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ATC 104


1) OBJECTIVES: To know why you think and act the way you do. How gifts affect your relationships. What career or ministry suits you best. How you use your gifts will bring you joy.

THREE(3) CATEGORIES OF GIFTS Read 1 Peter 4:10. Here unmistakably, is a statement that every believer Has been given a gift. Here also is a command to employ it for the benefit of others. We can be confident that God will not command us to use something we do not possess. There are 3 groups of gifts talked about in the New Testament. The Manifestation Gifts (1 Cor. 12:7-10) Here the Holy Spirit manifest the gifts through when He wills. The Ministry Gifts (Eph. 4:8-11) Here the gifts are the people given to the Church. The Motivational Gifts (Rom. 12:6-8) The word translated gift in Romans 12:6-8 is charisma (Greek: divine gratitude, a spiritual endowment, a free gift) so this is not something we can earn, in fact, the command is not to try to deserve it, but to use it. Its a possession, something already given to each one of us by God at our creation. Also mentioned in 1 Peter 4:10. They are the motivational forces of our lives and unless they are channeled properly we cannot help but feel frustrated. But once we discover them, we discover a tremendous potential for happiness.

EVERYONE HAS A GIFT 1 Peter 4:10, Romans 12:6-8 We are commanded to use our gifts to benefit others. The Sea of Galilee is always fresh and support life because water flows in and out, unlike the Dead Sea that only receives water. Our gift was built into us when God formed us (Ps. 139:13-16) just as DNA eventually brings forth our physical character, so our motivational gifts bring forth the interests, abilities, enthusiasms and action that make us effective members of the Body of Christ. Our gifts can be a bent- childhood (Prov.22:6 Amp) . Each child has a motivational gift and bent direction to be fulfilled by using his motivational gift (s). Parents are to discover their childrens giftedness and train them up in it, to encourage the development of that gift, so that when he comes of age, he can use it to the glory of God and for his own true fulfillment. We are not to neglect our gift (1 Timothy 4:14) Be not negligent of the in thee gift which was given thee through prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the elder hood the inter linear Greek English New Testament. In thee gift indicates that the gift was already in Timothy when the elders prayed for him Given in the Greek (didomi) to brought forth, shown and uttered its likely that when the elders were ordaining him, the gift that was already in him was identified verbally. To neglect our gifts, is to neglect Gods purpose and plan for our lives. Each of us has an in thee gift and like Timothy, we are to use it for the glory of God and the benefit of others. Our gift colors all we see. For example, a perceiver looks at life through the perceivers eyes. Everything will look either good or bad, right or wrong, in Gods will or out of Gods will. Our gift gives only one perspective of the whole God has purposely limited our giftedness so that we must work together and remain dependent on each other to grasp the whole truth. We are somewhat blind to other perspective; we are wrong to say our way of seeing is the

only true one. We are each partly right, we need each others viewpoints in order to see the complete picture.

Each gift is of equal value All the gifts are equal in the sights of God and in their value to the Body of Christ. Your gift is the best God could have given you for the working out of His purposes in your life and for the benefit of the other people whose lives you will touch. What we are is Gods gift to us; what we make of our lives is our gift to God. PLACED IN HIS BODY Romans 12:4-5 You dont have to be or do everything well, you should concentrate on those areas where God has gifted you. We can take each gift to correspond to parts of the physical body.

Perceiver the eye of the body (Matt. 13:16, 6:22-23) Server the hand of the body (Prov. 31:20, 1 Cor. 12:28 Teacher the mind of the body (Acts17:11) Exhorter the mouth of the body (Acts 13:15) Giver the arm of the body (Luke 1:5, Isaiah 51:9, Exodus 17:8) Administrator the shoulder of the body (Isaiah 9:6) Compassion person the heart of the body (2 Thess. 3:5) WE MINISTER IN ALL AREAS We are all endowed with enough of each gift to be able to operate in that area to some degree, when called on. Dont ever let the knowledge of your particular motivational gift keep you from ministry in other areas. IF I HAVE A GIFT, WHY HAVENT I KNOW IT? Many do not yet know their motivational gifts because they were never thought, have never received Jesus Christ as Lord, are spiritually fed and not growing, and have had confusing teachings on the motivational gifts

The following obstacles will block the flow of motivational gifts. Bondages e.g. fear, anger (Matt. 5:21-26, trying to be someone else, poor self image, irresponsibility (Luke 12:4-8), sin distorts and pollutes the gifts.

HOW TO TAKE THE TEST AND SCORE YOURSELF None of us are exactly alike, though many share your gift, your expression of it will be unique. These differences come from the influence of variables such as health, heredity, education, cultures, economics, marital status, location, self image etc. Dont score yourself the way youd like to be or the way you think you ought to be. Be honest! Remember there is no right or wrong answer. This is simply a self discovery process. You alone know yourself enough to be able to score properly. While scoring, differentiate between learned behavior and the way you naturally act or think. Its equally important to identify areas where you are the least gifted so you can recognize your areas of dependence on others. Rejoice with those who are gifted in those ways. Avoid trying to be what you are not. Say, No, thank you with confidence when asked to do things that are outside the sphere of your giftedness except when there is immediate need). It will help us use our time and energy in pursuits in which we tend to be successful and also be a blessing to others. Each of the seven motivational gifts has its own set of problems; its helpful for us to know that along with the gifts there will be specific challenges. As you take an honest look at the problem areas: You will realize you are not alone. It will assist you in discovering specific solution.

You will know better to pray for Gods help and grace in overcoming the problems. You will use the negative scores to see how your maturity level is coming along. 0 6 11 16 21 1. to to to to to 5 points 10 points 15 points 20 points 25 points = mature = growing in grace = average = immature = need help

THE PERCEIVER - Greek: Prophetcia an inspired speaker in the

context of motivational gifts, a perceiver (one with the gift of prophecy) is one who is especially sensitive to perceiving the will of God, and then proclaiming it or, depending upon the Lords direction, praying for it to be accomplished. A perceiver then is one who readily perceives, prays about, proclaims and promotes the will of God. Bible examples Luke 3:23, 7:20, John the Baptist (desires Gods plan, receive revelation through intercession, identifies evil, sizes up character, encourage repentance, frank and outspoken, grieves over sins, obedient to God, sees blind spots, dramatizes, strong opinions, wants evidence of repentance, boldly operates on spiritual principle, speak persuasively, black and white standard, promotes growth, strong convictions. Other examples Anna (Luke 2:36-38) Mary (Matt. 1-2), Ananias (Acts 9:10-17) Hosea (Hosea 1-14) Jeremiah (Jer. 1-52) Isaiah (Isa. 1-66) Jonah (Jonah 14) Possible areas of ministry prayer and healing ministries e.g. intercessory prayer group, prayer group of your department, hospital calls, encounter/deliverance team. Other ministries include educational ministries, counseling ministries, outreach ministries and the creative ministries depending on talent and interest. 2. THE SERVER Greek: diakonia doing practical things in order to

be of service to other. The serve receive joy in helping, assisting, carrying out instructions, being of use in a wide variety of ways.

Bible examples Luke 10:38-42, John 12:2 Martha (showed hospitality, showed love with actions, recognized practical need, did more than needed, perfectionist sees others: Phoebe (Romans 16: 1-2), Stephen (Acts 6:1-15, 7:1-60), Philip the deacon (John 1:43-45, Acts 6:5, 8:5-40), Onesimus (Philemon; Col. 4:9), Jacob (Gen. 25:30) Possible area of Ministry: practical Ministries e.g. office help, church secretary, doing mails out, church kitchen help (during conventions, naming ceremonies, weddings etc), repairs and maintenance work ( sanitation and technical Dept), preparing communion, child-care, financial support, tapes ministry, baby showers, handling people move. Other ministries include caring ministers and creative ministries depending on talent and interests. 3. THE TEACHER Greek: didasko to teach or to give instructions.

The person with this gift should be functioning at least to some degree in the area of teaching others. The word researcher would also be appropriate because some of them are specially draw into fields of research; and may or may not be overtly involved with the function of teaching or they may do their teaching through writing (papers, articles, books) rather than in person. Bible examples: Act 18:24, 1 Cor. 3:6.Apollos Logical and cultures, well versed in scriptures, eloquent vocabulary, intellectually sharp, accurate facts, student and researcher, biblical focus, teaching focus, delight, open to new truth, speaks impressively, strong convictions, helps fellow believers, truth produces change. Other Aquila and Priscilla (Acts 18:1-3, 24-28), Timothy (Timothy 1& 2), Thomas (John 20:24-28), Luke (Luke gospel and Acts). Possible area of ministry: Educational ministries e.g. Bible teacher, workshop leader, youth ministry, retreat speaker, researching, church library, seminar leader, adult classes, childrens ministry, word studies, book reviewing, Sunday school teacher, womens Bible study, editing, Bible school instructor, tutoring, teaching new believers. Other ministries

include leadership ministries, and creative ministries deepening on talent and interest. 4. THE EXHORTER Greek: paraklesis a calling to ones side to aid.

The teacher aims for your head; the exhorter aims for your heart. It is not so much the content that the exhorter wants to impact as how that content be made effective in peoples lives. Every one of the gifts can teach, but the exhorter makes the most interesting and palatable teacher. All of his efforts are geared toward edifying and encouraging others. He can also be called an encourager. Bible examples Acts 4:36,11:22-26 Barnabas named: son of encouragement, sent to encourage, exhorted faithfully, practical faith, counseled group, non-judgmental, positive and joyful, expects a lot from others, focus on people, encourage development, accepting, loved by other, life a witness, completed what he started, helped apply truth, taught practically communicated. Others: Silas (Acts 15:22, 16:25). Titus (2 Cor.2:13, 7:6, 13:14), Aaron (Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers). Possible area of Ministry: Counseling Ministries e.g. prayer counseling, marriage counseling team counseling, pregnancy counseling, encourage others, home visitation, hospital visitation, problem solving, follow up calls, Others ministries include leadership ministries, outreach ministries and creative ministries depending on talents and interests. 5. THE GIVER Greek: metadidomi to give over, share or impart

It is to be done with haplotetes simplicity, sincerity and liberality Its the least likely to be identified of the seven gifts by the one who has it. Part of the reason may be that the givers left hand does not know when his right hand gives alms (Matt 6:3). Another is the givers all round personality. The giver shares several traits of the server, can be a leader or a follower and like the perceiver and teacher has a love for the word of God. But when it comes to use of resources, the giver is unique. Bible example: Gen. 13:14 Abraham had possessions to share, wise in finances, successful in business, gave Lot choice of land, blesses those

around him, faith in Gods supply, wisdom, gave energy and time, succeeds in undertaking, prosperous, blessed for blessing others, gives by Gods leading. God is his source, wise in decisions, others Dorcas (Acts 9:36-42), Cornelius (Acts 10:1-3), Epaphras (Col. 1:7;4:12), Solomon (1 Kings 1-11; 2 Chronicles 1-9). Possible area of ministry: Outreach ministries Child evangelism, mime teams, bus ministry, drama, in high schools, political causes, missions, crusades, tv/radio programmes, to college students, street witnessing, outreach center, door-to-door witness, vacation Bible school, placing Bible. Other ministries include prayer and healing ministries, practical ministries, caring ministries and 6. THE ADMINISTRATOR Greek: Proistemi to stand before or to

preside * He is born leader. He will entered into leadership just as surely as a Joseph, our biblical example did. We could use other word such as: facilitator, organizer, ruler, leader, and superintendent to describe him/her. Bible example: Gen 37:9-10, 39:4, 41:29-40 Joseph Visionary, zeal for dream, wants quick fulfillment of dream, draws criticism, worked under authority, enjoys supervising, a leader even in jail, sets long range goals, enjoys challenge, motivated to organize broad perspective, assumes responsibility.

Others: Nehemiah (Neh. 1-7), Deborah (Judges 4-5) David (1 Sam . 16:31; 2 Sam., 1 Kings 1-2) Anna (Luke 3:2, John 18:13-24) James the brother of Jesus (Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3, Acts 12:17, 15:13, 1 Cor. 15:7, Gal. 1:19,2:9), Jairus- Matt. 9 :18, Mark 5:22-43; Luke 8:41-45 Possible areas of ministry Leadership ministries. Organizer, emcee, department head, planner, troubleshooter, home group leader, missions coordinator, leader, committee chairman, Christian education director, church administrator. Other ministries include educational ministries, and the creative ministries depending on talent and interest.

7. THE COMPASSION PERSON Greek: Eleeo to compassionate (by word or deed, specifically by divine grace): have compassion, (pity on), have obtain, receive, show) mercy (on) we have chosen to use compassion instead of mercy because the latter can carry negative connotation of weakness. The compassion person is to show his compassion with cheerfulness. Bible example Luke 10:30 35 The good Samaritan great capacity for love, drawn to the hurting, response of the heart, empathized, took action to remove hurt, removed physical distress, ruled by heart, removed potential emotional distress, thoughtful actions. Trusted inn keeper. Others Ruth (Ruth) Joseph, the legal father of Jesus Matt. 1:16-24, Matt. 2:13, Luke 1:27, 2:4-51, John 1:45; 6:42), Jeremiah (but with the call of a prophet, note that hes often called the weeping prophet). Rachel (Gen. 29-31, 35, 48; 48:7, Ruth 4:11 Rebekah (Gen. 22:23; 24:29, 35:8, 49:31). Possible areas of ministry caring ministries, hospitality, hospital visitation, overnight guest, clothing bank, nursing homes, deliver communion, entertainment, prison visitation, helping elderly, food for new moms, driving service, baby sitting, missions, street ministry, hospital care, helping handicapped, helping needy, rides to church, feeding hungry, help unwed mothers. Other ministries include prayer and healing ministries, practical ministries, counseling ministries and creative ministries depending on talents and interest.

THE CREATIVE MINISTRIES All the gifts can function in this ministry depending on their talents and interest. Music, choirs, playing piano, dramatic reading, trio/quarter, translation work, designing posters, drama, leading worship, playing organ, mime presentations, puppetry, interpreting, bulletin boards, writing, song writing, church orchestra, church band, decorate church, making banners, arts and crafts.

Please note: The various

gifts can also function in the various

Departments we have in Church for example you may not have the best voice in the choir but when you employ your unique gift to serve others in the choir you will find immense joy and fulfillment while other are blesses by your gift.

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