Nursing Care Plan Diabetes

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Cynthialyn Castro, 29 year old Female: with a Diagnosis of Pre-eclampsia severe, to consider diabetic, to consider Sub-involution Anemia Secondary.

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation Subjective Data: Di ko alam na diabetic na pala ako. Ngayon lang nung na admit ako as manifested by the mother. Objective Data: Alert, conscious and able to sit and stand. Vital signs: T: 36.3 C RR: 24 bpm PR: 82 cpm BP: 120/80 mm Hg Knowledge deficit related to lack of exposure to the disease secondary to Diabetes Objective To participate in learning process. Short term goal: The patient will be able to verbalize the understanding of individual therapeutic interventions, medications and its purposes. Long term goal: The patient will be able to verbalize her understanding regarding to rich in iron Diabetic diet. Independent Intervention: Assess Vital signs Explain to the client the procedure and its purpose regarding to Capillary Blood glucose. Monitor the capillary blood glucose of the patient. Instruct patient to fasting or maintain NPO (nothing per orem) for 6 hours prior to CBG (capillary blood glucose measurement) Instruct patient to avoid sugar-rich foods (e.g. chocolate) Instruct patient to eat Iron rich foods (e.g. liver or animal organs, egg, fish, poultry, leafy vegetables and dried fruits) for her anemia. Give the importance of ambulation or exercise. Explain to the client facts, causes and information regarding to her disease. Explain also the purpose of the The patient is able to verbalize the understanding of individual therapeutic interventions, medications and its purposes. Long term goal: The patient will be able to verbalize her understanding regarding to rich in iron Diabetic diet

To determine the current status of the patient. To reduce anxiety of the patient. To check the condition of her diabetes. To avoid inaccurate reading of the result.

To prevent risk in hyperglycemia To prevent anemia and to help in producing more red blood cells. To promote blood circulation. To educate the client regarding to her status and acquired disease.

treatment and therapeutic regimen given by her doctor. Provide Oral care Instruct the Family to bathe the patient every other day. Dependent Intervention: Give/administer medications as instructed by the doctor. Collaborative Intervention: Refer patient to Med. Tech for Laboratory Examination of her Hggt, TID For patients comfort To provide optimal skin care and comfort. To promote wellness of the patient and to stabilize her health. For further evaluation and analysis of the patients disease.

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