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[BooK I.

harm from the people like as the j' [properly significations of '1b, [in a copy of the 1 written (IAar, S, TA,) and tlI like. (IAar, TA.) [See so called] wards off the harmn of thc hcat of the e in this case, as in others, t &U,]that of also '.] sun: (TA:) or the meaning is, t God's meaku [q. v.]. (TA.) j9i pl. of i: (S,M, 0, :).and of of protection: or God'i L..L [or speciai J.A thing that covers, or protects, [or shades,] '.' (MI, K.)_ [Also, app., pl. of j,': see servuat]. (O, TA.)- Also t Mhight; or poiwer one, overhead: accord. to Lthil, i. q. v auk or -iJi,.Freytag has app. understood it to be ,f reiixtauwe or dlefence: (M, 1], TA :) whence [as ;some say] its usage in thile ur xiii. 35, and I L* meaning a thing that shaides one fiom the cxlpl. in the 1 as syn. withl l.; tllough it tlhe usage ofl [tile pl.] J'*i in xxxvi. 56 and in sun: (T:)' sec an cx. voce aU : a covering: certainly is not.] - See also j,i. : (M, 1.:) thlis latter word corlxxvii. 41: [but the primary signification is more and i. q. ' j.l 1A A place having stadlce: (M, K:) appropriate in these instances :] and so in tihe rectly signifies a', 4 for the summer: (TA in or having constant shade. (T,S, t, O,K.) And suyingg, m 1 i. [i. c. t lie placed me art. J>,*:) and a thing by twhich one ig protected &J (M, K) Constant s.lhart: (S:) nitthin the scorpe of his miyght, or pon'er of resist- from the cold and the heat: (M :) anything that hence Ji psrotects and shades one, as a building or a moun- or extensive shade: (0 :) or il this case the latter a/ter or tdfernce]: so savs Er-ltlbiltiib. (TA.) tain or a cloud: (Mgi :) thie Jirst portion that word denotes intensiveness [mceaning ,lent]; (M, Antdl A state of life amnlle ins its means or shadr,x (AZ, S, 1) of a cloud (AZ, ;) or of K, TA;) being likecalS in the phrase ;S/ t, . circuntrtstattc, ,tnnstraitened, or pleintltl, ad easy, clouds; (IK;) accord. to Er-Raghil, mostly said ji,.:aant, soJf, or delicate. (TA.) -Also t The of that whlichi is deemed unwholesome, and wiich (TA.) . ' in the .iar iv. 60 is said by Iegyinning of winlter. (T, 0. [Accord. to the is disliked; whence the use of the word in the Er-Ruighib to be an allusion to ease and pleasantcolpies of the I, of youthfildness: but I think IKur vii. 170: (TA:) and what sthad,s one, of ness of life. (TA.) One says also ;L!. i1 tIlut ,.IjIl in this instance, in the .K, is evidently trees: (K :) or anything thatforms a covering A collection of trees tangled, or lurxuriant, or a mistranscription for ,-Ull.]) And t The over one, (T, TA,) br shades one: (T:) and abundant and dense. (TA.) In the saying of [q. v.], (, Uheyhah Ibn.EIl-Julili, describing palm-trees, tehemnenc (T, O, g) of the heat (T, O) of [particularly] a thing lihe the c M, O, .K,) by wnhich one n'otects hinuelf from the 0 summer. (T, 0, ]g.)- Also t Tho w& [as heat and the cold: (]4:) or, accord. to the eL~Jl rul&Ll -l meaning person of a human being, and as mean11l L,4, ,,.g o- ,, .g ,- 1 is. 0 ing tihe bodily or corporealform orfJiyure or sub- lawyers, l1jJl ail means the ;S~ [or projecting 0 roof] over the dloor of the house: or that of which stance which one sees from a distance, or the the beams have one end uplon tle hotse and the [ISd says] in my opinion, he means jJ'l1 tIJll Nmaterial substance,] of anything; (M, B], TA; other cnd upon the wall of twhe opposite neighbour: ~J il ' aS.; [so tiat tile verse sllotlid be rendered [in the second and third of which is added, " or (S, M, O, K) and J'i. (M, Thjey are twe shade in the heat, the shlady thing, its ';," a signification which I have mentioned (Mgh:) pl. J the extremely sludy, and the musxt goodly, the most ii~ -L; One says also, also J5..] K.) [See abovo on the authority of the M;]) because of beautiful, thing at which one loohs; (see the 1 and J"'1 t J,-meaning That whereby its [apl,arent] blackness [or darkness, resembling tilat of a shade or shiadow]: (M, TA:) whence one shades himself, (1K, TA,) of trees, or of stones, phrase WI .. e, tl Ia , voce d. ;)] the inf. n. being put in thc place of the subst. (M.) , the saying, Qj 'k - t [My lperon mill or of other things, (TA,) [o,tinued.] .. a&A in the iour [ixxvii. 31] means Not not quit thy perton]j; like the saying, j uj A ill, in the Kur. [xxvi. 189], is said to mean rfrritable as thae shade in protecting from thle .)I;l; cSpt4.: and the following exs. have been [The punishmnent of tlw day of] clouds beneath heat. (TA.) cited as instances of 3Id in the sense of o~ : vwhich was a hot nwind (... ): (S, 0, :) or the saying of a poet, iJi , (M, TA,) with fet-l!, (TA,) the subst. an overshadvwinyg cloud, beneath which the,y colseeking protection thlreby lected together, lected themselves togetlwi.,.wekiiigprotection thereby from the from the verb verb in in the the phrase phrase ;" ;l.l.II . 1 S . , *--- Ufi A,- . . 0 ,, L Lab) W 4 from tilw ilw heat that came canme upon tlwm, them, roltel-eupon whereupon [expl. above, see 2; an app. meaning either as such app. 0 covered titem, them, (T,. (T, V, TAP) TA,) and tiwy twey peridted peristed The making to give diade, like the inf n. -Llf'j' [as tliougll meaning lJ'hgen we alighted, we raied it coreped give dsade, inf. ~j3, beneath it: (T, TA:) or, accord. to some, i. q. WV-7-9, i.q. the tnaterialfabric of tents], for it is said tlhat a A 6, j ' ' (M, or a thing that gives shade, like JJ]. (MY '1 ' ,l,e. (T: And (T : sce ace art. i./.) io.) they dobl not set up tile 3 i whicl is the * , but _ And i. q. W-" [expl. above, see >, ,1 Zm ' #,.0 0, 0 6,1 TA.) above, ow .,, . .~ . s' 5-,0 a a *. a j they only set up W-.j C>?.3 C>4 OU in 1 the tents; and the saying of last quarter]: (0, K:) K :) and so oij., Zt, with I. le. (O.) aniotlher, the V.6 1ur [xxxix. 18], m'eans means To tlwm tlwm shall be abome them corm,'ny.,t coverinys of fire, and abmw apid beneath them 0.1 _Also Also A W9"i: see a1. A cloud cloud that that one one nu sees to those those below below tlicm; them; 1Iell 1Iell consisting consisting by itsilf, and of ivlticis ou am the shadow upon coverings to covet-in.qx by itself, and of vwhich one sees the shadoew upon Sedibeneath anotlier. another. (T, TA.) Sedi. 9. [,s thougll meaning lie follomed the shadows of of stages, one beneatli And one one says, M" the eartia. earth. (s.) -And aj~h ' %:Lq*1j Li factions. are mentioned in gito the material oljects in the ereniny]: but Er- tions, or conflicts and factions. JIJ C,% C,> i. e. kte4 [app. I saw, saw' a [app. meaning 1 JIi, by which are meant eW; trad. as being like JIb, l!tgilib says that the former means, we raised a tmd. or place concealment, birds]. Mountains, and clouds: and El-Kumeyt,likens covert, or lplace of concealment, of birdt]. (TA.) clouds: EI-Kumeyt likens the tents, and so raised the ;Jl thereof; and in 4 [thie pl.] ofthe (TA.) And [tlie of the sea to ,J . (TA.) 4- ' the other ex., J'J3IU is a general term, and .oiUl waves 0 213 -1 A ii place in which a fittle little water coUwts collects is used as meaning The chambers of a 1or 11 l] is a silccial term, so that it is an water-cours and the Uk: like: 0Q, and stagnates in a water-murm prison. (M, TA.) = ~ See also 1X. alb. (Ltli, lilst:unIe of the "ILa1 of a thing to its kind [i. e. prism (Lth, T:) T:) or or a a placs place in in which which ivater water wUects collects and and ,tf preflixing a lnoun to one significnnt of its kind]. the loner the torrent i. q. (T, TA;) app. a pl. of stagnates in tlw lonw part of tito tormt of a ii' '; (T,], of vauey: (T X.) [See also ijiJi.] - And accord. to Ibnralley: (M, K:) ]s:) or the like of an excavated ith. like. jtekb. (TA.) , like as L. is of jt1k'. itoUoiv that wlloUo in the interior of a ivater-mrse, water-course, ~A ~ 'A1l.lshl, (0,) it signifies also The napm, or villous bElstalncs, Ul,on tbl. sniface of a gil,rnent, or piece stops, and remains therein: staps, thereipt : (AA, 0 :) J 1Vatcr that is beneath a tree, (0,) or the water j --,f c,oth; s:.ll.j. (O, (.) bmeath pl. b". ji. (Lth, AA, T, O.) o.) And A mmdow madow beneath trem, trees, (1,) (1J,) upon which which the sun does not pt. come. (0, g.) [See also ,iL.] iib.] aboundinq rwith ivith collections colkctiou of trees, trm, or of of (&LZ) abounding i. q. i,Uk [Continuanee, residence, abode, dense and tangled trees: (AA, T, 0 O, :) pl. as [so Jfi, like like ._, [so accord. accord. to to the the V, ], but but denw and tanqled trea: (AA, T, 0, ]:) pl. as &ec.]. (J :)-And i. q. L.: thus accord. to above. Qg.) (g.) in my copies of the S, 1 Ji,] A thing that tIlle' copies of the Ij; blut thlis ml:y be a mistran- in mst V, Aqr, 8, 0, l, '~.i~A thin thing .9 irhich wrhich a man makofor makeufor hi himself, (IAar, S, 0, I~, TAP) TA,) sucis such as a cloud, scripltion; for At and others mention, among the shades one, (1


1917 Boox I.]

Aboo.Dhu-eyb, t-> as a noun of place,] A large tent of [goats'] man also, (Mob, TA,) and, by of trees, or of a garnaw, or piece of cloth, by feiair; (S, 0, Msb;) more ample than the 4.s; of a horse, (S, TA,) [and likewise said of a dog, which to protect himselffrom the heat of the sun:Am ee * U,)] lae limped, or halted, syn.! ) sc says El-FAr.ibee: (Meb:) one of the hinds of (E a vulgar word. (TA.) 0, the nts of the Airabs of the desert, the largest of de TA,) and ,; (TA ;) or ',., (S, O, Msb, K., TA,) , i. e. teiA X [q. v.; or as vits of [goats'] lhair; next after whiclh is the 3I i-q.; as slightly lame: (Mgh:) whuat it signifies is the smaUest which ,i., the then, J a and or 'j~3; v.), (q. ai a >~, art. in L, expL in the sembles , [or natural lamcness], and therefore CO f the tents of [goats'] hair; so says AZ: but r thiing like t/he ai, which is made upon the filat ol . (M9 b.) One says, is said to be a slight it arc Aci. the and ili" the that says Lboo-MAlik A against guarding of purpose the houe-tops, for -ls";, ($, o, L, C,) a prov., (O, L,) Laii ulp i,t L!1 nnaU and large: IAar says that the 4^d. is of the dew that comes from the directionof the sea in sm keaning heaning Ascend thou the mountain with knorwledge [the panic grass called] .l;, n re the time of thegreatest heat]; on the authority of poles roofed with or dlight lamenes, not [' and is not of cloths; but the 311: is of cloths: )r because] of thy limling, q, '~, i. q. IAUr. (T. [Accord. to the O and with thyself, and gently deal or idiia.q iding thyself: (L:) ( T:) or it is of the tents called ar 5 4_; (M;) such ii which is evidently a mistranscription.]) urden urden not thyself with more than thouw art able to of the 1; (4 ;) and it is said to -t large, is as o: ( :) or impose upon thyself, of what is difficult, jl1 [More, and most, dense in shade]. The ae only of cloths; and it is larye, having a j3 ;j do: only] what thou art able to do; for he who ascends [T Tere is not q. v.]; but sometimes it is of one oblong piece of [ gnly] . Xj.>* ; :i Arabs say, ladder or stair, or a mountain, when he is one n of th of to such piace, a anything more denso in slatdle than a stone]. loth (a ), andon rho ,ho limps, or has a slighlt lameness, deals gently ehich is its hier c nd sometime i it as aa.S, [as a subst., i. e. (TA.)-And $jbl, rith himself; i. c. exceed ,not thy lwolor limnit in but origias regarded if of or, rule, peculiarly general its a to Th, accord. Part: or, accord. to 4y threatening, but mee thy deficiency, and thinse thy i is and by poetic P goats'](M:) see also , hair: mpotence impotence to execute it: (0, 1 :*) and some say nally an epithet, it may be .4 { 'I (M, Mb;) and JUt or license .i;, (?, M, O, I1,) signifies The under he pl. is l; ij!l ij!, with ., meaning rect;fy thine affair first; a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I, AVcei, Ibn(M, part, Umeiyeh of concealed vesrse a the of or end 0,) the (S, at part, ccurs 0, 8;) or as meaning abstain, and restrain t [latter] tho jUa; J., for the of or mbee-'Aidh El-Hudhalee, ltymtf; !;,) ofthe.a , ($, M, O, g,) hyself; (0;) or, accord. to AZ, abstain thou, is (AI.ei, TA,) [the former app. here used, as it J being either elided, or changed into . (M.), for I know thy vices, or fault: (TA:) or the the J3S'1 as sense same 4 the in ' cases, ; neaning other in said be meaning of both is, be silent, becaume, or in cona '>, X, M, ($, camel; the of foot,] ideration, of the fault that is in tlhe. (Ks, O, the latter, meaning [A pretext: what is the pretext of tentbeing its of because I~.') One says also, :,j,k1 L? O;j', with kesr O, AIIei, ].;) so called fastening together the edges ] for pins of and pegs, a in R,) (M, thou thy dight lameconcealed: (AHei, TA:) and, of the piec of the tent-cloth, and of the pole of to the 3, [meaning Charm f';4 the large tent? go yefortha: he wo has maried i ton, human being, (M,) JlW! signifies .,1 ness, to cure it,] from `i031: and it is said in ianother prov., (M, ] ;) and [ISd says] this is in my opinion among you has a tentfor shadefrom the sn :] is inother been ;X a prov., and was said by a girl who had 4; the right explanation; but it is said that 5 -. 0. to delayed family whose and man, a to married which means the , 5 X ,a Vlt; signifies to her husband, urging in excuse [app. meaning Charnm thiou thy slight lameness, part [of the conduct her thefore to next the portion, of what is that it may become mitigated: see art. Wa%a: that they had not the apparatus of the tent: she titat 6 bottom] of thefoot,from the root of the great toe Jlt,l said this to urge them, and to put a stop to their final t in SLW,. being what is termed 0'bl to thl root of the little toe, of the human being: excuse: (Meyd, TA :*) and the prov. is applied not a radical]. (0, g.) And J i i; j [Be (M:) the pl. is >JJ, which is anomalous, (M, in attributing untruth to pretexts. (Meyd.) cautious, becaue, or in consideration, of thy R,) or formed after the manner of the pl. of an Hence, as being likened thereto, t A booth, or limpiuj] limpiug]: said when there is a vice, or fault, in JI . l means the shed, made ofpalm-stichks, and covered rwith [tIe a l epithet: (M:) or O man, and you chide him in order that it may The -And (Msb.) .Ao. called] in the gra , panic not be called to mind: (0, 15: [for ).Z not roots, or bases, (Jd")of what are termed are kings wtich of means by tumbraela] e. [i. thing Cl, Ci, I read S.J, as in other copies of the ]1 ,unext to the fore part [of te bottomn] of 1G'b the occasion of ther riing; called in shadedon and in the O:]) and to this he replies, or may the foot. (Ibn-'Abb&d, O.) Hence the prov., (TA.) Perm (TA. [Sce also art. j..]) And replyp reply, ,. ~iL,A el [If thefor part of m.LU ~Ut. is oer] shaded shed, or [Act gently, or with deliberation, 1) J14Jb LIa 1 jamo ouS [A booth, the iole of thyfoot be bleeding, the sole of my foot from ndw1. or restrain thyself, becaue of thy linpig]; has become worn through, in holes: see ]: meaning thou art weak; therefore refrain from said to the complainer to him who is in a worse *SL. see ;JL: that which thou art not able to do. (0, g. [See condition than he. (AgIei, TA.) i ; i [ior bely, or alBo [ j.]) And t; &i'a art. also ar mai Blood that is in the ji, [app. 1', being from ,J of which the --interior of the beUy, or the chest]. (T, 0.) j.1 Aj_, meaning ie niiU not mind thine ji,1 aor. is A,i; A place of shade, or of continual And [Az says,] I heard a man of the tribe of affair (Hr, O, O) lhom thy condition does not affair U& ,;fl Ij jif shade]. One says, UL accord. to a grieve: i tso grieve: (Hr, O:) or, originally, he vwill not paum Teiyi apply the term an; thou laggest behind lThis is my nightly resting-placefor the camels, T, but in the TA p i &pl,]to because of thy limping, when and my place of abode, and my tent, and my copy of the thy weakness, ewho of account on Crtain tehinfsh, adhering to the interior of the thy companions O, K.* [See, place of shade, or of continual had~e]. (TA.) (Hr, h twm is does not care for thy cams. tofetloch-jointa ofthe caml, than chicv sj.]) - Also, said of a man, t lie JI A thing having shade; by means of which in th flesh of the camel none tiinner, nor any again, art. st~ stopped short, and lagged beindl. (TA.) one hades himsef; as also. t i~ . (Msb.) ofter, but there is in it no greas. (T.) t The land became straitened 1 'jil l ju A;; * And [A cloudy day;] a day haaig clouds: or (TA.) having continuwl shad. with its inhabitants, by reason of their ,nultitudce; (A'Obeyd, , O, I ;) it nould not bear thtm, by Stli (T, ?, M, MMb, V) and i;, (T, M, Mg, o(T,MO.).- reason of their multitude, like the beast that limps aor. inf. n. itL M,b, 1[,) the former with kesr to the., as an and of an with its load becaum of its heaviness. (Z, TA.) l t)said of a camel, 1 instrumental noun, (Mqb,) [and the latter with



m [Boox ] aid of a bitch, t BM d redepulatic io. i , an epithet applied to a hors [and t the came to be, (IAr, T, M,, O, ,) in, or pon, (A, O, , T A)And aid ofa dog, t A like, as meaning That limps, or Aha, t miucAh]. hard place, (IAir, T, O,) or in, or upon, he (TA.) dired to copulate. (TA.) _U i S i termd 45f (M, ) and ;i. (M.) (a woman) contracted and incind r ye. 'MM1: see l, in two place. (TA.) Jil, 1j6, of ground, or land, Such as is rugged, 4. &l He made his camel, or beast, that I be L, M, O,) or , (I,) aor.,, th, that will not show any foot-mark; (M;) as also inf. n. Li, (M,) He hit in hi t-i; [or cloen Tode, to &mp, or become lame. (A, TA.) %AW ,'J, :



of his afair, who does not neglect it: - or the bitch that is hting .for the mal; because the dogs follow her, and will not let her sleep. (0, t.) - Also Inclining, or dc~inig: (0, I:) like kih. (TA.) _ And [Declining from the truth, or from that which is right; (see eit ;)] committing a in, crime,fault, or misd~d. (TA.) - And Su,pected. (0, O, I.) - In the saying of Ru-beh,

(,' MM:) or s0o (,) a ndi and hoof] (?, M, O, J) the animal of the chae (S, (]1:) and tt signifies M, O) at which he had shot or cast, (S, O,) or *tia and tii: ground * the I; [a term including the antelope and tre ground such as horses lie to run upon: (T:) or (i. e. the last) a place elevated above the water lie]. (0.) -I ; iL,, (S, M, O, ,) aor. (i. and the mud; and so t -Uj; (1 ;) this last . and , (M, ,) inf. n. i, (M, TA,)Hse made and thus expl. by Ibn-.bbad: (6:) or this last and his foot-marks to be unapparent, in order that he ISd thinks the meaning to be, [And that was n ,t , aowrd. accord. to ISh, (TA,) or t Ji and ot might not be tracked: (::) or hue went, or a criw, or an omence, that I committed againt walged, upon hard and rugged ground, in order t JAW, , (so accord. to a copy of the T, in which them, nor envy on my part] arising in theIr tAat Ais foot-marks migAt not be vible ($, M, the authority is not mentioned,) minds, and occrring hastily to their undrsta, signify ground, O O upon it; (, 0;) as also tv iil; (8, M, or land, in which the foot-mark Nill not appear, 0, ings. (TA.) L,TA;) in the 8, erroneously Vt Ui. (TA.) and which is high and rugged: and accord. to t, thus with fet-d to the J, A decliningfro.n And jtl; It (a herd of camels driven Fr, t J.U and ViU signify ground, or land, th trutA, orfrom that wohich is righAt; and a si,n, together) was taken along ground such as is that will not ro a foot*-mart; as though it crime, fault, or mi~ed. (TA.) termed %i", (which means rugged ground, such were W prevented from doing so: (T, TA:) and viU, (so in a copy of the T,) or 1 JUii, (so in t t A dieae in the leg of a beast, not frog as does not shoe foot-marks, M,) in order that v the foot-marks thereof migAt not be followed. the TA,) accord. to Fr, signifies such as is soft, journeying nor from fatigu, (Lth, It, TA, [il of ground, or land: but accord. to IAr, such as the O inadvertently written ,,]) in cons (?, O.) - And :, , (M, ,) aor. , (M,) is hard, and does not showr afoot-mark; in whiich or:, (TA,) inf. n. Ji, (M, TA,) He followed 4 qunc of hic it limp. (Lth, TA.) is no softneh, so as to be di~lt to him twho walks their oot-marks. (M, I [) _ i6, upon rpon it; nor and, so that the camlr woud hawe iS imping, or halting; [or ligAtlybme;a ] (T, ., M, O, Ig,) aor. , (8, O, ],) in n. sU4, their feet burnt upon it; nor stones, so that they applied to a camel, and a horse, [&c.,] (J, (f, 0,) Hse witheld himslf from doing it, or would be chafed, or abraded, in tte soles of their [i.e.,] to a beast, (TA,) to the male and thi3 coming to it; (, 0, O ;) namely, a thing: (8, feet, upon it: and it is also expl. (by IAr, TA) female alike, (Lth, O, I, TA,) to the former ai 0:) or he rstrained imsef from it; (T, g;) m as meaning such as is rugged and hard,of ground, a part. n., and to the latter as a poessive noun, namely, a thing that would disgrace him: (T:) Dr or land: (T,TA:) and ti"L signifies high (TA,) like j,;; (Lth, O, TA;) or the femrn. o F or Ahe ithheld himsef from tie love, or blamable ground, or land, that wil not s a foot-mark. tisiew, _, ($, O, g, TA,) but one does noi loe, of it; namely, a thing (M.) And a W.) (M.) [See also ji.] [In the Cg, JL I ~;P, (T, M,) aor.;, inf. n. !i, HIe withld iia erroneously put for .J I as relating to the my pl;: (O, TA:) [pl. fi1. One says, j him from it; namely, an affiir: (M:) or he neans of subsistence.] - j.i also signifies InI1s e .;b . . -;U [I miU not seep unti made him to be, or become, far, or aloof, fromn ffectual, nul, or void: and allowabl. (Tl.) fflectual, the limping dog Jleeps; (O, g;) a prov., (0,) it; or to avoid it; namely, a thing; as also ( One :)ne says, 1t ;. r , (AA, i, M, O, ,) meaning, until the dogs become still; (0, 1 ;) "t1. (T, TA.) And Aiii [alone] Hse ithad and t tii (A,(A, T, , M, O, 1,) and Vt 1i, because the ULW, of dogs, waits until there re- held Ainm from that in rehich was nogood (. ) a) Mj as also t, and li (AA, o) [and l1l], mains none other, and then copulates, and sleeps: _ ,2311 ;i~6, (M, 1s,) taor. ,] inf n. M,) His blood went for nothing; as a thing of no (AV, O, X:) - or the WIW is the doy that is (;, M, TA,) Tlhe ground was rugged, not shoing ]Yis eccount; ineffectually; or in vain; unretahited, luting for tAe female; for such does not sleep; a foot-mark. (S,*0 M, .) And ' o OjS6, a wcount ir r uncompenated by a mulc. (AA, T, Q, M, and the saying is applied to him who is mindful inf. n. j.i, His means of nsubsistnce became
5. In the following saying of a poet, hard, strait, or difflcult. (TJ) iP)L C>oi , aor. , inf. n. Ui, My mind, or soul, abstained, or refrained,from ruch a thing. (?.) ~ [And accord. to the KL, jJ as an inf. n. signifies The being inefectual (i. e unretaliated, or uncompensated by a mulet, as expl. below); said of blood; and 8so %. (which is also expl. below): - and the being concealed]. C


[,Z&. in tar p. 3 1 2, there said to be used [,Z'I a* a VL) a meaning Contib~nce, and disdain of bas actionM, ctiou, is app. a mistake for jiU1, in n. of 1 i,n i the phrase i.]
[meaning clown hoof ] of any ii The wminant uminant (T, M) of the bovine hind and th like; n T;) [i. e.] it is an appertaance of the bovine (1 the

[And if ye women ie with the contracted and -emj [sity], (T,) or :t, tF]fty: (0:) inclined eyes], he means it tjl,[see 1, last sentence,] using the word in the manner of a and so 1; and gi and ji &c. (T, TA.) poesmive noun. (TA.) S. iUiW: see 1, former half: it is a mistake, ', applied to a load, i.q.' [i.e. in the It, for .i1il. (TA.) Hearily burdening, or overburdening, &c.; or 4. .U-Il, said of a man, (IAr, T, O,) or of a causing to limp]. (TA.) company of men, (M,) He, or they, became, or p.

2. &. -", (IA', T,O, K,) inf, n. 1J,tl ind and of the cheep hi and goat (S, O, Mob, 1,) (O,) .e ee~eded it; (IAr, T, O, IC;) i. e. [a asid of the gazelle or antelope (S, 0, OI)and tAe no certain number of years in age, as, for instance,] hiibe, (0, Mqb, li,) which is to them like thAeA to man, (Msb,) or like the.*j to us: (g :) one ys the hJ4 and"*'4 ofa man,and the'. t of a ma hc rsae, and the

of a camel and of an ostrich,

anLd the '.ii of a bovine animal and of a sheep or goat [and the like]: (ISk, T, TA:) pL .lj: phrue 1,M, O, Mpb, ) and. j (C :; ( 0, O, :) and


Doox I.] j Igb is applied, by 'Amr Ibn-Masdee-kerib, to the hoofs of horses, (S, M, O,) as is said by Lth and Az and IF, by poetic license, (O,) metaphorically: (S, 0:). and by El-Aklhtal, metaphorically, to the feet of men. (M, IB, TA.) [Its dual is used in the V, in explanations of the words, ;J and Ja'., in the latter instance on the authority of Lb, as meaning The two alvcs of a cloven hoof.] And one says, i tiL iI jl . [app. meaning I have not had the trouble of bringing to thee so much as the hoof of a gazele or the like]. (AZ, TA in art.
0 33, .' 0 JP S,


coarseness, (M,) in the means of ubsistnc: (S, parts above them, nz~t to the [p~es of wood aled M, 0, ]:) thus the word is correctly written: the] Jl, , and the are [caUed] t/he not AiiL, as we find it written in [copies of] the elongated pieces of wood upon the sides of the ]K: [nor iLi.i, as in the C :] and .. Jl b-'" camel are the ..t_ [pl. of (, 0:) 0]: AZ occurs in a trad., (O, TA,) meaning straitnes, says that the upper portions of the .'., [a and hardne or dficulty, and coarseness, ofthe mistake for the O!4.i, as is shown by what , means of ubsistence. (TA.)~ See also are [called] the follows,] next to the jI~, in three places, near the beginning of the paragraph. - And see the last sentence of that para- X Ol, ; below them being the whichl w-, graph. - Also Anything that is easy, or of light are the lower parts of the Qj . of the ko.; and estimation, paltry, or despicable; [as also j.U ;]

of the

.,,q, q. v.) And .J *'O l i &,fy ,l See also Jl, latter half. _ And see '4". [lie eats it with a lateral tooth, and treads it with a cloven hoof; app. meaning, velmently]. I6: see .lb, former half, in three places. (TA.)- It is sometimes used as meaning =, ~ll .~, [accord. to the C o jli , Cloen-hoofed animals. (TA.) One says, i but this is a mistranscription,] and .;jl * Ne, Ci 5 '1; ' :. t [He posesses not (M, O, K,) A man who witihholds him.Ef from cames, nor horses or asses or mules, nor sheep or tie love, or blamable love, of a thing: (M:) or goats or other c~ hoofed beasts]. (TA in art. one iiho abstainsfrom trat which is indecorous; bm,.)_- It also signifies [or implies] The makingu ji (0, l.) And -;Il L 5!e eowctive progression in walking and in other syn. ;
ations, (T, X,) or, accord. to the L, in a thing. (TA.) One says, l.. .4 4(T, A, O, TA) i.e. The cames came fllowing one another. (A, TA. [See also a similar phrase voce ... ]) And lja hAi ; and ~'i * Th sep ~ , or goats, of such a one, hae all of them broughtforth [app. one after another]. (M.)_ Also A thing that is sitable to the requirem~nt of a man, and of a beast: (M:) and an object of desire: (M, O, V:) and an object of want. (T, 1) One says, ,rl, ai~li ^J Such a one attainedwhat wa suitable to his requiments, and what he desired: and sometimes one says the like of any beast that finds, or lights on, or meets with, that which he


syn. >A J.,

(M,) or



(T, TA.) -[Hence]

ono says,

j& meaning,L. uift [Thy .. 3 stood ulpon their extremities, i. e. their feet]. (TA.) -And jMW1 ic SWe are on the verge of an affair, or e~ent. (TA.) - See also a4>k. ft A rmooth stone or rock, or a hard, smooth, lary stone, (} i.;,) een with the ground, (T, O, .K,) round (;Qj~), (so in a copy of the T,

[i. e. ;.,]) or extended (; ) (0, ].) i. . I-i Zc c [app. A woman strong to J [a pl. of which the sing. is not menresist, in her own estimation; and therefore meaning one wrhlo abstains from that nhich is tioned: accord. to general analogy, the sing. indecorous: Golius renders it mulier pudica, et should be .,]. J95 means Iard Ji de honore suo solicita]. ($,TA.) See also Jpi [or di'id hoofs]: ($, 0, J:) the latter word being a corroborative. ($, 0.) [ji'Jl in .Har p. MB', there said to mean 17e A rough, or rugged, place, ($, M, O, restraining the soul from its desire, or blamable g, TA,) in which is much sand. (M, TA. [See Jijl, also Ui..]).-And A man (?, O) evil in coninclination, is app. a mistranscription for dition (T, S, M, O) in repect of his means oJ' inf. n. of :,; , l.] subsistence: (T:) and ow, abject, or abasd, and ;U' i: see m i. = Also A certain brand, or weak. (M, 0, .) - And An affair that is mark made wvith a hot iron, upon a camel; and hard, or diffictilt: (g :) anything dicffieult to one' sot>;. (o, p.) to sek: (IDrd, M, 0:) and evil hard to be. aii: see ,.i, in two places, near the begin- borne, or sere. (S, O.)_ See also U.. ning. [Hence, perihaps,] one says, i; "UI, Also Hardship, or d;fficulty. (0, ,.) A14 d4 He went away with it, or took it awra.y, 1a11 'i;, (TA, [there said to be i .',t_]) without compensation, or without price: (T, 8, M, or U,ti.Ll, (so in a copy of the T, [i. e. I :) and so ". (Yoo, TA in art. Mb.) And i i He Hl ment anay with, or took aray, my young man, or dave, without

likes. (M.) 'i ~ll 0JI .; is a prov., (M, 0,) applied to him who finds the means of attaining that which he seeks; (Meyd;) meaning [The beast found what was suitable to its requirments; or,] what withheld it [from other thiings] and t ,.'Ali,]) meaning [God made him to heelp to] prevented it desire [thereof]. (A, TA. [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov., ii. 807.]) And one a state of hardshipand straitnes. (T, TA.) L,Jb: see .iUi, in four places:_ and see says, 144 :lJil e; The sheep, or Soat,fowui mitable pasturage, and therefore did not quit it: 3ii~ - and l l;. - Also The [lowver] and of (1], TA:) a prov. mentioned by Fr; applied to [that lies the [curved piec~ of wood called tie] j. him, of men and of beasts, that finds what is against the side, at thefore part and at the hinder ;i; suitable to him. (TA.) And,.il '.ii part,] of the [kind of saddle called] ,,, and of A cowmtry of such as are suitabie to dsep or goats. ,; He found whtat he loved, the [kind called] ilJb1, and the like; being in i (M.) And rhat is next to the ground, of the sides thereof: (O,) or what he desired, (lg,) and what was suitable to him; (TA;) said of a man. (0.) (Lth, T, TA:) or its pl., which is It"lL (S, M, And JA1J .c ; . L I did not find with 0, ]) and * i', (O, ., [or rather the latter is a colL gen. n,]) signifies the four pieces of wood, him the objct of my want. (TA.) See also (C, M, O, ],) of the [saddle called the] 3J and JJ, near the middle of the paragraph. -[In some copies of the K, U. is erroneously put of the [saddle called the] r., (S, 0,) that are upon tho two sides of the camel, (?, M, O, j,) the for J'l as relating to the means of subsistence. lower end of which touch the ground when they And in the Clg 4l is erroneously put for l5I are put down upon it; in tle IsI; [orfore part as meaning .l.JI .t.] of the add] are two (i. e. liL), and so in the ii. [or Ainder part], and they are the [as n inf. n.: see 1, last quarter. loer portion of the Cl;p (S, O, i ;) for the ~1so] !ardne, or d/fficulty, (?, O, 1C,) or Bk. I.

price. (AZ, , O.) -

See also ,;i.

, last

sentence. - .' .j.U .*. I He took himn by the base of his neck. (0, I, TA.) - See also what here follows. ,A.U .l, (S,, M, O,L,) or ,

(g,) and t vii;, (Q,0, V,) * .;J4,(T, M,

L,) HZe took it altogether, or wholly, (T, S, O, ]g,) or with its root, or bas, and wAhoy, (M, L,)

not leating of it anything: (T, S, M, 0, L, I[:)

so says AZ. (S.)

Zl. A piece of rugged, or roglh,ground: (T:) or ground, (S, 0, O,) or hard ground, (TA,) in which are sdarp stones, as twough it* conposition were that of a mountain: (S, 0, I,

TA:) pl. Q'lUl. (T, $, &c.)

iJ " An animal of the chue, at which o0e 242

1920 hm shot or cast, hit in Ahis i [or cloven


_,1 A."

[Boox I.

and vii. 160],_1 - Iy . '

(Yakoob, S.)

I. . , aor. , has for its inf. n. .,, (M, Myb, ]g, and so in some copies of the S,) or t. U, (so in other copies of the ;,) or both, (T,) or the latter is a simple subet., (T, M, Meb, TA,) which is put in the place of the inf. n., (TA, [and the same is indicated in the T and ]~ by thc saying that the proper inif. n. is with fet-h,]) and * L'UL, (9, TA,) or this is likewise a simple plying the meaning of,j,.l: or [the meaning subst, (Meb,) and tZ 'l, [or this also is a is, and they wnnonged themselves, or the people, simple subst.,] and t*.;' also is said to be an because of thtem; for], as some say, the .' is inf. n. like >l, these two being like ,A- and causative, and the objective complement, i. e. or ;tl, is suppressed. (TA.) -And , [or it is a simple subst. like ns.> is said ,,i, to be, or it is an inf. n. of 3, as such occurring in it is doubly trans. by itself: (TA:) one says, the middle of this paragraph,] or, accord. to Kr, L _ i1 [He made him to suffer loss, or detriit is pl. oft, [like as is pl. of C *]: ment, of his right, or due; or defrauded, or de(TA:) [>. when intrans. generally means lIc did wrong; or acted wrongfully, unjustly, injuri,usly, or tyrannically: and when trans., i` wronged; or treated, or used, torongfully, unjustly, injuroly, or tyrannically; or he misuied :] accord. to most of the lexicologists, (Er-

eJ: (M :) but this is , .Sv' And they made not us to sufer loss, or a mistake: it is related on the authority of detriment, by that which they did, but thenaselres Ahmad Ibn-Yahyh [i. e. Th] and AHeyth that JI ,l , and I,4, meaning I they made to suffer loss, or detriment: (T, TA:) in one says, which sense it seems to be indicated in the A that drank, or gace to drink, what mam in thelsin, the verb is tropical. (TA.)_ It is also trans. and the milk, before its attaining to maturity and by means of.; as in the phrase in the .Kur [vii. the extracting of its butter: accord. to ISk, one 101 and xvii. 61] lt l, because the mean- says, .0ill 5.'; , [but I think that it is ing is tJiS [i. e. And thiy disbelieved in tih,n], correctly i O ';Lj *' , agreeably with a referring to the z.l [or signs]; (M, TA;*) the verse cited in the T and M,] meaning I gave to verb having this meaning tropically or by im- drink [to the people, or party,] the contents of my plication; or being thus made trans. because im- milk-skin before the thickening' tlreowf. (T.)

9.S t

CS [milk such as is termed]

Rigbib, TA,) primarily, (Ai, T, , Msb,) V 1 signifies the putting a thing in a plamz not its own; putting it in a wrong place; mirplacing it: (Aq, T, 1, M, Er-lIghib, Myb, V:) and it is by e~ieedng or by falling short, or by deviating from theo proper timenand place: (Er-Raghib, JU.:&, may be put in the place of thle inf. n., main part, or the beaten track, of tlw road. TA:) or the acting in whatoer way one pleas in the disposal of the property of another: and for ;1 J :l ' .. 1: [i. e. with a paltryj (M.) And tSc &'- all 'Y tTurn not thou th tran#gr ig the proper limit: (El-Munawee, spoliationor deprivation,such as the weight of one of from it at all. (T.) And ,j1 ~- J1l TA:) [i. e.] the tran_greing the proper limit the imalUst of ants, &e.]. (M.) - One says also, t [He kept to the road, and] did not turnfrom it much or littb: (Er-lUghib, TA:) or, accord. to a jIj and &.iiU, [these two nouns being to the right and lt. (TA.)_ -And 'Li L some, it primarily signifies ~,1 [as meaning in ns. of t 4.11f, or the former, as mentioned j Xt (T, K, TA) X What ua pr~anted thy o toe making to tnffer los, or detriment]: (MF, doing (Ji, TA) such a thing? (TA.) A man above, is, accord. to some, an inf. n. of.;i,] TA:) and it is said to be of three kinds, betwe~ or / [i. e. He desired the complained to Abu-l-Jarrdh of his suffering mnan and God, and betnwn man and man, and meaning ',; indigestion from food that he had eaten, and he _ between a man and h~lf; every one of which wronging, &c., of him]. (M, E.) jl A. ' .t [That has [or i; ?], also means He imposol *aid to him, it.i three is really [i. e. a wrongdoing to one- inf. n.. . prevented thy vomiting?]. (Fr, T.) And one &e.f]:(Er-Righib, TA:) [when it is used as a upon hima thing that was above his power,or ability. says, lLS X Oc . Le t WVhat has prevented (TA.) And,;Q He is askedfor a thing that is simple subet.,] the pl. of >, aocord. to Kr, is thee from sch a thing? (T.) Respecting the above his power, or ability. (s.) -And one saying ;4b, as mentioned above, and tIl;, with says, ,al! Xi He slaughtered the camel withOlamm, is said to be syn. with,>, or a pl. thereof, out diease. (P,], TA.) And ALZW l [of an extr. form, commonly regarded as that of t The do-camel wa daughtered without disase: [addressed by a man to a woman who had ina quasi-pL n.,] like Jb.;. (TA.) One says, or was covered without ler desiring the stallion. vited him to visit her], Fr says, they say that the 4JI ;c> [HIae who asks, or (M.) Aod l . : The he-aus leaped desis, the wolf to keep guard surely does wrong, the she-ass (, TA) before her time: (TA:) or meaning is U. [Tuly, or in truth; i. e. He or puts a thitng in a wtrong place]: a preov. (S, wlen she mas prenant: (}, TA:) so in the A. said, Yes, 0 Meiya, truly, or in truth, I will visit thee]; and it is a prov.; (T;) or, M 9b.) And ;iiUb &.,:. ; , (As, T, S,) a (TA.) - And .j,t .U, (. , ,) inf. n. i; or, >.i.J; j, is a prov.; (Meyd;) and thus prov., meaning [Whkoso resembl his father in a [or,>h?], (9,) He gave to drink of the milk of it was expL by IAQr, as used in the manner of quality, or an attribute,] i`e ha not put the likeness his stin before its becoming thick (S, g, TA) and in a wrong place. (AV, T. [See art. &e.]) .; its buttler's coming forth. (TA. [And the like is an oath: but Fr says, in my opinion the meaning is, and a day in which is a cause of prevention iv,, .. ", in the ]~ur [xviii. 31], means said in the T and M.]) And jil ,;. t le shall not prevent me: [so that thc words of the ~ .~i [i.e. And made not augfht thereof to gave to drink to the people, or party, (T, M, 9,) hemistich above may be rendered, hwsaid, Yes, t an obstacle, snttffer los, or detiment]: (M, g:) and in like milk before it had attained to maturity, (T,1[,) 0 Meiya, though the day pre~ for I will overcome every obstacle]: (T:) manner Fr explains the saying in the l;ur [ii. 54 as related on the authority of A'Obeyd, (T,) or

And ZU is said of anything as meaning t I did it hastily, or hurriedly, before its proper time, or season. (M, TA.)_,Pi l ,i means t I made the n'atering-troughin a place in which watering-troughs should not be made. (ISk, T.) And e 1,lJ. means Ilie dug the ground in 7rkat rwas not the place of digging: (M, ](, TA :) or wwrn it had not been dug before. (M.) And, said of a torrent, t It furrowed the earth in a spoiled, or deprived, him of it]; and A~ t . : place that was not furronwed. (T.) And i (M, ] :) [and] you say, W~, Ui, [as tL6X, said of a torrent, t It reachAd tie rUt well as Jt .. i;, occurring in a verse cited 1 in the M,] meaning t.; 1 5k [i.e. Such a one [or wide water-courses containingfine, or broken, pebbles, &c.], not having reacled them before. caused me to suffer loss, &c., of my property]. (A, TA.) And ~ll ,i1 X 77w water of theO (9.) It is said in the l1ur [iv. 44], ' ib 'I valley reaciwd a place that it had not reached ;jIl .. , for ;;g JU :2 J, and the before. (Fr, T, ~, K, TA.) -_When men have verb is made doubly trans. because the meaning added upon the grave other than its own earth, ' X ?' [Tranwa~s not ye the proper limit] is ,,. J [i. e. Verily God irill not despoil them, or depriv tlemn, of the weight of one of the is said to them. (TA.) - And one ays, j smallest of ants, or a grub of an ant, &c.]: or joI ;1 .. t Turn not thou from the

,_ M`i

BooK I.] means Such accord. to Kr,>;i I; 15 l; j a one came truly, or in truth: [or it may be rendered such a one came though the day presented an obstacle:] but in the saying


runniy water) upon the teeth; (Lth, T, Z, TA ') (lit. lights on, orjind,) brightness and lustre; for running 8, l,) of the of the lustre (.;, S, M, g, and -, he immediately adds, without the intervention j or ;I, evidently in relation to this verse,] s.Ia teeth, (Lth, T, 8, M, Z, 1g, TA,) from tlh clearnen ness of the colour, not from the saliva, (Lth,' T,w 'iL~i i.,'UM tlt$5: (T:) [and a .U6 M,) like blackness within the bone tIhreof, by reason # .0, ISd cites the verse above with the substitution of a of the intense whiteness, (S., ,) re~mbling the i ,Lorimmediately i; and of ; for , for [1. [q. v.] of the sord, (S, ],) or appearing like the 4;llj 1ii be to some by said the meaning is the at looked he after saying that] .;iU signifies there .A ja; [of the sword], so that one imagines that [i. e. Verily separation is to-day, and the day has lustre intense the of K, the reason [In by (M.) blackness, JI). a ( it in lustre saw is and teeth wrronged (us)]: or, as some say, .U here means, and clearness: (M:) or, accord. to Sh, whiteness 1 .Uibl given and bas put the thing in a wrrong place: (M:) next after the explanation of of the teeth, as though there ere upon it [someaecord. to ISk, the phrase ) .;4l means above, it is added that,,WLl said of a man signriivhat wvhat of] a blackness: or, as Abu-l-'Abbas El[And, or but, or though,] the day has put the fies : thus, witll fet-h, to the Ji, Ahwal says, in the Expos. of the" XKabeeyeh," ,.1 affair in a wnrong place. (T.) [See also Freytag's accord. to the TA: in my MS. copy of the K( lustre (lit. running srater) of the teeth, such that Arab. Prov. ii. 911.] ~" , said of the night: and in the C.I, L;, which is doubtless a mis- one sees upon it, by reason of its intense clearness transcription.] see 4. (app. [app. meaning transparency],what resenble dust. colour and blacnewss: or, accord. to another expla2. e.U, inrif. n. . &, (T, S, &c.,) lie told (T, S, M, .K, [but in some copies nation, finenss, or thinneqs, and intense whitenea, 5 '~i.*. him that he was_itW [i. e. doing tcrong or acting of the S, s is omitted,]) lie complained of his of the teeth: (TA:) pl. ;... (., M.) - Also ; Snoiv: wrongfully &c., or a wrongdoerl: (T:) or he ,Akk [or nwongdoing, &c.], (S, M, K,). _ this meaning: have to said is it :) Snowv: (M, 1 [i. e. nrong- [to the judge]: (T:) in some copies of the S, attributed, or imputed, to him _ ;',.., b.lJI --- used by a phrase .il doing, &c.]. (S, M, Myb, K.) - And lie (a '"Uii. (TA.) - And ,Ui; signifies also lie and the the central teeth suffused Ilat,ing judge) exactedjusticefor him from his wronger, tran.fferred the responsibility for tiwc _b [or poet, may mean [ ivith wvith the lustre termed >, as is indicated in the and aided hinm against him. (T.) wrongdoing, &c.,] upon himself, (M, K,) accord. T and S, or] wvith tie water of snow. (Lth, T.) to, who has cited as an ex., 3: see 1, in the middle of the paragraph. j,. [as a simple subst. generally means 1Vrong, .,.W 4..,1l, said of the night, (Fr, T, S, M, Msb, wrongdoing, injustice, injuriousnecs, or tyranny]: 1,) and V_U, (Fr,T,S,1K,) the latter with [as though meaning She used, when sihe was angry see 1, first sentence, in two places. [,. ', (1],) [erroneously written in kear, (S,) like wtih me, to trati.fer the resfonsibility for the .,'iy l in the CI~ is a mistranscription for .i (S, dark; became It M,>J,] the TT as from the twrongdoing upon heself; which may mean that in one place in the CkJ, bi cl!l And 15 ;) or it beca;ne black; (M;) or it came with she finally confessed the wrongdoing to be hers]; e;Il._1Jt.] its darknes. (M~b.) It is said in the l5ur [ii. but [ISd says] I know not how that is: the as syn. with i.iJ;, is a mistake for 11 in this case is only the complaining of ~ . '. -. l4 1 15 [And when it becomnes .> 19], t oU% Li jl, M, ,) or ii , ($, L .ilw lw j; dark to them they stand still]; the verb being .LIlJI; for when she was angry with him, it J,]) means i I ~ 3J (1g, TA, [in the C1 ji intrans.: or, accord. to the Ksh, and Bd follows was not allowable [to say] that she attributed (]g, 1K, TA :) or (S, : everything of nwt first thle himn met and is, meaning the that [so trans. be it, it may to herself. (M.) - See also 1, former the the .n twas darknes the when is or as (M:) &c.]; thing: dark place first tle their malue when He half, in two places. means "'l or becoining becomning confused: (M,]V:) shown by another reading, which is 14"4 : comor people, near; The Msb) M, (S, near; (El-Umawee, ., M, 1];) or nearlw.r: UJli J.l 6. as transmission accord. to AHIei, it is known by 1 wronganother one used, or ;s.,;UJ treated, L,j> men, of pany by (M, 15:) and one says, (M, only intrans.; but Z makes it to be trans. ( tyrannically or itself; lbi,-E.-Salih affirms it to be trans. and fully, unjustly, inuriou~ly, ' ' '"' .j X. [app. He is near thee], and intrans.: and Az [so in the TA, but correctly ,L.: ~ -.M )- (M, Msb.) _ And [hence] i is :lbso [app. I san, him near]: (M :) and ISd, in the M,] mentions the saying,..iu,/n k. l ; 1Jfi t The goats smote one anotler [as meaning an olijcct a','n frw, syn. with ,: cLt t [He s)ohe, and made darkh to w with their horns by reason of their being fat and 1. a distance, or a person]; (1 ;) or, as some say, tke house, or chamaber, or tent], meaning he made having abundance of herbage. (IAqr, M, TA.) '1. [so the phrase .j us to hear what we disliked, or hated, the verb One says, TVe found a it has this meaning in I L-ujt ;i y;Jmean I met him the may being trans. (TA.) - And jlJPi Tiej entered land whereof tIe goats smote one another with that .i upon the a' [or darkness, or beginning of their horns by reason of satiety and liveliness. nearest object seen from a distance, or tie nearest night]: (?, M, Msb, V :) or, as in the Mufradat (T, TA.) pei.son] person]: (M:) and accord. to Kh, one says, a (TA.) [of Er-R6ghib], they became in dar.ness. J1,bI Jl, (as in dif;sdl;Ior X . 7: see the next paragraph. I met him the I; [low 1I./ meaning $,) and C the '; of said, copies they ferent ... And -i1, and il '. and 1) M, 8, (T, ;1i; 8. it!]; is (S.) -.. i bright, sigl,t. dark is it l and How light, or first thing that obstrncted my usual, most the be] to is [said last which M,) (S, lI . which is anomalous. (S, TA.) - And signifies also A mountain: and the pl. is ;.J. [but I have mostly found the first to be used,] (S,) Hence 15.) (T, glistened. AI The front teeth (M, 1P.) (6, M,) He took upon him- (M, of the measure ail, 1 the saying [of a poet], i; an appellation of Three nights (T, 8, I5) .slf [the bearing of] v, [or wrong, &c.,] in .iU spite of difficlty, trouble, or inconvenience: (S, of the lunar month (T, S) ,,ext ofter the three 0_ J r L >$l * ;h) so says A'Obeyd: (T:) 15,'1 (T, al,; called [or wrong, &c.,] (T, M, caUed 0AduTA :) or he bore .,.J ,3. s,U; thus called because of their darkness: (F :) the 1K, TA,) willingly, being able to resist; (T, TA;) tlius [as though meaning, Wlen tle beholder cf her bore he or] likewise, sing. is 1; ; (T, S ) so that it is anomalous; and t l signifies [thus witk his eye loouks at the finenes, or sharpness, (S ;) and the sing. for by rule it should be *; jsll. (.8M, K-) (but , is variously explained,) of her central of tj) is tj): so says A'Obeyd: but accord. to teeth, it shs brightly, and glisten: but Az 'L. The lustre, and brightness, of gold. (Z, TA.) - And hence, (Z, TA,) The lustre (lit. AHeyth and Mbr, the sings. are t LJi anl plainly indicates another meaning; i. e., he 242 '


[BooK I.

, agrecably with rule; and this is the correct the outer angle of the eye, with anger, or aver;)L )SLl (AHn, T, M, ]g) and #;.g *.t; (T) and P,-. t;l QC) and V.Ui and t 'S sion]. (.1.) assertion. (T. [See more in art. vj, voce t;.]) t;l (K) and 't .' and t:ii, K,) the ,.11, (T, KJ last M'entioned IitLr, and and its its ;ing. is f i,, mentioned by IAar, sing. is ; i': see l _[Hence,] -. one says Si..l last see.; (T,) accord. to AHn, ARn, A certain certairt herb, (M, K# (M, K, iU_U;AJ; t [A woman wont to give to drink the 'a. (T, ., M, Meb, K) and * ; (S, M, g) milk of the skin before its attaining to maturity TA,) TAJ ivitich vwhich is depastured, depastured; (M, TA;) accord. to IAar, a strange kind of of tree; (T, TA;) accord. [accord. to the C.K .U and .U, both of whichi and the extracting of its butter: see I,jl ., to Af, a kind of tree (T, TA") As, TA*) Itaviitg having long [shoots are wrong,] and Vt i (S, M, Msb, 1) Dark- and what follows it, in the first paragraph]. (M.) such such as are termed) termed] .JLc [PI. [pl. of C,# .... q. v.], ness; contr. of j : (., Msb :) or noneeistene of f [as syn. with &,Ie in the primary jv [or light]: or an accidentalstate that precludes (T, K, TA,) ivhich vwhich extend so titat thiat tAey they exceed tlw the the coexistence therewith of j: (Er-Rhghib, sense of the latter I have not found: but as an limit of of ilte the J.1. 1 l [i. e. e. eitlier either root root or stcm] thereof; iliereof; epithet in which the quality of a subst. preTA:) or the departure of light; as also t.* ; wliich reason the tree is callcda).li. calleda)Lb. (T, TA.) dominates it signifies] t Milk that is drunk before for which (M, 1 ;) wiich last has no pl.; (T, TA;) or its becoming thick and its butter's coming forth or this last signifies the beginning, or first part, of ,: see%Ja. ;, (T, tight, (., M, Msb,) even though it be one in which being extracted; (S,* M;) as also (T, S.) - And t A place ,UJ ;t [Acting fwrongfully, unjustly, injuriouuly, the moon shines; and is said by Sb to be used L, M,) and jii;. that is 4 [i. c. dug where it should not be or or iyrannically: and nronying; or treating, or only adverbially; one says, L 1 l, meaning dug]: (M, TA:) used in this sense by a poet using, nro,qfuUy, c. :] part. n. of0: (M, ] :) I came to him at night, and ' il i. e. at describing a person slain in a desert, for whom a and * signifies the same; as well as com. comgrave was dug in a place not proper for digging the time of the niglt: (M, TA:) the pl. of : plaining of his ivroijq(Loer: iwronygloer: (T:) [tiae [the pl. of the [it]. (M.)_ And I The earth of land thlat is foriiier is L and J and is il; and 4;l and ; (T, ., Mob) and former is Cul.i tL~Ui and awiii !, i:] and 'Ui signifies a*Jb signifies *rt 4,U (S, K, TA) i. e. dug, (TA,) or lug for ,QU, (S, Msb,) or, accord. to IB, the first of those who debar degar men fromt, froipt, or ref.ise refitse to them, them, the first time. (S.) And tTThe earth of the their rightMs, flicir rights, or dues. (IAar, T, TA.) ~ See these pls. is of i.w and the second is of ,. ,.J [or lateral hollow] of a grave; which is put



(TA.) One says,

expl. in art. e ], and

.gI [or,

i ,h, back, over it, after the burial of tle dead therein.. also.5lJ.
(T, TA.) = Also Tihe male ostrich: (T, S, M, 1 :) said (by IDrd, TA) to be so called because he makes a place for the laying and hatching of the eggs (t^, inf. n. .i -3,) where the doing so is not proper: (M, TA:) or, accord. to ErRaghib and others, because he is believed to be deaf: (TA:) pl. ci) (T, M, K) and Ol (M, O1)and 1.'L, (T, M,) which last is a pl. of pauc. (T.)- And 11"' is an appellation of Two stars; (M, K, TA;) the two stars of ,pilt [or Sagittarius] that are on the northern curved end of the bow [i. c. A and js, above the nine stars called a'J1, or "the ostriches"]. (1Kzw in his deser. of Sagittarius.) And."tJI is the name of The bright star [a] at the end of JIt [i. c. Eridanus]: and A star upon the mouth of ;,..jl [i. e. Piscis Australis]. (Kzw in his descr. of Eridanus.) [It seems to be implied in the K that 'L is the name of two stars; or it may be there meant that each of two stars is thus called. Freytag represents the sing. as " a name of stars," and the dual also as "a name of stars;" referring, in relation to the former, to Ideler's " Untersuch," pp. 201, 228, and 233; and in relation to the latter, to the same work, pp. 106 and 184.] _,lbl .nin_*1l [,,]lore, [flore, and mo.,cf, most, n.ioiofiil, n,.on?nfid,. zinjtist, znjust, i jurious, or tyiaktptical, tyrannical, ipi in runduct]. conduct]. EI-.tuiirr:.j E-ll-Muiirr.j says, 1 licard lheard an Arab of the desert say to his "" 60 companion, dp ~d Ati 41 i .ilj, meaning The knore more io.o?taful wiroitaful ist in con(luct conduct of iiae me and of tlim thie [may God do to hipkt [inag hint witat what lle lHe will do; i. c. may God punish him]. Iiini]. (T.) [And] one says, ' --21 i. c. c. [Mfay [ilfa!l God curse] curqe] ilte ni,tz .5.;J. 1 31 the ivrotiaftil ipa more ,vro,ntfrl iun condiict conduct of us. QC. (K. [But in the TA, a doubt is iS illtifflated as to the correctness intim:lated as of this latter sayilt,fr.1) also, , saying,.]) Otte One sayis says also, c. Veri/y Vriy he is i., more wrongfil wronffid in con'a. i>. [i. e. Ict : because it comes to a duct glian thlan a miixiii] se7rlent]: burrow wliicli whlich it it has not excavated, and niakes nmakes its abode in it: (Fr, T:) for it comes to the burrow of the [lizard called] 11 4,d, and cats its young one, one, and takes up its abode in its its burrow. (TA voce voce ae..) _ And ,.ii'J " #; l is ait appellation an appellation of ne ones. The ; I because it eats its young ones. (TA.) [Becoming : see its verb, 4]. I--i [Becoming darli, dark, &c. &c.: - il-lence,l [Hcnce,] ..#, JL' . #." : t .11air I air intmmly intensely black.

[which means the [iJil

[whiich is also expl. in art. same] and t 4l't is also [tropically] used k .]. (TA.)- _ as a term for t Ignorance: and tbelief in a plurality of gods: and t transgression, or unrighteousness: like as , is used as a term for thcir contraries: (Er-Raghib, TA:) and it is said in the A that l is , like as jOal is;. (TA.) l,4t %lt means t The troubles, i]lictions, calamnities, or hardships, of the sea. And one says 4;l ;1Q, [using the (M.) latter word as an epithet, (in the C]C, erroineously, ; ,)] and V;tj. i'., both meaning A night intensely dark; (M, ][;) or the latter means [i.e. dark, or black]: ( :)


ztij JJ also, (M, },) which is anomalous, (Ii,) mentioned by IAlar, but [TSd says] this is strange, and in my opinion he has put Jf in the place of XiI, as in his mentioning i,..j i [q. v.]. (M.)- See also i: - and see the paragraph next preceding it. ,' .: sing. of., a see , in four places: and see also : sc;4..

l" : see

.;-,: ;.,: graph. ;j4:

see *.J,

in two places.

see 1, in the first quarter of the parasee 1, near the beginning: -see also

;;ih. It signifies also Little, or small, in quantity: or mean, contemptible, paltry, or of no r,eight or worth: - whence the saying, 1 ;[, tiJ', meaning I [i. e. lie looked at me from

(M, K, TA.) And ; t A plant intenly [deep] green, iiwlining inclining to black~ blackn~ by reason of its its [deep] greennes.. (M,1,TA.) greenne.u. (M, K,TA.) And -!iUL ~ *4 :4. .4 day .,.~: see . of much eva: TA:) or a day : : and evil: (1, (C, TA:) a renj eny erilday a day in which one finds harMip, or difficuh'y. hardhip, or diculty. see e.I,: _.and see also .. (M.) AndUi.,yl And affair ruch mcis that one (M.) I t An affair Akh (TA) and ,li (S,TA) [and t;.i;, hnow3 knows not hon; hon to mier enter upon it; it; (AZ, M, K;) I;) *as mentioned in the M and ' with .1lU, as though and sov;-L (1:) to Lb, Lh, so vt jl: (Y1:) [or,] accord. to syn. therewith, but it is an intensive epithet,] one says tk A.WP that .W, meaning t a a day mch such that One who acts wromnfully, unjustly, injuriously, one hnows not hom how to enter upon upon it. (M.) t or tyrannically, much, or often; i.q. A.U, W. and !*JU: Bee see 1, near the beginning. ,.Iik occurs in a verse of (S, TA.) - _ J "i the former, (T, ;, , M, Mgh, Mob, 1,) Ibn-Mukbil [meaning t Men oflten slaufghtering _ Also and the latter likewise, mentioned by Ibn-Milik Ibn-Mali1 latter likewise, camels nwithout disease]. (T, S.) - See also what and 1Sd and Ilplt, and which is dimWowed ISd Iltt, .. ;;, disallowed next follows. 1


BooK I.]


by several but mentioned on the authority of Fr, and all three are mentioned in the Towsheeh and ", (T, S, M, &c.,) nor. , (Msb, K,) 1. in copies of the S, (MF, TA,) and V il. , (T, S, I9 (TA) M, Mgh, Msb, Jg,) and t*sLa , (S, TA,) A thing inf. n. lt.G (T, 8, M, Msb, K) and (M, K, TA,) in of rhich one has been defrauded; (M, V; [in and t;~ (T, M, K~) and 3'QJ, one copy of the .K ;i, (TA,) lie thirsted, or the Cg, a.4i is erroneously put for ',;;]) a thing of wrhich thou hast been defrauded,(,ji was thirsty: ($, M, Msb, IK:) or he thirsted most vehemently: (Zj, T, M, .I:) or, as some T,) or a thing that thou demandest, (t y',., say, he thirsted in the slightest degree. (M, TA.) g, Mab,) in the poession of the wrongdoer; _ Hence, (M,) zfi Jl ,, J :lle desired, (T, S, M9b;) a term for a thing that has bemn or longed, [or, as we often say, thirsted,] to meet taken from thee; (.; [thus, as is said in the M, with him. (S, M, R,* TA.) the first is expl. by Sb;]) a right, or due, that has 2: see the next paragraph. been taken from one wronf, lly: (A, Mgh :) the pl. of I :L.Jis 3LJ. (Mgh, TA.) In the 4. .il, (T,* S, Msb, K,) inf. n. [11; (T;) [meaning The day of the phrase Aitl.I ., demand of things ~of y taAen, and particularly applied to the great day of judgment,] the prefixed noun [i.e. .e] is suppressed. (Mgh.) [Respecting the office termed 1 S.AjUJI Ly The examination into wrongful ezactions, se De Sacy's Chrest. Ar., sec. ed., i. 132.] 'nL t A house, or chamber, decorated writh pictures; (M, TA;) as though the pictures were put therein where they should not be: it is related in a trad. that the Prophet, having been invited to a repast, saw the house, or chamber, to be .. k, and turned away, not entering: (M:) or adorned with gilding and tilvering; an explanation disapproved by Az, but pronounced signifying "the by Z to be correct, from `l lustre, and brightness, of gold." (TA.) - And [in the CI ,']) t Herbage spreading ( upon the ground, not rained upon. (1%, TA.) Also, of birds, t The .. j [or vultur ~perenopterus], and crows, or ravens. (IAr,

C*ii: see the next paragraph.

j SA, Msb, &c.,) fem. LSt , (T, C)Iwb, (T, S, C),, LSLOi M, both imperfectly decl.; (T;) Msb,) L, A, S, E )r (g; [but this requires fernm. jl"; c j'i, wnsideration, consideration, for its correctness is extremely , (so in the K accord. to loubtful ;]) and t ', ffic the TA, and so in my MS. copy of the 1],) like awdates. [agreeably with analogy as part. n. of .i.t, j;h,
# '


t :ti,

and Band therefore probably correct,] (TA,) or

(so in a copy of the M and in the CId,) former] 'd , like i., mentioned [of the fem. fem. by Ibn-Malik, but generally held to be disused; *1; (TA; [app. for I(MF, TA ;) and .U., like J) Thirsty: (S, M, Mhb, I :) or most t?Ul ;]) or thirsty in velieiptently thirsty: (T, M, ]:) vehemnently the slightest degree: (M, TA:) pl. (of the first, M, M.b, and of the second, M, or of all, mase. and fein., TA) f,ri (T, S, M, M.b, O]) and avid wliicll is extr., (lg, TA,) being of a form :'t., which applyinapplying to only about ten words, (TA,) mentioiied tioiined on the authority of Lh, (4, TA,) by S1d in the " Mukhassas." (TA.) - [Hence,] one

and) c.;, (T,' Msb, ],) inf. n. 'a1ii;; (T, S ;) He made him to thirst: (8, Msb, l :) [or to thirst most vehementl,y: or to thirst in the slightest degree: see 1.] - And (1%) i He made him lean, or lank, namely, a horse, (T,' 1g, TA,) lby .mcating him. (TA.) [See also 4 in art. 5.] 5. tW Ie constrained himself to endure with patience a state of thirst. (A, TA.) ($, M, K) in both of i: a subst. from i its senses; (M, 1 ;) [i.e.] it signifies Thirst: (MA:) [or most vehement tthirst: or the sligiatest (MA.) . [And degre of thirst :] pl. .t1. S Desire, or a lonying, (or, as we often say, a thirsting,) to meet with a person. See 1.] And ($, M, KI) The time, or interval, or period, between two drinings,or watering., (T, S, M, K,) in the coming of camels to water: (T :) and the heeping of camels from the water [daring that interval, i. e.] until thl extreme limit of the (T, S, M.) The Itr. coming thereto: (S :) pl. shortest ' of camels is that termed ., i.e., when they come to the water one day and return, and are in the place of pasture a day, and come to the water [again] on the third day; the interval between their two drinkings being termed a o.,1: this is during the greatest heat: but when Suheyl [i. e. Canopus] rises [aurorally, which it did in Central Arabia, about the commencement of the era of the Flight, on the 4th of August,

;X I am desirous, or saysp J01a 5 1 X h U1 says, thirsti/n,j to meet say, we often longing, [or, as lonying, XA hsJ/, . with thee. (A, TA.) - And face ha7ing littleflesh, (T, TA,) the shin of whieh adlwm to t/he bone, and the sap of which is little: ad/wres sentence.contr. of j T:) an expression of praise: (TA:)
ejU Xle, which is [said to be] an expression of dlispmise. (A, TA.) And .LSjJI "tA m t A praise. horse horse having little flsh upon the legs: (T in art.

.) SJ j:) and so LS.Jl ~*. (T in art. ks3j:) t& and And t._ t,C t A lean shank: (T, TA:)
so iWL L.

M, If*)

lL, in two places.

;s ; [Wronged; treated, or used, rongfuUy, unjustly, injuriously,or tyrannically: - and hence , in three places. used in other senses]: see is also expl. as meaning t Land that L. .ULbj

ui dug in a place not properfor digging: (TA:)

or land in which a matering-trough has been dug, not being a proper place for digging it: (ISk, M :) or land in which a rell, or a raterin~trough, has been dug, rwhen there had not been any diggin~ tierin: (A, TA:) or hard land, &j ~ t~, >' when it is dug. (Iam p. i&) Also t Land (T.) One says, ;QaJ1 not of remained There upon which rain has not fallen. (T.) And , meaning TA,) (T, 8," K,* .;fi tA country upon which rain has not his life save a lttle; [lit., save tihe period between fallen, and wherein is no pasturagefor the camels the two drinking&of the ass ;] (S, K," TA;) because there is no beast that bears thirst for a upon which peoplejourney. (T.) shorter time than the ass; (T, S,* g,* TA;) see jUi. for he comes to the water in summer every day also signifies t The il twice. (T, TA.) period from birth to death; (K;) or so & Quasi WU 1;;.X. (?, M, TA.) - pi is a dial. var. of

(Sand M and J in art. ,i.) An eJe having a thin, or deliX *Llb t And (S and X*. elft cate, lid: (M, TA:) and so ;~ (said And 1.J M and g in art. L,i.) [.firm,] not are joints of a horse, T, 8, TA) X His .flabby, flabby, or lax, (T, S, ], TA,) nor flshy; (. , 1%, TA;) and are well braced; an expresion of XC, Hard Q J.L commendation: (T:) and .JI [or firm] joints, witout flabbines, or laxness: O.8.], they increase the o>, so that the camels (A, TA:) accord, to IB, belonging to art. Lye.; remain in the place of pasture two days, and but said in the T to be originally from l.h. S#, 0 come to the water on the fourth; and one says, +JU A wind that is hot, C t (TA.) - And Jand the ,a;.,: then follow the .,. , (A9 , T, Ir,) thirsty, not gentle, (4,) and without (AC, to the e: and the interval between their two moisture. moisture. (As, T.) drinkings is termed :J, whether iong or short.


;see :see j,

first sentence.

ri't AU

t Evilness of nature, of a man, and

meaw~ of dispition, and deficiency of equity meanness to associates: (En-Nadr, T, ]g:) originating from the fact that he who is given to drink, if if of an evil nature, does not act equitably to his associates. (T.)

, ;fl: s

i, first ~first sentence.

1J0 1a Tawny; applied to a spear: (A,TA:)


Wiy: see 5 in art. JW.

. *.s

(T and M in art.


and so

. (TA in art.

-And *.ii.)


1924 ,applied to an antelope and to a camel: pl. & ., therefore think it most probable that in the T, (A, TA.) as well as in the M, the right reading is jA JI .. k , meaning and it is incidental to itL A thirsty place of the earth or ground. the Abyssinians.] And Tawntines of a spear(M, g.) shaft. (T.) C,I .

[Boox L &c.:] and Lh mentions, as heard from the

Benoo-Suleym, '2l

i.e. Z1) 1


A very thirsty man. (1K.) ; T Wlatered [only] by the rain: contr. of applied to seed-

:. see U' see O,.l,

thought that, &e.] like ,i and other instances of the dial. of Suleym. (M.) [In the first of the senses expl. above, it governs two objective complements, which are originally an inchoative and an enunciative:] you say, Ij.,j JUi;i [I thought tltee 7eld, originally I thought thou wast

$I;. (*:) and so .: pIroduce. (.8 and ] in art. i5.)

in art. Jwi.

Zeyd], and

)e! I 1"

[I tlhought Zeyd

sli 1 Anything wituring, or nithered; or becoming, or becote, dried up; from h/eat; as also t,,. (M.)_ [Hence,] tl i"i, A lip that is not swollen, [not] having much blood; C, (1,) or ii, (AA, TA,) A tree haring (T;) accord. to Lth, from thirst; but AZ says l/iform of th/e tJ [or plane-tree], (AA, T, ],) that it is not so: (TA: Isee L,*:]) or a lip in from rwhich is cut the rwooa of the beaters and vwhich is a tanny, or brownidt, or duskq/, colour, vash ers and whtimners of clotahes, which is buried, and a wvithering, or lack of moisture: (S:) or a [and is used for tanntuing,] and which is also eaUed lip withering, or withered, or lacking moisture, ', n. un. L, , and the tpatlie, or spadi, inclining to a tanny, or browrnish, or dusky, colour. (.)_ And ileei 'i A gum having (w,) whereof is calld ,: (AA, T:) and in the dial. of Teiyi, theftig-tree; n. un. with;: or little blood: (S, V:) or, accord. to the M, having little blood andflesh. (TA.) - And [tZf hC the sing. is Li, and the pl. is *j., some- An cye having a thin, or delicate, lid: (T, 8, M, times contracted into .: (1 :) and some say 1 :) and so kS.' i se. (M and TA in art. toh.) that it is the tree called jt.. : (TA, and so in _And Xfl J<. A lean shank: (S, M, :) one of my copies of the 8, in which it is written and so LS..i jL.. (T and TA in art. lIi.) 5 :) it is also called i and tj and ... And --JI1 sl means A horse having little (TA.) Jlesh upon the les: (TA:) and so 5o J1 i l. (T in art. . -. sJ1 is also applied to a -j.) man, as signifying Blackl in the lip: (M:) and ;_, relating to the ot;Zl of camels, is a dial. so '4J applied to a woman. (T, M.) - And var. of .,, (M,) signifying The interval between the former applied to a mnan, and the latter to a two drinakilngs in th/c coming of camels to water. woman, lIav'ig the quality of the gum termed ~,~ exxpl. above. (M.) Both also, accord. (T.) [See art. 1a..] to LIl, signify Tawny, bronnish, or dusky; the former as applied to a man, and the latter to a woman: (M:) and thus the former applied to a spear, (An, T, $, M,) and the latter to a spear1. [and aor. ;,] inf. n. i, or it [and she, or it,] had any of thi qualiti&s de- shlaft (;ti). (TA.) - And J signifies also IBlach: (T:) tlhus as applied to shade: ( :) and noted by the epithet ;1! [and its fern. f t,]. so the fem. applied to a she-camel: (. :) or the (M, TA. [See .1lI, and see also ,*h expl. latter applied to a she-camel, and [the pl.] below.]) applied to camels, in the colour of which is a 2: see the next paragraph. 1 (T.) [See also 't, in art. LJi.] . , n.inf. Ie ~lt,(a horse) was made *. . Land, (M,) or [rather] seed-produce lean, or lankh; as also ft j,:", inf. ni.a3.; (T, (j.~j), (S, .K,) wvatered only by the rain: (S, M, TA. [Sce also 4 in art. 1.1) K and so (K in art. :) su as is L* is the inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]: and [it is said that it] signifies The withering, or drying up, of t/e lip, from thirst: (M :) so says Lth: but it signifies paucity of tlie Mlasand blood of the lip; not the withering, or drying-up, in con~quence of thirst: it is a quality that is commended: (T:) or a tawny, or bron,nih, or dusky, colour, and a withering, or drying-up, in the lip. (.) -_ And Patcity of the blood of the gum: (Lth, T:) or ,aucity of the blood and Jesh of the gum. (M.)] [In the T is added Jl J~ : and in the 1 M, ,_ .Jl .qS> 0.j, in which ,..2J1 seems to be evidently a mistranscription for jt.l: I irrigated by running water is termed

thee, originally I thought Zeyd was thou], denoting by a pronoun what is originally an inchoative [in the former phrase] and what is originally an enunciative [in the latter phrase]. (S,TA.) It is also used [i-. this sense] in the same manner as a verb signifying an oath, the Arabs giving it the same kind of complement, saying, '.*i 2; , ~ 1i[[I thouglht surely A1bd-Allah was better than thou]. (S in art. >,j.) [1S i, 2 means I thought of him, or it, such a thinzg: and I thought suc/t a thing to be in him, or it: and is used in relation to good and to evil.] It is said in the .Kur [xxxiii. 10], l/ljJt s XiJ. j [And ye were ttinking, of God, various thoughts]. (M.) Accord. to Sb, & j means I made him, or it, the place [i. e. object] of my ji [or thought, &c.]. (M.) [In all these exs. the verb denotes a state of mind between doubt and certainty, but the latter is predominant: and hence 'I sometimes means lie doubted: and sometimes, he knew, by considering with endeavour to underjtand, not by ocular perception; being more frequently used in this sense than as meaning "he doubted," though not so frequently as it is in the sense of" lie tllought," whetce the meaning " he knew" is held by some to be tropical.] 1

jI.. ; 1 S


-I:Jin the gur [lxix. 20],

means Verily I knwr [that I sIould mcet wit/h my rectoning]. (T.) And s '~, .3 IJi O, hin tlhe same [ii. 43], means WlVo knowr [thati thit, sall meet their Lord, lit., be meters of their Lord]. ( And jU c .- , occurring in a trad., means I kmewu [what he meant to say by his making a sign with his hand]. (TA.) _AzJ, (M, Mgh, Msb,) aor. as above, (,) and so the inf. n., (M,) signifies also Isuspected him; thought evil of him; (M, Mgh, Mob;) and (M) so t ';! (S,M, Mgh, g) and

i tl(M, TA) and ^ 1. (TA.) [Thus, too, t , accord. to several copies of the S ;:-. (S.) and accord. to the CK'; but this is app. a mistranscription.] In the saying of Ibn-Seereen,,.

$~ S U @ 5 tC ,S ^> (T, S, 1], but in the T jtp C,) meaning Aleke was not suspected 1. '46, aor. ', inf. n. e.l, (MNb,) [le thought, [in the case of the slaying of 'Othamdn], (T,) opined, supposd, or conjectured: and he doubted: A is of the measure j originally isJ&: and he knew, but not by ocular perception: see (T,S, .K:) so says A'Obeyd: (T:) or, as some below:] you say, . r. you say, s relate it, the word is; . (TA.) One says, inf. n. OJ~; and V"1 and :1..Jl; and tWij 1t ; and ;,e, meaning lIe is sus1' and e!j , this last formed by changing pected of such a thing. (TA in art. Xt,.) And the last XO into .S: [i. e. I thought the thing, s '" .j and .. j '2; I asu.pcted Zeyd: in

BooK I.]


(TA,) signifies M ;) because of his evil opinion and the evil this sense the verb has a single objective comple- the M,) or t ail , like &g, opinion of which he is an object. (M.)-See ment. (TA.) i is the same: (M, TA:) the pl. of in two places. also X , oiis. and U, Z" I 1,.JI made him to thinl the thing. (S, I.) One says, 4. /l,l or Ltii: see !Li. [I made the meaning Iie is tle lawce [i. e. object] of my dW 1 (M, TA.) - And , [like ,peo)le to u.pect him : or] I exposed him to sus- suspicion. (TA.) _ And [hence] t A little ii: see ei. [alone]. the French " soupcon"] of a thing. (TA.) picion; (M, Msh, TA;) [and] so Z tli One wvho opines, or conjectures, much (I.) - See also 1, last quarter. .1: see i.



isJI means The exercising, employing, or

[i. e. thou/hot, &c.]; originally

usng, of '1i

is from 1.l. (S, .i.) A'Obeyd says, "z *,:L;, and is originally i.#;J; the Os being mIally, one of them is changed into L.: it is like (T.) 5 Sec which is originally ;., also 1, lirst sentence. 8: see 1, first sentence: -and last quartcr, in thiree places.

again, in the

O.b is a simple sulhst. as well as an inf. n.; (TA;) and signifies Thought, opinion, supposition, or conjecture: (Er-Righib, Mgh, TA:) or a preponderant belief, with the admission that the contrarjy Mnay be the case: (KT, El-Muniwee, TA:) or a preponderating war ring betveen the two extremes in indecisive belief: (Is:) or an inference fiom a fign, or mark, or toklen; when strong, leading to knowledge; and wrhen nweak, not exceeding the limit of .. ,: (ErR.ghib, TA:) or doubt or uncertainty; (T, M;) or it has this meaning also; (Er-Raghib, TA;) : (Msb :) and sometimes it is put contr. of , in the place, (S, ],) or used in the sense, (Mgih, (Mqb,) Myb,) of,.;, (S, Mgh, K.,) or ii [i..e. knowledge, or certainty,] in which sense it is [held by some to be] tropical; (Mgh;) or it T, signifies also Iknowledge, or certainty, (;,, M,) such as is obtained by conidering nith endea.owur to understand, not by ocular perception, (M,) or not such as relates to an object of sense: (MF:) and i; also means suspicion, or evil opinion: (Er-rtaghiib, TA: [but in this last sense, is more common :]) as a subst., (TA,) its pl.

O,.l A man wnho thinlk evil (S, M) of everyman possae&ing little good or one. (M.) -A goodness: or, as some say, of whom one asla [a tling] thinking that he will refuse, and wlho is as lhe vas thoughkt to be: (M:) [or] t :.; has this latter meaning. (TA.) - A man inwvhose goodness no trust, or confidence, is to be placed. (M.) And Anything in which no trust, or confidence, is to be placed, (M, TA,) of water, and of other (M, TA.) A things; (TA;) as also t' ;. well (Zt) having little water, (S, M, .K,) in the water of wrcich no trust, or confidence, is to be placed: (M:) or a well, (S, K,) or a drinkingplace, (M,) of wtvhic one knows not whether there or water be in it wrater or not: (S, M, I:) wrhich one imagines, or supposes, to exist, but of

[and] in an evil manner; as also * ' 4 . (TA.)

0.~1 [Such as is more, or most, fit that one should think of him to do a thing]. You say, Ilooked tonwards 1, i, zJ J him whio was the most fit of them that I dould thi,nk of him to do that. (M, TA.) ljk;b: see 'fi,near the end.

Ii;, (M, Mgh, Msb, TA,) of which LitY;, mentioned by Ibn-.M ik and others, and i,

are dial. vars., (TA,) or [rather]



a.:o I : which one is not sure. (TA.) , 3 );;i1 i1 is a saying mentioned, but 1 yt~ not expl., by IA9r; [app. meaning Every death is doubtful as to its consequence except slaughter in the way, or cause, of God; but ISd says,] in my opinion the meaning is that it is of little good and profit. (M.) #J6 #;) means A debt of which one knows not n,hether he rivw owes it vill :) it is . pay it or not: (A'Obeyd, T, S, M," said in a trad. of 'Omar that there is no poorrate in the case of such a debt. (TA.) - Also A man suspected in relation to his intellect, or intelligence. (Aboo-Tilib, TA.) And A woman suspected in relation to her grounds of yretension to respect, or honour, on account of lineage Jc. (TA.) And A woman of noble rank or quality, wlo is tahen in marriage, (M, ]J,)from a desire of obtaining ofipring by her, when she is advanced in age. (M.) - Also A weak man. (Ig. [See also f '.])-- And A man having little art.iJice, is Od and ' Ut,, (M, ], TA,) the latter cunning, ingenuity, or skill. (IC.) snomalous, or (as ISd savs, TA) it may be pl. w;e;Suspected; (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, ;) , but this I do not know. (M, TA.) of t ?A , qt applied to a man; (8, M;) i q. _;; ja [He is evil in I One says, (Mbr, Msb,) in this sense: (Msb:) pl. 1i'l. ',L/ opinion of everyone]. (M.) [And X (M, TA.) Thus in the saying in the Cur [lxxxi. His opinion of such a one vas evil.] And ",c 24], ek:, . #i"i . ... ; (T, M, Msb,) C1i *0.w [His knowledge is but opinions]; meaning And he is not su,pected as to what he meaning that no confidence is to be placed in him. makes known from God, of the knowledge of (TA.) ' that wklich is undiscoverable, as is related on the authority of~ lee: or, accord. to Fr, it may mean Suspicion, or evil opinion; (T, S, M, may have this meaning like as weak; for '; the b being Mgh, Msb, . ;) as also ;I; (TA in art. has: (T:) some read ;. in this eI:;J changed into J, though there is no t : in a trad. is said , whicil ; case, because of their being accustomed to say C..b, q. v.) C> j. which is for > ']; an instance to be not allovwable, is The testimony of one who ,'Li [for '!, is suspected as to his religion. (TA.) And l, which is made to accord with .JS; like. o i;;i means [A soul, or person,] suspected. [fr---1I,wihi ] as mentioned by (TA.)- Also One rwho treats, or regards, . . is for [for.j i, which 8b; (M;) and t A;li, (so accord. to a copy of another, or otlers, writh enmity, or hostility; (T,

(IF, 8, Msb, ](, TA,) signifies The place, (IF, S, Msb, K,TA,) and the accustomed place, (IF, S, Mqb, TA,) in which is thought to be the existence, (S., , TA,) of a thing; (IF, .8, Mpb, ]K, TA;) [a place] vwera a thing is thought to be: (M:) or it signifies, (Mgh, M.b,) or signifies also, (8,) a place where a thing is knorwn to be: (S, Mgh, Mqb:) [a thing, and a person, in wthicih, or in vwhom, a thing, or quality, is thought, supposed, presumed, suspected, inferred, known, or accustomed, to be, or exiJt:] accord. to IAth, by rule it should be 1: (TA:) [it may therefore be properly rendered a cause of thinking, &c., the existence of a thing; and I.Jb is may be well expl. as meaning a thing, and a perxon, th)at occasions one's thinking, supposing, presuming suspecting, inferring, or lkno7ing, the existence of such a thing or quality, in it, or in himn: anti hence, an indication, or evidence, or a symptom, diagnostic, characteristic,sign, mark, or token, oJ' thte existcece of such a thing or quality:] the pl. is t . (M, Mg11, Mb, TA.) One says, I; 1 i. e. Such a plae is aphlae Z j X ia in wikicfh such a one is known [&c.] to be. (., . L;Lj. i. e. Such a oec TA.) And I1S is one in whom such a thing, or quality, is knoewi [&c.] to be. (Lb, T.) And . JJ ;1.' )1 i. e. Such a one is one in whom good, or goodnes, is thought [&c.] to be. (yam p. 437.) And EnNibighah says,

J 'z 1,

1 il,r

r~~ *

-i Iusi~ L 1jq L c jU

I r

[And if Amir has spoken ignorantly, veril;y youtIbfulness is a state in wrcich ignorance is usuaUy found to cis~t]: (., M.b:*) or, as some ... 'JI [so that the meaning is, relate the verse, mutual reviling is an act in which &c.]: (S:) or, accord. to another relation, the latter hemistich is


[Boox I.
migrated, or rwent down, from one country or region to another: used in this sense by A.Hn in relation to the vulture, migrating to Nejd. (L.) - a~Ei, said of a vice, or fault, (0, TA,) or a disgrace, (JK, A, 0,) ! It did not cleave to him; (A,O, TA;) it wvas remote from him; (TA;) it quitted him, or departed fronn him. ,d. , (0, TA,) in n. ;;, (.,) S (JK.)__J sICLJ.% S; Ft * t I gloried, or boasted, by reason of it. (0, .; t I subdued love, or sulbjected it to my nill, on the TA.) [liespecting a meaning assigned to * day of' lij; as though I struck it on the shins; .jJl 1 as a camel's shin is struck when one desires him OsL4 in the K, see 4.].5... to lie down, that he may mount him. (M, TA.) ta*., means t [The man ate some food] also signifies A nail that is in the .m in consequence of which] he became fat. (TA.) _- 34 of a spear-lead, [i. e., in the part into which the = ji He mounted it; went, or got, upon it, shaft enters,] (M, R,) where it is fied upon the or upon thl top of it; (S, A,* Mgh, 0, Msb, Y;) upper extremity of the dAaft: and ,~ tJU has as also :l j;;i; (0 ;) namely, a house, (S,) been said to be the pl. of the word in tiis sense or a house-top, (A, Mgh, 0,) and a mountain, in the verse of Seltmeh cited above. (M, TA.) (A,) and a wall; (0, Mb ;) properly, he became upon its back: (Mgh:) and [in like manner] one inf. n.;,1I, Such a one says, l X i;0, Quasi S mounted, or went up, upon the hig reion (J.i) 5. ,.i; originally C* : see the latter, in of Njd. (O.)- Hence, (Mgh, Msb,) ,-;;' art. op. (S, Mgh, 0, Msb, K) and &, (g,) inf. n. ; (Bd in xxiv. 31) and *' also, (Ham p. 301,) He overcame, conquered, subdued, overpowered, or mastered, him; gained the mastery or victory, pr prevailed, over him; (S, Mgh, 0, M9 b, 15;) namely, his enemy; (Mb ;) and in like manner, [he conquered, won, achieved, or attained, it, i. e.] 9 i3 j a thing. (0, TA.) [The saying " _l. 4sic is expl. in the L and TA by the words

(.,* TA;) because one finds it [i.e. youthful- ~.9li meaning, t lIe prepared himself for that ness] to be easy like as he does the beast on affair, or thing: and agreeably with this signifiwhich one rides. (TA.) And one says also, cation the verse of Selameh cited above has been ' ;I E J [He sought him, or it, in the places explained. (M, TA.) And_l AiL 'g. thought to be;] meaning, by I IIe made, or rendered, the affair manageable. where he, or it, mas 1 (M, K, TA.) A poet, cited by IAar, says, night and by day. (TA.) And OI ,' J a iA 1 i. e. Verily he is apt, meet, fitted, or .euited, for one to thinhlt of his doi,g that: and in like manner one says of two, and of a pl. number, and of a female. (Lh, M.) [Thought, opined, &c.: see its verb: XJ" iand] see * '. Applied to a narrative, or story, it means [Doubted; or] of whichs one is not to be made to knotw the real state. (TA in art. . .) In lexicology, A word of the clam termed ;a1. [q. v.]. (Mz 3rd .. )

Ib The root, or lower part, or stem, (J.0l,) of a tree. (IAir, T, ].) (g/) that is wound ovr the 3, A n extremities of the feather of an arrow, next the notch. (AI{n, M, 1V.)


The edge of the ashin: (V:) or the

tough edge of the shin: or the externalpart of the d,ank: (M,TA:) or the hin-bone: or the edge of the hin-~oe: (M, J:) or the tough bone in the fore part of the shank: ( :) but AZ, this term is not used in relation to animalst that have


1. ',

(S, Msb, K, &,c.,) aor. , (Msb,) inf. n.

(8, Mgh, Msb, g, &c.,) [It was, or be-

came, outwiard, exterior, external, extrinsic, or exoterie: and hence,] it appeared; became apparent, overt, openi, perceptible or perceived, manifest, plain, or evident; (S, Mgh, Msb, , TA;) after having been concealed, or latent: [see j.l4 :] (T, TA:) pl. (Msb, TA:) and t ,.l1i3 signifies the same. [1m:


(, M,,

.) ,

1 ; without (IJar p. 85.) Hence the phrase . 5p t u..

Jfesh upon the

(TA) is an epithet applied to .. ' 1 ,j a male ostrich. (., TA.) means He knocked, or struck, the shin of the camel, that he might lie down, and he might

signifies a man's mount him: or <wl ./ knocking, or strking, tle shin of his camel with his stick when he makes him lie down that he may mount him, as one in haste to betake himself to a thing: or striking the shin of his beast with his ; 4. i. e. [He used to perj. 'j,1 whip, [in the TA is here added Jj,:, which 1 '~ 3e; prayer of the afternoon n my chaumber] form the to make can only suppose to be put for S4' sun) became high and ap(meaning the before it him lie down,] when he desires to mount him. 4 j .9 63 a ) Jl, Hence,] &3 parent: (TA:) or ;; (TA.) [See an ex. voce .~2m. i. e. [nwcen the sun wras in my chamber,] it not #j.OS t [Such a one struck his shin having risen high so as to be on the flat roof t&i to betaltc himeelf to his afair].means such a one [thereof]: referringtothe Prophet. (O. [But'yail applied himself to his oaffair with diligence, or must be a mistranscription for 'iJl, i. e. the energy. (T, L, TA.) Selaimelh Ibn-Jcndel says, prayer of the dawn.]) The saying in the lIur . '; [which '. ' - j [xxiv. 31], L* ''I ' L-' UUI &J ' I. J S9 itH is app. best rendered And that they discover not .'11 Lb their ornatureexcept what is external thereof] has were (suce that), when there came to us one been expl. in seven different ways, most correctly [ crying aloud, in terror, tih elamour (returned) to as meaning the clothes: (0, TA;) accord. to and the him mwas the strilking of the shins ;] by which he is 'A;sheh, it means the bracelet (.l) said to mean that a quick reply was given; ring (a;.l): and hand I Ab, the to and accord. ealling the striking of the whip upon the leg of the signet-ring and the fiacc. (TA.).- Also the boot, in urging on the horse, "the striking of He wvent forth, or out, (Mgh, TA,) to the outside -- of a place. (0, TA.)_And He (a bird) the shin." (S.) You also say, j*l iI .

;n.ji h t [An idea, or opinion, occurred to me], said when one knows what he did not know before. (Mob.) i . '. t T[his is nhat appears to [And . me to be the case, or to be the right way or .JI ii, coursc; or this is my opinion.] inf. n. as above, means Pregnaney became apparent, or manifest: it is said that this is not the case in less than three months. (Msb.) And .i it is said in a trad. of iisheh, n11 XL~s

.1 ') .1, and said to be tropical: but IbrD ], from thinks that the correct reading is; .

.c)Jl:; and that it is said of one who will not give up, or resign, what is in his hand; so that the meaning is, S Such a one is a person rhom no one nill overcome in respect of that vwhich h holds in his possession] - And [hence also] S ,Ji, (Msb, TA,) inf. n. j li, (TA,) He kne, became acquainted rwith, or got knoroledge of, him, or .j'ij it. (Msb, TA.) So in the lBur xxiv. 31,
,. XJUI [And the young ,l.;i1; ; 1 5 children] who have not attained knoledge of the ;,:s~, (Bd, Jel,) meaning [pudenda, or] parts between the navel and the knee, (Jel,) of women, by reason of their want of discrimination: (B :) or 7 wheo have not attained to the generativ

faculty; (0, Bd,* TA;) from .ll in the sense of -i-l. (Bd.) So too in the 1gur [xviii. 19], 'M a I>.~ ; If they gat kno~led~ of you. (Fr, A, 0, :ic j;, (O, TA.) - And [hence]

l, (S, A, 0, 1,) S He ktne it, TA,) and t or learned it, by heart; namely, the gur-tn; (A, O, TA;) and he recited it by heart: (A,* TA; and so in the S and O in explanation of the latter:) or [simply] he recited it by heart; namely, the gur-in; as also V4#Jvl: (0, 1, TA:) in
t the copies of the g we find i,vl jl ;, l and I;;j1; but. the former is a mistake for $, For another signification of aor. '. (TA.) , (S,A,.,) v eje)i, ~ see 3 L-

BOOx I.] (TK;) and * thl, aor. - , (TA,) inf. n. *-; (1, TA,) in some copies of the K tliw; (TA ;) (II,) inf n. q1i.; (TA;) and and l,.i, r tLC!d, (K,) of the measure ja.T&; (TA;) X He held the object of my want in little, or lighlt, estimation, or in contempt; (., A;) [lit.] he put it behind [his] back; (., 1 ;) as though hke put it a7way, [out of his sight,] and paid no regardto it. . ;jA (S, TA.) One says also, , ~..-;l jil [Thsey hold them in contempt, and do not pay any reflard to their ties of relationsktip,]. (S.) - See also 10, in three places. (0, K,) aor. -, inf n..i, (K,) Ile struck, i>', or smote, (TA,) or hit, or hurt, (0, .K,) his back. (S, O, K,) aor. : (K,) (0, ][, TA.) ~';, inf. n. ,;, (0, .K,)lIe (a man, S, O) had a complaint of his bacl. (S, O, K.) t', (JK, O, L,) or 'S, (1:, [but this is app. a mistran0;.,L, K.,) said of a (., O, scription,]) inf. n. camel, (JK, S, O,) lie was, or became, stron (JK,S, O, L, 1) in the back. (L, K.) _;] meaning : .u.e A1_ JLf



S .; the back being specified CU -. , ~l 3i because . in preference to the i or LSor the woman is likened to a beast that is ridden, the phrase , of p: and the act of tlI to that being a form of divorce used by the Arabs in the Time of Ignorance. (Msb,? TA.) In the 1Iur .; some Iviii. 2 [and 4], some read to

it . (Bd.) L;; and 'Asim read i. ' The verb is made trans. by means of X because the man who uttered this sentence estranged himandybt!: see 3, latter half, in three places. self from his wife. (IAth.)
8. .!: see 1, last quarter.

8: see 1, first sentence: - and see also 4, fint sentence._ I-UiiU They aided, or assited, one .UL I&U1U another. (S, O,*.) And Oj TIey leagued together, and aided one another, against such a one. (Ibn-Buzuj, TA in art. jb.)_- Also They regarded, or treated, one another with enmity, or hostility; or sevred tlemelces, one from another: (S, Myb, K:) as though they turned their backs, one upon another: (S :) or, because they who do so turn their backs, one upon another. (Msb.) Thus the verb has ;." . Ui3 two contr. meanings. (Ig.). - a

4. A,JbI He made it ayparent, overt, open, perceptible orperceived, manifest, plain,or evident; ew shwied, exlhibited, manifested, displayed, discovered, revealed, or evinced, it; or put it forth: (8, 0, :) [it is also used in relation to a saying, and an action, and the like, as meaning it sowwed, &c., as above, or it bespoke, it :] and Mfr relates his having heard from one worthy of reliance of the people of Baghd&d, that they say t,%ZlAU 2: see 1, near the middle:-and again, in It in the place of i;jOli, and scarcely ever em1 >;i the last quarter: - and see also 3. _!Jil in its usual sense. (Hlar p. 85.) ploy H el,] faced [nld t V il, contr. of l;; and . 1 .,,l ji llIe made the doubling of I [Hence, the garment, or piece of cloth; put a facing, or a letter distinct; as in ;-.,.J; which, accord. J it . (TA.) See an outer Cov)rinlt, (',) to a general rule, should be 4..J: opposed to also 4, last sentence. .. &l1. And Ij dJ pjlI lie shweed, &ec., to him (8, O, 0i~Msb,) lHe such a thing: and he made a show of, professed, ', 3. ,t*U, (A,) inf. n. aided, or auisted, him; (S., A, O, Msb ;) as also pretended, orfeigned, to him nsuch a thing: as, for (Th, K..) And 4;U Ui lie aided, instance, love.] *'i. l means 4d C ;a*Jil " 1. LU 6: see [a phrase which I have not found except in this or assisted, against him. (TA.) 10._ '; ,U,, (-,) i. e. (TA) L;"P ~, instance, app. I elevated, or exalted, such a one: like 4.1t, which has this meaning]: (S, IIBt, (, A, Mgh, TA,) and Qj, (A, Mgh, TA,) [app. meaning I made L, TA:) or j ;lcI ).;,,(., TA,) or such a one to be, or become, publicly knowrn]: (so and "75, (TA,) i. q. 1.; 3jt,, (A, ], TA,) i. e. (TA) He put them on, in the 0:) [but the former explanation seems to or attired himuef with thtem, [namely, two gar- be regarded by SM as the right; for he remarks mnets, and two coats of mail, and two sandals that,] accord. to all the copies of the IS, the exor soles, or rather, when relating to two soles, planation is m .lcsl, and refers to " " he sewed them together,] one over, or outside, the [instead of ".it];so that what its author says other: (Mgh, TA:) app. from ;biL in the sense in this case differs in two points of view firom of "mutual aiding or assisting." (IAth.) The what is found in the "Kithib el-Abniyeh" of phrase ;4s" 2 Ui requires consideration; and, in which the LS in ~1l has been marked the ., in it should be regarded as meant to denote as correct, and in the L [as well as in the S]. conjunction; not as a part of the necessary comi ejl1 means God made t. (TA.)~ plement of the verb. (Mgh.) ',;stUi is said subdue, overl~noer, conquer, him to overcome, [app. meaning 'W .A to signify bW i master, gain the victory over, or prevail over, his Hefolded oter and fastened one part of the coat enemy. (., A, 0, TA.) - And [hence] ,i.l .U of mail upon another]. (TA.) And &i Hse (God) made him to know it, or become means He thr upon him (i. e. a horse) acquainted with it: you say, b S ,il houings or covern~ [one oer another]. (TA . . , God made me to know [or discover] U, (., Mgh, O, what had been stolen from me. (TA.) -See !,1, ~ .. in art. A )-3Myb, ],) inf n. ;n. (., Mgh, Myb, g) and also 1, last quarter, in two places. - And see 8. signifies also He'entered upon the time tsU3, (A, Mgh, _Ijl I1iU;&; (JK, TA;) and .% called the j i: (A, Mob, ] :) or the time called , V;W, the i. o, TA,) and Vt*3lj; (Mgh;) and 4Y. (Msb.) And He went, or journeyed, * t;, (8, Mqb,,(,) and* "t' ; (0, TA;) and i; ; as also *),;, (K,) in the time caUed thei the time called thej~lJ. (TA:) or O],) inf. n. ;e3; (s;) signify the same; in n. ;`J: (, O,

,_ He sH ought aid, or as~ance, in, 10. or by means of, him, or it, (., 0, Myb, g, TA,) (TA.) Xc [against Ihim, or it]; as also ;lil. y Jl, [In the Clg, after the explanation of a is an omission, to be supplied by the insertion of i'lMs &.l m l, l ,5i;.] One says, [Ile sought aid in wealth against calamnities, or afflictions]. (Msb.) And , ?KUij signifies the same as.i.%u [in this sense or in another of the senses expl. in what follows]. (TA.)-And ;. , and *;.1, vJ3 ;_ ..-- , and m t.. back for protection, or tling belind my I put the Hw e presecurity. ( p. 265.) - And j,"t pared for himself a camel, or two ca,nels, or and more, for future need: (T:) and *;Il, lHe prepared hiL,, namely, a camel, tj, j *l . for future need: (g :) and ' 4 *g,tl _He c plep)aredfor hims,lf two cancls for Hence, (T,) .])future need. (T. [See ~-.'-l signifies also He used precaution (T, Msb) with respect to anything: (T:) he secured by uwing precaution; as, for himself, (ij,,) instance, a woman does by remaining three days, before she performs the ablution termed J., and prays, after the usual period of the menses. / ' (T, L.) One says, 1i3. a_;t second and a by a aU The using precaution third washing, to make sure of being pure, is approved. (Er-Rafi'ee, Msb.) And ;,k.l..1 sJ l $ StI adopted the most fit, or proper, way, and used precaution, in sesking to attain the thing. (Meb.)-Sec also 1, in the middle of the latter half. 0, Mb, (, A, O, ;.; The back; contr. of ,: ]:) in a man,from the hinderpart of tue JAlI [or base of the neck] to the nearest part of the buttocks, wvere it terminates: (TA:) in a camel, the part containing si vertebr on the righit and left of which are [two portions of Pdsl and sineo called the] ;QLL: (AHeyth, T, O:) of the muse. gender: (Lb, A, ] :) pl. [of pauc.] .j;, and [of ,. . (Msb, I.) mult.] ;li and i1'.




a :si; (8, 0,) ,jL (O;) He said to his wife 5. *vW and [Thou art to me like the bach of my mother]; places. (8, Mgh, Mgb, l;) [as though he said 4sf Bk. I.


nA having a small household to X :4 man 911lI J - hatving a large house. see 8, latter half, in three maintain: and X{l hold to maintain. (O, TA.)_ -4 o .? 243

1928 .1 A, 1w7o art to me like the bach of my mother: said by a man to his wife. (S, Mgh, Myb, I.) [This has been expl. above: see 3.] - o) lJa tH Ne stole what was behind him: (A:) [or he acted wronfidly in respect of what was behind

[Boox I. is in the midst, or main part, of it, namely, -t another thing. (TA.) _The short ride [or lateral ha/f] of a


t ,Q';, CM, (S, o, Meb, g,) during the day, (Meb,) or during thes two days, which latter signifies the " long sides:" (S, TA:) (6, 0, 1,) or during the three days, (l.,) or the and t;tj signifies the same ass J, (g,) or the him: for] ,j q.O1. w1 is expl. by the words days: (6, 0, Mqb:) from the next preceding same as ;i1;, being an irregular pl.; and this i 'C "i" is meant by the saying ;.0;LJ1 ' J l,;J', Ay j( 5 J L1, [so that it app. means :A phrase. (TA.) And thief who has acted uronfully in resp,ct of came to him one day: or, accord. to Aboo- mentioned in a later place in the 1] [in such a Fay'as, on a day between two years. (Fr.) manner as to have led to the supposition that what w behind one, and stolen it]. (0, ]g.) a 1 a -as . 95 d.1lj t3I saw him be- t;I is also syn. with il.t]: (TA:) AO says p.IiI j9'{1 (S, 0, 1) and ,.,JL (0, TA) And ,J1UI ? ;5S * tneen nightfall and daybreak. (TA.) And that among the feathers of arrows are the jb, Adversaries mlwo come to one from behind his 11 t ub xirl ; t [I came to him be- which are those that are put [upon an arrow] of back, in war, or fight. (S, O, g,* TA.) In the [app. here copies of the ], ,i: is erroneously put for treen the beginning and end of the day]. (A.) the ;; [or outer side] of thes meaning the shaft] of t6e feather; (S, TA;) ' ; .; t It turned over and over, JLi,.. (TA.) You say also, , X -V~. i. e., the shorter side, which is the best kind of Such a one is an adverwary who comes to one or upside down, (lit. backfor belly,) as a serpent sing.*j;;;: (TA:) ISd does upon ground heated by the sun. (S and TA feather; as also f'i: from behind, unknon'n. (IApr, As.)_ -I aA. I:j ;.l "4J says that the i 'C1` are those partsof the feathers 1 dew e him unexpectedly; he assasinated him; in art. ,,.JJ.) [Hence,] i.> of the wing that are exposed to the sun and rain: syn. 4k. (lApr, TA.) _-;... u He t [I turned the eairth over, upside-down]. (A.) (TA:) Lth says that the jt^ are tiose parts of And [hence,] e 1 eI . ., (0, TA,) 4 cast me off. (TA.) And p' _ the featlhers of the wing that are apparent. (0, X e i, and J;, and Xo> , , I cast his nant behind my bach: (AO, :) and TA.) One says, .; 5,. , X ';j :';; ; and t ilk Ita. signifies the same: ($:) and which last form is preferred by El-Farezdal to [Feaiher thine arrow vith slhort sides offeathers, the second, because [as in the third form] the and feather it not with long sides of feathers]. It .V 1J, (5,) and t a* : (TA:) or second of the two words is determinate like the the former of the last two phrases signifies he (;, TA.) [Do Sacy supmoses that ; and first word, I He meditated, or managed, the held it in contemipt; as though t were an XA are also pls. of ;; and 4e thus used: affair withforecast, and well. (O,* TA.) - The (see his " Chrest. Arabe," sec. ed., tome ii., p. irreg. rel. n. from' : (TA:) or t . :1: ." Arabs used to say, ,/l > 1,:' and' 1,i 374:) but his reasons do not appear to me to be signifies he neglected, or forgot, (S, O,* Msb,) ,W.JI, both meaning : This is the apparent, conclusive.]j;t; and ";; are also used as him, as in the ]ur xi. 04, ($, O,) or it, namely, visible, part of tle sky. (Fr, Az.) And the like epithets: you say, ;lJ &N and 5C; us . what was said. (M 9b.) And kt." ;. Y is said of the side of a wall, which is its A to .i4 S Forget not tlou, or neglect not, my want: (TA.)_ [ja A and t 4U, mean t The a person on the same side, and its to one on back of the hand. And in like manncr, .#.1dl/ (6:) and t , signifies he forgot it; as the other side. (Az.) - 'I i Xi1 X j and t laUi mean t The upper, or convex, side, well asp;> ,a. (A.) And ,,I i ';~J, ; Oj, [part of] a saying of Mohammad, or back, of the human foot, corre*ponding to the , and ;. A*, XI cared not for thids thing. [of which see the rest voce .,] means t Not baclk of tiwe and, including the itntelp: opposed (Th, O.) dJ %J --... . ! 't 1. Such a one is a vers of the Kur-dn has come down but it haus a to ; and C#lI. And UI i means ' Tce of those wi,o do not belong to us: or of those to verbal e~zpresion and an intorpretation: (K,* cqlper suiface of t/he tonguc.] -And ;; also .:ho, no regardis paid: (TA:) or of those who TA:) or a verbal expression and a meaninyg: or signifies I A way by land. (S, M, O, Msb, ] .) are heldu in contemnpt, and to whose ties of that which alu an apparent and a known [or an This expression is used when there is a way by exoteric] interpretation and that rhsich has an relationship no regard is paid. ($, TA.) land and a way by sea. (M.) You say, b.w * [He [ is his cousin on the intrinsic [or esoteric] interpr~tation: (TA:) or : T17hey journmeed by landL (A.) narration (i4, TA) and admonition: (TA:) or JJ; j h fatlhr's ide,] distantly related: contr. of ;;o [it is to be read and to be undertood and taught; - And t An elvated tract of land or ground; [and 1j]. (A 9, A, 0, TA.)-_ jL j for] by thej, is meant the reading; and by the as also tV : (A:) or rugged and elated [H eed~ , retired, or retreated]. (I4 in art. XO4, the understanding and teaching. (TA.) land or ground; (JK, g;) as also L: .i.) -' h : Jjt ;,, and ,~ ,'* X., [See also ;d.]i_g, signifies also $ Camel on (JK:) opposed to p, which signifies "soft (6, A, O, Mob, .,*) in which latter the I and o which people ride, and rhlich carry goods; (S,* and plain and fine and low land or ground:" are said by some to be added for corroboration, A,* O, K,* TA;) camels that carry burdens upon (TA:) and t* .l5 [pl. of. itUi] signifies (Mob,) and for which one should not say their backs in journeying: (TA:) [or] a beast: t evated tract of land or ground: ($, ]:) you (I;. ./.* ,I(IF, ( 6, O,) 0, M 9b, and ,JiIl CM , or a camel for riding: (Mgh:) pl. say, ,,Sl .A1, ' ;.~A, meaning, t the hb (M 9b, g,) : He is making his abode in the (TA.) It is said in a trad. of Arfajeh, j;lt or leguminous plants, of the dl ted tract of midst of them; in the main body of them: (V, ,1,I X j4.a Alnd he reached, or took in his land, or ground, dried up: (A,, ,L:) and TA:) originally meaning he is making his abode hand, th sword~o thte camels for carrying t li signifies t the higher, or highest, partof a among them for the purpose of seeking aid of mountain; (ISh, L, TA;) whether its exterior be them and staying himself upon them: as though burdens and for riding: and in another, tU131 it meant that the back of one of them was before Ui,h eb j W Dost thou prmit us to laughter plain or not: (TA:) and 't 1W, the same, of him, and that of another behind him, so that he our camel which we ride? (TA.) And one anything: (L:) when you have ascended upon was defended in either direction: afterwards, by says alo, > ie y XHie is determined upon the >J of a mowutain, you are upon its 4;U. reason of frequency of usage, it came to be traedl: (X:) as though he had already mounted (TA.) 1._Mb j_ means tTheir vaUty employed to signify abiding among a people a beast for that purpose. (TA.) - [Hence, flowed ruith the rain of their own land: opposed absolutely. (lAth, Mqb.) You say also app.,] t Property cansting of camels and sheep to It, meaning, "from other rain :" (IApr, O, and V & ; pjd, meaning It (anything) or goats: (TA:) or much property. (V, TA.) ] :*) or the former signifies their valley o d

o , ; :) pl. 1;~.: (6, M, , TA, , and feather: (6, &c.:) opposed to ', sing. of Jtl;, (TA,) I met him

BooK I.]


Pain in the back. (Az, O, TA.)_Seo | l .idday, or noon: (IAth, TA:) or the M; mth its own rain: and the latter, "with other the meridian: fromn sun declines the time when third quarter, in two places. also vh' , than its own rain:" (TA:) and some say immediately] time or [the O,* TA:) (Msb, g,* ;., which Az thinks the better form. (0, * 1 ,e.h: see aU.mAlso An aider, or aidstant; after the declining of the sun: (S, Mgh:) mase. ; . &e ;~ TA.) _[Hence, probably,] (S, A, o0, M.b, g ;) and so * .. J (S, 1) and 1I obtainedfrom him, or it, much good. (Sgh, and fem.; unless when the word ;'j is prefixed And another signification of ., is to it, in which case it is fem. only: (Msb:) [pl. ' pi.: (g :) [in one place, in the gI, }'> is A.)O, WVhat is absent, or hidden, or concealed,from one. ;l,il. See also e;.] means The expl. by XO' ; but by this is meant, as wili be 1JI is sometimes prefixed to another prayer [i. e. tle divinely-ordained rayer] of mid- seen below, the same as is meant by ;f ,, by (0, V.) -It noun to give plainness and force to the expres- day, or noon: (IAth, TA:) or of the time after which all the three words aro expl. in another I, meaning the declining of the sun. (S, 0.) In the phrases place in the ., as well as in the S &c.:] and and W 1 sion; as in and al W;: (M,b:) or it is .J&il, 1.j)t [Defer ye the prayer of midday until aiders, or assistants; (S, Msb;) as also * o' .. 1 q. and 4 is ;: (TA:) tho pl. of and redundant in these instances. (Mgh.) Lebeed the cooler time of day] and jlJJI Js [lie er'- t o;e' j an 3,,.h says, describing a [wild] cow going about after a formed the prayer of midday], the prefixed ALi. (O.) It is said in the gur [xxv. 57], beast of prey that had eaten her young one, 9 Xs5 ci And the unbeiever i noun (;* ) is suppressed. (Mgh.) -- jL. an aider of the enemies of God [against his Ij.i.,j;l: seet#, last quarter. *p b X ' -~ '~ fi -- , *, Lord]. (Ibn-'Arafch.) You say also, i sJ .o- 5, ghi * .;vi, (S,) or ?;.", (1,) [tle former agreet b,0 Such a one i myn aider ( 9 d A Ai',] able with analogy, being derived from ; l [And ek heard the sound of man, and it fight. man (8,) having a complaint (f the back: (S, a[ainst such a one: and I" ~ from a place that concealed what was in .:) or having a pain in tle back: as also j.'~1 I am thine aider against this thing, or ened herl, it; for man is her malady; i. e., a cause of pain v jU.l affair. (S, 0.) And it is also said in the lgur (O, TA.) and trouble and dleath to her]: (TA:) meaning, [And tlhe ange [lxvi. 4],.;Jm 'i " a.)' she heard the sound of the hunters, &c. (TA in *, in three places. = Also The aoter that will be his aiders]: an instance of W': see ' JjW- tortoise. (0, g.) art. ) And you say, t. 1 in a pl. sense: ($, O, Mb :) for words ot ,e ;j... He carped at him behind the back, or in the measures J_ and jthi are sometimes masc. jseej"h, in six places. e;i: abseno, by saying what ud grieve him. (TA and fem. [and sing.] and pl. (s.) You nialso say, . Ctl > ai And in art. .) of a . The goods, orfurniture and utensils, ; , 4, (S, A, k(,) and '? O], TA;) as also O (TA) [app., I spoke it lunse or tent; (IAar, S, 0, C>X (A, O) or (!-,) Such a and V ftti, (A, 1,) and t ;., by memory; in the absence of a book or the like; ii!l: (IAQr, TA:) or the former signifies the one came among his people, ($,) or kinmfolk, IIJ3.. See exterior of a house, or tent; and the latter, the as one says in modern Arabic, (K,) and tlhse who pmeformed his affairs for 1 ~~~~ ? X *5 3 XlIe recitd "interior thereof." (Th, TA.) - And Abundl- him, (S, A,) i. e., lis aiders, or asistants. (A.) And ,11 also .] it by heart, or memory; without book: (L, : ance of JO [i. e. property, or cattle]. (TA.) = And o.l 6 . Tlwy aid one anothe. t [in the latter, 'i is put in the place of &'; but See also ;'. against the enemies. (TA.)- Also $St,ong ia the right reading is that in the L: and in the CI the back; (K;) sound therein: (Lth:) and so C.g~n A camel preparedfor future need; (T, is an omiassion here, to be supplied by the in, , ] ;) taken, by way of precaution, to bear tJL: (S, O, I( :) applied to a man: ( :) or *] ,;. and 6c sertion of 0-j :]) and V,a the burden of any camel that may happen to fail hard and strong; whethler in the back or any in a journey: sometimes two or more unladen other part is not said: (TA:) in this sense, l.J .; [signify the same]. (g.) And J.. camels are taken for this purpose: some say that (TA,) or as signifying stwong, ($, 0,) applied to si JU eXI,t like v4 *j e;li such a camel is thus called because its owner a camel: fem. with i. (S, O, TA.) - Also A ; [He knew the Kur-6n by heart]. (A,* O, TA.) puts it behind his back, not riding it nor putting camel whose back is not used, on account of galls, I' X E X. i .ivi Ul _-One says also, any burden upon it: (T, TA:) the word appears or sores, uon it: or unsound in the back by stome other cause. I ~ch a one eats at the epense of such a one. to be an irreg. rel. n. from;j: (ISd, TA:) pl. reason of galls, or sores, orfrom (Th.) Thus it has two contr. significations. tA-#1 tL5L , imperfectly decl., because the rel. kS (TA.) . See also'. (A, O, ~.) And in like manner, ', poor eat at the ex- retains its place in the sing. [inseparably; there Lti Is4 fThe ! j o"p [Thefacing, or outer covering, or] what ix but if it be a rel. n., pens. of th people. (A, TA.) And i ' "lI being no such word asj.: - ., uppermost, (TA,) what is apparent (M9 b, TA) to i : IHe gave hdm originally; without corm- this pl. is irreg., like 50L$.] .(S , K.) _ the eye, (Msb,) not next the body, of a garmcnt; pesatimo. (O,* !; but in some copies of the 1j See .>",first quarter, in five places, for examples (TA;) and in like manner, whnlat is upper~ost and we find X. in the place of .) It is said [in a apparent, not nwxt the ground,of a carpet; (TA;) of Si and ~a9V used tropically. Ji 1Thte La ii as also t aJ.u: (JK:) contr. of ~uL.W : (S, 0, trad.], ; j * X,1 (which is also a pl. of'. o"!h;; [app. most e llent of alms is that which is [derived] Msb, .K:) pI.l,tJ. (TA.) or, perhaps Clj#, as from competence; .JI; .; ;* : (Msb:) or used in several senses), we;.' The point of midday: (M, A, K:) or simply . Oc, the word j, being here redund- having a dual meaning,] The upper, thlirl, pair fi.e. only in .summner: (M, ]:) or i.q. SA [See also TA.) (AHn, of the locust. ant: (Mgh:) orfrom manifest competence upon of wings midday in sumner or nwhen the heat is vehemnent: nwhich one relies, and in which he seela aid againt or thc period from a little before, to a little after, calamities, or a.jlictions: or from what remains and E p1'.h1, &c.: midday in summer: or midday, when the sun .1;; e1, , and after fjiht: (Mqb:) or from superfluo property. or from declins from the meridian, at the .l: seej;;, former half, in five places. -9 A means t An See also ; (TA.). (., 0, TA:) or the its declining until the .. ]: ;i1 The exterior (1, TA) and elevated (TA) A (0:) :.) pl. pi 5,': old cooking-plot: (0, tq.., which is nwhen the sun declines from tih as though, because of its oldness, it were thrown part of a [stony tract such as is called] ;a.. meridian: (Mqb:) or the vehement heat of mid. behind the back. (TA.) day: (IAth, TA:) or i. q. ** [q. v.]: (Az, TA :) (, TA.) 9 243

190 pl. )LJ. (TA.) You say, ;;"il ."_ i;g

(Boox I,

[jA Made apparent, &c.- And hence, as and J;. also tV , but the former more commonly, came to him at the point of midday in summer; comp. aUi. Hence,] 3b ItL [when the sun lA.; and another signification of ;aU;: for applied to a noun, Explicit; and, elliptically, &c]: and 'j4i 'X ;5 U and .. ($ had become high, and the shade had almost dis- all of which see ;c, third quarter. - [Also The an explicit noun; opposed to ' appeared: so expl. in art..,j]. (9, O.) And noun, i.e. a pronoun); and to '~ (a external, outward, or'extrinsic, state, condition, concealed 5J,JI ;> JL. ,S' Stay thou until the midday- or circumt~nces, of a man: and the outward, or noun of vague signification).] heat shall have become assuaged,and the airbe cool apparent, character, or disposition of the mind: Possessing camed for riding orfor carry. . (L in art. .) And hence, in a trad. of'Omar, opposed to OQI.] - One says also, aU^ jp (.,* $,. TA.) - And ing goods: pl. XA.. when a man came to him complaining of gout in ~,l L. Such a one has the ascendancy, or A camel made to roeat by the ;;j [or vWhnnt meaning Tahe mastery, over such a one; is conqueror of him, the feet, he said, 4L,JI .i4..-, in or victorios over him (TA.) And j.1 UA heat of midday in summer]. (Sgh, TA.) And thou to walking during the heat of the midday& meaniU, L summer. (TA.) A hiL This is a thing, or an affair, that oe accord. to As, one says, t 1;; ing Such a one came to s in the time of ths te l A.i kJY One of the modes of seizing [and thro- come, or overpors, thee. (TA.) And [or midday in summer, &c.]: but accord. to :^l 'm I This is an affair which tlwu tast A'Obcyd, others say I.l, without teshdeed; ing down] in wretling: or i.q. aj.i: (i:) U ;1 and this is the proper formnn: ( :) or both mean, the tvisting one's leg with the kle of another in power to do. (TA.) [And manner that is termed ';i:, and so throw- He is a conqueror, a intner, an achierer, or an iu tle time of the i. (0.) te! 4 .1 , a attainer, of such a thing: see an ex. voce s/z, ing him down: one says, a;,JJI *J&.i and * ": see >', near the end of the paragraph. is one of the names near the end.] And .L1;

[I alightad, or took up his abode, outide the city:

1a,rjil [He seied him and thirew him down by

the trick above described]: both signify the same: (ISh, 0:) or ""l , signifies the throwing one down upon the back. (Ibn-iAbb6d, 0, g.) And (henoe, as being likened thereto, TA) : A

certain mode, or manner, of compressing, or

He coitus. (0, ], TA.) - And 3'9AJl i;t bound his hands behind his back. (Ibn-Buzurj, O, Jg, TA.) aUi [Outward,'exterior, external, extrinsic, or cxoteric: and hence, appearing,apparent, ovrt, open, percep)tible or lteiwed, manifest, conrpicuous, ostensible, plain, or evident: in all these

of God, meaning The Ascendant, or Predoninant, is known overall thibgs: or, as some say, Hie lwho to appears what from mind the of 'by inference pass. part. n. of 'j; [q. v.]. - See also ';fi his and actions his mankind of the effects of . a. 1 jb attributes. (IAth, TA.) means : Huis Want is in thine estimation [an object Quasi jji of contempt, or ne~lect, as though] cast lhindul tI 3. bUi, occurring in a trad. for>J: seee in bachk. (O, TA.)- _IAllU 153: see;Jb, towards or Stheep, 'j .tUl the end of the paragraph. art. jU. goats, that come to the water every day at noon. (TA.)

1. ijli *1i He came driving him anway; as see Wj1:, asa subst.; and its pl. .U a in four places, in the third quarter ofthe paragraph. also i'L.4. (Ibn-'Abbad, O, I.) senses] contr. of *. : (9, g, TA:) and so ,j Those, of gureysh, that [Hence,] ..t!Jia tJi: see what follows, in three places. tl; Outwardly, &tc.: dwell in the e~terior of Mekkeh, (0,) upon the (TA.) [Hence, ?;Y. tU4 (S, O, ) i. e. 4... 1j and and apparently; &c.: and ?U.I U in appear- mountains thereof, (1,* TA,) or upon thle higher [Ie toolk him, or laid liold upon iim,] by the skin It appears, or it parts of Mekhli: (TA:) those who dwell in the U.l.JIt ance. And 1 . A and oj .;L& (0, 1c:) or ii ; (0, TA-;) of his neck: seems, or what seems to be the case is, that it is lower parts are called 'll ,; bUifor I.$ . to, or thus. And I. meaning A person, or thiing, in iwhom, or in which, such a quality is apparent, or manifest, &c.: see an ex. in a verse cited in the first para[. _ [Hence See also graph of art. X>..] and these are the more honourable, (O, TA,^) because they are neighbours of the House of see; aAnd See also ;jAi. God. (O.) - Also The coming of camels, (S, 0, ], TA,) and of sheep or goats, (TA,) to the water every day, at noon. (., 0, [, TA.) One says, of 0, . A prominent eye; (,O, also,] J.Ui [i4&t) [They TA;) that fills its cavity. (TA.) - And 1A camels, [and of sheep or goats,] come to the water ceery day, at noon]: and Sh 1;& . aW Ir This is a thing, or an affair, * says that they return from the water at the .~.

, Ql%U i.e. [he laid hwd upon] the whole of Au neck: or tia pendnt hair in the hollo of the [&c.]. j ~i ' bach of his neck: (M:) i q.
(9. [See more voce Jy: and see last .4",

sentence.]) And O, ]g) and ?*L,


-- (Ibn-Abbad,

of wrtich te disgrace is remote from thee: (, X -I 4j (TA.) And TA :2 or doe' not cleave to thee.. (TA.) And (TA.) noon. at day, esery Th9is is a vice, or fault, that Jt;&-

J4, (Ibn(g,) and Abbid, 0,)I left him alone. (Ibn-Abbd, 0,1 .) *Ji l;i He hardly escaped. (Frey[And s;

?;lg The hors drank tag from the Deew6n of the Hudhalees.)] Z.FI Au [The

the water at noon on alternate days] is coming to to doe not cleave to thee. (A.) A poet says, goats; scarcely ever, or never, for or for sheep (namely, Kutheiyir, accord. to a copy of the ., . I made [or wrote] and ' 2. ':zL t camels; and is a little shorter [in the interval] or Aboo-Dhu-eyb, TA,) a beautfuid J. (M,* TA.) (O, TA.) i. than what is called [simply] 11 ,;j . ' JliA 0 a also pronounced , (TA,) A kttr pecui~ar tr', IrrIr L $4:131 tPJj [i. e. A place of ascent, or a to the Arabic language [i. e. the letter 1b]: (Kh, ; -; i. q. ~ place to which one ascends]; (O, ]; in some T, TA, &c.:) mase. and fem.: as masc., its pl. t i. - - f copies of the latter of which, both words are fem., ;llU. (TA. [See art. i.]) t [And the slanderers taunted he. with thefact of erroneously written with dammn to the.*; TA;) is :il; and as my loving her; but titat is a fault of whichl the and .; [as meaning a degree, grade, rank, disrace is remote from thee]. (;, TA.) Quasi ... condition, or station, or an exalted, or a high, exterior, or outsid, he signifies [jfLI also grade, &c.]: (O:) used by En-Nabighah Ele, for !k: see the latter, in artjb. He Ja4dee as meaning Paradise (0, TA.) of a thing. You say, 4.Ji1 ' l j.


'h ciigteentth ltter of the alphabet: called ' L. It is [one of the letters termed ;;.' , or vocal, i. e. pronouned with the voice, not with the breath only; and] of the letters termed ' [or faucial]; these being and and * and t and t [and l]; the lowest of which in its place of utterance is t; wherefore Kh [in the composition of his lexicon entitled " Kitib el-'Eyn"] and several other lexicographers [after him] began their books with [words having] this letter [in their roots], giving the next place to C, the next to ., the next to , and the next to t. (L, TA.) It is substituted for. [in what is termed the of Temeem]; as in . for iS: and for t; as

in a single stream, rvithout interruption: (TA:) and the drinking fvith the mnouth from a place, or reel, containing wvater, not wiith the hands nor ,with a ~vd: (~, TA:) you say, .WI i ~, and tl ,i. he so drank of the water, and from the v~eel: and [accord. to some] one says of a bird, 4..; not j,: (TA:) [but] Es-SaraIustee says, one does not say of a bird s3S .,.j., but



(O, 1(, TA,) as some say, (TA,)

and :..JI t , (0, g, TA,) which is the form commonly known and obtaining, (TA,) Tie light of the un: (0, K, TA:) or the light of tshe dawn (Az, TA.) By , as a proper name, is meant ,_ , : ISh says, among Sald are and among ]Cureysh, * i

u-I. (TA.) [See also '.]--' is _.~. (Msb in art. ,.,,.)_ - lj , ,, in a trad. respecting the s [i. e. Molammad's for P , meaning HaiL (Q in art. jl_.) pool], as some relate it, means [T7o spouts] were /. q. C,, (0,],) which means The bat,e i pouring forth into it rwith an uninterrupted pourve: ( and g in art. Xjj :) or ing: but accord. to the relation commonly known, (J,1) oft'tle the fors part of the sleev of the sAirt: (M in that the verb is E., [i. e. in this sense, but art.:) or the lo~er part tereofJ: (M in that art., ;y in another sense, as meaning the making a and Igar pp. 149 and 390:) or the sleerc altoin - for and . for ~:and for ; murmuring sound,] with t and :.. (TA.) getAr: (M in that art. :) but, as MF says, it is as in ; for ;. (MF, TA.) It is never a vulgar word. (TA.) consociated with C in any word of which the _3.I A, .. (]j,) [aor., app. %.,] inf. n. c, letters are all radicals; unless it be a word com- (Tg,) The bucket made a sound in ladiag out the The berries ( .) of tAhe . I or water. ( And jl' 1 c, inf. n. ;, A.) .l. [thus differently written, from the Pers. pounded of two words, as '~. from A. &i Tite sea rose high, with multitudinous raves. (A.) (Kh, TA.) _ [As a numeral, it denotes &enty.] b],i (I~,) which, accord. to more than one [Accord. to Golins, we said of the sea means It . had broken rwaret: but for this he has named no of the leading authorities, is a tree, but is expl. authority.]_ And [hence,] V ; .; : His by the author of the ]( [in its proper art.] as meaning a gum: (TA:) [what is here meant by speck was continual and abundant. (A.)1. aor. L, (e, Mgh, O, MCb,) inf. n. c, a, 'r, [an inf. n., of which the verb, accord. to it is the physaias alkekengi, or common witlter(?, Mgh, O, Mpb, 1g,) He (a man, Msb) drank cherry: accord. to Forskil (Flora Aegypt. Arnb analogy, is app. 4, first pers. &, water t~ taking breath: (0, Msb, TA; and general p. cvi.) the name c is applied to the physalis A ,T in art. *: [this is the sense in which it is aor. ,.,] means [The interrupting in swallosomnifera: and also (pp. cxxi. and cxxii. and generallyused:]) or he drankwater without sipping ing; or] the interruptingthe swallowing. (TA.) 163) to the croton lobatum and croton villosu, :] - S., [aor., app., 7,] said of a plant, It be- or it is applied by the physicians to the [plant or mw/hisyi (in p& c): (,0:) thus, (, came tall. (g.) - And [said of a man] His itself called] bSb: (0:) or i. q. .i _I ; 0, Mb,) in the manner termed , ($, O,) i. e. face became beautiful, or comely, after having (IAgr, 0,1];) which is said by Ibn-1;abeeh to W~ f * .-, (Msb,) the pigeon drinks water, become atere (TA.) be an incorrect appellation, (O, TA,) being corl,ke horse and similar beasts; (g, O, Mb ;) 5. .aI. . He drank the aQ [q. v.]. rectly , but AM denies that the former is whereas other birds take it sip after sip: (Mb :) incorrect: (TA:) or i. q. fj; (g ;) i. e. the tree or he drank water at once, without interrupting (L, TA.) - And siJ ,a He persevered, or .the sR~allo g: AA says, the pigeon drinks thus; persisted, in drinking the [beverage caled] H. caUld ;T: (TA:) or a tree, or plant, ( ,) oJ' differing from the other birds; for these drink by (Lb, the [kind called] : (g:) AItn says, on p.) And He swalloed in consecutive little and little: (Mgh:) [in like manner also] the authority of Aboo-Ziyid, it is of the .1,j, portions the .', (A, TA,) and in large Esh-Shafi'ee says, the pigeon is a bird that drinks and is a tree, or plant, (;~.1,) resembling the quantity. (A.) in the manner termed %,, and cooes; for it does l,,L_ [peganum harmala of Linn.], ~cept that R. Q. 1. 44 He was put to flight. (0, Z.) not drink like other birds, by little and little: it is taller, coming forth in the form of string, (TA:) and it is said in a trad. that the liverR. Q. 2. E$. I took it, or devoured it, and having pods (a.) like thoe of the , _, complaint (.j0l1) is occasioned by drinking in altogether. (0, .j and sometimes the goats nibblefrom its leaves and the manner termed (?,O,TA:) T: or from its pods when they up; it has also .JJ! 4.: see the next paragraph. ap. berries, intensey red, liedry signifies [simply] the drinking water: or the beads of carnmElian, glpi~g, or swaU~ g down: or the doing o S. is said when one orders another to conceal smallUer than the i [or fruit of the lote tree], wumte tedl/y: (, TA:) orthe drinking water himself. (IA#r, TA.) and larger than tihe grape; and people seek out


1932 th leave thereof that have not been rendered [app., from what here follows, over a fire,] and foraminou, vwhich leaves are then bruised, and is t/en drunk:' (TA:) or what drops, or distils, used benficially as a dresingfor maladiesattended of the eaudations (, i) of the J& : or .e: 5 with pain: the people assert that the jinn, or ) of Io, accord. to ISk, is the infusn (i genii, perforate them in envy of mankind. (O.) ;; (S, TA;) .i being a substance which the , Waters pouring forth co,nously. (IAr, [plant ealled]il eaudes, of .seetflavour; what O, ].) [It may be a pL of ,'. (as Golius falls thereof upon the ground is taken, and put says), like as ;j is of .h.] into a garment, or piece of cloth, and water is and poured upon it, and when it flows from the garment, or piece of cloth, it is drunk, in a sweet Lt., indeel.]. I,A ' [app. as used in the state, and sometimes it is made thick; (S ;) or ~ S . prov. here following] means ,JI is a substance which the .Al exudes, sweet (-. [Thus in one of my copies of the $: in the like /,l [q. v.]; and when any of it flows upon other copy the explanation is written , i ~ the ground, it is taken, and put into a vessel, or ,ll, as though , were /l. an imperativo verbal sometimes it is poured upon water, and then noun: and so in tho O, in which the phraseo is drunk, in a sweet state, and sometimes it is made "1: but , I think a mistran- thick-: (TA:) [or ,JI a'..:. is a decoction of written A scription.]) The saying J s,ll .l&l,4C1 Ill the matter extded by a species of. AL;; for] AM says, I have seen, in the desert, a species of. Al vb _ means TVhen the :fc 1 that exudes a sweet gum, whichl is gathered from gazelles find water, they do not drink in the -& l its shoots, and eaten, and is called,. l .:1 manner termed , ; and when they do not find when it has remained for some time, it is found it, they do not prepare to seek it and to drink it: scattered at the foot of the flt, and is taken with (1, TA; and thus (V,G and .,4) accord. to its dust, and put into a garment, or piece of cloth, but in tho CI. ,i1y and and cleansed by water poured upon it; then it is the Mz, 40th p: 4,AA:) it is a prov., frequently used by the boiled over a fire until it thickens; when it is Arabs in an abridged manner, .,1 ~jy O.t "), eaten: what flows from it [or the fluid part of it] means "I as in ditho works of Meyd and others; (TA;) is called a.'-: and a...' " and is applied to a man who turns from a thing, drank aI.." (L, TA.) It is stated in a marinot needing it. (Meyd.) ginal note in the L, that A'Obeyd [is related to U.i The main body of a torrent, or flow of have] said thaitt. is "milk such as is termed water: and the height and abundance thereof: .1 :" but AM observes that thlis is a disgraceful billows, or nsrge, thereof: mistake, and that A'Obeyd is related on the (O, 1 :) or the (1] :) and the first pm.tion (0, 1) thereof (O) or authority of Sh to have assigned this meaning ot' a thing: (15 :) and tlhe first and main portion to . (TA.) - Also The [shrub called] .j, of water: and the verlemence of running thercof. (1:, TA,) on wrhich camelsfeed, (TA,) nean it is (TA.).--[llenec,] / : see 1, near the in a depressedtl tract of land. (1K, TA.) a ' I *- 0 o U1 cend. - It is said in a trad., a~.j g. A woman of whom a child scarcely ever, ,6 A,;at, meaning [Verily we are or never, dies. (Kr, 1.) tlv.. ~ ~ a tribe sprung fiom AIedh-A.j, the chief of tleir l.o and Ja#, (8, O, g, TA,) [like iw1 and nobility, or nobles, and the trest, or best, issue] of their ancestty, or [the purest, or best, inheritors] 0,o and aIs, in the CK (erroneously) without of their ancestral mnight and glory. (TA: only the sheddeh to the u,,] also written , with 'A in this saying being there explained.) And in a trad. of 'Alee, relating to Aboo-Bekr, ; . , (Abu-l-.Hasan Alee Esh-Shadhilee,) Pride; hautghtines: (S, O, 15:) and glorying. (1.) ' 6. 0 Ztt1I,.ei 1 11 ;h %, expl. voce :o _. (TA.) *.3, ., One says a 5# ,)j .. A man in whom is ride, t Tey came [with And one says, ,%j 1j l_ or lhaughitess. ($, O.) And their whole company, or] all together. (TA.) means The npride, or haughtiness, of the people of [or leaf ofa palm-tre .c.]. (g.) Also A i. the Timn of Ignorance. ($, O.) :.:a may be L.s A certain food, (,,) or sort of food, of the measure Za; or a/U.: if the former, from (TA,) and a beverage, (Q, TA,) obtained (TA) &lJ1 ,.l. meaning the height of water:" if the from the [species of mimosa called] 1, of sweet flavour: (15, TA:) or the eulation [or matter latter, [originally ag. z,,] from oL., without,, meaning "lie prepared it;" because the proud is exuded in the form of drops] of gum; ( 11l; [written in the TA without any syll. characterized by aflbfectation and preparation. (O.) 0 1* ,Ai [app. One that d-in,s in the manner &, ,p& and so in my MS. signs; in the CV q1. [a quasi-inf. n., of the class of

(Boox I.
t..B Thile softness, tenderness, bloom, orflourAnd ishing freshness, of youth. (,, 0,1.) Youth, or youthfulness, in its state offuU growth, or maturity: (TA:) or afull-gronn or mature,

youth: (O :) or i.q. q.4J



meaning ,,JIai L'~ [i.e. a youth ful of thc sap, or vigour, of youthfulneu]. (TA.) - And means . J~ A buck-gazelle. (S, O.)_-. in speecA. (TA. Bulky in form, big (J.) [But the addition "big in speech" is app. a mistake, occasiolled by an omission or a trans])_ -... See also another meanposition: see 1Jl, (O, g, TA,) _And -;.;. ing voce (0,) but not a mistranscription for -. ;il, sometimes pronounced with t, (TA,) is the namo of A certain idol, (O, I, TA,) belonging to gKu.i'ah (O, TA) and thoe dwelling near to them. (TA.) And Tle place ofthe idol [app. of the idol above mentioned] (g, TA) is also sometimes thus called. (TA.) Sec also .'~ l. . Also A woollen [garmnent of the kind called] ...s: (S, O :) or a soft ,. (., TA,) thickly woven, (TA,) of soft canmels' hair: (1;,TA:) or a soft and thin L,.: (Lth, TA:) or a striped o.L . (TA.) - And A garment w/ide, or ample. (01, .') UIp A flock, or small portion, of red [or brown] wooL (O, .K.) And Brisknas, liveli ness, or s.nightliprss: and insanity, or madness. (TA voce .) ;~tZ. A taU man; (S, O, ] ;) as also V. (O, K.) - And A man having an ample throat J0q and chest. (0, 15.) One says ,.,j A man having an ample throat and clest, big (Jq..') in lpeech. (O.) - And A youth, or or young man, (TA,) or an ass, (0, [in which this appllication is confirmed by the citation of a verse wherein the epitlhet is evidently applied to a swift beast such as the wild ass,])fuU-llon, anid goodly in malkc. (0,1, TA.) Abundance of water. (, O, 1. [Seec also a...]) The XO is said by AM [and in the. O] to be augmentative. (TA.) [But it is .] .And also mentioned in the 1K in art. The foremost portion of a torreat; (15 in art. .. (So in some copies of the ;) as also I5 and in the TA in that art.)eAnd A certain plant. (.1.) I,v. Poor. (0, g.) (0, K.) And T'hick-nosed.




copy of the 1]; but in the latter, the former word has been altered, app. from 3j9, which is evidently the right reading;]) it is of veettflavour, and isj beaten with [the implement called] a until it become thoroughlyfitfor ue ( ,i _ j),

termed ,.t]. .1o,! y is an appellation of a people of the Arabs who were thus called because they intermixed with the Persians so that their horses drank ('L&, 15,TA, i. e. ,,, TA) of the water of the Euphrates. (1,' TA.)

A river, or rivulet, that runs in a ch' rft ment manner: (., A, O:) or a rivudet, or streamlet, abounding in ivater. (].) - And hence, (A, and ISar p. 68,) or from .Eil .,; (A,* TA) meaning " the vehemence of the running of water," and therefbre tropical, (TA,) XA horse that runs muclh (S, O, TA, and lIar ubi supra) and vehemently: (TA:) or a horse that is sm,ft (1K, TA) in his running, (TA,) and, (1g,) or, as some say, (TA,) long, or tall, syn. : (K, TA:) or a courser easy in his running: or

BooK I.]
that take long, or n,vide, steps, (s,) in running, or that run far. (QJ accord. to different copies.) ,,& gives [Golius, who writes the word locust that A of that among its significations a copy of in K; the from as rapidly, leap. far or which he probably found )lt;; written by mistake for $ ] .. _ It is also used as an epithet meaning Long, in the saying of fuss, my Lord? (TA.) One says also, m ;iL. b meaning I did not rechon him as anything; 1t, or did not esteem him at all. (Aboo-'Abd-Erie I did not Rahmdin, TA.) And :% W ,ptc care for, mind, heed, or regard, him: (T, TA :)

1933 (L, V, TA,) in vhich are [ge~ray] stripes; wool. (TA.) [q. v.] of and said to be a a 1 [See also art. .&: and for a description and representation of the 4ttl now most commonly worn in Egypt and Arabia and Syria, see my "Modern Egyptians."]

t,. (Msb.) And 'Ai lc a' or so ,v ., L. i. q. "&a. [as meaning A way of thinkGod has received with applrobation everything to owhich one takes as a tenet]: (0, ]g:) from ing from kiAn. (Aboo-Ad,i,n, TA.) - And 1J L' lIe thought it, or opined it, and held it, or took d i "he thought it," &c. (O.) tS., i. e. [A palm-tree bearingfruit, by the side of] a to it as a tenet. (0, TA.).e- .. lb, aor. , aL:? The piece of rag 1ued by a woman menlong tract depressed in the middle, with elerated lis face shone: (IAar, TA:) and so l.c, aor. struating. (IAar, O, P. [See 8.]) borders, containing water. (TA.)-Also Clouds. ~.. (Q in art. c.) (].)- And 4 ,$J1 is the name of A certain 2: see 1, former half, in two places. i(ol. (O.)

8. i4:&l

is syn. with t:.1:


, TA:)

one says, of a woman, ;3L.J, .i4Cl [or ;,i;.l 1. t4, aor. ', inf. n. ?: , Ile packed up aor. as above, (1,) S and 1K, meaning She (S, O.)-[Hence,] .c, goods, or utensils; put them one upon another: alone, as indicated in tle and so the inf. n., (S, 0,) lie made, or prepared, stuffed her vulva with the ol, q. v.]. (TA.)_ (TA:) you say, .;1?t & 1 pjJt [Ipacked ; &; .; an And [tcl app. signifies lie put togetherfor him- %:; [q. v.]: (S, O, I :) or so tie thing in the repoxitory], aor. as above: and , .J 1j1 says, One (O.) s-f; or grasped; or got, or gained, possession of; also t. 1;. some allow also ;~ with teshdeed and IS 3 moist meaning The woman poured out wrlaat reas to j." yl.' j oc; property,] one says, [which is commonly used in the present day]: of the [preparation of curd caUlled] , rchen it c. (Ibn-Buzurj, TA.) .:] or l., (?, "Il~jlj ' also, inf. n. (Mb :) [and '-' was cooked, on what was dry thereof, upon the O, Ig,) aor. as above, (v,) and so the inf. n.; see the next paragraph. ~ Also The [mat, or cloth, caUlled] ., or L, [the former ',~: (* , light of the sun: (IAar, O, 1 :) and so J5. and ';.; (8, O ;) and * ~, inf. n. accord. to the 0 and a copy of the S, and the O, 1];) he prepared, set in order, di/posed, or (IAgr, O, ], &c.,) of the former of which IA.r latter accord. to another copy of the 1,] in order arranged, goods, or utensils: (?, 0, ]:) and says that it is not known whether it be a dial. that vwhat was dry thereof might bear [aul not each, (i],) or the former, (Myb,) or the latter, var. of the latter or the original thereof; and he suffer to pass through the .e] what was moist. (S, 0,) and L., with teshdeed and kS, (Msb,) says also that 3' ' signifies the same; (TA;) or (Aboo-ai'id El-Kilibce, 8, O.) And Li;l - , [agreeably with the authority of Yoo, for] Yoo so .,-; (TA in art. c ;) the pl. of which is n. as above, IIe dried the {it in the used to say A 1J :-, without ,, (S, O,) he j.: (TA in that art. and in the present also :) aor. and inf. sun: or he mixed it with clarifed butter: and ftted out ith the requiite equipage ,c., (;,) or so too does c, (IC in art. ",..,) accord. to some. 4a., with t, is a dial. var. thereof. (TA.)~ prepared, (0,) or set in order, diposed, or (TA in that art.) aor. ', (, Mgh, O, Msb, g,) inf. n. :, ;, arranged, (0, M/b,) or et in order, disposed, or arranged, in their places, and prparedfor war ,s A load, or burden, (S, 0, Mhb,' ], TA,) (S, Mgh, O, Msb,) He played, or tported; (S, or fight, (TA,) the horsemen, (S, 0,) or the of goods, or merchandise, &c.; (TA;) or such as Mgh, O, Msb, ]C ;) and mingled togjether unprofitable actions; (Mgh;) or and did that in army. (Mob, IC, TA.) And l sJ ,c,0 Ipre- a debt, or some other reponibility that one takes or he played with upon himself: (Lth, TA:) a weijht, (Mob, g,) which wtas no profit; (Msb ;) pared for him evil, or mischief. (TA.)- - , which ie 4c., (Msb,) or of anything: (s:) pl. that vwhich did not concern him andfor (AZ, S, 0, ~,) aor. as above, (TA,) and so of debt, He did not care. (TA.) You say, e ~ .osl; J (S, O, Msb.) One says,4l . .i{. the inf. n., (AZ, S, 0,) also signifies lie made, played, or sported, [or amused himtlf,] with him, (J4,) or prepared and made, (AZ, 8, 0,) and i. e. [I bore] the weights, or burdenm, of debt, ,c., [which signifies or it; (TA;) and at 1 .t7 of the people, or party. (Msb.) - And A halfmixed, perfume; (AZ, ., O, ] ;) and so *., .j* el11 710.)-_And p. (1[am same]. the nide of a beast, (TA.) [And load; or burden borne on one inf. n. [t:'_and :,si5; and J. iponderant to another on the other sde; syn. t [Fortune made sport writh him]; a phrase alluaccord. to an explanation of the inf. n. in the of goods [,rc.]: each of what ding to the mutability of fortune. (Myb.) - And J.s; (,O,,;) KL, it seems that .l4 signifies He exeited a good, occurring in a trad., means t He ., And I.4L; ($, O.) or pleasant, odour; as rendered by Golius: but are termed Qle: pl. as above. [hence] A like; as also * 4.: (, O, ]:) pl. mored his hands, or arms, in his teep, like'hirm this I think doubtful.] - . t 1lC means What as above. (TA.) One says, l' i. Thuis vwho is pushing away or taking, or giving or shall I do with it? (T, ,, TA,) namely, the receiving. (TA.) is the like of this. (TA.) Vur the , in Lea :k L;t TA.) afaiir. (T, 4: see 1, second sentence. ;;: see the next paragraph. -Also, (.K, [xxv. last verse], is said by Mujfhid to mean 5: see 1, last sentence but two. What wil my Lord do ith you ? but see another TA,) applied to a man, (TA,) Stupid, dull, or (TA.) [But see explanation of this in what follows. (TA.)heavy: (g, TA:) like .L.. Play, or sport, (S, O, TA,) in wlieh is . And it signifies also I do not care for, mind, , (, in art. .G. to be reckoned, or of which no account profit no ]

, (S, A,' O, K,.) inf. n. , r. l. , (8, O,) Le mimed, or mingled, (S, A, O, J,) it.

(Msb, is to be made. (TA.) [See also ,~, of which ;, (Msb, g, TA,) as also C 'Lt., not receive with approbationanything from him, nor anything of his discourse: (Aboo-'Adnmn, TA,) a dial. var., with k in the place of the , it is the inf. n.] TA:) or, accord. to Aboo-Is-.1 [i. e. Zj], I do (Msb,) or the . is a substitute for k, (TA,) and aL %. with the p. quiescent, A single act oJ not hold him to be of any weigAt or worth; do not !t ,~, (],) or this is a pl., like :Al&L, (Msb,) I [or play, sport, &c.]. (s, O.) gen. a coll. is two these of former the rather [or of l, L i i"JA that eseem Ain: and he says in a certain dial., ~.': see -. _ -Also, which an explanation has been given above, n. of which ;,t is the n. un.,] A well-known [q. v.: accord. to ISk, tlhis latter means What wrdght have ye in the estimation of [wrt of woollen garment of the kind called] ."l., i. q. j~

heed, or regard,him: (?, 0, Msb, 1 :) or I do


[Boox I.

means The fluid that lows from IWJwhun it u kc.) & and L. and i. . (IItt) and o;j and ness made him a lave. (A.) And jU V~t1 cooked]. (L, TA) - Also A certain nweet-s,nel , o, (L,) He served, worshipped, or adored, He made me to pose. such a one as a slave: (A, ng plant. (0, V.) God; rendered to Him religious service, worship, 0, Msb, g:) so accord. to Lth: but Az says or adoration: (L:) or he obeyed God: (It.t :) that the meaning of li c as commonly A1;?e [The preparation of curd called] Jil or he obeyed God with humility or submissiveness; he 1:adds, whereof rohat is moist is poured out, rwhen it il rendered to Him humble, or submissive, obedience: known to the lexicologists is j,a however, that he does not deny the meaning cooked, upon what is dry thereof, and mixed witl (IAth, L, Mob:) [or, inf. n. .c4, he did what assigned by Lth if it can be verified. (L.) it: (Aboo-&'id El-Kilabee, ~, O:) or L'u I God approved: and, inf. n. he he, approved Ij) ? i.~ t, occurring in a trad., or as some [i. e. JaI prepared by mixing, or othernise, app. what God did: (see the former of these ns. bemeans He took an emancipated in the manner described above]: ( K: [see also 1, low:)] the verb is used in these senses only when relate it, . 1l, third sentence:]) and JAi and cj~ [or meal ojf the object is God, or a false god, or the Devil. man as a slave: i. e. he emancipated a slave, and then concealed the act from him, or confined him, lparchd barley or heat] mixed with claripfe 1 (TA.)=43I d! z~ I rwas excited against and made him to serve him by force; or he took butter, and then eaten: (8, 0:) or J$U mixze him to an'noy, molest, harm, or hurt, him. (0, a freeman, and pretended that he was a slave, with clarifed butter: and I! pounded with I.) - And .G. W WThat has withheld and took possession of him by force. (L.) _ dates, or with dried dates, and then eaten, and theefrom me? (IAar, L.)~ , nor. t, inf. n. .bc also signifies Hie brought him under, drunk; as also ~ ~: (TA:) or it signifies,* ;..' and a2.s#, accord. to L.h and IKtt, but (namely, a man,) subdued him, or rendered him (J,) or signifies also, (i, O,).*L; [app. meaning r A'Obeyd held that there is no verb to these two submissive, so that le did tle work of slaves. (AZ, wreag] which is cooked, and in rwhich locu~ s ns., e vas, or became, a slave, or in a state of TA.) %., inf. n. as above, is syn. with ,1). (S, (01+) are put: (?, 0, ]g:) and wheat andI slavery: or he was, or became, in a state of O.) [And hence it has also the following signifi. ba,ley mixed together: so in the saying, 'jk .. davery, his fathers having been so before him; as cations, among others indicated by explanations of its pass. part. n. below._ He rnderd a (L.) _ Lth read [in the[~ur v. 5] .L. 3U ~ [Such a one came with wheat and also .4 camel submissive, or tractable. - And He beat, barley mixd to~ether in hpi sio~ bag]: pl. ~. tlpJI ,~; explaining the meaning to be, or trod, a road, or path, so as to make it even, or :L , . (;, O.) - Also t Sheep, or goats, ,E.t Tghoot having become an object of worship; easy to walk or ride upon.] ~ . [as intrans.], and saying that ~[, here, is a verb similar to inf n. as above, lie departed, taking fright, and mird together. (TA.) One .says, MI 'i~7 'a~' t [The sheep, or goats, became one J . and Z: but Az says that in this he has runningaway, or going awvay at random: (0,]:) mixed~ or herd]; and so 8jm~.lj 4: this committed a mistake. (L.)~=s, aor. ', inf. n. or he hastened, or went quickly. (TA.) And is when sheep, or goats, meet others and enter ,. (and *,, or this is a simple subst., L), He ,.% He hastened time after time, running. (TA.) among them and become mixed with them: it is was, or became, angry; (Fr, S, 0,* L, Mob, 1 ;) -- '.1i Jat 1f o. L, (inf. n. as above, S,) He [and so t _.J, in the delayed not, or n:as Deewlin of Jereer, accord. not slov, to do, or in doing, a proverb. (S, O.) And 11 he; t The that. (S, O, .*) mized sorts of men or of the (po O, , to Freytag;] like .,41 and .~1 and Cul ,: (Fr:) , TA,) who are not fom om ancestor, and who and he was long angry. (L.) You say, fi 4. .l as trans.: see 2, former lialf, in four are coyregatoed variou, or ~undry, places. He was angry with him. (Fr.) And El- places. - l~l . Tlcwy collected themselve to(TA.)-And ; signifies also : One whose Farezdag makes it trans. without a prep., saying gether ; assembled together. (C..) . ,,l line of anctor is mid (AO , 0, O , TA) and ! ~;"-. (L.) - He disdained,or scorned. (AZ, q.Jl, The people, or party, beat the man: (0, S, O, L.) El-Farezdal4 says, vitiated (C, 0.) K:) or collected temnselccj together and beat.him. One wAo plays, or tports, much, or ofte

(OI [In the 0 written , but said in the 1 to be like *',, perhaps a mistranscription for -,!J[as part. n. of Playing, or porting, (Mqb, TA,) with that whic doe not bonern
hips and for nhAih he doe not care, (TA,) and

doing that in hich is no p~ lj


(M9 b.) clarified butter and cand

: so it is said to mean

date mied mith freh m in the following verse:


Ik.5 L,; ,.G,,3

[ Whe the mess ofour and clarified butter and data mied ithfrsh milk dipleassu w, ne leave 9. *` , (S," A, O,' Msb, ,*) in. n. it, and chooe thefat cames hump, or the came's hump cut in piece]: (?, 0: [see also :1) (,O,g;) and ,~l, (d , A,O, 1,)inf. n. ;lel; (S;) a d and ; , (S,O, 0, g,) and this verse is by Nlshireh Ibn-MIUk, replying to ? eJa.e; (S,( O,* Mob, g ;*) He made him, El-Mukhabbal, who reproached him for feeding or took him as, a dave; he enslaved him: (S, A, upon milk. (IB, TA.) O, Mqb, g:) or .~ and * *.c1 (TA) and tV-a3 andV (A) he made him to be as a slave to him. (A, TA,) See also 1, former )1t C ~ L dlol. aor. t p in n. o^ (Ilt, L, M}b, half. You say [also] '

(TA.) l lHis riding-camel bearme fatigued: (S, 0;,:) or periswed; or flagged, [And I disdain to satirize Kuleyb with Ddrim: or became ponerless; or stopped with him: (S, the former being unworthy to be coupled with the O:) or died, or became ill, or went away, so that latter even as an object of satire]. (S, O, L.) di [See also ,f.] - He denied, diacklnomledged, he was obliged to stop: (L:) i. q. t t.l [q. v.], (S, O, L, I,) from which it is formed by transor disallowed. (O, ].) [See, again, .o.] He repented, and blamed himself, (0, R, TA,) position. (TA.) for having been remiss, or having fallen short of 5. ._ .Hebecame, or made himself, a voant doing what he oughtw to have done. (TA.) - lle of God; devoted himself to religiowu svicOe or mourne, gr~ed, or was sorrowfful. (L.) - -He exercises; applied himself to acts of devotion. was covous; or inordinately,or culpably, desi7ous. A, O, L, Myb, 8.) And A(, j,a He (O, g.) And & c He clave, or kept, to it, or became, or made himself, a servant of God by him, ineparaby. (L.) - And, (O, L, i,) said [following the religion of] l.-Ildm; [i.e. hU of a camel, (L,) He was, or became, affected foUowed El-Ism as his rel.ion;] syn. d Jl. with mange, or scab: (L:) or with incurable mange or scab: (0, L:) or with vre mange or (Myb in art. Ow.) - Also, He (a camel) became refractory, and dificult to manage, (L,) sab. (-.)

.. ,. ', ...

like a

ilt animal. (L.) -

See also ,

i, irst

sentence. - o : see 2, first sentence, in two places. - Also He called him, or invited Aim, to bdice. (M9 b.) ijaI ."3 .Heldrove away the camd until he became fatiued (0, $, TA) and was obliged to stop. (TA.)

8: see 2, former half, in three places. 10: see S, in two places.


R, Q. 2. Ij

a TAy (a people) wet away

BooK L.]


[See the sound class, adopted because is originally pers of God according to the unitarian doctrine, an epithet: (TA:) and [tle following, with the or, of the norosij)ppersof God of this people: or exception of the first, and of some which are par- if there were to the Compasionate a son, I would1 -, originally an epithet, but used as a subst., 1 ticularized as being pls. of pls., are also said to be the first of his worshlipxpers: or if there be to (Sb, TA,) A male slave; (S, A, O, L, Msb, K ;)1 be pls., but are properly speaking quasi-pl. ns., tlw Compassionatea son, I am the first of nor(O, K,) accord. to some, ho shildppers; but I am not the first worshipper of i.q. .4.; (L, 1 ;) [but is now generally namely,] 't, applied to .a male black slave; and .I-*', to a rcad [in the Kur ubi suprA] ?.?~Jl .' , making God: or, accord. to Az, the best interpretation a prefixed noun, as meniing the ser- is one ascribed to Mujihid; i.e. if there be to male wiite slave; and this distinction has long Ithe I former then a ho bu fome p u mai'gth reixe sn anofthe , Compassionate a son in your opinion, I ans vants Et-T.ghoot; .of but. it is a of tw n. f t who have worshipped God alone, obtained;] contr. of .; (S. 1A, O, L, Msb ;) as the measure , like .a. and ,,,S, not a pl.; and who have thus charged you withl uttering a also t J., (L, .K,) in which the J is augmenthe meaning being the servant (. of O.I) Etfulsehood in this your assertion. (L.) tative: (L:.) and a servant, or worsl;pper, of God, and of a false god, or of the Devil: (Ltlih, Tdiglwot; (Akh, 8, 0 ;) and it is also used h ". , ' e~: see latr lyt ;af Latter .alf. L, &e.:) [you say a . and J! &c.: poetic license for Ol. (Fr, T, S, O;) and see also jel, which signites the same; and see and * ;,tc and t .,&; (S, 0, K ;) or, aceord. o. [as a subst. from .s (q. v.), Anger.-] the remarnks in this paragraph on the pls. to some, the last of these signifies slaves born in a Disdan, or scorn; (S, O, L, i ;) di;lain occaand . and a ~- &c.:] and a man, or hutman state of slavery; and the female is termedt V *; ioned by a saying at wvhich one ix ashamed, aNd Ltl ~and says that ' jS signifies .fron a number which one abstains through scorn and pridle: being; (M, A, L, ]C;) as being a bondman (L:) or intenmedisdainor scorn. (A.) .-. trength: (' ) to his Creator; (L;) applied to a male bd)n in a state of siarcry, generation after so in the sayin[Tre so t n e ayig .a, d4.~ to [Thtere is not an!l and to afemale; (Ibn-Hazm, TA;) whetherfree generation; but Az says that this is a mistake, sonth tn i.. . t,, ,. s,trength to ty garmen t]. (S, 0.) _ Strehnth or a dlave: (1g:) pl. 1 (S, O, Myb, K) and that ul s~. signifies the same as 41 .d , that :-~ ;~~-~~ and fatness: (0, O, I:) thus in the phrase 0U' ,. and .l., (11tt., TA,) [all pls. of pauc.,] it is thus used in a trad., and that .~ is applied ; ;1 [A sh-camel pos ing strcuqlh and of whichl the first is the most commonly known, in another trad. to poor men of the class called fatnes]. (, .) And one says [lso] fatness]. (~, O.) And one says [also] ~ i (Mob,) and t and ;, (S, O, MJ.h, 1,) 'ai;l >1; (L;) and V le.c and t ~a. and [if this be not a mistake for the phrase liere next which two and the first are the most commonly ctTA)and . .l ;'preceding]meaning .. -A trong she-camel. (L, Msb.) (T, & (IKtt, TA) and i.-~ like a known of all the many pls. of..c, (Msb,) 'Os and. --") YAnd Lastingnes, or continuance; syn. 4'; ,) and 1;-*' (Ya.a.oob, 8, 0, 1) and being like as u pl. of ,J, a rare form of 0, 'LS)Se.*, (,, 5 4t, TA,) and [11. , .. (0, L, K, TA;) in some lexicons .AUL; (TA;) g.q5 a,., (IKtt, TA,) and [pl. pl.] tZad, (O,' and t ' t L' pl.; (, 0;) or, accord. to some, it is a quasi....-.. ~ and strength. (L.) One says, ;.j~ Ji!). pl. n.; accord. to Ibn-Malik, *ed occurs as a g,) said to be pl. of '.''; (TA ;) and p! pl. meaning Tltere is not to thy garment any lastingpl. measure, but sometimes they use it in the .tlW, (1K,) pl. of o`l; (TA ;) and O , e, sw or continuance, and strength. (Lh, L.) manner of a pl. and make it fem., as in the in- (Es-Suyootee, MF,) app. pl. of .. (MF.); Also A stone with which perfinma is bruised, or stance of ,,%, and sometimes they use it in the L~iS g U i.., ~in the Rur lxxxc 29 mans pound, . (0, L, manner ofquasi-pl. ns. and make it masc., as in Then enter thiou among moy riyhteous serrants: . U.L.; [a [a rel. rel. n. a. from ]. , Certhe instances of _. and ,. '; (MF;) (Ksh, Bd, Jel:) or it means 5p . [among tain Dirhems, which were superior to those of late [accord. to the general and more approved tRy peculiar party]. (S, O.) - Also : Ignoble, tinmes, and of greater n'eight. (O, I*, TA.) opinion, it is a quasi-pl. n., and therefore fem. ,: *. and mase., but most commonly fem.;] and further or base-born; like as .~ is used to signify "generous," "noble," or "well-born." (Mgh in , as a subst.: see : _ and L,. &;.. it should be remarked that the common people A certain plant, of sn,eet odour, c c , art. .. )Also agree in making a difference between c and (O, JI, TA,) of which the camels arefond because ; se , last quarter. >1, by the former meaning slaves [and by the it makes the milk to become plentiful, and fattens; 0 l . . *# \ * 5~~~~~g.q.~: see ~., latter half, in twro places. latter meaning servants of God and also simply, it is sharp, or hot, (L;t. O, or 1_.TA,) in temwith the article Jl, mankind], saying, ;jb perament; and rten they delpastare it they be- . . see , latter half the are lave, and ail XM g; [this is come thirsty, adl seck thue water: (0, TA:) so And A short and bhoad a msant, of the servants of God]: (Az, L:) [and says IAr. (0.) J.a [or arroe-head, or qar-head, or blade]. . a distinction is also made between .;l and A', (AA, O, .) J : e ,near the beginning. respecting whilch see what follows:] other pls. of 1 &..... a a,., are ,. ' (S, , 0, g,) like X1. pl. of , . : see.o. 1 J~. and .' [both post-classical, the

in parties in every direction.

themeasure and like n~~~~~~~~~~ot a lone

(, 0,) and o , (, 0,1 ,) like X ... pl. of Xc: see the paragraphl commencing with l, bp~, (., 0,) and , (?,, 1,,) like pl. latter half.
of 2, pl. of (., O,) or this is pl. of ~'', like J. (Zj,) and is also a pl. of
.5-~~ ~

~ ~ ~~~~~?

, and .tstl (but the latter is rarely used, , (L,) Ibn-'Arafeh) Angry. (L.) And (both words) and some read [in the l]ur v. 65] ;.j.Lt 1, Disdainitj,or disdainful; scorning, or cornful. (L.) Accord. to AA, ". in the words of (Akh, 0,) J, and ' (MF) and ;j. and ,. i 1 and .1s and c, (Itt, TA,) the last three of the lur [xliii. 81], jJ IJli 3J. , J 'I t,"j. t X , means The disdainers,or scorners, and which are also pls. of .Ic: (L :) one says of the the angry (S," L:) but Ibn-'rafeh rejects this worshippers of a plurality of gods, ~* assertion: (TA:) these words are variously ex& [they are tJh servants ofEt- Tdghoot]; plained; as meaning Them is not to the Compas00. but the Muslims one calls A1 l., meaning the sionate a son; and I am the first of the angry e: see ., first and last quarters. srvants, or ~r'shipper, of God: (Lth, L:) [all disdainer or sconwers of the assertion that there these are pls. in the proper sense of the term, of is: or, and I am the first of the deniers of this [dim. of c. And, used as a proper the broken class :J and O~ , (0, 1g,) a pl. of assertion: or, and I am the firt of the w7orstip- name,] Thle son of the desert, or of tht. aterles 1 Bk. I. 244


latter, which is the more common, said by Forskil to be an appellation of the Cucumis chate, which is app. from .tL, denoting several species of cucumber; but it is] a sort of melon, [aboundingin EgyJpt, of littejflavour, eaten with sugmar,] said to be thus called in relation to 'AbdAllah Ibn-T{hir, a governor of Egypt on the part of El-Ma-moon. ('Abd-EI-Laleef: ee pp. 52 and 54 of the Ar. text, and pp. 34 and 35, and 125-7, of De Sacy's Tranal. and Notes: and see also Forskil's Flora Egypt. Arab. pp. lxxvi. and 168.) [See also,~.]


1936 dejrt: thus expl. by El-]aninee to Fr. (O.) 4., &l The desrt, or waterless - And [hence] ~j 0,1,) that is vacant,or desolate:( :) desert, (FrO, or the land that is vacant, or deolate: (El-laninee, Fr, 0 :) or the land that the rain has missed. (0, ]1.) And sometimes it is used as meaning t Great calamity: (TA:) it is said in a prov.,

[Boo& I.

1 A server, a rvwrdtipper, or an adorer, of God: (L:) an obeyer of God nith humility, or

submissiveness: (L, MBb:) [a devotee :] a unitanian: (L:) by a secondary application, used of him who takes for his god other than the True God, such as an idol, and the sun, &c.: (Mb :) d ~, all pl. ;i. and ~.' (L, Msb) and a and of which are also pls. of s"[q. v.]: (L:) [and quasi-pl. n.1 (like as;... is of;,t.), accord. to a reading of a phrase in the Vur v. 65, as expl. by some.] And A servant: a meaning in also ., said to be tropical. (TA.) -See two places.
4. .-

1. :, aor. , ($, Mgh, O, M,b, ,) inf n. [the latter of which is the more j,.& and ,

common,] (,

, Mb, ,) He crossed it,,ent

lit. [for tw;.i j Jc They became, or found themselves, in the desert, &c., of which the serpents tere hissing, one at another], meaning t [they fetll] into a great calainity. (Meyd, TA.)

across it, or passed over it, (Mgh, Myb, ],)from g one side thereof to the other; (Mb, V ;) namely, A a river, (S, Mgh, O, Myb, 1,*) and a valley, s (, rmer TA,) &c. (S, Mgb.) [Hence,] & 1 31t: see 2. .JeJl , (Mab, g,) aor. , (TA,) He travlcUd, or passed alony, i inf. n. , 1 lthe way, or road; (Msb, k ;) as though he cut i it, or furrowed it. (V,6 TI.) - And hence,

MSb, 1:) as though he travelled the road of ';c.*: see di.". 41 43 . 1 life: or, as F says in the B, as though he crossed (I1t, 1) and Va. (Fr, O) and andt '. 1 : see ;is.: - and see also .~. over the bridge of the present world or life. (L) [all said by some to t a and t ,: (TA.) A poet says, 1 be inf. no., except the fourth,] Religiow service, :...-.: j~. A shlovel, or spade, of iron; syn. t 1 woiosli/p, adoration, or devotion; (L;) obedience: JW .a . .J , pl. A. (TA.) (?, l1if, A, :) obedience with humility or sub, . ....... . 1 1 misiwness; humble, or submisnive, obedience: 4~L:, and the pl. l.: see , last signifies the Doing what (IAth, L:) or bj i i. c. S So if me die, there are others like to us; and for the former see also i,o.. quarter: J the approving what God approves: and i 4 and f ice remain alive, we are waiting for that Z.-, applied to a camel, Rendered submissive, which must necessarily come to pass, as though God does: and the primary signification of we were bound by vows to meet it. (S, O.)ac is humility, and submissiveness: (S,A, or tractable; broken, or trained; syn. JJ.: and And l .JI 01,) (A, L:) or anointed with tar, (, O, c, aor. as above, in n.;c, 0:) bt; is rendered only to God, or a false rendered submissive, or tractable: (S, 0:) or The cloutd tratelled, or passed along, quickly. god, or the Devil. (TA.) twrrls whole skin is anointed with tar: (Sh:) ac 2, in two placeL .- And :se J 4, or mangy, or scabby, rkhose fur has fallen off by (TA.) ==}.I. : see the next preceding paragraph, in Jl ;s , aor. and,, (O, ,cr.lIas,] [hence, degrees, and lwhich is .st apartfiom the other two places: _ and see i., [I aut (TA,) i. q. I camels to be anointedwith tar: or rendered sub- ,) inf n. j. or a;/ected with from thi flight, or alighting-paces, or cries, &c., scab: or mange, thle by missive lJIl The [portion, or alppertenance, of the the mange, or scab; or nith incurable mange or of tlu birds; or I made the birds to fly away in stomach, of a ruminant, calked] a.^ , (0, 1, scab. (L. [And, applied to a camel, it has ordeor that I might augurfrom their fligit, c.]. ; [q. v.]. (TA.) TA,) also called other meanings, whicl see in what follows.]) (0, K.). And i'.tl ;., aor. ', inf. n. j,, .je... The state, or condition, of a slave; [And hence, app.,] 'a L; ', A sdil), or boat, (Ay, S, A,' O0, K,') lle meditated upon, enslavery; serritude; ($, O, L, M9 b;) as also tarred: (AO, S, O, L, I5 :) or smeared vith fat, deavouritg to ,oulnrsttand it, or he considered, exa . .~~~~1 0, JP to a road, Beaten; amined, or studied, (Ay, ~, O, ,) or he rsd . (?, 0, L) and t Id~,L (O, Myb) and or oil. (AO, L.) - Applied t book, or writing, not raisiunJ syn. JJd.; (S, A, O, 1f ;) trodden; (Az, TA ;) mentaU.y, (A,) the # ,~; . (L.)_ See aluo lfe, in two places. or travelled by many passengers going to andfro: his voice in doing so, (A., g, A, O, ]f,) i. e. i, And you say, u. ' (TA:) and syn. n,ith Jj.L as applied to other reading it. (1.) .)4: see ,, lust quarter. .. r,(.l,, mcaning j' [i. e. He considered [hence] A wooden pin, things also. (1C.) -And conmpared one part of the book, or nnting, and sing., no having , each a pl. N,b1Q and . peg, or stake. (Az, O, 15, TA. [In the CK, another part, in order to understand it]. wvith Partiesof plople (?, O, 1) going i every direc- .sj,l is erroneously put for ,j3Jl.])So in the direcvery gon in and horse~en ',g,l and;,djll, (1, TA,) tion: (~,0 :) l (TA.) -And following verse of Ibn-Mu4bil: ;t and & SC4.*JI 4 tion. (1C.) One says, 1 GL aor. ', inf. n. , (TA,) lHe examined wrhat mw in going parties into The peple became divided the weiAght of the goods, and of the dirhims, and .t. - , . ., ; ?3l 1_.' and 0 . ,vhat they were. evenjy direction. ($, 0.) And (1, TA.) And you say, 1 ThIey vent away in parties in erery direc.,t. I&Il t ;v#l, meaning .*;., wi Ij,_j [And I made a wooden peg to be a guarantcefor tion. (TA.) - Also (both words, K, or the I tried, or examined, the dirhems, andfound the ro)es of the coursers: mhen Ne beat its whead, it i. e. 1 latter [only], TA,) Far-extending roads: (g:) also 8, il,mps to be a thousand. (Msb.) -See them did not vabble]. (Az, O, TA.)-Also Honoured, or diverse and far-w~tending roads: said to be or treated with honour, (L, ],) and served; ap- second sentence. -j#, with kesr, aor.:, inf. n. used in this sense not with respect to omning, but plied to a camel. (L.) Thus it has two contr. ; (S;) or .&, inf. n... ; (15;) [but the only with respect to dispersion, and going away. A camel left un- fo significations. (V.) -And seems to be the more correct, as will be former (TA.) - Also (or the former [only], TA) Hil/s ridden. (0, L.) -And, applied to a stallion seen from what follows;] and ~.;-'l; (A, O, sUch as are called.t i or. . I [pls. of f-[camel], Excited by lust, or by vehement lust. Jg V;) He shed tears; his eyes, or eye, watered. .a L,j, R Hle (0, 1.) - Also, applied to a country, or tract of (, A, 1I, TA.) And '.#.' _ , (V, TA.) - And one says, , ic s eye shed passed, or went away, riding upon the extremities land, In which is no footprint, or track, nor any tears, . tears, or wvatered; (q, 0;) as also t;: 1 sign of the way, nor Nater: (O, :) you say of his buttocks. (0, 1.) Andc., aor. -',inf. n. *--; (AZ, T, 0,' (.) _- And;,-s,

(S, Ii,

A, IAth, L,

) and *t

(TA,)'', (aor. as above, ,)

He died: (?, O,




.; (1; [but see L, TA;) or p, inf. n. ~ was ~orroor mwurned; gr~ed, He above;]) from .lOn (C, 0) and ss (0, TA) thus O, L, 15, TA.) ful, T, (AZ, unhappy. or sad, fid, At place appropriated to A [and j''] formed because the said ns. have no sings., (Sb, May he be [What him? a leth [What :: t. c;j;. ; ;, 0, TA,) Of, or relating to, parties of peopk reliious services or exercised, or acts of deootion. 4 skqkm by night, and may he grieve, or mourn:] sepless (TA.) goinfg in evmry direction. (8, 0.) L5,.1' (?, O) and .as1 (0, TA) rel. ns. S



- '~



e. and

b1,.LS: see .,

last quarter.

BooK I.] is a form of imprecation against a man, used by the Arabs. (TA.) And ,c. .~, , inf. n. means She became bereft of her cihild, or children, by dath. (A.) [See.&.] 2; 0lt,

1987 tain kids, in the swiftness of their pace, what malkes their eyeJ to weep from envy]. (TA.) And you say also, ;. Aj, meaning He made his eyes to weep. (TA.) Also lIe destroyed him: (g, TA:) as though he showed him what would make his eye to weep, or make it hot. And He caused him to fall into diffi(TA.) culty, or distress. (A.) And It (an affair, or event,) w,as, or became, dijficult, or distressing, to of such a thing, or of the implication thereof; and having regard, or resect, to suck a thiLnq and 1, And _1; J"10 as also 1I t1; Considered in one r~spect; in one and the sam light. Hence also the phrase,] :itz.LeJ UL a .. l1 Such a thing is made a condition [or is taken soundness,or validity,ofthe conintoaccount]forthe ;t. means He wondered tract. (M,b.) at him, or it. (.1, TA. In the Cd, &;d is omitted.)


in,) in n. ;.


and ;O*l , *J, .

(Lb, 1,) and xl; (TA;)

8. i.l Ile became adnwnithed, or reminded; [lie desired to cross, go across, or 10. j.l he took warning, or example: in this sense the a river or the like. (See zt'l.)] pass over, verb is used in the l5ur lix. 2: and you say, ,.ba to. j.-l He became admonished or re* .l Hle asked him to interpret, or #J.1 minded, or he took warning or example, by tlhat explain, the dream; (1;) he related to him the dream in order that he might interpret, or explain, y-;A 1 passed: (Msb:) and it. (S, O.) _ 1)Ll oil is a *jc 491) ,. sl$Jlp [The fortunate is he who saying mentioned by As as meaning [AssuredUy takes warning by others, and the unfortunate is tlou hast hastened] thy draningforth of the dirmeaning than jU: it is said to be from j. he by whom others .take warning]. (Kull p. 60.) hems. (O.) 1 See also 1, last quarter, in two Andj# [as inf. n. of.j', aor. j,] signifies the places. - [Accord. to Golius,_"atl4 is also syn. .,.ll [q. v.]; or, as some say, it is from signifying the "side" of a river, because the in- same as ;(t1 [as inf. n. of ".l in the sense expl. with ea l in the first of the senses assigned to terpreter of the dream considers the two sides above]: (Fr, 0, L, lg, TA:) whence tlle saying the latter above; but for this I do not find any thereof, and meditates upon every particular of it ad,i authority.] t ' of the Arabs, ' ; l_1 from its beginning to its end. (TA.) In the t^F, (Fr, O, L, TA,) with fet-h to the ,.of and j .: seo I, I. l : see.... 1 phrase of the 1ur [xii. 43], tlt.J .;;S w in the first ease, and with damm to it in the what here follows. .', the J is termed ~ .;9 [thle J of second case, (TA,) meaning 0 God, mahe us to t f* S, g) and A -,I V.# jUl J. and i. tt( succedaneousness], because it is suceedaneous to be of those who tale warning, or example, by tie do not [pass through it or] die world, and present and and..& ;,. (TA) the connection termed t~li [i. e. the phrase is (10)and .' and-L quickly, or soon, until they content Thee by A he-camel, and a she-camel, and camels, like a i ,! If ye be succedaneous to 43,J1 U . . obedience: (Fr, O, L, TA:) in the copies of the ship [or ships], i. e. upon which journeys are con. interpreters of the dream]: (0, TA:) or it is the former verb tinually made: ( :) or a she-camel that is stronti 1;, W> Jj IbJl v ea , inserted as an explicative: (Zj, TA:) the phrase with y,. [and .damm], and the latter with o. [and (IS, TA) to journey, (TA,) [as though] cutting. . (S, O.) is similar to 1..4 JtlJ.* damm]: and in the A is given, as a trad., j1.i or furrowing, what dse passes over, (1, TA,) and upon which journeys are made: (TA:) and likei.. 1. I.m. , (A, 1g, TA,) in. n. as above, tj., a3 j k.iJl: but the reading given by .8gh wise a man (1, TA) bold to wuidertake journeys, (TA,) lie declared, spoke out clearly or plainly, and in the L is pronounced by M F to be the or explained, what was in hi.s mind. (A,* ]1, right. (TA.) See also 1.. [And see 10, last vigorous and effectice therein, and strong to msnake them: and in like manner a he-camel, und enmels: -setonu t TA.) Andq, i ,.,^)L sentence.] Also .ie took, or regarded, what (TA:) applied to a sing. and to a p). (1, TA) declares, or explainm, what is in the mind. (S, he vitne&sed, or saw, or belheld, as an indication, and to a fem.: (TA:) and in like manner also Z. j2 r Anot,er spoke, or or evidence, of what was concealed fromn himn: t;Vc, applied to a he-camel, (1],) meaning strong O,* Mgb.) And spoke out, or explained, for him; (TL, ]1,0 TA;) (O:) he compared what *was unalpparent with with kear, (O, TA) to journeyj; and so tVj, hlie (the latter) being unable to say what he what was apparent [and so judjed of the former, (TA.) #,] applied to camel. [app. pl. of would. (L, TA.) And ; ~e I spoke from analogy]: or he considered tie essential J *. tt.i O l Verily for such a one. (8, O, Mvb.) [Hence, .pae propertiesof things, and their modes of indication, Hence one says, l in order that, b i the considerationthlreof, another such a one isfit, anml uficiently stroi,,for e~J said of a word or phrase, It express t; ', thing, of tleir kind, mighlt become knowvn. (Kull norkl. (A.) - [Hence likewise] j signifies the meaning of, signilic, or denotes, such a thing. p. 60.) See, again, S..#. Ibn-Seereen used to Clouds that travel, or pas along, vehemently And ~ o , The meaning of uch a [I judge by comparison mith [or qnichly]. (1.) ~- Sce dso jw . - And thlereby; or such a thing i sig- say, ,-.oJI thing is ex~ what has been transmitted by traditionfrom the and t (0, O, 1. TA, in the C1, ;. and ;'e,) (. nified, or denoted, thereby.] _ UjJI c, (A,) Prophet]; meaning I interpret a dream accordor ,! (g,) inf. n. as above, (A, 1g,) He ing to what has been transmitted by tradition, and t? signify A wcl);iig with grief: (TA:] wighed the deendrs, (A,) or the gold, (]5,) deendr like as I do according to the 1gur-an; as when a or heat in the eye, causing it to weepp: (S, 0 :) or by deendr: (A, A :) or , signifies he we/ghed crow is interpreted as meaning an unrighteous heat of the eye. (I.) One says, al :9, and it (a thing), or measured it, without extraordinary man, and a rib as meaning a woman, in imita- , .';;, ($, A, 0, TA,) and t>,1, meaning Ma.a -3, the weighing tion of forms of speech used by the Prophet. his mothlr have wepi7ng with grief: (TA:) or care: (1,*TA:) and .;l of the dirhems collectivly, after making divisions (O," TA.) - See also 1, latter half, in two heat in the eye, causing it to weep: (, O :) or places. - Also Ie accounted, or esteemed, or may his mother be bereft of her child, or cAildrn, of them. (S, 0, TA.) - 4 j, (1, TA,) inf. n. regarded, a thing, in respect of predicamental I)1J (1, TA, in the by death. (A.) And ';.e j oelj (1, TA, order. (Mob.) See, again, as above, (TA,) signifies ._ [And lie make his him what would C: 4;,) He showed in the C1 & ,) i. e. He showed him what esteemed a person, or thing; held him, or it, in make his eye hot. weep: or what vo,dd eye to would make his eye to weep: or what would make high estimation or regard.-And He took a .e ' k.j1 Such a one samu his eye hot. (TA.) Dhu-r-Rummeh says, thing into account, regarded it, or included it in a (TA.) And Hence the mental viewr or an examination. ei. what made his eyes hot. (S, O.) And ' phrase Li" '.; With regard, or repect, or 's ~ J!e rvi he looks at that which he dis[Upon swiftly-running mare that srv the mm- with regardhad, to such a thing; in consider ..!icU| likes, or hates, and at which he nwps. (A.) And 244

lie made him to cross, go across, or pass over, or he conyjed him across, the water, (L}, 1],TA,) ( , , Mob, -!j3jI anid the river. (TA.)~ (S, ,) inf. n. as above; (S, 0;) and * tt', A, O, Myb, 1],) [which is less common, but more chaste,] aor. ,(S,O,) inf. n. ;.t (S, A,O, Msb,K) and .; (A, Mgb, K ;) lIe interpreted, or explained, the dream, (S, A,O, Msb, 15,) and told its final sequel or renlt: (A, O, K :) or the former verb has an intensive signification: (Msb:) and j..'3 has a more particular [or more restricted]

him. (O, K.)

the phrase I~ ,~j occurs in the trad. of UmmZar., meaning And, by reason of her chastity and beauty, a caus of weeping to lerfdloro-wife. (TA.) also signifies Women berfc ofther children I~j* by death; syn. 5 W: (], TA:) as though pl. of


[Book I.
from saffron: (S, O, TA:) IAth says that it is a sort of perfme, having colour, compo~ed of certain mixtures. (TA.) [See a verse cited and another cited vocesJj.] voce ; ;;i.: see the next paagraph, in two places. LA. Speech that pases from the tong~ of the speaker to the ear of the hadrer. (TA.) - [And hence, A passage in a book or writing.][Hence also,] A mord, an expresion, or a phrase. (Kull p. 60.) _ And [An explanation, as or interpretation;] a subst. fr'm &cu; the (L, ,TA, Lhe former only in also t !j', or ' ;i,, accord. to different CK,]) and t e sa copies of the K. (TA.) You sa, also, i. e. "1aI, and, accord. to the M, t;aijl or of diction, 1e hars a goodfaculty of erplaiing, or of yraking persptcuopy. (M!b.) [And ,; C,& i* a1Tlhi isa word, or an epres sion, or a ;hrase, for, or denoting, sch a. thing; lit., an explanation of such a thing.] Also A thinfg that is made a c~ndition: or a thinwj that is made accout of, or e~med, or r rdd as bing of importance. (Mpb.) ;Ls: seeilLl#. _ Also An ipretcr, or ezplainer, of dream. (TA.) At oaearer; a passner; a pcrsow jetl& lpssxng along a way or road; (S, O, TA;) a thrt h travedlr: (TA:) or om who pa~ and ' .%A without abidiung: (Mgh:) pl.

t,@. (TA.)

from the knowledge of what is sen, one arrivesat th knowrledge of what is not sen; as also tJCl: (B, TA:) and a w.onderful thing [app. such as sers~ as a marning or an example]: (A, ] :) pl. j.. (Myb, TA.) _- And The account,orestimation, or regard, in which a thing is held in respect ofprdicamental order; as also t* '!. (Myb.)

,,, (1, O, l], TA, in the Cl 5~.,) and tc, . , meaning [Hence the common phrase w ;.* (., O,) or *,, (Kr, A, ], TA, accord. to the Tihe bank, or gide, (., A, O, j,) of a No regard is due to it.] - See also ;1j4. CK ;.,) river, (., A, 0,) and of a valley. (A, ].) EnoS.q~, applied to the [species of lote-tree called] Nfibiglhah Edh-Dhubyince says, of the Euphrates, .~, means Titat groLs on tlh banks of rivers, amnl becones larye: (S., 0:) an anomalous rel. n. from .,8: (TA:) [or a regular rel. n. from e. [Its ,aves casting foam upon the two banks]. as syn. with j. :] or, accord. to 'Omarah, such as ( , 0.) And one says, ;ai. AiU ) 1 d S,th is larye in the leace., I/cin gfev thorns, and taller See also the a one is urpon that side. (TA.) says, that has or, as Abloo-Ziydu the Jta: than next preceding paragraph, in three places. no thi,r,s ex,e;pt surk ax hurt [.ot (sce ~)]; the ' inf. n. of .' [q. v.]. (AZ, T, &c.) - See tlorns [that hurt] being of the j.L called Jl: also , in two places: - and *.s hlie does not say, as others do, tlhat it is that whichl grows upon the water: some assert that .; and its fem., with i; seee jl. l S- c the , being changed into it is also called aoe O: J, in two places. . ,*: (O :) or, as some say, such as has no trnik; ts and such is odly of thos that arc near to tih a.i. Also A tear: (TA:) or a 39: see [or bank of a river]: Ya4oob says that the terms tear blfore it over.flow: or a [obbing, or] riteraare applied to the j. that ira. and 5' tion [of theond] of weing in thr boaom: (A, and that suchl as does not this is that mater; bibe g :) or an of tearsn ithout the oaund and is the JLb: AZ says that the desert, of the owing, or an oozing, of .f weeping: (TA :) or aJ and suck as is laryge of the .c., are called tear,.: (., O :) or g.ief w,ithout weeping: (A, 1 :) j,

TAh lrayJ* AL. (TA.) And J.JI this, if correct, is a quasi-pl. n.,]) or j.. .] old. (TA.) [&e also farer; the paser aloNg the way or roald. (Msb.) (Thus in copies of the 1.) Of the first maning, the following is an ex.: *)I, in the k(ur [iv. 40], means #4pAs []Iebrer: and a Hebrew]. jo,aI is Jet.. 6 6 *6 * ., 6 * * who, wanting somethiing in the those lk'uept HIebrews]. e. tie Jews [i. of The appellation an 0 ir.3 ~~.0 i." &"" mosque, and their houses or tents being distant, I.. and * .l., (S, A, K,) (O.).-And [merely paw through, or] enter the mosque and [A nd vrrily my cre would be a tear if I shed it]: go forth quickly: (TA:) or except travellers; [7The TA,) (0, t a~eall, and (O) or k..aI and of the last, the following is an ex.: Hebreo language;] the la,ua~e of the Jews. for the traveller sometimes wants water [which is found in the mosque]: or, as some say, except (., A, o, F, TA.) pasr through the mosue, not meaning to pray. or, as some relate it, J bie '9j; and the meaning and its fem. 5t.5: seet, in six (Mph, TA.)- Hence ~ta signifies I Dying, or ejlp; is, For thy ahe I reep, but there is grief in me places. [And Paiping, or dead. (TA. [See 1.]). .for mnyself: so says A,: (TA:) or in this sayAn allow $ Wam currenJ . Hence,] having I and l see S sl.Jl: jj ing, which is a prov., L, may be redundant, or it abefoi.n of word or expreson: (S, K,TA:) see) l+ ;.: may be what is termed ps.m.; and the meaning from 4 signifying "he pawsed over" a river. is, For thee I weep, or for thee is my nweeping, I also signifies Examining a thing: (TA.) [myself] having no need of weepqng. (Meyd.) ,j..Il [The star S;irit;] a certain examinintg a book, or writing, and conidering and .aI [in comparing one part of it with another, so as to An admonition, or bright star; (TA;) one of t1e etjS, ,rwhici, ;* a subst. from jt.C~; Also h0edding tears, wulerstand it. (TA.) the exhortation: (Bd in iii. 11): an admonition, or the order of riring] is after, or behind, [in and likewise to a to a man, applied (., 0,) ex.hortation, ky mlhichl one taake warning or TA, erroneously, " with,"] 4jJI [here meaning applied to a man; neepin, w t P and woman: by the thing a exampid: (Jel in xxiii. 21:) Gemini]: (S, 0:) called j,aJI because of its to a woman: ~ applied fem.] t so [its admonished, and one is state, or condition, of whichs having crossed the Milky Way. (S, O, TA.) in (B! or directed: guided, or remindsd, and signifies eng and.grieing, I' in art. a.. - Hence the (8, 0:) or ' , [See also J xxiii. 21:) i. q. t;1! [lit. a being admmnished, (K,* TA;) and applied to a man; as also t;'; expl. in art. ; ,;j n saying, ;jic or reminded, &c.; but meaning a caus of bej are applied to a tc and t bc and t admonished, &c.; i. e. a warning, or an example]: woman in the same sense, (I,) or as meaning i. e. LIt and L;;'l (Jel in xvi. 68:) or 0 A. certain mixture (Ap, 6, 0, Myb, ]) of grevrng: (TA:) pl. [of t O(l.' and ~] [meaning, in like manner, a caute of being per.fumes, (M.b, 1,) compounded .ith saffon: ~'ta/ (l~, TA,) like &$tZ: (TA:) and Og .bPJW admnonised, or ren~dd by mkat has passed]: (As, 8, 0:) or, (K,) with the Arabs (8, 0, TA) tP,qJ means a weepin eye. (0, K,* TA.) (Mb :) an indication, or evidence, (BO and Jel of the Time of Ignorance, (TA,) accord. to AO, . in xxiv. 44, and Bd in xvi. 68,) whereby one it means (S., O, ]C, TA) alone: but in a .&: see art. pa~ss from ignoranee to knomdge: (Bd in xvi. trad., mention is made of smearing with j,g or ~ A place where a river is crossed; af~rry: 8 :) a state [of thing or circumstances] whereby, with saffron; and this shows p.. to be different

il. -te

(0, K) and C-,

(so in the 0, [but k.q

; and a5.a is applied to the j-

that is


BooK I.]


a and same.


P$* TA.) - Ie slaughtered (9, O, Mob) a se. dung that have clung to the tails of camels, drying R for dung (Mgh:) a bank, or side, of a r~ , prepared amel, (9, (0,O,)or a sheep or goat, (MNb,) or tlmwn, oc- camel, thighs; on their and 0, V, TA,) (S, thereon, ". (Mgh.) cro~ g: (0, Mqb, i:) pl. cuioned cusioned only by fat: (TA:) and also dung and gtabbed, ) a beast, [i.e. a camel,] tabbed, or stuck, ( He "-in made to ( wrine sheep, or the wool of clung to that have uine healthy, state, (Meb,) in a a sound, or .X,) in upon which, (S, 0, Mhb,) or by i . thing bot, J their the roots of sides of tate their and the inner their tails ,) and (, , disase, prom tate of freedom means of which, (1,) one croes a river; (9,0, Fmmfracture, j in a j: (TA:) .&,] and syn. [but see dry [thereon}; (TA,) becoming thi.qhs, thighs, promfracture, 'fresh-." Myb, V;) whlether it be a boat [i. e. a ferr or & rat ;cl. rat and youthful condition; (V;) as also ordungand urine that have dried upon the thighs M9 b,) which is also called ti"., befeil boat], (S, O, : , is iued to latter hence t the K.) And S, O, of see dry ( that and dung :) or urine (Mgh of camels: 1 ome O, Mb,) or (As, TA,) or a br~ge, (, He ignify he (O;) no crine; a manfor ! He slw "m the a like: and the or goats sheep tails of pn the 5 other thing: (TA:) [pl. j$.] km kem a man wronfudly,not in retaliation: (Eln. n. un. with ;. (Myb.) K.hat KhatAbee:) and the wounded. (0, TA.) [Henco f : see what next precedes. U-& udder U-G [part n. of ,._ --- And occurring in alw,] Jm.s, (0, 1,) aw,l also,] s, (S,) or ,.,.jh or the A, art. , in the phrase .j4J l,.' L. Lnd I lIe threwo (TA,) inf. n. 1 ;, (O,) in in which both of the epithets are app. altered in X , iims;y, form Mby himself, not constrainedagainst his will, into war, (A, O, form to assimilate them to .sI and , (, L, Mb,) or - I . orfujlt. )rfujht. orflght. (S, 0,1, TA.) [And] 4JI 1, TA,) or ,q, (B4 in lxxvi. 10,) aor.,, which they are there preceded]: see vot;0,) or ~a,4.l, (:,) t Calamity,or calami(9,0,) [app. properly used only when the n. ., inf. !ies, befel him, (Lth,., 0, lK,) withouthis drties, Lo).&: [Hence,] W-3.: see Uwlc,in two places. verb is intrans.] (9, A, 0, M,b, O) and ag ing the ame. (Lth, O,IS, TA.)- lie made 9 - Ac t A distressful, an afflictive, or a an [app. only when the verb is trans.]; (A, O, ;) %0.4.0 win udder to biled: (0, g, TA:) or he wounded calamitous, day; (S, Msb, TA;) calamitous, ; (TA;) ;. in n. TA,) g, /,, (L, and V ) as also a it, it, or made it to bleed, by vehement milUing, and lie frowned; [looked ernly, austerely, or mo- V d : (TA:) or a hateful day, on acount of s~ing; q~ing; queezing; from 4. applied to blood, and signiwthic, faces fown, or contract theimslves, &c. : Fying rosely ;] or contracted his face: (Mqb:) or he witicia fying" fresh:" or msiLted it to the uttermott, so (0,t :) or a day in whtich onefrons,or con- that contracted the part between his eye: (L, TA:) (0, that blood cameforth after the milk. (L, TA.) that or he grinned, or diplayed his teeth, frowning, or ti.acts tracts hisface, &c. (TA.) And ;, (O, L, j.l And And 10-5w J1;;, (K,) or rIi1 ji comatracting htis face, or looking sternly, austerely, TA,) IA&: :or;, in three places. of lc: Msee : He made the horse to run until he or moroely; syn. J:: (S,A, 0, 1 :) or sweated. dit, or rent a (O, L, V, TA.) Hes sweated. see c has an intensive signification; (S, 0, t see the next paragraph. garment, or piece of cloth, (, 0, and so in some meaning he did so much: (, TA;) 4h copies of the 1g and in the TA,) or a thing, (so [and O:) or v.: [alone], he had [or made] a hateful .0tW [and 1 , mentioned above,] A man in other copies of the ] and in the TA,) when it frow.nig, orcontracting hisface: (Msb:) [grim- was whole, or sound; (4, TA;) aor.:, inf. n. face: but when one diplays his teeth, or grins, P10;ni", 0 0, faced; or looking ternly, austerely, or morosely:] h--& the epithet .L4 is applied to him: (TA:) and and Ia;Z. (O.) - t It (a plant, or L-.contracting the part between his eyes; &c.: herbagej or or clave the ground. (TA.) - t Ile dug herbage,) (, O, - signifies ,.q, [in like manncr] ' 0 0, w)o does so much [or the ground in a place where it had not been duwj one bth and (TA:) 1,) i. e. he siowed a sour, a crabbed, or an habituay; habitually; m, auter, or morosec,in look or bef,w.o; before; (IAar, O, ] ;) as also t K4,l; (O, ], which is syn. austere, face; (T!5;) and . C and TA;) which latter also signifies [simply] t he ntenanc ; as also t , c ww~ [for 1 a]. (TA.)- [Hence,] wit/h dug the ground. (TA.) -4.j Cl& . (Msb:) or V ,A, and t ,efl signify a man dwj He who witnessed the day (Mqb:) trans. 1 Thel e wind sripped the surface of the hatefad to .m, having having a hatef face: and frowned, or contracted his face, &c., (see groudl (0, V;) as also *: t e. (4, TA.) or morone, in ground; encou~er or met; stern, auerem, - )] means t the day was, or became, di- encow~ f.; t He (an am, O, TA) rai/ed the -,Jl (Msb.) - countenance. tre]sd, afflictive, or calamitou. countenane. (TA.) - [Hence,] L I signidud with his hoofs; (O, TA;) as (0, ], TA) dut [Hence,] u c said of camels: see 4. flea The lion; (O,2;) as also ,,j;wt, and also said of a man, He was, or became, dirty, or flea 4 t[He -- ,. (O,*TA.) t.i. , (, and v , . ii: (IAr, 0, 1,) and fdlthy. (TA.) - And mid of a garment, It had mentioned rmt rent his lhnour, or reputation;] hAe viled him; in art. w._c, q. v.,) [accord. he mentioned in the 1V that had dried upon it. (TA.)dirt, orf^W detractedfrom his reputation, spoke against to JX, (f,)and V of the measure to some,] JU and *^h hita, j (, V, T A) And .4j ` t s1 himn, or impuwned his character; as also J* Z.1 (V in art. .p. :) or the lion ,;om whom other "j&: (1 ,p&: (TA:) L;, is ' sjn. with 4A, (IAr, .p&: (TA) The dirt, or fth, dried upon his hand, or " See also W-. lionJe. (TA.)_. 0,1 0,0 0, (i, TA,) from 4ie11, not from 5 :Il; [the inf. n.] arm. (f, , TA.) -And (IA#r, (15, TA,) i. q. (IAr, TA;) as also ? tl, signifies A slave's ~oid his r~e in, or on, his and amG;I: see the next preceding >1~ and bed, whn hehas a habit of doing so and th effect pamgmph. .,tUt. ,tUt. l , He .,,U. (TA.) - And ' --.paragraph. thereof appears upon his prson, (O, TA,) by forged what ta false against me; as also forg;d re~ason of its muchanew, (0,) and upon his bed: .~a:see bo.,in two places. * (1]. [See also the latter below.]))~ t d:,1. (TA:) for doing this he may be returned; (0, Also, aor. as above, It (a garmnent, or piece of TA;) but not if it is little and rare. (0.) cloth, or a thing, accord. to different copies of the ],) became slit, or rent: thus intrans. as well 2: ee the first sentence above, in two places. ;, aor. ,, (;, 0, Msb, 1:,) in: n. iz', as trans. (1.) 1. 1. had dried urine - The cam 4. J (o, (, 0, Mb, TA,) Hle (a man) took a thing [app. 4: 4: see 1, near the beginning. and d~g ~ g upon their tails; (S, O, ;) in a sond, or hole, state; for such a restriction ; (A'Obeyd, TA;) seems ., inf. n. as also ocems to be indicated by what follows, and may l ;L$ ;J l - " 8: see 1, in nine places.. , [mean- have been omitted in the TA by inadvertence]: t ; Qj'W u!whence, (TA,)iIt t He forged against me what iwas pureldyfale, signification. (TA: but only wititout without excuse. (9, 0,' TA.) See also 1, last ing the same,] a phrae oocurring in a trad. (0, this is the primary the in n. of the verb in this sense is there men- sentence but one. - [Hence the phrase .j~ TA.) ; (MNb,) or Lip' tl in the Mughnee, voce el, expl. in a tioned.) You say also, ; 5: see 1, first sentence. and ' .JNW , (Msb, ,) Death marginal note in my copy of that work as h aho, (,,) (V,) W-and sound, or healthy, meaning t It (a letter) is elidedfor no r~on in - [an inf. n.: see 1, latter part; and see took him in a youthfle, data; not dieaed, nor old and weak. (M;b,* itjdf-l also 4 . Also a subst. signifying] Urin and Istate; itjs.l



[Boox I. 1.4 A pure, an unmixed, lie, without excus e. or it: (Mgh :) or the odour of the perfume was, 1man, Evil in disposition: and with S applied to a ($, O.).tl.q. a. [app. here meaning A thin or became, perceptible in his garment or his fernale: female: so in the ]~; but this is inconsistent person: and it is said to relate only to fragrant witli with what here follows: (TA:) accord. to As, thlat induces supicion, or evil opinion]. (TA.) W odour. (Msb.) _ And in like manner one says 'e~ iatA and iUAa are applied to a 2 IL i&. ,z. UHe (a man, S, 0) died in a sound of a garment,_,l.. l O [It clung to the body]. man, meaning as above; and to the woman in or healthy, state, and beimn a youth, or youn 5 (TA.) And i' t,JlI L The thing clare, or like manner. (0, TA.) man. (S, 0, Msb, ].) ~L ..- also signifie : E]al slpeecl of atther.; detraction; defamation kept, to apnother. (Msb.) And 1 4 iJI *iL~ J~j J.; A man who sticks to another. (TA.) : TAe thing stuck to my heart. (TA.) And # (01 (0,1.C.) -Ile remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, in (O, 4, --'14 Freedom from anything injurious, excep t [jl ajtc&, .Ltrc, applied to a man, (S, 0, ]K,) Guileful, : IeI becane a fracture of a bone, in flesh meat: (Ibnes tle place. (0, K.) And ~ . or isafty; (K;) cunning, or very cunning; (S, Busurj :) or freshness therein, and in blood, amn d attaclted to him, or it. (0, I, TA.) [See also 0, O, K;) eril, or michievo~. (O...And A in saffron: (14:) or pureness, or freedom fro,n thi,f, (0, K,) K rho steals camels, ({ls, I,) or adrixture, andfrshness, in blood. (TA.) 01 2. .j_Jl signifies ki Zl [used in relation to a.lio nAho strips people forcibly of their clothes, (.r, &t', (A, 0, ],) or ai , (T, ., Msb,) and wine, app. as meaning 7'he beconning old; though 0,) who rill not refrainfrom anything: thus 9t ;, (T, Mgb, TA,) A beast, [mcaning a the latter word, thus used, is probably tropical]. expl. by ISh. (0.) . Also A scar caused by a wound in the ball, or mnost elerated part, of the camel,] (K,) or a she-camel, ($, TA,) or the (0, I.) Adee Ibn-Zcyd says, describing wine, wotihd .,. A ., .0 O ,, second and third applied to a sheep or goat. (T, (f, 0, IC.) So in the saying, C ea 0 c!hek. 1 J3i-UJ~L; I LviL Mqb,) stabbed, or stuck, (A, 0, I,) or slauhaLilC [In him is a blemish, a scar &c.], (S,) or 0 * Q 6, ,a , tered, (T, ?, Msb,) in a sound, or healthy, state, .i.... cc e c,iO Ja0.CL& X [a blemish and a scar &ec.]. (O.) (A,) in a state of freedom from disease, ($, 0, K,) and from fracture, (TA,) and in afat and [whicid seems to be cited as meaning, 77we Jerwish = And A certain thorny tree, (0, K, TA,) that 4hrtx (0, TA) hinm who is caught by its thorns; Youtltful condition, (14,) or free fio,n anything nwrchant kept it two years, and the becoming ( ol( injurious except a fracture: (T, Msb:) [contr. enhanced itsffriayratwe: but I think that the last said by AHn to be of the [kind called] aLs. "t ./'~d and L;gtG: (sce the latter of these two word may be more properly rendered the mahiii. (TA.) it to remain long in its jar]. (O.) worns :)] pl. ~ (g) and /,z: (O, C :) and ;,..M,t (S, O, .) and Ai-'c (g) and t 3j., also, applied to a sheep or goat, signiQ. Q. 3. iS! I'e (a man, S) became cun- ;.%(, (S, O,) like ;.t., (0, .g,) An eagle fies slaughtered in a sound, or healthy, state. ning, or very cunning: (acl; ;j.l: 8, 0, i :) or haingg sharp talons: (S, 0:) or, accord. to (TA.) Also .';, applied to flesh-meat, signifies became evil in dispasition,: (. :) and in like I1)rd, hard and strong [is the talons]. (0.) [Sce also art..] the same: (s:) or in a sound, or healtly, state: manner signifies U 1u. -;a (TA.) (MNb :) orfree frnn anything injurious, except a ,*.: see what next follows. firacture of a bona; (T, Msb;) so says IbnBuzurj: (TA:) or fresh; (0, ];) and so cf Perfume [clinging to a person or thing, applied to blood, (Mgh, g,) and to saffron: and remainint; and ,a.&: see the following paragraphl, in two of nwhich the odour clinyx: IP) (] :) or, applied to blood, pure; free fiom (see 1, first sentence:) or] o?f tnhich the xbOtO'r is places. admixture; (S, 0, M9b;) and fresh: ($, 0:) perceptible in the garnwnt or person: (Mslb :) it also, applied to flesh-meat,freS, as meaning not ksq5' a rel. n. from t A., a place whichl the is applied as an epithet to an odour; and cooked: (lAth:) and t ; .., applied to the Arais amert to be of the lands of the Jinn, or also, as the inf. n., meaning .j3. (IRm (p. Genii: (S, 0, Msb:) or a certain place, (]C,) same, not such as a beast or bibd of prnyj has 710.)_ Applied to a man, BSuch that, wmen he in the desert, (TA,) ubounding with Jinn: (] :) fastened upon, nor affected by disease. (Az, L.) has perfiumed himself rrith the least perfumnc, it AO says, We have not found any one who - 14* also signifies Slit, or rent, ($, 0, TA,) does oWt leave himfo7. days: and in like manner knows wlierc this country is, or when it existed. nrhen ohole, or sound; (TA;) applied to a gar- with S applied to a woman. (Lth, 0, IK..) (TA.) lienee it is applied as an epithet to anymcnt, or piece of cloth; (, O, TA;) and to "a"L !i, applied to a woman, means Whom Llthing wondered at, or adsmired, for the skilfulness leather; &c.; (TA;) and so * 'L : pl. of every dress and perfune suits. (TA.) And thc whiichi it exhibits, or the excellence of its manuthe former, t ... ($, 0, TA.) - And Dust Khuza'ees, who were the most chaste speakers of facture, and its strength: ($, 0 :) or to any raised by the hoofs of an ass. (TA.) Arabic, said Gi . J.; as meaning .jsj. work great in estimation, and fine, 'id. dIelicate: [i. e. A man excellent, or elegant, in mind, man- (Msb :) it is both sing. and pl. ;' and ,tho fernm. is Ja t A liar. (TA.) ners, and adldret or spechl; and in person, coun- .~--#: you say, .t.,o[Gloth~, or gark.~, (0, g, TA,) like,. 5 ., (0, TA,) [in the tenance, or gaib: &c.]. (TA.) ments, of admirable manufacture]: (S, 0:) [or I CI Lkw ,] A calamity, or misfortune: (0, ]:) such are so called in relation to a certain town; ic Fcculenc (.,) of clarified bntter, pl. L/l,.. (TA.) -And The main part, or is also a town (M, .K) in El-Yemen, [adhering to the interior] in a skin; (IDrd, S, O, for] *V-' fathomls deep, of the ea. (,.) Formed by (M,) or, accord. to the Moojam, in EI-Jezeereh, I;) also termed ;; (IDrd, O, TA;) and transposition from ;,-.f. n which cloths or garmentts, and earpets, are (TA.) Zi., in which the a is asserted by Lh to be a 1 variegated, or figured, (TA,) and of which the ;;, and its fem.: see L/., in three places. substitute for ~,. (TA.) And one says, t cloths or garments are of the utmost beauty. L. i .' U"' , meaning Trere is not auqght [remain(g.) _ And A kind of carpet, (S, 0, g,) 5 see ing] o/ clarified butter in the skin; (S, 0;) as variousdy dyed anl figured: upon such the also ai4. (g anid 0 in art. a ) -. [Hence,] Prophet used to prostrate himself when he one says also, I"tl Xs al;%.OI zi 1 LU, mean- iprayed: ($,0:) as also $?4 : (g:) and 1. M1 * Ce, .[eaor.: ,] inf. n. ($, ing t [There remained not to them] any relic [of aome read otl in the lgur lv. 76: (S, 0:) as Mgh,0, Mb, 1g) and 4i, (S, 0, 1) and'l, their poesions]. (TA.) pl. of k.Sp: (TA:) but this is a mistake; for (0, 9,) The perfuam chung to him, or it, (S, a Lrel. n. has no such pL; (S ;) unless it be from Mgh, 0, g, TA,) and remained; and so / 5L 54t,, [in the CI., erroneously, ',t. .; (TA;) and tie odour of the perfume clung to him, OUJ,] and with ; [affixed to each], applied to a L sing. n. of a pl. form, like .t/ from 1


41 -iu



BooK I.] and so be a rel. n. from it.: so say q.L. ', the skilful grammarians, Kh and Sb and Ks: Az with fet-h to the 1 mentions the reading t 5.G, j; as thoughl it were a reL n. from >4a: Fr


Also thing; meaning, in any stead]. (TA.) J.& Large, big, bulky, or thick; (?, 0, Msb, Impotent in speech or actions; heavy, dull, or as also * : (.:) fem. ofthe former with ;: a;) stupid. (IB, ],* TA.) = And A knot that ,], TA,) likec; remains in a rope when the latter becomes old and and pl. [masc.] jL, , 0, worn out. (AA, 0O.) [pl. of the syn. _A]: and the pl. of L1. is ; signifies thick [carpets of the says that .'s, (S, O, TA,) [with the o quiescent,] bekinhd caled] b,Jl': and also silk brocade; syn. cause it is an epitllet. (TA.) It is applied in 1t, that it signifies vwhat are called -Ijj: 1. ", [aor. ' ,] (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. .., this sense to anything. (1.) Thus, in a trad., (S, O, Msb,) IIe, or it, was, or became, lar,e, it is applied to a man. (TA.) And one says Sa'eed Ibn-Jubeyr, that it signifies excellent Jlj: big, bulky, or thick; (S, 0, Msb, K ;) as also Cel2&jil J.. A man laryc, &c., in the fore . .. (Fr, TA.) - Also (TA:) the n. un. is i c, aor. ', (s,) inf. n. J~,; (TK;) and 3, -'; --. A O, i,b.*) And L5-I11 ar,ms. (-, 0 Good, or excellent; applied to an animdal, and to (Az, ', (TA.)== 4c. n. (K,) inf. :, aor. a jewel (TA.) - Perfect, or complete; applied horsc thick in tite les. (S, O.) And ;i; a!, pure, unmixed, lie; 0,' K,) [aor., app., , as in other senses of the A vwomnan complete, or perfect, in mahke orforto anything. (K.) -A s- ! x (0, ~,* TA;) that lhas no truth mnixed with it. trans. verb,] inf. n. 0j, (Az, TA,) lie cut it, mation. (S, O; Mab.) And marion. '1" A L .l; it: to extirpate so as 1,) O,' (Az, o.ff cut it or of men: K,) (0, chief, (0, TA.) - A lord, or or thick, 0,) (Ibn-Abbid, bulky, big, large, (TA:) or (TA, in the K, "and") one ,tho has this is the primary signification [of the trans. apnone above hin : and strong. (1K.) You say verb]. (Az, TA.) t J . ";", (0, K, [but woman. (Ibn-Abbad, 0, ]..) And t 3, ),])plied to a boy, or young man, signifies Fat: and K. erroneously written j of the copies in the of a strong man, .) S . IM: (S,O0:) or applied to a woman: pL of both tlis means Thit is a chidf, or lord, of a people: said of a man when he has died, (0,) means, (]K,) [so] * J* [Death separated J~.. (TA.) (AV, on the authority of 'Amr Ibn-El-'Ala:) or is like, (0,) J.z ;: accord. to the or, his companions; from him the l'rophlet that and in a tradl. it is said a. i.q. .;u i. e. (S, 0) Any leaves that are related a dream, mentioning 'Omar, and said, primary signification of the verb, death cut him J, a., ,., ., 'al.-... [as though tieJ were] twisted, (?, O, J,) not exoff, or extirpated him]; (O ;) or jl. ,i [And I /havenot secn a eN3 panded, (Ig,) [generally meaning lender sprigs, chief of a people dto hits wondeful deeds]. (s,. (g. [But correctly as in the O.])-5-,-JI .,&, like strings, garnished with minute, amplexicaul, is also applied as an epithet de- aor. , (S, O, ,) inf. n. , , (S, 0,) lIe re- apprresed, acute leavcs, overlying one another like O, TA.) -It noting superlativeness [of any quality]. (TA.) .moved the leaves from the tree; (S, O, ]g;) as thte scales of a fish,] such as those of the J.' (* , [Ecesstivo, or cx- also v XIs. (C.(: but not in my MS. copy of 0, .g) and of the bli and of the j3t and thI .. They even said 5 the 1g, nor in the TA.). And A', (IAnr, 0, lilte of these: (S, 0:) and, (]~,) as some say, tremne, rongdoing]. (O, 0.) g,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) lie repelled (TA,) the fruit of thoe bjl: (IC, TA:) and, 5.jits and 1_t:a: see the preceding para- it; (IA#r, O, 1t ;) namely, a thing. (.K.) [See tereqf, ohen (K,) as some say, (TA,) the .' also the pass. part. n., below.] - And He, or it, graph. in the hot seaTA,) (J1, thick, become have tAey hIindered, prevented, impeded, or wvithhleld, him; usedfor to and fit red, (TA,) and son, (0, .k, TA;) and diverted him by occupyiny him ning therewith: or slender Icares: (], TA:) or otwerwise. (TA.) One says, ;c,= C i. e. 'What leaves, but not [what are commonly aor. ', (TA,) in n. diverted tlue by occupying thee otherwise? and the like of 1. &', (IDrd, 0,,,) called] leaves: (TA:) or sucAh as are falling JA, (IDrd, O,) lie mixed it, namely, a thing, hindered thee, &e. ? (TA.) - And .l'JI '-L, thereof; (K, TA ;) i. c., of leaves: (TA :) and ' , (IDrd, O, g,) with a thing; (I1 ;) syn. O.)---inf. n. j,', I tvisted the rope. (S, [in the Cg "or"] such as are cominforth (], (K.) C. - See also 1 in art. :,JI, (Ks, S, 0, 1g,) aor. , (Ks, O, TA,) inf. n. TA) thereof: (TA:) thus having two contr. (IDrd, O,) or ,t. J.', (TA,) I put, or made, to the arrow a significations. (]K, TA.) -i I shot him, [or meal of parcled L;~. (Ks, S, 0, ].) - And A morsl of J.., 4 : see j., first sentence. or ;hot at him, writh a l.. 7. (0.)= J (S, ]K;) but this barley]; (, 0 ;) i. q. Z;.; lie ent away with, or took antay, hin, or it. (O, The mountain-rose (;.L .j [one of the laut word was not known to Az on any other I . J e1 [app. ,J., but perhaps a mis- appellations now applied to the eglantine, or mnet g.) authority than that of Lth. (TA in art. L*..) Jeli, q. v.,] 7he trees put fortl brier, more commonly called the Om]): ($, J t, L meaning I transcription for y 4 One says, thieir leaves: on the authority of Az. (TA.) Msb, I :) Akin says, an Arab of the desert innora bit of t [or of j tated not a ~ 2: see the preceding paragraph. formed me that the Jlt; is the rose of the mouncrumbled bread moistened nith broth]. (?, 0.) ), of 7hich is the white, and the 4. J l He, or it, was, or became, thick and tain (, J1 - And Somewhat of clarifed butter; like 'A.C: [There is not vwhite: ( :) originally used in relation to the fore red, and the yellow; (0, TA;) haring a goodly so in the phrase, i 4 ~mJ~I). : aught remaining of clarified buter in the skin]: arms. (TA.)l 1 l J0.1 The trees put forth hip (JiSj [thus correctly written in the 0, but afterwards altered to 4j.,]) in sire and rednss and hence the saying, .. 41til L; [I do not their [leaes termed] Jea: and the trees dropped like the full-groron, unripe date, wrich, when it care for himn as for a little clarified butter; their leaves: thus having two contr. significabecomes rile, is sweet, and delicious, like the frsh meaning, at all]. (?, 0.) And, (1g,) accord. tions: (0, K :') or url.t J.1 thte [trees called] [or ripe date, and is sent .from one to another as a ) [of clarJied ,bit became in the state in n:hich their ., to IApr, (0,) F~culence ( present: (0:) [n. un. with ;:] the AJI, he says, butter (IDrd and O voce 'L.)] adhering to [tle J; (q. v.)] were thick, in the htot season, and thorns, its rose is sweet-scented, And A frag- red, and fit to be used for tanning therewith: has short, curved it~erior of] a skin. (0, K.) and it groiws so as to comnpose thickets, (0, TA,) [app. and, accord. to As, ; ment of a thing: (AC:) or a iece of .J Sl1 signifies the and is lepastured, (0,) and it becomes thick, ,~, which means ngypsum, but probably a mis- tree dropped its leaves: (S:) accord. to En-Nadr, (K,) and staves (0, 1) thick and good, (0,) or ', i. e. cheese]. (TA.)transcription for .l 1 signifies the iUj put forth its leaves: thicl and stronq, (TA,) are cut from it: (0, 1, ijU;'jt .. And A portion of compacted dung and urine that and also, dropped its leaves: (Az, TA :) and ISd TA :) the staff of Moses is said to have been ha clung to the wool, or tail, eJc., of a sheep, and mentions, on the authority of AHn, 1JI.lI from it: (I., TA:) or, as A.n says, the people dried thereon. (O.)... And A paltry, d~picable, as meaning the trees put forth theirfrit; but he assert that the staff of Moses was an J. (O.) .05 .sl.Lsays, "I have not found this to be known." thing. (O, K.) Hence the saying, .;? 09e.: see J.., last sentence. ^ J4. [said in stand me in stead of a paltry (TA.) [See also 1, last sentence.] [It did wnot .



1042 the V to be like ., but it is imperfectly decl., 1 as a fem. proper name,] Death; or the decree of T0)He left (in n. r..L&, Q. 1. death; syn. Jl. (4.) See 1, third sentence: the catnels to pasture by thiemslvcs, (Lth, S, O, g,) and to go to the water when they pleased: and see also l. (TA:) like I; (S, O;) the E being substialL,: see aJl+. . .ee. " .t .. .6; tuted for the i. (.) -And L;.' and JL. 3 ' : see Je. '. signify The act of refroving, blaming, or censuril', with teshdeed to the J, (~, ing: (] :) inf. ns. of [of a rare form, like Ij., q. v.,] and (Tv.) (,) O, '~, without teshdeed, (Lbh, V,) He threw J,,-: see liJ.L npon him his weight. (S, 0, g.)

[Boox I. same: (TA in art. t :) or the light and beauty ,thereof: (TA in art. s.:) p1. ;.. (TA.) Lt, applied to a man, [like .ft mentioned in Heavy, dull, or stupid; or coare, or art. &.,] rude; and impotent. (ISd, TA.) [But see this &.] word in art. e se:

c, above.


. he reproved him, &c.

Cnmels left to 'a.] .l. ,E1) (s,. 1) and t "jl, pasture by thenscltes, (S, g,) without a xastor. ;i.: sec ,,, above. and wvithout a keeper. (TA.) _Sec also the is a saying of the Arabs like their saying ,4.. [i. e., app., meaning iy separater from next paragraph. X." Beautiul; (g, TA;) applied to a L.t. my companions is death, or shall be death alone]. , expl. above. (TA.) from woman; (s, 0) and (g,) or o;l axe 1JJ, .) ,,::acy see (L in art. ,It jr.c, (O,) The kings of El.-Yemen vwho X :..C Great, (AA, O, K~, TA,) big, or bulky, have been establi.sed, or confirmed, in thei . do(TA,) and strong. (i, TA.) minion, (S, 0, K,) not being displaced therefrom, (S, ) (s, M;b,) inf. n. 2.-7 ,..l , (S, O,) or and wrho have not been displaced j4. 1A mountain of which the stones are white: AZ said but therefrorm: (. :) [and SM adds, referring to and .A; and :. 3,sosaid Yoo; (K :) or rough, rug7ged, or thick, stone, which may be red, and may be white, and maay be black, aLtaJI,] A'Obeyd says, and in like manner [it dXL.; (S; [see airt. f;]) I prepared,or made (ISh, O, g,*) and may be a rugged, high moun- denotes] anything left to itself, not prevented, or ready, (S, X,*) or set in order, dislmsed, or tain: (IShi, O0:) expl. in the ; as meaning withlwid, .from doin.q what it desires: (TA: [but arrangfed, (,) the army (S, Msb, g) in their white stones; but correctly, as IB says, white in this explanation the sing. is evidently put for the places. (S, K.) - See also 2 in art. #. stone: and ML; is an irreg. pl. thereof. (TA.) pl.:] the sing. of 'Ll, is most probably f J;., 6. .t~ll signifies TIe aiding, or assisting, of tl: is a pl.: in the one parlty by one man, and of another party by signifies A rock : (QC, likeo.~ , of which _- And [tho fem.] L.. S is expl. another mnan, weln they prepare a repast, one of .tt], ";'Iil TA: [in the CJ, 31 should be inserted after "Tathlecef el-Lisan" [of I autho- the tno parties mahing bread for this, and the one has no wvhom over those :]) or a white rock: (Th, , , TA:2 or as signifying otherfor another. (1}.) (TA.) rity. a white, hard rock: (TA:) pl. Jta, like Ctl. 8. i'.tcl, mentioned here in the TA, as syn. :ao: see JAc. ([, TA.) And A white [hill, or pl. of il,A.

e A weight, or load, or burden: or any load, or burden, consisting of a debt, or some other responsibility that one takes upon himSdf. (TA.) (which signifies the same) in art. [See also :



last sentence. -

j -'t

(TA.) And eminence such as is termed] &;. in the midst of a land, A narro~ strip (J) the stones of which are white, resemnbling the stones from whichfire is strucwk, and sometimes people do strike fire wth some of them : tlmj are not what are called crystal]. (TA.)

[app. as meaning One wvho ~ . 'i.q. resist, or wuithstands; or who is incompliant, or and [so in copies of the K unyielding]: (.:) and in the TA, but in the C1 "or,"] one who will not be prevented, or witdAeld,fiom a thing. ; [but] resembling jy* [i. e. (0, .)
th which trea are cut


l, see 8 in art.


J.. An implement [down]. (TA.)

"iLa A broad and long arro~ had: (A, , O, 1:) or an iron [arrow-head] made broad, no A [or emtral ridge]: (Agln, and hav~ # (O, ].) [See also IJ. TA :) pl. J.;. Also An arrow having a broad head. (Freytag, from the Deewha of the Hudhalees.)] ;. One having nith him JAa.. [pl. of of arrows. (Ibn-'AbbSd, O, 1.) ]

J [pam. part. n. of Zi;_; as such, Cut, &c. : _and] Repe~/d: thus in the following verse, cited by IAr:
* .a

a r L*,


* J



..... J~

14 !

. o &p

[Now verily my shooting in defence of them is repelled; so there is no aider to-day but the polished sword]: the speaker was shooting at his enemy, and the shooting availed not at all; so he fought with the sword. (O.)

, His face shone: (1K, TA:) 1. t;, aor. . t signifies thus ) l+; for] [or so %3.j accord. to IAar: (TA in art. L.:) app. from . signifying the " light" of the sun; this being originally **. (TA.). And ,l e is yn. with t ^_:;, (K, TA,) mentioned by ISd, and said by to be of the dial. of El-Yemen, (TA,) .- .;: see 2l , in two places. ~ And see also signifying The putting of the goods, or utensils, .t, above. one upon anotiar: [or packing them up in a re;L. [app. A.] The [kind of plant caled] : see 1, in art. 't :] IDrd pository: as also t that sineads upon the ground. (TA.) is of the dial. of El-Yemen, says, tl.l .,. [or slaughtered One's share of the j' . (TA in art. syn. with t camel for portions of which the players at the 1 2: see the preceding paragraph, in two places. game called j" contend]. (Q, TA.) _ And see also art. .$. and a (, Mgh, Msb, , TA A sort 4 The light of the sun; (IAyr, TA, and O of [the kind of garment caUtld] i: [pl. of which is the ,'..], (S, Mgh,' ], TA,) wide, (Mgh, TA,) w.,a, and g in art. L&t;) as also original form; (TA;) and so 4,, (IAa, and and [~neray] having in it large black [or O and l in art. t.z,) and ,; (O and V in art. brown] tr~ : (TA:) pl. [of the latter] z.1t& signifies the (., Msb) and t ft, (Mgh, Mqb,) formed by the ~;;) and IAr says that f *

1. and V l, but the former the more chaste, are said to signify, as epithets applied to a man, Coarse, or rude, heavy, dull, or stupid, (19,* TA,) and impotent: but this requires correction; for and ' lt~l Lth mentions ;J11, 1 as used by a poet, and says that they signify the coarse, or rude, imlpotent, man; but Az says that he had not heard .ti1, in this sense on any authority other than that of Lth, and that he held the right reading in the verse cited as an cx. by Lth to be ,1t*I, with k., meaning, as also otWl, "the coarse, or rude, or the heavy, dull, or stupid, and impotent, who has no need of women." (TA.)

Boox I.] elision of the 5, (Mob,) [or rather this is a coil. m (0, gen. n.,] and the pl of t4; is ., like .,: or, accord. to some, t Oo is a sing.; for they my that it sgnifies a sort ofa 4J.l, and that its pl is a;. (TA.) See i;. in art. s.~See als , above.

L T, O,* 1,) and t , o.) and and ., [this last uan .MZR31 (Az, ]g,) the conversing, intensive form,] (!,) ~ He (a stallion [camel], p or talking, toyether, as persou confiding in their 1 riprocl love, and tuerefore acting preumptuTA) liaed, or halted: (], TA:) or hanocksd Ah kness tog~ , or hadadtortion~ina Aindlg. ou, ke one towards anotAher; and reminding one or was hamtrung: (TA:) and .S (a camel, ?,1 another~ of their anger, or friend anger; (Kh, O, 0, or a stallion [camel], TA) malked upon thr 1 ;, O, Mob, ] ;) or desiring to dis , in a good kg#, lg., (9, 0, ], TA,) in counce of his hawing humoured way, things ing by whichA they had ben been bmn hamtrung, (], TA,) or in conmuee ojmdisplaed, and which had occasiod tem anger, his ie' Ais knocking togethr, or of hi having a or fr anger: (Az, ]P,* TA:) the language distortion diamion in a hind leg; a thotujh he leaped: meant is that of one friend to another. (TA.) (TA:) and he (a man) leaped on one foot, or -. And e 31t; signifies also The act of diciplinA~ hopped, (8, O,],) raiting th other: (5 :) in ing, training, _ercising, or making tractable: it t v ,0 A a each of these cases, the beast or man is likened to each is said in a trad., 1 4 3 1 1 WI31 i. e. one walking upon a series of steps, 'or the like, Train ye horse for war and for riding, for [they of of stairs, , (O, TA,) or of a mountain, or of will turnfrm their vil habits, or] they wil become rugged ground, (TA,) and leaping from one of ragged trained,and wil accept reproof. (TA.) - And these to another. (0, TA.) - And "t , you say, M 1 .,.l3t, meaning t He put the Aide aor. ' and,, inf. n. ; , t T lightning aor. again into the tan. (T in art. .. l.) [See an ex. shed in in conmtinued ~ucce (TA.) - And in a prov. cited voce ,.:i.] i,.. ~.Jl ib. >. h,t S, aor. [and app. ' also], t He passed [from place to place], and 4. leW, (], TA,) inf n. .'Al' with which a from aying to saying]. (0, *tC [q.v.] is syn.; (TA;) and t,af'; t J_U J He grand Ahim hit good wi, or favour; reTA.)l TA.) .And 'p' 1 't. ; c , garded him with good will, or faour; became though Freytag assigns this meaning to,] well peasd, co~t, or satified, with Aim. (I4, wel tt Th pe~ple, or party, turned aside injour~y- TA.) In the following verse of ti'ideh Ibn-Juing, and alighted in a place not in the right, or eiyeh, .0 in~ itd, direction. (am p. 18. [See also 4 '.1 ^.

L %,0 ,,, ( ,Ms, o, *,.) aor. (9, M h, O, :) and A, (9, , ,) inc n. , (, Mgh,
O, ]) and t ; or 1, ; or 5 or i.; (acord. to different copies of the O) and (, O, ,) with which t* and and," are syn., (],)but these two are simple subtb.; (1, 0; [see, however, e ;]) and 41 L ' ; (, o, TA;) He wa angry w hhin, ($, Mgh, O, g, TA,) wit the anger that p~o fom a fri~.d (,* Mgh,* 0,* ,* TA.) It is said in a trad, a 3. 1- v * 1 a .0o.
&. [He ud to may of oe of w,from a motive of fri~dly anger, What a~t him? May hu right hand (meaning he himself) dwea to the dut: see ",.]. (TA.) - And [sometimes] ,; %. signifies [simply] He oas ang with lim. (Mgh, TA.*) A poet sapys, (;, 0, TA,)


V~ 73 ~ ,a7%, namely, El-Ohapmu~h (O,TA) E4-])abbee, and and 8.])~ See also 1, said of a bone. : e I;c ' a.;,, 0 (TA,) 2. 2. ,*.CZ The making an IL [meaning a thrahoNi. * ... 't.l J,. .A ; threshol. (., TA.) L,, 3 means The [The ravn may become hoary but thy hart will 1 not r~ the remembranceof G~ haoob, no. * 4^jt,It 0i making a threo~ d (as) to the door. (TA.)


.111 A


i. e., had ye fallen in war, we had taken your blood-revenge: but one cannot revenge hinmself the j:.. [of the drawers, or trousers, i.e. the ttuck, ot doubled upper border, through which tuck, upon fortune. (TA.) -And (Myb, passes pa*e the waist-band], and foldiW it, in f~ ront: ~,*TA,*) aor. , and ', inf n .1p, (Mqb, ], [app. meaning the turning up a portion, drawn TA) and ~ [an intensive form] (5:, TA) and topther together imfrt, inide the band, to prepare for some active employment:] (IAth, O,],, TA:) ,It.; (As, TA) and , (Mb,) signifies also come you way, He rov cl--- .Za [He drew together blamed, or ceured kin; (]:, you TA;) and so ?,;l, * (TA,) inf. n. n i and the tuck of kh drawers, or trosrs, &c., and prepared himsl for active employmnt]: (O "4*a: (5, TA:) or A re~ blamed, or PrePared m~ , hAi, in ager, or di a (M,b.) and TA, from a trad. :) and the part so drawn together &e. is called the L. A poet says, (IAr, O.)

- [And The makng an _;.i (meaning a step):] (?, 0, TA; but in the 0, ?I ~(, and ,S so a. -] You say, ;c j*' or s well as , as in the ]Aam p. 406;) mean0, U& [Make thou for me a step in this ing [0 my frids, had some other ~nt tha the &&J1 deco~e cas of death befaU/ you,] I had bee place] when when you desire to ascend thereby to a angry: [but there isno being angry i~hfortne:] place. place. (O, TA.) - And The drawig to~etr

wi the rproof of the be met with good will], ,6.0 the last word is expl. by .'u *.L [meaning as a rendered above, or be regarded with favowr, or be met by a rturn to such conduct as wil make thy rsprover repr well pleased with thee]. (TA.) [Or] He made him to be well pleaed, consenst, or

satifed: (f, A, O0:) and the former verb is tued

in a contr. sense [or ironically] in the following verse of Bishr Ibn-Abee-Kh/zim,

4; 4.,

*~~~~~~~ ,? 'J,*..; ..
*Ut J .4m5. 0 A6.5 a *5. W .;; Agie IjgU,Ll.a. 0,0 [Teme e angry becaume' mir was slaughted on the day of En-Nisdr; so they were made contented by the sword :] i. e., we contented them by prov. slaughter: (?,' O,* TA: [see also the Riam p. 196 :]) [but the meaning may be, so they wmee made to return from their anger by thes or:

yon, .y,.. %


tary, dilatory, late, or backward: in return appears from an explanation, in the ], of ,-.1 [W n reproof dparts, there is no o: but oK which ser, its .,* is thought by ISd to be a a phrase in the ]:ur xli. 23 see 10:] and -and ! signify also He retrd to making substitute for the.A in,;s. (TA.) lasts as log as eproof l]. (,* 0, TA.) 1 me happy, or doing what ma pleasin. to me, . and *, signify Thy rr~ a man 3. ;b, inf.n. Z~ and ;Io, (9, 0, Myb,) from doing eil to me: (9, 0 :) or he ktLf off for i cond~ct that he Aat ds towards the, He reprdAim, , as expl. above; see 1, in doi that for which I was anry with him, andfrm whica tAou hat dsred m to r n to 1 the middle of the parrnph; in two places: and ratmrned to that tvhich made me to be el what wil pa~ thmee, or make the happy. (As, (TA:) or ' and agipifry two persons' peawd with him: (TA:) or the former signifies 1 TA. [See abo the latter word below.]) irprovmg, blaming, or cmuring, each other; he removed, or did away with, [my] complaint j meas Idid not t or ave aot 0a tm -of rm g th other of his ei and r~proof; the I having a privative efict: troddn, nthethre d ( ) of his door; 4 dutto kin: (As, TA:) [or the eaouting, (Mqb:) and Ct o a,sl means He cased continued 0 (A, , TA;) and so t ;I$ . (A,TA.) or rm tr , of ea ith the other :1 or, him to be pl~ad or contented [andso relieved him 00 And Ihen,] , or. ad:, inf .n1 Kh, T , o, O yb, V,) a alo. V & , (Az, from his complaint]. (lIar p. 337. [See also 1 Bk. I. 243 ~,

'~1 %,A sI u 1* ),i LS.0



* See

A also said of a bone. ss .,0 is also 1 al, said of a man as meaning He was, or became, that

.5 &I sometimes signifies Re mas made to


[Boox I. 1 jl.])_- And [hence, app.,] U.'1 signifies present themselves to him,] he does not recoilffrom forefinger and middle finger [when they are ~lie cancelled a bargain, or contract, wvith me. them, [butfears the turning aside,] and so ascends tended apart]: (M,b in art. ., and I :) or the (TA.) _ ,,&l and V ..,-a 1 also signify He the mountain. ($, O.) - And I1 signifies space between the middle finger and third finger: returned from doing an evil action, a crime, a also lie pursued a 1ight, or direct, course, syn. (S, O, ] :) or the [space that is measured by] togeter. (Mob ubi sin, a fatUdt, or an qofence: or the former signifies j.., (S, IAth, O, K, [perhaps thus expl. in re- placing the four fingers cl he returnedfrom doing evil to do that which made lation to the verse cited above,]) &j.l~ [in the supri.) [See also , and ,.] _ Also A him who reproved or blamed him, or who was affair]. (I.) benling at thwe Z.. [or part with which one anigrJ with hin, to be nwell pleased with him. strikes], and a bluntness, of a sword. (TA.) (TA.) It is said in a prov., ' " :6 C. 10. :--. 1 le asled him, petitioned himn, or One says, .ki alU Ac i I t Tlere is not [lHe is not an evildocr who returns from his evil solicited him, to grant him his good will, or in the obedience of such a one any bending nor a conduct]. (TA.)._ And -;l (K) and t .,:Zl favour; to reg7ard him with good will, orfavour; recoiling. (TA.) _ And A deJrct in a bone, (;, 1) likewise signify lie turned away, or to become well pleased, content, or sati.fied, with when it has not been well set, after a fracture, turned bach, or reverted, from a thing: ($, 0, him; (S, O, . ;) or he desired, or sought, of him and there remains a constant sweling in it, or a Ii:) and tho lptter is also expl. as meaning he that he should return to making him happy, or to lameness. (TA.) - And An unsoundness (0, turned back from a thing, or an affair in which doing what was pleasing to him, fromn doing evil K, TA) in an animal's leg, (O, TA,) and t in ie was engaged, to another thing, or affair: ($, to him. (S.) And 1,-: , alone, He aslwd, an affir. (TA.) One says, ; . b O, I :) so accord. to Fr, ($, O, TA,) from the solicited, sought, or desired, good will, or favour; t Tuere is not in his love, or affection, anything phrase CJIl Ui signifying as expl. below (vocc or to be regardAed with good will, or favour. (S, mingling wvith it that vitiates it, impairs it, or # ._ , in the Kur xvi. 86, and renders it unsound. (TA.) ;c) on his authority. (TA.) See also 3. - Msb.) C 1-" xxx. 57, and xlv. 34, means Nor shall 1 they be , said of a bone that has been set is like iz_ The JAz., [meaning threshold] of a door, asked to return to what will please God. (Jel.) - '.A 31 [meaning It was caused to hawve a defect And J I 5 - O , 3 1;. in the (S, A, Mgh, O, Msb, ],) upon which one treads: in it, so that there remained in it a constant Kur xli. 23, means And if thly solicit God's (TA:) or the upper of the two [transverse pieces swelling, or so that a lamenms resulted: see , ]: farour, they shall not be regarded(l ith falour: of wvood, of a door-way, wl~ereof each is called and ,.CW [of which the verb may be either t 4 (Jel:) or if tlhJ petition their Lord. to cancel A.,1; i. c. the lintel]: ( :) [for it is said that] or ] has the meaning of its inf. n., 44&. their compact, [or to restore themn to the n,o.rll, the upper [piece of wood] in a door-way is the lie will not do so; i. c.,] lie will ,ot restore t/them ac; and the piece of wood that is above this is (TA.) to the wnorld; (0, K, TA ; knowing tilat, if thley the .- 4,; (Az, TA in this art. and in art. 5. d% ".L: see 1, first sentence. - Also were restored, tley would return to that whichl _.;) nand the '.. is thie lowest [or lie accused him of a crime, an offence, or an they have been forbidden to do: this is the thireshiold]; and the QL~; are the I;'l.G ibjuriotu action, that he had not committed. meaning if we read the verb in the active form: [and [or two side-posts]: (TA:) the pl. is tV. [im(TA.) - And you say, .,'. IIe is not otherwise, (O, TA,) reading I j-a C. ;;], as 'Obeyd Ibn-'Omeyr did, (O,) the properly tcrmed a pl., for it is a coll. gen. n.,] to be renoved, blamed, or censured, with anything [i.e. with any reproof &c.]. (I,' TA.) And meaning is, If God cancelled their compact, and (S, 0, K) and L;c. (TA.) [It is mostly used g at ) [No repnoof, blame, or restored them to the world1, they would not [return in the former of thle two senses expl. above.] _ censure, is to be caJt upon him in r&,pect of from their evil ways, and] act obediently to God: And [hence,] : A wrvif is thus termed, (0, ],) (O, TA:) [for] -- ----- also signifies I askecl metonynmieally, in like manner as she is termed anything]. (ISk, O, TA.) - See also 3. a3 lso signifies .e kept to, or was constantly him, or desired him, to cancel a bargain,or com- Jxi, &c. (O.) _ And A step; a single stp of at, the a1 [or thiwlsold] of the door. (A, TA.) pact, with me (TA.) ~ See also 4, in three a series: (S 0, AMsh:) or a single step of aseries made of n:ood: (TA:) pl. . [improperly places. - And you say, dQ :' see 1, latter lalf. termed a pl., as observed above,] (S, O, M,b) *: see 5', in four places. 6: see 3. One says, ' O , -J/ 1 a. and ;,L.&. (S, O.) t [The two [Betwneen them is speech with which they reprove, thresholdy or lintel.s or steps] termed .t/.JI [or ;c One who relnroes, blames, or censures, blamne, or censue, ore another]. (..) And il. (0, ], TA,) his companiuon, or hiixs fiend, (0, the outer] and li1.jt [or the inAter] are two mwil.. ,Lll L* . , W [ V[When they reprove TA,) much, or freqently, (O, .K, TA,) in resl#ct known figures of [the scienwe f] J "I i: e. one another in a friendly manner, the rqeproof of everthing, (0, TA,)from a tnotive of solicitpus geomancy]. (TA.) - ij L- The extreme xide rectfu, or sets right, what is amiss between a.Jiction for him, and to give him good advice. of a valljey, thtat is next the mountain: (0, TA:) (TA.) [See also .;-.] them]. (s.) or, as some say, [i.e. 'a:"t, supposed by Freytag to be aWIl,] signifies the place *f bendimn 8: see 4, latter part: and see also . _ -;c: see 4;S, in five places. - Also The of thle valley. (.Ham p. 18.) - And ' signifies ^ ) .r.a1 lie receded, or retreatcd, in lhi 7i4Lj; [or fiets] (O, TA) that are bound upon also A hartLship, or difflculty; and a hateftul, or wtay, after proceeding tlwrein for a while; as the oJe [meaning neck] (O) of a lute: (0, TA :) disagreeable, thing, or affair, or case, or event; though in consequence of a difficulty (,n,~) pre[npp. as likened to a series of steps:] or the trans- and so * (.) One says, , isenting itself. (TA.) _- And a.& e,1,1 lie verse pieces of wood upon the face of a lute, [i. c., Suchlt a one was incited, urged, indluced, or quitted the even, or easy, part of the way, aind app., upon the face of tie neck,] from which the tooh to the rugged part. (8, O, A.)_ chords are extended to the extremity of the lute: made, to do, or to suffer, a disagreeable, or hateAnd' ful, thing, of a trying, or an afflictire, kind. (i, oJI ', w,.;cl He ascended the mountain. (O, .K,TA :) or, accord. to IAir, the thing [app. ,- LA and ai (0, O, . [In the ] is added, "and did not the small ridge at the angle of the neck] upon O.) And;h, recoil from it:" but this is a portion of the which are [or lie] the extremities of tie chords, lie was incited, &c.,to do, or to suffer, a hardexplanation of the verse here following.]) El- in the fore part, of the lute. (TA.) [See an ship, or dfficulty. (TA.) And . , J' lotei-ah says, engraving and a description of a lute in my work ,,w 1%), ?Z The7re is not in this thing, or on the Modern Egyptians.] - And The places affair, or case, any hardsl,ip, or di~idty. (, J* - *^* W~*5 -,w ^ of ascent of mountains, and of rugged and hard 0.) And ;4I :$L; means The sretiea [or pieces of ground. (TA.) - And luggedness of pains or agonies] of death. (TA, from a trad.) * $@;J i o ground. (O, K.) _ And The space between two i.e. [Wln prominences of bends of mountains mountains. (TA.)-_ And The sipace between the The being well pea~d, content, or atis.g --.e

Boox I.]

1945 . scee see: _ [Hence,] ce,] W [lHcn , as also

4.4c: see the next preceding paragraph, in fed, [with a person,] or the regardingwith good will, or favour: (M, A, :) or good pleasure, five places. content, satisfaction,good awill, or fawour: (MA, -1; One upon whom reproof, blame, or cen1~, KL:) its primary signification is the returndoes not operate. (0, ].) =And A road, sure, ing of one hose good will, or favour, has been (TA, as from the I( [in which I do way. or solicited, or daired, to the loe of his companion: not find it].) as meaning ajsl (TA:) it is the subst. from L.'& L [A town, or village,] in which is little "he returned to making me happy," &c.; (S; good, or of good things. (0, K.) of see 4;) a subst. from 4,I;ll; (Mb ;) [i. e.] it is put in the place of..?1l; and [thus] it signifies l;c. One wtho reprores, blames, or censures, [the returning to making one happy, or doing what much, or frequently, [in an absolute .scne, (see 1,) is pleasing to him,.fiom doing evil to him: or] the or] in anger, or disldeasure. (Myb.) [See also returning,from doing eril, to that which makes tihe person who has rqeroved, or blanmed, or been angry, ot .=e to be well pleased, content, or sati.fled: and [simply] aiijl [like ae., &c.] A thing [meaning the returningfrom doing a crime, a nmisdeed, an with which one is relrroved, blamed, or speech] o.ifenc, or an evil action. (TA.) One says, censured. (0, K.) See 6. 511 .JcaInl lie granted me his good will, or see 1, in thrcee places. aIe: a;." and j3 > " %Al ;i favour. (A.) And ,e
se .

t c, A horse made ready, or prepared, for runnin; running; (S,O, L, 1 ;) (f' strong nake; quick in leaping, or springing; not incongruous, un.sound, faulty, or Iweak, in mtake; nor lax, or uncompact: (L:) or str'on, anld perfect in make: (18k, (ISk, S, O, . :) or that le,;frn'ns run after run : (0 (O :) or made ready, or prelared,for riding: and applied alike to a male and to a female. (L.) J.ZG. ,~: see the next preceding paragraph. ;.C and see a;: what next follows.

(I,) &;(S, A, O, L, Misb, K) and t 1;6, (L, or V L;js, (so in the 0,) Apparatus; syn. ,,a [q. v.]; (S, A, O, L, i ;) which is said by some !,#j to be formed from 3.A, but others deny this; (L;) implements, or instruments, or tie like; (., O;) or weapons, beasts, and instruments, or 5 j 1W Only he should be reproed in whlom the J, of nnwar: (L, Mb :) pl. m.l& (O, L, [i.e. Reproved, equipage, c .:J... .!..a is for [finding a disposition to a] returnfrom hli evil Mgb, K) and ,b;cl (L, M.b) [both pls. of pauc.] blamed, or censured; &c.]: Mtr says, it is said Mqb, conduct may be hoped for. (TA.) And .- l [corrupting, rendering unsound, and oc. (L.) One says, o;il r..s j l lie to signify O is [said to be] used when one does not mean vitiating, &c.]; but I am not sure of it. took his apparatus, or implements, or instrumentts, (8, O, TA,) i. e. in the contr. thereby .. jlt, or the like, [or he ncepared, or nprovided, h imnuf,] (Mjar p. 77.) of its primary sense, (TA,) in the prov. ..a. .U for the ffair: (5, 0:) or he took, for the the in analogy, with agreeably used, [is .a ], as though meaning affizir, aff'air, what he had prepared of weapons, antl i. e. [Ji)1 ,; ~8. says, El-Kumeyt :l]. of n. of war. inf. the of sense beasts, beasts, and ihstruments, or equipage, Tlou shalt have content, or satisfaction, wtithout 0 (Mab.) thy being well pleaed; or] I will content thtee (Msb.)-And sometimes, (S,0,) %15 signifies rith tie contrary of what tlwou likest: and in also A large drinkiay-culp or bovl: (S, 0, K :) t i. like manler the corresponding verb is [said to * L IJ t (IAnr, L:) or a large J. and ,_.: i. q. WA-& bel usc(led in the verse of Bishr Ibn-Abee-Khizim d.i.inkin .q or bowl (..c) of [wood of the tree cited above in the explanations of that verb: (S, [And desire turned away from my heart, and drinking-cup It turning]. its was awhmn unto be him may unto caU&I] J'. (A.In, TA.) my poetry caUle] O, TA:) [but the preyov. hliere mentioned 0 (s, O.) well rendered thou shalt return from thine ;j; A yearling goat; (Msb, I;) a young .%3.ZG wa3y against thy n,ish; for,] accord. to Fr, .- ql is used in the sense of [the inf. n. of goat that pasturcs, and is strong, and lasbecome a l, in the p)hrase jr2 .J signifies the returning,from .,. L.,.-: thus in the saying, yea.r year old: (S, 0, L:) or a hid that has begn to, meaning] !, ! what one likes, to wutat he dislikes: (MF:) and pagure: pasture: (L:) or that pasturcs, and Itas become [And after death W 3f*JI " 0 5. it signifies also [as cxpl. above] the returningfirom strong; (Mgh, TA;) as also *,': or that has sti-ong; 1 there is no asking, petitioning, or soliciting,favour doing a crime, a misdeed, &c. (TA.) [a year old, in the second yea,']; becouw a t~ of Godl: for after death is the abode of retribu- become also; both of wllich and such is called ,c and Vt4. and * t; [all mentioned tion, not that of works. (TA from a trad.) ;L& appellations are applied to the male and the before as inf. ns.] are said to be syn. nwith female; or such is only termed 'iqc; .): ':] it is asserted that you A; ': [sec 4, and # " meaning I didnot say, [app. signifying one tlat has become a 'j [aor. ,] (0, L, Mob, K,) inf. n. U; I did not [meanig . say han tlat or (TA:) year]: tlird tie (O, L, R,) It (a thing, meaning in jind in v,hat he said any evidence of a return to (O, Mgb, R) and ;X;, [of pi. (L:) , attained thesfi age for procration: be faourable, or to do what would be pleasing (, Myb, w) and preor hand, at ready, became, or to me], when a man has mentioned his having L, Mqb) was, pauc.] bsel and [of mult.] i.s~ the latter granted you his good will, or favour, and you pard. (0, L, Msb, .)-And ;, inf. n.;c L, Mab, ],) the use of 01.;, (S, O, originally (L, TA) and ;bt, (TA,) It (a thing) was, or *,' see not any proofthereof: and some say, which last form is also allowable. (Msb.)[in the like sense]: but Az became, great, big, or buljy. (L, TA.) l;c 't I '1w I tI Also [A tree of the species called] a ;j../: or a 2: see the next paragraph. , , -. nor '1 nor n $ heard (o, L,]g.) not have says, I (S;) l; n. inf. I,) Mb, O, 0, (, lJ,& 4. . and in the nse of 41i; but * r * ,c )%:~ A thing (S, O, L) ready, at hand, or (S, K ;) ignify thy eprov~ a man forel conduct, and ;V , (S, Mqb, K,) inf n. -; [q; v.]: (S,A, O, L, ;) as also , prepared; e made it ready, or preparedit, (S, 0, Meb, K,) Honduct, c signify thy reoing a manfr verb pl. [of pauc.) of the latter .;; and [of mult.] &o, as stated above; [see 1;] and Irt;c and fo a [ffuture] day. (S, 0.) The former Lsta, mutual rwoingfor such conduct. (TA.) occurs in the l]ur xii. 31. (S, O, Msb.) %;c: (Mb :) the former oocurs in the lur 1. 2-2, ale;t1 The malc hyena: (Kr, TA:) and Yasoob says that the [former] ; in 3.;l is (O, L,) in this sense: or as meaning near: (L:) (0,) i. e. made ready, or in and or as meaning * ',: .l,A and t .. ,:.l [the latter of the measure a substitute for the [former] s -O a-'I prepared. (1g.) ~M, accord. to the CI~ and my MS. copy of some say that ~; is originally ,s.l; but others A receptaclefor perfume (A, Myb) andtt $e;. the 1], but in the TA of the measure .,, and deny this. (L.) :3 HRe waS nice, or scrupul~usly unguent (A) or unguents: (Msb:) a kind of -; 5. thle female hyena: (.g :) said therefore * .,,] to be so caled because of her limping: but ISd nice and exact, in his work, art, or craft. wooden tray ('4*), or a small round box (i~), (O, 1K.) in which are the peofume of a man, (0, ],) or says, I am not sure of this. (TA.) 245 *


[BooK I.

his unguent, (0,) and thae perfume of the bride., ; (0, TA;) but, he adds, this I hav e to their idos; (Msb;) i. . A --. j, (A'Obeyd, not found to be known: (0i:) and some say thELt TA,) i. c. a victim vhich masat rfic~d in Rjdeb, (0, 4,) prepmred (-,'i~) for whlat Jse require of perfume, and ubstancefor fumigation, and c ait is the (TA:) the n. un. is ij;x: ( aS a a propitiation, in the Time of l anoran~,


nomb, and other thing; [formed from ,9;] th,e 0:) AHn says, a desert-Arab of Rabee'ah tol d (A'Obeyd, Mgh, TA,) and also by the MLudim in fl~~~~~~~~~~~4 ; being affixed to it as being a subst.: (0:) ol r me that this is a sa tree [or plant], that rui the beinning of EIl-d&im; (Mgh ;) but the custom a Jl [or small round basket covered mit hto the Aeight of a cubit, huaving many branchd was afterwards abolished; (A'Obeyd, Mgh, 0;) (, 0, 0,J;S;) which likewise signifies leather] preparedforthe perfume, (Az, Mgh, L,: and green, round lewtves, like the,J, and roun as also t d anysldauhtredanimal; (K;) and sodoestll;; and utensuils, and substance for fumiiation, (Az, fruits (. which are in pairs, near toe w) L,) and comb, (As, Mgh, L,) and miuror, hanging down toward&the ground, and sveet, or thllis being like 4.;, in the phrase :es, (Mgh,) and other thigs, require by a bride .pleasant in taste, their taste being like that o for 4~' ; (Lth, TA;) or it may be a possessive (Az, Mgh, L:) or a thing like a causket, or smal ,4]: IS (TA :) the pl. of p;e ches, in which a woman puts uch of her goods, small cucumbers: it seldom, or never, grows singlyt, epithet [meaning but i.found in pairs, or in fours, in one place : is j . (Msb.) or utensil, as she values. (L.) and some assert that it abounds with milk: (0: ) l0 ,it is also said to be a tree [or plant] that gromn ,1S ;l: ,.: see the next preceding paragraph. see _Y. by thw burroiv of the [lizard calld] 4, whicl mumbles it so that it does not increase; whenci e 1. .c, below in tition, or cation to of wlich nor. , inf. n. [and ja 3 (mentioned this paragraph), a form denoting repefrequency, of the action, or its appliseveral objects, or it may be an inf. n. the verb is t;4], IIe slaughtered [or the saying 11I a> C; .J3l [fe ismnor aor., inf.d n.; e, ,;) vile than the ;;, of the o]: and it is also said I 1. ,iJI -, in the 1g, to signify the G,'7.~4j*, mentionec r or o,jJd G;,?, aor. ; and ~j;c; The mare, (~, above as being said to be a signification of ** : O,) or Aorse, (.i,) preceded, and became safe, or (TA:) also, the captr. (K,' TA.) It is said in secure: (S, 0, g:) [or,] accord. to IDrd, ;. ,#iJI, with dlamm, signifies the hors became a trad. that there is no harm in a man's trcating sucJh as is terrmed '. ! [q. v.]. (O.) The meanhimself medically with senna and ; while in a state of!,..t: (O, 0:) which, some say, meanE ing of The state, or act, of precedinq, or ka/ing that there is no harm in taking these from tlic precedence, [assigned to thie inf. n. wJ,] is said sacred territory for such treatment. (O.)=Also to be the turning-point of the art.: and hence, ,.JI J) j;, said of a horse, means He preceded An idol, (0, I6,) such as had victims ( jl) tihe other horses, and became safe, or secure, from sacriticedto it. (O.) - See also i

sacMifced] (., o, I, TA) an


(S, o,)

e O;: The stemn,or stock, of a tree: on the authority of Aboo-Sa'ced and IAatr: (TA:) and the bnanches of a tree. (A, TA.) - [And hence,] t The people, or tribe, of a man, consisting of his nearer relation, (A'Obeyd, ISk, S, A, 0, Mqb, 4,) both the dead and the living: (s, C:) or his elation: (Msb:) or his relations [These are days of tAe sacrificing of the ;.e"]. consisting of his offsrpring and his paternal uncle's m: (A:) or his relationm consistiag of his of (, o0.) spring andofi o : (TA:) a or thre more ditin2: see above, first sentence. guished of one's relations: (IAth, TA:) or the j; Origin, or original state or condition; (S, people of a man's house, the more near and more distant: (0, TA:) a man's oJjpring, or O, I ;) and natural disposition; like .;. (0.) progeny; (IAar, Th, and Az, S, 0, Msb, IC;) wlhicl One says, j.?lf;i ' j He is of generous origin. is said to be the only meaning of the word known (T/I.) And it is said in a prov., .i j to the Arabs; (Msb;) or imagined by the vulgar e) I*AlLcks [a proper name of a woman] ,e- to be its meaning peculiarly. (TA.) Le ;.; o tnrned to her' original state or condition (S, O) means [Thte nearer porti'a of thc tr,ii of thi andl natural dislpmition: (0:) applied to him Proplet, consisting of the soI X qf f ld-m I-e t who has returned to a natural disposition which lalib: (Aboo-Sa'ced, 0 :) or b,ld-EI-Iuttalib he had relinquishled. (q, O.) [See also;I.] and Ais sons: (TA:) or the offsipring of Fdtielh: Also A certain plant, 0, O, ,) usd med icinally, (IAar, TA:) or tlhenearer members of tihe lioue like the A.,tjp.4 [or tmarjoram]; (S;) growting of the Prophet, consisting of his own offspring like this latterplant, in a straggling manner; and and of Alse and his offspring: or thc nearer when it has grown tall, and its stem is cut, there and the more dixtant in relationshipof the hwuse of comes.forth from it wvhat resembles miit: (TA:) tae Prolphet: or, as is commonly held, the people of accord. to Aboo-Ziy6d, it is a plant of those thte ouse of the Prophet; who are those from whom it is forbidden to exact the poor-rate, and those to termed j1I [pl. of ^-], having a mall round whom is assigned the fifth of tre fifth mentioned fruit (~q. [dim. of 3'j]), rhich is sweet, or in the Soorat el-Anfll [the eighth chapter of the pleasant in taste, eaten by men; and it grotns lilce .Iur-iin, verse 42]. (TA.) Also n. un. of,' as does tihe )popy, but i smaller: (AHni, O:) or [q.v]. (, O.) certain small trees [or plantsJ: (~, I, TA,) .: A sheel,, or goat, wviucis ,,: to ,haing round./,iu (Jii [pl. of ,-]), like those of the poppy: (TA as on the authority of Agn :) slaughter, (S, 0, Msb, K,) in [the month oi]: of] AIln says, (0,) some assert it to mean the Rejeb, (, 0, Msb,) to their gods, (S 0, O ,) or

[i.e.] a sheep or goat, or a gazelle or the like. (TA.) Sometimes a man, (8, O,) of the pcople of the Time of Ignorance, (S,) made a vow that, if he should see what he loved, he would slaughter such and such of his sheep or goats; andl wllhen the performance of the vow became obligatory, he would be unwilling to do so, and would slaughter gazelles instead of the sheep or goats: (S, 0:) sometimes ire would say, " If my camels amount to a hundred, I will slaughter fbr tllem an &;ec;" but when they amounted to a hundred, ire would be niggardly of the sheep or goat, and would hunt a gazelle, and slaughter it. (TA.) O,eo says, J?p QJ I k. and LW

them. (Mgh.) And 3

:iJ;&, aor., I pre-

ccdd the thing. (I :b.) -_ Jl ;G, (S, Mgh, O, Mb, .k,) aor. , (S, O, Msb, I,) inf. n. (8, Mgh, 0, ;) and j, (IS,) or the former is a simlple subst. and the latter is an inf. n., (Mhb, S,) as also JOU (S, Mgh, O, Msb, I) and '1';, (S, o, Mab, ],) The slarc became free; (S, 0;) the lave passed forth from tie state of dlaery. (Mgh, .K.) And sometimes Ljp is used in the place of 3tl]; (Mgh ;) and so is JLE;, in the saying t31at" 1 [Ie swore by emnancipation]: (TA:) but see 4. [Hence,] one says, j. ;.j Uil;Z [Such a one is a freed .slae]. (S, O, g. [See also I'.]) _ tJl .;is said of a girl when shie has attained to the marriageable state [meaning Sbe has passed forth from the state of childhood]. (O, TA.) And -'~ , aor.:, Sle (a girl) attained to the commencement of the state f' puberty: riand as some say, had not marridl: (K,' TA:) [or] she (a woman) pased forth from the state, or condition, of .erving her father andi mother, and from being potsessedl by a ltusband. (M;b.) .'j"~', nor.;, lie (a man, S, 0) became thin, ur Jhinc, or delicate, in his external dkin, after having been coarse and rough; (S, O, 4 ;) as also "c. (IK.) jc , said of anything, It attained its utmost point, reach, or degree. (TA.) - i. 1 ,.i;s The young she-camel became firee from a jI. [orpurulent pustulesin the mouth]and ;1I [i. c. mange, or scab]: until this is the case, she is not reckoned a so said an Arab of the desert. (TA.) c, (Msb,) or JQll I,

contmetion appellatio

, (? OJ ,) aor. s


and isc also sometimes (Ir, ?, ;) or eminence, of rank or condition]. (5.)-n. j!; o The And O, 15.) (g, comeliness. or Beauty, Ccurs, a i; (Mb ;) and as a pl. of ;l like ,ecurs, and ;c; (1 ;) It, (Mqb,) or the property, or former analogyis slavery. of contr. offreedom; or condition, state, or right, a good, in became 1p,) ?, 0, (Fr, cattle, he . (S, O, Mb.) ;ej 3 is , he pl. of .; is poper, state. (Fr, g, 0, M#b, ]p) - See also (S, 0, .) - [And Oldncss: in which sense,] tla to Es-Siddecl, (S, 1g,) i.e. (?, Mgh, 0, ]g,) inf. n. J31l;c aor. 1 ($, 0, ]K) and ; (0, Mgh, 0;) and (15;) The thing becam old. ($, Mgh, 0, ]K.) Both of these verbs, in this sense, are said of clarified butter. (TA.) And you say, 4 .. , (Msb, 1],) A.Jt; (S, Myb, 15;) and Q. r and *j; (Mqb;) Thc wine aor.,, inf. D. became old (Mob, O5) and good. (K.) O15,) aor.,; (S, 1; in onc of ; deSs, ($ 0, ($, O, ;) my copies of the $ L;) and : The oath wa binding on him: (1 :) or vas old, and binding on him; as though he kept it [long], not violating it. (6, 0.) i4 diA, inf. n. ii _ 4. 1;11

I to like and Mab, ],) &gh, O, (Mgll, Also 3&gh,


accord. to some, Jwp and *X relate to inanimate relates to things, as wine and dates; and ;; and also to animals. (L, .) inanimate things 0i* ' &, A s)ecies of treesfrom nhich Also, andt are made: (AHn, :*) the name bons Arabian being meant to imply the excellence of the bow [made therefrom]. (AHn.)
0 ii$

;j;c: see wlhat next precedes. 3U&: sce the next paragraph, last quarter.

a n appellation applied ) ]ur-in !5,) as a surname, (],) bS) to Aboo-Bekr, (S, 0, *muse Prophet to be freed the by said was because he je;) ) from the fire [of Hell]: or because of his (Ij;i in )eaty, beauty, or comeliness: (., 0, 15 :) or he was so iamed named by his mother. (0, ].) - And Old; (8, Wgh, (S, 0:) O, L, Msb, 1. ;) as also *Lj.: Mgh,occurs J .he to anything, sense this tthe former is applied in wen :ven to a man: (S, L:) and the pl. is jC,which )ccurs occurs in a trad. applied to the earlier verses of 1e the 1]ur-in that were revealed at Mekkeh, (L,

A horse that precedes, outstrips, or out- ; or this signifies a horse that a oJs; as also precedes, and becomes safe, or secure; (TA; [see he bit wvith h5is 1, first and second sentences ;]) or that precedes, He bit it: (15::) or &c4V or outgoes, the [other] horses: (Msb:) front teeth: and [simply] he bit: (So in the 0:) outstrips, and the former, a generous,or an excellent, horse: [both are app. correct; for it is said that] *:i (Msb, TA:) or a horse .sift and excellent; or signifies the act of biting. (L, I5.) that excites adrnirationby his generousness or excellcence; syn. ";: (S, Mgh, O, TA:) pl. Jis:, inf. ,(,O,) Jlx 2: see4. -

rA,) TA,)

and P, (S, IS,*) or j., with two dammelis, (Meb,) mchs, (Mgh, Mab,) like ;M 3W pl. of ^,


0#j a (Mgh, Msb,) ~j being [proto ,1j;, applied bably] a contraction of "i (like as . is of .t) cind and in like manner applied to .. i;i, j-;0 j occurs in the TA in art. .,

(.,) [and agrceably with

general analogy if pl. of a;,] but ` , with two dammehe and teshdecd, is a mistake. (Mgh.) dammehs

: (S, O, Mob:) iie applied to a young she-camel it:wl is an appellation of Tlte KanbeA, i;.q '1 ISCj is said of wine ( j.JI) [as meaning It was means gencrous, excellent, or swvift: (TA:) and (S; 0, O, ]5,) given to it in the X(ur-An [xxii. 30 and 34, kept lonJ, so that it became old]. (S, O.) - See as meaning the Old llouc], (0,) because it has this meaning applied to camels, (TA,) was also 1, last sentence. the first house founded upon the earth, (0, (S, O, TA,) or to such as are termed ;:i..J, ],) is said in the K5ur [iii. 00]: (0:) or [as as I5,) ;;cl He made his mare to haasten, or and to horses; (g, TA;) or the Etl of horses meaning t the Freed llouc,] because it was freed jj 4. be quick, [and to precede, (see 1, first sentence,)] are the generous, or excnt, thereof; and so of from submersion (O, K) in the days of the Deluge, birds; (Mgh;) [the noble thereof, in a sense (0,) being taken up; (TA;) or from the imperious, and become safe, or secre. (S, 0, ]g.) 1AI He eman pated tih slave; ,fred him from wider that that in which this epithet is applied overbearing, or tyrannical, of mankind; or from laver.y: (. , Mgh, 0, M1b,- 1:) * Aso in this in English falconry;] or of birds, suc as prey; the Abyssinians; or because not possessed by any sense is not known, (TA,) and should not be (i, 0, 1, TA;) thc being applied to one of one; (0, 15;) and [thus expl.] it is tropical. fI said, therefore it is said in the BJiri' that one should ], d r [n tJ is also applied [particu- (TA.) You say li;e; (TA1:) A tul J. not say ,Zo JU$, nor should one say 111 i, iij i O, ,) with ;, (S, O,) and larly] to eaglcs: (IAar, TA voce ,ia:) and (S, 0, with the verb in the active form [and making a1bia e, contr.], (S, 0, ]R,) without 3, (Q, to the hawk, or falcon: (0, TA :) [meaning the 5 0, JI.a the agent]. (Msb.) - j3l; j;el IeI put and b signiies anything generous, or excellent; 0,) O,) because Ue;-" has the meaning of the measure the cattk, or property, into a good, right, or (S;) and anything choice, or best; (S, O, 1;) alo alG, (S, O, K,) but .. 4. has the meaning of propers, tate; (Fr, ?,O,1;) as also *.i1.6 thus applied to a hawk, and dates, and water, the measure ial.. (S, O.) And jga tl;, (0, (Mb,' , TA) OA. inf. n. &a3; iO;) and * and fat: (S:) or wehrII means dates [themselves], He dug J Xpl (TA.) aor. s, inf. n, s. (AIn, 0, 15,) as in a verse of 'Antarah (or of :,) without without ;, (0,) and 1Ai and ;31t [app. his well, and cased it [with stones or bricks], (AA, meaning Old nine]: (1:) and U 'jl; and Khuzaz-Ibn-Lowdhan, S, TA) cited voce ,i.S, , J,)and made it good. (AA, O.) - j;cl (O,) as a proper name thereof; (s;) or, as e and t? : good and old wine: (~, in a so his place (D dSh). He took for hi and its pl. is later portion of the art. :) or t J. means old dates termed ir; the say, some ~~~~~~~~~~~~~I that it became -his pro)erty. (0, .) - j&i J,: (TA:) and water [itself]: (c:) and fat wine: (., O, TA:) or long keqt in its receptacle: Zl._.s [is expl. by the words] ,lw.J dj .Ai.ZW t1I [itself]: and accord. to IAer, anything trat (has (L, TA:) or of nwhich no one has broken the real [upon the mouth of its jar]: (., O, TA :) or that 4 [app. as meaning He took something attaind the utmost degree in goodns or badness [u.pon I hau hm just attained to maturity: (Z, TA :) f~Iassn ;. pL ex;el is termed ugliness or beauty or reckoning, or account from his regiser, or his says, [using it as an epithet in which the quality the so in or comely: Beautiful, state Also correct, or (TA.) a right, ohn it had become in predominates,] of subst. a i one is beautiiml, a [h Scite ad TA.) - &d jja1 He made Aiu saying, e for him]. (0, I.~~~~~~~~~~~~ (L, TA.) or comey, in respect of thte face]. (0, TA.) oath to be inzp e. And mea ;i!m means A woman beautiful, or : see the next paragraph. comely; generous,ornoble. (TA.) - And (applied hisezxternal [Like mushk which tlwu mixest writh the water of a [ mentioned above as an in a. and also as to a man, ,0)Thin,orordelicate,in rough. (S, O, cloud, or old wine (&c.) like the blood of the and been coarse after having sRin, a as [app. q. 3W4.q i. 1)] a simple subst. (see slaughtered animal, made to continue long in its quality of a horse and the like, meaning Generous 1.) - And, applied to a slave, signifying Freed 31aughtered es, eclaece,or sifhcss: see 1, first and second from dlaery,or emancipated; (S, Mgh, O, Mob,' unopened jar]. (., 0, TA: but the last, for T,)3"~ , has il4.)-A ;) as also t , and tL .t; (S, , MOb, ;, sentences]. (V.) - And i q. IjS [Generoumse nd .S?Jl signifies as it and some of the relaters of traditions say t 01;) (15,Mgh O, generosity, or nbi]; And [What is termed] A) Wine [itself]. ( W5to [How c(TA,) but this is not allowable: (Myb, TA:) "I r l ;'Il. the saying, y1.I &' juie of grpes "JI1 [app. as meaning exed :re is applied to a female, (S, 0, Mob, f],) and boiled until the quantity thereof i roduced to one manifest is generous , &c.,in the face of nssa And i. q. J> [HigAne a one.'). (5, 0.) Milk. (1.) ,eir also: (Mgb:) the pl. of jc is is , (S, third or half]. (].) -And

(S, 15,) I made the thing old. (S, 0, 15.:)


1048 [Boox I. And A [sort of] male palm-tree, (g, TA,) n'eli aisjl J.; A man bent, or bending, [or sloping,] .,OS [as meaning Ilgdy esteemd, or aoc/lent, known, (TA,) of which the female palm-tree ntil/ dad in [the part which is] the place of the .l'j. (S, or the like]; (K, TA;) applied to anything. not stake of, or drop, itsfruit .u. ( i;j j). O.) trtljl j. see in art. J.._ And [the (TA.)__ applied to a woman means (I, TA.)-And LW. means a.JI b, pl.] jlJll signifies also .^1.tll [The side; or Being, or becoming, red (;. -[in the Cg [app. a mistranscription, for, .t, JI i. e. A lateral, o: outward, or adjaermt, parts or ])by reason of perfume; (., TA;) from garment, or piece of cloth, atdll woven]. (TA.) portions; &c.: see the sing., :i . (Ibnb:]. , :ll S [expl. above]: (ICt, TA:) or having a stain of perfime: (TA:) or being, or .j'1I:see the next preceding paragraph, in Abbad, O.) .u .. , six places. _ Also A young bird (S, O, ]g, TAL) becoming, yellomn from saffron: (R, TA:) or Xj;i.a: see jc.s,i in the former half. having clearness and redness: or, accord. to Ibnabove the stage of that trhich is termed ;al 'I, -'-appied towie-,M(O.)Sad, lean, or ligfht of~sh; slender and lean; (S, O, TA,) i. c. of.that of NA]ich the firstfeatl . y-, applied to wine Oh', ($, O, 6,) or lean, and lank in the belly:' (TA:) or high, Old), rs aatvefallen off and strong feathelrs ave gronn having been keept (;) ($, 0.) And or exalted, in rank, condition, or estimation; (TA;) ivhen it hasJlovn and become independenm ia~,,ll [as a subst.] A certain pefumne, or high-born, or noble: (0, TA:) or, aecord. to It; (I, TA;) thought by A'Obeyd to be from thhe odoriferous substance; syn.;J ; (K ;) a sort of IAar, from ] s. c, [said ofa woman,] manning of "outgoing," or "outstripping," L5 .des. (L.) meanini ;.;;:; but this is said by Th to be J. j" 1 pj;. [as though it outwent, or oul tAjl J ; i. A man who, wnhen h el dri s correctly ';, the Oi being a mistranscription. stripped]: (,O, TA:) or of the youn9 of le sane away a number of camels that he has capturee1, (TA.) gr,ousw (eUJ), or of the pigeon, vhile not yetfirm , renders them secure (S, 0) fon being ocertaken or strong, (1, TA,) not advanced in age: (TA: lJ Z,iA certain hind of cloth or garment, red (0,) and outsttip nwith them: (Si:) from j; 1)1., in this and the following senses, j1,i. (l. and yellow, brougqht from Syria: a rel. n. from . "il: (0:) you slhould not say 3S (S.) - And A girl that has attainedto the commence [a place called] ;S ;i. (TA.) anent of the state of puberty, (S, 0, ]J,) and becom e - : sec cFe_ in thle former half hept behind the curtain in the tent, or Iouse, o* a her family, (?, 0,) and not been separated to c husband: (S, 0, ! :) said by IAar to be s 1. &a,s, aor. l and (, O, 0, , TA,) os in the culled because she has passed forth from the state Kunr xliv. 47 accord. to different readers, inf. n. of childhood, and attained to being marriageable; 1. 1 ; y ;, (S, O,) aor. , inf. n. JUA J ;&, (TA,) lie drew hini along, or dragged him, (O ;) or because she has passed forth from the (0,) The pEifume stuck to him, or it. ($, 0.)_ rmjuJlhq, or violently, (S, 0, g,) namely, a man, stalte, or condition, of serving her father and I jA i The urtite dried and likewise a horse, (Qs, 0,) and carriedhim off mother, and has not yet been possessed by a And JijWI J husban(l; but AAF says that this is not valid: . upon the thi;h of the she-cancel: ($, 0, K:) bul t or avay: (1 :) Ie npusld him, or thrust him, and or that has attained to the wnaring of thegarment as some relate a verse cited as an cx. of the vcrb urged him, driving himn along roughl.y, or violently : (O.)_ And o rta , (TA:) accord. to ISk, ' called fj, and has passedforthfromn tihe state o f in this sense, it is .. and signify the same; (S, O, TA;) i. e. he pushed him, or thrust inf. n. as above, lic, or it, clave to him, or it. rhildhood and of beinq required to help in the _Jv S She (a woman) dauibed, lhim, rouglhly, or violently, to the prison: or 0jl .crvice Of her family: (TA:) or such as is be- (TA.) signifies the laying hold upon the clothes at the or smen red, hersef nwith perftne. (IDrd, 0.)_ twreen the stages ofpuberty and middle age: ( .:) ' bosom of a man, and draning him, or dragging or a woman wvo has passedforth .from the state, L$ ;1 801,aor. , inf. n. U; and j, The him to thee, anl taking him an,ay to prison, or to ori condition, of serving her father and mother, bow becanwc red (IDrd, O, O) in its wood (IDrd, trial, or affliction. (TA.) And ;J3It j. and from being posesed by a husband: (Msb:) 0) by reason of oldness. (IDrd, 0, ]i.) He led the she.camcl (K1,TA) rouglhly, or violently, pl. as above, and j;e also; the latter occurring .C; said of a woman, Sihe ras, or becane, taking hold of her nose-rein. (TA.) ! in a trad. (TA.)_ And A [or wine-skin], higl, or exalted, in rank, condition, or estimatiofn; J1., aor. , (O,) inf. n. J;, (S, O, TA,) He (T, ., &e.,) of wrhich the wile is good: (T, TA:) higlT-born, or noble. (Ibn-.bbid, 0, O.) (a man, S, 0) hastened, or was quici, to do evil, or of rwhich the odour is pleasant, because of its i 4pin [A nappy, or vilhous, cloth or outer or mischief. ($,* 0, I.) oldess: ( :) or wrid, (Ibn-Abbd&, O, L, 1,) and good: or wide as applied to a [Ieathern garnmnt,] coherent [in its nap], or matted [there2. ke* [app. The making one to quit his place]: wntcr-hng such as is called] ;.ji. (TA.)_ in]: and in like manner, .a3 11i ;; see 7. And A bow (,,7.) that has become altered in [A ewe having thie iwool colarent, or matted]. 3. AUaJA The act of pushing, or thrunting, one ,'olour; as also .le: (IF, 0O:) or aii;t ($, 0, (Ibn-Abbhd, O.) anothir [app. rougldy, or violently]. (TA.) 1K) and S%t. (]O) abow that luas become old and .d:tW (R ) or siie, (S,) or both, (IDrd, O,) red,; (S, o0, ;) as also 'iLs. (S, O.) = 5: see the next paragraph, in two places. applied to a bow ( R.ei), ied (IDrd, S, 0, Ki) .3WI also signifies T7te part, of the .S; [or xholdrer], whiri/ is thI place of thae [garment in its wrood (IDrd, 0) by reason of oldness: 7. Ja;;l lie was, or became, drawn along, or (B in art. ;;c) dragged,rougJhly, or violently: (. :) or i. q. ill ralled] ,J;j: (, ,, :) or the part between the (IDrd, S, O, ]:) as also ,s andiL : (8 and O and in that art.:) [or] [he suftcrcd hi,n,elf to be led, &c.]. (Ibn-4bbfd, 1-l sand the neck; (Mgh, MQb, .K :) which is iih, oso applied, signifies of a pure, or clear, O, TA.) - And i Zi j; (so in copies of thl )lace of the i : (Msb :) or the part, of the yellom colour. (Skr, TA.) .ilJ3L ie. signifies the S and K and in the TA;) or ii tJVl 9, ,--] [properly the sowulder-blade, but app. here meaning, as in some other instances, the sluulder Intenely red. (Lh, 0, TA.) And 1;Ot, alone, (so in the O and in one of my copies of the S,) itself], nwhich is the place of the sulpernory-cordof Yellow. (TA. [App. applied therein, in this from t ja t; (0;) I will not quit my place the sword: (IHam p. 55G:) it is [said to be] sense, to a vein or a root (,s, thus without any vilh thee; (S, 0, I, TA;) and will not come masc. and ferm.; ($, O, Msb ;) sometimes fem.; vowel-sign)].) And Pure, or unmitced; applied with thee. (TA.) And l& j 'i.9,thus (l ;) but this is not of established authority: a to a colour (a , TA) of any kinl, and to a thing in the handwriting of J in one of the copies [of veirse which is cited by IB [and in the 0] as an of any kind. (TA.) And Clear; applied to the S, or t j;l may be the correct word], I 7wiU instance of its being fem. is asserted by some to [the beverage called] J, : (IDrd, 0, K, TA:) n,ot comne wnith tlwee [a span]. (TA.) Ie forrged: (TA :) the l1. is (Msb, (g,and or, so applied, old; accorl. to Lth with ej, but I!am hlti supra,) and L4. (J.) One says ,J.j correctly with d. (TA in art. J35: see [its n. un.] il&, in two places. )Ls..) And i. q.





tardy. Boox make 1 ,ainel.c] camels.] to the ratering-place and [in the Ci of c ojlcer, aid, or An Also .'. see J~1: hasten, or is quick, to 03 A man (S, O)rwho 9 ' or"] he brought [them] back theref,om in tuat he Prefect of the police: pl.J.&. (TA.) do evil, or mischief. (S, o, .) wriod; weriod; (]K, TA.;) and did any kiwdof work or this or [therein]. (TA.) i J ; Strong to draw along, or drag, roughly, iction 1ia The -- [i. e. auger, wimble, or gimlet,] or violently. (S,' K, TA.) of the carpent~r.(S, 0, ].) - And The . 4, 8. c, accord. to Golius, (whom cattk, 8. [Jl [or iron implementwith which young palm-trees, Freytag Freytag has followed in this instance,) signifies or shoots of palm-trees, are pulled up or off, as 0- t1e ,;a1, as on the authority of the the same as . and in the Yam p. 102]: (S, expL in art. not find it. He probably found I do in which !, L The primary signification of the inf. n. A ] ,: [in one copy of the ;,.AT. J is erroneously w.l in the [genuine] language of the Arabs is that of 1e the fcrmer verb thus written erroneously for put for .a12_.1Jl; and in anotherof the S, and in Tarrying [or delaying]: and of withholding, or n in he has not mcitioned.] which sense, this st:.11:]) restricting, or limaiting, onesef. (TA.) See 2, some copies ofthe ], and in the 0, io. 10. a.,I1lie deemed him, or reckoned him, (TA.) An pl.[or rather coil. gen. n.] ? inthree places. [Hence,] one says, i..qp1 ,-J~# iron implement with which young palm-trees, or ! l _ low, or tardy. (Z, TA.) dow, ,; L. i.e. [I planted the shoots of 1t ~ or shoots, :, shoots of panlm-trees,and tlhebranches, L..O ;means Delay ye the mnilhinij of your catne&, (TA.) - And palm-trees,] and not any of them was slow or or of grape-vines, are cut, or ~ cattle, until themilU shall have collected: (g, c or or tardy [in its groth]. (s.) And "' . An iron thing nsembling the head of a [hWo, TA:) for they used to bring back thicir camels a TA:) Tle object of his want was, or became, slom or little sunset to their nightly resting-place, after little broad, TA,) (], J,, the like, such as is called] 1. as also t [of accomplishment]; tardy and to lie down thlere a while, until, them make and wood; of and having in its lower part a piece when , (S, TA,) aor. ,) ; (S, -, . _,l .collected, after a portion of (TA.) had milk when their are dug, or excavated; with which earth and rwalls the they roused them and had passed, night became, was, or night The (TA,) ,, inf. n. even with the piece of , not curved like the , but milked or a : (S :) 4 trmerd period in the dark, 1 l: see 1. milked them. (TA.) - = h110,1 l . wood: (TA:) or [in the CV1 "and "] a large, or ($:) *.,,1: as also passed; of the night 5oJ coi thick, rod of iron, Jlsaving a wide head, (Yj, TA,) portion (S, I, but only the former in & and ta the latter mentioned by IAar. (TA.) - And IQZO [or pommel] of the sword, ued Iry like the Aa some , the S,) The wild olive-tree: (, of' copies Jl W, aor. and '-,T17 camei were milked the builder, (TA,) with wihich thie wall is denmoTA:) or such anything: not bear as does or such at nightfall [i.e. at the commencement of the a ]]; lIhed (1, TA.)-And A thick staff (S, O,$, as grows in the mountains : written by IAth ;c., - *.(.)_See and -, TA) of wood. (TA.) [Now commonly applied, .ISalso v and expl. by him as the olivetree: or a species of also 4. to A shoulde-pole by meanxof which burdensart also tree it, growing in the Sardh (;Q,Jl). resembling tree carried by two men.] - And V ,,- signlifies signify The being slow, or 2. - e and t .0 (TA.) : (S, tardy. Persian bows; one of which is termed Hi s and t tardy. (S.) You say, #O, K:) or strong bows. (KL.) - Also, i. e. entertainment "w;r. and see also ;: see a.&, first sentence: entertainment for his guest, or gueasts, was, or coi , A large clod of clay, or cohesive earth, thitat became, .,. aL1. slow, or tardy; syn. UtI [not w is pluchedfrom the ground (ISh, O, 10) whe it is and [but this, it: (TA: he delayed :) (S, And A ploughed, or turned over. (ISl, 0.) though not is app. rendering, a correct virtually dse-camnel that does not conceive, (S, O,.K,) and a,:rso a,: Slowness, or tardiness: (IB, TA:) hence is therefore alnways strong. (S, 0.) ~ [It is also so literally :]) and '_sI likewise has the former the saying of a rajiz, meaning: Y;c signifies he 01 Sg. meaning: 0 (1 :) or a pl. of ;1., q. v., voce Ji..] theentertainmentofthequest. .. ... delayed the entertainment of the guest. (S.) And *~~~~~~~~~~ ... ..llyel! ja A great cater, who denics, or refuses to 1. I.jSj; a ;, .C L lle lelayed not, or w,,s not ~ d0 0- * ?tgF i,: AeeILJ t' in the l, sloiv, give, (Er-Ragliib, L, K,* TA, [ slow, to do, or in doing, such a thing. (S, I.*) * And t which He delayed [the accomplish".k.. .,c ,]) And ^.kas is said in the TA, being a niistake for c. A phanton vi.%ited mcailin-T 1. [i.e. , mcaning .SA 9 and draws, or drags, [to him] a thing roughly, or ment of] tlw object of his want. (TA.) - And lbein(rfoijoirn?ling by in Dhoo-& nl,, He being fori-.) IHe ; refrained, forbore, abstained, or de- ( violently; (Er-Righib, TA;) gross, coarse, rough, ," niylit of a:o [i.e. the; tents,] amid tle slowly niyht Med, from it, (S, i,) namely, an affair, (S,) or rude: (f, O, 1 :) occurring in the .Kur lxviii. sisted, a*.:r-] 'a.:] being elided. (TA. [But .-- is also 13: (S, O:) or one who recoils from admnonition: after htaving made progres thetrein; as also t;l; (Fr, Towslheeh, TA:) or vehement in altercation; and and ts, nor. , (]K, TA,) inf. n. *. : (TA:) mentioned in the TA, in the beginning of this gross, coarse, rough, or rude; lom, ignob~le, or or this last signifies he witl~dhimselffrom doing art., not as being originally a*., but simply as a mean, in natural diposition: or, accord. to Ibn- it, meaning, a thing that he desired: (g :) and subst. in the sense expl. above.]) [Also, in its 'Arafeh,unkind, churlish, or surly; gross, coarse, V_,W _,;l signifies he delayed to do it. (TA.) And most usual sense,] The first third of thl nig,t, rough, or rude; who will not suffer himself to be after the di.sappearance of tluh ji [or rednew . a.fter e.,(S,) and [hence] one says, A.; L;h .~ 41--led to a thing that is good: (0:) or gross, coarse, '41, that is seen in the sky after unset]; (Kb, S, Msb, &&L&, L.h a.Cl, (S, ]1,) i. e. tHe beat him, and he K;) rough, or rude, and strong; applied to a man and .i ].;) I ;) the first part of the night, after tiew setting to any beast, and, some say, to anything. (TA.) attacked him,] and did not withhold, or restrict, o.f time otf of the light of the JU: (Mb :) or ithe or limit, himelf, in beating him, [and in attackAlso A thick spear. ($, O, 1.) - And A or calling the the I(:) but (S, (f nigltfall: prayer ing ing him,] hard mountain. (TA.) or (S,) or and did not recede, or draw of that playcr the prayer of the us the u., back., back, or desist: (.K, TA:) the vulgar say, Arabs of the descrt called it, instead of calling it A hired man, or hireling; (S, O, ;) so , ' ;c t~ ,j.J~. (S.)__ See also 4. c i' "-;xthe prayer of the ,UP, is said to be forbidden in in the dial. of Jedeeleh of Teiyi; (S, O ;) as also * - l: (TA:) pl. of the former ,., ($, O, K) 4: see 2, in five places: and see also 1, in a trad. (TA.)-&, - [The 4;c of a _ (S) youn.q ..,.;at l (S, Msb) froinm a' and J; also; and of the latter ,;c: (TA:) three places.young camel broutght fortht in the.;, J, nwhich is which last pl. also signifies a man's aiders, or is like C.el from tJI ; (S, Msb ;) i. e. it the beginning of the brceding-tine], (S, K,) meanassistants: (TA in art. J..l:) and some say that ing the .space during nwhich it (i. e. the signifies He entered upon the period termed ing LWJ ) is l, signifies a servant. (0.) - Also A violent, 4.a;~; (Msb;) as also t : n. i, inf. ro7tflned a cmfned at its erening-feed, (.,) is applied to or ever, disease, or malady. (0, ].) (TA:) or he journeyed in that period; (.K, TA;) the moonlight qf the niylht lwhen the tnootn iSf,u. j~ A porter, or carierof burdens, for hire and so *. : (S, K, TA:) or bothl signify he fiights old. (S, K.) AZ says, The Arabs say became became in that period: (TA:) or he brought [his in relation to the moon when it is one night olM , [by means of the al(, or shoulderpole]. (TA.) 1 I.] J.ZD 1949 is





1950 [Boox I. camels from the place of pasturing after tlu r (g.)-. And y9 j : Hi He was, or became, entering upon evening. (ISd, 1t.) addicted to annoying such a one, and mimicking ._r A she-camel that does not yield her m il his speech. (g.) copiouly excel)t in the period termed is: (S 5, . &W signifies The being, or becoming, or the ] :) or a she-camel abounding in milk, tIe millti T feigning onseWf, posed, or mad; syn. .P4: of which is deferred to the latter, or adut, part "4 and the being, or becoming, foolish, stupid, unthe niglht: thus accord. to Az: and that is r sound in intellect, or deficient therein, and la:, or tarrded in the milking; as also t*,3; pl. .l, languid; syn. (S, ;.) ,;,. [ ; -, and d;c, as mentioned by IB, on the autl;ori ty occurring in this art. in the TA, app. means He of Th, a she-camel that yields a copious sulpply oi was, or became, infatuated by love ofa girl, or milk. (TA.) youang moman.] Also The feigning ignorance. .J;i Tardy, or late; entering upon, or comir D (1;.) And The feigning oneself unmindful, or ng 1d X .br~ "j [The I4. of a &j (expl. above) not in, the evening; applied to a guest; (S, K ;) a, I heedless. (g.) One says, p, s dn ..s. to the entertainment for a guest, or guests: (S lhungry nor suckled]; meaning that it is limit, ) tlt i. e. e .feigns himself unmindful, or to the space of the 31.i [or time between tve and _o, applied to a guest, signifies [the sam e, , eedlkc, [to thee, of much that thou dost, or] of suckings] of this &j or of the 1ti [or tinne or] entering upon, or coming in, the evening; o)r, thee, in much that thou dost. (TA.) _ And The between two milkings] of its mother; or, X as some say, remaining, staying, dnelling, ior a.fecting cleanliness, (.K, TA,) and nicety, or refinement: (TA:) and the exceeding the usual abiding. (TA.) And one says, jS,ill . IA;r says, .1 A1 i., [The 4;. of the motai dr Such Fit a one is slowv, or tardyi, in rSpect of ti botuns in dress and eating. (]K, TA.) One says, of the &j]: and when it is five nights oh entertainment for the guest, or guests: (TA .. I IL . , * fle' -, , ac offected nicety, or refinement, .,, uJ_ ,I:c #U&ljlA lv . se and in like manner, [but in an intensive sense 11 and exceedcd tio usual bounds, [DsUcourl in such a thing. and sociablen~, and tihe continuance of tite eve Sl t*;~. (Har p. 579.) Scc also-,. _ (TA.) ing-feed of prtvjnant camels having their heaa j.F.1 I means The stars that are dar l ;s [see 1, first sentence, where it is mentioned and necks inclining tomwards tlheir backs: see alhd&3;1byreason of a dusty hue in the air: (.K:) sueh as an inf. n.]. I-"1 is An evil affection, of art. ,.a]: and when it is six nights old, Cc.J.d is the case in drought; for the stars of winter ar essential origin, necessarily occasioning unsnd[napp. A twisting and a grinding by a turning more bright because of the clearness of the sky ness in the intellect; so thiat the ieron affected townards the left and from the left; as thoug h but El-A.sha applies it to the stars of wintei r. tlerewith becomes confuied in intellect; and theremeaning that it is a time fit for active employ (TA.) fore some of his sleech res,emles that of the ment]: and when it is seven nights old, intelligent; and some, that of the possessed, or 1n [Th/e night-journqying of the hyena]: anm Id *. A camel slom in journeying. (KR, TA. mad: it differs from &.J'l; for this does not ) when it is eigllt nights old, X ] *.1 [A brigh And A man bulky, bigbodied: (K,* TA:) bu t resemble possession, or madness. (KT.) J mentions, on the authority of As, ; ,. moon]: and when it is nine nights old, % ;t i [as meaning a great camel,] with t. (TA.) a;and .I (so in the TA as from the ] .JI[(The onyx is picked up in it, being die [but not found by me in the latter]) and tS tinguishable by the light of the moon]: and wher and 1 e (so too in the TA, but not as from r; , } see .5%. it is ten nights old,gJI " [lit. The chokeb the .i, [though I find these two words without of the da7wn; as though its light were about tx the two preceding in the copies of the X tlhat I overtake, and grapple with, that of daybreak]. have been able to consult,l) A man mwho greatly (TA.) [It should be observed that every one oa exceas twe usual bounds in an affair. ((, TA.) these ten sayings is fancifully framed so as te L d;-, (Mgh, Msb, R, and so accord. tc a ,. rhyme, perfectly or imperfectly, with words preLC;C: see what next precedes. _ It is also a copies of the S,) inf. n. aIt; and ~A;, (Mgh, ceding it: the first being preceded by &I X CH!; Mqb,) [but see the former of these below,] and subst. from .1, of the measure .: thus in the second, by ' .t; the third, by Cw1 2 [app. ';1], (Mgh,) the saying of Ru-beh [which is cited in the Ham or ; and 2 and :La ; ij.; the fourth, by &f r and so on.]_ (V ;) and (Msb, TA) .;c, (Msb, TA, and so in p. 680], * wa.e-, . , r &*: signifies also The darkness of the night: (Q, one of my copies of the S in the place of ,, and L"~; jLr~l ~ &L ](,TA:) or the darknes of the first part of the said in the TA to be mentioned by J,) on the [In affecting cleanlines, or nicety, or refinement, nifght, [after nightfall, i. e.] after the setting of authority of Akh, and also mentioned by It.t, or in exceeding the usual bounds, in dress; and in the ligl,t of the jiS [or rednes that is sen in the (TA,) inf. n. ~., (Mqb, TA,) which is men- elf-adoinment]. (TA.) sky after sunset]: and the vulgar [sometimes] tioned by A'Obeyd as of the in ns. from which e'&: see dt. pronounce it i4;. (TA.) And The remains no verbs are derived, (so in my copies of the S, ef the milk that has collected in the udders of the in some copies of which this remark applies to aat:c a subst. from .c [app. in all its senses; camelsb, or of the camels and other cattle, at the &a,) and lt;:, with fet.-; (Msb ;) He (a man, i. e., meaning Idiocy; kc.; though it might be p.riod thus termed. (s, ISd, g.) One says, TA) wu idiotic, or an idiot, i.e. defcint, or supposed, from the manner in which it is men4: j' . [We milked some remains of what had wranting, in intlect; (?, Mgh, Msb, gj ;) or one tioned, to be a subat. from a; in the last only of collected in the udder &c.]. (S, TA.) And who had lot his intellect; (f ;) or bereft of his the senses above assigned to it]; (., TA;) as j; c4l. The milk that ws obtained from intellect, or so in coeneM of same orfear&c., also ,t&ts:(TA:) or each is an inf. n. of that them at the period termed the &;. wa dranm. syn. .; ; (Mgh, Mqb, ];) without diabolical verb [q. v.]. (Mgh, Msb.) - See also the next (TA, from the trad. of Aboo-Dharr.) And posmsson, or madness: (Mgh, Mlb :) or, accord. paragraph. o1Jl& ;. j W" U6 as i. e. [Such a to IAgr, &: signifies he (a man) was, or became, one sat miah u, or at our abode,] as long as the possesed, or mad. (lam p. 680.) [See also ian sMa._Also ;: see Foolish, or stupid: space during which the milck camels are confined "1l, below.] _... .i j a He was, or be- and so t ;ba; (Akh, S, K, TA;) applied to a for the purpos of the collecting of the milk M came, addicted, attached, or devoted, in a pl. sense, The rring to Anon- man. (TA.) -And, their ,dder. (TA.)._And The r~ n of the je, or science, and vehemently desirous thereof. of mankind; and so * i~t; (1, TA;) which LL. 9t y.i _. L _ [Tlhe I; of a little lamb or hid, the owners of which have alightted in a small tract of sand]; meaning that it do not long continue; liko the lamh, or kid, th eat sucks its mother and soon returns to the suckin lg: and when it is two nights old, C I ,, 9;re' j .,,J [The discourse of two Semale sat w, ,rith lying andfalschood]; because their discour is not long, by reason of their being busied wi we the serving of their owners: and when it is thr ee nights old, jiU Z ;s1 :J_ [Tlu d' ] rou'se ofyoung women not united by affection: and when it is four nights old, j i;, ", ;




latter signifies also, in a pl. sense, foolish, or the joints and the bones; like the dry wood or And ottc is also used to signify The sounding sitpa (TA.) branch. (Ksh.) [or ring] of a bow when its string has been pulled to try its strength: some say that it is like '*A; : ee the next preceding paragraph. 5: see the preceding paragraph. tkiue, [or ringing] of a basin when it auu been :1; A man addicted to annoyiny another, struck. (O, TA.) and mimicking his pe~ch; (g, TA;) as also j a dial. var. of j., (S, ],) of the dial. ~ 9: (TA:) pl. [accord. to analogy, of the of iudheyl and Th4aee (..) latter, but mentioned in the ] as of the former,] C.s i. q. , [i. e. The moth-norm that eats, i,'. (1~, TA.) ;L; part. n. of 1; (S, Mb, ;) Proud, orfrets, tool, or woollen cloths]: (Msb:) [and (Mgb, V,) and immoderate, inordinate, or exor- the book-wornr, or specie of moth-worm that eats '.and t bitant : (g :) excessively, immoderately, or inor- books: applied to both of these in the present * ASI,., see &,.. dinately, proud (Mgh) [or corrupt or unbelieving: day: and,] accord. to IA#r, an insect [of the or revolting, recoiling, or averse, from obedience: samine kind] that clings to skin, or leatiar, and eats Intelligent, and tymmetrical in mahe: it: (TA:) [and the wm il; i. e.] the kid of and also posesed, or mad, and bwtongruou~ in (sce 1:)] i. q. .la.: (Mgh, TA:) and t'os rorm, or grub, that eats corn; also called ui,: make: thus having two contr. significations. signifies the same: (.C:) pL cj, (S, Msb, K,) (M in art. _r-:) one thereof is termed * ls: as8 (I, TA.) originally [j:,] of the measure J, (Msb,) (Msb:) [i. e.] s signifies a ;u, [or moth*._ Idiotic, or an idiot, i.e. deficient, or the [former]j being changed into &, agreeably rorm] that eats, or frets, wool: (8, A, O, l~:) wanting, in intellect; (., Mgh, Msb, ]1;) or with a rule which, Moh.ammad Ibn-Es-Seree or a worm, or grub, that attacks wool and cloths one lwho has lost his intellect; (g ;) or bereft of says, should be olbserved in a word of this [class (Mgh and Mob in art. ,.,) and wheat or other his intellect, or so in con~queneof shame or fear and] measure when it is a pl., thougll not food; (Mgh in that art. ;) also called ,L."-: &c.; (Mgh, Meb, g ;) without diabolicalpos- [generally] when it is an inf. n., ($, TA,) or this (Mgh and Mgb in that art.:) and it is said to be eion, or madaness: (Mgh, Mqb:) also expl. as is pl and nd the p. pl. of is . (TA.) the L,i, [generally signifying the wood-fretter, signifying posesed, or mad; mitten s or a#licted, [See also :,;, below.] - Also Advanced [andl but here meaning] a certain insect that eati wool, in his intellect. (TA.) declininy] in age: [or dried up: (see 1, last and skin, or leather: (Mab:) the pl. of a: is senteace but one:)] pl. .s. (Msb.) - And s:,, (0,) or ,, (1,) or both, (8,) or [rather] j;: and8 jL.. .e [a mistranscription, the latter word which w, is expl. by IDrd as a pl., is a gen. n., A night intensely dark. having a pl. meaning though it is a sing: L ;, aor. j, inf. n. a (, Mb, g) and being correctly .,] (TA:) 8, a (TA.) ,;& and o' (, g,) of which c is the the pl. of c is :. (Mgb.) An Arab of .lost [and more] ecessive, immoderate, the desert, being asked respecting his son, said, M original form, one [i. e. the second] of the two ~ammehs being changed into a kesreh and there- or inordinate, in pride [&c.: see ZA,]. (Mgh.) , .,s ,a); L. G *. '' dmJA fore the j into k, and then the other dammehl of -, - faLl [a pl., app. of ;,1, like L as = is of being aimilated to the kesreh, (.8, TA,) lie 11dl ; j i ) at [I gire him;, ecery behaved proudly, (Myb, A,) and was immoderate, _.~t,] applied to men as meaning ,3 [i. e. day, of my pirolrty, a ddnit (a small silver inordinate, or exorbitant: (K:) he ms exces- Vwho act corruptly, or vitiowly; who transfress coin), and verily he is quicker in consuming it sively, immoderately, or inordinately, proud or the command of God; or weho commit adultery than tite moth-vorm in wrool in the summer]. corrupt or unbelieving: (AO, TA; and so in a orfornication; &c.]. (ISd, K, TA.) (TA.) And one says, J4 & ` 1.Li, (S, 0,) copy of the $ as on the authority of A'Obeyd:) or meaning t Such a one is a consumer of roperty; he revolted, recoiled, or was averse,from obedience: (PS;) like as one says Jt jl,j (S, 0,) meaning (Er-RIghib, TA:) and %.- signifies the "a manager of property." (PS.) [See also ame as ; (,;) or I [dibeyed, or] did L (., .,) aor. ao, , (S, Msb,) inf. n. s, iZ below: and ;..] I ' ; L not obey; (TA;) and so does .. '; (1], accord. said of the Ais [or moth-worm], It ate it, or means [IIefed mne with meal of parchel barley or to some copies; but in some, - e;) or, accord. to J and others, one should not say . fretted it, namely, wool, (S, MNb, ], TA,) and rtheat] not moistened and beaten utp vith anything a garment [&c.]. (TA.) And ,:.&, said of wool greasy [stch as clarified butter Jc.]. (0: in the (TA.) It is said in the ]~ur [li. 44], ~ t .,ff (TA) i. e. But they turned with disdain [&c.], It was eaten, or fretted, by the c [or TA C9; U-.) fom obeying the comnmand of their Lord. (Bd, moth-worm, or moth-ornms]. (TA.) - Also, (0, : sce the paragraph liere following. TA,) aor. as above, (TA,) and so the inf n., Jel.)-- [Hence,] cIi ? t The wind blem ca, ~a, (1g, TA,) said of a serpent (..), It bit him. see ,.. se: It is also an appellation of immoderately. (IJ!#, TA.) -_And Es said of (0, K, TA.) And It (a serpent) blew utpon him, IAn old w,oman: (S,O, ]:) as though, by an old man, ($, Myb, V, [but in my copy of the without biting him, and his hair in coesequence reason of her corrupt state or conduct, and want Mqb U 1JI is put for /. ,]) aor. ; , (8, Msb,) feU off. (TA.) -And 'S, (0,) inf. n. as of skill or understanding, she were a l, ,. in n. j;A (S, Msb) and Is, (N) or - and above, (i,) He importuned me (0, .K) by (TA.) - Also, (0, ]g, TA,) and i, (TA,) A wvoman foul, or obscene, in taogue; (0, A, with damm and also with fet-h, (K,) He asking. (TA.) [And *c signifies the same.] TA;) despised; obscure, or reputeles: (TA:) became advanced in age, and in a declining state: 2; see the next paragraph, in two places. and a foolish, or stupid, n,oman: (0, IC:) or, ($, Mqb,' 1:) [or he became dried up; as is the former signifies, accord. to AZ, a onmoan shown by what here follows.] It is said in the 3. jA, (O,) inf. n. LIQ and ~l;; (O, ;) obscure, or reputelss; whether she be, or be not, ~ur [xix. 9], accord. to one reading, ~ ,.~ and (0,) inf. n. 1A; (V;) He lean, or emaciated: and the latter, accord. to l .%! ' , (TA,) from ta It became dried up; raised his voice with singing: (0(:) or ihe trilled, IDrd, a nwoman lean, or spare, in body: and in (Ksh, Jel ;) said of wood, or a branch; as also or quavred, in siwing: (:) or he raised his like manner V,t. applied to a man: (0 :) the L.:: (Ksh:) the meaning here being, [And I voice roith singing, and trilled, or quavered: (L:) pl. of rai is !C:?. (TA.) have reached] the extree degree of old age: and SaL it &,, n. in as above; and ' , ; (Jel :) or dryne, and hardness, or rigidness, in he trilld, or quavered, in his singing. (TA.) it.I Vipers that eat one another in a time ef Bk. I. 240

[Boox I. Xlc [from ] He sae, or drougAt. (0, I.) - Also pl. of :.&: (M1b:)' Kitb el-Abniyeh of IItS (TA. [Sec 4.]) p. 488.)-or he saw that the birds ran: birds: the beheld, obtained know; 1 . He say, .jltT ` You -and of a; or Z&. (TA.) -.. p ~ 1(O:) or he saw the birds running, and aug~red a~~~~ ledge of, or became acquainted 'with, the secret Ia dim. of ' [n. un. of .c, q. v.]. (L.) )). (]K. [But this addition, of the man [accidentally]. (TA.) [Hence,] from them ( It is said in a prov., Wtji, is evidently taken from an explanation of 4X, in the lur ic .; 1 l LWp3I%i.. the words here following.]) A poet says, [v. 106], meaw.s But if it become known, or that they twro [,A little moth-norm gnawing a smooth slhin]: seen, (Ksh, Mgh, 0, Bd, Jel,) (Ksh, Bd, sin, necessitated has wvhat done have applied to a man endeavouring to make an imthat they [i. c. Thou san,est, or beheldest, thy birds; &c.c: of tlrm said being its deserved and Jel,) pression, or produce an effect, upon a thing, and Ivould that thou wouldst augur from them, and unable to do so: (9, 0, L, ] :*) and said in con- were ainners. (Ksh.) And;*, aor. ', inf. n._; , take warning]. (O.) And you any, (,j I. l tempt of a man and of what the latter says as expl. by Lth, means t He (a man) entered I san, or beheld, the thing; (L, TA;) and indiin finding fault withl one who 'is free from suddenly, or une~pectedly, upon an ajair upon viduated it. (TA.) which another had not so entered. (TA.) faults. (o.) .~c.. j., (I., TA,) aor. ' and , (TA,) means see S Be: t His fortune, or good fortune, fell; syn. W;.; L A lie; or falehood; (g;) as also *. (B, TA;) as being likened to one who has (IAar, K.) ~ Also The Eagle: (. :) a meaning stumbled, or tripped, or fallen upon his face. also assigned in the ]~, in art. j., but erro(Lb, aflI >, (Lh, B,) inf. n. ;, (TA.) -_ 1. ;S, aor. t ($, A, Mgh, 0, Mqb, g) and;; neously, to j.. (TA.) : -TA,) The vein pulse. (Lh, B,TA.) , aor. ; (A, M,b, ;) and :, aor. ; and a;: the next preceding paragraph. see Timine, or .: see 4.- [Hence,] XLJI (A, 1g;) inf. n. ;jlc (s, Mgh, 0, Msb, C) and fortune, destroyed them: (TA:) or caused threm A stuamble, or trip, (Mb, TA,) in walkW and ;; (! ;) said of a man and of a horse, to be overcome. (O.) ing, or going along: pl. J1;S. (TA.)_ And (, Mpb,) lie stumbled, or tripped; [the most places. three in paragraph, next the 2: see [hence,] t A slip, lapse, fault, wrong action, or syn. his face; upon usual mcaning;] or he fell 4. [which has both of these meanings]; as also 4. oj.:l He caused him to stumble, or trip; or mnistakc; (S, 0, Msb, TA;) so called as being (A,J :) or [simply] he fell; syn. 1&iL: to fall upon his face; [or simply, to fall;] as a fall into sin or crime. (Msb.) One says, t-j: Si jji t [May God cancel thy slip, (Mgh:) or one says of a man, (Msb on the also t u ; (1., TA;) [and so w f; (see 1, i. lal)se,fault, &c.]. (A.) And it is said in a trad., authority of the Mukhtasar el-'Eyn, and TA on sentenoe;)] the authority of the T,); , (Msb, TA,) inf. n. last sentence, and see also ;yl, first A ) j.4 'J i. e. : TRhere i no one to be said of God. (TA.) IAr cites as an ex., (Mqb,) or ba; (TA; [perhaps a misj;_, characterized as of aforbearing diotsition ca,ept ho be one who has committed a slip, and becomes transcription for ;i]) and of a horse, :, inf. n. admonished thereby, distinguishing the occasions (Meb, TA;) Jwt being a measure of j;; of error so as to avoid them [and to make inf. ns. of verbs signifying various faults of for others who have done the like]. . A [And I went forth, made to stumble, or trip, upon allowance horses and the like. (TA.) You say, d t ITVar, or fight, against unbAnd (TA.) [lie stumbled, or tripped, upon his garment]. the fore partsof my jubbeh: but for tlh sense of lievers or others; because war, or fight, is an shame, I had made it tofly, in running]: accord. [He t op t, (80,O, Mb.) And J3t%; to one relation, however, the verb in question, occasion of frequent stumbling, or tripping: so 1nent forth stumbling, or tripping, upon his skirts]. in this verse, is'.. 'a *;&lJis in a trad., in which it is said, elI (TA.) And ~ [His h,ore stumbled, ,L .js t (A.) And syn. with -.=1 [of which see various explana- t [Begin not ye witlA them by war]; meaning or triped, with him, and h fell]. (8, 0.) And tions in art. v,.a]. (TA.) [Hence,] 4 .Z1 invite ye them first to El-Isllam or to the payment of the poll-tax; and if they assent not, then have U jtjq.JI [The vift it is said in a prov., ^ ;,j, (A,) t He recourse to war. (TA.) o and excellent hors sometimes stumble, or trips]: 4 U;LJl c, (]j,) or ;c applied to a person by whom a slip that is not of impugned his character to the Sultdn, (A, 0, ],) citAhout herbage, beiny high, .. Iand (,j) his nature is seen to have been committed. (0.) and soughAt to mahe him fall into destruction by [He means of the latter. (A.)--And 41- .1 and overspread with .., i.e. dust: (O,TA:) ta3 ;and _[Hence,] f A ; [He made him to stumble upon it, or to light on and said to occur in a trad. as the name of a stumbled, or tripped, in his speech]. (A.) And particular land. (0, ],* TA.) S His tongue halted, faltered, or it by chance; or] he made him to get, or obtain, it ;j-3 of it; to and knowled~e sight of it, or knowlge Lq;: i. q. L5., (Az, i, 0, Mb, TA,) as some hasitated. (., O, TA.) - And [hence, app.,] become acquainted with it; to know it; or to se say; (Msb;) i. e., (As, g, 0, TA,) Such as is (Kr, IC, TA,) inf. n. .mA,(Kr, O, TA,) ;.., it; (S, A, 0, Myb, ;") accidmntally, or wRithout wvatered by the rain (Az, g, ], TA) alone, (g,) t He lied. (Kr, 0, V, TA.) One says, Xjj ~eking. (B, TA.) Hence the phrase in the of palm-trees, (Az, 0, TA,) or of seed-produce: U, meaning t [Such a one is oc- 1ur [xviii. 20] .c -jl ;--I1; t1; ; (S, TA;) in which (S :) or such as is watered by water running upon cupied] in truth and falsehood [or rather in falso .8, the objective complement, is suppressed. the surface of the ground, (0, Mqb,) of palm4, ; n hood and truth]. (O, TA.) -- And X He guided him, trees: (Msb:) or seed-produoe that is vatered ls ijl (TA.) And ,pIU (., A, Mgh, O, Mqb,) aor. 2 (8, 0, M!b) and,, or showed hima the may, to his comnpanion. (A.) by torrnts and by rain, the water being made to Jflown thereto in channel: (TA:) and t; . (O, Mab, .K, [the .- *,~. (TA,) inf. n.; and j., , and 1 *,, t He [i. e. God] made latter erroneously written in the Clg oi;*,]) his fortune, or good forune, to faUll. (V. [See signifies the same: (1, TA:) or, accord. to I [He stumbled on it; lighted on it by clance;] that imbibe with their IAth, palm-trees (Je) he got, or obtained, knowledge of it; or sight and 4~ .]) ~See also 1, latter half roots of the rain-water that collcts in a part knotledge of it; became acquaintedwith it; knew 5: see 1, in four places. holloed out in the ground: (TA:) the former it; or awn it; (., A, Mgh, O, Mgb, ],* TA;) term is said to be thus applied because what is so accidntally, or without seeking; (TA;) [and so [from JC] The people, or called is as though it stumbled upon water without Q.. Q. L j.;1 ,. (see an ex. voce ~,,*,;)] and tj;. ;f; , party, raised the dust, or earth, or bits of dry any labour of its owner; regarding it as an signifies the same; but accord. to the usage of clay or compact earth, (termed .,) with the irregular rel. n. from i1: (0,* TA :) but Abuso in the extrnemitiaes of their toea, in walking. (Kh, I[ar I-'Abbas [i. e. Th] says that, thus applied, it is .JsI: the ~ur-&n, you say ~b 1 Ai; The serpcnt. (0, ]i.)

Boox I.]
with teshdeed to the : [i.e. L ], though not in the sense here following. (TA.) - Also t A man who does not occupy himself in seeking the thinug of the preset world nor tho of the wtorld to come: (0, 1], TA:) occurring in a trad., in which such is said to be the most hateful of mankind to God: (O, TA:) in this sense, sometimes written with teshdeed to the b,, (1Q,TA,) and thus it is accord. to Sh (O, TA) and IAar; (TA;) but correctly without teshdeed: (Th, 1], sportsman: - or it may be pL of t !ilsc signifying t An accident that destroys, or causes to be overcome, him whom it befalls: (O:)-or it may be pl. ofl,t; [q.v.], the LS being suppressed, (O, TA,) by poetic license, in a verse in which it occurs. (TA.)

1953 channel thfat is dug for the purpose of irrigating (O.) thereby a palm-tree such a ui termed j.. A..nd A nell. (I.)-And it may also be used as an epithet [app. meaning Perilous,or destructive]. (ISd, TA.)

The substance of a thing; its bodily, or . (T, O, corporeal,form; syn. ; and '., Q. 1. ~.vsJI ..L, (I(, TA,) inf. n. i L, .K, TA. [In this sense, it is said in the TA (TI,) ile adorned the :j [or omenn's camelto be erroneously written in all the copies of the vehicle] vith the kind of pendant termed 6jJ. ; TA:) and said by some to be from , with the J. before the jS; but I find it K j ;0 The w, as. [so] applied to palm-trees. (O,* TA.) One says written :c in my MS. copy of the 1 and also (,. TA.) And signifies adorned. (S.) - And [the inf. n.] i also, tqa ij. [ ., meaning S Such a one came in the CK.]) See also s, in five places. 3, says, One (s.) running. A heaty kind of unoccupied. (O, TA.) seese.e t: J5.aS lie run heavily. (TIC.) and ;% or ;k~: see ;yl, in six places: [animal], or other lion ;yk A pit dug for a ;i Tfhe 3J [or raceme of a Ai, j Q. 2. forj seaalso je&. (S, A, 0,) that he may faU into it, (A,) in 0 :) this is the palm-tree or of dates] had many &tC'- [or ;.s [l'aving a habit of stumbling or tripping, or.der that he may be taken: (S, (A:) or a thing that is fruit-staUl, also called 0J 1 5, whence the verb]. or of faling :] that stumbles, or trils, andfalls, primary signification: into it: (f :) or, as also (S, TA.) faU to one for prepared much or oJfen. (Har p. 296.) (seec what follows)], a ts [i. c. ' ;t or V; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, .1)and tLd. and V J ,L, ($, 0, ],) not;, for there is not in the thing by nhich one is made to stumble and fall; with *J, measure the of word any language (., 0, Mb, o,) and t L : (TA:) the pl. is .1`; V tp,U (.J) i. q. cxpl. by , , meaning "hardy, fet-b to the J, except raceme strong, or robust," and this is [said to be] forged, whence, perlaps, i1p~, by suppression of the kS. ~t3j*, (Msb,) i. e. [A fruit-stalk of the upon syn. 1],) I4, O, a of (MA, stalk, Dust, a or] .b,]) (0, O, [but see [Hence,] t A place of of a palm-tre; ;i]) (O, TA. [See i (O,) or 4c, and 4 , (1 ,) and thus perdition: (TA voce jq. :) or 1 a cause, or which are the ripening dataes: (S, 0 :) or [so in l (A, 1I :) applied some copies of the 1] and in the TA, but in other death: of or of perdition place, 1 ,1;_ is expl. by Sb; (TA;) or dust rising I He copies of the ]C "and,"] i. q. &. [i.e. a racemne *, ; (TA;) to a land. (]C.) You say, J.l; ~ or preading; (8, MA ;) as also ? (s ;) [i. e.] an signifies the same. (MA.) - And fell into a cause, or place, of perdition or of of a paln-tree or of dates]; and ' ;t is a single 1 the which of palmn-tree, of a ON &t Clay, or earth, (.K, TA,) or dust, or bits of clay death. (A, TA.) And ,iii or compact earth, (TA,) lhich one turns over t [Such a one preseres his companion from the branching stalk: (Mgh:) [agreeably with this (Q, TA) ,with the extremitics of thefect (O) or of causes, or places, ofperdition or of death]. (A.) last explanation and the latter of the two here from the ], it is aid,] and it is, in relation the oes, in valking, or going along, no other And it is said in a trad., ; 3i O1 given ;3l.. dj in relation to the to the palm-tree, lihe the > mark of the foot being seen: (TA:) and an [Verily the tribe grape-vine: (?, 0:) and in one dial., thie dI,,l t,, 4(bItn :_.. is obcure trace or mark, (g, TA,) said to be more tjop, offidelity,: whoo seeks for pepe are Kuremsh of ;I: (TA:) and so changed into ,, so that one says JA1 [and obscure than such as i termed th,em the causes, or places, of perdition or of q;0;;, with the LS put before [the .] and with death, mnay God lay him prostrate upon his . (Myb.) It is said in $]: the pl. is ~ fet-l to the t in both [of these senses: misunder- nostrils]: or, accord. to one relation, ;l1. (0, e~ e Ylto 13& U_ AC3 U 1 a t:d., stood by SM as meaning "and with fet-L to the TA.)-And [hence,] S Difliculty, or distres; [i. e. Take ye a raceme of a alm-tree in (K :) as also and j]: in both words," i. e. in pj jyt;: (S, O:) and evil; (1, TA;) wrhich are a hundred fruit-stalks, and strike himn or t*4; signifies an obscure trace or mark: like ;j.t, which is a diaL var. thereof, or an thereaith a single stroke]. (0.) t4 instance of mispronunciation; (S and 0 in art. ( :) and Yasoob mentions the saying .' Wsee the next preceding pagragphm:'j [app. meaning I ;j. ;) a also t;-, (accord. to some copies of j yj~ IJ jd and ( ? ' that here following. and amw not any trace of him nor any obscure trace]: the 1],) or V (thus in other copies of the ] ;c: 1 means, nor clay, or earth, ', (m, O:) or ` : see JCde. - Also, (T,)and and in the TA [in the latter of which it is said to &c., turned over by the extremities of his feet: be with kesr; and this I think to be the more (TA,) t A hind of pendant, of >. [i.e. ool, (TA:) and it is said that Vt .4 'j means, nor probably correct; originally an inf n.]:) and or djyed nmoo], or ome [other] ornament, (!, TA,) bodilysfrm. (O.) And [it is said that] ; j t; , 'c is said by Fr to signify the same as suspended to a .te [or nwomn's camenl-rehicle], '' to known (TA,) so as to danglei in the air: (I, TA:) pl. 'jj and v jEc y means He is not i..ii, a;yA; p ;y'l. (TA.) You say, be a pedestrian by the appearingof hisfoot-markh, occurring in a verse [by poetic license for 1 experi- J.?; V;I, (TA,) S O, TA,) and t 0, (As, nor to be a horseman by his horse's raising the encedfirom him, or it, difficulty, or distress. (As., >d;?]. (TA.) dust. (TA.) [See also gar p. 488.] j - (As, S, 0, , O, TA.) And ;m.~ 3. [A raceme of a palm-tre or of One TA,) and 3 . see s: and it pl. js, tj, (., 0,) : Tyyfell into difL..1: [or fruit-stalks]. dates] having many Ajl1, meaning A land in which i culty, or distress: (AR, S, O:) or into a coni; says also; fiso of ei and diffi~cuty or distres. (TA.) (TA.) [See also the following paragraph.]. much dust. (TA.) It is the opinion of Ya] oob that the . in Dht And, by way of comparison [thereto], :i ;j [Stumbling, or tripping; &c.- And] t A [or women's camel-rehicle] tA ; t A but Az is a substitute for the :. in jjc: liar. (TA.) - And one says also "3t observes that this is not necessarily the case, as having much wool [in tAe form of pendants, st [Fortune, or good fortune, in a falling state: the meaning of difficulty is implied in the root pended to it]. (TA.) (see 1, near the end:)] pl. >l1: (TA:)-or ,s&. (TA.) - It is said to signify also A kind [A raceme of a plmn3 and ?? j.a. signifying The mare of a of snare (";,. ) made of bark. (0.)-And A f this may be pl of, 246


1954 [i. e. fruit-stalks]. tree or of dates] having Jgl! (1..) [See also the next preceding paragraph.] aL[ .: see the next preceding paragraph.

[Boox I. to haplen between us, or among us; from OtL signifying "smoke:" (A, TA:) [or caused cafusion, &c., and excited evil, or corrupt, conduct, signifies between us, or amtong us: for] ';"the causin confusion, or disorder, or disturbance, and exciting evil, or corrupt, conduct. (..)

Jt;U The young one of the [species of bustard (s, . g.) _ And The young one caUed]

]5,) or it is 1. ,;, said of a broken bone, (S, peculiarly said of the arm, (1], [i.e. one says



nor. , (Ps,) inf n. n.,

(TA,) It

became set uneenly, (S, K, TA,) i. e. [forming a node, or protuberance, like a swelling, not so hard a. bmoe, (see . , below,) or] so as to have an renmining in it: (TA:) or, said of a unee.nnesa broken bone, it approached to a state of contolidation, but Vwas not as yet consolidated; and in like manner, a wound: (ISh, TA:) or it was, or became, in a bad state, and wvanting in its former strengtb, or in its form. (TA.) And 651 , aor. , inf. n. .-- , said of a [broken] bone, signifies [the same, or] It nwas badly set, so that there remained in it an unceenne.. (TA.) And sometimes it is used metaphorically in relation to the sword: so says IJ. (TA. [In a verse there cited as an ex., the verb app. relates to a sword in its cabbard or its ease cut in pieces by said of a wound means another sworLd,]) - . as expl. above: (ISh, TA:) or It becasne callous, and covered with a shin, but not as yet healed. ( ) _--. I s et it unevenMy, [so as to formn a node, or nrotuberance,like a welling, not so hard as bone, (see the first sentence above,)] namely, a broken bone; (;, 1 ;) the verb being trans. as female hyena]. (A'Obeyd, S, 15.) . and . well as intrans., (, TA,) like .. Strong; applied to a camel; (AA, S ;) ,.s, ($, g,) kiZ;Jjl inf. n.._&, and to a mule; and likewise to a shoulder: (TA.) - And (TA,) Shte wcd the 3>.~l [or leathemn water-bag] (IAqr, TA:) or, applied to a camel, strong and not strongly, or not firmly; (u, ;) as also tall: (, TA:) or tall and thick: or big, or 1 "q.12 (~, TA;) in the g, erroneously, bulky: (TA:) fem. with 5: (AA, S,], TA:) t .,J,.. (TA.) (TA.) - And The lion: (AA, S, pl. ;t'. ] :) so called because of the heaviness of his . H /'e set it; namely, a tread. (AA, ~.) 9. 4L, inf n. [broken] bono. (TA.)

. (AA, i.) And, of the [serpent called] (1.,) some say, (1TA,) The serpent, (AA, .K,) of wvhatever "ecies it be: (AA:) or the young one 'J [Do not thou raise a smother4. Lk 0 j1 is a thereof (AA, Mgh, VL) And 32 ing smoke upon us] is said when one kindles a fire surname of The st,pent; (l~, TA;) mentioned with bad, smoking, wood. (TA.) by 'Alee Ibn-Ijamzeh. (TA.) C& A species of L4 [q. v.] upon which ., applied to a camel, Biq, or bulky, tall, camels, or the like,feed, (.K, TA,) wtentit it scand thick. (TA.) - See also .. 4. culdent; but nihen it becomies dry, it is useless. a ... (TA.) - And [henee, perhaps,] A good tender The wrild as; (g, TA;) so called beand manaser, if camels, or the like. (.K.) 6 cause of his bigness, or bulkiness, and strengtlh. [i. e. W1ool; or rool dyed of And i. q. ,e (TA.) various colours]: (I :) a dial. var. thereof. (TA.) .. 1 5 (in the T, voce .;, written '.,) A : see QJU.~A lso A small idol: pl. pecies onf tree; (S, .C TA;) said to be the samte signifies "a as the ,.,3j [q. v.]; it is a white tree, that grows Oj:l&: (I(:) [it is said that] ';3 large idol." (TA.) very tall: n. un. withl ;. (TA.) . Also A certain wsort of food, in which locusts are cooked; ~ Food ii!tected with smolke; as also (g, TA;) of the food of the people of tlhe desrt. t o.. (g.) (TA.) R Smoke; (~, Mgl,, Mb, g;) as also ;.A great camel. (A:, . [See also.,$.]) ;O: (S, X: [in one of my copies of the ;, And Anything big, or bulky, and strong. (TA.) written with the .! quieseent:]) mostly used in - And Thc female elephant: (EI-Ghanawee, relation to a substance with wlhiel one fumigates: 8S:) or the el/hant, mnale and femae: (19:) pl. (Mgh, M.b :) and also expl. as signifying smoke [i. c. hyena, or n ithowut cfir: (TA:) pl. ! 1~. (TA.) - And Tlhe (, K, TA,) dc-

.;, viating from rule, (TA,) like `'t3 pl. of the only other instance of the kind. (S, TA.)And t Diut (Az, ?, Mgh, K) is sometimes thus callted, (S, Mgh,) metaphorically, (Mgi,,) as beilig likened to smoke, whiichi is the primary meaning: so says A'Obeyd, and Aboo-Amr IbnEl-Ala says the like. (As.) 5~ Small long hairs under thle part bendtih

tsL:.] the lowerjaw of tle camel: (s, g:) [pl. one says ext,i ' [a camel having sru
small long hairs], like as they said, for the /i.T (S.) And The beard: or of the head, JjG. the portion therif that extends beyjond the two sides of the cluela: or the portion that growst upon the chin and beneath it, downrvards: or leujth of the beard: (15:) or the portion of the beard that deped from the chin: (IHam p. 820:) and .1 I0' signifies tihe extremity of the beard. (TA.) And Certain small hairs at the part in rwhich the lhe-goat i slaughtered. (TA.) And [or wattle] of the coek. ($ and I in The oZ art. !.%, q. v.) - Also Tlhe first of wind and of rain; (S, ];) so says [the Imam] AbooHaneefeh: (TA:) or rain generally: or rain while it is betnen the heaven and tihe earth: pl. .t: : ( :) AZ says that C e.t2JI signifies the rain that is between the clouds and the earth; sing. g'J: (S, TA:) and . like j.1: .. ,lJ signifies the clouds that have fallen upon e; the pendenent tl earth: and .. J

4: see 1, last sentence. 8: see 1, last sentenco. - [Hence,] it is said a5 . w *., - a P , .2 U ta'. %l9, meaning in a prov., ;1 t If I be not skilful, verily I do according to the dA,w of my knowledge. (?, Meyd.) _ ? :Zl lIe sought help by mteans of it; ($, ;) and profited by it, or made ue of it. (1/.) One J .I J Take tlwu this, and seek says, 4 .M kielp by means of it [or profit by it]. (S.) - And . 0;e1 IIe extended, or stretched forth, his arm, or hand; syn. l; 1l. (1.) 9 .; L JWI :., (S, ]g,) aor. ', (S,) inf. n.

and 0s and * 5, (g,) T7e fire smoked, or i.) sent up smoke; (S, K;) as also *

_And Jl.,

n o. o, O. -5., (K(,) aor. ', inf...

(TA,) He ascended the mountain: (V, TA:) , like 'c : mentioned by Kr. (TA.) ~ aor. , (g,) inf. n. 4, (T1g,) said of a garment, It became perfumed with the odour of incense, or wome substance for fumigation. (1,* TA.)

s. .;.~ :2 I fumiated the garm~nt: ; inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (TA.) -_ .' (Mgh:) or ",.tt 4,: Slte fumigated ($ and O in art. ,,u,) .n ,. means ;iLu sok, so that it [the pergarment over the perfume the (i.e. His arm nas et andjoined un~ ly,] so as to form a node, or protuberance, like a swlUing, ftume] clung to it: (TA:) or ,iZ: , , not to hard as bone. (ISk, L in art. j.I.)

(s,) inf n.

(S, g,) I perfumed my gar-

,.$, applied to a [broken] bone, Badly set, so ment with incens, or some substance for fumiga.Tlhe as to lave an uennes remaining in it. (TA.) tion. (.') _- And '.e the trailof the gfi [And ? 't1 signifies the same, applied to an arm woman perfumed l~hdf aith her inne, or sb- of the clouds: and.Il (TA.) See also L stancefor fumiiation. wind when it comea drawing along the dust: pl. (.N); expl. by Golius as applied to a hand, and mean;ng Distortedlyconolidated,on the authority One says also 0jL' p o meaning t Such a as above. (TA.) And The first of anything. of Meyd.] one caused confusion, or disorder, or disturbance, (yam p. 820.) 1

Boox I.] 4 .JI A lion having much hair. (v.)


1955 Acting corruptly; or making, or doing, fiued itself strongly, or powerfully]. (A, TA.) , (A,) or tll~;., (TA,) said of mishief. (Myb. [See L]) - And ".j a girl, t Her breast, or breasts, began to swell, or much hair; (S, 1 ;) sometimes become protuberant. (A, TA.) Having HS; & and .il applied in this sense to a man. (S.) And And The ?I rl, (15, TA,) and I..&and I&l,and 1. Hating a thick beard. (TA.) ( :) and I~1 [P], as is said in the "Nawt dir," male hyena; (8, I ;) as also 't i

*:: (1, TA) A man (TA) large in thae ,;.

(1, TA.)
X jAU:


see X


j and ic

1.t,aor. ,,($,Mqb,IK,)inf.n.
[accord. to the CI7, but] like

; (TA;) and

. Myb, ,M,,) which is of the aor. ar, dial. of El-PIijUz, and of which the inf. n. is U,~; ; in n. and (TA;) and ? , nor. and , and et;a; (], TA;) lie acted corruptly; or mnade, or did, miscahitf: (., Msb, 1 :) or did so in tha utmost eree: (TA:) [in the earth]: (., TA:) the nor. of 4,hbl P one of the dial. vars. occurs in the Kur ii. 57; -&c.: some say that tC, aor. lad, [or x , aor. :oy,] is formed by transposition from o,t, nor. ant: (TA:) accord. to Er-REghib, ~e and

and [the fem.] .l.i the female hyena; (S, (TA,) mean 4,,4I 2Sj (I, TA,) U. tj!, g;) because of the abundance of her hair: (S:) in,one copy -j, j: (TA:) [Ibr. D thinks and [the pi.] !, and u, a number of hyenas that both of these readings are mistranscribed, together. (TA.) - [The femrn.] 05 is also an for I. 1J , meaning The people, J 1 X. j; appellation applied to An old woman. (S, TA.) or party, practised mnany nodes, or manners, of And the masc. signifies also Thlick, gross, or riding; agreeably with an explanation in the coarse, insize. (TA.) - And Foolsh, or stupid, T.K: but the case is very perplexing; and is (8, K,) heavy, or dull. (S.) - And One wrhose rendered the more so by the facts that this is not colour inclines to blackness. (K.) - And A in the 0, and that what here follows is not in the colour [itself] that inclines to blackness: (.K, I4 nor in the TA, and that I do not find in art. TA:) or, accord. to the M, 5.lW [perhaps a nor in any other art. anything that throws , mistranscription] signifies a colour inclining to and t I,l, iJ . light upon it:] 5pj4ltl blacknes, with abundance of hair. (TA.) [P], 1q and I.o1 and 1<a1, and Iq and mean Tie pcople, or party, decended into the

L .~, or '; (so in the 0; [but this is at oi,) Mqb, The ., inf n. I-ik 2. ;5'.I with variance with a general rule;]) and wind raised the duJt. (TA.) [See also L] kesr to the medial radical [in the first and seconi And i. X. (?, 0, and so in a copy :l ;,c, , (TA,) aor. ; and : persons, d.~ of the 1],) or X sI,JI '., (so in other copies of .'; (8, A, Mgh, O, the g,) inf. n. as above, (I,,) Ifiled the house, and (1;) inf n. Myb, 1];) He cried out, or vociferated; (IK, or tent, nwith smoe. (15, TA.) accord. to Az, supplicating, 4: see 1, latter half, in three places. TA;) like .; and begging aid, or succour; (TA;) and (.K) as also said of a house, or tent, (., .,) It he raised his voice; (., A,O,];) 5. ., &t; (B1;) or this signifies he cried out, was, or became, fied with moke. (1..) vociferated, or raised hiA voice, repeatedly; (S, .~: see 1, in four places.. R. Q. L O, TA;) and os, he raised his voice with the ~,, (, o0, L,) or JiUi t C., Ie chidt s Hair: this is its primary signification. {4 [or a~yiny aiJ]: it is said in a trad., the scamd,(0, L, 1,) saying a c , (., _11 J1 (S Mgh, 0, Msb) i. e. -jI 1 AI (TA) [See the next paragraph.] - And, me(L:) or the former signifies he g,) or I: taphorically, : ch as is saling,of plants, or The most sceent of the actions of the pilgri and the are (Mgh) the raising of the voice wfith t/he U;t3 turned tah se-camel to a thing, saying . o , .', and the erba~; as tbe ) and the shedding (TA.) - And [the inf. n.] signifies 1 (TA.) And [hence] one says, 1 (Mgh, 0, and Myb in art.. 0I;' of the blood of the victims brought for sacrifioe to The chang~ of * into p wbn occurring wit , t le plants, or herbage, of the earth, tAe sacred territory: (Mgh, and MSb in art. .:) ;,hj C [immediatdly preceding it]: a practice that dried up, or becae yelom: ( :)' soin the Teksignifies the crying out, or vociferating, obtained among the tribe of ]5ud'ah; (S, O ;) and miileh, and so says ISk. (TA.) and accord. to Fr, among the tribe of Teiyi, and and clamouring, of a people, or party. (TA.)ws A long 4 [or quantity of hairdcnng And 'I, aor. , in. ns. as above, said of a camel, some of the tribe of Asad; (TA in art. :, q.v.;) bow the ar or o the oulder]: (o:) pl. ; He made a [loud] noise in his braying: and like as Z:' did among that of Temeem: (TA in like 1 _; (so in some copies of the ;) or ,, * ~. c he repeated, or reiterated, [such] a iwise: the present art:) they used to say, C,. &'5 !. ; like u; or copies;) like 0; (so in other wecnt &1[This is a pastorrho , said of water, it . for is aor. :, inf. n. and (so in my MS. copy of the ]; [app. taken from made a sound; and so [or as meaning it made a forth with me]. (,, O.) I hold the TA; the first of which (i. e. L,) : and in the same sense 4.4 A cryintg out, or vociferating,and clamour, to be the right; (see the paragraph next pre- reiterated sound]VC.' ceding this;) though SM says what here the former verb is used in relation to a bow: and or confusion of cries or noits,of a people, or party. follows;]) it is correctly ,:, like J.1; agree- also in relation to the [piece of stick or wood (TA.) means [He declared the i#i ~-. ably with what is said in the M, i. e. that called] i;j on the occasion of its producing fire: unity of God] aloud. (TA, from a trad.) . said of a camel, when beaten, (TA:) and t sa ;lUt1. (TA.) 1l signifies a [An egg-fritter, or omelet: so in the preor heavily laden, he uttereda grumbling cry; syn. a certain food made of eggs: (., O, sent The state of the hair of tae head when it ' l, The I ) day:] , and t (0o, .)-kneaded with clarified butter, (AA, or flour has b~ecome dry and matted, and hau been long wind was, or became, violent, and raisedthe dust, TA,) and then fried, or roasted: IDrd says, it (TA.) le w~ (S, , , TA,) and drove it along. (TA.) [See is a sort of food; but what sort I know not: at..1; i [The odour dif- accord. to IKh, it is any food compounded; as also 2.] _ And .: see an 1 1 or I, and s are nearly alike; but : is mostly used in. relation to that which is and j:c, in relation perceived by sense; and > 5 to that which is perceived by the [mind or] judgment: some say that : [as also ;] is the acting wrongjidy, injurioudy, or unjustly; and sometimes does not involve the acting corruptly: (MF and TA in art. ,g.:) LI says that is of the dial. of El-~ijlz, and is the [more] approved form; and .,t is of the dial. of the Benoo-Temeem. (TA in that art.) - And I.', sor. U, inf n. 1t, said of the hair of the head, It was, or became, dry and matted, and mw og (TA.) #~ lf

valley, and trod it much. (O.) (S, A, Mgh, O, kc.,) aor. , (, Mgh, see It. Q. 1.

.i- J6






[Boox I.

dates and [the preparation of curd called] Jrl: manner it is said [in the lgur viii. 30], i nz (TA:) it is a post-clauical word: ( :) [J says, WA'; [lit. "They plot and God plotteth"], ] 1. , (S, O, Msb, K,) [and dJ, as I think it to be post-casical: (S:) it is of the meaning, "God recompenseth them for their shown by what follows,] aor. ', inf. n. ; dial. of Syria. (TA.) plotting." (L, TA.). It is also said that _-(Msb, TA ;) and e*.. t , and t* . -- l 4,c DDust: (S, A, O, ] :) or dust raised b3Y ;., ($, O, Msb, 1],) which two are syn. each when attributed to God [sometimes] means The the wind: (TA:) and smoke: (S,A, 0, : with the other, ($, O, I,) and with the first also; being wel pleased, content, or satisfied. (1, TA.) t .. p is a moro special term [signifying a ($, .;) all signify He wondered at it; i. e. he The saying, in a trad., S~d . . J.i 4C portion, or cloud, of dust: and of smoke]: (S, deemed it strange, extraordinary, or improbable, 0)1JI ! kt ;LJI j. means Thy Lord wonders 0:) and this latter signifies [also] a dust tsait said of a thing occurring, or presenting itself, to at a people who ilU be led to Paradise in chains buries in it everythiig; as also ia4. (TA.: him; (], TA;) on account of his being little [because of their deeming themselves unworthy - Also Low, vile, base, mean, or ignoble, people; accustomed to it: (TA:) or the first signifies [as thereof]; the verb , being here used in a (Sh, O, 1g, TA;) lacking intellect, or understand above, i. e.] he deemed it strange,extraordinary,or tropical sense: or the meaning is, thy Lord is ing; (Sh, O;) in homr is nogood: [a coll. gen. n.;; improbable: and t . is of two kinds; one is well pleased with, and will reward, a pcople & .: for] VLt,4 signifies one of such persons [as his [the wondering] at a thing which one commends, and there are other trads. of the same kind. (L, indicated in the 0]. (TA.) And, applied to a and it means the accounting(athing) goodorgoodly, TA.) -~ d means IHe loved, or lied, single person, Foolish; stupid; unsound, or de- or approving [it], and exrlressing one's approvalof him, or it. (L, TA.) [See a verse cited voce ficient, in intellect, or understanding. (].) a thing; and the other is at a thing that one disr; from which it seems to signify lit. He, 1;.~a: see the next preceding paragraph, first likes, and it means the deeming [a thing] strange, or it, was an object of love to him.]~ '., exitraordinary, or improbable, and discommending sentence. [Hcence,] one says, 4 LiL At i,fU i [it]: (Msb:) or, accord. to some of the gram- inf. n. u. ; and l; said of a she-camel, y i [Such a onefolds hidclou of dust],, marians, it siglifics the .mind's becomting fflcted, She was, or became, such as is termed [;4.. meaning, makes a hostile, or predatory, incursion, or acted upon, by some exceca,ite quality in the (TA.) or attack, upon the sons of such a one. (S,,O, .*)) thing by which it is so affected; [so that it may 2. , inf. n. . .a. IIe raused a, him to And d4.' X.i/ (0, ) He/laid, or allayed, hies be rendered the becoming affected iwith nonder ;] ronder, ( 0, o, g, TA,) [by the thing]. n.tq~. [or cloud of dust], (O,) meaning he desisted as when one says L t [" how l courageous is from that in which he was e,gaged. (0, IJ.) he!"] and ya1 _?l ; [" how clearly shall (TA. [See also 4.]) Also Many great camels: (9, O, g :) so accord. they hear ! and how clearly shall they see !"]: 4. a..~. It (a thing, or an affair, or event, TA) to Fr, (S, O,) as mentioned by A'Obeyd: (S :) (Msb, MF, TA:) or it is [the ,wondering] at a induced, or excited, him to wonder. (I, TA. hut 8h says, I know not the word in this sense. thing of which the cause, or reason, is hidden, [See also 2.]) In the following saying of Ibn(TA.) - See also the next preceding paragraph, and not known: or it is when one sees a thing ]eys-er-Rukeiyat, second sentence. that pleases him, and thinks that he has not seen J *0A *; Bp, t *a * C4c Vociferous, clamorous, sounding much, the like of it: (L, TA:) [therefore e or noisy; an epitlhet applied to anything that has may be rendered he wondered at it, and he ad- * X ..,..SJt w t1 9 312a.Jlih a voice, or sound, or noise, (;, 0, J,) as a bow mired it:] accord. to some, it peculiarly relates to what is deemed good or goodly, or approved; the meaning is, [Sihe saw upon my head some and the wind [&c.]; (9, 0 ;) as also ?1, V r aid to (.K,) this latter mentioned by Lh as applied in [though this is inconsistent with the application hoarinems, which I did not hile; and.she me, " Is this lbn-.KeY ?" soMnewhat of hoarine~s] this sense to a man: ( :) and the former, applied of the grammatical term i1 J the rverb of causing her to have nwonder. (TA.)-And It to a stallion [camel], vociferous, or noisy, in his wonder;] and the subst. derived from it is (a thing, or an affiir, or event, TA) induced in braying: and, applied to a river, sounding: ($, ,.: and V. - ..- I relates to what is good or him wonder, or admiration, and pleasure, orjoy: O :) or, thus applied, containing much water; as goodly or approved, and to what is otherwise; (]:) or it exited his admiration, or approval: though it vociferated by reason of the abundance and the subst. is t c [which is also the inf. n. (Msb:) or it pleased, or rejoiced, him. (TA.) thereof and of the sound of its copious pouring. of c,,.q]: or accord. to the A and L, You say, ' 5 l '1 !J . . J~. [Th,is thing (I Drd, TA.) [See a tropical ex. of it voce t.,.] ,,q,l -t signifies he nondered at a thing in- has excited nmy admiration, or approval, or has lq.& -. and i A day of riolent wind tensely; or became affected with intense wotuler. pleased me, for its goodness, or goodliness, or that raime the dut. (f, O, ~.) (TA.) - [E.J '. .;, a phrase of common occur- beauly]. (S, O.) And A.' [Its D goodrence, (mentioned in the g voce j,-.~, &c.,) is ness, or goodliness, or beauty, excited my admiraI,) or t, (L,) A cr.y by which a . (M, tq-f., l~ I wonder greatly, lit. with tion, &c.]. (Mob.) _ And ~ ,;~_;' He was she-camel is chidden. (P, L, ]) [But the former for .0LJ wuondering, at this. See also an ex. voce '-, excited to nonder, or admiration, and pleaure, belongs to art. Lr, q. v.] last sentence but two.]- Of the words in the orjoy, by it; he admired it, and iras pleased with to [part. n. of 1], applied to a road, [app. be- 1gur xxxvii. 12, there are two readings, t it, or rejoiced by it. (1.) You say, ..1 cause a crowded road is usually noisy,] means 0 '" '-'-,and Ci,~,.-:.. 0-,: , (S, O, Msb,) inf. n. [which is [n.1, Fvd. (S, 0, .) [Compare t4 applied to a accord. to the former, the meaning is, Nay, thou often used as syn. with c, the corresponding river.] roondere at their conduct, or deemest it extraordinary, [0 Mohammad,] and they mock: re- subst.,] (0,) [He admired himself, (lit. was ae o : nosee Ct; - Also, applied to a specting the latter reading, [which may be cited to admiration by himself,) vas pleased wit himJelf, or was slf-conceit~d, or vain; or] he horse, Generous, or excellent, and advanced in rendered Nay, I wonder, &c.,] it is observed that exalted, and magnijied, himself; was haughty, ape: (0, I:) or, aecord. to IF, that runs 4,ac when attributed to God has a meaning vehemently. (O.) and proud. (M9 b.) - [al C* generally signidifferent from that which it has when attributed .t!]_-- ,; 1; .:uem :; last sentenoe. to men: IAth says that, when attributed to God, fleas Hor wonderfi it it is used in a tropical manner, as the causes of [lor greatly doe he admire his opinion or j~ t:u,. A wind that rai the dust: (lA#r, things are not hidden from Him: or, accord. to ment ! or how, greatly is he pleased it it! or conceited, or vain, or proud, is he of it 1] is TA:) [the bl.] 5& t5i (9, 0, ) signifies IAmb, the verb here meams 1 have recompensed hor them for their swondering at the truth, or their anomalous [in two respects], (S, 0, ],) not to the contr. deeming it strange or improbable: and in like be taken as an example to be imitated; (S, 0;)

o A;. (, O.)

BooK I]
for the verb here is formed from a passive [and . 5e augmented] verb [t,?~l], like as is the ease in G; whereas it is the primary rule with ,ii respect to the verb of wonder that it shall not be formed from any but an active [and unaugmented] verb. (TA.)


signifying which one has turned to what is thus termed. also used as a subst. in a pl. sense, like the things; wonderful between meaning as Wonders, (TA.? [Er-Raghib makes a distinction used similarly be &c.; and it may and 23; as will be seen below, voce pl. 4..31, but .;: c, A in a sing. sense for u~ ; or and , ] _-. Also, and above, expl. sense pl. the in subst. a as used when man who is pleased o sit with wonmen, (O,P,) and it seems to be regarded by some as a coell. gen. n., inducea wvhat doing his them,without to con rs with is the n. un.; for] one says, t. doubt, or suspicion, or ceil opinion: (0:) or with of which t u a ons is none [Such o j u ;ha ~; J[I 6: see 1, in two places. - One says also, whom wonumen are pleased: (1,TA:) the pl. is a I (A, TA.) wondes]. of rnder '4. other than a [app. meaning He showed perhaps (TA.) _ See also . 1 q.a ' I t [lit. The father of [Hence, also,] S ,,i., i. e. s.e-admiration, &c., in his gait]. . and see also see : wonders] is a surname of Fortune. (TA.) And J signifies &9 .;3 ..(TA voce ),--, or [originally an int. n.] (S, 0, K) and it signifies also The practiserof lgerdemain, cq.& [He edcited my dsire, and invited me, or made (accord. deight-of-hand; syn. j(..-, (A, TA,) or (accord. to the K,) or I , me to incline, to ig~norant, orfoolish, or silly, and tc, strange, deeming JA :) and a e. art. i. in (Eth-Tha'alibee, TA j.,i: yothful, conduct, so that I yearned towardshim: to the TA,) Wonder; or occurs, what any one woho does wonderful thingJ. (A, TA.) or he deceied me, or beguiled me, and captivated zextraordinary, or improbable, of account on TA,) (K, And a poet says, my heart]; (0, V, TA;) said of a man: (0, present itself, to one, or [the effect, 0 *~~~"* (TA;) it; to accustomed little 3 being . I which ~o3, ' lO S_ TA:) and i.,: [in the 0 ] the consideration of a thing of mind, the upon think a mistranscription, though I do not find rith which one is not familiar, and to which one 0, I ,wnder greatly, lit. with t O l4 > elsewhere in the sense here assigned to it,] is not accustomed: (IA.r, TA:) for a distinction [for is ever attenred writh signifies the same. (TA.) between c and t c , see 1, in the middle wondering, at fortune that [in this sense] wonders]. (TA.) [See also L' '.] _ Also [s of the paragraph: the pl. of 10: see 1, in three places. quality, in a she-camel, that is denoted by is [said to be] 4a1; (V;) or it has no pl.: The , in two places:- and see (0,, OK:) [this statement correctly applies to tle epithet [It [ferm. of 4,4sb,q. v.]; and so : see , The root, or base, of the -Also also ... as an epithet; for as such it is app. used Lta . (O.) base, or root, the of part the or :) tail: ($, O, I as sing. and pl., being originally an inf. n.:] but : see the last preceding sentence. haunch the which beast, any of tail, of the El-Afija has pluralized it, [regarding it in the enclose, (Msb, TA,) and mhich is inserted in the sense expl. above,] saying, last quarter. , seeo ce L.: hinder part of the rump: (TA:) or the root, or , in tlhree places, near the ~r'c: see ~ bae, and bone, of the tail: (LI, TA:) also middle of the paragraph: - and see also c. [q. v.]: (Msb, TA:) or it is called the ~ upper the or the head of the ~ : (TA :) in four places, near the ~e~': 'see , ([Theymentioned griefi to him wvho grieed, and of extremity external the or : part of the they ccited wonder to him wvho wondered]. (O.) middle of the paragraph. - Also Loved, beloved, is its internal extrethe spin; and the ~. the following verse, ; .JS Q [may be rendered O case of wonder !1 or an object of love: so in J :) it is said in a trad., mity: (Az, L voce Th: by cited but properly] means O wonder come, for this iE Q [may also be rendered that every part of a man will become consumed, thy time: and w., tail, the of .4. the or means O [people,) * ' (TA,) properly] ~*, but the except O cas of wonder! (0, TA,) accord. to different relations; (TA;) or the like, come] to wonder; the noun signify. from which [as a rudiment] he was created, and ing the invoked being suppressed. (Har p. 27. does niggardliness forbid me nor It is also an epithet applied to a thing, an [And neither upon which he will [at the resurrection] be put S liberality lead me; but Ahe is a sort of person, j together: (O :) i.e. the bone at the lower, or affair, an event, or a case; one says c the poet to me, an object of lome]: by .;1j, lout, part of the spine, at the rump; which is [A 7ondaefid thing or affair &c.]; and s4 p TA.) (L, means &L.' of beasts: it is said to be like a grain t1 the [vwhich is more common in this sense] . ii "FiFil," the in of mutardeed: or, as Z says is U yn r and?. p;:J or t Dsand t 4lAq, a~. () and ~.y ,(.S 0, 1) A wonderful is the bone that is between the buttocks: it is alsa a thing at rhich one wonders: (?, O, ! :*) thing; , but t 44c signifies more thai with w; and accord. to MF, t pronounced t.; of the former, accord. to modern usage, is pl. [the with tc syn. is V44. or (s:) ek: El-Khalijeo as and, this: says else one but no and] r I ,~, mentioned above as pl. of $: i n (t, 0,) which signifies a thing, (S, O, Msb,) oIT says, it is also called~; and.~ and,c, n1 d i s.*etl seems to be pl. of j.~1, like as an affair, or event, or a case, (9, 0,) n,ondere this case with the three vowel-sounds. (TA.) r 5 o P.odV,. isp (?,O, Mb,TA;) or inducing wonder, .signifies j..~4: (S, 0:) and t1 Also X The hinder part (0, O, , TA) ofa trac Lat; or is pl. of pleasing, or joy; or pleasure, and admiration, i;) and 0, (, ,l; and syn. TA:) tlings; (1, anything: 'wonderful of or 0,) of sand, (, Pw t and (TA;) ?4; * syn. having no II is a word [of a rare form, (see ,;,)] 44 i. e. the thin hinder portio rejoicing; hence, i [it O,TA:) is (, ,_,: than more signifies ' gibbou [of a and-hiU, or of an eat~eded and proper sing., (., 0,) like ,GtAW ; (0 ;) errohas no pl.; [app. meaning whe n sand-hill, or of a collection of sand that ha ' said that] above;] noor r neously thought by the author of the " Ndnoos" poured down]: (TA:) pl. ~ , (?, 0,) andd it is used as an epithet, as observed [on the Kmoose] to be most probably a mistake (, O, ;) or the pi. of this iis perhaps .14t also in the former sense [an(I has t (TA:) a poet says, for .Gi.l: ( 0, 1; 44k.. [respecting which see *]; therefore in this likewise]. (TA.) S. e like a sI ispl. of eil; and Y, of, -. Also a subst. from th ._ s: A d 0 j .(, O.) [Being originally an inf. n., it is use 1 W h I Z ($,) or from L phrase h * one says ~ LC fem.:] and masc. as falike le God's creation is (0 ;) (i. e. it signifies Self-admiration; or sdJ and for the samtee [And of the wtonderfl thain oj story: t wond A [meaning b iti (I:) lZOti is expl. (so ground ~ono~eited; or] vanity; and pride: the covering a ra , reason, it may, as an epithet, be also used alik e .L* said to be [a result, or an offspring, of stupidity called kinds the of grapes & 5c.]. (O.)_ [It i iby IB), whereof and pL: like or folly; or] a redundance of stupidity, or folly - 1as sing.



4 Q

[Boox I. are pretsed for making winee]. particulardirection; as also (,. (ISk, S, O..) 8. ,:,l She (a woman) bound a .. [q.v.] [See also the latter verb.] - And L.,11 . o, upon her head; (S ;) slt attired herself with th .;: seoe ,q. (Mgh:) near the middle of the par a- (S, 0,) aor. , inf. n.' e and (O,) 0IC, TAie W. .: (O, Msb:) or with a jtl.: hors extended [or, accord. to an explanlation of th graph, in two places. e ;tsl is a mode of attiring peculiar to a act. part. n. in the L, raised] his tail towards hi w oman, (1f, TA,) resembling tkat termed.i_l. ~.tI . [meaning Very mnderful or jqo [or. croup] in running. (S, O.) - An d (TA.) - And H.l He nound a turban round admirable or pleasing] (S, 0, IS) is like ' J hence, (b,) 'J (S, e O,K*) and .~ J, his hiead: (IF, S, Mgh, 0, Msb :) and he wound the latter word being a corroborative of tlhe (so in one of my copies of the S, and accord. t, o a turban (or a piece of cloth, TA) upon his head flrnier; (S, 0;) and one says also [in lil ke the TA,) inf n. n O (S, ) and ., (i, , ) nithtout turning[a portion of] it beneath his oroer mIlanner] ,. r . (f.) The horse vent along sj'ifll/, (S, 0, ,*) b~ Y jaw; (Az, El-Ghooree, Mgh, K,* TA;) as also :~ the winding it in which manner [and so _. [Afore, and most, onderfulor admirab reason of briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness 3s, ' s wearing it] in prayer, is forbidden: but another or /,leasing]. - [And the fem.] iLei signifies A (O,) or from fear and the like: and Vt, , i syn. with : explanation, the inf. ns. of which is, he niound the turbanupon his . used in this sense leniale wondered atfor her beauty: and also,fo her ugliness. (0, I.) Also, i. e. the forme: r, ( :) [so that one says in like manner : J-ta ]head so as to s/town tie &.t [or crown of the head], A thick, or big, or coarse, camel. (0, I.) An d and one says nlso, j.,1 ',l , mcanill D is more probable; as it is from , meaning so the fernm. applied to a shec-camel: (O, I :) 01 r, The man ran before the man, fleeing. (0, TA.: "a piece of a cloth, like a fillet, wound upon the so applied, thick in the r [or root, &c.,] c ,.j, aor. , inf. n. , said of an ass, ii s round of a woman's head." (Mgh.) One says, the tail: (TA :) or whereof the hinder part, (C), syn. wvith [app. as meaning lie raised hi y ~z ~ .a .lHe is comely in repect of tha JI,) or the uppe)r portion of tlhat part, (L, TA, ) fore legs together and put them down together, manner of n'inding the turban upon the head. is narrowr, and wherrcof the tjsL. [q. v.] ar re and beat the ground wvitlh his hind legs]: (.K, , (A.) [See also e: and see j. ]_ - One prominent: (0, L, ]f, TA :) the kind of mak e TA:) and a similar action is si,gnified by the says alsoA5 ; c or mcaningc She thus particularized is ugly. (TA.) phrase . , & inf. n. , [app. meanbrought forth a boy, or a girl, after she lad ding He beats the ground wvith his kind legs, reara..I: sce '..c ing rwhile doing so], said of a horse. (TA.) - spaired of her giving birth to a child (0, ' , TA.) 7,, pJ.A e aBl J"j A man of (lit. hatving, possing lie beat him, or struck him, with iinf n. of.' t r q. .]. (S.) _ Also Proor endowed with,) wonders, or monderjld thung the knotted staff or stick, so that the place struck became snolUen; as also e4. (0.) -And jection, protrusion, promincneC, or protuberance, (0, g, TA.) . .JI Z.~ I clave, or split, the thing. (IKCtt, and elcvation. (S, 0, TA.) _ And Strength, ebEv,, a pl. without a sing.: see 1~. wvith grcatness of body. (TA.) TA.) _ And .. J'4 0, ,*) . ' and &!, : see whlat next follows. [Admiring him. aor., inf. n. an, (K,) lie made an assault, (lit. e;cited to admiration by himself,) or please 1 or attack, upon him with the sword. (fi, 0, K.') ' and , applied to a ,j [or shank with hkinudf, and his opinion, or judgnmnt; elf _- 4.;,...a, (Sh, O, K,*) aor.;, inf. n. , of a beast], (0S O, , I,) Thlick; (, 0 ;) as also conceited, and concitedof hi opinion orjudgment,] ] (,) is also syn. with ic ;'..~ [meaning 1 (O :) or hard, (",' TA,) and strong; (, O, TA,) [or] vain, or proud, [threof; for]] prohibited him from using, or di/spoing of, his ,~l: ' and in like manner applied to a solid hoof, and signifies a man vain, or proudi, of whatt property according to his own frce will]. (Sh, O, p,rocedsfrom him, whether good or bad, and oJ to a pastern. (TA.) - And for another mean. f.*) _ And is also syn. with in himself, or of a thing [belonging to him, such as . ing of the first of the words, see ~ 1 his dress or wealth &c.]: but Er-R4ghib makes which sense, as in others, its aor. is said in the K but this is not the case, for the verb ;..s A place of proection, protruion, proa distinction between 4. and ;;; saying to be j; minenee, or protuberance, and elevation. (A,' that the .~ believes himself with respect to is used only in the pass. form: you say, ~I; ' the opinion or judgment that lie forms of himself f>1 -,meaning The man was importunedfor his 1 ' TA.) - [A protuberance; a knob; a hlmp.] indecisively from evidenoe outweighed in pro- prqperty, or oat askedfor it by *nanyperson, so - A knot in wood, (S, Mgh, 0, ],) and tAe like, (If,) or in other things: (Mgh:) or in the bability; [so that it rather denotes conceit than that it became little. (TA.) One says J.; veins of the body: (S:) or a knotted vein in the vanity;] whereas the &SU believes himself de- .se t?j_,~ meaning A man importuned by body; and '.~, with which it is coupled, "a cisively. (MF, TA.) begging so that a his property has ben taken knotted vein in the belly,"particularly: (A'Obeyd, 4 .. [Inducing wonder, or admiration,&c.]: from him. (g, TA.) -- One says also, "..s TA:) or the former, a thing that collcts in ths L . .. .. a see .. , in the middle of the paragraph: [or] 1.. js t;.. jl [app. meaning The man body, like a ganglion (aL); (As, 0, TA;) and a thing that is tery good or goodly or beaiful. nwund his garment upon hi head: see 8]. (TA.) the latter signifies the like: (A9, TA:) or, as (TA.) , which is the pl., signifies the _ And hence, A,tI -! R The saliva some say, .. v.tebrwc of the back: (lAth, TA:) or ' became dry upon his canine teeth, and stuck. signifies a tumour, or snelling, or an inflation, in (TA.) _, (, O, ]g,) aor. ;, inf. n. , (S,) He (a man, S) was, or became, thick and the back; and e, the like in the navel. (TA.) .L -: c, 8or. , inf n. , He bent his [See also j..4.] _ Hence, one says, ; 4 j5j., neck, (ISk, ?, O, V, TA,) and twited it: said fat. (8, 0, K.) And q., (.1,) inf. n. of one who desires not to comply with a command (S, 0,) lHe (a man, S, 0) was, or became, big; He mentioned his vices, or fauts, wvAich bellied (S, 0, Ij.) Also He (a horse) was, no one knew save he who tried him, or tested him: to do a thing: or I,JL b I ';: [he or became, hard (K, TA) in /his fjesh. (TA.) (TA:) or his external and internal conditions; bent, and twisted, his neck, turning towards such It (a solid hoof, what Ie .showed and rehat he concealed. (lAth, and such things,] is said of one who is going in a And;., in n.;nC and .;, particular direction, and returns from it to a and the belly,) was, or became, hard. (I/tt, TA.) And thing behind him which he is forbidden: so in TA.) [See also' below.] revealed to him my vices, or faults, by reason of the Nawidir el-Agrib. (TA.) - And one says, my confidence in him: (A'Obeyd, O, TA:) or 3. .t., inf. n. ~ty1: see 1, in three places. I acquainted him with my whole state, or case; &Op . as though meaning His camed returned Nith him towards his utual associate, and 5. ,pa said of the belly (S, O) of a man, (S,) not concealingfrom him anything thereof. (A1, his famhily whem he was de.iring to ride him in a It became wrinkked by reason affatr. (ff,0.) TA.) And .1 ~ I rlate to and -~.. (0, O.)



! --

Boo .

I.] A ,p or fault, of wvhat is TA. [In


meaning Having, in its diversifed wary marks, roughness, ungentleness, or arkamrdness, in nrhk. what resemble knots: see ;q, and see also the (Lth, J], TA.) - And Audaciousness, with tCi paragraph next following this]. (TA.) - Also [i. e.foolishness, or tallness combined mith foolishHIump-backed. (Fr, O, TA.) ness or with foolidness andficklenes and hastiness]. .5 upon, or under~j) # 94.A sword having nrhat (IDrd, g.) And The venturing k~ ' the Cl,;41 is put by mistake for ..l.]) One knorwledge in it. having without affair an taking, d t i. e. [Sud a resemble knots [in the diversified wavy marks of (TA.) i says also, the broad side of its blade: see also the next one uttered] fakehood: or a great, or terribk, preceding paragraph]. (TA.), [in the C]15 1i .' j',] A . L..JI ;r thing. (Fr, TA.) [See, again, 3~.] -_; of going is what is termed manner uwhos in camel O , Mlsb, K) and t ;* (8 , A, Mgh, also signifies The mark made upon the waist by [seC the next [aa,e., the running string of the drawers. (A, TA.) (S, Mjb, TA, in the O [erroncously] written and and . To this a poet likens the mark made by a blunt jI.a1,] A piece of cloth (Msb, 1K,TA) wrrich paragraph,] (Az, g, TA,) by reason of his speed: sword. (Aboo-Sa'eed, TA.) - And one says, is bound upon tlhe head, (K, TA,) smaller than alone, a camel that does (Az, TA:) and . wJ~I [The sword hai, in its the ,I;j, (Msb, TA,) and larger than the ;L, ,t ~p by reason q!f his direction, rigtht the not go in diverraqiJied wary marks, what remble kwots]. (TA,) worn by a woman: (Msb:) a thing wviich briskness, liveliness, or rprightliness: fem. with i. (TA.) a woman binds upon her head: (S:) a piece of (TA.) ijq. A mode of winding the turban upon the cloth, (Lth, Mgh, O, Msb, L,) like a fillet, (Mgh, ,. said of and t and t ij' 4,JA a rooman winds upon the round of bi*P Msb,) which -head. (S, O.) One says, roughhim in were there tlough is as .He her head, (Lth, Mgh, O, Msb, L,) after which a camel, [Suck a one is comely in respect of the mode of she pub on, over it, her [garment, or covering, neCs,ungentleness, or awrkwardneM, (,, TA,) and winding the turban upon the head]. (O. [See ;.. (Lth, O, L:) [it is also said that] want of due care, by reason of hit speed: (8, 5, called] .. also 8.]) is a camel's taking to tilw going si6signifies a turban: or a turlban [wound] TA:) or 1. or awhwardneu, nwhen ungentleness, roughnes, with upon the head vithout a turning [of a portion see ... )1.: going obliqucly, a camel's or TA:) (M, fatigued: tlereof] beneath the jaw: (.iam p. 709:) its pl. is [A species of melon: accord. to Forskal, 's. or slprightlinexs. liveliness, briskness, of reason by (L, TA.) -And .~L: whence JtA.. (Flora Aegypt. Arab., pp. lxxvi. and 168,) this (Az, TA.) And 'a',c is also in a man. (AZ, signifies also A kind of garment, or cloth, are both applied to the name and L)9~fS [See also S, 0, and 1g, voce cucumis chate: but accord. to Delile, (Flora! of the fabric of El-Yemen, (Lth, ], TA,) used is thought by ISd to mean [The Aegypt. Illustr., no. 92,) the latter name is as the j..J or ai 14 and the oC;i: pl. as above. thus applied; and j_~. (written by him as (TA.) - And A thing woven of [the.fibres of the tribe of] Pabbeh's guttural spech (U6 -j Athough it were Jy.., but it is without tesabdeed,) palm-tree called] M., like the bJl^.: (1:) pl. .. ~Jl). (TA.) is the name of thefruit of this species of cucumis as above. (TA.) A certain small creeping thing, (Lth, O) .. while immature; so too says 'Abd-EI-Lapef: (see a bow-string: to or rope, to a applied $, ,) having long legs; (Lth, TA;) said to be ja. De Sacy's TransL and Notes, pp. 35 and 127; the long-lgged Ji [or ant]: (8:) or the and > ., with which it is syn. OM and p. 54 of the Ar. Text edited by White:) 1 see [or ant], (Az, TA,) or loyg J , (1,) the legs of have; however, found the namej... to be comsee 1, last quarter. S 'qo4 -. : which raise it from tihe ground: (Az, 1, TA:) monly applied to a speies different from the (ISd, TA.) - And or it is larger than the ,. see 8, of which it is an inf. n. n;.,: see m., art. , s (which is also called A light, or an agile, she-camel. (Ibn-'Abbad, a,) s Sonnini asserts it to be, (in his Travels is expl. as meaning A man wearing his ]) ,n.. -And An old woman; as also with ;. in Upper and Lower Egypt, pp. 574 and 36 of turban as a .,,i; [q. v.], so that [a portion of] it (El-'Ozeyzee, 15.) the Engl. Tranals, 4to., London, 1800,) and di/- covers his nose [and the lomer part of hisface]. The (S, 1J#) and t .A.zl_ t~ 1 ;JI l fering therefrom in shape, being, as he describes (Mgh.) [See also its verb, 8.] oval, instance in some round, it, in tome intances accidents of timne, or fortune. (S, 1.) - And and in others much elongated: the name is proThe vehemence of lJ' j)lw. and t sA&;t" (in j~ bably derived from the Greek avo(p:ov rain (IDrd, 1) at its coming: (IDrd:) or modern Greek 7o~p,), signifying the " waterQ. 2. Jq.3 lIe (a camel) took whtat was not ~,l th ji.. The rain's coming wi tunder rigit course, beinu refractory, or untractable: t/ue is a melon"]: it is said in the M9 b that ;1 and and wind. (.lam p. 750.) _ J(.Ham p. 618:) [or he went obliquely, by reason of name of what the [common] people call je. and briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness: or he was as t* 14; A camel laving briskness, litvlin,ss, jq.e and ,,jd: but it is said [by some, not by though he were rough, ungentle, or awkvward, in or sprightliness. (TA.) the author of the M9b,] that j~ signifies large going, mwlen tired, and wanting in due care, by ;: see the next preceding paragraplh, reason of speed; and likewise said of a man:] .W1[q. v.]. (TA in art. t.) in three places. Also He (a man, 0) magniJied see iiS... ,~ 1, applied to a man, (S, O,) Thick and 3 .j himself (0o, g) L against us. (O.) And fat: (],:) big-belUied: (8, O, Kf:) a stallion big, .A4 [A man in whom is sef-mgniication]. j;3 or bulmy: (', 0:) and a belly, (TA,) and a [an inf. n. 1. The primary signification of (9, O,) or 6 (j, .- & (TA.) - And ,Sl purse, (S, O,) (u/: (S, O, TA:) pl. q.... is The being, or becoming, behind, or to me, ($, O,) or of ;.'] .. Anything havug knots: ' c, (K1,) Sucl a one does (TA.) See alsof or backward, with respect to a thing; behindlhand, .' - . what I, (S, O,) or they, (1,) diapplied to a string, or to them, (1g,) (TA:) and so tj. hanging bach, or abstaining, from back, holding or like, or hate, he not fearing, or dreading, it: and its hlaplpening at the latter, or last, part, thread: (Ham p. 815:) and the former, knotty, -cHe K.) - And #l ji O, (8, anything. or at the end, of an affair: and hlience, in common or having nany knots. (TA.) [Hence,] l1' having not affair, the or undertook, upon, rentured conventional language, it has the signification [for ila.~ L,i] A st4j, or stick, knotted, or knowledge in it. (TA.) shown by the explanation here next following. having knots. (A, O, 1.) One says, .. nor., [which is probably syn. (Er-R hib, B, &e., and TA.) - j4., -'~: see a.' 1 0 dat-p. [He beat him, or struck him, him my vices, orfaults. (TA.) And I lie complaiu of his vice, j,j or the lie: and of his orrows: and apparent and what is concaled (,*






and .j' # and c'ad (8, Mgh, O, ,,ith a knotted staff, or stick, of wood of the,,C]. with it in all the senses of the former]. _- Also inf.n., (0, O Mqb, ]J,) which is (TA.) - It 'ia also applied to a sword [as Coareness, ro~ghns, or rudene~, in speech: and Msb, ]g) and ;, 247 Bk. I.



[Boox I.

agreeable with rule, (s,) and



, which is extr., (Sb, TA,) and Oljq.. and j3 .~ ; (o, g ;) and j:;, aor. , (O, Mqb, g,) inf. n.j~, (MNb,) said by IItt to be mentioned by Fr, as of the dial. of some of the tribe of lIeys, but by others [and among them {gh in the 0] said to be a bad form, (TA,) or mentioned by AZ, as of the dial. of some of the tribe of ]~eys'Eylin, but not known to them, and said by IF to be disallowed by IAqr in the sense here immediately following; (Myb ;) He lacked strength, or power, or ability; he was, or became, pomerless, impotent, or unable. (9,* M9b,* I, TA.) You say, 1& *'> j", (t, A, O, Mob, TA,) and accord. to some, as shown above, j. (Msb, TA,) .Iie lacked strength, or power, 'or ability, for, or to do, effect, accomplish, achieve, attain, or compas, such a thing; he was unable to do it: (S,' O,* Mb,* TA:) or t he was too old to do it. (A, TA.) And it is said in a trad., (M, Mgh,) of 'Omar, (TA,) *"J l L 'j, meaning Remain ye not in a country, or district, or town, where ye are nable to gainyourliveltihood.

(:, A, Mgh, TA.) You say also, l IS'

J '.a , [app. A thing will not sujice me when it cannot the]. (A, TA.) And I.L4. ,j9 jq.. A~ i [They came vith an army which the earth had not strength to bear, or scarce sufficed to contain]. (A, TA.) - [And k X j. ablso signifies He, or it, lacked ch a thing: see an ex. voce ,.~..] [Hence,]

;,..a,.,(0, , MYb, T,) aor. , (, O, I,) or,,

(Mqb,) inf. n. j~. (?, 0, g) and j., (TA,) Me (a woman, Q,0, Myb) became aged; ($, O, Msb, ;) [because the aged lacks strength ;] as also w 'j , aor. ; (0, ;) and V;.' , inf. n. '... (,o, 0]g.)-_ , aor.s, (S, , ,,) inf. n.' and j, ( ,) tor [, the latter is a simple subst.,] or j and X j,I, (0,) She (a woman, S) became large in the hinder parts, or ;) as also V j4, inf. n. h?..a~ : (Yoo, O, I :) and s , inf. n.., he (a man) became large therein: (Mb :) accord. to IA9r, as related by Th, one does not say thus of a man except in this sense. (?, 0.) _- [Hence,]

msteriors; (0, O,



t The p~ce of sand becaine high.

(II4tt, TA.) -- ~ He (a man) wvas importuned for his property: part. n. tJj . (O.) _

',G h 2. ,


see 3.
($, 0, Mqb, 1,)

(Msb,) inf. n. e.,

lie attributed, or imputed, to him lack of strength or power or ability; i. e., inability, or impotence: (S, O," t,' TA:) he asserted him to be, or called him, or made him, (i,) unable, or impotent. (Myb.) [Compare 4, in a sense given below from

"je, said but the first form is the most chaste, (Mgb,) fem. of a woman: see 1, latter part. - ~ said and masc., (8, 0, Myb, It,) in the first of the following senses, i. e., in the general application; of a woman: see 1, latter part._ l; jM. and in the second, or restricted application, fem., He put the a_ [q. v.] upon his beast. (Sgh, but made masc. by the Benoo-Temeem, (Mqb,) TA.)._ tJ! jThe poet uttered, or rote, or, accord. to El-Heythemee, fem. only, (TA,) The hinder part of a thing; (?, A, 0, L, Myb, the j, or last foot, of the verse. (TA.) I ;) i. e., of anything: (Mb :) and particularly 3. c: ajq see - ? ,q ^3;.&, t (A, the hinder parts, posteriors, buttock, or buttocks, ,) aor. of the latter ', (TA,) I contended Nith rump, or croup, (?,* O,') or w/hat is between the him in a race, and I outstrippedhim. (A, O, $.) two hips, (Mgh, Mqb,) or what is after the back, (TA,) of a man, and of a woman; (?, Mgh, O, - And j.. b (inf. n. ., TA) He outstripped, and nas not reached; as also j~sl: (A:) or Mgb, TA;) [and of a camel, &c.;] and * ij he went aroay, and was not reached: (S, 0, ] :) signifies the same, but of a woman only, (S, O, or he fled, and could not be caught. (Mob.) - Msb, I,) in its proper application, though somea_u ! j.Le IHe inclined to a trusty person, times of a man also by way of comparison: (S, A, O, I,) and had recourse to him for refuge. (IAth, Mgh, TA:) pl. of :j., (S, Mlb, ],) and of its variants, (Myb, ]t,) jt4.l, (, Mqb, (A.) [Hence,:] ,)Q0, jO S J I X o; ' ~, Such a one declines from the truth to falsehood, ],) the only pl. form: (TA:) and of ? j, and has recour.e to tlhe latterforprotection. (A, tj1~.: they do not say ~I , [the regular TA.) - And .illt j. The people, or company form of pl. of ;ijq,] for fear of confusion [as of men, left a thing and began another. (TA.) it is pl. of ; or of ijJc]. (TA.) One 4. *~.I He found him to be without strength, says also, j.Ai 4ii Verily he is large or power, or ability; to be unable, or impotent. in the hinder parts: as though the term j (S, 0, Msb, K.) - He, or it, made him to be were applicable to every portion thereo (Ii, (4) owithout strength or power or ability, to TA.) And ,Loll JIj% ii ll 41 He be unable, or impotent; disabled him; or incapaeitatod him; as also V ;jqlt. (B, TA.) [For an exposed himself, in seeking [a thing], to abas~ t illustration of the latter verb, see its act. part. n., and diiculdty and patient endurance, and exerted below: and compare 2, in a sense given above unsparinyly his power or ability, (X, TA,) not carinngfor underyoing long tight-journeying. (TA.) from the Msb. You say, r 9 1 ; *1~ lie, or it, rendered him unable to do, effect, accomplish, Thus expl. in a saying of Alee: .Jaa 1 achies, attain, or compas, the affair.] - He, or it, rendered him (e,.) unable (TS, g, TA) L.J-l [There is a right belonging~ to us: if ro be to attain, or overtake, him: (TS, TA:) -_ and given it, me take it: and if wve be refued it, w [thus, by an inversion, it also signifies] he was expose ourselves to abasement, &c., towugh the unable to reach, or overtake, him. (Lth, TA.) niglht-journ~ying be long]: (0,* TA:) or, accomd [It frstrated his power or ability, or his skill, to Az, he does not mean this, but alludes to or endcavours.] _- It escaped him, so that he was others' having precedence in respect of his right, unable to attain it, or to do it, or to accomplish it: and his being himself kept back from it. (TA.) (;, 0, Msb, 1I :) and simply, he mas unable to One also says, j *5J i .;. attain it, or to do it, or to accomplish it. (TA.) T7he wn of such a one are in a stateofaba~ement, - See also 3. de~ndts of others: or cxpericnce di~ticw; 5. :-1 j.,3 He rode upon the hinder part, because the rump, or croup, of the camel is a difficult place to ride upon. (A.) And it is said or rump, of the camel. (Ya9toob, ~, A, 0, I.) by one of the wise, (Aktham Ibn-.Seyfee, T, in jq..: see~.. _ Also, [said in the TA to be TA, art. ,,) & j j4c 1j. written by $gh j, but it is written j'. in the j.e, (TA, in this art., and 0,) or 1.Q O, and is thus accord. to the ]1,] A disea~ in the ;3 hinder part of a horse or the like, rendering im (T, in TA, art. ,.4,) t [Think ye not upon the ends of thinfs rwhreof the beginnings have pas~d:] heavy. (0, t.) meaning, when a thing has passed, make not your !.. Old age of a woman: a simple subst. minds, or desires, to follow after it, regretting (TA.) You say, JIj.s ;i 41 what has passed, but be consoled for it, placing Fear thou God in thy you and [thine old age, your reliance upon God: (O, TA:) and, as IAth or] rhean thou becomet an old wroman. (TA. says, it is intended to incite to the consideration [But '1 is tihere put for UPU!: and in the of the results, or isues, of affairs before the entering upon them. (TA.) [See also ~t.].explanation, ' for . See &a"..])m

to attain his object: compare 4.] -l

the B.] You say also, *jl 5 i j Such See also (And see :;. [a one attributed, or imputed, the opinion of such a one to littleno ofood judgment, or ofprudence; j : see the next paragraph. as though he attributed it to inability. (TA.) J (8, A, 0, L, Myb, t) and ?j. Also He withheld him, or kept him back, or


j.;1 The trun

ofpan-trees. (9, O, ]p)

dierted him, (?, ],) from ('s)

a peron or M,b, 0) and

tjV (L, M,b) and t'

(0, L, I) and tj.,

thing: (TA:) [as though he made him unable

M,b, I) and *.

[(See Iur liv. 20 and lxix. 7.) And."Q !i; [The nof the 04)i]. (Aln, M in art. Je.) _.j.; also signifies The last foot of a verse; (0, L, oontr. of J~. (TA.) And The latter Amistick (0, L, of a verse: the former hemistich is termed j. (,) (O.) [And The last word of a clause of rhyming

BooK I.]
prwe. ji. also And the latter part of a word.] m See Inalpl A: see jjs. .: _ and see ahLox. Oit*. "or ;I : : .: (J:) and some recon ;1, >alI WCA". an eighth: but most authors hold these names to be poet-classical: (MF:) accord. to Esh-Shereeshee, they are seven days; four of the lat [days] of February, and three of the first [days] of March: (LIar p. 295:) during these days blew the wind 'by which the tribe of 'Ad was destroyed: and they are thus called because of winter; or they are [in] the latter part (j) 'Ad concealed of (j,.) woman old an because from which excavation, subterranean in a herself the wind dragged her forth on the eighth day, and destroyed her: (Bd in lxix. 7:) or .l and r'. are the names of the last two days; (1 in art. jr!;) the former being the sixth, and the latter the seventh. (M in that art.) Ibn-Ahmar says, (S,) or, accord. to IB, not Ibn-Ahmar, but Aboo-Shibl ',oim Ibn-el-Aqribee, as Th says, on the authority of IA#r, (TA,) or*Aboo-Shibl 'Om Ibn-Wahb Et-Temeemee, (0,)
0 0

1901 lacking strength, or power, or ability, to do a thing; unable to do a thing. (IAyr, TA.) And it is said in a trad., respecting Paradise, j [There shaU not 1 i;31 .JMiI, Y1I enter me save the mean of mankind, and] those lacking in intelligence and in p~er witha respect ;.l X A gatf to wrorldly things. (TA.) or narrow, TA:) 0, (A, short: ment that is [too] (O.) or scanty. The latter signifies A fem. 1L:., j~l: woman large in the hinder parts, or posteriors; (9, O, Msb, 1;) as also t ;ja ; (TA;) [un:] a, from less this be a mistake for 1 upon the or wide in the bely, !heaty in the s hips, and consequently large in the inder parts. (TA.)- And each, .Having the disas termed jc~ [q. v.]. (O, TA.) - And the fem., An dsort in the tail, ($, 0,1 , TA,) eagle (;i'U) and deficient therein: (TA:) and (some say, 0) having in its tail a whit feather, (0, 1,) or two [whaite]feathers: (0:) or having a whitene , or a colour differing [from the rest], in its hinder part: (TA:) and (some say, 0) strong in the ~1; (0,15, TA, in the C15 [erroneously] ;i,,) of the .e, (g, TA,) i. e. in the bach-toe: (TA:) ;. t A high piece so says IDrd. (O.) l -of sand: (, 0, V:) or an oblong piece if sand producing plants or hrbage: (M, TA:) or a ighi oblong pice of sand, as though it erye hard ground, not sand heaped up, but fertil: pl. j, because it is an epithet. (T, TA.)

jq.: eej
gt S~o Ie

: see the next paragraph.

The last of the children of a man; (S, (IAr, 0, 1) You O,1;) as altso ?5jq. j' Such a one iu the lat i ..a say, 4,;.4 of tU children of hi parents; and in like manner you say of a female, and of a plural number: (9, O,TA:) and so, [accord.L to some,] 23 i;p


.4 1. (TA.) You say also,



born after hu parenta had become old: and such (0, TA.) you term ,i X.

j,: .

q q.


q. v. (1.)_ An old, or

aged, woman: (9,O, M9 b, 15:) a woman eztremny old; or old and Meak: so called because of her inability to do many things: (TA :) [this is the most common signification of the word:] accord. to ISk, (9, 0, Myb,) you should not say * Jj .; (, O, M9 b, 1 ;) or this is bad; (] ;) and is said by the vulgar; (S, 0;) but IAy authorizes it; (0;) and IAmb allows it, to de. monstrate its being fern.; and Yoo is related to have heard it from the Arabs: (Msb:) pl. `l',. , a TA;) and j.,.., (9, 0, Myb, 1,) and (TA.) traditions. in occurring ofj;, contraction man's wife, whether old or young: (Az, -A 0, ]1,' TA:) and in like manner, the husband, (Az, 0, TA.) thoughl young, is called t.. An old, or aged, man: (0, TA:) a man extremely old; or old and weak. (TA.)i W'ine;

0 0 0 0
0 .-.

--, ,

- , ,, ,, --


0 0

**O ,

- 1


*r d

.S -,

,, 0

o, Myb, 1g,) or this is pl. of ;j .. ; (R, (9fi,

(9, o, g ;) because of its oldness: (8, 0 :) or old

wine. (A, TA.) =m A certainnail in the kilt of a word, (IA9r, 0, 1,) with rnoldch i anotluhr nail called 41. (IAvr, 0, TA.) Az appnroves of this explanation. (O.).-A sword-blade. (lth, C, O,1 .). - A w,ord. (O, TA.)_-[It has a great variety of other significations; but these One who does not come to women [by je* are of very rare occurrence, and are therefobre to reason of impotence]: (S, 5:) and so q.t, (S, Il) in Book 1 I.] -lbe mentioned (J ": X '. (TA.) And A stallion imTA,) and , '4a! .o.I, be- potent to cover: as also , .~?. (IDrd, O, TA.) 0,15 ;) also called j,4n; (9,
cause they come in the latter part (".) of

[The ninter is driven away, or is closed, by seven dusty (days), our old woman's days of the month; and when her days come to an end, and ,finn and $innabr, with El-Webr, and with Amir and his little brother Mu-temir, and Mo'allil, and with u!f-Wl-Jemr, pas,a the winter goes away, retiring quickly, and a burning wind (?j being understood) comes to thee from the first day of the ensuinig month, or, accord. to a reading which I find in one copy of the 8,from the sea, J..,1 :.]. (S, O, TA.)

'jC..1 A thing (9, 0, , TA) resembling a

pillov, (O, TA,) with owhich a rwoman enlarges [in appearance]her hinder part, (9, O, ], TA,) binding it upon that part, (0, TA,) in order that she may be tlought to be large in her hinder part, (0, ], TA,) wrhm she i not Jo; (TA ;) as also '6q.. 'j*a (0, .) The words i [act. part. n. of 4, q. v.]. -

of the ]ur [xxix. 21] b,.,l

C15 (erroneously) ;l1], (0, 1, TA,) i. e. backe and toe, (O, TA,) of a bird. (0, 15, TA.) said by , 1 and ; i ,AJm. and CaJJI ; seejs . r,: j Ibn-K ~ee to be of the . of a,4JI [by whichl seee".., in two places. ;j_c: is meant the auroral setting of the Twelfilh Mainsion of the Moon, which, in Central Arabia, about jp.; Lacking strength, or power, or ability; the commencement of the era of the Flight, unable, or impotent; (1K,' TA;) as powerless, in the happened on the 9th of March O.S.: and V'. : (TA:) (1,) and ': .. *l are also tj,., modern Egyptian Almanacs, thc j;.l said to commence now on the 9th of Marchl N. S., pl. of the first [ [or rather ,jj,ls, and] J.;, which is now the 26th of February 0. S.]: (S, this a quasi-pl. n.,] like as.;.. is of;,i., (TA,) O, TA:) or, accord. to Abu-l-Ghowth, (S,) they and lS (, (O, ,) but this .is only in the dial. and of Hudheyl, and, applied to men, is anomalous. ; n, are sn days, ( 1,) namend iIye! A woman (O, TA.) You say also, a.A 'j and' 1 and ejqI and ,JI and hj days, the names of nwhich are . and

winter; but the former is the correct app)ellation; (MF;) accord. to the usage of the Arabs, Five

rj4*: see jC.M. -

Also The wl; [in the

aj;iyj j; signify, accord. to Fr, And ye shall not escape in the earth, nor shall those in the heaven escape: or, accord. to Aboo-Is-b1, and ye shall not aesape in the arth, nor should ye if ye were in the hearen: or, accord. to Akh, and ye shall not escape by fleeing in the earth nor in the heaven: but As says that the explanation of [A j.... Fr is the best known. (L.).. miracle performed by a prophet; distinguishel from Ia* , which signifies one performed by a saint, or righteous man, not claiming to be'a prophet;] that by nwhich a prophet disables the olplonent in a contest; the implying intensiveness; (K1;) as defined by the Muslim theologians, an event at rariance nith the usual course [oJ nature], produced by means of one who lesy ' claim to the oifce of a 7nophet, in contending wvith those wrho disacknowledge [his claim], in such a manner, as renders them unable to produce the like thereof; (0 ;) or an event breaking through, or infringing, the usual course [of nature] (;il;i 3)1t j1), i,,. t'iting to good and happiness, coupled with a cbli, to the prophetic office, and intended to manifist



[Boox I.

the veracity of him who claims to be an apostle of or he remained behind, or held back. (O, TA.) o-nma: see e. [It is of the dial. of God: (KT:) pl. l' . (S, O, TA.) - And one says of a she-camel, 4 c .&, (0, Hudheyl. (Freytag, from the Deewin of the g,) aor. as above, (],)and so the inf. n., (TA,) Hudhalees).] -_ Also The part, of an arrow, that meaning She turned aside, or away, with him is below, or exclusive of, thefeathers. (TA.) ;jii..a: see j? .: _and see also jql. from the road, by reason of her briswness, live;j". A [zone, or waist-belt, such as is termed] liness, or sprightliness; (0, g, TA;) and so : see 5, last sentence but one. of 1 i~L' : so called because it is next to the j -; and, as written by El-Urmawee, .... , with damm, A period (aL) of the the person wearing it. (TA.) (TA.) ,,night. (O, .K, TA.) And The blacknes of night. ;? iAlways lacking strength, or powver, or And see 5, last (IAr, TA. [See also .]) 2: see what next precedes. sentence but one, in two places. ability; alnways unable, or impotent. (TA.) _ also signifies 5: see 1, in six places.. Also A road. (0, 1. [In the TA, j 4 -ta.l He reckoned, or esteenmed, his judgment, or : see 5, last sentence but one. -a..l is erroneously put for jt ,t, -, . He upopinion, veak. (Sh, O,' TA.) -And t..Ss PgPouring rain, (S, 0, 1, TA,? that braided him, or reproached him, for a thing, or an affair, (IDrd, 15, TA,) which he had cornm- does ntot cleararoay. (TA.) And Clouds () .~ ,.. Outstritlped. (Z,TA.)_.And Im- manded him to do. (IDrd, TA.) - And heavy [with rain], (0, I,) not patsing away. portuned by begging. (IAvr, IS, TA.) See also ojd lie searched repeatedly after the .hnowvledge (O.) 1, last sentence but one. a of his (i. e. another's, $, 0) affhir, or case. (S, L.%. ', applied to a stallion, (S, I, TA,) .. S . .5*. ;;P~: see~,;. not imp Impotent to cover; (TA;) that will 0, g.) Hence, in a trad., nate: (S, K, TA:) as also o*'. (S.) And you among Kurejsh. seelv repeatedly after And he ; . - Also, j" [act. part. n. of 9]: seel not come to both signify also A 'man who does - a Rains fell, (TA,) or "iw', (Yoo, TA,) A woman becoming (TA.) - And 4.5s o.ll , [by reason of impotence]. (TA in art. women one after another, ulon the earthi, or land, (S, O, aged: (TA:) or become aged. (Yoo, TA.) j'.e.) _ See also whht next follows. ], TA,) and bore wheavily upon it. (TA.)= qla act. part. n. of 3 [q. v.]. - In the ][ur J'.J,I , ; Tthe man ment forth in a la.t and ; ^_e~~ 4;i (S,O) xxii. 50 and xxxiv. 5, jc .a;Z signifies Fiyht- portion, before daybreak, (1 L.-- a, 0, or ,c aendwt l.~, (0o,) both of which iig and contesting with the prophets and their t 2.a, g, [but see what follows,]) of the words are written in tile in this art. like friends, to render them unable to perform the night: (O,]:) El-Marrar Ibn-Sa'eed El-Fak'asec )J, with a reference to art. ~ , but the latter command of God: (Ibn-'Arafeh, 0, (:) or says, describing his travelling-companions, lppl,fing: or striving to outstrip, or gain preceof them is correctly W,~ , in the dim. form, le,re: (TA:) or oppoindg, (],)[and] striving to (TA,) mean I will not come to thwe ever; (S, .S,_ I: .1i 9 1~.; * t; outstrtip or gain precedence: (0, ] :) or imagin- *~~ ~.~*.~'~~~.O0;) or vhile time lasts. (TA.) And one says t v F-9I t ,,>*Ja' ' A1 iig that they will render us unable to attainthem, * '" I vili itot comWto theeC also, i*JI '_.' or that they will ecape us; (Zj,] ;) for they [And wvhen tihey departed in an impeding night, to the etul of timn. (TA.) imagined that they were not to be raised from in the last period of the appearance of the stars, the dead, and that there was no Paradise nor in a last portion of the night of him wvho goas ~, Strong in the t ', i. e. the mnidde. llell: (Zj, 0, TA:) but some read * i , forth at that time]. (0: in which a _,a is thus (O, I.) [To what this epitlhet is ap,lied is not meaning, withholding, or keeping back, or divert- written, with fet-h and damm, and with a. said.] ip,g, the followers of the Prophet from him and above them.) [It is also said in the 0 (immediu-p: see -__. from belief in the signs or miracles: or attribut- ately after this verse), and likewise in the V and ing impotence to the followers of the Prophet. TA (in neither of which is the verse cited), in all _.a seca 5, last two sentences. (TA.) of them probably from one and the same source, ll means ;1l and it is that * ;4 added in the TA that this has been mentioned in 1. ~C, (1,) [aor-,] inf. n. .,_C ($, its place: but it is not mentioned in its proper 1. ~A', (Fr, 8, O, Msb, ],) aor. , inf. n. 0,) He grasped it; (, O, If;) namely, a thing art. in the 0 nor in the Knor in the TA; and (Fr, 4 ; (S, O,' Msb, 9 ;-) and e; [such, for ex., as a bow]: (S :) [and he grasped it is evidently a mistranscription, for _ , $, O, Msb, . ;) He, i. e. [a beast, or] a horse, signifies also the grasping a part. n. of _.1 (q. v. voce it hard; for] _, 1...), and there(Msb,) or they, i. e. cattle, (JL, Fr, S, O,) thing hard. (TA.) -And fore I have rendered u; I as above.] ,.1_ .l ` ', became lean, meagre, or emaciated; ( ;) lot aor. as above, (0, J,) and so the inf. n., (0,) f and and t , The handle, his, or their, fatness or plumpness: (O, ]~ :) or 00 a lie, or it, withheld him from the object of his below.] became teak. (Msb.) [See also ., a: (TA:) and or part that is grasped y the hand, of a bow; want; (0, J;) as also t ` .l , see 4._ , or al.o l (S, 0, ], TA;) which is the part, thereof, that -, V !-,at is likewise said of a radical, or herediis tlhe place of the arronw; as Ai;n says, the ,A;L1 X.o, aor.,, inf. n. . and J.j , He tary, evil quality, meaning It mnthheld himfrom thickest place therein; (TA;) as also t ' wfithuIld himucfffrom thefood, though desiring it, generous actions; (Sh, 0, .;) as also Ji.3 and [lit. the place of grasping]. (S, O, g.) - And, preferring that one who vas hungry should have ~,., It (an affair, (Sh, 0.) And .c l:. (K,) or the first of these words, (S, 0,) A it; (O, ];) or (J) he left the food, though ithheld me from thee. (A0, O.) portion of the middle of the night; (S, 0, ] ;) desiring it, (0,) in order that he wvho was eating or event,) a Hile roithheld them; and he as though from the , And ,. of the bow; [whence] nith him might become satisfied in stomach; (0, held tlrnm back, or made them sldo or tardy: a;)also . , infn. .(C) And one says, A %XF [A portion of ,. ... .. & t [He restrainedhimslf for (Sh, 0, :*) and one says, al.-iJI u LJrk& -, J; the middle of the night pased]: (S, O :) or the The riding-camel kept ms back, or made me slow last part of the night: (Lth, 0, K:) or the such a one] means he chose that such a one dshdd and u,a:3 alone blackne of the night &c. (TA.) [See also hav the food in pref~erne to himey. ($.) or tardy. (TA.).-., jy.* also signifies The leaving, or relinquidssignify lie rwas, or became, sido, tardy, late, or ga1. : e.] - And see pr ing, food, (IA~r, 0, g, TA,) ih desirfor it. backward: (TA:) and the latter signifies [likewise] hIte at, or became, behind, or backward; I.Fq.: see the next preceding paragraph. (TA.) And [hence, app.,] The withhodn~



Boox I.]
ons. (TA.) -' oneself from evil acts or dis .L. i n . Ll_ 1v r ' , tT L : '/. %~ _"&UU ' Y,J IAd ' . 7 --pj ---1. r, p -% kr) ILHu A~ forbearbe to himself contrained He TA,) (L, jsU ig. (L, V, TA.) You say, ,.t ~, (0, 15,) aor. ,, inf. n. ,;.A [and app. ;9


got first, to the thinj. literal-radical words. (TA.) And Slort, and . preceded, outroent, or [meaning It was, or a/m q.' I i. compact, or contracted [in malke or body]: and Msb.) -Also woman: old an to sometimes applied as an epithet bbecame, present, or ready; said of a price, hire, IDrd. by expl. is (]g:) thus the latter word paymcnt, or the like; contr. of 01]. (M.b.)S 1 (TA.) And Z' jb. lHe turned aside from him, or it. 'TA.) m [It is also trans., as having, or implysee the next preceding paragraph. : Jj 4c also], (0,) He bore, or endured, what ing, the meaning of :]J, see 4. proceeded from such a one, and did not punish Lean, meagre, 6r emaciated; (S;) .i.. inf. n. 3e..~: see 4, in two places. 2. ;.., ' s>; ; Ii him. (0, IC.) And having lost his fatness or plumpncss: (0, V:) or signifies the same, - [It generally relates to some inanimate object.] (0, XC,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (0,) He weak: (Meb:) and ? _ ' toward It is said in the lur [xxxviii. 15], L~ constrained himelf to exercis patience applied to a man and to a woman: and t i to us huaten Lord our [O 3 h 1J. . . J .> th e sick man in tending him in his sickness; as also signifies lean, meagre, or emaciated: (TA:) 1 (0, K,.)_And M and * our portion before the day of reckoning]: (TA:) ;. V L also &: [likewise] is syn. with ~,, ~.. 5 1 , accord. to some, our portion of punishment: but .i;Jc [a.;:being app. understood] He rv:th- applied to a camel; (0, K;) as also t ;sS 1 iccord. to Sa'eed Ibn-Jubeyr, it means, of Paradrew himelf, or became aloof, from such a (11, TA,) in some copies of the .1 erroneously ; And you say, h1 2i.j l is di.s. (TA in art. i.) (TA:) the fem. of one. (1.) written *': 4 speedily, or hastily, conveyed, or brought, I jljl which is irreg., iciR.: and the pl. is J4.., l also signifies Th e eating 2: see 1L-_ L* 'm'1 (S, 0, to him the property; or hastened its coming to (S%, it having this form to assimilatc to 0, (S, stomach. the satisfy les than what would 4.!z q.. I 1 him. (Mob.) And L.b 15.) - Atd One's trandferring his food to Mgb, K,) or to its like NJbl., (Msb,) and which paid him in advance, of tle price, such a sum. another before satisfying his stomach, by reason is applied to males and to females: (O, TA:) the H le gare him ., And I. ,I/0t X, also, is Jolc: (TA:) and the ( o.) of drought, or dearth. (IAr, TA.) - And The pl. of V J~', promptly, or quickly, or in [or money, ready in feeding on bad food, and being lean, meagre, or pl. of? ,i, if this be of established authority, advance,] of the hire, such a sum. (Mgh.) And emaciated. (TA.) ,- -. ,agreeably with analogy. (MF, j;.5 t di Jq.s He gave to him [in ready money, a-c, may be 4. !r,,1, (6, 0, Mqb,) or 41 11 J4q.; (0, TA.) [Hence,] _.c l ~._ and V ; A face or promptly, or quicidy, or in advance, the price]. ~ having litt fsh. (TA.) And 9l'; '" A gum (Mgh.) And o J4 [He paid it in ready (0, M9b,) or aI:I 4,s, V;) and ? e, monejy, promptly, or quickly]. (ISk, S and It (O, Mqb, 1V) and,(,1)in.. (,,)aor. J1 (TA.) And XjljA&IjCS uh. little haing 0, , ,V [I sold (S, him, .. rendered He Msb;) in art. "tj.) And (0, h.M.; .i'l j.. it, or I sold to him, pretent, or ready, merchanMeb,) i. e. a horse, (Msb,) or he renlered the Two thin lips. (Ks, 0, ].) - And beast, (0, 1,) lean, meagre, or emaciated, (S, A thin, or ender, arrorlead: (S, 0, :) pl. dise, for preent, or rcady, money]. (? voce & became 0,15,) or oeak. (Mqb.)_~1 They , (~, 0,) inf. n. ,. j . (O, ] .)_ And AUi.. At Land .;t;, q. v.) And J..U! 3wo . in the state, or cowdition, of having their cattl in haste. fleshmeat the cooked I (TA,) as above, lan, meagre, or emaciated. (0, 15C)And They in which is no good. (0, .) And J1 . X1, a prov., ;J, 4 i. is ($, O.) And V 3, eonfined their cattl, by reason of hardness andILands not rained upon. (0.) And jta. (TA.) - See also) sometimes used [alone] as signifying Lands af- [which, app., is properly rendered Would that straitness [of circumstances]. ,~~~~~~~~~~~~ one. but 1, last sentence fected by drought: a poet says, describing clouds thou didst hasten, with thy husbandes rooman, the carly portion of food caUld J y 9 , or the The being in a dfficult and hard 5. . right reading may be jq.JI,] meaning t state or condition. (TA.) tl~il [t hasten thou, with her, i. e. wih thy hujq..c Leanness, meagre, or emaciation; meaning The lands affected by drought produced woman, marrage]. (TA.) One says (a;) los ffatnes or plumpnes: (0, V,:) and herbage by reason thereof at a period of seen bad~e like as one says .:..J [i.e. Ye supplied, *. also; thickness, or roughnes, and kanness (.T), of thee days after the rain. (L, TA.) of food caUld 4; orfed, with the early portioe bone (TA.) [See 1, first sentence.] t~~~~~~ a: see j;4.i. - Also A rusty, un- which is also called Jl.1, or sJj, &t.]. (~, J wAq.: see J.> ;, in three places polished, sword; or one sullied by remaining long TA. [For,ZjJ, Golius appears to have read A Jort of datae: (L,151:) o r unpolished. (0, K.) like ji;.A, J;t, ,;:ovl which is evidently wrong.]) ._f his made He sO? J 1 , aord. to Lth. (O.) ').; V and . above; as n. el inf. see a: what into JIl called] curd dried of [preparation l& [q. v.], (S, 0, Mqb, 15, JlCm pl. of l, (1, TA,) pl. of 1 are termed Jq (TA.) ~Also The colo. and of it yny. 1 [I ;.[ (TA:) or you say, l -~ cnth: (:) or thegrain of the colocynth. (Ibn. , [aor. ,] (, Mgh, O, Msb, g,) inf. n made my Jil into J(.s]. (O.) L See also 1, Grain, of 'Abbd,0, TA.) _And Jct first sentence. . (.,* Mgh, O, Msb, I,*) 'iJ, and q) j (A, TA.)8 ee alc hasted, hastened, made haste, or slped; he was, o0 grain , not incag. 3. Jt..L [inf. n. i_:] i. q. oit [He has~, OAnd IJ..AlI is one of the names of became, hasty, speedy, quick, or expeditious; (~ s tened, or made haste, or stro,e to befirst or beforelTme, orfortune. (Ibn-Abbad, 0, .h) (Mgh as also ? ---; Mgh, O, Mb,1;) 1 hand, in doing, or attaining, or obtaining, it]; ., ' for [app. [J;, and ];) M9b, namely, a thing. (M places. two in caal, r see (M and V in art. j.;) rc .3; (1;) and t J..aul; (Mgh ibid.) And.! 1 ,j, inf. n. (M and . q. 4 .1 ,, 4, like o, ( in the present art.,) o: r Mb;) or this last signifies he required himnself t V in art. , like S1 o;l [HIe hastened with 4O., (AA, 0 and 1g in art. j ae .O,)liki e hate, &c., constraining, or tasting, himnself to d& another, in hlasening, him ~ nith fairf* strov 7u"#,& or ir&r~ vied or or vwa another, or iec, Dry , o. (Sb, K.) [See also y; below.] One says to it, or to do, or attain, or obtain, it]. (M ibid.) on, (t in the latter art.,) and t or tough, by reason of leanness, meagrenes, o: nr i.j [I hasted, &c., to him, or it]. (O.:p - [Also He dealt hastily with him.] And 1t. emaciation, (AA, V in this art., and O and 1 ir a him for his tin, or crime, or quick, or beforehand, with 4, He punished A art. L,Aq..a,) or of dieae: thus expL by AA And Wat c..4 [I wras J i,l) not granting himn any delay, C;Ce, ( 1 I offence, i mentioned by IDrd and Azs among quadri. him]: see 4. (Mgh.) And % J! an -nd 1 Jl


m 1964 (g, TA. [For '*, [Boox I.

Golius appears to have rea,d (O,) or cast, (g,) her ofspring before its ma- and as proceeding from the desire of the soul; turity. (0, .) - And JoI said of palm- wherefore it is generally discommended in the trees, (jL,) They had ripe fruit before its full k(ur-in, ]gur-{n, so that it is said to be from the Devil 4. I1t, (9, Mgh, Myb, TA,) inf. n. Jl;. i time. (Mgh.) - And, said of a camel, He (TA.) It is said in the ]ur [xxi. 38], j. :C (TA;) and ? ; &, inf. n. 3e..; (, O, TA; ) leaped [up] when the rider had mounted him and . ~ ej"lt, ejil, meaning, it is said, Man is and cmposed~ of haste; (O ;) so says Fr, and in like. ;'; ($;) and a * ;~.aL; (V, TA; had not yet bcmefirmly seated upon hnim. (TA.) com~ manner says Aboo-Is-bi4; (T, TA;) to denote He incited, ercited, urged, intigated, induced, o made, him to hate, Aaten, make asste, sVeed, or 5, as intrans.: see 1, first sentence. - Hence, the excess of this attribute in him: (T, O, TA:) be quick; (9, Mgh, Mqb, or, accord. to Th, (TA,) the phrase is inverted, ], TA;) and con jJI J;O. Tc heat eame speedily, or quickly. or, the meaning being, haste is createdfrom man; manded, or bade, him, to haste, &c. (14.) On, the c (Mgh.) And .- lJ a3 [Tle price as, or (Mqb, (Mob, TA;) but IJ disapproves this explanation, says, 4i t a: s;C; [He incited me, &c., t, became, gien in ready money, or promptly, or and also another which will be mentioned in what haste, k&c., and I hased, c., to him]. (0, TA.: quickly, or in advance]. (Mqb in art. O .) fofiows. follows. (TA.) ~ J signifies also Food that And it is said in the lgur [xiii. 7], tvi teAnd s, J~ T, thing came before its is hastily prepared, and brought, before the [meal I...Jl J1i fJ1 [And they incite tlhee to huas e time. (W p. 81.)..Ij )J ;;$t (s caUsd] caUlled] has become matured. (TA.) [See W;ith that which is evil bWfore that vwhich is good]: Mgh, O) He took, or received, in ready money, also 34.] Also Clay, or earth; syn. : and [in xxii. 46 and xxix. 53,] V' ' ,t1 or promptly, or quickly, [or in advance,] of the (IALr, (IA~r, O, 1 :) or black mud, or black fetid mud; jWL [And they incite thee to haste with the hire, uch a sum. (Mgh.) And jl Jf ae syn. I lm: and 1 t has both of these meanpunihment]: (TA:) and '4t J. l sig. took, or received, promptly, or quickly, [or in ingia, ings, i. e. e and it: (0,' :) the former nifics IH Aatmened himsey. (MA.) -_ l advance,] the property. (Mob.) - s:Jl ; of these two significations of J~. is said by AO signifies also [He incited him to haste, &c., by I constrained myself to do the thinj in haste. to be of the dial. of ljimyer; and IAr says that going before him: and hence it is expl. as mean- (Yam p. 28.) -And d4i'. _1 J I con- it is what is meant in the phrase in the ]ur ing also] Z4u [i. e. he preceded him, or it; he strained him to hasten [the payment of] his [tazx [xxi. 38] cited above; but Ibn-Arafeh disapproves had, got, or took, precedence of him, or it; he called] t. (TA.) - See also4, first sentence. this; (O, TA;) and so does Az; and Er-Righib was, or became, beforehand with him, or it; or And see 2, near the end. says that some expl. it as meaning in this instance he anticipated him, or it]; as also t L; and stinkin.q stinking black mud, but that their saying is nought. 10, as intrans.: see 1, first sentence.. -_e t Xl;lq .1: (:19) or V 1signifies I ment (TA.) See also L;~.G, in four places. before him, orprecededAim, (9, O, TA,) and to in- I desired, or required, or demanded, his luasting; or speeding, or being quick. (S, O.) And J I Jq.&:: see the next paragraph, in two places. ciltd him to hate: (TA:) and,; . . *,0iU, Al lHe desired, or rmquired, or demanded, thc 6 1 in the ]~ur [vii. 149], means ;-,; [i. e. Have thing's being speedy, or quick, not Maitingpatiently 0,, Mb1) (s A o, and V *t (Mb, 1 ye anticipatedthe command of your Lord?]: (S, until its time, or fu time. (am p. 665.) See t and J. (S, O, 1) and t J~.. (, 0) and o:) or Aare ye kffI [the flfJlmt of the corn- also 4d, in six places. (1) and X ,Je. () (S, Mgh, 0, Myb, ) mand of your Lord incoplete? (Kh, Bd;) llasting, llasting, hastening, making haste, or peding; being made to imply, (Ksh,) or as though [tiius [thus more properly the first and second, and it were made to imply, (BO,) the meaning of Ji o A calf the young one of the ;A, (Aboo- often tho last; the rest generally signifying] J~, wherefore it is made trans. like this latter Kheyreh, S, Mgh, 0, MAb, ],) [both domestic ha.ity, ha.ty, speedy, quick, or expeditious: (, Mgh, O, verb; (Kish, BI;) the phrase meaning l; and wild, which latter is a bovine antelope,]from Mb,0 Mb,* .K:)pls., (K, TA,) all of?o$9.i, (TA,) ;(Kah.) .j&. 4 X >& ..Ut.3, jin the time nwhen his mother brings hinm forth (Aboo- it;~ it; and it" and Jl.5 ; (I,TA;) the fl and last of which pl., as pis. of I'. the ]~ur [xx. 85, lit. And mwlat caused tha to Kheyreh, Mgh, TA) until a month old; (Aboo- first [fem. Kheyreh, Mgh, Mob, TA;) after which [accord. hastenfromn thy party?], means [virtually] ji. of of i ], are applied to women (9, O, TA) to some] he is called ye, when about two months ~ ~ [i. e. lww is it that thiou camest before thy also (TA:) J. has no broken pl., nor has old; and then he is called Aji: (Aboo-Kheyreh, 1qt. t:3 (Sb, TA:) ISk says that, for the dim. party?]. (O.)- One says also, s,it JOq. TA:) or he is thus called while in the first year, 3' i [1ie did the thing hastily, or hurriedly, then i (S and ?gh and s in art. &t,) or, of J , they use 1 `,-& -, as formed from before its time]. (0 and ] in art. ob.) And i 0.; though they also form it regularly, correctly, accord. to IB, he is called while in the CJ5.0.& ;bI pa l,l4 [tHe made it, or did it, hastily, Baying saying 1J~ ; but the former is the better. first year J and n c, (TA in that art.,) then l or hurriedly, or he A~rried it, before, or so as to (0, TA.) then d rthen dj, then thenti plreznt, its becoming mature]. (8 and ]^ in art. .... 9.... see aJw.&. :see -and ; _ and so on (S and Sh and fi.) Andl ; t ';I ;e i'' TA.) fem. of J , [I n'a quick, or beforehand, with him, and] I th ibid.:) the fem. is with i: (Abu-l-Jarrai, on. [q. v.]. (Abu-lJarria, 5, S, O, Msb.) jlurriedhim, so that he could not draw his sword: t, O, Mtb:) pi. of the masc. -= Also A water-skin, or skin for (Mgh, p. Meb) water water and for milk; syn. *t.U: (S, O, [:) pl. a whence the saying, jq.l -) ' . IL,. 1 .1 and j (Msb, TA) and, of pauc., l!;; and ). 0 and Jq. (., O) - And A [waterJ14-z, dip ;l .pa'. '> [Hie saw an animal of the J ; B, ca(I TA ;) [and of the fem. ;] but whml wheel such as is caled] .~ : (IAsr, O, : chane, and he mounted his horse, or mare, and was as to w/M as a pl., [Mtr says,] I have not heard see also see ;:]) pls. as above. (S.) ~ And incited by haste so as to be prevented from taking A4 secis of plant, (9, 0, g, TA,) which ende it: (Mgh:) and VtJ' ~ signifies the same as ,4 his dart or his whip]: and the saying, Jll 3J. the ground, (TA,) also calld *.' [q. v.]: jer; (S, Mgh, O, ;j fem. with o;; (TA;)e along ' CIC, I 'It ! ;i-~~i, meaning [i.e. The perish'O, (O, TA:) AFyn says of the ~,, on the authoand pl. (, Mgh, 0, f.) ing of the cattle, or property, prsnted, or pro.ity of Aboo-Ziydd, it grows, at first, from one rity eluded, himfrom paying it], namely, the ;lSj [or o"S; and V L , both in ns. of j( [q. v.], ,ootp 0, hastily root, then branches forth upon the surface of the poor-rate]; which is an instance of the extension (Mgh, Mb,) are Syn with a ; (s;) contr. of urth, earth, in innumerable branchet, every branch of the signification. (Mgh.) - , . said of 1T: (S, 0:) the latter is expl. by Th as signify. having a knot, or joint, (4;2,)from which #M the pregnant, (0,) or of a she-camel, (],) [as ing the seeking, and pursuing, or endeaouring 1 "cim knot, hnot, or joint, grow other branchs; it cleaes to the ground, not rising high; its leaet are like though for ij 4..1, ] She brought forth, ajfr, a thing bfore its proper time, or eaon; 'o


BooK I.]
1 0o 0 0 jr". - Also A she camel di/ : msee ~j thoe of wheat; and wdile green, it is called (0 ;) and it is the best of pasture, and tracted, or confounded, or perplexed, having lost is not [what is termed] a JI: (O, TA:) and it her young oune; (, 0, 1 ;*) because of her is said to be a tree having leatea and joints, or quickness in her motions, (1C, TA,) i. e. in her by reasQn of impatience: in coming and going, (TA,) , for .. and pliant cancu knots, (~,) (], TA:) and a woman bereft of her child: pl. long, 3, (see .,,)1 my original, I read j4., (0, ],) and, accord. to the g, JS. , or elongated, with a fruit like the foot of the u in the L, an anomalous a, but correctly t domestic fowl, contracted, which, when it driae jbalI signifies Death, or p, ops; and not having any blosom. (TA.) pl. (TA.) - And syn. a?lJ: (AA, g, TA:) death; of dr the 8ee also ljt 41 . because it [often] hurries him whom it befalls so , first sentence. - Also as to prevent him from reaching his family. see jq 'IL: [A cart, or rheeled carriage of any kind;] (TA.) - See also jl: and see a phrase in the thing, (, 0,) or ;li [meaning L.._ ai the latter half of the second paragraph of this art. i. . intrument of carriage],(,) that is dra,wn . J.4': see said by Er-Raghib o,:) along by the bull: (, 0, to be so called because of the quickneu of its q. v. (0, TA.).._ See a dim. of j., '0. [or rather this puasing along: (TA:) pL Vj.; also l. is a colL gen. n.] and [pl. of pauc.] Jlt4l (8, O, 8) and [oftmult. ] Jq. (]) - And Picce Jl.; (S, 0, 1) and ' JIt4 (0, 1) and J3: (Ibn-'Abbad, 0, O) A thing that one of wood constructed, (g,) or a piece of wood, and ' i the like take hasJtily, or quickly: (8, O, ][:) and the (M#b,) or a thing that is constructed , (Mgh,) first, [or all,] the rider's provion offood whereof [womn's camel-dehicl called] a. upon which burden are carried: (Mgh, MPb,' the eating does not fatigue, as dates, and meal of parched barey; (Meyd, TA;) because he desires (Mgh, Myb.) ] :) pl. [or coll. gen. n.]t ;.. its readiness, for the journeying hurries him so as - And A [wrater-we/l such as is caUed] 0 j to prevent his having food prepared with pains: (8, 0) or ,,,; (10)upon which water is drawan: (TA:) and hasty provision for a guest. (giar


1065 1A. same],) that and is presented to a party before a preparation ktu for them. (IDrd, 0, ].) [See has been tnade young A ILISO Also (i. c. JI;; and j<) abso lut "Llb [or cake of th length and thichnes of the J 11 of hand] . [or dates mized and kneaded rwith clariM clarified butter and with the preparation of dried curd called JWl, &c.],(], TA, accord. to Bevemi copies of the '1 *h t_ [which means several the same],) or of dates [aloe], which it eaten in hads: haste: (]i:) or (], TA, in some copies of the 19 ] "and ") a handfil of dates kneaded with j;r [or meal of parched barley or wheat], (ISh, 0, , the last in two places,) or with Ji: (ISh, 0 :) Pi. (TA:) which signifies [also] certain pl. j,.I,: things of J.l, made in a long form, of the thicknm ne of the hand, (ISh, 0, If,) and of the thereof, of dates and _e.; one As1 thereof like the 5 .1 .0 of which is called j3;. (ISh, O.) 0& two places. I And see also Jq. '63 J *. s: see


em the see

next preceding paragraph, in

(0, O: [see also .4 :]) or a liJI. [app. meaning a great sheave of a pulley by meanst of which water]: (J:) pl. [or coll. gen. n.] cameds draw n (8, O.) _ And A piece of wood lying ',. transerely, or horirontally, upon the &66 [or rather L>Qt= or two posts] of tthe well, to which : (EI-KilAbee, ?, O, the lare bucket is N~ :]) pl. [or coll. gen. n.] ' n. : [see j3 (TA.) - And A kind of ladder made from a palm-tree, lie tthe jes, (0, ]9,) which is the trunk of a palmn-tree hollowed, and having the like of steps made in it: mentioned in a trad. as the means of ascending to an upper chamber. (O.) - And A small [leathern vessel for water such as is called an] ;4t;l: and some say, a [leatlhm water-bag such as is called ;cja..l

p. 84.) One says, .r.l



[Also Fleting; quickly j;: see Jc. transitonj.] - And Present; ready; (Mb ;) transitory.] not delayed; (PS;) [applied to a price, hire, payment, or the like;] contr. of &1;(, 0, O ;) [Data.

as applied to anything. (1.) JLNI J?L; [Ready /ith ready money] is like [IReady merchandise A. (TA in art. ja..)_ j.; j U, and ?. And hence, [or because fleeting, or quickly transitory,l sitory,] id.Wl signifies The present ur or time: (Xlb:) (Msb:) and tie present d~llin, abode, worll, life, or state of existen : (TA:) contr. of '?j, (S, 0, O, TA,) in relation to anything. (TA.) p' a JW1t;; [IJore, and most, asty, peedy, quick, or expeditious: and more, and most, Jrleting, or `''I: (TA:) and short-lived]. They say, in relation to the affect,rater; and its pl. is ing of hardiness, or strength, and endurance, and signifies the milk which the pastor carries jJI.& JA U j from the place of pasture to tihe onners of the to soundness of body, Ij [Muld such a thing that [Would k.1 ; sheep or goats before the sheep or goats return; *3& [app. A garment this being done only when there is abundance of might be done to me and asuch a one until the more (TA.) _ And i. q. short-lived die]. (0.) made up into a bunse]: pl. Jl.. and jt;;., milk. (lAth, O, TA.) by the rejection of the augmentative [; in the swe: e the next preceding paragraph. = see JJI.a , last sentence. XI'~ l: see sing.]. (TA.) - And A rock [that is as though] the to be said TA:) (I, plant: A ce~rtain Also growing forth by itlf uplon rugged, elevatcd, Jap.W [mentioned by Freytag, on the authority Jc.l J . mentioned above. (TA.) latter hard ground. (AA, O.) - See also j;, of the Deew{n of the Hudhalees, as a pl. derived hal by some from c, and signifying Little ons. : see what next follows. parvi * see ,? in two places. - [Hence,] , K ;) as (" pari")]. A1certain quich pace; (Amts , quick it arrow the wickh A bow of LM ';kJq A young camel brought forth before the ".., mentioned, and also t' ., (lv,) and At thus written, by Ibn-Wellid, like ov* .4 .. [in it flight]. (Aln, V.) - And completion of the year, and living. (l.) (TA.) are tthe atily-tahen food of the rider]: (S, 0 :) and so, 4.JI [q. v.]; (8, O ;) which is a prov., (8,) said by A'Obeyd to be used in urging one to be content with a little of what is wanted when much thereof is unattainable. (Meyd.) - Also, the same four words, The milk which the J; (IC:) or this [q. v.] draws; and so 1 L.! last signifies the milk (S, O, TA) of his camels (TA) wlhich the pastor hastens to bring (S, 0, TA) to hi. family before tle [fre.h] milking, (,, 0,) or when his camels return from the

A certain bird (., 0,

andy A she-camel and 'Pbo and t ' 'J that bringsforth before the completion of the year, and and and rwose young one lives: ( :) or a. d,j;'Al is [a name of S7w month] o;d: so one with which thing A &and J bringsforth that signify the pregnant t j l. called because of the quickness of its passing an early portion offood that one eats] her young before its fiU time: (0:) or ala away and coming to an end; (L, ]; [in the hat~ [i.e. signifies a she-camel that casts her young prelatter of which,, in some copies, &IWjis erro- before thb [morning-meal caUled] .. ; i. q. ; or, TA;) (g, ,; so V (TA) and TA;) (Th, maturely applied to a i maturely: (TA:) and J; neously put for *? ;]) i.e. because of its (TA;) [meaning a cow, either domestic or wild, the asabove; u., meeming short on aocount of the fast that follows some say, it is [correctly] it. (L) so too' J),c: (. :) or this last signifies food latter being a bovine antelope], (~, O, M.b, K,) 1 0 the bas of the tail, that move about its tail ! muck, or often; also caled ILJI. (0.)-And (0, TA.)

,) black, but white in

an anomalous dim. of


q. v.

198 having a calf, (9, Msb, 1,) or having her calf Also [i. e. the three epithets with her. (O.) first mentioned], A she-camel that leaps [up] when the foot is put in her stirrup; as also 3JL a: (1(:) or thus this last word: (O:) or

'[Boox I.

[t And I have tried affairs, and they hare tried (],' TA,) occurring in a trad., means that when me, as though I were of the generations that have dates are cooked for , (KI, TA,) i. e. for passed away]; meaning, as though I were one of taking their sweetness, (TA,) they should be the long-lived, by reason of my many trials. cooked gently, so that the cooking shall not (am p. 340.) - [Hence also,] one says, j;J extend to the stones, (R1, TA,) nor produce upon t The bull smites the tree with his lorn them such an effect as that of their being chewed and is in J) A~ J tj is so applied, like Ln; it. (S, ].) - And ieJI .q, , and bitten, (TA,) and thus spoil the taste of the to try, or test, like manner applied to a he-camel; meaning that (TA,) t lie shook the sword |j4 ., (.1, TA,) so in the copies of the K, but r and leaps &c. as above. (TA.)- Also, (g,) (S, K,) inf. n. e, ... . correctly, as in the Nh, the 3ai.w [here meaning [only], (TA,) A palm-tree that to try, or test, it. (S, .)_ or 9 L4. matures its fruit on the first occasion of its $LL .ai means t AIy eiye has not seen thee since the sweet decocture]; (TA;) or because they [the such a time; (S, g, TA;) and is said by a man date-stones] are food for the home-fed animals, bearing. (V, TA.) to one with whom his [last] meeting was long and therefore they should not be thoroughly XXX:: see the next preceding paragraph. _ past. (TA.) An Arab of the desert is related to cooked, that their taste, (., TA,) in the Nh Also One who brings to his family the ;Mb.t have said, C :L.1*', meaning t [Aly eye their strength, (TA,) may not go away: (, TA:) or the meaning is, [tlhat he forbade] the (9, 0) or ai. [q. v.]; (1;) as also tj . : seems to know thee; or] it seems to me that I cooking the date-stones immoderately, so that ! from the have seen thee. (TA.) And one says, UI.. ~.A they would crumble, and their strength, with (9, O, 1 :) or one wvho brings the s camels pasturing at a distance from their owners. i.e. t [I saw such a one,] which they would be good for the sheep, or goats, a p -. A.. (TA.)- And The pastor who milks the camels and my eye seemed to knon him, (L!3, S, R, TA,) would be spoiled. (TA.) once while they are in the pasture. (1.) not knowing him perfectly, as titough not certain 7: sec the next paragraph. Ls- t They knewv me. jl -: see JI;e , in four places.- Also of him. (TA.) And 10._ ~ 1 ieI nas unable to speak: (TA:) (TA.) - And [hence, app.,] one says, ., sing. of j.t (A, TA) which means, The he was silent, mute, or speechless; (g, TA;) said ;a* .,A.%,JI, meaning t [I looked into the ;A.>"-- [i. e. nearer, or nearedt, (in art. J: Jl a ; ! book, or writing, and] I did not know surely its of a man. (TA.) And . )] of the roads, or letters. (TA.) _ See also 4. -, erroneously written z J1, from replying to 15.G [Tlhe delling kept silence [aor. ' ,] ways. (A, 0, 1, TA.) One says also, 1. l inf. n. a.~, lie had an impotence, or an impedi- its interrogator]: and Imra-el-lgeys says, in the C1 ment, or a difficulty, in his speech, or utterance; 0 SS Jl: ~ X F;(O, o, and [a barbarousness,or vitiousness, therein, espe8*. 1 8 **8*a** J331 -,)j [I took a short cut,] and *.Li i..;. ;- 'o a. ' t below;) cially in speaking Arabic; (see L -~. ' [(Thee are the hort c]: ~ 1 t; i. e.] a want of clearness, perpiuousness,distinct- [Its echo has become dumb, and its trace has both denote nearness and shortness. (0, j.) nes, chadeness, or correctness, therein. (Mgb.) become effaced, and it lhas become in the state of .t. (L, TA.) uan anomalous pl. of je, . q.v. 2: see 4. 3: see the verse cited in the first paragraph. keerin sdilence from answering the speech of the trans. by intcrrogator]: he makes ,,m.l. means of est because it is used in the sense of ,s l ",~.~. (TA.) One says also, s341, (S,) or "t, (Msb,) meaning Speech was as though it were closed ayainst him, or us; or he, unable to speak, upeech, or me, became im~pede in (e, Msb:) 'and or tonue~tied; syn. 4.-.: i ; [whicllh means the same;] .. Ql a .al syn. -l and -L-. (1 " and TA in art. jcl.) .al, And accord. to the 15, one says, Ul'lt . meaning lie mwa unable to perform [or continue] the recitation, or reading, by reawson of the owrcoming of droiness: but what is said in the Nh L1 i. e. i; t and other works is A eS His recitation, or reading, mwas cut short, and he ms unable to perform [or continue] it, by reason of dronsitss: and it is also expl. as meaning he was, or became, imp~ed in his recitation, or reading, and unable to perform [or continue] it, as though he became one in whom wams . (TA.) - And jJI .,q.ali means The infored, mation, or narration, as dubious, conf rague, or di.icult to be understood or ex~presed; or was not to be understood or expressed; as though it were closed [against the hearer or :!, and :jg.A.I! (Mb in speaker]; syn. -l artL.W-)

4. ,qsli He made it (i.e. speech, or language, 1, p1, or a thing, TA) to want, or be without, or -ii ;iL :Z' and its pl.: see j2. to have a quality the contrary of, clearness, peris a name of A certainplant thatfattens women ; icuounss, or distinctness; (S, Msb, ],* TA;) alo called WiI jj.<l. (1 in art. ipa.) or [to be barbarous,.or vitious, i. e.] to want, or be ithout, chasteness, or correctness. (I,' TA.) Ru-bch says, [in some verses very differently cited in different copies of the $,] of him who attempts poetry without having knowledge thereof, 1. P, (9, Mlb, ,) aor. ', (9, Msb,) inf. n. 0 (],) He bit it: ' (i, MMh, ), and .g, 8 * *8 Il -m or he (M9 b, 1:) and he chroed it: (Msb:) cheend it for the purpose of eating or of trial: [He desires to make it clear, &e., and he makes (l :) or he bit it with the lateral teeth, not with it to want clearness, &c.]. (S.) _ And He dotted the centralincisors: (TA:) or he bit it, namely, it, or pointed it, (S, 1,) namely, a letter, (S,) or a piece of wood, or a stick, or rod, or the like, in a writing; (V;) he removed its A'~ [or ,want order to knm rwhether it were hard or fragile: of clearness, &c.,] by means of dots, or [diacritichl] ( :) or he tried it roith his lateral teeth in order points, (Nh, Mpb, TA,) and [the signs called] that he might know, or prove, its hardness: and j, [but see .C!,]which, distinguided it, he bit it, namely, a gaming-arrow known for namely, a letter,from other letters; the I denoting winning, betnwen two lateral teeth, in order to privation; (M.b ;) as ISd holds to be the case; inake upon it a mark by which he might know it. (TA;) and so Ae, (S,.1.,) inf. n. ;.. ; (TA.) - Hence, (TA,) He tried, tested, or (],) inf. n. ,; (S;) for . t I (. ;) and , prored, him. (V, TA.) And :b ; not say the $] that one should J's assertion [in tried, tesnted, or proved his case, and knerw his state, is a mistake: (1::) this last verb, how4.0 .' .q. or rondition. (8, TA.) And jj..l ever, which J thus disallows, is disallowed also t Aiairs exercised him so as to render him by Th, in his Fs, and by most of the expositors ~ The young of camels; (9, Msb, g, TA;) strong for tlhmn, and habituated, or inured, to thereof; and J confined himself to the correct them. (TA.) And 15abeeqah Ibn-Jabir says, -: an and chaste. (TA.)- AndIIe locked it; namely, nch as the o,ji *L and . and 11 * I X iS '-ais; U 121t (IAr, S,' Mqb,' TA:) thus far: (, Mpb:) when adoor. (Mpb.) _ I Ll5.l'" they to make the date-stones to they have entered upon the state of ,t:, [The Prophetforbade mu 0 j i 1 0 1become as though they were clewted and bitten], are of the 4. thereof: (IAp, TA:) applied to i'iJrt . &c.

JqS;: see,J




and to a book, or writing, but not to a man unless it be syn. with the former epithet: ($:) the fem. of the former is it'~: (;, Mgh, Mb :) and the dual masc. O .i;;! (S) and fem. s;l ,L (Var p. 2D;) and the pl. masc.

the mae and to the female: (S, Msb, 1. :) pl. [See also 1, last sentence, where it is mentioned [app. meaning young camels of dft.erent as an inf. n.] I Also, (S, I],) and V' ."~ , (.K,) not e~ ngth ageof the .]. (S, .) Such as is accumulated, or congested, of sand: or abundance thereof: (i, TA:) or sand risiy _ And The root, or bae, of the tail; ($, Msb, above what is around it: (TA:) or the last por. 1;) which is the .; (, Msb;) as also tion of sand. (S in explanation of the former.) ti.; (] ;) like [and ,, ]; (, Msb;) a4cq.: see the next preceding paragraph. [each] a dial. var. of ~ ; (Msb;) or, accord. ao L!, the .- is a substitute for the , of, . ;~, (8, TA,) thus in the L, and thus cor(TA.) See also - [olius G. and Freytag rectly, (TA,) i. e. &JL I,t6 (S, TA,) but in the K have assigned to this word a meaning belonging I (TA,) [app. from the same word as sigto nifying " a date-stone," n. un. of.' -,] A palmtree growingfrom a date-stone. (S., K, TA.) : see the next preceding paragraph :

(S, TA) (S, Msb, TA) and t . . S, TA) and a ijl.s.: (TA:) and the pl. of * 1 is



~Ut), with the t quiescent, Intelligent and discriminating; (K, TA;) applied to a man. [Foreigners, as meaning] others than (TA.) Arabs; such as are not Arabs; [often used as a .. .. implying disparagement, like barbarians; and L &; pl. An.l.l: see . , first sentence. often especially meaning Persians;] ($, Mgh, [The sing. is applied to anything as meaning Of, Myb, ][ ;) as also t ,, [of which see an ex. in or belonging to, thIu,.] a verse of Lebeed cited voce al;,] ($, Msb, ],) or this latter may be a pL of the former: (TA:)
t 5 1 ,..

and that here following.

q.. [A sqeech, or lantuage, foreign to the

Arabs]. (TA in art. -! (of which ;.L.. is pl., TA) signifies ;;a: see., latter half. one thereof; (, Mgh,, IC;) one who is of the race of the.,; (]';) though he may be .~..G: see q. r.. chaste, or correct, in [the Arabic] ~peech; (Mgh, ]g;) the Lq denoting unity; but it is also the &.%t1 A thing that one has bitten, or chewed relative kS, and thus one may apply to an Arab [like .Lj.]. (TA. [The explanation there the appellationt a . . as meaning called thus in given is~ L.: correcdy ; 1.]). relation to the


pi *

.c: (Myb:) and one says also J.C [a man not of tee Arabs]: and

[or bat]; and the t,; [a peopl, or party, not of the Arabs]. ;4tz The large v. [which accord. to some signifies the same (5.) 1 Also The stone of dates (S, Mgh, Msb, btI.4 1() and of the drupes of the lote-tree (Mob) and as ilSAUt; but accord. to others, the large L,ti.; of grapes (Mgh, Myb) and of raisins and of or the smallow; or a Specits of the stwvallows of the pomegranates and the like, (Mgh,) or also of mountains]. (K.) other things, (Msb,) or the similar stones of any" and .. L% : see what next follows. thing, (1],) or also whatever is in the interior of a thing that is eaten such as the raisin and the ._,.t_ [a pl. of which the sing. '-.l (a like; ( ;) and t. signifies the same: ( :) ) I do the vulgar say ,: (Yaoob, S:) [see also subst. formed from the act. part. n. W,,A, in an explanation of which is evi- not find mentioned] The teeth. (S, JO.)_ And deatly, I think, used as meaning the heart (com- Camde; because they bite, or chew, bones; and (TA.) monly termed j~ q. v.) of the palm-tree:] the so * n. s. is n.q, (S, Mgh, M9b,) which is incorr. applied to a she-camel, (AA, S, ],) rectly expl. by AIHn as meaning a grape~tone Strong; like ;':: (AA, S:) or strong to when it germinates. (ISd, TA.) Also Camels journy; as also (! , TA) and t.i._: that bite, or cher, the [treos caled~] L and the (TA:) pl. of the first .'t.'. (AA, S.) tragacantha and [other] thorny trees, and sat;fy themsevires thererwith so as to be inno need of tlA ..~l One harint an impotence, or an impedi[planu caUed] , .. (~.) ment, or a difdculty, in speech, or utterance, (S, * 4 sing. of '1 , (], TA,) which signi- Msb,) though he may be clear, perspicuous, fie Hard rocks (, ], TA) protruding (lit. distinct, chaste, or correct, in speaking a foreign language; (S ;) and [barbarous,or vitious theregrowing forth) in a valley. (TA.) - See also in; i.e.] not clear, perspicuos, distinct, chaste, a.. or correct, therein; (S, Mgh, Msb, ] ;) meaning, in peaking Arabic, (., Mgh, Msb,/ I,") though i (8, Mgh, Msb, ], TA) An impotence, he may be an Arab; (S, Mgh, M9b;) and or an impediment, or a difficulty, (Msb, TA,*) in speech, or utterance; (., MSb, ], TA;) and t L.S~l signifies the same, (Mgh, Mob, I,) [a barbarousnea,or vitiou.nes, tlerein; i. e.] a and therefore, if applied to an Arab, it does not rwant of clarnms, perspuousness, ditinc~, imply reproach; (Msb; [but it is said in the chastene, or correctne, therein, (Mgh, Myb,) Mgh that this demands consideration;]) or this meaning, in nmealing Arabic. (Mgh, M9b.') latter epithet is applied to a tongue, or speech, Bk. I.
lq e

Oe.c;~ . (Msb.) See also , first sentence, in two places. - Also Dumb; spechls; destitute of thefaculty of speech; (V, TA;) unable to speak; and so ._-: (S, TA:) fem. of the former as above. (TA.)-Hence, (9,) by predominance of its application, (Mgh,) L,nl signifies A beast, or brute; syn. in; (, Mgh, ](;) and so t' _ [or the femrn. of thisj: (TA:) pL of the former in this sense, u a subst., ;~l : (Iar p. 13:) [and] ~ is applied [also] as an epithet to a beast, or brute, (34~,) for the like reason. (Msb.) It is said in a trad., ;I. ,l.lWl . [expl. in art. )-]. (S, Mgh.) -[Hence also] ,1 JJJ signifies A stallion [camel] that brays in a -j"i, [or faucial bag] to rhich tliers is no perforation, so that the sound doe not iswu from it: and they approve of tlhe sending such among the J1, [or sho-amel that have passed seven or eight months since theo period of their bringing forth] because he usually begets females. (TA.) - The prayer of the daytime is termed l~;" because the reciting [of the lgur-in] therein is inaudible; (9, Mgh, Mhb, IV,TA;) i. e. the prayer of noon and of aflernoon; (TA ;) and these two together are termed Ij l. (}ru p. 228.)_..,q.~ means I Waves that do not sprinkle their water, and of

which no sound is heard. (

-, A.)-And L.m

[or it~ a*j?] tA tract of sand in rwhich are no trees. (IAar, I.) a .-. .t..5~1: see the next preceding paragraph, first sentence, in two places. [It is often impro. perly used for Ut. .']

a [tA barbarous, or vitious, speech or language]. (TA in art. C J,.)

. jiLI .[lit. Hard in respect of the place ofbiting, or of chewing. And hence,] applied to a man, (, , TA,)s also t . Ai, (TA,) f Mighty, strong, reisting, or indomitable, in respect of spirit; (f, J], TA;) wchk as, wrten tried by affairs, or events, is found to be mnighty, strong, or resisting, and hard, or har,y. (TA.) And ) ; l3.a Ju: A sle-camel having stre:,lkt, or power, andfatness, and endurance of journeying: ($, 1J, TA:) or having patience, and soundness, atd strengthfor treading the way with velrnence: [for LOdl the last word of this explanation in my original, (evidently, I think, a mistranscription,) I read .jJl :] Sih disapproves of the saying havini fatness: accord. to I U, tho phrase signifies a sle-camel such as, twhten tried, isfound to have strengthfor traversing the dei.t, or waterles desert; and he says that it does not mean in n'hich isfatness. (TA.) 24d

1968 _,.u. [pass. part. n. of 4: and also an inf. n.

[Boox I. , TA,) inf n. ; m "C, aOr. , (9, a, (9, TA,) said of a she-camel, (9, ]5, TA,) [app. signifies She nas, or became, such as it termed La! or 1l4. in any of the enses asigned to these epithets: or] she wn, or became, fat: ( :) or she had much sh in the udder, with little milk: (TA !) or she had in her vulva a tumour (1, TA) like a wart, and resembling what is termed Jic, (TA,) preventing conception, (](, TA,) and sometimes reaching to the anus. (TA.) [See also the next paragraph.] tellect: (IAr, TA:) and V * as a masculine epithet signifies, (J], TA,) acco;d. to Lth, (TA,) stupid, or foolish; (g, TA;) as also * X 4

of that verb]. , J,', 'an appellation of Tie letters of the alphabet (i " Jj.mJ) ,l[of
the language of the Arabs], most of which are distinguished by being dotted from the letters of [the t other peoples, means ' l 1IJJI

(Lth, S, 1.)
lz~: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places. Also A company, an auembly, as also t ':. or an ammblage; syn.&L.; [written by Freytag L43]: or such as is nume

letters of the dotted character]: (S:) or by

1 1

Lis mncantat .l,

it being an in n., like

0;,Jt (9, g) and ;l,, (<,) so that the

meaning of. , j J3m. is [tl,e letters] of whicra

a property is the being dotted: ($, 1 :) of which

explanations, the latter is held by Mbr and IB and others to be the more correct. (L, TA.)Also, applied to a door, Locked. (, IS.) aa.,: see.~,, in two places.
.. u. [applied to a plant, or herbage, Much bitten; or] eaten [or depastured] until but little thereof has remained. (IAr, TA.)


.dsoeeACl, .:

in two places.

,] He 1. d.a , 5 aor., and *, [inf. n. kneaded it; i. e. he bore upon it with his fist, or clinched hand, presing it; as also V 'l.: (9, TA,) or *. , (( :) or ';d, (Msb,) aor., (M9 b, TA, and so in copies of

the ,) or ;, (so in a copy of the 9,) inf. n. ,h., she (a woman) made, or prepared, [or
kneaded,] as also t

[i. e. dough]; (?, Msb, TA;) .; l,(, TA,) or c

(M,b.) :M

4.' ..

e4 [Vrily

a one kneads with his two elborws by reason of stupidity] is a aying mentioned by Lth. ~., said of a man, IHe roe (TA.) -And bearing upon tlue ground (IF, $, Msb, 15, TA) tith his fist, or clinched hand, (TA,) as though . '), (IF, M,b,) by hewmre keading ( reason of age (IF, g, M9 b, V, TA) or fatness. (TA.) It is said in a trad., of Ibn-'Omar, !I, j ;' " $ i. e. He used to bear upon his two hands when he roe in prayer, like as doe he who kneads dojugh: and he said that he had seen the Apostle of God do so. (TA.) And , which is . one ays of an old man, j1 s; expl. in the A as meaning t He became old, or aged; because such, when he desires to rise, bears upon the outer sides of the fingers of his two hands like the kneader, and upon his two palms like the maker of bread. (TA.) [See X C~, . 1; also 4, first sentence.] _- And IL. aor. , inf n. ~ , He (a man) bore, or stayed r., himelf, upon the staff. (Mab.) -And (9, 15,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) She (a camel) beat the ground with ler fore feet in her going along. (9, .) And one says of a horse : ;i'.. . [ie beats the or other animal, ground with his hindfeet]. (S and Ig in art.

rout. 0(.) -m a ._l is an appellation of The ,i [orfemal of ts vultur perenopterus]. (15, TA.) 4. C 1~ He (A man) was, or became, advanced in age. (TA.) [See also --. c, as such signifyt1; [act. part. n. of ',: above.] - And He rode a fat she-camel. (1,' ing Kneading. -And hence, as such, signifying TA.)= And He had a tumour in his ej.t;. also] Bearing with his hands upon the ground when rising, by reason of age [or fatness: see 1]: [q. v.]. (P1.) [See also 1, last signification.]. And He begot a tulrid child, such as is termed (S, Msb:) pl. , ~, with two dammehs: so in the T. (Myb.) - And, [without ;,] applied to '.kr. (TA.) a she-camel, [and in a similar sense applied to a [7. i~il It (dough) became kneaded: so horse or other animal, (see 1,)] Beating the groud accord, to Freytag; but he has not named any with her fore feet in her going along. (9, TA.) authority for this.] -And also, applied to a she-camel, In wh womb the young mill not rest, or remain. (}.) 8: see 1, first sentence, in three places. L;W.4 The middle of a place. (1].) ;C~ A tumour incident to a she-camel, between her uldva and her anus, which sometimes in con'.00 l:e see sequene thereofbecome conjoined. (S.) [See also ~-i, applied to an udder, The most sant of ':a. (of which it is the inf. n.), last signifiudders in milk and the goodliest treof in appearcation.] ance. (TA.) - And [the fem.] tU'.&, applied (1) A camel com- to a she-camel, (9,) Fat; (9, /;) as also (S, 1) and V ' pact, orfirm, by reason of fatness; (S, 1, TA ;) V i .: (S:) and, so applied, that has attained as though consisting of fesh without bone. (TA.) the utmost degree in fatnes; and so t: For the fem. of the former, with ;, see ~X l, and one having little milk: (1!, TA:) or having much J~lh in the udder, with paucity of milk: in two places. and sometimes, one having much milk: (TA:) [The perineum; i. e.] mltat is between and one whose udder is pendulous, (1K, e TA,) by the anus and the scrotum: (S, Msb:) or the [por- reason of the abundance of the ~sh, (TA,) and tion of the] [orvirga] that is extendedfrom whose teats coher, and rise into the upper parts the scrotum to the anus; (] ;) or the hinder por- of the udder. (V, TA.)_ Also, i. e. st , (9, tion of the penis, etended within the skin: and 1g, TA,) and t , (]g, TA,) applied to a shethat of a woman is the 5;3. [or intervening part, camel, (S, ]5, TA,) Having a tumour betreenO perhaps so called as being likened to the partition her vulva and her anus, vwhich toretimet in consbetween the nostrils,] that is beteen the lva qutce theof become conjoined: (9:) or having and the amu: (TA:) and the ,,II [or anus in her vulva a tumour, (~, TA,) like a wart, and , (TA,) preve~ pl. [of pauc.] reembling what is termed itself]: (v:) [see also L : sometimes reaching to conception, (V, TA,) and '1;4' and [of mult.] ~ . (TA.) o~ p. the anus: and likewise applied to a ewe and to it4.al1 is an appellation used in reviling, applied a cow. (TA.) to one who is not an Arab; (TA in this art.;) :,;, A [bowl of the kind called] a4L [proor meaning Son of the female slave. (TA in art. bably usedfor kneading do~gh therein]. (Fr and ) -. Also The neck, (g, TA,) in the dial. in TA, voce;j.) IAyr, of El-Yemen: or, as in the " Nawadir " of Elg&lee, the part beneath the chin. (f.) see [Also, as a subst., An

e Kneaded; i. e. borne upon with the fist, or clinched hand, and so pressed; as also 1. (K1.)- [Also, as a subst. mentioned in the S and Msb &c. as well known,] Dough; flour kneaded with water. (MA, KL, &c.) (IABr, ::*) And A catamite; as also * ;: pl. ;O' : or this means soi, or yielding, perwn,

electuary; any drug, or drugs, mixed up with lhoey or inpis~atedjuice or sirup; generally applied to such as contains opium, or Jome otlher inq-ti.] toxicating ingredient: pl. se w also ~. and

: and


and see

of men and of women: (IA{r, X:)

and *e.

are both applied to a man, but only and 1t/'..; .i,, .)m'q, (15,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) the latter is applied to a woman: applied to a [q. v.]. (1.) man, meaning weak in his body and in his in- or pt, also signifies He struck his e 1

(S, &, &c.) and ;; P and

tj and * L,

(accord. to different


BooK I.]
oopies of the ], [but in the TA theme two words re expL only as in another paragraph which will EM edeM , be found below,]) A rt of date in of which is (Q, ]L) of the best kind, the palte Akh, cited and Fr to accord. calbt LA; (g; [or, in the TA in art. Oj, the term ! is applied to ai a palm-tree but not to that of the S ;]) said the of hand the by planted was what to be from than larger are they IAth, to accord. Prophet; the *jm . [q. v.], inclining to blackns; but accord. to Az, the ;~. in El.Medeene are the last has an intensive signification, ;1.J-[which and may also be regarded as an inf. n. of the verb next following]; and Vc;c (TA;) or this latter has an intensive signification; (Mb ;) He numberd, counted, reckoned, or computed, it:

1980 They shared onM t anoter in the thing; thing; i.e., in anything. (TA.) [Hence,] one 1l& [He shared with him in j ol t hayeS aye, th# th inheriance]. (.)- [The inf n.] ;1j. also signifies The contribtingequay, or dubbing,for Bignifies th the purchase of aco, or food, to eat: and a people's having money, or property, divided into tots, lots, or portions, and didributed in shares among (T and L in art. 04 from syn. ;1.,; thtm: oyn. 1 a IAgr, and O in the present art.;) and LUG1. IAv, (T and L in art. j4 from IAyr, and O and ]g in 6, the present art.) [You say, ;1Bl ;a: see I.] and ;l1a, said of a malady, W, inf. n. ';: ZW, and of the pain of a venomous sting or bite, and of insanity, It intermitted, and returned to him. ,' (TA.) It is said in a trad., (S, 0,) i.%1 ;Jlj I.b 1 0a 1

sometimes O, MYb, ] :) [and ' o.l (, A, signifies the same, as is shown by what here L.i, in the " a;C follows:] not be shall there [Then means Iur xxxiii. 48, for you, as incumbent on tAhem, any si; (q. v.)] of which ye shall count the number [of the days]: a4.-, and there are orta of the ~. there (Bd, Jel:) or the meaning is, of wvhich ye shall that ham not the swretne nor the odour nor the exact the accomplishment of the number [of the (TA:) or the best of days]: (Ksh, Bd:) and Lb. has mentioned, as fuses of the 4 4..,: dates: (Mgh :) and, in El- .ijdz, the dates that heard from the Arabs, I;j1.,;JI ;s and compact a into pressed [or ) (&*.u stuffed are I%.-~ [I counted the dirhems by singk pieces], mass, while uoist, in the receptacle ofpal-leavs and t also, followed by the same words; , (S, o, 1[) The pain of the poi~on of W;)1, ,h;.r (8 in the or shin, as are the dates called to .a Si then adding, " I know not whether it [i. e. the the food of A7wyber rohich I ate has not ceased [i.e. return return to me at certain periods. (TA.) And Jl" or from .. .J present day]; (g, TA;) they are termedp.l.oI latter] be from permany because app. dataes, of prepared I mother or the (lit. one says, -:JJI 21G The pain of the menomou whether the meaning be I counted sons keep a stock thereof], to which recourse is or provided, the latter of which is a well-known sting, or bite, returned to him writh vehemence at in El-Basrah. of a year. (S, 0, I0,) had, like the [dates called] i. meaning): his doubt indicates that ~,l1 is a the expiration (TA.) it#, but [SM says] "I know it dial. var. of.oc; 4. 4. G.aA, (Msb,) inf. n. II, (Meb, TA,) V or ;l4o , and I_: see the preceding not." (TA.) ~ is doubly trans.: you say with which * ;1tl and ' ;1t'-:J. and * ;13 [both and for the second, see also the jl;ll ;,a. as well as )j1 .iiJ ;S paragraph: [as inf. n. of 2] are syn., 'a (TA,) I made it ready, places. two in following, hliere paragraph meaning I numbered, counted, reckoned, or com- ~. prepared it, or provided it. (Myb, TA.*) One (TA.) property]. of articles the thee to puted, are two dial. vars., each * {j.l il4I andt y. % o..I He made it ready, prepared ;ib says, or numbered, as C He . . y op say, fesh, you of And gobbet a of size the of piece A signifying it,orpro~it,forswhanaffair. it, or proided it,for such an affair. (S, 0, K. ) a which descends rechoned, among a people, or party. (M, s.) And 0.~ . conjoined with a sinew (.) [I made ready, prepared, O foot: (As, S, [And ;_1_ .o, and t& , inf. n. of the or the from the knee of the camel to its proper apparatus]. affair, providefor the in J'I are two ainea (C 'a.) TA:) or the ot1 enumerated, He lJa3, former ~s, and of either (TA.) Some say that ~.ut is originally ,l; the interiorof thefore leg of the hlwre, in the lower or recounted, his good qualities or actions: a but others deny this. (L in art. See also S.) a phrase of frequent occurrence.] _ [Also lie 1, parts of which are things resmbling nails (jlA), is also intrans.: [but former half. m; is a term applied counted, or reckoned, as meaning he accounted, or caled ziGl,it: and ~t may be considered ; or bad &c.:] one says when it is used as such, ) that conjoin with the solid esteemed, hin, or it, good to all sinews ( ,. after it:] see 10. as understood He counted, accounted, reckoned, or o I ox hoof: (S, TA:) or it signifies certain sinens 5. [,iJ It was, or became, nunerous: often good, or goodly; syn. (_em) in which are set osiles resembling tlh esteemed, him, or it, Hence, one says,] ., used in this sense. 1: (S in art. Cp_, &c.:) and ? ~ dr gems that are set in signet-rings, at the pastern of ':&uu X TheJy eTceed in nuber . us one o -s1 when TA;) (~, beast; the owrse, or similar signiffes the same as .c [in this sense]; whence j 9 stones, two between them is hungry, he bruises the saying, signifies the same; ten thAound; and t Xjjlt is a dial. var. , JJ3,6 4~~~-0, ' f ' and eats them; and t Ik .0 they participate, means latter (S, 0, ;*) or the 0 in a fore qualities as thereof: (TA:) or any sinew (;.!) generous such one with another, in sie,v a or -. ) : ( 10. leg hind also a See in 7neror as it, (.) (TA.) leg may be shared. [And many people count it, or reckon of theP chandise]. (Iar p. 127.) of the shank (..) (~ ) in the int~ro 6. I;W They shared, one oith another, in a horne and of tih bull: (,, TA:) or, in a hors, P also o. , 2: see above, in two places. thing. (TA.) See also 5. [And see 3.] the sinew (A ) tenwdi lengthwie from the signifies He made it a provision against the shank and ending at each of the pastrns; and casualtie offortune: (g, O, Ig: see also 4:) so, see what next follows. 7~1: ?. . l [a mistranscription, in it is what is termed~ accord. to Akh, in the l]ur civ. 2: or, as some 8. .;;s It was, or became, numbered, counted, correctly _,L Jl, which means a certain dises~e it may $ say, he made it numerous: (S, O:) or reckoned, or computed. (S, O.) Many of the in the leg]: and in a ~ecamel, a sinew (-i) mean he reckoned it (Bd and Jel in civ. 2) time learned say that 1t ~wI should not be [thus] used G after time. in the inte~or of her fore leg:' and also isr (Bd.) as a quasi-pass. of .~: it is said to be vulgar, ihe a smnall gobbet. P ~.h a hors, a pi~ce of 1I, and o>t. n. inf. ;t, f [t.o 3. - .1l: see 1, first and last or bad. (MF.)~ accord. to IAth, ;.1.~J! signifies the tinerv or recounted, sentences. - One says also w ;1 (a , O, Mab) enumerated, They signifies app. of the l of camels and of horses (t1) their good qualities or actions, one to another: meaning He included it in a numbering, or and a and U, (TA:) pl. d1for] MaJ1 *. is expl. by Sh as meaning..,j reckoning. (Msb.) [And hence, He made acalm See (TA.) t. n and (O) and t "I [i. e. Th7e day of vying, count of it; accounted it a matter of importance. 3'jt. . L.wa, the first paragraph. or contendingforsuperiority, in glory, or eze~Uence, And ,t ,a" ' No account is made of it, or &c., andapp. ofpersons enumerating,orrecounting, ;.him; it, or he, is not reckoned, or esteemed, as theirgoodqualitiesoraction, one to another]. (TA.) i of any account, or importance: a phrase of 'rith frequent occurrence.] - [He made it ready, : s ared a He ,lo; L ,..-, ($, A, O, Msb, &c.,) aor. ., (O [See also ;lJ.]i See also prepared it, or provided it:] see 4. . , (, 0, Mob, ]) and 4 p anm 1them eqgually in the thing: and Lha Ayo Meb,) inf. n. 248 '


1970 10. _

[Boox r.

.;sIL,said of a woman, Sh, observed, o*r eartk: or spring-water; rain-water being calle,d means The man's term of lif ended: pL ;~. ,S: (TA:) or old water, that does not becom kept, the peridof Aer i;j [q. v.]. (?, 0.) (TA.)- And one says, L S f1j exhausted: (IDrd, TA:) or an old well; (M :' Mi. Such a one comes to his wife, orfamily, 10. .1, (i, O, M,b, V,) 'as also V a;l ani t ,;) , said in the M [and O] to be from _ only once in the month, or in the two months. (O, .wa and t b.i., the last, as well as the first : (TA: [but see this in what follows:]) or L.) See also l1, mentioned by Th, (TA,) He made Aimslf ready in two places. prepared Aimself, or became in a state of pre in the dial. of Temeem, much water; but in th ;.,s a subst. from #,, "he numbered it;" as paration, (, 0, V, TA,) ,. for the affair dial. of Bekr Ibn-Wail, little water: (AO, TA: ) or well-water, whether little or mucAh; so accord also ,.0,,c: (, O, l:) [originally] What is (0, V, 1, TA ;) As prepared, or provided, him- to a woman of Kilao; opposed to that of the rain Ielf with proper, or necessary, apparatus, or accord. to Lth, a place wrhich men make, or pre numbered, counted, reckoned, or computed: (0, 9 M.b, g: [in the CK, aj is inadvertently omitted implement, or the like. (A'Obeyd, Mb, &cc. )pare, rahrein muck water collects; but Az sayl s after the explanation of this meaning:]) [and ~ All except the last are also trans.: see 4. that this is a mistake: (TA:) pl.;l. (S, A , hence,] a number; (Msb;) and t#, is syn. R. Q. L j4 , (IA9r, O, TA,) inf. n. 6c O.) And c _ Old nobility or the like:: therewith [in this sense, as will be seen in what (IAr, O, B, TA,) He was quick, (IABr, TA, follows]; (A;) a qunntity compised of units; and or he hastened, and vas quick, (O, A,) in walk ) (M, A, 0:) accord. to IDrd, from ta applied ta therefore not [properly] applicable to one; but ing, or going along, (IApr, 0, , TA,) &c old water that does not become exhausted. (TA.. accord. to the grammarians, one belongs to the (IApr, TA.) [And app. said of the sand [This derivation is robably correct: but sem e predicament of ,jl because it is the root thereof, , above.]) See also a,e. - And see the para and because it implies quantity, for when it is said. grouse (Iil) meaning It uttered its cry: sew graph here following. "How many hast thou?" it is as proper to answer ;, below.] "One" as it is to answer "Three" &c.: (Mb :) or Apparatus, equipments or equipagc, accouQ. Q. 2. ; , in which, accord. to Sb, the ;l.l. (TA.) t *'1 tA means.* , is a radical letter, because of the rarity of the trementa,furniture,gear, tackle or tacklitung, (S, 0, pl.. L, Myb,) tAat one has preparedfor tha casualtins [i. c. Iow great is their number!]. (A.) Zj says measure =3, but others contradict him, (S, offfortuns, ($, O, L,) consisting of property and that ;. is sometimes used in the sense of an 1,) IIe assumed the dress, garb, habit, oi r apons, (, O,) or of property, or wieapons, or inf. n.; as in the phrase in the kur [xviii. 10], esternal appearance, of the son of Ma'add, who other things, (Msb,) or of implements, instruments, t.j,. sc: but many say that it is in this instance was the son of 'Adnan, and who is called the toolt, or the like, and of beamst: (L :) accord. to used in its proper sense, meaning b,3_[i.e. Father of the Arabs [because through him all some, formed from .;.. [q. v.]; but others deny numbered], and is made masc. because ee is the descendants of Isma'eel, or Ishmael, trace :) pl. ;s. (Msb.) One says, their ancestry], (?, O, J,) ingitating them in thaeir tbis: (L in art. syn. with .,1l1. (Msb.) In the phrase -l , (, j Ol.I and .&;c [He took, for the affair, coarseness therein: (V:) or he asserted Aimsef to ) 1;, JS, Asf in the Kur [lxxii. last verse], it is be related to them: (S, O, 9:) or he spohe their his apparatw, kc.; or hi prepared, or provided, language: (TA:) or he affected, or constrained himuelffor th affair]: both signify the same. used in its proper sense of l; -, and is put in the accus. case as a denotative of state; or it is himself, to endure with patience their mode of lfe: (S, O.) - Also, (S, O,) and t vu, this latter of used in this case as an inf. n. (IAth, 0.) - It ($, O, 1:) or he imitated their mode of life, which was coarse and rude; abstaining,from ease the dial. of Temeem, (A'Obeyd, Msb,) A state oj signifies also The years of a man's life, wrhich one and luxury, and from the garb of theeforeigners: preparation. (A'Obeyd, S, O, Mnb.) One says, numbers, or count. (IAr, O, C. [In the Cg, ; L .ia_ Be ye in a state of preparation. after the words ;. 11 .;,Jl;, ($, O0:) and Ae (a boy) attained to tAe prime of ! a j should be manhood, and became thick, or coarse. ($,O, (r, O.) o Sec also os. inserted.]) Hence the phrase *. The years g.) 'Omar said, (f, O,) or not 'Omar, but the of his life, whAich he numbered, became few, the ;o an e inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (TA.) - And A Prophet, (B,) 1,j *--3j greater part having pased. (IAar, 0.) , ($, o,*,*) nunber collected togther; a number collectively. i. e. [Iead ye a rough, or coarse, life, and] 1I saw a number see the next paragraph. imitate the mode of life of the sonsU of Ma'add, (TA.) You say, J1;.j *.a of men collected toether. (TA.) And .e 4ayil &c. (TA.) [See aiso art. J.]_It is also >1.& an inf. n. of 3 [q. v.]. (TA.) lljit I transmitted a number of letters together. used by the poet Maqn Ibn-Ows for j;. [lie ,. [as expl. by Sh: see 3, first sentence. - Also] (S, , TA.) I a lThe days of the mn- The went, or witluirew Aimself,far away]: (s, O :) it day of giving: (S, 0 :) 1zI. signifies 4tf means thus, and he ment awvay into the country, struation of the woman, (, 0, Msb, ], TA,) (. O, , ) in this phrase. (S, 0.) _ And i. q. or in the land (TA.) which she numbers, nhen sAe has been divorced, or ~,p2AJ .~ [which generally means The day of whten her husband Aas died; [until te excpiration as js A cry by whichA tile mule is chidden; of whiich srte may not marry again; the period the last judgment]. (TA.) - And one says, (AZ, O, (;) like Jc. (AZ, O.) meaning I came to such being, in the case of a divorced woman, not zlj . pregnant, that of three menstruations]; or [in a one on a Friday (, c..,), or on a Afinor , and V;4 Pustuls in tec face: (IJ, TA:) the case of a pregnant woman] the days of her Festival ( .A.), or on a Great Festival (..,* or pustules that come forth in the faces of beauti- pregnancy; or [in the case of a widow not pregfsl, or goodly, persons: (0, 1:) pl. of the former nant] fouir mont.s and ten nights: (TA:) or the 5.:,). (O, g,- TA.) - And lc it.s J . S. -[and app. of the latter also, whicl is probably a numan's waiting the prescribed time after divorce, I.JJl, (S, O, g,) or j.l ltIl ilt, and n. un.,] ;I 1.(Marg. note in a copy of the S.) or after the death of her husband, until sce may i;c, (TA,) meaning I met such 1marry again: (MIsb:) and the days of the QizJi i J'j Mlultitude, muchncss, or abundance, (S, O, noman's mournittgfor a husband, and of abstain- a one once in the month: (S, O, CK :) because the I,) in a thing. (X.) One says, .9 j ingfrom the yearing of ornaments 'fc.; (K, TA;) moon makes its abode in jl2JI [the Plciades, its ,,e.' (in one of my copies of the S and in the 0 whether it be a period of months or of menstrua- third Mansion,] once in every month: (S, 0:) tions, or the period completed by her giving birth IB [understood the meaning to be, once in the j , and in the other of my copies of the S and in to offspring in her womb, which she has conceived year; for he] asserts that, correctly, J should the 0 iS,) [Verily they are many, or numerous]. by her husband: (TA:) pl. [ni. (Meb.) One have said, because the moon is in conjunction - [It is also an epithet, signifying] Water having with .. Ji once in every year, and that is on the He! r ;~ ended, (3, TA,) from fifth day of [the Syrian a continualincrease; (S,O, 1 ;) thlat does not cease; says, j~ month] Adhair [correas the water of a spring; (S, O, Msb, 1 ;) and the period of the death of her husband, or of his sponding to March O. S.], agreeably with what of a well: (., O, Msb :) or copious water of the divorcing her. (TA.) J.J, i4 is said in a verse of lbn-.Holihil which will be a '


Boox I.]
(0, ].) See also the found cited in what follows: but [this verse evi- g;*) and so t.&. dently relates to what was the case in its author's next paragraph, in five places: - and see time; for it is well known that] the moon traverses the firmament once in every month, and is every night in a [different], Mansion, and it is therefore Oe,U~: see %.U, in three places. - Also A in [the Mansion of] (lOJI once in every month. man who introduces himself into a tribe, to be (L, TA.) [Accord. to some,] one says, Ji j numbered, or reckoned, as belonging to it, but has signifies no kindred in it: (Mb :) j. .1, meaning I will not come to ll till ,;l.u thee save once in the year: because the moon one n:ho is numbered, or reckoned, among a people, makes its abode in QJI but once in the year: (.K, TA,) but is not with them (.A#~ [app. a misof them]); as also ' ;lc. 4,1 1 LJ;It to, and transcription for , (A:) and Jt Illt,q '.

a .1. 11.1A1 and it~ The time, or period,of of a thing; X.11

phrase ejl Ol. li (I A9x, (IA9r,x,TA;) TA;) as in in the phmse 1 1 tr IJI I 1 was mw at the time, or period, of of that; that; (1Aqx, (IAqr, iJ)
TA;) and in the saying ja JQi cjtj Xjl.: -Ui jjel Icame tiat; (TA;) doing titat; jjJ I came at the time of thy doinq '10 a i 'JA ad thus in the saying and ta Iae J Titat was in the time tinte of oy:tchl a one: ne 0 :) or or such a (S, O That first, and best, or most excllent, exceIL-nt, part, (.K, (IS, the Jirst, (1, TA;) TA,) and the most, (TA,) of a thing; (Ii,

acoord. it ;" and As, from '#~"g; ~g; 11he prepared it;" accord. to Az, J1, Baying !4. !Z ejl~ W51 nd and X1-~ W Jj4sL4 a so in the saying &CU ivas rsi and b;t awl citief [That rvas in the frst best and chief 4U , (.S, Mgh, i 3 One says, X ,I1 .1 XI "lj 1, meaning Such a one comes (TA.) ltis young man/hood man/tood and of his domijtion]. dominion]. 3j?l;,i, (Msb,) Such a one part of lhi oWl W1 i. O, Msb,) and not to us save once in the year: and also y~.] J~ wn(TA.) [See also art. ~ O1,, s a~.] as a conamong tho soaS of such -. jiI Q;11 io, and i11 lJ;JI ic yl, and is numbered, or reckoned, traction of X it.'h#zr. I,~.:: see .c, of which it is a pl. pl a one. (8, Mgh, O, MYb.) And ~ h' ;jl;

X1, meaning I do not meet jiIl >.~ LgJl him save once in the year: (TA:) [but these explanations are probably founded upon a want of due consideration of a statement which here follows:] after citing this verse of Aseed, or Useyd, or Useiyid, [written in the TA I;] Ibn-Holabil, or, [thus differently written in different places,]

i Hle is numbered among the sons of such a .J ;,5~ inf. n. of J [q. v.]. (I (IAr, A;Lr, O.) O.)m l5~; inf. ,;.4 ~"' [q. [or register of soldiers or pen- And The cry, or one in thle 0; sand-groue or crying, of tlia the wnd"uw sioners]. (8, , .) And JI1 , ' (uaol): (lsi1): (A'Obeyd,O,kZ:) (A'Obeyd, O, :) app. onomatopoetic. .J I Such a one is numbered, or reckoned, among (A'Oheyd, O.) (A'Obeyd, O.) the people of goodness, or of wealth. (S, O.) A .s ., state ~1 army in the most complete state ~1 s t. An army And A like, or an equal; [originally, in number;] of preparation,or or equipment. (TA, from a tmd.) trad.) (A, O, ][;) as also ~S and ;hIu: (IAar, O, All ~ (ISd, TA) of a man and of a X._ The side (I8d, ' 61 * Ir,j~, ' 1 g:) pl. of the first J.J1;; and of the second and horse &c.: ~ [in which it is fully &c.: (L in art. ~ .LJ&explained]:) J1UJI third I~1. (TA.) One says, ,o#lj ,i; a. ; , .6 * placs of tU the J 1ui signifies the pkm v. The dirhema are equal to these. (A, TA.) two boards if the saddle ($,. 0,. A, g,. TA) I,* of (, 0,* [When the moon is in conjunction rith the Pleiade They are equal in uMn ades of the horse. (A, TA.) One upon the two sido in a third night, then winterhas departed],AHeyth And L!it; U W-I l J,... .. the moist to the pebbles and or quantity, multitude, hi. sida side bmwth bemath says, 61~ .1... jj& j [I%# [The parts of ltis said, [as though what was the case at a particular period of a cycle were the case generally,] the earth; (S,* 0,' TA;) i. e. they are innumerable. the two boards of Me the saddle add/e vmtad]. seated]. (A, TA.) (TA.) The saying of Aboo-Duwid, describing a 00.0 ' ' moon is in conjunction with 1IJ! only in a third of mare, the wm os of The mode mode of of drm dre of of the 4.aa31 "I LI 2%e night from the new moon, [meaning only once in which nw coarse and rude. (~, Ma'add, Ma'jdd, whici ms coarse and rude. (, from a the'year in the third night,] and that is in the trad. [See Q. Q. 2.]) 2j) [See beginning of spring and the end of winter. (TA.) by saying that he likens her to the and ;,s, (g, O, ],) the latter a Th explains - And *I.s .%3.~ ;.%.~ [meaning Numbered, Numbered, counted, reckoned, staff of the wayfarer, because of her being smooth, contraction of the former, used by poetic license, or computed,] is applied to any number, littlo or littloe or computed,] as though I~1s here meant knots: [so that, accord. (., O,) signify A paroxysm of pain which a perlarge; but 111.9 j~"' more particularly denotes .1.j~ particularly ; to him, we should render the verse thus: And son stung or bitten by a nomous reptile suffers on ad.compact in make, or smiwft and excellent, lilts the few; and so does every pl. formed by the adthe completion of a year from the day on which I . 61.0 staff of thos who ho far away with their camels dition and ;. of I and is, as ;o'j dition of ; and is, as 1M and he nas stung or bitten: (', 0, O:*) a paroxysrm '10 to pdsture, having no knots:] but Az says that tliough though it is allowable to use such a pl. to denote of pain occurring at a certain period: (A:) a the meaning is, [like Hirdwet-el-Aazdb (a celemuchness. (Zj, TA.) a.l.Ia,1tl aignifies ignifies paroxysm stch as that of a tertian, or quartan, brated mare)], having no equals. (TA.) ~ See 03 fverr; and the pain of poison which kills at a 1; (, Mgh, O, Mb, The Tits days calld calkd n Jl. Mgh, 0, Mqb, certain period: and the regadar period of tie also, last sentence but one. ]g ajter the day of tio the g ;) tU the thrm thre days next ajtff rturn of a fever is called its IAc. (TA.) One Dhu-l-fijjeh]; sacrifice [which is the tenth of Dltu-l-yijjeh]; ;jy.t A lot, portion, or share: (IAar, O, ] :) sacrifwe thus called because they'ae says, Z &.3JI Thw pain of the venomous T1 they 'are few. (TA.) And like ^,: (IAar,O :) pl. St;;; (IAQr, O, ; [lit. Numbered, or one also says ;. sting, or bite, returned to him wnith whemence at the expiratio of a year. (, 0,o.) And ^o TA;) with which 1; I is syn.: and i1I. counted, dirhems] as mcanindirhema. meaning a a few dirhom#. ha. a mnalady that interrnmit and signifies also property divided into shares; and (TA.) 1.u~ ip Hlife retu. (A.) And J, ;1,~ l is said to signify an inheritance [so divided]. (TA.) Lebeed says, t.a.,JI1 is the dim. of 1 ,iI ( 0, g,) ,... . ,;, . . A period of oeen days from that on twhich the whose ortin origin is referred referred to Ma'add, meaning He whom person has received a venomous sting or bite: and is originally .qSJlI,then O, TA,) and (S, 0, when it has expired, his recovery is hoped for:


as long as it has not expired, one says, ssl,a.. (A, TA.) [Sec also 3.] 1. signifies also The time of death. (0, g.) .And A day, or night, when thefamily of a person deceased assemble toether to wail for him. (ISk, TA.) - And A touch of insanity or diabolical pos-

d, ,we


Tle portions of property and inheritance of tlw sharersfly away in the course of time, two together and singly; but the lordshilp, or mastery, is still remaining for the boy: (IAar, TA:) or the poet means those who share with him [i. e.

X>') in the inheritance: or cs'. ~.: [i. e. what one preinsanity or diabolicalpossession, that takes a man it (5.0~) is from Jl future time, of property]: (S, 0:) pares for a at certain times. (As, TA.) One says, a,~

session: (S, 0, 1 :) or an affection resembling with the boy] (

C1ao In the man is a touclh of insanity [&c.]. for .Als, in this verse, some read ;51l3i. (S, O.) - And The tranging of a bow; (S, O, art. .~ [q. v.]) [See also l;tj.]

(L in

(IDrst, TAJ TA,) thus J~ l, and then, t.a,JI, (IDret, prinounced the v becauso because pronounced witliout without the teshdeed of the> C, TAJ TA,) that the double teshdeed, (I (IDrst, Drat, g, O, 0, C, of the i with that of the Lq (IDrat, TA,) k5 after it, (IDrat, Q, 0, O, is found difficult of pronunciation, (1Drat, (IDrst, Q, XC, denotes the K, TA,) combined with the U that denotu dim.: dim.: (,O, 0,, :) it is thus pronounced in the a.s, ,.,. -- a- as ,,- a a [Thy X ii prov. .13 Ci &A prov... C&A [Thy hea.rin y ~mg than th thy aeeing the Mo'eydoili Mo'eydee ia bettbetter titan hearing g of thi or X o.r 'l him]: (Ke, (Ks, 8, 0 O:) him]: :) or ot~ X,1 (1I, TA,) which which means the same, sarne, the

1972 being pronounced with damm because TA.) And 4IcS v j "He pasturet for Aim. ei is suppressed before it; but some pronounce (Ibn-Abbad, O.) _~ (O, ,) and c,, (0, it with nayb, regarding XeTas understood, though (,. O,) He said to him (i. e. to a mule, O) this is anomalous: (TA:) or o .r ,C -3 [q. v.]. (Ilgt o,, K.)-, s,He had *, OI; as though meaning har thou of the an eruption of the small putdu called a Mo'eydee, but do not ee him: (ISk, S, O, ]A:) [q. v.]. (1,o,0, TA.) of which three variants, the second is that which [8. ,olt He journeyed continually. (Freytag, is best known: so says A'Obeyd: (TA:) the from the Deewin of Jereer.)] prov. is applied to him who is of good repute, u,, A cry by which one chides a mule, (IDrd, but whose outward appearance is contemned. , ,) to urge him: ( some(., O, ], TA. [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. 8, Ig, 0o i. 223.]) times, by poetic license, it is made decl.: (L, TA:) the vulgar say .~ [app. ,~]. (TA.) a4 J"'- A thing included in a numbering, or Hence, (TA,) sometimes, (S, O,) it is also used reckoning. (Msb.) [And hence, A thing ofwhich as a name for The mule; (S, O,I ;) like as the account is made; that is accounted a matter of ass is [sometimes] called Lt , which is [origiimportance. See the verb.] ginally] a cry whereby one chides an ass; and t1J"-" is used in a verse of Ibn-Mukbil as there are other instances of the same kind. (TA.) meaning The legs of a she-camel. (AA, TA voce ... ee l, q. v.) in _

[Boox I. ].) In the dial. of Rabeeah with 3. (~, O, K, in art. J..) 5.., !.J1 1A; C I have not tasted a little to. day, far les much. (El-'Ozeyzee, O, ].) [See also 6 in art. J...]

aseeJ.. . Also A mall quantity of fodder, or proeder. (L, g.) And A snall ift. (IF, 0, g.) One ays, %; aiL. 's : ,;I
[in the TA all. L] i.e. [We obtained fromn his


property] a maU gift. (IF, O.)

see the paragraph here following.

.. ~s Anything that is tasted: (S, O, 1 :) or the least of wtvhat is eaten and of what is drunk: (yIam p. 448:) pl. J,,. (1g, TA.) One says,

li3 ~A) 6(r, (s, 0,) or _Ja L L., (,) i. e.


[Lentil;] a well-known grain; (S,O, [I, or we, have not tasted, or did not tate,] any., (O, K,) and ] ;) also called I . and *. : (TA:) n. un. thing; (S, O, K;) as also and tJ ~., with ;. (O, (?, 0, 1g,) and VL;. l j.. A A.)_;' certain plant * ~,, [of which I have not found any description]. (1.) And Jj3. . a,,. tr i.e. [T.e (See art. IL 1 , last sentence.) beast pased the night] without fodder, or pro1. ~,4 ,,6 4c,(AA, S, O, ,) aor.,, e.... vender. (., 0,1.*) Of the dial of Mu4ar: a.J A smaUl pustu, (Lth, S,O,1' ,) re ( :) or pronounced by Rabee'ah inf. n. _ (AA, O, t) and ,. and >., with 3; and (Ibn.'Abbad, O, !) and (O, 1,) He erontermbling the ", [commonly so called, i. e. the by the rest of the Arabs with v. (AA, 0.) .away [or jo~eyd] into, or in, or through, the ingle grain of lentil], (Lth, TA,) whrich come ~ .a:asee the next preceding paragraph. country, or land. (AA, , O0, ].) One says, forth (Lth, 0, g) in the body (Lth, g) in a man, (8, O,) dispersdly, like the JU. [or plague], aW l 4 c (e, O) i. e. [Death] tooh him (Lth, TA,) of rohich it is said to be a kind, (Lth, away. (O.) And El-Kumeyt says, J~ O, TA,) and hills, (Lth, O, ],) or sometimes klls, (S,) or generally khis, (Lth, TA,) few re*Jj 0 1. j.,c, (8, O, M!b, ]g,) aor. , (Meb, ]g,) covering*from it: (Lth, O:) it was feared by the inf. n. J. (S,' 0,' M9b, ], TA) and .a. 0 tribe of ]Jureysh, as being transitive. (O.) *~~~~~


tJj..c. A tJ,


4i/, as some relate it,

(O, [and thus, instead

of l, in one of my copies of the g,]) meaning [I constrain them (referring to camels mentioned in a preceding verse) to bear the terror of the dlarmnes, and I cease not to be, as a nightfarer,] journeyed to by night [and journeyinj]. (., O.) [It is added in the as though to indicate a, another meaning, Xi W.' -. ; and in the O and ], ;rjl L ll;; (in the O with L4 between these two inf. ns. ;) but accord. to the TA, the meaning intended by this is, TAh going away into, or in, the country, or land: see, however, what here follows.] l! also signifies The treading hard, or vehemently, (;,. s.;, S, 0, V, TA,) upon the ground; and so ;JI. (TA.) - And i q. [app. as meaning T2 working, or labouring; or toiling, or labouring hard]; (, O, , TA;) as also 11i. (TA.) - And, accord. to Ilt, ds, said of a man, signifies -JI l 5j? [He was strong to do evil, or mischief: but I think it probable that the right explahation is, .JI ~.& or L,it ~l, i.e. to journey, or to journy by

[;.~ A toup made by boiling yellor bntils in water, till nearly diswoled, and then adding red vinegar, coriander, and salt. (Ibn-Jezleh, quoted, from Channing, by Greenhill, in his Transl. of Er-Rdzee on Small-pox and Measles.) . It is now applied also to Bats' dung; which is used in medicine, administered internally; and also applied externally, mixed with vinegar, to tumours: so says Forsldl in his Descr. Animalium, p. iii.: but he there states ad.~s to be an appellation of the bat itself.]

(S,- O,- M.b, 15*) and _.($,* Mqb, ] ) and -Ji5 and Jal, (1, T4,) He acted q~bly, jutly, or rigAhtly. (?, O, Mob, A.) So in the .3 phrase ~,P-1 j , 5IIe acted equitably, &c.,

in his affair,] inf. n. J.. (Ms.b.) And so in the phrnse -:il .)sic j [He acted euitably, &c., towards him in the judgment]l: (S, 0:) and..I1 Ul j~,, ['h acted equitably, &c., to-

night: ee , j.].



(AA, O, 1],) inf. n. ~v., (TA,) also signifies He served [another]; syn... (AA, 0, IC.) _ And 3JQ,I ,, inf. n. .,, He pastured the cattle, or camea 'c. (Ibn-'Abbad, O, 1,

.,$.u% applied to a female, [and app. to a perfect equity between women], in the bCur [iv. male also,] Bold, or daring; (Ibn-Abbad, O, 128], is said to mean, in respect of love, and of :, TA;) strong to jorney. (TA.) And ,. ~1. (TA.) [See also j, below.]--a .3 JI Strong tojoury (S, O, ]) by night; as J,c J..J, in the ]Aur [vi. 69], means And a masc. epithet; (O, 1];) and as a fem. epithet if it wnould ransom with every [degree of] ran~ applied to the hyena: (S, 0:) or t1 ,. ,ja, ing: (T, S, O, Mob, TA:) AO used to say, and as meaning strong tojourney by night, is applied if it nould actequitably with every [degreeof] equitto a man and to a woman and to a camel. able acting; but Az says that this is a blunder. (TA.) (TA.) [See, again, j,.~ below.] - [J~ signi~sl;: see the verse cited in the first para- fies also He declined, deviated, or turned aside or away; and particularly from the right course: graph. thus having a meaning nearly agreeing with that ~$~,_eU: see the verse above mentioned. - assigned to J.b in the last sentence of this paraAlso Haoving an eruption of the small pustule graph.] C&Jo . .& Jj, in the ]gur [xxvii. tred Li . (L , O,. TA.) 61], means [Nay but they are a p~ ]who ddcline, or deviate, from the truth, and from the right course; i.e., who disbelieve. (O.) Andonesays, 1. ,4, aor. in, f. n. . He, ate. (?, O, ;c j.s, aor. ,, in n. j~ and [more com4

wards the peopl, or party,] inf n. . and j.&. and '. (M,b.) ,, i Ij, .h [Ye will not be able to act with


1973 BooK I.] monly] j3~, He deined, deviated, or tumed this affair, and dots not z~ecte it: ( :) h lq. (s,) mean- in this i. ;., .d Jbl And .. ing He made it to be confornable ith that rIlchis is in doubt respecting it. (TA.) ide or aray,.from him, or it. (V.) Anda , re paused [in his cae], heitating between two right; (TV;) namely, a judgment, or judicial h r,. o, O,Mb,) inf. n. J,;; (Msb,) decision. (V, TV.) - He made it straight, or a rairs, rairs,which he should do; as also t l,c inf. n iJI He declined, &e., from the road, or way; (9, 0, evcn; namely, a thing; as, for instance, an arrow; [or ,b.a: and hence, in the trad. of the ~l 0, ~.') And (TA;) right, or in a right condition; direct, or Mb ;) as also ; v d..l.3 (, o, have to related dder ddcr by which Moh.ammad is j The road declinsed, or defteced. (Ki.) rightly directed; (8, O, Msb, 1, TA;) and so la ioended scended from Jerusalem to Heaven], 9 'J,.a afd 9.iS, J~ 9 ZJ. (0, V.) Hence, UsA (, O) ne O ,jtl And i~i. jjs (8, o,]) 4' [And I paused in hesitation between them L,-;to 7, [Ixxxii. ]ur the in readers, different to accord. the coring stallion kft, left off, or disdfrom, Po]; meaning that they were equal in his eatiPo]; tn 0114VJ.Ml. which I would rather render And hath made iation, M-camels; j(,0,V;O) and so and he could not make choice of either nation, thee symmetrical]: (0:) or the latter means m -"21 And follows.] what in zi>tsee j..i [jill 1<1 * 1 C (TA.) and hath turned thee from unbelief to belief; of them. (TA.) And I wavered, or vacillated, betien two affairs, 9S J^, inf. n. J3J, He returned to him, or (IAr,O, TA;) or, accord. to Fr, and hath ,l, places. beautitwo in 2, pleased, see He J~.: (J. whateverform mUating it. ritating which of thmn I should do. (TA.) turned thee to the that or says Az equal, be but to one short: a or tall ; 'i;J$ ful or ugly, is Tie doubting respecting two affairs: ; 9' He made such c.94 and Fr, to dic: pleasing t d more so the [and] was former reading ./ am i //e, to .h a one; (V;) lk.l .. Jlt~ ad one says, adonesays, Hec made it equal; a (TA.) better. the is the dwald do I signifies whether j,jl some, affair, to oubt repecting this (S:) or, accord. a pair of scales, d is the rating a thing as equal to a thing of another kind (Mgh, Msb, , TA;) namely, J,t.ZJ or it undone: (TA:) or and a measure, &cc.(TA.) itt or leave (Il,TA,) weight, a or says, One (TA.) latter. the like it mahe to as so c,nsid,.ring onsidering deliberately rapecting the cas of two i;j i. e. The division of a thing C' ' ';j I made this to be like and to Hence, Slj.s 14. l ffairs that have occurred to one, when one knows [in an equal manner] with regard to the value ot oi to which of them he should betahe him:eli. sand in the stead of, this. (Msb.) And jc (, O, TA,) and utility, not with regard to the quantity, so nIAtir, IAar, ].) And The cas of one person' saying ef, (El-Abmar, TA,) aor. be equal to the ( ' Tiwo may portion smaller the that There is in it something remaining" and anoinf. n. JS and J1~, [,t. being understood,] and utility. (Mgb.) You lwrls vabue in portion larger her's saying " T7hre is not in it anythingremnainHe made another to be equal with his Lord, and ng." (S, 0.) And one says, when he wavers, i.e. t n.g.11 jx dsl,ljl say, ,tbAIl i;see iJ worhipped him. (El-Almar, TA.) x or vacillates, between two affairs, hesitating which the co in the ]ur [vi. 151, and accord. to some in vi. 1], [The diidr of ineritances] made equal aof them he shall do, and then a right opinion means Attributing a copartner, or copartners, shares [for distribution among the participators]. occurs to him, and he determines upon that which l Xj.& He made tihe poetry, or a to their Lord. (0. [And the like is said in the (TA.) _ : -I i s'the is the more fit in his estimation, jtlil i; J 1 verse, to be rght in measure. (TA.) ; and Myb and TA.]);.4;J wvavershor [I cut ; ;iySr; 9~j s~ .. JU means The making the limbs, or , ofthe house, or tenat, , .l JI lj made the goods, orfirit ;ng my affair, and ecuted my determinain i ing and head the of bowing the in into equal loads, [so as to conterbalance omu members, to be still, tion]. (TA.) - And Jsla signifies also It bestanding t!ion). another,] on the day of departure, or removal body, and in the prostration, and in the , came crooked, or bent. (g.) in the sittinJ betwcen 4 f t J;i (~, O, TA) H between these two acts, and 1 ' (TA.) And jc signifies (Mgh.)5. J;aJIt became, or was rendered, straight, made an equipondrane to subnsist between the tr o the two prostrations. '41--Msb) witness, a (i.e. himn to attributed He also - And .. i one a (Msb in art._.) Such 4 j; or een; syn. u1. things. (TA.)- US JN (O, j.]; of n. [inf. aJ termed is ,what ol l ,i --- The vahu of the com equal to such a one. (TA.) And Zd'j He, 1 as possessing that quality; C him described ;) eMb it, is like him, or it. (Fr, ?, o.) [iHence] on. (Myb;) pronounced himn to be veracious, and dity vas equal to such a thing; syn. l 4 JIA. says, ' uC~ " JiiJ i Nothing stands witl h good, or righteous; (V;) pronounced htim to be (Mqb (Msb in art..*j.)

s. hc, inf. n. J3,


e,t j,

us in thd stead. (Ti.) And

d1,, aor. , (1,: ) such as is termed Jcs [q. v.]: (TA:) JX became, equipon Z lis the pronouncing the writnesses to be J or was, It (TA,) inf n. J, in n. i;J;h iJn, (1~,) derant to it; as also t

[They two became equal]. (M You say, "IQ : You (S.) oyI Jc: and lew [pl.ofj.]. , (1g,) an, r.j 'jt, q. v., in art. is.)-- [Also The (TA.) And [hence] .Ikjt .j He drank until he be- and ] voce jb _ S.-Js see [vdeicl the in him being, or becoming, intermediate in q~aity.] t JAb, (TA,) He rode mith came full: (Aboo-Adn6n, O, TA:) or until his him] counterbalance to as [so called] J~ (1.) 7: see 1, former half, in two places. belly became like the [load called] J.. aor. a, ,, inf. n. j. (], TA.)- And j > j>la It rwas, or became, right, or in a 8. 3: see 1, in four places. One says, signifies also He turned a thing from its course direct, or rightly directed; condition; l [It is equal in weight; is equiponderant]. right direction, or manner of being. (TA.) You say r,;j (S, O, Msb, TA;) equal; (ua even; or straight, [He is strai.qht, `1 )i hU`ia ; pro(IF, Msb.) And .iJlI .as I turned uach a one u%i;^JL a weight, and a measure, l&c.; or scales, of pair a ', 23 Y equal to thee in weight and in size: as one who hs road, or way. (TA.) And ; TA;) equable, or uniform; (Mgb, TA;) [ym) (S.) Your pasturing cattle dsall not be turned amrayY, rides with thee in a J,;]. metric44 metrical, proportionate,] suitable in itself [or in it nor prevented, from pasturing. (TA, from a 2 Alj Zi.5 l rIt is equal to it in value and paru]. The saying, cited by Sh, parts]. (I.) . utility]. (Mjb.)-And rU J (, TA) .4at He trad.) And 'j._0 j. v .1 t, ,F,y-iS * [or camnel a of (TA) He removed the stallion, or made him 1 sides two the upon tnwo o bound them withAdram [or desist], from covering. (], TA. o)f a camel usedfor carrying raterfor irrigation, means And she that had an inclining hump beby reason . eii 1 alj1 Js I turned ti e dso that they counterbalanced each other] like the came straight [and erect] in her hump And .C) And L,.. of fatness. (TA.) And one says beast to such a place. (TA.) [See also two mena - [twro loads called] ej, s. (TA.) jl' JSI,W;c A girl, or young woman, goodly in re~st ings assigned to this verb in the next paragrap! h, *i J?lh, a to X&19 and ai, (O, and so accord. .. j . , [aor. ' ,] inf. n. 1,.; (E of stature [or proportion]. (A, TA.) And Jbal third sentence.] or ^_yI, (so in another copy of S,) the of copy 1 lThe poetry, or ere', wvat, or became, ,11 O, Myb) and 1j.s, (Msb,) He (a man, 8, C vacil or rwavers, one a Such jlX, n. i. e. a witness, Msb) was, or became, such as is the S,) inf. meased, mwnu.ed, and right in its feet. (TA.).-Also hesitating It affainrs, tiro betrween case] his [in It was, or became, of a middling sort, in quantity, latet, , ter.eadJ. [q.v.]. (, O,M,b.)_-js, aor.' a body between tallnes ' or or quality; (g, TA;) ma inf. n. jFc, He acted wro,fully, unjustly, iln wvhich of them he shall do. (S, O.) And hot and the Q" J>ow He is in a state of entanglement 1and shortness, and water between the juriously, or tyrannically.' (Msb.)

6. jiW The being, or becoming, equal (Myb.)

1974 [Boox 1. cold; and [moderate, or temperate,] as a day of nifies a man approved and satisfactory in testi- or measure, or the like, (Mgh,) and IF says, in which the air is pleasant. (TA.) mony; originally an inf. n.; ($, O, TA;) wrhose weigltt w.eigpht; (Msb ;) and t lj~, with fet-h, (Mgh, is approved and available; (Msb;) a M9b,) M9b,) its like, (Mgh,) or what nwiU stand in its J, Eqity, justice, or rectitude; contr. of testimony man nhose testimony is allowable, or legally ad- stead, (Mgb,) of a thing different in kind, (Mgh; jq; (., O, M 9b, ~, TA;) i.e. i. q. ' i, misible, as also t Jit; a man wvhose saying, in and M M9b;) b;) whence the phrase of the Kur 4JU; j. 9 affairs; (Mb ;) and ii; (., M, Mgh, &c., 1 6, in whose judgment, orjdicialdecision, are approved; L.sQ [mentioned above]; J~ being originally 91 art. a.;) and .,,; (o,;) and al;1 I; and, accord. to Ibraheem, onefrom wvhom a thing an in. n.: (Mb :) Akh says, Jadll, with kesr, (IAVr, ;) and a thing that is established in ti occasioning doubt, or swpicion, or evil opinion, signiAci; signifies Jlt; and t JJ.JI, with fet-I, is origiminds as being right; (1g, TA;) s also V i'm has not appeared: being originally an inf. n., it nally an inf. n., but is made a subst. to denote (, O, Msb, IC) and t l.- (., Msb, ]) ar id means J1G. jj: or, accord. to IJ, it is an inJJI in order to distinguish it from the J,s of J:.m ~1.c and t ,: ( :) or, as some say, it is tensive epithet, as though meaning posssing goods or commodities [which will be expl. in the man betmeen excess and falling short: an d ercry kind of J : (TA:) one says J, what follows]: Fr says, judi, with kesr, is the 3J., Er-R&ghib says, it is of two sorts: one is abn (S, 0, Msb, g,) and J e.*! and LJ,a, #! like (,JUI), as in the sayin-g 'with e lute, such that reason requirs the inference of i te (Msb, ,) the latter mentioned by IJ, (TA,) 1 goodness; and this will not at any time be abn [I hare the like of thy boy or young man] and [1 . and iCj , (Msb,* TA,) and .U-a3! j;. [the gated, nor described as a mode of transgression o and 3, like of thy sheep or goat]; but as the doing good to him who does good to the4 e JJc ;,. (s, o, Msb,. P) and J; eJ (TA) you say ).JI, J with nasb [i.e. fet-h] to the e, and the abstaining from harming him who at 3 - and J3 ;, (S, 0, Msh,' g,) J,5 being pl. when when you mean the [equal in] value, of mlhat is stains from harming thee: and the other is suc di h of J.=, (S, O, Msh,) or of Jjt&, (1},) and j d.fejrent .#;.ejtt in kind; though sometimes it is proas is knonm to be JSc by the law; and this ma nounced with kesr by some used of in the Arabs, app. by a pl. sense being a quasi-pl. n. of ji3c, be abrogated sometimes; as retaliation, and fine an error on their part: (S, 0:) or some allow for wounds and maimings, and the taking th e (M, k,) like [ofq4;] and ,.j [of 4t']; one's saying ,~ j. .s* q as meaning I property of the apostate; and this is what i i (M,TA;) or j~c Jt; and j~u .- j mean ltave have the like of thy boy or young man, [and app. meant by the saying in the lCur [xvi. 92], AW I; t VdJ ~ also,] and dJ., with fet-h only as meaning * JJ.aj, Jl .and sJ. 1 X. (TA.) QL jl; ^s1; Q4 - 4aLg i. e. [Verily God com his value: (TA:) but Zj says that J."lt and j I as one of the names of God means H7e mandet] equality in recompen~ing, if good, nitO J J~.JI both signify the likhe, whether it be of the w hom desire does not cause to incline, or decline, J.tdl good, ad evi with evil, and the requiting o same hind or of a diferent hind; and if one witA more good, and of evil witA ls evil. so that he should deviate from the rigt coursei saine mood make a mistake, he should not say that some of injudgment. (TA.)- And one says, j~ I. [see also 4 in art. _ :] and he says of t ailj the Arabs have erred: (O :) the pl. (S, O, and V AJ, that each is a term requiring the c ,;., meaning This u intrmediate in quality 0 of js, by common consent, (S, O,) is J5 ,, inference of equality, and is used with a regard tx between them two, not in the utmost degree of goodness nor in the extreme degree of badnes. (0, 0, , K,) and [that of V . is] -, -c, (1.) 0P correlation. (TA.) One says, J~ tiljll J Also The half of a load, (Q, TA,) suck as e(Mgh.) And hAj J o' Al; [tA place - Also and t' -. ; (;, 0) and * i;is on either of the two sids of the camel; (TA;) (;) [Th equidistant, or midway, between ttw parties]. (S is gorernor, or rler, largdly ztended /hit equity, or or a burden [borne on one side of a beast, counrter. )r in art. )See also J` ~, throughout the 5alancing anotler on the other side, or] made jutice]. And ' 4 or greater part of the pagragph. - j' is also the quiponderant equiponderant to another burden: (Az, TA:) pl. (0,) i. e. QM. JAt >* [Suca a one name of a certain chief of the [body of armed men ofpauc.] of pauc.] J,.~s and [of mult.] J~ (Sb, J:) called] J1;, (?, O,) or JIA, (i,) of a is of the ople of equity, &.]. (M, 0.) ,..i [or aLnd and t d oignifies the equal of a person in ,l.? Sj., S in the ]ur [lxv. 2], is said by King of El-Yemen], who, when he desired the voilat veighat and measir or nL-e or the like (., 1C,0 TA) slaughter of a man, delivered him to this person; Sa'eed Ibn-EI-Museiyib to mean ~ ,j [i. e. n the [vehicle called] J.~ : (TA:) Sb says IC;) whereupon the people said, st; And make ye to be witnm~ ttwo per~ of inlli. (S0, j that it signifies a human being that is the equal of gene from among you: but this rendering I , e [He has been conwigned to tAe hands of amother mnother [in weight]; distinguishing it from X,Je think questionable]. (TA.) - Also Repaymet, adl]; (?, 0;) and this was afterwards said of 'rhich, rhich, he says, is applied only to goods, or comrequital, compenation, or recompene. (I..)11 anything of which one despaired. (S, 0, V.) nnodities: modities: (IB,TA:) [but] t ieU.i~ signifies And Ranrm, (, O, Mqb, 1], TA,) when regard s,o as a prov., tMO Mo sacks (..JUj5); because each counterbalances, is/ ad therin to the meaningof qpality, or oqiva- [Meyd mentions Jo 5 without or is equiponderant to, the other. (TA.) Hence lence. (TA.) This is [said to be] the meaning in b: see Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 80.] o ir one says of the J.e of an evil judicial decision, ine 1 the phrae of the ]ur [v. 96], IlQ j ,dJi,~ ; JdS The like (IAr, Zj, O, ]) of a thing; j& [Or the ransom threof by fasting: but this is Jj, JjX J.S to [meaning They are not (IAr, O;) as also 'jV .; syn. ;L; (IAr, n7itn~ generally expl. as meaning or the lke thr~cof of vitn~ses whose testimony is approvable,but equalZj, O, ];) and -li [which signifies the same, is :ed zed loads of merchandi/e]. (TA.) And [hence fasting; (see Jd.5;) i.e., in lieu of feeding a loo] or the equal]; and so Vjt : (1 :) or, accord. a Iso] one says, .? number of poor men, one shlall fast the like ? u..l c, ~j, meannumber of days]. (?, O.) And so [accord. to to Er-Raghib, t J and 3 are nearly the iiig ig The two [mnr nmrestling] feUll together, neither some] in the saying, occurring in a trad., J f them having thrown down the other. (TA. J same; but the former is used in relation to what oj is perceived mentally, as in the phrase of the 1ur [ 3ec J.3 .j; 4,. ~"L [of which see various expla3ee alsoo.,.]) nations (including three renderings here follow- [v. 96], Li,.o WI J .jI [mentioned voce J.] J,The The equalizingof the [two burdens, or halfing) in art. .Jj]. (O, M#b.)_And Measure; and j. and t Jit, in relation to what is per- l .ads, ads, cald] 0 . (IAar, O, .) syn. J,h. (IC.) So in the phlrase w,,l ;sL ceived by tbe sense, as things weighed and things ,M,~: see what next follows, in two places. [llegae him by measure]. (TI.)_ X~: And An numbered and things measured: Ibn-'Amir, howobligatory act or dirine ordinance. (En-Nadr, ever, read .IJ J~,l; and Ks and the people of X~ .,~ Men rho pronounce witnesses to be vera0, 1g.) - And A supererogatmy act. (0, 1.)- El-Medeeneh, with fet-h [i. e. J.cJ: (TA:) or cious, /ous, and good, or righteous; (AZ, IAr, O, II, Also One who acts equitably, justly, or rightly; 11 j)o, with kear, signifies the like of the T A;) as also tVa.l; (1];) and the former is and so t (C, TA:) or the latter signifies Q1: thing in kind, (Mgh, MYb,) or in quantity, or al[so Iso applied to a man nwho does so: (AZ, O, thus: (S, 0:) and the former [particularly] sigmcasnre, or the like, (Msb,) or also in quantity, T A:") A :*) or the former is applied to a single per-


BooK I.]
son, and t i'. , TA.)




is applied to a pl. number. (AA, that she was commending him, he said that by August, 0. S.]: (AZ, TA in art. a.&.: see her saying L.ti IJ, she referred to the words of L..or :) or the days of elat k,wwn by the alpel~Z, 1SL the 1ur [lxxii. 15] lSii W;yltiil leli a-see , in four places. lation of J;. L.Z i [the most vehement heats of f;_ t[expl. voce t.U; and by her saying t Canopus]; as also jS' n_l [q. v.]. (ElJJIl,: see jx, in two plaes. It is an inf. n., to the words in the same [vi. 151] ..a .Hareeree's Durrat-el ;Ghoww.s, in I)e Sacy's of j , ($, O, M3b) said of a witness; like ' t i : .. .A'.N ,! [expl. above, sec 1]. (O.) Anthol. Gramm. Arabe, p. 37 of the Arabic and signifies The quality of a wvitness such as it text.) termed J.C [q. v.]: it is expl. as being a quality .JA A place of turning away or back; as the regard of which necessitates the guarding also J j.=: so in the saying, J.~ S l and against miat faUjls short of the requirements of J~ [There it for him no place of turning L 4.*~, with kesr to the j, (S, MA. Msb, manly virtue or moral goodene, habitually and evidently; which evidentfalling short thereof is away or backh]: (I :) pl. JtiL: Aboo-Khirash , tce.,) aor. , (S,)inf. n..)~, (S, MA, Msb, not effected by nnmaU instancew of lapses or falls says, ]P,) which is anomalous [as the verb is trans.], into wrongdoing, and by perversion of Veech, * JV/ l ;,~ ,,;t &(8,) and A;~, ($, MA, I,) or the latter is a because mistake and forretfidness are supposable simple subst., (Msb,) lie had it not, was destitute [as the causes twhereof], and interpretation not meaning [The carth having tlwose rnays in which of it, was witluut it, lacked it, wanted it,found according to the obvious meaning; but it is wlwen one may turn in various directions becomne strait such is the known and repeated practice of the to me; or] having such amplitude that by reason it not, or los it; (8, MA, Msb,* ] ;) syn. person: regard is to be had to the goodness, or thereof one may turn in it to the right and left. '%,U (, Mqb, g ;') or ;4 ~ 1 ; so says Ibnhonesty, of every individual, and his usualpractice (TA.) - And A way, course, mode, or manner, El-Kemal in the Exposition of the Hidlyeh. in respect of his apparel, and his dealing in selling of acting or conduct or t/e like: thus in the saying (TA.) And litj ,. [I sranted, or lost, such and buying, and the conveyance of goods, and j_J1 J~ .i1 [Ile took to the right way of a one]. (TA.) And j.. , [inf. n. .,] It otlher things; and when he does that which is not acting], and > 1i J~` [the false, or nrong, lacked, wanted, was nanting, was notfound, did suitable to him, without necessity, his testimony is way of acting]: and in like manner one says, not exist, or was lost; syn. W. (Agiat, M9b.) impwjned; other~ise it is not. (Msb.) - t.. Jl" j1W,,Looh ye at his evil ways of [See also.~- below.] s& i: sce first sentence: and IJI.. acting: and Jjt.J , _.. [le is one who means ., to [i.e. Ttis thing, or affair, takes a riyght direction in respect of the ways of does not ci1Ud.,: sec j., pass from me]. (S, last quarter. K, TA. [In the acting]. (TA.)


intrans.: see the next paragraph, last sentence. signifies old trees; onc of which is termed a, : j~.a, Anything straighltened, or made even: ,e,., (.C, TA,) inf. n. tl~c, (TA,) He wax, or, accord. to AhIn, ~ j.i. signifies anything (0, O, K :) [&c.: see its verb.] _J J,al j or became, foolish, or stupid; (1., TA;) being destitute of intellect, or understanding. (TA.) old. (TA.) ~ See also the next following para- see in art. jS. graph. 4. is syn. with o.i [meaning iHe made .p )- .. The angtles, or corners, of a houwe or hlim to lack, want, or lose, it, or him]: (A.iHt, ;?u~: see the next preceding paragraph, in chamber. (, 0, .) M b:) and has a second objective complement: s two places. - Also, thus correctly, as in the S, ,, . .. Im --- as see J.' , in two places. (TA, [and thus, app., accord. to the IS, though one says, i&.6 asl ..s l 'j [Sfay God not this is thought by SM, and not altogether withmahe me to lack, want, or lose, his bounty]: J -- [Right, or having a right direction; out reason, to require by its context the reading . , ') May He (i.e. God) straight, or even; equal; equable, or uniform; (Msb:) or .ii" of V'P .;, as does, app., the 0,]) eaman, not make thy bounty to departfrom me: and symmetrical, proportionate; suitable in iteeW or or mariner. (S, O, K, TA.) _- And pl. [app. iJ ;*~ .. [God made me to lack, want, in its. parts: see its verb]. ~;-applied to a U` a mistake for n. un.] of 4A,9, (I-,) which latter she-camel means Whose limbs, or members, are or lose, such a one]. (TA.)_ And lie denied means Certain Ahips or boats, (O, ], TA,) or a rendered even, one with another, (Lth, Az, TA,) him, or refused him, (Az, MA, Vg, TA,) what he [ort of] dsip or boat, (S,) or it is an epithet -And lIe including her hump and other parts; as is the sought, (Az,TA,) or a thing. (MA.)_ applied to certain ships or boats, (EM p. 58,) so case when she becomes fat: erroneously said by rendered him poor, needy, or destitute: (g,*,e called as being of J.~---, (S, O,* g, TA,) meanTA: [in the S, this meaning seems to be indiSh, on the authority of Mo4&arib, to be --- , cated by ing a city of -El-Dahrejn, (S,O, TA,) not mean. the context; but in the Ik, the context (Az, TA.) - And Of a ing, as would be imagined from the context in the belonging to art. J~. seems rather to indicate the first of the meanings ]K, the tree [said to be] thus called; (TA;) men- middling sort, in quantity, or quality; as a body expl. in this paragraph:]) in this sense, said of tioned in the poetry of Tarafeh, (S, O, TA,) in between tallness and shortness, and water beGod. (S3, , TA)-t...~. I ,c means [app. the fourth verse of his Mo'allnaah, (O, TA,) and tween the hot and the cold; and [moderate, or The thing excited my want, or made mne to ,rant temperate,] as a day of whichl the air is pleasant; thus expl. by As: (TA:) or meaning old; or it; and hence, the thing was not fiund by me; large: (0, TA:) or so called as being of a place contr. of *.U', with the pointed S. (TA.) or] I did not .find the thing. (.K.) -[And named ; , of the measure ; : (TA:) or ,jll j" ,J [app. j.WjI] means A horse I..jl signifies also IIe ma(lde it tothave no existof J.I, a man who used to construct ships or w/we ;. [or blaze] occupies the middle of his ence; to be non-existent; or hc annihilated it; boats: or of a people nho used to alight and forehead, not reaching to one of the eyes nor or did anay :ith it; agreeably withd explanations abide in Hoer. (0, ]g.) inclining upon one of the cheehs. (A0, TA.) of the inf. n. (.lI) in the KL and PS &c., 3~.;: see J ~, latter half, in two places. _ .al.l signifies [Days moderate in tempe- and with present usagc.] .- a~! as intrans., Also An attributer of a copartner, or of co- rature; or] pleasant, not hot, days. (TA.) And (Kr, S, Msb, k,) inf. n. l.1 and t, (Kr partners, to God. (S, TA.) A woman is related andj' as inf. ns. of,_ll, and ;,jZ'.jl is applied to Forty nights of varying, K, TA,) like.. to have said to El-Ilajjlij, J tt.l ; [by or alternating, heat and a_ aa(l as of;--, and t 'jand~ cold, commencingfrom . which she meant 0 deriaterfrom the rightcours; the [auroral] rising of Suheyl [or Canopus, as of.a.JI, or rather tlhe latter in every one of 0 attributerof a copartner, or of copartners,to which, in Central Arabia, at the commencement these instances is a simple subst., as ISd sais, God;] ( 0,* O ;) whereupon, the people thinking of the era of the Flight, was about the 4th of (TA,) signifies HIc (a mnian, S) wvas, or became, Bk. I. 2.!)

An old, taU tree: Ce:) or#

C.~, erroneously,

Jj~ : see J~,


. L.])

former half, in seven places.



[Boox I,

[in EI-Yemen]:_hence, ,'$~, meaning poor, needy, or destitute; (Kr, S, Mqb, V;) as possessed of good fortune; [properly,] he attains ; a in Highly-prized garments: and an epithet applied witat othmr are denied. (1.) It is said (TA.) also ;-.. to L14 [pl. of J1] worn by young women, or (M U.!'. !i3jAJI ,St1 trad., theoloMuslim the of phrase the ;1 in 7. girls:_ and hence likewise .. c is an epithet also [meaning The ting and TA in art..o.l: expl. voce,Mdl.) -See l/ li .i~gians applied to a man as meaning Gen~rous in natural exi.ted, and became non-e.rxtent,] is a barbarism. ;.a. dispositiorn: (TA:) [or this may be from what (I,' TA.) 1 signifies also One wro next follows:]-;. see the next paragraph. ;..: .i1i ntJI in X~, (Mgh, Myb, 1K,) aor., and ', reavet [the garnments called] C 1. and *;,j are inf. ns. of the trans. verb inf. n. XJ and a., (Msb, K,) He remained, j.; , (i, M, 1,) or the latter is a simple subst., stayed, dnielt, or abode, in it, (Mgh, Msb, K5,) (Mqb,) and each signifies, as also .uL, Lack, namely, a place, (Mgh, Msb,) or a country, or or want, as meaning non-poseion; or loss; [of town. (].) Whence, (M.b, ],) or from %;z.: a thing, and of a quality, or faculty, &c.;] and said of camels as expl. in what, follows, (S,) by predominance of application, lack, &c., of .' , (S, Msb, K,) [applied to Paradise,] property or wealth; (J, TA;) and departure Y. . of abode, (S, Mob,) or gardens Gardens meaning thereof; and paucity thereof; (TA ;) or poverty, a. the of perpetual abode. (TA.) And .LJ1 neodines, or destitution. (S in explanation of as town, first and second; respecting the latter of which, means I took f(r. myself the country, or of see 4, last sentence.) [Also Non-performance a home, or settledplace.of abode. (S.)_ And an act; and non-observance of a duty &c. And j1 , (S, TA,) i ;..c (8, M 9b TA) ikeLack, or want, as meaning non-existence; and aors. as above, (Mob, TA,) and so the inf. ns., absence; or the state of being lost.] (TA,) The camels kept to such a place, not quitting it: (S:) or remained, or stayed, (Msb, TA,) in such a place, in the pasturage, (TA,) or pasturing upon the [plants, or trees, called] S: see..J.


it, which, as is Ney.sdboor [app. from ,.~ said in the TA, is in Neysaboor]. (TA.) [i. e. of remaining, 6l/. A place of o`, of men in a place, or abiding, or dwelling, staying, see 1]. (TA.) &c.: pasturage the in of camels :) but in (S, sea: the of -Also The shore the phrase s.AJI CI.lay in a verse of Lebeed, it is said that he meant Xs, [of El-Yemen], adding the I by poetic license; or some other place: ( :) Sh says that it there means a place on the shore of the sea: and AHeyth related it with keer to the . (TA.) And (IS, TA) accord. to IAr (TA) it signifies The side of a river. (V, TA.) - And A period of en years: one says, I lj, [They tarried during a period of a~en o i. e. fourteen years. years], (!, TA,) and (TA.)

a_: (Msb, TA:) or _tl i U- &7 camels found the b.~ to be wholesome the TA;) i. e., without, as though [meaning] lacking, .l.; A company (AA, 1, TA) of men: (AA, fator increased, and 1I1]), [for (3j.... A L: sa~. And -plants, or herbage. (TA.) (AA, 1g, TA:) or this latter and kept thereto: (g, TA:) TA:) pl. ,Al,Iua: sheep, or goat, of which it head is whvite and the tened, thereon, distinct bodies, of mmn: (?, or accord. to AZ, the verb is used of camels only signifies parties, ret differing tAerfrom. (1.) J . means in relation to the w,a~ : or, as some say, it is TA:) and accord. to IAar .lAi or abiding. dwelling, staying, epithet remaining, the and men in relation to anything: (TA:) follows. next what also See (TA.) t i t, (S, ]1,) without ;, (TA,) is applied to a Not having, being without, lacking, want-; she-camel of which this verb is used; (S, K;) .i.l cs' A piece, or patch, in the bottom, or loer ing, not finding, or having lot: one says, , ; l -, i .l.(TA.) and its pl. is part, 'of a leathern bucket; (S, ;) as also He is one not having, wnithout, lack~'l., (TA,) He dunged, or t ~l,.: (~ aor. , (1,) inf. n. i, (:) or at the extremities of the loop ing, &c., the likaes [or like]; and J..fl .M land; as also t Yic. (1.)_ the (AA, manured, water-bag called] ;;l: [leathern the of [destitute of goodne, g~ntlene, bencience, &e.]: (TA,) He TA:) or any piece that is added in tthe [large w,s, And iy4JI * J, (5,)' inf n. [She is destitute of goodand J;; i' 1.; ' marred the tree with an axe or the like. (1.)- leathern bucket called] .,;., like the ai" in the ne, &c.]. (TA.) - And Poor, needy, or deti(TA,) le shirt: (ISh, TA:) pl. .!iJS. 62d, (.,) infn.X. j, (S, .) tute; ($, M b, 5;) as also t.;,, (],) and jl~ . [mean,U tIhe wvith TA) (~, stone the out pu~led ,* , (Myb, TA,) which ($,) and ",, 1lc, signifying A time, [as also ,C1s,] is Q. Q. 1. last occurs in a trad. as meaning the poor who ing hoe]. (TA.) _ See also said by some to be of the measure j d [a uas becone, by rea~On of the presure of his ivant, Also, end. the near 1, see .O: i wo~j L. mistranscription for JW.] from ~L; but Pr as thowjh himself wre not existing, or lot:.: inf n. ,. .a3, He smote the ground C'.'l%, i. e. held it to be more probably of the measure i " signifies having no property; as also ,: [or pickaxe], (1, TA,) to put it from ,Trl and j,aiI,, in the place of which [i. e. with thej). in j' measure the of is it and huaving nothing: in a good state [app. for cultivation, by breaking in art. ac] it has been mentioned. (TA.) and its pl. is it up]. (TA.) 1 ,lu ., He added a piece, the sense of the measure J: Swift; (8, TA;) applied to a camel: Uj..d?, t~j; erroneously said in the 1I to be pl. of r called 4a., in one side of the hide of which the (TA:) or strong, robust, or hardy; (1,TA;) ;.%!. (TA.)_..-Also Stupid;foolish; (V, TA;) ,. [or large leatkern bucket] was made, to so applied: (TA:) or whose origin is referred to destitute of intellect, or understanding. (TA.) render it of fuU dimensions, it being [too] small. a certain stallion, (1,TA,) named i,,a;ji; And Insane; demented. (IAVr, Az, l,* TA.) (ISh, TA.) [And probably, He added to the (TA;) or to a certain land, (I, TA,) so named. r *an L~ (q. v.) of any kind.] ~ And ja. (TA.) (V, and so in copies of the S,) or ,1A, said of a drinker, He becamefud. ($.) ~?t [act. part. n. of 1:] as an epithet applied t;~L, (so accord. to other copies of the $,) A TA, the to ~A, (1 accord. l.sI;: see 1, latter half. 1. az; Q. Q. LQ. to a she-camel; pl. sort of fresh ripe dates found in El-Medeenesh, ($, 15,) that are late [in ripening], (1.,) or that and so in the TA in art. >O, as on the authority (S, 01)meaning Tall palm-trees ($) [or riL come the lat offresh ripe dates. (v.) (so in the CK and in my of Az,) or t , hua palm-trees &c. (see art..j)] MS. copy of the 1g,) The palm-tree became such the tallest of the portion appropriated to l.a: see M,, in two places. in nientioned been as is termed lap (] , TA) i. e. taU [&c., n. un. words of which the last radical letter is j, ($, J,) ;..,a [Lacking, wanting, notfound, not exit. of ' l , mentioned in art. so]. (TA.) (TA:) or they as being of the measure X of which it is the part. n.] ing, or lot: see.~., called because of their long remaining; .. -means He is fortunate, oir u" Of, or bdoning to, [the place called] are so Il ._j

Land such as is termed tLiZ ; (8, ..A j,,,b



Boox I.]


-- J~


means Leame thou this, and trn from it to 4j from the word being of the measure t . OsLtjI: (Ham p. 712:) [it is a coll. gen. n.:] another; and is app. from the phrase J him, than to other anxicty thy UJ1 [Turn P, n. un. with . (., O, ., all in art. s.) altogether being or it]; the objective complement ,, (., Mgh, Mqb, K],5&c,) and accord. to left out, so that the verb becomes as though it also, but this is not of esta- were intrans.; and there are many instances some G..t blished authority, (TA,) A mine; i. e. a place similar to this in the language: (Har p. 478:) [meaning natio one says,. JI of the origination of the,1i; I turned away from orm] of gold and the like: (g:) the place of the me anxicty: and [hence] you say to him who origination of anything, (Lth, Mqb, I, TA,) as ' t .'., meaning d pursued you, Ji qf gold, and of silver, and of other tlings: (Lth, has TA:) or the gold, and silver, [and any other Turn thou the beast upon which thou art riding
metal or mineral, such as is of value,] created by

God in the earth: (Mgh:) so called because the

people thereof' remain there (S, Mgh, Msb, O)

always, (Ig,) summer and winter; (., Mgh, Mlb ;) or because the native ore created therein by God has remained fixed in it; (Msb; [and the like is said in the Mgh and ] ;]) or, as some 'tl 4js meaning "I pulled out say, from the stone:" (yHam p. 81 :) the pl. is itZ. (TA.) It signifies also A place of fednes of anything. (., TA.) And ;t1 signifies also Origins, or wources. (TA.) [Hence the saying,] Ja).j..b

thy spechA: (, TA:) T 'i'Pl is th eceedin what is right; and it is sometimes in the may of aggreon;and sometimes in the way of requtal; and instances of the usage of its verb in both of these manners occur in the lCur ii. 190: (ErF Rigbib, TA :) the first and third of the inf. ns. of Ix, mentioned above, occur in the 1ur vi. 108 accord. to different readings: (S, TA:) and signifies sheer, or an[it is said that] X l;.Jll miacd, m~ronj or unjust or iqjurious or tyrannical conduct: ( :) or, as some say, the worst of [such conduct, i. e., ojJ e.ti.;'s9, in strength, or 'L , towards other than me: (TA:) and L5j -deed, or state or condition.' (TA.) - And I, meaning Turn thou thine eye from what thou vl& He acted corruptly torwards him. (TA.)seest. (S.) [See an ex. of the first of these verbs And 1 [J$, .He had his property stolen, and in the YHam p. 125.] One says also, j.1l ,Is was wronged (TA.) And AQhl 1, al3 Tthe thing, or affair, passedfrom inf. n. ;t. [said in the TA to. be like and Vt ;,

tJlt [Hejer is famous as theplace ofproduction of datea]. (8 in artL C,.) And [hence] one

, aor. as above, [inf. n. c,] lie wvent, or or it. (I, TA.)_-And Ixs, (g,) or lA passed, beyond it; exceeded it; or transyresed [or pickae], (g, TA,) resem- it. (., TA.*) So in the saying j;; I,.; [He ,~, (Mb,) aor. .;,, (Msb, g,) inf. n. ;.' j,jL @~,~ A vwent, or pa&ed, beyond his proper limit; exc~ded (S, Mgh, Msb, I() and tla and,~. and lj3~ bling a asU. (TA.) it; or trans~resed it]: and in like manner, and .;I, (K,) signifies e. .ie ran; or [i. c. u* ,r'~ [A large leathern bucket] having a ~J;l ? 5.~ and signify lie vent, or rose in his running]; ($, , TA;) said of a man l;.l it swed upon its piece, or patch, called L, passed, beyond, &c., wvhat vas true, or right; and of a horse: (TA:) or he went a pace nearly bottom, or lower part, (S, ];,) in consequence of , and Jl, 4s. (TA.) tG1 tlhe same as that termed JJj1 &, (Msb, TA,) not so 1jJI its having been rent in that part. (S. [See also and so t. I , a saying in which the vulgar errone- quick, (TA,) or awhich is not so quick, (Mel,) as A boot having a piece l,^ ,.~ . 2.]) And that termed 5 .: (Mob, TA:) or he went a added at the end of tle shank, so as to widen it. ously omit the interrogative l, mcans Does not tha: he transgres that vwhich is right w,ho begins by pace less quick than $o and more so tihn (TA.) acting injuriously? (TA.) And it is said li (TA in art. ~a.:) or [he went quickly, or ~.-- One who extracts the masses af stone t Vhat wras biting to the tongue sntiflly; for] j l I jJ.J p..l: (M6gh:) [or signifies iaJl from a mine, seeking to find in them gold and the it became that so degree, excessive to an attained or moderately or gently whether ran, he rather like, (Qg, TA,) aJfter having then broken them in became case, or affair, the that meaning acid: he ran ya signifies it often that vehenently: pieces. (TA.) distressing. (S in art. w,oA.)- And &XcI.~, mdntly is shown by the prov. o.2 .- t LS.Ut ' also pronounced ~.~, Of, or bee[ , who is SulJhk, than running in vehement ; More 1~) and Msb, Mgh, (S, :ij and ;,s n. inf. longing to, a mine; mineral; and metallic. by and horses; flect outstripped have to said (ISd, Msb, 1O) and (M M , 1)b, and c And A mineral; and a metal: pl. ;~a.u.] same the signifies U. Vt numerous exs. :] and S, ijlj.c (ISd, O) and ~j.s; (g;) and 1 CI,, denoting a quick pace. (TA in art. as wrongacted ;) lle 1 Myb, (., C; and t .$ fully, unjustly, injuriousdy, or tyrannicaly,against ,~.)-And [hence, perhaps,] fiJl lI., aor. him; (S, Msb, ];) and transgressed against ivater ran. (TA.)- ~, l X alJ, tThe 1. ;tlJ, (Mgh, 19,) first pers. j.s, (M 9b,) him, or exceeded the proper limit against him: He pased (., Msb:) [and ah acted aggressively against (S, ],) in n. ;, and X 'l; as also ; 1,; aor. j.i, (Mgh, M9b,) [inf. n. ;,] from it, (Mgh, Myb, 1],) namely, a thing, or an him; agreeably with an explanation of the inf. n. (]g;) signifies He, or it, diverted him; or turned him away, or back; (S, i ;) and occupiedhim so affair, (],) to another, (High, Mb 9 ,) and lejf of the last of these verbs in what follows: (see :)] or he acted as to divert him; (Js ;) from the thing, or affair. Ilo signifies the same; (] ;) an ex. in a verse cited voce it; ( ;) and (S, TA. See ( ,*];) and in like manner with ecessive wongfuln~, &c., against him: ($, l.) You say, ,lj ;.. as also , ;t; last sentence the I~signifies the same as a,t., voce 3j.: and oee also "; (Mb ;) [but I (Mgh:) and ' t n. , in L one says, iJL do not find this elsewhere, and think that cor- the other verbs here mentioned; (IC, TA;) of the first paragraph of art. >,.). _ ^' [i. e., app., Evil, or miscAhisf, means me agreeably whence (TA) one says, ;JJ; t. u rectly one should say, ~t *:,; him, or it]. (TA. [See a signimefrom reac,hed in with what here follows:] the saying lj ' t J Thou hAst deatedfrom that vhicAh is right
1, p. 10 7 .]

[lie is a natural Jt ; says,oSI worW of goodneu and generosity], meaning that he was created with a disposition thereto. (TA.) cedes;] or tte going, or pasting, beyond, or the t Tley are generous in exceeding, a limit, or the usual limit: and inconm*; ll; [And y, respect of their origins: see a verse cited voce patibility to coalesce. (TA.) - And [hence,]

him. (TA. [See an ex. in the first paragraph 5ta of art.,a~.]) And the Arabs say, -'jl .ael, meaning Verily the mange, or scab, passes from him that has it to him that is near to him so that the latter becomes mangy, or scabby. (Msb.) And M. 0jl i %Jl.;c C [app. meaning Such a one did not leave, or, accord. to an explanation of the verb in a similar phrase in Har p. 333, did tot de.y, his doing such a thing]. (S.) Accord. to Er-RLghib, .jil primarily signifies Transition; [whence what here pre-

but in the C 1i~,] and ~;1j

and .1,


TA,) but in the M written with Olamm and fet-l. [i. e. J lj.~ and J;lj,~], (TA,) said of a thief, He stole tit ~1l [meaning goods, or utensils ',. u lo. and furniture]. (g, TA.) And He stole wvhat wvas behind him: (A in art. ,J :) [or he acted wrongfully in respect of what was i is expl. by the pt> t behcind him: for] j

CJ.[so that it app. means words ,, A thief who' has acted *nrongfUllyin respect of wvhat was behind one, and stolen it]. (0 and ]C , (l. , TA,) in n. t in that art.) ... And lealed upon him, IHe also 3~, (TA,) signifies


2409 '

1978 fication of 4.])Wm ' signifies I hated him, to the purification termed o,

[Boox I.
and to washing. himro run, whether gently or moderately or him, He foled the pillow. mntly: or, as sometimes used,] he made (TA.) -olJI ;o,p, pace the to go ($,) him, desired (g, TA,) or (TA.) - 5.4 slsjbt&He lowered one of the three termed u: (S, I, TA:) or he made him to go ! stones upon wvhich the cooking-pot rested, in order a pace nearly the same as that termed ;, that it (the pot) might incline upon the fire. (Msb, TA,) not so quick, (TA,) or rhich is not (s, Jr,) inf. n. so quick, (Msb,) as that termed : (MN ', (TA.) - ;^M b, ,la;l signiTA: [see 1, latter half:]) and t fies the same. (S.) 8: see 1, first quarter, in two places: and see 4. - [Hence ~j.uO said of a verb, It was, or be-. and IS.I came, transitive.]-j,JI *S.: .U: see 1, se~ond quarter, in two places.I;.W Tiey found milk, (., TA,) which the drank, (TA,) and it rendered them in no need of wine: (J4, TA:) so in the copies of the g; but correctly, off esh-mat, as in the M. (TA.) And They found pasturagefor their cattle, and it rendered tlwm in no need of prchasingfodder, He took, or " $ (g,TA.) .- And 'a receivted, the dowry, or bridal gft, of sch a woman. (V.) 6.d 'i1 LpW The people, or party, became ajected, [or infected,] or smitten, (S,TA,) one with the disease of another, or one with the like of the diea of another: ($:)or died, one after another, ($, TA,) in one month, and in one year. (TA.) And Jtl ,.,W The camels died in grat ,t j~d numbers. (TA.) - And.*. The people, or party, came upon me coneuti~vly nith their aid, or assistance. (TA.) - One says ptW (S, .K) from ;j.a,I (S) meanalso, .AI ing The people, or party, treated, or regarded, one another with enmity, or hostility. (C.)_ L; j>.W (S, IO) The case, or affair, And that was between tlhem became in a bad, or corrupt, state, (s,) or complicated, intricate, or confused, so as to be a subject of disagreement, or difference, between them. (g.) - And t5OLw JXLI The place was, or became, dissimilar in its several parts; and uneven. (TA.) And La., C C [hence] one says, >Ls11 S

or it. (ISd, 1.) _ 1 is also a verb by which one makes an exception, with C [preceding it] and without .: (S, g ) you say,[The people, or party, came to $UI Itj it i5 )4 [which ' me, except Zeyd]; and t "i-

means the like]; putting what follows it in the T2 (8, ) and ;li., (g,) He made a succesaccus. case; the agent being implied in it: (: sion, ofone to the other, betrnween the two animals [see this expl. in what has been said of . as of tihe chase, (?, ~,) by throwing down one of used in the same manner:]) accord. to MF, it them immediately after the other, (S,) in one is a verb when what follows it is put in the j'O [or heat]. (S, ]i.) Imra-el-leys says, accus. case; and when what follows it is put in [describing a horse,] the gen. case, it is a particle, by common coisent: (TA: [and the like is said in the * Mughnee; i.e., that it is similar to ;. in respect of the explanations there given of the different usages of this latter; but that Sb did not know it [And he mnade a succession, of one to the other, to have been used otherwise than as having the betroen a wild bull and a wild cow, by running 5 down one after the other in a single heat, over.~. 1 quality of a verb:]) one says, il I. [i. e. I saw them, taking wuinterruptedly, and not breaking outrwith . and 1 , meaning suffused therexccept thy brother]: and sometimes it governs water (i. e. seat) so as to become like manner In 49.]) p. EM [See (S. with]. Az the gen. case without L&: thus in the M: piercing, or T7e means ;bta,,jl C says, [as though regarding it as only a particle,] also govern it to uninmake other, when you suppress [L], you thrusting, two men, one after the [sometimes] the accus. case as meaning 'l and you make it terruptedly. (TA.)-.And ;.! in running; him rowith contended, or vied, I signifies 5' to govern the gen. case as meaning _..) art. in (A j,lJI. from alm., q. u i. (TA. ... O ~* He passed from, or beyond, 4. (8, ],,) inf. n. 5j., (1,) He made 9. ;tI, f p affair: H or a to affair, an or a thing, [from pas to htim, or it, the ~. in b so o thing, the to ,another, him, to pasor it, Aa; another: see 1, first sentence]: (S, :) and he made it to pass through, and go beyond; syn. (TA.) But in the M it is said, s1.01 .l~ Bigto him. from ,another of nifies The phrase of ao, ., ii! .. ,40. (].)_-Hence a disease passed 1aJ a phas 1.) -Hence ,I Og. L,,$&,I, CO~ 6~J ~> Al,&. says, one And a_(TA..) S . .. . the grammarians, [generally meaning t The ma- (TA.) And one says, one a Such e. i. TA,) (S, <>.., or 0, ac 44 or Et, , king the verb transitive,] as in "~~{ [Zeyd tent forth and I made him to go forth]. made someehat of huis natural dirposition, or of a (TA.) - See also 1, first quarter, in seven disease, or malady, that was in him, or of mange, places: - and again, in the latter half, in two or scab, to pass [from him] to such a one; [or infected him therewith; (see two exs., in a verse places. and a hemistich, cited in the first paragraph of art. v ;)] and 4 l,jW signifies the same: and TA,) ], (8, ;l;ba_, n. inf. 8., (, TA,) . enmity, with him, lie treated him, or regarded S~ He made his companion to acquire *cG ^_to . s , ,. . . _ or hostility:] the verb in this phrase is that of , , -the like of wrhat was in him. (TA.) And L.qod i ., --a:!d is 3L, which the epithet 1~ is said of the mange, or scab, &c., meaning It is j1. subst. is the subst. n the epithet whichthe paussesfrom him that has it to another; ($, 1(;) three the of .ne fromu perhaps (], TA.) [It is phrases next following]. sl j.. signifies and in like manner one says of a disease, He was, or became, distant, or aloof, from the V (Nh, TA:) but it is said in an explaISm ) [i.e. A thing thing; or he made the thing to be, or become, nation of a trad., 40; by its own agency pass not does disease) (meaning you And (TA.) distant, or aloof; syn. oSZ.


a,j V- meaning ' to a thing]. (S, TA.) [Therefore] one says, of ';iC)w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ say, o;jI, j o1.W [app. Such a one will not the mange, or scab, [or the like,] ,u, ,ol.l God 1jw|;d iJ ~.s~eIt it to passfrom him that had it to one that to be, becmermmade maorme make me to be, or become, remote, or alooffrom , was near to him, so that he became affected therewith. (M.b.) - One says also, of a man, .a 't" him, nor wi he comply with me: but s made ev or mischief properly signifies he rwill not tahe from me .the A ,WI, Lq~l He has made evil, or mischie' , 1f ' ~ or blowit]. (TA.) And See also 1, near the to cleave to men (TA.) (TA.') And kc . ,, or b/oodit]. 4 1.l He aided, .j')1 Draw aroay thy lg, or foot, from the middle, in two places.-&"" .ijtl He or auisted, him, (S, Mgh, Msb, g,) and strengthgroud. (TA.) And pa'.I Qc it,) of the ened him, (g,) against him; (S, Mgh, Mob, li;) (consisting furniture the raied [partially] the and avenged him of him; (S, Msb;) namely, one with contact from saddle and saddblcoth) b.) And who had wronged him. (S, Mgh, M 9 (ISh, him]. by bearable it reider to camd [so as against accusation his heard judge) (a He 1.~l [~me.)l He took A TA in art. ;jU.) -_ adversary. his bring to commanded and another, TA,) (l, it, rwhat] from his hair: or he raised mo.l,t(., Mqb, g, TA,) namely, a in wasing it: or he neglected it, and did not oil (Mgh.) and also a man, (TA,) [He made TA,) (., horse, i time after time it subjected he or it: it, or anoint

Wz4I 9~,) C i.e. [In my nech is a pain from the unevenness of the piUow from] the uneven place. (TA.) - And p1,W lie, or it, was, or became, distant, remote, far off, or aloof, (8,* from him, or it. (., TA.)~ K,. TA,) , Ij,W They vied, competed, or contendedfor s riority, in going the pace termed ,.JI [meaning

in running]. (I, TA.) 8: see 1, second quarter, in three places.. ii'o1, t in supplication [to God] is The eee=ding
the limits of the [Prophet's] rule, or usage, that has been transmittedfrom generation to generation. (TA.) 10. signifies Te asking, or demand-

ing, of aid, or assstance, (Mgh, M9b,) and of vengeance, or avengement, (Mgh,) and of
strm hening: (Mb :) and also the act of aiding, 1..,I He or assisting. (Mgh.) You say, prince, Cr the (i.'e. ain of askhed, or demanded, aid, or b) M Meh, , commander or governor, 9 hims, against assistance, (?, Mgh, MSb, ,) (., Mgh, M 9b,) namely, one who wronged him:

.BooK I.] (Mgh, Msb:) [or,] acoord. to El-Khuw4resmee (wbo derives it from SI-M signifying igi.1 ( ip; TA; [see both voce l;, (, and so S Ihat sentence;]) thus in the M; (TA;) and the S q~ .1] pl. is fi, ; (C, TA;) or this last signifies h. 1S. [or ad ':,*W), means he asked, or demanded, of the judge, that [particularly] the side of a valley, and so do he should make his foot-mss~ngers to run in quet (TA:) the pl. of ij and of his antagonist and to bringhim, for the purpos t USJ and *tU; of exacting from him his right, or due. (De t j is nc [o and i; f j.] ; aso. (.) Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, sec. ed., iii. 100. [And signifies also An elevated place; . an explanation similar to this, but not a similar -And derivation, is indicated in the Mgh by an expla- and so ' o.&: (AA, 8, ]:) pl. [as above, i. e. See also 4, last sen- of both] *.1~and [of the former] ,. [also]. (I. [In some copies of the I5, the latter pl. is .;l; but it is in the CI~ as u;, a verb, or a preposition, or both, written ,;l,; copies of in my above, thus as ;tC,. correctly denoting an exception: see 1, last sentence. the S; and perhaps ,.A& may also be a pl., i.e. of . an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.].XI j 1,ib ojA, being thus written accord. to the TA in 1;N means He did thus openly, or publicly. copies of the S.]) -And A placefarextending: (TA.) (.K, TA:) mentioned by ISd. (TA.) - See as stated by Freytag, has and ':;-see also i'1. -:. ._[Reiske, J;: see also as signifying "Atrium, impluvium expl. ij. in two places: and S~4 [or l~]: see 0,j, domus :" but this the former has app. done from .t, last sentence. his having found ;3,. erroneously written for U~,: see the next paragraph. ~[It is also a ;-.] oj ~ signifies also The kind of plants, or herbage, termed 'ai; i. e., in which is sweetpl. of .',, q. v.] ness. (TA.) : LS. The stones of a grave; as also t 3.b~: see ;a~, in three places: - and see (KL :) [i. e.] the broad stones with which the [oblong excavation called] _J is covered over: also '.W..[Frcytag states, as from the Deewan (AA, TA:) or a thin stone wvith which a thing is of the Hudhalees, that, accord. to some, it signi. concealed, or covered over; as also t Crs; (K, fies A stone with which a grave, or a well, is TA;) the latter written in [a copy of] the M covered: and that the pl. is t :W: this latter, if t :1', like but [the former explanation correct, is a quasi-pl. n.: but perhaps it is correctly b'.A; seems to be the more correct, for] it is added in j.M see L5.t first sentence.] - E the K that one thercof is termed Vt ; and [app. p ly,or perhaps ; . 1] signifies accord. to this, the word expl. above [or each of Remote affairs. (TA.) the two words expl. above] is a pl. (TA. [See f.;s Mange, or scab, or other disease, that also ;j..])_And Any piece of wood thlat is pa.ves, or is transitive,from one to anotlher; (S, put between two [other] pieces of wood. (.1,* I, TA;) a transitive disease; and such is said in two places: and ,tt, TA.).See also i;j, and the ,,., and the .~, and to be the .p, last sentence: - and i'C": _ and :*... - [It and the ,%, and the the a.5-, and the *., is also a pl. of s, which see in two places. -] kSp. '9 (Kull p. 259.) You say, s'.... 1 And .S~ is used as a prefixed n. for ;~ as syn. with ~.5. (Fr; .S and L in art. ~.j, q. v.) 5jJ.: i. tj Do not thou bring him near to him, for in him is a disease such as the mange, _-Henee .jJ. 3j [inf n. un. of 1~: pi. ; or scab, that is transitivefrom one to another. l A.,~ 3 OjL J, expl. (TI.)_ And The transitionofthe mange, or scab, jS3 l,js the saying, lj. or other disease,from him that has it to another: See another reading of voce :gl, in art. (S, K, TA, TK :) the subst. from .~. said of this saying voce U ].- -. [Hence also,] one the mange, or scab, expl. above, as meaning "it Hi has a a hement run of passes" &c. (Msb. [See 1, first quarter.]) It j~J says, .N. ;l of l,.. (Myb)., inf. n. termed the hind k$a ' is said in a trad., 5j.~ 9, i. e. I ,r 1 ;ac~ means The extent of the eyesight. :tc [A thing (meaning disease) does not pass by -0 [app. its own agency to a thing]; (S;) or [lit.] there (TA.) And one says, u;a1 ij~ meaning He, or it, is at the distance of a bow- is no transition of the mange, or scab, or other disease,from him that has it to another. (TIv.) iot from me]. (TA.) - See also oj.And i. q. tlj [i. e. Badness, corruptness, unQi,--- is used in poetry as a pl. of ;j~ .[app. soundness, &c.]. (., TA. [In the C.K errone3j, 1 but in what sense is not shown]. (TA.) ously written in this sense t.~0; which, how($, Mqb, ],) the former of ever, being an inf. n. of G. in the phrase 1.c ;j~ and Vt ., the dial. of ]ureysh and the latter of the dial. of .c, q. v., may be correctly used as having the I~eys, (Mqb,) and V }'p , (I,) all mentioned by same, or nearly the same, meaning.]) So in the ISd, (TA,) The side ofa wly; (?, Myb, ,;) saying, u; ~ [In him, or it, is badnes, &c.]. as also t i&.; (1;) which lasut likewise eigni-. (TI.) Also A demand that on makes upon a nation of olJ,c tence. q. v.]) -

1979 orportion; prefect, or governor, [orjude,] to aid, or assist, fle [abolutel;] a idd, or lateralpart him against him who has wronged him, i. e. to inflict penal retribution on him, (IF, S, Meb,) for his wrongdoing to him. (IF, Mgb.) - And Aid, or assistance, against a wrongdoer, ($, Mgh, TA,) required of a judge, for the bringing into his prence the antagonist: and also applied to a signt, or a [sealed] piece of clay, given by the judge as a tokm to denote the summoning of him whoe presence is required. (Mgh.) TIj. (S, K) and t ;k and ' 1 (O) Distance, or remoteness, (S, , TA,) as also t ,S, (yHam p. 377,) [or particularly] of a house, or an abode, or a dwelling. (S, TA.) [Hence,] one says,3j,4 ~JU; Tleir distance, or remoteness, one from another, and their sepa. ration, was, or became, long. (TA.) -Also (i. e. the first and t second and t third words) Occupation, or business, that turns one away, or signifies bach, from a thing: (I, TA :) or 1 a custom, or habit, of occupation or business: si.~$ , the hindrances, or impe ,1 (TA:) and 4 diments, of occupation or business: (S, TA:) and one says, 1l~ gsI U t~l. i. e. [Thou camest to me wvhen I was engaged] in an occupation that diverted [mefrom thee]: (so in one of ;: my copies of the S:) the pi. of t il 3 is (TA:);JI ~,I. means the accidents, or casualties, of time or fortune, that divert [or interrene as obstacles] by occupying or busying: ( :) and you say, ls t z.c, [lit.] meaning Things, or events, turning away, or back, turned, or have turned, away, or back; [but this phrase, when followed by 4.. or X', I would rather render, simply, obstacles occurred, or halu occurred;] ($, TA;) thus in the latter of two verses cited voce ,l5~ means The sh,iing, (S.)_,X .;. and varying, of time or fortune. (TA.) - And s1~.What has serely affected, distressed, 1JI or afflicted, its sufferer, of the yearning, or longing, of the soul, or of longing desire. (TA.)_ signifies also A ,- l [i. e. bea.t, or And I saddle, or thing on which one rides,] that is not easy - (] :) or, accord. to As, a place where he who sits thereon is not in a state of ease: and one 4 ; s i. e. [I came says, sij~5 upon a beast, or saddle, &c.,] that was not easy: 5ic, d "5 tile last (S:) and 1SI' Lt word imperfectly decl., i. e. [I came to thee upon a horse] that wna not easy: (TA:) and , jc. S HBe sat upon an uneven thing or place; (M, TA;) the last word imperfectly decl., as is Dry, hard, land; said by ISd. (TA.) -Also (]r, TA ;) sometimes occurring in a weeU nwhen it is dug; and sometimes it is stone,firom which the digger turns aside: and one says, %:l Wl;l sLjj, meaning land that is not ouen, or plain; not easy to walk or ride or lie upon: or, Rs some say, it means a rough, rugged, place: or an eleoated place upon which the camel lies down and then reclines thereon upon his side, having by his side a dpressed place, which cause him to tend downwards, in consnc whereof kh becomes in


1980 th tate ter~ud C, [weak, or languid, and raable to rie,] i. e. in the condition of extending his body to,ards the low place whil his legs are UpOn tahe , which is the eleated, so that he is umable to rie, and dies. (TA.) _ And [it is said that] "lj;;ll also signifies leU .t-U [app. LL61,meaning A little, or brief, making of a camel to lie down upon thae breast, as is done on the occasions of mounting and dismounting &e.]. (TA.) L.~ and . [are rel. ns. of wlhich only the fernm. forms are mentioned, in what here follows]. ,0 and I are rel. ns. of i. as meaning "the kind of plants, or herbage, termed Li'," the former reg. and the latter irreg.; and ). [pl. of t Ar or of ,%] is a poessive epithet [from the same], without the relativo LS: [all are app. applied to camels, as meaning Ifavingfor theirpasture tie plants, or herbage, called ;S , above mentioned: but it is immediately added,] and .,a ~ and ~ applied to camels signify that pasture upon the [plants calld],, : (TA:) and */lj and [the pl.] l;, so applied, have this latter meaning accord. to the M and 1J: but accord. to the S, they are applied to camels as meaning abiding among tla [trees called] seL, not quitting them, and not pasturing upon the ', L; and so is [the pl.] .1.s. (TA in another portion of this art.) [See also Z2L, in art. jc.] S-jJs being a rel. n. of s, ee in art. ,j. of prey by the Prophet: (Mgh:) one G and sl . (Msb.) ys C

[BooK I.

a woman of the Arabs, Ji;l4 CJW J


[In the ., immedi- [May the Lord of the be of the univere mae ately after the words ,wl t. J' it is added, thy enemy to rejoice at thy affliction]: (S, TA:)

the fem. form ofj. is (S, M,b,) M, which is and hence their saying, jl ' ,~ j .j oULf.n said by Az to be used when the meaning of an C15o; and thus I find the saying cited as from epithet is intended: (Mqb:) it is said by ISk, tie S in arts. .5~and .3u of the PS: but I (S, TA,) and in the " Bari'," (Msb,) that there think that 9;. and i , here, are mistranis no instance of the measure Jyi in the sense scriptions for ;1'~ and ;l, as I find them of JU but its fem. is without 1, except ,jjc, written in my copies of the . and TA in the arts. (S, M9 b, 1,) in the phrase ali i.j~ . [TLds above mentioned: see 3 ., above; and see woman is the enemy of God]: accord: to Fr, .1/ in art. j,3., where it seems to be clearly ij~ has the affix i to assimilate it to a.i; shown that .l is correct, as pl. of l*j.]-_ for a word is sometimes formed to accord with Also, (S, I5, and YIam p. 81,) and t :".., (Mgh, its contr.: (S, TA:) AZ says that he heard Msb, 1], and Ilam ubi suprl,) That runs vehe- certain of the tribe of 'O.keyl say, [of some mently, or much; (S, Mgh, Mob, 1 ;") i. q. women,] sit ;LJ . and XI ;laj, and .jl$ ,,.aIl .. , (. , TA,) or l.ul . ; (Iam ;) and lI.. [i. e. They are th friend of God and applied to a horse: (Mgh, and .am :) [and to a the enemies of God]. (Mab.) [The pl.] L.-o man:] j ,.JI, in the 15, is a mistake for signifies also Pei.ons distant, or remote, onefrom meaning, al.k (TA.) another: (ISd, 1, TA:) and (1) strangers, or foreigners: (ISk, S, 1, TA:) and such as are , an inf. n. of Il- in the phrase .% I. distant, or remote, in respect of relationslip; or [q. v.]. (S, Mgh, Msb, 15.) - And, as also not relatinns: (TA:) as well as enemies: (M, V ,, A single h [or heat; i.e., a single run, TA:) dls, which is added in the l after at once, to a goal, or limit]; (15, TA;) of a ,i-Jl;, should be Lrl'jl;. (TA.) horse. (TA.)- And o,> ' T.1, (., 15,) as 3 also w t l, (. , TA,) [the latter written in the 4.S is a pl. [or rather a quasi-pl. n.] of st, C.K 4tl.~, but] the former is with the lengthened q. v. (, TA.) l and the latter with the shortened l, (TA,) and .;31. Enmity, or hostility; (S, , TA;) like t ;jJ and ;3%C and ' e.j.2., (15,) signify l;tai [inf. n. of 3, q. v.]. (TA.)

*jlJ, (S, 15,) i. e. [Th equal, of anything, in

breadth and ength; or] wh/atiseoextensiwve with anything in its breadth and its length. (S, TA.)

It.~: see 1,3.:5, last sentence. It [act. part. n. of C,., q. v. - As such particularly signifying] Acting wmrongfUy, unjustly, iyjuriotuy, or tyrannical?y; trangyresing, or e.ced'in the proper limit: (iMb, TA:) pl. i., (MNb.) Hence the saying, ad,>l; 2. 1 j i. e. [Afay God not manul to rejoice at thy afliclion] him wnto acts Nrongfully to tCee. (TA.) [And hence tbe phrase ,.1j, V &pZ cxpl. in art., .] See also is. And see }~, with which it is syn. - Also &izing, or carryingoff, bhyforce; or snatCling at unamares. (TA.) And L..LaJI signifies [particularly] Tihe lion; (1, TA ;) because of his injuriousness, and his seizing men and making them his prey. (TA.)_-* ais a pl. of stY, [or rather a quasi-pl. n.,] like as . is of ljt; as such signifying Runners upon theirfecet : (, TA :) or a comnpaany of men, (.K, TA,) in the dial. of Hudheyl, (TA,) that run to the fight (1, TA) and the lihe: (TA:) or the first, of thl footmen, [orfoot-soldiers,] tilat charye, or assault; (]g, TA;) because tllcy run quickly: (TA:) like A4bs, (8, TA,) of which the pL is >1;, (TA,) in both senses: or this signifies the horsemen; (1g, TA;) i. e. the first, of the horsemen, that charge, or assault, in a hostile, or predatory, incursion, especially; (TA;) or horse making a hostile, or predatory, incursion; and hence [the pl.] ;tjf1I in the 5gur c. 1. (TA in

The herbae of the .e [q. v., here One says, 11sl ~.$., or ;ll, or O).JIl, app. meaning spring], afler the departure of the 6 [q. v., here app. meaning winter]: (S, I :) meaning .li_ [i. e. I ltept to the tract coextenit is applied to the young trees which then become sive in its breadth and its length wvith tlhe road, or green and are depastured by tle camelk: (.:) or, tlu river, or the mountain]. (TA.) - See also lj,v, first and third sentences. And see as some ay, the [plants, or harba_e, called] and j. [q. v.]. (TA.) - And Thie young ones of sheep or goatu. (J.)_ And Female infants [of the see m: the next preceding, paragraph: aoe] offorty days; (g, TA; [in the CId, Z.AL and see also ,,.. is erroneously put for ; :,;]) but wAhn their [hair termed] &i";i has been cut off, this appld~ An enemy, contr. of0 , ($,) or of , lation iu no longer applied to themn: so says Lth; (,) or of ,JIj; (Mb ;) an epithet, but but As pronounces him to have erred: (TA:) or resembling a subst.: (S:) [and (like our word it is with t (15, TA) and X, both dotted, or only "enemy" in military parlance) a hostile party: the former of them dotted, and one of them is for] it is used alike as sing. and pl. and masc. ca le A 1 a and fern.; (Msb, ;) as is said in the "Muuccalled .$5 [or u&.v, or 5. or r ]: tasar el-'Eyn:" (Msb:) but sometimes it is thus in the M, and thus accord. to Az. (TA.) dualized and plutralized and feminized: (15:) ~j.: [expL in the . as signifying Sheer or the pl. is; (8, Msb, 1g;) and the pl. of tnmized, wrongful or unjust or iijuriousor tyran- 1.,ci, is ?l ; (Mhb, ;*) and U. and U~ sical conduct,] is an inf. n. of l..; in the phrase are also pls. of .c; (Mb, 1Mb,; [each impro4e 1, [q. v.]; (ISd, Mgb, 15;) as also Xs1;.a. perly termed in the .1.;.,; forj and

(lSd, C.)

are measures of pls., not of quasi-pl. ns.;]) the former said by ISk to be the only pl. of this tjIjj, applied to a wolf, (S, 1K,) means j 1 Y'WA L [i. e. That acts aggressiely against measure among epithets; (S, Msb ;*) and l, men]; (S, TA;) i. q. ) .4l [app. in this sense], with damm and with ;, is another pl.; (Th, S, (15, TA,) which occurs in a trad. applied to a Mqb;) and is pl. of t >t, (Ig, TA,) which is beast o; prey, (TA,) an epithet applied to a beast s nithj~; (S, 1, TA ;) as in the saying of

BooK I.]

,re - 5


the supplement to this art.) And accord. to El- and [trenches, or channels, uch as are termed] *, if J. ( TA.) Khuwaresmee, .s particularly signifies The , and of the judge, foot~ snrs of the o~er sM if b means There is not for L'.j.. . 1 who are mads to rn in quest of one against whom me any going beyond such a one to another, nor an acuation has ben made, and to bring him, any stoppi short of him. (S.) for the p~poe of eacting from him the right, or due, qf his accur. (De Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, see what next follows. .~.: 1 LqL, a phrase se ed, iii. 100.) -. ~ j. t (S,*)mean ? L. a. j'i. and * j. used by a poet, is expl. by IA*r as meaning Thi unjustl/, inuronflly, ~ treated is] a one [Such hardat,or most pr~i, or most evere, of occupations that turn one away, or back, from a thing. jurioudy, or tyrannically: (X :) the L. in q... (TA.) 8ee also iG; and its fem. is!s voce is substituted for j because the latter [in this case] is deemed difficult of utterance. (S.) &- I1t;l >to signifies i,L [The tnwo i St"; and its fem., with ;: see )Q. extremities, or two sides, of the tablt or the like]; e. [i. .1So called being them of (1:, TA;) each jl 5t.ft1 , or a mistranscription for >l.], like kS.s [i.e.- tL~ or V $,J both mentioned above, voce ;j3~, as meaning, absolutely, a side, or lateralpartorportion]. (TA.) 1. ;3,i (8, 0, Msb, 1, TA,) aor. ', (TA,) inf. n., said of water, (S, O, Msb, K, TA,) [and app. of wine or other beverage, and of food, (see -. cj,)] It was, or becante, sweet: (S, 0,' TA:) or it wras, or became, easy and agrecable to be drunk or swallonted. (Msb.) [See also 12. Freytag has also assigned to it a meaning belong-

n.1, , (0, TA,) infn. . And o.Ll, Il,* TA,) (O, ed, or d~ He abstained, (K, TA,) .from a thing; (TA;) and, (I1, TA,) in , -; w lft, ', (TA,) like manner followed by quitted, or relinquished, (K, TA,) a thing: (TA:) (1K, TA,) likewise followed by Va1.t, and t the same: (,, TA:) and signifies ', (TA,) 4;, (.K, TA,) as inf. n. of V$ , (MF, TA,) signifies the abstaining, &c., (15, MF, TA,) from a thing: and [particularly] the abstaining (of a man, and of an ass, and of a horse, TA) from eating, by reason of intense thirst; (15, TA;) being neitler fasting nor breaking fast; (TA;) as inf. n. of thle same verb. (MF, and so S.. 0,) inf. n. , , (S, TA.)oAnd ; (I;) (1;) and V L.~, (O,) inf. n. h.?; (O,) inf. n. .. ~; (1 ;) lie preand * a, rented, hindered, withheld, restrained, or forbade,
0, himn, (.S O,

1 fro'a (doing] the thing, ~)t

[fem. of. >G, q. v. m As a subst., it signifies] Wrongdoing, injustice, injuriousness, or tyranny; and evil, or mischief; (~, TA;) as in [I rqelrled, or ing to ., .V&, q. v.] = '"; ;js Jl0 *the saying .: see 4, in two hare repelled, from the the wrongdoing &c., and places. iAnd see also 2, last sentence. the evil, or mischief, of nsch a one]: (:) it is an [.,,., inf. n. 4j, is mentioned by Golius as inf. n. [or rather a quasi-inf. n.] like 4tf: and signifying" Qui.quiliis aut lente palust,t obducta signifies also sharpness, or hastiness, of temiper; Jhit," and in a similar manner by Freytag; by and anger. (TA.) Also The harm, or hurt, of bothl as said of water, and as on the authority of poison. (lar p. 304.) See also ii,., in three the 15: but I find, in the 1, no ground for this, q. v., of which places. -.~ l pl$n, (15, TA,) of whlich aj~t except an explanation of .c, thiat grape-vin The verb.] signifies a ISd knew not is the sin,g., (TA,) are pla.nted at tiw feet, or roots, of great trees. W&'. , He punished, castiinf. n. 2. 4c, (g, TA.) (S, 0, Msb, K5:) [and Ahim: chastised, or gated, ,.o t..51 [a noun denoting the comparative and he, or it, tormented, or tortured, hitn:] originally, superlative degrees, and having several different te beat him: then, 1w ?unislwd him in any painsignificationls]. .7.JI C. U5c Atlore transi- fid mnanner. (Msb.) It is said in a trjd., l tie, or wront to pa.u from one to another, titan . ,o,~. ,.S JI [Verily the dead wiiU .4L the mange, or scab, is a prov. (Mcyd.) And be punished for his fainily's wreeping for himn]: W1 l k$.~1 is another prov., having a similar the reason of which is probably this; that the meaning [i.e. More wont to pass from one to Arabs used to charge their famnilies to weep and anotier, or, as we commonly say, more catching, wail for them; therefore the dead is obnoxious to than yawning]; (Meyd;) for when a man yawns punishment for his having done this. (lAth, in the presnce of others, they become affected as TA.) And the verb is used metaphorically in to that which has not sensation: a poet '.U.)-il. is relation he is. (TAin art. says, also a prov., and may mean More wrongful, or more inimical, or more rvehenent in running, than another $l, L , the wo. (Meyd.) Fvj. *@o ,;4; provey., (expl. in the latter half of the first para[It (app. wine) is not black, from t'eytta, darkSl % I. (Meyd.)-,S graph,) is from nor has it been mulled (such seems to coloured; [app. meaning It is tue most effectual thing to be here the meaning of the verb) byj being Inmt aid, or a~st, or to avenge; S~1 in this case near to fire, or by being boiled]. (L, TA. [See being irregularly formed from the augmented ]) -. See also 4, in two places. also (TA in art. j.1: .;]. verb in the phrase 4 4 :.4 , , ., and w4a-, [perhaps a mistranseripsee ilq1 in that art.) for accord. to G olius, this last tion for ? ', >Q Uneven places, (K, TA,) disikmilar in and the first here mentioned are expL by Z in the their ewmralpartu: occurring in this sense in a sense here following,] He put an a~k; [i. e. an ,a;.] to his whip: so in the A. (TA.) trad. (TA.) Ay mentions the saying i. ' ;_ ' tZ 91gtk, meaning [I slept upon] a place 4..1 ,..lsl The people, or party, became in disimilar in its several parts; uneven: and &Ja the condition of having swet water. (1K, TA. it land harVgin it burrows, [Freytag has erroneously assigned thig meaning to l ,1This . JtX1


,;.~t or affair. (S, 0.) Ono says, 'O ,.J from such a $i.S Witlhiwid, or restrain, thyself it of itu deprived [He thing. (S,O.) 4I5 i.c.] he removed from it, (S, O, 1K,) ; namcly, water, (1~,) or a watering-trough, or tank, (S, O,) thefioating particles that eresuwpon , it, ($, 0,) or its l[green substance termed] . [in 4.* (15,) or both of these: (TA:) and * like manner] signifies the removitj of mhat is (B.I in ii. G.) termed ...

8. .,,:1 lie m7ade [the] tmo ends (

) of

his turban to hang dowrn behinl. (0, 15, TA.) 10. ,31 .w --. 1 lie reckoned, or esteemed, lle the water sweet. (0, Mb, TA.) -And he .,O'Z;1 1&1 say, you nater: swcet sought sought sweet water for his family. (TA.)And And lie dranh tilwe water sweet. (TA.) , .*) One says, He d,rew sweet water. (S O,

..,iJ,a i. e. [Sweet water] is drawn for such a one from such a well. (Q, 0.)


&. 9

.J ,.,j--'l He brought to him sweet - And .Il. - See also 4. (TA.) wvater. 12..,J (Lb, TA.) .. ,c Snweet water: (., O :) or water, (Msb,) or wine, or beverage, and food, (g,) tihat is easy and agreeable to be drunk or swallorved: (Ml)b, (TA.) 1 :) pl. ..,C. (O, Msb, TA) and $j.

, like .jlm.l, said of water, It

was, or became, sweet, [like c,]

or veryj sweet.

[A wce of swet waterj: and You say i,i a ,4 L'. [sweet water]: and also A4J. ,.L [a sweet water]: and ,la ,fG [seet water or
waters], using a pL epithet in this last case beis the cause '*b is a coll. gen. n., of whichi n. un. (TA.) And Aboo-lleiyeh En-Nemereo says, describing water,
... p ra


1,.; em

, 3 4

[Having sweet water permeating amid tlie reedbeds, or tiw thickets]: he uses Uii as a coll. gen. n., and therefore pluralizes the epithet. (L,

1982 TA.) -One says also L4L:LII 1 i~~~~ teeth]. t[Women weet in r~ct of thefront (A.)_-And X 1 t [Verily he isnteelt in respect of the tongue]; likening his tongue to the water that is termed .,i,. (Lbh, TA.)~. s Also A sort of trees; (1, TA;) the same that is called 4, [q. v.]. (TA.)

[Boox I.

in thefore part. (TA.) -

The part that hangs


sandal. (O, TA. [See also 33.])--A piece (., TA, in the C] , like Ckj041) ,) and j, of skin which is hung behind the hinder part ci,w.lJI cim , 1 .,e,, (O, TA,) [May the punishment (;/~ O, o, or Cd) of the [camers that will not be remitted befall him, or] may his CiVj, saddle caUed] (O, 5,) from its upper por- punishment punishment not be remitted: (O, ], TA :) so says TA.) Ibn-Buzurj. (0, (O, TA.) tion; (0 ;) also termed il' 3. (TA in art. ~3.) Ibn-Buzud. [accord. to the TA, but correctly ~.sL, (S, O, ],) [a coll. gen. n.] of which, in l And %,#1.1& jl1j Punishment,castigation,or chastisement, 4M, (see 8,)] The portion [i. e. end] of a [or] such as serves to give warning to others than all its senses, the n. un. is t Ja4 , (14, TA,) turban, that is made to hang donn betwveen the the sufferer, or to restrain te oJffender from reMotes, or particles of rubbish or the like, ($, 0, shoulders. (TA.)_And the same, [correctly peating 4, TA,) Jfloating upon water. (TA.) [In this .i peating the offence; syn. !i e, (S, O,) or Sj(t: t iw, as is shown by what follows,] A piece (K, and Ksh and Bd in ii. 6:) so termed from sense, it is said in the S and O that ;, is its of rag [or strip of linen or the like, called in (V, sing. or n. un.] One says j. i Water French cravate,] that is bound upon the head of 0~.s " he prevented" &c.; because it prevents j the person punished from returning to the like of abounding with such motes or particles. (S, 0. a spear. (TA.) One says, lUj iJ his offence, and prevents others from doing the See also e .) And t has the same meanlike of that which he has done: (MF, TA:) [it .,.iall (A, TA) i.e. 3. jj&'l [The cravates ing as the n. un. of ,r in this sense: (1V:) fluttered over his cead]. (A.) And * -i-. generally signifies any corporal punishment:] and signifies likewise, as also V~j and ,t signifies also A branch of a tree; (S, O, Msb;) and, by an extension of the original signification, any [infliction of] pain tlhat disgraces, or puts to (L, 5,) this last mentioned by IAnr, (L,) [the and so V. 4. (TA.) shame: shame: (Ksh and Bd ubi supri:) originally, green subtance called] L (L, K, TA) and beating: afterwards used to signify any painful 4jh. (1g, TA) and t.4. , (TA) Water ,,.i, and the like, (L,TA,) or , and punishment: puni.vhment: [torture; or torment:] and metaZG' overspreadby [the green substance termed] : dung ( f),loating upon wvater. (TA.)_ phoricall.y applied to an affair, or event, that phorically (K, TA:) or abounding thereivith, andl with motes, And What comes forth next after the foctu from is difficult, distressing, afiicting, or troublesome; the womb. (0, 4.) Also A sort of trees, or particlesof rubbish or the like: (TA:) [or the ' 'j iJI [Travel third whence the saying, .lAJI (AH.n, O, 1,) of the shrub-kind: (Agn, O :) latter signifies as expl. before: see j, ence; is a portion of that which is diflicult, &c.; or of is thought by ISd to be a pos(TA.) And sentence :] ." the same that is called torment]: (Msb :) in the .Kur xxiii. 78, it means .3,] because he torment]: The pieces of rag that women hold when wailing sessive epithet, [meaning r' hunger, hun_oer, orfamine: (Zj, O, TA :) the pl. is is~l: found no verb belonging to it. (TA.) ~ -j for the dead; as also AlQ, (0, g,) pl. of (Zj, I, TA:) the author of the 1 says in art. i j, C[or probably 4., like its syn. , is also syn. with 41.; meaning A man alighting, ,%j that it has no pl.: [and it seems or abiding, in places of dried-up herbage, and in jj [voce originally or, accord. to AA, an anomalous a waterless desert. (TA in art. .gbs.) to be doubted whether it have a pl. because it is properly an inf. n. though its verb in the unpl. of [the n. un. of .,., i. e.] i;,: (0:) one sufferer, k~: see .j~. _= Also A certain tree, that augmented form is not used:] but MF observes of such pieces of rag is also called j', as well kills camels, (0, K, TA,) if they eat thereof. that [in.fliction if it be a name for that whereby one is preas . (TA.) -And Straps, or thongs: (, (TA.) - And A well-knonm medicine. (V, TA. vented mill [from repeating an offence], as hunger, or O :) or the extremities thereof; as also t V .. [In some copies of the V], t';, or "disease," is famine, faminc, agreeably with what Zj says, there is no (TA.) So in the saying of Dhu-r-Rummeh, (8, put for ';i;, accord. to the TKI, as observed by reason why it should not have this pl. (TA.) O, TA,) descraibing dogs of the chase, (O,) 0 , 4 1 Freytag.]) m in seven places. see m: oltt, olt, in person in * Lt {i ' .la; -' ,_ a4;j, and its pl. .4;Js: see .,~, in nine ,tot~ a,.&c The wnomb; thus mentioned by Az, on mch difficult, and places. The pl. above mentioned signifies also j - -. . a , a offence, * ^"lMil iae.!Jl *J the authority of El-Mundhirec and AHeyth, 4 The legs of a she-camel. (TA.) with the pointed 3; (O, TA;) i. q. j1.. [Having pendulous ears, wide in the sides of the (V, (K, TA.) 4i& : see ,iJ~,fourth and last sentences. mouth, habituated to the chase, resembling wolves, authority Also What is taken forth from rJ [i. e. vwheat, with straps, or thongls, or the extremities thereof, ;,~)3of and 'V.jL, applied to a horse or the ,it; qlon tiheir necks]. (., O, TA.) - Also, (1],) or or corn in general,] and thrown away; (Lb, ., like, &c., is standing still, or the (S, O,) Such as 4 1 #.k, in this and other senses following, (S, O, TA;) being the worst thereof; also termed c. rto~ rtoppingand from fatigue, ( .>, S,) that will not Myb, &c.,) [the former evidently wrong, the (Lh, TA in art. vja.) And Pasturage, or eat nor drink: (S, 0:) or abstaining, or that iat latter (as is said in the 10) being its n. un'in all herbage: so in the phrase ajf. 4 L i ;, (O,) abitain:,fmm be&c.,from abstain, eating, by reason of intense thirst; pointed its senes,] The string with which a balance, or ~ js .l [Water [Wi where is no pasturage, (IS, (K, TA;)Punishment, applied to a man, and an ass, and a or pair of tscales, is raised. (., O, Myb, 1:.) or herbag]. (TA.) - It is also expl. in copies horse: norbut Az says that the assertion respecting of by And The end, or extremity, of a whip; (Mgh in that they signify [a horse, &c.] of the g as signifying, with the article, Itl it tthese two epithets (, art. 3, and M9b ;) its tail; also called its ;;;j: TA;) fmm that hat neither eats nor drinhs is more correct than (Mgh ubi supr :) or its ai., (TA in the present .;;1jS : but the right explanation is 1G.ll lt le drink: El-Mundbirec the assertion respecting t j~ that it signifies art.,) which means the [tmupenorny] thong in the ;~L, [app. meaning The ridge of earth that sur- one] that abstains 0,) from eating by reason of his 3 two handle thereof: (TA in art. j :) or [it may rounds a sown piece of ground to retain the water lhirst but that ,j,t signifies any animal, but thirst: also, neitlwr assertion 'he portion fatigm, have both of these significations, for it is said for irrigation(see ~)], as in the M and L &c. ; Y.enerally generally horse and a camel, that will not eat [vocea applied that it is] one of the O;) of a whip. (S, O.) (TA.) Such zn.ythin.q anything: epithets accord. to Th, (0, this and .. , signify Az eating, V, - The end, or extremity of anything. (A, K.) L a horse or the like standing still, or stoppingfrom (?, : *,, (thus in my copies of the S,) or .s, - The extremity of the tongue; (S, 0, Msb;) horse (..5,) that raises his head, and ill not fatigue, (0, 1, TA,) with the pointed 3, accord. to AA, also eats its [tip or] narrow extremity: (TA:) pl. * i,Q~. TA;) that passes a ut at nor drink;says and 0:) the former, mentioned in the T in art. ,.~, as written e (Myb.) One says, , V.J t ; -as night without respectingt,.,j3~ eating the toanything: (TA:) the pl. of with the unpointed ., and here said in the 15to 'tight [Truth is on the tips of their tongues]. (A, TA.) a that isor asby ;. is a and pl. of j 1;: : ,, like , (TA,) Generou in natural 111 I11 nor - The extremity of the penis of a camel: (ISd, be syn with that nor that is horse a not Lnd a IS, TA:) or the extnnnremity of a eamel's penis thin dispositiou. (AA, S, 0, TA.) and the that pl.accord. of V isor ."j, and, accord. to


down of the [thong called] i>-

[q. v.] of a the

(0, TAJ with to ,sel,~ 'let (0, ( V, , TA,) with kdar kesr to and fet-b to the 3, (O, TA,) like Xi,






the ivithout the if drink; of] is the doubted like

reason syn. man, standing i. they drin/m abstaining, ,) AHeyth, q. the

BooK I.] is pl. of ;z..~]: A'Obeyd, +, [like as ;j Az says that this is a mistake, for a word of the measure jy; does not form a pl. of the measure 3pM; but [SM says] this is an extr. instance; and he who preserves an authority in his mind is an evidence against him who does not. (TA.) One says, *t I ;, meaning Ile passed the night wvithout eating or drinking anything; besigcause abstaining therefrom. (O.) --,t nifies also [IUnsteltered;] having no coveriny bet~een him and the shy; (0, KI;) and so (K, TA.) El-Jaadee says, describing .,j0. j [a species of bovine anteJ(-.j a wild bull lope]) that had passed the night alone, tasting nothing,
* d'L ;"t.J t? ' '' 0




[And lhe passed the night expoed without shelter to the sky, as though he were Canoplus wten the other stars have lq him solitary]. (TA.) ;QA-;1 [The two most sweet things;] saliva o, K, or .e,,;1, A) and wine: (, (&djll , 0, [for, in the amorous language of the [: A, 0, Arab, the sweetness of the saliva of his beloved is often praised:]) orfood and coitus. (..)
,Jja- ; .J A bridle that witlholds from going away in a headlong manner. (0.) jW,a. [or ;4,.a ?]: see ,l.

i4 a0. [for Ae,.. * i] W1i/ne mixed [with ,water, or fnith sowme other thing or things]. (A, is applied by [app. ,,~] TA.) - And ,, the vulgar to Fresh ripe dates soaked nwith water.

(TA voce


a h_ A vhip havin

an a3Ji4 [or ;~.] attached to it. (TA.)

A i. ;.IP A A nroman vlwse saliva is l;li pleasant to be swallowed, and sweet. (TA.)

1. "J., aor.,, inf. n.;, (S O, Mqb, 1) and (. , O,) O( , and Lii,~ (0, O) and e' and

i; ,.;

(O) [all of which are also used as simple

ecl; f 0, Msb, 1k ;) He ([}, substs.]; and excused him; f.eed, cleaed, or zexnpted, ldim

from blame; exculpated him: (Msb:) or he

accepted his excuse: properly, I cancelled evil conduct. (TA.) ,;,j& signifies [See also ;,.L

below.] You say,

% i.

(s , Mb)

I excused, or exculpated, him for wrhat he did. (M 9b.) And in a trad. of El-Mild.d it is said, 9j .,i . i. e. Verily God hath excued 4J 1 l Jt the, and exempted thee from the obligation to fight against the unbelievers; for he had become t 01 ,1J h'0 1 e said of a camel extremely fat, and unable to fight. (TA.) And var. thereof. (TA.) _ with the mark called means He was branded , ;,; He exwused him CjJ, you say [also], h 64 t"l9,.ci riU e"' .io. (TA.).-_ [Hence, app., the phrase for, or from, the thing. (MA.) [And accord. ,.' gjUe t IIe branded him with blame; like j a well aS to Golius, a [Until the end of the year: then the name of but he has not mentioned his authority: see an .^lt, q. v.]~ , ~, from ;Jail He (God, S) peace be on you both: for such as wmeps a wrhole 2GO Bk. I.

from which the former caused him (i. e. a child, TA) to be affected writh explanation of .ji, phrase was perhaps derived by him.] And dj,jg the pain, in the fauces, termed /.,: and '~ Qe j > [I excused him, or held him excusablc, lHe was, or became, afected therewvith: ($, 1,* for his conduct to such a one]; meaning, I did TA:) inf n. j. and ;,. (Iitt, TA.) not blame him, but I blamed such a one. (S,' 2. j~i, inf. n. .L, Ile rras witlout. excuse; .Y > W Niill excusc me, TA.) And sV (g,' TA ;) as also 9 ls, t (1, TA,) inf. n. *;.: or make my excuse, f I requite him (M.b, TA) (TA:) he affected to excuse himself, but had no for hi action, (Msb,) or for his evil action, excuse: he excused hirself, but did tnot adduce an (TA,) and 7ill not blame me (Msb, TA) for it? [See also 8.] valid]. (TA.) [that nwa excuse (Msb:) or nvho will excuse me with respect to And He was remis, wanting, deficient, or dehis case, and will not blame me for it ? (Msb.) fective, (S, 0, Meb, TA,) in an affair, (S, Msb,) [And a similar ex. is mentioned in the TA with setting upl an excuse [for being so]; (O;) fell in the place of .. ] - [IIence,] ;, (Az, short, or did less than was incumbent on him, S, I1Kt,O, Msb, K,) aor. ; (O, TA ;) and j>l, ($, O, Meb, TA,) in it; (S, Ms ;) did not ezert (S, Iitt, Msb, K,) inf. n. oljs ; (TA;) HIe was himself, or act rviorously, in it; (Msb, TA;) ritious, or ftulty, and corrupt: (Msb:) or hce causing it to be imagined that he had an excuse was guilty (f man?/ crimes, sin, .faults, offcnces, Nwhen he had none. (Bd in ix. 91.) You say, or acts of disobedience, (S, 0, Msb, .K,) so as to A. A;-3 -' 3j Such a one acted remissly, render him excusable niho punidted him. (TA.) faUing siort, or doing less than Nas incumbent J l. .. lI 1 . It is said in a trad., Ij. on himn. (TA.) And it is said in a story of the .,-Ail * , (0, and so in some copies of the S Children of Israel, (. ' . Their and K,) or Ija, (so in othler copies of theo S learned men forbade then remissly: the inf. n. and K,) bothi of whichl readings are the same in being here put in the place of the act. part. n. as perish, or meaning, (TA,) i. e. [Afen cill wnot ... (O, t a denotative of state; as it is in 'k die,] until tljey are guilty of many crime, or sins, : Ie made, or preTA.) [Sece also 4.] Also &c.; (S, O, Msb, 1l ;) mcaning, (accord. to K,) such as is termed jl~ti pared, a feast, (0, A'Obeyd, S, O,) until they71 deserve ipunishiment, to a jlj: (1K:) and he invited [q. v.] (O) or so as to render excusable him lwo puni;shes them. l, feast such as is thus termed. (J~. [Accord. to ; O. (S, A, O, TA.) And you say, meaning lIe p1lced himse.f withi; the power of the TA, these are two distinct significations of see 1, il,b,: c I ailed him, or the verb. See, again, 4.]) == another. (TA.) = And , latter half, in two places.- _ JJ,ef a&ssi.sted him, aoainst an enemy. (Msb.) = J;., inf. n. , lie cut, or cut off. (TA: but only (S, 0,) and c * I, (0,) Brand thly camel the inf. n. of the verb in this sense is there men- with a brand different fiom that of mine, in tioned.) - And [hence, probably, as is implied order that our eamels may be known, one fonom ,)] , aor.:, the other. (S, 0.) _39J1 ~ T'he hair of tlhe in a passage in the TA, (see ($, Msb ;) and boy's jl,1 (g, TA) i. e. of his cheek (TA) gre7t. (, O,* Msb, K,) inf. n. ,; .sL&t; (S, O, Msb, J ;) both as expl. by (K, TA.) ;I,OJI Z.i (inf. n. as above, TA) A'Obeyd; (S ;) lIe circumcised a boy, (S, O, He effaced the traces of the house, or dwelling. Msb, I~,) and in like manner a girl; (S, O, Msb;) (.K, TA.) j~, (S, 0, g,) inf n. as above, is more com- (S, 0,) lie defiled, or besmeared, it (a thling, 1) but when a girl is the object, , , aor., and with ;d [or human dung]. ($, 0, .. ) W ,l ,, mon. (S, O.) = ),aIl. '; and V j.l1; Ile fastened, or bound, the 3: sec 2, first sentence. [And see also the horse's jt. [q. v.]: (S, O, K:) and ,d)l t Jl last clause of the last paragraph of this art.] he brilled the horse; syn. S. l; (1K, TA;) as 4. >jl: see 1, in five places from the comalso ;~, and * Oj~ : (TA:) or 9 o l, (},,) or * j,&, (thus in the TA,) he put to himn [or mencement. - Also He had an excuse; [or he was, or became, excusable;] ($, 0, k(;) and so upon him] an jl ; (.K, TA;) and so ;~, O, K.) It is said in a prov., j~l . ': (Msb:) and *VJl Jicl&. (.S0, aor., and z, inf n. J I 0* [He has an excuse, or is excusable, who .1.11 he lput to thel.J [i. e. bridle or bit] an warns]. (S. [See also below: and see art. jJ.. 1. (TA.) - And it is said in the Tahdhleeb It is held by some in the present day that the I inf. n. , signifies I of Ig.t. that p1, ;, in jk&t, in this phrase, has a privative effect, and cauterized the horse in the place of thle j J : that the meaning is, l1e deprives of excuse wtho [an explanation in warns: but for this I have not found any and also oil.a sLr which there seems to be a mistranscription or an authority.]) And Lebeed says, (S, O, TA,) omission, or both; perhaps correctly U b_ addressing his two dauglhters, (O, TA,) and a telling them to wail and weep a year for him *j1. plAht I put upon the horse his 1; is a dial. after his death, (TA,) meaning given above]; and 9 j

1984 year has become cuswable]. (l, O.) You say I got ecus of the %.Jl, also, ,tLlIjl. Sulttdn [or ruling porer]. (TA.)- And He nmanifested an excuse: ((, TA:) in which sense, )jJ is said to be its inf. n., as well as ;1~!; but the former is correctly a simple subst. (TA.) And He pleaded that by which he slould be excumed. (TA.) [See also 8.]-IHe did that by which he should be excused. (TA.)- He did that in vwhich he should be excused: hence the saying of Zuheyr,

[BooK I.

;lj~~ s

. l, -c

meaning We

ere circum- ;5a., aor. j...a; but the former of these two
variations is the more approved; (AHeyth, TA;) [in the former case, the original being changed to and in the then to i;&, tthen to 1 te o then to --*a' then to jil, latter case, to ~1, then to .!, himexus e then to 01, and then to .;] slf; he adduced, or ured, an exuse, or a plea,

cied m oe day. (TA.)_.Also X He made a feast on the occasion of a circumcision, (AZ, Mqb, V, TA,) iJ for the people, or party: ( :) he prepared such a feast: from the same verb signifying "he circumcised." (TA.) .[See subst.] m , also 2: and eeltas a : see 1, latter half, in five places. And i. j
sC j.;!;


l: see 2, near the end.-

. for himself; (Fr, S,* 0,* TA;) as also [See;..] You say, j1 I ;, [He (s0,o,.)

Make a mark upon thy sharc. excused himself to me;] he begyed me to acept hid excuse; (Mb ;) and AZ says, I have heard two j.l He beat him (O, }) with (O.)_ Arabs of the desert, one of the tribe of Temeem [Our spears shall prevent you, or shall defend whips (0) so as to make a mark, or marks, upon and one of the tribe of l.eys, say, Jl ? ' ~ . you,] or we will do that in which we shall be his back. (0, I.) And &; j.iujl j ./,. [i. . e. I exused ., 0&_Jl in the sense of excused. ($, O: but in the latter,;~ .3j.)He beat him so that he made the beating heavy j/l to the man]. (TA.) And . j nmyself And lie exceeded the usual bounds, (A, Mgh, O,) upon his back and obtainedfiom him reliffrotn hime;used [He (TA) and t.~ TA) (S,* O,' or went to the utmost point, (TA,) in excuse, (A, O, R,) .,, (S, ;J& (TA.) And anger. his or sin, his crime, for an excuse, urged self, or Mgh, O, TA,) i. e. in being excmed. (A.) So of be clear to himself he asserted or] misdeed: .>*j.Wl [He exceeds the usual in the Tahdheed of IKttjli, (TA,) He (a man) in the sayingjil And (TA.) or misdeed. sin, his crime, bounds in rendering himself excused who warns]. was beaten so that he wzas at the point of death. i * [or &Wi ;] lIe showed, or manfested, (A, Mgh, O. [See also above, third sentence.]) (S, O,K, TA.) And Jcl He had wounds inhiis excusefor his deed. (Msb.) [It is said that] . J1 J..! 5W And it is said in a trad., iO i flicted upon him so that fear was excited for him l is The cutting a the primary meaning of [app. meaning Verily in consequence thereof (O.) And ' ;_ > aJI .jl He, want, and fno, of his object from the man of God hath freed himesfSfrom the imputation of or it, left a scar upon him. (O,* TA.)-And that to which he clings in his heart. (TA.) in!jstice to an extraordinaly degree, or to the .S 1 ;j ; and jiJ1 L. I made a mark, or [Hence, perhaps, one says jj:l meaning He 3 titm, point, to himn who hath attained sixty marks, in, or upon, the house, or dwelling. (O.) excused himself for not complying with a claim, years of ae :] i. e. He hath left him no plea for also signifies He (a man, TA) voided or request.] - See also 4, in two places, near p~ l excuse [for his sins], since He hath granted him The n.JLtthe beginning. - Also He did not adduce an tjlI respite for all this length of time and he hath not his ordure. (O,.J..)-And excuse. (Fr, TA.) [Thus it has two contr. sigcxcused himself. (TA. [AsaJ.l is here followed house, or dwelling, had in it much oj. [or human nifications. See also 2.] ~ Also lIe complained, by j1, I do not think that this explanation is ordure]. (S, 0.) of him, or it. (Mosb.) (O, Msb, g,) meant to show that the I has a privative effect, and 5 He And ;t3i z,j,l; The waters stopped, ceased, 5. j, j: see 8, in three places.-Also that the verb signifies " he deprived of excuse."]) behind; remained back; drewn backwards; went (0, K.) - See also 5, last off. cut or became [Hence,] lie exerted himself, acted vigorwithheld or held back, or ihe (s :) back: held or places. = And j.s.l in two one, but sentence ously, took extraordinary pains, or exceeded the (TA excused. him rendering a cause for himse,f to have two portions the turban made 14a3 IHe usual bounds, [so as to renderhimself excused,] (S, You (K.) lie fled. And v.) q. ;.i3, voce [its two ends] hanging down behind. (0., .) O, M.b, g, TA,),'I u/ in the affair; ($, 0, aband him, from fled They 1V 3 il.l say, jl..s.l signifies also The act of devirgina. And M.Ib ;) as, for instance, in eating, in relation to or held hiim, asisting, or ez.]) aiding, (S,O. [See from ting. stained one is enjoined wherein in a trad., it occurs wlhicl and He resisted, And (O.) him. from back [app. meaning with others, eating when do so to 't He asked, or desired, to XP ,. 10. O with gulests and with a host,] such having been was dficult: it is said in a trad., [respecting lay violent hands upon should if he excued be the custom of the Prophet; for, when he ate Mohammad,] a.~ . l He used to ) 3 him for an evil action]; he requite one [or such a with others, he was the last in eating. (TA.) resist, and be difficult, in his malady. (TA.)_ ~qJ h. .. (A, TA.) It is said said, .Ji [Hence also,] .11 z.j.l I took extraordinary (O, K, TA) The affair was not in a trad. of the Pirophet, i " lai; l -j And tl ;.i.~! . pains, or exceeded the usual bounds, in exhlortation direct in its tendency; (g, TA;) i.e. (TA) it Undertake Aboo-Behr, to He said i. e. i.le was lie And (TA.) ao l'necept to thee. remiss, nanting, deficient, or defective; he feUll was, or became, dilicult: one says, v j.i thou to excuse me for my conduct to'Aislheh if I short, or did lass than wvas incumbent on him; The affair was, or became, difficult to him. discipline her, or chastise hler. (0,- TA.) 7jl (0, Mab, TA.) [And Twhe affair was, or be- And one says to him who has neglected the feigning ( 1 J~ [in the CV, erroneously, '.]) giving information of a thing, (A, TA,) or to the as though that he was doing the contraryj: 3 j came, impracticable,or impossible.] [See (..) significations. contrary bore two verb Thc .. J [i. e. trace, or relic, of an abode, or of a him who reproves thee for a thing before giving (O , s:) you say, place ofsojourning, &c.,] became effaced; (S, 0, thee any command, or order, or injunction, realso 2.] ~Also I.q. il: 1 'il [Gice thou me, I ;) as also * ,isl: (S, 0,* :) or became specting it, (O, TA,) . ; . . JJ. i- cBy God, thou didst not offer to me or obtain for me, my right, or due, from this altered and effaced: and 3j 1 * .j:l! the ,L1t:' nor didst thou offer warning. (A, O, excuse, to Prophet of the saying person]: and hence the placs of alighting, or abode,had their traces, or TA.) 1 remains, effaced. (TA.) ~ And ji..-3 (from Ahoo-Bekr, respecting 'Aisheh, i I1;~ I.. (,J (Mob, ) and C.i (M,b) and t Il~ [Obtain thoufor me my right, or due,from ;JaJI1, !;, O) He, or it, became defiled, or be(O :) or her]: or chastise her if I dicipline her, M (S, Msb) and smeared, (S, O, J,)with $;5. [or human ordure]. $, O, 10 and ?bj, this means undertahe thou to excu me [for my (s.) (O) and ? cj; 'j J (, O, Msb, ) and conduct to her &c.]: (TA:) and the Arabs say, the third except all (S, [all as simple substs., but >. j;.JJ! [Such a one became bound to 8. l:al, (S, O, Msb, &c.,) inf. n. j,l, i..1. and the last mentioned also as in. ns.,] An render an ex~ for his conduct to himadlf; (see O, TA,) and [quasi-inf. ns.] 1 .j and 1 D; excuse; an apology; a plea whereby one ecuse jL ;)] meaning such a one w dstroyed by (TA;) and for .el1 one says also ;j!, aor. himsdf [or another]: acord. to the B, j &[as a hidself. (Yoo, TA.) _As signifying He cirtor from Jl] is of three kinds; ju ; and it is allowable to say subet. from inf. . ;i cumciaed: see 1, latter half. It is said in a trad., 'y, 1



BooK I.] the saying " I did it not;" and the saying " I did it for such a cause," mentioning what might exempt him from being culpable; and the saying "I did it, but will not do it again," or the like; which third kind is the same as a&j: (TA:) the pl. ofXl is 1U;l; (Mqb, ] ;) and that of t *, (o ;) and that of V;.M. is [;fi , and, is ;c;


one says also, i,li l. t~ l) b t [Ie wnas pended to the child some such thing as the (TA. [See 1 in art. the first utterer of this speech]. (A.) And C [amulet termed] ;;.. & ,:, i Thou art not the P.]) _.- It also signifies The place of the pain kOl l .1 J. St (S, 0, ],) wchich is near the first utterer of this speech. (S, 0, TA. [But abore mentioned, uvula. (s, 0.) see an assertion of Sb cited voce jL&.]) - And The [part in the external organs of generation of ;j.: Bsee , in two places: and see also 8. a girl or woman termed] ,jL [q. v.]; (K ;) the [Accord. to analogy, it signifies A mode, or irregularly,] j t1: (TA:) and i~", of which place of a girl where the operation of circumciuion manner, eJac-..sin.] is performed: so called from j~ sibgnifying the ,., (Ksh,) or t;.J', (Bd,) may be pl., is syn. "act of cutting." (LhI, ;js; 1Iuman duny or ordure; (S, 0,* MIl,, Az, TA.) [See also with [;,j and] tjja; (Ksh and Bd in lxxvii. 6;) jWt;I.] ..,TA;) as also vtj: (IAgr, IDrd, O, L, IC, - And The prepuce of a boy: (0, g:) (Bd in and t;U.L is [likewise] syn. with ,pi. so accord. to Lh, who does not say whether it be TA) and * ij;L.: (0, g:) pi. of the first j1,; so called before or after it has been cut off: said [which is the most common] ;o,, (MIsb,) and lxxv. 15.) It is said in a prov., [Excuses are lies]. (TA.) And it was said by by others to be the portion of shin which the cir- of t the second i;. (IAqr, TA.) - And lience, t? e4 cuts off. (TA.) -And Circumcision; (S, O, Mb,) :The court, or yard, (.W,) of a Ibraheem En-Nakha'ec, ;$: 4jsJIl [Verily excMces, lying mixes therewith]. syn. E (v.) One says, 5P11 e %j;i houec: (S, , Msb, l], TA :) so called ectauso ;j j.k, in the 1gur [lxxvii. 6], The time of the circumcision oj' the boy lren, near. the human ordure (;j.1) used to be cast in it: (s0,.) - IJ.. 'kas; or 1j1)j I;' ,, (Bd,) means For or (TK.) - And A sign, or mark; syn. (S, 0, M.b :) or, accord. to A., tllis is the priSee also mary signification; what is ibefore mentionled as also VjA. (TA.) (0, o , TA;) terri)ffing; the two ns. being inf. ns.: or for last qnu:rter. - And The hair u,pon the being so termed because cast in the Li; like as e.rcuses or warnings; the two ns. being pls., of 1, withers of a hlors: (S, 0, K :) and, (1~,) iiccord. it is termed WJtSbecause cast in the 1th, which )t;J in the sense of ;j . and ofj. 4 in the to AR, (q, 0,) a lock, or small quantity, of hair: means "a depressed piece of ground;" (ii.a sensejl.Jl: or such as excuse and suchtas warn; (., O, 0, K :) anl the '%; [orforeloch of a horse]; p. 403;) [anzid] thus says A'Obeyd: pl. as above: (Ksh, the two ns. being pls. of t;lc, and '>: (1K;) the hair of the 4Lt of a horse: (A:) or, (O, TA:) and j which lit. [pl. of Vi BId:) or, accord. to Th, botlh mcan the same. accord. to some, the mtane of a horse: (TA:) pl. signifies a place of human dung or ordure] is spyt. (TA.) [See also ;S.] - And the Arabs say, jJ&: (S, 0, TA :) which is said by some to mcan nitih ;lj.c as meaning aJI [pl. of j]. (I.Iamn )iX .VIj ;j.s i.;c. j1j;j.l [app. meaning hairs [etrteuling]from the batck f the head to the p. 677, q. v.) It is related of Alec tlut he reDo thatfor which thou wilt be .ccused, by inflict- middlle lft, e neck: (TA:) and, ns pl. of lj~, a proved some Persons, and said, ; ,- 4).0 to. ing punishment when it is (ieserved, and do iwt sign, mark, or tokheu, that is tiedl to the forelock of 0, TA) i.e. [lll,at aileth you ._ I;c (A,*O merely warn, and Inut infear7]. (TA in art. jjj.) a horse that outstripM, [as a preseratire ] f'on the -,.k; also significs Succe.s; or the attainment, [evil] eye. (Hjam p. 7.5.) - And i'.ll is the that ye will not cleanse] the courts, or yardx, of or accomplishment, of one's iwants, or of a thing: appellation of Fire stars at the extremity of the your houses ? (TA.) And in a trad. (O, TA) of (IAar, 0, :) and rictory, or success in a con- MI;ilky W1Iay: (S, O, Ii:) or, as some say, belo,c thle Prophet (O) it is said, diil Jl. .i ~JI test. (0, ].) One says, with respect to a war Sirius, and also called t 5 j.jli, [app. the star e ;.LG, (A, O, TA,) which may mean * [The Jens Wf ho.s is the success, or of Cani8s 11ajor (which is or a battle, j,JI called by our astrono- are the mnost stinking of Gmo's creatures] in reslpect rictory? (O.) ~ Sec also ojC~, in five places: mers "ada ra ," often written "ada [rd,") withfour of the court, or yard, of the house: or in re.spect last quarter. and see itJl, other ne?ighboturigl stars,] wrhich rise [arrorally] of ordure. (TA.) And it is said in a prow., in the mid,t of the heat: (TA:) and, (0, K, TA,) ;,j.8 i cike I ,j : [lit. '. 2 I, a phrase l a.L ;j. [an epithet of wvhich I find only the fem., as some say, (0, TA,) is a star at the time lcrily he is car in respect of the court, or yard, ;j jl; means A lhoe,,e, or wvithl ;, mcntionetl]. of .the [anroral] rising of nrhich the heat becomes of the house; app. meaning, clear of disgrace]. rdwelling, of wnhih there are many traces, or relics. injtense; (0, i, TA;) [app. the star '1 of Canis (TA.) - Also t A place nwhere people sit (., ; Land that doe. yiEild llnajor (whllic is called by our astronomers TA) in the court, or yard, of the hlouse. (TA.) (O.) - Andl ~e herbager fr'el.. and if it gice growth to anythiny, "aludra ");] it rises [aurorally, in Central - And t The worst of what comes f.rth firom this soon becomes blighted. (O and TA in art. Arabia, in the latter liart of July 0.S.,] after t,heat or corn (..U), (Lh., O, ], TA,) and is Sirius and before Canolpus, and is accompanied thrown away, (L1I, TA,) wehen it is cleared; nwith intense heat, without nsind, taking awnay the (0;) as also le. (Lh, TA.) seC ;-, in three places. = Also pl. of breath. (0, TA.).- Also (i. e. ijWI) Pain in j~: ;ljc [1. v.]. (., O, M.s, P.) the fauces, (Mgh, IC,) [arising]from the blood; kjs.&: seesj, in two places. (Mglh ;) as also jtlI, (.K, accord. to the TA,) The virginity, maidenhead, or hymen; tj A---.. virgin: 0* (0, O, Ii :) used as an epithet: or t JIhlI; (thus in some copies of the ]C, and you say jj. .;jW. a virgin girl: (TA :) and 31n. J (S, Mgh, Msb, ]g,) or ';; ,, so called thus accord. to the Cg ;) or pain of the faues, froim j.. signifying the "act of cuttina," because (8,0, 8,) in a part near tile uvula, (S,0,) Sj.. ;.., meaning *J1i : (Mgb :) accord. 1. ) is rent whent she is [arising]from the blood: ( 0,, :) it is said to IAsr alone, so called lIJ, a girl's hymen (tlj from a jJ.3 devirginated; (L4, Az, TA;) ;.jWI beinglf tAhat to be a mall swelling, or pustule, that conmes [app. meaning the uvula, as j.'31: (TA:) pl. LSL. and CSJ[with the art. '.hPerby a girl is a virgin: (Lh, TA:) [atd forth in the .4. ljl, and thus written in the S and O antd .k] from the soft palate,] which ix being a projection *;j, perhaps signifies the same: (see an cx. 0, ,) like (. 0, o, TA) and o . ,(s, o, is incident to fauces and the nose: it betveen the voce .jl1; and see also the next sentence here children, at the time of the [auroral] rising of ~t;...; [&c.]. (s, O.)_ [Hence,] X>W 'l t [T2te following:)] pl. ;,. (MSIl;.)- And Deciri;;jI, i.e. the star that rises after Sirius, men- ign Viryo;] the sign ".aJI: or a1,T. [whichl gination of a girl [or woman]: (,Jh, I :) [and tioned above; and on the occasion thereof, a is an evident mistake]. (i.) _And l.jIL'WI , is used in the same sense:] one says, bj nroman has recourse to a piece of rag, which she Lt..s,l% (s, A, 0, 1) and tja w, (TA) t [lit. twists tightly, and inserts into the nose so as to t Certain stars, described above: see ;jJk, latter GI tA ~ of grape, And 5j1C I Such a one is the father, i. c. the author, of her pierce that place, whereupon there isSUe from it half. black blood, and sometimes it becomes ulcerated; black and long, like acorns; likened to the dyed deoirgination] ; meaning such a one i. he rAwho derirginatedher. (S, A, 0, V, TA.) And [hence] and this piercing is called a1Jl: then they sus- fingers of virgins. (TA.) - And II;.c *; I A 250



(A:) or the latter means he did not obey a and see also 10:]) or who wil aid me, or assist director in the right cour: (At, TA:) or, in me, against such a one, or to defend mydlffrom the former phrae, (TA,) j1 means tshame; him? (Msb;) who will be my aider, or assistant, is also said (, TA ;) sjlt '. meaning he divested himedjr against such a on ? (TA :) for dc of shae; like as a horse casts off his jlac, and to signify an aider, or asister, against an enemy. becomes refractory, overcoming his rider and (Mqb, /, TA.) The Prophet said thus with running away with him. (TA. [See, again, respect to Abd-Allah Ibn-Ubei, demanding of cart. CL..]) And "e U;J t +`:a He disobeyed the people that they shlould excuse him for laying him. (A, TA.) - Also t The two sides of the violent hands upon him. (TA.) [It is a phrase by which one asks for permission to retaliate, or beard: (]:) or eitler side thereof; (Mgh, TA;) punish, &c.] And one says also, 9ji iC *Jc the two sides thereof being called ia.l l l, meaning B3ring him who wvill ecte the [for (Mgh,) or, (TA,) because they are in what thou hast done, or doest, or wilt do, to rsch the place [corresponding to that] of the jMl of a one]; (S, O, TA;) i.e. bring him who will the horse or the like: (Mgh,' TA:) or the hair, blame him and Nill not blame tlee. ($, O.) And of a boy, that grows ecenly in the place of the a "I Iing thine cuwe of me[for jli: (S :) or the hair, of the beard, t/hat dscendus witat I have done, &c., to him]. (TA.) A poet j1 AI crtain appertenanceof a hors or tAee upon the twojaws: (M4b:) or a man's hair that (Dhu-l-Iyba' El-Adwinee, O, TA) says, r like; (@, O;) i. e. the part, (T, M, Mgh,) orr 9ro s in the place of the JU.: (O, TA :) the strap, (Meb,) of th bridle, (T, M, Mgh, Mqb,) )line of tAhbeard: (TA :) or the hair, of a mian, uej6)as La 1 that lie, (T,) or eztends down, (M, ],) upon th s that is infront of the ear, and between which and ' a, . j .A1 0 ?a,91 a-$sbLoc cheek, (M, Mgh, Mqb, 1[,) or two cheeks, (T,) ol f the ear isawhiteness: a (gIar pp. 208-9:) and the I the horse (T, M, Mgh, Mob, 1) or the like: (T, part, of the face, upon which grows the hair in a Mgh, Mqb:) the L,Ii;.o are the two straps upn lengtned form in front of the lobula of tle car 0 6 -j fh two cheks of the horse, on the right and lst: [etetnding] to the base of the jawv. (Hlar p. 49.) 0 ; W (IDrd in his Book on the Saddle and Bridle:) -.And tThe cheek; as also *j?.: (V:) 0 0 Q1 1_ 01 B tht w L~LL"13 or, as some say, the jsis is the two dtraps of the which latter [properly] signifies the place of the .. i . 'I. ,S..t , 6, 0 bridle that meet at the back of the neck: (TA:) j,L., (A, TA,) or the place of the 91;J{. (S, [thus it signifies either of the tro chA-straps, or, O.) You say, t' ,l i t Such a onc (S, O,* L, TA) [Bring an excru fJr tie tribe, accord. to some, the two chee -straps togetyAer, (A, TA.)._ for what thei have done to 'Idwdn, i. e., one that conmoe the headstall:] some say that it is is long in the place of t e J. to another; for the tribe of 'Adwin were rent by called by the name of its place; but the converse is And t A mark made [on a camel (see ;~ )] intestine wars, in which Dhu-l-I ba' took a pro9 the case acord. to otllers: (TA:) [and i,j;. J& with a hot iron in the place of the ~ .; (S, O, minent part; (see the Essai sur l'Histoire des signifies the apertance, of the halter, corrspd- 19;) as also * ;,j : (] :) or on tiw back of tie Arabes by Caussin de Perceval, vol. ii. p. 202;) iJg to the cheekstrap, or chrek-straps, of the bridle neck, ~e ding to the temples: so in the Tedh- therefore we may render the phrase, bring an or headtall: (see a vere of Ibn-Mu4bil cited kireh of Aboo-Alee; but the former explanation excu~s for the tribe, 'Adwdtn, regarding J as voce ;:)] pl. * (, 0, O Mb, ], [in the is the better known: EI-Alimar mentions V redundant in this instance, like as it is in l.~-Ui cl ,) like a is pl. of ';. (Myb, as meaning one hkind of tie marks mnade with a , in the lur xxii. 31; and hot iron. (TA.) - Also tThe tno sharpsidea ,j;i ' '.11 TA.) It is maid in a trad., j; , A then proceed thus: they were tke serpent of the or edges, (V.,) or [rather] either of these, for both earth (meaning d~u~] th cunning, L'~ of Pophet: td guilefad, (1,T: malignant, or a, &ro IL ;b Y._ Ii ' IVerily povwrty is together are called the QIl;1j, (TA,) ofa mischievous, and strong, not neglecting to take more ornam tal to the beli~er than a beautiful [i. e. of the iron head of an arrow or of a spear blood-revenge, as expl. in art. ,. in the TA): ceiek-strap, or headetall, upon the cheeh of a &c.]. (11, TA.) - And ! E/ithr side of a road, but some acted wro,ngfully against some, and were hos]. (TA.) jCMI J o) [A hor s*hort (A,) and of a valley, (A, TA,) and of a wall. not regardful of the rights of some: so tledy became in the chektrap, or hadtaU,] implies commen- (TA.).-And tA row of trees, (TA,) or of subjc.ts of talk uttered by the raising of spcecA dation, as denoting width of the lip. (TA, vooe palm-trees. (A.) - And t An elongated tract and the loering thereof]: lie means, bring an And ;lAc signifies also The thing that of sand. (A.) The dual as used in a verse of excuse for what some of them have done to some Dhu-r-Rummeh means t 71vo elongated tracts by mutual hatred and slaughter, some of them connects the leading-rope (.ALJI ) to the (p).'. [in the C. L'] , being not regardful of some; after their having ) of sand: (S, 0, head of the hecamel (], TA) and of the heTA:) or the two sides threwf: (TA:) or two been the serpent of the earth, which every one camel (TA.) And A halter; syn. C~i: roads (,:,qi). (?, 0, O , TA.) - And : A fears. (L, TA.) - Also A state, or condition, (Mqb:) and V.o signifies a halter ( run ed tract of~god, (O, V, TA,) and [a tract] (Jla.,) which one desire, or seeks afer,for wAicA, having a double 1O (ffi. j). (TA.) One of tand, (TA, lying apros in a wide plain: (O, or on account of which, he is to be texusd (J ' ], TA:) pl.,Jm. (TA.) says, J I t.. See also ;1. lt"): (S, O, ]5, TA:) [and in one of my copies t uekh a one is stronf in Ispect f d~erination. (A, TA.) And ~' It also signifies Re~stance, or refusal; from of the 8 is added, Iti 1)l, as though by J.. were here meant an action:] pl. ., sometimes, jallJ e 4 t Buch a one is eak in ct of J.~I. (TA.) in poetry, contrated into ;. deterlination; [or i a perwaon who haa thro (S, 0.) El-Ajjlj off s.i: eea a, in two plaees. ._ Also i. q. said, (S, O, TA,) in reply to his wife, who, seeing etrint;] like a horne that has no bridle upon him, and that therefore flls upon hbi face. (TA. act. part. n. of 1,*Excming; an ecuser-; c.]. him repairing the saddle of his she-camel for a (i.) You say, C Who wil journey which he had determined to make, asked [See also aft &&.]) And eJ>e ' t [He eue~ me, or ma my r! ue~ , or be my excuser, him, "What is this that thou repairest 1" (TA,) thre off a retraint; or] he per in error: (, if Ireqte swuch a one (Myb, TA) for his action, 0 :) or he departedfro obedice, and ptersted (Mqb,) orfor h evil action, (TA,) and wo not uin errffor: (TA:) or he bro ff from is famil, blame 1 1 ..1 ... .me (Mfb,TA) for it? or who wi xcue 0 4 or deagred t em, and w them anearied by Au. me wihA rapect ~L to the cae of such a one, and not wmicken ; syn. i; a ls ao oI.: n ae blame me for it? (M.b: [se 9 j ' , e3ji: ; (S, 0,) or, as some relate it, JlAlij #,, (0,)
. , , .. , #,

pearl not bore. (A, 0, , TA.) - And Li Ila> t A sand upon which one ha not trodden (A 0, ,* TA) nor ridden, becawse of it height (TA.) - And ifj.jl t kind of collar by mang of which th hands, or arm, are confined togetle,r with the neck: (T, O, TA:) or uch as is put ulpon the tAroat of a man and haa not been pu t uonm the neck of any one before: (TA:) or a thing of iron by means of which a man is torturec in order to mahe him confes an affair, or tAe like; (1, TA;) as, for instance, for tIe purpose of ez torting property e.: pl. jl,a. (TA.) [Com. pare the term "maiden" applied to an instru. ment for beheading.] - Aleo a name of [El-Me. demene,] the CWy of the Prophet: (1, TA:, because of its not having been abased. (TA.)

Ll~c~j i

~_~ U,& 011" U~

Boox I.


j.lo - J.10

1' inf. n., (S, 0, Msb,) and V ;L.L (., A, 0,1 ) i [i. e. 0 girl, inquire not as diapprovingit rexpect- in be exabl and statefor mhic/ I shaU ing my deired ,, (1,)A repast, or (A, 1) and Vt and t. ,Xl (or rather my e~uabl pUrpo), my worh (or food, preparedon the occasion of a circumcision; 11 food, my jou~rneyng), and my benevolent care for my (AZ, ., A, O, Msb, 1g ;) or on some joyful occa], #ion: camel;] meaning 'i ! (4, [and suppressing non: (Msb:) and the last of these words likeand apocopating [a,.]. (8, O. [In the TA, wine wise signifies a repast, or food, prepared on the occasion .1 ie put for t -.. ])_See also ;lt: occasion [of the completion] of a building: and also also a repast, or food, which one prepares, and and; I . to to which he inviteshis brethren, on the occasion of .~ [A dispoiimo to xuse]. One say, t the acqnisition of something new: (0, :) and accord. to the ], all the other words mentioned IJsa ., meaning [They have not a di,poiabove also have, app., the former, or perhaps the tion to ezce; or] they do not ecuse. (0.) [See latter, latter, of these two meanings, as well as the ~:_and ),;l.. .]~See also also ,' meaning above, which is the most meaning first mentioned its common. Paragraph. common. (TA.) [app. as ,yn. with :,,J]. (O, Also I.q.q i

1887 from tl;e ir have him, : (TA:) the person to not,me an ec c speaker whom truth, this epithet is applied may be a speaker of ,ruth, he truth, and faUing themay be not a speaker of truth: that] 'Mqb, 'Msb, TA:) and so ';.a., which, as applied to qui of truth, signifies having an excus~, L a speaker E ike ike j';-, (-, 0, ],) [of which it is a variation,] 1 Mqb, having ror for the on J;Inis changed into I, and this is incor)orated porated [into the radical 1], and its vowel is I ^nsferred to the , like as is the case in transferred l ,:. '_; (., 0o;) and " * is also allowable, (, (, 0, O,TA,) and also V;~ ; (S, O ;) but [it is TA,) mid that] tJ. appliedi to him who does not Meb, speak speak truth, (S, O, I,) being [originally] of the 0w,.9 W,.0 ].) Ja., [not a variation of .',] measure (8, O,) measure means means means falling short, or doing e* than is incumoent on him, (S, O, V,) Cusing him~f (,, O) kmt without without having any [real or valid] excume. (, 0, 0, O, 1].) JV In the lur ix. 91, I'Ab read ' C;A.ill [instead of the more usual reading t":Aliz ], (0, 0, ,Ig,) and so did Ya;loob El.-laoramee, (Az, TA,) from j1; the former aserting that it was so revealed; app. considering t;*?, with teshdeed, to apply to one not speaking tmth, truth, (S, 0, I,) meaning pretending to eacue himmif, O;) himslf, itkout having any real e~us; (8, 0;) and :) , ;. to mean having an e~w: (S o, and 1 Ibn-Abee-TAyll Ibn-A~1Ayll uMi I, as Ibn-A~bee-Leyl and TA-oos read ' meaning thoe striving, or labouring, in seking e=lme. ecuse. (O.) ly.k& 1. j; 1. see what here follows.


J.L" _.;


a: see ;a! , second sentence.


,,Ev in dio~io; (., O, 1, TA, and

lam p. 417;) as though needing to excuse himself for his evildoing; (Yam ibid.;) vehement in

commanding and forbidding, (Yam p. 409,) and

J~ ,~ 0, j.~

", in two places. :see jUA and ;j." and ;;,.; and the pl. )..:

see *., in five places: and for the first, see in ~piit. (g.) [Clamorom. (Freytag, from the see Deewin of Jereer.)] - Applied to an ass, Wide also 8. [i. e. bely, or chest], (S, O, V,) and in the J.1M. J.. [properly signifying The place of tae j1J And, (K.) very lewd]. ,.i [app. meaning 1 ]: see j.o,in four places. or of the 1 U&IO O,TA, in the copies applied to dominion, (4, and erroneously written U;,TA, [in which of the 1C in six we: ;"a-, j see . and and and in the Oexs.are cited showing the former to placm. places. be right,]) Wide, or ample: (0:) or strong, (15, it."4 (0, K,) which signifies ;1U. sing. of I1., [Also, TA,) and wide, or ample. (TA.)[ixcut, or apologie;] .leas, aleatio, or [Excuses, accord. to Golius, from the Destoor el Loghah, arguments: see in two places:) (t, TA: arguments: from the adds, And Freytag animal. An agile 2 ., in the dial. of El-Yemen, (1, TA,) and also, Deewin of Jereer, 3iJ as signifying Brisk (TA,) Veib, curtains, or coverings. (0, l~, TA.) (" alacris ").] The aying in the l]ur [Ixxv. 14 and 15], .k j.: weel a; and , latter hal _, eyia. ;S;I si i ; ;Ag . Cj X sl is expl. [fem. of ,1,] as an epithet applied to a woman: as meaning [Nay, the man shall be mitnes against - Also A scar, or marh hi,edf, thogh he throw] his veils or cover see the fem. of . hindf, (O, and [over his offences]: (TA:) or (accord. to Mujat of a ,ound; (, O, ;) andso8 VJ, . (TA, &t and so hid, thus in copies of the .,) or hid, ., O), [though he offer his excue; or] in a copy of the .. ) One says, ! M a& . He, ~ thoh he diput rpecting it (, 0, TA) with every plea by which he may cU~ himsef. or it, left upon him a scar, or mark of a wound. mry (TA.) And the same is said of rain, meaning, (TA.) 0 j ., It bft upon him, or it, a mark. (TA.) - See 0 jj;%~ J~a Excued; freed, cared, or exempted, also ,. , in two places. - And ;1t1 signifies .fmm from blame; ecupated. (Mgb.) -And [hence, 2* vein whuence J&ms the blood of what is termd . applied to a woman signifies erhaps,] 1Z 2'T. : [see 10 in art. ,.:] (Q,*0,' Mb, t st;:. .]: and sometimes [q. v. in art. ~ :.) a dial. var. of j051, or an instance of mis- one one ways t jto; ; as meaning having an cuse: pronunciation: (., O:) or it may be so ealled (Mqb:) thelatteris said tobe used inthemnue (Meb:) because it serves as an excmse for the woman. of A 1'k,; but it requires consideration; (0, (TA.) TA;) as though it were of the measure l4 in 11,as a subst.: see jO. the the ense of ii,Ju, [i. e. in the msene of %mIZ



l. L., (0, Q. Q. 1. (0, M,b, V,) inf. n. A.Uqj, ($, Msb,) Alvum jecjit, vntumve per anum cmi(., M9bj sit, in coitu: (S, O, M9 b, :) or emen emw;it sii, ants ante cong~urn: (] :) or men in coitu nos emisit: aor.:, inf. n. bj~, enisit: (TA:) and V Js, signifies the same: (Mb :) or there is no verb derived from h" , because it denotes a natural quality: (O, :) so says El-MufaOdal Ibn-8ele. meb, meh, in his book on the errors in the 'Eyn: but the rule is only one which applies in most instanow, stances, of which this is not one; for the former of these words is of established authority, mentioned by Ibn-Milik and others of the leading lexicolooto. lexicologbts. (TA.) 9.10' the .ubet. [or abstract a.] from f3. Ut (Lth, P P) 1;-U.: 14.: see what follows.

0, M, b, ~) and .; (,T L, F) 3. (.80, iI. (TA.) ;l j3lA brand, or mark made with a hot iron, as meaning ecused,] from OJA ct, . (., 0.) And Ai _ [Golius and? 1U. (Ibn-A'bba, O, 5) Q.i al i a lim : P the mening of and'V"' [Golius asign to ;A Voti impo;" as on the authority of the KL; ~mm f0; is a saying mentioned by A, as meaning I "Voti ~ me per anam emittit, in coit: (., O, M,b,

Also or an instance of mispronun- : Circumcised (., A, O, M,b.) _ And A camel (TA.) branded wt the mark calld j. J")I also signifies VAWhat is brandod ciation. (., O.) And th th t pain aff~ted [A child] s of th cut q5 from the place of circ on of a girl 0.0 faum, ter faus, Jd . (f, 0o, .) (O, TA.) [which place is termed her $;]. dial. var. of jt, See also 3 , last quarter.

perind,from him, or it, evil: ,1t being a in which, however, I do not find it.] -

V:) ,:) or qui me emiUt ante conm~ : ( :) or qui emen in cous emittit: (TA:) and so with S applied to a woman: (, 0, Mqb :) pl. O@;Nt[mas.] [maw.] and hIJ and '1 a; (Lth, J.4P0, J ;) the last contr. to rule. (TA.) 0,

A.J ;.,,

:s. we

; ; am see its pl. in the last clause of the fol. 10 lowing paragraph. lowing 1. 1. DM 0 , H ) ar, oe :, 0,) inf n. w,i, 0 (1Drd, (D, (AZ, C, A, 0, M[b, V,) originally an j+-~ j l One ing himself, whethr he have, (1Drd, 0,) He at*: (., 0, ]g:) u lseo with

, lt quer.

[Boox I. 0, 0 ' t s: (IDrd, 0:) tile former of the dial. of [camel] [camel] repelledfrom the [she-] camels, and drew W :j.j ' and Aj: see 1, first sentence: and for 1 Rabee'ah. (S, O.) tiam tem togyether. (0,1.) And 'aIJ V1e the former, see also 8. camel voided his dung in a thin state. (Ibn5. t M,~j .iLJa I tasted a portion the least camd 4U.I& Jaic The fruit of the [species of tree, or plant, 'Abbid, O, 5.) in quantity of what is eaten and ofRhat is drunk. 'Abbid, I! caikd] called] Called].k~1. j~. (IAar, O.) 2 (IJam p. 448.) [See also 5 in art. .J~.] 2: see the preceding paragraph. 2# 4. j5Jl: see 1, first sentence. - Also He (a I, dim. of jJ., q. v. &H-If.J: see . 0 had many 3~, i. e. palm-trer, pl. of man) 0 ila Jta One who undertakes the affiirs of palmit kGAW Deadly pison: (0, 1 :) formed by j~. j~. (0.)_-And iiU l CJJ.l The palm-tree trees, trm, the fecundating of them, and the adjusting .09 transposition from SJt: (0:) mentioned by had many lsad V1Jl, i. c. racemes, or bunches of dates, of their racemes offruit, and disposing them proYa;!oob and Lb. (TA.) pl. of 3 .c (O.) - Sce also 1, lattcr half perlyfor the cutting off. (TA.) mrlyfor 1 i,I and J.s are syn.; (IDrd, 0,1g;) 8. 41 8. ; &;Cl He made a mark, or .AJ j3.ka* Sj-; ! He is stigmati-ed with evil. signifying Fiod of man and of beast; (IDrd, ,"9", 0;) [or food and drink; (see JjJ.;)] and in sign, u)pon a young female of his camels, for his (TA.) ri(ditV her before she had been trained: (O, K :* like manner the dial. vars.: witlih in the dial. ri(litV of Rabec'uli, and with . in the dials. of the rest [the g has i1 in the place of Ltj;i, whIich latter is the reading, in the 0, and is evidentlv of the Arabs. (..)_One says, ~,j , 1. Jjs (,S, Msb,) aor. (i O, li latter , Msfb) and , and t VI . [&c.] i: . [I have not tasted, or did the right:]) thle mark, or sigl, is ternmcedl 4 , (MsbJ (Msb,) inf. n. 3jk, (S, O, M4b, .;,) lie blame,l as mentioned by Az. (TA.) - And 1. vbi;cl him, or censured hnim; (S, 0, Msb, K;*) [and not taste,] anything. (S, 0.) And Itll ,;1; .L, means d 4 1 he did so nmuch; for] ~..L is like}; [i. e. le distinguislhed him par. t .1x. J t-1 j, ~J.0 [like .^, q. v-]. (S, O.) ticularly, peculiarly, or specially, by suth a tlhing; signifyinsignifying i.A., (K, TA,) [and jJl. is a dial. Uj1 [i.7. JJ &c.]: see 5 [and see also or lhe particulariz7edhim, or particularlyor pecu- var. thereof, occurring ,sc in the Mo'allaalah of Imliarly or specially characterizedl him, thereby]; m-el-Neys, %J3 and 3jW]. ra-el-Neys, (sce EM p. 33,)] but its verb hlas (0,K;) namely, a man. (15.)-And j;l& teshdeed to denote j.~l [as act. part. n. of jj. muchness. (TA.) j'I should signify lie made [the] tivo ends of his turban to hany teshdeced 1 -k-i j ' .WI [The sword preede,d tIe cesutre] 'ating: but see what here follows]. Ibn-'Abbad down, belhind; (IAgr, O, ;) lilke v . (TA.) j.WI is a prov. [expl. voce ~] [Cxpl. says, (0,) jil ,L 16. (TA.) Accord. to IA0r, 3 L means I have .. , j A A palm-tree nwith itsruit: (S, Q 0, :) so [W-ka [W1,a may signify as above; or he aqfVicted, not tasted anything [to-day]. (0, g.) called by the peoplo of E-lHij]iz: (TA:) or annoyed, or hurt, hitn; for lie says,] j.j.l [simply] a paltm-theO: .(Mgh, Msb:) pl. [of signifies signifies 3jlj.ll; [perhaps meaning n ,..m'l pauc.] ju. and [of mult.] J1ik (1K, TA) [the ejCULO; ojtlM ; fobr SM adds,] as though the cellsurer i:ll -1. (,, O, ,) nor. ', inf. n. 0e, latter erroneously written in the C4t aJs] and (0, O,) lfe olppended to tlhe shccp, or yoat, a burned burned (j~.) by his J~. the oljeet thereof: (0: in wbicll no other is mcntioned.) sign whereby tlhe latter migylt be knwonn, termed 'b. (TA:) [or it may mean also he burned him; for [Tlhe dim. is p ar:] hence thi saying, Uli * ui. (r;,O, 8) and t Uo, (~,) being aJloch 1tys,] Sgh says,] anld Jl.j signifies C al!so jI.I. (O.) mn ha [x,,1n,./ ~ inxp ,a rt.i, . e. . O) of wool, (M, 0,) differing in colour frnom tli 2 2: see the jparagraph. 0 animal: ($, 0, 1 :) some particularize dithe animal And Certain dates of ldlfede-nch. (CI.) It 5 to wlhic this is done as being a goat: (TA:) it is applied to several sorts of dates; of which 5: see 8, in two places. and t L.JJ.l signifies the same. (S, I.)._ are those called JJ I Ht s, , (Msb,) or 6. [IJWLt. 6. Thy,j blamed, or cesvudwl, one Hence the*saying, -;1 Jljl _1 t ,i3 anotlici.j. See the last sentence in this art. '' anotlher]. sifn, (Mg,h,) and ,ot oH h3s arld fo1 s !i jt.l ,t [TAe person to whom .oE,ces of ad- .ij [mentioned in art. b]: 8. J.CJ;l lie blamed, or censured, him.elf: (S, so says AHLit: ministrationare asigned, to him hopes are m.ade tMtb:) or .AL 0, Msb:) or i. q. ^ tl J3 is the name of a sort O, Jij jj [he admitted, or to cling]. (Iar p. 489.)_ Hence also, (0, ofpalbi&trecs in E,l-jIcdeech. (1 in art. .) acceptal, accepttl, blame, or censure]; as also t J: TA,) J4..II jk, (f1,0,) or. ac or (1 (g1 :) [or, accord. to SM,] one says, j.l J,it l ,A raceme of a palm-tree, or of (lutex; I(,) I's reproached him, or upbraided him, 1 and j. , with a thing that was bad, evil, abominable, or t, Mgh, 0, Msb, 1k,TA;) i. e. the base tklrerf, and t J'wa as meaning ,t~j i. ; [i. c. he ad,mitted, or aceelpted, blame, or censure, :TA,) together with the fruit-stalks [and fruit]; find, (f, 0, ]t, TA,) and stigmatized him with 1 but I think that :Mqb, TA;) vhen ripe: (TA:) pl. J1~1 (0, from the man, and reverted; it, (], O, TA,) so that he became known thereb,y. 1 J Llie the right reading is JJ.lJI, and that i* should Msb, 10) and Jy ;. (1T.) - Hene, (TA,) (TA.) - And I J1 , ,l 1 i.e. c.t :4 [eom- d be erased]. (TA.) - Also lie sAot, or cast, a Might; or high, or lerated, rank or condition; t monly meaning Il 9J1 L_ .. t Hie attributed, recond second time; (ISk, 0, 15;) havingr shot, or cast, . (O, 1, TA.) So in the saying, T or imputed, to him such a thinr]. (Ibn-Abb4d, ' myn. ind and missed: (ISk, O:) or, accord. to the A, he blamed himelf for having missed, and tlerefore O, 15.)--ai -J. is 51atned l Ui In the ols, suof A :n ;J. I cut off the branche cale; dm p rliot, shot, or cast, a second time, and hit. (TA.) of the palm-tree: ($, 0:) and [in like manner S1 And i. q. ;j;e! [perhaps said of a man, and . (O, TA.) -Also A bunch of knd one says] Vt ;J, with teshdeed to denote much- I ind so 4j. J ness [of the action] or multiplicity [of the objects]. . rapm: (Lth, O,1:) or wvhan what was upon neaning He kept to the course, or right course, in E .unniy, (.8.)- 3j said of the [species of sweet rush i t has been eaten. (Ibn-Abb6A, O, )A.) nd 'running, or walking, pc.: but more probably, I hink, said of a horse, meaning he went along 1 called] j.l), It pt forth it fruit; as also h branching portion of a plant: (Lth, 0:) and tmrcoming overcoming his rider, in his running, not complyM, any branch having branc~et (Lth, O, :.) ng with his desire vnAcm he pued him in]: (1 :) 1 :0.i.: (, O0, I.:) or the latter, accord. to 0 .Od, applied to a man, i q. ij: (0, 1:) so a=ord. accord. to AA,. said of a horse as meaning he IAt?, it had j3J. [pL of jt.] and S [pL of sent quickly, after sloas, and stroe, or aertled Ja,, i. e. bunches, or pri]: or, as some say, i thea phrase nolo,t j [app. meaning Con- W111 "' tinudf. .j;S it blomed. (TA.) And, said of the [species 5enial rith hearts]. (0, TA.) t Our day be Applied to per- imaelf. (O.) _ And L: ame amc intensely hot; as though it had been remiss, of tree, or plant, called] j;, It grae tall. f ume, Fragrant. (O, ].)_.. iO i A ete nd made amends for its remissness by excess, (IAyr, 0, TA.)-sik'l a J,j i, , (, Aa(ing goody wool: one should notsay sifJ a . Jaming laming itself for what had proceeded from it. J,)&r. ,, (It,) in a. .;, (TA,) da ( bn-Ibbd, T.) .( A, TA.) .1


BooK I.] J.3 Blame, or censure: a subst., as distin(0, ].) guished from the inf. n. j;. ZS;-, in two places. seeQ see Ji One volw blames, or censures, others much and or often; (9, 0, 19;) an epithet like " same the in used is j3. t ;,j*; (S;) [and sense, agreeably with analogy, but is perhaps (1 ;) and this post-classical;] as also t JIJ; last with ; is applied in this sense to a woman. l3J& Ut . (TA.) Hence the prov., XI, od1.

1D09 11

1 1. ' ' '61 0, j It nor. Lt.$ , [inf. n. Sl,] It was, x aor. j.a, The country, or town, uJ, 1. LS.IGJ 1. I l.s, was good, or pleasant, in repect of its air. (IAir, or became, such as is termed ks, said of seedP , (AZ, ~"is ;1i say, K, TA.) - And you ,roduce, roduce, and of herbage, and of palm-trees. See also 1, in art. .J.. Mab.) Msb.) ( (So sJ..I. or c (K) I.W.t ;i' TA) and accord. to different copies of the K [in which 10: see art. Z [with which the present art. is what immediately precedes app. indicates thati ntimately connected]. the meaning is, The land was sutch as is termed a! 9.AG: 9.jA: see the next paragraph, in two places. in the best degree; so that ilQtJ or it'Jh'i, ;I.s, t1 the former of which is the reading in the T, is C (IA~r, Mph, qJ%0 5J (S, MHI), K) and ? 6jI Jjj the inf. n.: but accord. to the TI5, g) g) Such as is not watered but by the rain, of sed-produce, (S, Mgb, 15, TA,) and of herbage, having for its inf. n. ,lJ, and 9, having s"d-produce, :Meb,) (Msb,) and of palm-trees: (M?b, TA:) [app. addition, any without mean, kiS, n. for its inf. a e: C-Lb i. e. the land nwas the best oft ised ;QW.J X used as epithets and as substs.: see also 0 what is termed ;1].) and see , :] and . and v 5Jk, the latter iDf of the measure Je , are applied as epithets to idie the same in the same sense: the pl. of $.:k is

SL [lit. I am one who blames Ui U% ./ others much, and myl brother is one who constantly abstainsfrom renderin aid, and neither of ut is a son of afemale dlave; but expl. as] meaning I blame my brother, and he abstain from aiding me. (TA.)

' ' ;- * [Ifound that] the place 10. i,I. was suitable to me (V, TA) in its air, (TA,) and } see the next preceding paragraph. I deemed it good, or pleasant. (1, TA. [Menbut more properly belonging tioned in art. LSki; 1 both of these arts. are though art.; present the to [rerJ] censures, or blames, Mai.~ A man vwho the other.]) with each connected, intimately [more] it render to added is i much or often: the intensive. (0, TA.) - [Also fem. of J,., q. v.] [or Ul]: see the next paragraph. lS And I~lj,l is an appellation of The ..! , (S, (, TA,) the latter ilt~ and as or the anus]. (0, 1.) [i. e. the podea, written in [some copies of] thc 1:, erroneously, Jig Blaming, or cenuring; or a blamer, or a.Lc, (TA,) Land good (S,) in its soil, (S,) censurer: (TA :) pl. 1i~ and lJl and j~; remote from water and from tainted air: (5:) (1, TA;) all pls. of JMt: the fem., applied to or land good in its soil, andfertilc: or remote


a woman, is iZltl; and the pl. of this is jill,

and ..Il;

the [sunken waters, or thue watery beds of sand or signifies t The vein from which Jflows tlhe blood earth, called] L_t, andfrom the waters that see the next preceding paragrapih. a 1 ' of n. [inf. a of that caled C from the ground: or not having in it [plants ooe q. v., in art. au.]; (S, O, Msb, 15, TA;) as of the hind calld] E , nor near to a region though it were so called because the woman be. thereof: (TA: [see also j,5 , in art. U.:]) comes liable to be blamed by her husband; the O ) and , (g,) L (S, g) and [coll. gen. n. L j l ,'J, nor.: ( 0, blaming being attributed to the vein by reason pl. of the former ;.l as a subst., which used when app. same, the of of its being the cause thereof: (O :) and some. inf. n. v; (S;) The camels were, or became, [or 1]. times it is called .. I [q. v.]: (Msb, TA :*) the emay generally be the case,] VLS~ manyj, mangy, or scabby, or affcted writh the mange or ] again, in art. (TA.) [See also j

is allowable. (TA.)_And jJIl

'' (M.b.)-And 1 il & I.Jiervbage, or :,;,. (Meb.)-Astd p)astura.qe, thtat is remote fiomn the O [or land p)asturane, Of.ompifields sownmfields and of seed produce &c.], and that of c groyvs fronm the rain. (TA.) - And 5~. siggrows nifies also A place that gives growth to plants, or herbage, in winter and summer, without the wellinj forth of water. (Lth, TA.) - And Any place not having in it [plants of the hind callUed] (15, TA) nor land that e,udes water and produces (15.) - And i.q. salt; (TA;) as also * 5.-. M~: I~: [perhaps in the sense last expl. above: (see the from men: or remnote from water and from the latter in art. >k&:)] .kc :)] pl. oT,`. (TA.) from remote or tainted air and from pestilence: 11

1 [or portion - And 21C signifies also A l. in the that groms forth upon a single stalk, or fresh or JIC was Tue name of [tlhe monthl] 2Tme of Ignorance: (V,*TA:) or of 3i,-i; juicy buach or plant, &c., (see art.,e.,)] of seed(1], TA;) but the former has been pronounce( produce. (TA in art. the pl. ii to be the right: (TA:) [see j.:] a.jk: see the next preceding paragraph. J se. (19, TA.)

; (O, g ;) scab; (, O, ;*)as also * ~s; t/hey signifies verb last this or and ; (1:*) : Z>9 (the eamels) had purulent pustules, like the [cutnt [q. v.], coining forth neous ncom eruption called] 1A diq)ei.jec,lly diqsersedly in theiir lips (S, O) and their legs, (S,) and and dischlarging a fluid resembling yellow water; in consequence of which the healthy canels arc may not Brijk, lively, or spruightly; liglt, or cauterized, in order that the diseased r;vj4 J3~ A man much blamed, or censured, foi to them the malady: (8, 0:) or communicate communicate 0, g.) active; not having grcatforbearance nor J;Jl . ( o, his erweive muniee~ the same verb signifies, (IKtt, g,* TA,) and so [app. as meaning firmness, or soundness, of judg;l1 :Intensey hot days; (S,O,15: ment]: fem. with I: or, as some say, it is with the first, and ? the second, (],*) said of young, ;lk or unweaned, camels, they hlad purulent pu.tules TA;)a also a j.~; (1s;) as though the) (TA.) t. in their necls: (Ilt. , K,* TA:) and all the three blamed one another; one saying to another, " 1 verbs, said of camels, signify t/hey had a diMeas see c'Lc, below. ac: am hotter than thou, and why is not thy hea t riaich caused their fur to fall off, (, TA,) so which like my heat ?" (TA:) or, accord. to IAy the shin appeared and hone. (TA.)_ 9 ! signifies the hot days. (0.) Amn d fi the subst. from IS: [app. signifying The that J..m 1 J.l a, said of the mange, or seab, signifies Cjj.J1,0, : Certain intsely hot days that quality, or condition, of land that is termed I X *fr.. ;a.. [app. a.~:l [app. meaning It attached the body]. (B, S) art. (TA in lN come before the [aurora ising of Suheyl [i. e ;1].

pl. is J,s), like J

pl. of J;t. (TA.)-


Canopu,], or afJr it; so called as [though ai t& and * a,e., and 11; [the pl. of the ' S1) meaning that they blame one another (V applied to camels, Being in a place of paand bid one another to be intensely hot or t first], has not in it (plant of the kind called] that ture desist from heat: and albo called ~.'` [q. v.] in art. c.) [See also (1(ipand TA with the unpointed ), as being equal in intensit Y ,,r in art. e.] a,t) _ voce _,,,.] art. ind voce TA)G, of heaLt. (TA.)

TA.) nor. t, inf. n. ;c, said of a bird, It a, .0-2" , (, Mgh, TA,) muted, muted, or duped. (9, . s; (0;) and ? j., aor. , (, TA,) inf n. inf n. X0,3 * & ; ($, O;) He manured land: he in dun.effid it: (Mgh, TA:) he manured it with dunged

[Boox I. the night, wvith a sound, or cry, (S, O,) or speak- and goats, wvild, and the like,] and that of ing, or talking: (A:) he rwas sclplcs, and turned birds; (.,O0,1;) as also a,0 to: (O,g:) and over upon the bed, by night, speaking, or talking, human human ordure. (0,1 .) It is said in a trad., (A, I,) and with a sound, or cry, and, as some -----.. ' 0.0, - -0 j.a 0~~~~ t;i,~ -j >I ai >1 i. e. [God has cursed, 4f say, stretching. (TA.) A'Obeyd says that some tye,~" thing. (Mb.) _ And s t ile sulied, a r derive it [as Z does] from ;I;, signifying the or may God curse, the seller of] eJp.. [or perhaps be.xpattered, hint with eril, by clharging him ther' "crying" ofa male ostrich; but that he knows the meaning may be human ordure, and the buyer ,citlh; aspersed him; or charged, or upbraidec tterwf]. (Mgh.) - Dirt, or filth. (Mob.)_ tikewfl. i, not whether it be so or not. (TA.) hin& with evil: (6, 0, l$, TA:). from ; s8ie t Filthines in the natural dispotition. (0.) 8: see 1, ncar the end of the paragraph. : A thing that exposet its author to disrace; a itifying "lie dunged" land; or, accord. t vice, or fault, or the lik (O, Msb, TA.) See aA'Obeyd, it may be from J-& signifyin g 10. .IP.I wA The mange, or scab, ap "mange," or "scab:" and the wronged hina, peared and spread among thiem. (S, O,0 I.) also ea. [And see s, voce j. Hence,] a ---0 11.P" or treated him unjubtly or injuriowuly; and r c [See also I in art. a.] a". 1 .t1' That which di~ wonmen; their ei riled him; and tooh his property. (TA.)conversation or behaviour, with other. (TA.) co;m-zation R. Q. 2. ;j>: see 1, first quarter, in two As an epithet applied to a man, (., 0, Mqb,) And [in like manner] a ,a j4 t He brine7 places. t Dirty, Dirty, or fUthy; as also t"I' and * tj mgainst his people, or party, an abominable, c ,: '.(., 0:) [or] having an intensive signification , The mange, or scab; (S, A, Mgh, O, K;) evils, cha gc, (aMsgh J ,) apering the [as though meaning "dirt," or "filth," itself]: urith it. (6, O.) t He dijraces, or diwhonourj,as also t7 , (() and t *i&(IF, M b, ]) and (Mqb (Msb :) t a man who is the digjrace of the people his po,ple, or party. (TA.) - And ".ts, aor. ,p&: (IF, Msh, in a copy of the A:) [to ,hoem Ae belonis]: (V:) a man sllied, or t lle applied to him a surname, or nichnars see also JJ&: or , has this signification; but bespattered, with evil. (IDrd, O.) And one that disgraced him, or dishwnoured him: andis says, 1 ;.says, ' meaning t Such a one is the t Ie received, or became called by, sucl a sur Wjs&, with damm, signifies purulent pustules in tie worst of his family. (TA.)_ Also t The act necls of young, or unweaned, camel.: and a cername or nickname. (TA.). And o.c, (S;, 0 tain disease, in conence of which the fur of of doing an abominable, or evil, thing, to anoof the tiler. (K.) aor. , (TA,) in n. s, (r,) t lie did to c camelfalsB o,ff, (, TA,) so that the shin appears ther. himan abogin,abl, or evil, thing: (]a:) he dis and shtines; as some say: (TA:) or purulent j-J and tjjsMangines, orscabbine.:(]g:) or, J.J& oileased himn; grieved, or vexed, him; did to hirnn pustuks, like the [cutaneous erul)tion caUed] #v a, rhat 1w disliked, or ltated; did evil to him. (S, [q. v.], which comes forth in cameb, dispersedly, accord. to some, mange, or scab, itself; like ts. 0,.) And [i also signifies It (a thing thai in their lips (S, 0) and their lkgs, (S,) discharging (TA.) 'be disliked, or hated, and that distressed him, a jluid which resembles yelow water; in conse- j*!; ; A certain plant, of swt odour, ($, 0,) befell ., him; syn. meaning oA.. (Ksh in quence of which the healthy camels are cauterized, intenmly yellow and wide in the blosom; (O ;) in order that thte diseased may not communicate to xlviii. 25. [In Bd, e dl; app. a mistranscription L q. q.,.l 9 [q. v., i. e. bu!hlhalmum, or oc~ye; them the malady. (S, O.) En-Nibighali for pIe.])-Alsop, (0, Msb, (,) aor. , (0, (addremsing En-Nonmin Ibn-El-Mundhir, says, which is called by both of these names in the pre0,) TA,) inf. n. ; (0, ;) and t sal, (Mob, ]e,) sent day]: (,0,O:) Bent accord. to IlB, the wild .P,. --&*a ., '..I, und ;cl; (o ;) i and and !l him likewise; narcixw narcisnu .(s1 ; 1: (TA:) and said by (M,b, TA; [see art. ,;]) lie addresed, or some to be a sort of tree [or plant] to ,vhich the applied, himelf to obtainfavour, or bounty, oj complexion of a woman is liketed: (Ham p. 548:) rompkxion [And thou hast charyed me with the crime, or n. un. with ;: ($, O, ]:) IAgr him, withot asking; (Mb, says that the' or ;) he came to him, offence, of a man other than myself, and eft him ;,J! is lihe and oughat his fawour, the jQ; having wood, [orarborescent, bounty; or sking his (I;,TA,) Seias or S.) ipp. meaning that it is the buphthalmum arborefavour, or bounty: (0, TA:) or he went round like that which auu the diea calld ., another app. 3: see the preoeding pai.agraph~~~~~~~~(, forme half than which is cauterized whAile h is pasturing at xm, xen, the flower of which is intensely yellow, about himn, king to obtain what he had, whether pleasure]: agreeably with what is said of it in the 0,] igreeably he who saysIll, in relating this verse, a asking him or snot aing 4im. (TA, as implied erms; for cauterization is not practised as a preser- avbV,a avibg a smet odour, and growing only in plain in an explanation of .)_ And *jA He vative from the mange, or seab. (IDrd, S, O.) hnd. /and. (O.) ~ Also, i. e. like A.., [in measure], alighted at his abode as a isiter and guest. - [Hence, app.,] t A wire, or fault, or the like. Rctaliation Rdahation of augher or of ~ding or of (Hjar p. 366.) [Sec also -] And t Evil, or, nutilation nutilation; syn. ;j5: and anytking that is dain 0, mischief (t[ar ibid.) One says, 1piJ : Ei h hi retaliation for another ( -no,,, s%R k , ): t [I experi from him, or it, eril and mischief: (:V,, (:V, TA:) of any such thing one says, ;1 i 3. ;.., (O, O, aor (@,n. i (n, , the two nouns being synonymous: and the latter 'It [It is one lain in retaliationfor it]. (TA.) (a,n ) and 3%la; (I1;) and, (, 0,e,) as; of them also an inf n. of ., q. v.]. (TA: but [This latter meaning is app. taken from the prov. some ay, 0,A) ator.; [ , (l, 0, ,) or-, written without any syll. signs.) [See also an !p&zoilire !,0& .;., relating to two cows; mentioned (thus in the L,) in n. a, (0, w w, ith kesr; instance of the use of the phrase -j vocel n n art. 'm.] (a; [in one of my pies of thoe j ; butylr i 0 which would be agreeable with analogy, I do See alsow. J1.1r.: Jj:: see J. not find;]) He (an ostrich [staid of the male 0 0 . o: seeas, in three places: -and see only]) cried; uttered a cry or crie: (, iO, jio .,s art. A strangr (Az, 8, Z, O, ) among a like as they ay of a female ostrich 74"j: wple: (O, l :) occurring, in the aceus. case, in b&: seej5. Ppople: o:) lff cito an eartion that it is H, or. . trad., in which some read J , with the see &.- Also Madnes, or such as is (Id. (TA.) ointed t; and some say that the right reading is cinted caused by diabolicalpm , affecting a man: 4.sjJI t 1 Thei hM had in it ;fm [i. e. 5 1, tan. i.e. tl [here meaning "an adherent "]: o o Ii him is mad, &,v, (f,O.) U'.4 dung, or human ordue], ($,* 0, 6,) or much yQu say, ,ut but Hr and IAth agree with Az [and the .] and - Dung, suh as i caledjaR, and ; (m 2 thereomf; like ; ,,f. (TA.) 'and and the [0 and] V. (TA.) 0,) or Cm,.o, (Mgh,) [i. e. dung of hobr or 8. i R. awok# from hIs ,)pi, ( A, O) in other dhwofd ai%imals, and of camel, se js., The [which is the common, 'm.] tree called human ordure. (TA.) And [heice] 5i e, (Mgh, Mqb,) aor. A, (Msb,) He defiled, or b, nmeared, him, or it, (Mgh, Msb,) rwith i. 1 . dung such as is called C,;M,, (Mgh,) or with a




BooK I.]
or ergrw~ , cyprs; but the former name is generally applied in the present day to the ;) a Per. word: (I :) juipertree]; (, o, it is a kind of great trce, of the treCs of the mountains: (0:) some say that it is the [tree called] A, and aLdo [said to be] called jS: others, that it is a great kind of moutain-tre, : (TA:) n. m gre~n, caled by the Perdam Aln says that he had been informed by an Arab .a of the desert, of the people of the Sarah (SP;%-), who are possessors of thee ' a, that it is the J.l [q. v., a name now applied to the juniper-tree, like &j; and particularly to the species thereof called the saMi]; and he adds that he knew it in his own country, and afterwards saw it in the province of aCsween, cut for firewood from the mountains thereof, in the borders of Ed-Deylem; whence he knew that his informant was well acquainted with it, for those mountains are places of growth of the 3J,: (O:) he says that it has a fnut lie the j~ [or fruit of the lote-tr,e called jfirst green, then becoming whaite, ten be,], [or charcoal, c.], coming black until it is like , and weet, whun it is eatsn: (TA:) n. un. with 1. (O, TA.) I,&: ee (Oj, in art. j.

1991 , also t A cause of reviling, or of being reviled; stomach by indigestion. (TA.) And J' a corrupt, in became ach ~ His above, n. as inf. ; (TA:) a crime, or sin; syn. syn.. .: being (TS, L, TA; in or di~red, state, (9, O, Mqb, ],) .from (S, O, Mb, 1 ;) and "iU; burdened. (TA.) - Also, (0, ],) inf. n. as [and thus in the O;] above, (TA,) said of a camel's hump, (O, TA,) the copies of the V >i; but this is a mistake; TA;) and .^.; (TA;) It became wUollen and purulent. (0, K, TA.) or a crime, or sin, [that is - And, said of a wound, (9, O, ,, TA,) It as also t ;": or scab: (L, TA:) a became corrupt: (TA:) or it broke open again; mange, the like noxiou] em : (9, O :) or it hd a scar foul, or an abominable, thing: (0, TA:) a caue or became r of grief or vexation: (Mgh, Mb :) annoyance, rema'inngafer it had haled. (I~.) - Said of or hurt; or a thing by Nhich one is annoyed or a river, It abounded with rater. (g.) And 7T welU contained much water; or hurt; syn. L.51; (Sh, Mgh, ] ;) or -1!1: (0:) A1 abundant. (]g.) - And, (4, became water its displeasing, grieving, or vexing, conduct: (Mgh, c (O,0 J,*TA) and ` tj, said Mb :) and i. q. ;o/ [app. as meaning violence, or TA,) in n. ie I s, or became, if, vely, (TA,) a man, of the like]. (0: there mentioned between the sig(O, g,) aor. , TA.)- ~, (, prightly. or e. nifications of . and L.) Also t The slaying He ate (0, g) food. unexpectedly, (S,) or the fighting, (0, ],) of an (4,) inf. n. , (T!,) (TI.) army, tithout tle permission of tae commander: , : [omitted in one of my copies of the (, O, (8, O,) inf a . 4..Q, ($,) He (an 2. .;s, S:]) or the alighting of an army among a people, a foreign word; poahe it, or arabicized Arab) and eating of the produce of their fields withiout with the ways of Atabic it, agreeably pronounced hnolekdge (Sh, 0, TA) of the commander: (0:) , (9, M O,) in. n. ,v. . also ;) as ( speech; br those or an army's oppressing, or assaulting, another the Arabic taught He And (TA.) unbelievers whom they pass, whether Muslims, or _- See also 4, in a tred.) from (TA, langage. and made, been have peace of wvith whlom terms signifies also The n. The inf. places. fourteen under omen 'affiting the in respect of their' covert and their posssions by conduct not per- sh,ng, or dclaring, one's saying, (Q, TA,) and mitted to them. (TA.) - And t A debt, fine, or one's deed, (TA,) to be bad, evil, abominable, or mulct, which one is obliged to pay: and a ine for fou. (1, TA.) One says, C6 ",; lle shoed homicide: (1, TA:) thus expL by Mohammad him, or declared to him, that his saying, and his Ibn-Is-h4. Ibn-Yesar: (TA:) or a thing that deed, was bad, &c.; and upbraided him for it. one didikes, or hates, relating to finefor homicide; U6 tm . lIj t U & (TA.) And . na? from j& signifying"mange," I did so and so, and no one upbraided me; or of the measure or "scab." (Th, TA.) - And t The changing charged me wvith having acted di#jracdly. of tha face in colour by ras~on of anger: (0, ,.4~., (9, O,) and (AZ, TA.) And Ue.. ,, TA:) Az says that it is thus mentioned by hitm, or declared to him, showed He (TA,) J, Abu-l-'Abbis with teshdeed to thej: but if it be that his deed ws bad, evil, abominabie, or foul, not from jIl, it is without . ja., from a .t3 is The (0, O,) and so his saying. (TA.) teshdeed. (O, TA.) saying to a man wrio ha uttered what is foul, or 3 .6, t . - Also, with ;, applied to a erroneous, "It is not so, but so ;" telling himn ,a..: see 1 l), Dunged what is more conrect. (Sli, TA.) And The repalm-tree (Z;.), [and to land r ; (J, TA;) and so pling againut a with ; [q. v.]. (TA.) - And, without ;, t A R reHe ., says, One . (TA.) , man sullied, or bespattered, with evil; or aspersed: t, (S, Msb:) and wronged, or treated unjustly or plied against him, denying or diallowing or disinjuriously; and reviled; and deprived of his aiproving whitat he said: (S:) or he preaented, hindered, or forbade, him: or ae did so, and property. (TA.) denied or disallowed or disapproved [what he aid a-., J;'- One who addwss, or applies, himsaef to or did]. (TA.) [See what next follows.] obtain favour, or bounty, without asking; (IAb, Also The treating medically, to remove his disease, ?, 0,* Msb, ][ ;) one wrl comea to another, and one wlwo stomach is in a corrupt, or disordered, reks his favour, or bot,nty; or seehing hisfaour, state. (0, K. [In both, IJt is expl. as aor bounty; as also Vjtl: or one wiho goes roud meaning .rI i.e. ;AJI .,JI. Frey,,a. about another, eeking to obtain what the latter rendered the verb us signifying has, whether asking him or not akhing. (TA.) tag has strangely aliquem stomachi corruptio."]) reddidit "egrotum And A guest viiting. (M 9b.) And A poor man. followed by , and having a'1 41 says that Az (C, TA.) It occurs in the ]ur xxii. 37: accord. meanings: these of to some, having the last for its object him who says what is disapproved accord. to others, the first thereof. (TA.) may be from this. (TA.) - Also The lopping a palm-tree; or pruning it by cutting off Ome of its branchea. (S, O, ]')- And The scarify~ a horse or similar beast in the parts of the skin net , [aor. L,] in n. , His tongue the hoof and thtn cauter~iig thoser: .L ';LJ (ps, [or speech] ar, or became, Arabic, (S, 0,) or TA:) or the cauterizing a horse in several place chade Arabic. (Msb.) - See also 4, first sen- in thoscparts, and thn gently scarifig them e, asor.', in n. without producing any effect pon the sinews, or tence, in three places. the in the tendon, (Az, O, TA,) in order to ~eten %j, He (a man) bcame diord 251


:tc A camel having the mange, or scab; as also t. l; (A'Obeyd, g, O;) which latter [in ta] is some of the copies of the -j written 9 , to a applied in this sense to a man; and t or having, last signifies this camel: (1i:) or (s, 0, .) affected with, tai disease calld ;.

See also~,. .Wo and #3jt&: see ;O.

&.l.,. l. . .S I . t. 1 l: seej . - One says also,jL. ; [meaning t Thou art nwote than he, and more &.l

evil: the two nouns being synonymous, like j.~ and ia]. (TA.) ;;S A place ofS, i. e. mange, or scab: this Hence, is the primary signification. (TA.)ii-the beyond that is khy ;ja.JI The region of the Milky Way (;^.jl) in the dircioof the North Pol; so called becaue of the multitude of the stars therein; (0,* TA;) like as the sky is called because of its numerous stars; these being "l;.JI compared to scabs on the body of a man: (TA:) a man alluded, when, and to this and the ;being asked respecting the place where he alighted and abode, heinformed the inquirerthat he alighted and abode between two tribes, (O,TA,) great and numerous; (;) saying, ^" ljq]: and the [I hame alighted beteen the (O, TA:) or, as some say, (O,) ;ijlI is the name of a certain star, or ad~rism, [which is] below the ;,.e [or Milky Way, app. meaning when the latter, as vi~eed from Arabia, is seen trcin acro the sky above the North Pol]. [Hence likewise, .) (O, -Bk. I. app.,] signifies



1992 parts, (Az, TA,) or in order that tat hair may become strong: (0:) or ,Jl . ,r, signifies he made an incision in the bottom of the horse's hoof; and the verb implies that, by this operation, what was concealed becomes apparent to the eye, so that one knows the state of the hoof, whether it be hard or soft, sound or diseased. (L, TA. See also 1 in art. Aji.) _ Also, the inf. n., The getting, or procuringfor oneself, an Arabian horse. (TA. [See also 4, near the end.]) - And The taking, or making, for oneself, an Arabian bow. (0, Also thile drinking much clear, or A.)_ limpid, water, (0, l,) which is termed .,J.


[Boox I.

but God" mseen times.] (TA.) And one says, declined, or declinable; in these senses oppoed jI3 r,I, and 4 ,"lI, meaning He made to j and '., inf. n. I-: and the former also thke speech [that he spoke] clear, plain, distinct, as meaning He analyzed grammatically, or or pe'spicuous. (TA.) And A . j l- He parsed, a sentence: and the in n. of the verb declared, or spoke out clearly or plainly, his argu- (act. and pass.) in these senses is 3,1.]mnent, pled, allegation, or the like, roitloutfearing See also 2, first sentence: - and again in the any one. (S, O.) And tsJ5l ~1 and ~:.l first third part of the paragraph. 'l& also .., ,'p,.,, :~, and V and ; zc, which last, ac- signifies The making [a person] to revert from, cord. to Fr, is better than '4 and ^;yFl, I or relinquish, foul syeech ; (K, TA;) and so made the thing clear, plain, distinct, or manifest. ... (TA.) - And The speaking foul, or obscene, language; as also &, and .~l'l: (Msb.) And ,~ . t .v ,l lie declared, or spoke out clearly or plainly, 7what was in his (O, ] :) thus it bears two contr. significations. (o.) --. Hl ,., (1,) or V (0,) He mind. (TA.) And 'i (1., TA.) One says of a man, ',~ [&c.], (S, c . al, and V. rendered the cow desirous [of copulation]; said a%, IHis tongue made clear, or plain, or spoke O,) or 4'j. .~rl, (Msb,) Ile spoke foul, of a bull. (0, g.) - And ,'., (Fr, Mgh, 0,) or obscene, language. (S, O, Msb.) [Golius and clearly, or plainly, for hin : and L VL ,9. ' inf. n. , ;; (Fr, O, I;) and t.ycl, (Fr, sLiJ s.3U His tongue tells plainly, or declares, Freytag have assigned this meaning to V9 a Mgh, O, M1b,) inf. n. ,.l!; (Fr, Mgh, ] ;) also: the latter of thlem as from the S and K; and n ; (O, and S and g in art.1 j ;) lie what is in his heart.. (Az, TA.) It is said in a (S,) or MNJ, m and in neither of which do I find it.] - And The gare what is termned aptn ;j (0, Meb, 1) or trad., L;, C .lJl, act of copulatiny: or thie tpeahking of that act in c . (Fr, Mgh) [i. c. an earnest], 1l. [in ,j^, accord. to different relaters, but some an oblieque, or indirect, n,anner. (.K.) = And the case of such a thing], (0,) or ;!: J. [in the say thc former only, (Msb,) i. c. [Sihe who has r,jl, (S, 0,) inf n.-'.!, (I.,) lie had a chitd become a widown, or been diivorced, &c., or she who born to hinm of A rabian comple.riuin, or colour. crase of his purchase]. (Mob.) One says, Vt Il hias no husband, whethwr she be a virgin or not, or a5i.iL ;ltl They paid in advance, as an 7wt being a viryin,] shall speah out Ilainly for (S, O, Ii.) - And lie so.sessed, or acquired, or sou!/ht to acquire, horses, or camels, tf pure earnest, in the case of the house, four hundred herself [when demanided in marriage]: (S, Msb:) Arabian race. (TA. [See ailso 2, in tihe middle [dlirliinems]. (L, TA.) It is related in a trad. or i,.LJ 1 : b'egJ, so accord. to It, (0,) of tlhe latter lialf; and sec .e .]) - And .A tlat ? lt1 in buying and selling is forbiddern: signiifies One's bno'ing a hlorse if uroe Arabian or ly C'.a', (Mgh, 0,) so accord. to A'Oblyd, (Mgla, 0, TA:) thiis is said by Sh to mean A I race from one of 7nean race b// his neiqh,tg. (g.) man's sa/ying to another, If I do not purchase' but, as IAmb says, both are dial. vars. of whichi And A hlorsc's being hniotnm by his neighing to be this ftnr so mnpuch, thou shxalt have such/ and such neither is prcfcrablc to the other; and the mean- of pure Airabian race, .fire J o anm.1 admixcture ing is [she w'ho has become a widow, &c., her *f my ),'olpcrhty. (O, TA.) tongue] shall declare for her. (O.) One says of other than Arabian bh,od: (K, TA :) [or his making himself to le knonn as such by isneigth3. [Tlie following ex. is given of thce inf. n. of also, m.. jl :,&,j.l .. He spoke out, or explained, ing; for] ._f.l means he (a horse) neiglhed, and this verb.] One says, ~ta , I t 3 L. for the man. (TA.) And 4il , l was consequentl!y lhwnn to be of Alrabian race. OL o1 L 1t..fl, (0,) or Uil ;)l L, (TA,) spokeJifr the peopble, or part!; (Fr, 8, Mgh, O, (A.) - And The mal;inl a lhorse to ranu. (K.) meaninlg, (0, TA,) app., (TA,) [No one has IK;) and pleadled for themn; (Fr, Mg-h, TA ;) Accord. to Fr, onc says, d,s .. / l, meaning been givrc, crhat such a one has been given, or as also .lit ucl;the forminer in this sense is lie made is horse to run: I but he adds that s6me ,rhat I hare been given, of] the nmeans of coitus better known. (Mghi.) And ., and say .. ,~. (0.)= Anvd . 1 signifies The [nriths nro,en]. (0, TA.) ..t,;, lie pleaded hlis cause. (TA.) And taking as one's n;ipc a womnan such as is termed means _c 9 ., , lle spoke and pleaded for the os), [q. v.]. (g.) = - l 4. .at, (AZ, Mb, TA,) [for j,i.l .. 1, The people's waterintg [of tiheir camels], taving ._-r,l also signifies like tr.l for . e.,1 l,] inf. n.;,l (A, olject of his want. (A.) been at one time on alternate dtey.s, oantl another lie was, or becanme, chaste, uncorrupt, or free K,) lie s,loke clearly, plainly, distinctly, or inteltime on the f,urth day/ after that of the ne.rt Iprcligibly, (AZ, A, MAb, I)' TA,) in Arabic; fi'om barbarousmess,in speechA; although not an ceding watering, then becamne, and continued to be, , inf. n. (Mtb ;) as also arid:-, l; 1t"3, said of Arab. (M.b.) And A&l J V-' of one uniforinm way. (S, O.) = See also 2, last a fircigner, or one [previoinwl-zjot clear, plain, ; as also aJ ,&l, in n... l; I made four sentences. distinct, or intelligible, in spech:l. (AZ, Msb, the speech [thiat I spoke] clear, or plain, to him, 5. ., Ile l assimilated himlf to the Arabs. TA:) and t , so that there was in it no barbarousness. (TA.) nor. , in f. .'4o, and , (S.) He (a man not of genuine Aralian descent) accord. to Tl, and andc ' [wlici accord. And Bls 9 .~, (S, O,) inf. n. , (1,) introduced himself among the Arabs, and spolw to general analogy would be jl]}--and &a1e ; He made hi speechfreefiom error, or incorrect- their language, and imitated their manner or .) And J;a 1 ' l I made the appearance; [he became a naturali:ed, or an (TA;) or t.A, aor. t; (MvAb;) [likewise] sig- nes. ( o, g, nifies lie spoke clearly, plainly, or distinctly, after ,.J. [i.e. word] clear, or plain: or the I in this insitious, Arab; (see ;)] fafl as also l. being barbarous, or vitious, in speechl: (Mgb, case denotes privation, and the meaning is t I (Az, TA.) - lie became an Arab (f the dc.e t; TA :) and t r A spoke witlwout inconrectness; removed its .. , [app. t ,., from this word as (S, Mgh;) he returned to the desert, (Az, Mglh, (M.b;) and [so'.,, l, for] ~j,.l signifies the inf. n. of s' used in relation to the stomach &c.,] TA,) after he 4ad been dwelling in a region of . y,"l He cities or towns or villages and of cultivated land, committing no error in speech: (~, TA:) and i.e. vaguenes. (Msb.) And made his spechc free from error, or incorrectness, tile expressing of meanings clearly, plainly, disand joined himelf to tthe Arabs of the desert. t;nctly, or perpicuously, by words. (TA.) [ ,,3s, in [what is termed] r,otkl [here meaning what (Az, TA.) Hence, 4,S~.&Z. H e became also, bas a similar meaning:] it is said in a trad., grammarians generally intend tiereby, namely, an Arab of the desert [after his flight, or emigradeinential syntax, or the science of the variows tion, for the sake of El-Islem], (?, Mgh,) return.5I , S A *s5. ... I inflections of words, literal or virtual, by reason ing to the desert. (Mgh.) - He dnelt, or abode, of the various governing words]. (8, O.) [,,,l in the desert. (0, ;t ); * s NJ 1 (O, TA) i. e. [Tlcy ) -. See also 4, first senis also used by grammarians as meaning He de- tence. used to like teacting tlhe boy,] hLnm he spoke dise-i a She acted in an amorou tinctly, or articulately, [to say " There is no deity clin~l a word; and ..,D as meaning t1wmmanner, or with amorou dalliance, and maniI

j J ui*J e


. LU [expl. descendants of Kal.tin, and those of Ma'add the 1I. ' a.. t.l I;j fesd love, to her husband. (A, TA.) - Respect- saying w,.I 1 (in which son of Adnan (through whom all the desendants by Golius and in art. J-]. (S, ing a meaning assigned to ... Freytag, see 4, latter half. the latter word is used as a corroborative of the of Ism''eel trace their ancestry) who lived beforc them, of the Arabic lan1 the corruption, among , , J0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O ) and as in former .4,1 10. .,.jaul: see 5: - see also 4, first sentv/so is the appellation given to (0- ad-h- guage.] -tence: - and the same again in the latter half (, A, 0, Msb, 1) an and Tho [Arabs] who dwell in the deert; (S, Mgh, and O0)1 , 1 e. <a.i, said of a , of the paragraph. '"-t (CK [but 0, Mob, J ;) such as go about in search of herb' -- (1) and * i'1' camel, lle was affected with mange, or srab, of the K]) age and wrater; and Az adds, whether of the Arabx copy any other in this I do not find or similar wlich began in his armpits and groins Arabs: or of their freedmen: he says that it is applied genuine are appellations of The pure, or parts, and his lilm,and appeared upon the general (S, A, O,.I :) or those who spoke the language of to those who alight and abide in the desert, and ,said extent of kis skin. (O.) - And . Yanrub b)n-lahitdn; which is the ancient lan- are neighbours of the dwellrs in the desert, and of a cow, She desired the bulL (O, 15.) journe~y,or migrate, wvith them, to seek after herb, O, (f, r, guage: (Msb :) and t a..,ll age and wvater: (M.b :) it is not a pl. of 4s, , an_ appelato : sec2, near the end. Q. Q. L (S, which is pl. of . 1 [c..1 'il, g,e.. (S, like ,g,) is not being [ O also tK,) M .isb, as s ; . in the sense of LAil an appellation of Thte indtitious [or 7naturalized ,vjais ryn. with 'l occurs n.: ( :), ;) but is a [coll.] nuie, e en. not pure, or [hut app). as a subst. (not an inf. n.) mcaning Arabs]; (1 ;) those wvho are Arabs: (S, 0:) or those who spoke the language asits pl.(. ,0, ) inchaste poetry: (S:) it has Clear, plain, or distinct, speech]. (TA.)- And of Isnd'eel [or Ishmnael] tih son of lbrdiheem [or no sing. [properly so termed]: (] :) the rel. n. is syn. with L.y, q. v. (TA.) - And syn. with l, (. , 0,) which is applied to a single perAbraham],, the dialectsof El-.lijtz and thea! ,,, as [inf. n. of ,, and] meaning l: [i. e. parts adjacent thereto: (Msb :) and the appella3 (TA:) Az says, if son; (M$b;) as also a , (TA :) Az says, if (0, I.) lBrishne&s, litelines, orsrihtlines]. ; * is thoughlt by Az to apply [also] son; (Msb;) as also tion of l-e, he is pleased; and l, one sato a n an nt f pur rband.ent nh topPlo peol 1: see ,. ll, first sentenc. U , G 1 tQ, he is angry. and spleal if one say to an introduced tlwnmseltv a,,otu the ,Arabt.s, Su.h as is dried up, of the [spercies of their langtuage, andul initate thei mnanner or (TA.) - Authors differ as to the cause why the : (S, O,K:) or of any appe)arance. (TA.) [The former division is "'.'~ were thuts called: some say, because of the barley.j-ffgrass called] .. herb, or legumninous plant: n. un. with ;: or most rcasonably considered as consisting of the p perspicuity of thecir speech, from ~ .: otlhers, te son of 'rul extinct tribes ('Ad, Thamood, and others men- that thcy were so called from Y r sigiifies tlhe pricklesof the ,JI tioned in what follows); or of these together Kaht t, who is said to have been the first that (TA.) an with the unmixed descendants of Kahn, whose Arabs ar spoke the Arabic language; his original language genuin of appllation to claims th 1(.8A, MA , 0, Msb, K, &c.,) as also been, as asserted by IDrd, [what the to t~~~~~~h claims aplainogeunAmsreiaving held by many to be equally valid: and the latter having ben, as assrted by IDrd, [what the ,;JI, (f, O,M.b, 1g,) A certain people, or division, as consisting of those whose origin is Arabs terr] Syriac; thotglh some say that ;) tihe nation; [the Arab.s,or Arabians ;] (, referred, throughl Ma'add and Adnfn, to Isma'eel Ism'ccl waa the first that spoke the .Arabic ; (or Ishmacl), whose wife was 0escended from language; and some, that Yaarub was the first Contr. of 2I1 (A, Mob, g, TA) and (TA;) tie inhabitants of the cities, or la,ge Kahtain. What I find in the TA, on this sub- that spoke Arabic, and that Ismt'eel was the that spoke the pure Arabic of El-Ijijia, in toNws, (6, A, O, g,) or of the Arabian cities former of ths two first Th follows.] ject, is as wiich the 1~ur-in was revealedl: otlhers say that tries, ject, isios consit one and toWn or ritlaes&: (Mgh:) [but now, on the divisions consisted of nine tribes, descendants of w contrary, generally applied to those who dwell in Irem [or Aram] the son of Saim [or Shem] the the ,, were so called from iii, the name of a the descrt:] or tmhose ho have alighted and made son of Nooh [or Noah]; namely, '.d, Thamnood, tract near El-Medeenclh or a name of Mekkeh their abode in the cultirated re~ins, and lhve Umciyim, 'Abecl, Tasm, Jcdecs, 'Inlee.k [or and the adjacent region, where Isma'eel settled, taken as tiwir homes tihe Arabian cities and Amalek], Jurhum, and Wcbari; and from them or the same as Tihfimeh [as is said in the Mgh, towns or rillages,and others also tiuat are related Isma'cel [or Ishmael is said to have] learned the in which this is pronounced to be the most correct to them: (Az, Msb:) or [accord. to general Arabic language: and the 1~", arc [said to be] derivation], or the general name of the peninsula usage] an appeUllation of commnon application [to the descendants of of Arabia, which is also called .tl5l [as is said th twhole nation]: (T, J :) [and in the lexicons the descendants of Isma'ecl, Ma'add the son of 'Adnan the son of Udd: so in the Msb]: but some say that they were o and lexicological works applied to the desert says Abu-l-Khliattb Ibn-Dil.iych, surnamed Dhu- called in like manner as were the , and the Arabs of pure ~ h :] it is of the fernm. gender: n-Nesebeyn: or the former division consisted of .. j and the .J and others, not after the name has two pls., namely, and "jii (Myb, IX:) . ~~~~~,.A 10 J# seven tribes, namely, 'Ad, Thaminood, 'Imleek, of a land or other than a land, but by the coining ,!JPI, with two dammehs, and .,.js) [which is Tasm, Jedees, Umeiyim, and Jasim; the main of the name, not a term expressive of a quality or 1 a pl. of pauc.]: (Msb :) the rel. n. [which serves portion of whom has become extinct, some re- a state or condition &c. (TA.) [If ithe country : (9 0,O,: [%s ,r s in mains of them, only, being scattered among the were called 4. i, an inhabitant thereof might be1 as a sing.] is ' and then, the C. is a mistake:]) accord. to Az, (TA,) [existing] tribes: so says IDrd: and the appella- called, agreabl with analogy, c descenthe to this appellation is applied to a man of established tion of f a,Qall .1 is also given apIl: but I think that Arab linea~e, even if he be not choaste, or correct, dants of Yaarub the son of .KahtAn [only]. (TA.) the people collectively, 1 in speech. (Msb, TA.) The dim. of .,--dl is [It should be observed, hlowever, that the appella- the most probable derivation is from the old 1 of by thos who hol the extinct Hebrew word 27 , meaning "a mixed people," tion is, 9 ~,qJI, (~, 0,) without , (0, TA,) an extr. liclh the Arabs assert themselves to have been, is, o *baj''A"Z'J thosewliil he xic tion word [with respect to analogy, as the undiminished tribes above mentioned as the only genuine Arabs, whic the Arabs assrt themselves to have been,1 noun is fern.]: (TA:) a poet (Abu-l-Hindec, applied to the unmixed descendants of Kalitan; almost from the first; and in favour of this derito those umwho are held to be the vation it may be reasonably urged that the old j whose name was Abd-EI-Mu-min, son of Abd- anpld 1 ljHimyeritic language agrees more in its vocabulary El-luddoos, 0, TA) says, .nician than itdoeswitli descendants of Isma'eel: thus in the Mz, 1st -. with the Hebrew and Ph b,] '41 .3 * Also, it should be observed that the appellation of the classical and modern Arabic.] ~ See alcso m [It also app. signifies --. - And see . V J.,l ,.,pl, in the conventional language of II 0 I ;Dj' L 0-a L as an unsoundness) in a (considered Arabic lexicology, is often applied to the Arabs t Vagueness [And the eggs of .dabbs are food of the little of the classical ages, and the later Arabs of the word; from the same as inf. n. of ,~, used irL Arabs; but the souls of the Foreigners do not desert who retained the pure language of their relation to the stomach &c.:] see 4, latter half. desire them]: in which he ,nes the dim. form : ancestors, indiscriminately: it is thus applied by ,p [part. n. of ,., q.v.: as such signifying' 1 ) to all the imply respect, or honour, like as it is used in thk writers quoted in the Mz (lst
1 1 i 0


1904 Having tAe stomach in a bad, or corrupt, state. (0, IS.) And 5. I;0 A stomach in a bad, or corrupt, state, (f, O, TA,) from being burdned. (TA.) - Also, and t ,, (0, g,) the former of which is the more common, (TA,) and t , (0, K,) Abundant water, (0, g,) such as is clcar, or limpid. (1[.) And (j (TA) and ' 9j, and Va.j l (g) A river containing abundance of water. (8, TA.) And ? ; A well


[Boox I.

(,]: TA:) it is wide, and it grain is [erroneously written in the C.K a] is fem. of large, larger than the grain of the barley of El- .~a., signifying a horse having no train of 'Ira,,and it is the bet of barley. (TA.) admixture of other than Arabian blood: (Ks,
S, 0:) one of such horses is [also] termed t/~C (Mgh, Mb :) by the pl. l4;, they distinguish beasts from human beings. (Mgh.) _- And jO1 .1,. (S, O, Msb, 8) and (TA) Camek of

a It The Arabc lanuage; (9, TA;) the language of the .Kr-4n. (Msb.) lgatdeh says that the tribe of ]ureysh used to cull, or select, what was most excellent in the dialects of the Arabs, [in.the doing of which they were aided by the confluence of pilgrims from all parts of the country,] so that their dialect became the containing much water. (I.) _ ' applied to most excellent of all, and the ]ur-an was therea woman: see .),., in four places._ , l fore revealed in that dialect. (TA.) See also c, in two places.- And see at 11Il and ;in: see a., a, 1 first quarter.



pure Arabian race; (V;) opposed to Ur'4. (0, O, Myb.) -. And ,A . A yo d or t of oxen, of genero race, with short and ine hair, smootA, or sleek, (Msb,) having een backs, and thick hoofi and hides: one of which is termed

t . (TA voce e -) to$j& [written in the TA without any syll. ~.S~ A woman who manifests love to her hussigns, but it is app. thus, fern. i. (like by A river that flows with a vehdenmt, or band; (IAar, l, 0, ], TA;) and is obedient to fern. of O(~.u), whence, probably, the appellation xtrong, current. (?, 0, ].) - And i. q. ,ij ),ll,] A man chaste, uncorrupt, or free him; (IAr, TA;) as also t.,.c: (TA:) and [The soul, mind, or se.f]. (0, O, .) [It is *ts"at (so in the O and TA, but in the C "or") ' a thonght to occur in a pl. sense, without ;, as from barbarousnes, in speech: so in the Tow- woman diusbedient to her husband; (IAqr, O, a coIl. gen. n., in the following sense, quoted in sheeb. (TA.) [See also .] 7, TA;) u!faitlful to hin, by unchastity; corthe ? immediately after the explanation above.] 6 ..,, rupt in her mnind: (IAar, O, TA:) as though 1 and j0a: see what next follows. A poet says, (v,) namely, Ibn-Meiyadeh, (O,) having two contr. meanings; [the latter meaning] Ljo a and and 9 ; (Mgh,' O, M:b, from ,4 [a mistranscription for y'j] signifying ]) and 9 ja, mentioned on the authority of "corruptness" of the stomach: (O :) or who lo * t t*;1 UP Ibn-Es-Seed, as of the dial. of El-I.ijaz, and him passionately, or excessively: or mwho manifeats J6 love to him,crincitigpauionat, or excesive, desire: [ IWhen I came to the, hopingfor the rodundance OC~, mentioned by AHei, but this last is a [lit., evincing that; meaning whiut is expresed t.your bounty, thou gavst me a gift rwith which vulgar word, and is disallowed by Lb; (TA;) by the words immediately preceding it; for the owul were piased]: (f, 0:) thus related by as also O1101 and O;jl and tsOjI; (Mghl,* Myb, otherwise this last explahmation would be the some, and expl. as meaning t ;Sff,1 ] ;) [An earnest, or earnest-mnoney;] a portion same as the first; and as I have rendered it, of the price, ,vhereby a bargain i ratified; (J[, it is nearly the same as an explanation in the but the [approved] relation is, ( 1 ,.tn, TA;) a thing that is paid by the purchaser of a Expos. of the Jcl (lvi. 36), manifceting love to [t whicl the Arabs made to fly upon the wings commodity, (Mghl, O, M9b,) or by the hirerof a her husbatnd, by rcasuon of xsuionate, or excesive, of fame], i.e. t% ~ti lA al ',J~_ [meaning thing, (Msb,) on the colndition that if the sale desire:] (] :) and (so in the TA, hut in the C.K t of whicih tle A,iabs talked to the people]. (O.) (Mgh, O, Mob) or hire (Msb) have effect, it "or") a woman v/wo ix a great laylugher: and - Also sing. of iti (TA) which is the name shalU be reckoned as part of the price, and other- Vav,& and '" signify thc same: (.:) the of Certain stationary vebl that sed to be in wis shall not be reclained; (Mgh, O, Msb;) (S, 0, O,g) , and . ; (TA;) the Tigris. (J, TA.) - [As meaning A wheel- called by the vulgar es.W: (O :) it is forbidden pl. of the first is is 1tQ: (1 :) lAth sas car.iage o. any khuad (which is commonly called in a trad., (Mgh, O, TA,) and by most of the and the pl. of t that 9 i. signifies a woman who is eager for in Egypt J--) it is post-classical.] lawyers, but allowed by some: (TA:) C~ is he adds, is pl. of said by Aq to be a foreign word arabicized, pblay, or sport: and [a.l .,~,>l: see ~.,tl, first quarter: and see (Msb,) and so say many authors; though it is tV "., whichl signifies a woman of goodly persaid by some of the expositors of the Fs to be son, iwho nan fets lore to her husband: and it is from 4.' .!l signifying "the making clear, also said that . signifies women wriho us ,,: see 4;. '-.5 amorous gesture or behaviour, and coquettigh boldplain," &c.; C)I being also derived from a.l1 ,.~; and 1*JI 4 d1l: seeo I, first signifying "a knot :" (TA:) and [it is said that] ness, writh ftigned coynes or opposition: or who make a slwm of, or act with, lasciviousnes: or quarter.. _ . I; ~. 1-:; '), (Mgh, O, the O in ejys; and ,tOj may bs augmentative pa.wionately loring: and t V , and accord. ; IS . 'j and X(, TA,) in a trad., or, as some relate it, t AsjI, or radical, because one says to Lb, signify a woman passionately loring, and ..* (O.) _ [Hence,] ~ U tI .He ejected lascivious. (TA.) (TA,) means Engrave not on your signets ,,a his fecrement, or ordure. (0, ]g, TA.) ai j . ; (Mgh, O, ]g, TA;) because this was ~? i. q. 9 .. , which means, accord. to engraved on the Prophet's own signet: (0, TA:) G;: see Az, A man chaste, uncorrupt, or free from barbarousness, in speech. (TA.) _[Hence,] LC as thloughl he had said, t,.. ts [an Arabianpro.1., The fruit of the pecie of tree callked . ~tl,lt (S, O, 1) and t ... a (1.) t There phet]; meaning himself. (0, 1, TA.) Omar [q. v.], of the bark of which [tree] ropes are made: is not in the hous any one: (, O, :) used [in ,.JW .[Engrave C said, V4 -(O, I, TA:) [beads rwhich are ued in prayer this sense] as applying to either sex, but only in not on your tignets Arabic]: and Ibn-'Omar dis- are made thereof, (Freytag, from the Deewan of a negative phrase. (TA.) -See also &y approved of engraving on a signet words from the Hudhalees,) i. e., of the berries thus called, latter half. and] it [the fruit] is eaten by the apes, or monkeys, the lur4n. (Mgh, 0, TA.) [.tl; ioften and sometimes, in a cas of hunger, by men: n. un. ,.aJI.: see %,ll (of which it is the dim.), occurs in post-classical works as meaning Having with ;. (O, TA.) second sentence. an Arabface; i.e. long-.faced; opposed to 3 >0 Horses of pure Arabian race; .tJl.] _ See also 4,a, in two places. _ Also see ._ -Also Cotu. (TA.) _ (Mgh, ;) oppod to C Il; (S, O, M9b;) And A bag with which the udder of a shp, or A wh;te barley, the ears of which are bijfureate also termed V &,`1 and V w& , (],) which last goat, i coered: pL !1. [so I render, agreeably with the TIs, U (IAr, 0 .)







J,J- ,**




BooK I.]


I, (S, 0, 1) and, Vk1 (O, TA) and* 40 nate, [i. e. signifiant of a meaning, (as is said uch c,)], as ,t' [meaning (O) or * ~ (TA) Foul, or obesne, eek or in the Mz, 19th 4 tal/; (8,0, IJ,TA;) like ,li and . ("-.) "silk"], and, if possible, accorded to ome one of the form. of Arabic words; otheAwie, spoken by k30 : see .,, in two places. _- $. (O, them as they recidved it; and sometimes they and i, 1l (J ) and (0) a lt (8, 0) derived from it: but if they received it as a I . . Friday; (,O0, ,;) an ancient name of that proper name, it is not termed . j, . , but c.ul, day (S, 0, TA) in the Time of Ignoranee: alone (TA:) accord. to some, it is most chastely like ep and 51~1. (MQb.) t.. is also used in this sense, as a subst.: and as without the article; (TA;) thus it occurs in old poetry of the Time of Ignorance; (0;) and such its pl. is ;S .: thus in the Mz, ubi supr&; it is thought to be not Arabic; (TA;) and said and often in lexicons &c.] to be arabicized from the Nabathaean I0l: (Iar p. 340, q. v.:) accord. to others, tho article is see .. aJl, each in three inseparable from it; and its meaning, accord. to :_11 <>al .5 places. Ibn-En-Nahbis is the manifest and magnijied, from 1 made clear, plain," &c.; or 1 "he accord. to an authority cited in the R, its meaning is merey. (TA.) [Seeo art. ~l.] Q. 1. oe~, inf. n. E, , IIe dunred illnature, or an evil disposition, and behaved unsociably, toJ,. (8, ]) and ti ]j. (1) The quality of ward. his cup-companion. (TI.) One says,; being Arabian: (S, k(, TA:) each [said to be] ,C;,J1 ;4 tae 1 L J lIe behase, in an inf. n. having no verb. (TA. [But see <j an annoying manner toward. his companions as at the commencement of this art. and under dos the drunken. (A.) Accord. to some, this sl1.]) And a? is used [in the same sense] I.. as signifying "a red and as denoting the quality of a horse such as is verb is from ,a malibgnant, or noxious, serpent." (TA.) termed 5]sj. (TA.)

,a~ (IDrd, ?, A, O, ]) and y V (IDd, O, 1) One who behawes in an as~noyig manner

($, A, 1C) towardJ his cupcompanion, (g, 1,) or towards his companaions, (A,) in his intozication; (., A, ];) as alo Y, : and the first and second, a man who behavet in an evil, or a michievous,manner, towards another or others: (TA:) or t the second signifies having much evilnes of dispition, or manners, in intoxication. (H. ar p. 4M)



Q 1. He H gave him wrhat is termed an Oe* or X &c. [i. e. an earnest, or earnestmoney]. ($, TA: mentioned as a quadriliteralradical word, and also in art. ,, q. v.) Le,;. and

see art. <>.

XMj& and ijs.:

Ale.dl a dial. var. of a .JAl; (, 0O;) T7e nose: or the soft, or pliable, part thAreof: or the [de,presion termed] 3s; beneath the nose, in [or

above] the middle of the lip, (g, TA,) i. e., oJ

tht ulper lip, next the noe: (TA:) or the cxtremity of the partitionbetween the nostrils: (1 :) [J says,] I asked an Arab of the desert, of the tribe of Asad, whereupon he put lIis finger upon the extremity of the partition between his nostrils. (.)

o, : sec .: _ and ,.... Also Rou 4h ~',t . a name of The seventh heavtn: (I.tll, ground. (I.) 1], TA:) or, accord. to Sub, it is * [i, corresponding to 1' ., which is a name of "the c. 1 s IUlbature, or evil disposition. (S, A, O, seventll earth ;" (TA in this art.;) or these two 1. [See the verb of whlich it is the inf. n., words are with the article JI. (TA in art. above.j])


a.. 6


(S, O,) and ..c, (1g,) A serpent that blows but t.! One who makeas (pl. of kib) i. e. does not hurt; (S, O, K;) accord. to Aboo-Kheybags to cover the udders of sheep or goats. (IAr, reh and ISh, (TA,) or Sh, (O,) a serpent of a red colour with dusky and black ecks, (O, TA,) O, g.) always appearing among us, (0,) that does not ;.r, i.. Lq. hurt, (TA,) or that seldom iniures mall or great, t [i. e. SumacAh]. (O, TA.) (0,) unles it be hurt: (0, TA:) or a red and pj& j;.; i. q. t.. (app. meaning A cook- malignant, or nowiow, serpent; (0, K;) for a ing-pot in which food prepared with sumach is man, in some verses cited by IA.r, likens himcooked]. (O.) self, in his treatment of his enemies, to this %;and aj0: me II l: see s?- serpent; and how should he describe himself as a serpent that blows at the enemies and does not 4,.1;1, in two places. hurt them ? (TA:) and, (.,) or the former word, accord. to Sb, (O,) the male viper: (0, [ :) and ^ ,,1More, or most, di/tinct or plain [&c.]. the former, accord. to Th, a light, or an active, (TA.) serpent: (L:) or so .t,j: (TA:) or this last , *381 is a pl. of AjIl [q. v.]. (Mb.) _ signifies the Tserpent [absolutely]. (IA;r, O, ].) 8ee also ,, in two places Also the former word, (O, g,) and the latter, (i,) i q. ., [app. as meaning Vehement, or the like], applied to anything: (O, :) accord. af: :wall see latter half. to Ibn-'Abbd, the latter is applied in this sense to anger. (O.) Also both words, (K,) or, accord. 3,m: see s,A, in two places: - and see to Ibn-'Abbid, the latter, (O,) Custom, habit, or r,. -. Also One who ha hores of pure Ara- wont: (O, 1:) but app. mistranscribed for ,. bian race: (., 0 :) one wrAo as wit him a honr (TA.) - And one says, tq : b, (, TA,) of such race: and one who polmes, or acquir, or jo~ (Ibn-Abbad, 0,) meaning I went wvithor we to acquire, horses, or camel, of scA race. out pausing, or waiting, for anythin: (Ibn(TA.) 'Abbd, O, ], TA:) or I folloe~d my own opinion. (TA in art. ,.) ., 1An arabicis~ noun;] a no red by the Arabs from foreigners, idmi. : see what follows, in two places.

a &: see

0. ...

(5, O, 1,) quasi-coordinate to

Q. L X He tanned a hide with [the plant, or tree, caUled] e; or &c. (TA.) &cs ' s, (S, K, [in the [g it is not clear whether this be thus or .;.,j) X and ** , (, 19,) and ;>e:,[thus accord. to copies of the ],] withl aki , (]~, TA,) and with kesr to the :,, (TA, [(which may mean that it is CO3 and X D' or only the latter, but what is meant in the ~ is evidently -,]) originally ' "., like JAj, (Kh, S, ,) and , or both and X as also * , , (,) A ~pec of plant, (.,) or tree, (,) rough, re~rmbl th [or bo~ thorn], exept that it is biger,ful andlhnriant in the branch, and not having tall atem, (TA, [see also Lj , of which the same is mid,]) with which, (8, 1, TA,) it being (f] oooed, (TA,) one tans, (., C, TA,) and the aide tand thr with become red. (TA.) .see the next preeeding paragraph. or CAM &c.

3,J.~ A hide tanned mwith .j

1. w ), (0,

($ A, 0, V,) aor.

(,) in n. or

g) and I'. o

(0o, V,) He a~c

m 1996 mounted. (S, A, 0, ].)


[BooK I. o80 in the saying 9 abode, (S, 0, ,)

and remained, or stayed: (S, (O, ., TA:) an epithet applied to the male only. .. 1 l u[ andHelt J [He ascended, or 0:or r a3 signifies the cf the camel (TA. [See 1, last sentence.]) ., ., mnouted, the stair, or the series of steps, and the that one ride, remaining, or stayin, for omw's a.c: see the next paragraph, in two places. ladder]. (., 0.) And ,rl - -. ,1 and *-, travellinq-cnaniouorfor some object of want: -. Also, (TA in this art.,) or ,tor ,, ad ia id JI .n means he confined the shecamel. ai..j: see Itor. Sand:, ,,,. n. ^, He ascended, or mounted, -.~~ , ~ (TA.) ~ ~ mmSec also 4. ?. ., like h,and 1f;, (TA in art. t,M,) apon the t t,v, (TA.) And means Ie (TA.) e also 4. ivas taken up to a high place; as, for instance, 4. d.s; He(God) rendered him lame. (S, The place, or seat, of lamenes, in the leg, or foot. J L%, and ,;l_'I Ot 1 ~ [to the clouds of IIeaten]. (Ham O,*l.)m~And He gave him a herd of camel (TA.) _ And you say, c: .i. '~~~ '-a'u 1.such as is termed a.sC, and V I. 87.) - And , and iV,s, and V yipl s The thing became hh, as i such termed .. (., .) And eJl He V or eleated.(T. 'T. = ( 0 M"b 1 had or possessed, a herd of camels such as is and e, Thlere is not for ne any remaining, or din,need. (TA.)-.;-ej. (8, O,, f.,) 6 t ' ' . s . t rermed~C r : (0, TA:) thus in the L and other staying, abidinig, or d-nelling, or, as some say, with fet-,l to the j, (O,) nor. J, inf. n.. ; . hs , lexicons: in the K, .*. *..1 is erroneously put any confining, or )lace of confinement, [of my (Meb; [accord. to the O j~;])or . and . s n '; (1; (K;) lie or A l (TA.) [This sigrification beast,] with thue, or at thy abode. (L, TA.) And jaand H limped, ime, hrlad a slightfo )l and C7,t;(., ;0 lelme, sU K,) an orb li htu is erroneously assigned by Freytag to 2: and so a. ea ;, and V t , (-S, O. ,)and lamenes, (S, 0, Mob, ]g,) and walked like the is that next preceding it by him anl by Golius.] t 4.., and V'.., (so in a copy of the S,) and Imern, (6, (, (Q, bIyy reason tlsat /iad lale, reaso y,)if f n3omeaccident som acidentg orfoot, (,had~Also lle entered upon tlw time of thc settinig oJ' t , and t (s, 0,) [i. c., as is implied bs/al/en hi il (., 0, M~b, }) in his leg/or foot, (, ~wthe sun; and so V ' (0, K,) inf. n..) (, g.) not naturally, (., g,) or not by reason . (0.) in the S, There is ntot for me any con.fining of my ,if a chronic ailment: (Msb:) or t., aor. '; 5. e. It (a building, or structure,) inclined. camel that I ride, and remaining, or xtayijng, at it: or] tthere is uJt for me any bending, or inand and .t; inf. n. 4.; he walked (, O.)_Scc also 2, in three places: anmid see elinin/g, to, or towardx, him, or it. (O.) like the lame, with a linpini gait, by reason of a",s, in two places. a.",: see the next preceding paragraph, in .mine accident. (L.) -And ,, (S, 0, Msh, 6. Ut [Ilieprete;led tobelame;]he imitated two places. K,) aor. , (Mob, g,) inf. n. e, (,. O,, Mqb, tic gaiat oSfalame ,.rson. (TA.)


!,'TA) and .J, (TA,) lie was lame, alkUted lamely, or li,ped, (., 0, MOb, K,) naturally, (S, (), ,) or byl reason of a clronic ailment: (Mqb:) or he became lame. (TA. 2 [Sce also below.]-e j also signifies The setting of the sun: or its inclining to,wa,d, the place of et., , ting: (0, O,i:) inf n. of -' -. (T]-.) #' ' And , inf. n. jr , lIe (a camel) emitted his urine indirectly: said of the male only, when the hind girth is bound ipon him [so as to press upon his sheath]: like , (TA.)

2. e,~. in.n. ", He made (a building, or structure, 0, , and a river, or rivulet, TA) . . to incline. ($, O, , TA .)) l'. :'IP I turned fro it, and kt it, or forsook it; a also ~ ? ,: (MNb.) - And s C e. He bent, or inclined, to, or towards, him, or it. (TA.) You say, 1, .~ [.He passed by him, You - sa,~ 'r"amb or it,] and did not bend, or incline, to him, or it. (A.) [But this may be otherwise rendered, as is * , shown by what followL] also signifies C'J* (g')

7. .M1 It (a thingt, , Msh) bent or inclinw,el; (S, 0, Msh, TA;) and so a road: (TA:) and it was, or beca;ne, curved, or rsooted.l (Mgh.) You say, e[Tlc t~ road bent, or indined, with u]. (A.) And .fg; * l e dclined fro te roa: (g:) and ~~~~Ilce declinedfroin the roadl: (Mg,li :) andl . .a [The com pan o rm'sCf ^k1 cp".!tJI [Tlze comliany of ridlei-x ibfe clinedfrom tlhir road]. (A.) See also 2, seconl sentence. .s ,, R. Q. 3. .. 1 .. !]l'e strove, or exR. Q. . stroe or erted himself, in his affair. (0, K.*) .. e and V A herd ofcamels consistig of about eghty: (S, 0, .:) or from sventy to eighty: (TA:) or from eighty to ninety: (K:) or a hundred and fifty and a littli above that n~mber: (A0, S, 0, g :) or fiom five hundred toa thousand: (As, 8, O,gK :) or more than two hundred, and near a thousand: (AHIt, TA.:) or a thousand: (TA:) or many camels: (AZ, TA :) pl. 'lJ [a pl. of pauc.] (S, O,I) and

*. .


da.. : see n.'.j, in two places.

e.j.c [mentionedl in the L as an inf. n.,] The gait f him im ,ho i naturally la, '. (8, IS.) OPt'. ,mentioned in the A and Mgh and M 9 I, in this art.: see art O. l see O: j;, in two places.
* ,*,

hifgh, or eleasted. (TA.) And An athiir not firmly, soelly, or unind/ly, excuted.

(., 0, 1g.)
iJ.~jOJI [dim. of 1.. jJ1I fern. of l; and a'1 therefore, if without the article Jl, imperfectly 4 decl.;] The ^W [or midday; or midday in summer, or rwhen the heat is vehemcent; &c.]. (0, ]I.) - And The coming, of camels, to wnater one day at noon, and one day in the morning betwveen daybreak and sunrise: (A, , 0, O, :) or their coming to wrater in the morning between daybreak and sunrise, tlhn returningfrom the water and remainingthe rest of the day in the pasturage, and the next niglht and day, and coming to the water again at night, then returning fro the water, and remaining the rest of the night in the pasturage, and the next day and night, then coming to the water in the morning betroeen daybreak and sunrise: this is one of the descriptions of sj: or, as some say, their coming to water , thrice ery day; but this is strange. (TA.) Also A man's eating but once every day. (].)

- .

lle remained, tayed, abode, or dwet; (g, TA;)

as also ?

5" (T, TA.)

You say,

C: see tl 0.

in two places.

He remained, stayed, &c.,in theplace. (TA.) And U;J,Ii U ; t. (0,) in n. as above, (i, A,) He remained, tayed, or abode, intent pon th tin; ,O;) also &*.t V l'MO. (O.) th ,A., A e t hing 0O ;) as ;a ( s al s o ( 0.) See also a.,, in two places: and see 2 in art. q.j. And $"I a means C Ja o .. to, M al: I did not

inf. n. of : (Mob, TA:) [as a simple abesut.,] Natural lamene; (8, O, ] ;) as also *0'" t A , w h ich is lik ew ise a n inf. n . of . (TA.) One says, ~- JU La [How great is his , ., .R. , . natal ]: not for from that One says, s1 ij.l nateural a lamen!] ntJ- ; ~l= b i Such a o eats pawe,or sop,at the thing: (Mqb: (and the like which signifies a colour, or k quality in the body, but once eve~ryday. (O, TA.) issaid in the Mgh :]) or Idid not carefor it, or one does not derive the form I1 l. (, 0.) .t Limping, or having a dsght lamen, not regardit. (TA in art.j.) And Jk Jll Vi, - - Also A ri~er, or rimvet: and a vaUcy: beby reason of a chronic aim~nt, but in conw (,0f,],) and V 5., (V ,) He co~ his cause of their bending, or inclining. (TA.) ofsome accidnt that hA befa him. (Ml.) .amdl tlat he rode at the place of alighting or A camel that emit his uri indirec : ~Alo i. q. 'Jt [i.e. Abmt, &e.]: (0, ~ :) q 11--


this Boor I.] thus written, with the pointed t; but [SM says, though without adducing any ex. to confirm his amrtion, that] it is correctly ,.tl, with the unpointed t, [i. e. being, or becoming, faulty, &c.; or mak~n, or causing, to be faulty, &c.; or blaming, &c.;] as in the L. (TA.) souls ascend when they are taken [from their bodies]: it is said that there is nothing more beautiful than it; so that when the soul sees it, it cannot refrain from making its exit [from the ;a3 [the Night of body]: (TA:) hence C," 1997 that] the O of ., though this word imports the meaning of !jj"! [or "a state of bending"], is shown to be radical by the word '>q, occurring in a verse of Ru-beh, and also by the fact that there is no verb of the measure lS . (TA. [But C;,%:& though these are said to be and i , hj.; post-elassical, may post-classical, and, accord. to some, Xj;, be mentioned, and perhaps some others, as being he of this measure.]) - Also A certain plant, (.k, TA,) white, accord. to Th, (TA,) like tlhej [or toadstool], resenabling the i [a white and soft toadttooll, sort of _,b], (.i, TA,) which dries, having a gort 90 ' 1. round form: or a pci of thse B; , of the measure of a span, or a litti lek.. than titat; good, or pleasant, while fresh: (TA:) pl.,

the Ladder; in which Mohammad is related to have ascended from Jerusalem to Heaven, after s- S ,t Lame, (s, Msb, g,) by nature, (S, K,) having been conveyed to the former from Mekkeh Q. and pl. pl.l]: or by reason of a chronic ailment: fem. i-j)=: upon the beast named t;;, like 5l.i. and .j . (S, 0.) Also, l (S, K.)-(Mlb :) pl. L and lt:.

is an appellation of The crow; (0, IC;) [and] so (K,) or [properly the last only, i.c.] ., (L, Ct leaping or becauseof its hopping, lt.l: c Msb, TA,) A place of ascent: (L, Msb, K, TA:) in oing, as though shackled. (A, TA.) - And and the way vwhereby tle angels ascend: (TA:) is an appellation of TIh female hyena: pl. t&*, (Msb, TA,) [in both senses, i. c.] this t.Il the male is not called " signifies places of ascent: (S, A, 0 :) and in the [:) p (0, 0, V: (P) OP) gur lxx. 3, the places of ascent of the angels: or 1f, determinate, and imperfectly it there means benefits, or fayours: (0:) and (TA.) Andt occurrinoccurring in a verse of Ru-bel, (TA,) Xs..M, hyna, so called as deel., means' The fealem Ip;a is [said to be] like C../ [in meaning, A garment, or piece of cloth, in which ar. though they were a AJ [or tribe]; (Sh, 0, K.;) though this is u loose explanation]. (Msb.) ' J .' r4a [pl. of '.']. o [fgure,l] the for,s of [Piure,'] t" and so 't t!, likewise determinate, and imper(A (A and TA ilr art. t. ) upon having of cloth, or piece garment, A . fectly decl.: (I:. or, accord. to IAgr, in the it curving stripes or lines. (O,K.) Sl$ in a verse of Aboo-Muk'it ElA, phrase t . .... Asadee, the poet makes the latter word, which is : see art. X.. a p!., imperfectly deel. because hlie means ,,_;I &, nor. o,) ', inf. n. (AIln, S, 0, 1. -, (AIAn, , (M.b,) (S, 0, g, TA,) or .~., & l;:A.; as though he regarded it ns a sing. or the latter is wrong, (TA,) A place of bending, (AI1n, (AIHn, S, 0,) It (a plant, and a canine tootlh, [proper] name: (L: [i. e., accord. to Ibr D, be&c.,) came forth, and becane high, or tall: (S, or inclining, (S, O,, K,) of a valley, to tle &C.,) as a sing. proper name, cur- right'and to the kft. cause he us e 0, O, ] :) or it (a plant) came fortlh, and tbecame (S, o0, Myb.) hi.qh, hith, or tall, and hard: (AIln, TA:) and it (n u;;1t: if so, this tailed by poetic license from precedes. next wlhat sec : canine tooth, and a plant,) camefforth altoyether, last word seems hero to signify a personification apid and became hard and erect: it (a camel's tush) of lameness :]) and accord. to him (i. c. IAgar), became ech and strong: and it (a tree) raa/e became thick one says $ 1 . , moaning This is tlh fetale forth: or bectame crooked: or Ictmae thick aind hyena Inot hyenas]; the latter word imperfectly He strucltk him, or beat him, with great; Q. 1. .JI ;., great; as also ,j;. (TA.)= is also an appellation of A an j. decl. (0.) 44.a [q. v.]. (S, K.) And l, QCJ (.,) aor. ', inf. n. $M, (TA,) lie thren Ithe certain deaf, malignant serpent. (TA.) [See He structk him, or beat hin, with tihe staff, or stone [alp. ;;1 . ston far.: (g, TA.) _ L-t ' also the next paragraph.] - And 5ll sibnifies stick. (TA.) - And lie figured it (i. c. a gar- 11e see not onr want. (TA.) lie did Thrus night of the first part of telw lunar nonth: ment, or piece of cloth,) wvith thefrmr ofform see the next paragraph, in two places. ;: (K.)_ And lIc smeared, or QC.. [perhaps in allusion to the curved aspect of the p1. of lIc (n man, S) ./l,l; moon; thoughl on this ground it might also bc cubbed over, him, or it, ,rith blood, or niithl 2. j,, inf. n..j, j, aor.:. (IAnir, t also as K ;) S, 0, (IAar, (IA.7r, applied to three nights of the last part:] mentioned saffron, or w-ith the or [i. c. hinind, . on the authority of Th. (TA.) back infear, > or dr.vr back, drew 0, K.) lie like]. (.K.) his adCersar)y: or lhe went awals Mj. f'om i, [dim. of 5j9l] A certaindeaf serpent, -sl X ,.a A raceme of a paln-tree, or of dates; quickly, being put to fligl,t. (TA.) Ile (a man) quiclely,bein_qput (O, V, TA,) of th mot malignant of serpents, syn. j~: or, wAen it has become dry and curved: quittedtheroad: quitted the road: (0, .:) or he quitted the right (TA,) that will not admit of being charmed, and (]g:) or the base, or lowner part, (J.;, S, g, and dii.ectiota direction of the road, and tirned aside fro1om it. that leaps up like th viper: (0, g:) accord. to also A and Mgh and Msb in art. tj [because (TA.) And > }j. lie turnetl aside, and went ISh, a certain broad serpent, having a single mS to a distance, orfar aray,firom him, or it. (A.) the i is therein regarded as augmentative],) of toadi.itance,orfaraira,y,fi.opishim,orit. broad leg; like tuhe [~pent caled] o: IAr - It (a star) rose high: and also it inclinedi to the ,. ($, I) or La'tb [which signifies the -It says, it sprng~s upon tAe horseman so as to become set after it had culminated: (0, K :) [or] it set. curves, which Mob,) (A, Mgh, with him on his saddle: (0:) the word has same as 3,], (A.) It (water) rosmhigh. (A.) - And lie, no fem. form: (Lth, 0, ~:) [but] the pl. is and from wlhich the fruit-stalks are cut off, and or it, descended, or alighlted. (MF.) _.7 ' JI which then remains upon the palm-tree, dry: (S. :) 4, 1 C5 Tlce arron, penetrated into the inside *f or the j. [meaning main stem] of the ,%.S: a, (O s,.)~ s<j. tits animal at rlwhich it rvas shot and its extremity (Th, K:) Az says, it is yellow and broad: [but tle "`: see Ebb, in two places. it is the contrary of broad in comparison with its went forth from the otherside. (Aboo-Nasr, O, length:] and in the .Kur xxxvi. 39, the moon i]K) ]p) , : see the next paragraph. J; (TA ;) or ;; And .c, inf. n. when it has become slender [in appearance, to- (thus in the 0, as on the authority of IA1r;) He 5 a and V 0,10 and wards the end of the lunar month,] is likened to (a man, TA) became strong in body after disease. 1>? .8,A, ~., in respect, as ISd says, of its (TAV, ( 0, ],) the second and third allowable accord. the old _., (TAr, 0, TA.) curvature: (TA:) [in the TA and slenderness and iIi, (8, 0,) A ladder, to Akh, like I 4: see 1. 1& is strangely used as the pl. imj or ne of stps or stainrs: (8,A, 0, :) or, voce ZLIC, [5. ,j He nas put to flight: (Freytag, from with the article Jl, [but most commonly the first meaning the fruit-stalks of the raceme of a palmthe a "Fa Fkihet el-Khulafl," p. 93, 1. 27:) pro. of fruit-stalkt thte signifies .P ,_'1 . :] tree [i. e. of these with Jl,] a thing rembling a a; bably post-classical.] is said [it ;j:) art. in (T addr, or ries of step or stairs],upon which the raceme of data: 1


1998 ;P A thing, (?, O,) or anything, (TA,) hard Such a one is in a good state, or condition. (, O :) or strong, hard, and erect: (Lth, O, : ) (, o.) or thichk; (AV, Alsn, O;) as also Vi,t. and p etla; A certain thing, smaller than tu j;he ., [correctly ? c] and [evidently a mistran (0, O, Il, TA,) but rembling it; (TA;) [i. e. cription for b0] and ? : (AIan, O:) an A an engine of wear, app. similar to that called by p the Roknans onager;] that casts a stone to a long Js, (,0, O, ,) quasi-coordinate to c r (TA.) ($, O,) and? ,Vi, (1, TA,) with two dammehs distance: (Ham p. 307:) pl. lI,j. (TA, in the CY ,s;,)the ,, being a substitute fo'r , (TA,) and? hard, ($, :),) 0, ' (0, ) and y, (J,) signifj or hard and strong, applied t: p o5c: see >;, in three places. i.b!,: see >.

[BOOK I. unaltainabk, unattainable, or difficult of attaiiment, to me]. (I (IAar, O, V,. [In the CIl, oi is put for "`-.]) 0, -,) aor. ' (S, O, TA) and - JeSl1 uj, , (~, O, (TA,) inf. n. y,,,, (S, 0,) He bound the ,, camel's camel's fore shank to his neck, (S, O, K,) while lte he was lying donn, (9, 0,) with the ro7e called t Is(: (S0, , O, :) or, as some say, he bound the neck of tle camel to both of his fore legs. (TA.)

2. 19.,', (Mob, (Msb, .,) inf. n. , 3; ($, Mgh, 0, O, Msb ;) and ? Il,.l; (S, O, . ;) but the I,, Also Se,parate; syn. 2'.;. a. .see .;l: anything: (TA:) and J, applied to a spear, (0.) forine; former is the more common; (I(;) the latter, In the saying (S, O, IK) of a rijiz, (S,) of untd a bow-string, signifies strong: (Fr, TA:: a man of the mre; rare; (S, O;) They alighted (S, Mgh, O, Mgb, Benoo-Asad, (0,) or of Hajl, (As, during a journey, (S, Mgh, O, M.b,) in the and t;s, in measuro like ', applied to ar 0, IK, TA, in the C HIinjal,) a freedman of the O) durinq last part of the nig;ht, (S, Mgh, O, ](,)for a rest, bow-string, (Sb, O, 0,) thick; (Sb, $;) or stron. Benoo-Fez{trah, describing a male camel, [and las' O, Msb, .],) and made their caewls lie down, the sutures of his skull,] (As, O, R,) or it is of (S, 0, and thick; as also I c; and thus both signif0 Aboo-Mobhammad El-Fak'asce, (IB, TA,) and and took a nap, or slight sleep, (TA,) and then 1 dlcparted, (S, Msb,) and continued their journey, applied to a rope, or well-rope, and any othei , .; s.j. 0 h at daybreak: (TA:) [see 1 also 2 in art. #s. :] or thing. (O.) One says, L;;J)I oJ soal 0 1vp1<1 C33 1z f they jourwnyed all the day, andl aliglted in the [Verily he is hard, or strong, or thick, in respct (IB, O, O) not It9 , as in the S, (ID, 1[,) the first part af the night: (TA:) or they alightedt .f the bae of the neck]. (Lth, O, TA.) (AZ, Mbs, TA) in a usual place nf re,ort (TA) [Henec,] The penis: or a hard and strmon penis: last word [pl. of i1a] means .elparate ("/';t) (TA:) or a penis distended and erect (0, 1C, TA) onefrom another: or ruggetd ( 'i.): (K.:) or at any time of the night or day. (AZ, Msb, TA.) [HIence,] a.;JaIl ;E The night in which the and hard: pl. ;1!p1. (TA.) - And The as: rising high, or elevated. (s, O.) Ap,ostle *f God slept: (0, 1I:) the story of (O, 1(:) so called because of the thickness ol I.ia4, applied to a bow-string, [like pa.,] i. q. which is well known, in the biographies of him his neck. (TA.) - And [it is said to signify] (ISh, TA in art. ... ) and in the traditions. (TA.) [It was when lie The base of the neck. (1S. [But this I think ; r* [q. v.] and.~.a was returning from the siege and capture of doubtful:'see a saying mentioned above (in this Kheyber: hlie halted in the latter part of the ., 0- A Ahigh mountain-top. (0, TA.) paragraph), from a mistranscription of which it night, and unintentionally slept until the time of may have originated.]) the prayer of daybreaklhad passed. Sccee " MishjC : Wee> , in two places. In the phrase cat ul-Masil)lh," vol. i., p. 146.] 1 Seo also 4. t - y,t, inf. n. as above, It (a chamber) had an ; ;lj , the latter word may be added to give 1. 4 ~,, (S, O, Mb, R.,) aor. -:, (Msb, K,) intensiveness to the signification, or it may be inf. n. y, (TA,) Ile kelit, or clare, to him or u.w,, [q. v.] mad/ to it. (TA.) used by poetic license for s~L. (TA.) it; (S, O, Msb, 1 ;) as also l. 4. ~aL 1 lIe mafde, or prep.nred, a marriage(0, I.) From this, and firom another signification of the feast. (S0,O, Mb, .K, TA.)- [lie bcranr a : see .pa , in four places. same verb, which see below, ,j? is said [by biidfegroom.] And A;tt ,l, (s, O, ],) or ;1.~ The elephant: (0, ]:) because of his some] to be derived. (Msb.) You say, ,,. 1S.,%, (Mgh,* Msb,) He had hi nife conducted thickness and bulkiness. (TA.) And Coura; . ~J 1 Tie man kept, or to clave, him on the occasion of th martiael; syn. i to his oppoyeous, and hard, or sturdy; (0, ] ;) applied to nent or adersary, in fight. (Mgh.) And , tL, (T, S,) or &sL;. ; (Mgh, O, K;) as also a man. (TA.) -And A staff by means of which tAe horT and the camel are tied. (0, t a; (TA;) or this latter is only used by ., or,, (TA,) or ..l, (Mgh,) The child kept the vulgar; (S, O, TA;) or is a mistake: (Mgh, s, ;1r, applied to a plant, Thick and hard. to his mother. (Mgh, TA.) And ~j ; .Jl Msb:) and he abode VL,) with his nrfw during the (Agn, O, II.) - And A certain plant, (9, O, Evil clung, or stuck fast, to them, and continued. days of and after that eent: (TA:) [and] he [or, went in to his wife (IAth, Msb) [a signification IC,) of the kind termed ,r., (?,) hard and (TA.) - [Hence, perhaps,] ,a.1 ,, erect: (TA:) or a certain herb, said to be [of the perhaps, l:1,] in n. as above, The thing [or which may be meant to be included in the explakind termed] sr,, eaten by the camels, growing evil or mischif] became vehement, or svere, or nation W .;: or *,1 t;.e] on the occasionof that in sands and sand-plains: or, a some say, it is earent; meaning, he compressed her; j being disrepfuL (TA.) ,c aor. :, inf. n. , [a sort] of the Jqi [q.v.] that grots in good He (a man) as, or became, atigued: (TA:) thus called &..!~l because it is a consequence of and salubrious land, remote from water: n. un. or v (I1K) or LmJl X> , (Myb,) he y.rl! [properly so termed]: (IAth :) the phrase with 5: Az says, I have seen the jl1 in the (a man) mas, or became, fati~ed, or meak, and also signifies [simply] he compresed his Jfe. (S, desert, [a plant] having hard wood, spreading so disabled, or incapacitated,~ See also 2: ~ and see , m,. copulation; TA.) branches, and no scent. (L.) _ See also jl. syn. J.b, (Msb,) and C;., (I;tt, Myb,) Cp 8. tJ> b uA!0 He manife d, or showed, oe, * Distant, or remote: (. :) of the dial. of L.o.JI. (IIg) From this, and from another 1 or affection, to his wife, (A, Ibn-Abbld, O, 1,) El-Yemen. (TA.) _ And Custom, habit, or signification of the same verb, mentioned above, and kept to her. (TA.) [App. originally signiWot. (Lb, .) One says, iU jlj tc , .. * is said [by some] to be derived. (Mob.) oom (v,, ) to his That ceased not to be his custom, habit, or wont. - Also He was, or became, confo~nded or per- fying ge bhame lihe a bride~ nife.] pletd, and unable to ee his right course; syn. (Lr, TA.) [See also .. ] A alawhich is placed between the two A, ,.Aa;: (;0,V,:) and so 1.,f. (TA.).And ;j1, A single locust: (V: [if so,* I?ia pro[main lateral] mals of the inter-camber, not Aqr, , He H held back, or rerainsd, fo him, bably signifie locusts; u a coll. gen. n.:]) or a i reaching to the firther end thereof, (S, O, I, female locust. (, O.) And A state, or con- or it, through cowardice. (TA.) - And ,, TA,) then the beam is laid frm the inner e.. dition. (f, 0, .) You say, t; L pl i. g. i [i. e. What h had was 1 b s' ' U iw trenity of that wal to thef r end of the


Boox I.] chamber, (TA,) and it is roofed over, (., 0, g, canine tooth; (TA;) caled in Persian6,: (S, TA,) i. e. the whole cha~m it roofed over: wrat Mgh:) the name is determinate and indeterit b een the two ~a [abo mentioned] is minate: (TA:) pl. M.s ; , (8, Msb, I,) ap[caldeld a i, [q. v.], and what is beneath the plied to the males and the females; (O, 1;) beam [app. wit what is screened by the middle like as you say jl and uwi j a1 and wall from the portion (of the chamber) in aich '* CPi and 1L ,w!l, and in the pl. L.g~ sjl is the entrance] i the .: (TA:) this is done d; and ;L i W: and ,n .A ; or, for the sake of more eamrmth, and only in cold I and a countris: (., O, ], TA:) and it is called in accord. to Akh, you say v L4 and ?; J, Pers. d~ [correctly aq.]: (, TA:) and like ;i and =i - i (8, O ) woo is [said to be] a dial. var. thereof. (TA.) ,, One wh.o qutt not the placd f conJlict, by l-W (Az, ., Mpb, and ? . (Az, 8, 1) reason of courage. (TA.)-,-jd The lion: substs.from L~-1 as signifying "he had his wife oonducted to him on the occasion of his (0, IC:) because he keeps to the preying upon marriage," and " he went in to her :" (Az, TA:) men; or because he keeps to his covert, or reThe ceremony of conducting a bIide to her husband: treat. (O, TA.) Also Confounded, or per(Myb:) or the ministration,or performance, of a plheed, and unable to see his riglht course; syn. o, K.) marriage, and of the ceremony of conducting the (8, bride to her husband: (TA:) or [simply] mar.,: see ,~. riage: or coilt: syn. 5l : (I, TA :) because i-q&: see the next preceding paragraph. wap~: see what next follows.


ca ..

($0, o, ) and *t,~,

(O, V,)


former of which is the more common,] A place

where people alight ($, 0, J) during a journey, (8,) in the lat part of the night, for a rest, ($, O, I,) and make their camds lie don, and take a nap, or dight seep, (TA,) afler which they depart, (S,) and continue their journey, at daybreak: (TA:) or a place wroer people alight in thefirst part of the night, afterjourneying all the day: or a usual place of resort mhere people alight at any time of the night or day. (TA.)_-Also


the former, A chamber (.t) [q. v.] made to it. (S, 0, g.)

kavinat an .

1. ,

aor., oA, and '(,

0, ]O , ) inf. n. L.9,

a dial. var. of the same: (IAnr, TA:) pl. mase. one in the " , (V, TA,) i. e. base, (TA,) o.f h,i neck. (, TA.) & .0 --- ja, 0 ' c,,e (S, O, Msb, K) and ,11; (TA;) and 5JI , *, .C IfiI 26 m. 2. r'j~, inf. n. .;;: see 1. .- Also tlfe pl. fern. 3lj. (S, O, Msb, K.) [See a', in (a bird) rose, and shaded with his rvings hinm wCit, [Veri/ly we found the ma.rtage-fcasxt (f thewheat- two places.] It is said in a prov., ,ljRdl ; was beneat, him. (TA.)_ u. aIl '. lie seller tt le nmean, discomendedd for the managors: 1e' I [The brivlegroo(mn tIw(s near to being a made the _j~.[q. v.: or perhaps we should read see also /1,1]. (Az, ?, o, TA.) P1. as alove, prince]. (S: in the 0, tL;.) The dim. is s. , j..dl]. (TA.)--. 'l .,', (0, ],) inf. n. i. e., *; and '. (S,O, K.) [Sec an cx. without the addition of ; to distinguish the fem., as above, (TA,) He roofed the hoe~, or the like; voce ,L.] __ [And hence,] A state of rejoicing. bec~sme of the fourtll letter. (TA.) - [Hence,] (0, !, TA;) and raied tihe building thereof 1 Verses of vwhich the word are (TA.) (IB, voce .d1, q. v.) - The dim. is [.u..s,] ._j;Al , (8, 0, M#b, V,) inf. n. as without t; which is extr., [accord. to those who marked with diacriticalpoints: for, as Esh-She- above, (S, O, TA,) He made an .i for tihe hold it to be fem. only,] for [accord. to them] it reeslhee says, the Arabs used to adorn the bride grape-vine: (Msb:) or he raised the shoots of the should have 5, being a fem. n. of three letters. by speckling her cheeks with saffron: opposed to grape-vin upon the piec of wood [made to sup(TA.) 3j1i. ':L1. (Iar p. 610.)- [Hence also,] port them]; as also t :S , (Zj, O, I,) aor., jw A man's wnife: (., Mgh, O, Msb, II:) and a woman's huIrband: (0, Msb, ] :) pl. (in both senses, TA) brp: (S., O, Msb, ], TA:) the dual, , i i,sL sometimes applied to the male andfemoal, (., O,) or husband and wife: (TA:) and to a male andfemrabotrich: (IB:) and the sing., to the mate of the lion: (., A, O, V:) and the pl. is applied, metaphorically, by Milik Ibn. Khuweylid EI-Hudhalee, to lions. (TA.)i_ u.. C. [The weas~e; and a eas~;] a certain s,aU aninal, (Lth, ?, 0, Myb, :,) well known, (TA,) rebling the rat (3it), (Msb,) maller than the catp (Lth, O, TA,) having the lower lp ck (j=L), and ery short ears, as tholh tAey mere a ated, (Lthb, 0, t)and haing a Bk I.and', in. n. and sl; (;) or both signify he made an h.iZ for the gralM-vine, and raised its shoots upon the pieces of wood; (TA ;) see the next preceding paragraph. and t 4jsl signifies the same as iZ: (Zj, O, 1 TA :) or atyp signifies he bent the piecs of wood , and L.,, [the latter the more common,] upon which its branches, or shoots, rore trained. A tidcket: (L:) the covert, or retreat, of the (TA.) lion, (8, 0, g, TA,) in a thicket. (TA.) [It is 4 hAtl: see 1.a.;i see cl:S. c said in a prov.,] t 77e high--bred of camels. (A.)

(S, 0,) IIe constructed, or built, vhat is called an L.,j A certain dye; (. ;) a certain colour J,; this is the real thing intended by $A.'l?: (TA:) ( C;) as also * ,ja1; (Zj, ] ;) and i ,. in the first of these senses, it is mse.and fem.; of dye, likened to the colour of the ; [or 1 1 ,4y (s,) inf. n. *.,: (TA:) or he built a or, accord. to some, fern. only: as masc., its pl. is reasel]. (S,O.) building of w,ood. (, O.)_, . J ,, (s,) 51,1; and as fern., its pl. is ,L. (Msb.) aor. and ', inf. n. ,~a and h. ., $TA,) -ie 0sr,l~:sec 1, last sentence. Henee [the trad.], 4 isJl-. built the hous, or ,t/ like. (g.)_.7> j?.: ,".. When any one of you is invited to a $.. A bridegtoom: and a bride: i.e., a see 2.-; . l ,., (A, g,) aor. and , ([,) na;riatje.feaat,or afeast given on the occasion of man, and a woman, during the period of their inf. n. ji, (S, A, 0,) lIe cased the nel writh the conducting of a bride to her hsband, let him ,.r,1~I or o,14&l [thus diffcrently written in dif- stones to tihe height of the stature of a mann in the consent. (Mgh.) - And henrce, (Az, TA,) A ferent MSS.]; (S, A, O, Msb, K ;) or wlhen the lowe~t )part,and the rte of it withk rowl: (. :) marriage-feast: (A'Obeyd, Az, 8, O, 15:) or a one goes in to the other: (IAth :) you say Js. or he cased the wellU with nood, after haring casrd feast made on the orcason of conducting a bride rsj~ [a bridiejoosm, vulgarly, in the present the lowest part t/ereof with stones to twe height qf to lwr humbanl: (Mb :) in this sense it is mase.: ).t,] and ~..,p i.t*l [a bride, vulgarly, the statureof a man. ($, O.)- U' u.#, (I, (Ms :) or mase. and fern.: (8, 0:) or fern., and day, * sometimes masc. (Az, TA.) A rajiz says, in the present day, * 'a ,]: (S :) and ,,.Ss is TA,) aor. ,, inf. n. ,j, (TA,) lICe truck surhk a



5. L-3 We pitced~ our tent, or tents. (A, TA.) _0 He became fxe~d, seitled, or
[Lih th seeker ofgame in the covert of the lion]: establihed, in the contry, or tonn. (AZ, O, V.) from a verse of Et-Tirimm64. (Z, 0. [See 8. .uAt;l He made, or took, for himslf an Freytag's Arab. Prov., ii. 360.] (TA.) -Also ;4;. (0, .)_ ; LA. The grape. the former, The place ofgro~th [or origin] of th tdock qf a man, among his peopb. (TA.) mounted (., 0, ;) upm the ;., (0, 9,) or 1 252


[Boox I.

as in the Mufradat, upon their b;Y, (TA,) or props are pulled away, the f,j% fall down. rump of Leo, the figure of which was extended u/pon the bAJ. [which may bI a pl. of u, (TA.) [.,4 in relation to a well has also by the Arabs far beyond the limits which we ' .c like 51, or perhaps it is a mistranlscription for another meaning; which see below.] - The assign to it]. (S,O,K.)-And *[j'&JI 7wooden thinV [or trellis] which servesfor the prop- [The seat of Orion; applied by our astronomers and in this last word]: (;: so in two col)ies:) ping of a grape-vine. (TA.) [But this is more to a of Lepus; but described as] fiur stars, of J Pjl '. I cl: (L,TA: like manner, commonly called P'A, q. v.] - The roof of a which tnwo are on the fore legs and twvo on the [expl. by uiJal i ;Ie., whichl seems to be a house or the likc: (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K :) pl. hind legys, of Lepus. (.Kzw.)- And " 'At k 'J:]) and _,J,1 mistake for .1 c,%. (A.) So in a trad., where a lamp is Certain stars near Aj2 [or the Pleiades]. (T, The branches, or shoots, mentioned as suspended to the A.&: (0, TA:) ,.,aJl C;Lj (0,I, also signifies The jl; and in another, in which a man relates that he TA.) (A, TA.) mounted upon the .. used, when upon his ,o, to hear the Prophet's TA;) i. e., the bier of a corpse. (0, TA.) And b.&: A booth, or s/ed, or thing constructedfir reciting [of tlle Kur-4ln]. (TA.) And so it has enece, as some say, the expression in a trad., shade, (imtL,) mtlty made of rane.s, or reled; been expl. as occurring in the phrase of the .Kur I, - - ;.,UJOlj!, meaning The bier j l.5 IIaving rJoiced [lit. shook] at thte death of Saad Ibn(1 ;) and sometimes, (TA,) made ofpal,n-sticks, [ii. 261 andl xxii. 44], t.j [a specie, of panic fiallen down upon its roofS : meaning that its MIo'dldh; i. c., at carrying him upon it to his over which is throwrn A, grass]; (Mgh, TA;) as described by Az, on the walls were standing when their roofs had become place of burial: (0, 1K, TA:) but there are authority of the Arabs; (TA;) and such is demolished and had fallen to the foundations, and other explanations, for which see art. j.. .(TA.) meant by the ,bA of Moses: (Mgli:) a thing the walls fell down upon the roofs demolished -The wood nith which a rell is cased after it before them: (O, TA:) but some consider Xs-has been cased with stones ($, 0, 1.) in its lowest resembling a house, or tent, made of palm-sticks, as here meaning .& [from]. (TA.) [Ilence, ptit (S, O) to the height of the staturc of a man: ot'r which is mut.A ; as also * ~A: (Mb:) 1 t,l is applllied to The ~.t of God, (S O, J (S, O.) [Anotler meaning , :) 'l. , . (g, TA,) made of app.,] a booth, or shed, syn. i, in relation to a well has been menof the same word IAb is related (A, K:) is not defi,able: which ; (S, A,* wood andat ; (TA;) as also ~ tioned before.] t The nuet of a bird, suhel asis built of the the place of to have said that the &.~ is 0, 1;) and such is meant by the * L as being likened to a booth.] in a tree, (]K,) [appll. feet and thle w.c is immeasurable: and it is said Moses; (A;) and sometimes the Vu./), was strongest side, syn. C, _The anglc, or orner, or in the Mufrad:it of Er-R'ighib that the a,j of mnade of palm-sticks, with.,Ag thrown over them: (Ks, Zj,)Jor [other] thing: (Ks, Zj, K,) of a house, God is one of the things which mankind know not (TA:) both signify a thing, (,, 0,) or a !wuse, in reality, but only by name; and it is not as the (19:) pl. ,...s . (Ks, Zj.) Accord. to some, or the like, (g,) used for shade: (, 0, g:) pl. imaginations of the vulgar hold it to be; [namely, the phrase in the Kur [ii. 261, mentioned above], and the throne of G'od;] for were it so, it would be a of the former, S. (ISd, Mgh, Myb,) a " ,tI., meahs E]mpty, andfalln to JP [which is a pl. of pauc.] and support to IHim; not supported; whereas God S. and ,1[ ,ruinupon its iOl [or angles, &c.]. (Ks, Zj, (S, ISd, saith [in the Kur., xxxv. 39], "Verily God is pl. of *' ., 3 .: (19 :) or O.) [Hence,] i The head, or chief, who is the holdeth the hcavens and the earth, lest they O, M,b,) not of j*': (ISd:) or it is also pl. managey' or regulator of t/he affirs, of a people, should move fionm their place; and if they should and j.-ja is also a pl. of move from their place, no one would hold them or company of men: (] :) likened to the .' of V J.,.: (!:) ', ay, whlich is a pl. of * ~gA (L.) Hence after Him :" or, as some say, it is the highest of a house. (TA.) - [Hence also,] t The means is the of sulport of a thing, or an ff;iir. (A, O, K.) Theit ousesta of Afekhkeh, (S, A, Mgh, 0, Msb,) in sphere; [or the emplyrcan;] and the &j.. nhich the needy of its inhabitantsdnelt, (Mgh,) sphere of the stars: and they adduce as an indi- Hence the saying, :,5 jJ, (O, K,) meaning or its ancient houes, (],) were called .ASp1, cation thereof the saying of Mohammad, that the : lis means of support becrame taken awray: seven heavens and earths, by the side of the (TA:) or he peri/ted: (A:) or he was dain; as .JI, (, M`b,) (t, A, Mghl, 0, Mb, g,) and p..,b, are nought but as a ring thrown down in also * M, art. 3J:) or (IDrd,'n j: (0, 1 ;) because they were of and 9 1.,lt; (TA:) or his deiparted: or power, his might, respect with the i.. such is and land; a desert poles, or sticks, set up, and shaded over: (S, 0, and his might, or rweak, became or state, affairs, to thile .A: and this assertion is mentioned in Msb:) or .Mcfekh/t itself was called V u,.l: J..] [For also art. 0. [See (,., departed. power, the B, but without approval: (TA:) [it appears, (Az, 0, L, 1 :) or it was called ~,all, with fet-h, I- light, or power: (Erhowever, to be most commonly accepted:] or a ,j also significs] and * uNjp,: (Az, L, 1(:) and its houss were red sappzhire, ivhich glistens 7vith the light of the Raghib, ][C:) regalpower; sovereigntg; dInminion: (IABr, Er-Rhcghib, ]:) from the same word as ll , and Pj9. (].) And hence, SuTreme. (A, g.) [Hence the saying,] called ' , J or sent, of a king. (Er(S, O, M9b,) the saying in a trad., (S, 0,) i. e., 1j.all meaning, [From tIe highelt signifying the throne, #,ijl J R;iglhib.) - And The protuberantpart (S, O, I() the saying of Sapd, (], TA,) when he heard that sphere, or the emlpyrean, to] the earth. (A.) in, (S, 0,) or of, (I9,) the ulppei, strface of the Mo'iwiyeh forbade the performing conjointly the Also The ~ [or throne] (S, A, 0, Msb, I() of foot, (S, O, K,) in which are the toes; (S, 0, greater and minor pilgrimages, (TA,)J.. La4 a king; (S,A, 0, ;) the seat of a sultdn; ., .; . ;,,.. - S ~ .... 0 TA;) as also 1 &: pl. [of pauc.] -lIuc and [perhaps as being likened to the AO of God; or, more probably, from its being generally sur- [of mult.] Ua;: (O, TA:) anl the part between (0,o ,*) or jT,A, (~, TA,) i.e., [We per- mounted by a canopy; or] because of its height. tlhe .c [or prominent bone] and trhe toes, of the formaed conjointly the greater and minor pilupper surface of the foot; as also Vt the phrase S. 'j_l 1 .. : (Ibngr.image with the Apostle of God, (God bless and (Er-Raghib.) [Hence,] same as last mentioned the I:) pies. 'Abbld,0, as king. (A, TA.). He reigned ? means save him,)] when such a one, meaning Mo'awiyeh, signifies the upper surface was abiding (0, L, ]) in his state of unbelief, And [hence, also,] Certain stars in advance of above: ( :) or tV (L,) in Mekhe; (L, V;) i.e. in the houses Jj&l!t IT l [which is Spica Virginis]; (TA;) of the foot; and its lower surface is called the (IAr.) thereof: (O, L:) or, as some ay, was hiding [app. those meant by what here follows ;] buj ,~.. himself in the houem of MeAkO. (L.) - A house S.LIJI signifies four small stars [app. ?, 1, e, ,.~, both as a sing. and as a pl.: see uA., [in an absolute mme]; a dn,elling, or place of and , of Virgo, regardedas the seat of Bootes, last sentence, in three places: - and the same (TA) [and ,,;j1. the principal star of which is called ajl Jt.JI, abode;: (Kr, TA:) pl. ji paragraph, first and second sentences, in four -_ A [building of the hkind caled] J. (w& The wood upon which stands the drawer of water: being described as] beneath .1alI [which is a places: and see e4 j't in the latter part of the (V :) or a structure of wood built at the head of name of Bootes and also of the four stars men- same paragraph. - Qjl ajl signifies TWo oblong jp. [the portions of feh in the two sides of the neck, [app. : when the tioned above], and also caUed .s' the el/,forming a shade: [pl. ,e

BooK I.]


1.00.30 1.0.0 J, A she-camel having a pleasant odour the two eo-mastoid uscles,] (8, A, O,15, TA,) (S, A, 0, 1,,) He (a man, Fr, $, 0, and a cat, wlwn wen sihe weats. (IA4r, O, 10.) bdtwn which are the vertebrte [of the neck]: Th,) ,oas, or became, brisk, lively, or s7rigjhtily; .1, Th,) (Fr, ,,:sl, t also as ;) , K O, A, S, Th, (Fr, (TA:) or in the bae of tie neck: (1K:) or the ) hating thunder and Clouds (1 i.'l L;5s, of a man, (Fr,) and of a cat. (Tli.) - He said .J3 phrase the in or having thunder and so lightning: (, 0, 1:) base [itself] of the neck: (a man) leaped, j,nmped, sprang, or bounded; as are not thus called, they which lightning, without lightning, (IDrd and M in art. j3, q. v.:) or the : d~,, Thle company Jt ,. also t ,.;1t. (Lbh.) -, in which tihe lightning is in commotion, or flickerA.ut.l [or two branclus nf the occipital artery], of men played, or sported, and advanced and re- ing, and which overshadow and approachso as to (TA, as from the 1], [in which I do nlot find it,]) tired, urying, or pushing, [one anoter] from be- bemne become like a roof: (0, TA:) or of which the tl he (a child, T, Msb) lightning which are (TA) [in] the two places of the cupping- hind: (TA:) and t V lightnin.1 does not c.ea: (Lh, TA:) and (1O) that are in the played, or sported, and was very joidfl, or glad, gleam, nr~l: '(K,TA:) or the I;os.l glecam, or glisten, much, (A, 15,) wvith lightning: (T, 0, Msb, (A:) or that lighten at one time, and become conQIJ,s: (Ibn-Abbad, O:) or the ba, is a vein and very brisk, lively, or sprightly. (IDrd, A, O, K,) aor. -, cealed l 0., K.) _ j cealed at anotherc: (TA:) or which the wind in the base of the neck: (Th, O :) or the O,Lj carries to and fro. (0, TA.) - Lighltning in Tke TA,) O, are [app. the two greatercornua of tihe O hyoides, inf. n. a>- and ,& , (IDrd, quivering; a state of commotion, or agitation; or (A:) much: whlich forms a suporrt to the tontUJue; two bones lightning gleamed, or glistened, 46, or (1 :) or j: * commotion, and of .fliclwriwj u t a state also .fliclering; as in the ;l [meaningr furthest part of the mouth], was, or became, in ;) 1 O, (IDrd, VClw~tly vehemenltly so, (IDrd, O, TA,) and vehement in nwhich erect the tongue. (Ibn-'Abbid,O, K.) It agitation; quivered; flickered; l: (TA:) and in like manner, iU its thunder: (TA:) or that gleanms, or glistens, is related in a trad., respecting the slaying of as also 'u.. much: or that lighltens at one time, and becomes Aboo-Jahll, tlhat he said to Ibn-Mes'ood, U. .i,JI ,,.5, inf. n. as above, The msord ~ibrated, much: . ; L . 5*.. unapparent at another; as also Vj:e and V ia . .&l His shin unapparent #,' [Take thtou my or quivered: (TA:) and : _; UU , , it L='2&'''L (Ibn-A,bbAd, (Ibn-'AbbAid, O.) - A pliant spear, (AA, g, O, quiverel, or quaked; (1g, TA ;) as also ,awjjt. sword, and cut with it my theadSfom my m,;L~s]. TA,) that vibrates, or quivers, tlwhen shaken: (TA.) - Also jo, aor.,, said of a camel, 1, (O, TA.) - And t The ear: (1 :) or t the two (,' O,* TA :) anid so applied to a sword: (AA, (S,' 1], TA,) or other [animal], (O, TA,) Hle [properly so (0, ears: because near to the 'Oj 0, :) or, applied to a spear, it signifies of O, , 1O, TA,) nith whirh, wIen it is shalen, the lhead glistens; from , struggled, or quivered, (j. nwhich, t -ie his hind lgsa; (0, TA ;) as also ,e~l. (O, g.) J6, called]: lience tilhe llying, t i.Pit i1 wol . (I1ni-Abb4d, 0, TA.) I him, or wtith /hin. (AR, A, O.) sqiole scrretl to (AZ, 8, O, 1,) or 4t1.JI, t i. f the mine of - And 1_.llnJ . And 'Theextremn;ity f the ha 0TA.) [q. v.] to Flesh-meat klid in the a ,.-Y" .jp.. as in some copies of the S, (TA,) aor. , (AZ, AJ!. (TA.)_ 'a horse: (1I)nl, 0), 1.:) or fo O, K :) (Fr, pieces: in cut dry: or 0, 15:) (S, . P , (AZ, S, O, TA,) or o., ., O, K,) inf. n. Also, (15,) or j l, (TA [an,d tllus uccrl. to a it beso that coals, lire or tihe upon, or in, 1lad verse there cited],) 7%e bull, 1shet-carnel; as (as in one copy of thle S,) The shy, or cloud, roines comes mnix.ed with the ashes and not rcll atd though her chest were cascd like a well. (K(, lig/ltenetl continua/lly. (AZ, 8, O, 1.) _ , thop.o?e.qh;1 lcooked: (Lthl, 0, 1, TA:) Az says thoroghly TA. [See L]) 0,0 1,) said of a tent or that this ltst explanation, the like of whlichl has (S, (0, O,) inf. ii. , K,) and of a plant, (,.J?, 0, also been given on the authlority of ISk, is more S, O, ,^,first and second sentences, house, (. L c,s: see _ Its todour becane,foul, (S, 0,) and stinking, pleasin., 15,) pleasin, tu him than that of Fr. (O, TA.) [See -A ;;,in seceral I,laces.--Also, (K,) or . (lI.t . (S, also ,o dero thi from (1K,) altered, or (TA,) , with Ae.] I Also A camel whoe (S, Mgli, Mb,) [Thle trellis e!f a #rajle-vine;] back has become subnissive, but not his lead: Jbr a gralp-vi;e, of sticls, or O,1 .) the structure wade f (Ibn-ljabech, (Ibn-labeceb, 0, K:) because they used [somepieces of wood, in the ftirn if a roof, upon which 4: see 1, last sentence but two. hoots, o!f the rince; (K,'* times] to ride without bridling. (TA.) are lput the branchex, or s, -0lire remained, stayed, dnrelt, or abode. 5. TA;) [also, but Itess commonly, called Mc;] moon, or moon when [or te ,i The d,e{a..l 77te the structure made .fin a granpe-vine to rimse p,ln (1g.) The imperative of the verb in this sense is 0, ].) (IIbn-AbbAd, near change]. the (O.) by 1Al.r. 11;) the elerated structure upln nihtich a mcutioned it; (Mgh grape-vine v,reals itelf: (Ml)h:) p1. ,*,4, 8: see 1, in five places. (Mgh, Msh,) [annd perhaps u l also: see 8.] -LO54, W,. I. q. .C (O, 15,TA) meaning as cxpl. (8, A thing reembling a ,, Also, , (TA :) or a piece of wood which is t.: in art. Q. 1. 1 4, lie pulled it, (Lth, 0, L, ,) 0, J,) but not [e2actly the same as] it, made f,' laid acrossa chamber when they desire to roof it: namely, a thiing, (O,) so that he dit it, or divided (S, 0:) camel: a woman, who sits in it uwpon her t/en they lay upon it thiw ends of the short pieces it lengthwrise. (Lth, 0, If..) .; the J to in form likened as being called so qf wood: (A'Obeyd, 0, TA :) occurring in a trad., of a vine: (Er-R4ghib:) or V i.a, with ;, is inispronounced by the relaters ,~.. R.A.00 Juaj A certain plant, called in ancient Greek (0,* 15, and its pl. is 1,, (MI,,) TA.) - See also-, lJ, in two places. the same as .~j; ~, `~15 [i. e. Xata'rrrvs, the chanaptitys, or 1-54.6j, ground-pine], (K, TA,) by which name it is com(ISh, A.) which signifies the samn a,s tli. W,ojA: see .l1, in two places. monly known to the physicians, who say, (TA,) And An encloare of the kind called i; , made wlwn when a mixture of some of its leats mith hydro,,) of a The court, or open area, (.1 a. for beasts, to protect them from the cold. (TA.) ind is drunk for forty days, it cures the sciatica; mel house; (T, Mb ;) i. e., a spacious vacant part, and when for seven days, it cures the jaundice. and te.: see the next preceding paragraph. or portion, thereof, in which is no building; (M.b;) Qg, (1g, TA.) so called because the children play, or sport, &c., -rap-in-- (TA.) G i,, J One of the J .- of the [camelssaddl J. s , ) therein: (T, Msb:) or any spacious ( s: 4 [Grape-vine.furnished wNith, piece of ground between houses, in which is no - 34.' called] [or .. J], (S, 0,) which are four called] of ]. building: (S, 0, : :) or any distinct pi or taindtupon, Js,, or treUim,, pl. ofr pp.qs, pegs, or pins of wood, that unite, or conjoin, the ground in whnich is tno building; accord. to Eth- heads of [the cured pieCe~ of nwood called] the [A ivell caned with what is e (v.) _ =L=a Tha'ilibee, in his book entitled " Fi/lh el-Loghah:" are in the head of each aj; ; Hence, (O,) ]. (S.)ternd an (Mb :) or any open space in wmlich is no building: L;J of the ^N;;Jl A camel large in the ide. (0, ]) (As, TA:) or the ground of a house, where it is two pegs, or pins of wood, bound ith [the sinews built; and any clamber of a house, in which one calkd] caledl - ~, (S, 0, V,) or w~ith [pieces of] the shin of camebs; and in it [or appertainingto te its, not in the upper part: (A:) pl.- li (0) skim same same part] are the :,"1.; ({, 0 ;) and they are ]) Mqb, A,lO, (S, A, and and , ,,, 1. j,, [aor. a,] (Fr, Th, S, 0,) inf. n.;, 252 '

[Boox I. also called the jtl, which is formed fronn ther prov. it is said, jl (IAr, practicable to him, or easy to him; lit., it Mdowd i.ol. by transposition: (Y and 0 in art.~ : ) A, TA, and K in art. 4 ,) and u 1 and its side [to him]. (Mgh.) [In the TA, I find or, (1r,) accord. to As, (O,) they are the tna 1 . J . l expl. as signifying HIe had the u. (IAar, and K in art. j pieces of wood (0, O1) that bind, (O,) or ar e ,) and 4'1 a%5:I width of the thing in his power: but ., here, bound, (I,) between [the upright piece of wooo d (TA in art. J) i. e. lS 6,i', (A, TA,) and seems to be a mistake for dJ.] A poet, also, says called] the 1..; [in thefore part] of tlie J;; amjd vbj~, and .J!; (Sh;) [meaning the same as ~'.1 addressing a woman; meaning U.l its ;.ji [vhaich is in its hinder part]; on the right the prov. before mentioned ;] used with reference [IEmpower thou; i.e. grant thou acces]. (S.) and left. (O, The .JtL of the [kindd to him whose suspicion has become wide; (IAor, T.) _and di3 TA , in aor.;; art. ... ;) i. e. with reference to him (As, 8, ], TA;) and t.~A, of saddle caelled] oJ1lt, also called its 'Pi.e, and its ;c, is A piece of wood bound betnwee who suspects many persons (IAnr, Az, and K in aor. '; (TA ;) are also said of an event, (As, TA,) or of a tlisease, and the like, (S, I(, TA,) such as [or conjoining] the anterior [curved pieces called art. .- J,) of a theft; (IAar, Az, and TA in thait art.;) or of saying a thing: (TS, and TA in disquietude of mind, and a state of (listraction of. ;1L,.. (, 0, , g.) _ And, [so in the 0, but ir that art.:) or when thou askest a person respect- tile milnd or attentionl; (TA ;) [mennilng It hapthe I "or,"] accord. to Az, (0,) JL . siglifier sing a thing and he does not explainl it to thee. pened to himn; it befeU himn; it occurred to him; A whip made of [theinewin called] ,.; (TA in that art.) [See, again, Freytag's Arab. n,as incident to him;] and also of doubt, and tho (0,1C ;) ) like. (TA.) [So, too, is hAj.;&Il.j You also say, as also elj. (O.) And, (0, ],) accord. tc Provy. ii. 100, where it is said that '.o -l v lc ds.i Lth, (0,) Elongated ,; [nli occurrence (0, .;) mostly ap . 5 L.I app. means The garment of t/he .rtpectedIhh)a..J ;5_J of fetcr, and the like, halppened to hims, or befell plied to the i of the two sides and of the tn, c oappeared, or has appeared: but that another him]. (S.) And .Jl * ;,cz:l elongated portions of flesh beteren wnhich is the reading is ~,bjc, meaning became, or has become, [It befell the backbone: (0:) or, (1,) accord. to IDrd, as nwile..] = u>, aor. ,(Fr, , O, Msb, 1g,) inf n. bodiy] is said of [a disease, as, for instance,] the also ~.,Uj, (O, TA,) a faseicle ( ) of of7 ;.d~j.; (TA;) and ~A' (As, TS, K,) aor. , mange, or scab. (B, in TA in art.j&.)_ J, aor. -; (MR4, TA;)andl , aor. ; (Ms. ;) and of thongs, (O, TA,) upon a a [q. v.], with (Fr, K,) or , like -.. , aor. :, deviating from lIc intervened as an obstacle to him, preventing rhirch the [women's camel-vehicle called] .t;* is the general rule; (AR, TS ;) It (a thing) alla re1d, hin,firom attaining his desire, (Msb), TA,*) or bound, or madefast. (TA.) or became apparent, d to him; (S, O, Msel, K; from seekhing to attain his desire, and fromn oing (M.b.) You ,:see : - ;U J signifies [but in some copies of the K, instead of the cx- his vay; (TA ;) as also dJl */,jl. planation l;.; ;Ji , we find Ij; & 'jv, say also, wihich .a. l i ,t, and Tao sticks (J1l30) inserted in the Pb t' le q;. of tie is a mistake;]) as also * ~o l, (Fr, S, O, M1)b, opposed hiianef to himn (, (Ibn:Abbad, O, g,) forking; the l) , ith, the most b being the piece of wood upon which is bound the 1i,) which is a deviation from a general rule, vehement op),lsition of hinsefy: (TA.) See also 5, iron [or share] of the plough. (Ibn-AbbMd, 0.) being quasi-pass. of .,, which see below; (S,* second sentence. One should not say, dj ;i , - The Oel of the hump of the camel arc 0,* Mnb, Kg;) [lit.] it showed its breadth, or witli tcshldccd, in the sense of ,;!. (Msb.) The extremitiiea of the O~.' [pl. of :>?, q. v.,] wnidth. (0,' TA.) You say, A,l LU tojl You also say, , ,~., meaning [A.n obstacle '* The thing appeared to thee from afar. intervtedl, or prevented; lit.] an intervening thing of his backh; (Ibn-'Abbd, 0, I;) sing. Jy : (TA .) And JlI & J ,, and , (AZ, intervened; a preventing thing prevented. (TA.) (Ibn-'Abbd, 0O:) or what are upon the .A~ ; S, O, J,) The ghool appeared to him. (1K.) The and also called thejt,;.; and ISd says, I think s>'. S Arabs say, of a thing, ,o~. and ~, l and And 4k^ thnat j,O is a dial. var. thereof. (L, TA.) 't O,?ij IjourneyCed, and there ollposed it.elf to me, ia3 and ' o;e, using these verbs as syn.; - The ol of the " [or nose, or fore (Sh;) [app. ns meaning It showned, presented, or so as to prevent my going on, an obstacle consistpart of the nose, &e.,] are Certain bending bones qffered, itself, (lit. its breadth, or width, or its ing in a mountain, anul the li1e; as also 'e,bjl: in the [part called] `. [q. v.]. (Ibn-Abbd&l, side, see 5,) to a person: the first and last also whlence the ;&Llj6!2 [or oljections] of the law0, g.) often signifv, anid the others sometimes, he ob- yers; because they prevent one's layilng hold truded himewlf in an affair; intrferred therein:] upon the evidence. (Msb.) And i. J!l i r~II(t disallows '*~.,l in the sense of ,bj.Gl, as jJfi1 se Thte thing intereneda as an obstacle to not having been found by him: (TA:) [but] an him in the way,, preventing him from yoing on. 1. aor. o,rs, , inf. n. '.,, [instead of which, instance of the former of tlhese two verbs used in (TA.) And (iJ 1 w The thing st.oud up and as n simple subst., ,,, is generally used,] and the sense of the latter of them occurs in the phrase prevented; [or stool in the way, or presented It neas, or became, broad, or wide; (S, O,* .iu ic, t~,:;, j' l Il1 [app. meaning Whten sde, I~, TA;) as also ' .l (A, TA,) which shows, or present.s, herself to the lookers], in a itself as an obstacle; or opposed itlf;] as also t* .l. (TA.) [Anld The thine l y, or exoccirs in this sense in two exs. following. (TA.) poem by one of the tribe of Teiyi. (Sli.) tended, breadthwvlsc, or across, or athwart; like [And in like manner,'wb.a;.l It grew, or spienad, j.JI LU ps, [in one place in the TA ;., ,Aj.t, q.v.] And ,*Jl On 1J tz,'P e l nride; said of a tree; opposed to jL; occurring The thing intervened as an obstacle in tiw n,ay to and lJIl in a copy of the Msb,] inf. n. ,.,; in the TA in art. W.] It is said in a prov., (TA; [in one place in the TA /,,e there re- the thing; syn. ji-. ($, O.) ,:. _ t t'A1 ? (0, O, TA [but in two copies of ferringtoj aJl,which is app.a mistranseription;]) a, nor.:; and c b, aor.-; signify tL the , I find the verb in this instance written and ' e l; (S, O, K1,TA ;) Good [i. c. the .,jOS: see 5: or, as some say, I did not, or ~.cjl, and in the O ,&el,and I do not know doing of good] hath become within thy power, or have not, become exposed to his reviling, or evil. that the reading in the TA, which seems to be the practicable to tlee, or easy to thee. (, 0, O, K, speahkig, by revilig, or spealking evil, of him. common one, is found in any copy of the S,]) TA.) And Ui1l U ' P ~,I The gazelle hath Suspicion became, or has become, wide; syn. ,, below.]_, exposed to thee its side; (TA;) or hath puit its (Msb.) [Sce also ..Jl: (TA:) used when it is said to a man, side in thy pown,, (0, i also signifies lie went towards him; (TA in O, , TA,) by turning it "Whom dost thou suspect?" and he answers, towards thee: (O, TA:) said to incite one to art. i ;) and 4a.-& e and ;. [tile same, "The sons of such a one," referring to the whole shoot it, or cast at it. (S, O.) Or i.e.] c l; (.;) as also &>b t iil t '~ , tribe. (S, 0, TA.) [See Freytag's Arab. Prov. said of an animal of the chase, or other thing, (TA.) _ In the saying of El-Kumeyt, ii. 112, where another reading is mentioned, signifies It hath put in thy ponwer, [or exposed to 0 1* c) ,, ,f. whilicih, by what he says, is shown to be ,l' ' ; 1 thee,] its breadth, or width: (A :) or Z V~'P l 5i;iI Thou hast made amapicion wide.] In ano- signifies it (a thing) became vwithin his pomer, or he means [And conrvey thou to Yeeedl,] f thout
J 0-*L3


Boox I.]


n.e,, (Mqb,) inf n. aor.-, a.J;) :) or the meaning is, that they will be laid' stead of pas by him, [and to Mundhir: or perhaps, if y soldiers, of body or army, the made He g,) (Yoo, (IAth, : thejep like hearts the thou go to him: or if thou present thyself to him.] and spread upon 0, 5,) ($, state, their cxamined him, and by to pas that by say some and art.:) ,;11 ,jc,'; (L,g,) aor.,, inf. n. ,ejc, TA in the present meant a certain vein ex- rhat it ras: (?, O :) [i. e. he revireed them :] or (.8.)_ here is word (L, TA,) The horse went along inclining towards this last towards he made tlem to pass before him in review, that one side: (!, TA:) or ran inclining his breast tending across upon the side of a beast, he might know ruho woas absent and reho was also,] [Hence and head: (L, TA :) and ran inclining his head the belly. (TA in art. y^.) (A, B :) or he caused them to come forth, sent: and neck; (}; [in which only the inf. n. of the yW.t [A slight exhibition: (see art. . ~:)] so in them, tlat he might hnoU them: exzamined and verb in this last sense is mentioned ;]) the doing the proverbs by A'Obeyd, in the handwriting of m b,p l, (,0,1i,) say also, you and (Msb:) of which is approved in horses, but disapproved Ib,n-EI-Jawalekecc: (TA :) or S,Le1 ,J.j 5 : (TA, to pas by them made he or] same, [the meaning in camels. (TA.) [See also 3, and 5.] -_ , and so in a copy of the S in tliJs art. :) or ~., him, or before him, and examined them, one by . a~?l, (]g,) inf. n. ueb, (TA,) The camel ate of L.. (O, TA, and so in a copy of the S in this one, (V, TA,) to see who were absent from those the ,plzLI, i. e. of the upper parts of the trees [or art.) With this agrees in meaning the saying, ho were preent. (TA.) You say also,t,jbl said of a she-camel, A 4 sa, shrubs]. (C.) ~a ; 5 ; ue. [lic offered to me in the 'a.3 tqJl and :;:- da ? jl [ie eafracture, (., 0, K,) or some injurious accident, manner of offering water to camels taking a mined the commodity, and the lihe thereof, hvtuing (S, 0,) befell her; (, 0, g ;) as also ;. g; second draught: see also arts. ... and 3j; and it displayed before his eye]. (Tl.) [See also e~b.] (O, I ;) but the former is the more approved: ,t (t, o, Meb,) aor. /., inf. n. see Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 84]. (TA.) You _.& - ~. (TA:) and 40 ,.~ a discmae, or a fracture, j [I oluwed, or ~,, (Mgb,) I read, or recited, tite witing, or , tqJI ,b befell her. (TA, from a trad.) Also, said of a say also, .JI sheep, or goat, (;lt,) It died by (K.) And displayed, or ezpored, or offered, the girl for book: (O, TA: [in the S it is unexp)aincdl, but b. jJI GAjk The sheep, or goats, burst, or became sale]: (S, O, TA:) and in like manner kJI immediately followed by ,.. ,JIa cf :]) or I recited it by heart, or memory. rent, fiom abunda,'ue o!f herbage. (IK.) And [the commodity]. (TA.) And / J 5 ;J-, ;,aor.,; (TA;) and *:, _ .. (M sb.) (Iglt,) inf. n. o.b:, (K.,) lie (an animal, 4 L. X v1; b e,w y^n. P AJ :s, l, 0 ;) and (S, originally signified Hle c.ra. [perhaps TA;) (A, I]tt, or a man, I, [but it is said in the TA that also [as meaning, this (TA,) t;:, or K,) O, (S, of pretension to rlspect, or the his grounds mined there is no reason for this restriction,]) died writhor like: and then became used to express a fixquent a garment, him to gave 1 phrase,] former the i. q. w e K.) out disease. (11.t4, cloth, [or a commodity,] in place of his consequence of doing so; i.e.] he spoklc ecil f ?itee *of q ~i.;o . (g.) See 3, in two pIlncas. [And him; reviled him; detractedfromn his reputation: due: (S, 0, 1 :) and in like manner, s ,b. under the same, see a similar plhrase.] _ (A, TA:) or lhe correspondled to hin, or eqnalled ,s i;. l lie (a man, ', 0) came to u,e)"l, i. e. lllehheh (El-Umawee, TA.) And him, in grounds of pretenion to respect: (TA :) Ji,, which is an instance of inversion, mean- [the lformer seems to be the more probable of the and El-Medleneh, (', O, .K,TA,) and El- I%emen, -J..[I shored the two meanings; for it is said that] '; , 4D (TA,) and what is around them. (8, O, .K, TA.) ing e,,a-11 s ,.;aJl , d (S, 0, Mb :) [or signifies te spoke evil of such a one; reviled him; n. inf. the camel]: nor.,, to 1g,) Msb, materwig-trotygh uw,, (., _ *,JI ; shorlcdl it; it agrees in meaning with the phrase] aijl p~,. detracted fron his reputation; (Lth, 8, 0, (Msb,) lie madle the thingr aparent ;) exhibited it; manifeatcd it; elxoed it to view; ej S,JI TA.) (Lth, himn. annoyed and , [as rendered] He o.1, and presented it; (., 0, Myb, g ;) u;nfoltlded it; laid .i .,J1I [at the watering- (g,) aor. ,, inf. n. ,.,b~, (TA,) Hae hit the side drink to tihe se-camel to ) it open: and also he meyntioned it: (M. b):) C s. [lit. .(u9) of the thing. (O.).1 .Jt And TA.) l (L, --tromugl]. [lit. he dshowed its breadth, or width, or its side: 2;) also (sce , . L seord; the ... to and g,) them, Msb, O, exposed (S, lie ],u1T, and hence it also signifies he made the thing to in the oway to, ot meaning] he slew tlhem (S, A, O, Msb, 1) writh I(0,o, ,) aor. ' and , (0,0 Myb, j,) in both j stand as an obstacle, ,n lie phrases, (0, ]V,) [J says, in the g, app. referring, .j mad,ethc swoo,d,l. (Msb.) And j,.JI ub'~,f; Lo lire of, a thing.] You say, sJi not, as SM thinks, to the latter of the two phrases, apparent,shonwed, exhibited, naanifemted, or exlposemi beat them iit the whip; he flogged them. (g,' to vienw, to him the thing; ($ , ;) unfohled it, TA.) And jlcI L;k .an'b lie burned them. but to the meaning, "this, only, with .lamm,"] lie put tihe stick breadthwise, across, athreart, or or laid it open, to him. (., TA.) Anld 1,~ ), TA, cooked I croise, ( Mh M.1'J s Loall .pa.., TA, or (A, TA.) And )U$I L,. ; .i (, , .) lIe sho,red, p'olpounled,l, the honey [iyupon the fire] to separate it from the both meaning the same, TA,) upon the veCel/, or proposed, to him, such a thing, or such a cae: wax. (Msb.) [And .0I i ; lie I c ec. (Msb, TA,) [and so the sword upon hist thigh: ; TA:) [and he ashed, or required, of him, ({,0 sig-' and ' . also icst,rution.]cto -. signifies the same.] with gentleness, the doing of suclh a thing; forl posed hisaclf and a judge, before a man bingring The nifies (Mughnee and 1, ~Sll signifies i accusing him. (IAgr, in TA, art. c.J.) [And 1aor.,, [and probably ' also,] inf. n. ,.es; and a . (Mugince voet The pcisenting, or addressing, a petition, &c., L..h , inf. n. ,.A',o; (TA;) He turned, or %.k voce 4,) or o j (S, j.3) And &W 4I1 ' iw [Ishowed,exposd , with io- or Q before the word signifying the placed, the ipear sideways; contr. of , L, and verb; former to the .. , relating art. in prewnted, or offered, tihe commodity for sale; or] person to whom it is presented or addressed.] vcrb.) latter the to relating art., same the in LG, (S, [so in two I showed thes commodity to those desirous of pur; One says also, ijwi J .;iI *lil. b~, inf. n. ,.s, The archecr laid R chasing it. (Myb.) The phrase etI;J. q ic c copies,] and 0,) or ,i4,y , (L, TA,) with fet-h its tide on the ground, and then shot upon bow the [He showed, or offered, to him the commodity] ils to the US and damm to the j, (L,) the verb being with it. (TA.) - The saying of Aboo-Kebeer used because the person shows to the other tho e coordinate to : (TA:) [app. meaning Ihltai t El-Hudhalec, cited, but not expl., by Tb, length and breadth of the thing (s 44 4j~) causetl thee to present thyself to sntch a one?] JJ. * -.9 a 1 . or because he shows him one of its sides (~,s C.b~. L Ya"yoob disallows one's saying V La j%j, witllh teshdeed. (S, O, TA.) [But the lattei is thought by ISd to mean And I made its (the C*.!). (Mgll.) [Hence,] it is said in E !.bsl l .," i f these two verbs has a signification nearly allied sword's) breadth to become concealed in the thigh C ; ,l iJ trad. of jodheyfeh, t to that which is here assigned to the former, an4J of the fattest of tlwm. (TA.)i. ,g..-JI Ji;;,which means, accord. to some, than lifed He exactly areeing with one mentioned before. Sce him: (Fr, TA:) [or he offered, or presented, to ;i [Temptationi,&c.,] wiiU be [displayed and, og (8, Msb,) Me;, and .Ji l 2.] .; fil: him food: for] 1 ,.- signifies Thejy eree embellised to the hearts of men like [as] t/a B K, (A, g,;, Oi or O,) (., them, j,;;,, to ~ . presented, and they had food offered, or ornamented and variegatedgarment called in (L, TA.) [See also 2, in the last quarter.] [is displayed and embellished]: (B, TA in art except that in the A and I} we find ;,J.

t i.t

19' $ ' ct!L;l'3a


[Boox I. 3. [4ta has two contr.' significations, which are unequivocally expressed by saying ..b,tL

,V_JI bp and 1pl He H iled the ratering- is a desire for thee," or " Verily women are of the things that I need :" and j troYgA and the rater-Ain. (i.)- Jr JI Ls,: is sometimees made by the quofing of proverbs, and by the inse 8, near the end.--:~' , inf n. . , troducing of enigmas in one's speech. (TA.) IHe branded his camel with the mark caled .,.; [When followed by i., it signifies The making (s;) and so (8, TA:) TA;: and jejI j,e, an indirect objection against a person or saying inf. n. as above, The camd wa branded with that &c.] - Also S.b, (S, O,) inf. n. as above, (]C,) mark. (s.) "_- ;., (i,) aor. ;, (TA,) inf. n. .He wrote indistinctly; (S, O,1;) not making u'H, (l(, TA,) I defratuded, or deceived, him the letters distinct, nor the handwriting rightly
in selling. ( .).._o, TA,) inf. n. u~b,

.JI, and

a, .

(See *;:l .) Thu

one says,] .bjto, (Msb,) inf. n. L,Ia., (TA,) He opposed him [being opposed by him]. (Kull p. 342.) - And [He vied, competed, or conte_ded for su~priority,roith him; emulated, rivalled, or

imitated, him;] he did like as he (the latter) did

mad, or insane, or possssed byjinns or by ajinnee: to another thing. (g. [It is there expl., with the as he did: (.S 0, IO,:) whence L.jt;lIt [in traf. ficking, as will be seen below]: as though the (A, ]:) or he was, or became, affected, by a article JI prefixed to it, by the words ,a. j1 touch, or stroes,fromn t jinn. (TA.) breadth (.,pj) of the acticn of the one were like ,~ a L.J; -s,.JI, or LV U>, accord. to different the breadth of the action of the other. (0, ].) 2. L., inf. n. us t j, He made it (a thing) copies; the latter (which see, last sentence but And :;5; 1 eL i lHe r~uited him for that broad, or wide; (,4;) as also *; L 1, (Lth, one,) app. the right reading; meaning bs', 8, ],) inf. n. . e. (TA.) See also 1, near whichever be the right; for an inf. n. may be which he did. (L.) - [Hence] L,j also signifies The lUifng a commodity for anothr comn the end, in three place.. ,,a also signifies used in the sense of a pass. part. n.; and many a Th speaking obliquely, indirectly, obsrely, am- word of the measure ja; is used in that sense, modity; exchanging it for another; as also w: and ,Aii and_..i. That (TA:) and [in like manner] t v p, the act of biguouly, or equivocally; contr. of b; (P, as, for instance, L ifgh, Mb, ] ;) as when thou asked a man, I have rightly rendered the above-mentioned ex- bartering, or selling a commodity for a like is indicated by what here im- commodity. (I,* TA.) You say, &..L., wjts; "Hast thou asem sA a one?" and he, having planation in the .K een him, and didiking to lie, answers, "Verily mediately follows.]) Hence the trad. ; L. and L; t , (1, TA,) aor. ,, in n. e.; such a on it seen:" (Mb :) or the making a (TA;) He exchanged his commodity; givig one phrase, or the like, to convey an allusion, or an commodity and taking another: (TA:) and 4;l [7l o 'l' JoGeo ,end r 1a4 a indicationnot ersly mentioned therein; us waen ZlE V 'oH he sold his commodity frb another you say "llow foul is niggardlineu l" alluding J,jjJ [The blesing of God upon a srvant, or commodity. (T[) Also Ak C6Z (M and L man, hath not become great but the burden of to uch a one's being a niggard ( o other nuen pon him hath become great; and he in art j) and Ljl.a. est (; and 1B in that art.) j4): dilffering from i,s, whidcli is the menwho doth not take upon hrinselfVtat burden cau.eth [He bartered, or exchanged commA~dities, with tioning of the consequence and meaning that of that bbring to be exposed to cessation]. (O, TA.) him]. And t tl IJ.JI a *a oS I took this which it is the consequence; au when you nay commodity giving You another also say, in exchange for it. * , . 3 .aj a lC `j [I " Such a one has a long suspensory cord to his (TA.) And when persons demand blood caused of other such a one to pose~ hims6f, or I csposed sword, and hu many ashes of the cooking-pot ;" him, to such persons, a tl,ing, and and they he [the exposed latter] do himself, not retaliate or fior meaning that he is tall of stature, and one who them, they [the latter] say, ,e >. J .I [We entertains many guests: (Mgh:) [but many hold became epod, to it], (S, O,*) i. e. t 1 /. ; these two words to be identical in meaning.] I:.aJ. (O.) See also 1, last quarter.- Also iiU give a compensationfor it]: and they [the You say, y5M ': and i , i.e. I said, The giving a thing in exchange for, as an equiva- former] accept (le/,cl) the bloodwit. (L.) 1 t1 [ (i vied ith something [in the manner eiaimed above], mean- lent for, or in the place of, another thing. (TA.) You say also, i .. him in ecdeavouring to deftraud, And The or dceie, act of bartering,or selling, a com- i in ing such a on& (S, M,b.) [See also an ex. voce modity for a like commodity. eling, or (1g, buyi,g,] TA.) and I defrauded, or ds See 3, ] 'Omar defined [or rather explained] in two places. - And The giving what is termed iWmn therein. (g,. TA.) And .jI .L [H'e W t Avtr .l [The makig an allusion to that an Lll: (TA:) and the feeding with what is *ieda,or competed, or contended, with him, or emwhich isfoul, or obscen] by the instance of a man Jo termed: (V:) or the giving food of what is so lated him, or riballed him, in glory, or honour, saying to another" My father is not an adulterer, temand. (J.) [See also 1, near the end.] It is thc.]: (L and V in art. .~ :) and in like nor is my mother an adulteress." (0, TA.) Or, said in a trad., respecting a company of travelling j . ts. (1 in art.pi.J.) See 6. accord. to the early authorities, Gp,. signifies merchants making presents to Mo.hammad and manner HIe wed a phrae suceptible of different meanings, t Lij (S,) or ZI I y They gave to both . Loi, (0, ',) or :At or an euivocal phrae, by which the hearerunder- Aboo-Bekr, L t.Jt J, (A,) Hie eent along oer againt kim; stood a meaning d"erent from that which he Of them white garments, or pieces of cloth. (L.) i)r on the opposite side to him; (9, A, O, ;) in (the spmaker) intended: or, accord. to the later And you say, li .;. ,4, Tlhey gave them to ' z correpondi,g manner; (TA;) [each taking authorities, as Et-Tefeleinee, he mnmtioned a thing drink [unmized] mi.k (TA.) And '~;. Give the side oppo~te to the other.] - [Henoe, "Ljto by a proper or tropicalor metonymical exprssion, ye to usfood of your aj,l; your roheat, or corn, as signifying It (a tract &c.) lay or aai to signify some other thing, which he did not men ohich ye have brought. (S, TA.) - ie JI ,;&, jhim. Also as syn. woitsh ~HI.] See & . tios; as when one says, "I heard him whom 3 6Uaa , He made the cattle to have such [Hence also,] ,,l, thou hatest praying for thee, and making good inf. n. ( ,O, ,) in n..4t;, mention of thee;" meaning in his praying for pasturage as renderedthem in no need of bingfed I (TA,) I tooi to one side (g, o, ) of th way, ithmld r. (TA.) u.- , (IAqr, 0,) inf. n. or ways, (accord. to different copies of the ],) the Muslims in general. (EI-Muniwee, in ex,%~J ([,) also signifies He became po~sed of arhile another took to another may, so that they plaining the trad. '-1 ,jtahJu!i ., which see both met. (TA. [See 3 in arts. .,a and .j.]) a cnrage, below, voce.1I.; ) y or courage and energ,y], with respect to the aL.L [ei. El-Ba'eeth says, demanding of a woman in marriage in [the period (IAg, O, CJ,) and strength, or power, (IAqr, O,) of] her A^., [during which she may not contract a new marriage,] is the using language which resembles a demand of her in marriage, but does not plainly expres it; as the aying to her "Verily thou art beautiful," or "Verily there.

(Mob, TA.) You say also, E- e e L;z. , , (,) or ;J u (A, formed or di~pod (TA.) ,~.-, also sig., (g,) I did to Ain like (s,) He was, or became, sifies The making a thing to be exposed [or liable] (8, O,) or -.a

and a faculty of speech, (IAr, O, ],) or, as in '

the Tekmileh, and porwer of speech. (TA.)la~ And He kept coatinualy to the eating of CjL;ti,

:.,...,aLsJI j,t. .'


TA, [in the O Lu,,]) pI. of L., 5.

'cited in the S, voce ~,

Iplace of j,,

but with

(TA.) - See also 4, last sentence.


in the

and there ascribed to Lebeed,]

-5 BooKx I. : meaning, accord. to ISk, [We praisedto her the [in the thing]; (Mb ;) and.,jl,Qit side of 4.JI [or youthful fooishnes, and amorous dai~ce], or, as another says, she entered with m into it, in a manner not open, but makhing it appear to us that s ma entering ith us; ,t;. He ;lqJ (TA.)l a1 meaning 4. g the corpe, came to the bier, or the bier co yin [ingee

Fnrt art of yotl, and therneon] se tooh to th mm, action]. (TA.) ' M, ( O,'M;b, 0,, _ g,) inf. n. l'cl,' (S, 0,) He turned away from,

intermediatey (ULb,), in a part of tke way, not folowing it fro the abode of the deceased: (0, I, TA:) said of Mohammad, in a trad. re.ooting the funeral of Aboo-T{lib. (0, TA.)



inf n. .1..

and .;l,

, He came

in to the woman [indirectly, or] unlawfully;

(ngh, V, TA;) i.e. ihout tm,ay-e and writA,Hence the saying, ,ub W, , tj .. J0

out posaion [of her a his sldare]. (.gll, TA.)


e brought Jrth a chld in consequences li; of a manr'skang come in to e,r': (V:) or a ekid whos father was nmowm. (A, O, TA.) (o,.;) C! i. q -;. [Hene also,] LjJi

L. A son th offsprg offoraotion. (0, TA.) i 1j5I1, , inf. n.: sal thke tl, m-.q;m uI;aj ; m i Lpi [pl. of ,, JUltZ, [Orion pass along towards one ide, and And (O) He castratedthe Oi

avoided, diunned, and cft, it; (S, O, MRb, ;) lit. he tooh a side (1LB i. e. LJ;.) other than the side in which it was: (Mb :) or he turned his back upon it: (IAth, TA:) and [in like manner] t bjlt he turned aside, or away, .fiom him; avoided hinm; shunned him; (, 0, JI;) lit. he .. L, [I d;d not addres, And n.) .. 1 4 became aside with respect to him. (TA.) myself, &c., to do to addresed not or have myself, .. , .. bos : see 2, first signification. _- . %. and t.h>sL are V and evil]: hin Shte (a woman) broughtforth her children broad said to signify the same. (Msb.) [See 1.] You [in make]; expl. by the words Li&.T.,J,; '[I addressd myself, &e., (S, O, V ;) [not meaning ulwa t., (see 3,) as say also, ,.J,LI , J 4g, Freytag, deviating from Golius, has understood to as them]. ( , 0.) And ,bo 1 . petitionor asking, came a one , Such .. it; unless SM be in error; for he says that] the and last word in this explanation is pl. of Ata-. ing, to another,for a thing that he wanted. (Fr, :iI,o,l lie put, or e,presed, tle in S, - And j1'il ,j;1 lie asked the (TA.), question broadly; (Mgh;) w/idely; (Mgh, TA;) companis of trabellers for what are termed lardcy. (TA.)J-o;JI i. 3,I olP.,: see .iL q. v.]. (TA.).--.'J [pl. of L,,, himaelf, or became He ex~d [also signifies I.1 for He put ,lI LJ1 ) t. , latter half.s

tetimony, to tAe mention of such a thing. (Myb.) It is likewise syn. with $.jm in the saying, m J bJ)3p [Such a one addredhimse/f, &c., or attempted, to do me an abominable, or evil, action; or oppos~ed himself to me with an abomiaable, or evil, action]. (Ltb.) [In like [lie ~to U ,~ manner also you say,] addresses himself, &c., to do to men evil; or he oposes himself to men with evil or mischief]. (.,

eposed, to snch a thing]. (g.) See 2, latter porq. V.]. (O.)",,J,] He, or it, [from ', .. (S, Ilt., O.) tion. -Also course or right the from turned aside; turned [And app. He circumcized a boy: or so spect to thd other r is oblique in its course ith and ~j: ;) ]a,; , TA (, syn. direction; see u,a.] stars;] i. e. it is not direct [in the disposition off ) .,e: its stars, particalarly of the three conspicuous (TA:) his, or its, course, or march, was, or benear the beginning, where 5. h.m;a3: see ., ta~ of the belt, with respect to its course] in the came, indirect, or oblique. (L, TA.) You say, b,ejl and b,bj:l, are said 1 w,bt, these two verbs, and sky. (A, , O.) [See alo 5.] _ ,) j;pil &.4u3 The camel went to the to be used as syn.; [app. as meaning It howed, 914Ji id of a camel, (TA,) [He turnedhis ride to tlh presented, or offered, itself, to a person; lit. it right aud l.ft, [in, or upon, the mountain,] on aci,d;] he did notface the w nor turn his baci /dw~ , or presented, its breadth, or width; or, count of the difficulty of the road, or way. (., to it. (A, TA.) -j ,U

4 iu He looked adt au,i,a is expl. in the EM p. 19, it shoed its 0, 1~.) And J:, ~ 1 .h a. The camels him, or toward him, srde~ays, or obliquely. (A, ~,~, i. e. aide: this, or it, or he, presented, pr rent along tle routes (1-C 4 { { being [d 4I) [e lookeo offered, or exposed, its, or his, side, seems to be &;L j TA.) You say also, Lb in the accus. case because j is understood, not sideays, or obliqueldy]: (TA in art. Ot.) And the primary signification of 16.3, and of/,,j;e, that the verb is trans.] to tlh right alnd bft; ; and is of frequent occur- (A;) i.e., alternately to the right and ljt. (T L";t U [S1u e as well as of ., you say of a she-camel, J.P signify in art. t.J.) [See a verse cited voce .. ,, and go~ obliquely by reason of briskness, livelincss, renee: and all (as mentioned voce .ej.) [See again 5, lattei r also he obtruded himselfin an afifair; interfered its explanation.] Dhu-1-Bij(deyn, being gnide (ng.. or prigli half.])_,J. sjtl ,wbjt He compared the e therein.] - [Hence,] J He opposed him- to the Apostle, addressing his she-camel, said, ting with the thing. (M9 b.) You say, ejk self to him; he odered opposition to him; or he , attacked him; said of a man, and of a beast of ;,,, (1, 0, ,) inf. n. AL.;a.; and ,l *hA ,S[*oe'..~ ~~~k,.". (TA,) He compared, or coUated, the writi,n, or r prey, or noxious reptile, and the like; as also .o '-.~ -* ..--i , , _W1,1Jand t eb;l: this signification also is of book, (, 0,,1,) .i L4 pith another writing, , V frequent occurrence. (The lexicons passim.) or boo ( O,* TA.) And . GL. , [Hence also,] He addresed, or applied, or dileft, jj1; [He copied, or transcribed, the witing, ' rected, himel., or his regard, or attention, or (, O) Go thou along routes to the rigit and avoiding the rugged acclivities, [and continue th/y L J1 ih s mind, to him, or it; [as though he set himself course, or as expl. in the TA, art.. j~,pass along or book]. (V in art. .. )And [probably as meaning T1 e over against the object to which the verb relates;] quickly,] (TA,) like as 4ILjJI [Orion] pases with i..Jl n1 ing, with another]. (TA.)m e syn. 5.. reading, or (Lth, Lh, 8, 0, M.b, ].) So in along in the sky obliquely, or indirectly, in the [He disposition of its stars [with rspect to the other i b.. kp and ^,^J agre the saying, . [(He covered th sh-camdl Lr, 1S,l ., towards the end:) this is Abu-1ably with er desire] i said when the stallion irs addre~d himlf, & prented himself, betook stars: (see 3, ther~fore go ttu rightt]. (IAth, TA.) gdsim; o&ered to her, and if she desire he covers her,, hi~m , adoanced, came forward, or went fori. q. UP ', q.v. (TA.) I k.J.. ,_-"/ or but otherwise he does not: (f, 0, TA:) in thee ward, or attempted, to obtain their favour, 4 wrong: is her; which .it is id, if he desire [He '6u say also, of a camel, ; u ;W and bounty]: and i ' ~.j.e [I.U (TA:) this is becawe of her generous quality, addreed ims, &c., to obtain favowr, ord indines towards on side, in his march, or course; ijj She (a camel: bouy; and] he ought, or demanded, it: (Ai, or goes obliquly, or incliing toards ono sidl]. 0, TA.) - And Ll. fA,b1. (Myb in art. (V: and so in one copy of the .: in another t not being of the came Mqb:) and [so] .jaeLw by a tallion, ,oi~d m gcwhick he was sent. (AO, TA.) -See e ,~J.]) So too in the saying, copy of the , w.^. (teealso a [See also , laut quarter.]) aso 8, near the end. (Addres ye yoursst, -_ . I, d; [o (0 1, e also signifies It (a thing) became in4. ~,s: ee 1,first sentence; and in thirteen iso, to become objeo of the effsin of the mercy fected, ~itiated, or corrupted; and in this sense paees after that, as far as the break after the of God]; (O, V, TA;) occurring in a trad. it is said of love: (TA:) [as though it turned Also He ment wid R (TA.) And hence thq saying, 03;1t u, Fkea from the right course, or direction; a signification words " grant thou access." -a,)in his mentioned before; and thus it is expl. in the 1, (s himself, &c., 1lb He ad~ aJt (0$o,mb, ) and ons; (8, 0,;)


2006 as occurring in the phrase .;i e d in tho Mo'allatah of Lebeed; or, thus used, it signifies' it (a person's attachment to another) becamn altered, so as to cease. (EM p. 149.)

[Boox I.

p. 687.) _ ) hil , l The horse wa- came fat and plump. (TA.) _- o,j..a.-. 1 He perverse, untoward, or intractable,[in his halter,] ] ahsked him to show, or exhibit, to him what he to his leader; (?,A, O, ;) as also tui,4. had. (S, TA.) _ j ,;j -:l. He asked to (TA. [See e.;.]) And uii1>t in a man is show, or display, to him the girl on the occasion 6. L.bjL.J They oppod each other. (Ibn. The appearingand engaging in w&hat is vain, or of sale. (Mtr, in Har p. 557.) - tyj.,!1 He Ma*roof, in Golius. [The verb is very oftRe I false, and refusing to obey the truth. (TA.)_ came to Ier~ from the direction of her side. (TA.) used in this eense.]). _ Teyfought, or combated, ! ;1 IHefaced him, and advanced towvards him: - [Hence, a;l also signifies, and sot &,.l, each other. (MA.)- They did each like as tiU (lar p. 420:) and s Lpeb;l and iL [has lie betook himself to him or it, or he tooh him or other did; they imitated each other: they vied, nearly, if not exactly, the same signification]: it, or he acted with respect to him or it, without comlpeted, or contended, each ivith the other; they And el5l also signifies The coming any direct aim, at random, or indiscriminately: emulatedl, or rivalled, each other: (TA in art, bee e.a. in upon any one: or entering upon an affair. (Har and lihence the phrases here following.] psb a;wI ,H :) syn. Q5C. (g in that art.) J.a&! The people went p. 687.)_ [J , often means lIe presented r 4J1 ,,oWl and t 8. ,. 5 .. l: sec ... b., near the beginning, himscmf, or advanced, or canme forwvard, to him: forth against thle K7(hrijees not caringwhom they .0 -. 6 OS where these two verbs and ~, l and ,.43, are* and hc addressed or betooh hinsetf, or adoanced, or sl.w. (Mgh.) AnlLl '.1 Ll .'Ja'*-t!l.," ) went fornward, to it; namely, said to be used as syn., app. in the senses expl. an action; like ,, i1k. [TIhere will be no harm to them] in their there and in the beginning of 5. - [Hence,] J: see its syns. ,I3 and Lb;.]-Sc e also 5, talting wnithout distinguihing who and whence he is ~ ,ob;l lie opposed, resisted, or withitstood, second sentence. __ si j ;c Ie advanced him whom they flwJind, and slaying. (Mgh.) And him, or it; syn. a!. (MA.) [See 1 in art. tonard,s him vith an arowv, andl shot at himn, alnd !.; ,b , J 1,, .. Tlc Khdrlijac slays men .i, in two places. -See also 5, second sen- sler him. (S-,O, g.)_,or l: sec (, 0, K,' TA) in any possible manner, and dotence.. And see from al e.. as signifying "it stroys nthomnsover hw can, (TA,) without inquiring 5._ ,pn : sec 65,near the end.(l. happened to him" as fir as the end of the sen- . condition of any onc,(S, O, Ji, TA,) lie rode nkile revicn!ing the army, or r;spectingtlwh tence explainilnsg 0 C.:j1 I I ;l. body of soldiers, or making thmc to pass by him Alu.dimt or otlwr, (S, O, TA,) and without caring ~.,b~l signifies [It lay, or extended, breadthwise, anduleamining teir state, (S, O, K,) t * , 411 * ', whom he .slays. (TA.) And &'I ., aoross, transterscly, athwart, sideways, obliquely, upon ,v , t eS,J.Z0 . - ,,3 the (S,O.) Uel Tthe JL.3 9 a J ~.. [Take thou it at ranor hori:ontallay: or so as to lrsent an olbtacle: army, or body of soldies, ia reviewedni: (Mgih, dom, or indiscriminately, and buy it of him whom or mo intcrce,wd in any manner; as shiown in the [whicl significs thoufindest, and as nowt reasecting him vwho made lpart last referred to, abovc: or rather it hlas both L:) quasi-pass. of l;l als the samc as the phlrase next followin g]. (0, L, ol these meanings; and in the former sense it is it]. (S, .C) And 'j J-5; "~5.' . ,: l j l: and #_*. t&J1 and used, in the TA, art. ^, in describing the direc- TA.) .n..i , [lie acted indiscriminately, giving to him tion of an asterism, opposed to , J-'!: or, in Li . ;;S: . .bc see last quarter. = nwho advanecd anl to him wluoretired]. ($.) other words,] it (a thing, S) became, (s,) or be- 645 o.,.&1w : and t;i o;l: see v, last And '. Jl u' L IAsh thtno whom tlou wilt of ca,ne an obstace, (lA ;l.o, ~, O,) lile a piece quarter. racreal ;ed,l lie frode the camel nhile the Arabs rcspectiing such and sulch things. (S.) ,l.' wood lying across, or athwart, or obliquedy, rfhraectory, or untractable, (i, 0, K,) axyet. (d1.) You say also, of landml ( ) in which is herbage, (L a,) ina channelof rumnig water, (S, O, J,) And e wlb,iIt l lIe took the untrained she,jO! l>a-" and , .[Thle amels, or te or a road, (0, L,) and the like, preventing persons camel in her untrainedstate. (TA. [In the original like,] dpasture it [appl. at random] when traversfrom passing alog it. (L.) It is also said [ofa col- of this explanation is a mistranscription, whichl I lection of clouds appearing, or presenting itself, or have rectitied in the translation; L .".]S l for ing it. (.K.) extending sideways, or stretchiing along in the hori- sLel.])e t[Hence, app.,] J #I' l Hea,d v a ,o5c 1recadth; n,idth ; contr. of ; (. , zon like a mountain; see t: and] of a building, Such a one undertook the thing, or constrained Mgh, O, M.b, K;) and i.q. &a; (]g;) the or other thing, such as a trunk of a palm-tree, or hiself to do it, it being dfirrcult, or troubiacom, mutual distance of the edges or sides of a thing: a mountain, lying in a road: and as this prevents or inconvenient. (IAth.)~ - ., (K, (M.h:) primarily relating to corporeal things, thie passengers from passing along the road, it is aor. o, but afterwards used in relation to other things: used as signifying He, or it, prevented, or hin- TA) He ate the tlwur: and ewJIn t/ :] (TA:) this word as signifying the inf . n heltook and ate of the Iuhrnu: both [see ,.. dlr,ed: (0, g :) it is quasi-pass. of . (.,' contr. of J, is the common source of derivation said of a sheep or goat, or rather of a camel: TA.) [And hence,] '5.1 . i, (O, TA,) (TA:) and [in like manner] one says of a camel, of the other words of this art., notwithstanding not ,,j;l, as the 1 seems to indicate, (TA,) their multitude: (0:) pl. [of pauc.]) l, lIe was pr~eventedfrom goigj in to his wife, by an ar4 iJ1 b, rl oll to ui.j, : and the camel that (lA9.r, TA) and of mult. o5.'s and h,(p. obsta(cle that befell himn, aisingjfromn the jinn, does so is said to he net f l, . (, O, S.)See ori genii, or fron disease: (O, I~, TA:) oecutirring in a trad. (TA.) -[Hence,] .'] which is forbidden in a trad. [respecting horseracing] signifies A man's coming intermwediately p'ith his hors, in a part of the course, and so entering among the [other] hortse. (0, L, g.) [See also ijl.J1 e -l.] _[And hence,] ,ij,l j3JI lIe commenced [the observances of] the ,nonth not from th beginningi thereof. (S, O, .) _ [i,4.Jl *.-;el The clausinter~nedparenthetically. V .. b-..Wl lIe interposed in an argument, or he like; objecting against him somev thing, by way of ConfutatioQ], And U uel * as 0.* .5' JaW >. . ,1He attribued to any one an error in r~ect of a saying or an action. (.r (TA.) It is said in the Kur [lvii. 21, tt ' ., .t.*J1l And a paradise wreoff thle breadth, or width, is like the breadth, or width, of the heaven and the earth: and in iii. 127,] u;?,j $rj %l;. [the breadth, or width, whereof is as the heame and the earth]: and Ibn-'Arafeh observes that when the o.p; is described as being much, it indicates that the iJ; is much, for the latter is more than the former. (0, TA.) You say also, .; , ;. . and V,., lIe went towards him: [lit. towards his breadth, and hi side.] (..) And jlA t~ [.he 10. eu.;l: eeep;; second sentence. went wide and long]; (, Mqb,' ;) .ll ; ve iwl re cii is like the phrase aioj [in the thing]; (Mqb;) and ojI1I S [in i-n... (0, h, TA,) meaning e shlcamrn beh generous actions]. (TA.) And L ,s (/[, also 10, in five places. _ 4.a;l [He accepted an equivalent, or a stitut, or compesation,for it]. You saya, e_ju ; ; 5 st ua i ,;_. [Such a one owed a debt of money, and I demanded it of him when it vas dfficultfor him to pay it, and I accepted an eSuivalent, &c., for it]: and ,l 1oj;I, referring to blood, when retaliation has been refused, means tley accepted [Ii,, for which 1lil has been substituted by the copyists in the L and TA,I the bloodvit [as a cofimpnationfor it]. (L)


BooK I.] cut it breadthwise, or acros, or crosswie]. (. in goods or commoditie c"ept silver andgold money art. im, &c.) And l. ipoljl i. [He croned (Mgh,* O, TA:) but t ,',,& which see below the vly]; (.8 and ~ in art. tji &c.;) and in has a more comprehensive signification; every like manner, "/,tl[the land]. (V in that art. ) thing that is termed ,,'- being included in e.. whereas everything that is termed ,e; is no t .d l lJ jI.kall . j [He put th fet.ja: (TA:) the pl. of ~"., is u,)~, (M9 b,' stich upon the ~ breadthwise, or acros, or which A'Obeyd explains as signifying the con cromse]; (Mqb ;) i q. L, . (TA.) _ [Ii n modities, or goods, whereof none are meted in c geography, The latitude of a place.] - Th e meaure nor weighed, and wrich are not animals1 middle, or midst, of a thing: or #. 1 . .,., sig - and do not cont in )l' [or immoveable pro nifies the thing itself. (TA.) See also /, p, rty]. (., o, M,b.) You say, s , 1 former half, and in three places towards the end l.* e I bought the commodity for a commodity A mountain; (., ;) as also tV bl: (.8 i l it. (s, 0.) _ 00" L, o.J1 j, , or! O, ]:) or the former, the lowet part, or base , ( t6,~ accord. to different copies of the I(: see 2,

2007 Such a one is of the collateralclau of the kin.folk, or tribe; not of the main stock theof. (Mgh.) And c e, He wment towards him: [lit. tomards hi side.] (g.) See also *,e, near the beginning. And .qFI t'I I us ji' (8,' g) He took to one side of thwe way. (s9, TA.) And i, ; ... V Take thou to a side other than this. (A.) And ~l

p took

'.r"-J L",ie t ei ic) i (8, A) Such a one to a reay and side not pleasing to me. (S.) [i/,s, it will be observed, is fem.] And 0., it .. p I rent along ove. against him. (A.)

(eL,) thereof; (S, 1~;) as also 1 *.,>: (0, :' in the latter half of the paragraph. ~ ~.,." ;': and (so in the $, but in the " or") the sid e G: see i . - .,c also signifies .adness;
thereof; (., ]g;) u also t J : (TA:) or theeinsanity; or possession by jinn, or by a jinnee. place rohence, or whereby, (,) a mountain i J (K, TA.) [See 1, last sentence.] m- *.~s u aseded: (]K :) and tV.dl;, a lofty mountain: : JUI C> An hour, or a portion, of the night passed; syn. Lc.,. (g,* TA.)~I See also (TA:) pl. of the first, dJ,l.l and /.. w , (S, TA.) _ A coUlection of clouds: (I. :) or a col with the unpointed .o. lection of clous that obstrcts the rizon: (, uis~ v A side; a lateral, or an outmard, part, ]:) [see also and tG:] pl. /j. (8, Mgh, O, M.b, g,) (TA.) - t An army: (0, 1 :) or a grea t or portion; syn. ., army: (S, TA :) and t ,.,ej also has thc former and 4i,, (S, O, Mb, gJ,) from wha~tecr direc signification: (I :) or the latter: (TA:) so tion one coma to it, (., 0,) and f.~: (., Mgh:) called as being likened to a mountain; or to the and sot ej syn. n; ia. ; of anything: (TA:) clouds that obstruct the horizon: (S, TA:) pl. and t ~,, or t a. 1t;, (accord. to different copies 1im (TA.) _ t N.Yumr locus; (.8, , ;*) likened to the clouds that obstruct the of thc g) or both; (TA ;) syn. tU: (1, TA :) ; syn. '.;wt: (,A,O,]~:) and horizon; (TA;) as also (1:) pl. of the and ',_

And iil V > Uii We woen along not facing the people, or company of men, but comin;/ to them from their side. (TA.) And Aboo-Dhueyb says, '



''*JI ;

C~Li *.U,l;
. r

10 #

(.,0 TA,) i. e. [Is there lightning procedingfrom thee, which I ss the night watching, as though it were a lamp] in the ride, or region, of Syria ? (v.) - See also e, as signifying the "lowest part, or base, of a mountain;" and the "side thereof." [And se i, last sentence but one.] - The middle, or midst, of a, river or rivulet or the like, (0, IC,) and of the sea, (1,) and of men or people, and of a story or tradition; and tI,. signifies the same, of men or people, &c.: (TA:) and the former, the maina part of men or people; syn. ^;., and ': (i, O, X:) [or] as also V the latter; and of a story or tradition; ; former, ,e.%: (TA:) and V ,l; also signifies (1-;) as also ol~, (TA, and so in some copies a iude of loc,; (, O,TA;) and of beew: this last is pl. of,A; (Sgh, 1 ;) or, accord. to of the J],) and *o.1". (TA, and so in some (TA:) am in the saying, ; .i ut 14 r. the M, of l., as signifying the contr. of Jj: ' jD1 [Tlhere pased by us a multitude of locus, and ~J;! is pl. [or is another pl.] of' .ew,; and copies of the XC.) You say, u.S'l ue, t. I amw him among the pople: (, O :) and somo or of bees, which had fld the /izon]: (S, O, is also pl. of 2.s in the sense expl. above. (TA.) TA:) so says Aboo-Ns.r Almad Ibn-Hitim. of the Arabs say, ,_l t e' &; ~, meaning You say, JJI The side, or flat, (o,) (, O.) _ A valley. (IDrd, .) See also ,bs. u,& " -; (Yoo, S;, , TA ;) or meaning I saw of the sword. .(1.) And ji' ~", u The tro him in the midst of the ~opale; (TA;) or, as alJo [As inf. n. of v, it occurs in 4he phrases ides 'of the neck: ( ,:) or each side of the neck. -U$ e,~ and .gdl . t,o , in the middle portions of theA ,S,: see JI uws,..] h... yew .. .. . (TA.) [See also ,t.] And a,Il ,.Ad Lt. people; or, as some say, in the surrournding po You say also, ' , i , (Th, A) ie beginning of the part of the bone of the tisof the peoplc. (Mob.) And o ' looked at, or examined, him, or it, having him, camers nose which slopes domnwards, in both its ,.1I Such a one is of the common peoqpl, or vuor it, before Ais eye; i. q. c c Jat. edges. (Az, TA.) And &qj ' * d3 jl ].') _ L ;JI = [tEat thou (TA.) And g, web #IJ I saw him, or it, He looked at him with the side of his face [turned gar. (CS, chaees indiscriminatldy; or] take thou cheesm at obviously; nearly. (TA.) [See also an ex. voce torards him]. (S, O.) And 6ob 'c ,jli; random, or indiscriminately, and buy it of him * .-. [~.e'~l_g is an appellation of The and ,1 He looked at him frrm one side. (S, rhom thou findex, not asking rapecting . him rtho day of the last jutg~ .] ~ A compensation; o, gP') And ~'.c e ) I.j (&,0, O, ) made it, (A,, 0, , ,) whether it be of the making a sbitute; a thing that is given or rceived or They went forth smiting the people from one tide, of the people of the Scriptures, or of the making put instead of another thing: so, accord. to some, in hatever manner suited, (S, 0,) not caring of the Magians. (As, S, o.) i-ti1 in the ]ur iii. 127, quoted above: [but this is U,ia 1Ji: wohom they smote. (S, 0, g.) And . .,. andJq.. .JI strange:] and so in the phrase ..1JI l Jl J _. l .,~;;: see L , last e JIla ;JIec Strike thou with it indisciminately [The compe~nation, or ~bitute, for any part that two sentences but one. _ ijjJl P: see thou st of the wall: (S, 0, this garment, or pce of cloth, is such a thing, M b, TA:) or the id thereof. (TA.) And j,wf.. [But whether s,1p.l in this phrase be 9 and sch a thing: but not necessarily; for ~e. &MI Throw thou it in pl. of ,o or whether it have any sing., I know in this phrae may have the meaning first assigned JY -tw JI utlol 51 to it above]. (TA.) See also what next follows. any side, or quarter, of the house rhich thou wilt. not.] - See also U,o. - A commodity; or commodities, or goods; syn. (TA.) And ,,Ci a.# . o,., and V,. , e.>.: see "u,, first signification. - Also ~t1; (.i,O, Msb, 1 ;) as also Vb'j; accord. Take thou him from any side of the peoplb which The side of to ]z; ( ;) which is the contr. of' . t . the like, a valey, and of a i [i. e. country or : (Mgh:) thou wit. (TA.) And 0. !1 or town or the like]: (XC: [in the CI, and the former, anything eaept wilver and gold e .; Hw;;e enjoined that he should ccpend upon A.4 is in the nom. case, which I think a mistake:]) money, or dirAems and dendrs, (S, Mqb, ]C,) him, or it, of any part of his property indiscrimior (as some say, TA) a part, reion, quarter, or which are termed 'C: (S, Mb :) or any worldly nate.y. (Mgh.) And pl eB X j tract, (X, TA,) and the low groundor land, (TA,) Bk. I. 253

2008 of, or pertaining to, eitur of these: (I, TA:) pl. Wl)Il. (TA.) - A vally in which are tovnn, or villages, and raters: (O, J(:) or in nwhiC are palm-tree: ( :) or a vaey containing many palms and other trees: (TA:) or any valley in which are t,res: (., 0:) [see also ,,, explained as applied to a valley:] pl. as above,

[Boox I.

IAth, O, ],) whether it be in himself or in his O, which is that of the .K as given in the TA, ancestors or in tlwse of whose affairs tht manage- and of my MS. copy of the K, ,UJI ;m 1, ment is incumbent on him: (IAth:) or those . nLc; in preference to that in the C~, gj1 things by the mention ahereof with praise or disi, prais a man rises or falls; which may be things ;ii L,:JrI .-S]) You say, " his of exclusively characterized is whereby'he A, O, 0) and e,~~, (A, TA,) and (SA, h$ ancestors; and it may be that his ancestors are , (TA,) [A ran.e (S, 0) and .',;_. mentioned in such a manner that imperfection ea The shall attach to him by reason of the blaming of dom arrom, and a random stone, or] an arrow, (TA.) tt Jl j.s and t. a,) ( towns, or villge, qf El-,ijiuz: (s:) or these, them: respecting this there is no disagreement and a stone, aimed at another, hit him: (S,O, (8, O,) are certain towns, among the lexicologists, except I.Kt [whose objec- .K:) such as hits, or falls upon, a man without (TA,) or the h,pIMl, or villages, [with their territories; i.e. certain tion see in what follows]: (Abu-l-'Abbas, 0:) or any one's shooting it, or casting it, is not thus Inmvinces, or districts;] betseen El-I.jdz and (accord. to some, S) grouuds of pretension to termed. (L.) L;3; ~i'Jl L ti s, And' El-Ymen: (S, O, TA:) and some say that respect on account of the honourable deeds or tj;F"-)a.,L i. e. [The opinion] that comes i e ; is applied to the toons, or villages, qualities of one's ancestors, &c., (. b, S, Mb, to tsthe waithout consideration,or thought, [is better a;1.441 J,) and eminence, or nobility, (J.4,) in nhich that are in the valleys of El-Medeeneh: (TA:) titan that which cimes to thee forced.] (TA.) SP or the low lands of its towns, or villages, where one glories. (1.) You say, o al .. q I became attached to her (S, O, Lbj& .W ares ssed-produce and palm-trees: so says Sh: Such a one is generous, or noble, in respect of And or unintentionally, (S, 0,) in accidentally, O) (O, TA:) the sing. is ,.Ms. (I.) - And ~d, . )j 0. he is a possessor of and _,2: consequence of her presenting erself to me (ISk, (M,O,) or eO;,, (18,) which is its pl., (TA,) _lj; and of .j,4. (TA.) - Sometimes, S, O, O) as a thing occurring without my seeking ) and Ancestors are meant by it. (A'Obeyd, K.) Thus it. (ISk.) [See an ex., in a verse of Antarah, , signifies [The trees called] MJI (8, O, Also A you say, ,, meaning Such a cited in the first paragraph of art. ,oj; and J.9 (;, O) and ,,4.. (0, , .) w.. 5.,'I ~L L grmat cloud, (I, TA,) appearing, or prsenting one spoke evil of the ancestors of such a one. another, in a verse of EI-Alsh, cited in the first paragraph of art. jU.] - A thing that is not ,) in the horizon. (A'Obeyd.) And itelf, or intervning, ;J Such a one &,i;dl permanent: (Mgh, O, B, 1 :) so in the convenand L, . which signify it base, or ignoble, in respect of ancestry. (TA.) tional language of the Muslim theologians: (TA.) [See c, this signification, asserting ot (Mgh:) opposcd to "...: (TA:) or hence menearly the same.] _ I. q. #,ep, q. v., as sig- IBt disallows signification than those of a taphorically applied by the Muslim tlheologians other no have to nifying t An army: (g1:) or a grent army: (TA:) - and as signifying t Numerous locusts. man's &.and his os,: (O, TA:) but IAmb to t a thing that has not permanence unle in, or (].) One's esf; syn. W; (., O, Msb, ] ;) says that this is an error; as is shown by the by, tthe su.xtance; [i. e., in the language of old logicians, an accident; an essential, and an acci. saying of Aboo-Miskeen Ed-Darimee, :.A i. e. In. U.& (Igt.) You say, & dental (as meaning a non-essentia), ropety, or .i I preWr~ed myyef from it. (f, o.) And quality; or what modern logicians call a mode; whethier it be, in their language, an esential mode s,I Such a one is [pure in rpe of I 1, or an accidental modle; which latter only they himuelf; or] fre from,n rroach; (8, O;) or , term "an accident;"] as colotr, and taste: (B:) from fault, or vice, or the like. (,, M,b.) And in which u/y cannot be syn. with e*, andS., or, in the conventional language of the Muslim in the same sense it occurs in the saying of Abu- for, were it so, it would involve a contradiction; J [expi. in the TA as signitheologians ( tou the meaning being only Many a petson meacre [Lend t ,a d Mo a , 0ii, m y d-Dard. from whom, however, philosophers," "the fying in respect [or great] is noble body of his respect in from thyself for the day of thy poverty: but see a thing that distinguished]), generally are they the body, of in respect fat [and ancestry; of his art. W.bJ]: and in other instances. (TA. -_ meagre in respect of grounds of pretension to sbsists in, or by, another thing; (0, ;) as The body; syn. . , (IAr, 8,, , ,) or c : honour on account of the honourabl deeds or colours, and tastes, and smells, and sounds, and (Az, Q.) So in the qualities of his ancestors, &c.:] and by Mohain- .poers, and wills: (0: [and the like is said in (IBt, Az:) pl. uvdd. description of the people of Paradise, (Az, Q,) mad's using the expression "cj. ;; for if the Mb :]) or, in philosophy, a thing that xitst in its szbject, or mbstane, and cacos thertfrom , '- - '4I G a; .. , in a trad., (Az,) were [here] syn. with ui., it had sufficed without the latter's becoming impaired or amn. [It is odny s t rhich jflon from their bodies]. to say & without & . ( O , TA.) -Also hilated; and also such as does not case theref : (Az, ., O.) - The skin. (Ibr/heem El-1garbee, A naturaldisposition that is commended. (lAth, theformer kind being such as tani~ssoccationd Any place of the body that neatu: O, !.)_ .) - And A good action. (TA.) - Also One by an altered state of the body, and yellomns qf (O, :) so in the trad. cited above: (TA:) or who speaks eil of men ( .Yp) falbely; (0, complexion, and motion of a thing moving; and any part of tit body such as the arm-pit and the man: and so with S applied to a the latter kind, such as the blackness ofpitc~ and groin and the like. (A'Obeyd.) - The odour oj f ;) applied to a and of th crow. (L) .p9 applied to a of ithe beads calld] * the body, (P, O, V,) and of other things, (f, O,) woman: (O,] :*) so toot [Hence, An appertenane of any Aind whetter swet or foul. ($, 0, I~.) You say, man, and with $ to a woman. (TA.) also,] The frail goods (,Ua .) of the Hence ".b 5Sa [Such a one is sweet in rePect j, t . A thing tAhat happens to, befalls, or occurs present orld or state; (A , O, ];) and what a 9 4 '; [foul in respect oj to, a man; such as disease, and the like; (S, 0, mnan acquires the~of: (AV,O:) of odour], and bu 53 [so called as g water, . ;) as disquietude of mind, and a state of dis being not permanent:] or worldly goods or com l a odour]; and .bJl ',. shin, or milk-skin; from A'Obeyd. ($, O.) _ tractionof the mind or attention: or a misfortune, moditis, (AO, Meb,) of whatever hind, are thus e such as death, and disease, and the like: (TA:) called, with fet-b to the j: (AO:) and any pro. A man's honour, or reputation, ('1.-,) which eu he is perty or wealth, little or much, (S, O, XC,) is thu preserves from impairment and blame, both as ii or an event that happens to a man, vwhereby tried: (A :) or a thing that happens to a man, 0.) jJ' ~ . [or grounds oj f hereby h is impded; such as disease, or a theft: called, (V,) or is Ucalled relates to himusf and to his prdtenon to respect on account of the honourabL (IL :) or a bane, or cause of mischief, that occurs See also .,, expl. as signifying "a oommodeeds or qualitis of his ancestors, ec.]: (IAth, in a thing; as also Vuo;t: (TA:) [both sig- dity," or commodities " or "goods." One says, 0, ]:) or weAther it relate to himsef or to hiu 4 , ;Js, pi/ .,.~.~ ., [The d i ,, ancstor or to those of whoe affairs the manage nify also an accident of any kind:] pl. .l pl. ment is incumbent on him: (] :) or a sduject ojf (TA.)- A thing's befalling, or hitting, unex- is a presentfrailgood: the righteou and theu, prais, and of blame, of a man, (Abu-l-'bbds pectedly. (0, K. [1 follow the reading of the righteou eat thereof]: (S, O, TA:) i. e. it hab




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] A kind of cloti or a '.C [in the C15 u. 1-.h ,a. no permanence: a trad. related by Sheddad Ibn- revile. (Az, TA.) And J . CertOain of the ap].) And (S, O, garment. Ows. (TA.) And in another trad. related by Thecy are weakpersons;persons who offer themwseles 0, g) and chambers (O) of 0, as a prey to any one who would take them. (TA.) pertenances ( ;; l ' X is1 the same, it is said, .il of the dial. of El-'Ira: (0, a word the house: jl lIj 224], lur [ii. in the said And it is [Riclness is not from the ~.iJ u.h 1 jAl 15:) unknown to the Arabs. (0.) abundance of worldly goods: richnels is only rirhsa 6 A camel that goes obliqudtly, or inclining ness of the soul]. (O, TA.) One says also, X. V-WI, (S,* J&c.,) meaning Si; (S, TA ;) admit~ lJ, but the ting the two significations of an obstacle and a towardaone side, because not yet completely trained: ,sfJl 1iS, (Yoo, S, L,) and Vt former is the more approved, (L,) [The property, butt: (TA:) i. e. And mashe not God an obstacle (S, O, ] :) or submissive in tite middle part [or &c., (but see another meaning below,) had es- between you and that which may bring you near body, so as to be easy to ride, but] dficult of [see unto God, &c.: (0, ]5:) or make not God an management: and perverse, untoward, or intractcaped him], which is from k.JI .is, obstacle to the perfornmance of your oaths to be able: and with ;, a she-camel not completely and ;1WI J. pious (O, Bd) and to fear God adut to make re- trained: (TA:) or dffieult to manage; relike as one says Uli . t.,,] ui,ll ~.6: (Yoo, S:) [which seems to indicate conciliation betnwen men: or make not God an fractory. (S, O, 1.) See also .,b.j. - One like as obstacle, because of your oaths, to your being pious who does not sit steadily, or firmly, upon the ., that u.e properly signifies _.].Iooty; sp,il. (0, &c.: (Bd :) or nmake not the swearing by God an saddle; (IAr, 0, ] ;) inclining at one time this W,j signifies I,) So in the lur ix. 42: (0:) or it there sig- obstacle to your being pious [&c.]: (Fr:) and Zj way, and at another time that way. (IAir, 0.) signifies in. [app. meaning A thing says the like of this: (L:) or >L;b nifies- i. q. .l# , and V da , the latter from a.2 (Abu-lgood and evil; with respect to tervention soug/ht, or desired; an olject of desire; rather (TA.) sideways. He goes Lh, than a place iacere a thing is sought]. (TA.) Abbas, O, i ;) and the meaning is, do not interrene by nearing by God esrry little while so as - I. q. Cw [lapp. meaning A thing that is a.,>: see what next precedes. Refractorinot to be pious &c.: (0, K,* TA:) or male not eagerly desired, or coveted: and also eager desire; God an object of your oaths, by ordinary and ness, and a random or heedlezss manner of goiti, or covetourmer]. (AO, 0, K.) So explained by frequent smearing by Iim, (Bd,) or a butt for by reason of pride: in a horse, the going sidesome as occurring in the sayinig .,atl 1 A, your oaths, like tle butt of archers, (TA,) in n'ays: and in a she-camel, the state of beijag unmentioned above. (TA.) And the following order that ye may be pious &c.; for the habitual trained: (TA:) and in a man, [so expressly verse is also cited as an ex., swearer emboldens himself against God, and is shown in the S and TA; but in the CId, j. is pious &c.: (Bd :) or, as some say, the mean- erroneously put for , g;] rwhat resembles rough0 not ilig is make not tlc mention of God a means of ness, ungentleness, or awkrardneuss; want of dtue ,,, .,g:,. 0 .- c ~ * ~ strengthening your oaths. (TA.) You say also, care, by reason of haste; (syn. ;.jn..G;) and 1.i as meaning Thtis is a thing prepared pride; and refractoriness. (AZ, I. hopeth for continn,tere witlhount cessation, .i. [TW loso O, .) 0, lot not the eager dlesire qf noridlly goods be to him for thy common, or ordinary, use. (0, TA.) [See also .. ] a cause of an;iety]. (0, TA.) - A ift. (TA.) A purpose; an intention; or an object of desire, , .. with fet-I to the j; (0;) or; jl .,.s V) j, signifies or of endeawour; [as though it were a butt;] -, 8ee also LA,sG;. i. e. says, (S, O,) .) gassmn (S.,O, bA. Briskness, liveliness, or prliht(n ;) Br; like 9 [app. meaning it is in tie condition of syn. .&. i J possibility of exristence; for l seems to be here Ilbn-Thbit, (O, TA,) linen. (IA',O, K. [See also L. .]) - And . ,, ., *.i *.. *0 used in the sense of )., as in some other in0 [app. for j] meaning also Bris/, livedy, ~. : ii .O S a 0 or sprightly. (TA. stances]; from Jii l meaning"itbecamewithin [See, again, 1.J.]) . W t4;1 a, > 1 -,- "s his power," &.c. (Mgh.) And one says, [And God said I have pered an army: they last sentence. O s, ; fem. with : see ,,, H.j Xlp [tile is axposed, or liable, to perish]. are the Ansdr; rhose purpose, or thI object ofwaose 1 J, , or desire, is wonflict with the unbelievers]. (g, O, U:J s Lt ).._ , (Mgh voce ' An oblique course or motion: (A'Obeyd, L, TA:) and brisknes, liwelines, sprightlinem: Ls., accord. to different copies of the I~: see 2, TA. [In one copy of the S, in the place of ;j,', in the latter half of the paragraph, in two places. I find signifies the same. (TA. [See also .GI, which signifies the same.]) -- A and a;., says also, (MA.)One cxusw. preast; an j ,hIl A el and One says, i h,oo, (L, TA,) in the 1, erroneously, V w, ) O, , (8, jIU s ,) or . , (, .Jl L (TA,) A certain manner of going along, (, TA,) He goes alon with a proud gait, (?, 0, ,) in1 towards one side, (TA,) approved in /orses, but Such a one is poessed of tia rsquisite ability and clining towarde one side, (?, 0,) by retuon of his , liveliness, or qpightiam. (, 0,Og.) J1 I d in canmel (C, TA.) disappro~ h. pO- br~ strengthfor that: ( 0,,g:) and U11 j. a and L i nd 1;.pu V L1; And sessd of ~trngth to do evil, or mischie,f: and in ~,, : _-and w6"1 ueb ` u` d,;: see . like manner Lb is applied to two things, and to [perhaps correctly She (a mare) runs Sa.lAJ] ., is of the measure LW in the sense of the more. (TA.) And d:x' ai (.0, 1) in a iden manner, one time in one dir~tion like i ; (Bd, ii. 224;) and measure 3,, Such afemale is posesed of sufcient strengthfor and anotler time in anotlher. (0, TA.) And is applied to A thing that is set as an obstacle in (a man) ru o that he out,He t/e husband; [i.e., to be married;] (TA;) or ';.haI ~ the may of a thing: (Bd, TA:) and also to a I And Loi (L, TA.) sp iU thing that is erposed to a thing: (BI:) or that Cj.U for marriage. (A.) And L 5


sa,d --0

is set as a butt, like the butt of archers. (TA.) meaning ; 'a, You my, I1 Lb 'j;i d; (, O, ;") i. e. I7s ets cha one asan obstacle to such a thing: or as a butt for such a J . He is an thing. (TA.) And Lao Ui3 obstacl to him intrveing in the way of it. (., Such a one is [a butt ',,s o O.) And ,.W;U hom men cease not to so to me; i. e.] a per~ revile: (, O, Mb,1 :) or a person to ewhom mmn address t~ael to do evil, and ohom they

;I43 A shecamed having strength enough for looked towards sch a onefrom the outer angb

of my eye. (f, O, ~.*) The dim. of V ',-[going upon] the stones. (,0, 0, .) And [in 'a the ; being retained becauso it is is V'O~;; , A slst-.camel having Z~ .t , like manner] letter of quasi-coordination, and the U suppresed trgth sue ient forjourneys. (S., 0,1g') And becaue it is not such. (?, O.)-AlsAbo, [app. ;a5 ;',U ,.1 jl i~ t ( 0, ) The for oI ol;,] A she-camel that goe aloy strength of this camel is squlcient forjourneying obliqady, (, 0, g,) by reason of bri~J , li. also and for going over stone. (IB.)a. (o, m 0. [SWe, 1, or srightlines: pl. signifies A kind of trick, or artifice, in wrestling, (S, O, 15,) by which one throws down men. again, Uipa.] But A'Obeyd disallows the ap. plication of this epithet to a she-cameL (TA in (8, O.) 253 0


[Boox T.

art. >.bj.)1 -And A woman that has becom e sheep or goat, (TA,) thlat eats the thorns (S, 0, , vowel-sign to the &,] The quality, in a she Jbroad by reason of her fatnes and plum~pne k1, TA) when herbage is unattainable by hitm. (S, camel, of ]. being untrained. (L, TA. [See ,b,p, (TA.) O.)- And i.q. ;s [A yearling goat, &c.].. near the beginning.]) (TA. [See also ,s.. ]) - Also i.q. y,b, U2tk: see the next preceding paragraph, i: aj.j Broad, or wide; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, ;*) (, 0, V,) [as meaning A large quan. ' three places. tity or number] of a thing [or of things], (.K,) [or r as also nd ; (S,O, K;) like as one says L e and It. : (S,O :) fem. of the former, (S, ,.lIs: see ,4&, in four places: un see als o large in number,] as in the phrase !.. ,_ [Al Msb,) and of the latter, (S, g,) with i: (S, Msb, e, in the latter half of the paragraph. tribe large in number]. (Ibn-Abbid, O.)e And 1 V:) the pl.of is eI,, like as.l/_ is pl. #el1: see ,,b, in the first sentence, ani d C7ouds; syn. A..,; (Ibn-Abbad, O, 1;) and of ,.j (MRb.) You say, LMb; Lo and again, in four places, in the latter half of th e k. (g.) And Food. (Fr, , .) t ai.I [A broad, or nwide, _^ n bon]. The (S.) And meaning, or intended cense, of speech; paragranpll. - ^, e i C bega S , (TA,) or ;, 1,, in which the to say the like of that nwhich he [another] haM d syn. ;..I, (ISk, S, O, .,) and ,''l: (ISk, S, latter word is in the accus. case as a specificative, Mid: or, as in the 0, he matched him, amj O :) as also (K,) of which the * l (S, O, TA,) meaning Camels whose foot-marks eTnalled him, by saying the like of what he hac dpl. is 4L:c_ and GL*. (TA.) One says are broad. (S, O, TA.) And ,U;.J1 , - ~i said. (TA.) [See also ,.,j.]_ AlsoA cer o .i~jL ,.S v ) .iiJ3 J[I rl knenw that in tain brand; (S, 0, ];) or, (.,) accord. to t Such a one is rich; or in a state of competence: Yapkooh, (S, 0,) a line upon the thigh of a camel the intended ec of hLis peech]; (1Sk, S, O;) (A, TA:) or possessed of much property. (Q, rro,Umie; (, 0, g;) or upon the neck, cros F and .-. v 'p ',.; (A, O;) and in like 0, K,* TA. [See also art. CAN.]) And ~.c. wrise. (Ibn-Er-Rulmminee, TA.) - And A. WiJI $Fat: (TA:) or tstupid. (Mghll.) And d,: n (L, TA:) and . f.*~ iron with which the feet of a camel are market manner, a, t l. and &a,' - _J and 1 . i?L3 ,, .ei I SieelSn.: (TA:) or +stupid, dull, in order that his foot-prints may be known .a. or wanting in intellUigence. (Mab in art..,.) (O, g.) a,, b signify the same. (Msb.) [See also c.jc ?.;l;, occurring in the gur [xli. 51], Aj zn.t .JL& 1 j.L ,.pb%:: see . , first sentence, and three o fvel.] Thi question means t Large, or much, prayer,or supplication: 1 the examples which follow it, near the middle o: r is the like of this. (TA.) [See also e.l..] - (K,* TA:) or in this instance we may say long. the paragraph:_-see also u. t, in the sen- -Vb3 also signifies The transverse pole or piece (L.) I Also A goat (An, O, IK) that is a year tence commencing with "The side of the cheek." of wood ( wic) ,hich is in the middle of a tent, old, (k,) or about a year old, (Ay, 0,) and that .- Also A road ina maountain : (?:) orin the side,, and wrhich is its main suapport. (Aboo-Is-haik.) takes [or cropsu] of the herbage (As, O, 1.) and trees [or shrubs] (Al, O) witAh the side of his or loeo~ part, ( of a mountain, (0, ],, - And hence, (Aboo-Is-h.4,) The middle porojf,) or, as some say, a part thereof lying across, ox tion [ortfoot] of a verse; (Aboo-Is-h1al, O;) for mouth: (K :) or (O,1) such as is termed 3jr [q. v.], (S, 0,) wahen he rattles, and dsires copuobli,ely, (, ~,.l* I, TA,) in a narrow the % of poetry is constructed after the manner lation: (S, 0, 1] :) or a [young] goat above such place: (O, ]:) and a road don a dment, or of the % inhabited by the Arabs, which is of as is waeaned and below such as is termned dleclivity: (TA:) or [simply] a road: (f;am pieces of cloth; and as the .. v of the latter is the strongest part, so should that of the former [q. v.]: or such as has pasturedand become strong: i. 340 :) pl. ` ` (TA) and ,, 1 .la. (lam ubi be; and accordingly we see that a deficiency in or such as is termed e.: or a yomng goat whea supra.) Hence the phrase in a trad. of Aboo- the r' is more frequent than it is in the e...s : he leaps theftemale: it is applied only to a male; lIurcyreh, ^i ,b_. i, t And he took (Aboo-Is-b4 :) the last foot of the first half or the female is termed ! : with the people of another may of ~pech. (TA.)- The place that hemistich (S, .K) ofa vorse; (S;) htcther perfect El-Iijaz it means peculiarly suck as is gelded: is orer a.qainst one, or on the opp~tte id to one, or altered: (Q :) some make it to be the ilP;h it is also applied to a gazelle that has nearly bea.x hc goes along. (g, 0, ].) - A she-camel that of poetry, and its -j-s: (TA:) [i.e. they liken [q.v.]: (TA:) pl. ;LP and take to a side, or tract, differentfrom that which it to these parts of the tents:] it is fem.: (V:) come a * & 0 K,.) her rider would traverse; for which reaon this (S, Ms,pt.l; epithet is applied to her: (0 :) or that goes to or sometimes mase.: (L:) the pl. is ' A present: wchat is brought to one's &A; the right and left, and doe not keep to the road: 0, g;) contr. to rule, as though pl..of family: (0, O, :) called in Persian ;31.t;: (lAth:) or that has not beo trained: (?, 0, V:) and one may use u its pl. ,pl tl. (S, O.)_ (S:) a present which a man gives rlen he returns or that ha re~e d aome training, but is not Also [The sien of proody, or versnication;]the from hit journey: (TA:) such as a man gives to thoroughly traitned: (ISk:) or such as is t~ed science of the rul whereby the perfect measures of his children ohen he returns from a journey: * 4 . , ~sbborn in the head, but sbmiive in Arabic verse are known from tho~ which are (Sgh, TA:) and what is given at food by the hAr middle part; that is loaded; and then the brokn; (Mqb;) the standard wheby vers is bringer, or purveyor, of wheat, or corn, of the other loaded camelt are driven on; and if a man measured: (, O, ]:) because it is compared said wheat, or corn: (S,O,1 :) what a person ride her, he goet straightforward, and her rider (caej;) therewith: (S, O:) or because what is riding gives as food to any one of the owrners of has not the power of exe ing his own free ill correct in measure is thereby distinguished from waters who astu him for food. (As.) You say, [in ,aanag~a her]. (Sb.) To such a camel, what is broken: (.: [in which some other reasons to Purch~as thou a prent ~iU;;OiJ ,"! 'Omar liken&d a class of his subjects. (TA.) are added, too futile, in my opinion, to deserve take to thy family. (S, O.) And a, c;JLi mention: I think it more probable that ,Ujpois And 'Amr Ibn-AImar El-Bihilee says, c)b and t,J and J [ [ aI asud used by a synecdoche for as ua,being the most * A,k Lbjj jI t * )o a essential part thereof; and then, elliptically, for him for a pre t of property] am ;i [and [I make a submiie one to go the pace termed ~iJll ), which is the more common term for he did not give it to me]. (L.) [See also Yam -, , or an ntrained one I train]; meaning the science:]) it is fem.; and has no pl., because p. 103, 1. 8.] that he recites two poems; one of which he has it is a gen. n. (Q, O.) ~ See also; second [oa?}y~ Of, or relating to, prosody, or the art made easy, and the other whereof is difficult: and two following sentences. J! is a name of versification. A proodist.] J gives a different reading, `- ' . , meaning of Mdldu~ and El-Medeeneh, (S, O, Msb, 1], CF.y~ dim. of ; q. v., voce v., 1..l; with the same explanation that is given TA,) and El-Yemen, (Msb, TA,) with rohat is (s, O.) above, of the former reading. (IB, O.)- A around them. (S, 0, , TA.) camel, ($, O, TA) in the J, erroneously, a Places in which grow vi!al [pl of dlsjjB& Lu.' [thus app., but written without any




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2011 and ;1j and both accord. to the TA.)


What appears,of that has occurred to one: (,0, 0, :) pl. of the . (S.) t .,. has the signification ,_a... (TA.) (TA,) when one laughs. (L, 1(, TA: but in some above assigned to it in the saying, .,bsJ Oj~ ,e [Such a one is running ithout any ,at'd Forward; officious; meddling; a buy- copies of the ], and in thc 0, this signification is body: (TA in art. C :) one who addrose him- given to t chee (, ,ant that has occurredto him]. (S, O. [In the _ The ide of the -l;.) TA) of a man; (TA ;) as also t L.;; (0, L, K, in the Sj,place of we find s, which aelf to do evil to men. (, O, .) 1;) the two sides of the two cheeks of a man I think a mistake.]) [In Freytag's Arab. Prov. uel5 [Shorcing its breadth, or width; (see being called the O ', (Msb, TA,) or the i. 65, we find twe' 5 SJ, which is uj.,# first signification;) or] having its side * X;jI: (S :) the two sides of the face: (Lbh, expl. as meaning Running mistly in every region; apparent: (TA:) and [in like manner] b. P.", O;,l :) or the side of theface; as also * .,,e ; and said to be applied to him who disseminates q. v., anything showing its breadth, or width: [or the two together being called the et1t: (Lh, evil, or mischief, among mcn.) _ A she-camel its de:] (TA:) [and hence, both signify appear- TA:) or this last signifies the tno .sidsof tte having afracture or a distase, (., 0, K,)for rhich ing. (See again .)] - A collection of clouds muouth: or the two sid, of the beard: pl. : ;1. reason it is slaughtered; ($;) as also* appearing, or presenting itelf, or extending side- (TA.) W I *i means Lightt, or scanty, (0, K :) and in like manner, a sheep or goat: ways, (V .,) in the horizon; (., O, ;) in the hair of the two sides of the cheeks, (S, 0, (TA:) pl. (~.) It is opposed to ., Qajl;. overpeering: (TA:) or a collection of clouds Msb,) and of the beard; (0;) being elliptical. which is one that is slaughtered without its which one aes in a side of the sky, lilh that which (Msb.) But in a certain trad., in which a happy having any malady. (S, O.) One says, i is termed "4., except that the former is white, quality of a man is said to be 4 /,h id., the , a .i. U0P,II~U 'i X 1 l , ~J [The sonu of si,ch a one -wly11 . meaning is said to be whereas the latter inclines to blackness, and is meaning is said to he actimety in pralscng a bHis mslghtee narrower than thie former, and m*nore diitant: and glorifying God; i. e. his not ceasing to move do not eat any ut camels uch as ar te (AZ:) or a collection of clouds that comes over the sides of his cheeklu bY praising and gloriffing om account of discase]; reproaching thelia for not (sIAth, on the thcw authority of of'tbe;. Ea-dglotnbec; slaughtering camelncis except on account of diseurse hod. (IAtlh, against one (tl) in the sky, unexpectedly: God. authiority on (EI-B~hilee, 0:) or a coUection of clouds that and O.) - The side of tflc neck; (K;) the two befalling them. (S, O.) - ,bolg, applied to appears, or presents itelf, or extends sideways, sides thereof being called the OLj : (IDrd, camels, also signifies That eat the [trees calhld] (ob t,) in the shy, lilte as does a mountain, O :) pL as above. (TA.) [See also lc&, b (~, L,) lwereve they find them. (L.) nuar , before it covers the sky, is called ujla ,obw, the beginning.] - The tooth that is in the side of [A thing lying, or extending, aross, or athwart; jc.: so in the present and also : (An, O:) pl. . . (TA.) the mouth: (TA; and K, as in some copies of any cross pieee of wood the latter; but in other copies, this signification day.] - The [lintel, or] piece iff wood nhich [See also ,_ , and , .] In the phrase ,o is given to * iai :) pl. as above: (.K :) or the holds thlw Qjitai [or two side-posts], abore, of a mcans ; in the lur [xlvi. 23], U,*. aide of the moth; (S;) and so, as somc say, door; corresponding to th AL I [or thresholl]; ; for as being determinate it cannot be an epithet Iljbl; (TA;) [meaning the teeth in the side of (S, L;) the upper pice of wood in vwhiclh the door ;~, (,) turns. (0, K. [In some copies of the latter, this W : to !, a, which is indeterminate: and the like of the mouth; for] you say ts..]) The a woman clean in the side of signification is erroneously given to and b'lI,u (TA,) this the Arabs do only in the instances of nouns a door are also [said to be] the same as ($, TA:) and Jereer describes a ; 11of the mouth: derived from verbs; so that you may not say with a branch the ejUbt:. (TA, voce !&.) A [rafter, or] 1I' j.DJ Ii. (., O.) - See also a~, in woman as polishing her XQt; the sentence commencing with "A mountain," in of a beshamch, [a tree of which the twigs are single one of the , olf a roof: (, O, ]K: [but two places: - and again, shortly after. - A used for cleaning the teeth,] meaning, as Aboo- in some copies of the last, and in the TA, this gift appearing (A. , 0, O,) from a person. Nasr says, the teeth that are after the central in- signification is erroneously given to vel; :]) the (A 9, S, 0.) [See an ex. voce Ja'i.] - [llap- cisors, which latter are not of the ts: or, the pieces of wood of its to 1Sk, signifies thewhich ofa canine tooths one of which is called pening; befalling; occurring: an occurrence; as accord. accord. to ISk, o ! signifies the canine tooth roof, are laid across; for ; [a mistranscription el] i and ] next thlereto: or, as *.la: a fever, and the like. (See 0 Z ,..)] A bane, and the s,'' [or bicu~ or cause of mischief, that occurs in a thing; as also some say, what are between the central incisor also signifies thie ~.sL [or pices of wood which .,s, q. v. (TA.) And * Z.h,1 ':~ A doubt, or and the [first] Mp.a[which is a bicupid]: (S, form the roof] of a [vehicle of the hind called] dubiousn, occurring, or intening, in the mind. 0:) some say that the ejl.1 are the central in- * . . .. .. . .. ^ . L ~~J~. L.) Also, (S, and so in some copies citors, as being [each] in the side of the mouth: (TA.) In the saying of Alee, ,. dAJ ' others, that they are the teeth next to the ;des of of the ,) or , (as in other copies of the /erh pa . I ..f, Ji the word Lajs may the mouth: others, that they are four teeth next ,) or both, (TA,) HIardinews: (8, K, TA:) and perhape be an in n., [or a quasi-ina. n.,] like 1.'5 to the canine teeth, and folloned by the &.l4:l this is what is meant by its being said, in [some and Mtii: (TA:) [so that the meaning maybe L] says that they are ofthe .. !I: others,that copies of] the Xi, that bjt is also syn. withi Doubt makes an impre~on upon his heart at the they are the teeth that are betwen the central in- L"it; (TA;) [for in some copies of the ], after we find ,WI first occurrenceof dubioum~e.] - Whater facaes ciors and the ,.1b1: and others, that they are several explanations of fl one, of a thing: (TA, and so in some copies of eight teth in each ide; four above, and four , .hil ~ i.J"l ,JI,; ~) whereas, in other the $: in other copies of the ~, this significa- below. (TA [from the O &c.].) .it as , tion is given to l; :) or anything facing one. applied to a she-camel, or a sheep or goat: see copies, the j before t is omitted:] courage; (O.)- Intervening; pr~venting: an interening, the paragraph next following. - Giring a thing, or coura_e and enorgy: (., K, TA:) p owerq or a preventing, thing; an obstacle: (TA:) a or the giver of a thing, in exchange, for (O') speech: (S :) perspicuit!l, or chastenes, of speech; thing that prevents one's going on; such as a another thing. (TA.) - A reviemer of an army, and eloquence: (g, TA:) or the former signifies mountain and the like. (Msb.) [Its application or of a body of soldiers, weho maltes them to pass intuitivehnow edge (i.): or determination, reto a cloud, and some other applications to which by him, and examines their state. (S.) _ See solution, or decision: (A :) and the trimming of reference has been made above, may be derived also the next paragraphi; last three sentences. speech or language, and the removal of its faults: .from this signification, or from that next preand 9good judgment. (TA.) You say, .j Oh ceding, or from the first.] - I. q. ,., in the La),l: see z, in eight places, from thec .a.Q (AZ, IDrd, S, O, TA) Such a one is pot first of the senses assigned to this latter above; sentence commencing with 4l~ 4 .. _ A Ied of hardines; (S, TA;) as also ,.ef .0; i also V t. (The former accord. to some want; an object of need: (S:) and [in like (TA;) and of cotrage, or courage and energy copies of the 1: the latter accord. to others: but manner] 1.i a rant, or an object of need, and of power of speech: ( :) or of eloq,en,e,

Z] i.e. the [tres caed] J

the face, (s,) or of the mouth, accord. to the L, former ,


(AZ, IDrd, 0,) and perspicuity, or chasteness of .peech. (IDrd, 0.) And t~jtl . i Such a one is hardy; (Kh, 0, TA;) as alsco * we'jfd 'J ; (TA;) and courageous, or coura geom and energetic. (Kh, TA.)

[BooK I.

if it strike with a middle part (u4.~). (0, TA.) a=,In oblique, indirect, obscure, amnbiguous, or equiroca,l, u,de of speech; as wkhen thou askest a man, "ilfs.t tlou sen such a one?" and he, ,4.pil .haring seen lim, and disliking to lie, answers, ~ =~, signifying t! and e. " Verily such a one is seen:" (Mob:) from wp .ll: see ~ o;l, or .a,, _ (K, TA, [the ". 1 is pl. ol f (TA.)_ a .. former only in the C.,]) means Land wherein is [q. v.]: (Mob, El-Munswee: the latter in explainand of and of and of herbage nwhich the cancis, or the like, depasture ing a trad., q. v. infri:) i. q. ab [signifying as ^JWiuwb l means 72Ae upper parts of the treea5[app. at random] rwhen traversing it. (0, J.) above; or the pretending one thing and meaning [or shrubs]. (g.) anothwr; or tile using a word, an expression, or m See also ,6pt% last sentence. e. a phrase, vwhichr has an obvious meaning, and in.,. ,. ~4 The place of tihe appearance, [or occur* iy Garments in which girls are displayed: tending thereby tanothermeaning to awhich it applies rne,] and of the showing, or exrJibiting, or mani(S:) or a garment in lwhich a girl is displayed: but which is contrary to tew obvious one]; the fesating, and of t/h mentioning, and of the intend(0, :) or a garment in which girlsarc displayed original mealning of which is concealment: (Msb:) ing, or purpo7ing, of a thing. (Mqb.) You say, on the neddling-night; which is the goodliest of or language whereof one part rewsnbles another in IJJl~ ssO I slew him in the place oj their apparel, or of the goodlimet thereof: (Mb :) the meanings: (0, TA: [in the TA immediately the appearance[or occurrence &c.] of such a thing. and a garment in awhich a girl is slrown, or dis- follows the exemplification cited above, from tdie (Myb.) And.e ;l wetf, U.0 J3played, to the purcha.ser: (TA:) or the shirt in Mob; whence it seems that this explanation is a ,. The prais and glorification of God is only in the which a male slave, and a girl, is slwcn, displayed, itself somewhat of a A!.,, meaning what it place [or case] of the appearance, [or of the mani- exposed, or ofJered,for sal. (Harp. 129.) [And does not clearly express:]) orj.bll ) -jO,&, fesing,] and of the intending, or puposing, of r hence, i 'e'. t In the guie of sucth a [thus, with the pl. form, in two copies of the ~, thing, used tropically, virtually agreeing with the and in the TA,] signifies A 11 maynifying. (Mb.) [And hence, IJ. eh . 5 alsb signifies In the time, or case, or on the occa- phrase tU . u. e ; in a sense expl. above.] [the pretending, or making believe, a thin! inutead sion, of tihe appearance, &c., of such a thing. And of another thing]: (S:) and *Il &II and last sentence but one. In the state, or condition, or manner, which is See also .Lt, , s..b1~l signify the same as /..(x . (TA.) indicative of such a thing: thus virtually agreeing [pass. part. n. of 2, q. v.] Camels (.') withl the phrase li e,Jy , q. v. infrl]_. brandedwith the l is a contraction of i lU, like as & mark caged (S, O, 1g.) Also A place for the sale of slaves or bea Also Flesh-meat not tell and tuwroughly is said to be of 14 when syn. therewith.] It (MA.)~ And Pasturage that renders the cattle cooked: (18k, , 0, g:)' occurring in a verse is said in a prov., (S,) a trad., (TA,) in no wned of their being.fed withfodder. (TA.) ($, J i. 0) of Es-Suleyk Ibn-Es-Sulakeh, (0,) as , l i..,.4 a.jL,aI;l [Veily, in oblique, e.aL Anything showinq its breadth, or width; some relate it; but accord. to others it is with indirect, obscure, ambiguous, or equivocal, modus ho.; (;, 0 ;) and this latter is the more correct. [or itu side; as also *l-it.] (TA. See the bL A virgin before ds is veiled, or of speech is ample scoe, free&dom, or liberty, latter word.) [And hence, Appearing, as also (O.) concealed: for she is once exhibited to the people (an.i, S,) to avoid lying; or, as is said in the L the latter.] And i. q. ' .ueFa [app. as signifving of the tribe in order that some one or more may in art. ai, tlhat which rendulers one in no nced f Presenting itelf; or occurring]. (Sb.) And become desirous of her, and then they veil her, lying]. (S, M9 b.) One says also, M,,Ui Anything putting its breadth, or width, [or side, or conceal her. (TA.) d Se'.L.,lpa, expl. voce .jj% whlich see in (as is shown by an explanation of /l,)] in b.~/ [act. part. n. of 2, q. v.]. A poet de- three places, and .. ,t . , rejecting ones power. (TA.) You say, /U ei 5J.jl, meaning The thing is in thy power; apparnt to scribes a she-camel carrying dates, and having the l: this latter is said by some of the learned to be outgone the other camels, so that tie crows, or a metaphiorical expression, from ob. thee; not offering re~ signifying tanew to the. (lAthl, O.) ravens, alighted upon her, and ate the dates, as the "garment in which girls are displayed," as -And a ,~a [Tread thou or] being i ejiJl ; lr , m, as though she were though the meaning were! [I mm it] in the put thyfeet where thou wilt,fearing nothin,for of those feeding the crows, or raven, of rrhat is form, or manner, and guise, and mould, of his it is in thy power to do so. (, O.). ' termed lc, q. v. (S.) - Also the circumciser slpech; but this does not obtain in all kinds of (occurring in a saying of'Omar, IC, or, as some of a boy: speech; for it may not be said in cases of reviling; (1g:) [or] so ,?r.(O.) relate it, ,4 , jl, 15 in art. o) means He indeed it would be bad, in these cases, to use as o 1b An arrow having no feathers (AV, S, a metaphor the garment of adornment; therefore bought upon credit, or borrowed, or ~ought or demanded a loan, [doing so (TA)] of whomsever Mgh, O, Msb, 1) nor head, (As,) slander at the the proper way is to say that /,sJ~is a contrache could, (AZ, Q, A, Mgh, 0,) not caring what two extremities, and thick in the middle, (0, K,) tion of s'... (Msb.) One also says JtWl might be the consequence: (8, 0:) or addresing being inform like the trooden implement wmlrewith himseef to any one who came in his way: (8h, V:) cotton is separatedfrom its seeds, or is separated 'aJ1 V.: S [Tords are the robe of mcanor turning awayfromn such as said Thou shalt and loosened [by striking therewith the string of a ings]: and this phrase also is [said to be] taken not buy on credit, or borrow: (IAth:) or avoid- bow], (O, TA,) which goes sidevays, (Mgh, [in from !. signifying the "garment in which a ing payment: (TA:) or from any quarter that the O and TA, I app. a mistranscription, girl is displayed;" because words adorn meanai.-, w easy and practicable to Aim, without caring, ings. (TA.) (0, g,) and without being perpleed: (0:) or for LUa ,)) striking vith its hi;s_ [or middle or side], Ae incrredth debt without caringfor not paying part, unless this be a mistake for , tla A camel that doe not go straightly in (Mgh, [in my copy of which, ~,j is without the it, or for what mAight be the coeque~ fi, or risa, but taes to the right and I".: e: (A 9 :) or he contracted a debt with vry one who pre- any vowel-sign,] and V,) not nith its extremity: (A:) or a she camel such as is termed 3ts; (Mgh, .:) sometimes, it strihes wvith its thick sented himy selfto Aim: (V in ar.L that makes a show of affection with her nos [by ;) 8h says middle part in such a manner that it breaks and that the making L.&,* to signify 14 is impro'iAt, ,) and recfi crushes what it strikes so that it is like the thing sclling her young one], ( bable; because it is in the aecus. case as a de- that is beaten to death; and if the object of to yield her mil. (AA, , ) notative of state with respect to [the agent implied the cha~ be near to it, it strikes it with the in the verb] otIl; and if you explain it as mean- place of the head thereof: if it make a hole, ;Yl wq A parnt: iht q.clw , q. ._ ing he took it from him who epabled him, then the game smitten with it may be eaten; but ,not [aiysr *, A parenthetic rlause.] _,;

L, ~ applies to him whom he accosts, for he is the .sA.; [he suggests also, that the meaning may be he bought upon credit, or borrowed, largely; for] he adds that ,~a may be from



BOOK I.] [Such a one is habitually cro, i .. s! J., or pervs, in his dispostion, in every cae,] is said of a man when everything of his afiirs dis'i Love that pleases thee. (TA.) - _,e; the heart at captivatcs befalls at firt sight, and it quichly. it sized as it quickly once unless it quit (8am p. 551.) .. (Mgh, 1;:) and so, sometimes, does V (IHar p. 486.) - And Js is also used in the place of ir;lI [in the first of the senses assigned to the latter below]. (S, O.) See the latter verb, in four places. _- j, also signifies ]He requited him. (0, g.) Ks read, (0; 1K,) and so five others, (Az, TA,) in the Kur [lxvi. 3], (0,) jJ :.y, meaning He requited her, namely, kIafsah, for part [thereof, i. e.] of what she had done: (Fr, 0, :) and he did so indeed by divorcing ; and her: (Fr, TA:) or it means he acktnowledged -and L;b" and L. ad: bP.: . art. see o , ,: ~. dim. and its part thereof: ( :) but others read Z. fn meantwo the of former the has which, likewise, told he means this or :) (Bd above: ings expl. [See TA. Bd, 0, (Fr, thereof. part Iafah also 2.]) As first expl. above, this phrase is like of [hind the or :) I 0, a;i. The lute: (8, the saying to him who does good or who does mandoline called] j; : (0, I :) or the [Persian ' " l'' ,;Lo : (O:) or the drum: (S, :) or evil, lute, caU/d)J (cs:,) [I know how to the drum that is contracted in the middle: (0 :) (0,) or -- g ,j pronounced also (Qg:) drum: or the Abysinian requite the doer of good and the doer of evil,] i. e. first the case of the doer of good and that of the doer with 4amm [i. e. ;,s ,] (1g, TA) in the of evil are not hidden from me nor is the suitable two senses. (TA.) JS ,e 1s> j requital of him. (0, ig.) 4,! occurs in a trad., meaning I will assuedly requite 0, tlhefor it in the pre~nce of the Apostle of God so 1. - ,, (8, O, Mjb, ], cc.,) aor. ,, (O, ]~,) that he tshall know thy evil-doing: and is used in inf. n. 1, 1 (., 0, ]) and ',,s (8, 0, Myb, ]) threatening. (TA.) 5"11 ~, (.S,g,)

2013 this sense its verb may have two objective complements: one says, ,rwl a He made him to know the affair, or cams; syn. .( ;;s;l: [or he acquainted him waith it; or told him of it:] and .e made him to know, or acquainted ; dil him rinth, the place of his house, or tent; syn. t;14 ZA&;: (TA:) [and] one says t A:J, meaning I made him to know it by mean of any of thefiv senses [or by mental perception; as also




See also 1, former half.

Also The making known; contr. in the lur [lxvi. 3], of ~;'. (0, p.) &.S0 has been expl. as meaning He made kno~n part tlwreof. (TA. tFor other explanations, see 1.]) .2J means I made him known by And .j ;. the name of Zeyd; like the phrase j (Sb, TA.) - [Hence, The explaining a term: and an explanation thereof: thus used, its pl. is : it has a less restricted meaning than j.,;U And see 4. -

signifies the "defining," and "a w, which definition." - And The making a noun, or a nominal proposition, determinate.- Hence also,] The cry'ing a stray-beast, or a beut or some other thing that has been lost; (S, TA ;) the mentioning it [and describing it] and seeking to find im woim had knorledge of it. (TA.) - And [hence likeis a aor. , (0,) in n. ns,, (0, K,) Ice clilrped the wise,] . .'s W He branded him, or stigmatizel and ~i, (1) and aii, (Myb, ],) or i. ' [i. e. mane] of the horse. (S, 0, gI.) him, wit/h his misdeed. (TA.) . Also The rencognihad he it; knew lie simple subst., (Msb,) with I wa, or dering [a thing] f.agrant; (0, O, *,* TA;) a. $ tion of it; or he was, or became, acquainted 5,5, aor. , in n. IsUl Uie decora) by became, t, it; syn. 1-;.: (g:) or he kne~ it (' over the people, or party; i.e., from .aJl: (.:) and the adorning [it], .S., means of any of thefive senses (Mqb;) [and also, manager, or orderer, of their affairs; as also ting [it], or embeliching [it]. (TA.) A, hath He mean to said is 7], 1 [xlvii. Lw I,ur says, the in Er-lsghib by mental perception:] sig(Mfb:) or ., inf. n. li, a.- .j: is the Iwrceiving a thing by rcflection, and by con- nifes Ah was, or became, an ,;I ;) rendered it fiagrant [i. e. Paradise (43Jt)] for . (, O, siderationof the effect thereof [upon tie mind or u also JpG, aor.,; (1;) i. e., a': (S,O0 :) tiem : ($, 0 :) or it means He hath described it than meaning special un~], so that it has a more and when you mean that he acted as an .. , to tlem so that, rcten they enter it, they shall know it by that description, or so that thwy shdrall and its contr. is.jlC ;.and one says, O~4 1~l, l, , inf. n. n lL - . aor. lyou say, kno ttheir places of abode therein: (O:) or ie " J 'ji 4 J... [Such a one kIno God and his [he ac(ed over us as an c.j during some years,] hath described it to them, and made tlwm desirous making ., apostle], but one does not say. , inf. n. $L;S. (S, 0, ]g.) of it: (Er-R&ghib, TA:) [and-tho like is said by aor. o, like compleobjective single a have to the verb [thus] so that thero j.?i.J JpI, aor. , He wvas patient in relation Bdl:] or He hath defined itfor tlem L [or knowledge] of God ment, since man's (Bd.) paradise. distinct a one evry for be shall to the affair, or event; (g;) as also t.J:cl, is [the result of] the consideration of his effects, &.Ji1 J'i He moist_ Oie says also, C of without the perception of his essence; and one (0, g,) as some say. (0.) And JI.', ened the lhair of his head abundantly with oil, or since IHe was patient on the occasion of the affltiction, 4i, but not IJ.bJA, says, I"S _` or misfortune. (TA.) - And J.> He was, or with the oil; syn. 1. (TA.) - And As4L Js .ajjl is used in relation to . [or knowledge] became, submisive, or tractable; (Ibn-'Akbbad, He made his food to have much wcasoning, or which is defective, to which one attains by refleoO, TA;) and so * J.i,l, (IAar, 0, ]J,) said of condiment. (TA.) o Also The halting [of the tion: it is from: ;. meaning I found, or expe.) You say, 1., a man, (IAyr, 0,) and of a beast that one rides. pilgrims] atrrafdt. (8, 0, JO rimend, its .J i.e. odour; or as meaning I Tlhey halted above, as n. (O.) 1 J, inf. n. 'l , He (a man) was, or (S, Mgh, 0, Msb,) inf. attainedits J:! i. e. limit: (TA:) it is said in became, pleasant, or nsweet, in his odour. (TA.) at 'Arafdt; (Mgh, M.b;) or they were present differs from a31, in meaning, And t ip>l, said of food, It was mweet in its at Arafdt. (8, 0.) And [hence], in a post"PJIl the B that He (a man, classical sense, TlIy imitated the people of A4rain everal ways: the former concerns the thing Jiw, i.e. odour. (TA.) - _ by going forth to the itself [which is its object;] whereas the latter TA) made much us of perfume. (IAr, 0, .) fdt, in some other place, humbling themsenuces, and praying, there and desert concerns the states, or conditions, or qualities, - And He relinquished, or abstainedfrom, per(Mgh ;) or by supplication; earnest offerig or thereof: also the former generally denotes the fum~ (IAqr, 0.) -- J , (S, 0, ],) inf n. assembling in their mosques to pray and to bey a thing as a thing that has been absnt 4J, (0, TA,) accord. to one or more of the eiing forgiveness: (]Har p. 672:) the first who did from the mind, thus differing from the latter; copies of the 1 ; 1 , (TA,) He (a man, S, 0) this was Ibn-Abbas, at El-Bnarah. (Mgh, and therefore the contr. of the former is j.~', and come forth, Iar ubi suprL) And SJtj had a purulnt pusue, termed 0.s Ise broughi the contr. of the latter is J.JIt; and the former in the whitas [or palm] of his hand. (S, 0, IJ.) to ~Arof4t. (Mgh.) sacrifice for animal the is the knowing a thing itself as diti ished~fromn .~q JJI hj 1 a He excited ecil, or mischief, beother things; whereas the latter concerns a thing signifies The making to know; syn. 8. .3 :) them: the verb in this art..e in (TA things: collectively with other -;sI: (., O, ]~, TA :) [or rather it has a more twn~een them, or among in the place of restricted signification than the latter word, as is phrase being formed by permutation from !. and sometimes they put t JJl ; (0, 0;) [i. e.-] s l JJ;Acl signifies A-5: indicated in the preceding paragraph :] and in (Ya4oob, TA.)



[Boox 1.

(said of a horse, g, 0) He had a long J> [or c~rti himuelfof him thereby. (TA.) [Seealso.] 'Jc, meaning U5bl1 [i. e. A thousand is due to also signifies He described a thing mane]. (S, 0, ~.) i See also 1, near the end. -Jj..I him on my part by acknowlegment, or confession]; that had been picked up, and a stray-beast, in 6 5. -. 'J It as, or became, knomn. ('.arp. .) lsuchl a manner as that he would be known to be (S, O,* ] ;) the last word being a corroborative. (9, 0.)_ Also i q. t '.`,p; (9, O, Msb, 1 ;) _ And .I JiJ He made himself hknonm to its owner. (TA.) - And you say, _i1 .d 0],) of which the pl. is him; (TA;) [and so t.ja.l; for] you say, ($, 0,) r Ci,5, (K,) I asked the people, or as also Gjt, (S, 0, , .,.,._0,. J,.a ... 's .J.lo ; (O, ;) J.. being contr. of Xi, (S, O, ,1",:Z; % :".JKI i.e. [I came d~guising party, ($, 0,) or such a one, (g,) respecting a K,) and t1 o being contr. of; [U syn. myself, or amuming an unknown appearance,then] subjiect of information,in orderthat I might know with ;.]; (S,Mgh, O, L;) i.c. Goodness, or a See also 1, former half. I made hknown who I was: (L:) and Ui ~.1 it. (S, 0, k..) good quality or action; and gentleness, or Ienity; ,, #to, 4, 1 And see 1, last quarter, in two places. p~ - e!.)t J,>a>. [Come thou to sch a and beneficence, Ifavour, kindness, or bounty,] or 10. Jja2, [Ie sotught, or desired, knowledge; one and make thytelf known to him, that he may a benJfit, a benefaction, or an act ofbenefuence know thee]. (S, O, ].') [See also 8.] . [Hence,] or asked if any had knowledge; of a person or [or favour or kindness]: (Msb:) ,.j is also thling: a meaning clearly shown in the M by an e,t1 ,;A ,il U 1 J.,3 [He explanation of a verse cited in art. 1, conj. one says, 8, expl. as signifying liberality, or bounty; (1], made himself known to God by religiom erviC q.v.].J.. 1 j. ~ 1: see 5. Also lIe mentioned TA;) and so Vof, which is a dial. var. thereof: and prayers]. (Er-Righib, TA.) And jt -%.p his relatiounship, lineage, or genealojy, to him. (TA:) and a thing liberally, or freely, bertowed; ;. , a .- a 0. UA ,DI IJ All, occurring in a say- (TA.) _ see 1, former half. EJ:J1 or given: (K :) and t. is expl. as signifying of the Prophet to Ibn-'Abb6s, [may be rening liberality, or bounty, when it is with modera12. -i ! He (a horse, TA) had a mane tion, or with a right and just aim: [and somedered Make hyself known to God by obedience in amplenes of circumstances, then He wilU (,J.). (s, 0, TA.) ;J.,,,J.a, 1 le (a times it means simply moderation:] and sincere, acknowrldge the in straitnes: or] means render man, 0) mounted upon the mane ( .') of the or honest, advice or counsel or action: and good fellowslip with one's family and wvith others of thou obedince to God [&c., then] Ie wrll requite horse. (0, . [In the Cl, 3o j Olq is mankind: it is an epithet in which the quality of thee [&c.]. (O.) _- .a3 [He acquainted himerroneously put for l.p k.& ,9I;.])- a subst. predominates: (TA:) and signiifies any self, or made himelf acquainted, with it, or him; .j (said of a man, K) t He rose upon action, or deed, of which the goodnes is knonn by inlformed himselif of it; learned it; and discovered And the J..i [pl. of .Jjs, and app. here meaning the reason and by tthe law; and * signifies the it: often used in these senses: for an instance of wall between Paradise and Hell: (see the gur contr. thereof. (Er-Ruighib, TA.) It is said in the last, see a ~: it is similar to ';, but vii. 44:) probably used in this sense in a trad.]. more restricted in meaning. - And] He sought the ]ur [vii. 198], Y.?Q1 j.,l, (O,) meaning the knowledg~ of it: (1;Iar p. 6:) [or he did to (Ibn-'Abbd, 0, 1g.) - Said of the sea, Its [And enjoin thou goodness, &e., or] what is deemed leisurely, or repeatedly, and effectually:] you say, waves became high, ($, 0, g, TA,) like tlhe.Js [or mane]: and in like manner said of the torrent, good, or approved, of actions. (Bd.) And you & t L >>a; : I soughttleisurely, or repeatedly, S It became hleapy and high. (TA.) - Said of say, U D'l, (S, O,) or * k"%, (TA,) meaning after the knowledge of what such a one poessed blood, t It had froth (0, 1) like the j J [or t 1V . [i. e. lie did to hi,n, or conferred upon until I knew it. ($, O, JC.) - And ;)tQCI 4,j, mane]. (0.) - Said of palm-trees (JA), They him, a benfit, &c.]. (, O, TA.) OtL, and 'o 11 ), He looked at it, endeavouring to became dente, and luuriant, or abundant, or t 3j;, 1; [in the Kur ii. 242] means [And obtain a clear knowrledge tihreof, in the place; thickly intermixed, lie the ~. [or mane] of the for tlue divorced women there shall be a provision said of a man, of necessaries] with moderation, or right andjust syn. 4 ~. (TA.) - [ tp is also expl. in hyena. (0, K, TA.) -And, the KL by the Pers. words j-~ . e15b ij , t .ie prepared himinselffor evil, or mischief, (S, 0, aim, and beneficence. (TA.) And V, ,. Jj ., .... 0.. 0.. app. meaning The acting with J.. i. e. goodneu, 1, TA,) and raised his head, or stretched forth ~.5 t-:-.. 1 ; J..o o . ,, [in the same, his neck, for that purpos. (TA.) [See also 12 &c.: but Golius has hence rendered the verb ii. 265,] means Refusal with pleasing [or grain art. .Jj.] "convenienter opus fecit."] ciouw] spe~ch, (Bd, Jel, TA,) and prayer [exJ An odour, whether fragrant orfetid, (S, pressed to the beggar, that God may sustain him,] 6. IhjW They knew, or were acquaintedwith, 0, 1g, TA,) in most instances the former, (], (TA,) andforgiveneus granted to the beggar for one another. (, 0, 1.)- And i.q. L~.L in relation to Paradise: his importunity (Bd, Jel) or obtained by such [i. e. Tahy vied, competed, or contended for supe- TA,) as when it is used 0 ~~~~~~~~~0 (TA:) and t ai. signifies [the same,. i. e.] b refusal from God or from the beggar, (Bd,) are riority, in glorying, or boasting, or in glory, &c.; 0 .~~~~~~~ .05 better than an alms which annoyance follows or simply they vied, one with another]: it occurs (g, T:) and 'a5j. (Tv.) One says, .,; L* (TA) by reproach for a benefit conferred and for in a trad., or, as some relate it, with j; and both :-4 [Hofrag,rantis its odour!]. (9, 0.) And ' are expl. as having this meaning. (TA.) 1 *- 0. 05 ,' . e begging (Jel.) And J.-U woe oX .Jl 9.. t. .JI sJ j " . .. J [The bad hide t jjt J [in the same, iv. 6,] means [And uchi 8. & Jjal , He achnowledged it, or confeased will not lack thefetid odour]; (S, 0, J.;) a prov.; it, (S, Mgi, 0, MNb, 1],) namely, a misdeed, (S, (S, O;) applied to the low, ignoble, mean, or as is poor, let him take for himself (lit. cat)] according to wrrhat is al~pred by reason and by the O,)or a thing; (Mgh, Mb;) and so , t sordid, who will not cease from his evil doing; and .i, namely, his misdeed [&c.]; (1];) [for] he being likened to the hide that is not fit for law, (TA,) or according to his need (Bd) and the [JI, 0 sometimes they put j.. in the place of Jj..;1 being tanned; (O, 1 ;) wherefore it is cast aside, recomptne of his labour. (Bd, Jel.)_ in lexicology, signifies The commonly-knowrn, com(O ;) and eo t ,.: (Ksh and Bd and Jel in and becomes fetid. (O.) And some read, in the monly-received, or common conventional, language; p J1j, [as meaning Dy common xvi. 8 :) tQt1 t .& . (occurring in the C gur [lxxvii. 1], U. parlance, or common usage: mostly the winds that are sent forth with fragrance,] meaning that of a whole people; in which case, voce ;j. &e.) means The acknonwledgment, or A(TA.) - Also A certain plant: confesuion, of bmeficence; thankfiness, or grati- instead of `&. the epithet . It is sometimes added: but often or the ,*; [or panik. grass]: (K:) or a certain meaning that of a particular class; as, for intude:] and one say,, .,. ?.,1 . plant, not of the [hind calUedJ _, nor of the (0, 0, TA) i. e. J..$ , (E, 0,) meaning I do [kind caUed] ,Lt ; (Ibn-Abbiad, O, L, ] ;) of stance, of the lawyers. Hence the terms " not achnowldge [any one that wvill throw me down]; Ob and i. j!t..., expl. in arts. j,. and j,q. (Ibn-Abbid, O, L.) this was said by an Arab of the desert. (TA.) the [hind called]A,t. See also %ta.;:and see b;.] -Also The .,j -J J. .He j.x [Acknonkedgment, or confession ;] a subst. of the horse; (~, 0;) [i.e. the mane;] the hair l acquainted me with his name

.cl He described from ,Jj,I He told ch a one of his misdeed, and cond~ition. (1.) And S, 0, , 01 , TA,) as meaningl?~,. himslf to him in such a manner as that he would (TA.) Hence, 5$, o,) you say, (1,) J ol thenforgave kim; and so t J . (TA.) I J51 5, Z

4. Cs~

BOOK 1.] (Mgh, M.h, K) that grows on the rii/ge (M.b) of the neck of the horse (Mgh, M4h, 1) or simila Ir beast; (Msb;) as also tJ .: (If:) [see alis o au :] or the part, of the neck, ./,ic/ i. tlw plat re of growth of the hair: [sce agbrain "i~ J:] an,d the part, of th/e nwck [of a bird], which is the place e of growth of thfeaftthes.r: (TA:) [or thefeat/errs themselves of the neck; used in this sense in the 1 and TA in art. J, as is shown by the con text therein:] andl the [comb or] elongated piece offlesh on the pip'er part tf the head of a cock to whichl tlie. of a girl is likened: (M0b :) pl j.i; [prolperly a pl. of pauc.] (O, TA) an I .jj. (TA.) As used it in relation to a man 4 explaining the phrase 1' " "


angels. (Zj, TA.) - See also ". - [The pl. .] rectly, (K, TA,) unless thereby be meant near I2jI also signifies t The higher, or higlwlt, (KC, Mini; (TA;) also called by some t. -;TA,) andfirst, orforemost, (TA,) of wvinds; (K , (Mgh, Msb;) but the saying U, (S,O, 0ip TA;) and likewise of clouds, and of mists n ,) or j ;,, , , (Msb,) [Ve, or I, alighted (TA.) - And "`; signifies also, (Al, 0, K,) ii the speech of the people of El-Bahrcyn, (As, 0, ) at iJs,] is like a post-classical phrase, (S, 0, 15,) AI species [or variety] of palm-treces; (As, 0, Y; ) and (S, O) it is said to be (M.nb) not genuinle and so [the pl.] 3t;! (0, J) is expl. by IDrd : Arabic: (S, 0, Mb :) ,;l is a [proper] name (O0:) or when they first yield fruit, or ediblle in the pl. form, and therefore is not itself .lufiuit, or ripe fruit; (Q, TA;) or vhcen tlu y ralized: (S, O, 1K :) it is as though the term if*p attain to doing so: (TA:) or a [sort of] paln& - applied to every distinct portion thereof: (TA:) trecin El-lBahreyn, also calUed...s; (}(, TA; ) as Fr says, it has, correctly, no sing.; (S, 0;) but this is what is meant by As and IDrd. (TA. ) and it is determinate as denoting a particular And The tree of the JI [i. e. citrus medlica pl)ace; (Sb, S, 0, K, TA;) and therefore not admitting the article Jl; (Sb, TA;) differing from -3 ~,r,. 035;'6.. ~, or citron]. (K.) Also pl. of[j : - and of fj' [because this is a proper name common meaning ^Os .:iBU [i. e. t Such a one came ai s s and Z1, T (IS.) .. to a number of persons]: you say, $~ ,:jh thoughi rqf!ling tlheJ]atiwrs of his neck to do evil r ., with kesr, is from the saying, c i ;~i- . [lit. These are Arafdt, in a good state], or mischief]. (TA.) Anzd [hence] it is said in putting the epithet in the accus. case because it in kt o Sl y (S, 0,) which means He did no indeterminate [as a denotative trad., . l.1.,'. t [Tiey came as thoug, of state, like lI.they nere a mane], meaning ,folloninyg one awnother know me save at th last, or lastly, or latterly (S, 0, (.) And it signifies Patience. (IAar, in the saying ova, tJ U.~ jl iin the (TA.) And onec says, 6 b l;: .l. t [Tlti 0, ].) A poet says, (namely Aboo-Dahbal El. ]ur ii. 85]: (S, 0:) it is decl. (Jj,a. [more people, or party, came] one aJfter another: like thc Jumahee, TA,) properly *'-]) because the ; is equivalent to saying, LiUi,l ;U. t [Tie satund-groe flew] onw the S and e* j in LJ " l:" and IL4i a ', C_e ; jj , (S, 0, after another. (K.) And hence, U. t,. 1g,)the tenween becoming equivalent to the O, (S, O, I,) in the li]r [Ixxvii. 1], a metaphiorical therefore, being used as a proper name, it is left phrase, from the . ` of the horse, meanin,, [l, [Say tlou to the son of Ih-a ,' the brother of Et in its original state, like as is Lt~ whell tile angels, or the winds, that are sent forth] con. lu4c,iat, lIon7good is patience in afflictions !]. used as a proper name: (Akh, ., O, .1K:) [i. e.,] msecutielxy, lile [ti/ seeeral portions of] the. (IA4 r, 0, TA.) it is decl. in the manner of L*" and [or mane] of the lurrse: (S, 0:) or the meaning ;, the tenween being like that which corresponds to erand see C pC , in tlree places. is, snt.;rih 9/,,;3, (S, O, I9, TA,) i. e. w,ith the masne. pl. termination O, not the tenween of beh.ficenee, or benefJit: (TA:) [for furthier explaiig' A question, or ltestioning, respecting a perfect declinability, because it is a proper name nations, see the expositions of Z and B(.1 or r.uljet of ip!finatiion, in orler to knonw it; (IT(,; and of the fern. gender, wherefore it does not others: and see also art. J.uj:] some read. TA;) as also taie. (K, TA.) = Sec also admit the article J1. (Myb.) 6ja~ .was thus [expl. in the next preceding paragralph]. (TA.) =Also A purlent ptustule that comes forthl in named because Adam and Eve knew each other - [ Ience also,] t The waves of the sea. (K, , .t nltitenexw [or Tealtn] of tie hand. (ISk, S, (llW.) there (IF, O, K, TA) after their descent TA.)-And t Elevated sand; as also t O'j 0,is.) from Paradise: (TA:) or because Gabriel, wlhel and t V : pil. (of the last, TA) j.. and (of fori: see .s 1 , latter half. - Also An open, he taught Abraham the rites and ceremonies of tbe first, TA) JJ: (S, 0, K :) and all signify the pilgrimage, said to him "Hast thou known?" likewise t an elevated place: (g :) and(l the first, elonyated, tract rf land, romcltcing plantg, or (O, )-Also, (0, O ,) and Vt , (@;.Sl), (0, X,) and he replied " I have known" t the elevated, or overtopping, back of a portion ltroae. of sand, (1C, TA,) and of a mountain, and of (TA,) A lipnit (0, K, TA) between two tlhings: '(;j>): (15(:) or because it is a place sanctified anything highi: anid t an elevatel portion of the ( :) [like jl:] pl. of the formerror. (O, and magnified, as though it wero rendered fragrant (i i. e. ,'): (0,1 :) or because earth or ground: and [the pl.] (, TA.) * 1othe ` [meaning land ploutghed, or prepared,forsowing] the people know one another ( 'S;l4) there: ok [an inf. n.] I. q. i . (0, K. [See 1, tkat is upon the [channes for irrigation that are or, accord. to Er-Raghib, because of men's calld] i;4 [pl. of .J] and ,--i [pl. of first sentence. In the 0, it seems to be regarded making themselves known ()tdt JaJZ) there as a simple subst.]) , See also i. ;5U]. (TA.) _ [The pl.]' ,.~9~, o, by religious services and prayers. (TA.) (8 ~,) mentioned in the (ur [vii. 44 and 46], (S, 0,) is thii ht, The ninth day of [the month] I k.jS, [tSao Of, or relating to, idaJl as meaning applied to t A nwall between Paradiseand llell: [when the pilgriim hlalt at ZiliA]: (S, Mgh, O, (S O, , :) so it is said: (., 0:) or the upper M:b, K.:) the latter word being without tenween, the commonly-known or commonly-receiwd or conrentionallanguage,orcommon parlance,or common mparts of tlh wall: or by J!'jIl u may be (S, 0,) imperfectly decl., because it is of the fern. gend;r and a proper name, (MOb,) and not ad- wage. Hence i;' a"L and jl., 1,, expl. there meant )Ut J,lj W1J 1 ;[ e mitting the art. JI. (S, 0, Mob.) See also in arts. ,._ and ji...] app., and pse~ing knorkledge of the pcopllc of thc rtext paragraph. Paradineand of tit ipoplk of lliel: for it seems Jy. of, or relating to, ;51. (0, 1 .) (;; Th plie place [or mountain] where the pilthat Ct3p~ , or the like, ts to be understood beOl54, (0, 1,) accord. to Th, A man (O) n,ho fore usa]. (Zj, TA.) [And hence it is the name grimns halt (Mgh, O, MIb, K) on the dny of ab; [above acknowledges, mentioned], or confesses, a thing, and directs t:) (0, 15,) [described by Bur,kof The Serenth Chapter of the Kur-dn.] By hardt as a granite hill, about a mile; or a mile it, or indicates it; (0, 5 ;) thus expl. as an epiJo t, 4_,.~l [TIh occupants of the o,], and a half, in circuit, with sloping sides, rising thet, though Sb mentions his not knowing it as there mentioned, are said to be meant persons nearly two hundred feet above the level of the an epithet; (0;) occurring in a poem of Erwhose good and evil works have been equal, so adjacent plain,] said to be nine miles, (Msb,) or Ri'ee, and expl. by some as the name of a comthat they shall not have merited Paradise by the tngele mile, (a ,)fropn leakkel,; (Msb, ];,) said panion of his: (0, 15:*) and M.p signifies the former nor Hell by the latter: or prophets: or by J to be a place in, or at, lIine, but incor- same; (1! ;) but this is said by Sb to be a word I Bk. I. 264

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