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Siebel Interview Questions Answers Bible in www.aired.


1> If we have Dynamic Picklist as Bounded, Can we add record? Yes ..But incase of static picklist it is not possible.. 2> In an Applet create a custom button and enable it. 1> Create a control Test on the Applet with Method Invoked property as TESTMETHOD. 2> Add the following script in the WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod event(Right click on applet>edit serverscript) function WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod (MethodName, &CanInvoke) { if((MethodName == "TESTMETHOD") { CanInvoke = "TRUE"; return(CancelOperation); } return (ContinueOperation); }

3> How to invoke a Business Service on click of a buton? 3> Create a control Test on the Applet with Method Invoked property as TESTMETHOD. 4> Add the following script in the WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod event function WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod (MethodName, &CanInvoke) { if((MethodName == "TESTMETHOD) { CanInvoke = "TRUE"; return(CancelOperation); } return (ContinueOperation); } 5> Add the following user property in the Applet Name - Named Method: TESTMETHOD Value - 'INVOKESVC', 'Service Name', 'MethodName'

Siebel Interview Questions Answers Bible 4> Is it possible to access more than one Database at a single siebel application? Yes 6> If Gateway Server is not present cant we do Load Balancing? No 6> What is a calculated field? Calculated field derives its value from other fields..It can not be stored in the database therefore column property is blank.. Restriction on calculated field:-- It can not be stored in the database It is Read-only.. Sorting is not supported but querying is supported..

7> I have a view with form applet on the top and list applet at the bottom. There is "score" field in the list applet. How to display the totals of score in form applet? Create an mvf in the parent BC based on score field. Then create a calculated field with calculated value Sum (mvf) 8> I want to display no of activities associated with an Account? How do you configure this? 1> Create an mvl in Account bc based on Account/Action link 2> Create a calculated field with calculated value Count(mvl). 3> Display the calculated field on the Account applet. 9> Now I want to count no of Activities of an Account with Priority = 1ASAP Type Field and Type Value property of the mvl can be used to put search spec on the child bc. Here Type Field = Priority and Type Value = 1-ASAP. Then do the Count(mvl).

10> In the list applet field we have 10 records but i have to display only 2 records in list applet, what is the process should i follow? Set HTML No of Rows Applet property to 2. 11> How to send an email using siebel application other than using F9 functional Key?

Using Out Bound Communication Manager BS 12> suppose there is a search spec on BC, and Applet both. Explain the execution of this scenario. BC and Applet search specs get appended (ANDED). 1st based on BC search spec, records will be fetched from the db and available at applet level. Then the applet search spec will be applied on this data set and sub set of this will be visible in UI. Ex:-- Lets say in account BC the search spec is [Status] =Active and on applet the search spec is [Country]=USA. So when will go to account screen will see records where [Status]=Active and [Country]=USA 13> suppose there is different search spec on List and Form Applet in List View. What will happen when I navigate to that view? The form applet search spec will be retained because form applet gets loaded later. 14> Explain when we use the following scenarios: Base table having extension columns Extension table having extension columns which one do you prefer? Explain. To fetch data from the extension table needs an extra join. So if the field is readily accessed in UI, it is better to extend the base table. If it is seldom used, extend the extension table. 15> what is the use of catch in script? If you want to do some operation after the exception has occurred, it can be done in Catch block. 16> Can you create an extension table with an intersection table? Yes(1:1 is possible but 1:M is not possible) 17> How will you edit the joined fields values in join? By associating a picklist in the joined field 18> what is seed data in Siebel? Initial set of user and admin data examples, responsibilities, SADMIN account 19> what is repository data?

Object definitions that specify the application look, behavior 20> what does install.ksh and imprep.ksh files do? Install.ksh It populates seed data. Imprep.ksh It populates repository data. 21> is it required to install gateway server before installing a Siebel server? Yes 22> what is Siebel file system? It is a shared directory used to store compressed files, attachments 23> why is it not recommended to modify existing base tables? Siebel may use existing table in the future release 24> what is difference between eai and eim? Where does xml come into picture in eai? What are third party eai tools 25> How do you configure a MVG? Create link between parent and child bc Create an mvl in parent bc referring the above link Create mvf in parent bc using the above mvl Create an mvg applet based on child bc Add the mvg applet to the applet control and set the run time property to true. 26> How do you configure a dynamic picklist? Create a picklist based on pick bc Associate the picklist with the parent bc field. Specify the pick map. In case of dynamic picklist you have to do Id pick map as well. Create a pick applet based on pick bc. Add the pick applet to the applet control and set the run time property to true. 27> How do you configure a static picklist? Create a picklist based on Picklist Generic bc (Static picklist draws data from S_LST_OF_VAL table), specify Type as Type and Type Value as LOV created in the Application Associate the picklist with the parent bc field. Specify the pick maps.

Set the run time property of the Control to true. 28> Why do you need Primary Id field in MVL? Primary Id field in the master business component holds the row ID values pointing to primary records in the detail business component. In this way we make 1:M relationship 1:1. It helps in improving the performance. Lets say in list applet there are 10 records and in each record we have 2 mvg. If dont specify primary, 21 queries get fired (1+2*10 = 21, 1 query to fetch parent records, 2 inner queries to fetch mvg records/parent record (total 2*10 = 20)). If we specify primary id fields only 1 query gets fired. 29> When you have Pre Default Value and Post Default value for a Field, which one will be stored in the Database? Pre Default Pre Default value of the field when you create new record. Event BusComp_NewRecord () Post Default - If the field value is null before saving the record then post default will get fired. Event BusComp_PreWriteRecord () 30> How do you set up employees in Siebel? 31> what are different types of Tables? Data, Interface, Repository 32> what are Pre defined Queries? These are stored queries enable users to perform queries 33> How do you assign responsibilities to employees in Siebel? Navigate to Administration Users Employees, query for the employee and assign responsibilities 34> what is the difference between Join and Link? Join is a relationship between bc and table. The relation is 1:1 or M: 1. Account in Opportunity, Account in Service Request Link is a relationship between 2 bcs. The relation is 1:M or M:M. Business Address in Account, Activities in Account 35> what is the difference between EIM and EAI?

Siebel Interview Questions Answers Bible EIM is the process of loading data into Siebel base table. EAI is the exchange of data between Siebel and external systems 36> what are user properties? User properties are inbuilt scripts used to configure specialized behavior. This can be added as children to an applet, business component, business service, control, field, or list column 37> Give examples of commonly used BC level user properties? On Field Update Set, On Field Update Invoke, BC Read Only Field, Parent Read Only Field, Field Read Only Field, Named Method. 38> How can you make a field conditionally required? By using Required (Field level) user property. 1> Create a calculated field CALC that will have value Y if the conditions are met else N. 2> Create a Required user property. Name Required, Value - CALC 39> what are the different types of Columns? Data, Extension, System 40> How many type of siebel Data model extensions are there? 1:1, 1: M 41> what is the difference between Master- Detail view and MVG? In master detail view, we show master record in the top form applet and child records in the bottom list applet. Here the child data are fetched by the link between master and child bcs. In case of mvg, we embed child information in the master record itself. The user needs to invoke the mvg to see child details. Here the child data are fetched by mvl created in master bc. 42> what does position represents in Siebel? It is a party bc. It drives the data visibility. 43> what happens if you create an employee in Siebel application and forget to create database login?

He will not be able to login into the application. 44> what is Virtual BC? What is the use of vbc? When there is a requirement to display data from external system without storing the data in Siebel, we use VBC. VBC is not mapped to any table. It is based on CSSBCVExtern class. The data in VBC gets populated by business service. We create a bc user property to tie VBC with BS. Name - Service Name, Value - BS 45> what is constrained picklist? Where you will drop the constraints? If the picklist value is based on a field, it is called constrained picklist. We do the constraining in the pickmap. 46> what is name server? What does it do? Gateway server 47> How do you set up employees in Siebel? 48> what is Siebel Admin Mode View? How to Create this? We can make an Admin View by setting Admin Mode Flag property of the view = true. In admin view, you can see all records (Records without owner as well). User property does not work in Admin View. 49> If a view has Admin Mode Property = True, then what will happen to User Properties we write on them? If Admin Mode = true, User property will not work 50> what is the function of SWSE on the Web Server? What is it? 51> why do we use Symbolic Strings in Siebel 77? It encapsulates a piece of text that can appear anywhere on the Siebel user interface. Any Siebel Object that has a translatable string property (such as the caption of a Control object) can obtain a desired string display value by establishing a reference to the appropriate Symbolic String object through its "String Reference" property (for example, "Caption - String Reference"). The actual string content for a Symbolic String is stored in one or more child Symbolic String Locale objects, each of which represents the value of the string in a different language. For example, the Symbolic String named 'SBL_ACCOUNTS-0910145428-0HN' might have two Symbolic String Locale children, one containing the display value for English ('Account') and one for German ('Kunde').

Siebel Interview Questions Answers Bible 52> what is the relationship between a view and a b/o? M: 1 53> what is horizontal and vertical in siebel? ` 54> what is implied Join. Where do we find it? The join between a base table and its 1:1 extension table is called implicit. The name of implicit join is same name as the extension table. For example, S_PARTY and all its extension table S_ORG_EXT, S_CONTACT, S_POSTN, S_BU etc. Similarly implicit join exists between a base table and its Inter Section table as well. Example S_OPTY and S_OPTY_CON 55> How do you recognize that a particular table (Base table) can be extended? If the table type property is other than Extension, it can be extended. 56> what is an extension table and how is it related to base table? Table of type extension are additional tables with implicit 1:1 relationships to its parent base table, the table it logically extends. They provide additional columns that you can use to store data. 57> is it possible to have multiple database servers for one gateway server? No 58> what is All Mode Sort? 59> what does Business Component View Mode indicate? It defines allowable access control mechanisms that can be applied to the business component in any view 60> what is the view mode of following bcs? Account Position (You assign position to the sales team), Organization Opportunity Position, Organization Contact Position, Organization, Person Service Request Person (Single Owner) here you assign LOGIN to SR, Organization Action Person (Multiple Owners)

61> what is the difference between "PickList Generic" and "PickList Hierarchical" Business components? Both BCs are based on S_LST_OF_VAL table. PickList Hierachical has more field than PickList Generic and it is used for creating hierarchical picklist. 62> what is the base table of Account, Contact bc? S_PARTY 63> what is S_PARTY table? This is the base table for all party business components. List different party type? Party Type Business Component Organization Account (S_ORG_EXT), Organization (S_BU), Division (S_ORG_EXT) Person Contact (S_CONTACT), Employee (S_EMP_PER), User (S_USER) Position Position (S_POSTN) Household Household (S_ORG_GROUP) User List User List (S_USERLIST) Access Group Access Group (S_PARTY_GROUP) 64> what is the difference between an organization and division in Siebel? Account - [Internal Org Flag] = 'N', data gets populated in S_PARTY and S_ORG_EXT tables Division - [Internal Org Flag] = 'Y', data gets populated in S_PARTY and S_ORG_EXT tables Organization - - [Internal Org Flag] = 'Y' and [Organization Flag] = 'Y', data gets populated in S_PARTY, S_ORG_EXT, S_BU tables All Organizations are division, but the reverse is not true. 65> what is the intersection table of party entities? S_PARTY_PER 66> How do you create extension table to an interface table in Siebel? Using wizard 67> How does bc and applet related?

1: M 68> How is the opportunity related to an account? M: 1 69> what does an opportunity, account contact do in Siebel? 70> why do you need to create employees at the database in Siebel? 71> How do you control visibility in Siebel? Visibility control can be done at 2 levels. 1> View visibility this is done by responsibilities 2> Data Visibility this is done by positions 72> How to specify owners for a business component? By using BusComp View Mode. This is a child object of Business Component. 73> what is spooling? Spooling is the process of extracting sql queries that gets fired in the database. This can be achieved in 2 ways. 1> In siebel.exe, right click Properties, add this /s PATH i.e C:\log 2> Create a environment variable with properties. Variable SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS, Value - 5 74> suppose i write a script on the browser side and get some output. Can this same output be transferred to / called from the Server side script? If YES, how and if NO, why not? Yes, we can call server script from browser script, but the reverse is not true. 75> what is force active property of field? When Force Active is TRUE, the field is queried each time the business component is instantiated, even when the field is not exposed on the user interface. The data value is always retrieved from the database. It indicates the db engine to include this column in the select statement. 76> what is Link Specification property of field? TRUE = Specifies that the field's value in parent bc is passed as a default value to a field in the child business component. 77> what is Long List property of Picklist?

Siebel Interview Questions Answers Bible It specifies whether the Siebel application should attempt to position the cursor on the current value in a long list of values. When you specify Long List = TRUE for a picklist list, the Siebel application does not keep focus on the current record 78> what is detailed category and what is its use in configuration. 79> How will you do validations in configuration? By using the Validation property of field 80> How do you add Button Icon in an Applet? Like New, Query, Delete. I want Activate Button also. 81> what is difference between S_OPTY_X and S_OPTY_XM tables? S_OPTY_X is the 1:1 extension table of S_OPTY where as S_OPTY_XM is the 1: M extension table. 82> what difference between join specification and join definition? Join specification is the child object of Join definition. In join specification, we populate the source filed (FK field to the JOIN table and Destination Column, PK of the JOIN table. 83> what is the difference between LOV and Picklist? We create LOV in the Application and associate the LOV with the picklist using value property. 84> what is Symbolic URL in Siebel? It is used to call external webpage from siebel application. 85> How to run genbscript.exe? this is used to generate browser script. "c:\program files\siebel\7.8\web c:\progra~1\siebel\7.8\webcli~1\bin\enu\siebel.cfg client\public\enu" enu pause 86> what is Shuttle Applet?

client\bin\genbscript.exe" "c:\program files\siebel\7.8\web

Shuttle Applet is a combination of MVG Applet and Association Applet. The binding happens at the run time. It is used to M:M relationship. In a Shuttle Applet, the lhs applet is Association Applet and rhs applet is the MVG applet. 87> what is the difference between MVG applet and a pick Applet? We associate MVG applet with an mvf control (control based on mvf) and Pick Applet with a picklist control (control based on picklist field). Type for MVG Applet is MVG and pick applet is Pick List. 88> what is applet toggle how many types are there? It identifies one or more alternate applets to use in displaying the data of a business component. Toggle is of 2 types i.e. Static and Dynamic toggles. If the Auto Toggle Field and Auto Toggle Value is specified, it is Dynamic Toggle else Static Toggle. Static toggle can be based on different BCs but Dynamic toggle is always based on same BCs. Business Scenario When Activity Type is Inactive, I want to show a List Applet with 10 fields, else I want to display a List Applet with 5 fields. How do you achieve it? Ans By using Dynamic Toggle. 89> How to call external webpage from siebel application? Using symbolic url 90> what is the maximum number of applets can be there in a view? N number 91> what is the use of the indirect multivalue link and how do you configure it? Usually the parent bc of link on which the mvl is based on and the parent bc of the mvl are same. If there are not same, then it is an indirect mvl. For example, consider Business Address mvl in Opportunity bc. 1> Business Address mvl is based on Account/Business Address. The parent bc of Account/Business Address link is Account. 2> Parent bc of Business Address mvl is Opportunity. 3> So this is an indirect mvl. This is useful if want to restrict child data based on some field value. In this example, in Opportunity we are displaying only those addresses which are associated with the Opportunitys Account. The restriction is done by using Source Field property of mvl. Here the source field is Joined Account Id.

Siebel Interview Questions Answers Bible 92> what is the purpose of 1: M extension table? This is used to create master detail view (parent child relation). 93> Business Scenario: A contact can have multiple hobbies. I want to display contact and its hobbies in a new view. How do you configure this? 1st we need to identify a table on which we will create the new bc (Hobby). Here parent bc is Contact (S_CONTACT) and child bc is Hobby and relationship is 1: M. So we will use 1: M extension table of S_CONTACT, i.e. S_CONTATCT_XM. 1> Create a bc Hobby on S_CONTACT_XM table. Pre default the Type field in the bc to Hobby (value that correspond to bc name). Put the search spec on the bc Type = Hobby. 2> Create a new applet based on Hobby bc. 3> Create a link between Contact and Hobby bc. Source Field = Id, Destination Field = Parent Id 4> Put the new bc in the Contact bo. 5> Create a new view based on Contact bo. 6> Administer the view. (Create view in the application and add view to users responsibility) 94> what is the use of Item Identifier? Used by the Siebel Web Engine to associate a control with a particular position within a web template. It is a property of Applet Web Template Item and View Web Template Item. 95> what is the difference between Links and Multi Value links? Link is a parent object. Link is used for parent child (master detail) view. MVL is a child object of Business Component. We create mvl based on link. MVL is used in MVG Applet. This is used to display child details on the parent applet using mvg applet. 96> what is foreign key table in Siebel? It is a property of Column. It specifies the table to which this column is a foreign key. Leave NULL in extension column. 97> when do we go for Dynamic PickList and for Pick Applet? If we want to display data from a different BC (table other than base table), then we use dynamic picklist. The pick applet is always based on pick bc (child bc).

For example, showing Account details in Opportunity, Activity, Service Request etc. 98> what is the difference between siebel sales and call center applications? Both are employee applications, sales are used for selling products, call center is used for catering services to the customers 99> How can you make one applet editable in one view and read-only in other view? By using Applet Mode property of View Web Template Item 100> what is drilldown? Explain different type of drilldowns? Drilldowns allow users to click a hyperlink in a field and be taken to another view that displays more information about the field. Drilldowns are used primarily in list applets. Drilldowns can be either static or dynamic. A static drilldown always takes the user to the same view. A dynamic drilldown takes the user to different views, depending on certain conditions, such as the value of a field. 101> How to configure a drilldown? 1> go to applet, create a new drilldown object, specify Name, Hyperlink Field, View and Sequence. This is for drilldown in same BO. 2> If you are drilling down to a different BO, then you have to specify Source Field (FK Field), Destination Field (Id) and Business Component. 3> For Dynamic Drilldown, we have to create Dynamic Drilldown Destination object in the lowest sequence Drilldown Object. 102> Can you configure drilldown on Form Applet? No, Drilldown behavior is not supported on MVG applets, pick applets, or association applets as well. What is the visibility applet type for following views? My Accounts View Sales Rep User sees all records where his/her position is a part of sales team (Primary and Non- Primary) My Teams Accounts View Manager User sees all records where his/her position or its sub-ordinates position is primary on the sales team. Only Primary Record, sub-ordinate can be direct or indirect as well All Accounts View Organization - User sees all records where his/her Organization is a part of Account Organization (Primary and Non- Primary) All Accounts across My Organization Sub Organization - User sees all records where his/her Organization or its sub-ordinates Organization is primary on the

Account Organization. Only Primary Record, sub-ordinate Organization can be direct or indirect as well All Accounts across All Organizations All All record with a valid owner, union of above This rule applies to Opportunity and Contact also. What do you see in My Activities View and My Service Requests View? My Activities View Records where user LOGIN is present in Employee field My Service Requests View Records where user LOGIN is present in Owner field How web client access Siebel data? When web client types the url in the web browser, it will go to the web server. In web server we have virtual directory that contains entry for all Siebel applications. It searches the request in the virtual directory. If it finds it, it recognizes it as a Siebel request and passes it to SWSE. SWSE reads eaaps file. Eapps.cfg file has information like which protocol to use, gateway address, enterprise name and object manager. With these details, it establishes connection with the gateway server. Gateway server reads siebna.dat file and passes siebel server address to SWSE. Then SWSE connects to the Siebel server. SWE runs as a service of AOM. It constructs the html pages using SWT filed. Data manager generates SQL statement in response to AOM request and populates html pages. Then Siebel server passes the html pages to web server and web server passes it to the web browser. Explain different kind of client? Web Client Requires no installation Mobile Web Client Requires installation, uses local cfg, srf and database Dedicated Client requires installation, uses local cfg, srf but server database When user associate an Account to a Contact, associate event gets fired on which BC? Account BC as account gets associated.

Siebel Interview Questions Answers Bible

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