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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: FAQ/Walkthrough by Deathborn 668 Version: Final | Last Updated: 2007-02-20 | View/Download Original File

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I'd have Phoenix pointing his finger, but I ain't good at ASCII. ========================================== ~Line Test~ ========================================== If the following line is readable without scrolling over, you can easily read this walkthrough. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMONPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW ========================================== ~Introduction~ ========================================== Welcome readers! I'm Deathborn 668 on the message boards and this is a walkthrough for Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney for the Nintendo DS. Despite being several years late jumping on the "Objection!" yelling bandwagon, I want to write a walkthrough for this amazingly awesome game. Firstly, some Do's and Don'ts to keep in mind: DO: -Use this walkthrough as a refrence tool -Tell people about it -Print it for personal use -Give to other people for no profit DON'T: -Plagerize this walkthrough without any credit -Call this walkthrough "yours" -Sell this walkthrough for profit ONLY the following sites have permission to use this walkthrough without the need to contact me: Anybody else wishing to use this walkthrough will need to draw attention to me on the message boards. I do not want any e-mail. I'm sick of spam and people who can't read e-mailing me. Thanks for your concern. ========================================== | ~Table of Contents~ | ========================================== |1.The Gyakuten Saiben Series | |2.Controls | |3.Events In and Out of Court | |4.Characters | |5.Episode 1-The First Turnabout | |6.Episode 2-Turnabout Sisters | |7.Episode 3-Turnabout Samurai | |8.Episode 4-Turnabout Goodbyes | |9.Episode 5-Rise from the Ashes | |10.Frequently Asked Question | |11.Credits | ========================================== Just so you know, if you need to skip to a certain part of the walkthrough, just hit the Ctrl and F buttons at the same time and type in the name of the case you want to see. Stop bugging me that you can't find something in this walkthrough. ========================================== ~1.The Gyakuten Saiben Series~ ========================================== Phoenix Wright obviously didn't originate in America, nor did any other video game you've probably played. In Japan, the Phoenix Wright series is known as Gyakuten Saiben. This roughly translates into "Turnabout Court". If you were curious why every case is named Turnabout ____ then that is the answer. The GS series contains four games so far. The first three in the series were actually GBA games, and the fourth one is for the DS. If you are curious why there is little touch screen interaction it is because Capcom decided to put the GBA Gyakuten Saiben series on the DS in America. Not that it's a bad thing. The title was also changed outside of Japan, from "Turnabout Court" to "Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney". Several minor things also changed during the translation from Japan to States side. Gyakuten Saiben takes place in Tokyo while Phoenix Wright is speculated to take place in Los Angeles. Although it is not confirmed, several notions in the game make it apparent that Phoenix Wright takes place in California. Also, some pictures within the game were switched from Japanese inscriptions into English. However, some Japanese writing can still be found if you know where to look. Remember one last thing-Japanese law is different than America's law. Don't be confused under the "guilty until proven innocent" ordeal, it's not a big deal. Also, this game takes place in 2016. Hence the possibility of these laws actually being true. ========================================== ~2.Controls~ ==========================================

The controls for Phoenix Wright are pretty simple. You'll get used to them quickly. A button-Scroll through text that characters are saying, confirm option, look at details of evidence and profiles B button-Back out of a selection, hold to skip through text quickly X button-Push this when highlighting evidence to present it Y button-Hold this and yell into the microphone when presenting evidence (more fun than just pressing the X button) Control Pad-Scroll through all selections L button-No use R button-Brings up the court record Start-Brings up the menu to save your game Note:Some of these controls are only availble inside court, and others only outside of it. Most of them coincide, however. ========================================== ~3.Events In and Out of Court~ ========================================== Phoenix will have to do many things inside and outside of the courtroom in order to prove his clients are innocent. Through these events he will uncover the truth, pick out who really did the crime, gather evidence, and meet many unusual characters. ---------------Outside of Court ---------------INVESTIGATION-This is what the entire process outside of court is. Phoenix will stroll around different key areas in the city in his investigation. Once you have learned all the necessary information and have retrieved all the evidence possible, the investigation will end and court will begin (after the chance to save your progress). There are several different things you will be able to do on your investigations. MOVE-Pretty self explainatory. Phoenix will have to go to many different locations on his investigations. Select move to bring up a list of places you can visit. Note that many areas branch off into different areas. For example, pressing move will bring up Area A and Area B. However, you can only visit Area C by moving in Area B. Don't overlook that detail. TALK-In many areas there will be a person you are able to talk to. Once you select this option, several boxes will appear with topics you can talk to the person about. Once you talk to them about said topic it will have a red checkmark appear next to it so you don't confuse yourself. Many people, especially key witnesses and even the real killer, won't have every topic possible to talk to them about listed right away. You will need to pry the options out of them by either talking to them about previous topics, or get some dirt from other people in the overworld. PRESENT-If you are infront of a person you can choose this to examine the evidence you have collected so far. From there you can choose an item to show the person you are talking to. If the person tells you something along the lines of "What is that?", "I have no business with that item" and so on then the item in question isn't going to get you anywhere with that person. Some items when presented will make the person confess to secrets they have been hiding. Other times they will hand you more evidence, or even allow you to ask them about more topics. Don't freak out-there's no penalty for wasting someone's time. Present things often if you are stuck as it may

unlock something new for you to continue. EXAMINE-In every area there is a scene. Obviously. Many of the areas you visit will have something odd there. Sometimes its an item that just doesn't fit in with the rest of the scenery, sometimes it isn't as obvious and you will need to look everything over. Once again, if you are ever out of options, return to areas you have visited and examine every detail you are capable of looking at. You may just find a vital piece of evidence or clue that can help you along your way. --------------Inside of Court --------------TESTIMONY-Whenever a witness is called to the stand by the prosecution, the witness will recount the events specific to the case in a testimony. Your objective is to find parts of the testimony that contradict evidence you have or statements already mentioned in the past. You won't be able to object here, so just pay attention until the testimony is finished. CROSS EXAMINATION-Phoenix, as a defense attorney, will need to cross examine the witnesses on their testimonies after they finish saying them. Your main objective here is, of course, to find the one mistake that the witness places in their testimony and expose their lies. You can scroll through any line of text said in the testimony, forwards or backwards. Once you find the spot where there is a clear contradiction you will need to present evidence supporting your theory. However, if you present the wrong evidence or present it at the wrong statement in the testimony, the Judge will become angered at your attempt to frame the witness and penalize you. On the top screen of the DS you should notice five exclamation points. These are basically your "lives" in court. Whenever you present something incorrectly the Judge will take one of your lives. If you ever lose all of your lives in court then the Judge will see no need to question the witness further and your client will be instantly delcared Guilty. Basically, Game Over. You will have to restart from the last saved point if such an event occurs. PRESSING-On the top-left side of the touch screen you will see a "Press" button. During a testimony you can press any and all statements that the witness says. After Phoenix yells "Hold it!" he will question the witness further on what they just said. Sometimes you will find contradictions right away from pressing statements. This will cause the witness to revise that statement of the testimony. Occasionally you will have to make choices when pressing. The available options appear on the bottom screen. Usually it is "Press further" and "Back off". Pressing further can cause the witness to reveal something that will seriously benefit your case, or completely shatter your hopes and open mind the Judge into coming closer to calling the defendent Guilty. Pressing statements will never deal you penalties, however in a few rare circumstances they actually will. In these cases you will be warned beforehand that you will get penalized. Don't play with fire if you can't afford to be burned. PRESENTING-The most important part of your cross examination is presenting the right evidence to expose the lies thrown in the witness' testimonies. Push R or tap the Court Record button to bring up the Court Record. Here is where all the evidence and important info for the case is kept. Push the Profiles button to see a bio on everybody currently involved in the case. When you select a piece of evidence you wish to present, highlight it and press the Present button of push the X button. Phoenix will yell his famous "OBJECTION!" line, or in some cases "TAKE THAT!". During testimonies, you will know you presented the right evidence if the music stops playing. If

it continues, expect to be penalized. ========================================== ~4.Characters~ ========================================== Here are all of the characters you will find in the game. They are listed in order generally of when you will meet them (case by case). Several characters are featured in multiple cases. Also note that almost every name is a pun in some way. Phoenix Wright-The character you play as and a newbie defense attorney. You will control all of Phoenix's actions throughout the game although he will do most of the talking. His name is commonly played around with; his close friends call him "Nick" and most of his foes hassle him by calling him Mr. Wrong. Larry Butz-Larry has been Phoenix's best friend since grade school and in the first case is accused of murder. Larry was generally known for being the person the cause trouble wherever he went. He's a bit emotional, and anything said will cause him to explode in anger and rant about how what was just said is bogus information. Mia Fey-Mia is the head defense attorney at Fey and Co. Law Offices. She is also your mentor. Mia will help you along in the first case, but don't get too attached to her. She becomes the victim in the second case. Cindy Stone-She is the victim in the first case. She was an international model and for a period of time was dating Larry Butz. She was killed by a sharp blow to the head. Winston Payne-The prosecutor for the first case. He isn't very good at getting the message he tries to say to the Judge and often calls most of what Phoenix objects to nonsense. The Judge-The ruler of the court, the Judge is somebody that everyone must respect. He calls final judgement on the defendent. He often asks questions when you present evidence so he can get a better understanding of what is going on and the point Mr. Wright is trying to get across. Frank Sahwit-Frank supposedly is a newspaper salesman who happened to see Larry Butz fleeing the crime scene. He phoned the police after seeing that Cindy was murdered. His testimony in court has plenty of lies you will need to expose. Miles Edgeworth-The main prosecutor you'll be going up against through the rest of the game. He has a severe hatred towards criminals and Phoenix, and will do anything to get a guilty verdict in his favor. Dick Gumshoe-A detective on the police force, he commonly heads the investigations led by the police. You'll quickly get to know and like him and even though he technically works for Edgeworth he is more than willing to help Phoenix by providing him with evidence and information. April May-The main witness for the case. Claims she saw someone strike Mia with a blunt object. Marvin Grossberg-A famous and well rounded attorney. He was also Mia's mentor when she was a beginning attorney. Bellboy-Works at the Gatewater Hotel where April May saw the murder.

Redd White-The CEO of the information gathering company Bluecorp. Has blackmailed hundreds of people, most of them famous and wealthy. Will Powers-The defendent. Plays the Steel Samurai on the show with the same name. Alledgedly killed Jack Hammer. Jack Hammer-The victim. Played the Evil Magistrate on the kids show "The Steel Samurai". Wendy Oldbag-An old security guard at Global Studios. Constantly rants about life. Claims she saw Powers herself heading towards the scene of the crime. Penny Nichols-The stage assistant at Global Studios. Wasn't anywhere near the scene of the crime, victim or proclaimed murder at all on the day of the crime. Sal Manella-The director of "The Steel Samurai". Clearly a internet nerd seeing as he speaks 1337 (or essentially internet chatroom speak) in every other word he says. Cody Hackins-Huge Steel Samurai fanboy. Constantly sneaks into the studio hoping to catch an action scene. Witnessed the entire murder. Dee Vasquez-Head producer at Global Studios. Manfred von Karma-Edgeworth's mentor. Has never lost a case as a prosecutor in 40 years. Lotta Hart-She camped out a Gourd Lake to look for shooting stars, but instead captured the photo of the murder taking place on the lake. Robert Hammond-The victim. Was the defense attorney in the DL-6 incident. Misty Fey-The mother of Mia and Maya. Went off into seclusion after trying to contact the spirit world to see who the real murderer in the DL-6 incident was and failed. Gregory Edgeworth-Miles' father. Killed in an elevator during the DL-6 incident. Was a veteran defense attorney. Yanni Yogi-An old bat and owner of the boat rental shop on Gourd Lake. Claims he doesn't know his own name and has little memory. Polly-Yogi's parrot. Happens to know several key important facts for some reason. Ema Skye-She's a high school student aiming to be a scientific investigator. She'll follow you around in the final case much like Maya used to. Lana Skye-Ema's sister. She is the Chief Prosecutor and has confessed to murdering Bruce Goodman. Bruce Goodman-The victim. He was a detective in homicide incidents. Jake Marshall-Investigator in this case. Dresses and talks like he's in the wild west.

Angel Starr-Claims to have seen Lana Skye kill Goodman. She was once a famous detective on the police force, but was fired and has since become a lunch lady in her own resturant. Mike Meekins-A police officer. Soon suspected of killing Goodman in a different location. Damon Gant-Despite being a creepy looking guy, he is the Chief of the police district. Seems to be very trustworthy. Blue Badger-This awesome guy is the mascot of the police force. He's awesome and you know it! ========================================== ~5.Episode 1-The First Turnabout~ ========================================== As soon as you choose to play the first case you will be shown a short cutscene. You will see a woman lying on the floor, dead, as blood slowly oozes out from her head. You'll then see some odd looking object with blood on it, and then the murderer with a exasperated look on him. He is shocked at what he just had to do. He didn't want to get caught by the police, obviously. Looking out of the door he sees a man walking in the opposite direction and quickly devises a plan to frame him. ---------------------------------------------Date-August 3, 9:47 AM Location-District Court; Defendent Lobby No. 2 ---------------------------------------------Now the game has offcially begun. Obviously, you play as Phoenix Wright through the game. All the action in the game (mainly the dialogue) takes place on the top screen. You can scroll through text by pressing the button on the bottom screen or pushing the A button. The top right corner of the touch screen has a "Court Record" icon. Tap R or push the button to open up the court record. This is where all of the evidence pertaining to the case you are working on is stored. Tap an item to get details about it. You will always have our Attorney's Badge, of course. Click Cindy's Autopsy Report. It's a description of how she died. "Time of death:7/31, 4PM-5PM; Cause of death:loss of blood due to blunt trauma." Also, you can press R again to see the profiles screen. Anybody involved in the current case is mentioned here with a short bio. The only people here now are Mia Fey who is your boss, Larry Butz the defendent, and Cindy Stone who was the victim. Head back to the conversation with Mia at the beginning. Good job taking on a murder trial as your first case. Good encouragement, Mia! You will mention you sorta owe your client a favor. Apparently he is the one that made Phoenix want to become a defense attorney in the first place. At that time, someone comes busting in screaming his life is all over. You will talk to Phoenix's lifelong friend, Larry Butz. He's kinda wanting to be declared "Guilty" right from the getgo. He'll mention that he was Cindy's boyfriend for a while. He can't go on with her dead and all. He demands to know who killed her (and of course all signs point to Larry at this time). Phoenix will then enter a monologue about his case. As you know, someone

was killed in their apartment and the man arrested was Larry, Phoenix's friend. (Also note Phoenix has known Larry since he was 1 year old. Damn) Although Larry's often the source of trouble, Phoenix knows he isn't guilty. Trial time! ---------------------------------------Date-August 3, 10:00 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 2 ---------------------------------------The Judge will call the court to order for the trial of Larry Butz. Phoenix obviously appears a tad nervious, and the Judge can see it too. Because this is his first case and a murder trial to boot, the Judge wants to ask Phoenix several questions pertaining to this case to ensure the Phoenix has at least some clue of what he's doing. Firstly you will need to say the defendent of the case. This should be quite obvious. Choose Larry Butz. The next question will ask you who was the victim. Phoenix knows the answer...but suddenly forgets it. Good way to combat nerves! Check the profile screen and you'll find out it's Cindy Stone. Choose that option. Finally, you will need to mention the cause of death. Refer to the Autopsy Report. Choose that she was killed by a blunt object. The Judge will ask the prosecutor, Winston Payne, what the murder weapon was. He will explain that it was a statue of "The Thinker". It ended up lying near the victim. STATUE added to the Court Record. Mia will mention that you should always check the bio for evidence whenever you get it. It is best to know what something is after all. Although it may seem useless, one small detail can change a whole case! Payne will now call Larry Butz to the stand. You'll be noted to pay attention to what Larry says as it can easily affect your case, for better of worse. Heh. Since Larry's an excitible oddball this could be trouble. Larry will remark that Cindy most certainly had not dumped him using a comical comparison. Of course, if she wasn't talking to him at all for a while Payne will remark that we generally describe that as being "dumped". Worst of all, Payne will mention Cindy was seeing other men. This really upsets Larry. Payne will bring out a passport that shows Cindy was in Paris the day before she died. PASSPORT is added to the Court Record. Note she was in Paris. Larry will be asked what he think of Cindy now that she was seeing other men. Choose to "Stop him from answering". It IS an irrelevant question, so Payne gets a tad nervous. Payne gets back his composure by asking whether or not Larry had gone to see Cindy that day at her apartment. Larry gets a bit cocky with this question, so have Phoenix make him "Answer honestly". (Note:I generally put quotations around the answers you should choose when asked questions). Larry will mention he did go to Cindy's room, but she wasn't home. Too bad for Butz, Payne exclaims he is lying. He has a witness who say Larry running from the scene of the crime. This man saw the crime scene and the dead body, and then phoned the police. Payne will call Mr. Frank Sahwit to the stand. Hmmm...doesn't he look familar? Kinda like the guy holding The Thinker in the opening cutscene? You will now hear Sahwit's testimony. Afterwards

the Judge will ask for your Cross Examination. Phoenix somehow has no idea what that means. Mia will remind you-it's where you poke through the witness' testimony and expose their lies. Let's get to it! -------------------------------------~Sahwit's Testimony-Witness's Account~ --------------------------------------I was going door-to-door, selling subscriptions when I saw a man fleeing an apartment. -I thought he must be in a hurry because he left the door half-open behind him. -Thinking it strange, I looked inside the apartment. -Then I saw her lying there...A woman...not moving...dead! -I quailed in fright and found myself unable to go outside. -I thought to call the police immediately! -However, the phone in her apartment wasn't working. -I went to a nearby park and found a public phone. -I remember the time exactly:It was 1:00 PM. -The man who ran was, without a doubt, the defendent sitting right over there. After Sahwit gives his testimony (before you can Cross Examine him), the Judge will mention why didn't the phone work. Payne explains that there was a blackout during the time. BLACKOUT RECORD is added to the Court Record. The power was out from 12 PM to 6 PM that day. Now comes the fun part! Finding the contradictions! It is a long testimony, but something may strike as odd. You can Press these statements by choosing a statement and hitting the Press button. Press the statements as you see fit (there's no penalizations for doing so), but definately Press the seventh statement about how the phone wasn't working. How would he know if he didn't go into her apartment? He'll cover up his mistake by saying he reached for a coordless phone near the door. It didn't work, however. Press the first statement as well. Phoenix mentions seeing a man leave an apartment isn't all that suspicious. Hmm. The third statement about Sahwit peeking into the apartment is also suspicious. He claims its only natural to be curious about these things. Payne cuts him off, though, so maybe he's trying to cover something up. Finally, press the 9th statement, about the time of murder. 1:00 PM? Mia will mention that sounds odd. Infact, if you recall the Autopsy Report, Cindy was killed between 4PM and 5PM! Not 1 PM! Present Cindy's Autopsy Report at this statement. Phoenix will object to this statement and present the evidence. Sahwit will act a tad nervous and confused at this evidence. He will then quickly remember how he knew the time through another testimony. -----------------------------------------~Sahwit's Testimony-The Time of Discovery~

------------------------------------------You see, when I found the body, I heard the time. -There was a voice saying the time...It was probably coming from the television. -Oh, but it was three hours off, wasn't it? -I guess the victim must have been watching a video of a taped program! -That's why I thought it was 1:00 PM! -Terribly sorry about the misunderstanding... You won't get too much information by pressing these statements, but the second statement where he mentions he heard something from the television is odd. If you press that statement, Mia will also agree with your suspicions. Problem is, its impossible for that television to have been on in the first place! Present the Blackout Record at the second statement. Sahwit is seriously starting to fall apart here. He's confused about the mysterious voice that said the time too. Phoenix is sure he really does know about it, though. The Judge will ask for yet another testimony. ------------------------------------~Sahwit's Testimony-Hearing the Time~ -------------------------------------Actually, I didn't "hear" the time...I "saw" it! -There was a table clock in the apartment, wasn't there! -Yeah, the murder weapon! The killer used it to hit the victim! -That must have been what I saw. Sahwit is becoming less talkative. Press the first statement. Seems odd that a table clock hasn't been mentioned yet. Press the third statement, the one about the murder weapon, afterwards. The heck? Since when was that statue actualy a table clock? Fairly obvious-present the Statue at this statement. Phoenix will bring up the point that The Thinker statue isn't a clock. So how DID Sahwit know the time? He still insists its a damn clock. Payne soon confirms it actually is a clock. All you need to do is flip the neck a little and it will speak the time. Crap. Sahwit wasn't lying there. The Judge will ask if you have an problems with this testimony still. Answer "Yes". After all, it could only be known this was a clock if the witness held it. However, he never went into the apartment. Phoenix will say Sahwit knew it was a clock for one of two reasons. Choose "Went into the apartment". Phoenix is now pressuring Sahwit and accusing him of being the one who killed Cindy. By hitting her with the clock, it made the statue speak the time. That voice burned through his mind. Sahwit spazzes out, flings his toupee at Phoenix, and starts screaming. The Judge asks how you can prove he heard the clock. Choose "Try sounding the clock". The clock will respond "I think it's 8:25". Most certainly intriguing. 8:25 is a 3 hour difference from the current time, 11:25. what? What's the three hour difference have to with anything? Was ir really like that the day of the murder? Before the verdict is called Mia will step in and exclaim to Phoenix to get a hold on this case. He can prove the clock was three hours slow. Choose "Yes" when asked if you know why it was slow. Time to pull out the final blow-present the Passport. You will see that the clock had been set to Paris's time zone-9 hours ahead. The clock never did say AM or PM so it could have been either way. Since the victim never reset the clock, it stayed that way through the murder. And then Sahwit collapses. He gets arrested right away, and the Judge is ready to pass his verdict. Larry Butz is "Not Guilty"! Whoo! Not sure why there is cheering and confetti, but who cares? ---------------------------------------------Date-August 3, 2:32 PM Location-District Court; Defendent Lobby No. 2 ---------------------------------------------Mia will congratulate you on your first court victory. Shame Larry isn't feeling the same way. He's still as glum as ever despite being declared not guilty. Apparently he can't stop think his girlfriend didn't care about him. Mia calls Larry "Harry" (combine that with his last name...), get a chuckle out of that. Phoenix of course gets no credit from Larry, who is kissing up to Mia. He gives her The Thinker as a keepsake. Mia will mention that Cindy actually did care about Larry and you have the evidence to prove it. Present The Thinker once again. For her to carry that thing everywhere, she obviously cared about him. ...and that's it. Good job solving the first case. ========================================== ~6.Episode Two-Turnabout Sisters~ ========================================== The opening cutscene this time around is a bit different than what it was last time around. It starts with a phone conversation between Mia and her younger sister Maya. Mia is requesting that Maya to hold a piece of evidence for her. It just so happens that it's The Thinker statue again. Mainly because she's worried something may happen to the evidence. However, Mia took out the clockwork in the statue in order to make room for some important papers that is to be used as evidence in an upcoming trial. The conversation gets recorded on September 5, 9:27 AM. =================== Day 1-Investigation =================== -----------------------------Date-September 5, 8:57 PM Location-Fey & Co. Law Offices -----------------------------Someone is in the room ahead of you. Somebody is talking to Mia, demanding something about some papers. Then, in order for this to remain a secret the man picks up The Thinker and whams it through Mia's skull. Once again you gets to see the murderer's face. Kinda creepy. Before dying, Mia mutters "Red....White....Blue". You'll understand this cryptic message later through the case. ------------------------------

Date-September 5, 9:08 PM Location-Fey & Co. Law Offices -----------------------------And here comes Phoenix. Apparently, Mia, her sister, and Phoenix were planning to go out to dinner together. At that moment, Phoenix smells blood. He becomes a bit worried at what has happened. You will be introduced to the investigation mode now. You have only two options here. You can choose Examine to search the room for clues. There's nothing of interest here, though. You can also Move to a different location. Choose Move and go to the only other place available, the Office. Phoenix clearly smells blood in here, but not before hearing someone crying right next to Mia's fallen body. The girl will stand up, and you'll inquiry who she is. She'll pass out after that. Mia's body is still warm up until where you touch her, then the heat escapes all too quickly. Mia must have been killed very recently. Choose the Examine the room. Choose the examine Mia's body first. She was struck on the head by a blunt object. The Thinker lies next to her. Once again, THE THINKER is added to the Court Record. Near Mia's body as well are some glass light shards from a stand that must have shattered from this incident. GLASS SHARDS are added to the Court Record. Finally, Phoenix will notice a piece of paper that is lying near Mia's hands. It has the word "Maya" written upon it, and from the blood on her finger it appears that Mia must have been the one who wrote the message on the paper. Choose to examine the piece of paper on the ground to confirm these suspicions. You will notice that this paper is actually a department store receipt dated September 4. RECEIPT is added to the Court Record. Phoenix will now mention he should call the police. Examine the phone on Mia's desk. Problem is, the phone is missing some screws and won't work. The murderer must not have wanted anybody calling the police. As if this can't get any worse, a loud woman looking out of her window across apparently seeing Phoenix and assuming you can do about her, or anything else Law Offices (the previous room). scream is audible from outside. A the street is phoning the police, he is the murderer. There's nothing in this room. Head back to Fey & Co.

The girl will have woken up and will talk to Phoenix now. She will explain that she is Maya Fey, Mia's sister. It is probably her name that is written on the receipt that Mia wrote. Two new options open up. You can Talk to Maya on certain topics, or you can Present her with items from the Court Record in hopes that she will comment about something. Choose to talk to her first about "What happened?". Maya came into the office not too long ago and apparently Mia was already dead. This pretty much rules Maya out as the murderer. Ask about "You and the Chief" next. Maya will confirm that she is Mia's younger sister. She will mention she was here this late at night only because she was needed to hold a piece of evidence for Mia. She'll note it was a clock, The Thinker. Don't feel too bad about doing this, but present the Receipt to her. Maya will exclaim why Mia would have written her name on this receipt. Real smart Phoenix. Just then, you will hear the police coming up to the office building. Detective Dick Gumshoe will race up to intervene you guys. Get used to Gumshoe, you'll be seeing him. A lot. He'll mention that the woman you saw

earlier did phone the police and they ran down here as soon as possible. Gumshoe will then find the Receipt that has the name "Maya" written on it. He'll ask Maya if that's her name, and of course she will say it is. He will note Mia wrote it in her own blood. Based on this evidence, Gumshoe will arrest Maya immediately and take her down to the Detention Center. Phoenix will feel awful at these turn of events. He gets taken in for questioning along with Maya, unable to sleep all through the night. He must talk to Maya as soon as possible in order to get information on this case. ----------------------------------------Date-September 6, 9:07 AM Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------It's depressing to see Maya locked up like this. She will ask if you are going to be her attorney. Be a good guy and choose "Of course I will". Maya probably wasn't expecting you to say yes so she appears even further depressed. She'll explain there's no way anybody could believe her case. She doubts even Phoenix believes her, seeing as you saw her next to Mia's dead body. Maya also says the Mia talked about you in another phone conversation. Mia said that you performed well in court, but she said you still need more experience, several years worth, before you can tackle bigger cases. Mia also said not to hire Phoenix unless she wants to be declared "Guilty". (Good thing Mia's dead or Phoenix would blow his top!). Phoenix does want to do something, though. Now you can talk to Maya. Start off with "Maya" to talk about her outfit. She says she's an acolyte, or basically a spirit medium. Talk about "The day of the crime" next. She says she got a call from Mia earlier that morning to pick up a piece of evidence for a trial. She forgets the details of the conversation, but remembers that she recorded the conversation on her cell phone. Talk about "Your cell phone" next of course. Phoenix will request that he hears it right now. However, Gumshoe took away her cell phone when she was arrested. Maya will write you a note to the detective requesting that her cell phone gets returned to her. MAYA'S MEMO is added to the Court Record. You can talk about "The day of the crime" again. Maya will tell it a bit differently, saying how she smelt blood before entering. Finally, mention "Spirit mediums". The entire Fey family, more so the women, have some sort of connections to the spirit world. Yes, Mia was also a spirit medium. Creepy stuff. She decided she would rather be a lawyer than a full fledged medium, though, and came here. Maya's powers aren't strong enough yet, so she is unable to contact Mia's spirit and ask who killed her. Boy, what an eays case this would be if we could. Maya will ask you to go to the address of a famous lawyer. Mia said to go to him if she was ever in trouble. Don't be an ass, choose to "Accept" her offer to do this favor. Trial begins tomorrow so you have little time to get this case together, or the lawyer that hopefully can do this case at least. Move to Grossberg Law Offices now. -----------------------------Date-September 6 Location-Grossberg Law Offices -----------------------------Well...there's nothing here. Grossberg is gone for now and won't be back

until later. Might as well get back Maya's cell phone now. Head to Fey & Co. Law Offices. -----------------------------Date-September 6 Location-Fey & Co. Law Offices -----------------------------Detective Gumshoe will be here in the office, along with a bunch of officers searching for clues. You'll be prompted to remember his name. Choose "Detective Gumshoe". He thinks you're Maya's lawyer so in his eyes you have a right to be here. Eh. Talk to him about "Mia" first. Phoenix will ask if he has an autopsy report. AUTOPSY REPORT is added to the Court Record once Gumshoe gives in. The report states the obvious-She was killed by a blunt force trauma. Death was instantaneous. But hey, we need this proof for court. Talk about "Maya" next. Gumshoe remarks you have no chance of winning this trial. It is because prosecutor Edgeworth is going to be in this trial, and he hasn't lost a trial yet. He will do anything to get a guilty verdict. The topic for "Edgeworth" appears after that, so discuss it. You don't knonw much about Edgeworth for real (although Phoenix technically does) so choose "Of course not!" to get more of a bio behind him. Remember out real business here. Choose to present Maya's Memo to Gumshoe. Gumshoe will remark that he does indeed have it with him. He's on to your tricky lawyer games and refuses to hand it to you. "Tell him not-sostraight" when prompted and Phoenix will totally lie about why the phone is important to Maya. He says the strap is "important" to Maya and she wants it back. Gumshoe understands this reasoning and is willing to give it back. He wrote down everyone she called anyways so it's useless evidence to him. MAYA'S CELL PHONE added to the Court Record. Good thing Gumshoe didn't notice the phone conversation that was recorded. You can choose the read this conversation at any time by choosing the phone from the Court Record page. This will come in handy later on. Gumshoe says that you shouldn't talk to the witness. He should have kept his mouth shut since we never knew there WAS a witness. Gumshoe remarks that she is Miss April May and she isn't allowed to head home until this trial is over. This confirms that April May is staying at the hotel across the street from Fey & Co. Law Offices. Great deductive reasoning. Let's pay her a visit. Move to the Gatewater Hotel. ----------------------------------Date-September 6 Location-Gatewater Hotel - Room 303 ----------------------------------April May will greet you upon your entrance. Not sure why she gladly allows you in her room but... Yeah. It doesn't help April starts the conversation by flirting with Phoenix. What an awkward position. She'll be excited that a lawyer, namely you, is here and wants to freshen up for a minute. Take this time to examine the room. Firstly, the most obvious thing would be to check if April really could see Fey & Co. Law Offices from this room. Examine the window. Sadly, it's true. The inside of the room is easily visible. However, its hard to distinctly see anything. If you look on the table right below the windowsill you will spot two glasses. What? Seems a bit odd. April May seems to be by herself. Perhaps there is a mysterious second party we don't know about yet.

This last piece you need to examine may not seem that obvious. In one of the drawers there is a screwdriver clearly sticking out. Before you have a chance to examine the drawer, April comes back and acts all defensive about it. Something is in there, but until she leaves we can't find out. Ugh. You can try talking to April, but she will just exclaim that if you want any info you will have to wait until court tomorrow. What a useless pile of... In any case, let's check in on Grossberg and see if he's back now. -----------------------------Date-September 6 Location-Grossberg Law Offices -----------------------------Grossberg will suddenly appear. He'll recongnize you as a lawyer right away. As soon as Phoenix mentions Maya, Grossberg will change is attitude towards the situation. Infact, he instantly refuses to take on the Maya's case despite the fact you haven't even asked him yet. This sure isn't a good spot to be in. Talk to Grossberg about "Your refusal". Pheonix will mention Maya is Mia's sister, and she trusted he would help Maya out. Phoenix says he would try elsewhere, but Grossberg steps in and says that's not going to happen. No lawyer will dare step in and take this case. Grossberg keeps hiding the reason why, though. Talk to him about "Mia" next. Mia worked with Grossberg quite a while ago. He was her mentor. Mia left, with some mission in her eyes. Quite an amount of determination. Finally, bring up "That painting". As ugly as it is, Grossberg likes it. He has no need to part with it for no matter the price put on it. There isn't much else you can really do with this geezer for now. We need to tell Maya the bad news...somehow. ----------------------------------------Date-September 6, 3:42 PM Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------Phoenix will say that Maya shouldn't use Grossberg as her defense attorney. We are still at square one, though. Somebody still has to help her in court. Talk about the only new option available, "Your family". Maya's father has been dead for a while and she has no idea where her mother is. Talk about "Your mother" to dive deeper into this puzzle. The women in her family have been mediums for generations. Maya's mother was involved in an incident. Some man ruined her mother's life. She disappeared after that. Mia decided to become a lawyer several years after that, possibly to find out who did this. Talk about "Your mother's enemy" next. In the incident, there were no leads and the police had to resort to using a spirit medium to talk to the murder victim. The case ended up getting solved, but the man declared guilty was really innocent. The spirit had lied for some reason. This incident was dealt in secrecy, but somebody spilled the beans. Her mother was mocked far and wide. Maya mumbles "White" at the end of her speech. That was the man who ruined her mother's life. It is 4:00 after this, and you should choose to "Defend Maya". When asked why, "A can't abandon you" is the best response. One more problem remains-what the hell is inside the drawer in April May's room? Before leaving, present Maya's Cell Phone to her. She wants to hear

Mia's voice once more. After you cheer her up (or make her sadder, depends on the perspective), head back to the Gatewater Hotel. ----------------------------------Date-September 6 Location-Gatewater Hotel - Room 303 ----------------------------------Once you are back in the hotel, the Bellboy will appear in April's room. April isn't in the room right now so it's a better time than ever to investigate the drawer. The Bellboy asks that you give April this message: "Mr. White of Bluecorp called". White? Is this a connection to who Maya mentioned earlier? In any case, examine the screwdriver sticking out of the drawer again. Phoenix will find none other than a wiretap inside the drawer. For those who don't know, this thing is used to tap into phone lines so you can hear private conversations without the speakers realizing it. What is April doing with this thing anyways? WIRETAP is added to the Court Record. None too late, Aprile will be returning to her room. Cheese it out of there and get ready for court! =========== Day 2-Trial =========== ---------------------------------------Date-September 7, 10:00 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 1 ---------------------------------------No wasting time; we enter court right away. Edgeworth will start off saying there is decisive proof Maya killed Mia, as well as a witness who saw the entire thing. Firstly, Edgeworth calls Detective Gumshoe to the stand. He begins by presenting a floor map of Fey & Co. Law Offices. FLOOR PLANS are added to the Court Record. Gumshoe claims he has "hard evidence" proving Maya commited the murder. --------------------------------------~Gumshoe's Testimony-Maya Fey's Arrest~ ---------------------------------------As soon as the phone call came in, I rushed to the scene! -There were two people there already: -The defendant, Ms. Maya Fey, and the lawyer, Mr. Phoenix Wright. -I immediately arrested Ms. Maya Fey! -Why? We had a witness account describing her! -The witness saw Ms. Maya Fey at the very moment of the murder! Before you can cross examine Gumshoe, Maya flings a note at your head. Whenever Mia was stumped by a testimony, she'd bluff it and press every statement she could. Eventually the witness would crack down. Couldn't hurt to try it, right? The first four statements will get you nowhere by pressing them, however the fifth, about the witness' account, is suspicious. Phoenix will say that Maya was arrested from "hard evidence". Why is one person's testimony hard evidence? Too bad for Phoenix, though, Gumshoe has other means of proof.

The order of events was scrambled in his testimony, according to Gumshoe. He is going to testify once more. ----------------------------------~Gumshoe's Testimony-Hard Evidence~ -----------------------------------After securing the suspect, I examined the scene of the crime with my own eyes. -I found a memo written on a piece of paper next to the victim's body! -On it, the word "Maya" was written clearly in blood! -Lab test results showed that the blood was the victim's! -Also, there was blood found on the victim's finger! -Before she died, the victim wrote the killer's name! Press the final statement, about blood on the victim's finger. Isn't it wierd that she would write the killer's name, especially her sister, of all people? Clearly, something is wrong with this statement. Check out the autopsy report. "...death was instantaneous". Kinda hard to write a note when you die instantly, right? Present Mia's Autopsy Report. As soon as Phoenix gets to the point of the argument, Edgeworth will object to your little game. When asked when you got the autopsy report, respond "The day after the murder". Sadly, Edgeworth states that report is outdated. Edgeworth requested that a second autopsy report be made yesterday. It reads "Death was almost immediate due to a blow from a blunt object...but there is a possibility the victim lived for several minutes after the blow." Well that's not good. Edgeworth asks if you have anything to say, respond "You're a sham, Edgeworth!" Why did Edgeworth really want a second report made? He'll never say. Possibly this was forged evidence but we can't prove that. AUTOPSY REPORT is updated in the Court Record. Edgeworth will call the poor, innocent April May to testify. The audience is on her side what with her sex appeal. This'll be a painful testimony for Phoenix. ------------------------------------------~April May's Testimony-Witness's Testimony~ -------------------------------------------It was, like, 9:00 at night. I looked out the window, y'know! -And then, oooh! I saw a woman with long hair being attacked! -The one attacking her was the mousey girl sitting in the defendant's chair! -Then the woman, like, dodged to one side and ran away! -But that girl, she caught up to her and...and...She hit her! The Judge sees no reason to bother April May, but choose "Yes, I'll cross examine" when asked anyways. Press her first statement. Nobody just "randomly looks out their window hoping to find something". April keeps quiet to avoid an answer. She's hiding the truth. Choose to "Go for it!"

in order to press further. She get's a surprised look when told she must have a reason to look out the window. Edgeworth will stop you soon enough, and the crowd will agree. Press the third statement. Phoenix will question why she's so sure she saw Maya precisely. She responds she had a girlish physique. Choose "I question the testimony" after Edgeworth comments on this foolishness. Phoenix yells that the testimony "stinks" (good use of words!). Phoenix is willing to bet "You're lying". You'd think somebody would notice Maya's bizzare choice of clothing rather than her physique. Nobody buy Maya would dare wear those kind of clothes. April is trying to act confused, but it's obvious she really isn't. Always forgetting the details, these witness's. April will be asked to testify again. ----------------------------------------~April May's Testimony-Witness's Account~ -----------------------------------------I did see everything! I did! -The victim--the woman--dodged the first attac and ran off to the right. -Then the girl in the hippie clothes ran after her... -And she hit her with that weapon! I saw it! I did! -That...that clock! Um...the statue-y clock? The "The Thinker" I think? Press the second statement, about Mia running off to the right. It's a vague description about which right it happens to be. Mia dodged to our right-or her left-for the door. Press the final statement, about The Thinker. Phoenix will remember a statement very similar to this from his previous case. Remember how Mr. Sahwit stated that The Thinker was a clock and how it clearly doesn't look like one? Just like the previous case, present The Thinker. Quite a revealing statement. Once again, how did she know it was a clock? Edgeworth will object, though, stating this is a pointles question. The Judge will agree with your statement and allow you to continue the cross examination. April says she heard it say the time when Maya hit Mia with it. Just like the last case. Phoenix isn't satisfied because "It couldn't have rung". The clock couldn't have rung because "It's empty". The Judge will indeed confirm that The Thinker is missing its clockwork. Edgeworth isn't distraught, though. He questions when the clockwork was actually removed. It could easily have been removed after the murder. You'll need to prove that it was missing before the murder. There's only one thing that says that the clockwork is missing. Present Maya's Cell Phone. The court will listen to the recorded conversation, with confirms that Mia took out the clockwork several days before the murder occured. April still won't give in to your examination. She states that she has seen the clock before at a store. Choose "Yes" when asked if you still have any objections. That's impossible if you recall. Present The Thinker once again to the Judge. The Thinker was handmade by Larry Butz. Only two are currently in existance. One is in Phoenix's possession right now, the other in police custody from the previous case. April says everything is sold in stores. Yeah, right.

...and then April spazzes out and gets real mad. Scary mad. She'll regain her composure and be asked how she knew it was a clock in the first place. You'll need to provide evidence that April knew it was a clock in the first place. Choose "You had heard about it". You'll need to show the proof for this, though. Present Maya's Cell Phone once again. Part of the conversation will be played again. Mia clearly states in the conversation that The Thinker is a clock. How did April hear this conversation? Present the Wiretap. It was found in April's room after all. She must have used it to listen to Mia and Maya's conversation. Edgeworth will object, but April's face clearly shows that this is the truth. April decides to yell at everyone in the courtroom, how they have no right to gang up on her like that. Too bad for her case. Then she'll start crying hoping to get out of this alive. Ugh. Choose "You did it, didn't you?" April will admit that she did indeed tap the phone. She states the murder was at about 9:00 PM, and at that time she was in her hotel room ordering room service from the Bellboy. She has a solid alibi. She couldn't have killed Mia. You'll need to pull out something fast. Choose to "Call the Bellboy as a witness". Perhaps he knows something. Edgeworth will object to this idea, though. However, he'll agree on one condition. If there's nothing wrong with the Bellboy's testimony, Maya will be clared "Guilty" on the spot. You have no choice. "Accept the condition". There better be something in this testimony... --------------------------------------------~Bellboy's Testimony-Miss May's Room Service~ ---------------------------------------------I am the head bellboy at the fine Gatewater Hotel, in business for four generations! -I believe I recieved a call after 8:00 in the evening from our guest, Miss May. -She asked for an ice coffee to be brought to her at 9:00, on the dot, sir. -I brought it to her at precisely the requested time, of course. -And I delivered the ice coffee to our guest Miss May, herself. Crap! There's clearly no contradiction in this testimony! Of course, why would the bellboy lie? He's not involved directly in this murder. You will need to press the bellboy on every single statement. You won't get much information from any of the statements, however. Once you have done this, Phoenix will realize there's nothing wrong with this testimony. Before the bellboy leaves you can ask one more question. "Protest" to him leaving, then ask him about any of the three options that you are given. The bellboy will respond he checked in two people, or delivered two cups of ice coffee, or he needed pillows for two. No matter the choice, the bellboy states that there is clearly a second person staying with April. Edgeworth will object on the ground "That was...objectionable!". The bellboy is forced to say that there is a second person with April. Due to this new revelation we cannot say for certain Maya did kill Mia. Who is the other person? Choose "The man with Miss May". Edgeworth will be on the ropes from these statements. The Judge will adjourn the court for the day, asking you to find out more about this other man. ----------------------------------------------

Date-September 7, 2:24 PM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 1 ---------------------------------------------Maya is happy at your perfermance in court. She seems to like Edgeworth more, though. Heh. April May is in the Detention Center now, and suspicion of the man with her is high. Phoenix asks for a record of April's entire testimony, but since most of it was lies only a little bit of it stands out. MAY TESTIMONY added to the Court Record. This evidence states "The victim dodged an attack then ran to the right, but she was caught and struck." This information will come in handy later on. =================== Day 2-Investigation =================== ----------------------------------------Date-September 7, 3:11 PM Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------April has been relocated to the Detention Center, as I said. She, uh, hates your guts for putting her here. You can talk to her about several subjects now, but she'll just complain about how much she hates you and wants you to get the hell out of here. May as well leave. Head back to the Gatewater Hotel. ----------------------------------Date-September 7 Location-Gatewater Hotel - Room 303 ----------------------------------The bellboy is back in Miss May's room for whatever reason. You now have a chance to freely talk to him, but not before he thinks about the wild publicity this trial will give the hotel. Talk about "Miss May" first. He thought "She'd do it" or something like that. Phoenix thinks the bellboy Wierdo. Talk about "The man with May" next. He mentions that he was a guy who'd any woman would go out with, so to speak. He's still not giving details. He says if you have a photo he'd help you identify him. Talk about "The hotel" last. He still has wierd thoughts about how this trial can add publicity to the hotel. Let's leave for Grossberg Law Offices again. -----------------------------Date-September 7 Location-Grossberg Law Offices -----------------------------Grossberg is gone once again. It's like he's purposely avoiding you. One thing in the room should easily stand out-that huge, ugly painting no longer covers the now barren wall. Examine this. You'll question what was on the painting but your answer has no significance on the matter. Still, why is the painting gone when Grossberg specifically said he'd "never trade such a possession". Another thing you will notice is a photograph on the edge of Grossberg's desk. There are two of these photos, infact. The first one is DL-6 Incident; Exhibit A. The other is DL-6 Incident; Exhibit B. You can only swipe on of these photos from Grossberg's desk, however. If you choose Exhibit A you will recieve a photo of a middle-aged looking woman. You don't know who she is, though. You want Exhibit B. This is a picture of a

middle-aged man with purple hair. You have a picture of a man. Perhaps this is the guy who was staying with April the day of the murder. Can't hurt to check back at the hotel. ----------------------------------Date-September 7 Location-Gatewater Hotel - Room 303 ----------------------------------The bellboy is still here, fortunately for you. Don't hesitate to present the photo of the man you swiped from Grossberg's desk. The bellboy will comfirm that this was the man who checked in with April the day of the murder. The bellboy will be more than pleased to write Phoenix an affidavit to prove he knows this man and that he stayed with April. "Have him write it", of course. The bellboy will be more than pleased so he can brag he had a part in this case. BELLBOY'S AFFIDAVIT will be added to the Court Record. You now have a trump card against April, and even she can't do a thing about this. Let's pay her a visit. ----------------------------------------Date-September 7 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------April sure as hell isn't pleased to see you right away. Why should we care? We can kick her with the facts now. Present to her the photograph of the man. She'll change to a real serious expression once you show it to her. She clearly knows something. Phoenix will push on her that this is the man who stayed with her. She'll demand proof. Good thing you have some. Present to her the Bellboy's Affidavit. She will act surprised, so choose to "Push her hard". Phoenix will bluff that he will take this note to the press if she doesn't cooperate. This get's April talking, finally. The man is her boss, Redd White. He is the president of the information gathering conglomerate, Bluecorp. Red...White...Blue? Hah? Same thing Mia said at the beginning of the case. April will stop talking after that. She will give you the directions to Bluecorp so you can access it now. You will discard the Bellboy's Affidavit. Since we have no other leads, to Bluecorp! Note:If you chose to "Ease her fears", you won't get this information. You will need to return to Grossberg Law Offices and show him the photo of Redd White. He'll give you the location to Bluecorp then. -----------------------------------Date-September 7 Location-Bluecorp Inc.; CEO's Office -----------------------------------Redd White will greet you upon your entrance into what must be one of the gaudiest rooms I've ever seen. Talk to White about "Miss May" firstly. He will pose that April's business isn't to tap into other people's business as she has done with the wiretap. That seems odd, it IS an information gathering company. Talk about "The night of the murder" next. He won't reveal if he was with April on that day or not. He seems to not care about time and place. Ugh. We're getting nowhere with him. Talk about "Bluecorp" next. information to people. What know yet. In any case, does Grossberg's painting lodged He has built the entire company up from selling kind of "information" is this, though? We don't anything look familar in this room? How about on the wall behind you? Talk about "That

painting". Choose "I've seen it before". White will start talking aggressively now. He'll then punch Phoenix and demand that he leaves. You have nobody else to go to but Grossberg. -----------------------------Date-September 7 Location-Grossberg Law Offices -----------------------------Grossberg is finally back inside his office, but he's in a seriously depressed mode. Clear your throat to grab his attention. Talk about "Today's trial" firstly. He'll seem glad you defended Maya, but it seems he wishes he could have done it himself. Talk about "Your refusal" next. Grossberg needs more time to think about this situation before he tells you about it. Talk about "Mr. White" last. Choose "That big painting" when Phoenix says something is bothering him. Remember, Grossberg said himself he had no business parting with that (ugly) painting. Why does Mr. White have it? Phoenix says he knows White has a connection to Grossberg. Choose "He's blackmailing you". (...or choose "You're lovers" for a comical remark from Grossberg. You'll loop back to the question). Bingo. Grossberg realizes this is as good a time as ever to get that pain he's been carrying for years off of him. White makes his entire life around imitation. He'll mention that Bluecorp isn't just information gathering-it's about finding the weaknesses of people with power. White found something about Grossberg and has been blackmailing him for nearly 15 years. The reason? Grossberg will say it is all because he was involved in the DL-6 Incident. If Grossberg went to defend Maya, White would have finished off Grossberg's career. He says it's going to be impossible to arrest White. He has connections to all kinds of authority. Two new topics open up to talk to Grossberg about. Start with "The DL-6 Incident". DL-6 is simply a code the police give to cases. A spirit medium, named Misty Fey, was investigating at the reqiest of the police. Yes, she is Mia's and Maya's mother. She's also the woman on one of the photographs. Misty failed at her duties when she channeled a spirit, the police called her a fraud. The incident is still unsolved. Talk about the "Reason for blackmail". Why was Grossberg being blackmailed? DL-6 was top-secret at the time. One person unfortunately found out about this, however. Grossberg was forced to tell White this shocking news. White told the media the police were using a spirit medium, and they were mocked. They started to search for who spilt the beans. White blackmailed Grossberg at this point. If he kept paying White, White would keep quiet about this whole business. Before you leave, he'll note that Mia had been keeping tabs on White for years. You may be able to find something in her office. -----------------------------Date-September 7 Location-Fey & Co. Law Offices -----------------------------There's only one place in this office you could hope to find a bounty of information. Examine the filing cabnet. You will be offered three different sections of the files you can inspect. Start off with "A-I". Phoenix will stop at F when he notices the file for Misty Fey. Choose to "Read it". Misty had apparently done something terribly wrong (and we aleady know what it is). In doing so, she mysteriously vanished. Mia started to devote her life to find out who did this to her mother. She

used her E.S.P abilities to talk to the dead. In doing so, the names of two people related to this incident surfaced. One of them was Marvin Grossberg who we already know and the other is... The record mysteriously ends there. We already know the missing person. It is Redd White. Choose to examine the filing cabnet again, this time choosing the "J-S" file. There's nothing relevant to this case in there, though, so choose to "Skim" a bit of it. Phoenix will notice that the S section has a huge file, and all of it are on suicides. The people who killed themselves were famous in business, fortunes, politics, and so on. Also note that Mia happened to write something on almost all of these files. "White" is clearly written in pencil. Mia clearly thought that White has driven all of these people to commit suicide. Phoenix finds a highly relevant suicide and borrows a newspaper clipping of the article. NEWSPAPER CLIPPING added to the Court Record. Choose to "Check 'em" once more (the filing cabnet). Choose the section left "T-Z". Phoenix will realize he should start with W Problem is, the entire W section of the cabnet is missing! Gee, could have possibly taken the entire thing. Let's pay a certain nasty visit. final for White. wonder who somebody a

-----------------------------------Date-September 7 Location-Bluecorp Inc.; CEO's Office -----------------------------------White still isn't pleased with your presence. He mentions that a nasty incident will occur if you continue to pester him. Well, we have nothing to lose at this point. White will continue to yell at you if you try talking to him about any subject. Present the Newspaper Clipping to him. Phoenix will explain to White that it describes the suicide of a politician. Word got leaked to the press about some crime he committed, then he comitted suicide. White will ask what this has to do with him. Phoenix says he found it in Mia's office, along with a ton of other articles with similar stories, all marked with "White" at the top. Choose "You blackmailed him". White isn't going to give up so easily. White will order the secretary to escort you out of the office. You can't leave just yet, though. Yell "You're wrong" to him. Phoenix should be going after White right now, not the killer. Why? White is the killer of course. White will call his secretary a second time, this time to be placed on a call to the prosecutor's office. White has decided that he wants to testify tomorrow in the trial. White "witnessed the murder" apparently and wants to get Phoenix proved guilty now. He also order the police to bring Phoenix into custody now. Detective Gumshoe will arrive instantaniously. White will say it was Phoenix who was the real murderer. Gumshoe will arrest you on the spot. Time to head for the Detention Center. Of course, it's not like you have a choice on this matter. ----------------------------------------Date-September 8, 3:37 PM Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------Note:I assume the date error is from a mistranslation... Phoenix says that White is probably gonna set a trap for him. He has very little chance of winning this case and proving White guilty. Edgeworth will be well aware of this, he's sure. Phoenix plans on defending himself

in court. He is a defense attorney after all. Maybe he can actually win this thing. Maya will appear. She has been set free with the knowledge that you are the real murderer. Phoenix will explain the story to Maya. She wants to help somehow. It doesn't matter what you choose, but I believe "Help me break out of here" is the funniest response. Phoenix will explain why court is this way now. Remember, this game takes place in the future (2016 to be exact). There's a three day limit on all court cases. Tomorrow is day two. Either way, a verdict is more likely than not going to be decided tomorrow. Oh dear... =========== Day 3-Trial =========== ---------------------------------------------Date-September 9, 9:52 AM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 1 ---------------------------------------------Edgeworth will greet you before the trial begins. He'll state that whatever White states it will be "the absolute truth". Basically, any objections you make will be in vain. Phoenix is pretty much going to be declared guilty by trial's end. Phoenix notes that he knows Edgeworth already. That isn't important to this story, though. Court time! ---------------------------------------Date-September 9, 10:00 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 1 ---------------------------------------Phoenix is actually going to defend himself. Good luck with that! Edgeworth will comment there was a second witness to this crime. However, the Judge doesn't bring up why he wasn't called in yesterday. "Objection" this fact. Edgeworth replies White is a busy man, and that he didn't think his testimony would be needed. Redd White gets called to the stand. After trying to show off his gaudy jewelery, the real action begins. -----------------------------------------~Redd White's Testimony-Witness's Account~ ------------------------------------------Let's see, it was about 9:00, I believe. -I was quietly, that's "reading" to you, some papers by the window. -Then I heard a bedlam coming from outside! -Surprised, I turned to look at the building across the way. -It was then I saw him:a spiky-haired man attacking a woman with long hair! -Needless to say that man was none other than you, Mr. Lawyer! -I called Miss May over at once. She, too, was surprised of course. -The victim, she...she ran away, but you gave chase! -Finally there was a terrible impaction! Then it was all over... Damn, that's a long testimony. This testimony seems quite...factual. Start

by pressing these statements one by one. Always "Press further" when asked to. The first statement is important. The bellboy said White wasn't in the room at the time. White will state he was outside at the time and couldn't have seen him anyways. The fifth statement is the most critical one. White states that he saw a spiky-haired man attack Mia. Funny, April stated she clearly saw a woman attack Mia. You have no evidence for this, so press this instead. Phoenix won't get anywhere, though. Press the next statement where he claims it was clearly Phoenix. Phoenix brings out the contradiction here. White claims that his eyesight, counting both eyes, is 40. Well...that STILL gets us nowhere. White is seriously hiding the details. The next statement that important is eighth statement, about "Phoenix" giving chase to the victim. Notice the stammer in this statement. White was clearly going to reveal what direction Mia ran off, but stopped himself and changed the statement. Phoenix will demand more specific information in this statement. He'll change this statement to... -The victim ran to the left, and you gave chase! That's odd. White has already contradicted April's testimony several times, and this statement does it again. Check out May Testimony. It states "The victim dodged an attack then ran to the right, but she was caught and struck". Present this item at this statement. Phoenix will explain the situation, but White won't falter and claims you misunderstood her. Too bad you have clear evidence proving this statement. Phoenix will present the floor plans. Had Mia run to the left, she would be head away from the door and into a wall! There's only one way this could be true-White was in the killer's spot. If Mia ran left from that perspective it would make sense. Maya will comment that White probably isn't lying. He probably did see Mia run to the left. It is starting to make sense now. The Judge will ask you whose statement is correct-White's or April's. We already know White is the killer, and April was in her room, so it makes sense that both of them are correct. Choose "Both are right". Edgeworth will object to this ludicrious statement. He says there's no way both witness's could possibly be correct. Phoenix will say that White must have seen the murder firsthand from the Fey & Co. Law Offices. You will be asked to show where White was standing to make the statement true. The floor plans will appear. Move the cursor onto the red "K" for the killer's spot. If you look at it from White's perspective (assuming he is the killer for the moment), it's clearly his left, and April May's right. This proves that both witness's are correct in their statements. Edgeworth will object to this crazy assumption. White just now will remember an important detail he left out in his testimony, and asks to testify again. ---------------------------------------------~Redd White's Testimony-She Ran to the "Left"~ ----------------------------------------------Miss May's testmony was was mine! -When you first assaulted the girl, she first ran to the left. -And then you hit her, savagely! That is what I saw.

-Next, with the last of her strength, she ran to the right. -You chased her, and delivered the final blow. -That is what Miss May saw. -You see? You hit her twice! Press White on his fifth statement, on how you chased Mia. It will do no good, but something strikes as odd. Press White on the final statement as well. White must have been watching both times. Odd. Doesn't the autopsy report state that Mia was struck once by a blunt object? Present Mia's Autopsy Report on the last statement. Phoenix will present the evidence and White will start to fall apart. White is starting the shut his trap. Edgeworth will object and call for a 10minute recess. Phoenix will object right away and state White is confused mainly because he keeps lying. The crowd agrees with Phoenix to allow no break. White is forced to testify yet again. ----------------------------------------~Redd White's Testimony-The Two Accounts~ -----------------------------------------Umm, well, see--I looked at the other window when I heard that thing fall. -Then, the next moment, I saw Miss Mia run to the left! -The killer, you, attacked her...but she dodged. -She turned, and ran for the door! -Then you did her in with a single blow! Thwap! White will feign a stomach ache, but Phoenix tells him to shove it. This is almost over. White isn't talking as much. Press the first statement. Exactly what fell over? White will explain that it was the glass light stand. Maya will ask if something strikes you as odd. Respond "Yeah, very odd". Phoenix will press harder against White. He will be asked to change his testimony to reflect this information... -A light stand was lying on the floor when I looked. At this new statement, present the Glass Light Shards. Phoenix will infer that it was completely impossible to see this light stand. Why? It was broken. White said that too, but the thing is, it was broken "beyond all recongnition"! There was no way that White could have possible realized that the glass shards that laid all over the floor were ever once a glass light stand. Phoenix will demand when White had seen the stand. He must know since he knows it was once a glass light stand. He says he saw the stand before it fell over. Answer "Big problemo" when White responds there is no problemo. Phoenix will say it's impossible to have seen the light stand from the hotel room before it fell over. Present the Floor Plans. The visible area from the hotel room is in yellow. The glass light stand, where it once stood before being shattered, is not in this area! White is left speechless after this. Edgeworth objects, and forces White to admit to that he placed the wiretap JUST before White confesses to killing Mia. That bastard! In order to place the wiretap, White claims he entered Fey & Co. Law Offices before the murder. In that time, he saw the glass light

stand. White will be asked to testify a final time about the wiretap. ---------------------------------------~Redd White's Testimony-The Wiretapping~ ----------------------------------------It was the beginning of September...the week before the murder. -I had entered Fey & Co. Law Offices. -Of course, I had done so to place the wiretap. -That is when I saw this glass light stand. Hmm. Very short. There's one gaping problem. Nothing in this testimony contradicts evidence in your posession. Try as you may, you can't push White any harder. To get through this you will need to press every statement in order. You will get no infomation from doing so, though. After doing and he will you want to Just before She'll tell so, Phoenix will realize there's nothing to press White on be forced to give up. The Judge will ask you if you are sure give this case up. Phoenix will admit he has been defeated. passing out in the court, Phoenix will hear Mia's voice. him to never give up. Uh...too late for that.

---------------------------------------------Date-September 9 Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 1 ---------------------------------------------Phoenix will wake up and realize he is in the defendant's lobby, and soon recall the he lost the case. Mia will appear and start talking to Phoenix, who freaks out right away because Mia is...dead. Right? Apparently choosing to give up in court freaked Maya out so much she was able to channel Mia right there on the spot. She will tell you that she is in Maya's body right now (look at the clothing) and that Maya will have no recollection of this once she leaves. She will also say that White killed her (duh). Remember that receipt with "Maya" written on it? White wrote that too. She will being to your attention what's written on the other side, though. "Amount spent:$1,000.00; Item purchased:Glass Light Stand; Date of Purchase:September 4" ...huh? The fourth? That's the day before the murder! RECEIPT has been updated in the Court Record. Now it is time to screw White over in court! ---------------------------------------Date-September 9, 1:16 PM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 1 ---------------------------------------Phoenix will ask for a final chance at proving White guilty. Edgeworth will amuse himself by allowing you this final chance. Let's get to it! ---------------------------------------~Redd White's Testimony-The Wiretapping~ ----------------------------------------It was the beginning of September...the week before the murder. -I had entered Fey & Co. Law Offices. -Of course, I had done so to place the wiretap.

-That is when I saw this glass light stand. You already know what to do. Present the Receipt at the first statement. Phoenix will ask the Judge to inspect the other side of the receipt. Low and behold, the glass light stand was purchased on September 4, the day before the murder. The stand couldn't have existed when White alledgedly went there. Edgeworth will object again. You still haven't proven yourself innocent. Edgeworth will ask the Judge for one last day of investigation in order to create strong evidence proving Phoenix's guilt. Obviously, "Object" to Edgeworth's request. The Judge will deny Phoenix's objection. Mia will tell White to freeze. She will hand Phoenix a note to be read out loud. The note contains a bunch of names written in Mia's handwriting. The list of names is supposedly of everyone and then some that White has, or had once been, blackmailing. White goes completely insane at this point. Phoenix will threaten to turn this into the police if he doesn't confess now. Of course, White has no choice but to comply. He confesses to hitting Mia with The Thinker. That's it! Damn good. (Side note, nobody is actually certain who the list is referring to, but it is logical that it would be the people White has blackmailed.) ---------------------------------------------Date-September 9, 2:24 PM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 1 ---------------------------------------------Well, another case solved. Mia can't stay in Maya's body forever so she will be taking her leave soon. She tells you to meet her in the office later tonight. -----------------------------Date-September 9, 9:02 PM Location-Fey & Co. Law Offices -----------------------------Instead of expecting Mia to appear, Maya will come out all cheerful. She was left a note by Mia to "take care of Phoenix". Now that Mia is gone the company is yours. The Wright & Co. Law Offices is born. Whooo! Maya will assist you for now on your cases. Well, so much for a happy ending. Save the game after the final cutscene. ========================================== ~7.Episode Three-Turnabout Samurai~ ========================================== It is time to begin your third case. In the opening cutscene, you will see what appears to be a samurai and some evil villian duking it out under the moonlight. At the end, something tells you to "Watch the next exciting episode". This must be some television show. I see no murder, though. =================== Day 1-Investigation =================== --------------------------------Date-October 14, 5:31 PM Location-Wright & Co. Law Offices --------------------------------A continuation of what you just saw, Maya will explain that the show is

the "Steel Samurai", the most popular kids show on television right now. Why Maya is appealed by it is beyond comprehension. All the propaganda and "inappropiate language" used in the show maks it funny that it is for kids. Heh. Afterwards, Phoenix will note that it has been over a month since his trial and he hasn't had any clients come in. He's starting to worry, but all is not over yet! --------------------------------Date-October 16, 8:14 AM Location-Phoenix Wright's Bedroom --------------------------------Early in the morning Phoenix will recieve a call from Maya. She'll say that the Steel Samurai just got arrested. Apparently he killed the villian. Problem is, this is real life we are talking about. The Steel Samurai actually killed the actor who plays the villian with his signature "Samurai Spear" weapon. Crazy. Phoenix will rush back to the office. --------------------------------Date-October 16, 9:22 AM Location-Wright & Co. Law Offices --------------------------------As soon as you arrive, Phoenix will listen to a news story on TV. You will find out that the Steel Samurai is played by the actor Will Powers. The person who he killed was Jack Hammer, a young star who played the Evil Magistrate, the Steel Samurai's foe, on the show. Jack Hammer was found at the studio where he works at inside of his Evil Magistrate costume and the Samurai Spear sticking right through him. The police are currently investigating the situation. Phoenix will get a phone call after the story ends. Will Powers is on the phone, calling from the Detention Center. He will request that you be his defense attorney in court. It's about time Phoenix got himself a case. Head to the detention center now. ----------------------------------------Date-October 16 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------Maya will appear pretty surprised that this burly guy is the one who really plays the Steel Samurai. It's as if nobody ever reads the credits. Powers will start off by sobbing a bit at the tragic events that have happened. The only reason nobody's seen his face is because he vowed never to reveal it until the show was over. You will be able to talk to Powers now. Start with the obvious "What happened" statement. The entire cast for the episode to be played was at Global Studios yesterday. They had come to do a run-through. At about 10:00 in the morning they had practiced several action scenes. At 5:00 in the afternoon a rehersal for the episode was planned. When everyone gathered at the studio at 5:00 PM, however, the Evil Magistrate was found in a corner of the studio. After taking off the mask, they discovered that Jack Hammer was inside and dead. He had been punctured through the cest by the Samurai Spear. Ask Powers about "The Steel Samurai" next. Phoenix will ask just what the show is exactly. Powers will explain it to you again if you haven't read the above paragraphs. The Steel Samurai fights bad guys and stuff like that. Seems like a violent show. Lastly, discuss "Powers's alibi". Powers will explain he came to the studio

at 9:00 AM as always. He worked in some action scenes until about noon. There was a rehearsal planned for 5:00 PM, but between the times Powers grew weary so he took a nap in his dressing room. It wasn't until past 5:00 that he finally woke up and rushed to the studio. When he got there he was arrested on the spot. Phoenix will comment on investigation the studios. Powers will draw you a map to Global Studios so you can now access it. Let's head over there. ---------------------------------Date-October 16 Location-Global Studios; Main Gate ---------------------------------As soon as you reach the studio, Maya will be happy with glee. An old security woman pops in though to spoil it. No, that text bubble is not a joke. Her last name really is "Oldbag". Feel free to laugh. She'll rant on about how lawyers have nothing to do. Back to seriousness, as a security guard she should know some info about the actors here. Start by talking to her about "The studios". At Global Studios, they make children's dreams come true. She mentions that ten years ago Global Studios was a lot more lively. Also, back then, Jack Hammer was a big star. It wasn't long though before he was reduced to playing as the villian. Ask about "Will Powers" next. Oldbag will immediately start off by dissing Powers and mentioning that playing as the Steel Samurai was his chance to kill Hammer. That's an absurd statement realising that Powers has nothing on bad grounds with Hammer. She thinks Powers is guilty. Press her on "Reason for suspicion" next. Oldbag was standing in the Main Gate area from 1:00 PM to the time of rehersal, 5:00 PM. The studio in question where the murder took place is only accessable by going through the main gate. In such an event they would have to go through Oldbag first. Only one person went by the Main Gate between 1:00 PM and the murder time, and that person was Powers. She says she saw him. But didn't Powers say he was napping? Odd contradiction... Lastly, talk about "Mr. Hammer". Oldbag was a serious Jack Hammer fan back in the day. He was apparently the ultimate action hero. However, there was an incident five years ago. After that accident, Hammer went from a star to a nobody who played the lamer villian on an action show. Oldbag will demand a "Letter of Request" from Powers before she will let you tour the studio at your own leisure. Head back to Powers. -----------------------------------------Date-October 16 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room -----------------------------------------Talk to Powers about "Your alibi" again. Remember, Oldbag's statement completely blows off what Powers previously stated. Powers will state that it was impossible for him to have gone to the studios early in the afternoon. He's quite certain that he was sleeping the entire time. Too bad there's no witness to account for that. Talk about "The security lady" afterwards. Oldbag has a thing against most people, including Powers. What a creep. Phoenix will ask if he could write a note saying that Phoenix will represent him as his lawyer. Powers will be glad to do so. POWERS'S REQUEST will be added to the Court Record. Head back to Oldbag so we can shove this in her face.

---------------------------------Date-October 16 Location-Global Studios; Main Gate ---------------------------------Present Powers's Request to Oldbag. She will take it from you and confirm the handwriting is indeed Powers'. Oldbag will grant you access the studios but nothing else for now. She won't let you go to the employee area for, well, obvious reasons. Maya will pick up a map from the guard station. GUIDEMAP is added to the Court Record. Oldbag mentioned a detective told her that nobody could be given access to the employee area. Wonder who it is? ---------------------------Date-Ocotber 16 Location-Studio One Entrance ---------------------------Well, if it isn't Detective Gumshoe himself. Thought it was fairly obvious he'd be on the case, too. He'll mention Edgeworth has been depressed since his recent court loss. Hah hah. Talk to him about "The investigation" firstly. Gumshoe isn't able to give you any of the details, naturally, but he will gladly hand over the current autopsy report. It states "Time of death:2:30 PM; Cause of death:Pierced through the chest by a spear". Gumshoe will assure you this is the most current version. AUTOPSY REPORT is added to the Court Record. Talk about "Reason for arrest" next. He will say that the murder took place supposedly at studio one. The victim entered the studio at about 1:00 PM that day. Nobody else but Hammer was there at that time. Since the time of death was 2:30 PM, and only one person was proven to have gone to that studio between that time, it made a fairly suspicious claim against Will Powers. Since he was the only person that went there, he was immediately arrested on the spot. Talk about "The security lady" last. Gumshoe thinks that she is a sweet lady. Apparently somebody doesn't have a girlfriend. She treated him to coffee and donuts. Eh? Oldbag gave Gumshoe a piece of decisive evidence. Talk about "Decisive evidence" now. Phoenix inquiry's what kind of evidence it is. Gumshoe will reply that it was a photo of the Steel Samurai heading towards the scene of the crime. See the camera on the arch near Gumshoe? It takes a photo whenever somebody passes by it. Since Powers went by it, a picture of him was taken. Gumshoe, being in the good mood he is now, will permit you access to the Employee Area. He mentions you won't find any clues, though. Somehow I severely doubt that. ---------------------------------Date-October 16 Location-Global Studios; Main Gate ---------------------------------You'll return to the main gate and find Oldbag isn't there. Instead she is in the guardhouse stuffing herself with donuts. Okay... When she comes back after noticing you, you'll need to talk about several things. Discuss "Photographic proof" first. She will mention the security gate up ahead, and the camera perched on it. This you already know. What you don't know is that every day before Oldbag leaves the studios she checks all of the photos the camera has taken for the day. They are all stored on the computer inside the guardstation. She found the one with Powers, and is

using it as proof that he comitted the crime. You can talk about "Mr. Hammer" and "Reason for suspicion" again if you want, but to continue along head to the Employee Area. -------------------------------------Date-October 16 Location-Global Studios; Employee Area -------------------------------------Once you get into the Employee Area you will find it quite abondoned. You will need to examine several things in here. First of all, you will notice that the tables are full of dirty plates. Almost all of them contain the remains of t-bone steak. This must have been the employee's lunch on the day of the murder. There is another thing you should note. On the left screen (tap the button at the bottom of the touch screen or push the L button to change screens) you will see a drainage grate on the ground. Somebody could probably fit through here. Interesting. Nothing else of importance is in here. Head to the Dressing Room. -------------------------------------Date-October 16 Location-Global Studios; Dressing Room -------------------------------------There are several interesting things you can examine in Powers' dressing room, including the bed which confirms that someone must have slept here. Focus in on Powers's bag on the ground near the table. You will find a keycard inside his bag. CARDKEY will be borrowed and added to the Court Record. It's your ticket to get inside Studio One. Head to the Studio One Entrance. ---------------------------Date-October 16 Location-Studio One Entrance ---------------------------You can't enter the studio just yet. Examine the little doors in the distance that reads "1st" to insert the cardkey. Head inside the studio. ------------------Date-October 16 Location-Studio One ------------------Not much of a studio to say the least. There are several things to keep in mind that will help you for later. First, there is an outline on the ground that marks the spot that the police found the body of Jack Hammer on the ground. What Phoenix will realise is that there are no blood stains on the ground. For a bloody mess that a stab through the heart would cause, there should be some mess on the ground, right? Where could it all have gone? You will need to examine the cameras next. Maya will get excited over seeing them, but before long somebody will yell at you for touching them. Penny Nichols will mention that she is a stage assitant here at Global Studios when you meet her. Talk to her first about "The day of the crime". Penny will state that she was in Studio One for the majority of the day because she was the only assistant that was working the day of the murder. She was aware an action scene was occuring in the morning as well. Powers and Hammer were there. She went to the Employee Area for lunch, like everyone else, and saw Hammer and Powers there. Powers went into his dressing room and Hammer left the room. It was the last time she saw them for the day.

Talk about "Will Powers" next. Penny cannot confirm that Powers was actually sleeping in his dressing room the majority of the afternoon because she didn't enter his dressing room at all that day, mainly because she had no reason to. After talking to her about this, Penny will mention that something has been bothering her for a while. She will explain that some time after lunch in the Employee Area she "sensed" that somebody that didn't work at the studios was here. This isn't very descriptive, but it's the only lead that you have right now. Remember, Oldbag said that everyone that comes to the studio has to come by why didn't she see this mysterious person, if there is one at all? Time to pay an certai old duff another visit. ---------------------------------Date-October 16 Location-Global Studios; Main Gate ---------------------------------Oldbag is still at her post. Talk to her about "Assistant's claim". Oldbag will go berserk after realising that someone at the Studios is questioning her authority. She will then run off to Studio One, most likely in order to give Penny a large piece of her mind. Now that Oldbag is out of the picture we have some time to do a little snooping around. Examine the computer inside the guardstation. In order to access the files for the security camera pictures you will have to insert a code. Choose "ST1-307". Once you do this the computer will print out a single photo, pretty much the only one taken that day. The picture shows the Steel Samurai, limping his leg and heading towards the studio. Problem is, we can't see his face as he's turning away from the camera. This technically could be ANYBODY since we can't prove the person wearing the costume. Phoenix will also note the timeprint on the card: "Oct. 15 2:00 PM, Photo #2" POWERS'S(?) PHOTO has been added to the Court Record. This is all you are capable of doing for today. Court begins tomorrow, and we are a long way from finding the real killer of Jack Hammer. =========== Day 2-Trial =========== ---------------------------------------Date-October 18, 10:00 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 4 ---------------------------------------Nothing special, you are thrown into court as soon as you begin the trial day. Edgeworth will begin by calling Detective Gumshoe to describe the crime scene. Gumshoe will describe the entire layout of the studios, including the crime scene of course. However, Studio 2 for some reason is left out. Did you notice that? Something important could be there for all we know. Choose "Skip it" when asked if you want to hear that speech once again. SAMURAI SPEAR will be added to the Court Record once you choose to move on. Edgeworth will have to call the only other real witness that day, Wendy Oldbag. Yes, this duff is going to testify in court and damn it's not gonna

be pretty. She even starts off by flirting with Edgeworth, then talk about her younger days for a few paragraphs (really fast text so read quickly). Let's cross examine. -------------------------------------------~Wendy Oldbag's Testimony-Witness's Account~ --------------------------------------------On the day of the murder, I arrived at the guard station at 1:00 PM. -Poor old Hammer and the rest had been doing a run-through there since the morning. -I, well, I had some errands to run that morning. -Anyway, it was 1:00 when I got to the guard station. -I was at the main gate from then until 5:00! -Now, the murder happened at 2:30 PM, right? -Interesting to me, because a certain man walked right by me at 2:00 PM. -It was Powers! That man right there, and he was heading toward the studio! Press the first statement. You'll find out logically anybody could access the studios until 1:00 PM, before Oldbag arrived. However, they would have needed a cardkey which Phoenix has right now. Hmm. Oldbag seems to hold back something in her third statement, about some errands. Apparently, she was actually watching Hammer and Powers perform their runthrough. She is a big Hammer fan, after all. It doesn't make sense why she wasn't guarding the gate when she was technically at work, but that's besides the point. Neither Hammer nor Powers went to Studio One before 1:00 PM. Press her on the next statement, about arriving at the station at 1:00 PM. Hammer had already gone to the studio before Oldbag arrived at the station. Press her next statement, about how she was at the gate until 5:00. Oldbag will throw a fit when asked if she was there the entire duration of that time. She's starting to lose it now, according to Maya. Press her sixth statement, about confirming the time of the murder. How'd did she know that? Gumshoe told her evidently. Press the seventh statement as well. She seems quite sure that somebody passed her at 2:00 PM. Press the last statement and Oldbag wil reassure you that she saw Powers clearly. Maya will mention your "secret weapon". Present Powers's(?) Photo here. It is not clear who is really in this picture. You very well know that. It still isn't proven Powers wore the Steel Samurai suit at that time, and that may not even be him in the photo. Oldbag will mention she has proof that man is indeed Powers, surpirsing Edgeworth even. She will now testify about her proof. ----------------------------------------------~Wendy Oldbag's Testimony-The Man in the Photo~ -----------------------------------------------I never say anything I don't mean, mind you! -That morning, during the run-through of the action scene... -I saw Powers trip and fall! -He broke one of the props, it was a big mess.

-Apparently, he sprained his ankle pretty bad. -You can see he's dragging his leg! See? Clear as day! -That's how I knew it was Powers. Happy? There's one interesting statement we have just learned-Powers hurt himself. Press Oldbag on her third statement, about Powers falling onto the ground. Oldbag helped Powers feel a bit better after the fall. Phoenix will ask where Penny was during this time. She was somewhere else in Global Studios cleaning up some props. She was completely unaware of Powers' sprained ankle. Now it's time to press her on some important information-one of the props broke. Which one? Press her fourth statement. Oldbag will respond it was his Samurai Spear. Wait, the murder weapon? This is an important detail, so SAMURAI SPEAR becomes updated in the Court Record. Her next statement, about spraining his leg pretty bad, is an important information getter. Oldbag will say that his leg was strong enough so that he was still able to walk around, hence how he could get into the Employee Area as well as his dressing room. Edgeworth will barge in in the middle of this conversation. The Judge is confused on one major subject-where the hell is the Steel Samurai costume right now? The police have yet to find it. There are no traces of it at Global Studios right now. It isn't an important detail, though. Fact is, Oldbag saw Powers and that is all that matters. "Object" when Phoenix questions what the Judge is thinking. Edgeworth keeps talking about the possibility that Powers could be in the Steel Samurai suit, but as the photo has already proven it is just as likely that Powers might not have even been in there. Edgeworth will ask Oldbag to continue her testimony as apparently she has comments on the possibilty of a second person being near the studios on the day of the murder. --------------------------------------------------~Wendy Oldbag's Testimony-Witness's Account, cont.~ ---------------------------------------------------The time of poor Hammer's death was 2:30 PM, true? -The only person I saw go to the studio before then was Will Powers! -No one else went there! -If they had, I would have seen them! Short, sweet, and to the damn point. Press all you want, nothing else besides the obvious facts will pour from Oldbag's mouth. Something is a bit contradictory with one of your pieces of evidence, and not only that but a very specific thing, too. Remember your photo? It was labled as the second taken that day! Present Powers's(?) Photo at Oldbag's third statement. Phoenix will confirm that the automatic camera takes a picture whenever somebody walks by it. This means that, due to the "2" on the photo there must have been another photo taken on the same day. And if that's true, then the person who was on it easily could have been the murderer as well! Oldbag will totally flip out at this statement. Unfortunately for you, she will calm down right away and remember something important. The old duff

still has more testimonies to come. ------------------------------------------~Wendy Oldbag's Testimony-The Other Person~ -------------------------------------------Every day, after I finish my guard duties, I have one other important job to do. -I go through the photos recorded on the security computer and check them. -I throw out any photos that aren't suspicious lookin', you see. -Come to think of it, now I do remember throwing out one photo that day! There is only one important statement here. Press her final statement, about who she erased. She will respon that it was a mere fanboy. You know why these kind of people are. Freaks who will do anything to see the Steel Samurai in action. Do you remember the grating from the Employee Area? They generally sneak in that way. Could this fanboy also be a suspect to the murder at hand? Remember, these are kids we are talking about. Everybody in the audience will start to suspect that the fanboy in question DIDN'T do the murder and that he has nothing to do with this case. That's not how it's supposed to go. The Judge will call for a break now. ---------------------------------------------Date-October 18, 11:08 AM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 3 ---------------------------------------------Maya, Powers, and yourself will converse and decide the verdict can't be decided in your favor today. For the time being you will need to push the blame on somebody else. There's only one person who could have possibly done this as far as we know. Let's press her on when court comes back into session. ---------------------------------------Date-October 18, 11:13 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 4 ---------------------------------------Edgeworth thinks that this new revelation is completely pointless to the case. Phoenix will state that there is the possibility that another person could have commited this crime. Remember, you will be penalized if you choose the wrong answer. Choose the only possible suspect right now, "The security lady". Who else? Oldbag is going to flip her lid at this point. Phoenix says that only one other person knew about Powers' injury-Wendy Oldbag. Well, Wendy Oldbag is now on the suspect list for possible murderers. She has no alibi, so she could have easily snagged the Steel Samurai costume. She knew that the camera would take her picture, so she obviously looked away. Aha! Oldbag will claim the fanboy just as easily could have been the murderer. Be sure to "Press further" when asked. Phoenix will mention that there is no way the fanboy could have been the killer. Show proof by presenting the Cardkey. It is the only way into Studio One, and he obviously didn't have this with him so he couldn't have killed Hammer. The Judge is ready to suspend the trial for the day. However, before he can do that Oldbag will speak up that she has yet another thing she needs to mention to the court that she was specifically told not to say. She obviously wants to say it now to clear her name. Let's give her one last

testimony. ---------------------------------------------~Wendy Oldbag's Testimony-My Lips Were Sealed~ ----------------------------------------------Global Studios wanted me to keep quiet about something. -There were...some other people at the studios on the day of the murder. -They said they had "nothing to do with it," see? -So they told me to just pretend they "hadn't been at the studios that day." -But if you're going to go accusing me, I'm not letting them get away scot free! Once again, only one statement here will give you severely important information when pressed. Press Oldbag's second statement, about some other people at the studios. Oldbag will respond that the director and producer of the studios were there. The director was in the Employee Area the entire morning for the run-through. He joined the producer later for lunch. They were in the Studio Two trailer. The Judge will ask if you want to continue your cross examination or cease your actions. Choose "Take a break". A lot of revealing information has been provided thanks to Oldbag. Several new possible suspects and witnesses have arisen. Court will finally be adjourned for the day. ---------------------------------------------Date-October 18, 1:04 PM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 3 ---------------------------------------------You will discuss the situation with Maya and Powers again. You will need to revisit the studios to gather more information about this case, as well as the other possible suspects. =================== Day 2-Investigation =================== --------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Wright & Co. Law Offices --------------------------------You'll start off by talking to Maya, as usual. It's time to head back to the studios. You can talk to Maya about what to do, but it should be kinda obvious. Head towards Global Studios again. ---------------------------------Date-October 18, 2:16 PM Location-Global Studios; Main Gate ---------------------------------Oldbag has been taken into custody as Phoenix will mention. Because of this there is nobody running the guardstation at the main gate. With nobody blocking our way, let's explore a bit. ---------------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Employee's Area

---------------------------------------You will find Penny in the Employee's Area for some suspicious reason. She will respond that Wendy Oldbag requested her to block the storm drain, and Penny has done that by nailing some boards to the wall. Not quite the best handiwork, though. She will then say that she has to fill in for Oldbag at the guardstation and will then disappear. Maya will ask you if she can rip open the grating after you examine it. Do this so that the fanboys can enter again. Make sure you answer "Rip it open". You will understand the reasoning for this soon enough. ---------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Main Gate ---------------------------------Back at the Main Gate you will find out that Penny really has taken up security duties. At least she's kinder than that jerk Oldbag. Talk to her about "The studios". She will mention the plates in the Employee Area with t-bone steak bones on them still. She hasn't had time to clean them up. Talk about "The fanboy" next. One of the boys is commonly seen at the studios, always with a camera and gawking at the sets. Finally, discuss "The director , et al." Penny will note that the people at the studios were trying to protect the director by hushing up Oldbag on the matter. This also protected the producer, the real star of the studios. -------------------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Studio One Entrance -------------------------------------------Gumshoe isn't investigating this place like he probably should be right now, so you have some more time to investigate the area. The only thing you should check is what Phoenix mentioned in court-the fallen monkey head and tree near the entrance to Studio Two. You will recall that the monkey head fell on the day of the murder. Phoenix will also mention that you would probably need a crane to move the giant monkey head any further. Remember this critical detail for later. Move to outside Studio Two. ------------------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Outside Studio Two ------------------------------------------As soon as you enter the deserted studio, you will hear a crash from inside the trailer. You will attempt to rush in and save the day, but the door happens to be locked and yelling gets you no response. Maya comments you should try the main gate's guardstation for a key that could get in. Firstly, examine several details that will be iomportant for later. Examine the van. It's hard to miss. Think about what it could carry and how fast it can get to its destination. Next, there is an incinerator near the van. It's covered in soot, as if somebody was trying to burn something. Next, look at the garden infront of the trailer. See the fence? It appears really lethal due to the spik top of it. Finally, look at the plates on the front table. Two people probably ate here. Maya will say that something feels odd about the plates. Remember that these plates are empty, it'll come in handy! Head back to the main gate so we can hopefully snag a trailer key. ----------------------------------

Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Main Gate ---------------------------------Do what you did last time to get a key. Examine the guardstation. You will find they key, but Penny will prevent you from taking it. She is afraid Oldbag will rip her apart if she found out someone took the key. There's one more place you haven't checked out yet. Besides Studio One, head to the Dressing Room. -------------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Dressing Room -------------------------------------"WTF? Who are j00 d00dz!? LMAO!" This is the shocking sentence Maya will be greeted with as soon as you enter the dressing room. The director, Sal Manella who suffers from "internet chatroom syndrome" and decides to speak mostly in 1337 speak. As soon as he notices Maya he will get a spark of inspiration and think about a new show. It's "Pink Princess:Warrior of Little Olde Tokyo". NOW THIS deserves a "WTF?" There's three important things to discuss here. Let's start with "The day of the crime". He will mostly talk about the obvious information. He was in the Employee Area from the early morning until noon doing a run-through of an action scene. He then mentions a meeting from lunch in the Studio Two trailer. He'll make a sad face when he mentions he couldn't eat. He was there until after 4:00 PM. Talk about "The producer" next. You will finally find out her name. She is Dee Vasquez. She gave the studios a huge comeback quite a while back right before it went out of business. She was in the meeting as well. Finally, mention "The bigwigs". These people are actually the main sponsors of the show, some guys at the network, those type of people. They also arrived at about noon. That, and they were in the meeting the entire time. We are out of viable leads. Time to head back to the main gate to see if we can get the key this time around...or not... ---------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Main Gate ---------------------------------Ack! She returned! Oldbag has unfortunately come back to haunt the security station. She says that the police had her try on a spare Steel Samurai costume, and when it was clear there was no way Oldbag could have fit into the costume it ruled her out as being the murderer right away. Oldbag won't give you the key, of course. You can try talking to her on the various subjects, but you will get nowhere since she hates your guts right now. Head right back to the Employee Area. -------------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Employee Area -------------------------------------Maya's efforts to destroy the drainage blockade didn't go in vain. You will find the crazed fanboy, Cody Hackins, standing in the Employee Area with a smug look on his face. Talk to him about "The Steel Samurai". Maya and Cody will get into a fight

about who's the bigger Steel Samurai fan, leaving Phoenix confused. Now that Cody is willing to talk (somewhat), ask "What happened". Cody will shut his trap right away, then comments that "the Steel Samurai always wins!". He saw everything that happened. Before you get yourself a chance to interrigate him, Cody will dive through the storm drain. Hmph. He'll be back. That's for sure. On his way out, though, Cody hit a table and a bottle fell off. What could it be? EMPTY BOTTLE will be added to the Court Record. Head back to the main gate. ---------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Main Gate ---------------------------------Oldbag will catch eye of Cody and start chasing him like there's no tomorrow. Pretty funny. Since she is a bit occupied, why not examine the guardstation now and swipe the key there? TRAILER KEY will be added to the Court Record. Now all you need to do is enter the trailer. Head for Studio Two. ------------------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Outside Studio Two ------------------------------------------Examine the trailer. Once you do, Phoenix will insert the key. You have access to the trailer now so don't hesistate to enter. ------------------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Studio Two Trailer ------------------------------------------The trailer is where the producer of Global Studios, Dee Vasquez, works. I won't comment on her bizarre style of clothing or her looks in general. Anyways, try talking to her about "The day of the crime". Vasquez won't say a thing. She will mention something about a "script", though. She is looking for a script (why is she in her trailer then...?) for the Steel Samurai. Ask about "The director". Vasquez will bring up that she still needs her script. Before you decide to leave, Vasquez will hand you a note to give to Manella if you happen to see him. VASQUEZ'S MEMO is added to the Court Record. Manella should still be in the Dressing Room so let's head there. -------------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Dressing Room -------------------------------------Manella is still here. Not sure why in Powers' room to be sure, but he is. Present Vesquez's Memo to him and Manella will freak out for a second. He will say that he has no clue where he left the script. That helps up quite a lot, now then doesn't it. Fine. The script in question is a bit hard to find-move to Studio One. ----------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Studio One -----------------------------------

In a studio there is only one logical place that a script could be. Lo and behold the script is clearly visible tipped on the director's chair. Genious! Examine the chair to add the SCRIPT to the Court Record...for now. With that said and done you should probably head back to Vasquez. Perhaps with this motivation she will finally talk about something. ------------------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Studio Two Trailer ------------------------------------------Present the Script to Vasquez. She will take if from you, then start to read it. She'll stop, ask if she's a suspect, then inquiry if you wanted to know more about the day of the murder. You will learn a great deal more information here. Remember that there was a meeting in the trailer at noon on the crime day. She will state that none of the people in the trailer had gone to Studio One that afternoon. It was actually impossible for them to leave. The road to the Studio was blocked the majority of the afternoon. She will suddenly break off there. Talk about "The blocked path" to pick up on the discussion. Remember the Mr. Monkey head, mascot of Global Studios? Wind was strong that day and it knocked off the head from its high perch onto the ground. The path towards the trailer was completely blocked. The path wasn't cleared until 4:00 PM. Hammer died at 2:30. Since everyone was stuck in the trailer, it would have been impossible for anybody inside the trailer to go to Studio One and kill Hammer then. Phoenix will say the monkey could have falled after 2:30. However, Vasquez will show the monkey broke when it fell (it also spoke the time. Inanimate objects speaking the time is such a cliche theme now). Indeed it did break at 2:15 PM. MR. MONKEY data will be added to the Court Record. Phoenix and Maya agree they should head back to the offices to plan their next move. Head there now. --------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Wright & Co. Law Offices --------------------------------Phoenix will admit that the case seems hopeless now. A familar voice appears, telling him he shouldn't quit yet. Mia's come back now. She will say you still have one lead. Remember that Cody Hackins saw the entire murder occur. He is your last chance at gathering any evidence for this case. Hopefully he will cooperate. Head back to the studios. ---------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Main Gate ---------------------------------Once you arrive back at the studios, Oldbag will be there to greet you. It appears she has been chasing Cody for quite some time and is completely out of breath. She will say at the end of her huffing that she managed to get some sort of "hostage" on him. Perhaps this is the key to coaxing Cody to talk to us. Talk about "The hostage". The other subjects aren't important right now. Oldbag will comment that while Cody was running from her, he happened to drop something. Oldbag thinks that Cody will have to come back for it, and

then she'll catch him that way. Mia will say that this hostage is exactly what you need to get Cody to cooperate. Oldbag won't give it up; she really wants to catch Cody. Mia mentions that perhaps you have something that you can trade to her... Talk about "The director, et al." next. Oldbag plans to leave soon, seeing as the end of the day is approaching. She has one final request, though. She wants to see the place where Hammer died one last time before the police inevitably washes everything away. She doesn't have a keycard herself for some reason. Present the Cardkey to Oldbag. She is quite happy that she can see where he died one last time. She was his fan. Um, yeah. You won't be able to access Studio One anymore if you hand it to her. Choose to "Lend her the cardkey". Nothing else is in Studio One anyways. She will be in debt to you, so as a fair trade she will hand over the hostage she talked about. STEEL SAMURAI CARD is added to the Court Record. Head for the Employee Area now. -------------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Employee Area -------------------------------------You will spot Cody back in the Employee Area. Before you get a chance to talk to him he will run off into Powers's dressing room. Head inside too. -------------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Dressing Room -------------------------------------Cody has nowhere to run in the dressing room. However, he won't talk until Mia decides to step in and use her feminine charm to get Cody talking. He still doesn't like you, though. Heh. Perhaps he will talk if you show him the Steel Samurai Card. All of the stuff you just did to get this card was in vain; Cody has a double of that card and it is worthless to him. He also says a great quote: "By doing this you are eschewing the very basis of our consumer society, namely the principle of fair trade!" Hah. Smart kid. Cody will agree to talk if you can get him an Ultra Rare Premium card. How we are supposed to do that is questionable. Head back to the Studio Two trailer. ------------------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Studio Two Trailer ------------------------------------------Vasquez isn't in her trailer right now. Instead, Penny is in here cleaning some things up and tidying up the place as a good assistant would do. She holds some secrets right now. Talk about "The fanboy" first. She will mention you missed seeing Oldbag chase down Cody. It seemed to be a comical sight. Talk about "Mr. Hammer". Penny will explain that back in the day, Hammer was a famous star at Global Studios. She'll say something happened that made him lose popularity. Talk about "What happened?" last. She will say she isn't the right person to tell you this. Someone else has key information you will be needing for later. Before you leave, present the Steel Samurai Card to her. Penny just happens to be an avid collector of these cards as well. She is one card away from having a copy of each one. And wouldn't you know it, you happen to be holding the very card she needs to finish her collection. She will now beg

to trade with you. She has an Ultra Rare Premium card double she is willing to trade off. When your foe gives the greater deal, I'd take it. Choose to "Trade" of course. URP CARD will be added to the Court Record. Penny will leave the trailer on a huge excitement overload. Let's hand this to Cody. -------------------------------------Date-October 18 Location-Global Studios; Dressing Room -------------------------------------Present the URP Card to Cody. He, too, needs this rare card to complete his set. He's willing to trade now. Phoenix will demand information for this trade. Sound good to Cody. He's ready to spill out everything he's got. Start with "The Steel Samurai". Cody will ask that Phoenix obviously likes the Steel Samurai and what part about him is the best. Reply "His fighting skills" to continue the conversation. Cody will get hyped up at the thought of the Steel Samurai vanquishing his foes. He will present to you his extensive fan album. It has pictures of the Steel Samurai dealing his final blows in a bunch of promotional stunts. Cody will also show you his new digital camera. This is the future, shouldn't higher tech have been thought up of? Anyways, he'll gladly give his album to Mia since he has a copy of all his pictures save on his computer. "PATH TO GLORY" added to the Court Record. Now for the critical question. Ask "What happened". This could determine Powers' fate. Cody will restate that he did see everything that occured. Ask "What you saw" now. Cody arrived at Global Studios at around 2:00 PM. He had to come through the woods, otherwise Oldbag would have been chasing him down in an instant. Cody got lost in the woods for about half an hour. He finally got to the studio, and then saw the Steel Samurai kill the bad guy. Cody went home after he saw this live act. This proves that the Steel Samurai did it. If Cody is put on the stand it will ensure that Will Powers will get declared guilty. Too late! Gumshoe was waiting outside, listening to the conversation. Cody is a key witness and will be under severe police protection until after the trial. Well that's just great. The one place you could have gotten leads is gone, you are pretty much screwed for court, no useful evidence that can be used to contradict anything has surfaced, and Cody is probably going to testify tomorrow. =========== Day 3-Trial =========== ---------------------------------------------Date-October 19, 9:42 AM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 1 ---------------------------------------------All seems hopeless now, and Mia even declares Powers as a dead man walking. You have no real defense in trial, after all. If Powers is really innocent then perhaps you overlooked something critical. And now for trial! ---------------------------------------Date-October 19, 10:00 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 4

---------------------------------------To prove that the extra people in the studios had nothing to do with the murder, Edgeworth will call Manella to the stand. ----------------------------------------------~Sal Manella's Testimony-The Day of the Murder~ -----------------------------------------------I was at the studios from around 9:00 that morning. -During the morning, I was action scene run-through. -It took a lot more time than I thought it would. -I hear that everyone else ate lunch in the Employee Area... -But I had a meeting in the Studio Two trailer, so I ended up skipping lunch. -We were in the meeting until about 4:00... -During the meeting, well, I'm pretty sure nobody left their chairs. There isn't any clear contradicion. You will need to start pressing. Press his first statement to confirm when he arrives at work (no, I don't know what FWIW means). Press the second statement. Only Oldbag, Hammer, Powers, and himself were in the Employee Area for the run-through. Skip to the fifth statement, about him having to skip lunch. Manella will say that he didn't eat at all. Mia will ask you if something about that statement sounds a bit wierd. Choose "It's contradictory". Remember the plates that were on the table infront of the trailer? If that's the case then somebody must have eaten there during the meeting. Manella will now admit that he had eaten after all. He brought it to the trailer expecting to eat it later. He says that they really did take one break during the meeting. Phoenix will think to himself that it that's what happened then he has completely contradicted his own testimony. It couldn't hurt to try. Press Manella's seventh statement about how nobody left their chairs. Someone obviously must have if they took a break during the meeting. Phoenix think he has an idea. "Press harder". After all, you just learned that he did take a break during the meeting. Mia will say that during the break one of the studio members could have gone to kill Hammer. Manella will now be asked to testify about the break. Hopefully this is all worthwhile... ----------------------------------~Sal Manella's Testimony-The Break~ -----------------------------------Yeah, FWIW, we took a break...ROFL! -But it was only 15 minutes! That's 13 in Base 12! -Not enough time for someone to, say, commit a murder in Studio One! LOL! -That's only just enough time to eat a t-bone steak, if you ask me! There isn't a whole lot to press on in this testimony. Press the second statement about the 15 minute break. Manella will say that the second plate on the table was for Dee Vasquez and that she also had enough time to eat

the entire steak in the time given. Odd how that's mentioned now. Press the first statement now. Phoenix will demand the time of the break. Manella will say it was from 2:30-2:45. 2:30 was the time of death so it was entirely possible that Manella, or someone from the trailer, killed Hammer within that timeframe. You have some hard clues here. Anybody could have killed Hammer during the break and Dee Vasquez also supposedly had a steak along with Manella. Press the third statement. You found out that 15 minutes is clearly enough time to kill somebody. Edgeworth will object to you right away. The Judge will now ask you if you believe that somebody could have gone to Studio One during that time. Say "No, it's impossible". Say yes if you want to get penalized and hear some funny lines from Edgeworth, though. Either way, Edgeworth will present the Mr. Monkey head bit of evidence. He will claim the obvious-the wind knocked over the giant monkey. It therefore blocked the path leading to and from the Studio Two trailer. Edgeworth will restate that the path was blocked from 2:15 until past 4:00. The break occured at 2:30 so it was impossible for anybody who was in the meeting to have gone and killed Hammer at Studio One. Edgeworth is happy to say that there is another witness not long after Manella is relieved from the stand as there is enough decisive proof that he clearly couldn't have gone to Studio One that day in the meeting. Edgeworth will say he has somebody who saw the killing with his own eyes. Gee, we know who that it. The Judge will first call for a recess before he hears the witness. ---------------------------------------------Date-October 19, 11:04 AM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 1 ---------------------------------------------Mia doesn't look to happy. Everybody in the Studio Two trailer has an alibi completely taking them off of the suspect list. Powersis probably going to get his guilty verdict once the next, easily guessed, witness takes that stand. If he really is innocent there will be something wrong with the next testimonies you hear. Back to court! ---------------------------------------Date-October 19, 11:15 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 4 ---------------------------------------Yes, if you guessed that Edgeworth was going to call Cody then good job. Edgeworth is afraid that Phoenix will scare him with his cruel questioning. Hah. Cody states he was at Global Studios on the day of the incident. Remember form the photo you were shown he had his camera there that day. He probably took a photo of the finishing blow. CODY'S CAMERA will be added to the Court Record. ------------------------------------------~Cody Hackins' Testimony-Witness's Account~ -------------------------------------------I wanted to see a Steel Samurai rehersal, just once. -I found a map on the Internet, and went to the studios that day. -I went through the woods, off the path, so that old lady wouldn't catch me. -I was going for the studio.

-I got kinda lost on the way, though. For about 30 minutes. -When I came out by the studio, there was the Steel Samurai! -It totally rocked! Right before my eyes, out came the bad guy! -Of course, the Steel Samurai took him down! Pow! -If I had my camera with me, that woulda been the shot, I tell you. The real contradiction is in the ninth and final statement. Before you do so, you should reveal more information from Cody. I find it useful, and interesting, to press Cody on every single statement first. In the fourth statement, Cody says he saw Mr. Monkey but his head wasn't busted. He must have been heading for the wrong studio since Studio One was right next to the monkey. In the seventh statement about seeing the bad guy, Cody says he was too far away to get a clear view of who it was. He says it was probably a guy, but he doesn't know for sure. You will be back at the ninth statement again. Press this and Cody will say that he didn't have his camera with him. Didn't he just say he took it everywhere? Present Cody's Camera at this statement. Cody will now admit that he really did bring his camera with him that day. However, he was too busy watching the intense action scene that he didn't bother taking a picture. He will now testify on what kept him so occupied. -----------------------------------~Cody Hackins' Testimony-What I Saw~ ------------------------------------Y-yeah, I had my camera with me. -But I was glued to the action! I couldn't take my eyes off it! -The Steel Samuraim he goes for the bad guy...wham! -Then...the bad guy stopped moving! -He's so strong! The Steel Samurai rules! Cody is starting to get very vague with his explainations. You'll need to press him for the facts. His fourth statement, about when he goes for the bad guy and he stops moving. Phoenix will ask what the Steel Samurai did to make his foe stop moving. He will mention a kick, punch, and a slap. Choose to "Press him harder" after that comment. Cody said before he couldn't take his eyes off the action. However, he missed the most important moment-the Steel Samurai's finishing blow. The Judge will now ask you for an explaination of how Cody could have missed the most important detail. Why couldn't have Cody seen the most important part? It should be obvious. Cody takes pictures of every final blow the Steel Samurai makes. Cody must have been fumbling around with his camera to take a picture. Present Cody's Camera after choosing "Show evidence". Cody wanted to take a picture. Badly. He will admit to this statement. Mia is quite sure herself that Cody is still hiding something critically important to this case. Cody will testify one last time. -----------------------------------

~Cody Hackins' Testimony-No Photo?~ -----------------------------------Yeah, you're right, pops. -The Steel Samurai has just escaped from the clutches of the villian. -So I held up my camera to take a picture! -But the lens wouldn't open in time, so I missed it. -Th-that's all that happened. Yup. No, that most certainly is NOT all that happened. Choose to press his final statement. Phoenix is pretty sure that he did end up taking at least some pictures. Choose to "Press him harder". Accusing him of taking a picture might work in your favor. Cody freaks out a bit. Cody apparrently gives in quite easily. He did indeed take some pictures of the Steel Samurai at that moment. Cody's line of testimony will change to: -I took a few shots, but it was too late, so I erased them. Start by pressing this new statement. Why would Cody erase pictures of his favorite hero, victorious over his foe? He wouldn't, that's why. You have proof, too. Present Cody's scrapbook, "Path to Glory" at his revised statement. Remember earlier Cody said he took a picture of every time the Steel Samurai landed his finishing blow. If Cody really did get a picture, it is beyond liklihood that he would have erased it right away. He would have kept it and put it in his collection. The Judge will ask you why Cody doesn't have the picture in his album. Phoenix and Mia suddenly figure out the truth. Choose "The Steel Samurai didn't win". If the Steel Samurai didn't win, Cody wouldn't care for a losing picture in his album. Cody probably even thought it was impossible for him to lose a fight. Cody is left speechless. However, he did see the Steel Samurai lose infront of his eyes. He didn't want to ever think that his beloved hero could actually be killed by the bad guy so it is explainable that "he couldn't handle the truth". What a great quote. The majority of this long puzzle will finally begin to make sense. Cody will finally admit that the Steel Samurai slumped to the ground, dead. He couldn't believe it. This means the Steel Samurai wasn't the killer after all. Edgeworth will barge in and demand to know what this all means. Choose "The Steel Samurai was the victim". There was only one victim in this case. That was Jack Hammer. And according to Cody, the Steel Samurai was killed. This must mean that it was actually Jack Hammer inside the Steel Samurai costume the entire time, and not really Powers! Phoenix will start to explain the situation from the beginning. Jack Hammer was present at the morning run-through. He knew about Powers' foot injury that way. Hammer left the Employee Area after lunch. There was no picture of him as he went to Studio One. So instead, he donned the Steel Samurai costume when Powers took a nap. It still doesn't make sense why Hammer would do this, but it's the only possible explaination. Cody says he thought he moved a bit strange. He understands now a different person was in the suit. In this light he will produce one final piece of evidence. He kept a photo on his digital camera after all. You will be shown the picture. You can see a giant "S" on the studio wall and the back

of the Steel Samurai. Not much to it. Before the Judge hands the picture back, Mia notices a contradiction in the picture. You will now be asked to show where the contradiction in Cody's picture is located. This is actually a pretty hard puzzle. The Steel Samurai, oddly enough, has nothing to do with the inconsistincy. Remember, the murder occured in Studio One. Look at the backround behind the Steel Samurai. Notice anything? There is a block there that clearly shows the bottom of the number "2". Studio One doesn't have any "2's" in it. This clearly contradicts all previous evidence. The murder occured at Studio Two rather than Studio One! The guidemap will appear. The victim was found in Studio One. However, the real scene of the crime was actually Studio Two. Point to Studio Two on the map and present it. This is critical because "there is a trailer there". There was a meeting there at the time of death, mainly during the break. In that time frame Manella and Dee Vasquez left the trailer. They were at the scene of the crime. Phoenix will restate that the path was blocked at 2:15 PM that day. In total, the victim must have gone to Studio Two before that time. Manella said that nobody in the trailer could have killed Hammer since that path was blocked. In reality, the opposite is true! Only those in the trailer actually could have commited the murder. They were the only other people who were at Studio Two at the time. What have we learned today? The scene of the crime is actually Studio Two. Jack Hammer was the one in the Steel Samurai suit, not Will Powers. What we still don't know is why he would steal the Steel Samurai costume. Edgeworth will demand proof that the person in the photo was actually Hammer and not Powers. Choose "I have proof". Remember the empty bottle we got a while back? Present the Empty Bottle. It turns out this bottle actually contained a bunch of sleeping pills. It was at the table Hammer and Powers ate. Hammer drugged Powers with the sleeping pills. That was the only way Hammer could steal the costume. There is still no proof Hammer used it though. The Judge will ask if you know a way. Choose "Fingerprint the bottle". If Hammer really did use this bottle then his fingerprints are going to be all over it. The Empty Bottle will be given to the Judge. So many things in this case all changed, in our favor, thanks to Cody. You will be asked to find the answer to two very important questions. Why would Hammer want or need to steal the Steel Samurai costume? Also, who is the real killer? Court will finally be adjourned. ---------------------------------------------Date-October 19, 2:47 PM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 1 ---------------------------------------------Well, you still have a little work to do. You will need to find the real killer by the last day of the trial. =================== Day 3-Investigation =================== --------------------------------Date-October 19, 3:27 PM

Location-Wright & Co. Law Offices --------------------------------Mia has left Maya's body for now. Phoenix will explain to her that you have a good lead from today's court session, but you are missing vital points such as who really killed Hammer and why they did. Talk to Maya about "Any ideas". She suggests that you go talk to Powers. Head to the Detention Center. ----------------------------------------Date-October 19 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------Powers must know something that will give you a new lead. Talk about "Produce Vasquez". He states the obvious; she is a genious, been at Global Studios for five years, saved it from going out of business and so on. Powers is also about to say something else before he stops himself. Hmmm. Talk to him about "Director Manella". His works intriqued Vasquez. However, something you didn't know was that Manella is basically Vasquez's servent. He is willing to do almost anything for her. Talk about "Mr. Hammer" last. Hammer was famous until about five years ago. Five years ago also happened to be when Vasquez joined Global Studios. Perhaps there is a connection? Head back to Global Studios for some final investigations. ---------------------------------Date-October 19 Location-Global Studios; Main Gate ---------------------------------Oldbag is still at her post, as expected. She isn't that talkative today for some reason. Get her rambling when you talk to her about "Producer Vasquez". The studio bigwigs love here and she always seems to get her way. Oldbag appears to dislike the producer, that and she isn't allowed to talk about her. Talk about "Director Manella" next. She says what Powers just said. Vasquez treats him like dirt. Manella doesn't seem to mind it, though. Talk about "Mr. Hammer" last. She heard everything that you said today in court and she will get seriously pissed off at it. Uh, before she gets a heart attack I suggest you head to the Employee Area. -------------------------------------Date-October 19 Location-Global Studios; Employee Area -------------------------------------After Maya comments on how she wanted to see a film shooting today, you will meet up with Detective Gumshoe again. Gumshoe is here to examine the plates on the tables for any signs of the sleeping pills. Talk to him about "The plate". He is capable of testing the plates for any traces of the sleeping pills right here on the spot. He will test the plates, and indeed there are sleeping pill traces on the plate. STEAK PLATE will be added to the Court Record. Talk to Gumshoe about "The investigation" next. The entire police are confused by these events. Some say Powers couldn't have done it, while others are saying there's no way anybody but him did it. Gumshoe is in a real bind here. Ask about "Prosector Edgeworth" last. Edgeworth is seriously ticked off,

and earlier crushed a paper cup with hot coffee in it, spilling it over himself. Gumshoe will also mention that the empty bottle was tested and Hammer's prints were clearly visible on the bottle. Powers really was sleeping the entire time. SLEEPING PILL BOTTLE will be added to the Court Record again. Head back into Powers's Dressing Room. -------------------------------------Date-October 19 Location-Global Studios; Dressing Room -------------------------------------Manella isn't here anymore, but Penny sure is for whatever reason. She also mentions that this will be the last episode of the Steel Samurai, so Powers probably won't be using the room anymore. Ask her about "Mr. Hammer". Phoenix will talk about the recent revelations about Hammer going to Studio Two and so on. She mentions that the "rumor" has been true. The secret is that Vasquez has some kind of hold upon Hammer this entire time. He would do anything she said, much like Manella. About five years ago there was a movie starring Jack Hammer. They were shooting in Studio Two, the newest studio back then. It was during that time that an accident occured. After that happened, Studio Two was never used for filming ever again. The film set, namely the trailer, wasn't move either. Ask about "The last episode" next. Whoever killed Hammer also signed the Steel Samurai's death warrant, so-to-speak. Global Studios is also changing its programming. They won't be filming any more kids' shows. How disappointing. Continue this conversation by talking about "Studio policy". The studio bigwigs don't want the Steel Samurai to be around anymore. This whole incident is because of that show and they all want to forget about it. However, Maya complains that kids everywhere will be heartbroken if the Steel Samurai is kicked off the air. You will be asked to present something that shows Penny that kids still care about the show. Present "Path to Glory". Penny is ready to talk about the incident several years ago. Talk about "Five years ago". Penny doesn't know all the details, but apparently somebody died five years ago, and it was Hammer's fault. It was an accident, however. Vasquez was there at the time and managed to quiet the paparazzi to avoid news getting out. This essentially became blackmail against Hammer in favor of Vasquez. Hammer was afraid of what would happen to his career if news got out. That's all Penny knows. She mentions that Oldbag worked here at the time of the incident so you are better off asking her. Head there, now. ---------------------------------Date-October 19 Location-Global Studios; Main Gate ---------------------------------Oldbag still hates you. Heh. Talk about "Five years ago" with Oldbag as well. She gets real mad. She demands to know who told you that information. She still doesn't believe Hammer stole Powers' costume. To get her talking, you need to present some proof. Say "I have proof" then show her the Sleeping Pill Bottle. You will now need to show proof that Hammer used these pills on Powers. Present the Steak Plate. There are still pill powders left on the plate. She becomes quickly disappointed in Hammer, and will agree to talk to you. She has wanted to tell somebody about the accident, so this is her chance. Five years ago there was an accident. What's worse, the media took a photo of it. Vasquez was there to solve the situation. She will then show you a picture the media took. It shows Hammer standing on the balcony of the

trailer with a man pierced through the chest by the spiky fence. He accidentally shoved a man off the stand and onto the fence. FIVE-YEAR-OLD PHOTO will be added to the Court Record. Let's go pay Vasquez a visit. ------------------------------------------Date-October 19 Location-Global Studios; Outside Studio Two ------------------------------------------You will find Vasquez outside of the trailer, just staring at the clouds. You can try to talk to her about the various subjects but she won't respond at all. Present to her the Five-Year-Old photo. Once you do, she will ask to know where you got the picture. She seems...odd all of a sudden. She will head into the trailer and asks you to follow if you wish to speak with her. ------------------------------------------Date-October 19 Location-Global Studios; Studio Two Trailer ------------------------------------------Vasquez will finally agree to talk to you, as bitter as she still may seem. Phoenix exclaims she was using the accident as blackmail. She claims it wasn't an accident, though. She is implying that Hammer killed that man in the photo on purpose. If it was an accident, she wouldn't have been able to blackmail Hammer for so long. Oldbag claims it was an accident because she was a big fan of Hammer back then. Oldbag jumped the photographer, which explains how she got the photo. Vasquez will now demand that you hand her the Five-Year-Old photo. Of course, Maya will step in and demand she backs off. Vasquez calls her little mafia gang. She is planning on "erasing" you and Maya (if you don't get this, she's basically about to kill you). Before she has a chance to do that, Gumshoe will quickly jump through the door and rescue you. Gumshoe will place Vasquez in police custody and take her away. She is going to appear in court tomorrow. This pretty much guarentees that Dee Vasquez is the murderer. We are still lacking a clear motive, though. Maybe we can find one in court... =========== Day 4-Trial =========== ---------------------------------------Date-October 20, 10:00 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 4 ---------------------------------------Dee Vasquez will finally be called to the stand. You will need to expose the fact that she is the real killer...somehow. ----------------------------------------------~Dee Vasquez's Testimony-The Day of the Murder~ -----------------------------------------------I entered the trailer, oh, a little before noon. -The meeting began at 12:00 sharp. It ended at 4:00. -There was to be a rehersal afterwards, so we went to Studio One. -I was fatigued, so I had Sal take me.

-At 2:30, we took a 15-minute break in the meeting. -Sal and I ate t-bone steaks on the table in front of the trailer. The Judge will first ask about how Vasquez got to the studio when she was fatigued. She will mention the van parked in the Studio Two lot. She had Manella drive her to Studio One, mainly because she was worried that something else might happen after the monkey head fell over. VAN will be added to the Court Record. The first three statements, when pressed, will give you some comical dialogue. Skip to the final statement of her testimony. She says that Sal and herself at t-bone steaks, however I told you to remember one important detail quite a while ago. Infront of the Studio Two trailer there were indeed several plates. However, they were empty! Present the Steak Plate at this statement. Vasquez claims she ate the steak, but she obviously couldn't have done that. Phoenix will show the plate, and that it clearly has a large bone on it still because nobody has cleaned them up yet. Vasquez and Manella ate a t-bone steak as well. The problem is, their plates are empty! Phoenix claims he knows how Vasquez ate the steak and got rid of the bone. As funny as the remarks and resulting speeches are, choose "You didn't eat the steak". Phoenix will say Vasquez didn't eat the steak in the break, but rather threw it somewhere convienent, such as the incinerator next to the van. The Judge will now ask that if she wasn't eating a steak, what was she doing? Respond "Meeting the Steel Samurai". Phoenix claims that while she left the trailer the Steel Samurai appeared, and then she killed him. Vasquez is fine with you calling her a murderer. She is actually entertained by the thought of it. You and her are going to have a battle of wits, see? You will have to pry out the information from her. She will begin by mentioning the murder weapon. She says how would she have been able to use that heavy speak as weapon. Say "No you couldn't, could you". Think about it. The Steel Samurai was holding the Samurai Spear the entire time. How the hell would Vasquez have managed to have gotten the spear and used it to slice through Hammer? Not to mention she would have to be damn strong to do so. This is irrelevant information, however, because the Samurai Spear isn't actually the murder weapon. You will need to show proof. Obviously, present the Samurai Spear. Remember that the Samurai Spear had been broken the day of the murder, but was fixed with some duct tape. In its mangled state it would have been impossible to ram it through the Steel Samurai costume, let alone someone's chest. What an interesting series of events! Vasquez will question that if the Samurai Spear isn't the actual murder weapon, then what was? Choose "I can tell you". Such an accident has occured before in the past. That's rightHammer was most likely killed by falling onto that spiky fence. Present the Five-Year-Old photo to back up this absurd claim. Remember, Jack Hammer was standing at the top of the stairs. He pushed a fellow actor off the stage and onto the fence. What does this have to do with the current case? The fencepost pierced through the man's chest, much like the Samurai Spear was said to have done to Hammer. What happened back then has happened again.

Vasquez will point out a problem in your theory. The body was found in Studio One, and inside the Evil Magistrate costume to boot. There isn't exactly any way Vasquez could have moved Hammer's body to Studio One, changed the costumes, and returned to the trailer in 15 minutes. Ignore the fact nobody says that's impossible due to the monkey's falling. So, what did happen? Choose "She had another way". Perhaps she didn't even use her own hands to do this. You will be asked to show what she did to carry the body. Present the Van. In order to easily transport the body, Vasquez has Manella drive her and the body to Studio One. Everything makes sense now. Vasquez must have killed the Steel Samurai during the 15 minute break, and used the trailer to bring Hammer to Studio One. From there it was a simple costume switch and the deed was done. You will be asked if Sal Manella had any part with this crime. Choose "Of course he was". Vasquez obviously would have needed help in order to stuff Hammer's body into the costume. The costume was likely burned in the incinerator. Vasquez decides to just give up. She won't clearly admit she was the actual killer, however. You still lack proof that she really comitted this crime. You proved the _possibility_ she was the murderer. Edgeworth will now demand that she testifies again. It will become apparent, after the verdict, why Edgeworth is helping you. Be sure to choose "Testify again, Vasquez!" Choosing anything else still gets the same result, though. -----------------------------------------------~Dee Vasquez's Testimony-After Finding the Body~ ------------------------------------------------I was with Sal and Oldbag, the security lady, when we found the body. -The assistant was there, too. Only Powers was absent. -I immediately called the police. Then Powers showed up. -The security lady, Oldbag, was quite agitated. Pointing at Powers, saying "he did it!" -I asked to be left out of the proceedings. -I went back to my trailer to get my script and direction notes. -Then I went home. The following scenes are going to be confusing. You need to press her statements and press them hard. Press them in order. "Press further" when you are asked to for most of the statements. You will get some slightly important information out of them which will help you soon enough. Once you hit her sixth statement, about going back to the trailer, you will hit big. Make sure to "Press further" here. She originally came to Studio One for a rehersal. She should have brought her script and notes. However, she assumed that there wasn't going to be a rehersal that day. Why? There was just a murder. That is exactly what she will respond. Edgeworth will object to Vasquez's testimony here. He says that she didn't bring with her the script and notes because she KNEW there was a murder. She would have had to have witnessed the murder, or even have done it, to know such a thing. Vasquez will now change her statement in her testimony to this: -I knew that Hammer was injured and couldn't do any action scenes, so I left them behind.

Press this new statement. How did Vasquez find out about the injury? She will state that Manella has told her Hammer was injured. Wait, a long time ago we learned Powers had been injured, not Hammer! Present Powers's(?) Photo here. Vasquez will freak out for a second. If Manella really told her who was injured, he of all people would know since he was there. Choose "You saw Hammer limping". Hammer dragged his leg to pretend that he was Will Powers. Vasquez, before she killed Hammer, saw him limping and assumed he was injured. Vasquez has one last question. You still have no idea what the hell her motive is. She would gain nothing from killing him! She would be losing one of her big stars in Global Studios. The stupidity of the idea! Has it all made sense yet? No? You will be asked whether or not Vasquez had a motive. Think about it. Hammer went through a crapload of trouble to get the Steel Samurai costume and seek out Vasquez. He was the one out for the killing, not Vasquez. Choose "Of course I can prove it!" Choose to present the Five-Year-Old photo. Phoenix will, again, restate all of the information you well already know. Vasquez used Hammer like a slave. But we still haven't said a motive. Choose "She had no motive". Hammer was actually out for blood, not Vasquez. Vasquez easily pushed Hammer off the stairs in self-defense before she undoubtably would have been killed by Hammer. What a crazy turnabout. Dee Vasquez will finally admit to killing Hammer accidentally out of self-defense. Everything else that was important in this case, well, is history. Technically Vasquez never did anything wrong but defend herself. Eh. ---------------------------------------------Date-October 20, 1:12 PM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 3 ---------------------------------------------Well, that's a happy ending. Powers is still curious why Hammer wanted to frame him for the murder, present Powers's(?) Photo. Hammer was once a big time star, after all. He was totally jealous that Powers got to play the leading role as the Steel Samurai. Edgeworth will then appear. Phoenix thanks Edgeworth for stepping in when Vasquez easily would have gotten away with her crime. He will mention that he didn't expect to meet him after all these years. Huh? Phoenix and Edgeworth knew eachother a long time ago...? That's the end of the case. The Steel Samurai has been cancelled, but the Pink Princess quickly took up its spot. Good going. ========================================== ~8.Episode 4-Turnabout Goodbyes~ ========================================== The opening cutscene you will see what appears to be two men standing on a boat in the middle of a very foggy lake. One of them will mention that it has been a long, suffering 15 years and that he is back for revenge. Suddenly he pulls out a gun and shoots it. You will next see a man fall into the lake. The camera zooms in on the man picking up the gun, and it is none other than Miles Edgeworth! What the hell? --------------------------------Date-December 25, 10:08 AM Location-Wright & Co. Law Offices ---------------------------------

After a short conversation with Maya about how she needs to stand under freezing waters, you will read a news report. There has been a large monster sighting at Gourd Lake, the monster cleverly called Gourdy. Just after that, another news bulletin will appear. Now they are reporting that a murder just took place at Gourd Lake. The body of a man was found in the lake. The main suspect is Miles Edgeworth. Crap. It appears that you are going to need to defend your old rival. This will be fun. Go see Edgeworth in the Detention Center. Well, isn't this a fun way to spend your Christmas-investigating a murder case. Fun. ----------------------------------------Date-December 25 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------You will find Edgeworth all locked here. That must suck. He won't look too happy to see you at first. He really didn't want you, of all people, to see him like this. Talk to him for the facts. Ask about "What happened" first. You won't get anywhere since Edgeworth will deem you unworthy and too inexperienced to help him. Ask about "Gourd Lake" next. Gourd Lake is very far from the offices Edgeworth works at, so he must have some reason to go all the way down there. He will quickly say that he went to see Gourdy. It is clear he is avoiding telling you all of the details. You need to get him to say something. Present your Attorney's Badge (The first use all game!). Phoenix will ask that he defends Edgeworth in court. He will start laughing at the idea, and bring up again that you are still to inexperienced to aid him in this case. Also, every defense attorney he has asked has turned him down. Edgeworth will comment that he really doesn't want you to get involved. Too bad we're going to screw that idea. Ask him "Did you do it" now. Edgeworth still won't respond to the question. He still asks you to stay out of this case. There must be some reason why Edgeworth is acting so negative towards us. Edgeworth will stomp off now. Head for Gourd Lake Entrance. ---------------------------------Date-December 25 Location-Gourd Lake Park; Entrance ---------------------------------Gourd Lake is actually at the center of a large park grounds. Maya will comment there's a lot of police officers here. Detective Gumshoe, as usual, is here investigating. He knows quite a bit of information so let's get cracking. Ask "What happened". You will find out a great deal of information when you ask him this. The murder occured fifteen minutes past midnight on the 25th (that is today). There was a boat in the middle of Gourd Lake that was carrying two men. One of the men shot the other with a pistol. This makes it assumed that Edgeworth, the other person in the boat, was the shooter. An officer quickly arrived and arrested him when he docked. There was also a witness to this murder. The police raced to the lake once the witness heard the gunshots. Ask about "Edgeworth" now. Gumshoe honestly doesn't believe that Edgeworth is actually a murderer. Most of the police have the opposite opinion, though, which makes it seem they are shirking in their investigative

duties. It's sad nobody is going to help him. Talk about "The witness" next. Once again, the witness's identity is confidential at this moment. She apparently saw everything. She was the only person who saw the murder that night. Ask about "Defense request" last. Edgeworth has a bit of a reputation as you already know. Basically, if anyone defended him then they would likely suffer despite their victory, if one was achievable. The case against Edgeworth is also pretty solid. Fat chance of winning in court. When Phoenix mentions that Edgeworth wouldn't allow him to defend him, Gumshoe will call that crazy. Edgeworth actually praised you like crazy after the Steel Samurai case. That's crazy. Can't imagine him doing such a thing. Gumshoe will be ordered to leave for an investigative breifing. He will ask if you have anything left to say. Choose "How to get in touch with you". Gumshoe will show you where the precinct is so you are capable of coming back there and seeing him at any time. He will also give you permission to walk around the park for any other clues the police may have missed. If you asked for the Autopsy Report, Gumshoe will mention it isn't ready yet, and will then give you directions to the precinct. Anyways, move into Gourd Lake. --------------------------------Date-December 25 Location-Gourd Lake; Public Beach --------------------------------There is a couple of things on the beachfront property. You can see the lake from here. It is pretty cold-looking. There is also a hotdog stand called Samurai Dogs. Too bad the Steel Samurai isn't a show anymore. The stand is closed, anyways. There is something you will need to examine. See the little thing on one of the benches? Examine it to discover that it is actually a party popper. Maya thinks that this might be a clue. Choose to "Take it" as it will come in handy soon. POPPER added to the Court Record. Nothing else is important for right now. Head to Gourd Lake Woods. ------------------------Date-December 25 Location-Gourd Lake Woods ------------------------It appears that somebody is doing some experiments here. There is a large SUV near some trees, a campsite all laid out, and a large, expensive looking camera aimed right at the lake. Examine the sign near the car. It reads "No camping". Silly people. Breaking the law! Next, examine the most obvious thing here-the large camera. The camera has a large microphone attached to it. Phoenix deduces that the camera is triggered when a loud noise is detected. Maya decides to try it out and see what happens. She wil try yelling at it but nothing happens. She will then set off the party popper. This noise sets off the camera at full speed as it uses up a roll of film. Suddenly, a woman will appear and is quite pissed off that you just used up an expensive roll of film. The woman won't respond to any of your questions, so choose to present your Attorney's Badge (note that the popper has been thrown away). You will introduce yourself as a lawyer and what not. She will be delighted to help you since this is part of a murder. Why

do so many woman want to be involved in stuff like this...? She will introduce herself as Lotta Hart. She is photographing meteor showers for a school research project. Ask her about "What happened" now. Phoenix will explain the murder details to Lotta. She seems to have no clue what is going on. She does slightly remember seeing a boat from late last night. Ask her about "The camera". She will explain that the microphone attached to the camera triggers the shutter whenever it hears certain sounds. The popper just happened to be one of them. It is set to loud noises. LOTTA'S CAMERA will be added to the Court Record. Ask about "Lotta" now. She is a research student at Country U. (what an original name!) She came to this lake several days ago to film to meteor showers, as stated earlier. Before you leave, present Lotta's Camera to her. Phoenix confirms that the camera reacts to explosion-like noises. He will say that the victim was shot with a pistol. A gunshot makes a noise like an explosion, right? Phoenix will ask if her camera got a picture of the murder. Lotta will leave for her SUV to check for the photo. She won't be ready until later. Head for the precinct now to check up on Gumshoe. -------------------------------------------Date-December 25 Location-Police Department; Criminal Affairs -------------------------------------------Gumshoe will have just finished his meeting as you arrive at the precinct. Ask about "The victim". Nobody can determine his name yet. Edgeworth hasn't mentioned it either. Ask about "The meeting" next. Gumshoe isn't able to tell you the details, however. But he will metion that people are confused. Edgeworth normally isn't like this. He doesn't go around hiding secrets. He requests that you defend him whether he likes it or not. Ask about "Trusting Edgeworth" now. Gumshoe trusts Edgeworth since they have had a working relationship for a while now. He gets guilty verdicts mainly because he has good faith in the investigation team. That, and forging some evidence. Now, finally talk about "The autopsy report". Gumshoe managed to make a copy of it. AUTOPSY REPORT will be added to the Court Record. Maya will see the face of the victim and she will mention she may have seen him a long time ago. You will find out the cause of death was a bullet to the heart from the autopsy report. There is also the possibility he died sometime on the 24th. Hmm. Let's go back and check on Lotta. ------------------------Date-December 25 Location-Gourd Lake Woods ------------------------Lotta is back from her SUV, and she managed to two pictures last night. She will show you one dark, foggy night out on the lake. Two men can boat in the middle of the lake. The man on the holding a pistol. However, it is impossible to is actually doing the shooting.

find that her camera took of them. It appears to be a be seen as silouettes on a right looks like he is judge from this picture who

Lotta will now take back her statement from earlier and claim that she actually saw this murder take place, making herself a witness. She will ask if she should call the cops. Respond "I reckon so". However, she is going save the remainder of her information for court so you won't be able to talk to her until later. LAKE PHOTO will be added to the Court Record. One little issue. She didn't show us the second lake photo! It will come to light eventually, just ignore the thought for now. Head back to the public beach. --------------------------------Date-December 25 Location-Gourd Lake; Public Beach --------------------------------As soon as you arrive, a guy in a freaky Santa costume will appear. Hah, if it isn't just Larry fooling around on a day like this. He has no girlfriend, remember? Larry is actually the owner of Samurai Dogs. Also, he managed to get himself a new girlfriend who also happens to be a model. She better not be killed. His girlfriend bought him the costume. Anyways, Larry seems to be in a good mood. Talk to him about "What happened". Maya will mention that Larry probably was with Kiyance yesterday since it was Christmas Eve. Larry will act surprised for a moment. She's at a photo shoot in Hawaii right now. Phoenix will say Edgeworth is going to be the defendant, and he will act really surprised. Larry knows Edgeworth because he was with Larry and Phoenix in their fourth grade class. Hah. Talk about "Samurai Dogs" next. This isn't gonna get you anything special information wise, though. This will open up the new topic on "Gourdy" so ask Larry about that. Gourdy is actually a giant lake monster that supposedly lives in this lake. Larry will then show you a newspaper article from the previous night. There is a photo of a couple, with a giant stick...thing in the background. It can be assumed, for now, that this is the Gourdy that they are talking about. There is also a quote in the article about someone who set the camera to automatic, heard a loud bang, then saw something head into the water. Sounds like Lotta made this photograph. GOURDY ARTICLE will be added to the Court Record. Now finish this up by talking about "Edgeworth". You know that Larry, Phoenix, and Edgeworth were friends back in fourth grade. He was always attempting to be like his father. Edgeworth's dad was a famous defense attorney at the time. Maya brings up the fact that Edgeworth is a prosecutor, not a defense attorney. Seems wierd. You'll figure that out all in due time. For now, head back to your office. --------------------------------Date-December 25 Location-Wright & Co. Law Offices --------------------------------Maya will mention that something has been bothering her for a while. Maya will ask to look at the autopsy report again. She will suddenly remember that the man who was killed was a lawyer that worked in the office Mia worked at for a while. That must mean Grossberg knows something about this guy, like, his name!? Head to his office now. -----------------------------Date-December 25 Location-Grossberg Law Offices ------------------------------

Grossberg has no reason to avoid you, so you will easily find him at his office. Talk about "That painting" first. Curious why it still isn't back to its original place? Redd White technically didn't steal if from him back in case 2 so Grossberg is unable to justly claim it for himself again. Too bad, so sad. On to business. Talk about "What happened". Grossberg won't know anything on this matter since he just woke up. He should know something, though. Present the autopsy report. Grossberg will easily remember who that lawyer is. His name is Robert Hammond. Talk about "Robert Hammond" now. Grossberg will say he was a defense attorney in "that case". The DL-6 Incident. Remember that old case? You should remember the details of that case. Talk about "The DL6 Incident" next. The case happened 15 years ago. This is an important detail, so remember it for later. The real criminal was never caught in this case because the spirit that Misty Fey contacted was innocent. The defense attorney for the case was none other than Robert Hammond. He got the man declared innocent. So, what does this have to do with Edgeworth? A lot, actually. The victim in the case was none other than Gregory Edgeworth, his father. Grossberg doesn't know all the details of this incident, however, and suggests that you mention it to Edgeworth. Perhaps he will talk. Grossberg will also hand you a photo of Maya's mother. You will need to use it to get Edgeworth talking. It's the same photo you found on Grossberg's desk in the second case. MISTY FEY'S PHOTO will be added to the Court Record. Head for the Detention Center now. ----------------------------------------Date-December 25 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------Obviously, present Misty Fey's photo to Edgeworth. He will say that he didn't want you to find out about the DL-6 Incident because it supposedly haunts him (and for good reasons, obviously). He didn't want you involved so he shoved you away from being his defense attorney. However, since you found out, there's nothing to keep secret anymore. Edgeworth will confess. Talk to him "The DL6 Incident". Edgeworth will state that the case indeed involves his father's death. You will brefily be shown a picture of his dad slumped over in an elevator. Right infront of Edgeworth his father was shot and killed. He can't remember all of the details. Somebody was arrested, the only person who could have possibly killed his father. Misty Fey even said the same thing when the spirit used was contacted. Robert Hammond cleared the man of suspicion. Edgeworth thought the case was about to finally be over, but now it has resurfaced. Note again that the incident occured 15 years ago, on December 28th. The statue of limitations on this case run out in three days. Statue of limitations basically means that after a certain number of years, in this game 15 years, if a case has not yet been closed then it will be closed by default permanently. This means that the real killer, should he still be alive, will be completely free and is unable to be arrested by the police. There's only three days left in the case. Ask about "The suspect". After he was declared innocent he left society. Edgeworth has no idea if he is still alive of not, but he says if he is alive he would likely be around 50 years old. Talk about "Your father" last. Gregory Edgeworth was a famous attorney when

he was alive. Edgeworth seems to hate the thought of talking about it so drop the subject. There's one last bit of info you can get from him. Present the Lake Photo. Edgeworth will say that he did not kill Hammond. Isn't that what all of your clients say? Edgeworth will hate to say it, but he actually wants you to defend him in court. Choose "Of course we will". Phoenix will mention this is his chance to pay Edgeworth back. You'll understand later. Edgeworth will hand you his letter of request. EDGEWORTH'S REQUEST will be added to the Court Record. Before you can leave and go to Gumshoe, an earthquake will strike. It will only last a few seconds, though. After it ends, Edgeworth will be on the floor scared like a cat. Let's leave him alone now. -------------------------------------------Date-December 25 Location-Police Departmentl Criminal Affairs -------------------------------------------Gumshoe will be stomping mad when you enter the police department. Lotta decided to go stomping in and claim that she saw the murder firsthand and even has the photographic evidence to prove it. Talk about "Lotta's testimony". You can't tell who is shooting the pistol, remember? Lotta said that she planned to enlarge the photo. Remember that info! She said that it may be able to determine who did the shooting. The other witness also decided to not testify. Oh well. Talk about "Tomorrow's trial". Gumshoe will look pretty glum since the evidence is heavily against Edgeworth. Talk about "Edgeworth" last. He will demand that you defend him in court. ...and we have just the thing. Present Edgeworth's Request. You are now offically Edgeworth's attorneys. Don't screw it up in court! He will also mention that Edgeworth had a fear of earthquakes for a while. =========== Day 2-Trial =========== ---------------------------------------------Date-December 26, 9:44 AM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 2 ---------------------------------------------Before you enter court, Edgeworth will be there to greet you. Since he isn't the prosector, somebody else is. The prosecutor is going to be Manfred von Karma. He has never lost a case in his 40 years of being a prosecutor. He'll do anything to get a guilty verdict. Ironically, he was Edgeworth's mentor. Guess we know where he got that line from. ---------------------------------------Date-December 26, 10:00 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 3 ---------------------------------------von Karma is an old, scary looking man. Gumshoe will be called first to the stand. He will begin by showing you a map of Gourd Lake Park. The murder occured sometime late on Christmas Eve, around midnight. There was only one boat out on the lake at that time. There were two men in the boat. A woman, Lotta Hart, was camping out on the edge of the lake. She heard several pistol shots somewhere around 12:10 AM. The boat then moved all the way back to the boat rental shop. And that's all that happened. OVERHEAD MAP will be added to the Court Record. Gumshoe will now testify on the matter.

------------------------------------------------------~Detective Gumshoe's Testimony-The Arrest of Edgeworth~ -------------------------------------------------------A man called into the station around 30 minutes after midnight. -We headed to the scene of the crime as fast as we could. -That's where we found Mr. Edgeworth. -Now, I didn't suspect him of anything at all. -But...the next morning, a body was found in the lake. -So we had to arrest Mr. Edgeworth. We are against the hardest prosecutor in the world. This testimony won't have clear contradictions. Press the statements as you see fit, but von Karma will object before you get anywhere. You won't get anywhere unless you press the fifth statement, about finding the dead body. Phoenix will ask if any clues were found on, or in, the body. Gumshoe will respond that a single bullet was recovered from the body. The victim was shot and killed from a pistol shot through his heart. The bullet will now be deemed evidence. PISTOL BULLET is added to the Court Record. Now that you have this, and no von Karmic objections, press the final statement. Phoenix will question why they arrested Edgeworth immediately following the found body. The murder weapon, which is a pistol, was found lying in the boat. The Judge will deem this vital evidence and forces Gumshoe to change his line of testimony to the following: -The murder weapon we found in the boat was decisive evidence. Press this newfound evidence. What made the pistol so decisive? Gumshoe easily remarks that there were fingerprints left on the gun. These fingerprints were clearly from Edgeworth's right hand. Well that's just great. PISTOL will be added to the Court Record. Draw your attention to the description of the pistol. "Fired 3 times". Didn't somebody say, namely Lotta, that she heard two gunshots? Before you can object to this, Karma will stop the cross examination. He will ask Gumshoe if the bullet was actually fired from this very pistol. He will respond that it was. Maya is confused when "ballistic markings" are mentioned, and you will be told what they are. They're basically the fingerprints of a gun. Karma will now explain that since the ballistic markings of the bullet matching the markings of the pistol, and that Edgeworth's fingerprints are on the gun, he must have been the murderer. The Judge is almost ready to declare a verdict at this point. However, he is still curious to hear what the other witness has to say because it could be important to this case. von Karma will demand a recess, and that forces the Judge to do so. I assumed the Judge had control of the court, but I suppose Karma has more power than he does. Hah. ---------------------------------------------Date-December 26, 11:09 AM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 2 ---------------------------------------------Edgeworth will talk to you now. He will mention that it was him in the boat that night. However, he most certainly did not shoot the other man. He mentions he did hear a gunshot near him, though. Then the other man fell from the boat. Edgeworth isn't sure why but he thinks the guy may

have shot himself. Strange circumstances. Maya will then question if she's even useful here. Choose "No, I need you here". Court will be back in session soon after. ---------------------------------------Date-December 26, 11:19 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 3 ---------------------------------------von Karma will start by calling Lotta to the stand. She's going to testify on, well, what she saw. -----------------------------------------~Lotta Hart's Testimony-Witness's Account~ ------------------------------------------It was Christmas Eve, just after midnight, I reckon. -I was in my car. -I heard this "bang" come up from the lake. -When I looked out the window, I saw two gents in a boat. -Then there was another "bang"... -There wasn't nary a thing on the lake but that boat. von Karma states that if you cross examine Lotta you will be held in contempt of court if you find nothing. Choose "I think there was" when Maya asks if you found a contradiction. Actually, that wasn't the smartest idea but you have no choice. Lotta's testimony is rock solid. There aren't any contradicions. Prepare for a ton of von Karmic objections (as Phoenix calls them) as you will need to press EVERY single statement. You will need to "Press further" on several statements to get an objection from von Karma. Phoenix will now be held in contempt of court. Basically, you can't say anything or you'll be escorted away from the courtroom and into jail. Whoo. Maya still thinks that Lotta's testimony has holes, but you can't fill them with von Karma here. Before the Judge passes judgement (again), Maya will step in. She will yell at Lotta. Hard. She says pretty much that her testimony is crap. Of course, you are in contempt of court. The Judge will now have you thrown out of the courtroom, which basically means the end of the trial. Maya will take the blame for making the outburst. She requests that she be removed from the courtroom instead of Phoenix. When Karma asks if all that is needed is the Judge's verdict, declare "Wrong". Lotta just said, during Maya's outburst, she saw Edgeworth clearly. That wasn't in her testimony. This changes her testimony. von Karma will not allow this because you are still in contempt of court, but the Judge will finally make his own decision and allow you to cross examine again. -------------------------------------------~Lotta Hart's Testimony-That Last Statement~ --------------------------------------------I saw it clear as day. That man on the boat was Mr. Edgeworth. ...and that's it! Whatever you do, DON'T PRESS THIS! You are still in contempt of court. You will be penalized if you press this statement. In any case, the contradiction is all too obvious. The picture in question

is too foggy and blurry to make out the faces of anybody. Present the Lake Photo. The picture was taken with high-quality and expensive film, right? It should have better viewing capabilities than the eye. Therefore, if the film couldn't get a view of the faces then Lotta easily couldn't have. She will explain how she saw Edgeworth now. ----------------------------------------------~Lotta Hart's Testimony-How Edgeworth Was Seen~ -----------------------------------------------Yer right. It was a cold night, and the mist was thick as grits. -So, once I was finished setting up my camera, I got back in the car. -Still, I brought my binoculars with me. -When I heard that noise out on the lake, I looked with my binoculars. Press her third statement. She is looking at shooting stars, NOT something on the lake. She has no reason to have binoculars with her. She would be needing a telescope to see stars in the sky. Phoenix also has heavy doubts about what the real purpose of her camera is, too. The Judge will ask you if the camera is really relevant to this case. Choose "Press further" of course. Lotta will change this line of testimony to the following: -The camera was set up to take pictures of a meteor shower. Pressing this statement will get you nowhere. But wait! Her camera was set to automatic-reponding to loud noises. Shhoting stars are too far away to be loud. Present Lotta's Camera here. Phoenix thinks Lotta is lying about the real usage of the camera. When the Judge asks what she was at the lake really doing, choose to "Show evidence" and then you will need to present the Gourdy Article. It is the only other possible reason Lotta could have possible been at the lake to photograph. Lotta will demand proof that she was at the lake looking for Gourdy. Choose "I have proof". Present Lotta's Camera once more. Remember, as I just said, she had a microphone attached in response to the camera. Gourdy would probably make a loud noise if it appeared. Not only that, but the Gourdy Article also mentioned that when the picture there was taken (supposedly with Gourdy), a loud noise was heard. This must be the reason why her camera was set to respond to loud noises. Lotta will admit that is true. However, this doesn't change what she saw at the lake. But Phoenix knows there must be a reason why von Karma would hide this information. Lotta will testify again. ---------------------------------------------~Lotta Hart's Testimony-Lotta's New Testimony~ ----------------------------------------------Actually, I'm not a research student at a university. -I'm an investigative photographer. -Imagine what a scoop it'd be if I got a picture of that monster! -That's why I was camping out by the lake.

-But, that's all I was hiding. -When I heard the "bang" I looked right straight out at the lake. -There wasn't much else to look at, so I just watched that boat the whole time. -Then I saw a flash, near one of the men's hands, and I heard another gunshot. There is one serious problem with Lotta's testimony, and what she just said before this testimony. She was there looking for Gourdy, NOT some stupid boat in the middle of the lake. Present the Gourdy Article at her seventh statement, about staring at the boat. Lotta will respond that she was really looking at the boat. However, Phoenix claims that she wasn't. Anybody else would, but she was there specifically for Gourdy. She wouldn't give the boat a second thought as she looked quickly for Gourdy. She also testified earlier that she was watching the boat through binoculars, but it has become apparent that she was actually using them to scan the lake for any signs of Gourdy. Phoenix has now proven that she was never actually looking at the boat. Lotta will admit that she was so happy to be a murder witness that she kinda got excited...a bit. She was sure she was watching the boat until now. Thanks for all the pointless information! Lotta will now say she "took the photo `n..." von Karma will object to her finishing this sentence. von Karma knows that whatever is at the end of that sentence will damage his case. Gumshoe said earlier that Lotta had enlarged the picture. Well, that must be what she was about to say. Phoenix will ponder what to do. Choose "Make her show the enlargement". It couldn't hurt you at this point. Lotta will admit that she really did presented yet, though? Lotta remarks show it in court. She will then show who is really shooting in the photo. Record. enlarge the photo. Why hasn't it been that von Karma was forcing her to not you the photo. You still can't see LAKE PHOTO is updated in the Court

Phoenix will now wonder what to do before the case is over. Choose to "Object to the enlargement". There must be something wrong with it. You will now need to point to the part that is strange. Remember the pistol accepted as evidence several testimonies ago? There were fingerprints on the gun. Problem was, they were of Edgeworth's RIGHT hand. Look at who is shooting in the picture. They are using their left hand. Point at the hand the murderer is using. This part of the picture contradicts another piece of evidence. You'll need to show what eveidence it contradicts. Present the Pistol here. Phoenix will recap what I just said, and that the man couldn't have been Edgeworth. However, who the hell did the murderer shoot? There is only one other person that could have been shot from your obvious list of choices. Choose "The victim himself". This basically means that the murderer commited suicide. von Karma will laugh at your attempt to make way of the situation. Suicide was impossible. The victim was shot, upon further examination, from a distance of about 1 to 3 feet. There is no way it could be suicide at this point. The AUTOPSY REPORT will be updated in the Court Record to make note of this situation. That will end this day of trial. The Judge sees that with all of this new

information a verdict is now impossible to be determined. The Judge orders both you and Karma to investigate further into this mess and see if there are any other suspects that may have some place in this crime. ---------------------------------------------Date-December 26, 1:15 PM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 2 ---------------------------------------------Edgeworth is still depressed since he still hasn't been declared innocent just yet. He still claims he didn't kill the man. Edgeworth also wants you to say thanks to Maya. Phoenix will have also requested Lotta's testimony as it may help in court tomorrow. LOTTA'S DEPOSITION will be added to the Court Record. =================== Day 2-Investigation =================== ----------------------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------This is a familar place to Maya. She decided to do something just because she felt like she needed too. Damn good thing too or you would have been screwed. Talk to her about "Questioning". Detective Gumshoe was here earlier and says she could go after she is questioned, so long as she has bail money. You should go see Gumshoe for more information now. Head for Police Department. -------------------------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Police Department; Criminal Affairs -------------------------------------------An officer working here will tell you that Gumshoe is investigating the crime scene again today. He also got into a fight with a fellow officer. Head for Gourd Lake Entrance. ---------------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Gourd Lake Park; Entrance ---------------------------------Gumshoe must actually be investigating the crime scene rather than loafing around the entrance. Head for Gourd Lake Woods. ------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Gourd Lake Woods ------------------------Gumshoe is here at Lotta's campsite for whatever reason. There isn't really anything critical in this spot. Talk about "Tomorrow's trial". von Karma is planning on bringing in the other witness tomorrow. He is the one who actually called the police, but didn't testify yesterday. Talk about "Prosecutor Edgeworth". You will leanr more about his past from Gumshoe. His hatred of crime, fear of earthquakes and seperation from his father all started from the DL-6 Incident. It's the first reason he is what he is today. Talk about "Maya Fey" next. Edgeworth apparently seemed to be happy that Maya did something in court today that probably ended up saving his life,

for now at least. In gratitude, Edgeworth is paying the entire bail fee himself. Well, that's one thing you can thank him for. Gumshoe will head back to the Detention Center to let her out and will comment you should go pick her up. Do so. ----------------------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------Maya will be surprised that Edgeworth payed her bail and whatnot. Now that she is back with you head back to Gourd Lake Entrance. ---------------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Gourd Lake Park; Entrance ---------------------------------Lotta will appear at the park entrance. She probably got kicked out of her campsite because of the investigation for the time being. She is actually glad of what you did in court today, and she also apologises for being such a hard time as a witness. She wants to make up the entire ordeal to you, though. Talk about "Today's trial" and she will reflect more on how she will do better next time she is a witness. Talk about "Gourdy" next. She really wants to catch a picture of Gourdy so she can be famous. Heh. Ask about "Making it up" last. Lotta actually has some information for you that von Karma didn't want her to sya in court. However, she's putting a price on it. Choose "Deal". She wants information in exchange for the information you need. She wants proof of Gourdy's existance, or alternatively proof that Gourdy is a big hoax. No, your personal opinion doesn't count. She will head back to the campsite so you can find her there later. Head into the public beach. -------------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Gourd Lake Public Beach -------------------------------Once you arrive here you will notice that Larry seems to have decorated the entire place to boost sales. He has hoisted raises flags all over the place as well as add a giant Steel Samurai inflatable...thing right in the center of the beach area. Heh. Larry will appear. Kiyance gave Larry the idea of doing all this stuff to boost the Samurai Dogs' sales. Talk to him about "Edgeworth". You will remember Edgeworth transferred schools from the DL-6 Incident. Uh-huh. Ask about "The big samurai". Apparently, the kids love the giant Samurai balloon. It wasn't inflated yesterday because Larry's compressor was broken. Note the little unit to the right of the Samurai's base. That's the compressor. Examine the compressor to learn a little bit more about it. Also take note of the flags hanging from the Steel Samurai as they will come in handy later on. Head back to the Police Department to look for Gumshoe. -------------------------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Police Department; Criminal Affairs --------------------------------------------

Gumshoe is here in the office, and here to stay for a while. Ask about "The investigation". Another meeting is scheduled soon and the topic of discussion is going to be Edgeworth's ulterior motive. Edgeworth's father was killed from the DL-6 Incident, and the only possible suspect was declared innocent thanks to Robert Hammond. Therefore, he hates him and may be the reason he killed him (supposedly). This information is likely to hit court tomorrow. Ask about "Gourdy" next. Gumshoe doesn't know anything about Gourdy, but gets annoyed that you're wasting precious investigative time searching for a sea monster. Phoenix will explain the situation to Gumshoe. Gumshoe is now able to help you with your search. He is willing to lend you one of three secret weapons the department has for finding critical evidence. Ask about "Secret weapons" next. The first secret weapon is "Missile". Not a weapon of mass destruction, but rather a cute looking K-9 police dog, but is still in training. Gumshoe's second secret weapon is a fishing pole. It happens to be his personal pole. Phoenix isn't sure how this will help exactly, but you never know. Gumshoe's final secret weapon is a standard metal dectector. Still, this item is just as worthless as the fishing pole because this can't help you catch a sea monster. You will need to borrow one of the items. You can trade with Gumshoe at any time if you want to experience all of them. You will want to borrow the metal detector. You won't actually use it, however, until the VERY end of this case. And what an ending it will be! If you borrow the fishing pole, it breaks almost instantly. That's great. If you borrow Missile, once you bring him to the public beach he will act insane and eat all of Larry's hot dogs. I actually recommend seeing that one. It's pretty funny. METAL DETECTOR will be added to the Cour Record. Time to head somewhere you haven't visited yet-the Boat Rental Shop. Accessed via the public beach. ------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Boat Rental Shop ------------------------Maya will comment that the beach is still really quiet. Just then, the metal detector goes off. Maya will check the nearby bushes, and will find a metal air tank. Note the flags attached to it. Wonder who or where it came from? AIR TANK will be added to the Court Record. Let's go talk to Larry again. -------------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Gourd Lake Public Beach -------------------------------Present the Air Tank to Larry. Ask Larry "Is it yours?" Larry will be in complete denial that it is his, despite the fact that flags strung around make it blindingly obvious it could only have come from him. He will ask why he would need that tank. Respond "To inflate something". He must have used it to inflate the giant Steel Samurai balloon. Larry will now mention that since his compressor wasn't working that well he tried using that air tank just once. However, when he used it the end results weren't good so he didn't use it again.

Choose to "Ask more about the tank". Larry doesn't want to talk about it since it's embarrassing, but Maya will convince him otherwise. Since the compressor didn't work he tried to use the air tank. However, the tank popped open and blasted into the air, taking the deflated Steel Samurai costume with it. The tank flew into Gourd Lake. Now, talk about "The flying air tank". Larry states that this incident occured on the 20th. He knew that the tank would float on the lake, so he rented a boat every night thereafter to search for it. It just so happens that he found the Steel Samurai and tank on the 24th-the night of the murder. Larry says he was actually here on the night of the murder. However he went home before midnight. This solves one mystery. That flying air tank must have been the Gourdy that Lotta has been thinking about. Let's break the bad news to her. ------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Gourd Lake Woods ------------------------Lotta will be here. She has toned done the sound requirements to set off the camera so now, when Maya sneezes, the entire roll is set off again. No time to play around. Talk about "Gourdy". When she asks if you have found any information, say "Gourdy doesn't exist" of course. Choose "Is here" because you are holding the proof you need in the Court Record. The proof Gourdy doesn't exist is the Air Tank, so present that. Phoenix will explain the situation. There was a "bang" sound when it flew off, right? The tank and Samurai fell into the lake. And oh so convienently, a couple was taking a picture at that same time. Gourdy is nothing but the deflated Steel Samurai costume. This depressed Lotta a bit, but a deal's a deal. She's willing to give you your information now. Talk about "Case information" now. She heard the cops around the lake yesterday saying that there is going to be another witness to appear in court tomorrow. His identity is the old man who is the caretake of the boat rental shop nearby. Before you go check it out, Lotta has something else related to the night of the murder. Her camera clicked twice, remember? You only got one of the photos. However, the photo contains nothing but the lake so she assumed it would be useless in court. It still may be useless but nonetheless she will hand it over to you. SECOND LAKE PHOTO will be added to the Court Record. Let's check out the boat rental shop now. ------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Boat Rental Shop ------------------------Maya comments there still seems to be nobody around here. Move into the caretaker's shack. -------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Caretaker's Shack -------------------------As soon as you enter you will see the slightly insane caretaker of the shop. He is an old man, fumbling back and forth. He will mistake Maya as his daughter (or granddaughter or...something) Meg and Phoenix as Keith.

Okay...the man now thinks the boat rental shop is a pasta resturant. He will also make a notion to his parrot, Polly. The old duff will then fall asleep on the spot. There are two things you must examine to continue. First, see the safe above the broken television? The safe is locked. There could be something valuable to the case in there, but you don't know the pass numbers. Next, examine the parrot. The parrot responds only to its name, and it does say a couple of other things if you happen to know the secret words. PARROT will be added to the Court Record. Talk to the man about "Polly". The other topics will get you nowhere. Polly knows everything important that Uncle tells him. Maya will then ask what the combonation to the safe is. The parrot will respond it is "1228". The old man is angered, and he won't let you open the safe of course! He could just switch the combonation lock code though... Now, to get the man talking you will need to present your Attorney's Badge to him. He finally agrees to help you on the details of the murder, however he will only do so on one condition. You will need to promise to run the Wet Noodle when he's long dead. Lie and "Promise to run the Noodle". To get the man to discuss the events of the murder, present the Lake Photo. The old man claims he has seen this picture, then requests you start calling him dad. He claims he saw everything. Ask about "What you saw" now. It was dark outside and he forgot the time, then he heard a loud "bang" from outside. He then heard a second "bang". He saw a man fall into the water. A while later the boat returns to the dock. A young man walked by the shop, muttering something to himself. The man forgets what he said, but promises he'll remember by court tomorrow. Before you leave, Maya will ask the parrot one more question. She'll ask if they are forgetting something. He will respond "Don't forget DL-6!" What did that thing just say? How the hell does it know anything about DL-6? WHO IS this guy? You'll leave the shop now. You should ask Gumshoe about that guy. He's still in the police department. -------------------------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Police Department; Criminal Affairs -------------------------------------------Ask Gumshoe about "The boat caretaker". Gumshoe will confirm that he will be appearing in court tomorrow as a witness. Unfortunately, he doesn't know the identity of that man. Because he wasn't very persuasive or very sure of himself, Lotta was called to the stand yesterday. Ask about "The DL6 Incident". If you are able to convince Gumshoe that the DL-6 Incident has some importance on the current case, he will allow you to see the files containing information about the case. We just learned the importance. Present the Parrot to Gumshoe. Gumshoe will act surprised to learn that the parrot was taught to remember the name of the incident. The only way she would know that word is if the old man was related to the incident. Gumshoe is sure the incident has resemblance on this case. You can access the records room now. ---------------------------------------Date-December 26 Location-Police Department; Records Room ----------------------------------------

Maya will quickly locate the DL-6 file. You'll need to ask her which parts you want to hear. Obviously you want (and need) to hear all of them. Start with "The case summary". DL-6 CASE SUMMARY-This all occured on December 28, 2001. That is 15 years ago from the next two days! The case is closed after that. The incident took place in the elevator inside the district court. That's the same court the current case is being held in as well. At around 2:00 PM that day there was a terrible earthquake. The building lost power after that. In the stuck elevator were three people. It wasn't until after 7:00 PM, five hours later, that they were rescued. The elevator lacked an oxygen supply so the passengers quickly became oxygen deprived and unconscious. One of the people has been shot through the heart. That was Edgeworth's father. This means that one of the other passengers of the elevator was Miles Edgeworth, because he saw his dad get shot. But, who is the third person? Tell Maya to get the "Victim data" next. DL-6 VICTIM DATA-Gregory Edgeworth, 35. He was a defense attorney at the time. If he were still alive he would be 50 years old. On the day of the incident he had lost a court case and had gotten aboard the elevator with his son Miles. This confirms Miles was on the elevator. The angle of the bullet in the picture proves that Gregory did not commit suicide in the elevator. The murder weapon, which was a pistol, was found in the elevator. The pistol has been fired two times apparently. Phoenix will note that this sounds EXACTLY like the current case. Tell Maya to dig up the "Suspect data" now. DL-6 SUSPECT DATA-The main suspect of the case was Yanni Yogi. He was a clerk inside the court, or a bailiff. He was the third person that was trapped in the elevator. This makes it perfectly logical he would have done it, however, he was found innocent thanks to Robert Hammond, the victim in this case. Yogi was oxygen deprived severely in the elevator so he is claimed to have had severe brain damage. He lost all memory of ever being in the elevator. Once the incident was over, he disappeared and was never heard from again. That's all the information there is on the DL-6 Incident. There's too much stuff here to take it all with you, so you will just take the essentials for court. DL-6 CASE FILE will be added to the Court Record. You can check this in the Court Record at any time. It basically summarizes the important details I just outlined above. You'll be needing this file very soon. Court is starting tomorrow. Get ready. =========== Day 3-Trial =========== ---------------------------------------Date-December 27, 10:00 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 3 ---------------------------------------For a bit of comic relief, von Karma is predicting that he has so much sufficient evidence that the trial will end in a guilty verdict in three minutes. What a lovely estimate. von Karma will then call the old caretaker to the stand. His identitiy still hasn't been confirmed yet. The man won't state his name. Choose to "Raise an objection". von Karma will point out that this is trivial matter and is irrelevant to the case. That, and he doesn't remember his own name. His memory is limited to the past few years. However, since the murder

occured a few days ago he is more than capable of testifying. The Judge will now allow the man to testify. ------------------------------------------~Uncle's Testimony-The Night of the Murder~ -------------------------------------------It was the night of the 24th, just after midnight, ayup. -I was in the resturant...where I boats as usual. -Then I heard a "bang!" Ayup. -When I looked out the window, I saw a boat just a' floating on the lake. -Then I heard another "bang." -Just about then the boat comes back to shore, and a man walks past my window. Make sure you choose to "Cross-examine". Screw von Karma's three minute prediction. These facts are quite solid. You will need to press Uncle's sixth statement, about hown someone walked past his window. He will confirm that the man was Edgeworth. His line of testimony will change to this: -That man was the defendant...he was saying "I can't believe he's dead." Press Uncle again on this new statement. Uncle will confirm that he is positive that the man was Edgeworth. Then Uncle will collapse upon the floor. Phoenix realises that von Karma set up this statement so that he would fall into pressing it and into his trap. You sure better "Raise an objection" or this will end fast. Remember, Edgeworth couldn't have fired off the gun. von Karma will easily explain that Edgeworth wiped off his fingerprints once he fired the gun. That could be true. You need to "Raise an objection" again. Phoenix will say that the witness could easily be lying as there isn't any other proof to back up his claims. However, von Karma will stop you and say that you'll need evidence to prove him wrong. The Judge will now declare Edgeworth guilty. YOU LOSE! Oh...wait. Just after the verdict is called somebody decides to stop the trial. It is none other than Larry. Remember that Larry was also at the lake late on Christmas Eve. He confirms that he knows something about this case. He wasn't sure of himself so he delayed calling himself a witness for a while, but this trial has made him remember everything. He knows something about the gunshots. Larry realised that something Uncle said didn't match with what Larry had witnessed. Thus, he demands to testify on the matter. The Judge declares that is custom to provide an inaccurate verdict. Every witness needs to be heard. Thusly, the Judge temperarily withdrawls his guilty verdict, then calls for a five minute recess. ---------------------------------------------Date-December 27, 10:28 AM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 2 ---------------------------------------------Maya will ask Edgeworth why his fingerprints are all over the gun. When the man fell into the lake Edgeworth became seriously confused. He wasn't able

to think straight. Without a second thought he saw the pistol infront of him and just picked it up. He had no reason to do so, but he did... Edgeworth will also comment that this is your chance to screw von Karma. Hard. He has only run perfect trials, with perfectly prepared witnesses and perfectly prepared evidence. This is the first time he has ever had another witness appear unexpectedly. Everything hinges on Larry's testimony now. ---------------------------------------Date-December 27, 10:35 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 3 ---------------------------------------Nothing exciting off the bat since von Karma can't really do much. Larry's testimony better be good... -----------------------------------------------~Larry Butz's Testimony-The Night of the Murder~ ------------------------------------------------That night, I was out in a boat on the lake. -I was looking for something, and I, er, found it. -So I quietly slipped the boat in at the rental shop deck. -Then, just as I was thinking about going home, I heard this "bang"! -I looked out over the lake, but I didn't notice the boat. -So after I heard that single gunshot, I went home. Press the first statement. Larry says he left the dock at around 11:00 PM. Press the third statement next, about slipping the boat back in. Larry guesses he was searching for around an hour, so it was somewhere around midnight by the time he arrived back at the dock. This makes sense since a gunshot went off at 12:15. Press Larry's fifth statement. He didn't notice any boat while Uncle did. Isn't that odd? It was very foggy that night and Larry isn't entirely sure whether he did see the boat of not. That gets us nowhere. Fast. Press his last statement. Larry confirms he heard only a single "bang" before he headed home. However, Lotta testified yesterday and Uncle testified today that they heard TWO gunshots go off. Present Lotta's Deposition at Larry's last statement. Larry now isn't sure that he even heard the second gunshot because he may have missed it. He was actually listening to something else. He was listening to his radio with headphones on. Not sure why he would use headphones on a quiet, desolate night, but that's Larry. With all this seemingly pointless information into play, choose to "Continue" with his testimony. ----------------------------------------~Larry Butz's Testimony-What Larry Heard~ -----------------------------------------It's lonely, being alone on Christmas Eve! -That's why I was listening to an all-requests show on the radio, see? -I was listening to it real booming loud, like.

-But I'm sure I heard that gunshot. -I remember exactly what the DJ was saying when I heard it, too. There is only statement that could give you any hope-the fifth one. Larry never did say what the DJ was saying at the time in his testimony. Before Larry has a chance to respond, von Karma will object to the stupidity of this idea. Choose "We should care". The line the DJ was saying could be vital to this case. A sixth statement will now be added: -Just when she said "Hey! It's almost Christmas!" I heard the gunshot. Huh? There was a gunshot BEFORE midnight? Present Lotta's Deposition again at this new statement. Lotta, as well as Uncle, heard two gunshots clear after midnight. However, Larry's new statement confirms another gunshot was heard before midnight. These facts also back up another piece of evidence you carry right now. von Karma will state that Larry must be mistaken in his timings. He doesn't even look so sure of himself. The Judge will ask for your opinion. Choose "Larry's right". Larry obviously heard a gunshot sometime before midnight. von Karma asks if you have evidence backing up your crazy claims. You'll now need to show evidence that there was a gunshot before midnight. Present the Second Lake Photo here (You can present the Pistol here, too, but you would be presenting it too early resulting in you looping back to this question although the end result is the same). Anyways, the timestamp on Lotta's photo is December 24, 11:50 PM. There isn't anything in this picture. That must mean a loud noise came form somewhere else in order to set off the camera. This claim completely backs up Larry's statement. He must have heard the gunshot go off before midnight. von Karma will now mention that there were two gunshots, seperated by a timeframe of 25 minutes. One at 11:50, another at 12:15. Why is this? Phoenix all of a sudden realizes what is going on. He has almost everything figured out now. von Karma says that only Edgeworth could have been the murderer. Phoenix objects, claiming that is assuming that murder took place at 15 minutes past midnight. Phoenix will now claim that Robert Hammond was actually killed 25 minutes before the acclaimed killing, and not actually at 12:15. von Karma will object to your absurd assumptions. If Hammond was truly killed before midnight, who was on the boat in the picture? Choose "Edgeworth and the murderer". We know Edgeworth was on the boat and Hammond was dead. Supposedly. Hammond must have been killed at 11:50 PM. The murderer then took the clothes of Robert Hammond and assumed his identity. This was his way of meeting Edgeworth. Phoenix will point out that Edgeworth won't reveal why he went to the lake. He has an idea, though. Robert Hammond might have called Edgeworth to the lake that night. Edgeworth had no idea what Hammond looked like so he would not be able to tell if it was the real Hammond or not. That must be why Edgeworth suspected nothing when he met "Hammond" on the boat. The Judge will now demand who the murderer is since Phoenix seemingly has a clue who it is. Choose "I don't know". It may be stupid, but you really don't know his name. It isn't because you don't know who it is, it's because he hasn't told you yet! The murderer must be the caretaker of the boat rental shop. Phoenix claims that the real scene of the crime was not

actually on a boat. The Judge now asks you that if it wasn't on the boat, where was it? Move the cursor onto the boat rental shop on the map and present that. von Karma will object to this right away. Where's the proof? Recall Larry's testimony for a minute. Larry was searching for something that night and he found it. Just as he was heading for him he heard a gunshot. He was wearing headphones at a loud volume at the time. The only way he could hear a gunshot if it was close by. What was the closest thing to him? The boat rental shop, of course! Phoenix will now explain what must have happened. The testimony music will play, but, you won't cross examine yourself. Hah. --------------------------------------------------~Phoenix Wright's Explanation-What Really Happened~ ---------------------------------------------------That night, the caretaker of the boat shop called Robert Hammond to his shop. -This was around 11:50. -That was when the gunshot that Larry heard was fired. -After that, the caretaker put on Robert Hammond's coat... -He became Robert Hammond! -Then he got in the boat with Edgeworth, and went out into the middle of the lake. The Judge will ask who fired the Pistol after that statement. Choose "The boat shop caretaker". -Of course, it was the murderer who shot the pistol. -He shot twice. Both missed Edgeworth on purpose. von Karma will ask you now why the murderer had reasons to shoot twice. Choose "To create a witness". -The murderer lifts his pistol and fires one shot. -That ensures that anyone who heard the shot would look at the lake. -Indeed, Ms. Hart did exactly that after hearing the first gunshot. -Next! The murderer waits a bit and he fires again. -Then...the murderer jumps from the boat himself! -Leaving the pistol in the boat behind him. Phoenix then explains the murderer went back to the boat shop, put back the coat on Hammonds body, and flung him into the lake. These are the events that occured that night on Gourd Lake. The Judge will order the bailiff to bring out Uncle so that he can testify under these new circumstances. In the meantime, the Judge will ask Edgeworth several questions. Edgeworth will confirm that the majority of what Phoenix said was correct. Several

days ago he recieved a letter that was signed by Robert Hammond. He asked to stop by the boat rental shop on Christmas Eve. He had to discuss something with him. Edgeworth won't say what it was, though. The bailiff will return and announce that the old man has disappeared. He isn't at the boat rental shop either. The Judge will order that the old man must be captured at all costs as he is critical to the outcome of this trial. The Judge can't declare a verdict right now with all this confusion going about. You have one more day to find the truth, the old man, and his actual name. -----------------------------------------------Date-December 27, 1:22 PM Location-District Court; Defendant's Lobby No. 2 -----------------------------------------------Good job saving Edgeworth again for the day. He will mention to you that something has been troubling him for many years. He isn't sure whether or not he should tell you. It's about some nightmare he has been having. A memory of a crime he thinks he comitted. =================== Day 3-Investigation =================== --------------------------------Date-December 27 2:11 PM Location-Wright & Co. Law Offices --------------------------------Edgeworth's murder memory strikes at a severely bad time. Whatever it is, he will likely confess that in court and get a guilty verdict anyways, even if you manage to save him. Just then, Larry will arrive on the scene. Talk to him about "Today's trial" and Phoenix will admit he'd be screwed if Larry didn't show up. He suggests you check out the old boat shop caretaker. As if that wasn't obvious enough. Talk about "Edgeworth" next. Maya asks why you trust him so much. Phoenix will then explain his whole backstory with Edgeworth. He did, once, want to become a defense attorney like his father. Talk about "The class trial". Back in fourth grade, somebody's lunch money was stolen. Phoenix wasn't around when it occurred, so suspicion he did it became apparent. He was held on trial in class (note he had spiky hair back then...). Just then, young Miles stood up in Phoenix's defense. Larry then comes in and states that everybody is acting like a total jerk. Hah. After that day, the three of them became friends. That still doesn't explain why Edgeworth is now a prosecutor. Talk about "Edgeworth's goals" now. Phoenix explains Edgeworth wanted to be a defense attorney, but after several months transferred to another school. This is related to the DL-6 Incident. Phoenix couldn't get in touch with Edgeworth, and thusly became a defense attorney for the sole purpose of meeting him. Wow. That's a stupid way to set a goal. Let's talk to Edgeworth about this. ----------------------------------------Date-December 27 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------Talk to Edgeworth about "Why prosecute?" Edgeworth's father war killed and the only person who could have done it was declared innocent. Edgeworth

confesses that after that day he despised criminals and would do anything to get them locked away. Ask him then about "Prosecutor von Karma". Remember that he is Edgeworth's mentor. Everything Edgeworth knows was derived from him. Especially his attitude. Hah. He's a complete freak-a total perfectionist. Edgeworth admits that given von Karma's actions he will likely be declared guilty. Head back to Gourd Lake. Time to find that old man again. ---------------------------------Date-December 27 Location-Gourd Lake Park; Entrance ---------------------------------You will find Detective Gumshoe back at the park, obviously looking for the old man. He will become determined to catch that jerk for you, and then he will run off. There's also one other thing. Remember that "No camping" sign in Lotta's campsite? The park warden found out and nobody can go to the woods today. Not as if you really need to head there. Head for the public beach now. --------------------------------Date-December 27 Location-Gourd Lake; Public Beach --------------------------------Phoenix will notice the large Steel Samurai balloon and attaching flags are missing. Larry's probably been too busy to care about his stand for the moment. Head for the boat rental shop. ------------------------Date-December 27 Location-Boat Rental Shop ------------------------For whatever reason, Grossberg has come all the way out here. He suggests that if you find anything important that you should stop by his office. There is only one place right now that could hold anything of such value. The old man is out, which means the perfect oppertunity to sneak into his shack and open the safe! -------------------------Date-December 27 Location-Caretaker's Shack -------------------------Once you are in the shack, you'll find Polly has been left alone in here. That's sad. Examine the safe now and Maya will be delighted to open it up. You will find a single piece of paper inside the safe. The letter starts off by saying to get your revenge on Edgeworth. The rest of the letter is telling somebody that it's his last chance to do this and get revenge on the two people who ruined his life. The remainder of the letter goes on about how to kill Hammond and frame Edgeworth. You will be shocked to find out that almost everything Phoenix explained in court yesterday was actually true. It was all part of the plans to frame Edgeworth. This means the caretaker didn't decide to kill Hammond, he was merely following instructions! But why would he do so? This confirms he is the murderer, but that doesn't tell us who wrote the letter. Have an idea? LETTER FROM THE SAFE will be added to the Court Record. You need to show this letter to Edgeworth now. ----------------------------------------Date-December 27 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room

----------------------------------------Present the Letter from the Safe to Edgeworth. Edgeworth assumes somebody else is behind this murder. Edgeworth and Hammond are the victims. But why? The letter also mentions it is his last chance to get revenge. This makes sense because the statue of limitations on the case at hand, DL-6, runs out tomorrow. As if this isn't bad enough, Edgeworth will begin to think who the old man really is. He believes he is Yanni Yogi, the only suspect originally in the DL-6 Incident. Ask about "Yanni Yogi" now. Yogi was a court baliff during the incident. He too was trapped in the elevator. He was declared innocent due to severe brain damage. Now you can talk to Edgeworth about "The nightmare". Edgeworth has had the same nightmare for over 15 years. He keeps dreaming that he killed his father in that elevator. When Edgeworth flung the pistol, it shot off and a loud scream was heard. He's not sure if it was from his father or now, but he's sure it was. Well that certainly doesn't help you. We have some important evidence, yes? Let's pay a visit to Grossberg. -----------------------------Date-December 27 Location-Grossberg Law Offices -----------------------------Grossberg has a lot to talk about now. Maya will explain that Edgeworth believes that he really killed his father. He will explain that Yogi holds a deep enough grudge against Edgeworth that he framed him for murder. Then, perhaps his dream actually is real. Because being a suspect ruined his career, he must have had no choice but to get revenge on the one who ruined his life. Talk about "Gregory Edgeworth" now. Gregory was a top defense attorney back then. Gregory also deeply hated von Karma's technique of declaring his clients guilty. von Karma, after all, has forged many a testimony and piece of evidence. Gregory planned to call attention to his techniques in court, but he failed. He died soon thereafter, in the elevator. Ask about "The spirit medium". Remember, Misty was the one who channeled Gregory Edgeworth to talk about who really killed him. He said that Yanni Yogi killed him. But Yogi was found innocent. This means Gregory lied, and most likely for the reason he wanted to protect Miles. That's only a possibility, though. Time to present the Letter from the Safe. Grossberg will suspect Hammond was killed because he was a skilled defense attorney, but defended clients for his sake. He didn't care much about his clients at all. Yogi became a free man again, but in reality his life was ruined thanks to Hammond. Grossberg then realises he is familar with the handwriting on the letter. He'll ask you if you know who it is. Choose "Manfred von Karma". Now it is starting to make sense. Grossberg will remember that this really is von Karma's handwriting. He must have told Yogi to kill Hammond and fram Edgeworth. Ask about "Prosecutor von Karma" now. This means von Karma knows that Edgeworth killed his own father. He will likely state that in court tomorrow, too. He will then mention that 15 years ago von Karma and Gregory were in a court case. von Karma won, of course, but something else happened. Ask about "Gregory vs. Manfred". Gregory, after the verdict, declared von Karma of faulty evidence. This accusation stood and was the

only penalty that von Karma has recieved in his 40 year long career. von Karma then took a vacation for several months. It was the only vacation he has ever taken. We need to know why. The deal to his perfect record isn't the real answer, likely enough. Grossberg suggests that if you are so sure he is innocent that you go check the records again. Head back to the records room for the final trump card. -------------------------------------------Date-December 27 Location-Police Department; Criminal Affairs -------------------------------------------An officer will allow you into the record room because von Karma is already in there. You're allowed as long as he's in there. He beat you to it! We should hurry and stop that man! ---------------------------------------Date-December 27 Location-Police Department; Records Room ---------------------------------------You, fortunately, won't find von Karma right away. He must be searching for something else to use in the case. Notice that there is a drawer hanging open on the right wall. Examine it to find that it contains Unsolved Cases Evidence. The DL-6 Incident file is completely missing. This must mean von Karma has recently taken it. von Karma will suddenly show up, looking as cool and badass as ever. Notice the files he is carrying under his arm. Talking to him will only confirm your suspicions that he will bring up the DL-6 Incident again tomorrow in court. Now it's time to present the Letter from the Safe. von Karma will admit that he wrote the letter. von Karma will then bring up a stun gun. He is about to stun Phoenix, but Maya starts tackling von Karma. von Karma will win, though, then stuns both of you and runs away with the letter. In the short brawl, Maya stole a piece of evidence that von Karma was carrying. It happens to be a bullet. It's from the DL-6 Incident, and was retrieved from the heart of Gregory Edgeworth. DL-6 BULLET will be added to the Court Record. With the useful evidence stolen, how can you win court tomorrow? =========== Day 4-Trial =========== ---------------------------------------------Date-December 28, 9:51 AM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 2 ---------------------------------------------Maya will be frying everybody she touches. The electricity must not have worn off inside of her yet. Gumshoe will appear and gladly confirm that he captured the old man. ---------------------------------------Date-December 28, 10:00 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 3 ---------------------------------------The identity of the caretaker, as we know is Yanni Yogi, still hasn't been told to the court. It's best if we wait until the best possible time to reveal that. Yogi will then give a testimony.

----------------------------------------~Yanni Yogi's Testimony-Why I Left Court~ -----------------------------------------Er, I'm really sorry about just leaving yesterday like I did. -But I wasn't running away or nothing. -I, uh, went to buy some food for Polly, see... -I figured I got nothing to do with this incident anyhow. -Er...I mean, I'd need one of this "motive" things, right? And I don't got one. Unless you want some von Karmic objections, stick to pressing only Yogi's fourth statement. Phoenix claims that if he had lost his memory, how would he know he really has nothing to do with this incident? Phoenix boldly states he knows who he is. The Judge will ask if Yogi's memory has anything to do with the current case. It sure does. All of his statements are lies. You will now need to tell who his name is. Obviously, choose "Yanni Yogi". Unfortunately, you will need more proof than just an assumption. Phoenix will claim that his fingerprints should be taken. von Karma will state that such an action is impossible. Where this man used to work he had burned his hands. He has NO fingerprints. Well, that's great! von Karma will laugh as you struggle to think of another witness. In a hilariously sarcastic tone, von Karma suggests you cross examine Yogi's parrot. You know what? That's actually a good idea. It knows about DL-6 so the little bird might actually know something. Choose "Yes, I'm doing it". The parrot will now be brought in. Time for the best testimony in the game. ------------------------------------------------~Polly the Parrot's Testimony-Who Is Your Owner?~ -------------------------------------------------Hello! Hello! *squawk* -... Well, if that's now that best testimony in history I don't know what it. I think it should be more than obvious which statement you should pres, if that actually will do anything. Phoenix will then suggest that Maya asks Polly a question pertaining to DL-6. Choose "Have we forgotten something?" Maya will ask Polly this question, but all Polly does is reply hello in return. What the hell? Did von Karma retrain the bird and trap us into making her testify? Press that statement again. Now have Maya ask Polly "What's your name?" There's a reason this is important. The parrot will respond, of course, that her name is Polly. The Judge will now ask if this has anything to do with who the caretaker's identity is. Choose "Of course". von Karma will laugh and demand proof that the name is related to Yogi. Look at the DL-6 Case File. On page three, suspect data, there are two names mentioned. Yanni Yogi for starters, and what he did. The other name was his fiancee who committed suicide after the incident-Polly Jenkins. POLLY. There's a clear possible connection here. Present the DL-6 Case File. You will then be asked what page the proof is on. Choose "Suspect Data". The Judge agrees that while the connection is possible, it's a mere

coincidence. Press this statement a third time. Ask the final question"What's the safe number?" Polly will still respond "1228" as usual. The Judge will ask again if this has anything to do with who the caretaker is. Choose "Actually, it does". Once again, present the DL-6 Case File. Do note that the date of the incident was 12/28. The Judge will ask again what page the information is found on. Choose "Case Summary". The Judge now realizes there is a patterns between the events of the DL-6 Incident and the caretaker. Turns out cross examining a bird actually paid off. DON'T try it in real life! The Judge will now call Yogi back to the stand. The caretaker assumes a different pose. He finally confesses that he is Yanni Yogi. Damn he looks badass. He's been acting like an insane idiot for over 15 years. Crazy. He confesses to serving in this court all those years ago. He also admits that he was the one who killed Hammond and framed Edgeworth for his murder. After finishing the backstory behind his motive, he will finally be arrested. Edgeworth, after all this time, is finally declared innocent. von Karma lost! But wait...Edgeworth objects to the Judge's verdict! He claims that he isn't innocent whatsoever. Choose "Raise an Objection". von Karma, however, demands that this new testimony be allowed since it was yesterday. Edgeworth will breifly explain the situation, then exclaim he is the one who killed his father. von Karma demands a trial for these new revelations get held right now. A short recess will now be given. ---------------------------------------------Date-December 28, 2:24 PM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 2 ---------------------------------------------Edgeworth is ready to be declared guilty. Phoenix, though, is confident that such will not be the case. He has the evidence to prove that Edgeworth is actually innocent. You have all the necessary tools, no matter the von Karmic objection, to prove his innocence once and for all. You'll head back into court after that. ---------------------------------------Date-December 28, 2:30 PM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 3 ---------------------------------------This is it. The final battle. Phoenix notes that one detail about his father's murder didn't seem right. You'll need to pull it out. ----------------------------------------------~Miles Edgeworth's Testimony-The DL-6 Incident~ -----------------------------------------------That day, I had gone to the courtroom to observe one of my father's trials. -As we left to leave, an earthquake struck, trapping us in the elevator. -My father and Mr. Yogi lost their composure, and began to argue. -Just then, something heavy fell at my feet. -I picked it up, and threw it at Mr. Yogi. I wanted them to stop fighting. -A moment later there was a single gunshot, then a scream.

-It was a terrible scream. I remember it to this day. Press Edgeworth's sixth statement. It is the only contradiction there is in his testimony. Phoenix is curious if the gun really fired only once. There is an amount of detail here. Check out the DL-6 Case File yet again. One the Victim Data page, Gregory Edgeworth had been found dead with a pistol nearby shot twice. Edgeworth has stated he heard only one gunshot. Where did the second come from? Present the DL-6 Case File. von Karma won't allow you to present it until you declare what page the information is on. Choose "Victim Data" naturally. The Judge will soon ask if you have any proof that other shot fired has something to do with this case. Select "Yes". Choose to present the DL-6 Incident Photo. Finally a use for that picture. The thing is, there's a contradiction in this picture that supports the evidence presented. You'll need to show the contradiction. Present the bullet hole that broke through the elevator door glass. von Karma will quickly object to your little game. He will bring out the DL-6 Case File (it's getting too much love...). Notice how "not a single clue was found at the scene". If the pistol was really fired two times in the elevator, the bullet that wasn't in Gregory Edgeworth's heart would easily have been found at the scene. The second bullet has never been found so your claim will be shot down by the Judge. The Judge is going to declare Edgeworth guilty once again. Be sure that you "I have an objection". Stalling for time isn't going to do anything now. There's nothing that can possibly help you. Luckily for you, Mia will appear in Phoenix's thoughts. She'll mention " must exist..." and "...Someone took it...". Phoenix will now call out that the second bullet must clearly exist. Phoenix claims, again, that the murderer took the second bullet with him. The Judge will then ask why the murderer had taken the bullet in the first place. Choose "The murderer didn't need it". Mia will pop up once again and mention that "...he had to take it..." and "'re thinking too normal, think crazy...". That's a great message to know. So, think why the bullet HAD to have been taken. Phoenix now begins to understand what is happening. The murderer didn't have a choice of whether or not to take the bullet with him that day. What if the murderer had been shot? Miles and Yogi weren't injured when they were found, so who was shot? This means that the murderer was actually outside of the elevator the entire time. von Karma will quickly stop you and keep saying that such a theory is impossible. He seems worried about something. Maya then thinks of something really crazy. Grossberg told you yesterday that Gregory Edgeworth had put a penalty on von Karma's perfect record. Then he took a vacation. If this is true, von Karma was shot and took the vacation in order to heal himself! This is the only possibility! von Karma must be the murderer in this case. It truly makes sense now. von Karma was at the scene of the crime-the courtroom that day for obvious reasons. He has a complete motive to murder Gregory. The Judge will now ask if you know the name of the murderer. Choose to "Say it now". The truth must be revealed. Edgeworth will look surprised. So will von Karma and the Judge. von Karma sees no reason to object to this babble. He will then ask that you prove

he was shot. He would need surgery, of course, to get the bullet removed. He orders you to get the doctor he used as proof. Of course, he wouldn't say something so stupid if it wasn't true. Edgeworth will say he couldn't have had surgery. A doctor would be a witness. This means that the bullet would still be inside of him to this day. von Karma now states that if what you claim is true, the bullet is still inside his shoulder. He tells you to show proof, so choose "Show evidence". There is only one item you have that can prove that-the seemingly useless metal detector! As soon as you present that von Karma will freak out and start sweating like crazy. It is now obvious he has a bullet in his shoulder. The Judge will permit the useage of the metal detector. Behold, it goes off around von Karma's shoulder. von Karma isn't ready to admit to his guilt yet. He will now claim that he had the bullet there ever since before the DL-6 Incident. You now have to prove the bullet in his shoulder is connected to this incident. There's only one thing now that can link him to this case. Present the DL-6 Bullet to hammer the final nail in von Karma's deathbed. The evidence states that the ballistic markings are still very clear on the bullet. Remember that ballistic markings can be used to tell what gun a bullet was fired from. Thusly, if the ballistic markings from this bullet match the ballistic markings of the bullet found in von Karma's shoulder, then it would prove that they came from the same gun. It's over for von Karma. Realzing the impossible, von Karma will scream an impossible to describe scream. Edgeworth will quickly realize that von Karma's scream is the one that has been haunting him in his nightmare all these years. The entire case has been figured out. When Edgeworth threw the gun it shot off. However, the first bullet shot through the elevator door and into von Karma, who promptly screamed. When the doors opened, von Karma was standing there facing his most hated rival who dealt a blow to his perfect record. The perfect crime, no witness's and the only other people there unconcious. He decided to give payback to the one person who ruined his life-Gregory Edgeworth. This also clears up another story. When Gregory Edgeworth was contacted by Misty Fey, he lied about who killed him. However, he couldn't have known who killed him since he was unconcious when it occured. von Karma has finally faced defeat. He will slam his head against the wall in agony, and utter victory will be yours. After a long case like that, I wouldn't say that's a bad thing! ---------------------------------------------Date-December 28, 5:38 PM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 2 ---------------------------------------------Everybody, including Gumshoe and Lotta, will come by to express how happy they are in your success. Larry stops by, too, and hands Edgeworth an envelope containing $38.00 exactly. Larry then admits he was the one who stole Edgeworth's money back in the fourth grade. All those years wanting to become a defense attorney for nothing, Phoenix! --------------------------------Date-December 28, 5:02 AM Location-Wright & Co. Law Offices ---------------------------------

It's early in the morning, and Phoenix will awake with a headache. He will notice a note lying near his bed. Maya will admit she is useless to him and wants to go back to her spirit medium training. Phoenix will run to the train station to stop her. Maya still happens to be there. He will admit that he couldn't have solved this case without her. Present the DL-6 Bullet to her to show she wasn't useless. Maya promises that as soon as she finishes her training she will come right back to help Phoenix out again. Hopefully you don't get into too much trouble until then. Phoenix will comment that after all these events he is no longer an amateur attorney, but rather an ace attorney now. Hell yeah. The credits will now roll, showing the majority of the characters you have met along the way. They will talk to you a bit, generally about what they've been up to. Most of them seem to have forgotten Phoenix... At the very end, Phoenix will yell "HOLD IT!" and a fifth case will become unlocked. If you recall, Phoenix Wright is a mere port of GS1 in Japan, made for the GBA. It had only these first four cases. This new fifth case was made especially for the DS. You won't find this case in Japan. Hope you enjoy it! ========================================== ~9.Episode 5-Rise from the Ashes~ ========================================== Begin the final case of the game to see an odd introduction. It is a dark and stormy night. The silouette of somebody holding a knife appears, then splits into two seperate images and pans into two different buildings. A knife is thrown, some glass shatters, the silouette of a familar mascot can be scene breifly, and finally what appears to be a woman is seen holding a jammed knife in somebody... You will find out everything you just saw is connected to one another. And what a case this is going to be. =================== Day 1-Investigation =================== Phoenix starts to talk after the previous series of events. It has been two months since Maya left, and in that time he hasn't accepted any cases. He has had offers as a recongnized defense attorney, but he's turned them all down. One day, though, a girl showed up. --------------------------------Date-February 22, 10:02 AM Location-Wright & Co. Law Offices --------------------------------Phoenix seems really depressed. The person he was just talking about appears. She comments that her sister's trial is going on tomorrow. She thinks you're Mia Fey. Haha. She seems to know your name from the Edgeworth case earlier, though. She begs that her sister needs saving, and Phoenix gets a flashback to the second case. This sounds kinda similar. Phoenix finally gives in. She will introduce herself as Ema Skye. She is a scientific investigator. Talk to her about "Ema" first. You will find out that she's only 16 years old and still in high school. So, technically, she's only training to be a scientific investigator. Ask her about "The case" now. She will mention that her sister didn't do any crime and didn't stab somebody with a knife.

Oh joy, yet another murder case. She claims, sadly, that there is a witness that saw her do it. She asks that you go talk to her to get the facts straight. She mentions at the end her sister told Ema to get Mia. Hmm. Ask about "Sci. Investigator" next. She seems really energetic about her future career and stuff. She knows her sister will be declared not guilty if the case is handled scientifically. She mentions that she has discovered a new way of handling cases. Ask about "Relation to Mia" last. Ema's sister specifically requested her to defend her. Mia was only a few years below her in school. She told Mia to go to her if Ema ever needed a defense attorney, and now is as good a time as ever to have one. Ema also says that she hates what her sister has become lately. Her parents are dead so Ema's sister is her only family. This still doesn't explain the case. Head over to the Detention Center. ----------------------------------------Date-February 22 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------You will find Ema's sister standing here with her back to you. She will turn around and seems to know you right away. That's a first. She will introduce herself as Lana Skye. She is the Chief Prosecutor for this district. She most certainly is a prosecutor. Phoenix will then realize this case is starting to have a serious resemblance to case 2. Talk to her about "The case". She will metion the suspect in the crime has already confessed. And the only suspect is Lana. So...why are we here defending someone who has already given up? She will then talk about what happened since it doesn't really matter at this point. The crime took place the day before on February 21, at exactly 5:15 PM. This was what the witness stated. The killing took place in the underground parking lot at the Prosecutor's Office. The body was found in the trunk of one of her subordinate's car. Since it seemed obvious enough she did the crime she was arrested as she stood. Ask about "The victim" next. The victim was an investigator that worked with the Police Department. Moreso, he was a detective. He was killed by a single stab to the stomach. Death was a loss of blood from the wound. The death didn't happen immediately, but it was ensured the detective would die soon after the impact. The victim was a detective, meaning that the police department will consider it a matter of pride to get the suspect, even the Chief Prosecutor, found guilty. Talk to her about "Lana" next. She's responsible for overseeing the actions of every prosecutor in the district and within the courtroom. Ema will notice something on Lana's hand. She cut herself by mistake while she was stabbing the detective. This case seems to get worse and worse as you progress... Finally, ask about Lana's "Relation to Mia". She will mention when she was in the same class as Mia, Mia had strong determination to become a defense attorney. That is the reason she stood out so much to Lana. Lana was the best there was in the school at that time. Lana after that conversation will say there is no way for you to defend her with these facts. However, she will leave the rest of the job to you. She is now requesting your services but she doesn't expect any good to come out of it. There must be something deeper in this case. You will return to Wright & Co. Law Offices now.

--------------------------------Date-February 22 Location-Wright & Co. Law Offices --------------------------------After a bit of talking with Ema about Lana, Phoenix suggests you check out the underground parking lot. Head there. ----------------------------------------------------Date-February 22 Location-Prosecutor's Office; Underground Parking Lot ----------------------------------------------------As soon as you enter, a fellow detective will greet you. He's working on this crime scene. And he's dressed like...a cowboy? Ema will recongnize him as Marshall. Jake Marshall. He's not interested in sharing his investigations with you, so he suggests you leave. As if. Anyways, there's a bounty of objects you should examine. Start by switching screens. The car there is where the murder took place. Examine it and Marshall will come back, telling you to back off. Ema will ask who the owned of the car is, and he will tell you the owner is in the High Prosecutor's Office. You can't look at that screen anymore. On the wall opposite of you, you can find a large wall and a door. There is also an emergency phone. Examine it, and you will find that it isn't working. Examine the door near the phone as well. Ema tries the door out but you will find that it is locked. We don't know where that door goes, yet. Examine the glass wall of the security office on the second floor which overhangs the parking lot. The view from this room, as Phoenix says, is likely to make the entire parking garage visible. Examine the oil barrels near the wall. They appear to be very heavy and filled with water. Oddly enough, one is knocked over. Next, examine the wall right next to the barrels (it has the yellow and black hazard stripes on it). It's quite tall, and apparently gets in your way of something. Finally, examine the most important part of the scene. There's a wallet infront of the locked door. Phoenix tries offering it back to the police, but Ema stops him and says it's evidence. WALLET will be added to the Court Record. And trust me, you will get a crapload of Court Record items, just wait. Ema will now tell and show you the art of "scientific investigation". She will show you the Court Record screen and she'll press "check" on the Wallet. See? You can now examine items in a 3-D perspective. Why the hell did it take so long to look at things in a 3-D perspective anyways? You will need to use the stylus on this one. Turn the wheel at the bottom of the screen to rotate the object to the left a bit (move the wheel right to do this). Ema will spot a clue right away. Choose to examine this spot. It happens to be the opener of the waller. Inside is an ID Card. It reads "Detective Bruce Goodman; ID # 5842189". GOODMAN'S ID will be added to the Court Record now. You've done your business here in the lot. However, someone shows up before you plan to leave. A woman holding a basket full of lunches appears to talk to you. The woman eventually gets to the point that she is the witness

who saw Lana jab the knife into Goodman. She will introduce herself as Angel Starr. Talk to her about "The case". She somehow knew something special was going to happen today. She talks about how there was a prosecutor convention yesterday and the crowned a "King of Prosecutors". Angel seems to have a grudge against prosecutors. Ha. The person who won that award is also the owner of the car the murder took place in. So the man in the High Prosecutor's Office may know something about this murder. Ask about "What you witnessed". She was amazed to see Lana hold the murder weapon. She thought it was a spectacle. If what she says is true, she witnessed the exact moment the murder occured. Talk about "Angel" next. She will explain she comes here to sell lunches everyday. Her boyfriend works in the security office we noticed earlier. Ask about the "Prosecutor's Office" lastly. She seems to hold a grudge against prosecutors. Phoenix thinks something happened in her past that prosecutors were involved with. So much info we still need! Let's head to the High Prosecutor's Office for more answers. -------------------------------------------Date-February 22 Location-High Prosecutor's Office; Room 1202 -------------------------------------------Wow. What a snazzy room. Pinkish decor, a desk, tons of flowers. The hell kind of prosecutor has these kinds of things in his office? Ema notices a trophy right away. She mentions whoever it belongs to must be a real jerk. And out of total irony, that's when Edgeworth returns to his office. Yes, HIS office. Ema claims to be Edgeworth's "biggest fan". Ema decides to insult Edgeworth again by saying a murder took place in an ugly car which, as he confirms, happens to be his. Talk to Edgeworth about "The case". Edgeworth recalls Ema as the Chief Prosecutor's little sister. Edgeworth is also surprised that his car happens to be the scene of the crime. That, and he's now forced to prove that Lana is guilty. He explains that he will be the prosecutor in this case. If he wasn't awesome, I would say that sucks. Talk about "Edgeworth" next. He's surprised that he's still a prosecutor mainly because of the rumors circling around. He also mentions how he hates the award he was given for being a prosecutor. Ask about "Lana Skye" now. Edgeworth worked with her several years ago. He also goes on to say he's shocked that she killed somebody in the trunk of his car, no less with a knife from his toolbox. EDGEWORTH'S KNIFE will be added to the Court Record. See the award that Edgeworth won lying on the couch? Examine it. The award has a big "K" on it, and the shield is slightly broken. Edgeworth pitfully states it's the "King of Prosecutors" award. Edgeworth seems to hate it, though. KING OF PROSECUTORS TROPHY added to the Court Record. Examine the picture of Edgeworth on the wall. For those curious what that outfit he's wearing is, that was an original design of Edgeworth before he was made several years younger to throw in the backstory with him and Phoenix as grade schoolers. Examine the flowers at the back window. Get a laugh as you'll find out Wendy Oldbag sent these to Edgeworth. Not sure why, but hey! Examine the

large shelf of case files. Towards the end of the conversation, Phoenix will picture Gumshoe. Hmm. Present the Prosecutors Trophy to Edgeworth. He's upset at the pointless waste of time that the offices spent handing him that trophy. He had to go to the Police Department to recieve it. He also mentions yesterday was a very busy day in the prosecutors office. Ask about "The day of the crime" now. Yesterday was the annual cleaning day in the Prosecutors Office. Remember the police deal with all sorts of evidence for solved cases. The police then sort all of the solved case files, basically getting rid of them. This is called evidence transferal (remember this!) He also mentions that day was the day of the ceremony where he recieved that trophy. He was there most of the afternoon and didn't arrive back at the office until 5:12 PM. Edgeworth cares little for his memory, so the only way he knows that fact is from hard evidence. He still has the parking stub he used to get into the parking garage. EDGEWORTH'S PARKING STUB is added to the Court Record. Upon close examination, he arrived at 17:12 on 2/21. That's the same as 5:12 PM. Just then, an officer will burst into Edgeworth's office. He's here to deliver a report to Edgeworth, mostly concerning the Lana Skye case. The officer states that isn't what the information is about. Edgeworth gets ticked off this officer is wasting his time, and the officer gets ticked as well. He states his name as Officer Mike Meekins. Edgeworth yells at him to leave, and with his silly report as well. Edgeworth says he has a lot of work to do, and suggests you head down to the police station where that officer came from. You might just find something important there. Head to the Police Department. ----------------------------------Date-February 22 Location-Police Department Entrance ----------------------------------It's true. Phoenix Wright does not have a driver's license. Anyways, Phoenix will notice a cardboard cutout of something infront of the Police Station. You should recongnize this as the totally awesome Blue Badger, defender of evidence and solver of cases...and the police mascot. Ema says he seems a bit familar. Somebody happens to be dancing with the Blue Badger. It happens to be none other than Detective Gumshoe! Talk to him about "The case". Gumshoe advises you to not defend Lana in court. She has already confessed to the crime so you're just wasting your time. She claims she summoned Goodman to her office and killed him there. Gumshoe also says the police hate hearing the word "faked" these days. Huh. Ask about "The investigation" next. He admits Criminal Affairs Department. This murder case only topped ranked officers and detective are Affairs Department at this time. Since he had hang out with a cardboard moving...thing. The the investigation, explaining why Marshall is head there just yet. that he was kicked out of the is at such a high level that allowed in the Criminal nothing to do, he decided to Chief of Police is heading at the Underground Lot. Don't

Present Goodman's ID to Gumshoe. He will remember his name as the victim of this case. Now you can talk to him about "Bruce Goodman". He was a detective much like Gumshoe (yet likely better). Ema finds it wierd his ID Card was at the parking lot. Goodman was originally supposed to be at the

Police Department on the the evidence transferal. Department doing so, why Lana supposedly call him

day of the murder because he was to take part in But if he was supposed to be at the Police was he at the Prosecutor's Office, and why did down there?

Present the Prosecutor Trophy to Gumshoe now. Gumshoe was at the awards ceremony as well. Present Edgeworth's Knife to him now. He's not sure why Lana, or whoever really did it, killed Goodman. This will now allow you to talk about "Rumors at law". Rumors has surfaced after the fourth case was closed even though he was found innocent. This current case has started yet another rumor about him. People think the only reason he's taking this case is because he wants to become Chief Prosecutor himself. Gumshoe thinks otherwise; he thinks Edgeworth is doing it because nobody else wants to prosecute the Cheif Prosecutor herself. Choose to examine the scene. The only thing that gets results is the Blue Badger. Gumshoe admits that he made the little guy. The Blue Badger runs on batteries, so when they fail the machine fails to function. There isn't a switch so it'll keep waving its arms until the batteries die. Or until somebody takes them out. What a great idea! The awesome BLUE BADGER is added to the Court Record. Gumshoe knows Marshall. He's actually just a normal officer. He will hand you a LETTER OF INTRODUCTION, added to the Court Record, which should allow you to examine the crime scene further. Head back to the Underground Lot again. ----------------------------------------------------Date-February 22 Location-Prosecutor's Office; Underground Parking Lot ----------------------------------------------------Angel will appear after what seems like a conversation between her and a detective. She also has a boyfriend in Criminal Affairs. Meh. She'll take her leave and Marshall will appear. Now's a good time to present the Letter of Introduction to him. The introduction is severely mispelled, but Marshall accepts it's from Gumshoe. He'll permit you to investigate the crime scene now. Ema will mention why a patrolman is doing a detective's job. Marshall won't give you a serious response, though. The Letter of Introduction will be discarded. Talk to Marshall about "The victim". He will hand you GOODMAN'S AUTOPSY REPORT, now added to the Court Record. The Autopsy Report, when scientifically investigating, refers in further detail the events in the murder. The kinfe, chest wound, victim, you already know them all. Marshall goes on to say that Lana and Goodman have nothing in common together. They worked together in a case several years ago, and that's it. This means Lana doesn't have a clear motive for killing Goodman. Ask about "Marshall" now. Phoenix will ask why him, as a patrolman, has been assigned to a high profile case such as this. He was actually a detective until two years ago. The Police Department was short on detectives, so Marshall got assigned to the job. Still doesn't explain the lack of Gumshoe. Move to the other screen. Now you can investigate this portion without getting yelled at by Marshall. Examine the large grated wall near the car. Behind the fence is "B Block" where all the visitor's to the Office park. It appears to be quite tall. Now examine the opened trunk of Edgeworth's car. You will find a note

inside of it. The note reads "6-7S, 12/2". On the top right corner of the note you will find the name "Goodman". Perhaps Goodman has this when he was killed. It is unknown what "6-7S" could mean, or why the date 12/2 (if that's a date at all) is written on this note. GOODMAN'S NOTE is added to the Court Record. On the floor to the left of the car you will find a cell phone, once examined. Choose to "Check it out". Ema thinks it belongs to the victim. You now have to examine the cell phone to find something about it. Rotate the cell phone a bit to reveal a blue button on the side of it which opens it up. The display of the cell phone is on the redial button. Examine the blue button that Ema mentions is the redial button. Phoenix will press the button and you'll hear a familar Steel Samurai tune. Before Ema mentions who the phone belongs to, Marshall steps in. This phone belongs to Lana Skye, not the victim! According to the the display, the call Lana made last nigh right after the murder only lasted a few seconds. Marshall isn't sure on who she called. Phoenix claims his phone rang as that picked up Lana's. Yeah, right. CELL PHONE will be added to the Court Record. You can now talk to Marshall about "Lana Skye". Ema implies that Marshall and Lana were somehow related. Ask about "Office atmosphere" now. He will mention that rumors about forged evidence connected to Edgeworth appear to be true. He was also unbeatable until he went against Phoenix. All of the rumors lead back to one person-Lana. Edgeworth made deals with Lana in order to win trials. Phoenix thinks that Gumshoe isn't on this case because he has a close relation with Edgeworth. Ema asks how you're doing. Yeah, it's not looking too good right now. Phoenix also asks if it was actually Ema's phone that just rang instead of his. This means that at 5:18 PM, right after the murder, Lana called Ema for only a few seconds. Lana hung up right away, though. CELL PHONE is added to the Court Record (again). We have no real leads in this case. But, that's the end of day one. Save the game and prepare for court. =========== Day 2-Trial =========== -----------------------------------------------Date-February 23, 9:34 AM Location-District Court; Defendant's Lobby No. 2 -----------------------------------------------You'll talk with Lana for a second, then realize you're going into trial without a Fey helpig you for the first time. Let's see if Phoenix can actually do something by himself for once. ---------------------------------------Date-February 23, 10:00 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 9 ---------------------------------------Edgey is back! He mentions that a professional witness saw the crime in the parking lot. Edgeworth will call Angel Starr to the stand. Angel will now explain her past a bit. Two years ago Angel was a special investigator with the police force. She was a first-rate homicide detective. The Judge now remembers her as the Cough-Up Queen, capable of getting anybody to explain the facts straight out. She'll be explaining thr situation in this case.

She will begin by showing everyone a map of the Underground Parking Lot. As you remember from earlier, the lot is divided into two seperate lots. The A Block is made for employees at the Prosecutor's Office while B Block is for visitor's and clients. There is a fenced divider, what we examined earlier, that divides both lots. This is erected to keep visitor's from moving into spaces for the prosecutor's. The crime took place inside the trunk of a car that was in A Block. The killer, Lana, used a knife to stab the victim and went to drive the body out. However, she was a witness to this scene and the police apprehended her immediately. FLOOR PLANS are added to the Court Record. Now she'll testify to prove she saw Lana. ------------------------------------------~Angel Starr's Testimony-Witness's Account~ -------------------------------------------Somehow, I always knew a day like this would come. -I was on my way to deliver a lunchbox to my boyfriend... -When I sensed something...perhaps it was my finely-honed detecive instincts working. -Then, through a wire fence, I saw the chief prosecutor standing next to a garish car. -The chief prosecutor was holding a knife in her right hand... -Then, she thrust the pointy tip of the knife into Detective Goodman's chest! Uh. No contradictions. Again. Time to start pressing. Press her first statement. She mentions yet again that she hates prosecutors for their dirty job. Because evidence is everything, she suspects that Goodman was killed for knowing too much information. She also notes that she was fired from her job because of prosecutors. Press her second sentence and she will mention she was delivering a lunch to her security guard boyfriend. Not the detective we thought earlier. She says that because she was a visitor, she was in B Block. This means she witnessed the crime from B Block. Now you can skip to her fourth statement, about seeing the murder through the wire fence. She confirms that is was Edgeworth's car the murder took place in. Remember that the murder weapon, the knife, was also Edgeworth's. She confirms that she saw Lana from a distance of no more than thirty feet away. Phoenix claims that she is a biased witness because of her hate of prosecutors. She will now present a picture of the exact moment of the murder. The picture shows Lana facing the open trunk of the car, and she's wearing a trenchcoat. The CRIME PHOTO will be added to the Court Record. Note the faint fencing in the picture, proving she took it from behind the wired fence. Press Angel's last statement. She will admit she didn't understand what Lana was doing until it was too late, thusly she couldn't save Goodman. Now, check the fifth statement. It says that Lana held the knife in her right hand, and Angel captured the moment of the murder on film. But in the picture, Lana's not holding a knife at all! Present the Crime Photo at this statement. Edgeworth will step in and explain the situation. The photo wasn't taken

before the stabbing, but rather after it occured. How can this be seen? Angel will reply with blood splatter. Despite the picture having poor quality, you can see stains on Lana's trenchcoat, more likely than not bloodstains. Next choose to raisn an "Objection", of course. This info contradicts what Angel just stated. She claims she was slightly unclear with her description however. She claims that Lana killed Goodman, based on the idea it was a premediated murder. You will look at the photograph again and Lana will appear to be wearing gloves. You'll be brought back to her testimony, and this line will be added: -The murder was planned! The rubber gloves prove it! Well, it has never hurt to press a newly added statement so do so. Edgeworth will claim that these types of gloves are mainly used in autopsies. Thusly, it makes sense that she was wearing them with the intent of doing murder. You need to prove a way that the murder wasn't premediated. Now, this raises a problem. "Premediated" basically means it was all planned out. Why the hell would Lana forget to bring the most important thing to a murder:the WEAPON. Present Edgeworth's knife. Too bad the proof that this wasn't a premediated murder doesn't stop the fact Lana killed Goodman. Angel will testify again, and things are going to get a bit more specific. ------------------------------------------~Angel Starr's Testimony-Angel's Deduction~ -------------------------------------------Lana Skye intended to murder Detective Goodman! -That's why she called the victim all the way to the Prosecutor's Office. -I'm sure the Chief Prosecutor had a grudge against the victim. -Nothing else could drive that human machine to plunge the knife in again and again... The contradiction here is all too obvious if you looked at the evidence. Remember, witnesses always slip up on the important details. The most important one here being either something about a grudge or stabbing Goodman multiple times. If you looked at the autopsy report, you'd notice Goodman was stabbed a mere one time. Present Goodman's Autopsy Report at her final statement. She thinks that she mistook something for blood. When she lifted the knife, Angel thought she saw blood on Lana. Perhaps splattered blood from the victim. This is what led Angel to believe that she has stabbed Goodman multiple times. The Judge now demands she adds this new statement to her testimony. The following line is added: -Her red muffler looked like blood to me...that's how ghastly the whole scene was. Press this statement. A muffler, in this case, actually refers to a scarf. Note that Lana does actually wear this constantly around her neck. She still seems certain she saw blood on her chest. And now we get to specific details. Check out the crime photo once again. Lana isn't wearing anything around her neck, disproving she was wearing her muffler at that time. Present the Crime Photo.

Edgeworth will step in as soon as you object, and describe everything you planned on saying. Angel seems determined that she was wearing a scarf, or at least something red. Now she will testify again. We need to prove Lana didn't stab Goodman! -------------------------------------------------~Angel Starr's Testimony-Apprehending the Suspect~ --------------------------------------------------After the murder, the suspect attempted to run behind a partition off to her side. -I quickly caught her, explained her rights to her, and arrested her on the spot. -When I arrested her, she mentioned the muffler! -That's what had me confused in my earlier testimony! -The chief prosecutor made to escape, but against Angel Starr, resistance is futile! Press her second statement. We need her to define "quickly" for us. Angel mentions once again that she was only thirty feet away from the suspect, making catching her not all too hard of a job. "Press her" for more details. You will be shown the floor plans again. She witnessed the murder near the fence in B Block. However, there was a chain link fence infront of her. She claims that she climbed over the fence. This, however, would not make it a very quick apprehension since it would take time to climb over such a tall fence. So, why didn't Lana get away? She clearly had time to do so... Press her third statement. Angel doesn't exactly remember what Lana had said about the muffler, otherwise it would be in her testimony. All Lana said, infact, was the word muffler. This means she wasn't talking to Angel but instead was on the phone! Meaning, of course, her own cell phone. Choose to "Ask further". Lana had first attempted to use the phone hanging on the wall, but it doesn't work. Thusly, she used her cell phone. LANA'S CELL PHONE will be updated in the Court Record. She adds this statement to her testimony as well: -She gave up trying to use the phone on the wall and just used her cell phone! Press this statement. You don't have evidence to disprove this, yet. She will bring out the floor plans again to show you. The chief prosecutor ran behind the partition to use the phone planted there. It was out of order, though. She then pulled out her own cell phone. During that time, Angel climbed over the fence and apprehended Lana. Note in the picture that Lana had dropped her cell phone. Phoenix smiles, asking if she "saw" her doing all this. That should tip your way to the answer. She COULDN'T have seen any of this going on, there was a partition blocking the view! Present the Parking Lot Floor Plans at this new statement. She admits that Edgeworth and Lana had kicked her out of the police force years ago, revealing that Angel has a grudge against Lana. Phoenix will explain the obvious. She couldn't have seen Lana and whatnot. Edgeworth will now ask you what lie Angel told in her testimony. Angel has

lied about "Where she saw it". Phoenix will explain that Angel certainly did see Lana make the phone call, or at least try to, but from a different location. You will now be given the floor plans and asked to point where Angel could have seen the murder occur from. There's only once place where it could have happened logically. No, not the top of the fence. Lana was hugging the partition so it still wouldn't be high enough. But what about the second floor security room? Present that as the location. The Judge states there could be many other places to see Lana, but Phoenix disproves that. She couldn't have been in A Block since she's not a prosecutor. Thusly, only the security room gave her the view to see Lana. Angel has clearly been lying, but she must have a good reason for doing so. But why? She was in the security room, but said she saw the crime in B Block. They are two totally different locations. What would be the vitally changing fact? Choose "Distance to the crime". So what changed? The guard room is also thirty feet from the scene of the crime. What matters is the time it took for her to reach the scene of the crime instead. Her boyfriend wasn't in the security station so she waited, and saw the crime then. She then found the door leading to the A Block was locked. She then had to go all the way down a hallway back to B Block. She mentions it took her about five minutes to reach the scene. But do you have evidence to disprove any of these claims? Choose "Raise an objection". Five entire minutes Lana could have spent running away, but yet she stood where she was. Angel looks freaked out. The Judge declares that Angel has a grudge against Lana, and thusly there is a hole in her testimony. He will decide to suspend court for the day, but Angel yells at him to stop. She will testify one final time, for real, about some decisive evidence. ------------------------------------------~Angel Starr's Testimony-Decisive Evidence~ -------------------------------------------I should have mentioned those five minutes when I wasn't looking at the crime scene. -And now, to the matter of the victim's shoe...Did I not bring this up...? -Two types of blood were found on this shoe! One was of course the victim's. -And the other was...! The defendant, Ms. Lana Skye's blood! -This shoe proves it! It's flawless, decisive evidence! Angel will bring out the victim's shoe during the testimony. Problem is, Edgeworth can't accept this as evidence due to the rules of evidence law. The Police Department didn't approve of it so it can't be accepted. Angel responds that the shoe was tested by a member of the forensics department. That makes it approved by the Police Department. VICTIM'S SHOE will be added to the Court Record. Now, down to business. Press Angel's third statement. She is certain that the blood belongs to Goodman and Lana. Now, press her fourth statement. She shouldn't have been able to declare it was Lana's by only a mere blood test. Ema also states that's it's impossible to narrow somebody's blood down to just one person.

Angel goes on to say that if there was time she would have had DNA test results. The forensics team, though, went on to say that they were most certain Lana's blood was on the shoe. Now you should press the fifth statement, because everybody who talks about decisive evidence is always wrong. Ema will ask if there's something wrong with the shoe. Check the shoe in an scientific invesitgation. There are drops of blood, most likely Lana's, on it. But check the bottom. A ton of blood is there! Choose "There's a problem". The Judge will ask you to point to the problem with the shoe. The problem is obvious the blood on the bottom of the shoe. Present that area. Edgeworth will now ask what the hell is so contradictory about blood on the bottom of a shoe. Wouldn't there be bloody footprints, or something like a pool of blood at the scene for there to be blood on the bottom of the shoe? Present the Crime Photo. The photo clearly shows no prints on the ground where blood could have been. Remember that you checked the scene. There were no footprints there, disproving her claim. Edgeworth suddenly figures it out. Angel slipped in her testimony, and now there's a vital hint to the truth. He will mention earlier that Angel said Lana had knocked over an oil drum. So, what was in the oil drum? Angel replies that it was full of water. Edgeworth now implies Lana knocked the drum over in order to wash away all the bloody footprints that were made. You will also remember that Lana was injured when she stabbed Goodman. That must be the other blood on his shoe. The Judge is going to give his verdict now. Ema then says that since Angel is with the prosecution she could easily be lying about the water. NOBODY associated Angel with them bastard prosecutors. Angel says that she has even more evidence up her sleeve. She went as far to even take yet another photo, this one of Goodman stuck in Edgeworth's trunk. This proves the shoe belongs to Goodman. Also, the ground is full of water implying that the oil drum must have fallen over. Mia will seemingly contact Phoenix in his own thoughts, telling him to ignore the wet ground and look for the real contradiction within the photo. Phoenix will ask to examine the photo. Now you need to point to the contradiction. It certainly is not obvious. You need to think back to Angel's previous claims. Remember how she mentioned the word "muffler" into her phone? Look at the tailpipe in the car. Something is clearly jammed into it. Point at the tailpipe and present it. Well? There's no "muffler" type of scarf as we can see. However, Lana could have been talking about the muffler of the car rather than her scarf. So, what is the piece of cloth doing hanging in the muffler? You will be asked to present what makes the cloth in the muffler so vital to this case. Present Lana's Cell Phone. If Lana had to mention that to somebody, it makes it quite important. The cloth must be vital evidence. The Judge will suspend the trial for thirty minutes. Save the game now. -----------------------------------------------Date-February 23, 11:56 AM Location-District Court; Defendant's Lobby No. 2 -----------------------------------------------You'll talk with Ema, and Marshall will join you not long after. He was kicked out of the Underground Lot due to investigation of the mysterious

cloth. Marshall will reply that he, for certain, saw Lana wearing her red scarf. He saw if the day of the murder. He mentions Edgeworth has seen her wearing it as well. But the photo proves she wasn't wearing it. This is all a ball of confusion. She must have been wearing it, but proof shows she wasn't...who the hell cares? SHE KILLED GOODMAN. A scarf shouldn't dispute otherwise. Back to court! ---------------------------------------Date-February 23, 12:32 PM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 9 ---------------------------------------You'll enter the courtroom to find Edgeworth's face look rather displeasing. He's muttering about something that couldn't have possible happened. Huh. Perhaps it has something to do with the man that has come in. After a dramatic pause for effect, he will be mentioned as the district chief of police Damon Gant. He will have brought Lana's red scarf. He says that it really was stuffed into the muffler of the car. Gant will then present a switchblade knife. Gant pushes off Edgeworth, totally embarassing him. It's his fault the investigation so far has been crap since he agreed to this case. The Judge will ask you to take a look at the switchblade knife that Gant found. The knife will open up into the investigation screen. You need to find a way to open it. However, the only thing you can examine is the tag attached to it. Present the location of that tag. This tage reads "SL-9 2". This sounds familar, kinda like DL-6. Could SL-9 be the code name for yet another incident? Ema also says she thinks she has seen this before. You can open the knife now. Examine the little golden switch on the upper half of the knife to draw the blade. Ema will notice the end of the blade has been completely broken off. The stain on it is likely to be blood. SWITCHBLADE KNIFE added to the Court Record. Edgeworth is ticked off at the chief of police. He will be asked to testify about the current situation. This is the final testimony of the day. Oh what fun. ----------------------------------------------~Damon Gant's Testimony-Department in Disorder~ -----------------------------------------------This knife is special...but I can't say how here. -Unless there's evidence to prove a connection between this knife and Goodman... -That was a bad day for the Department. We weren't in any shape to do an investigation. -A detective was killed at the Police Department, see...what a mess! -The time of the crime? 5:15. Scary coincidence, eh? -It's not offcially linked to this case here, so I can't talk much about it here. So two people, both detectives none less, were killed at the exact same time in two different places. One at the Police Department, the other in the Underground Lot. To hell with coincidences, they have to be connected somehow.

Press the first statement. Phoenix asks if the tag on the switchblade knife is important, but Gant refuses to say here. He also mentions that the knife was actually wrapped inside Lana's muffler which was hidden inside the muffler of the car. Skip ahead to the fourth statement. Press this. He will say that there is a suspect for this seperate murder and he has already been arrested. However, Gant thinks that Phoenix might be able to help him. He says he will help you if you can give relevant information to his case. Now, you have three possible questions to ask. You know the answer to two of them already. The other detective was killed at 5:15, and the place of death was at the Police Station. Thusly, choose "How the victim was killed". The detective was killed by a stabbing from a knife. Odd, that is exactly how Detective Goodman was killed. Gant also mentions there were more similarities in these two cases... Phoenix thinks he should press harder. Press this statement yet again. When you get to the questions, choose "Where the victim was found". Something more detailed then just "at the Police Department" may be necessary. Gant will say the murder occured within the evidence room in the Police Department. Now, head back to the second statement. Pressing it will make Phoenix think about a piece of evidence that he has had no use for. Ema also suggests investigating the knife. All it said was "SL-9 2" on it, though. Think about what Phoenix is talking about. You have yet to have a use for the Victim's Note (and the Blue Badger...). Look at the note again. Try flipping your DS upside-down. Aha! Present the Victim's Note here. Oh gosh. How wierd. The name on the top made it look rightside-up, but infact the opposite was true when Goodman wrote this down. Gant will admit to you "winning" this round. Whatever could he mean...? Think about it. Gant is hiding another case, something you know little about besides the fact another detective was killed. Here you just found something referring to SL-9, and on the switchblade knife you found SL-9. These cases, one way or another, ARE connected. This changes Gant's first few lines of testimony to the following: -This knife was evidence in a case. It was stolen from the Department's evidence room. Might as well press this new statement. He mentions that the knife was actually the murder weapon used to solve a case many years ago. It was stolen on the day of the murder. Ugh. What a tangled mess. Press the statement about how a detective was killed once again. Phoenix will now realize the connection between the cases. And when you reach back to his testimony, you'll be set on the one line you need to deal with. Press his final statement. There is a clear connection between the cases now. The knife, the note, that matches the tag on said knife, he was murdered in the same fashion but at the Police Department, and so on. You will ask if you can get some information in an unoffcial manner. Gant will agree. He changes his final statement to this: -I'll cooperate, but I can't reveal the name of the victim at the Department, okay? Press this. You will now be able to get some information from Gant. You can

keep pressing this statement to get all the info, but mainly focus on "The victim's ID number". After another dramatic pause, he will reveal the number as 5842189. The Judge will ask if this ID number is important at all. Choose "This tells me something!" Doesn't that number look a bit familar? It's Bruce Goodman's, is it not? It's on his ID Card which is in your possession. Present Goodman's ID. Uh? This kinda proves that two murders indeed took place in these spots, but with the SAME victim in each one! Too bad Gant isn't phased a bit. Edgeworth will demand why he hasn't heard about this at all. Actually, all of these errors are Edgeworths'. Remember Officer Meekins? He was to deliver a package to Edgeworth. Said package contained the relevant information about this case that is tied to your case. Of course, he never accepted it. This info couldn't be used in court until a relevation that connects that evidence with the current case is proven. Phoenix just did all that work. Wow. This case has gotten so damn confusing. Where was Goodman really killed? Who really killed him? You need to find these answers. ***NOTE-In my several playthrough of Case 5, Damon Gant's testimony has MANY different ways to progress through it, but they all end up at the same place. This makes this testimony difficult to follow if you get stuck in the middle of it. I'm sorry for any inconviences that may arise*** =================== Day 2-Investigation =================== --------------------------------Date-February 23, 2:15 PM Location-Wright & Co. Law Offices --------------------------------Phoenix will try to make simple sense of this case thus far. Apparently, Bruce Goodman was stabbed at the same time in two different places. Then you'll warp to the parking lot in Ema's attempt to prove she isn't useless. ----------------------------------------------------Date-February 23 Location-Prosecutor's Office; Underground Parking Lot ----------------------------------------------------Ema says you shouldn't worry about the Police Department murder. There's no body of Goodman there after all. Anyways, Phoenix thinks the blood stains are all gone, but Ema thinks otherwise. She brings out her Luminol Testing Fluid. It's stuff that allows you to see blood traces that have otherwise vanished. Ema will hand you an extra pair of glasses that will turn the screen a red hue. You will be able to see a reaction if you get one. You must tap the area you want to spray on the touch screen. There's only one place that has blood stains that we can remember-the footprints that were near the car. Keep tapping the floor back from the trunk until the footprints are visible, then tap the blue box that shows they exist. Ema will ask you if something is odd about this. Choose "The amount of blood". There should be a pool of blood here instead of just a few footprints. Ema will mention that she has updated the Floor Plans to show the location of the prints. LUMINOL TESTING FLUID will be added to the Court Record as well. You'll be using the Luminol Spray a lot. Angel will come back now. Talk to her about "Today's trial". She admits she really did see everything from

the security room. She lied, though, because it didn't sound convincing. That's not important since it doesn't change what she saw. Now ask about "Detective Starr". She was a famous detective two years ago. No matter what criminal faced her, she'd be able to cough up the facts out of them. After doing that for so long, she eventually got the title CoughUp Queen. She finished by saying she was fired soon after the SL-9 Incident. Present the Victim's Note to Angel. She will see "SL-9" writen on the note as well as on the knife. Goodman was the head detective on that case. The broken knife was the murder weapon. It was due for transferral when Goodman was killed. She thinks the SL-9 Incident still isn't over yet. She won't cough up the SL-9 facts just yet. Present Goodman's ID to her. She'll mention she used to have one as well. Now present the Crime Photo. Angel mentions she could have taken it from the security room, but she panicked when she saw the murder. She mentions that one of her testimonies got pushed aside once. You can now talk to her about the "SL9 Incident". She learned from that incident that detectives were nothing to the Police Department. It was the biggest case she'd ever handled at the time. The police were deperate for evidence. In the end the criminal was caught and executed. The main problem is no actual evidence was ever found. This was where forged evidence began in the police department. The worst part was, everybody who worked on the case was fired several months later or had their position severely lowered. Jake Marshall was also demoted. Now you can talk about "Detective Marshall". The detectives investigated the scene as much as possible. Jake was more determined than anyone else. After the case he was suddenly demoted. Neither him nor Angel have forgotten the SL-9 Incident. There was something hidden in the case, which is what the detectives are after now, and nobody can stop them from finding the truth. She is selling lunches for the sole reason of meeting with the people who can help her. She thinks you can help in the investigation. She'll give you a lunchbox to give to Marshall. STEAK LUNCH will be added to the Court Record. We need to find Marshall now. Head to the Police Department. ----------------------------------Date-February 23 Location-Police Department Entrance ----------------------------------Ema finds a way to reach the evidence room. You can now move to the Security Guard Office. ---------------------------------------------Date-February 23 Location-Evidence Room Entrance; Guard Station ---------------------------------------------With such an important room just ahead there should be something guarding it. If you notice the decor it should be obvious to tell whose job it is to guard the room. Examine the door leading to the evidence room. You need someone's permission to go in there first. Examine the security monitors to find they are recording. You might be able to find out if anybody has gone in there later on. You can't do anything else here yet. Head back. ----------------------------------Date-February 23

Location-Police Department Entrance ----------------------------------Gumshoe returns here to greet you. He says that the department has caught the criminal who killed "Goodman" in the evidence room. All they are lacking is decisive evidence. He says if you want to see the guy, they have him locked in the detention center. Head there. You can only get there if you head to Wright & Co. Law Offices first. ----------------------------------------Date-February 23 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------Meekins? How the hell did he kill a detective? He will blast that damn siren constantly so get used to it. Talk to him about "The day of the crime". He's a patrolman with General Affairs. He had some business to do that day so he had to go to the evidence room. The guard office was empty. The security officer is none other than Marshall if you have yet to figure that out. He then looked at a security monitor, and then he saw a mysterious person in the evidence room. He blacked out shortly after that and found himself in the detention center. Ema will ask what happened to Meekins' hand. Looks similar to Lana's. Ask about "Bandaged hand" now. Apparently Goodman pointed a knife at Meekins and not the other way around. After that occured he became unconscious. He was alone in the evidence room when he woke up (has he just contradicted himself?). Goodman had disappeared. He saw his hand bleeding after that so he had to patch it up himself. Ask about "The victim" now. Meekins sees himself as a victim in this case rather than the killer. He also says he does not know Detective Goodman, elminating any possible motive. Meekins says he didn't injure Goodman at all. This is so wierd. Now present Goodman's ID. This will quickly boost Meekins' memory. He says that key card was the cause of all this mess. Now you can talk to him about "Crime details". He didn't know Goodman, hence why he looked suspicious in the evidence room. He asked him to show his ID card, then Goodman suddenly pulled out a knife. Him and Goodman had a bit of a struggle, then he blacked out. Now you should ask about "Reaosn for arrest". Ema will start to explain the situation. Meekins didn't know Goodman. The "victim" didn't show his ID card. Thusly, we don't have any idea if the victim here is actually the real victim, or even if it's Goodman. Also, if the body disappeared after the crime there is no proof anybody actually died there. Meekins says he is in here because the police clearly found Goodman must have been in the evidence room. He mentions the video tape is quite clear. The one in the security camera. It should show his tussle with Goodman clear as daylight. Head to the Criminal Affairs Department. Yes, you can head there now. -------------------------------------------Date-February 23 Location-Police Department; Criminal Affairs -------------------------------------------Your old friend, Chief Damon Gant, is in town right now. Talk to him about "Edgeworth". He's in a bit of deep water concerning what happened in court today. He also mentions the von Karma incident put the department in turmoil. Now ask about "Evident incident". He mentions he wanted the head detective to keep quiet about something. Ema suggests you inquiry him to get some more facts.

Examine the head detective. He's sitting a desk in the back of the room near the plush Blue Badger. The head detective mentions almost everything that belonged at Goodman's desk is now gone, except for one last thing. It is a lost item report, however it isn't finished. GOODMAN'S LOST ITEM REPORT will be added to the Court Record. Check it out. He only got to the ID section of it. He must have forgotten his number. Now you can talk to Gant about "Permission granted". After another pause, Gant completely allows you to investigate the evidence room at your will. You will get a special ID card that will let you inside. Head back to the evidence guard room. ------------------------------------------Date-February 23 Location-Evidence Room Entrance; Guard Room ------------------------------------------Start off by examining the door to the evidence room. Sadly, the door is locked and the card reader is shut off so you can't enter. Marshall will return now. He will gladly turn the card reader back on for you. Before going in you need to learn a lot of valuable information from Marshall. Start off by handing him the Steak Lunch you recieved a while ago. He is willing to talk now. Ask about the "Guard office" now. Phoenix will ask why he wasn't at his station when Meekins went into the security room. Ever since Marshall got fired from his job two years ago and was demoted he has seemed to care less. He mentions if anything was to happen the security camera would catch it. Ask about "Marshall". Marshall states that the SL-9 Case is all his, even though it has already been solved. He can't seem to let it go. The case is dead now thanks to the evidence transferrals. Now ask about the "Security system". If nothing occurs on the tapes within several hours worth of time, they are erased. The struggle between Goodman and Meekins is still likely to be on the tapes. Also he will say you need an ID Card to get into the Evidence Room. The card reader keeps a record of every ID Card that goes through it that day. You want that record. To get it, present Goodman's ID to confirm the identity of one of the people on the list. The fourth number on the list is Goodman's. He went into the room at 5:14 PM, the same time somebody else did. Remember, Meekins said he was in the evidence room as well and he asked Goodman to show his ID Card. But if he had it, why didn't he show it? Marshall will give you the ID CARD RECORD, added to the Court Record. This list will update itself once you confirm the identities of other people on it. So far you know Bruce Goodman was here. Now ask Marshall about "Transferal". Evidence from solved cases is kept in the evidence room. They are kept for two years so they can be reinvestigated in the event a mistake was made. After that time the evidence is taken to an underground vault forever and never seen again. This transferal occurs every February. You know all you need to. Head to the evidence room. -----------------------------------Date-February 23 Location-Evidence Room; Sector Three ------------------------------------

Guess who you find in here again? Detective Gumshoe is here on some business. He wants you to have the EVIDENCE ROOM FLOOR PLANS, added to the Court Record. The room is quite small, there's a sharp corner leading into a dead end nearby. Talk to Gumshoe about "Judge for a day". Gumshoe has been appointed the head detective of this case for the day. Sadly, everyone Gumshoe can boss over is gathering information for the trial tomorrow. He mentions that he has a locker in here. He is a detective, after all. He has one only he can open. Talk about "Evidence safe" to learn more about this. You see, every locker here is set so only one detective is able to open it. These lockers aren't opened by keycards but rather by fingerprints. That makes it so only each detective can open only their locker. Those who try to open lockers that don't belong to them get shocked. EVIDENCE LOCKER will be added to the Court Record. Now ask Gumshoe about "Edgeworth". The commitee is trying to figure out who is mostly responsible for the screw up in court today. He mentions that Edgeworth can't stay away from the SL-9 Incident. It was the beginning of the end for Edgeworth. To get him to talk about it, present the Victim's Note-proof you are somehow involved with that case now. The Sl-9 Incident was Edgeworth's first big case. Perhaps some loose ends of the case are just now beginning to fill in... Now talk about the "SL9 Incident". He says the case was very violent. It was a serial killing. The killer made a mistake, though, and Edgeworth built his case around that. This is what started all the rumors about him. All of this was supposed to be cleaned up with the evidence transferal, it was Detective Goodman's last ever job. He was in the SL-9 Incident after all. This explains the switchblade knife only vaguely. It has some connection to the current events. If Gumshoe is in here, perhaps he's on the ID Card list. Present the ID Card Record. He will get surprised to find out that he knows one of the people on that list. The second person to enter this room was Edgeworth! ID CARD RECROD will be updated now. He came in here at 4:40 PM that day. But for what reason? Use the Luminol Testing Fluid and choose to spray the room. Note the locker directly ahead of you with something hanging out of it. Spray this to find a handprint. The Floor Plans will be updated to show this. Now choose to examine the room. Examine the mysterious locker we just looked at. The cloth hanging from it is probably some evidence to another case. That isn't Gumshoe's locker, though. Switch to the other screen now. There seems ot be a lot here. Examine the paint at the bottom right corner. Gumshoe will comment he built the Blue Badger right here. The Badger has a connection to this room, and in more ways than one. Now examine the glove that is hanging onto the yellow police tape. This is evidence from SL-9 as well. RUBBER GLOVE will be added to the Court Record. Now examine the open locker near where you found the glove. That locker belongs to Detective Goodman. It's kept open since it can't be opened again if they close it since Goodman is dead and all. Look below the yellow tape to find some broken pieces with some numbers near them. Once again, this is more evidence from SL-9. Choose to "Check it

out closer". Ema suggests you try putting it back together. You will be given eight fragment pieces. They are numbered. You need to rotate them correctly so they fit back together again. Start with Fragement No. 5 and rotate it clockwise (using the right button) twice and combine it. Next, head to Fragment No. 4 and rotate it clockwise three times and combine it. Head to Fragment No. 6 and rotate it four times clockwise and combine it. Next, go to Fragment No. 1 and rotate it twice clockwise to be able to combine it. Head to Fragment No. 8 and rotate it four times clockwise. Now, go to Fragment No. 3 and rotate it four times clockwise so you can combine it. Using Fragment No. 2, rotate the piece twice clockwise so you can connect it. Fragment No. 7 is last. Make it go clockwise only once and you can finish the puzzle. Some pieces are still missing. UNSTABLE JAR is added to the Court Record. Examine the jar now. You will find blood stains on it. Could it mean more blood is visible in this room somewhere? Try where you found the jar. Break out the Luminol Testing Fluid and spray the area where you found the jar. You will find a large pool of blood sitting there. This will be marked on the floor plans as well. It's unknown how long this blood has been sitting here or when it was cleaned up. Look at the lockers again. Examine the one with a bloody handprint on it. Ema asks that you spray this as well, so do so. The problem is, the locker it is on belongs to Gumshoe. Once again, the Floor Plans will be updated. Gumshoe will now comment that Edgeworth's meeting will be ending soon. Gumshoe will leave now. Phoenix suggests he should go see Edgeworth. Pay another visit to his office. -------------------------------------------Date-February 23 Location-Head Prosecutor's Office; Room 1202 -------------------------------------------You'll meet the bellboy from the Gatewater Hotel here. He's delivering something to Edgeworth. Edgeworth will soon appear, and he doesn't seem to be in the happiest of moods. Talk to him about the "Inquiry committee". Apparently this is counted as a communications error. He was given a warning for his actions. Ask about "Tomorrow's trial". Although he is the prosecuting attorney, control over the investigation is now in the hands of the Police Department, mainly Chief Damon Gant. To get him talking some more, present the ID Card Record. Why is he on this list? Gant asked Edgeworth to head into the evidence room at 4:40 PM the day of the murder. He wanted him to grab a piece of evidence for a case that was closed over a year ago. He wanted Edgeworth to keep it in the Prosecutor's Office. Edgeworth won't say what kind of case it was used in, but it is irrelevant to the current case. SCREWDRIVER is added to the Court Record. The screwdriver has a tag much like the switchblade kinfe. Examine this tag. It reads "AI-16" perhaps the name of yet another case. Ema will sarcastically mention this could be the evidence that wins the case. Now present the Switchblade Knife to Edgeworth. It has a similar tag on it. That, and this knife was used in the incident Edgeworth first prosecuted

in. He's willing to talk to you about what really happened back then. Talk about "Allegations of forgery". Damon Gant was head of police at the time. Edgeworth worked with him on the SL-9 Incident. Edgeworth used extreme methods during the case. He had no choice, the suspect who even confessed had to be proved guilty. Edgeworth didn't touch any of the evidence, but that doesn't mean others didn't. Lana also wanted Ema to know something. She wanted to know if Ema was still working on "scientific investigations". Ema will show the Luminol fluids. Edgeworth is holding something that you may want. It is a kit for taking fingerprints. FINGERPRINTING SET will be added to the Court Record. He says it's unimportant to him what happens in the investagtion now since it isn't in his hands. You can now test fingerprints and compare them to everybody who is currently involved in this case. Remember where we found some suspicious prints? Head back to the evidence room now. -----------------------------------Date-February 23 Location-Evidence Room; Sector Three -----------------------------------As soon as you enter you will begin by testing out the bloody handprint on Gumshoe's locker. Choose either the thumb or one of the clearly seen fingers. You have to tap the screen to lay down the powder. Cover most of the screen with the powder then blow into the microphone to reveal the print. Sadly, this isn't a finger. The murderer must have been wearing gloves. Look at the handprint again. You should notice several prints that are quite clear below the bloody hand. Choose one of the prints and you will do the process once again. You will discover a very clear print here. Edgeworth apparently also gave you fingerprint data for everyone in the case so far. Examine the profiles close up to see a small sample of their fingerprints. You will notice Gumshoe's looks similar to the center of the print you just found. Choose to compare the two prints. You will get a perfect match! Phoenix remembers a second handprint in this room. Remember it? It's the one on the locker where some cloth was hanging out of it. Spray the Luminol Testing Fluid on the locker with the hanging cloth to discover a handprint. Examine this locker. Choose to "Check for prints" here. Look at the middle finger. There is an invisible print here slightly to the left of it. Perform the fingerprinting test again. You will find a print clear as day here once again. Time to make some comparisons. The center of this finger matches only one person. Try matching against Jake Marshall. You will find this is yet another perfect match. MARSHALL'S FINGERPRINTS will be added to the Court Record. Marshall's fingerprints are on a blood stain. Now we have some decisive evidence. It's about time. Finally, we can head to court. =========== Day 3-Trial =========== ---------------------------------------------Date-February 24, 9:41 AM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 1

---------------------------------------------The police are still clueless about this case. Lana also mentions that if she confesses to the meaning behind the simultaneous murders then she will get a lesser punishment. Let's get into the courtroom. ---------------------------------------Date-February 24, 10:00 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 9 ---------------------------------------Edgeworth seems confused at the beginning of the trial, but recomposes and mentions he has evidence that will explain this case. The first witness is the only suspect to the Police Department murder, Mike Meekins. He actually confesses to killing Goodman right on the spot. A bit of nervousness on the stand, perhaps. --------------------------------------------~Mike Meekins's Testimony-Crime Report, Sir!~ ---------------------------------------------Although it's not my norma duty, I was assigned to guard the evidence room that day! -I spotted a suspicious man on the security screen, and rushed into the room! -I was only doing what I was trained to do, sir! I was suddenly attacked! -I fought for my life! Then I...I did it! -After that I passed out...until another officer smacked me awake! Ema mentions you need to press him on the details because you have VERY little information to work with here. Press his first statement. Evidence transferal was going on the day he was assigned to the guard station. Many peoples' jobs were temporarily changed that day for special tasks. Meekins was in charge of guarding the Blue Badger. His job was to ensure it wasn't damaged during the transferal. He relocated it to the Evidence Room for the day. Now, press the second statement. Phoenix brings out the ID Card Report and asks if his number is listed because it should be if he went into the evidence room. Meekins number is the one listed twice. He entered at 4:50 PM and 5:14 PM, the same time Goodman entered. That makes sense. At 4:50 he moved the Blue Badger to the evidence room. 5:14 is when he entered to check out the mysterious man. ID CARD RECORD will now be updated. We're getting somewhere now. Press his third statement. Meekins states again that Goodman pulled a knife on him and used it to attack him. Also, when Meekins entered the room, Goodman looked surprised. During the struggle Meekins sustained the hand injury. Now press the fourth statement. Meekins says the man let down his guard for a second and used the time to snatch the knife away from him. His coat was then covered in blood. The man then punched Meekins right in the face. Press the final statement. Edgeworth shows a report that states Meekins woke up at about 5:30. He was unconcious for about 15 minutes then. Once he woke up, he finished his job for the day by returning the Blue Badger to the front entrance of the Police Station.

Well, that's all for Meekins' testimony. One question remains, though. Was the man Meekins murder really the victim? With regard to that question, Meekins will present a video tape. It shows the footage that the security camera picked up. You will now be shown the tape. What follows is one of the worst security tape records in the world. As Edgeworth states, "What the hell was that wriggling piece of plywood!?" There were so many things in the video that only one viewing isn't really enough to make sense of it. "Goodman's" face was never seen and the main struggle between him and Meekins was missed. SECURITY VIDEO is added to the Court Record. And now Meekins will testify further on these matters. -------------------------------------~Mike Meekins's Testimony-Mystery Man~ --------------------------------------His face can't be clearly seen in the video, -but there's no question that the other person was Detective Goodman, sir! -I mean, he opened the locker, which required Detective Goodman's fingerprint to do so! -The locker he opened is unquestionably Detective Goodman's, sir! -So it must be him! No one else could have unlocked it! Ema states after the testimony you can freely look at the video with a pause, fast foward and rewind buttons. The contradiction obviously comes from the video, but the problem is where in the video it lies and with which statement. There's one issue. What if, by chance, it wasn't Goodman who was in the security tape? This conflicts with how the man opened the locker. Press the fifth statement. Edgeworth will ask if you have a problem with the video. Choose "There's a problem". Phoenix states that the man may not be Goodman after all. Edgeworth will tell you, then, to prove that it may not have been Goodman who opened the locker after all. The contradiction lies with the locker in question. Now, remember what Gumshoe told you earlier. The locker was already open. What can prove this? See the light above Goodman's locker? It happens to be lit, meaning that the locker is open. Pause the video before "Goodman" opens the locker and point to the lit light. Phoenix will play the video and point out what is wrong with it. The Judge will ask if you have any explaination that could possibly explain this. Phoenix will ask Ema for any suggestions. She thinks perhaps something jammed the sensor so it didn't read as closed. Well, it's the only possibility you have so let's run with it. will play the video yet again. You need to prove something was the locker. Fast forward until where the man opens the locker. he does so. See something fall out of his locker? Point to the present it. The Judge jammed into Pause after object and

So this object could have been jammed between the door to keep it open. This object would have to be very thin to fit in the door, and have insulation in order to block out the electrical currents in the door. You will be asked to present an item that fits this description. You should know rubber doesn't conduct electricity. And you have a rubber glove.

Present the Rubber Glove. Phoenix will mention the tag attached to the glove, reading "SL-9". It was Goodman's case. This implies it was in Goodman's locker. On the day of the crime anybody was capable of opening the locker. Thisly, the person who Meekins stabbed in the evidence room easily wasn't Detective Goodman. Meekins will be asked to testify again to show he really is Goodman, however. -----------------------------------------~Mike Meekins's Testimony-Mystery Man (2)~ ------------------------------------------There's one other thing that proves the man was Detective Goodman, sir! -To enter the evidence room, one must use their ID card! -When an ID card is used, there's a record of it! -At the time of the crime, the detective had used his card! Edgeworth will mention this evidence room is only used for special cases. Mainly violent ones involving high ranked police staff. This explains the lack of people in this room on the transferal day. Press Meekins' third statement. The Judge will inspect the ID Card Report, and realize Edgeworth's name is on it. Edgeworth appears to be in more trouble just by having his name on this. But I doubt he's the murderer. Press the fourth statement. You will reconfirm that the man pulled a knife on Meekins when asked to show his ID Card. This doesn't make any sense, though. If he had his ID card, which he needed to get into the evidence room in the first place, why didn't he just show it? There'd be no reason to draw a knife! But, it may not have been Goodman in there as we already established. Present Goodman's ID. Goodman's ID was found at the crime scene. That one being the parking lot. Phoenix will pull out the Lost Item Report. Goodman had lost something on the day of the crime. That something was probably his ID Card. Thusly, the man Meekins encountered inside the evidence room wasn't Goodman at all, but rather the person who had stolen his card! But this arises a problem. If the mysterious man is a fake, this murder is also a fake and didn't actually happen. Crap, now you're back to just the parking lot being the only murder. Choose to "Object" when asked to. Only one thing has come out of this testimony-the security camera did not capture the moment of the alleged murder. However, there is still no proof these events aren't connected to the murder at the parking lot. Phoenix will go on to say lots of blood was found all over the evidence room. Edgeworth, however, doesn't have any other witnesses that could explain the events at the Police Department. You'll be asked to say who you want to call to the stand. Obviously bring out your trump card and call Jake Marshall to the stand. It won't take long to prepare him. The Judge orders a thirty minute recess for the time being. ---------------------------------------------Date-February 24, 11:32 AM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 2

---------------------------------------------Lana is surprised that by calling Jake Marshall she thinks you have figured everything out. In the middle of things, Gumshoe will pop in. Lana asked Gumshoe to bring her something. She asked him to bring the SL-9 Incident files. She thought you might need them, so you'll be asked to read them. They could come in handy. I'll summarize each page. It's quite critical you see this stuff. SL-9 INCIDENT FILED added to the Court Record. The SL-9 Incident is, obviously, closed. The criminal was Joe Darke, his crime being serial murder. He was sentenced to death once convicted. There were six victims that Darke killed. They are Edward Jones, Jason Knight, Edith Kerby, Rachael Moss, Jeb Bates, and Neil Marshall. The important trial data was that the head prosecutor was Edgeworth. The witnesses were Lana and Ema Skye. The exectutive investigators were Damon Gant and Lana Skye. The head investigator was Bruce Goodman. The main investigators were Angel Starr an Jake Marshall. There's a lot of things here that connect with this current case. You've met all of the investigators save for Goodman. Also, Ema was a witness in this case? Note the victims as well. Neil Marshall was one of them. Could he somehow be related to Jake Marshall? Lana also reveals this case was called the "Joe Darke Killings". Ema seems frightened at this and quickly runs away. Gumshoe will take his leave shortly afterwards. ---------------------------------------Date-February 24, 12:14 PM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 9 ---------------------------------------Ema didn't come back in that short time. You're going into trial, once again, without a partner. You can still do fine. Marshall will be called to the stand. -------------------------------------------~Jake Marshall's Testimony-Day of the Crime~ --------------------------------------------My job was to keep a wary eye on that bone orchard. -They say I was supposed to make rounds three times a day, but that ain't my style. -Besides, the room's protected by two security systems, anyway. -If I remember right, I was at a stree-side saloon at the time it went down. -I'm just an innocent travelin' man, so if you're out of ammo it's time I hit the trail. Before the examination, Phoenix will ask about the second security system. He mentions it's the ID Card reader. He then asks about the fingerprint activated lockers, but Marshall appears to have no idea what he is talking about. Maybe because he's not a detective? Let's squeeze the information out of this cowboy. Press the first statement

and Marshall will reply that he erases the tapes if nothing important happens on them every six hours. In actuality, Marshall never actually sets foot inside the evidence room. Now press the second statement. After a bit of fancy talk, Marshall flat out says he never set foot inside the evidence room on the day of the murder. The Judge asks if he had any idea of the rubber glove inside Goodman's locker, but Marshall doesn't seem to know that either. He hasn't been in there for weeks. Press the fourth statement. Marshall confirms he was at a resturant during the time he was supposed to be guarding the evidence room. That's real smart. But the problem seems to lie here. Edgeworth doesn't object during this statement to badger the witness. You have proof he was in the evidence room at least one time, remember? Present your trump card here, Marshall's Prints. So, how were Marshall's handprints in blood? Marshall appears to have an explaination for this circumstance. Here we go again. ----------------------------------------------------~Jake Marshall's Testimony-Bloodstained Fingerprints~ -----------------------------------------------------Like I said, it's only natural for my fingerprints to be in that evidence room. -One of them just happened to be at the same place as the bloodstained handprint. -The murderer touched the locker where my fingerprint was by chance. -The bloodstain and the fingerprint are completely unrelated. -Or didn't you know the murderer was wearing gloves? Start by pressing Marshall's first statement. The locker with the handprint you have to use Luminol spray on actually belongs to Marshall. He used it when he was a detective and still uses it today. MARSHALL'S FINGERPRINTS will be updated in the Court Record. There's another problem now. How did Marshall know the murderer was wearing gloves? Press the fifth statement. Marshall, despite hating his job, still reads reports. Edgeworth remins you of the bloodstain on Gumshoe's locker. No fingerprints could be found there, however. The murderer must have been wearing gloves then. Marshall reminds you of the security tape. As long as he isn't in it, he isn't related to this crime. He will add a new statement to his testimony: -Too bad it wasn't me in that video, right, pardner? Press this new statement. If you want to tie Marshall to this crime you have to prove it with the security tape. The video is useless, though, since there's too many blind spots. The floor isn't shown, the camera has to pan back and forth, and if somebody was familar with the camera's position they'd easily be able to do something in the room without getting caught. Edgeworth objects saying this is only a speculation. Choose to "Show evidence" that proves Marshall entered the evidence room. Let's go through this hellish video again.

There's only so many things that could involve Marshall in this video. Like, for example, his locker? Why not keep an eye on it the first few times the camera pans back and forth. Pause it near the end of the tape when the camera is on the locker for the last time. See something odd? The cloth is now sticking out of his locker. It wasn't there before! Point to the cloth and present it. Obviously, only Marshall could open this locker. He's even attested to opening it in the past. So, how does he not know about the fingerprinting required to open it. For the cloth to appear after the murder, Marshall must have been in the evidence room. He opened his locker when the camera wasn't looking. Now you need to prove only Marshall could have opened his locker. Present the Evidence Locker. Marshall appears to be breaking down. He also still seems to not understand any of this. Then he'll panic. Phoenix says he can figure out the rest of the puzzle from here, with or without Marshall's cooperation. Phoenix will bring out the floor plans and show the location of the killer and the victim. Thusly, where was Marshall standing this entire time? There's only one possible place. Marshall must have been the killer who entered the evidence room. Point to the blue V and present. This is where Goodman was...if he was even Goodman. This means Marshall dressed up like Goodman and entered the evidence room as if he was him. Edgeworth will object, saying Meekins would easily recongnize that the face didn't belong to Goodman. However, Meekins didn't know what Goodman looked like. When asked to show his ID Card, the man pulled out a knife. It now makes sense. Had Marshall shown Goodman's ID card, he would easily be seen as not the real Goodman, and thusly blowing his cover. Marshall is ready for your challenge. He asks you to prove he put on Goodman's outfit and went into the evidence room. Sadly, you have no evidence that can prove this. Edgeworth mentions you should return to the basics since you're stuck. Funny, Mia said the same thing. Instead of looking for proof he was in disguise, you should prove what happened because he was in disguise. Edgeworth asks why Marshall would open his locker at the time of the crime. He must not have planned to open his locker, but needed to anyways. But what exactly is this piece of cloth he stuck into his locker? Phoenix says the video, sadly, is the key to this whole situation. You will play the video for the umpteenth time. So, what if the cloth wasn't actually small and was instead something, larger? The only major white thing would be Goodman's trenchcoat. But why would Marshall stuff the coat into his own locker? Well, look at the tape during the struggle between Meekins and Marshall. See how blood gets splattered all over the trenchcoat? Present that. It would warrant Marshall slipping it into his locker. Marshall is impressed. It seems you have figured it all out. Marshall will now explain what truly happened and why he was there in the first place. ------------------------------------------------~Jake Marshall's Testimony-Marshall's Confession~ -------------------------------------------------I had to do it that day. I couldn't just stand by and let it die. -I stole the detective's ID and dressed like him. I planned to take out the evidence.

-I wasn't expecting Officer Meekins. I knocked him out... -and managed to escape. I knew which areas wouldn't be caught on the camera. -There wasn't any murder in the evidence room at 5:15. Edgeworth will comment on the large amount of blood found at the scene. Marshall responds that Meekins got cut, so it is likely that was his blood. It's odd he's lose that much blood, but whatever. Press the first statement. He, of course, is referring to the SL-9 Incident that occured two years ago. It was going to end with transferal that day. Marshall claims the incident still isn't over. What would he have accomplished by going into the evidence room? When the case is closed only the detective in charge can look through the evidence. Marshall wanted one last look no matter the cost. Now press his second statement. If he didn't dress up as Goodman he would get arrested for trying to steal evidence. That wouldn't have gotten him anywhere. He did it to fool the cameras. Marshall also confesses to stealing the Detective's ID Card on the morning of the incident. This must be the reason behind the Lost Item Report. He returned the ID Card by dropping it at the Prosecutor's Office parking lot. Edgeworth mentions that he succeeded despite not thinking ahead. He was lucky Goodman's locker was stuck open. Press the second and third statements as well. You will merely confirm some things you have already figured out. Now press the fifth and final statement. The victim was Marshall, but he isn't dead. Obviously, no murder took place. Marshall, though, did not manage ot steal the evidence from the locker. When he opened the locker the evidence had already been taken. Edgeworth confirms that this evidence is still reported as stolen. Phoenix will now ask why Marshall went through all the trouble to do this. He says this is his case rather than anybody elses. He was willing to go through this trouble to get an answer he's satisfied with. He will now add the following statement to his testimony: -I can't forget the SL-9 Incident...You know why? No, we don't. Let's press him on it. He didn't care how it turned out, but something about the case has been bothering him. Something happened nobody will talk about. He's trying to figure that out now. Do you remember the case files you read earlier? Somebody named Neil Marshall was killed. Present the SL-9 Incident Files. Marshall will comment his brother, who was a prosecutor, recieved the same stupid award Edgeworth recently got. Neil Marshall handled the SL-9 Case before Edgeworth took over. When he was killed, it fell into the hands of Edgeworth. Neil is Jake's brother. He was ivestigating the murders at the time. He worked with Goodman and Angel Starr. They were determined to prosecute the killer. You will breifly be shown Joe Darke's face. Creepy. Neil fought Darke and was killed. It was the first time Darke laid behind evidence and it was all it took to be convicted. The case was closed shortly after the conviction. Marshall thinks Neil couldn't have been killed by Darke. Nobody could have

beaten him in a fight. There's more to the record than what lies there. Well, this entire mystery has been solved. No murder took place at the Police Department. This means the issue at the parking lot is still real. Lana is about to be declared guilty.... ...but Ema returns from her little vacation with a clear objection. She has a bit of an explaination. She understood the reasoning of Marshall so she knew he had nothing to do with the murder. That leaves one other handprint to look at. The one on Gumshoe's locker. Ema ran over there and investigated the handprint again. Ema, sadly, didn't find anything on these prints. She still thinks they are the only clue you could possibly have. There must be something wrong with them, then. The Judge will ask if there's something wrong with the handprint, something you may have overlooked. Choose "I object!" Take a look at the floor plans again. Something is missing from them. Do you realize what? The meaning of the bloody handprint will change once this evidence is in play. The Blue Badger was in the evidence room, right? Present the Blue Badger Panel. Now what happens when the Blue Badger is inserted on the floor plans? Thusly, there's no way a handprint could have been placed on that locker. Oh snap. Ema will tell you to think it through. The handprint would have to have been put there before 4:50 PM, the time Meekins inserted the Blue Badger into the evidence room. This means in the evidence room on the day of the murder, blood was actually spilled twice. One of the times was captured on the security camera. This is when Meekins cut himself. However, someone else bled prior to this tape. The only person it could be was Detective Goodman, the time he was REALLY murdered. Edgeworth and Phoenix will constantly object against eachother. Edgeworth will demand you show when the murder really took place. What shows the times people went into the room? Present the ID Card Record. You will look at the record once again. Only two people entered before Meekins. That was Edgeworth ten minuted beforehand, and somebody with lucky "7777777" thirty minutes prior to Meekins. Edgeworth will wipe away any suspect of him doing it. How could Edgeworth kill Goodman, clean up the blood, and walk away with the body undetected in only ten minutes' worth of time? Thusly, the last person must have done the deed. But Goodman's card wasn't here at the time. Thusly, Goodman must have entered with this man. Edgeworth goes on to explain he can't find out who it belongs to because "7777777" is the number to someone with the rank of Captain or higher. He has no authority to grab the identity of the person. There is one way, however. An official charge is filled out and accepted. Marshall will demand an answer from Lana. He wants to know more about the SL-9 Incident. He demands to know if only legitimate evidence was used in the trial. Occasionally they felt powerless with the law. Lana had to do what she did just to get somebody who was clearly a murderer convicted. Even if it involved forging evidence. The courtroom gets out of control from Lana's statement. Court will end now. =================== Day 3-Investigation =================== ---------------------------------

Date-February 24, 3:12 PM Location-Wright & Co. Law Offices --------------------------------Ema didn't know the Joe Darke Killings were renamed. Lana wanted Darke convicted real bad so she used Ema. She used what happened to Ema. Ema was there when Neil was murdered by Darke. That night, Darke was actually trying to kill Ema. Neil tried to save her. That's what made her a witness in the trial. Now you have some important things to talk about with Ema. Ask about the "SL9 Incident". The case occured right around this time two years ago. There was a terrible storm that day. Ema was alone in Lana's office. They planned on going out once Lana finished her work. Suddenly, Darke burst into the office and pulled a knife on Ema. Prosecutor Marshall showed up soon after and tackled Darke to the ground. Ema will never forget those moments. The lights went out, the lightning lit the room for a second, and an image remains burned in her mind. Skip to the "Permanent picture" to learn more. Darke had knocked down Neil and raised his knife. Soon after, Ema passed out. When she woke up Lana was holding and conforting her. She was unable to testify. She was too shocked at the events to do so. She tried to draw a picture, but it was no good. She wanted to become a scientific investigator to fix these problems. Now ask about "After the incident". She doesn't remember the moment that Darke stabbed Neil. She couldn't testify about that. This may have been why Lana forged evidence to get the guilty verdict. Edgeworth used this evidence, but at the same time he didn't know it was forged. That is when the rumors about him started. Now ask about "Something puzzling". How come a serial killer was able to run into Lana's office? That, and why was a prosecutor chasing him? Darke was taken into questioning for the day. He attempted to run away about halfway through the interview and ran into Lana's office. You also find out that Lana was a detective two years ago. She was transferred to the Prosecutor's Office and made Chief Prosecutor after the case. Phoenix mentions he should talk to her again. Let's do so. ----------------------------------------Date-February 24 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------Lana admits you now have a right to know the truth. Ask about "Today's trial". Lots of connections to SL-9 were made within the court today, as well as the truth behind the Prosecutor's Offices motives. Evidence was stolen to boot. She knows how obsessive Marshall can be. Lana, though, still won't explain what really happened at the underground parking lot. She thinks it doesn't concern her. Ask about "Detective Lana Skye". Ema goes to say she was one of the best detectives, and how she solved many cases with Chief Gant who was Vice-Head of Criminal Affairs back in the time. The pair solved many cases before they could even be filed. Lana became a detective to gain experience in investigating crime scenes so later the experience would pay off in court. Gant's help in SL-9 was critical and he became Chief of Police after that. He then arranged for Lana to become head prosecutor. Now ask about the "Darke investigation". Gant and Lana were top investigator's, and thusly shared the same office. She was confident that Joe Darke was the serial killer. It was when he was called to questioning

that the final murder took place. Lana was the first person to find the scene of the crime. Now ask about "First one at scene". Gant and Neil were questioning Darke that day. Darke must have panicked in the investigation and fled the room when the two least expected it. He ran straight to Gant's and Lana's office from there. Lana was doing some work during the questioning. When she got back to her office, she saw three bodies. Darke, Marshall, and Ema. Lana panicked and carried Ema out and helped her. Darke was under arrest after that. Phoenix says it can't be a mere coincidence everyone involved in SL-9 happens to be involved in the current trial. SL-9 may not be over yet. Lana mentions the Chief's office, the site of the final murder. It is now all Damon Gant's. Go to the Police Department. -----------------------------------Date-February 24 Location-Police Department; Entrance -----------------------------------You will find Marshall standing outside the entrance to the department. He intends on turning himself in for his crimes. You can't go to the evidence room today. He did this because he wanted the truth. Ask about the "Darke trial". He says something was fishy about the trial from the beginning. All of the detectives thought the same. Some facts were just inconsistent with the recovered evidence. For example, the murder weapon. The switchblade knife was Darke's. The blade of the knife was not consistant with that of the wound in the victim. Then, perhaps the knife wasn't the murder weapon. The possibility was erased in what was thought as a forged report. That case left severe burns in everyone involved. Ask about "Prosecutor Marshall" next. He was one of the best prosecutors around. SL-9 was their first case together. Neil was 27 at the time. He got the King of Prosecutor's that day none less. The incident also took place on the transferal day. He tried to steal the evidence so the case wouldn't die, but that plan failed. Now ask about "Scars". The detectives knew something was wrong with the case. Everybody involved, save Goodman since he headed the case, was either fired or demoted in the police force. Goodman also wasn't dealt with since the commissioners would be suspicious so they kept the obvious away. Now talk about "Gant & Skye". There wasn't anybody who hadn't heard of the famous duo. It was the biggest step in their careers. Lana was never the same since she changed. That's all Marshall knows. Edgeworth isn't the enemy. He didn't know and wasn't involved in the falsifying of evidence. He mentions Damon Gant was actually behind it. Now he'll take his final leave. Head back to the Criminal Affairs Department. -------------------------------------------Date-February 24 Location-Police Department; Criminal Affairs -------------------------------------------The chief here will mention everybody is at a meeting. He will grant permission into Damon Gant's office. Head to the Chief's Office. -----------------------------------------Date-February 24

Location-Police Department; Chief's Office -----------------------------------------Wow. What a crazy looking office. Gant will now notice you. Phoenix will notice him place a piece of paper inside his desk. He'll mention he's upset at the relevations in court today, mostly Lana's and Marshall's actions. You will notice a picture in Lana's side of the office. Neil is holding the K trophy with Lana and Gant at his side. GANT TEAM PICTURE will be added to the Court Record. Gant insists that you leave because he is busy with things. Ema tries to mention SL-9, but Gant says it has been closed for years and there's no reason to reopen it. There's no reason to investigate it. He orders you to leave after that. -----------------------------------Date-February 24 Location-Police Department; Entrance -----------------------------------Phoenix is now sure the case isn't over yet. Gant denied your request to look at the crime scene. He must have a reason to not want you looking at it. Perhaps you can get in through another way... Head to the Criminal Affairs Department. -------------------------------------------Date-February 24 Location-Police Department; Criminal Affairs -------------------------------------------You'll quickly meet up with Detective Gumshoe. He mentions that Edgeworth is under fire from the Police Department and the Prosecutor's Office. It concerns the falsified evidence from two years ago. Talk about "Edgeworth's crisis" further. The prosecutor is responsible for the evidence shown in court. The rumors basically are true, even though it wasn't intentional. Now talk about the "SL9 Incident". Gumshoe looked through the files earlier in the meeting. The only evidence was during Darke's final attack. The evidence involved the murder weapon. He can't remember, so help him do so by presenting what we think the weapon is, the Switchblade Knife. This weapon was stolen and placed in the muffler of Edgeworth's car. Gumshoe remember's the evidence now. Talk about the "Murder weapon". The police traced the knife back to the store where Darke bought it. His fingerprints were there, too. We know it's broken, yes? Neil Marshall was carrying the broken piece inside of his body! It broke off there when he stabbed him! It made a perfect match when compared. NEIL'S AUTOPSY REPORT will be added to the Court Record. SWITCHBLADE KNIFE added to the Court Record. The descriptions of both items are critical. Be sure to look at them now. You know how Neil died basically and the critical evidence that is the switchblade knife. Talk about "Darke's crimes". One day Darke hit somebody with his car. This accident turned him into a murderer. He killed everybody who witnessed the accident and anybody who witnesses him killing the witnesses. Afterwards, he turned himself in (WTF). There wasn't any evidence but he turned himself in. Phoenix asks if Gant's office is a crime scene. Gumshoe responds anybody can get inside his office with an ID card. Gumshoe would be charged with a breach of trust if he let you in, though. Goodman's card won't work since it was deactivated from his death. You need to show him something to change

his mind. Present the Unstable Jar. Gumshoe thinks he has seen this before. He sees himself in the Chief's office and he's yelling at Gumshoe. He can't help you yet. Let's visit Edgeworth. -------------------------------------------Date-February 24 Location-High Prosecutor's Office; Room 1202 -------------------------------------------Edgeworth appears to be busy, but he'll allow you to talk to him. Ask about "Forged evidence". He says there's no excuse for what he's done. He used false evidence two years ago to get a guilty verdict. Nothing can erase this fact. The Police Department's error becomes Edgeworth's error which makes him the center of blame. Ask about "Tomorrow's trial". It's funny that you keep worrying about how Edgeworth will perform in trial. He's starting to hate it. Also, since tomorrow is the last day prosecutors can't be changed. He never thought the SL-9 Incident would come back to haunt him. He says the list of evidence was too short in that case. There was only one thing on his mind. He's use the evidence as best as possible to get a guilty verdict. Now talk about "The day of the crime". He hates ceremonies, but he had to attend. It was mandatory for anybody receiving awards. He finished some work in the morning and drove to the Police Department. He didn't plan on returning, but Gant asked him to take a screwdriver back to the office. Now, Ema mentioned earlier about the picture hanging in Gant's office. Phoenix thinks something is odd about it, too. Present the Gant Team Picture. Ema mentions that the trophy that Neil is holding is slightly different than the one Edgeworth has. There's a story behind the change. Contradiction is what the award is based on. Talk about the "Prosecutor trophy" some more. The award originates from a Chinese legend. Edgeworth will explain the tale to you. It perfectly explains the broken shield and knife. So, why was Edgeworth given just the shield? KING OF PROSECUTORS TROPHY will be updated in the Court Record. Now present the Screwdriver. Gant apparently does a lot of things that make no sense. It is better than doing things that make sense poorly. Hah. Now examine the piece of paper on the floor. Sadly, Edgeworth plans on resigning from his job. Perhaps it can be put to good use later. LETTER OF RESIGNATION added to the Court Record. Head back to the parking lot. ----------------------------------------------------Date-February 24 Location-Prosecutor's Office; Underground Parking Lot ----------------------------------------------------Angel Starr will return to the lot now. Talk to her about the "Darke investigation". The detectives trailed him for several months. She also mentions how Marshall must be going through hell from his brother's death. Jake was determined after his death. Lana and Gant were the unstoppable duo that lead the investigation. Ask about "After case closed". It was from the duo that the investigation was able to continue. That's why the detectives were shocked at what occured from it all. Darke got what he deserved, but the evidence used to do so was easily manipulated. Some items were created, others were kept a secret. The people who were laid off or demoted were done so without any

sort of explaination. Angel thinks that Lana was merely being used as a pawn. But by who? Ask about "Legendary duo". They were the best of the best. Gant was easily able to find evidence. By that, rumors made it seem like he forged them. Nobody ever declared him of doing so, however. All the detectives wanted to be like Lana. Her lookout for the other detectives is what bonded her to Jake. When Neil was killed she felt as if she had lost her own brother. This is why Angel will never be able to forgive her. Why did she have to turn so cold after the incident. Now ask about "Being used". Lana was transferred thanks to Gant. Gant was certain to be made chief after the case. Once he had one other place secured he'd have unstoppable power. That place was the Prosecutor's Office right here. He transferred Lana because that was his ultimate goal. Lana must really be Gant's pawn. This explains Lana's attitude and why she won't say anything. Gant must be controlling her. Could Gant really be the one who set up this murder? Head back to the Criminal Affairs Department to have another chat with Gumshoe. -------------------------------------------Date-February 24 Location-Police Department; Criminal Affairs -------------------------------------------Gumshoe still refuses to help you. He isn't ready to put his job on the line. Something you have might change his mind. Present the Letter of Resignation. Gumshoe is shocked at what Edgeworth is willing to do now. The detectives betrayed Edgeworth when he had so much faith in them. Gumshoe will now loan you his ID card so you can get back into Gant's office. GUMSHOE'S ID added to the Court Record. Get back in that office! -----------------------------------------Date-February 24 Location-Police Department; Chief's Office -----------------------------------------Gumshoe will accompany you to Gant's office. Talk to him about "The Chief's office". You'll be shown Lana's desk where Ema was waiting two years ago. This is just Gant's office so nobody uses that desk. He has been preserving the crime scene, though. Now ask about "Chief Gant". Gumshoe is curious if Damon Gant is actually a suspect in this case. Now it is time to give the offices a thorough examination. Start with the obvious. Check Gant's desk for the piece of paper he hid earlier. It happens to be a list of evidence used in a case. The list pertains to the SL-9 Incident. Gumshoe also mentions the evidence list is half as long as most cases get. Edgeworth said the same thing earlier! EVIDENCE LIST will be added to the Court Record. Examine the Evidence List further. Check the back. There's a sketch of what appears to be somebody holding a stick and someone lying on the ground. Also note the list is in half. Is there a second picture to match this one? Bring out the Luminol Testing Fluid. You want to find some blood traces near Lana's desk. Ema thinks this pool of blood was from Neil Marshall when he was murdered. A murder obviously did take place here. Good confirming

that, though. Now head back to Gant's side of the room. Near his desk is a safe. A code needs to be entered, more specifically a seven digit number. Choose to "Input number". You will be asked to input the code yourself. Have an idea? You have the answer. Any lucky numbers you want to try? Of course I am referring to lucky "7777777". Try inputting that. What do you know? It opened! Yes, the final ID number on the ID Card Record sheet. It's the number of the mysterious officer who entered the room that day. Then that must be Damon Gant's number. Examine the now open safe. Inside you will find the final piece of the Unstable Jar. You will also find a piece of cloth. A handprint is faintly visible on it. So, why was all of that stuff in his safe? Gumshoe won't let you take the items without proof they are relevant to this case. Present the Unstable Jar. Choose to "Assemble fragments". Flip the piece clockwise twice so you can finish the true assembly of the Unstable Jar. This means Gant knowingly hid a piece of evidence within his safe. There are some reddish lines on the jar, too. It's probably blood. Still, it doesn't explain why Gant his it from the police. UNSTABLE JAR data will be updated. As for the cloth, present the Fingerprinting Set to Gumshoe. All you have to do is spray the powder on the cloth and find a readable match. Examine the middle finger for a very clear result. Upon comparison, the cloth was touched by...Ema? You can't possibly tell Ema her prints are on this. Thusly, you won't tell her that for the time being. STRIP OF CLOTH added to the Court Record. Oh snap! Gant decides it's time to return to his office. Gant pretty much fired Gumshoe on the spot for sneaking into the office. After putting on a creepy grin, he kicks you out. -----------------------------------Date-February 24 Location-Police Department; Entrance -----------------------------------Phoenix thinks about the case for a second. Things almost completely make sense now. Gant has sent Ema to the police for further questioning. She won't be with you now. ----------------------------------------Date-February 24 Location-Detention Center; Visitor's Room ----------------------------------------You will then find yourself infront of Lana. Phoenix as figured out why Lana stabbed Goodman and who she's trying to cover up. Talk to her about "Keeping Quiet". Phoenix realizes that it isn't the fact Lana won't tell the truth, but rather she can't do so because of a certain person. More "afraid" than "protecting" even. She'll ask who it is she's afraid of. Of course, choose Damon Gant. Now you can ask about "Damon Gant". Gant was respectable as a detective. So, why did he hide his crimes? Gant and Edgeworth are clearly screwed for their evidence charade. To get further in this line of questioning she'll

demand proof Gant falsified evidence. Present the Evidence List to snatched not too long ago. Phoenix will show Lana the pieces of evidence that Gant has been keeping secret in his office for so long. They are critical pieces from the SL-9 Incident. Damon Gant was concealing evidence on purpose. Now, why the hell is Lana taking all the blame? Lana admits she cannot disobey anything Gant says, even if that means being convicted for murder. She was forced to follow orders and take part in the killing of Goodman. Now ask about "Orders". Lana was given one order that day, and that was to dispose of Goodman's body. It was to be found in Edgeworth's car. Thusly, Lana isn't actually the real murderer. She tried to take Goodman's body from the car. She discovered the murder weapon while inspecting the body. It was actually the knife from the Joe Darke Killings. She couldn't leave it there, so she took it out and stabbed Goodman with a second knife to make it look like that was the real weapon. She was shaking the whole time and ended up cutting herself. She also got blood on Goodman's shoe as well. Angel Starr saw this moment. It was all a misunderstanding...on Angel's part at least. Now ask about "Darke's Knife". Lana hated the SL-9 Incident and did everything she could to get it closed. She did not want it to be reopened any time soon. She hid Darke's knife because of this. If word got out about it the reporters would go crazy about it. She then wrapped the knife and hid it in the car. Then she called Ema to tell her what happened and to hide the knife further. She didn't want anybody else to find out about the knife or killing. She also had a bad feeling about a phone call that day. After she recieved order from Gant, the first thing she did was make a phone call. That phone call was to Marshall. She needed help in hiding the facts. He was the only person that Lana could trust. At least, she thought she could trust him. Marshall seemed to be doing his own thing after she spoke with him. He didn't want the case to die. He tried to steal the evidence from Goodman's locker. Basically, her phone call incited Marshall to try and steal the evidence. This is all Lana can tell you. Everything is going to go to hell tomorrow in court. You gotta stop this wild train and get the real murderer, Damon Gant, prosecuted tomorrow. Oh, the battle is just beginning. =========== Day 4-Trial =========== ---------------------------------------------Date-February 25, 9:47 AM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 2 ---------------------------------------------Edgeworth will appear instead of Lana, as you were expecting. Edgeworth knows that you already know the identity of ID number 7777777. The only reason there was no verdict yesterday was because of a reason of doubt. If who we think the number belongs to is true, then no doubt will be left. Gant hasn't been charged with anything so you can't jump to that conclusion right away. Phoenix mentions Edgeworth will never really know what happened at SL-9 unless Lana confesses it. She can't do that if she pleads guilty right away. ----------------------------------------

Date-February 25, 10:00 AM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 9 ---------------------------------------Damon Gant will appear and mention that Lana wants to speak directly to the court. He says it should save everyone a bit of trouble. Lana has one simple request. She wants to put an end to the trial by confessing that she did everything, despite the blatant fact she didn't. Then she fires you so Phoenix can shut his trap. The Judge is ready to give out yet another guilty verdict, but Edgeworth objects to this. Edgeworth states that he hasn't proven the defendant guilty beyond reasonable doubt yet. Any ruling would be premature as it is. Gant will demand that Edgeworth keep quiet and let the verdict go through, but Edgeworth knows better and basically tells Gant to screw off. He thinks it is obvious he made a deal with Lana to confess. So, without any other disruption Edgeworth will call his first witness, Ema. She's been with him this whole time I guess. And Gant says you'll regret this moment. Stupid old man. -----------------------------------~Ema Skye's Testimony-Two Years Ago~ ------------------------------------I was waiting in my sister's office that day. -A man came running in, and took me hostage. -Neil Marshall rescued me, -but I'll never forget what I saw that instant! -The man raised up his knife, an...and stabbed Mr. Marshall in the chest...! At the end, Phoenix realizes Ema has no reason to lie. The only way to progress is from new facts. Press the first statement. She mentions Lana's and Gant's office at the time and briefly talk about the organ. Press the second statement. That man, of course, was Joe Darke. The serial killer. Edgeworth states they were desperate to convict him. Darke fled the room at first chance. Press the third statement. Marshall was there because he was with Gant and Darke during the questioning. He was able to get there fast since he was nearby Darke. Now press the fourth statement. Now something important happens. Marshall jumped on Darke when the lights went out. Lightning flashed again outside which illuminated the room breifly. She told the detective about what she saw. That person being Goodman. Choose to "Hear more". She spoke about this with him two years ago. She was so scared about the current events she couldn't find the words to describe it. Thusly, she drew a picture. The Judge will ask if you have heard enough. Choose "Ask about the picture". Edgeworth objects and mentions the evidence list didn't contain a picture. The Judge asks if this information would be placed in her testimony. This line of testimony changes to this: -I drew a picture of that scene once...but it seems to have been lost.

Er, if you followed this guide you should have checked the back of the Evidence List. There was a picture of what looked like someone stabbing another person. Yeah. That picture. Present the Evidence List here. Edgeworth is confused when you yell that he's denying its existance. Too bad that doesn't mean it never existed. Ema quickly realizes it as the picture she drew. Edgeworth objects and says only the prosecutor in charge, namely him, should have that list. Edgeworth has a list of his own. The Judge realizes both are...different? Edgeworth's list was actually incomplete. The two lists, together, form one large list of evidence. They were actually torn apart. Funny, only half of the evidence reached Edgeworth in the case. Phoenix proposes they may be more to the drawing since the list was torn in half. Edgeworth flips over the paper and finds a picture of...oh no. The head of the freaking Blue Badger. What the hell. Edgeworth's reaction is priceless. EVIDENCE LIST will now be updated. Ema thinks hard to herself when she sees to complete picture. She'll now explain it. -----------------------------------~Ema Skye's Testimony-Ema's Picture~ ------------------------------------This is the picture I drew two years ago. -The flash of lightning was so bright all I could see were the shadows. -After that I must have fainted. -This picture shows exactly what I saw that instant! Phoenix says there's clearly a contradiction to the picture and what she is saying. Let's start pressing. Press the first statement. Ema states she drew the pictures several days after the incident. Now press the second statement. She isn't positive that it was Neil who had saved her since it was dark, but the lightning was bright enough for her to get a good look. Ema was knocked away when Marshall tackled him. Press the fourth and final statement. Phoenix will ask again if she is positive this is the only thing she saw and it is drawn exactly. She says that nothing could have influenced her mind before she drew the picture. The Judge will ask if anything is wrong with this picture. Something obviously is. Present Neil's Autopsy Report at this statement. Ema acts confused. She still remembers the murder, so how is there a contradiction? The Judge will demand you show where the contradiction is. Point to the hand Darke is holding his knife in. The tip of the knife appears to be broken. It should be pointy at the end. Neil suffered only one wound to the back, not multiple. Being only one strike the weapon should have been perfectly intact from the start. It couldn't be broken beforehand otherwise the piece wouldn't be found in Neil's body. Phoenix has one explaination for this picture. What if the knife was part of the falsified evidence? The broken knife piece must have been forged for the picture to be true. Phoenix will go over the fateful events that day one last time. There was a ceremony that day. After recieving the King of Prosecutors award, Neil Marshall and Gant questioned Joe Darke. Darke fled the room in mid examination. Marshall was killed by Darke shortly after.

Phoenix thinks there is a lie in that statement, though. Thusly, the switchblade knife WASN'T the real murder weapon! There must have been a second knife. Could there be one? Choose "There is another one". Ema really did see a broken knife, though. You need to show the real murder weapon. Present the Gant Team Picture. Edgeworth now realizes that the broken murder weapon was from the award Marshall had won that day. There's a broken knife on it. Ema likely would have seen this knife instead of Darke's. When Marshall was chasing after Darke, he pulled out this knife. He didn't have a gun since he was a prosecutor. It was has only choice of a weapon. This means that the man raising a knife would be Neil Marshall and not Joe Darke. Ema stops the discussion and states she remembers everything clearly now. She wishes to see the evidence list again. The one with the Blue Badger on it. She drew that picture if you didn't guess already. Now, one more testimony will hopefully clear this mess up. ----------------------------------------~Ema Skye's Testimony-Ema's Recollection~ -----------------------------------------When I saw that man raise his knife... -I panicked, and rushed toward both of them. -I think I...I knocked away the man with the knife. -Just then there was another flash of lightning, and that's when I saw... the Blue Badger! -He wasn't in the room, but I'm sure I saw his shadow! Lana will step in and demand that this goes no further. Edgeworth steps in and says the trial has gone too far. It must be finished whether in her favor or not. Back to the testimony. Edgeworth also says the Blue Badger didn't even exist back then. What could Ema have possible seen? Look at the Gant Team Picture. This was in Lana's office, remember? See something familar right behind Neil? There's the intact unstable jar. Press the final statement. When asked, choose "I just might know..." You will say you know what Ema could have seen that looked like the Blue Badger. Present the Unstable Jar. Your mission is to rotate the jar in such a fashion that it resembles the Blue Badger. This is difficult to explain. Firstly, flip the jar upsidedown form where it is already stationed. From here, tilt the jar away from you using the right scrollbar and shifting it up. Make it look like a party hat. The small end of the jar should just barely be seen. This will take a few tries, but you will get it eventually. So, we have a jar that looks like the Blue Badger. Cool. Edgeworth, though, demands to know what the point of this all is. This shouldn't change a bit of detail. Choose "The murder weapon". Ema saw the jar at a very specific angle. The jar was actually in Damon Gant's office. This means Darke and Neil struggled not in Lana's office but rather in Gant's office. This means the murderer probably moves the body to Lana's office. There must be a reason otherwise there wouldn't be any trouble of doing this.

Phoenix knows the truth. Ema hit the man with the knife and that sent the jar flying into the air. The impact of the man hitting the wall would have done this. What would he have hit? The sharp knife that knight in armor is wielding. There is now another possibility of what occured. Ema knocked prosecutor Marshall into the knife the knight was holding. Lana must have known this, and tried to stop the trial. But we went through. Ema collapses after hearing this. Edgeworth suspects Lana moved Marshall's body so it would keep suspicion Ema did it away. She demands to know if there's any evidence Ema killed Marshall. But, perhaps the victim left a message. When asked if such a message exists, choose it "is in the evidence". The truth must be revealed. Present the Unstable Jar once again. It has bloodstains in an odd pattern. The blood looks to form a word and was wiped away. Edgeworth thinks these dots were actually lines. Once the lines are connected, the real murderer will become clear. Lana looks panicked. Too bad you are still going through with this idea. Connect the lines. Anybody who passed kindergarden should be able to this in no time. Spell out the name and present it. Ema's name is on the freaking jar. She didn't mean to kill Marshall but she still did it. Gant comes back. It appears he was right when he said you'd regret this. Gant says that an innocent man was sentenced to death from forged evidence. A recess will now be called. Oh how the tides of court have changed. But is it for the better? -----------------------------------------------Date-February 25, 12:06 PM Location-District Court; Defendant's Lobby No. 2 -----------------------------------------------Gumshoe will burst in on your conversation with Edgeworth. Lana asked him another favor. She wanted to give you a book on Evidence Law. She also wanted him to give you the message of "If you plan on taking HIM on you're going to need this book". EVIDENCE LAW added to the Court Record. Edgeworth also comments the real battle hasn't even begun yet. It's time to bring down Damon Gant once and for all. ---------------------------------------Date-February 25, 12:52 PM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 9 ---------------------------------------Edgeworth would normally call a witness, but from the actions Edgeworth has done lately, he will allow the defense to call the next witness. Time to bring out the real murderer. Call Damon Gant to the stand. Phoenix demands to know Gant's role in the SL-9 Incident. Let's not screw up. -------------------------------------~Damon Gant's Testimony-SL-9 Incident~ --------------------------------------As I recall, Neil and I were questioning him that day. -To make a long story short, we slipped up. That power outage didn't help either. -When I went to my office, I found Lana there. -Apparently, she had already..."arranged" the crime scene.

-As you can see, I had nothing to do with the "forgery". You need to link Gant to the incident somehow. He says he has nothing to do with this incident, but then why were some things kept in his safe? You can either present the Unstable Jar or the Strip of Cloth. However, Gant hits you with the second rule of evidence law if you present the latter so go with the jar. Phoenix explains where he found the jar. He also goes on to say where he found the evidence list. This proves he wa spart of the illegal investigation. Gant will testify on why these were in his office. ------------------------------------------~Damon Gant's Testimony-Evidence & Forgery~ -------------------------------------------For all I know, you could have planted them in my office. -Anyway, you can't prove "when" those pieces of evidence were discovered. -If they were found after Darke was convicted, then they're worthless. -There's no reason I'd participate in a forgery. -Rearranging the crime scene wouldn't help me out in any way. Press the final statement. Rearranging the crime scne would secure his position as Chief of Police. That's quite a motive. Edgeworth says if he didn't do it for himself he would have done it for somebody else. He will change his line of testimony to this: -I wouldn't be anyone's "accomplice" if there was nothing in it for me. Press this newfound statement. Gant only cares about himself. He actually didn't feel sorry for Lana when Ema was injured. What an ass. However, could someone have helped him out? Choose "Point out an accomplice". Who is the person Gant might have helped? It should be fairly simple. He helped Lana conceal evidence. Ema was screwed over from the real evidence, so only Lana could want it covered up. Gant would have a reason to help her as well. Merely self-profit. Lana was made Chief Prosecutor, and more importantly was the pawn for Gant. He had complete power at that point. Gant will now ask if you have any proof to back up these wild claims. You can't have any since Lana refuses to testify against Gant. Unless, of course, this same thing is occuring in this incident. Edgeworth will claim Lana has been acting as if someone has been controlling her. Somebody like Gant, for instance? Gant must be involved in the murder of Goodman. Edgeworth mentions that this must be finished now. The Judge wants proof he is involved in this murder. Present the ID Card Record. There's still the last unknown number on the list. Gant says you can't prove it's his number. Remember Gant's safe has a code that matches this ID number. Oh and damn does Gant get ticked off at you. Gant will reply that he was alone in the evidence room. Phoenix asks if Goodman was with him, but Gant hadn't seen him in days. However, Gant would have had to meet with Goodman that day. The Judge will now demand evidence that ties Goodman with Gant. Present Goodman's Lost Item Report. Goodman lost his ID card the day of the murder. Goodman filled out the report. He would need to give this report to Chief Gant.

Problem is, you're in possession of the report. You can't be sure he even filed it. How? Because he had to enter the evidence room that day. Thusly, Gant accomponied him into the evidence room. It was then Gant murdered Goodman and made Lana dispose of the body. Gant will say he instead lent his ID card to Goodman, but this can't be true since if he did the card would have been found on him when he was killed. Phoenix explains this was probably an impulse murder, and that the Police Department was as unlikely as it gets for a murder to occur. He likely called Lana afterwards to finish the job. Edgeworth objects and demands to know how the body ended up at the parking lot. You have the proof. Phoenix comments it was the most useless item he had, but it is the proof. Present...the Screwdriver. The missing holes are getting filled in. Edgeworth was ordered to fetch a useless piece of evidence, the screwdriver, to create a setup. In the time Edgeworth was gone, Gant and Lana stuffed Goodman's body into Edgeworth's trunk. Edgeworth unknowingly played a part in transporting the body. Also, remember Angel's photo? Phoenix goes on to say that must have been Lana trying to remove the body from the trunk rather than having her dump it into it. Gant will try to leave now, and he has every right to do so since he has such a power. He's using his right to refuse testification. You still have no real evidence that he did this. Sadly, you must choose "I have no proof yet". Damon will take his leave now. You're about to be penalized, but Edgeworth will step in. He says one person who is still important hasn't testified yet. Decide to call Lana to the stand. Another recess will be made. The battle is almost over. But Gant returns at the last second. He says Lana will be in big trouble if she testifies. Ema would then be found guilty. He'll then leave. ---------------------------------------------Date-February 25, 2:04 PM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 2 ---------------------------------------------Gumshoe says that you just barely missed your chance to nail Gant. Edgeworth mentions there are risks to refusing to testify. By refusing to testify he is not permitted to add anything else into this trial. If you choose to screw him over he can't say anything to change it. Ema will return now. Now you'll head back to court for the final time. Lana better prove this waste of time means something! ---------------------------------------Date-February 25, 2:21 PM Location-District Court; Courtroom No. 9 ---------------------------------------You shouldn't find this last bit all too difficult. Lana is going to need to lie severely in order to protect Gant so the contradictions should be fairly simple to point out. Or so we think. Let's get down with it. ---------------------------------------------~Lana Skye's Testimony-Gant & The Fabrication~ ----------------------------------------------I worked alongisde Gant for years... -There's no truth to this "blackmail" theory.

-I fabricated the evidence two years ago all by myself. -When I found Prosecutor Marshall's body, I rearranged the crime scene. -My only motivation was to get Darke convicted. It had nothing to do with Ema. Funny. All of that is a lie. Problem is, what's the proof to show that she is lying through her teeth? That's the fun part. Press her fourth statement as it's the only one which will get you anywhere. Lana says she was the first person to discover the crime scene. The broken prosecutor award was stuck in the victim's body. She will say the situation where Neil was pushed into the suit of armor is wrong. She insists that Darke killed Marshall instead. She goes on to say the switchblade kinfe was lying on the floor a little distance away. She'll add this next line to her testimony: -I broke off the tip of Darke's knife, planted it inside the wound, then moved the body. Press this new statement. Phoenix is surprised she would go to such extremes and do that. You will then be given the choice to ask her a question. Choose "Why did you move the body" as unlikely and pointless as that seems. Neil's body was indeed near Damon Gant's desk. Another new line of testimony will be added: -The pieces of the jar that shattered during the events threatened my plan. Press this new statement. Yes, the unstable jar is the one she's referring to. When she first found the body the jar was broken. It must have broken during Darke's and Neil's struggle. Ema thinks there's something wrong with that statement. Indeed, there is. Ema's name is on the jar. If it was broken, how would Neil be able to write down his final message? Present the Unstable Jar once more. Edgeworth states more information about this jar and the bloody message may be needed. Something critical could be here. Lana will be asked to just explai what she saw. Edgeworth and Phoenix will fill in the missing details. ---------------------------------------------~Lana Skye's Testimony-Jar & Message in Blood~ ----------------------------------------------I immediately noticed the blood traces on the jar, -but it was dark in the room and I didn't have time to check it out. -To be safe, I wiped away the blood. -The fragments were large, so I'm sure I got them all. -All I could think about was wiping them clean before they were discovered. Don't bother pressing. She will keep mentioned she did it, she moved the body, and whatnot. There's still one problem. Yes, you will need the jar again. That's original. Lana mentions she gathered every last piece to the jar. However, we found out that one piece was missing and it was found in Damon Gant's safe. Present the Unstable Jar at Lana's fourth statement. Worse of all, there was blood on the final piece you found. Only one thing remains. Someone else must have arrived first.

Only Chief Gant could have gotten there before Lana. The pieces were so big it's unlikely an ace detective would miss one. The jar was broken when found. Possible, the name wasn't written until after it broke. Edgeworth thinks Damon got there first, broke the jar, and hid one of the pieces. This action is fabrication of evidence. These whole events is what began to make Lana Skye Gant's puppet. Gant did this just for control. But wait. What if this is all Gant's trap still? Thusly, Ema's killing of Neil Marshall might also be a complete lie. This is Lana's final testimony. Let's get going. -----------------------------------------------~Lana Skye's Final Testimony-Actual Crime Scene~ ------------------------------------------------Actually, there is no cross examination. You'll see! Before you can begin the final examination in the game, Lana mentions she has proof to attest to this testimony. She handed it to you earlier the morning. It's a picture of the crime scene that she hid in something she handed to you. You only got one thing today and that was the Evidence Lw book. Check it out. Turn it around and examine the back cover. The book will open up and a picture will appear. Neil is clearly stuck to the piece of armor. Criminal Affairs was contacted after she changed the crime scene. LANA'S PICTURE is added to the Court Record. But that piece of cloth stuck to Neil. Was that the one in Gant's safe? It would make sense since Ema's handprint is stuck to it. Whoever's prints they belong to is the real murderer. Ema seems excited. Too bad it is her. Now you'll try the cross examination, but Gant returns. He tries to make a cover for himself, but by not testifying he revoked his rights to make any types of statements. Gant, though, is still allowed to present evidence. However, he mentions somebody else has the evidence. He points the finger at Phoenix. You have something to show right? The thing that proves the real murderer. You must answer "Cannot show evidence". If you show it, you get an instant Game Over. Save here because it is something really cool to see. Anyways, Gant will demand you tell the truth. He says you opened his safe and stole something. Well, now everybody knows we really did that. Too bad Phoenix is pulling a Gant on him and denies the thought he did so. He asks you to look at the picture. This means Gant kept the cloth in his safe the entire time. He's been concealing evidence. Gant will start explaining what really happened. He was the first person to arrive at the crime scene. He thought he could use the situation to control Lana. If he made it look like the blame laid with Ema, then Lana would come for Gant's aid. He told her to arrange the evidence. Gant admits to hiding two pieces of evidence. He did this before Lana arrived. The pieces were one of the pieces of the jar, the other the strip of cloth. He did them for some form of insurance. He was prepared for the worst, explaining why he did them. He didn't want to get blamed for this mess. Gant hid the most legible part of Ema's name. He didn't expect Lana to wipe them clean, though. Edgeworth objects and states this could also be easily forged. Gant now orderes you to present the piece of cloth. Gant has admitted to hiding this piece of cloth. This is it. Everything rides on this move. Choose to "Show evidence" this time and present the Strip of Cloth. Gant

confirms he cut this from Neil. Edgeworth says that the handprint could not be forged, and therefore whoever touched it must be the real murderer. Gant says he had the evidence the entire time but refused to present it. Obviously, you know who the murderer is. You need to go along with the plan. Gant seems to be playing along with it. Present Ema Skye. Lana interrupts and is pissed that the trial has come to this. Gant says since you just concealed evidence, you committed a crime. Phoenix will ask Gant again who really killed Neil Marshall. Phoenix says that although the handprint of Ema is on it, one blatant contradiction is also there. Gant gets ticked as usual. This will prove who the real killer is. You need to present the one piece of evidence that contradicts the cloth. Present Lana's Picture. Phoenix says his vest was soaked with blood. However, the piece of cloth doesn't have any blood on it! This proves that Ema did shove Neil Marshall to the side. However, she did not kill Neil this way. Neil was most likely knocked out from the shock, though. So, who could the real murderer be? Darke, Neil, and Ema were all unconcious when the first person arrived on the scene. Who could have taken Neil Marshall and shoved him into the knife? Who could make it look like Ema was responsible for all of this? Who wrote her name on the unstable jar and broken it and leave behind a clue to make Lana believe Ema did all this? Gant. Oh hell yes, it was Gant. Best of all, he already admitted to doing this since he said he was first to the crime scene. By cutting the vest he sealed his fate as the murderer of the case. Gant somehow slightly regains compusure, but still appears broken down. He won't give up. Too bad, that strip of cloth is counted as illegal evidence. It can't be used to convict a suspect. Phoenix concealed the piece of evidence. The cloth ceased to be legal evidence after that! The Judge asks if you purposefully kept the piece of cloth away from court. Choose "I did not". Phoenix "didn't present the evidence then, he actually "couldn't" do so. Is the evidence legal or not? You need to prove you had the right to do all of this. Present Evidence Law. You followed evidence law correctly. The cloth wasn't registered and wasn't relevant to the trial at the first time Gant asked to see it. Gant earlier, however, confirmed that he cut the cloth from Neil. The picture Lana gave you was presented only a short time ago. That picture offically made the strip of cloth relevant to this trial. It was from that picture you were allowed to present it legaly in court. Best of all, Gant is the one who really gave it the legality. He said he personally cut the cloth... It's all over now. I won't spoil the fantastic ending to this trial, but remember the whole "Who killed Goodman and why" problem that this whole case started with? Everything will be fully explained there. Great job on the final victory. ---------------------------------------------Date-February 25, 5:03 PM Location-District Court; Defendant Lobby No. 2 ---------------------------------------------It's all over now. Ema will look as sad as ever, though. Lana still hasn't talked to her yet. Gumshoe decides to interrupt a touching moment yet again. He came here because of Ema. He decided to bring Lana to meet her. Lana admits she staged the crime to make it look like Ema didn't do it. Even though she didn't know Gant really did it. Ema, though, is happy to have the old Lana back now.

Edgeworth will appear now. He says that he can't change his past mistakes. He can't even trust himself now. He's worried one day he'll do something similar to what Gant did. He won't allow that to happen by resigning from his job. Lana steps in and says he worked with Phoenix on the trial. It was that way Gant was convicted of murder. You need to present something you needed Edgeworth with. Present the Evidence List. Remember, to prove some things in court you needed the half Edgeworth had. Edgeworth takes his farewell after that. The credits will roll now. You can use the fingerprinting scheme to reveal pictures of the bounty of characters. Don't forget to read what they say as well! ========================================== ~10. Frequently Asked Questions~ ========================================== I've been browsing the boards for a while. I see these types of questions oh so many times. Q:What is Damon Gant's trap in case 5? A:He first asks you to present a piece of evidence you have been conealing. If you present the strip of cloth then you get an instant guility verdict. Q:Does Edgeworth really quit? A:(SPOILERS!) Yes and no. He returns to prosecute in the final case of Justice for All. It is unknown if he makes any other appearences after that. Q:Why does Redd White give in so easily in case 2? A:Hell if I know. Getting beat down when you've been blackmailing people for so long kinda puts a lot of pressure on you. Q:What if you present the wrong things to Maya/Edgeworth after case 4/5? A:They just look disappointed at you and take their leave as usual. Q:Why is almost every name a pun? A:Japan is wierd that way. Very, very wierd. ========================================== ~11.Credits~ ========================================== Me-Because I'm so awesome. And I made this. You, the reader-For making this walkthrough actually mean something. Pointless if noone read it. CJayC-For the website that inspired me to write walkthroughs The Internet-For sucking away so much of my life I have no regrets to wasting time on it writing walkthroughs :) This walkthrough is under legal copyright and ownership of me, Deathborn 668. It is not to be sold for retail of plagerized in any way, shape or form.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: FAQ/Walkthrough by Deathborn 668 Version: Final | Last Updated: 2007-02-20 | View/Download Original File Hosted b y Return to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS) FAQs & Guides

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