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Comms 487: Multimedia Journalism

Summer Term 2007 M-W-F 10-11:50 a.m., Room 240 BRMB Instructor: Dr. Dale Cressman Office: 318 BRMB, 422-1686 email: Office Hrs: M & W, 12-2 p.m., or by arrangement Welcome to Comms 487! During this brief summer term we will have the opportunity to together explore, discuss, analyze, and practice multimedia journalism. Our class sessions will consist mostly of discussions as we try to understand the economic and technical underpinnings and journalistic implications of new media delivery systems. You will also be invited to develop an expertise in a particular new media area of interest and to demonstrate what you have learned in your chosen area. By definition, multimedia journalism is a changing field; new media are developed continually. While some of us will have had some exposure to one or more of these new developments, none of us will come to this class as an expert in all areas. Thus, this class will strive to be a community of learners, where each member will contribute to anothers knowledge as we try to make sense of the current media environment. We will not arrive at necessarily the right answers, but we will better equip ourselves for understanding and adjusting to disruptive technologies that are sure to be encountered in the course of your journalism careers. What this class is not This will not be a workshop in Flash, video editing, or hypertext authoring. While you will gain some experience in the use of technology, this class is not intended to be performance or skillsbased, except where its necessary to attain or demonstrate understanding. Rather, we will try to understand what is happening to journalism in the new media environment. Most of all, we hope you will develop enthusiasm and skills to enable you to evaluate and analyze new media well after this class has ended. Learning Outcomes Foundational knowledge After being exposed to various new media applications, you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of various media delivery methods. Application of knowledge By creating or participating in the creation of new media content, you will gain expertise in an area of interest to you. Analysis, synthesis and reflection By researching and writing about Web 2.0, you will be able to analyze the technologys effect on journalism and reflect on what this might mean to your career.

Comms 487 Syllabus 2

Learning Activities Class participation (Understanding & Evaluation) We will take part in a number of learning activities, including: viewing and critiquing new media projects, visiting a media outlet, taking part in web-based training modules, discussing assigned readings, writing in-class essays, taking quizzes. Not all these activities will be graded, but it is hoped they will capture your interest sufficiently that you will be fully engaged. Project (Application, Synthesis, & Reflection) Students will be invited to demonstrate what they have learned in their area of expertise. This may be done in the form of a wiki, web portal, podcast series, Flash package, or a journalistic application for social networking. It will be the students responsibility to choose a project, in consultation with the instructor, that will best meet the learning objectives. The finished project will be presented to the class. A major component of this activity is the students reflection of what she has learned about the strengths, weaknesses, and implications of the technology used. Paper (Analysis & Synthesis) Students will be invited to write a research paper that addresses the effects Web 2.0 technologies are having or are expected to have on journalism. A rough draft can be submitted for feedback. The final version will be presented to the class in a poster session. Digital portfolio (Synthesis) This activity will give students the opportunity to present evidence of their learning and their abilities on a CD or DVD. The media submitted will be retained by the Department of Communications for program assessment purposes. However, this project may be produced in such a way that students can use copies for their own career development efforts. Assessment of Learning Final grades will be derived from the following apportionment: Class participation 50% Project 20% Paper 20% Digital portfolio 10% There will not be a grading curve. Rather we will assess the quality and depth of students intellectual work, as reflected in learning activities as well as through honest and thorough selfreflections. In other words, students who completely immerse themselves in learning about multimedia journalism and can demonstrate that learning will receive higher grades. Readings We have not adopted a specific textbook for this class. There will be assigned readings, which will be posted online or given to you in class. Depending on your area of interest, there are a number of suggested readings you may wish to consider. The following are particularly recommended:

Comms 487 Syllabus 3

Lionel Felix & Damien Stolarz, Hands-on Guide to Video Blogging & Podcasting (Focal Press, 2006). This book is available at the BYU Bookstore; it is recommended for students who are particularly interested in podcasting. Mindy McAdams, Flash Journalism: How to Create MultiMedia News Packages (Focal Press, 2005). This book is recommended for students who want to learn how to use Flash for journalism. Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams, Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything (New York: Portfolio, 2006). This book examines the collaborative power of Web 2.0. While not specifically geared to journalism, it addresses the media paradigm shift caused by disruptive technology and globalism. We will be reading one chapter from this book (which will be made available to you in class). Important dates Wednesday, July 4 No class (holiday) Friday, July 6 Field Trip (iPhone) Monday, July 23 No class (holiday) Due dates to be determined Project due date Paper draft due date Paper & poster presentation

Class policies In keeping with the principles of the BYU Honor Code, students are expected to be honest in all of their academic work. Academic honesty means, most fundamentally, that any work you present as your own must in fact be your own work and not that of another. Violations of this principle may result in a failing grade in the course and additional disciplinary action by the university. Students are also expected to adhere to the Dress and Grooming Standards. Adherence demonstrates respect for yourself and others and ensures an effective learning and working environment. It is the universitys expectation, and my own expectation in class, that each student will abide by all Honor Code standards. Please call the Honor Code Office at 4222847 if you have questions about those standards. Sexual discrimination or harassment (including student-to-student harassment) is prohibited both by the law and by Brigham Young University policy. If you feel you are being subjected to sexual discrimination or harassment, please bring your concerns to the professor. Alternatively, you may lodge a complaint with the Equal Employment Office (D-240C ASB) or with the Honor Code Office (4440). If you have a disability that may affect your performance in this course, you should get in touch with the office of Services for Students with Disabilities (1520 WSC). This office can evaluate your disability and assist the professor in arranging for reasonable accommodations.

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