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Only one snapshot per term is stored. Currently, only matriculated students are stored. ELEMENT NAME ELEMENT DESCRIPTION ELEMENT TYPE


Unique Student ID natural key for all student files System code 4 digit year of semester admitted D = FALL B = SPRING C = SUMMER




Derived field from admissions for undergraduates, degree goals for graduate VARCHAR2(30) students. Values are new freshman, transfer student, masters, doctoral, professional Derived field from admissions for undergraduates, degree goals for graduate VARCHAR2(255) students. Values are new freshman, transfer student, masters, doctoral, professional. Text describing entry status: Freshman/transfer applicant U=undergraduate 1 = regular student 4 = second bachelor student Only one snapshot per term for admission records First Language Status (UG-19) (GradB) A code indicating the language or languages an applicant for undergraduate admission first learned to speak. 1 = English only 2 = English and another language 3 = Another language Ethnic code from admissions VARCHAR2(30) VARCHAR2(30) VARCHAR2(30) VARCHAR2(30)





Indicates applicant is a veteran. A veteran may not have to meet standard admission criteria and may be eligible for special financial aid benefits. 1 = VETERAN 0 = NO The number of dependents the parents of an applicant for undergraduate admission supported in the year prior to the one for which they are applying. Informational. Used to determine whether an applicant is financially or educationally disadvantaged and therefore eligible for EOP. Family Size of applicant. The number of dependents an applicant for undergraduate admission had in the year preceding the year for which they are applying. Informational. Used to determine whether an applicant is financially or educationally disadvantaged and therefore eligible for EOP. Flag indicating an applicant is a single parent Applicant is from a single parent family. Code indicating that the Applicant's parent is a single parent. Self reported Parent's Income. The gross income amount in dollars for the year preceding the academic year for which an applicant for undergraduate admission is applying. Informational. Used to determine if an applicant is financially or educationally disadvantaged and therefore eligible for EOP









Parent s Income. Grouped income for ease of analysis. VARCHAR2(30) Self reported applicant's income. The gross income amount in dollars for the NUMBER(6) year preceding the academic year for which an applicant for undergraduate admission is applying. Informational. Used to determine if an applicant financially or educationally disadvantaged. Applicant's self reported income grouped for ease of analysis VARCHAR2(30)



Highest level of Education attained by the applicants father. Used to for reporting of socio-economic origins of applicants. 1 = Did not attend high school 2 = Attended high school, did not graduate 3 = High school graduate 5 = Attended college, did not graduate 6 = 2-year college graduate 7 = 4-year college 8 = Post graduate study If level is missing, field is made null.



Highest level of Education attained by the applicants mother. Used to for reporting of socio-economic origins of applicants. 1 = Did not attend high school 2 = Attended high school, did not graduate 3 = High school graduate 5 = Attended college, did not graduate 6 = 2-year college graduate 7 = 4-year college 8 = Post graduate study If level is missing, field is made null.


HIGH_PARENT_EDUCATION_LEVEL_C Highest Parent's Education - Derived field. Highest value of Mothers and VARCHAR2(30) D fathers education level FIRST_ATT_COLLEGE_FLG First Generation College. If neither parent did not graduate from college, this NUMBER(1) flag is turned on. If both parent education level is missing, this field is null.


Fathers Occupation. Occupation codes: A = Clerical B = Craftsman C = Farmer D = Homemaker E = Laborer F = Manager, Administrator G = Military H = Operative I = Professional J = Proprietor K = Protective L = Sales M = Service N = Technical O = Other: retired, deceased, unemployed, etc. Mothers Occupation. Occupation codes: A = Clerical B = Craftsman C = Farmer D = Homemaker E = Laborer F = Manager, Administrator G = Military H = Operative I = Professional J = Proprietor K = Protective L = Sales M = Service N = Technical O = Other: retired, deceased, unemployed, etc.





Flag indicating an applicant has a parent employed by the UC system. Used NUMBER(1) to indicate residency. Code of last school attended, ETS CODE, a six digit code VARCHAR2(30)

LAST_SCHOOL_TYPE_CD A code indicating the kind of high school an applicant for undergraduate admission most recently attended before applying for admission. 1 = Public high school 2 = Private high school 3 = California community college or 2-year college 4 = Out of state community college or 2-year college 5 = Four year college or university 6 = UC campus 7 = Missing --- ??? LOW_SES_FLG Low Income (Financial Aid defined) derived from special program codes: L1 SES - ELIGIBLE L2 SES - VERY LOW L3 SES - TRANSFER EOPS SES stands for SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS





Low SES version 2, when parent income is $30,000 or less and neither parent NUMBER(1) has graduated from college. This is a different path to looking at socioeconomic status. Applicant type code: a code indicating the standing under which an applicant VARCHAR2(30) for undergraduate admission would be admitted. CODE INTERPRETATION 1 = ACCELERATED HIGH SCHOOL SPECIAL PROGRAM 3 = FRESHMAN, NOT A HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE 4 = FRESHMAN, HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE 6 = ADVANCED STANDING 7 = LIMITED 8 = SPECIAL 9 = SECOND BACHELORS DEGREE


Expected Level of Applicant 1 = Freshman 2 = Sophomore 3 = Junior 4 = Senior L = Limited S = Second Bachelor, will be level 4 in Semester_Event Compare to value in Semester_event. EDUC_LEVEL_CD



A code indicating the reason why an applicant for undergraduate admission was admitted or why the applicant's admission was deferred to a later semester. 01 = Regular Admission 02 = CEEB Admission 03 = Special Action Admission 04 = Provisional Admission



not used reserved for later use if needed VARCHAR2(30) VARCHAR2(30) Special Action code (Reason for Sp. Action) Elig codes: Code indicating the reason for admitting by special action an applicant who would otherwise be ineligible under standard admission criteria. Undergraduate admissions codes: A = Technical shortage B = High school GPA deficiency waived C = High school deficiency waived because of improved scholarship D = Disadvantaged E = Special talents or abilities F = NON-APPROVED or non-accredited high school G = Administrative commitment H = Outstanding recommendation J = Other criteria not listed K = High school subject deficiency waived L = High school scholarship deficiency waived P = Unit deficiency waived S = GPA deficiency waived T = Veteran


Applicant Disposition code: A code indicating whether an application is still being considered or not. 12 = Returned to applicant 15 = Application cancelled by student 16 = Application administratively cancelled 17 = Application reactivated 20 = Application in review 21 = Cooperative admission program option granted 23 = Application not retained 24 = Application retained 25 = Special consideration



Admit Category code: A code indicating the type of admission category under VARCHAR2(30) which an applicant for undergraduate admission is being evaluated. This is a field supplied by the Office of Admissions and Enrollment to describe new freshmen. The description is shown in ADMIT_CAT_DESC. Description of ADMIT_CAT_CD VARCHAR2(60)



High School (Adv St.) Eligibility status used in conjunction with the VARCHAR2(30) SPEC_ADM_BASIS_CD to analyze new student's academic performances. In conjunction with the high school code, used to assess the quality of a student's academic preparation and the quality of a school's academic program. Applicant: indicates whether or not an applicant for admission as a transfer would have been eligible for admission if the applicant had applied for admission directly from high school. Used to evaluate an applicant's eligibility for admission as a transfer student. This field relates only to students admitted as transfer students and does not apply to all of these students. CODE INTERPRETATION BLANK = NOT DEFINED OR NOT RELEVANT 0 = NOT CATEGORIZED 1 = ELIGIBLE 2 = SCHOLARSHIP DEFICIENCY 3 = SUBJECT DEFICIENCY 4 = TEST DEFICIENCY 5 = HIGH SCHOOL NOT APPROVED 6 = NOT A HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE 7 Possibly ineligible. GPA and TRANSFER-GPA < 2.0 and applicant is a California resident


Eligibility in the Local Context Top 4% of HS graduates Re-Entry Student (25 yr old +) Spring deferral (Alt. admit code) Apply as Tagged Athlete (H1,H2 categories) Apply as Recruited Athlete (Z categories). Apply as Category Athlete (Y categories). The Athletic Office admitted by special exception. Apply as Tagged Athlete, admitted by regular process Apply as Special Talent: S1 = SPECIAL TALENT S2 = SPECIAL TALENT - CLUB SPORTS S3 = SPECIAL TALENT-READER REFERS TO AR



Apply for Appeal K3 = APPEAL K7 = APPEAL GRANTED, GIVE SPRING Apply as Augmented Review: Apply through regular augmented review Apply through Disabilities Program D2 DSP, DSP DOCUMENTED





High School Graduation Date: Year and month of graduation. Form of Date is VARCHAR2(6) YYYYMM, 4 digit year of graduation and 2 digit month. College Code of school applied VARCHAR2(2) Major Code applied VARCHAR2(3) Secondary college code if it exists. Currently only Chemistry Engineering VARCHAR2(2) special curricula Secondary major code if it exists. Currently only Chemistry Engineering VARCHAR2(3) special curricula Secondary college code if it exists. Currently only Chemistry Engineering VARCHAR2(2) special curricula Secondary major code if it exists. Currently only Chemistry Engineering VARCHAR2(3) special curricula Intended college code, not to be used until fall 2005 VARCHAR2(2) Intended major code, not to be used until fall 2005 VARCHAR2(3) not currently populated NUMBER(1) Cal OP. This field changes each year. This is derived from a table of high NUMBER(1) school codes for each year CA Award Offered. Has special program code P6 INCENTIVE NUMBER(1) FINALIST/AWARD NUMBER(1) CA Award P7 IAP = EAST BAY P8 IAP = LOS ANGELES P9 IAP = SALINAS/SEQUOIA Regents-Chancellors Offered P3 REGENTS & CHAN'S SCHOLAR CANDIDATE NUMBER(1)



EOP: Admission values are only 5,6 so 5 sets the flag Counted as EOP 1 = FAO confirmed applicant qualifies for financial aid 5 = Admissions confirmed applicant is educationally disadvantaged 8 = Education information needed only



Talent Search NUMBER(1) Bridge Program Indicates the applicant participated in the summer bridge NUMBER(1) program. In Professional Development Program NUMBER(1) East Bay Consortium: FF EAST BAY CONSORTIUM NUMBER(1) In Young Musician s Program NUMBER(1) In UCB Upward Bound NUMBER(1) In UCB MESA NUMBER(1) IN UCB EAOP NUMBER(1) In Experience Berkeley NUMBER(1) IN Transfer Alliance NUMBER(1) In UCB Ed. Guidance Center NUMBER(1) UCB School/Univ. Partnership Program NUMBER(1) CEO Sponsored Outreach Program NUMBER(1) ATDP offers challenging summer classes for highly motivated students who NUMBER(1) have completed grades K-6 (Elementary Division) and 7-11 (Secondary Division). ATDP courses offer a chance for students to gain in-depth knowledge of the subjects that interest them. Taught by outstanding university, public, and private school instructors, the classes are designed to engage our students' hearts as well as their minds. Admission is based on the student's overall academic profile. Grades, achievement test scores, an essay, and a teacher recommendation are all considered. CBOP is a UCLA early academic outreach program designed to help students NUMBER(1) become competitively admissible to UC. Undergraduates known as CBOP fellows mentor and teach students a learned system with emphasis on teaching students to take responsibility for their own learning by becoming a proactive learner. Students learn tools that teach them how to learn. The learning is reinforced via a Service Learning project that the students must complete. Students participate in various college academic development activities in their schools and on the UCLA campus throughout their tenure in CBOP.



COSMOS: The California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science NUMBER(1) (COSMOS) is an academic four-week residential program for students who are completing grades 8-12. The COSMOS courses address topics not traditionally taught in high schools. These courses are in the areas of astronomy, computer science, wetlands SAAGE: Designed to work in tandem with Partnership Schools, SAAGE NUMBER(1) (Students Achieving A-G Expectations) identifies high school sophomores who are lacking one or more courses needed to complete the A-G sequence required for university admission and coordinates efforts to provide them with academic counseling, testing, and all the preparation they need to be admitted to college. Transfer Center: Inter segmental effort to increase the transfer rate of NUMBER(1) underrepresented students to four-year institutions. Transfer Center offices on California Community College campuses work in conjunction with offices on the UC campuses to provide information and counseling on transfer programs, general education and eligibility requirements, and academic advising. CALSOAP: CALIFORNIA STUDENT OPPORTUNITY & ACCESS NUMBER(1) PROGRAM Cal-SOAP is designed to improve the flow of information about postsecondary education and financial aid while raising the achievement levels of low-income, elementary and secondary school students or geographic regions with documented low-eligibility or college participation rates, and who are first in their families to attend college. The Cal-SOAP program is administered by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), with individual projects applying each year for continued state funding. CalSOAP is designed to improve the flow of information about postsecondary education and financial aid while raising the achievement levels of lowincome, elementary and secondary school students or geographic regions with documented low-eligibility or college participation rates, and who are first in their families to attend college.





CAMP (California Alliance for Minority Participation in Science Engineering NUMBER(1) and Mathematics): Coordinated by UC Irvine, CAMP involves all UC campuses and additional 4-year public and private institutions in California. Pre-college programs are designed to prepare high school students from underrepresented groups for successful pursuit of a baccalaureate degree in the sciences, as well as to recruit, prepare and support students for K-12 science and math teaching credentials. CCEOPS Community College EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs& Services): State-funded program to provide educationally and economically disadvantaged students assistance through educational services such as a summer bridge program, counseling, registration assistance, grants, EAOP nomination waivers, admission waivers to UC and CSU, and transfer assistance. Admission to the EOPS Program requires that a student meet specific academic standards, enroll in 12 units at a California community college and meet regularly with an EOPS counselor. COLLEGE BOUND: National program providing assistance for students to enroll at 6 UC campuses and selected public and private institutions throughout California. Affiliated with Citizens Scholarship Foundation of America, its mission is to provide college admission assistant for students from grade 4 through college by providing workshops, mentoring and identification of applicable resources. NUMBER(1)





EAP (EDUCATION ABROAD PROGRAM) Not sure what this means for NUMBER(1) applicants. It appears to be used for EAP reciprocity students. Eastside Collaborative: Founded in 1994 by the City of Riverside, UCR and NUMBER(1) RUSD, the program is formally called University/Eastside Community Collaborative (UECC) and contains three components: After-school tutorial/enrichment program for K-6, tutorial, employment and mentoring opportunities for at risk adolescents, and a counseling center for children of the Eastside community of Riverside.


Educational Guidance Center (EGC): Founded in 1969 by a group of Chicano NUMBER(1) students attending UC Berkeley, EGC is now one of the nations largest Talent Search projects. EGC currently serves the majority of public high schools and selected middle schools in Oakland, Berkeley, and West Contra Costa Unified School Districts. EGC services include individual counseling and assistance with financial aid, admissions, academic advising, tutoring, mentoring, career guidance, field trips, parent nights and academic, cultural and personal enrichment workshops. EGC also serves correctional facilities and various other community agencies working with youth and young adults.


Golden Ankh Scholars: Non-profit organization dedicated and committed to the empowerment and educational success of African American youth. The mission of Golden ANKH is to advance and promote African American females in their pursuit of higher education. The Golden Ankh/Golden Pyramids collaborative outreach program is a comprehensive approach to preparing students early for the college experience.



Golden Pyramid Scholars: Created in 1991, the Golden Pyramid Scholars is NUMBER(1) an academic recognition program for males of African American descent in grades 6-12. This celebration of academic excellence salutes those young men who have achieved a 3.0 or above cumulative grade point average. The goal of this program is to increase the number of African American males entering institutions of higher education. The Program provides workshops, lectures, support, and recognition to hundreds of youth in over 50 schools throughout San Diego County. Jack and Jill of America Inc: National program established in 1938. It is the NUMBER(1) oldest African American family organization in the country. Objectives include providing financial, personal and professional support to children in the areas of leadership skills, training and development and supporting all National legislation aimed at bettering the conditions of all children. MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, & Science Achievement): MESA is an academic enrichment program that serves educationally disadvantaged students with an emphasis, to the extent possible by law, on students from groups with low rates of college eligibility so they excel in math and science and attain math-based degrees from four-year institutions. NUMBER(1)




Other service programs in which applicant may have participated NUMBER(1) PDP (Professional Development Program): The Pre-College component of NUMBER(1) the PDP provides technical assistance and resources for UC faculty and administrative staff to conduct innovative educational projects, with particular emphasis on serving underrepresented students and women in fields where they are historically underrepresented. The Berkeley PDP Berkeley Pledge Collaborative Program works with the West Contra Costa School District to develop a math/science program designed to enhance UC eligibility.


PUENTE: Puente's mission is to help educationally underserved students in NUMBER(1) California succeed academically, enroll in college and return to the community as mentors and leaders. The Puente Project provides three areas of service to students: teaching, counseling, and mentoring. Puente trains school and college staff members to conduct this program at their sites. SUCCOLAB IN 2003, NOW UC College Prep Initiative (UCCP): The mission NUMBER(1) of the UC College Prep Initiative (UCCP) is to provide online college preparatory courses to high school students who otherwise would not have the opportunity to achieve eligibility or competitive eligibility for admission to UC and other top universities. UCCP develops media rich online college preparatory courses that are designed for Internet 2, are aligned to California content standards, and fulfill admission requirements to UC. A University of California academic initiative, UCCP also provides online content, test prep and academic support free of charge to students and teachers from eligible schools. UCCP also offers professional development to teachers through an annual Summer Institute. UC Academic Enrichment Program (AEP): System-wide program that provides special academic support services, including after school tutoring, PSAT/SAT and study skills workshops, and other academic programs. The Berkeley AEP sponsors a six-week summer program, the Pre-College Academy, and a Saturday College program which is offered in conjunction with five Bay Area community colleges. NUMBER(1)




UC Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP): EAOP is an academically NUMBER(1) challenging college-preparatory program for students who have the potential for college, they just need a little help getting ready. From elementary school on, students work with EAOP counselors and participate in challenging, rewarding academic programs that provide the extra academic edge which many students in private schools take for granted. UC PREP: System-wide program, which sponsors annual programs throughout the state for high school juniors to meet with UC admissions representatives. Participants receive information on UC eligibility and selection criteria, financial aid/scholarships and academic preparation, and are offered an individual assessment of their academic record. NUMBER(1)



UCI Academic Talent Search: UC Irvine-based program that identifies gifted NUMBER(1) and talented students in grades 6-10 (per standardized testing or school referral) and offers them information and materials to develop their test-taking skills for college entrance and placement. Participating students and their families must pay for this service. UC-LABI (UC Los Angeles Basin Initiative): The UC-LABI is a collaborative NUMBER(1) effort of the eight UC campuses to expand the pool of candidates from Los Angeles County who are academically competitive for UC admission. One of their funded programs is Experience Berkeley. NUMBER(1) UPWARD BOUND: The Upward Bound Program provides fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college entrance. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in pre-college performance and ultimately in higher education pursuits. Upward Bound serves high school students from low-income families, high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelors degree, and low-income, firstgeneration military veterans who are preparing to enter post secondary education. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rates at which participants enroll in and graduate from institutions of post secondary education.




Young Entrepreneurs at Haas: In partnership with, and supported by, UC's NUMBER(1) Office of the President and MESA Statewide, YEAH is a two-year program which introduces high school students to the world of business and gives the participants an opportunity to launch and operate their own businesses. YEAH reaches out to educationally disadvantaged youth from over fifteen local high schools and youth programs in Richmond, Berkeley, Oakland, and Emeryville. YEAH's mission is to strengthen these communities through entrepreneurial training, mentoring, study skills, and career and college preparation workshops. Applicant has participated in any outreach program NUMBER(1) not yet defined NUMBER(1) Participation in any of the Major outreach programs: NUMBER(1) Outreach - Starting Point, Young Musicians Program, Early Outreach Upward Bound, Early Outreach - Mesa, In Ucb EAOP, Experience Berkeley, Outreach - Transfer Alliance Program, East Bay Guidance Center, Ucb School/Univ. Partnership Program, East Bay Consortium, Professional Development Program Number of other Institutions Applied. Applied to other UC schools (D,I,LA,M,R,SB,SC,SD); probably could just use counter if > 0 Applied to UC Davis Applied to UC Irvine Applied to UC Los Angeles Applied to UC Merced Applied to UC Riverside Applied to UC Santa Barbara Applied to UC Santa Cruz Applied to UC San Diego Admitted to other UC schools (D,I,LA,M,R,SB,SC,SD); probably could just use counter if > 0 Counter for number of other UC campuses, student is admitted Admitted to UC Davis Admitted to UC Irvine Admitted to UC Los Angeles Admitted to UC Merced Admitted to UC Riverside NUMBER(2) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(2) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(1) NUMBER(1)




Admitted to UC Santa Barbara Admitted to UC Santa Cruz Admitted to UC San Diego From Community College The total semester units completed at the California community college level prior to application for transfer IGETC Certification for transfers: Code indicating whether a community college transfer student is certified as having completed the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (called IGETC). 1 = completed 2 = not completed blank = no response



GTO Guaranteed Transfer Option - Indicates admission to this program. Description of GTO option: GTO-SIP GTO Admit-No SIP' GTO App-NOT Admitted Ethnic code for domestic students, international students decoded as Z. A code indicating citizen status as self reported on the application C = citizen I = Permanent Resident, refugee N = International Student C,I decode to domestic student





If visa holder, self reported visa If visa holder, self reported planned visa Self reported residency in relation to citizenship status Date of Load to Oracle, not necessarily extract date


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