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Preguntas 31 - 35 Dnde puedo ver estos avisos? En las preguntas 31 - 35 marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas. 31. a. In the zoo b.

In the supermarket c. In the drugstore

a. In the bookstore b. In the zoo c. In the classroom

a. In the park b. In the market c. In the mall

a. In the train station b. In the supermarket c. In the mall 35. a. In he hospital b. In the library c. In the supermarket Preguntas 36 - 43 Lee las descripciones de la columna de la izquierda (36 - 43) y las palabras de la columna de la derecha (A-H) Cul palabra (A-H) concuerda con la descripcin de cada frase de la izquierda (36 -43)? 36. The first action you do early in the morning. 37. People use this to brush their teeth. 38. Women usually wear this but men dont 39. People use this to sleep. 40. We always celebrated Independence Day in this Month. 41. This is the last month of the year. 42. People that study in the same place usually wear this. . a. bed b. July c. December d. teeth brush e. Uniform f. Wake up g. March

43. This is the third month of the year.

h. Skirt

Preguntas 44 - 48 Complete las cinco conversaciones. En las preguntas 44 - 48, marque A, B, o C en su hoja respuestas.

44. What shall we give him? a. Lets give him a car. 45. Shall we go to class? a. I dont. b. Im not sure. c. Her name is Susan. b. Give her a car. c. She likes tennis.

46. What about going at the cinema? a. Lets go! 47 Lets go to the cinema. a. Yes, it is b. Yes, it does c. Thats a good idea. b. We dont. c. Its fine.

48. How would you like your steak? a. Its nice b. No really. c. Well cook

Preguntas 49 - 53 Lee el texto de la parte inferior y selecciona la palabra correcta para cada espacio. En las preguntas 49 - 53. Marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.

Diwali means the festival of light. Each (49) _____ Hindus around the world celebrate for five days during October and November. During Diwali (50) ______ play cards and dress up special clothes. They also, give boxes of colourful coconuts (51) _______ called barfi to their relatives and friends. They (52)_________ their houses with candles and see beautiful (53) _________ display. 49. a. Day 50. a. Person 51. a. Breads 52. a. Decorated 53. a. Windows b. Month b. People b. Sweets b. Make b. Roofs c. year c. Boys c. Eggs d. Buy c. Fireworks

Preguntas 54 60 Lee el texto y luego responde las preguntas. Marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.


More than any other day of the year; April 1st is the day for pranks, jokes and foolish acts. A joke may be telling a person there is a hole in his sock or smudge on her nose. As the victim looks for it, the trickster laughs and shouts, April fool No one knows for sure how April Fools Day started. The most common belief is that it began in France in the early 1500s. At that time, people observed New Year s Day on March 25th. st Celebration lasted for a week, ending on April 1 . On the last day of the celebration, people sent each other gifs or invited each other to parties. Then in 1582, King Charles IX decided that New Years Day should be on January 1 . many people did not want to change to the new date. They continued to celebrate the New Year on st April 1 . Others thought these people were foolish. They sent the foolish ones silly gifs or phony invitations to parties that never took place. The jokers thought this was great fun. They continued to play tricks on people on April 1 even after everyone in France had changed to the New Years date. As other countries switched New Years Date from April to January, they, too, took up the custom of April fooling. April Fools Day has been an American tradition from the time the first colonist came to settle in the New World. Though not a legal holiday, it is a special day when many people plan silly pranks and try to fool their friends. 54. When did Aprils Fool Day start? a. In United States. b. In Spain c. In France
st st

55. In the 1500s, when did people celebrate New Year? th st th a. On March 25 b. On April 1 c. On December 24 56. Who decided New Years should be in January? a. The jokers b. The trickers

c. King Charles IX

57. Why were tricks played on some people? a. Because the last day of New Year celebration people send false invitations to parties. b. Because the jokers thin it was fun. c. Because it becomes an American tradition. 58. The underline word can be replace by? a. Silly b. intelligent c. interesting 59. Which word means a practice handed down from one generation to another? a. Tradition b. Joke c. People 60. What is a trick? a. it refers to an annoying behaviour. b. It means a particular manner. c. It is a turn.

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