteL; And il4 iit e. '.dJI, agreeably with modern usage, i. He hung upon the beast the nose-bag containing barley, or the like; or he mpplied the bead with jeLc, which means barley, or the like, that is hung upon ~Lg, (TA.) And herbage]; as also 'JLt. and Sj.f, He ate. (TA.) And the beast]. (TA.) [And hence, as is indicated inf n. ij. to a place clung hacve .rlj.j ISJ [Their anchors in the T and TA, LjX signifies, by a metaphor, ;.iIl The child sucks his fingers. (TA.) haDingthe pcie of herbage callcdo!.j, meaning Aa; J Ife supplied with ijdc as meaning mine.] And they are abiding therein, (see L~., in art. .. j,)] _- &t;1 *" [inf. n. tlc] He blamed, or cene looed the halter, or lbading-rope, te oj 1 i' is said of camels when they are at rest, or at ease, sured, him; he said to him that ewhich he disliked, from the muz!~l of his riding-camel and threm it and their eyes are refreshed by the pasturage; and or hated. (Lh, KC, TA.),j_ L He Anew [or hung it] upon her shoulders, to gioc her ease. is a prov., applied to persons in the like condition * , (S, Mgh, O, (TA.) - [The primary significations are those 311 by reason of their means of subsistence. (TA.) his affair. (1..). mentioned in the second sentence of this parmiLs, inf. n. C.;, lIe eontended with him 15,) in. n. jS, _ 3 (Mgh,) or l, (TA,) The graph: and hence several other significations in an altercation [as though clinging to him]; woman conceived, or became pre.qnant. (, Mgh, here following. pl , He 4_!i ;i, & and Iui 'lt i j Hence the saying, ditputed with himn; or litigated with him. (TA.) 0, 1.) made it to depend upon ruch a thing, as a con[It wivll not be ! [The set, or shoot that is planted, becomes dition.] You say, %. -- i4 '; ' means 4 [I -! * "jj. U# ; a metaphorical phrase; guitable to thee; it mill not befit thee]. (~ and 1K changed by pullulating] upon my is planted becomes changed made the~redom of my lave to depd l.He jet about, meaning that what )_-t: . ,1a4 in art. J, bj because it increases and rises when it clings to the deatih]. (TA in art. jo.) _ began, or betook himndf to, doing such a thing. 0 jog e.A aJI earth and germinates. (Mgb.)j l - ,, in the story of Umm-Zarp, means ocurs in a trad., '.* , (, O 0, .) 4 [If I speak, I am divorced; and if I be ilent, I meaning T7wy set about, or betooh themseles to, The beast drank water and the leeah (iiiJI) clawe am left in sulmense, i. e.,] he leaves me like that to it: (i, 0, V:) or, accord. to an explanation of smiting hisface. (TA.) And a rajis says, which is suspended, (O, TA,) neither retained by Lth, one says -,:Ji, of nor divorced. (TA.) [And similar to this is the [the part. n.] . . S * ..5 a .t 0 the form of that whereof the agent is not named, Jj The upendig of the " phrase ;JI meaning it had leeches (&j&) that had taken hold their dorwn [Nughar (a species of birds) bndiyn verbs signficant of operation of the mind from heads] betook themselves to coming for the purposc upon its fauces when it drank: (O :) or 4, government, as to the letter but not at to the meang to my a,. [or matering-trough]: also, like 's', is used in this sense, (1g,* TA,) of dri or, uasome ay, likefl it, and fr~qu ed it. (8, said of a man and of a beast. (TA;)__;3.J ing:] see -L. _ [, ,l jL; He made the builling, or structure,peil, i. e. upported above the i licans I did not ceae "~ I.A O.) - And ;ji see: see 3. ground, or above a stage orfloor, by pillars or t .. (A in art. w,:.) [Thus saying it; likoe piers or otherwise. Hence,] the saying Itj_. k i.e. s JI, (., O, 2. 'd, (, o, Mob,],) I ; ;L hasu two cont. meanings.]]_ oUjL.j lJSlJI means Tley dug beneath t1e rmall and V il, Msb,) inf. n. *'"; (8, O,;) - likle(O, (10, ,) aor.:; ( ;) and .z.. ;l', bf it [or ren[or made a hole through it] and l (S, O, K ;) signify wise, aor. -; (., O,];) inf. n. A; (8, O, 1;*) (,* 0,* Mhb,) and ' ; aboce supported or c. pensile, [i. it] Wi.a dered The camensfed upon t1e upper, or uppermost, por the same. (., O, Msb, g1.) You say, s.Ijl ;i the ground, being partially hollowed beneath]. (Mgh, Msb, g,) inf. n. as above, He tione of the [trees called] eLsa, (., O, g,) reaching *;s,i,: iiic se appeiaded tl,sn ,rithltiir mouths: (. and 0 in explanation hung, or suspended, tihe thling to tie thing; and so (Mgh.) - [1,:,b .AZm. a note in the margin of a book or writing.] of the latter verb:) and ;Li.l jIN, said of a a;,h1a, and .iC: (TA:) [and] he made the L j . liIe set up, and fied, a door, (Mgh, TA,) camel, he plucksfromn the Abs, [as though] hang- thing to cling, catch, cleave, adhere, hold, or stick to, his houe]. (Mgh.). ing from it, by reason of his tallness: (;: in one fast, to the thing; as also &oV ac.lI. (Msb.) fi I; 5,S [ulpon, or or made fast, a door, with closed, lIe And (TA) of my copies of the., and in the TA, A :) or ls [I have a hind of latch, or dliding bolt; syn. .qjl,(O, 1: L [For cx.,] one says, iLI aor. ', & .I 'i;, one says, of camels, C 1 suspnded my mell-rope to thy well-rope]: and TA,) or _;I; (1;) as also i, l. (TA.) 3 --, .5 .inf. n. Xi and jji, meaning they ate of the P1 ,Et oisL t *l, [He ned his welro [See JJ.L.] _ ilt, and t- lc, in which the U. , s,91 h ther mouths: and 1 trees to the rope of the well]. (S, O.) [See also an pronoun denoting the object relates to a woman: titey ex. of the latter verb in a verse cited voce b,.b.] wowre paduured or pastured, they :, aor. j d/o [aPP. .;; sce 1, former half.leased, in the ualldy: (Msb:) accord. to Lh, And ,jsi L5L& i ;L- [ie hung it on the peg]: meaning Such a one attached to himJsef responsaid of beasti, means aor. ', inf. n. -,~ , [He hung sibilit!/ for the blood of such a one] is said when . ;l and in like manner, a. sit they ate the leaves of the trees: and accord. to the thing behind him]; as, for instance, a e;, the former is the slayer of the latter. (TA. means thIy &c., behind the camel's saddle. (TA.) And [Thus I find the phrase there written: but peraor.:, inf. n. j,u;, Ay, ~, th their mouths. (TA.) reachd and took also sig_- &i. 4J.s.]) W1~ ji3 lHe hung (tji) upon himnelf an haps the riglht reading is Hence, (TA,) it is said in a trad., .,1J CId! amulet. (S, O.) And He nifies lie jointed him, and overtook him. (TA.) 1l; L lU ' He learned it, and tooh it or receined it coupled two camdels to tih end of the well-rope [to , And m ph jC J C . yD a.. (Hire .L 1 Mqb,) or 4;JI jt. ,C, (TA,) and, as some the other end of wvhich was attached the large [from another]. (TA.) bucket]. (IF, ]g.) [And in like manner they ye to him something that shall stay, or arrest, (M,b, TA,) [both as meaning relate it, t, jJ He what remains in him of life. (Z, TA.) . j.II The soul of the martyrs are in the crops of green say in the present day, aJl (, TA,) and ,.1 t;, (TA,) I birdsthat eat of the lea#s, orfruits, of Paradise,] harnessed, or attached, the horses to the carriage.] acly; nails to his Hle made I be oj 1 *; should that which ,.tJI And but the former relation is sent nwith such a one, ($, TA,) and rwith the people, followed, because the latter requires that one cling, catch, or cleave, to the thing. (S,TA.) or party, (TA,) a camelfor the purpose of bring,I ] And [in like manner,] should my 4it O. u [or 1 jic and t t4ikl [He ing corn for me Mpon j it. (8, TA. [See A.]) though the latter is said to be the. more common. made hui hands to cling, &c.], followed by J) - ,6'I,s h~~~c aor. :, before the object: both signify the same. (TA.) J;I z, (M 9b.) One says also,



2134 1 is a proy., mid to a man who is thereby enjoined 1 see the same paragraph again, in the last quarter: to be content with a part of that which he wants, ~ and see also 2, first quarter, in two places. intead of the whole thereof; like him who rideu 8: see 1, former half, in three places. the camel termed deL1 one time after anothei time: [so that it meanc Ie tDou content, iuteas A holeb in agarment,(15, TA,) caused by of th riding constantly, or imtead of the be"n one's paing by a tree or a thorn that has caught that is ridd only, with the sending a camel ta o to it; (TA;) as also * : (I, TA:) or a bring corn, upon which thou mayest ride occa.' thing that has caught, or clung, to a garment, and Miorially:] (TA:) or the meaning may be, be thot puled it [and, app., frayed, or rent, it]. (S. [See content, instead of thy riding, with the hanging or And The act of reviing. (v.) tly goods upon the beast: or the meaning may also iAo.]) be, be thou content, in respct of th e beast that iJ [See also f; 'c, (of which it is the inf. n.,) iddn, with the hanging [thy goods] upon him ir near the end of the first paragraph.] ~ And A .05~~~~~~~ thy turn. (Meyd.)_ And one says, JIJ; 'LO' specis of trees usedfor tanuing. (15.)~ See also the next paragraphl, in two places. meaning Go thoufrom thay she-camel d) (1. (O.) j A precious thAing, or thing held in high estimation, of an,y hind, (Lh, S, O, K, TA,) ex3. t ' -J l wIviedrith ch aone, cqpt of animate beings; (Lh, TA;) as also or contended with him for super y, in precou s? t : (][:) one savys, ;.; L lJ TA hi is a thing (j3., pl. of Xjl), and I surpaued him,, precious thing, or thing held in highA estimnation, of or was bettr than he, in reswpect of a preioi ,hicha on is tenaciou; (S,.O;) as also ~ thing. (TA.) And :t1 u&Lw &ILZ I laid a ai., [q. v.]: (0 and TA in art. l.i ) pl. [o bet, or ager, with him with precious article oJ pauc .] , l ..(s, I) and [of mult.] `j, (1,) inperty [or, I nith my precious thing and he and, as some say, .i'. with his precious thing]. (Blamp. 101, but with(0.) And [particularly] A garment held in high estimation: out the vowel-signs.) [see also Mii :] or a sield: [see again *'I :] 4: see S, former half, in six places: and again, or a #word: (L!, V, TA:) and property held in in the latter half - ,4an1 soy jbl He put a nwt high 1 etimation. (TA.) _And Wine; (~, 0, ~nuo (aorn)to thi bow. (m , r1i.) 1 ;) because held in high estimation: (S, O:) or said of one praetis ing the capturing of game, or old wine. (I, TA.) And one says, 4l ik animals of the chae, Rehad the game, or animal of toe chte, caugat, or stuch fast, in his ,*_ Such a one it a lover and pursuer of snare. (b , 0, OJ.) _ 3AJa also signifies He snt, knrledge: (O, ]:*) and in like manner, or let go, [or applied,] eche (js), (p, 0, ],) I [a lovr and pursurof evil]: (1:)and

[Boox I.
of t sheave of the plley and in which i te pin hereon the seave trns] and the e [or p itelf] and the sAeave and the ojGt [app. hem meaning the tmo pi~ss Of wood mtod aboew, agreeably with an explanation mentioned voce therof: so says A, on the authority of Arabs: (TA :) or the rope that is susp~ed ed to the pulley: (::) or, as some say, the rope that is at the upper part of thepully. (TA.) - And The msuapns of a - [or waterskin]; i. e. iL ii; signifies the strap by whic the ,.J/ is .upended; (TA;) iq. t;: (?, O, K, TA:) or the thing with which it is tied and then suspended: or what has remained in it of the grease with which it is greased. (TA.) One says, .J.'il .ie ']:. [expl. in arts. . and c]. (S,O.)-Also [LeechAr;] cartain norm~, (S,) or certain things resnebling worms, (Mgh, M.b,) or certain small creeping things, (O,) or a [slpies of] small creeping thing, (,) black, (Mgh, Myb,) or red, (TA,) found in water, (S, 0, MNb, 15,) and having the property of suching blood, (S, O, 1, TA,) and employed to suck the blood from the throat andfrom sanguinous tumours: (TA:) they cing (Mgh, MNb) to the A.. [q. v.] (Mgh) or to thefauces (M9 b) of the beast whm he drinks, (Mgh, Mxb,) and suck the blood: ( :) one thereof is termed ;Al (~, O, Mb.)_ And Clay that clings to the hand. (15.) - And Blood, in a general sense: or in3ji.,] and the rop

tenely red blood: (g:) or thick blood: (Q,O,

15:) or clotted blood, (1, TA,) before it baow

dry: (TA:) or clotted, thickh, blood; because of its clinging together: (Mgh:) and 'i signifies a portion thereof: (S, Mgh, O, ] :) or this sigupon a place, (Q, 0, TA,) to such (6, 0, 1J)the t[a lover andpursuer ofgood]. (TA.)_ nifies a little )ortion of thick blood: (Jel in [. blood. (0, TA.) And le found, lighted on, xcvi. 2:) or a lp)rtion [or lump] of clotted blood: or met with, a preci article, (//, i:, TA, [in Also A 1m. [or bag for travelling.proviions (TA:) or the seminalfluid, after its appearance, the C4e t i.. he] e 4, TA,) of rsoperty: (ai, 4c.]; and so VX;: (Ibn-Abbid, O, 1 :) [pl. whAn it becon~ thick, clotted, blood; after which TA:) mentioned by Ibn-Abbd. (TA.) of which see an ex. in a verse cited voce it passes to another stage, becoming flesh, and is And ~ 1;, ie brought to pass that whirh wasa calamity. , in art. .t] - See also 'aL -and ee what is termed a e. (Msb. [See ]5ur xxiii. 14.]) (15.) You say to a man, Also [Attachent, as meaning] tnaciou , i.eeaIjI.V., first quarter. loe: ([:) and [simply] loe, or diros loe, I' [ o r, mea ning [Thou hast brought to J Anyt~ing Awy, or umpend. (. )_ (Lb, ~, O, 1V, TA,) of a manfor a woman: (LI, p.] that which is a calamity. (1, O.) And TA:) or le cleamW to the hart; (TA;) and o [cord] of the ; [or pus~ of a : s I remod from himin j,i;, meaning The sus and t' *; or the former of these that wich wa a calamity. (0, TA.)_ - Hence, well]; (V;) the apparatusof the , by which so V; two relates to love and the like and the latter rea meaning A woman's presing mth the itis msumeed: (S, O:) and the JA [or pl~y] lates to a whip ]td the like [as will be expl below (itf, TA;) as some say; and the pl. is finger the titZ, which are certain portioun of under the two words]. (g.) [In this sense it is fMl by tAe uvula, of a child, thereby endeaiour- ~j'l: (TA:) or [in the C] "and"] the well- originalry an inf n., of which the verb is ~'.] ing to cure hi. 5~, (0, TA,*) which means a rope and the large bucket and the j'. [or pin One says, 16 j. iA ^.i VerilY he is omu on whicA te heave of the puley t ] (], TA) having love, or dsirou pain and wlling in th fauc; (TA;) i. q. jl. loe, for such a woman: (, TA. [See 1 in art. l.]) You say of a and the pulley, (TA,) all togetAer; (], TA;) so (Lh, TA :) thus made trans. by memns of says Lb: (TA:) or at the apparatuwfor drawwoma n, (TA.) ap-l p to arti , (j,) or ing.water by meamn of the p~ley; compriing And S ;>. , A look frm ow the having love, or deirou lo: ($, O, TA:) a AS, (0, TA,) She raied ( [or a i.]e. two pieces of sood at the hAmd of the rwell, the two tuD]) her child' [sweling termed] 5is with upper extremitis of which are connected bya rope prov. (TA.)- See also 1', first quarter. _her hand: (Q:) or e p d that part with her and thenfastened to the ground by meanm of ano- Also Pertinacious conttio in an altration; Anger, and thrst it. (TA.) - And hence, ther rope, the two ends of this being extded to or such disptation or ltigation. (Q. [In this sense it is originally an in n., of which the verb (TA,) one ays alo, &i1 meaning I put two pegJs ied in the ground; the pl~y is nu pended to the upper parts of the two pi~ of is ji. And , q. v., h a similar significamy hand into my fae to otrain myef to wood, and the water is drawn by measn of it with tion. ) -. See also LU., second sentence. ~And vomit. (O, TA.) ;-L THe ') countrie two buckets by two drawers: it signifies only the see l. - Also The main [or middl] part [or were, or became, distant;or remote; like nit/ e Al [here meaning the large bucket with its beaten trach] of a road (Ibn-'Abbd, 0, ]) (TA in art. j from ., the Nawdir el-A ab.) apparatu]and all the apparatusconsisting of the [See an ex. of the pL (Q.,l)in a vem cited 5: mee 1, former baf, in seven : and JL. [or b piece of iron whAicA is on each d voce je.]


Boox I.] L [part. n. of L;: u such signifying Hanging, or being sumd: and clinging, &c.: -and] prtiniow; adheing to affairs, and minding tm (TA in art. Mj.) [See also .] _)- [Also, uas uch, applied to a woman, Pregnant: a meaning assigned by Golius to
i i;

M i's t There is not in the land the grenesn continues during the hot easo and a sajcEiency of the meanJ of subi.tence: or pas- its places of groroth are the sandt, and the plain,

jjA and ;U in the saying ; "L 4., [expl. above, see 4,] (.,) or i .l [l e brought to pass] that which n,at a calamity, (1,) are imperfectly decl., ($, /,) like ,. (S.) And ; [perfectly decl.] signifies A numerous company, or collection [of men]: (I :) thus it is said to mean: ( :) and this is meant in the saying above mentioned, as some explain it. (TA.) -And X accord. to IV, but correctly e ", with two dammehs, pl. oft Vj., (TA,) signifies Deaths, or the decree of death; syn. t'Z: (.K, TA:) and calamities: (TA:) and businesses, occupations, or employments: or juch as divert one from otlher things: or occurrences that cause one toforoget, or neglect, or be unmindful: syn. Ujil. (, TA.)

there is not or olf, tracts: and he says, an Arab of the desert showed me a plant which he asserted to be the in it pasturage. (S.) And -Jil, It,jt .0' , ,jl; having long and nder tigs, and delicate t i6U The milker did not leave in tihshe- ares; called in Pern. ,l . [?]; those who camel,s udder anything. (S, O. [See also s/;.]) collect [the dung usedforfuel called] '4 make oJ And c A;; 3i J [There remained not it brooms for that purpose: to which he adds, with hitm] anything [belonging to me]. (S, 0,' and it is said, on the authority of the early Arabs, 1.') And"iia O .; 1 I.'[In this spech that the Wli. is a certain tree [or plant] which is found in tbe sands, green, having leave, but in is] a sffeciency [for us]. (TA.) And J' nhicA is no good: (0:) [it is said, however, iZ 3; [With them is] somenhat re- that] tlhe decoction thercof is drunhforthe dropsy. turage: (TA:) or t , " Itj L.

maining [of their goods]. (TA.)




^., , ing i. (O, 8,) like agl J-U.. (0,

A small garment, (S, 0,) the first gar-

ment that it made for a boy: (S, 0, g :) or a

(O,) in the soy,* [in the C.g

shirt witlwut slecs: or a garment in n,hich is cut an openingfor the head to be put through it, [so that nearly one half of it fallUs domn before the wearer and the corresponding portion behind,] not harving its tn7o sides srmn [together]; it is morn by a girl; (i., TA;) like the j~.; sie usea it for service and work; (TA;) and it extends to the place of the waist-band: (g, TA: [see also :1])or a garment held in high estimation; (K, TA;) like ji& [mentioned before]; worn by iL; A 44 [meaning fray, as being a kind a man: one says of him who has not upon him of strain,] that is occasionel in a garnent (*, TA) and other [similar] tling ahen one passes by costly garments, Uil , ; [Hle has not upon a thorn or a tree. (TA. [See also "jL.]) him costly attire]. (TA.)-And A shield. (IbnAbbld, 0, TA. [This last meaning is also asLW..: see m Jt., former half, in two places. - Also The quantity that srficel the cattle, (~, signed to 4k, as mentioned before.]) - And -m O, Myb, g,) of n,hat they obtainfrom the trees A certain tree, used for tanning. (.K.) a;ie, y ,J is a phrase mentioned by Ibn-Abbdl, [or plants]; ( u u,;) abo t 3L; (S, 0, 1;) and so t j;, and t*Zj: (]:) and a suf- (O, TA,) as meaning [app.] ;j.l. (TA. [This word, in the TA, is blurred: and in the 0, the ,iiey of the means of sb,istence, (S, O, L,) place that it occupied has perished: I think that whaterer it be; (l;) as also t*.;, (0,) or it is most probably ;1f, pl. of 1;;; and there* 3jl,: (, 1 :) or it signifies alsofood suJient fore that the phrase means Camel not haring to retain life; (M 9b,TA;*) as also Vt j-'; upon them strings, or pieces of rag, bound upon (,TA;) anl so * Jj) , as in a versoe cited voce tleir udders or teats, to prevent their young ones j: (S in art. :) and, (0, IK,TA,) accord. fiom sucking: for one savs JiW' - as well as to AHn, (O, TA,) the tres that remain in the ~i.l j..; and in like manner, I suppose, one winter (0, I, TA) and of which the camel are may say to.; w,.$i: and hence, perhaps, it fed, (0,J ,) or with wrhich the camels su.ce may mean not having milk: see the phrase lt themsledes, (TA,) until they attain to the j * ; a4igle-.]) [For the phrase :i , ;: ! [meaning spring,or p /in-hrbage]: (O, 14, TA: see the next paragraph but one.] [see also i :]) and it is als) expl. as ignifying ,t$e, herbag tihat does not stay: (TA :) and food that i., (,0, ]0g,) like k., strijlces until the time of the [morning al led] (I,) A certain plant: (,0,,:) accord. to Sb, (,O0,) it is .i"; (.K, TA;) as also * j': (ao, TA:) and accord. to Az, food, and likewise a beajt for used as sing. and pl.; (9, 0, g;) and its alif riding, sCh as tsrlcs one, though it be not free [written LS] is to denote the fem. gender, therefrom de~f , or defect: (TA:) the pl. of fore it is without tenween: but others say that its alif is to render it quasi-coordinate [to the quadriis W;. (M9 b.) One says, OIJ I )o ' . literal-radical class], and is with tenween, the

;,lii;,]) is a dial. var. of .,,i , (;, [in thc CIC U.U,,]) [and] is said by Ibn-'Abbiid to mean .. ,Ll [i. c. May God utterly destroy the;r race, stock, orfamily]: but some say that it is ai pl. of jlWI signifying "that which is precious, or held in hiighl estimation :" and in oneo dial. it is [., ;ca,] with kesr to the :,. (O.)

js.: jS.

see 19;.
see Wa, in eight p)laces.

[an imperative verbal noun], like J

&c.,([Drd, O, I, 0) means ,jl,

(s:,) or

? [i. c. Cling tlwou, cleave thou, or sick thoufast, to him, or it]. (IDrd, 0.) j*. A thing that is hung, or suspenduled, liko

the ;),a [or amulet]. (TA voce i~ as aut epithet applied to a child affected with the pain, of the fauces, termed .) j1 (I :i, A thing that clings, cleaves, or stickts faxt,

[in the C ,,]) to a man. (S, 0, J.) And [hence,] Death, or the dere of death; syn. ta~; (, O, I ;) as also ' a, (V, TA,) accord.' to the is, erroneously, ii'j [without teshdeed]: in a verse in which it occurs, some explain $.l as meaning thus; and some, as meaning the srpnt, because of its clinging. (TA.) EI-Mufadlal En-Nukree says, j --*1 6 '

[When death, or the deree of death, had clung to

Thaalebeh]. (S, O.)

The pl. of jpL, in this


and n. un. being iWs: (S, 0:) IJ says that the alif t L., all meaning the same, (1i, TA,) i.e. in ;1t is not to denote the fem. gender, because [Ther. is for me, or I hae, in this property,] a it is followed by i; but when they elide the ;, ~cie of the mea of ~irt~nc. (TA.) they say i.L, without tenween: (L, TA: [in And 'I; *$ LC u * [,x%ck aone eats not both of which, more is added, but with some same a bare snur~ cy of the means of nubaisenc]. mistranscription or omission rendering it inconsistent:]) itas twig are lender, di~rult to be (O, TA.) And t tij b [I ham not tasted broken, and brooms are made of it: (J: [but a u.incy of th mn of bitence, or food this is taken from what here follows:]) Aboosrucint to retain lifc]. (TA.) And # C Nasr says, the U.; is a tree [or plant] of which Bk. I.

and t L

and t j~,

and 'tLJ

sense, and in the sense next following, as mcantioned before, in the paragraph commencing with the word .U, is &La, witll two dammehs. (TA. See that paragraph.) - And [hence, likewise,l A calamity, or misfortune. (0, J4.) It occurs in a trad. in this sense, applied to what is termed ;, or to thdie operation performed upol, it. (O, TA. [See 4]) Se also VS. _ Ablo Pature upon which cames feeL (g, 0, V.) And Trees that are eaten by tiu camels tht hatv been ten months pregnant, (0, XC,) in coseuence of wrich thy assume a red mae.(O.) El-Aqshk speaks of it [in a verse of which I find four different read269)

213(3 ings] as occasioning a redness in she-camels: but some say that he means thereby The young in the bellies; and by the redneus, the beauty of their colour on the occasion of conceiving. (S, O.) And some say that, as used by El-Apsh, it means The sper~a of the Uallion; a signification mentioned by AHeyth; because the she-camels become altered in colours, and red, when they conceive. (TA.) -_ l aJLJW I means There is ot in tie she-camel aught of milk. (S. [And ~. signifies the same: see an ex. voce ai.l.]) Also A she-camel that is made to incline (JL.i~ [in the C J iJL]) to a young one not her own, and will not keep to it, but only smells it nith her noe, and ,eifuse to yild her milk; (S, O, ]~; [see an ex. in a verse cited in the first pantgraph of art. .; Ij;]) as also t LC;: (S:) or n she-camel that inclines to her young one, and firls it, until it becomes familiar wvith her, but wthen it dsires to suck the milk from her, strikes it, and dri,.i it away. (yam p. 206.) [Hence,] one says of him who speaks a speech with which is no deed, 3al .. ' t, :lets [lie dealt with mx frith the dealing of tlhe dj ]. (O, .) And A she-camcl that does not becomefamiliar 'ith the stallion nor affect the young one: (Lth, 4 ), 1 :) as implying a presage of good [i. e. that she will cling to both]. (TA.) And A woman that doews not lore other than her husband: (Lth, 4), ] :) likewise as implying a prcage of good. (TA.) - And A woman that ucAkles the child of aniother. (Lth, O, V.) - Soee also Li.. l Also i. q. X13 [generally meaning A yamning]. (Ibn-'Abbid, O, TA.) an attachment, or a tie, or a clinging, of lowe]; and likewise, on the authority of the former, but as unklnown to As, _ t i and V Wii , though As knew the phrase _ t

[Boox I.
0 0 g



(TA:) [as though meaning By reason of what bloodrevenge, &c., of ours do ye relinuish the claimrn for or _~ 4ii3* means love to which one clings. the blood of Amr rating as a debt upon Marthad? (Msb.) - And A contention in an altercation; or What is our contention, &c. P Do ye rlinquis a dispute; or a litigation: (I~: [see also il&, &cc.]': the , [in "tS]accord. to the latter explanear the end of the paragraph:]) or it means nation being redundant. (TA. [See also De L. , a35 [app. one's connection in such a Slane's "Diwan d'Amro'lkais," p. 48, line 4, of cqntention]: , 0:) or a. iEA means the the Ar. text. (in which the former hemistich ends proportion [or thiare] that one holdJ [in such a with ec,3 and the latter commences with c*'); contention; or what pertains to one thereof; or and see his translation; and a gloss in the notes, one's concern therein]: (Mb :) [for] p. 12G.]) m See also 4ia. also signifies A thing upon rhich one has, or 's~: ee jia, last quarter; and i firt mj, retains, a ohld; like t in the saying J and second sentences. It signifies The suspenory J1J * i h L t i.e. [lecryjsale that thong or the like, of the knife and of other things; leares remaining] a thing upon lhich the seller (Msb;) it is of the bow, (8, O, [see also j~h,]) retains a hobl [is nhull]. (MOb.) And one says, and of the whip (S, Mgh, 1C) and the like,(kC, TA,) j3i Z; tC, with fct-h, meaning There is not as the sword, and the shield, and the drinking-cup betomen them two anything upon which eitlher of or bowl, and of the book, or copy of the Flur-tn, tleum has a lold against thle other: and thoe pl. is &c., (TA,) and of the water-skin; (M voce o, ;) J39. (TA.) And 1k--5l --* that of the whip being the thong that is in the [or rather jI.Jl .J,] with fet-b, i.e. [Tiere handle thereof. (TA.) Seecalso jL. [Also belongs to such a one, in this house, something The supensory stalk of a fruit.] - And A surupon which he has a hold, or in rhich he has a name, or by-name; because it is attached to a of which the pI. is 0 c: concern, or] a remaining po'tion of a share. man; as also Vti., (TA.) J'I . htJk;ll means That [portion, or the pl. of 1i/& is g;s. (1.) a,ount, of the donwr, or nuptial gift,] upon 'i;a (lAnr, 0, O, ) and t '3 (IAr, O, ewhicA they have a hold against him who takes a Woman in marriage: (Sh, C, TA:) pl. d..] ) and (TA) A ca, cal (ATA) (IAr, , O, ,) [as above]: (], TA:) whence the saying, in a or two cames, (IAair, TA,) sent by a man writh a 34 [originally an inf. n.]: see t._ One trad., L,;kal Ij,1 i. e., as expl. by the Prophet, Iwoldlc, or party, in orde.r that they may bring corn for him, (IA9 r, S, O, ]C,) tlercon, (S, 0, ]g,) he says also, j$ .lt There is omething [Pay ye] what their familis have areed upon; giving them money for that p,ur)e~: pl. J.3, .,adeobligatory to me, or in my favour, in the meaning, what attach each one of tahem [by an (S, 0,) which may be of the first and of.tho obligation] to his companion, or fellow, like as a ffa.hir, or cae; and so t j--. (TA.) thing is attached to another thing. (TA.) And second; (0;) and (S, O)of the first, (S,) ;,tir . ; . q. ;., (S, MA, bC, TA,) i. e. Barley [the pl.] 4S .-.] - [And in the present likewise signifies [Obligations of (S, O.) [See also .ir a horse or similar beast, (MA,) [in which day 'ig' is applied to A nose-bag, such as is bloodmits; or] bloodnrits that are attached to a sense and also as meaning provoenderof beans and man. (TA.) [See also another explanation in called F.' ; i. e. a bag that is hung to the Asad the like, the former word is now used, properly, the fourth of the sentences here following.]_ of a uorse or the like, in which he eats barley or or originally,] that is hutng upon the beait [in a Also A work, craft, trade, and any other thing rJ", or nso-bag]: (TA:) pl. .i. (MA.) [or occupation], to which a man hat attached otherfodder.] - A.nd hence, as being likened thereto, t WVine. himnudf: (] :) or a work or craft &c. as above, AiJ' A man who, mhen he clings to a thing, (TA.) or property and a wife and a child, or love, or a will not quit it. (, 0, O, .) [See also ;la.] contention in an altercation,pertaining to a man 3 And si' , i and !LMS A devoted, or an 33'* [is originally an inf. n.: and as a simple (tL.. ja.): , pl. as above. (gar p. 372.)_ attacted, soul; one that clings to a thing perssubst. signifies An attachnient,a tie, or a connectently. (L, TA.) - See also :y. t,ni ; as also t * , mentioned in the TA, in See also =i1c, in three places. - [The pl.],' is also expl. by Lh as meaning Articles of merart. kvj, together witlh a.j, as syn. with aUlW :] >; A artainplant. (Ibn-Mbbid, .) And adlI is said by Sh a word relating to things conceived in the mind; chandise. (TA.) us love, and contention in an altercation: f ;lt to signify Jj.l [evidently, I think, a mistran, and t. A ertain plant that clig rclating to things extrinsic to the mind; as a scription for J)JI1, i.e. Blood-revenge; or the to traee; (?, O, ] ;) sometimes called by the latter how, and a whip: (Kull p. 262:) see ;!;, last seeking for blood-revenge, or the like; though it name; ( ;) in Per. called j (9, O) or quarter. - [Hience, as denoting an attachlment, seems to be better rendered the obligation of blood- (S; in one of my copies of which it is written or a tie,] Lo.e, andfritndship; or such as is true, revenge; or the obligationof a bloodmit, attaching :, [agreeably with this description, the forr:) to a man, agreeably with an explanation given ,,or sincre; syn. _, and 1~.-: (- , TA:) [or mer appellation is now applied to the convorul above]: and by Aboo-Nar to signify .~t4JI arvenis of Linn., or~fid-bindweed: (so in Delile's as expi. voce JUi, last quarter:] or it means [which I think to be a mistranscription for .L;' 1l, Flor. Aegypt. Illustr., no. 222:) and to a ~ci _.-. h. [an attachment, or a tie, or a clinging, signifying contention, dirputation, of dolichos; dolichos nilotica; dolichos inensis of or litigation, a of love]: (, O :) LI mentions, on the authority meaning mentioned in the former half of this Forsk&l: and any climbing plant: (no. 669 in of Ks, and as known to A4, the saying u i paragraph]: and both of these significations are the same:) but it is also said to be applied to the m-. iu$& U.i [i. e. lTere is to her, in my heart, assigned to it in the saying of Imra-el-lBeys, rubus fruticosu, or common brambl : (Forskil's 5



m 2137

Boox I.] Flor. Aegypt. Amb., p. cxiii..:) and, agreeably with what here follows, it is now often applied to jacord. to ADn, the rubw Idrew, or rapbry:] a thorny twee signify appellations these of both Such that large, grow not does that shrub], [or wvhen a thing catches to it, it can hardly become free, by reason of the numeross of its thorns, which are curved and sharp; and it has a fruit Ls [or mulbery], (0, TA,) resembling the > which, mhen it becomes ripe, blachens, and is eaten; (0;) [see also ; j;] and it is called in Pers. dh') [P]; (O, TA;) they assert that it is the tree in which Aow beheld the fire; (0;) and the places of its growth are thickets, and tracts abounding writh trems: (O, TA:) th e hewiing it hardens, or strengthens, the gum, and cures the [disease in the mouth calld] t ; and a dresing, or poultice, thereof curs whiteness of the eye, and the seling, or protrusion, thereof, and the pile; and its root, or stem, (eLI,) crumble stones in el [in tho C, .Jl] the kidney. (v.) ,pJ 1 sj' [one of the is A certain plant: and appellations now applied tc The eglantine, or sweet brier, more commonly called the *y_,] is another plant. (g.)
treatise; properly such as is intended by its author to serv as a supplement to what has been nritten by another or others on the same subject; s also 'P X.L: and, more commonly, a marginal note: aanything nything by means of which a thing it suspended ('S, 0, ($, 0,) or is called O, 1) is called its 3 '., (1,) which latter is a word ,j1) and 3~j3, 0j11* likewise sig,f a rare form: (TA:) and t i of by mean of ,which a vuIl is rifes the 0' iiflee (TA:) pl. of the first [and of tho m~: rapended: ].) j 8ownd] (Mgh, Me b.) Also A ti~rr Jl econd] 5 !ather: pi. as above. (MA.) And Q'a,.l I mther: [app. meaning The ignifies t sfignifies 3 JI,it U In~1,3 bucket and of leatiern the of cords tivo vo su, ory the CK1, for but he like thereof]. (IDrd, 0, ]B: i 01 .j in u . : and the 0 has U0M, has

pL ;Ji and

) : see 1, in four places.

La;;, and its pl. (4jA

3a A small Li [or minling-aesel: (M,, TA:) next is the ;l, larger than it: then, the the largest of these: the Aiji is the best 3o4, of these, and is a drinking-cup, or bovl., which the riderupona camelhangyswvih him[uponhissaddle]: (S, O, TA.) [See an cx. voce (TA:) pl. #jI%. tke the place of t4;: [which means the same].) *~~~~] '~~~~~~~~~~ kleo Also A thing suspended to a beast of burden; and the iLJ: and the ;J a;i= , ) A man who attacks and plunders, .eh snch as the 4 in the former, (0,) who clings to c;erything that he finds, or 11 but Myb: (Mgh, pl. as above. is mentioned.) sense attains, or obtains. (O,i.) this in mly only the pi. of j3~. of a necklace and of an ear;ii.. One of the implements, or utensils, of the - [And A pendant ring and the like; in which sense its pl. is expl. pastor [probably a thing upon wrhich hie hang his of nocklaces (O, TA) and as tollows:] the ;j.l tprovision-bag &c.]. (Lh, TA.) , (TA) of [the ear-rings or ear-drops called] [jl [pass. part n. of 2, Hung, or suspended, am ss[meaning thereto, or therein put are what are t p or AL;l beautiful; is 1J that pended thereto,] of anything &c.:see its verb.-Hence, pended ia, which has no sing., is (0,. TA;) and 't l0jlt, The seven suspended odes; accord. to (0,' ; 5 several writers: two reasons for their being thus like Sj~lM , each of them signifying what are ae j,Li, second sentence. se: called are mentioned in the Mz (49tsh p); one, m~. suscnded. (TA.) [See also A;Z.] from all the poetry, and .. selected were "they that ,oQ; oil [means A ind of latch, orsliding bolt;] a 4:see ;). L (picces of fine whito cloth of titin.q a written upon thing tlhat is nspended, or attached, to the door, ;JL; Clinging, catching, cleaving, adhering, Egypt) with water-gold, and suspended upon the and is then pushed, whereupon it [i.e. the door] holding, or sticking fast: so in the phrase ' Ka0beh;" the other, that "when an ode was 'a opew; opns; different from the 3 5J, with the pointed t 41a [He, or it, is singing, &c.,to him, or it]. deemed excellent, the King used to say, ' Suspend i (TA.) - Also A camel plucking from the [tree ye for us this,' that it might be in his repository:" . (TA.) One says, iOM *J3 S poetry, the all called] .Cis; ($, 0;) so termed because he is that these odes were selected from i.e. [There is not to his door] a thing tlat is colsuspended were them of copies any that and 6,0) 0, (@, it, from langing opeud opened with a hey nor [a thing that is opened] [as though he were] sufficiently been has Ka4beh, the upon lectively also is also signifies The without it. (A, TA.) _.a. by reason of his tallness: pl. `ji--; which in Nldcke's " Beitrage zur Kenntniss confated applied to goats. (S.) And A camel pasturing der Poesie der alten Araber," pp. xvii.-xxiiin.: tongue (0, 1) of a man: (0 :) or an eloquent tongue. (TA.) - And ~3 31' ` A ,n n upon the plant caUed is. (S, 0, 1.) it is not so unreasonable to suppose that they may tongue. 4-*. Ae clings to him, nill not upon the Kagbeh singly, whose antagonist, wlen #PO The [hind of goblin, demon, devil, or jin- have been suspended from him: (Mbr, Z, himelf free to] by their own authors or by [be able als So tig. OP) at different times, ane, caUled] J.*; M6 O, V0 U in altercation or dim* velement man a or TA:) friends, and suffered to remain thus do~ [of the male]. admiring th~mn _ And A bitch O, J,) who clings to $, (IDrd, litigation, or putd pute placarded for some days, perhaps during the O, ,) and supplies (], .) - And The mw. (.V. [But what here period when the city was most thlronged by pil- arguments, arguments, or pleas,(IDrd,, the in assertions two the the of of copies latter the the in but 43l grims; that suggests follows ' signifies tho tlwm; (IDrd, O ;) and Sj. also Hence probable. more be to seems Mz And [the pl.] jaa ]g may be a mistracription for 4 JI.J)-The same. (IDrd,O, .) IJh meanm= [lit. 1i (Drd, which by bowr, l the ofpalm-tr of arisety] [or saying appe sort The A signifies sigaffies y2,; J1$ also see and : j and Kr je see (g.) taiL the ued: in is long it is] dory, or narrtive, O, ,K.) 01 th_t an; applied to a woman means One &lFwithout if i 0 mentions the phrase a j4 .1 One to whose fauces leeches hare clung j3.L,Lparticularizing a narrative or story, or any other hoe husband has been lost [to her]: (s, TA :) or (Lth,.O, K) on the occasion of his drinking water; (Lth,-0, thing. (TA.) _ Also * Hunger: (6, TA:) like (offt in suspene;] neither hubandle nor having (Lth, O;) applied to a man and to a beast. (TA.) Ji-s (0 in art 3.) a husband; (0;) [i.e.] vherw husband does iot - And A suspended cluster, or bunch, of gratli act euitably owith he nor release her, so that she or or dates. (MA.) w &;!!& a pl. having no sing.: see is neither husbandless nor having a husband; (Az, TA;) or neither hacing a husband nor dirced. ., first sentence, in two places. se ace re post-claical terme (Mqb.) It occurs in the lur iv. 128. (S, TA.) u fIt;-L" and ;aL. often used a meaning epdwcies, or a~per - And one says of a man when he does not usee 3i1, latter half. La: L1" tenan , of a thing or person: cimsan of decide, or determine upon, his affair, nor relina cue: and concern of a man.] we i ,; in two places: - and see L: *se_e [His afairis left in supe]. quish it, L also j . (Z, TA.) the next pargraph. mee


-CUAl ; The thing by means of which flesh-meat, sg- . Uicang nvho is conteat with what is little it nifying Coin, and the liE, susapede to wom 'J r (s, Mgb, 0, Mqb,) and other things, (Mgh, Msh,) imeans lie who seeas, pursues, or desires, the ($, him not lihe susended; -. Also n aen - or grapes, and the like, (, ,) are _ ornamt See alo mnost pleasing of things, or rhco is dainty, ('p (S, 0:) and inost din to a book or writing: and hence, a tract, orr Mgh, O, Mhb ;) as also t her: 209*
[1Z,L; a post-clasical-termn, sing. of



[Boox L

is between the two sides of the vulva: (TA:) pL and of the ;J1 and of the ;j. and of the . f IJU. (S, 0.) Accord. to Ibn-AbbAd, i q.M . and of the C. and of thes ;; the last oU [q.v.]. (O.) which is the best of these; (V, TA;) like ;j1 Q. 1. 'i;, [ir.f. n. i;,] said of the cole' [or frankinceue], which is chewed and is not t * A thing like an arrow, which is siot. cynth, It attai'ed its utmost degree of bitternw i. thrby liupfied; (TA;) heating, diuretic, and (IB, TA.) (lIam p. ltO.) _- Zl" ';, (TA,) inf. n. a s strengtheningto the nerealfaculty; (P, TA;) above, (O, TA,) He made hisfood bitter; (TA; ) any ot [or rsin; that is ched, coniting of or put aomstAing bitter into it. (p.) frankincene (;zAi) and of other sorts, and that t L ";, aor.:, inf. n.i , , He kew it; or .. A ~ci e of bitter tree or plant. (8, TA. ) does not flow [in consquence of its being chewed]: - And it is applied to, ( syn. or is said to be ,(Mib:) pl. [of mult.] Ai*U (Msb, 1) and [of he wras, or became, acquaintd withit; o,) dj: (g, :) or he Anew it (c) (Meb, TA,) The ~coynta: (?, Myb, V, TA: truly, or (Mb, TA.) certainly: (B, TA:) by what is said above, and or the pue of the colocyntA: (Az, TA:) or thi) pauc.] I. roocynt,A wh n intesly bitter: (Iam p. 509: '"and VI (0, 8) and (IOa (accord. to by what is afterwards said in the ], ,3al and or, as some say, t;tJl i* [a name now applied some copies of the J, but not in the O nor in the ihja.JI and .:JIt are made to have one meaning; of El#dz: (J:) or a tpeci of and this is nearly what is said by most to the elaterium; the wild, or usqirting, cucumber] TA,) A trew of the (MNb.) Hence one says of anything in which is trees growing in the region of El-Rjdz: A5[n lexicologists: but most of the critics discriminate 1 intense bitterner, i, l LZb [As though it er says, the " are certain trees, of the character- every one of these from the others; and .. il, coorynth, or th ypulp of coocylth, &e.]. (Az, istics of which I have not heard a description. (O.) accord. to them, denotes the highest quality, beTA.) - And Anything bitter. (%, M;b, ]g.) .i Pood c togh,t or hard to chere; (, ; i) ua cause it is that which they allow to be an attriAlso A bitter Ai [or drupe of the #pec~i of lot bute of God; whereas they did not say [that He 1 also Jto (i.) [And] A viacuc, glutinous, tree ca bd ]: (1:) or so t3iU.: mentioned is] t~, in the most correct language, nort&.: coesi, sticy, ropy, or slimy, thing. (.) 1y IAlA. (TA.)- And The bitterst oforater: :i X .4 A piece, or portion, of clay or earth, (TA:) [respecting other differences betweenLwa! (I:) or so V 1;45: mentioned by IA#r. (TA.) green, or of a dark or an achy dust-colour, and a 4l, the former of which is more general and soft, (0, TA,) in which it no sand. in signification than the latter, see the first para1;i Blittern~. (I. [Originally an in n.: :() ) graph of art. J.&: much might be added to what see Q. 1.]) - And A miznd and turbid state (TA.) - And p ; oLand fL near to vater. is there stated on that subject, and in explanation .f water. (IDrd, TA.) - See also '. , last (0, ]K.) of.aI, from the TA, but not without controtwo sentences. i; Afat and goodly she-camcel (.) versy:] or .a signifies ;I [i.e. he knhe a thing, intuitioely, and inferentially, as expl. in the i%; The i;LL [or faucial bag] of the camel, M9 b in art. X&]; .. ll being syn. with Xl; L id , (;, Myb, ]K,) aor. ' (Mpb, 1) and , Ae hae brays: (O, i:) pL .A./. (O.) , And (,) inf n. . ! , (Mqb,) lIe chewed it; (P, Myb, the latter, (lI&.b,) Strong canine teeth: (]:) but it occurs with the meaning of i~'..~Jl, like as ] ;) and moved it backwards and forwards in this is said by some to be its meaning in a verse a*Jl occurs with the mcnaning of 11, each Ais moth, to Ce~ it. (v.) _..;JI ia, (?, of Ru-beh. (O.) being made to import the meaning of the other because each is preceded by ignorance [when O, MNb, J,)aor. ;, (?,) or :, (O,) He (a horse) ays,: see J; a: and see also tU . not attributed to God]: Zuheyr says, [in his rhewed, or ehamped, the bit, (S, O, Myb,) or NMo'allalah,] ,nored it abot, (,) in hit mouth; (S, 0, ;) l is A thi ngthat is chwed; a alsoc . .,.,.-. .,, like AII. (ISd and I in art. aUJ.) -_ And i; . g [and V.t34; (see 6)1: so in the saying 3I i de,U He ground, or grated, Ais canine teeth, oMe .Ltd and tol [and o a;, i. e. He tasted not a ,; i;th the otAer, so that a sond was produd. thing that is chewed; eaning, anyting]. (. , * 4;> (J.) i She kne d we her dough. TA.) - See also sa. meaning Jelj [i. e. And I know the knowledge (TA.) ;>t;: see the next preceding paragraph: and of the present day, and of ysterday before it; but to t knowledge of what will be to-morrow I s. ',~ (A,) inf n. at1. . ( (o, :,) He see also am blind]: and it is said in the l]ur [viii. 82], tawned weall the waterAin: (0, g:) mentioned lb). i q. qb. [q. v.]. (TA in art. .ap.) by AIjn (TA) and Ibn-Abbid (0, TA) and Z. ;...ja 1 3, meaning ;M 4 a ' (TA.). dJ-to dA lie tended, or managed, well, A eer /an of [or resin]. (Qp) A,* [i. e. Ye know thes not, but Sod know Ais cattle, or property. (0, 1], TA.) - And them]; M)41I being attributed to God became . [act. part. n. of 1; Caeving; &c.]., WL --Z --- 4. IIe tightened his hands pO it is one of the two kinds of*,, [the intuitive [The pl] Jis-- is applied by Ru-beh to bitted i property, fom niggardlne, (I, TA,) not and the inferential,] and the discrimination beentertaininga guest nor giving to a petitioner or mares [as meaning Chewing, or champing the tween them is conventional, on account of their bits]. (O.) - See also 4U&. beggar. (TA.) different dependencies, though He is declared to be free from the imputation of antecedent igno[ n A stammering, or stuttering, (J,) 6. j1,4 ; ~ bC [I hace not occupied mysef in in ckeiang with anything that is chewed; or] I ths tongue: (1:) [or, app., an action, in the rance and from acquisition [of knowledge], for He knows what has been and what will be and have not tasted anything; and so jlJ, b L tongue, like chewing: for it is said that] .J how that which will not be would be if it were, j 9 means 2.La andId-, iL [i. e., app., He and l;y C*. (0 in art. his .i. being an eternal and essential attribute: clhew his tongue in speaking]. (0, from IbnR. Q. 3. 'l,it !aS The hairwas, or became, 'Abb6d.) - Also A certain vein (g, O, 0) in when .lc denotes oft1,it .sometimes] has two [app. here meaning, as in many other objective complements; but as syn. with ji., intenely black, (i , ,) or abundant, (Ii,) the a instances, the vulva]; accord. to El-'Adebbes El- it has a single objective complement: (Mqb:) and cole~ted together. (S, g.) Kininee, (e, 0,) i mars and s-asses and wes it has two objective complements in the saying, .;ip [Rein;] a certain thitng that is chewed; or she-goats, in the i;ji [q. v.], unapparent, (?, in the lBur [lx. 10], *L* '; ' [Andl 1

p'.",) and oats what he pleas [See also .]

(M, 0, $ .) (, O;)

the &.

[meaning resin] of the

, L,) i tAinterior t

f: (, O:) the ;UIf



.BooK I.] if
mnow them to be bi~c rs]; and [in like manner] they allowed one's saying ; [meaning I ew mysef to be], like as they said s'b and .m. &c.: (TA:) and sometimes it imports the meaning of .a, and is therefore followed by ": (Mb :) [thus] .;l; signifies. or jaS (aecord. to different copies of the 1) [i. e. He knew it; as meaning he knen, or had knowkdge, of it; as cognizant of it; or understood it: or he hnew the minute particularsof it: or he perceied it by means of any of the senes : and sometimes this means he became informed, or apprised, of it: and sometimes, he was, or became, knowing in it]: or in this case, [as meaning ?. ;. ,] you say, 1i4 and a4 " [I cord. to the g * '

,.L,] and I surpasdkim in.


.j>, but the verb in 3. It ~,ja jd, aor. of the latter ,s means [I contended mith him, or strow to surpass him, in this case is correctly like j.b, (TA,) He was,
or became, nch as is tcrmed..Jl andAA;; (M,' [i. e. w dge,

1,* TA ;) meaning he po~

knowledge (.ll1) as a faculty firmly rooted in his mind: (IJ,TA:) accord. to IB, i. q. ,ta; [q. v., as intrans.]: and he was, or became, equal to the .oL [pl. of iL. and of .l]. (TA.) ... l, aor. ': see m , aor. a. i and ;, (I,) inf. n. ,, (TA;) signifies He marked it; syn. aj. (g.) And one says, U .is, meaning I wound my turban upon my head with a mark rhereby its mode slould be known. (TA.) [See

&c.]: ($, ]:) [the meaure jZ,] and in like manner the measure Jah', in every case of this kind, is changed into 31i: so says As: [but see S in art..~ :] and Lh mentions the phrase,

'1~.i &l ci. ; C [I did not think, or know, that I should surpas him in knowlede]. (TA.) 4: see 2, in six places. _ One says alsho, ,ls 4,tI (?, Mgh, TA) He (i. e. a beater and washer and whitener of clothes, S, Mgh) made the garment, or piece of cloth, to hare a mark; (Mgh ;) or he made upon it, or in it, a mark. (TA.) also 4.] ~ ;, anor. , (S, x,) inf. n. , [And, said of a weaver, or an embroiderer,] He knew it; &c.]: (Myb:) and one says, -. 4 made to the garment, or piece of cloth, a borde., (S,) He slit his [upper] lip. (S, .) l , a,,$,,o~, meaning aS ta [I nme not,'e., aor. :, (S, MSb, .,) inf. n. ., (S, Msb,) iIe or borders, of fijured, or variegated, or entthe tidings of his coming, or arrival]. (TA.) (a man, S) had a ftiure in his upper lip: (S, broidered, work, or the like. (M9 b.) - And t ~t.5l, also, signifies 'j; [ie knew it; &c.]. Mlb, :) or in one of its two sides. vi AMI liHe made, or put, or set, a marki upon (KI.) it; namely, a writing, or book, &c.: (MSb:) (1i.) And one says t?i in the place of;.i; 2. &1& [He, or it, made him to be such as is [or] a I p l [Know thou; &c.]: ISk says, cj %,i :.A termed.iet andS '; i. c., made him to possess made, &c., a mark upon such a place of the >1^ is a phrase used in the place of [as knowledge (,,1l1) as a faculty f rmly rooted in writing, or book]. (TA.)_ ,11 t,lcl lie su.meaning I knme, or, emphatically, I know, that his mind: and hence, he taught him. And it cended upon the horse some coloured wool, (Q, sch a one was, or is, goingforth]; adding, [howgenerally has a second objective complement]. TA,) red, or white, (TA,) in rar, or battle. (.K, ever,] when it is said to thee, i,t . j ;lJ J91 You say, sit.Il eh [I made him to know, or TA.) And l lie o e.lmarked himself will [Know thou that Z7yd is going forth], thiou sayest taught him, the thing], in which case the teshdeed the mark, sign, token, or badge, of war; a also %.:J [lit. I hae known, meaning I do know]; is [said to be] not for the purpose of denoting t';,.& (K.) [Or] WI .lcl The horman but when it is said, t~ I.j JlXs3, thou dost mucldminess [of the action; but see what follows]; made, or appointed, for hkinself, [or distinguished [I taught him the Opening not say, ms .J; (S :) accord. to IB, these (S ;) and i_,3Wl e., himself by,] the mark, sign, token, or badlge, of the two verbs are not used as syn. except in the Chapter of the .ur-dn], and J.ZIA: [the art, or mnen of courage. (?.) And a. -i tW *' I m l imperative forms: (TA:) [or] j.1 .;l and craft], &c.; inf. n..--; (Msb ;) and appointed to him ('J j) a mark, sign, or inf. n. and ', the latter like token, which he would, or s/ould, know. (Myb.) t' are syn. as signifying 1I [app. mcan- /,lt, ing he knem, 6r learned, the, or affair, . -,.; and U.~l, &*,; (R;) both, aecord. to _ And 'i. tA,c (Q in art. cJ9) lIh put a soundly, thorouhly, or well: see art. >i3: but I the ](, signifying the same [i. e. he taught him tombstone [as a mark] to the grave.' (T4 in that said of a well-sinker, lie foundl the think it not improbable, though I do not find it knowledge, or sience]; but Sb makes a distinction art.) l~1 well that he was digging to be one haring muclh. in any copy of the ]g, that the right reading may between them, saying that ; is like 5, rater. (TA.) be ;j:I, which is syn. with ; an explanation and that t ;. 1 is like ,5; and Er-Rilghib of.,J in the Msb, as mentioned above, being says that t. 5., Au is quasi-pass. of 2 [i. e. it signifies R/. .l is particularly applied to quick was, or became, made to know, or taug/ht; or lee 1,.. (], TA.) And 1.J t JWJ3 means information; and.1' I is particularly applied to learned: and is trans. and intrans.]. (l, Msb, that which is repeated and much, so that an im;*.U [i.e. All knew hi; &c.]. (S, 1.) g,. TA.) You say, ;lal .L3(MA, 10) H, pression is produced thiereby upon the mind of I.c 2 A [lit. I knew his knowletge, or what learned [knonledge, or wciene]. (MA.) See also 1, and some say that the latter is the latter half, in three places. [In the last he kem, app. meaning I tried, pro~ed, or testd, the .: of those hm, and so knem what he kun ; and hence I exciting the attention of the mind to the conception places, .W app. signifies, as it often does, lIe kneo hit case or stateor condition, or his qualities;] of mcanings; and sometimes it is used in the possed knowrledge as a faculty firmly rooted i,e is a phrase mentioned by Fr in explanation of sense of A.k1l when there is in it muchness: his mind.] Accord. to some, .,. signifies The t 4. ;. . i and (TA voce I;, q. v. See also the expla- (TA:) you say, ',l lJ, [mean- mimnds having its attention ac'ited to the conception nation of 9w OX n, in the first paragraph of ing I made known, or notified, or announred, to of meanings, or ideas. (TA.) hin, or I told him, or I made him to know, or art. .A.:.and see t l) q14, in art. ; .) 6. .j1t , .IJW: see 1, latter half. have knoledge of, ithe news, or piece of informa. .l is also used in the manner of a verb sig- tion; I acquaintedhim with it; told, informed, apnifying swearing, or asseveration, so as to have a prised, advertised, or certifed, him of it; gave 8. 1L,cl: see 1, latter half. _.lal said of similar complement; as in the saying, him information, intelligence, notice, or advice, of water, It flowed (]g, TA) upon the grownd. (TA.)_ And said of lightning it means J5 6' it]: (Msb :) see also 10: [hence the inf. n. t;gl. is often used, as a simple subst., to signify a noti- .aIl [app. .l ch, and, if so, meaning It [And I ertainly knew that thou wouldt, or that fication, a notice, an announcementt or an adver- shone, shotec briglhtly, or gleamed, in, or upon, the she wo~d, assuredly com in the e ing]. (TA ti~ment:] and sometimes t *,l_ has three oh- lou moountain]: a poet says, .J , aA ,... . in art. M.) And [G od knoweth] is a jective complements, like kSjl; as in the saying, 0 &J 1 ;s 1 s form of asseveration. (lAth, TA voce ;W1: 1 b. ;l,25 l: [I made knomn, &c., to ee an ex. in art. j..) ,l~ , agreeably with Zeyd that 'Amr was going away]. (IA. p. 117.) "^W1 1 ds what is aid in the M, which is ; a..., ac- - See also 4, in three places. [B3ut a little lightning, in watching rwhich I paued

tke night, not to be anm sa (TA.) hmn it hone, &c.]. is tied pon the rpear: (], TA:) it occurs in a verse of Aboo-akhr EI-Hudhalee with tbe second fet-bah lengthened by an alif aRfter it [so 10. a..,a-1 He asked, or desired, him to tell kin [a thing; or to make it knomn to him]. that it becomes tA.']. (IJ, TA.) - And : The chie of a p~ple or party: (, TA:) from the (MA, KL*) You say, ii;l JI .. h! same word as signifying "a mountain" or "a *;1 [He acd, or dsired, me to tell him, or make (i.) - [In grambanner:" (TA:) pl..;l. kno to him, the new, or piee of information, mar, it signifies A proper name of a person or and I told him it, or made it known to him]. (f.) is applied to place &c.-And the pl. ;;1 Thi~ pertaining to rites and cerenies of the .,L: see i., in two places. pilgrimage or the like, as being sg thereof; such h, is an inf. n., ( ], &c.,) &, and [as such] u the place herensuch rites and mcermoniues are has no pl. [in the classical language]. (8b, TA performed, the beasts dtined for sacrife, and voce [As A.) a post-claical term, used a a the vario practi~ pformnd during th simple subet., its pl. is ,, signifying The pilgrimage4c.; as, pl. of .,r: the science, or seeral spcies of kowledge.] - Some- former word is applied to such places in the Ksh times it is applied to Predominantopinion; [i. e. and Bd and the Jel in ii. 153; and the latter, in Ineponderant belief;] because it stands in stead the YKh and Bd in ii. 194: the former is also of that which is ,A properly so termed. (Iam applied to the beasts destined for sacrifice in the p. (32.) _ And sometimes it is used in the sense Ksh and Bd and the Jel in xxii. 37; and the of jk. [A doing, &c.], as mentioned by Az, on latter, in the Ksh and Bd in xxii. 33: and both the autllority of Ibn-'Oyeyneh, agreeably with are applied to the practices above mentioned, , as signifying one "who the former in the TA and the latter in the ], in an explanation of does according to his knowledge;" and it has art.j:: see l:Z.] - See also what next follows. been expl. as having this meaning in the ]gur and 1''J and t ; [the last of which xii. 68 [where the primary meaning seems to be is originally an inf. n., see 1, last sentence,] A ftj; U ii much more apposite]. (TA.)-_ ure in th upper lip, or in one of its two sides. (.K.) means [I mt~ hin the first thing, like j1jl,i? and U; 'ss; or] before everything [el]. i;u: see what next precedes. Nl.

[Boox L
[Amon tAhpeople, or party, is a mark, ig%, or token]; and the pL ofthis last is Atl: (TA:) the pl. of L4 is ; ; (M,b) and [the colL j gen. n.] ;j', (V, TA,) differing from See only by the apocopating of the t. (TA.) also,i;, in two places. t)s~' Light, or activ; and sharp, or acwte,

in mind; (V, TA;) applied to a man: it is without teshdeed, and with the relative tj; from.;j [signifying "a hawk"]. (TA.) ;A; and ;4;, (], TA,) both mentioned by I8d, the latter [which is les used] from L/,

. a ad (TA,) and t ; (S, J) and j ;&j , (I,) Very knoain or ~cit or learned: (., g:) the ; in *i4; is added to
denote intensiveness; (.;) or [rather] to denote that the person to whom it is applied has attained the utmost degree of the quality signified thereby; [so that it means knowing &c. in the utost degree; or it may be rendered very mer, or singularly, knowing or scientific or learned;] and this epithet is applied also to a woman: (IJ, TA:) [t 1J..3, likewise, is doubly intensive;

and so, app., is t-:]

the pl. of j;


s;; and that of t. Sec also, for the first, .;.

epithets, (V,) or ;4

is Xy . (TA.) Also the same

and *t1;,

(TA,) i. q.


fem. of..I [q. v.].

A;: see *. ._Also An impreimon, or to in the saying 9 M i ,"tLlo [meaning ;niprem; or a footstep, or track, or trace. (TA.) At the water are the sons of such a one] is a con- And TheA~ of a garment, or piece of cloth; tracetion of ;.J l. (O.) ( ;) [i.e. the ornamental, or flgured, or varieOf, or relating to, knowkledge or sciece; ytted, border or borders thereof;] the fgred, or [i. -- ] ,.rie!iated, or emibroiderd, work or decoration, scienti.fc; theoretical; opposed to 3 u ]. (MIb, g, TA,) in tihe borders, (TA,) thereof: [.La, in grammar, The quality of a proper (Mqb.) - And [A (M 9b, ]4, TA:) pl.).j. way-mark; i. c.] a thing et up, or erected, in the name.] way, (!g, TA,) or, as in the M, in the deserts, or see also . .s see Lj._t: -and r-aterleja deserts, (TA,) for guidane, (], TA,) [ *; is for 3 .A in the M, for the guidana of those going astray; (4:) the former is also (TA;) as also t i;j.: .;i : see ;A . - Also i q. 3 [q. v.]: an applied to a building raised in the beaten track instance of the substitution of t for t. (MF and of the road, of snch as areplacea of alighting for TA on the letter .) traelUer, lh~by on is guided to the land [that and seAs: see .AJL&. ... gall and ,l is the object ofa journey]: pl.;'tl: and,i also
signifies a ;;G lapp. a mistranscription forjtG, without : see these two words]. (TA. [See S MI! The stars, alro &.;.]) [Hence, Ij; tAat are signs of thi reay to traelUers: or asterismu, see l~ .] - And A eparation betwe two

, aLJ; (K, TA;) [or rather.; signifies ; i. e. very skilful in genealogies, or a greatgenda/o-

gist; and t iL;4 signifies ii.,

i.e. posesing

the utmost kotvledge in gcalogies, or a most skilfl genealotis;] from..aI. (TA.)


se tie next preceding paragraph, in

two places._Also, and t; , The ): [or heank]; (s1;) the latter on the authority of
IAyr: (TA:) and [particularly] the jl, [ie. mwk]; (];) a some the mukhet, or ~parro say: (TA :) or so the former word, (T,* ;, TA,) or the latter word accord. to Kr and IB. (TA.) And the former word, The [plant called] .t;

[i. e. Laonia inermis]: (IAir, S, g, TA:) thus

land; [like.oj;] a also t L.. (Q) [Hence,] ,.J1 A.l te liits that are set to the Sacred
Territory. (TA.) -And A mountain; (f, ]J;) au a general term: or a log mountain: (lg:) [app. as forming a separation: or as being a known sign of the way:] pl. ,I., and;,, : (4 :) the former pl. occurring in the 'ur [xlii. A banner, or 31 and] lv. 24. (TA.) -And standard, syn. 1I1;, (?, , TA,) to wvhich th soldies congsreate: (TA:) and, (g,) some say, (TA,) the thing [i. e. flag, or strip of cloth,] that I

correctly, but mentioned by Kr as without teshdeed. (TA.)-And the same, i.e. with teshdeed, The kernel of the sto, of the ~ [or JrYit, 1, as epithets applied to God, signify [The i. e. drupe, of the lot-tree called ]. (TA.) what lhas been and Omnuscient~;] He who kts i$.k: see;t;, in four places. what will be; who ever has knonm, and ever vwill hnow, what has ben and whvat will be; from see,,l.a whomn nothing is concealed in the earth nor in the heave; whose hnovled&ge compre~nds all &, c.,) said by some to be .iIjt, (S, Msb, things, the covert thercof and the ovwrt, the smnall also pronounced ,..II, (MF, TA,) and prothereofand the great, in the most complete manner. nounced by El-lIajjfij with hemsz [i. e..lj1l], is (TA.) primarily a name for Tlhat by means of mAich one L.J. i.q. a*. [A mark, sign, or tokmen, by knowm [a thing]; like as .SlJl is a name for wokich a person or thing is known; a cognizance, "that by means of which one seals" [a thing]: or badge; a characteristic; an indication; a accord. to some of the expositors of the, nymptom]; (J; [see also .i ;]) and t ,; is its predominant application is to that by meam of syn. therewith [as meaning thus]; (S, Myb, wh/ich the Creator is knonn: then to the illligent beings of mankind and of the jinn or genii: TA;) and so t ,,..U,, (Abu-l-'Omeythil El- or to mankind and the jinn and the angels: and .,. i0 -. mankind [alone]: Es-Seyyid Esh-Shereef [ElAq.rbee, TA,) as in the saying t

Boox I.]
Jurjinee] adopts the opinion that it is applied to the latter of which is pl. of,Jlc; (IB, TA ;) the ery kind [of these, so that one says "ilJ!tIo t and ' former being [properly] pl. of, e; mankind) of (which may be rendered the world is used as is [a] pl. of.jl;; (Mb ;) [but] A' (the world of the jina or genii) a pl. of both, (IJ, TA,) and by him who says and . 1lI ~ oJn.jl;i (th world of th angel), all of only.ilt [as the sing.]; (Sb, TA;) because 1l and b which phres are of frequent occurrence], and is used in the sense ofS;: to him who is enterto the kinds [thereof] collectively: (TA:) or it ing upon the study of l), the epithet VJ t signifier L; I [i. e. the cration,as meaning tah [which may generally be rendered learning, or a bings, or tings, that are created], (B, M9 b, 1,) (IJ, TA.) _at, alttogethr [i. e. all th creatd beings or things, learnr,] is applied; not.,. One who doer according expl. as signifying is also or aU creaturs]: (:) or, as some say, pecuand ..e: See also (TA.) knowdge. to his liarly, the intdlign cratur: (Meb:) or what t caeavity (lit. bdly) of the celestial sAere corn- A,aX. - And seeWJI.

2141 except in a verse of Zuheyr Ibn-Khabb4b [?]; the (TA.)

LAI L,;J: see a*>, in two places.

s ee

4W and place;. ' places.

; each in two

signifying ZILa; , i;;.i i. q. i;L; *Jll.: (19,TA;) TA;) as meaning The place in which is (g, known known the eistence of the thing: (Msb in art. C>:) A:) pl j i ; (TA;) which is the contr.of

pl. of J,;.;. [q. v.] as applied to a land; JaI.., pl. meaning in which are sign of the way. (TA in And hence, [A peo in whom is art. q..) [act. pries, (g, TA,) of subancss and accidents: of a quality &c.:] one says, h~& ti eai~te khnonm wellU having much water: (1, :) or .1,A (TA:) [it may often be rendered t/e norld, as [14 is one in whom good, or god [He meaning the unrse; and as meaning the earth of wrich the water is salt: (V:) and a wide well: F U,& nw, is known to be]. (TA.)-Also A thing, U its inhabitants and other appertmancs ; and sometimes a man was reviled by the saying, nw, w aith (g,) or a mark, trace, or track, (, TA,) by and in more retricted enses, as instanced above: AI Xl t' i!, referring to the width of his mother (K,) ol/ic, one guidesa hiself, or is uided, (g, ~, TA,) meaning the animal [in respect of the and one says ]: (TA:) o l5. Yokick, 5 Jll.j. to the road, or way; (S, TA;) as also L_. king , and ;,h1;l ,j11 the wgetable Aing- (S, accord, to different copies: in the TA, in copies of which, in The sa: ($, and *,t : (.: [in several the mineral kingdom:] this instance, the latter.) -And domr, and o;;JI .i is here put in the all as far as I know, .1 Jafar Eq-dit ays that thle .jt is twofold: :>) pl.,l. (TA.)-And The mater upon place of,.1llj; X:hereby,f.l is made to be syn. which is the earth: (S, 1:) or nater concealed, with jI, sWJ, which is the celestial spher namely, Jl but accord to SM, it is syn. with .,JWI: or covered, in the earth; or beneath layers, or with ., .JI )i, which strata,of earth; mentioned by Kr: (TA:) [ a; j, 6, with what is within it; and / Jl, as is shown by what here follows:]) and 1~1.9 is man, as biny [a microcosm, i. e.] an epitome and .i., in art. and TA JK in the occurs wlJ hlience lience a reading in the l]ur [xliii. 01], t.JLi Jj qf U that is in th -b: and Zj says that ltal is there plainly shown to mean the water that is 3.LM, meaning And verily he, i. e. Jesus, by his ;c;J1, hb no literal sing., because it is [significant of] beneath a mountain, or stratum of rock: (see also ppea'ring, and descending to the earth, shall be appearing, a plurality [of classes] of diverse things; and if t"l is said that] :) and it and see., c~': a the approach of the hour [of resurrecsign of made a sing. of one of them, it is [significant of] tion]: also said, in a trad., that on the day it is a plurality of congruous things: (TA:) the pl. .4ln I means copioua water. (.yam p. 750.)... tor aly of resurrection there shall not be a ., is Cp.4Wl (Q, M, M;b, V, kc.) and,Jlyllt (S, And A large cooking-pot. (T, TA voce , ) TA:) and the sing. is [said to be] the only in- m Also Plump, and soft, tender, or delicate. (8, one: and the pl. is,t1b. (TA.) And d!a stance of a word of the measure 3.i6 having a K.) And Thefrog. (AAF, 1]. [This meaning signifies The indication, or indicator, of the road, hence it signifies likeor wray. (TA.) -[And pL formed with . and X, (I8d, ], TA,) except is also assigned to 'i.]) And i. q. ; of anything; a stympltom, or indication, wise An .1": (], TA:) [but see this latter word:] (];) which signifies A male hyena; ($,1;) _ See also U.t,last quarter. .] like ~Jdl signifies the [several] sorts of created occurring in a trad. (m.) respecting Abraham, beings or things: (f:) [or all the sorts thereof: relating that he will take up his father to pass ,j~ .,t. pass. part. n. o f,,l [q. v.] in the phrase or ths beinuJ of the uniers, or of th whol with him the [bridge called] bt., and will look ,W, and thus applied as an epithet to a ,a?, 4j~I world:] it has this form because it includes manmale [a garment, or piece of cloth: (8:) [and also in kind: or because it denotes particularly the sorts at him, and lo, he will be"' consisting of the angels and the hyena inflatd in thoe ides, big in the beUly, or other senses: thus in a verse of Antarah cited of cred bi and applied to a 5.i [or gamingjinm and mankind, eschuiroly of othrs: I'Ab is having his ide dcfled ith earth or dust]. (TA.) voce Jjp:] arrow] as meaning Having a mark [made] wpon .,;%: see the next preceding sentence. related to have explained X* dl ,, as meaning it. (TA.) - [See also a vene of 'Antarah cited th Lord of the uin, or gaii, and of mankind: learned]. nowing or and most, .La [More, iat&dh says, the Lord of all the crated beings: voce voce &-L*.] &-] 1 but acord. to As, the correctnes 'of the expla- Applied to God, [it may often be rendered nation of IAb is shown by the saying in the be- 8uprem in knomedge: or omniscient: but often, [q. v.] in the phrase act part. n. of-_ , * act. t,i [in the ginning of oh. xxv. of the gur4Fn that the Prophet in this case,] it means [simply] lI,! 1: [and in other senses :] . thus also was to be a j,~i [or warner] X 'fa;and he sense of knowing, or cognizant]. (Je in iii. 31, (f5.) of the same verb in the phrase '. ll ,.a1. was not a WJU to the beats, nor to the angels, and IA p. 240.) [Therefore Ls1 Di virtually though all of them are the creature of God; but means, sometimes, God knows best; or knows all .01~ Aa.. [pas. part. n. of S, in all its senses: only to the jinn, or genii, and mankind. (TA.) things: and sometimes, simply, God knoms.] - and hence particularly signifying] Directed by J [as meaning A Also [Harelipped; i. e.] having a fiure in his inspiration - 1.S is also n. it.h inspiration to that which is right and goo~l. gratnmof mankind; or the peopl of one time]. upper lip: (?, Mgh, Msb, 1 :) or in one of its two (TA.) sides: (1 :) the camel is said to be,,l because (0, voc b;, q. v.) 00---* of the fissure in his upper lip: when the fissure is .4a* l [act. part. n of 8, in all its senses: and (IJ,. Mb, the same, 9.,' signify .o1 and 1 is used and generally meaning] A teacher. (KL.) - [It is in the lower lip, the epithet $]*) a epithets applied to a man; (];) i.e. ,1 is used in both of these, and also in other, now also a common title of addres to a Christian the attributeof.w. (IJ, M9b, TA) as Posng and to a Jew.] similar, senses: (TA:) the fem. of,.d;l is 'a: afaaltyfirnmly rooted in tAe mind; [or learnd; Jl jl [men_%L&* j [Known; &c.]. , and literature;] the former (1, M 9b, TA:) which is likewise applied to a lip or erd in snc 82] means xxxviii. 38 and ]ur xv. in the tioned coat also Tie l I signifies being used in [what is more properly] the sense ('a;). (TA.) -_i ' 49 [The time of] the rsurrection. (TA.) And .A')I of the latter; (IJ, TA;) which is an intensive of mail: (,:) mentioned by Sh, in the book [7%,e but as not heard by him Jl,,i*t) [mentioned in the ]ur xxii. 29] means .JI Jl .; (],) entitled nt' and epithet: (TA:) the pl. is g



[Boos I. ['he jirst] ten days of Dhul-I/jseh, (S, Mgh meaning He addre~sd himsef to hbeing, or sought you say, vtpil i; [it [t mu, or bcame, hig;, M9b, ]C,) the last of wAhich is the day of the sacrM to be, made publicly known]. (TA.) - [And' jice. (TA.) - [In grammar, The acti tvoice.' ] XaL, a; signifies [or is said to signify] The seek or leated, in place], aor. J, inf. n. : ( :) ,:l J [t he was, or became, igh, or ing, or desiriyng, to lay open, manifest, reveal, maX and eleated, or exalted, in dignity, or noityl, (, public, or publish. (KL.) - [And] i. q. sl Mgh,) with kesr, (S,) aor. I, inf. n. :i ; (, [inf. n. of 4, but in what sense is not shown perhaps of 4 as signifying r 4 1, expl. above] Mgh;) and also ti, with fet-h, aor. .: .a 1. . ~1 i s, aor. ;(, M9 b, 1() and ;; (: ;, ) (JM.) - See also 1. poet says, and i., aor. ; (Q ;) and I , aor. :; (ISk, 0 4L3 &s t L Q. Q. Ll;il ;JJLc, (S,) in n. ;iye and1 Myb, ] ;) inf. n. j*S , which is of the first; (S, Myb;) and XJ,;, (ISk, 9, Myb, 1], TA, [app., (B in art. s,) i. q. r;i;s [i. e. I put a [t When thy nobilihy became exalted to me, I accord. to the CId, * L, but this is wrong,]: title to the book, or rritiyng]: (S:) it may be o f became exalted]; thus combining the two dial. which is of the last; (ISk, S, Msb, TA;) andi the measure Qy from 4,'j.ii, or the forme: vars.: (S:) or you say, ?lQ.jl s ;is [the was, or became, eminent in generous, or honourZ,y., (], TA,) which is of the three; (TA;: ) in > may be a substitute for the J in able, actions or qalities], inf n. n [in some or this last is a simple subst.; (M.b;) T7u c .ic [or the J for the X ]: Lth says that it is affair, or case, or event, was, or became, overt, not a good word. (TA.) [It is also mentioned copies of the K *Lo]; (Msb, ] ;) and *k, inf. n. i.)l; (K;) and thus the two verbs are used in open, manifet, public, ($,' Msb, 1, TA,) pub in art. js.] lided, or spread; (Mgb, TA;) and >Ulst sigthe saying of the poet cited above: (TA:) and nifies the same; (K ;) [and so *ti part. n. of 4: see ;lc. (Msb.) I, but for I ,.,l' said of a man, signifies the same as this I know not any authority except modern cj. (S.) [Hence,] .*:JI c The sun became ,.U A man vho reveals his secrt; ( ;) [or a usage: and Xplcl has a similar meaning, expl. high; as also Jil: (Nawn dir el-Aqarb, TA seacr of secet,s;] or one who will not conceal a below.] _ [The Cg has u;ila where other copies blicsrt. .([.) in art. U,J.:) and [hence,] ;j,Jl The day beof the I, and the TA, have -; t1, as syn. with came advanced, the sun being somewhat kigh; syn. efs [part. n. of ,]: sece i;s. 1t, q. v.] ~l [q.v.];asalso *l%sl and t*o ..u. (s.) 2: see 4, first sentence. an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]: (1,TA.) or a L_ tjl i , inf. n. .Lc, signifies [also] and 1 osignify the same, ( simple subst. from 1; (Msb;) [as such] signify- cended teluplace, or upon the place; syn.j.: and i.e. i. q. $jt [meaning The behaving, or acting, ing Openaness, or publicity; (S, Myb;) contr. of fI oJ~ iand o*'.l ,.,ylc are syn. [as meanopenly rrith another, or ot ]; as also ' C, . v_. (S.) [Hence, a,> meaning Openly, or ing I ascended the mountain,or upon tke mountain, (Jg.) You say, .. , or upon the top, or hlighest part,thereof]: and Jc. t/ i. q. AS,.0 [i. e. publicly; and aloud: see Iur ii. 275; &c.] I ras open, or I acted orpenly, with tiem in tke and i z.51 signify I ascended it; syn. 41j Also One's outward man; syn. 1, q.v.: qffair, or case]. (JK in art. j..) And jijl .. (Msb.) (S, Msb, Mo k, TA) and i; and 1 . (T in art. 5;3a1M i. q. ;. [i. e. He showed open enmity opposed to i'r (C, TA, [in the C~ ~ o' is put for 4;3,]) or hostility, with anotier]. (TgI.) - Or The [And it is also used as an cpithet; app. by those and .. u , ( , IS, TA,) and who * ,W 1, ( and hold it a,) to be originally an inf. n.; or rather laying opn, or manifltiag, of each one to his fellow, what is in his mind. (TA.) You say, its being thus used may be regarded as cor- V ; !1,and t S'I, and V#., (]g, TA,) this , ,:,;;il, [or a:s,] in. n. 3;"tl and [I roborating the assertion that it is originally an last [for which the CKj has agbt] being with [', &c., though, as an epithet, it teshdeed, (TA,) and t *la and ,t laid open, or manifested, to hinm ,chat was in my inf. n., like JB,.(1], 0* - -- in t . ,mind, he doitg the same to me,] i. c. each of m has a pl.:] one says j , pl. pii; k g; as TA, [in the CIl t %ls,]) are syn., (g, ],) siglaid open, or manifested, to tih otler, what was also n pir. A man rhose affair, nifying He awcended it, or upon it; (]~; [in the in his mind. (Myb.) _ See also the next parae.a, and so in my MS. copy of the 1, but or came, is open, or manifest; (S, TA;) men- Clo graph. in other copies oj.-, which is certainly the right tioned by Lb. (TA.) 4. ^;.ls I laid it open, manifested it, revealed reading ;]) whether the object be a mountain or a , and its pl.: see what next precedes. it, made it public, or publidsed it; namnely, an beast: (TA:) [or] you say, a!;J! v- JHe affair, a case, or an event; (8, Msb, K, TA ;) as mounted the beast; (IK, TA;) and in like manner, X .. The XjI [or title] of a book, or writing. also e .;.l; and ,G , (g, TA,) [for which . aor. o (S, K.) - And an inf. n. of the verb .';. ; (1 anything: (TA:) and .. J latter the CI has a.J., but it is] with teshdeed, in art. [s.) (1, TA;) but in the M l i.e., like (TA,) in n. >i'; (T ;) [and ,;;41&, for] (TA;) inf. n. U (, TA) and ing part. n. of pit; applied to an affair, a ~'j; k a;J, (],) or [rather] &j.l .sl, (Tg,) means (TA, and case, so accord. or an to some event, copies Ovent, of open, manofest, nrblic, the g,) ,Y)' oAI' [He laid open, &c., to him, the publi;hed, or spread; as also i and tV &c. affair, or case, or ewnt]. .. ) - Hcnce, and a1; , (TA, and so accord. to other copies of occurring in a trad., as said of a woman [accused (Mqb.) the ]~ instead of ;) He .7 ascended upon the.fat of adultery], she revealed [or confcssed] the enorlow,e-top; syn. . (, TA.)- [sigmity, or act of adultery. (TA.) - [And C,.sli nifies also He, or it, was, or became, ~on it, or .w app. signifies He made him to be, or become, ps and to;j and is;i &c.: see arts. L. over it: and it came, or arose, upon it; ovoerlay as. publicly known: see 10; and see also O%4 ~.;t, and it; nwas, or became, superincumbmt, or in art. ,J.]-- l C>LI The affair, or case, or natant, upon it; or overpread it; as scum, and event, was, or became, notorious; or commonly, dr rust, &c. And It lay on him as a burdm. h o, (MQlb, i) aor. n, (Msb,) if. .; publicly, knomn; syn. l. (TA. [Compare 1.]) Hence,] one says, !hi;jji L. jfL to i.e. (Mqb, a ;) and :i]; See also 3, first sentence. and tifj [which last [t I did not ask, or demand, of thew, what would see also belowj; (r ,;) It (a thing, Msb) was, lie as a burden on thy bachk; or] what would be 8: see the first paragraph. or became, hih, eclvated, or lofty; (Msb, K;') onerous, burdnsome, oppressive, or troubeo~,to o0. ep ; 1 . io.q. u.j [app. synpa & !; (MQb;) and soa1i : (S, :) or thee. (TA.) - And [hence also] es It ovr5




2143 topped it, rose abowt it, or ceeded it in Akeihi thing from another thing; it did not cleave to it of Tiidmeh and tlhe part behind MeReh, (., g,) (TA in art. "s.) [And in like manner, r; i and Xsitl x _j means t The eye tecoils fro M i. e. [to] Ell-I.ijdz and wrohat is next to it. (.8.) him. (TA.) _ c jci: see 3. _ 4 tc m :AIt became elevated aboo it.] - And , ie 4. ;'* Lie (a man, Myb) delerated it (i. e. a J.1jI. and Jl4JIt tt I mwa, or became, superior syn. with 'jl: sec expl. with the latter below. thing, Msb); or made it high, or lofty; (Mtb, to thac in nobility and in goodlina]. (. in art ig;) as also 9tO;, (g,) with teshdeed, (TA,) 2 c&: see 4. - [Hence,] one says, Xc 2. --y.) And *t [t 1f had, or gained, ascen and # V*tj [without teshdeed]: (I :) it is [also] ~I.a [I raised it, and put it, upon the said of God, meaning t He elevated, or exalted, dency over him, or it; as also ti;. an( d ~I tl camel]: (S:) [and so ' lc; asin a verse cited *et VLS o,I: and] the ovrcame hIim; or had Aim; and *;"'ts is like it [in meaning]: ( :) in which, and in thc pre- and or gained, the mastry omr him; (., MNb, TA ; )voce 8;, in art. t; .4;t1;1S signifies dtho same as lt and subdued him; (Mb ;) namely, his opponent sent art., it is cited in the S and TA: and ; [tI levated, g or exalted, uch a one; as also, app., or adversary; as also 9 lil: as uJ;in a verse cited voce i' in the sense of and in like man. (see f 4 in art. li.,) XAt , .. i]. (Ilam p. 175.) ner, ,l,. ~. and t 1 the gained tiu c X, in art. I:] and i vJlc means J Hence one says, ' : i isI [f God exalted, mastery over the object of his want: and t )ul [i.e. Put tlou ulion me such a thing to be carried or may God exalt, his nobility]. (TA.) - See s. Jl t he prevailed against th thing, or lka by me; or load thou me]. (, ).And -. ;"l also 1, former half. -- 'il,Jl power oter it, and overcame it; and %. . ; means Sit ', j,JI, inf n. ZAa, I raised the tord to its proaor. 3L"., t he was, or became, able to do, or per place in And e Q1 respect of the channel of the sheaec, thou upon the cusion. (TA.) accomplids, or to bear, the thirn. (TA.) s and in respect of the [mnain] l1 Rise thou,from tit cushion; syn.;.: (TA wcU-rope. (S.)_ ,:% means j[i-~ [ e. t lI had And j)JI .Lc, inf. n. as above, IIe raied the in art. J :) or descend thou from it. (.* and strength, or pomer, uff/icint for the affair, andI bucket from a stone projecting in the lower part TA in the present art.) And I.JI c] L.ctl lie had abolute control over it]: (8: [so in one of of te casig of a mweU [and impeding its ascent]; alightedfrom the beast. (., TA.) - See alo 3, he aring dewscended toe cllUfor that purpose: [or my copies: the other has '1, which I find also latter half, in three places. in the P. and in my copy of the TA; and which simply he raised thejilcd buckiet; for] some say signifies he rvwho raises the filled b. u. : sec 1, first sentene._ Also (1) is allowed by some, but disallowed by others, in that VJjl bucket; i.e., who draws water thereby. (TA.) lie, or it, vas, or became, high, eleated, or lofty, the sense of as uL;;, is shorn voce ) _And dlI >C 1--ll Ll a He put donn the gently, or leisurely. (., .. ) - And He canme a poet says, goods, or fUrniture and utenils, from the beast: upon a party of men mud~y, or at unawares, -* ,, .5 Li - AaI LI 0 S % :.W [app. because he who does so lifts them off the vithout rmiion. (TA.)1 1 beast:] (a, TA:) ocsl in this sense is dis- t She (a woman) became free, ($, Mgh, ],) and pased forth, (Mgh,) from her state of impurity approved. (TA.) - See also 1, fbrmer half. consequent upon childbirth; (,, Mgh, ]( ;) as also [T1i aim thou at that for which thou hast s.ffi- And see Q. Q. L tV*jW; (Mgh; and TA in art. Jo;) and so cit trength, or power, and over which tlwo hast 3. p Zlac signifies tThe rying, comlpting, or con- .JLa, as well as : absolut control: (,e being understood after _,, :) (]g and TA in that art.:) for what object hst thou in meddling wviti tmat tending for superiority, in highness, loftines, ele-- or t1h >.from her disease: (gO:) or you say which a pair of hands cannot acconglish, (f vation, or eminence. (KL.) You say, l.,mean- of a woman, I~lW i. .3 meaning [as above affairs?]. (8.) [And hence, perhaps,] one says ing Aol,. (M in art. n. [See 3 in that art. in or] she became pure from the effect of her childto hiw who pomees much property, W blJ i. c. two places.]) - See 4, in two places. ,, birth: (TA:) and of a man you say, 'j" ja *.t jel [app. m aI and ,~" kI!, as though said of clarified butter, and of the fat of anything .. (S, TA) he recoveredfrom his diwase. (TA.) meaning t aveaw thou ability to coamume it, and having fatness, means It was nfrought (io [app. so srvire thou it; like as one says to lim who 6. JIW: see 1, first sentence. - Addressing over a fire]) until it rose in the oplration. (TA.) puts on a new garment, *il (see 4 in art. A)1: a man, (S, Mb,) using the imperative form, you _4 : ~ t Tley m~ifesctd the announcement or [perhaps a mistake for "and"] it is [virtuallv] of his death: (V, TA:) [as though meaning they say, jli, (S, Msb, 1(,) with fet-J to the J, (., a prayer for his continuance in life. (TA.) g,) originally meaning Be thou elmated, (., raised thi report of his death:] one should not M.b,) and said by a man in a high place in calling yt iJI Ui i;;i; j means I wa [or went] on say b i*l nor wh. (TA.) 8ee 2, in three a man in a low place; (Mqb;) then, by reason the windward side of suec a one: and one says, places. occurring in a verse of of frequency of usage, employed in the ense of JsU 34}W t1 W 1 ti. C. Umeiyeh Ibn-Abii_alt, is mentioned and ex[meaning Cone thou], (., Mqb,) absolutely, Go not thou on the mindward ride of the game, plained in the S in this art. and in art. Jjs: see whether the place of the person called be high or les it scent thy odour, and tahke fright and lee]. the latter art. [to which it seems more.properly to low or on the ame level; so that it is originally applied to denote a particular meaning, and then (TA.) - 'JJto _,;Z means I smote him [with belong]. - See 1, former half, in two plaes.the uord; or, more properly, I set upon him 3.3jts Remove thou, or go thou away or aside, used in a general meaning: (Meb r) and to a woman one says, J"'; (., Xg;) and to two therith]. (., TA.) And [in like manner] one from me; as also tV ; (, TA;) for women, (S,) or two persons, (TA,) tite; (., says, V J. o.s [t Hse et upon him, or which latter, c. JaQI occurs in a trad. respectTA;) and to a pl. number of men, "'l; (MNb, asiled him, or.orercams kim, with reviling and ing the slaughter of Abu-Jahl; TA;) and and lUoin e to 'a pl. number of women, Ih3W; beating]. (. and M in art. J 3, i 9 &c) _ (., Myb, TA;) and sometimes the J is prowith the conjunctive I is a dial. var. of & uJ,')!, (., TA,) inf. n. I., ( signifies t He s,) nounced with damm in the pl. masm., and with exalted, or magnified, kimscf, [in the earth,] or with the disjunctive 1, mentioned by Fr. (TA.) kesr in the febm.; whence El-gasan EI-Baree [Hence,] one says, L: oJ!; and J [fi. e. and behaved proudly, insolently, or exorbitantly. (, read, [in the ]gur iii. 57,] Ijl4 V.% j;; t ,i h J], meaning t Seek the obect of thy want TA.) And [in like manner] Au 1ij l~Ii ), in [Say thou, 0 paple of the Scripture, come ye, the ]ur xliv. 18, t Ezalt not, or magnify not, at the handr of other then us (o a ), for ro the usual reading being t!j], for the sake ot youmselh againt God; or behave not proudly, are not able to accomplish it. (TA.) - And t:se congeniality with the j: (Myb, TA:) it is not rcc. (BI, Jel.) - _ [lit. signifies It rose and tSel dsignify Ie caine to the 'Aliye of Ned, allowable to say .W [as meaning I came], Jon it: and hence,] it recoiled from it, i. e., a i. . the reogs ome a re d,a d, tding to the land nor to use the prohibitive form; (;) but one Bk. I. 270

Boos I.]


2144 says, (thus accord. to several copies of the ?,) or nor does one say, (thus accord. to one of my copies of the S, [and accord. to the TA, in vhich it is said that the verb is not used other';iJ # wise than in the imperative form,]) [ns meaning I have comu], and JW;I jS U$ jl [as meaning To what thing shall I come ? like as signifies also one rsa,..i.ljl]. (s.) -[JW and extolled: or exsalted, became, t Hie was, or senses these +hle exaltedl himsef: and in both of it is often followed by X as syn. with if, de-


[Boox I.

,h W, noting superiority: you say, .1% meaning t Such a oeu wam, or became, ealtked aboe such a thing; or simply, was, or became, above it, i. c. too elevated in characterforit: and also, exalted himsef above such a thing; or held hipnse-f above it.] Said of God, in the ]Cur xx. 113 [and in other instances therein], it means [1 Exalted, or supremey ealted, is He] in his essence and his attributes, above the created beillgs. (Bl.) [But in common speech, it is generally used as an ejaculation of praise, meaning t Exalted or extolled, or supremely exaled or *ctolld, be lIe, or his gmratness or majesty or glory, or his namre; or acknowdged be his abs- Dhu-r-Rummeh says, lute supremacy. And the common expression (used in citing words of the lur-4n) JU jlU means t He waith, or hath said, exalted or ex- [And the shalking of the camers saddle in the tolled, or suprm~ely exalted or extoled, be He; uper part]. (S, TA.) J is indein , &c.] - Soe also 5. prefixed terminate [in itself] and decl. [as being a 8: ee 1, in two places a tram.: _-and also noun of which the complement is to be understood in two places as intrans. _ [It may also be used as to the meaning and as to the letter; thus difin J> .*:if the complement tor, or in the sense of, !2t as meaning He feU fering from ' n.] part. its see either as to the letter alir: an understood in be to short were not , one would say , ,or as to the meaning, 10: soe 1, in seven places. [The inf. n. (TA.) One says also I.!l properly denotes Superiority that is perceptible by originally ; ~]. peror ideal, selln: and tropically, sch as is ' tIOJl Xa O, [thus in several copies of the ., One fiom which one of my copies deviates by erro--I below.] *wived by the inteUect : am A.LL meaning neously substituting .1cfor J.,] with kesr to -J says also, [t Thiswrord, or settence,] is often current upon the J, meaning ~Jl X' [or rather tljl Jl ,.. -toy tonguie. (TA.)-And a1ll Jb; i. e. I came to him, or it, from the iigh, or said of a horse in the contending to outstrip in a eebated, part of thes house or abode]: (. :) or the race, means t He reached the goaL (TA.) using J [thus] as a prefixed noun is a mistake.

covers I sat in the higher, or highet, part of it]. (TA.) iof eggs, hich the s [Liku the thinpeile abowe], the j [in 1c] is augmentative, being And Aphb-BBhileh says, added to render the rhyme unrestricted: (, TA:) and in the instance of e 0, likewise ending a verse, the A is that of pausation: for if ere [really] a prefixed noun, it would not be w) , a, . and (S,) or, as in one of my copies of the thus indecl. (Mughnee, TA.) j__,,) i. e. Verily information has come to me I >y. ,it, (S,' 1,) whence the saying of [by nwhich I shall not be rejoiced (or by wshich I of art. shlall not rejoice others, accord. to the latter readImra-el-1Zeys cited in the first pramFaph [respectX, j> * and TA,) Ja.., (S, Muglmee, ing mentioned above,)] from the higher,orhighest, ing which see the next preceding paragraph,] parts Of Nejd, (qj U a , thus in some (S, ,) of which a verse cited copies of the S and in the TA, but in other copies ., and t ' is omitted,) [at wshich voce LwU in art. L,o:3 is an ex., (S, TA,) and of the S the word ,. signify the same, (S, Mughnee, I,) there is no vondering, as at a thing that is im Jl~ X, nor any;] related [thus] with preceding tprobable, (1K;) [wllic, with ;&..1 i. e. ~J i.; fet-h to the . and with damm thereto and with it, means I came to him, or it, from above; and kesr thereto [i. e. si as above and also t and t I overcame, or subdued, him, or it; for] >' oU1 (S, TA.)_Ono says also, ;ia ' 1? below,) ,t3]. X (see. . [app. Ct> [ jp and 1. i [app. l], meaning t T77i is poetry of a high tropically used,] means *wJ; (Ham p. 128;) [but or j. or word may be t the former is here meant in many, if not in all, clan: or [the last higQst, or higher, instances, as is shown by what follows;] and [in t.&, for it may mean], of the like manner] one says, t JL) X s*'I; [whence] part of Njd. (TA.) .: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places. . see see U



is a particle and a noun (Mbr, $, Mugh1) and a verb; (Mbr, ;) though some nee, assert that it is only a noun, and ascribe this assertion to Sb: (Mu,,ghnee:) its alif,t; (Sb, , M9b,) [which, when it has no affix, is written U, and] which is originally ., (Sb, S,) [like that of Jll, q. v.,] is changed illto [what is properly] iq when it has a pronominal affix, (Sb, S, Meb,) as in (Sb, ,) and ,i;; (Msb;) but some ot the Arabs [in this case] leave it unchanged, as in the saying of a rijiz,


1 0

12. a;2l: se 1, former hal

,,41., (J4,) i. q.

j [H1e put a supercript, or title, to the book, or writing; or he wmote tlu superscription,or title, thereof]; (?, ]4;) as alsa ,,(:91 9 uU; (C;) wlhich latter is the morn agreeable with analogy. (TA.) [See also Q. Q. I in arts. Co and j_.] JC ,F: see tho next paragraph. It also sig'
nifies, simply, Above him or it; or in tit# higher or highest, part of hm or it: thus in a hemistielh

cited voce ;.*

(Mughnee.) [In all cases,] ,

is determinate, and indeel., with damm for it t invariable termination: (Mughnee, TA:) [for i is regarded as a prefixed noun of which the com plement is to be understood as to the meanini but not as to the letter:] in the saying of Ows, .a .. .A 4, ... a
." * ka ~ &J &1^$, -i

* i

[They led, or have Jed, upon thlem, (referring to Jt; .JI3icamels,) andfiee thou upon her]; this, it is smid, And one says, (Mughnee.)(Sb, thou the young one of th being of the dial. of Bellirith Ibn-KQapb. Cti [C/hide ' and a particle, it has nine [or more than As -g.) (TA.) wild cowr, saying Jc J; and t- t]. nine] meanings. (Mughnee.) As such, (Mughto Sb, as a noun, (]g,) it denotes c ; [as a subst.]: see the next preceding pars- nee,) or, accord. o.a.'1l [i. e. superiority] (M9 b, Es-Subkee, -. graph, in two places. - See also Mugimee, K, TA) properly thus termed, (Msb,) see vi; in five places. - Also A high, or such as is perceptible by sense; (Es-Subkee, an elevated, state of the bae, or foundation, of a TA;) either with respect to what is signified by the noun governed by it, and this is generally b/ilding. (TA.) _..And you say, I1 .A, (Mughnee,) as in the saying [in the lur meaning tHle took him, or it, by force. (J1, the case, 0 t S.j AWI ,jA TA.) See also the next but one of the preceding xxiii. 22 and xl. 80], [And ulpon trem (referring to camels) and upon paragraphs. the sLip, or ships, ye are carried]; (Mughnee, t sig (K) . and 1]) b, M ($, t,;L and . 9 3 r ;) or with respect to what is near thereto, as nify The Aigher, or ighest, part (8, Myb, O) ol in the saying [in the Kur xx. 10], .. i .; a house, or an abode, (., Msb,) or of a thing; ' i [Or I shallfind near upo the t,l as also ';La ( voce ,h ) and i fire, i. e. at thefire, a right direction]: (Mugh(V in the present art.) You say, 'al i nee:) and using it to denote oS'lcjI properly and ti. [I ms u.i '. [i e thus termed, you say, jI andt.L jandt 1 and *U

Boox I.]
';~ is made upon the flat house-top]: (Mob:) [in like manner (Mughnee, TA;) or it may be that also,] as denoting a. l that is perceptible by to imply the meaning of JL; [which is trans. or, as Ks says, sense, it occurs in the saying [in the Fur Iv. 26], by means of ,U]; (luglhnee;) ~L;, (Mughcontr. its with 911 t~U a ' JL [Every one that is upon it (re- it is made to accord its being made trans. by means of ferring to the earth) is transitory]: (Es-Subkee, nee, TA,) by and so in the saying, (TA:) vic: [Upon Zeyd ,j j TA:) and you say, . is, or was, a garment], Ui being here a particle; and +3 I,J lc [A garment was upon Zeyd,] t, being here a verb. (Mbr, ;.) And it denotes likewise, tropically thus termed, (Msb, .5;a:ll, TA,) such as is ideal, or perceived by the intellect; (M.b, Es-Subkee, Mughnce, TA;) as in [In a night in e shall
t ee any one that

2145 Uj;I jb

[i. e. Ifound him in a state of haste:

(TA.) - [It also denotes conformity, see ,i]. accordance, adaptation, or agreement; as in the 'us! i.e. Make th/ou it, & phrase, U ; fashion it, or mould it, conformably, or according, to tihe mode, make,.fashion, or mould, of t is; and a ndd j o ;) and in ,JI C (see &ci i.e. He (a man) was created conformd. ably, or with an adaptation or a disposition, to the thinig: (see 1 in art. pL.:) so too in the i phrase in the glur xxiv. last verse,.i;l LLa .A conduct of state that le knoth Certainlyh .: and mind to wehich ye are conforming yoursels; and in many other passages therein: thus also in

[In a nOh/tt in whieh n,e shall not see any one t/tat shaU report nwhat will proceed f,rom u., except its stars], i. c., C'; or it may be said that J.~. is

4.v S [Z (eyd, a debt is Iying [here] made to imply the meaning of ... (Mughthe saying X upon iim, or incumbent on him, i. e. he oams a nee.)- It is also used to assign a cause, like 0; to such a one], tliat which is ideal as in the saying [in the lur ii. 181], lK l;"t debt, ;.J being thls likened to that which is corporeal; ;. :iL c., (Mughnee, K,) meaning s(Mqb;) and in the phras'es .i;l tS and . Cf, mnagnify God meaning !An affair, or a command, lies, or rests, .~~ [i. e. And that ye should upon us, or is incmbent on us, and so prolerty, fl,., or on account of, his rightly directing you]; [ns due from us, i. c.] tae former as a duty and (Mughlnee;) [and in the same, vi. 90, &c., j ;.3 6 .nXc, t i. e. I ill not ask of you for it, like as the thing the latter as a debt, i. e. ,., lies, or rests, ( ,) upon the place; the latter or on account of it, a recompense;] and as in the saying of Rlabee'ah Ibn Makroom Ed-?Dabbec, phlrase importing responsibility: and 4 ,p
is also said to mean;' [i.e. tpr~pertywas, or became, much in quantity, or amount, upon him, app. as a burden imposinj upon him responsdbility]. (TA.) And it [likewise] denotes ideal

.9._l. in the phrase


,i t [A crime,

or an ffncne, committed u,lm (or here, as in many other instances, it may be rendered against) me is imputable to thern]: (Mughnee:) and so in the saying [in the ]ur ii. 254 and xvii. 22], W madesomne of , u (tWAave themn ti have speriorityover some]. (Fa-Subkee,

and Mughnee, TA.) [See also ; i N.jI, voce ef',first quarter.]_ ; : and .
It also denotes concomitance, like .; as in the . Jl! .s s.. [And gieth property with (or notwit#htanding) the loe of it]; (Mughnee, 1 ;) and so it is said


saying [in the k(ur ii. 172],

the saying of Mobammad, JL 01, *9" V J Every infant is born in a state of conLI formlity to the naturalconmtitution with which he is created in his mothlr's womb in relation to the soul; (sce art. jl;) and in the prov., mentioned r' l t 7te peoyl are by Meyd, .*S l ? ib in conformity to, i. e. are folloutrs of, or follow, the religion of the kinsj; and in the phrase, re, i&; lating to a saying or an opinion, ,l.IA . .. . , *as .... 0 Upon it most of the learned ar in agrwement; in j* ' * %!ii *i5 Ja, which, as in other exs. of the same kind, a verlb m -. . i or a part. n., (in the last, for instance, vO~. i. e. [And they called out, " Alight; " and I was or the like,) is understood. - It also1denotes a 'at the first of any alighting:] and for vwhat [or condition; as in the phraes, I" wherefore] do I ride him if I do not alight when HIe made peace, or rac~ilation,or a comprois mise, with him on the condition of such a thing, called upon to do so? (yam p. 20. [ here, as usually, for .J .]) - It is also used and 1. ja;A ei;l 'u on the conditionof his dloiy in the sense of A[generally followed by a noun such a thing._ And there are various other usages significant of time]; (S, Mughnee, i ;*) as in the of this prep. depending upon verbs or part. ns. in connectiot I;j. expresed or obviously understood j. saying [in the J]ur xxviii. 14], with them, too numerous to be here collected. [And hi entered the citJ in, or Many of these will be found among the explanau " ; ki du,ing, a time of inadvertencs]; (Mughnee, ] ;) tions of words with which they occur.] - It is lyw"L also used in the sense of ; as in the saying, and in the saying [in the same ii. 96], *Wl; #;W, meaning, . QOY;t3 6r7l zl E; ,i; (8, Mughne, k,) i1i W%! ,WI j

1 Jii

) ;F bc

[i. e. And theiy followed what 4,L the' devils related, or recited, in tihe time of, or to be used in the phirase, in a trad. respecting during, tlhe reign of Suleyndn (or Solomon)]; the alms of the breaking of the fast [of Ramadan], (Muglhnee;) and in the phrase, 5 C1 6l1.
iOL. t>j


J; *;

-JL .

[ Wi; tUh every free man and

dave, a Hda], beeause the alms-gift of the breaking of the fast is not incumbent on the slave, but only on his master; (IAth, TA;) and so it is SLL used in the [common] phrase, b.,el; [With (or notwithstanding) my being sd, or

well pleasd, or contet]. (gliar p. 13.)-

It also

denotes transition, (Mughnee, V,) like X-c; (Mughne ;) as in the sayng (of El-lobeyf El'Oteylee, TA),


A"t",>, IL,^ ,


. ..a .

, rn X "'"


in the Vur [Ixxxiii. 2], meaning, ?oWl t.a [i.e. Who, wen they tahe by meaure fromn enn, take ;. [which sigfully], (?,) or, as in the T, ?Wl used in the also is It (TA.) nifies the same]. the saying in as [i. e. It was thus, sense of .; (4S, Mughnee, i ;) ,.i, meaning, st one]: a such or such a thing weas, in the time of -0 j j 3C il 1 1 S in the Fur [vii. 10C], l ( :) [and in like manner it is used in the saying meaning C;, (TA,) [i. e. t ,J.i, (Mughnee, V,") iiS j.;Y in the ]Cur iii. 173, im?75 That I ~sud not say of God aught save the God is not purposig to bleave, truth,] and Ubei read with 3, [i. e. t]; (Bd, t;; , 1 W or certainly will not leave, the believers in that Mughnee;) like as they say, .l M u *;; state wherein ye are: and in the phrase , L-, the bow], and with shot I i. e. 1i, [meaning in ii. 180 &c. of the same, i. e. In (or, as we also Jl, i. e. ~q.ic [meaning a;_i t~ , : in like manner also] ,il say, on) a journJ [in which, (Bd; in a verse of Aboo-Kebeer I came in a good condition]; urL ,o ,j.l last sentence, see more;]) u", El-Hudhalee, means, .JJI j [i. e. I have and also voce l


[Whes the oN of usKeyr hall be pleaed, or wel pleased, or content, with me, (or rather, if I here denote transition, with what will proceed

fro ti,

ne,) by the evrlang existence of God,

&c., wil indwe in me admira-

tkleir being pad,

or pl

r~], (Mughnee, 1,' TA,) i. e..

1 jouneyed by night in the darkn~s], . Jil holding the place of a noun in the accus. case as a J; [i. e. an adverbial noun of time or place]; or it may be in the place of a denotative of state, i.e. i l~. [riding l eil; lt . meaning,e uon the darkess]: (Ijam p. 37 :) and you sa7 of one who was desiring to rise and hasten, 'i;

Jc ;,l.; [meaning, ii and they said also, l,' , i. e. Mount tho in the name of God]: aDl l (Mughnee:) thus [too] it is used in the saying of Aboo-Dhu-eyb,
'' t~ "' izu

i, conj.

"'5 . h q i1hA!

[expL in art.

4,] meaning CI.l;:

270 0


tBoox I.

a4 keep thou to or the head of any Aigh,r r oertopping, mountain. (a:) [and in the phrase c. i.e. By his Zeyd: (g, TA:) and .i hand, or t by his means.] - It is also used to snch a thing: (El-Muniwee, TA in art. ..,:) (TA.) And ri;l! signifies T7e sky: (g, TA:) denote an emendation, (Mughnee, ],) and a [thus] it is said in a trad., ij l; 4 [Keep a subst., not an epithet. (TA.) ,I;i 1.; j;tj 1 thou to cntl~s ]. (El-Jaimi' es-Sagheer.)_ and Jl j d. j OJ And [in like manner] you say, l.j ;i, (TA;) as in the saying, **: meaning Give thou me, or prent thou to ~j', 1, (,) gt ; or ~ s, (Mughnee,) .a ne, eyd: (S, TA:) [or, more commonly, bring p;' "j, (Muglhnee, ,) meaning thou' to me Zeyd:] you say, I1 Di .A; ; ,I, meaning ;'; [i. . Such a one ill not enter Paradie, Ining thou to me wuch a thing. (MA.) bhcawlu of the evilbs of his deed, or conduct, or [It is also pl. of 1'', fem. j;s3: see such a one is hW-doomed; but, or yet, he will not rcy of God]: (TA:) and thus of uAl, q. v.] despair qf the it is used in the saying, i *
* i bsl

dig8resion, or trauition, (Mughnee,) like ~;

means He ceased not to be ennobled, and elevated in rank, or dignity, in consquec of it; i.e., a deed that he had done. (AV, TA in art. 3J .) Also tA ihig, or an eminent, deed (.K, TA.)

lc-W of a book or writing, The j--;


(S, Mgb, f, TA;) i. e. its superscription, or title; syn. a~. (TA.) [See arts. C and j.]
t.: see the next paragraph: and see also

toJ _4

)1;i1J5 U
l , ;

0 6

RM The JO1 L. [or anvil], (., Mgh, ], TA,)

l[app. meaning of uach as arc whether of made from tres, or perhaps this is a mistranscription for '., i. e. rock], or of iron; or the j [i. e. iron anril] upon which the blacksmith beats iron: (TA:) pl: [or rather coll. gen. n.1 t . (.S.) - Hence it is applied to a she-camel, as being likened thereto in respect of her hardness: +itaJl [A she-camel hard, or ; Uii t you say finn, in respect of make]: (S:) or its thus applied signifies tall, or Qverto)ppMijg; as also

* ; ; 1: 0 .

Wlitlh evything me treated, or hate treated, ourslves ur'atively, and what was in us as not, or has Not been, lealed; but the neare of the abode is better than the remotene ; but the nearmn of the abode is not profitabb ohmen the person whom endlted with affection]: the poet thou lovest is owt A invalidates by the first jt~ his saying J.21 1 1,; and then, by the second 13~, the clause immedittely preceding it. (Mughnee.) , It is also redundant, for the purpose of compensation; as in the saying,

and t,etC:

(I,TA:) or; t J,

;l ' meaning 4;

[i. e. Verily the geerou,

he find~ I.y thyfather, will work for himselfwen not, some day, Aim upon wom he may rely]; being added before ' ' for the purpose of t. compensation [for its omission in its proper place]: (Muglnee, ] :) Es-Subkee says, it may be redun; ), meandant, as in the saying, 1 .J,.l ') [i. e. I mill not wear an oath]. ing L ik: see jIG. It is also a noun, having the meaning (TA.). over], or is above, of dj [i.e. The location that ui;: see f [of which it is said to be pl.]. this being the case when it is immediately followed by : m; (., Mbb, Mughnee, If ;") as in the say5.$;, accord. to IAp, [and so in my MS. ing (of Muuz6!im-El-'Okeylee, describing a i3;l copy of the If,] but accord. to [other copies of] [or sand-grouse, and, afterwards, its making a the *iS;, (TA,) i.q:qil. J [app. A tory, rumbling sound in its inside, from hirst], TA), or an affair, of a high quality]. (Ri, TA. [See *.&*I ... ..... L* 0 , 6 also 1;k.]) [It went away in the early morning from the location above it, (or, as we say, from above it,) ft?er tlat her interval betreen two comings to water was complete]: (M,b, Mughnee, l;: [and a similar ex. is cited in the j:]) or, accord. to ;o [from its vicinage]: and, AV, meaning !. as a noun, it admits before it sense, used in this no other prep. than '!. (MNb.) - ii is also a verbal noun, used as an incentive: (TA:) you , (TA,) say, t,j ii;i, (8, , A,) and meaning Take tou Zeajd; or take thou told of Zryd: (,, TA :) or keep thon, or leare thou, to Altj: see what next precedes.

(TA,) sig(TA,) or t ;t;, (S,) and 't ~, nify, thus applied, tall and bulky; (S, TA;) or, as some say, outstripping in pace or joumrne~g; meer mm otherreiw than before the other camels. (TA.) - Also A stone [place/l upon two other stones called OlIt; (q. v.)] up)on which is put [to dry the preparationof curd callUed] I: I (S, , TA:) or, as some say, a lpiec of rock upon which is made a circle of .1l [or lumsm of dtung sk as is called J. (q. v.)] and bricks, or caude bricks, (.',) and ases, and in, or upon, .which Jil is the cooked: pl. [or coll. gen. n.] as above. (TA.) - And A tting like the [milki-vetal called] i4, around which [dung eck as i called i. i's put, and which is used for milking therein (i.)

OW , with iesr, (]f, TA,) thus accord. to Az and ISd, but accord. to J, [in the S,] t Olgs, like ,i-; [in measure] Tall and conklnt, applied to a man, (S, TA,) and likewise to a woman: (TA:) or bulky: and tall: (if:) or bulky and tall, applied to a man and to a camel; fem. with;: or, applied to a camel, old and bulky. (TA.) See also j., in two places. -Also, CIek, Thle male hyena: (s, TA:) or a tall hyena. (TA.) - And A higl, or loud, voice, as also v ,t---. (__) s And II~oseold-goob , or furniture and utensb; syn. 1t;. (TA, as from the g; and Tif; but not in my MS. copy of the .K, nor in the CI.) :. inf. n. ofc' (., Mgh, M,b) in the phrase


L (S, iMgh) or i

6: (Msb:)

and [used as a simple subst.] it siglifies High, or elevated, rank or station; or eminence, or ($;) nobility; (I ;) as also t ;,` and t'; or this last signifies tho acquisition of high, or elerated, rank or station, or of eninence, or nobility; (I ;) [or, agreeably with analogy, a cawe, or means, of acquiringhigh, or elecated, rank bc.; being originally 1, of the measure i;L, like and ;---~ e .;] and its pl. is 9., (S, /;x ([a M9b,) whence &p8 cj.; i. e. JA.ll strange explanation of a pl. by a sing., app. meaning (the affairs, or actions, that are) tlu cause, or means, of acquiring high, or elevated, rank &c.]. (Myb.), _- al- 1%[is a name for The kind of ueet food called] LMtjWI [and jjWi, q.v.].

(gar pp. 228.)

J., like..s [in measure], an epithet used in p.. J.j; [app. meaning A man the phrase Jq.Ap wont to exailt himnelf to other men]. (TA.) 1i;: [see 1, of which it is an inf. n., and] see

ti"; A high place; (IAth, Ig, TA;) a subst. in this sense, not [an epithet syn. with '4] fem. for if it were this, it would [by rule] be of jig; necessarily determinate; (lAth, TA;) (thoughb] it is sometimes used as syn. with '4, see UJIl: (Mqb:) any high, or overtopping, place: (S, Msb :) this is its primary meaning: (Mgb :) and [in like manner] VaP signifies any high, or lofty, place; as also *t . (i.) And Any high thing. (O.) The head of a mountain: (V, TA:)

1u High, elevated, or lofty; (., If ;) applied to a thing; (1 ;) [and] so Vt;: (Mb :) so, too, the former, [and more commonly so,] in respect of rank, condition, or state; eminent, or noble: and t lA& is a pl. thereof in the latter sense; like as of ~;o; [or, as some hold a word

Boor I.] or .twi; of this form And classto be, a quasi-pl. n.;] as in him]: (9:)


f,, which is tropical: portion of the pe~shaft; (C, TA;) !C. sig portion" thereof: (TA:) or the motehi nck [so nifying the "lower I> .i[Such a on i, of (Mgh:) and , the saying, w or the Aalf that is nwt thereof: (;1]) the had to decapitate him]: (9 and M in art. Q":) u, as a thim high in rank, &c, of mm]; ( ;) or to the iron Aad (V, TA:) or the part, of the .Hi head was cut off; a troiac X also * ,, [which latter is of a form proper to and 2; spear, that is bdom the iron head: (F.r-Rghib, quui-pI. ns. by common consent,] signifies the pical phrase. (A in that art.) TA:) or the portion, of the spear, that ente the * great in re~ect of etimation, rank, or diity, of iron head, e~tding to the third part thereof [i.e. kat~: see ;*). men, thus used in a pl. sense (.) - It sigof the shaft; so that it signifies the uppYm t of . i s . nifics also Strong, robud,or powtfid: (6, TA:) portions of the shaft]: (f, TA:) t tAhree eul and ; in to places: : and hence it is used as a proper name of a man; pL JIi, which some explain as meaning tho iron -, A. (19,*TA;) and it may be also from the meaning in a of spears. (TA. [See an ex. of the pl. hads ue0 0 U of highnes of rank &c., eminence, or nobility.
'1 uS a name of G(od signifies [The 4l, (f, Msb, 1],) with .damm,(Mob, 1,)the verse cited voce &j.]) Also A straight spear-shaft. (TA.) - ' 1 r] part, of a valley, High: or ths Moat High, like t O.i?t; i. e.] J, which is meksoorah, being with teshdeed, u (TA.) - And The [ reo~f desc . (TA.) t cater the whence 'J [is is also the *, (TA,) of the measure *a', like He above whom is not ing. (TA.) -_ g aboveNejd, en 1aI, also, is The r and] signifies Persons alighting, *[n-un-ofZo ](originallyi*c(g,Mb) to of) also a pl. land of TiAdeeh,(9, Mgh, Myb, ],) and the nd 'L, with kesr, (9, Mpb, to the part beAind Me~ ( ;) a,J; or abiding, in the high parts of a country; in this from [to] Eli.e. h, (9, J,) . A6.. and it signifies also ],) of the measure d; or, as some say, from a Ifjds and what is net to it:( :) and it is said - a.3X1: sense opposed to a'; adding that the Q,l of El-Vij6z is the higAher and ~re Persons havingopuleace, and eminence, or nobility; reduplicate root, and of the measure elvated part tereof, forming a ie etent of (TA.) that there is no instance of '.' in thefanguago; . in this sense likewise opposed to 1 country. (TA.) And [its pt.] i4(I~I,(]LTA,) _ -- applied to a she-amel means Having ( ;) [therefore it is also mentioned in art. J ;] also 13. , (TA,) is applied to Certain towns, as stregthto bear her burden; as also ;_I:: and An perchamber; or a cha ~rin tAhe upper, or eiUages, in th exteriorof E.Medem eh, (], ;U, the for- or uppermo, story; syn. ,b: (, Mb, :)S TA,) the nearst four miles distant from it, and -a%: and you say aL; 'g t? ms and pl. & . (?, Mqb, .) - And 1 ;, it is said ) the most distant, in the direction of Nejd, eight. mer e)itbet meaning plasid in appearane pnce, and Zttsl [an evident mistranscription for may signify also The board upon which is placed I (TA.) 55.) p. (ar aaybala]. [or the )s :il] meaninge=elling. (TA.)- And one says, See also the next paragraph. a one w a $cAperson [ ' ue':~, meaning Of,or relatin to, tAereWion caled 3 !; p UU1.s :,&;j., meaning [Suick a one is a person t ( MS, Mb, g,) with iunm, 0,je, [said to be] a pL of which the sing. iit, (9, ;) and so of oodly form or aspct or the like,] one wrho acte (T. o. to e3~iav~ (, Mb., g.) is anomalous. ( and TA in this art. and in art. Jc,, (M,b, V,) which t effeminately to romen. (TA.)


1: , and h~ghet; contr. of X . 1 Hiigheri Hence dithe reading of Ibn-Mes'ood [in the ]lur TA in art. Jo,) [or rather it is from a Hebr. word (M and Mgb and ] in art. JA :) the fern. is as I have stated in art. J,] A place in the Se~ tJ t 1; (TA;) which is like ; and (l5, with j xrvii. 14], '44L1 [Dy rmson of wro~ Ieaen, to which ascnd the sous of the believers changed into U; (ISd, TA voce JA;) and of aol elf-eaftation]. (TA.) (J!, TA:) or the ig~A oJ the psaces: or a mnar . means The thing aboveanotherth~i; word] _ c 33>: see wa of which the which the , like as ;b is of 3 and . .- One says 1 wrinurard side; the sitde, or quarter,from which sing. is not known, nor the fem.: or lofis above (Msb, TA.) See the rind blows; with respecet to the game, or loftn : or the venth Heavn [altogether]: or i it3, but the former is the more usual, meaning [or gi~ter, or place of reckoningJof object of the chase; (?, TA ;) and with respect the o t; An upper lip. (IAmb, Myb, TA.) -- ' ang&el, to which are brought up the pardian the to a man: (TA:) opposed to t4,. (S, M. b, (see territory of i repct [app. higher The means reports of the deeds of the righteou~w: (TA:) or TA.) [See 1, last quarter.] a,note in p. xi. of the prefaeo to this work)] of Paradise:or the right lg [or pilar] of the b.. Mudar; (J, TA;) said to denote Kur anl Anytbsng that one has raiwd and put, [which is vulgarly held to mean the throne of /eys; the rest being called jip LU... (TA.) (l,)or a thing that one has hu?g, spon a camel, God]: or [the lote-tree caled] .l j. [relS it., meaning - And one says, tJ: after tAe loading Ahim (9, Mgh, Mpb) complety, specting which see art. j]. (gar p. 5.) [See &It came from the sky and the place whnc the , [q. v.], (v,) or also other explanations in art. Jo.] and the sch as the wate applied to a word, mind blo. (TA.) _ such as the [mal bath mater-bg cald] ;blJ kit J. or form of word, means t [Of highr autAortty, - [Hence,] ,maI s:ee jL.. and th ;,' [q.v.]: (Mgb, Mb :) or a thing that tA man who is elated,ealted, emint, or nobl. more appod, or mor chaste; and also, hence, is put betMn the two eqp~ rant udes, (] , inatrad.reIt is said .]) [Seesio (t as frequency of usage is a neesmary condition of of thm upoa the camel or TA,) afJr the b~ , meaning [ ;.t, q. v.,] m~ore u~al or common. (M and ]eyleh, &L e-a.b J. specting other aima: (TA:) pl. Ls?.M (s) or May thou not cease to be elevated, or noble; TA in art. J.) - One ways alwo, l ' , (Myb.) - Also A ruperadditionof anything; as ealted above such aJ treats, or regards, thee mth L*` i. e. t They are mme kwing rpc the, meaning something added (], TA.) One says, as the same J signifies (TA.)_ enmity. or comdition. stato, thir with acquaidnted mt and ,UfmtL [as though the phrase i't1 J; ./ 1 said of the _,J (. q. i. e0 t He is in il :: ; (TA.) _-And 1 but the right reading is app. were, M ;/, 1, means One whose blood r aboe the the higheMt de a magn~fier,or Aono~rer, ofyou; sjl.. t14,, i. e. He gae him a thousanddeendre, water. (TA.) .' [91 applied to a word, or d by him. (TA.) - .i ye ing greatly eeem and a deenr as a roperaddition, or ovmr and form of word, signifies t Of high authAority, ,fiI tThe abtint, or chaste, hand: or the above]. (TA.) - And t The upper, or upper- approvd, or chaste: and hence, uual, or comer~x d , or disburmg, hand. (TA.) - -h1t mmt, part of the head, or of the nech: ( :) or art. Jds. n, .] ~ See also t in formed by transposition from JAl: see the latter, the had of a human being as lng as it remains mo: see in art. J.a. i1G [a subet. from OJG, rendered such by the upo the nck: one says, aJj . ,r* i.e. a., t [( smote his Aead, app. meaning Ale beheaded affix ]: see iU.- Also [particularly] The upper I -,~: see I..

& i.q. tjL [oan inf. n. of 1,q. v.]. (], TA.) or V

A or io , or a pl. having no sing., (, anw


[BooK I. iL_.l] The s#nth of the armrO of the gain

caled .j.J; (AI, A'Obeyd, Q, M, Mgh, V; .. ,L(9, MMb,g,) aor. ' ,, Mb,) inf n. tie most eacelent of thes; it ha. semen notches ;) and it obtains mesvn share [of the dalwjtered; .,e (B, M 9b, B,) i. q. ic;i4ji ; [i. e. It camel] w/em it wim, and occasion the impositio w woas, or became, common, or general, or orierral; of 0nji~ ihenit does not win. (M, TA.) [Seeor generallj, or uwerally, comprehenive: it included the common, or general, or whole, aggregate, an ex. in a verse cited voce .1 ] asemblage, bulk, mass, or extent, within its com~j!: enee 98. Also He nrho comes to th e pan; or within the compa. of its relation or milcA bea [meaning the sde-camd, ihn ahe iis relations, its effect or e.fects, its operation or to be miled,] from the direction of her eft side : operation, its infuence, or the like]: said of a (?, V:) or the she-camel has two milkers; on e thing: (g, ]:) of rain, &c.: (Mqb:) ~ sig. of them holds the milking-veeli on the right sidee, nifies the including, or compre ding, [th geneand the other milks on the left side; and thie raliyj, or] ali: (Pg:) and the happening, or milker [thu standing on tie eft aide] is calle& d occurring, to [the generality, or] all. (KL.) 'g .J.JI and 1.,JI ;and the holder, ' .l! : -e,.l iM3 [The yaoning of the drowsy became thus in the M: or .M.I is i he who stands o common, or general, or universal,] is a prov., the left side of the mich beast: or he who take 2 applied to the case of an event that happens in the miLkingessl wit his left hand and milk is a town, or country, and then extends from it to in mith his right hand: or he rho milks from thC the other towns, or countries. (TA.) -_ It is ,,) inf. n. .e.o, (I,) : The milk frotAed: as let ide. (TA.) though its froth were likened to the ji [or also trans. [signifying He, or it, included, comprehended, turban] or embraced, persons, or thing, in turban]; (S, TA;) as alo !. (S.) ',j s;oj: see ;:, in art.j . common, in general, or univoraally, witAin the 4. compass of his action, or influence, &c., or within 4. .sl and Al, in the pass. and act. forms, the companr of it. relation or relations, its effect [Ile had many paternal uncla: (see.., :) or] ,L t Iaving ability, or powner; as ale o or effect, its operation or operation, its in.fluene, he had sneroua paternal un. (Mb.) jtj.,. (TA.) _- [Hence,] .1J t signifie s or the like]: and when trans., its inf. n. is 3. 5. ~ 6. I calUd him a paternaluncle: (AZ, t The lion; (g, TA;) because of his strength. (Ti.) One says, h.Aj*Y) )j,i . [17Te rain inZ:) or ;_;, said of women, tAy called im (TA.) - See also ', last quarter. -y cluded the general, or the whole, extent of the land S, J5, apat~lunck. of it .fall]. (The Lexicons a paternal uncle. (s.) __ ,,: seo 10. P,,j1 V~ means ";U He is not one who fal& w ithin the compass See also the next paragraph, in five places. sAort, or fallU aort of doing what is requisite, orr passim.) And 1a' f~ [He inclided them in common, in general, or univraa1y, within the rAo is remnis, in the affair; like .3j. j. 8. .:;&I ,;l and 'tV , and tj:l , (S,) or. et compaa of the gift; or gave to them in common, (TA.) and I14 ', al1to and (S,) He attired Aimluf ~;'jl,a us a name of God, Hle who is great, in general,or universay]. ($, g.) And Ut, ith'th'e nritA the turban: (S, J :) and tj, is also expl. FX; SI [Hoe includod, or comprehended, peror aprm y great, abooe th lie [or lying impoan as meaning he attired himielf mith tAe hmt : or, tation] of tAe forger~ of falehood: or the High: sone or things is common, or in general, in his with writh the garments ofwar. (TA.).And [hewe] a and tAe Most higA; who is higher than eoery prayer or appiao. Ice., and partilarized, one says, Z l,*L.41 ;el and t8;'s [otAer] Aig one: (TA:) or He who has ac- or .pecifd, some person or thing, or some pert [The hill became croned it plant, or her dency ovwr eerything by hispower: or He who is sons or things]. (Q voce .) And '..;I bage]. great, and exalted, or apmmely exalted, above [The7di~aea wa., or became, common, or general, bagc]. (TA.) And S )11.A j [the a~ription of] the attribute. of the created or univernal, among them]. (The Lexicons passim.) t [The head* of the mountainu becane crowned beisgs. (KIh, B.) wit it. light]: referring to the sun, when its ~ also signifies He, or it, made long, or tall: wUA light has fallen upon the heads of the mountains ULa";. The mar, i.e. lft, aide of a shecamel: - and He, or it, wa, or became, long, or talL (IAr, TA.) [And He became a paternal and become to them like the turban. (Mgh.) you sar, a~:'; J. > OUt 3; i, e. .Jton [I came to the h,camd from te uncle (LS' ;L).] One says, -i-'' L.a -* ( And " ! ._;l: see 8, last sentence. _ And JI ;cl t The plant, or herbage, became of it direction of Aer near, or ft, aide]. .(TA.) "4.. [I mat not a paternal uncle, and no I C-A fO ful height, and bloned, syn. jl, (9, g, have become a paternal uncle]: (so in my copies s:" eeo "' '; and A',laust quarter: TA,) and CjtI; and became luriant,or abunof the $:) or .. aJ%% L;_' a-- C. or :_ dant dant and dmew: (TA:) like,;tl (TA in art. and see also ; J! , in two places..l [Thou wast not &cc.]: (so accord. to different _ And LiJt _;c t The youth, or youg -^.) ' < L:1 means e Tie hand of Aim hAo takea by copies of the g: the former accord. to the T! man, force, and of the pderer,and the like: opposed [agreeably with my copies of became tall. (.j) And >; is said of the $; and this I to ZAJ I ,@1: the Sunneh ordains that the believe to be the right reading, or at least pre- a beart of the bovine kind as meaning t He had aU all his teeth grow. (A4, TA. [See . latter shall be cut off [except in certain cases] but and ferable; like .,u] ) inf. n. $e.a; (S, Msb, 0 not the former. (TA in art. s'.) - j;!lit g;) like JJs [and eyl] and ,l'. (TA.) JJ6, i1 . "' [The high, or elevated, letter] are 10. ..- t-', (]i,) or L1 a.e!, (W,)I took And L.~ Q'i j , [Between me and hp ob, .,'0, , t, and j; (IS, TA;) in which is hint, hinm, or adopted him, a a paternaluwcle: (, :) a rising [of the tongue] to the palate; with 3dcl Ach a one is a relationship of paternal uncle]. and tL: t-. He took, or adopted, a paternal [of the tongue (see 4 in art. ej,)] except in (s.) l,: see the next paragraph. uncle. (TA in art. J..) See abo 8, first and t and 3: opposed to 1. (TA.) 2. .J The making a thing to be common, sentence. general, or universal; the generglizing it; contr. R. R. Q. 1. (inf.n. a, . T) He had a (! art. ). in Iattired nume~ For words mentioned under this head in the ], ofa*' umero army, or miltay frce, aer paucity hi wth tha .L a[or turban]. ($.) And"' ;.ce art. Ji. [tereof]. (V.) j j a, His head mar &wlj 1. wound round ritAthe l;at [or turban]; as also t,. [or (. ) _ And [hence,] A4G t t He was made a chief or ord [over others]: (S, Meb, Msb, 1/, TA:) because the turbans (,jl! ) are the crowns of the Arabs: (S, TA :) and when they they inade a man a chief or lord, they attired him with a red turban. (TA.) [Hence likewise,] one says also, a ,s j('i;, I meaning t We have made thm thee to tabe upon thylf the managent of our affair, or tate, or cate. (TA.) - And tZ iZ [I attired Aim with a sword; like d;; 11;]. 1;;]. (TA in art. .. ) - And %j1, t [He cut, or wounded, him, or it (i. e. his head), in the place of the turban, with tihe nord]: like ;. 4 . , (A and TA in art. _ua,) and . and (A L in art. - And A.) ,,UI , M (S,


Boox I.] ., for ;;l, which is for d: art. tLl.


s [fern. of e.]. (!iW); ($, ];) and to a girl, or young woman; see this last, in (8,1, TA,) and is pl. of ttL applied to both; of which lat word And All [thU sch as are termed] as also V (.,:)_ (Th, g.) .. the masc. is V..1: (s:) or &",C'applied to a s: see art '4 I, and 'C; young woman, (TA,) , . Rpcting w,hat woman, (S,) or to a girl, or .in the phrase j I, or perfect, in statureand make, complte, signifies Ao A company of men: ( :) or, as some say, do they ask one another? in the g~ur Ixxviii. 1] ,) which is (A, of a tribe: (TA:) or a numeroecompany; as is originally l,;, [for L ' ;] the I being elided (, TA,) and taUll: (TA:) pl., tall; meaning ) as mie ( palm-trees to applied also t.C ; ( ;) this latter mentioned by AAF, in the interrogation [after the prep. 'p&]. (S.) (S;) or, accord. to Lb, to a single palm-tree iS. on the authority of AZ, and said by him to be a, sce., last sentence but one: _ and seo (5*jX), and may be [thus, originally,] of the A: the only instance of a word of the measure ;;t also . measure 1 i), or of the measure a` , originally denoting a plurality, unless it be a [coll.] gen. n., 0,,9 .s: (TA:) t.;_, also, signifies tall, applied like jj;;f; and he citee as an ex. the phrase ' places. four see the latter, in v: fern. of ,.: to a plant, or herbage: (V:) and *~ s applied .,s'1, occurring in a verse; but Fr is related to v A mode of attiring onese!f with the turban: to a 5A [or beast of the bovine kind] signifies , with damm to the , . .;i I;ave read [He is comely in complete, or perfect, in make. (TA.) -Ono _ d xti so in the saying, 1 I8,s I' . [i.e. > .&, meaning. ,. is of t.,l as like pl. of., it ,r with the says also, , ' making reslect tf the mode of attiring himself A A paternal uncle; a fathAer's brotler: turban]. ([, 1.) - [And it is vulgarly used He is of tthe choice, best, or mot ec~ nt, of (TA.) (TA) as meaning A turban itself, like t;&; and is t,em; or of the main stock of them]. (., ].*) ($, Mb) IM:) and ,s pl. pl, ($ 84; Also Such as is dry of [the specs of barley. .t! (CO)and ,eI, used in this sense in the TA in art. .lc: see ~ (Sb, ., O) and and it (E, 4.) called] gra ;_i near the end of the first paragraph C. (s,) a pi. of pauc., mentioned by Fr and IA.r, (TA,) and pI. pl. C's~ , (1, TA,) without of that art.] 1tw [A turban;] the thing that one winds


(TA:) the female is js1: o The state, or quality, of being collected idghim, by rule and numerous, or abundant. (IP.)together, [i.e. a paternal aunt; a father'' fas termed t And Lar~e, or bigness, of make, in men and sister]: ( :) and the pl. of this is 1;. (Msb.) (.8, L) and in others. (K.) - See also . .- Also ComsbEo, Q One says, .X' C 1and plete, or without dficieuncy; applied to a body, sw tf, ($, L, [but in one and to a shoulder: (S :) or, applied to the latter, C , ol td(L) and oopy of the $ I find the first three and not the logq. (TA.) [See also .] - Applied to a last,]) the last without teshdeed, (L,) dial. vars. beast of the bovine kind, ilaring all his teeth [all meaning 0 son of my paternal ncle]: (S, grown. (As, TA.) [See 8, last sentence; and L:) and Abu-n-Nejm use the expression JLJ4Q see ] -. And Any affair, or event, or case, I;.[O daugktwer of my paternal uncle], meaning complete [or accomplished], and common or general with wt;, the * of lamentation. (..) And one says, or universal [app. meaning commnonly or generally known]. (1i.) - And quasi. pl. n. . 4 to [meaning ack oqf them two is a wn or universally ISee also.. of a pater~wal ucle of the other]; (., IB, Msb, of gs, q. v. (g.);) because each ,S1l; , (IB ;) (f, IB, Mb, V;) .!q. l the other, 1

upon the head: (K:) pl..3l

(., MNb, 1) and

t;Ls, (Lh, 1,) the latter either a broken pl. of &,ti or [a coll. gen. n., i.e.,] these two words are of the class of . and L* . (TA.) [On the old Arab mode of disposing the turban, see The .t3 were the crowns of the Arabs. ;1.] (S, Mb.) &A; U.;; [lit. He slackened, or loosened, his turban,] means t he beca,ne, or felt, in a state of security, or safety, and at ease, or in easy circumstances; (1, TA;) because a man does not slacken, or lp~en, his turban but in easy circumstances. (TA.)-- Also The>". [q. v.]: and : the helmnet: (I, TA:) by some erroneously written with fet-lI [to the first letter]. (MF.) And Pieces of wood bosnd togetler, upon wkich one embarks on the sea, and upon wkich one crose or this is correctly L, a river; as also i.; without teshdeed; (IC, TA;) and thus it is rightly mentioned by IAyr. (TA.)

of them says to the other, i ,O Completeness of body [or bodily growth], and in like manner, JJt !'Z; asnd of cealth, and of youthful rigour, or of the because each of them says to period of youth~uln: so in the phrase t5..' l t : (IB :) but one may not e..s ', ,% (S, g,) occurring in a trad. of 'Orweh , ,nor 4-. 1,?; ($, IB, Msb, Ibn-Ez-Zubeyr, on his mentioning Uheybah Ibnpay, * v El-Julahi and the saying of his maternal uncles ] ;) bcause one of them says to the other, :.t1 [Of, or relating to, a paternal scl;] . Il1 , respecting him, L 5 io1ja. a_ t '~ former, the to says latter the JIL, but or [i.e. We were the masters of the rel. n. of .s; as though formed from t 5 , signifies also A paternal :;c.s oL; j.O. (lB.) And t LG. (.8) maner and the better articles of his property until I1 ;iT he attainedto man's estate, or to his completeness ~eat uncle, E.: therefore] one says, [tl is for C '~ when not interrogative.] [_ (Thy two ar eomusi on the fatwher's side, of bodily growth, &c.]; (LI;) [or] the meaning with damm, but in (0, TA,) T, cdoy reated]; and in like manner, ist. Xi is, his completeness of stature and of bones and of like limobs: (TA:) also pronounced with teshdeed [or the M .A, (TA, [in whichl this word is thus 'Z: idgham, i. e. * ;J, nor I J mJ: but not I1i ' I.c for the sake of conformity doubtfully written, and has been altered, perhaps j i.e. [He is his 4. (TA :) and ~ (8, TA;) and by some, from [with 4 and is a word which I do not find for cowniu on th fathr's ide,] distantly relate&d. v.]. [q. of.~ pl. is also It (TA.)t a... this, and if any word of than other any case in - It is said (A4, in A and O and TA, art. JI.) were meant, ,'t would be a the measure 1 I,..obI [Honour ye (, g.) 3 ti; in a trad., much better instance of similarity of form,]) an your paterial aunt the palm-tree]: i. e. [do ye first sentence. see 1a., ;lt: , so] because it was created of thie redundant porepithet applied to a man, i. q. As [app. meaning a. tion of the earth, or clay, of Adam. (TA.) .e.s A thing complete, or without defieiency: Of the common wort; like L,.L]: (,, TA:) and And A signifies also Tai pal-tree, (V, TA,) pl.~ . (S. [See also .. ]) - Anything col.uJ.. or m:, (accord. to different copies of togtAer, and abundant, or numerous: pl. leed offll tallness and abundanceand d~ty; (TA;) a., (TA, [there thus ],) in the M the aes above. (])-PR acing to e~rything: apand Ve signifies the amune: (],, TA:) [or so to the 3 and the fet-]ah a with only written, plied in this sense to perfume. (gar p. 200.) signifies [the the fw,]) to quiescenoe the of in sign meant perhaps is , j^) and .,, which ... Tall; applied to a man, and to a plant: TA.) 1. (g i.e.] ona., (~, TA.) i. e.] applied to a palm-tree contr., i an epithet applied to palm-trees, (TA:) and so L'i B: for]



2150 '~* ;6; 1..) (l~,]~,) like like, [likel ;,(,mi', (1,, I (?,) and a.., (1 ,~~~~~~~~~

[Boox I. the former, Thick (, . -Also, hand: (T, TA:) the operation termed ., is TA) and complete [or of ful sirze]; applied in performed after beating, and separating and this sense to the middle of a she-camel, in a verse of loosening, the wool, and collecting it together, in order to wind it upon the hand, and spin it with El-Museiyab Ibn-Alas. (TA.) - See also _., the spindle. (AHeyth, TA.) An ex. of tho first sentence. former verb occurs in a verse cited voce %I;. JY._. Hlaving genersmu, (T, L,) or having (TA.) _ And the former verb signifies also He many and generoW , ($,) paternal and maternal twisted a rope of [the species of trefoil, or clover, r ncis; (T, ?, L;) and both are sometimes pro- called] .J. (TA.) -And it is said in the ] nounced with keer [to the , of the former and to that U6i ` means Hlc oercmrea,or nbdued, nchA a one, and made him to refanin, or rstrained thej of the latter, i.e. jO * .a: see j..c in its proper art.]: (S :) or a. and with hin,; expl. by %j .j3: but [SM says that] wt,, damm to the [initial] . and with kesr to the same, [but the latter is app. a mistake, occasioned by a misunderstanding of what is said in the S,] signify having many paternal uncles: or ihaing ge nero, ptral untle. (g.) I, ,a.: see the next preceding paragraph. .,a, with kesr to the first letter, (K, TA, [in 'R ,.. is erroneously put for the CK, _ as p .. i erron o j. 9 .. , ]) One who is ood, or very good, (, TA,) who inchdes mnankind in commnon, in genral,or mie~sally, withlin the compa of his goodn~, (Kr, T, g, TA,) and his superabundant bounty; (T, TA;) and .. signifies the same: (.:) [see also an ex. and explanation the correct reading is probably AIj; for in the L [and in the 0, app. on the authority of Az, to whom the same is ascribed in the TA in art. -. ] we find what here follows: AilJl ; O~ me a eans ),. [i. e. t Sul,d a one overcoma, or std,lacs, and throws into cowfuwemn, his antagonists: and hence, app., wihat is said in the 1~; the author of which probably found AJ.

Al : see

,] Pride, or haughtines. (m, J.)

.#tL [a pl. of which no sing. is mentioned] Companie of me in a scattered, or diSpsed,

tate. *(f, P.)

As part. n. of,,; applied to rain &c. [as meaning Common, or general, or unirersal; or generally, or universally, compreens ie: &c.: see 1, first sentence: contr. of WO 4 ]. (Msb.) _.See also a il. I....Also [A gneral word; i. e.] a word applied by a single application to many thing, not ratricted, including everything to which it is applicable: the words "by a single application" exclude the homonym, because this is by several applications; and the saying "to many things" excludes what is not applied to many things, as ,*q, and .s: and the words "not restricted" exclude the nouns of number, for iW1l, for instance, is applied by a single application to many things and includes everything to which it is applicable, but the many things are restricted: and the words "including everything to which it is applicable" exclude the indeterminate plural, as in tbe plirase .~ i4, all men not being seen: and the word is t1, or;.l by by its form and its meaning, ns &j

its mcaning only, as h.)l and ;1. (KT. (The

word in this sense is otften used in the lexicons, but is expl. in few of them, as being conventional and post-elauical.])

CQt1 is tAe contr. of ti. e. the former [i.'fl signifies The cominoalty, or gesnerality of people; tae polde in common or in yeeral; the common .ll;,:see oIll, first sentence. peopl; the con,noo sort; or t/h vuljar]: (S, , [Attiled t ith a turban.- And hence, M;b, V:) tdie is a corroborative: (Mb :) and ite l signifies the same as ,1*1: (IAI, TA t Made a chief or lord over others; or] a chief, or lord, who is invested moth the ofmce of ordering voce .. :) the pl. of . is,l, (Mb,) and tie affairs of a leopl and to whom td Ecommonalty have recoursc. (TA.) Applied to a is quui-pl. n. of .t1 u contr. of /L,. (so in a (1.) [And one says also .AWtlj #,_lLJl as well horse, (a, ]i,) and other than a horse, copy of the ,) t hite/ in the ears and the place as ZQ;lj .zid,.Jl, meaning The distinguihd and of growth of the forlock and what is around this, the common popleo; the persons of distinction and exclusively of other parts: (f:) or wsite in the the odgar. at means In common, or com- iLj [or wqppr part of tae hAad], wclsively of monly, in general, or generally; and uniwersally. tha neck: or wrhlte in the forelock so that the to the plac of it growth. (]K.) meaning TAey came ~hitns et And one says, aa l'Ix. And a. L t A ep, or goat, having a whitageneraly, or univerally.] 1 Ll means Tite m uin the a.. ($.) greater part of the month. (TA in art. J- ) And .I4,l % means Te Mwhole of the day. (TA : [A meadow] mo Aain abundant " ~.. in art. ajlI.) - And .QIWl signifies also General, and taU /erbae. (TA.) or ieral,drowjht. (TA.) - And The mmrrection: because [it is believed that all beings z : see~.s. living on the earth immediately before it shall die, so that] it will ocauion universal [previous] death to mankind. (TA.) _ Se also 1 . 1. ;_~, aor.-, (T, ]g,) infn ; (T, S, (0,iV,) infn. n .*o;J; (0;) LIb Of, or rdlating to, the aL. [or common O ;) and tC., wool (i, 0,*] in n an oblong form, pepl; common; or v~ar; often applied to a He ~ , ,) like a ring, (TA,) or in a rounform, ( O, word, or phrase]. (M 9 b.) (TA,)for the prpos of its being pt in tah Aand ,,v [More, and most, common or g~ al: ap. and p (, 0, ) ith the ~pind: (TA:) or plied to a word, more, and mot, g~nea f gni- As wound soft hair of the camel, and wool, into ~As a simple epithets with its fern. tAforn of a ring, and spum it, putting it in his ficatiol.

erroneously written for ,#4 in some lexicon, and therefore thought it allowable to make ,c in this caso to have a sing. for its objective complement]: and it is added that this is said in relation to war, and excellence of judgment, and knowledge of the case of the enemy, and the subduing him with the infliction of many wounds. (TA.)._-a. also signifies Ile boat him witih a voce A., in art. :] _, is almost the only staj; or stick, not caring [for any one]. (s.) instance of an epithet of the measure from S: see the first sentence above. a verb of the measure jd, except .. [and .._, A twisted rope of [the species of trefoil, with both of which it is coupled]. (TA.) _ See . (TA.) or clover, called] ZJ ; ns also ' ;* alsoo~. See also what next follows.


A portion of wool, (S,' O,* Ig,) or of the soft hair of the camel, (S, 0,) wound in tae manner de d i tAefirst sentece of thit art.; _ of cotton, and ai;l (, O, g ;) like a of [goats'] hair, (, 0, TA,) or a 4. of[goats'] hair: (ISd, TA:) the pl. [of pauc.] is and [of mult.] J:.. [and coil. gen. n., improperly called a pl.,] t ; (1 ;) or, accord. to ISd, I,l

is pl of c

, which is pl. of L,.;

is a pl. of this last. (AHeyth,

(TA;) and -,43 TA.)

A clewer, or an i~ntdli t, ratcAer, or guard*an: ($, 0, A:) or a knowing, intell t, ~per, or preeer, or ~gardan: (As, TA:) and a cbvr, or an inteligent, and a bold, man. (TA.) - And (some say, S, 0) Ignorant and wak. (, O, .)-And (some ay, 0)Drunk: (0, ]r:) and who cannot go aright, or os not the coure, or way, that h would purs: ( :) whioh last explanation and that which immediately precedes it (i.e. "drunken") appear, from the L and other lexicons, to be one signifi-

cation. (TA.) The pl is

(, 0.)

aor.., H e hastened, or was quia, or


BooK I.]


W.f,,inAit pace, or course: (8,0,,:) formed te~d, rpaired, or betook himlf, to it, or angry: (T, O, L, ]:) like (T, L) [and s. by transposition from _.. (.,O.)..And, to~ard it; eyn.; (L,];) or l , (., and .:,,]. One says, . ,.; He wa agry ( or o) 'Q1j . ,! , (0,) He ~am in the A, 0,) or *l. (M,b.) You say, with Aim. (T, L.)_ [And d e fwodered] One ? %**ot ,. Mtr. (0, .)- See abo the next pragraph, He i~ded, or pw~ the affair; or aimed says, .. ~; t Iwonderat hims, or it: (., O, in two plaes. at it; c.; syn. *_; (A in art. ~d;) or L, ]:) or, as some say, I am agr at ham, or 5.( ; (" 0,];) nd *.s, (,)inn. ;._ , i.e. : i ;. (M in that art.) it: and some say that it meas I lamet at, or

(0;) H{e d, or bo, (, 0, ) in And LAt ,3 He committed a ain, or tA like, go,ng alog, (0, , O,) or in th road,to the right ntionlly. (TA in art. U .) And ' ,3 (4 signifies he 1 [e [ aimed at an object of the chase]. and klef: QK:) or iigifis h proed in ey dietn, by reason of bri- (8 gh, in Mqb.) And le;lt 1s c He aimed
re , or aprghti~ . (TA.) And at hAs had with the staff, or stick. (M in art. J ,A.Sri ..bu i _ ... ) And ~, [and di nor.; ; and a.,] coue. (., 0.) And #X; 't.l and He betooAk himself to HJ..; eotf. (8i, min or had rcours to im, in a case of need The torrent wnd in the leto rght and , . ,, am, lie~

compla of' ha, or it. (L.) i * f (., O,L) i.e. Do I wonder at a cAi'f m his [ow] pteople hare aib? (L) wu said by Aboo-Jahl (., O, L) when he lay ptrated at

leR. (0.- ~m) bp. (o.)6



ts ,M

(A.)_ - And [hence] one says,



" 1

and VC.



.,# 0,1



(Kr, ?, 0, ]) .

, , O,Mb, M ],) and go a, (,A,O, r,,IL) ]~:00I did it seri~oy, or in amrest, and hemzehs. nt: (., 0, ,ith certain know~, or assrance. (8, A,

O, (

Bedr; meaning, bath anything more happened than the slaughter of a chief by his [own] people? this is not a disgrace [to him]: he meant thereby that the destruction that befell him was a light matter to him: (A'Obeyd, L:) the saying is interrogative; (Sh, L;) ~," being app. contracted from .~.11,by the suppression of one of the two

(Az, L.) And _ ab a;, j O, as related by A'Obeyd, (and thu in the O, in

two copies of the Q written 'u., and in a third copy omitted,] or _, without teshdeed, as seen by As written in an old book, [i. e. Do I wonder at a measre icompl~ely Jild?] is a saying of the Arabs, expl. in the book above alluded to, and, Az thinks, correctly, as meaning is it anything more than a measure incompletely filled P [and in a similar manner, but not so fully, expl. in two copies of the . and in the 0 :] or, accord. to IB, is it anything more than the fact of my measure's being incompletely filled ? (L:) thus expl. also by ISk: and in a similar manner the saying of Aboo-JahL (From n marginal note in one of my copies of the8 .)... , means He kpt, or clam, to it; (Ibn-Buzur,O, ;) namely, a thing. (0.)

], &L :) so called beeause of its winding. (TA.) M,b, . [See also .]) When a man sees a *0*~ *, , 0. ~ ,.. k~bodily form and imagines it to be an object of ~ and : esee the chase and therefore shoots at it, be cannot -~use ~ f'.~~~ *^ this phrase, for he only aims at what is an : me.. object of the chase in his imagination: so says An aow at wid about in it coure. $gh. (Myb.) - , , ($, O, L, ],) aor. :, (L,) (1, 0,1 ) And A horse that do not pro d aid of diseuase, (.8, O, L,) pre It ~ d Amviy upon .har lV ad', ad*0 0* nd hi, him or op~ro hin; (.8, O,L,]P;) on the *'asra she-oamel d et,ht abu do. (TA.).. authority of IAr: (TA:) and so said ofetraitnes, or confinement, or imprisonment, and capIt is alo used by Aboo-Dhu-eyb Fl-Hudhalee as tivity; (0 ;) and it caumd him tofalla; (0, c;) meaning Simming. (O.) in this sense in like manner said of confinement, &c.: (0:) also, (0, ],) said of a disease, (0,) it paned him. (O, J.) And : i, (],.TA,) a,. sor., in this case, ', (TA, [but this, I think, _ (, A, 0, L, Mb, ,) or., (L,) rquires confirmation,]) It grieved him, or made in n. . (hL, ;) and? and t ;.t~; ~ (,ro ;f Wha~t (Mb, Ohas grieved (] TA.) One says, Jlb L inc n.,.a,; (L, Mqb;) (M,b, ]1;) thtee, or made thtee sorrw/I?

II stayed it, propp~dit up, or spportdit; (?, A, What

O, L, Myb,


or ma


;) namely, a wall, (A, L M9b,) (TA.)-~',

(., O, L, ][,) aor.:, inf. n. ,

H*, He topped, or obstructed, the coure of the torrent,so as to make

it collet in a place, by mmansu of earth, (O, ,)

s. J,Jt ,,

in n.

or other thing; (., 0, L;) i. q. ~: (A, L, ($ 0,) said of earth, It became mois~ened by rain or the like, (J,) or atone. (O.)- See also 1, first Mb:) or t ao, (and app. sometimes _, OthAat wAen a portion of it was graped is th sentence. - [a.b as used by the Christians, and (wee and in a similar manner I e~ handit becmecompactedbyrao of itrmoisue: held to be of Syriac origin, means
expl. by Goliu, as on the authority of J, whom (, O,L, :) or it became ned by rai' and I do not find to have anywhere mentioned it, but compact~d layer upo layer. (L.) And ;.oe him: see

He baptized

it is probably corretw (m its pa. part. . in ,,~;l, in above, TAe land became moi~ened 4: see 1, first sentence, in two place. ... .... .... a this ,)] eplaced b a~ it oumns, pila, or by te rai 's nkg into thMe earth o tat wh , #U~e1l occurs in a trad. as meaning His propL (, O. [See &c, c.])-_And _, a porto of it wa graipedi thAe hand it became lg rmderedhim , i. uch a state that (L, ,) aor. , (L,) or , (TA,) inf.n.., (L,) mpacted by reaon of t mo re. (AZ.)_ propped up by ~ He tck AMm, or bat km, witan [iron meaapo Also, (in a. as above, L,) said of a camel, He he codd not it u mch asrc him or beat (0hs, wit an. (iAnd He had the br part of his humnp broken [or bruie~ placed at Ai. de: (L:) it is of the dial. of such hia , or beat i.. (0, po L, .)t And cae by be~ ch] riddn, whie the outerpart re. Teiyi, who say in like manner .,, &,1 struck him, or beat Ahi, upon the art'M caled nma/sd wAhol, or sound: (Q, 0, L,P :) or he had (TA.) ~lJh,.a (O, L, ])mJ , (hu, A, O, L, tiAp mol in conq of thi galing of M,b,) and .eI ~a, (L, M,b,) and (L, aor. ;, [or: and ', (ar p. 299,)] in n. a4) (., O, L, Myb) and Z.. and ;1. and 'c (Mtr, 60**.Af&l TA) and v (Nawidir el-Arb,TA) A and .; (Ibn-i.rfeh, TA;) nd ,(L, Mqb ,) and ~ d,~ t Zo0;c . M L0 V,~ ,, fb, ]4,') ean Jd t .3; (, L;) and it did~ ;. (L, TA;) He t, th saddleand the cloth beneath it, and brok [or bi~ed]: whence e and as u.. epithets
applied to a man. (L.) And

: see 1, former half, in five places. 7. .*iJt It became atayed, prpp~ up, or nwpor~; (S, O,L, l ;) said of a wall, (L,)or

1d W;-*


JIHi butto ecme.& ctua e -and quivered, other thing. (g, 0, L) swollen,a r throbbed, in consence of [log and hard] 8. %..WJI Uw ;.: I leaned, recli,sd,bore, and ridi. (En-Nadr, 0, ]g.) And ;, aor. and intend it, or pur~, it; did it or rested, o th thing; tayed, propped, or a;pa s inttionaly, or pu~ o; the in n. signifying in n. as above, said of a pustule, It became ported, my~po it. (., O, L, M,b.) -. And * lw t;, t I reied ;aI po Aihi the contr. of U,..: (As, , L, TA:) he direct before it had bec~e ripe, and its eg [or white (hence] in such a thing, or cam; (.,O,L;) as also hAef, or A come~ or aim, to it, or towards it; glob~ ] did not come forth. (L, TA.) - Aso made for it, or toward it; made it h object; 3'..: '/fered He (L.) And .iSJl pain. (L.) - And, (T, O, L, ,) _b ;..a1,[and aim atit; oht, or ndeao red, after it; or inf. n. as above, (T, L,) He wa, or became, ,'1.j la,a,l, and perhap .A14t (see Do
Bk. I. 271

2152 Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, sec. ed., i. 315),] I relied upon the book, and ldd to it: a metaphorical phrase, from the first above. (Myb.) - [Hence also the phrase, used by grammarians, .L a 'j tL t It isyntacticallydepend& t upon what is before it; au, for instance, an enunciative upon its inchoative, an epithet upon the subet. which it cualifies, and an objective complement of a verb upon its verb. -_ .; l o jLjlI,.l, a phrue occurring in the ] in art. p:, app. means The rai rested upon the ground to as to woah into it: see *...]-.Ja ui ,-;..l He Uent, or journeyed, gently; ent a gentle pace. (L in art. %0.) And 'i, %.*l oHe rode on journe ing during his night. (A, O, ].) _ See also 1, former half, in three places. _jq.l means ~ : i i e. He brought to him such a thinq; lit. he directed, or betook, himsdlf to him rwith uch a thing: see two exs. in the first paragraph of art. t.j

[Boox L

props, or upport", himelf: a thing upon which columnu: or po_ssing tallness: (L:) or poming tallne and lofty buildings: (0 :) or, accord. to one reli: ( o0, L,* C,TA:) and rt Vt i Fr, the possessors of tents; i.e. who dwelt in (S and V voco ;.) and t;; and V.J* tents, and were accustomed to remove to places (L) signify the stay, or support, ofa thing or an of pasture and then to return to their usual places i affair; that rwhereon it rests, or whereby it sub. see O t1. sids; its qcient caus of subsistence; that with- of abode. (O, L) _ j1tl Jj: - Also (i. e. >I*! JbL) t A man who# abode out which it routld not subsit: (L, and S* and is a place bonmn for its s. (6 O, L, .) V' ubi supra:) and t? papplied to a man, _And .ldl1 :)i 5. means t[Such a one is syn. with ,~ [meaning a person upon wrhom one leans, rets, stays himLse, or relies; a man's is a person of exalted nobility; lit.] nrch a on has a high pole of the tent of nobility. (A.) stay, support, or object of rliance; like ;j and t >t,o]: (S and I* in art. U.:) ..~. is ~je ra word of well-known meaning, (M,b, used alike as masc. and fem. and as sing. and K,) The ,; of a , (S, O,) or of a ; dual and pl.: (TA:) one says, l..j. ~ l Thou (Mgh.;) [i. e.] a pole of a tent; us also to ;: art he to whom nwe betake ourselws, or have reand a column,' or pillar, of a house or the like: Course, in our necessities; (A;) or WS. W (L:) pl. (of pauc., S, O) ;L.., and (of mult., .3laJt our stay, or support, or object of reliance, S, 0) c~, and (quasi-pl. n., L) t ~. (S, 0, (,l .'a,) in diffulties: (Msb:) and 6. L, Mqb, K.) [The former is the primary, and W~ Ye are they upon whom we stay ourselves, more common, meaning: and hence the phrase] or rely: (TA:) and one says also e,- ,j.0; ,c: wsee j; (of which it is a quasi-pl. n., as lie is the stay, or sulpport, of his tribe: (A ;) and %.* J&I (Lth, A, Msb) and c or 1a, (Msb,) (Lth, it is also of ;I;c), in four places: and i.. .i;l *;.L means the stay, support, or object of or this last is not said, (L,) and t .L. * [It is also an inf. n. of ., q. v.: - and the reliance, of the people, or party; syn. .. a.. A, Msb, K,) [The people of the tent-pole or of the tent-poles;] meaning the people of, or who dvlcU inf. n. of i.., q. v.: - and hence it signifies] A (Iam p. 457.) See also >j, second quarter. swelling, writh galls, in the bach of a cameL (L.) - [Hence, as used by grammarians,] tAn in- in, tents: (Lth, A, Msb, K :) or the last means th people of lofty tents, (,) or of lofty tructures. dispensable meber of a proposition; as, for inEarth moistoed by raisr o that when a (TA.) C;AfJI l, in the stance, the agent; contr. of 'W. (IAk p. 143.) portion of it is graed in the hand it beome lKur [xxxi. 9 (and see also xiii. 2)], (0, L,) compacted by reaton of its moiture: (6, O, L:) - Also An intmtion, a purpose, an aim, or a accord. to Ibn-4rafeh, (O,) or Fr, (L,) means [Keep to thy or moistened by rain and compacted, layer upon coure: so in the phrase ;l3;s1i, either Hle created the heavens without .a [or ienteion, &c.]. (A.) 'n'r. (L.) - [Hence] one says, .;;1 pillars] as ye see them; and with the sight ye ,s,ulant in goodne, ben~ cc, or CJ The place that sweli, or becomes injlated, need not information: or Hie created the heans bounty. (AZ, 8h, 0, -].) is also applied that ye sea not; [i.e., with in the hump and tithers of a camel. (L. [See with pillars (,.) invisible pillars;] (0,* L;) the pillars that are to a camel, meaning Having the inner part of his .; and n .]) not seen being his power; or, accord. to Lth, hump broken [or bruied] by his being [much] Mount ]Af, which surrounds the world [or earth]; ridden, while the outer part remains whole, or '1'~: see ;, second quarter. the sky being like a cupola, whereof the extremisound: (., 0, L:) or itaving his hump woU ien conseqen~ of the galling of the saddle and of the ties rest on that mountain, which is of green a.. and t jl.~ (0, L, O) and t il~, chrysolite, whence, it is said, results the greencloth bemuath it, and brohken [or brusd]: fem. (TA) A yout., or ness of the sky. (L.) And t.V and ,4 in with 3: and, with , a she-camel broen, or sub- and ',Z~ (L) or t:' young man, fui of the sap, or vigour, of youth: ded, by the wmght of her burden. (L.) Leheed (0, L, V :) or bulky, or corpulent, and tall: (L:) the ]ur [civ., last verse], accord. to different says, describing rain (0, 0, L) that caused the the fem. (of every one of these, L) is with ;: (L, readings, are pls. [or rather the former is a quasivalleys to flow, (,) A' a J pl. n.] of ;)e; (Fr, L;) or of? ;1.0; and mean ] :) and the pL of the second is V alj., ~: and [pilars] of fire. (Zj, L.) _ Also Any tent 1~lI signifies a corpulent, bulky, woman; (d.) supported on poles: or any tent extending (O, L ;) u also ~il,. l, (o.) to a considrablelengtA along the ground, supported on many pole. (L.) _- See also ;ss, in two [And the torret continued daring the nigAt, what I..l (0, ], TA, in the C] 0s1.) Tall; resembled the hearvy, or lowpaced, camel such as (0, g ;) applied to a man; fem. with ;, applied places. [Hence,] A lord, master, or chij, (1, O, ]~,) of a people, or party; (6, O;) as ao is tered r .q oerlying itu two fides, fr~ the to a woman: (0:) and ~, (A, g,) like t j.; (s, A, o,g ;) both signify a lord, ma, valley of El-Ba.kdr]: Aq says, he means that a ,; (in measure], (],) or *, (0,) signi- ter, or chief, upon whom persons stay thdemsals, collection of clouds resembling the [camel termed] fies the same, (A, 0, ,) applied to a man; (A;) or rely, in their affairs, or to whom thy betake ... overlay the two sides of the torrent; i. e., and so I .saJIl 'j;j'. (Mbr, L.) - See also thmuselve, or ham recours; and the pl. of the that cloudr encompasned it with rain. (?, O, L.) in two places. latter is 1". (TA.) And (accord. to IA4r, - Also, applied to a pustule, Swolen in cono- , quene of itu having been ~ed before it had O, L, TA) The urn [or chief, or commander], JI., and its pL; and fem.: see a.s. become ripe, and retaining its egg [or white (so in the L, and in the copy of the g followed g~be]. (L.) app. meaning, if correct, the E.Q: see , in four places: - and jt in the TA,) orj, or perhapa the adancedgyard]; A A thing by w another thing is stayed, also, former half, in four place - Also Lofty shout, oreunuary, pro , or iported; a say, prop, or spport; buildings: (6, O, L, Mqb, :) masc. and fer.: (so in the 0, and in the C]~, and in my MS. oopy

,~. * O,.1 ~

au also tV.bC; of which latter the pl. [or rather (6, 0, L, .:) quasi-pl. n.] 'is ' ; (Mb ;) as it is also of is called
; : (?, Mob, &c.:) a thing upon which one jll; kans, recline, or bears; upom which one stays, Ir

[being a coll. en. n. :] one thereof of the V,) of an aray; (0, L, ;) also alled (6, o, L, MMb, ]P)_ ;; I the ,j [which corroborates the former explana[mentioned in the lur lxxxix. 6] means tion, being qyn. with hst]; (L, TA; [in the O
and V;e and

possssing lofty buildings supported by written Vj ;]) u also ? ;%


I.] )_

~ Also, [fom the m e the opi nion of A'Obeyd, ith di lty, or tro

2153 (A,) so that he cannot sit unless propped up by cushions placed at his sides. (A,* L)- Also, and t ($, 0, O, L, .K,) and ' m., (]g,) A man broken, or enervated, by the panion of love; ($, O,I ;) and in like manner all the three are applied to a heart: (0:) or the first and econd signify a man whose .i of his heart is srevered: (A:) or a man much distressed, or afflicted, by love; likened to a camel's hump of which the interior is broken: (L. [See 1.:]) and t ; J signifies dise~ d, or ick. (L.)-.See also _.,s, The place of pain. i . last sentence. -

1J". (0, L,

word in the first of the enes expl. above,] A bk, and fatigue; whether upon his back or not. ng thin g (jAJI 3s The _. s j or atick (L.) - And.A .apon made of; (0, L) n,wm tA whic one beats, or stk; (Mgh;) a [app. meaning the longitudinal/ lament]) in the rod of im; (L;) [a kind of mace; app. a rod middle of the lier: (Zj in his "Khall elof iron wtA a baU of the same metal at the head: Indan:") or. a certain vein that irrigates the I have heard this appellation applied to the kind liver: (Lth, O,L, ]J:) or 41 1; signifies two of the navel. thrright and of weapon which I have mentioned in an expla- large ein, on lft , .j l,, q. v.; and it is (ISh, O,L.) One says, ; pl. of nation of jj;, ,. [ ily uca one ha h vulgarly aid, in Egypt, to have been used by the & l, the e called in our histories of the of his liver comingsforth in consequence of hunger]: pa pLof Aassins"] pL Crudes "the Ariassins."] Crumdem [fpn. ,,:e.. Odo [his ,~ofrom his liver]; [his ... from hi ivr]; (L.) (Mgh.) _- [And A bar of iron, or of any mtal. (0:) or And A Mpend/ular.] - And A slender and (L, TA;) and some say that by his L_s in this ,..L applied to the latter part of the night, lofty mutain: so in the maying, W 4 ,,? l saying is meant what here next follows. (TA.) h .ap.mann`"Te L aCausing pain. (IAr, 0.) And .s ,i A [app. meaning thec l ; ; The ),) , )~ [The eagle lays her egJ in the top .--. aorta, as though it were considered as the sup- night catusing pain. (lAr, Az, O.) ;f a lender and lofty mutain]. (A.) -_ ;,.

-_ ! The suppOrt rt (;.SU port of the lungs]. (O, [Each of] the two upright s.) main part, and supp~or, of the ear: (0, L, K, hoizontal TA: [in the C.K, %li is erroneously put for [or o7J]) upon ohch is [iplaced the cros-piec of roood whereto is suspended] the greatrt which is abo ti bovf the :l (L. / op ) e roddl . The pIulley(jl.)of the well: (0,] :) [bothtogether I Te midd of the lobe. (L.)] a poet says, being termed the -l. heart, (A, L,) lengthwie: or, as some say, a *''!certain vein that irrigates it. (L.) One says, * !,',., ~ 1j. 'aqI Put thou that in the , ,J} 3J ,,a [When it (the bucket, jJI,) rises, the two sprighAt middle of thy heart. (A.)._ ,-.LJI _.s The mpports of the p~ece of wood to which hangs the middle of the tongue, lengthwrie. (L.) - .J gret puley~j tremble]. (0.) ?'. [Each ~,tl5 The text of the book: thus in the saying, of]the two le of the male ojtrich: (1 :) his two & , A [It is metioned in the


port lngs]. of

the (0,


A tall [tent such as is called] J. 1. [So in a copy of the A. [Perhaps a mistranscription for a, q.v.]) See also .~-- And sec
0 8~.

.%~a, applied to a tent, e&t up with poles: (O, . :) occurring in a venre of [thie Mo'allaklahl of] Tarafch [p. 88 in the EM]. (O. [See also ~.])3' _; (O, , TA, insome copies [or variegated ,) A sort of j of the K : cloth] (0, ., TA) [jiered]with the form of >lc [app. meaning lojfty buildings]. (TA.) - See also

0.` (0, L, TA.) - legs are called his j text oft theboolt]. (A, TA.).book]. (A, TA.) crou] is an text ot upright timber of the ,.. I [The

C..A !



_- and .,:


applation applied by the vulgar to the star [c] bright gleam of dawn; (L;) the dawn that rises upon the tailof the constelationDdephinus. (gzw.) and spreads, (A, L, Msb,*) fdling the horizon thus ) [app. [ )go.S e ~t: l, (] voce ~db~,) i.e. with its n'hitenems: (Msb voce ._ 41!j ,, called as being likened to a tent, or long tent:] the the beam balance te ame t ,,I it is the second, or true, .4, and rines after the tk) g mmay thei h' ellamfta (h h'th ait' cpttat it (the j s , feneayof first, or false, a has disapared; and nith or steelyard. (MA.) _ . l ;. The :ee;. its rising, the day commences, and everything by [or a,w, generally meaning a ridge, but some- which the fast would be broken becomes forbidden times a channel, or depressed line,] titat is in the to the faster. (Msb voee~ti.) One says, *' , i#J~~~1 0, ,... [or broad side, or middle of the broad sile, (S, O, L,) or dt5 all1 _,, ' .. of the blade] of the sword, (En-Nadr, O, K~,) in ~ ~~A)or themeofit iJI ,et x, ndingtoitslocrpart: (A,) or i e [The bright (En-Na!r, O:) [the swords of the Arabs in the gleam of dawn] rose and spread. (Msb.) _ earlier ages being generally straight and two- ,k;Il _ Tihat [meaning the dust] which rises into the sty, or extends along the surface of the edged:] and ometimes the sword had three ; termed w..~*' earth, in consequence of the [wind caUed] L"I in its it back, j] in of At*] of paue. ~[pl. pauc. of [PI. of back, termed

epithets " and ..[S and used by the Christian Arabs, meaning A baptist.] ;,.a. applied to a thing that presses heavily, such as a roof, Held [up, or supported,] by columns: differing from .~ [q. v.]. (TAiu art. ,e.) Also A person resorted to in cases of need. (A.) .See also s, in two place., thus correctly, as in the 'Iniyeh, without teshdecd to the j, but in the copies of the ]C with teshdeed, [and so in the O; held by some to be of Arabic origin, but by others, of Syriac;] said by EFy-owlee to be an arabicized , with the pointed 1, signifyword, from a. ing ;jt lJ [app. as meaning "ablution," or "purification"]; (TA;) [Baptism: and baptismal water; expl. as signifying] a yellow water, pertaining to the Chritians, (O, , TA,) consecrated by what is recitedover it fromt the Gospd, (TA,) in rwhich they dip their childe, believing that is is a purification to them, like circumcition to others. (0, V, TA.) [See also '~..]


6iujwjjI > i.e. [Theby,' ht

iek l) Theri (., in the O and he in copies (TA in an )--t;JI which t The i rg p ite of a the 1 ttature. ot state. of distance, from their friends, b Thcurl -middle written [erroneously] [~ ~ wL. ~ ~ jg,) ~ riing ~ ~along ~ the ~~~~rvlerr --- travellers onetinuy. continue. (L.) ~al 7] e curl of the spear-head, betnen it two cutting side. of the hair [which we term afeather] on a horse's j The back; (i, neck, in the places of the collar: it is approved (ISh, 0, L, g.') _- ~ 1 . A, Mgh, O, L, ] ;) because it supports the belly: b. : see ;~, in two places. - [Also A l. It! ?, -l (L.) (i,) AjC), or a thing by the Arabs. (Mgh, 0, L:) or a ein ( ground of reiance:] one says, j a j: . , ~ rsmb~ a ein, (O, L,) cwtint from the means TAcy continued in the course upon whitch c,, [There is not any ground of reliance upon such a lace i f th [or loer etreityof theern they placed reliance. (O, ].) Also, i.e. q. v.) (ecord to one]. (S voce 0, m] to a litle below the navel, (O, L, ,) in the (accord to theOand ,) or?,, dle wereof the beUy of the sp or goat u Ct the TA [agreeably with an explanation of the o,m; so says Lth: (0, L:) or, accord. to Lth, latter in the L],) Affected n-ith vehement, or ingrief ~e, or som . (0, g, TA.) g from the adj to the naw. t a in ~ 4 1. c., aor. :; (,,Mb, g;) and , (Mgh.) They said, d j ' . '., meansee La .- and see also ;., first (S, O, 0,O ing He carriedit on his bach: (0, 0, L:) or, in quarter. - Also A man sick, (L,) or ery sick, aor. ' (1) and ; (Sb, g ;) inf. n. 271
-~~ -

and 1Li (En-Na4r, O.) -. And

--. JI ;

~ ~~~~~~ stature. (TA in art.

[q. v.].

(0, L.) --'

>"& t TallUns of

oks f theab & [or

e,, =~ ity ofthe, th e0 d r.t a

Mob, V) and~S, ((, O, Meb,) both anomalous, rned or astae or dedate.] (., O, TA.)_ [ 3. e3jSti; ~j^ 3- id [I ngth of his lfe]. (M in art. as inf. n. of , for by rule the inf. n. should be al, or. and inf. n. as abote, He peopled the

[Boox L
raith him for the

.s, (s,) but M is alo an inf n., (TA,) and , which is the mo t chaste, (0,) and l; (] ;) lHe Umd, (., 0,) or c~ d in if (i .), (1s,) /og, or a long time; (, O,] ;*) huiife as, or bame, oy: (Myb :) and o he gr old. (TA.) -...o 4r . He rmainwd, conti~d, stayed, r ed, delt, or abode, in a pi~.


land; tocked it we with pe~pe.and camel and 4: see 1, in three places - ;Ai' *pl, (&,) tAhe /ke; co~ ed it; cativated it, or cultivated and ~ , V .:,, (1. g,). q. ;. (]) it well; rdered~ it in a juri&hing state, or in a or ;jlo ~ (.I) [He made him to inhabit the state the contrary of wade.]_-.And 4i, , 1 aor. and inf n. as above, He ket the buiding in place, or to people, or colonie, or cultiate, it]. a good state; syn.. (TA.) So accord. to So the latter signifies in the ]ur [xi. 64],

(8) And He Aath made you to some, in the Jur, XI L. -- " 1, [quoted 1ut5 * ,: dwel therein: (O, Jel :) or Aath ird of you above,] Onlyhe d al eep in a good state [or in (B, TA.) -, aor. , inf. n. ', (Mb,) or to inabit it, or to people it, &ec.: (Z:) or Aath repair] the mosques, or pl of worhip, of God: SJL. and l. , (MA,) It (a place of abode) (TA:) among the significations of the verb as enabled and commanded you to do so: (Bd :) became inhabited; (MA, Mqb;) ^;, [by its here used, are these; he shall adorn them with or hath permitted you to do so, and to fetch in the ppe]: (Mqb:) [it became peopled,wll pd , carpuo or the lke, and/ght them with lamps, out by labour, or art, yourfood [fr.
and continue the performance of ru~ well stocked with pple and the ie, in ajo wor~ in them, and ing state, in a Atate the contrary of daolate or and prai and the tudy of ~e [de~cration by] that for which waste or ruined, or in a tate of good repair:] gard them f and in like manner you say, jIA. ;t e, aor.:, they. are not built, uch a worldly dicoure. (Bd.) L and TA, I read.,Jj, and this is evidentry the right,] from it: (TA:) or hatA givn you your


tereinfor your li;

or made you to

inf. n. .*, th hoAue became inhabited [&c.]. _ lI IJ.n_c aor. ', inf n. c [and eS li turein. (IbO-'Anfeh, O, 1 ; _ ;J, (MA.) - [You say also,hj` ;h c The land (MA,) or this, accord. to the Mqb, is a simple (8, Mgh, O, Myb, ,") or Ltl, or 4j1, (8, 0,) became inhabited,peopled, el stoced with people subet.], He built the houme. (M;b.) [And] He made the house to be inhabited; he pe~ped it; and tc3: a4 s, (w,) I a~ d to him the hoe and camds and the like, colonized, cultivated, ell cultivated, in a florishng Jtate, or in a (MA;) [or made it to be we dtocked mth pwople for his Iit, (Mb, V,) or for my lft, (,) to in. state the contrary of waste: see its act. part. ., and the lie, or in aJflour/ihing tate, or in a state habit it for that period; (M.b, TA;) I aid to him, of a house, (S, Mgh, O,) or of land, or of , aor. ao--j', inf n. ] -. -And J,1 , aor. '; and , aor. of god repair.] and Sjl., [app., He instituted what was good: camels, (S, O,) It is thine, (8, Mgh, 0,) or they (M;) and p, aor.'; (8b, ];) inf. n. t..; are thine, (8, O,) for my lie, (., Mgh, 0o,) or or perhaps, he cultivated, or pronoted, it: or he for thy life, and ohn tho diet it ,rde , or (1; [so in most copies; in the TA, g1;, and kept to it; or obed it; or iegarded it.] (Az, they return, to me. (S, 0.) The doing so ie for. there said to be inf. n. of 'Os; but, I think, TA.) _ M ;c, (IApr, ],) aor. ', (IAa, 0,) :and aee erroneously;]) i q. l 1 1[The property, con [inf. n. ;t._,] He serred, or mworshped, his bidden. (Mgh, TA.) [See also xisting of caml or the like, became in a lourih- Lord; (IA#r,];) he prayed andfated~ (Ks, %,;J, and ,$ ] , P %l HIe found the ing state]; (V;) th p~rtybecame much; the land to be a.l, (., O, ],) i. e., ppled [and ].) You say Iefi le camnls, or the like, became many, or numeru~ Lb, O, cu,tiated, or in a louisng~tate]. (TA.)uch a one morshipping his Lord, pray~i and (~gh.) -.. s , (MM b, ,) aV r. ', (TA,) inf n. . j.ecl He rendd him rich; made him to be fasting. (TA.) t~.s (] s[o in most copies, but in the TA, ;L;L, poss_d of comp~tence or smffcinlcy, to be ithout with fet.b, which I think erroneous ;]) and p),-*.H1 e 9. W; wec, (., O, Msb, ],) inf n. ; (~, wants, or to hae few wants. ( (g) and I', (TA,) He inhabited it; re- Msb;) and _, (Myb, 1,) aor. , (Myb,) aided him to perform the nvisit called .e'~; maimsd, conatiued, stayed, resided, dwt, or in. n. ,'; (TA;) God le~thened, or prolonged, (Mgh, O, ];) [said to be] on the authority of abode, in it; namely, a place of abode: (Mb :) hi lisfe; (, O, Msb, TA;) made him to continue analogy; not on that of hearay; (Mgh;) but he kept to it; namely, his property, or his camels in ife; pr~ ed him alive; (C, TA;) u also occurring in a trad.: (Mgh, TA:) or he made or the like, and his house, or tent: ( :) one See t 1j,a9. (0 and Bd in xi. 64.) It is said in him to perform that vi~t. (I], Myb.) also 8. should not ay, of a man, 1 , writh l" the gur [xxxv. 12], W , "" ' 8. .1l He viited. (Myb, V: in some copies (Asz, TA.) d '..L ; t.l, in the l~ur 't,S tt', i. e., No one wkoe life it prologed of the g p;:l.) You say, *, (., o,) o, and [ix. 18], signifies Only he shall abide in the hasli fe prolo~nged, nor is aught dimied of his, moIn~, or ples of worship, of God: or shall meaning another's, life, but it is recorded in a t ,ol, (ISk, Msb,) He visited hinm, or it; (8, it tAm: (TA:) ee 8: but Z says, I know writing: (I'kb, Fr,* O :) or the meaning is, nor 0;) he repaired, or betook himf, to him, o0it; not as oeurring in the ense of a.pWl [he does aught pas of his, i.e. the same person's, (I1Sk, S, O, Msb ;) as also 1 ,-, accord. to one viited]: (TA:) or shall enter them and sit in life: (8a'eed Ibn-Jubeyr:) both these explana- explanation of a panage in the l(ur ix. 18, them: (Jel:) or the verb in the above-cited tions are good; but the foQmer seems more pro- quoted above: [see 1:] but Z says, I know not phrase of the ]ur has another signification, bably correct. (Az, TA.) "., He deter- ae as occurring in the sense ofol. (TA.)_ which ee below. (TA.)m~ is also syn. minedfor himelf, or asgnedto himsd~f, a limited He peformed the rig ~ ~it called . (0, with i, in the first of the e~e expl. below: [He perned ife. (]p) XI j.&, inf n. He R acknow- TA.) You say .tl .,tt see 9.i _ J).e JA:Ti .. , (AZ, ?, 0, g,) dged th everasing eice of God. (., TA.) the visit so calea in the p ]. (p.)aor. , (TA,j infn. (s;) 9...a; nd * __1; I ask, or beg, God to prolong thy !t; *.;.l He betooh i~mdf to a thing, or an (AZ, , O,g ;) May God make thy place of lfe: (Ks,O,TA:) or I remind thee of God. affair; as, for instance, a warring and plunderabode to beome peopd, [or well peopled, eU (TA, app. on the authority of Mbr.) [It also ing expedition; aimed at it; pWposed it. (TA.) stocked with pp!l and the like, in a jflourising seems to signify I wear to thee by the emerating ~ Also He attired his head (i.e. his own head) state, in a state the contrary of r~ud or waste .] _l3J _ J .. wihA an &,l;, i. e., a turban, 4c. (., .) or deolate, or in astate of good repair,] by thee exsce of God. See 1 ' [or by thy meam]: (],*TA:) but AZ says that 1.! jili 1 adjure thee by God, and beg thee by 10: ee : -. and also 4, in two places. one should not say, of a man, v,L. tI l, with I. the length of thy life, that thou do sch a thing. ~" and tCf. are both in. us., signifying the T lW same. (., O.) [See L As such, the former is (..) _ 4"j^t JI , aor. and in n. as above, [He (19,.TA.)_ See also 4. .4 l made the ruin, or waste, or the lie, to become in [He f~ ed a tent with what he requivd]. the more common.] And both of these words, ) a stat of good repair, in a sate the contrary of (M9 b in art. (Mgh, , &c,) and V*,, (, &c.,) [used as

diell in them during your lim, and then to lba them to others: (Bd:) or hath prolonged your

Boox I.]
simple ubts., or abstract n., in which case the ecosnd is more common than the firt, except in forms of swearing, in which the former is used, and the. third is more chaste than the second,] signify Life; (Myb, ];) [the age to which the lIfe eted ;] the period during which the body is inhabied by blfe: so that it denotes lea than .%: wherefore the latter is [frequently] used as an attribute of God; but p is reldom used as



to and fro btwmm En-.ajf and El-Marwah: //:,: (Ks, O:) [and it is said in the i that ,.A Jb sometimes ha this signification:] and in like J [differs from it inusmuch u it is at a par-

mannerl jflr aM

to pro thy life: I will not do that: or it may out the halting at 'Araflt on the day of 'Arfeh: be a form of oath without.j [for .j ]: (Ko:)

JblJj.v means I begGod ticular time of the year and] is not complete with(Zj, TA:) the~ is the minor pirage( Jt and I ,.', ::; i Jt); (Myb, and Kull p. 168;) what is comC 41, By thine acno- monly termed ~JI being called sometimes the

and you say 1 1i [and Uib

,ti JI): (Kull:) pl. such: (Er-Righib,B:) pl. ;LG . (i) You do thou o]: (TA:) or X iI;:- signifies by thIy greater pilgrimage (,p [May God pro- orsh of God: (AHeyth:) or I remind thee, ;C (g 0, M, b) and ;,~ my *; A t '3J,I and ij or . ,p or or1. log thy li~f]. (9, O.) In a form of swearing, j,. only is used. (1.) [In a case of this kind, when J is not prefixed to it, it is in the accus. cue, u will be shown and expL below: but when J is prefixed to it, it is in the nom.] You say rOaj Mbr says of this (Myb.) - Also A man's going in to his [nmlyrm dir tAee, of (od. . (.) phrase, allt jp*s, that * may be in the accus. married] wife in the abode of herfamily: (IApr, case on account of a verb understood; [such, for ,1 :) if he removes her to his own family, the instance, as Jjb

blgmest of the ererlasting eistence of God, &c-,

.a) meaning By thy life, I will as- as being for [the inf. n.] ,p .. (TA.) It may irly do [oh a thing]. (M.b.) .i)aJ occurs also be [found written] S;1i.; but this is bad. in the ]ur xv. 72, and menu By thy life: (I'Ab, said (K.) Some of the Arabs, for .;j., ia a dial. var., menAkh, Bd, Jel:) and 9 A. : wsee .:.~;; (Az.)-, .. :. tioned by Yoo: (O :) or the former, accord. to the gmmrianm, means by thv re~igion:(AHeyth, (AfHeyth, 5) and ?*c (V) signify Reigion; . and (AHeyth, ];) as in the phrases 0:) and [in lile manner] , and V , eg.aj ' (0) and A"_J (AHeyth) [men[by my life, or] by my re~igiaon. (.) j tioned above]. _ Also ' (8, 0, Msb, 1) and an inchoatite, of which the enuneiative,.;l *ti (IAth, 0, O) The Ma that isubtwn the 4, [that by Awhich I oar, so that the entire teeth: (9, 0, Msb, :) or the pendent piece of phae meas thy life is that by ehich I ar,] jash betwMn the teeth: (Az, Mb :) or the jh

(IAr, 9.) sup- act is termed ~. ;] or by reason of i,.3j; or pressed, the complete phrase being i' >c~ a subst., (; I[strangely read by Golius
1, , O,) 0, or an inf. n., (TA,) [or rather a quuasiand the like; (?, 0, TA;) inf. n.,] from ;Si; * A man's assigning to anoter a ho for the life

of the latter, or for the life of thb former; (accord. to the explanation of the verb in the ;) a a man's saying to another, of a house, or of
land, or of camels, It is thine, or they are thine, for my lift, or for thy life, and han thou diest it returns, or they re~, to me; (aeccord. to the explanation of the verb in the $ and Mgh and O ;) a man's giving to another a house, and Lay-

is understood; therefore it is in the nom. case: that is between the places in which the tsth are hfe: (Th, in TA: [in which is added, "which(IJ, TA:) or the complete phrase is set: (TA:) or the.flh of thegum: (]:) or the ever of us dies," o. LQI, but this I consider a *; -06... tA fif, &c.: and thy life sof flesh of the gum that rmus between any two teeth: mistake for t; 1;i1, "when he dies,") "the grat accout]. (Fr, as related by A'Obeyd.) (TA:) or what appears of the gum: (Kh, Msb:) house is given to his famnily:"]) so they used to or (so accord. to the TA, but in the . " and ") and the anything of an oblong hape between two toeth: do in the Time of Ignorance: (TA:) but some YOu. say also j;JI ii ., *JI; former meaning By thy father's in iuting, or (]5:) pl. ~.S : (., 0, M;b, ]::) which some ex- of the Muslim lawyers hold the gift to be absolute, and the condition to be null. (TA, &c.) promoting, or keeping to, or obsrving, or regardplain .as signifying the places whence the teeth Also [The proprty,or houe, 4c., so giem;] what iny, whAat is good; jd.JI being the objective comgrow. (TA.) It is said in a trad., JL j..1 L** is aged, or g , to anotherfor the peiod of !* e, aor. ', inf. n. plement of jo, from t jic ~.J [Gabrti en- his lif, or for that of the lift of the giver. (,K.) ps and l.; [see 1 ;] but in the latter case, LSP.s L ctja ] joined me to make use of the tooth-dick so that I [See also ~1j; is an epithet added to .il~ [so that the j, &1 .]. . (0, TA.) e,, . applied to trees (j ), Old; ( ;) a meaning is by the ife of thy good father]. fea,red for my ~j (AHeyth, Az, O, TA.) [See also art. j..&.] reL n. from*..: (TA:) A, , [the fem.,] applied

ing to him, This is thine for thy lift, or for my

Yon also my - ];,

meaning By the evert-


see.s, in two places. see ,c

in four places.

being here ing fae of God; (9, O, ];) a in the nom. case as an inchoative, with j prefixed to it s a corroborative of the inchoative state: the enuncative is understood; the complete

signifies great and old, having to a tree (), had a log lfe: (IAth, TA:) or the former, the
[species of lote-tree called] >,* that grow pon

.*: see *, in two places.

the rives (0, O) and im~ the water; a also

s : (0:) or, accord. to Abu-l-'Ameythel [or 'Omeythil] El-A*ribee, the old, whether on a river or not; (0, TA;) and in like manner says Aq, the old of the jm, whether on a river or not; and the JLO is the recent thereof: some

phrae being Lo

dt.J or

C [the


_ Sj.wl means Bankruptcy, ol..

evrlatn e&e~ of God is my oath, or tAhat by which mwear]. (f, 0.) This expremion is forbidden in a trad., (J,) because js [properly] meun the life of the body: (TA:) [but] v memning By the verlasting a i~ence of thy God, oours in a trad. (TA.) When you do not prefix J, you makle it to be in the accus. came,


insolncy, or the state of having no property remamin~g; (Lth, 0, g ;) which is said to be thus called beause it was the name of an envoy of El-MuklhtAr the son of Aboo-'Obeyd, on the ocasion of whose alighting at the abode of a people, slaughter and war used to befall them: say that the., is a substitute for the . in (Lth,O, :*) - and (V) hunger. (IApr, l.) [q. v.]. (TA.)

. A visit, or a ~viting: (9, Msb, g:) or

.l 1:

see 4,I:.

, X; an in a.: thu you ay, l1 -la-ing ewistace of (0,o, ) I swear by the e od,I did not so: (9, 0:) and t 3i i eh Jii (9, O, ], [in the CV sg, but this is of the a miske,]) By- thine ackow~ SfGod, f I did not so: **~ to~oe , l 0:) or th, o~riginal thoreof is or bea, God to p~ g thy (0, L) i. O., I

a visit in mhich is the cultivation (jls) of love ;] [an inf. n. of ,: - and of ': or affection: (TA:) or a repairing to an inthen app. used a an epithet sy. with ;., q.v.: habited, or a peopled, place: this is the primary then as an (of which it is also a pl. :) -and signification. (Mgh.) - Hence the ; in pilin which the quality of a subt is preepithet grimage [and at any time]; (., 0 ;) i.e. [A dominant; meaning A land, or house, inabited, reigiousit to the sacred pl at Me a hh~, popld, a ped, mwel od wh peope and th t peformanc of the carmosy of.a ti,] ri state, in a tate th conthe li, in a Jlo the ircuiting round the Kaabeh, and the going trary of deolate or made or ruined; a lasnd colo.

2158 2116
nid, cutivated, or eU cultivated; a house in a state of good repair: such seems to be meant in the JK and A and 1k, in art., , where, as in the O in this art., it is said to be contr. of.,, q. v.] - It is also a subst. signifying Qe [A buiding; a structure; an edifice: or perhaps the act of building]. (Mtb.) [See also ;... It is also a pl. of. , q. v.]


(Boox L
[Boo L.

#tL.. [is an inf. n.: and oftent signifies Habita- been a ruin or waste or the like [as meaning Ins tion and cultivation; or a good state of habitation a state of good repair; in a tate th conrary and cultivation: - and is also expl. as signifying] of ruined or waste or desolate]; and so,:. w ite 4 ,.Z1 [That by which a place is ren- (,TA.) [P.1l.] ,t J dered inhabited, peopled, well stocked with people hte i a server, or worshipper, of hit Lord. (TA.) and thi like, colonized, cultivated, ell cultivated, ,(S, 0, o,) and t:., (g,) but in aflourishing state, or in a state the contraryof -.. 0 ;) desolate or waste or ruined; app. meaning, work, the latter is extr., (TA,) Th hyena; (, 0, or labour, by which a place is rndered o; as it a metonymical surname, (S, 0,) determinate, u jL.: see ;Jwe , in three places. is immediately added in the 1C that jmG signifies applying to the species. (TA.) It is said in a hire, pay, or wages, of it, or for it; and the ex- prov., ** i-I3 L$" "J" Ls9 C a,1 -aD -&AI Ism, j),S: see*l;.t planation which I have here given is agreeable S. j [Hide tlyself, O Umm-'Amir: rjoieo with ancient and modern usage; to which it , e, The i j . (g; and TA voce l, q.v., may be further added, that the measure (iTW) thou at tha news of locusts cohering, and the glands in art. w.) is common to words signifying arts, occupations, oftthe penes ofslain men: (in this prov., for , in C. --or employments, the TA, I have as Wll substituted and Ja.t& &c.]. (I, which wm, is the j Sjt Anything (AO, O,) which one puts, 0, reading in variations of the prov.: see Freytag's (, 0,) or which a chief puts, (TA,) upon his TA.) - Also a subat. from ,s. j11 (Msb.) heod, ch as a turban, and a ;i , and a crown, [It has two significations, either of which may Arab. Prov., i. 431 :)] this being said by a man, ,'c., (AO, g, 0, I,) as a ign of headship, and be meant in the Msb: The act, or art, of build- [it is asserted that] the animal becomes obsequious ing a house: _ and A building; a structure; an to him, so that he muzzles it, and then drags it for kTeeping it in mind; (TA;) as also?;' forth; for the hyena, says Az, is proverbial for () and t;#: (?, 0,' TA:) which last [is app. edifice: generally, accord. to modern usage, a its stupidity, and for its being beguiled with soft See also ,.]a col. gen. n., of which 3;l. is the n. un., and] public edi.fice: pl. ~t. speech. (TA.) It is called rA.;1, as though its Hence, also signifies any s~eet-~lling plant (g ) Also The breast of a man. (TA.) young one were called p'1 , and it is so called by whicA a chief puts upon his head for the same (TA,) (S,O, 0l. Msb, K) and t ;SV , (Mqb, a Hudhalee poet: (L:) or its whelp is called nsrpos : and hence, : any sch plant, absolutely: ]g,) the latter allowed by Kh, (O,) but the former (B:) or any smch plant wmith which a drinking- is the more common, (Msb,) A great tribe, syn. ,WI1: (1 :) but it is not known with Jl in the compound name with the prefixed noun [;.1, nor, ha~eris adorned, (9, V,) caled by t/e Persanm 1 M;_ (0, K., TA,) app., without .;l]. (MF, from the Expos. of the Ob g; when any one com in to the people there 4ekr Z4J, (Mob,) or ambled, they rait orn~hat thereof with tdheir that subsit by itself, ,nigrating by itself, and hands, and salute Aim with it, wishing him a long abiding by itself, and seeking pasturage by itself: ;jo. Clamour and conwsion, ($, O,* g,) and lffe: so, accord. to some, in a verse of El-Ashal, (O, TA:) or it is called by the former name bewhich ee below: (Q:) or it there signifies crow cause it peoples a land; and by the latter, because evil, or mitseief: (0:) or wearyisg content~ of ch plants~, which they put upon their heads, complex like a turban; (TA;) and f .'c signi- or altercation. (TA in art. yb.) am the foregners (. 1) do; but ISd says, "I fies the same; or, as some say, all signify a CP1: ,& A place of abode peopled, or inhabited: know not how this is :" or the myrtle; syn. V: (yam p. 62:) or i. q. Li. and ;: (S, O :) (so in a copy of the S :) a place of abode spaious, (TA:) and it;; signifies a plant of that hind, or ess than a a: (O, K :) or les than a a.; (0, TA,) agreeable, p,opled or inhabited, (TA,) with which one ued to salute a king, saying, JMay aboutling with water atul herbage, (S, O,- , God prolong thy life: or, as some say, a raising and more than a C; : (IAth, TA:) [see also TA,) where peoplel stay. (TA.) , :] or a body of men by which a place is of the voice, saying so: (Az, TA:) a salutation; [.]~. and f l,f, of which latter a,/; (1 ;) said to mean, mnay God prolong thy life; peopled: (B, TA:) pl. t. (TA.) - See also (TA;) as also jt; ({t, I) and Vijl;; (L;) eL, in two places. is the coil. n., An architect: both app. postclassical.] but Az says that this explanation is not valid. : see the next preceding paragraph, near (TA.) El-Aphi says, : see.15, in two places.- _ m 1 the end. A house inhabited by jinn, or genii. (Lb.) , ~ :, ~j~.:, * ;41 Living long. (Msb, TA.) - Remaining, 4 ;;1 t 11 is [The ediJfe] in heavn, (K,) in * t jd ;;';*s6> continuing, staying, residing, dnwlling, or abiding, tite third heaven, or the sizth, or th seventh, (Jel, in a place: (TA:) and thus, or remaining, &c., in lii. 4,) or in thi fourth, (O, Bd,) over, or cor[And when he came to us, a little after slumber, and congregated, in a pl. sense. (Mus'ab, O.) repondingj to, the Kaabeh, (O, Jel, ],) which we prostrated ourselves to him, and] we put the seventy tihousand angels visit every day, [or ~venty turbans from our heads, in honour of him: ( :) [Hence,] Ain inhabitant of a house: pl. jt. j!. The jinn, or genii, titat thousand companies of which eve~y one consits of but IB says that, accord. to this explanation, the (TA.) And _%~. seventy thousand angels, (see a.,)] circuiting 4. 1se TheAt e correct reading is t;J"l ;.'): (TA:) or the inhabit houses. (S.) And former reading means, we raised our voices with pent# that are in houses: sing. .1 and ;j,.c: around it and praying, newer returning to it: prayerfor him, and said, May God prolong thy (0,' Jel:) or thA Kaabeh: or the Aheart of the accord. to some, they are so called because of the life: or me raised tit sweet-smeUing plants: 4c.: belieur. (Bd.) Also &roed [or worshilped]. length of their lives. (TA.) - See also . (TA.) seo above. (9, TA.) - Also ;1_., (,) or Also i. q. #;y . (0, TA.) [See also t ;;1s, (O,) An ornamntend piece of cloth which


I A land peopled; [colonized; is sewd upon a iia , [by which is meant a hind You say ;,p J of tent,] (0, ,TA,) i.e. swed to the .gC[q. v.], cultivated; #e.] (TA.) [See ,,..] And +' Visiting; a visiter. (, g.) - Perforn. A place of abode inhabited [4c.]. (Mb.) ing tite rigious visit called [: on each side of the tent-pobl, (0,) as a ngg of (Kr, :) having And .. OWd%, and te, (9, O, TA,) i. e. 3 entered upon the state of .1,_ for thw headship. (TA.) Bee also S~ . ~rforance ;JI [A place inhabited, peld, rell stocked with ;l;; Hire, pay, or wage, of, or for, ;;. as people and the like, in a fiourishing state, in a of that visit: (TA:) pl. s : andjL [a ] is syn. with (Kr.) ignifying (. ijl ; [see below]. (, state tAe contrary of deolate or a~te or ruined]. pL of t TA.) to a thing; aiming at it; (TA.)_ It is applied also to that *hich has And Betaking hi~

Boox I.]


n respect of the extremities]. (O.)) And and so i in pur~oing it. (:, TA.) _ Also Having his came, deep: (S,* O,* Msb, 1g,* TA:) places. unripe dates put in the sun to dry FUU-~ 4 FullU-gon s to .ii ,ijl . /i.a& (TA.) One says, head attired with an 1S, i. e. a turban [pc.]. j;. 'Ayn, (A.Hn, 1, TA) and to ripen. (A.Hn, TA.)_ (AO, i.) om great, or [And accord. to Forskil, (Flora Aeg. Arab. p. iH (1) [How (0, 15:) and * l is the depth of this well!]: and so exii.,) cxii.,) The Euphorbia oficii. arborea; men1ly.9aJii Lx means Wherefore fartending, 1% ~W n. tioned by him as found at a place in Tihbmeh, inf. ~, art thou congregating and detaining the people at .itlT.. (TA.)_-And ~. and and (of the latter, TA) which suggests that its name may perhaps be cor(of the former, TA) ,s~ my door? ($gh, TA.) It rectly ,.&, q' v.] It, * aaiLt, said of a [road such as i termed] ;,2 A kid (IAr,?, O, g:) and a lamb: was, or became, far-extending: or long: (.1:) ,;*G: see the next preceding paragraph, in tv: pl. .d (IAar, ., O.) but accord. to a saying of IAar, app. not used in four places. the latter sense when said of a road. (TA.) And J*& A rigld, or due. (ISh,O, ]C.) So in the lc, said of a place, .It was, or became, distant, .. AJJ [In thij hose is a 6Jl Baying, saying, sv , ~.s Long; (s, o, 1:;) as ailso * ;jj ; (`;) remote, orfar off. (Msb.) ri.qltt, right, or due, pertaining to some one]: (ISh, 0:) applied to a road, ($, O,) as meaningfar extendjiJl ;, ,) 2: see 4._ [Hence,] j*& herbor water and , e, J [Thera pertains to him, in it, a without desert a to and (O,) ing, e,) xceeded the ri.qhg, He ( age, ($, O,) and a limit, term, reach, or goal, or (S, O, ,) in n. , right, or due]. (I.) uual bounds [in looking, or examining, or rather ,) ( limit, or goal a to run single or a heat, , and the verse cited above. j*a: am *: see he looked, or examined, deeply, into affairs, or (AA, ?, O,) and a hore, (,, O,) or anything. the affairs]. (1, TA.)e L*&: see (.) _ Eril in diq~on and very perrme, s: see Sa, first sentence. -[And (L.) horse. a to applied V;) L, (O, O,'; (S, O;) and strong; 4. p$l Jui, (Mob, 15,) inf. n. ; applied to a wolf (L, Malignant, or noa (S, O ;) M'; and * 'i4, (Msb, 1,) inf. n. 4 Feculence ( j) of clarified butter, [adaio& ]L) Malignant, or no'ioum , and very cunning; deep: hering mell ithe made He .;) (O, !; t* t; and o the interior] in a skhin: (Lb, O, ]:) heringt and (O,- ]g;) and so T.; applied to a wolf; (TA.) tl.k.l. so and TA:) 1, Mb, 0, (S, the_* asserted by Li to be a substitute for u. is thc_. the latter sometimes applied in this sene to a 1. see ti: ~l. (TA voce ai4..) - An excel(0.) . man: pls. 1 and l laet camel, usd for riding. (0, L, .*) - A i jo3 He went deeply, orfar, in 0, ],) said by Aboo-Nasr to be of 6. ' j (S, O, L$1, q~c, ehemnt pace. (L.) the fem. gender, (O,) A tpecie of trees, (S,) or And ',v , (S, O,.) in his specha; syn. . a certain plant, (0, 1,) in E-1'ijdz and Ti/dJi3J&: asee above, first sentence. or dived, deeply, or far, in, a w He ,ent, ,.:11 last sentence,]) of which AUIn mm, meh, ($, [see , ,, ) U. or into, tie thing. (MA.) Anda11 states his not having found any one who described or became, nice, exquisite, refined, or HIe wmas, its qualities, or attributes, (0,) and said by IB scrupulously nice and exact; or he chose what ras to ($, TA,) aor. , (TA,) inf n. ,, be spoken of as more bitter than the colocynth; 1 ;,, excellent, or best to be done; and exceeded the in weak wa TA) 8, man, (a He g,) 0, (f, A, usual bounds; in the affair. (TA. [See also the (TA;) also called * i S, (0,1,) which occurs mot at or generally, and aght, (?, A, O, ],) in a verse of S'ideh Ibn-El-Ajlfn, or, as some part. n., below.]) time, hedding tears. (?, 0, ].) And relate it, the word there is 3il; [q. v.]. (O.) 8: see 4 ;1J, aor. and inf. n. am above, The eye was speech has depth. .,,~t1 cS A man rilomw (S, O, (S, O, Msb, 15, TA) and t J, generaly, or at most tims, he&i~ tears, and (TA.) A, or the latter is an in n., (Msb,) and TA,) wak in sight. (Msb.) - Hence, (A,) ai G.s, J (~, , TA,) The bottom ( o) of a well (S, It is said of speech, t It produced a good effect upon is of the dial, of the people of El-.ijjz: ~. [road a of and TA,) (1, like, the and TA) 1, O, and tribe of Temeem say -f'. (Fr, TA.) the LJi '-' And him. (A,O,,].) 0, (S, valley: a of and .h, termed] is a such .', 'i (, 0, Mob, 1:) and One says t Sch a one, e~ortation produc no good ,ffet One pon him. (A, O.) Both of these are chaste TA:) or the depth of a well (Mgb, TA) and the formed by transposition, (O,) A deep rcll: (S, phrue; for when exhortation produces an effect like; [i.e.] the distance to the bottom: (TA:) O,. Msb, K,. TA:) pl. c and .4 and l5 0,1 upon a man, it bcomes a though it were weak- [and 3rsj, which may be a pl. of the first or and jit. Also, applied to a [road such (.) sighted, seeing nothing to amend in him. (A.) second, and perhaps of the third, signifies deep as is termed] (O, 0, ],) as in the ]gur xxii. 28, ojfplaces of the ground: (see ' :) and V~'" (0,) Remote, or far-extending; (Mujihid, O, The removing of [the weak 9. u,.J sight trred A;; [inf. n. of ;,, q. v.]. (O, .) signifies also depth of anything; or distance be- 1];) and so as applied toa place; (Mqb;) [so twecn the two opponte surfaces thereof:] but acthe verse He deemed Idimfoolish, or stupid, cord. to IApr, t c as an attribute of a road too V~t , applied to a desert, as in 10. 1d:l and, applied to a road, (O, ], TA,) or, as in the Tekmileh, ignorant signifies distance: and as an attribute of a well cited above, voce ji;] : (Lth,TA:) or than used more is jewo (TA:) but this is post-classical (O, TA.) it is the length of its cavity, or interior,from top signifies long; X(;) or, applied to a .s and ' s sig- ;s' ;;l A man weak in sight, and generally, orr to bottom. (TA.) -And a of extremity app., accord. to IAar, not thus when applied to (S,, nify also The distant, or remote, at most timea, shedding tears: fern. d.: a c. as meaning a road. (TA. [See 3..]) (Mgb, TA;) which is alc , desert, or waterless desert: pl. JL*i: (S, 0,1, Mb :) pL ;,a; sider, signifying as seb expl. also is which TA:) e the in applied to camels: (TA:) or diordered see Lj. , JL.: extremities; without reand tracts; or reions, are dim, or watery; and , e eye; striction: and sides, reions, or tracts, of the 'A A camnel feeding upon the [trees, or I : %t signifies the like. (L, TA.) earth, or of a land. (TA.) Ru-beh says, : (0,O,1 ;) and 0 plants, called] O -J. 'a -- ... ... ),a?g (TA.) fding. je. so camels 0,>s ) ~~


p. * ,, [(Deeper: and deepest]. IAr mentions (M.b,) [aor. ,: 0 jl ~t~J j? ] heard one of the Arabs of chaste o: said having f [In a desert, or waterles desert, bared of the his and .j, (Mqb,) 0, ia n. UJL; ( 0Myb) e. %e s. -- &. i. " , 0, or a e(sbj, or be beaten tracks, except thefar-cetending(?), remote It as, or Myb), I or p.,, Mb), (0ubJ, ~, aweli

1. j.,

(0, 0, g,) or


[BooK I. -I .A [I sa] a recently-dug well [and I have not se it (T, TA.) And one says, .iW j9 amf . * j.3, meaning I thrwut him, or pierced him, any deeper than it]. (O.) Who is he that ham been set up a gornor orer with the ,J..L of the spear. (See De Sacy's n you? (TA.) And ,S ?j.. s Chrest. [Such Ar., a sec. on ed., iii. 191.)] j., One whAo ewsed the wual bounds in ai 1 affair; who acts ith forced Aardne, vigour, or wa employed as governor over a people: (see a ; 5. j3 He sffered fatigu, or di~didty; and ., conj. 2:) or] uci hardine, therein; seeking to accomplih the ut saying of 'Omar in art. a one was appointed to one of the oerain's o0ics w strove, laboured, or toiled; syn. ;--, (O,], mot thereof. (TA.) of government. (TA.) - And !.&, (Mgh,O 0 TA,) and .i; (TA ;) j [for.uck aing]; 1. ,L, aor. :, inf.n. J;, object of want]. (TA.) He wo;rksd, or wrrouglt; laboured; srved, or 3. !lt& [He wrorked, laboured, srced, acted did wrvice: he did, acted, or perfonned: (IC ,68. j... is syn. with Xa: G [generally as or transacted buines, with him. Hence,] H TA:) [generally, he did, &c., writh a sort of djI ) meaning The dealing together in byg and f dealt with himi in buyiyng and seUing, (Mob, KL, eulty, or with intention; but sometimes said o and the like: so in the language of the people of selling, and the like]. (TA.) One says, 0J.W an inanimate thing: (see ,;, below:)] he did ,the cities. .Meb.) See also 6. [And hence thoee jJl ,.wUt [Men, or the people, dealt to or he made, wrought, manufactured, or con saying, t ali 1a L (mentioned in the g in buying and seling with the dirhems; i. e. asd structed, a thing. (Mob. [See, again, 3;, in art. ctJ) He did, acted, or dealt, rith him iz the dirhemu in buying and seling]. (M9 b in art. below.]) Accord. to Az, j; is the only trans .the manner of the lion] - And i. q. ja ;L j.) And o 9tI; [Le buines of buyng : verb of its measuure having the inf.n. of the [He made to Aim an offer of working, mentionin 7 and se~ing is transacted with it; i. e. it is wed in mesure Ja, except zj4, said of a mother, the rate ofyayment; or bargained, or contracted, !, buying and selling]; referring to the [coin called] inf. n. 3; other similar verbs having the w kith himfor work]. (1.) $gh says that ^ljl ,.U. (Meb in art. .) inf. n. of the measure jai; as il a1. in the language of the people of EI-'Irak is what 8. J,t1 signifies ;a, 1 ' i , ,! [He wet inf. n. ;;,; and ;;, inf. n. i. (TA. [But is termed in the dial. of the people of El-Ilijih to and fro occpied in work, labour, or serice]: ee arts. h> p and with respect to the former rUL.I1, (Mqb,) which is The employing a man to w; of which I must here state that, since it was take upon himuelf, or manage, the culture [orr (S, O, TA:) or he worked, laboured, or did or. watering &c.] of palm-trees or grape-vines [or tle vice, for himmslf; like as one says..ti. meaning printed, I have found an authority for a ' aU like] on the condition of his haoving a certainshare , f : ':,: (T, TA:) or he worked, &, by hminf. n. of J;, in a cory of the g; though in the of their poduce. ($ and TA in art. ;L.) self: (], TA:) or he worked, &c., for another: XC it is said to be _ and accord. to the Mqb 4. &Le&l He made him to work, labour, sere, (TA :) with an instrument, or tool, or the like; it in like 4i.]) You msy, a I io 4J 1 or with instruments, or tools, or the like. (M ojlciated in the collecting of th poor-rate. (Myb.) or do service; or to do, act, or perform; (S,* 0,0 and g in art. JOt.) ~ [It is also trans.] One I , TA;) as t ,lt: ($,C:) he made [And X1 ) J H4e did according to him, or causedalso 6 4 , meaning - :. 1 [I him, to do, or to make, manufac- says, L.;,I -.. t what is enjoined in the Bookl of God.] And ture, or construct, a thing. laboured to earn, or gain, sustenance]. (Mb.) ind (Msb.) And one aOa S jo [He laboured to destroy him, or says also, I1 ) i.. j. [He pliHa himuelf it is said in a trad., respecting Kheyber,2.~l -i to kl Aim]. (]g in art. 4:Z.) [And %4 6 in the affair]. (S in art. .*.) - And [hence,] 1 I >. 14 j d i. e. [He gave It acted tpon him, or it: and, said of a;sword He worked with it, [i. e. employed it, or ued it, to them their land] on the condition of their [be. cc., it had qfect, or made an impresion, upon or plied it,] namely, his judgment, or opinion, to~ing labour upon it, or] doing what ty rhim, or it.] - [Hence,] , J. sgnifies [also and [properly] his instrument, or implement, (1, quired to be done [upon it], of culiation, and t It govrned it syntactically; or caused it to be TA,) and his tongue; (TA;) as also t1L l. owing, and fecudating of the pain-trees, and tj, or + or o &c.; i. e.] it produced (1g,TA.) And 1lSj US n their own property. 4 ; jI i [He guarding, and the alike, in it a certain pc of yntactical deinence. employed, or usd, his intellect, or understanding, (lAth, TA.)._[And L,.l signifies also He min such and such things;] meaning he considered, poyed him, or ued him, for work, or service; (J[.)oAnd j j ,. The light as conorforecast, the issus, or rerults, of such and such like &ta:--, : but is perhaps post-clasical.] tinuaL (.) And t L, said of a sbe- thingp with his intellect, or understanding. (TA.) 10. J.,a.t He asked, required, or dired, camel, ( a,) ad abo, in a trad., of [the beast] And iti 1 [I hastened, and urged, the him to work, labour, do .ervice, or act, (i, O, ji>Il, (0,0 TA,) Se went quickly, or swiftly; shecamnue: whbence the saying, in a trad., j ' Meb,* TA,)for him. (TA.) [And Ja,1., app. (0, 5, TA;) because she that does thus puts her meaning [The camls for _..rA Jo-';, He desired to act: see an ex. ear in motion by reason of the vehemence of the ,t-L 43 J yl1, pace. (TA.) And Q;& [alone] aid of a she- that are uedjbr riding] shall not be hastened nor in art. Lk$., conj. 2.].- See also 4, in two places. camel, signifies [the same: or] She was, or be- wged [or plied, save to three mosques; that of - And see 2. One says also, J. C){. fJJ Melkkeh, that of El-Medeeneh, and that of El- i4.i [SucA came, brisk, light, actie, or quick. (i.) -And a one was employed as colleterof A~C& at Jerusalem: see also a variation of this the poUll-taz]. (g and M9b in art q. 8e also [hence, app.,] R j45J, a saying in the first paragraph of art. 3 and saying mentioned by Lb, is expl. by I8d as another voce ijs*]: and in a trad. of Lu4min, a similar ex. voce ].) And ,;1. . I meaning bp [i. e. I have not een the money that made the garm~t to s [i. e. made ue of it] ,Jlj 4WI$ JW [He hastens, and urges, the hethat one eoxe pas away as it passe away in camel and the shank], meaning he is trong tojour- for clothing. (Mb.) And .t . 1 [I Mekkhh]. (TA.) my, ridingand walking. (TA.) - See also 9, last .made use of the brick], meaning I built wit/ th 9. J 6i---, 0,) or . 1 Jla, sentence. _[~ W Ji J;. . L; iL, a phrase brickhs a b~ng. (Msb.) And ;;J1i J.l., occurring in art. ,e in the 1, means How much [He feigned heedle, &c.; or made um of it (Myb,) in n. J0, (.,0, I made, or appointed, do they occupy themses in doing the deed of the at a mask, or pret~]. (1~ in explanation of sch a one goror(., 0, Mqb) over El-Ba~rah, ]0 and ~. See alo a similar ex. vooe ;.) (., 0,) or ovr the prmovnce, or city, &c. (Msb.) the paopl of th fire of Hel !] _ 1-; And j*b inf n. as above, Such a means I thrust, or pired, with the J.L [q. v.] J..., [ ; [mentioned in the beginning of this art. one wa made, or appoid,gowrnor over them. of the rpear. (Hat p. 77.) [Or one says, e.41.1 as an inf. n.] is "s. with *.a and 3;!: ( )


K,) inf. n. as above, (i,) He gae him his ;i; ;, (8., 0;) and .Qi% [on his account, or for his or pay, or salary, for rwork, service, or agency ; ake]; (J4;) and s... . [in the cas of Ais (TA.) (?,pO, Msb, 8, ) (Mgh, 0, K;) as also 1l..

BooK I.]
[accordingly,. whben sed as a simple mubet, it may be rendered Work, labour, or service: and a di, or an action :] or it has more particular meaning than JW; for it is a j for deed] with a sort of dJicmty; and therefore it is not attributed to God: or, accord. to Er-RIghib, it is any J.k [i. e. deed or action] that proceeds from an aniate being by hi intention; and thus it bJu a more particular meaning than ; for the jaW is sometimes attributed to animate beings from which it proceeds without intention; and sometimes to inanimate things, to which the ~. is seldom attributed; and this is not used in relation to [irrational] animals except [as implied] in the phraswes 'j*ls 3 and Jl*#AS: or, accord.


5;) as also ,): (,:) or adapt&, or diposed, by nature, to work, labour, or strice; (S, O, ] ;) and so t Jg: (S,* 0,* :) or this latter signifies that make much gain. (TA.) _ And, applied to lightning, Continuing, or continuaL (]) - And ';a , applied to a shecamel, Brisk, ligtid, active, or quick; (K, TA;) like tV1; (TA;) and so t . (A, TA.)

also The state, or condition, of 7ei oecwisd; or haing wotk, labour, or ervice, to prform; contr. of JiI; a s yn. with iUIL;, inf. n. of jL in the phrase J 0i1 . ),. (Meb in art. J4.)
see see the next preceding paragraph.

to MF, the 0; is a motion of the rrwle, or of a portion, of tlhe body; and sometimes, of the mind; so that it is the u*ttrane, of a saying, as well as tke doing a deed with the member, or linmb, with which thing are gained or earned; though most readily understood as applied particularly to the latter; and some apply it particularly to that which is not a saying: it is also said that a saying is not termed 3n in the common conventional language: and the truth is said to be, that it is not included in the terms Jt and , otherwise than tropically: (TA :) [see also ;. :3 the pl. oai ... s of (used as a simple auout.] i st (V.) In tlhe following saying, of a woman dandling her.child, (v,) or of ceys Ibn-'Apim, (O, TA,) dandling his child gakeem, (TA,) 0


40I 1

the last word is a proper name of a man: (S, O, TA:) or, accord. to Aboo-Zekereey/, [the meaning is, Shlare thou in the qualities of tih father of tity mother, or shaare thou in the qualities of my course of action; for he says that] by ;; is here meant .. (TA.) U.& means lie who does any work, or the like of what I do. (TA in art. 4.) And [hence,] J; ;w1 ''WSuch a on is strong. (TA.) journey onfoot. (0, And J3;; . ',* TA.) [And J Those who ,lj;;,

jt: Jtl One who doe muck work or labour or mmice: or who taries, labour, or toil, in work; Tkheft: or treachyj,perfidy, or unfaith- werrice: fu/nesG: (O, X :) it is not used otherwise than or kold on, or continues, in work. (TA.)_ ;, in relation to evil. (O.) applied applied to a she-camel: see .. 4 see Jlgp. &t; [Tf'orking; [WTiorking; labouring; serring, or doitn rvie: doing, acting,or performing: and doing, l,. A mode, or manner, of work, labour, or mmice: making, morking, manufacturing,or construeting, serce; or of don, o. actng; or of making. a ( a thing:] act. part. n. of j': (T, Mob, TA :) TA.) One says; meaning ,. A man bad, or corrupt, in respect of [tlhe mode pl. ' ; (Mqb, 5:, TA) and jt) (Mqb) and of] gain. (TA.) _- See also ;Za. - And see 4... U*&, i..s, (15, TA,) which last signifies [particularly] ; ~I. Also The internal state, or condition, of workers withl tleir hrands, (Mgh in Prt. JW, .C, a man, in relation to evil. (1.) TA,) in various sorts of work, (TA,) in clay (Mgh, (Mgh, TA) or building (Mgh) or digging (Mgh, , with kesr to the., is syn. n)ith , [as TA) ~c.; (TA;) like &;a [a pl. of * i]: signifying A deed, or an action]: (0, ] :) so in TA) (Mgh:) and .(I, TA,) as pL of [the fem.] the saying of a woman of the Arabs, CJ Il .l (Mgh:) iLLtL, (TA,) [and likewise in this case of ti,] j, LjJ 1; A [There was no deed, or action, Ut, eignifies signifies oxen that llough, and that tread the Jr me, except the corruptling of you]. (0.) corn, (K, TA,) and upon which water is drawn, And A thing thlat it done, or peformed; or that and that are employed in other labours; and in is made; ( " G;) as also like manner applied to camels: and it is sid in ;) as also . (.) a trad. that in the case of such animals no poorU1.- : ac a. a rate is required. (TA.) - Also [An adminis. rate trator [tJ.; Practical; opposed to and trator of public affairs; and particularly a a.nd: gommor governor of a Inwince; and] a collector of the fabrile; factitious; or arti ficial.] poor-rates [and thi like]: and an agent who manages the affairs and prolerty of another. esa1JI 44 aJ. , with two kesrehs and with managn the J musheddedeh, (1, TA, but in the CV. CTA.) (.TA.)-_~ , G ($, 0, .) and , . X ,L s1,)or l* , or 4jl1, (15, TA,) or, (1) (J) The part, of tie spear, thiat is net to the accord. to ISd 'as on the authority of Th, head, head, exclusiv of the " [or portion that enters '.0 L-tl and ;Jl, [app. _ l;.l and into the lead]: ($, 0:) or the jS.. [orfore part] :eeIa,] (TA,) or ' ~sl, [thus written witll- of tih spear, (Y, TA,) exclusive of th helad, acout any vowel-sign to the , and in the dual cord. to A'Obeyd two cubits in lengt~: (TA:) form,] (O as on the authority of Aboo-Zeyd,) or, as some say, tit spear-head itsef is called (TA.) Bee als and IAir adds -o l1, with the , quiescent, =L.l.: (O,TA:) pL ,el.


'I,which sugof phm-tres: like as and u ?l J!. means oaricul gest that the correct forms may be ml tre]. -And J; signifies also The striving, l,] 6tHe exceeded the ordinary bounds, (,) labouring, or toiling, in work; or the holding on, or went to thk utmost point, (O, ]5,) in annoyor continuing, in work: so in the saying of El- ing him, (V,,) or in reviling him and annoying him. (O.) ~uplunee

occurring in the T, voce

ai, means Tl culture (O,) [compare eiml?t and

, last sentence.
XUI 1XI. [as a subst., rendered so by the affix ;,] sing. of J.e!, (T, TA,) which signifies The leg (T, ], TA) of a beast or horse or the like. (T, TA.) TA.)_ J.~ '.~ [t a.l : see a ., near the end.

d,ro,d. (w.) IAj. Brismness, lighltness, activity, or quirknes, J,3;[pan. [[pas. part. n. of j', as such signifyof a she-camel. (5.) _ See also what next foling Done, mnade, &c. - And] applied to bevelows. rage, or wine, ( ,) as meaning In which are ait;; (T, S, Mgh, O, Mqb, V) and t milk and Iowny (Th, O, ]O) and ~ : (Th, 0:) 1 occurring in a trad. of El-Sha*bee. (0.)- [And (Lb, Myb, 1) and t Ij2. (1) and '*d . and An ass rwhoe testi hae ben extracted. (Freyt14, (]1) or t ; , with damm, and V 01.., tag on the authority of Meyd.)] like .J' [in measure], this last on the authority as an epithet applied to a camel means ; of Pr, (O,) The hire, pay, or recomle~s, (T, 9, E, Employed in work, labour, or service. (TA.) Mgh, O, Meb, ]5,) of him rho work:, labours, as an epithet applied to a man, i.. j. or ser, a;, (T, 9, Mgl, O, Msb,) or for work, jk;Z j; An e=eellent, or a strong, light, and V%; [Having work, labour, or ervice]; (Sb, labour, or ervice. (]i.) -_ And mte signifies 1 swift, he-camdel; (0, 5;) though disallowed by Bk I.
[For tvrily the striving, &c., in rohk is a ligt matter to kim who seeks success]. (TA.) _ [Also An ojee of adminir~ation; and particularly the oJa.of goeMnor ofa provine; and the oice of corbecto of tthe poor-rat., and the like: and an ag of any kind; the managmAent of tim affairs anldpopertyof anotaer; an employment. - Alo A p'roince; or territory ~nder a governor appointed by a sovereign. PI. in this and other senses u above.]


see W

', in two places.

A conspicuous, tra



[Boox T.
*l*l A see what next precedes.

) j;Z an excellent, or a in this last explanation, the CB has 1 o .- U troeg, light, and swift, she-caml, adapted, or .A41-]) di~posed, by nature, to work, labour, or wrvice: .] (8, O, :') or, accord. to Kr, the former signi- [O'~ a contraction of fies a jft sh-camel; [but ee what follows, as C-** and ,(TA,) and the pl. 4,* [pl. well as what precedes;] and is a subet. applied accord. to analogy, like'" pl. of .,e,] thereto, derived from ;jl: and the pl. is of (IAar, ], TA,) 'Residing, staying, dwelling, or t.A: (TA: see also 3.;:) neither of them abiding, (IA*r, K, TA,) in a place. (IAUr, TA.) is used as an epithet, each being only a subst., (M, V, TA,) accord. to Sb, for one does not say ak.* Plain, or soft, land; (0, TA;) of the Kh: (O :) and (O, J,d ,. nor lajaU, but only J and dial. of El-Yemen. (TA.) ' i as meaning a he-camel and a she-camel; all;; A sort of palm-tree in El-lBarah,that



. .

.IO: see

[Its fem.] "s",applied to

a land ( ), signifies Having in it no sigs of the way (?, Mob, O) to guide to safety. (Mqb.) [Hence, accord. to the Msb, the verb a expL above: but some hold it to be tropical: see 1, last sentence.]

and hence, he says, we know not ai. occurring 1. , [aor. , - inf. n. ll e was, or ceases not to have upon it, during the year, (V, as [the measure of] an epithet: but some make TA,) i. e. all the year, became, blind, (S, Mgb, 1,) of both eyes; (Msb, (TA,) newv padliet, and cJ;, to be an epithet. (M, TA.) in n. 'al .J racemes putting forth fruit, and others bearing ], TA;) as also t?sLLt, aor. js, was one of the days [meaning days of conflict] of ripe dates. (, TA.) r'.l; ( ;) [said by SM to be like sl, aor. the Arabs. (0, 0.) kS9,A inf. n. :;;!; as though were oriwS,;l ,e~ [act. part. n. of 1]: see . ginally !, like as kL*s! is originally 'j!, both being of the measure kI!; but he adds, 35* One nwho deceives (0, 1) naen, (O,) or the, (gi,) with hui ey ( p1); (O, 1, TA; in , ($, Mqb, V,) and x., aor. of each , (Vj,) if. n. ~.a (~, Msb, IS, TA, [1; in the CK being a mistake for i.,]) and e and 1 and (I, TA,) A, [the first of the former verb, and the rest, app., of the latter verb,] He was, or became, confounded, or perplexed, and unable to ee his right course; and vwent repeatedly to and fro: (s:) or Ahe went repeatedly to and fro, (Myb, K,) in conjfusion, or perplexity, (Mqb,) or in error,and conf~usion, orperplxity, (I,) unable to mee his right course, (M8b, 1[,) in contending, disputing, or litigating; or in a way, or road: (V:) ot! he Anew not the [right] argument, or plea, or allegation: (Th, Ik, TA:) and t &*.3 signifies the same: (Z, ], TA:) all are said when one turns aside, or away, from that which is right, or true: (TA:) or .aJI is the looking repeatedly, not lmowing owhither to go: (Lbh, TA:) or it is in the mental perception; and is in the sight, or is common to both of these. (TA.) [Accord. to the Meb, is from as UI4 an epithet applied to land, expl. below: but this requires consideration, as appears from what here 1. correctly, that,] accord, to Sgh, l;;! is originally [i. e. it is like .- t;*, which becomes ;a;,

the TV 4J4 [i. e. d;, meaning with his execlklece, or elegance, of mind, manners, and addrem or slweCh; &kc.]; in the CV e,L;) so expL by Ibn-.bb6d: (O :) or, accord. to the Nh, one who deceives men, and beuilu them with his ~pech. (TA.)._ And Tall: pl. Jlj and iJt; and jJLLt, which last is extr. '(TA.) [And the pls.] k,-1 and ai,LCal [areappellations applied lby the Arabs to The Amalekitae;] a people of the descendant. of &jgL, (;, 0, V,) or 3j [or Amalek]; (J;) who was the son of l3j [or Lud], the eon of.ojl [or Aram], the wn of . [or Shem], the o of cm [or Noah]; ( O, , ;)

originally ;!}, but the latter ks is changed into I because of the fet-hah of the former, so that it becomes I1ts1, and the two, thus differing, do not easily admit of idgh&m; (TA;) and sometimes the kS of SQll is musheddedch, (Sgh, V, TA,) so that it becomes [tai.;!, aor inf. n. .t~!,] likc Ul3;I, aor ... ,

, , inf. n.

or [rather, who was the son of Lud, tl son of Shem, for,] accord, to the Muaddameh Fadileeyeh, il was the brother of .. !: (TA:) they dixperued t~emelvea in tih countries, ($,O 0, , TA,) and most of them became zetinct: or, accord. to IAth, they were of the remnant of the people of'Ad (}1a): Suh says that of them mere The the hings of Eljypt, the Pharaohs,of who~m were follows.] _ One says also, u I. Weleed the son of Mu.'ab, the consociate of land ws destitute of sign of the way: (C.,TA:) Mows, and Er-Reiydn the son of El-Weleed, the a tropical phrase. (TA.) consociate of Joseph. (TA.) 2.. f. ,, inf. n. 4mf", Thwu wrongedst him, or hast wronged Aim, witlout sure informna-


j;'l~;; but this is by a straining of a point, and not in use: (Sgh, TA:) and * , , likewise, signifies the same, (V, TA,) i.e., the same as ~,. (TA.) And you say also, 6;Lt; His two eyes were, or became, blind. (TA.) - Hence is metaphorically used in relation to the mind, as meaning : An erring; the connection between the two meanings being the not finding, or not taking, the right way: (Mgb:) or the being blind in respect of tle mind: and in this sense, the verb is as above, with the exception of the measure ljWI [and the abbreviated form of this]. (0,0TA. [JlWi in the CI in this passage is a mistranscription, for JWt1]) You say, c$& *.:i,and .. , meaning .Ij t [ eIdid not, or could not, become guided to his righft course,and his plea or tAhe like; i. e. he was, or became, blind thereto]. (TA.) And ;. c , t [He nw, or became, blind to his right, or due], like ,


tion. (A, V.) 1. ,1 -, ($ Mb, V,) aor. ; and , (8,

6: see the first paragraph. nor.; (;) inf n. ~; (TVI;) He remained, stayed, dvelt, or abode, in tihe place. (8, Mqb, ].)

a;. (TA in art. pt.) - One says also i !JI I Tlh information was, or became, (Msb) In a state of confusion, or perplexity, and 2: see the next paragraph. unable to se hi. right course; and going repeatedly unapparent, obscure, or covert, to Aim. (Mgb, Msb. ) And IZ4L i; rCU r, (TA,) and 1, 4. ~ 1, ($, J,) and tV , (],) He (a man, to and fro: (S:) or going repeatedly to and fro, (Msb, g,) in con~sion, or perplexity, (Msb,) or $) betook himself, or repaired, to, or towards, [the (s, TA,) and , , and!b~l, (Har p. 190,) i. e. in error,and conf,on, or perplexity, (V,) unable region of] 'Omdn (e,t): (F, :* [acco.rd. to to se his riht courmse: (Msb, ]C:) or not knowing t [His way, or road, and the affair, and the the ](, app., e,1 , a town of Syria; but correctly the [right] argument, or plea, or allegation: (. :) poety, or verse, and the speech, or saying,] mas, Oth., as is clearly shown by quotations from [see 1 ] pl. [of the first] Xj s (O) and [of the or became, obscure, or dubious, to him; (S, TA, and lar ubi supri;) and so 1t.; (TA;) and poets in the TA:]) or he entered it: (V:) and second] (S, 1X)[and of the third V.L (Har ubi suprL) Hence, accord. to also, (],) or the former verb, accord. to AA, (TA,) he continued to remain, stay, dwell, or U.mait .4 m and wh$i His camel. different readings, in the ]ur [xxviii. 66], *i abide, (4, TA,) there. (TA. [ForA,JI 0;l;, went away, whither none Anew. (g, V.) iWI 4 and VQ~3 t [And the plbas sha

L.c (S, Msb, O) andV :,.1 (S, 1) and t 4J

Boox I.]



the questioi "Where was our Lord (meaning ! [mentioned the *j [q. v.] of our Lord) before He created tI btooek myWsf to suc a thing, formed by transposition from sl J1 Orb (TA. in art. [i.e. his creatures ? " it was said, ;&J *Mt A]. - And i. q. ; (-, TA.) any other; u also ''. ot dirg clouds, in vwas his e. (i. [He *i9 '*1 [Accord. to the TA, the inf ns. of these two He teded, betook hiimef, or directed himsdf or but Ais cours or aim, to, or tooards, him, or it; or lofty clouds, &c., beneath which waJ a vacuity, verbs, thus used, are et* and ;Ot,: and above wAhich wama vacuity]: or, accord. to (TA in art...e.) t. dL.]; (s TA;) like U ;J".]) they ae correctly U*& and [meaning He wa one relation, *tOIs j ;l ;oI1, aor. .. , (S, ,) inf. n. ., (;,) The _ See also 1, last sentence. in a acuity] i.e. there was not with Him any, 1L SIlQt, and its abbreviated form L.h!: thing: or, as some say, it means anything that. ,wam, cast the particlesof bbih, or the e, (h the intellectual faculties cannot perceive, and to V], TA,) driMng them to their uppr, or upper- see 1, first quarter.
be obcre, or dubios, to thm]. (%,TA.) - And



TA;) i.e., a thing; (s;)

most, parts, (TA,) and the foam. (g, TA.) aor. U*, (TA,) ,4;, 1, TA,) And &.ti He (a camel) brayed, and ca the foam of hiJ i. q. ti [expl. in i;;, lc in the phrase *lj mouth upon his head, or the pr part of Ahis art. bl]: (V, TA :) as also L, (19 in art.U+C,) head, or anybhere: (1, TA:) mentioned by ISd. [hence] Uit L&t; tHe cast and li (TA.) (TA.)-And uwon me a suspicion of such a thing. (TA.) ' L" [sometimes written 1o] inf n. of , ~aor. .0,N said of water, (1g, TA,) and of [q. v.]. (8, Mb, [Hence the saying, ', ].) ; (1, other things, (TA,) also signifies It o TA;) and so -(TA.) And .0iJl I

the definition of which the d

(TA.) _ See also y.

u ,. J J,


ribercannot attain.
m ,j

4,IP (s,)

, or ,f ~,

, and

[app. k~] and VUZl and ,;!are three syn. upon, or embarked in, an affair blindly; like ui dial. vars., (TA in this art.,) meaning t The .. ] .m See also ;.;t m And see ', plant, or herbage, became of its JlU hAtght, and

., 9; 4: says, iMl ,jib

ltf*e, which occurs in poetry, (], TA,) in a case in which the metre requires it, a verse of Ru-beh, who uses it for *, (TA, [which shows, by citing that verse, that r, the readsee 1 in art. JZ. Hence also one ing in the CV, is wrong,]) and t o*l, ($,) i. e.

.I _;,j, meaning He v~ntured [I came to him, or I met him,] in the tim


bloomed; (g, V, TA, in explanation of the last, in two places. m Also Stature: and height. (].) in art. .. ;) and became luwriant, or abundant One says, lb i.e. [How lJ U. s psj and den. (TA in that art.) of this man ! stature, the or heiglht, tae is] ~oodly (V.) - In the And Dust; syn. ;. . .,, inf. n. 3, He r~nderd him blind, (TA.) of milk, beskin V,lI, (t, saying of a rijiz, describing a of both eyaes: (V, TA:) and (TA) so t cause of its whiteness, Mqb, TA,) said of God, (S, TA,) or of a man. (Mfb.) Hence tie saying of S,'ideh Ibn-Jueiyeh, tL ;*~JI * .* %.';lJI3 _.~/ * UL -7? L Ir J~ 7 [The ignorant mould thfnk it, while tlhre nas [And death rendrod blind, to him, the two doors remotencss, to be an old man upon his chair, turtoI meaning his two eyes baned,] the meaning is looking at it from afar; of his way]; , J. t I made the for "lI in this case signifies remoten. ~ [hence];;.Jl (TA.) - And (TA.) (M#b.) or covert. obscure, informationunapparent, , in four places. e 1 :-se A originally u inf. n. as above, (., ],) u, lI "u And t lIe made tlo meaning of tihe re unapparent, 'a, a contraction of a.. fem. of.: see obscure, or eoert. (V.) And jl;; +e teH made his meaning enigmatical, or obscure, in his ~eeck, or language. (f, A, V, in art. jM.) And 4~. [in the CV erroneously 'i,s] a subst. % 9iiL.i L %; t He made a thing obscure, from eQ!U in the sense of e;E! [signifying A or dubious, to a man. (TA.) See also 1, latter t g chsen, selected, or preferred; like b., a subst from .;t.!]. (,, TA.) half, in two places. [And se ~.]

the heat was vehement, (,) or in midday Awhen the most veAmn~t hat of midday in mmer (, and L1 and O and TA in art. 4.) wAen the Aat
almost blinded by it veheence; (Lb and 0 and

see 3, first sentence. - Also He 4. LtlI: Of, or rdlatirn to, sWuch a is termcd < j,.& found him to be bliid [app. meaning properly, [q. v. voce k$q (8, TA.) means and also t in mind]. (], TA.) - ; i;, (S,V, TA,) in some of the copies of the 1]: mind hi is bind Ci t [How '; u only (l, :) for the verb of wonder is not formed ] * t c, and by some thus related in a trad. from that which is not significant of increase. (Q.) mentioned in what follows, (TA,) Clou~: or, accord. to AZ, [cloud] resembling moe, r5. 1.i [in its proper sense, and also in a tro- mounting the heads of mountas: ($, Mb :) or pieal ense]: ee 1, in two places lofty clouds: or [in the CV "and"] detn: .(, ], TA) TA:) or dens [clouds snch as are termed] ,: (e, 6. SW3 He fei~ hai self L [i. e. blind], in rect of tAe ey [as is implied in (TA:) or raining clouds: or thin 'cloud: or the 1],- and abo tin respect qf the mind [as black: or white: or such as haae poured forth but ham mt become diis implied in the g].. (TA.) You ray, _OWa their matwr; (],TA;) * Mo [is the n. un., nded like moutains: andt feigned Aiudf ignorant [of snch I 05, tHe signifies a dus, coing, lod; as also and] ee it; like 'u,t a 9tg], a toug~h did numt 14,, (4, TA,) or 1 f4, (CI, and so in my it il: or a demn portion of cloud: but some d~. (TA in art. ,.) the ],) and t it;;, and #, disallow this, and make ,i' to be [only] a coil. n. MS. copy of t/, tErnw: and tper'~ ; or co-. it (TA.) It is related in a trad. that, in reply to and V oreced it,or;pr 8. ; I He chose it, s

TA in that art.;) a time in which the divinelyappointed prayer [of midday] is forbidden: it is said only in the hot season; because when a man goes forth at that time, he cannot fill his eyes with the light of the sun; or, as ISd ays, because the gazelle seeks the covert when the heat is vehement, and his eye becomes weak by reason of the whiteness of the sun, and the bright shining thereof, and he is dazzled, so that he knocks against his covert, not secing it: (TA:) 'sc (S :) or it is ' being an abbreviated dim. of 1t.: a name for the hat, (C, TA,) itself: (TA:) or the name of a certain man, (V, TA,) of [the tribe of] 'Adwhn, who used to pres forward with the pilgrims when the heat was vehement, as is related in the Nh, or (TA) who ued to decide caes judicially in, or concerning, the pilgrimage, and he came among a company journeying upon their camels, (V, TA,) performing the religious visit called ; , (TA,) and they alighted at a station in a hot day, whereupon he said, "Upon whomsoever shall come this hour, or time, of tomorrow while he is. A. [i. e. in the condition of one performing the acts of the . or of the t )], (], TA,)not having acomplished his ",, (TA,) he shall remain,l;. until [this time] next year:" and they immediately sprang up, (], TA,) haetening, (TA,) so that they arrived at the House [of God, at Mekkeh, in the time required,] from a distance of a journey of two nights, uing exertion; ([, TA;) and this saying became a prov., as is related in theM: (TA:) or it wu the name of a certain man, (C, ], TA,) of the Amalekits, (?, TA,) who made a sudden attack upon a people, and exterminated them; (0, , TA.;) and the time became called in relation to him. (~, TA.) [See also art.,.]

272 7

tcntion, or litigation,or wrangling; or persiaenc at Having ttr/ litle milk. (TI.) Applied tc in contention or litigatio or wrangling; syra. a man,.Al signifies alsoA .; [i. e. Casting, &c.]. *J; ( ,TA;) in that ich i fale or vain (TA.) or futile: (TA:) [or the- last but one, or th -cl(S, Myb, O) and '_,, (1 [but see what last, signifies t igorance; for] t* . o)r follows]) Blind, (S, Msb, ,) of both 6Ves: (Mob, ,tvge; (acord. to different copies of the Q ;) 1,*TA:) fem. of the former i7;: (Myb, ', *

[Boox I. way/, ($, nor w,) any habitation or celtiation, ( or r,) nor any trace of habitationor cu~tiotio (8;) and 1,t* signifies the same; ($,] ;) this latter being a pl. of which the sing., said by I8d to be unknown to him, should by rule be isq [app. .~..], but it is Vt; , deviating from rule; (TA;) or it means JA ., and its sing. is La. [i. c. t it~] signifying a place of er,ru, or randeringfromt the rig/, way: (liar p. 85:) in the 1V, '*&Q is also expl. as signifying i1t; [pl. of3 4et.], and is said to be [in this sense] pl. : blt bu this is a double mistake, for it sig[like as.;. is said to do above,] and its sing. is u [(pp. t Un]. (TA.) In the phrase 1 Lst1, L4 [in the CS, erroneously, i ,] thie Intter word is added to give intensiveness to the meaning; i. e., it signifies [Tract in which is no sign *f tite tay, &c.,] in te uthost degrce obscurc or dubiourx: thus it is in the follow. ing verse: (TA:) Ru-beh says,

means In them is their ignorance. (S.) [SeBeTA:) and pl. [masc.])

(S, Msb, 1, TA, but

alim o
also .

, and .. ]-_ For the first (;le), see not in the CId) and ;3 ; (Myb, J1, TA, but not
in the C1d) and *l, as tl:ough this last were pL of.l.t; (1g, TA, but not in the Ck ;) and the dual of its fem. is itjk; and its pl. is .,lj;;:

f Il. A remaining potion of the darknes o. ight. (TA.)- [And Dimness of the eyes fiow' ters: o, accord. to Freytag, in the Deewrm cIf tbe Hudalees.] . See also L"... And soe

(TA:) the fern. of ' is ec, (S, 15, TA, [in of nifies the Cg .m., which is a mistranscription, for it


is]) of the measure LL., ($,) like Ai;., (TA,) Also i.q and 1 i,, (15, TA, but not in the CI,) wlhich for 3ii: (TA :) and ; * [t [i., ap, app., 1 S) , meaning t A1,Nis [a contraction] like ;j the pl. masc. is ' ,. (S, TA.) - And [hence,] obscure cai to relationshi]. (TA.) t Blind in ,respect of the mind: _(.K,,TA:) [but ;a: ee LCT;, in two places. more oommonly] one says, t,. as meaning

Js.: see ti,

in two places.-

is a compound of~ and t.


t He is erring, or one wlo errs; and '111


& u,, (sc [meaning the same, or blind in reslect of tlc 3.j q i. e. t An in some copies of the C, [thus in one of m, rnind]: (MNb :) or .,Jl ' of thA ignorant man [or a ;nan blind in respect copies,]) t lVeTleft thms at tle point of death, [And many a desert, or watles desert, herofthe .m,ind]; and .l..1 '- .C 5! [ta woman tracts in which is w osign of the way atr in the ut($, .)_ See also LLt. ignorant of, or blind to, that which is right], and most d.jrec obscure or dubious, as though the colour 1.s, of the meuure o . q. ie. as applied to a man]. of its groundrere like that of its sky]: (8, TA:) he .i Wl [like C.4 i tTrial, or probation; punishment; saughter; ;(.) In the saying in the ]5ur [xvii. 74], j means ~ ;a&. (..)--.Also Tall; applied to tiril war; co lict andfaction, or sediton; &c.]. ; l. is of ,l uf)h. U L~.s *M Cj L, accord. men: (fA#r, ]:) pL of tAc, like as (M,, 40th pj.) [See also the next paragraph.] j u to Er-RPghib, the former [C,sl] is a part. n. St,l. (IAir, TA.) .[In the TA, ot", evidently a mistanscription and the second is like it; (TA;) and the meaning ior L.;, is expL us having the seeond of the is, And ,whosois in this state of existence blind in ,,G.I Of, or relating to, such as is termrd meaninp signed above to &tLs &e., i. e. t Per- respect of the mind, not seing his right course, he

(., L,) or

xistence; or conteon, &c.]

C:l0 ;sj,

ubi suprl, and 1],) [in the C1g, erroneously, l,

(Ma wilU be in thA other blind with respect to the way of safety: (B!:) or, as some say, the second is

u;'` [q. v.]. (., TA.)

~h,~s; and the pl...t: sem ol.

ahd in the TA l;.

J,] the latter word of the which ,.a. tA verse [or a saying] of h/ich the is expressed by means of y.e, [meaning measure (Mz, TA,) like 1,!(15, TA, [in mort blind &c.,] and therefore AA and Ya1.oob meaning is made unapparent, obscure, or covert. (S, TA.) the C1] like C.,']) and , (TA,) means did not pronounce it with iagll', as not being

what is termed



the complement of


(Mz, like the first, (Bd, TA,*) which is subject to 1, TA.) The predicament of him who has been Ii1)1l because its I [written LS] becomes [really] so slain is like that of the slain unintentionally; 5q in the dual: but ilamzeh and Ks and Aboothe bloodwit being obligatory in his case [on his Bekr pronounced both with JJ*L'l. (Bd.)_ tA sdain pern os ser i not hknom.

.U r ',The lion. (1.)

1 1. Cs>, aor., ( Mgh, M, Myb, O) and :, (., O l s.l means t The torrent and tOU fi,e of a burning lhote or the like; (],TA;) because of Msb, 15,) the former accord. to some relaters, and and 3;, (1V, TA,) of the measure the perplexity that befalls him whom they befall; the latter accord. to others, occurring in a verse from Idl, (TA,) Pride; or Wlf-maf~ ation: or because, when they occur, they spare not a of a Hudhalee, (TA,) inf. n. ~. (S, Myb, 15) or error; or d~iti from that whch is right. place, nor avoid anything; like the i.aI [or and j (Mjb, ., ]) and ~ the first of which (1[, TA. [See also stL, and ty..]) Hence, in blind], who knows not where he is travelling, so is also [or is properly] a simple subst., (V, [and that he goes whither his leg conveys him: (TA:) such, in one sense, it is said to be in the Msb, as a trd., tj ; j Wm has been or the torrent and the nigAht: (Q :) or the torreit, will be shown in what follows,]) said of an afair, Wot sain ubr a baner of pr &c, c.,] i. e. in 4 (., J,)or the tumltous torrent, (TA,) and the or event, (M.b,) or of a thing, (.,*0 ,) It ap[meaning oonflict and faotion, or the like], or camel ezi by lut. (., 1, TA.) - And peared before one: (1:) [and] iq. q. (., error, us in the fighting in the case of partisan,Cl (8, Msb, 1) [i. e. it apLr091 t The case [such as that] of partisanhij) Mgh) and (S, O) . ship, and of erroneous opinions. (TA.) pear; it showed, inrsented, or o.jred,itsdf: it oc(-; JIl) hereof the marnner of ~ ding is not

, q. v. voce Jt]. (TA.)

A,. One who dons not mee his road, or way. (Ti.) - .i, applied to a land (,wjl): see Ai .A lo._ , [thus applied,] Of which the trqCes arc becoming [or become] effacod, or oblterated. (TA.) - See ao t.l, in three plhe. -Applied to a woman, (TA,) 3,t* signifies 4t., (1, TA,) [a strange epitet,] meuaning

right coue. (TA.)_-See also and see

'ditinguisale. (TA.)-And Alt; u L, and curred: and it prenteditelf,or internnedbetween a person and an object before him, as an obstacle: t '9 ;, and f. t; , tA land, and a pace, it oposed itsefl: and so t.. l (g,.) [See in which one will not, or cannot, be directedto his also ';, below.] Irna-el-geays says,
' a ;:_
, . t.;
&C. ,


0 ..



rl Tracts of land in wrhich is no sign of the


sC 2 @,

-BooK I.]
said And, (TA,) i. e. And nwean prison]. (TA.)_And (Mgh, TA,`) meaning, ,., *there appeared to m a herd of wild oxen, as of a woman, means ~'.& A ,' C [i.e. S/ie thouyh thsefemanb tl~reofwere tirgin making the plaited togethr two 17cks of ter hair, of the foe circuit of Dawdr, or Duwdr, in long/irtagar- part of her lead, on thc r'igit and left, and tl en mest of the hind called 9.; Dawrr, or Tuiwrr, bound them with he. other pendent locts or plaitu]. being the name of an idol around which the (TA.) ~ See also Q. Q. 1. people of the Time of Ignorance used to curcuit. ii --* siniy l tiql JI, (S, M9b, 3. aiajl and (Mgh,* and EM pp. 46 and 47.) And one says, ,, TA,) as inf. ns. of Zl [meaning lie did like j ;.JI*L; j i a*l , meaning S t o him, beinpg did: or he opposed s in as he (the latter) i. e. I will ot do it as lot as a star aplear the sy]. ( And ', A.)(Mlb, TA,) nor.;, op;osed by him]. (TA.) See, below, A.&, J(;l: and also 6Uil;. (MNb,) inf. n. *~, (TA,) or this is a simple

2163 nee, V.) - (1) It denotes transition; (Myb, Mughnee, 1(;) either sensibly or virtually; (Myb;) and the Ba~rees have mentioned no other meaning than this: (Muglmee:) or, u 8b expresses it, (Msb,) it denotes what has paedl [or rather it denotes pasage] from the thing [that is mentioned immediately after it]: (1, Msb:) Er-RAghib says that it necessarily denotes transition from that to the mention of which it is prefixed: and the grammarians say that it is applied to denote what has passed and become remote from thee. (TA.) Thus in the

~ t [1 jourmeyd from the ; saying, ..1 l country, or tow,n]. (Mughnee, 5.o) And in ,: :% subst., (Myb, TA,) and the inf: n. is ~C, (TA,) One says, * A .'., 4. C*l [i. q. lBJ, O~ [I abstained frmn ruch a thing; and Mqb, or ,.r3, TA) He oopoed limsnudf ( J1, 1; 5; ., (S, I, but in the latter 1,5) %) to anothirr(Myb) from rigt and left, (TA,) or nmcaning I addressed, applied, or d;irected, myself hence, I did not desire, or wishfom; such a thing]. (Mughnee.) And .iJI L; [I shot an from either side of lhi, (Mqb,) writh an abomlin- to a t/hing (: . ) not kwing wh/at it arrow, or arrows, from the bow]; (S, Mugha ' *ras. (, g.) - And l; abl, or evil, action. (Myb, TA.) -And g$ I eposed him, nee;) because by means of the bow one projects ,) to suchA his arrow from the bow, and makes it to pass ,~,.! k;, aor. ;, [in n., app., Jp,] I]e turned or caused him to become ezxod, ( aside, or away,from the thing. (Myb.) - Hlence a thing; and I turined him to it, or towards it. therefrom: ( :) but another meaning of this will 4.rl C the saying of the lawyers, .PI 0. ' I. put a ri.i (jCL) to thes be mentioned in what follows. (Mughnee.) And (s.) .l..UI [He turned away fromn one woman, not firom bit; (S, ;) as also t ,him [Ife[d him so as to free COO '"l . ],) inf. n. A (~, another]; meaning he dabired not oya woman, but from lunger]; (f, Mb ;) making hunger to be (1g.) -See also 1, 4;; (S;) and . another: thus in the active form: and ded quitted, and pased from: (g,* Mb :) and in this Cl cl: case, 1,. is used in its place, (g, TA,) as in the one may also say o& i.e. in the passive form last quarter, in three places. -o!JAI [from one or another of the following significa- see2. l]ur cvi. 3; (TA;) or the meaning in this intions of the trans. verb]. (Mb.) For the latter 5. C,3 lIe (a 'man) alstained fro women stance is, becaus of huer. (JeL) And. : without his being incapacitated fror going in to sec 2. uIU of these, and its var. ... '& ', [as thouglh] meaning I sat pa~Ng ' Slie put a rein (01t') to his them, because of blood-reveoe that he. sougl. away from the p we &..~l; of his right side, i sttin, (TA.) to another place [adjacent thereto: but see anobma. (TA.) And j..Il ! (S, Myb, ,) ther explanation near the end of the paragraph]. G- ,.i 8. -;l: see 1, first sentence. ,] with teshaor. '; (M.b;) in the M [t A * 5. . [Turn He became acquaintedwith their state, or (Myb.) And $;. 'JJ,.! and ~q deed; (TA;) I with/dld tle horse bJ means of towu, or go thou, away, or aside, from me]. . aci: se 2. his CJ; [or rin]; (f, Mb, ] ;) as also V&;;;;r: case. (g.) I umderstood, or be(TA.) And ._.fl ,;. (5:) or ;!;yUI * :l signifies I mput a rin to R. Q. 1. 3-"~"[an inf. n. of whichl the verb is kowge, [or acquired,] with, acqua~ited came the Aore: (Mqb:) and it is said in the T that [for instance,] or science,from him; as though the under tand:.~] The substituting of tfo,; MWI V * means the horseman drew, or pulld, ing pawed from him. (Myb.) [And similar to the rein of his beat, to turn him back, or away, saying A in the place of ;t: a practice of [the ; pi j;, for which i.& tribe of] Temeem: (S, ] :) or, accord. to Fr, it this is the phrase , (Msb,) from his course. (TA.) _And is of the dial. of ]ureysh and of those in their 0j' alone (the verb being undenrtood) is often and A., (Mgh,) I confined him, (Msh,) and he neighbourhood, and of Tenmeem and geys and used, He related a tradition or traditions Lc. as con~fined, (Mgh,) in the L i. e. the enclosur Asad and those in their neighbourlood: they learned, or heard, or received, fromn uch a one, ' (Mgh, Mtb) of the camel (Mgh.) . change the of Is,with fet-h, into ,; but not or on thl autluority of nch a one. In many other I r~ uch a one; vilifiJed him; or gave a bad when it is with kesr. (TA.) [See two instanoes phrases also, some of which will be mentioned in See also Q. Q. 1. name to him. (])8 treating of A as syn. with ', the former of i''I in art. bA.;, conj. 8.]- Hence, these two prepositions is to be, or may be, expl. -ZL;: see 1, [i. e. The saying of the relater. of traditionm see 4. -j.A-1 j~: g. jl1 or as denoting transition. For ex., one says, $3 C* 0 &, suppreming the word . ,. last quarter. ... [Hence, perhaps,] l?,5 ~ and j; Ie r~eled from Ai; and henoe, or.i~]: but this is said to be post-clas, (Mqb,) which see i~ (gj Myb, J,) inf. n. Ie defended hinm: (see art. el:) and A S abo voce IZ, former half, in two places, He was sicaL (TA.) He shot in defence of t/nm: (se an ex. in a verse pro~oucd by the judge (.8, Mb, 1) to be inHe put a supersmption, cited voce J--*e,:) and '. is sometimes used Q. Q. 1. 41lSI ij.a capacitatedfrom oing ia to his wiffe, (Myb, ],) or to Aaweto deirefor his mfe: or to be withh ld or titkl, (Olj,) to tle book, or writing; .(S,* for Z, ItoS; as in the phrase a 4.i Ifought from her by enchantment, or fascination: (9, rom him. But of the book, or in defence of him; i. e., relf Mqb;) or he s,'rote tlte 01 , exthe instances of this and other usges of M#b, ]:) and *C signifies the same; as also wnrting; (1 ;) like Z;; (TA;) and *'c, clusive of those mentioned in this paragraph, deA ; and VI. . (TA. (V, I, TA,) aor. ', inf. n. C., (TA,) signifies t* , (], TA,) and pending upon verbs or part. ns. expr~eed or ob[Thus in the supplement to this art. in the TA; the same; as also tV ', (S, ], TA,) inf n. viously understood, are far too numerous to be but it seems that the last of these verbs may be a -', mentioned by Lh; (TA;) and , (S, here collected: many of these will be found is there for .tl, as this verb mistranscription ], TA,) formed by changing one of the sa [of among the explanations of words with which they occur.] - (2) It denotes a compensation; or omitted, though the other verbs are mentioned, s] into S* (S, TA.) [See also Q. Q. 1 in something given, or received, or put, or done, j'* and t a art. ?.] and followed by the part. ns. instead, or in lieu, of another thing. (Mughnee, 1 also signiand ',, but not 'd.l) - ? C is used in three manners: m First, it is a ].) Thus in the saying [in the Vur ii. ,4], fea T2h coW~ in a deep jL. [or subterra- prep.: and as such it has ten meanings. (Mughb0 i0 k JjqJ 9 L*jY l ji [Andfear


f l

f l

m 2164 ye a day wherein a soul shall not gtM anythin as a satifactionfor a oul, i.e. for anothersou Iy or all not make satisfaction for a soul at all accord. to the latter rendering, 1:~ being put ila the aeu case aRfter the manner of an in n.] ]. (Mughnee, J.*) And in the saying in a trad.

[Boox I. (5) It is yn. with . (m,Mughnee, ].) Thus synth mkh .it (Mughnee, ) Thnus [it is mid

in the saying [in the ]ur xxiii. 42], , l; to be used] in the phrase [in the ]ur liii. 3], jiZ C; [Nor doe Ahe pea wmi the S91; 'C~..g O_j._, (Mughnee, ],) meaning desire of df-graticaion]: (Mughnee, g:) but S.' [i.e. Afer a little while, they will assuredly desin it seems that it is here used in its proper [or pribecome repntant]. (TA.) And in the phrase ma71 and that the meamning is, . Lj l _ . [Fast tho for, or in lieu of, tld [in the l]ur lxxxiv. 19], ci ; t4, ~0j~ ma7ry sense; [wr ;J [nor doe hi spech procedfomd mother]. (Mughnee.)_. (3) It denotes superiorit: [expl. in art. j.b], meaning iJ;. ~' JL.. sire ofslf-grati.Jfwation; so the phrase may be well rendered, nor does Ae spak from the dsire c.]. (:* ? [sused a tropically]); (Mughnee, :; ) (Mughnee.) And in the saying, i. e. as syn. waith . (Mughnoe.) Thus in th e (Mughnce.) (Mughnee.) One says also, ~l : a; '- '" saying of Dhu-l-Iba' El-Adw4nee, meaning ~ ,.; l~ [i. e. Tey replied with one [And to many a watering-place have I come reply]V (i , 6, 6i, ,all in art, W.) And l4j. after a waterijg-place]. (Mughnee.) And in the [270y came with the laat of tAem; AF*);I [T7ey * ui$~~' d.0 1 %ej, 4 saying of El-gIhrith Ibn-'Obad, 1 C* being here syn. with o; meaning they came _ :_tLt L .. I.. z (9, Mughnee,) i. e. To God be attributed tha ez * all, without xTeption]. (A in art. .l.) [And Lrl1 - - 1 --t " % cellesn of the son of thy paternal une (the . in like manner,,/p%il C.a-; They ds thm~ 0~ 31; .0 1 a .. meaning being ~i!; >I &b), thou hast not be ~ with the last of them; meaning they dw~. thm ome possd of periority, in gro of pre (S, TA,) meaning . [i. e. MaAh ye too all, witiwt ece~ti .] _ (9) It denotes the using tension to resact or honour, above me, or over me,1 to be tacar to me the place of the tying of En- a thing as an aid or instrument. (Mughnee, C.) (f.;,) nor art thou my governor that thou Na'dmea (the name of a horse of the poet): the Thus in the saying, , pl ,.I [I shot with, shotuds rule me; for the well-known mode is to1 mar of W'il has become pregnant after failing to or by mean of, the bow], accord. to Ibn-M?lik; say .l , .W(Mughnee.) [Thus too in the1 be pregnant during a year, or years]. (TA.) (Mughnee,l:;) because one says also, ,. And in the saying of Et-Tirimma., V..yJ.t; both mentioned by Fr. (Mughnee.) phrases .;- L and W.,a (expl. in art. [Another explanation of this phrase has been ,.J), and in the phrase j3t (expl. in art. mentioned before.].(10) It is redundant, to J.), and the like.] And thus it has been said compensate for another [,*] suppres~ed (Mughto be used in the phrase (in the xxxviii. ,ur 31], nee, L) Thus in the saying, i. e. [All of then shall know that I am of full Aj- ~ 'J~jTi J * 1', meaning age, when they prm forwmard] heat after Atat. . s [i. a. Yerily I have preferred the love (TA.)_.-(6) It denotes the meaning of the preof good things abow, or to, tha remembrance, or position ,I.' (Mughnee, 3.),Thus in the saying, praise, of my Lord]: but it is also said that it is I :|_ 7j .. i _ . .A - -_ - [Art thoum impatient if the decr~d enet of death here used in its proper manner, as dependent * befall a soul? but why wilt not thou pl fro~, upon a denotative of state suppressed; the mean[And be not thou remi in bearing the restw)s~ i. e. defend, that which is between tly two side ?]; ing being, d L us I [i. c. turning bility ofthe obligation that thou takest upon thy- (Mughnee, ]C;) the meaning being, *C t. away from the remembrance, &c.]: and AO is sdf]; as is shown by the phrase, [in the K3ur C; o ,w J. (IJ, Mughnee;) ; being related to have aid that ~lI is from cl, xx. 44], .. ,) l : (Mughnee, ]:) so suppressed befbre the conjunct notin [,Jl], and ,1t, signifying "the camel lay down and did it is said; but it seems that the meaning of j added after it. (Mughnee, ](.) And sometimes *not become roused;" and that the meaning is, -. is," lie passed from such a thing, not en- it is redundant without compensation, when conI have become writAhed by the love of good things I; from the remn~brance, &c. (Mughnee.) And tering upon it;" and S is,j'" he entered upon it joined with a pronoun: AZ says that the Arabs l J. it is [said to be] used as denoting superiority or but was remiss, or languid:" by al JII is meant make n redundant in the phrase ;. the like in the saying [in the ]ur xlvii. last verse], the payment of a bloodwit or the like. (Mugh- [meaning Tahe thou, or receiv tlwou, thiu]: (TA:) __U (Mughnee, .) [but . Ja yI [as though the meaning nea.) .. (7) It is yn.rwith l.. Q M is expl. in the g and L, in art. il, Thus in the saying [in the gur xlii. 24], j as meaning ds1lt Jl JI were He is ni/gardly only to himsdf (d ~j., ;j .. 9'l i J.. see for u is considered in this case as importing an .; a-.* 'Wj; i,j l [And He is he who 1 in art .L. :] and J .301, occurring in a trad., ideal superiority); but the phrase may be better accepts repentacesfrom ds ~rvants]. (AO, Mughis expl. as meaning A,; [i. e. Leame thou it]: reudered, agreeably with the proper, or primary, nee, 1].) Az mentions among the cases in which (TA:) or this means go thou from thy place; signification of ., Ae withhAdds, with niggard- there is a difference between i. and. S, that pass thou (L in art. JW.) [See also the lines, onlyfrom himslf; as is indicated by BI]. the former has adjoined to it a noun signifying last ex. in this paragraph.] - The second man(Mughnee, ,.) .. (4) It denotee a cause. (Mugh- what is near; and the latter, [one signifying] ner of using it is, as a particle of the kind called nee, 4.) Thus in the saying [in the ]ur ix. 115], what is remote; as in one's saying C ;"_, .- *. . A, i -1, Ss c * W , .)o.[combining with an aor. following it to sj. ~. s [I hardfim such a one a narra- form an equivalent to an inf. n.,] as is done by Abraham's beoing forgiven for his father oas tive], and ~ .F yiW ,.'L.U [He related to ithe tribe of Temeem, (Mughnee, ]r,*) in what is not otherwiss than becaueM of a promise]. (Mughtermed their ~: (]: [see R. Q 1:]) they from such a one, a phrase similar 1 nee, ].) And thus in the saying [in the gur me a narrative 1 use it in the place of (S, Mughnee;) saying, to e' & ig, mentioned among exs. of the J1C eq:-, (Mughnee, 1:,) for ', *o are not, or will not be, relin~uishers of our gods first meaning of Cs.]: accord. to As, one says, 1 " [meaning Thy doing such a thing plead rme]. OU jU a meaning a: [i. e. Such a 1 because of ty maying]: or the meaning may be, CM (Mughnee.)Dhu-r-Rmumh says, we do not, or will not, relinqush our gods, turnng one related to mefrot such a ote]; and Cj" ct




away ( atn, us a denotative of state relating 9S and ' [I becanu div~rdfrom such a one to the pronoun [implied] in Ubjt,) from thy o as to forgt him]: accord. to Ks, one says 1 saying; and this is the opinion of Z. (Mugbnee.) ;e. only: and lj ,4. J as meaning ji [See also an ex. voce Qj;;., last sentence.][i. e. From thb came this]. (TA.) . (8) It is 1 [Is thy having looked upon the traces of a place of


BooK 1.1 abdigQfthy beloved JDarM the cause that the water of wcmi o is d from thiM eys ?n]. (9, Mughnee.) And thw they do in the came of [I ac J ;;> wa*i X 5 ;;) X ,knowge or dwlare, or test, that MoAammad is th apotlb of God]. (Mughnee.) _ The third manner of uing it is, u a noun, in the sense of

medd~ng, or impertinent, peech; with speech re- had seen such enclosures in the desert, thus called pscting that which does not concern him; (Msb, because facing the direction whence blows the

1r.J;, (Mughnee, l],0) or a46: (.:) and this

is aid to be in three cases. (Mughnee.) - (1) It is when f. is prefixed to it; and this is of frequent occurrence: (Mughnee:) as in the saying, * o~,' ;,. CGA o,; *' ~,

fe me to be like a r for the [And eri/y I spears to be aimed at, from the ide of my right Mad at one time, and from before me at another

time]: (Mughnee, 1 :*) and in the saying,

*^ ^ > I
Ufrom came

tn side of his right

hand. (f.) In the opinion of Ibn-Malik, ;

prefixed to : is redundant; but accord. to others, it is used [as expL above,] to denote the beginning of a spae between two limits: these ay that -- * u meansr j
[i.e.I at i tah side of his tight hand], either

claly or otherwise; but if you say ~a [before oo], the sitting is particulrized u being close to the first part of the lateral srpaece. (Mughnee.) . (2) It is also when 0J is prefixed to it:
(Mughnee:) thus in the saying,

;e, with fet-J, (Msb,) or t l;', north wind, to protect the camels from the cold TA;) as also V of that wind; and that he had seen the people with kear. (TA.) ; S,S($,) or spread the flesh-meat cut into strips, or oblong imperfectly decl., and sometimes s pieces, and dried in the sun, upon them: he i;m i, was expL a meaning ropes ';J, (i,) means I gaw to him distinguishing him thinks that the word had seen the poor of the macred terwho one by from among his companions: (., ]:) articularly ritory extending ropes in Minb, and putting upon from ddl1 signifying " the presenting, or opposing, them the flesh of the victims of sacrifice that had oneself" (TA.) And one says, 3;L se& *5j been given to them. (TA.) - Also A booth by means of which one shade himseef, made of panic (g) or i (Xl) I raw hi just non;, (S, , TA,) gras (s.Q) or [probably a mistake for and} prsenting, or oppo~ng, himwslf, (TA,) without branches of tree. (IB, TA.) - And Red, or my seking him. (S, TA.) And L. ~la 1;;dl plants or herbage, which a man coUlects, to giv, It is also the asfodder, to his slewp or goats: one says, 4. ;'In. a.Sl: Iee 4, (, ].) l; a subst. signify- A.el& [He came with, or brought, a great collec[i.e. subst from &IAI 1> ing The state of being pronounced by the judge to tion of reeds, &c.]. (TA.) And one says, be incapacitatedfrom going in to his wife, or to 6,and JLA, and L2, i. . We were aP I1 have no desire for his wife: or of being raitd AAlso The Xjl J ~TA.) lerbage. .fiomher by enchantment, or fascination]: (., inabunant Msb,* K:) or incapacity to go in to women: (thus [correctly, as will be shown by an explana(Mgll, Msb:) or undeirousn of women: (Meb:) tion in what follows, confirmed by an ex. from a a word used in this sense by the lawyers; (Mgh, poet,] in more than one of the copies of the 15, in Msb;) who say, ; ^t: (Mb:) but it is de- the CJg X,.J, in the copy of the 1V followed in and in the L t.Wj,) of the cookdared to be a low word, not allowable; (Mgh, the TA OjWj,., MF read jWaj, and conjecTA:) (]p, ing.pot: Msb ;) instead of whicl one should say * 0 ,' supposed it [to be analogy, from and turally, (Mgh,) or, accord. to Th and others, * X., and ;iJI and] to mean O;h; but the word is and accord. to the Bari', t ti : (Mb:) arabicised from the Pers. el.,C, ', [correctly signifies ~udsrownss of romen: X1~,4, pronounced d~ [i. e.] V LCL* ] a name for tho is st up; and coo~k-pot the which upon thig ', and * Sl, and t (8:) or, as alo ; M and other the in expL thus it [i.e. j] is (,) and * ;:c, (TA,) it signifies and * , the mentioned be may which [among lexicons thus, or non-performance of the act of going in to L]: hence the saying of a poet,
women, by reason of impotence. (K, TA.) o

[On, or ovr, tAe side of my right hand, the birds p d alorg tw g the right side towards me, or trming thre Lft side towarns me; the last word .t;,which being a pl., accord. to analogy, of

S *' . _j;US Also An nlomre (8, Mgh, Msb, 1) made of I#1 'O. a*J . . #- *. wood, (8, Myb, 15, TA,) or of trees, (TA,) for camels, (8, Mgh, I,') or for camels and horses, and sheep or goats, to be [It (the jlb, or place of abode,) was effaced, mme is used in two opposite senses]: (Mughnee, 1 :) (Msb,) or for camels or an enclosure at the trenches dug around tahe tents to kep off the tor(TA:) terein: confined but this uwge is extraordinary; no other instance his camels and his rent, and the place of tAhe ettin.-up of the un~pport are which in man, a of door of it than that here cited having been preserved. '~ (8, 01)and of the cooking-pot, and ashs bneath tih space pl. TA:) (Th, () It is also when what is dseep or goats: (Mughnee.)that mupport, governed by it in the gen. aee and the agent of sic' (10) j [TWO (app. between th three stone that formed ,,; i (TA.) extinction]. of a ~tate in the verb in connection with it are two pronouns meaning stallion-camels) will not be together in an having one application: so rays Akh: as in the mculoarefor camels] is one of their sayings. (TA.) ;: see the next preceding paragraph, first saying of Imra-el-1eys, Like thd brayer sentence. " :1 And one say, Il (meaning the braying stallion-camel) in the encloX>;z is a subst. [as well as an inf. n.] of ,; rure of troe, in which the stallion-camel is some- (Myb, ]5, TA;) [as such,] i. q. w,ih [used u [or iAL; t'J: me the entire verse cited and expl. times confined to prevent him from covering; TA;) (],* a simple subst., meaning Opposition]; ain art. p..]: but it is shown to be not a noun a stallion being hence termed t j., origi- as alb ,t such (1], TA :) or oppiion qf oaesel X: in such a mca by this, that vJ;.may not take to applied prov., is a it (Meyd:) ,;: * nally either side of him, with an from anotuher, to its plaoce (unles used in a tropical use]. (Mughin V. and A and 8 and TA, (Meyd, a man action. (Myb.) El-Ii,ritlh evil, or abominable, nee. [8ee what has been said above, that i in art. .a^) raising a cry and clamour, (8, ],) or Ibn-H.illizeh says, a phrase of this kind is held to be redundant.]) threatening, (TA,) who does not make his sayy- ad L:W3 1Q 1 LU0~~~~~ or action, to have effect; (.,*0 Meyd, 1];) ing, C for J1: ae the next preoeding paragraph, . .. ,a ,- Ji like the camel that is so confined, prevented from a 0 lut quarter. 1or ~C. *~ ~ .W1 covering, and brays. (., ]5) - It is also said, means by El-Bushtee and in the 15,to signify A rope; (TA,) meaning In wrong opposition, (t;l ! , verse of El-Aisha, in which he mentions t;), [and injurious conduct], like aJs whn [iUe. Vrily he etrs and in a 3i S the samne a upon eey mod, 6r rmaner, of speech or the

, like]; and so

.. (TA.)

J;m: ae what next follows

Uj The prnting, or opp , o

flesh-meat as put upon the * , this last word ha been expl. as meaning ropes which are stretched, and upon which is thrown the fleshmeat that is cut into strips, or oblong pieces, and dried in the sun: but Az says that the right ith meaning is, the enclosures for camels; that he

gazella are sacrificed [in fulfilment of a vow]for what is due on tae part of th flock of shcep, or herd of goatL (EM p. 281.) And it is said in

a trad, jl


f i. e. [IVe are
and opposition

clear, to thec,] of the idol (iIOU) 1


IBooK I.

#ome say, the meoning [of the last word] in thi the other to tra.ic the~ : and the lawyers J, q. v., like ;o, as is said in the TI,]) case is disagreement, or oppition, or contrav differ not in respect of its being lawfitl; if they difrer means : A man liglt, or activ. ($, ], TA.) '-j gain upon the two sums, the gain being betwee tio, (.aJl), nd that which is wro (J111)h t4l l t Such a one is one who refUs~ the rein. them; and if they lose, the los being on the (TA;) And in another trad., ,; ,t head of each of them [equally]: the partnersnhip 4li! ~ applied to the horse means t The M_ [Deat.h coe upon hiss dly in th I (TA.) of two. persons in everything that is in .their po./Ppoition of his hedleu, or inconsidate,course] tractable, or submissive. (TA.) And % j; session is called tl atjl ,>- [q. v.]: (TA:) (TA. [There expl. only by the words ' tC I 9i t SucA a on became sbminic. (TA.) 81 or it is the case of one's eontpting with a man in L tlhe making of a prchase, and aying to him, .]) And one says, ;i a j' .;.1 w Ju P4 '; Z& a [in which the first word is written in tite "'MIake me to be a partner wtthe tl;" meaning [Ile is to thee in a state] betseen ob/ my original thus, but it has been altered by the 113Iake this being b,, before he dientce and disodie. (TA.) tjAJdIt [the purchaser] becomes entitled to AIIl, c4;,e copyist, and I doubt not that it is correctly ;i, 1 0 or ij&/lor Jr lal, or Ji;ll: (j]: [the last word dlarase used by a poet, means [A womnan fooli/ the plhrase, reading thus, being well known, i. e. in this explanation, thus written in four different in] o i~nag her~f, or intervning, in ewry di. Slacken thou his rein,] means tease thou him, or 1 ways in different copies of the ], following the orse. (TA.) And C,signifies also [pa ' L .l means Turn words ticularly] Death's oppodng itejf, and preceding: reliew him. (TA.) Zi;~ .. t J, I think to be most prothou back [or bend thou] towards me his rein. (TA, JM:) occurring in a trad. of Satee][the bably jiWl, and to mean irredeemabiliy by the J* 1.. [thus in my original, Diviner]. (TA.) _- See also i , near the (TA.) ^. seller, from , :]) or it is tht case of t.o middle of the paragraph. - Also The place in Gd, as in the S in art. u, 1 but correctly #;t lermns' persons' being equal in partnership, (Z, MNb, ]K, rwhich a peron, or thing, presents, or oppos, i. e. He came bending a part of his rein, turning TA,) ia respect of whIat they contribute of god or himsenlf, or itelf. (TA.) -See also ltg. m from his course,] means ti e [came having] accom- Weer; srer; and is from the Ji of the beast; (TA;) plihied tiae object of his want. (TA.) . 'Sjt beeaxise And see 3Z, former half. because the Ot:; of the beast consists of two #tlb t Ice made, or urged, his beast to rum rve.e- equal single pieces: (Z, M#b, X, TA:) or it is 4 Clouds: (, MNb, ] :) or, accord. to mently. (TA.) And [hence, app.,] Z; 1 from 't;l as syn. with t&iL .l, meaning some, cloud# arpearing,or prsenting thenu~ev, 1.5;jL4l; t The 1i.5j) utmost l; of (M Iis power, b, TA;) or because ability, each was of accomthem does or extending sideways, in th horizon; as also 9 plihed. (TA.) 1t; O q i; C) tThey two like ns does the other in respect of his property C (TA :) such as retain the water: are equal [that [that he supplies] and in selling and buying. in excellence or otherwise. (TA.) _ (1 :) one whereof is termed V ;LC, ($, Mqb, ,) (TA.) See an ox. in a verse cited in art. JJj, Also t A Aeat; or single rm to a goal, or limit: nnd * ;1. (.) -_ And *otz s1., (Mgh, MF, one says, conj. 3.. - See also 'U, in two places. UtLi 5 L. t Thte homse ran a TA,) in the said to be t cts&, with kear, but heat: and ;lau Leb tl e stumbled in ,is . and t G One rlwho prewnts, or oppos~ , the former is the right, (MF, TA,) The lofty himself, with mneddling, or imlwrtimt, ieat. (TA.) spech; See also an ex., in a verse of E;r,ion of the shy: (Mgh :) or wAat appears, of the sky, to one looking at it. (I(. [See also Tirimm(h, voce , in the middle of tihe para- with spfeeh vspeceting that which dos not eonecrn ltim him: pl. [of thc former agreeably with analogy] ]) -. _ And j l1l '5", likewise with fet-b, graph. And ? ; signifies the same, i.e. A lata . (TA.)-And (TA.)_ And the former, A beat (ill) of a beast: and also the beginning of slech : accord. to the V f O , with kesr, which is whence the prov., that eeriles in journeying, or p Kogrem; (i, ], wrong, (TA,) TIA side of the huse, (1, TA,) TA;) thalt vies with tho [othAer] beasts in jore~ ep ep, O. 4 a i ing, or proGr, 6, and prweed t/Me; and appliod ipig, that alpjmears to one. (TA.) i to a wild as in this ense. (TA.) meaning t Adde&sing himself to that which is not t ee O., in two places. s: Also an C>*;& ',s One unable to retain the wind of his belly. ini' n. of 3 [q. v.]. (TA.) _ And A certain of hlis buinc# (n, e> jl L;). (Meyd.). (1p alperptenance of a hore or the like; (Q, Mqb;) AndA long rope ror (:.)_ See also a e. cori (TA.) _- And $lail [i.e. the rein;] the strap of the bridle, by means signifies J1 00 . [The cord of the portion of 'ULU: XI : see Gs: and ee also Z4, former of which the horse, or similar beast, is withidd: tie bach along which extenda lialf, the spine; half, in app. two places. ( :) [said to be] so called because it lies over against the mouth, not entering into it, (Msb,) or meaning tie spinal cord, also called medulla spi&;0;&: Ja: see a, former hali nalr, considered as a single cord]: (1s:) [but because its two strap lie over against the two sides of the neck of the beast, on the right and this consists of two lateral cords, connected toiL meas .b6 e t most of thy pomw, or gether: and therefore, app., it is said that] 6iLt ability, left: (TA:) pl. II' ($Mb, , C) and ' , (i,) ability, or of thy case: ($, :) so in the saying, 1 or, accord. to 8b, the former only. (TA.) [Some- 4 signifies ; [the two cord of the ]. ijb j;aA C"J"1 C,I J6L [The tost f thy power, times it may be rendered The bridle; as in the (,;-) _ai l 3if is Tle copartneship of two 1 ke., kc., is, or il be, thy dog atig]: (:) persons in one pa ar thing, (g, Mgh, M b, u first of the following phrases.] .ii as though from t 1 9 (, TA;) -TAJI; the oe being t JV,) exclusive of the rt of the articles of property 1 that thou desireat to do a thing, and an obstrale OX0 I put wpon tih hos his bidle. (TA.) ,i of either: (g, M9b, :) as though a thing'pre- iintervenes in the way to it, preventing thee and Q;ddll p. 1 [(A hor short in the rein] implies sented itself to them (Qj *'", , Mgh, Mqb) and withholding thee from it: (TA:) but it is disdisaommendation, as denoting shortness of the they bought it (g) and they then became puted whether it be correctly thus, or J1* copart- 1 neck: [but] QI~?lI s. ga [said of a man] ners in it: (g, Mgh, Mb :) so says 1Sk: (Mgh:) ,IB, (IB, TA.) means dJl ,se of the horse, because each [i.e. tHeso i one [A possng or it is from the -11 4k He is wont to pred, ,ik ItU, of the free 4 little, or no, good; or feo, or no, good things; asigns to his companion the 1 )r or outtrip, tha pe~, or party. (TA.) -And jlaHe u[one wkso back or little, or no, good~]: and ;'1lti ii! L :l management of part of the property: (Mgh, 0 MVb:) or because it is allowable for them to differ, fmm [lit. Verily he is one who~e rein is long] means, from doing od, or] dow, or tardy, to do like as does the Ot,;e in the hand of the rider mod. Mod. (-.) tan exalted person; of great chiefdom, or emi- when pulled and when slackened: 5 (Mgh:) or, unce. (TA.) OUWI TA, T V, accord. to As, it is the case in which each of the O.adl, of the mouare J , is an iantensive in

asthough saying, of atociati,7 in one of my copies of the ? Jfi;, and in the other two im copartners pr~uc d~ or dirh*em, ~ . another with God and of wongdoing: or, a S 4J., and in copies of the ] ;L;, [but correctly they tlay.mix mix togethur, and each gies pser~mio to




BooK I.]

generally belonging to a pl., rarely to a sing.: (f, 0:) the pi. is t~l, ($, O, MYb,) used in speaking of many; and the pl. of pane. [i. e. pL

epithet applied to the present world (;JI) [as means ihe sides, quarters, tracts, or regions, of meaning TTb offwr of mh opposition]; beanuse tiAe aky: ( :) or the urfaces threof, and what present themseles to vie of the sides, quarters, it opposes itself to mankind. (TA.) , tracs, or regon, thereof; as though pl. oft !Z, (8, Mgh, M9b,*], TA,) of the meaure (8, TA,) or of ti p: (TA:) the vulgar say J in the en of the meaure ai; (,) and ,.JI O~. (, TA.) -And [it is said that] ,LeJIl iII;Z means Th natural disposition apd written without teshdeed in my copy of the of the dils. (].) It is said of camels, in a M9b, but in the latter case app. from carelessne -' ,u, ~ [as though of the copyist, for otherwise the well-known form tra, c;~ aJl disposicreated of the natural They are meaning is not there mentioned,] of which (i.e. of tiomn of th. devils]: and in another trad., ll 'is pl., [which eems to show that ~oel1~ff occurs as said [app. by Mohammad] in is not a mistrancription for * ,, for Ja answer to a question respecting camels: [but) is a meuure of a pL of many epithets of the accord. to IAth, the meaning seems to be, that, d 1.i &., but not, to by reason pf their many evil affections, they are ud s, measure j my knowledge, of any word of the mesure 03*, ] as though they were from the tracts of the devil (TA,) A man ineapabe if goig in to women; in respect of their natural dispositions. (TA.) (Mgh, Mb ;) one who does not go in to womn L, former half. ;e;-J: msee by;armo of impotence: (V:) or, a some say, one bo Aas c ntio~ wit hr who is mo a s ee ~ , but not mtk the viri" : (TA:) or a man iho is not drW of wo n: (, :) and c;. One who Cnters into that which doe not (TA) eoncern him, and intfems in everything; (V;) t W - and t ba (Mqb, TA) and # . signi- i. ,, signify the same. (M9b, TA.) And l. (8,) or to ,,.: (TA: [see fees A woman not dir of men: (1, Mb,* these two words:]) fem. with ;. ( ), .-) And TA:) but there ir diagreement in respect of the An orator, or apreacher; syn. ~.L: (9, ]:) application of the epithet to a woman. (TA.) (TA.)_ See also the or an eoqent~ L, former half, in two next paragraph. a s*ubst.: eme "~"(,u placs

of 'AI] is U5.


also signifies

t The grap-ine. (MF [as from the ], in whichl I do not find it: but it is used in this sense in the

[thus written in two placee in the TA,

aur-An; pl. ai1, expl. s meaning,jLb in xviii. 31 by Bd].) - And t Wie: (5:) so
says AIn, aserting it to be of the dial. of Elsignifies "grapes" in cerYemen: like as i tain of the dials. of El-Yemen: see*.]. (TA.)


P _ t;.3i <, and and see also 4..]

. n. un. of pduul that brmsht

S) _. :. ee ;^ F

[q. v.]. Also A smU in a u bingy , (, O, ], TA,) emitting blood; accord. to As, it ~ ,Jl'

and jill [with blood or humor], and gis pAin; and it attacks a Aunan being in th eye and in tle fauce. (TA.)

.*l: see .
Of, or relating to, grampe.] [1t,"

1Z, applied to a gazelle, (5,) to a male gazelle, (s, 0,) Bri, limy, or prighty: (l ,

sI4 and t~ (~,] Mqb, ) and t jQ and Jl;d, (f, :,) the first of which is the most chaste,

(M,) originally

i;.,(L,) of a book, or writing,

(; Mlb,) The np o",^ or title, thereof: (T]:) whit these words denote is thus called , 2, TA, i. e. u,* TA) in because it occurs ( a bordering part thereof: (V,TA:) and they also signify [sometimes, u indicating the nature of the\oontens,] the prtfaceof a book, or writing. as an indication (T].) And Anything that er c. (MMb, .) n of another thing is called its One says, ,J,I 0ll3 ;j5 tLI, meaning 7le outward state of tbe man is th indication of thd inward state. (TV.) And one says of a man who speaks obliquely, not plinly, I5 Ij.ib j;. a*3, (]:,) said of a 41Jl He madnesuc a ting to be an indication S. _,, (0, ],) inf. n. It produced grape,] (O, grape-vine, [meaning Qfiine (TA) (See alo art. .] B,) is from 4;ll. (O.) 11; and lis: ee the next preceding para,ad nd) i; both signify the same, ($, O, graph. V,) the latter said by Kr to be the only word of Is,s: see a., former hal its meuure except JI-, but Kh mentions also a and ;G: me tIQ. -And for the former, ee also ' . - Also, the former, A ong m tai (5J4), (, TA, in some copies of the B ;. i. e. r"p],) tLat pra/~sit/f in the dire. ticm in wiid on is going, and intsepts his way. (TA.) - !%.I The , qartrs, tra, or rgi, of anything: (Yoo, TA:) this is the proper signifiation: (TA:) lfhene,] t. t e [si; in one of but altered from ,;1j,] my copies ofthe 'Jl, BL I.
p,., and Ibn-]uteybeh adds to these od., (TA,) [whence it seems to be, accord. to analogy, A*;a, imperfectly decl., with the fem. ,, but in a verse cited by P, and quoted in the 0 and TA, it is treated as msc., and in the TA it is treated s though it may msc. in prose, and if so it is '., be thus only by poetio license, and improperly in

O, ]:) having no corresponding verb: (?:) and, (5,) as some say, (TA,) so applied, heay, or dEuggih: thus having two contr. meanings: or one advanced in age: (]::) or, as some say, a *t. : see * :...and see also';&, in art. mle gaze b: pl. ;C~. (TA.) And A mountain-goat long in te orn: [in this ense aelo] A girl, or young woman, c. _JI 'l;J : %I having no corresponding verb. (0.) It is an compact im make; (, TA;) [a though] com- epithet of a meaure regularly belonging to inf. ns. [or rein]: (A, TA :) (MF.) pactly ti/stMd like the Co and t t. t a woman compact in make, not flabby .,:, (O, and so accord. to copies of the ]:,) in the bely. (TA.)~See also Lt;, near the or 4, (accord. to some oopies of the 5,) The middle. foremost portion of a torrent, (0, 5,) and of a company of men. (O.)-And Abundance of .*c: see ac , near the middle. water. (TA.)_[And accord. to Freytag, A [pas. part. n. of 1, q. v. _ And] i. q. certainplant.] * .,e; q. v. (Mb, TA.) - And Poseed; or ` a_Large in the nomm; (0, O, ;) applied mad, or inane. (I, TA.) (,) or (,,i, o to a man; (TA;) asu also t '] is also expL u ,J'1: (0:) and it [app. m (TA.) - And i. q. meaning a big, ugly

ji;: ( ,O,::) or i q. ;:

(I:)[re then

two words:] or the porton tat caut off of the l bla mountain: ,4. (TA.) - And A (Lth, O,]:) or a omtain mall in cirumf~nce, black, and erct: (TA:) and a high, rmod mountain: (5::) or a aiga, isoted, sAarp hAded hiU, red, and black, and ofany coour, but

hue, giving growth genrray of a duky yello to nothing, and ro~d: (Sh, O:) pL ,:.. (TA.) A w nder of . otr gr[oap]. (O, 5)

A certain fr~t [and tree], (5,) well

prose,] called onll, ib

kno~w; (?, O, ;) [the jjube fruit and tree; rhammuw~iAyphwu of Linn.;] called in Pen. a,f, the~ritof the,, s.; (TA;) thus J,, or J'. ,... , (MA,) or tq

fred; when dry, called



(P$:) n. un. with . (?, O.) And,

(Mqb:) signifies a single bery therof [i. e. (]:,) sometimes, (TA,) aooord. to IDrd, (O,) and is of a form Thefruit of the 11i [q. v.]. (0, ].) And The a grape]; (., O, Mb, 1;') 273


[Boot I.

[fruit, or trw [q. v.]. (TA.) Aboe, -- ;;JI ;o, s , call/ed)] (Ks, 0, , TA,) or, accord. to be the primary signification:] and the former, [as being likened to jujubes, because dyed red,] Kr, it is t;:Jl t*, (TA,) The hemw c, or said of a bone, it became meak, and broke. (Q, t The f~r or nd of the fngers, of a woman. TA.) -_ . (, 0, Os Mb, TA,) aor. :, (M#b,) rigour, of winter. (Ks, Kr, O, ) (A, ws C.W, q. v.) inf. n. J.. , (?, O,* Myb, 1,0 TA,) He comie Of, S or belonging to, : , ' (0, J,) mitted a in, a crime, or an act of diobedince & jU [Of the colour of the or jtujube]. 1 derving punihment: (g, O, ],* TA :') or Ae or;Z, (O,) a tribe off,S', (0,) who were the (TA, voce J , q- v.) s c ;.ql t. [lit. committed tnu, crinme, or acts of disobedin He dyed the purs jjube-colour] means he became most skilful people as guides: (O, 1 :) hence the derving puniAhment: (g,* TA:) or Ahe did wrony bankrupt: but this, a Esh-Shihab says, is a proverbial saying, ,l I.y 1 [l7oi. [intentionally or unintentionally]. (Mgb.) [And phrae of the Muwelleds [or rather of the vulgar, art an Amberee in this country, or district]. particularly He committed fornicatio, or adulunles ending a verse, in which case it is allow- (O, K-.) tery: see . below.] able to say ~U.q for twc', as in a verse cited in 2. _-', inf. n. J 3, He treated imn with the TA]. (MF, TA.) hardns, erity, or rigur, and constrainedhim v-. The lion; (0, ;) as also t : (]: t. A man possesng . [or grape]: like to do that which was difcadt to him to perform; but in the O it is said, when you designate the (IAmb, O, ]j, TA;) as also t :3 and after '>ti and.tU, (0, TA,) which mean "possessing lion, you say ; and v6;c: [as though, by milk " and "po w e sing dates." (TA.) wards it became applied to signify he detroyed the latter, the pl. were meant: but it is probably him; or caued him to perish: (IAmb, TA:) _1I: -ee a mistranscription for A.L :]) or the lion from [and 1 ;a.l has both of these significations: for r"" Tall; (0, ];) an epithet applied to a wihom other lionflee : (TA in art. .s:) when it is said that] .s j tbis; 5 , in the ]ur man. (0.) -And Thick; an epithet applied to you particularize him by a [proper] name, you [ii. 219], means If God had wrilled, i.e would say I, [i. e. The lion,] making it imperfectly asmredly hame treated you with hardnes, &c., tar. (0.) decl.; like as you say Ldt. (0, ].) It is men- and contrained you to do that rwhichl would be tioned by Lth and A among quadriliteral-radical die~lt to you to perform: or it may mean, q. [Ambergr;] a certain odorifero mb- words: Hishmin says, I know not whether it be would have dstroyed you: or, accord. to IAqr, ,., signifies the requirin to do that which is tane, (?, 0, M,b, ,) wellU nown; (0, Mb ;) a subst. or an epithet: and A'Obeyd says, it is not in one'spower. (TA.) - See also 5. an ecre~ntfound in the belly of a cartai great from .,ZJI; and if so, it is of the measure j:


J;h, [(t

same name; (Towsheeb, TA;) or an ecrm~nt of a crtain marine boat; (]C;) or, accord. to Ks, a tregtabb [~tancefound] in th bottom of the ea and drim by the waat to the shor thr~f,Mwhee~ it is taken; (O ;) or, (O, ,) as the physicians ay, (0,) it iumfrom a source in the sa; (O,' ;) [and there aro other opinions respecting its origin, mentioned in the TA; but these I do not add, as it is well known to be an excrement of the spermaceti-whale;] the bet kind it the white, and the whitish; net, the bhe [or gray]; and tha worat, th black: (TA:) the word is masc. and fem., (AA, IAmb, 0, M1b,) Ia like Wa: (lAmb, TA voce .. :) MP says that mo;t hold the C; to be augmentative, the measure being 1t, as it is said to be in the M,b. (TA.) - [As mentioned above, it signifies also The qpermacet-whAab;] a certain great .fs; (Mqb in a. j;) a ~crtain ma~re fik,

~per eti.a~le,] which i caled by the (0:) but 'Ikrimeh is related to have said that the 4. LI, (inf. n. l ,.l Mgh,) Ie causd Ai lion is called ? 5 2 s in the Abyssinian language. to fal into diffculty, hardslip, or di~;re; (~, (TA voce i.) 1Mgh, O, Myb, 15, TA;) into that which was dff~ult, hard, or distreing, to ,im to bear. (Mgh,
: see above; the former in two places. Mlb.) See also 1, and 2. - He (the rider) treated him (i. e. a beast) with hardnew, or roughnew, tuch as the latter could not bear, and so caused him to limp, or halt. (TA.) - He (a 1. ,i, [aor. ,] inf. n. c , He fell into a physician) treated him (i. e. a sick man) rougly, or without gentlenan, and so harmed, or itjured, d~I , hard, or distressing, ca: (?, A, O, him (A, O.*) - He, or it, broke it (i.e. a bone) TA:) or".. signifies the meeting with dfjlcu/ty, after it had been et and united: (As, C, A,0, hardship,or ditre. ( [This is held by some ], TA:) or he (a bonesetter) treated it (i.e. a [.) to be the primary signification: ee *m below; broken bone) roughly, or ent~l, so that the by the explanations of which it eems to be in- fracture becae on. (TA.) dicated that the verb has several significations 5. "?'3: see 2. Accord. to AHeyth, (TA,) that are not expressly asigned to it in the lexiHe brought upon hkin annoyance, mostation, cons.] s L ,e iSe, in the]ur [ix. lut harm, or hurt: (MFb, TA:) or he ought to occaverse but one], means, accord. to Az [and most sion him diffcdty, hardAhip, or ditr (Mgh.) of the expositors], Grievous unto him is your And hence, (Mgh,) He atsked him rspecting a eperiencng dffculty, or hardhip, or dire~: thin, dirig by doiy o to inl him in oonor, as ome say, the meaning is $$Il a, i. e., f~iuom, or doubt; (A, Mgh, TA;) as w ou what hath brought you into di~city, or hardship, says to a witne, "WAre was this, and whenA pon him when or d~ . (TA. [In the ? and 0, it seems to was it, and what garment u thou tooket upon thyef to bear w~t ?" and be indicated by the context that l ;a means The beast limped, or halted, in con~s of hard, or rough, treatment, such a it could not bear. (TA.) It is said in a trad., Q', aotl- Ja0 He shod his beast and it became lame: thus as ome relate it; as others relate it, ; but the former relation is proferred by ]at. (TA.)IZljIl

(As, O, ]g,) the lgth of wAich raches to fjify

cubits, called in Per. ,0 [app. a mistranscription for jlj: mee J4]: (Az, TA:) shelds are

made f itu ~s ; (Mgh, 0, TA;) and t~*~people of Juddeh hae anda, or ~he, made thereof.
(O, TA.) And hence, (O,) A dsidd (, 0, 1)

mad of the Also

of fthi ron.



:) and some say, coat of d~efence (tb).

: (0, your having ined])


(].) . And (as some sy, TA) [The plant caled] ,*. (I.) - [Accord. to PorskUl (Plora Aegypt. Arab. p. lxiv.) now applied to Gomphrena globoa.] See albo the next paragraph, in two places.

v,;~ and ,, 1 J1 l . 1, are albo mentioned; but these require consideration. (Mgh.)

R. Q. L Q';, said of the horn of the );o [or goat a year old], It ro, or rose higA. (O, .) _ e ;z;c He turned away fom, avoidd, or shuned,him, or it. (0, ])

a The purityepte ped sofapopleb. said of a bone, (As, A, ], TA,) and ; '. [inf. n. of 1, q.v.: and also expL u having (Ibn-Abb!d, 0, ].) Hence the vulgar sy of a mid of an arm or a leg, (As, TA,) [aor. ,] the following meanin~ :] Di~cu/y, hardip or thing that ise pure, o (T e ). . in n. (TA,) It broke (Az, A, 1], TA) did:str: (A, IAth, Mgh, M9 b, TA:) this is [rid (.T, lift The onion: (]p:) because it makes [the afer its hav~g bnm t and uited: (A, .:) to be] the primary signification: (Jel in iv. 80:) contents of] the j. to become savoury. (TA.) [thi is mid in the Kh and by Bp,in iv. 0, to or aemre d ~cuy, or arhip, or ditret: (Zj,

Boo0 I.]

-,-.J. *

. :: see ;Ci. (see the verb i)] whence the prov., TA:) or the coming of diduly or hardihip or ,9 oiI distress upon a man. (i.) - A state of perO, TA) An old camd that i trained,or broken, az~': see ,"u. [Its primary signification (?, ditioor destruction (A, IAth, ],, TA.) - A andforced back upon hi hind legs: (TA:) [or bad, an il, or a coupt, state: or bad, evil, or seems to be A caue of dfflculty, hardship, or that is taught tahe mode of training termed. :] k&.] corpt, conduct or doing: syn. ;i1 [which has di~; applied to him who takes to learning a thing after both of these meanings; and may here have the he has become old. (O,* TA.) ; J A Z. Also An old S~uh a one came to me seekformer meaning nearly agreeing with what man; a dial. var. of .: (1 :) or a man in ing [to caue] my fall into a wrong action, or an precedes it, or the latter meaning uanearly agreethe dial. of Hudheyl; (O, TA; [in the former ing with what follows it]. (A, IAth, ], TA.) ,ror. (8, o, .*) 0. A sin, a crime, on an act of disobediece , app. a mistranscription ;]) so mays IbnderWing pmunis,men; (AHeyth, ., A, IAth, O, 'Abbad; but correctly : (O :) Az says, I ], TA;) and so4' '. (A.)_A nwrongaction have not heard it with from any one to whose [intetional or intentional]; an error; a mi1.. , aor. ', inf. n. .e, He drewr, or pulled, knowledge reference is made, and I know not take. (IAth, Mb,- TA.) - Fornication, or adultery: (., IAth, Mgh, 0, M.b, ], TA :) but anything; drew it, or puled it, to him, or towards what is the truth thereof. (TA.) - Also A con(TA.) this is a conventional explanation of the lecturers him. (L.) ._. o , aor. and ,, ipf. n. pany of me.

of the colleges. (Mgh.) So in the Yur [iv. 30], as above, He (the rider) pulled up, or drew tip, , J- The -L!& [or post, perhaps where it is said,~. , U;. ,t e . .ijt ; [T/hat the camer's head by means of tAt [halter, or cord, meaning each of two sdo-pot,] at the door of is for him, among you, nho.fears the commission called] .LL,.. (TA.) And ; e4 . c, ;aor. , the [women's camel-~v calbd] j&,, (0, IS, offornication]: (S, O, Msb, TA: [and the like TA,) by meanm of which the door is strn~thened (, 0,) inf. n. as above; (, O, 0, ;) and is said in the Mgh :]) this, says Az, was revealed in relation to him who might not have the means t 4...l, (O,) inf. n. tll; (1IS;) ie trained, or (4Ait Q. iZ). (TA. [In the 0, 1l" ; a-Jof taking to wife a free woman; thlerefore it was allowed to him to take to wife a slave: (Mab, TA:) or the meaning of Z..uI here is perdition: or perdition in [or by means oJlfornication.(TA.) - Also Wrofid, unjust, injurious,or tjrannical, conduct: and annoyance, moletation, harm, or hurt. (AHeyth, TA.) And .Distroing,grevou, or ojlicting, harm, injury,, hurt, or mi/chif. (TA.) - And accord. to the 'InAych, Contmtion; or contention for sulriority in greatne: and peritc~ in ol)lpposition, or in vain contention. (TA.) A bone broken after its having been et broke, the camel in a certain manner; (8, 0;) app. a mistranscription for .,A jlt .]) i. e. he (the rider) pulled, or drew, the came.l' A rope, or cord, (g, A, O, ,) or grth, .li (., 0, 8, TA) towaards his head, (TA,)

and uited; as aslo '-"

(S, o, g.)
(O, g :) or high,

A hill (a.1) d;flcult of aemnt; (0,

Meb,* ;) as also ' ;: and djcult of acent. (A.)

s: ee what next precedes. - With the

article Jl, A montain, (0,) or tapering mountain, (Ig,) in the .o~ [or dMert]: (0, 1 :) or, accord. to the L, a small mountain tapering into

[or towardi] tie sky (,L*.Jl J o L. J0J): and it is maid to be ;g.JI Os, [app. ;/,J1 .;

but there seems to be here an omission or a mistanription; for of the various meanings that may be asigned to this phrase, none seems to be 4: see 1, in two places. - [Hence,] Cl sig- says, (?, O, TA,) pruising a people, or party, apposite: I incline to think that ~,.1 thus .! 'p ., [i.e. t He wcured who concluded a covenant with their neighbour expL is the proper name of a particular moun- nifies also j" and faithfully kept it, (TA,) tain]. (TA.) si .dgnifies also The notch himself against damage Sfrom his affairs; viru a bow: aord. to Azs, (TA,) the ; 0 e of the tually meaning he ordered, or disposed, his affairs in a firm, solid, sound, or good, manner, agreebow il the notcA into wh,ich enters the ;, i.e. the * -4 1-A 1J 0 ably with an explanation in the T.K as syn. rith * ,z,;l j' ring at tha head of thestring. (O,TA.) . And ], TA:) and it alludes to the ful- t [A people who, whnm they condclud a covenant Thefirst, or b~ng, or concement, of any- t;.Ca. ]: (O, filment of covenants. (TA.) - And -. ; 0l, nith their nighbour, (lit. tie a knot to their swighthing. (0, .) - And Dry ; ., (0, and so said of a she-camel, means She oitheld herdlf bour,) tie the;, and tie abo i the ,b: i.e., in the C,, [in my MS. copy of the ] m and or refrained [fro~ going on]. (TA.) m Also thus accord. to the TA, but this is evidently a make it doubly sure]. (8, O, TA.) - [Hence He kd a complaint (]~, TA) of hisf t c , i. e., mitake,]) which is a certain plant. (TA.) also,] J3 1; j - 1 A sayingtat ig uttered (TA,) off his , [meaning back-bone, or lob,] oithout, conderation f its re~ l (F, 0, .) %*tan epithet applied to a woman, i. q. . (g, TA) ad his joins. (TA.) And i sl T port, p or foudation, of [q. v.]: (0, ]:) said to be formed [from the latter] by subtitution, or a dial. var., or a word ;C a nubmt. from a Li g or; (b k, O,g;*) [A the affair; that pon wich tha affair rests, or mispronounced. (MlF, TA.) artan mde of trairng, or breaking, a cald; I wheeby it subsists. (A,0, L, TA. [In the I

andforedhim back upon his hind legs, (8, 0, g, (, O,) or strap, (TA,) that is tied to the lower TA,) so that,~ometima, the prominent part behind part of the large [leathern bucket caUled) i, (m, hits ars clave to the upright piece of wood that. O, ],? or that is put benath tha ji, (A,) and rises from the fore part of the saddle: (TA:) then tid to the cro.~piecs ood (Jo JI), ($, and iJI i He I pulled the nose-rein of the A, O, ]g,) or to the loop, (TA,) so that it r camrd to make him stop: and l CI He as an aid to the cro~-piec of wood and to tlh rcined up the du~-camel on an occsion of her [thong. cale A;j [which bind thos crospieces to tha lop of the bucket] ; for wAhn these [thong.] stumbling. (TA, from trads.) _.J J I , break, it holds fast the s.: (, O :) and when the (IAar, S, O, L,) aor. ', (L,) inf. n. as above; Ji is light, ($, O, 4,) it is a string, (?, O,) or a (.8, 0;) and t tl;q.. ; (IAar, O;) He put, or ligh string, ([,) that is tiedfrom one of thel attached, to the Iathern bucket, an appertenane to one of the c~ros-pi of wood (oji0WI): (8, 0, calUed 1. [q. v.]. (IAyr, .8, , L.) - And ] :) or, as some say, a loop in t/h lower part of the bucket, inside it, hich is tid by a cord or tAh hence, All J4, aor. ', inf. n. as above, I tied like to tahe tper part of the [rope caUed] ",& tha young camel's [halter, or cord, called] 1L [q. v.], so that if the rop [meaning the /.e.,, to his arm, and made it short: thus one does to not the main rope,] break, it keep ta bucket a young camel only wben he is trained, or broken. from falling in the well: this is when the bucket (TA.) - ;c also signifies, He bent it, or in- i3 light: pl. [ofpauc.] '"p and [ofmult.] '. clined it; and occurs in this sense in a trad. of %c a" 'Alee, in which the pronoun relates to a sail. (TA.) One sa, Cj; (TA.) And one says, s. t; He bent [app. ~L [It is abso~y noary for the dia~e to upwards] the head [or fore part] of his sandal. hae medical treatmdnt, andfor the buckt to hav (Ibn-Abbad, O.) an Lt;]. (A, TA.) - [Hence,] El-[goei-ah

J .,


right or just or due, and from a thing; (L;) he whemently, or obstinatdy: (see 6:)] the author W )sjj l t[I hkw not any went asid from it: (TA:) and he vwent, or re- of the T, however, says, the common people expl. saying, i. tired, to a distance, or far awvay, from it. (L.) .:l, uas meaning he does the contrary of what foundaticn to thine acair]. (O.) And t 1 s;c, nOi ', inf. n. aor. , He he [another] does; but this I know not [as occurc'Jtg .i ', i l l, occurring in a trad., means And t Te mS a ma nt of the affair pertaind to Ift,or qitted, his companio*n, and passd beyond ring in the genuine language of the Arabs], nor Aboo-Sufrdn; he being to his companions like them: and he it, or quitted, his companions in do I admit it as of established authority. (TA.) the Ct1c that beus the weight of the bucket. a journey, and took a road differmt from that - And, sometimes, He imitated him, doing the rwhich they followed, or remained, or fill, bend like of what he (the other) did; (T, L, Mqb;) (TA.) %iL signifies also A thing with which them: (ISh, L:) and Ahe remoed to a' distance [and] so * ;.1; (0, L, 1g;) thus having two one drawn, or puls. (TA.) - And The nose-rein from his companions; as when a man leaves his contr. significations; (1 ;) syn. ".to [respecting (A*L ) of a she-camel; because she is drawn, or people in El-]ijz. and goes to El-Brah. (L.) which see the sentence next preceding]; (., 0, pulled, by means of it. (A, TA.) - See also 4. - ;c She (a camel) Mgb, all in explanation of the former;) or ~,j~ and ,5,;c and ;4 - Also Pain of tahe , [meaning back-bone, pastured alone, (1, TA,) disdaining to pasture S6.*i ; (O and g1 in explanation of the latter;) or lois,] (0, 0) and of the joints. (O.) with the other camel., and soyAht tlw best of the and ;IfJ; (T and TA in explanation of the for(, , 0, O,) aor.,, Aerbage. (TA.)C' and ?': me' mer;) ;'ti sometimes signifying % LaL , .

[Boox I. dh*s, p l;,tj is erroneously put for r./. X*6 it, (S, 0, L, Mgb, ],) namely, the road, (S, 0, most commonly known: or us meaning hA conand what was tended with him in an altercation; or did so ab,~d; as is mid in the TA.]) Thus in the L, [,) or the right course, (Msb,)


(., A, O,) or ;, (1,) inf. n. ,a (., O, L) and

and .jtAs, inf.n. ,t opposed and rejected what vas true, or just, "i. .~l;JlM; Thw bustardimitatedtheaction knowingo it to be so; (S, A, 0, L, 1 ;) he acted of his young on in flying, on the first occasion of obstinatey, hoing a thing and rejecting it, or its rising, as thoughl he would teach it to fly: and decliningfrom it; aus did Aboo-Tidib, who knew s elllt %sA means T%e camd conjformd to to have and acknowledged the truth, but scorned it may also mean resisted] the motion [and perhaps (0, g,) or, accord. to, 0 , it maid of him that he followed the son of his of his haltr. (L.)_ - o.l, (0,) in n. ij , [q. v.], (0, ,) a speci of (0,) The Oli' aor.;, inf. n. : a., brother. (L.) - And (g,) also signifies He hket, or claw, to Ahi, or stet-meing plan~; (O,TA;) said to be the and ,Z, He (a man) ov~epped, or tranagresed, it: (0, ] :) the contr. of the first signification : not heard by Ay on any the proper bound, or limit; acted exorbitantly, or *L., IS [or .L',.] anssigned to it above. (TA.) - And ,. other authority than that of Lth. (TA.) immoderatey; and especially in diobediencem, or means also The dis~ with another witAut jlb)] knowledge of the truth orf ality of what he him~ d sing. of (A'Obeyd, ., 0,) rebellion. (L.) - And [hence (see sdf says and also of what his opponet says. which signifies Flet, ortm/if, and e~elet, Aores 3f.1, (S, O, L, Msb, 1g, [in the C], erroneously, (Kull p. 342.) O ) and came*l; (s;) some- tjgdt,]) aor. ', (1,) or;, (Mqb,) or both, the (A'Obeyd, , 0, 4. ..~l, as intrans.: see 1, last quarter, in two times applied to the latter: (Lth, TA:) or Aorsss latter mentioned by Fr, (0,) inf. n. ,.a; (Msb ;) that excite the admiration and approal of the and j., aor.:; and t lie owmitd places. - [Hence,] .t. ;) au also ao, nor. ; (1 bcholder: and t 1; ocours in a vere cited by t*. , (O,. g ;) The win owed with blood, wit successive dischargyes, (S, O, L, kC, TA,) and as u.L others and did not ceas tofonw: (S, O, L, , TA:) copiously; (TA;) and ojill ~;l signifies Xh IAr, as some relate it; and V , and the latter for or ow~, and hardly ceased: (L:) or Jlowed same. (L, TA.) - [4~cl is also said by Preytag, /. relate it; the former for as on the authority of the Deewin of the Hudhaj-tiW: (TA:) or lor-cked hones (0, TA) copiouly. (Msb.) And L"il ,;l , aor. = and lees, to signify He, and it, (namely, a man, and ;, t TAd spar-wound, or stab, poured forth blood and camls: (TA:) or tall, or long, hores. (glam 1 see 3, in two to a distance. (L.) And JlS t ~;l t His noe blood,) rwnt away.] ~.#~: p. 445.) [See an ex. in a verse cited voce .] places. bd c~ ly. (L.) And j.I .~ t The blood l.., .. _ ;l Ik means 7'h way or cotw /owed on one side. (L.) See also 10. 6. IIaW Thamj two [oploed each otwr : (see :) contd~ in an altercation; or did so vehor] or became, people, or party, was, (.;,) [of the acted n. ;(; [and H Be1], 3. .JA, inf. or ob~inately. (L) me~ly, ,lre.t, or undeviating]. (.) - And =.; with o~oion, disbedience, or rebellion. (Msb.) 14i1 signifies T irstpart of you~ (0, .) _ See also 1. _ - ,, (L,) inf. n. U1, (1g,) 10. jI '; 4aHe wa, or became, alorne in hu opn~on, han none to share it with Aim. He separated himslf from him; (L,* 15;) he '~ (in the V erroneously written C";&, went, or retired, to a distance, or to a place apart, (O.) _ *>1 ; ; ! He,diretd X. TA) Gr~at, or hrge (8, O, L, TA.) from hm. (L, 1. [See also 1, first and second coure towards me, or Ught me; [gling out] .*)sentences.]) - And, (T, 8, 0, L, M9b,) from among th pple, or party. (0, a 6A man (0) who addrsm, applies, or a hor e, He gaind .aL.,t said of a camel, and of b, 15) and ;tlo, (T, 8, directs, imsef, or Ai regard, or attention, or inf. n. LQ (T, , L, ML the mastery over the nos-ren, and ower the at, L, 1g,) He oppo~ d him, disagrmeing th him, or or leadin~rope, (, TA,) and rSted bing bd: rmind, to affair. (0, TA.) doing the contrary of what he (the other) did; Jl UI i;aul the caml ocame (TA:) or ' (0, L, (T, $, O, L, M.b, ;) au also V'~l; mastey oer the -rein, the boy by ga'i~n tae ];) syn. ,1;; (., 0, Myb, all in explanation and dragged it, or him, along: pad in like manor J4Z, and J.i z: see art. A. of the former; [but it should be observed that CPl MI .a.L [the horse gaind the bears the signification expressed above and ner, X mastery o er the haltr, or bead -rope]. (0.) also that given in the sentence next following;]) or 4iJtiJ --- ; (0 in explanation of the latter, _- ;a:ul said of vomit, (A, O, 1],*) and of 1. , .c, aor. ' (. O, L, Mhb, ])and ,, and Mb in explanation of the former, as on the blood, (A,) It ovwrcam Ahim: (0, ] :') or camu (., O, L, Myb, ] ;) and authority of As [in the TJ, and 15 in explanation forth from hMm copi (Fr, O, L,) inf. n. j : (A:) and t Sigaor.:, (L, ][,) inf. n. ,; (L, TA;) and of both;) or UtI: (MA in explanation of the nifies the same. (TA.) a, ' -.: He the ~ple. ruck, or smote, with his taff among a, or. '; ( ;) He dclined, or deiated,from former:) [this is the sense in which the former is

i.'occurs in a trad. as a saying of AbooJahl to Ibn-Mes'ood, when the latter put his foot upon the back of the former's neck; meaning t, ,3 [Ris taou from me]; the LS being changed into C. (TA. [See art. .])

se; (L ;) and j.j;, aor.:; and

sor.'; (t a, ;) ? ., as is said by A4, who derives it from o and ;';; (L;) lHe .SJ.J_I, making .;4 in this phrase a subst. from

BOOx I.]



property in hi hands, or _posion; or there is ing, (Mughnce, TA,) of one of the Muwelleds, prperty due to me in his hands, or pou~eon; (Mughnee,) meaning, owed to me by him]; a also ai: (TA in art. ,4:) hence it is used in relation to attri,ls .6. [He has, [Eu'Y, judgment, or opinion, of thie, in my out, (0, ],) or As inclined t!S wate*-hin, or milk- butes; so that one says, judgment, or op~mon, wi ot mi te Aaofqf a .kin, (TA,) and drank fronm its mouth. (O, , or porsems, goodne and eaecAd ce]; and ; ~ judgment, or an opinion: (Mughnee, TA:) they TA.) . [He has not evtil: and. hence the saying in aert that Auc in this case meam the mind, (T, the Bur [xxviii. 27], j.0~4 ! ";4: ; ;6 0,* and see the next paragraph. -,, TA,) i. e. ,.i1, and J (o, ,) (2;l, i. e. [And if thou comptbete t years, it will be] of .;s: and : and ;:jI -. J fa ; (T, TA;) [as thy redundant bounty; (Myb;) [or of tAine own or 4I ~ and VZ." and Z,, (O, 1,) accord. to freseill; as is implied in the explanation by Bd, in the phrae m"& l; C ,.,expl. in the e, Ibn-'Abbd, (O,) i. q. Jg.U [app. as meaning and agreeably with common usage:] and it is in art. j, a meaning 7T thoa, or waminu, and The ~icage, or the quarter, tract, region, or used as denoting ideal presence in the phrase learn,for me, what is in the mind (4.pi ) of uachA 1 2551f ,4 L 5 1jl; [He t srith whom was, a one; and in many other instace:] but this place, of a person or thing]: (0, ]:) whence i. e. whAo poD_ed, knAowedge the of Scripture said assertion is not valid: (T, TA:) [in a cue of the saying, I $' , 6 ,, [He is in the (in the Bur xxvii. 40)]: (Mughnee:) [hence also] this kind] it means judgmnt~ [or opinio~]: thua inOmage, or the quater, &c., of such a one, nm)]. one says, 1C. j? . tJ [I one hav says, an object Ait of . ;i L5' 1. i. e. [Tis i] (O.) [See also ~, which has a similar meanwant to be sought, or required, at the hand of such in myjudgnt [more e ent than this]: (Meb:) ing.] and t ~ and t, signify the same, (f, O, M4b, Mughnee, g,) being dial. vars., a one, or a want to be mpplied on the part of such and 4siI ;... I i.e. [Thou art] inmy! (S, O, Mqb,) the first of which is the most com- a one; meaning I want a thing of sucl a one; as opinion [goin away]: (Fr, Th, TA:) and U1 .'j .]: (TA in art. t.::) [and in like mon, (Mughnee,) and the most chaste: (Mb :) also J.So jjU [This saying it in my judg.1 each is an adv. n. of place, and also of time; (S, manner one says of a right or duc (i.): and nmnt, or opinion, right, or correct]: (Mughnec:) O, Myb, Mughnee, ] ;) [used in the manner of ,Wi 3qto. *" He sought an object of [and in like manner, Xi ,. is generally best a prep., though properly a prefixed noun ;] of mant at the hand of such a one: (see an ex. in rendered In th estimation, or sight, of God.)] place when prefixed to a noun signifying a place using it an an adv. n. of [Sometimes it denotes comparison: see an ex. [or anything local] ; (TA;) of time when prefixed art. i*, conj. S:)] j-.]_It is alo sometimes ued to deto a noun signifying a time: (Myb, TA:) denoting time, you say .l ' c [At, nmcr, nigh, or voce,;i presence, (g, 0,) i.e. perceptible presence, and about, daybreak]; (Myb, TA;) note incitement, ($, O, L,) being in this ease preand ,1! .c alo ideal presence, or rather the place of prefixed [to J or the like]; not alone: (MF:) you ence; (Mughnee;) and nearnes, (S, O, Muglh- [At, near, nigh, or about, night]; (0, O;) and say, 1l j Ji0, meaning Tao tbou Z (f, 4JI g ,;c [. came to thee at, near, nee,) or the place of nearness; (Mughnee;) or O, 1.)- And in cautioning a person respecting the utmeost nearnes, and therefore it has no dim.; &c., the risiny of the sun]; (Mughnee;) [and A' [meaning (T, TA;) [i. e.] it is primarily used in relation iJSAt, on, upon, or on the occasion of, that a thing before him, one say, /iJ, Keep thou where thou art; and it is ;till used in to that which is present with a person [or thing], event; tlereupon; and Ckb ; Lt;A At, on, this sense;] in which case it is an intrans. verbal in any adjacent part or quarter with respect to upon, or on the occasion of, his doilg uch a noun. (Sb, L, TA.) that person [or thing]; or in relation to that which is near to a person [or thing]: (Mb :) thing.] - It admits before it the prep. i, (?, . The ide [of a thing]; syn. ... (A, A, [thus it signifies At, near, nigh, by, near by, or O, Msb, Mughnece, ],) but no other prep.; (Q, (S,O:) 0-i: a in the O, L, ]K. [See also c,first sentence.]) One cloe by, a place, or thing; woith, present with, or O, M9b;) like as does in th promsence of, a person or persons, or a thing raying, -; [I camcesfrom hi presence, says, 1 1 (He wak inu tho middl, or things; at the abode of a person; at the place or ha vicinas: or i came from him; for in this [for [, of, or in th regio~ of, a thing; or among, or case it may be considered as redundant]: (Mob:) not on, or at, one sid]. (, O.) And .,. ,] occurring at the end of a verse [of which a~,o t persoum or thing: and at, near, nigh, and in the saying *t4A;j 1,a Aa O. t i;1 or about, a time; and at, or on, or wpon, denoting I find several different readings, and which I tA ocasion of an event or an action :] - using LL LjJ; - [TJpon whom we had betowed mery have cited accord. to one of those readings voce it as an ad. n. ofplace, you say ,,1I ., [At, from u, and owhom we had taught, from us, CiC,I; ]means by ita ide: (O, L:) but Th says, nr, nigh, by, nar by, or cs by, the oue or knoldge (in the l]ur xviii. 64)]: (Mughnee:) in explaining that verse, as describing the ttL~ Mt]; (TA ;) and 131JI [At, near, nigh, [and in an ex. above, from the ]ur xxviii. 27: teaching its young one to fly, that J'I1 signifies and one says of a gift, '& 1I;, .L meaning &c., the wail); (,,O;) [and' L.~ With is,frm, or of, my property; or from mc; ` fcsll: [so that Z1; there, accord. to him, me, pr t with me, in my premmc, or at my or, by way of emphasis,from myslf:] one should app. means 41 tLht, which may be rendered aode, u Zyd; and il .~ b I was M , preting tlf befor it:] or, accord. to A4, not say [as the vulgar do], . or amng, the p , or arty; and] 1; 1i nor , ( O,' ].*) _Being a vague [eC. there means iitating it actin fyin ; *,s! li [And mhe he saw it standing in his adv. n., (T, TA,) it may not be ~ed otherwise for he says that] ~ is a subet. from j,l;jl a1 pros~e (in the gur xxvii. 40)] is an ex. of its than a an adv. n., (T; ~, 0, O, 1, TA,) except in Ai..9 [expl. above: see 8]. (L) ue u. denoting presence perceptible by sense: the following case: (T, O, TA:) one says of a and it is used s denoting nearnes in the phrase thing without knowing it, lt.S LS. I. [This is jc ;L A truting[with a spear or the like] u;AJI 5.&.* ,L. [Nigh to the loto-tree of the in my ju~ment, or opinion, thus]; and thereupon tothe right and t (, O.) [See also i .]

(O, ].) And [in like manner] 5;. ,tIl (O, g) i.e. .1i, j (o) or ,. t Jj. (g.) And xJI .1 He doubled the monut of the watlr-si, or milkakin, outwards, or in


pot of acce (in the gur liii. 14)]: another says, .jl [And hatt ho a j ;~p or ;^~, (accord. to different copies of (Mughne:) you say alo, JG . .s, maning mst, or an opinion?]: (T, A,*O,* g,* TA :) the Q,) or both, (0, L, ,) in which the radical Wit m, or by m, i c. pr th me, is pro- and in like manner one says, letter are said to be ~s beamu of the duplicapet; anld mean oin o as m y po mn, andin tion of theb, and beeaume o when it ocupies the my pow and at my di~ it propey, though second place in a word is not considered augteen from me; I Aave, or po~s, property; [And who are ye, that ye Ioud hame a judgmnt, mentative unles proved to be so, (L,) An avoid (Mb, Mugsnees;*) and 3 . . , J [I ham or an opinion?]: (TA :) and thu in the say- ing, or scaping: (9,O, L, ,:) and the former,


. 3:;..

arif. (AZ, 0,g.) One pays, ;" . L' and t 4~ (Lb, L, ], and written, a on the authority of AZ, in both thbee ways in the 0 and in diffrmnt oopier of the $, but with L in the place of l~,) and t ; (1, O, L, 1) and , ;.:,, a() meaning I ham no way of aoiding it,.or apig it. (AZ, Lb, $, O, L, I.) And ;; ~Jt jl . t; and I;a ~ ' ;-li. (L4,, O) and t', 1 ;

~ w--"

[Boox I;

;;, (O, L, TA,) and t . (A.) One who the 0i being radical; though some say that it is of overstep, or tran~g , the proper bound, or the measure 3,Lt., making the 0 augmentative; limit; who orbitantly,or immoderatdely; and (MF, TA;) A certain bird, called j,f [q. v.]; esrecially in disobedience, or robeUllion; as also (S, O, Mb, K;) or Jt ; ;1i ; (0;) or, as in ? ixl. (L.) The pl. r; of .t; is (O.) the "Sifr es-a'ideh," a mall paurine bird,
(TA;) which is Pern., (0, A camel that deviata from the road, (~, called Oi,C; j1; TA,) meaning " a thousand notes " or " voices," o, L, ,) andf,om the right cns; ($, 0, L;) (O,) or "a thousand tales;" (TA;) confirming

(Lp, L) and as also V .s: (0:) pl. of the former o.. (l,' a saying of Lth, accord. to whom, (0,) it is a (L,O) I O, .)_8See also >;.., in two places. . And bird that utter war/iow notes, (O, Mqb, ],) of the found no way of attaining to that: (Lb, S, O, see .a., likewise in two places. - Also t Blood paserine kind; said by some to be the Ji; [i. e. L:) and V; ,i (L, t L in art %, fiowig on on side. (L.) - And t A vein J&nf the nightigaak, or a certain medodious bird reand 1) and ;.L (Lb, L) I have no way of ing mith blood, and not eaing tolo : (S, Mgh, embling the nightingale]: (M.b:) said by As to O,L:) or floming, and hardly ceasing: (L:) be originally 7'a: (0 :) pL 3,; attiningto it. (Lh, L, Jr.) [See also art. .,.] (S, O, or fowing copioudy: (Mhb:) likened to a man Mqb, ];) because you reduce it to a quadri_.;, also signifies Old, or ancient. (AA, who exceeds the proper bound or limit, or acts

0,8) [diAA saying US!, meaning In my opinion;

literal, and then form from it the pl. and the exorbitantly; (A'Obeyd, L;) or to one who disallows, or rejects, what is true, or just, knowing dim. [which latter is J~]. (S, O.)

an asrsrtio of mere opinion of one'j on Hence the phrue, .*1 ' .1, I (occurring in the TA in art. ,q) Th'i it one of hi ais rtioum of mere opinion.] ,jt.. and l.k~: ee art. L1.

it to be so. (Mgh.)_And

A;t 'ial

or [the rd, (","

spear-wound, or stab, pourngforth blood to a di.tansc: (L:) [or ;Atl b signifies the lightet, . .~a Brazil-wood; syn. .i: or slighted, piercing or thruting; for] AA says retinous, in~patedjuice cad~J

(Xale .iM.) is termed X l, and , 1 signifies cited voce -1: ($, TA:) and said to be i. q.t,i or deiate, from the the like thereof. (S, O.) [to which are assigned both of the meanings menrigat way, or cor; (Q, O, L;) as also t .;.. ,;dAl Ls The course that deviates from the tioned above, and others also]: or 1, [msaid (L.) See also i.. as applied to a cameL -A to be the sameas Zu 1,, and said to be a she-camel that deiate from t/e, road by reason right] road. (L.) plant raembling the tarragon,] with barh of the ,f ihe sprig tlinsm aand streng: p. and . ,: see .;. [And see also its verb.] [tree called] &t,cooked together wnil the whole ; or, u I8d thinks, this latter is pl. of t .;t, ;''and ;_: becomes see ;c thick, , in and then the girls, or young m~, six places. not of '. (L.)-A she-camel that pastures dye their hands nih it: Aysays that it is acrThe latter also signifies A country, (Ibnaside; (, O ;) that doe not mi with the otA4er tain dye, with which, accorad. to the asertion of Abbld, O,) or land, (.,) containin neither water caml, but remo to a dtanc from tlhm, and the people of El-Ba.reyn, their girkls, or youn nor pasture. (Ibn-'Abbad, 0, V.) It is menalcays pa~u aside; u also f ti and ;li, woomen, tinge their hands: AA says that it is a tioned in different places by the lexicographers; (L;) that doe not mix with the other camels, out of red treeL. (TA.) in arts. J and vk and in the present art. is alays apartfrom tAem; (IAth;) that is on )j; One wAo dec;in,

that the lightest, or slightest, piercing or thrusting ], the former in art..~ :) mentioned in a verse

one side of the other canelb: (IAr and AbooNafr:) pl. of the first ~; ($., O, L;) and of

(O,.)inf. n. (0,) or' Bold, or daring, (IDrd, O, ],) to at- 1. .. ,(0, she-camel that cont~ to be oppote to the other tempt, or undertake, thing; applied to a man; (TA,) He turned away, (0, V, TA,) and de cam , [or by tAeir ade;] e~ g pace with (]:) which latter clined, (TA,) 'd0 [frm him, or it]: (J, TA:) thm: one that precedes them, or leads them, is (IDrd, O;) uas also * .: or he rmoved, t away or aside, or rd~ied to termed ? : so says El-lgeysee: but acord. is [also] applied to a she~amel, u meaning bold, a distance; (I][,TA;).and thus sj:l igniorfearlem. (IApr, Sh.) to I8d, *' is applied to a beast (41;), and to a fies; (,0,],;) as o t,a.t1; (0,];) or wild as, that predu otAhrs in her pace. (L.) .,I~ Dificuley, and pevrsnes, (Z, g, TA,) these two verbs, and ?j:m, signify he re~ , . A man who aligUs a plsce by Aimnelf, and in a man: (Z, TA:) and rougne, or hardnes, et away or aide, or rered to a di a,fm miw not a ith other permon. (A.) - See also of behaviour: (V:) and oppoitio, and ong- th people, orfrom mn; (TA;) and J;.! sig0Js;._ ~si H [An arrow of those ued in the doing: (L, TA:) and deceit, or guile: (, TA:) nifies also he alighted in a place aside or apart '])--;, gam called . j] that come forth [~rom the and pronounced by some without . (TA.) One [from others]. (f. [see also .;ji.ats i;, _3 Bneath thy J@j u sin l in a direction, or mannr, dif- says, is (IIt, ],) or (A,) in n. ,, (TA,) He 1 fe~rent~ tAat of the other arro (O, L, .) deceit, or guil: (]:) or diculty, and perverse- pierced him, or thrust him, with th j, (I.I#, -~,~; i~i [A beat] hawing th eowfar nas: (Z, TA:) or oppoition, and wrongdoing. ,)or they p~rced him, or th~t Aim; from the (L, TA.) [See also ai;h..] - And (accord. to word -- [q. v.]. (A.) fro athe [or breast]. (, 0O, L)_;; ' ; .1;S.t ;t [app. [A moumtain road] di.cut of aJcent. (L.)-. Lb , TA) j1oa1 signifies U 2 is [the inf n. of , and signifies The the second and third, ~ and Ji s,. (L.) -A



i, : A clud abouding with rain: (0, meaning 7he greatest of calamitie]. (1, TA.) havingulittle sh in th face; being] from the L,V:) or that hardly remo f its place: - See also the former paragriph. phrue 1 j~ . (O.) (A ) pl.. (o, L.) [Accord. to some, the radical letters of.q;& >;A


4 ;yt, (], TA,) or ? ;1', (thus accord. to are l~A: accord. to some, jS~: and the O, [but the former is app. the right,]) He, or deiates, or d n,f~rom ob~ene to God. (L.) accord. to some, 1~.] it, made him to decline, (O,], TA,) and to reOne woe oppo~ and rejects what is tru, or jut, move, go away or aside, or retire to a di~n. kowigit to be so; [who acts obstuately, hnow.0i~ (TA.) ing a thig and retg it, or declining from it, :see a , first sentence. -A man who and ji~,a

(ms1;)] u also

, (, Mgh,' O, L, g,) and

';e, of the meuure ,`

', as AgIei says,

5: see 1.

age, Booz I.] 8: see 1, in two plas: Mand ee also 4 . 10: seeal .. A ego~t; thefim,k of tbe commo gooat: (C,0,1:) or a he-goat a year old; (Mb;) [and .so J. : (Freytag, from the Kitib elof th mntain-got; ACdd :)] and the f~e : (f.0:) pL [of paue.] ,j. and of the g and J, or, acoord. to some, and [of mult.] the last of these is pl. of j in the last of the J . senses expL above. (TA.) j;a [Thy two are lik the to keA of tho hgoat] is a prov. applied to two men vying with each other, (0,],) or equalling each other, (TA,) because her two knees, when she desires to lie down, fl together. (0, . [See Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 861: where, instead of j/;dl, we find jaIll; and thus I find in a MS. copy of the Proverbs of Meyd.]) And it is said in another prov., to him who commits a crime that occasions -: his destruction, 4;.t c?
ref hay a par, or somewhat more, th maman having a head like that of the pear; (TA ;) or a dajf shorter than a spear; (Mgb;) and, as me say, (TA,) having a * [i. e. a pointed iron TA,) ,, , foot at the lower e~ mity], , 0, M] likt that of the spear: (?, O, TA:) the old man bram, or stays himeldf, upon it; and it is nearly [q. v.]:'(TA:) or it is lihk the ;j5 , like the ij which is a off Ahaving a tj: (Mgh :) pl. to,

~ mamj
t a . ii. t %Z~.ZG, (e,


0O,) or you do not my either of these

'.;a. is [or rather this is a coil gen. n.,; of which (M 9b.) The Prophet is the n. un.,] and ltS. related to have prayed towards an i;. (Mgh. [See ]) _ Also The . [by which may be meant either the edge or point] of a . [which means a hoe and an adz and an axe, and also a pick~. [or iron point] of the axe]: (0, 1:) or the loyg long double-headed pickaxe. is a which , ,tLf

two, (Mgh, TA,) but you say * 4 ; ; (Q, Mgh, 0, TA;) or, accord. to some, you say tV-. ., but not ? *:_; (TA;) or Q~Lr and Q~.;r. tliereto, what Ay says is, that you say 1 c, with fet-h and teshdeed, and - , without teshdeed, contr. to what J says; (IB, TA;) Me (a girl, i, A, Mgh, 0, 1, or woman, A, Mlb) became of middbe age, remaininga a virgin, (A, Mgh,) not havug dle married; (Mgh;) dse stayed ngin tie abode of had attaied to puberty, until L.Pfamity Lhefamily after sle069 h ~sed to be rec~oned among virgim, and did #hi not marry: (., A, O, Myb, 1g:) of one who has no once married, you say not thuL ($, 0, M9b.) He (a man) became ad ~ed in age Also Alio without having married. (0, M9b.) ee 1, in and ;, inf. n-n: 2. ; --seyen places. - LI; '% , (in n. as above, 1,) Her family restrained her (namely a girl or woman) from marriage (Lth, A, Mgh,* M9 b) until she was of middle age; (A, Mgh ;*) or until until se &Uhad pased the period of youth e but hsad bad not yet beco.,e aed; (TA;) or lon ajlershe to be coaed had she until attained to puberty, rw~ recod among virgi. (f, 0, M9b, 1-) 0 ---69 ;l Hei nou~ e, or 4. see mi:L brought up, a girl who became of middle age remabdng maidng a virgin, not marrying; expl. by I tt. (TA.) .. M.;& He, or it, a~ d him, or C4t;. fM Such it. (i.) You say 4", ,J;.* ' a one, age did not alter his face. (, 0.*) And """ ,JI ;cl, (0,1K,) or g1,, (T,TA,) '~ 14-3 Hoa~ Hoa~ss inter~ rd his face, (0, ]Y,) or his head. (TA.) (0, ,) t i n. S-12.12 vjy;o! (the tail of a she-camel) m, or became, fl, or ampk, ample, (S, 0, 1,) and long, in it hair. (0,1.)

(I8h, TA in art. wJo.) _ Also A certain beast, (0, 1,)found in the esrt, slender in the muzzle, maller than the dog, of the bets of prey, (O,) that seies the camel in his rump, (0, X,) and is ddom sn; auserted by the Arabs to be a devil: [Be not tho k the sh-goat that scrapes up the e or, (1,) accord. to Aboo-Leyleh, (0,) it is (O:) knife]. dst, or earth, from or th butcher'a' asd (, 1) in size: (0 :) it approaches the like (TA. [See also J~ ]) Hence the saying, whan he is lying dorn, (0, 1,) then secamdl the j.aIIAjg [A day ie the day of the shegoat]; pring, (0,) and enters into her wdva, and conmentioned by Th; alluding to its bringing death. ceals itslf thercn, (O,j,) until it reaches the 5 ' [He met with the day womb, (0,) wro~upon the Ah-camcl (0, 1) dies I. (TA.) And *lJ a tgoat] is also provy., (O, TA,) applied on the spot (1) or aborts and die on the pot. (0.) of the

to him who meets with that which destroys him, p;a;; s Afflicted by acalamity; as also (O,],) or to him who labours for his own de(Ibnman. to a applied 1;) both 0, (IbnkAbb6d, star t The of name is a jl ' ..struction. (A.) O.) Abb4d, [t] on the ft [or (as some figure the monstellation) the right] elbw of Auriga: and jaWI is a name Small in the head(Ibn-'Abbid, 0, 1) and '. of tTAe two stars [ and ] on tAe l [or the A man - Jl j. ears. (Ibn-Abbd, O.) a, right] wrist toether with j~l [which is Ca- (A,O) haing littbleh inhisfac. (A, 0,V.)_ pla]. (1sw in his description of Auriga.)_1i';, Whose beardis like [that of] tilgoat: , Ablso T2 female eagle: (., , : [see also ( ,:) applied to a man as though his beard were (TA.) And 7Thfmale arulU;:]) pl. j like the beard of the goat: (O :) meaning, as te: (1Drd,O,5::) pL.^ (1Drd, O.) And expl. by Aboo-Dawood, " _4; . in Per. ,. A rock. (TA.) - And hence, us being LM;& Ikened likened thlereto, (TA,) t A d-cameM that is called] 5jje Tefmale of the [speci of bustard (IDrd,O,1) is sometimes thus termed: (0:) meaning the "goat" [and ,;, the "beard"]. hard, or firm, (IAr, S, 0,1 , TA,) or ro~g, d isoioffuil (TA,) such as'is tern,d J,Am and it is said to be also called t jdl. (TA.) (TA.) aU in her and stro, tery age, and hasu becoe age, And The fale of the hak. (TA.)- Also,A * .0: tej:C. in to any other some, [by applied ;0) not (O, her limbs; bird; and bona bonea 'qpci~ of aquatc * .5* become ha tail whose abso or TA:) heron;] ~t]: (IAr, a gray to [beast]: applied day, the present is mid to mean One who does not dwll ' j& (I4#r, and ful, or am,,e: (S:) pL , of fish; in the neigbourhoodof [other] mn lt something full, caled IQI j1. (O.)_ And A e because ];) (O, eage: An And . I8d, TA.) ISd, to Ibnacowrd. ,.p O:) says, (Az, one J: im: and AQI from gotten a1 callMd should be Xbb6d, (0,) a ertain great ash, wAic a mue : meaning He aligted and abode aside, or of its hardness: (TA:) and soj.; (0;) or this signifies " a female eagle." ($, 0, , in art.e..) can Aardy, or in n~ , carry: (0,1:) and apart,~Fron mn. (TA. [See its verb.])

th pl., he sa, is

(o.) ~ (t.

abo signi-

fies An [emnce, or a Ai, auch a is termed] a&bf: (:)or a black ;i. (0,1.)--And (A, A, Mgh, O, Mqb, ,) aor. t (, A rock in the water: pl. jj. (TA.) -And , 1. ,Mqb, 1 ;) and es and ad and stones A, O, Mlb, 1) and ;; (A O, Land hav in it rugg~ (TA.) .~. q ta.,31td #~ and [&h (TA.) J). nd (the specesof tamariak calld] (,A, &~/r, aor. ; (A, 0, ;) in n.. ,) or , ( A;s, A,0, Mgh, O, M 9b, 1) and [q. v.]. (TA.) q. I q. ~And ; the latter is a simple subst.; (Mlb;) and t JZe: m its n. um . (AZ, 8, A, Mgh, O, ],) g;) and * ,, (0,1 or this last has an intensive signification, (Mqb,) ~: eeA, in two plas. spear, be- in n. da3; (AZ, ?, Mgh, O;) and ~; ;/ A short per; (A;) a ~ , T,) b, t n a staffaRnd a pear, (0, V,) longer than a ( ;) or, accord. to A4, (S, Mgh, 0, MO not say do or you (Mqb,) &~ , not say do you af ad hrt~ shaa a sper, (f,)said to be of I

flt A woman who has bew of middle age "'t mmining a rin, (Lth, A,.Mgh,) not having rmaining mawW; married; (Lth, Mgh;) or a woman who hAs not married, married, but waits, or pet, to be marri~d; (Fr, TA;) or rvho has stayed lo in th abod of (Fr' Aff herfamily after having attainedto pury , unil she has cmaed to be recund ao~g vi, and has not married; (, 0, M,b, ;) b~nd the ; (Ks, , 0O;) and is ter~ed. ag ofher oAho ap J..;A* LA signifies the same: (Fr, Mgh, TA:) pl. J ' Qand : ,0. and a. (gJ, 0, ) andt l kfi V:) (0,1:) and the pl. of L*' is ',.t and ;:m_e. (TA.) And ,,.. is applied in like

2174 manner to a man, ( 0, O,


[Boos I.

) signifying One wmh affair (3LA [for dS J.;o ) .;:: see the next preeeding paragraph. or Jl a4.]) 11 with w~ngentee, is far adanMd in age and A not married: ougt, ence, or vhebA;&: r A;&: see r, (Mob, TI :) and its pl. is O . (9, O, TA.) mence. ($, o, Mqb, V, TA. [See also 4.]) I CJ J J J ed, the Ablso t A amel fat, and compbto, orpersfct, p rteed into, engaged i, did, or perfom bA.LG, A-;.S, with two 0ammehs, ROujgoAm, and in mahe: fem. with I: (0, O, TA:) or [the pL]1 a,iir, ( ,) ot Aing ~ledge init: (0, hardnes: hardnew: so expL by LI as used in the saying, 01, ignornt of thAe affair; & applied to camels means ch as are abo 1 , TA:) or(1) 1
the ;i [pl. of;]; i. e. the oung in a niddlin derw. (TA.) L.a.: ee w,it, in two places

(0, , TA;) andfod it trobleW s, or dim, p celt, and Aard, to do;

(TA;) whence the saying 2 9 b kwj i

(O, TA) of Ru-beh, (TA,)



[4nd [.4nd Ae cast fortA an egg in .3hardnes]. (TA.) neu and

Ahich mere roug-

Quasi jo a;c nd_o: se art.


[or".;& hh; A thing [app. a wrhel]' whic, being ittn [or pu in motion] by water, turn a milL (AA, put Quasi J~ 0,]) --And The space ben two ies qf 0, corn, or sed-produce. (AA, O, ~.) the thing, (,) not being lled, nor hving mm, J."l and j.tjl: see art. J~. owd~e, in it. (TA. (See, again, I])-Also ..go M;r.: ah: see . [simply] I began, or commenced, the affair: (0,0 some 6:) of the Benoo-Temeem use the phrase J;c U~, Uentl, [rough, harA, ri u, mmre, 1. # j.; (~t, MA, Mgh, O, Mob, 1]) and [thus] in the sense of ;~t!: (Lth, O, TA:) an c~ Ilt, or vheme,] (9, Mgh, O, Myb, V, TA,) instance of a-'l1. (TA.) See also A ._ in hi affair; as also Vtj and j l1i and And ,lajl : ~il We pa~red [our cattle] upon t :J ; (TA;) [thus] a applied to a driver; the herba that Aad not been pastured upon be (Mgh;) (Mgh ;) [and particularly] in tAe riding of hors; fore, of the padura~e: (0, ]: but the latter (, (9, 0, ];) or Aho doe not ride wel; or Aho s has ,A~iin the place of ULkaot-:) an instance of not acquaind with tAhe riding of or: (TA:) aor.:; (MA;) [and J", inf. n. is s, men- the ;'2" of Temeem. (O.) -And J..;Jcl pL JA. (9, O.) And Hard, ere, violent, or tioned as syn. with J.' by Golius and Freytag, -~Il IHe rmoved from the sitting-place; (8, vehement, vehement, applied to a saying, (0, 1,) and to by the latter m on the authority of the ? and ], journeying, or a pace. (1) in neither of which do I find it;] He was t- TA;) like j.l3-: (TA:) Esh-Shafi'ee, after re0 06.0 g~tle, rog, hard, igoro, severe, ~v t, or t- commending that a man when he is drowsy in 3 h: see ejIjA . hm t, kito,orh to im: (9, MA,Mgh,O,Mqb, the sitting-place [in the moeque] on Friday, and finds another sitting-place without his treading 33" 3j;3 Such ,a is died up of the [plant caled] TA:) hence the phrase, S T, . ;' 3 J,t therein upon any one, should remove from it, U~, s~, (TA in this art,) or of the i, when it [He was ungntle, r h, i&c., to them in dring]: says, J#11 a i. ,, 1; IkWt [i. e. And ha& ha become black, and old and iaerod, or ted. (Mgh:) and V~ and 4; ti signify the the removing from te sitting-place is a cause of (TA in art. .;r.) same as : (MA:) you ay , inf. n. caring from him &sp]: making Ji?1 to be tjA;&, (9, o, Myb, V,) of the measure ,j; 5c.~, the putting himf in motion, and rmoing from h J; and 1; (Lth,O,V;) both meanhavhw from,u;,oritmaybeoriginally from0 l, or it may be originally O11, having place to pace; which is like JiLtd~? [or the being ,U .A; (TI; [and the same is implied the i then changed into , (TA,) or it is from in the I;]) both from J. 1: (Lth,O:) or ginning, or commencing, anew]. (Az, O.)_ *zl ;'! meaning " I began, or commenced, thefood "jJ* t .4j1 signifie th p~i aiig, or re~proaching; *JI ;;ele I disapproed,ordis hd, the thing," (~am p. 269,) and t i3 also, (Ibuand blaming, repoming, or censuring: ($, 0:) that I had eaten; (El-Bhhilee, O, ],' TA;) it Abbid, 'Abbid, TA,) The irst of a thing: (9, O, Mqb, digreing ith me. (Az, TA.) And 1J^! you say A.., in n. *, , (Mb, , TA,) ]K:) ,jl I dlied the land, (8,0, V, TA,) and ],:) or the first of the bauty and brig meaning he blamd, rroved, or em red, him; therwf: thereof: (Lth, see O,] :) and (, O, TA) predomi(TA.) And U * (Mob ;) or did o with ~ ~g or Aarn~, and deemed it inubrio. mwtly nantly (TA) of youth, or youthfulnes, and of wehnmA ; (], TA;) omitted in some of the 911, (0,) or ,,h;j, (g,) The country, or the plants, or herbage. (9, O, TA.) You say, a copies of the 5; (TA;) or did o in anger or land, dimaged it me, or mas unsritabbto me. [He s . %9 , h t[He is in the prime, spriy, or dipls ; (I4;b;) baid, or roach (0, L *,JI A.)_ & [perhaps L-'i (see the bbom, bloom, of his youth]. (, 0, Mb.) - See also him; blamd, r~od, or cemurd, hM with prt. n.)] Th read eredfrom the right cour -.- 11'O i-also signifies The juiw tatfl,o (TA.) (TA.) fton from grapesit their being pr (TA.) 2: se the preceding paragraph, in two places. -And Theforea, or tr,ngt of wine. (TA.) .~e: ~ee the next paragrph.O .; am 4: see L..-,I . l;&V He took the thig it Wi means [They go forth one after another, 1sl: see Sc. (..I [or this may mean he took to it, or set or] frt and thenjE t; a also U e. (0, V.) ejt,~. : see the next paragraph. sm about it,]) wm voln, or hm~ (TA.) [See *ji (f,Mgh, , ,&cc.) and and alo 8, in two place. - In lar p. 386, ~1 Camou >;;n: see jg._. i .Jno Camel in a [the first of whih is an inf. n.] Ungntl 1.1t is expl. u meaning -1l. L J W Jl "j11: but t j. ~rt, di~ it, or county, ta di agre ith tAem, or rougAnes, harshes, rigoro se, everity, in the lexieons I find only &_.;J in this sme .] n, is unuitable to them. (9, O, :) A_ nd L ~iolace, or ee;en ; (TA;) contr. of to 0 QK,) [5. J is expl. by Goliu as signifying Is- (9, Mgh, O, ], TA.) It is (.,) or '?JQ, (so in the O,) road said of God, in a '.J,:, commod t m~ aggr~fuitrem, et ~ th it; see srving from the right ore (0, ) trad., ht JL lLsLsJ tkJ d; i on the authority of the g: but it is tlACl that [He gwv on acount of gesbnssm in the pea hs this, or a similar, meaning,] 1 titioner, what He will nt giv on accoun of um.. m. .g wuuitabb 8. sI- - i ! I took to, or st about, thL 9~t cjA Lig/htns, (IDrd, O,:,) sand paucity, ]. (O.) 1

[With four legs not ignorant of the pace termed Lj]: (O, TA:) and [simply] I had no knowdge in the affair: (0:) and :. I took to, or met about, the thing (, [as above],) or I seered into, engaged in, did, or pe,fored,

,a 5, and tLI.:, q. me4ning tilI [i. e. That was, on our part, a meaning
beini, or conc b"niV, ]. (Ks, O, 4.)

is L.U. i j

la, (1, Mgh, O, MOb, V,) with damm, (?, 0,) like .;i, (Mgb, Mob,) or like ;l, (V,) aor.;, (MA, TA,) inf. n. hji; (,*. MA, Mgh, O,* Mhb, TA) and JiL'; (MA, Mgh, TA;) and a ^ ,

w ai

Boox I.]
8. ~Ml., (S, TA,) and A! g (IDrd, O,) of a thing. (IDrd, ], TA. [In the tJl , (Msb,) He em0, .ijl is erroneously put for 1iJI.]) Hence in n. j.U (9, Msb, TA) and il, braced him, putting his arms upon his neck, and is derived the word here following. (0, g.) drawing, or presing, him to himself, (9, TA,) and 3A.. Afer hairs betwoen th lo lip and the I o embraced the woman, as alsoyv' tJ; (Msb;) cain: (Lth, O,]:) or the airs of the fore part [and t Vi;W, and t ila3: see the last of the verses of t lower lip; (T, TA;) the [tuft of] hair of the lorer lip; (Mgh;) or the Aair that grons cited voce C'e", and the remarks thereon: but see upom [or beneath] te lower lip: or the part be- also what here follows :} and t t;;W TVe so emtween tad lower lip and the cAin; because of the braced each other or one another: (Msb:) and Wa, and 9 'tal;, [ThAy so embraced eacA lightnes of its hair: or the part beteen the chin 'V and the edge of the lower lip, rhether there be on other,] both signifying the same; (S, O ;) but it hair or not: pl. , . (TA.) aii" pi; (O) Wle and t UWl are said in a case of love, is said in a case of war means A man bare of hair (Mgh,* O, TA) in the or affection, and t 'l;e t J~ I place, (Mgh, TA,) or in td two sides, (0,) of the and the like; (O,* g;) or, accord. to Az, 9 &Uj;. (Mgh, O, TA.) and t ls t are both allowable in all cases: and [it is said that] when the act is predicated of one exclusively of the other, one says only ct&, in both the eases above mentioned. (TA.) _ See 1. ,j, aor. -, in n. J;, lie (a man, T1~) also the next paragraph. mas, or became, long in the nck. (TA, TK(. [The 4. 41b! u He put the colar upon the neck verb in this sense is aid in the TA to be like C: of the dog. (9, O, V.) - jW, (S, Msb;) inf n. but in two instancee in the same it is written .G, with the same inf. n., and expl. as meaning Ie was, or became, lon and thick in the neck.]) (Golius has assigned to JZa (an unknown verb) two significations belonging to j;3.] 2. :ij : , inf. n. ji, He cnt along and looked down upon it or caane in sight of it; expl. cloud emneyed from the main aygregate of the clouds, and mass enm white bk reason of the Jun's s/ining upon it. (TA.)-- _ *. _ " His posteriors, or Ahi anus, protruded; syn. ,.-.. (0, ].)_ O ~1, z ; The spatlh of the palm-tree became long, (0, ,) but had not split open. (O.) i 1 .4 TlAW date that had begun to colour ripbned nearly as far as thi . [or bas] thereof, (V, TA,) so that there remained of it around that part what was like the ing g. (TA.) ~ He took him by his . neck, and zed his throat, orfaune. (O,* L, ].") It is related in a trad., that the Prophet aid to Umm-Selemeh, when a sheep, or goat, of a neighbour of her's had come in and taken a cake of bread from beneath a jar bolonging to her, and she had taken it from between its jaws, W;, c &VU4F ;sbt ; i. e. [It did not beoow tAee] that thou ouldt take hold of its neck and ~qeee it: or the meaning is, that thou dt di~ppoint it; (O, V;) from 'a signifying he diappointedhim; (];) which is from SJIQ: (0:) or, as some relate it, he mid ,I 1i;, (M 9b,) said of a horse [and the like], (S,) He went the pace termd f ,w (S, M9b,) i.e. a stretching pace, or a hasteningand stretching pace,

2175. tion,) t Te wind raired the dut, or carried it awoay, and dip~rsd it,] i from 1Pl, i. e. "the pace with wide steps" thus termed. (TA.)

j;: see i;;, first sentence, in two places. -

ij; LengtA of tb nck. ( 0, ] [See al8o 1.])

Also A rtttching pace, or a hastening andul

stretcAing pace, of the horse or the like, and of camels: (S, O, , TA:) or aopace withA id# stps: (Mgh:) or a certain quiac pace, with wide step: a subst. from ~L: (Mqb:) and * a; signifies the same. (O, TA.) [See also ,Jl I, TA) says, and i.]

A rjiz (Abu-n-Nejm,

. .....

tt;6 ~ :G Q

t;.e i;tUx -.

[O Jl-camd (3J6 I being for i.J t d)go a strtchwg-pa, &c., ith wide stps, to abysn, that thou mayest fd rst]. (9, O.) ;: see what next follows.

I and t (, 0, M,, b, 2, &c.,) the former (S,) or a quick pace th wide step. (Mqb.) And of the dial. of El-]jij&z, and the latter of the dial.

He hastned; as also tlI. (TA.) Sl I;;sl, meaning They ha~ed to him, or it, is from jJlt signifying the pace thus termed. (Mgh.) In the phrase.z .;. al, (Mgh,) occurring in a trad., (O,) the J is used causatively: e., the phrase signifies He hastened that he might die:] (Mgh:) [or] the meaning is, that the decree of death made him to hasten, and drove him on, to his place of slaughter. (O.) .. JI -:.! 2T Te countries -ere,or becante, distant, or remote; and so '. I.


'I(J,, (o, g,) i. e., that thou

st distre it,

and tat it roughly: (0:) and ';3, with J, would be approvable if agreeing with a relation. (0, ],*) And it is also related in a trad., that be aid to the women of'Otbmin Ibn-Madh'oon,

when he died, *jL Jl? *m



oorrect, [meaning Weep ye, but beare ye of th Dels iing by the nCk, and sqezn the hrott,] from A uafist expl. above: but it is by
some ,,lated otherwise, i. e, >U% Bk. I. .. (L.)

(TA, from the Naw6dir el-Aarab.) _- , .lsI t The 1.j [or Pleiades] et. (O, ], TA.) And . *;JI .A l t The stars advanced to tAh place of setting. (O.) j;JI j;c t The corn became talU, and put forth its ears: (O, 5, TA:) as though it became such as had a neck. (TA.) .JI :ul :7 wind raised the dust, or carred the first and second, TA) is ~t1, (8b, 9, 0, it away, and disprsed it. (O, ], TA. [See Myb, [,) the only pl. form. (8b, TA.)_ [Hence,] also 8.]) a4, ,.tA star [a] in the neck f te co .a5: see 9, last sentence: - and see also 3..._ tion Serpen. (~zw.) [And , I:t ; t ThM J;a said of the jerboa, It entered its hole called stara in tA Ainder part of the nIwk of the cn. the et~l; (O, ]g ;) or so WIJIl j3, and &;d stlationHydra:also called itI.] a...I,t t: (TA:) and, said of the hare, it hid, or in- [The neck of the womb;] tae der part of the srted, its ead and its neck in its buro [app. -*,' towardst the (TA.) -,@JIt j; meaning in the burro~ofa jerboa: but a seei ]. ThA lowst portion of the stomach of a nminant; (0o, S.) (A t 0,, ;) also caled [4I [q. v.]. (Att, 6: see 3, in five places. O.) -_ . I iul t [Theb ,tn ofp~tree]. (. in art. -,d.)__Jj 3 ; , aid of eed8: stee 3, in .bur places. _ [Hence, l;Il V_ l.J,a phrase well known as meaning The produce [or corn], men t The internol portions ;, q. v.) putting of c/hain upon one's (own) nek; occur- ofits cm appeared. (TA voce ring in the] voce 4,., t I t:What haa rismn of the dust tht is And] ~,9 ':~a1 I took to the affair with earnesans. (Mqb.) raied by the n~d (0, ], TA.) [The phrue X.J -. L: The bea foU in the mire, and put .Z1. ll tSutj ,i, mentioned by Freytag as forth it neck. (TA.) -_ .a", from the , is a strange mistake.] j

of Temeem, (Myb,) the latter aid by Sb to be a contraction of the former, (TA,) [which is the more common,] and ' , and (, g, [in which it is implied that these two have all the significations assigned by its author to j and ;,]) but [SM says] none of the leading lexicologists has mentioned these two, in what I have seen, (TA,) [adding that he had found in the 0 L;:jas meaning J;i1, wbich he supposes' the author of the 1B to have thought to be "dl,] The neck; i. e. the part that forns a conneion betwren th head and the body; (TA;) i. q. %; (Mb ;) or i. q. o-:.: ( :) [but see these two words:] mao. and fem.; (9, 0, ];) generally masc., (IB, Mqb, TA,) but in the dial. of ElHij6z fem.; (Mqb;) or, as some say, * . is mamc., and is fem.: (TA:) the pl. (i. e. of


[app. meaning, like z&u;l, (see 4, last sigunifica-

s1 a, ooaurring in

a trd,

mean t A porton 274


[BooK I.
A calamity, or mifortune: (S, O, : [see also ,l;aIi, voce jc1 :]) and a hard affair or c t

with kesr to the wiUiu~from thef [of Hel]. (TA.) - And related otherwise, i. e., UclI, I , i e -- t A curmt of water insued hemzeh, meaning, [the most] hasting [of me] to Paradise: (O, ]g, TA:) and there are other exfromn the rivr, or rivumt. (ISh, TA.) - j, planations: (g, TA:) one is, that they hall be .A11 and ,I:I t JhfirA part (of nmmr and preceders to Paradise; from the saying j; J of winter]: and in like manner J"1 * [The PiJI,) he has predence in that rohichis good: first part of tho age of a man as counted by so says Th: another, that they shall be forgiv to year]: IAor says, I said to an Arab of the the extent of the prolongingof their voice: another, desert, iv l S, [How many years have that they shall be iven an additionabove othermen : another, that they shall be in a state of happ~ _ i ,ased oewr the?] and he answered, and prihtlines, raising the eyes and looking in X tJl i. e. [I have entered upon] the first part pzectation; for permission will have been given of thAe X [or iatiethyear]: and the pl. is jL&.I. to them to enter Paradise: and other explanations (L, TA.) And jJl J; Ji !US 6Jj =1(0, g, may be found in the FAek and the Nh and the TA) and *,* 1 (TA) means That was in the Expositions of Bkh. (TA.) -_ ~J is also a pl. old [or early] period [of time] (0, g, TA) [and of the next word. (TA.) of El-IslAm]. (TA.)- [And tj app.. signifies jc A h-kid, (T, 8, Mgh, O, Mob, V,) ,hen t The wpper portion of an elevated and elongated a year old, (T, TA,) or not yet a year old: (lAth, tract of sand, or the like: see the pl. jt;;l in the Mob, TA:) and a lamb or hid, or such as is just -.. , last senborn; syn. hJ ': (TA: [see .. t last sentence of this art.] --' j are tropical phrases tence:]) pl. (of pauc., TA) j& and (of mult., ,wi and , s (S, O, Msb, ], TA) and also , [app. meaning The speech, or language, is cohe- TA)

or cas: ( .:) and one says, j1 ja l d e.ij, (0,O, TA,.) and ;, jI ls;, (TA,) He e ried,from him, or it, calamity, or misfortune, and a hard affair &c. (S,O, TA.*) And 1. jL is. means He uttered an aorbitant lie. 1
(TA.) - Also Disappointment;(IAr, S, 0, ];) and so Vt iL. (0, 15.) Such is the meaning in l [Ye mturned the saying of a poet, jQt J. with diappointmment]: (, , TA:) or the meaning is .Aj [with that which was disapprov~, or abominable, &c.]; agreeably with an explanation of tadll by 'Alee Ibn-Hamzeh. (TA.)_ And A [stony tractsuch as is termed] a,.. (TA.) - And The poor-rate of two years: so in the saying of Aboo-Bekr (Ib, TA) to 'Omar, when he contended in war with the apostates, (TA,) 1l; u _ [If they refued me a poorrateof two years]: but it is also otherwise related, i.e. 1tL, meaning a poor-rate of a year. (J4, TA.)

sl., means rent, or compact]. (TA.). - i t They are iClining to thes; and sepcting the: (;, O, :) or, accord. to As, they ham advanced towards thee with their company [agreeably with signifies also what next follows]. (TA.)-i A company of men: (0, ], TA:) or a numeim, company of men: or a precding company of men: and is maso.: (TA:) and the heads, or chie/f, (0, ], TA,) of men; (O, TA;) and the , lc reat ons, and noblk. (TA.) ~ ta..h, in the ]ur [xxvi. 3], is expl. as meaning : And their grat one and their chief [shall contine sbmiuiwe to it]: or their companis: the pret. is here used in the sense of the future: (0, TA:) or, as some say, the meaning is, their necks. .]) One lays also, ;4 (TA. [See also art.

,~ i. q. . Wi, , [Embracing by putting the &c.,) meaning he has become a pastor of she- arms around the neck of another]. (S, 0, .) kids after having been a pastor of she-camels, A poet says, (T,) is a prov., (T, O, ], &c.,) applied to him who has become lowered from a high station, 8 (T,) or to a case of straitness after ampleness:

with two dammehbs. (TA.) yj,l j,~ [Te he-k after the -camew],(T, O,],

3 o, oi'

(0, 1.)_ -And

JI, (,) or e.;t la,

(T, [And the fanied image of thyform coming in


Mgh, O, Msb, V, TA, &c.,) [which latter is now sleep passed the nigt embracing my neck until tie applied to The badger; rsas mel; if correctly, callr to the prayer of daybreak cried, Come to app. because it burrows in the earth; but this ,curity ( 1 j,a.)]. (S, O.) _ See also application does not well agree with the followand J., first senjt;: -_ and see J:_ ing descriptions;] a certain beast, (0, Msb, I~, tence.

TA,) of th beast~ of the earth, like the M* [or

bJI >, i;a U t He came in a company of , 1 .11 tThe peplop ~JI, (Mqb, TA,) or, by ~ome, a;JI, (O,* Mfb,) m.. (O.) And 1 iii * 't-.X . One of the days [or conflictt] of the came in [successive] parti; as Az says, each, or with teshabdeed to the J and with the fern. ;,(Msb,) Arabs, (0, TA,) weMU known. (], TA.) . [or every, company of them being termed j;.: or, and J.1, (0, TA,) in Pers. Ls iU;66 One of the hols of the jerboa, (IAr, O, t...,, i. e." black ear," if meaning the * a some say, gradually,party by party. (TA.) ],) which it fill with earth or dvut, and in which, They are a company, or badger, app. because of the black mark on each , c And v& when itfears, it conceal itelf to its neck: (IA4r, party, combied againt him. (TA.) And it is ear]; (Mgh, O, V, TA;) said by IAmb to be a foul beast, that is not eaten, and that doaes not O :) and likewise, of the hare [?7]. (TA. [See 5.]) aid in a trad., J;X ; ;i . W,Jli eat anything but f~sh; (Mqb;) As says, it is The holes of the jerboa are this and the Uol; LJ i. e. t [Manind will not ceem to abow the si of the Chines dog, hun like as and the ;WIJ and the .ltl and the .tJ; and eats fi~h, and is of the beasts of the .1;. (, .) hae] their companis [or parties divers in the doe the eeing of worldly good]: or, as some say, tAeir prey; and is said to be the only beat that conLongnec~ked; (0,o, ;) as also t heads, or chiefs, and great one. (TA.) , Also ceals its footmarks when it run, xcept the Ahare; and he says also, "I have seen it in the desert applied to a man, and V ;I_ applied to a wot A portion of good; (IAXr, O, TA ;) '.JI ! (I~J$Q), and it was black in the head, the raet of man: (TA:) or j2 signifies long and tAick in in the 1 being a mistake for .I Od: (TA :) the neckA: (TA:) fem. li;. (.) -_Applied to it being white :" the pL is r . (TA.)_ -j~ and of property: and of work, whether good or is also the name of The middle star [C] of [the to a dog, Having a whi nss his neck. (0, J evil. (0.) One says, irtain stallion, of the hors of ,:., [in the tail ]p)-Also A tAre stars calcd] .i;, J l known: (0:) whence umc a one pertains a portion of good. (IApr, O, of Ursa fajor]: (O,' g,*TA:) by it is a amal the Arabs, (O, ,) J; I [Th progeny of Aona*], (0, ],) wTA.) And it is maid in a trad., jL; ; s.J! star calld t,J, by looking at which perso try tain bfet, or cllent, hor, (TA in art. ,) S ,A!j, (IA,r, O, 1, TA,) their power of sight. (saw. [Seealso ;;tI, in aLLiJI j. LLi so caUd in relatio to that stalion. (0, .) meaning t [The proclaimersof tAe time of prayer And also said to be the name of A ertain will be] the most abundantof men in [good] rorks art. _.]) - [And the same, or s. JL , is ;thy [or haman,or chief, of a vl e~ a figred by the name of t The ar y in what is O, TA :) ~rrection]: (IAr, O, [on the day of or as the right, and by oths as thd It, leg, m~ursd sm or town; or prp~ tor thereof, in or the meaning is, cidi; because the Arab designifies aso and El'Ir#; &.]: (0, ]:*)whence ,a ;r, scribe such a being long-necked: but it is also foot, of Anomda.] ._ And j A a

&'a-t oIjb [app. ;!JI ;!j;] A ort [app. a lynz], (S,) about the snze of the dog, an animal of .) prey, (Myb,) that hunts, (0, Msb, TA,) smaler bad sort] of data. (TA voce long in the back, (TA,) also called than the J;c: see j', lst quarter.





a 2177 to be not allowable.]) - It is also applied to aewe 0l:) as meaning That brings or goat (_. forth [app., accord. to analogy, that brgbforth] 3jj [meaning lamn or kids, pL of JL']. -al (TA.) - See also
4 s;l4:

Booz I.]
aL;J A curved piece of rock. (O, ]) - And meaning The daughters of this Anaka: and it is said to have this or the former meaning in a verse ai' ',. 4 A counwry in which there is no abiding, of Ibn-Ahmar: (0, V:) accord. to Aq, certain by rason of the drynes and barrnnes of the women that were in tihefirst age, describd as being ground thereof: (0, K :) thus says $gh: but in beautifdl: aecord. toAbu-l-.bb6s, certain women the Nawadir el-Abrab it is said that t L*'a ;4 that were in El-Ahomz; and mentioned by Jereer means countriesthat are distant, or remote. (TA. in satirizing El-Faresda]. (O.)_iata-"1 sig- [See also 4]) nifies also Calamity, or misfortune: (., 0, .: 7&;"A ;;tj [meaning collar], (T, $, O, K, tU [like I;al:]) one says, .* [for a*, meaning A calamity carried him off TA,) accord. to ISd, that is put upon the neck of and or away; lit., soared with him]; and [in like a dog. (TA.)-Also A small [elongated elevated tract such as is termed] 0_ (ISh, 0, ';I.*: ($, 0 :) [see also art. manner] iil K, TA, [ .JI in the CK being a mistakc for .y,:] and (j) originally, (8,) sIA'Ll signifies j.*JI,]) of sand, (ISh, 0,) infront of,or before, a certain bird, of which the name is known, but tite [main portion of] sands: by rule it should be the body is unknown: (5,0, O:) [or it is a 6. .8 --- j -jt%: fabulous bird:] AI;,t says, in the Book of Birds, ail;a, because they said in the pl. Ji.JI i ~JI ia-_lal means calamity; and not any of (ISh, 0,]V:) or one should say J..)JI ha. the birds that we know: II)rd says, r'i, ll:; (ISh, 0.) - See also ';d,. is a phrase for which there is no foundation: it is . ~~~~~~ .* ,] sing. with kear to the., [app. said to mean a great bird that is not sen save [once] in aes; and by frequency of usage it be- of kj applied to Certain horses (JJ') of the came a name for calamity: (0:) it is also said Arabs. (TA.) to be called "lU. because iit has in its neck a A i, like * ... ,1I, (thus in the 0,) or tV whiteness like the neck-ring: Kr says that they assert it to be a bird that is jfound at the place of . S , thus in the copies of the 1V, but correctly thAe etting of the sun: Zj, that it is a bird that with kesr to the ,, [app. t -*:1,]pl. jia.., no one has een: some say that it is meant in the (TA,) A certain mall creeping thing; (o, F, l]ur cv. 3: and some, that it is the eagle: (TA:) TA;) AIIt says that signifies [tie small (MA:) and it is it is caUlled in Per*. ?<: [See creeping things called] Jt.?)t zL4 [thatgnaw mentioned also in art. -lj [q. v.]. (..) also my translation of the Thousand and One holes in the skins used for roateror milkl], having Nights, chop. xx. note 22.] - Also, i. c. Atl it, neck-ring. ( 3 1t), [app. white marks rounmd the (1,) or Uti, (O,) An [einence of the kind neck, for it is added,] with a whiteness in their called] n,l aboe an overlooking mountain: necks. (TA.) (0, :) or ,*. 1 Alltl1 signifies the summit of . t;-', applied to mountains (J~.) accord. an 1i on the highest part of a tall, or long, to the copies of the 1Y, [and thus in the 0,] but mountain: so says Aboo-Milik, who denies that correctly Jt./, with the unpointed :, (TA,) And iLs [i. e. elongated and elevated tracts of sand,] signiit means a bird. (TA in art. .t.) applied to a [hill, or mountain, such as is termed] fies Long. (0, , TA.) - See also ':a 1. 4L:a signifies ]Igh and lnug. (TA. [And a is as signifying Hecticfevr (QU1i5) meaning similar to this seems to be indicated in poqt-clanssical. (TA.) the g and 0. See, again, art. Ok.])


see also s1. -jc:._and

[app. meaning =I A place whre the 3L upper portions] of the JQ. [or mountains], accord. to the copies of the ~, [and thus in the 0,] with the unpointed t, [i. e. but correctly Jl, elongated and evated tracts of sand], (TA,)

emergefrom the .41

[or mirage]: (0, ]g, TA :)

used in this sense by Ru-beh. (0, TA.) Quasi ;As

li~ and ;,1 see in art. jis; the O being held to be augmentative.


see ;',, and

in two places. see the next paragraph. sIet:



;; (S, 0, V ;) genemrally fem., (S, 0,)

;) also, fem., }'tQ , but sometimes masc.; (0, (8, 0, ],) in the dial. of El-Yemen, with the .0 put before the O ; (TA;) and ? i,; and :k;. (so in the O and TA, but in the CIC and a MS. (O, 8];) the ; and * t$S; copy ofthe V ij.) last mentioned by Sb as showing the ;. in .s;e to be an augmentative letter; but it is doubtfiul whether this be a sing., or a quasi-pl. n.: (TA:) also, masc., V ;; (IA*r, O, ~ ;) fem., l;: (IAar, k C:) or the former of these two words is a coil. gen. n. [and the latter, its n. un.]: (TA:) [The spider ;] the thing that weates; (S, 0;) an insect that weaves a delicate web in tite air and upn the upper part of a wml : (TA:) pl. ;S (Ll, () and 4b (8, , ) and 16 (AV, ;tr, TA,) which last is TA) and ,;i;t, anomalous, in its having four letters together after its 1: dim. v ',,, and t and t..; but this last is not approved: (TA:) quasi-pl. and Z and ZZI [in thle C, nouns


(so in the with damm, (],) or dj;, 0,) A plain, or soft, tract of land: pl. j5AW. [i. e. Excellent, or good, in the pace called ~ ]; (., 0, , TA; [in the CXg, erroneously, ;1 ;]) (0o,1.) : (O,* TA :) and as also j '. (TA) and t m , first sen- the first is slso applied to a she-camel, as mean,IZ; and its fern., with i: see tence. - Also, the former, Hard and leoated ing that goes the pace called j;.: (IB, TA:) the [The 'pid r's web] (].) .I ,,S&]. land or ground, having around it such as is plain, pl. is Aa. (]g.) And one says also J.; is also called a;:s. (Fr, TA.) - S'ideh-Ibnor soft, (O, V, TA,) e ig about a mile, and Ju-eiyeh says, A man hastening]: t i. [and O1a, meaning l: pl. Jeth : and they have imagined it to be (TA.) CLUL.t> .,) and L." termed t Ji2i., [partly on account of this pl., and t and partly] beue of the many instances like ?Jl se'l occurs in a trad., meaning [And &j1 we went away] hastening [to the people]: (Sh, ;.: andA.d, and.b . and;tl.. (TA.)_ Jy t place of oberation. (0, TA:) and in another, accord. to different rclaters, And l. : A lo e m; t,i JUL or jWal. i. e. [And they went )_ See alo li, in three places. _ abo occurs in a trad., applied as an epithet to a away] hastening. (TA.) And a l ,t1 ocbeliever, meaning 1 One wl/ hastent in his obe- curs in a verse of Abu-l-Muthellem El-Hudhalee, dimnce, and take a wide rang, inhs work. (TA.) as some relate it, meaning Hastenin after, or And as u.',applied by Dhu-r-Rummeh near after, his ;. [app. as signifying the camels drie anway by him]: but as others relate to [portions of sand such as are termed] .Wt.l [p]. of ] means Lying in advance of others. it, it is 3 1 , with :,, meaning as expL in art. (TA.) _- 8o also the next paragraph. j;. (O. [The former is said in the ., in art. t, I 1


jtU., applied to a horse, signifies jl

. t$ #,.A - 0, I.# 6J ; xl>" js lw Lil gij s U1 'U

[meaning I hated virtuous omen in El-Iijdz; and verily me hated every black, short woman: for] here .Q& signifies short: (Skr, L:) or it may be syn. with J~.Pe , but be used as an epithet, though a subst., because it implies black1 ,: ness and shortness. (IJ, L.) -_, _ z~; also signifies A ormn,or see w. .. maggot, that is engendered in the ho~,neycomb and spoi the honey. (AJIn, L.) -; is mentioned in this art. agreeably with the rule of 8b; 274

when occupies the second place in a word, it is incorrect, by Az: it is said to be like theIIl, not to be pronounced augmentative without proof: except that it is more white and more comely. but J and some others oonsider the , augmenta- (TA.) -_ Also, (accord. to copies of the 1],) or (TA.) tive, and mention the word in art. ,,. ~, (accord. to the TA,) A j~rrein the lip of W4;: the next a luman being. (i.) see and 44;e+ and preceding puaragraph. A beautiful red face; (], TA;) tinred rdness. (TA.) Nit over having a horn cued .;.a. A hegoat Uthl TA.) so as to re#mblb a rin. (Az,

[Boox I. a thin byforce: - and also h took it peaceably, or by surrader: thus having two contr. signifi. cations. (Msb.) [But see below, where is;: is expl. as though it were the subst. of the verb in

these two senses.] _ Ai JI

ut forth,

or produced, the thing: and I made the thdig apparent, or showed it: ( :) or it has the latter ; (IBtt, I signification; (];) as also s TA in art. , :) and l,' . has the former signification. (g.) And t i;& is the subet. of the verb thus used, (], TA,) i. e. in theso two senses, as well as in others mentioned above. D, (ISk, (TA.) And one says, ;t, $, ,a this art. and in art. o;,) aor. .t, Kn,l K

_j The malefrog. (.)

a ;. [Fingers, or fien' ends,] dyed, or

upon, or depqatured, the He pa~ 4. , sxecies of tree ca/d. -. (AA, ],* TA.) _& A certain tree of El-lfijdz, hAavoi a red fruit, to which are likened the dyed fingers or tinged [with iinna or the like]. (IJ, S, ]g.)


reembling the otherbranch thereof, red in colour, which divide into the upper parts of the blosom ofrr four divisions, like a branch of an 31 [n. un. of ijbl, q. v.]; comning fortA in winter and in summer: (IDrd, TA:) or a ~psci of trees haing tender branches, to which are likend tAe fingers, or the ends of thA fin~r, of girl, or young nnomn: (s:) in the " Book of Plants" [of AHn] said to be a small trw that growa in the midst, or

(1,) L t, (S, ~Mgh, Msb,) first pers. J, (I, s ;) int. n. y.; (ISk, ;) and aor. s; : (IAvr, V:) in the "Nawhdir" nor. *, (S, Msb,) inf. n. , (S, Mgh, Mb, The land made apparent,or showed, [or putforth, ends of fin said to be sappy, or tender, branches, that grow ,*) and i; " is the subst. thereof, (Mgh, I~,0 or proced~,] it p~lan, or herbage; (S, g ;) as ,lon the trnku of the [trees callUd] A , not TA,) [and] so is t . is its also V.t, (,) or and a L ,jYt .Ld. ,t (Jr.) And
inf. n., (MA,) [and so, app., is ;ta, in this sense Cp.3a Our country did not give growth to anyas well as in another sense, accord. to the I,] lt ; L a Tlhe land thing. (S.) And %Z , .le was, or became, lowly, humbl, or submisive; to (~, MA, Mgh, Msb, .,) and obedient; (MA, did not give growth, or has not given growth, JlL .JU app.,] [hence, And _ TA;) to the truth, &c. (TA.) You say, d i;c anything. (S.) He oas, or became, lowly, humble, or sbmisime, *J ,> X; asked him, and he did not (J.d. I to him; or obedicut to him. (MA.) And hence and ~_, ) to me, or for me, anything. (TA.) . ., 0 ,I' * *.j .qJI the saying in the gur [xx. 110],

[to the Deatldes, or Ever-liviny, the be lowly &ec. event, or affair, was di~icult, or distrco/ing, to ha ving a red fruit: (TA :) or, accord. to AA, &lf-subsisting by Whltom all thing subsist: or [q. v.]: (TA, and so in shall be downcast; like the lIebr. phrases ending Iim; distresed, or troubled, him. (ISd, IC, TA.) the [fruit callad] j3j sec 1 in art. yi;, first a copy of thie ?:) or, (Y, ], TA,) as AO says, verses 5 and 6 in Gcn. iv.]: or shall be sdmissive ---.'l l--, aor. oJ: .1 La , aor. 1, inf. n. [or like captives: or the meaning is [shall be depressed sentence. - And j (S, TA,) the extremities of the Syrian ej. [or knee the and fordeead the of deessing tihe by] a verse that says he and locst-treo]: (P, J], TA:) , .JI ,k t l , (C, see w: 1 in art. is;; rather knees] and the hand. in the lroering of the of Eln.Nbighah is recited thus: J my MS. copy oft the ]C ., in and TA the [in head and the protratingotwelf [in prayer]: or 0 0 but see what follows,]) aor. j, inf. n. j.;: [pp., belonging to art. . is here from t, [;,z a_ a; ;# i .0* 1J01 ~ . ~ ~ .. ], 0. 0 and is used by a synecdoche for the persons supposing the verb to be trans. by itself, r.. tlI kt it: ~ (as being the most noble of all. the parts thereof), (TA,) The dog came to the thing and being understood, and the meaning is] shall ufferfatigw, or wear- (1, TA:) and one says, U ;^ lib This comes [lWith a dyed member ( ;& instead of -, becaue the latter is fem.,) soft, nes, and shall toil (TA.) - And X, inf. n. 3. to this and smell it. (TA.) - ;L. 1 ends, (M, Msb, ], TA, accord. to some copies'of the (IC, TA,) aor. t, (TA,) The water-,skin ,, or tender, a; though itsfiers,or it compactly yst not were 'anam upon their branches, ft; keelp, or retain, much warer, so that it not and did (TA) 0 and ;c) ] [erroneously] organidj; wrhich shows that it means a plant, ( ;) and fa; (M, 1] ;) He became a captive: appeared[oozingfrom it]: (V, TA :) or, s some not a worm: (Y, TA:) [for] it is said to signify signifies the water-skin tfom its o ( :) and the latter verb signifies also he stuck say, Zt,A.I a siecies of red worm, found in sand: (YIam fast in captivity: (V in art. u. :) or both of p. 28, in whichl ar other explanations, nearly these verbs have this latter signification: (Mb :) water. (TA.) - And l;c, inf. n. ., said of blood, It Jlowd. (I1g, TA.) M And G;c, aor. agreeing with some here:) or, as some say, the C Such a one reI !iesay, you [or] red, is which bo-thOrn], [or r4 the of fruit inf. n. v;, signifies also jli [He, or it, ja, mnained among them a capitive; and nas in a and then becomes black when thoroughly ripe; stood; &c.]. (Itt;, TA.) _ See also Q. Q. L (S :) and L signifies also .A, meaning state of confnement: therefore En-Nabighah says .i, confinement, or imprisonment, in hardship and . I;cs, (S, TA,) inf. n. I'S3, (, V,) He imthat had not yet bscome ripe: (IB, TA; and also Hence the trad., i. j CjllJ! inserted in the text of a copy of the $ :) and, (IC, Amiliation. (TA.) prisoned him, or corfJ~nd Aim, (S, V, TA,) long, i. e. .,.4 [The maternal straitening him. (TA) TA,) s Aln says in one instance, (TA,) threads d;& jAA4 ; ' C tj [See also 4.]_And [or tendrils] by meamn of vAhich the voin clings to unclc is the heir of him who has no more nearly- :- is said to signify Any log confining or reits trelUie: (g, TA:) and (accord. to Lth, TA) allied heir: he sha loose1 his (the latter's) capstraiaing: in a trad. of Xlee, respecting the day [or acacia gummifera]; tivity]: meaning [he shall acquit him of] what the thonu of the of Siffeen, he is related to have said, I .6. (1;, TA;) but this is said by Az to be incorrect: is incumbent on him, and clings to him, because actions that require punishment or retalia- 4, a, i>t i. e. [Make ye fear, or h , (TA:) [see also a hemisiclh cited voce J "b:] of the tion, the way [or custom] of which is that the awe, (app, of God,) to be the thing nest your (1g.) the n. un. is a. jlI [q. v., of whom he is a member,] bear the hearts,] and redtrain,and muppreu, the eoic~; as though he forbade their raising a confused and Also responsibility for them. (Nh, TA.) And V A*;: see what immediately precedes. , unintelligible clamour. (TA.) ~jl (V, is the subst. of the verb in this sense also. (,* A speci of the [sort of lizard called] tj; And Gi, aor. ', inf n. ', Hse took (S,) inf. n. as above, (S, 1,)I rmeared the camel TA;) accord. to Lth; but this is rejected, as TA.)

interior part, of the i

[or u,n-cacia-tre],

J-1 ~ ~;s Event. befell him. (M,I) ,,_JJI (S, TA) And the countenances shall also 1 in art. jSC.] - And i; . *.)l1



Boot I.]
u; as a concession, on the part of him from rhom a thing is taken: (TA:) or the taking peaceably, or by surrender; as inf n. of L [q. v.]: (Mb :) thus 4. 1L;ul He rendered him lowly, humble, or ub- it has two contr. significations. (Msb, 15, TA.) miseim. (S, TA.) -And i(TA) He made him A poet (cited by Fr, TA) says, (M 9b, V],TA) to stick fast in captivity, (M 9b,) *** . - , v or to be, (],) or to remain, or continue, (TA,) a captive. (1, TA.) See also 1, in two places.

2179 [vq.]. q. (, .) [Hence termed t i : (j:) or the urine of cames that

are caused to zoid their urine [in my original 5i:i, is erroneously written for jlZ)] in the [season called] rwvhen tjey are satisfed fwith fresh pasture so as to be in no need of water, cooked [app. by boiling] until it becomes thick, wlhen someflours of some sorts of herbs, and .. . -; lt [the prunus mahaleb of Linn.], are thrown upon it, and it becomes inspissated thereby, then put into small [earthen velsl of the kind called] SL4t [pl. of J.]: or urine [app. of candels] mnied witl certain thlings, and kept close for some time: or any I1' [generally meaning tar, or a hindi theo f, with which camels are smeared, as a reed(ly for the mange, or scab]. (TA.) It is said in a prov., .JI U 3'1; 8


ubet., expl. below.] - See also Q. Q. 1.

[Hence,] jl . jl I The jj, i. e. the rain after the , rered the land so that it gave growth to plants, or ierbage. (S,* I~t, TA.). And ;.)1 The man found, or lighted on, land that had produced herbage such as is termed , [for tal 0s (to which I cannot assign any apposite meaning) in my original, I read ; ;ji], and of wieAch the pasturage had become abundant. (TA.) - See also Q. Q. L 5. ,Iu IrC [a camel] was, or became, smeared with 4C [q. v.]: whence the saying of Esh, , * a 41, It, a ,s *a Slhabe., J c) :- it 1,-~, Ual o"J td!lj~ ;J, U. [Verily m^t being smeared with 4 would be more approtvable to me than my saying respecting a qutstion according to my opinion]. (TA.)


e . . J! .

Q. Q. 1. ,LitCJI j and

, (,

, TA,) inf. n.

(TA,) i.,)

an cjlj; [i. e. a superscription, or title,] to tlhe book, or writing; (g, TA;) syn. "e j: (TA:) and one says also, ADI1 t I;, aor. o.:, meaning ; (Iltt, TA;) and V ;Lus a and ltl 1 and i [which is said to be the original of a], meaning the same; (g and TA in art. ,L ;) and 1 , inf. n. n", likewise signifies I mrote the O [or J;O,i.] of the book, or writing. (I;t, TA in art. ,,..)

(Ms.b, TA;) which is said to mean, [And they did not take it, or her, or them,] by concetson, and ob"ice~, [arising from low, or affection,] without fighting: [but the smiting of the Meshrafee sword demanded the renouncing thereof:] Abd-El-lgdir Ibn-Amr El-Bagllhddee asserts the meaning of . to be submission and concession; adducing as evidence thereof this verse; attributing the contr. meaning to the vulgar: both, however, are correct; and that first mentioned occurs repeatedly in traditions: but tlhe most learned YAioot Er-Roomec, in his Monjam, says that the verse above-cited ma.y be rendered as meaning and they did not taei it, or her, or them, by sulperiorpower attended by [or in consequence of] love, or a.flction: but they did so by fighting: and that this may be regarded as inldicated by the poet's saying htji.l; for otherwise he would have said, ._i 4l: and lie says, it is a matter of common consent that S;z signifies force, and sulperior power. (TA.) - It is also a subst. from a in the first of senses mentioned in this art.: [i. e. it signifies Lowlines., humility, or submi.iveness:] (Mgh, TA:) [and} so is V : (Msb:) see 1, first sentence. - And it is also a saibst. from tC as meaning "he becamne a captive:" [i.e c. it signifies also A state of captivity:] (TA:) see, again, 1. =And it is also a subst. from C in two other senses, as stated above: [i.e. it app. signifies also The act of putting forth, or producing, a thing: and of making it apparent, or showing, it:] (TA:) see, again, 1.

(8, TA;) or ~. i J g4s;s [for ,ajJI1 CM, i. e. Ilis 4 cures tih mange, or scab]: applied to the man of good judgment [whose advice is like a remedy]. (TA.)

vIi Lowly, humble, or submissive. (Myb, TA.) And (Msh, TA) hence, app., (TA,) A cap-

tire; (S, Mgh, Msb,

TA T, ;) fern. 3t,: (Mgh,

TA:) pl. masc. a1t; (S, Mgh, Msb, TA;) anl pl. fem. i1j.. ($, Mgh, TA.) - And yt; sig-

nifies t Womnen; (Msb, IC;) sing. ae;1l: (Mb :)

because they are confined like captives in tho abodes of their husbands; (Mb ;) or because they are treated wrongfully and not defended against their wrongers. (I.) It occurs in a trad. as meaning Females in the condition if captives: (Mgh:) or women who are captives; or lile captives. (lAth, TA.) - And it signifies also jJl. [which, as pl. of &k4i, is used as meaning Workers, or labourers; and also, as a subst., as meaning the legs of a beast or horse or the like]: and it is said to be used by El-Jadee as an epithet applied to the limbs of camels, or other beasts, used for riding. (TA.) - And hence, perhaps, it is applied to The X 3ILL [or

01. (S, ]~, TA) and Jj.;i (TA) The A. [meaning superscription, or title,] of a book, or coUectors of the impost termed v-, q. v.]; bejs sing. of .fls as signifying The sides, re- writing; (1V,TA;) i.q. 51; (U;) and '1Ct cause they are workers, or labourers, for the gions, quarters, or tracts, (', 1,) of a country, signifies the same; (] in art. s;;) as also oppressors. (TA.) - Also (the sing.) .Flowing, (,) or of the sky; (1;) like L.J: (S in art. *s: (g, TA: [in the CG1, aD. is put for applied to blood, (S, l, TA,) or to water. (TA.) . aid U.;u:) or, accord. to IABr, its sing., in this ense, is IL: (s:) and the pl. signifies also .La: " :]) the bucrption on the lack, or outride, JS~ : see art. of a book, or writing: ( p. 163, in explanathe sides of the face. (TA.) - And sing. of fflI a' : [originally inf. n. of 2, q. v.: used as a a signifying A party of men of sundry, or dif- tion of XI s:) [and the address of a letter. And ferst, tribe. (., g.) subst.,] see :W:. hence,] Anything that sers as an indication of (Msb ] and 5 si Force, or constraint: (Mgh, ]g, TA:) or another thing is called its cl. 0;a A stallion [camel] of mean origin, irhich, ' ;the takiug by force; (M#b, TA;) as inf. n. of in art s.) One says, -'!I i, ;.when excited by laust, is confined in tie [enclosure ; [q. v.]., (Mob.) One says, I' . .. JI i. e. [On his for~ad is] a mark [from called] a, becaus his exercise of the faculty of Med~ ast tahenforcbly, or by force. (Mgh.) MUCprostration in prayer]. (TA.) [See more a stallion is avoided: but it is said that it is And ; *.1 W le took it byforce. (TA.) And in art. .0] originally '-, from ;1; one of the Oss being s, jos L l *,1 . "L, i. e. [This city was taken] changed into U: (S, TA :*) or of mean ofrign, : see 1, first sentence; and o;, near the of which the legs are bound wUth a rope, whman h by meam qf conict; it occupants having been end: _ and see also art. is excited by lust, for that reason. (TA.) combated until they had it tahen from them by $a, of the measure 3ai, The urine of the And A camel of which the peop of tae me of ~penor p~ er or fores, and re porlers~ to kep it, o they ft it w~ithot there hding oc- camel, inpdated in the sun, with which such as Ignoranceumd to displace th;e Ct [pl. , of *;., marrd bet n them and the M liu [or in- is affected mith mange, or scab, is smeared; on q. v.] of one of his ~erte~ , and to wound his ader] a treaty of peace. (TA.)_ Also Love, the authority of AA: ( :) or certain mixtures of hump, in order that Ahe might not be ridden, and or affection: (I8d, ], TA:) or submission, and urine and dung of camels, with which the camel that no use might be ~ade of his bach: this was oonraeon or a co eun of ubmission and affected woth mange, or scab, is smaredr also done when his owner possessed a hbundred camuels,

tc: see the paragraph next following.

he being the camel by which they became a hundred: and this act was termed jJUS1: it may be from ,r meaning "fatigue;" or from the signification of "confinement from freedom of action." (TA.) - See also il;1. though pass. of Lat meaning as above, or quasipass.:] you say, 'lJt, , with damm, (K, TA,) i.e. in the pass. form, (TA,) inf. n. .t., (g, TA,) with kesr; (TA;) and d t,., of the class of ', (], TA,) mentioned by IDrst and others of the expositors of the FP, and by Hr and Mtr, (MF, TA,) and by I]lt on the authority of E.tToosee, (TA,) but this is seldom used, (IS, TA,) the former being that which is commonly known, and this alone being mentioned by Th in his Fs, and by J and others; (TA;) i. q. LII .n [i.e. He became disuieted by the affair, or cas; or render~ uneasy in mind, anxiou, or careful, by it; and consequently, he became occupied by it, or with it; or set about it, and managed it]; as

[Boox I.
Oi, (TA,) It befell, or betided, (V, TA;) uas also * s 1 .: (TA:) and it occurred,or happened: (: ) . .l iJ is said to mean ih, ent occurred, or happened, to him. (TA.). ;

J31- 4

1. .eJlL,

aor. W' Q and

inf. m,a, n.l

TA,) inf. n. and and s;, (TA,) signifies The eating had an agreeable, a wholesome, or a beneficial, effect upon him, (syn. and [it is said that] the aor. is j.a., like



and St% (1~, TA) and ,;, (TA, as from the 1, but not in the CS nor in my MS. copy of the ,) The affair, or e~ent, or case, disquieted Aim; syn. .i [more fully expl. by what here follows]: (K, TA:) ["L'. may be generally rendered it oncerned him; agreeing with this in meaning it made him uneasy in mind, anwiowu, or careful; and in meaning it affected his interest, or was of importance to him; like a..!: and also it concerned him meaning it related, or belonged, to him; or was of his buinew; as will be shown by what follows: and] ;.Lt Ih, aor. i , means such a thing occurred, or happened, to me, and ocacpied me [or my mind]. (Myb.) The saying [in the ]ur lxxx. 37], 1 e:ail:: X 2 = 1..I thus accord. to one reading, means e [i. e. To every man of them shall belong, on that day, a buineU that will disquiet him, &c.]: (Kbsh, Bd ;) or a business in conjunction with which no other wiUl disquiet him: and like this is the other reading, which is with (; (TA ;) i.e. 4 ;4,meaning vwhich nwill aujfe him in respect of his being disquieted thereby; (Kah, B ;) or the meaning of the latter reading is, [a b~ine such that] Ihe idl not be able, in coqjunction with hi. being disquieted thereby, to be disquieted by any other; (TA;) or a state tJat wi occupy Aim so as to divert him from the state of any other. (Jel.) And it is said in a trad. respecting charming, :~ J '9 '. 41 _ i.e. [By the name of God I charm tihee from, or against, any dismase] that may diq~uet

s. and tj , (]V, TA,) the latter mentioned by ISd, as being anomalous, but MF says that the latter has not been heard unless as having its

pret. like 5r, [i. e.

, of which ;

is the

the, &c., ('J*ri,) and occupy thee [or thy mind].

(TA.) And in another trad. it is said, .

4ai. I,9meaning 1! L. [i. e. A condition of tih goodness of the man's submitting himslf to the requirements of God is his leaing, or renq~uishing, that which does not di. qui~et him, &c.]; (f, TA;) the exceptions therefrom being such things as n.emary food and clothing. (So in a marginal note in a copy of the Jmi' e-~gheer of EF.Suyoolee.) 8ee also the prov.
a.. ...

0. v-

.;s -4ewe

oxpl. Toce


[It is like the common saying,

i9 1; A He talk of that which does not co him; meaning that which doe not rdate, or blo~ , to him; or that which is not of hisbuwe.]in the phrase jl is [maid to be] one of aclas of verbs used in the pas. form though having the sense of the act. signify he became a captite. ( in art. cr.)~ perran; syn. A;jI`. (TA in art. .)It is form s like 'j: (S in art. j.j :) [but is expL as t, [as intraus.] said of an event, (1, TA,) inf. n. also yn. with j;lBl [Th treating ith get

inf. n. accord. to analogy,] and [SM adds that] thus it is accord. to Iltt, who mentions the verb as said also, in the same sense, of the drinking of also i * S-:: -. (K,TA:) or 6.;.~ ,.' --Jw.0.1 means I becam dis~ ted by his affir, or case; milk; (TA in this art.;) and he states that %U, or rendered unea~y in mind, anios,or careful, aor. , inf. n. ;, is a dial. var. thereof. (TA I~ JI by it; (4 d;:.!;) and minded it; or managed in this art. and in art . ) , (S, , TA,) aor. U;ad, (TA,) He meant, or init well; (a /" I;) and a4 ; , of the class tended, by the saying, such a thing; syn. aljl, (, .. of -;, inf. n. 1a&, signifies the same: and K, TA,) and is. (TA.) e;-, aor. ;, inf. n; --0 all a. a.. ;.* . a,t~ LG, in the pass. form, inf. n. tJ Is;, signifies ,3;. [as meaning I ieded it: and ., signifies I became occupied [cither and app. in other senses expl. in art. _w]. (Mqb.) meaning s [i. e, actually or (as is shown by what follows) in And you say, 1m1 Ulu, mind] by, or with, the affair, or case, of such a app., Thy command, or thy affair, had me for one; and sometimes one said 1 and; ' .1, c [in this its object]. (TA.) _ sense as well as the similar sense expl. above], .L,.Jt,;l1: see 1 in art. c. -w: using the act. form: (Msb:) one says [also], see Q. Q. 1 in art. i. ii4' ', with damm to the first letter, 2. A;l, (S, Mgh, M.b, 1,) inf. n. 'e, (S, [which may be rendered I became occupied by, Msb,) He caused him to suffer di2iculty, distrts, or with, thiy want,] aor. t.l, inf. n. ~ta: (S:) or trouble; (S, Mgh,' ;) or fatigue, or mcari' and s. W.;1, (S, Msb,) which is the im- nes; (S,1;) as also to;', (S,) or as also perative form, (S,) meaning [Be thou occupied t VL;l: ( :) or he imposed upon him that which by, or with, my want; or] let my wrant occupy, mas difficult, distresing, or troublesome, to him: or busy, thy mind: (Msb:) and in interrogating, (Msb:) or he annoyed, molerted, harmed, or hurt, you say, ' X [How is he by, or him; and caused him to grie~o or mourn, or to be 5 s;y ox with, who~s affair, or case, thou art occupied, or sor,.onful or sad or unhappy. (lIar p. 120.)_. diuieted, &c.?]: you do not say, in this case, [See also 2 in art. j,;s.]- ~ Is,J mentioned in the .Kin this art.: see Q. Q. 1 in art. _;. ." a[ sor]' (Az, TA.) -. a to [inf n. 'a, as is implied in the TA,] means 3. Ot&, (S, I,) inf. n. l tz, (S,) ITe ffered, God preered him: (Msb, TA:) and it is said or endured, or he struggled or cont~ ed ~it or that it may be from . t [as syn. with against, the diJflculty or trowble or inconveence tY U.]. (TA.) - And 1,j (S, M,b,) thus in that he ewperie from it or him; syn. elAU; the Tahdheeb of lItt, (TA,) with kesr, (S, TA,) as also :ol: (S, S:) you say, ,4 i i l4 of the class of 3, (M,b,) aor. ,a; (;, M9b;) i.e. ,c4w [He suffers, &c., the di/iculty &c. or t.j, (1, TA,) with fet-h, thus in the copies that 1e experiences from such a thling]. (TA.) of the ], and likewise in the M; (TA;) inf. n. - And He contended, disputd, or litigated, with ($, ], ,TA,) or this is a simple subst., from him; syn. ~. ,: ( :) you say, .. t Q;I ' Pt (Mgh, M,b,) and ie is syn. therewith; i. e. W ') [Do not thou contend, &c, with (ISd, I, TA;) He suffered difficulty, distrmss, or thy companions]. (TA.)-And SUtaiJ is also troubk; (S, M9b, ], TA;) or fatigue, or weanrtyn. mith a,4..1t [inf. n. of pla, q.v.]. '(Bar nes: and V ,a;, also, has the former or the p. 7.) [Hence,] one says, J,wl ); UJ latter meaning. (S, ], TA.) You say, J [He plied the manufacture of cages, or coops]. i'1, meaning t ;a [i. e. I suffaed d/,Zculty, [referring &c., in the affair, or case]: mentioned by Az. (TA in art. ad3.) And '; j"i,t with remedies, (TA.) - And 5 signifies [also] He stuckfast to hair] It ma treated (;) in captivity; ( in this art., and Msb in art.j_ ;) such as oils and the like. (M and TA in art. ma., S ) And ,gj. l (;T I treated the -sick as ablso X, inf. n..Z": (Msb in art. *.s:)or both

BooK I.]


- ,8 of Th, that .i l and ;-JI and j


mu, or bandid~mmt; &c.: see 3 in art. kP]' meaning being Se~re dfficulty, &c.;] (., TA;) '. t; . Th y like t$ and 4t in the phrases ;,& Ma and (TA.) .- And one ays, JL TA;) do not temd, or ta. car of,tAeir cattle,orc e, or [other] rop,rty(,,TA) ml. (TA.)_ .'.. (TA:) sa i Ji JW,.;t4 ,scinait a in the M like.oA [i.e. V ..] (TA.) x~ come come to to ,.ka, And~And ~i on. C 1L J.5 ie. -' -1 (TA.)_ And :; t.; ,& means

indicates: and it in said in the T, on the authority t)itl, ae

one [in signification, as meaning eplanatim,or

interpretation, or the lie]: and people have useod their phras & L i, an the like, and


[Tb thun this and what ha bom conformable, disquieted, uneay in mind, anxious, or carf, utabl, agreeabbl, or similar, to it]. (TA.) by reason of it]. (TA.)

:b [i. e. He is more meaning this is the import, and the dcato~ of the maing,of his mying; which is agreeable with what is said by AZ and El-Farbee: the grammarians and lexicologists, moreover, have agreed

: [signifying The meaning, or intended respecting a mode of expression of which they "e ~ 4: eea. [See alBo 4 in art. pi&U;j..] t [i.e. It did not stand i any sense, of a word or saying,] is from QJ;ll ; have madefrequent use, their saying 1d means .S'e Ijl md; or did not avail, or profit, at all]. (TA.) C1 [q. v.]; so says Z: (TA:) it is aninf. n. [of .1*[this is used mth the meani of thi], and this verb] used in the sense of the pass. part. n.; See abo J1I.
j 4J1 ) J-li

~U*i J u [this lj is;JI

and this tAui wye in [tAu

5. 5 3 uasintrans.: see 1, latter half, in two or a contraction of the latter; i.e. of : plaeas. , : see 2: - and see also 8, first (Dict. oftheTechnical Terms used in the Sciences sentence. [Hence the prov., `' of the Musalmas:) or, accord. to Er-Righib, it signifies the import of a word or an expression, , y a I meaning "the .' .- ;l is;, A"' from the phrase Zo.O, expL voce -. ] One says also, [i. C'; . He imposed upon hiddf land made apparent, or showed, its plants, or meaning the s,fering of d/~ulty, dittr, or troubk; or herbage:" accord. to EI-Munawee, as he says in offatige, or wea,ri~]. (g.)_- (' as mean- the Tow];eef, [and the like is said in the KT,] ing It eturnsm to him tiume aer time ( ) is an idea, i. e. a mental image, con~id as having sid of fever (1 d. JI); but not of aught else. a word, or an expression, applied to denrote it, and mi of . .e btnt .. ast being itend~ed by that word or ex~pru : [the [app. idea, or mental image,] considered as accruing, signifies also ;..1 And ;"3 (TA.) a ght, A,ordir meaning.g pwm,Ma a us intman, or et direct, from the word or expresiop, in the mind, is II pure tm , mean ~ee~.~~; (TA.) &1.]. tcrmed L.,: considered as what is said in reply to a ["What is it?"], it is termed a : 8: see 1, former half, in two places: -and of the paragraph.to4 aoin the lust quare considered as existing objectively, [as that by lst quater of the paragraph lso th in is the part. n. from elt uf a syn. wih which a thing is what it is,] it is termed 'i'.:
[q. v.]: (], TA :) you sa

meaning one] and 0.1h ;11 j [i alik], and UI L--! IQl [this used in th e of this] i.e. this is like this [in maning]: (Mb, TA:) the pL ofif; is 9 bj (TA.)_l;aJIl .L is expL by EI-Munawee in the

"'Tow]eef" as 7e wice wher~y ow


hor to ~ess clearly one meaning in variou

ways: (TA:) [but this definition is applied in

the "Talkhoes " (Talkhee el.-Mif~), and jjee Khaleefeh uses the same words with only one unimportant variation, in explaining Qs,II i.; and a similar explanation of the latter is given in the Kull: in a marginal note in a copy of the

Ksh, cited by De 8acy in his AnthoL Or. Ar.

p. 305, slatJl,wl is expl. as th cn~ whAby is Anown the manner of adapting lasu~ to the

(IA4r, ], TA) He if dis~ eted f&c.] by th termed e: (TA:) signifying [as expl. above, ej., as the science that concerns comparisons air, or : (, signifies sub- and tropes and metonymies.] affair, or mm: (Jg, TA:) TA :) [and [and V signifies i.e.] the opposite to JU, it may be either a .. _[.;;a " s tance, or thing that subsists by itself, i. e. s. means A form without any intriic quality.]_ ti , or an accident, or attribute, i.e. b, : but it L the same, u part. n. of .C: or] And .tQIl signifies also The qualities that are uv.], also signifies the oppsit to ';, i. e. the opposite means I as occup/ .- [q. from 1 .lb commendd, or approved; [the charms, or gracs;] [either actually or in miad] by it, or with it; to a thing that subdst byj itsef: (Kull p. 238:) such as hknoledge, or science, and piety, and . both of genero~ty, and goodines of mak, #c. (lar posed to ' i.e., a thing that has occurred, or happened, to [hece ; both.3of p. 644.) opposed t 't 6it, meaning me; and sometimes one says, t the same, i. e., uy the afi&ir, or case, of another, which are expl. voce -l, in art. v..v:] ts." . e se t;.: TA) and and itW (g, and V [q. .]: (Mqb:) and one says from . s F.. .... taso], , 4 [I am a or ' (, TA, [in the C; , erroneously, [also], ~ ~~~W ocipe .by, o t;1: see ja.., in three places. - ~ ~~~~ -.- 0,~ s ig c... (v.)_ :." , without the sign of teshdeed,]) the last wit, thy want], from 'd U~': see ,, in three places :-and see [And] part. n. from 1 jl sb .;L,o [q. v.]: yrou mentioned by ISd, (TA,) arm one [in significacy, distress, or tion], (?, ], TA,) as yn. wth olI (TA, and also '. in two places. S. a [I am ffering say, rom ; oratigu, or wea ; inan afair, or so in some copies of the ?,) and ;. [both of i~~:see BM a, in the former half. which are generally understood as signifying the aue]: mentioned by As. (TA.) or inteu~ w, ofthe saying]: (TA:) ,~ ~~., ~~~~ ,meaning, signifying [Of, or U-'a a tel. n. from ,; u.S. Al it says, the vulgar say, relating to, meaning, or intrnded me; oppo~ed didst thou such a thing?]; but [For what 'j i.q ~tj [expL in rt. ] () to W*: - and Of, or relatingj to, idea, mind,, never say L.A Dijlculty, C or intellect; ideal, mental, or intc~ al; oppo~d say, it: the Arabs of and but some case: not this Arabis the know (Mgh, the ouble; (Mgh or trouble; dD , or t, distress, L D/ ~r& i. ;: (Mgh, Mqb:) or , v Mqb;*) theb subst. from to . ;] a thing i which [rather]tAe tou [i.e. Wmt is tO maoning, or int, the suering of d.cuky, ditrem, or trooubk; or 1 V [nor any of the ~n] ha a share; being know/ offatigw, or am~r ; inf. n. of t; [or of (lit. tha meant or intnd object,) of thi?], with only by the mind. (TA.) ]) [See kesr to the sand with the .q musheddedeh: and i yu. therewith. ( U ]; and ';! e ..' mentioned in the TA in this art.: see , 1' and 41 in . AZ says, J11 'P ,I eo art. J.] - It is also a sube. from

, and ' considered as distinguished from others, it is in the "Talkheqe " and other works;) and .>0


of the case; (and it is similarly expl.

i.e. This is [used] m a manner the like of that in art. . as such having thephrase th p e signification of the inf. n. of that terb, or perhaps resect of indication and import and acctation: , ..: see El-Frrbee, also, says, ,.a 1~.; and ,t~ (TA.) ',]. u s. with phuaos
ar;e ] t8ee j. 9.: eo [Se abo ar..*,.]_ -innta Ql:m see [See also art. ja L) - In ~ are one [in signification]; and el; and Z
is is:

and 'L : eand ^ ; all signify that which th d; or thin,] the thing,] before the [termed before ~d .u,, it denotes intensivenes; [the I word, or expression, [termed

ar*. ,d: in

See #G st~,in art. #pt.


[Booc I. knew, or was acquainted with, him, or it, (Msb, 'ply, [as also t ;WJ,] he returned, or rearred,

g, TA TA?,) J o9 in a stale, or condition, or to it time aftcr time, [see an instance voce H,] u vent frqdun~tly to it: (Et-Tedmuree, TA:) y5; ) ina place. (TA.) And j~ He, or it, or a she-camel, (., O, K,) and to an ostrich, (0,) or n n. ( .) Ones and also [i. e. both signify also he paid repeatd, a male ostrichi. (., ].) And A young she-camel: -. * *' J or frequent, attention to it; or] he was careful, (0, K:) or one perfect in make: or only one The affair, or case, wvas as thou knewest. (Ms.b.) or mimulful, of it; or attentive to it. (, O, beautiful in colour, long in the neck: and also ap- And the saying of Umm-Zara, ;LO ' J. 9 i M.b.*) One says also, [I rese d pllied to a gazelle, or young gazelle, in all these (O, TA,) means Nor used he to ask resyecting my acquaintance nwith such a one; repaired, or senses: and to a woman as meaning perfect in that which he saw, (O,) or that vwhich he knen., betook myself, to him frequently; paidfrequent make, and beautJiful: or long-neched. (T..) And (TA,) in the tent, or house, by reason of his attention to him; or simply paid attention to A longlegged ostrichi: (O, I :) or it app. means liberality. (O, TA.) [See, again, . below.] him]. (S, O.) And Uj ;', j (S, O, Mgh,) thius: (L:) and [simply] an ostrich. (TA.) And ej;l ;,, (S,) or L..ll, (A,) The land, properly signifying I renewed my acquaintance A gazelle having two black lins, or stripes, on its or the meadow, was rained upon (S, A) by the with, or my knowledge of, my estate, is used as .flanks: (O, L, K :) or, accord. to As, striped in meaning I came to my estate, and put it into a rain called ;, [or ,c]: (A:) and 5.1SI tihe neck. (().) And A serpent; (O, ;) like good or right or proper condition: (Mgh :) [or I andl and 'a: (0:) it is said to [in the Cl Qtjltt] the place was rained upon by paid repeated, or frequent, or mnuch, attention to have this meaning by El-Bushtee; but Az says the rain called ,4, i. e. thefirst of the rain called it, taking good and effectual carae of it; I hw. c'_1: (]:) or was altogether rained upon. bnnd!ed it well:] or, accord. to IDrst, the verb , that it is a mistranscription; correctly her hlas thce meaning given above on his autho(TA.) with,.. (TA.) It is also tihe name of A stallion rity: or, accord. to Ed-Tednaurce, the meaning of the camnels, which belonged to [the tribe of] 3. s4 is between two persons; (0;) sig- is that given above as his explanation; and is illahrah,(0, g, TA,) characterizedby the beauty nifying The uniting n.ith anotlher in a compact, a from O& as signifying" rain that falls after other f his make. (TA.) contract, a covenant, an ayreement, a confederacy, rain," or from the same word as signifying " a a leaguwe, a treaty, or an engagement, (,) ; place of abode in whicel one has known a thing:" 1iS [respecting, or to do, nuch a thing]. (MA.) (TA:) and one may say also V;.i3 ; (Fr, You say, &sWj JI.ib [lie makes a compact, A, &e.,) aor. :, (M;b,) inf. n. 1.- l f', (.t, ISk, Mglh ;) but zov is more chaste, (EI.Fi. &c., with thee, and thou makest a cormpact, &c., rabec, S, O, Msb,) because tVJt is only be(TA,) lIe enjoined, charged, bade, ordered, is not or commanded, him; (., A, Mgh, O, Mqb, 1g, with him]. (S, O.) [See also ,lJ] ,..] - And tween two [or more]: (S, 0:) or 0..^ for the (AZ, AHaIt, Th, IF, Msb,) allowablc, in this art., anrd (A.) One says, .Act& Iie sr,ore to him. (.K * -. TA;) as also reason just mentioned: (IF, Mab :) AZ says that Mgh in art. `J.) ~ See also 5. e &' I enjoined him, or charged him, . six Arabs of the desert, of chaste speech, being I,) inf n. ,* 4. JQ-l . , .. 1 t%, (ISh, O, asked in the presence of himself and of Yoo, one &c., to do the thing. (M9 b.) And it is said in (g,) I hold thee cear of responsibiity for his e..~ Z,g, after another, whether they said ,.1 I the gur [xxxvi. 00], O l. .l .,, running asay: (ISh, O, K, TA:) said by one or * W, all answered, ,4a3. (AHIt, TA.) 6 UIU L; , i i: ' ) [DidI not enjoin you, or who has purcihased a slave. (TA.) And in like One also says, of a man, f2o o, [Epilepsy charge you, &c., 0 sons of Adam, that ye should U.O.~ UlI hold thee, or befalls hi,, repeatedly, or time after time]. (S, 0.) not serve tle Devil? or, saying, Serve not ye the manner, A , 1 .l Der',7]. (O, Myb.) [And in the same, ii. 119, make thee, securefrom this thing. (TA.) Hence 6. I).aW They united in a compact, a conthe term * e~ . (TA.) And the latter phrase trart, a covenant, an agreesment, a confederacy, ' *. . e ve-I ,ic -P And ,, enjoined, or charged, &e., Abraham and Ihmael, signifies [also] I am responsible for tlhy security a letFue, a treaty, or an engagement, [tl'ij kj from this thing. (ISh, O, .) saying, Purijfj ye my house.] And one says also, reslecting, or to do, suckl a thing;] syn. Ij.j. , 5. ~u Hle renwmed his acquaintancewith it, (.S and .K in art. &i,)and ljti. I ,, meangng.. m~an [i.e. He enjoined him, (S and 1g in or charyed him, &c., respecting it, or to do it]. or his knowledge of it; (S, O, L, Msb, . ;) this art. i.) 5 See also 5, in six places. (TIJ.) And He obliged him to do it. (L in art. is the proper signification; (Msb;) as also 8: see 5, near the beginning, in two places. .jAa.) - Also He impo~ed a condition, or con- V,%.a1; (O,*L,I;) and t .Wa3; (L,]g;) t,% 1: and V*,t, ditions, upon him; (A;)' and so e 10: see 1, former half, In two places. - One inf. n. ,xta: (L:) and te soughit (A, ]:) which latter signifies (0, I) also (]) it, or sought for it or after it, it being absentfrom says also, -i' 'a3:.; d Sl, meaning I made he wrote a statement of a compact, covenant, con- him; syn. t u-;as also * #.W , and .o.l;l: him reponible for accidents [arising, or that fetideracy, or league, an binig rpon him. (0, and a~'[ are used, by some, each might ariae,]fiom himself. (0, .) (1i :) or ].) -And He made a compact, contract, covein the place of the other; but accord. to Ernant, or the like, with him; or a promise to him. ~ [an inf. n. of 1, q. v.: used as a simple Righib and many others, the former signifies he subst.,] An injunction, a charge, a bidding, an * (MA.) [8eealoo3.]-And ue 1eisurely or' repeatedly, to obtain soght, or sought l.! Such a one was, or became, or made himsef, knowledge of it, having knonm of it before; and order, or a command. (S, A, Mgh, O, Myb, ]g, respomibl, an~erable, accountable, ameabl, the latter, h sought, or sought leisurely or re- TA.) [Pi. in this and other senses .I;.] $S -. .5 . '.. .. a surety, or guarantee, to me, for, or in retect of, peatedly, to obtain knomledge of it, having lost it: geC; C" . cjl, eli. occurring in a tr , is . ,. (MF in art. %U such a thig. (Tv.) - 6in :) or #.43 signifies he renewed a phrase tropically abridged, meaning t It is in his acquaintance with it, or his knowledge of it, the inj~ction, or charge, precr He fuafIled his promise (Ti.) And ,. as ogatory not take anythingfrom a in n. as above, He ws mindfu~, re- and oght, or ~oAt eisurely or repeatedly, to on me [that I sh 1;JI, gardfs, or o~ ant, of that which hud be find meant of ~rectfying it, reforming it, or putting ckRling]. (Mgh,.)_ A compact, a comtra, a sacred, or inviolable; or of that which as en- it into agood or right or proper state: (IDrst, covenant, an agreement, a confsderacy, a Ieage, titled to rorenc, rempect, whonor, or dfence. TA:) or he cam to it, and rectified it, reformed a treaty, an engagement, a bond, an obligation, it, or put it into a good or right or proper state: or a promise: (., A, Mgh, O, L, Msb, V, TA :) (T?.),, (., Mgh, Mb,) infn.-n. (Mgh:) or as first expL above, and also he re- pl.;*c: or, acccod. to AHeyth, t has this (Myb, J,) He mt, or met with, him, or it, (S, tud to it time after time, or ~ent freq~ to , in uch a place. (m, it, and rectifed it, reformed it, or put it inato a this meaning, and Mgh, Myb, ],.) ,j& is its pl. [or rather a .
6Long-necked; applied to a gazelle, and to




Mgh, Myb.)

[See also w

be o.]

And He good or right or

proper state : (Msb :) or, sim- coll. gen. n.], (TA.)



3) The so-

BooK I.]


oor by virtu of a cornant of a Khaleefeh [or Myb.) And li& 4i j He knew, or k ,: see a~, former half, in two place: King]. (TA.) [And J* Qh The ucessio 1 wat acquainted with, such a thing, and was in and again, in the'last quarter, in two plaesL. by Wirt e of a cormant.] - Protection, or safe. such a sate, or condition, recently, or a short time .;,~ [thus written, without any syll. sign], in a gard; a prommis, or an asrance, of ecurity or ago. (Msb. [And in like manner one says verse cited by AHeyth, [the measure of which ssy and % respouibility, or mrsrtidip; syn. O11; 1.~ , t. v. ]) And , ~C. shows it to be ;.~ or v ~. or 1 ;, and in which it is applied to the depository of a secret,] and b~; (Sh,, A,O, Mb, ;) and 'o1b; ,Ui. 8ff, (1, TA,) and l,iS 4 Q , (TA,) is cxpl. a signifying [properly] A place on which (O,A;) as also t5~ [in the O t.,~] I met, or met with, or I hnro, [or I saw,] him, ths n dor not acom. (TA.) and ?* l~` (which lut is sid in the and O or it, in such a place, (, TA,) and in such a to be syn. with , but in what sense is not state, or condition. (TA.) 'And o sj i. [I ,.>a A written dtatmnt of a puche or ale: there specified]. (10) Hence, c j, an appel- have not any Anow1ldge of, or acquaintance rvith, (8, M,b, V:) so called becuse one recunrs to it lation given to a Christian, aod a Jew, [and a him, or it]. (A.) And ;' 4 &,~ * j When on an ocasion of doubt. (M9 b.) And A writtm Sabian, who is a subject of a Muslim govern- didst thou meet, or met rith, such a one? (Mgh:) statement of a confederacy, league, compact, or conat. (g.) - Alro A rtn [to claim an ment,] meaning One betwen wrhom and the Musindemnification for a fault or the like in a thing lims a compact, or covenant, subsists, whreby or me nch a one? (TA.) And L.Jt ). the latter are responsibl for hi security [and When didst thou wear the boout? (Mgh.) And pttrchased]; syn. atq.: so in the saying, ;s*) .0J Al, . [When didat thou sae the [There shall be no return to claim an indemnificafeedom and toleration] as long as he acts agree- jit, ably to the compact [by living peaeably with them lower part of thy mouth?]: a prov.; said in tion]: ($, 0, V:) one says, ,~j.l J j 1 and paying a po/-taz]; (Mgh,' Msb,' TA ;) [i. e. asking a person respecting an old affair of which i. e. [I ell to thee on the condition that] thou shalt a fre non-Mudin subject of a Muslim govCern he has no knowledge. (L.) The saying of the get the away, and not return to me, ($ in this art., mant;] as also : uIt and t j, the act. and poet, (Aboo-Khirfish El-Hudhalee, TA, and so and $ and Mqb and g in art. , ,) nor have any pass. forms being both applied to such a person in a copy of the S,) claim upo mefor indemnijication: (Mtb in art. because the compact is mutual; (Msb;) both 0 -L -:) ;,. with respect to an article of merZ , 1;. ' : . 1. chandise being when it is sold in a faulty state or syn. with ts.: (S :) persons of this description -- 1 ,"?l -1 -1-0. a L..a Il io. subject to a claim on the part of its owner. (TA. are called collectively 4;.1 J1. (TA.)- An 0 One says also, i4L; oath: (S, A, O, :) pl. ;L: or, accord. to [And it is not like tlheformrly-knon,n state of the [See more voce i:.]) 3 * a , Tlou art subjwet to a AHeyth, t !; signifies an oath whereby one abode, 0 Upmm-.lIdlik; but chains have surrounded 1 ; #cure imief against him with whom he makhe the nects;] is expl. as meaning, the ease is not as claim for acting unjustly [in retpect of this,from a compact, contract, covenant, or the like, and thou knewest it; but El-Isltm has come, and has which thou wilt not liberats thyself]. (A, TA.) is its pl. [or rather a coil. gen. n.. (TA.) subverted that case. (S, TA.) [Hence, .*.. And ,4 j;'3; il.4 The claim for indem[But it is generally used as a sing.: hence,] one and. t Jt, said of the article Ji; meaning nificationfor afault in a dave,fronm the property says, , lS >L , &i;UJ [Tlhe oath by LUsed to divtinguish a noun as known to the hearer, of the seler, if he have sold him without making it a condition that he is cler of responibilityfor attatation of (rod is binding on mne that I nill or reader, in a particular se~.] - Also A first anyfault, is during three days, and the purchaser rain; the rain immediately following which is assredly do sch a thing]. (8, O.) A wrrit, or may return him without proof; but if he find a called 3J: (TA:) or thc fipst of the rain called diploma, of aointment to the office of a lrfr'-t fault after three days, he may not return him or governor or the like: (8, 0, ] :) pi. ;1. . Jl; (TAr, M, 1 ;) and so t *. and without proof. (TA, from a tad.) And * (TA.) _ Defcnce of thoe perso, or things, titat (Mb , , TA,) or, as in some should be sacred, or iniolable, or that are entitled t i,c and t t (M and da. signify the same: (TA:) you say, copies of the K [and in the CK], *t,, which is to reCvrene, 'epe.rt, honour, or defene; (8, A, U.Wl 1u ;. Z' - il [and V.. .ch], mean0,]~;) and mindfulnme, rnpard, or observance, pl. of, . (TA.) -And Rain that fall after ing I am clear of responibility to the for any (8, 1,) of such thin, (CJ,) or of loe, or affec- other rain,(AIn, 8, ],,) rhile the moisture of the fault that thou mayest fi in this dave hAow tion; occurring in thin sense in a trad., in which former yet remain; (A.Hn, l;) as also t;,j to exist in him whil heA nwas with me. (AHeyth, it is said that generosity therein is a point of and : (TA:) pl. ;tl and ;I (8:) or Mgh, TA.) See 4. And you say also, 3., religion. (S) - FulJilaentof a promi/s or the .i,, accord. to some, signifies recent rains; app. U;lt &sThe responibility for the rectifcatio like. (O, I.) So in the ]iur vii. 100. (O.). from the saying, bis W ' a iof any fault that may be found in him, or it, is The assertion of the unity of Ood: whence, Y a. .aJ3 [A continuou andtill rainfell upon us upon such a one. (8,* Mgh, Meb,* O],' TA.) And Ij,a G ~ .~s ,i,. e [E3eptsuh (Excep au hath after a continuous and still rainfollowing upon *i Ja .y~l .I In theim affair is an occasion for tmade a corenant with the Compa~ioateto asert jlc not lon anterior]: (AHn, TA:) or ;1i sig- reverting to itfor the purp of its rectijication; his unity], (0, I,) in the gur [xix. 90]: (O :) nifies rains of the [se~aon called] p [here mean- (Msb;) i. e. the affair is not yet perforted and the words of a trad. relating to prayer, CIt soundly, thoroughly, or nwl, (8, O, MCb,) and the ing autumn, as is shown voce *], after the rain maonage,. thereof has to r~ovrt to it in ordae to ;n th oasb oaf c n I amnpere~cning : (A:) or neak, fine rain, of that in the obmsrrance of my covenant and prtomie to called , render it so. (Mgb.) And .*~ &e In it is a Thee to believe in Thae and to asert thy unity hch is called _;j. (IAr, TA.) - And;. fault, a defect, or an imperfection. (TA.) And icaeantly [a fur as I am able]. (TA.)~ Alio jdl means The year offew rains. (TA.)1 ;; A,iL ~) In his intelect is a weaknes. (, A tine; (S, A, 9;) and so lc. (A, TA.) See also , near the middle, in two places: A,O,1.) And e4 Ji L In his handin three places. One says, 'JW A t, 5 ;lS St and t It =and see ., writing is a weakness: ( C:) or badnes: (A:) or I faultyformation ofthe letters. (0.) Sec also was in the time of such a one. (A.) And 5l J. A man who applies himelf repeatedly to .ift , 9.AJl. J That was in the time of my affairs, and to prefectures or gorernmeuts or the youth, or young manhood. (TlC.t) And l likte; or n/to applies himmef repeatedly thereto, .: asee .. , last quarter, in two places: ? 4rs(ver which a long time has pased]. and to the reforming thereof; expl. by the words and see also ;.. (8, in explanation of * 4) ' meaning iJE.) .Y...1 . '9l .l: (S, P:) or one who loves ,j.,: seee V, in three places. One says also, - One says arso, .a i Lsiti i i. e e. y ely mat- preectures or the like, and writs of appointnt ing [with i,n, or it, was a short time ago]. (S,' thereto; expL by I,Sg .A'C .J. (A.) : Msee ~a , near the end of the paragraph. Bk I. '275

2184 Also Paruof land upon whAich the rain called in the day, i. e., with a free woman or a slave: (TA:) or 1t 5., inf. n. "', he committed adulhjla fawfen (TA.) tery or fornication with her (tI i) by night: On who maka, and with whom is made, (, TA:) and , (S, Msb, K,) aor.:, (I, a a compact, a contract, a coenrant, an agreement, MS,) or ', (Msb,) [but this I think a mistake,] a confederacy, a lague, a treaty, or an engagein n.j~ andj, (S,) or =, (Msb,) or all the ;as mnt; [a confederate;] (S,O;) i. tq. forms ;nentioned above, (accord. to the kI,) he 4lso Old, or ancient. committed adultery or fornication; syn. jj, (S, (A, .) [and t .6].

[Boox I.

Msb,) which means "[he has, or shall have, or may he have,] disappointment," (Msb,) or "nothing :" (Mgh, O, TA:) for some of the Arabs used to establish relationship arising from adultery or fornication; therefore the law annulled this: (Msb:) some, however, explain it agreeably with the apparent [or literal] meaning, and for the adulterer,orfornicator, stoning. (Mgh.) [See also art. ,_.a.] - Also jt (AZ, g) and nor. :, a, means An old, or ancient, town I, TA,) or 'j/ ; (Msb;) as also (Is.) .;. ~ ls, (A, TA,) if not a verbal epithet, [but a or iage. ($, O.) possessive epithlet meaning properly . t.Al,] inf. n. 4 ; (Msb;) and yta; and f'~ adultenr he committed (TA,) A woman wiNo comes to a mnan by night tls t1 you say (TA:) last quarter. bI1.: see ., J [adultery orfornication], or fornication with her, i. e., with a free woman for the purpose of first quarter. ~c, : see wc.^ L5k n and signifies or v* a trad.:) or a slave: (TA, from (I) and t .l, : or by day; as also t TA,) (K, evil, ie followed and (CIX: [but this is app. a mistake:]) an adulteress ,.~ A place in mihich one used to know, or be he stole: (K1:) acquainted with, or meet with, a thing; (., A, whether by committing adultery orfornication,or or a fornicatress; as also * ' (AZ, S,O) O;) a place in which a thing is, or has been, by tranfressing[in any other manner], or quitting and ' ' ;?, originally last is which e; ( ;) (V;) the tie way of truth or justice, or for.sakin the com- like 9~, with an augmentative Ig: (Th, Mbr:) known, or met with; as also*?,; he wnas, or latter originally an inf. n.: (TA:) an abode in mand of God: (TA :) and or .n signifies a woman light, or actice, and wAich one umd to hno love, or desire: (TA:) became, an adulterer or a fornicator,following s.,e (a volatile, (Kr, O, .K,) wvlo does not remain jied , .nd and i a place of abode to which evil: (:) and ,, and, as also Vt in ler place, (Kr, 0,) rivthout continence: (.K, people retu,n: (A:) or a place of abode to mhich woman) committed adultery orfornication:(TA:) signifies the same not added by Kr:) and t people, vlmn they have gone far away from it, or sihe was, or became, light, or active, and vola(0, TA.) to a woman. as ;13, applied tile, (Kr, .K,) not remaining fixed in her place, always return: (8, 0:) pl. of the former .t.. (Kr,) ivithout continence. (11, not added by : see " '" .I'' ' 'c A strong camel. (0, K.) -_ie (A.) One says, .'l Kr.) of goblin, The [kind Also the end. near t1, [IHeasked the company of riders 3: see the preceding paragraph, in three places. and ... J~ or demon, called] J#. (O, IK.) to stop at ith place where he used to knom, or meet, Q. Q. 1. ;j,#.: see 1, near the end. the objects of love; or] at the abode to which the The male of tlhe ; , i. . J_L: pL i lm objects of lo ued to return (A.) ;A: see 1, in three Q. Q. 2. 4a and i,~l Land upon which a partial rain places. 0*s f near the end, in tba, and witlh : see J., hasfalU (AZ, O, ].*) three places. 0.; n., j ;a Known. (., O.) Adultery or fornication. (S, 0.) [See , are fiture, and prennt and Past as meaning also 1.] applied to denote the tenses of a verb. (Kh, L.) last quarter. - Also, applied to a lu, See also .I l the camels to paJ ,- l Q. Q. 1. a pastor, by night and V,) and witout (,3l, land, to a tiemselves, 5, by ture place, (1,) and, with see the next paragraph. on the authoiity of IB, by mentioned by day: to a meadow, (~L;h, A,) Rained upon by the rain ex., an as cites he and A'Obeyd: or l,*. (A.) (,' J0) called i;&; and .i#&a.: see . : and ee also JIs, fbrmer half. i.ha* [i.e. either the act. or the pass. part. n.] is mostly applied in the trads. to A peron of the clas called ait J&l [or Si but sometimes it is applied jl1, expl. voce ,;]: the unbelieers with hom one of other any also to is on terms ofpmea, or with whom peace has beem m,ade,for a deite time. (L.) AhD An adulterer or a fornicator; (S, O, [originally an inf. n.]: and also t ' Mb ;) as a Yt $.C occurs in a trad. in the same sense, as a dim. of *J: or, accord. to ISh, on the authority of Ru-beh, L signifies one ho follows evil, whether by committing adultery orfornication,or by tealing: (O, TA:) or, as in the L, whether by committing adultery orfornication,or by transgresing [in any other manner], or quittingthe way of truth or justice, or forsaking the command of being put in the L in the place of God; %L6 ' i:, ,,! (TA:) or any one who does that which induces doubt, or suspicionor evil opinion, or doubt combined with su~picion or evil opinion: (A, TA:) pl.;L.. (Ham p. 131.) It is said in a trad., ,,1jl t4i7~, (S, Mgh, O, &c.,) i. e., ';1ji .tWU The child is for the mter of the bed, (Mgh, Myb, TA,) meaning, the husband (Msb, TA) of the child's mother, or, if she be a slave, her owner; (TA;) and for tise adulterer, or fornicator, disappointment; (Msb;) meaning, he shall have no right of relationship, (A'Obeyd, 8, Mgh, 0, MNb,) nor any share in the child: (TA :)i [app. meaning Camels left to pastureby tl,emseles, the drivers having lft them to do so]. (TA.) Q; A paramount sovereign, like a i L.L. 5 And A woman having no husband: (S,,O, C.) [probably because of her independence:] (AO, 8,

o, ] :) pl.

, .*_ (o.)

(Qg,) or ; *e, (M, Mgh, O,) 1. l,l , and = aor. :, (M, hgh, O, 1,) inf. n. j (Mgh, 0, 1) and p., (Ig,) or this last is a simple subst., (S,) or a quasi-inf. n., (TA,) and

(i ;) and t

(0, ]) and X j (0) and tl;; and S;j; l, inf. n. ;t; (i;) He came

to the woman by night for the urpoe of adultery or fornication: (Mgh, O,' TA:) and hence the committing adultery or fornication, absolutely, has become the predominant signification: (TA:) or he came to er by ightfor that purpose, or by day: (1:) or ie committed adultery or fornication (20`) with her at any time, in the night or like the saying

; (, O,,i r ,;;A svift she-camel; as also and VZjt~': (IDrd,* O,* ]:) a so '5 ;) and or all signify an exceldlent, strong, she-camel: (]i:) or *js signifies a large, big, she-camel; or a tall she-camel: (TA:) [see an ex. in a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. .~ :] and it is'also applied to the male of camels, (g, TA,) as some say; (TA ;) and ii;; to the female; (I, TA;) but, (TA,) aceord. to AUlit, one should not say ; (S, O, TA;) and some say that one f should apply to a she-camel the epithet 'L.. only: (TA:) sometimes, by poetic license, they

S j.X


;~. (., O.) -

Also, applied to a man,

and 5e'c applied to a woman, (.1,) or both

4;Jl ,U, (A'Obeyd, Mgh, O, applied to a woman, (S,) That will not remain

BoOK I.] of iAhtss, or un~teadi- a dial. var. of ;_1; (1], TA;) meaning Rancour, meaning He spoke witout anything to .) loa, by ro in oMn (TA in art. ,, it t cati s, or lighAtitd , ( , , TA,) going to and malo~ce, malice, or spit,' and anger. (TA.) and


fro, forward and backwards. (TA.) - And mee the next preceding pargraph, latter it: Xs The bas, or l~erpart, of a racme of a the former, A tall, woman: (, TA:) or a strong in three places. half, like 01t% &c. (TA.) (TA.) - And Li4 An old, aged, palmn-tree: (IAr, ]:) woma. A certain good, pleasant, or sweet, ~ A And J' e,t ," TA.) woman. (0, Remaining, tayin, d ing, or abiding. / ; (TA.) - And Conor two contr. significations, (S, ], TA.) enduring. or tinuing, lasting, Ur (. , 1, TA) in n. , aor. I,J 1. applied in TA:) I, ($, ready: or And Present, this sense to food, and to beverage; and to pro. am . and * (#, TA) and i;, with fet paragraph. preceding next }see the t;: t perty, or camels, or cattle; as also >.: one and then sukoon, thus in the M, but in the copies the V 4pS, (TA,) said of a dog, (?, CV, TA,) - . and , [Take thou of says, J L.- , and of a wolf, and of a jackal, ($, TA,) He cried, of what is present, or ready, of h property, &c.]. or cried loudly: ($:) [meaning he howled:] he (TA.) - Also, applied to property, or camels, or twisted his muzle, thn uttered a cry: or he pro, (TM) cattle, Longposssd, or log-posed and hom- lo d his cry, not doing 1. ;^, (8, 1,) aor. ', (],) inf n. and cr: iraoth lt, or abode, (i, V,) born, or inheritedfrom parentu. (S, ].) So in t ;s..l He remaied,, tay signifies the same: (1 TA:) [in the [He gave him Yam p. 698, the former is expl. u signifying ~jfl 1 [in the place]. ( ) - -. And He, or it, the saying, Wb XM ,. e *Lf significontr. two bas wenat forth: thus the verb of what had been lomg-pom d, &c., of his pro- a and & .; but] it is said that v signifies a , perty, &c.]. (S.) ~ Applied to a branch, rod, or .- e $ cations. (Q, TA.) One says,, prolonged crying; and is not the same as G.., went forth [or pro- twig, of a tree, Broken without beoming separated, Good aor. ', inf. n. and lax: this is said [which means "a barking"]. (TA.) It is said cs~ed] from him, or it. (TA.) - Also It (a so that it remains snu~ by Abu-l-'Abbfls to be the primary signification in a prov. I jS.l ii J I [If to thee I were thing) continued, uted, or ndured. (TA.)And It was, or became, present, or ready; syn. [app. in relation to what here follows]. (TA.) holiyng, I had not holedM]; (TA;) or J i . (TA.) - And He strove, laboured, - And [hence,] t La, and sluggish, or lazy. :1_ .j ;, >,. in which the , may be the * of ~erted himelf, or was diliet, Jai1 ) [in the (IAar, 1, TA.) - And tPoor; syn. .h;:(, pausation, or it may be put by metonymy for the state. (TA.) - Also deed, or work]. (i.) - And i. q. .9 [probably TA:) because of his broken inf. n. so that the meaning is JIJl s .j: pamn-branche The signifies which of ~l, sing. follow(Meyd:) it originated from the fact that a man in its most usual sense, meaning, with latter are the used, [and still uses, as I have had occasion to ing it, He enjoined, charged,or bade, him; or the that are next to the ;Li [which C a ; -- Ie hastened to him branches that growm forth from the heart of the do,] when becoming benighted, in the desert, to likce]. (IO) _ il* dial. of El-lijzz; howl, in order that the dogs, if any perwon by , tree]; (S, K, TA;) thus in the JI (s.) what he wished, or de~ t;~ .J: (S, TA:) whose presence he might be cheered were near called by the people of Nejd ., ~l (8,) aor.; (A4n, , TA,) or Q5JI and reply to him, and he might or excluive him, might hear, with iamm, (A]n, $, TA,) and :, inf. n. 0 , or, accord. to Lh, the branches below, be guided by their howling: so this man howled, of El-Medeeneh: one (Agn, TA,) Te plm-branc, (Akn, ],) or the of, the 41U; of the dial. and the wolf came to him, whereupon he said ? a : or, accord. and ' , ' is called thereof became dried up. thus: it relates to the seeker of succour from palm-ranch caUled ;>&lj, the signifies and him who will not succour him. (Meyd, TA.) V LM, of is pl. it IAth, aor. ,, (,) inf. n. to ., a (A2n, $, ], TA.) .ei i. ;a ln d n.~, q. v.,] said branchA that are next to the Aheart of th palm- And it is said in a trd., ', (T,,) [and quui-inf. n. the cutting of -I i. e. t [As t~ough I Aerd] the cying or loud by injured is .heart the and tre: of a branbch, rod, or twig, It baent: or it broke those that are near to it; therefore 'Omar, as is crying [or howling] of th people of th fire [of out becoming separated. (1g.) related in a trad., ordering a person to bringhim Hell]: (TA:) [for] L;I is used metaphorially Wool, (AO, $, 1, TA,) in a general sense: a palm-branch stripped of the leaves, told him to as meaning he uffered distrm, and complained; (TA:) or wool dyed of vario~s colours; (g, TA;) avoid [cutting] the aLjo. (TA.) -And hence, from the 0i of the dog: (glar p. 634:) as IAth and it has been expl. as having this meaning in (?, TA,) as being likened to these palm-branches, says, it is more especially used in relation to the the ]~ur ci. 4: Er-Righib says, it is peculiarly (TA,) *X4 signifies also STe members, or wolf and the dog. (TA.) And one ays of him Il applied to coloured wool; referring to the ]ur lv. limbs, of a human being, ith which he work, or who is esteemed, or found to be, weak, LtS tl 87: (TA:) and t *.A. signifies a portion [or earm. (g, V, TA.) -_ And t Certain meinu of t [He does not howl nr dos e bork]. is Xsv the ~camel, in her _o. [which may here mean flock or tuft] therof: the pl. of C means . (Yam p. 693.) _And L 1 either womb or mdva]: (~, K:) or, accord. to [meaning o of ] . (., V.) (], TA) people, or a party, (TA,) ald t He means He is a good ma~ r, or tener, of pro- IAyr, her t;; are in th place of her ,j [to ~cofict andfaction, or the ike;]J being t; of pao~tree. (TA.) tA ~ia y, El the perty, or camde, or cattle. (g, ].) person the likening, of way by sense this in used who does so to a dog, pr in oontempt of him. &W [as a quasi-inf. n.] The bending of a branch, (f, o) means He adduced [or blurted out] (Yam p. 68.) [See also 10.] - i signifies rod, or twig: or its breaking without becoming s,. grumbling cry (.liW) of a weak young eparated; so that when one looks at it, he finds the speech, or sain~,without thoug~At, or considera- also The in this sense by a poet. (TA.)used camel: it to be whole; and when he shakes it, it bends. tion; like their saying $... j!: b ~ ,l ; and the phrasoe $4 J S (TA. [See 1, lst sentence.]) (TA:) or As cared not whethr h said right or +1Xi1 (s; ], TA,) it [i.e. his speech] see in the next paragraph. -, Also A certain trce (V, wrong: (S, ], TA:) or he held X mee and inf. n. He bent a thing; as abo T, (',TA,) r in light estimation: or hesaid what was good TA) in the dsert, (TA,) having a red ma bad: accord. to IAth, ',l4a! denotes t.j;sl; what and likewise a bow; as also * u., ; ; (, TA;) mentioned by s as i t~ is not the right way in journey- (], TA,) inf n. ;mj: (TA:) and (TA) he what taking one's As a having been seen by him: said by Agin to ". (TA.) twited hair, and a rope; (?, TA;) as also vt , 'uinowsplant]: and by ing or in speech; and is pl. of ? [i.e. herb, or be a L .4$JI i 5. (TA.) And And one says alo, "1d.p ermed in n. I.j . (?.) One says also 41,1 5L, lB tobeoft/e* t,l [a pl., of which the sing. is probably *. i~,] rsee in the firt pargraph.

0, rong, or ioent, wid. (,o

.) -

(S, g, TA.) -

And Going forth; thus having

plant. (I.)




[Booz 1.

H.tIe twiuted the turban mith a single titing. themrby clamour, or shouting, to conflict andfac- it rises [a mistake for sets, aurorally, (see


(TA.) And aitt .. 1 I turned the ad tion, or the like]: (TA: [in one of my copies of j.~{, in art. J;;,)] in the tail, or latter part, of ) of the she-camel by meau of the ,norein. (, the S, for., lja. iS, the reading followed in the the cold, as though it were howling ( JM and P as well as in the TA, I find 1$1 TA.) And . ll; 'p *a tj; and ljja JM and P* as well as in the TA, I find ,,. after it, driving it away, wherefore they call it ? .. ti , wrhich Is app. see .sistranscriptioU: which is app. a a mistmanseriptioni: see (TA:) or it is an appellation applied The party inclid the breasts of their camels that accord. to Z, it means he b) Lq3, j& He also I J,L4J they were riding. (TA.) And 0 aord to Z, it means he by the Arabs to the star that is on the edge of the bent, or inclined, the noss-ring of the she-camel. desired, or demanded, of them, that they should kft shoulder of Virgo, which is the Thirtenth (,' TA.) And j aiW The ry, or cry lodly, behind him. (TA.) ~ ;cI Mansion of tJe Moon: or, accord. to some, th se-camd t~t her no-ring with hr e iA;. [or I desired, or demanded, of him, that he should start that are upon her belly and beeath Aer armpit; as though they were dogs howling hakler]in hergoing. ($,TA.) And &*JI > *1 twist hair, or a rope. (.)
lIe turned himfrom the thing. (TA.) And one says of the man who posscsses prudence, or diseretion, and precaution, or good judgment, and who is hardy, strong, or sturdy, s^.. )3 I_ e is a' J "j C He is not forbidden nor [i. e. he turned]. (TA.)-And $.~ signifies also He (a man) attainedto the age of thirty years, so that his arm, or hatd, became strong, aund he twisted vemently the arm, or hand, of another. (ISd, I.) R. Q. 1. 1, [mentioned in the Sg in this art., (~. ) behind the Lion; so called because of the and also, but as unexplained, in art. aor vehemence of the cold; for when they rise or set [aurorally], they bring cold. (lKzw in his Descr. T' .in. . il .(, ,o i~nf. (S, n. TA) and ; ; (TA ;) of Virgo.) And t [Tite constellation Bootes;] a


[app. the original form,] nor. ,.,a, [.,

northern constellation, called also C

I, consist-

of the Northern Constellations.) _ Also, (a,) or the former word, (TA,) [The aged secamde;] tih .,U of camels; (K, TA;) on the authority of A~;0l A. (TA.) _- Also, both words, (K,) the former and sometimes the latter, (S,) the former said by Az to be the more common, but MF says that the latter is the more chaste, for the former was by AAF absolutely disallowed, (TA,) The A.c, clantouring [or, as we say, the barking] of the stones: mentioned by IDrd, but incorrectly as (S,) or .. 1, (]g,) [each here app. meaning anus,] being with damm. ( TA.) of a human being; (S;) app. from nor. aS backbiter or the censurr(.,J l &I& a '~:see the next paragraph, lst sentene. i signifying 02p "he cried," or "cried loudly :" thlis all these three are express authorities for the ;~: see the next paragraph, last sentence. ks-?jl-l s.. tesahdeed. (TA.) [Freytag has represented the 5.;~~ and;~ ~(TA:) as also ? ; (IDrd, S, TA) and 1 , phrase in the ~ as agreeing with the reading lJit (., S) and lylJ, (O) The dog (q , S) that (Lth, ], TA,) of which last the pl. is n [or thereof in the 4, and has strangely expl. the verb hwl~s (k..oa,) much. (..) Hence the saying, v rather this is a colL gen. n.] and [the pl. properly with ,. following it as meaning "Mendacii jiIh itJI [Upon him be the dust, and the so termed is] ,.1t: but IA.r is said to have expl. arguit et refellit."] _ See also 1, latter half, in hoing dog]: a form of imprecation. (TA.) l as meaning l', [pl. of , which is the three places. And the latter signifies also The wolf. (TA.).-. original of _~1]. (TA.) UIII. UA-- J------ ID LIi---I UU--A,UU 3. *.'J:I .OL l Ho cried, or cried loudly, JMI0O, w 1---9,/ nI,~,~, 1.1, J?,, 111,) &A., DUG i,l&U J,ltLer AD InJl moumJ 1 [meaning he horled,] to the dogs, theyj doing so to common, and its I is to denote the fem. gender, I [act. part. n. of .3]. One says, J e of [in which it is written LS], the him. (S, TA.) And [hence] ,'ljt, (S, TA,) like that 'S i.e. lIe has not belonging to him [a inf. n. ;Ijl, (TA,) He cried, or cried loudly, to word being fern., (TA,) t One of the .Mansionsof howiler nor a barker, meaning sheep, or goats, thelm, [i. e. to men,] they doing xo to him. (I, the Moon, (S, 1C, TA,) namely, the Thirtemnth ; among which the woll hqrwlt (.nd in the way to (Kzw in his Descr. of the Mansions of the Moon;) TA.) consisting of five stars, (S, K,) said to be the which the dog barks [to defend them]. (TA.) 6. 4d.J' ;%W The dogs cried, or cried loudly, haunch of the Lion [of which the Arabs, or some ). A bitch excited by lust, (Lth, A, ]I, TA,) [meaning howled,] one to another. (TA.) - And of them, extended the figure (as they did also that that/n,ls owl (h ) to the dogs when she is in that , I;jW, (1, TA,) and tjjW, (TA,) They of the Scorpion) far beyond the limits that we state, and to which they hovl. (Lth, A, TA.) --- -J a s collected themelves together, (, TA,) or aided assign to it: see 1;): (S :) or four stars [7, a, And A fox's cub. (1..) And Jai,., W is e, and ,, of Virgo], (K, and Kzw ubi sul)ri,) one another, (TA,) against him. (S, TA.) (1, TA.) lynx]. The -0 [or of a surname 7. j$*l It became bent [or tristed]. (8, S.) behind aiJl [q. v.], (.Kzw ibid.,) resembling an is ; (E, ],TA;) ,; thus alfy (g, Kzw) wvith the lonwer part turned bach, The dim. of 'tlae 8. .Z.Ml: see 1, first sentence:- and the in the Koofee handwriting [in which it is nearly say the people of El-Ba.rah; for when three js same also in the latter half. like the Roman L (see lj, in art. L5jj)]; (Igzw occur together and the first of thlem is the charaoteristic of the dim., one of them is suppressed [by 10. Ci 51.a..t [lIe incited a dog to cry, or ibid;) also called .L .,.) ;; (TA, as from the thecm]; (S, TA;) and .e.; (, 1. , TA; [in the cry loudly, or to howl]. (Esh-Shlfi'ee, TA in art. 0, in my copies of which I do not find this;) they _ And.laa.! He ought, or demanded, regard it as dogs following the Lion; and somc CI a.~ ;]) thus say the people of EI-Koofeh, of them, aid, or succour: (], TA:) or, accord. say that it is the haunches of the Lion; ( ubi not suppressing anything, ailfter the manner of , [he rged supr ;) accord. to the A, it is thus called because those who say 1; (S, TA;) and to the , it means u 1I

(I, TA,) inf. n. (TA;) and a, aor. , inf n. . A; and :tr [in some copies of ,tbe~.~; li , the S . lie]; clhd ushep by the cry It or p or ~$~ (S, TA) or '(TA.) or TAors. TA . ai the t~and. l; [in and , CS C1[ ~c and L t2(K, (' TA) TA) 2. j.Il 5., thus in the M, withl teshand :t (TA) are Cries by nwict sheep are chidden. deed in the case of $.U and also in the case of (, TA.) ,.,J in the explanation; but in the 1S, t LS~ s' [without teshdecd]; (TA;) t He repelldfrom the aS : see 0I1JI, last sentence. 1 man, or defended him; syn. ;iJi, and >j: (M, S. [mentioned in the first sentence of this art. S, TA:) in the 8 is said the like of what is said as an inf. n.] A crying out, shouting, or clamourin the M; ,J-jI!Qc being expl. in the 8 lk X4i * ; .. i.. [I. ;, . I. e. [/ as meaning t I repd from, or defended, the ing; like ,: one says, heard] the cries, or shouts, or clamour, of the man (s .b), and replied against his bachpeople, or party: so says AZ, and As says the biter or censurer (~A. e J;j): and in the like. (S.) _ See also ilJl, last sentence. _A, this phrase is said to be metaphorical, and expl. as meaning I rqeeled from the man the Also A way-mark that is set up, composed of


ing of two and tnenty stars rwithin the figre, and one without it; the .figure being that of a man haring in his right hand a staff, betreen the stars o of ;I and Z;W . the one that # h4t the fgure is a red, briglt st dar, betwee his thighs,

. called [i. e. Areturs,]

Arabs, , L. and J as becae it and Arabs LJI t is always sen in the sky, not becoming con~ aled beneath the rays of the sun. (lzw in his Deecr.

, ..:JI, a .- !l C. .-

and, by the




.Boos I.]

.t ; [signifying a piece of ivory]: (9, O :) of its in like manner one says of a horse: and properties are these :. that if seed-produce or trees j6, and t m,-, He turned aside his fumigated with it, worms will not approach ; JI a, t (0 and TA from them; and the woman who drinks of it every (TA.) And ;3bnJI a trad.) He inclined his head towards the woman, day two drachms with water and honey, if compressed after seven days, conceives. (]g.) - And #, Wil%I and looed towards her. (TA.) And Tortoise-slU; syn. J)3 [q. v.]; (O, ] ;) i.e. (O) (TA,) Iaeq... ;9 l,j [The woman turns her head to- the back [or shell) of the ea-tortoise [or turtle]: ards her bedfelUo]. (TA.) And '. t,

, TA, [in the C] 5ja,]) after the manner of

those who say ., (f , TA.)


inf. n.

5 (a , O, L, M,b) and 5.,

0,,L Mb, g,,) aor. ^, (9, o,

(L,) or the

latter is a simple subst.; (., O, ] ;) and 1 , inf. n. , -stj; (0, 0, [which is more common,] inf. n.

(O, Mb :) i. q. g~ : (Sh, L:) or a thing that

He inclined, or bent, his neck. (TA.) is made from the back of the ea-tortoui: (L:)

and it is said that the Arabs called any [Jort of] J "jLJ e. [Turn, or withhold, bone by this name: n. un. with . (TA.) The 'ij And ;. ; (L;) It tAy tongue from me, and do not multiply words]. Prophet is related to have had a comb of tl L, Mb, [ ;) andt WI; and 3 was, or becae, crooked, curoed, bent, wnding, (A.) And IhAJI df t? r ; [The road led him, or i.e. J0 : (L:) and he is said to have ordered to wry, contorted, distortod, or une : (L :) or [~ turned Aim, auide]. (1S in explanation of .9".) purchase for Fitimeh a pair of bracelets of t&, and] tt l,' it was, or became, so of itelf; and C. I do not pay reard,or atte- by which he meant not what is turned of r' -_

[t Wt;l and] 1 .s, it wm, or became, so by the A,* and tion, to his speech, (ISk, S in art. C, operationof an erternalagenit; (L, Mb ;) as is O,) is a phrue of the Benoo-Asad, who take it is quasi-pass. of a.; said by As: (L:) Vt : (ISk, S, O :) others say l. i Ui 'C (L;) and 1t J is quasi-pass. of 1.*: (At, from . [I ; are sid . 1. (O.) And one says, *.% and 0, L, Mb, :) and O, (A.)_ discourse]. his to regard pay not did to be used in relation to diffirent things: (f, O, _ I made him to remain, stay, dwell, ;-jl. L, Mob, 1], &c.:)[for instance,] one says, C01 or abide, in the place: the verb being trans. as The wood, or stick, wa, or . ;jI, inf. n. well as intrans. (., O.) became, croowed, cured, bent, or distorted: and (T, fi, O, Mob, ],) inf. n. 2. , , The affair was, or be. AsI9t j5, inf. n. ;) I crooked it, curved it, bent it, Mb O, (T, 9, came, dilcu,t, arduow, or troubleome. (MA.) it, or rendered it mun ; .;. , in the ]~ur contorted it, distorted below.] [See (T, $,* O,' Mqb, ]1,6 TA;) namely, a thing; (T, xx. 107, means 7Th*re shall be no eading it. , O, Mb, TA;) as also t ., inf n. and . and inf. n. aor. 5cl, (Jel.) - X1& . half, in two

elephants' tusks, for their tusks are a,

[i. e.


they are taken from an animal of which the flesh is unlawful food,] but J0k: (O,* L, Mb :*) the t of the elephant is impure accord. to EshShall'ee, but pure accord. to Aboo-ganeefeh. (L.) - Also Bracelets of Ct, as distinguished

from J0,

[i.e. of ivory: and probably of tor-

toi/e-eU also:] (ISh:) n. un. with 5. (TA in , (S,O, L, ]J,) indecl., with art. e:.) kesr for its termination, (L, ],) as a determinate noun; and ab, with tenween, as an indeterminate noun; (L;) A cry by rwhic a k-camel it

chidden: (9, O, L, 15:) As says, in chiding a she-camel, one says 8g, without tenween; and
, with jeam, as though a pause if he please, were imagined to be made after it: or, accord. to

See also 1, latter [as an inf. n. of which the verb, if it have one in the following sense, is js], in (app. as meaning A a horse, is syn. with 3 bending, or cving, and tenion of the sinews, in She tued aside; or became t~nd aside; the the hind leg] which is a quality approved. (TA.) and the latter, of fornier quasi-pass. of t; See also 1, near the middle. [Hence] one

I turned, or inclnet, towards it; namely, L;lI He e a place of abode. (L) And ^.1 tude, or dlind, toard it; or him. (m, 0.) And t q.alI and V;.*d , said of a she-camel,


(TA.) places. - a.

.( .

A'Obeyd, one says to her L6, and



(TA.) - ^o -t He inlwined, and came ;;I.. L , meaning [Thre 3; G dm says, b to him, or came to him and alighted at his abode is not for him any] remaining, or staying, [at the [are inLf. ns. of , q. v., or the -t-and a a guest: and he paued by him. (L.) And (TA.) -. also abode of his companions;] as latter is a simple subst.; and both, used as simple subets.,] signify Crookdn, crvity, a bending, a He set signifies also as above, inf. n. _- &.-, (TA;) I reand ;;; (s];) and ' 's'; minding, ~yn, contortion,distortion, or unvmand it, or inlaid it, nwith .1 [which means irory, usained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, in the place. (?, (L:) or the former is peculiar to objects of nm: tprtoi/dlJ;(0, 15,TA;) namely, a thing, (0,) al, or a vessel. (TA.) RSe d0stopp or aed, O, ]*) And oigi the sight, as bodies; and the latter, to what are not seen, as opinion, and a saying, and religion: or, at it. (,0 O,'0 ,* TA.) A poet says, 5: see 1, former half, in four places. as some say, the latter is used in both of these

#':] accord. to AHeyth, tenween: [but see art. * a word of this kind is originally mejzoom; but in the case of a rhyme, [and in any case of poetical necessity,] it may be malkhfoo. (TA.) [See also art. .]

to LS; is,

&& Ls e Li We

[We stopped at the abode of ~m), n,rith ,ehat a taying 1]: putting p.ja3 [in some copies of the f /ejaJ] in the place of c because their mean- Pliable; syn. JU L gJ, or J11D3t1 jel3 YU accord. to different copies of the V; and by the b-t O, TA.) iDg is one. Suc~ a on doe not rvert from, or rein- latter words is expl. (but not in the ]) 9 t, . (IAr, ~, 0, ].*) _- Accord. as so applied: in the L, ctm is expl. as meaning q~ , an~ to AA, [the inf. n.] ts signifies The returning tractable,submisie, or manageable;syn. Xtl;.: to tAat pon Awhich one had been intent, or attent, (TA:) or JtI*", l.) j.J,1 c,t : (thus in parallel in or epom~ (0 and TA in art. e.) - : a without the O :) and it is said to be respect of the dropping of the [fem. termination] eo X.... sI .;+ , (i, A,* 0, ) and o

cases; but the distinction is more common: (IAth, TA:) AZ makes the same distinction; 9: see 1, first sentence, in two places. but adds that some of the Arabs used the latter a she-camel, to applied epithet tl , as an word in relation to a road: (Mob:) accord. to 7: see 1, former half, in five places.

ISk, (., O,) the former is in anything erect, (., 0, ]0,) or in anything that was erect and has inclined, (TA,) as a wall, (9, O, ~, TA,) and a stick, (S, O, Mqb,) or a staff, (]~, TA,) and a
spear; (TA;) and the latter, in land, or ground,

and in religion, (., O, Mob, ], TA,) and in means of subsistence: ($, O :) in land, or ground,
the latter means unevn~; thus in the /ur xx. 106: in a road, deltection; u aso C : in reli-

a,d am

disposition, cort~mm, or ), whether its original measure be ,a6 or ). [?]. gion, and in natural ;, (~, (TA:) and Also [Ivory;] dephant's bone; (0, O, deviation from rectitude: (TA.) the of. copies my of to both accord. [thus O, TA, ., ({, 0o) I ud th ca s hoead by ;) or [rather] only eletphaat's tk; (Lth, Mqb, ,])or t$ (accord. to a copy of the A, [which : (f, A,* O, L, :*) and TA;) thus y ISd and ~a: (TA:) n. un. with of the no~


[Boox I.

I incline to regrd as the right, in consideratioinl says, thus used as an epithet in which the quality p of its consistency with explanations here prece of a subst. predominates [app. implying their ding, notwithstanding the apparent preponderano e having that bending, or curving, and teunsion ojF 1. .1 lc, ( A, o, TA,) and n , and e, of authority in favour of tp,]) in a man, signi - the sinew, termed 3, agreeably with whatt (TA,) aor. ($, O,) 0y, inf. n. j& and 5;s, flie erlb of natural diposition: (., A, 0O: [ancd here follows]. (TA.) And hence also, (TA,)l (8, 0, n, TA,) which latter is also an inf. n. of so, app., j:]) or t*, with fet-4 to the , al Bs C Je&. meaning Horse that have, in their hind1 un., (TA,) and b;t, (1, TA,) He, or it, re turned to it, ($, A, O, ],' TA,) namely, a thing: an inf. n., signifies the being eil in natural dis legs, the qualihy tcrmed .,5 (A,TA..)(TA:) or, accord. to some, the verb is differently position. (KL.) C:. applied to a man means [rooked in temper,1 used with J, and with other preps.: (MP, TA:) or] eil in natural disposition. (S, A, 0, I.) 1 [with J it seems generally to imply j e e: the next preceding paragraph. some degree 4;;LaJM 3l [The crooked, or perverted, or cor- of continuance, in addition to the simple meaning 'tS.i ,[dim. of fli4l fem. of A rupted, religion] is a phrase occurring in a trad.,1 A.)] of the verb alone:] one says, .. ,s .lt, Wi (TA.) millet]. [or ;5 applied to the religion of Abraham as changed by TLe dog returnedto speciuof his womit: (Msb in art. , :) the Arabs from its state of rectitudc. (TA.)1 iw A poa or l; [i. e. ivory, and app tf and a&i ; e 15 b J [ (He rtred tonose-l also]; (,tC, V,';) accord. to Sb And one says le iL., and e* L51, mean- to it after he had turned away fo~m it]: (8, 0:) (8, O:) and (0, 1) accord. to another or othen s ing [An affair, and an opinion,] not of a right and t9 'atl,also, signifies he rturned: (KL:) (O) a ~ thereof. (0, f.) kind. (A.) - Clij; `s,l?Q [The days are or I.S l slt, and i),inf. n. (Mgh, Msb) for its fem. (with 5)as an epithet appliec I apt to declinefrom the rightcourse, apt to return,] and ;., (Msb,) signifies He, or it, b: came to suc to a she-camel, see tm, first sentence. _ 8ee is a prov., (Meyd, O, TA,) meaning fortune at a thing or state or condition; syn. ,gJ ;L; also . 1, near the end. - Also Stopping, o one time declines from thee, and at another time (Mgh,* Mqb;) at firt, or for the first time, or returns to thee; (Meyd;) said by him at. whose pawing. (9, O.) affliction one rejoices, or said on his part, and orginally; and also, a second time, or again; Le'; Crooed, curved, bent, or bending, wind- sometimes on an occasion of threatening: Az and the verb is trans. by means of jU and u , here, may be pl. of j or of as well as jl and Q, and also by itself: (Mgh:) ing, wt, contorted, distorted, or unevn: (S,* 0,' says that L. . i ;J, in the Kur [vii. 86 and xiv. 16], and originallv 1't;. L, Mb :) and [or this and nu, the formei r sio ; or it may be pl. of 1 means Ye shall assuredly come to our religio; also,] crooked, curved, &c, of itslf: fem. of the D5to (0, TA.) [Hence,] 1 is used as sig- for the words relate to the apostle: (O,* and BI former l.ia: (L, Myb:) and pl. tj. (L.) nifying The days [in allusion to their variableness in xiv. 16:) or the words relate to the apostle One says V S 1; [A crooked, or crooking, with respect to good and evil]. (TA.) - And and to those who believed with him, the latter staff or stick]; but not t.., with kesr to the is a [proper] name of A watering-trough being made to have a predominant influence upon the verb; (Bd in vii. 86 and xiv. 16, and Jel in ,,: ($, O:) or, accord. to ISk, one says the for(Th, TA.) - See also the next paragraph, in vii. 86;) the meaning being ye s/taU assuredly 4 mer; but not *"', with fet-b to the t and four places. return to our religion: (Bd * and Jel in vii. 86:) teshdeed to the j; though analogy does not forbid or the meaning is, ye sall asturedly enter the L.~,$ this, as it is allowable to say $,9. : accord. to An, the rel. n. of lit: (Msb, TA-:) and communion of our religion; the verb here signifyone should not say Vt , with teshdeed to the applied to A [single] horse of those termed ing beginning: and the saying, of a poet, g,a^Jl, (TA,) an appellation of certain wores o j, except in applying it to a stick, or in another .~ i-i . ,t, J . so caled in relation to one named belonging sense expl. below: Az says that this word is allowable as signifying renderedcrooked or curved to the Benoo-Hilal, (S, 0, K,) a stallion than is cited as an ex. [i. e. as meaning And my Lad celebrated among the beyan to be .white like the plant called, iW]: or &c. (Mqb.)[Hence,] 14;..JI signifies The which there was none moreon the meaning in this instance may be, became like boow. (., A, .) - And 4, . applied to a Arabs, nor any that hbad a more numerous prosla wjh. the -. i: (MF, TA:) you say also, I1jt woman, Inclining, or bending, towards her child, genty: (S, 0:) they were also called He, or it, became so, or in such a state or conto suckleb it. (TA.) And, so applied, That ham d# (L,) and he n and (t, dition: (K, TA:) and it is said in a trad., i.;ij bcme eroold by rea of leann and hunger. and a poet says, Ulj ;,a *sUI 1. i1, [I wih that this milk (Imn p. 744.) And, applied to a sbhe-cnel, LIan, lank, light of s, slnder, or lank in the ouid berome tar]. (0, TA.) jtI is also used as belly: (f, A, 1 :) or emaciated so tlat her back an incomplete [i. e. a non-attributive] verb in the has become crooked, or curved. (TA.) _ [And [Brown, or a blackish bay, of the progeny of sense of 4jL4 [He, or it, was], requiring an J applied to a J (or new moon), Obliqe: Aaaj, hard in the hoof]; meaning .o t, enunciative [generally] on the condition of its t ; using that form of pl. because being preceded by a conjunction, as in the saying tm is see i-...]-- . signifies l'alm-tres of lasasin, inclining, or baning, and therford erooked, or originally an epithet. (TA.) curved: and accord. to some, the saying of A place to thich oe turns; or in which Lebeed, describing a [wild] he-ar and his sheone remaiu, stays, dwit, or abides. (Ijar p. 325.) asses, ~Also an in n. of iL; signifying "he re- [And I had inclined to silly and youtfid conduct 0 01. .o lh -j--6 mained &c.: (s :) and of the verb in the phrase with her, nhen Ar youth mw fresA and her time of life was deemed comdy]; the meaning being [the latter hemistich of a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. ^j] means, And he brought tkl 6L~ [and ltxj O5]. (MF, TA.) [8ee than to the watering-place at [taU] palm-trees tn [see affI, first and second sentence. l also an ex. in a verse cited voce ; But the growing over the water, inclining and curting by first of the significations mentioned in this art. is h~. A. . [ reason of the abundance of their fruit: but others pt: osee fI, second sentence, in two places. that which is most common. Hence several say that the meaning of Cf: ,S is, upon their _ Also A thing set, or inlaid, cith et [which phrases mentioned below voce ;.. And hence crookd beg. (TA.)- Hence, signifies The means itory, and tortoi : (A 9, Mhb:) ap- the phrase liS U , inf. n. ;, used by letg o a borse or similar beast; (0, TA ;) as ISd plied in this sense to a vessel. (TA.) grammarians, It rfern, or rdates, to "cha a





BooK I.]


, :) or, said of a camel, he esceded it,toaformer state: and hence,he rUneed it: thig; as a pronoun to a preceding noun. Hence, kc.]: (, O, it.] One says of God, lJt & is also Jyn. with ,1, q. v. the period of his J3j [q. v.] by three, or fur, hereproduoed likewie,]J... ; .h. M, meaning [He createth, or bri~ h into ;. (Q,O.)- [Hence, ao,] V.c, (Az, TA,) inf. n. years: one does not say of a she-camel adbecame He man, a existience, mankind:] then He retunet them, s, (1!,) He repeated, or (T, TA.) And, said of ;. (As, ], TA) and vanced in age, or years. (IA*r, TA.). .. & after life, to lifese~, in the present world; and did a soond time. (Az, ],o TA.) One says, 1l resurrection. [from Jc, and therefore retaining the LS in the after lifemle~nu, to life, on the day of j He beyan, or did a first time, or the first place of the original 3], ($, Msb, 1],) inf. n. %eea3, (TA.) - See also 8. - [t. I also signifies He, or it, rendered; or made to be, or become; (like time: then repeated, or did a second time. (Az, (Msb,) Ie was present on tie occasion of tihe x, TA.) It is said in a prov., ~., ;>d1 [Repe- [or periodicalfestival; or at tle prayers, or other J' m.;) in which sense it is doubly trans.: see an .] (S, cited voce tition is more praiseorthy: see art. ,~]. obsenrnces, tlereof; or ie klept, observed, or ex. in a verse (S, ., O.) 8ee also 4, in two places. - And solemnized, the festival, or a festival]. (S, Msb, 5: see'8, in three places. (S, 1].) One says, IS m O,) in n. ; O, Mob, Js,) aor. ,~t, (M, ,a.-., meaning Iae was, 6. I,iW They returned, each party of tlem to ~.c or an its chidef, or leader, in war or battle, (g, ]C,) &c. the lkpt he [or ,e~, the of day the on and (.K) i;tg and '; and ;A and *) O, Mob, .J,] in such a tomn, or country. (O.) ;Z p.%J1 J.0a)l "'jW We did the -. ( )-And (MF,) [I came to him time [like 1i;'], affair, by turns among us. (T in the and work, signifies The returning to the first 3. ;jl. after time: see its act. part. n., ;S :] I visited perbaps the right reading here is [But J.. art. him, (Mb, V, TA,) [commonly and especially affair. (S, O.) - And o>t He returned to it %QJu;jwa.]) (see again ,51)] meaning a sick person. (f, O, time after time. (Msb.) - [Hence,] i. q. ol;c,


kl- ,J,,1 8. >U&l: see 1, near the beginning. -t;! the latter He frequented it; or came to it and returned to phrases, these of each or alone, ej.$ or (TA,) inf. n. ;k]!; (I;) (] ;) and 1 .iI', as .; like it; namely, a place. (T in art. sjjl.) - And former, the for betided me, or happened to being probably used Tl thing befeU mea, .l;, app. signifies primarily He looked at it time after time until he hknew it. is used for 'il 1- I 1 -, 0 0 5* , ' .); me. (g,* TA.) One says, 'd~ 3, (~, as also ' . He returned time after time to talking rwith him: (TA in art. el.) -And, (TA.)_-> me]. betided grief and (Anmiety and hence, he talked with him alternately; (com- O, M#b, g,) and V ;1, (l, 0;) and so * , inf. n. ;R, He conf~erred, or pare a signification assigned to 6;) he returned inf. n. ;j1. and ;bj; and V&,,l, (i,) and a, or. bstowed, fawour, or a favouwr or benefit. (Mqb.) him anmUer for an~ r, or ansers for answers; t-l ; (0, g;) He became accused, or .,&a,.o I i jl [Such a one held a dialogue, or coUoquy, or conference, or a habituated, to it; or hs accutomed, or habituated, One sapys, duisputation, or debate, with him; bandied wards himeIf to it; or made it his custom, or habit. (!, conferred, or bestowed, his favor 'on u]. (A.) with hinm: for it is said that]. .j l 1~MI; is syn. d, be~ or conferred, [tle >t, s. And iL O, Mb, .) It is said in a trad.,,j.JlI 1''" (S' and ;,..]; meaning.,iIl ; [app. #;" with %1& d. a free gifl upon him]. (TA.) And c1b, meaning Accustom .lq.j ;.flj '>l& j;1 3a m is syn. with IS; in art. j ;) [and that] [meaning It brought JI ;3iSW., aor. becomem a habit, andl good for good; to yourselves 1,. And _ art.) that in (Msb d;.Jt. said is profit,] or retur himt that wvhich was a good il is pervered in. (A.) And one says, * ). of another thing. He asked him the question repeatedly, or time L.,A, 4.U.JI The dog became acutomed, or of a thing purchued with the price f 0-sea >3 C* o~t habituated, to the casm. (s.)- See also 1, latter (.and ]g in art. qj.)-J-J,l ".l ,c For- after time. (9, O.) - [Hence,] s engaged. wva Ihe thich in that in perseered .He half, in two places. la thm. (A.) And Lil
Mob, ], TA.) l,J! (TA,) inf. n. .1sj,

q. v., as syn. with 'j;J3. (].)- [.




10. ota:l He asked him to rurn. (0, Mob, Ol .,LAHe asked him to reat the rain asailed the dmellings o that they became or] means the fever clae perseveringly to him. 1.) - And u a second time: (8, O, Mob, it do to the thing; fefaced]. (A.)--;' is also y. with j: (g, (TA.) e asked for tAh repetition jt-ul [Re and TA:) one says )t, inf. n. .,, meaning He re4. ;lal (0, 1) He returned it, or restored it, Ig:) 28.) _ See also 8. p. (.ar ofitfrom him]. ject.ed (;) and undid (,,Z) what he had done (l>,) dti; jl [to it plac; he replaced it]. (O, [as though he reverted from it]. (TA.) -[Accord. .). A kS;; L;, (g, 0, ;j , Sl And He did it a second time: (9, Mb :) ;Ic: see b.;. na'mely, Ol.; syn. e. i. it; eOj, iterated meaning or it, jamo, jllJI repeated he to the T], one says, 1.,) .l being in this case imperfectly decl., (S, He turned back, or away, the beggar, or asker.] speech; (V;)u also a i t G; he said it a second 0O, [but in the C]~ and in my MS. copy of the I] f ' i and :;U [likewise] it is written Jo,]) means I know not what one oJ' time; (Mgh;) and 91 .. And i.q. J, : (s:) one says, 5[ t.;)L by formed be] to [said is t f which A .t, in signify the same as o6sl: (TA :) but Aboo-Hilhl mankind te i. (S, O, O.) [Perhaps it is from it, or He, meaning al transposition from the name of an ancient and extinct tribe ot El-lskeree says that ,oh signifies he repeated it dim~d me from coming to tA e: mentioned by once or more than once; whereas >ltt signifies the Arabs.] Y~oob. (TA.) only he repeated it once: (MF, TA:) ,; l ,Il I1 t, indecl., with kear for its termination, is a second a it] [aying rpeech the repeated he means him habituated, or He accusomed, 31..1.o. particle in the sense of .,governing an accus. tlal case, on the condition of its being preceded by a time; syn. tiJ ;*j. (0.) One says, ?,'.. to it. (Mqb,l.) One says, .'31 .,.b proposition and a conjunction; as in the He accustomed, or habituate, hid dog to the He said the prayer a second time. (Mob.) And verbal >1W saig,0*GA4 L dsignifies ;Sl j; I;L 1$ L, saying, 1_. 1i jtpj ';0 [I ept, and verily 'Jl$ c e (, O.) And ;t; ',O' a"po. U& is a ja L. for thy father wst waking, or remnaining amake, by saying mentioned by Aboo-'Adnn as meaning (Lth, A, O,) i. e. He do; not say anything hi ista thing that cam~ m to become accu- the first time; nor anytking for the second time; night]:.--it is also an interrogative particle in tomd, or addicted, to treating me wronfully. or anything original, nor anything in the way of the sense of ,t, indecl., with kesr for its termina(O,TA.) .,._; [from the subst. 3;lj] He (a repetition; 413 Cibt signifying what is saidfor tion, requiring an answer; as in the saying, j.a mn, 0) at ohat is termed d,;, (0, ]g,) i. e. thefirst tinme; and.,t j;l , rwhat is saidfor . A .,.J [Is thy father abiding?]: - it alsbo food brought again after its having been once the ~cond time, aft,arw.ds: (TA in art. i,. :) or denotes an answer, in the sense of a proposition said of a camel, (1, O, ,) he says not anything: (A:) and he has no art, rendered negative by means of,J or of.L., only; of. (0.)~ , artffce, or cunning. (IAgr, TA; and A in art. indecl., with kesr for its termination; and this is and of a sheep or goat, (lAth, TA,) inf. n. as when beca mAch as is tmed j [i.e. old, iQj; q. v.) - [Also He returned it, or restored when it is conjoined with a pronoun;

(S, 0, TA) [may P tJI (TA.) - And 1,J f. $i;1 i,h jUmoJtj [The winds and signify Thefever returned to him time after time:

(,) He

[Boox I, an interrogator says, ex's ; [Didst thou per tag's Arab. Prov. i 586] - And t An old road: the live coals from his place with a stiek or other form, or had thou perfom~ed, the act of prayer?] IN (f, 0,IV:) from the same word as an epithet thing that he may not be burned: or act firmly and thou answerest, jS;tG, meaning Verily i r applied to a camel. (0.) A poet says, ($, 0,) and deliberately in judging, and do thy utmost namely, Besheer Ibn-En-Nikth, (TA, and so in to repel from thee the fire [of Hell]. (L)(L.r') did not peOtrm, or have not erformed 0 J6, a copy of the $,) ,---Lit tae act f prayer:_ and some of the people of .,1. ): see , --; l also signifies 0 El-lijiz suppreu the ij in ;Kvt: both th, e [Aloae rood;] a wcll-known odoriferou sbtance; I $-;$1 -pGS;-a'.~3 ~ J J J 'a-0' (Msb;) that with which one fumigate himself; modes are chaste when .lc is used in the sense oa f- 0 0 a (, 0, l ;*) a certain aromatized wood, with Xh: - sometimes, also, it is used by the interro lvhzch thus called because gntor and the answerer; the former saying, j1 ($,* O, TA) i. e. An old camel upon an old road which onefumigate Aimelf; A of its excellence: (L:)k .;J! )5Il [which, like .Nj .. [Did Z&yd go forth? or haas Zey [belongi to prior peoplU], (9, O, TA,) a road ofits that dime away by being abandoned and retives by tcl J j and .1 c and I_ and gonc forth ?], and the latter saying, slc, mean - being travelled. (TA.) And another says, ing Verily he did not go forth, or has not gon, ,j'Lit ;,It,is a common, well-known, term for e. a' ;, .. . : u foth: -_ all this is unmentioned by the leadin i aloes-wood,] aloes-wood,] is said to be the same as .faJI authors on the Arabic language, those of lengthy Y i. e. An old man upon an old camel upon an old A (TA. [See art. Ja..]) - And A cr!.S.I . compositions as well as the epitomisers. (MF worn road. (IB, TA.) [See also ] ... ._And gain TA.) tain musical instrument, ($, O, L, M9 b, 15,) well p. >. means t Old [lordship, or glory or known; known; (TA;) [the lute; which word, like the , nan inf. n. of 1, as also I*;, (, 0, ],: ) honour or dignity]. (9, A, 0, ], TA.) [See also French "luth," &c., is derived from v.Jl: aoand id t.;nd. (K.) [Hence,] on( L S.] .-- And i l WI Wioccurs in a cord. to the L, it has four chords; but I have says, j.l iU i and ' iLjpl and ' j,!~l It is forrtrad., as said by Mo'awiyeb, meaning [Verily invariably found it to have reven double chords: it is figured and described in my work on the tAee to return (L4, ., TA) ,.l I,M U. in thUt thou sekeat to advance thyself in my favour] by Modem Modern Egyptians: in the present day it is genean old and remote tie of relationsrip. (TA.)afair. (TA.)And I t .:1 Jl J j l; mlly rally played with a plectrum, formed of a slip of and t ;.4 (A, TA) O God, grantu a return to And j' is used by Abu-n-Nejm as meaning The a vulture's feather; but in former times it seems to have been usually played upon with the tips the Homw [i. e. the Kagbeh, called " the House" ,m, in the saying,


J*" (:-;;Ar `,

a being "the House of God"]. (TA.) And l * .v.,_ ).b t * of the fingers:] pi. as above, i.j .. p.nd .! a (Msb.) - And The bone [caUed os hyoides] at d,! uhs i ;;) q,, (8b, ,,) [expl. in the TA in [And a sun follomed the red dawn, driving it the root of the tongu; (0, 1 ;) also called . art., uas meaning He returnedwithout his having away]: byj_)1l he means 5Ji. (TA.) obtained, or attained, anything,] and ;,L I; jL.t. . L.Jl. (0.) - And .. ,AIsignifies 7%T[por. tion, or appertenance, of the stomach of a rumi.: and JL .NLts U .:. (8b:) I ; Wood; timber; syn. -, [. : (Mgh, O, tion, expl., with other similar phrases, in art. I,s, q. v. ] :) any dslender piece of wood or timber: (Lth, nant nant animal, called] A, (0,) or i., (I,) i. e. _ See also J,;. u Also A camel, (IAr, ?, 0, TA:) or a piece of mood of any tree, whether the :_: (TA :) pl. ?3!1 (O.) Mhb, ]C,) and a sheep or goat, (IAr,O, ],) slender or thich: or a part, of a tree, in which 6 .N old, or advanred in age: (, O;M 9b, ]:) ap- sap ru, whether.freh and moist or dry: (TA:) ,,, originally ;., the 3 being changed into plied to the former, that haw pasred the age at a staff; a stick; a rod: and also a sprg: (the s because of the kesreh before it, (Az, TA,) An lexicons &c. passim:) a branch; or twig; pro- occurrence occtirrence that befall, or betide., one, or that whAich h is termd Jed and h.M: (9, 0:) or perly, that is cut off; but also applied to one not happens happens to one, [or returns to one, of some former that has pased three years, or four, since the cut off: (gar p. 499:) [and the stem of the alTection affection of the mind or body, i. c.] of anxiety, Meriod of Ais JA: (Az, TA:) or a camel old, or raceme of a palm-tree, and the like: (see 'it;, 0, (0, O, ,) or of some other kind, (S, O,) of advanced in arje, but retainingremains of strength: disease, in art. Cf:)] pl. [of mtilt.] or of grief, (O, I,) and the like, (1g,) of lbe, (S, Mgh, 0, (L:) or one old, or advanced in age, and well affliction, and of desire: and accord. to As, the trained, and acuwtomed to be ridden or the liAe: M 9 b, ],) originally XC, (M 9b,) and [of pauc.] tirm' time of return of joy and of grief. (TA.) (TA:) fem. with 5: you say jj;, JJUi, (Ay, , ;-fI-. (9, 0 O, M 9b, .) _ [Hence,] di , [And hence, A festival; or periodicalfestiral;] O,) and Ci5> V WL;, (AV, TA,) and j .: !;.j !;>9, (A,) or ., Lb .Il; , (TA,) God a a feast-day; (KL ;) i.q. ,..a.; (Msb;) any caused the arrom to be put upon the bow, for (TA:) or one should not say *;_ AilU, nor a. day on which is an assemnbling, or a congregating; shooting; (A;) meaning that civil war, or con' (1;);) [and aj; (Az, TA;) but one says ;iL ;l:: (Az, (] particularly an anniversaryfestival:] filt, or faction, or sedition, became excited. (A, so called because it returns every year with reIAth, O:) the pi. of ;j is ;;0 (AV, 9, 0, ]) TA.) - And IIj'9It Death: 19 newed joy: (IAy, TA:) or, from iL, because and i. o (O, l8) as some say, but this is anomameaning the pieces of wood upon which the dead is people return to it: or from, "a custom," lous, (0,) of a particular dial., and bad; (Az, carried: (El-Mufaddal, Az, L:) for the Arabs because they are accustomed to it: (TA:) pl. TA;) and the pi. of is ... .i (As, O, TA.) of the desert, having no biers, put two pieces of # -69 zal the US being retained in the pl. because it .al; It is said in a prov., I;; i1 8.. . X l [If wood together, and on them carry the dead to is 0 it from I.; the is in the sing., or to distinguish tia old camel maAe a grumbling sound in his the grave. (Az, L.) - And Jo!jy The pulpit PI. of c; pl. (S, O, Mb ;) for regularly its pl. throat, then increasO thou his load]. (s.) And and the staff of the Prophet. (Sh, O, ].) -And would be ,4, like as C1 is pl. of (TA.) in another, one * says, >p ! l: l ;. :: :see art. .. [expl. in art. . And [The two principal religious festivals of the Mus(O.)_ It is also applied to a man: (9, 0:) one ~; 'X and &, I [He is of a good branch and of a bad branch]. (TA.) -And it lims lims are called ~ 1..9l ~ h festival of .the says, >. , (0, 0, V,) t As thou aid vktims victims (see art. _ and j..b) is said and ~1! in a trad. of Shureybl, J. ~-ii Ltia of af age, (f , 0,) and eperieno in TU The feival of the breaking of the fast after affairs, (0,) and knowmrdge, ($, 0,) or let it ;jp. t;U [ Verily the erise of 4 1 ., JI* Rama46n.] Ramad6n.] The dim. of . is ' ,; the ,g alone; (0;) for the judgment of the elder is the judicial of.i, is like the approaching ivoe coalk; better than the aspect, or outward appearance, and repdel thou the lire coalfrom thee by means of being retained in it like as it is retained in the (.4;,) of the youth, or young man: ($, O:) or two ticks]: meaning, guard thyself well from the pt. pl. (TA.) - See also it, in two places. asM aid, in tAy war, of perfect men advanced in fire [of Hell] by means of two witnesses; like Also, A ~certain rt of m~tain-tre, (V, TA,) that produces twigs about a cubit in ength, dtage: (1 :) a proverb. ($, O,) [See also Frey- as he who warms himself by means of fire repels ltAat



g191 1 clo~d haoing no Ilavs nor blooms, but having op to bottom: (AlIn, M, TA in art. L :) or or bestow, many farours, or b , up i m k pedel, and having many knotu: fresh wou i. q. atij [q. v.]: (AO, TA in art. ~ :) [a coil. ~]. people]. (.) are dresmd with its peel, and dose up in conse gen. n.:] n. un. with;: ($, O, 1 :) which As li-4 -S I Al >1 59 s q t,Jl Ij- means This ~e t Jref.(TA.) 1 explains as applied to a hard, old tree, having thing'is thing-is more remuneratiw, advantageow, or l>t A cstom, man~r, habit, or ont; syn. roots penetratingto the water: and he says, &I,. pmft4abk, profitable, to thee than such a thing: (9, 0, [ :*) e O j.c 4: [but what these words mean, I , and (MA,) or . : (] :) so called know not:] (TA:) the word belongs to this art. or more easy, or conwenient, to the. (A,* TA.) because one returns to it time after time: it re- and to art. ~ : (] in art. ~ :) or it may beh.., sicrnifying signifying Rcturn, is originally ,.. spects more especially actions; and .", sayings; long to the present art., or to art. O>& [q.v.]. (IAtli, (IAth, TA.) See :., first and third sentences. as in indicated in the Telweeh &c.; or, accord. to (Az, S, O.) The Prophet had a bowl [made of -Also - Also A place to which a person, or thing, some, ..s- and ;W. are syn.: (MF, TA:) and the wood] of an ;;1., (], TA,) or, accord. to returta: returns: a place, state, or resint, to swhich a peraccord. to El-Mufaddal, [t.o signifies the same some, it is preferably written with kesr [i. e. son, or thing, evtentually comes; a place of detination, or an ultimate state or condition: syn. as ;j; for he says that] I &lt. ; . means L .1.], (TA,) in which he voided his urine. tination, (, TAX.) : and (S, A, O, 1.) _ [Hence,] [.H.. ~r?;l [i.e. Afy habit returned to me: but see .LJlI signifies [particularly] The ulimate state s,e: se ;,1. -- .... l.t l ,; o a , AL*31 the next preceding paragraph, first sentence]: s~ s-; (L, TA:) the pl. of #,t is $iGt (9, 0, Msb) (S, 0, K,) as also l1~-s and It&, (0, g,) these of existence, in the rorld to come; syn. 5Jao)l; (M, 1;, TA;) [and] so-l j1' : (S, O:) the and V.i, (i, O, M9 b, I,) or rather this is a two only, not the first, mentioned by Fr, (O,) (M, place means to which [Return one *rnme tlhou, on the and daly of resurrec thou shalt have with us] coll. gen. n., (TA,) and (L, K, TA,) mention. (TA.) And Paradise. (IC.) And Mekkeh: what thou eilt lie: (S, 0, ]:) or kind treat- tion. tioned by Kr, but not of valid authority, (L, TA,) (0, (O, ] :) the conquest of which was promised to ment. (TA.) (app. a mistranscription for ",e like - a pl. the Prophet: (TA:) so called because the pil>1;, [an imperative verbal noun,] like Jli of a1 q.,.,] and sIG, (M9 b, TA,) like as ,L* grime grims return to it. (O.) .0 i" l .i. , in the (s,0) and .J, ($,) means Return thou; syn. lIur [xxviii. 5.], is expl. as meaning will asuredly 11Sur is pl. ofal._; but, accord. to Z and others, thii ,.^. (s, o,~) return thee, or restore thee, to Mehkkh: (0, J :) last is pl. of ;], not of ;lc. (TA.) Ol, ]p or .ex, here means Paradise:(li :) or thy~fl d dim. of ;, q. v. (TA.) place in Paradise: (I'Ab, TA:) or the place of ;$9: see 3, first three sentences. . SOJthy birth: (Fr, TA:) or thy home and town: l: sec .s, first and second sentences. 541 An old, or ancient, thing: (9, A, Mgh,s Also, (0, O, ,) and if you elide the; you say (Th, TA:) or thy usual state in which thou asrta O, Meb,* ] :) as though so called in relation to born: or thy original condition among the sons of t ;1., like i,4i and .',W, (Az, TA,) [in the O born: HtW&ikn or, accord. to most of the expositors, the [ancient and extinct] tribe of 'Ad (.l). (~, i410 and elc with dtamm, (but the former is HdsLiin: the words mean will assuredly raise theefrom the A, O, Meb.) One says . S "It. * Old, or probably a mistranscri ption,)] Food brought again dead. (TA.) - And T/c pilgrimage. (Jr.) ancient, ruins. (Mgh.) And , An old, after its having been onwe eaten of: ($, 0:) or And ;1i (Lth, TA) and t 11I (Lth, A, TA) or. acient, well: (0:) or a well strongly eased food brought asainfor a particularman after a A A place of wailing for a dead person: (Lth, A, with stone or brick, and abounding with water, party has finiaed eating. (A, .K.) TA:) so called because people return to it time 6;c origin of which i rfermed to [the trbe of] 'd. ;1 A player ulon the ~ [or lute]: (. :) or after time: (Lth,* A :) pl. IaJ . (A.) [Hence,] (M9 b.) And U1 ft~ A firm, or strong, build- one whio makes,(..,) the stringed s [or lute]; one says, Vl;-) ejj J', meaning An aiction ing, the origin of rwhich is ref~ed to [the tribe of] (0 ;) or a maker (J- -) of ; c [or lutes]. has happened to the family of wuch a one, the people coming to them in the places of mailing for '.d. (M,b.) And ,'jI jlSL Land po~esd (TA.) [Fem. with ;.] the dead, or in otier places, and the womon talkfrom a~t ti~ . (Mqb.) And & L ' .t~ A viiter of one who is sick: (Mqb, TA:) ing of hin. (Lth, TA.) Dominion of ol, or ancient, ori~ . (Mb.) thus it more commonly and especially means: but 11 > y..,.0' and vq , (I,) the latter anomalous, J~ And t5Ii t Old, or ancient, gry. (A.) it also signifies any viter of another, who comes time after time: (TA:) pl. , (Msb, :) and (TA,) A sick person visited. (i.) [See also 0*. .] 0 .0 9 ;c, (1,) or [rather] ;. and .1'1 signify the .b,ea j0 ,e. A stallion-camel that Aas covered rea.~ an appellation given to Crtain eax~ t same, like peatedly; and Ij, (Fr, O, TA,) but . is (~, M, O, g ;) and that does not rea j she-cam; (9, O, ] ;) so called in relation to a .quire asistance in his doing so. (Sh, O.) - And quasi-pL n. like as 4.. is of .M.~: (TA:) stallion, ($, 0, g,) well-known, (IK,) that begat hence, (Sh, O,) applied to a man Acquainted ith of which the pl. is 1.', (Az, ajairs, an excellent breed, ($, O,) named a: (O, :) the fem. is ;, affair., (Sh, O, g,) not inexperienccd threin, (Sh, Msb, TA,) incorrectly said. in the .C to be a pl. 0,) possessing skill and ability to do a thing. (0, [so some say:] but ISd says that this is not of One valid authority: (TA:) or so alled in relation of ;l; and ,,G also is a pl. of the fem. (TA.) .) One says, y'&1 iJ I.NJ J;s i, meaning to El-'Eedee Ibn-En-Nadaghee Ibn-Mahrah-IbnSuch a one is able to do this thing: (9, O, MNb, U12 fem. of .S; [q. v.]. (Az, M9 b, TA.)_ ]~eid&n: (Ibn-EI.Kelbee, 0, ] :) or in relation 9:*) 9:*) because accustomed, or habituated, to it. to 'Ad Ibn-'Ad: or 'Adee Ibn-'.d: (I :) but if .. JI t.i;c: see 4.w ... _ also signifies (Mab.) (Msb.).. And hence, (0,) or because he returns from either of the last two, it is anomalous: to his prey time after time, (TA,) The lion, (0, Favour, kindns, pity, compasson, or m : 1 (TA:) or in relation to the Benoo-'Eed-Ibn-El(0,O, :) a fawtur, a benefit, an act of bene- ]g, 1g, TA.)_ -,j l ~j.I applied to God: 'Amiree: (O, ]g :) Az says that he knew not the M.i icene or kindness: a gratuity, or free gift: origin of their name. (L.) -And accord. to Shb, and , 5. applied to a man, and to a horse: ( :) and [a return, i. e.] advantage, profit, or and [A female lar;b;) the female of th eil; [pl. of utility; or a caus, or means, thereof: (: , 0, ]:) see art. iJ._--;.a f also signifies A road tra. LL]; the male of which is called J3ji. until he I subet. from J L: (Msb:) pL ;Z. velled and troddn time after time. (TA.) [See is shorn: but this was unknown to A. (L.) also -. ] (A.) One say, 5iS -j pJBjuSuch a one ,iti: Tallpal-tree : (A4, f,O, O:) or the bLa.: we,>tZ, see s;t, lat two sentences. u a person offorgivsng d ition, and offawwor, taUt of palm-tree: (I~ in art. .~ :) but no so (A.) i 1t calld wu the stumps of their brancha haw Ainda~, or pity. (, A, O.) And jC Perevering; (Lth, A, g;) applied to a fal& of and they hae become bare trn~f C i [Ve he is on who cof man. (Lth, A.) . A coura~eow man; ($, O, Bk. I. 276

BooK I.]




12oK.- *

[Boox I.

];) because he does not become weary of con- another to seek protection,or preservation, by such not beaten him; (S, O, L, ;*) or beaten him, flict. (, O.)...And One skilful in his wrk. (A.) a ofte; to seek, or tahe, refuge in him; to have desiring to kill him, but not killed him. (8, O, recourse to him for protection, preservation, or L.) -And l' Imeans I left i "' C" refu~e; to seek his protection, or preservation; him not save from dislike, or hatred, of him; as to confide, or trust, or put his trust, in him, or to la. (.0, , L.) (8, A, Ai, O, L, M,b,) inf. n. rely upon him, for protection, or prservation; also ., 1. ' ji, aor. (0, L, O) and ; aDnd ;a (0, L, Myb, 1) (8, o,. L;) [l;i i and Ifrom such,a thing: , ) , L,, ) and J 1 s (8, , L, 39 (.8SA, , and manner, in like and and? *t (8, A, L, 1) are syn., (8, A, O, L, 3.; (O, L, Msb, and EiQ.; (O, ;) and V 3 amulet, phylactery, or K,) signifying A hind of ] ;*) and a t S.A1; (8, A, O, L, Mgb, ;*) made him to seek protection, or preservation, by charm, bearing an inscription, which is hung upon g Iprayedfor his He sought protection, or preservation, by him; God; &c.] - And I, a man [or woman or child or horse tc.], to charm sought, or took, rfuge in him; had recourse to protection, or preservation, by such a thing [i. e. himfor protection,preservation, or refuge; sougAt by invoking God, or uttering some charm; > the wearer against the evil eye and against fright and diabolicalpossession, and which is forbidden his protection, or preservation; confided or trusted to be hung upon the person, (L,) unless inscribed or put his trust in him, or relied upon him, for ULi from such a thing; and IS j.) ai with something from the ]ur-in or with the protection, orpreserration;($, A,O, L, M9b, i;) from his doing such a thing; as also LIt? , names of God, for in this case there is no harm namely, God, (8, A, O, L, M9b,) or a man; (8, of which see an ex. in art. t, conj. 2]. (Har in it: (8 and Mgh voce 4ee:) accord. to some O;) [and in like manner used in relation to a He charmed of the etymologists, originally signifying an amup. 49.) - And .'a [and V "3l"] place; I/. ' D. and ;& from ,uch a thing; or '4)]; or forti- let, a phylaciery, or a charm, upon which is [an him [against such a thing (t.1i followed by X! X, or only j1, and a manyoob fied him by a charm, or an amulet. (L.) And inscriptioncommencing nith the word] ; and aorist.] It.a L JU t .. ~,occurring in a trad., Al 'i3- and L V aj..W I charmed him (i. e. a afterwards applied in a general manner [as meanmeans lie only said it (referring to the profession child) [by invoking God]. (Msb. [Both men- ing any amulet]; (MF;) i. q. I3j, (],) or of the faith) to seek protection, or preservation, tioned in the present art. thereof, and the former ": (A:) or those who imagine that the !d thereby from slaughter; not being sincere in his said in art. k of the same to be syn. with ij.]) are in error; for ;'~ is the same as the ~ t profession of El-Islhan. (L.) And one says, Stl And all tiJ i c, and oL..-te, and O3J. t 6 (Mgh in art. , :) [in some the latter is a bead: i,(8, u a, 0, L, ],) and XIi i ;a, (8, O, L, 9,) I said to such a one, I charm thee ( .J~J) by instances] the ' JXn3 is a thing made of silver, and XI I; jL1, and ;i '-;j .I5 , (., O, L,) [invoking] God, and by his names, and by the of a round shape liltke the moon, but partly hol[I seek. c, U;-~ [q. v.], against every evil person or lovred out in the form of the horse-dsoe, tied by a and Xi !Q&, (A,) meaning It;;' . i'j protection, or preervation, by God; &c.; which thing, and every disease, and an envier, and string to tthe neck of a child, as a preservative, and is equivalent to the saying may God protect me, destruction, or trial.. (L.) It is said of the in some instances engraved with an inscription: or presrve me]: (?, A, O, L, I :) tlS [as also Prophet, X il. L.... yJS ' l [He used (Harp. 49:) the pl. of S is ; that of j%I] being here used instead of the verb because to charm himself against evil by reciting the ' J1. is ,s.j.; and that of? ;ltaS is it is an in n., though [accord. to some] not em, said al.3 of the (L.) XJ3,..a..]. (L.) And o ployed as such [in other cases], like as is the case , means They preser~ed him from any in the phrase hi ~;,.l (Q,o, L.) [One says S1l: see 39, last sentence. said of God and * alts% evil. (Myb.) - -;_: also, 1i. Jab C s; l;, .i for 1ib 3 f 1 X., mean He granted himn protection, preservation, StW [originally an inf. n. of 1]: see ;9, in two I seek preseramtion by God, &c., from my doing or ref~ue; protected, or preserved, him. (L.) places: - and see also ;t, in two places. such a thing; as though meaning may God preand see also 1, 4: see 2, in seven places: rve me from doing such a thing: see an ex. in 39 Birds taking re~ in a mou~ain rin last sentence but one, in two places. the lur xii. 79: and] some reckon ii; a;. among lb: [each app. a pL some otherplace; as also V? the forms of oaths. (MF.) [In like manner also,] 5: see 1, in two places. of ;.t; like uas.;y and .; are plh. of.3fi :] [I s proi 3S 39 means L J iA ~ought protection, presrvation, (L, ]:) Bakhdaj says, 6. 0j.aW They by God, &c., from thee]. or refuge, one of another; or confed in, or rdelied tection, o prration, (8, o, L, .*) [See also the phrase , 'lt., upon, one another's protection, or preservation; [Like birds saving themsves, taking rsfge in a voce ;S-ta.] _ ;;11 t She (a camel) stayed (A, 0, L, ;) ~. j in mar. (0, L.) mountain or in some other place]; repeating the with Aer young one, and attended to it affectionepithet for the sake of emphasis: or 1lal may a-.' in the be here an inf. n. (L.).- And X Herbagegro10: see 1, first sentence. , ately, a long as it remained little, is as though it were an inverted phrase, meaning CL.JJ; Lt. 3 t '1 [I ing at the feet of thorn-tree, or in a r~edplace, lgur xvi. 100 means Then say thou [her young sought protection by her: or it may be eekAprotection,orpreser~ation, by God; &c.]. (L.) ($, O, ,) w/lich the cattle can hardly reacA, (., -. ,Jq 3Ls ;) as from what next follows]. (TA.) 0,) or which they cannot reach; (0,* 0, Also A tree, also v 0i* and V. in two places. 'see a L, (1:) or herbage that : :') I It (flesh-meat) clave to th bone: (8, 0, L,i or some other thing, beneath which, or in which, haluu not risen so high as the branche [around it], a tropical phrase. (A.) - And 't, [aor. 3;3,] one takaes refu~e, or shelter. (L.) - A thing, and which the tres prevent the beasts from depas. (L, 1],) inf. n. !it (8, O, L, B) and h;; (8, such as a stone, or trunk of a tre, surroundedby turing: or such as is in ed ground and camot l;, and t V .j$; things blown againt it aW.around it by the wind. be reached by the cattle: or tree growing at the L; [in the O ;13 ;]) and V (L, ] ;) t She (a gazelle, 8, O, L, ], and a camel, (T, L.)_-FaUmn leaeS; (Ag.n, L, ] :) so clled foot of wrome rising thing, such as a building or a and a mare, 8, O, L, and any female, L, ]) was because they shelter against any rising sand-hiU or a mountain, or a tree, or a rock, that [q. v.]; or thing, such u a build~tg or a and-hill or a protects thm; as also ? 3j.: in the state of such a is termed J or V1.~, with mountain. (An, L.) ._Vie,or i~oble, pern; that of haing recently brought forth. (8, , L, or plant, at the foot kesr, signifies any herbage, or the wre or vier, or the Worst or est, of She isin the early C.) One says, 1Le ; other thing whereby it sheters, of a tree or stone or mankind. (IAyr, L, V.)~ _1 &c . ;*U. stage of the period after having brought forth. [Such a one ecaped from him wfithot being or protects, itslf: (L :) and * ja*, (0, ;,) with (8, o, L.) beaten; or iot being killed, though beaten;] fet-1 to the j, (O,) herbage on whicA camel 9. ;i , and 4 43jI, I made is suid when one has frightened the other; but pasturearoud tents or hous: (Op :) or 30



2193 Boox I.] ,*a signify herbage that shelters, or and by tres, and spreads beneath them. itself protects, t The part (A.) [See also-; .]- -, _IJ of fjes-meat that cleavr to the bone: (., A, 0, L, IC:) such are the sweetest of flesh-meat. ($, A, 0, L.)


jSt&[part. n. of 1].

% dIl,

t; occurs in a trad.

C., l.i [i. e. I am seeAing protection, as meaning or presrvation, by God; &c.]. (L.) And one meaning, ac1 Sj;;; says, c ., [lit. 0 God, I seek .L3, iS cord. to Az, 1J. protection, or preservation, bit Thee, &c., seekhintg, &c.,from everyeil]: Sb,in the phrase i1e 1j31, tie word ,10&S is put in the ' ' " place of tile inf. n. [as an absolute complement of Is1 understood; so that the meaning is, I sceb protection, or preseration, by God, vith earnest seeking &e., from ther, or its, evil, or mischief]. A female gazelle, (S, 0, L, I~,) and (L.) -Also a she-camel, and a mare, (S, 0, L,) and any female, (L, 1I,) that has recently brou(ght forth;

, ;) as also V (0, 0 L,

' (0, 0) and


(L, I:) or any female that has brouyht forth wvit/hin seven days: because her young one has recourse to her for protection; so that it is of the measure Jlb in the sense of the measure J4; or, as some say, it is a posscssive epithet, meaning Ia ,sl: or, accord. toAz, a she-camel that has broght forth.sorn days before; accord. to some, seen days: (L:) or a female gazelle, and a shecamel, and a mare, that has browjght forth within ten days, or ifteen days, (S, 0, L,) or thereabout; (L;) after which she is called jiL: (S, , L:) ; and O1I., (;, 0, L, I,) like as 3jr is pi. 3 anad :l; of (t;(?, 0, L;) [and an, pl. of j

1 served unalfered because it is so preserved in the original form, which is 'i]&I, on acount of the quiescence of the letter immediately preceding: 0 then the augmentatives, the I and the teshdeed, are suppressed, and thus the verb becomes: is 1 : see 51; The pl. .11' an and for that zt~;l is the original form is shown by their having She-camels expl. by Skr as meaning and the form of the sister-verbs, .u and j1.r; 1 young ones with then. (L.) the and faults of significant verbs of the analogy And i. q. 1 1 as the original forms of and .! like, . I.._. an inf.n. of L (0, l.) three in latter, the (S, A, L, Ef.) See i3.. though these may not have been and g;.; places. I l, ,2 .]).-beard. (S, 0. [See also' 1 a of ]g) L, O, (S, collar the of place The 3~. lwve became or j 7?], t The aor. ;o [or ;. horse. (S, O, L.) [App. so called because it is ;l, (O, g,) nor. g).; a place whlere charms, or amulets, are often sus- filled up. (TA.) -;1 j; (TA;) and ,I, (I,) inf. n. (TA ;) and pended.] And :j)l, (A'Obeyd, L,) or ; (.S 0, L,) The feather, or curling portion ' e;, (I,) inf. na. ~ ; (TA;) lie rendered ,Ll,, And ;1-, (S, M, of the coat of a horse, that is in the place of the kim blind of one eye. (K.) collar: (A'Obeyd, L:) it is a ;jlS approved. IKtt, O, Mb,) aor. &j, (S, O, M.b,) inf. n. l; (Itt ;) and (more commonly, M) Vt (A'Obcyd, S, O, L.) - Also, (accord. to the E,) ;: that (S, M,, Mob ;) He put out or ' 3a., (accord. to the 0,) A she-camel and 't ljs; does not cea.e to remain in one place. (0, K.) his ejye: (IK!t, Mlh:*) or made it to sink in its [SM says that the word thus expl. in the 1f is a socket. (Msb.) Some say that &;* Q". and ..; by which he means t'j;P l [sic] are from j, q. v. (TA.) --;W mistranscription for I this iy,, part. n. of )JJ said of a camel; but 'P , 5:Sjl and t 1,tsl signify the same as t . has not the meaning here as- lie marred, or spoiled, the well, so that tihe dioubt; for and is also an inf. n. (L) [Hence,] one says, ; (0,) and ' S , (, 0,) and 'P iS3), I-;a 1 (O,) He is my refuge: (S, :) and V S. a.1 [God is my refuge]. (A.) signed to

water dried ujp: (A, TA :) or re filled it NJ) with earth,so that tire springs thereof became stopped j?af: see a, in two places: - and see also up: and in like manner, ol.JI , f& J hie TA:) (SIh, water's: the L, of O, (S, , sources the the stopped ,l, Gi;s l, with kesr to ,._. an (TA,) fet-h, with be to crroneously said ef,) hl3 e filled up the wsource of the t' and 4a aI (S, Kur-dn; the of chapters Tno appellation of well, so that the water dried up. (S.)I ;I, K;) the last tn'o chapters; i. e. the Soorat elnor. ojx and o. , (S, 1g,) or the aor. is not Falak and titat vwhich follows it: (0, L, Msb :) to IJ, it is scarcely ever so called because each of them begins with the used, or, accord. say oJpt., (Yaqkooh,) or some or (TA,) used, words j_1 J; (L;) or because they preserved lie, or it, took, and wuent their publisher from every evil. (MRb.) And jsc, (Aboo-Shihl,) or it: (Q, Oj ]:) or destroyed is sometimes used to denote The tvwo away with, him, ,S l;] and from ;j is formed the pl. ,.3S.c Z.13a.ll :;SIJ chapters above mentioned togethtr with that which himn, or it. (., TA.) One says, UIt ,.j [It is said that the phrasel] jI (L.) wvith (MF.) away wrcnt them. man what not precedes hknow ne;t I ;ljJI. '.;i ,jel.jI, occurring in a trad., means t And with it. or him, took or TA:) 0, him, or it: (, then. te wo,en and children. (L. [See another ba;':*: see 1.a, in two places. negative in used (TA.) It is said to be only - ,l51; 1 is the name of rendering voce 'j..]) phrases: but Lh mentions ~ .O1;, and J~, I + Fourstars, (O, lI,) of the northern stars, (0,) J9 see thee, or hold thee, to hare gone away ,rith him, forming an irregularquadrilateralfigure, in the ' or it: [see also artp.. :] IJ says, It seclns that , in the O 1. ;, (O, i,) said of a man, (0,) aor. , midt of which is a star [for they have scarcely ever used the aor. of this verb A;,1 (0,.];) inf. n. ;, (S, O, g,) He was, or became, blind because it occurs in a prov. respecting a thing calld &31; and 8, I read of one eye: (g:) [or he became one-eyed; wantSee also 3 in the four stars in tle head of h.-ZI, [or Draco, ing one eye: or one of his eoyes sank in its socket: that has passed away. (TA.) ). art. which, app., like some other constellations, the or one of his eyes dried up: see what next foland see 3. 2: see 1, in five places: Arabs figured somewhat differently from our and *;,t1; (1s;) aor. jl; astronomers,] in the midst of which is a very lows:] as also jl;, 3. g ,JI1 j315 Ie did n,ith tihe thing like as he (Az, S, .;, And f.) Il: they are and V;fL. (.gh, small star called by the Arabs (the other) did witAh it: (S :) [or he did the thini 3 aor. j3, (Az, Msb,) inf. n. j; Msb,) O, IItt, tow and ] " voce v. [q. C01 between is similar to (Az, S, IKtt, withr h/im by tur,s; for] ei;lI.l (ltt, Msb;) and ;.tG, aor. j is between that thing a iJl31j, , with respect to 0) and;W; (Itt, TA;) and * c;Zjt; (Az, S, - See in three IKtt, O;) and (Az, O, TA;) lIis eye two, or mutual. (TA. [See also 6.]) .191; j [originally inf. n. of 2]: see ;, j,a in art. v. [q. b;; i.q. jl lj j j 4. also became blind: (TA:) or became wanting: or places. (f.) sank in its socket: (Msb:) or dried up. (Iptt, .~ ;] (.S O,, ;) as also *t . ;. A r~g; (A,O, L, ;) as also ;Qt TA.) Ibn-Ahmar says, 21t1, (Az, 4: see 1, in four places. a tl , -- I ] J a (0, O, L, 1) and ' S- (0, , in both of which 4 and t ,1s; like as you may c ;tl zA;l n. inf. ,_h K,) I.w Msb, but written in thei it is said to be dp1t 1A, inf. n. sU.l, inf. n. a I and 1;ii, and [Has his eye become blind or has it not indeed be- 0, -]; meaning a place to which -' [and Ct L )s,) lit;.1 ;jt is a rather [or "'W; but, pausing, he a4.. and a4C.; (Az, Mb ;) 6, e hus recoure for protection or praseration: come blind?] meaning and ki4.;] and quasi-inf. n.; and so is a;tL, the j is pre- quasi-inf. and it also meams a tiam at which on does so: makes it to end with 1: in *c,, 276 *

j;a*.] -

See also ;i);, in four places.



[Boox I.

. ljt; and t;t.,; ( ;) [accord. to thLe :) and ia lil -1 They lend loan s, termed: (Msb:) said in the B to be from ;ot, Tl, all signify He lent him the thing: but thte one to another. (8,' Mb.) [See also 10.] meaning li.,: (TA:) [but see what is said voce second seems rather to signify he lent him of it :J~~~ 8: see 6, in five places. and respecting the third, see S above.] For thre ajt: the part, or parts, of the person, which it 9: see 1, first quarter, in is two indecent places. to expose :] in a man, what is boetwn exs., see 10. i e1 i _... [A sword whicA the navel and the knem: and so in a woman: (Jel fate haM had lnt to it]j is an appellation applie d 10. 1a... and t (0, OZ) He asked, or de in xxiv. 31:) or, in a free woman, aU the person, to a man, by En-Nabighah. (TA.) [See also 4 manded, or sought, what is termed 4t4 [a loan' ]I except the face and the hands asfar at the trist.; in art. M.] ;-;I 1 It (a thing) appeared; an d (I..) It is said in the story of the [golden] cali f, and respecting the hollow of the sole of the foot, was, or became, within power, or reach. (IAai r, aSl - ! ^ &3&J e >. i. e. 6>>la;` [O'Z#there is a di&rence ofopinion: in afemale dae, d like as in a man; and what appearsof her in ]g, TA.) One says, , * 1 iUds t The object o 7{ornarnnt rehicha tke children of Israel had a3he, the chase has become within potwer, or reach, ttoto be lent, or had borronvd]. (TA.) - You sa: y serice, as the head and the neck and the fore thee; (, O,TA;) and so 1. (TA.)_ t 1Et also Vq lc %#X a ` (Mgh, Mh, K,* arm, are not included in tlhe term $;j. (TA.) [iijl ) o;JI means The anteriorand poserior (a thing) had a place that was a cause offear and s : , (Mgh, TA,) suppressing th 5 *1 3* e pudenda: '* I;J l the other parts incEudd i. e. what is termed ej9, appearing[in it]. (HIan preposition, (Mgh,) I asked of him t/t. p. 34.) Ble (a horseman) had, appearing is n the thing [and he lent it to mne]. (K.,TA.) Anxa a the term ;93 : s0 in the law-books.] The covering what is thus termed, in prayer and on him, a place open and exposed to striking (S, O , see l, fi, .. ..... d v-l10 [Iashed of him a loarn otlher occasions, is obligatory: but respecting the TA) and pieing. (TA.) t It (a place of abode ; had a gap, or breach, appearing in it: (TA: ) and he lent it to me]. (TA.) And &, covering the same in a private place, opinions and [so] a house, or chamber, by its wais beint79.14 # t&lcU [He asked him to lend to him a gar. differ. (TA.) The pl. is 'I; a: (, 0, Mb :) in a state of demolition. (I;tt, TA.) ment, or piece of cloth, and he lent it to him]. ([ for the second letter of the pl. of L"3 as a subst. is 5: see 6: see also 10, in two places: and see: 5 O.) - ;i; ovent only when it is not nor U: but some . s; tadl XHie raised ans md in art.s. trasferred an a;row from his quiver. (TA ir read [in the ]ur xxiv. 31], ,I.'JI l, (, 0,) 4 :~ht and jet.) - y..,(Z-~ arts. [Hence, U;i /hmals XLit H, which is of the dial. of Hudheyl. (Msb.) - A 6. *iI1 aWW, and V js;st, (S, Mgh, O, .. vfc time in )which it is properfor the S;;j to appear; Mlb, 1,) and # ei,O ($, O, 1,) They took thi used a word metaphorically.] each of the following three times; before the 11: see 1, first quarter, in two places. thing, or did it, by turn; syn. j j (, Mgh, prayer of daybrealk; at midday; and after 0, Meb, r,).*rW Lj: (;, O, TA:) the 3 iE L.3t: see art. 5 e.. nightfall. (g.) These three times are mentioned apparent [not changed into 1] in Isl because it n tinf n. ofjhl[q. v.]. (, O, K.) See alse in the gur xxiv. 57. (TA.) - Anything that a i6gnifies the same aslj3. (8.) Aboo-Kebeer man veils, or concealb, by reason of disdainful says, Also Weakness, faultiness, or unsound- pride, or of shame or pudency: (Mb :) anything ness; and so ; : badns, foulness, or unseem- of which one is ashamed (S, 0, ]J, TA) when it s roman: [And when the men clad in armour interchange liness, in a thing: disgrace, or difigureent. appears. (TA.) - See also j. . _t A because one is ashamed at her when she appears, the piercing ,f the kideys]. (TA.) And in a (TA.) [See also ;1P.] Cl; ," :1 U& like as one is ashamed at the pudendum (5ajlI) means This is a thing, or an affair, that me do trad. it is said, 5 jji4. They fiU when it appears: (L, TA:) or women. (Mqb.) by turns. (TA, voce .) ascend my pulpit one after another, by turns; _ Any place of concealment (;,.) proper] wheneer one goes, another coming after him. jo I A thiing having no kaeper or guardian; for veiling or covering. (g.) . A gap, an open(TA.) One says also, 'UI J jil 3W, meaning [lit., having a gap, or an opening, or a breach, ing, or a breach, (T, Mqb, ]C,) or any gap, opmThe people aided one another in beating such a exposing it to thieves and the like;] as also ing, or breach, (S, O,) in the frontier of a hostile one,one a ter another. (TA.) And j a*. (TA.) You say e i tA At place country, (T, S, O, Msb, j],) #c., (1g,) or in war 1i. We beat such a one by turns; I beating him in which one fears: (TA:) a place in whtich (a!6 or battle, from which one fears (T, ., O, Myb) one time, and anotheranother time, and a third [in one of my copies of the S ]) one fears slaughter. (T.) - Sometimes it is applied as an another time. (TA.) And it.-i ( p1 J a ol epithet to an indeterminate subst.; and in this being cut [or pierced (see 4)]] , TA ;) as also Each of the two men [in turn] struck the slain case it is applied to a sing. and to a pl., without ? 5'* ;J ; which is doubly tropical: (TA:) variation, and to a masc. and a fem., like an inf. n. man. (Mghi.) And 14,, _ lej l A and V soa.jJ; t a road in which is an opening, (TA.) It is said in the ]ur [xxxiii. 13], to~W O tt The winds blew by turns upon, or over, the in which one fears losing his way and being cut ;', (O,TA) [Verily our hous are open and remains that marked the site of the house, or off: and tl signifies within the power of a exposed: or, as expl. by Bd and others, defee. dnelling; (a, O ;) syn. jLj,(s,) or ;11 one time blowingfro the souti., and another time person; open, and exposed: appearing; and leu]: the epithet being here sing.; and the subst. from the north, and another time from the east, vithin power, or reach: and a place feared. to which it is applied, pl.: (TA:) but in this inand another t me from the west: (Az, TA:) or (TA.) I'Ab and some others read, in the lur stance it may be a contraction of ? t ; and -0- ` blke over t; ,perseveringly, so as to obliterate [xxxiii. 13], 0.. o- --;ee I.l meaning, *j7S thus it has been read: (Bd :) see ;. Also, them; (Lth, TA;) a signification doubly tropi- (0, ;) ! i. e., t Verily our houe are [open and (1g,) or [the pl.] JI". , (S,) Cleft, or f~ , cal: but Az says that this is a mistake. (TA.) exposed,] not protected, but, on the contrary, of mountains. (S, V1.) within the power of thiees, haing no men in And doubly tropical is the saying) oe 1 t1h;l p/e [The noun has the vowels of them: (0, TA:) or it means Sjia., i. e., next to ;jo a subst. meaning *js [q.v.]: (0:) [it desinmtial syntax by turns; having at one time the eneny, so that our goods will be stolen from is mentioned in the . as a subst., and app., from frmtenrh ime nntefr m h eeat tlem. (TA.) See also [or , lasit sentence but the context, as signifying ;jy, i. e. A blindness of n, at another and at another . (TA.) ;l and ;l denote that this has the one. one eye: (but expl. by Golius as meaning the ucession of a rorse after a better:) after the menplace of this, and this the place of this: one says o; s: ee 4:. and see also it c. '. W' bjata 's o* ;! [They two took it, or tion of ;;; J-, and the phrase ,jaI JA and eo The pudendum, or pudenda, (S, 0, Mab, did it, by turn; this, one time; and this, one .hi., in the ., it is added, ;ji lyl t ,) of a human boeing, (, 0,) of a man and of a jt time]: but you do not say 1. 3 j;c!. (IAar.) woman: (TA:) so called because it is abomin- or, accord. to one copy, jl jl; and then follows, o eriil liJW 1 We lent loans, one to another: able to uncover, and to look at, what is thus S1 )WW

e r(z:,4 ' "..'.'.....



BooR I.] oie. 2195

TA;) and t^^ _ cannot see, the eye being as it were blinded: to croak, he closes his eyes; (0, a* pl. of jI [q. v.]; s also ~.m.. as is the dim., (., 0,) and signifies the same. (S.) j meaning ((TA:) ophthalmia; syn. ,s~; (,O,JC;) a sing.; X ';3 It is also used su lmso '; 3 l: (Mb :) which latter also signifiesfoul, - _ jl ;iJ t A duert in which is no water. (f, a t A eU in a state ofdemolition (O, .) hick, white matter, that collects in the inner corner 0 S A road in ihich i no sign of L l N -).) (}, Mgh, 0, Myb, It) and sometimes of the eye; not .fuid; syn. ~..: (Msb:) or t)e rway. (V, Ti.) _.JI lIj .,). t A night ('IQ), eye the makes that matter jluid a signify both kJIt, without teshdeed, (Msb, V,) when used in a morning (;il. , and a year the like, had fallen (jO, TA,) and What is mnart, as though a mote, or , ,,) poetry, (Msb,) and ;l, ( 0, which is no aold. (Th, O, TA.) in (TA,) ;L), into it: (Lth :) and both signify a mote, or the ( tIi taken by persons by turns; expl. by *;jl. like, (S, O, .K,) in the eye: ( :) or (TA, in the - -_jsI also signifies t Anything, (0, I], TA,) A: ( i:) [generally meaning a loan: and the C "and ") Ps signifies pimples, or small pus- a nd any disposition, temper, or nature, (TA,) act of lending;] the putting one in possession of tules, in the lower eyelid: ( K:) a subst., not an b, ad, corrupt, abominable, or disapplroved: (0, the use of a thing rithout anything given in ex] of pl. , TA:) fem. as above. (TA.) - 1. 4 inf. n., nor an act. part. n.: (TA:) the change: (KT, and Kull p. 262:) the returning t1..t [A bad substitute]: a prov. applied to a man , and, by poetic license, i of the thing thus termed is obligatory, when the t;,t. is rho is dispraised succeeding one who is praised: r thing itself remains in existence; and if it has (TA.) One says t;?j meaning, In his a, nd sometimes they said ,1 .J.: and Abooperished, then one must be responsible for its 5 a An ;; il _ (S.) like. the or mote, a is eye as A; value, accord. to Esh-Sh&fi'ee, but not accord. to Dhu-eyb uses the expression ; ` but t jl: called matter fluid the is which in eye uJq. Aboo-laneefeh: (TA:) pl. [of the first] '5tj , s. pl. of h., like as bough he made t not say of it s. do you this, has eye the when (Msb, t!j,. (S, O, M,b, 1,) and [of the second] A bad, an l is pl f . . (,O.) I jl t .H'lat fills, or satifies, tlei, (Lth.)_ - ,j .) A poet says, (AHeyth, saying; or word afoul, abominable, or t), of Jl [meaning camels or the X eye (l*;. ;, A, 0, I ;) opposed to it;,: (AHeyth, A, TA:) * &I .me. * jntje * like], so as almost to put it out; and in like i. q. L ; (S, O ;) i. e. a bad tword or saying, [Our souls are only a loan: and the end of loans manner C~ e,3. (TA.) One says, ,. i hat serve from rectitude: (TA:) or a word (S, is their being given back: j being for .]. I or saying thlat falls inconsistent with reason and aq und * e or 8, o,) ;, (S J c, D~ rectitme: (Lth:) or a word or saying which the that says 0.) 34t is of the measure Z,3L;u: Az (K, hut with *i-- in the place of .;c, and aear rejects; and in the pl. sense you say sI$& g':/',% it is a re:. n. from tJ, which is a subst. from is put for F<,) both of these Aj,Jl: (AZ:) or a bad, an abominable, or a in the C.1 .. ijtl: (Mgh,* Mb :) Lth says that what is thus mentioned by Lb, (TA,) i. e. t [lie has, of camels foul, action: (g :) as though the word or saycalled is so called because it is a disgrace (jt&) to ing, or the action, blinded the eye: the attribute him who demands it; and J says the like; and or the like], what fill, or satisfy, (L,) his sight I which it denotes is transferred to the word or some samy that it is from e.i,l ;jc, meaning, " the by the multitude thereof; (s ;) or that at which saying, or the action; but properly its author is horse went away from his master:" but both these the si4ht is confounded, or perplexed, by reason of as though it filled, or satis- meant. (TA.)_ ;e jtZ, in a trad. of 'Omar, assertions are erroneous; since i.j belongs to the multitude thereof, fied, tihe eye, and put it out: (S, 0:) [and t Obscure, subtile, meanings. (TA.) - See also CfiJlJ 1 , art. j, for the Arabs say A'Obeyd says the like:] or, accord. to As, the the pl. jllt voce >l, last sentence. meaning they lnd [loans], one to another; and Arab in the Time of Ignorance used, when his [inf. n. of 10. - And hence, $ A therefore camels amounted to a thousand, to put out an ;L.. Sji(;6 belong to art. .: ;t and mnetaphor].: the correct amertion is that of Az. (Mvb.) eye of one of them; and hence, by Q,.al "' ;1. (8, Mgh, Msb, 0) and f;1i& (AZ, ., they meant a thousand camels, whercof one had v L .: see , in four plames. L.a also signifies An Msb, O) and *t1g.(g) A fault; a defect; an an eye put out. (TA.) 0, [Borrowed; or asked, demanded, or j1 imperfection; a blemish; something amiss; (, arrow of which the shooter is not known; (S, a loan ;] pass. part. n. of 10 as used in as sou~ht, pl. Mgh, M9b, ;) in an article of merchandise, (S, 1;) and in like manner, a stone: (S, 0:) means arrons in a scat- the phrase li ,jUl.u [q. v.] so in the following (TA:) ;;I Mgh, M1b,) and in a garment, or piece of cloth, 59: 5 (TA,) and in a slave, (Mgb,) and in a beast: tcred state, of which one knows not whence they verse of Bishr (S, 0) Ibn-Abee-kIAzim, describing (TA:) or in a garment, or piece of cloth, a hole, ham come. (IB, TA.) [See also art.c.] And a horse: (0:) . and a rent; (Lth, Mgh, Mgb, 1, TA ;) and so ;I c (S0, ]g and tV s 0 1l (1) signify Svarnm in the like, and in a house or tent and the like; [or] the (TA;) and in a garment, or pieoe of cloth, also of locuts in a scattered state: (S, 0, ]: and state, a scattered in awmay going thereof first a burn; and a rottenness: (Mgh :) and some say [As though the sound of the wind of his nostril, (TA.) nmber. in few that j4, with fet-b, is only in goods, or comwhen theJ (i.e. other hores)supprud loud modities, or articles ofmerchandise. (Myb.) You plM Blind of one eye: ( :) one-yed; wanting breathing, mere the sound of the wind of a borsay ija Ai aL, and t1 , accord. to AZ, An one eye: or having one of his eyes sunk in its rowed blacksmith's belloms]: or, as some my, article of merchandise having a falt, or the like. socket: (Myb:) or having one of his eye dried [app. i.e. cjL, L.Lt.;. here means 53L up: (I] :) applied to a man, (S, Mgb,) and to (u.) [See alo'.] wrorked by turns]: (S, 0 :) he megu that his (Mgb:) pl. ' a camel, &c.: (TA:) fem. I,: nostril was wide, not suppreming the loud breath1fi: am )sVe,in two places. is ing, when other beasts suppreMed the breath by O ) and 11eo (V.) The (0, and ; see, conoidered by the Arabs as of evil omen. (TA.) reason of the narrowness of the place of exit [0 on- thereof. ($ in art. ,b.) - [And hence, : A It is said in a prov., ;qjlj i4 w0: cee J l, of which it is the dim. mnetaphoialy.] eyed, prasere tkhine eye (thine only eye) from the word, or phrase, uwd : stone]. (Meyd, TA.) - St-eyed; syn. (TA:) and 11j$ the same, applied to a woman. ;1p: uee;;, in four plaes. , (Mlb, r,) inf. n. t aor. ],) 1.j ., (., O, Msb, (Q, TA.) - A crow: (, O, 1, :) so called as Anything that caum dieae~ in the eye, being deemed inauspicious; (S, O, TA;) or by j,, (S, O, Myb,) It (a thing) was, or became, ,; or not seisting: ($, O, :) (!, TA,) and od : so ealled becase the eye antiphruis, (TA,) because of the sharpness of his wanting; not found; but not becomes clooed on account of it, and the penon sight; (S, O, TA;) or because, when he desires or it (anything) rwas wanted, and desired,

21F1R [BooK I. attainabb: (Lth, 0:) or it was, or became, mt - 1irreg. 0 pl. thereof similar to and ' :: [ace [see ~.,]) meaning It was, or became, d/dlattaible; notfourd; or not ~aiting. (M 9b - The same verb, inf. n. us above, is also saiid (var p. 286:) destitution: (TA:)poverty: (A:) cuft; cult; syn. : (A, O,O]C:) and [in like manof flesh, or flesh-meat; [app. signifying It becan neviness of condition: (TA:) littlness, or scarce ner] V ,et:l;, said of language, it was, or becam, mwted; or it was, or became, wanting, or n,ot nes, or scantiness, of a thing, to a person, or in obwure. obcure. (TA.).- [The two inf. ns. first menfond;] (A;) or the verb thus used is -j- his estimation, and its nedflness to him: (Lth,* tionedaboveareaboquui.inno.of tioned above are also of l9s q. v.] " lgh, TA :*) straitness, or dfficulty, of a thing. inC. n.jl3. (TA.) _ Also It (an affair) wa M, in 2. es., inC. n. ~,aJ, He put forth, or pro4L.I Want, and poverty, or became, hard,dificult, or strait; (0, ],0 TA I (TA.) You sav, posed, a ver di/ieult to be explained, or nde~ powd, and *j.l1 it (a thing) wa, or became, dificul I befeUl hin. (A.) And hence the saying, ;1 stood. (O, ],* TA.) [See also 4.]_ He did (ItP.) - And He (a man) mwa, or becam ,, M i , , (A, Mgh, TA,) a well-known prov., stood. not purnue a right course in saying nor in acting. poor, needy, or indigent; (Q, A, O, 4 ;) as ah expl. in art. . (TA.) (TA.) *~l, (8, O, Mqb, ],) in- n. ilyl: (, Meb )M3 Poor; needy; indigent: (P, in this art. or the latter signifies he was, or became, poor J 3. ,jla He wrestled with him, each endeavouras to posse nothing; (AZ, Meb;) or he becamis and in art. jj 3 :) and *jy signifies the same; ing to throw downr the other. (Ibn-'Abbad, O, .. ) in want, and in an unsound condition; (A;) s (8, TA;) possessing little; and in an eil con8 4. He said what was dtcult to be also Vjjt, (A, TA,) inc. n. 9j0i!; (TA ;) or i s dition, as also 1tj , (0, TA,) which latter is derstood: (Msb :) he spoke, or made ue of,strange I anomalous. (TA.) You say, j3i 3_ tI Viy language, an eil ondition. (TA.) _ s1jt j', aor.j language, or a strange C~pr on. (., TA.) [See [inC. n. j,] He wanted, needed, or required, ta she is poor indeed: the last word being an imita- also also 2.] You say also, -L.. 1t ).e, He was tive sequent, (C, in this art. and in art. jo,) and thing, andfound it not. (Myb.) [And ,Lj 1jLr t obwure obscure in sqeech. (TA.) And..Jt .,ejel, a corroborative. (TA;) and .jti1, virtually signify the same.] See 4. (f, A, O, .,) inf. n. [or rather quasi-in n.] jS" : see jwp _js. * 1J This is a ,, and h;Q, (Q, TA, [the latter written in 4. j~j, inf. n. jrJl: see j,p, in three placer thing that is rare; scarce; hardly to be found: ,,J t1.jsl Fortune caued him to become i:n (TA:) the C] uo ,]) He made the adversary'scase, or not to befound. (A.) n,ant, or ned; (., 0, I. ;) or rendered him poor or affair, dilicult and intricate to him: (8, 0, (A, Mb ;) [i. e.,] poverty befell him. (TA.) ] :) or he brought upon the adversary that which ,_ j,: see j4. An old and mrorn-out gar- VL:) mas diffcult and intricate to him: (A:) or he iJ1 JjOl [lit., The thing caued him to want i ment or piece of cloth, that is worn in serrice and brought the adversary into a case which he did meaning] he wanted, needed, or required, th in labouring; (S, 0, g;) as also t : (O, :) thing, [or had it not,] (f, 0, I,) and was unabla because such is worn by .,e9, (0, , the poor: (0, J, TA:) not under~stand. (TA.) And 4 to attain it: (?, ] :) and the thing escaped him wherefore it has the form ,,, (TA,) He introduced against hims, of an instrumental TA,) and 1. so that he was unabl to attainit, (M, Mgh, Mob, )noun: (TA:) and the latter, any garment, or of arguments, vwhsat it was dificult for him to it being much wanted by him; (M, TA;) as alsc piece of cloth, rwith tuhich another is preserved: evade. (0, I, TA.) .1 .oj! [It caused nme to :iJI t jb: (M, TA:) or the latter, [virtually, or a new garment or piece of cloth, accord. to AZ: be in di/icu/ty, so that I was unable to accomlike I jlc,] he found not the thing: (0, V, (TA:) but this is [said to be] a mistake ascribed to plish it]. (Ibn-Abb,d, in 0 voce ;1s, q. v.) TA:) but As says that this latter phrase is nol AZ: (0:) pi. of the former, j ; (, 0, g; [seealso la 8: see 1, in three places. -_ ARWl .. o7Ct 7ce known. (O, TA.) - The thing vas little, or r[ce abo ;]) and of t the latter, , with wjhI S tk-camel, xtrce, or scanty, to him, or in his estimation, he-camel, being covered, did not conc.iwve, (Lth, added to corroborate the fem. character. (TA.) R, 0, I,) thwugh there as no diseas in her: (, aul needful to him. (Mgl, TA.),jjsl _ Also The piece of rag wvlich a woman loldk R rA:) TA:) and in like manner, iThe a tlir was hard, or djflicult, to him. (A, wAen wailingfor the dcad. (TA, voce ~.LtI [hr .) vomb ~ was not imprepated]: accord. to Ya4oob, TA.) So in the saying, 6 j%S y ._ he ,o in this verb is substituted for the 1 in Ijii; : secje , in two places. . wl jaa 3.1ai [A question repecting hich ZJOUPI, Z.J1.1I, whichl, accord. to Az, is the more comthe great men of the Companionsm;] the non mon: or, as some say, the former is daid parkno~ledse whereof it difficult. (Mgh.) _ And c icularly of a mare, and the latter of a she-camel. tIcularly one says, W ,SaiL? :;3 L, A thing i. q. a.;, in the diaL of El-Azd. (d ) :TA.) does not come within sight of such a one but he See 1 in art. 6--;e. gm& q-o*& o [inC. n. of 1]: see takes it away: (Ibn-.IHni, O, ] :) a saying dis. approved by AV, but held by AZ to be correct, s_w3_*& s._w_* A ewe, or she-goat, that does not yield [thus said by him with j, (TA,)] and heard from wr er miUc plentiidly, tiwugh plied hard. (0, [.) the Arabs. (O.) [See also!, with,] '1. eX (S, O0, M 9b, K,) aor. ] (Mgb, A difficult thing, or afriir: (Msb:) and TA;) and e laor. j.k; (A, O, V;) inf. n. 9: ee 1, latter part. he same, (of the fbrmer, Mob, or of tbe latter, A) o (.,) or V L, (0, TA,) applied to a tl js The berries of the grape-ine [i.e. grapes; (A, 0, Msb, ) and uLg.; (A, 0,1; [and calamity (4 ) dfflcult, severe, grievous, or dij,dl being expl. as signifying ,JIl .. ]: n. un. accord. to the CV res,ing: (0, K, TA:) IJ holds it to be used -S also, but this I do not hreming: find elsewhere,]) It (a thing [or, accord. to the ['only] as a subst. (M, voce ~ with S. (0, ]K.) i;, ,'.) -Also ,~ (O,) or ,d, [nnguage Difficult to be u~ood: (Mob:) ob(TA,) is expl. by AHeyth as said when one takes, 0, so the former verb, but both as said of lan- I janguage guage,]) as, or became, d~iffult; (S, A,O, sc ,ure; cure; or not comprehendedor understood; as also (0,) or strips off, (TA,) the je (0, TA) that .0 Mqb, ];) syn. -%" *, (A,0,o ,) or ; WO~ cand t , tL, which last is [originally) an are upon the s) WO [or bunch], (0,) or that are (Mqb;) as also alw o : (Mqb:) and it w, upon the . or . i [or grape-vine], (TA,) with all his nf. n., like tJIi &c.: (TA:) poetry of which the fingers, (0, TA,) so as to clear it ofitssjs, (0,) became, imposibl; contr. of 1A . (TA.) You ,eaning is difficult to be eicited; (, 0,O;) as ieaning or so as to clear them from the ff [or stalk] say,,. . tiq t? ,l.t The thing, or ajfair, as, a a~~~~ lso 1'*,.: :) also ,~ , (Q, TA,) thereof. (TA.) bo*-*& (0, or became, diffcult and inriateto Aim: (S, TA:) [so or dibfcult and confued and intricate to Aim, so a,nd id L ,, (TA,) and (, M os, b, , TA,) j, inf. n. of j.i [q. v.]. (B, O, Myb.) _ to a word, or an expression, or a sen0,.(,) [As a simple subst.,] IVant; need; edxiey; that Ahe did not fnd the right course (0, V, TA) a]pplied threin. (O, TA.) -Also said of language, te nce, or the like, ( ,) trange: (Q, :) or (A, O, , ;) in which sense 3l. may be an in. n. as above, (A, 8,) and <t also, (TA, d,fficult ificult to be uerstood. (Mqb.) _ Also, applied


Boox I.]




ap- [both of which also signify he had a thinF re- come to tlee, ever]; like as one says, X, jal.i : plied to a piece of sand (IJ), dificult to travere: placed to him:] and * Z,c, [originally c./,j,] ($, O:) [for in this case you may not say bi,] (MP:) or, accord. to I8h, the latter is applied (Lth and TA, in this art. and in art. e~,,) nor. And one also says ,. l :,L J ,jWI, (in as an epithet to what is ternled [s$, [of which ,bW, (TA in art. ~,) likewise signifies I which the first word is written in some copies of one signification is an even, or a soft, tract of took, or recciwd, a substitute, or sometling instead the f and 1; jM!, and in others j,] like as [app. meaning op- or in exchange, or a compensation: (Lth, TA:) and,] in the sense of ;i1l to earth H), lard: (:) and t;,,
posi oe's proges]: and the state, or quality, but Az says, " I have not heard this on any other thereof, is termed *, js. (O, TA.)_And, authority than that of Lth." (0, TA.) You say 4. S . v i E; [He received as a applied to a place, Rugged, high, and d cult. also, subtitute, or compcsuation, what was better than (Ibn-'Abbd, 0, o.) - Also, (V,) or V .c., (e;, that which had gone from him]; and [in like O, TA,) [as an epithet in which the quality of (i , a subst. predominates,] A diu affair: manner] *,.,uJ. (A.) -at;ctl He came to TA:) or the most dicult of afqair. (., O, TA.) him seeking, or demanding, a substitute, or somei Suck a one en- thing instead or in exchange, or a compensation; You y,'t 1 barks in, or undertaks, the most dfficult of (0, ;) and a free gift, or gratuity. (0, TA.) ( o.,r,) [See also 10.] or aairs. (8, 0, TA.)- Al) 10. s,Mt*l se sought, or demanded, or asked (8, TA,) D y, or distress: (8, :) or di~lty and want. (TA in art. ~. .) You for, a substitute, 'or something instead or in exchange, or a compensation. (S, 0, Msb.)- It Di~uy, )ll or distrs, beflU say, V&L .,l. is also trans.: you say, a.l. l He asked him them. (TA.) And signifies the same; the for a substitute, or something instead or in exLS being interdungeable with the.. (TA.) change, or a compensuation. (A,* O, g.) [See one says, Jil ,_ (, 0, O, 1,) and Q~, (8, 0,) meaning [Do thou, or I wil do, that] in what is [now] to be begun [of time; meaning, immediately: see ilI]: (8 O, , :) [thus making ,,iO decl., and using it without a negative, which must always accompany it when it is indecl.] [See also ,Aj.] Or c. signifies l/me; syn. Jl , (V) and Ci ;lJI; (TA;) which is thus called because, as often a a portion thereof passes, it substitutes for it another portion: (Mughnee, 1 :) or, as some say, because they assert that it despoils and gives compensation. (Mughnee.) [See an ex. in the ]~am p. 271, where it occurs in this sense with tenween, in the printed text, though said in the commentary to be indecl., with fet-h or with damm.] Or it is an oath; (Ibn-El-Kelbee, Muglhnee, ],) and is (so in the O and Mughnee, but in the V1"or ") the name of A certain idol, belonging to BeAr lbsWdil: (e, Mughmee, 0, J]:) as in a verse cited in art. ),a: (O, Mughnec:) but if so, there is no reason for its being used indeclinably in a verse of El-Apsh cited voce . l,I [q. v.]: (Mughnee:) or it is a word used in the manner of an oath; a j 6 man saying to his companion, aUJ l 1w1 [as though meaning Nay, that oill not, or shal not, be, ever]; for if it were a noun signifying time, it would be with tenween; but it is a particle by which is meant an oath, like J.'I and

*t L;P,

I: see aim? econd sentence. -_Also A also 8, last signification.] - [,%aZwl also sigewe, or she-goat, that has not coniovd for some nifies He asked, or desired, that it should be re&'1, He took it (a ) 5and app. placed to him.]- And years: (M, 0, 1:) pI. h0,
,] made to accord with

and e.

W021: foe. l'l~ : aee

(O, thing) as a substitute, or in exchange, for another thing; or in the place of another thing; syn.

, throughout.

!l[q. v.].

(TA in art.


L,La. &)U[An intractabk, or unmanageable, G,. and u4, (Az, S, O, Mughnee, 1) and b?kp; (Mughnee, g,) the first accord. to Ks ,cam]. (Q in art. .A%; there coupled with
c;l5 1: ee art.

1. ~,, (., A, O, Mqb, 1g,) first perL , (A and TA in art. uS%) anor. , (Mqb,) in n. b,: (A, 0, Mqb, ,) and j,. (0, 1) and j,., (A, O,1,) originally e , (O, j,) He (God, A, 0,. , or a man, O, 0, M 9b) gave
hin a substitute, or somethi insed or in ez-

chaoge, or a comp~ation, (., A,* O, Mqb, ],) L o [for sucka tah],(Mb,) or . [for it]; (0, 1;) or ^ 1 sla, id of God, for, or {and of a man,] H;gav him a b~
relced to hIm, what Aad bm taken fron, Aim; (., A, Mb, j,)inf. n. , (A;) and 9

(TA) and the Koofees, and the second accord. to the Bagrees; (O, TA; [in which latter it is added that the second is the most common; but this I think a mistake; for I have most frequently found the first; and in the Mughnee, G .;g. (Lth, O.) mentioned first, as in the S and 1[, and . us, A srbaitute; a thing given, or recoved, last ;]) indeel., (Mughnee, g,) like rig and '1 or put, or done, intead of, in place of, in lie of, and I1, (Mughnee,) without tenween; (S;) or in exchange for, another thing; a comnpesa[but not always, as will be seen below;] an tion; a thing gien, or receied, bty tway of re,.ii: adv. n., (Mughnee, 1g,) denoting future time, (S, placemmnt; (0;) syn. j,.; (M, Myb;) or (A, 1:) pl. l.l. (., Msb.) See also Lj~. O,) or all future time, (Mughnee, g,) like as denotes past time; (S, O;) meaning Ever; syn. [Hence, ;s Lb. As a substitute for it; instead IZ!; (S,- 0,1g;) gut differing from I.f by being of, it the plac of, or in exchange for, it; as a . i q. appropriated to negative phrases only: (Mugh- comnpasation for it; &c.] ~ .j bo 5) i-.. (TA in art. J.) nee, :*) you say u a1J?UI J, (],) or JIjW
), meaning I will not separate myselffrom


(TA,) signifie the ame; (, A, Mb, g;) as

also V .11; (., IJ, M#b;) and V&.JLG, (., O,

1. (TA.).And 1.2 gave to [,) in n. (IJ.),. t[originally C.,] nor. u.1: e a and 3 and 4: ee the preceding paragrph.
him. 6: s 8, in two plaoes

6. .'sI ,jW, in n. 4e;Q, The peopl, or

com"any of men, had their property and tAheir fornmer state r~tor to them after want. (TA.)

8. a,i He toolk, or received, a sbstitute, or oething in; ad or in s,chamge, or a compen~ tion; (C,M1b;) ualso t 4a: (M0, M,b, :)

tl~l, in the dim. form, [but whether in the sing. or dual form is not shown,] Theo penis thee, ewr; like as you say 5.-Jc tib; but you of a anan: of the dial. of El-Yemen. (TA.) like as you may not U5W Lx , may not say ,SI; in the saying of Aboo-Mohammad Elsay JU3l L* 1;1: (., O :) or it denotes past time FaJf'asee, (v,) i. e. (TA) in the following saying, also, having the same meaning: for you say, C ' ~l bi,(AZ, 1g,) meaning I have not ** .l51 j Ifi L ; seen the like of him, or it, er: (AZ:) so in the two books [the O and the TS] of Sgh: and in like manner a poet says, ($, O, TA, in this art. and in art. w.o,) is of the in the sense of the measure I,J~s, 0 measure j,ti '- . 5 A.. .X, * i .. M .like [the epithet in the phrase] l; LA, ($, [And I have not mmn a year, er, more dtruc0, I,) meaning aej.,*: (., 0:) Ay says that tim]. (TA.) But it is decl. when prefixed to the poet is addressing a woman whom ho is deanother noun; as in the saying, y ;,;" L ' sirous of marrying, saying, Art thou in want, *9,,3j (Mughnee,, .) I fil not do it, ever; (and the gift appearingfrom tie shall have an J'Wie j [I mill not exchange madefor it to thee by me) ofa hundred (TA;) and *e>3tWIj.


- i

.' . a ' .0 4 ' ' caml which I will assign to thee as a dowry, "3r. "-3 and ,;: see 1, and as, and ils, [Such a one entered upon the morning, or, simply, onme wherof the [quick] driver w abandon, not this became,] in an evil state, and in a good state: or, this last in two places. became,] being able to collect them together because of acwrd. accord. to some of the lexicologists, one should A " A she-camel not eoneiving in the first not their large numberP (~ in art. u~e: [and the not say %, Z W,but only -A [or b.]. (IDrd, 30 like is said in the 0, as on the authority of Lth: ywa;a,%r year afaer Aaving beem covered: (Ks, Az, S, O :) but I have made a transposition in the explana- or or a she-camel, (Lth, ]g,) and a woman, (],)not O.) .*Also Fortune;syn..q. and JL.(O,.) tion, directed in the TA, to make it agree with ~ coacivigfor seralyears, without being barren; And And so, accord. to some, in the saying, ;t . the order of the words of the verse:]) or the (Lth, 1 ;) as also * 1EZ: (Lth, IAth, O, TA:) Ei. [i.e. May thy fortun be ~ood. (O, TA.) -damel not conceivig whon covered; meaning is, and the giver of a thling in eAchane and a she-&mel Aud And i.q. [as meaning An omen]. (g, TA.) for the enjoyment of thee rweceeth an exchange t (go And thus it is said to signify in the form of (i;)as also V t ., or * a.: (accord. to from thee by marriage which is equal to that diftmnt pmyer which he giveth in exchange for thee; w51c different copies of the :) or not conceivng rwhen prayer above mentioned: (TA:) [for,] as some her say, the meaning is, ,Ja her womb has attainedto maturity: (TA:) *t [May y thy omen being from , not from -.- : [so that, acis also applied to a ewe or she-goat, as meaning U~ b good]. (O, TA.) -_And The j. (0, .) cord. to this explanation, it is used in the sense not conceiving, by reason of the abundance of her One says to a man on the morning after his first of its own proper measure, ja ] but lB says fat; (lAth;) and occurs in a trad., so applied, going a in to his wife, J.~ .,w , meaning thereby that the phrase, in his poetry, is J, ~W alWj (I, IAth,) lAth,) and expl. as signifying " .z. X,) the j.g. [i. e. May thy Abe . in a good state]. 51-, meaning the thing given in;echaeng by I&j 6JX .1_ ; but by this is app. meant that (0, (O, TA.) A'Obeyd says, Some men used to thee wmiU be [indeed] a substitute, or a compnnsa- Am has not conceived, although the time for her con- explain explain (J j. [for which 3.;j is erroneously put jjt;! tion; like as ou say * j. ',Jt: (TA in art. ceivin.q ceiving has come: (lAth:) the pl. of lst. is i, in i.P.W O 1O as the .5 [meaning the .5i], ,,s :) the verse is also related differently, with (Ke, (Ks, 8, M, O,li,) which is also applied to women, in the 0]) i-P-W ;L, in the place of o., and in the place and and she-goats, (M,) and 4x (Ks, S, 0, 1O)and and I mcntioned it to AA, and he disapproved it: 1 (S, 0, O, TA:) but a verse has been cited in which 4 of. i. (TA.) - See also , in two places. J (M, O, ) and Jil~. (TA) and t C ,*g ,0 ,. [certainly] means kS.5i (TA.) - And (Ks, S, 0, ) A guest. (Lth, O,.K.) And thus it has been "t ., (, O,],) like JL~, (O,TA,) a [which is irregular, like J,] and L.4 (accord. to the CK) and ., (K,) expl. as used in the saying, aki subst. from lc; (S,0, ;) [i. e. as expl. in a". (O,0 the T1J, meaning -- and J./;] as also but this is a dial. var. of ".J accord. to those TA.) - And The cock. (O, ]K.) _ And The who assert it to be an inf. n., (As, O, TA,) for lion: lion: because he seeks his prey (t -POG;! *,,2~. (o,~.) --- ) by

[Boox I.


L a,or. L3, (, ,) and (,) inf n. ~..s (M, TA) and, accord. to some, * ~ which others hold to be a pL of S;, (A'Obeyd, ,) but 8b holds it to be a subet. having the sense of an inf n., (TA,) and ; and L;, (],)Sh (a camel) did not coni in the firtyear afr haaving been cowvred: nor in the et folloing year: ( :) or i. q. t '.;. l and 9 J.3 and * ,J; , (]g,) which (or the first and second of which, IDrd, 0) signify she (a camel, IDrd, f, M,A, 0, ], and a woman, A, 0) didnot conceivefor seralyears,(Lth, IDrd, ~, 0, L,)without beingbarrent; (Lth,l];) and sometimes this is caused by the abundance of her fat: (Lth, ?:) the last three verb also signify, (the first of them acord. to the ], and the other two also acord to the TA,) dh (a camel) did not coeive, havigbem co~r.; (I, TA;) or althosugh her womb had attainedto maturity. (TA. [See also ~..L1a, in art. .gJ.]) - [Hence the saying,] t (Ts is a time in rhich th perJ of eliitation ha beomeunproductive, and the pregnant intel~tualfaclti~ have beoefruitle]. (A, TA.) [Hence also,] s't JMZa t The affair mu, or became, d.fficlt; or diult and intricats; or impo~ibl; i. q . 1. ({, O.) ~e also art. . : see 1: ~-and see also -. la in art. J4. 8: see 1, in three plaoes.

some asscrt this last to be an inf. n., not a pl., and in like manner Jj~., (A'Obeyd, S, O,) but Sb holds it to be a subst. in the sense of an inf. n., orionally oriinally 'lU. (L ,TA.) i,, 3 and 3l bq and an t lStc(0, 0 )O, have an intensive to signification, signification, (O,) Not coneiving in the first year ajter after having been covered, nor in th ne~t follo . ing ingyear; like Jj l; and P ' . (S , .O.) 0.) [L. is also pl. of L;;, which see in art. art 4).1


night. (0, g.) - And The volf. (O, ].) And One whvo toib, or seeks the meanm of Astence, for his hoAusehold, or family. (IAr, O, k(.) ) -. - And A certain idol. (O, ].) - And A speci of tree; (0;) or a species of plants, (Algn, (, 0, C,) of the plants of tAe desert, (AJn, 0,) O,) of sweet odour. (Al_n, 0, g.) _ JO Tite The

* i


.. L~Ti;

81s1jj e *v

1,;;., (S, O,) [i. e.] the femal of the . 11 [or [or locust]. (..) And t.s ,, The ,,. [meaning ing the male locust]. (40, , ]..) ~ Also (i.e. to, to, ~) LL161al, J~ )) a goot manner of tending or pasturing L*'Z, and with ;: see 1.3, in four places. [cattle]: [cattle]: [cattle]: (O, 1 :) [or rather, simply,] the ten The author of the V has confounded the words Dr or or pasturing [cattle]: so in the saying, :"' i 1 belonging to this art. with those belonging to art. 0 belonging J%&. '1 1 J, Y3JJI [Verily he is one who has a good Sa. (TA.) M quality Mality qMality of tending, or pasturing, in reect of Ais ,amels]. amelb]. (TA.) jo ? 1. 1. 1 ,- , (Sh, 0, ]g,) aor. ,inf. n. c#, .. . , . .. 6.., a. [ a.5 J_*, JO, (Sh, O,) The birds circled over a thing, -M AM A small creeping thing ( other 'Sh, (Sh, O,Il,) or over the water, or over carcasses )r than the i,;; [which is termed ,, .(TA.) orcorpses: or circled over a thing,0going to and Mn .1 1,19 fro and not going aray,desiring to alight: (V :) And, pasturing And, accord. to A.lit, J!j 9J A spen~ of locust]. AA says that the medial radical is3; others say AA ill;;.,caUed] 'Ji. [pL of ;l,]: it is a 'At the [boeetl lat that it is kS,as will be shown in art. ... (TA.) JU" crw~ m And jill He (a man, TA) kept, or clave, to s mal the creepngthing Le> dust-coloured, that wcaivatei !/m .cavates with its tail and with it two horns, and t/he s t trees,or plants, called J.. (0, V,* TA.) then] th never appears. (TA.) [ --5. 5. J.a3 He (a lion) ought, or ght for or ai.; (O, Lftw, (TA.) alh 1) and v Jlts () The prey which a afer,the prey,by night. (TA.) [It is used as ntrazis. h :; intrans. and as (.bJ * t G) by naght, and as.w.:a trans.:] see J ; and sc t t lion phich ,Ahich Ahe deours. (O, ]L) - And (both words, J(o ic i q. Jh_ [A ,, .ft tract}ora pain, ce]. P) O) A thing that become, or As become, an acqui'0, :01 S.) a Wm ition of any one (O, ], TA) by night. (TA.)

bX.;& b;A state, condition, or case. (, 0, 6) 0, E, ;0 8o in thed saying, it4 .00M ga [May thy state, hcc., in ashemel; as also ' 1., and *l.j and b good,or p at]. (, O.) One says also, 1. 4ts, ,(Mb,) inf n. nj. , * aor. 0 p-p 4i ;j~JJC~l, iL; [perhaps a mistake for Li.]. (TA.) 5, r.l, and J J [boetla , meaning ( (, O, Mqb, ,) with which p [(as inf. n. of

AL,; The quality dnoted by the epitet

the mak

Boox I.]


2199 (0, i.) two places: the pl. of the first is 0S. ta jL;t (1, TA) and (jl One says, jl (TA) [A hindereror hindrance, or an imeder or hindered me, or impeded me, impediment, &che., the thing that I "%,-] J~iJ[lfreom desired to do]. (TA.) And , J&141 signifies The accidents, or caualti, of time or fortune, tlhat divrt [or hinder or impede] by busying or occupying or employing: (., 0, JI, TA:) the former noun being pl. of ilbt, or anomalously of (TA.) 9 3g

S A man in whom, (O,) or with whom, (i,) for its aor.] is syn.; (O and' is no good; (0, g;) as also t sj ; ( ;) occurin art. je ;) and VJ 'l,(, 0O,) inf. n. (1k;) and t ri1&1 [if not a mistranscription for ring in the saying of Ru-beh, lt Ati. *.' -sit .1. -2.t. . Ie-~ "t1]; (Meb ;) and * J&, (,) inf n-. Jq3; 0 *,I VI 0 (IJ, TA;) HIe, or it, (S, O, ] ;) and t ;r;; hinldered, prewnted, impeded, or nitaldael, him; [May every one of them in whom, or with whom, (S, O, Msb, 1~, TA;) turned him back or away; is no good, who is niggardly, be thy ransom]: rttardedhim; or diverted him by occupying hinm(TA:) pl. j l. (]1)_ also -'. h [from suc~ X otherwise; (S, 0, o;, TA;) t. -- Hunger: (0, g:) like jic. (O.) a thin]; (S, O, TA;) and *1i; ~.$J s.. j 1> [from the course that he desired to pursue]. (TA.) 3,: see v.: - and Ot. _- Also Hun[Accord. to the $ and O and g, the first is sn. gry: [a meaning indicated, but not expressed, in with '~ and ,, and so is the last accord. to the O and I :] you say vji J j, [A ery IJ and the TA, as is the second accord. to the $ and 0, and so app. are this and the fourth hungry man]; (IAar, 0, K;) ,i being an imiaccord. to the I; and accord. to the ; and O tative [and corroborative] sequent. (TA in art.
31 having i


3P: see


in three places.

0-! and v~: see ~jJ, first signification. It is also used as an imitative sequent: one says (IAr,TA) # ' o ; ~ I ; (9) or [app. meaning Very niggardly]: or, u some say, ,c dsgnifies as expl. voce ,-;.i, and is not an imitative sequent. (TA.)

and V and TA, the fourth is s with 0..4, as i3.) are also the first and second accord. to the 1] and (1,) ) and L9 and 13c (S, , Vo TA: aceord. to the Myb, the first and third and which last is from IApr, and is by some written And li signifies the fourth are sn. with .. k, this last with and Vt e and .i and bt;l. (TA.) - b 't t , (TA,) and 9 same asr ......... &; ks G fet-h, ([,) i. e. with fet-l and teshdeed to the L$, ' ... *,X 54 &', (6,) or %;a (TA, [but in the C] Ac,]) A man having the (0, t;,) means She did not h..J ,sc. ;1, quality of hindering, preventing, impeding, recebar, or stick, to tite heart of her husband; tarding, or dierting by otherise occupying, (S, TA;) to which I1~; adds, and did not O, ], TA,) men from that which is good, and 0, ( O1, hinder him from separating hi,nseyfrom her, or his companions, becaum accidents diverting him marryijng another: and some say that it means from his course prevent his attaining the object dh naJ not happy with uher husband; near to his of his want: (TA: [see also 3 :]) and (O, O) heart; in fatour with him, or beloved by T him: is an itaitative adjunct to IDrd says, (0,) f ~j, (0, ],) thus with teshand some, that ' (TA.) deed accord. to El-Arzenee and Aboo-Sahl El'ij, because the latter signifies ..#;'. Harawee, applied to a man, (O,) signifies one 3: see the first sentence above. n,ho hlnders, prevents, intdes, &c., men from [accomplishing] their affairs: (O, 1 :) or it sig4. J1l: see 1, first sentence. _ a,.JI .i nifies, (15,) or signifies also, accord. to IDrd, (O,) or .~1P, The beast, or the traveling~r on, [by a coward, or cowardly; (0, K ;) in this sense failing me,] disabld me fpom proscuting my peculiar to the dial. of Hudheyl; (0;) and so . (Ibn-AbbAd, 0, g.) jou~r; syn. JW: and Cj is also syn. with t* '~: (1 :) jst It caused me to be in difficulty thus it means accord. to Aboo-UsAmeh, as an And k. ( , so that I was unable to accomplish it. epithet applied to a man: (O:) and f c (O, O) accord. to him (0) is pl. of YnIA: (O, :) (Ibn-Abbad, O.) 9 both signify also one wluom He became hind-ed, prevented, im- and jg and *t .. to hinder, prevent, impede, cc., cease not affairs retarded, away, back or turned withheld, peded, e5 . - from [accomplisthing] the object of his want: and or diverted by being occupied othen'we; [ . iC& he purposes a thing, does it: (1 :) one who, ,when ja : thus they are expi. by Ibn-Abbfd; as though fro an afair;]syn. 12. (, o, O,.)- , see 1, first sentence. having two contr. significations. (O.)

,,aJil A red [?] bright star in, or on, the right [P] edge of thk Milhy Way, following, not riing before preceding, Ji-JI [the Plc]; oUjl [by which may be meant either Orion or Geminil: (TA:) when it has risen, it is known that 1%1 has risen: (O :) [it is the well-known name of the star Capella, notwithstanding its being described above as "red," and as in, or on, the "right" of the Milky Way; for Capella, though not now red, has been observed to alter in brightness by astronomers in very recent times; and I think that the word rendered above "right," which is X ., is probably a mistranscription for ,i. e. "left :" the description here following plainly indicates Capella :] it is the bright star[a;] upon the left shoulder of Auriga: that upon the the two on the left wrist left elbow is j.l: together with a l are called jL'tJl: [see j. :] [or watcher] of Qt,Jl, it is also called the ~ at many places: and rises therewith because it the star on the right shoulder [i. e. 9] with the two upon the ankle-joints [which may be 0 and t, for the constellation is variously figured,] are called j1nt called ju.lJ impeding 'j3: (![,zw:) it is [said to be] because of its [being regarded as] from meeting 1;t1: (TA:)


8. ;3ls: see 1, first sentence. ~ [Accord. to Freytag, ~jtl also signifies He was detained, or retained, (retentusfait,) with, or at the abode of, any one: and he was bound.] l& i,, (thus in copies of the I,) or [correctly] yl yl, like 51t 5a,, (Lh, 0,) The crJ ofthe crow; (L!,O,1 ;) an imitation thereof. (0) Js [an inf. n.: and also used as an epithet, signifyring] One rho hinders, prevents, im~edes, that whic is good; as ~ Ju., [am1,] poople [but app. in an intensive sense]. (!. alot9a ]!-. See also -t?, in two placem. [(e also - Also A place of bending, or - And see 4..

j. ,i.:

: see j3, see ~.

first signification.


inclning, of a aUley, to the right or



(0, V.)

6 J X Time: so in the usaying,,l [That wi not be to the end of time]. (V.) Bk. I.

(9, 0,) ,P iji, (Lth, Az, S, 0,) is originally its medial radical beingg; or it may be .. (Lth, Alc: see 09, first signification. l.L [meanAz, TA.) One says also, Wtb v jlc A sound that issues from the belly of a beast, or horse or the like, when he is going along; ing This is .sueJ rising]; suppressing the J, (O, 1;) as also 13i;: (0:) and some say, a but meaning it to be understood, and therefore leaving the word itself in its former determinate sound of anything. (TA.) state [without tenween]. (IAqr, TA.) pi The sound of the sheath of the penis of One whio is diappointedof attaininJghis 9 the horse; as also ,Sej. (TA.) object [by the failing of his beast or of his 9,? an sig3lI and tV and s9j and V syn. ti. . .c]; no travelling-provision: see nify the same; (1, TA;) i.e. [A person, or (Ibn-'Abbid, O, (Ibn].) - And hunr~ . thing,] hindering,pr~eeting, impeding, withholdAbbUl, O, IV.) ing, turning back or armay, retarding,or diverting by occupying otherwise: (TA:) see also jj., in '. A certain idol which pertained to tAf 277

290 people of Noah: (?, O, :) or originally a ctain righteos man in his age, of. whom and of n othr~ rghteos mm ajfr Am, by the dir in tion of the D~ i, re mad imaga, nwhichA proms of time became objectU of ~rship: (Lth, :) or a certain idol which pertained to [the 0, tribe of] KIsn"A, (Zj, TA,) or to Murd&(KYh and Bd in l,xi. 23.) [See also >j.]

[BooK I. one of it extremities rose above the other: (TA:) 0,1 AI, (Myb,) frst O,) or I, (Mgh, (SI, or it wa, or became, defective, and dec d from i, pers. tl , (V,) meaning Zeyd made the -- L; the right state: or [in the CV1 "and"] it was, or , to be as dero~ed above; as also *JI l; became, x~esive. (V, TA.) And [hence,] Jt& or O, M9b, 1 ;*) which latter is the more (?, Mgh, j t.He was, or became, unfaithful; or -. common. (M,b.) _- Jl. said of an afrair, or he ated unfaithfully. (Myb.) A poet says, event, It n,as, or became, hard to be borne, severe, or distressing, and great, or formidable. (ff, O, ^A;3 b$1 j"Sw U~X 1.iu *

Js 1. :I'; jI,

(~, Mgh, O, Mhb,*

, TA,) aor. He fed,

, (S, O, Myb,) inf. n. J

(S, O, Mgb, ])

and i1Q (m,O,J) and


; (I;)

nouristioed, or nuotained, his family, or houehold, J, the (9, Mgh, O, M9b,* ], [in the Mqb, .. orphan,]) andexpendd upon thnm: (9, Mgh, O :) or he rupplied them with what tlhey needed of food and clothing and other things: (TA :) and tJtl signify the same. (1I.) Onc says, , and t I supplied him with his mean of substenca for a month. (O, 0.) And it is said in a trad., c*a- ,ll i.e. [Begin tlowu] with thoe J wAhom thou sustaineot, and whose exp~ses are incumbent on thee; and if anything remain over and above, let it be for the strangers, or those who are not related to thee. (TA.) 1 And J%t, (Ks, ~, TA,) aor. au above, (Ks, TA,) inf. n.


and ai%; (g, TA) and jj;, (TA,) He had

a numerousfamily or household; (1g, TA;) [and] so ' jisl, (Z, Mgh, O, Mqb,) and V j,;, (Z, O, 1X,) and V,)1J, (M9 b, V, TA,) this last formed by the change of j into ks, (TA,) [or formed from 5s,] and Je [i. e. t 3 ]: (Msb:) J is also expl. as meaning [simply] he had afamily, or houehold: and ~;JI, occurring in a trad., as meaning ds brought forth children, is said by , signifying he had IAth to be originally a family, or household; but Z says that is formed with a regard to the word ZJe, and is not the original form. (TA.) [See also 4 in jLt G.] jl; ) 1 is a form of imprecaart. J tion, meaning [What ails him?] May he have a numerowfamily or houehold, and may he decline from the ritjht cours in his judgm~t. (V. [See And the sayanother explanation in art. J.]) '; u.;l ,i& has [iv. 3], Ij in the ~ur ing, been expl. as meaning [That wiiU be more, or ~ot, apt, fit, or proper,] that ye may not have numer famiie or households. (TA.) [Hence, probably,] Jtc, aor. as above, [and Ji, signifies also He (a man) (see 1 in art. J,)] was, or became, poor; (KD, TA;) [and] so ij J (]..) And Yoo says that s jli.

ij [app. meaning No signifies ~.1 ,1 one wiU become poor, or in want, while following 'S. (TA the right course]: (TA:) and so J in art. J0,.) - X 1 .JI Jst, (~, Mgh, O, M,b,
, (l, TA,) inf. n. and ) nor. i, and ,), (TA,) Tlhe balance inclined, or declined, (g, Mgh, O, Myb,) and rose: (Mgh, Myb:) or

O,) (9, O,J, _ -) And also, (?, O, ,,) aor. inf. n. j0~, (TA,) It (a thing) overcame a person; TVe hawve foUomed the tvay of the burdened, or oppressed, him; (S, O, ] ;) dibtre~ed [Tiey said, "W Apostle of God :" but tihey have rejected the say- him; (Fr, O ;) and disquieted him, or rendered ing of the Apostle, tand beenfalse in the balances, him anxious. (S.) [See an ex. in a verse cited i.e., unfaithful]. ($, 0.) - And Jl, (inf. n. voce Ail;, in art. j.a.] One says, J. i Oe*ays,. L -, :PS, Myb,) He (a judge, Mgh) deviated from Z;I. i. e. i ime! o j L , [Mayhe be the right course, or acted wrongfully, (S, Mgh, O, Of w,hat is he the overcomer?]: (i, Meyd, O, ]:) Mb, gI,) ,&1 ' [in the judgment]. (S, 0.) a provey., (Meyd,) applied to him at whose speech, Hence, in the gur [iv. 3, mentioned above], X1 or soc-e other thing proceeding from him, ($, IJj.. [that ye may not deviate from the right Meyd, O, g,) of a like sort, (V,) one wonders: (S, Meyd, O, :) it is of the nature of a prayer, course], ($, Mgh, O, Mb, TA,) accord. to Muja(S, Meyd, O,) for the man; (Meyd ;) like the hid, (S, O, M9b,) and most of the expositors. i ., and (TA.) - And hence, (~, Mgh, O,) in the opinion saying, when a thing pleases one, 1 patience And 5 Js My sin .;.I. (TA.) $I tJl, (S, Mgh, O, of A'Obeyd, (S, O,) ~: was overcome; (S, O, J;) and 8so. Mob, ],) aor. jD , (TA,) inf. n. )]s, (S, Mgh, (Abu-l-Jarr6h, LI, ]:) or, accord. to Aboo[or prinarily-apportioned 0, Msb,) 7The &. Tilib, the former may mean ' [i. e., was tahn inmritance] deviated [by excess]from the limit of away, lit. raised; and if so, the latter may in the named [primary] portions [which are all frac]. (TA.) ;,11 Ci, tions of four and twenty]; (Bd in iv. 3;) [mean- like manner mean ing] it rose [above], (S, O, Msb, g,) or exceeded, occurring in a verse of Umeiyeh Ibn-Abi-~lt, (],) in the reckoning, (M9 b, g,) [the regular refers to a year of drought, and means It opsd sum of the fiz~ed primary portions,] i.e., it [fixed the [mild] omren, by occasioning their having d primary] portions exeeded [the regular sum and :e tied to their tails and set on fire, and thereof], occaioning a diminution to the sharers: being made to ascend upon the mountain; by (S, Mgh, O, Mb :) 3a1 in this case being the the doing of which, the Arab asserted that they contr. of .jl [which I do not find in any lexicon, obtained rain. ($, O. [See art. .]) _ but only in dictionaries of conventional terms]. 0J [in which Ail app. signifies properly aj, (Mqb.) As relates, of El-Mufaddal, that, appli- the agent (311) being understood,] is like the saycation having been made to him respecting [the ing til( U W, (l]; TA, [in the CI W W]) and shares of inheritance of] two daughters and a father and a mother and a wife, said, "Her [the is expl. in the T as meaning Mayest thou ris, or wife's] eighth has become a ninth :" and A'Obeyd be raised, after stumbling, or falling. (TA.) says, he meant that the [primary] portions had J3 ._ [app. signifying lit. May the railingfor exceeded [the regular sum] so that there fell to him be raised (in the C1l I-)] means may his the wife the ninth, whereas in the original case mother be bereft of him; as also .- jle. (]P, she would have had the eighth; for if the L.ak~ TA.) had not exceeded [the regular sum], it would have consisted of four and twenty; but when it [app. formed from Jlc, in which the S.,, [so] exceeded, it became of seven and twenty; kS is originally j]: see 1, first sentence. - It and there pertained to the two daughters the two signifies also He mada them to become what are thirds [of four and twenty], i. e. sixteen portions; termed JQ0 [i. e. a family, or houshold]: or Ae and to the father and the mother the two sixths, signifies the feedi. e. eight portions; and to the wife three reckoned neylected them: (I :) or ,) as inas of seven and twenty, i. e. the ninth, whereas, ing badly. (S and O in art. J.) ~-. J J~ O He before the exceeding, it would have been three trans.: see 1, fourth sentence. of four and twenty, i.e. the eighth: and this acted, or behaved, Uith boldnem, or presumptu~uaiJL..JI, because 'Alee ness, towards him; or confided in his le, and question is called 441 therefore acted presumptuoudy towards him; and was asked respecting it when he was on the he put, or impo~d as a burd, pon him [some pulpit, and said, without premneditation, "Her , I eighth has become a ninth." (TA.) Hence the affair]; (AZ, ,O, 1;) as also AieLs?JjV (TA.) One says, *Jo, saying, in a trad. of Maryam, [i. e. the Virgin TA,) part. n.? J~. Mary, respecting a story to which allusion is I put, or imposed as a burden, p ;S j made in the ]ur iii. 39, (see a note on that verse such a one, someahat of my affair: and 3j oi i.e. [And Put thou, or impose thou as a burden, in Sale's Translation,)] ,4j mpo e the divining-arro of Zacharias] rose upon the what thou des irest. (Inam p. 125.) . And He asked aid of him; (M,TA;) u abo d JOs. wrater. (TA.) - And one says also, .stj Jt * ,JI> 1, J,i* J, .. JJJ,ijs

Booa I.]

J ,

are the persons

hold; (Mpb;) [i. e.,] a man's S (8, O :) or, acord. to 8b and others, J is used (TA.) One ays, , or nutaiu; (., O, Mhb, fed, noM hom ahe said WJ3; j'; aid of me in what thou ilt; as though he said, only as a sequent to Jk3; they him, and whos J3O both signify ] ;) or the peon Ao dell pwt thou, or imp~os thou as a burden, upon me, in which, As says, J0 and his young man, as him, on incumbent are pesxpm and Aboowhat tho likest. (., O.) - And He relied wpon ee~ping, or lamentation ith tears; and hi young child: (KT:)

it, or confid~d in it; (Mpb, ] ;) namely, a thing; T'lib says that they are put in the accus. case as expressive of an imprecation and of blame, like as (Mpb) and ) as alo d~ Ji.; inf. n. 5 .3 sayings ~J 3'd and di t;4. (TA.) (], TA,) thus on the authority of Th, who thus is done in the Also Any affair, or event, that renders one explains it in the saying, (TA,) of Imra-elanx/iou: (V,* TA:) app. an inf. n. used thus as lfeys, (0,) a subst. (TA.) - And One whose aid is asked ,4 0 *CC i;V ,;*(],, TA) in affairs of diffJulty or importance. h eb S *2's 0l-;,~ (TA. [See also J ".]) - And The food of a *, family or household. (J.) [When vtily my cure is a fonv of tears poured see the next paragraph. forth: but is tlhere reliance, or confidence, to be felt at the remains of an abode becoming rased, or Jo is [said to be] a subst. signifying Reliance, in ;J of n. inf. an here is . J I or H ef'aced?]: 9 and confidence: (S,' , TA:) and [it is said that] I the senseof ~JH , i. e. A; so that the mean;; signifies He is my stay, or suport: the ing is, weeping: (TA:) or it here means a place word, however, occurs in this form, twice, in a of weeping: or, as some say, a seeking of any verse of Taiibala-sharrh, accord. to the relation eans of profiting. (0. [See also EM pp. 6 thereof by Aboo-'Ikrimeh; but accord. to others and 7.]) One says likewise, t'W .j l , mean- it is t I,3, with fet-h to the t and j, and is said ing [Upon him is placed] reliance. (TA.) - to be an inf. n.; whereas the former is said to be See also 4. _ And 0J , (V., and Yam p. 125,) pl. of Yt .; [and the two words signify, respeceJq$,, (s,) signifies or Xa1 J, (8, O,) inf. n. tively, a weeping and weelpings; for] by his saying a constructed, or made, [Iam) pastor, (a He


or slave, his rife, ) 3 signifies the same: ( :) or this latter andt

(which is originally Jl, TA) is sing. of Mgh, O, M9b2 and of ~Jtc, (0, O,) like as *, o, is sing. of >Q. (8, Mgh, 0, Mqb) and of e;;q.; (;, O ;) the last being a pl. pl., (1, in art.



~J.,) [as also jlto, of which see an ex. voce J.j ;] but is sometimes used as a pl., for rj e.', accord. to an ex. in a trad., signifies ten ersonu fed, nourished, or sustained, by a man: (Kr, ,) a>, iBs j] (TA:) or the pl. [of V* [like u ;;1 is said to be pl. of.+,] or, accord. to ISd, it is pL off1c, [q. v. in art. Jap, and in like manner ;L is held by him to be pi. of ;1, not of ".,] for [he says that] a word of the measure JLA never forms a pl. [like it;, whichl is] of the measure 'i;J; (TA;) and [ (c~ is (]4.) applied to women, for] one says Jit. i. mstefor dependants tThe Jlga [as meaning to used, metaphorically, in also WM, is aAso nanace] 15 nancsj M relation WCAMLAVAA L. birds, birds, and to predaceous and other beasts. (TA.)
(T in art.Al.)


elter from the rain, termed 3atI, (., 0, I, and Iam*n ubi suprk,) by binding some branches of a the poet means Ij I wept for any one, I would And QJlalt l is a name for tTiet cooking-pot. tree to some brancheu of a tree near to theformer,
weep &c. (TA.) - And j; is also a subst. sigand then comring them with smna lopped wvood nifying An askingfor aid. (g, TA.) such as is uedfor firenool. (IYam.) i~i A ;i [or covering], (:j,) or a thing like a 1Jal atnd 4. .. jlW: see 1, first sentence. ;', (., o,) sed a ashltr from the rain, (S, and jot as intrans.: see 1, former halt; in j; O, ],) constructed with cuttings of trees [in a 1 Jsl8 or ~mJI: see 1, mnumncr described above: see 2, last sentence]. six pl s - u !,Mi5 I Wi., (Kr, ],) either as See also I, former half. - J 9 latter half. (TA.) - And i. q. wept; He 1) O, (Sh, animal thus caUed [i. e. J0; * of and pecies Og) i;, 0, 18h, meaning The : (O,. :) or he waid; an ostrich], or as meaning a ;.l, for thus aln (O;) as also *j'rS! i.e. raised his voice with mweping, (,K,) and also signifies. (TA.)~ [As a pl.: see je.] or wept, and cried out; 4 i for - See also art. Jea. cried out; (]C;) him: (Sh, O, Msb:) and an instance occurs, in ~JH: see the next paragraph, in two places: a verse of 'Obeyd-Allah Ibn-'Ot0J. beh, cited by Th, of J9.l trans. by itself, ~i1 and see also bbing suppressed. (TA.) - [Hence,] one says j4tc A wailing; i.e. a raising of the voice also, W1I .IH t The bors produced a sound: with weeping; as also tJj; and taii: (B, O, (, M, O,], TA:) in some lexicons, as in the ]:) or a weeping and crying out: (Mb :) and L, erroneously, J,y-Jl. (TA.) _ And Jc and sometimes it signifies a cry, or voice, from the and J};i chest, without weeping: (0, TA:) and sometimes and .8 in art. 3Jc) 0, ,j)i (AZ, o, 1 signifies the burning sensation of grief and vchemently, desired ]) (i) signify He (a man, t j4 avidity; rith or greedily, eagerly, greedily, very of love, witlout a raising of the voice and without or did to excssitly, or cadpahly; or covted; weeping. (TA.) [See also ja'.] Also Weak: .pa and t J (AZ, g, O, V;;) part. ns.V.j . and hence it is used as a name for One of the (TA.) ropes of a ship or boat. (TA.) Want: 0, -;-0,3and intrusion atfeasts,uninvited. (TA.) J; A weeping: an inf. n. [or rather a quasiJ;;

inf. in

n.] of j3:

pl 31

and by poetic lioense


(TA.) [See also.] (TA.)

Olo 01&

[act. part. n. of jl]._-One says'

the latter being formed by transl t1 and ,;Jt, JJ,' position, meaning [An affair, or event,] hard to be borne, seere, or distresing, and great, or for(TA.) - -L;5 applied to a measure of .id,abZe. midiable. capacity means Exceeding others. (IApr, TA in art. ,JC.) art.
*m, dJ: see jeo


in two places

'09 occurring in a verse of borm, &c.]: and Ul, borne, Aboo-Dhu-eyb, Aboo-Dhu-eyb, signifies the same, being formed


sq. i q.

zIl [More, and most, hard to be

from from

)j3, by transposition. (TA.)

in the first of the senses expl. above, aor. to and seems be an inf. n. used in the sense of a : like word a is ;* j o. pass. part. n.; (IB, TA;) [and if so, it may be weem used as a sing. (as it is in the Ksh and by Bd in one says, ~Us and j ) [i. e. May God J1~ and decree thy woe and tle wue of Zeyd, virtually xvi. 78 and in the S and Mgh &c. voce a pl.; as also and meaning roe to tAee and awoe to Zeyd]: (S, 0, in the O and g voce !e_) [lit. meaning Woe to Zeyd]: but in general] it signifies A family, or housead ., j an:)

longing to him. (.)

0 J310A i jZ [Fed, nourishad, or stained: &c._And] Ovcrcome: applied in this sense to patience: Q(:) and to a man, in respect of his opinion, or (Ig:) see the next preceding paragraph. 8.a ): j%., belonging to this art. and to art. jo; judgment. (TA.) 9. (], mentioned in the S and 0 in the latter art.;) for: thus in W:, Waikd J*RA, ,i, followed by > 1a word occurring in the saying jti L* from jla, J is it for 3, for substituted is U its or IJ '$, , which means le has not anything bethe trad., V,.LN *g 3JaJ, ($1,0,) or, as some



relate relate it, t J;.jl; i. e. He (of the dead) nwho is nwiledfor iledfor will be punished. (O.)
0 J : see 2: ~ and see also 4, last sentence. 0 J-Y~ 4,6 [A pickaxe, or stone-cutter's pick; (so in iJP-, J, the present day;)] the iron implement, (g,) a



Jig -.


[Boom I.

9.' large ."U, ($, O, Mqb,) with woich are peched d, tred, or tisted, upon the head]. (.) And the measure k.W ; [i.e.A,~]: (M9 b:) it has no. or hollowed out, (Q, O, J4,)rocs, or great nmase W,,Ag_ also signifies The putting, or placing, other other pl. than this. (TA.) - One says, of stone, (5, O,) or mountains: (i:) pl. s b, reaped corn in handfuls. (g, X.) ~See also the ,a&; ,l& [I met hin in a former year; generall;y next paragraph, in two places. (, o.) [seealsoiG.] meaning, the year immediately prig, or, as we say, lart year]; making the last word imper. ~a A man aving a family, or houold 3. *_*jtP, (Lh, g, TA,) inf. n. L.ja. and fectly decl. as being an epithet [and of the measure fwdy whom he Aas tofeed; [or, accord. to an explana ..f,, He hired himn, or took him as a hired man [I met him i a tion of its verb, having a numerow family olror hirelingy,for the year: (Lb, TA:) or he made of a verb]: and Jj.t 16e _-_i: year before; generally meaning the same as the household;] u also , like JL_.-. [ii an engagement, or a contract, with him for work phrase preceding]; making the last word perfectly or th like, by the year: (Q:) or you say, 4;.1 decl. measure]: (TA: [see also art. J,:]) or t J,h as not being an epithet [but an adv. n.]: (S signifies one whAoe property is defict, and mAoa a.e,Ia; like as you say, EAU; (Q, Mqb;) the and g in art. Ijj:) or the meaning is, [in a 1 family, or houehold, haw overcome him. (TA former from .la, and the latter from I; &c. E year] before this year; even if it be by a number in art. ~) See .. also 4, last sentence. (M9 b.) The jlo;. that is forbidden is The of years: (Alee El-gAri, on the authority of Seer, in a marginal note in my MS. copy of the ], jy., One of whom aid, or nsccour, is asked: eltingthe seEproduce of one's year, (8, V, TA,) or the datae of one's palm-tree, or one's trees, for art. J3, :) and one says also, accord. to AZ and ($, O, TA:) and one upon whom rdiance, or con. .19 two years, or three, (so in one of my copies of the IAv, IAr',J9l1 4Ai); (TA in art. Jj ;) or this Iisplaced. (TA.) One says,;sill M' ) C; ?,) orfor rrhat wiU come forth in the netfollow. is rarely said; (]C and TA in that art.;) or should X He has not, among the pople, or party, ing year: or, as in the Nh, the selling thefruit of not be said; (ISk, { and TA in that art.;) nor any of Ao aid i [to be] asked. (, O.) [See ons's palm-trea or of one's grape-vina or of one's it;t should one say, J31,l, .L.ii. (ISk, TA in the also J~.]- ~It is also an inf. n. of j.J. (Th, [other] tres for twro years, or three, and more present art.) And [in like manner] one says, V, TA.) See that verb, in three places.m Also than that: (TA:) or one's eatnding to a man si 8 Jjl " J. 'lIj tL, putting the last word in the A place oFf wrping [or of wailing]: so, accord. to the term of a debt that has become due by him and some, in the verse cited in the second paragraph his incrasing the amount of the debt: (Lb, TA:) nom. case as being an epithet, (? and V in art. or one's addingsomewhat to a debt and deferring it. J3,) JI,) as though he said [q. v.]. (O.) See also Ja. ;l OjI [i.e. I haw X (].) -_And not sen him since a year preceding~ this our year]; iiii i 1 Th paln-tree bore not 4 ,: ee J~ , in two places. one year and did not bear anotheryear; (?, I ;) (~ in that art.;) and J 1 A;l;b SL, putting the lit word in the accus. case as an adv. n., (? and ]* "0 . A consruwtor of the sort of shelterfrom like Zjl; (Ay, in g and TA, art. &;._;)as word in that art.,) as though he said tio j the rain caled iJI. (Skr, Q,O.) Z` EM The grape-vine bore much one year and littl [since [since a year before this our year]: ( in that ,&g another. (TA. [See also - ; perhaps a mis l 1 art.:) and J3l L*ta J. and QVA aLv are also transcription for . ])_.. Also (i. e. ;_W.( mentioned by different authors. (L in art. J..A.) La ."'1 The palm-tree competed a year [of And [using the dim. form] one says,,j &;em -'5 growth]. (Z, TA.) inf. n.s, .MpW; i.e. [I met him] in the coure of su.n (M, M,b, g,) He swam in the water; *,dl 1 syn. .: (Mgh:).l siginifying .;1: t (F, years; years; like as one says, ,~P1I l.3 *di, and 4. IIJI %.18W Th house, or dwelling, became V:) or, accord. to the author of the " ItitIf," alred, or changed, and years passed over it; ;IS: oIS: ( :) or the meaning is, [somefew yWars the former signifies the coursing along in mater like zJt.l. (TA in art. J,.) afo; or] thres years ago or more, to te: (AZ, ap; mith immenion of onelff; and the latter, "the Az, As, TA:) and it is like the saying, . Aj coursing along upon water without immersion of ;t1 A year; syn. i.; (J,g;) or Z.;,: the fernm. form is used because they men oneself:" [but ee what follows:] or, as some [not L;.; for] El-Jawalee4ee says, the common Z;Wm: say, the former is an act of rational beings, and people do not distinguish between the *to and the ;y by it ;ij~( (Az, TA.) - One says abo the latter is of irrational; but Bl, on the words X, making them both to have the same mean,~ JJlt iJU JU and Jjt4 [A sh-crmd that -j '._: JA j ~Ji [in the ur xxi. 34], says ing; but the right state of the case is what I have has passed a year, and her year, aftr cutting Ahr been told on the authority of Abmad Ibn-Yahya that JI is the act of rational beings. (MF, uth], [i. e. Th], that the L;. is from any day from tsh], (TA,) and qi: Jj that hA paed two tears after cuting the tush (MF and TAin which one commences a reckoning to the like Iocars TA.) It is said in a trad., .*l., ,t~. !il art. J.) m See also tt, in two places. It [Teach ye your young boys swimming]. (TA.) thereof, and the.A18 is only [a period of ] a winter " o and a summer; and it is also said in s also the said T in and the 1] i that.Zt lsignifies jt,gl: but And one says, ~Z ';;. I [i~mming once learned mill not be forgotten]. (?, TA.) _- And in the Bari' that the_..L is a J_. that makes an this is a mistake and a mistranscription: it is ;lt1I; and its place is art.,.M; as it is menL.'il ~tl, (TA,) inf. n. as above, (Q, ],) Th2end of a winterand a ummer; so that every *.18is , ;t;;J;; a 1, but every 1;w is not an.*t; for when you tioned by As, on the authority of EI-Mu~rrij. sip coured along. (, , TA.)- And C:~t reckon from a day to the like thereof, that is a (TA.) TA.) ,JI, inf. n. a above, SThe stars courred along. ", and there may be in it half of the summer, lot l A [kind of float, such as is called] (TA.) - And j,lI :~.1, (TA,) in n. as above, and half of the winter, whereas the At& is only a q. q.v.], upon which oe embarks on the mater: ter and a summer, without interruption:(Mqb, [ (V, g,) i Th2 camde marched along,or journeyed, ]g:) S, g :) accord. to AA, a smaUll~ [q. v.] tAat MF:O) Er-RIghib mentions a difference in the ( (, , TA,) in the desert. (TA.) And ' upon ; rivetrs: (Az, TA:) in the M, said to be a ,iJJI I S [They course along in the appa- uses of the wordsa. and ;[as has been stated king hing that is made of the branchl of trees, and in art._s!w and ;.w: see Lm in that art.]: and rntly-bomudl pante of the mirage]. (A, TA.) ke te like, upon which one crosses a rirer,and whicr Suh says, in the R, that the " is longer. than TA:) mm mmse about upon the water: the pL is 1Cl, and 8. ll1.;, inf. n.aj, He made the sip theA18; that the former is "'a single revolution t also ,0 ;s, like j, pl. of iJi,] and [coll. to swim [or Jioat] in [or upon] the sea. (TA.) of the sun;" and that the latter is applied to the - ,; [app. -40 [twelve] Arabian months [colectively]: it is said en. _ [J cites immediately after explaining .i & in en. n., t;*. (TA.) [See also L.UI, vooe to be called.ate because of the sun'sA*c [or cours- a L;&.]~Also relation to a turban,] 4st.]~Also The ead of a rider, orof arider ing] through all of its zodiacal signs [during the upon'a pon a camel, (S..Ij; ' ,) whmm it app~ars to 0 &?.Q a -', -. 1 LS t 0~~L 18 period which it denotes]: (TA:) its pl. is ;1,t, t)&m hee in the [dase;t; or plain, called] ,._ ,, it [Ml'an,y a turn, or twsbt, of a turban, which he (?, M9 b, Yg,) because the sing. is originally of aA,) 'A,) as he is journeying: (TA:) or it is not




BooK I.]
.? -, Fat of a year after anotler year. thus called unless having upon it a turban. (g, TA.)-And A turn, or twist, of a turban. (S, (TA.) _ See also;,. ].') [See a, second sentence.]-And A quantity ;a,-%, A ship upon the sea. (1$.) of reaped corn put, or placed, in handful#: pl. [or rather coil. gen. n.] tt.. (8, 1].) L.c A certain insect ( .j, O) ), that swims 1. ~;, (S, K,) aor. -;aJ,inf. n. iS, (S in the water, resembling a black , [or stone of TA, [but see what follows,]) said of a woman, a ring], smooth and round: (8:) pl. . (S, Siwe was, or became, sutch as is termed ej1i; g.)--And A species of srpents, in 'Omdn. [q. v.]; as also '* , inf. n. .;> 3 : (S, lK:) (TA.) and in like manner, cjlc, aor. as above, inf. n. ssk ;a rel. n., from;t ; (Myb, TA;) A year i s,, [or 5;;, ( p. G30,)] is said of a cow, old. (TA in arts. J_. and J3>, &c.) And accord. to AZ. (TA.) applied to a plant as meaning A year old, and tlerefore dry. (Mob, TA.*) It is also applied 2: see 1: ^nand see also 10. . 1t/> signito a [vestige, or relic, of a dwelling, such as is fies also The he-ass's lealping his he-ass much, termed]A ,, or jli, as meaning Over which a or often. (IAqr, ]K.) And Tlhe invadling anyear has pased. (TA.) And it is applied, in a other in respect of his saare, or portion. (].) trad., as an epithet to the .ail[or colocynth, meaning That is of rvice in the year of drouwht, or barremnness]; because it is; procured, or prepared [as an article of food], in the year of drought, or barrenness. (TA.) .Md: see ; quarter. [of which it is the dim.], last

when you say


and ,.i -

a5 it is as though you said



J14a ;e ,~ ?'l,t ' [meaning I owght aid of tles instruments, or made ue of them as means, against, i. e. to perfor,m, tl~se actious of smiting &c.]. (TA.) [And you say, 0 -1 di, meaning He ougt self-help, or ~rted him' f, ,..I . in an affair, and .d, atgaind it, or him.]-;.jIA signifies also Hle sraved his z;Lg, or pubes; (S, Mb, ;) and so V ' -originally iO.q, on the authority of ISd. (TA.)

i c (s, Mgh, 15) and t i;, (' , Mgh, MNb, O) and t U, (IS, TA,) with damm to the , agreeably, with analogy, (TA, [in the CI5 written L --,]) and t Lt ($, M,b, O) and t O , (B, 1,) [respecting the second and last of which see what follows,] are simply subets., 3. sjIl., inf. n. jl;. and 3li, (K,) [lie (Mgh, Msb, 1g,) and signify Aid, help, or auistailded, helped, or assisted, him, being aided, kc., ance: ($, Mgh,' Msb,*'g:*) X $ is one of those by him:] see 6:_.-and i.q. itsl: see the latter, quasi-inf. ns. that govern like the inf. n., i. e. like and see also 10. the verb; as in the saying,

4. tslI [inf. n. ij] and t dj.iL signify the same, (S, MA, K,) i.e. IBe aided, helped, or aristedl, him. (MA.) ,JX a3 JIj I ;lc an intensive epithet from ;Ltl ) .ala; [0 my Lord, aid me, and aid not against me,] is [ WVlren the Creator'saidi;gthe man is true, he will (M 9b ;) A man skilful in smimming. (TA.) said in a form of prayer. (S.) [And you say, ,notfind such as is dificult, of hops, othermwi than And t A horse that strtche ficrth hisfore legs nel in rmning [lihe as one does the arms in swvimnming]; ..'1 is\s dltl lit. lie aided him againrt, mean- facilitated]: (I A:, j. &l jL;;:) or, accord. (?1,Z, 1g, TA;) fleet, or ezcellent, in his running. ing, to accompli.h, or pepform, thc afair]. See to AHIei, it is an inf. n. [having no verb]: (TA:) also 6 and 10, ihe latter in two places. (TA.) t ; is of the measure ;Ji, (Az, Myb, TA,) mao from i& A; (Az, TA;) or, as some say, of the 5. ;, originally ia,3: see 10, last sentence. . [(Swimmin ;] part. n. ofjt in the phrase measure Ji, from QJ$WI: (Az, M9 b, TA:) W)I );# j6 (Msb.) b - [Hence,]J ; G. Iyh3 signifies I' . X o1;, (S, one says, ;L;~ Jso Lo and t Lu and means ;531t [of which ;c is pl. ; i.e. Skips M9 b, K,) They aided, helped, or amisted, one [i. e. Tlre is not rithi thee any aid]: ( :) and another; (MA;) as also *t yl,(; (Mb;) and coursing along]. (TA.)~ One says ;c ,X t ~X 4:.Jj1 Lhj; > 1 tL [Such a one did not in which the latter word is a corroborative to the t I"yG, (S, I,) in which the j is preserved mahe me to be destitute ofhis aids]; jtU being former; (g, 5;*) [app. meaning Tedious, because because it is preserved in tl.yW with which it is pl. of i : ($, TA:) 'tX y is said by Ks to ere,years;] like as one says tl11 31.: as syn.; (Sb, ;) and also t IjYt;, accord. to IB, be rnoith Jj ; ( ;) and he says that it is though pl. of_ 5f; but it'is not used alone, be- who cites as an ex. a verse in which 1;Z; occurs; the only masec. of the measure j;;; except;..a cause it is not a subst., being only a corrobora- but this correctly means -i;Jl J;.U [belonging (TA:) an ex. of it occurs in a verse of Jemeel tive: (0:) or, as is said in the M, it should by to art. OA]. (TA.) One. says,,..l .IyjW i; cited voce L$l: Fr says that it is pl. [virtually, rule be.o ; for [it is pl. of .os1, and] the pl. Thyj aided, helped, or assisted, one another [lit. though not in the language of the grammarians,] of ;.t is j ; but they pronounce it as above, against, meaning, to accomplis1I, the affair]. of .. ; ($, TA;) and that there i no sing. of (MA.) the measure j.;..L. ($. [On this point, see a though the sing. wrer : ISd says, ;1 8. Isc! and .IUL, voce AI'l; : see 6, in two places. jl.])..-Also An aid, as meaning am ; & is an intensive expression, and I think that the meaning is, [A year] that seems long to people aider, a helper, or an assistant, ($, M,b, 1],) to 10. &ira;l and a c Otal He sought, desired, perform, or accomplish, an aflair; (, M b;) becaus of it drougAht, or barrenness; and similar 9 demanded, or begged, of him, aid, help, or assist- applied to a single person, (15, TA,) and also to to it is t. .,t;, mentioned by Lb. (TA.) ., t is also [the name of] A certain idol (?, g) ance. (MA.) You say, '." !1, (Mgh,) or tro, (TA,) and to a pL number, (g, TA,) and to : ~ !,(, M(, Mb,) or both, (g,) ?1 jfMi (S, a male, (TA,) and to a female: (K, TA:) and of th Arab.. ($.) [particularly] a srant: (]Har p. 95:) [and an .,2l.;: ee the next preceding paragraph, in Mgh, Mgb,* 1 and t 1 ."jL , (S, TA,) for armed attendant, a guard, or an offlcer, of a which last, t ~j" is erroneously put in the king, and of a prefect of the police, and the like:] two places. copies of the 1; (TA;) [i. e. I sought, &c., of and t &l0 is an appellation applied to an Oj -. -_~ [perhaps a mistransecription for him, aid, &c., and he aided me.] The alteration [or armed attendant, or a guard,] who accom.# see o3, near the end,] means, as mentioned of the infirm letter [ into I] is made in eblal panies a Sut.dn, mthout pay, or allowance: (TA by As, on the authority of En-Nadr, [A grape- and t Aitl in imitation of a general rule [which in art. jU:) O110. is pl. of,'c; (Lth, $, M,b, Wi.] that bears one year and doe not bear ano- requires it when that alteration is made in the 1 ;) and VC*HO is a quasi-pl. n., (6,) said by unaugmented triliteral verb], though JL., aor. tr year. (TA.) and Fr says the like. eY^, [as their source of derivation,] is not used. AA to be syn. with '.*&, _a .1: e.1,;5:se , last sentence but one. (TA.) ~ [i. e. ,] is called ;JL; (TA.) The Arabs say, l &. a-JI l 1 j jl . [A [And see abo art.,..] particle denotatice of seehing aid, &c.,] because [ell;, meaning When drought comes, [it aiders]

.,0,~-~,o,- ~-. ,q '

[Boos I. te locust and ti fli and diseases come with it. (TA.) And `.~ signifies Anything that aids, helps, or assists, one: for instance, [one says,] t;L -! . .. .;JI [Fasting is the aider of religiou servic]. (Lth, TA.) -See also what next follows. ;I

with 4amm, Date: and Malt: ( :)

or t9 i W% [thus, with fet-b,] has the latter

meaning; salt being metonymically thus called because its aid is sought for the eating of food. (Hiar p. 227.) ait A herd of wild asses: (. , :) and a she-

ass: ( :) pl. *s

($,) ($,

and some say ;C,.

(TA.) - And [hence, app.,] tI is the appellation of t Certain white stars, beneath the _ [pl. of ~., q. v.]. (/.) Also The pubes;

i.c. the hair of the

. W; (., Myb, ].;) the

hair that grom above the anterior pudendum; (Mgh;) or, [as some say,] above that of a n.oman: (TA:) or, accord. to Az (Mgh, M;b, TA) and AHeyth, (TA,) the place of growth of the hair abovw the anterior pudendum of a man (MNb, TA) and of a woman; (TA;) the hair itself being called the g;.y (Mgh, M.b, TA) and the -. ,o; (Msb, TA;) though it is also called ;a1 (Mgh, MOb) by an extension of the proper meaning (Mgh) or by an ellipsis: (Msb:) the word is originally Li: (Mb :) and the dim. is

,t~ c(Mgh-) _ J| ;



is a saying mentioned by Lh as meaning

g.~.. [i. e., app., Such a one is over thl collectivc body, or commn:nity, and those nwho are under the protection, of the tribe of Ber Ibn:*" and a , and the pl. 5 .. : see , Ie called, or called out, to the maan. (TA.) Ilhil/]: and it is said to mean, he is manager, 4. Il.&l and tl&s1, (., Msb, .,) the latter .. ,a [ns o,dbrer, or regulator,of their affairs. (TA.) - former half, in four places. ;q~! mentioned by EI-Umawee, (S,) and V Is , At;d 1S is said to signify in the dial. of 'Abd- used in post-classical times] means Tle oficer (IAar, .K,) T/ ey had their cattle, (S, Msb), I) T appointedfor the rectifyjingj of the affairs of the I-I-geys A share of rwaterfor land. (TA.) commonalty; as though he were the aider of the or tiir seed-produce, (.,) or their fruits, (TA,) WOt A beast of the bovine kind, or a cow, wronged against the wronger; i. q. .Jll!; or, as smitten vith vhat is termed aMa [i.e. a bane, (AZ, TA,) or anything, (S, TA,) [i. e.] an anisuch as a disease, pest, or murrain, or a blight, mal [of any kind], (IAar, TA,) or a woman, and Esh-Shereeshee says, %."ljqJI j13. (Ilar p. 261.) bluast, taint, canker, or the like]. (S, Meb, ]C, a beast, (Mqb,) Of middle age, (AZ, IApr, Msb, And q.iJI 1J was the appellation of The man- TA.) - Sec also 1. TA,) between such as is advanced in age and the son of t/he L [q. v.], in Cairo. (Abulf. Ann. :L;; pl. ' ta: aee :5L. !youtlful,(AZ, TA,) neitlher young nor old; (IAy, vol. iii. p. 632.) TA:) so in the s]ur ii. 63: (S, TA :) or a cow, Al tA A cry by which camens are chiddn in 1_.a A man nwho aids, helps, or assists, people anud a mare, that has broughtJbrth after her firstorder that thlyj may confine themnselves to a spot; born: (I, TA: [in the CI, ';t1 is erroneously much, or often; (S, .;) or well: (C:) pl.. M. as also pea ; (K, TA;) and c as. (TA.) put for^4l :]) and a woman who has had a hus- (TA.) One says, ,EA o [Theg . . u band; (I, TA;) in the M, i. q. ;4: (TA:) pl. t A cry by which a young as is called. one who aids, &c.]: and ..,,1,. i ;, : !*& ;sc, (1, MMb, L,) originallmy $ . (Mqb, TA.) [They are persons who aid, &c., in affairs, or (g, TA.) 3 i;.iJt c:I;l,hI;. ' is a prov. [expl. in art. .- ]. great affairs, or afflictions]. (TA.) Mt&, in which the I is substituted for t. accord. to some, and for3 accord. to others, (Myb, TA,) (S, TA.) And OIj .r_ means t-4 rar in ZaZ. .A woman advanced in age, (S, ,) but which fightirn has occurred once [and is occuris originally of the measure I_, with fet-i to not unless withfleshiness: (S :) or, accord. to Az, the E, (Msb,) and is syn. with lit [signifying A ring again]; (8, ;) as though they made the fist [fighting] to be a A [or first-born]. (8.) symmetrical, or proportionate, in her nmale, so bane; such as a disease, pest, or murrain; and that there is no appearanceof protrusion, or proAnd 4Ib ai t A blow'inflicted by sewing an tuberance, of her form: and accord. to the A, a a blight, blast, taint, canker, or the lihe: see 1, opportunity when the object is unaware, and re- woman fat, with sjymmnetry, or lproportiunateness. in two places]. ($, Msb, ], TA.) It is said in quiring to be repeated: pl. 0c, j.', occurring (TA.) _- And 34t.[ s $b ) i.e. One . [(A hackney] whos a trad., . in a trad., in which the blows of Aleo are said to rwhoe camels are affected writIt a bane, such as strength and age have rcached their fuUl states [so have been not of this kind, but such as are termed ma,ge ,'c., shall not bring them to water imme.J;S4'.. (L. [See', last sentence.]) - And I render the explanation A ,s i .i .J Ia6, in diately after one whose camels are in a healtAy, to mean * j:]; as also or sound, state. (TA. [See also art. C.] Lamnd tatered by rain (1J, TA) betweon two por- which I suppose c.J

tionu of land not so watered. (TA.) - And [the |.'.i_ [the fern. of whicl, applied to a she-camel, fern. i. e.] with ;, A tall palm-tree: (S, 1:) of is expl. as meaning "strong in make"]. (TA.) the dial. of'Oman, (AIjn, S, TA,) or of the dial. of Azd: (TA:) or one standingalone, apartfrom otlhers. (IAr, TA.) a . 1. ,.JI ;s, (, TA,) aor. , (TA,) and C,; quasi-pl. n. of r;, q. . (C.) j (., TA,) inf. n. L1; and and :, (TA) and &o, (C]g, [the only inf. n. there menli; [fein. of O1_;, q.v. _ And] A certain Itioned, and not in my MS. copy of the g nor in creeping thing (jt,), lss than the .t, [or hedgthe TA,]) The JL [meaning camels, or cattle,] hog]: (] :) accord. to AV, it is li/s the.J',found [i.e. a in the midst of an isolatedportionof sand, appear- became smitten with rhat is termed t&tM bane, diease, pet, or murrain]; (], TA;) as ing sometimes, and turning round as though it nwere grinding, then diving [into the sand], and also e. (TA.) And in like manner, "I.! 1, also called the '; [q. v.]: (TA:) and, (1g, aor. g^ and A; (TA;) or .e, like 4;(;) TA,) some say, (TA,) a certain worm in tlhe . '; (Msb; [but this I sand, (1, TA,) that turns round many times. or &*, of the class of find not elsewhere, and it is app. a mistake for (TA.) the well-known form se ;]) The ?jj [or aedL;c dim. of .aa, q. v. (Mgh.) produce] became smitten with what is termed iltL a .-0. [i.e. a bane, blight, blast, taint, tanker, or the see: . like]; (S, Msb, TA;) u also * .;t. (TA.) aJlt Wine (A' [in the C]~ erroneously 2: see 4. - a also signifies The alighting of 'A;h (a ), a town on the Euphrates. (S, .) in the last part of tlhe night (, I, TA) for re; Zuheyr speaks of the wine of Aneh (S, TA) in a : ($, versce in which he likens to it the saliva of a (so in a copy of the S ;) syn. with ,j. TA:) or both of these words signify [the taking] woman. (TA.) And [I4t is used as a subst.:] a slight sleep on the occasion of tih morning-rest. . *2 . . -a A1 ,. . (Lth, TA.) - And The confining oneself in a one says, q1-: _, ' I , 3l,jJI i. e. [Such a one does not lore aught save] place. (Is.) You say of any one ,j& meaning in a place: ( :) or he r. the wine of 'Aneh, and [does not associate save I[e confined him elf mained, stayed, or abode. (Az, TA.)_ And with] the vintners. (A, TA.) The calling a young ass by saying ,j. (], 0 Ji1 e a : |see i, former half; each in two TA.) You say, & Oe, inf. n. I,ie called i) places. him tocome up with him. (TA.) And ,! d



BooK I.]
la) q and 1 u e like Sb and :,


difficult disease, for which there is no cure, i"o and his argument, plea, or evidence. (Myb, TA.*) , (S, M1b,) and p, (S, st,'l ,I1 t[It is as though it disabled, or inca-And &il& ; J , is like lba gb [so in my original, Mpb, V,) aor. as above, (Meb,) and so the inf. n., pacitated, the physicians; orfrustratedtheir dill; but correctly 1 and 'tL : both app. mean A (Mpb, ],) He found not the right way, or or baffled them]. (S,TA.) And a poet says, man haingome moral bar or malady]: accord. manner, in his expresin of his ideas: (Meb:) (namely, Amr Ibn-lassan, TA) '; (g ;) or [nearly so, i.e.] c' [or 1 . [the pl. of A1] signifies persons or i q.. to IAy, '( a f'At o' .~i express what to and unable suspicion, haaing in thm what occaao C.] signifies he was, or became, l J &I ith 0 his mind, to say what he would, to find words to s evil, or corrupt. (TA.) As dl ;We~lcl exprert what he would say; hefaltered in speecha; [And, or for, abundance of wealth bofled my ;B l A raising of the voice, calling or caing like ;a, except that the latter denotes what is attempts to obtain it of old; but I ham not been oat, or doing o ,hmenm~ly: (v:) a word from by reason of shame and confusion of mind, or poorfrom the time of my being a boy]: (S., TA:) which they form no derivative. (?gh, TA.) some [other] accidental cause: (TA in art. ya., he means, I have been in a middling condition; from the Expos. of the "Mufa.sal" of Z:) not very poor, nor able to collect much wealth: termed is what with Smitten Os and -.5 . [expL above]: (Myb, TA:) applied to JL. oq.l is the contr. of ,1i1 [q. v.]: (S, TA:) or, but some relate the verse otherwise, saying 1 ;cl that i. e. " rendered me humble, lowly, or submissive." [i.e. camel, or cattle]: (TA:) and to tj [or accord. to Er-RBghib, it is an inability af'air an himslf upon to one whr has taken _Also He, (TA,) or it, (Msb,) or going or eed-produce]; (Myb, TA;) u also o, . [so in ensuea . journeying, (MA, l,)fatigued, tired, or wearied, ' uit or a peech. (TA.) One says, ~ l1 and ] my original, a mintrcription for [app. meaning He exhibited much impotence of him; (MA, Msb, I~, TA;) namely, a man, (Mqb,) to a man, u meaning mitten therwith sk;) or a camel. (!r.) - And you say, of an affair, expression]; (S and g and TA in art.j [in his camels, or using the latter noun as an imitative sequent to (S, TA,) or a thing, (MA,) Ue. [in ua~ ] and JL; L,l, (., MA, cattle]: and in like manner .a~ applied to-*ta the former [for the purpose of corroboration]. TA,) and '*Q, and VttW, (., TA,) all meanI wvas ignorantof ing the same, (S, TA, P,) a also t 1--u, (TA,) [or food]: (TA:) and 'A Laapplied to a land (TA in that art.) - And ,) meaning having what is termcd it: (1J, TA:) originally meaning I wras unable i. e. It was, or became, dicult, or arduous, to (G;bf), (, to give information repecting it wlen asked, by him; (MA, TA;) or [imnpracticable, i.e.] such (1. A0reason of ignorane of it. (TA.) One says, ' that he fouud not the right way, or manner, to asa. [A caum of what i termed 1;, q. v.]. perform it, or accomplish it; (TA;) or eiled, ,..!1 lN No one ilU be ignorant of it. (TA.) tG[How Nanting is who him L;o affetU or hidden. (MA.)~ ;L means Food that j .. -a 2: see the next paragraph. or manner, of way, right the find to ability in he at it with what is trmed 1&. (IAXr, TA.) (S and If &c.]. he! is impotent /hw or acting! Ia. [inf. n. of Qltl] signifies The saying, 3. cj~ A place in which o remains, stays, or or doing, a thing to [the understanding of] vwhich in art. LS: seo 4 in that art.) abide. (Az, TA.) the right direction is not to be found: (S:) or, as 3 : see _ Qla 5. I;3: see 1, first sentence. . to rpech uttering the of It], n. ei. : see [inf. with k also * ,; and its fem., 4, last sentence but one. [the understanding of] which tihe right direction is tdLsW: 6. tdW: see 1, first sentence. -- 4 not to be found; (J[, TA;) making one's sp~ch L5i one. but sentence last 4, see or doing a *;W: enigmatical, or obscure; syn. For words mentioned under this head in many deed to [the understanding of] tIhe way, or 1al: 4 .; 10. Ica.l: see 1, first sentence. of the lexioons, see art. 9. manntr, of which the rijlht direction is not to be see 4, last sentence but one. jCl_; t;j. (TA.) One says, ;iQIC found. TA,) the former of and , ( Mp, ;it4JI `` ytJ [Avooid thou tiwt qtutions of U& they are whicIh is the more common, (TA,) are epithets 1. *; .,r (8,) or raGs, (MA, Mpb,I,) and enigmatical, or obscure, diction; for denotil, the agent of the verb in the .phrases addresced [lie Qtc, and be endured]: to dijficult .9,l1 a, (MA,) and .l also, (MA, and Iam (like (MPb, l) and -. ~. o UC. (Mob) 1ltJc t to Aim enigmatical, or obscure, speech, b, J,) [which is the NM (8, M . 711,) and (TA. [See and .& 6 ; . n L.1. n. inf,)] .. and 9 ; C, -: [i. c. they signify Unable to original form,] but _ is more common, (S, find thle right way, or manner, &c., in relation :j is not allowable, (TA,) first also h,aI.]) TA,) and to an affair, and an argument or the like, and in 4. il [He wras, or became, di,ab/ed, or in- the expression of his ideas; agreeably with the (., TA,) like hI. (.,) pL i,,, m pe-r. eapacitated]: you say, q1_..JI C scl he vas, explanations of these phrascs in the first paragraph (.,) and A.6also, which 1 and ;,_], [from or became, disabled, or incapacitated,fromcopu- of this art.:] and t 'ca (O) and V'PlA (p, ]V) is used by a poet, (., TA,) aor. ;, (Mpb, TA), . (I]~, TA in art. L.-)-lation; syn. signify the same, (S, 1,) in relation to an affair and 't., a in n. ; ; (MNb, TA;) as also He mas, or became, fatigued, tired, or wvearied, and to the expression of one's ideas: (S:) the ilaJ3, ;nd V L.a.l; ( ;) He foud not the (Mgh, Mpb, ]~, TA,) in walking, or going, (S, (S, ;) &lI.; XsWO] is .r; and [of right way, or manner, (f, Mpb, ]g, TA,) that he Mpb, ]C, TA,) said of a man (g) [and of a beastJ. pl. [of ']b d~ired, (IV, TA,) or the way, or mamr, of his You say, and he this; of us informed has Yoo says, Sb % and ..j, both meaning the a t*l should act], (TA,) to acting [i. e. in which say Arabs the of some heard became jaded, and laggted says, we have also pyorfo, or accomplsh, Auis, or the, affair: (S, same [i. e, His camdl and some incor- itse [as above] and 1 ($.) Mpb, ] TA:) or he lacked power, rength, or behind with him], aor. ., transferring the other, the into Lq was tone and porate TA;) , abi~ty, for it; (MA, Mgb,' t An incurable disease; (5;) a difjcult ! as is done in a .], the to . former the of kesreh thoroughly. it, x~ecute or it, perform uabl to 1 diseasec,Jbr whichl ther is no cure; as though: it (V, TA.) [Hence,] one says, jlgJl il : verse of El-Iotci-ah. (TA.) .~lp It made disabled, or baffled, (l-t,) the pllysicians. (S.) strength, or ability; f inablt is the askig infor- him to be without power, or t2e remedyA~ AIjt i'i' [The discse disabled, or incapacitated, hiin; (S,' MA, TA;) [Hence,] one says, ;_Jl mation]. (TA in art. u.A.)-.And in like said of an affair; (S, MA;) and [app. in like for which there is no cure is stupidity]. (TA.) o Le, (Mpb, TA,) manner] of God. (S.) It is also said of a disease, m~er one say, ~ - Sec also ,: .. and ,e aor. and in n. aU above, i. e. He meaning It disabled him, or incapacitated him, : see j.._Also A stallion-camel that foud not the right way, or manner, of adduing from curin it: (VO,*TA:) [or] one says of a 5

[Boox I. will not co~r ga Ih yard be directed into t he fault with him, or it; blamed, upbraided, or re- Also A receptace in which cloth/ are put: ($, mdva. (TA in art. .) [See also the ne it proached, him; or] attributed or imputed to htim, 0, ]:) and a receptable of sin, or leather, in par~graph but one.] or it, or charged him roith, or accused him of, a which goods, or utensils, are put: (TA:) and a vice,fault, &c. (S, A, MA,* O, Msb, TA.) [The J) [or erptaclelike a basket] ofsin, or leather, Cila: ee s: and eealso . first of these of very frequent occurrence or the like, (g, p TA,) in which reaped con is con;lzl;;: se _Abo, -. (1 ,) and ?th;i as meaning thus: one ex. of it occurs in the say- oeyed to the thAshing-~oor: (TA:) or a thg (i,) A camel, ($,) a stallion [camel], (1I,) t/ua ing of a poet cited in the $ and O in this art., like the ;ia.I , [q. v.], of skin, or leat,hr: (gm finds not the right way, or mnanner, to cover: (f p. 32:) [it las loops with vhicA it is closed and ] :) or that has nemer covered, (1],TA,) or in fastened by the insertion of one into another: (see pregated: or that does not cover well: (TA )I am the man wvhom ye have charged rwith a oice, aI 4 in art. c :)] pl. , and $%;& and $A.& [(e abo .s :] and in like manner applied to a or fault, &c. And one says, ZW -. qS, (, , ,.) - Hence, (A,) tThe depostary of man: ( :) or, accord. to As, both signify th e meaning He blamed, or disconmmended, to him his coare, or rude, or the heaty, dull, or stupid, and deei] si JI %,t Thle skin had milh that had one's secret [or secrets]: (A,O, I:) [and it is used as a sing. and a pl.:] one says, o.6J Z, J impotet, who has no need of wom~en: (TA voc,e become thick ui it. (O, ], TA.) Itie is the depsitary of the secret [or secs] of l, in art. U0:) pl. , formed by considerin 1g S. 4~: see 1, in two places. - . also sig. such a one: (A:) and it is said in a trad.,jli-l the augmentative letter as u rejected, (~, TA,) i f nifies He made, or prepared, or tooh for himself, pl. of ljl;; but not if pl. of kg&, as it appear rhat is called uL~r5 o.. (.S, O, TA) t The Ansdr *re my an 4. (O.) to be from what is said in the M. (TA.) intimates, and the depositary of my secret [or 5. -4a3 It was, or became, renderedfaulty, secrets]. (TA. [See also other explanations in ,E4 i~ is a prov. [meaning More usnab e usound, or defective; or ruch as to hare a fault, art. ,,b5.]) And [in like manner] ,,aill is to ezp~e wmhat he would say than Bdr]f. ($ an unsoudess, a defect, an impcrfcctzon, a used as meaning t TIe breasts, and the hearts: TA. [See Freytags Arab. Prov. ii. 146.]) blemish, or smething amiss. (A.) [See also 1, (0, If:) for, as the Arab deposits in his I. the best of his goods, or utensils, and of his clothes, first sentence.] : see 1, in two places. 3;, (V, TA,) [originally like 'q. lisk,] so he conceals in his breast his most particular 6. ; [w (Theyfoundfault, one with another; (TA) [and A~.1, and j 3f1], means ',; ; secrets, which may not be divulged. (O,0TA.) L..h. ~ [A ,~ with which thoSu addreses blamed, epbraided, or reproached, one another]. Hlenee, (TA,) a poet says, thy companion enigatically, or obwurely; i. e. (. in explanation ofjlllmW.) * an migmatical, or obsre, speech]. (V,* TA.) ee m:the next paragraph.



r e , (,A, O, Mb, ,) an inf. n. used as a to a man, ($,) and to a camel, simple subst., (M;b,)- and V im [which is also [And our and your depoitories of lore, although it be said that we and you are the childre of (TA,) and 1. and ,I, (V, TA, [the latter, originally an inf. n.] (S, O, Msb, O) and V o paternal uncl, were near to becwming void]: (O, (, O, Msb, erroneously, in the CV, t.las]) both being pls. .(,O) andt,&c and aT) te TA:) by l! .,AQ he means their breasts. (TA.) of v~, (TA,) applied to camebls, as also [the fem.] and 'V J4, a (8, 0, ,) signify the same, (S, 0, ama.Ap L, a phrase in the Mqb, ,) i. e. [in a man, and in any animal,] A And Di,SA * J ';_ (], TA,) Fatiu~d, tired, or earied, in rime,[and in the same, and in treaty of El- .Hodeybiyeh, means t Betmeen us and anything,] a fat t going, or journeying. (1, M 9b, ], TA.) herm, in respect of this peace, is [determined that or faultin , an nsoundne, a defect, an imp hero shall be, in each party,] a breat bound to fection, a blemis, or imething amiss; syn. a, fufil the terms of tAis roiting, [like the Zt that (A, g,) and i i;.(Ti ;) in Peis. P l: . (PS:) s closed and fastened by its loops over its conor t eI; and t/e ;; ents,] ignify clear a place of secret of t enmity, or and perfidy, and itl L ,; (Q, A, 0, M#b, ,) nor. &a, (Mb,) vice, fault, &c.; app. as meaning a round for dLeceit: (IAsr, 0, TA:) or, accord. to some, as inf. n. , (Mob, TA,) and ,wA and or fing fault, &],. t A L and elated by Sh, il between m [and them] sall be are allowable as inf. us., ($, O, TA,) It (a thing, as it were] tied up, like as the L,ee is tied up: meaning [Ther is not in him, or it,] r, 1 [ A, TA, or an article of merchandie, C, O, M,b) or tlwre dhall be mutual reconciliation, and abd tef t; [and so a u is shown by s amu, or became,faulty, nound, or defec~ ; or oor taiinig from mar, like that kind of friend~ d a fault, an mu udn, a dfect, an imp. what follows; and , as expl. in ar p. 475, that subsists b n since frind ho con i fec~n, a blemid, or sm~ ami. ($A, A O, , which last and Vt Atl may be expl. agreeably c.ach other. (As, TA. [See also art. *b5.])I Mb,* .) [See also A.] I , (, O, Mb, J) with analogy as signifying a cause of , i. e. ii;t*;; t;c, said by 'bsheh to 'Omar on an [aor. as above,] inf. n. and 4,;; (TA;) a thing for whicA one is to be found fault with, ocausion of his blaming her, means t Busy thyslf and t , (, A, O,) or this has an intensive blamed, upbraided, or rcproached; like r. ;] pith thine own family, or wife, and let me alone. signification; (Mb ;) and t a3; ($, A, O ;) for [although] ,WL from a triliteral-radical verb (TA.). He made, or caued, it (a thing, TA in relation such as Jib, aor. as uj,the measure of a subst. to the first, and A in relation to the econd and [or n. of place] is with kesr g],[to the and au the third, or an article of merchandise, $ and .O in qif a pl. of .. (, O, ) Also The meaure of an inf n. with fet-O, yet it is allowable relation to the first,) to be faulty, unsud, or dewoodn implement commoinly caled) JJ1 [(ith fective; or to have a fault, an unsoundns, a to use fet-b or kesr in either case, for the Arabs ,hich cotton is separatedand lo~ed]: (0), :) dfect, an npo~ and and and _w , a blmish, or something say and , ~ and o says Lth, the only authority for it known (O, amis. (Q, A, O, Mqb, ' !.) s0 ;Jl, in t Q t and ( ., O ,:) 0, the pl. of ( is 1'A) to Az. (TA.) the lur [xviii. 78], me I deired to render it b, [a pl. of m ault.] (, A, 0, Myb) and $i; ($ A , , Mb, 1) and tV1, (A, O, faulty, or unud. (AHeyth, TA.) - [The [a pl. of pauc.]; (Th, TA;) and ti [as pl. [l but this has a more intensive signification]) and same verbs are also often used in relation to a ot/,a or / or ao t a, or as an anoma-, _;Cm (A, O) One [wrho f human being as the object.] And one says of fault wit others, 4tw, [aor. as above,] inf n. e and 4A and lous pI. of . like as sl LL is of 9, is syn. 0r] who attributes or imputes to others, or charges rith+. ` e O.)] ex,, tithem mith, or accu them of, vices, faults, &c., .sd and ,; (MA;) and t a; (, A, O, such, or ofn. (A and ] in explanation of all, Mqb;) andt3; (TA;) meaning He [found at: ae the next preceding paragraph. ad O in' explanation of the second.) a I I lt :#,applied

o .

(1, Mqb,) for which one should not say


BooK I.]



and, said of a man possessing sight, he searche ,d [or groped] for a thing in the dark: written by .a part. n. of the intrans. v. 4(; [i. e. Kr with ,t (L.) [It is said in the TA, in B~ng, or becoming, faulty, &c.;] applied to D rt. .&1, that ISd thought p, with the unIarticle of merchandise [&c.].. (Mgb.) - And alh an pointed t, to be a mistranscription; but that it ib act. part. n. of . (Myb.) _ Also, applied 1 to correct.] - And hence, hil;S;1 4 Z) He pu milk, Thick, or becotming thick. (0, ].) his hand into the quiver to search for an arrow)t *~hI: see e, in five places. (TA:) or he turned about his Aand in the quive r. L j;. 4 a see ., in four places. _ Also, (!S, to arch for the arrowv. (A.) _ d 1* A, O, Mpb, Mb ) and V.' ', (S, 0, g,) agre, He set about, began, or commenced, doing such a thing. (O, K.) -_,..J. [lit] His bird ably with the original form, (S, 0,) and t [from which he augured] became confused to him [or this has an intensive signification, (see ii [meaning t Ais affairs, or case, became confueci verb,)] and t ', (TA,) Made, or caused, and perplecing to him]; syn. 4k s L. l. (O be faulty, unound, ori defective; or to have fault, &c. (, A, 0, Meb,' ], TA. [See tb.e 11 .) [See also',.] _ ZJI verbs.]) - And [Found jault with, &c.; or a mark, or an impresion, upon cAarged witA, or accued of, a 9ice, fault, J& c. with a knife. (TA.) (TA. [See, again, the verbs.]) 6. WX1 4 The camels ~t1*: see 4, , in five places. iwhat ncnuld satify their thirst.


see the next preceding paragraph.

2207 of uc

a one, and did not deem it certain. (L.) _ ,- k e; _ I did not satisjfy my thirst with the wter: e(, ($, O, TA:) said by one who has drunk salt water: (0, O, TA:) or I did not profit by it: and sometimes the verb is used in this sense in an affirmative phrase. (TA.) And a a I did not profit by the medicine. (s, o g.) And to, aor. '-' , [thus used affirmatively,] He proJited by speech, &c. (TA.)

-- "1S~ >'', :sJ~~ uA~Y! -P~~ iL tapp. meaning NotAing of thy speech remains in my heart, or mnind, (compare 4 ., in arl. ,)] is a saying mentioned by IAir. (TA.) - [And

it seems that ,*JI ie 1 signifies He took to, A4a He madP set about, or commenced, the thing: for Sgh says the camel's hum 1 that] 501 signifies a J1 ic O41'I. (0.) drank lr (0, Z.) thai

,a .

1. It;,


, . inn



Quaui . o and ;1 , (TA,) He acted corruptly; o made, or did, michief; syn. _1: (~, 0, : 3.4: see Sin art. c. J- j A man who acts corruptly; or wIr 9r, accord. to Az, he hastened, or was hasty or quch, in wo acting: (TA:) accord. to Er-REghib makes, or doa,mischief: [or rather, who does st .5o: and 1t* : and 1 : and so,a: se much, or oJ'ten :] femr., applied to a woman, art. art. ;sl&. and , or , and .e are nearly alike; (Seer, TA.) but Itt is mostly used in relation to that whicl * #.1ji: see what next follows. is perceived by sense; and : and ;:, in rela. 1. ;l, aor. He went, orjowrneyesd (TA.) R, tion to that which is perceived by the [mind or: .o4J The lion; (A, O, ;) as alsowt4ei -- . c ;, , aor. B a above, He rent anay judgment: some say that ; is the "acting cor and VIZQI. (O, .) in, or into, the land, or country. (v.)= And ruptly in the utmost degree :" and some, that ii ]t, (S, 0, &c.,) aor. as above, (Mqb, ]~,) inf. n. is the "acting wrongfully, injuriously, or un. aJQI: see what next precedes. justly ;" and sometimes does not involve the act. jt, (Mab, TA,) or this is a simple subst., (]i,) tatht . [More mischievous than the ing corruptly: (MF, TA :) Lb says that Hjc(a horse, S, Mgh, O, Mqb, ], and a dog, ) ' is of the dial. of El-.ijaz, and is the [more] approved hyena]: is a prov. (Meyd, and A and TA in went awnay (0, J, TA) hither and thither, (0, form; and bto is of the dial of the Benoo. art. ) TA,) which action is also termed ;5 1 [inf. n. of v?'l], (0,) as though he had made his eocap Temeem, who ay, ,; t 1h j q [Act not (g, TA) from his master, going to and fro: ye corruptly, or do not ye mdcif, in the earth]. t w L o e (Lth, O J, , TA,) in n (TA:) and the same is said of news: (IK#, (TA.) Hence one says,il 1 TA:) or escaped, or got loose, and ront away 27w wolf made, or did, michife among the p (Lth, 0, TAo) and (Lth, 0, TA) and t hither and thither, by reason of hist eceeding or goats; syn. .i. (Q,A, 0.) And,tl; * .P [app. H (TA,) I do not regard it; do not prightlineu: (S:) or ecaped, or got loo~, and [Do miehief, 0 he-hyena]: a prov. used in carefor it. (Lth, 0, TA.) One says, ia t b, went away at random: (Mysb:) or wmt away declaring a thing to be vain, or filse. ( in art. Aither and thither, by reawn of hit prightline in n.wc and b H' e did not regard his or strayed at random, nothing turning Aim: * q.) And eL4 .tLo He dissipated hi prosaying: or h did not believe it. (I8d, TA.) And (Mgh:) or vent away at random, far from his perty; or qaindered, and muted, or ruind,it: 5 C I care not for and Ae peded it quikly. (TA.) _ :bj, aor. K ' 1 anything master. (TA.) - And ;lt, (aor. a above, TA,) and inf. ns. u above, also signifies He took with- of huis (g,) moing to and h, or of what he says: (Fr, ISk, ., 0 :) He (a man) came and ~, out gnt (L.) _ And lAt, in n. , and the Benoo-Asd say, j1' C. (expl. in ntured pon aanaffairnot caring what he TA,) inf. n. OJ,, (TA,) He (a man) snt and art. ]; tak}ing it from UWi] . llupon. (AA.) (Ik, . ) came among the peopl, (TA,) or did mi~chief _e ~ .) i. I was nt p , _W. pleased, among them, (S,) smiting them ith tAe neord S. d9, (1~, O, g,) in D. ~ "p, (, O,) . it; or did not approe ($,* TA.)- _,*iJi /L t The ode became cur. wared [or groped] for a thing with the hand, content, or satified, ,(Ino , , ]) y s without Ais eing it: (9, 0, ] :) or, sid of a wita. sO tA I--C rent. ,c, ((.)J()aor. a above, inf. in.; blihd man, Ae mr.had [or roped] for a thg: Aat notaudmti~in y mind thi infor.atim. and jcp, (TA,) He (a amel) lft Aisfemnt Bk I. 278

A plain, or soft, tract qf land, (0, g, not consisting of sand nor of dust nor of clay. (0., ) a is liEke : (K, TA: [in the 0, lika a word expressive of wonder: one saya d 4 , meaning i lc, for ed r *rat[it wondergreatly,lit. with wondering, at him, or it] (TF: [but a verse cited in the 0 indicates thalL one says e.~ J..:]) in one copy of the 6, L: (TA.)


C an in n. of 1. (Lth, O, &c.) _ Also Profit, advantage, or utility. (TA.) - And [its pl.] 't.l signifies Any mean of satisfying a man's t!hirt: [and f t seems to have a similar signification, for it is immediately added,] and one says, 'UI es [app. meaning Milk is a thing that satisrfie thirst]. (O.) ~ta: see what next precedes.

220B that were sn months gone with young, and roent away to others, (Iitt,L, 1,) to cover them. (IItt, L.) In [some of] the copies of the ]~, 1i'_ is put in the place of j, which latter is the reading in the Tahdheeb of Iltt [and in the (g and _ t, aor. ed and s', Cs]. (TA.)~' ] in art.js,) or the aor. is not used, or it is scarcely ever used, (TA in the same art.,) He, or it, took, and rent awaytwith, him, or it: (S and .V in the same art.:) or destroyed him, or it. (J and TA in the same art.) See art. j9. You say d; zot, I took, or went away with, his garment. ejt&j (TA.) And it is said in a prov., 6,. An as which his peg [to which he was tethered] destroyed [hy preventing his escape from wild beasts that attacked him]. (Meyd, TA. [See Freytag's Arab. Prov., ii. 87.]) ~1, [aor. as above,] also signifies He blamed, or reproached, himn; fJundfault with him; attributedor imputed to him, or chargedhim with, or accused him of, a r the like (., O, TA.) [See also o rice, orfult, what next follows.] (, O, Mb, K,) and ' ,, s. 1J. ;,, though the former is the more approved, (ElMarzootee, in his Expos. of the gamhseh, and Mph, and MF,) or the latter is peculiar to the vulgar, (9, and El-Igareree in the Durrat elGhowwyJ,) and should not be used, (0, ],) (0, O,) He upbraided him witr such inf. n.)e ", a thing; reproachedhim for it; declared it to be bad, evil, abominable, or foul, and charged him o.i; .c& with it. (MIb.) [You also say lie upbraided him, or reproached him, for his deed.] And 4.ij [is an elliptical phrase, sigor the like being undernifying the same; &iW stood: or lie tul)braidedhim; charged him with j..) [See acting diyracefully]. (TA, voce
,t oJ ,,/.

[Boox I. (Mgh.)
,'4 You say jl

;`:l A,

and upbraided, reproached, orfound fault roith; syn.


inf. n. yta.. and jle;, meaning I tried, or proed, the measure of capacity, and tke instrument for weighing, [or gauged the former,] that I might know its correctnes [or incorrectness]: thiis, says Az, is the correct form: one should not say t ZW-,, except from JQI, accord. to the leada, - ., z.~t ing lexicolooists: and ISk says, ; ~ 't4 ' signifies I tried, or proved, the two measures of capacity, that I m7ight knowre their equality [or inequality]: you should not say .; . (Mb.) [But in the TA, ,1J.



(S, o, .)

M The ass; (,O, Mb,K;) both the w;ild and the domestic; (S, O, M9b;) its predominant :) so called beapplication is to the former: (V1 cause he goes away hither and thither ( , ,jE) in the desert: (TA:) fem. with ;: (S, M9 b:) pl. [of pauc.] ,;ll, ($, O, Mqb, V,) and [of mult.] ";l& and ;P Mqb, (O) and (S, O, 0J , (S, O,_,)

O) and

jp (0) and ft 1

tIj, and J.C*Il is mentioned without of disapproval, with to,j5 and remark any yL., inf. n. ;!hi L.A,t.&] You also say l* and jI1B, .Ic measured, or compared, them two, each by, or with, the other, and rexamined what [dfference] vas betrveen theml. (K in art. j.) wts app. signifies also lie assayed -[Hence, gold &c.] ~ See also 1, third sentence.

11 Xj!4.

4. d- ol l, ($, K,) and 4.l,

(s,) IIe (his

master) made the horse, and the dog, to go away as though he had escaped, or got loose: (I :) or made him to escape: (TA:) or made himn to escape, or get loose, antd go anay hither and thither, by reason of his exceeding sprightlinss. (S.) J.a l,sl He made to the iron head or blade of an arrow, or of a spear, or of a svord, or of a hnife, or the like, rwtat is called oe. (AA, ;.11 means She (a mare) raised )m -. ,kk and shifted a hloof:- and hence, accord. to Az,

[The lending of garments] &c.


&c., or this is [properly speaking] a like t.~e [also a quasiquasi-pl. n., (TA,) and S 1p. n.,] (Az, TA,) and pL pL ;l1e; (0) and 1 ec. (l..) [Dim. e, q. v. infr.] - It is &jt said in a prov., relating to contentment with that which is present and forgetting what is absent, gone i,I [f the ass uuas iJt ~L) il S1; away, there is an ass in the tether]. (A'Obeyd.) You say also, of a place in whichl is no good, [It is like the belly of an as], tC ,a..bja [like the bely of the (S, TA,) or 1J J.,asl]; (TA;) because there is nothling in his belly of which any use is made: (, TA:) or this .I; ' originated from the sayi"ng .. 1j t%,a [It is more empty tlan the valley of Iinir]; (S, O,' TA;) for jt.a was the name of a certain unbeliever, who possessed a valley, which, for his infidelity, God rendered waste and unproductive; (O, TA;) and Imra-el-leys, (O, TA,) as some say, but correctly Taabbata-sharri, (O,) quoting the above-mentioned saying, has substituted *11 for jl*., for the sake of the metre. (0, TA.) More vile than .... One says also . 11 et. J3iA (TA.) [But this is doubtful: see the the a same phrase expl. differently later in this p~ra graph. The wild ass is superior to every other kind of animal that is an object of the chase: (see

TA. [See 4 in])~And ,jA is also said to signify lIefattened him; namely, a horse: - and lIe plucked out the hair of his tail; like 61JM: both of whichl meanings are mentioned by also 1, last signification.] Jp, (s,) Ill; and others: -and i.q. i [He made inf. n. as above, (TA,) Hie neighed the pieces of him lean, or light of fesh, &c.]; from . "he gold one after another: (Qg:) and he put, or went and came." (TA.) threw down, the pieces of gold, one by one, and -- as d)g a G~ compared them, one by one. (TA.) The verb is Aes * is said to C," ejX lew*F 5[said to be] used in relation to measuring and [i. e. Thy ash of their neighmean j;-. weighing; but, says Az, Lth makes a distinction bours the loan of tih houehold-goods, &e.]: but and ;,, making the former to between ;'I Az says that the word used by the Arabs is relate to a measure of capacity, and the latter to t..]) (TA. [See 10 in ar. an instrument for weighing: and [8SM adds,] F X0 -. in latter the and jP, mentions the former in art. They blamed, upbraided, or re6. I.W the present art. (TA.) See also. 3, in five places. proached, one another; found fault, one with -0. *,,eJ, -The water became orspread another; i q. ImW, t. And WI .' (S, O, Mb,) or.... . : (0, lta: (V,:) or they reviled, or tifJied, one ano,rith [the green s tance terd] 1p:) but [SM adds,] it is more probably Jl, . (AZ.) I ther; syn. 1t with I and t and &s. (TA.) 3. jdll tst, (m, Mgh, and 1 in art. JO,) ,li~4S11, (S, Mgh,) inf. n. ;j ; (S;) and

IW:) and hence, app., the signification here next p- also signifies A lord, or chief, following.] (,O, ],) of a people: (, O0:) a king: (]:)

pl. ;GI. (O.) .- The saying (1, ) of the peole

and and tlaA; (1K;) signify the same, (8,) (?, lIj (, li,) He measured, or comlared, the measure of capacity, (M,,h, 1,) and the instruments for deighing, ont by, or with, another. (Mgh.) One (g.) The saying ;1.l should not say V,j. b',J meaning, [He borrowed lq. Iff * ;el pieces of money] that he might equalize [nith them the weughts of his balance], should be, correctly,

of Syria, used by them proverbially, (TA,) ,M [A lord for a lord, or a lord is ;;: )tbJjJ,a) succeeded by a lord, and an increams of ten] is expl. by the fact that, when the Khaleefeh of the sons of Umeiyeh died, and another arose, he increased their stipends by ten dirhems: (S, O, ],:) so they said thus on that occasion. (0, TA.) - ;I.JI ,~ is an appellation of A certain bird, (0, O, g, TA,) re~ bling the pion, (f, O, TA,) short in the leg, wich are covered with . see art. t -;;l -Si ;a;.l: io. feathers, ydlow in th legs and bill, having the eye bordered with black, of a clear colour incn ;I A disgrace; a shame; a thing that occa- to greenness, or dark dtour, (;'-.,) yolo sons one's being re~ld; a vice, or fault, or the in the beay and the part beneath its wings and the like; (, O;) a thing for wrhich one is, or ist to inner part of its tail; as though it mere a ariebe, blamned, or dispraied; (B, in TA, art. j&;) being a place in ;.IJ1 .e: gated *J:pl. *;J1 anything that necearily occasions blame or rethat this bird assert they of E-Tiif: the district proach, (Mob, ,) or disgrace: (Msb :) p.. . a.; c of ' eats three hundred figs, trom tam (, O, 0, ,) of which the sing. coming forth from among the leavew, amrel; a. (TA :) and * is app. ; a~e, (0,) [is syn. with tet, for it] sig- in like manner, grapes. (TA.) ~ Also The p nifies thingsfor which one is, or is to be, blamed, m/ence, or ridge, in the middle of the iron head


BooK I.]


or blade of an arrow or of a spear or of a sword orpeg, ofa tent &c.]. (TA.) [See another explana- orsem or tih like, and cames carrying merchan. Hence also, dise. (TA.) or of a knife or the like. (8,O.) [See 3tI.] tion above: and see also i,..] -0~, e~~~~~~~~~, o0 *. JA *5 . ,The promi~ t l, (9, O, TA,) like a little accord. to some, (TA,) one says, C." .; SJl t. 51, applied to a he-camel, (0,) and ail." wall, (TA,) in the middle of a leaf; its middle ^JI <i,t ~meaning I knotn not what one of applied to a she-camel, (., 0, ],) Resembling the rib. (.8, O, TA.) - The spine, i. e. the prominent mankind is he. (YayJoob, 8, 0, C, : (e , TA.) And [wild] ass (4)l) in quichness and bris part,in the middle of the scapula, or shoulderO :) or the latter, switfl, with briskneuss; (], TA;) hence too, as some say, the saying of El-Hirith blade. (8, O.) -The prominent, or rrojecting, so termed because of her frequent going round Ibn-IIillizeh, (0, TA,) boe in the middle of the hand: pl. 1!. (TA.) about [or to and fro], rather than as being 0. - - - 0 . . . 2,. .259 t 0 . p b4U likened to the [wild] ass: and also hard, or [In the ]k, it is expL simply by wI ;.1 1 0 hardy. (TA.) t,.;: but this is a wrong reading, app. occn;.sitl ti 1, Lj j ;:. sioned by an omission, which is supplied in the 1 X j'wy: 5Csee 1 in TA, though somewhat awkwardly: it seems that of which Aboo-Atnr Ibn-EI-'Ala said that he had we should read ;i ;I, sI 1 ; passed away, or died, who knew the meaning of .A and L;: are syn.; (. ;) both signify [A this verse, (f, 0, TA,) and whllich is differently standard of mea&ure or neight;] a thing with or, more probably, tJI' 'i. JI.; for I incline related, some saying , Joly, and some s.;villn which another thinj is measured, or compared, to think that J31t in the 1'A is a mistake for . j11: (TA:) but varinus mceanitngs are assign.ed and apnalized; (Mgh;) [and with which it is AZ3l1, and that the last signification of,se, given to J.tll in this instlance; and somIe exp,l. it as a aayedt:] or a thing with which measures of here, is doubtful.] The prominence, or pro- pro)per name: (O, TA :) and sonlc, relating this capacity arc measured, compared, or eqalizd: tuberanee, in the upper, or convex, part, or back, verse, say *.aI [q. v.]: (TA:) [tlle following (Lth:) the j(t of a thing is that rowhichA is made, of the foot. (8, 0, TA.)_ Any prominent, or or a!ppointed, a standard thereof, by rAhic to protuberant, bone in the body. (TA.)-.An edge, explanation of' the verse hals iben given as preor a ridge, of a rock, naturallyprominent. (TA.) ferable to others :] TI/y (tlle Ar;.ikim, mentionled ,'egulate or adjust it; expl. by di LULfj . L. bre,) /uarc assertele lthl all who hare (Meb.)_ - The j.& of dirhems, and of deenars, -Anything prominent, or protuberant, in an two vecses Infl hunted the! nil are the sons of onr patcriurl is [The rate, or standard, offiunenu;] the quane~en thing, (]i,) or in the middle of an even thing [or surface]. (TA.) - Each of the two portions uncles, and that n,e arc the rclations of them; tity of pure silver, and of pure gold, that is put oficsh and sinew next the back bone, one on either .jWl being Ibr ' ,., l: meaning that we into them. (Mgh.) 1 [See also 1.] are responsiblle fir their crimes, or offences, as side th~rof: both togetiher are called Xl. (K, o. Currenry of a poem. (..) though wc were their heirs. (EIM p. 261.)-TA.) [So called because it forms a kind of ridge.]- The prominent, or protuberant, part Also A, certain )pieceof wood lwhich is in the fore [dim. of ]. You say, ?,j p s (0, K.)- t Such a one is a person nlho is Ileasd writh his at the pupil (.. ) of the eaye (AA, TA:) or the part of tle [vehic-le called] e. lid of the eye: (., 0, X :) or the inner angle [for And A drum. (0, K.) And so, as some say, in own opinion; (., O, ;) an expression of disthe verse cited above. (0, TA.) ~ And A moun- praise; (S;) like as.,; is one of praise: ib, in the CI, I read JL~, as in other copies tain. (..) Anld also the name of A mountain of (TA:) or a person 7eho does not consult others, of the J,] of the eye: (Th, ]:) or the image lJI-edlceneh: (.K, TA:) and, as some say, of a ?or mix writh them, yet in whom is ignoblenes and that is see in the black of tie eyje when a thing mountain of lIekheeh. (TA.) = And ,;4"1(of neahness; as also 6[q.v.]: (Az:) faces it; (Aboo-Tilib, L, X ;') also called '.a: which the sing. is'JI, TA) is a name of Ccrtain or a person wrho eats by himsejf. (Th, ](.) You (Aboo-Talib, L:) or the eye-ball: (TA:) or a b,ihylt stars in the track of the feet of J ,_ [or may also say ', like : for ; but you looking from the outer angle (ikeJ [or perhaps Canol,us]. (0, .) this signifies here the outr angle itelf]) of the should not say~., nor &.; (. , 0.) . A caravan; syn. iJ'u; of the fem. gen.: ey. (Ii.) Hence the saying, (8, 0,) .11 , L$ t , , JU 3 I did that!before a look fromn (K :) from ;lt " he journeyed :" (TA :) or camels f, : sec)I. the outer angle of the eye: (S, O, ] :*) or before that car;y provision of corn: ($, Mgh, 0, Msb, ;te: see the next paragraph, in five places. he winked [or could winkh]; M meaning the IK:) then generally applied to any caravan:(Mgh, .. t That goes to and frjo, and round about; "image that is seen in the black of the eye;" Mob r) or a caravanof asses; and then extended and ~ 1%, "what moved," i. e.," the eye to any caravan; as though pl. of 5 .s, being ori- as also ;teI: both are applied [to a man and] itself:" (Aboo-TAlib:) or blefore I looAed [or ginally and regularly of the measure J, [i. e. also to a dog: (TA:) and V the latter is also expl. as follows: a man (TA) often coming and ould look] at thee; not usmd with a negative: js,] like L as pl. of .L; (TA ;) but it has going (g, TA) in the land: (TA:) often going (Th:) nor do you say .JI )1 a [instead of no proper sing.: (. :) or any beasts upon which J)I in this phrase]: (AO, 8 ::) or M here signi- rroVision of corn is brought, whether camels or round about, (Fr, ., Msb, g,) often in motion, asses or mules: (1 :) the ps mentioned in the (Fr, S, Msb,) and sharp, or qttick, of intellect: fies the wild aus (Lb.) You say also j ;1 Kur xii. 94 consisted of asses; and the assertion (., 1 :) it is used as an epithet of praise and as S Xi 6 e; meaning I came to thee before a one of dispraise: for instance, applied to a boy, of him who says that ,c& is applied specially to eeper awoke [or cd amake]. (AA, TA.) it signifies brisk in obeying God, and brisk in acts camels is false: (AHevth, 0, TA:) Nuseyr cites The .03 [or tragus] which is in the inner part of the poet Aboo-'Amr El-Asadec as applying this of disobedin~: (IAs :) and t., applied to a the ear: ( :) [see 03 :] or the part of the in- appellation to asses; and says that camels are horse, signifies brisk, lively, or sprightly: (IAgr:) ttior of the ear which is belo the [or uppcr not so called unless employed for bringing pro- and Vt;.t, so applied, mischievous; all that is portion thereof], (],)in a man and in a horse, vision of corn: (AHeyth, TA:) IAar says that brisk, lively, or strightly, so that he goes on one like the [of the head of an arrowv: (TA :) or it is applied to camels bearing burdens, and not side of the way, and then turns to the other side: bearing burdens: (Az :) but camels are not thus (TA:) and, applied to a man, that goes to and the QI%' are the O~ [app. meaning the two called that bring corn for their owners: (TA, fr.o without work: (Ajnas en-Naitifee, Mgh:) or hacks, though the word may have some other apvoce %.. :) pl.w;s, (0, K,) with I and Z that leaves himself tofollow his naturaldesire, not plication in this case,] of the two ears of a horse: Mgh, Msb.) It is because it is of the fem. gender, and, being a restraining himself. (IAmul, 11 5 A 0 o pl. ;e. (TA.) - A woode pin, peg, cr stake, subst., with the US movent, accord. to the dial. said in a prov., , w .I 1 Xo . tl A which is ~fi edin the ground or in a wall. (, O, of Hudheyl, for they say lj. and ;L,; dog going to andfro and round about is better [as .) Hence, as some say, the provey. ? J X (Sb;) and 4,(s (., J) is allowable, (S,) and is a guard] than a lion lying down. (TA.) You say HstI [8uch a one is more vie than th wooden pin, the regular form, and occurs in a trad., meaning also el A sheep that gos to andfro betw~en ;ts 278
'- .


two jfloc, not knomg whch o them to follow: : see AI is here a mistranscription for J. to such is a hypocrite likened. (TA.) And ilj 5)l A ~-caml that goes forth from the other L'! Calamity, (i, TA,) and hardship. camels in order that the stallion may cover her. . t Calamities, (S, O, TA,) (S, O, TA.) And ;; . A he-camel that (TA.) And em and hardships. (TA.) leaves the femal seven months gone with young, and goes to others. (S.) And J1.3A4 t;.- A '~, and the pl. j.tac: see;. horse that goes away hither and thlither, by reason ; ..A [or %. ?]: see. of his sprightlines: (s, 0:) or a lion that goes away with the joints, or nwhole bones, of men to jtea: see;le. his thicket. (IB.) V',l~d is an appellation given to The lion, (S, 0, JI,) because of his coming anid seeM&, w;a: first sentence. and going in search of his prey. (S, O.) _. ~ls t An ode having currency. (0.) .--. o ! Je2 Resembling th in make. (0, I.)

[Boox I. 4. :Z1l He (God, S, A) made him to lie; l,) in n. (S, A, O,* ] ;) as also V 4, (O,'* '-'". (TA.) You say, ; ;,:ea A, ;,l [God made him to live a pleasant life, or state or

sort of life]. (s.)

5. .4- lie constrained himself to obtain the means of life: (S:) or i& had what was barely suficient, of nsutenaatce, nothing remaining over and above it. (TA.) 6. . . [They lived together; one with

;Slt An arrow from an unknonwn shooter. (Msb. And ;t, o; A [Mcntioned also in art. jj.]) fallen fruit, of wrhich the owner is not known. 5. ) The camels were, or became, JIbla, and~;C t or, s, &c.: [of the colour termed : (TA.).jor] white inclining to see art. j9. black. (0, ]I.)

another]. You say, ;*_ .JIV I1t3L [They lived together with sociablenss and affection]. , [i. e. ass, or wild ass,] (A, TA.) ,.; [an inf. n. of 1. - As a subst.,] Life: (9, 0, I':) or particularly animal life. (Kull p. 262.) It is said in a prov., .e- r . ;. ja .A, meaning, Thou art at one time in an easy stateof life, and at one time in the state of life of warriors: *AP (A'Obeyd, as cited in the TA: [but for in my original, we should perhaps read j& , i.e. a didcult state of Ife :]) or tlou benJeitest at one time, and injurest at another. (TA.) And a man to whom IAr said " How is such a one?" ;~, meaning At one time rith answered ~;. me, and at one time agaimnt me. (TA.) [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 70 and ii. 099.] - Also, I. q. Law, in senses pointed out below: (]i:) see the latter, in four places. - And [hence,] (IDrd, A, O, TVhaat, or otherfood; syn. ;.1; f,;) in the dial. of El-l.ijaz, (A,) or of El-Yemen: (lDrd, O, TA:) and eeld-produce; in the dial. of El-Hijz : (A, TA:) and bread; ( ;) in the dial. of Egypt. (TA.) a; e [see 1, in two places._] A state, (A,) or sort, (TA,) .of~li. (A, TA.) You say, ;l,s f, ~,, and o L', He lived a good an otf and an eoil sort of life. (TA.) ,1j2;: see the paragraph here following. .tl.; [Living:] havin life: and in like manner, but in an intensive sense, [app. meaning haring much of tie means of lifc, or living wedl,] ' ,,Wte: fem. of the former with ;. (M,b.) A man in a good state or condition [of life]. (Lth, A, O, L.)
,* . .*.*;, *., f,*. .5s

jeI ~ ajI l l JU i Tlhe Arabs have not v. (S, TA) and t L.' 0 , the latter of the uttered a verse more curent than it. (A, O, TA.) measure i;-, [originally Lpl,] like so and - es ;t; A horse, ($, I,) and a dog, (,) made ':b, (Lth, O, TA,) Whiteness in a camel, mized to go away as though he had escaped, or got loose: with somewhat of [tlh red hue termed] , ; (~, (i:) or made to escape: (TA:) or made to TA;) [i.e., a reddlish whitene~:] or [a dingy escape, or get loose, and go away hither and whitenes;] whitenes in which is a misxture of thither, by reasoA of his eceseding sprightliness. clearness with slight darkness: (TA:) [or a yel(?.) It is also expl. as signifying, applied to a lomish whiteness: see ~ l.] horse, Fatteaed: and having the hair of his tail 0, &-c: see the next preceding paragraph. pluhwked out: these two explanations mentioned by I$tt and others: and made lean, or light of A camel of a white colour mixed with ~l .flesh. (TA. [See 4, last sentence.]) See also the 0, of [tJe red hue termed] ;B;:; (,O, somewhat next paragraph. I;*) [i.e., reddish white:] or [dingy white;] from white with a dlight darknes: (Mqb :) or inclining ; t., (O, I,) as though originally ,i, ja-, aor. j.e, (Az, 0,) A horse that turns away to yellow; [i.e., yell/oih white:] (IAr :) fem. from the road wit his rider. (O, ].) Hence iL#: pL rpC: (S, O, Mosb, I :) the camels thus the saying of Bishr Ibn-Abee-I'jisim, (i,) or termed are aid to be of good breed. ($, O.) Also Khm,zim, as written by qgh, (TA,) not Et-'irim- A gazelle, or an antelope, and a bull, [app. meanail, J having made a mistake [in ascribing it ing a wild bull,] in which is [a hue such as is to him (but in one of my copies of the Q it is termed] L.;l. (TA.) And you say .~l ascribed to Bishr Ibn-Abee-lhaim and in the J,I A man having white hair. (TA.) And other to a poet unnamed)], ~ .w _l A mhite mark, trace, relic, or remain. 0 0 (TA.) _- The femae locust. (S, 0, J) [Th7 ot deserving, of horses, of being urged to run by tAe striking ith the foot is he that turns awayfrom the road with hi rider]. (V.) Abooinf. n. 0, M, b, aor. j: a,) 1. j.~ ( ,A, o, 'Obeyd, (so in my copies of the g,) or Aboo'Obeydeh, (so in the V and TA,) says that the , (S 0, OM, h,) and,Ah and j~ (S, people, in relating this, say ?;tjl, [deriving it] .. and I! and :,p (0, O, ]) and from aWitI; which is a mistake: (1, I, TA:) (] in art. ,., the truth being that this is a mistake as to the and in the dial. of EI-Azd 4, A,* O, K ;) [he passed and TA,) lie lived; (S, of is the saying derivation; which and the damm IAgr alone, and is mentioned by IB also: lIfe in a particular manner or state:] le became (TA:) or the last word is ILLJI. (TA in poss~ssed of life. (Mb.) You say, j'L (if &le Such a one lived a pleasant [life: .~j art. ,, q. v.)



iK An iron head or bl,

of an arro

or of a sar or of a snord or of a knife or the like, having what is t-ermd . (Aljn, from AA.) And A i, and J :e, [so in the TA, but

more probably


-,a ] A lj [or hand]

having rwhat is so termed. (TA. [But I think that

LA. and t ;e may be used as substantives and e'; ($, O, a.nda as well as inf. ns., like That whereby one TA;) and signify, like ia:., lives: or that [,lace and time] in mhich one lives: (TA:) [or rather, they have both these significations; but ,la. has generally the latter; whereas ;~-, q. v., and , , are generally used in the former sense, or one similar to it:] J,t' also signifies the plac~ of su nce; or the known, the time wrlrin oM place thereof: and or usual, we regard >il as a simple inf. n., as it is said to oeekh sustenance. (TA.) Thus, (TA,) ;'jt be above,) or] state [or sort] of life. (A.) [See [The earth is th place of ubsistence j1-JI 'It also a)C, below.] of mankind, or of the created beings]. (A, O, TA.) 2: see4. And Ll j;l l The day is th time for keeing He H.a., lived with him; sustenance: as in the Ifur, lxxviii. 11. (0, TA.) 3. !.~ , inf. n. See also in two places. icn, 1,l. (TA.) like as you say


Boox I]
.~;-_: see I.Z: , in four places: and A.a4. *.~~~~~~ ~~~(TA.) ~ inf. n. of ,Lc [q. v.]. (QC.) - Also Victual, living, tenance, or food and drink by tvhich one lives; (Lth, A,0, g;) as also; ... which (Lth, one A, lies; ,;) as also (A ;) whence you say that dates are the of such a family: (TA:) that rhereby life subsita; the mea of life or subsistence; (A, ]$;) as also ,t.: (A, TA:) that whereby one livew; as also ,(A,,TAa) and t and1 ; or (the sTA)at d (TA;) re one ies ; (TA ;) or [the tate] wherein one lires; (A, X, t TA;) as i; 'also? (A) and * . and u t*. : (TA:) the means of obtaining that whereby one liera: (Aboo-Is.a-hl, TA:) the gain, or earnings, by means of which a man litves; (Mgh, Msb;) as also t .fa: (M.b:) the pl. is (S, , 0, M 9b,) accord. to general opinion, (Msb,) without., (g, O, Msb,) when formed from the original of the sing., which is ea , of the measure

2211 0, X:) or, as some say, the lower parts of trees. and to : [such as is termed] a :'; (TA;) and - And hence, (A,) A stock, or race. (,* the masc. also, in this sense, to t a palace, or the A, 1K.) You say, .Mt ', He is like; (S, O, , TA;) and to . [or might or of tle stock, or race, of Be(wo-lIkhim. (A.) Aind nobility, or the like]. (0, KC, TA.) The pl. also Of . .,j.l 1. Ilowv generous, or noble, are his signifies Excellent, and youtlful, camels; (0, ]C, athers, or ancestors, and paternaland maternal TA;) between tiu a~ and the aclj. (O, TA.) uncle, and the people of his hou.e! (TA.) And tRcfusing; resisting;withstanding: (14, TA:) it is said in appliedtoman,ndtowilda. -, j, ' applied to a man, and to a wild ass. (TA.) (TA.) ' --* i. e. Thy stock is an appertenanceof thine thouglh and with o: see 31L in art. bc, in it be thorn// and intricate or conjfsed: (AZ, 0, four places. TA :) meaning, accord. to A'Obeyd, those who



are connected with thee by origin are thy kins-

1. dIt, aor. &ki, ($, Mgh, 0, Msb, ],) and , (Fr, 0, g,) in n. ( Mgh, 0,) or 1. , (M.b, [but probably a mistranscription for the former,]) or both, or the latter is a simple and the former is an . n. also and * ., OLe&, C K,) lIe (a man, 8, 0, Myb, [and, an a.ial] (ISd,d'xieitorlahdt,MM any animal,]) diliked it, or loathed it, (~, Mgh, 0, Mob, K,) namely, food, (S, O, Msb, 1,) or water, (Mgh,) or beverage, (, 0, MJIb, K,) and would not drink it, (S, O, g,) and sometimes it is said in relation to other things, (I,) but mostly relation to food: (ISd, TA :) and t 1.' signifies the same as t t. (TA.) A poet says, (namelv, Anas Ibn-Mudrik, O, TA, and so in a copy ofthe S,) t* and D.aie from u.a4; and the P!*.Lto Any one who is hard, or dijflcult, witt h ,c. . JjL ' in question is therefore of' thie measure Oa,W respect to thlat which another desires of hin: (0, * j with. (M,b.) - " ,d.L' Tlhe p,unishment K :) app. originally .,,4r: mentioned in the L [Verily I, in the cas of y slai ulk a of thegrave: (O, K :) so, accord. to most of the in art. .. (TA.) Verl I the o slayg , am amlh l of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the.n I,inia the/as b oofity sola//inghim, expositors, in the lgur xx. 12.3: or, as some say, then giving tl c bloodwit for daying 4im am like exposaitor.,~ iun the tlJr x.2t;f hell. l: or,ass(Om TA.)y, the bull that is beaten when the cows loathle the [strait sustenance] in the,fire (0, TA.) L. ............ waterJ: for when the cows hold back from enter1 1 *o' One who constrains iiintelf to obtain the ing into the water and drinking, they are not ,1. aor. e; and i , (K,) inf n. ; beaten, because they have milk, but only the bull means of lIfe: (TA:) or nwho has what is barely tuinciet,of u~tenance, nothing remaining over [perhaps a mistake for ;, which see below, is beaten, in order that they may be frightened, like and U,J], (TA,) SShe (a woman, TA) and therefore drink. (S, O, TA. [See also the and above it. (Lth, A, O, .K.) was, or became, long in the neck, ((, TA,) with .Yam, p. 416; where the former hemistich is somejustnes of stature; (TA;) as also t C.1.;and what differently related.]) And hence the saying, 'J,J3. (.(.) ~ See also art. 10. J1 iMsL.. IM [Tlti is of the thlings that the A dens, or tangled wood; a numerous natural dixposition dislikes, or loatlhe]. (Mgh.) 5: see above:~and see also LJ in art. b . collection of dene, or tangled, tree: (., 0, :) . l vie,aor. t1, inf. n. , I atur 8: see ;t in art. J,s, in three places. or [lote-tre of th peci~es called] j. (A.ln, O, from lhe birds, (S, O, g, TA,) good or etil,(0O, TA) collUted togetherin one place, (AHn, 0,) of . LevAth of the nwk; (., O,., TA;) to g, TA,) takingwarning, or the like, by coidrwhich the lower parts are den, or tangled: which some add, withjutneuof stature. (TA.) ing tiir names, and their place of alighting (Akln, TA:) or dmen, or tangled, trees, some (S, 0, K, TA) and of pa~sye, (TA,) and their growing in, or among,the lomr parts of others: : see ,ss and Jlw, in art. I. cries: thus, correctly, as in the T and . and M (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] ,a and [of mult.] ,,l&s: and L, i.e. I"1jl; for which the authors of Li .: see i; . 5 (0, g:) also what are coleted together (AHn, the 0 and 1 have substituted tlj, deceived 0, ], TA) in a place, (Agn, O, TA,) and are : see art. 1,. by the word JSJ in what goes before: and the nmr together, and dense, or tangled, (AIn, O, , TA,)of [tre of ie hinds caUd] #L , (0, L; Long in the neck; (S, O, ;) accord. to verb is used in like manner in relation to gazelles some, with justness of stature; (TA;) applied to or other animals passing with the righlt side, or IF,) or of [the tree called] j. and .. cand the left side, turned towards the spectator: (TA:) a camel; (S, 0;) as also tL Ieo: (TA:) fern. L4 and *L and aUkinds of &U%&: so says ilaJl primarily signifies the man's throwing a lAc,; (, 0, ;) applied to a she-camel; (,;) 'Om(rah, (0, TA,) and Agn says the like: pebbleat a bird, or crying out at it; and, if it and to a woman, in the sense expl. above: (Mgh:) turn it righlt aide towardakin in .fying, the (TA:) or (O) what areden, or tangled, and ~sm~o, (El-KilAbee, O, TA,) of thick and pl. 4.. (TA.) - Long in the hedd and neek; auguringgoodfromnit; and if its Ieftsid, evil: the fern. (Igar p. 308:) or, accord. to Az, it signifies the tough tree, (El-KlilAbee, 0, k, TA,) suchas the (C;) which is ugly. (TA.) -Tal; being applied in this sense to a mare; and the seeing a bird, (TA,) or a raven, or row, (M b, 9 and : and pl. to hones: (TA:) f and a r. and jt Aigh; lofty; (, O, 1, TA;) TA,) or the lI, (M yb,) and a%-uing i [or and O . (El-Kil?bee, 0, TA.)_Alo applied to t a mountain; (TA;) and the fern. to good] tmherefrom: (Mqb, TA:) and also the sayA of f o th of the bet of tree: (Lth, A, ta [mountain such as is termed] ;j, ($, 0, TA,) ing [a thing] conjecturally, or surmiting; without

men, although they follow a differcnt way of life: have patience, tlherefore, for thou caist not remove them from thee: (Meyd:) [see Freytag's Arab. Prov., ii. 95:] implying dispraise: or, rd *1 to AH accord to AHeyth, ,1 , denotes praise; force of resistance, or inaccessibleness or unapproaehableness, and numerousness, being meant ; ($, 0 ;) or beceause ,sc (O, TA.) You say also, , l[ll O; or because it 0~ it is is from from |'.L&, BC thereby. tjtasolie is of a good, or an excellent, stock. (Sh, that the measure of the pl. is J.8,i: (Msb:) 6 but when it is formed from the secondary form of , TA.) . . imcans lring thou the sing., it is with ., [jQ,] iL being in itfrom vherever it is. (TA.) this case likened to : like as is with. La : sce (in art. a ) last sentence. ~because its sing the is LiS [in iescent; atin because the kS [in it; sin.,.,; is quaiescent; but some of the grammarians holi this latter 1). to be ~ A place of gro,rth [app., as seems to be incorrect: (8, 0:) nll the Basree grammarians implied in tile S, of trees such as are ternned hold it to be so: (TA:) or, accord. to some, ]' (' , K.)


2212 ccing anything: and it is said in a trad. to be : the verb in '-J.,.JI ~. [expl. in art. ]

[Booi I. !explanation in art. J;,] a form of imprecation. jl La i ' (TA.) It is said in a trad., .' SJ~$; , like , or Z1~, like OC, (0, g,) i. e. [Onefollong tl right course] ha not be. (so in the CI,) One mho/e natural disposition, come poor [nor wil h beco~m poor]. (TA.) (0, ](,) and habit, or wont, (Ii,) it is to dislike, J [and j ,9s ;l k' And one says, ;tl or loathe, a thing. (0, g.) expl. in art. J9]. (Yoo, TA.)-See j~, J.I Diliking, or loathing, food or beverage: aor. u above, (, ,0,g,) l, (0, also 4. and V , applied to a (S, TA:) and t It (a thing) s, or a, ; and O,) in n. man, signify the same as JSi. [app. in this became, wanted by me, and unattainabbto mw: sense: see an ex. of the former in a verse of Ibn($, 0, =:) mentioned by El-Almar. (9, O.)_ Mu]bil cited voce _,, last sentence]. (TA.) . And iJtl1 JLt&, ($, O, I,) aor. as above, inf. n. Auguring, or divining, (P.,O, g,) from birds ', (S, O,) Us knew not hUerM to J. and or other things. (0, g~.) - it; O,Ld, said of seek te atray beast. (s, O, 4.) JL~, (, 0,) Shureyh, in a trad. of Ibn-Seereen, means He or ,Va J'I , (g,) aor. as above, inf. n. J5, nnw true in conjecture and opinion: like the ($, 0,) said of a horse, ($, O, TA,) and of a man, saying, of him who is right in his opinion, 1 L (S, TA,) Ile inclinedrfrom side to aide in his gait, OtS y9; and of him who is eloquent in his (, O, 1i,) and (when said of a man, 9) mas *ta;,, Birds rroud, /Iaughty, or self-conceited, threin: ($, (TA.). l. a speech,j.. circling over water, or over carcasses or corpsa, .:) the doing so in a horse is commended, u andgoing to andfro, not goilg away, deiring to indicative of his generousness: (TA:) and tJa; [Vulture] signifies the same, (0, g,) said of a man. (O.) *J alight. (8, O.) And ,.~Il f-l ) JO, & (O, 1.,) aor. a above, circling over the slain, and going to and fro. _And


.j,l. 8see

'.,dl ;..L, as ISd says, is originally


, I , aor. Cj, , inf. n. ., (TA.) ~;, ,) is like .Ul. having for its aor. ( O, , (g, TA,) i. e. (TA) The J); and inf. n. birds circled over the water, or over carcasses or corplts, and went to and fro, not going away, dusiring to alight. (S, 0, TA. [See also art. J-.]) 4. IWlt [They became in the condition offinding that] their beasts disliked, or loatled, the mater, and would not drink it. (18k, 0, ].) is probably used as signifying He [5. ; practised lac, i. e. auu,rattionfrombirds, 4c.: see its part. n., below.] 8: see 1, first sentence. lAccord. to Ibn'Al),I)ld, (0,) JUlM signifies lZe furnished himself ,ith provision forjournyij. (0, .)

ae is a term employed in the cae when a woman brings forth and her milk is suppressed in her breast, wherefore her fellow-wife, or female (TA.) thus in the (O,) in n. J;; and Jt and j, neighbour, draws it, by the single sucking and but in the M fet-l, and damm K, i.e. with .. ha, applied to food [and beverage], Dis- 3 the two suckings: (Nh, O, L, ],* TA: but in [ jea and je, i. e.] with damm and kear, [of liked, or loathed. (Msb.) the ], .. h. is erroneously put for a4'; the like whereof there are many instances, one of One who practises auguration from them in the first sentence above,] (TA,) He (a ..Jl and Oe.Jl are put for &bJIand and man, 0) nent, or ment away, (O0, ]g,) and round 3 J.l: TA ) tlius in the saying of El- birds [.c.]. (gIar p. 5(4.) about, (1K, TA, but not in the CId,) in the land; TA,) as expl. by himself, (0, Mugheerelb, (0, t ckig sutenance, (0, 1;) or journeyed threin 3 TA,) a?.tl .,m. ' [i.e. The woman' sucking so: o of traic; syn. l' orfor tle purposeS once nand twico in drawing the breast of another for its says IAmb. (O.) -1. 1. P. [as inf. n. of Za having J and l Jlc, aor. j womsan wthoe milk it supprelatUed after child-birth will not render unlafidf the marriage of either of aor.] is syn. with 00 [as inf. n. of ,ta having j^., iinf. n. and J;: see art. Jj&. them to a relation of the other, nor the marriage j, for its aor.], (O, K, TA,) signifying The of a relation of either to a relation of the other; act of hindering, preventing, impeding, withitoldas intrans.: see 4; and seo also 1 in 2. J; as the ease of regular or continued suckling of ing, or turning back or away. (TA.) e Jc; ~- J art. J#-, fourth settence. a child does]: (0, Jg, TA: [but in the 0 and neylecteal his family, or houseiwld: (TA, and V 2. ja, inf. n. t: , lIc raied his voice, see a is erroneously put for .ja3: Cl, . in art. J; :) or j. a. signifies thefeding badly. or called out, cried or cried out, or wocifecalled similar saying vocC jp :]) the action is performed (S, O.) See also 2 in art. j3 ;, second sentence. in order that the obstructed channels by which rated. (0, g.) _ And see 1 in that art., first sentence. - J; the milk issues may become opened: and it is ,e A share of water. (L, g.) Iwt alone, or by inm4.,, lie (a man) left tors thus termed because the woman loathes it: (As, self, to lmsture whvler e oldds, awithout a pastor, .j. (in the C! s) A cry used in chidiWj. 0, ]:) A'Obeyd says, We know not a'4sl in in the derrt. (S, 0.) 0, g.) (Ibn-'Abbid, sucking the breast, but think it to be 3A..l: his 4. Jlat lle (a man) lad a family, or hs aying thus, however, is disapproved by A. ~L The shore, and side, of the sea: (A'Obeyd, hold; so accord. to Akh: or hchad a nmerous (O, lI,* TA.)m.i. i i is also the subst. from .S,O, :) pl. L,l4. (TA.) - And An open, family or household; (S, O, TA;) as also j,s, 4l [q. v., app. signifying A circing of or a nwide, "paceof ground, in firont, or etending ;jl (TA.) [Sce also 1 in art. from tte sides, of a house: or a yard, or court. and VtJt, and t1J. birds over thi water, &c.]. (9, O, IS.) fourth sentence.] - And seo the first sanJ c, 9 (TA.) tence of the present art. - Also, said of a wolf, a,, A good thing: (0:) or the choic, or , (O, IC,) and of a lion, and of a leopard, (1C,) He best, or e.cellent, of camels or cattle or other : ~see art. j. soglht, or sought after, (O, ],) a thing, (O,) or (0, 1.) prolperty: (C :) like L'. 3"w :J prey. (JI.) - See also 4 in art. 3J , last sentence. J4e1h and 4Jl are lTwo gamaes (Sh, 0, ) O: desert: (Sit, of the of the boys of the Arabs 5: see 1, latter hal '(., g g; , , inf. n. 1. jl;, aor. Lj~ [see the latter of these words :]) or the former is and see also L. s: e ie:' ' ;1, or, as in some of the M 9b, O) [afterwards said in the .K to be the what it ca/tld ' and 9. The propounding of one's narration,and l. (1, TA. [But I do subst. from this verb] and J,c (, O, O) copies of the ,, to him who does not desire it and wChom it taUt, aJn;J%t, (I{;) and not find elsewhere t311 uS the name of a game, js (TA) and Ja and in any sene.]) nor .~,1 (Ks, TA in art. OJ ;) and VJlsl; doe. not concern; (0, ~ ;) [and so, app., VJl; aor. j^; (g in that art.;) He wvas, or became, poor, (S, for it is said that] this is what is meant in the e .: ee .t;. Applied to a camel, it means 1 or, as Cc JiJl > 34, Mgh, O, M 9b, 1V,) and in want. (S, O.) So in saying of the Prophet, That snells the water and thn leaves it, thouh [whence it seems that both j; jIt dJ t, [of which see another some relate it, -;: the saying tid,Sty. (.M O, g.)

Boox I.]
readings mean Verily of what it said is the propounding of one's narration, &c.:] so says


W1x; see a4

course or aim, to, or torards,him, or it; &c.]; like t&'l. (TA.) fi.: (ISd,



originally of the measure

And see J: JOj. art. also 0;'l of which it is a pl.] n See &l4 [mentioned above u an inf. n., and also aid in the IB to be a subst,] Poverty, (6, O, 1,) and want; thus in the ]ur ix. 28; as also 9t aj;; (, O ;) and t ifI;, and thus accord. to one reading in the Vur ix. 2$; and accord. to IAlr, VJ3 , with kesr, is syn. with a4. (TA.) ~ It is also a pi. [or rather a quasi-pl. n.] of means UJ jl u; ;'t q.v. (S, TA.) Long hat continued my feoling, nourishing, or nustaining, thee. (0, ]C. [But this app. belongs see the firt sentence in that art.]) to art. J,: A woman that nepn [or waib] for tthe UN& i dead. (AA, O. [But this also app. belongs to

a)i: see the next paragraph. [

art. Jp.]). Also a pl. of 0,) , O,


[q. v.]. (] ,

rehemence of desire, t/tat one cannot endure with patience the want of ,Sc Ot Bsee 3 . -_ Also A man having a it. (TA.) It is said in a trad., >. Je: : (TA:) or R 1 4ailj *e,il i. c. [Ie used to pray for family, or ousehold; and so t~ having a numerous family or hlousltold; and in protectionSfrom] vehemenet of desire, or of lonjing, for milk, so as not to be able to endure with like manner, with ;, applied to a woman. (,O, TA.) [See also art. J.] - Also, applied to a patience the want of it; and vehemenunce of thirst; (TA.) wolf, a lion, and a leopard, Seekintg, or sceking and the remaninijg long without a nwfI. Tiirst: (( :) or, as some say, weAemence -And 's. (TA.) after, prey; (], TA;) and so t tlhereof; ad so 4a., as mentioned above. (TA.) Jea~: see he in this art., and also in art. 6. iaCe The choice, or best, or excellent, (As, $, see art 15, TA,) of camels or cattle or other property, (6, . J WLA4 see art K, TA,) like L, , (O and 1 in art. J ,) and iJlsa: see ai% 5 . ;e, (S in art. Ce,) or, accord. to Az, of any(TA.) thifng.: pl... 1. .;, aor. and t'a, inf. n. ! (S, O) '~;t Dcsiring,or desiring eagerly, or loing

'4. [mentioned above as an inf. n.] Desire, or in two places, in art. TA in art. Jn :) see j, eager desire, or longing, for milk: (C, g :) or and an.i And see jo: _.See also J or of longing, for milk, so

and -, (thus in copies of the ],) or .en, thus or and of accord. to Lth, (TA,) HIe (a man, $) desired, 31 a pl. of which the sing is j" or longed for, milk: (C, I :) and leaerly, desired which the pl. is jOt,, this last being a pl. pl.: he thirstedl: (K: [like ; i:]) [or thirsted veh See also ;, above. me art. J,.. , below:)] or, accord. to 18k, mently: (sco

The male hyea. (.5, o, .)

for, milk: fern.

(S, :)

the former ap-

ilied to a man; and the latter, to a woman: L,t~ and .0l;. like (S:) pl.A;,2 and .sl, . O.t ; S (TA.) And [hence] one says 4vt1 meaning A man whose camels have gone [so that he is in want of milk] and whose wife hu died: (S, .5:) and AZ mentions, on the authority of "tl .P. *l-1 a woman Et-Tufeyl Ibn-Yeczeed, wire lua no camels, or the like, and whose husband has dield (TA.) - And Thirtty: (1 :) [or e-s hIemently thirsty. (Scce Jis.)] ;.e; The day; syn. j : ( :) mentioned by Az, on the authority of El-Muiirrij. (TA.) One 1I [Th day became says, X I 4,U i. e. last sentence; in ;., [See (TA.) p/leasant]. art. _ .] A long [or tedious] year: (C:)or, ;e as some say, a year of vehenment ac [i. e. desire, or luoginly, for milk; or thirst]: mentioned on the authority of L. (TA.) [Scc also art .. j]

AJ;. The fodder, or proxender, of a

hackney]; ualso t aJt. (Fr, O, I.)

lj;i [or


TShat indines from uid4 to ide in gait, t* ;, of which 1 is a

and is proud, JhaugIty, or s!f-conceited, therein:

(0, O, TA;) u also

pi. [or rather a quasi-pl. n.]: (IAar, TA:) the former applied to a horse, (8, TA,) and to a applied to n ' lion: (;, O, TA:) and so with woman. (15, TA.) Respecting the saying of Iokeym Ibn-Mo'eiyeh Er-Raba'ee, cited by Sb,

Ibn-F,-Seerifee says, it is as thlough he said W ,~;1,. h&c. [i. e. In i are uch at walk with a proud gait and an inclining from side to side, of ~ to be pl lios and of lopards]; making J t of which (O,TA;*) V'; of ,.; not of latter, as signifying seekhig [prey, like a'], it is also [said to be] an anomalous pl.: (TA:) but Aboo-Mohammad Ibn-El-Ayrbee says that Ibne has miwritten je0i, and that it is ESeer~ correctly J4t;, with the pointed t, an anoma[signifying '"athicket," &c.; so lous p. of J that the meaning is, in it are thickets the lurking-ple qf lios and of opards]. (0, TA.) 13t Poor (;, Mgh, 0, Myb, ],) and naedy,

jIs lt. means he (a man) desired, or ,Us [o,ged for, ,milk very i,mmoderately: (S :) or he betook imxself to milk, or the milk, and desired it l4. (TA caperly, or lo,iedfor it; like or people, Tlhe *to in art. >..) - And ji'l became milk their in milk; scant became par,ty, little in quantity: or, accord. to Lli, .As signifies he lacked mt;ill; or became (leIit ute thereof; (TA;) [and] thus V.Ltl signifies: (18.:) and * Il .1l they became scant in milk, or their milk became little in quantity, (I, TA,) their camebl .l i is a form of having died. (TA.) jl. -; imprecation, meaning [What aileth himn?] MIay his nife and his cattle die, (TA,) [so that he shall no wife and no milk, or and be eagerly desirhavera ous of mill.]

or n want; (6,0;) occurring in the gur

(TA,) and xciii. 8; (TA;) as also V 0J*-, pl. of the first * J.sX: (Ibn-El Kelbee, TA:) [originally] of the [,) ~it., (Mgh, O, Myb,


uure lik,

pl. of. i,

(Msb,) and

(g) and U4a (O,0, ) and [quasi-pl. ns.]

3i;; (Q,TA) and V3m. (IApr, TA.) - Sec


4. iiT lal God reft him [or made him to be] L.;I The withoutmilk. (S, g.) And 9P sons of such a ote took our milk [or our milch [l[app. as inf. n. of ~tj, agreeably with 1. tisl [A year,, cattle]. (TA.) And ~lt ;; --- *4. 00 . 1 0 1 as Ol is of 0j1, and ,il of il (like milh, analogy, our u oqf depived that or year of drought, or of our ,nileh cattle, befell us]. (TA.) 8 See &c.,) uor. signifies The hitting, or,] also 1, in two places. And The inpg, [another] in the ey. (..)is said in which (1 :) eye: [evil] tle vith smniting 8 ,w>l, (S, ~,) aor.;, inC n.f' !, (TA,) a trad. to be a reality. (TA.) You say, j.JI 'l He took, (S, /,) or chose, (T, TA,) tlhe Lp, i. c. I smote the man with my [eil] eyje. (~.) And the choice, or best, or exccelent, of the camscl or ,. 'j; 0'~ -- - meaning [Verily thou art other property. (T, S, g, TA.) Tarafel] says, beautful,] and may I not smtite thee with tle [evil] Z.! t L~.. dA;; t t' . .ji; , * ."j, meaning and I will not imtnite eye;. nnd i, rrJ-r 0r0 ,~~,r I thee &c. (Lli, TA.) .; He (a And 3jlI t G --. >JAJfA t,UJ man) smote the Jlt [i. c. cattle, or camels, &c,] [Isee that death clwoses the generous, and selects *withan [evil] eye: (F:) or J&i1 V ;m, and the most excellent of the property of tie tenacious V 1.t.I, and t totl, he raised his cyes torwards niggard]. (TA.) [See also "L' , in art. ld .] the camels, looking at them, and erpanded his [i. e. He hand over his eyebro like as does he who shads -And L.;sl signifies also o . tended, betook himself, or directed himself or his his eyes from the sun, (15, TA,) to smite tlhem

2214 with an [evil] eye, (,* TA,) and he so smote thm. (TA.) o,, ( (S, TA,) aor. e, (,) inf. n. Ii; (, TA; [in one of my copies of the 9, g;&;]) and i t VjIl; both signify lie was, or became, a spy, or scout,for m. (S, TA.) [Golius mentions also p* Ot, construed with J, in this sense, as from the g; in which I do not

[Boox I.

tI assigned the property half, in two places. , said of a man, also particularly,or ~ially, to Zeyd. (Myb.) And signifies He rwas, or became, confounded, or perl-'i ', ; c- '.', *,. * ' -1 ~s ,h IJiJ plsmed, and unable to see his right course, by I and . i. e. t [I came to such a one,] and he did not give reason of shame, (j, for which -.-3 is errome anything: (L), TA:) or, as some say, he neously put in the copies of the ]5, TA,) or, acdid not dirct me to anything. (TA.) And cord. to some copies, ,~3; [app. as syn. with, ;1Ji ~ t He distinguih~ed, or singled out, the or perhaps a mistake for, ,,.jW, meaning he conitieffrom among the ~spected persmu: or, as tracted his eye to lodh], (T1S,) and acted lisurely, some say, he manifested against the thief his theft. or waited, or waited patiently, to smite a thing tit s [evil] eye. (v. TA.)- Said of a skin, (TA.) And . 1 ii t,5 I ppo~sed t It had thin circles, or rings, or round places, the performance of a partiular fast. (M,b.)_ [likened to eyes,] (Fr,8,TA,) rendering itfauity: *s ,; H, told scA a one to hisface of his vices, ( :) or, said of a water-skin, it was, or became,

orfaults, or the like. (Lh, ;, .) .je&sthin by reason of oldns: (TA:) [or it became I. i. q. 1.&;I1 [He, or it, stirred roar, or conJlict, lacerated, or worn in hos; as is shown by what or tlhe war or conflict, betreen us, or among us]: here follows.] One says also, ,h.1 . -.l 3>, so in the S: in the L, 1aj~t [perhaps for lajl, meaning t The feet of the camelL became lacerated but more probably, I think, for litj]. (TA.) [inthesoles],or wrorn in hole, or blistered; like the , :j11 c TThe trees became beautiful and water-skin of which one says Cs3. (IAsr, TA.) e also signifies t It as, or becase, cear, bright, and blwssomed. (., TA.) _J.j1 'oA - '~a find it.] And one says, '9j W ', or distinct. (KL.) - And t It w or became, The man took [or bought] :a-i'i.e. .i. l individuated, or particularized;i.e., d'isti Go tlum, and look for, or sek, a place of alighting ~isd [meaningforpayment in advance, accord. to all for us: ( :) and L4 says the like, making the from thie generality, or aggregate. KL.) [Thus the explanations that I find of UJII as used in signifying, it is quasi-pas. of '. Hence it verb trans. (TA.) And t l;,a i U:l, and buying and selling; but accord. tb thd Tli, upon means t It had, or awuned, the quality of in. Li ';J%a (QC, TA;) and L( ', (S, TA, but credit, i. e.for paymnent at a future period, agreedividuality. And t It was, or became, partu~ omitted in the CI,) and li', , (El-Hejeree, ably with an explanation of :a1 in the A and larized, or specified, by wrds; mntion~ par. TA,) inf. n. 5I., (Ig, TA,) with fet-1; (TA; Mgh; see this word in its place, and see also 8]: ticularly, or specially. And 1 tJ It wa [in the CS tg.;]) i.e. [ IFe sent a spy, or scout,] or he so gave [or sold]. ( And (K)' A.) appointed, or prescribed,for him, or was asign~d to bring us infornation. (1, TA.) [See also q.!WI, (Msb, :, TA,) accord. to Az, (Msh, to him, particularly or peculiarly. And ,J TA,) Thle mercihant, or trader, sold (MHs,, _-:~.] - l a1,and i"I, (,) inf n.t It was aqpointed against him, or impu~ed ;, TA) to a man (Msb, TA) a commodity upon him, particularly. And hence,] one says, (9, O) and ', (], TA,) The tears, and t the for a certain price to be paid at a certain AC.l .. "-W-, mcaning 'e jI [i.e. t T'h water, Jfloed. ($, g.') And >1l NlA, inf. n. period, and then bought it of him for lemsthan thing was, or becane, incu,nbent, or obligatory, 0>', Th weUl had in it much water. (TA.) that price (Myb, ], TA) ?nith ready money. on him in particular]. ( ~.) ~, See also the / And Z'i t I dug, until I reached (Mob.) =- JI , (1, TA,) inf n. n. , next paragrujph. th spring, or sourca: (S, TA:) and in like (TA,) He wrrote the Ictter E. (1, TA.) One 8: sec 1, in four places. = sii. I OgtI tileR manner one says, *W 11$ ,'.. [I reached the says, I... O C He made [or nrote] a beau- took the s.A of the thing, (.,) the choice, or bet, ivater]: ( :) or, accord. to the T, one says, -- a tiful t (Th, TA.) thereo: (S, TA. [See also 8 in art. CG.]) 'P o,.Jt and vtGI, meaning [The digger 3. -;t, inf. n. OaS, (S, Msb) and .- , And lie bouyhlt the thing upon credit,forpaym~t dug,] and reached the springs, or sources. (TA.) (Msb,) I sar it [or him] with m7! eye [or eyes, at a future time: (S, Mob, KL, TA:) [i. e.] Ot;Ll - ,e, (s,) inf. n. ', ,' , [not, as in the ocularl,y, or before my eye.,]; (S;) [or I viewed signifies lhe took upon credit, for paymet at a C1, with the S quiescent,]) and 4, (LI,' S,) n'ith my eye, andfaced, or confronted, him, or it; futur.e time; (Mgh; [in which it is expl. by the [He was wide in the eye: or large and wide for] Zlajl signifies the vienriUJn,ith tih eyJe, and words 4W4I j,il, and in which ap. in a sale is therein: (see 0 p;:)or] he was lare in the facing, or confronting. (TA.) [See also 6.] expl. as meaning i ;]) and so t a;; (KL;) black of the ye, with width [of the eye itlf]. (S.) You say, t~S thus in copics of the ]g; but [but Mtr says,] the saying !j4- UIs C;p as 2. .. j tIIo bored, perforated, or in some copies t ';, with fet-h to the second meaning L.a.iI __:. ~.-. [or I*'] I have pierced, the pearl; (9, J, TA;) as though he and third letters and w'ith kesr to the L,and thus not found. (Mgh.) [See also ,)+d1 O expL made to it an eye. (TA.). ---- I -4 He accord. to L!i, (TA,) i. e. [lIe met him] eye to as meaning "The man took IL."] poured roater into the skin in order that the stitchl- eye (3La), [orface to face,] ntot doubting of his S S. holem might become closed (, 4, TA) by rmelling, seeing him. (., TA.) - See also 1.. ~. . is a homonym, applying to various things: (,) it being new: and 4 [q. v.] signifies the signrifies also t The dealing in buying and selling (Msb :) in the S, forty-seven meanings are same, as mentioned by A,. (TA.).- .,l ' 6.t with ready money [which is termed O~a]. (KL.) assigned to it; but it is said by MF that its also ;, in the third quarter of the meanings exceed a hundred: those occurring in signifies t The individuating of a thing, or par- -See thle ]ur-At are seventeen. (TA.) By that which ticularizingit; i. e. the distingauihingit from the paragraph. 4: see 1, former half: - and last sentence but is app. its primary application, and which is by 9~generality, or aggregate. (9, Myb, TA.) [' 1 signifies The 1 C How aevil-eyed is many affirmed to be so, (TA,) means t He individuated it, &c.: and he par- one, in three places. oje; the organ of sight; (S, Mgh, Mqb, 1, TA; ticularized, or nwpecif~ied, it by words; mentioned he! (V,' T]5.) it particularly, or ~pecially. And liS io 5. :3 He saw him, or it; or he looked, or [in the 8 expl. by .J3A1 1.! , evidently used in t He appointed, or prewribed, for him, or he as- looked at or torvards, [or eyed,] tryitg w hether he this sense; in the Mgh, by ."I; in the M9 b igned to him, particularly, sch a thing: and could sec, him, or it; syn. o..l. (TA.) lie and 15, by ;5Ol; and in a later place in the 1, ,5.1 ,.;, 1. ji Ls He appointed against him, or im- san him (a man) with certainty. (S.) [See by J,I i1a.., app. as meaningthesenseofsiAght;]) posed upon him, partiularly, such a thing]. You also 3.]_ jl..l Ci, and jol: see 1, former also denoted [emphatically] by the term -j.1it




j 0J,

[i.e. the organ]; (TA;) it is that with which the ooker sec.s; (ISk, TA;) and is of a human being and of any other animal: (TA:) it is of the fem. gender: (S, ]:) and the pl. [of mult.] is O % (9, Mgh, M#b, 15,) also pronounced O % (, [in which , immediately following *, ias been erroneously supposed by Golius and Preytag to relate to the sing.,]) and [of paue.]

el and 'LJ (; , Mgh, Meb, g,) which last

iasasserted by L] to be sometimes a pl. of mult., awit is in the ]gur vii. [178 and] 194; (TA;)

and pl. pl. i.~I;: (g :) the dim. is t ':1.


Boox I.]


Hence the sying in a trad. of 'Alee, L2 .,L. .aI; s., as cxpl. ] in the M and in art. ji, i. e. sight] in form. (TA.) _ [In the B, accord. to I.. [lie measured the reach ThAt by which, or incon?quence qf which, the eye the TA, it is also exp,. as meanin- the .* but of an "e by meanm of an eg upon which he made becones cool, or refrigerated,or refreshed, &c.,] is this, I think, is most probably a mistranseription /i/es]. (Mgh.) And [hienc also]/one says, ~ a phrase used as meaning t A man's child or ojf' for .* (q. v.) as signifying -t The hollo., or JAt;el L. [lit. Wlith some eye I will asauredl& sp1rfing. (TA.) ~. . [properly signifying He cavity, in fle grand, thu calle, in which water thee]: it is said to one whom you send, and re. 1jtt out his eye, or blinded it, &c.,] means [some- remains, or stagnates, and co//ccts.] And I The quire to be quick; and means t pause not for times] ! hc struck him; or stnuck him vetemettly place [or aperture) whence the waterefa Lt3 [i. e. anything, for it is as thou.h I we looking at with a broad thini, or witih anything; or lmapped Pi, or the like,] poursforth: (V, TA:) as being thee. (TA. [See also art. ~];.]) And him ,6tith his hand: (&e:) or he was rotugh, rude, likened to the organ [of eight] because of the eft& e~C. -- water that is in it. (TA.) And, (.K, TA,) for L& [I nmet him so that] Isaw him with [or before] i ngntle, eor to hin in speech. (TA.) &:i tJe sh ee ; h o n (ti:. means ThyI head. (TA. [There mentioned the water of a well. (TA.) And, (.8, Msb, *a! "e, ie not ewing me. (..q,TA.) [And .I.J which.see inC And 'L preceded by .j4.3 '): thus dubioisly, and per- IK, &c.,) for the same reason, as is said by Ere"'t. or L.4 lie lemi ar. ~. #....dAn dh~,2x4~ or-.... &s,?!,ieh see in art. Imaps incorrectly, written. What it eicans, or Rlghib, (TA,) ! The , (g, M.l,) or source, aend a;., wlich also see in art. C>&.] And.. and_should be, I know not.]) - MI ' t [The eye or .V,in;, (I, TA,) of water, (g, MVb, g, TA,) 4; l I saw him, or it,; nearly. of the Bull;] thegreat red star [a] that is upon the that wells forth fro,,t the earth, or grmund, and (TA, voce , , q. v.) And. ,.# a La [or southern eye of Taurus, and abe, [more commonl#] r'ns:. (TA :) [and accord, to the M9 b, it app. OA uJ' ?] i.e. [Lo, he, or it, is] near [before calledM Ol'JI. (, Deser. of Taurus.) [Avid s ignifies a running s,ring:] of the fem. gender: thee]: L"on Z g. i . [or stas, ~, l l- thereof].-of Sagittarius; app. te two (TA:) ~ and (i.b, accord. " and in like h manner, i.e. is ? nearbefore/. t 4.T e he h e .1 .[ . h to ISk, pl. sometimes the.l, Arbs said, It,) as aand pl. thereof, &;a ? i. e. lie is near.beffore me]. (~. ) And sta'rs v nteeeteef ~ii Te srr.( ec asytgaig 9 *, "%.1.,btt ar.(-.):co i '.an 1 buphthalbn,nu, or ox-e!le;] the [plant called] . .i in t a rad.M cied a expin t. , ;aiJ, (5, It,) and Q..& [.v . a trd.,eited and expl. voce.,C. (TA.) Also I [qdv.]. (S in ar.t. M.) And ,iit J)' :A sort i' tb oe;M.(A)As , (TA,) I miet him, or it, the st thing:of grapes, (S, K, TA,) black,b(u, TA,) but not 4.Abundance of mater of a well. (TA.) And A -s(~s I~, TA:) and before every [other] thing; as iinteaiselq so, large in the berries, (TA,) and round, u dop of nwater. (TA.) #"Q1 tJx, [originally signialso v --~1 aviand # AI: (.8:) 6e tifs last (]t, TA,) which are converted into raisins, aind fying" the sourceof water,"] aceord. to Tb, means means the nearest thtig perceived by rite eye are not very sweet: so says AHn: thus called as .Lif t for men; thus in the following verse: .. ... jit~ (TA.) ..And ~La and . .e, being likened to the eyes of the animals termed .t (TA.) And ~and .O.;.~ *1,.1 J t?. , A,did . 9"itat j)u?7 (TA :) they are found in Syria: or ' t I did that , ue~osely, with seriousnero, or said by some to be peculiar to Syria. (TA.) And * 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y,.l -k I $1,d- 4;~ aid ~emcertaintyd eptinl: (8 (:)or earnmestes, blok ~.-' anid .,.1,.. [or :) orL .t (I., TA:) dlJ j Certainblc o plume]: lm]:(K A: thius thu 4.[/w l if for mni **e ~among them; and with
-. "btti 9 -~~~~~~~~3 * . . !. S TJblc, u ai , 0-A) '

and ~ g.g.

t%a, (], TA,) and e


and called for

,;,s.:.. ,a ga,., . and (i j.:4 or ,I&,a ~ (TAJ)tHe did that purposely, (LIt, utility. (TA.)~ [)'! ~ ~. means 1tle made TA,)' wt. seriomue, eor arnetns, and ceainty, an olmning in the live coals of the fire, that had (i)Adar*H nmlak.d #;'ta'nly.: become compacted; in order that it might burn (Ig.) ~ ~ An IHaisliethesave tO up mell. (See l in art. 4&.~ and ,..-.)] And the as long as tho ~st him, (~,, TA,) but ! signifies also t The d.& [i.e. eye) of the ot when thiou art absent; and so ~,~suiL1
. 9

t [at'-ey;]acertain certai

no,,, of.n e hon, well know of

them are the ,scans of safey, and the place qf removal, froyn fear]: accord. to the A, 5WI ; . means good, or mens m ,f attaininggood, tand ,nwision of corn, or abundance of the produce o!f the earth, are among them. (TA.) - Also tThe Om [meaning eye, or bud, (thus called in the present day,)] of a tree. (E-.Subkee, TA.) - [And being likened to the eye >).I 'eas or [lit. ! The lands looked with an eye or n'ith iro eyes], meaning, had their herbage come (1~ :) or it is said when their herbage comes forth: or, as in the A, when that which cattle depasture comes forth without [as yet) becomaing
frm[i tegrusd,o

(.:) or he is a man who pret[ends, or feigns, to [in which the latter word is app. a proper name, or eyes:] one says, e
thee, !i doin9 that which he does not p6.form: and, as such and of the fem. gender, imperfectly (TA:) and (I, TA) in this sense, (TA,) one: deeL, i. e., in this ease, written .. ]. (TA.) says also, &:o 4 j.'. .&i.e. t [He is afiend, or: Also, as being likened to the organ [of sight] in a trefrend,]as Iong as tho me him: (II[, TA:) form, or appearance, ! A [smalU round hi,le or]] and ja 9 4 IIe is one who acts as a friend place of perfio.ation in a [leathern water-bag
: ' hypocritically with thee. (TA.) t.~ L %.:i is said in relation to honouring and protecting: (1~, ]~,TA:) [accordingly I would render it Thou art entitled to be honoured and protected by me aboeu my eye: for the eye is esteemed the most excellent of the organs, (as is said in this art. in the TA,) and it i's that which most needs
.. -

: needle: such as is narrow is termed ;4. j.

: Sproutingj herbage; as

mauch as is called] ejlj. (TA.) And : Thin cicks, or rings, or round places, in a skin, (., K, TA,) which are a fault therein, (S. TA,) like [or eyes; or one of swh thin circles &c.]; being likened to the organ [of sigiht] in form. (TA.) [See 10.] And (II) 1Afault, or defect, (.K, TA,) of this description, in a skin. (TA.) .- And ,' The


firm [ in ground, the or fa-l ro ote from the saying ;',e.Jl of , the Arabs, AJ.0A e.-13~ 'tt5 j . ~ t~ " % " [lit. When l-Jebheh (the 10th Mansion of the Moon) sets auroraely (i.e. about the 11th of Feb., O..), the land lookAwith one of its eyes; tFen, when ,t- elandSh ( 12th the Man-

firmly rooted]: taken

protection:] U *j. is said in relaon to o or cavity ,in of the knee; ]; sion) sets aurorally (about the 9th of March), it honouring only. (TA.) And the Arabs say, j,, [some of] the copies of the latter of which, "e.J't looks with bo;4o of them]. (TA. [Sec also art. I,.j *e.A.& ,j*, meaning thereby the regarding is erroneously put for a, 1; TA;) likened to jJid.]) -~ h'p also, (8, Mlsh, IK, &e.,) as being with solicitude mixed with fear [so that I would the socket of the eye: (TA:) each knee has Qt' likened to the organ of sight, (TA,) signifies IA reader it t As one to be regarded with solicitude [i.e. two srl hollos or ca/t[, the arti/c/r spy; and ' ~":i-")1 ji [in the C]V ;;-fi, mixed with fear above my eye I madeyd depres~for the condyles of the~ femr], in the in like manner, signifies the spy, (g, I, TA,) and oVOC1e to which my mInd wasu directed). (TA.)th [he o] objsct m/ad to ,hkk ~ d/rtetsd]. (TA.)fore#prttheef,at [tl, joint of] the jG. (., * ;:'~ l .i likewise, and ~-.._l .s: (TA:) ~other ex. of ~ an~ l.~ (in which it cannot TA.) - And t The piece ofskin [or small heatkern he wlw looks for a people, or party: (M, TA:) Ue rmdered us above) in a later part of this para, mbe sndered as i parereeptacl] in which are put the j,Q [or bullets] the watcher, or observer; (, , TA;) or the gop.]I .- abo[e)in T i althe the. pVar -I a..,wih o g.. , which is (i, TA) that are shotfrom the [[app. mean- i scout: (., M.b, I~,' TA:) mase. and fem.: wrong,] mcans the same as n al. (It. [see ing the large kind'of cro~ , called balista, or (M, TA:) accord. to the opinion of ISd, made both in art. A's.]) Qa1 5) [signifying ~.~i L~ baista]: (V, TA:) likened to the organ [of by some to accord with a part [i. e. the eye), and Bk. I. 279
-*.* J

2216 therefre femn.; and by some, to accord with the whole [person], and threfobre m c.: (TA :) pl. ~.~b and ll,and, accord. to 18k, sometimes t;1;. (MYb.) - And i q. j..Lt.~ [app. as meaning tA diwonrer, or r~ealer, of tidings &c.]. (Fs-Subkee, TA.) m [And tAn eye u meaning a look, i.e. an act of looking: and hence, a stroke of an eil eye: or, simply, an evil

[Boox I.

had annrered (see t[V,iy thy ~ .L,AI meaning i.

prow., * *!,;1

I i :)], .,;,e ad chandise for ready money. (Mqb.) - [Hence,] i greater than thy age], t Ready mony; cash: or simply mon: n [q.v.]: (S.) And it is said in a M': (T, Mgh, M#b, TA:) not ... (Mgh:) and so times, .I;. (M#b.) So in
)lqJIthe saying 0' ~e t~ [Ready money, not debt]. (TA.) And [henco also] one sray, ;s$;j5 j;i *J) t [Didat tou buy on crdit or r;fL s ith 'ready money?]. (Myb.) - And t A prsent gift. (Mgh, TA.) So in the saying (Mgh, TA) of a r&jiz (TA) satirizing a man, (Mgh,)
t* t 5it*

of a person when an enemy or an envier has looked at him and produoed such an effect upon him that he has fallen sick in consequence thereof. (TA.) [' 'l $ is applied to an eye believed to have the powerof killing by its glanc: see an ex. voce -i.] .And t Sigt with th eye [or before the e; or ocular ~i]: thus in the saying, ;fa t .,l ; 1 '3 t. [I mill not seek a trace, or vatige, (or, as we rather say in English, a shadow,) after an ocular view]: (, TA:) or the meaning is, after suffering a reality,or substance, to escape me: (Ilar pp. 120 and 174: [this latter rendering being agreeable with explanations of O whichl will be found in a later part of this paragraph:]) i.e. I will not leave the thing when I see it ocularly, and seek the trace, or vestige, thereof, after its [the thing's] disappearing from me: and the origin of it was the fact that a man saw the slayer of his brother, and when he desired to slay him, he [the latter] said, "I will ransom myself with a hundred shecamels ;" whereupon he [the other] said, J.'j sI; and slew him: (TA:) it is ~ lI. ~ , a prov., thus, or, as some relate it, ;,j i. (Iar p. 120.)..-And t Look, or vim. (, TA.) 6, ~a It is said in the ]ur [xza. 40], (~, TA,) and it has been expL as there having this meaning [i.e. t And this I did that thou in my ~ ], as migJhtat be rearm and no~ in the B; or, as Th says, that thou mightest be reared wher I should sem thee: (TA:) or the meaning is, t in my watch, or guard,(Bd,* Jel,) and my keetping, or protection. (JeL [It is implied -- is mid in by the context in the l, that if this instance in relation to honouring and protecting, as it is in a phrae mentioned in the first quarter of this paragraph; but my rendering of it there is obviously inapplicable here. See also 1 .]) And in like manner it has been in art. 'l expl. as used in the ]ur [xi. 39], i i

eye: a meaning of frequent occurrence.] ol; i. e. his external appearance renders it needless 41 t [An il eye mote mch a ow] is said for thee to try him and to examine his teeth. ,

Aoe, his a~pect ui t [Veri thee and act (euilt to) t ewamination of hiAu teth]: (, TA: [accord. to the latter, ; meaning *.&U :])

(S and 1 in art. v, q. v.) - Also, [by a synecdoche, as when it means "a spy,"] t A human being: (. :) and any one: (S, ] :) [in which [And his preent gift is a thing not hoped for, sense, as when it means "a spy," it may be masc. like the ufseen debt of *Ahich the payment it deor fet. :] and human beiys: ( :) or a company f~red by the creditor:] meaning, his present [of ~p1]; ( ;) as also *;: (s, g :) and gift is like the absent that is not hoped for. (Mgh, the peop of a house or dwelling: (Ig :) and so TA.) [And hence, app.,] i > *P ; ;1 *


(t1, g;) and the people of a town or A1, occurring in a trad., means,
(i.) One says, t t


i o;.

country; as also tV ..

it any one; (S, g, TA;) tThere s notin i ;ided him]. (TA.) - Also tA deendr: (,, ] :) or [i. e. itjJA in th house, or dwelling;] as also d~ ra; (Az,TA;) [i.e.] coinedgold; (Mgh,Myb,') t *, (TA,) and t.!t%, (S, TA,) and V tL: different from !j; [wbich signifies "coined silver"
X q LC [virtually meaning (TA:) and jt e is not in it an eye twoinkthe same, but lit. t I . . I i.e.ling]. (TA.) And Vt saw not there] a human being. (TA.) And

An [i. e. t A particular,or special, gift of God be-

~~1 j.*A t [A town, or country,] havingfew

human beUJings, (,) or few peopb. (TA.) - And
t A lord, chief, or chief personage: (V, TA :) in [some of] the copies of the 1g, IJI or 1WJI is erroneously put for *1t: (TA:) the great, or great and noble, peron of a people or party: (

TA:) and the head, chide, or commander, of an

army: (TA:) the pl. is 01: (TA:) which signifies [lord, chiefs, or chiefpersonages: &c.: and] the minent, or high-born, or noble, individuals ($, Mgh, Msb, TA) of a people, or party, ($, Mgh,) or of men; (Msb ;) and the most ecellent peroa. (TA.) - Hence, (Mgh, Msb,) as pl.

of ',


t;1 signifies also t Brothwr from :) and

the samefather and mother: (?, Mgh, Mqb, V :)

this brotherhood is termed t hV: (~,


means the

nU of the same father

and mother. (Myb in art. J.

[See L.])_

,4 t [And make thou the ark in our ~

4 l$jt

Also, the sing., t The choice, or beat, (9, Mgh, Myb, 1,) of a thing, (9, 1,) or of goods, or household-goods, or furniture and utensils, (Mgh, Myb, TA,) and of camels, or cattle, or other property, (TA,) and so * Lt, ($, V, TA,) of which ].

(TA.) [In like manner, also,] Qpl oJ.

the pl. is 'a,

g: (s:) ' (TA,) like a


m h, ..U, in the ]ur [xxi. 62], mean t [i.e. Th bring ye him in the view of the

being here evidently an inf. n.]: people; J. (B,TA:) or [bring ye him] ope~y, or conspicuously. (Jel.) - And + Theo.41 [as mean-

ing a

ect, or outward apperance], (., V,,) and

,; [meaning the same as being an evidence of the intrinsic qualities], (g,) of a man. (;, I.) So in the saying of El-l]ajjij to El-iasan [ElBayree, when he (the former) had asked j.M,1 L "4What was the time of thy birth ?" aud the latter

,.JI signifies t the fleet and ex~ t of horse~. (LI, TA.) And t Higly prized, in much re~ut, or eccellent. (TA.) And, as applied to a deenOr, t Outmeighing, so that the balance inclin vith it. (TA.) _ And t i. q. jC, (g, TA,) [i. e. Property, or such as consists of camnu or cattle,] when of a choice, or of the bect, sort. (TA.) - And t Such as is ready, or at lIund, (i, TA,) pwn~t, jam my dirhk^ itslf]. (?.) And jL. (TA,) or within one's power, or reach, (~, TA,) t I took my property itsdf. (Myb.) And of property. (~, I~, TA.) And t Anything present, or ready, (V, TA,)found before one. (TA.) .. t.X le .~a (Lb, TA) and 1ta1, J & t: ^;a, t I sold it ready mer- (Lb, Mgh,0 M.b, TA) t These are thy dirhem You say,

or "dirhems"]. (Mgh.) They said, tL,S. t 4 t [On him is incumbent the payment of a hune~ de~nars]: but properly one should say C, because it is identical with what precedes it. (Sb, TA.) - And The half of a ddnik [app. dcted] from en denart: (g, TA:) mentioned by Az. (TA.) - And t Gold,([, TA,) in a general sense; as being likened to the organ [of sight], in that the former is the most excellent of the metals, like as the latter is the most excellent of the organs. (TA.)_ And t The sun itself; (A, ], TA;) as being likened to the organ [of sight], , because the former is the most noble of the s like as the latter is the most noble of the organs: (TA:) or (g, TA) the s. ofthe m; (1, Myb, TA;) i. e. the t thereof; (]s, TA;) [meaing its rays, or beams,] upon which tth e wl not remainJ fied: (TA:) or [more commonly] the means the .,4i [q. v., that is disk] of the c sun. (KL.) [Using it in the first of these senses,] $ [The sun rose], and ,.t: t.. one says, ~Jl ;1 [Th s mn at]. (Lb, TA.)m And tA ' [i.e. its self]; (?, Mgh, Myb,]~, things TA;) and its zll [which means the same]; (], , which means nearly, or TA ;) and its rather exactly, the same as its :13; (TA;) [and likewise a man's peron, as does also f t, (see exas. in ]ar pp. 20 and 45,) and the material substance of a thing;] and its JLet [as meaning its essece, or comtituent substance]: (TA:) pl. sJl, nor O~ (Mgh, (Mgh, Myb, TA,) not ~ t [If and TA.) One1sap , is it itsf,or he is he himef ]]: (, TA:) , when prefixed to {s, [thus] used as a corroborative, being redundant. (Mughnee in art. .) And '4si Lr'~J '3 ,.- '$ t [I wiU not take aught



Boox I.]
t[They are . emO signifies also t Usury; syn. ij; (1, TA; [see also j . above;]) and so thy ]. (M,b.) And 0l1 h LX.[se T; alo CO above;]) and so tL .. oem in a trad. u meaning t' Usry itsdf. (TAL.) (TA.) And t An inclining in the balance; tdim ~ , a phrase very frequently occurrir ,g (Kh, Mgh, 1, TA;) said to be the case in which the othter: in the L and TA &c, means t A certain, or pa r one of the two calekt thereof outwtei is (TA:) one says, X jn ti/rder, place: and in a similar manner A'^ t.balance s used ater the mention of a plant &.e] One sa: iy th his balance g tan t o; (, TA;) a ittle t and he wrord is also 4 . y) l i. e. t [He broyg inclining n t tongue treof: r fern. (TA.)..And tThe tongue [or cock, itself,] fort, brught to light, or declared, the affaii of the balance. (TA.) - And t A scale of a from it ery en (TA.) And .;/- jial, balance; i. e. eithr of the two scalte thereof. means t With truth, clearly atnd manifestli V. (TA.)_ Also tA small ; [meaning partition, (TA.) [In grammar, c .I means tA rea ai or part dividedfrom the rest,] in a chest. (TA.) ~tantim; the rai of a real thing; abso -. And tA L~ [app. meaning a thing in termed ? 1 I!; and sometimes termed wick , or dry erba, i t]. (TA.) alone: opposed to b , -, i.e. an ideal sub >Sh._ odr*titp].(A, _ [And t Either half, or one side, of a ., or ntive.] _ lt ~; meas t Certain, or arn ' pair of addlek-bag&] - And A certain bird, (~, m or inon~tion. (A and TA in art. ,J. TA,) yellow in the bely, 1 [generally in a tmAnd ,pd;1 [sometimes] *ignifies t Knowledge case of this kind meaning of a dingy, or dark, [or rather sure, or certain, and manifest, Ano, v ath-colour or dst-colour] in the back; of the N1 dge;] which is also termed ?*1 ~;. (TA. i)e of the [Rt~peci of collared turtb-dowe caUled] _ And t ^fsAt (-1l). (TA.) - And t Healt tA .. (TA.) Also t [The letter t ;] one of and aety ( I). (TA..) -Andt Tht ; the letft of the alphabet, (., ,) of thoe termed
' '




it upOn redit, for paymnt at afutrt time (A, Mgh: [see 8:]) or, as some say, [and moare commonly,] i I is th buyilg wAat one hat o Id for les than thatfor which one has sold it: anid * I signifies the same: (Mgh:) or, accore 1.

to Az,, t thmean ing commodityfor a certain pri

to be paid at a certain period, and thn buying it for ka tAan that pric with ready money: [a ee 2, last quarter :] this is unlawful when the buy4er makes it a condition with the seller that he sha buy it for a certain price; but when there i nI! condition between them, it is allowable accord. t 10 Fsh-Sh/fi'ee, though forbidden by some others and he used to call it the sister of usury: and tA salt of a commodity by the purchater [therec upon credit] to other than that seller of it, on t/ lo spot (lit. in th sitting-place), is also terme d ; but is lawful by common consent: (Mob: or it is the ca e of a man's coming to anothe man to ask of Aimn a loan, which the latter doi 1' not deuire to grant, cotingprofit, iwhicA is not t be obtained by a loan, herefor he h ays, "I i all to the this garment for twelve dirhekst tupo credit, for payment at a certain time, anrid iits value is ten [hich thou mayet obtain by NeUin it for ready money]." (KT: in some copies c of

and so -~fI. (TA in art O,.) _ And t TA e aiL. and 5.t. . (]. [See art. .]) -_And which the word thus expi. is [erroneously] writte 0 &jm[which generally means form, or the like t The middle [radicalletter] of a word [of the 4:'tl instead of a;-tll.) [See also Ljj. Th but it has many other significations; one of t'riiteral-radica cla~; the root of such a word word is generally held to be derived from X a e which is _eneo, belbre mentioned as a meaninl g being represented by a.]. (TA.) - In the signifying "ready money" or "ready merchan of pi]. (TA.)~ And it signifies also 44r i calculation by means of the letters , . ' ' % c., .it denotes Sey. (TA.) t' duse."] __ Also The 't. [meaning accag~m ta [app. a meaning t 7T part, or point, toward t dntsSvrt. ( Ta. the tr~ngth orforce] of war: (], TA:) used ir mAic/ one direc isf~]: (]4, TA:) or, accord 1.* ,e, originally j~, pl. of 'hel [q. v.]: (.8, this sense in a verse of Ibn-Mu4bil [in which io to some, prtidularly tAat of the 4 [i. e. tha t ].:*)-'and also, (as a contraction of , IB, is shown to a be so used as being likened to th,I tomard ~c one d~ his face in prayer] TA,) pl. of ; : (AA, .8 IB ) [and of X ]accession, to the quantity of milk, which ha it t~ (TA:) [or] it signifies also the tre direction oj fT, p1. of': (AA, ~, *d ) o . collected and become added to that previouslj the 4 : (V,TA:) or th part that is on tu The quaity denoted by the epi~ t '~ left in the udder: see Ai.]. (TA.) right of the 4 of E-'Ird: [whence] one says, [q.v.; i. e. widthin the eye; &c.]; (S;) and so 0 , e *0, 27o 1;o& &*0 ' ~~~ : see a. .;i.alI ,jqs ~> a 1 ;t7[TAe cloud roa R L*. (Lb, TA.) [See also 1, last sentence; 1 from th part on tahe right of the Ji of Et where both are mentioned as in s.] see also A rtain plant, o in -Ardlu '7r,]: (f: [eealsoa :]) or this mea,fros~ ~ , in the third quarter of the paragraph, in that attenates the humours of the body, Who the direct~on of the &. of EB'Ira/; and the four plames. ~ And see the paragraph here cooked with figs. (TA.) Arab say that this saely ever, or never, breaks following. its promise [of giving rain]: when it rises from l an inf. n. of 3. ($, M9 b.) - [And Clear 'a: see the next preceding paragraph._ evident, manifest, open, or public: thus, by the direction of the sea, and then goes northward, the one says '~ ; a4 nd this is usually most Also The part that surrounds the eye of a ewe; Pers. word ;C, the KL explains C;t&, which, disposed to rain: (TA:) ~ of a human being. in my copy of that work, is written it, is a dim; of mag- (1, TA;) like the v ? evi. nification, meaning ab ding with water. (TA (TA.) _- And Goodly appearance: so in the dently, I think, a mistranscription for O sl, an 2I7 in art. i.M.) Also tThe clou e .(T, ) that saying, a4sb [This is a garment of inf. n. of 3, used in the sense of a pass. part. n., have coe fr the direction qf the L: goodly appearance]. ( O - See S, also ., agreeably with a well-known license, lit. meaning TA:) or, from the direction of tae ;L4 of E1l- latter half, in three places. - Also i q. [in ocularly seen: see ;L..., under which I have 'Ird*: or,from the right thereof: (, TA:) and buying and selling; i. e. Any money, or property, rendered its contrary by "unmseen; not appait is ;aid in the B to signify [simply]) l paid in advance, or beforehand, as the price of a rent."] -.. See also , latter' half. a Also A [the cloud]; (TA;) and so .iJl. (TA inart. commodity for which the seller has become reM' certain iron thing among the apartenances of tlhe sible and which one has bought on desiption: or 4i C~.) And, accord. to Th, .*gWa :, signifies payment for a commodity to be delivered at a ;J1, (, ,) or Xl.i [i. e. plugh], this word t The rain that is frm the dirction of the 4: certain future period with something additional (C,tJ) written in the copies of the ?, [as in the or,fro the direction of the a. of El-'Ird: or, to the equivalent of the current price at the time K,] with teshdeed to the ., but, as lB says, it is from tthe rfht thereof. (TA.) The saying of of such payment: or a sort (f sale in which the without teshdeed when signifying the implement the Arabs U"ll t [We ere, or have ben, price is paid in advance, and the commodity is with which ploughing is performed: accord. to 4;, ransed upon by the ;] is allowed by some, but withdd, on the condition of description, to a AA, the I.y, i. e. the L [or share] i~t hicMh disapproved by others. (TA.) - And [hence, certainfuture period: but it seems to be in most the earth is plougAed up, is called the XtQ when app.,] t 7Te rain that co~inu during w days, cases used in one or another of the senses expl. in it is upon the ij,I.4 [or plough]: or, accord' to the (~, 1, TA,) some say five, and some say six, or what here follows]. (S, Mgh, Msb, I(, TA.) And M, the i . is a ring at tht extremity of tAhe i. more, (TA,) without clearing away. (f, ~, TA.) one says, -. 4 meaning tkd. [i.e. He sold and the ,. [apl. a mistranscription] and the

# 6,

ejy;eo A~~~~~ , ~ inPlant,/ond inEl-A.dalu,

4u ,j

'2218 o ;. a Smitten roith th [eovil ey; * third b, c.4. (TA.) - See also ,{.1 QI,I,.. [two pieces of wood upon tvhich the share or, TA:) (, form: the complete ' and [of quarter. is bound]: (TA:) pl.[of pauc.] L;. %L : see ,, first quarter, in two places: - accord. to Ez-Zejjhjee, the former has this meanwith two dammehs; (1v;) or ;, ', ma!t.] [in which ,51 (. l means ; (S ;) and again, third quarter, in two places. - One ing, but V5v originally of the measure JW [i. e. e meaning I Jaw the last word is probably a mistranscription for C.* ax %:i.qj, accord. to AA, e, with kesr only; accord. to says also, -4- 1 c; so that the meaning is, in wrhom is afault, , with two lammels, and, when the .S aparty of his companions who saw me. (TA.) Dl, ' im where the eyes of or defct]. (L, TA.) A poet says, (,)namely, lear I& is made quiecent, , not x,. (TA)._1. And t.a.1 i;.4 .'Abbis, (TA,) ;-.t15i~t . '~~~~ ' .'Abbas, (TA,) 91e.means lwo birds, (J, TA,) from theflight, the enmy er ~ him. (TA.) - Anid "2si L J herds, orflochs, or herds andflcks, * T lith or alighting-places, or cries, &c., of rwhich, the are which line two Arabs awjugur: (TA:) or J.i D ~ . j (Jl-l,) and pastors, of the sons of such a * by the J1s [or ) b, marhed upon the ground ( one. ~ or party,used to reckon thee a chief; g[Thy people, (J,9.) o!ne.~~ augurer],by inesas of which one augurs,fi~m the A man wide in the eye: (S, Mgh:) or but I think that thou art a chief smitten with thi C Jflight, &c., of birds; (9;) or rwhich are made Jb,. the purpose of auguring; (TA;) then the large and wide therein: (Lb, TA:) or large in evil eye, or, perhaps, in rihom is a fault, or de.. [0 two sons the black of the eye, with idth [of thie eye itself]: fect]. (9, TA.) .5,, 1 (9, .; and * jj ; t'J L augurer says, I a. spritngs, ( ;) which is applied to a 1) t TVater of which one has reacied tit of 'Iydn, hasten ye the manifestation]: (,0 ( :) fern. [t'; , the of copies the in :]) " TA: [see 1 in art. woman as meaning beautiful and wide in the eyes: or sources, by digying: ($:) or water that is

[BooK I.



K '

, ($, Mqb,) originally ' . (S.) apparent (jbUf, for which the CK has .t), Lt! is here erroncously put for 0.!: or, as some (Mqb:) pl. is an appellation of Wild (g, TA,) sen by the ye, (TA,) running upon the _ Hence, (9,) ' say Qie. 0l means two ~ll-knon divining- -. , TA;) as an epithet in which the surface of the earth: (~, TA:) Bedr Ibn-'Amir / arrows: (TA:) and when it is known that the oxen; (, gaming arrow of him who plays therewith wins, quality of a subst. predominates: (TA:) and EI-Hudhalee says, : t one says, 9 c lW" ^i- [app. meaning The troo .C l, of the nwild bull, ($, ISd, ]g,) which one digger, of which a for of 'lyjdn have hastened; i. e. the two arrows should not call j l : (ISd, JP:) and AUp, [meaning Water collecting so termed; as seems to be indicated by a verse of the wild corn: ( :) and women are likened to the springs have been reached by digging)]; the cited in the L (in which it is followed by the these wild animals. (TA.) - Ul: also signifies, last word, it is said, being put by him in the not meat roast tit with ;A.iJLJ in words q .w;j11 applied to a sheep or goat (;LU), Of rwhich the gen. case because of the proximity [to a word thorowuhly cooked), and also by what here fol- e yeare black and tit rest white; and some say, that case, agreeably with a poetic license of which by rule it should be lows]: (f, L, ]g, TA:) these [arrows] being ,or the conever thereof; in this sense used as an there are many exs.], bfor relating to '.b: but the epithet an them is of it as , means by 5 because beaut/fid, LI or 0a good, A called epithet. (TA.) - And t ,which lIB derives of mcasure tlhe respecting beautitul woman a to likened .ordor saying; people [playing at the game called j~ l] see 1 the winning and the food [i. e. the hastily-cooked and wide in the eyes; (Mab ;) opposed to ilj. from .1Wl O, and explains as meaning having flesh of the slaughtered camnel]. (L, TA.) (AHeyth, A and TA in art. jO.) - And, applied the source apparent,there are differences of opii. q. 6oLI (V) [i. e., accord. to the TJg, nion; some say that it is an instance of 1, iA (TA) A man to a 4.3, 'sL, -: (Ig, TA) and o though not having a vcrb; and some, that it is wrho snites tvahlnitlty with tih [evil] eye; as alsec which is followed by Freytag, applied to a rhyme JI signifying "the what is ter.enid ;W: (see De of the measure ,eai, from t '* : (g, TA :) pl. [of the first] h and1as meaning Having In the saying, esl (TA.) water. of drawing" explathis but 8acy's Ar. Gr., see. ed., ii. (i57:) [If the swe be meaning i,, s. (I.) ; J meanthe so, nation may be conjectural; and, if as apiplied I...... effective, or petnectratiung, ,.-, t be may ing : see one] having a rtumnning spring, [that wiU not bic - j) and ',;Ol L;eP: and 'o.t entirely exhiausted,] U1 is made masc. to accord (1) tla6. q. i. And ode]. an or verse a to ; , inl the former half of the paragraph. [accord. to the Tg as an epithet applied to land, with the word [. which is mase. in form though s: see the next paragraphi, in two places. ad meaning t Black; likened to the eye of the fernm. by usage]; or it is thus because it is buffialo; for $~. was sometimes termed by the imagined to be of the measure J,e in the sense A ,,an quick to weep. (TA.)e ; but this explanation also may be of the measlire J1 ; or because it is for u, t Lex, (]g,) the latte r Arabs ;r.: L, ( ~,) and And C" the rater running upon th l1, i.e. [harvi] a I rather think that it is so,' and , tvaeerwithinghuphn cf oniectural; and ha lec common, aind said to be the only instance o tha by- 1 is here meant t anb, xxxvii. Igur the In (Mgh.) carth. the of surface wchich mith is helre meant a bucltet n that by an epithet of the measure Ji with an itifirn civater has been dramn lotig, so that it hlas become 44, [and in like manner in lvi. 18,] C.. is used [mediail] radical, or it may be of the measur V rmuningt upon the urface of l&;) agreeably with as meaning t Wine green or blackish; (se case two these ter. (Jel.) of' iltl or J 9 J, and in either the following explanation, which is immediately the earth, like rivers of not withoit a parallel, (TA,) and V - 4, (9 subjoined in the K]. - And A water-skin (i1) * '.; means t A spring, or source, having II,) t A shin,for water, or .for milk, havin thi ready to become lacerated, or rent, (K, TA, [sec a continual increase of water. (Aboo-Sa'eed, circles, or rings, or round places, [likened to eyes,Jr TA.) and nworn out. (TA.) 1,]) enldering it Jiaulty: ( :) or of which the wate nith eyes: (9 in t A garment Jfigured | j11 [A place in which one ix seen]. One says, r.tus forth: (Lb, 1] :) or new; (K;) or thuas or a garment in tlhe figurig of which c" and t9 , in the dial. of Teiyi; and sso IQ J.' . l [in which the last word is app. art. :) lj [app. meaning quad.angudar as in Iar p. ' 22,] arc small ;9.. in that dial.: the pi. of O applied tto a mistranscription, for like the eye of w l)] C1gp. a skin is Oalt, with hemzeh because the placcm The people, or party, are[in a place] where tou !forms (in the c place A seest them with thine eye. (TA.) - And thelof is near to the end. (TA.) And t A bull having a blackof alighting or abode, (g, TA,) and one in which animalw. (i.) nes between his eyes: (]K:)ora bull; so JIed oniit is kwno.n to be. (TA.) So in the SgG. ,I&.: see say, , thbecause of the largeness of his eyes: or so called 0, * b.TAoin , 1 [El-Koofeh is a place of our because harvi,spotsofblack and white, as though ta 1 Smiting with the [evil] eyJ. (, TA.) - _ U. there svere eyea u,,l his skin. (yIam p. 29) roim alightipkq or abode, &c.]. (TA.) ; atr: (:) in water: An. t ; ti'o . or soO (, :) or Flowi,Jng t Fw And
' ' *..-J 3


hen stiilpled of ithe And t Locusts (.ithih integqument, are seen to be wkite and red: mentioned by Az in art. tt,on thec authiority of ISIh. (TA.) - [Also, as pass. par.t. n. of 2, ~t Individuated, or particularized; i. e. distinguished te : &c.: see the the genrality, or aggreja fro means [A did.sti,t, para. verb. Hence] lit.] a purpse made purpose; special, or ticuar, for one to attribute allowable is it distinct: and the action to the purpose, tropically; and thAus to

* ,~ [A distinguishting puripose], usilng places where raint hasfallen, say * #...-the act. part. n. (M~b.) sf~ ee an ex. of its fern, in what next precedes. see

1 aho CIK A L"' TI'X wiw .and ) IA a.lis erroneously put for ~.; A.Jll searches for nLiws or tidings. (TA.)

[And see also ClUA-.. in six places.




and its femn.: see 0

For the verbs (1 anid 2) and otlher words beAn explorer of a people or party, ,vtko is . to this art., see art. longing s'ent before to seek for herbeige antd waler ahnd the








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