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ARTICLE I Smarts youth help group The group is committed to improving the living standards of youths mobilizing resources

through catalytic leadership, innovation, networking and team work.

Purpose of the establishment Mission statement:

To use a practical approach to help the youth realize their full potential, increase incomes and reduce poverty through partnership with individuals, organizations and other stakeholders who share our vision. The general Goals: To develop partnership with private and republic organizations To act as an advocate for youth empowerment in the area To develop programs to improve the living standards of the youth in the area To influence youth projects in the area To educate and train members of the group on the technical skills and entrepreneurship To provide forums for sharing experiences and best practices To link members to groups or organizations with similar interests

ARTICLE III Specific objectives of the group The following are the objectives of the group: 1. Initiating and promoting sustainable income generating activities on a demand driven basis and mobilizing local resources to start business enterprises for youths. 2. Identifying and bridging capacity gaps through trainings. 3. Creating a learning environment and a positive team spirit.

The group shall also have powers to raise or borrow money for the purpose of the institution on such terms and on such security as shall be thought fit and to do such other things as shall further the attainment of he above objectives or any of them. The group shall always be non partisan and shall not in any way be involved in or support any activities deemed to have political connotation.

ARTICLE IV Membership a) Membership of Smarts help youth group shall be opened to anyone who is interested in helping the group to achieve its aim and willing to abide by the rules of the group. b) Every member shall have one vote at general meetings. c) The management committee shall have the power to refuse membership to an applicant, where it is considered such membership would be detrimental to the aims, purposes or activities of the group. d) Registration and determination of membership Any member of the association may resign his/her membership and any representative of a member organization or section may resign such position, by giving to the secretary of the association written notice to that effect. The Management Committee may, by resolution passed at a meeting thereof, terminate or suspend the membership of any member, if in its opinion his/her conduct is prejudicial to the interests and objects of the association, PROVIDED THAT the individual member of representative of the member organization (as the case may be) shall have the right to be heard by the General Committee before the final decision is made. There shall be a right to appeal to an independent arbitrator appointed by mutual agreement. ARTICLE V Office Bearers 1. The policy and management of the affairs of the Group shall be directed by a Management Committee which shall meet not fewer that three times a year and shall consist of not fewer than six members. 2. The management committee shall comprise of the Chairperson, assist. Chairperson, Coordinator, assist. Coordinator, Secretary and Treasurer . 3. All members of the Management Committee shall hold office until the conclusion of the Annual term meeting of the group next after their election for re-election. 4. Four members of the management committee shall constitute the quorum. 5. Each member of the Management Committee shall have one vote and in addition the Chairperson shall have a casting vote should this prove necessary. 6. Minutes shall be taken of all Management Committee and shall contain a record of all proceedings, resolutions and decisions. 7. Only Committee members over 18 years of age will be involved in legal arrangements. Any member who ceases to be member of the Group ceases to be a bearer of the office. Office bearers maybe removed from office in the same way as laid down for the expulsion of members and vacancies thus created shall be filled by persons elected at the monthly general meeting resolving the expulsion.

ARTICLE VI Meeting of the group 1. The monthly General meeting of the group shall be held at such time and at such places as the management committee shall determine; writing by the secretary to each member. At such Monthly General Meeting the business shall include: a) The consideration of the monthly report of the Management Committee b) Motions submitted by the management committee or by members and the transaction of such matters as may from time to time be necessary. 2. The Chairperson of the management committee may at any time at his/her discretion call a Special General Meeting of the group.

ARTICLE VII Procedures of the Meetings Meetings shall be presided over the chairperson or in his or her absence, the Assist Chairperson other office bearer in the absence of either one. The Chairperson may at his or her discretion limit the number of persons permitted to speak in favor of or against any motion. Resolution shall be decided by simple voting by a show of hands. In the case of equality of votes the chairperson shall have a second vote or cast deciding vote. The quorum of the meetings will be one third of registered members. Chairperson alone, or with at a least one other office bearer may make a final decision on urgent matters requiring immediate attention when the quorum is not met.
ARTICLES VII Nominations of Management Committee Members

Nominations, proposed and seconded by full members of the Group shall be given to the Secretary, either in writing prior to the Monthly General Meeting or at the meeting itself.

1) All monies raised on behalf of the group shall be applied to further the objects of the Group and for no other purpose.

2) No office bearer shall be paid or given a sum of money or honorarium except insofar as it is as a payment to reimburse that member for outlays actually incurred on the business of the Group and for its benefit 3) The financial year of the Group shall run from 1st January to 31st December 4) The treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the group. 5) An audited statement of the accounts for the past month shall be submitted by the Management Committee to the Monthly Meeting. 6) The signatories of the account or accounts shall be two of the following; The Chairperson, the treasurer and any of the other office bearers as shall be authorized by the committee. The committee shall have power to suspend any office bearer who it has reasonable cause to believe is not properly accounting for any of the funds or property of the group and shall have power to appoint another member in his or her place. Such suspension shall be reported to the next General Meeting in which the members shall have the right to decide what further action should take in the matter.

ARTICLES X Heritable property and Leases The title heritable property or agreement to any lease acquired or entered into for the benefit of the Group shall be taken in the names of the Chairperson, the Treasurer and the Secretary for the time being and their successors in office.

ARTICLE XI Alteration of the Constitution a) Proposals for amendments to this constitution or dissolution must be delivered to the secretary in writing. The secretary in conjunction with all other officers shall then decide on the date of a forum meeting to discuss such proposals, giving at least four weeks (28 days) clear notice. b) Any changes to this constitution must be agreed by at least two thirds of those members present and voting at any general meeting.

ARTICLE XII Dissolution

The group may be wound up at any time if agreed by two thirds of those members present and voting at any general meeting. Any assets shall be returned to their providers, if they require it, or shall be passed to another group with similar aims.

ARTICLE XIII Adoption of the Constitution This constitution was adopted by the members presented at the AGM held on:

....200 Signed:

. (Chair)

. (Secretary)

. (Treasurer)




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