Supermarket Management System

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013

ANALYSIS Introduction to the business Problem Specific objectives Working of the existing system Evaluation of existing system Description of the possible solutions Evaluation of the other possible solutions DESIGN Action plan Description of method of solution Screen layouts Hardware design Software design 14 16 16 30 31 7 7 7 8 9 10 10

IMPLEMENTATION Accurate method of solution Algorithms for addition, deletion, and modification 34 44

TESTING Testing strategy 47

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DOCUMENTATION User documentation Technical documentation EVALUATION Evaluation of the system Future developments 111 112 71 84

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My topic
My topic is to computerize the minimart Elbian.

Why I chosen
The minimart Elbian is one of the most famous Super markets in Fuvahmulah. Many customers visit the Elbian for shopping. There are totally four staffs in Elbian. So I believe if the supermarket is computerized, customers as well as the management will be benefited. Also I hope that this could improve the economy of the city.

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Introduction to the business

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 I have chosen the minimart Elbian. It is one of the famous minimarts in Fuvahmulah. (The second southern island of Maldives). It is in the middle of the island. Totally four staffs are there to serve its customers. It is a two story building. It sells almost every item we need in our daily life. The shop is opened for total 11 hours. Many services are being provided to customers of the minimart like delivery service. The main purpose of their business is to provide the customers needs in one place in an affordable price.

The Problem
The Elbian maintains a record of all of its customers and their products in a manual filling system .Using that they create their Daily Sales Report and the other reports of the company. Since this is a manual system many errors have been detected from the Elbians reports.

Specific Objectives
The minimart Elbian is going to computerize in order to: Create and maintain a database of its customers, transactionsetc Provide search conditions with options of adding, deleting and modifying the data. Update the data about the quantity in hand when an item is sold. create the reports of Elbians Daily Sales Report and yearly report automatically. Reduce the labor cost by reducing the number of employee.

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 To avoid paper works. Like the customer records and daily sales report file. Avoid the repetition of works in order to make the job interesting for the staffs.

Working of the Existing System

The customers select the item they need from the shelves located in different places of the Elbian. If (s) he could not find what (s)he wants staffs will help. After selecting the item the customer goes to the (only) counter in the show room with the items they have selected. If he is new the details about the customer is collected and recorded in the appropriate records. An invoice is created using the following details: name address item(s) name author name amount cost of the item total cost And if the customer pays directly, the invoice is stored in transaction file in the transaction book which contains all the transactions of Elbian. If the customer wants those items for credit the invoice is stored in a file known as Credit customer Record and a copy of invoice is given to the customer. This is also recorded in the transaction book. After closing the shop every night, staffs will generate daily sales report by copying all the transactions from transaction book into a specially designed form. The sums of the total costs are totaled. A copy of this form

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 (Daily Sales Report) is sent to the manager who is living in the capital of Maldives-Male by post. The original copy is filed in another file. Monthly and Yearly Reports are also created using the same method but totaling the daily sales report. Every month they count in the Transaction Record to find amount sold in each and every item and they subtract from the amount in hand. If any of these items are found to be out of stock an order form is created and sent to that particular supplier.

Evaluation of the Existing System

Using the existing system there are many: DISADVANTAGES The existing system is not suitable because: it is a time consuming process to search for a particular customer or an item and writing the transactions and fill the forms. it is very difficult to create order forms since the system is manual and there no search facilities. it is producing many errors like not matching the daily sales report with the transaction file and not matching the stock files with the amount in hand. Paper works are not environmentally friendly. For buying papers we have to spend a lot of money. It takes a lot of space to store the files. it is difficult to find out which form or report is correct if there are copies ADVANTAGES Using the manual system there is no possibility of misusing the data. This system can give jobs for many people.

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 This system is cheap since we do not use much electronic devices. Hacking and file corruption is prevented.

Description of the Possible Solutions

The problems with the existing manual system of Elbian can be Avoided by: Increasing the number of staff. A new staff can be employed for just checking and a separate staffs for creating reports. Increasing the number of counters for customer service. Some more counters can be made in order to make the system Fast. Using electronic devices Electronic devices like calculators and fax machines can be used for calculations. Computerizing. Computers can be used for performing some activities like creating the order forms, reports and calculations automatically.

Evaluation of the other Possible Solutions

Increasing the number of staffs Advantages Make the work of Elbian fast Less chance of committing mistakes and errors

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Disadvantages Each staff needs to be paid monthly. The staffs also may do some mistakes.

Increasing the number of counters Advantages Increase the speed of service being provided to the customers. Customers need not to be in a queue. Disadvantages The counters will take up more space. A staff needs to be at each counter and these staffs needs to be paid. Usage of electronic devices Advantages Send the required files within a short time. The process will be faster than before.

Disadvantages If the telephone line breaks there is no way of sending ordersetc. The telephone line must be paid.

Computerization Advantages
Create and maintain forms and data bases automatically. Page 9 of 119

GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 Store a large volume of data in a small piece of storage. Work for the whole 24 hours of the day. Process calculations faster. Avoid permanent costs. For an example a staff has to be paid monthly, but computers need not to be paid. Can work in an environmentally friendly way.

It relies on electricity. Installing the computer requires a grueling and expensive task of The need to obtain stand by facilities in the event of breakdown of

system analysis and design. any computerized systems.

Since increasing the number of staffs and counters involves a lot of space and using the electronic devices also involves a lot of costs those methods are rejected. Due to the advantages of computerization, like its speed, etc, it is found to computerize the sales and customers record of Elbian.

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3 4 1 1

Description of the problem Objectives

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Description of the problem Description of the existing solution Evaluation of existing solution Description of other possible solutions Evaluation of other possible solutions TOTAL 4 3 5 2 7 28 days 2 2 3 3 4 4 weeks

TASK Action plan Description of method of solution Hardware Software TOTAL NO.OF DAYS 7 21 14 14 56 days WEEK 5 6, 7 & 8 9 & 10 11 & 12 8 weeks

TASK Method of solution Accurate method of solution TOTAL NO.OF DAYS 14 14 28 days WEEK 9 & 10 11 & 12 4 weeks

TASK Testing strategy Test results TOTAL NO.OF DAYS 14 14 28 days WEEK 13 & 14 15 & 16 4 weeks

TASK Technical documentation User documentation TOTAL NO.OF DAYS 14 14 28 days WEEK 17 & 18 19 & 20 2 weeks


TASK Evaluation Developments TOTAL NO.OF DAYS 14 14 28 days WEEK 21 & 22 23 & 24 2 weeks

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Description of the action plan Phase one: ANALYSIS

INTRODUCTION TO THE BUSINESS In this part I have included the background of the business, and almost all the details of Elbian. THE PROBLEM The problems of using the existing system have been included in this section. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Since I am going to introduce a new system, in this part I have written the aims I want to achieve from my new system. WORKING OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM A detailed description of how the work is done at present with the new system. EVALUATION OF EXISTING SYSTEM The advantages and disadvantages of using the existing system. DESCRIPTION OF THE POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS I have included the solutions which could solve the problem facing to the system now. EVALUATION OF OTHER POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS The advantages and disadvantages of other possible solutions I have written before.

Phase two: DESIGN

ACTION PLAN Ill include the time schedule for each task. DESCRIPTION OF METHOD OF SOLUTION All the layouts of forms, tables, reports, query and table relationship are included in this. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE DESIGN The appropriate hardwares and softwares needed for my application. Page 14 of 119

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ACCURATE METHOD OF SOLUTION The method of implementing the new system. METHOD OF SOLUTION The screen shots of forms and reports of the new system.

Phase four: TESTING

TESTING STRETEGY The expected result of each and every form after testing. TEST RESULTS The screen shots of each and every form after testing. (the test results)


USER DOCUMENTATION A detailed guide to the new system. TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION The documentation of the database, including all the forms, reports, queries and tables.


EVALUATION Ill include whether I have achieved my objectives mentioned in analysis phase. DEVELOPMENTS The improvements which could be done to the system in future .

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Description of method of solution

There are totally 4 tables in this application. They are: Customer record Credit customer record Daily sales record Transaction record

1. Customer record
FIELD NAME DATA Txt txt Number txt txt "cc-????" VALIDATION "M" or "F" Like "???????" SAMPLE Eesh Ahmed Female 8596874 cc-0001

Name Sex
Contact .No. Email Customer ID

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2. Daily sales record

FIELD NAME Date Item code Cost Amount Total Daily sales DATA Date/time txt currency Numb currency currency VALIDATION Like ??? >0 >0 >0 >0 SAMPLE 01/02/2009 I-005 $16 2 $32 $32

3. Credit customer record

FIELD NAME Customer ID Name Address DATA Txt Txt Txt VALIDATION Like "cc-????" SAMPLE cc-5002 Aishath Nawa Elas

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 Country Contact. NO. Email Amount of item Last paid Total Txt Numb Txt Numb Date/time currency >0 Like "????" Like "???????" Maldives 8569745 20 03/05/2008 $500

4. Transaction record
FIELD NAME Date Item code Customer ID Cost Amount Total DATA Date/time Txt Txt currency Numb currency Like "cc-????" >0 >0 >0 VALIDATION SAMPLE 01/02/2009 I-002 cc-5415 $250 5 $1250

Screen layouts
This project contains totally 6 forms. They are; Welcome screen

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 Main menu Transaction record Customer record Credit customer record Daily sales record

1. Welcome screen





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2. Main menu screen










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3. Transaction record









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4. Customer record











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5. Credit customer record













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6. Daily sales record












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REPORT LAYOUTS 1. Credit customer report








2. Customer report

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3. Daily sales report








4. Transaction report







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1. Credit customer record query

Custome r id Text Text Text Text Text nam e Text Text Text Text Text Addres s1 Text Text Text Text Text countr y Text Text Text Text Text Contac t no numb numb numb numb numb Emai l Text Text Text Text Text Amoun t of item numb numb numb numb numb Last paid Date/tim e Date/tim e Date/tim e Date/tim e Date/tim e num b num b num b num b num b total

2. Customer record query

name text text sex text text Contact no numb numb E-mail text text Customer id text text

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 text text text text text text numb numb numb text text text text text text

3. Daily sales record query

Date Date/time Date/time Date/time Date/time Date/time Item code Text Text Text Text Text Cost Number Number Number Number Number Amount Number Number Number Number Number Total Number Number Number Number Number Daily sales Number Number Number Number Number

4. Transaction record query

Date Date/time Item code Text Customer id Text Cost Number Amount Number Total Number Page 28 of 119

GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 Date/time Date/time Date/time Date/time Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number

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CREDIT CUSTOMER RECORD customer ID name address country contact no E-mail amount of item last paid total CUSTOMER RECORD name sex contact no E-mail customer ID DAILY SALES RECORD date item code cost amount total daily sales

TRANSACTION RECORD date item code customer id cost amount total

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Hardware Design
The computer system bought for running the application of Elbian must have at least the following hardware requirements. The Central Processing Unit (CPU).

HDD of 40GB For storing the programs, implicational databases and the other documents of Elbian 20GB would be sufficient. SD or DD RAM of 512MB A RAM of 256MB can run the application in the normal speed. VGA card of 32MB For the monitors graphics a VGA Card of 16MB would be enough. Pentium or Celeron Processor of 3.00GHz A PII cannot control the system in a task fill condition. So a P III or a P IV system can be suitable. USB port A USB port can de used for connecting the Back up device (a USB portable Hard Disk)

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Input Devices.
Scroll Mouse Since the documents are very large a scroll mouse can be used. Standard keyboard with 109 keys This is used for inputting the details. CD- ROM Drive To install the soft wares since most of the softwares are now coming in CDs.

Output Devices
LCD Monitor A VDU cannot be used because there is not much space to keep it.

Software Design
The computer system bought for running the application of Elbian must Have at least the following software requirements. The Operating System It must be a Windows 98 or a later edition. The older ones may not support Microsoft Office Access 2003. The Utility Program Norton Anti Virus 2006 can be used as the anti-virus software.

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 Win Zip 7.0 can be used as file compression software. So it will take less space on the disk. Application Program Ms Access can be used to build the Application. Ms Access has all the necessary features needed for building the application. Ms Word can be used for documentation. Since it is good at word processing.

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Accurate Method of solution

There are several methods of implementing this new system. One method is to run both manual and computerized system in the shop. But this method will cost more money as we have to run both the systems together. So I am planning to introduce the system directly to the shop as this system is not a huge one and I have guarantee that this system will work perfectly.

Forms and records

This project consists of six forms and four reports. All of them are shown below.

1.Welcome screen

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2.Main menu

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3. Customer record
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4. Credit customer record

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5. Transaction record

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6. Daily sales record

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7. Credit customer report

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8. Transaction report

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9. Customer report

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10. Daily sales report

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Algorithms for addition deletion and modification

Addition Page 45 of 119

GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 Open the database Open the table Find the desired record Add new record Save the record Close the table Close the database Deletion Open the database Open the table Find the record Delete the record Update the table Close the table Close the database Modification Open the database Open the table Find the record Make changes Update the table Close the table Close the database

Table relation ships

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Testing strategy

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 This application is tested to make sure that it works properly before introducing to Elbian. Every form is tested for normal data, abnormal data and extreme data.

Customer Record (Form)



txt txt num txt txt

i)Following data is entered(Normal Data.)

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Hasna Ibrahim cc-1001 7854785 F

For above data no error should be found. The result is shown below.

Normal Data checking

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ii)Following data was entered(Abnormal Data.)

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Hasna Ibrahim cc-1001 okiui F

For the above data an error should be found. The result is shown below.

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Abnormal data checking

In the above field, only numbers will be accepted by the system. When okiui was entered, system has rejected it because it is not the appropriate data type for that field.

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Following data was entered(Extreme Data.)



Hasna Ibrahim cc-100 7854785 F

When this is entered, an error should be found on customer id. The result is shown below. Page 54 of 119

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Extreme data checking

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 The system will accept only if four numbers are entered with (cc-).if the number you entered is less than or more that four numbers, system will reject it.

Credit Customer Record



txt txt txt txt num txt


date num num

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i)Following data was entered(Normal Data.)



cc-1001 Hasna Ibrahim Maldives 7854785 Elas


5/18/2007 10 500

For Above Data no error should be found. The Result Is Shown Below.

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Normal data checking

ii)Following data was entered(Abnormal Data.)

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cc-1001 Hasna Ibrahim Maldives 7854785 Elas


5/18/2007 Klopio(Abnormal) 500

For Above Data an error should be found in the field amount of item. The Result Is Shown Below.

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Abnormal data checking

Only numbers are accepted by the system for this field. If the data type is not numbers, it will be rejected.

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iii) Following data was entered(Extreme Data.)



cc-1001 Hasna Ibrahim Maldives 7854785 Elas


5/18/2007 1500(Extream Data) 500

For Above Data an error should be found in the field amount of item. The Result Is Shown Below.

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Extreme data checking

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Only four digits are allowed for this field. When 150 were entered, system has rejected. If a number less than four or more than four is entered, it will be rejected by the system.

Daily sales record

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 DATA FIELD NAME date item code cost amount total date/tim e txt currenc y number currenc

y daily sales currenc y

(i)the following data was entered ( normal data checking) FIELD NAME DATE ITEM CODE COST AMOUNT TOTAL DAILY SALES DATA 05/06/09 589 $56 6 336 336

When this data is entered, no error should be found. The result is shown below.

Normal data checking

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(ii)The following data was entered (abnormal data checking)


When this data is entered, an error message should appear. The result is shown below.

(Abnormal data checking)

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In the field amount, only numbers are allowed to enter, as I enter letters, an error message was appeared.

(iii) The following data was entered (Extreme data checking)

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 FIELD NAME DATE ITEM CODE COST AMOUNT TOTAL DAILY SALES DATA 05/06/09 -9 $56 6 336 336

When this data is entered, an error message should appear asking to enter a value greater than 0 The result is shown below.

Extreme data checking

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In the field cost, a value greater than 0 should be entered, when I enter -9 an error message was appeared because it a number less than 0.

Transaction record
FIELD DATE ITEM CODE CUST_ID COST AMOUNT TOTAL DATA Date/time Number Txt Currency Number currency

(i)the following data was entered.(normal data)


DATA 05/06/09 Page 68 of 119

GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 ITEM CODE CUST_ID COST AMOUNT TOTAL 859 cc-5896 85 2 170

When this data is entered, no error should be found. The result is shown below.

(Normal data checking)

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(ii)the following data was entered.(abnormal data checking) FIELD DATE ITEM CODE CUST_ID COST AMOUNT TOTAL DATA 05/06/09 hhh cc-5896 85 2 170

When this is entered, an error message should be shown. The result is shown below.

Abnormal data checking

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An error was shown because numbers should be enters to the field item code.

(iii)the following data was entered ( extreme data checking)

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 FIELD DATE ITEM CODE CUST_ID COST AMOUNT TOTAL DATA 05/06/09 859 cc-589 85 2 170

When this data is entered, an error message should be shown. The result is shown below.

Extreme data checking

The error message was shown because, in the field customer record, four digits must be entered with CC-. If a value other than that has been entered, the database will show an error message.

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This user documentation will guide to get used to this system. This will give detailed information about installing and running the application.

If your application is on a CD, insert the CD and copy and paste it to your desktop. You can use it now.

Running the application

First open the application, when you open it, you can see the welcome screen of this application.

The GO button is for the opening of MAIN MENU.

EXIT button will close the whole application.

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 When you press the GO button, the main menu screen will appear. From this you can select the form or the report you want to select.

When you click this button, you will be able to go to the welcome screen.

EXIT button will close the main menu form

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When you press the button CUSTOMER RECORD another screen (customer record) will be opened. In this form you will see the details of the customers of Elbian.

Explanation of the buttons used.

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Directly switch you to the next record.

A new Record would be entered to the form

To save the record after entering a new one.

If you find that a record is no longer needed, you can delete the record from this button.

Search a desired record from this button.

Directly go to the main menu with out closing the customer record.

To close the customer record.

If you select CREDIT CUSTOMER RECORD from the main menu, another form is opened. (Credit customer record form).You can see the details of the credit customers registered on Elbian.

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Explanation of buttons used

Directly switch you to the next record.

A new Record would be entered to the form

To save the record after entering a new one.

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If you find that a record is no longer needed, you can delete the record from this button.

Search a desired record from this button.

Directly go to the main menu with out closing the customer record.

To close the credit customer record.

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When you select transaction record from the main menu screen, another form (Transaction record) is opened.


Directly switch you to the next record.

A new Record would be entered to the form

To save the record after entering a new one.

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If you find that a record is no longer needed, you can delete the record from this button.

Search a desired record from this button.

Directly go to the main menu with out closing the customer record.

To close the transaction record. When the DAILY SALES RECORD from the main menu is selected, daily sales record form will be opened.

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Directly switch you to the next record.

A new Record would be entered to the form

To save the record after entering a new one.

If you find that a record is no longer needed, you can delete the record from this button.

Search a desired record from this button.

Directly go to the main menu with out closing the customer record.

To close the daily sales record form. The rest in the main menu are all reports. When you select the report you want, it will be displayed. There are 4 reports. All are shown below.

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Technical documentation H:\albian database.accdb Table: credit customer record Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 1

Properties DateCreated: 3/23/2009 6:36:50 PM DefaultView: DisplayViewsOnSharePoint 1 GUID: {guid {3E6E0AAE-ADC1460C-9CAA-43C50254CC03}} LastUpdated: 6/18/2009 3:14:41 PM NameMap: OrderByOn: False OrderByOnLoad: Orientation: Left-to-Right RecordCount: TotalsRow: False Updatable:

2 FilterOnLoad: False HideNewField: False Long binary data True 10 True

Columns Name customer ID Name Address 1 Country Contact No E mail Amount of item Last paid Total Relationships credit customer recordCustomer record credit customer customer ID Attributes: RelationshipType: Customer record Cust_id Unique, Not Enforced One-To-One Type Text Text Text Text Long Integer Text Long Integer Date/Time Currency Size 255 255 255 255 4 255 4 8 8

Table Indexes Name Last paid Fields: Last paid PrimaryKey Fields: customer ID

Number of Fields 1 Ascending 1 Ascending

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H:\albian database.accdb Table: Customer record Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 2

Properties DateCreated: 4/25/2009 10:16:09 AM DisplayViewsOnSharePoint 1 GUID: {guid {65F7E8A1-3075-4C478F0B-89967EAA21BC}} LastUpdated: 6/18/2009 2:16:49 PM NameMap: OrderByOn: False OrderByOnLoad: Orientation: Left-to-Right RecordCount: TotalsRow: False Updatable:

DefaultView: 2 FilterOnLoad: False HideNewField: False Long binary data True 9 True

Columns Name Name Sex Contact No E-mail Cust_id Relationships credit customer recordCustomer record credit customer customer ID Attributes: RelationshipType: Customer record Cust_id Unique, Not Enforced One-To-One Type Text Text Long Integer Text Text Size 255 255 4 255 255

Customer recordDaily sales record Customer record Cust_id Attributes: RelationshipType: Daily sales record Item Code Unique, Not Enforced One-To-One

Table Indexes Name Cust_id Fields: Cust_id PrimaryKey Fields:

Number of Fields 1 Ascending 1

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Cust_id H:\albian database.accdb Table: Customer record H:\albian database.accdb Table: Daily sales record Ascending Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 3 Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 4

Properties DateCreated: 3/23/2009 6:54:00 PM DefaultView: DisplayViewsOnSharePoint 1 GUID: {guid {B43B6CFD-18BC4D93-AF88-D9B01830F790}} LastUpdated: 6/18/2009 4:48:39 PM NameMap: OrderByOn: False OrderByOnLoad: Orientation: Left-to-Right RecordCount: TotalsRow: False Updatable:

2 FilterOnLoad: False HideNewField: False Long binary data True 10 True

Columns Name Date Item Code Cost Amount Total Daily sales Relationships Customer recordDaily sales record Customer record Cust_id Attributes: RelationshipType: Daily sales record Item Code Unique, Not Enforced One-To-One Type Date/Time Text Currency Long Integer Currency Currency Size 8 255 8 4 8 8

Daily sales recordTransaction record Daily sales record Date Attributes: RelationshipType: Transaction record Date Not Enforced Indeterminate

Table Indexes Name

Number of Fields

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Daily sales recordDate Fields: Date Item Code H:\albian database.accdb Table: Daily sales record Fields: Item Code PrimaryKey Fields: Item Code H:\albian database.accdb Table: Transaction record Ascending 1 Ascending Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 6 1 Ascending 1 Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 5

Properties DateCreated: 4/25/2009 10:25:08 AM DisplayViewsOnSharePoint 1 GUID: {guid {7FF3CBEA-F93B4230-836F-345415C89377}} LastUpdated: 6/18/2009 5:02:08 PM NameMap: OrderByOn: False OrderByOnLoad: Orientation: Left-to-Right RecordCount: TotalsRow: False Updatable:

DefaultView: 2 FilterOnLoad: False HideNewField: False Long binary data True 10 True

Columns Name Date Item code Customer ID Cost Amount Total Relationships Daily sales recordTransaction record Daily sales record Date Attributes: RelationshipType: Transaction record Date Not Enforced Indeterminate Type Date/Time Text Text Currency Long Integer Currency Size 8 255 255 8 4 8

Table Indexes Name Customer ID

Number of Fields 1

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Fields: Customer ID Item code Fields: Item code PrimaryKey Fields: Item code Transaction recordDate Fields: Date

Ascending 1 Ascending 1 Ascending 1 Ascending Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 7

H:\albian database.accdb Query: credit customer record Query

Properties DateCreated: 5/9/2009 3:41:24 PM DefaultView: DisplayViewsOnSharePoint 1 FilterOnLoad: False GUID: 4B39HideNewField: MaxRecords: ODBCTimeout: OrderByOnLoad: RecordLocks: RecordsetType: TotalsRow: Updatable: False 0 60 True No Locks Dynaset False True LastUpdated: NameMap: OrderByOn: Orientation: RecordsAffected: ReturnsRecords: Type:

2 DOL: Long binary data {guid {99ADB399-68B4A29B-5C61C491A2C0}} 5/9/2009 3:41:24 PM Long binary data False Left-to-Right 0 True 0

SELECT [credit customer record].[customer ID], [credit customer record].[Name], [credit customer record].[Address 1], [credit customer record].[Address 2], [credit customer record]. [Address 3], [credit customer record].[Country], [credit customer record].[Contact No], [credit customer record].[E mail], [credit customer record].[Amount of item], [credit customer record].[Last paid], [credit customer record].[Total] FROM [credit customer record];


Columns Name customer ID Name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Country Contact No E mail Type Text Text Text From From Text Long Integer Text Size 255 255 255 0 0 255 4 255

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Amount of item Last paid Total Table Indexes Name Last paid PrimaryKey H:\albian database.accdb Query: Customer record Query Long Integer Date/Time Currency 4 8 8

Number of Fields 1 1 Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 8

Properties DateCreated: 5/9/2009 3:41:46 PM DefaultView: DisplayViewsOnSharePoint 1 FilterOnLoad: False GUID: HideNewField: MaxRecords: ODBCTimeout: OrderByOnLoad: RecordLocks: RecordsetType: TotalsRow: Updatable: False 0 60 True No Locks Dynaset False True LastUpdated: NameMap: OrderByOn: Orientation: RecordsAffected: ReturnsRecords: Type:

2 DOL: Long binary data {guid {CBF2E986-0CFD4534-8805-043230711637}} 5/9/2009 3:41:46 PM Long binary data False Left-to-Right 0 True 0

SELECT [Customer record].[Name], [Customer record].[Sex], [Customer record]. [Contact No], [Customer record].[E-mail], [Customer record].[Cust_id] FROM [Customer record];


Columns Name Name Sex Contact No E-mail Cust_id Table Indexes Name Cust_id PrimaryKey H:\albian database.accdb Type Text Text Long Integer Text Text Size 255 255 4 255 255

Number of Fields 1 1 Thursday, June 18, 2009

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Query: Daily sales record Query Page: 9

Properties DateCreated: 5/9/2009 3:41:36 PM DefaultView: DisplayViewsOnSharePoint 1 FilterOnLoad: False GUID: HideNewField: MaxRecords: ODBCTimeout: OrderByOnLoad: RecordLocks: RecordsetType: TotalsRow: Updatable: False 0 60 True No Locks Dynaset False True LastUpdated: NameMap: OrderByOn: Orientation: RecordsAffected: ReturnsRecords: Type:

2 DOL: Long binary data {guid {EDD07E8C-BD994863-A9AC-2C771F234447}} 5/9/2009 3:41:36 PM Long binary data False Left-to-Right 0 True 0

SELECT [Daily sales record].[Date], [Daily sales record].[Item Code], [Daily sales record].[Cost], [Daily sales record].[Amount], [Daily sales record].[Total], [Daily sales record].[Daily sales] FROM [Daily sales record];


Columns Name Date Item Code Cost Amount Total Daily sales Table Indexes Name Daily sales recordDate Item Code PrimaryKey H:\albian database.accdb Query: Transaction record Query Type Date/Time Text Currency Long Integer Currency Currency Size 8 255 8 4 8 8

Number of Fields 1 1 1 Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 10

Properties DateCreated: 5/9/2009 3:41:54 PM DefaultView: DisplayViewsOnSharePoint 1 FilterOnLoad: False GUID: HideNewField: False LastUpdated:

2 DOL: Long binary data {guid {A5D11E04-CB1D4499-B5C85/9/2009 8:53:20 PM

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MaxRecords: ODBCTimeout: OrderByOnLoad: RecordLocks: RecordsetType: TotalsRow: Updatable: 0 60 True No Locks Dynaset False True NameMap: OrderByOn: Orientation: RecordsAffected: ReturnsRecords: Type: Long binary data False Left-to-Right 0 True 0

SQL SELECT [Transaction record].Date, [Transaction record].[Item code], [Transaction record].[Customer ID], [Transaction record].Cost, [Transaction record].Amount, [Transaction record].Total FROM [Transaction record];

Columns Name Date Item code Customer ID Cost Amount Total Table Indexes Name Customer ID Item code PrimaryKey Transaction recordDate H:\albian database.accdb Form: credit customer record Type Date/Time Text Text Currency Long Integer Currency Size 8 255 255 8 4 8

Number of Fields 1 1 1 1 Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 11

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Text Box: Total

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H:\albian database.accdb Form: Customer record Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 14

Properties AllowAdditions: True AllowDatasheetView: False AllowDeletions: True AllowDesignChanges: True AllowEditing: True AllowEdits: True AllowFilters: True AllowFormView: True AllowLayoutView: True AllowPivotChartView: False AllowPivotTableView: False AllowUpdating: No AutoCenter: False AutoResize: True BorderStyle: Sizable CloseButton: True Container: Forms ControlBox: True Count: 20 CurrentView: 0 Cycle: All Records DataEntry: False DatasheetAlternateBackCol 16053492 DatasheetBackColor: 16777215 DatasheetBorderLineStyle: 1 DatasheetCellsEffect: Flat DatasheetColumnHeaderU 1 DatasheetFontHeight: 11 DatasheetFontItalic: False DatasheetFontName: Calibri DatasheetFontUnderline: False DatasheetFontWeight: Normal DatasheetForeColor: 0 DatasheetGridlinesBehavior Both DatasheetGridlinesColor: 15062992 DateCreated: 5/10/2009 9:08:57 AM DefaultEditing: 2 DefaultView: Single Form DisplayOnSharePointSite: Follow Table Setting DividingLines: False FastLaserPrinting: True FetchDefaults: True FilterOn: False FilterOnLoad: False FitToScreen: True FrozenColumns: 1 GridX: 24 GridY: 24 GUID: {guid {4B740AB9-D856HasModule: False 4EE8-A252HelpContextId: 0 HorizontalDatasheetGridline 1 Hwnd: 1114484 ImageData: Long binary data InsideHeight: 7350 InsideWidth: 11700 KeyPreview: False LastUpdated: 5/10/2009 9:08:57 AM LayoutForPrint: False LogicalPageWidth: 11520 MaxButton: True MinButton: True MinMaxButtons: Both Enabled Modal: False Moveable: False NameMap: Long binary data NavigationButtons: True OrderByOn: False OrderByOnLoad: True Orientation: Left-to-Right Owner: admin Painting: True PaletteSource: (Default) Picture: (none) PictureAlignment: Center PictureSizeMode: Clip PictureTiling: False PictureType: 0 PopUp: False PrtDevMode: Long binary data PrtDevNames: Long binary data PrtMip: Long binary data RecordLocks: No Locks RecordSelectors: True

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Label: Label9 Text Box: Name Combo Box: Sex H:\albian database.accdb Form: Daily sales record Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 16

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Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "Form_MAIN MENU" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Compare Database

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H:\albian database.accdb Form: Transaction record Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 20

Properties AllowAdditions: True AllowDatasheetView: False AllowDeletions: True AllowDesignChanges: True AllowEditing: True AllowEdits: True AllowFilters: True AllowFormView: True AllowLayoutView: True AllowPivotChartView: False AllowPivotTableView: False AllowUpdating: No AutoCenter: False AutoResize: True BorderStyle: Sizable CloseButton: True Container: Forms ControlBox: True Count: 22 CurrentView: 0 Cycle: All Records DataEntry: False DatasheetAlternateBackCol 16053492 DatasheetBackColor: 16777215 DatasheetBorderLineStyle: 1 DatasheetCellsEffect: Flat DatasheetColumnHeaderU 1 DatasheetFontHeight: 11 DatasheetFontItalic: False DatasheetFontName: Calibri DatasheetFontUnderline: False DatasheetFontWeight: Normal DatasheetForeColor: 0 DatasheetGridlinesBehavior Both DatasheetGridlinesColor: 15062992 DateCreated: 5/10/2009 9:11:03 AM DefaultEditing: 2 DefaultView: Single Form DisplayOnSharePointSite: Follow Table Setting DividingLines: False FastLaserPrinting: True FetchDefaults: True FilterOn: False FilterOnLoad: False FitToScreen: True FrozenColumns: 1 GridX: 24 GridY: 24 GUID: {guid {9C6BB44D-0E89HasModule: False 475F-905B-F0982135D9B7}} HelpContextId: 0 HorizontalDatasheetGridline 1 Hwnd: 1311092 ImageData: Long binary data InsideHeight: 7350 InsideWidth: 11700 KeyPreview: False LastUpdated: 5/10/2009 9:11:03 AM LayoutForPrint: False LogicalPageWidth: 11520 MaxButton: True MinButton: True MinMaxButtons: Both Enabled Modal: False Moveable: False NameMap: Long binary data NavigationButtons: True OrderByOn: False OrderByOnLoad: True Orientation: Left-to-Right Owner: admin Painting: True PaletteSource: (Default) Picture: (none) PictureAlignment: Center PictureSizeMode: Clip PictureTiling: False PictureType: 0 PopUp: False PrtDevMode: Long binary data PrtDevNames: Long binary data PrtMip: Long binary data RecordLocks: No Locks RecordSelectors: True RecordsetType: Dynaset RecordSource: Transaction record

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RowHeight: Default ScrollBars: Both ShowGrid: True SplitFormOrientation: Only SplitFormSize: 0 SubdatasheetExpanded: TimerInterval: 0 H:\albian database.accdb Form: Transaction record UserName: ViewsAllowed: Width: WindowLeft: WindowWidth: admin Both 11602 0 11955 SaveSplitterBarPosition: True ShortcutMenu: True SplitFormDatasheet: Allow Edits Datasheet on Top SplitFormPrinting:


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Label: Label5 Label: Label7 Label: Label9 Text Box: Total H:\albian database.accdb Form: WELCOME TO ELBIAN Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 22

Properties AllowAdditions: True AllowDatasheetView: False AllowDeletions: True AllowDesignChanges: True AllowEditing: True AllowEdits: True AllowFilters: True AllowFormView: True AllowLayoutView: True AllowPivotChartView: False AllowPivotTableView: False AllowUpdating: No AutoCenter: False AutoResize: True BorderStyle: Sizable CloseButton: True Container: Forms ControlBox: True Count: 5 CurrentView: 0 Cycle: All Records DataEntry: False DatasheetAlternateBackCol 16053492 DatasheetBackColor: 16777215 DatasheetBorderLineStyle: 1 DatasheetCellsEffect: Flat DatasheetColumnHeaderU 1 DatasheetFontHeight: 11 DatasheetFontItalic: False DatasheetFontName: Calibri DatasheetFontUnderline: False DatasheetFontWeight: Normal DatasheetForeColor: 0 DatasheetGridlinesBehavior Both DatasheetGridlinesColor: 15062992 DateCreated: 5/9/2009 8:59:50 PM DefaultEditing: 2 DefaultView: Single Form DisplayOnSharePointSite: Follow Table Setting DividingLines: False FastLaserPrinting: True FetchDefaults: True FilterOn: False FilterOnLoad: False FitToScreen: True FrozenColumns: 1 GridX: 24 GridY: 24 GUID: {guid {5185238E-8556-4E25HasModule: False B8BF-72C75E814867}} HelpContextId: 0 HorizontalDatasheetGridline 1 Hwnd: 1376628 ImageData: Long binary data InsideHeight: 7350 InsideWidth: 11700 KeyPreview: False LastUpdated: 5/9/2009 8:59:50 PM LayoutForPrint: False LogicalPageWidth: 11520 MaxButton: True MinButton: True MinMaxButtons: Both Enabled Modal: False Moveable: False NameMap: Long binary data NavigationButtons: True OrderByOn: False OrderByOnLoad: True Orientation: Left-to-Right Owner: admin Painting: True

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PaletteSource: (Default) PictureAlignment: Center PictureTiling: False PopUp: False PrtDevNames: Long binary data RecordLocks: No Locks RecordsetType: Dynaset SaveSplitterBarPosition: ShortcutMenu: True SplitFormDatasheet: Datasheet on Top SplitFormPrinting: Form Only SplitFormSplitterBar: False SubdatasheetHeight: UseDefaultPaperSize: H:\albian database.accdb Form: WELCOME TO ELBIAN VerticalDatasheetGridlineSt Visible: False WindowHeight: 7605 WindowTop: 0 1 Width: WindowLeft: WindowWidth: Picture: PictureSizeMode: PictureType: PrtDevMode: PrtMip: RecordSelectors: RowHeight: True ShowGrid: Allow Edits SplitFormSize: True 0 False (none) Clip 0 Long binary data Long binary data True Default ScrollBars: Both True SplitFormOrientation: 0 SubdatasheetExpanded: TimerInterval: 0 UserName: admin Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 23 ViewsAllowed: Both 13260 0 11955

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H:\albian database.accdb Report: credit customer record Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 24

Properties Container: GUID: 4:52:40 PM NameMap: UserName:

Reports DateCreated: {guid {A01580FA-B4574E4E-8C5B-A97000E7A508}} Long binary data Owner: admin

6/16/2009 4:52:40 PM LastUpdated: 6/16/2009 admin

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Text Box: Last paid H:\albian database.accdb Report: credit customer record Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 25

Text Box: Text0 Text Box: Text1 Text Box: Text2 Text Box: Total

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H:\albian database.accdb Report: Customer report Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 26

Properties Container: GUID: 3:46:34 PM NameMap: UserName:

Reports DateCreated: {guid {51CD442D-F10B4814-940D-BDDE694989C7}} Long binary data Owner: admin

6/17/2009 3:46:34 PM LastUpdated: 6/17/2009 admin

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Properties Container: GUID: 9:06:08 AM NameMap: UserName:

Reports DateCreated: {guid {F72F20F1-A9E3-40119181-49013C5F600E}} Long binary data Owner: admin

5/10/2009 9:06:08 AM LastUpdated: 5/10/2009 admin

Objects Section: Detail Section: PageFooterSection Section: PageHeaderSection Section: ReportFooter Section: ReportHeader Text Box: AccessTotalsDate Text Box: Amount Image: Auto_Logo0 Label: Auto_Title0 Text Box: Cost Text Box: Daily sales Text Box: Date Text Box: Item Code Label: Label10 Label: Label12 Label: Label14 Label: Label4 Label: Label6 Label: Label8 Text Box: Text0 Text Box: Text1 Text Box: Text2 Text Box: Total H:\albian database.accdb Report: Transaction report Thursday, June 18, 2009 Page: 28

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Properties Container: GUID: 3:39:50 PM NameMap: UserName:

Reports DateCreated: {guid {08498CF9-EF38-4747B056-B7B01D0040BE}} Long binary data Owner: admin

6/17/2009 3:39:50 PM LastUpdated: 6/17/2009 admin

Objects Section: Detail Section: PageFooterSection Section: PageHeaderSection Section: ReportFooter Section: ReportHeader Text Box: Amount Image: Auto_Logo0 Label: Auto_Title0 Text Box: Cost Text Box: Customer ID Text Box: Date Text Box: Item code Label: Label10 Label: Label12 Label: Label14 Label: Label4 Label: Label6 Label: Label8 Text Box: Text0 Text Box: Text1 Text Box: Text2 Text Box: Total

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Evaluation of the system

The application which I have made for the Elbian has been installed in the computer of Elbian and the employees and the shop is getting the full benefit from it. The application is meeting all (except one) which I have described in the section Specific objectives.
Create and maintain a database of its customers, transactions etc The system I have prepared for Elbian has the capability of storing the customers detail in a form of a data base. Provide search conditions with options of adding, deleting and modifying the data. No search conditions are available for this application. So I am planning to do that in future developments of the system. Update the data about the quantity in hand when an item is sold. The computer can easily record, when an item is sold. You can just enter the details of the item sold.

create the reports of Elbians Daily Sales Report and yearly report automatically. Now daily sales report and yearly sales report will be generated automatically by using the new system. No more hand works are needed for this.

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Reduce the labor cost by reducing the number of employee. Fewer customers are needed now, because most of the works are done by computer and not by staffs. So labor cost would be reduced.

To avoid paper works. Like the customer records and daily sales report file.

With the introduction of computer to Elbian, paper works would be reduced much more. All the customer record and daily sales report will be created using the new system.

Future Developments of system

After a continue use of two to three years, the system could be evaluated to see whether new facilities could be introduced. (This introduction of the new facilities could be possible only if the companys income and its profit is increasing day by day. Else it will be a waste of a huge sum of money.) Some of the developments can be Introducing online facilities. So that the customers can order by email. Establishing a network connection between the Elbian office and its suppliers computers. Introducing search conditions with addition, deletion and modification of data.

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GCE O Level Computer Studies Course work 2013 When these features have been introduced the application would be much more useful to the Elbian. And I am planning to do that after few years , if the income and profit increases.

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